#i forgot to pick out a makeup look so i’m just gonna have to go with my everyday makeup because its too last minute
jiraidere · 2 months
i’m feeling shitty all of a sudden??? i have things to do whyyy
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ajortga · 6 months
sweet pt.2
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
summary: jenna can't stop thinking about you, the coffee girl. she may or may not have asked you out on something her friends consider as a date.
word count: 3k+
read the other parts here! previous part: part 1 part 2 part 3
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It became sort of a habit for Jenna.
It would be music, think about you, eat, think about you, sleep, think about you, film, yay Jenna gets to see you!
Maybe she’s over exaggerating it, but at the same time she’s really not.
Jenna wasn’t the regular person to be a love bird. Head over heels for someone was barely something she was used to. Well sure she would pass some guys in the city or notice them on set and think, “Oh his hair is perfect” or “He’s kind of cute.” She’s dated a few guys, broke them off because they weren’t for her.
All of the guys only hung out with her knowing she was a celebrity, or she would really think they were the one, until they lost interest and treated her like some toy. She hated when they did that. In fact, she was disgusted by it so much that she didn’t even want to think of having a lasting relationship at all. She just had to find someone right for her.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Melissa nudges Jenna as they’re both in their Tara and Sam outfits.
Jenna hums, looking at the taller latina with a small roll of her eyes while their makeup is getting patched up, “Just hungry, I guess.”
She shifts in her seat, her earbuds in and waiting for this day to be over, she forgot an umbrella. Of course the forecast would show as non-stop rain the whole day with thunderstorms, she literally checked the day before and it said sunny.
“Well, we only have to shoot like, 5 scenes. You wanna go with Jas and Mason to the Italian place you like? On me.”
But Jenna’s mind has other plans. 
“I think I’m gonna drop by the coffee place next door, craving a latte you know?”
She sees the way Melissa’s face twitches upwards, almost as a confused yet searching look, “You don’t like coffee.”
“The shop changed my mind, Y/N recommended a latte that is actually really good.”
“Y/n you say?” And from Melissa’s sing-song voice, she knows what’s coming.
“Yes,” Jenna scoffs, she can feel her ears begin to heat up.
“I didn’t know you had a friend named Y/N.”
It’s a little quiet, the only noise is from Jenna’s half put in earbud, “I met her a couple days ago, she’s a barista that helps her parents run their coffee shop. Keeps the place cozy and organized.”
“So she’s a barista?”
“Yes,” Jenna replies, half distracted as she picks at her cuticles.
“Who helps run her parent’s coffee shop?”
“Next door?”
“Uh huh.”
“You like her,” Melissa smirks, it’s not a question anymore.
“Yes-Wait what? No!” Jenna slaps Melissa’s arm, caught off guard.
Jenna hears her laugh, half-heartedly, “I’m just kidding, but you do seem out of it, are you thinking about her often?”
She shrugs, picking off skin that she just scratched.
“Well I think you are, you’re nervous.”
Now the daydreamer turns to face Melissa, “No I’m not, I just think she’s sweet and she’s someone that already brought me out of that introverted lookin’ shell when I first meet people.”
It was true. It’s like you two knew each other when you first met, she hopes you thought of her that way too. She hopes you’re thinking of her as much as she thinks about you everyday.
Melissa looks down at Jenna’s cuticles, then back up at her, “You’re thinking about her, you’ve been quiet today and don’t think I didn’t see what song you’re listening to. You never listen to love songs!”
“What?! I have not been listening to love songs!”
“Lover by Taylor Swift? Lingers by The Cranberries? About you by the 1975?  Dark Red by Steve Lacy??”
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
“I just have taken interest in love songs I guess, it’s spring anyways right?”
“Spring my ass! That is bullshit!” Jasmine chimes in, making Jenna flinch and turn to the corner where Jas was hiding.”
“What the fuck Jas.. Are you eavesdropping?” Jenna shrieks.
“I know when a girl likes a girl,” Jas rolls her eyes and immediately stands up from her squatting position, “Don’t think me and Mason didn’t see you texting someone that you named mY y/N OOoO La lAAaAa..”
Jasmine shuts up with a slipper slapped into her face.
“Just go ask her out or something,” Mason says, popping behind Jasmine and getting the second pair of slippers thrown to his stomach, making him yelp.
“I barely even know her,”
“And there's no difference, you barely fall in love, girl, love at first sight for you means that she’s the one. You know your priorities and she checks all of them. If not, you wouldn’t be listening to those dumb love songs.”
“Gotta agree Jenna, what about this, we’ll go to the Italian restaurant first, then we’ll leave you alone with her in the coffee shop, you come out and tell us how it goes.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you love us.”
The alfredo pasta was twirled from the fork Jenna was holding, eating as the cast of scream 6 giggled and talked during their lunch break. It was a big bowl of pasta to say the least, she shared it with the whole cast but she was eating it up like there was no tomorrow. She knew around this time she came to your cafe, she only came around two times, but if you didn’t see her on a Thursday in the afternoon, she can almost feel the disappointment you might feel. Or hopes you feel, Jenna’s wondering to herself if you even think of her.
“Oh she’s falling hard for this silly Y/N girl,” Jasmine whispers to Melissa, to which she agrees almost immediately.
“No I’m not,” Jenna blurts, placing down her fork.
Everyone in the table clicks their tongue, a few, “Oh come on” and “Liar!”
“Well you wouldn’t have responded, we’ve been talking to you for the past 5 minutes and you only jerk your head when you hear anything about her!” Jasmine groans, showing her hands if they would somehow present something.
She signals for the check, she quickly pays, and as soon as that happens her real life core four push her out of the restaurant and to the outside of the coffee shop, like parents.
“Go,” Jenna’s shoulder was pushed into the door and it was too late to go back as she heard the familiar bell ring.
“I hate you Jas,” her hands flip the 3 people giggling behind the foggy window behind her as she hears the voice she’s been thinking about the whole day.
“Jenna!” Your tiny figure pops out from the coffee bean machine, waving to her happily.
Cute, she thinks to herself. You’re so cute.
“Almost thought you wouldn’t come today,” you murmur, making Jenna shake her head.
“Just had some lunch with friends, but I couldn't miss out on coffee on Thursdays though.”
“Ah,” you hum, your eyes focused on the latte art you were working on.
The only noise is the r&b music and the small chatter that keeps the environment comforting. 
A small bunny was being created, pouring the creamer carefully. 
“You’re almost looking as tiny and cute as that bunny,” your co-worker, Matteo says, a few feet away from you.
A soft laugh erupts in your throat, rolling your eyes from his compliment, but thanking him nonetheless. Jenna doesn’t know if she’s feeling a strong pit of jealousy that sizzles beneath the back of her mind. Her eyes train on the boy, hazel eyes, brunette hair. 
“Okay okay, stop that,” you grumble, a small smile plastered on your face as you playfully nudge him to show your annoyance.
“Feisty,” he chides.
“The only thing I did differently today is that I curled my hair. You can barely see it in this ponytail,” one hand is pointing to your hair while the other keeps concentrating on the bunny.
“You’re also wearing a bow, your freckles are more visible, mmm,” he thinks for a moment, “Oh and,” he comes closer, whispering in your ear so only you can hear. Your body almost shivers from it, “You’re staring at a new coming regular and smiling like a weird teenager.”
You stop your latte art, groaning in frustration since you were caught by a coworker that also is a kind friend of yours.
“No I’m not, stop whispering in my ear and let me do my latte art,” you shove him away and continue to work on your bunny.
Jenna swallows the prickly feeling in her throat, feeling herself scowl at some guy who’s name tag seems to say, “Mat ear.” Maybe she should switch out acting with latte art for a day.
The bunny looks complete. 
And perfect, you exhale a breath from pride, slide the latte and call out the person’s order with a warm smile.
Then Jenna feels like a fool standing there because she just realized that she’s been staring at you making another person’s latte. Then you feel stupid for not sending someone over to serve her since you’re assuming that she wanted something.
“Sorry!” You apologize, smacking the top of your head as you lean across the countertop, “Hi Jenna, did you want something?” Jenna looks down at your lips for a moment, your teeth tugged on your bottom lip, then trails back up to the menu.
“No worries, I should’ve sat down, I just wanted to visit I guess. Sure. Um,” She doesn’t know what to get.
“Confused again huh?” You tease, looking at the menu then at the lattes. It makes her almost fan herself to know that you know she wants a latte today.
It takes a moment for you to think, “I don’t even think I put this up on our menu, but the other day when I was closing I tried a hazelnut caramel, you down to try that today?”
“That sounds pleasing, sure I’ll take that.”
“Okay, one hazelnut caramel!”
“Dude, I swear your cafe sells at least every pastry known to mankind. Those brownies and chocolate chip cookies look like it could make society salivatate.”
You laugh, “Thanks silly, I just experiment and make sure everyone in NYC can have a taste of home if they are from somewhere else. Sometimes I take my recipes from a past generation baking book, other times I just try baking from eyeing measurements.”
Jenna smiles at that, touching your hand with hers and pressing it down to the counter, “Well trust me, this is probably why you get a hell load of customers every morning.”
A light-hearted, non-forced, soft giggle comes from you, not moving your hand that is pressed from hers.
“As long as it makes others happy and continues a legacy while doing other things I love, and meeting sweet people that mark my memory like you, I think that I wouldn’t trade it. Did you want anything else?”
“I think that’s it today,” Jenna breathes, moving her hand away from yours. Immediately your hand misses the warmth and just wants to pull her back.
She can’t help but notice the smile plastered on your face, “Okay, hazelnut caramel coffee, on the house.”
“Nuh uh, not on my watch,” Jenna insists, pulling out a 10 dollar bill and immediately you shoo her away.
“On me! Honest! I own this place anyways and it happens at least twice everyday, don’t worry about it love.”
She hears a small “aww” come from her phone and she freezes, her cheeks heating up in an instant.
“I’m paying you one day,”
“If it’s banterings and consistent times that I see you besides Tuesdays and Thursdays, then okay,” your voice echoes as you begin to prepare her latte.
Jenna smiles at you and as soon as she turns around she picks up her phone and curses into it, “What the hell Jas? How the hell did you manage to call me before I got into the shop and stalk into our conversation??”
Snorts and laughs come from the other line, she immediately plugs her earphones in.
“On the house, hmm??” Mason teases, everyone in unison going “ooh la la..” 
“I’m going to chop your heads off-”
“And of course you place your hands on top of hers!! It’s like watching the corniest romance in front of my eyes!”
It had only been 5 minutes that Jenna had talked with you, and somehow she still got stuck and caught by her friends.
“Shut up,” Jenna says, her voice soft, but grumpily as she scoffs.
Melissa, Mason, and Mindy are shouting from outside, she can hear them screaming through the phone.
“Hey,” you say softly, bringing her latte with two wrapped pastries in hand and slide it to her front, “Try the brownies and cookies you were looking at and tell me what you think?”
Jenna wants to keep her cool and to smile politely, but the three crazy people outside that are listening in are making it hard. Especially with all the kissing noises she can hear, so she takes out her earbuds and tosses them in her hoodie’s pocket.
It takes her a while to realize she didn’t buy the pastries that made her hungry.
The way your cheeks curved upwards and your nose scrunched as you smiled made Jenna smile on the spot there, “Seriously,” you assured. 
“I hate you for this,” she says playfully, sarcastically.
“Who can hate two free pastries? That’s a win for me,” you pull the chair out, sitting down as you take a small break, exhaling.
There was a cute cat design on the hazelnut caramel latte, the steaming, sweet bitterness scent that wafts in the air makes Jenna shiver. She plays with the wrapping of the chocolate chip cookie before mumbling a soft, “Thank you.”
“Mmmhm, no problem.”
There's a quiet pause, Jenna sips her latte, looking up at you and seeing you giggle. It’s sweet, light, bitter, and perfect.
You hand her a napkin, there's a small white foaming mustache from the creamer.
It takes a moment as she takes the napkin before you speak again, “So, filming mm? Is it stressful, you know, having to wake up early and doing stuff like that?”
“Honestly, there are days where it can be too much and I need to wind down a bit. But I love seeing cameras and doing something that I have the fortunate privilege of doing, I know a lot of people don’t have that and it makes me grateful.”
You hum in response, nodding, playing with the nape of your shirt.
“I used to want to act and direct,” you smile.
“Really? Why not now?”
Your shoulders shrug, “I still do small stuff, holding cameras, auditioning for stuff, it’s just a little harder since I’m working here and making sure I can continue doing, you know, this. But I love working here, it heals something in me.”
It makes Jenna feel almost bad, not in an overly guilty way. She just can’t fathom feeling pressured to do something instead of going the way you want.
“You have coworkers, you don’t have to be here everyday, you know?” She tilts her head.
Her eyes meet yours, and again she sees those doe eyes, with nothing but something to make her own self melt.
But I'm in so deep
You know, I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger? 
“I know, sometimes I’m afraid this place will go haywire.”
She giggles at that, then thinks for a moment, “You know, I get on set tomorrow at 11, which is later than most days. Do you wanna, you know, just come and look around? The directors and producers are the sweetest people I know and they don’t mind a plus one. I would like, show you around and you can reach out to some people.”
It’s silent, your face is thoughtful as you’re processing what she said.
“I’ll stick by your side the whole time we’re not filming, introduce you to the cast, as long as you don’t do anything silly, which I highly doubt you might.”
“Okay, I’ll have to check in with Matteo, ask him to bring his sister that comes in on Saturdays and switch it to tomorrow.”
The brunette feels her heart flipping and she nods, burying her face in her hands to try and stop the redness that is invading her cheeks.
You come back soon later, beginning to talk about the plan of the coffee shop tomorrow, but Jenna gets distracted, it’s hard seeing Jasmine blowing her breath on the window, making hearts, then wiping the fog and seeing the way all her friends are making dreamy gestures to mock her. They’re all dancing and she wants to flip them off.
“I’ll be there tomorrow, could you by, um any chance, pick me up? I usually walk here and get my car repaired.”
Oh fuck, Jenna thinks, because she get’s picked up by Jasmine and tomorrow Melissa and Mason will be joining, like they do twice a week. She wants to face palm, she can almost picture the way when you make conversation with her in the car tomorrow, she’ll see in the corner of her eye Mason batting his eyelashes and sticking his tongue out.
“Sure, if you’re okay with some of my crazy friends.”
“Tomorrow it is,” you say, waving and ruffling your hair before waving and walking back to work.
Jenna looks down at her earbuds and she completely forgot she didn’t end the call, she just stashed it away, she’s bearing what is to come, putting her earbuds back in.
“NO WAY” (Jas)
“SHE’S A FOOL” (Jas)
Not to mention the way they are waving their hands outside, she can almost hear the screaming from here.
“There’s no way in hell you asked this sweet pretty girl to come on set tomorrow,” Melissa sing-songs.
“Paws off,” she grumbles.
“She wants her for herself, of course.”
“Shut up!”
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star-girl69 · 2 months
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hi everyone! this is so lazy but pls enjoy 🫶🫶
warnings: swearing and also slight freaky stuff 😣
you: good morning my sweet girlfriend
kk: wtf
kk: why r u not in my bed??
you: babe… i told u i had to leave early this morning bc i had an appt
kk: for what?
you: getting my nails done
kk: u abandoned me to get ur nails done?
you: yes…?
you: i don’t think i appreciate this attitude maybe i’ll just go back to my dorm
kk: please come back to my place.
you: say pretty please with sprinkles on top
kk: y/n
you: ok see u tmrw then
kk: pretty please with sprinkles on top.
you: ofc i will come back to urs 🥰
kk: 🙄
you: attitude????
kk: no ily
you: aww i love u too!
you: can u plz drive me to my friend’s birthday dinner on friday and pick me up
kk: what times
you: drop me off at 6 pick me up at 9
kk: ok no problem
you: thank u ily
you: i would carpool w my friend serena but i don’t trust her in a car
you: she runs red lights a lot lol
kk: ??? plz don’t ever get into a car with her. i will drive u always
you: aww ur so sweet! not wanting me to die 🥰
kk: anything for my passenger princess
kk: im sorry
kk: i’m so sorry
kk: i’ll make it up to you i promise im so sorry
laila: what did you do to kk 😭😭
laila: she’s staring at her phone in horror and when i asked her what was wrong she just said y/n before putting her head in her hands
you: i’m letting her sit in fear for a minute
laila: i admire you a lot ❤️
you: so i wake up this morning
kk: yes and u looked so pretty when i left
you: thank u
you: anyways and i then go about my day and i’m ready to run out and do my errands i look at myself in the mirror
kk: and u saw how beautiful u r?
you: yes and also i saw a GAINT FUCKING HICKEY ON MY NECK
kk: do u really want me to say sorry for that
you: yes??? i need so much makeup to cover this up. actually i think u should buy new concealer for me
kk: as long as i can do it again
you: no this is so embarrassing
kk: it’s ok you’ll be saying different later
kk: besides u were encouraging me last night
you: ur delusional i’ve never done that
kk: if u say so babe but we both know
you: *link to new concealer*
kk: just bought 2 prepare to use them up
you: no
kk: yessss
you: no
kk: 😉
you: die
kk: ❤️
you: i’m really craving chick fil a
kk: ok
you: i’m REALLY craving chick fil a
kk: u mentioned that
you: bye u don’t care abt me
you: gonna go text my other hoes
kk: u don’t have other hoes
you: im about to
kk: we’ll see
kk: thought u were texting other hoes?
you: i lied ur my only hoe and ilysm
you: plz get me chick fil a
you: i’ll do a cartwheel on it
kk: ???
kk: babe i’ll get u chick fil a
kk: thanks tho? i think
kk: i know ur asleep right now and i know u r very tired and i’m sorry but i forgot my helmet can u pls bring it to me at the rink
you: how did u forget ur helmet
you: like it weighs 10 pounds and it’s huge
kk: mean
kk: and idk i’m stupid plz bring it
you: ugh fine i’m On my way!
you: omw.
you: im not excited
kk: i love u so much u r the light of my life i cannot imagine waking up without ur beautiful face next to me u are brighter than the sun and i love u
you: thank u shakespeare ur so romantic
you: can we go shopping tmrw and u pay i need new pants
kk: u don’t need pants
you: it’s 9am
kk: yes we can go shopping tmrw
you: love u!
kk: ❤️
you: hi
you: are u doing anything tn?? i feel like we haven’t seen each other in forever
kk: i know baby i miss u
kk: i have practice until 8 but u can come over still after? sleepover?
you: yes definitely i’ll be there
kk: i cant wait to see u pretty girl
you: omg this restaurant looks so good we should go
kk: sunday at 6?
you: um yes i’m free
kk: just made a reservation
you: damn 😭 i’m impressed
kk: whatever my girl wants she gets 🤷‍♀️
you: hi baby
you: so what position u got her in rn?
you: missionary? cowgirl?
kk: why do i love u
you: blocked
kk: i have no girls in no positions except for u
you: why are u so busy then?
kk: picked up this new hobby called hockey idk if it will go anywhere
kk: been at the gym for an hour about to go hit the rink
you: send workout pics 😜
kk: hiiiiiiiiii
you: hi babe
kk: tone down that attitude plz
you: ?
kk: actually
kk: turn around show me that ass
you: are u drunk rn
kk: maybe
kk: you have an amazing ass do i tell u that enough
kk: i should tell u more
kk: i love ur ass
you: thank u…
you: do u need to be picked up?
kk: no laila is dd
kk: wanted to talk to my pretty girl
you: u sure know how to make a girl blush
kk: only u babe
kk: i like ur boobs too
you: oh my god pls hand the phone to laila
kk: this is laila don’t worry we’re going home rn
you: laila ur a goddess thank u
kk: i try ❤️❤️
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cakelitter · 1 month
Apple Of My Eye Older! Leon x Fem! Reader (oneshot)
warnings: angst, fingering, oral (f recieve), p in v, daddy kink, makeup sex
summary: Leon and reader get into their first argument, but Leon apologizes in his own way.
words: 3.1k
a/n: i'm writing so much older Leon fics but this man lives in my head rent fucking free omg
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Everything is going to shit.
Words were said, things were done, that all cut through you like a knife. This is your first actual argument, not just a simple misunderstanding or a silly disagreement. But a full-on fight.
To rewind, you and Leon were supposed to have a nice dinner date, romantic and sweet. Something the two of you haven’t had the chance to do since he’s busy all the time. You got ready, all dolled up and looking the best you’ve ever looked. You wore his favorite dress, painted your nails his favorite color, put on the kind of make up he likes. You wanted this to be special, a night to remember.
But he forgot, leaving you sitting at that table in the restaurant for an hour and 37 minutes to be exact, like an idiot. No text explaining why he was late, and wouldn’t pick up his phone either. By the time he arrived you had already downed most of the bottle of wine the two of you were supposed to share, and was feeling full from the sympathetic stares the waiter and other guests were giving you.
Worst part, he didn’t even apologize. No “Sorry baby, I had something come up at work” no nothing, just sat down, looking at you like what he did was normal. You decided to suck it up and continue on with the night. Trying to be the bigger person even though he’s twice your age and your size. Sure, you still had a bit of an attitude, some short answers, and not clawing to get closer to him like usual, but you have the right to.
Apparently not, cause he decides to get all pissy with you. Giving you glares from across the table, and in general being petty. It was clear to you, and to everyone around, that your nights wasn’t going great. You both end up leaving the restaurant after 30 minutes of his arrival, neither of you finishing the meals you ordered.
The car ride back to you shared apartment was quiet, but the tension was no joke. Instead of the normal sexual tension you both experience after these usual dates, or even just being around each other in general. There was the tension that made your heart sink and your throat tight. His eyes fixated on the road, both hands on the wheel gripping it firmly till his knuckles turned white, instead of having one in between your thighs like usual. You can’t tell who’s ignoring who, or who is more pissed at the other person more. Your mouth didn’t utter a peep, when shaky breaths and pleading words should be escaping it at this point. You hoped that once you get home, the two of you would have cooled down a bit and would talk it out like you always do.
Yet again you were wrong. As soon as you arrived back home, he slams the door behind the two of you. And starts to speak through gritted teeth.
“What he fuck was that whole fuss about?”
Turning around, you don’t know if you’re more shocked at the tone he is addressing you with or the fact that he genuinely doesn’t see what he did wrong.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that you left me there for almost two hours without explaining even why?!”
He scoffs, fucking scoffs. “What, am I supposed to give you reports on everything I do now? What I’m doing and who I’m with?”
“Leon, you can not be serious right now. All I wanted was for you to simply give me a heads up telling me that you were gonna be late.”
“Well, I was clearly busy. I’m sorry that I have a real job and responsibilities that I have to deal with.” Why is he acting like you don’t know that? like this is new information to you? In the past 2 years of your relationship, you have understood how demanding Leon’s job is, and have always been patient.
Going on missions for days and not being able to contact you. You get it, he should focus on his mission and getting home safe. Canceling plans with you last minute cause he was needed at his work. That’s fine, he can’t control it anyways.
But he always made it up for you. Taking the next day off to spend time with you, consoling you, spoiling you with gifts if he couldn’t be there physically with you. He has never gotten angry at you or talked to you in this tone before. He has never refused to apologize, and always tried to reach a solution. But now he is choosing to argue with you.
“You know how much I respect your job and how patient I am when it comes to this topic. But I can’t always brush off the feeling of neglect sometimes.”
“Well maybe you need to stop being so fucking needy.”
He always had loved it when you were needy though, loving the way you’d sit on his lap and shower him with kisses as he worked, loving how you needed to be close to him on the couch while watching a movie, loving the pout you do when he leaves for another mission.
You compose yourself, and start thinking of why he’s acting this way. Is he having a bad day? Did he get bad news before he came to see you?... Is he done dealing with you?
The last possibility makes your heart drop as you try to shoo that evil thought away, but it sticks like cigarette smoke on clothes.
“Are you having a bad day? Is there something bothering you?” your voice is gentle and understanding, trying to deescalate the situation. But he replies with the same harsh tone.
“Yeah, I’m tired of constantly dealing with your bullshit.”
He sighs, running his fingers through his hair and looking away from your face. You stand there, not knowing what to do. Feeling so stupid, just staring at him, praying he tells you that he didn’t mean that, that this was all a mistake. To pull you in his arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ear like he always does when you’re upset.
He was always so gentle with you, from his actions to his words. Scared to be too rough with you while play fighting as if you’re going to break. He constantly reminded you of how much you meant to him, how much he missed you on missions, and how much he couldn’t wait to be with you again. His sacred treasure, the apple of his eye, the love of his life.
But now, it all came crashing down with the venomous words he’s saying. Dropping your glass welded heart from what feels like a 13-story building, then proceeding to run over whatever survived. The burning sensation in your throat is starting to get hard to ignore, you try fight it off but to no use.
“What, are you gonna cry now like you always do?”
And that’s all it takes for tears that have been brimming in your eyes to finally break free dropping down to your cheek as your lip quivers. Yes, you are crying like you always do. Feeling so humiliated, tears blur your vision as you turn around and walk to your room shutting the door behind you.
You’re so upset. Sadness mixing with anger creating a disastrous cocktail causing your throat to burn like hell. And to make things worse, you can’t even go to the person that knows how to comfort you best, cause they are the reason why you feel like this in the same place.
Laying down on your side of the bed, tears are practically soaking your pillow. You’ve been crying for what feels like hours now and you’re sure your eyes are going to be swollen as fuck the next day. Multiple sobs, tears, and sniffles later, you fall asleep. Pass out is a better word for it actually. Only to be awaken by a knock on the bedroom door. You ignore it, and close your eyes again.
“Baby, please, let’s talk.”
You ignore again, hoping he takes the hint and leaves you alone. But he doesn’t. He opens the door slowly and looks over to your huddled figure laying on the bed. You’re clearly cold, legs tucked close to your chest, and your face nuzzled into your pillow as much as possible. He sighs, walking over to the bed, and lays down next to you with you back facing him. He stares at you for a bit, knowing that you’re not asleep, he knows your breathing a little too well. He scooches over placing an arm around you, and places a gentle kiss on top of your head.
“I’m sorry baby, I was being an asshole.” He whispers, planting another kiss.
You don’t reply, but you do open your eyes. Noticing that, he continues.
“I was just stressed from all the bullshit going on at work and… took it out on you. It’s not your fault, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Those hurtful things, I don’t mean them. God, I don’t mean a single word I said.”
That last sentence was all it took for you to start crying again. But this time, those arms are around to pull you in. He turns you around and places you against his chest as you let it out. An arm is behind your back rubbing up and down soothingly, while the other helps getting your hair out of your face.
“Shhh it’s okay.”
“I know sweetheart, I know.”
“I’m sorry.”
Are words he repeats in a tone juxtaposing the one he was using a couple of hours ago. This is the Leon you’re used to. Calm, and feels like home. The warmth of his body helps warm you up and the arm rubbing your back, helps ease your breathing back to normal. After a few minutes you calm down, and look up at him. He smiles kissing your forehead.
“Was Daddy mean to you earlier?” he asks and you nod.
“Want him to kiss it better?” you nod again.
He smiles softly and starts tenderly kissing your lips, your forehead, cheeks, and jaw.  Each kiss was full of affection and pure sincerity. You started sensing that warm feeling in your chest, heart beat regulating, and lips curling up into a smile as he kissed every single inch on your face. You’re not sure you quiet understand the science behind this technique and how he can manage to lift up your mood with a few kisses and his heart-warming voice. But it somehow always works.
However, can’t tell if it was the sudden change in your mood or his hot breath and soft lips on your face, but the wholesome warm feeling in your heart switched at one point, to heat pooling between your thighs. And soon enough you started being needy again.
“Daddy. Want more.” You muttered, making him stop momentarily to respond.
“Want what baby, you need to tell daddy what to do so he can help you.”
You start feeing a little shy to word it out for him. Normally he would keep you being a needy squirmy mess till you say it yourself. But he was already mean to you today, so it’s only fair to help his girl out.
“Want Daddy to kiss you somewhere else?”
“My pussy.”
How could he say no to that face. Lips puffy, eyes glossy, and lashes wet from your tears. Humming in agreement, he places one final kiss on your lips and moves down between your thighs, spreading them open for him. You were still wearing your dress, so he was immediately greeted with the lace panties you wore for him. Running his finger up your cunt, he can already feel the dampness through the thin fabric.
“Damn baby, you wore all of this for me? God, I don’t deserve you.”
He says planting an opened mouth kiss on your clothed clit making you whine. Bunching up your dress, he grabs the hem of your panties sliding them down and shoving them in his pocket. He runs his tongue up your slit, and it feels warm as he tastes you. Spreading your cunt open with his fingers, his mouth starts sucking on your clit as shaky heavy breaths escape your mouth.
His blue eyes meet yours as he continues guzzle your pussy up while occasionally fucking his tongue into you. He laps up every single fluid that comes out, appreciating every drop. Eventually, he rewards you with one of his fingers penetrating inside of you and fucking into you at a slow pace as he pulls the hood of your clit back and continues sucking on your bundle of nerves.
Moments later he removes his mouth off of you, wanting to watch your expression as he sticks another finger into you. Your mouth opens slightly as a broken sound leaves your throat. His fingers were thick, much thicker than yours. The rough skin on them making your back arch at the sensation.
“So fucking pretty.”
You can’t tell if he’s addressing you or your dripping pussy as your eyes flutter shut when his palm makes contact with your cunt. He starts moving his digits in and out of you, mouth finding it’s way back to your clit once more. Your hips start squirming in place as he uses his other hand to hold you down in place. His digits then begin scissoring you open while his tongue flicks your sensitive bundle of nerves.
Amidst the intense feeling of pleasure, you grab his hair pulling his face towards your dripping cunt even more. Grabbing Daddy’s hair and not being gentle with it is against some of the rules the two of you have established. Leon is going above and beyond to make sure he doesn’t go bald, avoiding it like it’s the plague. Hence, pulling it, is something he would normally spank you for, fuck you roughly while pulling yours to make sure you always remember. But he’ll let it pass this time.
You start babbling, the pleasure fogging up your field of vision, and the ability to form a coherent sentence, but he knows your having a good time.
“Daddy, can I please cum?”
“Do whatever you wanna do sweetheart.” As soon as you get his permission, you reach your peak with a squeal, letting go of his hair and clutch instead on the white sheets beneath you. His fingers continue moving, easing your way back down from your high. And he eventually removes his fingers out of you, placing a final kiss on your clit before looking up at your blissed out expression.
He gets up, ready to run you a nice bath to relax, but you refuse.
“Want you.”
You say looking up at him. He smiles and replies.
“I don’t know baby. Don’t think it’s fair that you get punished for not behaving and I don’t.” You whine, a pout forming on your lips. Even though you just came, you fear that you’ll never satisfied till he’s deep inside you.
 You tug on his shirt, eyes pleading, batting your lashes at him the way you do, decreasing is chances of saying no to zero.
“It’s okay, I forgive you. Plus, that boner of yours looks pretty painful.” You retort, pointing at the way his dick is begging to be released out of his jeans.
“You sure?” You eagerly nod, and before you know it, your hands are already undoing his belt. He helps you out, taking his pants and shirt off while you strip out of your dress as well.
“How do you want me?” he asks as the two of you sit naked on the bed.
You put your finger on your chin, squinting your eyes as you think.
“On your back.”
He complies, resting his head against the pillow as you crawl over you him, placing a gentle peck on his mouth. Your legs straddle him, grabbing his dick and rubbing it up and down your leaky slit. He grits his teeth, eyes fixated at your motion before you start nudging it as your entrance.
You drop down on his length, making the two of you moan in unison as you bottom out on his dick, his hands involuntarily reaching over to grab the fat on the side of your hips. You don’t take too long to adjust thanks to his fingers warming you up earlier, and soon enough you start bouncing.
Placing a hand on his chest to balance yourself as you increase the pace while occasionally grinding your hips on his skin to get more friction on your clit. One of his hands leave your hips, making its way to your lips as you take two of his fingers into your mouth. He groans at the view in front of him.
“Fuckkk, such a good fucking girl.”
Moments later however, you start getting tired. Poor thing, doing all the work by yourself. You were always destined for princess treatment anyways.
“Getting tired?” he asks through heavy breaths, and you mindlessly nod.
Grabbing your hips once more, he plants his feet on the bed and grabs you pulling your body closer as he starts drilling into you. Your head falls back, all of that sadness you experienced before disappearing with each thrust of his hips. His dick feels amazing inside of you, hitting all of the sweet spots with each move.
The familiar sense of release starts approaching. The sound of skin slapping fills the room as you start chanting “daddy” over and over. You don’t even need anything from him, but he’s all your mind can think about.
“I’m right here, cum for me.” And you do. Your body convulses as sweet release takes over you. Leon moans from how tight your walls are gipping him. Dick throbbing inside of you as he fucks you through your release and starts chasing his. Picking up the pace even more, he feels himself getting closer and closer to his own climax.
“Where do you want it baby?” he asks through greeted teeth. You mind is complete mush at this point, completely and utterly cock drunk. “Inside please.”  Look at you, still using words like please and thank you even in this state.
He was hoping you would say that, he doubts he’ll make it in time to pull out anyways. Leon’s releases washes over his as he spurts his cum all over your walls, while crashing his lips into yours. You kiss him back, moaning as you feel so full and warm from the inside. His hips slow down and eventually reach a stop, and both of your bodies relax. Lips separating, you stare into each other’s eyes for a bit, one of his hands runs through your hair delicately, before cupping your cheek. You tilt your head, resting its weight on his palm as he strokes your face with his thumb.
“I love you. I’m sorry.”
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banner by @/anitalenia
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Reader is Eddie’s first relationship & they have an argument. He thinks they’re gonna break up, but she introduces him to the joys of makeup sex. You. Are. Welcome.
xoxoxoxo, @munson-blurbs 💚
Thank. You. Anything for you, my darlin’ 💜
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), oral, f receiving
Words: 2.5k
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“Eddie, I swear to God, you need to stop being so dramatic about this! I love your theatrics but now you’re just making shit up in your head!”
“In my head? In my head? Seeing the two of you whispering together in the library was not in my head.”
“For Christ’s sake!” you shout, your hands coming up to rake through your hair. “We had to whisper; it was a fucking library!”
“I don’t like the way he was looking at you,” Eddie says, hands coming to rest on his hips as his jaw clenches. Your groan reverberates within the trailer walls.
“I can’t help the way he looks at me! If he’s even looking at me in some way at all. But I’m not looking at him in any way. We’re partners on a project, that’s it!”
“I don’t want you to be his partner anymore,” Eddie says, shrugging as if this is a reasonable request.
“Eddie, I didn’t pick him as my partner. O’Donnell assigned them. And we’re almost done with our project! I’m not asking to change now.”
“Even if it makes your boyfriend uncomfortable?” Eddie hisses. 
“What, so I’m supposed to get a bad grade just because you’re jealous? Fuck that. I plan on passing O’Donell’s class the first time.” It’s a low blow and you know it. But his jealousy is driving you up the wall and you can’t help but snap. 
“Maybe wear a goddamn shirt that you don’t have to pull up every thirty seconds then. You’re giving everyone at school a fucking show every day.”
“So, I just want everyone in the whole damn school to sleep with me, huh? Is that it?”
“That’s not what I fucking said,” Eddie spits out. 
“Then what are you saying? By saying that I’m cozying up to Kevin? By saying I’m flashing my tits to everyone at school?”
Eddie smacks his hand against the kitchen counter and turns his back to you. 
“Eddie,” you say with a sigh, shaking your head. “I need a break. I need a fucking break.” You grab your boyfriend’s pack of cigarettes from the counter and head towards the front door so you can grab a smoke.
“So, that’s it, huh?” 
The wobble in Eddie’s voice has you stopping in your tracks. When you turn to face him, you see him watching you with a set jaw, angry facade spoiled by the unshed tears building up in his eyes.
“What?” you ask.
“Need a break?” Eddie scoffs and shakes his head. “Fine. Go ahead.” 
“Eddie,” you say with a frown. “I’m going for a smoke break. What’s the big deal? I forgot my own pack, so I grabbed yours. You don’t want me to use ‘em? Fine.” You toss the pack back on the counter and rest your hands on your hips.
“Wait,” Eddie says. His face changes from angry to open and vulnerable. “Y-You’re not…breaking up with me?” The tear that slides down his face has your heart cracking in your chest.
“Baby, what?” you ask, taking a few steps closer to him. “Why would you think I’m breaking up with you?”
“You, um.” Eddie pauses and sniffs. Quickly, he wipes at his eyes. “You said you needed a break.”
“From the fight,” you tell him. “Not from you, Eddie. Sweetheart, I love you. I’m not breaking up with you.”
Eddie nods his head, but you can tell he’s still scared. “Hey…” You step forward and cup his face in your hands. “Eddie, it’s just a fight. They happen, it’s normal. That doesn’t mean we break up over it.”
“I’ve never, um…never,” Eddie trails off before clearing his throat. “This is new to me. My first relationship.”
“I know.” You slip your arms around his lithe waist and rest your head on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about me going anywhere though, baby. S’just a fight.”
“I’m sorry,” Eddie says, wrapping his arms around you as well.
“It’s okay, you just misunderstood me,” you say.
“No, I-I meant for what I said before. About what you wear and being partners with Kevin. I was being an asshole.” 
“I should’ve been more considerate of your feelings,” you say, tilting your head to press a kiss to his neck.
“No, I should’ve done that with you.”
“We can both be in the wrong,” you say. 
“I love you,” Eddie says. The words still make you smile, no matter how many times you’ve heard them before.
“I love you, too. And now…” You pick your head up and give your boyfriend a salacious smirk. “I get to introduce you to another part of relationships.”
“What’s that?” Eddie asks, cocking an eyebrow at you.
You slide your hands down to his and tug him as you walk backwards towards his room.
“Make up sex.”
“Oh?” Eddie’s voice takes on a higher pitch as both of his eyebrows jettison into his hair. “Is this different than other sex?”
“Well, when we’re done, you can tell me.” 
You pull your hands out from his, bringing them to the hem of your shirt and whipping it off over your head. Eddie groans and lunges at you, grabbing your hips and tossing you over his shoulder. The only sound is your ferocious giggling as you’re carried over and plopped down on the bed. Instantly, you’re reaching up and pulling Eddie’s mouth down onto yours. He moans as he sinks into the kiss, lowering his body onto yours, pressing you between him and the mattress. Your fingers wind their way into your boyfriend’s curls, scratching at his scalp and gently tugging at the roots. This spurs Eddie on, rolling his hips against yours, the denim of his jeans rubbing the denim of yours. 
“Need you,” Eddie says, voice low and gruff, as he separates his mouth from yours. Fingers digging into your sides, Eddie presses hot kisses against your jaw. The sensation of his heavy body on top of yours and his dizzying kisses down your neck has you arching your back. It makes your bra-clad breasts brush against Eddie’s shirt. 
“Take this off,” you pant, tugging at the worn material of his Dio tee. 
“Yes ma’am,” Eddie whispers against your skin. He pushes himself up, a knee bracketing each side of your thighs. No matter how many times you’ve seen him strip his shirt off, it still gives you butterflies and makes you all giggly. 
“You’re so sexy,” you say as you slide your hands up his bare chest. The smirk that he gazes down at you with makes him even sexier.
Eddie grabs one of your hands and presses a kiss to your palm. “Not as sexy as you, my love.” Reluctantly letting go of you, he slides down your body and pops the buttons on your jeans. The pace at which he drags them down your legs is agonizing. Assisting him by kicking them off, Eddie quickly yanks your panties off and tosses them to fall somewhere behind him. 
“Jesus, I need to taste you, baby.” Eddie pushes your legs apart as he slowly lowers himself down to rest on his elbows. 
“Please do,” you whine, dropping your head back on the pillow. 
Licking his lips and eyes gleaming like he’s looking at a pile of presents on Christmas morning, Eddie leans in and licks a stripe up your folds. A whimper is punched from your chest as Eddie nudges your clit with his nose. 
“Eddie, yes.”
The way you say his name has his painfully hard cock twitching in his pants. Desperate for some friction, Eddie ruts his hips against the mattress as he dives in for another taste of your drenched pussy.
“So fucking wet,” Eddie mumbles. “All for me.”
“All f’you,” you echo, eyes drifting closed. “You make me soaked, Eds.”
“Mm,” Eddie hums against you, sending the vibrations up your core. “Taste so sweet, baby. How’s such a pretty pussy also taste so damn good?”
Eddie knows talking about your pussy only turns you on even further, and he’s determined to get you as wet as he can. The sound of your whimpering has him smirking against your folds. He pushes your legs open even further so he can press his face deeper into your heat. His tongue makes its way from your entrance up to your clit. 
“Fuck,” you whine. 
Encouraged by the sounds of pleasure falling from your lips, Eddie sucks your sensitive nub into his mouth. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see you fisting his cream colored sheets between your delicate fingers. Your thighs tense up beneath his hands and Eddie knows what you’re going to say before you even open your mouth. 
Humming encouragingly around your clit, your boyfriend slips one hand down between your legs and slides two fingers inside of you. It’s exactly what you need—and he knows this. Back arching off the bed, your thighs close around Eddie’s head as your orgasm washes over you. Your eyes practically roll into the back of your skull as Eddie pumps his fingers in time with his sucking. 
The sound of your heavy breathing fills the room and Eddie pulls his mouth from you as your back falls back down to the sheets. You tilt your head down to watch Eddie push himself up, licking over his lips that are covered in your slick. His chin is soaked as well, and the sight already has the area between your legs throbbing again. 
“How was that, baby?” Eddie asks as he crawls back up your body. 
“Holy shit,” you pant out between breaths. Your mind searches for the words to express how amazing he just made you feel, but you come up empty. A self-satisfied smirk grows on Eddie’s face at your inability to speak.
“Mm, my pretty girl,” Eddie hums, running his nose up to the sensitive spot behind your ear. “Love hearing all those noises you make.”
“Make me feel so good, Eds,” you moan. “Need you in me.”
Eddie places a trail of kisses down your neck as he slips his hand beneath you to pop open your bra. His deft fingers pick the clasp and you’re quick to fling the offending material off the side of the bed. 
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” Eddie growls against your skin. Your hands bump into his as both of you reach down to unbuckle his belt. He huffs a laugh as he rests his forehead against yours, letting you take care of the belt while he pops the button of his jeans. As eager as you are to have him inside of you, Eddie’s quick to shuck off the pants and align his hips with yours. 
Agonizingly slowly, he pushes inside of you, the stretch burning a fire low in your belly. Eddie braces a forearm on either side of your head and dives in to envelop your mouth with his own. The two of you moan and whimper into one another’s mouths as Eddie bottoms out. When he pulls his hips back and slams into you again, your hands come up to grip at his shoulders. Your fingers dig so hard into his pale skin that you’re sure he’s going to have ten small bruises there tomorrow. 
“God, I’ll never get over how tight you are,” Eddie mumbles against your mouth. He’s starting to understand what you meant about makeup sex. The adrenaline is still pumping through his body from being angry. The love he feels for you is overwhelming, glad the two of you have made up. But there’s still that touch of possessiveness from his earlier jealousy that has him pounding into you hard enough that you’ll remember who you belong to. 
“Oh! Fuck! Right there, Eddie.”
The way you say his name is music to his ears and he wants to make you scream it over and over again. He picks up the pace of his hips, hitting that special spot inside of you with each thrust. 
“Come on, baby,” Eddie taunts. “I want the whole damn trailer park to know who’s making you feel this good.”
“You, Eddie. Fuck, you.”
“That’s right,” he groans. 
“Baby,” you whine, “wanna be on top. Wanna ride you.”
“Whatever you want, angel.”
Eddie pulls out of you and flops down next to you on his back. Neither of you wanting to be separated for too long, you hurry to climb on top of him and lower yourself onto his cock. When you’re fully seated on him, you start to rock your hips back and forth. The new angle lets you feel him in a new way and the friction of the coarse curls at his base against your clit makes you dizzy with pleasure. 
Watching you ride him, your hips moving back and forth, your tits bouncing with the motion, has Eddie biting his lip to keep his impending release back. He doesn’t want this to end yet; but you feel so damn good. 
“Shit, baby, please tell me you’re close,” Eddie pleads.
“Uh huh,” you hum, nodding your head. “S-So close.”
“Fuck,” he grumbles.
You rest your hands on Eddie’s chest as you move your hips against his. With each rock you feel yourself coming closer to tipping over the edge. Little whines and whimpers start to spill from your mouth, and it has Eddie gripping your hips as if his hands were a vice. 
“E-Eddie… Gonna cum.”
“Let go for me, baby girl. Cream my cock,” Eddie goads through clenched teeth. His hands begin to help move your hips and the added pressure of your clit dragging against his body is all you need. 
“Shit,” you cry, throwing your head back as your second orgasm of the night strikes. Your walls clench around Eddie, which is all it takes to have him spilling inside of you.
“Jesus Christ, yes,” he groans, hips bucking wildly up into you. Stars dance in his vision as he empties himself in your pussy. Your bodies rock together, riding out your highs.
“Holy fuck,” you sigh out, flopping forward onto Eddie’s chest. Both of your sweat melds together as he wraps his arms around you and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“Exactly what I was thinking,” Eddie rasps, trying to catch his breath.
You tilt your head so you’re looking up at your boyfriend. He meets your eyes and it’s impossible for you not to give him a goofy grin. It’s just the effect Eddie has on you.
“So, what do you think of makeup sex?” you ask.
Eddie sighs and rubs a hand up and down your back. “I’m torn. I hate fighting with you…but shit that was hot.” 
Giggles bubble out of you, and you bury your face into his sticky chest. 
“I love you,” you tell him.
“I love you, too.” He tilts your chin up so he can press a soft kiss against your lips.
“I promise the next time I piss you off—because it’s impossible that there won’t be a next time—I’ll make sure the sex is worth it.”
“You say that like all sex with you isn’t worth it,” Eddie says with a scoff.
“Mm, fine,” you say, pushing yourself up off his chest. “Guess I’ll just have to buy some lingerie or something then.”
Eddie’s eyes widen and it takes all your strength to hold in your laughter.
“Okay, now baby, I’m not saying I want you to piss me off… Hey! What’d you bite me for?”
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hayleythesugarbowl · 3 months
if ur requests are closed, don’t worry abt this message😅 but is there a chance of seeing more anthony padilla content/fics in the future? i recently fell in love w him not even gonna lie ❤️.❤️ love ur work!!!
First Day || Anthony Padilla x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist • anthony hcs ⋆˚。⋆୨୧⋆
summary: after ian and anthony buy smosh, you can’t wait to finally meet anthony. but your first encounter with him doesn’t go exactly as you would have thought
word count: 2.7k
warnings: this is disney channel level cheesy + convenient but i had fun and i hope u do too 🤭, mild language
a/n: oh we are so back! there absolutely is a chance of seeing anthony content on this blog! there is so little content for him i had to write this. hope u enjoy!!
     “Where’s Anthony?”
     You turned to Angela, who’d asked the question. She set her bag down on a chair next to you and pulled out her phone. 
     “He’s not supposed to be here until after Moose Master,” Shayne answered her, looking up from his couch.
     “I thought you guys were supposed to shoot the whole ‘we bought Smosh’ video this morning,” she said. “Moose Master isn’t until this afternoon. 
     “Moose Master’s in like ten minutes,” you told her.
     “Dammit, I knew I shouldn’t have just skimmed the schedule!” She cursed, grabbing her things and running, probably towards hair and makeup.
     You rolled your eyes at her back, smiling. You loved Angela, but you couldn’t deny she could be clueless sometimes.
      Shayne turned to you, “So, you exited to meet Anthony?”
      “I’m excited to see what all the hype’s about,” you said.
      You had begun working at Smosh exactly three months ago and you hadn’t  known who Anthony was until very recently. 
      But since Ian and Anthony had bought Smosh, he was all anyone was talking about. The cast members who were around before Anthony left had been sharing stories about him all week.
     Most of your coworkers had already met him—or, been reacquainted with him—at a meeting him and Ian had held after it was announced that they were buying their company back.
     You, unfortunately, had called in sick that day, and had yet to come face to face with him. 
    All you knew was that Anthony was Ian’s best friend who he’d started this company with. That he’d left a few years back. And that now he was rejoining Smosh as one of the owners. 
     Today was going to be Anthony’s first official day back on set, and you were looking forward to finally meeting him.
     “You’re gonna love him, trust me.”
      Shayne’s voice brought you out of your thoughts and you stood up, checking your watch.
      “You wanna head over for Who Meme’d It?” You asked him, realizing you only had a quarter of an hour.
      “I guess I could suit up,” Shayne answered, nodding and walking towards the entryway.
      You began walking with him down the hall and towards the Who Meme’d It set when you realized—
      “Crap, I forgot my glasses!” you exclaimed. “I’ll catch up with you in a few.”
     “Good idea, wouldn’t want you pulling an Angela,” Shayne joked as you turned and hustled in the other direction. 
     Your glasses were in your bag, halfway across the building. Even though you had become accustomed to the layout of Smosh after a few months there, you still didn’t know the studio like the back of your hand yet—maybe like the back of your ring finger.
     You picked up your pace to a jog, passing office after office and set after set.
     You rounded a corner, seeing the hall that led to the room that held your belongings.
     You slowed down only a little as you pushed open the door to your final destination and—
     The door stopped mid-open as its momentum was stopped by the object you had hit with the door.
     No, not object. Person.
     You heard a cry from the other side of the door and you rushed through the doorway.
     “I am so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” you hurried out, seeing a man on his back as he pushed himself up from the ground.
     “I forgive you, but my nose might not,” the man said, letting out a wry chuckle.
     You offered him your hand and he took it, pulling himself to a standing position.
     “But,” he said, “no real damage done.”
     Now that he was standing in front of you, you got a good look at the man.
     And wow.
     He was wearing a long-sleeved black silk shirt and gray slacks, his outfit hugging his tall, toned frame. His hair was tousled, no doubt from making contact with the ground, and a curl fell onto his forehead.
     You couldn’t believe you’d whacked someone so attractive with a door.
     You caught yourself staring and quickly cleared your throat, looking around the room.
      “Well,” you said, “I was coming in here to get my glasses, and I guess I need them more than I thought. Sorry again for attacking you.”
      The man laughed, “Don’t worry about it. You just made my day that much more exciting.”
      You smiled. “I, uh, don’t remember seeing you at work before. Are you new here?”
      You were standing here, trying not to blush from the embarrassment of what you’d just done and from the way he was looking intently into your eyes—you might as well try to get to know the man.
      An amused look passed over his face and his eyes danced with an inside joke that you didn’t quite get.
     “You could say that, yeah. I guess you could say it’s my first day here at Smosh”
     Great, you thought. His first day and this was how he was greeted.
     “Well, welcome to Smosh,” you gestured around you at the scene that had just played out. “We have one hell of a welcome committee.”
     “I’ll say,” the man said, his eyes roaming over you before landing on your eyes.
     Now it was impossible to stop the heat from flooding your cheeks, you only hoped he had the good grace to pretend not to notice.
     “So, um,” you got out, “are you cast or crew?”
     “Both,” the man said, after a minute, “I’m kinda going to be doing both. 
    “Well,” you said, “If you ever need anything, I’m here to help.”
     “I’ll take you up on that then,” he said, putting a hand in his pocket. “I just might need you.”
     “‘Course I’ve only been here for a few months myself,” you told him, “You may be better served by one of our older members.”
     “And if I insist on you?” The man stepped closer to you.
     “Well then,” you said, breathlessly, “I guess I can’t stop you. I hope I get to see you around.”
      “Ditto, ” he sent you a grin. “And not just because I like looking at you.”
     You raised an eyebrow, willing your cheeks to calm down. 
     “You’re not to bad yourself,” you shot back. “Or, I’m assuming you you weren’t. Before the door accident.”
      He shrugged. “I guess we’ll never know.”
      You checked your watch. You had already been here talking to this man for much longer than you thought. It was corset to go back and forth with him, you’d almost forgot the reason you’d been here in the first place. You didn’t want to be late for the shoot, as fun as this was. 
     “Well,” you started, sticking out your hand, “I better be going. But it was nice to meet you. I’m (Y/n), by the way.”
     “I’m—” The man started, looking conflicted as he took your hand in his, “I meant to ask you, is there a sign in sheet somewhere? I couldn’t find it when I came in.”
     His hand lingered on yours a bit longer than necessary before he pulled away. You supposed you could take one tiny detour before heading back.
   “Right this way,” you smiled before turning around and letting him follow you.
     You spoke as you walked. “We used to keep it by the entrance, but ever since we remodeled it kind of got shoved into a storage closet. Which is a lot more out of the way for everyone, but no one moves it back.”
     You turned around, grinning at him. “You’ll find we’re very efficient here.”
     You found the man looking at you, amused. You furrowed your brow at him, but he gestured for you to lead the way, so you turned around and kept walking.
      “And voila,” you said, reaching the storage room. “The jewel of Smosh.”
     You led him into the room, piled high with supplies and old costumes and props no one used anymore. You cleared some items off a table, uncovering the sign in sheet that legally you were all supposed to use every day.
     “You’ll find that some people,” you gestured to the piece of paper on the clipboard. “Don’t actually sign in.”
     You picked up a pen, hurriedly writing your name down. The man chuckled.
     “I bet those people are annoying,” he teased.
     You noticed how close he was standing to you. There was inches between you now as you talked. 
     You had a sudden mental imagine of him closing the gap between you. You shook it off. 
     You just met him! You told yourself. But, why did it feel like you’d known him much longer?
     “Very,” you almost whispered. You handed him the pen.
     “And also incredibly sexy,” he said, taking the pen from you, your fingers grazing.
     Your breathing hitched as he turned to fully face you, looking down into your eyes. 
     “(Y/n)?” He said.
     “Yeah?” You breathed.
     “Stop me if this is too forward,” he leaned towards you slowly and before you could think twice you pressed your lips to his.
     And then you were kissing him. One of his hands found its way to you hat and and the other was wrapped around your waist. 
     You placed your arms around his back as he kissed you.
     This was all moving so fast, you thought. But somehow, it didn’t seem wrong. 
    Suddenly, you were lifted from the ground as he set you down in the table, deepening the kiss as you wrapped your legs around him.
     You took your hands from him and used them to prop yourself up in the table. Your left hand landed on something hard and sharp.
     You winced and the man pulled way, looking at you searchingly.
     You pulled the object from where it had met your palm, lifting it up to show him. 
     “Well,” you said, looking down at it and laughing, “I guess this broken clock has had enough kissing for one day.”
     “Way to kill the mood, man,” he addressed the clock.
     Clock. A sudden though hit you, now that you were able to think again. You were so going to be late.
     You stood up quickly. “I have to go.”
     “Damn, I was that bad? You could’ve just said so.” He teased. 
     “No,” you waved it away, “Not at all. I’m just going to be late for a shoot. I better run.”
     “Well,” the man said, kissing your hand, “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, (Y/n).”
     “Ditto,” you said, echoing his earlier comment before smiling and walking out the door.
     Well, that just happened, You thought to yourself as you hurried back to set. It wasn’t ever day you kissed people you hardly knew in the storage room.
     As you pondered this, you realized you never had learned his name. 
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     You plopped down in between Angela and Shayne, still thinking of nothing but your interesting encounter earlier even though it had been hours.
      You had just made it to the Who Meme’d It shoot, after running though the building, and managed to divert everyone’s questions on where you had been. 
     Now that it was over, you and many of your other cast mates sat in the main studio, apparently watching whatever video was being filmed in there.
     “So,” Shayne turned to you, gesturing at the set, “Did you get a chance to meet Anthony before this shoot?”
     You turned your head towards where he had pointed. Ian was sitting down next to the man you had met prior to this, deep in a discussion with him. Your heart leapt when you thought of him.
     “Who?” You asked, only partially paying attention to this conversation. 
     Shayne pointed at the man next to Ian. The man who you had just been making out with in a storage closet.
     “Anthony. You remember Anthony, right? Bought Smosh. Owner of the company. Your boss.”
     You looked towards the set. Bought Smosh. This was the video Angela had been referring to. 
     Which meant that was—
     Owner of the company. Your boss. Anthony. 
     Your mystery man was Anthony.
     You had just kissed your boss.
     “That’s Anthony?” Your voice came out as a squeak.
     “Yeah,” Shayne said slowly, his brow furrowed. “Who did you think he was?”
     “That can’t be Anthony!”
     “That can’t be Anthony, because I just made out with him!” You whisper yelled.
     “You what?” Angela and Shayne said in unison. 
     “He told me he was new here, I didn’t know who he was!” You defended.
     “How could you not know what Anthony looked like?” Shayne asked, baffled.
     “I don’t know,” you shot back, “He’s been gone for like six years!”
     “You don’t watch our videos?” He said incredulously.
     “Is ok, neither do I,” Angela leaned over, piping in.
     “I watched a few before I auditioned,” you said, remembering. “And sometimes I watch some of the ones I’m in…”
     You trailed off.
     “Wow,” Angela shook her head, “You kissed Anthony Padilla. Before some of us even met him. There goes my shot at a raise.”
     “What do I do?” You asked them, biting your lip.
     “Well, I’d suggest you start by talking to him,” Shayne advised, pointing to the front of the room.
     The shoot for this video was just ending—it must have been almost over by the time you walked in—and you watched as the director called cut and everyone began to disperse.
     You saw Anthony walk off set and begin to talk to a couple crew members. 
     Shayne was right—you would have to talk to him eventually. You stood up and walked over to where Anthony was standing.
     You waited until he was done with his conversation before going up to him.
     “You’re Anthony Padilla,” you said.
     He raised his hand in the air. “You caught me. I figured you’d find out eventually.”
     “But why?” You asked, “Why let me believe you were a new Smosh member.”
     Anthony rubbed a hand behind his neck. “Well, technically I am new here. Reborn—like a phoenix.”
     You giggled and he continued.
     “And, you know, I kind of liked the idea that someone here didn’t know who I was. No pre-judgements or beforehand knowledge. To you I wasn’t ‘the guy who left and came back’. I guess I liked that you knew me as me, the guy you hit with a door and not Anthony Padilla.”
     “I don’t know about that,” you teased, “Just because I didn’t know what you looked like, doesn’t mean I haven’t heard stories about you.”
     “And I’d love to hear all of them,” he said, stepping closer, “say on Friday at around six?”
     “Anthony,” you said, using his name for the first time, “We can’t do this. You’re my boss, in case you forgot.”
     “One of the perks of owning your own company,” he whispered, “is that I can do this.”   
     He leaned down and kissed you gently on the lips before pulling away, his eyes teasing. 
     “With your consent, of course. And I’d love to see you again—if you’ll allow me to.”
     You giggled. “I’d like that a lot.”
     Anthony brushed the hair back from your face and kissed you one last time before stepping backwards a few steps.
     “So,” he said, “I’ll see on Friday then.”
     He took a few more steps, gesturing to the doorway behind him.
     “That is, if you don’t kill me first.”
     You smiled as the memory of earlier that day resurfaced and you watched as Anthony turned around and strolled out the door, passing Chanse as he did so.
     Of all the ways you’d imagined your first meeting with Anthony going, this certainly wasn’t one of them. 
    Who knew the infamous Anthony would end up being your mystery kisser and then your boss who you were going to continue seeing.
     You looked over to Angela and Shayne. Angela shot you a big thumbs up and Shayne shrugged and nodded as if to say ‘hey, go for it’ 
     You couldn’t believe the turn your day had taken. 
     You took a deep breath. You didn’t know what was going to happen from here, but you knew you were damn excited to find out.
     You looked up as Chanse walked over to the center of the room, continually glancing over his shoulder with a confused expression.
     “Ok,” he said, “does someone want to tell me who the hell that is?”
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed my loves!! check out my anthony hcs if you want more like this 🫶
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lunajay33 · 5 months
Not the Only One
Summary: Reader comes from an abusive family and is insecure about it showing up everywhere with bruises, but one night she comes across Daryl who is more like you than you know
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
Content Warning: Abusive parents
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Growing up in a small town in Georgia can have its benefits, close friend group, late night walks, fun memories, but not for some, not for me I get the other side of a small town, the rough crowd and the judgmental stares from the well of kids who’s parents gave them everything they wanted
I never thought there was a problem with the way I lived as a kid but the older I got and realized that not everyone lives with abusive, negligent parents it was world shaking for me and I felt like a complete loser and I still do, I don’t have much some simple clothes and some drugstore perfume and makeup but that’s about it, others girls in my class had expensive name brand everything and judge those like me who didn’t
My dads drunk and takes his problems out on me, my moms a coward and won’t stand up for me so here I am walking around school with a cut down my eyebrow with a nasty bruise forming around
“What happened y/n old man beat on you again” Jessie says laughing as she walks by with her little click, I look back into my locker getting my books for science class sighing not ready for the day ahead full of more comments like that
I walk into Mr.jensons class taking my seat at the back, some people whispering as I walk through the class
“Okay class we have a new student transfering to our class from a different course, obvious people like me more than miss.smith’s music class” he says obnoxiously as the student enters our class
Daryl Dixon he lived a few houses down from me but we didn’t interact much, sometimes I’d see him take out the trash or see him sitting on the doc on the lake behind our houses, it was rumoured that his dad beat on him too but it’s not like we were gonna be friends because we’re abused that crazy…..right?
“You can go sit at the back next to y/n” Mr.Jenson points out to me
He sits down and I can smell his calming aroma, woodsy with a hint of cigarette
“Hi” I smiled meakly
“Hey, ya live on my street don’t ya” he asks slouching down in the chair
“Yeah, I’ve seen you around” so he’s seen me too
“Alright class listen up” the class went on like usual until the bell rang signalling the end of the day, I gathered up all my stuff shoving them in my bag and leaving the class, walking through the hallways heading for the exit when someone runs up next to me
“Hey, ya walking home?” Daryl asks looking down at me
“Oh yeah, I usually like to sit at the doc when I get back, don’t like to stay in the house much”
“Why not?” He asks as he continues to walk beside me back to our street
“I think you know, everyone talks about it” I say motioning to my bruised eyebrow
“They don’t understand, ain’t yer fault”
“It’s just……embarrassing” I say rubbing my arm as a nervous habit
“Yer old man?”
“Yeah, you?” He nods in agreement looking down
“Pretty shitty, wish I could just get out of here or just start fresh here” he hums making my heart warm, finally someone understands how I feel
We got to our street stopping infront of my house
“So ummm I’ll be down at the doc later if you wanna meet me there just to talk or whatever” I say
“Yeah I’ll see ya there” he says heading off to his house a few doors down
I walked into my house hoping nothing happens today, seeing my dad sat on his chair with a beer in his hand watching the tv
I try to walk past him to my room when he grabs my wrist
“Did you pick up the cigarettes from the store like I asked?” His voice is already angry, I completely forgot
“I……I forgot, I’m sorry” I whine as he tightens his grip
“Why can’t you ever listen, you know what this means”
“No please I’m sorry I’ll go get them now”
“It’s too late”
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Sitting on the doc was suppose to be a wind down form the day an escape from hell that is suppose to be a house, instead I’m sat here feeling like I went solar against concrete, my lip is busted severely, by cheek stings, bruises and whips against my back, the hoodie I’m wearing was irritating against my sore flesh
I’d do anything just to go back in time and run away with my sister but I was scared and young and now I’m miserable and constantly afraid
“Hey sorry I’m late” I heard from next to me, too deep in thought to have heard him approach
I kept my head down looking at the water
“It’s fine” I mumble
“Ya okay?” That one simple question broke the damn in me as tears spilled down my cheeks, I turn to him just wanting reassurance or comfort
“I forgot to get a pack of cigarettes on the way home” my voice quivers as he stares at my red cheek and bust lip
“How am I even suppose to cover this up”
“I could go kill him” he huffs anger rising in his features
“Everything hurts” I wince when he places his hand on my back, he pulled back quickly
“Do ya need help?”
“I don’t know how bad they are”
He moves behind me lifting my sweater up to my shoulders, revealing the old and new scars that littered my back with occasionally fresh bruises
“Oh baby girl I’m so sorry” he says under his breath but there was something there in his words that made it feel like he understood this type of beating
“Are they bad?”
“Don’t think ya need stitches but I don’t want ya going back there” he says bringing my sweater back down moving beside me again
“But where am I suppose to go?”
“Old man’s gone for a week, ya can stay at my place”
“Are you sure I don’t want to burden you”
“Ain’t a burden, yer staying with me, come on”
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His house was more or less just like mine but there is no surprise there, our fathers are basically the same, he brings me to his room and it’s pretty normal, some hunting stuff plain brown walls
“Thanks for this” I say sitting on the edge of his bed
“ ‘course, ya need anything?”
“Do you have any painkillers?” He went in his drawer and popped one in my hand, taking it hoping it will ease this discomfort
He jumped on the bed sitting next to me as a comfortable silence surrounds us
“I got em too”
“Scars, don’t like to show em, don’t like to be reminded”
“I’m sorry Daryl, one day we’ll be happy, one day we’ll get out of this mess”
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Taglist: @l0kilaufeys0n7 @stoner420things69 @pinchofthetwd @thestonedwriter @daryldixmedown @deansapplepie @ghostboneswrites2 @superbowlisgay @daryls-wife @pinkratts @daryl-dixons-left-hand @mrrumplebottom @twistedprincess-92 @addi1978 @wongcena @darylspersonalwhore @starrqi @heidiland05 @livlaughlove03
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joelmillerlover123 · 2 months
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One shot! Inspired by Need You Now by Lady A. so much angst. our emo king.
Summary : You came home drunk and you just needed to call your ex. Of course he came over.
Word count : Like 1k.
Pre/No Outbreak AU. Fem!Reader sorta. Emo!Joel. Crying!Joel. Yeahhhh buddy.
So sad so heartwarming.
You knew it was a mistake to let your friends drop you off at your house after a night out. Once you were alone, you were no longer a happy drunk. You cried about the weirdest things. But tonight, you were crying for a legitimate reason. You remembered why sober you went out that night.
Pictures from your previous relationship were scattered around your room, you were cleaning out him from your life. Your heart lurched. You saw his handsome face in the pictures, touching a gentle thumb over his smile. You felt the tears pool in your eyes, threatening to spill over.
What the hell? Why can’t you call him?
Your friends aren’t here and they don’t have to know.
You fish your phone from your purse, typing his name into the contacts bar. The line begins ringing and within one ring he picks up, an on edge “Hello?” greeting you. You forgot the time. Quarter past one. He probably thought you were in jail or stranded on the side of the road somewhere, you never called this late.
“Hey Joel,” You tried to say without letting your breath shake, “It’s fine. I’m fine, I'm just…”
“Yeah,” He said, finishing your thought, “I know. I miss you, too.”
“Well, come over, will you?” You bit your lip, anxiety tearing at you. What if he said no? You couldn’t stand it.
Silence filled the other line and you almost said something else but he said, “‘Course. Be there in five. Love you.”
“Love you, too,” You say, letting the words hang in the air on your end, only taking the phone from your ear when he eventually hangs up. You didn’t even care that this wasn’t the ‘right’ thing to do, you just needed him. And now.
The two of you broke up for stupid reasons. Stupid in your mind. Not stupid in his. He said he was ‘taking your future from you.’ He was always so worked up about the age gap. It was only like 15 or so years, nothing crazy. He said he didn’t want any more kids, which is fine with you. Really. You didn’t care. You loved Sarah and the both of them would always be enough for you. But Joel wasn’t convinced. It was always a sore spot in your relationship and when he finally broke things off because of it, there were a lot of tears from both ends.
A knock on the front door of your apartment alerted you that he was here. He refused to text you when he was here.
“Why would I send a text when I can just knock like a normal person?” His words echoed in your head from your first couple dates. It earned a laugh from you, loving his old southern values.
You open the door and there he is, in all his beautiful glory. He was so beautiful. You could never get over it.
He saw the tears in your eyes and his look went from his usual stoic and stony to concerned in a flash. “Hey,” He said softly, “What’s wrong, darlin?” He moved to take you in his arms, kicking the door closed behind him.
“Just… missin you,” You replied. You realized you still had your going out clothes on. A black lacy tank top and blue jean shorts. Your makeup was heavy but never dark. You knew your mascara was probably running.
“Hey, hey,” He said, embracing you and letting your cheek rest on his chest, “Don’t get all worked up over me.”
You pulled back to look at him, searching his eyes. “Joel. Of course I’m gonna get ‘worked up’ over you. I miss you. So much,” You said with as much seriousness as the tequila would let you muster.
“I know. I’m sorry,” He said, tucking a hair from your face, “But you won’t miss me forever.”
Silence came between the two of you. An understanding that he won’t listen, the stubborn bastard.
“You’ll move on, eventually,” He said quietly, “Find you a nice guy, a nice young man. He’ll be responsible and kind and will take care of you. If he’s smart, he’ll worship the ground you stand on.”
“Joel,” Your voice shook, more tears pooling in your eyes, “I don’t want a nice, responsible young man,” You say, a sob threatening your throat, “I don’t want anyone besides you. Please. I love you.”
Now it was his turn to cry. His eyes turned glassy but he quickly blinked it away, knowing if he cried that he would stay. He wouldn’t be able to leave you.
“Why?” He asked quietly, almost ashamed, “Why in your right mind would you love someone like me? I’m old and cranky and I’m not exactly husband material.”
“Joel,” You mouth fell open in offense. You couldn’t believe he was talking about himself this way, “When I look at you,” You reached a gentle hand up to his cheek, running your thumb over a stray tear, “I don’t see anything but a kind, gentle man who loves his girls fiercely and with no abandon. Joel, it’s enough for me that you love me. And then you have to go and love me well!” You laugh at that, it’s almost unbelievable how perfect he was for you and for Sarah. She was one lucky kid. You stop smiling and your face turns deadly serious, “Joel, I don’t care what you say, I will spend the rest of my life missing you. Even if I did end up marrying that nice young man, I would always wonder where you are, what you’re up to, what you’re doing, and what my life would’ve looked like with you. I will miss you and Sarah for the rest of my life. And I mean that.”
Now Joel was crying, not without protest. He tried his best to hold back the tears but they were flowing. He loved you so much. And to hear that you felt the same? Well it made this old man practically break.
“I love you,” He said quietly.
“I love you, Joel,” You say, running your thumb across the apple of his cheek in a soothing rhythm.
He leaned in, pressing his lips to yours in a gentle and soothing kiss. It was a cautious kiss, he was careful not to break you. That was, until, you tangled your hands in his hair, pulling gently. He deepened the kiss, running his tongue over his lips, which you opened your mouth to allow.
Yeah. He didn’t leave you. You would never drunk call him again, and he would never shed a goodbye tear over you again.
You were always grateful that sober you decided to get rid of those photos that night.
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cathers-world · 7 months
talking back to schlatt so he smack u on the ass and tells you he’s gonna fuck you if you don’t stop. obviously you’re okay with it but mean!schlatt
<can i be 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 anon??
Hello 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 annon
Mean Schlatt<3
Not proofread!
(Also I took it more of reader just being a spoiled brat and talking back)
Also girly coquette reader
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You and Jay had been at the mall all day. As usual he was spoiling you buying all the things you wanted shoes,clothes, plushies, and makeup. There was one thing that was different this time… you never said thank you or showed any appreciation, you acted like you deserve it.
Jay loved spoiling you it was his favorite thing! But he at least wanted a thank you after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on you. But maybe you were just waiting for you to leave the mall, so when you left the mall and got in the car THEN you got home and still no thank you. Jay was just so fed up, but what if you just forgot?
“so what do you say love?”
“What do you say for buying you all of this?” Jay says pointing at all the bags on the floor
“I don’t know” you say grabbing the bags and bringing them in your shared bedroom, Jay follows you fuming.
“A thank you would be nice”
“Why would I say thank you?”
“ for buying you all this shit you brat!”
You shrug turning to take out the things from the bags. But before you could start Jay picks you up sits on the bed and pushes you on his lap
“Congratulations your getting punished for being a brat”
“But ja-“
Before you could finish your sentence you felt a sharp slap you your ass
“You want to be a brat I’ll treat you like one”
Jay slaps your ass 1,2,3,4,5 times before bending you over the bed, ass in the air. He pulls down your skirt and panties, and starts rubbing your heat.
“So wet just from slapping your ass” he says moving his hand and pull down his pants
“You better thank me right now or else I’ll fuck you till your yelling and begging me to stop”
“Hmm no<3” you smuggle say
Jay finally having enough shoving his cock in you cunt, without giving you time to adjust he slams in and out of you at an alarming pace
“Jay! I’m sorry!”
Jay pulls your hair making you look at him “ say thank you”
“Thank you Jay thank you!!!”
“I don’t believe you “
He shoves your face into the pillow and somehow goes faster
“Maybe you’ll be appreciative if I cum in your little cunt?”
You moan into the mattress wanting your boyfriends hot seed fill your womb
“Yeah you like idea?”
You nod your head feeling yourself reaching your high
“Cum with me cum on my cock”
As soon as you hear his words you let your self go
Spamming on his cock you feel him fill up your cunt
“Such a little brat”
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papil0nglegs · 22 days
Sweet n’ Sour 👛 (pt.2)
Tf2 x “nice”Reader
A/n: Here’s pt.1 if you don’t know what this fic is abt, ik I said I was going to do my own fic after the last one I made but I couldn’t think of anything sooo I’m just doing this. I might do a ‘tf2 x Snooki!Reader’ cuz I just started watching jersey shore and I love it (also you could tell I put my whole heart and ass into snipers section)
warnings: Slut shaming, Reader and Sniper banging, enemies to lovers, hatefuck (sorry this one’s wild)
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Pyro quickly took a liking to you because of your girly nature, he loved your style
He’s only ever been on your good side, painting nails reading magazines gossiping etc.
He’s such a girls man. No, not a ladies man, a girls man
“Holy fuck! Snooki got arrested”
“Mm mffmm mmm?”
*from jersey shore??
“Yes from jersey shore!!”
Of course you two are duos on the battlefield, skipping happily around the blu teams base as it burns down
Def owns one of those heart friendship necklaces
About him being a girls man, he always makes sure you look good on the battlefield
Loves picking out outfits with you and always carries around something he knows you’ll forget
“Shit! I forgot to put on lipgloss..”
“Mmm mmphm mm?”
*here, cherry bomb right?
“gasp Omg I love you so much 💕”
You and Pyro would have the loving best friend relationship, kissing each others cheek and shit
Doing makeup on mask>>>>
Imagine the fake lashes along w the blush 😭 he loves it
lol put big anime girl eyes on him pls
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“You’re fucking chewing right now P.”
“mmm mm!!!”
*thank you!!
He hated you when he first saw you omg. Sniper is introverted cuz he got bullied and school, so now he automatically thinks any girl with even a slightly feminine style is bitchy
To be fair you were.. to him
Srry but he got annoyed with you so fast, it started a hefty rivalry between you and snipes
“Where’s princess prissy?”
“Uhm I know you’re not talking about me, at least I actually go down there to fight unlike you in the sidelines.”
It’s always something with you guys istg
He has to admit (but won’t) , he loves watching you destroy the enemy team the way you do from afar. Blood and guts getting in your hair and pretty face. Whenever you catch him staring at you you always give him the finger, makes him chuckle despite how much he ‘hates’ you
Sometimes he has to leave more than piss in his jars
He still kept the enemy streak but it was just to hide his feelings
The mercs get so sick of your guys’s attitude, they practically begged Miss Pauling to send you and sniper off to a mission so they can get a break. She obliged
“Yeah I’m not working with him, sorry! I’d rather go back to juvie than go sleep in his musty van.”
“Bonzy, wouldn’t want to smell your bloody strong perfume all over me van ya whore.”
“I’d rather smell like strong perfume than someone who hangs around piss jars and has coffee breath!!”
Miss Pauling immediately understood why the mercs wanted you guys to go away. And so she forced you to stay in his ‘musty van’ for a week so that you both can go assassinate god knows who. Safe to say it wasn’t an easy trip.
“Ay, I’m gonna go hunt for dinner, you comin’?
“Why the fuck would I wanna go with you?? Bye.”
damn, you didn’t have to end him like that 😭
You felt something when this bitch came back with a 14ft alligator, dragging it by the tail back to the van. You bit your lip staring at him as he wiped the sweat from his forehead
You asked him to hook up, you tried to be subtle but it just turned out uneasy to say the least
“Hey I liked the way you um.. dragged that crocodile back there”
“Chuckle it was a alligator, Sheila”
“Of course you know the difference..”
You blushed, along with him, laughing awkwardly, biting your pink painted thumbnail while he scratched the back of his neck
Cut to you guys waking up naked in his bed all sweaty
Hate fucking or not, now instead of the mercs being annoyed of you hating each other too much, they hate how much you love each other
“Cmon guys not in the goddamn break room..”
“Sorry, I just love his black coffee breath”
“And I love the smell of the perfume I got ya”
“God I fucking hate it when you use Australian slang..”
You still did your thing in the break room
He has so much hate in his heart for you, and it shows
The difference between him and sniper is that he doesn’t like ANYTHING about you, especially the way you fight
Sure it surprised him when you showed off how you fought, but he didn’t take a liking to it
While trying to sneak up on an enemy sniper, you immediately bashed their head in with your pink hammer. He glared at you so hard
“What shitface?? Say something. I got impatient you were taking too long.”
This guy wants nothing to do with you, if you get assigned to a mission together he’ll have his way to sneak out of it.
In the expiration date short you wrote
Fuck you <3
On the paper he handed to everyone along with a drawing of a middle finger for the bucket thing he did
How did he know it was you? You made the hand look exactly like yours, acrylic nails and all.
You and scout started giggling like school girls
“..would anyone else like to insult me??”
soldier slowly raising his hand
Posting on your story in the middle of a battle is such a good way to mess with him, just doing the peace sign while he stays frustrated in the background
‘This old fuck really expects me to kill this big bitch alone 😹😹 Lol he fucking wishes, anyways I’m prob gonna get in trouble bcuz of this but IDRC 💜 #ellieandmasonhouse’
He wants to kill you so bad, sadly you’re one of the most useful mercs on the team. But if you weren’t he’d be so down to kill you
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
i have come to return the favour of brainrots.
lyney loves helping you get ready whenever you’re going out. you want your hair done? no problem, he knows exactly what’ll suit you. not sure what to wear? well, he’ll tell you which colours go well with your skin palette and which outlines complement your body shape. want to paint your nails? he’s already laid out all the colours in front of you (and will definitely kiss your knuckles once he’s finished.) you wear makeup? let him do your eyeliner; he’s got you covered, and can probably do it better than you could yourself. (he will, however, take the opportunity to paint a little heart on your cheek if you’re not careful. ‘see?’ he’ll grin, pointing at the teardrop on his own cheek. ‘now we match.’)
he also loves dancing with you—like, i’m imagining a typical ballroom (but maybe a bit more steampunky), and he pulls your favourite flower from what looks like thin air, lowers into a bow, holds the flower out to you, and presses his lips to the back of your hand when you take it, eyes glimmering as he asks, ‘would you care to indulge me with a dance, [monsieur/ mademoiselle/ a gender neutral equivalent]?’
and he’s such a gentleman while you’re dancing, too; one hand hovering on your hips, the other holding yours, and he definitely twirls you around, no question about it. he probably also does that thing where he catches you and you stare at each other for a long, romantic-tension-you-could-cut-with-a-knife moment before he pulls you back up.
his favourite place to kiss you is probably your knuckles—you always get adorably flustered when he just barely skims his lips over the back of your hand, and he wouldn’t give up that expression for the world—closely followed by the tip of your nose and your lips and your forehead and— (you get the idea…)
also, going back to when you’re in the crowd during his performances, him trying to find you in the audience becomes a game over time: you’ll try and make yourself as inconspicuous as possible, and he’ll look for you as he’s performing. he’s never not managed to spot you before, and each time he does and you make eye contact, he winks at you and blows you a kiss.
i feel like there’s also a chance he might actually propose to you onstage at the end of a performance if he was sure you’d be comfortable with it: like, everyone’s about to take their bows, and he suddenly asks for a ‘surprise volunteering act’—of course, you get picked (what are the chances?), and once you’re on stage, he announces, ‘now, my dearest volunteer, i only need your hand for this magic trick. nothing more, nothing less.’
you raise an eyebrow, unsure what he’s planning—this ‘surprise act’ was certainly not on the lineup he described to you—and to your (and everyone else in the audience’s astonishment), he gets down on one knee, takes off his hat, and pulls a little box from it. the whole theatre is silent: you could hear a pin drop as he clears his throat and says, ‘if you’d be so kind as to humour me… may i ask for your hand in marriage?’ safe to say, that was a day nobody who was there ever forgot…
(of course, if he thinks you might be uncomfortable with such a public proposal, he’ll stick with something more private.)
this… got longer than i intended it to be, but… enjoy?
I. Don't. Care. What. ANYONE. Says. Lyney frequently kissing your hands is canon. Back, Knuckles, Wrist, Ring, ANYWHERE he can put his lips on. And he always smiles into it too.
Since he's part of the performance industry, it's common knowledge for him to know how to do hair and makeup. So if you ever struggle to do those things, he'll learn how to style and take care of your hair no matter the texture, type, or length. It might be trial and error but you both have fun bonding together, especially when he tries doing your makeup.
Archons forbid he ever puts lip gloss or something on your lips (it's gonna end up on his regardless, he has no self control when he's already inches away from kissing you). He makes a mess and has to redo it again, but that's after the mini make out session, he doesn't mind at all though... he might try to kiss you again. NEVER let them know your next move. 😭
(poor Freminet had walked in on you guys accidentally and wanted the ocean to swallow him whole- immediately reverses out of there and had trouble looking the two of you in the eyes right after.)
LOVES LOVES LOVES dancing with you, even if you can't dance or have difficulty doing so. He'll hold/carry you if he has to and just sway and spin you around. He doesn't mind if you trip up or stumble over his feet. He'll correct it, his hands guiding your hips, whispering instructions and praises as his words brush and fan across your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
He spins you like a princess, and if he's bold enough, he might throw you in the air and catch you (much to your frightened squeals and dismay). Whether you're in the spotlight or dancing in the dark, swaying in the rain, or practicing in a ballroom, his eyes are forever locked on yours. And don't expect him to dip you and NOT leave a kiss (unless he feels like teasing you). It's truly a crime to him if he doesn't at this opportune moment.
Dancing with him feels like a fairytale.
Live, Laugh, Lyney ❤️❤️❤️❤️
.° ୭ ៳ Genshin Drabble Masterlist・✩
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jjunieworld · 9 months
20. icarus ⸝ ˚⋆
↳ mostly written, some texts. word count: 8.6k (warning: there will be some suggestive acts in this chapter, but not smut.)
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you and your friends were at the cafe figuring out your backup plan. the thought of your friends going through all this trouble just to make sure you had a good birthday really warmed your heart. you couldn’t have asked for better friends.
currently, your boyfriend wasn’t present for the plan, nor was the plan mentioned in the groupchat he was a part of. you suspected this was purposeful. ever since sakura announced she was throwing a birthday party for you, yeonjun has been more cautious than ever around soobin. in fact, all of your friends were. recent hangouts didn’t outright exclude him, but they made no effort to include him either. your heart broke at this. you didn’t want the people you love most to be part of two separate worlds.
yunjin brought a notebook along with her that she was writing the entire plan down. so far it filled almost two whole pages. yeonjun reached across the table and took it from her.
“so the main plan,” yeonjun said as he picked up the highlighter, “is that if we don’t go to the party, we go to the beach and do our usual birthday celebrations. and then after we have a big movie night at my apartment.” he highlighted the main plan as he spoke. the notebook honestly looked chaotic. there were little bullet point ideas written everywhere, some crossed out, some highlighted. ‘MAIN PLAN’ was written in big bold letters at the top of one of the pages along with ‘BACKUP PLAN’ written for the instance things go wrong.
“and here’s the main backup plans that we have in case something goes wrong,” yunjin continued. “for example, a change of clothes in case cake gets thrown on y/n along with makeup and hair supplies, our own bottle of alcohol in case the one there is spiked with something, and since we plan on walking home again since we’ll most likely be drunk, jackets.”
“oh and one of us will stay sober that way at least one of us is alert!” jake added. “i’ll stay sober,” kai said, “i’m too nervous about all of this to even think of drinking.” you gave him a side hug as you gave him a comforting smile.
a lot of the backup plan was excessive, a bunch of what ifs that all of you knew most likely weren’t ever gonna happen, such as the spiking of drinks, but it didn’t hurt to be prepared. you struggled to wrap your mind around the whole thing.
“won't people think we’re a little weird if we go in wearing bookbags and shit?” you asked. you didn’t think you could really leave the bags anywhere either without the fear of someone taking them. and you really didn’t want to have one of your friends sitting guard the whole night.
jake waved a hand, “we can stash them somewhere outside the house. everyone’s gonna be drunk, they aren’t even gonna notice.” you guess he was right. you took a deep breath. honestly, all of this is making you not want to even go. but you had to at least give it a chance. give soobin’s friends a chance.
“even if we did wear them inside, people already think we’re weird so who cares,” said yunjin. you all nodded at that.
“guys… we’re missing a key point…” you said. they all turned to you, puzzled looks on their face. you saw yeonjun’s eyes scan the notebook again. “what about soobin? where does he fit into all of this? even if we did just leave the party, what would i even say to him? does he come with us?”
at your last question, they all looked around the table. “damn… i kinda forgot about him,” you heard jake mutter under his breath.
yeonjun looked at you, “do you want him to join us?” you shrugged a little. “if you guys don’t want him there then i don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“it’s your birthday, y/n,” kai said. “it doesn’t matter if we don’t want him there. it matters if you do or not.” murmurs of agreement sounded off around the table.
you looked down to your hands, “i mean, i would like him there. he is my boyfriend. but still…” yunjin wrapped her arms around you. “then it’s settled!”
the new plan was that soobin really didn’t even need to know about the backup plan. again, it was just precautions that probably wouldn’t even happen. as for where he fits in with the main plan, if we decided to leave or not go at all, then you would just tell him to meet you at the beach instead. he joins in with the usual birthday celebrations and follows us back to yeonjun’s place.
“alright then!” yeonjun exclaimed as he closed the notebook. he stood and we all followed suit. “is everyone well versed with the plans?” we all nodded and yeonjun nodded in satisfaction.
“tomorrow is the party,” kai started, “which means that today will be spent with all of us choosing outfits.” he took your hands in his.
“especially the birthday girl! now, i already have the most amazing outfit picked out so unfortunately you will look second best on your birthday, but that’s okay! at least it’s still second!” you laughed as kai wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
“we gotta have you looking sexy!” yunjin squealed a little. “we want not only soobin all over you, but everyone else there too!”
you stopped in your tracks a little, “uh, i don’t know about—“
“you’re gonna look so good, the whole house is gonna want to get with you for a night!”
today was the day. it was your birthday, and you were another year older. the thought filled you with brief dread, but you tried not to focus on that.
your phone was blown up with a bunch of happy birthday messages and your heart couldn’t help but feel full. even though your friends posted embarrassing pictures of you on social media.
it was bright and early in the morning, and thankfully you didn’t have any classes today. your phone began to ring. you checked the caller id to see that it was your boyfriend, soobin.
“hello?” you answered.
“happy birthday, baby,” soobin replied.
a smile immediately broke out on your face. you held in the urge to giggle as you laid back down on your bed. “thank you! how did you even know i was awake?”
you heard him laugh through the phone. “i figured you wouldn’t be able to sleep that well.” he was right. you were tossing and turning all night. you looked to your side and were thankful that your roommate had basically moved out already.
“i wanna do something with you before the party,” soobin continued. “just you and i.” your smile widened and you nodded even though he couldn’t see it.
“okay! come over right now!”
it didn’t take long at all for soobin to get to your dorm room. it felt like he was honestly waiting at your door with how fast he arrived. he told you he was at taehyun’s dorm since he was helping him study for exams.
“he said happy birthday by the way,” soobin said, referring to taehyun. soobin was still in his pajamas too and he looked like he had just gotten up as well.
“tell him i said thank you!” you replied. “you look like you just woke up.” he laughed a little as he laid down on your bed.
“i’ve been basically up all night hammering these notes into my head.” he covered himself with your covers and closed his eyes. you sat on the edge of the bed next to him.
“don’t fall asleep, soobin! you said you were here for me!” you pouted a little. his arms sprang out from the covers and wrapped around you, pulling you down. you were now literally laying on top of him.
“there, that’s better,” he said. you started giggling, which was ultimately muffled by the covers. you turned your head to the side and stared at his profile. you were basically laying like a stick.
“this is very uncomfortable,” you smiled. his hands traveled down your body until he was at your legs. he moved them so that you were now straddling him. you sat up and looked down at him.
“this was your plan all along, wasn’t it?” you asked. it was like your words went in one ear and out the other as he just stared up at you. you felt his hands at your hips.
you snapped a finger in his face. “earth to soobin?”
he blinked a couple of times before a smile slowly spread on his face. “i’m sorry, but you cannot be looking down on me like this.” you rolled your eyes as you laid down on his chest.
“so what did you want to do?” you asked. you felt him shrug as his hands laid on your back, rubbing small circles on it. “i just wanted to be with you.”
“and sleep with me apparently,” you said as you looked at his closed eyes. they immediately flew open and he looked over at you. you sighed and rolled your eyes again. “sleep as in sleeping, not as in sex.”
he smirked a little and adjusted the two of you slightly so he could see you better. “i mean… it could be both if you want it to be.”
you didn’t even give him an answer, just laughed a little and turned your head to the other side.
he rolled you until you were laying beside him. “i’m content with just sleeping with you.” you intertwined your hand with his and you gazed at him. smiling, you gave him a soft kiss.
“i don’t think i’d be able to sleep right now even if i tried. but if you’re tired then be my guest, the plans don’t start until way later today.”
soobin pulled you close and put his chin on the top of your head. “mmm… if you’re not sleeping then i’m not either. i want as much time with you today that i can get.” you giggled at that.
a comfortable silence fell between the two of you. you were wide awake listening to soobin’s breathing and his heartbeat. you were sure that he fell asleep.
“i love you, soobin,” you said quietly, a small smile on your face. his hold on you tightened and you tensed a little. you were so sure he was asleep.
“i love you, y/n.”
you looked up and he moved his head so that your foreheads were touching. “you do?” you sheepishly asked. soobin chuckled.
“of course i do.”
he brought his lips to yours. it began soft, but with the heightened emotions and adrenaline running through both of your veins, it didn’t take long before it started to get heated.
you ran your hand through his hair to get it out of his face, lightly gripping the ends and causing his head to tilt back slightly. soobin broke away, about to say something, but you chased his lips hungrily.
he turned onto his back, taking you with him by the hips so you were straddling him again. the covers were tangled in between your bodies. your skin felt like it was on fire and your heart felt like it was gonna combust.
“y/n…” soobin said between kisses. you mumbled a reply, not bothering to take your lips off his. you put your hands flat on his chest and rocked your hips a little.
“y/n…” he said again, and pulled back slightly. you sat up a little, trying to catch your breath. “yeah?”
“are you sure about this?” he asked. “you know i was just kidding earlier. we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
you sat back fully. “i want to. i’m sure,” you replied. you went to lean in again but he stopped you.
“are you sure sure? i don’t want to make you uncomfortable. and if i hurt you in any way make sure you let me know and we can stop.”
you laughed at how worried he was. “i am one hundred percent completely sure i want to do this. i promise you.” you kissed him deeply again and he brought his hands to your hips and began guiding them. you softly moaned in satisfaction.
he then suddenly pulled away.
soobin smiled up at you. in one swift motion you were suddenly under him. you let out a small squeal at the sudden change. he smirked a little, put his lips to your ear, and in a low voice said, “happy birthday, baby.”
soobin then took off his shirt and brought his lips back down onto yours.
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you were asleep across soobin’s chest when you were awoken by your phone absolutely blowing up. you checked the time and saw that it was around 5:30 in the afternoon now. the room was dark as the sun began to set.
the light of your phone blinded you as you got an incoming call. you squinted your eyes and began clicking around on the screen until it answered. you put the phone to your ear and let out a groggy “hello?”
“what the fuck!?” yelled yunjin’s voice. it was a facetime call and not a regular one. you quickly moved the phone away from your ear as it started ringing and angled it towards your face. you mumbled a response to yunjin.
“are you naked right now?” yunjin yelled even louder. this woke up soobin and he sat up next to you, sleepily looking at the phone.
“oh my god, so it wasn’t a prank,” yunjin gasped. the camera shook as she began to move and suddenly all your friends were on the screen. you groaned.
“this is so ridiculous,” you muttered.
“let’s hope she can walk well later tonight for this party,” jake said and the group laughed. you heard soobin laugh beside you and you pushed him away. it only caused him to laugh harder.
“goodbye!” you said as your cheeks heated. you didn’t listen to what they began to say as you ended the call. you ran a hand over your face and laid back, throwing the phone to your side.
soobin reached over and grabbed it. he began looking through all the notifications from your friends, laughing at some.
“i don’t think you want to open the group chat for a while…” soobin said, smiling as he looked over at you. you let out a loud and dramatic sigh. soobin laughed as he sat your phone back on the bedside table. he laid back down and pulled you to his chest.
“let’s just stay like this,” he then said.
you chuckled, “nice try. if we stay like this we’ll fall back asleep. and i need to take a shower.” you then tried to get up but his arms locked tighter around you.
“come on, stay in bed with me.” you laughed and shook your head. it was his turn to let out a loud and dramatic sigh as you sat up.
you watched as soobin’s eyes trailed down your body. gasping, you wrapped the blankets around you.
“how dare you look at me like way!” you say playfully. he smiled and sat up, placing kisses all over your cheeks.
“let’s go then!” soobin said as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. you looked at him, confused.
“go where…?”
“to shower, duh!” he replied. you let out a shocked laugh and shook your head.
“absolutely not!”
soobin turned to look back at you. “it’ll be faster, come on! don’t be shy! i literally just saw you naked.” the corner of his mouth tilted up and you pushed him a little.
“that’s different!”
you hesitated. you didn’t really know how it was different, but it just was! sex and showering together were two very different things! besides… the dorm showers were not the place to be showering together. granted, your dorm did luckily have its own bathroom.
“but the dorm—“
soobin swiftly cut you off. “exactly, not different at all. let’s go!” he tugged at your hand and you sighed as you got up, a small smile playing on your lips.
you and soobin met up with your friends around 8pm at yeonjun’s apartment. as soon as you stepped through the door, there were a loud chorus of cheers. your cheeks were immediately hot and you turned and buried your face in soobin’s jacket. you felt his chest vibrate as he laid a hand on the back of your head.
you turned and looked at them from over your shoulder. “i hate you guys so much.”
yunjin came up to you and took you from soobin’s arms. “someone’s glowing!” you rolled your eyes. you had a feeling that they were gonna come out of your head with how much you’ll probably be doing that today.
“steady now!” you heard jake say. you told him to fuck off.
yunjin took you away from the group, who were lounging at the table with some snacks, and took you into the bathroom. she locked the door behind her and turned back to you with the biggest smile on her face. “tell me everything!”
you hid your face in your hands, but began recalling the events. from soobin’s call, to him coming over, and to when she called. her hand was over her mouth hiding a wide grin.
“i’m surprised it was only one time!” she said after you were finished. you looked to the floor and said nothing. she gasped.
“twice?” you looked up to the ceiling, your lip between your teeth.
“no fucking way… three times?!” she practically yelled. you had to quickly smack a hand over her mouth. you were praying that the others didn’t hear.
you hid your face in your hands again as you sat on the edge of the tub.
“where??” her eyes were wide and she practically was shaking you for the answer.
“well the bed, obviously…” you started. “and the shower after… and in the car on the way here…” you muttered the second part. “damn!” yunjin said and then squealed. you wished you could sink down into the drain.
“i don’t know what’s gotten into me, i literally couldn’t keep my hands off him!” yunjin broke into a laugh.
“well, i know what’s gotten into you…” your mouth fell open and you smacked her arm. her laugh grew louder. “shut the fuck up! it’s not funny!”
you left the bathroom with yunjin, your hands covering your heated face as you went back to the living area
you heard murmurs grow and you quickly said, “if anyone else says something to me you will be dead in a ditch!” you then heard soobin’s laugh as he gently moved your hands away from your face.
“look at her cheeks!” kai said. you quickly shot him a fierce glare and he busted out laughing. you wrapped your arms around soobin and put your face into his shirt. “go to hell,” you said, muffled.
“let’s have her blow out her candles,” yeonjun announced, stifling a laugh.
you pulled away from soobin and ran your hands over your face before sighing dramatically.
yeonjun pulled out a cupcake from the box he had on the kitchen counter. he then pulled out a pack of numbered candles and put some on the cupcake. you sat at the table and yeonjun sat the cupcake in front of you and lit it. the others crowded around you as they began to sing happy birthday to you.
“make a wish!” jake said.
you thought it over for a moment. you had everything you could ever wish for right here in this room with you. what more could you ask for? then it occurred to you… you wish your life could be like this forever. surrounded by the people you love most in this world, and knowing they love you back just as much, if not more.
you barely got to blow out the candles before everyone began to cheer. soobin leaned down next to you.
“i love you, happy birthday.” he whispered in your ear and then gave you a kiss on the cheek.
hueningkai pulled you to your feet. “let’s sing!”
instead of going to a karaoke place, you and your friends found it much more fun to just put the songs on youtube and sing along in the comfort of your own spaces.
you moved to the couch as yeonjun set his tv up. yunjin snatched the remote from him and put on bubblegum bitch by marina and the diamonds.
yunjin handed you another remote and you stood up as she pressed play. she held the remote to her mouth as the song started playing. you’ve sung this song together so many times before that you each have your own designated parts.
i’ve got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll. don’t care if you think i’m dumb. i don’t care at all. candy bear, sweetie pie, i wanna be adored. i’m the girl you’d die for.
she took your hand as she spun around the living room. jake and kai moved the table out of the way so you’d have more space.
the rest of the group sat on the couch. you turned to them as your part came up.
i’ll chew you up and i’ll spit you out. cause that’s what young love is all about. so pull me closer…
you leaned down and took soobin lightly by the shirt. you then gave him a quick peck on the lips.
…and kiss me hard. i’m gonna pop your bubblegum heart!
you pulled away and went to yunjin and stood back to back as you both got ready to sing the next part together.
i’m miss sugar pink, liquor, liquor, lips. hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss. i’m miss sugar pink, liquor, liquor, lips. i’m gonna be your bubblegum bitch.
you and yunjin then started the dance you rehearsed.
the others ‘ooh’ed and clapped a little. yunjin stood off to the side and began to walk to the center of the living room as she sang her next part. a finger in the air.
queentex, latex, i’m your wonder maid. life gave me some lemons, so i made some lemonade. soda pop, soda pop, baby, here i come. straight to number one.
you quickly ran up to her, a hopeful expression on your face.
oh, “dear diary”, i met a boy. he made my doll heart light up with joy!
you turned to soobin, making a heart in the air around his face. his cheeks turned red as he smiled and the other laughed.
you turned back to yunjin, trailing your finger down your cheek in lieu of tears.
oh, “dear diary”, we fell apart.
you didn’t even get to get your next part out as the rest of them sang along.
welcome to the life of electra heart!
you and yunjin continued the rest of the song. striking a pose at the end as your friends cheered. you looked at each other and shrugged nonchalantly.
“i know, i know, we’re amazing!” yunjin said as she playfully waved and threw out air kisses.
“we’ll see you next week!” you yelled.
that’s how the hours leading up to your birthday party at sakura’s unfolded. you each taking turns singing songs and doing duets. some were amazing, others were kai and jake singing a duet of wouldn’t change a thing from camp rock 2. you even got soobin to sing.
when it got to be about two hours until the party, you all decided to get ready. yeonjun kept banging on the bathroom door while you and yunjin were doing your makeup to let him in so he could check his reflection.
compared to your outfits from the last party of sakura’s you’ve attended, these outfits were much better. you looked like celebrities about to go on the red carpet.
yunjin made you get dressed in the bathroom so your outfit would be a surprise. as soon as the two of you walked back into the living area, it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. your friends’ and you boyfriend’s mouth hung open. yunjin just smiled and gave you a knowing look.
you all drove back to the dorms for the walk over to sakura’s. soobin was a little curious about the bags you were carrying, but yeonjun just chalked it up to various birthday stuff. you can tell that it confused your boyfriend a little, but he didn’t say anything else about it.
the crowd outside sakura’s house seemed even bigger than the crowd from last time. you were about to stand behind and wait your turn, but one of the security guards waved you and your friends up to him.
the security guard looked directly at soobin. “your friends, sir?”
soobin looked caught off guard for a moment before he said, “ah, yes…” he then pointed to you. “the birthday girl.”
realization showed through on the guard’s face and he opened the gate to let your group through.
the bags ended up getting discretely stuffed in some bushes close to the door. you hoped that you and your friends wouldn’t be too drunk to remember where they are if you needed them.
you kept a small little hand bag on you that mainly held your phone and headphones. your heart thumped in your chest as you grew closer and closer to the door. soobin took your hand and gave you a small comforting smile.
inside, the party was already in full swing. now that you were more familiar with the layout, it didn’t feel as overwhelming. you all circled around each other.
“do you guys wanna get drinks or do you just wanna to go straight upstairs?” soobin yelled to you all over the music. you all voted on drinks. after downing a couple, except for kai who decided to stay sober, you all made your way to the stairs and up to the fourth floor.
you once again bypassed another guard who stepped aside as he saw your group. sakura spotted you all and stood up from the circle of people surrounding her. she made her way over to you.
“y/n you look so lovely! happy birthday!” she air hugged you and then gave you two cheek air kisses. you smiled at her, “thank you so much, sakura!”
she led you all towards the empty couch that she must’ve saved for you and your friends. drinks immediately began getting served to you all.
“i have a cake for you, and then you’ll get your special surprise!” sakura smiled. you returned the smile. “but until they bring the cake out, drink up!”
sakura took a seat back in the center of the half circle of people. the music wasn’t as loud up here as it was on the other floors, so you could speak pretty comfortably. the fourth floor was also bigger, which helped.
you turned to your friends. yeonjun held up a finger from the hand that was holding the glass that was handed out. he took a sip from it and after a moment he nodded that it was good.
you tasted it yourself and was shocked that it was so sweet. it didn’t even taste like alcohol. you were already starting to feel a little tipsy from your other drinks. there was no doubt that this drink was gonna hit you a few minutes from now like a pound of bricks.
yunjin and kai went to where people were dancing and yeonjun and jake scoped out some escape routes. it was just you and soobin alone.
“you alright?” soobin asked. you looked over at him as you took another sip of your drink and nodded.
“yeah, i’m having a good time so far! i wonder what cake sakura got.” soobin stood. “let me see if i can go look, i’ll be right back.”
he pulled out his phone and shook it a little as if to say “text me if you need me.” you gave him a thumbs up as he made his way towards a hallway that led somewhere you couldn’t see.
you scanned your surroundings as you finished your drink. you gave a glance over at sakura to see that she was in her own world. the people around her were laughing at whatever she was telling them.
you decided that you wanted to dance. you began to sit down the glass you were holding on the table but a staff member appeared before you, taking it from you and handing you another. you jumped at their sudden appearance, but thanked them reluctantly.
this time you drank half of the glass and left the other half for later. the first one still hasn’t hit yet and you didn’t want to be so drunk again that you could barely walk. you took the glass with you as you made your way to where people were dancing to look for your friends.
“y/n!” you heard kai shout. you turned towards the direction of his voice and saw him and yunjin waving you over. a couple people told you happy birthday as you made your way over. your cheeks were slightly heated as you reached them.
“this place is like a whole different world,” yunjin said. you nodded in agreement. “i went to sit my other glass down and before i could someone was already putting another in my hand.” their eyebrows raised and shocked smiled appeared on their faces. they looked at each other in disbelief.
the three of you started to dance to the music, which was actually good. you felt a little silly for bringing your headphones now.
you felt hands snake around your waist and someone come up behind you. you quickly turned to see who it was, letting out a sigh of relief when it was just soobin.
you turned back around and continued dancing. he leaned down to your ear. “they wouldn’t let me in, but i did see a glimpse of it. all i saw was white.”
he took the glass from your hand and drank the remaining contents. you turned with a shocked look on your face. “i was gonna drink that!”
soobin looked you up and down with an eyebrow raised and just shook his head. he was laughing but you couldn’t hear it over the music. you realized that you were already starting to sway while trying to stand still. you swayed a little too much and he quickly steadied you.
you smiled up at him sheepishly. you could hear his laugh now as he bent down to press his forehead to yours. “i wasn’t even gone that long! how much did you drink?” you giggled. your brain was too foggy to recall. he shook his head a little as he kissed you.
at some point, yeonjun and jake joined the rest of you on the dance floor. you all danced for a while, got some more drinks—soobin didn’t let you have anymore of whatever was in those glasses—and made your way back to the couch.
you saw soobin’s friends, taehyun, beomgyu, and sunghoon, make their way over to where you all were sitting. they sat on the loveseat diagonal from you.
“happy birthday, y/n!” taehyun said as he sat. you smiled and thanked him. the other two mumbled a happy birthday and you thanked them too.
“so, who’s your friends?” taehyun asked. your eyebrows briefly shot up as you turned to your friends. you began introducing them one by one as you went down the line. yeonjun didn’t even look up at him.
after introducing your friends you said, “and this is taehyun, beomgyu, and sunghoon.” your friends said their hellos while beomgyu and sunghoon waved.
the whole exchange was very awkward. you glanced over to soobin. he put his hand on your back and subtly pulled you closer.
you saw sakura stand as a huge tv got rolled out to the center of the room, along with a table with a cake on it. the cake was in a fancy cake holder, so you couldn’t see what it looked like. someone handed sakura a microphone and she turned it on, giving it a small tap to confirm.
“hi everyone! as you know, this is y/n’s birthday party! can you make some noise for the birthday girl?!” she waved in your direction and suddenly a bright light shined on you, catching you off guard. you tried your best not to let it show as you smiled and waved. you heard the whole house go wild, especially your friends who were next to you.
“now it is time for her cake and her very special surprise! who’s ready?” sakura continued. you clapped a little and smiled for everyone who was watching you, but your heart was thundering in your chest. soobin’s hand moved from your back and gripped your waist.
you glanced over to your friends to see that they were all suddenly as alert as a hawk as the clapped and pretended to smile. their eyes scanned the room, especially the tv and table that got rolled out.
sakura walked over to you and were slightly thankful that the spotlight wasn’t completely on you anymore. even if it was sakura who was next to you. she held out a hand and you took it and stood.
“let’s have her blow out the candles!” sakura cheered. she began to guide you to the tv and table at the center of the room and you could see your friends and soobin following hot on your heels.
once you got to the table, sakura made everyone take a couple steps back so that you were the focus. you could tell this deeply troubled your friends, as they were as close as they could get. you were really nervous now that you might actually get a face full of cake and it would be displayed on the tv or something. suddenly it felt like all the alcohol left your body.
“let’s sing happy birthday on three!” sakura said and then began to count down. once she hit three, you could hear the whole house begin to sing. the microphone must’ve went to the lower floors too. you looked around as they sang, plastering a smile on your face. you were really searching for cameras. thankfully, you saw none, but that only put you at more unease.
“now time for the cake and surprise!” sakura then said. she came up next to you just as the tv switched on. you saw her switch the microphone off. “happy birthday,” she said and she gave you a smile as she grabbed the lid of the cake holder and took it off, handing it to a staff member nearby.
you looked down at the cake. it was completely white with two words in black lettering, ‘LOOK UP’. glancing over to sakura, her head was tilted slightly, a slight smirk on her lips. you did as the cake said and a video began playing.
whoever was taking the video was struggling to hold the camera up. you heard sakura’s voice from the video suddenly. “are you recording this? he’s so drunk, make sure you’re recording this so he can watch it back tomorrow.”
another voice started speaking, it sounded like beomgyu’s. “i’m recording! i’m recording! soobin…” he trailed off. you furrowed your brows.
what is this? and why are they mentioning soobin? your mind raced and you swayed a little. you looked back to him and your friends. soobin was being held back by beomgyu and sunghoon. he was looking at you with wide eyes of horror. your brows furrowed further, security was holding your friends back. you couldn’t hear them well over the video. everyone was now staring at you, some with smiles on their faces.
you turned back to the tv to see that soobin was now on the screen, clearly very drunk. your hands started to shake as your heart fell into your stomach.
the color drained from soobin’s face as soon as the video started playing and he heard the familiar conversation play out for y/n to see. for everyone to see.
his body began to move towards her before two people harshly grabbed his arms and yanked him back.
“not so fast, pretty boy,” he heard sunghoon say near his ear.
soobin realized too late what this whole thing was. sakura knew, and she decided she wanted to kill two birds with one stone. and she wanted it to hurt. why else would she do this on y/n’s birthday of all days?
soobin pushed and pulled against the two people he thought were his friends, but to no avail. he stared at y/n in horror as the video continued.
when she looked back at him, clearly confused, he felt his heart get ripped out his chest. he could see that she was scared now. soobin, too late, also realized the fact that security was holding back her friends.
“get your fucking hands off of me!” he could hear yunjin shout, but it felt so far away.
he then heard sunghoon’s voice from the screen. “we bet that soobin couldn’t get with the most unpopular girl in school.” then he heard his own idiotic voice sound back at him like a grenade. “how much? how much? i’m not getting with some loser if i’m not getting paid for this shit.”
y/n put a shaky hand to her mouth. he watched through her body language as she began to realize what she was watching. she stood frozen in her spot in front of the cake.
soobin wanted to bang his head repeatedly off the ground. he wanted to rip his own voice box out so that he’d never be able to speak again.
he listened as he and his friends began throwing out numbers until landing on five hundred dollars. and him asking who he would be seducing.
“what’s that one girl’s name? yunjin… her friend?” beomgyu spoke.
no. this could no be happening right now.
“that’s where the real challenge is at! a month… to at least almost get to third base!”
soobin closed his eyes as his world came crashing down around him. “this will be easy. sunghoon, you better get my money ready!” he heard himself say.
sakura then tapped the microphone, causing him to open his eyes. sunghoon and beomgyu let go of him finally. she had a large wad of cash in her hand as she handed it to y/n. y/n turned to her, there were tears in her eyes that were threatening to spill. she didn’t take the money so sakura put it in her hands herself.
“five hundred dollars! don’t worry soobin,” sakura said, turning to him, “it’s all there. promise!”
soobin ran up to y/n. “please, y/n. please listen to me…” his voice cracked as he grabbed her arms which caused her to look up to him.
the money dropped from her hands and spread out all over the floor around them. the tears in y/n’s eyes fell. soobin felt himself crumble completely.
y/n opened her mouth, but no words came out. soobin could understand her perfectly clear. why?
“i… i gave you everything…” y/n managed to say, barely a whisper. she slipped from his arms and ran off towards the stairs.
the music then suddenly cut on as soobin stood there frozen, trying not to let his own tears fall.
“you thought you could have your cake and fucking eat it too?” he heard yunjin’s voice say as her hand landed hard on his cheek. his head flew to the side and he brought his hand up to touch his face. hands harshly grabbed him and turned him.
briefly, soobin saw jake and hueningkai running towards the stairs after y/n. yeonjun was stalking his way towards soobin after talking to them. the deadliest look was on his face.
he was brought back to the scene in front of him as yunjin got in his face. he couldn’t even process what she was saying, he was only thinking about y/n.
soobin will never forget the look in her eyes. the absolute hurt and betrayal in them. the way he watched as her heart broke into a million little pieces. he would do anything to be able explain it all to her. he would do anything to go back to earlier this morning. just the two of them, laying together in comfortable silence in her bed. to when she said she loves him. all of that, gone in an instant. maybe taehyun was right, he was icarus.
a fist connected with his face and he tumbled to the ground. soobin barely saw that it was yeonjun before he got on top of him and started landing punch after punch. soobin let him, he deserved it. he was so numb he didn’t even feel the pain.
yeonjun was pulled off him by security guards and soobin was hauled to his feet. he saw yeonjun shrug them off and wipe his bloodied knuckles on his clothes.
“if i ever see you again, you’re fucking dead.” yeonjun said before walking off with a furious yunjin.
sakura was then in front of him. “don’t say that i never helped you.”
you didn’t know where you were or where you were going. you swayed in the middle of the street as you drank from the bottle of whatever alcohol your friends brought to the party. the tears you shed were long dried the more you drank. it was pitch black outside, the only light guiding your way was from the streetlights every couple meters. you had your headphones on and turned up to the max volume. blue light by mitski was playing through them.
somebody kiss me, i’m going crazy. i’m walking round the house naked, silver in the night.
your phone kept blowing up so you put it on silent. you turned your location off too. you just wanted to be alone. just you and this lonely world.
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when you ran, you grabbed the bag with the alcohol and cut through some bushes and then some yards. then went down some various streets and alleys. even if you wanted people to know where you were, you wouldn’t be able to even give them a hint.
a car pulled up beside you. you didn’t even bother to look over or stop walking. you didn’t care. you took another drink from the bottle.
are you that blue light? are you that blue light? are you that blue light? are you…?
the driver’s window rolled down. “y/n?” you couldn’t quite place the voice and you could barely hear them so you decided to look over and take one of your headphones out. taehyun looked at you, a worried expression on his face.
“leave me alone,” you replied. it came out a lot more slurred than you were expecting.
“you’re swaying violently and drinking straight from the bottle in the middle of the road. can you please get in the car?”
you shook your head and almost fell over. “no… you’ll just take me back to him.”
the car stopped and you heard the door open and footsteps run up to you. you kept walking.
“back to who? soobin? what happened in that house?”
you stopped and gave him a fierce glare. it took everything in you not to smash the bottle across his head for asking you such a stupid question. “don’t act like you don’t know what fucking happened. and don’t act like you weren’t in on this whole thing the entire fucking time.”
taehyun sighed and there was a long moment of silence as you got further and further down whatever street you were on.
“i promise you, i thought the bet was called off after you guys had your first date. i never knew it would get this far.”
you scoffed at him. you remembered what soobin told you about him, taehyun was the nicest out of all of them, but don’t underestimate his rudeness. ugh. even in your darkest moments you were still thinking about him.
“regardless, i can't just leave you out here alone, drunk, and walking in the middle of the road in the middle of the night. at least let me take you back to your dorm.”
you took another drink from the bottle. you knew at any given moment you will probably pass out from how drunk you are. taking a look around you, you let out a sigh. you really didn’t feel like standing your ground right now either.
you stopped walking and turned to taehyun. “fine, but i don’t want to go back to my dorm. everyone will be waiting for me there and i just want to be alone.” taehyun nodded.
“okay. you can stay at my dorm then. i’ll tell beomgyu i need it to myself for the night to study and i’ll stay somewhere else. you won’t need to worry about him in the morning either, he’ll most likely be passed out at sakura’s until late afternoon.”
you flinched a little at her name. you took a deep breath and shrugged. taehyun gently took the bottle and cap from you. it was a little over halfway gone. he screwed the cap back on and then threw your arm over his shoulders. you both made your way back to his car.
when you were safe in the passenger’s seat and driving down the road you turned to taehyun. “how did you even know where to find me?”
he glanced at you for a second before putting his eyes back on the road. “soobin called me freaking out. he said he overheard your friends saying how you disappeared and they couldn’t find you at all.” you heart dropped for a brief moment. you should probably tell your friends you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere.
“it was bad. he was crying. he begged me to come out here and look for you so i just started driving down random streets around sakura’s area.” you rolled your eyes.
you pulled your phone out of the small bag you still had with you, just now realizing that somewhere along your walk you lost the bag that had the alcohol bottle in it. you quickly texted in the group chat “not dead in a ditch somewhere. will meet you in my dorm in the morning if i’m awake by then.” or at least, that’s what you meant to type. you then completely shut your phone off and put it back in the bag along the headphones that were still in your ears.
taehyun reached the dorms and you stumbled out of the car, barely stopping yourself from face planting on the concrete. “woah, careful,” taehyun said as he guided you to the doors.
the trek to his room was a rough one, but you made it somehow. you went to his couch and immediately laid down, your head spinning.
“you can sleep in my bed if you want to, i don’t mind.” taehyun told you, but you just shook your head. there’s no way you were gonna be able to get back up.
“i’ll be in in the morning to leave you some ibuprofen.” you mumbled a response, already half asleep.
before you completely dozed off, you felt taehyun place a blanket over you.
as soon as soobin saw taehyun’s name show up on his phone, he immediately picked up the call.
“well?” soobin asked, his voice was hoarse. he didn’t care. he was sitting outside by the dorms in his car in case he could catch a glimpse of y/n somewhere.
soobin was sick with worry. when he overheard jake say that they couldn’t find her, his mind immediately went to the worst possible option.
“i found her,” taehyun replied. soobin let out the biggest sigh of relief as he rested his head against the steering wheel. “where is she?”
“she said she doesn’t want to see you. but she’s sleeping right now.”
“taehyun just tell me where she fucking is.” soobin really didn’t have time for this. he needed to see for himself that she was okay. it was driving him crazy.
taehyun sighed on the line. “she’s sleeping on the couch in my dorm. but—“ soobin didn’t care for what else he had to say. he reversed into the dorm parking lot and got out, slamming his door shut behind him.
he sprinted to the doors and didn’t bother with the elevator as he ran up the stairs. he had too much pent up adrenaline to even be tired.
taehyun was waiting outside his door. soobin tried to walk past him and open the door but taehyun held a hand out to stop him. “is she in there?” soobin breathed.
taehyun shushed him. “she’s asleep! you shouldn’t even be here.” he said in a hushed tone. soobin waved him off. “i found her in the middle of the road swaying from side to side and drinking this straight from the bottle.” taehyun held up a rather large bottle of alcohol that was a little over half empty. soobin had to grip onto the edge of the door frame to steady himself.
“you fucked up, badly,” taehyun said as he slowly eased the door open for him.
soobin closed his eyes and leaned against the door as soon as he saw her peacefully asleep. he took careful steps further into the room. taehyun took him by the arm.
“you can stay, but you have until morning to be gone before she wakes up.” taehyun whispered. soobin just nodded, not taking his eyes off y/n. “and you look terrible, you need to go get those cuts checked out.”
when soobin looked in his rear view mirror after racing back to the dorms, he saw that he had the beginning of a black eye, a swollen and cut lip, and probably a broken nose. he couldn’t care less about himself right now. the wounds didn’t even hurt.
taehyun left soon after, locking the door behind him.
soobin knows that y/n doesn't want to see him right now. or clearly anybody right now. but he couldn’t bare to leave her alone, especially not tonight. he knows how much he fucked up. he said he wasn’t gonna break her heart again and he did. he wanted to rip his hair out. yunjin was right, he thought he could have his cake and eat it too.
he’ll give y/n however long she needed. he just desperately needed her to listen to what he has to say. just once. and if she decides that she never wants anything to do with him after, he’ll live with the consequences.
soobin rounded the table and quietly sat on it in front of y/n. he watched as her chest rose and fell from her breathing. before he could stop himself, his hand was already cupping her cheek, his thumb rubbing small circles into it. thankfully, she didn’t even stir. she must’ve been extremely drunk.
rounding the table again, soobin sat on the floor and laid his head in his arms on the table. he silently watched her. he was afraid that if he took his eyes off of her for even a second she would stop breathing or disappear.
soobin decided that he would stay up the rest of the night and however long he had with her in the morning to make sure nothing happened, not that he was going to get much sleep anyways.
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summary: choi soobin has always been the popular kid surrounded by his popular friends. y/n… not so much. one night, soobin and his friends make bet that soobin can’t get y/n to date him in a month. unfortunately for y/n, they’re a hopeless romantic.
A/N: i am so sorry for this one… cause why i shed a tear and I’M the one who wrote it…
taglist: @imagineyour-kpopboy @gothgyuu @carengene @spooksh0wbabe (if your name is bold it wouldn’t let me tag you!)
— kipo <3
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tigerf00d · 1 year
George Karim x Fem!Reader
Tags: Smut! Aged up characters obv :), no use of y/n, all of Lockwood & Co., Brief Quill Kipps interaction.
6.7k words
a/n: I love George and just had to get in on the fun.. crossposted on ao3 as well, so if you've come from there and already read this, hi!
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George Casper Karim was unbearable. There’s simply no other way to put it.
His big stupid head was always getting in your way, correcting you, and complaining when you forgot who took the biscuit last and helped yourself. You could hear him in your head, “Really, you ought to have gotten it by now!”
But oh, how you loathe to admit that you needed him, how helpful it was when he ironed your clothes before a client came round, and the comfort of coming home from a particularly draining case to warm food placed wordlessly in front of you.
And he could be sweet. He could. As uncomfortable with touch as he was, he’d brush your shoulder with his hand if he could tell you really needed it; he’d stand close on cold nights walking home, Lockwood and Lucy would too, but they readily shared their space like that, George didn’t.
It didn’t help that sometimes you’d catch yourself watching his side profile as he researched or the quiet admittance that he looked like an Angel as the sun illuminated his hair in a halo of curls as he helped you up after tripping and landing on the pavement, even though he was laughing at you.
There were just no other words. He was unbearable. You had the inability to bear him.
You wanted to take him by the shoulders and shake him so hard his world spun so he could feel just a fraction of what he did to you. Shrink him down, trap him in your pocket, and feed him to his heart’s content so he is always warm, safe, and happy. Ugh, he was just the worst. Ever.
So it’s safe to say you have no idea why you agreed to this.
Rotwell’s was holding its annual celebration, and Lockwood & Co was invited. Well, most of Lockwood & Co, Skull obviously couldn’t come, no matter how annoyingly they asked. Despite the agency not being in any immediate danger, for once, Lockwood still deemed it essential to be partially undercover to try and snoop out new cases that were particularly interesting (read: dangerous, life-threatening or otherwise malignant), and for some reason that meant George and you had to be a couple for the evening.
Anthony Lockwood wouldn’t get to be a ghost. You were sure of it. He was going straight to hell. Sorry, Luce.
“I’m going to die.” The pillow muffled your voice as you lay face down in Lucy’s bed,
“Oh, come on, it can’t be that bad.”
“It’s not like you’ve had to pretend to date one of them, Lucy.”
You stared at the girl opposite you, “He’s… done this before…?”
She nodded solemnly, betrayed by her eyes sparkling with mirth. Groaning, you rolled back over.
“Did you have to be with George?”
“No, mine was with Lockwood.”
Deep down, you refused to admit that that made you pleased. If she had said otherwise, it might have stoked useless jealousy in the pit of your stomach.
After a moment, you sat up, nodding and looking at what was prepared for tonight. You thankfully had a nice dress already, a velvet cranberry coloured thing with mesh sleeves that opened at the elbow and draped elegantly. It'd been a gift as congratulations on joining the agency and moving out from your family. Lucy had painted your nails with some sheer iridescent polish, matching the shine to the silver on your accessories.
George’s outfit remained to be seen, but the way Lockwood smiled when you showed what you’d be wearing, it matched somehow.
“Uhm, Luce?”
“What– what is that?”
That was the two-piece set on top of your dress, but it was clearly meant to be worn beneath.
“Oh.” She smiled awkwardly, “There was a two-for-one sale.”
“I see.” Accepting this, you picked the garments up, and she turned back to fixing her makeup. “How did you know my size?”
She froze.
“You aren’t gonna like it.”
“What did you do!”
“You aren’t the… only one that does your laundry.”
You turned to face her fully, “You. You.” The words wouldn’t come out.
“It’s fine! He just checked for me quickly. He probably doesn’t even remember.”
Eyes unblinking, you stared at her. “I don’t think I can do this.” having said that, you flung yourself back onto the bed.
“You don’t even have to wear it, I just saw that the colour I picked out matched your dress, so I put it out for you. Please get up.” She pleaded. “I don’t think I told him what it was for, either,” she was speaking like she was conversing with a wild animal.
Relenting, you got back up. “These feel expensive.”
“Hence the two-for-one,”
“They won’t show under my dress?”
Lucy grinned wolfishly, “The plan is to be hidden until the last moment, so no. They’re pretty comfortable too. I’ve worn mine a few times.”
“Oh ew, Lucy.”
“All I’m saying is it’s a hit for both parties.”
You couldn’t help but make a face.
“Not that George will be seeing them, anyway… but I guess it’s good to be in the right state of mind…”
She dragged out the E in “Exactly.”
You felt pretty. The lingerie did match your dress nicely and fit perfectly, you noted with mixed emotions. And your hair, makeup and accessories all seemed to be working together and playing nicely for once.
“Don’t you two look excellent!” Lockwood said, sidling beside Lucy and giving her an affectionate kiss on the cheek, “Come here; I want to look at you both properly.”
You did as he said, pretending to be doing it unwillingly but feeling very pleased inside.
“Yeah? D’you think it’ll go with George’s?”
“Oh, you haven’t seen him yet, have you?”
You shook your head no, and he turned to holler the other man’s name through the house. George, to his credit, arrived very shortly after. You half expected him to be in a too-big dress shirt and borrowed pants, but you were begrudgingly surprised.
“Oh.” You whispered.
“Oh?” George answered from the doorway.
His suit was a rich burgundy, and while you wore silver, he wore a simple gold chain. The shirt was off-white and a wispy ghost-patterned teal tie.
“You look smart.” You provided.
“I am smart.” He deadpanned.
To that, you rolled your eyes, “You know what I mean. You look good. Clean up well. Whatever,” you averted your gaze and waved your hand in an ‘and so on’ motion. You could feel your face warming, avoiding Lucy’s all-too-knowing expression.
“Ah. Thanks,” and after a moment, he quietly added, “Your dress is nice.”
“Thank you.” You looked up to see his eyes already waiting to meet yours, goosebumps dancing on your skin in reaction.
Lockwood groaned loudly.
“Shut up, Lockwood.” Lucy chided.
“Are they going to be like this all night?”
George broke his gaze first, turning his attention to the taller man. “You’re the one that wanted us to be dating.”
Temporarily throwing your nerves to the wind, you decided that maybe you could have fun with this. You walked to stand beside him, dramatically throwing an arm around him before facing Lockwood and Lucy, “Yeah, what my honey said!”
“My honey?” George questioned, a confused smile on his face.
“We need pet names. If we were really dating, I’d settle for nothing less.” You smiled resolutely, then added. “You don’t like honey? What about… snookums?” He shook his head. “Sweetie pie? Light of my life? My heart? All I hold dearest?” He shook his head no to each one, pausing at my heart, which you would definitely be filing away for later.
“Any normal one like love or babe will do fine, thanks.”
“You spoil my fun, love.”
Distantly, you could hear Anthony retch as Lucy and George sent him twin glares.
“What about you?”
“Well, you need a pet name too, don’t you?” He asked, and you realised that you hadn’t really put much thought into it. You tried to think back to things on tv or in books.
“Um, I’m not sure. What do you think?”
The pair of you continued to ponder when you stumbled on the memory of when he’d made you both laugh so hard your sides hurt.
You’d gone to Arif’s with him, eating one of the doughnuts as you walked back to 35 Portland Row when you’d unexplainably dropped it and, in your effort to catch it mid-tumble, tripped on a gap in the concrete and fell yourself.
Annoyed and hurt, you’d looked up at George to see him already offering a hand to help you up, but he was laughing. And as much as you wanted to pout, his laughter was infectious. The sun behind his head illuminating the edges of his hair and the sides of his face, which had a chocolate smear and sprinkles on either side of his mouth from his own doughnut, and you couldn’t help but laugh too. The memory made you smile even now.
“What about angel?” You said softly.
“Angel? I can do that.” He nodded, eyes narrowed in curiosity, having noted your mood shift.
With a clap, Lockwood announced, “Great, well, now that that’s settled, we better get going. The gala starts soon, and we wouldn’t want you two lovebirds to miss your first public appearance as a couple.”
You made a face alongside George.
“No… we wouldn’t want that… not at all…”
The gala was bustling. Rotwell’s was flaunting a new hall they had built recently, a temporary centrepiece to the room being a large fountain that was probably meant to be some sort of vase but ended up looking like an urn overflowing.
Standing at the entrance nervously, you felt George’s hand slip into your own, and you tilted your head in silent question, to which he’d shrugged and simply said, “Looked like you needed it.”
You smiled gratefully and began walking in, greeting a few people you only sort of knew and avoiding the ones you wanted to.
“So, what’s the plan again?”
“Lockwood wants us to schmooze, basically. Find out what the top agencies are interested in. Personally, I want to know what technology is coming out soon.”
“Course you do, babe.”
His eyes flicked to yours briefly before focusing ahead once more.
“So…” You started nervously, “Who to speak to first?”
“Rather the devil you know?” He answered, and you saw him nod his head to the left, which made you turn and see Quill Kipps walking straight for you.
You smiled at the offending man before turning to your date and whispering, “Great…” smiling wider when you realised that George held back a snort of amusement.
“Fancy seeing you two here tonight. I don’t suppose Lockwood’s here.”
“He’s around somewhere. Why d’you ask Kipps?”
“Oh, nothing.” He was pretending to be distracted. That much was obvious. “You look good, by the way.”
That was not what you were expecting. You could feel George wrap his arm around your waist, the palm of his hand warm on your hip, and you could tell that the action wasn’t unnoticed by the other man.
“I– Thank you, Quill.”
He nodded, then answered your earlier question,
“I’m surprised he’d let you off without a short leash, is all, after what happened last time.”
The last time he was referring to was you shouting rather angrily at someone holding up the line at the toilets, who happened to be an honoured guest of that event. Not your finest moment, and the reminder caused your cheeks to heat furiously.
“Well, he did, something about my George being able to keep me in line.” You smiled fondly at George as you worked your budding relationship into the conversation.
“Not that they need to be kept in line, anyway.” He added.
“Ah, well.” Kipps nodded in faux disinterest before tacking on, “Never thought someone would go for you, Karim. But I suppose desperate times call for desperate measures.”
George opened his mouth to retort, but you interrupted before he got the chance,
“Excuse you? What did you just say about my boyfriend?”
Quill seemed genuinely surprised at your aggression, floundering to come up with a witty remark as you continued.
“I’ll have you know that your failure to recognise his brilliance is going to bite you in the arse one day. He is more caring, more funny– more intelligent than you will ever be.” You turned to George, who was wearing a similarly surprised expression, “C’mon love, let’s go speak to someone who won’t behave so rudely.”
And with that, you pulled him off to somewhere secluded, shadow barely disguising the two of you as your own expression slipped, revealing your nerves. “Was that ok? I didn’t push it, did I?”
“No, no, you were great. Very believable…” He trailed off, “Did you really mean that?”
“What? Of course, I meant it. I wouldn’t have said it otherwise.”
He nodded wordlessly, not making eye contact. “Well, it definitely started the rumour mill. At this rate, we’ll be in one of Lockwood’s gossip columns by the end of the week.” You followed his eye line to see Kipps speaking to another agent and glancing at the pair of you, and you groaned, resting your head on George’s shoulder.
“Should we put on a show for them?” There was something about the way he said it that you knew meant trouble.
“You’re starting to sound like our fearless leader.”
He huffed at that, but you could tell it wasn’t without humour.
“Just trust me, yeah?”
You moved your head and looked into his eyes.
“I already do.”
He pulled you until your back was against the wall, and his back was to the crowd. His face was so close now. Had he always had a freckle there? It was so cute… Oh please, please don’t be thinking he was cute right now. You made eye contact, and he smiled reassuringly, murmuring, “Trust me.” His expression went serious once more before leaning down and kissing just below your ear, causing you to make a small noise of pleasant surprise. You felt his lips curve into a smile when he kissed you lower against the side of your neck.
“George.” his name came out more breathily than you had hoped. Another soft kiss, barely grazing the skin this time.
“Yes, angel?”
“I think. I think you’ve made your point.”
“One more for good luck.”
Surprising you with his boldness, he kissed you again before standing up straight and reverted to his usual awkward forwardness.
“I, um, didn’t want to kiss your lips in case that wasn’t alright with you, first.”
“So you… kissed my neck?”
“It’s more intimate than kissing your cheek.” He said as a way of answer.
“True.” You conceded. “And for future reference, I’m ok with kissing as long as you are.”
He nodded but didn’t continue, turning around to the sea of people and searching for the other members of the agency.
“Should we see what the others got up to? Hopefully, they spoke to someone better than we did.”
George did a thin smile before turning back and saying, “I think I can see Lockwood and Lucy.”
“Lead the way.”
As you walked behind him, you couldn’t help but gingerly raise a hand to touch where he’d kissed you last.
“So, how lucky have you two been?” You asked the other couple, and Lucy smirked.
“Not as lucky as you. I saw that.”
“Saw what?” Lockwood asked, and she rolled her eyes.
“Those two necking it in the corner.”
“What?! And you didn’t point it out? How could you, Lucy? I thought we loved each other.”
“I’ll have you know those were tactical kisses.” George butt in.
“Yes. Kipps was rather rude, and Georgie here was displaying gratitude for me defending his honour.”
Anthony grimaced at the mention of the other agent but brightened again, “Defended his honour?”
“Apparently, I’m caring, funny, and intelligent.”
You were either on fire or just embarrassed.
“Why’d you go and tell him that? Now he’s going to get a big head.”
“Bigger than yours?” You quipped, and Lucy smiled. “And it’s true, anyway.” You shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.
“Hence us ‘necking’ in the corner,” George added. “More fuel for the gossip train.”
“Besides, it’s not like getting kissed was terrible.”
“Oh really?” Lucy raised a brow at you, and you silently tried to blow her up with your mind and then yourself for bringing it up. Out of the corner of your vision, you saw George studying your face.
“And it’s good for our cover.” You deflected, watching her eyes glint as a silent reminder that this conversation was not over.
“You didn’t happen to bring makeup with you, did you?” Lockwood asked, suddenly distracting you.
“Uh, no. Why?”
“Just that ol’ loverboy may have overdone it.”
At that, you slapped a hand over your neck, “George Casper Karim, did you give me a hickey?” You hissed. Surely you would have noticed, and Anthony was just ribbing you.
George rubbed his neck awkwardly, “I– maybe? I couldn’t tell ‘cause we were in the dark, and now you’re covering it.”
You turned to Lucy and Lockwood with pleading eyes, Lucy shaking with repressed silent laughter.
“He staked his claim.” That was all you got out of her.
Hesitantly you removed your hand and tilted your head to George in resignation.
“Oh yeah, there it is.” He brushed two fingers over the tender spot so casually, in a way that melted your insides had you not been so mortified.
“My bad,” he added apologetically.
Lockwood smiled ruthlessly. “Well, now there’s no doubt about who’s dating who.”
“This is maybe the most embarrassed I’ve ever been.”
“I thought the kissing wasn’t so bad.” Lucy teased.
“It wasn’t, but now I’m going to have to cover it up to leave the house.”
“Or don’t.” George shrugged, and you looked at him. That, combined with the continued hold around your waist was definitely another thing to file away, even when in a fake relationship, George was a little possessive. “‘S not the worst state anyone’s ever seen us in.”
“But what if Arif asks?”
Anthony and Lucy stared at you quizzically. Silently asking, ‘That’s what you’re worried about?’
“Just tell him I gave it to you.” he paused as if remembering that the circumstances weren’t exactly common, “For a case.”
You nodded defeatedly.
“I suppose.”
“Besides.” George had that look in his eye. “You’re the one that liked it.”
Causing the others to laugh as you swatted his arm.
“And you didn’t? One more for good luck?” You reminded him. And he smiled in a way that had heat stirring in your belly.
“I think that was the good luck one,” and he touched the side of your neck again before letting the arm fall to his side. And you struggled not to react so visibly that the others would tease you for it, avoiding Lucy’s eyes specifically.
Something in the air tonight was making George cheeky and touchy, and it was turning you into a swooning damsel. To combat this, you rolled your eyes at his smile, turning to your friends and wrapping an arm around George’s as a tether at the same time.
“But really, did you find anything out?”
“Not much, no,” Lockwood answered.
“He’s lying. Someone from Fittes said that Satchell’s is going to be coming out with some kind of iron tape so that we can do perimeters easier. But that’s still in development.”
Your focus drifted in and out as she recounted what they’d learnt, Lockwood and George’s infrequent additions sometimes catching your attention as you gazed at the closest reflective surface you could, trying to catch a glimpse of the lovebite he’d given you.
“Hello? Is anybody home?” Lucy was waving a hand in front of your face.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“I asked what you’d thought of going to the archives with George and me tomorrow, research some of that case I was just talking about.”
She’d been talking about a case? Oops.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry, I think I’m just more tired than I realised.”
She looked at you suspiciously but ultimately relented. “Ok. I’m about done for the night, too. Lockwood?”
“I’m more than happy with how tonight’s turned out. I’ll have to figure out how we can use you two to get more cases.”
You looked at George worriedly and saw him reflect your expression.
The cab ride home made you realise how overwhelming the gala had been, even in the short time you’d been present. When you’d gotten home, you’d changed almost immediately. You truly were tired of being there, at the very least. And damn it. You were getting all worked up again thinking about earlier. You closed your door, too distracted to notice it didn’t click shut as usual.
Whilst you had changed out of the dress and bra, you couldn’t be bothered to change out of the underwear, vowing to properly clean yourself in the morning and into your comfiest pyjamas. The night was warm enough for cotton shorts, a loose top covering your torso.
Thus faces your new dilemma.
Trying to calm yourself and focus on something other than the sexual tension so suddenly evident between yourself and George without acknowledging tonight’s event, which is precisely how you ended up with a hand in your pyjama shorts.
Your hands moved lower, under the lingerie Lucy had so graciously gifted you— fuck, don’t think about her right now.
You bite your lip to stop a whimper, panting heavily as your fingers move against you as you try to recall the way he’d repeatedly placed an arm around you possessively tonight, the warmth of his hand against your hip still being fresh in your memory.
Vaguely, you could hear footsteps in the hallway, trying to be quieter as you continued to work yourself and resuming once you thought you heard the footsteps fade.
Your eyes squeezed shut, imagining it was George’s between your legs.
Maybe you’d be able to run your hand through his hair and see how soft it was for yourself as he went down on you.
Moaning softly as you tipped your head back onto your pillow, exposing the very neck he’d kissed earlier, and if you focused, you could feel his answering smile against the column of flesh.
“G.. ge-“
You couldn’t bring yourself to finish stuttering out the whisper of his name, trying to imagine what his touches could have been if you’d both not been fully clothed. Wishing that you hadn’t stopped him earlier to see truly how far he would have gone.
The sound of your door swinging broke through your thoughts, your hand stopping as you paused, opening one eye slowly to see George leaning smugly against the doorframe. Your legs clenched together.
“No, please, don’t stop on my account.”
You let out a long, low groan, sliding your hands out of your shorts and rolling over to hide your burning cheeks in your bed.
“How long?”
“Long enough.”
You groaned again. This was beyond embarrassing. It was humiliating. Sure, he’d been in various states of undress around you. But that was just normal stuff, coming out of his room not wearing pants, he’s done that around everyone, and he certainly hadn’t been caught pleasuring himself by the person he was jerking off thinking of.
“You. You should’ve knocked. You can’t just come in!”
George huffed a laugh, “Your door was unlocked, and you weren’t answering. I wanted to see if you needed anything washed to go to the archives tomorrow.”
He paused, apparently intent on enjoying the moment, “But it seems you need a hand with something else, don’t you, angel?”
You would have to move to another country. Wales could always use agents, right? Surely? Maybe there you could find some other hot guy to pine over and hope he gave you his affection. Because this was getting to the point of mortification.
George chuckled, and you heard the floorboards creak, then felt the bed dip down. Your eyes widened where you were hiding your face. Was he sitting on your bed?
“I take back what I said earlier, this is officially the most embarrassed I’ve ever been.”
“Look at me, please?”
Slowly, you turned your head to face him. His expression was unlike anything you’d seen from him yet, he looked like he was going to eat you alive.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed. We all do it.”
He said matter-of-factly, and despite yourself, you nodded.
“Even you?” You wrinkled your nose and made a face of mock surprise, which had him wryly looking at you.
“I’m not going to answer that.” He said, moving further up your bed, gesturing for you to sit up.
“What are you doing?” Your eyes narrowed as you watched him, face still hot despite him assuring you.
Surprisingly forward tonight, George hummed. “Well… clearly, I interrupted you while you were doing something you needed to finish.” He paused, readjusting your pillow. “And I’d really like to help you finish. If that’s alright with you.” One of his hands touched the bare skin on your thigh, watching your reaction for any hesitation.
“That’s alright with me.”
It was astounding how quickly your embarrassment had snapped back into arousal.
You shuffled closer to the centre of the bed, and he slotted himself behind you. His legs wrapped around your own as he pulled your torso so that your back was flush with his chest.
You swallowed hard.
“Are you sure, angel?”
“Yes. Please.”
His face was just beside your head, above your right shoulder. Gradually, his hand snaked underneath your shorts, a soft “Wow,” escaping his lips as his fingers grazed the dampness of the underwear covering you.
You rested your head on his shoulder, exposing your neck again, which he rewarded by peppering it with kisses and soft bites.
His other hand moved to touch the soft skin underneath your shirt, and you could feel your breathing increase rapidly. This was real.
“Were you thinking of me?” He spoke so quietly you almost missed it, and you whimpered. “Hm? Were you touching yourself while thinking of me?”
“Yes.” You responded, already feeling lightheaded under his care.
Beside your ear, he inhaled sharply. “All this just thinking of me?” He seemed in awe.
“Yeah, Georgie.” You confirmed.
He shifted his hands to pull the shorts down and kissed your neck in a way you knew it left another mark.
Briefly, he felt the material of your underwear again, running his finger along the underside of the elastic.
“These feel special.”
“They’re— Lucy got them for me.”
“You were wearing lingerie tonight?”
“You knew that she was buying lingerie?”
“Yeah? She asked me what colours you liked, and I… prodded.”
You didn’t know whether to focus on the fact that he had known what she bought you, or that he had informed what it was that was bought, or even that he knew what you liked to the point of being consulted.
“If it’s anything, thank goodness you didn’t tell me.”
“We wouldn’t have made it through the gala.”
You turned to look at him and realised he was being serious. His desire to see you in them would have been made into his most recent obsession.
“M— maybe I’ll put the set on for you some other time.”
He smiled, moving your shirt collar so that he could kiss your shoulder.
“I’d really like that, sweetheart.”
His hand slipped into your underwear, mimicking your earlier motions of collecting from between your moist folds. His fingers slid back and forth a few passes until you whined impatiently.
“So wet,” he murmured. “I think I can get you wetter.” He whispered against your ear, a promise.
The pad of his middle finger drew slow circles around your clit, and the hand in your shirt moved upwards to gently knead your breast, causing your nipples to stiffen.
“Oh, George.” You sighed pleasantly, and he groaned quietly in response.
“Have to be quieter for me, love. Not that I don’t want to hear you, just that I don’t want the others to as well.” He increased the pressure, and you fought back a moan, “Think you can do that for me, angel?” and you nodded quickly, not trusting your ability to speak at the moment.
“Such a good girl for me,” he praised.
You didn’t even remember how he’d ended up on your bed, embarrassment lost under his skilful hands.
“Please.” you whimpered, hips squirming against him, his fingers moving faster against you. Simultaneously, he rolled the nipple in his hand between his fingers, causing a low whine to slip through your lips.
“Shhh, that’s it, love.” He nipped at the skin of your neck softly, soothing it soon after by placing soft kisses against it. “Let me take care of you, yeah?”
You turned your head, wanting to see him even if it was through half-lidded eyes.
The sight of him had you sucking in a quick breath; his eyebrows pinched together, mouth slightly ajar, and cheeks reddened. His eyes had that look in them again, which you were quickly realising was something akin to heat or desire. George looked almost blissed out as he focused on giving you pleasure.
You released a soft moan, panting as he continued, and his brow creased further. His eyes snapped shut as he listened to the broken noises you struggled to suppress, causing you to realise that he was getting off on this. He was enjoying making you fight not to make pleased little noises, the evidence of the effect of him on you. You wanted to kiss him desperately.
Your left hand moved sluggishly upwards, hesitantly cupping his cheek, and you gently traced your thumb down the cheekbone. His eyes flew open, and he turned slightly so that his gaze landed on your face. Fuck, he looked so good. He raised the same brows you had been observing earlier in silent question, and you felt yourself growing shy despite the circumstances you were currently in.
You bit your lip, still gently tracing the shape of his cheek and being partially distracted by his actions. Tentatively you moved your face closer to his, lifting slightly off of his shoulder and tilting your head for a better angle. Your gaze kept flicking to his lips, then back to his eyes. He licked his lips, readjusting slightly so you could continue forward more comfortably.
“Please?” You whispered, and he nodded.
Your lips barely connected at first before moving ever closer, George finally understanding your earlier wordless begging and further uniting the two of you. Urgently you tried to convey your feelings for him in this– possibly single– kiss. The hand that was on his cheek was now against his jaw, fingers playing with the hair peeking out from behind his ear. Your other hand now came to a loose grip around the wrist that was down your shorts, taking pleasure in just feeling the rotation before falling to your side again.
You moved back to take a breath, his hand that was under your top moved around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You could feel him hard against your back. Then, it moved to join his other hand under your underwear, avoiding the wonderful movements made by his fingers, rubbing along your folds, and a moment later, you felt one of his long fingers pressing into you, both testing and teasing. A pleased sigh slipping out of him as he realised how easy it was for him to move in and out of you before he added another finger, making your jaw go slack as you fought off the noises he was willing to escape.
He took that reaction as an opportunity to kiss you deeper, lips moving languidly against your own, drawing soft aborted moans from you.
You pulled back again to look down at yourself, his tan arms against your skin, shirt ridden up from his earlier touching.
Breathlessly, your gaze shifted to his face again and whimpered, “George.”
He looked into your eyes and smiled. That had your heartbeat quickening, the butterflies in your stomach causing your orgasm to approach more rapidly. His smile grew as he felt you clench down on him.
“Just for my smile?” He looked pleasantly confused. And you groaned against him.
“Y’r so pretty.” You slurred against him, lust-drunk. “‘S not my fault.”
He hummed in amusement.
Your eyes fluttered shut, hips moving against him as his fingers pumped in and out of you, his others working just as relentlessly against your clit. Shuddering as he kissed just below your ear, where it connected with your jaw. Breathy whines became quiet needy moans, and you couldn't help but tilt his head so slightly to press your own kisses to the side of his mouth and cheek.
“So good to me. Y’r so good t’ me, George.”
And you heard him groan in response. Once again, you clenched in reaction.
“Let go for me, angel.” He murmured, softly biting where he could reach. “I know you’re close. I can feel it.”
He was right, you were close. His warmth pressed against you, combined with his hands and the kisses and bites he had been determinedly leaving on your throat, had you just at your tipping point.
He increased the pressure of his fingers, angling the others just so, and you couldn’t help but moan at it as your back arched.
“Geo— Georgie.” You whispered, the pet name sounding all the more affectionate in your haze.
“Let go for me, please? I’d really like to see it, love.”
And you did.
His odd fascination with you spurring him to continue his ministrations in order to draw it out as long as he could, watching your face contort, and your chest rise and fall, not stopping until you shook in his arms.
Slowly, he removed his hands from your shorts, leaving you to recover in his embrace.
Your mind was completely devoid of comprehensible thoughts, face angled into the crook of his neck as you regained sentience after the mind-numbing orgasm he had just gifted you with. You kissed at the skin there, the pair of you sighing contentedly at the feeling.
You felt him shift behind you and started to awaken further from what felt like a very strange but very good dream, and you realised what had just happened between each of you.
He has just caught you masturbating to him, and instead of running for the hills, he… did that. You had let him— invited him to do that. You must have stiffened against him because he asked, “What’s wrong?”
“You… caught me in a private moment and stayed, is all.”
“Mm? All of which I thought was quite nice.”
You frowned at him, but you knew he could see you didn’t mean it.
“‘S just odd. That’s all.” Then, quieter as you looked away, you added, “I didn’t know you even liked me.” And he scoffed, drawing your attention once again.
“I lay into you like a vampire in public, and you didn’t think I liked you?”
“Well, when you say it like that.”
He shifted, and you felt the bulge of his hardness against your back again. He had gotten hard just getting you off. Your eyes widened as he stuck the two fingers he’d just been fucking into you inside of his mouth. His eyes shut briefly, and you saw his cheeks hollow as he sucked your arousal off of his fingers.
“Oh, that’s trouble.”
“How do you mean?”
“You taste really good, angel.”
You inhaled sharply, a second wave of lust washing over you, and he opened his eyes to do that small, knowing smirk at you, the same one he did when he knew something you didn’t, which was often.
You could feel your heart hammering in your chest.
“I’d like a repeat of this if you don’t mind.”
You rolled your eyes fondly at him. “You just reduced me to mush, and you think I wouldn’t want that to happen again?”
He huffed a laugh, gently nudging you to get you to flip over and lay properly onto him, bringing his hardness back to the forefront of your mind.
“Do you..?”
“What? Oh, no.”
You deflated slightly.
“As lovely as that would be, angel,” he continued, “I’m knackered, and I want your energy up for tomorrow.”
“What’s tomorrow? Besides the archives, I mean?”
“Oh, didn’t you know? You’re feeling kind of feverish, so I have to stay home and look after you, and would you please go with her, Lockwood? The archives can be terribly boring when you’re alone.” He was smiling at you as though recounting a funny story, and he pulled blankets over the pair of you, so he was planning to stay the night, it appeared. Or at least until early in the morning when he woke.
“George, are you trying to get me alone tomorrow?”
“Yes. Wasn’t that obvious?” he deadpanned, and you couldn’t help the fond smile in response, and you hummed instead of answering.
“Besides, if not tomorrow, I’ll find some other way to hear those pretty noises you make while you’re under me.”
Your cheeks burned, and you buried your face under his jaw.
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
“I certainly hope not, I don’t want to experiment on your ghost.”
“That was almost sweet?”
“I meant it.”
You were just dozing off when he broke the silence.
“Why angel?”
“Your pet name, why an angel?”
“Oh.” You moved to get more comfortable now that you were more aware of your surroundings again. “It reminds me of you.”
He waited for you to continue, not letting you out of that so easily.
“Do you remember the time we went to Arif’s together? The grocery boy had left out some things, so we decided to pick up doughnuts on our way home.”
“Last summer?”
You nodded against his collarbone.
“And when we were walking home, and I dropped it for some reason–”
He cut you off, silently adding, “A bird flew right in front of us.”
“And I got so surprised I dropped it,” you amended, recalling the bird now, too. “But I tried to catch it and went tumbling into the pavement?”
A faint exhale of a laugh came from above you, and you knew he was laughing at you even now.
“When I looked up at you, the sun was right behind you and…” Suddenly shy, you drifted off.
“Yes?” He prompted.
“You were laughing, and I couldn’t find myself to care because the sun was behind you. It lit up the edges of your hair like a halo, that’s why. It’s… I really like that memory.”
“I… may have asked Lockwood to stay home so I could take you instead. You’ve liked me since then?”
You laughed suddenly, surprising yourself. “We’re totally useless. Probably longer– I bet if I asked Lucy to take Anthony instead of us tomorrow, she would. She’s probably sick of me pining.”
“She’s got no ground to stand on. She and Lockwood were way worse.” He complained.
“And I had to deal with it alone.”
“But not anymore,” you said softly. “You have me now.” and he hugged you tighter to him. “We might have to buy me a scarf, though.”
“Oh, definitely. Don’t let them see tomorrow, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
George Casper Karim was unbearable.
His big stupid head still told you off for taking the biscuit, but now it would bend down and kiss you softly too.
And he still was so helpful, but now you could really see how he picked favourites and was secretly incredibly pleased he chose you, even if it meant investing what must count as an industrial-grade concealer so that his dutiful ironing was the only thing that made an impression on the client.
But now, he was even sweeter. His touches lingered and were more frequent. He still wouldn’t touch the others as openly, but your space and his space soon became shared. He was unbearable.
He still rolled his eyes as you tried to find a nickname of his very own, admonishing you with a heatless “Angel.” but you knew, you just knew you’d find the perfect fit one day.
He made your world spin, and you couldn’t help but always feel warm, safe and happy with him.
Which, without your knowing, was infectious. Spread to him like a leaf unfurling.
You were unbearable.
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pvtty-wh0re · 7 months
I Shouldn't, But I Need You~
Summary: You are the younger sister of Colby Brock. You go to visit your brother in Los Angeles and run into Jake, you haven't seen him in years but he has changed, in the best way ;). I wonder what could happen?
Warnings: Jake x fem!Brock!Reader, Smut (MDI 18+), Fluff, old friends to lovers, cigarettes, alcohol, uses of y/n, pnv, no protection (WRAP IT UP), getting caught, let me know if I forgot anything!
2.3k words <3
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~At the airport; Y/n’s POV:~
I was on my way to visit my brother in Los Angeles. It had been a long time since I had seen Colby, Sam, or Jake. See, my brother is a very successful YouTuber along with all of his friends and they moved from Kansas to California. I was so excited as me and my brother are only 2 years apart so we were close as kids.
As I arrived at the airport, bags in my hand and searching for Colby’s face. He was picking me up from the airport, I started to think he had forgotten but then I heard his voice, “SIS! Man, I've missed ya.” I turn around and hug my brother. Of course, I still kept up with Colby, it had been years since I last saw him. “Y/n! It's been forever” Sam says as he gives me a big hug. Since Colby and Sam became friends, it's always been like I have 2 brothers.
“C’mon y/n, let's go home and eat you must be starving,” my brother says to me as he carries one of my bags. After we arrive at Colby’s house, Sam and Colby help carry my bags inside, I see a group of my brother's friends in the living room hanging out. “No way,” Jake says as he sees me enter the house. Jake and I were friends back when we were young because he was close to my brother. Colby comes in and says to everyone, “Alright guys, this is my younger sister y/n, and she’s going to be staying with us for a few weeks.” Jake comes up and lightly hugs me, and I hug him back. He’s different, not in a bad way, but as he hugged me I could feel his strong, toned arms around me.
I had never thought of Jake this way, well I may have had a crush on him when I was a teenager but, I never felt this way around him. “Y/n? Hello?” Jake said to me, laughing off my thoughts “Sorry, I kinda zoned out ima jet-lagged” I said laughing. I said hello to everyone else, gave some hugs, and went up to my room. I tried to sleep but I couldn’t stop thinking of Jake. His hair, his eyes, his tattoos, his toned body, his hands. “No, I shouldn’t, he probably sees me as a little sister,” I said to myself.
~Later that night; Jake’s POV:~
As I throw myself on my bed, I can’t stop thinking of her. I know it's wrong because it’s Colby's sister but damn. “She is just so beautiful and her laugh is so adorable,” he says to himself, arm over his eyes sprawled across his bed. “Nah, I can’t she’s Colby’s little sister,” I remind myself but it’s to no use, she is stuck in my head 24/7 (I need her so bad).
~A few days later; Y/n’s POV:~
As I was getting ready for a party my brother invited me to, I was excited. Not just because it’s my first real party but because Jake will probably be there. I did my makeup kinda simple, just some eyeliner, lashes, lipstick, and concealer. I chose to wear fishnets under a black and pink miniskirt, with a tight red crop top and some black platforms. “Ya ready?” I heard my brother yell as I grabbed my purse and phone, “Yeah, I’m coming right now” I yelled back. We get in the car and Colby tells me “You’re gonna love it don't worry” then starts to drive off, “I'm not worried, just excited to meet new people” I say to my brother, with a smile and he nods, turning on the radio as we drive to the party.
As we arrive at the party,I immediately look for Jake’s face. I didn’t see him so I decided to get some shots. I was down 5 shots which, I probably shouldn’t have done because I’m kind of a lightweight. “Hey,” I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see Jake standing in front of me, drink in his hand. He is so beautiful. He is wearing a black shirt that slightly shows his stars tattoo and baggy jeans. “Oh, hey Jake!” I say with a smile. I should really keep my composure but I’m wasted so oh well. “You look…really good” Jake says, pausing to look me up and down. “Why thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself,” I said and turned around to grab my drink. I saw him eyeing me, I thought maybe he does like me. My face turned red with that thought. Me and Jake made small talk for about 10 minutes, every few minutes I would slightly brush my hand against his.
A smirk appeared on his angelic face, one that I hadn't seen before, one that had meaning behind it. “so,” he started as he got closer to my ear. I could feel his breath on my skin, and it was driving me insane. “how about we get outta here, somewhere more quiet” I felt as if my entire body was on fire. I knew what this was leading to and I wasn't complaining. “O-okay” I responded, a small crack in my voice. He grabbed my hand as we made our way outside. We sit on a couch and Jake lights a cigarette, “You smoke?” he asks me in a soft tone, a hint of desire in his eyes. “Yeah, I do,” I respond to him, grabbing the cigarette from his fingers, getting butterflies from how our fingers touched. I take a drag then pass it back to him. “Y’know, I see the way you stare at me y/n,” Jake says out of nowhere, putting out his cigarette. “I have no clue what you’re talking about,” I say, trying to laugh it off. “Uh, yes you do. Don’t be acting shy now sweetheart.” My face was so red I probably looked like a tomato. “Really? Okay, how do I stare at you” I said laughing, trying to calm myself. Jake then grabs me softly by the chin, and whispers in my ear, “Like you want to fuck me.”
I had no words, I didn't know if it was the alcohol or the fact that he was so close I could feel his breath on my skin. I just looked down, afraid to look at him. I didn’t know if he was just joking with me or not. He then again grabbed my chin to make me look up at him, “Hm?” he said to me as if waiting for my response, “I-I should go, I’m really drunk,” I said to him, fake laughing and went to get up before he grasped my hand, “Lemme take you home then.”
I agreed and he walked me to his car, opened the door, and drove me to Colby's house. The car ride was quiet, aside from the music coming from the speakers.
~The next morning~
It was so bright, as my room didn’t have the best curtains, all the light flowed in. My head was pounding but I decided to go and eat. As I put on a hoodie and walk into the kitchen, I see Jake. “Morning pretty girl,” he said to me as I came in. “Oh my god, how drunk did I get last night,” I say with a laugh, finding a chair to sit on. “You got real wasted but, I brought you home before you did anything stupid,” Jake says to me as he is making himself cereal. I didn’t say anything in response. I don’t remember much but I definitely remember what Jake said to me before we left. “So,” he started, “are we not gonna talk about what you said last night.” My face flushed a deep rose color. “I don’t know what you mean, I was wasted,” I said but he just kept his eyes on me, “I know, that's why I wanted to wait till you were sober to talk about it.” Shit, there was no way I was getting myself out of this. fuck.”Listen, Jake, we can just forget about it,” I start, avoiding his face. “No, I don’t want to forget it. I want you.”
That almost made me choke on my coffee. “Wait..what?!?” I said to him, dumbfounded. He got up from where he was sitting and walked over to me. “I want you, god I shouldn’t because you’re Cobls sister but I need you.” He says to me, his face looking slightly down to meet mine. “Oh Jake, I want you too but I thought you only saw me as ‘Colby’s little sister’,” I say to him, finally looking into his eyes. A smile forms on his face, but he doesn’t respond. He grabs my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss. His lips are exactly how I imagined them. They were rough but soft at the same time.
The kiss started out soft and full of love but as it went on it turned into a hot makeout session that was full of lust. I could feel a pool of wetness in my panties as he got deeper into the kiss. It was like he was a starved man, and I was his last meal. He then picked me up by my thighs and started for my room. He pushed me into my door and started attacking my neck with kisses, creating marks that would definitely be seen tomorrow. As he was making his way down my neck, he managed to lock the door. As soon as he did he picked me back up and threw me on the bed. I let out a small laugh as I landed on top of the mattress. But my laughter soon stopped as I saw Jake remove his shirt. God, he was so angelic. He had caught me staring as he said, “Ya like what you see,” with that smirk on his face.
~3rd Person POV:~
Without giving a verbal response, she connected their lips as he slowly started to lay on top of her. He then pulled on the hem of her shirt, signaling that he wanted it off of her gorgeous body. Without hesitation, she disregard her top. He stopped kissing her to admire her breasts, he held one in each hand and slowly ran his thumb over her nipple. This caused her to let out a small whine and when he heard it, he just knew he had to hear it again. “So beautiful,” he said in a soft tone. He started sucking on her left breast while massaging her other one. He rolled the bud of her right nipple between his thumb and index finger. She let out a loud moan at the new sensation. “Jake,” she said, painting, “I need you.” “I'm right here,” he responded. “Where do you need me baby?” he asked, kissing her neck and running a hand up her thigh. “Inside, p-please” she begged. She looked so cockdrunk and he had barely touched her. “So impatient,” he says with a deep but soft voice. He continued his motions but started going down her body, kissing every inch he could.
He got to where her shorts were and looked at her face for permission. She shook her head, “Beautiful, ima need you to say it,” he said to her, his deep voice going straight to her core. “Yes Jake please, fuck me,” She says, painting. That is all he needs to be pushed over the edge. The sound of her usual soft voice now whining for him to fuck her, he could’ve creamed his pants. As he discards both of their bottom clothing, he slowly strokes himself a few times before lining up with her pussy. He then slowly inserted himself inside her and she let out a loud moan. The pain soon turned into pleasure, he was bigger than she thought he’d be, as he was stretching her. Once the pain had subsided, she told him to move.
He didn’t want to hurt her so he started off slow, but she soon got impatient, “Faster Jake ple-oh god”. As he started to move at an insane pace, he still wanted to be deeper in her. So, he grabbed her leg and put it over his shoulder as he put his neck in the crook of her neck. She could feel the tightness in her core coming undone. “J-Jake,i-im,” “I know, me too baby, fuck, you feel so good,” he said to her. He started thrusting harder, trying to get her to orgasm before he did. “OH FUCK,” she yelled as her nails dug deeper into his toned back. He rode her through her orgasm then pulled out and came on her stomach and breasts.
The two lay there for some time, trying to catch their breaths. Jake kisses her lips softly, then got up to get a wet rag and water. He began cleaning her up and then lay in bed with her. She cuddled up by him as he placed soft kisses on her forehead. “Y’know what,” she said in a soft raspy tone, “I don’t know if you know this but I really like you.” She looked up to meet his soft gaze, “Yeah, I guess I like you too,” he said with a light giggle that made her laugh. Just as he was going to give her another kiss, her door slammed open. “WHAT IN THE FUCK” Sam said as he saw their current situation. “Y’know he’ll kill you and by the way, the lock is broken,” Sam says as he walks away, most likely to bleach his eyes. “Oh shit,” She says as she looks at Jake and he just laughs. He pulls her in tighter and says, “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine baby,” kissing my head. They soon fall into a state of sleep in each other's arms.
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AN: I hope you guys like this one! I tried to make it longer than i usually do. If you have any comments or recommendations please comment below!! I haven't written anything in a while so I wanted to give yall something good! Mwah!! ~B
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juliasturnz · 19 days
“A simple call”
M.S x y/n
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🜸 - i forgot to thank y’all but oh my god? 100 followers is so muchhh! I’m so grateful for every single one of you🤍
★ - summary:
you’re having the depression loop again, all you wanna do is lay in bed and cry. You need to do it again. You just need to, luckily someone caught you just in the right time
༆ - Warnings!:
Sh moment! (Doing it!!!) mention of sh (and sh on its own), crying, depression, comfort talk (does that exist? 😭), use of y/n!!
✫彡 writers note:
This is slightly personal, I hope y’all enjoy it!
Im so sorry for not posting! School has started and I really need to focus. Trying my best to post as much as possible. ♥️
Your laying down in your messy bed, not normal messy with like blankets everywhere, or some clothing here and there. But your bed was dirty, dust everywhere, makeup brushes, old food. Whatever disgusting thing you could think of. But did you notice at all? No.
You have been in a suffocating loop, for what you feel like months. Everything has been more exhausting than ever, you don’t even remember what the last time you showered was. Or even brushed your hair, since you didn’t knew where your brush even is.
And most of all, you had a boyfriend you haven’t been texting at all. Reaching out to your phone was already to much to bare.
You were not new in a relationship with Matt. But it wasn’t like you have been ages with him, but you felt like all you could do is sink in your bed. And sometimes, maybe even barely get some food.
You really wanted Matt to know what was going on and help you, but you could find such a big comfort in your sad and dark feelings. You always felt like you deserved it. All of it.
Something felt different this morning, a urge. no you have done this to much, you promised Matt to stop. this isn’t healthy. But it’ll make the pain go away, does it tho? Nobody cares. Do it.. do it.. do it.. do it.. do it..
your mind couldn’t stop racing, you felt yourself shaking, not scared. Adrenaline, am I gonna do it?
You find yourself zoning out, your mind still racing, but the urge is way to big. You need to stop your mind. You have to. Otherwise is isnt gonna stop right?
Your cold feet hitting the messy and covered floor, still thinking about every move you make. You’ve decided, you open that drawer. The drawer, your hand is shaking, but not only from adrenaline, definitely more emotions. But it’s calling your name. The comfort you didn’t knew you needed all these suffocating months, all these horrible days. This was the way.
You pick out the perfectly sharp blade, your fingers trailing the blade slightly, its perfect.
you are lumber to the cold bathroom that you remember oh so well, you aren’t gonna look in the mirror. Maybe that will change your mind, that’s not what you wanted. You didn’t wanna see your messy and ugly face either, so you just sat against the counter.
you lean your head against the cold counter top, you look at the ceiling. Still your mind racing, still the same thoughts. Everything was so quiet. Except for your mind
Frustration is coming up to you, deeply. Why are you doing this? This is the way. You’re sure. This is it right? You linger your eyes around the already healed scars, you needed more.
Finally it hit the skin, finally the voices were gone, finally you felt relieve.
Suddenly the bathroom door swings open, “oh no my baby shit.” Matt drops his stuff en runs to you to the bathroom. You are still in complete disbelief, how didn’t you hear him? This couldn’t be true, this isn’t happening.
“Oh my baby, my baby no no no no.” Matt is in full panic mode, he never had experienced you on the bathroom floor, not like this.
“H-here let me c-clean you up alright? Y- you’re gonna be okay.” His voice has never been this shaky, he’s stumbling over shampoo bottles, old towels and dirty laundry. And you haven’t been in this much disbelief. Ever.
You couldn’t say a word, not a single one. For the next 20 minutes Matt has been holding you in his arms. Warm in your fresh made bed, what he made for you. With the new stuffed animal he was going to surprise you with.
He helped you with everything, helping you get up, rinsing the mess, helping you shower. Everything you didn’t knew you needed, all you needed was him.
Your laying down, staring at the ceiling. You didn’t felt relieve, not a little bit. All you felt was guilt and shame. You didn’t want Matt to find you like this, that was the last his beautiful soul deserved.
“How are you feeling pretty.” He was cleaning your room, he did all this for you. You couldn’t believe it.
You didn’t know how to answer, so you just didn’t, Matt turned his face around to face you. He comes up to you, joins you in the bed. And hugs you tighter then ever.
He gives you a slight kiss on your head. “You know, you don’t have to say anything. Just know I love you in any way.”
Your laying hopeless curled up in a ball underneath his warm and comforting arms, this was all you needed, a simple call.
⤹ ᰔᩚ
I’m sorry this is so heavy to take on, + sorry it is this short. I just felt this was the right ending. I’m so grateful for each one of y’all, please remember my dms are open!
٠ ࣪⭑ tags! 🏷️
@chrispotatos @chrisslut333 @chrissslut @chrisbesitos @chriscamopants @chrissv4mp @chrisshotdog @chrizzzpykreme @chestersturniolo @mattztrip @mattsfavbitchhh @mattstattos @mattsturnswife @mattsgf @sturnioloshacker @sturnslesbo @sturnschris @sturniolonmc @sturnzsblog @sturnzsun @sturnzwrld @sturnzyolo @sturnzluv @monroesturnns @thenickgirl @sturniolonmc @sturnioloho @sturnioloslut @sturniolodollx @sturnschris @sturnxiolotriplets
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soft-mafia · 6 months
Request: Buggy and reader having a cute data with Buggy doing magic tricks throughout the data, making the reader to laugh and return making Buggy smile
Magic[Buggy x Reader]
warnings: fem reader, fem y/n, short silly fluff
a/n: THIS IS SO ADORABLE ACTUALLY😭😭I took a few creative liberties bc I love my cringe fail husband.
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“Ok… what about this one?” Buggy said, pulling out a flat saltine cracker, “I’ll tell her that I’ll sprinkle some magic dust on it to make it disappear and—!” He turned around, crunching the cracker in his hands, then turning back around and opening his palm, revealing the crushed crumbs of the saltine, “Boom. You think she’ll like that?”
Cabaji and Mohji clapped, however Galdino wasn’t too impressed. He groaned and put a hand over his head, “She’s not a child, Buggy. You’re gonna lose her as fast as you got her.”
“I’m trying my best, damn!!” Buggy growled, throwing the cracker crumbs overboard, then sighing loudly, holding his head in his palm, “I need to impress her somehow… Mohji, can you teach me how to train Richie to jump through a flying hoop or something?!”
“I could… but that type of stunt takes days for someone to master, and your date with her is tonight, isn’t it?” He replied.
Buggy groaned loudly and hid his face in his hands, “It is!! And I have nothing!!” He grumbled, “She’s gonna think I’m pathetic!”
“I’m surprised she already doesn’t…” Galdino mumbled under his breath. Buggy growled and shouted again, “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?!” Buggy then let out another groan and whined, “Can you guys at least help make me look handsome? I have an outfit picked out and everything.”
After another run through of his cheesy magic tricks and jokes, they helped him get ready, having to help him redo his makeup for about 40 minutes because he was too picky and couldn’t get it exactly the way he wanted. While he was sulking in his bathroom, he completely forgot that it was almost time to take Y/n out on the beach. She walked into the quarters, looking stunning as ever in her bathing suit, even though neither of them could actually go swimming.
“Hey, have you seen Buggy? Is he still getting ready?” She asked, and before anyone could speak, Buggy let out a scream from the bathroom, immediately bursting out, his body parts in a jumble. He put himself back together as he rushed back over to Y/n, putting his hands on her waist. He was wearing a silly flower printed shirt with swim trunks, along with socks and sandals(that made his bounty increase by a billion berries).
“I’m right here baby, don’t worry your pretty little head.” He giggled, then stroked a hand through her hair until he smoothly pulled out a rose, “Oh, what’s this?” He asked, then handed her the flower. Y/n smiled brightly, taking the stem in her fingers before looking up at Buggy lovingly, “Awww! Thank you!”
As he let her back out of the cabin, he turned and flashed a thumbs up and wide grin at the three men.
“Pick a card.” Buggy said, fanning out a deck of cards in front of Y/n as they sat on a picnic blanket near the shore, the sun was nearly setting. Y/n giggled softly before reaching her hand out to grab a card, however Buggy panicked, holding it back, “No- not that one… uhh, pick something else.” He mumbled. Y/n blinked, but then smiled and attempted to pick another one, to which Buggy stammered again.
“No!! No, not that one!” Eventually she picked one, and he grinned widely. Once she held her card, he shuffled the deck in a strategic way, and then he pulled out a 3 of clubs, “Is this your card?” He said proudly. Y/n looked down at her card, then nodded excitedly, “It is!”
The smile on her face, and her giggles of excitement filled Buggy’s heart with not only pride, but a little bit of affection too— actually, a lot of affection. She was laying there looking gorgeous, laughing at his magic trick that he had to try again a few times to even get right. There wasn’t any trace of mockery, she was actually enjoying it. He got increasingly confident the more the night went on, he made coins disappear, pulled candy and jewelry from out behind her ears and from her hair. Once nightfall hit he attempted to do a cool card shuffling trick, however the only light they had was from a small candlelight that was close to burning out, he could barely see anything and before he knew it, the cards just flew out of his hand and right onto that candle.
Some of them caught on fire, to which he panicked and threw the entire picnic blanket out into the ocean on impulse. Y/n squeaked and was flown back onto the sand.
“Oh crap!! The food!!” Buggy screeched when he saw his half eaten hot dog floating in the water, but then he remembered something more important, “OH-! Y/N!!!” He quickly rushed to her side, helping her up off of the sand, a blush spread across his cheeks as he brushed it off of her thighs. After she was fully helped up to her feet, she giggled at Buggy, making him blush harder.
Then, she kissed him on the lips, holding his face. When she pulled away she stroked his hair back, her smile growing when she saw his entire face was blushing bright red.
“I- I’m sorry…” Buggy chuckled nervously, “I panicked.”
Y/n giggled again, wrapping her arms around his neck, “It’s ok. It was kind of funny.” She kissed him again, “This was nice! I loved your card trick.”
Buggy was flustered, grinning like an idiot and quaking internally, “Oh, really?” He grinned, then swallowed to regain some of his confidence, “Well… I have a few other tricks up my sleeve, if you’re up for it.” He leaned in close to her, holding her chin up with one finger. Y/n smiled and blushed, looking away as it spread across her cheeks, that made Buggy laugh, he swung his arm around her shoulder as they walked back to the ship together.
Galdino, Cabaji and Mohji were all watching from the bushes, Buggy had instructed Mohji to tranquilize Y/n if anything went wrong, then convince her that it was all a dream when she woke back up— and he almost had, however Buggy held her at just the right moment.
Even during their panic when Buggy was bombing half of his tricks, what surprised them the most was how entertained Y/n had been, and that dreamy look in her eyes whenever she would look at him.
Buggy was clearly a stupid clown, but Y/n loved him nonetheless.
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