#i forgot about my quizzes until i was literally lying in bed so i ended up getting up early to finish those b4 class
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orcelito · 1 month ago
-22F windchill is Pretty Chilly!! But I bundled right up, so I'm okay. My face doesn't like it, though. My lungs, too. Going full turtle mode, hunkering down in my coat collar and exhaling warm air up to keep my face warm. It works! Makes my glasses a condensation hell though. But struggling to see is worth keeping my face from getting frostbite lol. Lungs still don't like it tho.
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purplejeanny · 4 years ago
Reason's Why
⬅️Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Marinette and Luka arrived at the Seine river prior to her request. She glanced at her photo with Adrien in the bar. This time she wasn't focused to her moment with Adrien. Something was also caught on the picture that only until now that she noticed.
"What was it that you want to talk about, Marinette?"
They sat and watched the flow of the Seine river. Marinette didn't utter a word trying to figure out words she wanted to ask him. It's a sudden realization that made her lost in words to ask.
She handed him the phone that shows a photo of her and Adrien kissing in the bar without saying anything. Well, it's just her initiating the kiss.
Luka's eyes widened seeing the photo. He was hoping that Marinette wouldn't ask her about that.
"Do you know what happened in that photo?"
"Kind of. You've just confessed to Adrien." Luka chuckled, making Marinette looked away. He realized Marinette's reaction. "What's wrong? Isn't it a good thing that you finally confessed?"
"I know, but not like this. Also, Luka?" Marinette looked straight into his eyes and was hoping for his answer. "Do you like me?"
Luka flinched hearing her question. That's the question he wished she didn't ask.
Upon seeing Luka's reaction, Marinette felt guilty.
"I know this look, Luka." Marinette grabbed her phone and stared at the photo where Luka also caught. "I once looked someone like this."
The way his eyes reacted upon seeing her and Adrien was the same eyes she had a few years ago. The way she looked at Adrien and Kagami dating a few years back then. The look of pain, regret, and happiness at the same time.
"I'm sorry, Luka. I didn't know."
"It's okay, Mari. It's not our fault that we fell in love with someone who doesn't love us back. Well, not to your case, I guess."
"What do you mean? Adrien doesn't like me. He dated Kagami, almost dated Chloe, and now he's dating Lila. Where in that aspect could we tell that he likes me?"
Luka patted her head and chuckled. "Let's just say guy instincts."
Silence prevailed them while watching the river as the sun goes down. It wasn't until dark they decided to go home.
Marinette thinks that if she finds it hard to notice Luka's feelings for her, Adrien most probably doesn't see hers until the day of her unexpected confession.
Her group chat notification continuously keeps on beeping as she was about to go to bed. She decided to check it out, and the girls' gossips bombarded her group chat.
Alya: Looked at this girl. Grr. I'll gonna expose her lies real soon.
Mylene: I thought she was in Italy?
Rose: Did Lila just lie?
Juleka: She's with Adrien.
Alya: @Rose, obviously she is, as always. @Juleka, she probably forced Adrien to go with her.
Alix: @Alya, you need to calm down. They're just on the train together. There's nothing terrible at it. Besides, they're dating.
Marinette sighed and started scrolling past the conversation to find the photo they are talking about. She finally saw the picture.
It was a photo of Lila and Adrien on the train to London for Adrien's shoot with other European models. Lucky for Lila, she got to see supermodels and spend time with Adrien.
Lila has ever told one of the rarest truths, and that is she took photos with other male models in London during the shoot. She's bragging it to their class before the discussion even has started.
Marinette was annoyed with that fact. It's just the first day of the week, and that liar's presence literally pisses her. However, she knew it wasn't only her being annoyed with Lila.
After class, she glanced at Chloe and Sabrina, who was sitting across her seat. She caught Chloe rolling her eyes from watching Lila bragging again. Marinette and Chloe didn't get along that well, but this time they share the same thoughts about Lila.
"I'm sorry, friends, but I got to go. MY BOYFRIEND..." Marinette noticed the emphasis on Lila's voice getting her attention. "...my boyfriend is waiting for me."
"How lucky. She's dating Adrien Agreste. Seriously? An Adrien Agreste?! Like wow. Lila really got it all."
Marinette had enough of people complimenting Lila on her lies. She immediately left as soon as Lila leave their room.
"That Dupain-Cheng's so obvious," Chloe complained to Sabrina as they head to their room. She caught that Sabrina's attention is not with her. "Hey! Sabrina!"
Sabrina crouched on the floor and picked the white phone lying in the doorway.
"Whose phone was this?" Chloe grabs the phone from Sabrina and turns it on. Her lips formed a grin after realizing whose its owner. "So it's hers."
Chloe immediately puts it in her bag after Marinette suddenly appeared in front of her.
"Why are you here?"
"I forgot something." Marinette heads back to her chair and grabs the book left under her desk. "We have quizzes tomorrow."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
Marinette did not mind Chloe's tone. She just had to go home.
She was walking outside the campus absent-mindedly when a horn honked out of nowhere. She was startled that she ends up letting go of the book she was holding.
The driver of the car immediately gets out, almost panicking to go near her.
"I'm sorry, Mari. I didn't mean to startle you." Adrien helped her stood up, but she ended up being clumsy even more and tripped on onto him. "Marinette?"
"Oh! I'm sorry!" Marinette immediately stood properly and faced Adrien. "Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to sent Lila home?"
"Lila? We haven't talked since we went back yesterday?"
Marinette frowned upon hearing those words from Adrien. She absolutely heard from Lila that he was picking her. Was it another lie to intimidate her?
"So why are you here then?" Marinette asked in confusion. Based on Adrien's suit and make-up, he probably just rushed out from a photoshoot.
"I.." Adrien hesitated, just sighed. "I came here to talk with you. Can I bring you out somewhere else?"
Marinette could almost hear her heart pounding loudly upon Adrien's request. What could possibly Adrien want from her?
They get in the car, and Adrien just started driving.
"I was actually worried about you passing out that night, Mari." Adrien blurted all of a sudden, making her quite dazed.
"I—I'm sorry. I—I just had so much fun that night, that's all." Marinette answered, panicking. She was hoping Adrien won't ask her the question again.
Before Adrien could speak again, his phone rang. He noticed it was Alya, so he asked Marinette to answer it for him.
"Hello? Alya?"
"Adri—wait. Marinette?! Where's Adrien? You're with him?!" Alya's voice was panicking, and in the background, she could hear their friends arguing. "Nevermind. Give the phone to him quick!"
"He's driving."
"Then park! This is an important issue. Tell him!"
She didn't have a choice but to ask Adrien to park aside and answer the phone.
Adrien's reaction changes the longer he talked with Alya on the phone. Not long after, he angrily grasped his phone and threw it to his dashboard. He grips the stirring wheel tightly as his firm expression evidently showing in his face making Marinette confused and somehow scared.
"Don't open your phone, Marinette. We're going to Max's place."
Marinette hadn't had time to follow Adrien's sudden changes. She has no idea what they were doing. All she felt right now was fright and nervousness into something that is about to come.
Chapter Ten➡️
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mistymark · 6 years ago
nct dream as classmates
carries like 346342 things in his pencil case
is constantly drawing in his notebook and textbooks
leans over to doodle in the margins of your pages
his notes are really messy tho
rolls his eyes at ur much neater, more aesthetically pleasing notes
but is always willing to give u coloured pens and pencils to keep to a colour theme
is probably shocked to find out he's top of the class and thinks its a joke
but boy is just smart af
but all his word documents are titled like ‘redox fucking reactions’ ‘what the fuck is a chloroplast’ ‘??????????’
sends u all his notes tho
texts u at midnight all the time for no fuckin reason
it always starts with ‘yo are u still awake’
and ur like ‘yeah whats up’
and then he’ll respond with the most RANDOM shit
like what goes through that boys head
‘do u think I should use yellow or orange for the next part of my project’
‘idk send me a photo’
‘no just pick’
‘uh yellow’
‘im gonna go with blue’
either rocks up to classes looking like a god or an absolute mess theres no in between
marches through the halls with his hair a mess and doesnt give a shit
lowkey terrifies the younger students lmao
but will help them out if they ask for it
good student
studies enough but doesnt stress that much
he's just here for a good time
throws snacks at u when u frown at ur work until u look up at him and smile
lowkey worried about ur mental health
that shy kid that everyone expects to be average at all his subjects but u catch a glance of his tests and theyre all A+
owns a planner
uses it
I know
keeps track of a lot of school events bc he has a lot of extra curriculars
tries to get u to join more
probably knows ur schedule better than u do
‘hey jeno what do u have next’
‘that means you have chemistry’
ur always yelling at him through the halls like ‘OI JENO WHERE U GOING’ to try and find out what subject u have next
walks u to classes even if theyre in the completely wrong direction to his own
you really only have study hall together
but u had a lot of classes in common last year and ur habits of studying together just carried through I guess
has really good fashion sense 
lowkey dresses like a fuckboi
sometimes you just wanna punch him in the face tbh
‘hey y/n can I borrow a pencil?’
‘do u have spare paper?’
‘can we share ur textbook’
but ofc u love him sm and he's ur study buddy
studying together mainly ends up with him lying on ur bed throwing a ball up in the air while u sit at ur desk and actually study
is so willing to quiz you with ur flashcards tho
beams so hard when u get something write while he's quizzing u
claims he’ll treat u to coffee afterwards but never does lmao
makes up songs and rhymes to help him remember formulas and equations
recites the quadratic formula song whenever u mention math (even if it has nothing to do with what ur learning)
always suggests going to cafes and parks and stuff to study then spends the entire time doing the opposite of studying
‘come onnn y/n u need to relax a bit’
texts u in the morning to ask u to bring him a spare calculator or something for a test bc he forgot his
claims u to be his life saver
probably has ur contact in his phone as ‘lifeline’ or something equally cheesy
really appreciates u tho
literally the #1 study buddy
brings heaps of snacks whenever u study together
when its late he’ll text u and tell u to go to sleep
has every single study tip crammed into his head and regurgitates them all whenever u complain about having to study
furrows his brows when u say u didn't get enough sleep but doesnt say anything
he's probably popular af
flirts with the teachers and laughs when u elbow him to stop
soooo well known ?? like even people at other schools know him ??
has aesthetic notes tho
probably has his own studygram
wears soft sweaters to classes
literally just looks like he has his life in order
gets one bad grade and studies his butt off to improve
‘life is all about improving y/n we cant all be amazing at everything straight away’
keeps u sane tbh
like literally how has he not had a mental breakdown yet its the middle of the year
youve had four just this week
‘do u want me to bring u coffee this morning?’
studies with u all the time
but he doesnt actually study
he's just waiting for u to finish so u can go catch a movie or go out to eat
stays up late playing video games
*sips coffee* “I havent slept in six days”
doesnt even like the taste of coffee
all the teachers love him tho
like he's playful and cheery but is super respectful too
he's just really good w adults ?
sends u texts during class and u wonder how he hasn't been caught
probably has never had a detention
but has been close to getting one 1289823 times
that kid that carries around one 5-subject notebook and two pens and thats literally it
brings his own lunch but trades it for jisung’s lunchables
sneaks food off ur plate all the time in the cafeteria
smiles at everyone in the hallway
offers u a ride home as much as he can
or he catches the bus with you
and shares his headphones with u
probably that kid that takes aggressive notes in the back of the class
tells u to shut up during class (and its not so he can focus lmao)
tries to get all his work done in class so he has no homework
groans whenever the teacher gives u activities
makes a face whenever a new slide pops up on the board
lots of question marks in his notes
‘to find the derivative of an exponential, it stays the same?’
‘aerobic respiration occurs in three stages: ????, the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain’
invites u over to play video games the night before a big test
‘its self care’
shut up jisung we all know u just need an excuse to hang out
the teachers convince him to sign up to be a tutor
makes u come to all his tutoring sessions
you go out to eat afterwards
and just chill on a park bench and eat food truck food until its getting late
offers u his jacket on the walk home
has really red cheeks that are ‘from the cold’
theyre not
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lalallicat · 8 years ago
Trope: The Red String of Fate is some perceivable clue that identifies your destined True Love.
(Soulmate AU where for 24 hours on their 18th birthday, they see what their soulmate sees, but only when they’re asleep.)
Jemma doesn’t think about her soulmate at all until Elena finds hers. Elena knew because she saw Mack getting his shotgun-axe tattoo on her 18th birthday and she recognized it as soon as she saw it peeking out from under the sleeve of his t-shirt while standing behind him in line for coffee.
It was quite serendipitous, really. Not everyone gets such a clear detail about their soulmate. Most people are lucky if they even figure out their soulmate’s general location.
Jemma hadn’t been curious at all before then. It didn’t seem all that important - she had more important things to think about. But then she realizes that if Elena hadn’t been asleep when Mack was getting that tattoo, she might not have known about it.
So Jemma figures, yeah. Her 18th birthday is in a month, and if it’s her only chance to figure out who her soulmate is, maybe she should be prepare for it. Just because she doesn’t care about it now doesn’t mean that she’ll never care. She might want to figure out who it is one day.
Jemma was only 16 when she started uni, so she was never included in those conversations freshman year where everyone was comparing soul dreams. She decides her first step should be to gather information by interviewing her friends about their experiences. Elena says that it’s just as hazy as a regular dream, disorienting and blurry at the edges - and that even though soul dreams are limited to seeing what your soulmate sees, she could still kind of get a sense of what people were talking about, though she couldn’t hear any voices. Bobbi says that her birthday fell on a Saturday, so her soulmate spent literally the whole day playing video games, which didn’t really help her figure out who it is at all. Karen says that all she saw was white, but even so, she knew what was happening around her and was able to infer that her soulmate is blind and works in a big city as some sort of lawyer.
Jemma doesn’t panic until she starts to make contingency plans and realizes how much could go wrong. What if she wakes up before she can figure out anything meaningful about her soulmate and can’t go back to sleep and misses her chance to learn about him (or her - she doesn’t want to make any assumptions)? What if she wakes up and forgets everything she sees? What if her soulmate is in a coma and she gets no information at all?
Fitz points out that it’s stupid to worry about it because it’s not like she ever cared about her soulmate before. She can still have a perfectly happy life without a soulmate. But this is from someone who didn’t even try to figure out who his soulmate is. He insisted that he didn’t want to spend his entire birthday sleeping and that he’d rather spend it doing something fun with his best friend. She’d warned him that he might regret it, but it’s been a couple months, and he still says he made the right call. He’s more surprised that Jemma would purposefully sleep through her classes just to figure out who her soulmate is, and when Jemma points out that everyone sleeps through their 18th birthday, he spends the week leading up to her birthday joking that she’s going to sleep through school just to find out that her soulmate is school or homework or science or something equally ridiculous.
In the end, Jemma stays up til midnight, sleeps in as late as she can, then takes Z-Quil so she can go back to sleep.
For all that Jemma excels at preparation, she was not prepared to have no soul dream at all. It’s not like Karen, whose soulmate is blind, nor is it like what she suspects would happen if her soulmate were in a coma either. She just ends up having a regular ordinary dream that she’s living a regular ordinary day in her regular ordinary life. Well, maybe it was a rather unlucky day, but it was ordinary all the same.
Jemma dreams that she wakes up late and barely has time to throw on jeans and a sweater before scrambling to her first class, much less do her hair or makeup. After her first class, she goes to the campus coffee shop to get tea, just like she always does, only this time she spills it on herself. She doesn’t have time to go back to her dorm to change, so she just goes to her next class with this huge damp spot on her sweater. And then she picks up a sandwich at the cafeteria and scarfs it down before going to her third class, where she discovers there’s a pop quiz, which, okay, isn’t that bad because it’s not even difficult, but still, it’s not like pop quizzes are exactly fun. And the worst part is that Fitz is missing the whole day, so she doesn’t even have anyone to talk to, and it makes the whole day feel lonely and boring. She ends up going to his dorm to see if he’s there, which he’s not, but she figures while she’s there, she might as well borrow one of his sweaters so she doesn’t have to walk all the way across campus to her dorm to change out of her tea-stained sweater. Then she goes to the library to study, except she apparently forgot her highlighters and color-coded index cards, so studying isn’t as fun as it usually is.
And then she wakes up.
Jemma sits up in bed, feeling disappointed that she has no soulmate and angry that she spent her entire birthday asleep and still heavy with drowsiness from sleeping all day. She briefly considers calling her mom to figure out if she’s been lying to her about when her birthday is, but ends up calling Fitz instead without really thinking.
“Simmons?” He answers his phone in a low whisper, sounding slightly confused. “Everything alright?”
“No.” Jemma is still too sluggish to find the words to explain - but it’s Fitz. He doesn’t need explanations.
“I’ll be right over.”
Fitz arrives with snacks and ice cream and a birthday present and the promise that pizza is already on its way. “Happy birthday,” he tells her as soon as she opens the door, and just like that, everything is better. Still not great, but definitely better.
“I should’ve just done what you did,” Jemma tells Fitz halfway through Dinoshark Vs. Space Dinoshark. “Just celebrated my birthday instead of sleeping through it. I can’t believe I wasted it trying to find someone who doesn’t exist.” She sighs heavily and leans her head on his shoulder. “I know it’s dumb to be disappointed.”
Fitz hesitantly wraps his arm around her shoulders, which Jemma takes advantage of to snuggle in closer to him. “Why would it be dumb?” he asks.
“Because up until a month ago, I didn’t even care about my soulmate. It was so theoretical and hypothetical and I didn’t feel like I needed anyone else, you know? But then Elena found Mack, and I realized -”
“That your life would be better with your soulmate?” he suggests.
Jemma lifts her head and turns to look at him. “No, that’s not it at all. Because I love my life right now. I have school and I have science and I have you,” she says, bumping her shoulder into his affectionately. “But then I realized that soulmates aren’t just hypothetical - they’re real. You have a soulmate who’s real and they’re going to find you one day and whisk you away and then you’ll have someone else who you’ll want to spend all your time with. My life isn’t always going to be this perfect. So I figured I should, you know. Plan for the future. I mean, not that anyone could ever replace you, and it’s not that I even need a romantic relationship to have a life that’s fulfilling, it’s just…” Jemma shrugs helplessly. “It’s probably messed up that I was hoping to use my soulmate to get over losing you as my best friend, isn’t it? Except I don’t even have one, so serves me right, I guess.”
Fitz tugs her a little closer to him and Jemma returns her head to his shoulder. “I was worrying about it too,” he confesses, his voice soft and low. “Not about someone whisking you away, but - that I would find my soulmate and that they would somehow be more important to me than you. I don’t want that.” He swallows heavily. “It’s stupid that the universe just decides for us, who we love,” he says fiercely. And everyone just buys into it. That’s why I wanted to spend my birthday with you instead of sleeping. It just seemed impossible, to me.” His voice goes quiet and sad. “That anyone could ever be more important to me than you.”
“Well,” Jemma says, taking his hand in hers. “Looks like you’re stuck with me until your soulmate manages to track you down.”
Fitz pulls her hand into his lap and covers it with his other hand. “Maybe I’m like you. Maybe I don’t have a soulmate either.”
Jemma hums sleepily. “It’s possible, I suppose.” She knows what he’s building up to with that suggestion, the possibility of what their future could look like, but she doesn’t want to hope. Because chances are, he does have a soulmate out there and just because he can’t imagine liking or loving or whatevering anyone more than her, it doesn’t mean it’s not possible. But she’s much too exhausted to consider any of that right now. It’s a problem for another day. She lets out a loud yawn, her mouth stretched wide.
Fitz smiles down at her. “How can you be tired? You slept all day.”
“It’s one of those things, you know, where you sleep so much that you’re still drowsy when you wake up. Like when we’re jet-lagged. Plus, I took Z-Quil this morning, so.”
“Go to sleep, Simmons. I won’t be offended.”
Her eyes are already closed by the time he finishes his sentence.
But she doesn’t fall all the way asleep, apparently, because she’s still half-aware of the movie playing, of Space Dinoshark attacking Dinoshark with its laser beam eyes. And then she stands up, looks down at her bed, and sees...herself. She’s folded over, bent at the waist so that she’s lying sideways on her arm even as her legs hang off the edge of her bed. She lifts her legs onto the bed and pulls her body up towards the pillows before covering herself with her blankets. Her hands - but not her hands because they’re much too large to be her hands - smooth her hair back from her face. And then she leans down and gives herself a soft kiss on her hairline.
And that’s when she knows. She’d started to put the pieces together once she saw herself sleeping, might have even suspected it as early as a year ago, the tiny seed of hope buried under layers and layers of wariness and practicality and cynicism and misgivings, so far down that she didn’t even know it was there. But now the seed is starting to sprout.
And now she knows.
Jemma practically runs to Fitz’s dorm as soon as she wakes up in the morning and pounds frantically on his door.
“What?!” Fitz snaps, swinging his door open forcefully. His expression softens slightly when he sees that it’s her, but he’s still scowling. “What are you doing here, Simmons? We don’t have class for like, three more hours. Just because you spent all of yesterday sleeping -”
“I was wrong!” Jemma blurts excitedly, budging past Fitz into his room. “I thought you weren’t there, but you were! I’m the one who wasn’t there.”
Fitz shakes his head as he closes his bedroom door. “What?”
Jemma looks down at his floor and sees his blue sweater crumpled at the foot of his bed. “Yesterday you woke up late. You wore that sweater over there and you spilled tea on it. And then Thompson gave a pop quiz.” She looks up at him. “Is that true?”
Fitz doesn’t seem shocked - just confused. “Yeah. How’d you know?”
“I didn’t realize,” Jemma says, breathless. “We spend all day side by side. We’re always together.”
Fitz plants his hands behind his hips and looks down, squeezing his eyes shut in concentration. “I’m still half-asleep, Jemma. I have no idea what this conversation is about,” he confesses, opening his eyes.
Jemma didn’t really plan this. She was so excited to see Fitz that she hadn’t thought at all about how she would explain it to him. “I thought I was dreaming about my day, but I wasn’t. I was dreaming about yours.”
She can see the slight shifts in his facial features that let her know that it’s starting to sink in. He gives her that wide-eyed look, the one that he saves just for her, the one that’s filled with fondness and awe and hope, the one that shines from his face in those soft moments when they feel like the only two people in the world. “Are you saying -”
Fitz strides purposefully towards her, and Jemma’s already reaching for him when he stops short, one step away from her, his fists clenching at his side.
“What’s wrong?” Jemma asks.
Fitz frowns. “It’s just...last night. We were talking about how the universe dictates who we’re supposed to love, and people just accept it.”
Jemma furrows her brow. “So?”
Fitz rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed. “So that’s what you’re doing. You’re just accepting it because you’re supposed to. All of a sudden, just because you have this dream-”
“Why are you trying to make this complicated?” Jemma interrupts, irritation flaring in her chest against her will. She knows what’s he’s implying - that her wanting to see her soul dream means that she’s not choosing Fitz the same way he chose her. It’s ridiculous and he should know better. “This is supposed to be good. We could be happy, Fitz. We could be so happy.”
Annoyance flashes across Fitz’s features before he schools his face into a neutral expression. “You knew how I felt about you, Jemma. You’ve always known. So why do you only want to be with me now?”
“I already told you, Fitz!” Jemma shouts, exasperated.
There’s a loud thump against the wall and a muffled “Shut up!” from the other side.
Jemma lowers her voice to a harsh whisper. “I already told you. Before, it was hypothetical. Now, it’s real.”
Fitz rolls his eyes. “Oh, now it’s real,” Fitz says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Because the universe says so.”
“Shut up about the bloody universe!” Jemma snaps. “I don’t care what the universe wants! This is what I want. And if you need proof that I love you, think about the fact that you’re being an absolute idiot and I still want to be with you!”
Fitz stares at her silently, his expression unreadable.
Jemma takes a deep breath and steps forward so that she’s standing right in front of him. “This is what I want,” she repeats, her voice steady and calm. “What do you want?”
Fitz surges forward and kisses her, his lips warm and sure against hers. Jemma brings her hands up to his face, stroking his jawline with her thumb. Fitz pulls away from her mouth to press kisses into her neck.
“It’s not nice to call your soulmate an idiot,” Fitz says between kisses. “You think anyone else has a soulmate as mean as you?”
“Only if they’re as infuriating as you,” Jemma teases, her voice full of affection.
Fitz playfully bites her shoulder. “I’m not being an idiot now, though.”
Jemma guides his face back to hers to kiss his mouth again. “No, you’re being perfectly brilliant now.” Jemma places her hands on Fitz’s shoulders and pulls away. “We still have three hours before class,” she says breathlessly. “We can sleep a bit longer and snog later.”
“Or we can snog for the entire three hours,” Fitz suggests, sliding his hands onto her hips and guiding her towards his bed.
Jemma pushes Fitz onto his bed and climbs over him. “Yeah,” she agrees. “Who needs sleep?”
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