#i forget where the lov base even is 😭
gh0stchoir ¡ 2 years
Filo smiled, patting Tao's shoulder. "Don't apologize. I'm prone to rambling myself, so I get it. And your voice is nice." She gave him a big, bright smile, "I'm sure you'll show them. Whoever said you're not worth something will so regret their words with how awesome you'll be." She tapped his lunch box with her chopsticks. "Maybe eat up, you'll need it. Healthy life is hard, but we won't change the world if we pass out halfway through the day. If we want to show the world, we'll have to do things we dislike." Not a moment later, she stuffed all of her remaining lunch in her mouth, which left her barely able to chew. It looked equally cute and hilarious.
The rest of the day passed in a breeze, for most at least. First days were often slow, with teachers having to introduce them and getting the lesson started. It was always a task when students and teachers were still new to another, unsure how to handle the other side. It would get better over the week, and by next Monday, there would be a routine. Most hoped for it, at least. When the final bell rang, Filo turned to her neighbor. "Hey, where do you live? I can transport us super fast with my quirk would save you some time", she offered. If he lived downtown like her, maybe they'd even have the same way and could walk to and from school together a bit. She already liked him, given how he didn't judge her a villain supporter upon hearing her opinion of them.
"W-well I kinda live in a sketchy area.." Tao looked away, trying to find anything to make sure she couldn't know where the base was. Although, the idea of a short trip back sounded like heaven. He hated walking from the base. Too many on lookers from alleyways peering at him with curious eyes. Maybe she would understand he didn't live in a giant beautiful mansion. Instead in an abandoned building, behind many traps and alarms. He believed Filo to not care of one's financial status, especially another teenagers. At that time you really can't do anything to get from a sketchy area to a luxurious gated mansion. She would understand, if she understood why some resort to becoming villains.
"Actually, nothing bad really happens there considering its reputation..although people are always too afraid to approach me." Tao said, making sure everything in his bag was there and present. He looked at Filo. "Are you sure it's no big deal-..I mean taking a different route could mean it takes you longer to get home.." He expressed. The idea of someone doing something that inconvenienced them for him made him all jittery, not in the good way. And plus it would probably be safer for her to steer clear of the area, but the idea of a friend taking him home sounded too pleasant to pass up. He'd never ever really had friends. This was a new start. The idea of the plan didn't cross his mind at this moment, completely forgetting to not get attached.
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eatmeandbirthmeagain ¡ 3 months
Hi! Im so happy your requests are open again because Ive been meaning to send over this one if youre interested ^^
Could you write something about Baldwin and his scholarly wifey who studies astronomy as one of her hobbies (she's the type to write several manuscripts about her studies & findings tirelessly alongside her queenly duties )
Which means that Wifey is often up all night to study the stars and would sometimes forget that evenings are usually the only hours Baldwin gets to spend intimate quality time with her! Maybe theres a scene where she apologizes and reassures him saying " no star in the sky could ever compare to the one i have in my arms" (something along those lines) as she gives him lots of affection 🌌
♧ Star Boy - King Baldwin x Reader ♧
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♧ Angst ♧
A/N: Hello Anon! Thank you for this amazing request, I have been so exited to do this one, it is so cute! I hope this is what you had in mind. Apologies for no fic yesterday guys I am pretty sick right now 😭. As always this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
The queen of Jerusalem was never a princess.
She was never the daughter of a lord or lady either and she was certainly never royalty before meeting her husband.
Instead, was an astronomer. Turning to the stars instead of the earth when things became difficult.
Y/n was famous amongst the kingdom as the most successful female astronomer for her time.
Some frowned upon her, shaming her for being an unwed woman with a job. Cursing her and her “lack of knowledge”, simply for being female.
But this never stopped her or deterred her from her work. Infact, it encouraged her to continue.
And it stayed this way until the day she met Baldwin and was wed to the king of Jerusalem himself. It was by no means a marriage of arrangement. It was certainly one of love.
Her profession never bothered him, Baldwin loved his wife's work even before their meeting, he had read each and every one of her manuscripts, poured over her notes and loved each and every word.
As the years passed, their love for eachother grew and grew, but as did their time apart.
During the day, they were both busy with separate royal duties and by night, the now queen was busy with her studies.
The evening was the only real time Baldwin had to himself and spending that time alone was becoming increasingly common as y/n returned to the chambers later and later each night.
This continued until by the time she returned, Baldwin was already sound asleep, tired from a long day.
She would simply get changed and climb into bed beside him, tucking him in and giving him a kiss on the forehead or cheek before going to sleep herself.
Some nights, she would not return at all and Baldwin would wake in the early hours of the morning to find himself alone in the bed.
Most mornings, y/n would rise before him so again, the king would wake to a cold space beside him with the only confirmation she was ever there in the first place in the form of a note on his desk about her plans for the day and words of love.
He kept every single one, no matter how much they secretly hurt his heart.
Baldwin knew how important this work was to her and did not want to put pressure on her to stop her schedule for him, but it tore him apart each and every day.
He wanted his wife. He wanted to see her, hear her voice, feel her presence.
Until one day, he could simply not take it anymore. It was then that he decided to speak with her about it when she returned to the royal chambers that night.
Baldwin sat alone at his desk with his head propped up on his hand. His mask lay on the desk beside where his elbow rested, leaving his freshly bandaged face exposed to the cool night air.
He was tired from the day, but not tired enough to sleep just yet. He was usually asleep by now, but he had to stay awake.
He needed to speak with her.
This simply could not continue, he wanted her. He wanted her words, her love, her affection.
Baldwin waited, and waited and waited until the moon was high in the sky. He felt his eyelid's growing heavy but he needed to stay awake so he straightened his posture to avoid dozing off.
The king sighed heavily.
This was not what he wanted to do. But it was necessary.
Until finally, the door opened quietly and the young queen slipped into the room.
Noticing the candles still lit, y/n’s eyes widened with surprise at the sight of her husband sitting at his desk, still awake.
“Oh Baldwin, I thought you would be sleeping by now,” she said with a smile, walking over to her closet to get changed.
“Yes, I have been meaning to speak with you, y/n” the king said, swallowing a lump in his throat and getting to his feet.
“What's wrong, love?” y/n asked, suddenly nervous.
“I have no intention of offending you when I say this since I know you are very busy” Baldwin paused, rethinking everything for a moment. Maybe it was best if he did not do this now? No, he had to.
“Yes?’ the queen prompted, her slight nervousness turning into fear for what he would say next.
Baldwin took a deep breath before speaking again.
“I miss you y/n. I miss spending time with you, I barely see you now. You're always either in the astronomy tower, writing manuscripts or out of the city. I don't feel like your husband anymore, more like a second choice” Baldwin took another shuddering breath, his eyes filling with tears.
He sat back down at his desk and put his head in his hands as y/n looked at him in silence.
Her heart broke at his words, the realization hitting her quickly. How could she have been so careless? She had completely rejected him, just leaving him alone so many nights and assuming he was okay with it?
“Oh my poor baby I’m so sorry” y/n said urgently, approaching him and taking him in her arms quickly.
Baldwin was fast to wrap his arms around her midsection and bury his face into her robes.
His silent tears eventually turned to broken sobs. After weeks of holding back everything, he couldn't take it anymore.
“Baldwin i’m so sorry” the queen said softly, tears welling in her own eyes.
“I can't believe I have been neglecting you like this”.
Y/n bent down to look him in the eyes, taking his hand in hers and kissing it gently.
“You could never be a second choice Baldwin. You are worth more than any star in the sky”
The king smiled weakly, tears still streaming down his cheeks.
“I promise my love, I will never leave you for my work again. You will forever be my first priority” y/n told him before wrapping her arms around him.
Baldwin nodded and buried himself into her robes again.
“Come on darling, let's get some rest. You must be exhausted” she said, as the two got to their feet. 
Once under the covers, Baldwin cuddled against his wife, happy to finally be back in her arms.
Y/n chuckled at his affection.
She had forgotten how adorable he could be. That thought almost brought her to tears again but she held them back, for his sake.
“I love you so much, y/n” the king mumbled before yawning softly.
“I love you too, Baldwin. And I always will” she cupped his cheek in her hand, tilting his face up to look at her.
He smiled sleepily, his tired eyes filled with adoration.
“I've missed you” the queen said, fighting back tears.
“I've missed you too” Baldwin replied as y/n kissed his forehead and pulled him against her body.
She held him as tightly as she could that night, vowing to never let go again.
As soon as he was snoring softly, y/n allowed the tears to fall from her eyes. She bit down on her cheek to prevent herself from crying out loud as she sobbed into the pillow.
“Oh my love, I'm so sorry” she whispered through tears.
How could she just leave him like that? How could she get so caught up and distracted, neglecting him completely.
He was her husband, her HUSBAND. The one man in the world who had dedicated his life to stay by her side no matter what, and she had just ignored him completely.
“Never again” y/n thought to herself as she drifted into sleep.
Never again would she leave his side for anything. Evenings were now for him only, and that is how it would stay.
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bibibbon ¡ 2 months
as one of the three mustard fans i feel obligated to yap about him to anyone who will listen.
in the grand scheme of things he’s not particularly important, but the few scenes he’s in definitely are.
he brings up something that many people forgot while watching the show.
that even in a world where people can turn their skin into steel or shoot acid from their hands, a bullet is a bullet.
that no matter how powerful your quirk is, if you get shot in the head you’re gonna fucking die 😭 i mean unless you have a regeneration quirk but those are pretty rare and if someone unloads a revolver into your skull i doubt your quirk would be able to keep up with the damage.
it shows people that a villain doesn’t need a powerful quirk to be dangerous. someone who’s competent with a gun or a knife can be just as dangerous as someone like dabi.
he’s also extremely intelligent. being able to tell where people are based on the movement of the gas isn’t something inherently related to his quirk, it’s a learned skill. he’s also very skilled with his gun, he was able to destroy tetsutetsu’s mask with one point blank shot. as well as being able to hit the same spot multiple times to break through tetsutetsu’s hardening.
when kendo says that mustard carries a gun around because he “can’t win a fight on his own merits” as much as i love her, she’s really stupid for that.
snipe’s whole thing is guns. his quirk has nothing to do with guns inherently, he just chose to use them. and support gear is a massive industry in this universe.
and no one talks about why this middle schooler has a gun and is hanging out with the LOV. that’s not exactly normal middle schooler behavior.
i have some theories so bear with me while i ramble about him.
so obviously he has a villainous quirk. his gas can kill people if they’re exposed to a concentrated amount of it for long enough. and he can’t control where the gas goes, only how much he releases.
(this is more of a headcannon but i like it too much to not share it. his father can create small amounts of purple mist around his body, and his mother sweats bleach. but one of his grandparents could create an ammonia based gas. and what happens when you mix ammonia and bleach? you get mustard gas. ik it’s kinda dumb but i like it.)
i believe that he had a hard time controlling his quirk as a child. with strong emotions causing him to activate his quirk.
in this universe there’s definitely schools/institutions for kids with dangerous quirks. so his parents probably shipped off to one of those institutions so they didn’t have to deal with him.
i feel like he resents the UA students because if an employer sees they went to UA, they have a way higher chance of getting the job.
but when they see that he went to an institution for kids with dangerous quirks, he could be rejected on the spot.
tl;dr i love mustard someone please sedate me
Since you posted this ask to me Iam assuming that Iam one of the three mustard fans and Iam honoured to be recognised as such.
As you know I have talked about mustard before and the potential his storyline has here.
Your whole rant makes me think that mustard in canon is basically the vision people have for fanon villain izuku and I love it.
Mustard brings up a good point which is that people rely on their quirks too much because someone with a uselss or a weak quirk can still be dangerous and powerful by honing in their other skills. Heroes who rely on their quirks primarily and nothing else are the ones that get injured and hurt the most because even if you have a powerful quirk it's not guaranteed to help you in every situation. Sometimes quirks cant always go up against technology as we see in the vigilante arc technology can very much overpower strong quirks whether you like it or not.
Oh I actually do like your headcanon. Personally I have always interpreted mustard as having an anaesthetic type quirk something similar to midnight. I wish the series delved into midnight and mustard interactions especially because mustard is too young to go to jail as people in Japan can only be punished for their crimes when they're above the age of 14.
Reputations and public image are very important things in MHA whether you're a hero or not. Mustard going to that type of institution is interesting although I don't think there are any in canon. I have interpreted it as mustard having something similar to toga where they both suffered from horrible quirk counselling and were told to control themselves not taught how and an incident happend and they ended up here. However everything that comes to mustard to me is 10 times more interesting simply because of how young he really is and how vague everything about him is
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asuraaa8 ¡ 10 months
Hey its Cora here it's my first post and idk how to use this app😭 anyways this is a SFW mha headcanon post I'm probably using this really badly idk how to tag or anything but enjoy (: it's based on the song "mom, im leaving" by MiatriSs.
To me, the song entitled "Mom, I'm leaving" (мам, я уеду) by MiatriSs, is about the todoroki family, specifically the broken, toxic family dynamics between Endeavor, touya and shoto. The first verse (Tell me how scary it is If a shadow wants light? Tell me how safe it is to follow your prohibitions?) Deacribes how Dabi feels that he is constantly treading on eggshells with endeavor and how he doesn't know what he should and shouldn't do because of his father's abuse, resulting in him leaving and having ongoing emotional and physical trauma from this. It could also describe how shoto got his scar on his eye. The line "if a shadow wants light" to me reflects the episode where endeavour is showing and telling touya about Hellflame and both Dabi and shoto feel pressured and forced to follow in their fathers footsteps to become the next heroes.
"I'm suffocating I'm choking on the awareness of being lost Every day" describes how dabi feels so lost and alone as a result of how his family is treating him. "Every day" things get worse for him to the point he feels as if he's choking and suffocating on his father's words to the point where he breaks. "In which I play the victim Surviving, but I know That change not far away" shows how he is just...surviving. at this point he's not living, only surviving. however, he feels that change is "not far away" and at this point in the song there is a major change In tone and the background music also changes from reflecting ebdeavors harsh words to a more dissociative, barely there background tune after the words "change is not far away". He at this point decided to join the league of villains.
"Mom, I will go to the heavens Above the world, to the clouds I will soar like a bird With wings fluttering the flames " the phrase "I will go to the heavens" reflects how he changes his name, his identity but never his hatred for his father. "With wings of flames" to me reflects the legend of Icarus, how he flew too close to the sun but also how endeavor almost "burnt off" his metaphorical wings with his abuse.
"Even if the edge of the Horizon is not visible now, but I believe" dabi believes, even though hope is "not (yet) visible". "I will try to build a New city, a new one" reflects how dabi is filled with sadness and anger at having his childhood taken away from him. He wants to go far away and forget his past. He wants to live a life where he is living for himself, not anyone else. He doesn't want the pressure of family hanging over him and haunting him, hence why he joins the LOV. That is his family now, not the toxic "family" he was born into.
The change of tone of the background music and Miia's voice at "mom I will go to the heavens" to me is about Dabi's dance (season 6, ep 11) where he confronts endeavor and shoto and faces his past. So scary for him, but he does it so well.
"What will I find? What am I looking for... So scary, BUT I don't care Forgive me That I was silent... The time has come Farewell, pier!" The song ends with dabi using a bottle of water to wash his hair dye out. <My name is touya todoroki>. His father is filled with sudden sadness now he suddenly realised how he's failed as a parent. He will never, ever make it up to dabi. Nothing he will ever do will make up for the pain he has put dabi through. And dabi will never forgive him.
"Forgive me, that I was silent" dabi is angry at himself too. He is finally speaking up, and whilst he was moved on in a physical sense (changed his name, appearance, family) he has not yet and never will move on mentally. He is not touya todoroki, he is dabi and his family is the league of villains.
(Not me crying whilst making this more than I ever have done in my life -_-)
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