#i fit 41 out of 58 if i counted correctly
good morning to people who put sugar on their cereal, people who just remembered they have to take their meds just now because i mentioned it, people who already remembered to take their meds or will remember later if they need to take them later (congrats on having your life together somewhat), people who enjoy things most would consider odd, people who wish they could dance more but can't, people who prefer more blankets to more pillows, people who search like three tags at once on ao3 that they want to read about and can't find anything with all three, people who like pepsi better than coke, people who liked something a lot as a kid and now you don't like it and hate finding things from back then, people who keep calendars to the best of their ability, people with dietary restrictions that don't often get adhered to at events, people who like making bad art, people who would like swimming if something was slightly different, people who feel judged in their circles for not liking tea, people who need to go outside more, people who don't like headphones/earbuds, people who are at least civil to children, people who give their friends strange gifts (bonus points if the friends enjoy it), people who actually listen to playlists spotify generates, people who put things in their mouths that should Not go there, people who sleep with their window open, people who love their stuffed animals, people who like doing the dishes, people who store other things in those little plastic containers that come in kinder eggs, people who don't know a lot of pop culture, people who live in small towns, people who have gotten very emotional over fanfiction before, people who are terrified of geese, people who have glow-in-the-dark stars, people who love to sing, people who remember to wash their water bottle, people who like wasps, people who believe in magic of any kind, people who enjoy camping, people who sunburn easily (i am giving you aloe and sunscreen), people who can be very childish at times, people who have cried while watching a sharknado movie, people who put holes in their clothes by fidgeting with loose threads, people who often get incorrect things assumed about them, people who need to go grocery shopping soon, people who really need to clean their room, people who used to like school but don't anymore, people who used to hate school but don't anymore, people who keep way too many tabs even though it is noticeably affecting their device, people who have ever been in the foster system, people who purposefully sleep with their notifications on just in case, people who are in fandoms without watching/reading/playing/etc. the source material and learn things about canon based on what is true across different fanworks, people who don't interact openly with some of their fandoms because they're embarrassed, people who share accounts/devices with other people and are always going "what the fuck?? who did this??", people who climb trees, people who daydream often, people who wish they could draw just so they could make animatics, people who are trying to heal strained relationships, people who don't like chocolate, people who need to do laundry today, disabled people, people who make your mom jokes to their siblings that have the same mother as them, and people who wear fun socks!
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achaoticeternal · 5 years
hello friends and followers !!!
since it’s winter break and i have some extra time on my hands now, i’d love to get some requests in and get some writing done. the request can be holiday themed or not, doesn’t particularly matter :)
right now i really have inspo to write for various marvel characters or ransom from knives out, but SEND IN WHATEVER REQUESTS YOU HAVE!!!
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01. “I’m not even sure why you’re here.”
02. “Yeah, well, your pun game is weak.”
03. “What the hell is that and why are you wearing it?”
04. “And that doesn’t scare you?”
05. “Dude, you can’t just make stuff up.”
06. “I don’t know if I want to know the answer, but what are you doing?”
07. “You might be right, but you don’t have to be so mean about it.”
08. “I look at you and I think, ‘sunshine. Literal sunshine.’ It’s annoying.”
09. “I should’ve told you back then, but I didn’t want you to leave.”
10. “I’m outta here. Have fun.”
11. “You assume correctly.”
12. “It’s not like I love you or anything.”
13. “I dare you to kiss me.”
14. “I know you’re the president of the Anti-Social Club, but why don’t you join me?”
15. “Aren’t you tired of this?”
16. “Eat the rich, am I right?”
17. “Thanks for the trouble.”
18. “Did you purposefully eat garlic to annoy me?”
19. “Uh, how about all of the above?”
20. “Are you already dating someone new?”
21. “You will not stop me from succeeding.”
22. “Yes, you totally can. You can do anything! Um. Do what, exactly?”
23. “Are you drunk, stoned, or just stupid?”
24. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” “Probably not.”
25. “I’ve decided to write a how-to manual and you’re going to be the ‘what not to do’ example.”
26. “I never should have said that.”
27. “What happened? I’m eating!”
28. “You left your diary in the library and I had to read some of it to figure out who you were…”
29. “I don’t know about you, but I kind of like that we always end together.”
30. “That was a bold face lie.”
31. “If we’re going to keep ending up in life-or-death situations, trust that I will save you every single time.”
32. “Once again, I’ve been lured away by the promise of chocolate.”
33. “I’m kind of strangely proud of my butt.”
34. “Who cares? Who cares? I care!”
35. “Sit your ass back down and talk to me.”
36. “I’m going to keep writing letters. Maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to send them.”
37. “Everything has spiraled out of control, but you’re the only thing that has remained constant.”
38. “No matter what happens, I will love you.”
39. “Wait, are you saying you want to move in with me?”
40. “You ruined everything!”
41. “If you think I’m getting off this couch for anything other than a cat, you’re sorely mistaken.”
42. “I did what I had to do!”
43. “You’re an idiot.”
44. “There really is a thin line between love and hate, huh?”
45. “You’re simply the best.”
46. “You’re most likely to steal my heart, does that count?”
47. “Tell me again how a crush should feel.”
48. “Do you know what this means to me?”
49. “No one has ever stood up for me like that before.”
50. “Does my hair look sexy pushed back?”
51. “If this was a romantic comedy, we would’ve kissed by now.”
52. “I thought everyone forgot, but not you.”
53. “How does one simply tell someone they’re dating a spy and now their life is in danger?”
54. “We should just be friends.”
55. “Are you going to stop talking any time soon?”
56. “You stole my seat! You’re a seat-thief!”
57. “I can’t believe my life depends on someone in a mascot costume.”
58. “Correct my grammar all you want, but you’re still a dork.”
59. “I’ve spent the last five minutes trying to figure out what game you’re playing.”
60. “This is where this it ends. I’m sorry.”
61. “I want today to be over already.”
62. “I should have known.”
63. “This is the worst date I’ve ever been on.”
64. “Let’s go back to pretending none of this ever happened.”
65. “We could always crash the party.”
66. “I’m not sure you understand how much I care about you.”
67. “What if we make a deal?”
68. “I can’t keep sneaking around like this.”
69. “You want to do what now?”
70. “It’s three a.m. Why are you making soup?”
71. “I’ve made a game out of hating you. This is new.”
72. “I can’t have this argument again. Your choices in superheroes suck!”
73. “We were a mistake.”
74. “I don’t think we fit in boxes.”
75. “If you had any sense, you would know that I love you.”
76. “We found each other. That’s all that matters.”
77. “You can’t let moments like this pass you by.”
78. “You’re going to get yourself killed if you keep going down this path.”
79. “Are you back for good?”
80. “Will you teach me how to kiss?”
81. “When it’s real, you’ll know.”
82. “I wouldn’t have made it this far without you.”
83. “First, you tell them how you feel, and then you make sure they know you’re not going anywhere.”
84. “You and me? It’s for life, baby.”
85. “I know what I saw.”
86. “Do you ever stop eating?”
87. “It’s kind of a funny story…”
88. “Life is all about risks. And I’m pretty sure love is the biggest one.”
89. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
90. “I don’t know what to say next.”
91. “Think of the adventures we’ll have!”
92. “I don’t know how to get it through to you. I’m not going anywhere.”
93. “How the hell did we end up here?”
94. “I brought you a blanket and some tea.”
95. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me, but I wanted to see you.”
96. “You look terrible.”
97. “I definitely wasn’t hanging around here hoping to bump into you or anything…”
98. “I’ll follow you anywhere.”
99. “You can’t take care of me. I’ll make you sick!”
100. “Don’t you love me too?”
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allyourprettywords · 5 years
“60 Songs About Quilting,” Sammie Bordeaux-Seeger
1) Sometimes all the heirlooms you make have to be sold to cover your daughter’s rent.
2) Selling some quilts is like selling children.
3) Some quilts you make scare you, just like stories writers tell scare them, even as they tell them.
4) I remember the first quilt I made when I was 22. I didn’t finish it because all the others in that class who finished their quilts used them for funerals.
5) That class taught me that the making of quilts was the beginning and end of grief.
6) I remember the quilt I was first groped under. I was nine. My mother’s boyfriend/my brother’s father, it was a quilt my mother made that had nine diamonds, not the usual eight you find in a star quilt. She tells stories about that quilt and laughs. I only remember the hand forcing me to hold a penis for the first time under that quilt.
7) Quilts can be both a comfort and a terror.
8) This quilt I am currently pressing has holes in it. All quilts are full of holes, but some can be seen, some not. I mend all the holes as I come to them.
9) It is a heartache to let go of a quilt I have made with my hands.
10) I sometimes wonder if we give away pieces of ourselves in these quilts.
11) I have found pieces of myself in quilts.
12) Every star quilt I have ever made now belongs to someone else.
13) I made quilts for my children for their graduations. One of my children has never graduated. She will get the best quilt.
14) Washing a new quilt before someone sleeps under it is washing away the quilt luck.
15) My quilts reek of smoke because I smoke while making them. I smudge. I smoke. I pop M&Ms like they’re pills to make me quilt faster. They work.
16) My friend told me M&Ms are my version of self-medicating. I told her the quilts are the medication.
17) I have made death quilts for all the people I loved who have died. I have watched my sad quilts lowered into graves with the remains of my beloveds. Those quilts glowed.
18) They say the Lakotas began to make star quilts to replace the buffalo robes meant to honor men for their greatness.
19) I say Lakota winyans began to make star quilts so they’d have something to do with their hands that wasn’t stabbing men for their greatness.
20) I am not a man hater. Do you honor a man for his greatness by wrapping him in a robe that shows your own greatness?
21) Lakota star quilts are made up of diamonds which form stars
22) Rihanna’s song “Diamonds” understands this. This is a Lakota song. “You and me, we’re like diamonds in the sky.”
23) There are 36 diamonds in one quilt block of an eight-pointed star. Each diamond is cut at a 45 degree angle. 288 diamonds make a star. I cut each diamond individually. I sew each diamond individually using ¼” seams. There is some math involved in quilting.
24) That white math teacher at the college believes Indians can’t do math. She doesn’t understand how math-y life and survival actually are.
25) The population of Indigenous people on this continent was estimated at 50 million pre-white contact. Some scientists believe it may have been as high as 100 million. At our lowest point it was only 200,000, post-massacres, diseases, and starvation. Today we are up to 2 million. Still less than 1% of the total population if you don’t count Mexicans, but we do. We count all our Indigenous brothers and sisters. Indians are the fastest growing population in South Dakota, and Indigenous are the fastest growing population on this continent. Someday we will be the majority again. How’s that for math?
26) Imagine how many baby star quilts it would take to welcome every newborn Indigenous baby.
27) That white math lady is paid by money generated by Indians going to college. She’s paid more than the Indian instructors for her trashy opinion that Indians can’t do math.
28) My poetry teacher told me to take the quilt pieces off my wall and put my poems there. That’s how I finished my master’s thesis. I wanted to say, I can write while I quilt. I am poeming and piecing all the time.
29) So many quilters make quilts with words in them. One put the treaties in her quilts. Another wrote “I can’t breathe” in black fabric on her quilt. I like to think my quilts speak without the need of words, but let’s face it, sometimes a quilt, like a poem, needs to be obvious.
30) I don’t hate white people.
31) I learned as much about quilting from whites as I did from Indians.
32) Quilts need all colors to be successful.
33) No one is ever going to write “All quilt lives matter!” so I will here. It doesn’t make sense.
34) I learned to speak white so I could write this poem in your Native language.
35) I didn’t really have a choice about learning to speak white.
36) There are some good white people. I don’t say this to appease or patronize. I mean good white people have enriched my life. If they did it out of guilt, I don’t care.
37) There are some bad Indians. I might be one of them.
38) I am both bad at being Indian and bad at speaking for Indians or speaking to Indians
39) I am not going to be good at being Indian until I stop judging my Indian-ness using shallow white terms.
40) I am a half-breed. The Lakota word for half-breed is “ieska.”
41) Ieska means “speaks white”. Also, “Interpreter” or “translator”.
42) Lakotas inherently distrust translators because of what happened to Conquering Bear.
43) I don’t speak fluent Lakota. I couldn’t begin to translate much beyond the shortest phrases. I “know” Lakota by listening to tone of voice and understanding about five hundred words and phrases.
44) To some Indians and whites, where you come from and how you were raised matter as much as your DIB, Degree of Indian Blood.
45) I am 35/64’s Sicangu Lakota.
46) I am enrolled at the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.
47) I was born and raised at Rosebud, South Dakota.
48) My tribal enrollment number begins 345-U-#####
49) It does matter that I am an enrolled member of a federally-recognized tribe if I want to sell my quilts as “authentic” Indian art. There is a federal law that mandates this.
50) Why is it called “Mandate?” Man + Date = An Order?
51) Who made up these rules and words anyway?
52) Hey, White Math Lady, Indians can do fractions, too! If nothing else, we know our fractions.
53) Can someone tell the white math lady that I learned algebra from a Lakota math professor who earned his Ph.D. in math from Notre Dame University?
54) Maybe you could also mention that he wrote an algorithm that is used to provide water to much of South America. Math = MniWiconi
55) To you White Math Teacher, I offer this proof that Indians can do math:
56) The star quilt is made up of pieces cut at precise 45 and 90 degree angles. The Isosceles triangle is not easy to create in fabric. The balanced 45 degree diamonds are faceted by 48 other 45 degree diamonds that must be perfectly pieced in order to fit together correctly, or the quilt with ripple.
57) Look at the perfectly square squares in each corner, how they create the straight line that bisects the center of the quilt.
58) Tell me about math, about geometry, about the Golden Mean, and I will show you the Lakota Star Quilt.
59) I offer you this proof that you have nothing to tell me about Indians and math and competency tests that you give as proof of your assertion: Indians were making star quilts before they had ever met fabric. They were called buffalo robes.
60) Perhaps if you believe Indians can’t do math, White Math Lady, you should go back to teaching your own, mathematically-competent people?
61) This quilt is made up of holes, of wholes, of halves and quarters and tiny stitches and big stitches and words and pain and memories and laughs and sweat and smoke and chocolate and my grandmother’s hands. This quilt isn’t about math or Indians or treaties or men.
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1-101 (don't murder me please)
1. what colors are in your room? Blues, grays, black, and some other brighter and more vibrant colors. 2. who was your favorite school teacher? My English professor Niki!3. what are some passions of yours? Finding the beauty in all things, helping others, arts and crafts (anything I can get my hands on I try to learn how to do - currently woodworking and painting are my faves) 4. when you drink coffee, do you like it black or with cream and sugar? Cream and sugar. 5. are you self-conscious about anything? if so, what? I don't really like to be the center of attention. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I guess I feel as though I'm not worthy or enough. Why would anyone want to focus their attention on me?...but I'm working on feeling enough. 6. do you have any tips for self-love? Do anything and everything you can to make yourself feel the way you should about yourself. The more you look inward and focus on the love you deserve to give yourself the more I believe it's projected onto others. I found through yoga and meditation that I've grown to love parts of myself that I never thought possible. That I could give myself an hour a week to focus on me. I never realized that every time I said yes to someone else, not that it's a bad thing, and said yes to other things, too often I might add, it meant focusing less on myself. Somewhere down that road I lost interest in me, and I've realized it's time to give a little love back to myself. Even if it's only an hour a week. It's an hour I say yes to myself. An hour to check in...To learn to love my own company. 7. do you have any stuffed animals? Do you name them? I have a LOT of stuffed animals. They're mostly in the garage now-a-days. Recently, my girlfriend and I went to Wild Adventures to celebrate my birthday, and we won one another stuffed animals. I have a little dinosaur named Dino and she has a little purple elephant named Humfrey!8. do you like drawing or painting more? I love both, but currently painting. 9. how do you sleep? Typically on my left side but I roll in my sleep and wake up on my stomach a lot. I'm lucky enough to fall asleep on skype every night with the mot wonderful person. 10. what are some things that always make you smile? My girlfriend! My besties! Animals! Food...definitely food...especially of the taco variety... 😍😍11. living in the city, mountains, small town, or out in the middle of nowhere? Mm. Mountains or city! 12. what's your dream house? A little cabin in the mountains or a beach house. 13. how many pets do you wish to have? All of the petssssss!!! Oh my goshhhhh. 14. have you ever dyed your hair? do you want to? what color? I had highlights a couple of times when I was a teenager, and I've dyed it with temp. dye a couple times but nothing truly lasting. 15. what's your opinion on keeping a diary? I think it's a wonderful thing, to sort your thoughts and feelings and place them in a keepsake...I've tried to keep a steady journal and I'd stick with it for a few days and then stop for a month and then make a new entry...so I never keep up with it enough. 16. what's your opinion on keeping an art journal? See answer to 15! Lol. Very similar. 17. any art tips? Go with what you're feeling. 18. talk about a moment where time stopped. I've had quite a bit in the past 6 months..you know who you are 😊..but one in particular was the moment my girlfriend gave me my last birthday gift. It's one that will definitely last a lifetime. I cried because I was THAT happy! 19. do you keep playlists for your music? I do! 20. is there anyone out there that you trust with your life? There isa very select few, but yes. 21. are you your number one priority? Not often. 22. do you always type correctly or do you make millions of typos? I make typos often when I'm in a hurry or when I'm extra hyper, but typically I enjoy typing correctly. 23. recommend some music!! Sleeping at last, I prevail, Faber drive, and recently I've come to really enjoy Idina Menzel!24. are your nails perfectly painted, chipped, or plain? Plain Jane. 25. do you believe in wishing on a shooting star? I do! 26. did you see the eclipse? describe it!! I saw a few moments of it! A coworker let me borrow their glasses. We only had about 80%.27. tell us what you love about nature. I love that it's the one place I feel grounded (pun totally not intended). The one place I feel as though I can finally breathe. 28. who are you? describe yourself! Ehhhh. I don't wannaaaa. 29. what type of music do you like, and why? All types ranging from classical to heavy metal with the exception of like 98% country and rap. 30. what's your favorite clothing store?why do you love it so much? Hot topic and old navy but I'm a broke ass college kid so once a year will do it... ☹️ I love that hot topic has all of my nerdy pleasures and badass band ts but I love that old navy has pants that actually fit lol. 31. thrift stores or name brand stores? Thrift!!32. do you like wearing your s.o clothes? Oh. My. God. Is. This. Even. A. Question???? I have a giant pile of my gf's clothes on my bed at all times only about a foot away. She sleeps with a giant pile of mine and leaves half on one side of her and half on the other so if she shifts she can still cuddle with my clothing. She wears my shirts and pj pants to bed every night and ahhhhh asdfghjkl!!! 💙😍33. when did you start tumblr? why did you decide to? Umm. Junior year of high school I think? So about...5 years ago? I'm a junior in college now. I didn't really want a tumblr. The person I was dating at the time wanted me to have one so I did if they made it I would use it. I grew to loveee Tumblr instantly. 34. what's your face care routine? I like to wash my face in the shower, and use face masks. 35. freckles or dimples? Omg...the impossible question.. ermmm freckles! 36. name something you think should be banned from the universe. Littering. 37. tell us something you did as a kid that you loved. Every Sunday my dad and I used to go to the flea market. I miss it. 38. mom or dad? Mom. 39. do you buy expensive things just for the aesthetic or do you actually use everything you buy? Well we've already established I'm a broke college student sooo...typically if I buy it I'm going to use it and get its use out of it. I have a few items for show because I treat myself every now and again but not often. 40. tell us about something you're strongly opinionated about. Politics. 41. do you take peoples advice or do you have to figure things out yourself? I try to figure things out but I don't mind asking for advice whether or not I take it. 42. bra or no bra? Aha 😏😏43. would you rather be cute or comfy? Comfyyy! 44. tell us about a moment in your life where everything went just perfect. When I met her. 45. do you believe in anything? aliens? god? bigfoot? I believe in lots of things. Ghosts. Aliens. Purgatory or an "in between." Love. 46. how much water do you drink a day? I try to drink a lot of water, but I will treat myself with a Sprite here or there. Maybe some tea. 47. how do you feel about your natural hair? Ehhh. I used to hate it. I've more recently grown to like it. I wear it natural on occasion but typically straighten it. 48. what does the sky look like right now? clear? cloudy? pink? blue? rainy? It's looks like a sea of glitter because it's night time. 49. would you be a prince or a king? princess or a queen? Maybe a hobbit? 50. tell us about your favorite outfit! All black! Black skinnies, black vans, and a black v-neck! 51. name a few things you love about yourself. My hair. My eyes. My lips. My heart. 52. are you open-minded? I always try to be. 53. do you judge? could someone come to you in any situation they're in and you not judge them? I would hope I make everyone feel safe enough around me to come to me and know that I'll listen and not judge. Unfortunately society has taught us to make more judgements in first 5 seconds of knowing someone than we can count, and I try my best to break that habit. I try to closely follow, "don't judge a book by its cover."54. do you like planning ahead? I do, but it's good to be spontaneous! 55. tell us how you feel about school. I love learning about things and the way they work. 56. talk about your first pet. My first pet...well I was probably only about 5-7 yrs old and I picked out the runt of the litter of puppies my dog had and named her cowgirl. My first pet I had all on my own was a calico kitten named phantom. 57. chocolate or strawberry milk? Um..neither.. but chocolate if I must pick. 58. were you/are you in a fandom? if so, what? I enjoy cosplay but I don't really consider myself to be in a fandom. 59. spotify, pandora, or itunes? Spotify 60. favorite disney princess movie? Umm..they aren't princesses really but Pocahontas, Mulan, and Moana. 61. favorite disney movie...currently Moana 62. what's a subject that you think people don't talk about enough? History, Psychology, and Politics. 63. how long does it take you to let your phone update? Until it requires me to64. describe the fifth picture on your phone! The 5th from the top is a photo I took of a little fairytale garden named lichgate, and the 5th from the bottom is a picture of my beautiful girlfriend! 65. favorite movie and why? V for Vendetta. I'm fascinated with all of the symbolism. 66. do you watch studio ghibli? what's the first one you saw? what's your favorite one? Nope. 67. you're home alone. describe how the setting is. music? what kind of music? tv on? what show? Music of all sorts or TV while I do my homework. 68. how often do you say "i love you"? I try to say it as I feel it. I let someone know when I do. 69. do you have any weird things you obsess over? Office supplies and pennies 70. do you like being single or do you wish you had a partner? I have a partner!!! I love her very very much. I don't know what I'd do without her. 71. what's the last drink you had? Water. 72. talk about the easiest person to talk to. I would have to say my girlfriend. I'm lucky enough to have her as my gf and as my best friend! I also feel as though I could talk to my other besties about anything and everything. 73. give us some of your favorite blogs! Jiljer735, unevxntful, anything regarding the 100 lol 74. if you could have one wish, what would it be? That I could spend every day with the person I love. 75. do you sing in the shower? I love to! I can't promise it's good but I don't really care lol76. how often do you shave? or do you wax? or do you not shave? I like to shave my armpits very often. At least 4 times a week. Legs aren't always clean shaven. Maybe once or twice a week. I like to keep everything else nice a tidy. 77. tell us about a habit you wish you could stop. Biting my nails. 78. do you listen to your own advice? I try to. 79. do you love yourself? if not, are you trying to? I do a lot more than I used to. It's something that requires daily attention. 80. tell us about your favorite halloween!! what did you dress up as? did you get a lot of candy? I don't remember what I dressed up as, but I remember when I used to run around with my older brother hoping from neighborhood to neighborhood.81. first memory that pops in your head, talk about it. ...god take me back... she told me she never really liked the beach but she also hadn't been too too much...I decided to take her for a night trip to the beach. It was early spring, and the nights were still cold. We made it to the coast, and we laid out on a blanket beneath a sea of stars glistening across the water. Soft music playing. We danced to our song. We watched as the waves crashed into the shore sending out a long blue sparkle because of the bioluminescent phytoplankton. 82. how are you? what are you feeling? how has your week gone? I am well, and I feel well. My week has been pretty stressful and incredibly hectic. 83. rant. I hate that I'm stuck here when I really want to be with my girlfriend on her birthday. I was supposed to see her this weekend but because of Hurricane Irma I refuse to let her travel to see me. 84. do you worry about something a lot? if so, what? That I bore people or that I'm not making them happy because they always seem to be distracted or focused on other things when I'm trying to talk to them. 85. do you think long distance works? I absolutely do, and I think it builds a stronger lasting bond. 86. would you date someone younger than you? older than you? Nope. I have a girlfriend. She's 11 months older. I've dated up to 9 years older and 2 years younger though. I prefer older. 87. name some people you'd love to meet. Umm. Idk.... I'd have to really think about it for a while.... I don't have an answer atm. 88. what were some things you were scared of as a kid? Spiders, needles, furbies, and happy clowns...scary clowns are just fine...it's the happy ones you had to look out for! 89. tell us about your favorite birthday. Probably my 21st birthday that just passed! I got to celebrate with my family. 90. how is high school? It sucks monkey balls. I'm happy in college. 91. tell us the worst pick-up line you've ever heard...."how much does a polar bear weigh?" "enough to break the ice"92. every been groped or catcalled? how'd it make you feel? what did you do? I have been groped as well as catcalled. It made me pretty pissed because someone thought so low of me that they whistled at me like a dog or attempted to feel me up 93. opinion of feminism? Rock on! 94. tell us about a time you got embarrassed. Just recently. I don't really care to talk about it. 95. ever had a pregnancy scare? tell us about it! Never. One great thing about being hella gay is you have the best birth control. 96. tell us about your best friend. Well I've mentioned her quite a bit already and she's breath taking. She has the brightest and biggest heart. She inspires me often. Sam, my best friend of 16 going on 17 years is the bomb.com! I haven't been connected with my other bestie in a while but she's always in my heart and on my mind. I miss her like crazy! 97. what's your opinion on planning your life out? I think it's good to have a plan, but again, it's always great to just go and do. Be spontaneous. Do things that scare you. So what if it's awful timing. Make it work. Have an adventure. 98. describe what you think afterlife is like. I hope I'm reincarnated or that when I'm cremated that they'll plant a tree! 99. talking on the phone or texting? I used to say texting but there's nothing like hearing the voice of someone you care dearly for. 100. how do you feel about the way most teachers treat students? I think that most teachers are exactly their title. They're there to teach. Some are without a doubt awful teachers lol. Some are great, but very few are those ones that stick with us for the rest of our lives. I think teachers are incredible. They put up with a LOT of bullshit and yet are still willing to go out of their way to make sure you understand the things you're learning if only you ask. Many are there to help you. Genuinely help you. 101. what's a word you use more than others? Essentially, fuck, hella, uhhh I dunno.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
1. When you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal than milk so the cereal doesn’t get too soggy too quickly.
2. Do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a winter day? the first hit of cold is always nice. after awhile it gets annoying.
3. What random objects do you use to bookmark your books? nothing too interesting, random pieces of paper etc. or i’ll just fold the corner.
4. How do you take your coffee/tea? coffee: two sugars with milk. tea: one sugar and milk.
5. Are you self-conscious of your smile? i’m happy with my teeth, they could be a bit whiter though.
6. Do you keep plants? my mum loves plants, our backyard is huge and there’s gardens everywhere. there’s also some plants inside in the front lounge and then our dining room. none in my room, not enough sunlight lol.
7. Do you name your plants? no.
8. What artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? none. do tumblr surveys count?
9. Do you like singing/humming to yourself? only if i’m really into the songs.
10. Do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side or stomach.
11. What’s your inner joke you have with your friends? there’s too many but one of the more recent ones is millus. there’s a guy at work named milos and it’s correctly pronounced ‘milosh’ but everyone says ‘mi-loss’ which is also fine. one of our workmates called him ‘millus’ the other day ever so innocently and we thought it was hilarious. so his name is millus now. lol.
12. What’s your favourite planet? earth.
13. What’s something that made you smile today? getting a new candle!
14. If you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? definitely loft style. huge space with high ceilings. our room would be open on like a second level and then everything on the first level would be studio-like, not many walls apart from the bathroom.
15. Go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! no.
16. What’s your favourite pasta dish? ugh i hate pasta. if i had to choose, probably gnocchi.
17. What colour do you really want to dye your hair? nothing in particular. wouldn’t mind some highlights. but my hair is super dead, it needs a break.
18. Tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. tomorrowland and coachella alwayssss come up in conversation. 
19. Do you keep a journal? What do you write/draw in it? nope.
20. What’s your favourite eye colour? hazel is always pretty.
21. Talk about your favourite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. hmmm i change handbags every year and they all go through hell and back with me lol. but i’d have to choose my hand carry luggage. that shit is super old, one of the zips are broken, the handle struggles to pull up but i still take it with me everywhere. one time i checked it in and it went missing. i thought it was the end of it but thankfully it was found and delivered to my front door lol.
22. Are you a morning person? nope. but if i have to wake up early i can do so easily.
23. What’s your favourite thing to do on lazy days where you have no obligations? i clean my room a bit, rearrange stuff, cook something new and watch netflix.
24. Is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? probably my boyfriend.
25. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? i don’t think i’ve ever broken in anywhere.
26. What are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i have a lot of favourites that i’ll wear until they eventually break lol. 
27. What’s your favourite bubblegum flavour? watermelon.
28. Sunrise or sunset? sunset. but sunrises are just as beautiful.
29. What’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? when my boyfriend geeks out about certain things like game of thrones lol. loser.
30. Think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes, of course.
31. What is your opinion of socks? Do you like wearing weird socks? Do you sleep with socks? Do you confine yourself to white sock hell? Really, just talk about socks. i only wear socks when i’m wearing boots or sneakers or if it’s winter and my feet are cold. i own more black socks than white coz of work.
32. Tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with your friends. that’s what i call a dope games night hahaha.
33. What’s your favourite pastry? i honestly love all pastry.
34. Tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. What is it called? What does it look like? Do you still keep it? this cabbage patch doll. she was black with dreads and had a flower tee. my grandparents got it for me, not once did i think she was different coz she was black, i just loved her! i have no idea where it is now sadly.
35. Do you like stationery and pretty pens and so on? Do you use them often? i love stationery, i just don’t use them enough to buy heaps.
36. Which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? no idea. none right now.
37. Do you like keeping your room messy or clean? organized chaos tbh.
38. Tell us about your pet peeves! i could make an entire list. but my main one are people who cough without covering their mouths.
39. What colour do you wear the most? black.
40. Think of a piece of jewellery you own: what’s its story? Does it have any meaning to you? my diamond bracelet my boyfriend got me for my 21st birthday. i love it but it’s super flimsy, it’s broken twice now so i don’t wear it anymore.
41. What’s the last book you remember really, really loving? harry potter. all of them.
42. Do you have a favourite coffee shop? Describe it! starbucks.
43. Who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? i feel like i’ve never done this before lol.
44. When was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? ugh idk never.
45. Do you trust your instincts a lot? yes.
46. Tell us the worst pun you can think of. i’d tell you but it’s not very punny.
47. What food do you think should be banned from the universe? none.
48. What was your biggest fear as a kid? Is it the same today? dogs. haha no, i love dogs now.
49. Do you like buying CDs and records? What was the last one you bought? i don’t buy them anymore. i don’t even remember the last cd i got.
50. What’s an odd thing you collect? nothing weird.
51. Think of a person. What song do you associate with them? marc, get buck. so random.
52. What are your favourite memes of the year so far? haha idk. i like memes but not as much as everyone else on my facebook feed.
53. Have you ever watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Heathers? Beetlejuice? Pulp Fiction? What do you think of them? none.
54. Who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? omg this girl at work last night. no customer service whatsoever. i hope i don’t look like that.
55. What’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? idk lol.
56. What are some things you find endearing in people? just their dorkiness.
57. Go listen to Bohemian Rhapsody. How did it make you feel? Did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i didn’t listen to it. but i do enjoy that song.
58. Who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? Why? this is incredibly fitting. sara is the wine mom 100%, and irene is the vodka aunt, she’s even russian ffs hahaha.
59. What’s your favourite myth? unicorns lol.
60. Do you like poetry? What are some of your favourites? no. the only time i ever read poetry was in school.
61. What’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? The stupidest one you’ve ever received? idk lol. there’s been plenty both ways.
62. Do you drink juice in the morning? Which kind? nope.
63. Are you fussy about your books and music? Do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be? not fussy at all. i used to be when i was younger. my itunes library would have all correct details and i managed to cut the genres down to under 10. now i don’t care. my books are everywhere too.
64. What colour is the sky where you are right now? black.
65. Is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? yes.
66. What would your ideal flower crown look like? white, pink and purple.
67. How do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i love staying inside during those days.
68. What’s winter like where you live? it’s nice during the day and freezing at night.
69. What are your favourite board games? cranium. its an everything boardgame lol.
70. Have you ever used a ouija board? no.
71. What’s your favourite kind of tea? honeydew milk tea with pearls.
72. Are you a person that needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? no.
73. What are some of your worst habits? i get annoyed easily. i also have no patience.
74. Describe a good friend of yours without using their name of gendered pronouns. i am theirs and they are mine.
75. Tell us about your pets! he’s my first and probably last pet dog, sky. he’s sooooo cute and super old but he still has the spirit of a puppy. physically you can see signs of old age in him but i hope he’s okay.
76. Is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? nope.
77. Pink or yellow lemonade? neither. they’re too sour.
78. Are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? neither?
79. What’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? organized a present for me overseas. lol.
80. What colour are your bedroom walls? Did you choose that colour? If so, why? turquoise and light grey.
81. Describe one of your friends’ eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. striking.
82. Are/were you good in school? yeah i was good i guess.
83. What’s some of your favourite album art? all of rihanna’s shit.
84.  Are you planning on getting tattoos? Which ones? nope.
85. Do you read comics? What are your favourites? nope.
86. Do you like concept albums? Which ones? is lemonade one?
87. What are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? sound of music.
88. Are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? modern shit. cubism, futurism, surrealism, pop art.
89. Are you close to your parents? fairly close, yes.
90. Talk about one of your favourite cities. san francisco is a dream. it’s the first city my boyfriend and i ever went to overseas. i love it so much, i want to go back.
91. Where do you plan on travelling this year? this year nowhere, only coz i’ve traveled twice this year already.
92. Are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? it depends on the pasta and the cheese.
93. What’s the hairstyle you wear the most? ponytail.
94. Who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my boyfriend’s dad.
95. What are your plans for this weekend? no ideaaaa.
96. Do you install your computer updates really quickly, or do you procrastinate on them a lot? procrastinate, duh.
97. Myer Briggs type, Zodiac sign, and Hogwarts house? i forgot, sagittarius, ravenclaw.
98. When’s the last time you went hiking? Did you enjoy it? probably diamond head lmao. i hated it but the view up top was amazing.
99. List some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. noo.
100. If you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go five years into the past, the other five years into the future, which one would you press? Why? errr neither. i guess i’d lean towards going back though. i don’t wna miss all the things the next five years could bring me.
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fuckleknuckle · 7 years
for the unique questions- all of them!!! :)
OKAY so i accidentally closed the tab?? and i was halfway done?? sorry if the first 50 seemed half-assed i was pissed
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
i open them just a crack
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
hell yeah
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
tucked out since i roll around a lot to get comfortable
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
how do people do that 
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
yes (even though they’re overpriced as hell) !! they make me feel organized. i’ll pay extra for the pop-up ones too
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
yeah i like cutting stuff
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
a bear since it’s only one bear and bees will fuck you up
8: Do you have freckles?
kind of?? i have those pale east asian freckles
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
yeah but i have the worst smile
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
when people chew with their mouth open or when neurotypicals try to tell me that i can cure my depression with yoga, healthy eating, and the right mindset!!
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
i do when i’m bored and i don’t have earbuds
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
14: Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
sometimes but i won’t admit it
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
a l l o f t h e m
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
zero zip zilch nada
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your Song of the week?
smile by mikky ekko
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
of course!! color has no gender
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
percy jackson and the sea of monsters because i PAID for that
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
in a graveyard duh
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
barbeque sauce
25: What is your favorite food?
sushi or chicken pad thai
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
anastasia and the original star wars trilogy
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
my baby cousin 
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
no and thank god
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
probably not too much gender dysmorphia
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
like two years ago? lmao
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
fuck no
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
can’t drive
33: Ever ran out of gas?
can’t drive
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
turkey idk i’m chinese
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
congee with salted duck eggs because i’m chinese
36: What is your usual bedtime?
one am on a good day
37: Are you lazy?
seeing how i’m answering this instead of doing homework, yes
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
i dressed up as a cop once, a witch a few times, and some other ones
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
the horse
40: Are you horny?
no  next question please
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
no but i read the new york times online when i have the chance
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
legos fuck lincoln logs
43: Are you stubborn?
not really
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
45: Ever watch soap operas?
no but my mom does and it gets annoying since they keep killing each other and crying
46: Are you afraid of heights?
47: Do you sing in the car?
48: Do you sing in the shower?
on rare occasions yes
49: Do you dance in the car?
no because someone can look out their window and see me
50: Ever used a gun?
yeah a watergun
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
if you’re not counting school photos then when i was 4 months old
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
fuck no they’re the shit
53: Is Christmas stressful?
y e s i hate having everyone over and everything’s too busy and jkfad
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
no but they look good
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
does pumpkin count
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
a teacher then a lawyer and now a forensic scientist
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
kind of? i believe in recarnation though
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
all the time because the days blur together
59: Take a vitamin daily?
no but i probably should
60: Wear slippers?
61: Wear a bath robe?
62: What do you wear to bed?
a loose shirt and underwear, sometimes socks
63: First concert?
never been to one ;-;
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65: Nike or Adidas?
66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
what’s that
69: Ever take dance lessons?
ballet when i was five
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
something that they love
71: Can you curl your tongue?
yeah and flip it over too
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
fuck no i can’t even spell necessary correctly half the time
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
yes - citation: yuri on ice episode 12
74: Own any record albums?
nope but i kind of want to for aesthetic value
75: Own a record player?
76: Regularly burn incense?
no? get a candle
77: Ever been in love?
naw i’m still a kid
78: Who would you like to see in concert?
brendon urie or beyonce
79: What was the last concert you saw?
again, i never been to one
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
i don’t like leaf water
81: Tea or coffee?
neither hot chocolate all the way
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
snickerdoodles! holy crap i love snickerdoodles
83: Can you swim well?
i wish
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
yeah..? can people not do that
85: Are you patient?
sometimes. it really depends on the situation
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
a band, i’m in it for the class
87: Ever won a contest?
i won a drawing one once
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
no but i want top surgery one day (if that counts as plastic surgery)
89: Which are better black or green olives?
i don’t like olives they’re like grapes that tried
90: Can you knit or crochet?
nope but i want to learn
91: Best room for a fireplace?
the living room so everyone can be cozy together
92: Do you want to get married?
93: If married, how long have you been married?
not married
94: Who was your HS crush?
well there’s this really cute girl but i’ll spare you the details
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
no?? i mean i used to but i’m not 3 anymore???
96: Do you have kids?
not yet and i hope not until i have a secure income and a house
97: Do you want kids?
one day!! i would love to adopt
98: Whats your favorite color?
mint green
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
carrie fisher
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