#i finished the snufkin game yesterday
kleksky · 6 months
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I literally had to I'm sorry
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I finished the Snufkin game yesterday (yay!) and felt ✨Inspired✨ so I've got a couple of Snufkin sketches for you to enjoy ^^
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bumblebeeappletree · 7 months
Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley - a short review
I had preordered this game, and had forgotten about it when it came out yesterday as I was playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth as well as being sick. So this morning I remembered that I had preordered it and decided that while I probably wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, I could play that instead of the more action pack game of yesterday. And let me tell you it was perfect for me who was literally sick and tired. It’s a nice calming game for people want to enjoy a story, some exploration, play with instruments a little, and fuck over some dim witted police officers and some guy whose fucking up nature. But if you’re looking for something long, this game isn’t that. I had just finished the game not that long ago, after being forced to take a break and go to work.
But if you like to have something short and sweet for a change, go right on ahead. The art and cutscenes were very pretty to look at too.
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wuekka · 7 months
I played Snufkin melody of moominvalley yesterday and to my surprise, I didn't finish it in one day! It's cozy and fun, I almost cried over it, but I have little things...
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Nilkkarengas, you heathens! :'D This is just me saying finnish translation isn't perfect, Snorkmaiden's anklet has an established translation in finnish and game isn't using that. I also saw a possible typo in one bubble.
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...moomins have fur tho.
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hugedwarflover · 2 years
It's been an eternity since I've drawn my Mythical AU for The 7D, along with my Vampire AU and all the AUs I haven't even gotten to fucking draw yet. I'm thinking about making a lot of changes to my Mythical AU. Bashful is still gonna look like Snufkin while everyone else will have at least some part of their outfits looking different than before and kinda make it look a little bit like Dungeons & Dragons. I'll make it where Grumpy and Doc don't have their normal hats as a part of their outfits and I wanna make their outfits look more unique. Sleepy could still be a fashion designer, but there could be something about him that actually is related to the mythical world. At first, I was thinking that he would be in a musical group with Happy, Sneezy, and Dopey, but after I watched That Thing You Do!, directed and written by and starring Tom Hanks, I'll just make an AU based off of that movie where they are all a part of a band. Sneezy is still gonna be a viking in my Mythical AU, and maybe while Dopey won't be a phoenix wrangler or whatever, he could have the amulet that I had Happy wear, where he could transform into any mythical creature. It simply makes more sense for Dopey to have that ability instead of Happy, but the amulet would work on anybody who wears it. I'll have to think about what Happy could be or do and wear in this AU. I still haven't drawn Queen Delightful as a fairy or even Lord Starchbottom as a leprechaun, considering that yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. I almost forgot that I made it where the Glooms could be dragons and I haven't drawn them for this AU either. I also have my Hospital AU that I completely forgot about. I'll just get rid of it since I do have a shitload of AUs already. I also have my AU where the 7D are all humans and have different names, along with my Equestria Girls AU that I haven't wrote for on Wattpad in awhile ever since I finished writing the whole Friendship Games thing, and now I haven't even gotten started on the one for Legend of Everfree.
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yehudathesnufkin · 2 months
About the Everything that happened on the 21st of Tammuz
No pictures for this day because I try to not be on my phone on Shabbat
When Broby got off from work we were all starving and we ended up demolishing some wings after a brief detour for weed(It was not brief I was dying). We ate and Broby had homework. When she finished we all got stoned in the apartment parking lot. It was very fun! We played board games and card games until we got tired.
I woke up at a normal time ate breakfast and asked The Girlfriend about any good places to sit and watch birds. She said that there was a park nearby with lots of shade. Delightful! She also said that she would make me a tuna sandwich when I get back.
I go to Lorna, my car, and it does not start. It did not even turn over. I have a portable charger with jumpercables attached so I was able to start my car. I drove north for a ways and it still was not charging so I called my dad. My entire family was huddled around the phone as I went through what happened and I ended up at the car parts store.
The big concern was that it was not just my battery that was broken and something else could be wrong. A battery is an easy fix but figuring out what else could be wrong would be much harder. Luckily it was just the battery and I Was able to get a new one installed there. I could have done it myself but I am three states away from the uga duga machine. Very glad that it happened yesterday and not tomorrow when I am trying to leave.
I was so frustrated though that I skipped the park and went back to Broby's house. The Girlfriend had just finished with her flower dissection (she is a scientist) and just had to write up the report before Tuna Sandwich Time! The sandwich was amazing, full of pickles and flavor. I put a slice of cheese on mine. I felt so much better after Sandwich.
After food, I did not want to go out again due to the car frustration so I read and watched her play video games until Broby came home.
It can feel bad when plans to adventure go awry but it is also important to be flexble. Adventures can still happen indoors. I got to talk to Broby's Girlfriend who I met just this Monday. Everyday is an opportunity for adventure one just needs to be creative with what adventure means. Conversations are just as important especially with important strangers.
Safe travels stranger
Yehuda the snufkin
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annzybwrites · 4 years
Rainy Days
Anonymous: u asked for fluffy snufmin prompts and I’m here to deliver!:) it’s cold and rainy and gross out so moomin convinces snufkin to stay in at moominhouse. snufkin tries to teach moomin how to play an instrument and moomin tries to teach him how to bake smth. they’re both bad at the thing which the other finds adorable <3
Annzy: I am so sorry this took so long, but I hope there’s enough fluff <3 
“Snufkin, can you put aside your pride for one second?” Moomin wasn’t sure if he was scolding or pleading with his boyfriend at this point. All he knew was that it had been raining for the past two days, and Snufkin had to keep moving his tent to higher and higher ground to avoid the mud, and really things would be so much simpler if he would just come stay in Moominhouse until the rain cleared up. 
“This is the last rainy day,” Snufkin argued, rolling up his tent while Moomin held an umbrella over them. “I can feel it.” 
“You said that yesterday.” 
“That was yesterday.” 
“Just come inside!” Moomin pulled at the skin underneath one of his eyes. “If today really is the last rainy day, then staying in a nice, warm, dry house until it clears up would be best. And then we can go worm hunting as soon as the rain stops!” 
Snufkin hummed, fixing his tent to the top of his pack before looking at Moomin with a small smile on his lips. “Trying to butter me up?” 
“More like trying to resist throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you to Moominhouse.” 
Snufkin laughed at that, swinging his backpack on with a small sigh. “All right, you’ve won me over.” 
“Finally!” Moomin groaned, snatching Snufkin’s hand and starting to lead him off before he could change his mind. 
Moominmamma wasn’t usually too strict when it came to messes and dirt. But at the sight of Snufkin with dried mud in his hair, on his legs, and stuck on the ends of his tunic, she insisted he take a warm bath while she washed out his clothes for him. Thankfully they had a worn-in outfit that Snufkin considered acceptable to wear for brief periods; a plain, mustard yellow, cotton frock. 
“It’s so weird to see you in anything other than green,” Moomin commented when Snufkin entered his room. He’d spent the time idly doodling some flowers, but he was happy to put it away for awhile. 
“Is it?” Snufkin brushed out the fabric, chuckling a little. “How would I look in red?” 
“I can’t even imagine,” Moomin shook his head, happily padding over with a smile. “Well, what should we do for our rainy day adventure? Play a board game? Act out scenes from a book? Oh! Let’s bake something!” 
“Bake?” Snufkin was already looking forward to whatever sweets Moomin was in the mood for. He’d become quite a fantastic baker over the years.  
“Yes!” Moomin was already walking out of his room and down the stairs. “I can show you how to make a rhubarb pie!”  
“Oh…” Snufkin hesitantly followed him down the stairs. “Aren’t pies rather hard to make?” 
“Maybe at first,” Moomin admitted. “But I’d say they just take more time. Especially if you want the lattice covering on top, but it just looks cuter, don’t you think?” 
“If you say so.” Snufkin tried not to feel too nervous. If it was a rhubarb pie, he could just help prepare the filling and let Moomin worry about the rest. He absolutely hated working with pastry dough; it always turned out lumpy and stuck to his hands or his utensils whenever he tried. 
At first his plan worked out well; Snufkin washed and cut the rhubarb while Moomin started mixing the flour, sugar, and butter together into a nice, large ball of dough. But once Snufkin was done preparing the rhubarb, Moomin called him over to the table, insisting, “Rolling out the dough into a big circle is the best part.”
“Oh, is it?” Snufkin kept a smile on his face despite his heart leaping into his throat. 
“Oh yes!” Moomin separated the ball into two, smaller spheres, handing one to Snufkin. “I’ll let you use the rolling pin; a little easier than using your hands.” 
“I’m sure.”  Snufkin nodded, acting like he knew what he was doing as Moomin handed him the rolling pin. He stared down at his ball of dough, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Moomin was already making good progress with flattening out his own ball with his hands. With a deep breath, he pressed the pin into the center and started rolling, hoping it would work out and that he wouldn’t look like a goon. 
He should have known that was too much to hope for. 
With each new roll, more and more of the dough started sticking to the pin, and Snufkin was quickly becoming frustrated with just how often he had to peel it off and lay it back down on the table. “A little easier than using your hands” indeed. He was so absorbed with his struggle that he didn’t realize Moomin had already finished flattening and rounding his ball of dough. 
“Snufkin.” Moomin was clearly amused, and when Snufkin turned to look he saw a playful gleam in those baby blue eyes. “Need some help?” 
“Oh, no.” Snufkin shook his head, trying to roll out the dough fast, hoping it wouldn’t stick. No such luck; if anything that made it worse. “I have it all under control, thank you.” 
“Ah, I see.” Moomin nodded, obviously stifling a large grin. “Then I’ll start mixing the filling together while you finish… that.”
“Yes, I’d appreciate it.” 
Moomin nodded, chuckling a little as he began gathering spices from the cabinets. Snufkin watched him for a moment to make sure he wasn’t looking before returning to the menacing pastry. The dough looked more like a lumpy, cracked plate rather than a nice circle, so he began rolling it into a ball again before starting over. He put the rolling pin aside before digging in with his hands, since that had seemed to work for Moomintroll just fine. Except, just like before, all that ended up happening was the dough sticking to his hands rather than the rolling pin. 
“How’s it going?” 
Snufkin felt the fur on his back stand on end as he turned to look at his grinning boyfriend. “It’s going.” 
Moomin chuckled, tactfully sliding the flour to him. “A little of this should take care of that stickiness you’re struggling with.” 
“Right, of course.” Snufkin tried to smile nonchalantly, hoping his cheeks weren’t red as he reached for the flour. A little sprinkle later, and the dough was finally behaving properly. Now all he had to deal with was the fact that he was apparently incapable of flattening it evenly; some parts were thin as paper while others were little, thick pockets. 
Snufkin bristled when he heard Moomin start to laugh, and he quickly turned to glare softly. “You’re enjoying my suffering?” 
“Sorry!” Moomin covered his mouth, shoulders shaking with his laughter. “It’s just such a rare sight to see you like this.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like…” Moomin paused, trying to think of the best way to word this. “Like someone who doesn’t know everything?” 
“I never claimed to know everything—” 
“But you do act like it sometimes,” Moomin pointed out, grinning wider. “With all your grand stories and wise words. I’m just saying, it’s nice to see you failing at something.” 
Snufkin pouted at him, certain his cheeks were at least pink as Moomin continued laughing at him. “What use is dough-making for a tramp?” 
Moomin shrugged, leaning in to nuzzle his nose against Snufkin’s cheek as he pushed his hands away from the dough. “Just let me take care of this, all right? You can be adorable somewhere else.” 
Snufkin tensed up from the casual way Moomin said that, a warm shiver running down his spine. “What, you—my struggling is adorable?” 
“Very much so, actually.” Moomin was thoroughly enjoying himself as he rounded the dough for the third time that afternoon, picking up the rolling pin and humming away as he easily levelled it into a perfect, little circle. “And there we go.” Moomin grinned at him again, pointing towards the counter. “Can you get me a knife so I can cut out the lattice?” 
Snufkin huffed quietly, stepping over to fetch him his knife while embarrassment sat heavy in his stomach. He really didn’t like looking like a fool, but at least it was only Moomintroll who saw. And to be called adorable on top of it all! How completely undignified. 
“Thank you, Snufkin.” Moomin beamed as he took the knife from him. “And just so you know, you look even more adorable with that pout on your lips.” 
Snufkin was sure his entire face was red as he covered his mouth with his hand. “I am not pouting.” 
“Oh, you’re not?” 
“Absolutely. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in the living room.” Mamma could use some company as she knitted, anyway. 
The pie turned out beautifully, and the whole family came to the kitchen to enjoy it. Pappa complimented them on their perfect, flaky crust, and Moomin couldn’t help but laugh a little until Snufkin gave him a look. He didn’t say anything, of course; he didn’t want to embarrass Snufkin. No, he’d rather keep the image of Snufkin glaring down at the dough with flushed cheeks and a frustrated pout all to himself. Maybe he’d try and sketch it out later in his journal, just for posterity’s sake. 
It was still raining after they finished their rhubarb snack, so Moomin and Snufkin went up to his room to stare out across the cloudy skies and damp valley. 
“What should we do now?” Moomin asked. 
“Hm.” Snufkin tapped his fingers twice against the windowsill before pushing himself towards his pack. “Let’s make some music. Rainy weather is perfect to compose to.” 
Moomin brightened, happily going to sit on his bed. “I do love your songs.” And it would be so exciting to hear him compose something in real time! 
“I’m glad.” Snufkin pulled out his trusty harmonica before going to sit next to him on the bed. He blew through it once, as if to check to make sure it still worked, and then he began to play. Short, brisk notes, as if to imitate the pitter-patter of the rain, but sudden and loud enough to make Moomin’s ears twitch occasionally. He stopped after a few moments, turning to Moomintroll with a small grin of his own. “Actually, would you like to learn how to play?” 
“Me?” Moomin’s eyes widened as he pointed to himself. “Oh, I don’t know how good I’d be.” 
“Give it a try.” Snufkin handed the instrument over. “Can’t be any worse than me with pie dough.” 
Moomin couldn’t help but laugh at that, covering his mouth again as he did. He was glad that Snufkin wasn’t too sore about earlier; he’d wondered if he’d gone a bit far with his teasing. “You have a point.” He took the harmonica, simply staring at it for a few moments before blowing into it experimentally. It was surprising how loud it was, but he supposed it was bound to sound louder to the one playing it. 
Snufkin began trying to explain two different ways to isolate one note on the harmonica. One involved puckering your lips into a small oval shape, while the other involved using your tongue to block some of the other holes. 
“You put your tongue on this thing?” Moomin interrupted. 
“Sometimes.” Snufkin shrugged. “To get a certain sound. It makes it easier to add in or take away chords, too.” 
“And you’re sure you want me to play this?” 
“You’re clean enough, aren’t you?” 
“That’s not really the point.” 
“I don’t mind, Moomintroll.” Snufkin shook his head, a fond smile on his face. “Go on, try and play something. Just search until you find the note you want.” 
“All right.” Moomin swallowed nervously, staring into the daunting holes of the harmonica before holding it up to his puckered lips and giving a cautious blow. It did take a bit of practice to play just one note, and whenever he tried to find a new one he found all sorts of unpleasant sounds coming out of the instrument before he got to where he wanted. After only a few minutes, his mouth was already starting to hurt and he stopped to rub at his lips. 
“How do you play this for hours?” 
Snufkin laughed, taking the harmonica back as he explained, “Well, for one thing, you were moving your mouth too much. You should move the instrument with your hands, not your lips.” 
“Oooh.” Moomin groaned. “That makes sense.” 
Snufkin chuckled for a bit longer, wiping the instrument down once with his sleeve. “I know what you meant earlier now,” he spoke up, eyes twinkling with mischief as he teased, “You also look adorable when you’re struggling.” 
Moomin felt his fur stand on end as heat travelled down his body. “Oh, hush.” Moomin gently pushed at his shoulder, smiling a little at the joyful laugh that came out of Snufkin’s mouth. “Let’s just agree that we’re both adorable, all right?” 
Snufkin paused for a moment, thinking that over. “Only if you agree that you’re the most adorable, being so large and fluffy.” 
Moomin snorted, leaning in to nuzzle Snufkin’s forehead. “Deal.” 
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jancmalandra · 4 years
Moominpapa Steps Up
On making hope real in a bad situation
By Wednesday, Moominpapa, Moomintroll, Tayberry, and Moomin had become a well-oiled housekeeping team. The children and Moomintroll got finished with all the chores a little earlier each day and got to spend a little more of the afternoon enjoying walking in the woods with Snufkin. That evening, they gathered in the parlor once more to hear Moominpapa continue his story of his adventures just before he met Moominmama, this time over fruit punch.
"Gail and Emmaline led Charlie and I to a large, old, abandoned factory building deep in the bowls of Brooklyn. I committed my very first truly criminal act when they showed me how to use the city's public train system without paying in order to get there. All the windows of the factory were painted over in black paint, and from the outside it looked completely deserted and uninviting. Emmaline told me that this was one of the Mumriks' many safe houses for the poor throughout the city. Inside, they had rigged up electric lights and had done whatever else they could to make the interior comfortable for the many residents there. There was a makeshift soup kitchen and dining hall on the first floor. The remaining five floors were used as dormitories with bathrooms, cots, mattresses, sheets, blankets, and pillows to go with them. Kerosene powered space heaters kept each room as warm possible."
"The residents were a motley collection of homeless, destitute beasts from every race under the sun. Fuzzies, Moomins, Hemulens, and so on, all of whom had come under the protection of the Mumriks. The Mumriks themselves were quite an impressive group. They were well-organized and disciplined in their own way. They had no chain of command and nothing was ever written down, but Gail and Emmaline's example and intent were followed by all the other Mumriks without fail. They were united by one idea; truly helping the poor and forgotten citizens of the city. The residents never ran out of supplies and when the residents had to lay low or scatter due to the presence of the police or the gangs, no one panicked and everyone followed what would be the best procedure without having to be told what to do."
"The Mumriks all wore loose fitting and ragged street clothing; sneakers, work boots, denim jeans, athletic pants, t-shirts, hoodies and work shirts while indoors and heavy Winter coats and pants over that when they went outdoors. The best of the clothing that the Mumriks were able to 'aquire' was reserved for the residents. This is where I was expected to come in."
"Emmaline asked me if I could provide unwanted clothing from Aunt Jane's store on a regular basis. I explained that getting around Frederick would be impossible and that we would have to let him in on the scheme. I also explained that he would most likely be in favor of it, and that I could see him finding ways to deliver the clothing more secretly, surely and safely."
"To make a long story short, When I explained the situation to Frederick a few days later, his reaction was exactly what I had hoped for. He instantly agreed to arrange for the delivery of the clothing to drop off points specified by Gail and Emmaline and keep its absence appearing to be legitimate on the store's books."
" 'My dear Moomin.' he said to me very seriously, but at the same time looking rather thrilled at the whole thing and proud of me, 'The success of this endeavor will depend on you distracting Jane from paying close attention to the store for a few months while we iron out the potential difficulties in this arrangement. I'm afraid that I must ask you to get into rather a lot of constant trouble for at least that long to accomplish this. Jane will pursue you and attempt to bring you home. You must keep her chasing after you and not allow yourself to get caught. Are you up to it, my boy?', I nodded and we began planning how I would conduct my daily mischief."
"Aunt Jane spent her weekday evenings at various high society gatherings, which I would crash and then run off with as much of the best of the wine, liquor and food as I could carry. I would make as much of a scene in public as possible, guaranteeing that she would pursue me personally rather than call the police. The Mumriks would provide me with unlicensed cabs and drivers to help me make my getaways and seedy, low-rent apartments to hide in. The cabs were one of the many ways that they made money for the safe houses."
"Thus began a game of cat and mouse that Aunt Jane and I ended playing for the next three years. Even after the clandestine clothing delivery service was firmly established, I couldn't resist tormenting Aunt Jane by making a public spectacle of myself as cover for running errands for the Mumriks. Naturally, she saw it as her duty to bring me back to her townhouse and under her supervision. And so, our grand duel of wits and wills truly began. As promised, in return for my aid, the Mumriks showed me the slums, lower class bars, clubs, restaurants and food stands, and the homeless camps of the city. What amazed me most about the poor people of the city is that most of them never gave up. They kept moving forward, looking for any opportunity to make their lives and the lives of those around them better."
"I'll describe all of this in much greater detail when I start writing it down for my Memoirs, and I might be persuaded to tell a particularly good story from my time on the run from Aunt Jane in the boroughs of New York once in a while. For now, however, there's really only one story of that time that's left to be told; how I made good my escape back to Moominland and the Autarch's estate during my fourth year in New York, and I will tell that story tomorrow night."
Everyone started heading off to bed except Moominpapa, who asked Snufkin if he could help with cleaning the punch cups and pitcher. They carried everything into the kitchen and Moominpapa began to do the washing in the kitchen sink while Snufkin sat at the kitchen table.
"What did you want to talk to me about, Papa?", asked Snufkin.
"I know that even after nine years of being happily united with Moomintroll and Snork Maiden, living here in Moominhouse, and helping them raise their children," said Moominpapa, "You still wonder sometimes what you are doing being in love with Moomintroll and being part of a family. You wonder what purpose you serve here in Moominhouse. You wonder whether you might be betraying your real nature as a Mumrik. I also know that it's even more complicated than that for you because your parents are The Joxter and The Mymble. Only you get to decide who you are and where you belong. You should trust in the love that you found first and foremost. You should also know that you became a permanent member of the Moomin family the instant you met Moomintroll and you became friends back when you were both eleven. By The Booble, that feels like such a long time ago and like it was only yesterday at the same time! I'm very much afraid that you're stuck with us. You didn't ever have to be anyone or anything else than who you were at the moment to be fully a member of this family. You don't need to prove anything or fulfill any role here. We all love you exactly as you are."
"Thank you, Papa!", said Snufkin. He suddenly felt overcome with his love for the entire Moomin family and gave Moominpapa a hug for the first time in his life. Snufkin then headed off to his room to join Moomintroll in his bed, his steps noticeably lighter and freer.
To Be Continued
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