#i find that when people write raphael from his POV
not-poignant · 6 months
Do you think there will be Raphael pov in palmarosa at any point? I love how you write hiiiiim
Hiya anon!
So far I'm leaning towards no.
The reason is that I actually like that he's so hard to read, and because I find the concept of writing his mind genuinely challenging because he is so inhuman to me. I think if I were writing his POV I'd feel seduced by the urge to humanise him 'internally' and we'd lose the mystery and mercurial power of seeing him as an outsider (i.e. from Astarion's POV).
And while that's tempting in its own way, I'm very much not wanting to do that either! Part of what I enjoy in this story is watching Astarion deal with the loneliness in a way of being with someone / spending time with someone who thinks so differently to him, who prioritises differently to him, who has different values to him, and who is so very *not* human.
And sometimes that's something I want to write, but I actually don't want to humanise Raphael to that degree, so I'll be avoiding his POV, I'm sorry!
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pouralaura · 21 days
Sorry, this is probably weird. But my brain is Raphael 24/7 and he and Tav being obsessed with each other. But I was wondering how he’d react to a demi Tav?
He’s crushing and trying to impress for the longest time, and they are completely unphased. Like nothin’, nada. I’m sure he’d be frustrated. But also perplexed? He’s always been able to charm his way with people. So he meets this unmovable person and he’s like ???
But then imagining later on, Tav’s feelings for him suddenly hit them like a fucking train. All of their obsession with HIM hits like tenfold. He is the sexiest being in existence, and they are stupidly in love with him, and they are PANICKING.
I may be the only one who finds this particular scenario intriguing but 😅
Disclaimer: I am not well-versed in demisexuality and this is my first time writing it, so please pardon any lack of necessary nuance here. thanks to @reallyhatethiswebsite for helping me figure out the trigger point! they/them AFAB Tav, Raphael POV.
Had Raphael ever, in all of his hundreds of years, experienced such a maddening, tantalizing, mouthwatering proximity to victory? Every hellish fiber of his being thrums in anticipation of his looming triumph. The Crown, so close, its pull so alluring. The augury of his reign launches his mind into a state of utter bliss outside of business hours (and, frankly, often during), a grin on his face and his cock hard as a diamond beneath the quilting of his luxuriously expensive trousers. He is, simply put, so close.
There remains but a single obstacle in his way: a lost, floundering little mouse, so unprepared and ill-equipped for success -- at least, at first. Raphael had been pleasantly surprised at Tav's capability for mortal achievement once they'd gotten their feet underneath them. His respect for them grew as their conquests did; they'd proven an apt ally for many and a fearsome adversary for many more.
Flawed as they are, Tav is perfect for his plan. Raphael has every faith that they will be his savior (in a manner of speaking) now that the time is drawing near. They must succeed. They will. Such a headstrong, belligerent creature; all the sweeter to become the victor -- and, in line with that, to claim himself.
(More on that in a moment.)
He's ruminating on this, as he has near-incessantly in recent months, while strolling back to the Devil's Den from deeper within the city. Maintaining chivalrous relations with his hosts at Sharess' Caress is mandatory; he pauses at the front desk to brush a kiss across the delicate knuckles of the blushing Amira, inclines his head in polite greeting to various good-natured courtesans, and stops to exchange pleasantries with Hoots at the bar before ascending the stairs to his domain of the Gate. Trivial pursuits, but necessary.
(Back to the matter at hand --)
Yes, he will claim Tav himself.
...This point requires further clarification. He will claim Tav as a step to his own conquest. They will fulfill a contract with him. If it happens that they also wish for his claim in a more decidedly carnal way, what manner of devil would he be to deny them? A favor for a favor, after all.
But, alas, they'd proven nearly unmovable in that last respect. It's far from the first time Raphael has experienced, either implicitly or explicitly, rejection of his incomparable devilish charms -- but, to be fair: nearly all of the aforementioned occurrences had been caused by an innate preference for the fairer sex. Their loss, perhaps; but it simply couldn't be helped -- and certainly not a stain on his ego.
(Tav, for what it's worth, however, does not seem limited by such preferences. Near-flawless reconnaissance is a gift and a curse; Raphael is very much aware of their blessedly brief dalliance with the insufferable vampling.)
Such hopes for mutual understanding on levels to-be-determined had been dashed, indeed, until a particular point of curiosity earlier in the week, when Tav and their ragtag gang of unappealing ruffians had met him upstairs at the Caress following his confrontation with the inestimable Kith'rak. Voss had left, and Raphael had snapped his fingers to shield Tav and their party from the detestable illithid shouting about in their heads --
The devil had watched figurative clicking cogs turn between the little mouse's ears for several seconds as they processed the assumedly blissful silence he'd fleetingly gifted them.
"I don't...hear anything." Tav's voice had been quiet. Surprised.
"You are, as always, welcome." He'd smugly spread his arms, inclining his head in a mock bow. "My favorite future client deserves nothing if not the very best I can offer."
There were no differences in how he'd behaved on this occasion, but the way Tav looked at him after his effortless momentary aid was far more layered than during any previous encounter. And, if he was correct -- colored by the hint of a blush, one that he could smell before he could see. The scent of blood rising to their cheeks, dusting their pretty countenance with just a trace of something. A crack. A break.
He nears the door of the Devil's Den, and...stops.
There is a familiar scent in the air; one he did not expect to be greeted by upon his return to The Office. It's them.
His little mouse is inside. Must have climbed through a window, leapt across rooftops to reach the one opening he leaves regularly and intentionally unwarded for just this precise possibility.
(Korrilla, behind his back, raises her eyebrows at this deliberate lapse in security each time it's included in his instruction. She's lucky he doesn't snap the bones in each of her toes one-by-one.)
Cautiously, he wills the hellish locks to open. Carefully, he presses long, tanned fingers to the door's handle. With deliberation, he pushes into the room.
It takes him two point three seconds to register that Tav is not only in the room, but on their back on the rich, plush red duvet-covered bed, propped up on their elbows, staring straight at him with the loveliest blush dusted across the apples of their cheeks. He steps stiffly into his domain, letting the heavy wooden door close and lock behind him with a decided click. Another seven point eight seconds to close the distance between them (he slinks across the room slowly, like a cat); a full nine seconds, once he's arrived at the bedside, to drink in Tav's nakedness from head to toe -- well, except for the whipped cream adorning the tips of their breasts, if one could call that any sort of coverage. And -- ah. An amber liquid filling the divot of their belly button.
His mouth curls up into a satisfied little smirk. They have been paying attention.
"Are you here to accept my offer, little mouse?" Raphael finally asks, low and warm and purring.
He watches them swallow. Breathe. Follows the red flush as it spreads, heated, down their neck, between their cream-laden breasts, around their liquor-filled navel, all the way down to the lovely pink of their vulnerable, exposed, undeniably glistening sex.
"I am not. At least, not yet." In a contrast to their blush, Tav's voice is strong and level as they continue despite Raphael's responding sneer. "I am here to make one of my own."
"And what, pray tell," the devil bites out, voice tinged with the familiar mix of irritation, intrigue, and damning arousal this creature heralds within him, "might that be?"
"I'm inclined to accept, but only following further discussion." They grin. "But over dinner, here. And...you'll need to do something about my --" here they motion to the confectionary disaster writ upon their flawed, mortal body, beneath him in every way -- "current state."
He'll play along, if only to ease the tightness in his trousers.
Less than ten minutes later, when Raphael is laving his forked tongue along the underside of Tav's breast, lapping up the last of the cream and holding himself back from spilling onto the sheets beneath them, he thinks: I am in control.
Tav moans as he bites; as he presses his face between their thighs, a ragged whine bubbles up from his throat, hot and needy.
They'll be mine yet.
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
A Character First, A Love Interest Second: RaMona Did It Right!
((A TMNT 2012 RaMona Analysis))
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Something I feel we as a fandom don’t give Raph enough credit for is how he’s the only brother to NOT have a “love at first sight” trope with his love interest Mona Lisa, and I feel that says a lot about his character and relationship with her, not only that, but it saves Mona’s character.
How you may ask? A lot of people don’t seem to realize this, but I love how when Mona Lisa is first introduced she’s not immediately established to be a love interest unlike the other girls. Mona is given some time to be her own character and show off a bit of her personality. For the other girls, there introduction is through the Turtles POV, established as a love interest FIRST then her own character/personality is shown later. This is made clear just from each Turtles reaction when first meeting their love interest. We are introduced to the female character through the “love at first sight” moment!
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Leo (I hate that I’m using this as an example this but this help prove my point)
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Edit: I timed it to see how long the girls intros were before they were established as a love interest. Here’s the LINK
I wanna clarify before people start assuming, no, I’m NOT saying that the other 2012 girls have no personality. They do, it just bothers me how they were introduced. Them being the love interest seemed more important to establish to the writers then her own character first.
Meanwhile for Mona Lisa; she’s introduced to the audience NOT the Turtles. This gives her a chance to establish her character/personality first then show her as a love interest later!
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We learn just from her introduction scene and even her moment when confronting the Turtles that she is: strong willed, prideful (she’s proud of being the warrior she is and takes her battle’s seriously), stubborn (fight first, ask questions NEVER, like Raph), honorable, loyal (we learn she’s a lieutenant and respects and highly looks to her Commander), and even a bit short tempered (again, like Raph).
Her and Raph even get to speak to each other and have a little banter of threats before romance between them starts to blossom. There is no love at first sight. Unlike the other Turtles who immediately fall in love with the girl just from looking at her and thinking she’s pretty. Their feelings for each other took more time.
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Raph did not fall for her looks like his brothers, he fell in love with the person Mona is. Physical attraction (I believe) is very important in a relationship and Raph does show and admits he does in fact find Mona attractive (Ex: calling her a beautiful work of art) but her looks is not what caught his attention. It was her personality, her spirit and capabilities as a warrior! I saw someone mentions this in another post once, but on rare occasions do we get to hear the other Turtles explain exactly WHY they like their love interests other then that they found the girl pretty (Yes, Donnie admits he thinks April is “cool” and Leo says Karai’s “fun” but that’s not enough!), meanwhile for Raph from the very beginning he has his list of reasons ready as to WHY he likes Mona! And he has no shame to admit it proudly!
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And throughout the rest of their relationship, we see more of those reasons unfold. We see Raph and even Mona show more reasons as to why they love each other so much. And unlike the others ships, we actually get to see them act and be a couple! They flirt with each other, embrace and hold hands, make out, write love letters to each other, etc. The reason they worked so well is because as I said we get to see them be a couple, but also because Mona got to established herself as a character first before being Raph’s girlfriend.
Many of us can agree that TMNT 2012 failed greatly in the romance department, but they at least did one couple right with the relationship of Raphael and Mona Lisa. So I thank them for that <3
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eybefioro · 9 days
Random fic rec, by yours truly...
okay have you noticed I changed the "weekly" for random? yeah... LMAO. My mind is bad with deadlines. i got nervous near every Saturday, even though i had something to recommend and write about. Anyways. Now it will be random, in the hopes i can do this more often 💛And this time, I come with another special edition:
I've been absolutely crazy in the past few weeks over podfics. Yk, one of the saddest things to me was that I couldn't read fanfiction and work at the same time. I had to spent 8 hours of my day off the marvellous world that is Ao3, and it made me sad... but then... then I discovered that there are AMAZING people out there recording fics and that my level of English was already good enough that I could totally understand it and still be focused enough in whatever I was doing (that is an exciting news for me XD) aand then I discovered that it was even nicer to get home and lay in the dark, letting my eyes rest after spending the whole day in front of computer, and still listen to these amazing fics... ANYWAYS suffice to say in the past weeks I've been listening non stop to everything i can get my hands on.
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Flaming Hair, Stardust In His Eyes - Rated T, ~2,2k words, ~15 min
Fic by @waitingtobebroken , podfic by devilwithabirddress
Ouch. This fic is just so... poetic and sad and soft. I love how the story is told, how the it fits in the space canon left behind. I love the awe in Aziraphales pov, I love him asking about the starmaker. The descriptions of the breakroom are so fun, the characters are so well written. And the narration is AMAZING. The acting in some lines from got my heart all melted 😭 the pacing is very nice, and the feelings really hit.
Factory Settings - Rated T, ~107k words, ~8 hours (on going)
Fic by Anonymus , Podfic by @nosferatini
I feel like everybody knows at this point about the fic, so i won't say more about it besides that I LOVE THIS FIC AND BINGE READ IT BARELY SLEEPING UNTIL I FINISHED IT, obviously, like many others. And the podfic is soooooo good!! the art that go with the chapters are all so good, the music is so good, the narration is so good. I LOVE the Raphael's voice. It's absolutely perfect. Every time that I read a fic with the starmaker in it (or any before the fall Crowley) is that voice that pops in my mind.
Protect and Serve - Rated E, ~84k words, ~9 hours
Fic by Snae_b , podfic by @outrageousring5655
hmmmmmmn this fic... Look if you ever read anything by Snae_b yk what I'm talking about. The smut there is always breathtaking! and the plot in this one, DEAR GOD. I was on my toes. I love the tension, how the story is unveiled little by little... the twists. gosh it's so good! AND HEARING IT. Damn. ok. look there were parts that made me questions if it really was the best idea to listen to it at work, bc well *ahem* *points at all the smut* but it was soooo worth it. I learned that i have a GREAT poker face. Anyways. Outrageous voice acting is so good, I love it! all the voices, all the feelings. Amazing narration!
I'm always in awe with this fandom. All the podfics I've listened until now are golden. When i read now i have VOICES in my head LMAO
I also have so MANY more podfics I could rec. I think I've listened to almost podfic by Outrageous and Nosferatini already, and then there's also podifixx and so many others I'm finding on Ao3... I HIGHLY recommend everyone to give podfics a go. They're so good 💛💛💛
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foodsies4me · 6 months
April Malec fic rec!
Thanking @just-add-butter and @ariella9melody for this month's theme which is a double combo of "Outsider's POV" and "Let Alec have friends!" The same rules apply as always, one fic per author, even though all of these authors have other brilliant fics you should be reading and if you want to add your own recs in the comments, tags, or reblogs please feel free to do so! 😊
Also, I have tagged the authors whose Tumblr account I know, but if you'd prefer I not tag you, please tell me! I don't want these to be annoying for the authors.
Enthrallment by @smilebackwards: Magnus' magic being possessive and warlocks reacting to Magnus' magic being possessive, what more could you want? OC POV!
It does look a little bad, Parmela thinks, looking at it from outside. As more specialists had been called in for consultation, they’d decamped to one of the larger conference rooms—eschewing attendance at A, B, AB, & O: The Impact of Blood Type on Non Subject Specific Blood Magic, because this was vastly more interesting and potentially important—and there are a round dozen high-level warlocks clustered around Alec, poking at him with magic. Or: Alec attends the Magical Inventions and Advances convention in hopes of recruiting warlocks for another Downworld Cabinet. The warlocks, however, are more interested—and concerned—by the blue magical aura following Alec around.
And I am breaking my own rules by rec-ing a second fic by smilebackwards: Portable Magic
Magnus may go slightly overboard helping Alec set up for the book club gathering. Technically, perhaps, he didn’t need to create a signature cocktail or barter a favor to Raphael for O neg blood for the vampires or source the biscotti directly from Italy. But hospitality is important and these are Alec’s friends. He wants to make a good impression. Or: Alec is in a Downworld book club and Magnus finds this unaccountably fascinating.
I'll die on this (Under)hill by @clottedcreamfudge: like all of the fics written by clottedcreamfudge, this fic is downright hilarious. That said, poor Underhill. Underhill POV!
The point is, Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood clearly have an intimate knowledge of each other, and it has never once impacted on their work. What it is beginning to impact on, however, is Andrew’s sanity. Because apparently he really is the only one to have noticed it.
Be careful with my best friends heart by TheLostLightwood: A fic in Cat's perspective, who I maintain is one of the best characters in the series and we needed more of her! Cat POV!
Catarina Loss had known Magnus for a long time, she had seen him cry, laugh, mourn, get injured and fall in love many times before. But she had never seen him more in love or more broken than she had in this moment. Cat's POV, as Alec is seriously injured in a fight against demons. And Magnus well he...
Alec's Little Ducklings by @to-the-stars-writing (this will be one of two recs for to the stars because I am being very bad at keeping to my rules this time around). Alec gets hurt and all of his friends appear to take care of him!
After Alec's hurt coming home from the Hunter's Moon, he's left laid up in bed when the drug they gave him prevents his injuries from being healed by angelic or magical powers. Magnus is fully prepared to do take care of his stubborn boyfriend, only to find out that there are a few other people who are more than willing to offer their help.
the right thing by @cuubism: As the summary says, Alec's first speech as the Inquisitor doesn't go exactly as planned. Izzy POV!
Alec's first speech as Inquisitor doesn't go exactly as planned.
nock. draw. release by chaidrivenwhore: A non human POV, but a weapon POV! Alec's bow to be specific!
the bow and arrows had tempted many, but this specific one, with its curved limbs engraved with angelic runes and sharp arrows, straight and unbending, had called out to a nine year old alexander lightwood like no other had.
Multi-chapter fics or series:
Families of Choice by MonPetitTresor, a recommendation made by @ariella9melody that I can only agree with because this fic is wonderful (as are all fics my MonPetitTresor).
Life at the Institute takes a turn for the worse for Alec. When he's alone with nowhere else to turn, his siblings step up and help him find his feet once more with help from a few new friends along the way. Between them, Alec finally gets a chance to realize that the world doesn't begin and end with being a Shadowhunter, and there's more out there for him, so long as he's got the courage to reach out and grab it.
ask the always impossible of me by @faejilly: Some very nice Aline and Alec friendship!
Just for one night, a magical ball where anyone can meet, when anything is possible... And that's just the beginning.
Running from the Night by @to-the-stars-writing: I love how Stars depicts Alec's struggles with his mental health and there are a lot of friends for Alec in this one!
For a long time, Alec had felt like his life was held together by strings tied on him by the Clave, his parents, his siblings. Strings that pulled and tugged him in every which direction, heedless of the bruises and blood left behind. As much as they hurt, some days they’d been the only thing to hold him together. That is, up until the moment Alec stood on the shores of Lake Lyn and faced the death of the one person who held a piece of his soul, and the lies that followed his mysterious resurrection. There, on the shores of Lake Lyn, those strings finally pulled too hard, and Alec broke. With the permission of the Inquisitor, and the help of the warlock who Alec had wanted so desperately to allow himself to fall for (and had been terrified to do more than smile at his flirting) Alec walked away from everything and everyone. He left New York behind and made himself a home in the small town of Prayer – a joke Magnus found particularly funny. But, two years after that fateful night, Alec’s old life comes knocking, and those strings he thought he’d finally cut are tugging him home. Back to the place he never wanted to have to see again. At least this time, he’s not facing it alone.
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cinnamon-bunni · 9 months
hm... 4, 7, 11, 12, 17, 21, 22, 24! happy new year, bunni!
4. Total number of words you wrote this year That's hard to find tbh....I didn't end up posting a lot of fics, so i dont only have to just check my statistics on ao3, but all of my possible fics ive written this year in my wip docs as well. the total i got was 58,171 words (~35k of it being WIPs and not posted)! so definitely not as much as i wrote last year which was (i think over 100k), and also not including all of my notes ive written. i did not do a lot of writing this year, so hopefully next year i'll wrap up all of my big fics and post them all <3
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year Again, i did not write a lot this year, much less finish them lmao. if you were to ask about uncompleted fics, we would have a different story--but alas, the longest completed one was Once More, With Needles, sitting at 4,414 words!
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year hm....obey me, I suppose. its hard to say really, but enjoyment from writing specifically, i'd have to give it to obey me. what can i say, the cast is just really fun to write (even when levi is impossible to write, like what the hell man i have rewritten your part in my undead fic like 3 separate times and am continuing fixing it, like what the hell man i trusted you and then you dont behave for me). like this year specifically i realized how much i love each and every character--those like lucifer reminded me as to why i love the game and the characters, and people like mephisto and raphael randomly won a spot in my heart. theyre all just so so fun to write <333
12. favorite character to write about this year lucifer!!! even though i only have like, one fic that features him thats out and finished lmao; hes such an interesting and complex character, yet is one whose mind i can easily slip into when i need to write when its his pov. idk, sometimes i find myself struggling to write characters like levi or even asmo sometimes--mainly from my own failures to pay attention to their canon interpretations and making them not out-of-character--but lucifer is surprisingly one i can always rely on to be easy and fun to write!! he is angst galore and so emotionally constipated, hes great <3
17. fics you’ll continue next year Heart Melts for sure!! i originally wanted ch3 to be out before the new year, but ive been drafting and redrafting all of my future chapters (i am trying my best to make it a psychological horror in order to match the tag that i put on the fic, but idk if its going to live up to the hype that people have for this fic ^^;;) so i sadly didnt get time to finish it. maybe by the end of January ill have it out--heres to hoping its done by then! and maybe i might continue Dirty? I didn't even update it this year lol--its def one i dont wanna leave discontinued, as i have all of the chapters planned out, but i just have many other projects that i wanna focus on and also i really wanna rewrite it, so ive been debating doing that first or just to finish then rewrite it. in a perfect world, i'll update that one too lol
21. most memorable comment/review I have two that come to mind!!! in all honesty all comments make me sooo happy, but these ones specifically is just,,,idk man, they just hit a certain way that itches that scratch in my brain that needs validation lmao i love rereading these all the time <3 theres these comments for Messy Makeup:
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(make me go insane from them saying i wrote multiple fics that were their favorites <33) and of course there's this banger of a comment from @/snugglebunnies!!! idk if youre reading this but thank you thank you thank you for inspiring me so much with your fics!!! i love them so much, and this comment was just incredible! from the fic Heart Melts:
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(love when people leave quotes, no matter how long or short!!!! such deep analysis is what i live for!!!!) and of course, sending out so much love to everyone who leaves a comment on any of my fics, no matter how big or small they are <333
22. events you participated in this year i didnt participate in any events this year! i tend not to do events tbh, theyre not really my style, as i dont do well with due dates unless i have months in advance lol;; usually i might do one, maybe two, events a year, but those are usually simple gift exchanges or something. nothing caught my eye this year, and ones that did i just didnt have the time to do, sadly. but! i do plan on doing the sonic big bang next year, which will be my first ever "bigger" event ive been in! exciting, but also really nervewracking as ive never posted sonic content and idk how well i'll do staying on schedule. but its still something i really wanna do (have a great fic planned for it!) so i still wanna give it a shot and do my best on it lol
24. favorite fic you read this year from this year is really hard to say--i think all of my favorite fics were found last year lmao so its a struggle to think of one. @heleentje's BOTW fic Moonlight has been a fantastic read (even though i havent finished it yet;;; i promise will soon!!) and just hits all of the right notes for me!! The batman fic Performance Piece is also definitely up there for me, as it captures so well what i want in my own writing when it comes to writing characters, especially when it comes to inner-dialogue (i might just go back and reread that one again lmao)
as of posting, i have about twenty minutes left before the new year. so happy early 2024!! 🥳🎉💝
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tyeballz · 2 years
Quick BNC!12Leo drabble (rewrite ig?)
I think it was too short to be published onto AO3, so I'm uploading it here as an exclusive (temporarily, until i rewrite the first 3 chapters including the prologue).
This drabble is a rewrite of Leo's POV during chapter 3, I might as well rewrite everything, now that I'm still improving my writing skills and I'm not speeding through everything during lunch at school
vv read under the cut !! vv
No matter how many times he tried to at least make a dent in the solid stone in the walls, or how he tried to gain the attention of one of the bellhops or guards keeping an eye on his cell, he couldn’t escape.
With the amount of scars, cuts, and bruises that covered his skin, how he was profusely bleeding, Leonardo wished he was already dead, and that this world and this prison cell was just a purgatory, the Yōkai that he’s fought were just a test to see if he was worthy of the afterlife, but when he watched as his fingers hovered over his wounds, he could feel everything sting as fresh blood dripped to the hard, cold grey floor.
The terrapin had only been trapped for what he’d assume to be a week or two, and he was already exhausted. All he did was wake up, look at his tPhone for any signal, try to plan an escape, fight a ginormous monster for about at least an hour, then get thrown back into his cell. No food, no water, and definitely no medical treatment for those wounds. Leonardo was pretty sure all of the fresh ones were infected by the time he was back into his cell for a few days. When he first met his kidnapper, apparently her name was Big Mama- at this point Leonardo didn’t care who she was, he wanted her dead- thought he was someone else, one of the ‘turtley-boos’ she keeps mentioning everytime he has to see her ugly, nasty, spider-looking face. But when he told that ugly Jorogumo that he was from a different universe, she was flabbergasted. He couldn’t tell if it was from his words, the way he talked back to her, or something- but she was mad after that.
Now the mutant turtle was a slave to Big Mama’s Battle Nexus business, and it looked like he wasn’t leaving anytime soon. This was worse than everything else he’s gone through in years, all just by being cooped up in an empty, cold cell and being a tool for battle only for people’s pleasure. It made Leonardo sick to his stomach that a living, breathing person (aka: himself) was being used as a plaything.
Leonardo had been hearing the voices of his brothers for hours now, he felt fatigue and clammy, bundling up to himself by the corner of the freezing cell. The voices kept telling him to not give up on escaping, and then maybe his (actual) brothers will eventually find him, after all they could barely do anything without their leader to guide them. He could hear Donatello speaking to him in those scientific ways he always did until he had to dumb it down for his other brothers, Raphael was reluctantly using those cheesy lines from Space Heroes that Leonardo always enjoyed and even quoted himself, and Michelangelo was comforting the turtle with talking about all four of the brothers’ favourite things in the world, training, family, and pizza.
Leonardo chuckled at the voices, well it at least got him smiling, but it hurt his cheeks when he did, he hasn’t smiled at all since he got lost. He rested his head under his arms, which were over his bare knees, keeping in mind the throbbing pain in his right kneecap. He let out a soft sigh, clutching his eyes shut as he tried to at least get some sleep before he went back out there again. Maybe this was worse than the Triceraton Arena, at least he was with his brothers and he knew someone was going to rescue them all, but now he was hallucinating the voices of his brothers. Sure, he was- most likely- hallucinating Master Splinter, but at least his sensei was in the same ten dimensions as his eldest son.
Now he was missing, his brothers worried sick, what they just didn’t know was that their leader was slowly dying (mentally, emotionally, fuck- even physically) in a different universe all because he unintentionally stumbled into a Yōkai hotel with a mean spider lady as a crime figure who enjoys people dying in her ‘silly little Battle Nexus’.
He noticed a chunk of stone that had fallen off the wall, picking it up he adjusted himself to his knees and began writing on the ground.
‘It’s been days or even weeks since I’ve been kidnapped by Big Mama, I’m worried that I'll be her little fighter for the rest of my teenage years and my upcoming adulthood, maybe the guys won’t find me in time before I perish in this purgatory, maybe they won’t make it in time and watch me perish. But for now, I’ll keep fighting, even if it means killing innocent lives just so I can go home and forget about all of this. Maybe before I leave I’ll tell Big Mama to shove it-’
he stopped when he heard the sounds of the cell door opening.
“Kappa, yu’re up! Mum wants to smile at this battle!” It was one of the Bellhops, specifically the fox Yōkai.
Leonardo turned away from the figure, picking up his O-katanas and strapping both the Sayas to his belt. His Yumi held in place inbetween the pack of arrows. He stood up onto his shaking knees, limping in front of the bellhop fox as he moved the hood of his vision suit over his head.
The bellhop cuffed Leonardo’s wrists as he escorted him out of the cell.
The terrapin mumbled to himself, as he was for certain that he was able to escape after the battle this time,
“I’m ready.”
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redfoxgaming41 · 3 years
This was a request by anonymous and it was cool as hell so I am writing it!
I’m doing this in a one-shot format but it might be a bit crappy since I’m not too good at it!
Warning(s): Slight angst but happy ending, cursing, mention of injuries
(Reader is Female for this)
Let’s get this started!!
** 3rd person POV**
You were known as (y/n) to your family and friends, you looked like a normal 11 year old human girl but with a not so normal adoptive family.
You were abandoned by your biological parents before they were killed off by some bad guy and then you were picked up off of the ground by a green looking person wearing something red on his face. You now recognize him as Raphael, your older brother who you look up to the most. You obviously have your other brothers as well, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Leonardo. You were basically a mini version of all of them.You loved your brothers and they loved you, they were all pretty overprotective of you as well.
Until everything went downhill.
Everything happened so fast you couldn’t believe what was happening, foot soldiers flooded the lair and started attacking your brothers while some big metal man with blades for arms started to attack your father. You wanted to help them but you weren’t as better trained as your father and brothers so you fought the urges. You saw your brothers start to attack the metal man which you now knew was called shredder, and the fight wasn’t looking too well for them. That’s when you saw shredder almost stab Raph.
You felt something inside of you that you’ve never felt before and you didn’t know how to describe it, but it made your blood boil. You quickly rushed over there as fast as you could before your brother was hurt and just closed your eyes and let instincts take over. And by instincts I mean the fact that you turned into a whole wolf and started biting the arm of shredder. You bit through his armor and into his flesh, you couldn’t even control what you were doing, you just knew that you must protect your brothers. Shredder flung you across the room but it didn’t affect you badly, you were back on your feet once again. But you then felt sharp pains in your neck that led you to pass out. Shredder was impressed by your powers and decided to take you with him to “experiment” on you. Even if your brothers and Sensai protested, he easily beat them to the ground and took you with him.
Once your brothers were fine again, they instantly were talking about different plans to get you out of shredders hands.
^Time skip~ Two Years^
Your brothers were still on the lookout for you but they weren’t having any luck, they did however find Casey Jones who knew about Shredder, and your parents. They were also still doing their vigilante jobs, protecting New York from any bad people that resigned in it.
“Something could have happened to her! Like she could have gotten mutated-“
“Well she can turn into a wolf so that sorta makes her a hybrid mutant.”
“I guess...but she could be getting hurt there! Or could have already gotten killed!”
“Calm down Raph, she’s strong. I’m sure she’s still alive.”
“You don’t know that, none of us know that.”
**Raphs POV**
Finally, after finally getting the polices trust we can take down whatever the fuck is building this spaceship in the sky. Especially that it’s destroying New York in the process.
“So we’re going up there then jumping on one of those fucking flying pieces in order to land on the base of the ship thing?” I asked Leo.
“Yes, that’s the only possible way we can get up there.” He confirmed with a small sigh. And we went through with that whole plan. The police got us into the building by putting up their shields so civilians wouldn’t see us and off we went onto the roof. As quick as possible we made it up and we’re figuring out which platform to jump on. Donnie found a good one and we hopped on, not the smoothest ride but it was all we had.
**3rd Person POV**
The fight wasn’t going too smoothly for the brothers, especially when they figured out that krang worked with shredder until something happened. But all they need to to send the ship back into the dimension it was coming from. If only it were that easy but it wasn’t. They were facing a serious hardship, especially with The Krangs Advanced tech and suit. They honestly might have almost given up, until someone came into the battle.
It was a big wolf, same color as they last seen their...sister as...
And the wolf was pretty fucking good too! Ripping off parts of Krangs robotic limbs and even some of his tentacle looking things. Needless to say the turtles were impressed but it still have a bit of a downfall though. The Krangs managed to trap the wolves leg under his foot, not enough to break it but enough to stop the wolf from running. The turtles almost charged into the battle once more until the wolf called out.
“Raph! Give me one of your Sai’s!”
Raph recognized that voice, the only voice that belonged to (y/n). He almost did it without hesitation but he threw one of his sai’s to the wolf. She caught it in her mouth and turned her head to face The Krang. Donnie was watching all of this from the area where he was supposed to make the ship fall apart and go back to where it came from but didn’t do it yet because then they might not have enough time to escape and be sucked into the dimension as well. The wolf then transformed into something but the brothers couldn’t quite see what it was because the light was blinding but after it cleared up they saw someone that they never thought they would see again.
Except you looked more badass, plus you were two years older than they last seen you.
You were quick to think, turning around and stabbing The Krang right in his blobbly face. At this point Donnie had already started the whole “Spacship is going back to its dimension” thing so there was little time but it gave Donnie the ability to fight again so he did what anyone would do if there was a high tech pink blob villain on a giant spaceship and your only weapon was a Bo-Staff that had a taser on one end of it. PLUNG IT STRAIGHT INTO THE HEAD AND ELECTROCUTE THE THING!
^Time skip (sorry) after the fight^
Everything went surprisingly well, they won the battle and they get their sister back. Just because it was a happy day for them and with getting keys to the city, they still are the overprotective brothers you knew and loved. Especially the one in red. You finally got to meet the infamous Casey Jones but not only was he a couple feet away but Raph was behind you the whole time making sure he didn’t say nor look at you the wrong way.
“Come on Raph! I just want to introduce myself to her! Why are you so protective!?”
“Because not only is she my younger sister, she also sacrificed her life for us and I want to be more protective of her even more.”
“Fair point but can I at least shake her hand!”
You were happy to be back, to be back in New York.
And to be back with your brothers. ❤️💙🧡💜
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theredscreech · 4 years
Grammar Tips That Are Actually Useful #2
So I honestly didn’t expect to do another one of these, but ever since my first GTTAAU post got a whole bunch of hits over the last few days, I decided to do another one about a popular piece of grammar that I notice is often misused.
Writers, gather ‘round as we explore the dreadful and terrible aspect of writing that is the...
Dun, dun, duuuuuuuun!
I first want to preface this by saying that I was notorious for this. I am so sorry to everyone who read my TMNT fics from 2016; I didn’t know better and I apologise profusely!! I went entire pages without naming a character in the narrative and I have no one to blame but my own ignorance, which has now been remedied - Hallelujah!
To explain: An epithet has a few definitions, so let’s take a look at them. (Definitions courtesy of dictionary.com.)
1. Any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual or attributed quality: “Richard the Lion-Hearted” is an epithet of Richard I.
2. A characterizing word or phrase firmly associated with a person or thing and often used in place of an actual name, title, or the like, as “man's best friend” for “dog.”
3. A word, phrase, or expression used invectively as a term of abuse or contempt, to express hostility, etc.
In other words, an epithet is an adjective or noun to describe or name someone without using their proper name.
(There’s a ton more under the Keep Reading, so buckle up.)
Epithets are used in a variety of ways to describe a variety of any character’s characteristics (haha). Most common examples for this are:
hair - the blond, the blonde, the black-haired person, etc.
eye-colour - the green-eyed person, the brown-eyed person, etc.
skin-colour - the pale-skinned person, the dark-skinned person, etc. (Side note: NEVER use food to describe skin colour/tone (eg. olive-skinned). It is offensive and wrong, so just don’t. If you have any questions, I’d encourage you to follow @writingwithcolor (which I do). They have excellent commentary for writers who write characters of varying ethnicities, religions, etc. Check out their FAQ before asking anything, though, because they’ve answered a ton of different questions already.)
status - the child, the teen, my boyfriend, his husband, etc.
profession - the engineer, the doctor, the ninja, etc.
species - the dwarf, the human, the dragon, etc.
or any combination - the green-haired teen (I saw this one in a fic from Izuku’s own POV), the orange-masked turtle (this one is mine and also from Mikey’s POV, and I am sooooo sorry.), etc.
There are, of course, dozens more of examples, but these are the most common ones, especially in fanfiction, so let’s leave it at that.
So why do writers use epithets so often?
Honestly, it becomes tedious and repetitive to write out the characters’ names all the time. It looks odd, too, all those ‘Mikeys’ and ‘Izukus’ and ‘Natasha Romanovas’ and what-nots. They’re just prancy-dancing all over your page and it looks. so. off. There’s just something about seeing characters’ names that, for whatever reason, some writers don’t like. And I kid you not, I had to train myself out of this way of thinking.
I had to train myself because as soon as I learned about epithets, I saw that I was using them absolutely everywhere. I would write literal pages without using anyone’s name, and four years later, I look back at those stories I wrote and posted publicly, and I cringe. But it’s the good kind of cringing because it lets me know how far I’ve come in my writing craft, that even though I’ve been writing for years and years, there’s always something new to learn. There’s always something to improve upon.
“Good for you, Red, but why are epithets so bad?”
Well, technically they’re not bad. They’re just used poorly or overused or both (as was my case).
We’ve already talked a bit about over usage (unless you missed the parts where I confessed to writing pages without using names), so let’s talk about poor usage.
Poor usage of epithets is when epithets are used incorrectly.
Here’s an example: Mikey looked at his red-masked brother.
Gah, that physically pained me to write! Okay, so what’s wrong with this sentence? Well, unless we’re writing for Mirage Studios’ comic (1984) where all four turtles of the TMNT wore red masks, then we’ve got a pretty good idea that ‘red-masked brother’ actually means ‘Raphael’.
Okay, great, so we know ‘red-masked brother’ is Raph, so why is this an example of poor epithet usage?
Answer: Because we already know Raph has a red mask. It is set. It is eternal. It’s a part of who he is, just like his skin or his shell. If you are at all familiar with this character, you will know that Raph is the ‘red-masked turtle’.
Here’s the thing epithets do. Epithets estrange characters from each other. This is why they’re most commonly and properly used for characters whom either we as the audience/narrator or the characters themselves do not know.
This is why phrases like ‘the dark-clad figure’ or ‘the blonde cashier’ are so popular - because we do not know who the people are! Sure, we can always go up to the dark-clad figure and introduce ourselves, or we can look at the blonde cashier’s name tag, and that’s sort of the point because we do not know who these people are yet. Epithets are used, more often than not, for unknowns until they are made known.
There are exceptions to this, of course, of course, most commonly of which are status ones: my husband, his son, their niece, etc.
These are fine, but use them wisely and sparingly (tying into the over usage part again).
Here’s a better example: I walked into the kitchen and found my husband already there and making breakfast for all three children.
‘My husband’ and ‘all three children’ are epithets, but they don’t estrange the characters, per se, because they’re letting us know who’s who and their importance to the narrator/character. That being said, you should still use ‘my husband’ sparingly because if you’re ‘my husband’-ing your husband, whose name is Henry, all over kingdom come, it begins to sound...not good. Like, why would you need to remind yourself Henry is your husband all the time? Do you have amnesia? Are you just forgetful? Are you insecure? Maybe he was unfaithful at some point and he’s doing better, but you’re internalising that and reinforcing the fact that he’s yours? Maybe you just don’t like his name? Or don’t know his name?
Hard to say.
The fact of the matter is this: the closer the characters are in terms of their relationship (platonic, romantic, as friends, as siblings, whatever), the less they will use epithets for each other.
For example: I, personally, have never thought of my mother as ‘the brown-haired woman’. She has always been mom or mum or other such derivatives. It never crosses my mind.
Contrarily, when I’m working at the book store and I’ve taken a few things up to the cash desk for a customer, I’ll let the cashier know that the items are for ‘the curly-haired woman with sunglasses’. Because she is a stranger to me.
Consider Disney’s film Lady and the Tramp (1955). I haven’t seen the live action, so I can’t make a comparison, but the 1955 version fits for what I want to talk about here.
Please name Lady’s owners.
If you said, ‘Jim Dear’ and ‘Darling’, you would be absolutely correct! While we can safely assume that ‘Jim Dear’ is actually ‘Jim’ or even ‘James’, we have no idea of Darling’s real name. Some pet names and nicknames are technically epithets if we’re being especially pedantic today (please see Disney’s Tangled’s character Flynn Ryder’s nickname for Rapunzel), but let’s say for the sake of argument that all pet names fall into the category of proper names, particularly since we’re talking about Lady and the Tramp (1955).
If you listen closely, you will notice that not once - not a single time, ever - do any of the characters that know Jim Dear and Darling call them by anything else (except for Jim Dear’s men friends at the baby shower; they all call him ‘Jim’). Even Darling’s friends call her ‘Darling’. Jock and Trusty both call Lady’s owners/masters ‘Jim Dear’ and ‘Darling’. Never ‘Lady’s owners’ or whatever else.
This is a perfect example of using names instead of epithets. It helps immensely that they aren’t main characters - secondary characters, certainly, but not main - but the point remains.
“But, Red, the Tramp never calls Lady by her name!”
And you’re right! But there’s a reason for that: Lady never formally introduced herself. The story begins in December of 1909 (thank you, Wikipedia). So by the time Lady is six months old, we’re well into 1910. Conventions in this era, as far as I know, not that I am an expert, dictate that ladies/women introduce themselves so that men could then address them (or something like that? Someone please correct me if I’m wrong). Since Lady never does that, Tramp is reduced to giving her the pet name ‘Pigeon’ or ‘Pige (Pidge?)’. Also, Lady doesn’t find out Tramp’s name until the dogs at the pound tell her.
Either way, Tramp is forced to use a pet name, but it is not an epithet simply because ‘Pigeon’ isn’t describing Lady’s characteristics.
Now, Tramp on the other hand...is a characteristic, and someone can definitely win the argument of whether this is an epithet or not. Hint: it is because it’s preceded by ‘the’. He is literally introduced as ‘the Tramp’ (Bull, the bulldog, says it first in a scene with him, Peg and the Tramp, and then Toughy drops it at the pound in front of Lady). This is his epithet, his defining characteristic, because he is introduced as it: The Tramp.
But this is not his only characteristic. He’s helpful and compassionate (the entire scene when he fights off three alley dogs chasing Lady and then proceeds to help her get the muzzle off), he’s also playful (shows Lady there’s more to life than “life on a leash”), courageous (he fights a rat), and respectful of Lady’s choices (tries to persuade her to run away with him but pursues the matter no further when she tells him ‘no’, and he also backs off when she’s mad at him).
This is what epithets do. Not only do they estrange the characters, but they also reduce the characters to a base level. Those well-rounded, complex babies you so carefully crafted become one-dimensional and flat in the span of a single phrase. They become ‘black-haired men’ and ‘green-eyed teens’ and ‘red-masked brothers’ and in that moment, that is all they are and when you continue to reinforce that, that is all the readers will see them as. Besides the fact that readers might very well forget their names entirely, especially if it’s an original work where the audience is not as familiar with the characters as they would be with fanfiction.
This is why Lady never addresses Tramp directly in the film. If she’s speaking to him, she’s looking at him so he knows she’s addressing him. It’s a subtle nuance in the film because Lady refuses to reduce Tramp to his epithet (once she learns it) because he isn’t that basic. (Another reason why Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure bugs me because I swear she actually calls him ‘Tramp’ and it feels so wrong for her to address him like that.) But Tramp gives Lady a nickname. See the difference?
So, yes. While epithets are not strictly bad, they are best when used properly and sparingly. Like, yes, please, feel free to remind us that Mikey loves his brothers and that Katsuki calls his friends ‘Spiky-hair’ or whatever. These are descriptive and good and should be used, just be aware of when and how often you use them, not to mention why. If you’re simply using an epithet for the sake of avoiding saying someone’s name, then it’s poor usage.
And holy freaking wow, this thing is ginormous! I’m going to stop here because I don’t think I can write another word about epithets and how important they are.
Thank you for reading! I hope this helps. And a reminder: check out RavenshellRorschach on DeviantArt for comprehensive how-to’s on some of English’s toughest homophones and grammar points.
Cheers, y’all!
~ Red
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Clary Fray Gets Married. (My First Story On Wattpad) My Reaction After 3 Years.
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So This story is going to be deleted from Wattpad on 12/18/2020. Due to how messy the story is. But I don’t reccomend reading it. So if you want to read the mess before then here is the link:
Clary Fray Gets Married
One paragraph is a single chapter
So Maia just got killed and Sebastian is back. That's a cheesy line. How would they be able to invite you to the wedding if they thought you were dead. Not that they would anyway. Clary is sacrificing herself for everyone. All these misspellings though, well it was my first story on here and I never edited it and I wrote it on my phone. That was short af. Well my original word count was 500 but later in the story I am pretty sure I switched it to my current 2000.
The incest plotline though, *throws up* I was trying to continue the idea of Sebastian thinking that the bloodline had to be pure. And Clary's pregnant. Jace's pov, the language was the worst in this story. Clary pov. Sebastian wants to make another demon child. Trama. Sebastian is a vampire but a new breed. Mark of Cain?
So we are starting this chapter with Trama warnings. Jace is blood thirsty and I don't blame him. This is the cringest this I've ever written and that's saying a lot. Clary made a run to hurt him. It can't be that easy.
Sebastian told Jace that was pregnant. Jace just cut of his head and he's still alive? These 500 word chapter get annoying fast.
Threatening Alec for Magnus to put up wards. That's one way to do it ig. You want the Infernal Cup too? Now he only wants Jace and Clary there.
Not much happened in this chapter but Sebastian raided Clary's closet from the Insitute.
A protective Jocelyn tho. This language is not how I would write this today.
It's like every other word is F*ck. This is so cringey. This is supposed to be first person pov not whatever you wanna call that. So much flopping back and forth between povs and I didn't make the pov change very noticeable either.
Really you're taking his head off again? Well it gave you time to get away ig.
This conversation feels forced. It doesn't flow right.
Clary is insisting on getting married before Sebastian can screw it up any more.
Magnus calling Simon by his actual name??? How did Jace just pop up like that?
What the hell was going on it that small pov with Sebastian and Lilith? "...revealing his father in a new form." Valentine? Wtf? Yeah it is Valentine and he hates what his son did.
Jace and Clary are finally getting married.
Valentine it pissed at Sebastian. Clary thinks it's halirious that he's a downworlder now. Karma is a bitch. Clary really just stabbed him in throat after he offered to help you kill your brother and Lilith?
Now why is Sebastian so worked up over a missing necklace? And Jocelyn just found out about Valentine and she shookth.
Jace has a half sister? And Luke has a niece? I don't remember this plotline but this story was all over the place.
Who is Lilith gonna bring back now? Carmen Herondale, Jace's sister.
Sebastian and Carmen reunited.
Sebastian never wanted this for Carmen? She's made at him but not for the reason you think. He was going to propose to her the night she was killed? Valentine is the reason she's dead? Clary just killed him.
Carmen is a murderer? And she got away.
I didn't even realize Simon didn't go.
Carmen you touch Alex or Max I will kill you.
He gave her the wrong spell thankfully.
Tessa is dead? The author's note was not it.
Even in a shitty fanfic Max is adorable.
Carmen's adoptive mundane father was a gang leader in Paris? What kind of crack was I smoking while writing this?
Simon compared her to Assassin's Creed. Why did Clary just pass out?
So the kid is basically going to be a full blown angel. Interesting. And the last thing she remembers is taking the pregnancy test?
That is some Twilight shit right there.
Aww Alec wants to propose to Magnus.
Her pregnancy is getting intense.
That line is so cringey wtf. Sebastian is back?
So I kinda remember the person who originally raised Lilith but tbh I regret writing Carmen's charcther because the next few chapter don't make any sense.
Clary's eyes changed colors. I really don't remember writing half of this because I was going through some stuff at the time.
The unnecessary pov switch tho. Clary just made a new Rune.
Magnus may have found a way to make Shadowhunters immortal?
Why would you try a rune on a trash can?
So everyone one agreed to going immortal. That would suck. And there was a rune made with the oil based paint Clary used. This is confusing af. I am sorry to anyone who has ever read this.
Max calls Clary, Aunt Clary. Wtf does he have to be so cute?
More Max being adorable.
Alec and Magnus are engaged. This makes me happy. Sebastian projected himself into the Insitute?
New Character is introduced: Emily Starkweather. Hodge's daughter and Lydia Blackwell's half sister and she hates her.
I made Lydia Blackwell very homophobic because I made Emily bi sexual and that's why they hate each other. Emily is traitor. Sebastian loves her? And is cheating on Carmen with her. This is very confusing. Emily is gonna teach Izzy how to cook.
Raphael got her addicted to Yin Fen. I really mixed The show and the book together. This bitch is lying her ass off to them.
Sebastian and Emily are planning to get rid of Carmen.
She's planning on killing so many people and pinning it on them.
Emily has some Trama TM
She is going to kill her mother.
Lowkey think Jace is getting sus of her. Carmen is dead.
They just found out she's a traitor.
Joyce, Luke, Myrse and Robert are all dead wtf and the baby is coming.
Emily has a good reason to trust Sebastian tho. He did save her life.
Lilith thought she was dead? Who do u think rose you from Edom?
They don't know Carmen id dead yet? Alec ripped into Lydia. Compared her to Valentine. Big ope. Emily is the 3rd Angel experiment.
Emily and Sebastian  are planning on kidnapping Lydia. Emily's angel blood is Lucifer's wtf? Emily called her sister a Stupid Ass Bitch and I'm living for it. And she's been kidnapped.
Sebastian just turned her? Ew. The left-handed joke. They summoned Lucifer for some reason.
Emily is absolutely crazy.
So she did kill her mother... I didn't make that very clear. Jace and Alec want them to make Amends so that she doesn't murder Shadowhunters. Sweetie I think it's far too late for that. Lydia is officially dead. How could she be preggers if she's a vampire? And now her mother is still alive? Jocelyn, Luke, Maryse and Robert are alive still too? Emily's mom admitted to everything. I also started going to 2000 word chapters.
Lilith is acting like a bitch, kinda. They are attacking the clave. Lilith summoned a shit ton of demons. The end of the chapter is kinda intense tho.
Raphael? Wtf are you doing here? Hodge?  They are testing by mortal sword. This is kinda confusing. Why was this the most read story on my wattpad before Avenging Riverdale?
Flashback scene to when they first met.
Then there was a short chapter. About a prochey
Time skip. The baby is coming. A blue and a black eye? Sebastian's eyes flickered green? Magnus wants to figure how to bring out the Johnathan in him.
Emily plans on making Sebastian stays Sebastian.
That was a shitty chapter.
And I forgot I discountinted it... Sorry about that.
Overall I am happy I discountinted you. It is a horrible book and I am embarrassed by it to be honest. This is my first book on wattpad so I think it's pretty normal but it wasn't my first piece of fanfic. My first work was on Fanfic.net but has since been deleted by the website. I don't know why it wasn't bad at all it was more fluff than anything. But I have decided that I am going to post this and then I'm going to take down the story in a month. I failed to put trigger warnings, failed to edit (to be fair that was back when I did all of my writing on my phone before I had am actual laptop). But I did have some good ideas when it came to the traitor part and Sebastian finding love and I deem this story on crack. So my final rating is a 2/10.
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ketzwrites · 6 years
Rewatch 111: Blood Calls to Blood
This episode is particularly hard for me to watch. I went full lawyer and I am not sorry. Anyway, there’s good structure and, when the events happen, you feel glad they did. But things don’t really make sense if you think about them too much.
Which is all I do, especially in these rewatches. Enjoy.
The biggest clue “Michael Wayland” isn’t who he says he is: He doesn’t instantly assume Clary is Jocelyn’s daughter upon seeing her.
The story about their first fight against a demon is a really nice touch. It sounds like a comforting thing a father would do and it also makes Jace believe that truly is his father.
What is up with this season and the installed Portals that shadowhunters have?
Act One
As much as I like this exchange between Izzy and Alec – him desperately trying to find a workaround, her knowing better – saying that the Clave is just doing this to get to the Mortal Cup defeats the shock factor in Imogen’s decision after Lydia rescinds her accusations.
Luke’s trying his best but he’s a werewolf, not a vamp.
This “Michael Wayland” and Luke interaction makes me want more interactions between former Circle Members. Also, Valentine is such a psycho: “Michael” apologizing to Jace for dying in front of him will only further Jace’s emotional trauma.
“Funny how all rules for Downworlders stop being such a big deal when you need our help.” Spill that tea, Raphael.
And here Simon stops being just an innocent victim. He blackmails Raphael – boohoo Raphael – into giving them human blood. Also, in the next season, mundanes won’t be able to identify Jace’s blood type. I’m not sure if that’s a plot-hole, but I think it’s interesting to point it out.
This conversation between Alec and Lydia only makes sense if Alec is trying to make a case for delaying the trial, since he knows why it’s being rushed – the search for the Mortal Cup. That’s how I’m electing to interpret this scene, but that’s not clear.
Imogen Herondale’s entrance is marvelous.
Now “Michael” does the “you’re just like Jocelyn” routine, hm? Well played, Valentine. Also, well-played show for the happy smile from “Michael”. Looks innocent enough but not in a fake way. Valentine is probably happy after talking to his daughter for the first time.
Clary and Jace trying to figure out how finding Michael will lead to Valentine is a great way to deceive the audience. Their explanation makes sense, even if they will be proved wrong. Right now, though, we should believe whatever they say.
It’s also good to have they have this moment. Make the audience believe everything is going to be fine just to drop the siblings-bomb on them at the end of the episode.
Act Two
These “memories”? That’s not playing fair. It’s a subtle thing, but a flashback entails the truth, a visual story doesn’t. This is supposed to be a visualization of what Michael is telling Clary, Jace, and Luke. But because it plays like a flashback – there’s no voice over, the POV is from the cage -, the audience has no reason to suspect anything.
Alec’s practicality trumps Izzy’s idealism here. It’s gonna trump Jace’s too in a couple acts.
Magnus is putting the hugest show in this scene. He could’ve let Alec go: all he needed to do was to keep quiet. But no; Magnus knows he can help Izzy and stick it to the shadowhunters in the process. But, of course, he’s still angry about how things between Alec and him went down. He’ll make Alec feel as uncomfortable as Alec made him feel. Petty Magnus is the best Magnus.
Act Three
Clary is smart. We know that. But the show has been very heavy-handed with making Michael Wayland sound legit. The audience should have a little suspicion about him, the same way Clary does. That would make this scene revealing that Michael lied about knowing Jocelyn was pregnant with Clary more impactful.
How about we erase this notion that shadowhunters only love once, hm? Never happened. How about that?
More psychological manipulation. Valentine makes Jace believe falling for Clary is disappointing. It makes Jace a lesser warrior. This is great writing of a villain.
As a lawyer, I hate watching the trial. I hate it. The whole case against Izzy is circumstantial! There is no hard proof that she was there! Don’t make Magnus admit that she was. In the very least, make the Soul Sword compel Izzy to admit it. Then go for the safeguarding the Accords argument.
Badass Clary would be more badass if she had figured out Valentine is posing as Michael Wayland. All she could know now is that Michael Wayland is lying.
Act Four
When did Izzy let them believe she had anything do with the ambush?? And why would she?? That’s admitting guilt! 
Also, why don’t their arguments make sense?? They talk about the Mortal Cup, Meliorn’s torture, orders, the Law, but not in a way that makes any sense.
I thought episode 103 established Downwolders burn when they touch seraph blades, but apparently Luke can do it just fine.
The use of sound in the scene Clary finds Jocelyn is superb.
Act Five
This trial is physically painful for me to watch. Almost as much as Lydia’s 180 in her motivations. Izzy’s speech was okay at best. Nothing justifies Lydia, of all people, to change her mind like this. Or to read Izzy or Magnus that well. Alec, okay, she has been hearing him come up with all kinds of ideas to save his sister since Izzy was taken into custody. But the other two? I don’t buy it.
Again, we know the Clave is solemnly prosecuting Izzy because they want the Mortal Cup. Lydia withdrawing the charges with no mention to the Mortal Cup doesn’t mean anything because we’ve been told the case is a sham from the very beginning.
As Clary orders the demons to find Valentine, she is holding both the fake and the real Mortal Cups. I can buy this being how she realizes “Michael” is Valentine. What I don’t buy if Clary already knowing that by this point.
Jace is clearly emotionally compromised. Don’t listen to him, Clary. Keep the demons.
She didn’t keep the demons.
Where did this portal come from?? Valentine activated with a RUNE?
Act Six
One thing that I don’t get: Izzy, Jace, and Clary broke the law in various different instances. Alec too, since he helped them hide the Mortal Cup for a while. Why don’t they get punished? Returning something you stole doesn’t absolve you from stealing it. All four of them should have been locked up and trialed for high treason.
This exchange between Jace and Alec is good, but it could’ve been more nuanced. Alec is ultimately right: Jace’s good intentions serve for nothing when his actions put others at risk. But, at the end of it, Alec excluding Jace from their family should’ve been emphasized in Jace’s torment. It should’ve played a part in Jace’s descent to darkness.
Lightwoods being happy always makes me happy. Alec, Izzy, and Magnus in the same scene does too.
And now, Magnus’ spitefulness is gone. He’s ready to be honest with Alec. The “I don’t neither” is a bit much for my taste – it’s not like Magnus and Alec have lived this epic love story that Alec is sacrificing for a “suitable” marriage. But this exchange is important for both Alec and Magnus, and it deepens their relationship.
This little moment of hope for Simon is so bittersweet now that we know how his romantic relationship with Clary will go down.
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fabuloustrash05 · 4 years
Courting a Salamandrian
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Words: 2531
Warnings: None.
Author’s Notes: All I got to say is that I’ve been looking forward to writing this chapter since I first started this fanfic and now it’s finally out and done! I hope you like it as much as I do! Also, similarly to Chapter 2 with Raph’s POV, this chapter will be through the POV of Mona, just to avoid confusion.
Chapter 6: An Unwanted Guest
Night begins to fall. Perfect time for me to be out on the streets again. I leave April’s apartment through the window, taking the fire escape - the same way I came in. Before I descend, I look out onto the city. The tall buildings begin to glow and the streets start to light up. New York is beautiful in the evening. The stars compete with the buildings’ luminescence. The city is also lovely during the day, too. But sadly, daylight hours are not for my kind. Nightfall is the only time when mutants, and myself, find it safe to venture outside of our lair. It is only then that we have a lower chance of being spotted by humans. Yet sometimes that chance is worth the risk. The taste of the short lived freedom is worth it. 
It's a shame we are not allowed to be out during the day. Maybe it's for the best. Bishop created these rules saying it's for our own good. Gosh, the city is more alive during the day! People are everywhere living their lives, crowded streets awake with chatter and activity. Humans of all kinds. I remember Donatello has explained to me that some humans can’t accept things that are different. But luckily there are some who do, like April, Casey, and Karai. Perhaps one day, mutants will be accepted by society - and my friends and I can be free from Bishop’s laws.
By the time I made it back to the Mutanimals lair, a large abandoned warehouse on the lower east side of Manhattan, it was fully dark outside. Carefully glancing at my surroundings one final time to ensure no humans saw me, I ducked inside. 
Dr. Rockwell was checking up on Mondo Gecko, who was lying on an old rundown couch. Mondo was now wearing a cast on his right leg, after his quick loss to Slash in their one on one fight early this morning. Leatherhead was peering over the couch talking with Mondo.
Without looking up, Rockwell says to me, “Welcome back, Y’gythgba.” 
I walk up to Rockwell and the others. “Hello, Rockwell. How’s Mondo Gecko?”
“He’s fine.” Rockwell answered, “He just needs to rest. He’ll feel better in-”
“Nooooo!” Mondo whines, interrupting Rockwell as he grabs his arm. “I-I don’t think... I’m gonna…” He coughs, “make it…”
Rockwell rolls his eyes as Mondo continues his over exaggerated performance.
“Mona Lisa,” he coughs again, “these may be my last moments here… but maybe a kiss from a lovely lady like yourself will-”
“NO!” I said, giving him a serious glare.
Mondo jerks up from the couch, completely healthy, and shrugs, “Eh, worth a shot.”
Leatherhead chuckles at Mondo as he pats him gently on the head.
“I can’t believe you're still on this team after all this time,” Rockwell mumbles to himself, loud enough for Mondo to hear him, as he packs up the medical supplies. Mondo turns to Rockwell with a shocked yet offended look. Rockwell then gets up and returns to his cluttered desk. It’s amazing he gets anything done with so many computer screens and monitors crowding the desktop. Yet, he needs them to patrol the outside of the warehouse. A better security system I have yet to see.
“Oh good, you’re back,” a gravelly voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn to see my friend and leader, Slash. “How was your time with April?”
“Oh, it was very nice. I always enjoy her company.”
“And no one saw you?”
“No, Slash. I was safe.”
“Well, you did take a big risk going out,” Slash reminded me. “You know we're not supposed to go out during the day.”
“Like you’re any better,” Mondo said, still lying on the couch. “He left a little while after you did, Mona.”
“I agree with Jason,” Rockwell said. “Slash, I saw you sneak out.” He sighs, “I don’t understand why you all insist on going out during the day when you know there’s rules.”
Slash’s eyes widened, knowing he had been caught.
“Well, why did you leave, Slash?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “It's not like you to disobey Bishop’s rules.”
Slash was silent, a look of embarrassed shock frozen on his face.
“He probably left to go woo that foxy fox again.” Mondo Gecko laughs.
“Alopex and I are just friends!” Slash said annoyed, “And beside I wanted to discuss with her the topic of joining the Mighty Mutanimals.”
“I thought Alopex already told you she’s not interested in joining the team?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips as I smirked at Slash.
“You like her!” Mondo exclaims like a small child. “When will you just admit it?!”
Slash ignores Mondo’s teasing and leaves the room, without adding another comment.
Leatherhead giggles at Mondo’s over exaggeration, then looks at me. “Since training ended early today, Slash and I decided to have another session later tonight. Will you be joining us?”
I smile. “You know I always enjoy a good sparring session, Leatherhead, but I will have to decline for today.”
Leatherhead continues, “Very well. We will be starting later, so if you change your mind and wish to join us, you can.”
I nod and head off to my bedroom. Closing the door behind me, I survey my quarters. It is quite a small space, but it suits me. Slash has told me it used to belong to a former member of their team, but they don’t ever talk about him. Raphael did tell me once that he knew him as “the world's most useless mutant”. 
Everyone was so welcoming and helpful, putting together my room when the Mutanimals offered for me to stay with them. April gave me some bedsheets and blankets for my bed that used to belong to her, lovely fabrics of a dark ruby color with a detailed pattern of pretty pink flowers. Although the pattern isn’t my style and I often wear blue, pink has always been my favorite color. Leo gave me some Spaceheroes posters to decorate the walls. There are also photographs of my friends, my Commander, and of course of my beloved Raphael and I. 
Shinigami helped with my closet, giving me many new options for Earth clothing. Like my favorite blue sweater I’m currently wearing. It’s been so long since I’ve worn my original armor, but I still keep it in a second closet in my room -  an arsenal of my armor and my weapons. Then finally there is my sword, mounted on the wall over my bed like a trophy. I haven't needed it in some time. No reason to carry a big plasma sword around when there are no criminals to fight. I still wear my wrist blasters from my old armor, just in case. Even when I’m not fighting, they do make a lovely accessory.
I lay down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. My mind cluttered with thoughts of the Earth tradition, marriage. An entire ceremony is put together for a couple who wish to join lives, just because they love one another. It sounds so wonderful. Being married and sharing a life together as a husband and a wife.
Then I remember what Raphael and I talked about last night. We're already in each other’s lives so maybe there's no point in getting married. Maybe it's best we stay the way we are...
Suddenly there was a knock on my door, “Mona?” Slash said from behind the door. I sat up from my bed, got up and walked to the door, opening it.
“Yes, Slash?”
“Hey, Mona,” Slash said looking rather confused. “Um, I hate to bother you, but Bishop is here. He said he wants to talk to you.”
Bishop? Why is he here? What could he want with me? Even Slash seems unsure of why the Utrom is here.
I leave my room, following Slash to where I see Bishop with the rest of the team. He stood there in his black suit, all seriousness and control. He was looking at my friends like how he always looks at mutants -- disgusted, like they are nothing more than low class citizens.
Slash and I join the Mutanimals. Bishop glares at me with that stern look always on his face. Never able to tell what he is thinking.
“Lieutenant Y’gythgba,” his greeting cold, emotionless.
I hold my head up high, “Bishop. What brings you to Earth? Your update inspection for us isn't for another few weeks.”
“I’ve actually come to talk to you,” he said, “I was going over my files this afternoon and I found this. “ He pulls out a hologram touch screen showing some written files. “This is the  contract the Utrom council created for you as part of your stay on Earth. According to these terms, you’ve been given permission to stay on planet Earth,” he continues, quoting from the contract, “as long as you are of use to this planet and its beings, such as assisting Earth in any cosmic threats, attacks, plagues, etc.”
“Yes, I am aware,” I said.
“Good, Lieutenant. Then, why are you still here?” Bishop asked.
My eyes widen. “W-what?”
“You and your Commander have agreed with the council and myself that you would remain on Earth to assist the planet if there were any future Insectoid, Triceraton, Kraang, or any intergalactic threat.” His tone is sharp, curt.
“Bishop, there hasn’t been any cosmic threats in a few years. This planet has been perfectly safe thanks to the Turtles.”
“Exactly. As long as your presence had utility to be on this planet, then you were permitted to stay. However, as you agree, Lieutenant, this planet has been at peace for years now. I think it’s safe to say that our agreement is no longer necessary, and neither is your presence.”
I stayed silent. In a way, he’s right. I mean, there hasn’t been any serious problems on this planet in a while. Only a few crimes here and there, but nothing major. Is my presence even worth being here? As a warrior, I am no longer fulfilling my purpose on this planet. Do I even have a purpose? 
Bishop continued, “According to the rules created by the EPF and I, only Earthlings are allowed on Earth, unless the non-earthling has an objective to stay. Since you have no importance here anymore, you will be escorted back to Salamandria by-”
“She’s not going anywhere,” Slash says, interrupting Bishop as he places his hand on my shoulder.
“Yeah!” Mondo Gecko proclaimed, stepping in front of me, puffing his chest out acting like a guard dog. “You may not think that she’s important, but she is to us!”
“She’s very useful, even if it is not for battle,” Leatherhead added. “She’s our friend. We’d hate to see her go.”
Rockwell agreed. “And not just to us, but to Karai, Ms. O’Neil, and the Turtles.”
“Especially Raphael,” Slash added with a smile as he looked at me.
I shyly smiled at my friends. Their comments were so kind, it warmed my heart. They care about me and they want me to stay.
Bishop was having none of this sentimentality. He was obviously annoyed, glaring at me.
“I’m sorry, Bishop, but I am not leaving.” 
My body began to slightly shake. Just saying “no” to him is a death sentence.
Bishop stepped forward, pushing Mondo Gecko, who still stood in front of me, out of his way. He leaned close to the side of my face. I could feel his breath on my cheek.
“Isn’t it a Salamandrian’s sworn duty to fight for honor and glory?” he softly growled. “A life dedicated to battle. You’re just wasting your life away with these mutants. You have no worth being here with them and being on this planet.”
“I-I may not be needed for battle,” I said strongly, trying to hide my worries, “but I’m needed by my friends on Earth, and that is what's important. I’m sure the rest of the council will understand...”
Bishop scoffs, stepping away from me. “Earth has made you weak.”
“T-that’s not true!” I said shaking, “Earth is my home-”
“You’re not of Earth!” Bishop says angrily as he raises his voice to me. “You’re just a guest who has ... overstayed their welcome.”
I say nothing. I don’t know if he’s right or wrong. Should I be letting him say these things to me? Why am I not fighting back? Is he right? 
Leatherhead places his hand on my shoulder to comfort me as he looks at Bishop and snarls. Mondo Gecko holds my arm and looks at me worriedly, as Rockwell looks at the Utrom with an angry glare.
Slash gazes directly at Bishop, “I think it’s time you leave, Bishop.”
Bishop stayed silent as he glared at us. He sighs with annoyance, fixing his tie. Finally, in a proper tone of voice, “Very well then, I’ll go.” He turns away from us and begins to walk to the exit. 
Just before walking through the door, he stops dead in his tracks, and turns and looks over his shoulder. His cold eyes peered through his dark sunglasses and met mine from across the room, sending a chill up my spine. 
“You can either leave this planet peacefully, or I’ll remove you from this planet by force. Either way, I will get you off this planet.” And with this vow still echoing in the room, he leaves, slamming the door behind him.
“That… was weird,” Mondo Gecko commented once Bishop was gone.
“Hmm, I wonder what that was all really about…” Slash thought out loud to us.
“Don’t look at me,” Rockwell said. “I can never read his thoughts. His mind is like a steel trap.”
“But whatever it was for,” Leatherhead added, “It seemed as if he was trying to warn you, Mona Lisa.”
“Or threaten me…” I added. “Why is he so desperate to get me to leave…?”
“Don’t let him get to you, Mona,” said Slash, trying to cheer me up. “He’s always tried to scare us mutants. He pulls every insult at us just to bring us down like he did with you.”
“Well, now you’re really one of us freaks!” Mondo joked before Rockwell smacked his arm, silencing him. “OW!” he cried.
Slash was right. I shouldn’t let this bother me, however I don’t understand Bishop’s sudden crude attitude. I knew from the beginning he was unhappy with my decision of staying on Earth, but he never took action. He told me that he’ll get me off this planet, but why? Is there something planned or something soon to come? Did I do something wrong? Or is he right, I have no purpose anymore to be on Earth. Maybe I’m not needed anymore, but my friends say I am.
 A Salamandrian’s purpose is to fight.
I’ve haven’t done that in so long. Am I even worth being called a Salamandrian warrior? What’s my purpose?
I know Bishop. He’s not going to let this slide. He’ll do anything to get his way, he could hurt me, or worse, my friends. Maybe Bishop is right. Perhaps it's best I… 
Must ignore these thoughts running through my head. I can’t let this bother me right now. I need to clear my mind and do something to help me relax.
“Hey, Leatherhead!” I said, “On second thought, I would love to join you and Slash for a sparring session!”
@waferreyes for making the cover
@monarel @starfiretheninja @ryebread-02 @terra-mations @nerdgirllife @cesarin @kiaratheleo @petrichormeraki @watermelon-beauty-queen
(If you would like to be on the tag list to be updated on the newest chapters, message me and let me know!)
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sultrysirens · 6 years
Please just go off and rant about your OCs! I just love them all so much (even the ones that haven’t been introduced yet) and want to hear more about them!
I hope you’re prepared for what you’ve just unleashed~!!
JOCELYN was the start of this avalanche. When I first conjured her up, I had just a few points in mind: I wanted her to be colored (though I hadn’t decided yet what her ethnicity would actually be), I wanted her to be a ballerina, and I wanted her to not be drop-dead fucking gorgeous.
One of these things did not hold up. X’D
My original intent was to just make a short story -- 10 chapters or so -- in which she gets with Raphael and they bang. That was the literal long and short of it, which you can kind of see considering how rushed the first few chapters were.
I didn’t mean for them to get so into each other and fall in love. They did that entirely on their own. And, to be honest, it’s been an amazing experience; I’ve learned a great deal and feel like my creativity has gone through the roof.
Considering I’ve always been crazily creative anyway, that’s saying something.
Initially I picked Raph for this story because I thought (in my ignorance) that he would have the least amount of love and sex-related stories. Oh, how foolish I was, lol. But I was also thinking he would be the easiest to write just falling into bed with someone, and while that is something I commonly see, in my story he very much did not do that.
It was really weird. X’D
While I was writing The Dancer, I was also writing a then-untitled sister fic/epilogue (which I later titled The Dragon). It was quite a few years down the line, so I went ahead and conjured up some future scenes and events. Among them: Lisa.
This fic started in Mikey’s POV for a few reasons, one of them being that I really wanted to write something from his perspective. Lisa was introduced to my story this way, and I quickly took a liking to her and started development on her character. One of the things I did first was write pieces of the first chapter of The DJ, just to get the start’s setting down.
Then all I had to do was get The Dancer to a point where I could connect the two. At the time I was only around chapter 20, so...yeah, it took a while. XD
With Jocelyn, one of the key decisions I made was to make her very unlike Raphael -- she’s flirty, often relaxed, has an incredible love for ballet, has almost no family (just a mother; no dad, no siblings), and has such a crazy obsession over shoes that she literally picks out what shoes she wants to wear before picking her clothing for the day.
With Lisa, I went in the opposite direction: be just like Mikey. She has low intelligence and knows it, yet is brilliant in an unconventional way; her sense of humor is one of her biggest traits and she laughs to defuse situations and deal with problems; her genre is 100% hip hop in nearly all ways; and I made her athletic pretty much entirely so she’d be able to keep up with the master of movement, Mikey. (Say that five times, fast.)
It wasn’t until after I really got into writing Lisa that I noticed something interesting about my two fics: the couples both view each other in the same light.
Jocelyn and Raphael think one another is sexy and bad-ass.
Lisa and Mikey think one another is cool and cute.
This is, of course, not the rule -- Raph has thought Jo is super cute before, and Mikey finds Lisa sexy as hell, too -- but it is their primary mindsets. And it makes me wonder if my remaining two couples will have the same kind of viewpoints. I can’t say for sure yet because I haven’t gotten to the part in either story where they’re actually dating, but it’s fun to consider.
Then again, maybe for Leo and Donnie’s relationships they’ll have opposite viewpoints as their lovers do. It would definitely be an interesting twist.
Progress with The Dragon is going very slowly, which is understandable given I still have a lot of world-building in The DJ to do first, but I do very much love the story. In fact, so far if I were to rank my fics based on my own favorites, it would go Dancer > Dragon > DJ (I have literally nothing written on the final fic yet cause I still haven’t even finished designing the final girl, lol).
As much as I love Lisa (and I freaking do holy shit), I just don’t quite love her the best. This is actually kind of weird considering just how close to being a self-insert she is -- an unintentional self-insert, yes, but the parallels are definitely there.
For example, Lisa is a white girl of mixed white heritage (like me) with a particular pair of beauty marks on her face (same as me, just in different places), she has brunette hair (like me) and blue eyes (mine are actually green, but my parents’ and brother’s eyes are blue and I’ve always been jealous of that), she’s a huge gamer (just like me; she’s just better at competitive games), she dislikes swearing (I swear a lot now, but at her age I was much more sensitive about it), she has an older brother (I technically have two, but one’s very distant and the other was always close), she has a distaste for meat (I’m not vegetarian but as a whole I dislike meat) and some serious compassion for life (same), she loves piercings (I’d have more but I’m seriously forgetful), and she has incredible ears for music (can name almost any song within seconds -- just like me).
Oh yeah, and she’s a Mikey girl. ♥
And more pointedly, I named her mother after my sister (deceased) and her grandparents after my paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother.
I named Jocelyn based on the character of the same name from A Knight’s Tale (it just occurred to me that they have the same tits lmfao); after seeing the movie I kind of became enraptured with this character and her smart tongue and haughty attitude and incredible elegance -- not to mention I freaking loved her name.
Lisa, by comparison, I named based on one thing: the Mona Lisa. Yeah, that’s right, y’all -- I named her after a famous painting by an Italian Renaissance painter. Hurr hurr. XP But though I never mentioned this, Lisa’s mother, Brandy, cites that she named her ‘Lisa’ based on The Simpsons, as Lisa was Brandy’s favorite character.
This cute, incredibly good-hearted and brilliant young girl? Yeah, Brandy loves that character and was hoping Lisa would take after her.
Hmmm, what else...
Well, I had a completely different story set up for Cecilia at first. I’m honestly really glad things didn’t go the way I’d planned, and here’s why: Cecilia was supposed to catch a glimpse of Jo and Raph having sex one day (before meeting him) and go kind of nutso.
You see, at first she claimed diabetes but was not diabetic -- she was doing cocaine, and saying she had diabetes was her explanation for when Jo would catch her shooting up. And with the cocaine in her system, Cecilia’s mind went right to demons and witchcraft.
Terrified for her daughter’s immortal soul, the original plan was for Cecilia to attempt to burn them both to death. To everyone’s surprise, however, Jocelyn didn’t burn -- only Cecilia.
This was the original way Jo discovered she’d been taking on Raph’s mutagen. It’d made her fireproof.
As you can see, I’m super glad I didn’t stick to that, lol.
As for Lisa, me making her a cutter was a spur-of-the-moment decision during that scene where she examines her reflection in her undies. The boob thing, though? That was planned from day one -- because I wanted her to very much be Jo’s opposite, and this included general color palette, skills, likes, personality, and body type.
Jo: tall and willowy, grace incarnate, dark skin and blonde hair, super thick lips, generally thin but with a killer ass, rounded face, freckled, minimal piercings, crazy flirty and confident to no end.
Lisa: barely taller than average, kind of stocky and curvy, shapely lips, wide hips and heavy tits, shapely lips and face, zero freckles, tons of piercings, jittery and mousy but also immature and raucous.
By comparison, so far Mei and Pinky are just people. (Note: Mei’s faceclaim so far is Lucy Lui, but Pinky doesn’t have one just yet.) Mei’s also skinny, but that’s cause she’s 100% Chinese and as far as I can tell that’s just how they are. I’ve done a lot of googling and pretty much all young people I’ve found that way are, in a word, skinny. X’D
I’m leaning towards Pinky being the shortest of the girls, maybe in the 5′1″-5′3″ range, but I’m worried about making her too short. The concept is still very much up in the air, lol. This is also the character I once said I was considering being half Puerto Rican, and while I still like that I’m not sure it’ll stick. It might be more fun to make her like Indian or something.
We’ll see. (I’m very much open to suggestion about her, btw, if anyone has any thoughts...and I know it’s not much to go on yet but there’s a reason for that.)
And then there’s Cassie. My redheaded best friend of my best girl, Jo. I really don’t have much to say about her; I introduced her almost entirely to expand the world a bit and give Jocelyn more ties -- a girl like her would damn well have ties, y’know.
I don’t know what it is, but I have a really hard time writing her. She feels very bland, and while that was kind of the intent, it makes it really hard to get a feel for her. Only a few things remain strong when it comes to her: she’s kinda weirded out by the turtles, she supports Jocelyn completely, and she’s just as much of a ballet-enthusiast.
These girls have been friends for almost their literal entire lives. And I think part of the reason why I wrote them like this was out of jealousy -- I’ve never had that kind of a friendship. The oldest friend I can recall was Jenny, when I was five, and she was a BITCH.
I only have two memories of her anymore: 1, she used to invent games for us to play then change the rules on a dime so she’d always be the winner, and 2, I once tried to leave her home and she slammed the door on my fingers.
I sincerely hope she grew out of that, man.
Suffice to say we were not friends for very long. And since then I’ve seen a constant pattern: I can’t keep friends for longer than a few years, and not because I don’t want to.
Because something always happens. They move, I move, someone’s interests shift, we lose contact, a misunderstanding occurs, etc.
I wanted Jocelyn to have something better than a constantly-shifting sea of semi-friends. I wanted her to have best friends, and then THE best friend -- the one who will remain her best friend for the entirety of her life. The one who was there through all the biggest troubles and best celebrations, the one who will be there for all of the troubles and celebrations to come, and the one who knows her better than anyone else ever has (at least until a certain mutant comes into her life).
Lisa, on the other hand, is...me.
Her friendships flagged, drifted, dissolved, changed, and so on. The only constants in her life have been her family. And even then a good portion of her family has never been there, a fact that hurts her whenever she pauses to think about it.
She hurts, she yearns, and there are times she feels completely alone, even in a full room. She’s constantly scared no one understands her or cares about her, and she gets through this by laughing -- at others, at herself, at that one missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle that makes it kind of look like a penis, and so on.
Lisa has always had the support of her family while needing true understanding and affection. Jo has always had affection and the understanding of her closest friend while needing support.
It’s amazing to think about. And while there’s a lot here that I never put into my fics, these are threads and pieces of my characters that have either always been there in the background or have developed as I wrote them. Maybe I never said Lisa was terrified of being alone, but it was in my mind every time I wrote her.
And I just want to take this moment to thank Anon for giving me this opportunity; I’ve always wanted to rant about my girls but never thought anyone would care, so what was the point, y’know?
Thank you, babe. ;)
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silkiemae · 2 years
City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare
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City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare My rating: 3 of 5 stars Yet another re-read review. Honestly, my reviews on the Shadowhunters series have mainly just been word vomit and all my random thoughts while reading and I’m just going to keep with that trend. We start the book from Simon’s POV—honestly, this book felt more like Simon’s book than anyone else’s, I felt like he had the largest part in the story where Clary and Jace were just doing their typical angsty pining while Jace gets haunted by a demon. What else is new? Simon is likeable at times but a lot of the time I just don’t really care about him. I will never like the whiny friend who’s mad that his female friend doesn’t want to date him. I was sick of him through all of books 1 & 2 and then he got better in 3. Now at 4, I hate him again. He’s two-timing both Maia and Isabelle and I don’t think he even feels bad about it. He seems more worried about making sure they don’t find out about each other and he’s even got Clary in on it. And her advice on the matter is so terrible, but I’m not at all surprised because she has no social graces whatsoever. ‘Figure out what’s going on with you and Isabelle then tell her.’ Uh…no, tell her that Maia kissed you so that a) you don’t get your ass beat when Isabelle finds out on her own, because she WILL find out and b) you can be a DECENT person and stop fooling around. Also, Clary only gets mad Simon hasn’t told them because she doesn’t want his drama at her mom’s wedding. So she threatens to tell them if he doesn’t. Like…you should’ve told him to tell them in the first place. It’s because of your bad advice he’s in the mess in the first place. Camille Belcourt shows up with Archer and Walker to ask Simon to join her squad so that she can face down Raphael. Which is honestly hilarious to me because I don’t picture Raphael as intimidating in the slightest. Especially not after TRSOM. I just picture him sadly texting Ragnor Fell and getting no response. I picture him being a little dick to Alec but secretly wanting to be friends. I really don’t see why Camille would need Simon to defeat him, she’s terrifying enough on her own. Clary and Jace are whining and pining as usual. I’m so over them and their whole relationship. I wish Jace would have stayed dead honestly. That’s one of my least favorite tropes is when the love interest dies and then gets brought back to life. It’s not as bad in this case because at least it wasn’t like a noble sacrifice on Jace’s part only to be rendered meaningless by his resurrection. Hey, anyone remember the Shadowhunter tv series and how when Jia Penhallow learned that Clary brought Jace back with Raziel’s wish she sentenced her to DEATH?! God that show was literal trash. How was Clary supposed to know about your stupid Shadowhunter rules when she was not raised among you? So, Jia just is like too bad you must DIE. (Then literally posthumously pardons her…) I think it’s so stupid they didn’t just tell the Clave what they did with the wish. It would’ve prevented this whole trilogy honestly. All they had to do was tell the truth and they could’ve put the protection spells back on Jace and none of this would have happened. Lilith would not have been able to possess Jace and Sebastian would not have been resurrected. But then CC wouldn’t have been able to write her next like….7 books because they all stem from this plot. *sigh* Vampires can hypnotize people apparently? I don’t remember that being a thing before, tbh but okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Can we talk about how when Jace dreams about Clary, she’s dressed in a skimpy outfit? He even mentions that Clary doesn’t normally dress like this so why is she now? Just for the purposes of his sexy dream? Literally so stupid. Simon’s having a rough time rn. He’s a vampire who was a vegetarian and is having a whole moral dilemma about drinking blood. Which, in my opinion, is stupid. Just drink human blood ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ problem solved. People literally suck and we were told in Clockwork Princess that it’s not against the Law for vampires to feed from humans because it doesn’t hurt them. (I know it was mentioned in TMI that they can’t feed off humans but like…if it doesn’t hurt them why change the rule? You also can’t just like change your lore like that in the middle of your book series, CC. This continues to happen again and again.) Anywho, because Simon is being a whiny baby and doesn’t want to drink blood he’s in pain and suffering all the time which would be cured if he just…drank blood. But no, he has to wait until he attacks a literal child. Okay, I got actually mad during the scene in the park when Jace suggested Clary would make out with all her instructors and her immediate response was ‘don’t be sexist, what if my instructor was a girl’ and then his was ‘then I give you permission to make out with her as long as I can watch.’ I know this is just meant to be cutesy banter between the two of them but uh…this is so problematic. Like, ah yes, Jace will allow his girlfriend to make out with an adult woman(because the tutor is going to be an adult) as long as he can watch because lesbian kissing for male pleasure is so hot. I hated this. And now I hate Jace even more. So….Shadowhunters have super strength now? Since when has a Shadowhunter had the ability to punch a hole through a wall? Also, Jace is teaching Clary how to do hand-to-hand combat, which is fine and well but….most of CC’s demons are like weird gelatinous creatures with insect parts and all I can picture is Clary going to punch one and then getting absorbed in their jelly. Clary thinks the Seelie Queen likes Jace because Jace is pretty but the Queen doesn’t like her….is this Clary trying to say she’s ugly because we know that’s not true since everyone and their mom thirsts after her. This is a self-insert fantasy after all. I hate when authors try and call their FMC’s ugly but then everyone is in love with them because of how beautiful they are. Like shut UP you’re not fooling anyone. I also hate it when characters who have seemingly no knowledge of the MCs just start giving relationship advice??? Like the Seelie Queen is just sitting there asking Clary all these questions about Jace and like whyyyyyy??? What does their relationship have to do with anything? Is it just the Queen messing with them? Which is fine but I just think I really hate Jace and Clary lmao. Lots of head-hopping going around in this book. Also since when is a shadowhunter marrying a non-shadowhunter unprecedented? What about Will and Tessa? It’s weird to me that faeries smell like dead flowers when so much of their power comes from nature. Why wouldn’t they smell like a bouquet of wildflowers or something? Lol. I wish she would’ve said copper instead of metal for the vampires’ smell since it’s always compared to the taste of blood anyway. Oh my god, I finally got my answer about whether werewolves can have werewolf babies. And they CAN. What does that mean for Jocelyn and Luke tho? Can they have a baby? Will it be a werewolf or a shadow hunter or both? Simons’ new bodyguard also happens to be the werewolf who changed Maia—he also happens to be her ex-boyfriend and when she first tells us about him in COA, she compares him to her brother who was a literal sociopath. But then they get back together….which I really, really hate. I feel like that’s so problematic on so many levels. I don’t care how apologetic he was. He traumatized her so much she ran away from home and upended her whole life. You cannot make me believe that she’s just going to forgive him that easily. The miscommunication between Jace and Clary is so exhausting. Honestly, so many things in these books could be solved if people would just TALK to one another. If Clary had only told the truth about her wish, Jace would never be in this situation. If Jace only told Clary the truth about his nightmares, they maybe could’ve got some help for it before he got possessed by a literal demon. Instead, he just avoids her and expects her to guess what he’s doing. And when she gets mad at him for it, rightfully so, he ends up just making out with her in a super extra way. Like, ya’ll need some serious therapy. So glad that when Simon finally gets caught for two-timing Maia and Isabelle they band together to yell at him. Love me some girl power. So Maureen turns into a demon child vampire which will be fun later I suppose. And it turns out Camille is working for Lilith, Mother of Demons who wants to bring Sebastian back from the dead as a consequence for Clary bringing Jace back. (I told ya’ll she should’ve just left him dead. Now all this drama is about to happen.) Lilith takes like literally an hour explaining her whole evil plan. It legit takes up like three chapters of the book and therefore she gives everyone plenty of time to think of a way out of the situation and eventually she explodes into salt and shhhiii. My question is why was everyone so worried about Simon dying? Like sure he can hurt himself but I’m pretty sure the Mark of Cain protects against suicide as well. Like his curse was to walk the earth alone forever and no matter what he tried he couldn’t be killed. Like that was part of the curse was even killing himself couldn’t free him. So…Simon legit would’ve been fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Okay, so I refrained from speaking about Magnus and Alec until the end because I’m so annoyed about it all. I know this was written before TRSOM but it’s so jarring to go from that to this and have Alec be like resigned yet accepting that there are things about Magnus he may never know to being super biphobic and jealous anytime anyone speaks to him. Strong dislike. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Anywho, this book was meh, nothing special honestly. I’m more excited for the next two because I know it’s extra dramatic lmao. View all my reviews
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doorsclosingslowly · 6 years
Thankyou for the questions! also sorry this took me half an eternity to answer
2. What character archetype am I attracted to?
Whenever I do a list of past and present favourites to work out patterns, the similarities I see in them change in line with my present storytelling interests, lol. Also, I’ve never found anything that all of them have in common, but it’s much easier to draw a straight line through three dots than through twenty. A perennial favourite: Someone who willingly turns themselves into a monster in order to protect the people they love. Castiel, season six, eating souls to become strong enough to beat Raphael in heaven’s civil war. Anakin, murdering children because he’s led to believe the Sith have the power to stop Padmé’s death. The thief king, turning to Zork in order to avenge his village that’s been melted into occult artifacts. I like tragedy, and it’s never anything but a complete disaster, earning the hatred of those they destroyed themselves to protect both through the original awful choice and because it tends to corrupt them from their original purpose. Although I’m mostly interested in the aftermath of it, in what you can rebuild after that kind of act, in what is left after you made the wrong choice. Also, that mix of desperation and awful decision-making skills and thinking of your very self as a tool and at the same time, incredible arrogance (they and they alone can help, they make this choice against the wishes of those they’re claiming they’re acting for, and they believe they can make that choice and stay in control)… Plus, on the most basic level, I like characters that are loyal to people over ideas, and this is basically the worst-case-scenario of that trait
3. First ever ship and why.
Inu Yasha had this five-manga arc where the Shichinintai were the villains. They were a band of seven mercenaries executed a long time ago that the big bad revived with splinters of the soul jewel, and I loved them. I wanted more of them, so I made up this fan comic I never drew about how they met and helped each other and I navigated Japanese webrings looking for fanart by clicking every link because I couldn’t read a thing and didn’t know google translate existed (or it didn’t yet? idk) and also I found fanfic. Most of it was Bankotsu/Jakotsu (the leader and his crossdressing right hand, and also 2/3 of the attractive ones. one of the others was a head atop a bulldozer by the time he died, they were awesome). Now, I was really young and this was also the phase I had where I only listened to music in languages I didn’t understand so I wouldn’t get annoyed that everything was love songs, but I wanted to read about them so much.
That’s basically still my opinion on shipping. I want to read about characters interacting, and I’ll read that interaction written as platonic or romantic, except in very few cases
15. Most loathed character. EVER.
I don’t really hate characters. One thing that used to make me hate characters was finding them super boring and being forced to spend a lot of time with them anyways, but by now I’m very picky in what I consume because my attention span’s mostly shit, and I skip scenes or backspace a lot, so that’s not much of an issue anymore. Also I’m too detached when reading things I think–on one level, if the story’s good, I’m feeling what the POV character is feeling or a side character I’m weirdly into right now, but at the same time I think about the phrasing and thematic choices and scene and story construction. It’s hard to hate the villain when on another level you’re like, “okay here in their argument they’re subtly reversing victim and perpetrator, good depiction of manipulation, legit creepy, must take notes for my own writing” haha
Something that still usually makes me dislike a character is mismatch between my own perception of them and the perception of the text. Specifically, a character being presented as cuddly or decent when canonically they’ve hurt people.
(Side note: I generally enjoy disagreeing with the text, and a lot of what I like reading or writing is exploring the personhood of someone the text presents as a monster. For some reason I just find disagreeing about whether someone is good–essentially: whether their victims count–much more stressful than disagreeing about whether someone is irredeemably bad.)
So, Chuck/God from Supernatural. It’s not really a grudge against the character per se, his first episode was one of my favourites, but reading fic with him usually pisses me off. It’s just that the SPN universe is deeply deeply horrifying, unjust and cruel. And I don’t mind the dystopia, but making me enjoy friendly fanfic depictions of the god character was always going to be pretty impossible in a universe based on the type of christianity that SPN uses. Not a problem of evil thing, but the eternal torture version of hell is fundamentally morally abhorrent, and anyone who creates it or allows it to exist while having the power to stop it cannot be good. (Purgatory is bleak and the idea of eternal existence is viscerally terrifying for me, but it’s basically “Life is hard 2: now with only monsters”, whereas hell is punishment. It’s not bad things happening because people make choices, its very purpose is to hurt people.) I’m still not over Bela Talbot’s arc. I know she never met Chuck or any angel but I loved her and seeing a woman who made a deal with a demon as a child to escape abuse who’s then dragged off to hell never to be seen again… I can’t read about Chuck without thinking about her
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lyricfrost13 · 6 years
My AO3 Fics
Yup I write fanfiction in addition to the doodles I post on here a lot, so I’m going to start posting links to them here because that’s a thing people do.  If you’re a reader of my stuff, feel free to message me/send an ask!  If you message me just say in the first message that you’re a reader so I know where you’re coming from.  
If you don’t want to sift through this post, but want to follow me, here:
Haunted_Frost on AO3
Anyway! *tosses fic in the air* Catch!
Family and Dissociation from Awkward Situations
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types DCU Gotham (TV) Super Sons (Comics) Batman Beyond
Not Rated (but probably T at best) Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings;  Language: English. Words: 25,262. Chapters: 8/8. Minor or Background Relationships
 Characters: Bruce Wayne Jason Todd Dick Grayson Alfred Pennyworth Tim Drake Barbara Gordon Damian Wayne Duke Thomas Stephanie Brown Kate Kane Harper Row Cassandra Cain Minor Characters Original Characters Joker (DCU) Terry McGinnis Mar'i Grayson Jerome Valeska
Tags: Bat Family, Reconciliation, Family Feels, My First Work in This Fandom, POV Multiple, Not Beta Read, Catholic Character, Time Travel, Jason-Centric, Babysitting, Alternate Universe, Team as Family, Panic Attacks, News Media, Fluff and Humor, Some Plot
Jason's returned to Gotham to find things oddly different, but mostly the same. As he reacquaints himself with the Bats, and as they begin a new case or two, it might just turn out that the Red Hood belonged there all along. Reunions are uncomfortable, but sometimes they just might be worth it.
The Barnes Family Portrait
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Captain America (Movies), Winter Soldier (Comics)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Gen, Part 1 of The White Wolf, Language: English. Words: 8,328.
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes Steve Rogers Natasha Romanov Tony Stark Rebecca Barnes Proctor Scott Proctor (Marvel) Kimberly Proctor Howling Commandos Peggy Carter
Tags:  Alternate Universe Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Bucky Barnes Recovering Family Team as Family Art Artist Steve Rogers Avenger Bucky Barnes Reunions Identity Reveal Secret Identity Bucky Barnes Feels Bucky Barnes-centric Steve Rogers Feels
"I began by being perplexed about my body; and I ended by being anxious about my soul. In short, I wished to know what I was." -Adolphe Monod
Bucky Barnes wrenches control back with his own two hands, and so does Steve - they find each other anyway, because the whole Barnes family is built to last, and so are they.
All Go Bare and Live by the Air
Fandoms: Deadpool - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Mature, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, M/M,  Language: English. Words: 32,417. Chapters: 27/27
Peter Parker/Wade Wilson Peter Parker Wade Wilson Tony Stark Bruce Banner Steve Rogers Clint Barton Natasha Romanova Matt Murdock May Parker (Spider-Man) Rebecca Barnes Proctor Gwen Stacy Mary Jane Watson Harry Osborn Eleanor Camacho
Tags: Song Lyrics Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Slow Burn Knitting Wade Wilson Needs A Hug Peter Parker is an Avenger Avengers Family Fluff Panic Attacks Implied/Referenced Self-Harm Photographer Peter Parker Dadpool Implied Sexual Content Kidnapping Happy Ending
Each chapter accompanied by a verse from "Bedlam Boys"; this fic alternates between Peter and Wade as they recover themselves and find each other.
The Fighting and Most Sensible Brothers Black
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply Gen Complete Work  Language: English. Words: 3,173.
Characters: Regulus Black & Sirius Black Minor or Background Relationship(s) Sirius Black Regulus Black Walburga Black Orion Black Remus Lupin Harry Potter
Tags: Regulus Black Lives Sirius Black Lives Brotherly Love Marauders' Era Grimmauld Place Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Animagus
Snippets of Sirius and Regulus growing up, growing apart, and growing together again.
Team Free Will
Fandoms: Supernatural
Mature No Archive Warnings Apply M/M, Other Complete Work  Language: English. Words: 21,808. Chapters: 16/16.
Characters: Gabriel/Sam Winchester Catiel/Dean Winchester Dean Winchester Sam Winchester Castiel Gabriel Charlie Bradbury Bobby Singer
Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers Superhero Dean Superhero Sam Superhero Castiel Superhero Gabriel
In the cities of Crossroads, Garrison, Lawrence, and Palo Alto, four heroes have begun to work together against the crime organization, Hell. Locals aren't sure what to call the group-they run by their own rules, but get the job done.
The Hunter, who's famous for taking down a branch of Hell with just his gun, the legendary Colt at his side, is really just Dean Winchester, a mechanic trying to save the world. Legacy, the calm, collected man that can take out a criminal in a blink of an eye, is Sam Winchester, who just wants to prove that he isn't a freak, that he can do good in the world. Enoch-the silent, mysterious dark-winged angel that works part time for the Host, is Castiel Shurley, who is far more lost than he dares let anyone see. The Trickster left the Host and his Herald name behind, preferring to dish out justice as he saw it--Gabriel Shurley won't let his family make him choose a side again.
And when stirrings of Hell threaten the lives of those they love, nothing can stand in the way of Team Free Will.
Five Lights Rising
Fandoms: Supernatural
Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply F/M, M/M. Part 1 of Five Lights. Language: English. Words: 46,832. Chapters: 32/32.
Characters:  Castiel/Dean Winchester Gabriel/Sam Winchester Adam Milligan/OFC Dean Winchester Sam Winchester Castiel Gabriel Original Female Character(s) Adam Milligan Amara  Chuck Shurley Crowley  Rowena MacLeod Original Male Character(s)
Tags: Season 11 au Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net Angel Dean Winchester Angel Sam Winchester Archangels Season/Series 11 Trials Hellhounds Time Travel prayers Archangel Sam Winchester Archangel Dean Winchester Happy Ending Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts Alternate Season/Series 11
Against the Darkness, the boys will need new and old allies to save the world again.
Faced with orders from a God who won't show his face, they will have to endure the Heavenly Trials, a series of tasks that will ensure they have the power to take down something as old as God himself.
Coming Back Again
Fandoms: Supernatural
Teen And Up Audiences No Archive Warnings Apply Gen Complete Work Part 2 of Five Lights. Language: English. Words: 5,872. 
Characters: Gabriel & Lucifer & Michael & Raphael Minor or Background Relationship(s) Lucifer Michael Raphael Gabriel Sam Winchester Chuck Shurley 
Tags: Oneshot Archangel Gabriel Archangel Sam Winchester Human Lucifer Human Michael Human Raphael Vessels Time Travel Family Feels Brotherhood
Chuck decided, after the whole fiasco with Amara resurrecting his sons, that they deserved a human life. Gabriel's assignment, after running so far, was to stay close and protect his now-human brothers in the past.
Snippets of their lives come together, and they realize that no matter what, the universe seems to circle around back to them. 
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