#i finally watched the ep and YAY BUT ALSO OH NO
yallstar · 2 months
vermithor: i claimed hugh as my rider amidst blood and fire
silverwing: i found ulf in the dumpster out back of a denny's
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absolutebl · 3 months
This Week in BL - The Heat is Rising
Sorry this late, blah blah real life actual job blah blah.
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
June 2024 Week 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Wandee Goodday (Sat YT) ep 8 of 12 - Why is it so good?! It’s unfair. Cause I know pain must be incoming. Also... Yak moved to the "rao" pronoun for his confession! SO ADORABLE!!!!! Can you see me kicking my feet and squealing with joy on this side of the screen? Well I am. 
Sunset X Vibes (Sat iQIYI) ep 2 of 12 - I think I'm finding this show a lot funnier than the show is trying to be. The pose in the doorway. The sparkle pants. The creaking of the leather. It’s all hilarious. The foot massage. So silly. Simultaniously, full of thirst. Yay! I like thirst. Not entirely sure why he’s dicking him around and not dicking him out but hey the tension is fun. Also the shot staging is very good. Very yaoi. Lin going to have so much power in this relationship once he starts trying on seduction for size. All just to say, it’s good and I’m enjoying it.
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My Stand-In (Fri iQIYI) ep 9 of 12 - you know I'm enjoying it a lot, so a surprise to see a Star Hunter beat it out? It's just MosBank are SERVING classic BL and I am a sucker for that kinda smut. Back to Stand-In...
It’s sad and a little complicated and interesting. And I’m still enjoying it very much. But this episode was mostly a rehash of information we already had been given, it was slow. Although since the acting is so good in this particular show, I didn’t mind it as much as I might have in a pulp piece, for example. 
My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 3 of 12 - I’m very much enjoying this. Not quite as much as I initially enjoyed the JBL version. But I’m liking a lot. There’s something particularly high school teen YA angst about this IP. Even more so than something like Make it Right or Love Sick. It’s just the cringe reactions and the constant embarrassments and the roller coaster of emotions that each character goes through in every scene. I forgot how exhausting it is to be a teen.
We Are Cute (Weds iQIYI) ep 12 of 16 - We Are Cute continues to be very cute indeed. Honestly Phum doesn’t need to flirt with Peem, Peem is already in love. The learning about each other is fun, but the fact that Phum still constantly communicates via kissing is great. I love that we have a couple whose love language is smooches. TanFang endgame is my favorite, I fucking LOVE them. But... NO SINGING. Worst fake band ever? Place docked in BL standing this week for that alone.
Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 2 of 10 - It's fine I guess? Trash watch here.
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) ep 5 of 12 - It’s ridiculous and they're very cute and I kind of don’t know what’s going on. But the young one getting his first dildo and skipping with excitement was utterly adorable. And it is the first rep we’ve got for such a thing in this genre. So good on you little pulp!
Only Boo! (Sun YT) ep 11 of 12 - Everything felt a little rushed and oddly paced in this episode. Not entirely sure why K came back to him. Anyway, I hope it’s all explained in the finale.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 10fin - I’ve made no secret about the fact that I haven’t been wild about this show.
Here’s a few things I enjoyed about the final episode: Uke initiated the sex scene!! Lots of tenderness. Long takes plus the absence of (and then very gentle introduction of) music. Unexpectedly high heat. Condom rep! The gayest bedroom layout ever. What I didn’t like: The absolute pinnacle of frustration for P'ABL on the other side of the screen wanting to grab the leads and shake them until their teeth rattled and scream "FOR THE LOVE, just TALK to each other!"  Oh but they are so cute and SO POLITE when the finally do reconcile! 
In conclusion:
A BL about the making of a BL where the famous one has a crush on the obscure one. It’s already been done.  Recently. By Japan. I would be tempted to say "better" but I didn’t like the first version either. At least this was less stalkery? Look, this show was fine. Just, in a word: cool, unengaging, and frustrating. OK that was 3 words. But they’re apt. A lackluster offering with a great ending. How to rate that? I despaired but ended up on 7/10 - do better Japan, I know you can.
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Blue Boys (Korea YouTube) - it got its part 2, thank the BL gods, rounding this one into an 8 ep series. Still short (those eps barely scrape 10 min at most) but a solid little offering.
Charming reunion romance full of class + coming out struggles and great chemistry all of which was let down by a curtailed length. Had it just been given some legs, it could have grown wings and taken flight, but in the end it is simply too short. Still enjoyable and certainly worth your time. Cause ya don't need much of it. 8/10 RECOMMENDED
It's airing but...
The Last Time (Thai Fri YT?) - Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something. Can't find it.
OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ???) 10 eps - I've put the search on hold for a bit and y'all can let me know if it's worth tracking down.
In case you missed it
I mean you were under a rock on Tues Jan 18th Thailand's senate passed the Marriage Equality Bill. As of typing this, the King still has to sign it into law, but he's unlikely to veto. So it's a matter of time before everything is official. Thailand follows Nepal (2024) and Taiwan (2019). Both of those were judicial, Thailand's is legislative.
Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru 2 AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai 2 Haime! (Japan movie) - Continued the (frankly) lackadaisical story from part 1 and was meant to drop yesterday. We thought maybe Gaga, but nothing so far.
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. Devastated this hasn't had international distribution.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
Last of the June Releases
6/26 The Rebound (Thai Weds Gaga) - MeenPing are back in their 3rd BL together, a basketball based romance (Meen was a national basketball player, so yay for that). I like this pair better than most (I still do miss Meen with Est but Est has a fantastic looking new BL coming from GMMTV so yeah...) Anyway I'm up for a sports romance starring a man who, yah know, actually played that sport so... I'm game (pun intended).
6/26 I Hear the Sunspot AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan Weds Gaga) 10 eps - A new series adaptation of beloved yaoi I Hear the Sunspot (first adaptation was feature film Silhouette of Your Voice 2017).
6/30 The Trainee (Thailand Sun YouTube) 12 eps- office romance between a boss/employee featuring OffGun. Taking over Boo's spot for GMMTV.
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Lip touch! So sexy. So rare from Korea. Blue Boys.
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I do love a meta call out moment.
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Tiny idiots (affectionate)
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Love their kisses. Such a great side couple.
All Wandee.
(Last week)
QUICK NOTE: I'm flying international back next weekend and the damn thing is gonna take like 72 hours or whatever insanity. Needless to say, I may not get to this round-up for ages. So don't panic, I'm not dead just sleeping.
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
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bengiyo · 7 months
The Sign Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
It's been too long, so I barely remember where we are. We left at Tharn somehow maybe saving Phaya and getting stuck in a cave to maybe say goodbye because Chalothorn threatened him or whatever. Chart got caught for being undercover. The rest of the gang was lost in the woods. Anyway, let's finish this.
Wait, how are they successfully tracking anyone? I thought there was no phone service.
Oh lord don't start death flagging with promises about rings.
Damn, I feel bad for Chart. That final kick delivery was actually pretty good.
Bestie said they didn't need rope to get them out of the hole. The power of the Warrior's Bond and Yai's arms was enough.
I watch too much American action. The bullet stuff is giving recent Fast films.
Well, there goes Khem.
Why would they let Tharn run after them alone? He literally loses every fight.
Mhmm, see, Chalothorn had to intervene.
Montree still being afraid of Tharn came across clearly.
Damn, y'all ain't even shower before going back home?
Here we go. One last look at Babe's waistline before it ends.
Oof, the only thing Tharn responded to was an admission of his love.
Finally, 🍑
Oh, I liked that shot of the water leaking through the bed to show that Tharn was gone.
I feel like the grandma has always known more than she let on.
Did we really repeat the exact same death scenario? Chalothorn, you really suck at this. The circle remains unbroken.
I know Phaya's doctors have got to be frustrated that he keeps drowning.
Is Dao in France to cut down on filming schedule conflicts?
I love when dramas show the passage of time with facial hair.
So... Chalothorn just...got over it off screen?
Oh, a second season tag and Saint cameo. I guess?
Final Verdict: 5.5, Great Gowns, Beautiful Gowns. Overall, I just don't think the elements of this show ever really came together. I think the first two episodes of training and mythology teasers, along with the Lieutenant Tam mystery, made me expect these elements to circle and eventually converge in a more cohesive way. I also feel like some of the side stuff didn't really work. I thought some of the mythology about the Naga and Garuda was really interesting, but I didn't exactly feel the cycle they were stuck in playing out in this drama. I'm also hugely annoyed about the core angst evaporating off screen. So, in the end, I'll mostly remember it as copaganda.
That being said, I thought the cast chemistry was solid, and I really liked the execution and use of the CGI. I like that IdolFactory keeps trying more things, but I do think we need to get stronger script writers and editors in the room with a stronger say on the planning front.
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silviakundera · 2 months
Snowfall ep watch comments 13-15
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Keeping it real with his nickname, Loser Li doesn't have the balls to join Team Vamp
Sorry dude, this would never happen to Elena Gilbert
Fun ass escape & fight scenes as our trio trash the train and escape in a field. The search in the field of tall grass as night closes in feels very 80s-00s vampire movie
Once AGAIN Loser Li punks out. This guy 😂😭 I love his constant, unrelenting failure
Look, the way Doctor Bestie realized he had to step up, because Mi Lan was injured & his bro distracted. TIME & PLACE, thank you.
He got close to making it thru this adventure without exposing himself but finally it was clear poor Vamp Daddy couldn't handle this one his own.
I both kinda do feel for Vamp Daddy's angst about his brother in disguise but also I'm too attached to them, so I'm just impatient for him to get over it and accept his only existing (and only mildly evil!!) relative
The brown leather coat is just not as suave a look for Loser Li. Return to your roots!
Oh good.
Henchman makes potentially his only smart move in the drama, to come plead for nep baby to rescue his crush. Li Yingliang looovesssss you! so muchhhhhh! it's ALL FOR YOU.
Our unhinged, unstable cyclone of insecurity & homosexuality emerges from the dungeon to fail another day! Good job, everyone.
"What ill intentions could a young boy in his hundreds have?" lol I love mysterious old guy
Sorry I'm unreasonably & unfairly on Doctor Bestie's side - kick his ass and settle him down. Vampires gotta stick together.
So doc is "complete" and Vamp Daddy, though made with the Blood Amber Stone, isn't? 🤔 Interesting. (ok not really lol, I'm not a 'lore' person)
Doctor Bestie cracked me up with his whole, I know all about equality in the modern age! I went to university! Look, he's probably more than a il evil but I like him SO MUCH, so can you just relent Vamp Daddy?
Otherwise WE might stop being friends. And that would be sad :(
All jokes aside, I do have the lingering feeling that Li Yingliang is being written as queer and the actor is playing it that way. Look at the way he is with his henchman too! It's just.... not like the vibe we see among other similar characters. They've fucked. More than once. And henchman told himself it's all fine between 'lonely' 1930s men, because they'll eventually take wives.
idk Vamp Daddy, I would have accepted the help of mysterious ancient master guy against a pursuing ARMY.
or maybe not kicked out my powerful brother.
Mi Lan knows what's up: stop the navel gazing emo and just get warm, eat well, and spend time with your loved ones.
Flashback to aftermath of Shen mansion massacre. Awful times had by all. Nobody thought burning alive a supernatural mom and her small child might have consequences. They did. Shen patriarch is like whyyyyy. His almost barbecued wife: r u 4 real?
Similarly, in modern remains of Shen mansion a bunch of people ambush Vamp Daddy and his gf, shoot her in the chest, so he goes murdery.
Then vamps her! YAY 🙌
Now you and doctor bestie just need to make up and find a way to extend your life too.
All hail Mi Lan's vampire awakening. Good stuff. Love the goth attire.
Also absolutely adorable and glowing in the bath
This is like Caroline in The Vampire Diaries, who was simply born to be a vampire and took to it like a duck to water. I want her to hang out more with the doctor. They can enjoy vampirism together.
Now that Vamp Daddy has healed Barely Legal Girlfriend, can we get (1) one more bloody kiss? Pretty pretty please? 🙏🙏🙏
Everyone but his henchman bf is hella pissed at Loser Li for being incapable.
This does not seem fair, as it's his defining quality 🤔
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WKA, in your infinite wisdom, please tell us who has done the very best hand work in bl this year
Ok first of all, I asked for nice questions, SHAN. NOT evil, personal attack, make me choose questions.
There have been many many many great hands in BL this year, and my categorization for them depends on what exactly we are looking for within them.
I wrote the most essays about hands for La Pluie, who I do think did hands extremely well when it comes to demonstrating character's. Patts changes in pressure and sensation versus Tai's fingers being stiff in their first make out session, and then Tai changing it up a bit in their sex scene now that he's had some practice. Patts' thumb wiping cum from Tai's lips, etc. and that wasn't a show that I would say had heavy focus on hands, just good work that I noticed mostly going on in the background.
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gif from @wanderlust-in-my-soul
In terms of some of the best subtle ones, I would say Sing My Crush, which had some excellent hand work, and precisely a million screen captures, but were ones I didn't really notice while I was watching it.
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
In terms of shows that have had a hand focus, the fucking oil scene from I Feel You Linger in the Air was a perfect demonstration of hand work. There are so many shots of hands in this show and every last one of them is absolutely stunning. Removing Yai's tie, massaging Jom's eyebrows, the way the lesbians hold hands, it's all incredible.
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gif from @pharawee (using the only hand moment in the oil scene that will most likely not get this post flagged mature lmfao)
And then I will give a shout out to Moonlight Chicken, both for the absolutely beautifully shot scene of Heart and Li Ming's hands climbing up each other, thumb to pointer finger. But also because sign language is a language of hand movement, and sign language is such a vital part of the story.
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gif by @firstkhao
Another currently airing one that I think uses hands well is Only Friends, which similar to La Pluie doesn't feel like it is actively trying to do a ton of hand close ups, but whose use of hands is brilliant for how it demonstrates character. For example, how often Boston points directly at people because he's fucking rude, but Mew can't point directly at Top when he's fighting with him.
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gif by @btwinlines [i know objectively this is not as strong of a hands gif as the others in this set, but I legitimately cannot find any other gifsets that shows Mew fighting with Top, and this gif does show that Mew points down and to the side of Top, which I love for Mew still not being able to be fully rude.]
Finally, special shout out to Man Trisanu in Step by Step for possibly my favorite hand moment of 2023, which happens in Ep 7, Pat is crying and Jeng starts to reach out to comfort him, realizes that touching Pat is not appropraite, and pulls his hand back.
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gif by @pharawee
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gif by @forcebook
And if you wanna know what hands I thought were the hottest this year from a show I'm not even watching.
Love in Translation
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gif by @aejeonghae
Like, excuse me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Part 2
Phayu is looking WAY too happy to be called a bastard
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Idk this shot is just funny
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AHHHH It's our other resident cutie!! I missed you Prapai <3 Also yay for P' Aon and P' Saifah my beloveds
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The exchange between Prapai and P' Saifah is so funny and I wish we'd gotten to explore the twins' and Prapai trio more in the show. That would've been so fun! As it stands take a P' Saifah side-eyeing self-proclaimed VIP Prapai
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Ah so P' Saifah did hear things last night (poor him). Also I'mma need everyone to stop calling Phayu names when all he does is be a SIMP
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If the beast was actually a puppy, sure. I'm not sure these boys know how metaphors work.
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Poor Sky's world is about to get a lot windier with turbulence. It's not time for us to talk about that yet though. Also peep the manga collection, I stan
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P' Phayu you're hilarious - wdym germ-spreader as if you don't literally stick your tongue down his throat in circa 5 minutes
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Man is really gunning to impress the in-laws - do you see this smirk?? He knows he's won their favor (at least Mama Rain's so far). Poor Rain can feel himself being replaced as the favorite son >.<
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I just know Phayu's inner-self is SCREAMING rn at seeing his triangle being so treasured by Rain. This is probably what prompted that very "you are my fate and the heavens themselves brought us together and ilysm" musical number coming up later on. Also for the millionth time, Boss has v nice hands heh
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I love how utterly hypnotized Rain looks every time Phayu gets close to him. obsessed with this set of expressions, actually!
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Why is Rain saying 'mia' with that look on his face so powerful?? Phayu sir how did you hold back from immediately smothering his face with kisses bc I certainly couldn't be that strong
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Phayu I'm going to slap you bc what is this behavior?
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Rain is understandably not ok. Noeul did a spectacular job here of giving us subdued shock and realistic tearing up. Generally speaking, he's a good crier (even in ep 3 I think he portrayed it well without overdoing it).
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I love how they gave us dramatic thunder in the background to really impart the gravity of the situation. Foley artist I continue to love u <3
They also really went hard with the triangle imagery in this episode, or maybe that's just me seeing things. I do love how Rain's first instinct to get out of any Situation is to grab Phayu's arm.
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"It's time to stop studying each other." Yeah ok say it without looking at Rain's lips like 50 times first, coward
You can see the tear track and Noeul does this little nose twitch here that's giving me poor meow meow. Even Phayu couldn't resist touching
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Rain: is this clown serious rn?? we're talking about the WEATHER???
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The audacity?!
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Rain looks so distressed here, my poor son :(
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He finally breaks and we get to see that oh-so-adorable-only-for-Rain nose crinkle. Phayu is lucky he's so cute or Rain would've pouted for a lot longer
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Rain just went at him with the softest pillow in his arsenal. He's too nice.
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I know every single one of you went back to the shot earlier of his clearly unmarked back when you first watched this. I should know. I squinted for like 5 full minutes. Phayu you're a liar :(
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Rain hits him some more, and Phayu says he's already won. I really think this man looks wayyyy too smug, someone (Rain) should do something about it.
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And we're back to the neck cradling. I continue to admire how quickly Rain just loses himself (as shown by his suddenly very focused on Phayu's face gaze)
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To the next part we go!! Lots of sweetness ahead :)
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judasisgayriot · 3 months
tagged by @floralegia <3
Last song: I think the last song I played was Bob Dylan by FOB (insane song.) we were playing a bunch of stuff out loud though, encompassing A Thousand Miles (complete banger, piano riff unmatched), to So Good by Bratz Rock Angelz (other songs are fine, but eh, they’re no So Good by Bratz Rock Angelz. Invented rock.)
Favourite colours: I’m obsessed with rainbow stuff lol, anything with all the bright rainbow colours together - that doesn’t really count though, so bright blue/teal is def my fave of them all! And also bright pink and purple - yay bi flag lol
Currently watching: current series of Doctor Who (it’s been good!) and also the latest Bridgerton eps - we watched 2 of the latest 4 and then went on holiday with no Netflix so we’ll have to watch the last 2 when we’re home (my main concerns are that both Benedict and Eloise are still gay and that’s FINAL. lmao)
Spicy/savoury/sweet: oh I love alllll (well, maybe medium spicy, not suuuuper spicy). I also love sweet/salty together and I love salty snacks. But ultimately probably sweet. I love the sweeter things in life <3
Relationship status: been in a relationship with @buildarocketboys for nearly 8 years! And I’m always dragging them into my obsessions lol sorry babe <3
Current obsessions: speaking of, can you tell I’m in my Fall Out Boy/Peterick era?? Lmao. It’s like my second FOB era bc I was obsessed with them like 15 years ago, but it’s my first Peterick era bc I didn’t super ship it back then. I’ve been a Patrick girlie from day one tho (RIP Wall of Patrick forever in my heart). But like. I can’t stop thinking about them whoops. Brainrot. The backstory is fully insane though, learning so much deep FOB lore has altered me. What the hell is their DEAL. Anyway.
I’ll always have dormant obsessions lying in wait, like Heroes/the Petrellis and Jesus Christ Superstar, and Pokemon is eternal and has been my main squeeze since I was 5. lol.
Tagging: most ppl I know might’ve been tagged by now? @remembertheskittles @skatingthinandice @afoxnamedmulder if u fancy and like everyone AKA tagged, lol <3
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches Oh No! Here Comes Trouble - Ep 12
Wow I can't believe I'm on the final episode already
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Oh, wait, is that the dude who fell pre-credits in the first episode? That feels like forever ago
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Wait, that was Pu Yiyong's grandad as a young man? And he survived that fall??? I'm so confused. Is this also a flashback telling the story of an earlier flashback? Because Pu Yiyong was not there at the end of the previous episode.
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Aww Cao Guangyan wants to move into forensic medicine. I love that Pu Yiyong is subconsciously helping his friends figure out what they want to do with their lives even while he's questioning his own
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God, this is so fucking sinister now you know who he really is
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Yes, I won't mention that I've killed at least two and probably a lot more children
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Okay, I know this is a supernatural drama so logic doesn't apply but cracking him over the head twice with a metal object would have killed him
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I've just realised I've seen gifs from this scene, or a bts or something. So glad I'd forgotten about it until now because that's a pretty major spoiler. There's still 30 mins left so I assume magical plot stuff will happen but, fuck, Cao Guangyan's face
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God, of course he has to 'die' so he can see his dad. I'm bawling now. Fuck.
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Jesus fuck Cao Guangyan is screaming. This is horrible.
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God he's got Pu Yiyong's art in his phone case I cannot
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Gosh how long has he been in a coma for this time? His hair is so long
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This poor woman. She's lost her husband, her father-in-law and now her son is in a coma for the second time
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Aww that's why they call her One-per. She's in the 1% of people who fail the police entrance exam
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God, I love them so much. Telling Pu Yiyong he has to wake up so he can finish his comic
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Aww yay Cao Guangyan's dad finally opened a business that's a success
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Sobbing at all the spirits he helped telling him to wake up. Also, I still lowkey ship them.
GAH THAT WAS SO GOOD! I mean I'm bawling my eyes out but sometimes a good drama be like that. Everyone who recced this to me was correct to do so
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I feel like a big part of the reason Anti Bylers are so aggressive is because this is the first time in mainstream media where there's a chance that the main couple of the show may end up being mlm.
Not only is there a likelihood that the main couple will be gay, it will come after years of these fans assuming that the cliche, safe straight ship was going to sail from start to finish.
If you look at the "predictions" these individuals have for season 5, which honestly have less to do with narrative direction and more to do with what they want, you'll always catch a certain undertone to what they're saying:
"The heterosexual, white male audience is the default for media. We will allow the wlw ship, so long as it has limited screen time. We will accept Will surviving, and even allow him to have an acceptance arc. But you will not receive queer rep at the expense of a ship that we are nostalgic for. The straight male audience is the one that matters, and we will be represented by the main couple in the show."
My favorite is when they’re asked what they hope for Mike and El in s5, only to list off qualities of Mike and Will’s dynamic. I legit saw someone say that they hoped they finally took the time to talk through their problems (oh so you’re admitting they never do..) and that we’ll actually get to see them be a team…
Like, do you hear yourselves?
I would actually like to read off their play by play of how they imagine s5 going down. Not just their wishes but like what they literally imagine happening over the course of the season, episode by episode.
And I’m talking the confident milkvans ones that are like super hostile about it. I wanna see what they hypothesize will happen in early s5 related to Mike and El… I don’t think I could keep it together if it is anything along the lines of them instantly making up and being happy for the rest of the season… 😳🤣
They just don’t realize how dumb that sounds.
S4 created conflict and hasn’t settled it. It was considered the beginning of the end, meaning those parts are going to fit perfectly together. If Mike and El were lacking romantically more than ever before in s4, don’t expect that to change much…
And gentle reminder that rewatch value is everything. If milkvans have to skip 3 eps in s1 bc they’re not together or fighting, skip all of s2 bc they’re separated, skip most of s3 bc they broke up in the second episode, skip most of s4 bc they separated in the third episode…. What does that fucking tell you?? They are not being prioritized for rewatch value, that’s what. Whereas byler is. (Bylers also are capable of watching milkvan scenes religiously… I can’t say the same about milkvans being capable of handling more than one second of rewatching a byler scene. And it’s bc they know if they watch it the mental gymnastics they gotta go through to convince themselves nothing romantic is going on is near impossible…)
Byler endgame is going to make the rewatch for the entire series hit, while milkvans, even with a hypothetical endgame would probably watch s1 and s5 and say the rest doesn’t matter. Do they think that’s how the show is supposed to be watched?
With one season left, they should have been hoping that monologue wasn’t in s4, but instead s5. Bc now how can those two one up that? They simply can’t. It was put there to show that they’ll never progress beyond this point. Nothing will ever top it. This is as good as it gets and yet, they still lost. What should that tell you?
What are they gonna just repeat that monologue in s5, but have mike say it 20x and THIS TIME it works?? Yay? Like there’s literally nothing satisfying about that in the least.
Can’t say I wish bad for ppl that simply like Mike and El and are bummed that they’re starting to lose hope. That as a basic idea is like whatever. I don’t like seeing ppl sad. Even if I told off a milkvan directly, seeing them like feeling depressed afterwards, does make me feel bad.
But when it comes to the hostile ones, people literally resorting to harassing directly with complete strangers unprompted and threatening to dox, over people merely theorizing? Like?? Was it ever that serious?
If we’re so delusional and we’re just setting ourselves up for disappointment, why not wait to say I told you so when it’s all said and done, if you’re so sure? Why dedicate so much of your time trying to discourage people on the other side? Unless it somehow qualms doubts you have?…
What makes this whole situation such bullshit, is that if this were a queerbait situation, you still shouldn’t be out here being hurtful like literally spouting off how you can’t wait for people to experience getting queerbaited? Like it’s fucking weird? The prominence of queerbaiting is literally referring to show runners taking advantage of fans, making them think it’ll happen, even encouraging it, and then ripping it away, usually ending in a bury your gays situation. That is the norm in the industry and it’s only now within the last few years starting to change in mainstream.
The hypocrisy of it all, is that they think we should just accept what they believe is the only possibility, queer-bait. But you know if the roles were reversed, which they inevitably will be when s5 drops, they’re going to be playing the victim, saying nonsense like if queerbaiting is bad then so is straightbating!! and it’s just going to be so out of touch and pathetic.
It’s not the same. Whatsoever. And the fact that they can’t see that, that one result is lazy writing and one is epic subversion, and are literally making a mockery out of the situation, convinced they’re right bc they have history on their side and gays should just be used to never getting their way and THATS okay to them?
Like it’s almost painful to watch. Especially knowing the 180 they’re gonna pull when they end up in the situation they convinced themselves we were gonna be in.
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cdmodule · 9 months
Okay okay TPOT 9 spoilers under the cut, I already watched it like 3 times but I have to again soon maybe I'll have even more precise thoughts but here's some of my thought So Far
The new BGs/Enviroments floored me. LIKE One of the things I wished to see from the beginning of TPOT was more of the hotel and WE FINALLY GOT THAT AND MORE!
Little extras like the projection from Two to the other teams were so fucking cool
On that note, oh my god The scraps of gelatin's steakhouse and pie's room makes me INSANEEE I squee-d so hard at these
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The tone of this episode was so fuckin well done. Fun plot too. At parts this felt like just watching a regular cartoon I'd see on TV too. Even if it was kinda busy and loaded with different plotpoints (?)
Deaths were more creative and violent LOL
Some of the expressions were rly good too
OH AND actual character development! Yay! Pillow's flanderization finally went far enough to have her kill her team on screen and have other's (like bomby) fight back which is a lot more fun than just quick gags that don't rly lead to anything 1 million times. Good to see bomby and taggy get some more characterization. Gaty as well, she was amazing in this ep
On a related note sorta, it's nice they did something with the fact that snowball is made out of snow finally. Small detail but appreciated
In general it just feels like team dynamics are getting more and more tense, which makes sense with less and less members (eliminations are rly getting to a point where every one of them feels so significant like no way this character got out). Seeing Pin care so much about Coiny but still be able to be her own person at the end was great
Also on that, rest in power teardrop you had a good run :salute emoji:
Another fave part of mine:
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Ill talk abt this in another post cuz I like them a lot
This was also awesome
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This alongside seeing more of the Exit in general + One's reveal ?? There's so much happening LOLL
Lastly, the challenge was just plain fun to spectate. It's fun to see the characters put their all into securing a win all in their own spots rather than last episode just being Don't Fall Into The Water and not much else. We love to see it
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jenyifer · 7 months
Pit Babe Ep 5 Initial Reaction
So made the mistake of watching this in two halves. My review might be last thirty heavy.
Let’s gooo
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Alright but I feel like Babe skipping over how Charlie is even there is very out of character. Charlie doesn’t know the word No does he.
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Good bad boy be good bad boying. He’s going a little over and beyond with fucking Winner then confronting Babe about how he loves him then looking into the sabotage more than Alan.
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Yay!!! I knew they were brothers also!!! Way finally attacking Jeff. Feel like that was a long time coming. Also couldn’t help but thinking this sabotage would have benefited Dean a lot by the way. Dean also stayed late and filmed Jeff? Right?
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I do love the nursing you back to health trope very very sweet although once again before the accident Babe let Charlie sleep by the door to his house. So…. Just gonna point that out.
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Tony did injure Babe? Or not? If he did he could have pulled money immediately this is a delay. Also his loyal kiddo seems to be struggling with the brainwashing he needs his new ceo daddy Paul to take care of him
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Or is Paul another victim of Tony? We are shown multiple kids. Paul is young and we need him to get with bodyguard guy. Idk Paul is hot I hope he gets a partner in this thing.
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Oh Nooooooooo I have 2 thoughts on this
Boring: he is healing in a week so 🤷🏻‍♀️ also are his abilities dependent on how much he’s fucking cause that’s what it implied ep 1? Cause he’s a king alpha? Is he not banging Charlie? I thought it was just not happening on screen but maybe they ain’t bumping uglies.
Fun: Charlie’s plan is going perfectly. He heard about Babe’s accident from Jeff and put himself in the right place at the right time to care for babe and he’s been stealing Babe’s ability. Replacing Babe is what he wanted.
Extra fun: Charlie and Jeff are test tube babies of Paul’s and they’ve been putting Babe more and more under his control muahahhaha double orphans into killing machines for no beneficial reason.
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Okay but babe wanting Charlie to replace him is actually crazy. Why Babe thinks this is a good idea I have no clue. I think it’s weird no one checked on him btw isn’t Way in love with him? Is Alan his friend?
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I agree with Way. They should have more than two racers look at the size of their building they don’t have young racers doing like junior competition. I don’t understand the sport of racing. I know a little about Hockey the NHL has like junior league teams that they pull young people from and also that’s where a lot of their refs come from. I think each NHL team specifically has a junior team to pull from. You want to keep the young talent practicing with people their level then when you need them pull them up. So yeah Dean is the obvious choice Babe doing this would kill the moral of everyone. What’s the point in having the lower people if they never get a chance. In hockey this is why pre season games will have new players to test out. Sometimes they get in the main roster sometimes they go back down. Idk why Alan would entertain this. Also are Sonic and North the other junior racers?
(Side note I think I have been calling him Wen because he looks like Mixxiw and the other guy’s name is Alan I apologize)
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I guess Alan sees this as an opportunity to see Jeff again even though Jeff has given him less than nothing.
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absolutebl · 5 months
This Week in BL - new entries upset the rankings
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
April 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 11 of 12 - Like most Thai BL pulps, this show doesn’t have much story to it. But I'm discovering that what it does have I actually really enjoy. I love that the gay boys got to play matchmaker for a change and I like how just GAY they are. It's nice. Refreshing.
We Are (Weds GMMTV iQIYI) ep 1-2 of 16 - University ensemble BL featuring PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawinPoon. I like it. It’s old school Thai BL, but having fun with itself and its tropes. I’m not expecting much, so I don’t mind it waffling. All the couples are comfy. Chemistry is okay. Friendships are nifty. I like Pond's floppy hair. We fine. 
Two Worlds (Thurs IQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - What an extremely bloody episode. And bad guy turned out to be very bad indeed. And now pretty much everyone is dead. Nice kiss. Of course. 
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Deep Night (Thurs iQiyi) ep 6 of 8 - It’s cute, they happy, not a ton happened. Random gratuitous bathing. As you do in BL. And I still think the sides should just end up in a thrupple
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 2 of 12 - Oh they very cute. Also very silly. 
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1000 Years Old (Thurs iQIYI) ep 9 of 12 - No. NOT THE GUITAR. YES abandon guitar for the sniff test! Love this for them. And me. My most favorite trope defeated my least favorite trope. VICTORY!!!  
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Unknown (Taiwan Tues YouTube & Viki) ep 8 of 11 - It’s just so good. Baby went away, grew up, and learned how to become a temptation... and a husband. 
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Gray Shelter AKA Gray Currents (Korea Thurs iQIYI) 1 of 5 eps - SooHyuk, only just surviving, reunites with YoonDae, his (brief) younger stepbrother who feels abandoned. They end up living together. The younger brother is played by Lee Jae Bin of Choco Milk Shake. OMG. STEPBROTHERS TROPE. Lucky me! Two in one season. Yay!!!! It's Korea so great visuals too. I shallow but yeah, this is great.
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Kindly Ryota goes off to uni only to find his new roommate is his childhood bestie, Kazuhito. Kazuhito doesn’t have a girlfriend and Ryota tries to help him figure out why. Same director as Old Fashion Cupcake. It’s utterly charming. I am charmed. Also the framing is gorgeous (of course). Very stylish.
Love is Better the Second Time Around AKA Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 6fin - I don’t know. Kind of a flat ending with the leads apart for most of it. I enjoyed this show but it never really hit with me. 
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After a teen betrayal and resulting separation a reporter reunites with his first love. That love wants him back. I enjoyed the authenticity of a reunion romance explored in Japan's quintessentially contemplative yet surreal way. The juxtaposition of the tenderness of the sex scenes with this Japanese style of authenticity was oddly elegant but all in all this still fell a little flat for me. There's nothing objectively wrong with it, but in total the narrative felt sluggish and the main couple were just... stiff (in the wrong way). Frankly, I'd rather just rewatch Tokyo in April is. 8/10
Love is like a Cat (Korea Mon Viki) eps 3-4 of 12 - What is going on with this show? No, I get the plot. I just don't get the show or why I’m watching it. Annoying. 
It's done, but I suck
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps
To Be Continued (Sat C3 Thailand grey) ep 7-8fin - I can't for the life of me find the final 2 episodes. Haven't had a real hunt, but yeah. No dice so far.
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It's airing but...
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari (Japan Furritsubs) eps 1-? of 10 - I may wait and binge it.
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing.
Kiseki Chapter 2 (Sun iQIYI) 6 eps - It’s so boring DNFed at 2.
Close Friend Season 3: Soju Bomb! (Weds iQIYI) 6 - The problem with situational comedy BL is it must be situational, comedic and a BL. This show gets 1 of 3 claims correct. 33% is not a passing grade. Dropped at 3.
Memory in the Letter (Thai WeTV) - only 4 eps, tell me if I should bother?
Next Week Looks Like This:
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4/18 At 25:00 in Alaska AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) 10 eps - Yuki lands his first starring role in a BL drama alongside superstar Asami (previously his senior at uni). Said superstar suggests they form a sham relationship until filming concludes. As they actually begin to fall in love, the spotlight begins to burn. I think I've seen this before (joke) and also the trailer doesn't inspire confidence.
Still to Come in April
4/25 Boys Be Brave! AKA Roommates (Korea Thurs Viki) 8 eps - Trailer Jung Ki Sub is Kim Jin Woo's slacker friend - and secret crush. So when Ki Sub crashes at his place, his heart tingles to be near him everyday. But as the short stay turns into permanent mooch, how long can Jin Woo keep his true feelings under wraps and hold back from confessing?
4/26 My Stand-In (Thai iQIYI) 12 eps - adaptation of Chinese novel "Professional Body Double" by Shui Qiang Cheng. Stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please) directed by the same team as KP (not a recommendation IMHO - my biggest criticism of that show was the clashing directing styles). This one looks complicated, lemme try: Joe is a stuntman for famous actor Tong. Joe falls in love with Ming but Ming sees Joe as nothing more than a Tong-replacement. After learning this horrible truth, Joe dies. Joe then wakes up in the body of another man also named Joe. He manages to rebuild the same life as before—with the same people eventually re-meeting Ming. Ming wants Joe back but Joe doesn't understand why. But Ming seems to know what's going on and wants to give him some kind of explanation.
I'm exhausted just trying to describe the plot.
Knock-Knock Boys (Thai WeTV) - 4 college friends conspire to help their friend lose his virginity. Familiar faces like Seng (yes, Billy's previous pairing) and Best, news here. But will it actually air this month?
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
NOTE: It looks like one of my personal favorites of last year Unintentional Love Story is getting a spin off!
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Sniff test turning into a make out sesh? Please and thank you. City of Stars
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a bother.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy.
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iguessitsjustme · 1 month
Love Sea Ep 10 Thoughts
We have finally made it to the end of the show. I still have not watched episode 8 and I doubt I ever will. From what I have heard, the show and the story actually makes more sense to me than it does to people who have seen episode 8. That’s crazy. Anyway, I just made lunch and I got my juice so it’s time to watch. As always, here’s the disclaimer that I pretty harshly critique this show. If you think that will make you angry, don’t click the read more. Disclaimer done, let’s goooo:
Okay before I even start, how the hell do I have zits on the back of my neck. Where did these bad boys come from? One is right on my hairline. Hello? Go away.
Okay okay okay. I am going to go into this with an open mind actually. I am too tired and exhausted and sick to not at least try to enjoy this show. Also I was way too verbose for episode 9 and all of my thoughts were actually too long for tumblr. I ran out of characters. So gonna have to try to reign that in a bit today.
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I beg your finest pardon but why the fuck is this episode one hour and twenty minutes long? Yeah this post is probably gonna end up too long too. Maybe I’ll just do two parts if needed. (it did not end up too long yay!)
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Not gonna lie to you guys. I do love back hugs like this. As many problems as I have with this show and these characters…this? This is cute. See? I’m not always bitter! Just..most of the time.
Why mention the video clips that Rak’s dad apparently has just to say “oh it’s been taken care of. It’s not a problem.” That’s not how stories work. If you introduce a potential problem, you gotta let it be a problem or let the characters work to resolve it before it becomes a problem. Not just say “yep here’s a thing that should have been a main conflict but don’t worry. A character that only exists off screen and has only really had any sort of role for the past 2 episodes took care of it already!” Like…what?
Every day I am forced to be overstimulated by the nature of living in a city. Why do I live here I ask myself constantly? The answer is always because I can walk everywhere I need to go including to work and also because I love it. Just not…the idling trucks. The big engines. There is nowhere for the sound to go because it’s trapped by all of the tall buildings and I am on the bottom floor literally on the street. I walk out my apartment and boom. One of the busiest roads in my city. Anyway I digress. I have been overstimulated since June. The fall cannot get here fast enough.
You know I never fully understood how or when Mut fell in love with Rak. I still don’t know. I mean he was flirty on the island and they fucked but when did Mut actually fall so hard? I cannot pinpoint when his lust turned to love. It must have been a specific moment because it certainly wasn’t a slow build into love. Nope. One day Mut loves his island more than anything in the world and then he leaves it for Rak. Without a second thought. I just would like to understand when that happened. Sure, he liked Rak, but to love someone enough to give up your home? And I know he’s about to dip and go back home (without telling Rak) but I cannot figure out why he left in the first place. I know the answer is because he loves Rak but I did not see that until he actually fucking left the island. I did not see that until episode 6 when he finally maybe started respecting the barest minimum of boundaries.
Oh how this show looooooves its flashbacks. At least this one kind of makes sense. Though I wish it trusted its audience enough to know what Mut is calling back to.
Ew Vi. Mook run away girl. You deserve better.
Noisy neighbors go AWAY.
*eats my veggies* *considers blasting kpop*
*blasts Stray Kids* Congrats. Since you want to involve me in your conversation right outside my door, I get to involve you in my music taste. Just be lucky this isn’t an nc scene in Love Sea cause I’d blast that too. Make everyone uncomfortable.
Rak does not need Mut’s love to become a better person. Rak does not need love to be a better person. People are allowed to not want love for any reason. No one gets to make judgment calls on them for not wanting it. Full stop.
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Surely the next words you’re gonna say are “Respect his boundaries and let him come to you when he’s ready, right? …RIGHT?
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God damn it Mut.
Is Rak a dog that Mut is leaving behind? Why is he giving instructions on how to care for Rak? Rak is a grown ass adult and was fine before Mut entered his life. Like what the fuck is this?
Mut goes and says goodbye to everyone but Rak? What is with this farewell tour? Just fucking tell Rak that you respect his decision, but you can’t live like that anymore so you have to go. Don’t just…disappear from him while seeking out everyone else? What in the immaturity…
I am a bad person for laughing at Mut’s tears. But c’mon. This is just…too much. Just talk to him man. Just talk to him without trying to force your feelings on him or make him share what he’s feeling. My god. The DRAMA.
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???? Boy you got a tattoo on your neck to remind you of him??? Which is it????
MAME really thought she did something with this drama. She really thought some message is landing here. It’s not. I’m bored. Just let them get together again so this can be over with my god.
A flashback to when Mut literally broke into Rak’s room…wait those aren’t the right words. He didn’t need to break in because HE HAD THE KEY when he should NOT have had the key.
Why the fuck did that get a romanticized flashback? Invading someone’s privacy is not romantic y’all what the fuck.
Well. That was a show. That I watched. Honestly, out of all of MAME’s offerings it was simultaneously the best and the worst. There was no sexual assault (that I am aware of, again I skipped episode 8). So that’s a plus. It is, however, the laziest writing I have seen from a BL in a long time. Is it a good show? No. Is it a good BL? No. Is it a good MAME show? Eh. Depends on the metrics. The story had structural issues as well as pacing issues. The cinematography needed work and that’s not something I am typically capable of noticing. The sound mixing was some of the worst I’ve heard in a BL. At least lately. The acting was fine. Actually, can someone give these actors some better roles for the love of god???? All of this to say. I am glad ViMook isn’t officially canon and I hope that Mook is able to get away from Vi cause that girl is awful. The end.
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hughungrybear · 8 months
Me while watching Cherry Magic Thailand Ep. 6:
After the stress I felt watching The Sign, I feel like I more than deserved to watch this CMT episode 😂😂😂
1. Y'know the expression of "feeling too much, you feel like you're about to burst"? Well, that's what happened. Karan just bursted. He burst in front of that boat taxi, with all the other passengers as a witness. Good for him. As old people say, it's better to be out than in 😊 (although they are mostly talking about stomach gas lol 😂)
2. We're getting a back story. Yay! <after 5 seconds> Can I slap that fvcking manager? So, you just brought Karan to this effing business meeting as an eye candy? As a potential sugar baby (although P'Lookwa looks good)? Why are you pimping Karan out? What kind of slimy business ethics is this??? Now, I feel doubly stressed 😅
3. Achi, my precious little cinnamon roll. No wonder Karan fell in love with you 😭😭😭
4. I said this before: I WANT MY OWN KARAN 😭😭😭
5. Jinta consulting a how-to dating book and applying it in real life is just effing hilarious. So virgin of him lol 😂😂😂 Also, not to complain (the bookstore date is cute) but why is Min there in the first place??? 😅
7. It's a shame that Jinta was too busy swooning to hear Min's thoughts when he hug him.
8. OH. MY. GAWDS. Achi finally figure it out - the things Karan silently did for him and I have feelings 😭😭😭
9. I mean, if anyone will be willing to help Achi to reach Karan, that's definitely Pai 😂 The girl is prolly waiting for this moment to sail her ship 😂😂😂 Also, yeah, Rock, wtf are you doing here??? 🤣🤣🤣
10. Thai airports, you never cease to amaze me 😂😂😂 Not CMT pulling a Bad Buddy asfadafagaf 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Go, Pai. Confidently raise the flag of Y girls lololol Also not Pai leaving Rock as an effing collateral for the motorbike taxi lololol
11. Be still, my SingJan heart 😭😭😭
12. Not Achi confessing to Karan in a goddamn airport 😭😭😭😭
We have boyfriends 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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tiktaalic · 1 year
Been watching Supernatural for the first time and am currently in Jo's era. I love Jo, fly into a mild rage at the show's treatment of her most eps., etc., but it's also reeeeeally funny to watch this first sustained attempt at giving Dean a romance with a woman unfold. At the point I've reached they're so clearly going for that, but every time they attempt a Romance Scene they choose they worst trope you've ever heard of and you watch Dean and Jo take turns initiating but they're BOTH so sullen about it. Then the director goes 'okay now have a sad about your father talk' and Jensen goes 'oh yay! approximating dead father emotions is in my wheelhouse' while Alona presumably goes 'finally a chance to act instead of receiving misogynies' and all of a sudden they have a genuine interesting dynamic. And this is so blatant that from what I hear the show eventually just gives up on the romance.
With the very entertaining result that the Man Show's first attempt at romance spanning beyond an episode ends up looking more than anything like two gays halfheartedly trying to perform heterosexuality and accidentally becoming friends along the way.
YEAH the Jo and dean is quite strange all the way through. I remember hitting it in my rewatch and being really shocked that (iirc) jo is the one who initiates it? And is flirting with dean while dean is so so so in the dead dad depression dumps. It goes straight over his head. He doesn’t engage at all. It’s like. Jo voice. We don’t often get big tall handsome men here. Dean voice. Can you help us l track down a demon. And then a few eps from that she stops flirting with him and HE starts flirting with her in the grossest ways possible while she actively spurns him. Because he’s a misogynist. I know Eric Et Al talked about how basically. They added jo to pander to women. And then women were like If you give dean a girlfriend I’m killing everyone in this room and then myself. So they backpedaled on the romance. But I also don’t feel 100% kosher accepting straight from the misogynist’s mouth that CRAZY FANGURLS FORCED them to change how they wrote women. I mean I don’t doubt there were women who hated jo I’m quite familiar with the woman who hates every woman on tv. But. I also am familiar with how Eric wrote women. So I feel like this disclaimer I’ve just put in is necessary. Point is. It’s a crazy dynamic especially when they put a neat little bow on it in season 7 that says Btw dean thought of her as a little sister and jo had a crush on him because he was a Cool Older Man. It’s a hodgepodge of intentions. So it’s like. Jo flirts with dean and dean doesn’t care and then deancflirts with jo and she doesn’t care and he tries to sleep with her and she calls him lame and then jo dies and dean kisses her forehead and feels guilty about her death and then in an alternate reality he’s her brother and then Ghost Jo comes back and says I had a huuuuuuge crush on you and Dean says I always thought of you as my little sister. Comes off Really strange when you look at all of it together.
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sibylsleaves · 24 days
Hello defend in place/may day anon. Just finished 5b and wtfff it was soooooo goooood??!!!!! Literally if the wacky jonah plot wasnt there … okay okay general thoughts 1. Adding dumb luck and may day to my roster of favourite episodes this season dumb luck idk I just really liked it (lucy plot yay!! Also bobby of all people pointing out all the people lucy saved by saving one person) and may day of course episode of all time (more on that later) 2. Karen in fomo is giving buck and eddie in that back yard pool mystery so bad literally buddiekaren sleuth episode when. Or karen anyone sleuth episode pretty please 3. The eddie plot in hero complex is literally so out of place lmfao. Also well. Im usually not a diaz parents hater but rewatching this episode knowing current canon was making me so annoyed at them like let eddie live in peace. Please 4. I miss the music budget they used to have. Like they really paid to use longview by green day and holding out for a hero by bonnie tyler within the first 5 minutes of 5x17. For a jonah origin story. Lol. 5. Literally so interesting that they had taylor talk about what the 118 means to buck and then have her literally betray, in her words, bucks family in the very next episode. i need to analyze her brain 6. I love this hen chim plot so much. And its like I watch that, and theres so many good examples of how buck and eddie are written in parallel to the romantic pairings in the show, but here so so obvious to me how they are also not written like hen and chim’s relationship at all. Like buck and eddie neverrr have buddy / team up plots literally the only ones that come to mind are treasure hunt (buck was wooing taylor) and an episode we all refer to as poker date. Lol. Its like chim and hen are about having a ride or die. And buck and eddie are about sitting in each others mess and embracing it. Idk if that makes sense but it was stewing in my head the whole time I was watching 5x18 lol. 7. Continuity in this show is so bad sometimes, why did eddie say he had to leave to pick up chris and also chris had friends over and he had to help carla in the same eddie bobby 5x18 scene. Like was it supposed to show eddie making excuses to leave or was it just a mistake 😭😭
okay may day thoughts YAYYYYY!!!!! It was so good omgg I was already kinda annoyed about the jonah plot before watching the season as a whole but now Im even more annoyed because may day would have served as the perfect 2 part finale (like s2/s3/s4) okay I’ll go by each character. May oh my gosh… her character growth from when she started dispatch to this point is so incredibly good. The stuff with claudette was so good, and I actually wish they would have explored her and may more than just the 3 episodes they were really in together. And then the may bobby stuff :((( so good. “I have two dads and youre one of them” and after bobby accidentally said he was her dad that morning… so good (david Im so sorry she didnt mean it). Literally what a good psuedo send off for corinne. Okay eddie HES SO HOT THIS EPISODE YAY. Literally 90% of my context for this ep was hot eddie may day edits lmao and it did not disappoint. But more importantly “god has spoken” eddielinda forever <3 it was sush a good line and such a fun pay off for the eddie linda stuff in 5x11. Okay the chim albert stuff… circling back to your answer to my original ask it was very not spoilery and I probably would have been fine to read it lol BUT crucially the one thing I did not know in your answer was that there was chim plot in this episode so in the end Im glad I didnt read it. I literally thought it was only may/claudette/bobby/eddie with the weird bucktaylorlucy stuff at the end. And let me tell you my heart dropped when chim and albert walked on that roof. I literally started crying and 911 is not even a show I tear up at that often. And then the moment when chim told albert to quit :’) so so good. And now Im even more mad at albert for 6x10 like why tf would he do that. Anyways. Josh yay I hope hes still dating that man Im so serious. I dont even care about him that much but Im sorry the only romance adjacent plots he has cannot be a hate crime and a man he flirted with once and never talked to again. Okay and buck. Why was he literally way more upset about bobby here than he was at any point in the 7x10 finale LMAO. The difference between the buck/lucy talk in this ep and that buck/tommy talk is actually insane, and yeah Im starting to see why people were so upset tommy was acting that way in the s7 finale. Anyways I dont really want to talk about him… how did taylor kelly sus out bucklucy from a conversation she couldnt hear while she stared at the back of their heads. Like 😭 okay final little thought was the way parts of this episode were written made me giggle. There was so much going on which is probably what makes it work so well but terry (hi king long time no see!!) was literally like sue I was asphyxiating like 60 minutes ago but the paramedics said Im fine now where do you need me. And then linda was like josh I cant leave Im literally on a call. Only for the call to end like 10s later haha. Okay and overall the thing thats so interesting to me is that this ep was definitely a tier above most of s5 but also it was an episode that was majorly focused on minor characters. Eddie aside, this ep was mostly about may/claudette/albert/josh with chim and bobby tied in with albert and may respectively. And its so interesting to me how well it worked here when generally their focus on minor characters felt so off in 5a. Oh well
Tl;dr: Im soooo happy I went into may day mostly blind it was actually sooo good, lived up to the hype and probably will be added to my episode of all time/rewatch roster which is very exclusive (maybe 10 eps). And thank YOU for the very mild encouragement to actually sit down and watch s5 in its entirety finally. I have so many thoughts about it all lol this is barely scratching the surface (like how the whole finale was basically about love stories and they made a point to show everyone starting over together and buck helping eddie start over while also deciding not to start over with taylor ANYWAYS) (also just remembered they destroyed a whole fire truck in the s5 finale only for bobby to be angsty about it for like 2 seconds and never talk about it again lmao what was that about. No wonder fox is broke)
omg im not gonna comment on all this but i enjoyed hearing about your enjoyment of 5b immensely!!!!!!!!! and i had forgotten about all that weird continuity stuff in 5x18 HOW WAS THAT NOT CAUGHT???
and YAY MAY DAY!!!!! in my heart, josh and carson or whatever his name is are still an item 🫶 i literally wrote him into a fic once thats how serious i am about it. no but literally the way the lucy taylor stuff went down was all so odd. like. buck never told her it was lucy he kissed but she just. divined i guess???? from a single not even flirtatious conversation???? some of the writing choices in this show do baffle me. like they are taking short cuts they dont need to take.
and wow honestly now that you've pointed that out about the minor characters i can't not see it. kind of same thing with defend in place!!!!!! like michael/david are supporting characters, ravi too, and they got the main focus in the episode. dang. im gonna be thinking about this for a while.
thank you also for mentioning the patching the holes scene in 5x18 because that scene is so so so soooooo sos so important in the pantheon of like, minor buddie scenes. like that's a load-bearing scene TO ME.
also please share with me your exclusive list of rewatch episodes. the people are dying to know!!!
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