#i finally got the scene where charles comes to get arthur when he’s been gone for a while
boingopilled69 · 7 months
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sketchy charles color study because he’s actually the best character ever and i love him dearly💗
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bigfrogsdreams · 8 months
014- the most detailed dream ive ever had
i had this dream 2 years ago. copy and pasted directly from a discord DM with some editing. In the dream I was Arthur Morgan from red dead redemption 2. i had been playing for hours nearly everyday for about a month straight so it was the only thing on my mind for a while.
okay so i was defiantly with dutch and i thiiink micah, lenny, and charles were there too? like i feel like they were there but the only ones i saw were dutch and micah. so we were in this waterside town, made most of its money fishing. think like blackwater in size and looks but seaside and like fishing obsessed (obsessed is a strong word its just that there are a lot of rich fishermen there). im not sure what exactly happened but one minute we are walking around the town and scoping things out and the next i am separated from dutch and micah. once i realize im alone im arrested (? not sure why, but apparently i did something and i finally got caught by the law idk). next scene im in the jail house. i remember this part very vividly. it was a small and dirty room with a bed and a bucket. it had a barred window facing the port where towns people would commonly tease and be rude to prisoners. I remember being where for a while bc i felt very dirty and gross. I vividly remember having a longer beard which was very scraggly and had dirt in it. I just remember feeling very tired and hopeless- i was mad at dutch and micah and worried why lenny and charles hadn't come yet. i should mention that the window was like a basement window but larger, so the window's bottom was by my head but to the outside it was by the townspeople's feet.
so one day im just chilling by the window soaking in some sun when all of the sudden i see dutch and micah outside by the port talking. I want to shout out to them but part of me is scared to- im not sure why. they both look my way and dutch walks out of sight while micah approaches me. im mad (like really mad) but i dont say anything. Micah crouches down to the window and he chuckles. hes dressed nicely- much nicer than normal. not like "gambling boat mission" nice but "mini dutch" kinda nice. He mocks me- telling me i should have been more careful. im confused because i dont really remember what i did but it was like on par with a bank robbery. hell i think it was one because he mentions how much better the gang is doing financially. He gloats a little more before standing up and walking to where i assumed dutch was. i remember he had very nice black leather boots. i didnt say anything but i was super mad but too tired to do anything. after a moment dutch and micah walk back into sight. micah walks over to where they were speaking originally while dutch walks over to the window. he doesnt crouch down all the way but hes bent down enough so i can see his face. the one thing that made me so so hopeless was that he was smiling. he was happy. he says something about a boat and gestures over to micah who is now speaking with a captain. dutch gets up and i shit you not this is still ingrained in my brain. he opens his arm in a kinda shrug gesture and says "im sorry son, but thats just how things turned out. I wish you luck" and he leaves. he walks back over to micah but im already in the back of the cell- just like completely crushed. i assumed that they were finally leaving and they were going to leave me behind to keep the cops off their backs to have a clean get-a-way.
its been a while later. im not sure how long but at least a week or two. i know they gang isnt gone yet because i havent seen them board the ship but i think they are leaving soon. Im also getting worried that im gonna hang soon- ive been in the cell for too long. im by the window again and this lady walks up. I just see her shoes first but she crouches down. she has long brown hair in a bun and is wearing an expensive looking dress and is wearing some very expensive looking jewelry. she smiles and i can tell she isnt there to gloat. she explains that her family is looking for some extra hired guns and her father wants to hire me. im confused but hey they'll pay my bounty and get me out. next scene im walking w this lady to her house. ive gotten cleaned up and feel a lot better, and basically she lives in this huge huge house with a lot of maids and butlers and groundskeepers. the rest of the dream is very foggy but i basically just work there and protect her family who were like the heads of the town (like their great great grandfather made the town or smth im not sure, but they had money and were famous in the town). i remember trying to write to john but i never sent any of the letters because i didnt want the gang knowing i was alive.
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prettyboypucey · 3 years
Weird ~ G.W.
Summary: George is gorgeous. Charlie is a meddler. The snow is cold. (this summary sucks...just read it) 
Pairing: George Weasley x Y/N 
Word Count: 2,404 (who do I think I am?) 
Warnings: mentions of bullying. mentions of food/eating. george is unknowingly triggering? reader cries. idk? let me know if i missed something. 
A/N: part 2? maybe? translations are for romanian via google translate. do not come for me if they are hella wrong. 
Translations: draga - darling; dragoste - love; tampit - stupid 
     I had never been normal. From the time I was a toddler I had stars in my eyes and dirt on my knees. While the other kids in my grade were playing with dolls and dressing respectably, I was riding imaginary dragons and wearing mismatched socks with dungarees and a butterfly headband. Normalcy evaded me even further when at 11 years old, I got a letter declaring me a witch.
     When I first came to Hogwarts I spent the majority of my time alone. It appeared that even children who could wave a stick around and makes things fly wanted nothing to do with the colorful little girl. Meeting Luna Lovegood in my second year was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Here was a girl who allowed me to be exactly who I was with no judgments. And then she introduced me to Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley, and suddenly that little girl who thought her only friends would always be the rocks she painted faces on, had found her people.
     Of course, being friends with Ginny Weasley meant knowing her many brothers. So after graduation when I went off to Romania to work with dragons it made me feel slightly better knowing Charlie Weasley would be there. He quickly took me under his wing and became the older brother figure I had never had. After working together for three years, and electing to stay at the sanctuary for the last two over the holidays, he had finally convinced me to come home with him. I was reluctant to leave the sanctuary - the one place I truly feel safe (despite the massive fire breathing creatures).
     Charlie had warned me that being with one or two of the Weasleys was very different from being with the entire Weasley clan. Obviously I knew Charlie and Ginny, Ron had always been nice to me, and I had met Molly a handful of times in passing. However, Bill was known to be quite intimidating, Percy was supposedly very no-nonsense, and the twins (albeit never cruel) had a reputation of being hell-raisers.
     Apparating to the edge of a marsh with Charlie by my side I could see the rising structure haphazardly balanced slightly ahead.
     Pausing, I glanced at the back of the familiar red covered head, “I don’t know Charles, maybe I should just go back. I really don’t want to be a burden.”
     Charlie very quickly rounded behind me to continue guiding me towards his home, “No, no, no, no, no. No. You’re not a burden to anyone draga. Keep your head up and if any of them give you grief - remind them of the giant, winged beasts you can feed them to.”
     Quickly placing a kiss to the side of my head Charlie bounded ahead again to open the door and announce your arrival. Before I could toe off the first boot to leave next to the dozen other pairs in the entryway, a pair of arms had flung around my neck.
     “Y/N! I missed you so much!”, Ginny pulled back, keeping her grip on my shoulders, to inspect for any major injuries.
     I held onto her elbows, keeping her close, “Hi Gin, I missed you too. A lot. I’m loving this new look by the way.”
     She reached up to brush the now short locks behind her ears. A grin on her face as the two of us looked the other over for the first time in months. Ginny was wrapped in a pretty baby pink sweater with shades of red and white running through it. The material was soft against my palm as I hooked it around her crooked elbow to follow her into the living area.
     “You know”, she started, “I was starting to think maybe Charlie had let you get eaten or burnt to a crisp in the land of dragons. It’s been so long since you’ve come to see me or left the sanctuary.”
     “I’m sorry Ginny. It’s just that after everything, I had to keep myself busy.”
     Ginny’s smile softened into one of understanding. The war had taken a part of all of us. Although Fred had recovered after many months, that fear of almost losing such a vital part of their family had rocked the entire Weasley family to its core.
     “I get it, I do, but I worry about you. I just want you to know you’re not alone Y/N.”
     I pulled the girl into another tight hug, “I know.”
     Ginny pulled away first, clearing her throat, “Okay! Now that’s out of the way - it’s time to introduce the one and only Y/N L/N to the Weasley’s.”
     I hummed, “Hmmm and which of us should be more scared?”
     “Oh definitely the Weasleys.”
     Meeting the Weasley family had gone much better than expected.
     Molly had opened her arms and home to me as if I was one of her own children. By the time the night was over she had me stuffed full of warm food and drink and donning my very own coveted Weasley sweater, the lavender initial in the middle marking it as my own. Arthur had been very interested in my muggle parents and upbringing, questioning me about the functions of a rubber duck. Bill and his wife Fleur were the most stunning couple I have ever seen, and not nearly as intimidating as people portrayed them. Fleur was pleased when she found out I spoke a bit of conversational French and promised to have me over to Shell Cottage (apparently they have an amazing collection of wind chimes that I am dying to see). Percy was a bit more refined. Completely polite and friendly but he seemed reserved. Ginny had explained in one of her letters how much guilt Percy carried after the Battle of Hogwarts over how he had behaved in the years leading up to that day.
     The twins were much different than I remembered them being from the few times we were around each other in school. The physical differences were clear - George’s missing ear and Fred’s dragging limp were both signs of the prices they paid in the war. More than that however, they had matured greatly. They were still happy and made sure to pull at least two pranks over the night, poor Molly nearly lost her voice after they blew up the turkey. However, there was something in their eyes that had been dimmed. Especially in George.
     His twin almost died that night, and it reflected in George’s eyes each time he looked at his older brother. It was clear that he was still afraid because whenever Fred left a room George followed, never letting his brother out of his sight, and if he happened to lose track of him a panic began to swirl in his brown orbs.
     I was in the middle of watching as George yet again made his way to Fred’s side, clapping a large hand on his twins shoulder and throwing his head back in laughter.
     “So which one are you staring at dragoste?”, Charlie whispered as he appeared out of nowhere.
     I ignored the burning in my cheeks as I looked away from the scene in front of me.
     “I am not staring at either of them tampit.”
     “Mhmm, sure, absolutely, I believe you.”, after a quick pause he said, “It’s George isn’t it?”
     I turned and scoffed at him, “No!… How did you know?”
     Charlie let out a chuckle, “Because I know you my little dragon. I also know my brother, and just between us, he definitely likes you as well.”
     At this I let out an incredulous laugh and glanced back to where George was now telling a story, his hands moving animatedly. There was no way that George Weasley had even a remote attraction to me. He was kind, strong, clever, and so bloody gorgeous it truly was a privilege to look at him. And I am…me. Nothing special. Just a girl who had more dragon friends than human ones and whose hands were covered in scars and callouses and whose socks never matched and had never even kissed a man before. So no, there was no way that George Weasley would ever like me.
     “Hey. I know that look Y/N. Stop those thoughts right this bloody second.”
     “Charles it really is annoying when you read me like that.”
     Throwing his arm over my shoulder he began to lead me towards the twins, “Yes I know and I am sorry in advance but this needs to be done. Fred!”
     Charlie’s voice had gone from a rushed whisper to a jovial shout when we reached George, Fred, and Ron by the fireplace. George’s smile as he turned to look at us sent a million butterflies off in my tummy.
     “So Freddy, I was hoping you could help me out with a top secret project tomorrow for mum and maybe show me around the joke shop. I heard you added some new displays that I want to check out.”
     “Sure Charlie”, Fred glanced at George as he spoke, “I’m sure we can make some time for our favorite brother.”
     Ignoring Rons protest, Charlie gripped my shoulders and pushed me in front of him, “Actually George I was thinking you could stay here and show Y/N around the area. She mentioned wanting to talk a walk tomorrow and I would hate to disappoint her on her first Christmas out of the sanctuary.”
     I interrupted the rejection coming from George, “No please, I would hate to be a bother and make you be stuck with me all day. I’m sure Ginny can take me.”
     George smiled and shook his head, “No it’s completely fine Y/N. I would be happy to show you around.”
     “Okay great! It’s settled then!”, Charlie looked rather too pleased with himself and obviously missed the look exchanged by his identical younger brothers.
     The next morning the Burrow was a flurry of movement as everyone began their day. Apparently Charlie and Fred weren’t the only ones on their way out. The others still had some last minute gift shopping to do and Ron was spending the day with Hermione’s muggle family. After breakfast, a quick wink from Charlie, and a slam of the front door - George and I were alone in the house.
     The two of us stood facing one another in the living room for a few awkward moments before George spoke, “Well, um, did you want to head out as well?”
     “Oh sure! Yes, let me just grab my boots really quickly.”
     George led me out the door and onto the snow covered path towards the small, iced over river. Nothing was said for a while, the only sound was the crunch of snow under our boots and the occasional sniffle from one of our red noses. I was mentally imagining all the ways I was going to kick Charlie’s ass when he got back for suggesting a walk in the middle of winter when we came to the top of a hill and stopped.
     Everything as far as the eye could see was blanketed in sheets of white. Stomping my boots down into the fresh snow, I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped as the snow gave way underfoot. Feeling a pair of eyes on me I remembered that I wasn’t alone and turned to see George watching me with an unidentifiable look on his face.
     “Sorry, sorry. That was - I don’t know why I did that. I liked the feeling of the crunch of the snow I guess. Sorry.”
     George grinned, “You don’t have to apologize. It was cute.”
     I could feel my face flush at his words. His smile grew even wider at the sight of my heated face. My gaze dropped from his pretty face down to my boots. I could feel the thick socks I had on beginning to grow cold and wet from how long we’d been outside. Looking back up I could see George’s deep eyes glaze over. Assuming it was because he had been apart from Fred so long I glanced out at the view one last time before turning back the way we came.
     “We should probably get back. We’ve been gone a while and my toes are getting wet. I feel bad enough that Charlie forced you to do this anyways without you getting frostbite or something. I’ve had frostbite, it’s not fun. And now I’m rambling. I’m sorry. Sorry”
     George was shaking his head at me and said, “You are so weird.”
     Ouch. My chest tightened and the small smile I had been wearing dropped from my face. If I had been able to see past the tears forming in my eyes that were making my sight blurry, I would have seen George’s face do the same. Unfortunately, all I could focus on was that word. Weird. Strange. Abnormal. Freak. 
     Weird weird weird.
     The walk back was silent. A thick tension surrounded you both as thick snow flurries began to swirl down in the midmorning air. Just as thick was the lump forming in my throat as I fought back tears. I know I shouldn’t let his words affect me. He’s just some guy. But deep down I also know that he’s not just some guy. This is George fricking Weasley. With his stupid perfect face and gorgeous eyes and his loyalty to his family. I couldn’t help but be enamored with him from the moment I walked in the Weasley’s front door. So it hurt to hear the man I liked call me that nasty word that has haunted me my entire life.
     When we finally reached the Burrow, George tried to reach for my arm but I pulled away and ran into the house. I could hear that some of the others had returned and really wanted to avoid a confrontation. Once again, luck wasn’t on my side. Charlie came walking out of the kitchen and saw me in the entryway. His face immediately became concerned at the sight of me and he lowered the sandwich he had from his mouth.
     “Draga?”, Charlie’s voice followed me as I finally reached the stairs and launched upstairs.
     As I reached the first landing I heard him speak again, his voice rough and hard.
     “What did you do?”  
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gaaavin · 3 years
Edmund Lowry Jr.
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Hiya! I've had another idea and wanted to write something for it, too. It’s inspired by / based on that serial killer in RDR2. Feel free to give me feedback or whatever you'd like. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x gn!reader
Words: 4.9 k
Summary: You thought it'd be an easy job with a nice prey at the end of the evening, until everything took the wrong turn.
Warnings: angst, mentions of torture but nothing too graphic, kidnapping, thoughts about death but with a happy ending
Finally, some green around you. That was your first thought, after you and the whole Van der Linde gang had arrived in Horseshoe Overlook. It was a lovely camp with a beautiful view. You sure could stay here for a longer period this time, hopefully. The constant moving took a toll on everyone just as much as the running from the law. Before finally settling into your current camp, all of you had to flee from Blackwater. A job there had gone terribly wrong and there was talk about Dutch losing control and shooting a woman. You hadn’t been there at that moment but you just couldn’t imagine that something like this would ever occur. The Dutch you knew would never harm any innocent folks. This escape resulted in an overhasty departure for the mountains – Colter had been the place of refuge up there. It was cold and you almost had no supplies. You generally liked the cold weather and snow but the storm up there you all had to endure was way too much to enjoy it at all. For now, though, you tried to push the negative thoughts away, instead concentrating on your new surroundings.
About a week after all things had been unpacked, you decided to go into the nearest town – Valentine. Dutch was right about all of you needing money urgently and you of course wanted to contribute, too. You saddled your mount up and rode out, but not before telling Karen where you wanted to go. “I’ll check, if I can find anything interesting in Valentine. Do you need something from the store while I’m in town?” you asked her. Her response coming promptly. “Some candies would be nice, would make these days here a lot more enjoyable.” As she concluded her answer, she winked at you earning her a small laugh on your part. After nodding, you spurred your horse and went into town.
The first thing you noticed was the smell, even before you entered the city at all. The second thing was the auction yard. Well, that explains it. No wonder it smells like horseshit everywhere around here, you thought as you entered the city. The people seemed friendly towards you, greeting you here and there. Although, you knew that you shouldn’t get on the town’s bad side. Some of the guys from your camp had caused trouble in the saloon some days ago and let’s just say that they aren’t as welcome in there anymore.
One of the boys was Arthur, your- well, you didn’t know what exactly the two of you were. Back in Blackwater your friendship slowly turned into something more intimidate, even romantic, with it peaking one drunken night around the campfire when you shared your first ever kiss. The sparks flew through the air and you felt like you were on cloud nine, being the happiest you had been in months. Since then, though, it felt like Arthur was avoiding you. Or maybe you were just imagining things. After all, you two hadn’t had much time after all the fighting, shed blood and the running after that. You had a special bond with Arthur like you’ve never had with anyone before – even before your relationship went to some sort of next level. You could communicate without words, understanding the other in more than one precarious situation. Currently, Arthur was away to get Sean back from those bounty hunters – that’s at least what John had told you earlier. You tried to push the thoughts of Arthur to the back of your head, trying to focus on the task at hand – find a lead or somebody to rob.
As you finally arrived at the saloon across the gunsmith, you hitched your horse and entered the facility. You were greeted with warm, liquor-filled air as you headed towards the bar, letting your eyes wander around. Drunk men were an easy prey. Before leaving camp, you had put on nice clothes, that were quite revealing. For you, that was the best way to gather information about anything or to rob someone. You mostly played either the damsel in distress or someone looking for some night company and most of the men fell for it every time, letting you close enough for you to relieve them of their valuables or information. Either was welcome.
After some time, your eyes landed on a stranger, that was looking directly at you. Bingo! You tried to approach him with your best smile. “Hey stranger.” You said, earning you a small smile from him. He had something odd to him. You couldn’t pinpoint it exactly, but something about him put you off and gave you goosebumps all over. For now though, you tried to ignore your gut feeling. You were experienced in the things you did on an almost daily basis. Even if he could possibly be some sort of danger for you, you would definitely be able to defend yourself. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time some drunk feller had inappropriate thoughts about you.
“Hey there.” He grinned at you. As you took a real first look at him, the thing you noticed right away were his eyes. You were a firm believer that the eyes displayed the door to the soul and his were just so… dark. Not just the color but also their aura. They had a strange glint to them and there was something deeper hiding behind them. Something bad maybe? Nonetheless, you offered him a drink and ignored your gut feeling again. After all, you wanted your camp members to have something to eat or rob in the future. “You seem lonely tonight. May I offer you a drink and maybe my company?” you asked him while fluttering your lashes. He seemed to think about his response for a moment, before finally saying. “Sure, that would be very kind of you. Thank you. Name’s Edmund Lowry Jr. May I ask yours?” You smiled innocently at him, before telling him a fake name.
Unfortunately, Mr. Lowry declined every further offer of you to buy him another drink. It would make things definitely more complicated if he didn’t want to get drunk. Quickly thinking of a plan B, you ultimately decided that you could just knock him out with the revolver hidden under your clothes if you’d be able to lead him to a more secluded area somewhere outside. He had told you earlier that he was a rich man and owned some land outside of Valentine, so the prey was too rewarding to not at least try to rob him. Although your plan was pretty dangerous, you put it into action by asking him if he’d mind joining you for a small walk outside. “The air in here is really getting to me and I think I need some fresh, new air.” He grinned almost devilish at you, before offering you his arm to lead you outside.
Taking a stroll in the streets, you tried to steer him towards the stables. This terrain was secluded enough for you to hit him and flee without causing much of a scene or getting caught. He guided you towards the fields in the back of the stables, let go of your arm and took a step forward, facing the wide area behind Valentine. This was your moment. With his back to you, you reached under your clothes to grab the revolver but just in that moment he turned rapidly around and pointed towards the theatre. Out of sheer shock your revolver slipped from your hand. Damnit! You tried to drown out the clattering of your weapon with an awkward cough. “My dear” he started and you turned around to follow the direction of his finger. You now stood one step ahead of him and couldn’t see him. “Would you like to visit a show with me?” In that moment you heard him shuffle behind you. Bewildered, you turned around and everything went black.
Arthur came back to camp after successfully rescuing Sean from those bounty hunters in Blackwater with Charles, Javier and Trelawny. He was dead tired and just wanted to eat something and go straight to bed. As he dismounted his horse, he went directly to get some stew and grab a bottle. Along his way, he was greeted with a well done here and there. Arthurs eyes wandered around camp, searching for you but you were nowhere to be found. It wasn’t strange for you to be absent; you often went to look for jobs and therefore were away for some days. Nevertheless, he was a bit disappointed to not be able to talk to you. The both of you hadn’t really had the chance to properly speak, especially not about your situation. He was so goddamn afraid of what was to come, of what you had done to him – he had opened his heart for you unwillingly and wasn’t sure if he could handle another proper relationship. What if you left him? What if one day you woke up and decided that he wasn’t what you wanted anymore. He couldn’t deal with another heart break.
After Arthur finished his stew, he went directly to bed. This night a welcome party for Sean was set to be celebrated and he just wanted to close his eyes a little bit before that. After some hours of more or less peaceful sleep – after all the party was being prepared and people were rummaging everywhere in camp – Arthur finally got up and let his eyes wander around camp in search for you again. “They aren’t here. Karen told me earlier.” Arthur looked to his left from where that characteristic voice came from. “Marston.” Arthur greeted him before John continued. “They went to scout for any leads in Valentine.” Arthur furrowed his eyebrows. Was it really that obvious to others? He decided to play dumb in hopes that he’d eventually be left alone. “I don’t know what you mean. Am not looking for anyone.” John smirked knowingly as he countered. “You know damn well what I’m talking about. Don’t you dare to think I’m stupid. I have eyes, Morgan and I know you pretty well.” Arthur sighed, slightly nodding. “Yeah, whatever.”
The celebration was pretty fun. Almost the whole gang was gathered around the campfire, singing songs away happily. These were the times in which Arthur almost forgot that they were actually running from the law. Of course, they had done that before but it never seemed as bad as it was now. Blackwater left a stain on everyone in one way or another, Colter wasn’t much better for regaining strength. His rock, though, has always been you. Since he’s gotten to know you, you always were able to calm him down, ease his nerves and see right through him no matter how inaccessible he tried to appear. You weaseled your way right into his heart. Although your way of life was a dangerous one, he knew deep down that you two were somehow meant for each other – understanding each other on a level he’s never had with anyone before.
As the night went on, Arthur’s mind always wandered back to you. He just wasn’t able to get you out of his head for even one goddamn night. Soon, he said his goodbyes and went to his tent, writing down his thoughts first before finally retiring to bed. By midday the following day you still weren’t in camp and Arthur started to worry, a bad feeling creeping up on him. Should he go search for you? No one knew how long you’d be gone. But even if you were just at the saloon or wherever it wouldn’t hurt to check in on you. Maybe you two would even be able to spend some quality time together after everything that has happened.
Soon after, Arthur mounted his horse and rode off, shortly after arriving in Valentine. Where should he start to search for you? Maybe the saloon? After all, it was so to say the heart of the town. If here was going on anything, he’d find his answers in there. After arriving at the facility, he immediately recognized your horse. So, they’re here, he thought to himself. Relieved, he finally swung the doors open and headed towards the bar. His eyes roamed the room, but found you nowhere. That struck him odd. You wouldn’t ever leave your horse behind somewhere. Just as Arthur sat down at the bar, the bartender spoke up. “Oh no, not you again mister. I don’t want any more trouble in here.” Arthur sighed, before replying. “I’m not here to cause trouble mister. I’m actually looking for a friend of mine. Have you seen them?” Arthur gave the man behind the bar a brief description of you and looked at him expectantly after he finished. The bartender seemed to think about it for a moment, before saying “Oh my memory isn’t the best, Mister. Maybe a little tip of yours could help it.” Arthur groaned and rolled his eyes while reaching in his bag to throw some coins towards the man behind the bar, adding “Now spit it” with gritted teeth. “Thank you. Well, I have indeed seen them in here. Yesterday they spoke to a man, seemed pretty cozied up, flirting the whole night. They left together, too. Seemed to go towards the hotel.” “Anything else?” Arthur asked. “No, not really. It’s just… That man that was with them yesterday seemed fairly strange. I didn’t have a good feeling with him. I can’t explain it really, but he was rather sinister.” Arthur thanked the man, before heading outside to try and track your footprints. He knew that you wouldn’t go with a man into his hotel room just like that, at least not to actually engage with him. You just weren’t the type for something like this. Hopefully, Arthur could track you down quickly. He didn’t have a good feeling in this.
As you slowly came back to your senses, your head practically screamed at you. It hurt like hell. What happened? You forced your eyes open and although the room was dimly lit, you tried to take in your environment. Where am I? So many questions came crushing down on you all at once as you tried to comprehend what you were seeing around you. While examining your surroundings, your eyes landed on the wall. There were many reports of missing persons. Where the hell am I? Letting your eyes travel further, the next thing they saw was blood. A whole lot of blood. Everywhere. And was that… a corpse in the corner? I need to get out of here immediately. You thought terrified and tried to move, but didn’t get away. You were tied up. God damn it! Your movements seemed to attract the attention of something or someone else in there. So, I’m not alone in here. You didn’t know whether that soothed your nerves or made everything worse. Just in that moment a voice from somewhere near sounded. “Oh good, you’re finally awake.”
Arthur finally arrived near the stables where your tracks ended, your horse in tow as well. Hmm, seems like someone was dragged from here to a horse. He examined the surrounding ground as he suddenly saw something shiny near one of the barrels. As he got closer to the object, his mouth fell slightly agape while his brows furrowed simultaneously. It was your revolver, he recognized it immediately. It had a special engraving he bought you while out in Blackwater. You two had to grab some ammunition for a job beforehand and as you saw the engraving you were thrilled. It looked so pretty. Seeing you all excited, Arthur wanted you to have something nice reminding you of him that you always took with you – no matter where you went. So, it was even more concerning finding it laying here with you nowhere in sight. What happened to you?
You knew that voice. This couldn’t be… Or could it be the man from the saloon? Just as you tried to recall the events from the night before, the man came into sight. You turned your head to look at him, letting your eyes wander from his face further down to his hands. They held something shiny in them. Finally recognizing that it was a huge knife, your eyes widened in shock and you gulped audibly, starring at him blankly. “Lowry.” You managed to get out between gritted teeth, your voice sounding too hoarse to really sound mad. “Welcome to my most favorite place in the world. Save yourself thinking what is about to happen. Now, I’m not going to lie. It’s not going to be nice… and fun. I mean, it will be fun for me, but it won’t be nice for you. At least, no one’s found it nice so far. Maybe you’ll be the first.” Lowry laughed maniacally, before he continued. “Do you like pain? Is it your friend? It’s about to become your very close friend. Very close. But when it’s over…release. Glorious release. Now, there’s no point fighting. You might as well try and relax a little bit.” Lowry approached you slowly, looking almost peaceful while you wanted to scream, scratch his eyes out, just do anythingto escape the upcoming hell awaiting you. As Lowry moved the huge knife slowly closer and closer towards your torso, a thought came to your mind. It was one single thought that hadn’t occurred to you up until now; you weren’t going to make it out alive of here and you wouldn’t ever see your family or Arthur ever again. You were tied up too strong to escape. As the realization hit you, you let your desperate tears fall freely – hopefully he wouldn’t stretch it out too long and you didn’t have to suffer too much.
Arthur had a bad feeling, a really bad feeling about this. Something just wasn’t right. Things weren’t adding up. You’d never leave your two most precious things somewhere voluntarily. Something had happened to you and Arthur was determined to find out what that was, to find you above all. Hopefully alive. He thought to himself but pushed that thought away quickly. He couldn’t stand to think something like this. After all, you could handle yourself pretty well, right? Arthur had seen you many times shoot yourself out of a dicey situation. You were smart, not taking too many risks. But no matter what he knew about you, he knew just as certainly that this time something went the wrong way. He tried to track the hoofbeats up to a door on the ground. Maybe an entrance to a cellar? He thought to himself with his stomach dropping to the floor.
Arthur examined the door closely, eventually discovering the locket on it. He took a steadying breath, before attempting to crack it. His hands were shaking, he was so afraid of what he’d find behind that damn door. Just as he leaned closer towards the door and the lock to start cracking it, he heard a bloodcurdling scream from inside the cellar. Was that your voice? Oh damn, yes, that sounded definitely like you. His first thought was that he’d kill that bastard causing these sounds to escape from your lips. His second thought, though, was Thank God, you’re alive. As he finally was able to enter the room, he could hear heavy panting. He didn’t waste any time looking around, heading straight towards the source of the sounds. As you saw him, your eyes widened, shaking your head frantically. Your mouth was stuffed with some sort of white cloth, so you couldn’t speak to him. This is a trap! You wanted to scream at him. Arthur looked at you with a deep sadness in his eyes – and adoration. You looked like a complete mess. Everywhere on you was blood. Lowry cut along your torso and beat you, resulting in a black eye and a burst open lip. But nonetheless, Arthur had that look on him that he just gave you – a special soft one. It let the tears well up in you even more than before, now crying desperately.
Arthur couldn’t believe it. You were alive, but only barely. You looked like you went through hell and you probably been there for the last hours. How long have you been down here? At that thought, guilt overcame him completely. While he was in camp sleeping, partying with his family, you were being tortured and bearing unspeakable torment. How could he have been so dumb? He should’ve listened to his gut feeling, searching for you earlier. He sprinted towards you and wanted to free you from your bonds, beginning with your mouth. “Are you alright?” He asked you concerned, before looking you up and down for any deep wounds. “It’s- It’s a-“ you tried to answer him, but your throat was sore from all the screaming and the lack of fluids.
Arthur heard something behind him, a slight movement, but enough to cause him to turn around pretty quickly. Too quickly for Lowry, who hadn’t expected that. Lowry stumbled slightly back, hitting the wall with his back. Arthur took advantage of the confusion of his opposer and hit him hard, once, twice. Arthur was so furious. How dare that man to do something like this to you? How dare he touch you at all? All these thoughts were crushing down on him, altogether with his guilt about not being able to protect you. He beat him up, again and again and again. It was almost as if his fists moved alone by now. “Arthur, stop!” He heard your raspy voice, breaking with every syllable and it brought him back to reality. Lowry was knocked out and didn’t move anymore. Arthur shook his head as if shaking all those thoughts off for now. He tied Lowry up quickly, before rushing to you to finally free you for good. As you were finally free, you basically fell in Arthurs arms and just started to cry. It was a mixture of everything – pain, fear, but also relief and gratitude. Arthur helped you up the stairs and lifted you up on his horse. After that he sprinted back to get Lowry and loaded him on your horse and finally mounted behind you in his horse.
The way to the Sherriff’s office was quiet. No one said a word. You were sniffling and resting against Arthurs body with your eyes closed, while he soothingly rubbed circles and held you close so that you wouldn’t slip off his mount. “I’m gonna bring him in and tell the Sheriff where to find that damn cellar and after that, I’ll finally bring you home. Just wait here a second. I’ll be back in a moment.” You nodded slightly, hoping it wouldn’t take too much time. You just wanted to head back to camp and sleep it all off.
After a short time, you heard a shot from the office. Your eyes widened in shock and your heart started to thump heavy in your chest. What was happening in there? After a few moments, Arthur finally came out again. “That bastard tried to kill the Sheriff. I had to shoot him.” You just nodded, sighing relieved, while looking him up and down for any injuries. “I’m fine. Now, let’s get you back home.”
The last few days have gone by in a blur. After you arrived back in camp, Ms. Grimshaw tended to your wounds and you were on a good way. Arthur hadn’t left your side all this time – bringing you stew, a coffee or just keeping you company. He wouldn’t even sleep in his own tent, always staying with you on a chair next to your kot. Today was the first time in days that you felt like you could walk around a bit – and you desperately needed it. Being trapped all those days in camp was making you go crazy. “Arthur, would you mind taking a walk with me?” you asked him. He seemed to contemplate for a moment. Shouldn’t you go easy a few more days and rest? “Arthur, please. I’m gonna go mad if I have to stay here for another day. Just a small walk along the shore. You’re with me, so what could possibly happen to me?” That question stung a bit. He couldn’t protect you before, why were you still feeling so safe with him? Nonetheless, Arthur finally agreed, offering you his arm to support you just in case you felt weaker again.
As the two of you arrived at the little beach, you held tightly onto his arm. You never wanted to let go. Coming to a halt, you two turned to watch the water. So peaceful. “You know...” you started, breathing in and out. “When I was trapped back there in that cellar, I really thought I wouldn’t make it. I thought that the last things I’d ever see would be blood on the walls and that bastards face with that devilish grin. I was so mad at myself for not listening to my gut feeling, for being so goddamn stupid, that I kinda felt like I deserved it. I thought that the last thing I’d hear would be that maniac’s laugh or my own screams. I thought that I’d never see daylight again, flowers, my family or you. Before that happened, I thought you were avoiding me or that you maybe thought that this kiss back in Blackwater was a mistake.” At that his head snapped towards you, watching you intently before you continued. “And I had regrets. Not about the kiss, of course, but about not telling you how I truly felt about you Arthur. I love you; I really do. I couldn’t bear not seeing you again. It broke my heart.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you thought back to your personal hell, Lowry’s most favorite place as he called it. This thought struck a nerve inside you, his voice echoing those exact words. Your tears started to fall freely by now and a chocked sound escaped your mouth. “I really thought I lost you, Arthur. I thought I lost against him. After all this time running, it would be a failed lead that had the power to end me.” You cried and just couldn’t stop. Arthur embraced you, pulling you tightly against him as if he never wanted to let you go again. While holding you like this, he said. “When I came back from rescuing Sean, I was disappointed you weren’t in camp. When you weren’t there for the welcome party I started to worry. But when I saw your horse outside of the saloon and you weren’t nowhere in sight, I panicked and freaked out. I knew you’d never leave him behind. I was so desperate to find you and just so goddamn afraid. Afraid, I’d never see you again. That I’d lost you while I was back at camp relaxing. I wasn’t able to protect you, eating and sleeping while you were being tortured. That image of you tied up, covered in blood just won’t leave my mind. Maybe if I went to look for you earlier, you didn’t have to endure all this. I couldn’t protect you and I’ll never forgive myself for that and I don’t expect you to forgive me.”
You slightly leaned back to look him in the eyes that were filled with so much sorrow and guilt, it made your heart ache. “Arthur” you began, while cupping his cheek with your hand, the other still holding tightly onto him. “This wasn’t your fault, do you hear me? There isn’t any chance in the world you could’ve prevented this. You know I normally can handle myself; it was a job gone terribly wrong. If anything, you saved me. You saved my life – I owe you my life, Arthur. Don’t you dare put this burden on your shoulders. I never asked you to come along with me, I went alone and I knew that something could happen. Believe me, this wasn’t your fault, not at all. Lowry did kidnap me, not you. He mistreated me, not you. He used his knife to hurt me, not you. Even if you had been there earlier, he still would’ve had more than enough time with me alone. Please believe me when I say, that there is nothing I have to forgive you. And there isn’t anything you have to forgive yourself. You couldn’t have changed this in any way. I should’ve listened to my sentiment. He had something strange about him from the beginning. But he told me that he was rich so I went for it nonetheless. “
Arthur still wasn’t fully convinced, but seemed more at peace – at least for the moment. “I really thought I lost you and I never want to lose you again. Back in Blackwater, I was so damn afraid of what we had but now I can’t get into my head how foolish that was of me. I love you, too, so damn much. And if you’ll still have me, would you want to be mine?” You were smiling through your tears, as you nodded and finally kissed Arthur the second time in your life. This time, though, with more certainty than ever before.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Micah Bell - Partners in Crime and in Love Pt.2
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hell yeahhhh the part 2 i’ve been dying to write. this is more angsty than i thought i’d be but there’s fluff and a smut scene (with a fem reader) so a warning that this contains adult content.
part one is here otherwise this makes no sense
side note: i don’t know how to write anything remotely sexual so i’m sorry it’s bad and poorly written ima just 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️
The shock of what had happened at the bank still hadn’t settled with you the next morning after Charles had returned. Apart of you kept thinking that Micah would stroll through the front gates of Shady Belle or come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist with a coffee in hand like he does every morning. But that didn’t happen. He was really gone, what’s worse is you didn’t know how bad gone was. Was Micah stuck on some ship? Did he get captured by the Pinkertons? Or was he dead? Charles said he never actually saw them make it to the ship, only parted with them at the docks.
Fuck. The unknown was the worst part. His death you could handle (that’s a lie you’ll keep telling yourself) but not knowing whether he was okay was tormenting.
The gang, or what was left of them was in shambles ever since the bank. When Charles returned and delivered the news that young Lenny didn’t make it, everyone was left feeling heavy with despair and grief. Despite his rather sour relationship with Micah, you had a soft spot for him and more often than not took him under your wing to show him the ropes robbing coaches and being an experienced outlaw. Needless to say the gang won’t be what it was without him, but you did your best to not let it unsettle you too much.
That night while sitting by the campfire, your mind drifts to the night of the Mayor’s party. Originally, you were due to go with Micah as the latest young couple of the oiling industry and were looking to ingratiate yourselves with potential new investors. That all went out the door when Micah got himself into a bar fight over the last bottle of whiskey and there was no way Dutch was going to allow him to the party looking like some scruffy outlaw. You were both slightly upset that you didn’t get to go so instead you put on Dutch’s gramophone (he won’t miss it for one night) and slow danced together on the balcony.
His hand was placed gently on the small of your back, his other holding yours out to the side as you swayed together to the music. It was a pitiful attempt at dancing, lacking any of the real technique or proper movements but it was perfect for a couple o outlaws like yourselves. Your head was resting on his chest, taking in a deep breath and letting yourself completely relax into his embrace. It was one of the few times that you could forget about being an outlaw, about being on the run. That soft peaceful moment with your head tucked under Micah’s chin is the closest thing you’ll ever get to a redemption, and to you, that was all you could want…
You stayed by the campfire for the remaining hours of the night, replaying over and over the scene at the bank, thinking of everything that you could have done right. That night you let the guilt claw at your mind until the sun emerged from the horizon and Miss Grimshaw started ordering everyone to begin packing up the camp.
“Chin up now! I don’t need anyone slacking while we’re short of hands, help pack up the last of the boxes.”
Nodding defeatedly at Susan’s demand, you made your way over to the last remaining stack of crates carrying ammunition. Any other day you probably would have argued with her if only to cause some mischief but today you simply did not have it in you. Your body was exhausted and struggled to carry the weight of the crate until Charles came over and took the other side.
“Thank you, Charles.”
In return, Charles gave you an affirming nod, the two of you working together to help move the remaining supplies. When the final box was moved and secured, he placed a comforting hand was placed on your shoulder.
“They’re going to be fine, if they survived Blackwater then this surely won’t. Besides they have Dutch leading em the whole way.”
Charles has always been a friend to you, been there for you during the worst of it and certainly didn’t judge you for who you were. It was the same for him and the two of you would often go out hunting to get away and relax from the stress of the gang.
“He’ll be fine…”
Charles didn’t need to name him to know you were primarily concerned about one more so than the rest and while Charles certainly did not like Micah, he was a friend of yours no matter what.
If Micah thought the bank job couldn’t have gone any worse he’d be called a fool because boy was he wrong. Most definitely wrong.
The boat fucking sunk.
Of all the things that could have happened, something ended up catching fire and in the chaos of it all ended up on some island beach with Dutch and Bill, god knows where Arthur is in all of this. There was sand scratching his already burnt skin and the heat was sweltering, it wasn’t even midday yet and he’d already made the choice that he hated this Island.
After three days on the Island, his opinion had not changed one bit. If anything he’d say he hated it even more. The amount of wildlife was unbearable, with the disgusting insects that were everywhere and the vines which were snakes hidden in plain sight. Not to mention he’d already been in too many shootouts to count, Javier was shot and captured and Dutch was slowly slipping into insanity while running around caves and ruins running errands for people that he didn’t know.
For once, Micah was glad to take guard duty. Sure the heat was enough to give him a headache and he had to listen to Morgan cough up half his lungs each night but it was better than getting involved in some civil war between rich businessmen and the locals. All he wants is to leave this Island and be back with you.
In the dead quiet of the night, Micah is leaning against a stone pillar keeping guard. His eyes wander to the moonlight that bounces off the water and how it reminds him of your new revolver. Sure most revolvers were same bright colour but yours was black with white engravings. He had it made especially for you as a gift and when he saw your face light up with joy, it made paying for the damn thing worth every cent.
God he misses you, he hates to admit it but he so desperately wants to see you. He thinks about finally seeing you again, how you’ll probably break his nose for taking so long but he’d expect nothing less from an outlaw like you. The thought makes him chuckle to himself softly at how much he’s head over heels for you.
The next few days are a haze, he doesn’t even know who he’s fighting but there’s no time to stop and think about it as bullets whizz past him in every direction from his place on the beach. There’s a ship and a canon that leaves the building rattling with each fire of the canon ball and there’s boats of guards that chase them up the beach.
Miraculously everyone survives and Micah doesn’t stop to look at the damage left on the beach. The thought of being back with you makes the shootout worth it and he can’t wait to put that shitty Island behind him.
When you finally see Micah stroll into the new camp, you’re already half way over to him before he’s even off his horse. The whole way you’re rambling, borderline yelling as you practically lecture him for leaving.
“How could you be so irresponsible, running off like that! I don’t believe it! Micah do you know how fucking worried I wa-“
Micah cuts you short by wrapping your arm under you and pulls you into a long kiss. He lets out a sigh against your lips at how badly he’s missed it, how badly he’s missed you. You mirror his desperation and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer by his hair as you’re terrified to let him go.
Neither of you care that the gang is watching you two, all that matters is he’s back and you can finally stop worrying.
“Don’t you dare run off like that again…”
There’s no venom in your lecture this time and he smiles against your lips, kissing you again.
“I missed you too, sweetheart.”
Later, when things had calmed down and everyone was waiting for Bill and Arthur to return, you snuck away with Micah to ‘scout for a potential lead’. Dutch had protested but you simply stated that there was mouth’s to feed and money to be made which seemed to do the job with only the slight warning of not causing too much trouble.
That of course would all have to wait as you made your way into the Hotel in Annesburg, slinging your coat over the door handle before making your way over to Micah who sat on the edge of the bed. You seated yourself onto his lap and brought him in for another kiss, this one much more passionate but no less gentle. His hands came up to roam over your back, finally getting to feel you after so long. He took off your gun belt and brought you closer, desperately trying to untuck your shirt from your pants as he tried to undress you without letting you go.
“S’alright Micah, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
You chuckle at he impatient gruff he throws at you and kiss his cheek adoringly. Micah will admit to hating how sappy and loved you made him feel but deep down you both know he loves every second of it.
You stand up, moving away from him slightly to undress properly and you notice how Micah doesn’t take his eyes off you. It makes removing his own shirt rather clumsy, getting stuck on the buttons but he can’t get over how lucky he that you like him.
When all you’re both finally undressed all the way, Micah lays back down on the middle of the bed with you straddled on top of him. Usually he’s adamant on being in charge but tonight he’s happy to let you call the shots.
After what feels like hours of gentle teasing and light kisses, you finally line yourself up as he slides into you. A soft moan bubbles from your lips when Micah’s hip thrusts up reflexively, causing a wave of pleasure to wash over you.
Eventually as you both find a rhythm your gentle and soft touches become more heated and demanding. Micah’s hands are grabbing your hips in the best kind of way, meeting your thrusts half way. A cocky smirk is on his face as he makes more moans and whimpers leave you.
At one point you lean down and use his hair to pull him into a bruising kiss, full of teeth and tongue. The change of angle has you moaning much louder into his mouth as his cock hits that spot that makes your stomach flare with pleasure, brining you closer to the edge. You can tell he’s not too far behind you from the way his thrusts falter slightly and are much more irregular. Not to mention the moans of his own that now accompany his groans.
“Mm Fuck Micah… Don’t you ever leave like that again.”
Micah chuckles at your attempt to lecture him again, but he can hear the serious undertone, how worried you were over him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it sweetheart…”
One, two, three more thrusts later and you’re pushed over the edge. Your face is pressed into his neck as you moan his name, biting into his neck which is sure to leave a mark at such an intense orgasm. You tightening around him is enough to send him over as a soft pretty moan leaves him. It was so quiet you almost didn’t hear it over your own panting breath, but you did and its only reserved for you.
Once you’ve both cleaned up, you’re looking down at him with a sheet wrapped over the two of you. You’re gently brushing his hair from your face and you can’t help but smile. His soft blue eyes glow in the golden candle light, his cheeks have a slight stain of pink from the sunburn that hasn’t quite healed yet and you think he looks absolutely perfect in that moment.
“Whatcha staring at sweetheart?”
Your smile grows at the lost puppy look he has on his face and you can’t help but trace the scar that runs from his chin to his lip with your thumb.
“You… I’m staring at you dummy, because I love you.”
Micah’s eyes widen before he flips you so you’re the one underneath him, his forearms on either side of your face. He leans down and gives you a tender kiss, humming in agreement.
“Love you too.”
Micah kisses his way down your lips to your collarbone where he rests his head on your chest. Your hand comes to gently play with his hair again, something you can’t get enough of, until you both begin to fall asleep. You drift off with a small smile on your face, contempt and at peace for the first time in a long time knowing that if the two of you could survive that horrid bank job then you could survive anything else that was thrown your way.
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tamsin-moon · 4 years
Notes: Bill Williamson x Male Reader Injury and blood mention, nightmares, small panic attack, cursing, excessive drinking mention. Starts tense but ends up fluffy I promise! Bill and reader have been together little over a year. Have been in Horseshoe Overlook a couple weeks now and reader knows Bill is getting close to a breakdown as he’s been bottling up everything he feels about the Blackwater mess. 
The last thing you expected or wanted to hear at 7am as you were coming off your shift of guard duty was Bill shouting, really shouting. “Get the hell away from me!” Being the words that reached your ears and you were breaking into a jog to get to the scene quickly. And indeed it was a scene that was unfolding quickly as you arrived, but what the hell had set it off? You would try to figure it out quickly, but all you could really tell was your man was getting ready to beat on Swanson who was on the ground and obviously drunk again.
Cursing under your breath you would see others gathering and a couple moving to intervene, but you were already much closer. Unfortunately your choice of action was not the best as you reached to grab his shoulder, speaking as you did, “Bill, take a breath” being what you said, but the man was taking a swing instead. All you could figure is he must not have seen you approach because in the next instant his fist would be connecting with your jaw and you would go stumbling back. Tripping instead of getting your balance you would land on your left shoulder with a grunt as a jolt of pain coursed through it.
Everything would just go silent and you could feel eyes on you as you pushed yourself to sit back up, your gaze looking up to the powerful man and feeling your heart clench. Not at the fact he had hit you, no that was a stupid move on your part, but at the look on his face. The color had drained from his features and he almost looked as if he had been shot by the pure shock and almost horror on his features. He almost couldn’t believe he had hit you, but as his knuckles throbbed and the color began to bloom on your jaw it was clear.
“Darlin’? I…no…I didn’t mean” He couldn’t get out a full sentence and everyone was just staring at the both of you. He felt sick at what he had done and when Charles moved to help you up he just had to get out of there. Pushing past anyone in his way he was nearly running for Brown Jack and mounting up. He just needed to get out of there, to try to breathe or hit something else, he wasn’t sure yet. How could you forgive him for this? He was certain you wouldn’t and it terrified him even more as he rode off.
Letting Charles pull you to your feet your hand immediately went to rub your throbbing shoulder as you thanked him. Normally landing like that wouldn’t hurt so much, but a still healing gunshot wound was a tender thing. Sure the wound was completely closed since it had occurred in the whole Blackwater mess, but the muscle was still tender and a sudden shock just had it pulsing. “You alright?” you would hear your friend ask and you found yourself just sighing as you got your feet moving towards your own horse, “I’ll live, but I gotta head after him”
You could tell several were surprised at that, Arthur even stopping you with a hand to your good shoulder, “You sure you shouldn’t let him cool off first? He’ll come back” he try to reason, but you were shaking your head. Patting his own shoulder in return before pulling away, “You didn’t see the look on his face, he shouldn’t be alone right now. I know where he went, up on Caliban’s Seat, if we aren’t back by tomorrow morning send a search party” And you were certain that you were right as you and Bill had been up there just a couple days ago on your way back from Valentine. Just taking a moment to yourselves and he had mentioned you should go back there soon, maybe overnight.
Getting to your horse you would pull yourself up into the saddle with a grimace, checking your weapons quick, before you were pushing your horse into a trot. Ignoring anymore calls after you, you were just focusing on Bill and praying that nothing happened before you got to him. You had been worrying about him for weeks now, honestly, he’d been drinking more. Especially at night and waking hungover nearly every morning, the only explanation being he couldn’t sleep otherwise, but he wouldn’t tell you what the problem was.
You had a good guess, though, it was a problem for most of you. Nightmares of Blackwater. While most of you had confided in others, you knew Bill hadn’t. If he was going to, you knew it would be to you and it had yet to happen, so you had slowly been watching him get more and more tense. His temper was shorter, the brawl in the Valentine saloon proved that, and at Sean’s welcome back party you hadn’t seen him without a bottle in his hand even if his other was around you. As much as you hated something like this had happened, you hoped it would actually help in the end.
Your mind focusing back in as you got close to your destination you would feel a bit of relief as you spot Brown Jack grazing near the base of the hill. If you had been wrong where he’d gone, well honestly you probably would have started to panic, but you pushed that thought away as you dismounted. The walk up to the top was a bit steep and you had to be careful, but the view at the top was worth it as you had found out the last time. That was not where you would be looking, no, you were casting your eyes about and feeling your heart clenching again as you spot him sitting at the base of one of the trees.
His head was leaned back against the bark, eyes closed and you could see his chest rising and falling with deep breaths as his hands clenched at his sides He was trying to calm down, really, but his thoughts were spiraling out of control. He had nearly lost you to a bullet, but now he had definitely lost you to his own fist were the most prominent and he did not even notice you approaching or crouching in front of him.
This time you would be a bit smarter, just calling his name for the moment, “Bill? Bill can you hear me darling?” you call twice, the second time louder and you would see him jump. Eyes finding yours as his hand went to his gun for a moment before letting it relax again. You could see the fear in his eyes as he met your own and the tears that were on his cheeks, it broke your heart. “You followed me?” You would barely hear it, but the tone was complete shock, he didn’t think you would have.
Surprised as a small smile came to your lips you would move closer, shifting yourself to sit next to him against the tree and leaning your right shoulder to his, “Course I did, you know how much it scared me you takin’ off like that?” you ask, keeping your tone calm. You knew he thought you were mad, but you were far from that and didn’t miss how just you leaning against him had a little bit of tension leaving him. “You remember you can talk to me right? About anything, especially nightmares.” You say after a moment and hear him suck in a breath.
It was silent for a few minutes, you just watching him from the corner of your eye, seeing he was thinking and trying to figure out what to say. You would be patient, knowing rushing him never helped, and would just idly rub your still aching shoulder without thinking. The action seemed to finally be a tipping point, though, and he would speak quiet as he asked, “Even if they’re about….you?” That would almost surprise you, but after another moment you realized exactly what he kept dreaming about.
“Me getting shot.” You say simply, feeling him tense again before a shudder ran through him. It had you shifting, arm wrapping around him as your other hand came to his bearded cheek. Coaxing him to look at you and leaning in to press your lips to his slowly, grounding the both of you with the gentle action. “Of course you can talk to me about them, any time,” you assure him as you rest your forehead to his, thumb rubbing over his cheekbone. Feeling him nod you let him take his time, of course, letting him lean back and almost shuddering yourself as his hand came up.
It would come to rest just a little to the right of where the scar of your wound actually lay, “I keep dreaming you get shot here….not here” he start, hand sliding just into the top of your slightly unbuttoned shirt to actually rest over the scar. “You’re bleeding bad…yellin’ for me…for anyone, but no matter what I do I can’t get to you” His voice was shaking as he spoke more and the next words were almost choking him, “When I finally do you’re….I wake up soon as I touch you and I just..” The sentence would break off as his strong arms would nearly shoot around you, pulling you tight to him and he buried his face into your chest.
You could feel the tears and how he shook with almost sobs, your arms coming around him in return and rubbing your hands up his back. Resting your head to the top of his own you just tried to keep your breathing even, “It’s alright darlin’, just let it out. I got you and I ain’t letting go. All this bottling it up and using a bottle to try to silence it isn’t good for you. You feel it starting to eat away you just find me, we can come up here or find somewhere else quiet, just the two of us” you murmur against his hair as you hold him tight.
In the end you would have no idea how long you sat like that and just let him get it out, but eventually he would pull back to look at you. His eyes falling to the bruise forming on your jaw and a new, deflated look would come to his eyes. Oddly it would just have you chuckling and you turn your head so he can see it better, “Yeah you laid me out real good, my own damn fault too for startling you” The smile on your face was wider now and you would feel your heart warm some as he chuckled, “Yeah, was meant for Swanson, but you just had to take it instead” he tease back lightly before dragging a sleeve across his face.
“How’d the reverend set you off anyways?” You finally ask after a moment as you both settle back against the tree, his arm slipping around your back to pull you against him again as he shook his head, “Honestly? I don’t think it was really anything, think he was just singing and stepped in front of me. I just…snapped” and you would nod understanding, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek before settling your head against his shoulder and closing your eyes, “Just next time you run off, can you wait till I’ve had a nap?”
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Clifton Avon "Cliff" Edwards (June 14, 1895 – July 17, 1971), nicknamed "Ukulele Ike", was an American musician, singer and actor, who enjoyed considerable popularity in the 1920s and early 1930s, specializing in jazzy renditions of pop standards and novelty tunes. He had a number one hit with "Singin' in the Rain" in 1929. He also did voices for animated cartoons later in his career, and he is best known as the voice of Jiminy Cricket in Walt Disney's Pinocchio (1940) and Fun and Fancy Free (1947), and Dandy (Jim) Crow in Walt Disney's Dumbo (1941).
Edwards was born in Hannibal, Missouri. He left school at age 14 and soon moved to St. Louis, Missouri and Saint Charles, Missouri, where he entertained as a singer in saloons. As many places had pianos in bad shape or none at all, Edwards taught himself to play ʻukulele to serve as his own accompanist (choosing it because it was the cheapest instrument in the music shop). He was nicknamed "Ukulele Ike" by a club owner who could never remember his name. He got his first break in 1918 at the Arsonia Cafe in Chicago, Illinois, where he performed a song called "Ja-Da", written by the club's pianist, Bob Carleton. Edwards and Carleton made it a hit on the vaudeville circuit. Vaudeville headliner Joe Frisco hired Edwards as part of his act, which was featured at the Palace in New York City—the most prestigious vaudeville theater—and later in the Ziegfeld Follies.
Edwards made his first phonograph records in 1919. He recorded early examples of jazz scat singing in 1922. The following year he signed a contract with Pathé Records. He became one of the most popular singers of the 1920s, appearing in several Broadway shows. He recorded many of the pop and novelty hits of the day, including "California, Here I Come", "Hard Hearted Hannah", "Yes Sir, That's My Baby", and "I'll See You in My Dreams".
In 1924, Edwards performed as the headliner at the Palace, the pinnacle of his vaudeville success. That year he also featured in George and Ira Gershwin's first Broadway musical Lady Be Good, alongside Fred and Adele Astaire. As a recording artist, his hits included "Paddlin’ Madeleine Home" (1925), "I Can't Give You Anything but Love" (1928), and the classic "Singin' in the Rain" (1929), which he introduced. Edwards's own compositions included "(I'm Cryin' 'Cause I Know I'm) Losing You", "You're So Cute (Mama o' Mine)", "Little Somebody of Mine", and "I Want to Call You 'Sweet Mama'". He also recorded a few "off-color" novelty songs for under-the-counter sales, including "I'm a Bear in a Lady's Boudoir," "Take Out That Thing," and "Give It to Mary with Love".
Edwards, more than any other performer, was responsible for the soaring popularity of the ʻukulele.[4] Millions of ʻukuleles were sold during the decade, and Tin Pan Alley publishers added ʻukulele chords to standard sheet music. Edwards always played American Martin ukuleles, favoring the small soprano model in his early career. In his later years, he moved to the larger tenor ʻukulele, which was becoming popular in the 1930s.
Edwards continued to record until shortly before his death in 1971. His last record album, Ukulele Ike, was released posthumously on the independent Glendale label. He reprised many of his 1920s hits; his failing health was however evident in the recordings.
In 1929, Cliff Edwards was playing at the Orpheum Theater in Los Angeles where he caught the attention of movie producer-director Irving Thalberg. His film company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer hired Edwards to appear in early sound movies. After performing in some short films, Edwards was one of the stars in the feature Hollywood Revue of 1929, doing some comic bits and singing some numbers, including the film debut of his hit "Singin' in the Rain". He appeared in a total of 33 films for MGM through 1933. He had a small role as Mike, playing a ʻukulele very briefly at the beginning of the 1931 movie Laughing Sinners (1931), starring Joan Crawford.
Edwards had a friendly working relationship with MGM's comedy star Buster Keaton, who featured Edwards in three of his films. Keaton, himself a former vaudevillian, enjoyed singing and harmonized with Edwards between takes. One of these casual jam sessions was captured on film, in Doughboys (1930), in which Buster and Cliff scat-sing their way through "You Never Did That Before".
Edwards was also an occasional supporting player in feature films and short subjects at Warner Brothers and RKO Radio Pictures. He played a wisecracking sidekick to western star George O'Brien, and he filled in for Allen Jenkins as "Goldie" opposite Tom Conway in The Falcon Strikes Back. In a 1940 short, he led a cowboy chorus in Cliff Edwards and His Buckaroos. Throughout the 1940s he appeared in a number of "B" westerns playing the comic, singing sidekick to the hero, seven times with Charles Starrett and six with Tim Holt.
Edwards appeared in the darkly sardonic western comedy The Bad Man of Brimstone (1937), and he played the character "Endicott" in the screwball comedy film His Girl Friday (1940). In 1939, he voiced the off-screen wounded Confederate soldier in Gone with the Wind in a hospital scene with Vivien Leigh and Olivia de Havilland.
His most famous voice role was as Jiminy Cricket in Walt Disney's Pinocchio (1940). Edwards's rendition of "When You Wish Upon a Star" is probably his most familiar recorded legacy. He voiced the head crow in Disney's Dumbo (1941) and sang "When I See an Elephant Fly".
In 1932, Edwards had his first national radio show on CBS Radio. He continued hosting network radio shows through 1946. In the early 1930s, however, Edwards' popularity faded as public taste shifted to crooners such as Russ Columbo, Rudy Vallee, and Bing Crosby.
Arthur Godfrey's use of the ʻukulele spurred a surge in its popularity and those that played it, including Edwards. Like many vaudeville stars, Edwards was an early arrival on television. In the 1949 season, he starred in The Cliff Edwards Show, a three-days-a-week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings) TV variety show on CBS. In the 1950s and early 1960s, he made appearances on The Mickey Mouse Club, in addition to performing his Jiminy Cricket voice for various Disney shorts and the Disney Christmas spectacular, From All of Us to All of You.
Edwards was careless with the money he made in the 1920s, always trying to sustain his expensive habits and lifestyle. He continued working during the Great Depression, but never again enjoyed his former prosperity. Most of his income went to alimony for his three former wives, and paying debts, and he declared bankruptcy four times during the 1930s and early 1940s. Edwards married his first wife Gertrude Ryrholm in 1919, but they divorced four years later. He married Irene Wylie in 1923; they divorced in 1931. In 1932, he married his third and final wife, actress Judith Barrett. They divorced in 1936. He had no children from any of his three marriages.
As well as being a lifelong heavy tobacco smoker, Edwards also struggled with alcoholism, drug addiction and gambling for much of his career.
In his final years, Edwards lived in a home for indigent actors and often spent his time at the Walt Disney Studios to be available any time he could get voice work. He was sometimes taken to lunch by animators whom he befriended and told stories of his days in vaudeville. He had nearly disappeared from the public eye at the time of his death on July 17, 1971, at the age of 76 from a cardiac arrest brought on by arteriosclerosis. Now penniless, Edwards was a charity patient at the Virgil Convalescent Hospital in Hollywood, California. His body was unclaimed and was donated to the University of California, Los Angeles medical school. When Walt Disney Productions, which had been quietly paying many of his medical expenses, discovered this, they offered to purchase his remains and pay for the burial. Instead, it was done by the Actors' Fund of America (which had also aided Edwards) and the Motion Picture and Television Relief Fund. Disney paid for his grave marker.
In 2002, Edwards' 1940 recording on Victor, Victor 26477, "When You Wish Upon a Star", was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. In 2000, Edwards was awarded as a Disney Legend for voice-acting.
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merthurkissfest · 5 years
Merthur Kiss Fest 2019  Masterlist
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The Merthur Kiss Fest has concluded for yet another year! We're sad to see it go, but so very glad that it happened. Quick apology for the wait, as this was meant to go up a bit ago already. But thank you all for your patience. <3
We have a total of (drumroll please)... 61 works this year! That's incredible!!
A huge thank you and round of applause to our amazing writers and artists for their wonderful contributions, whose hard work is at the heart and soul of this fest, as well as to the creator and my fellow mod, @arthur-of-the-pendragons​, who did most of the work putting this together and keeping it running, and last but not least, to the rest of the community who spread the word, shared the work, and left kudos and comments!
I know I speak for the both of us when I say that none of this would've been possible without the love, dedication, and generosity of the Merlin community. So from the bottom of our tiny little fangirl hearts, Thank you. Under the cut is the masterlist of all the works. I would like to ask that the creators check over it and let me know ASAP if there's any mistakes, or anything I missed! Thank you!
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✧・゚: * 🌸 SPRING 🌸 *:・゚✧
Of Sunrises and Stardust by Victori Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 903 Summary: "Merlin had lived through a thousand springs, and had learned that nothing ever began again. Spring wasn’t hope; it was a cycle, one that came and went as Merlin stood still and watched it fly by. Spring was life as a reminder of death." OR Merlin has been waiting too long, and is on the verge of giving up. But his destiny was written in the stars, and it's not willing to let him go that easily.
A Better Fate than Wisdom: About a Secret by Leandra Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3200 Summary: In which Arthur is drunk, Merlin is inconvenienced and secrets are kept, but barely.The first part in a four-part series for the Merlin/Arthur Kiss Fest 2019. Each part will feature a different season, a different set of kisses and at least one trope :-)Series Title comes from the e.e.cummings poem "since feeling is first": and kisses are a better fate than wisdom. MERRY XMAS!!!
April Violets (Five First Kisses) by athousandvictories [FIC+ART] Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 5604 Summary: Merlin's journey to his last first kiss, or five stories of new beginnings. A set of behind-the-scenes moments beginning before Merlin goes to Camelot. Vaguely canon compliant until the end. Plenty of drunken idiocy and poorly executed flirtation. Because we deserve it.
In Which Arthur Gets Jealous of an Owl by AeonTheDimensionalGirl Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3482 Summary: Arthur decided he must officially be going insane if he was suddenly craving Merlin’s liking after seeing the owl give fond peaks to the raven haired servant.
A Springtime Betrothal by tehfanglyfish Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2213 Summary:  It’s a beautiful spring day – the perfect setting for young royals to enter into a betrothal. Too bad Princess Elena is convinced that Arthur is a would-be assassin, out to kill her with a poisoned kiss. To prove that there is no danger, Arthur has no choice but to kiss Merlin, leading to several unexpected, though not unwelcome, developments.
Spring Night (oh so wrong) by CandiceWright Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1509 Summary: Because ever since Gwen left Arthur’s looks have been hotter than his touches, his few words filled with unspoken promises that Merlin is scared to take. He’s scared because he doesn’t want it to be just a remedy for his fractured pride, doesn't want it to be done out of spite. But he does want it, he really does. And now Arthur's gaze is heavy upon him, making his body shiver in anticipation and all he can think is this is wrong, wrong. But then Arthur tells him to come to his bed, and how could Merlin say no to that?
Weaving Crowns by Mischel [FIC+ART] Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 569 Summary:  Now that Merlin and Arthur are both kings and married, they hardly have time for each other anymore. Merlin's decided to do something about it, and he takes Arthur to a meadow, where they can finally have a moment alone to- make flower crowns? Well, that's not what Arthur expected. (But maybe that's exactly what he needed.)
Blossom by Blossom by Caledonia Rating: Not Rated Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1614 Summary: Merlin builds floral crowns in advance of the spring celebrations, and there is a secret hidden in Arthur's."Blossom by blossom the spring begins." Algernon Charles Swinburne
Spring (cleaning) Kisses by Lao-Pendragon [ART] Rating: Not Rated
Young Man’s Fancy by Caledonia Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1866 Summary: Merlin's mum has moved to a quaint village with a strangely competitive spring tradition. Cue Merlin being clumsy and Arthur manning the first aid tent. "In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." - Alfred Lord Tennyson
Love in Spring by CallMeHopeless and Maryluis [FIC+ART] Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2026 Summary:  Arthur and Merlin are in a secret relationship - for now. Hiding their love takes a toll on them both and communicating with each other isn’t much better...
King in a (flower) crown by brokenfannibal_art [ART] Rating: G Summary:  I saw a post a while back about how the children of the lower town probably make flower crowns for Merlin. And lets be honest Arthur would absolutely melt when he saw Merlin wearing one. Of course Merlin would make one for Arthur as well.
The gifts from Spring by Shadow_Hole Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1487 Summary:  Once, Gaius had told him that Spring, would eventually notice Merlin’s hardships and will gift him with what he needed the most, a ‘helping hand from nature’ as the old men had said at the time. Merlin knew that this wasn't true.
True Love’s Kiss by broken_fannibal Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3705 Summary:  Arthur was cursed by a water spirit to drown himself in a certain lake. Will they be able to find a way to lift the curse? A race against time begins.
I Need Your Hand by FervidAsAFlame Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2781 Summary: Gwen manages to drag her best friend Arthur to the university’s semi-formal dance, even though he won’t stop sulking that his boyfriend can’t make it. Luckily, Gwen’s got a surprise for him.
Dog Walking Disaster by surprisinglyblunt Rating: M Chapters: 3/4 Word Count: 4540 Summary:  When Merlin finds a lost dog after one of the worst encounters of his life, he thinks fate might be punishing him for something, but is it really punishment or is the universe actually on his side this time?
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✧・゚: * 🔆 SUMMER 🔆 *:・゚✧
Merlin’s Knight by AeonTheDimensionalGirl Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 8537 Summary: He comes in the dark of night; never speaking or letting his full face show, but Merlin appreciates the company anyway.After all, who’s foolish enough to venture into the dungeons and comfort an accused sorcerer?
A Better Fate than Wisdom: About a Transgression by Leandra Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 5738 Summary: Merlin had joined him in the water, coming towards him with long, even strokes of his arm. He was a good swimmer, better than most of Arthur’s knights and he caught up with Arthur quickly, briefly ducking and diving underneath the water to emerge just in front of him with a grin and water streaming down his face, his hair plastered against his skull, his ears seemingly more prominent than usual. Arthur felt his earlier confusion slip away. It was just Merlin. Clumsy, bumbling, ridiculous Merlin with his silly ears and too insolent grin.-*- After riding all day during a heatwave, Arthur and Merlin stop for a swim. A bit of roughhousing turns awkward and Arthur finds out that silly ears or not, there's just something about Merlin ;-)
Going Underground by Caledonia Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1628 Summary:  Merlin is stuck on a sweltering hot underground train and he considers getting off and walking home instead. That is until a rather handsome blond man boards the train beside Merlin and things begin to get interesting.
Arthur - The Prince to never get anything by CallMeHopeless and Maryluis [FIC+ART] Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2779 Summary: 5 Times Merlin does something nice for people who are not Arthur. And one time, when it's finally Arthur's turn.
Hold My Hand, Let the Waves Come by Mischel Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 834 Summary: The world is full of new and exciting experiences for Arthur now that he came back from Avalon. But standing only in his "special swimming underwear" on an overcrowded beach where it feels like hundreds of people are watching him, doesn't seem like one of them.Merlin is there to help him realize that even with many more people than Arthur is used to, it can still be fun when they're together :)
And Turn the White Snow Red as Strawberries in Summertime by Caledonia Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 910 Summary:  Arthur and Merlin conjure memories of summer while cooped up during a winter storm.
Boys of Summer by Victori Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 4450 Summary: "It started, as most problems in Merlin’s life, with a boy. A bloody gorgeous boy, with eyes as blue as the sea and wet blond hair plastered to his forehead. An Adonis if there ever was one, complete with a Roman nose. A boy who Merlin spilled Rocky Road all over in a stunning display of clumsiness."ORMerlin and Arthur met, fell in love, and messed it up. Maybe their summer romance isn't as far gone as they think.
Summer of New Beginnings (what I would do for you) by CandiceWright Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1801 Summary:  That night Merlin sees just how deep the wound of Agravaine’s betrayal is. He wants to hold him and tell him that everything will be okay, that he won’t have to go through the same thing again but he can’t because he’s betraying him far more than anyone else ever has and it hurts.
Sweet Summer Kisses by Nattymctatty [ART] Rating: Not Rated
Can We Always Be This Close by tehfanglyfish Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 7982 Summary: Merlin takes a trip to Ealdor to tend his mother’s farm while she visits a friend in another village. He thinks he’ll have a week of solitude until Arthur decides to tag along. The days they spend together lead to numerous revelations.Or… the one where the author indulges Arthur and allows him to run off to a farm with Merlin.
Arthur’s Flowers by lefayart [ART] Rating: Not Rated Summary: Arthur gets what he asked for.... but only because he asked nicely.
A Day at the Lake by Impala_Chick Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1080 Summary: It's too hot in the Castle, so Arthur and Merlin sneak off to the lake to cool off.
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✧・゚: * 🍁 FALL 🍁 *:・゚✧
Trembling Fingers and Sure Strides by arsenicandsunshine Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2474 Summary:  It's a beautiful day, the birds are singing, the sun is shining. Merlin's nervous as fuck. For no good reason, either. It's a tournament, like any other tournament. Nothing to indicate Arthur is in danger of dying. At least, not today.
Take Me Apart by tehfanglyfish Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1212 Summary:  One otherwise dull autumn day, Arthur meets an insolent stranger in the Camelot marketplace who claims to be able to take him apart with less than one blow. Arthur decides to let him try.
A Better Fate than Wisdom: About Attraction by Leandra Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 5861 Summary: “Seriously, Merlin,” Arthur drawled, stepping closer and halting his hands, “you are so terribly clumsy, it’s a wonder you haven’t cut something off with your sickle that isn’t a rye ear.” He reached with steady fingers, hooking the waterskin safely back into Merlin’s belt. They were standing close, so close, and Arthur’s hands were at his waist and Merlin, who was already flustered, felt his heart skip a beat. Please, he thought, please, not knowing what it really was he wanted. He sighed in relief when Arthur stepped back to pick up his sickle again and bent to retrieve his own. *-* Sex pollen, a rye field, filthy kissing and too many feelings.
Of Foreign Nobility and Hidden Magic by AeonTheDimensionalGirl Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 5709 Summary: Merlin’s fair skin should not be covered in dark purple bruises.
Kissing It Better by Mischel Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 685 Summary: Merlin and Arthur are on an important mission, but the weather betrays them and they end up being chased through a forest all the way to a cliff. There are only two options now - jump or be killed, and, well . . . kissing isn't one of them. So . . . what are you doing, Arthur?
I love you with or without fleas by CallMeHopeless and Maryluis [FIC+ART] Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1627 Summary: Morgana challenges Arthur to kiss the Person he loves most...
From Love We Fall (I want to understand) by CandiceWright Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1138 Summary: Merlin doesn’t talk to Arthur after his betrothal to Gwen. He helps with the preparations, he can’t not, but he can’t bear to talk to Arthur after what he did. And Arthur makes no effort to talk to him either. His eyes still follow him while he’s doing his chores, refusing to utter a single word, not even to explain. Not that Merlin would listen to anything he has to say. Because after all they’ve been through, after what they’ve shared he deserves more than him just fucking him and leaving him alone. He feels used, betrayed. And he knows in his heart that it wasn’t meant to last, but he knows just as much that what they had was real, the love was there. But he can’t do it anymore, not like this. Not when he feels like he can’t get out of bed every morning, when every step he takes feels like torture, when he’s forced to see everyone’s happiness at the prospect of having a new and wonderful queen.
Foiled By Fall by MapleBreeze Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1597 Summary: Arthur decides to pick flowers as an anonymous gift for Merlin but is hit with the realization that it is Autumn and this is no longer a simple task. But this is only the first way his plan goes wrong.
Deliration of Love by arsenicandsunshine Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2653 Summary: Tall. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Shimmers in the sun. Is an utter prat. How could anyone not fall in love with Arthur Pendragon? Don't fall in love with destiny. Merlin has given up any hope of those deepest secrets of his ever coming to light and resigned himself to being happy because Arthur was happy. With someone else. Arthur may just surprise him once again. Or. In sorting through his feelings after banishing Gwen, Arthur realizes there's another person he's been stifling his emotions for.
Dead Ends and New Beginnings by Caledonia Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1827 Summary: On a beautiful, sunny autumn day Merlin agrees to accompany his friends to a corn maze, not telling any of them that he's just a little bit claustrophobic. He ends up in a dead-end of the maze with only Arthur where Arthur tries to calm him and comfort him by sharing a fear of his own.
Lavender by Excaliburstark Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1373 Summary: Merlin likes to please his king and Arthur likes his baths. 
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✧・゚: * ❄️ WINTER ❄️ *:・゚✧
Well I Won’t Be Your Winter by Caledonia Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1582 Summary: Stranded in a cave during a winter blizzard, Merlin must use magic to light the fire. He knows this will be a death sentence for himself, but hopefully, Arthur will be saved. But first, Merlin will fulfil the promise he had made himself."I am going to do something now that will make you want to kill me, and then I am going to do something that will make it easier."
Even The Weariest River by Caledonia Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1306 Summary: Arthur is offered many things in life that he does not want, and the one thing he does want he believes he is utterly unworthy of.(I'm sorry- this one is quite angsty-read the tags, please <3)
Blame it on the Mistletoe by Caledonia Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 792 Summary: Merlin works for Arthur which means he's out of bounds. Except maybe it's time to change that...Or, why you should never invite your sister as your date to the office Christmas Party.
popcorn & prats by cominupforair Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3434 Summary: In which Merlin really wants to spend NYE on his own, but Arthur is a prat.
Kiss Him! by tehfanglyfish Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1291 Summary: After being abducted by an infuriating dragon, Arthur finds Merlin unresponsive, suffering ill-effects from a sorcerer's attack. According to the dragon, there's only way for Arthur to save him.
One Thing To Make You Mine by FervidAsAFlame Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 9907 Summary: When Arthur asks for Merlin’s help with asking someone out for Valentine’s Day, Merlin does his best to give his friend excellent advice -- even if he’d rather it was him Arthur was asking out. Unsurprisingly, Arthur seems up to the task of pulling this mystery man, but Merlin can’t help but wonder – who could he be? And why does Arthur keep testing all his methods on Merlin first?
Untitled by Kawaroki [ART] Rating: Not Rated Summary: merthur kissfest: winter ❄
Superstitious Love Confessions by CallMeHopeless and MaryLuis [FIC+ART] Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2821 Summary: Arthur is gifted a plant. It is not mistletoe. So what is he doing holding it over his head?
No Scorching Sun Nor Freezing Coly (Or Interrupting Owls and Knights) by AeonTheDimentionalGirl Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3620 Summary: It’s moments like these, in which they’re not master and servant or king and (secret) warlock, just Arthur and Merlin, that Merlin most treasures.
A Better Fate than Wisdom: About Truth by Leandra Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 10117 Summary: “Was everything else a lie, too?” he asked darkly, hating the desperation in his tone, thinking of the friendship he valued so much, of Merlin laughing at his jokes, of fighting side by side and how it had given him strength again and again, knowing that Merlin would always be there, would always choose to stand with him, no matter what. Of Merlin’s soft sob of pleasure, gasped into his mouth as his fingers clawed the small of his back. *-* Arthur finds out that Merlin has magic. Conclusion of the series.
It was all yellow/they shine for you by Excaliburstark Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 956 Summary: The apple bowl scene with a twist
Next Year Then, Stranger by Mischel Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1658 Summary: When Merlin tells Arthur the news that he'll be moving from Ealdor to Camelot, Arthur can't contain his delight and kisses Merlin right there, in the snowy meadow. This is the story of Merlin and Arthur who had known each other for years but could only ever meet once a year in the winter. This is the moment that changes their lives forever.
The Shape of My Beautiful Lies by Caledonia Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2451 Summary: Merlin’s fingertips were thieves. They mapped the surface of Arthur’s body in fleeting, casual touches, and they stole. Merlin was not allowed to touch his king, not in the ways that he wanted; so when he went about his duties he made every contact an unrequited crime.
Paper Planes by Excaliburstark Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 585 Summary: Merlin is leaving on a flight to Venezuela where he'll live with his dad for a while.
Always Break My Fall by arsenicandsunshine Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2459 Summary: Merlin may be a police constable, but that doesn't mean he can ice skate. A fact he's been hiding from his best mate who just insisted on dragging him ice skating. His best mate who also made it clear he doesn't feel the same way about Merlin as Merlin does about him. How the hell did he let Arthur drag him ice skating, of all things? Oh right, Merlin has no willpower where a certain blonde prat is concerned. This is going to end well.
We are Nowhere and It’s Now by theskyisgay Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 4462 Summary: The waiting, and what comes after.
The Future Queen Commands by tehfanglyfish Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3026 Summary: The outbreak of a midwinter fever leaves the castle short staffed and Arthur in the uncomfortable position of looking after four small children. Who knew that children had so much energy? Or that they asked so many nosy questions? And were quite skilled at getting answers? By no means did the king of Camelot expect a little girl to discover a secret he’d been keeping for years, one involving Merlin and feelings, or to put him in a position where he must reveal it.
like a lover (with no shame) by Elizabeth Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2029 Summary: The last bitter freeze of winter finds Arthur and Merlin deep in the forest. Ever gallant, Arthur is willing to go to great lengths to keep his manservant alive and unfrozen. He'll share his cloak, his bedding, and--if he must--even the warmth of his own body. Spring is almost here, but not without one final bedwarming fic for the Merthur Kiss Fest 2019/20. Thanks for Amnesty Week! "Midmorning sun is casting its rays against the tent walls, and Arthur is having his way with his half-sleeping manservant. He slept half the day, and he’s holding Merlin like a lover, with no shame."
What Winter Took Away (love is not enough) by CandiceWright Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 4290 Summary: But Arthur is hurt and his words cut through Merlin like a knife. How could they not? Saying that he admires him only to dismiss him in the next breath. And if that's the last time he's going to see his King he wishes he could be remembered as the brave one, the lionheart, not the coward that he appears to be now, that he feels like he is. But it isn't the last time, it can't be. He will see him again even if he has to tear the earth in half to do so. He can and he will.With that thought in mind, he leaves the castle to go to the crystal cave.
Dark Before Dawn by MapleBreeze Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3227 Summary: During a winter feast, Merlin still longs for a brighter future. But, for the present, all he has is stolen moments with Arthur.
Freoðuweard by Camelittle Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 100 Summary: Arthur pays tribute to his friend. Avalon looks on.
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✧・゚: * 🌸🔆 ALL SEASONS 🍁❄️ *:・゚✧
The Four Times That It was Forbidden (And the One Time it Wasn’t) by sdewan6 Rating: T+ Chapters: 3/5 Word Count: 3815 Summary: “Bloody Hell, Merlin, I care so much I think I’ll kill myself if you ever leave me. If there's ever a day where I don’t love you, you can stab me in the heart. Surely you do not think that lowly of me, do you? I love-” He had a quiet, unreadable expression his face. “No,” he said softly, cutting him off. “Stop. I’m sorry. I just- I can’t  can’t keep on  doing this.” Four times Merlin and Arthur shared forbidden kisses, and the one time it wasn't forbidden at all.
From Grey Into Golden by witching_wingthorns Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 693 Summary:  It starts simple enough with an arrogant prince and a brave peasant  It starts simple with playful banter and the beginnings of a friendship with a challenge and an answer, a fight you should’ve won A poem from Arthur’s perspective, a love letter, really, describing his countless lives with Merlin.
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
The Fire In Your Eyes: Chapter Twenty Seven
Characters: Arthur Morgan x Original Female Character
Rating: The whole series will be E, 18+ ONLY for violence, gore, character deaths, animal deaths, parent deaths, swearing, grief, sexual themes and unprotected sex, mentions of miscarriage, hanging.
Summary: Saved by Arthur Morgan when her town is attacked, a young woman’s past comes back to haunt her when she has no choice but to join the Van der Linde Gang.
Some scenes and dialogue have been taken from the game!
Read on AO3
The Fire In Your Eyes Masterlist
Please don’t copy, steal or re-post my work; credit does not count.
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Blood and Snow
They crossed the Upper Montana River the same way Ada and Arthur had, Abigail’s words ringing in their ears.
John’s the loudest.
He’d just got her back, and now she was going to leave him again.
But he couldn’t not go. He knew in his heart he couldn’t have ever said no to Sadie and stopping Micah Bell. It bolstered him that Ada and Arthur were going, too. Yet it was only a little; they had just as much to lose as him.
And just as much as he couldn’t say no, they hadn’t been able to either.
One of them should have been yelling at the other, telling them this was a stupid, horrible plan, what the hell were they doing and that they should just turn back, but that not unfounded responsibility had fallen to Abigail.
‘Once again,’ she had said. 
But he was just so angry, so fucking angry at Micah for forcing them into this position. To his core Micah was a bad man and they all knew he wouldn’t just leave them be if he got wind of their new, happy lives.
This had to be done.
He glanced over at Arthur and Ada as they passed the burned down Native Residential School, watched as they shared a small, reassuring smile with one another, like they were the only people on the road.
“We’ll be okay,” Arthur murmured, so quietly.
“I know,” Ada answered, the breath she inhaled steeling.
Sadie led their small group, Charles beside her and John, Arthur and Ada behind. They moved quietly, no one really knowing or having anything to say. Their mission hung heavy over their heads, yet it reassured Arthur somewhat that this didn’t feel like the kind of revenge mission he’d feared it would be; blood-thirsty, cold, calculated.
‘Revenge is a fool’s game’, he’d said so, so many times to Dutch during their time together, yet he’d not had much to fight for then.
And here, now, they were a group of tired parents and people, looking to secure a future they had fought so hard for. Revenge wasn’t the word that came to mind when he looked at all of them. Yet who knew how each of them would react when they came face to face with Micah Bell?
He caught the slight squaring of Ada’s shoulders as they turned onto another path and at first he thought it was just the gradual dropping in temperature, but as he heard the noise of a small town, realisation dawned on him.
As they’d packed their bags, he’d told her where Sadie’s route was going to take them through, and she’d just nodded and raised her eyebrows slightly, a faint smile on her lips.
“Well, seems I can’t avoid it any longer.”
Strawberry looked much as it had when he’d last been there, when he’d first met her. Part of him felt he owed so much to this place and to fate for bringing him here, yet it sat in the back of his mind as he glanced at her, keeping his head down, wanting to catch her eye and reassure her again, but her own gaze was darting from cabin to stable as they entered from the south path, the mud beneath them damp.
Ada hadn’t been back to her once home since the night she’d met Arthur. She’d wondered about it, over the years, what it would look like and if it had changed and... it had and it hadn’t. No new buildings had been built, there had never been any space to, but some had definitely been cleaned up, painted and sold to new inhabitants. People bustled about, no more and no less than there had been on the morning walks she used to take. She adjusted the brim of her hat, pulling it down slightly, though she would have been surprised if people had recognised her or even remembered her. They’d read in the papers over the years that Mayor Nicholas Timmins had been re-elected, some claiming through unsavoury means, and that he was still fighting to turn the town into a get-away destination for city folks.
By the looks of things, he hadn’t exactly succeeded. Maybe one or two people had come down from a city, but it wasn’t exactly bustling like he’d always told her he wanted it to be.
I wonder how he is.
She didn’t know what she’d do if she ran into him again, though some bored columnists were currently claiming his health was declining, his failed venture finally starting to take a toll. Maybe he, too, wouldn’t recognise her.
Her gaze landed on the post office as they crossed the bridge over the thundering river, it must have rained recently, and she cleared her throat.
“Can we stop for a moment? I just need to post some letters.”
They all looked to her, and she half expected it to be with an expression of ‘Now? Really?’ but they all, quietly, seemed to understand. Sadie nodded and they remained mounted by the hitching posts as she slid down from the saddle. The air was certainly colder here, she’d almost forgotten how cold Strawberry could get, and she took the opportunity to pull Abigail’s coat on. Abigail was slighter than she was but it just about fit, and she withdrew the three letters from her saddlebag.
Catching Arthur’s eye, they smiled faintly at one another again and she licked her lips as she moved to the stairs.
The post office hadn’t changed one bit. A man she didn’t recognise was behind the counter but everything was just as she remembered, and the familiarity somehow made this heart-breaking act a little less terrifying.
“Hello, ma’am, how may I help you?” the man smiled, leaning against the counter.
At some point in the last few years, she’d gone from ‘miss’ to ‘ma’am’,
“Good morning, I’d like to send these letters, please.” Her heart was beating a little faster as she lay them on the worn, wooden counter. Yet she just told herself what she’d told Arthur; if they lived, their daughter, her brother and his wife would never have to read these, and if they didn’t, she liked to think they would bring some comfort.
She told herself that over and over again as the man marked each envelope. She suddenly could hear her own breathing in her ears, the man’s voice far away as he talked about the weather, and her eyes were now fixed on the envelopes. They were an off-white, the same colour as the pages she’d written on, the only ones she could find in Jack’s room. She’d meant to tell him that she’d taken them, that she would pay for new ones, but she hadn’t been able to bring herself to. That would have just led to why she’d taken them and she hadn’t wanted to speak it out loud to anyone but Arthur.
She wished she could have said the gravity of the situation had descended upon her as she’d written them, or now as she was sending them, but... the moment Sadie had said the words it had all come crashing down. She hadn’t cried, and she didn’t know if that was a blessing or a curse.
It had been a long time since she had been numb, and she used to hate it, but now it brought with it a certain element of protection.
As she paid him, she cleared her throat, a certain lightness within her now.
One of the thoughts that had come to her as she’d watched Millie sleep the first night after her birth was that she’d kill for her, and here she was, fulfilling her promise.
“Anythin’ else I can help you with, ma’am?”
She smiled, shaking her head as she tucked her coin purse back into her pocket. “No, thank you.”
“All right, have a nice day, ma’am!”
Her smile lingering, she turned away from him, feeling quite relieved. Now, she could focus, and—
The door swung open, a small bell tinkling with it.
“Good morning, Hershel!” Nicholas Timmins boomed, a great beam on his features.
“Good morning, sir!” 
Mayor Timmins’s beam remained fixed in place as his gaze went to the woman stood in the centre of the post office, a warm greeting ready for her, when he paused.
Ada held his gaze as he looked at her, that great smile not moving. She felt nothing, no fear, no anticipation, no unease.
Her uncle was silent for only two seconds.
“Good morning, ma’am! Have a lovely day!” Inclining his head, he then strode past her to the counter.
As he struck up a conversation with Hershel, Ada moved to the door, the tinkling bell signalling her exit.
Stepping out onto the porch, she inhaled the cold, fresh air. She didn’t have time to dwell on what had just happened, though, as Sadie, Charles and John were nowhere to be seen. Arthur, having dismounted and now also wearing the coat John had given him, was leaning against the railing of the stairs, looking up the path towards the hotel. At the sound of the bell, he looked to her and raised his eyebrows, a corner of his mouth lifting.
“So...” he began as she moved down the stairs, his arms folded, “... Saw your uncle go in.”
"And you didn’t think to yell?”
“Nah, thought he might like a little surprise.”
She snorted faintly as she stepped down onto the mud, arching an eyebrow. “I don’t think it was. He looked right through me. Think he thought he recognised me from somewhere but couldn’t place where.”
“Suppose it’s for the best,” he answered, his arms dropping.
They both knew she wasn’t fazed, in fact she was rather relieved. The only mention of her disappearance from this town had been in the newspaper Arthur had shown her all those years ago at Shady Belle. There hadn’t been a peep since she’d seen him at the party. Glancing at the horses with empty saddles, she raised her eyebrows.
“Where are they?”
“Gone after one of Sadie’s leads, that’s why we’re here. One of Micah’s boys is wanted for murderin’ a woman and he’s been seen drinkin’ here. She says he’ll confirm if Micah’s really at Mount Hagen and what the hide-out looks like.”
Ada followed beside him as they moved up the path, a slight incline to it, frowning. “Wait, so, Micah might not even be there?”
“Nah, she said his camp’s definitely there, just wants to confirm he ain’t off on some kind of raid. It’s quite a spot he’s got, apparently, remote and harsh. Bounty hunters ain’t exactly fond of traipsing through snow and the cold to get to ‘im and, well, he’s literally got the high ground.”
“You’re filling me with such confidence.”
He snorted, hands on his belt. “We’ve been through worse.”
Well, she couldn’t argue with that. She was just about to say so when a commotion and raised voices drew their attention to the saloon up ahead. The doors had burst open and a man was racing across the mud towards a set of stairs that led up to a couple of wooden buildings, and John was chasing after him, yelling.
“C’mon, Cleet, you can’t get away!”
“Cleet?” Ada gasped, recalling the, as Arthur had once described him, rat-faced man who had been with Micah in those fateful last days. 
“C’mon, I’ll go with John, you head ‘im off,” Arthur hissed before running after them.
She ran up the path, hearing the men shout, John’s coming loudest over them with, “Stop that man! He’s wanted for murder!”
They sounded like they were rounding the general store so she ran for the hotel, hoping to cut Cleet off there. He was fast, though, sprinting past her, her finger tips brushing against his coat as she reached out for him. She heard John and Arthur behind her as they followed him up towards the east path, and then, suddenly in her peripheral vision, Sadie was there, and Ada felt herself instantly slowing, pre-empting what was to come.
Sadie barrelled into the man, knocking him into the mud and drawing a loud grunt from him. Charles came down the path the wily man had been heading, while John, Ada and Arthur panted lightly, clearing their throats.
Lord, when was the last time they’d had to run after anyone faster than their children?
Sadie was standing over Cleet, and barely let him catch his breath before she was driving her fist into his muddied face.
“Hello, Cleet, remember us?”
He was too busy groaning to respond. She straightened as they approached, glancing up at them.
“Who wants to take a turn?”
That made him find his voice.
“Hey, hey, hey, we’re all buddies, ain’t we?” he laughed desperately, holding a hand up to shield himself.
Arthur snorted at the man while John stepped forward, his gloved fingers curling into fists. “Sure, Sadie. With pleasure...”
Cleet’s eyes were on his fists, but it was John’s boot that struck out, hitting him in the chin and sending him backwards. Before he could even lift his head, John was grabbing him by the front of his coat, hauling half his body up off the ground.
“Where’s Micah, huh, Cleet? He up in the Grizzlies?”
Charles and Sadie stood to the side as John punched him, making eye contact with anyone who stopped to stare until they quickly averted their gaze and hurried away. Arthur and Ada stood side by side, quiet, watching as John dropped him back down.
“Micah? I ain’t seen him— Wait, wait!”
John was already punching him again, hissing out through gritted teeth, “Where is he?!”
“Stop, stop, stop, stop...” Cleet pleaded, holding his hand out again as blood poured from his mouth. “I don’t know... I ain’t seen him, we fell out.”
“We know he’s there, Cleet, you just gotta tell us!”
“I don’t know!”
Before John could strike him again, Sadie tutted, side-eyeing him. “You know what, I’m bored of this. Let’s hang the bastard.”
Ada’s eyes darted to her as she paused. 
John nodded, reaching out for him. “Good idea.”
Gripping him by the back of the collar, he started to drag Cleet through the mud, following Sadie towards the gallows.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait! Hang on a minute! Damn you!” Cleet was now shouting, trying to grab at John’s arm.
Charles, Ada and Arthur went, too, silent, but not with unease.
The Strawberry gallows hadn’t changed either. A high platform with two sets of stairs leading up to it, it was rather awkwardly situated near the jail and one of the paths that led in and out of the town. Not that many people gathered for hangings, at least not when Ada had lived here, but it seemed as if it had been erected here just because there was space. Three wooden beams were lashed together, and a noose hung from it.
 “I told you, I don’t know!”
“C’mon, John, up here,” Sadie called over Cleet’s yelling as she climbed the stairs, sounding bored.
Half lifting him, John threw him onto the stairs and withdrew his gun, aiming it at him. “Move!”
Cleet did as he was told, scrambling backwards up them as he continued to plead, “Now, hold on! Hang on! Just wait a minute!”
He was so focused on John and his gun that he started in surprise when, as he reached the top of the stairs, Sadie grabbed him, pulled him up and shoved him towards the centre of the platform. Ada, Arthur and Charles hadn’t followed them up, instead having opted to stand in front of the gallows, watching them.
 “Here. I want you stood right here,” Sadie ordered him, her gun now drawn and aimed at him. Her other hand had him gripped tight as she positioned him before the noose, the gun now aimed at his head. “All right, now string the no good, murderin’ bastard up.”
As John grabbed the noose and yanked it down, securing it around Cleet’s neck as he spluttered his pleas, Charles murmured to them, “You okay with this?”
“I’m not not okay with it,” Arthur mumbled with a faint shrug, and Ada found she was rather indifferent, too; Cleet was a murderer, a wanted man who was probably going to be hanged anyway.
A few townspeople had gathered to watch now, and John just moved to the lever that would open the floor beneath Cleet, his hand gripping it.
“Is Micah there, Cleet?”
Cleet had his hands raised, stumbling over his words. “N-Now hang on! Just w-wait—”
“Is he there?”
“I already told you, I ain’t seen ‘im!”
“You lie!” Sadie barked.
“It ain’t my fault!” he yelled, “He tried to kill me!”
“Where’s Micah!” John shouted, his hand moving the lever an inch.
Cleet’s eyes widened and he started, staring at John. “No, no, no, no! Wait, please!”
“Talk, or I’ll pull this lever!”
He moved it an inch more and Cleet cried out, stiff, “W-Wait, wait, wait! H-He is up in the mountains!” 
John released the lever and they paused, allowing him to take a breath. 
“He... H-He is up at Mount Hagen. He got a whole gang now... Bad men, doin’ bad things... I-I tried to stop him from m-murderin’ that little girl...”
Ada’s stomach turned, and she swallowed hard.
“... We f-fell out, honest... I’m...” He managed a weak smile. “... I’m one of the good guys.”
“Hang ‘im.”
They all looked to Arthur, his mouth set in a thin line, and Cleet became frantic.
“No, no, no, no, no! Wait, don’t! John, don’t!”
John didn’t even hesitate. Gripping the lever, he pulled it. The floor opened beneath Cleet and he dropped. They all heard his neck snap. 
Mumblings went though the small crowd that had gathered, and then they started to shuffle off. The Sheriff, a man Ada didn’t recognise, just turned from where he’d been standing in the doorway of the jail, watching, and headed back inside.
“Tried to stop ‘im, did he,” Arthur muttered, watching the body. “Could’ve shot the bastard.”
“C’mon, let’s go,” Sadie said, nonplussed, vaulting over the railing around the platform down onto the mud.
“We’re just leaving him there?” Charles said, even as he followed after her along with them.
“Let the birds eat ‘im.”
They mounted up and passed by the swinging corpse of Cleet as they made their way out of the town. Ada felt no nostalgia for the place, no affection or loss at leaving again. She didn’t think she would ever return.
“It’s a long ride,” Charles murmured as they urged their horses into canters. “Let’s finish this.”
They rode hard, all of them wanting this over and done. As Charles said, though, it was a long ride.
When the sky darkened and the air grew colder and colder, it was he who called that they should stop for the night. They’d taken a few minutes rest here and there throughout the day but they all knew they and the horses were exhausted, and they certainly didn’t want to encounter Micah and his men like this. 
They stopped at a grassy, lightly snow covered hill, a forest at their backs, and let their horses graze as they unfurled their bedrolls. Charles built and lit a fire and they ate what they’d packed as they sat huddled around it. It was bitterly cold, and would only get colder. They were near the mountains now, perhaps ten or twenty miles away from the path they would take up into them, and Ada gazed at their peaks as she ate quietly.
Micah was somewhere within them.
She’d thought about him as they travelled, what he might look like now and how he might have changed. He’d be meaner, angrier, that was for sure, but she didn’t feel afraid.
Her gaze shifted to their group, watching them all. John and Arthur were sat together talking quietly, about what she couldn’t hear, Charles was sat on a rock a little way a way, keeping guard, and Sadie was sat beside her, as silent as she was.
Licking her lips, Ada cleared her throat. “Sadie?”
“Hm?” The blonde woman looked to her, raising her eyebrows slightly.
She just came out and asked it. “Why doesn’t Abigail like you anymore?”
Sadie snorted, her eyes returning to the fire as her eyebrows rose a little higher. “And here I was thinkin’ she was doin’ such a great job at hidin’ it.” Shifting her stretched out legs, she shrugged her shoulders slightly. “John’s been joinin’ me on some bounty huntin’ duties to make some money. Abigail hasn’t liked that.”
“And so with this...”
Sadie shrugged again, a faint, wan smile on her lips. “She’s gonna hate me even more.”
  Ada returned her smile, exhaling a breath. “Well, she hates me now, too. Hates us all, so...”
Her friend watched her, her head tilted slightly. “Yet you don’t blame her.”
She shook her head, the barely-there smile lingering. “No.”
“Hm. Neither do I.”
They returned to their silence, neither really wanting to talk. A short while later, John took over from Charles and Ada said a quiet goodnight to Sadie, who needed her rest as she would be taking over after John, before she joined Arthur.
Sat on his bedroll, he lifted an arm as she approached and she sat on her own bedroll beside him, leaning against him and his arm went around her.
“You okay, darlin’?” he murmured after a few moments, his cheek resting against the top of her head. 
“Yeah,” she answered just as quietly. “Just want this done.”
“Me, too.”
Rubbing her arm gently, he held her until she started to finally doze off, her breathing softening. Carefully laying her down with him, he continued to hold her, gazing up at the pitch-black sky littered with shining stars.
His heart had been aching since the moment they’d set off that morning. He loved his wife and daughter more than he could ever possibly say, and two days ago he would never have done anything that would have put their happiness in jeopardy... but the existence of Micah Bell did just that.
If he was the one to put the bullet in the man’s skull he wouldn’t feel joy but relief. At least, he hoped he wouldn’t feel joy; he didn’t want to be that kind of man, never had. He kept his eyes on the sky, listening to their friends quietly settle down for the night, the same thoughts probably on their minds, the same fears. 
He knew it would be useless to say they could still turn back now; they all knew they couldn’t.
They awoke just before dawn, having all just snatched a couple of hours sleep here and there.
John stamped the fire out after they’d eaten what little they could manage, no one particularly hungry. They mounted up without much talk or ceremony, and followed Sadie onto the path towards the mountains. It was a cold, misty day, the sky slowly turning from black to grey. They didn’t meet anybody as they travelled; who would be foolish enough to be out this early and when it was this freezing?
Ada knew they were near when Charles kicked his horse into a canter as they made their way up an hill, snowflakes starting to lightly fall.
“We all ready?” he called to them, overtaking Sadie. “This pass will take us up onto the high mountains. There’s an old watchtower up there, over the ridge. They might be using it for a camp.”
“Lead the way!” Sadie answered.
This was it.
Squaring her shoulders, Ada gripped the reins tightly as they climbed. Huge rocks lay to their left and right, and the tall trees had thinned out now, patchy grass turning to snow and rock. They went higher and higher, small stones sliding down the path behind them. Wind whistled around the rocks, mingling with the far cries of a few birds, but other than that there were no other sounds... or were they just masking them?
Her gaze shifted from the back of Charles’s head to the rocks above, half-expecting men to jump out from all over and attack. She hoped Micah was stupid enough to not station a look-out here.
But Micah Bell, while many things, was not stupid.
A gunshot sounded and a split-second later Charles cried out, his teeth sounding gritted. Ada’s heart twisted as Sadie and John leapt off their horses, the animals shifting, startled, unable to see Charles.
“There must be a sniper! Get to cover, quick!” Sadie yelled as Ada and Arthur slid from their own saddles, pulling their guns from them as they ducked down.
“Shit...” Arthur hissed as he scanned the rocks above now, Ada shooing their horses back down the path. 
“You alive, Charles?” John called as they ran up the hill.
Charles, off his horse somehow, either from the impact of the shot or voluntarily, was lying on the ground, gripping at his arm.
“Just about,” he hissed out through gritted teeth as Arthur and John quickly grabbed him under the arms and hauled him behind a boulder as Sadie and Ada took to their own cover.
“Where is this bastard?” Sadie muttered, crouched behind a rock a few feet away from her.
Ada adjusted the grip on her Repeater, peering out as carefully as she could. A bullet bounced off a rock somewhere close by and they all ducked down as another one came.
“Stay low!” Sadie yelled, even as she rose up slightly and darted to the next rock up. Ada did the same as the blonde woman continued, “We gotta get close to ‘im! Short runs so he don’t get us!”
From the corner of her eye, she saw Arthur and John moving up, too, all of them taking the short opportunity when the sniper wasn’t firing. His bullets came close but the rocks were large enough to give them plenty of cover.
It almost startled her when the man’s voice rang down the pass. 
“I got the high ground up here! I got a box of bullets, a canteen and some jerky, you can try by all means but you ain’t gettin’ up this pass! Just ask your friend back there!”
John was surging ahead, faster than any of them, and her heart was in her mouth every time he moved.
Even the sniper noticed his speed. “You’re persistent all right! Guess you ain’t here by no accident!”
Ada ceased moving from rock to rock and instead aimed at where the man seemed to be, firing to try and keep her friends safe. That silenced him but he fired back, and she was certainly happy to keep him occupied because John was getting closer and closer... 
“Take the shot!” Sadie suddenly yelled, and Ada looked just in time to see John rise and fire.
“You shot my friend, you son of a bitch!”
The man cried out, the bullet finding its mark.
“You got him!” Sadie cried, and Ada exhaled the breath she’d been holding. “Let’s get back to Charles!”
They slid slightly down the rocky path as they ran, Arthur ahead of them. Chares was still propped against the boulder when they got to him, breathing hard and gripping at where his chest met his right shoulder.
“You okay?” Arthur asked, crouching beside him and placing a hand on his good shoulder.
Sadie kept glancing up from him to the ridge as they looked at him, their hearts sinking.
“I will be...” he groaned, and that soothed them somewhat because he wasn’t one to lie. “... but go on, go now!”
They still paused, however, and he knew what they were thinking.
“I’ll be fine. Move fast, or they’ll come down that hill and kill us all.”
They knew he was right but...
“I don’t wanna leave him,” John murmured, glancing up at Arthur who was rubbing his fingers against his brow.
"He’s righ’, though,” Arthur sighed, shaking his head. “If we push on, we can hold ‘em back, get to ‘em before they get to us.”
Charles was nodding, his breaths deepening. “They know we’re comin’ now... I will be fine... I’ll follow you up, I just... I just can’t move fast.”
Even though she knew he wouldn’t, no matter what, Ada murmured to him as she removed her scarf and wrapped it around his neck, “Get on your horse and get down the pass if you can’t, okay?”
He nodded, though she knew it was just to appease her. “Now, go!”
Gripping their weapons, they reluctantly left him there as they started to stride up the hill, John hissing out curses.
“They will know we’re comin’ now,” Arthur murmured, wetting his lips. “They won’t know our number, though, and hopefully we can still take ‘em somewhat by surprise.” 
“I should hope so,” Sadie muttered. “They still got the high ground, though, so we better move.”
They quickened their pace, running up the hill, though the thick snow on the ground didn’t make it easy nor did the steepness of the incline. Ada kept her eyes up, waiting, again, for an attack at any moment. She was the one to spot him first.
“Here they come!”
A man was running down the snowy ridge towards them, standing out starkly against the white of it in his dark clothes. She raised her Repeater and fired first, killing him.
“There’s another one!” Arthur called and Sadie shot the man who came behind him as they finally reached the top of the hill, the ground evening out.
A few trees and rocks littered the wide pathway before them but they couldn’t stop for long; they had to push on.
“Up on the cliff!” Sadie yelled, and John shot a man readying to shoot at them.
There were more men now, some up on the cliffs, some hiding behind the rocks on the path ahead of them, and the four of them aimed and fired as they moved up, ducking behind rocks only for a few seconds before darting ahead for another.
A man screamed as he tumbled over the cliff but they just ran on, not wanting to lose any kind of advantage by a second. They were running up another incline now, the snow even thicker.
“More of ‘em!” At Arthur’s call they aimed at the three men who were trying to run for cover, two others hiding amongst the trees. They died in seconds.
“There’s a camp here!” John said as they climbed a hill with gritted teeth, each breath taking cold air into their lungs.
“Can’t be the main one,” Sadie answered as their eyes travelled the four tents and the still burning fire. “It’s not big enough, Micah rides with twenty guys, maybe more. Keep climbin’ ‘till we find that tower Charles talked about!”
The hill was steepening. They hissed out breaths and grunted as they pushed on and reloaded, the snow nearly up to their knees, and Sadie muttered out a curse.
“Air’s gettin’ thin. Let’s fuckin’ do this.”
They reached the top, the land now mercifully flat, but they barely had a chance to catch their breath as two men, waiting, fired at them from the path ahead. Arthur and Ada killed them, the two of them stood side by side.
Running across the path, they came to another incline, this one shorter but steeper. Arthur placed a hand on Ada’s back, helping her up as Sadie, already at the top, yelled, “Micah Bell, we’re here for ya!”
“I didn’t sign up for this much leg-work,” Arthur muttered and a sudden laugh escaped Ada; it was a beautiful, beautiful moment of release.
Yet it was just a moment.
Bullets buried into the snow around them and they had to be firing again, two men several feet apart aiming at them, though it was just Ada, John and Arthur who fired back and killed them. Sadie was charging ahead, a newfound energy from somewhere in her.
“Sadie!” John called after her as they tried to catch up, yet another incline slowing them. “Be careful!”
“I can handle it! C’mon! Keep pushin’ up!”
She was metres ahead, reaching the top and heading around the corner of a huge rock jutting out of the snow. Ada’s legs were burning but she just kept her eyes on her friend. She was so far ahead of them, why wasn’t she just waiting for—
A man leapt from the rock and tackled Sadie, driving her into the snow. Ada’s breath caught sharply in her throat as she gasped, trying to run faster.
“Get your hands off her!” John thundered as the man wrestled with her, raising his gun, but he barely had time to take aim when another man leapt off the rock, colliding with him.
They collapsed to the floor, John grunting as the man punched him and he instantly punched back. Arthur was ahead of Ada now, striking the man across the head with his boot, fury across his features. Ada ran past them but heard the gunshot that killed the man, her eyes still fixed on her friend.
Sadie and the man were on their feet now, twisting and turning as they continued to wrestle and Ada couldn’t find a safe shot, they were moving too much, if she could just—
She saw the glint of it in the man’s hand.
Ada cried out as he thrust the knife into Sadie’s side and she heard her friend gasp. A gun went off, a hole tearing through the man’s stomach as Sadie stumbled back. Her breathing ragged, Ada lunged forward, finally reaching her, and swiftly wrapped an arm around her, keeping her upright.
“You’re all right, you’re okay, you’re okay...” she murmured, hating with every fibre of her being the strange, strangled sounds Sadie was making.
A lump was forming in her throat as she heard John hiss, “God damn...” behind her, tears starting to prick at her eyes.
Sadie clenched her jaw as she gripped the knife and pulled it out, tossing it to the floor with a gasped breath.
“Hey, hey, you all righ’?” Arthur asked with a concerned frown, at her other side now and gripping her arm. “Charles got ‘im, it’s okay.”
Ada’s head whipped to the side, finding Charles trying to catch his breath as he knelt on the ground, his gun in his hand. Looking back to Sadie, she swallowed hard as the woman nodded.
“Just fine...”
“You don’t look too fine,” John said, and Sadie was vehemently shaking her head even as Ada felt her legs weaken slightly.
“C’mon, we gotta keep goin’...”
“You’re bleedin’ pretty bad, Sadie,” Arthur pointed out gently, and Sadie hissed out a breath.
“I’m fine—”
“No, you’re not,” Ada cut her off, swallowing again as she looked at the blood staining Sadie’s coat. “Arthur, let’s sit her down...”
They helped her over to a boulder, making her sit down, and it had obviously pained Sadie as she released a long breath she must have been holding.
“Ain’t nothin’—”
“You’re dyin’,” John said, and the words cut through Ada like shards of glass.
“I ain’t dyin’, I ain’t,” Sadie hissed, and Ada so wanted to believe her.
“Give me your scarf, Arthur.”
He swiftly removed it and handed it to his wife without a word, watching as she crouched and pushed it against Sadie’s wound before grabbing the woman’s hand, making her press down on it. The blonde woman winced and Ada met her gaze.
“Keep doing this until we come back, okay?”
“I’m comin’ with you, I just need to—”
“No, you’re staying here with Charles.”
It was a moment or two before Sadie nodded, her teeth gritted. “Go get ‘im, I’ll be fine, just need to rest.”
Ada gazed at her, her pale cheeks and weary eyes, and then she made a decision.
“There can’t be many more men, right?”
Sadie shook her head, taking a breath. “He’ll’ve sent ‘em all out while he hid. There can’t be many of ‘em left.”
Wetting her lips, Ada looked up at Arthur and John. “I’ll stay here with these two. I’ll try and get this bleeding to stop and deal with any of his men that might run.”
“You sure?” Arthur asked, holding her gaze.
She nodded, managing a light smile. “Yeah. Now go, go and finish this.”
He lay a hand on her shoulder and squeezed hard, her own hand going over his for the briefest of moments, and then it was gone. She watched her husband turn away and start running along the path with his greatest friend until they were out of sight.
Arthur reloaded his guns as he and John ran without saying a word. He wished he’d had the time to hold his wife and kiss her and tell her he loved her but they had no time. Even before they reached the end of the path, three men gripping guns were walking towards them, and he was all too aware of how close they were to his friends.
He and John slowed, eyeing the men warily because they weren’t firing at them. Yet.
The man in the middle, a tall, barrel-chested man, smiled.
“Well, well, well... ain’t you a persistent pair. This is your last chance to turn around and head on home, boys.”
“Nah, we got somethin’ to do here,” Arthur drawled, shifting his stance. “Sure you don’t wanna head on home?”
The man laughed, truly delighted at the challenge.
“Sounds like there was more of ya... Just you two now is it?”
“Yeah,” John said before Arthur could answer. “Just us.”
The man nodded. “Well, then, boys, it was nice to meet ya.”
Guns clicked as they were raised, but it was John and Arthur who were faster. The sounds of their bullets echoed across the ridge, mingling with the cries of the men. The one they’d spoken to had wide eyes, incredulous that they had been beaten.
Lowering their guns as the bodies dropped, John and Arthur continued on, the younger man wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“We gotta be close if he’s sendin’ someone out to try and reason with us.”
“I think he wanted 'em to kill us, not reason.”
Arthur hadn’t exactly been keeping track but Sadie had to be right, there had to be only a few of them left now, yet he couldn’t imagine Micah giving up or being afraid; he was too arrogant, too wily. He also had a feeling that if Micah knew who was about to storm into his camp, then he wouldn’t have sent all his men out to die in the snow.
Their route took them down now, finally, giving them the high ground and the advantage as they ran down, shooting at the men they could now finally see. There were only three, and they were surprised and alarmed, having expected their own men to have succeeded.
“You’re ridin’ with a turncoat!” John yelled tauntingly as two more men appeared on a cliff, he and Arthur killing them instantly. “You’re fools or worse!”
They were nearing a narrow pass between two cliffs, a man stood guarding at it while another was high on the cliff above. As John fired at the man on the cliff, Arthur killed the man at the pass, and then heard snow crunch behind him. For a second he thought it might be Ada following them down, but just before he could turn someone crashed into him, a man practically growling.
“You’re dead men!” he was shouting, and Arthur gritted his teeth as he shoved his elbow back, driving it into the man’s side. He hadn’t been strong enough to knock him to the ground but he had a wild energy, his eyes wide as he went at him with his fists.
Darting backwards, Arthur then struck him with the butt of his revolver before driving him back now, striking him again before shooting him.
“C’mon, Arthur!” John called and Arthur turned away, running through the narrow pass with him.
A man was waiting for them at the end but he was dealt with swiftly. Another came darting over a rock and he was flung backwards sharply by John’s bullet.
“This way!” Arthur shouted and John followed him up a hill, their breaths harsh.
They were more skilled shots than the men they had currently faced but they were having to do more running, and their lungs were starting to burn.
But Arthur knew they were moments away from the camp when four men surged over the hill towards them, firing repeatedly. Shoving John behind a rock, he crouched with him, flinching a couple of times as bullets battered against it, making pieces break off. They ducked out when they could, firing back at the men who had slowed slightly but were still advancing towards them.
Micah’s men were getting desperate, though, and desperation made way for mistakes. The mountain widened out up here and there were no more rocks beyond theirs to hide behind. The men, realising this in the same moment they realised they needed to reload, charged forward, hoping to take the two men by surprise. Instead, they handed themselves to Arthur and John.
They died only a few feet away, their blood seeping into the snow. Rising, John and Arthur darted up the hill and were finally greeted by the sight of groups of tents, firepits and two crumbling shacks. They didn’t have a chance to take it all in, though, as a few men hid amongst the crates and cloth tents, shooting at them the moment they saw them. Grabbing Arthur’s arm, John pulled him behind a stack of wooden boxes, and they returned the fire.
“How many of ‘em are there?” Arthur asked as loudly as he could over the noise. leaning back against the boxes as he reloaded.
John ducked down as he exhaled a breath, rolling his shoulders. “Three, I think. Could be more, though, hidin’.”
Peering around the boxes, Arthur’s gaze landed on something that made a corner of his mouth lift. “Well, let’s flush ‘em out.”
Raising his revolver, he aimed at a crate of dynamite and pulled the trigger. The explosion made the ground shake and flung wood and debris across the snow. Ducking down, Arthur and John covered their heads as it rained down, the sounds of men crying out accompanying it, along with, “You bastards!”
The two men, using the settling snow and dust as cover, darted towards the tents, shooting the men they came across. They died quickly, disorientated from the blast. Heading on, they moved down a hill, another cluster of tents to their left but no sign of anyone so they continued on down, the hill declining steeply. The sudden silence uneased them so they slowed their pace a little, but it didn’t stop John from calling out.
“Micah! Get out here!”
They came to a single tent on a small space of flat land with a fire still burning outside it, and Arthur saw the flash of movement first. He shot the man as they continued walking. As they came to yet another steep decline, they saw it.
The watchtower was smaller than Arthur had expected, with a wide roof on it and a closed door, and there were two more crumbling shacks outside it, a firepit, stacked boxes, and planks of wood and a wagon strewn about, but there was no one to be seen.
Their boots slid in the knee-deep snow as they made their way down, eyes darting from the tower to the shacks. It was quiet still, not even the wind whistling or howling. It was a long stretch of snow, and Arthur was suddenly aware of how cold and numb his face felt while his body was so warm under the thick coat from all the running and climbing. Grazing his teeth over his lower lip, he exhaled a long breath, though it did nothing to relieve the tension in his shoulders.
“Micah, if you’re here, come out!” John called out again as he and Arthur approached, on flat ground now.
They paused near a wide, open box on a wooden platform, scanning the camp, just waiting for the sound of a gun.
There was silence. Licking his lips, Arthur raised his eyes to the look-out of the watchtower as John called again, “Micah Bell! Get out here, you coward!”
The creaking of the wooden door a few moments later had their eyes snapping to it, their fingers tightening around their guns.
“Hello, Scarface,” Micah Bell drawled as he stepped out, the door swinging shut behind him. “And...”
He trailed off, his gaze having slid to Arthur. Both men, having believed the other dead, stared at each other.
Micah had aged, his face now somewhat gaunt, beard and moustache thinner, the blonde lighter, and his hair, under a white hat, was shorter. He had a thick brown coat on that was tied tightly around his wait by a belt that also held the two things he loved most in the world: his guns.
A smile suddenly broke across his features, and he shook his head.
“Cowpoke.” The old nickname was said slow and pointed, his eyes shining with glee. “Well, what a damn surprise. Must be for you, too.” Holding his arms out, he tilted his head. “Did you miss me?”
It was John who answered, Arthur silent as he didn’t take his eyes off of him.
“Not much.”
Micah’s gaze slid from one man to the other. “Been a few years.”
John, watching him watching them, went to move around the fire pit in front of them, wanting to spread him and Arthur out, but Micah suddenly darted closer to the same side as him, chuckling lowly, his smile lingering.
“How’s that, uh... Mmm...” He raised his hand slightly, as if trying to pluck the name he knew out of the air. “... That whore of yours?”
John didn’t take the bait. “She’s good. Didn’t reckon I should waste my time killin’ you, but I felt different.”
“So it seems.” Micah looked to Arthur, raising his eyebrows slightly. “What about you, cowpoke... That uptight bitch still keepin’ you warm?”
John glanced briefly at Arthur, not wanting to take his eyes off Micah for long, and found he hadn’t moved an inch, his features expressionless. He thought he wasn’t going to answer, but then Arthur nodded a few times.
“Yeah, matter of fact she is. And she did reckon I should kill you.” 
Micah’s smile grew a couple of inches wider. Raising his arms, he tilted his head. “Well, maybe after all this is over, I’ll go pay ‘em both a call, hm?” He turned his gaze to John. “And the boy.”
His tone made Arthur’s skin prickle, but he stayed still. John shrugged. They both knew what was about to happen.
“Whatever you say.”
The moment the words had left John’s mouth, Micah was drawing his guns and firing at them. They dove for cover as he swiftly moved backwards towards the shack behind him. John ducked behind two crates as Arthur crouched by the wide box on the platform, glancing at one another.
“I got more men comin’, boys!” Micah called, ceasing his fire as he took his own cover.
He fired in their general direction before it went quiet again, and Arthur peered out. As Micah appeared to fire, Arthur found he was by the side of the watchtower, using that rather than the shack.
“I look forward to meetin’ em!” John answered, shifting his position so he could rise up a little and fire at Micah.
He picked the wrong moment.
He hissed out a breath as Micah’s bullet grazed his forearm, swiftly dropping down again.
“You okay?” Arthur watched him mutter a curse as he inspected his arm, blood soaking through his jacket.
“‘m fine. Flesh wound.”
“All righ’, if we—”
“Run while you can, boys! It’s your only hope!”
Meeting John’s gaze, Arthur shifted closer to the edge of the box, keeping his voice low.
“He ain’t got more men comin’, we both know that. It’s just us against him here. If you cover me, I can get to the tower and take him from the other side—”
A hail of bullets battered against the wood protecting them as Micah fired at them while he ran from the tower to the shack, and then to the other.
“Shit...” Arthur muttered, his jaw moving.
“I can make you rich, boys! Real rich!”
“He’s gotta reload at some point,” John murmured, wetting his lips. “Should be any moment now—”
More bullets came and they flinched, lowering their heads. Then, it stopped suddenly. Arthur glanced up at John as he frowned, and was about to open his mouth when they heard a familiar voice.
“Come on out, Micah,” Sadie called, pain lacing her tone. “At least die like a man.”
Micah gave a delighted laugh. “Ooh, ho, ho, hellfire...”
Raising their heads, John and Arthur watched as Sadie, stood in the larger shack that lay between Micah’s current one he was using as cover and the watchtower, aimed a gun at him, her hand pressed against the scarf that was now wrapped around her middle.
“Where’s Ada and Charles?” Arthur hissed, glancing up at the snowy hill before swiftly looking back to Sadie.
“... it’s just like old times,” Micah was saying as he slowly raised his hands, his guns still in them, turning towards Sadie.
“C’mon,” she demanded through gritted teeth, taking a step closer. “You turn around...” She stumbled slightly and had to lean against the wooden fencing next to her. Arthur’s heart sank as he watched Micah laugh while Sadie continued, “... and start walkin’.”
And Micah did. Rising to their feet, the men watched Sadie move towards him, pressing her gun into his back and shoving him on.
“You got me,” he snapped, glancing over his shoulder at her, before his gaze went to Arthur and John as they approached. His tone lightened to an almost sing-song as he smiled again. “Just like old times, hm?” He holstered one gun. “All manner of folk payin’ social calls.” He holstered the other.
Arthur felt sick at his knowing smile.
Then, the watchtower door was shoved open.
Startled, Sadie, John and Arthur looked to it, and Arthur felt his heart stop.
Jesus Christ.
Dutch van der Linde stepped out of the watchtower, the guns in his hands raised and pointed at them.
“Hello, sons,” he greeted, eyes shifting from the silent men to Sadie. “Mrs Adler. Been quite a while.”
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Tagged: @belfry-bat​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @sistasarah-sallysaidso​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, @ntlmundy​​​​​​​​, @monster363​​​​​, @cowboisadness​​
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porkchop-ao3 · 5 years
A Thrill I’ve Never Known (Chapter 49)
Sorry for the wait! We’re back! With a rather dramatic chapter... Y’all know what happens after the boys return from Guarma, right? So a few warnings: gunfights, violence, injury, accidents, angst, fire... just a not very happy good times chapter. I hope it was worth the wait, though <3
Tagging @emily-strange (let me know if you ever want me to stop tagging you! Also anyone else can be tagged too if you want, just ask!)
(All chapters tagged with #ATINK and also posted on Ao3, username PorkChop)
Dutch returned in the evening, bursting in through the door looking absolutely nothing like himself. Everyone stopped and stared, quickly reacting with relief and joy at his return, but I could do no more than stare from the other side of the room. He looked so different. And not just because his hair wasn't perfectly swept back, shirt neatly tucked in, or pocket square sitting perfectly in his vest pocket. He was unsurprisingly dishevelled. But his eyes… there was something in them. Something different that made me feel uncomfortable for the short second they settled on me as they scanned the room. They looked darker, somehow. Not like him.
I hung back and watched as everyone celebrated his safety, relayed to him what had happened to the rest of us, told him of Sadie's strength in keeping everyone together in his absence. I could practically feel the authority falling away from her now, though, with Dutch back, he would sit back on his throne. I felt sick at the thought, for reasons I couldn't fully establish. I wasn't relieved that he was back.
I snapped out of my cold stare when I felt someone at my side. Charles. He looked at me, his eyes questioning, I forced a smile at him. 
"Almost a full set. Just waitin' on Bill," I breathed, and Charles nodded. 
"Bill ain't back yet? He left before I did," Dutch said, overhearing me. 
"Oh, Christ," Arthur hissed, shoulders dropping in irritation. 
"Where's that idiot got to? Weren't that hard finding everybody," Micah piped up. I winced. 
Reading my mind, Abigail said, "that's what I'm worried about. How long till the Pinkertons find us?"
"Everybody, it's okay. We– we'll– we'll figure things out," Dutch said, holding his hand out reassuringly. 
"We tried leaving clues for you fellers, letters at the post office, back at Shady Belle," Sadie said, and Dutch nodded knowingly. 
"That was good thinking. We'll always find each other," Dutch said, to a murmur of agreement around the room. He sipped from the drink handed to him and moved to sit down on the chair given up for him.
I jumped out of my skin when someone else barrelled through the open door. Speak of the devil…
"Well, here you is! I asked everyone I could find and eventually someone knew, said you fools were out here," Bill growled out, stomping into the room, throwing his weight about. I raised my brows. He snapped at Sadie to get him something to drink, quickly put in his place, of course. 
Despite his colourful entry, I was glad to see Bill. His return meant that we could all leave. We'd find somewhere new and far away from Saint Denis and all the Pinkertons and we could get back on our feet without such a heavy threat so close to our doorstep. It wasn't what I wanted, exactly, I wanted to get away with Arthur once and for all but with the state of the shattered remains of the gang – his family – I figured that wasn't going to happen for some time. I accepted it, somewhat. I could be patient, as long as it happened someday… 
But then we heard a voice not belonging to any one of us. One I'd heard before and it struck ice into my chest and made me feel as though the floor was tilting and bile was rising in my throat. 
"This is Agent Milton with the Pinkerton Detective Agency!" It was coming from outside. Hairs stood up on my arms as Dutch stood up again, crept to the window. Arthur moved too. My head shook of its own accord and I stared at his back. I knew it wasn't a social call. 
Milton droned on outside, legal word vomit, translating roughly to "you're all fucked", filtering in through the rickety wooden walls of the house serving as the only barrier between us and them. Sadie began urging people into the back room, putting as much distance between us and the agents outside, I looked at her with wide, fearful eyes as she guided me by the elbow towards the back wall, away from Arthur. Arthur, who was still by the window, readying his gun, preparing to go up against God knows how many men. I could've thrown up if I wasn't so dry in the mouth. 
"No, Arthur–" I mewled, voice small and quiet and even more pathetic than I feared. He didn't hear me, of course, far too focused on the danger present, the law constantly breathing down our necks finally here as a threat, a real, massive threat. A real, massive Gatling gun, pointing right at us. 
A hand wrapped around my wrist and yanked me down. It was Charles, he backed into the corner next to me, and I butted up to the ladder leading to the bunk above our heads, peering through the hammocks strung up in front of me to watch Arthur, just seconds before the almighty sound of a weapon far more terrifying and powerful than any gun I had ever fired made my ears ring. Dust kicked up, splinters shattered into the room, I screamed and ducked down, folding my arms over the back of my head as I pressed my face into the ground. I was panting heavily, tensing up and squeezing my eyes shut as the house we were in was ripped to shreds by the Pinkertons' bullets. Involuntary sounds left me as I slid flat onto my belly, my legs splayed out behind me as I tried to press myself as flush to the floor as possible. 
I turned my head, noticing how Charles was merely crouching and I sobbed as I tugged on his shirt, begging for him to get down. For those moments, I was absolutely certain that Arthur was dead. The way the powerful machine gun had fired so quickly, so relentlessly, its bullets not stopping for anything with barely a warning while Arthur had been standing so close to the window– 
"Arthur! Follow me!" Sadie's words brought me immense relief, but not half as much as hearing his voice–
"Just stay down, all of you!" He yelled, I could hear him behind me, I turned and looked and saw him crawling towards the door, gunfire screaming past above his head. He met my eyes for half a second, his were wide, focused, yet panicked. He looked away, passed me, made it to the door. He could not afford to stop and comfort me, and he was gone.
Something shattered, there was a burst of light and then a lot of confusion. A lot of heat. Screaming, too, firstly a scream of shock from Tilly. But then I was screaming. My leg felt like it was ice cold, like I'd just jumped into Lake Isabella, I wondered what the hell was going on and then my brain righted itself. It wasn't cold, it was burning. I was so confused and people surrounded me, blankets and rags covering me and hands battering my lower half, Charles yelling, holding my shoulders still, keeping me on the ground, a heavy weight that wasn't the reason I couldn't breathe. The smell of smoke and cooking meat choked me and I retched, nothing coming up but a series of painful coughs. 
Searing agony in my left leg, almost the whole thing from my ankle to my thigh. Intense, unrelenting, I could do nothing but panic and scream and cry because I couldn't move at all, not with the hands on me. I pictured the scene behind me. I was on fire, I understood that much, I envisioned a giant fire engulfing the entire lower half of me, spitting and hissing and roasting me alive as people tried in vain to put it out. It'd spread. Soon it'd swallow me whole. This was how I was going to die, I was going to burn alive at the hands of the Pinkerton Detective Agency. 
"You're okay! You're okay, just breathe," Charles' voice came into focus, everything was so loud. I was moved, my head shifted onto something warm and soft, hands on my head, fingers pushing my hair from my eyes and my mouth, shaking, I was being shaken, or rocked. I opened my eyes and saw a lot of blue. Charles' shirt. He was hunched over me, cradling my head in his lap. 
I raked in a raw breath that hurt my throat. I must've screamed a lot, I felt like I'd swallowed sharp gravel. An indiscernible length of time passed and the gunfire kept on going, my leg kept on burning, sharp and insistent and pulling almost every bit of my attention. I laid draped over Charles' lap, my face pressed into what I assumed was his stomach, my arms around him and clinging to his shirt, just gripping, holding on for dear life as I waited and waited for everything to be over, wondering if this was how I was spending my final moments.
And then it all stopped. It stopped, and I was still alive. In a lot of pain, burning and burning, not getting any better. Was I still on fire? I couldn't hear the crackle of flames anymore. But I could smell smoke. I thanked God the burning flesh smell was gone, though. What had happened to me? What did I look like from the waist down? Jesus Christ how bad was it? I daren't move. Couldn't if I wanted to. Every shift shot up my leg and made me gasp and every muscle felt tight and rigid, stiff. 
Charles said my name. Others did too, it sounded like Tilly and Mary-Beth, people talking and fussing. More hands on me, my skirt being lifted, more pain.
"Somebody get some water," Charles said, commanding and loud, not at all level and placid like he usually was. 
Heavy, stomping, urgent footsteps. "What the hell happened?" Arthur! Oh, Arthur, he was alive! He was angry.
"Lantern got shot, the flames got to her skirt. We put it out as quick as we could," Charles explained, all news to me too, "come on, it's okay, I need to move you," he said to me, taking his hands to my arms, lifting them. I had to work to unclasp my hands from his shirt.
"All I heard was her screaming and screaming– I thought she'd been shot, Jesus Christ, I thought she–" Arthur was panicked and loud, my ears were buzzing but everything was still so loud.
Charles picked me off of him, turning me onto my back, a pair of hands on my boots held my feet up and guided me until I was sitting upright against the wall, lifted back there by strong hands underneath my arms. I was breathing fast and heavy and I hadn't opened my eyes yet, scared of what I'd see of my body. I gasped and jolted as water was splashed over my leg. It felt freezing, unnaturally so. But I didn't trust myself to gauge temperature anymore.
My hand was pried from my skirt where I hadn't even realised I'd started gripping, our fingers slotting together in a way so tender and intimate it made me open my eyes to ensure that it wasn't Charles, I was disoriented to find that he wasn't by my side anymore, replaced by Arthur. His face was stricken, he stared at me, lips parted, his other hand going to my cheek, turning my face to him, he covered my view of my legs as more water flowed over me. It soothed me some, but the burning persisted. 
"Oh, darlin', I'm so sorry," he told me, his voice cracking. I shook my head. Don't feel bad because of me!
"Is it bad?" I murmured, my lips feeling dry and stiff. Arthur turned his head. 
"It ain't as bad as I thought, it's blistered but only on the calf, the rest of the leg ain't so bad, but it's gotta hurt," someone else said in response, Tilly. 
"Oh, my lord does it hurt," I breathed, almost managing to laugh. 
"Ain't never heard anyone scream like that, I thought I was coming back in here to a– I wanted to come back right away but the- the Pinkertons–" Arthur started, shaking his head the whole time. His eyes were wet.
"What do we do, Miss Grimshaw?" Tilly asked.
"It needs dressing. And she needs something for the pain, we got any whiskey left?" Came Susan's response. 
"We ran out of booze weeks ago," Uncle announced from some far away location.
"I wonder who drank it all," Pearson's murmur didn't go unheard.
"Oh, don't start!" Karen yelled.
"I didn't even look at you!"
"Yeah, but I know what you meant, you miserable old shit stirrer."  
"I meant Uncle!"
"Excuse me?!"
"Shut up, the lot of you!" Arthur snapped, a growl of a shout I had never heard directed at anyone in the gang but Micah. "I got a bottle in my damn satchel," he added retrieving it, pushing it into my hands. 
I unscrewed the cap and took a gulp, coughing at the bitter sting at the back of my throat, screwing up my face. 
"Everybody, give her some space, come on," Dutch called out. He was there? I didn't see him, was surprised to hear him. Most people shuffled out of the room, and I glanced at my surroundings. The floor was blackened, the walls too, all in a wide radius of where the lantern had been. At least they'd managed to put it out before it consumed the whole building with everyone in it.
Miss Grimshaw kneeled at my feet alongside Tilly and I finally looked at the damage. My skirt was almost completely eaten away up the left side, the edges black and crisp, my underskirt the same. My drawers were ravaged too, I could only pray there was enough clothing left to cover me up. My leg was certainly burnt, but Tilly was right, the worst of it was on my lower calf where the skin blistered and wept, the area surrounding it – stretching right up above my knee – hurt but bared few visible signs of injury. I was extremely lucky, all things considered.
"I'd better give it a good rinse, make sure you ain't got none of what's left of your skirt stuck to it," Susan said, Mary-Beth came in with a second bucket of fresh water and more was splashed over my burn. I hissed and stiffened up. 
Arthur's forehead pressed against my shoulder, one hand still gripping mine, the other brushing up and down my arm. He released a very shaky, stuttered breath. I wondered if he was crying. 
"My angel, I'm gonna get you out of here. I don't ever want you getting hurt like this again, I gotta find a way for you and me to get– to go someplace else–" he began muttering, perhaps louder than he intended, my eyes drifted to where Dutch was standing in the doorway, eyes intent on my leg, no doubt hearing every word. 
"Arthur will you show- show me that drawin' you did that day out in Scarlett Meadows, you remember that? You stopped and drew the scenery and it was when I found out you could draw," I cut him off, not allowing him to dig any deeper. I didn't know what Dutch would do with the information Arthur was spewing out.
Arthur grunted in confusion, lifting his head and meeting my eyes. "You wanna see that right now?"
"It hurts, lookin' at it might take my mind off it," I whispered. 
He didn't think twice. He retrieved his journal from his satchel and began flicking through, searching for the page in question. I gritted my teeth as Susan washed my leg, she was ever so gentle but my skin was so angry and sensitive that even the mildest touch sent acid up my leg. 
Arthur handed the book to me, showing his beautifully rendered impression of rolling hills and wispy clouds and dancing trees. "You can look at whatever you want, princess, read what I wrote, I don't mind. If it'll help the hurtin'," he whispered, turning my hand over and drawing patterns on my palm with his fingers.  
I gazed down at the drawing, remembering the moment I'd watched him do it. It was one of the moments that I realised how I was beginning to feel for him, it was a very peaceful moment. One so far removed from our lives now; the smell of charring heavy in the air, rain hitting the roof, the bodies strewn about outside. I could hear the others moving the bodies around, clearing them out of sight, trying to grasp a bit of normality after yet another ambush. 
A quiet sob escaped me, I hadn't been prepared for it and I was unable to stifle it. Arthur made a pained sound, tilting his head and kissing the spot just below my eye, where a tear had landed. Then, with his head leaning against mine, his fingers plucked at the pages, flicking through page after page of pretty cursive handwriting and impressive drawings. I saw flowers and animals and landscapes, then myself. Standing by Rayna, brushing through her mane, I was there on the page rendered so true and real, though prettier than I saw myself. Arthur lingered on that page, sliding his finger down along the edge and then across to underline the words written below the drawing; my sweet angel.
I turned and wrapped my arm around his neck, joining our lips, kissing him sweetly and tenderly, not caring that people were seeing. They were far too concerned with tending to my burns, anyway. The kiss was distracting me from the pain, far more pleasant pain relief than the whiskey that burned my throat and would make me nauseous. Arthur and I's lips parted minutely.
"I love you," we mouthed to each other in sync, and then we laughed breathily.
"Okay, you pair, I think it's clean. I'm gonna go ahead and wrap it, it's gonna hurt like the devil," Miss Grimshaw called between us. I grimaced and brought the bottle of whiskey to my lips again. I didn't like drinking whiskey like this, but I knew it would help numb the pain. I chugged a fair bit of the stuff, coughing as it felt like it clung to my throat, searing and choking me. 
Arthur cupped my face with both hands and pressed our foreheads together. "Look at me, princess," he said, "you and me are gonna find a way through this, get away from all these bastards on our tails. You've been hurt too many times because of me–"
"Stop blaming your–ah!" I jolted when Miss Grimshaw began dressing the worst of my burn, "yourself," I finished, panting. 
"But it is my fault. If I'd just got you out of here sooner, like we discussed–"
"Arthur!" I gasped, I didn't know if it was from the pain or from shock at him speaking so freely with everyone – Miss Grimshaw, Tilly, Mary-Beth, Dutch – mere feet away. 
"I want you to go someplace safe. Somewhere in the city maybe. I'll pay to put a roof over your head, your leg is gonna take some healing and I–"
"Fuck!" I hissed, my leg jerking of its own accord when a particularly tender spot was touched with the bandage, my movement only made it worse and I growled out through clenched teeth. 
"You gotta stop movin'! Tilly would you please hold her leg still?" Susan snapped, then I felt two hands on my boot, pulling my leg taught, holding it firm. 
"Maybe Arthur is right. Maybe you should stay away for a little while, just while that leg heals," Dutch piped up, his stony expression somewhat unnerving. 
My wide eyes flickered between Arthur and Dutch. Arthur seemed torn. Like he knew he probably shouldn't have said anything in front of him, but pleased to have someone backing him up. The boss, no less.
"Arthur, I don't wanna go nowhere," I said under my breath, gritting my teeth as the bandage wrapped around and around, seemingly never ending, burning and burning and burning–
"Of course you don't, my dear, but don't you think it'll be for the best? You don't wanna be stuck out in the swamps with that wound, do you? It's hot and filthy out here, who knows what you could catch," Dutch droned, I bit down hard on my lip as Susan tied off the bandage, tugging, pulling, stinging– "ain't no place to live, let alone die."
"Ugh, shut up!" I growled unthinkingly. "It's as good a place to live and die as any, not like my folks had much of a damn choice!"
Dutch didn't flinch, but everyone else peered up at me. It was quiet for a few moments, quiet and still.
Susan and Tilly let go of my leg carefully. "There you go, sweetness. All bandaged up. We'll keep on checking on it, make sure it's healin' okay," Susan said, breaking the silence. She and Tilly gave me some space, gathering up the materials they'd used to deal with my wound. I thanked them quietly. Dutch kept his eyes on me the entire time, brows in a hard line above his beady eyes, looking like he was staring through me, into me. It made me feel sick. 
"I don't feel too good, I wanna go lie down somewhere," I murmured, looking away from Dutch, bringing my hands to the floor and testing how probable it was that I was going to walk on my leg any time soon. Bending it didn't feel like a good idea, and Arthur stopped me. 
"Let me carry you," he said quietly, then rose to his feet. "I'll take you across the way, get you down on that bed for a while, okay?"
"Mhm," I nodded. He gathered the whiskey and his journal back up in his satchel then bent down to me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me with an arm behind my back and one under my knees. I winced, my tender flesh protested at the touch, but I knew that it would be over soon and he wasn't anywhere near the worst of my burns.
"You okay? I got you," he murmured to me under his breath, and I nodded. He carried me past Dutch, through the front door and into the rain. I tilted my head back towards the sky and let the droplets hit my face, envisioning the water cleaning away the smoke and soot that I imagined was coating my skin. It was cooling. 
I closed my eyes as I swayed with Arthur's footsteps, and he was soon stepping onto the wooden deck of the other building, and we were sheltered from the elements once again. 
"Mind the hole," I mumbled when I felt like he was walking a little too close to the middle of the room for comfort. I must've been right, because his course diverted and he made a little sound.
We entered the bedroom and Arthur lowered me down carefully, keeping his eye on my leg as he gently lowered it to the mattress, easing me onto my back. He pressed his lips to my forehead once I was settled, kissing away the crease that worried its way between my brows. The clink of glass could be heard and then he put the bottle of whiskey down on the bedside table. 
"Drink as much as you need," he told me, and I nodded. "How is it?"
"It hurts," I simply said, as if it wasn't obvious. He sighed, kneeled down on the floor beside the bed and rested his head on my chest, turning onto his ear for a few moments. My jaw was clenched tight at the persistent pain in my leg, it felt ice cold again. My brain couldn't decide what was happening to me, just that it hurt. 
"I should've put the lantern out before I went outside. Of course it was gonna get hit," he whispered. 
"You ain't a prophet. You weren't to know. Please, Arthur, I don't need to listen to you blaming yourself for a bit of shitty luck. It could've been any of us, Charles and Tilly were right near that lantern as well. Strauss, too. Karen. We're lucky it was just me," I told him. 
"I really meant what I said in there. I want us to leave together–"
"Arthur, stop. I don't mean to be rude, and I ain't saying you're a liar, but we both know that ain't gonna happen. Otherwise you'd be loading up a wagon right now with all our stuff."
He was silent for a while. He'd turned his head, his face pressed into my chest, hiding it from me.
"It's true that I want to… but you're right. I can't pretend," he finally said. "I ain't got enough money and to be honest, I don't know what I would do."
"You don't?" I whispered. 
"I ain't never lived without the gang before. Well, not since I was a kid. I know if we leave, it'll all be down to me to keep you safe. When I'm out of camp now, I know you've got good folk around you, you'll be safe, but if it's just me and you…"
"You ain't gotta worry about that," I told him and he lifted his head to look at me.
"I know I shouldn't. You looked after yourself long enough, I just…" he sighed, shook his head. "Leaving ain't gonna be easy. For a lot of reasons. I wish we could do it right now, but what just happened? The whole place got shot up! People want us dead and I ain't ready to go it alone when it's your life on the line alongside mine."
"I understand. Things are far too hot right now," I shook my head too, well aware of the irony in my words given the circumstances. "Why do you think I'm not about to swan off someplace else, leaving all of you?"
"That's different. I'm what's putting you in danger, this gang. If you were to stay away, even just temporarily, you'll be out of the cross hairs. They ain't gonna go looking for you, they don't know nothing about you," he tried to persuade me, and I simply closed my eyes and sighed.
"How can you expect me to be okay with leaving you while I am terrified every day that something is going to happen to you? If the shoe was on the other foot, could you leave me?"
Arthur was silent at that. I knew he wasn't about to argue with me, perhaps he was beginning to understand my issue with the idea. He let the topic float away, his eyes fixed on something at my collar bone. I realised it must be the locket, he'd never seen it before, I was about to open my mouth to tell him about it when he spoke again. 
"You mentioned your folks in there," he said. I frowned a little, confused.
"Did I?" 
He nodded. "When you told Dutch to shut up," he clarified, his mouth twitching a little at that. 
"Oh," I breathed, still frowning. 
"You don't mention 'em much. You okay?"
"Yeah. Just being here," I shook my head, "saw their graves again. They're both buried out here. Hard not to think of them more."
"Course," he nodded, slotting his fingers between mine where they laid against my stomach. 
I sighed heavily, pressing my head back into the pillow behind me and growling under my breath.
"When'll it stop feeling like it's on fire?" I exclaimed in frustration, the grating pain starting to get on my nerves. 
"Drink more of this," he passed me the whiskey and I turned my nose up as I took another swig. "You don't like whiskey?"
"Not when I have to guzzle it right from sober," I explained through a clenched jaw.
"Drink it up anyway, it'll make you sleepy. Maybe when you wake up it won't hurt so bad," he suggested, bringing his free hand to my head, stroking it in a way that relaxed me. He was right, I was beginning to feel tired from the warmth in my belly and the motion of his hand.
"This is like a reverse of when you was laid up with your shoulder," I murmured. Arthur made a humming sound.
"Except you ain't said nothing embarrassing yet."
"Apparently I told Dutch to shut up," I chuckled. He smiled in amusement. 
"Someone had to do it at some point. It had the desired effect, face was a picture though," he said quietly. 
"I'll await my punishment."
"If he did anything he'd be a fool. The pain you was in, he's lucky that's all you said."
"I guess," I huffed a laugh, then let my eyes close.
"You look like you're dozin', I'll leave you be," he said after a moment, taking the bottle from me before I spilled it. 
"No, I'm dozin' cause of what you're doing with that hand. Please don't stop," I protested, much to his amusement. 
"Okay princess, I'll stay here until you're asleep. But then I ought to be speaking to Dutch and whatnot, figure out what's next."
"Mm he'll want to share his new grand plan. Next stop, Tahiti," I mumbled, hearing Arthur's quiet wheeze-laugh of a response.
"You won't ever catch me on a damn boat again, I'll tell you that for nothin'," he said with certainty. "From that poker game in Saint Denis, to getting washed up in Guarma... every time I set foot on a boat, at best I get wet and at worst I almost die. And that ain't even mentioning the fiasco that Blackwater ferry job caused."
"Yeah, it's best we stick to dry land, then."
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evak-elu-nicotino · 4 years
I need to ramble about OG SKAM and remakes, and it's gonna be a long-ass post !
Before I begin, just to be clear : I haven’t watched all of SKAM NL, and I didn’t really like SKAM Austin. Well, I watched the first episode of SKAM Austin a while back, but I didn’t really wanna watch the rest of it, so...yeah.
So far, I watched the whole of SKAM Italia, and OG SKAM of course. I watched parts of season 1 & 2, and then from season 3 of SKAM France until current season 6; season 2 of SKAM España; the first episodes of SKAM NL; part of season 1, then complete season 3 Druck; and some of the season 1, the complete season 3 of WTFock, as well as WTFockdown, though.
Anyway, I was talking with my wonderful beta-reader, @unfinishedbusinessss​ a couple weeks ago,and thought, wow, I can’t even begin to rank Even & Isak’s versions in every remake, each couple has chemistry, and I can’t even pick a favorite among the remakes !
This got me thinking, I kinda wanted to do a humongous post about the whole SKAMverse though, not just the Evak versions.
Obviously, OG SKAM will always be first, and Even & Isak are just...OTP, forever. I fell in love with their story so much, but I feel like every remake managed to get me to fall in love with every Even & Isak’s version, and I wasn’t prepared fo that, tbh. Vilde is so irritating. Noora is the best character in the whole SKAMverse, and William is an ass. I loved Sana’s season so much it hurts, and Yousef is a sweetheart. Cried during the whole Jonas’ speech at the end, and during the Vilde-Chris scene as well, even though I don’t like Vilde ! That’s saying something. Isak is one of my favorite characters, but Even comes close. Eskild is my precious child.
Top 5 characters from OG SKAM :
1. Noora Amalie Sætre (wow, what an icon ! I mean, I kinda wish they would’ve dropped her whole storyline with William, because I definitely do not care for him, and I like Noora’s opinions in season 1 & the beginning of season 2. I love that she’s a feminist, so much more mature than the rest of the girls’ squad, and her introduction in the show, when she meets Eva, is jus perfect. I loved her from the first second ! Red lipstick looks incredibly good on her too, just saying.)
2. Isak Valtersen (I can’t tell you how much I like and relate to Isak, me, a 31-year old woman. (lol) He’s very much a teenage version of myself back in the days ! I like his inner battles, his friendship with Jonas is everything. His internalized homophobia is portrayed very realistically, I might add. I liked his character from quite early on, but his season just did it for me. Tarjei Sandvik Moe is a very good actor, we got so lucky with his casting in this role ! I love his character development from season 1 to season 4. He’s grown so much in such a short period of time !)
3. Even Bech Næsheim (okay, let me start with the obvious : Henrik Holm’s smile, eyes and laugh had me gone from the start. He’s gorgeous and I can definitely see why Isak fell for him ! His character is soooo well written, Henrik portrays Even so beautifully and with so many nuances, I loved every on-screen minute Even gets in season 3 and season 4. He’s got so much layers ! I also liked that we were all lost because of his atttitude when we watched season 3 of OG, because what the hell’s happening right now, Even ?! That’s really a proof of how amazing Henrik was in this role. And their chemistry was off the charts from their very first scene together, which doesn’t hurt either !)
4. Jonas Noah Vasquez (amazing best friend to Isak when he needs it !)
5. Sana Bakkoush (queen ! I love her so much, she’s definitely an iconic character ! I think all of the Sanas in the remakes don’t even come close to her, but Imane in SKAM France is amazing, Amira in SKAM España is fantastic, Yasmina in WTfock is sooooo good (can’t wait for her season !!), and Amira in Druck is freakin’ amazing as well. But like I said, Sana in OG SKAM is definitely the most fantastic one !)
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SKAM France
When I heard they were making remakes, I honestly thought, “okay, so they’re gonna make seven different copies in seven different countries ?” It didn’t make any sense at the time. 
So when SKAM France aired, I watched from afar, terrified that they would mess this up in the only way the French knows how (I’m French myself), and I didn’t really fell in love with the first two seasons. I didn’t even like Lucas, to be honest. He was a minor character in the background, and I didn’t expect to fall in love with Lucas and Eliott’s story as much as I did. I also didn’t expect their love scenes to be this tasteful and beautiful, so I was kinda blown away by that, and by their chemistry. The piano scene and the paint scene will forever be on my mind whenever I think about season 3 of SKAM France. I also fell in love with Imane, to be honest. She’s gorgeous, and her season with Sofiane was amazing. I didn’t expect to like “Le gang” as much as I did either. Mahdi and Magnus in OG SKAM are not really among my favorite characters, but boy did I liked Arthur and Basile. Both the actors are amazing, which tremendously helps ! I didn’t find Daphné as irritating as Vilde in OG SKAM though, don’t know why. She might actually be in my top 5, whereas Vilde is one of my least favorite characters in OG SKAM, with Emma of course. Oh, and I love the fact that Alexia is bisexual in this version ! That’s such a good addition !
I loved season 5. I was kinda dreading it at first, but when I learnt that it was gonna be based on Arthur, I was kinda relieved. I think Robin Migné is a terrific actor, and his performance during this whole season is just stellar !
So far, I quite like season 6. Maya will definitely enter my top 5 sometime very soon, honestly, and Lola’s not far behind her. Basile has redeemed himself so much since season 3 when I thought he was annoying as fuck !
Top 5 characters from SKAM France :
1. Lucas Lallemant (that guy. We’ve been blessed, you guys : Axel Auriant is a freakin’ incredible actor, which makes the character all the more realistic and likeable. I’ll be forever impressed by episode 7 of season 3, especially the beginning with the scene on the couch with Mika and Manon, where Lucas is crying because of Yann’s stupid reaction to Lucas coming out. What a shitty friend, honestly...)
2. Imane Bakhellal (she’s so fierce and I almost like her even better than I did Sana in OG SKAM. She’s beautiful and witty AF, I loved her season !)
3. Alexia Martineau (bi queen with colored hair, I love her so much !!)
4. Arthur Broussard (he grew on me sooo much in season 5, but I liked him from the start, tbh)
5. Manon Demissy (although I didn’t get around to watch her own season yet, but I hate Charles’ character with a passion, so I can’t bring myself to watch it yet...)
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SKAM Italia (SKAM Italy)
Oh boy, does this remake has a particular place in my heart. I’m in love with the Italian language, have been for YEARS literally, and I think the whole cast is just gorgeous ! Eva might be my favorite Eva version to date. Season 4 was just SO GOOD, OMG, and I don’t even like Italian Sana that much, but wow, this was amazing !
Top 5 characters from SKAM Italia :
1. Martino Rametta (what a surprise ! It’s not a secret : Martino means the world to me. I was drawn to him very fast, very deeply. Maybe it’s because Federico Cesari is one hell of a an actor, maybe that’s because of his boyish cute freckly smiley charm, whatever; but he’s my number one favorite character from the whole SKAMverse. I can’t explain, really. He’s got something about him that just...makes me squeal every time I see him on screen. His season was SO GOOD YOU GUYS. I loved that we got to see his relationship with his mom. I loved the way Fede portrays his emotions, his inner battles, his fears. The way he acts with his eyes. And boy, season 4 was fireworks. Fede was always good, but season 4 was AMAZING. That scene with Sana is all kinds of incredible. Martino has never looked this good. He never looked so open, raw, vulnerable. His storyline with Niccolò kinda broke my heart, to be honest, but we got so much Martino screen time, I’m not complaining. He’s a gem. I’ll never not like Martino, he’s my person. I just connect with him so much, I can’t even explain it clearly !)
2. Giovanni Garau (”con la u finale, perché è sardo” ! Giovanni, aka the best Jonas in the entire SKAMverse. I loved OG Jonas, as well as German Jonas, don’t get me wrong, but Giovanni is ALWAYS there for Martino, and their friendship definitely fall into the brOTP category ! I love how supportive he is all through season 2, fights for Martino’s right to be happy and in love in public in season 3, and just never leaves his side in season 4. We’ve been blessed with this character you guys ! The male characters in SKAM Italia are so strong and likeable, it’s not even funny !)
3. Filippo Sava (one of the most amazing versions of Eskild to ever exist. I don’t have enough words to describe how much I LOVE this character ! Pietro Turano did an amazing job, wow. If Milan in WtFOCK wasn’t so fantastic, I’d definitely put Filippo in first place in the Eskild versions ranking !)
4. Niccolò Fares (I think Rocco Fasano did a fantastic job portraying Niccolò ! He’s definitely an underrated actor. Loved Niccolò quite late in season 2 though, but from the moment their first kiss happened, I fell in love with their story. And season 4 was just SO GOOD. We definitely get a side of Niccolò we didn’t even get with Even in OG SKAM, and his clip in episode 10 is amazing. Kudos Rocco, you definitely deserve recognition for your portrayal of  Niccolò !)
5. Eva Brighi (one of the best Evas in the whole SKAMverse, IMO !)
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SKAM España (SKAM Spain)
I’m not gonna ramble too much on this remake, especially because it might be the one I connected the less with, and I’ve only seen season 2 so far. Might be an unpopular opinion, but Cris gets on my nerves sometimes, that’s why she’s not in my top 5 characters from this particular remake.
Top 5 characters from SKAM España :
1. Lucas Rubio Fernández (the spanish Eskild, I think he’s cute AF, and incredibly brave. I really loved all of his interactions with Cris in season 2, he’s bringing her some wisdom she didn’t even knew she needed !)
2. Joana Bianchi Acosta (queen. I quickly was drawn to her character, I think from the moment we see her in her first scene with Cris. Tamara Ronchese is fantastic !)
3. Amira Naybet (OMG, her reaction to Cris coming out is everything !! Can’t wait to see her season !)
4. Nora Grace (she reminds me so much of OG Noora sometimes, it’s uncanny ! She has such a graceful presence !)
5. Dani Soto Peña (Cris’ older brother. I quite liked that we got to see Cris’ family in this version, her mother and brother. Dani was soooo annoying at first, but he was sooo sweet to Cris from the moment he drove her to the hospital to see Joana, and that scene when they smoke together on the terrace is everything. Such an accurate sibling scene !)
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Druck (SKAM Germany)
Hooooooly wow, this remake is FREAKIN’ FANTASTIC. I finally watched season 3 during lockdown, so it’s very recent, but GOD it gave me so many feelings ! That version of Isak and Even is everything. 
Top 5 characters from Druck :
1. David Schreibner (KING. Holy wow, Lukas Alexander/von Horbatschewsky is GOLD. He got me crying more than once. David’s story actually changes a lot from OG SKAM, but thank youuu Druck for shining a light on transgender’s representation in TV shows. David is a sooo well written character, he struggles a lot, but he’s relatable in so many ways. Wow, he’s just such a layered and complex character, I was blown away, really. And again, THANK YOU Druck for showing a sex scene with a transgender character, and him having an open conversation with Matteo about his struggle and how he sees himself is soo so important. It is so important to feel represented in movies and TV shows, I’m truly so thankful for this version of SKAM. Thank you Lukas !)
2. Matteo Florenzi (Matteo is an actual teenager, his portrayal is on point, and I felt his pain from the start. Michelangelo Fortuzzi did an amazing job, wow. Matteo grew on me so much in just one episode, it’s actually scary ! By the end of the first episode I wanted him to be happy, dump Sara, and just kiss David already.)
3. Jonas Augustin (Matteo has such an amazing best friend, with such a good singing voice ! Episode 10 of season 3 had me shook ! Iconic episode !)
4. Amira Mahmood (just a word for you : QUEEN ! Amira’s iconic ! I can’t wait to watch her season !)
5. Sam M’Pele (LOVE Chris’ version in Druck ! She’s awesome and so stylish ! I’m in love with her hair !)
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WTfock (SKAM Belgium)
Yet again, I actually caught up on WTfock during lockdown, since Druck and WTfock were the only remakes I never watched at this point. And yet again, I was BLOWN AWAY. WTfock got me feeling so many things, and I only watched season 3 and WTfockdown. Wow. hOLY WOW. Might be one of my favorite remake, it’s SO GOOD.
Top 5 characters from WTfock :
1. Milan Hendrickx (the flemish Eskild, one of my fave characters in all of the SKAMverse ! FUCK, Lars Brinkman knocks it out of the park, he truly does ! Milan is by far my favorite Eskild character. He’s sooo supportive, he’s a true friend, he’s funny AF - OMG, that scene where he tries to flirt with Moyo got me howling with laughter !! And he’s loyal. I love that he’s almost a father figure to Robbe, who definitely needs it ! That scene in episode 6 when Robbe tells him about the homophobic assholes...His reaction...I think I cried for like a good five minutes when I watched this, I couldn’t catch my breath. Milan’s precious, and we must protect him at all costs. A favorite. I’m in love with him, his supportiveness, his loyalty to Robbe, his smile, his affection for both Zoë and Robbe. They matter so much to him. He’s a sweetheart !)
2. Robbe IJzermans (FUCK I didn’t expect to feel so much things when watching season 3. Robbe is the Isak version that goes through the hardest stuff. His own internalized homophobia is sooo painful to witness... Jens is supportive when he comes out, but then Moyo and Aaron act like the biggest jerks on the planet, they just have this RIDICULOUS reaction when Robbe tries to tell them thay he's into Sander...And the end of episode 5 is awful. I just can't. He's gone through so much that season,it's insane. And yet by the end of episode 10, my heart felt so full for him and Sander finally happy...Gosh. What a rollercoaster...Willem Herbots is insanely cute and wow how well did he conveys Robbe's emotions. I'm speechless !)
3. Sander Driesen (holy wow this character is sooo good ! I was wondering at the beginning of episode 3 when we'll get to see him, and the minute he appeared on screem, him and Robbe instantly had that insane chemistry. Which peaked in the first kiss, in the pool in episode 4. That scene, that sing, that intensity...Yeah, Robbe and Sander bewitched me !)
4. Zoë Loockx (such a good character as well !)
5. Yasmina Ait Omar (can't waiiiit for her season !)
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
SKAM NL (Skam Netherlands)
This is gonna short and sweet, since I’ve only seen a couple episodes, but I already like quite a few characters so far !
Top 5 characters from SKAM NL :
1. Liv Reijners (what a badass character ! She’s beautiful and fierce, what a great Noora version ! I love her so much and I haven’t even watched her season yet !)
2. Isa Keijser (very relatable version of Eva, I must say. She’s cute AF and I love her friendship with Liv !)
3. Janna Mertens (one of the best Chris’ versions I’ve ever witnessed so far ! She has a unique look, and I think she’s an awesome female character !)
4. Lucas van der Heijden (a sneaky little shit I just love ! I’m sad we won’t get his season though...He’s very attractive, and I would have loved to see him meet his Even...)
5. Imaan Elami (once again, a version of Sana I quite like ! She’s beautiful, and kind of a queen, to be honest ! I really like her a lot. Yet again, so sad we won’t get her season, nor her friendship with Lucas...)
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My thoughts on Peaky Blinders...
Now I’ve finished Season Five, I wanted to get out my thoughts/ideas/opinions regarding the show. So strap in! - So first of all, the fucking cinematopgraphy in this series is gorgeous. You could take almost any scene and it looks like a painting. The lighting, the way it’s staged, it’s all just so visually pleasing to look at. My inner film student was just sighing dreamily at the shot composition. There’s a shot of John, Arthur and Tommy walking somewhere and you could fucking frame it and put it in your wall. - CILLIAN MURPHY, CILLIAN MURPHY, CILLIAN MURPHY. I mean, I always knew he was a good actor and also a pretty one, I think the role I remember him best in is Batman Begins, but holy shit, I never realised how hot he is until like two months ago. I know he apparently hates his Tommy haircut, but good lord, he can pull it off. The cheekbones! The eyes! The eyelashes! The sexy voice! Needless to say I saw him and immediately developed the biggest fucking crush. Apparently when I talk about Tommy to people my face goes pink. Thank you so much, show, for enlightening me to this human. Tommy is such a fantastic character, and I do wonder if another actor could pull him off quite as well. So much debate over his actions, motives, mindset, etc. I could probably write essays about the complexities of Tommy, but I won’t because this is a long-ass post anyway. He’s such a boss and I would die for him. - I actually really like Arthur??? So the very first clip of PB I ever saw was accidental, when I happened to turn the TV on and the Blinders were taking over the Eden Club and Arthur was glassing a guy in the face. I thought, “Oh, he’s probably like the dangerous thug character everyone is scared of.” (I didn’t know he’s Tommy’s brother at the time.) But actually he’s kind of endearing despite being the Shelby’s pitbull? Idk, the concept of the “failure” elder brother, how Arthur is the character the verbalises PTSD the most out of everyone, how one minute he can be lashing out like a rabid bear and then sobbing like a kid the next... I’m always like, “Oh, Arthur,” because you can see he wants to be a better person, but he just...doesn’t know how. - JOOOHN. I miss him! And it’s weird because in the early parts of the Season John doesn’t DO much but tag around after Tommy and Arthur, but his marriage to Esme is actually So Good and again, he’s actually kind of a softboi under the hard gangster act. (Also his “Do THIS, John, Do THAT, John, KILL YOUR FOOKIN’ TEACHER, JOHN!” is so fucking good.) He kind of provides a lightness when contrasted to Tommy and Arthur that I really do miss, because the last two Seasons have been very grim and I think John’s absence has something to do with it. I liked Esme too, even if she’s a stroppy bitch, her love for John but resentment of her role in the family and also she’s HELLA PRETTY. I’m sad her character has gone for now, but at least she wasn’t killed off. - I also love Ada a lot - I was really shocked when I read that Sophie Rundle hasn’t been acting all that long before she got the part in PB, because honestly she’s very good! And her concept again is a fun one - the only girl in a family of violent gangster boys. (Or as Freddy puts it, “The only princess”, which she is.) Having said that, I’m not sure how I feel about Ada’s character arc over the course of the season. In One she came off as kind of childish and still sort of stuck in her Rebellious Teen phase, then she became a mother and Freddie died, then in Season Two she’s trying to distance herself from the family and go legit, then in Season Four and Five she’s helping run the business and taking money from Tommy. Idk, I wish she’d play a more major role like her brothers because her motivations seem to change based on what the screenwriter wants, not what feels natural for her. Plus it annoys me that Ada blamed Ben Younger’s death on Tommy, but Tommy gets a lot of blame for things that aren’t his fault so I guess he’s used to it. Still, Ada is still a lot of fun when she does get to play a big role and gets some great lines later on. “Tommy Shelby is going to stop a revolution with his cock.” - POLLY, MY QUEEN! Easily the best woman on the show (sorry, Ada) and such a fucking badass. She’s definitely the voice of reason within the family and conflicting loyalty is a really interesting theme that gets explored with her, between her arguing nephews and niece, between her family or whether she wants to marry again and leave, her relationship with Michael, it’s all so great. Helen McRory is such a brilliant addition to the show. Also I love that Polly kinda represents women taking over after all the men went away to war and now they’re back, but the women aren’t just going to creep back into the house - World War One changed the workplace forever for women and I think Polly being the second in command after Tommy reflects that really well. - I think overall my favourite seasons have been Seasons One, Two and Four, I tend to find I get a bit bored in Peaky Blinders whenever it gets especially heavy on politics like in Season Three and Five and I admittedly kind of miss the simplicity of the early days of the show when it was about horse-racing, but the Changretta vs Shelby feud was genuinely really gripping and Adrien Brody was also Very Good. (I mean, I couldn’t take him seriously because of Brodyquest, but I like him a lot.) - I HATE GRACE. There, I said it. And honestly I have SO MUCH to say on why I hate her and also why I think she is the epitome of bad writing that has happened on this show that I might as well save it for a whole nother post, but Tommy and Grace’s relationship always felt so unnatural and forced to me, like they are in love because the screenwriter said so - Grace is the only woman Tommy knows who isn’t related to him and also because it pisses off Campbell. Like, she was tolerable if highly irritating in Season One, but then Two came along and she just got worse and worse. She’s annoyingly convinced she’s better than everyone else, pulls off a LOT of questionable shit that NO-ONE except Polly ever pulls her up on and Tommy repeatedly pining over a woman who lied to him and betrayed him makes no goddamn sense. I wish Stephen Knight would just let him get over her, because her showing up over and over again in the show after the bitch died two Seasons ago is so infuriating I want to throw my remote at the TV. The best bit of Season Three was someone finally putting a bullet in her, honestly. /rant - On that note, I really wish that they’d use May properly. She was introduced in Season Two and honestly her chemistry with Tommy is about a thousand times more believable than anything he had with Guuuhrayce and also May doesn’t consistently talk in that annoying, breathy voice and also she doesn’t shamelessly manipulate Tommy constantly. It’s too bad Stephen Knight couldn’t get Charlotte Riley back for Season Three owing to her pregnancy, because I think the trajectory of the show would have been very different. But her scene where she spoke about her husband and tried to hide that she was crying? So good. The fucking Face Tommy gives her when she asks for a mixer in her gin? Priceless. Agh - May’s been chronically underused in the show but she keeps getting mentioned every now and then, so I’m hoping there are plans for her to come back in Season Six. I really like her and I honestly think Tommy/May has been the best relationship he’s had, because it’s the only one that’s felt A) Natural and B) Equal. - Lizzie Stark. Okay, so I have mixed feelings about Lizzie. I liked her in Seasons One and Two, because she was this down-on-her-luck woman who was treated like crap by everyone, but she wasn’t wholly without her own flaws or personality - she did lie to John and Tommy did act in his brother’s best interests to tell him the truth. The scenes she had with Tommy in Season Two when he promotes her to his secretary were honestly very cute and my heart broke for her when that solider nearly (?) raped her in Season Two and she cried in John’s arms. But over time she’s started to irritate me. I know that people feel bad for her because Tommy honestly does treat her badly at times, though other times she’s also one of the few people he’s nice to, their relationship is complicated. But truthfully I don’t see Tommy/Lizzie every working out properly because Lizzie was a whore. She’s always been Tommy’s inferior and while I do think he cares for her, she never seems to think it’s enough. He doesn’t love her enough and she’s never satisfied with it and she’s always resentful of him. But you can’t FORCE someone to love you and it’s interesting that the minute she learned she was pregnant, you could see her thinking of how to make this work. She pulled the Baby Trap on him just like Grace did and got married like she wanted, but Tommy still doesn’t truly see her as his equal. And honestly, I don’t think she’s smart enough for him. Add that to Lizzie being EXTREMELY petty to other women (including her being really rude to May and slut-shaming her - bit rich from you, isn’t it, Lizzie?), and I don’t think they have a healthy relationship. I do like little Ruby a lot (way more than Charles, who is a spoiled brat because he’s Grace’s son and has a martyred dead mummy), but honestly I don’t see Tommy/Lizzie working out. I just hope that she doesn’t leave and take Ruby, I think it’d break Tommy to have his daughter taken away from him. - Alfie Solomons. So...I have to confess I have mixed feelings about Alfie. I liked him in Season Two because he’s batshit crazy, Tom Hardy is clearly having the time of his life and it’s refreshing to have a rival to Tommy who isn’t cartoonishly evil like Billy Kimber or Sabini. He ties into Season Two very well and yeah, I can see why he’s so popular. Also he’s pretty attractive, so that always helps. But. Alfie is starting to come across a bit like a creator’s pet to me. He consistently betrays Tommy every goddamn Season and while I know the fandom love to joke about this, it’s pretty inexplicable that Tommy would bother to continue to do business with him after being burned so many times and now it turns out he’s alive. Why? Why bring Alfie back? I feel like he was brought back because he’s a fan favourite and to add another suspect to who betrayed Tommy. I don’t hate Alfie at all, but I am starting to wish he’d face actual consequences for his actions, considering every Peaky Blinders character who fucks with the Peaky Blinders tend to suffer horribly for it, but not Alfie...for some reason. - Michael. Okay so Michael’s actor is pretty damn good and I thought it was cute that he and John’s actors are actually brother irl - you can see the resemblance. And honestly bringing back Polly’s missing kids was a really clever idea because there’s a family tie, but one that isn’t so strong you can always be sure of where his loyalties lie. His subplot with Father Hughes in Season Three was both very sad and very well done - I was cheering him on the whole way. But Season Five has made my opinion of Michael take a dramatic nosedive. He’s gone from sorta-sympathetic to an entitled brat almost overnight. I get he’s probably salty about being banished to America by Tommy in Season Four, but where has this sudden desire to rule the company come from? How did he meet Gina? Is he lying about Gina being pregnant because he figured it’d win him sympathy? I don’t know. He’s changed so drastically, and when Polly gave him that slap, I think she was doing what everyone wanted to. It’s too bad they just wrote Anna off as being dead, though, Michael having a sister and Polly a daughter would have been interesting. - The music?? Is so good?? I love it! Especially the themesong, obviously, but so much of it is always ON POINT. It makes me wanna buy the entire soundtrack. - Unpopular opinion, but I think Campbell was the best antagonist of the show, mainly because he was a vile person but still believable and had the best dynamic with Tommy.  - Season Five was honestly kind of hit-and-miss for me, it seemed like a lot of people are pissed at Tommy for fairly silly reasons in the beginning and I just didn’t find the political subplot all that interesting...but I still will definitely tune into Season Six. (Also these are all just opinions, so please don’t send me hate if you don’t like something I’ve said. Ain’t nobody got time for that.)
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Thaaaaaank you so much for writing my poorly explained idea so well I’m so actually ecstatic 💯❤️❤️👌 And I love you so much. I was actually coming back because I had another idea before I saw you wrote my other one. The new one stems from the camp scene when Sean headbutts Kieran. I thought, what if it was because Sean and reader are already together, then they’re suddenly nice to Kieran? Suddenly spending time with him and giving him a new jacket? And after the headbutt reader is PISSED
SO! This was way too much fun to write, Sean is a big weakness of mine, and I love him to bits and peaces. And if you thought the last one was long, this one is EVEN LONGER! It went from headcanon, to drabble, to full on fic. I just hope it’s not all over the place.
I’m also so glad you liked the last one! :D It wasn’t poorly explained at all I’m just dumb at first mornings light.
Reader is once again implied female, but lack of gender pronouns, so gender neutral???
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The chase from down in Blackwater all the way up to Colter and the eventual ride to Horseshoe Overlook had taken it’s toll on everyone.
The death of Jenny and Davey, not knowing if Sean or Mac were alright.
The newest additions of the miserable and mourning Sadie Adler, and the equally miserable O'Driscoll prisoner.
Everyone was exhausted, mourning, and worried.
You especially.
You were used to not knowing where Sean was, sometimes he’d just up and disappear for a couple days before returning to camp with that cheeky little smile on his face as he dropped some of the spoils of wherever he went into the donations box.
The look on his face when he first saw you after his return was worth the worrying and waiting. He always looked at you with such a sense of adoration and joy that he just couldn’t stop the beaming smile that graced his face.
The searing kiss he gave you upon his return always brought you joy in knowing that he was here, he was alive, and he was with you.
So going weeks not knowing if he made it out of Blackwater alive or not was torturous. If he did you just hoped he was smart enough to flee north past Strawberry instead of south into New Austin.
For the first couple weeks, you pretty much just wanted to be left alone, keeping toward the edge of camp, quietly doing your chores and watching as everyone got into their routines and the camp slowly sprung back to life.
Though, there was something that caught your eye, the O'Driscoll prisoner. He seemed a bit whiny, though for that you couldn’t blame him. Not being allowed to sit down, eat, drink, or even bathe? Horrible.
But, the more you watched him, the more you wanted to know what his story was. He didn’t seem like any O'Driscoll you knew, and he claims to hate the man in question.
You were rather quick to join Tilly and Mary-Beth in sneaking the man a bit of food or water. Though you were braver than the other two, always giving him a little more. However you were no fool, you knew that Arthur knew the three of you were giving the man food and water, and he knew that you knew.
He once pulled you aside, in full view of Kieran, acting mad about you giving the man things, you simply crossed your arms and raised a brow.
“What are you trying to do with that poor man? Are you simply enjoying the sick pleasure of watching a man wither away until he dies? Or are you looking to extort some kind of information out of him?” Of course Arthur’s response was the whereabouts of Colm.
“Arthur the body may be able to last for a few weeks without food, but if a body doesn’t get any water put into it, it’ll only last a couple days.” Then with a cheeky grin you dove into detail on starvation torture that left Arthur more than a bit uneasy.
That night you managed to sneak Kieran an entire biscuit and a full cup of cold water. He kept thanking you profusely, even going as far as to call you an angel.
Ever since than you starting doing your chores closer to him, talking with him, telling him about stories or gossip you heard, even going as far as telling him about Sean, and your worries.
Kieran quietly listened to it all.
You were doing your work by Kieran and talking with him when Mary-Beth ran up to you, calling your name.
“Have you heard the news?!” Mary-Beth asked, bouncing in excitement.
“What news?”
“Trelawny came up from Blackwater! Sean’s alive, being held by bounty hunters, but alive!”
“Javier and Charles rode down with him to scout the place out, and Arthur’s going to be joining them in a few days time!”
Relief crashed through you body at such a speed that you didn’t even realize there were tears rolling down the sides of your face until Kieran asked if you were okay and Mary-Beth was wiping them away.
You were just so happy that your Sean was alive, and you hoped that he would be back in your arms soon enough.
The next day you noticed that Kieran was no longer tied to the tree, you asked Dutch what happened and he gave a wry chuckle and told you.
“Castration?! Oh Dutch, that’s too much!” You cried out, though you were smirking, slightly amused with Dutch’s flair for the dramatic, even though you felt a bit bad for the poor man.
Surprisingly, Kieran returned back into the fold with John, Bill and Arthur not too far behind. John proclaimed that Kieran had saved Arthur’s life and he wasn’t worth killing yet.
After finally being allowed to bathe, given a change of cloths, courtesy of the late Davey, and being given something to eat and drink he went up to Dutch and asked what he could do around camp to help.
Dutch gave him a quick run down about how the camp worked and who did what, if he was any good at hunting or fishing he as going to be dealing with Pearson, Medical supplies were to be dropped of with Strauss, extra ammo for weapons he didn’t use were to be placed behind Arthur’s tent or just dropped off with Arthur, any jewelry or shiny object that could be sold were to be turned into the donations box if he didn’t need to keep it, while he would be dealing with you if he had any animal parts or herbs that would be crafted or turned into medicine, and if he had any questions about caring for the horses he would also be dealing with you.
Since he was the most confident with horses and fishing he was dealing mostly with yourself and Pearson.
In the following couple days you spent most of your time with Kieran, he even fully warmed up to you and told you about his past with his parents and how he came to ride with the O'Driscoll’s and in return you shared how you came to be riding with the Van Der Linde’s.
You even once sweet talked Hosea into going with you and Kieran for a little trip out of camp for a nice and relaxing fishing trip for Kieran and herb gathering for you.
Than came the due date, Charles was the first to ride into camp on Taima, simply raising a brow at Kieran before looking at you in question. You explained the situation to him and he nodded and welcomed Kieran into the family.
You suddenly looked at Charles as it clicked in your head what his return meant. Your question dying on your tongue as you heard Sean’s boisterous laugh coming into camp.
You turned and at first only saw Javier atop Boaz, looking outright irritated and miserable, you could only pity him, Trelawny probably talked his ear off the entire trip there and Sean definitely talked the other ear off the whole way back. You could tell the man needed some quiet time.
Than you saw him, he was looking a little worse for wear, sporting a few bruises, a bit thinner, and he was now missing some teeth, but he was there, he was alive, he was okay.
Sean’s voice died in his throat when he caught sight of you, only able to let out a small murmur of your name as he came down from Boaz.
By this time everyone in camp had come toward the entrance to see that Sean was back, but instead of loudly announcing his glorious return he just stared slightly slack jawed at you.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, fully expected the two of you to tackle each other to the ground in your joy of seeing each other again. But you two moved slowly toward each other almost in a trance, you weren’t sure if you were dreaming or not, but you hoped it never ended. As you to met you slowly, if a bit hesitantly, reached up to cup Sean’s face.
Sean just melted into your hands as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“There’s tha’ pretty face I’ve been dyin’ ta see.” Sean muttered as he held you close.
“I’ve missed you too Sean.”
You two pulled each other in for a kiss, it was soft at first, gentle even, like if you went any harder the dream would shatter. That didn’t last though as the kiss got harder and searing as you two put everything in it, all your worries, pain, and love.
So lost were you two in each other that neither of you heard the several clearing of uncomfortable throats, Molly and Mary-Beth’s cooing, the chuckles of Dutch or Hosea, or even Arthur riding into camp and shouting at you two to get a room.
As the two of you finally parted after your lungs were begging for air, you slowly fluttered your eyes open to look into Sean’s blue eyes and saw the full extent of his longing, adoration, and love.
It didn’t take long for the whirlwind that is Sean Macguire to wind up camp into a full party, the alcohol was flowing, people were singing, Dutch and Molly were gracefully dancing, Arthur and Mary-Beth a little less gracefully, even Kieran was having fun, though more on the outskirts of the party.
You once or twice checked in on him, to be sure no one was giving him too hard of a time, though you were always called back by Sean who genuinely wondered where you’d gone off too.
Throughout the party you and Sean teased each other until neither of you could stand it any more and pulled each other into your tent for a little welcome home present all for him.
Once the party died down and the subsequent hangover was gone everyone was right back at it with high morale.
Your time was divided up between your work, time spent with Kieran, and time spent with Sean.
Sean watched you with Kieran more times then he cared to count, he’d heard how attached you had gotten to the man since he’d been gone, and he hated it.
He watched how close you two would sit and talk while doing your chores, how kind you were to him, how you started siding with him on the whole O'Driscoll business.
He tried several things to keep your attentions on him, giving you fierce kisses when he was about to go on guard duty, leaving your neck covered in hickeys from the night before, endless amounts of praise, anything he can think of to get your affection back onto him.
The final nail in his coffin of jealousy was when you had gifted Kieran with a new jacket, custom made with little hidden pockets where he could put lures and horse treats.
Kieran was so overcome with joy that he actually tears up a little and gave you a tight hug, which you returned with a big smile on your face as well.
Sean only saw red after that, his mind running wild that he was losing you to a damned O'Driscoll, that night, after having maybe one too many, he called Kieran over, calling him an O'Driscoll.
Despite his meek approach, and started to say that he wasn’t an O'Driscoll, Sean eyed his new coat, and before Kieran could even finish his sentence Sean’s forehead forcefully came into contact with Kieran’s nose, knocking the poor man to the ground. Whatever Sean was about to say after that got caught in his throat at the sound of your angry voice.
“Sean MacGuire, just what in the hell do you think your doing?!”
Sean stammered at you a bit before just clamming up entirely, watching as you helped Kieran to his feet and checked his bleeding nose, the glare you sent his way was more then enough to get Sean to just look at his feet, and you just sighed and shook you head as you gently lead Kieran away to patch him up.
“Don’t mind him Kieran, Sean’s just acting like a jealous idiot.”
“You picked up on that too, huh?”
“You think this is my first rodeo with this particular clown?” you couldn’t help but laugh at this.
“I’ve had to keep Javier from stabbing him, Charles from beating him to death, Bill from burying him alive, John from stringing him up by his ankles, and so on and so forth. And every time I’d patch him up, give him a kiss, tell him what an idiot he’s being, and that I love him and only him.”
Kieran chuckled a bit and you patched him up and sent him on his way, before heading out to figure out where your Irishman has gone off too.
“I tell ya I’m losin her Arthur!”
“Are ya sure about that?”
“I’ve seen the looks they’ve been givin each other, they’re fallin for each other, I just know it!”
Arthur saw you standing over by Pearson’s wagon as he’s trying to comfort the Irishman. He subtly waved you over while keeping Sean’s attention on him.
“Yeah keep laughin Englishman, I’m only losin the love of my life to an O'Driscoll, no big deal!”
Sean was stunned into silence once again when he felt your arms wrap around his chest and your lips planted onto a weak spot under his jaw.
“I’ll let you take it from here.” Arthur smirked as he got up and left the love birds alone.
“You’re being an idiot again Sean.”
“I know, I know. It’s just tha’ every time I see ya with him, all I can think of is you fallin out of love with me.”
“Sean, you’re not getting rid of me that easy. I love you so much, but just because I want to be friends with a guy doesn’t mean I’ve stopped loving you. I will always love you.”
At this Sean sagged into you, loving the feeling of your arms around him and your lips on his neck.
“I do want you to apologize to Kieran though.”
“Eeeeggghhhh, do I have to?”
“Fine, fine…I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Price to be Paid - Chapter 11
Of Men and Books
Words: 4,448
Warnings: swearing, slight violence, fluff
Micah had been gone from camp for the past two weeks but you hardly noticed. In fact, you felt safer with him out. When he rode back in you made a point not to greet him, preferring the company of others to hide you from view. 
September had slowly turned to October and brought colder nights, but did nothing about the heat during the days. 
“Sadie, that’s not how this is played.” 
The widow stared down at the dominoes confused, “I thought we was playing to 21.” 
You rolled your eyes heavily at her. “That’s poker. I think. Maybe blackjack?” 
“Watch it, YN, those eyes roll any further back and they’ll get stuck in your head.” Sadie had a quick raspy laugh to match her personality. She stood up, done with the game neither of you knew how to play. “I’m off for food, want anything?” You shook your head and planned to go read alone in your tent as your chores were all done for once. 
A cool breeze caused the tent flaps to lazily wave back and forth while you sat down to get comfortable. Hosea had long since taken his crime series back, and you were in the middle of a new romance novel that you kept hidden under your pillow. It starred a heroine you admired, and a dashing hero for whom she pined. The families had been feuding for generations, naturally, and the two lovers were caught in the middle trying to mend the rift caused by time all while having secret meet ups that always ended romantically. You couldn't help the attachment you felt towards the book. 
“Whatcha got there, YN?” Jesus, Micah was quiet. He snuck up to your tent and stood as an unwanted voyeur. 
Quickly dropping your book into your pile, you grabbed Pride and Prejudice instead. 
“Jane Austen. Although I am certain you’ve never read it.”
He snorted and snatched the book out of your hands, walking out towards the center of camp. 
“Hey! Give that back!” He ignored your demands but the noise drew the attention of others in the area. Lenny and Arthur were close by, and Charles sat with Abigail at a table eating. 
Opening to a random page Micah began to read out loud. “Mr. Bingley was good looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners. His sisters were fine women, with an air of decided fashion. His brother-in law, Mr. Hurst, merely looked the gentleman; but his friend Mr. Darcy - how do you stand this horse shit?”
“I said give it back!” you tried to reach around Micah’s outstretched hand but his reflexes were quicker from years on the run. His elbow connected with your ribs, hard, and sent you flying to the ground. 
Arthur, Lenny, and Charles were all standing at once. Abigail had run off to find John, but you figured there was only so much damage he could do at camp. 
“You heard the lady, Micah. Give it back.” Lenny came over to help you stand, holding your arm and keeping you steady. Micah made no notion of hearing him even though the warning was low and frightening. Instead he ripped a page and looked back at you, mockingly replying, “Oops.” 
Your brow pulled together and you tried to reach the book before he did anymore damage, but Arthur moved first. He swung his fist and collided it with Micah’s temple. Micah howled in anger and took a few steps back, dropping the novel into a pile of mud. A hand grabbed your shirt to drag you back and Charles placed himself in front of you and next to Arthur, ready to fight if it came to it. Micah had a wide stance and a feral look in his eyes; even outnumbered he was prepared to brawl. 
Clearly there was more built up rage between the three of them than what could manifest over your stolen book. 
Micah lunged and swung wildly at Charles and Arthur, landing fists where he could and stumbling back to avoid taking damage. Charles was precise in his movement and mainly acted out of self defense. Arthur demanded the attention, baiting Micah with calls and jeers to draw the most impact to himself. He was simultaneously the hunter and the prey, making sure Charles never got hit while defending himself as well. 
Time felt like it stretched on forever, but it was only moments later when Dutch’s voice rang out across the area. 
“Boys! What in the hell is this?” He moved as a force with Hosea and Abigail in his wake. 
Micah and Charles stopped instantly, dropping their hands and standing at attention. Arthur was a bit roudier and took the opportunity to take one last swing at Micah, smirking as the blonde careened backwards and almost fell over. 
“Oops,” Arthur mocked. 
“Boys! This is a family. Ms. Bell, get the hell out of camp for today. Mr. Smith, go with Hosea to calm down. See if Pearson needs any help,” he turned to the remaining man with disappointment written on his features. “Mr. Morgan. Arthur. My son, what has gotten into you? What happened here?” 
Arthur nursed his bruising jaw with a cold bottle Hosea handed him before leaving with Charles. “Micah knocked Ms. Moore down over a book, Dutch. Wasn’t gonna let him get away with it in camp with our people.”
Dutch absentmindedly picked up your book out of the mud and brushed it off. “You okay, Ms. Moore? He lay a hand on you?”
You nodded slowly and decided to tell your secret. “It’s not the first time he’s done something like that, Dutch. Back at Horseshoe Overlook he...grabbed my neck when I rejected him. Tried to scare me.” 
There wasn’t much of a reaction from Dutch, but Arthur muttered under his breath about wishing he hit him harder. 
“Tried. I like your spirit, Ms. Moore. I am sorry he hurt you, but you are safe here. These are good people who sometimes get a little off course. I will personally watch Micah, and Mr. Morgan here is now going to be watching over you. Not that you are helpless,” he chuckled when you began to protest, “but Micah is a large man, and there are others who don’t have the same mind as us. Please know you can come to me anytime.” 
You thanked him and watched as his mind spun and ticked away. The two must know each other well for Micah had been with the gang a good while longer than you, and for every one of his faults Dutch was there to defend. 
Guilt flooded your chest as Arthur stretched out his arms and winced with pain. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Morgan. I didn’t mean for anyone to get involved -”
“You’re sorry?” Arthur looked over at you incredulously. “Why’re you sorry? He’s the one who was throwing around women, ain’t you’re fault you got caught up in this mess. Long time Dutch has known how I feel about him.”
Tears sprang to your eyes as you saw the real damage that had been caused. Micah, Arthur, Charles, and Dutch were now involved. “I, I’m just real sorry, Mr. Morgan.” It came out as a whisper as you backed away from the scene, Arthur watched you silently with an odd expression on your face. Panic began to creep up your back and you turned and fled. 
Green leaves from the trees blurred together as you ran through the woods. You weren’t entirely sure why you ran but the movement of your muscles felt good and strong. Maybe being alone was the best way for you to process what happened. 
Eventually you reached a part of the lake you hadn’t seen before. It was a small alcove where you could see fish jumping in the distance and had plenty of trees providing shade in the afternoon. Today was a rare day that the heat had actually dropped and allowed you to breathe normally. 
You plopped down by a tree and faced the water. Why had you run? That panic blossomed so quick and strong and was like nothing you had ever felt before. Maybe it was having people actually defend you against an attacker for once rather than ignore all of the signs glaring in their faces. Micah was different, you couldn’t find any redeeming qualities in the man. Compared to Arthur and Charles he was a snake in the grass. 
The cool breeze rustled the leaves at your feet and you pulled the tie out of your hair to shake it loose. Curls whipped around your face and you finally relaxed. It’s too bad that book got ruined, this would be a perfect spot to read. 
After an hour you decided to go back. Turns out you hadn’t gone as far as you thought you did but a gentle reprieve made you feel that much better. 
Soft guitar music drifted in from the campfire where Javier sat playing. 
"YN! You up for a little duet?" His fingers moved magically over the strings and enticed you, but the day had made you weary and tired. 
"Not right now, Javier. But let's find another song soon." He didn't reply but smiled up at you as you took a seat on a nearby stump and kept playing. 
For a while it was just the two of you at the fire, watching the flames and adding logs when they dwindled down. 
Charles soon returned to camp and sat down across from you. 
"How are you Charles?" He grunted and bit into his dinner, not really meeting your eyes. He must be angry after what happened earlier, peace and balance were strong values to him.
After his meal was done, he set the plate down and looked over to you
 "YN. Come with me," he walked over to hold out his hand and help you up, then set off for the water. 
Back behind your tent was a dock. It didn't stretch too far out over the water but it had enough space for a boat to be tied up alongside it. Charles sat down at the end and motioned for you to join him. Your shoes just dangled above the water as you swung your feet back and forth. 
"I was afraid." It came out more blunt than you had intended, but Charles sat back and let you unravel the fears that had coiled up in your chest. 
"I saw my father in that moment, he was not a kind man. Years of knowing what that look meant sent me right back and after you left with Hosea I ran. Mostly just to leave the mess behind, which I know is silly, but I couldn't stand the thought of you or Arthur actually getting hurt on my behalf. Micah is a bully, ain't the first I've known but the most...uncaring? If that's the right word. There's no limit or boundary for him. Nothing goes too far. You both are the opposite."
Taking a deep breath you continued on. "I guess I'm trying to say I'm grateful, although I have an awful way of getting there. You all have been the best to me after I just showed up one day with little money or knowledge to contribute, but a few words of kindness have gone incredibly far and I want you to know I see it. I've learned so much this past half year as an outlaw. Forced me to, you know? Had to grow up." 
A couple more beats passed. You stared at your tangled fingers and concluded quietly, "So I am sorry. For that mess with Micah. But mostly...thank you." 
Charles just continued to stare at the water, watching the ripples move and affect others. 
"YN, you're one of us now. No need to worry about that happening again, Micah is an ass and deserves whatever comes from this. And as for you? Look at all you've done! I can't believe it was that long ago Arthur came riding up with a shot, bleeding woman and just ordered Dutch to take you along. Now you hunt for us, steal with us, collect debts. It's going to be fine." 
Charles let that sink in and watched you smile in response before continuing on. "Arthur talks often of how you've helped him, and today he was worried about you. He is a tough man to crack, but he thinks...very highly of you, you should know." 
Something in his eye was playful and reflected with the orange sunset. 
"Very highly, huh?" You knocked your shoulder with your friends and giggled, hoping the meaning behind what he was saying was true. It was no secret to yourself anymore that you enjoyed spending time with Arthur, although you had made an awful fool of yourself today. 
After a while longer you decided to head back to camp. The dust had settled and you finally felt normal again. 
"YN! Come sit darlin', you look tired." Abigail called you over to dine with John and Jack and you accepted graciously. The three were patching up whatever rifts had separated them and finally Abigail was smiling again. 
John patted the seat next to him and you joined the disjointed family. 
"You alright from earlier, YN? By the time Abby found me everyone was gone." 
You smiled up at John, "I'll be just fine. Micah thought he could have his way but turns out, he ain't anything special." 
Both Marstons chuckled. "Ain't that the truth." 
"So how long you two been together? Jack is, what, four?" 
John shifted uncomfortably and scratched his neck in a similar manner to Arthur. The thought made your heart pang in an odd way you didn't know how to process. 
Abigail covered smoothly. "I've been with these fools near 5 years now. John and I...well, probably just before Jack came along. Life's a bit different without a baby, but we try to make it work now." 
Oblivious to the tension Jack pulled out his toy and ran it along the wooden table, making crashing noises. The fake explosions got louder and louder until he ran out of table space, then with an approving nod from his mother took off to find new playmates. John muttered something about tending the horses and left shortly after. 
"Abigail I'm sorry if I -" 
She shook her head at you. "Don't you dare apologize. You didn't know." Sighing heavily and staring at her hands, her voice dropped to make sure only you could hear. 
"When I first got here, I wasn't, I mean, I was entertainment. For the men." 
Her eyes connected with yours until understanding clicked into place. 
"John sometimes don't want to confess Jack is his, but I know. In my heart. A little while after he was born...John left." Her voice broke
"Took off from camp for about a year, leaving me and baby Jack to fend for ourselves. I didn't know nothing about raising a baby but folks here were real great with him. Arthur especially stepped up to help. Him and John were like brothers, and none of us really got over what he did." 
You were about to speak but she rushed on. "John's a good man! I know it. Just a little lost. I wish he would be more interested in us as a family, we ain't going away. But he always puts himself first, and then this gang then us. Wish it was another way around." 
Your dearest friend here was in pain, so you slowly pushed a beer bottle across the table. Abigail has never drank in front of you before and it was a sight watching her tip her head back and pull from the bottle. She made a face once she was done that caused you to giggle.
"Looking forward things should be good. For all of us." Her small hand reached out and squeezed yours before she left to join John. 
He saw her approach and slipped his hand into hers, and she rested her head gently on his shoulder. 
The scene made you blissful, and you rested your head in your hands to watch them. 
A loud thunk of a metal bowl hitting wood next to you brought you back to the present as Hosea joined you at the table. “How ya doing, YN?” You smiled back and motioned to the Marstons, and Hosea smiled as well. 
“Good to see them together. John’s always been...tough about that.” 
It sounded like it was hard for everyone to admit what happened with John. Hosea and Dutch had raised him from a young age so it can’t have been easy to see your son bolt and avoid his responsibilities. Like Abigail said, he was a good man, just a bit lost. 
Hosea tsked and continued on. “Pitty about your book today, YN. The whole situation of course, but losing a Jane Austen can’t have been easy. I’ve been...known to read her novels now and then.”
Hosea looked secretive as he spoke. It was always easy conversation between the two of you. “Micah...is well, Micah...but Austen? A true Goddess among men.” 
“I agree. Which is your favorite then, Mr. Matthews?”
Scratching his chin, he thought. “Oh, I’ve always had a soft spot for Emma. Couldn't tell you why. She reminds me of my wife, Bessie, she fancied herself a bit of a matchmaker. Wasn’t worth a damn but she loved it.” 
His eyes misted slightly bringing up Bessie. You knew he had been wed at one point and that she had passed away, but not her name. It was still a bruise that he pressed occasionally as a reminder of the pain, apparently. 
“I’ve always been drawn to Marianne Dashwood. Of course Lizzie Bennet is a classic, but there’s just something about that Dashwood spirit. I simply adore her. She’s brave, and wild, kind and so romantic. Tries to make the best of her situation in life. When I was younger I hoped to be like her.”
Hosea chuckled. “She is outspoken. Headstrong! Prone to outbursts and has no filter.”
“Yes, I suppose she is. Maybe that’s why I love her.” You felt a sparkle around the evening as Hosea excused himself and went to find Dutch. 
Javier had struck up again around the campfire and this time you joined him. 
“Miss Moore! What shall we sing now?” 
You debated between a few classics but settled on a sweet duet that would be uplifting and simple. Javier taught you the words because you had only ever played it on piano before, but it was fun and left hands clapping and toes tapping around the warmth of the fire. 
“Taking over this town, they should worry
But these problems aside I think I taught you well
That we won't run, and we won't run, and we won't run
 And in the winter night sky ships are sailing
Looking down on these bright blue city lights
And they won't wait, and they won't wait, and they won't wait
We're here to stay, we're here to stay, we're here to stay
 Howling ghost they reappear,
In mountains that are stacked with fear,
But you're a king and I'm a lion-heart,
A lion-heart.
 His crown lid up the way as we moved slowly,
Pass the wondering eyes of the ones that were left behind,
Though far away, though far away, though far away,
We're still the same, we're still the same, we're still the same.
 Howling ghost they reappear,
In mountains that are stacked with fear,
But you're a king and I'm a lion-heart.
 And in the sea that's painted black,
Creatures lurk below the deck,
But you're a king and I'm a lion-heart.
And as the world comes to an end,
I'll be here to hold your hand,
'Cause you're my king and I'm your lion-heart!”
The song ended with a little flourish of the guitar, and Javier sang the last note much longer than intended. You laughed and watched his hands move over the strings nimbly and with many years of practice. Leaning back, you observed the warm scene in front of you. Most of the gang was gathered one way or another around the fire mesmerized by Javier’s quick moving hands. Dutch smiling and smoking a cigar, Sean leaned on Karen for support and comfort, and even the Marstons lingered at the edges enjoying the evening. Mary-Beth passed Tilly a drink, and all was finally right in the world. 
Arthur eventually returned from somewhere unknown, but you saw him lean against a tent and watch near John the scene of you and Javier as you sang through the night. 
“She’s some woman, huh Arthur?” 
He grunted in reply, but his eyes didn’t leave you the whole time. “A bit soft, if you ask me.”
“Oh, Arthur hush. She’s good and you know it. That’s why you keep avoiding her.” Abigail pointed out. John agreed causing Arthur to blush. Sure, you were wonderful, hell everyone could see that. And after six months it had become clear how well you fit in with the rag tag group. 
John watched him process, then handed the older man a drink. “Here. To calm your nerves.”
He mumbled into the bottle. “Ain’t gonna do anything now, Marston,” but took a long pull anyways. Abigail laughed behind her hand, and Arthur waved the couple away so he could think. 
Arthur knew it was true. His heart was a heavily guarded one, and he didn’t think he deserved someone like you; creative, with a good heart, but still able to defend herself and work hard if the occasion called for. You were funny, and bright, and made him laugh at things you never thought he would see. And so, so beautiful. The light from you spread and bounced off of everything you touched. It was unlike anyone he had encountered in a long time. 
The next morning, Arthur asked you to accompany him into Rhodes to drop off some mail for the gang. You agreed, excited to be getting out of camp and to have time to apologize about the previous day’s mess. 
Eclipse gave a happy nicker when you greeted her with an apple. You lifted your saddle up and over her back and double checked the girth as she liked to puff up and cause everything to slip sideways once you began to ride. All set, you hopped up and waited for Arthur to be ready. 
He was fiddling with the letters in his hands, and took longer than usual to set Zeus down the trail. Lenny waved the pair of you out of camp, and you breathed a sigh of relief as the tents faded out of view. 
“Mr. Morgan, you alright there?” 
Arthur looked over at you, a small flush of embarrassment creeping up his neck. Before he got a chance to say anything, Sean came bursting out of the brush on Ennis. 
“Mornin’ to you both, English and Galway! Ah, my two old mates. Where are you headed this lovely morning?” 
“Into town Sean, want to join?” He agreed happily and chatted with you during the short ride in while Arthur hung back. 
“Heard you got into a fight with Micah yesterday, YN. Love all the trouble you’ve been causing at camp! A shame I wasn’t there to witness it though, woulda loved to sock him right in the old kisser.”
You rolled your eyes at Sean while he imitated punching Micah with dramatic reactions. “Yes, I decided it was long overdue someone finally told him off.” He chuckled and you contiued. “No, but Arthur and Charles made sure things didn’t get out of hand. Or, should I say, that Micah couldn't hurt anyone else.”
Sean clicked his tongue. “Pitty I wasn’t there to defend you myself, I’m quite the brawler with a few licks of drink in me.” Arthur finally joined the two of you. 
“What are you doing hiding in the bushes, Sean? Some unlucky lady fall for that accent again?” 
“Nah, Morgan. I was looking for someplace to hide this map, but now that I think about it I might just give it to yous two. I don’t fancy running around the countryside for one measly treasure but I know you love that shite.” 
Sean handed you a ripped old map. It was intricate and detailed, and while Arthur and Sean conversed you tried to decipher it. 
There were three locations listed, one you had never heard of before. It seemed to indicate that at each place was part of a key, and once you assembled all of them you could unlock whatever the map was hiding. It sounded like fun, and you tucked it away to look over later once you left Rhodes. 
Once in town Arthur wanted to swing by the general store. Sean had something to pick up at the post office so he took the mail with him, leaving the two of you alone once again. With Eclipse and Zeus tied up outside, you walked through the mud from the recent rains towards the main building in town. 
Arthur held the door open for you and the clerk sweeping the floor waved and welcomed you in. The sweet red apples called your name, and Arthur was working something out with the cashier so you wandered by yourself and selected a few good pieces. Lately you hadn’t had a chance to pickpocket or steal much so your funds were low, but the fruits looked too good to pass by. You purchased two apples and left to sit outside and admire the changing of the leaves. 
The bell softly rang as Arthur pushed the door open and looked to find you. He sat down on the bench and rubbed his face, exhaustion pouring off from whatever kept him out of camp last night. 
You offered him an apple and he took it gratefully. 
“Truth be told, I’m not too keen about heading back to camp right away.” He was staring off into the distance while he spoke. 
“Let’s follow that map Sean gave us. Worse case scenario we spend the day riding around, best case we’re a little richer. You up for solving a puzzle?” You raised your eyebrows suggestively and handed the map to Arthur, who looked it over and began to chuckle. 
“Ms. Moore, you are full of surprises. C’mon, let’s head out I think I know where that first place is pointing to.” He stood and offered you a hand up, and the two of you set off, mystery ahead.
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Chapter Ninety-One: Blooming
Disclaimer: see Prologue
A/N: Thank you all for reading! I'm so so sorry for taking so long to post another chapter but I'm currently finishing my thesis and the process had been very chaotic. Warning: there are some NSFW scenes in this chapter. Read with caution. xx Bea _________________________________________________________
   Christmas break had started a process of healing for both Harry and Elle. Being close to his family during the few days after the celebrations had been key for them to feel like they could take a step further into their future. Little by little, Harry more than Elle, began to reconnect with William, Catherine and Charles. It was clear they had missed each other terribly. However,  their relationship which had been torn and was hopefully mending, would never be the same. They were different people now and would all have to adjust to new settings and new lives.
During the New Year's, their little family had ventured to St. Malo, a place that had a profound connection to their own love story. It had been a magical couple of days, where they soaked in the hot springs and ventured themselves in the beach, with Arthur giggling every so often once the waves reached his chubby toes, his voice bringing joy to his parents more than being away from all the fuss back in England ever could.
   When they finally returned to Kensington, their peace and tranquility was smashed into the floor and in came all their routine rushing back and soon they settled in comings and goings from events and engagements. With their Caribbean tour about to start, they had a lot to prepare for. Arthur, who would be coming with them, would soon turn one year old. Elle could hardly believe her baby was becoming a toddler with each passing and who would, very soon, be walking upright and talking in full sentences. Every time she thought about it, she got a little emotional to the point that one afternoon Harry found her quietly sobbing in their son's nursery while folding his baby clothes.
" Love, what's the matter?", he asked stepping into the room and gently caressing her arms and cheeks.
" It's silly...", she muttered, holding back tears.
" If it's made you this upset, it isn't. Please, tell me? I want to help.", said Harry, gently.
" It's just... our baby is not a baby anymore. He's going to start walking soon and talking as well... then he'll be off to school.", said Elle, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Oh my love, you knew this would happen eventually.", said Harry, pulling her towards him and holding her close by the shoulders, placing a kiss her temple.
"Yes, I know, I know...", she commented, breathing deeply as she stopped crying. "It's just... it seems to have gone so fast.", she continued and Harry nodded his head in, understandingly.
" All children grow up, love. And ours is no exception.", said Harry and Elle nodded her head sighing.
" I just wish sometimes that I could keep him like this... tiny and in my arms, forever.", said Elle.
"I think most parents wish for the same thing, love.", Harry said chuckling.
   As if on queue, Arthur began to cry and babble from his cot. Picking him up, Elle consoled her child in rushed tones and kisses, caressing his back and lulling him to sleep as she rocked him in her arms. Soon enough, he was once again asleep, dreaming, no doubt, of fun and colourful things, being watched over by his doting parents.
       Their second tour as a couple and first as parents began with a great start. Harry, Elle and baby Arthur, accompanied by their trusted secretaries Daniel, Lisa, Rupert, the nanny they had hired just for the trip who'd be taking care of their son while they were on engagements, and of course, their RPO's John, Alfred, Ingrid and Leo boarded the private jet at Gatwick Airport and travelled to Antigua and Barbuda, where they'd stay for a few days. In total, the Sussex and their entourage would spend two weeks traveling the beautiful and diverse countries of the Caribbean.
On their arrival at Bird International Airport in Antigua, they were, as was customary, greeted by the officials and representatives of the government. Side by side, the couples descended the stairs. Harry had his hand around Elle's waist giving her support while she carried Arthur in her arms. The warm weather and equally warm welcome was made all the more special by the happy tune of the local band and the colourful sights. They were redirected to the Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force Air Field, were Harry inspected the guard. They were then taken to the Governor General's home, Clarence House, where they'd be staying during their visit.
" Your Excellency, it's a pleasure to meet you.", said Harry greeting the Governor General, Sir Rodney Williams. " This is my wife, Eleanor.", The older man greeted the couple with smiles and a firm handshake
" Your Royal Highnesses, welcome! We're delighted to have you here. And may I congratulate you on the birth of your child, who might I add, is growing into a fine young boy.", said Rodney.
" Thank you very much, Your Excellency. We're very happy to be here and to be able to present our son to the magnificent sights and people of the Caribbean.", said Elle smiling. The couple was then taken to their room so they could rest for a little while. Elle took the time to shower and feed Arthur who was then put to bed. Then Ronald, Lisa and Daniel talked to them about the dinner party that evening and the events on the following day.
" The morning will start with a sport's event at the Youth Sports Festival at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium. Your Royal Highnesses will tour the grounds meeting local children and young people showcasing the many national sports played in Antigua and Barbuda and will take place on the awarding ceremony of that day. Following up, a luncheon with members of different charities such as the Halo Foundation and Nolan Hue, as well as cultural youth ambassadors. Your evening is free for you to enjoy as you wish.", said Ronald.
" Thank you, Ronald. That's all for now.", said Harry. The older secretary bowed his head and excused himself from the room. Daniel gave Harry a few other notes and helped him out with his clothes, leaving a few selections so that either him or Elle could choose from.
" Ma'am, would you like to select your dress for the evening?", asked Lisa. Elle nodded her head and together the women went through her options and settled on a minimalist one by Bermudian-British designer Catherine Quin. After all of their affairs were settled and their secretaries had left, they could finally relax before the grand gala.  Lying down on the bed, Elle briefly closed her eyes as she vaguely heard Harry tell her he'd take a shower. Soon, she listened to the faint sound of the shower water and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
With a towel draped around his waist, Harry made his way out of the bathroom to find his wife cuddling one of the pillows, deeply asleep. As gently as he could, he sat on the bed just beside her and started to softly caress her hair, running his fingers between the fiery strands, but she didn't stir. Then, he began massaging her scalp and that earned him a moan, which escaped past her lips, though she was still asleep. Finally, he began kissing her arms, neck and face... his lips trailing all of her curves in the sweetest, most loving manner her could muster. Slowly but surely, Elle began stirring from her sleep, blinked a few times and her eyes focused on his. She smiled at him and pulled Harry on top of her, small droplets of water from his hair falling on her skin and pillow. Lowering his lips on hers, they kissed. Very softly and gently at first, but their hunger started to build up in their core and their kiss grew more urgent, passionate and desperate.
" Easy love...", joked Harry as he felt her nails on his back. Elle didn't reply and instead, took the towel off of his waist and tossed it on the floor. Harry chuckled and towered over her, taking her wrists into his hands and pushing them down the bed, above her head. " Eager, aren't we...?", he whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. " This isn't very fair, is it? You still have everything on...", he muttered, whiled trailing kisses down her neck and collarbone, opening her blouse button by button, teasing her mercilessly with his tongue.
" Ha..arry...", she moaned as he worked his hands on her body until the very last piece of her clothing was on the floor beside his towel. He held her down to the mattress and kept on teasing her entire body. But Elle had had enough of it. Using all the strength she had, she pushed him away from her and turned them on the bed, so that she was on top of him, straddling his crotch. Smirking at him, she began to give him back the same treatment. Harry didn't even fight back and responded to her touches with grunts and moans, which she adored hearing. Finally, she lowered herself on top of him and started rocking back and forth, up and down, on a agonisingly slow pace, watching as his closed eyes and furrowed brow, gripping her waist. She took that as a sign and quickened the pace, the bed under them squeaking, as their moans, pants and grunts filled the room.
(end NSFW)
Collapsing on top of her husband, Elle panted and breathed deeply, sweat covering their bodies. She placed a kiss on his chest while his arms encircled her body, keeping her close to him. They dozed off for a few minutes before Elle's alarm rang. Lazily, they untangled themselves from each other and the bedsheets, each took a quick shower to rinse off their sweat and began getting changed. Soon enough, their secretaries were at their door, along with a hairdresser and makeup design who would be helping the duchess get ready for the gala. Before going to down the stairs, the couple took a quick visit to the room adjacent to theirs where Arthur was. The nanny had just given him a bath and was putting a very light baby grow on him. Upon hearing the sound of the door, the baby turned his head and grinned at his parents.
" Hi little cub!", said Elle picking him up, to his delight. " Have you been good to nanny Jackie?", she asked and her son babbled. She chuckled and kissed his head, cuddling him close to her as Harry moved to their side and continuously caressed their son's back.
" Was he good, Jackie?", asked Harry to the middle aged woman.
" He's been very good, sir. A bit fussy due to the heat but nothing out of order. I'll give his bottle in a short while then but him to bed.", said the nanny. The doting parents nodded their heads and said their goodbyes to their precious baby, making promises of seeing him later.
Once they were finally ready, they were escorted to the main hall at the manor, where the were greeted by His Excellency and his family, as well as members of the government. Before the dinner and speeches, they were presented with a performance of cultural dances and musics from Antigua and Barbuda, to the couple's delight. The evening then proceeded with the exchange of pleasantries between the two nations and the inauguration of a plaque dedicated to their visit at the new Clarence House.
In the following morning, they took place at a series of events regarding sports and youth groups, which were very dear to both Harry and Elle. They talked to children and teens, competed against each other, played with a group of teenagers, took place at an awarding ceremony and had lunch with representatives of a few charities. During the evening, they took some time away from any social gathering or event and enjoyed the beautiful sunset in the garden that oversaw the Nelson's Dockyard and English Harbour, along with Arthur. Having a small picnic they watched as the sun set low, its light painting the sky in a myriad of colours, that reflected on the water.
During the following weeks of their tour, Harry and Elle met a great number of people, of different backgrounds and ethnicities, who thought them a great deal about mutual cooperation, strength, love, happiness, resourcefulness and commitment to the causes they believe in. While also promoting the alliance between Britain and the Caribbean countries of the Commonwealth, the couple also forged alliances of their own, friendships with local authorities and potencial new charities who could be aggregated into their scope of action.
Arthur also enjoyed himself immensely. He had a few playdates, accompanied his parents to a few official events and was cuddles and given all the attention a child could want, as well as gifts from many people from a variety of nationalities. Presents, he would certainly cherish once he got older. However, by the end of the tour, they were exhausted and longing to go home. They left Guyana in a sunny afternoon in early February, arriving in London in the middle of the evening, heading directly to Kensington Palace, where they were greeted by William and Catherine and Sir Lancelot, of course, who was more than happy to shower them with licks, wiggling tail and happy barks.
" Welcome home, you lot!", said William, giving each a hug, followed by Catherine who did the same.
" How was the tour?", she asked them, while helping Elle out with Arthur. She smiled and the baby cooed in his aunt's arms.
" Excellent!", replied Elle. " We had lots to do and Arthur loved it.", she continued as they walked inside the apartment.
" Indeed. It was really nice to meet up and talk to different people of all ages and backgrounds and to work out strategies to help the communities grow and somehow make their lives better.", said Harry. As they all put away their luggage and settled in the living room with a plate of snacks and drinks in front of them as Arthur dozed off on his Moses basket with Lancelot close to it, the four adults made small talk and relaxed together, for the first time since Christmas. They kept on talking through dinner, which William and Catherine had brought over, and went through the night, laughing and remembering stories of their childhoods and dating periods. When the older couple finally left, Elle and Harry put their son in his cot and cuddled against each other in bed.
" This was nice, wasn't it?", she asked him, placing a kiss on his neck. He murmured an answer and she kept on kissing down the side of his neck to his collar bone.
" Yeah... felt like old times...", he whispered to her huskily.
" Thought so too.", she reply amidst kisses. The conversation died and Harry flipped her on top him as she straddled his body. They kissed passionately, hands roaming each other's bodies as their clothes were one by one being thrown to the floor.
" I love you so much, you know? Much much more than I thought I did yesterday but less than I will tomorrow.", said Elle to him.
" I love you more than I put so beautifully in words. But I can show you.", he said smirking.
" Do it then.", she said, kissing his chest. " Show me...", she whispered in his ear as she nibbled on his earlobe. And he did. Again and again.
As the months passed, soon came April and with it Arthur's first birthday. Elle and Harry were determined to make it the best possible birthday they could give their little boy. Winnie the Pooh and his friends were the theme they had chosen and Kate's parents were happy to provide the decor and all the assistance they needed to make the birthday bash. They've decided to make the party at their home in Sussex, South Hartfield, which was adjunct to the the Ashdown Forest, the very same which inspired A.A. Milne in the creation of the Hundred Acre Wood from the stories.
They would turn their garden into a Winnie the Pooh festival with balloons and stuffed animals, as well as toys and themed games. Elle's parents, aunt and uncle, cousins, Valerie and her parents as well as William, Catherine, their children, Mary, Rick and little Rose would be staying with them at South Hartfield. The party was going to be small and intimate but full of joy and fun.
Elle had made sure to research as much as she could about the forest and the Pooh stories because she wanted the feel of the party to be as authentic as possible. That being said, she put Harry to work on his skills on carpentry and woodwork to recreate Pooh's home. She watched in awe as he worked and was even a little turned on seeing him splitting wood and working with the housekeeper's husbands to make the makeshift shed. By the time to put it all together for the party on the following morning, his hands were a bit sore and he had a few bruises but he was proud of his work and so was Elle.
" It looks amazing, darling!", she said congratulating him with a peck on the lips. He beamed as he watched his work and Elle soon began decorating it as per the illustrations of the books. As they put it all together with the help of their family and friends, their garden and backyard soon started to look like the Pooh stories and its characters had really came to live and were there before them.
    She had dressed Arthur in a very cute Pooh outfit that even had a hood with bear ears in it, which made him all the more adorable. As the guests started to arrived and the kids to roam around the garden, Elle and Harry delegated tasks to other people and actually took the time to enjoy their son's first birthday and spend time with their loved ones, specially their goddaughter, Rose, whom they hadn't seen in months and was now a lively, bubbling toddler, who walked and talked in full sentences and was every bit her parent's image. Elle and Harry doted on her and the time they got to share with her. They also took a lot of pictures with her and their son, as well as hundreds of pictures of him in different moments of the day: behind passed on people's laps, playing with his cousins and other children, giggling and playing around the garden and in the hut Harry had built and finally, attempting to blow the candle on his three tear chocolate cake, topped with Pooh themed decorations.
At the end of the day, the family had had a wonderful time together, and indeed it had felt like old times. The laughs and smiles shared would forever be imprinted on their memories and on the photographs they had of this festive moment. For the months about to come would make theirs memory even happier.
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outlawsworld · 4 years
Trusting strangers - Chapter 2
Arthur Morgan x Female reader
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Summary: Reader reveals the truth about where she is from but is worried about the consequences.
Warnings: mention or abuse and rape. But just fluff.
Author notes: I enjoyed writing the first one so much that I had to continue. Please let me know if you like it and if I should keep writing. I know a fair bit happens in this chapter but it's all setting the scene for the rest of the story ❤️🤠
Chapter one here
''We got time'' The words rang in your ears like alarm bells. You knew you had no choice but to tell Arthur the truth.
You had played out in your head this situation many times. How you were going to tell the gang the truth. Hosea was going to be the one you told. He had always been kind to you and he would definitely listen to the full story. The last person you expected to confess to was Arthur but here you were. 
You breathed out a sigh and looked down at your feet. Arthur was still standing over you hand ready at his gun belt.
''Well go on, spit it out'' He grunted impatiently. You looked up at him straight in the eye almost pleading with him to not make you speak but it was no use. Arthur was not one to back down from what he wanted.
''My daddy owned a ranch just outside of a city called Saint Denis. He bred and sold fine horses. They were worth a ton of money so this attracted all sorts of people. Mostly rich people but also thieves as you would expect. There was only me, my daddy and my mamma. My mama was a small housewife that didn't have any fondness for horses. I guess they hoped I would be a boy so they had someone else to help. My dad didn't care that I was a girl because as soon as I could walk, I could ride. He taught me everything I know about horses and he knew a lot.'' You paused to look at Arthur.
His expression was unmoved. ''So you're a rich girl?'' He laughed under his breath rolling his eyes.
''Hold on a minute, I told you it was a long story and I ain't done'' you fired back irritated by Arthur's reaction. ''He also taught me how to shoot. Having so many good horses we had to learn to defend our ranch from thieves that came along. I got good at it too. I would spend hours helping my daddy on the ranch and then go practise shooting everyday.'' You looked back down at your feet.
''One night a big storm hit and I went out to make sure the horses were alright. I heard gunshots coming from the house but by the time I got there these men had killed my daddy and beaten my mama bloody. My daddy had managed to gun down a load of them before they stormed the house. I didn't have a gun on me and they soon grabbed me too. They kept me and my mama hostage for a few months. Feeding us next to nothin' and beating us when they wanted somethin' to do. My mama didn't last long, not with all the beatings before....well at least she is in a better place.'' You closed your eyes for a moment trying to hold back tears as you remembered the past events. Composing yourself you carried on.
''After she passed the men thought beating me wasn't as fun anymore. They needed something more...I tried to fight them off at first but I didn't have the energy. They would pin me down, rip my clothes off me and have their fun. There was nothin' I could do. I was defensless and weak. This went on for a month or two but it felt like a liftime'' Your voice wavered but not with sorrow but with anger and embarrassment. 
''One night, one of the men came and had his way with me but after forgot to tie me back up and passed out drunk. I managed to sneak through the house to my Daddy's gun closet. Got my hands on his best rifle and took out every single one of the men in the house. There were more of them outside and I knew they had heard the gunshots so I took off. Grabbed our best stallion and rode as fast as I could outta there.'' 
''Some came after me but I managed to gun them down but there was a witness and I was suddenly an outlaw. My face was plastered on every poster in town. No one would listen to me and if they did no one would believe me. I ran changing from place to place for a couple months. Pick pocketing and hunting to stay alive but I was barely breathing. I hadn't eaten properly in months. A couple of weeks back the men from my daddy's ranch caught up to me and gunned my horse down. They had me surrounded, I tried to give them a good fight but there was too many of em'. Last thing I remember was getting hit over the head with something hard and waking up to Bill finding me. They must have thought they had killed me because I know that they wouldn't have left me there if they knew I was alive. They would have taken me back to the ranch and kept me for their own entertainment. So there. Now you know everything. I've got absolutely nothing and there is a bounty on my head''. You sighed not daring to look at Arthur but needing to know what he was thinking.
The silence was deafening and you could feel your heartbeat getting faster. ''Why didn't you just tell us?'' Arthur finally spoke. His tone was now soft compared to the harshness before. 
''Tell a bunch of strangers there is a bounty on my head? How would I have known you wouldn't just turn me in?'' You scoffed at his question before silence again. Why was he not saying anything? You wanted to know what he was thinking but he wasn't giving anything away. Instead he just turned to his horse and mounted before giving you a look to do the same. You mounted up and kept a slow walk next to Arthur. Your chest felt tight as you hung your head low. The feeling of embarrassment and ashame overcame you as you realised there was no going back. Arthur, the man you barely knew and didnt trust, knew everything.
The ride back was quiet and slow. Neither of you had spoken a word to each other and it was making your mind go crazy. You knew as soon as you got to camp Arthur would tell Dutch and the next day you'll be turned in for your bounty. There was no use running. Arthur had proven he is not a man to be messed with and you knew you wouldn't get far. You came to the conclusion that this was it. There was no point in fighting anymore.
''I'm sorry'' Arthurs low voice brought you back to reality. Shocked, you looked at him and he turned to meet your eye. ''No one should av' gone through all that. Those men got what they deserved''. For the first time he was properly looking at you. He had no sarcastic tone in his voice and he looked genuinely sympathetic towards you. Arthur was the first person you had told and you expected him to just spit and laugh in your face but here he was actually showing kindness to you. 
''It's in the past now.'' You broke the eye contact between you both. ''You gonna tell Dutch?'' although you didn't want to ask, you couldn't help yourself. You had finally found people who were nice to you after months of tourchur and you didn't want to loose that.
''It's your past'' He paused looking away from you ''Not up to me who knows it or not but you may wanna tell 'em at some point'' You nodded gratefully in reply. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. All this time trying to find someone who would listen to your story without calling you a liar or trying to turn you in with no luck. The last person you expected to listen, to truly listen and understand, was Arthur. Maybe you judged him too quickly.
You both arrived back in camp in the mid afternoon. The camp was quiet as people were out doing their daily jobs. The smell of the stew coming from Pearson's pot was mouthwatering after the morning you had. Mrs Grimshaw was the first to greet you as you arrived at the hitching posts.
''Where the hell av' you been Miss (Y/N)?'' She looked you up and down and you dismounted Johns horse. ''We all thought you had up and left'' Her hands placed on her hips waiting for an answer. She looked angry but slightly relived that you had come back.
''It's my fault Mrs Grimshaw'' Arthur intervened ''I took her hunting with me this mornin', I needed more than one horse and she was the only one awake'' Mrs Grimshaw turned her attention to Arthur.
''Well next time let me know before you go off like that but at least you made yourself useful Miss'' She softened her tone when Arthur spoke up for you. ''Better get some food and get on with the rest of your chores then'' she smiled before she walked off to go and yell at someone else. 
You breathed a sigh of relief ''Does she ever take a day off?'' You smirked as you began to untack the horses.
''Nah but you'll get used to it'' Arthur smiled at you and nodded before leaving you to take the buck to Pearsons cart. You watched him leave with a slight warmness in your chest and a smile on your face. 'Get used to it' does this mean you will be sticking around? You assumed Arthur might still have intentions to turn you in and collect a decent bounty but these words changed your thoughts. The feeling of telling the truth with no bad consequences made you relax a little. You began to think if you thought Arthur was the worst man here then this gang isn't too bad..
The rest of the afternoon went quickly. You managed to get all of your chores done in very little time with the help of Tilly and Mary-Beth. You had become very close to these two girls in the short time you were there, almost enough to trust them. Trusting strangers was hard especially when you had been on the run for some time. You learnt only to rely on yourself but these were kind people and they were all in the same position as you. 
''(Y/N)'' You heard your name being called from the hitching posts. ''Come help me with this would ya'' Charles was stood by one of the horses lifting its front leg. Quickly you ran over to him to see what was wrong. 
''You alright?'' You questioned as you observed what he was doing. The horse was losing a shoe but it had twisted and stood on the nail. Before Charles had a chance to respond you grabbed the shoe and started levering it from the horse's hoof while Charles lifted the leg. You managed to get the shoe completely off and without any extra damage to the horses hoof.
''We need to make a poultice to stop any infection but she should be fine in a couple of days'' You patted the mare as Charles released her leg.
''You really know what you are doing, don't cha''' He smiled at you as you got to work with some herbs and material to wrap the mare's foot in. After, you and Charles sat in the shade under the tree observing the rest of the camp while you relaxed. 
You saw Arthur head out again with Hosea riding a big black shire horse. He never got a full day around camp before he was out doing another job again. You couldn't help feel slightly sorry for him as you never saw him truly rest. He must be tired constantly but he never complained as long as it was worth his time. The rest of the camp were beginning to settle for the night and you and Charles peacefully watched the sunsetting. 
''Seems like you have settled in well with the gang'' Charles smiled at you. ''I have only been riding with them for around 6 months and it took me longer to find my place then you have''.
''I just do what I'm told and ask questions later'' You giggled ''But I am glad to have been found by you lot, don't know where I would be if I hadn't'' 
"Probably would have starved" he smirked at you. "I'm glad they found you. I need someone who knows as much about horses as you do" he smiled gesturing to the mare from earlier.
"I'm glad too, like you say I would have died if it wasn't for this gang" you smiled back then looked at the mare. "lookin' after horses don't feel like a chore to me so always happy to help"
Charles looked at you and opened his mouth to say something before he was cut off.
''Charles, (Y/N)!'' Javier called to you both before gesturing to gather round the fire. 
"Come on, better join in or people will start talkin'" Charles helped you to stand and you both walked to join the group.
This became a routine on a night that whoever was in camp would gather round the fire to tell stories. This time Javier told his story and everyone listened intently. You looked around the campfire at each of the gang members and couldn't help but smile. This could work. You could stay here with them and learn to trust each other. The thought made you relax and smile which didn't go unnoticed.
''It's nice to finally see you smile'' a rough voice quietly spoke to you before sitting next to you on the log. He was hushed so it wouldn't draw attention to the rest of the camp. ''I don't think I've seen you smile yet, well not a proper smile anyway''. You looked to see John sitting next to you. He had fresh scars on his face and dark features. 
''Don't think I had reason to'' You turned your attention to him.
''Well it's a nice thing to see. I'm sorry I've never actually had a chance to speak to you. I'm John'' He smiled and held his hand out to you which you shook giggling.
''Why thank you John. (Y/N), nice to finally meet you'' You let go of his hand and you smiled back at the fire in front of you. ''I guess I'm smiling because I'm happy. Haven't felt happy in a while'' you admitted.
''Well...I'm glad you are happy. There ain't much we can offer but at least we have each other'' John looked around the camp and then back to you. ''You will be safe with us. By the way, thank you for going huntin' with Arthur today. I definitely wasn't in the best way this mornin'" he laughed gesturing to his head.
"No problem, it was nice to get outta camp" you smirked.
"I trust old boy was good with you?"
"Oh god, I forgot to thank you for letting me borrow her. Yes, she's a good horse" you smiled looking in the horses direction.
"That she is. Well you must have been good company because I didn't get an earful from Arthur when he got back" John took a sip of whiskey. "Normally I wouldn't hear the end of it"
You spoke to John for a while as you found he was easy to talk to. He told you how he got his scars and how Arthur and Javier had saved him. The scars were healing well and he was nearly back to full strength so he would be off running jobs again soon. As the night drew to a close John walked you back to your tent and wished you a good night before taking his leave. 
You laid on your bedroll in your tent staring at the ceiling. The smile was still plastered across your face and you finally felt like you were in the right place. Everything seemed to fit perfectly. What a day....you didn't want to let yourself get too used to this feeling as you knew that things could change in a day. But just for tonight you allowed yourself the feeling of happiness. You were safe for now.
The next day was slow. You had done all of your chores by midday and there was nothing much to do. The only reason you felt like this was because for the last two days you had been out of camp. So being cooped up all day was slightly boring. You decided to go round and see if anyone needed your help. John was just about to go on watch so you asked to tag along which he accepted gratefully. It was a nice sunny day without a cloud in the sky so you were more then happy to sit out with him.
''You know it's nice to 'av company for once. Can get boring by yourself'' He walked to the spot to keep a look out and you sat at the bottom of the tree beside him. 
''Well I'm glad I could tag along. I like to keep busy'' You admitted.
''Really?'' He asked surprised ''The rest of the girls are normally happy to 'av the afternoon off but if your ever bored feel free to join me'' 
You sat with John for a couple of hours talking about the gang. ''Nah, he's a lazy old man but he's harmless. Wait till he tells you stories from when he was young. That'll make you laugh'' John laughed whilst talking about Uncle. 
''I'll keep that in mind when I'm next trying to avoid him'' You were both in fits of laughter that tears were almost falling from your eyes. Soon you composed yourself and Bill came to take the next watch. Without hesitation you stood up and followed close behind John back to camp before Bill offered for you to sit with him as well.
John giggled at this ''You ain't a fan of Bill then?'' 
''I'm just cautious. He's never the kindest''. Plus you didn't want to admit it but you really enjoyed John's company and replacing that with Bill's would have been dissapointing. 
"Yeah I wouldn't say that but he ain't so bad. He's dumb as rocks but he won't hurt ya" John comforted you. He patted you on your shoulder, gave you a friendly smile and went to his tent for some rest.
When you reached the camp you went to sit with the girls and little Jack. They were braiding each other's hair and Tilly was teaching Jack to make a flower chain. You complained about how bored you had been all day and they all hmmed in agreement. Before long you were all talking about Mrs Grimshaw and how she thinks she is the one in charge around here. Once you had your hair neatly braided by Abigail you decided to head to your tent to have a nap but as you were making your way across camp you heard shouting as Hosea and Arthur arrived back from their trip.  
You carried on towards your tent expecting them both to go to the rest of the camp when you caught a glimpse of Arthur heading straight towards you.
''Y/N'' Arthur called to you. This was the first time he said your name and somehow it hit differently with you. Something inside you said if your name was worth learning then he had accepted you into the gang. You stopped in your tracks and before you knew it Arthur was standing in front of you. ''I've got something for ya'' He motioned his head to follow him and without question you did.
He took you over to the hitching post where a beautiful Black, American Saddler, Stallion, stood. You gave Arthur a confused look as you approached the horse giving it a firm pat on the neck. 
''You don't have a horse and....Well Hosea needed to sell one so....and I'm starting to like my new one. I thought'' He paused and looked at your shocked face as you realised what he was trying to say. ''Well he's yours if you want 'im''
Was this real? Had Arthur gone out of his way to get you your own horse. You looked at the beautiful stallion and back to Arthur. ''I don't know what to say'' Your mouth was hanging open but your lips were upturned into a smile. 
Arthur smiled at you ''I wanted to say thank you for helping me out yesterday'' He paused as you nodded at him with a grateful smile. His voice was soft and genuine again. ''This was the best one of a bad bunch, I knew I couldn't get you a cheap nag as I remembered you knew too much about 'em. Didn't think I would get away with it" Arthur joked but tried to keep a straight face as to come across serious.
''Thank you Arthur'' You smiled before fully looking over the horse. Arthur blushed under the brim of his hat at hearing you say his name. You could tell Arthur didn't want you to think he was capable of kindness as he made up the excuse of getting you a shit horse. But the more you looked over the stallion the more you knew that it was a fine one. It wouldn't have been cheap if he had actually bought it. ''I owe you one'' You said trying to look at him from over the horses back. 
''You can help me with a job tomorrow if you are up for it? Gives you chance to test your steed out'' He took the saddle off the horses back ''It's just a little house robbery but I need another pair of hands just in case something goes wrong'' .
''Sure'' You took the bridle off the horse ''but wouldn't you rather go with one of the men'' You gave him a questioning look.
''You are just as good as any of 'em by the way you handled yourself yesterday'' Arthur got a brush out of the saddle bag before passing it to you. ''Unless you feel you ain't up for it'' he teased you waiting for a reaction.
''Oh, I'm more than up for it'' you smirked at him before beginning to brush your horse down. ''I was just making sure''.
''I'll let you two get acquainted then'' Arthur gave you a cheeky smile before heading over to the rest of the camp leaving you with your new horse. 
You couldn't help but feel excited to go on your first real job for the gang. Does this mean they trust you. So many thoughts rushed through your head but the main one was......what do I name you? 
While you were thinking about names you heard a man screaming from the camp. You looked over to see what all the noise was and you saw Dutch, Bill and Arthur standing around the man they had tied to one of the trees. He had been there the whole time you had been in the camp. Tied to the tree like that for weeks on end. You avoided him most of the time as you had no idea why he was there and you were new to camp. Fratanising with the enemy wouldn't look too good for you. Occasionally you would ask him if he was okay but that was all.
They had pulled his trousers down and Bill was holding a huge pair of tweezers threatening to geld him. You watched as you saw Arthur's face hardened again as he threatened the man. He was so confusing, one minute you think he is a kind caring man and the next he does something like this. You had to think twice as you had done things you were not proud of too, to servive, and maybe that's all he was doing. Although he seemed to be enjoying this a bit too much. Doubt filled your thoughts and suddenly you couldn't help thinking maybe he was only showing you kindness to keep you on there side, to stop you running off. You might be valuable to them. There was already $2000 on your bounty, imagine if that went up the longer you were an outlaw.
You pushed these thoughts to the back of your mind as you watched them untie the young man from the tree. Arthur pushed him into a walk and Dutch hollered for John to go with Arthur and Bill. You managed to hear them talking about finding an O'Driscoll hide out. Before you knew it the four men were riding out of camp on another job.
"No rest for the wicked" you wispered into your horses ear.
You began to regain your thoughts. "Dallas, I think that suits you" you carried on brushing the stallion until he was gleaming and it began to get dark.
There wasn't many of you round the campfire tonight. You sat with a bowl of stew and kept warm by the flames. Someone grabbed your shoulder and you looked up to see Hosea stood over you.
"How you doing little lady?" He asked. He reminded you of your daddy in this moment. 'Little lady' used to be what he would call you but he also had the tender look in his eye, the same look Hosea was giving you now. He was like you dad in many ways the more you thought of it. He was kind and soft but tough and stern when he needed to be. Just the other day you saw him threaten Bill with his pistle because Bill was too drunk and getting on his last nerve.
"I'm alright Hosea, and you?" You answered back.
"I'm not bad, thanks for asking" he looked around the campfire for a minute. "Fancy accompanying me on a stroll round the camp?"
You nodded your head before standing up. Hosea held out his arm for you to link yours through as you set off on your walk. You were both quiet at first, it wasn't at all awkward but peaceful. The noises from the surrounding nature was relaxing, you could hear the water stream nearby and the sound of owls in the trees.
"Where did you get off too last night, anything exciting?" You decided to break the silence.
"Arthur and I decided to go hunt a bear I had heard about. The animal was about the size of a house and unfortunately got the better of me" he turned and smiled to you but he seemed troubled. "Arthur mentioned that you had told him about your past" you eyes widened as Hosea spoke. Suddenly your heartbeat raced and you began to look around for some sort of trap he was walking you into.
"Whoa, calm down there" Hosea petted your arm. "He didn't tell me anything just that you will tell your story when you are good and ready. He said to trust you"
You felt a sudden rush of relief which made you dizzy. Hosea saw the look on your face of panic and paused for you to say something. "It's not that I didn't want to tell you Hosea" you looked at him and you saw your farther in this moment. You went with your gut feeling which was screaming at you to tell him everything.
Hosea listened to every word as you spoke, not once turning his glance away. When you started to get upset he took both your hands in his and squeezed them tight. The warmth from his hands gave you strength and made you trust him instantly. After you finished he pulled you in for a long hug. You didn't know how much you needed human affection until the moment. The tears came streaming down your face and soaked his shirt but he didn't seem to mind. He was warm and you felt safe in his arms at this moment.
Hosea broke the hug before lifting your chin to look him in the eye. "You fit in here more than you know. We need you just as much as you need us and I promise that no one will ever lay a hand on you again" he smiled and you knew he wasn't lying. "Arthur speaks very highly of you, sees great things and now I do too".
You felt a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Maybe Hosea was right, maybe you did fit in more then you ever cared to realise. You both made your way back to the campfire and you thanked Hosea for everything before taking a seat. As you looked round the fire it was like you saw everyone for the first time. They were all outlaws running from something. They had all been scared and mistreated but they had each other and you were now part of that. Through all the shit you had been through, you thought no one would understand but everyone here would. Of course they would because they had all been through hell and back together. You just needed to learn to trust them and maybe you were already starting too.
Chapter 3
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