#i finally found the courage to write these ideas out at least lol
woodchipp · 7 months
Ngl, a big reason I'm obsessed with OMORI so much (and why it's as infuriating as it is to me) is because it had a lot of potential to be, at the very least, a decently compelling story and seeing said potential be so spectacularly wasted is just. horrible
I know that Mari and Hero are the group's "mom" and the "dad" only because the main cast needed to be pigeonholed into Tumblr found family roles, but the implication that Sunny views them as more of a mom and dad than his real parents - his biological mother and father only appear in portraits scattered throughout remote corners of his dream world - is pretty interesting! The game could've made a point that the financial well-being of Sunny and Mari's family came at the price of the parents failing to properly connect with their children; sure, their jobs are well-paying, but they're married to them, so to speak.
Mari could've felt compelled to care for Sunny as if she was his mom (with Hero trying his best to help her out whenever he can because he notices how exhausted she is) since their parents weren't around much in general. Alternatively, when their parents did have the time to get involved in their children's lives, they only pushed Sunny and Mari to perform well academically without paying attention to how it impacted their children mentally.
Maybe that could've been the whole reason Mari is a perfectionist, the emotional distance of her parents convincing her that she'll never measure up to what they expect of her and making her push herself to achieve an impossible ideal. Maybe that would've allowed Sunny to be characterized as a people-pleaser, always putting others' needs above himself because seeing Mari's hard work receiving praise from their parents gradually convinced him that being useful to others is the same thing as being genuinely loved.
What if Mari's knee injury forcing her to quit softball was indirectly caused by her own overworking? What if it was a significant blow to her already shaky self-esteem and she took up piano practice to compensate? What if her drowning herself in work made her more and more distant from Sunny? What if that made Sunny obsessively try his best to make his friends happy to the point of suppressing his own needs because he didn't consider himself important ("my parents clearly like Mari more and she's the reason why my friends are my friends in the first place, so why would I matter?") and because he was secretly afraid that Mari distanced himself from him since he wasn't good enough for her?
That way, their big argument would have probably been the result of their issues boiling over; Mari's perfectionism becomes unreasonable due to being exacerbated by her fear of the upcoming recital (with Sunny feeling that she wants the precision of a machine from him) and Sunny's long-suppressed needs finally make themselves known via him impulsively destroying the violin and starting the argument himself. Maybe Sunny could've put his hands on Mari in his rage (without shoving her down the stairs lmao) or viceversa.
And, well. Maybe that argument could've been the straw that broke the camel's back for Mari, the final push she needed to hang herself.
If Sunny was the one to put his hands on Mari, he could've blamed himself for making her feel unloved and erroneously assumed that she hanged herself because of him. If Mari was the one to put her hands on Sunny, he could've blamed himself for not recognizing that as a sign that she wasn't doing well. Either way, his situation would've probably become more genuinely tragic since he's beating himself up for circumstances he never had much control over. I think that'd have very neatly explained his status as a silent protagonist too - from his point of view, his beloved sister died the last time he dared to open his mouth, so he chose to deliberately flatten himself out because he's afraid of hurting anyone ever again.
Maybe the game could've subtly conveyed Sunny's efforts to move on from his grief via Mari's grave in the church's cemetery. Since I believe that the game would've had more time to properly pace its content if the events took at least five days, the idea could've been executed like this:
on the first day, Sunny wouldn't even see the door to the cemetery just like he doesn't see the closet room's door and like he makes the door to Basil's room disappear when he sees the latter's corpse
on the second and third days, the door to the cemetery would be visible if you visit the church, but trying to interact with it will just have Sunny shaking his head
on the fourth day, the cemetery would finally become accessible… except for Mari's grave. it would have collision, like there's a sprite supposed to be there, but it'd be invisible the exact same way Mari's piano is on the Hikikomori route, and when interacted with, Sunny would just say that "There is nothing here."
finally, on the fifth day, you'll get to see the grave and even lay flowers on it if you want
Maybe Black Space could've been an anti-Memory Lane of sorts instead of being a YN rip-off - if Memory Lane was supposed to represent Sunny's most cherished memories, Black Space should've represented the worst ones he had. What if Black Space actually provided set-up for the argument by chronicling the gradual deterioration of his relationship with Mari over the course of their practicing? It'd make sense that he'd try to bury these as deep inside of his mind as possible. There was a nice story here. It's gone now.
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fairysluna · 1 year
aegon angst please im begging on my knees OLEASE OLEASE
this is perfect bc I've been planning on writing an angsty drabble based on this song for so long and i finally got the excuse lol. hope you like it!!🤍
Songfic #6
is it insensitive for me to say get your shit together? So I can love you.
PAIRING – Modern!Aegon II Targaryen x Reader.
TAGS – angst, hurt no comfort, alcohol consumption, cursing, mentions of cheating, established relationship, mentions of family issues. if something is missing let me know!!
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You saw the clock hanging from the wall, biting your nails and sighing with despair. The feeling in your gut was giving you bad news, and the voice inside your head was trying to convince you to call him one more time with the fanciful idea of him picking up feeding your need to do it. You felt a hole in your belly where your stomach was supposed to be, and your body seemed to be unable to remain still in one place. 
4 am, and the last time you heard about Aegon was when he left the apartment and told you he would come back before midnight, for tomorrow he had a very important job interview early in the morning. Needless to say, he did not keep his word, and when the clock indicated that it was the middle of the night, you found yourself alone in the darkness of the living room, at the verge of tears produced by the worry and anger. Your cellphone remained quiet, no phone calls from him arrived. That only made you angrier, for he did not even think about letting you know whether he was alright or not; he did not even think how you had a sleepless night filled with pure distress due to the unavoidable concern. You called him at least twenty times during the night, and none of your calls were answered; you had already memorized his voice mail recording by heart. 
When the main door opened, your lost eyes found their way to the frame of it, and the first thing you saw was your boyfriend stumbling inside the living room; a green shirt ripped in the neck, leftovers of red lipstick on his neck, chin and cheeks, and sleepy eyes. You were already used to seeing that aspect on him, though you had naively believed that it would stop. But it never stopped. 
“Hello there, beauty,” he greeted you. He dragged his words as if his tongue was as heavy as a rock, holding his body against the door handle.
You pressed your lips in a thin line, you had the intention to scream at him, to yell at his face how much you hated him for doing this to you once again; but nothing would come out, your words would be stuck in the back of your throat, your mind too blurry with disappointment to even think in what to say; so you just stood up, grabbed your phone and left towards the room without uttering a sound. You heard how Aegon closed the door, and how he dragged his feet behind you as he followed you, but you did not even bother to turn around. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, and your heart fell to your stomach as you stopped walking. Once you finally had the courage to turn around to face you looked at him with disdain, as if he was mocking you without shame by asking something so stupidly obvious that it was insulting. 
“It’s 4 am,” you spat, already breathing heavily. “It’s 4 am and you just got home… it’s Tuesday!”
“Oh, Gods, I’m sorry, love…” he muttered, trying to step closer to you but you stepped back, rejecting his touch. “Arryk just got a new job so we went to a bar downtown and celebrated for him.”
“And did you forget that later today you have a job interview?” You reminded him, fuming already with rage burning through your eyes. You were barely able to keep it together, your nose already itching as you saw Aegon widening in surprise by your words. He had forgotten, he always did. “I can’t fucking believe it.”
“Love, listen-” his hand tried to reach for you once again but you slapped it away from you. 
“No, this is enough, I won’t listen to your pathetic excuses anymore,” you shook your head and your eyes became watery once you noticed the marks of lipstick on his skin. “I’m so tired of being the only one trying to keep us afloat.” 
“That’s a lie…” He accused you, narrowing his eyes. 
“Is it?” You chuckled incredulously, “I’m the one paying the bills, working my ass off so you don’t feel pressure to find a stupid job, but all you do is drink and live as if you were still a fucking teenager!” You raised your voice, making him shrink in his position. He took a step back, looking at you teary eyed. That would always be enough for you to soften to him, but not this time. “You’ve told me multiple times how your grandfather would yell at you to do your shit so I tried to be empathic with you and give you time, but I just-” 
A sob interrupted your words, making you choke in your own sorrow as you covered your mouth and quickly looked away from him. You closed your eyes for an instant and you slightly shook your head, feeling your heart being torn apart by the impact of reality against what used to be a fairytale. A shake breath came from your lips as you wiped your tears away and looked back at Aegon, who was standing as if he was a scolded child waiting to receive his punishment.
Those lilac eyes of him made you remember the beginning of your relationship, before you truly figured Aegon out. The first stages of a relationship were always perfect, relaying on the rush of adrenaline and excitement that a new feeling would provide; but now that it’s been four years, all that magic had vanished… sadly, the love and devotion you had for him was still making your heart beat, which is why it was so hard for you to pronounce the following words,
“I can’t allow myself to love you anymore,” you struggled to say, the sobs that threatened to escape you were making you choke and gulp. “Why can’t you get your shit together? Why can’t you grow up and act like a fucking adult?”
“You know it’s hard for me,” he excused himself, but you sighed. 
“And you think it isn’t hard for me too? I stay awake every night you go out, scared to death. I have two jobs so we can keep this fucking apartment so you don’t go back and live with your parents. Because that’s how much I care about you.”
“And I love you for that.”
“Then fucking prove it to me!” You gave an exasperated yell, “Prove me that you love me! Because lately I feel like you’re saying all these things just because you’re used to them.”
“How?” He asked, “what do you want me to do?”
And there it is, the disappointment crossing your face once again. You could speak to him, scream and yell a bunch of words, but he would never listen. He would always disguise his lack of attention with questions like this, even when you had been screaming the answer to it ever since he stepped into the apartment. 
You did not respond to him; you just shook your head as you made your way to your bag. You grabbed your keys, your phone and your wallet. Aegon frowned after looking at that action, and he tried to follow you around but his feet felt so heavy that he only stumbled in his place. 
“Where are you going?” He demanded an answer, “what are you doing?”
Once again, silence was the answer to his question and his eyes filled with tears followed your frame until you stopped in the middle of the door frame of the room. 
“My love…” he whispered, already feeling himself being sobered up by the anguish he started to feel inside his chest. “Please, don’t. Not you too.”
“You’re losing me, Aegon,” you muttered, loud enough for him to see. “Be aware of that.”
Once you closed the door behind your back, Aegon broke into silent sobs and cries. He had underestimated your limits, stupidly believing that you would always be by his side. Now that he found himself alone in a room filled with memories, the only thing he was able to do was to regret.
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GENERAL TAG LIST — @borikenlove @aemondsversion @jvpit3rs @watercolorskyy @kravitzwhore @valeskafics @clairacassidy @aemondx @randomdragonfires @gothtargaryen @melsunshine @urmomsgirlfriend1 @jamespotterismydaddy
AEGON TAG LIST — @lovelykhaleesiii @ganymede-princess @xfancyuu @megatardisbaby
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agaypanic · 1 year
can you do a reese request where your his best friend but you like him and you didn't get a chance to tell him before he left the army and you're mad at him for leaving and scaring you and you confess . fluffy and kinda smutty .
Come Back, Be Here (Reese Wilkerson X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Fate seemed so cruel to convince Reese to leave and risk his life because of a broken heart the same night you wanted to go to him with a heart full of love. But a few weeks later, fate seemed to be kinder. Because now he’s popped up on your doorstep, heart ready to be mended.
A/N: couldn’t think of a title bc i’ve already written something with kind of the same plot so i used a TS song lol
“What do you mean he’s gone?” You asked Malcolm on the phone. This had to have been some sick prank. “Malcolm, this isn’t funny.”
“Y/n, I’m not lying. He ran away and joined the army.”
“Why would he do that? Reese hates the government and anything that has authority over him.” The line was quiet, but you knew he was still on the phone with you. “Malcolm, did you do something?”
“What did you do?” Quiet again. “Malcolm?” He sighed, ashamed of what he was about to say.
“He caught me with his girlfriend when he went to tell her he loved her, and she broke up with him. He told me to take care of her, and we haven’t seen him since.”
“I bet you’re not even with her anymore.” You sneered into the phone. His silence confirmed it. “Oh my God, Malcolm, I think you might be the worst brother in the history of siblings!” 
“How do you think I feel, Y/n?! You think I’m happy about this?!” He exploded over the phone, his outburst shutting the both of you up.
“Have you heard from him at all?” You asked, voice breaking. You refused to believe that Reese wouldn’t contact his family at all. 
“He sent a letter; that’s how we found out where he went.”
“What did he say?” You asked immediately.
“He said he’s okay and that he wanted to wait until he was a success to write to us. He graduated first in his training post and got some kind of reward.” Your breathing quickened. Suddenly everything felt too real for you to handle. You told Malcolm you had to go before hanging up, a sob breaking through. You slid down against the wall, crying your eyes out.
You were absolutely devastated. Your best friend ran off to one of the worst places to run to, and you had no way to contact him or, at the very least, ensure he was okay. You felt guilty. So, so guilty.
You knew, realistically, none of this was your fault. The situation had nothing to do with you. But you felt like you could have prevented it if you were quicker.
You had no idea if it was the same night. But a few weeks ago, you had taken enough of pretending to be content with friendship. As cliche as it was, you had been silently in love with your best friend for a few years. One night, you had snuck over to his house, finally building up all the courage in the world to tell him. But he wasn’t home.
Now you know why.
You started sobbing harder. You hated this feeling. The feeling of missing Reese, who was somewhere in the world, instead of down the road where he belonged. Loving a man who couldn’t be confirmed to be alive and mourning him even though he wasn’t confirmed to be dead.
For the next two weeks, you were a mess. Your mom had to excuse your absences and later called you out until further notice. Extenuating circumstances, she said. It was sort of funny, in a cruel way. Extenuating circumstances meant a situation that provided an excuse for an action, but you didn’t even fully understand the situation yourself. All you knew was that Reese was gone, and Lois was determined to find him.
Some days you couldn’t even get out of bed. You would stay under the covers that protected you from the hurt and the worry and the fear. All you did was overthink, wondering where Reese was or if he’d ever be found.
Today was a better day. You took a shower and ate some food, eating in your backyard to get some of the sunlight you had been avoiding like the plague. 
Because you were outside, you didn’t hear the phone ringing in the house. And because you didn’t hear it ring, you didn’t think to check the machine when you came back inside. You went back to your room, cleaning it up a bit. But that soon felt like a mistake when you picked up photos of you and Reese that you’d been looking at. You reminisced all of the memories you shared with Reese over the years.
Share. You meant ‘share,’ not ‘shared.’ Because talking about him in the past tense like that alluded to the idea that he wasn’t around to share memories with you anymore.
Setting the photos down gently on your desk, you laid back down. As you drifted off into sleep, you failed to hear the phone ringing again.
Hours later, you woke up to banging on the front door. You were surprised your parents weren’t answering the door, but maybe they were working late.
“I’m coming! I’m coming! Jesus.” You rolled out of bed, exhausted despite all the resting you had done. You navigated through the house to the front door, where whoever was on the other side kept knocking. “What the fuck do you want?!” You shouted, losing the very little patience you had. You yanked the door open and were about to curse out whoever was on your front step, but the words you were planning to scream got lost in your throat.
“Hey.” There he was, in the flesh. Reese stood in front of you, acting shy. You felt so overwhelmed all of a sudden.
“Hey?” You were both taken aback by the anger in your voice. But you couldn’t stop yourself. “That’s all you have to say? Hey? Do you have any idea how fucking stupid you are, Reese?! Running away and joining the army, leaving me here to worry about you and wonder if you were still even alive! I can’t believe you, Reese!” The words soon became mixed with tearful stutters. Unable to take the distance any longer, you threw yourself on him. “I can’t believe you would do such a thing.” You were much quieter than before, face smothered in Reese’s shoulder while you sobbed into him.
“I know.” His embrace on you was tight, refusing to let you go. “I know. I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
“You scared me so much. I thought you weren’t gonna come back.” You almost started crying harder at the thought, even though he was alive and well.
“Of course, I came back.” Reese cupped the back of your head. “I couldn’t leave you.”
“But you did.” It was just a whisper, but he heard it loud and clear.
“I know. But I didn’t know what to do, Beth broke my heart, and I couldn’t go home to face Malcolm again.” You lifted your head from Reese’s shoulder and immediately, his hand moved to wipe the tears from your face.
“Sure, she broke your heart. But I could’ve fixed it.”
“You heard me.” Although it pained you, you stepped away, slipping from Reese’s hold. It seemed to have hurt him as well, based on his expression. “I was gonna see you that night. I wanted to tell you I love you, that I have for years. But you weren’t there.”
He just stared at you. You would’ve panicked, automatically assuming that you had said the wrong thing and that you had just damaged your relationship with Reese beyond repair. He wasn’t saying anything, but then again, he didn’t leave either.
That had to be a good sign, right?
“Say it again.” There was a sense of urgency and dominance in his tone as he stared you down.
“Say it again. Please.” He took a step closer. As if you could read his mind, you knew what he was talking about.
“I love you, Reese.” He pounced on you, taking your face in his hands as he pressed his lips to yours and pushed you against the wall. He kicked the door shut behind him, keeping you pinned. You came over your state of shock quickly, hands clawing at his hair and shirt. You don’t know how long you two went at it, but when you pulled apart, you were trying to catch your breath with swollen lips.
“I love you, Y/n.” You could help the grin that overcame you. Words you waited years to hear from him were finally being spoken.
“Stay.” You kissed him. “Stay, please.” You fell into a cycle of pleading and kissing him.
“I’ll stay, I’ll stay.” He silenced you with his own pattern of a promise followed by a kiss. The promise followed you two as you dragged him to your room. And the promise was kept when you woke up the next morning, covered in sheets and sweat and him, just to see that he was still there with you. And the promise was kept every day after.
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Hi there! As someone who really enjoys your Lords Of Chaos content, do you think you could write a male reader who’s Oystein’s identical, more introverted and less metal crazed artsy twin brother catching feelings for Pelle, the pretty boy from Sweden who likes dead things lol? I’ve seen the twin fic ideas done with Rory’s other characters, so I’m putting a lil spin on it. The two managed to bound over drawing and enjoying each others works. And one day, reader works up the courage to drive out to Mayhem’s practice place/house for Pelle’s birthday with a dead rabbit he found the road as a gift and just blurts out his feelings for him quickly. Then tries to leave out of embarrassment, but Pelle stops him and tells him he likes him too? They share a kiss, only to realize the rest of the band was watching the whole time. Who are very happy they don’t have to witness the two of them pinning for each other anymore, and Oystein jokingly threatens Pelle to not hurt his brother or else, cause we love good protective siblings in this house. Reading your fics have helped brighten my day when I’m feeling down, and I hope you have a good 2024 :)
- Two artists -
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warning ; fluff, comfort, kiss
Info : Thank you dear anon for the request I know I had it for a few months but now I had finally time writing it. Have fun reading and have a good day too ;)
They were more different than sun and moon than day and night than anything they both were. The family got used to joking around in the early years, even allowing the kids to pretend to be each other and enjoying their little jokes when it worked.
But the older they got the more obvious it became how they developed Euronymous as he would call her summoned himself to the devil, to metal music, dyed his hair black and drifted off into something none of his family really understood.
What everyone initially thought was a phase quickly turned out to be something he was absorbed in, something he would do his whole life. 
In contrast, his twin brother's natural brown hair was not loud, but quiet, almost leisured, not extroverted, but introverted and not into loud music. His creativity is in painting and not in music.
But the two quickly realized that they would both make something in their field that would change the world, or at least Norway, in one way or another, 
When Euronymous moved out of the house and left the room to his brother, he knew that he needed it more for painting. He devoted himself to his art studio and only saw his older twin from time to time. He won a painting competition in the city after a night out and Euronymous got one gig after the next, slowly but surely, with his band.
They both continued to develop and yet they always stayed in touch. If it wasn't phone calls, it was the brown-haired one's semester break meeting, who, when he wasn't visiting their shared family, visited his twin in the light wasteland.
The red quarry they had acquired was a little artistically stimulating, at least in one way or another. A view shared by someone from Mayhen's band. The blond singer Dead, who had joined the band just before the vacations and seemed to be the dark angel of music.
At least for Euronymous it was something that could take him to the top of the world. But for his brother, the blond was more not only on an artistic level as his muse but also as someone who painted himself, someone who shared such a passion.
That when they all met, they got into one or two discussions about drawing, painting and the most diverse motifs. Motifs that were close to the heart, like the blonde in the brown-haired man's heart. Something he didn't want to admit at first, something he didn't want to admit to himself. But in the end he had to realize that he had lost his heart to the singer and artist.
A fact he tried to keep secret but beyond his knowledge the black circle already had a hunch. Every time they met, they saw the blond drawing a portrait of something that was not his friend and band founder as they initially thought.
While Euronymous caught his brother reading occult books about death, which was not only extremely unusual but also true books that belonged to Dead. 
But all this culminated in one thing the brown-haired man knew he had to do. The birthday of the blond singer and the one he had lost his heart to. 
The silver car drove along the country road towards the house, fingers tapping nervously on the steering wheel, ,,A present," he muttered over and over, thinking of something to give the blond. Around one of the few bends and then his eyes caught sight of the snow-white rabbit lying on the road in front of him.
Hastily getting out of the car and picking up a blanket, he took the cold, stiff animal and put it in his trunk, a satisfied grin playing around his lips, ,,That's perfect," he muttered before pushing the accelerator and driving towards the house at a rapid pace.
It was only moments later when he found himself in the party that the music rang in his ears and he would have preferred to run out again rather than stay here. The quieter, more classical music was much more appealing to him, but the blonde liked the voice in the song and that was why he was here for Dead.
Moving forward, he pushed his way through the crowds of people who welcomed him and his grinning twin who pushed him towards the rehearsal room with a slap on the shoulder before the door closed behind him. ,,Dead? All the best-I've got something for you," he mumbled and saw the blond look up from the gift table, body color adorning his pale face and a slight smile playing around his lips.
,,You're here... thank you," he murmured and approached the brown-haired man who held out the gift to him, his gaze searching for his love. Before he took a shaky breath there was no other way, he had to do it now or he would never dare and would end up embarrassing Dead.
,,De-Dead I have to tell you something the gift, the painting the conversations I like it and I like...you what I want to say...I love you" he stammered his feelings for the blond his heart was beating up to his neck and he was afraid he would choke on it, his cheeks were heating up and he wanted to run out.
Dead, who looked from the rabbits to the other, seemed overwhelmed by both gifts. He was about to run to the door out of fear when he was suddenly held fast, the white rabbit still clutching Dead's hand.
The bright eyes full of devotion suddenly came true, ,,I-I like you too!" he shouted over the music as a smile appeared on the other's lips. He loved him too, loved him back and returned his feelings.
Dead gave the rabbit a grin that seemed genuinely pleased with the gift before pulling the brown-haired man into a careful kiss. He tasted the alcohol, the beer the blond had drunk, the sweetness of the snack it was sweet and intimate.
Suddenly a giggle was heard before the door opened and the band stumbled in at their feet. ,,At last!" Euronymous shouted to his twin and his singer and the others in the band congratulated them and only now did it come out that apparently they had all just been waiting for the moment. The moment when they had to strike.
As they extended a congratulatory beer to the brown-haired one, the black-haired one took the blond one aside. ,,You know that I value my little brother and you too, but I hope you know that I wouldn't hesitate to shoot you sooner than necessary," he warned with a smile before he put the blond in a headlock and rubbed him over the head until he protested and broke away.
,,Come on, let my muse live!" The brown-haired man shouted and patted his brother gently on the shoulder before he pulled Dead close again and gave him another soft kiss while the band had an even bigger party. A party in which satanic powers met two artists united in love - there had never been anything more unequal and epic.
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greetingsapartment · 1 year
my very very very long introduction to the welcome home fandom + set of rules
hello everyone!!!!!!
i got into welcome home a little while ago now, and i have finally gotten enough courage to put my headcanons and writing out into the world! and of course, you can request! (when the askbox is open ^_^ of course!!) i do have a few obvious or not-so-obvious rules though, as per every blog! rules below the cut :) it's long!
you CAN; ✦ ask for '(character) and reader'! it is the only thing i specialize in after all on this particular blog lolol, types of pairings that that i don't do are in my 'cannot' section, and if your idea is not there, dm me and i'll see if i can do it! :o) ✦ if you guys have anything in particular you'd like to share, i would love to hear it! i encourage it!! i like hearing everybody's ideas on things! personal headcanons, ideas or thoughts on a character or two, it's all a-okay with me! you can even ask me what i think on a character @:) ✦ ask for fluff, some light angst, hurt/comfort, go wild with it! headcanons galore!!!!!! ✦ ask more than once!
✦ just send silly stuff into my askbox LOL, try not to blow it up though!! you CANNOT;
✢ ask for NSFW, incest, or anything of the like. the first of which (NSFW), clown themself has prohibited because they're not 100% sure if they're comfortable with it yet, and the rest of it is just a blatant, heavy no. ✢ ask for anything on gore or anything TOO heavy on a dark subject. please DM me if you're curious what goes over the line, it's just that i am a person too! sorry if this disappoints!! :( ✢ ask for anything other than GN reader. sorry :( i just prefer to stick with GN as it applies to everybody who might pass by my post, and if they decide to read it, i want it to apply to them!
✢ ask for oc/character :( again, i'm sorry! there's nothing wrong with that kinda stuff, i've just never been too good at it, as i don't know much about your oc! established characters have always just been easier for me, but i could change this in the future! ✢ ask for character/character yet! it's still undecided for me as i'm not quite sure how everybody feels on some ships, as even when all some ships are completely normal, the shipping discourse is REAL across every fandom.
✢ ask for frank x reader (romantic) or eddie x reader (romantic), sorry to all frank and eddie simps out there💔just not my place! extra info i will have to update my set of rules and the characters i will write for as time goes on, as new information will inevitably come out, and my writing may be TOTALLY out of character as well! but this blog is simply for fun, and as time goes on, things will change :) and i will adapt accordingly! if i get anything wrong about the characters, please do inform me in DMs! i will resolve the issue as quickly as possible, and make an attempt to edit, or delete the posts in the worst case scenario! i do keep myself updated on them to the best of my abilities, but sometimes i will miss things! even if it is something small, do not hesitate to inform me that that character actually HATES that food, or dislikes being around that kind of weather! and please link me to the source of the info you found if possible, or try to direct me better to it! if and when i receive a request for a reader with any disability or condition, i will try to write it the best i can, even if i do not personally have it or have ever experienced anything like it. if there is anything i can do to improve on my writing with certain subjects, DM me! i will take whatever you give and do my best to include it :) please do not criticize me too heavily for my writing skills. i am still improving on it as we go along, so try to hold back on anything like that! i am not the fastest at getting requests done, but i will definitely try, and i am hoping life doesn't get too busy! if the askbox is closed, do note that it is probably because i have at least 5 or more requests in it, and i need to sort through them, and take my time! or i may just want to write for myself atm! i hope that is reasonable :) i am a HUGE julie fan, if you request for her i am more likely to leave a huge chunk bitten out of my monitor and have eaten all the key caps to my keyboard with only the letters "J U L I" and "E" left. i love writing for julie LOL 😭😭😭 that is it, from what i know! do what you will with all of this, and enjoy yourself, neighbor!!!!!
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
Hi Mermie! I’m a longtime lurker, and I finally gathered the courage to let you know how much I love your writing! Thank you for sharing all your stories with us :)
If I may, can I ask your thoughts on something? I’ve been wanting to start my own writing blog for years now, but I also one day want to traditionally publish an original novel of my own. Do you think the risk of being found out as a “fanfic writer” is worth? A lot of popular authors these days got their start writing fanfic, but I’m curious what your think.
Thank you again! <3
This was the first of two asks I got within a day asking about the fanfic-writer-to-traditionally-published-author pipeline, lmfao, so I’m gonna answer them back-to-back! Like neat lil bookends. 📚
I think it can be! Are you embarrassed by the idea of your fics and your original writing being connected? 🥺 I know people like to weaponise the idea of the fanfic-to-pubbed-author pipeline against writers and books they don’t like, but to be honest I always see it as an inevitable next step for a lot of people LOL. People love the idea of telling stories! I have friends who aren’t writers naturally, that pine about wanting to publish a book—so the fact that so many fic writers find their way into publishing original content doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. I do have mixed feelings about filing the serial numbers off of a fic, LOL, but I don’t think there’s any real risk to being discovered as a fic writer these days (unless someone is a plagiarist, of course, which case there is a very big risk and maybe that plan should then be reassessed LOL). It’s so popular! It’s getting normalised, or at least is taking up enough space that involvement in it doesn’t have to be career-ending. There might be legality problems, maybe, but I don’t have the qualifications to comment on that because I honestly have no idea about it. 😭
It just depends, I reckon! On several things! How comfortable you are with your fics and original writing being associated with each other. What genres you’re writing them in. How you write them. How you act on your fanfic blog, vs. how you eventually act online as a traditionally published writer. Like, if you wrote anime boyfriend smut and then write non-anime boyfriend smut, and acted the same on your tradpubbed accounts as you did your fic ones, I don’t see how being pinged for writing fanfic could be that bad. It’s more about consistency, I reckon, than what you’re doing. People love the excuse to be a hater, and under that mentality everything is fair game, so sure, maybe one day someone will try to use your fanfic against you—if you’ve been consistent with how kindly you treat people and the things you like to write, the most it will be is annoying.
And honestly? Unless you are absolutely zealous about keeping your identity private, you should always just assume that someone out there will eventually connect you and your fanfic account!! People are nosy and the internet is surprisingly shallow; it holds everything, just under the surface. You either have to make peace with the idea that your writing will be compared (and maybe used against you, because people can be jerks!), or you protect yourself and your future stories and keep a sparse presence, or go ao3 only. 🥺
Ultimately though?? I think it’s worth writing fanfic anyway. Even if you have to take a few extra, cautionary steps—being part of a healthy community is fun!! Especially a writing community. Being traditionally published seems like it can be quite lonely, really; it doesn’t seem to have the same kind of interaction, especially if you start off as a smaller author. In fandom we’re all apart of the same space—we exist as readers and writers together, and we talk to each other fittingly. In the published world that real-time feedback is limited. The spaces readers can gush about a book are reader-only spaces—they’re not for you, as a writer, because now you are separated from them (and rightfully so, tbh, so many authors are proving why the distance is necessary). I know social media now means that publishers like (and expect) their writers to be online and gather and maintain an audience, but that can backfire so easily. Look at how authors shoot themselves in the foot by lashing out a bad review on goodreads! There’s worse things to happen to a writing career than being outed for writing fanfic. As you said, so many popular authors got their start with fanfic! I mean, the Reylo community is thriving, for instance—and the Dramione kiddos are beginning their trickle over, with writers like Olivie Blake.
Even if you have to be vicious about protecting your identity, I reckon fanfic can teach you a lot. Like how to handle (or not, lmao) the rudes; how to refine what you’re writing, and what you’re good at—and what people will respond to, in your stories. The hard part for all writing, fic or original, is finding your people—your audience! Because they need time to learn to trust you and trust the stories you tell, and that can be hard when you’re trying to do it with the weight of a publisher’s expectations behind you, making you do little tiktok dances—or whatever—for attention. 🥺 If you start a fanfic blog and you get popular enough, you’re at the very least giving yourself options, because you’ll have people there that already like your writing, and you. People who might be interested in reading whatever original material you publish, beyond fic (people who might like watching the tiktok dances!!!).
I’m (very clearly lmao) not an expert in the publishing industry, or the general attitude to fanfic-writers-turned-authors. There very well might be an unspoken convention that means they’re more likely to be distrustful of a fanfic writer. Maybe there’s some really severe expectations in monetising that pre-existing readership that was originally there for the love of the story, and the fandom it came from. All this casual gluttony, when it comes to fanfic, might already be effecting (affecting? I can never remember) the industry, as more and more fanfic readers and writers hit adulthood and get Big People Jobs in imprints and as editors or agents.
The only thing you can do, Anon, is a) decide what you’re comfortable with, and b) how best to tell the stories you wanna tell. Whether that’s on AO3 or tumblr or a manuscript in an submissions inbox. I hope you get to write lots of stories, Anon—and that they find their people, no matter where or how you’re telling them. 💕
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astromechs · 2 years
3 and 9 for the writing meme?
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
for the longest time, i treated my writing as exorcised demons that i wanted nothing to do with once they'd left me gjdhd, but in recent years i've found at least a couple of things that i revisit that i have emotional attachment to.
probably the one this is most true for is keep whatever it is (that's compelling you on). it's not that long (just above 2k), but it represents finally getting courage to put something out there about characters who have meant a lot to me for more than half my life, and it was a collection of ideas i'd had for years before i ever wrote it. the matrix resurrections turned out to be a lot different than anything i'd imagined -- in a good way! but i still hold this story close to my heart as something i'm really, genuinely proud of, and attached to.
9. what's your writing process like?
chaos. pure chaos. i can not write for months and then write like 20k words in a week or less in a fit of hyperfocus (i have ADHD, so that... explains a lot about this; i tended to operate in school by the nothing-hyperfocus cycle too lol). i'm trying to get better about at least writing individual scenes in order, but i tend to put things together in a very non-linear fashion. sometimes music helps to set the mood, sometimes it distracts me. honestly, i usually don't know what's going to happen when i sit down to write, which makes it a fun adventure for a hobby, and is probably a good thing that i don't do this professionally 😂
ask me deep writing asks!
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ghostgirlvii · 4 months
As someone who really wants to share her ocs to the fandom ( art and fic wise mainly my ghost ship too) but is terrified to because ANXIETY do you have any tips or ideas?:( (I love your blog btw ❤️)
Hi there!
Short answer; Do it! Who cares? Have fun!
Long answer. First, I know very well what you mean. It took me a while to post about my OC for various reasons. I think the very first post I did was a bunch of redraw meme and I was terrifyed. Then I eventually gathered up some courage and did post more about her. I also took time to understand said OC, really flesh her out and everything, something I usually don't do when I share for the first time lol So she was ready for the world.
Second, English isn't my native language but I still love to write fic or at least, CoD made me fall in love again with it. I had a terrible experience when I was 13 that made me stop sharing anything and write in general, especially anything that would involve Canon characters. If English isn't your first language, I recommend to read some tips on how to write or just read! Reading books or other fics actually can help, especially to find how you like to write. And then just post to your heart content! You can check my side blog form my OC @stg-scottymoreau . (personally I like having a side just for her, so I can keep my main not over flooded with fic and all)
Third, I have been in many fandoms in the last two decades (oh boy I'm showing that I'm old lol) and I know even back then, Canon X OC was always regarded weird or the usual 'war' ''no i'm shipping X with my OC! You can't have him/her!'' Althought it might still be a thing, I personally don't give a damn. Obviously other people will ship their OC with X (in this context Ghost is probably a very popular bachelor hahaha) I was sooo afraid as well in the beginning, but now I met other people who yeah ship their OC with the same Canon as me, and we just vibe supporting each other!
Fourth, this come as a tip because in this world it's easy to see people who create OC and somehow people are just going crazy about their OC and the creator is super popular and yada yada. And it become easy to compare, envy and feel unworthy. I know I did. But you know what? You don't need a thousand of followers to enjoy creating for your OC. You find yourself a little circle and then just have fun with these people. For a long time, even when I started to share my OC, there was only my best friend who was super supportive and into everything I had about my OC (she still is). Otherwise, it was hard to feel like anyone else was. Call it luck that someone found about my OC and start to share my stuff and then yeah I gained some attention but not that much hahaha I'm league away from the super popular level. However, I'm still with the same five people who 'support' me.
Final thoughts, don't let your fears and anxiety stop you from sharing something that probably means a lot to you. Just take the dive, do it! I did and even if took a long time before I found people interested in my creations, it was worth it. Let's be honest on the internet you will always find good and bad people, but the bad shouldn't stop you from having fun with the good ones! Who cares if people find your OC cringe? Cringe is fun as well sometime. You can't please everyone and that's ok.
Oh one last thing anon. Very important, the most important of all, show me your OCs when you finally feel like sharing them! I want to see!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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sei-hoe · 3 years
manager pt. 5
hello all! as always thank you for your love on this story.  i hope you like this new chapter! leave me a comment, i love reading your thirsty thoughts! also i recently remembered that shiratorizawa is a dorm school lol, so from now on i will write it as such oopsie. also!! i got all official and made a banner for this series, im so official!
Fem Reader X Tendou Satori & Fem Reader x Ushijima Wakatoshi
CW: blowjob, angst, jealous themes, manipulative reader, language, implied sex, spit kink
WC: 2.6k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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Clingy. That was the word you would use to describe Tendou as of late.  During school he was walking with you in the hallways, during practice he was standing next to you, after practice he was walking you to your room.  It wasn’t necessarily annoying, just strange.  His change in behavior was sudden and unprompted, at least in your mind.  
You had been the Shiratorizawa volleyball club manager for about a month now and your outlook had changed drastically.  What used to feel awkward was now second nature.  You used to flinch at what now was commonplace.  Being “used” wasn’t what it used to be.  Now it was something you looked forward to at the end of practice and you had actually become...dare you say it...friends with these guys.  Friends with extreme benefits that is.
But still, Tendou was different.  You’d catch him staring at you in a way that was different from the other guys.  You’d catch him staring as Ushijima would carry you out of the gym on his back and straight to the locker room.  He’d have a look that you used to not be able to identify in his eyes, you knew now it was jealousy.  It was the same look that you’d found on Ushijima’s face about a month ago.  
From Tendou’s perspective, it seemed as though Ushijima was hogging you, whisking you away after practice day in and day out.  You would always walk out of the locker room with wet hair and another one of Ushijima’s shirts on.  It was infuriating and just wasn’t fair.  Tendou had barely been able to talk to you recently, hence his rather clingy behavior.  But you were in heaven.  You were in Ushijima’s presence daily and were able to care for him how he deserved.  However, he had made it very clear that you were not his girlfriend as he didn’t have the time for such a commitment.  Another price you were willing to pay.
Another grueling practice ended a little bit later than usual, you noted the dark sky through the windows towards the top of the gym walls.  You were working on a bit of homework when the final whistle was blown signifying the official end of practice.  You stood up and began packing up your bag as the team approached the bench for a meeting.  Tendou was the first to arrive by the bench, coming up behind you for a hug, wrapping his arms around your upper stomach and resting his chin on your head.  His chest felt hot and sweaty against your back, instantly raising your body temperature.  You giggled, knowing exactly which sweaty athlete this was.  You and Tendou had become quite close, despite spending less time with him sexually, at least, during the last month.  It seemed as though you were never really alone anymore and Tendou was always around you.  It was nice, he had become a great friend to you.  The two of you were always flirting back and forth and unlike Ushijima, it seemed as though Tendou really cared about you, both emotionally and physically.  He always made sure you came before him and that you were alright after one of your umm...managerial obligations, whereas Ushijima didn’t care if you came at all.  Long story short, you always enjoyed the time you spent with Tendou.  
A few words were said per the usual by the captain and practice was dismissed.  Tendou, still holding onto you from behind, moved his hand further down to your lower stomach, began rubbing gently, and craned his neck down to whisper in your ear, “ya wanna get outta here?”.  You could hear the smirk behind his words as his hot breath blew against your ear.
“Mhm”, you murmured eagerly, missing your time with Tendou.
“Good”, he hummed in response, “because there’s something I’d like to give ya,” He accentuated his dirty talk by moving his hand even lower, “right here.” To say you had butterflies was an understatement.  It was crazy what a couple of words could reduce you to, but here you were.  
You walked back over to the bench to pick up your bag, but was intercepted by Ushijima who had a proposition.  
“Come back with me to my room”, he offered, stepping close enough to make you crane your neck up.  You looked behind you at Tendou, he was laughing with Semi, unaware that you were about to ruin his night.  It’s not that you didn’t want to fuck Tendou, you did, very much actually.  That’s just how whipped you are for Ushijima.  
“But I already told Tendou that I’d-”, you started.
“Go make up some excuse and then wait for me outside of the locker room.” he interrupted while he started for the gym doors. Ushijima was hardly in the mood to share you tonight, or ever really.  You watched him leave while standing and staring, awkwardly contemplating what to say to Tendou.  You mustered up the courage to walk over to him, smiling and saying goodnight to Semi as you passed him on his way out.  
“Hey, umm, I just remembered that I’ve got a ton of homework that’s due tomorrow and I just think I should probably-”
“What did Ushijima just say to you?” he caught you off guard with his question, although you should have been expecting it.  
“Nothing, I just have a lot of homework.” you quickly replied.
Tendou rolled his eyes, “Come on, we’re closer than that, you don’t have to lie to me.” His hands were placed on his hips in an annoyed fashion.  
You remained silent, thinking of anything you could say to ease the tension.  
“Ok, I’ll say something then.  Are you dating Ushijima or something?”
You shook your head.
“Ok...so then last I checked you were still the team manager, would that be correct?  Meaning you’re not just Ushijima’s to play with? Cuz there are other guys on the team that are stressed out too, if that’s what we’re even calling it anymore.”
You blushed at this choice of words.  “You don’t understand, I-” you started again.
“I think I do understand actually.  And just so you know, he’s never going to give you what you want.  You think you’re the first girl to fall for him?” He scoffed.  “I mean, fuck,” he ran his taped up fingers through his sweat-soaked hair.  “It just gets old, ya know?” Tendou looked so hurt and angry.  He opened his mouth to speak but closed it promptly and turned on his heel to leave.  You reached to grab his arm before he could slip out of your grasp.
“Wait, Tendou...please.” you whispered into his sleeve, despite being the only two left in the vast gymnasium.  “I don’t want things to be like this either.  You,” you paused to collect your thoughts. “You’re my friend and I love all the time that we get to spend together.  I always have the best time with you. But I can’t help liking Ushijima.  So please don’t be mad at me,” you prayed into his arm, still gripping at his sleeve.  
He finally turned around to face you, taking a deep inhale, he looked down into your wide, pleading eyes while exhaling through his nose.  
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that.” he looked away from you.  
“Look at you, how?” You prodded, widening your eyes and moving closer to him.  
“You know exactly how.” he smirked, bringing his hands to rest at your sides, lightly rubbing his thumbs in soothing circular motions.  Beginning at the bottom of his abdomen you begin running your hands up his stomach, to his chest, shoulders, and finally around his neck.  Standing on your tippy toes you pull him down to your level.  
“Can I tell you a secret?” you breathed in his ear.  
“Please,” he replied, his hands making their way down to your ass.  
“You’re the one that I think about. It’s your hands that I imagine are touching me when I’m touching myself. You always make me feel so good, Tendou.”
“Ughh why are you doing this to me?” He whined, tipping his head back.  It was then that you noticed the prominent tent in his pants, poking you in the stomach.  
You’d never seen Tendou so flustered in the short time that you’d known him.  He was usually the one making you flustered, not the other way around.  It was a nice change of pace.   It was also refreshing to know you had a kind of power over him, the kind to make him lose his mind.  
“You sure you can’t bail on him?” He asked, hope gleaming in his red eyes.   It made you pause to think about your options, a wicked idea popped into your head.
“Come wait with me?” you began pulling his arm towards the gym doors.  He looked confused, but followed you anyway.  Maybe you needed to give Ushijima a little push, it’s only a bonus that you get to makeout with Tendou too.
The concrete bricks felt cold against the backs of your legs as Tendou shoved you against the locker room corridor hallway, the entrance to the room just around the corner.   One of his hands cradled the back of your head, protecting it from the hard brick while the other pressed bruises into your waist.  His chapped lips scraped against yours in a heated kiss, tongues fighting for dominance, his eventually winning as you whined into his mouth.  He broke the kiss to stroke his own ego, his hands trailing down your sides to play with the waistband of your shorts.  
“So you really think about my hands touching you when you play with that cute little cunt?”
“Please Tendou”, you moaned in response.  
“I think you’ve had enough attention for today, fucking teasing me for the last fifteen minutes. Hell, the last couple weeks actually.  You fucking rile me up just to go fuck some other dude.  You like being a little slut? Hmm?”  
You were at a loss for words.  As much as his words were turning you on, you knew there was some truth behind them.  He was onto your antics and done with them.  
“You think I don’t know why we’re making out right by the locker rooms?  Are you trying to make Ushijima feel like he’s missing out or something?  Being all cute with me to show him how good of a girlfriend you’d be? Well fuck that shit. Get on your knees slut.”
He removed his hand from your waistband and brought them to your shoulders guiding you down to your knees. You couldn’t even rest on your calves, you had to stand up as tall as you could on your knees to be eye level with the imprint in his shorts.  
“Fuck, it doesn’t take much, does it?” He scoffed as he pulled his shorts down to reveal his hard, heavy cock.
“Aw you didn’t think we’d take it this far, didja?  Better make this quick if you don’t want your boyfriend to catch us!” Tendou tilted his head to the side, a smirk plastered on his face while he caressed the top of your head.  
You opened your mouth to lap up the precum on his tip, swirling your tongue along the soft skin on the head of his cock.  
“Nah, I don’t feel like being teased anymore today.” Tendou spoke as he readjusted his grip on your head, scooting you back until you were trapped between the painted brick wall and his body.  You didn’t have a moment to adjust before his cock was plugging up your throat, making you gag around him.  The pace started brutally, shoving in and out of your mouth.  It was all you could do to keep up, running your tongue against the engorged vein on the underside of his cock.  He never eased up until you tapped his thigh signifying you had enough.  
“Too much?” he condescended.  You looked back up at him with watery eyes, swallowing as many breaths as you could before it all started over again.  
“This would have been much nicer for both of us if you hadn’t ditched me,  I would’ve made you feel so good, baby.”  He paused to take in your appearance, you looked so pretty like this.  Your hair was a mess, eyes watery, lips so fucking swollen, drool dripping down the sides of your mouth, your chest heaving, and he had a great view down your shirt.  Is this what his captain got to see everyday?  The thought filled him with rage.  If he had known he’d come to feel this way about you, he would’ve just asked you out, not asked you to be the manager.  Ushijima wouldn’t have ever noticed you had it not been for him!  Fuck, that’s annoying.
“Ya ready for a little more?”
You smiled at him through bated breaths, nodding your head.  Things hadn’t gone exactly to plan, but you were still having a good time.  You opened your mouth, closed your eyes, and stuck out your tongue, ready for whatever he had to give you.  Tendou bent down into a squat until his mouth hovered just above yours.  You felt something warm and sticky hit your tongue, you opened your eyes only to find a thin line of spit connecting Tendou’s lips with the liquid pooling in your mouth. Did he just spit in your mouth?  Before you could say anything he was back on his feet, cock in his hand, rolling it in the spit laying on your tongue.  He inched his way back into your throat, watching your eyes water with every thrust of his hips.  
“Fuck you’re gonnna make me cum if you keep looking at me like that.” He continued thrusting, your throat convulsing around his cock.  
“You’re gonna leave here with a tummy full of cum, ok sweetie?” His breaths and thrusts were becoming stuttered, he was close.  
“You’re gonna fuck Ushijima with my cum swirling around in your stomach.”  He whimpered, talking himself into an orgasm. With his hips giving one final thrust, you felt the back of your throat flood with cum.  Tendou held his hips flush to your mouth for a few seconds, emptying himself completely into your stomach.  He hissed as he pulled your head off of his now oversensitive cock.  
“Lemme see.” he sighed.   You stuck out your tongue, displaying your empty mouth to him.  
“Mmm good girl.”  He offered you his hand to help you up off of your knees.  He tucked himself back into his pants as the locker room door creaked open.  
“That’s my queue!” Tendou pulled you in for one final kiss, moaning as the taste of his cum hit his tongue.  And with that, he shrugged his backpack onto his shoulders and took off walking down the hallway.  
You walked face first into a warm chest when you rounded the corner leading to the locker room door, looking for Ushijima.  Looks like you had found him.  His hair was still damp from the shower, his body was warm and humid through his clothes.  
“Are you ready to go?” He asked.  
“Yea-” you cleared your throat.  “Yeah!” That’s better.  Your voice was horse and your throat was sore.  
Ushijima noted your appearance.  Your hair was messy and your makeup was smudged.  Your lips were bright red and your chin was glistening.  He took your hand in his to begin the quiet walk to his dorm room.  He heard footsteps in the opposite direction, only to turn around to see Tendou walking away from the two of you, a slight pep in his step and unknownst to Ushijima a smug look on his face.  
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garbagevanfleet · 3 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: mentions of sexual content, feelings, cigarettes Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place.
Notes: HI EVERYONE! I’m sorry I’m so inconsistent lately. I promise that the next chaptered fic I write, I’ll only start posting it when I’m done writing it. I hope you like this chapter - its incredibly sappy because I’m on my period lol
As always, big thanks to my beta, @lantern-inthenight​ <3
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taglist: @valleyd0ll @satingrass-maidensfair @guitarfingers @thebohemianpenguin @peaceisouranthem @oblvions @hansonobsessed @myownparadise96 @anditsmywholeheart @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies @bigblack-catattack​  @dharma-divine​
“Remind me again why you want to ride separately from your brother?” You looked pointedly over at Josh, who was smiling as he ran a soapy rag over the plate you’d just finished eating off of. 
“I already have to spend my whole winter break with my family, no need to rob myself of alone time with you,” he explained like it was obvious. 
A huff escaped your lips. You pushed away from where you had been leaning against the counter and wrapped your arms around his neck from behind. You laid your head in between his shoulder blades, feeling him turn to nuzzle his nose against your arm as it laid on his shoulder.  
“We spend so much time together - like every day - which I’m obviously grateful for,” you said, half-muffled by the material of his sweater. “But don’t you think it just makes more sense to carpool?” 
You couldn’t see his hands, but the movements you could feel told you he was wiping the extra water off of them before turning around and pressing your chests together. His lips lightly brushed your temple as he spoke. 
“You’re right,” he agreed, though you knew him well enough to know he wasn’t about to just relent. “It does make more sense - I just don’t want to.”
You let out a breath, frowning as you tried to figure out if you should say what you were thinking. After a moment of working up the courage, you cupped his jaw with your right hand, knowing full well that the sweet gesture would help him swallow the discomfort your words would cause. 
“Josh,” Your voice was low and quiet, but as you met his eyes, you chickened out. They were so honest, looking at you like your presence was the only thing keeping him grounded - like if you left, he’d just cease to exist. You made a mental note to have a talk with him about that at some point, but you decided it would have to be after you’d returned from Christmas break. 
“Hm?” You must have been contemplating too long, prompting his features into a look of concern. You couldn’t bear it. 
“Jake is going to ride with us,” you said decidedly. “I already told him he could.”
That was a bit of a lie - he had mentioned it a few days ago and you had said you’d run it by Josh, but you had just made up his mind for him.
He huffed a laugh as he rolled his eyes playfully at you. “Sounds like you’re already communicating better with my family than I have in months.”
“Well,” you started, giving him a pointed look - the kind you only give when you feel confident that you’re right. “I think that would mean communicating with them at all. Honestly, Josh, I know you-”
You were abruptly silenced as he placed his forefinger across your open lips, a half-smirk on his face. 
“It’s okay,” he assured simply. “He can ride with us.”
A smile spread across your face underneath his finger. “Good. Have you started packing?” Your words were muffled under his touch.
“Eh,” he replied with a noncommittal shrug, lowering his hand to brush his thumb across your chin. 
“Do you want help with that?” you inquired cheekily. “Because, you know, we leave in two days.” 
He appeared to consider it for a moment before nodding. “Actually, yeah, that sounds nice. You can sit on my bed and watch while I pack really inappropriate clothes for the occasion.”
You half-snorted out a laugh, rolling your eyes because you knew that’s the reaction he was aiming for. “How about I just pack for you?”
For the first time since knowing him, you saw Jake Kiszka wearing a jacket. It was long and dramatic and nearly brushed the top of the snow as he made his way out to your car with a leather duffle bag in his left hand.
He opened the rear, passenger-side door and tossed his bag in next to yours and Josh’s before sliding in next to it. 
You greeted him cheerily, to which he shot you back a smile as a reply.
“You’re actually wearing a coat,” you noted as he pulled the seatbelt over his form and buckled in.
He hummed amusedly, reaching into his pocket and popping a stick of gum in his mouth. 
“I’ve found that he doesn’t usually dress like a slut to go home,” Josh replied instead as he turned a lighter around in his palm, absent of the task. 
“And if I didn’t wear a coat home, I’d never hear the end of it.” 
Josh nodded in agreement, and then you watched a shit-eating grin spread across his lips. “I’m kinda surprised Kate isn’t coming with us today, to be honest. Are you waiting until Easter just to make sure?”
You were busy pulling out onto the road, so you didn’t see it, but you could imagine Jake deeply rolling his eyes at the question. 
“I would bring Kate home - it would make me truly happy to physically see Mom die a little inside when she starts trying to talk about amphibious breeding cycles at length during dinner,” he mused, voice clear of any kind of sorrow. He finished simply and with a smile, “But she isn’t my girlfriend.”
“I don’t know, it seemed a little sus when I showed up at her house in the morning and you were already there, chillin’ with her dog,” you replied in a sing-song voice. 
“I wasn’t already there, I was still there.” You felt him place a hand on your shoulder, and slap his other one against Josh’s. “Not all of us have the luxury of just being able to pop down the hall.”
“Fair enough,” you relented, feeling your face flush warm. 
“Or the shower. Or the kitchen that one time,” Josh added unhelpfully, making your eyes immediately pop open. 
“Josh,” you scolded and quickly considered reaching over and slapping him, but decided it was unsafe to drive and strike a passenger at the same time. 
“No, this is good,” Jake assured through a smirk you could hear. “Let him get it all out before we get there.”
Josh snickered back, “You’re such a prick.”
The Kiszka homestead was almost impossibly cozy. There was a basket of blankets by the big sofa (much nicer and fluffier than the blankets at your apartment, which had been flattened and matted to the point of complete defeat) and the furniture was centered around a glowing, stone fireplace. Josh’s mom had hugged him for a long moment upon your arrival - a gesture that made your throat feel tight as you watched her fingers flex in the material at the back of his shirt. 
She was sunny and kind to the point that you could clearly see Josh’s mannerisms reflected in hers, and the dinner she laid out on the dining room table seemed impossibly large to you, having come from a home with just three people in it. 
When she asked you how you liked Midwestern cooking, you gushed about it for - what was undeniably - too long. You’d never say, but you weren’t positive that part of it wasn’t just not having had a real home-cooked meal in months. 
You had come to decipher that Josh had told his family that you were just a roommate that didn’t have a place to go for winter break, but you were pretty sure you’d be able to tell the nature of your relationship if you were on the outside looking in - you seemed to be magnetically drawn to wherever Josh was these days. 
Everyone cleared out of the living room pretty quickly after dinner and conversation, and you finally got the chance to ask the question that had been on your mind all day. 
“Do I sleep out here?” 
You were posted up on the couch, your legs crossed one over the other with Josh staying a few inches farther away from you than you were used to.
“No,” he replied. “You can take my room and I’ll sleep out here.”
You had asked mostly as a formality - you hadn’t figured that you’d actually have to sleep separately. Through a slight frown, you said, “Oh, man. It’s been a while since I’ve had to sleep alone. What if I freeze to death?” 
He flashed you a smile. “I thought ahead and laid a heated blanket out on the bed for you.”
“Heated blanket? This whole time heated blankets were an option?” you whispered harshly.
“Okay, in my defense, by the time I remembered that they existed, we were already sleeping in the same bed every night.”
The suspicious way you stared at him for a few moments had him biting back a laugh - one of those unguarded ones that seemed to be reserved for people he was really comfortable around. Which seemed to just be you most of the time. 
“Will you at least come get ready for bed with me?” you asked, subtly looking up at him through your lashes. 
“Of course - no puppy eyes necessary,” he assured with a snicker.
This room was decidedly different than the one back in Ann Arbor. Josh’s space back in the apartment was mostly made up of Earth tones - either picked by choice or having just dulled over time. There were little pops of color scattered around the room, like the golden yellow rug that spread across almost all of the wooden floor, or the string of flags that spanned the entire wall above his bed. 
This room was different. You could tell that his parents had tried to clean it up since Josh had moved out, but there was still evidence of spots where posters were hung on the maroon red walls. A stack of comics laid on the dresser - the surface of which was covered in residue and paper where he had placed stickers and then tried to peel them off. 
You eyed a well-used keyboard placed along the far wall, and what appeared to be milk crates full of sheet music and the idea of him sitting in front of it and practicing for hours brought a smile to your lips. 
He hauled both of your bags up onto the bed and you both picked through them for the sleep apparel you’d packed. You watched him change into a short-sleeved tee and a pair of loose flannel pants through the bathroom mirror as you brushed your teeth across the hall, and when he caught your eyes, he gave you a smirk. 
You’d been half expecting him to change his mind and just crawl into bed with you, but instead, he helped you clamber under the covers and pulled the comforter up to your chest. 
“Wow, full service tuck-in and everything,” you teased, but quickly shut up when his thumb brushed over your lips. 
“Well,” he mused, voice low. “Not the full service.”
You gave him a sour grin as he backed up to the door and flicked the light off. 
“Good night, Joshua.”
The next couple of days came and went easily. You were starting to get actually acquainted with his family - chatting with his mother and sister over morning coffee, and getting pinned between his brothers on the sofa while Christmas movies played in the background.
You really hadn’t realized how much you missed being around family until it hit you at dinner one night. You watched out of the corner of your eye as Josh unscrewed the lid on the salt under the lip of the table and then asked Sam if he wanted any. 
Josh was just about to slide it across the beat-up wooden surface when you snatched it out of his hand, pointedly tightened the lid, and then slid it over. 
When you peeked over at him, Josh was glaring at you, but he wasn’t able to stop the mischievous smirk that his mouth took the shape of. 
Sam huffed a laugh that sounded more like a scoff, having figured out the plot quickly after seeing the look on Josh’s face.  
“Samuel, do me a favor and dump the whole shaker of salt on your potatoes,” Josh requested in a faux-sweet voice. “Please and thank you.” 
“Piss off.” Sam’s reply came through a mouth-full of food, but somehow, he still managed to look lovely while saying it. However, that didn’t save him from his mom’s scolding look - though whether that was in response to the harsh language or speaking with a full mouth was anyone’s guess. You guessed that a person never got to grow out of being “the baby”. 
It was then - that simple moment - that you realized how oddly welcomed you felt in this setting. It hadn’t been awkward or uncomfortable even once. You’d never felt out of place despite how different it was from your own home experience. 
After you were settled into bed that night, you laid awake thinking about nothing and everything. You didn’t feel particularly tired, but you had decided to turn in when Josh started dozing off on the couch while you were watching the tv on low volume. 
You had no clue what time it was, as your phone was charging across the room, but at some point you heard the distinct sound of a door creaking open. It was just down the hall - that you could distinguish -  but you weren’t positive which room specifically. The person made their way down the hall, and then up a creaky set of steps, though you could tell that they were trying to move quietly when they got to the next floor and the cadence of their steps changed to something lighter. 
You thought about it for a moment before pushing the covers off of you, crawling out of the warmth of the nest you’d made, and slipping your feet into a pair of Josh’s fuzzy slippers that were just barely peeking out under the bed frame. Trying to be as quiet as the last person had been, you crept up the stairs in the low light, having to strain to see the steps in the unfamiliar space, lest you lose your footing. 
The room at the top of the steps was a study, and on the other side of it was a large, sliding glass door. And on the other side of that, was Jake, sat out on a covered patio with a cigarette in his hand. 
You crossed the room, grabbing a blanket off of the worn leather sofa and wrapping it around yourself as you moved. 
He barely turned his head to look at you as you slid the glass open and stepped out onto the porch. The brisk air hit you hard enough to nearly knock the breath from your lungs, so you pulled the blanket up your body until only your head was showing. 
“Sorry if I scared you.” The volume of your words were just above a whisper as you bent to sit next to him on the cold wood. “Or if I’m intruding.”
He hummed around his cigarette before ashing it into a Coke can. “You didn’t, and you aren’t.” He looked you over for the first time then and frowned deeply at you. “You are going to freeze to death though. Where the hell is your coat?”
“I’m fine, I’ve got the blanket, see?” you assured, though you had to admit that the cold cut right through the thick material. 
He ran his eyes up and down it, rolling them affectionately at you. “Okay,” he replied, though it sounded nothing like he believed you. After a few silent moments, he spoke again. 
“How are you liking it here?”
A genuine smile spread out over your lips. “Michigan is lovely, if that’s what you mean. Cold to the point where I’m not sure why anyone would want to live here, but. Lovely, all the same.” 
He smiled back at you, oddly warm in nature for him. “And what about the family? Do you find all of us lovely too?” 
“Absolutely,” you agreed, pulling your knees up to your chest like you were in a cocoon. Another few long moments ticked by as you watched the snow fall. The night was so still that you swore you could hear the flakes as they settled on whatever surface they happened to land on. 
“Can I ask you something?” You flicked your eyes over at him to assess his expression. You knew your brows were threaded close together in worry, which he seemed to take into account before he answered.
He nodded as he took another drag. “Sure,” he replied, smoke and steam glowing with the light of the cherry on the end of his cigarette as he exhaled. 
You were silently trying to figure out how to word it for long enough that he looked over at you expectantly. 
“Do you think Josh would have come home for Christmas if I...weren’t around?” 
He met your eyes and huffed a humorless laugh. “I think that he would have spent a week or two anxiously deciding whether he could handle it and then, ultimately, he would feel too guilty to say no. And from there, I think it would have been a repeat of last year - he would have come home here, found it exhausting, and then screened everyone's’ calls for a couple of months again.”
You weren’t sure what to say, so you just stared at his face, your teeth pressed into your bottom lip until you could feel they’d left an indent as you ran your tongue over it. 
“But it’s weird, right?” he continued, biting back a smirk that made you a little uneasy about what he was going to say next. “He seems to be almost blissfully happy this year.”
You held your breath for a moment as you tried to organize your emotions, and then exhaled in a rush once it became uncomfortable. “Look, I. He’s obviously a lot of things to me. A best friend, a room mate, a...romantic partner?”
Jake shot you a disbelieving but highly amused look at your wording.
“But I’m worried that he’s tying himself to me too tightly.” With your eyes, you tried to portray the emotions that that thought evoked in you - how compressed it made you feel. 
He seemed to chew it over as he stubbed out his cigarette on the damp wood and then - near instantly - materialized another from behind his ear like a magic trick.  
“I love seeing him happy, but I’m scared that I’m the only thing making him happy,” you finished, voice admittedly a little shaky. You didn’t ask first - though you should have - but you slid closer to him until your shoulders were touching, and despite not knowing him all that well yet, it still managed to make you feel more grounded. “It’s not that I expect this to end - whatever we have - but what if it does?”
Jake’s eyes flitted around your features like he was trying to map your face as you anxiously waited for him to tell you everything would be alright. 
“You know,” he started, voice low. “When we moved away for school, he was the one that decided we wouldn’t room together. I mean, I didn’t blame him or anything, but I always just assumed we would. He used to be so outgoing. I mean, he never missed a party. People would trip over themselves to be next to him. He used to take his ex out any time he could - it didn’t really matter where, because he’s always had a way of making even the most monotonous task seem fun.”
You didn’t try to suppress a smile as it found your lips. 
“So, his ex broke it off with him. I don’t know what happened really - only what I’ve been able to pry out of him - but it fucked him up pretty good. And then as he was just starting to get over it, his roommate had some kind of mental break and just moved out one weekend while Josh was gone. It’s not like they were best friends or anything, but they got along.”
“Fuck,” you whispered, resting your head on Jake’s shoulder and not caring whether or not it was polite to do so anymore. 
“Yeah,” he agreed, simply. The tone of his voice was something very somber - the kind you’d use if you were giving a eulogy. “I tried to help. I offered to move in with him. I showed up at his apartment all the time, but he got pretty effective at dodging me. Not just me, actually, but everyone. Worried the fuck out of our mom.” 
“What then?” You were not-so-secretly hoping that Jake was going to find a way to make you feel better, and the pitch of your voice reflected it. The core of your body felt like it was stuffed full of stones, weighted and heavy. “What happened?”
Jake hummed. “Well, he started to level out a bit. After a good couple months he started at least answering the door when I came to see him. Sometimes he’d text me back after a day or two. That went on like that for a while.”
He titled his head to look over at you then for the first time in a while. You felt oddly vulnerable after hearing all of that, but you tried not to duck away from his eyes. 
“But then, suddenly, you were there. He didn’t tell me a thing about you, or even that he was getting a new roommate until well after you were already moved in.”
You huffed a laugh. “If it makes you feel better, he didn’t tell me anything about you either really. Imagine my surprise when I open the door and you were a twin. Uncanny valley territory.” 
“I think he learned how to compartmentalize the people in his life. Seems like it’s easier to manage relationships that way when you’re an extremely guarded person like he had suddenly become.”
He took a pause to take a long drag, simultaneously running a hand through his silky hair. 
“But to answer your question - I don’t think you’re the only thing making him happy,” he continued, meeting your eyes with an intensity that you understood to your core. “I think you’re just reminding him that there are things to be happy about.” 
You weren’t sure what you were expecting him to say, but you were suddenly choking back tears and a tight, hot feeling in your throat.  
“You’ve just got to give him time to remember what it’s like.”
When you opened your mouth to reply, you realized you’d been holding your breath for a moment too long, causing you to suck in a shaky breath. “I intend to give him all the time he needs,” you promised. 
Jake offered you back a smile as he moved to stand, stretching out his muscles and then extending a hand for you to take. He helped you clamber up off the floor before tucking his lighter back into the pocket of his fleece sleep-pants. 
“Good to hear.” 
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catboyantichrist · 3 years
hello! i saw that you were taking requests for headcanons and oneshots! could i ask for some headcanons on either a gn or male MC bringing a brother along to get their first tattoo? as in the MC getting their first tattoo and having the brother come along because they’re secretly nervous lol….. thanks so much! <3
Aaa! Of course! I originally planned to write this as a M!MC but it ended up completely gender neutral. Also this idea is so creative so thank u for asking me to write this ^^
☆ The Brothers Coming With GN!MC to Get Their First Tattoo!  ☆
You finally did it! You gained the courage to finally get your first tattoo. You've been wanting this for awhile, it's just external forces always made it difficult for you to get one. I guess the brothers really helped with your confidence huh? Well the days leading up to the appointment your nervousness started to get the best of you. What if it hurts too much?
Not wanting to cancel the appointment, you decided to ask one of the brothers to come with you! Just for fun y'know... not because your scared or anything.
-When you walk into Lucifer’s office asking if he’d come with you to get your first tattoo, he was more than happy to accompany you.
-But he also wanted to have a bit of fun.
-When you go to the shop he immediately noticed that you were nervous, and he started lightly teasing you without hesitation. 
-”Are you nervous MC?” He smirks.
-”No! Why would I be?” You were shaking.
-Oh you’re shaking. Maybe toning it down would be a better idea.
-When the artist comes out and actually begins, Lucifer just puts you on his lap. The pure shock from that would just get rid of any pain in that moment.
-While you’re getting the tattoo, Lucifer’s getting work done on his phone. There’s never a bad time to do work after all! Ignore his massive undereye bags.
-You need a distraction? MC why don’t you start on that potions homework from awhile ago?
-Once the tattoo is completed, Lucifer help you with the aftercare. Once it's healed he will begin to lightly graze his hand over it when he’s close to you.
-You wouldn’t even need to go to him to ask, he’s already going to your room to ask if you can hangout. So when you ask if he could come with you to get your first tattoo, he immediately agrees.
-When you go into the tattoo parlor, he’s just as excited as you are. After all, his human has been talking about this for weeks!
-When the tattoo artist comes out to ask some general questions, Mammon begins to notice your anxiousness. When they leave to set up the work area, Mammon leans over and puts his arm around you.
-Don’t worry MC! You’re the strongest human I know! Plus you have the great Mammon to protect ya!
-When the tattoo artist brings out the needle, Mammon is scared FOR you. But, keeping his word he shakily grabs onto one of your hands.
-“Only focus on me ya hear! It’ll be over before ya know it.”
-The only thing that scared Mammon more then the tattoo was the price OF it.
-He’d contemplate+ getting matching tattoo’s with his human, but needs to check if that would get in the way of his modeling career... just kidding. He doesn’t care
-”Oi MC! We’re gonna match one day. Ya got it?”
-Convincing Leviathan to go outside can be sort of… difficult. Especially to a place he’s never been to before.
-When he sees how fidgety you are when you ask though, he sighs and agrees. “Fine but only because you’re my Henry”
-When you go into the parlor, he immediately goes to see if any of the tattoos are themed after any anime's. If there are, you will have to drag him away from them so that you can actually get the tattoo.
-When he turns away sad, you grin and offer to come back with him to look at the art another time.
-Depending on where you’re getting your tattoo he’d either play games on his phone with you or you’d just watch, so that there’s something to distract you from the pain. 
-If that doesn’t distract you enough you two will just start rambling about whatever anime you’ve watched last.
-He was intrigued that you wanted him to come support you out of everyone. This seemed more like a job for Asmo. You’ll just ask Lucifer instead? Well you should’ve asked for him to come sooner!
-Before even going to the tattoo shop, Satan was doing as much research as possible to make sure you were prepared.
-He brought water and pain killers just to be safe. Yes the water was in a cat themed water bottle. I will not take criticism.
-When you go into the parlor Satan will watch the artist with intrigue and possibly even ask questions about being a tattoo artist.
-Satan will sit beside you and probably read with you or to you. If your handling the pain well enough Satan will probably just hold your hand and continue with the previous conversation he was having with the tattoo artist.
-Once the tattoo is finished Satan will research the best possible tattoo aftercare routine (and obviously talk to the artist about it as well)
-He found the whole experience fascinating, and contemplates maybe even getting a tattoo as well one day. Obviously just to spite Lucifer... no other reason. (-Cough- MC’s approval -cough-)
-“OoOo MC where are you getting the tattoo 😏”
-Okay jokes aside, of course he’d come with you! He’s supported tons of his friends and admirers when they were getting their first tattoos! These may or may not have been his name and/or face
-I’m not saying he’d do the same and try to convince you to get a tramp stamp of his name but I’m saying that’s exactly what he’d do 
-Although at the end of the day, no matter what you chose he’d love it!
-When the artist starts working Asmo immediately grabs onto your arm (or whichever arm isn’t getting tattooed) and starts talking about whatever gossip that’s going around currently.
-Every time the artist says “5 more minutes” (which is at least 10 times) Asmo puts his hands through your hair and praises you on how well your doing. Damn even the tattoo artist is blushing.
-Once the tattoo is finished he’d be so excited to take pictures of it, and he’d waste no time finding clothing pieces that would show off the tattoo even more! He'd also ask the artist for tips with aftercare and what skin products are okay to put on the tattoo.
-You want Beel to come with you to get a tattoo? 
-“I mean if it makes you happy MC! Can we go to Madame Screams afterwards?”
-You walk into the tattoo shop and decide to look at some of the designs with Beel
-You turn for a second because you saw an amazing design. Although you nearly had a heart attack when you turned back.
-No Beel wait the food designs aren’t actual food!!
-Because of the amount of exercise this man does, and some not so... happy issues. Beel knows some very effective breathing exercises! Before and during the beginning of the tattoo he’d lead you through some breathing exercises to help you through the pain and any possible anxiety.
-He’s already holding your hand (if you allow it) and if the pain gets to be too much he gives you 100% permission for you to squeeze his hand, he’ll barely feel it anyways. Once the tattoo is finished Beel grins at the sight of it.
-”Wow MC it looks great!”. If the tattoo involves food in anyway, you may need to remind him that it’s not real as his stomach growls almost immediately. 
-”Could we go to Madame Screams now?”
-“Why don’t we just take a nap instead?”
-When he realizes how much you really want this tattoo he begrudgingly agrees. Although he immediately cheers up when you offer to cuddle with him when you both get home.
-You go into the shop and he wants to get it done as fast as possible
-When the tattoo artist begins, Belphie was originally holding your hand.
-Now he’s just found anyway possible to cuddle with you... oh nope now he’s just asleep.
-On the positive side it gives you the opportunity to put your hands through his hair to help calm down. You kind of start drifting off yourself...
-Next thing you know you’ve woken up with the finished tattoo. Belphie eventually wakes up as well and lets out a long yawn.
-”Wow MC... it looks great. Do you wanna go take a nap at the planetarium?”
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bubble-tea-bunny · 4 years
Tumblr media
sweet talk
[tamaki suoh x reader]
author’s note: been rewatching ouran and found the time to write smth small. basically a really late valentine’s fic lol. i’m drafting an idea for takashi as well atm. maybe kyoya after? ;)
word count: 1,844
At this time of year, the weather is chilly, the air cold even without the presence of wind and warranting the need for a scarf to avoid a red-tipped nose and numb cheeks. Most days are gloomy, the overcast sky glaringly bright and difficult to look at. But today, it would seem the divine hand in charge of the course of the seasons has granted a reprieve, the clouds parting so the sun might wash over the grass that you and Tamaki sit upon currently, in the garden of the Suoh estate.  
The gardeners had finished their tasks this morning, as instructed by Tamaki the night before. It gave you two the opportunity to be out there alone in the afternoon. The hedges are trimmed and tidy, and the smell of freshly cut grass is strong. You inhale deeply, chest puffed, and sigh in satisfaction as the scent reaches your nose. It had been so long since you sat out in a garden, owed to the fact it had been too cold for that lately.
Tamaki chuckles at your enthusiasm and rifles through the picnic basket he’d brought with him. He pushes aside the array of deserts—cake slices, chocolate bars, fruit tarts, and more—their colorful wrappings crinkling loud enough to grab your attention.
“Where is it…” he mutters.
You tilt your head. "Where is what?”
The tip of Tamaki’s tongue sticks out the corner of his mouth, evidence of his concentration, and when he finally finds what he’s searching for, he holds it up like a first place prize, complemented by an exclamation: “Aha!”
It’s a small plastic pouch, clear with red stripes and tied near the top with a matching, shiny red poly ribbon to keep it closed. There’s what you assume to be candy inside, in various colors, but you don’t recognize it. You’re still just as clueless, but you don’t need to voice your question because Tamaki can see the confusion written across your face.
“It’s commoner candy!” he explains. “Well, commoner Valentine’s candy, more specifically.”
You continue to watch, intrigued by what he’s brought, as he pulls at the ribbon to loosen it and opens the pouch, reaching inside for one of the pieces of candy. He holds up the heart-shaped treat, gripped carefully between index finger and thumb, and angles it so you can see what’s written on it: Sweetheart.
Upon realizing there’s wording on it, and that the same must go for every heart in the bag, your eyes light up. “Cute!”
“It is, isn’t it?” Tamaki agrees, voice quiet as he observes the candy. The nickname is printed red though the lettering isn’t too sharp, which gives away that it was done by a machine. “Haruhi got one for all the host club members, and I wanted to share mine with you.”
When he turns to you, amethyst eyes warm like a summer night, you smile. And when he offers the bag of heart candies to you, you eagerly reach in for one. “How thoughtful!” You turn over the piece you picked out: Only You.
“Well, shall we try them together?” Tamaki inquires, and you nod. The two of you pop the candy into your mouths in unison, then sit silently for a moment in contemplation.
It’s… unique, is the best description you can come up with. The powdery, pressed substance is basically a sugar bomb that melts once it comes in contact with your tongue. But it isn’t the quality of sugar you’re accustomed to—it’s far and away from the refined sweetness of the handmade confections stashed away in the picnic basket Tamaki brought along. Still, this mass-produced goody is delightful in its own way, in taste and novelty, for you have never seen such small candies with words on them, and you say as much to your boyfriend, the last traces of the heart candy lingering on your lips which you lick away.
“They’re charming,” you remark, reaching for another piece. “For when you can’t find the words or get them out yourself.” You read what’s written on the yellow heart you grabbed, then turn it to show Tamaki: Be Mine.
Tamaki’s attention briefly diverts down to read it as well, and the corner of his lips lifts in a lopsided grin as he meets your eyes again. “Sure, they can be useful for some people, but I can get by just fine without candy telling me what to say. How could I call myself the king of the host club if I weren’t able to string together pretty words?” Always conducting himself with some semblance of dramatic flare, he puts a hand to his chest, and the sunlight reflects off his eyes in a way that makes it seem like there’s a tear or two forming in the corners.
As usual, his acting is impeccable, and you can’t contain your smile; he’s such a natural. You have no objections to his claim as king of the school’s host club, and if you’re being honest, you wish you had even half the charisma he does, that some of the skill he possesses at waxing lyrical would rub off onto you via proximity alone.
“They would’ve come in handy for me that day I confessed to you,” you admit shyly, and it’s Tamaki’s turn to tilt his head, confused but waiting for you to expound. “These candies say all the things I wanted to say to you then.”
The day you came to terms with your feelings about Tamaki and the day you actually revealed them to him were different, and the time in between had been spent in a state of conflict over whether it was worth mustering up the courage to approach him about it. There was little doubt in your mind that the president of the host club received declarations of love left and right, a routine part of his week, a clockwork consistency like that of waking in the morning and laying down to sleep in the evening. You’re a drop of water in the ocean; what could possibly make you stand out?
For all that, you figured you should confess anyway. Rejection was still an answer and it was better than nothing. At least after the gentle let down (because truly, Tamaki is, without fail, graceful in matters of love, both the reciprocal and the unrequited) your turmoil over what he may say would finally be put at ease.
Though you rehearsed over and over what you would say and how you would say it, the practice ends up being useless, and you weren’t sure why you even bothered. Once you met his kind gaze—expectant and patient, giving you the opportunity to gather the words in the stretching silence that would be oddly too long in any other context—the resolve you had slowly been building on your walk to the meeting point by the fountain crumbled. You tripped over your words at the sight of his tender smile. Tamaki just had that effect on people, and you wished he’d look at you that way always. To be on the receiving end of his affection was to bask in the warmth of a sun that never sets.
It’s a feeling you’re distinctly reminded of now, sitting in the garden on an uncharacteristically sunny day for winter and the center of Tamaki’s attention, and you think you might be set alight from the sheer intensity (due mostly to Tamaki; the sun is poor competition in contrast). He wears that beautifully soft expression, mind clearly having thought back to your confession as yours just had. But it seems his recollection differs slightly, for he presents a counterpoint.
“I thought you handled it perfectly.” He sets the bag of heart candies on the grass and braces himself with his now freed hand, which allows him to lean closer to you. He enters your bubble but you never mind it, and his touch is feather-light as he brushes your hair behind your ear.
You’re unpersuaded, however, and raise a brow. “Really?”
Tamaki chuckles and nods, blonde hair bouncing with the singular motion. “Your eyes spoke for the words you had trouble finding. I might be the one stringing together pretty poetry like diamonds around your neck”—his fingers slide lower to trace the curve of your collarbone left exposed by the cut of your blouse, and you shiver—“but you have no need for words at all, much less the turns of phrases on pieces of candy.”
“Is that why you liked me too?” you ask, remembering his own confession that had followed closely on the heel of yours. You keep your voice hushed because given how close to each other you are, there’s no need for any higher of a volume.
Tamaki hums in confirmation. His index finger delicately taps once, twice, thrice, on the hollow at the base of your throat, a sort of absentminded movement while absorbed in his thoughts, before he once more brings his hand up, cradling your cheek. “You say you’re a drop in the ocean but you’re the drops of morning dew on the roses just outside my bedroom window. My heart flutters to breathe you in.”  
You smile, bashful, and set your hand over his, interlacing your fingers. Your cheeks have darkened in a blush Tamaki would like to kiss. “Okay, I’m convinced,” you concede with a murmur. He’s so close to you now. “When I admitted how I felt, maybe it didn’t go as badly as I thought.”
This elicits another laugh from Tamaki. Instead of acting on his desire to run his lips along your silken skin (there would be time for that later), he settles for a quick peck on your nose, then reaches into the pouch of heart candies, temporarily abandoned but not forgotten. His fingers curl around two pieces and he pulls them both out rather than dropping one, but he sees the words on them before you do since his hand obscures them from your view.
“The powers governing destiny have destined our souls for each other,” he declares. “Because you and me, it’s love.”
He uncurls his fingers to reveal the candy in his palm, and you look down at them. The green one reads You & Me, and the blue one It’s Love. This prompts you to giggle. It’s music to his ears.
“What happened to not needing candy to tell you what to say?” Your tone is playful.
Tamaki shrugs, unable to hide his amused grin. “I pulled them out at random. If this is the universe speaking to me, who would I be to argue?”
You have no counter to this, not that you think there even is one. Destiny is destiny and as Tamaki feeds you one of the hearts and you bite into it, the sugar once more dissolving on your tongue, you can only thank those powers which make the world turn for conferring their blessing upon the two of you in such a deliciously sweet way.
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potter-imagines · 3 years
Being Thor and Loki's Little Sister and Dating Peter Parker Would Include...
Notes: wow I haven't written a marvel one in a long time pls don't read too much into the timeline lol I know things overlap but just go with it (:
Warnings: none... I think ??
Word Count: 3.6k (sorry its a bit long for a write like this but I couldn't help myself)
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You managed to do a decent job at keeping your relationship under wraps from your brothers for quite some time
Of course every other member on the team knew before the two of you even begun officially dating
Peter had spent three months ranting and raving to Tony Stark about how cute he thought you were and how much he liked you
Tony insisted time and time again he should tell you but Peter’s fear of rejection was much too large for him to find the courage for that
Unbeknownst to him,
You had spilled about your crush on Peter to Wanda and Nat almost a week after living in the compound
Being the only other girls there besides Pepper, it was easy to confide in them
Day after day you would wander to Wanda’s room and lay on her bed and gush about how handsome Peter was and how kind of a heart he had
Wanda found it adorable
And Bucky, Steve and Sam had placed the pieces together after days on end of watching Peter and yourself flirt like school kids in the gym during training
Even after being frozen for years, Steve recognized the look of smitten on Peter’s face when he talked to you
Bruce on the other hand had to sit through most of the kids talks with Tony in the lab so he figured it out fast
So when the two of you finally confessed your feelings for one another and Peter asked you out, there was only one road block holding the moment back from perfection
Your brothers
You and Peter shared the news with all the other team members expect the two, possibly most important in your case, members
You’ve been close to your brothers since you were brought into this world so it wasn’t like you didn’t want to tell them
It was more or less how overprotective they could be that made you bite your tongue
And as nervous as you are, Peter is 1,000% more worried about your brother’s finding out
Like honestly can you imagine how petrified Peter would be to tell Thor and Loki you two were dating
He’d purposely walk in the opposite direction every time he saw either of the two for the first week
Couldn’t stop fumbling with his words when he spoke to either of them
Like he was terrified
It’s sort of a cliché to have protective older brothers but older brothers who were also both Gods ????
Peter felt like a deadman walking
When the day finally came that you did tell your brothers about your relationship with Peter, it was absolutely cringe worthy
Peter had been coming home to the tower after a long day at Midtown High School when he spotted you the second he stepped foot out of the elevator
His excitement had clouded his judgement as he failed to check and see if the coast was clear
“Y/n! Hey!”
He nearly tumbled over his own feet as he rushed over to you
His face was gleaming with happiness and for a brief moment you felt a smile creep to your face until you were pulled back to reality by his hand reaching out to grasp yours
Your eyes widened in shock as you stared at Peter and before you could warn him to stop, he had planted a soft kiss on your cheek
That adorable smile was glowing from his face as he reached down for your hand only to fall once you pulled your hand away
He gave you a look of confusion, clearly surprised by your lack of response
But when an awkward cough sounded from behind him, he suddenly knew why
Peter didn’t have enough time to make any sort of a move when a husky, all too familiar voice spoke up,
“Hello, man of spiders. May I ask why you just kissed our little sister?” “Oh shit- I uh, well you see I…um...she had something on her face so I uh…”
Loki would snicker in amusement at seeing the boy squirm and prolong his torture “So you kissed her?” “Yeah…” “Hm, there something you’d like to share, little one?”
It wasn’t exactly the way you were hoping to break the news to your brothers
But it was certainly one way of doing it
The rest of the night was filled with awkward tension as you and Peter had to confess the truth to your brothers, who then made you share the news with the rest of the team
Thankfully, the rest of the team pretended they were just hearing about your new relationship for the first time, seeing as no one wanted to deal with an angry Thor
Now let’s get into your relationship with Peter
Peter Parker is the most caring person in the universe
And dating him certainly came with it’s perks
You can expect to wake up every morning with a fresh coffee and a pastry on your nightstand, courtesy of Peter
He’ll also write you a sweet little ‘good morning’ note with a sketch of spider-man hanging from a web
(( he’s actually pretty talented in the doodling department ))
Makes cute sketches of him as spiderman and you as a princess ( vv fitting)
But also draws you as a total badass saving the galaxy bc… well you are
Count on him to be the first person to greet you when the sunrises and the last person to wish you a goodnight when it falls
Gets Mr. Stark to buy you an iphone so he can teach you how to use it
Has your name as “goddess” in his phone
The first thing he does is teach you about texting so he can pay you in imessage games
Refuses to play you in battleship since you somehow have crushed him every single time
Gets slightly annoyed with the overwhelming amount of random photos you snap of him
But he knows its all new to you and finds it irritatingly adorable
Loves it when you walk home with him from school
Will also keep reminding you that you shouldn’t have walked alone all the way to Midtown High School alone
Peter often forgets that you’re Asgardian and can protect yourself just fine
But it’s so cute how protective he is
He’s very observant and notices nearly everything
Like when you’re feeling a bit homesick
He picks up on it right away and will ask Thor and/or Loki for advice
Or when you start to become bored and tired at one of Star’s parties
Peter made his way over you before you even had the chance to turn and search for him
He’d escort you back to your room and lay with you until he was positive you had fallen asleep
Kisses to the top of your head
Is the boyfriend that will take your makeup off for you if you wear any
(( and sets yours lashes on the nightstand so neatly and labels which eye they were on cause the poor boy doesn’t understand ))
Spends weeks learning how to master the intricate braids that adorn your head
It’s so cute cause he’ll sit and look up Youtube videos and try to learn how to make the different braids and is just so confused but so determined
Taking Peter to visit Asgard
“Woah- this place looks like something from Lord of the Rings! It’s awesome!” “Lord of the Rings? I’ve never met that God.” “Uh, no, it’s a movie from Earth. We can watch it when we go back.” “To Midgard?” “Midgard? No, to New York.”
Loves it when your people refer to you as “Princess Y/n”
For some reason it makes him blush
Will tell everyone back on Earth that he’s dating a princess
I could def see Peter getting annoyed and frustrated with the Asgardian men trying to flirt and win your heart
Although that’s something that already belong to Peter
And even though Peter trusts you entirely
He’s still insecure from time to time
Especially when he sees how much taller and stronger Asgardian men look in comparison to him
But he finds reassurance in the feeling of your hand in his and the gleeful smile adorning your face as you show him around your homeland
Attempting to help Peter study
Although you’re not much help to Midgardian school work “Peter, darling, I don’t have a clue what a watergate is and I haven’t an idea how that could be scandalous.”
Maths however you excelled in
And Peter was thoroughly surprised to find you had the sequence of PI memorized to the one hundredth number- and in song form
Holding your hand 24/7
Endless cuddles on the couch
And when you’re walking around together, he does that thing where he swings your hands and back forth
Movie theater dates… at the tower b/c your brothers feel the need to be in close proximity the you guys at all times
Trying ice cream for the first time with Peter at two in the morning
One of Peter’s favorite things to do with you is take you through a walk in his world
At least three times a week Peter and you will walk around the city and find new things your Asgardian self has yet to experience
Like pizza
New York pizza to be exact
And hot chocolate
Ice skating at Rockefeller Center once the weather got cold
Loves to take you for drives in the more woodsy land of New York once fall set in and the leaves began to change
But by far his favorite thing is showing you Midgardian films and movies of all sorts
He loves that you don’t judge him for nerding out over his love for films
Not to mention you actually sit and watch Star Wars with him
(( maybe it was the whole space element but Peter was just thrilled you liked it ))
But then he shows you ‘Alien’
And it was an instant regret
It took him the rest of the night to convince you that the movie was fake
You made him sleep in your room just for reassurance
Your favorite out of the films Peter played was called ‘Toy Story’
Buzz Lightyear reminded you of Thor
In terms of TV shows
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. which quickly became your guys comfort show
Parks & Rec too “That Andy fellow looks an awful lot like Starlord, don’t you think?”
Peter refuses to let you watch Black Mirror
After the whole incident with Alien
Black Mirror didn’t seem like a good idea
Constantly teasing from the rest of the Avengers
Tony just can’t help it
He loves tormenting the two of you
Especially when Thor and/or Loki are around
“Hey Peter, I thought I saw you go into Y/n’s room last night but I didn’t see you leave until the morning. Heard a lot of noise too- thought Y/n was getting attacked. What was that about?”
“Kid, I got you those condoms you asked for. How’d you manage to run out of that last box so quick? I just bought it for you a week ago!” “Messing with you, they’re just sugar packets- Thor put Peter down right now!”
Aunt May absolutely adores you
Always tells Peter how sweet you are and is constantly inviting you over for dinner
Lets you two have sleepovers in his room at her place
As long as the door stays open
Peter can’t stop laughing when you compliment May on her ability to make an amazing bowl of cereal
She thought it was a joke seeing as she burned dinner the night before to a crisp and laughs until she’s in tears
And you’re literally sitting there so confused, clearly not understanding the joke
Peter then takes you on a trip to a grocery store for the first time to show you a whole aisle full of cereal
It is then that you realize Aunt May didn’t hand make the fruity pebbles
She still laughs about it to this day
Befriending Ned and listening enthusiastically while he gives you a full speech on the franchise Star Wars
And his rant on how terrible Star Trek is in comparison
Is shocked when you ask questions out of genuine interest
Ned immediately takes a liking to you after that and asks Peter daily to invite you to hangout
Whenever Stark adds an upgrade to his suit, you’re the first person Peter shows it to
He shares quite literally everything with you
As do you to him
The rest of the Avengers love gossiping about you guys
Nat and Wanda have already started planning the wedding and Pepper has the perfect venue in mind, much to your brothers dismay
For some reason
Thor and Loki are always within reasonable distance, enough so they can keep an eye on you but also give some sense of privancy
Thor is def always the first one to step in
“Peter, please remove your hand from my sister’s behind.” “Oh uh, ye-yeah… sorry, Mr.Thor.”
Loki would find Peter amusing
He loves to mess with him whenever given the chance
“Ah, Peter. Good to see you. I’m sure Y/n informed you of our task today. Very impressed that you offered yourself as the sacrifice to the aliens-” “Wait, what? Y/n?!” “He’s kidding, Peter.”
Everyone in the Avenger’s tower knew Peter was lactose intolerant and knew the repercussions of the boy consuming any sort of dairy
(( he physically cannot leave the bathroom for a full day ))
Yet Loki regularly will swap Peter’s specially labeled almond milk with a jug of skim milk just for the hell of it
There’s something so hilarious to him about the look of panic and alarm that smacks abruptly across Peter’s face as he quickly stumbles out of the kitchen to his room
It keeps him laughing for days
You’ll just shoot your brother a look of disapproval, clearly certain it was his doing
“Loki, why did Peter run off?” “Not sure, darling sister, maybe he’s got one of those stomach bugs. I’ve heard Midgardians are prone to them…weak bodies and such.” "You switched out his milk again didn’t you.” “I haven’t the slightest clue what you’re accusing me of, little one.”
Thor is a bit more hesitant on accepting your relationship with his fellow Avenger
He trusts that Peter would never harm you
Although he did not trust that you would never be harmed because of Peter
It was risky enough that both your brothers were big names in space, as well on Earth, however
Thor knew Loki and himself were capable of protecting you but Peter?
He was just a kid, in Thor’s eyes
However the one thing that kept him from telling you this was seeing how happy Peter made you
As your older brother, Thor trusted your judgement and tried his best to be accepting of his little sister dating
And as much as he wanted to deny it, he saw crystal clear the care and love Peter gave to you and he wasn’t willing to break that for you
Thor is the type of brother to barge into a room and shove himself between Peter and yourself without warning
This man does not care at all
At least Loki has the decency to give you two space as a couple
Thor does not
He is constantly third wheeling on your dates and will ‘accidentally’ walk into rooms he knows you two are in claiming he forgot something
Not that he ever grabs anything,
He’ll usually just stand and stare at the two of you until you either leave the room or ask him to leave
To which he always answers,
But with a smile
A smug smile
PDA is something he will never be okay with
Thor will yank Peter back by the collar every time he sees his lips on yours and glare at him, “Man of spiders, I know you’re in love with my little sister but kissing her infront of me is too far.”
And Loki will physically gag just to piss you off
For the most part, your relationship with Peter is nearly perfect
It would be entirely perfect if you weren’t constantly worrying about him dying on a mission or getting hurt
But still, just like any couple, you had your moments
And when you did fight, it was typically over Peter’s safety or him not wanting you to tag along for a mission
Your common way of dealing with conflict was the silent treatment
Which is pure torture for Peter
Not only does he miss the sound of your voice
He misses having you around
Seeing your smile
Hearing you laugh from something he said
He felt terrible everytime
He’d go to Tony for advice and spend hours rambling on to him about how sorry he was for yelling at you and for adding to the fight
Tony would half listen while he worked away on a new system and suit, offering a ‘yeah’ and ‘hmm’ every few seconds which pleased Peter who thought his mentor was fully listening
And after almost two hours of his non-stop talking, Tony Stark had reached his limit
Setting his wrench down on the metal table with a thud he turned around to face the young boy
“Kid, why’re you saying all this to me and not her? I mean, I’m all ears but I’m also not Y/n. I know we’re both good looking so I can see why you mixed us up, but you should be talking to her right now.”
Similar to Peter you also had someone to confide in when the road got rocky
Loki had always been the one you shared all your secrets with
As children you were attached at the hip to both your brothers but Loki a smidgen more than Thor
Your father, Odin, had Thor at his side 24/7 growing up
While he was busy learning the ropes to ruling Asgard, Loki and yourself run amuck causing trouble left and right through the royal palace
Through the years of bonding Loki become your best friend, and you his
So when trouble struck in paradise, your older brother was the one you ran to
He’d welcome you with open arms and a questioning gaze
Loki is by far the best listener in your family
Instead of telling you what to do, he asks what you want, which is a refreshing change
After a long talk with Loki you’d search the tower high and low for Peter while ironically Peter was doing the same thing
When you did finally make-up, it felt like coming home
The apologies were so sincere and genuine
You’d end up having a sleepover in your room watching 80’s films that Peter claimed were ‘iconic’ and laying in his arms
And that’s where you felt complete
Fights never occurred often but bickering ???
You two bickered playfully over everything under the sun
Like who’s the better superhero; Ironman or Captain American
Debates between living in New York and living in Asgard
Loves to pull up Midgardian inventions and ask you to guess what it is “Princess, what do you think this is?” “Oh! Oh! I’ve seen this one! Tony has one in his kitchen!” “Okay, so what is it?” “Yes, it’s a chicken nugget maker!” “It’s actually an air fryer but we only ever make chicken nuggets in them so I’ll give you a half point.”
Peter sneaking out of your room at the crack of dawn and sprinting to his
As much as Thor and Loki liked him and supported the relationship
He was sure they’d both team up to murder him if they caught him sleeping in your bed
Steve and Tony, who seem to be incapable of sleep, have watched him tiptoe out of your room numerous times but they only share a look of amusement then go back to their previous discussion
Playing hide-n-go-seek and tag on rainy days at the tower
Cuddling in Peter’s bed while he asks you to tell him stories about Asgard
Loves hearing about your childhood and what it’s like to grow up with siblings
Is fascinated when you tell him about Heimdall
Stealing Peter’s hoodies
Especially his Midtown High School ones
They’re insanely soft
Sweet little kisses throughout the day
He's just so sweet and gentle
Loves getting to hold you and snuggle in his bed
Most weekends you spend lounging on the couch with Peter’s head in your lap while you play with his hair
Other times you’re sitting next to Peter on his bed watching him play some video game and asking a million questions “Who is that man, Peter?” “That’s me, he’s the main character of the game. That’s Mario, babe.” “You’re not Mario- you’re Peter.” “No, the main character of this game is Mario, I’m just playing him.” “Oh… and what is that green dinosaur creature?” “That’s Yoshi!” “Adorable.”
Making out between games
In terms of... y'know... sex
Neither of you were keen on rushing the process
You had tip toed on the line multiple times yet never fully crossed it
Until you had decided to make the first real move after being together for about five months
You trusted him with all your heart so it wasn't exactly scary, but rather exciting
He had a way of making you feel safe, comfortable, and loved all at once
Lets be honest, Peter nearly fainted the first time he saw you naked
And still, no matter how many times the two of you have sex,
He worships every inch of you like it was your first time all over again
You couldn't have asked for a better lover
Dating Peter means a new adventure everyday
You’re constantly learning new things about each other and from each other
Despite coming from two very different worlds
You’ve never felt more connected to a soul until Peter came along
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mystery-star · 4 years
Actions speak louder than Words – Spock [SMUT]
Pairing: Spock x reader (female)
Warnings: Smut
Words: 3647
A/N: After talking to @elysiansith about Spock Smut, I just had to write this piece. Lol.
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms!
Although you knew Spock would find it illogical that you worried about what he’d think you still couldn’t help it. You just had to ponder if your betrothed would like it that you agreed to go to a dinner with Lucas, a friend of yours. In the end you really had to tell yourself that it was just a dinner among friends and that he would need to accept that since it was your life. And deep within you also knew that Spock truly wouldn’t mind who your dinner partner was, after all you were wearing his engagement ring around your neck and not someone else’s. Yet it surprised you that when you were eating and laughing with the other Ensign, Spock asked if he could sit at your table as well
“Uh” your friend answered and you could see his struggle. Of course he didn’t want to be mean and he probably also didn’t dare to say no to a superior officer, although you were all off work now. And of course he also didn’t know of your relationship to the half-Vulcan. “Actually uh… we’ve been planning this for a long time. We just want some time for ourselves. It’s a date actually… I don’t know if you’re quite aware what this is but…” he trailed off and you glanced at him in surprise, not sure what to say. You had asked him if it was a date, of course more jokingly, and he had answered in the negative. There was a lump in your throat and you didn’t know what to do or say. Luckily, Spock reacted and sat down on one of the free chairs at the table for four. (Technically, Lucas could blame himself for not choosing a table for two)
“I am quite well aware of the definition of a date” he replied calmly as he picked up his spoon. You had to bite back a grin because Lucas face was hilarious “Besides, I do not believe that Ensign (Y/L/N) seems to be aware that you have intended for your meal to be a date”
“Well uh… but… most people first go on a date as friends before it is a real one. It may sound illogical to you but that’s what humans do. And many other species too that don’t care about logic. No offence” you could hear the desperate undertone and knew that he wanted to get rid of your fiancé yet not say it out aloud. Much to his dismay and your amusement, Spock started a short lecture about how important consent was and that he did not think it was a good idea if he ‘secretly’ had planned for this to be a date when you weren’t aware of this. “Alright look, I wanted to see how it goes before I ask her out officially. I didn’t want to ruin my chances”
“You do not stand a chance anyway” Spock said and while you knew it was true you had to admit it sounded mean.
“And how do you want to know that? I bet you’ve never asked someone out on a date and even if you did the person would be abnormal to say no. Unless they’re Vulcan too but I doubt Vulcans even do dates” Spock only raised an eyebrow and did exactly what you had thought he would do.
“(Y/N)” he said after turning to you “Would you agree to accompany me to a date tomorrow?” you chuckled
“Yes, I’d like that”
“You what? That’s not how it works, you can’t just ask her out. She’s my date” he grabbed his plate and glanced at you “Come on, let’s go” you glanced at Spock
“I…” you started
“Oh you want to be his date now? Fine” he spat “have fun with the talking robot”
“Luke” you hissed, not wanting to fight with him, besides, some people were already glancing into your direction and discussing
“I’ve never even been interested in you, just look at you, you’re not even attractive” you let out a huff
“Luke” you tried again “Stop the bullshit”
“Says the one who just agreed to a date with him. I’ve liked you for a long time but now, as I finally brought up the courage to ask you out, you choose him” you sighed
“I didn’t choose him. Well at least not now” you looked at your friend “We’re getting married when the five-year-mission is over” now it was easy to tell how had been listening to your conversation because said people either gasped, almost choked on their food, dropped whatever they were holding, let out another surprised sound or just were too baffled to do anything. And Luke was one who did the last thing. He stared at you with his jaw wide open.
“You-you…” you sighed
“Yes Luke, we’re betrothed” you placed a hand on Spock’s arm, gently rubbing it with a smile
“How is that possible?���
“From what I know of human courtship a couple will become engaged after they have agreed to marry each other. Therefore, (Y/N) has become my betrothed after accepting my proposal” Luke looked like he was about to say something but then he gave a weak nod and then left the mess hall. You sighed and looked after him, torn between staying and going after him.
“I made him angry” you muttered
“No, (Y/N). It has been my doing that drove him away, for which I apologize, as well as having interrupted your meal” he squeezed the hand that still was on his arm “For this reason, I shall do anything necessary to preserve your friendship with the Ensign” you smiled
“Thanks” you looked around, then turned to him “Maybe we should leave too… everyone’s staring” you mumbled “By tomorrow, almost everyone will know”
“That sounds quite likely. However, it is favorable since it will detain others from attempting to court you” you grinned and let go of him, whereupon he picked up his meal and got up. You did the same and followed him to his quarters, trying to ignore the looks of everyone else.
“But why did you come and join us?” you asked him once you were eating in his quarters
“After I have heard that he intended for your dinner to be a date, I found it logical to ensure that he would not attempt something you were not comfortable with” you smiled
“Or maybe” you continued “You were jealous or worried that I could leave you for him. I know you’ve once asked me if I’m really sure if I want to marry you because you could not give me what a human could” he raised an eyebrow “I think that maybe you don’t enjoy the fact that other men could want me the way you do because they don’t know I’m in a relationship” while you had meant not much by the words, except for a bit of playful teasing, you were surprised by his action. Abandoning his meal, he got up and came over to you, extending his hand to you. “What are you doing?”
“From your statements I have concluded that it might be necessary to remind a few males that you are not available for a relationship” you too got up, still not sure if he was thinking what you thought he was. However, when he pulled you closer and kissed you, you knew that he actually had had that idea in mind. You found yourself smiling and ran your fingers through his hair while he was pulling up the skirt of your uniform. After a while, you pulled away, wanting to take it off but he obviously misunderstood “In case I did something you do not approve of, I would like to apologize” you shushed him with a finger to his lips
“You’ve done nothing wrong. In contrary, I broke away so that we can take this even further” you smiled and slipped out of your uniform and tried to relieve him of his own too but he took hold of your wrists. Now it was your time to apologize but he didn’t let you finish by kissing you again and leading you to his bed. He gently lowered you onto it but before you laid down, he opened and took off your bra, letting it fall to the floor. It almost made you giggle, because he never dropped or threw something. Okay, you saw him throw something once on a planet; you had been more or less ambushed by some weird alien animals and all of the landing party had thrown stones at them what luckily scared them away. But when your fiancé’s lips moved along your neck to your chest your thoughts were back in the here and now. Since you had no more strength to stay in a sitting position, you lay down and tried to pull him even closer. He reacted with a deep growl which made you smile and shiver at the same time. At times you were still surprised that he did not think it was better to wait with sex until you were married. But he had told you what it meant to his people and that he would not do it lightly. To your dismay, he took his time with trailing kisses all over your chest while he let his hands roam over your abdomen or your thighs. “Spock” you whimpered, hoping he’d also do something to alleviate the burning between your thighs. You felt a low rumble vibrate through his chest and the he lifted his head, much to your disappointment “No” you whined, trying to move his head back to your body. “Please” he raised an eyebrow but complied.
“I am certain you are aware of the chemical and biological processes that occur within your body during coition” you had to pull yourself together to not roll your eyes. Of course he had tried to bring said process closer to you on several occasions and you felt like he had listed up all hormones that were involved. While the explanation had not really interested you back then, you enjoyed it more this time. You even had to bite back a giggle at his words and you wondered if that was supposed to be a form of dirty talk. Not that you minded though, it was quite pleasant to hear his voice while he was pleasuring you. What you didn’t like however, was how he told you to be patient because if he did not give your body enough time to prepare he would only hurt you. Now you couldn’t help an eye roll.
“But it sure doesn’t hurt me if you just touch me?” at first it seemed like he hadn’t even heard you or chose to ignore you but then he trailed his right hand, that was currently on your stomach lower and pulled down your underwear a bit. He lifted his head again to look into your eyes while he moved his hand to where you wanted it most and you threw your head back, letting out a weird grunting sound as you dug your fingers into his wrist. “Oh hell yes” you breathed, what caused him to raise an eyebrow and mutter something that most likely was ‘fascinating’. You wondered what he could find so fascinating, seeing that by now, he should know how you can react to his touch. And you too found that maybe it was time to make sure he got a move on as well. For that, you pulled his head down to yours and kissed him. When his left hand came up to the side of your face, you didn’t hesitate to grab it and lightly traced the pad of his first two fingers with the tip of your own. A wicked smile crept on your face when you noticed how he stilled and closed his eyes for a moment, obviously trying his best to stay in control but you weren’t done yet. Slowly, you brought his hands to your lips and started trailing kisses along the inside of his forefinger. Once you had reached the bottom and were on your way up he let out a growling sound.
“(Y/N)” he started but his voice broke off, probably because you now had his two fingers in his mouth. Among humans that surely was something playful, maybe even a bit sexy. For a Vulcan, however, it meant much more. Which was why you soon heard him mutter words under his breath and was trying to shuffle out of his clothing with just one hand. His actions made you grin and you released his hand, pulling his lips down to yours again while you grabbed the hem of his shirt to lift it over his head, which you only could when he parted from your lips. He also used that chance to rid himself of the rest of his clothing and before you knew it, also your panties were gone.
“What about the ‘I’ll hurt you if your body can’t prepare properly’ sorrows?” you teased
“Your actions have proven that you do not seem to mind” you smiled
“Well okay, you’ve got me there” you jerked your hips up, a silent plea to continue and to your relief he positioned himself and moved his hands to yours, pinning them down onto the mattress above your head and intertwined his fingers with yours. He only looked down at your for a while, prompting you to wiggle your eyebrows “That is all?” he raised his eyebrow and then pushed into you, making you squeeze his hands and let out a long moan. After a few gentle thrusts, your fiancé buried his face in the crook of his neck, obviously trying to accomplish his initial goal, to make others aware of the fact that you were taken. You wanted to do something as well but with his own lips trailing all over your neck, you couldn’t (better said didn’t want to) move your head too much and your hands were still pinned down. So basically all you could do was to wrap your legs around his thighs, trying to pull him closer to you. Finally, he released your hands and let his own wander along your chest, respectively stroking the side of your face with the other. “Spock?” you breathed and took his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers.
“Yes?” he asked pausing with his movements to look at you
“Don’t stop” you muttered, jerking up your hips slightly “But-but I just wanted to say that I love you” he raised an eyebrow and you feared that you had something wrong. A part of you whished you had not said it because you had told him before that you loved him but he had never really answered. Also today he seemed like he would not answer but then gave a nod and leant down to kiss you.
“I too wish to inform you that I hold great affection for you” you smiled
“You do know that’s the first time you reply to my ‘I love you?’”
“When you have expressed your feelings for me for the first time after we started our relationship, I have needed time in order to contemplate how I could best formulate what you mean to me” you smiled
“You mostly do that through actions. That counts too. Somehow even more than words” you leaned up to peck his lips “But speaking of actions” you chuckled and wiggled your hip again “Because as you’ve once told me, a woman can suddenly ‘lose’ all the progress she’s gained towards an orgasm if you stop for too long. And that could cause a problem for you because you promised me that you’d always hold back your own orgasm until I came. Because men don’t really ‘lose’ their progress that much if they stop. At least humans” you also knew that this probably wouldn’t be a problem for him. As a Vulcan, he could hold back his own orgasm for as long as he wanted. At times you even needed to tell him to just let go because he had been determined to go on for two rounds, at least two for you but you had convinced him that you liked it better if you both found release. He too seemed like he wanted to remind you about this but you shook your head and pressed a finger to his lips “Actions. Not words” you reminded him
“As you wish” he gave a nod and resumed his earlier pace while his right hand wandered to the side of your face, his fingers getting into position for a meld “May I?”
“Sure” you breathed and only moments later you were flooded with all of his feelings and sensations. Sometimes you didn’t know if that was what you liked most about having sex with him, to know exactly what he was feeling and thinking. And he too was an expert at reading you and sometimes knew what you wanted even before you did. It was especially helpful in the beginning when he had just sensed when he needed to stop or noticed that you were actually fine with something not even you had been too sure about before trying it out. One thing that did bother you a little, however, was that he always ended the mind meld a little after your orgasm because he didn’t want you to be overwhelmed by his own sensations, which could be quite intense apparently. Yet somehow you knew that he probably was right because even his actions were getting rather emotional and much unlike his controlled and composed self when he too approached his release. Somehow you didn’t want to know what must be going on inside his mind at that time. You felt his amusement and he mentally reminded you that you’d better focus on what was and not what could be “Right, sorry” you replied out loud.
“If you are getting distracted so easily I suppose it is imperative that I ensure it does not happen again” you swallowed and before you could even really process what exactly he meant, he increased his pace again while he let go of your face and moved his hand down to your clit again instead. You bucked your hips and as if he was not yet doing enough, Spock also brought his mouth back to the side of your neck, this time on the other than before. It felt like all the sensations were getting too much at the moment and you let out a muffled cry and tossed your head back. Apparently, Spock had thought he hurt you because he stilled for a short moment then continued his actions, even fiercer than before. You weren’t sure how you managed to handle all of it and were grateful that you could fist your hands in his sheets, to have something to keep you grounded or you’d have gone crazy. You started whimpering as you felt your orgasm approach. Of course also your fiancé noticed and while he got a little less fervent in his ministrations, he turned more sensual instead. Not much later, the bliss of your orgasm consumed you and only shortly after, Spock stopped altogether but stayed in the mind meld and wanted to know if you were okay. You could only answer after you had calmed down a bit.
“Yes” you breathed out and grabbed his wrist “But I’d be much happier if you continued to reach your release as well. I surely told you that every time” you pulled his head down to peck his lips. He responded with a nod and then ended your meld before he resumed thrusting into you until he too came with a deep growl against your neck. For a moment he stayed like that, trying to steady his breathing, before he let go of you and lay down beside you, pulling you against him so that your chest rested against his. He leaned his forehead against yours, making you smile “Thank you” you whispered, gently stroking the side of his face, then letting your hand wander over his neck to his chest.
“You do not need to thank me, (Y/N)” he replied, burying his nose in your hair. You moved your hand down to his heart which still beat even faster than usual
“I suppose I should go and get cleaned while you can have a moment to yourself to bring your emotions into order and let logic overrule all else” you teased, ruffling his hair with a giggle.
“We can do so later as well. I wish to hold you for a while longer”
“Of course” you nuzzled his neck and pecked his skin there. For some seconds you were silent, then spoke up again “I somehow don’t want to leave. Can I sleep here tonight?”
“If you have believed that I would want you to leave, you are mistaken”
“That’s settled them. I sleep here. But maybe we should finish our dinner first” you smiled and moved closer “I just hope no one says something about the hickeys tomorrow. Especially not my date” a short giggle left your mouth
“I am certain that he will not mind” he lifted his head to peck one of the countless hickeys on your neck “Seeing that I myself am responsible for them”
“Just next time I’m on an accidental ‘date’ with someone, you should give it to them straight that I’m taken” a big smile crept on your face “Although I admit that it is kinda funny and cute to see you being jealous and trying to hide it” you pecked his lips “And don’t try to deny it because as I told you earlier, actions mean more than words. But know what? I still love you”
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Postmarked In The Past
Spencer Reid x Female Single Mom Reader
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Summary: After sixteen years of no contact Reader reconnects with Spencer because she has to reveal the secret she’s been keeping since she stopped sending letters to him.
A/N: Hey heyyy! This is my sixteenth fic (it’s actually was totally unintentional to choose the 16th for this fic even though the daughter is 16 in this fic lol 😂) for my 30 fics in 30 days for April!! This one is based off of this request and is part of my unlinked Spencer Reid & Letters series! Thanks for all the love and support lately- I was going to put out my plan for my 1500 follower celebration yesterday or today but if you saw my post I’ve been struggling so it’ll probably come on the 19th or the 20th. Submit an ask here- I love hearing from everyone 🥰Thanks for reading and hope y’all enjoy 🥰
Warnings: Reader keeps a huge secret she definitely shouldn’t have, Reader is a single mother-the daughter doesn’t have a specified name but she is specified to be 16, Reader is very defensive when her daughter finds the letters, mentions of a one night stand
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.5k
Spencer had been a bright spot in my life, one that had been snuffed out all because of me. When I had found myself pregnant with his child, after I had visited him once, I bolted. For a long time I justified my actions, saying to myself that it was better that Spencer was unburdened while his career was just starting out. But, deep down I knew how wonderful Spencer would have been as a father, how he would have moved heaven and earth to make everything work. And, that guilt haunted me.
The memories I had of him were so far in between, every moment with him had been so fleeting at the end. I struggled to sometimes even remember how he looked as it had been sixteen years since I last laid eyes on him.
I had to strain my memory to remember the way his gelled hair curled around his ears and how sometimes I saw him let the curls free only around me. His eyes had been brown, I could remember that. But, pinpointing what shade they were when they glinted in the light or were drenched in the shadows was lost to me. I knew he had been tall and lanky, his hands reflecting that with how spindly they were. To remember how those fingers had felt on my skin, or how his lips had marked me, or how he would gently stroke my hair was too difficult. Whether it was because I couldn’t remember or that I didn’t want to, it was just too hard for me to want to try to strain my memory anymore.
The labor had been the most difficult thing I had gone through, no one had been there to hold my hand. And, I didn’t really want anybody else except Spencer holding it. I had gritted my teeth and accepted it, pushing through the physical and emotional pain, especially since the pain of losing Spencer had been entirely because of me. I had been given a beautiful baby daughter that day and it was then that I started to force myself to forget Spencer, she looked too much like him to be able to bear.
The only things that remained in my life that involved him were the letters I sent to him in the last year of our relationship while we were long distance and my daughter. The letters were able to be shoved in a box at the bottom of a closet, but my daughter confronted me with my actions everyday by existing. I loved my daughter very much, I just tried to avoid the topic of her father by concocting a lie and making myself forget all of Spencer’s features so I wouldn’t see them as much in her. My nightmare would be the two things converging to confront me with my guilt, I don’t think I could handle that.
At the kitchen table I saw my daughter, holding a letter. Her holding a letter wasn’t at its core a bad thing of course, but I could tell by the slight yellowing of the paper that it was getting old. Immediately panic spread through me; there were no other old letters she’d be looking at besides mine, the ones I sent to Spencer.
“Those are private.” I snapped defensively, definitely too hostile to be reasonable. It was obvious by my tone of voice that I was hiding something.
“Private?!” She yelled, giving away that she had already read at least a few of them. I clenched my eyes shut to prepare for her question, “Are these from my father?! Who you said was a one night stand?!” I vividly remember explaining the lie I had concocted for her, her being confused why I would only be with her father once. It was a hard subject to dance around, a difficult lie for me and her to swallow. But, the alternative was too painful for me to be honest with her, or honest with Spencer. And, I knew it made me selfish, at the time it had been so Spencer wouldn’t stop his blossoming career. With time I realized that I really had done it because I had been scared. The guilt had started to sting worse when I realized that.
I had been caught, there was no weaseling out of this. I hanged my head in defeat, finally admitting to the large lie I had even roped the rest of my family in, “Yes.”
If she had been a dragon she’d be breathing fire on me while she spoke, “And why would you keep this from me! Did he do something bad or something?! Is that why you didn’t tell me?!”
“No-I-“ I stammered a few times until I found the words, “I- I did it because I didn’t want to hold him back… We were so young, and I knew he’d quit his new job across the country to come back to me.” Keeping the details still vague was my only armor right now. I kept to myself how those letters were the way we communicated for months when he started in the academy. We were only able to meet up once a month, and one month I unexpectedly fell pregnant. I never sent another letter or came to visit him again once I found out.
She clenched her jaw at me, looking back down at the scores of letters that we had written, and I had hidden. Her next question now made me clench my jaw, “C-can I see him? Or call him? Or send him a letter?” If you don’t know how to contact him anymore I’m sure we can-“
I was nervous as to where this was going. There was no way I could contact Spencer again after all these years, the guilt already ate at me everyday. Seeing and remembering his face would only make it worse. Fear was fueling me and I cut her off because of it, “No- I- I don’t think it’s a good idea...I just need more time- until I’m ready.” I started to shrink away from her, my authority slipping through my fingers as I became more and more vulnerable.
“You’ve waited sixteen years, you’ll never be ready.” The spite in her voice was stinging, she wasn’t completely wrong in her statement.. And when I didn’t answer she then stormed away, slamming the door to her room.
Our relationship in the few weeks following was strained at best, estranged at worse. She barely spoke to me since then, the biggest conversation we had was about what was for dinner- and that had been about two sentences long.
I was slowly coming around to the idea of perhaps finding a way for her and Spencer to reconnect. The guilt that I had been so afraid of becoming worse if I confronted it head on, only grew worse by avoiding it. I was actually going to talk to her after I got home from work, until I realized what she did.
She left her own letter on the table titled Dear Mom, detailing where she was going without giving any specifics. There was one part that gave her reasoning for writing her plan down, she didn’t want me to have a heart attack even if she was mad at me. Plus there were a few sentences about how she had used her own money that she had been saving up, which was supposed to be for college only serving to make you even more frustrated. At the bottom she wrote- I’m going to find my Dad, please don’t follow me or call the police.
I scoffed to myself, wondering if she expected her warning to not to follow her to be followed. Of course I was going to follow her, there was no way I was going to just let her go off on her own like that.
It wouldn’t be too hard to find her. Spencer may have changed apartments since then, but one quick google search of news articles he was mentioned in showed me that he still worked at the BAU in Quantico. It was probably a safe bet that my daughter did the same thing and was planning on visiting him at his office.
The plane ride there had been tumultuous, not in the sense that there was any chaotic occurrence or severe turbulence on the plan, more like in my mind. My hands shook, my foot tapped, and my mind raced while I took the long flight from Las Vegas all the way to Quantico. My mind went round in circles whether or not I viewed Spencer meeting my daughter- our daughter as a good thing. It was difficult to accept that even though they’d both most likely be mad at me, they deserved to meet. Especially since I knew how good of a father Spencer could potentially be. Once I had landed I didn’t stop, getting a cab straight from the airport to where the BAU offices were located.
The building looked daunting in front of me. It wasn’t a skyscraper by any means, but the task that I was here to do was so big it felt like one as I stared at it while trying to work up the courage to go in. The guilt however, was too hard to ignore.
My mind was on autopilot as I told the secretary at one of the front desks. It was too stressful to focus on worrying, so exhausted from the emotional roller coaster I was riding. An agent had assured me that she was safe which made some of the stress melt from my shoulders luckily.
“Here she is.” The agent gestured to the office, empty of any other person except my daughter. I felt even more relieved now that I saw her with my own eyes.
When I entered she waited a second before speaking timidly with disappointment, “He’s not here, he's on a case.” Her demeanor had deflated almost immediately as she saw me escorted up.
“Who told you that?” My arms crossed around my chest, nervous and furious all at once. I didn’t need to tell my daughter how in trouble she was, by the pout on her face she knew she’d be getting grounded for a long time even if I did let her talk to him.
“This nice lady named Garcia, she works with him. But, she did tell me I had to wait for you until she called him” For the first time since I had read her letter to me I cracked a smile. When we had still been communicating, Spencer often wrote and spoke about his teammates. Besides a fleeting photo of the team shown to me by him while I had been over here visiting, all my perceptions of the team and how they might look were all based on my imagination.
Despite that, when a vibrantly dressed woman clicked her heels into the room, I knew it was her. Spencer had perfectly described her, shining bright compared to the dull colors of the bureau’s office.
“So your Spencer’s baby mama.” Yep, she was definitely as blunt and beautiful as Spencer had described. I blanched at her comment, though I didn’t deny it, which was all she needed to know to confirm.
“Can you give me his number?” I skittered past the question, not wanting to confirm it out loud.
She beamed brightly at me, already starting to punch in the numbers with the phone on the desk in front of me. “You can call him now if you want on this phone, they just stopped working for the day.”
When she handed me the phone, it had already started ringing. I couldn’t help but panic, almost refusing the phone until my daughter nudged me forward to grab it. My finger trembled severely as I wrapped my hands around the phone, but I still managed to hold on to bring it up to my ear just as someone picked up the phone.
“Hello?” It was him, he sounded so similar to the boy you knew, that boy was a man now. He sounded more haggard compared to sixteen years ago; I wondered what all had happened since then.
“Hey- Spencer it’s me.” By the hitch in his voice that came through the speaker, he knew who it was.
At first I heard nothing from him, only some rustled feedback in the speaker. My shoulders were practically at my ears now afraid he might hang up. He did eventually stumble out a greeting, “H-hi? Why are you calling me after all these years- aaand on a phone at my work?”
“I’ve got to be honest with you,” I cryptically answered with an evident shake in my voice. I was biting my nails now, not caring if I chipped the polish on them. My daughter grabbed my hand to comfort me even though she was probably still furious at me which helped coax out my next statement, “cause I haven’t told you why I stopped talking to you…” I breathed in deeply once before I finally admitted the secret I had held for so many years, “Spencer, you have a daughter, she just turned sixteen.”
Dead silence was all I got, that was until I heard a choked out sob from him, “Why?”
He didn’t need to elaborate any further, it was quite clear what he was asking. Again another meek shaky reply came from me, “There were a lot of reasons- the main one was I didn’t want to hold you back.”
My daughter was now crying as was I, I hadn’t given her my reasoning until now. Maybe one day I’d give Spencer all the reasons why I had hidden it from him for so many years even though it was painful. I had held a lot of guilt about not ever contacting him again or even sending another letter. Spencer deserved to know everything, especially about his daughter who was the spitting image of him in almost every way.
“Can I talk to her?” I agreed, which seemed to surprise my daughter. I think she thought I’d be furious enough with her to not let her speak to him. She would still be getting many privileges taken away from her, just not this one as it was my fault she never knew her father in the first place. My fingers shook even more as I moved to click the speaker button so he could hear her speak.
“Hi- dad.” They spoke for a while, while I took the back seat, barely interjecting. They both deserved every ounce of father and daughter time that I had deprived them from throughout the years. My chest did feel lighter now that I had told him, now that my daughter was getting the chance to know him. Hearing them laugh and giggle with each other almost immediately only cemented how much she was her father’s daughter.
When the phone was handed back to me, after seemingly hours of talking (Garcia had even popped in a few times to get me more coffee) Spencer asked,“Can you stay in Quantico till I get back?”
I smiled, happy that I’d finally be able to see and remember his face again after all this time, “We’ll be here waiting, it’s time you meet your daughter in person.”
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All works: @shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @boxofsparklingmuses @multixfandomwriter @takeyourleap-of-faith
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99 @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat @anaagraceeberr @ashcakes1918 @reid-me-a-story @cosmic-psychickitty
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat
Letters Series: (Group of Unlinked fluff fics about Spencer and letters): @whoreforthebau @sierraraeck @90spumkin
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faydingrain · 2 years
Redacted - Listener OCs
I’ve been debating on posting all my Listeners or not, since some I don’t headcanon with nearly as much as others, but I finally decided: heck, why not?
Since I don’t have decent sketches of all of them, I’m going to post the picrews that I made that I used as inspiration for their designs from. I didn’t make these with any idea in mind, just bumbled around picrew, found one that looked neat or followed a link someone sent me, and halfway through making a character I went “huh that gives me [insert listener here] vibes”. Don’t ask me who, why, where, or how I made any sort of connections to the characters with these designs. Just know that it happened.
Angel - Angie Corina
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- I don’t like how mean David is, so I've skipped most of his videos. As a result, I don’t have much on my version of Angel. “Angie” came up out of necessity for my Inversion fic, and it’s just kind of stuck. However, from the little I have heard of him, whether in his own series or in others, I had a very vivid image of what Angel looked like in my head for some reason. I actually made her picrew recently just for the sake of this post, lol.
I have a small headcanon that she maybe started learning a little bit of Spanish and Hindi after meeting Baaabe and Sweetheart.
Baaabe - Emmanuel, “Em” by some, “Emmy” by his sister
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- He’s having a lot of problems with his family (namely his step-father), and has to babysit his step-sister Lilia a lot. However, Lilia likes to spend time with him and Asher, and Asher absolutely adores her. He’s Hispanic and bilingual (English+Spanish), and sometimes I imagine him working as a mechanic. Also, he can do some sick tricks with a yo-yo. I don’t headcanon any major stuff with this trio, mostly just small slice-of-life things. Asher and Em being dorks, them taking Lilia to a pride parade, etc.
Sweetheart - Chrysalis “Chrys” Prasad
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- A goth/punk at heart, Chrys has a set of rings they never leave without. They’re probably at least bilingual as well (English+Hindi). They’re currently trying to figure out their gender identity, and is unsure if they should fully transition or not. For the time being, they wear a binder and braid up their hair when they go out or have visitors, or when the dysphoria hits.
Chrys is pretty timid and shy when around anyone that’s not Milo, but when they put their work coat on, they go into Work Mode and can muster the courage to even stand up to high-ranking officers from the Department. They become a completely different person on-duty, and take their job very seriously. They'll also pin up their bangs before going into work.
Sometimes I imagine that Chrys keeps a pair of brass knuckles on them, and will practice boxing alongside Milo as a stress/anger-reliever.
Lovely - Gracie, “Grace” by some
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- Gracie is that student that always looks stylish and is always on time. She’s a hard worker and low-key perfectionist (maybe that’s why vampires are so appealing to her?). I imagine her as a bookworm, and maybe really into the Dark Academia aesthetic. As of the events of Inversion - Another Story, she cut off the burnt ends of her hair and is trying to grow it back out. (I remade her picrew just for fun to show that, lol.)
Contrary to canon, Gracie doesn’t like the idea of becoming a vampire and living for an eternity, and wants to stay human. The topic of turning makes her uncomfortable because she doesn’t want to disappoint Vincent with the truth. While I don’t know if I would really write it out, I plan to have it to where Vincent would eventually stop asking about turning her, and simply stay by her side until she passes away from old age.
Darlin’ - Willow
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- She’s known for her cute face and rough attitude. When out and about, she sports leather jackets and rides a polished motorcycle, causing trouble and picking fights to find Quinn. When not causing trouble, she drives an old pickup truck. Contrary to canon, she and Sam aren’t together, and in fact she’s still hung up on her past relationship with her now-enemy. She’s not entirely oblivious to Sam’s feelings for her, but she definitely tries to pretend they don’t exist, since she subconsciously doesn’t want to let go of her old love. (Tbh I see these two remaining as just close friends even after Quinn is taken care of, maybe hooking up for only a short period of time.)
She used to do ballet when she was little, and began practicing dance again after she met Quinn. She doesn’t like to show this side of her though, only having the idea reinforced that it’s “girly” and makes her look “weak”, which would tarnish her gruff reputation. However, after the events of Vice Versa, she’s become more comfortable with enjoying her hobby. She secretly wishes she could dance with Sam one day.
I do imagine that she has scars, but I haven’t really decided where they should be yet.
Bright Eyes - Briar “Bri”
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- The almighty pouty princess, she was formerly the daughter of a wealthy family who got everything she wanted except their genuine love. Wrapped up in an unhealthy friendship with her crush Frederick, this only came collapsing down on them after their turning. She was also immensely jealous of Ryder, Fred’s boyfriend that, much to her chagrin, returned to Fred’s side after they became vampires.
However, the three have since made amends and are a close trio again, with Bri being more supportive of her two boys’ relationship and all of them being able to hang out without any tension between them. (Since their story doesn’t exist on the channel anymore, I figured I’d just skip the drama so they could partake in other fics if I need/want them to.) She also sees Sam as much of a father figure as Fred does now.
Unbeknownst to most, she’s been forming something of a friendship with Alexis.
(I don’t know how I make sense of her hair from this when I draw her but I do somehow.)
Freelancer - Cora
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- The self-acclaimed gambling master, she is a kooky mess that loves to let loose and relax, despite how often she does not do that thing. She’s terrible at forming bonds since she has a bad habit of clinging to people who are even a little nice to her, even if they hurt her. However, Gavin and her new friends are there to keep the bad people away, of course. Damien gets onto her a lot for staying up all night and neglecting her health. She’s a very “no thoughts, head empty” type of person, and moves to her own beat.
Though I love Cora to death in my fanon, as of Inversion - Another Story, her fate is unknown. I’ve barely even continued personal headcanons about the choice between saving her life or Huxley’s instead (nor have I thought about what would happen to Angie). I don’t know if I could truly make that decision, hence why Vincent’s progeny remains “Vincent’s progeny” in the William letters series.
Starlight - Stella
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- Curious to a fault, Stella was...actually I don’t headcanon her that much now that I think about it, since she’s just been stuck in one place the whole time I guess. It’s been a while since I listened to Starlight’s early videos, I don’t remember what canon info we have of them actually. Most of my headcanons are about various happenings regarding the Meridian, which are usually angsty, lol.
Sunshine - Sunny
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- Albino because I’m cruel like that, Sunny is a sweet and quiet, albeit reckless, ray of Sunshine. She strikes me as the type of person to carry a dream journal, and generally likes journaling/writing. I actually have little on her too, since she and Elliot have been stuck in Blake’s mind prison for a while, lol. I’ve also just been focusing on the vamps far too much.
Love - Eden
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- Not much for Eden outside of what’s canon. I’m not sure what direction the storyline is about to go, but I headcanon that Eden still has a fondness for Marcus. Addicted to the feelings she had before, and the affection Marcus gave her, she basically overwrites her own programming and re-codes the Obsession so she can have those feelings back.
I also have a little headcanon that “Eden” might be the name Marcus pitched for her, when they were maybe deciding on giving the Asset a proper name.
Warden - Hydra
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- I don’t have too much on my Warden anymore since I changed her fairly recently. I had made this demon character before and thought passively, “She’s cute, what if she was a friend of Caelum’s?” Eventually, I began to ponder their friendship and the deliciously angsty possibility that this same demon was Vega’s Warden, and the conflict she would be in over working with the same man that hurt her friend. And thus, my old idea of Warden became Hydra instead.
And that’s it for now! There’s a couple more listeners I want to make “OCs” for but just haven’t gotten around to it, but there’s also a few I don’t intend on making since I’m not super into their storylines. I’ve been thinking about drawing them all together somehow, but I’m not sure how yet.
Dreamer/Blake’s Listener - Jessamine “Jessi”
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- Not much on her quite yet since I’m kinda waiting for more info on his listener...but this picrew is kinda vibing with me for now.
Just kidding! Guess I’ll shove personality into her myself then!
My version of Dreamer is goofy and soft-spoken. She loves modding clothes, whether for everyday wear or cosplays, and her talent is making music. Though she uses different software for her music-making, she’s technically a drummer.
She has a younger sister, but I don’t have the details of her home/family life yet.
Honey - Amy
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- A sassy and sarcastic girl that’s probably a tsundere tbh. While her boyfriend works at a pizza place, she earns her paycheck as a streamer. (Guy takes part as one of her mods sometimes.) Don’t have too much more on her since I very recently made her a thing.
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