#i feel so braindead . a fucking zombie
sheila--e · 5 months
Found out that someone who I cared deeply about and who I parted on horrible terms with is a straight up transmed and has been saying super misogynistic shit. plus saying that Islam is "the worst religion by far". lol. lmao.
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ckret2 · 11 months
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hey what the fuck
I have 7000/8000 word days from time to time; but usually that's an all day marathon, "I'm so inspired I'm staying up til 3 am," mentally drained the next 4 days.
Today it's not even my bedtime; i'm feeling chill and reasonably energetic for 10 pm; no signs of the Hyperfocus Hangover headache brewing; well fed and hydrated; and it came so easily and effortlessly that if you'd asked me how much I wrote today I'd have said "idk like 3k?"
The real test of how much energy I spent will be seeing whether I'm a braindead zombie tomorrow; but right now, I'm not getting any of the usual "you've written too close to the sun" warning symptoms.
Which god's favor have I unknowingly earned. Which muse has bestowed her blessings upon my work. Does she accept roses and chocolates. Is she single. Is she free tomorrow
is this the spirit of nanowrimo
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brainddeadd · 4 months
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Braindead Reviews
The Walking Dead: Season 4
Overall thoughts:
Daryl brain rot.
Fuck the Governor.
What kind of ending is that!!!
S4, ep 1
They’ve made the prison look good man 
Oh damn it’s a full community 
That’s so cool 
They’ve got a mini farm and vegetable crops holy shit 
Carl naming a pig even though they’re gonna have to kill it for food 
Everyone greeting Daryl and him not knowing what the fuck to do with that 
“Just so you know, I liked you first.” Carol I love you 
The longer hair is lookin good damn 
How’d they make my man finer 
“Sorry, Pookie” CAROL MY BELOVED 
He is now my Pookie 
Always and forever Pookie 
“It’s a damn romance novel.” Its ok Pookie, you’re just lonely 
Michonne on a horse.. is there anything this lady can’t do ??
Michonne bringing back comics for Carl - mother 
“Your face is losing the war.” YES PLEASE SHAVE IT BACK A BIT 
She’s looking for the Governor and I get it but please stay safe my love
“Dad, that’s for kids.” You are the kids Carl. 
Holy shit she’s a person 
Not the kids naming the walkers 
Oh holy crap - the helicopter crash and shit on the roof 
Michonne killing the cardboard cutout of the zombie in the shop 
Ex-army medic guy is kinda weird 
Jesus christ dude that’s one way to get the walkers attention 
Oh shit not the roof caving in 
Idk how I feel about the chick in the woods 
Oh YUCK the scalp being left on the floor as the walker gets up 
Beths rando getting killed shit 
Carol teaching the kids how to defend themselves during Story Time 
Maggie thought she was pregnant ?!?!?!?
Daryl telling Beth - how was he the best person for that job 
“Just tired of losing people is all.” Pookie 
Oh god there’s a sickness in the prison 
S4, ep 2
Tyrese please don’t sing 
Please don’t let Mama Stilinski die 
Glenn taking a polaroid of Maggie and refusing to throw it away my loves I adore them 
Michonne is that boys mother, you can’t tell me otherwise 
“It ain’t a breech.” No it’s not pookie 
Jesus that’s so many dead 
Carol having to kill that man and his eldest daughter deciding to do it 
Daryl knowing that one of the dead locked himself in cause he used to sleep walk 
“Gotta be.” Pookie you can say you’re not ok
The mans 2 daughters are fucken weird 
Michonne not wanting to hold Judith - hmm, I have thoughts 
S4, ep 3
Daryl stopping Rick and Carol from stepping in with Tyrese 
Rick and Tyrese fighting 
Sasha getting sick fuck 
“He’s already given me fleas.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tyrese dude, she’s dead and its an apocalypse, keep others alive before you hunt down whoever burnt her 
Daryl working on the car.. fuck 
“Put a bolt in them for what they did.” Please do pookie
Why am I suspicious of the child ???
Carl’s growing up 
“What’s that word?” “Zananavere” “Yeah, we need you.” So real for that - yes, I spelt it wrong
A voice on the radio 
“Make a run for the woods and don’t stop for nothing.” Daryl baby, if they don’t stop for you, ill kill them 
Why is tyrese just sitting there? Run boy 
Not him sacrificing himself for the others 
CAROL burnt them 
Holy shit
S4, ep 4
Daryl taking something back for the people at the prison - for a grave
Michonne’s smile 
Of course Daryl can Hotwire a car 
The 2 in the house are a bit.. idk 
More mechanic Daryl my beloved 
Daryl is so comforting in such a brutal way 
“It was easier than telling an ER nurse I fell down the stairs for the third time.” I know he’s dead, but imma kill him 
The chick from the house is dead 
“You should have kept walking that day.” Fuck ok 
Feral Daryl getting up in his face - Jesus 
Daryl’s growling 
“You take one sip before those meds get into our people, I will beat your ass into the ground.” I don’t think that should have been that attractive to me 
Rick dude, they were gonna die. Y’all didn’t even have a plan to go get the meds when she killed them.
Rick you can’t kick Carol out the fuck is wrong with you 
If she goes, Daryl goes man 
I hate you Rick Grimes 
S4, ep 5
I hate you Rick Grimes 
The kid treating the walker like a dog 
Its all gone to shit 
Not Daryl and the others arriving back after it’s all been done 
Oh god they have to tell Daryl 
His instant concern 
S4, ep 6
Oh please don’t let this be an episode about the fucken governor yuck 
Oh these poor people that have found him 
Yeah I skipped his episode soz fuck that guy 
S4, ep 7
Its still him fuck 
Not him coming across Michonne and Hershel at the end 
S4, ep 8
Daryl’s growl while talking about Carol being gone 
Who’s leaving the fucken rats around 
Governor fuck off now 
Go die 
Jesus Christ 
Daryl don’t let Carl do anything stupid 
The governor is fucking insane 
Hershel looks so proud of Rick 
Oh god not Rick getting shot 
Daryl my beloved with the grenade 
Beth where the fuck are you 
The little kids killing someone 
The Governor getting the best of Rick 
Daryl throwing a grenade in the tank 
Well.. the prison’s gone 
S4, ep 9
Michonne getting her walkers on a leash again 
Rick being a dick ngl
They’re both being dicks
Carl stop talking to your dad while he’s unconscious 
“I’d be fine if you died.” CARL NO
Him running into the door and not being able to open it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The walker in the house 
‘Walker in side. Got my shoe. Didn’t get me.’ 
Fuck Michonne 
Carl thinking he’s going to have to kill his dad is fucking heartbreaking 
“112 ounces of pudding.” That- Carl- ok
Michonne crying because she’s so happy to find them 
S4, ep 10
Conveying he’s sorry for the Hershal comment with his expression rather than words is such a Daryl thing to do 
He’s so gentle but in a like.. brutal way 
Throwing the crossbow on the ground so he can save Beth 
Oh Tyrese has Judith, thank god 
I don’t trust those 2 little girls 
Who’s screaming????
The eldest kid is a fucking psychopath 
Terminus … do we trust it ??
Glenn boy you better be ok 
“She’s my wife.” Hell yeah she is buddy 
“What else you got?” Ew 
S4, ep 11
Carl and Michonne acting like besties 
Not Carl ignoring her attempt to make him feel better 
Her telling Carl about her son 
What is going on in the house Rick’s hiding in ???
Abraham, Rosita, Eugene 
How can he possibly know what caused this ???
How can someone in a fucking zombie apocalypse be that useless with a gun ?!?!?!
Oh yuck - those guys are disgusting - Rick, kill them 
Actually, Michonne, kill them 
Rosita going with Glenn and the other chick - the others following 
Terminus again 
S4, ep 12
Not him and Beth hiding in the trunk of a car 
The snake 🤢🤢🤢🤢
Beth you’re like 17, you’re not having alcohol 
Daryl has forgotten how to talk I see 
Why is she so fixated on alcohol like girly leave it alone - if you gotta run for your life, alcohol is gonna make that so much harder 
Daryl keeping the money and the jewels 
‘Rich bitch’ on a dead woman who’s been posed on a mannequin - Beth being bothered by it and Daryl probably knowing people who would have done that 
Daryl beating the crap out of the walker, even though he could have just killed him quickly - thats the first time he’s shown any outward sign of his rage at losing the prison and the others 
“Peach schnapps. Is it good?” “No.” Correct 
Daryl throwing darts at the pictures of the people on the wall instead of the dart board - the anger continues 
“Ain’t gonna have your first drink be no damned peach schnapps.” 🤣🤣
“That’s a real first drink right there.” DARYL 
Jesus Christ that’s how Daryl lived 
“Mr. Dixon” eugh 
“I ain’t never needed a game to get lit before.” Pookie please 
Things we learn about Daryl in this game
He’s never been out of Georgia 
Been drunk and done things he’s regretted - a lot of them 
Never been on vacation - camping was for hunting and survival 
Him being offended when she does the “never been in jail” line - “is that what you think of me?”
Things we might have learnt but it could be fake cause he’s pissed
never had frozen yoghurt (now that’s just cruel) 
had a pet pony
got anything from Santa
relied on anyone for protection 
relied on anyone for anything (you were abused pookie)
never sung in front of people in public like it was fun (ok that one’s fair)
cut his wrists looking for attention (low blow)
Aggressively trying to teach her how to shoot the crossbow - wonder how much Norman apologised for the physicality later 
“I want you to stop acting like you don’t give a crap about anything. Like nothing we went through matters. Like none of the people we lost meant anything to you. It’s bullshit.” “Is that what you think?” “That’s what I know.”
“I ain’t afraid of nothing.” 
Oh god his voice cracks 
“Yeah, I’m a dick when I’m drunk.” Pookie, you’re a dick like 97% of the time
“I thought I was dead. Over a dumb cartoon about a talking dog.” Daryl, sweetie, I’m so glad your brother is dead.
“I was nobody. Nothing. Some redneck asshole and an even bigger asshole for a brother.” 
“I’m just used to this. Things being ugly.”
“You’re gonna be the last man standing.” I see that 
“You’re gonna miss me so bad when I’m gone, Daryl Dixon.” Fucken foreshadowing at this point 
I can not for the life of me tell if she’s flirting with him or not 
Crazy assholes actually did it 
S4, ep 13
Who is this?
Is this the ‘backstory’ of the dude who wanted the alcohol?????
It is alcohol man!!
Ok so with Maggie and Sasha 
Teaching Beth how to track and use the crossbow 
Dad!Daryl to the rescue when Beth gets hurt 
“This is a serious piggyback. Jump up.” Daryl marry me
Holding hands for comfort: cute. But if its anything else.. GIRLY HIS BEARD IS GOING GREY ADN YOU ARE A CHILD 
Sasha trying to get them safe and Maggie lost in her grief 
Daryl yuck don’t do that (do that to me tho) - the jar in the house by the cemetery 
Why’s she playing the piano - they’re meant to be quiet 
“This is the comfiest bed I’ve had in years.” IT’S A COFFIN DARYL 
I am Concerned Daryl Dixon 
How is a coffin the comfiest bed ?!?!?!? SIR??
I am trying really really hard to keep it that she is a child and he’s old enough to be her dad - PLEASE DONT BE A CREEP DIXON SHE’S 17 
I did some googling cause it was bothering me - they met when Beth was 16, she’s currently 17 and she dies when she’s 18. If ANYTHING happens between them, I’m turning off. (I knew she died it’s not a spoiler).
Maggie ditching the others to look for Glenn - writing messages in blood 
Daryl is at peak dad energy this episode 
Beth stop pushing the emotionally constipated man for his feelings 
Making sure she gets out the house safely 
God he was running all night 
Maggie waiting for Sasha and Bob in the town 
Who the fuck has found Daryl?
Glenn found the Terminus sign, thank god 
S4, ep 14
Is someone playing.. with a walker 
This eldest girl is fucken weird 
The younger girl is also fucken weird 
Jesus Christ what the fuck is she doing 
She’s feeding the fucken walker 
She was feeding the walkers at the prison 
Fucken hell 
Carol having to kill the girl she was supposed to protect is foul and cruel 
Telling Tyrese that she burnt the others, giving him a gun - holy shit 
“I forgive you.” Oh 
S4, ep 15
Abraham is really good at reading people 
Glenn taking off when he finds the sign from Maggie 
Daryl bby leave those creeps 
Carl and Michonne having fun together 
Oh you did not just invade on Daryl’s kill AND call Daryl Dixon “boy”. You gone die 
Did this fucker just insinuate that ?!?!?! 
Daryl kill him 
He looks like a lil kid having his candy taken from him 
Don’t stop at noon - wasting time 
“Some of you ain’t exactly friendly.” Have you met you?
Did he just compare Daryl to a cat ???
Eugene is creepy 
And annoying 
Rosita queen 
What did they see? 
Dickhead needs to back up from Pookie 
Telling Glenn to go yes, but he won’t
Glenn not telling Maggie that Tara was with the Governor is certainly a choice 
I get the feeling that Eugene isn’t saying something 
He’s leaving something out 
Or he’s lying 
They killed dickhead holy shit 
Glenn and Maggie arriving at Terminus - why do I have a bad feeling about this?
S4, ep 16
CARL ?!?!
Those dickheads have in fact found Rick
“These people, you’re gonna let them go. These are good people.” Yes pookie save them 
“You want blood. I get it. Take it from me, man.” UH NO 
The Rick Grimes Head Tilt 
Carl’s crying really reminds you that he’s still a child 
“He’s mine.” Oh fuck
Dripping in blood, having just ripped someones neck out, and pissed off cause you dared to touch his son.. you’re dead dead dead 
He just gutted that man like a pig 
Holy fuck 
Michonne cradling Carl - thank you 
Carl lying on Michonnes lap like she’s his mum - imma cry 
Daryl looking out for Carl, making Rick clean the blood off 
Daryl Dixon don’t you dare blame yourself for those dickheads - you were trying to survive 
“You’re my brother.”
“What you did last night, anybody would have done that.” If someone tried to rape my kid, hell yeah I would 
Michonne and Rick have this way of understanding each other and it’s beautiful 
They’ve made it to Terminus 
Her walkers on the leash were her boyfriend and their friend - they were high in the damn apocalypse 
Carl bby you’re not a monster. You’re the product of your horrific circumstances and the shit you’ve had to do to survive. 
Gareth and Alex 
Don’t take their weapons pls 
“Hate to see the other guy.” “You would.”
“They deserve it?” “Yes.” Carl bby, yes they did 
Rick seeing belongings from other members of their group - putting a gun to Alex, Daryl jumping in with 0 hesitation 
Even in a zombie apocalypse I cannot escape lego 
Why does the letter ‘A’ keep showing up ???
“Now they’re friends of ours.” Yes they are pookie 
“They’re gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out.” … “They’re fucking with the wrong people.” 
What a way to end the season fuck 
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animebw · 1 year
Seasonal Reflection: Summer 2023 Anime
I've noticed over my years of seasonal anime watching that summer tends to be the weakest season of the year. For whatever reason, everyone saves their good shows for winter, spring or fall, leaving the middle of the year to limp along with few real standouts. But god almighty, even by those standards, this was a dismal fucking season of anime. Forget just not having many good shows, there were so few shows that even had the potential to be good. Trying to find anything with a fighting chance of turning out even halfway decent felt like trawling for nuggets of half-digested corn in an overflowing septic tank of obviously bad isekai, obviously bad light novel junk, and obviously bad wish-fulfillment rom-coms. And then, just to add insult to injury, basically all the shows that did start out strong ended up tripping over themselves in some way. So not only were there so few anime even worth keeping up with this season, none of them managed to score anything higher than "pretty good." This is, unquestionably, the worst anime season I've sat through since I started watching seasonally. So let's take stock of the few shows I kept up with and pray for better things once the much-more-promising fall season gets under way.
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead: Unfinished/10
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Well, isn't this unfortunately ironic. The increasingly exploitative conditions that anime is made under have resulted in so many high-profile shows suffering production delays as their animators crash up against the cruelty of overwork and corporate greed. But there's something particularly disquieting when that fate befalls a show that's all about breaking free from your shitty exploitative job. Zom 100 sets out to extol the joys of living a free life unchained by capitalism's cruel clutches even in the midst of the end of the world, but ends up so ravaged by those very chains that it was unable to finish its run before it ran out of timeslots. And now its last three episodes are left in limbo, the entire production team waiting for a chance to recover and find some way to bring their work to a close. It's a pretty bleak situation that almost makes you believe a zombie apocalypse would actually be preferrable to our current state of affairs. Especially when, uh, this is not a show you want to give the audience extra time to think about. Cause the more you think about it, the more all its aggravating flaws- painfully simplistic moralizing, a sexist streak that refuses to just fucking die- start to sour your good feelings for the rollicking ride it's taking you on. I can only hope the final episodes, whenever they arrive, close it out on a strong enough note to make the ride feel worth it.
Mushoku Tensei Season 2 (1st Cours): 1/10
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I have stewed long and hard over how to phrase my thoughts on the second season of Mushoku Tensei. I've agonized for hours on how to express how viscerally, repulsively infuriating this show has become. But ultimately, there's only one thing I can say: Fuck this show and fuck everyone who likes it. Fuck every free ride this show gives Rudeus so he never had to face consequences for his actions. Fuck the hypocritical stabs at "redemption" that only serve to excuse and justify every female character slobbering over an unrepentant pedophile. Fuck the single worst use of slavery I've ever seen in an isekai (Cannot fucking believe I have to give Shield Hero credit for anything). Fuck this lifeless waste of a cast that steadfastly refuses to have a single interesting member. Fuck the misogyny. Fuck the masturbatory woe-is-me manpain. And most of all, fuck every last braindead, media-illiterate mouth-breather who decided to turn this irredeemable garbage into a modern anime classic. The success of Mushoku Tensei is the death of everything I love about this medium, and I will never forgive any of you for bringing us to this point. Go. Fuck. Yourselves.
My Happy Marriage: 4/10
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God, I really wanted to like this one more than I did. Isn't it great to see high-profile shoujo anime with impressive productions making a comeback after years of drought? And this is a story about trauma and healing and discovering your self worth and all that good stuff! This should've been right up my alley. And yet, My Happy Marriage just left me frustrated and somewhat offended. There's such a powerful story buried in here somewhere, but thanks to a combination of painfully overwrought melodrama that robs its heroine of far too much agency, a poorly handled supernatural twist on the Cinderella formula that only grows increasingly awkward the more it tries to force the two together, and a condescending undercurrent that seems to think the only cure for years of abuse is embracing a hyper-traditionalist form of wifely duties, that nugget of potential never has the chance to blossom. What an utter disappointment.
Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence: 5/10
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Rejoice, folks; we've finally found the mathematical average of the slice-of-life moe romance. Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence is the platonic ideal of the fluffy, disposable rom-com made flesh, pleasant and harmless while watching but leaving no lasting impression once it's done. It's a collection of cute character moments, amusing gags, and occasional stabs at emotion that sometimes tug at your heartstrings a bit, all arranged in their proper places with a likable cast and bouncy animation and just enough energy to stay moderately interesting all the way through. And aside from the somewhat unique setting of a Medieval church as home base for our two awkward lovebirds, none of it lingers in your mind once the episode ends and you find yourself forgetting all the jokes you were just chuckling to. Which may seem like a backhanded complement, but honestly? This is what I would consider the baseline for anime rom-coms. If you're gonna just be fluffy and disposable, this is the absolute minimum you should be aiming for to make me appreciate spending twenty-four minutes every week with you. I can't really recommend it to anyone but the most ravenous rom-com fans, but at least now I have a standard to judge any similar shows that fall short of the mark.
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale Season 2: 5.5/10
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What strikes me most about Sugar Apple Fairy Tale now that it's over is just what an ambitious show it turned out to be. It's one thing to write a hackneyed fantasy racism metaphor about fairy slavery into your swoony shoujo romance, it's quite another to actually try and engage honesty with the implications of that idea as the core driving force of your narrative. And whatever else you might say about it, SAFT is really, truly making an effort to explore discrimination and systemic bigotry, tackling it from so many angles over the course of its 24 episodes without shying away from its thorny complexity. How many other stories like this would dedicate an entire subplot to showing how victims of one kind of discrimination can still perpetuate harm on groups even lower on the social totem pole like SAFT does with Brigit? Or explore how toxic systems of control don't magically get better just because a minority is at the helm like Lafalle? It's that kind of ambition that makes it easier to take this show's stumbles in stride, numerous though they might be at times. I'll always appreciate an earnest, messy attempt at making a statement over a safe, line-toeing space filler without the conviction to even try.
Horimiya Piece: 6/10
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So this is a weird situation where the first season of Horimiya ended up rushing through the source material in order to adapt the whole story, and now this side-quel is going back and adapting all the content the first season skipped over. Essentially, it's a Horimiya DLC, scattered skits with no real cohesion or progression that just exist to give you more good times with the cast you love. But hey, Horimiya was never really heavy on plot to begin with; it's always been more a collection of moments across the lives of these friends than anything else. So I don't see anything wrong with doing a full season of just slice-of-life shenanigans, since that's basically what the first season became once Hori and Miyamura got together. And if nothing else, I certainly appreciated all the extra time with these lovable goofballs; this show does a better job than most of capturing the sheer, absolute chaos that teenage friend groups can cause amongst each other. Unfortunately, there are two episodes in the back half that truly, utterly suck- episode 9 is completely focused on the creepy pedophile teacher the show thinks is just the most hilarious joke ever, and episode 12 faceplants into romanticizing abusive relationships in a really gross way. So if you're gonna check Horimiya Piece out, do yourself a favor and skip those episodes entirely. Your experience will be better off for it.
Undead Murder Farce: 6.5/10
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Pulp is a hard style to define, isn't it? You'd think it would be easy with how influential and popular it's been over the years. Ultimately, though, you just gotta know it when you see it. And Undead Murder Farce is pulpier than a thousand trees being turned into paper at an orange juice factory. It's a Victorian-era serial mystery extravaganza that turns the entirety of 19th-century supernatural adventure literary canon into the backdrop for a rakugo-performing half-oni and a severed immortal head to traipse through solving mysteries as they pursue a larger goal. Over the course of their adventures, they match wits and butt heads with vampires, werewolves, Sherlock Holmes, Phileas Fogg from Around the World in 80 Days, The Phantom of the Opera, Arsene Lupin, Frankenstein's Monster, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. And thanks to the director of Kaguya-sama at the helm, the visual presentation is exactly as gonzo and freewheeling as this brazen OC fanfiction deserves. I enjoyed every second of this goofy-ass show, and I hope we get a second season to see which classic characters our wisecracking immortal detectives rub elbows with next. It's what we deserve.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 (1st Part): 7/10
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It's increasingly difficult to pin down my feelings on Jujutsu Kaisen. On the one hand, it regularly delivers some of the coolest, most lavishly animated punch-ups in modern anime. On the other hand, is that enough to cover for the story's incredible lack of focus and constant zig-zagging between different ideas at the drop of a hat? Like, I might need more than ten fingers to count how many times this show just drops in the middle of building up a status quo to shift gears into something entirely different without giving proper closure to what's come before. On the other other hand, though, season 2's backstory arc finally gave us an actual driving force for the story and a strong emotional framework to understand the stakes at play, except then it almost immediately reverses on that idea by revealing one of the critical characters has been dead the whole time and his story's suddenly over just when it was really getting under way, and... eh. Look, I like Jujutsu Kaisen, and its spectacular action and hilarious character interactions are usually enough to help me forgive its overly convoluted plotting (especially this season with its massive upgrade in directorial flourish and experimental animation). But at some point I'm really gonna start wondering if any of this nonsense will ever amount to more than a slapped-together framework to justify the fights.
Fate/Strange Fake Episode 0: 8/10
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It's probably not a good sign that the only anime to really inspire me this season was basically just a prologue for a show that's still being made as we speak. But with how barren this season has been, I'll take my victories where I can. And sweet buttery Jesus, am I glad that Strange Fake is getting a full adaptation. After years of having no interest in Fate beyond the core story, one of these endless spinoffs finally manages to grab me hook line and sinker. And all it took was the author of Baccano and Durarara filtering the concept of the Holy Grail War through his particular penchant for sprawling, chaotic ensemble stories full of truly deranged characters slamming the full weight of their personalities against each other for the sheer fun of it. Add a mesmerizing new visual style from a longtime key animator making his directorial debut, and the result is an epic hour-long masterclass introduction that leaves you breathless for more. This is what Fate/Zero's first episode should have been. And sure, it could still go horribly off the rails at some point, but for now, I choose to remain hopeful. May this promise of better things to come prove a welcome omen as we leave this miserable anime season behind.
Shows I Dropped:
The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses: Dropped at 2 episodes for extreme GoHands over-animation, and just being a painfully cringey male fantasy rom-com.
Atelier Ryza: Dropped at 1 episode for being boring and generic as fuck. Only worth it for the hilariously crowbarred-in fanservice shots and I can just look those up on their own.
Reign of the Seven Spellblades: Dropped at 2 episodes for some of the most cringe-worthy DeviantArt-tier writing I've ever seen.
The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today: Dropped at 2 episodes for just being boring, even though it's way better than GoHands' other monstrosity this season.
Bang Dream It's MyGo: Dropped at 1 episode for just not vibing with it, idk.
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sugolara · 5 months
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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They had a long road ahead of them and Katsuki only felt agitated as the minutes passed by with Denki��s slow driving. He knew the male was only being cautious, but he seriously just wanted to reach the warehouse and return to F/n and have her in his arms.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away when he saw the girl sob her eyes out, her eyes never leaving what was left of Hanta. He almost felt like he could cry as he saw his friend, his teachers die and the way Toga pounced on her, making her watch every second as Tomura batted his friend's head, angered him.
It angered him so much that all he could see was red but when he heard the girl let out a whimper, his eyes drastically moved to her form. He felt sick, hurt, like he wanted to just hug her and he wasn’t one for touch, but seeing the aftermath of her staring at the mud, hands clenching the dirt with a look he’s never seen, was just devastating.
And although he has yet to confess what he feels for her, just like Izuku, he wants her to know that he sees her. That he knows she’s there and that he wants her to notice him just like she does with his rival and Shoto. He can’t deny the girl is pretty and has every feature that he would want in someone.
Everyday when he woke up, his mind had thought back to the girl. Even when he spent the first month with her, he always seemed to look at her. He didn’t know it at first, only presuming that the girl irked him for being good at everything, but he’s been…slowly developing feelings. 
He still remembers that feeling he had when nails stabbed her back, and of course he was concerned as he thought she was bit, but after they removed the nails, he felt his heart fill with relief. 
He found it strange at first, then bothersome and now that he’s here realizing and practically declaring war with his childhood friend, he almost feels giddy. Like he can’t believe he actually has a romantic side and it was just waiting to be poured out and drown F/n in it. 
He scoffed at himself, sitting in the small kitchen watching the trees go by. He almost sounded like Izuku, hell he even felt like him for just thinking about something sappy for the girl. 
But, the question that really got to him, was what if she rejects him? With all they’ve been through, how many dangers they faced and not to mention the countless times she saved him, would it all disappear the moment he confessed? 
He’s matured over the years and wasn’t the same angry kid who lashed out at everything. No, he was someone who could, in a way, control his anger including his feelings. So if she rejected him, then that’s on her. At least he put it out there and the feelings would disappear just as she's disappearing from his life. 
But, that brought up another question. What if she were to accept Izuku or god forbid Shoto. He knows Izuku can be romantic as he saw with Ochaco back at school, but Shoto? The dude was braindead when it came to feelings or jokes or anything that he wouldn’t understand, therefore needing someone to interpret it. 
He added an airy chuckle at the thought. His piercing red eyes staring at the few dead bodies that they pass by. 
Though, the blonde did have to give Shoto some credit as he also matured. Yet still, if Katsuki had to compete for F/n then it would be with Izuku. With how dense Shoto is, there is no way she would return his feelings and if he did manage to spill out his hearts, he would most of definitely fucked it up.
Oh, if only he knew. 
“I say we stop here, check out that small gas station.” Eijiro said looking to the right where the building resided, “There has to be something, even if it's small.”
Denki slowly pulled in next to the building, careful to not hit any of the vehicles in the way, “The place looks ransacked. The windows, doors and even the side of the wall is broken.”
“It doesn’t hurt to try.” The red-head narrowed his eyes and got out of the RV with Denki. Ever since the tragic incident, he’s been on edge especially with the amount of pressure Tomura’s group had added. Every scavenging team has felt stress and who knows just how long they can take it.
Katsuki shortly got out of the RV, his gun hitting his side with every step he took. He looked around in case a dead was near, but for the most part it was quiet. He then turned to the building where Denki and Eijiro peeked through the busted windows. 
He too looked inside, shining his flashlight only to see a rotter get up from its sitting position. The blonde sniffled from the cold air and let the rotter get close to him where he then pulled his knife and stuck it into its head. 
His blade and the window were covered in blood, though thankfully, he wasn’t, “Let’s get this shit over with.”
The other two nodded in determination and with Denki holding the door open, they all got inside where he then took watch. It was a small gas station, so they weren’t expecting a lot of dead to be roaming or any products around. 
His foot stepped on the rotter's head, the skin, blood and maggots sticking to the bottom of Katsuki’s boot. He sneered before wiping it on the tile floor, the squeak emitting the room, “This place smells like shit.”
Eijiro let out a huff when he jumped over the register, his eyes looking underneath the counter where a shelf of storages displayed, “Watch for that corner, there's a breach.”
Katsuki shined his light to where the other male pointed. It appeared like someone had crashed into it before driving away as he could slightly see the track marks. He then proceeded to look around the floor, noticing for any marks that a human had been here, but it was difficult to tell as the marks were sloppily placed. 
He muttered underneath his breath, the fog escaping his mouth, “Maybe she would know.”
“Who would know?” Denki had accidentally startled the blonde as he whipped around ready to plunge his knife into him until Denki let out a silent shriek, “Woah! It's me, chill out!”
“The hell do you think you’re doing, idiot!?” He placed his blade down to his side, glaring at the one in front, “You’re supposed to keep watch, so get to it.”
The other male scoffed, ignoring Katsuki’s glare, “Look, I would have, alright? But I feel useless just doing that. I want to  be productive and I’m tired of being watched when we do runs. How about for a change, you or Eijiro do it.”
To say Katsuki was shocked was an understatement. However, as he looked at a tired and what he could see a hint of a depressed Denki, he let out a sigh and gave him his knife, “Watch out for any creepy crawlers and don’t get your ass bit, otherwise I will kill you.”
Despite feeling down, Denki smiled, “Aye, aye, captain.”
Katsuki only rolled his eyes, heading to the front where he could see the RV, useless cars, trees, and litter flying from the wind. 
“You guys want cigarettes?” Eijiro chuckled as he held a pack, placing it on the counter before bending down and grabbing more, “There a lot if you each want your own.”
“Don’t be stupid.” Katsuki said, his eyes looking outside, “Take it. We can use it to start a fire or something.”
Denki teasingly looked at Katsuki, “Is that really what you're going to use it for?”
Katsuki whipped his head back around, “Don’t make me regret putting you there!” 
“Jeez, alright!” He picked up a box of empty crackers and then aimlessly threw it behind him. He hesitated to speak for a moment since it was a touchy subject but he had to say something, “..So…what are we going to do about Shoto?”
Eijiro stopped his movements, slowly glancing his way. Although he could only see his back, he knew he was worried from the tone. He breathed in, “Whatever Nezu has planned, he'll let us know. We can’t do anything unless… We have to wait for him.”
Katsuki wanted to let out a scoff. Wait for Nezu? Shoto was most likely dead or  better yet held in captivity slowly dying from a torturous death. He was sick and tired of waiting, what good did that ever do to them anyway, “I say we blow the damn place until they're all dead.”
The other two looked his way before looking down. They had to agree with him. Tomura’s group was the reason their friends and many people died. They weren’t strong yesterday, but if they kept practicing then they would totally beat them.
Practicing? More like practicing for death.
Denki also had another thing to say, his eyes casting down to his hands, “..I know…their bodies aren’t there…but they’re holding a funeral.”
Katsuki’s hands twitched, his eyes still looking outside. The funeral he mentioned was to be planned the day they returned which wouldn’t be until three days, give or take. Three days until they returned and he couldn’t help but to think back to F/n who sat in Hanta’s room, going crazy from having to wait to say her goodbyes. 
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stone-97 · 8 months
GGY: SB - Truth
“I’m furious, beyond furious actually. This anger had been building ever since Becker was butchered by Glitchtrap and his obedient murder slave. Being stripped of control like that is nerve-wracking. It was important to send Becker on a goose chase, all those morons had to do was leave multiple trails out of the city. Should’ve known the plan was doomed to FAIL, but I’m not omnipotent, just overly cautious and paranoid.”
              My head shakes as the buzzing fades away again, refocusing on the matter at hand. It had slipped my mind what the ramifications of denying the blinding weasel and the braindead puppet. Although, HIS plans went beyond resurrecting a worthless zombie, unlike my “associate’s” belief in the zombie’s gospel. I’m not a fool, the only reason Vanny was still useful was because she has VANESSA’S BODY. My host’s existence was testament to the zombie’s failed initial plan. Then again, it was a miracle that Glitchtrap didn’t order Vanny to dispose of Gregory.
“God dammit! What’s the point of gaining remnant if the dumbasses want child remnant specifically.” My hands vibrate from pain as I tore up failed notes to grasp ointment and gauze.
“Those two are doing as they please, disregarding the consequences and this new “plan” of theirs will be blown-up in their faces, don’t need to be a genius to see that.” My hair is ruined, and my base is dusty.
              I look at the worn photos in a corner, an echo of nostalgia filling my host before fading into obscurity. Gregory had turned every mirror in the base to the walls, but I know he’s hiding from that specter. I know the specter isn’t harmful, but Gregory suffered enough at the ghastly apparition of my “Boss” to leave mental scars. The apparition is talkative, a mechanic, and clearly a past victim, I don’t know who it is though they value family if their staring at pictures isn’t obvious enough.
“Gregory is an orphan by no fault of his own, I still see flashes of that night he became one by Glitch’s orders. I desired to be FREE, now I’m tired of it all, so fucking tired. Just a few more tuning sessions and I can set it all in motion.”
              The comforting, amber glow of Gregory’s remnant illuminates this room, the jars are quiet and calm in his presence. However, the room adjacent to this crawl space closet is different, almost joyous in the windy whispers. Although I hadn’t the reason to look into Gregory’s memories, I’m aware of their shared past, but the remnant isn’t picky in what is transferred back into the body. So, I see Gregory’s childhood before the headset, yet it’s clear that Vanny existed before it all. I can’t understand what made her wait to kill THEM, she could’ve done it at any time prior. I can theorize but no proof exists to answer this query of mine.
“It’s all irrelevant, I need to finish what’s in store before those two get wise to my lip service and platitudes. Lucky for me, Vanny’s forethought isn’t beyond covering up her crimes, or she’d ask about the remnant I’m using. Time to check the others.” Crossing the gap to the door.
              This was the other secret I’d kept for so long, these jars are almost gone, soon nothing will stop me from getting what I want. I can feel the exhaustion in my being, but I’m almost finished, soon nothing will matter after this is all over, not Vanny, the missing children, nor the past. Gregory will wake believing it all to be nothing short of a bad dream, it’ll be better for us all in the end.
-Staring into the, now hung, mirror, with the ghost behind me-
              It’s merely a feeling, but a warm echo settled into my chest, guess you agree with my plan. I’m no longer looking at a reflection of blue eyes, only weary amber stared back, a splash of ever-present pain apparent in them. How it feels to watch an imposter live your life, steal your friends, and continuously bloody your hands until knee-deep in bodies. That is a kind of trauma I could never understand, but freedom is near, yours and MINE.
“Cassidy won’t agree to your plan, no longer will HE be in her grasp.” Sorrow hangs in the room from the ghost.
“What SHE desires is irrelevant, after all, she is still hiding from the consequences of HER actions.” Tis wrong to snap at him, but her actions led to this nightmare’s existence.
              I turn to the machine, Vanessa’s unconscious form strapped into the comfy chair. Moving her was easy, but Gregory worries, she’s gaunt, starved of nutrients, and so pale it’s as if she’s already dead. Yet, tis an improvement over how near-death she had been before the “tuning” I began. Calling it tuning was quite clever when the truth was that I’d been feeding the agony Vanny pulled from Vanessa back into Vanessa’s body.
              I stared down at the faintly glowing, emerald liquid sloshing and coiling the jar like a water snake. It YEARNS to return to the host. I lied when I told them that Vanny would overtake Vanessa, it wasn’t the opposite either, this would weaken Vanny’s hold tremendously, but it won’t be a miracle fix-it as I mentioned to the ghost. There are still other safeguards that warden set up.
“When the stage is set, I won’t be able to communicate with him, so you’ll have to in my stead.” My eyes glance to the darkened corner.
“Now then Vanessa, this is your final round of shots. Soon, you’ll be right as rain and on your way.” I slot the jars into the feeder before pressing the button.
              I’d set up Gregory’s feeder last night, so all I need is to sit and let the machine work as we sleep. Everything is done, soon Freddy will deliver Vanessa to the Lost and Found office. As for Gregory, my faithful partner will hide him in one of my burrows near the Atrium, just in time for the show. Vanny and Glitch will be scrambling to brainwash him again. I’ll be laughing the entire time, wherever I land when they realize the chip is gone, from Gregory.
              Remnant is a wonderful quick fix, as long as the one healed matches the one it’s pulled from. I glance at the faded scar that’s hidden by Vanessa’s right bang; it was shrinking more, and soon it’ll be completely gone. How easy those two were to convince, an unexpected accident with a Monty endo in P&S was all I needed as an excuse to put her under. Now, to get rid of the last piece, her chips.
“It’s time for you to return, Gregory. This night will be nightmarish, perhaps traumatizing. No need to worry, you won’t be alone. Neither of you will be alone.” Situating myself comfortably, nodding to my assistant bot.
              My vision blurs as the needles gently poke and the injections start flooding Gregory’s veins at once. No surprise, I feel at peace, my mind tranquil as the blur turns from white to black.
“-sigh- It’s finally time, will be amazing to sleep, uninterrupted.” Gregory’s head lolls as the rest of him relaxes into the chair.
“It’s time; wake up, Gregory, wake up.” My eyes close forever.
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who-tf-took-my-name · 9 months
Bite Back
TW: Blood/Gore, Swearing
some of my writing
I was on my way into the city to get some supplies. But it's not as you think, it's not a chill ride in a car with air condition. No, of course it's summer, I don't wear sunscreen and zombies walk around everywhere. It was already two months since the dead didn't stay dead. The heat killed me. Almost like my body was decomposing already.  I mean, i started walking at 10am, were it was still somewhat cool, but i didn't know it would take me THAT long. Now i was right in the sun. I poured some water on my head, i didn't had much to drink, but i didn't really care anymore.
I finally reached the city, now i could walk in the shadows of the houses, but i didn't really feel a difference. I went my usual route. In the safety of the houses i already cleaned, right to the stores.  When i reached the store, the door was broken open. "Who the fuck broke into my store?" i mumbled. Well, it wasn't exactly my store, but you know what i mean?! At least now i knew they were still other living beings here.
I entered the store and walked down to the shelves with candy, minding my own business, when suddenly a thing jumped at me from behind a shelf. I screamed out "What the fuck!?" The zombie groaned and reached out it's dirty fingers, bared it's rotten teeth. It smelled horrendous. I gagged, "You are one of the really bad ones huh?" I said and stumbled backwards. "Well i'm too lazy to get a weapon from my backpack..." i laughed like a madman, "So i'll have to bite you!"  The zombie kept on slowly coming in my direction, it's bloodshot eyes fixated on me. The heat seemed to destroy my brain, why was i thinking that? 
But was that such a bad idea? I mean what bad could happed? I could die? HAH! Who said that was something bad!
I laughed in disbelief and charged at the zombie. I jumped on it screaming. I swear i could see how it's eyes widened in surprise. "Take that!" i shouted and bit it in the shoulder with all my might. It tasted like rotten egg with fried shit, topped with moldy cardboard. I quickly let go of it and felt like drinking disinfectant. "DISGUSTING!" I took a big sip water from my bottle and  spit it right back in it's face.
"Take this you braindead asshole!" i yelled and laughed loud, "Well not technical braindead, because you are, you know, your brain is the only thing alive but...i don't know, you fuckhead." Aww man, now i talked to zombies. But that wasn't as crazy as the fact that i just bit a zombie. The zombie seem to think the same. It stared back at me without moving a muscle. "Um hello?" i asked it and waved my hand in front of it's face. "What in the fucking fuckety-fuck?" i said in confusion when the zombie started to twitch weirdly. 
I kept watching it until it fucking bursted. Yes. It bursted. Blood and guts spilled right in my face. I shut my eyes and screamed, i screamed and screamed until i felt a hand on my shoulder. I screamed more. "Hey stop screaming!" a male voice said. Confused, i rubbed my eyes and looked up.
A full on man sat in front of me. He also had blood smeared all over his body, he looked at me like i was fucking crazy. He wasn't wrong. "Ummm. Did you just turn back into a human?!" i shouted at him. I mean, what did i expect? Anything but not that apparently. "I...what?" he said. I jumped up. "You were a fucking zombie just two fucking seconds ago!" He laughed. "I'm sorry?" Without a warning, i rushed at him and pulled his bloody t-shirt's sleeve down. The marks of my teeths were still good visible, it bled a little. "Look! LOOK!" I screamed and pointed at him, "I bit you and you turned back!" The guy squinted at the bit in confusion. "But how- how did you know it would work?!" he said. 
"I didn't!" We stared at each other for a few seconds, then bursted out laughing. "This is crazy..." he said, tears of laugher in his eyes. "And now?" he asked. "Well..." i wanted to say bye, get my stuff and leave but he looked at me with these big, confused puppy eyes and i couldn't just leave him here. All alone. He just came back from the dead a second time. "Then come with me! good lord!" 
And we rode off into the sunset.
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snapjock · 2 years
help i don't talk 2 anybody anymore i say words but im watching myself type it like 🙂 all the things inside me i know are there are so shoved down in dissociative depression numbness i cant connect to online conversations or even rlly irl conversation . so basically i repeat the same stock answers and i hate myself more every day bc i am so common boring now and i cant display emotions or original thouguhts (when i even have them) . which perpetuates the problem. maybe my meds suck actually bc this started a month after i went on them and now every emotion and thought and etc whatever is just. stuck in limbo. i hate it . like i dont have moodswings anymore but also i dont FEEL ANYTHING AT ALL or have any thoughts or things to talk abt or desire to communicate or connect or anyrhing. i get overwjekmed at the idea of holding a real conversation for more than 5 minutes bx its like no i cannot talk any more. its all gone. [explodes my brain]
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littlegoldfinchh · 3 years
I had another nightmare lads:((
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cheesecake-beech · 2 years
Question: it seems the alot of the Despicable Me villains were influenced to become villains due to a negative childhood/past. Gru was basically neglected by him mom, Balthazars show was canceled, Scarlet was possibly living in poverty and had a neglectful family (atleast from her point of view), and let's face it, Vector possibly became a villain mainly cause it was the family buissness and he wanted to live up to his dad's expectations. Granted, there are probably many who became villains cause 'why the fuck not?', like El Macho, (Honestly, if being a villain was a straight up career path, I would TOTALLY be taking that opportunity), but still. Do you think atleast some of the Vicious 6 had traumatic or negative pasts that pushed them to want to become villains? And while we're on the topic, what was your ocs influences to become villains?
I Think w some of the vicious 6 it could be both, something might've happened and it could also be a "lol fuck you" to society and to get what they want. To show that they're powerful, Like with Jean I noticed he's obviously somewhat anxious at times, when not out of the field, fidgeting and nail biting which are signs of anxiety, his voice cracks. It could just be he's scared of Belle. Maybe he had developed anxiety after smthing or someone then he developed tech to destroy it and now he's just spooked of Belle lmfao idk 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
Wild Knuckles has probably been thru shit cuz, he old. And god damn how is he not dead this dude immortal like tf. And thats why he brought these dudes together to show that they're BETTER AND MORE SLAY 💅🏽✨✨✨ I'd say these guys probably shared a few things and thats why he was so 🥺 when they just kicked him to the curb
Nunchuck...idefk🧍🏽almost sent to hell then was like "I lived bitch" then became stronger than god :^)
Anyways my ocs? 😩😩😩
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Alan Became a villain to make a face for himself, To feel some sense of worth for himself. (before also using his power to shut down brand competitors, did THAT out of petty honestly 🤪) Elliot Became a villain out of rage
and Valerie became a villain because of hatred, she so said fuck it and went with her homies to cause CHAOS.
Alan I'm thinking probably came from a family, of average wealth, his father was probably the money maker and a douche, pretty snarky about it. And I imagine Alan had a difficult time actually getting a job and because of that was probably kicked to the curb all because his dad wanted someone who could make them look good 🧍🏽So they kicked him out. Burned all his stuff. Told him he had no son, unless he made himself a bigger person, a face in this world, then MAYBE he'd let him back into their life. He's very lonely and was probably lost for some while until he found Elliot, which eventually lead them to Valerie. He holds a lot of self loathing, a lot of misery, he just wants to feel something other than hatred and loneliness so he bathes in money.
Valerie was expected to be her mommies and aunts perfect image, to be exactly like them, like some braindead zombie djhfkjdsfhd and she was for years, but every time she stepped out of line she got SOME kind of punishment, and would have to redeem herself in someway, but after just being done with that bullshit she tried to just, y'know walk out. But instead she just got the fking yells n hands pulled out on her. She really tried to save her image she had on them 🤷🏽‍♀️ BUT THEN THAT BITCH RAN. She knows how to run in heels because she slays 💅🏽✨
She holds a lot of resentment, but blowing shit up makes her feel better 🤪🤪🤪
And Elliot, became a villain out of hatred towards literally everyone ✨🕺🏽✨ except his family, this lil dude loved his family with all his big heart 🥺 Wasn't really always a villain, more like an anti-hero? At first? He would fight other crime and even random people for a bounty to bring home to his family, but ig he killed someone he shouldn't have bc one night when he came home and he found his family had been offed. he was just absolutely terrified. Then he was absolutely furious. THATS when he became a full on villain, to take his rage out on absolutely everything. He even built robot droids he calls his babies lol
But one day he stopped after he realizes, maybe this isn't a good way to let out his frustration 🧍🏽(there's more than that tho)
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Absolutely Not - Spencer Reid x Reader
chapter eight of “all bets are off”
do i sense some… possesive undertones coming from doctor reid? whatever. it doesn’t matter. you’re done with him anyway. it’s over.
warnings: SMUT, public sex, unprofessionalism, bondage, daddy kink, degradation, POSSESIVE sex
“Good morning, agents.”
“Hotch… too loud.” You mumbled.
“I agree.” JJ groaned.
You and your party-girls from the previous night were huddled around the coffee machine, grumbling about your hangovers.
“Why did we do that on a Sunday?” Emily asked, pouring herself a cup.
“Because we’re all masochists.” You replied weakly. Your morning had been miserable. You woke up with a pounding headache and you had to put on about a pound of makeup on your neck and chest again.
“Hey guys!” Spencer approached. You saw JJ glance at him quickly.
“Spence. About last night.. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten that drunk.” She apologized quietly. He shook his head and smiled.
“I already told you JJ, it’s okay. I was more than happy to get you home.” They exchanged smiles and JJ walked away, the rest of the woman following close behind.
“So, you making a habit of going to your female coworker’s houses late at night now?” You asked him. He seemed taken aback.
“What? No. What? Is that how you think of me? I didn’t- I wouldn’t take advantage of her, she was drunk-“ he began explaining frantically.
You felt bad, quickly explaining. “No, Spencer, it’s okay. I know, I know. I was joking. It was nice of you to take her home.” You assured him.
“Good. I don’t… I don’t want you to see me like that.” He sighed. “What did you do after I left?” He asked, moving on.
“Fucked a guy in the bathroom.” You said nonchalantly, testing him.
“Oh, I’m sure you did. Don’t think I don’t remember what you said last night.” He warned.
You found yourself falling into the trap again. Witty banter that would end with you pinned up against some surface and calling him daddy. Nope. Not this time.
“I really can’t recall. I was drunk, remember?” You shrugged, walking away before the situation could get any worse. He didn’t stop you, you noticed, as you made your way to your desk.
“What did you all do last night? You’re walking around like zombies,” Hotch asked you as you passed by him.
“Drank too much.” You sighed.
“And where was my invite?” Derek piped up.
You threw your hands up, a show of innocence. “Don’t ask me, ask your lover Garcia. She made the plans, I was just told to show up.” Spencer was back at his desk now, watching you. “Kid genius over here got an invite, though.” You directed Derek’s attention his way.
Derek walked towards him, giving you the freedom to finally take a seat at your desk. You spaced out almost immediately, mind wandering. What would have been said if you hadn’t walked away from Spencer? Did anything at all happen when he left the bar with JJ? And why the fuck did you give a shit? Self-reminder: you’re trying to let this go, not linger on it for the entirety of the foreseeable future. You were so busy scolding yourself in your head you didn’t realize that a box had been dumped onto your desk. Speak of the devil.
“What’s all this, Spencer?” You asked.
“Files.” He explained. “Files that I think need organizing.”
You looked at him quizzically. “I don’t think that organizing random files is a part of my job,” You stuck your hand into the box. “…This box is empty.” You stared at him blankly. He feigned surprise, causing you to roll your eyes.
He placed a hand on your desk, leaning over, his voice low and quiet. “In 10 minutes Hotch is going to have a meeting with Derek and Prentiss, I overheard them talking about it. JJ and Garcia will be in Garcia’s den going over the info for one of our old cases to make sure there’s nothing they’re missing to help the prosecutor of the unsub. Where do you think we should go?” You narrowed your eyes at him. If he thought he was going to get you to do… this with him again, especially at work, he must’ve been out of his mind. “You want me to choose? That’s fine. I’ll see you in the storage room.”
“No.” You said simply. “Not happening. No Bueno. Nada.”
He exhaled sharply, breath fanning out over the back of your neck. “See you in 10, agent.”
You were making a bad decision. You knew that. So why, then, were you walking towards the storage room when you noticed the bullpen was almost completely empty. Why did you knock on the door? Why did you open it and walk inside when you realized no one was there. Was this a prank? The only things in the room were boxes upon boxes of files and an old desk. Why were you here again? You stood there, confused, until the door opened. Spencer was already tugging the tie around his neck off, meeting your eyes. “You came.” He didn’t sound surprised. You wished he would’ve at least sounded a bit surprised.
“I wanted to know what the fuck you were going on about.” You replied as nonchalantly as possible.
You froze.
“Y/n you knew exactly what was going to happen when you came here. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
There it was again. The warmth. The innate desire to please him, to follow orders.
“I can do it for you, but I can’t promise your clothes will be in perfect condition when we walk out of here.” His tie was off now. He held it in one hand, the other running through his hair as he observed you. You moved to pull off your shirt, dropping it to the floor. He hummed in approval.
“Good girl.”
You quickened your pace a bit, sensing his impatience, until you were shamefully exposed. Goosebumps rose upon your skin, the cold air a sharp contrast to the heat of your body.
“Look how quickly you give in. You’ve always been eager to please, though.” His eyes were raking up and down your body.
“How is it fair that I’m like.. this. And you get to be fully clothed?” You groaned, embarrassment growing. You should have never walked into the storage room.
“Patience, baby.” He chuckled, a hand moving to undo his belt. “You wanna know how I knew you’d come?”
You nodded.
“Because as much as you try to fight it but your body already knows who you belong to. Already knows that you need me, regardless of how hard you try to ignore it.” Fuck. Fuck. What if he was right? Was he right? Were you just braindead and horny at all times? “Come here.”
You approached him. You were already naked, what point was there in arguing now? You could resent yourself and your actions at a later date. He ran a hand over your body, tracing the outline of your skin. He was breathing heavily, a contrast to how calm and collected he looked on the outside.
“Turn around and give me your wrists.”
When you didn’t reply immediately he opted to grab your waist and spin you around. You were pressed against him now, feeling how hard he was through his pants. “Now for these,” he took your wrists in one hand and you heard the clank of his belt moving around and then, suddenly, the rough texture of leather wrapping around your wrists.
“O-Oh my god, Spencer, what are you doing?” Your face had turned bright red and you were actually kind of thankful that he had turned you so you weren’t facing him.
The leather tightened. You tried to flex against the restraints, testing them, but your hands were now held firmly in place. “You can turn back around now,” he sounded proud of himself. You hated it.
You faced him, hands tied behind your back, and watched with shaky breath as he pulled down his pants. “Why don’t you apologize for saying no to me earlier?” He suggested.
“You wish.” you grumbled, refusing to give in that easily.
“I’m sorry, which one of us is naked and tied up right now? I don’t have to make this easy for you. If you want me to fuck the attitude out of you again I certainly will." 
You gulped. “H-How can I apologize, sir?”
Spencer bit his lip harshly. Maybe he wasn’t expecting that response, but honestly neither were you. "I think you already know how.” He replied, brushing your hair out of your face.
You sunk to your knees, the rough floor already feeling uncomfortable, but you persevered. He stepped forward, a hand immediately rest on top of your head, blunt nails digging into your scalp. You leaned forward, taking him into your mouth slowly. He leaned his head back, exhaling through gritted teeth. Your eyes were glued to him, looking up through your lashes, and you could feel the need inside of you grow. How did he manage to look so fucking good? You found it hard to control yourself considering you had absolutely no use of your hands or arms, but that didn’t bother Spencer. He pushed you forward a bit and you gasped, coughing a bit. You heard him chuckle. You started bobbing your head, your tongue moving in synch. He was still guiding you, gently rocking his hips to meet your movements. Your eyes watered as he began to speed up, though, pressing your face pressing against his skin with each push of his head and thrust of his hips. “Look at you, all tied up and pathetic,” he breathed out. “Is there any question who owns you? You don’t care when or how, you let me use your body without question.” You were struggling to breathe, tears falling down your cheeks, but you didn’t care. Your only thoughts were of Spencer. Pleasing him. Earning his praise. “As much as I’d love to cum in that pretty little mouth of yours, I think I’d rather watch you beg for me.” He slowed down a bit, eventually releasing you from his grip. You almost fell over, losing your balance as you sputtered and gasped. He helped you up, running a thumb over your swollen bottom lip. “Do you want daddy to fuck you?” He asked.
“Yes, please, daddy.” You replied quickly, obediently. He let out a satisfied hum. “We’re still at work, I’ll have to keep you quiet.” He leaned down, picking up his tie from the ground. “Open.” You coyly opened your mouth and he brushed his thumb over your cheek soothingly, shoving the fabric into your mouth. He did it so gently that you almost forgot that he was about to fuck you in the storage room of an FBI office building. “Look at you, actually learning how to do what daddy says.” He turned you around once again and began to push you a bit, walking you towards the abandoned desk, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and leaving butterfly kisses down your jawline. His finger trailed between your legs. His thumb played at your clit, running torturously slow circles, and he kept at this for a bit, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, reminding you of your place. Slowly but surely you could feel your climax approaching, but when your moans started becoming louder from behind the fabric he stopped. You tried to turn your head to look back at him but you didn’t have a chance.
“Now you’re gonna be a good girl and take it.” The gentleness of his voice dissipated and he bent you down onto the desk, the cool surface prickling your warm skin. You mumbled against the fabric in your mouth, pleading. He paused, considering, and without warning, he pushed himself inside of you with a low groan. You let out a muffled cry, body trying to refamiliarize itself with the feeling of being so full. You were moaning, spit dribbling down from around the fabric of his tie. “God, fuck, I missed this,” Spencer said through a strained whisper. He fucked you fast, a bruising grip on your hips, and you couldn’t do a single thing but lay there as he did. Eventually, he moved his hand up to your lower back, pressing you further down onto the desk, your face shoved into the smooth wood surface. “You told them last night that I wasn’t your best, huh? Well, I guess I’ll just have to fuck you so hard that I ruin you for anyone else.” He was speaking a bit too loud now, you feared, but there was nothing you could do to indicate that to him. You could only let out muffled sounds of pleasure as he thrusted in and out of you. Your legs were starting to shake, they were still a little bit sore from the weekend, but you were already feeling yourself get too lost in your pleasure to care about the aches and pains. “Who else could fuck you this well, huh?” You couldn’t see his face but he sounded almost angry. “Who else could satisfy a slut like yourself? You need this. You need me to fuck you.” He was too loud. Too fucking loud. And you knew it, but you could barely bother to care. He was fucking you so well you didn’t care if the whole FBI heard you. “You’re so fucking perfect, so hot, especially like this, so helpless, so easy to control.” You were so close, moaning, wishing you could see how good Spencer looked while absolutely ravishing you against the desk. He was close too, you could tell because his movements were once again becoming more erratic. He grabbed the end of the belt that was restraining your wrists, tugging on it hard enough to force you into an upright position, back pressed against his chest. You mewled in pain but he didn’t seem to notice or care. “You’re gonna cum for me, aren’t you?” He growled onto the skin of your neck. You nodded frantically. The hand that wasn’t holding you up by your restraints came from behind, wrapping around your neck and squeezing your pulse. Your eyes rolled into the back of your skull, the only sound that you could focus on being the sound of skin meeting skin. “Cum for me, then. Cum for daddy.” You couldn’t speak before, but with Spencer’s hand around your neck, you could barely make a noise either. Your legs shook as you came, feeling Spencer do the same not too long afterward. His grip around your throat loosened and he gently pulled the tie out of your mouth as pulled out of you. You gasped for air, still suspended in the upright position he was holding you in. After allowing you to breathe he carefully pulled you off of the desk, standing you up straight and undoing the belt wrapped around your wrists. They were sore and you rubbed them gently, meeting his eyes.
“You were loud,” you breathed out, voice hoarse. “What if someone heard?”
He zipped up his pants and wiped the sweat from his forehead, pocketing his tie which has been rendered unwearable.
“No one heard.” He reassured you and you followed suit and redressed.
“I can’t believe that you… that we…” You stared at him, emotions taking hold, and you felt your eyes water.
He noticed, eyes widening in panic. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He asked quickly.
“No, no. I’m fine. I’m fine. Just… randomly feeling emotional.” You dismissed him, eyes directed at the floor.
“Oh. Don’t feel bad, that’s actually quite common. It’s called post-coital dysphoria, or PCD. It’s when you experience intense emotions like sadness or melancholy after sex. It’ll go away in a few minutes.”
There he was, always ready to tell you exactly what was wrong. It was nice to know it was normal, you guessed, but you wished you could’ve gotten some actual sympathy. Oh well. It would be gone in a few minutes, right?
“One of us should probably leave first, you know? Stagger our arrivals.” Spencer suggested. You nodded. “I’ll go first. I’m gonna head to the bathrooms.”
Spencer gave you a small smile and wave as you exited. You made your way to the bathroom, and as you passed by the main office-space you noticed Hotch in a room with Derek and Emily. Thank god, at the very least they hadn’t heard you. You scurried to the bathroom, walking inside to see Garcia.
“Hey babycakes!” She grinned. “You look like you’ve been through a wind tunnel,” she noticed. You laughed. “Long day. Hangovers are a bitch.” You ran into a stall and waited until she left the bathroom to use the mirror and fix yourself the best you could. You smoothed your hair and clothes out, readjusting your lipstick and wiping the running mascara from under your eyes. When you left the bathroom you saw Spencer returning to his desk, his hair still attractively tousled. Suddenly you watched Rossi approach Spencer, and his eyes widened. Oh fuck. Wait. Had Rossi been unaccounted for this whole time? Anxiety coursed through your veins as you walked past the pair, who seemed to go silent as you came into view.
Fuck. Fuck. You were fucked. And not in a good way. In the absolute worst way. You didn’t know what you would do if anyone on the team knew what had happened, but Rossi finding out was for some reason especially embarrassing. He was like a father figure to you. A cool Italian father figure. And now he potentially knew that you were having rough sex at work with your colleague. Great. Fan-fucking-tastic.
All praise Spencer Reid, king of ruining your life.
taglist <3
@101donuts @annestine @spideyboix @babybloomer @welcome-to-hoeville @eldahae @brokenanxiety @andiebeaword @spencerwaltergubler @la-vie-en-amour1 @rainsong01 @taekwinkle @dreamer7black @guessthatswhyiliveinhell @creepingfromthecorners @joyousreid
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brainddeadd · 4 months
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Overall thoughts
They’ve been on the run and fighting for their lives for so long, they’ve forgotten how to exist peacefully and without fear - without the suspicion and without feeling like everyone and everything is out to get them 
S5, ep 1
Were they forced into being pieces of shit at Terminus ????
‘Now’ ok 
They gassed them ?!?!?!?!
They gonna chop them in half or something ?????
And now the place is being blown up
Jesus christ 
“Bitch looked like a weapon with a weapon.” You’re correct but don’t you dare call her a bitch 
Carol not believing a word that dick says - queen shit 
“Horrible shit just stacks up..” You are the horrible shit man 
Carol I love you 
On fire zombies.. well shit 
Rick what a man 
The shit from all the people they’ve killed - the teddies from children 
Eugene is full of shit 
100% full of shit 
That’s quite a group they’ve got 
Who the fuck took over terminus tho???
“You’re either the butcher or the cattle.” Yeah but y’all chose the wrong cattle this time 
S5, ep 2
“Will you have us?” Dude you’re her family 
Daryl just.. being there for Carol, knowing what she needs, accepting that she doesn’t wanna talk about it 
“We surrender.” He’s so funny man 🤣🤣🤣
Not Daryl being confused that the Pastor is puking after seeing them kill walkers like pookie not everyone is like you 
Gabriel - I don’t trust him
The loyalty to Rick is amazing 
Gabriel is too scared to not be hiding something 
Bob, this is the world now. It’s not gonna get better. Eugene is full of shit. 
DROPPING THE WATER AS HE’S ASKING IF SHE WANTS HIM TO CARRY ONE OF HERS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 HER LIL “hmm no” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was 100% a blooper they left in 
“It was a stack of boxes.. and a mop.. and I tripped.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
‘YOU’LL BURN FOR THIS’ well fuck 
Where is Bob going 
Tara thank you for telling Maggie the truth 
Oh damn Rick ok slay 
Who the fuck
What the fuck
Its the Terminus fucks 
“If it makes you feel any better, you taste much better than we thought you would.” HOW IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER 
S5, ep 3
I’m still reeling from the fact that they’re cannibals 
“You join us or feed us.” That’s not much of a choice buddy 
Gareth wanting Carol - gonna have to go through Daryl and me first buddy boy 
Bob losing his shit laughing because they’ve just eaten him when he’s been bitten - karma 
There’s the ‘A’ again - what the fuck does that mean 
I get Abraham wanting to leave but come on man, Eugenes full of shit 
Gareth is a fucker 
They got what they deserve 
Where’s Carol?
Who ?????
S5, ep 4
Beth ?!?!? 
In a hospital ?!?!?!
Police ?!?!?!?
“So you owe us.” FUCK NO
Ok yeah I kinda skipped the rest cause I don’t really like Beth - but ik wack shit happens to her 
S5, ep 5
Eugene is so full of shit holy fuck 
Who the fuck is beating the shit out of someone ???? Pls don’t let it be Rick 
ABRAHAM - flashback ??? Yep 
“Really need some ass first.” Why would you.. don’t.. no yuck.. ugh men 
He put crushed glass in fuel line 
Oh god what was the fire truck keeping locked away 
Yo what the fuck is going on in Abrahams past 
He is Insane 
“I’m not a scientist!” THE FUCK YOU MEAN BOY
Fuck Eugene 
S5, ep 6
They really want Beth back 
A woman’s and children’s shelter that Carol went to 
Daryl stopping her from killing the walkers of people she probably knew - doing it for her and burning them 
Whos following my people around 
“Looks like a dog sat in paint and wiped its ass all over the place.” 🤣🤣🤣
I love the way Daryl says ‘stop’ when someone’s (Carol’s) saying funny shit and he doesn’t wanna laugh 
“You don’t know me.” “Yep. You keep telling yourself that.”
Is that the dude from the hospital?? The one that tried to help Beth escape ??
Daryl taking a child abuse survivor book, I love him 
“It’s like you were a kid. Now you’re a man.” 
“We ain’t ashes.”
“I already helped you once. It ain’t happening again.” Damn ok 
S5, ep 7
I still don’t trust the pastor man 
Maggie pulling a gun on Abraham when he threatens Rosita slayyyy
Fuck Eugene 
Fuck the guys in the hospital - those cops are shit 
The walkers on the ground that’s a lot in the burnt area 
Don’t hurt Daryl fuck 
Handful of Dixon ass - mood 
What is the pastor man doing??
Beth being sneaky is not what I thought I’d ever see 
Fucken pastor man 
Why the fuck would you trust the cop you just kidnapped ?!?!? Are you stooopidddddd
S5, ep 8
I mean.. at least he didn’t let the walkers get him
Maggie and Glenn are back finally
Go get Beth
Beth killing that dickhead cop
Don’t fucken ask for the kid - let him go 
Daryl and Rick squaring up for Noah 
DARYL KILLING THE COP - shit he’s pissed 
Daryl carrying Beth out and Maggie falling to her knees 
Holy shit 
That.. fuck ok
S5, ep 9
Noah’s family 
Finding his mother like that 
Cutting off his arm like that 
Holy shit 
Who the fuck decapitated those walkers???
S5, ep 10
Daryl don’t eat the worm
Please don’t eat the worm
Oh for fucks sake
He ate the worm 
Y’all can’t die like this cmon 
How they keeping the baby alive ?!?!?
Carol telling Daryl to feel it and then kissing his forehead in what is probably one of the only moments of kindness and gentleness he’s ever experienced is WAY too much for me to handle 
The feral dogs - good lord what are they going to do 
Daryl putting the cigarette out on his skin fuck
The water being left for them - who the fuck ??
Carl covering the baby with his hat so she doesn’t get too wet 
Bby Carl sleeping finally 
“We tell ourselves that we are the walking dead.” “We ain’t them.”
He cleaned the music box for Maggie 🥹🥹🥹
Aaron ??
How does he know Rick ?!?!?!
S5, ep 11
Daryl going absolutely insane when Aaron is brought in 
“Audition for membership” the fuck 
“Long enough to see that despite a lack of food and water, you never turned on each other.” They’re family dude 
“You can trust me.” They’re running a bit low on trust at the moment buddy 
Driving through the walkers like that is wild 
Why so freaked out over a flare gun ???
S5, ep 12
“We brought dinner.” 🤣🤣🤣 
Don’t mind them, they haven’t been house trained yet 
Deanna and Reg 
The beard really makes Rick look feral 
“I’ve killed people.” Yeah how many now?? 
“Sounds like I’d wanna be part of your family.” me too lady, me too 
“I want you to help us survive.”
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Carol struggling 
Jessie - Ron & Sam
“I won’t bite.” He might 
“The boy and the baby, they deserve a roof.” Pookie 
Them thinking that being neighbours is too much distance - staying in one house together 
I love everyones collective shock at Rick’s shaved face 
“And I’m just trying to figure Mr Dixon out, but I will.” I wouldn’t count on it hunny 
Daryl please for the love of God, have a shower 
Rick’s panic - bless him - “I was in the middle of losing my mind.” 
Mikey and Enid 
Oh poor sweet baby Carl - bless you child 
“I didn’t just lose her. I killed her.” Jesus 
They’ve been on the run and fighting for their lives for so long, they’ve forgotten how to exist peacefully and without fear - without the suspicion and without feeling like everyone and everything is out to get them 
“They’re weak. And I don’t want us to get weak too.” I genuinely don’t think that’s possible Carl 
“Have you taken a shower yet?” “Mm-hmm.” When? The 80s???
“Im gonna hose you down in your sleep.” Please do. I think he has to smell like a bio-hazard by now. 
“You look ridiculous.” How kind of you Dixon 
Enid sneaking out ok 
Aiden and Nicholas 
Who took the gun Rick hid???
They WHAT with the walker ??? The fuck ???? 😐😐😐
Aiden swinging on Glenn - Glenn dropping him with a single hit - Daryl immediately jumping in - Daryls growling and feral dog pacing - yes 👀
When your own mother thanks someone for knocking you on your ass you know its bad 
“.. Then we’ll just take this place.” Oh FUCK
S5, ep 13
Sleeping on the floor in their own places cause its what they’re used to 
Olivia - pantry and weapons 
“They just keep getting luckier.” .. “We’re here now.” Facts 
Them pretending to be teaching Carol how to shoot while they make plans - iconic considering she’s a queen 
‘W’ on the walker’s forehead ????? Or ‘M’ ??
Imagine trying to get the jump on Daryl - could never be me 
Daryl’s extra hot these last 2 episodes 
She has high hopes for a world in the middle of a zombie apocalypse 
“People are the real threat now.” They kinda always were tho dude 
A welcoming party ??? Seriously ???
“We can’t use Daryl. They’re watching every move he makes.” Leave my Pookie alone 
“I get to be invisible again.” DFNDWOSKNFLKDKNFIJ I HATE YO EX HUSBAND 
Knowing that Norman is terrified of horses makes this hilarious to watch 
“I ain’t gonna hurt ya.” Pookie 
“You used to be somebody’s huh? Now you’re just yours.” That’s oddly profound 
Tobin - weapons 
“The more afraid they get, the more stupid they get.” 
Daryl going to save the horse 
Walkers eating animals - I knew it but fuck it sucks 
Killing the walkers that kill the horse 
Daryl lurking outside the party 
“I said try. You did.” 
Pete - doctor 
Pete and Jessie have red ‘A’ on their hands 
Idk how I feel about Jessie 
“I’m just saying, we all lost things.” Yeah but you’ve been behind a wall for god knows how long while Rick and his family were fighting for their lives from cannibals and rapists
Spencer - one of Deanna’s sons 
Pookie, baby, stop eating like that 
Aaron has a job for Daryl - and a bike 
“You want me risking mine, right?” Such a fair comment 
Was that a flicker of emotion on your face I just saw Daryl Dixon ?!??!
“Thanks.. 👹I’ll get you some👹 rabbits👹” 
God Carol don’t get caught 
Not the fucking kid 
“You’ll be outside the walls, far, far away, tied to a tree.” Fuck ok 
Why are people expecting them to just.. bounce back into ‘normality’ after god knows how long fighting for their lives ???
It’s a zombie apocalypse and you’re worried about your book club ???? The fuck is wrong with you 
S5, ep 14
Pastor man ripping up the Bible 
Reg agreeing to teach Noah about architecture 
I’m just waiting for shit to hit the fan 
“Now you’re going to die.” On the music is ironic and not at all helpful 
Why are you questioning Glenn?!?!?
Aiden you are a fucking idiot and I hate you 
Glad he’s dead
Tara pls don’t be dead 
Eugene pls die 
This fucken kid is really annoying Jesus 
Fuck Aiden’s not dead 
“Let’s be friends man.” Why you being threatening then Pete ?
Aiden deserves it 
Pete’s abusing Jessie - calling it now 
Fuck Nicholas man - walkers got Noah because Nicholas is a coward 
Pastor man thinks that Satan is at play in the walls of Alexandria - through Rick and his family 
Carol also thinks Pete is abusing Jessie 
“The day will come when they’ll put their own lives before yours and everyone else’s and they will destroy everything you have here, everything you’re working so hard to build.” 
“You’re gonna have to kill him.” Uh.. ok. 
S5, ep 15
The music is a vibe 
Sasha sweetie you ok? 
Light off in the distance - Daryl leave it alone 
Nicholas you piece of shit 
Also don’t trust Spencer 
Actually - I don’t trust any of the people in Alexandria 
She knew he was beating his wife and she did nothing about it - get fucked 
They’ve been fighting for so long they need it 
Who’s hacking up walkers ????
‘W’ again 
“If it’s gotten worse, it means he’s killed you.” Facts 
Rick why this chick ??
Don’t lie Rick, you have done this shit foe others 
“Someone who’s trying not to kill you.” I get it, but like.. please do 
“We’re the ones who live.” 
“We have to control who lives here.” “Thats never been more clear to me than right now.” So Rick’s gotta go but the wife beater can stay? Get fucked 
S5, ep 16
Who’s the dick with the gun? 
Y’all are getting yo asses beat 
Why’d you roll up on a man with a gun that doesn’t work?????
“Because these people are children and children like stories.” 
Sasha what the fuck are you doing? 
Are the people they sent away going to cause problems ???
Side note: Carl and Rick have the same eyes - the casting director did a good job there 
Using the chain fuckkkkk
‘Trap. Bad people coming. Don’t stay.’ Well fuck 
“And then who would believe I did it because I didn’t like you?” Carol my queen 
“You’re a small, weak nothing.” Slay 
Why in the FUCK would you make it so the wife beater can see his wife’s house when you’ve separated him ?????
Ayeeeeee we got a Daryl chuckle !!!!
Please let the Pastor man die 
Rosita meddling to get Abraham and Eugene to talk - mother of 2 shitty kids behaviour 
Don’t fucking leave Glenn to die you bastard 
“I’m still with you.” Obviously 
“I think I wanna die.” Sasha you’ve been through hell and you’re not back yet. 
Pastor man can rot 
Oh thank god Glenn 
Who shot the walker on Rick ??? Sasha ????
“Simply put, there is a vast ocean of shit that you people don’t know shit about. Rick knows every fine grain of said shit and then some.” Yes, yes he does. 
Rick, bby, that’s not how you do this 
Nicholas begging for his life - as he should 
‘W’ has photos of Rick and Carl -  fuck 
Pete killing Reg 
“Rick.. do it.” Oh so he can kill when its convenient for YOU 
Daryl and Aaron bringing Moran to Rick, just as Rick kills Pete 
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pxssygxblin · 4 years
AOT Horror
Hello All! This is the first time I’ve written in a very long time and its all thanks to @onyxoverride All of these are headcannons about Attack on Titan characters and how they feel about horror movies! 
Eren - Eren likes to pretend that he's into horror movies, ghost/paranormal movies don’t freak him out badly but any creature feature where someone gets eaten upsets him. It reminds him too much of what happened to his mother. 
Movies I think Eren would watch : any Paranormal Activity movie, The Conjuring, Veronica, 
Mikasa - Mikasa isn’t bothered at all by horror movies but she's also not a huge fan of them. She prefers foreign horror movies when she does watch horror, specifically any Asian horror movie. She also feels a bit of pride being able to watch them without subtitles. 
Movies I think Mikasa would watch : Train to Busan, The Host, Onibara, 
Armin - Armin loves horror, he’ll watch any movie once but he's especially fond of ocean and space based horror movies. Anything that involves what we as humans don’t know yet. Though anytime he watches a shark movie he's always quick to clear up that sharks aren't actually that aggressive, it's just because of Jaws that people think they are. 
Movies I think Armin would watch : Underwater, Aliens, The Meg
Sasha - Sasha doesn’t mind horror as long as it does not involve any animals, when it does she gets kind of freaked out. She worries about one day being out hunting and the animals will turn on her. 
Movies I think Sasha would like : Thankskilling, Boar, Zoombies, Frogs
Connie - Connie loves an old school horror movie, he really enjoys the classic slasher films. He's got a plethora of knowledge about the films too, ask him any kind of fact and he’ll know it. He's the one who likes to show Sasha animal based horror to freak her out. 
Movies I think Connie would like : Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Jean - Jean is terrified of horror movies but the only one who knows it is Marco. Mikasa invited Jean over to watch a horror movie with her once and he nearly pissed himself while watching it. Horror really just freaks him out too much, but he's okay with some of the cheesier horror movies. 
Movies I think Jean would like : The Blob, Gremlins, The Gate
Marco - Marco fucking loves horror movies. He's a huge fan of psychological thrillers. Marco loves to analyze horror movie characters, especially the killers. Jeans always freaked out by him because he's always accurate in what he says. 
Movies I think Marco would like : Ma, Mother, Unsane
Reiner - Reiner hates horror movies, they typically trigger his PTSD and DID. They just really bother him. Older movies don’t bother him too much but new movies that are flashy and use heavy lighting in the way they tell stories. He also prefers movies that don’t have too much blood.  
Movies I think Reiner would like : Blair Witch Project, Trolls (1986), IT 
Annie - Annie’s not afraid of horror movies but she just doesn’t like them. She prefers romantic comedies, maybe some action films. The only person that knows she likes romcoms is Hitch, who usually watches them with her. 
Movies I think Annie would like: Palm Springs, Crazy Rich Asain, Legally Blonde
Bertolt - Bertolt’s also not super into horror movies, while he doesn’t mind a psychological thriller he's just not a big fan or gory horror movies at all. Bertolt prefers comedies and animated movies.
Movies I think Bertolt would like : Knives Out, Zootopia, Spider-Man Homecoming
Historia - Historia is super misunderstood, she seems super girlie and soft but she's actually the biggest fan of horror out of everyone. She's a big troma and grindhouse fan, anything gory and gross she loves. 
Movies I think Historia would like : BrainDead /Dead Alive, Basketcase, Terror Firmer
Ymir - Ymir’s not a fan of horror movies, she's just not super interested in them but she does love to watch them with Historia. The first time she agreed to watch one with Historia she thought she could be comforting Historia but Historia was so into horror that it freaked her out a little. Ymir prefers slasher movies when she does watch horror. 
Movies I think Ymir would like: Hatchet, Terrifier, Child's Play, Wrong Turn
Erwin - Erwin’s a big historical horror movie fan, he loves to see the way that others portray different time periods. He's not so much a fan of horror as he is a fan of history and learning about other time periods. 
Movies I think Erwin would like: Tremors, Dracula, Overlord
Zeke - Zeke is very specific about the horror movies he likes. He's only interested in horror movies that involve monkeys or hot chicks, preferably both. 
Movies I think Zeke would like: Flying Monkeys, Blood Monkeys, White Pongo
Levi - Levi is not a fan of horror, it squicks him out and he doesn’t like jumpscares, they always get him and he doesn't like anyone to know that he's freaked out. Levi prefers British shows, especially the drama shows and any kind of cooking or baking show.
Movies/Shows I think Levi would like: The Great British Bake Off, Kitchen Nightmares, Skins
Hange - Hange is a HUGE fan of horror, any kind of zombie movie or movie involving mad scientists. They’ve always loved horror of any kind, horror books and games are also things they are a big fan of. 
Movies I think Hanji would like: Splice, Return of the Living Dead, Re-Animator
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doorsclosingslowly · 3 years
Your death is a number but I cannot count that high (11/16)
In which Death Watch enter the enemy ship, and Asajj gets her shot at freedom.
Zombie Savage AU | 2.5k | warning for body horror
For the first time in weeks, Asajj feels light. It’s almost offensive, how quickly she slipped from world-devouring grief and heartburn and eternal nightmares into mission planning and execution mode, but then again: she enjoys bounty hunting. Pursuit and infiltration are basically her comfort zone, and even the present company cannot spoil her thrill.
She finally has solid ground under her feet again. The swamp that broils and laps at her with every dream and with every wriggling fleshworm that fucking Savage Opress sends her way is receding, and soon enough, when she gets her chance, she’ll kill it off—kill him—for good.
Asajj’s sisters and Mother Talzin may have accidentally landed her in a malignant trap when they tried to help her fight Dooku, but Asajj will chew her way free.
That’s why she volunteered to be ground troop today. She needs to rescue herself. She needs to cut off this bond, cut off the mate, cut off the drowning boulder. She’d been prepared to argue and fight for the opportunity, since it’s not like anybody trusts her here, but it was surprisingly easy. Not even a doubtful look—no, the only response she’d received was appreciation for her fearlessness in the face of certain death. Well, maybe it is. Maul keeps insisting that Savage’s torture is a trap laid by Sidious, his past shadowy Sith Master, and that setting a foot on Entralla means getting fried and disappeared and tortured. He himself is going down still, obviously—by now it doesn’t even appear to be bravado or tending to his image before his following but genuine mushy affection for that dumb creature, and if Asajj wasn’t busy she might almost be curious—Maul is coming down with her, as are Kast and Saxon and three dozen other supercommandos. That’s what they’d settled on, once their advance droid surveillance footage yesterday had revealed their target to be a small spaceship surrounded by a hundred medium-sized tents.
Maul, Kast and Saxon at once, who as far as she’s observed are the three highest-ranking members of Death Watch, and on what all of them believe is a suicide mission—Asajj would call them brain-dead, but actually, she doesn’t care. Either Maul is every inch the scared wretch of a cast-off Sith plaything he appears and is making mountains out of skrant-hills, or she’ll, most likely, be dead too. Looks like that gamorrean sow Kast likes to suck face with will soon inherit the whole sorry rest of their terrorist crew.
Most of Death Watch, though, is inside three hundred small Kom’rk-class fighters or the two stolen Separatist dreadnaughts, standing by to intercept any fleeing ship with gravity wells or sheer violence. Well. That’s one of the reasons. Every ground Mando is in periodic radio contact with one of their motherships, and should they go silent when Sidious gets them… if the mission goes sour, dead man’s switch. Asajj doesn’t know about the exact logistics of how many have to miss check-in before the omnicidal aerial bombardment begins… but she’s starting to understand Maul’s paranoia regarding this ‘Sidious’ well enough to know they’re going to risk killing their Mand’alor sooner rather than later. It’s reassuring, almost. They’ll kill Sidious no matter what.
Well. And her, too.
But Asajj knew when she allowed that Mando to think she’d captured her that this wasn’t going to be easy. Up until know she’s always found a way to make it out alive. She’ll manage. And Sidious killed her sisters. Killed Talzin. Killed Dathomir.
Sidious will die, and so will Opress. Anything else is secondary.
She’s wearing a set of scavenged armor over her clothes and a jetpack and a gas mask, nothing more. Most of the ground team have massive tanks mounted on their back, too, full of some quick heavyweight airborne soporific Death Watch managed to procure on short notice.
(“If it’s taking this long to cook something up, we could just use poison,” Asajj had suggested, entirely not for selfless reasons. “We’re using the weedkiller tanks you Mandos use for farming, after all. We could just keep the weedkiller.”
“This is still a rescue mission,” Kast had replied severely. Unfortunately, despite being a fanatic terrorist and obeying Maul of all people and a habit of throwing tantrums about the horrible plight of Savage Opress, she wasn’t entirely braindead. “Damage is acceptable, but we won’t kill our brother.”
Maul had looked on, silent.)
Maul and Asajj are going to enter the ship first. That makes sense—both of them are assassins more than soldiers, they’re better than the Mandos at keeping quiet—and even if Maul will be a hindrance when they find Savage, she can use him as a distraction before that.
It feels weird, somehow, touching ground in front of the enemy’s ship. The unconscious guards on the ground are wearing clone trooper armor, which means that—yes, it means Death Watch got the drop on them and it means the soporific gas is effective, which is great, but Asajj didn’t expect this mission against Sidious to include a Grand Army of the Republic protection detail, and neither did Maul, though he appears far less perturbed by this information than Asajj is. Nothing before has linked Sidious to the Republic. She trusts the magicks she used to find this location, though. This is where the bondmate is being held.
Maul opens a control panel next to the ship’s door and plays around with a couple of screwdrivers, while Mando supercommandos direct their sedative gas into the ship’s pried-open air vents.
And… they’re in.
Too easy.
This was far too easy for a secret prison of the illusive Sith Lord, and Maul, apparently, thinks so too. He keeps glancing sideways at her while the supercommandos tie up the sedated soldiers outside and while they enter the ship’s galley, and he insists they shouldn’t split up.
“This location does not appear my Master’s—my former Master’s style,” he whispers in his clipped accent. “It’s neither desolate, nor are there plush red carpets. It’s not a torture dungeon.” Maul looks at Asajj, and his eyes gleam with suspicion. “If you have lied to me, you are dead. If this hurts my brother, you’ll wish you were.”
“This is the place. My sisters’ magicks are never wrong,” Asajj replies haughtily. It won’t do any good if both of them admit to their unease.
(Maul’s been vibrating faintly ever since Asajj broke into his brain to find Opress. It’s probably fear and anticipation, and most of all the superfluous awareness of him that she’s gained ever since exploiting both their bonds. Maybe he was always this high-strung.
“Someone’s attacking him,” he’d whispered to her just minutes before they reached Entralla, as if by joining their minds she had proven she cared. His eyes had been dark, agonized. In a movement that appeared entirely involuntary, he’d gripped at his neck as if looking for a pendant, and then he’d hugged himself, holding onto his torso and stomach as if his slippery entrails were ready to leak out.
Asajj had looked down and realized she was mirroring him.
When she slid her eyes half-shut, she could see the shadows of undulating metal cables.)
The ship, on the inside, just appears a standard Republic cruiser. It has a single long hallway that Asajj is pulled down by the worms in her gut, and Maul, frowning and broadcasting dread, follows.
They pass unconscious Republic clones at uneven intervals.
It’s so—ordinary. Asajj knows these ships. And there are no traps at all, just that pulsing connection drawing her forwards, shading and twisting, the memory of desolation and grief and that orange boy getting chocked (Kast’s eyes were so hard when she said, “He tried to give me his lightsaber, too, so I would have an easy time of killing him, if—when, he said, when he was used again to hurt his little brother,” that Asajj almost felt guilty) and everyone on Dathomir is dead and—
She stops, and Maul comes to a halt behind her, ‘saber raised.
An open doorway, half-blocked by an armored redhead that seems vaguely familiar, and the beckoning hand of her sisters, and if Sidious doesn’t have the heart to provide a distraction for Maul then Asajj will just improvise.
“Back there, I think,” Asajj whispers, pointing at a random closed door to her left. “I can feel your brother in there.”
Maul’s eyes are wide. “I do not feel—are you sure?” he whispers, and he looks so young and hopeful bathed in the green glow he doesn’t understand and never had a right to wear that Asajj almost dares to believe her plan will work.
“I know these magicks,” Asajj drawls. “I don’t mind double-checking, but I thought you wanted him as alive as possible. He’s not doing well. Might get deep-fried at any moment, that’s not healthy for such a weak brain.”
It works. Maul bites back whatever kind of response he might have had, and he starts frantically working on slicing the door that was—her sisters are smiling upon Asajj—thankfully locked.
Asajj, meanwhile, tiptoes hurriedly forward and past the redhead—almost a decent glimpse of his head, why does she feel she knows him and—and inside the room she looks at a monster. The scene is arranged as if to mock her, a single bare cot in the middle of the room approximating a stone slab and the dimmed red electric lights a stand-in for the fire on the day she was tied to the boulder that tries to drown her. On the cot, as he was supine on the slab back then, lies unconscious Savage Opress.
Well. The used dog toy formerly known as Opress.
He’s always made her uncomfortable, even when they met. First, it was his silent bruised obsequiousness and the glances he’d shoot her after that arena fight, like he expected her to ravish him then and there just because she’d beaten him up. The sense that she’d stumbled into a world she didn’t understand drawn in silent rules and violence and sex—and Asajj has never liked that anxiety born of ignorance though she can and will tough it out and persevere, and only with the bond strangling her did she realize her stupid mistake—the sense that there was something hiding below her feet ready to devour her. He only got more obsequious and annoying after the ritual that tied Asajj to him, with his empty brainless eyes that somehow simultaneously said do whatever you want with me and I’ll kill you. She was happy to use him, if it got her traitorous ex-Master Dooku off her back, but she was at least as happy that the plan included Opress staying at Dooku’s side, not hers. Well, in the end, he was as useless as he was stupid and creepy, and Asajj had to fight Dooku on her own while Opress escaped his leash and used the power gifted to him by Talzin to harass innocent villagers and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
He doesn’t have the body that Mother Talzin gave him anymore. Not that he ever deserved it.
Savage Opress, who is bound by ancient magicks to Asajj, looks like someone took his corpse and stuffed it full of a crashed spaceship debris in a desperately poor attempt at covering up an accident. The body Mother Talzin’s Dathomiri magicks gave him was stout, forceful, architected and executed with a keen eye and deep control, while whoever did this was a careless butcher. Asajj has seen carnage and pain, she’s fought and killed and maimed, and yet she has never seen anything as bestial as the body before her.
Savage Opress, who is making her share his torture through a telepathic bond, looks like a gutted carcass. This is what became of one of the three last survivors of Dathomir: worms writhe in and out of him, the things she’s been feeling like phantom maggots burrowing into her heart made real and she can see them feasting and seaming up his raw mottled shoulders and lap at the empty spots where someone tore out his hearts. He’s still conscious, though, just asleep. She can feel him feeling the worms. She can see him breathing, though he doesn’t need to, not without an intact torso. Not without hearts. She feels sick. So this is what has been calling out to her. What has been sliding into her mind, unstoppable and unwanted. This has violated her dreams.
Savage Opress, the bondmate Asajj came here to covertly murder, looks like death would be a mercy.
“Ventress, what are you playing at? The room was empty and Kenobi is here,” Maul hisses from somewhere behind her. “I told you. You’ll die for your betrayal—Savage…”
Asajj turns, expecting a fight, but Maul looks like the air was punched out of him, and he’s rooted to the doorway. The air around him tastes of abhorrence and dawning dread. He could have reached Savage before her, in her stupor—he could have jammed his ‘saber into her back—but now she’s jolted loose and ready to take her one chance at freedom.
To take mercy on Savage, for once in her life.
She drives her lightsaber into his right eye socket.
Maul’s scream behind her is vile, deeply inhuman and guttural and echoing over and over and over in the small room. It’s so loud her eye starts to hurt. His howl is the storm and the cave and the first drink in a lifetime. It’s green. It’s gentleness and sympathy he thought his Master had long driven out of the apprentice, but in teaching Savage he can’t help but refrain from using the techniques he once had endured himself. He doesn’t understand the reason—he is Sith and if he does not teach his apprentice to draw power from pain, he will have failed him. He doesn’t understand, but he feels something quake when he is called brother and when he notices he turned his back to Savage and never even expected to get hurt—he doesn’t understand, but somehow, he does. He loves Savage. Savage loves him. Maul was never meant for love, was made a weapon to be used and abused and discarded by a Master wielding power he’ll never attain, but somehow, Maul found this one person who loves him. Maul lost the person who loves him. Maul just lost him again. Maul won’t lose the person who loves him. He won’t. He can’t. He refuses. He loves—
And desperate love paints the room acid green. Greedy love tears the cot to tiny metal shreds. Unconditional love presses hot and painful into Asajj’s right eye, and she’s taking tiny measured steps toward Savage, in rhythmic unison with Maul and unstoppable no matter how hard she tries to take back her body.
Love, no matter what it takes, and both their green-bathed hands touch Savage.
All goes black.
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Tim’s Secret Weapon pt. 12
I’ve been slightly obsessed with @ozmav​ ‘s Damian Wayne/Marinette Dupain-Cheng pairing as of late, and just saw a post that has inspired me more than anything else has in months, so I felt the need to write it
Summary- Tim has always seen the numbers floating above people’s heads, been able to perceive their threat levels with a single glance. After being a hero for so long he thought he was desensitized to seeing high numbers above people’s heads until Damian brings a new friend home.
Part 1
Part 11
Part 12(HERE)
Part 13
Jason had started cackling as soon as Tim explained why he was cross, pulling the ring from his hand and tossing it back to its proper owner. Damian Bruce and Alfred were intrigued by the prospect by the fact Jason was predestined to be a miraculous wielder. Dick, on the other hand, was pouting at Jason being ‘officially more of a cat than him.’
“You’re not a black cat,” Tim snapped, using the door frame to stay upright, glaring at the stark white number over Jason’s head, “He may claim he’s all about destruction but it’s who he was made into not who he is at his core.”
“What?” Jason huffed, “You’re the one that said my number went up to 15! I’m a cat now, I’m leaving the birds to join Selina.”
“No,” He nearly growled in frustration, staggering over to the couch, “Adrian is the real cat here. At his core, he’s sweet and kind and trustworthy, but he also has chaos at his center. He can destroy a person he believes deserves it without a second thought, tarnish a reputation permanently with no remorse if he believed it was the best course of action, manipulate a person into behaving how he wants with precision and grace without anyone realizing that the ray of sunshine would be able to do so. He’s literally destruction. You aren’t like that Jason, not at your core. You’re a true holder, but you aren’t a Black Cat.”
The room was silent as he finally finished and he couldn’t help, but look around at their stunned faces with confusion. Even the Kwamis had frozen from where they had been whispering on the side table, glancing between each other and Tim.
“What?” He snapped, too tired to deal with anything else tonight.
“You’ve only just met Adrian,” Kim drew out, “And just spouted off stuff I never knew about the sunshine boy with such confidence I’m pretty sure you’re not lying.”
“What do you mean? Of course, I know that stuff, can’t you guys tell it too? That’s just what I can tell from observing if I really wanted to know anything important about him I’d have to do research,” He explained with a groan as he leaned against Dick’s shoulder.
Dick just looked down at him in amazement, “No Timmy, most people can’t tell that kind of stuff just from spending a few hours with someone.”
“Huh? You guys never acted like I was crazy before,” He pointed out looking at his brothers.
“I always assumed you researched our targets before we needed the information,” Bruce hummed, “We had meant to ask you how you knew some of the skills you had listed when you had never met the heroes before making the entries in your journal.”
“I mean I did look up some stuff, but isn’t most of that stuff common knowledge?”
Jason snorted, “I didn’t know Bruce spoke Portuguese before reading his journal entry, replacement. I can say with confidence that there’s no video footage of B or Bats speaking or reading Portuguese anywhere or any reason you should know that before I even kicked the bucket.”
“I…” Tim tried to think back, to why he knew this information, where he had put together the man had known so many languages.
“Tim,” Marinette piped up, “What languages does everyone in here speak?”
“French and English.”
His deadpan earned an eye roll from her, “No, I meant past that. Start with your family and then my team, tell me all the languages. Go.”
He was skeptical of what she was trying to do but decided not to question it, “All the bat speak Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic, and BSL. Bruce knows Romanian, Portuguese, Dutch, Cantonese, and Greek. Alfred speaks German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Polish. Dick speaks Romani, Romanian, Dutch, and Russian. Jason has Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, and Russian. I can do Japanese, Romanian, German and Polish.
Damian knows Japanese, Korean, Cantonese, and is just short of fluent in Romanian.”
His eyes turned to the Parisian teens, ignoring the surprise at their extensive list of languages, “ Adrian knows Mardiran and Japanese. Chloe knows Japanese. Kim is fluent in Vietnamese and is nearing passable in German. Max knows Korean and Safan. Alix knows Ancient Egyptian and Arabic. Kagami knows Japanese and Mandarin. Viperion knew quite a bit of Italian but wasn’t quite fluent. Marinette knows Italian, is nearly fluent in Arabic and… actually, I’m not sure what the last one is, but it’s ancient, something close to Sino-Tibetan I think?”
Eyes flashed around the room, before settling on Tim.
“Seriously?” Tim groaned, “None of you knew that?”
Jason's eyes flashed to Damien, “Since when do you speak Romanian?”
He scowled, the tips of his ears burning, “It was going to be a surprise for Grayson, I was hoping to be fluent by his birthday…”
Marinette broke in before any of the brothers could make a comment, “Tim, Damien only practiced Romanian when he knew everyone was out of the house. Nor should you know about the Guardian Language.”
“Guardian Language?” He whispered, head too fuzzy for him to process more than that.
She winced a little, “When the role of Guardian was handed over to me, the language of the Guardians was basically downloaded into my head. It allows me to read the Guardian Grimoire and perform the spells within it to heal kwamis, fixing broken miraculous or create potions to allow them different abilities they don’t usually possess. Usually, there’s a lot of training to be able to deal with the new knowledge being shoved into their heads but my gaining of the guardianship was more than a little unorthodox so I had to deal with migraines for about six months after. I had to decode the secrets for myself even with knowing the language.”
“I don’t even know what the Guardian is,” Tim whispered as the truth set it, “I really shouldn’t know this stuff about you guys…”
“Another aspect of your power, no doubt,” Alfred cut in, “Hardly the worst thing in the world for a detective to have intuition-based knowledge of the people he’s looking up, hmm?”
Tim laughed, “Thanks, Alfred.”
The butler merely nodded, “However, I am fairly certain Master Tim hasn’t been truthful about how much sleep he’s gotten this week and a miraculous drain is dangerous even when well-rested, I suggest suspending this discussion until a proper hour?”
Damien gave him an innocuous look, “ You tried to lie to Pennyworth? Are you completely braindead.”
“Panicking over my secret being out means lots of comfort coffee,” He groaned back as he attempted to bury himself in Dick’s side.  
“Go to sleep Replacement,” Jason huffed, as Dick pulled the other man to his feet. Zombie Tim's duty was something they all had plenty of experience in. It wasn’t long before he was stripped of his costume and sweatpants and an oversized tee pulled on over his bike shorts.
Tim barely registered the lights being turned off as he was bundled into bed, half asleep already.
When Tim arose the next morning he was surprised to see it was only 8 am, seven hours after when he remembered his brother’s getting him to bed. Typically, after the kind of crash, he felt last night he needed a solid thirteen hours of sleep and two cups of coffee to feel this alive again. His answer came from the tiny horse resting on the nightstand.
“Kaalki? What are you doing here?”
“Kwami healing,” She offered in an attempt to be nonchalant as she floated up in front of him, “ Tikki is best at it but every Kwami, barring Plagg, can offer some form of rejuvenation to those who need it. My way of healing is to replenish the energy that has been lost in a timely manner. It was the least I could do after causing you so much distress last night.”
Tim frowned and offered a flat hand for her to land on, “Don’t do that, there’s no blame on you or Marinette or anyone else. Accidents happen, and it’s not like there’s an instruction book on miraculous and metas.”
She fidgeted, “I believe you are correct but I still felt bad for causing such harm to befall you.”
Tim just shook his head, “Either way, thank you. I feel amazing right now.”
She smiled, “Perhaps if you hurry you can join your family for breakfast, I heard they were setting out to leave soon.”
He quickly pulled on his clothes and did his morning routine in the ensuite before entering the main room where his family froze in place as they were pulling on coats and shoes.
“What the fuck are you doing up?” Jason hissed, ready to force him back into bed.  
“Kwami magic has its perks,” Tim defended, hands raised in surrender as Kaalki floated next to him, “I feel more awake then I have in years.”
Alfred grinned, “Ah yes, I remember how Duusu would help us relax after battles. Well come along then,
Marinette squinted at him judgingly, trying to figure out how he was allowed out by his family before Kaalki darted from his jacket over to Max’s. Instead, she just huffs and begins leading the entire group of heroes towards her parents’ bakery, Damien quickly falling in step to her left, glaring at Adrian who had fallen into step on her right.
“SO, replacement,” Jason drawled, dropping an arm around the short brother’s shoulders, “I didn’t get to ask last night cause you looked more zombie then me, but if I’m not a cat, what am I?”
“I don’t even know where to start with miraculous,” Tim huffed, pushing the older man away, “Where would I even start with which miraculous to give to you?”
“Well, how about we give you a starting point,” Adrian asked, turning to walk backwards so he could look at them with a twinkling smile, “Miraculous are broken into two categories, indirect and direct. Direct miraculous powers affect the target of the power directly like the Bee’s venom freezing someone, while the Indirect affect the world around the target, like the Horse’s teleportation. The Black Cat and Ladybug fall outside of the groupings as they’re both direct and indirect. Indirect users can’t use Direct miraculous effectively and can even have adverse effects of transforming too long and vice versa. So does Jason feel like a direct or indirect holder.”
“Indirect,” Tim started, finding the words just started flowing as he stared at the 11 swirling about over his brother’s head, “Jason’s cocky and more stubborn than the Blue Boyscout if you get him going, but he’s also loyal to a fault and filled with so much determination I’m not sure whether to be scared or impressed. No matter how angry he is at someone, or how much he thinks they deserve the consequences of their actions he will be there to protect them by any means necessary. He may talk tough and act stupid but he’s unbelievably wise with instincts unparalleled by normal humans when it comes to trust and how to get out of sticky situations. He can and will kill, but only if it’s the only option left to make it out of a situation alive.”
Jason scowled and pulled on the end of his jacket sleeve as he looked away, “Geez, rip me open why don’t you?”
“Hey, you asked,”
Marinette stared at him with a cryptic eye, “No, he’s right I can see it. I think I know what miraculous to give you.”
Tim’s attention fell away from the conversation as Jason tried to pry the newly found information from the young Guardian. Because that was the least of his worries.
Not when his eyes landed on vibrant blue hair, strikingly familiar, attached to a man sitting on the wall around the Seine, strumming his guitar absentmindedly.
“Found you,” Tim said, causing the man in front of him to smile up at him.
“That was quick,” He laughed, the thick gothic steel-colored 13 made his blue eyes take on a silver hue.
“It’s easy to spot such a high number when most don’t reach past six,” He shrugged.
“You and I aren’t very different, you know?” Steely grey 13 offered, looking back to his guitar.
“I think the masks gave that away,” Tim mussed, “I’m Tim.”
“Luka, Luka Couffaine,” Steely Grey 13, Viperion, Luka offered easily, “And I meant past the masks.”
“How do you mean then, Luka?”
The younger man looked up at him and waved a hand at the chair across from him, “How about you take a seat, Uccellino, and we can compare notes on what it’s like to be meta.”
Taglist: @vixen-uchiha @iggy-of-fans @mewwitch @roseinbloom02 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @mochinek0 @royalchaoticfangirl @09shell-sea09 @mystery-5-5 @derpingrainbow @aloha-posts-stuff @hauntedfreakdeputyhero @maribat-archive @blue-peach14 @kae690 @zazzlejazzle @vincentvangoose @be-happy-every-day-please @xxmadamjinxx @celestiacq @peculiarlylostdreamer @dani-ari @melicmusicmagic @themcclan @nyctamaximoff @nataladriana9 @drama-queen-supreme @miraculousbelladonna @urbanpineapplefarmer @graduatedmelon @lexysama @hecate-hallow @ki117h3dr4g0n @vinerlover @interobanginyourmom @bluefiredemon @imanerddealwith @tinybrie @clumsy-owl-4178 @shizukiryuu @whogavemeaninternet @schrodingers25 @lunar-wolf-warrior @urbanpineapplefarmer @xxmadamjinxx @crazylittlemunchkin @littleredrobinhoodlum​ @rougemme​ @dur55​ @phantommeow12 @kand-roo​ @silvergold-swirl​ @officiallyathiana​ @completelypeccable​ @redhoodsdoll​ @nataladriana9​ @mariae2900​ @northernbluetongue​ @sturchling​ @thesunanditsangel​ @reyna-avila-ramirez-alreanaldo​ @bobothyross @taoiichii​ @magnitude101999​ @magicalfirebird​ @nataladriana9​ @panda3506​ @aquariusrunes​ @woodland-queer @sayarock121​ @mindfulmagics​ @magic-miraculous​ @my-name-is-michell @naoryllis @slytherinqueen2432 @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @captainartsypants @nanakeid @legendaryneckjudgestudent @smolplantmum @the-real-ginakid @nyaabinch @elmokingkong @gentlemanoftimetravel @whitennerdiest@imbrium-mare @tired-butterfly @corabeth11 @aestheticnpoetic @amirahevens @sassakitty @letterlust @whats-she-gonna-post-next
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maledictus-ire · 3 years
How I check myself for emotional numbness:
1. I read hella angsty fics and if I cry I'm still feeling enough so to speak, that's good, therapeutic and has the wonderful effect of knocking me out. However, my favourite characters will find themselves dying repeatedly, abused and tortured. Apparently everything is better in 2D even the pain.
2. Abuse fics that are centred around revenge. Glorious, violent retribution. I'd scream "JUSTICE" at the top of my lungs but honestly I just want fictional characters I despise to suffer. That feeling when I have to deeply inhale to stop myself from expressing myself in rage? That's the shit. When the MC finally moves on after settling every obstacle human or otherwise with extreme prejudice till it brings a smile of satisfaction to my face? Yes. Please. I'm weird enough that rage fills me with motivation to dream of potential scenarios so I'll still be able to sleep. It's just not a well rested one.
3. Crackfics. Because they're funny. They don't do much but only due to the fact that my emotions effect what I'll find funny. But hey, if I'm still laughing I must be fine yeah?
4. I've hit a new low and need romance stories to make me feel uncomfortable enough to elicit a response. That response is usually annoyance because I'm not talking about romance with plot because there are good ones out there that makes me feel things besides "..no", I'm talking about romance for the sake of romance. Where everyone is braindead, dramatic and every action they take is exaggerated to the point of stupidity. When I hit the threshold in my mind that screams "For fuck's sake. Even a zombie has more brain power and they're dead", that's when I know, ah yes, I'm feeling something. Annoyance and frustration enough to commit murder and the target is myself for reading something so stupid.
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