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stone-97 · 10 days ago
Why is Shadow Sucky tossing already dead people into suits? Is she stupid?
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She knows it's senseless, but none of the Shadow MC can leave the premises and the incinerator can't burn the bodies, leaving one of two option, Springlock suits or dumpster.
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stone-97 · 10 days ago
Shadow Susie only kills "bad" people because Shadow Cassidy has her on a metaphorical leash
More like Shadow Susie kills whoever reeks of murder than anything else, Shadow Cassidy just makes sure Shadow Susie cleans up her crimes and prohibits her from tossing the corpses into Springlock suits, because she refuses to chance the target coming back to life.
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stone-97 · 10 days ago
Ok now I need both of them DEAD DEAD
Liza and Eli are more dangerous than the Cultists, HenWraith, and Cassidy.
Kelsey might be able to threaten or kill them, but not without a fight that would leave him too weak to escape.
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stone-97 · 12 days ago
I know the Elizabeth bios said they used Eleanor shells but is Eleanor the character in the AU?
The surviving Duo butchered Eleanor for trying to steal the organs and limbs of the girl from the Fazbear Frights book, then getting the girl to a Doctor to save her life as Eleanor had taken her arm and her leg.
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
How would the rest of them be?
Can you give me some context so I can answer your question, please?
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
R.i.p blud
I dont follow.
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
Cassidy rages like Grizzy and Susie rages like Kryoz
I don't understand the comparison since I don't know these characters. Mind telling me some more about them?
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
What do Susie and Jeremy do in the afterlife? Do they watch everyone else for entertainment or do they just rest?
Since their punishments are to be guides to the souls of dead children, they are like Charon of Greek mythology, but they don't force the souls to pay for passage like the ferry man did in said tales.
When not required to perform their duties, they fill out their reports and go to their dorms to relax in their privacy by doing activities or hobbies they once enjoyed while alive.
That is because they are free of their animatronic prisons, they can interact in the Afterlife more than they could in the Living World such as eating, using computers, actually sleeping, reading books, and in Susie's case, playing with her dog as she had reunited with him.
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
Susie probably lowkey likes Shadow Evan more than Cassidy
More like she hates him more since he's evil for the sake of personal benefit and cares nothing of the MC suffering and wanting peace.
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
The MCI + Charlie are literally Borderlands vault hunters 😭
Interesting comparison, mind telling me why?
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
That's me I'm few customers
Lol excellent.
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
Shadow Evan is just a silly lil guy 🥺
Lol, that's funny.
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
Character flaws I think some of the characters have/had:
Michael: Jealousy and anger issues
Evan: Spineless pussy /hj
William: Ignorance?
Malhare: Fucking evil
Helltrap: Fucking evil
Charlie: Fragile ego
Cassidy: Fucking insane
Susie: Holier than thou additude
Jeremy: Follower
Gabriel: Apathetic
Fritz: All bark no bite
Beth: Slightly evil
Michael used to suffer such flaws when he was a teenager, till Evan's death, then he got the actual help he needed thanks to his mom sending him away to an actual medical facility for troubled youths to get therapy and pschological help.
Evan suffered from severe insomnia, severe anxiety, and from psychological torment by his father's illusion discs and hallucinogenic experiments; after death and his soul breaking, he lost his insomnia and crippling anxiety (it's there but not as bad), and destroyed the actual endos that wore the nightmare animatronic illusion discs.
William was very ignorant of the deals he made, and in death, learned to be careful who he agrees to work with.
Malhare and Helltrap are demons, malicious and pure fucking evil, nothing more needs to be said about them.
Charlie has a fragile ego despite being dead for so long; her fear is a big key to this, if something confirms that she was wrong in killing all those people, she'll suffer a severe breakdown.
Cassidy isn't truly insane, but rather knows what she's doing is heartless, and keeps doing it because it gives her power that she believes will enable her to capture and torture William for all eternity, all that she does is to get revenge on William, even if it's wrong, to Susie, that sounds like a sociopath.
Susie's flaw is too much caution, and resorting to force when ignored too much or dismissed, it comes off as holier than thou because shes using her brain instead of going with the crowd, questioning and speaking up, even when she knows she'll get yelled at or ignored.
Jeremy's flaw is spot on, can't even deny that, he only learned when it was too late.
Gabriel's emotions dulled the longer he was trapped in Freddy, since he began to go numb from the chaos, trying to make the deaths quick and painless as opposed to the others' methods.
Fritz had both, but when he killed his father, and said man had turned away from him and vanished immediately, it shattered all of Fritz bite, making him recluse and scared of killing people afterwards, Susie didn't gloat over him, just left silently.
Beth was driven by Circus Baby's programming and her desire to get her father's approval and affection, sad but true that her flaw is being slightly evil, but the context explains it.
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
Cassidy and Susie are literally just "Wow These People Are So Weird, Thank God I'm the Normal One"
That's how they feel when having to talk with the other MCs and Charlie.
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
Cassidy making Andrew look normal lmao. She's cooked 😭
That's a good point. In my AU, Andrew sorta chased after William specifically, and ignored workers wearing purple or Night Guard uniforms because he had seen Williams face when the man took off the Springbonnie head before he died.
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
It would be so fucking funny if Shadow Cassidy and Shadow Susie were best friends
Its a possibility, afterall, they would have different personalities compared to normal Cassidy and normal Susie.
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stone-97 · 17 days ago
How would MCI + both Evans & Charlie react to a baby crying on a plane?
Its hard to really say, but here's their reactions:
Charlie would play her music box to calm the baby.
Susie would use the baby's toy to attract the baby's attention.
Foxy and Gabriel would look for the baby's parents to return the child as soon as possible.
Cassidy would be uncomfortable around a baby because she feels rage and anger majority of the time.
Jeremy would try and play a happy tune on his guitar.
Shadow Evan would ignore the baby's existence entirely.
Evan would try and soothe the baby to sleep before looking for their parents.
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