#i feel like the way it was previously arranged by default..was less...
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fisheito · 4 months ago
Looking around the user interface in awe Wow lookit all these fancy renovations!!! We got so many new filters abdLOMUY MYHIF GLOB
Why the adoDOKK THEY SO CUTE?!!?,,???
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Ehehje yakumorb
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Oh i don't get jumpscared by eiden titti in the intimacy rooms anymore but NoW i HAVE TO SEE HIS sTUPID POINT BLANK SMILE?
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...why are the first two rows so... i don't like the lack of variety going on ..
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aro-and-tired · 4 years ago
Aromantic Experiences in Fandom: Survey Results
As this is the second part of the discussion regarding results of this survey, I suggest checking out Part 1 before this.
This post will discuss how aromantic content creators in fandom feel when it comes to creating aro-specific content, and how aromantic fans feel when it comes to shipping and their preferences for it. There will also be a space for additional comments.
Content Creators Questions
The first question here was a check asking respondents whether or not they ever created fancontent, such as fanfiction, fanart, etc. 76.5% (701) of the respondents stated that they have created fancontent, while 23.5% (215) stated they haven’t. Non-creators skipped the rest of this section.
Question 1: Which kind of content do you create in fandom? 
Starting with the options I had given, from most to least picked we have:
Fanfiction - 71.3%
Fanart - 58.8%
Memes - 44.4%
Meta - 22.3%
Playlists - 16.3%
Fanvids - 7.3%
Merch - 1.9%
Furthermore, many people mentioned other kinds of content they create. This includes headcanons, edits, moodboards, roleplay, cosplay, podfic. translations, fan music and ask blogs.
Question 2: Have you ever made content focusing on aromantic headcanons, or other kinds of aromantic content?
Yes, in addition to other kinds of content - 57.2%
No - 41.5%
Yes, I only make aro content - 1.3%
Question 3: If you have created aro content, would you say it got more or less attention than your non aro content?
52.6% of respondents declined to answer or stated that it wasn’t applicable. Excluding these respondents, the results were
It got less attention - 68.1%
It got the same amount of attention - 29.5%
It got more attention - 2.4%
Question 4: Have you ever felt discouraged by your fandom when it comes to making aro content?
Yes, because I didn’t think it would get attention - 42.6%
Yes, because I was afraid to get hate for it - 35.7%
No - 39.2%
Question 5: Have you ever received hate because of the aro content you made?
40.7% of respondents answered saying they have never created aro content. Excluding these respondents, the results were
No - 81.5%
Yes - 18.5%
Shipping Questions
The first question was a check that asked whether or not the respondents were at all into shipping. 88% (806) said they enjoy shipping, while 11.2% (103) said that they are not. 0.8% (7) said that they are not into shipping, and not involved in fandom. Respondents who picked the last option skipped the following section, and were taken to the end of the survey.
Question 1: How important is shipping to you when it comes to being in fandom?
Shipping is my primary form of engaging with fandom - 7.1%
Shipping is fairly important to me, but I’m also into other sides of the fandom - 22.5%
Shipping is about as important to me as other sides of the fandom - 38.8%
Shipping is not particularly important to me, I prefer other sides of the fandom - 29.7%
Shipping is the least important part of engaging with fandom - 2%
Question 2: Do you consider non-romantic shipping (shipping characters as queerplatonic partners, friends with benefits, etc.) to be a valid form of shipping, or do you think shipping only refers to romantic situations?
I think shipping can be both romantic and non-romantic - 71.2%
I think some types of non-romantic situations can count as shipping, but not all of them - 21.7%
I think shipping only refers to romantic situations - 7.1%
Question 3: When it comes to your ships, do you prefer content that focuses more on the romantic or sexual aspect of the relationship?
I prefer content focusing on the romantic aspect, I dislike sexual content - 33.1%
I prefer content focusing on the romantic aspect, but I also enjoy sexual content - 23.2%
It makes no difference / I like both equally - 31.9%
I prefer content focusing on the sexual aspect, but I also enjoy romantic content - 9.4%
I prefer content focusing on the sexual aspect, I dislike romantic content - 2.4%
Question 4: Would you say fans place too much importance on romantic shipping, leaving too little space for other kinds of discussions?
Yes - 84.7%
Unsure - 10.7%
No - 4.6%
Question 5: Here I will give you a list of tropes commonly found in shipping fan content. I ask that you pick 5 that you consider your favorites. You can pick less than 5 if there aren't enough tropes that you like, but please try not to pick more.
As a disclaimer, this question is not meant to judge whether or not someone is a “valid” aromantic or anything of the sort. It also does not necessarily indicate that liking the more popular tropes picked is an aro thing, especially since some of these are also popular in fandom spaces at large. It is only meant to highlight general trends in the community.
The five most popular tropes picked were:
Mutual Pining - 46.8%
Domestic Fluff - 46.5%
Slow Burn - 44.8%
Enemies to Lovers - 40.6%
Friends to Lovers - 38.2%
All of those tropes were picked by more than 300 people. Following these, the only trope picked by more than 200 people was Established Relationship.
Tropes picked by more than 100 people were, in order of popularity, Soulmate AU, PWP, Fake Dating, Getting Together, Porn with Feelings, and with the same popularity Friends with Benefits and Telepathic Bonds.
Tropes picked by less than 100 people were, in order of popularity, Unhealthy Relationships, Unrequited Love, Hanahaki Disease, Arranged Marriage, Hate Sex, Friends with Benefits to Lovers, Jealousy/Possessiveness, First Dates, Break Ups, and least popular Love at First Sight.
Question 6: Here I give you the same list of tropes, but this time I ask that you pick the 5 tropes you dislike the most. Again, you can pick less than 5, but please try not to pick more
The same disclaimers as the previous question apply.
The five most disliked tropes were
Jealousy/Possessiveness - 52.9%
Unhealthy Relationships - 48%
Hanahaki Disease - 42.9%
Love at First Sight - 42.4%
Hate Sex - 40.6%
All of these tropes were picked by more than 300 people. Following these, tropes picked by more than 200 people were Soulmate AUs, Break Ups, Arranged Marriage, PWP and Unrequited Love.
Tropes picked by more than 100 people were Fake Dating and Porn with Feelings.
Tropes picked by less than 100 people were Friends with Benefits to Lovers, Telepathic Bonds, Domestic Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Friends with Benefits, Enemies to Lovers, Established Relationships, First Dates, Slow Burn, and least disliked with the same amount of votes Getting Together and Mutual Pining.
Once again, there is no judgement on anyone who hates popular tropes or loves hated tropes. The aromantic community is not a monolith, there is great variety between us, and no aromantic people is made up only of their aromanticism. There can be all sorts of reasons why one would like or dislike a trope.
That being said, some considerations can be made from these trends. For example, various aros have said that since romantic attraction is confusing we don’t quite get how can someone fall in love with people they barely know, or why is falling in love with a friend considered strange and not the norm. Many of the popular tropes involve characters who have known each other for a long time (Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn) while things such as Love at First Sight or First Dates are less popular.
We can also look at tropes various aros find arophobic. Hanahaki Disease is often mentioned as making many aros deeply uncomfortable, and we can see that here few people have it as a favorite, and many pick it as one of their most disliked tropes. Another one that is often mentioned in those discussions is Soulmate AU, that people are more ambivalent about - it’s both the sixth most disliked and seventh most liked. Maybe because it has much more variation than Hanahaki Disease, or maybe because people find it less arophobic as a whole. Or maybe simply due to personal tastes.
Question 1: Is the reason you don't enjoy shipping connected to the fact that you are aromantic?
Yes - 87.4%
No - 12.6%
Question 2: Would you say fans place too much importance on romantic shipping, leaving too little space for other kinds of discussions?
Yes - 97.1%
Unsure - 1.9% (2 people)
No - 1% (1 people)
Question 3: Do you think you would be more into shipping if people more often shipped characters in a non-romantic way, such as writing about queerplatonic relationships?
Yes - 82.5%
No - 17.5%
Additional Comments
People were allowed to leave additional comments here about anything that wasn’t covered previously.
Many people remarked on the general amatonormativity that is present in fandom spaces, in particular how it often seems as if fandoms are not interested in character dynamics that don’t involve romance. Some people also talked about often aro headcanons overlap with gay/lesbian headcanons because of the similar traits that can count as coding for both identities, and this can cause conflict within fandom. Overall, many people felt that aromantics are often a subcommunity within the larger fandom communities.
Some people also stated that they feel smaller fandoms are more open to aromantic interpretations than bigger ones. Various people mentioned fandoms that they felt were more or less friendly, often saying that small fandoms with few people tend to be more welcoming to aro fans.
There was also some discussion regarding the concept of non-romantic shipping. While many people agree that they enjoy viewing their ships as, for example, queerplatonic relationships, some also feel that using shipping terminology is inadequate for them. Shipping is by default assumed to be romantic by most people, and some don’t like having to using that word or words derived from it for non-romantic situations.
Part 2 Summary
Many aromantic content creators have felt discouraged by fandom when it comes to making aromantic content, either because they are afraid of not gaining any attention for it or because they fear receiving hate for it.The first concern seems quite valid, as a majority of people who did create aro content found that it got less attention compared to their non-aro content. When it comes to receiving hate instead, less than a fifth was a victim of it. This being said, there’s also a good number of aros who don’t overall feel discouraged when it comes to creating said content.
Out of the aros who enjoy shipping, most of them consider it neither the most nor least important part of their fandom experience, usually also enjoying other ways of engaging with fandom. Most prefer romantic content over sexual content, or enjoy both equally, with a minority favoring sexual content over romantic content. The majority also feels that fandom spaces can be too dominated by shipping.
An even higher percentage of aros who do not enjoy shipping find it too prevalent. A good number of them believe that they do not like shipping because they are aromantic, with many also saying that they would be more favorable to shipping if there was more space for non-romantic shipping.
Thank you for having paid attention so far! You can contact me if you have any questions. As I said in Part 1, I am also working on a couple more posts to look for potential differences in the opinions of a few groups, I will publish them in upcoming days.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years ago
Fluff alphabet event request for Kiba Inuzuka please, thanks!
Ahh, my best boy! I love Kiba, I really wish we could have seen more of him later on in the manga and show :c
Fluff Alphabet: Kiba Inuzuka
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A- Activities: How do they spend their time with their s/o?
Walks! Kiba loves to go on walks with his s/o, bonus points if they bring their dog(s) along! There’s just something so refreshing about strolling down a walking trail or through the neighborhood, especially with his s/o by his side. He’ll hold their hand as they mosey along, and he’ll be unable to resist pecking their cheek or their lips every so often. 
Kiba also loves to take naps with his s/o! He’s a pretty energetic guy, but he does tire out. When he does, his favorite thing to do is to snuggle up to his s/o for a quick snooze! It doesn’t matter where, either. Kiba can fall asleep anywhere, so sometimes that means just passing out right there on the kitchen floor while his s/o was trying to enjoy a quick lunch! It’ll have to wait, though, because he will drag them out of their chair to snooze on the floor with them. 
B- Body: What does this character appreciate about their s/o? What part of their body are they most proud of, and in reverse, what body part are they ashamed of and how do they respond to their s/o gushing over it?
Kiba is a tummy guy, 100%. He loves just planting his face into his s/o’s stomach, littering it in kisses or holding his hands there when they’re seated on his lap. His favorite way to nap is with his head resting on his s/o’s stomach and their hands running through his hair. 
Kiba isn’t really self-conscious about any part of his body in particular, but if his s/o compliments any part of him, he’ll get all blushy and shy. After the initial surprise, however, he’ll definitely turn it around on his s/o, growing smug and flirtatious!
C- Cuddles: Is this character a cuddler? What is their favorite way to cuddle?
Kiba is definitely a cuddler! As I previously mentioned, he loves to cuddle into his s/o’s tummy. However, he also does love to spoon! If anyone asks, he’s the big spoon. But honestly? He loves to be the little spoon, too. The first time his s/o is the big spoon he gets a little emotional because he just feels so adored? He swears he didn’t cry, though. 
D- Dreams: How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Dogs. All the dogs. It is a must. Aside from having a whole lotta dogs, Kiba dreams of the ideal life-- getting married, sharing a home, having some kids, and growing old together. With their dogs, of course. 
E- Equivalence: Is this character the dominant force in the relationship, are they passive, or is the relationship more or less even?
The relationship is more or less even. Kiba’s a little dominant, but he is also whipped for his s/o, so it really depends on the situation. In most things, he’s content to do whatever keeps his s/o happy. Of course, every so often he has to put his foot down, and he’s not afraid to. Still, it’s a blissful arrangement, all things considered!
F- Fights: How does this character respond to arguments with their s/o? What would they fight about, and who would cave and apologize first?
In the moment, things will get heated. Kiba will yell, because his voice gets louder whenever he’s excited about something-- either in a good or bad way. However, as soon as his s/o starts to cry, he deflates. He can’t believe he broke his s/o’s heart like that! He instantly switches to comforting mode, and he’ll be able to talk it over with a more level head after that. He will definitely apologize first. 
As for things he would fight about with his s/o? Kiba gets a little bit irritable when he’s stressed, so most likely, he snapped at the wrong thing and made his s/o mad. He’ll own that once things have settled down, too. 
G- Gratitude: How does this character show their s/o that they are grateful?
Hugs! Kiba’s love language is very much physical affection, so anytime he’s in a grateful mood, he will grab his s/o and snuggle into their neck or belly while telling them how much he loves them! 
H- Honeymoon: If this character had a honeymoon with their s/o, where would they go?
Kiba loves the beach! He would definitely want a week of sand, surf, and sun. He will be in the water constantly, and will definitely drag his s/o out to play with him, but don’t worry! He’ll have plenty of romantic dinners, shows, and whatnot planned to enjoy with his s/o, too. 
I- Insecurity: What is this character insecure about? How do they deal with their insecurities with their s/o?
Kiba sometimes feels like he’s inferior to the other guys he knows, believe it or not. They’re just so awesome! He feels like a background character. He won’t admit it to his s/o at first, using brash declarations to try and make himself relevant; but when his s/o picks up on it, he will break down and spill out his poor little heart. He definitely needs to be reassured that he’s number one in his s/o’s eyes! Tell him he’s a big strong man! <3
J- Jealousy: Is this character the jealous type? How do they deal with being jealous?
Kiba doesn’t get jealous as much as he does insecure. If he sees someone else flirting with his s/o, he will get really moody and really clingy. Like, he will not leave his s/o alone after that point, hugging and kissing all over them to make the point known that they are off the market. He will also need to be reassured by his s/o too that they still love him and want him. Poor baby. :(
K- Kiss: What does the character want their first kiss to be like with their s/o? How does it end up happening?
Kiba wants the first kiss to be perfect, of course! He meticulously plans everything out, but when it comes down to it... He kind of bungles it, hits their nose on the way in and accidentally kisses the corner of their mouth instead. He is dying of embarrassment, so please just laugh it off and give him another chance, he promises he’ll do it right this time!
L- Love Confession: How does this character first profess their love to their s/o?
Kiba confesses totally on accident, haha. It just slips out in the middle of a conversation one day. Everyone around will just be like, “What?!” He’ll try to play it off, but the bright big blush on his face tells everyone exactly what they just heard. Poor baby boy, he’s trying his best.
M- Marriage: How does this character view marriage? What is their ideal wedding like?
Kiba definitely wants to get married! He dreams of settling down with his s/o. However, he doesn’t want it to be a big grand affair. He’d like a simple shrine wedding with just their parents, and then after, they can meet up with all their friends and have a nice time! In the moment, though, he would really just like to focus on his s/o and his love for them. 
N- Nicknames: What does this character like to call their s/o?
Kiba defaults to “babe” or “baby” most of the time. He’s not very creative when it comes to pet names, those two get the job done! But when he’s feeling extra soft, he’ll hit his s/o with a “sweetheart” or a “honey” that’ll just make them swoon!
O- On Cloud Nine: What is this character like when they’re in love? Is it obvious to others, or are they good at hiding it?
Oh, Kiba is so obvious it’s painful. He’s blushy, he’s stuttery, he’s over the moon. Everyone within a ten mile radius will know who he’s crushing on. It’s super cute, honestly, but he will 100% get ragged for it until he finally confesses because all his guy friends definitely know what’s up!
P- PDA: Does this character like PDA? If so, what kinds of things do they do in public to show off their s/o?
Kiba is so clingy! He loves PDA. He loves to hold hands with his s/o; if they are not holding hands while walking around he gets super mopey, haha. Surprise hugs and kisses are also a must! He just loves to shower his s/o in affection. He can’t help it! He has so much love to give!
Q- Quirks: What random traits or quirks does this character have that positively affect the relationship?
Kiba is a brutally honest guy, sometimes to a fault. As such, he would never dream of lying to his s/o, not ever! Even little white lies, he can’t stand the idea of lying to his s/o. Sometimes it’s not helpful, but most of the time it’s just a testament to strong communication. 
R- Romance: Is this character a hopeless romantic, or a bit on the low-key side? Are they cliché when it comes to romantic gestures, or can they get a little bit creative?
Oh, Kiba is hopelessly romantic when it comes to his s/o, but he’s actually kind of clueless when it comes to romantic gestures. He gets advice from his friends with... mixed results, haha. But he tries! He really does, and he hopes his s/o at least can get a laugh when things don’t quite go as intended. 
S- Secrets: Are there any secrets they hide from their s/o? If so, how do they deal with it when those secrets finally come out?
Aside from his insecurities, as I mentioned before, no secrets from his s/o! Kiba is an open book!
T- Thrill: Does this character prefer routine in their relationship, or do they like to shake things up every once in a while?
Kiba is very impulsive, so he definitely likes to shake things up! He will definitely drag his s/o off to do random things when the mood strikes him, but honestly, it just adds to the fun!
U- Understanding: Is this character level-headed and empathetic toward their partner, or do they sometimes have trouble figuring them out, which leads to some butting heads?
As I mentioned, Kiba can be a bit clueless, so bless his heart sometimes he does have trouble understanding his s/o. This can lead to frustration and he may butt heads with them, but after a bit, they’ll be able to talk it out. He tries to beas empathetic and understanding as he can most of the time, though, even if he has no idea what’s going on. 
V- Value: How does this character value their relationship with their s/o? How does it hold in comparison to their goals, ambitions, etc.?
Kiba adores his s/o, and after a long relationship, they will definitely become the centerpoint in his life. He doesn’t really have any goals or ambitions aside from just living a good and solid life, and so his s/o fits right in!
W- Wild Card: Any random fluff headcanon that does not fall within the other categories!
Kiba, unfortunately, is a wiggleworm in bed. I’m talking kicking around, flopping like a fish, falling off the bed without even waking up-- it’s bad! So, his poor s/o may find the blankets stolen, or even get an accidently hand in their face in the middle of the night!
X- XOXO: How does this character show affection?
95% of Kiba’s love language is physical affection. He just loves to snuggle up to his s/o, hold their hand, give them kisses, everything! However, he isn’t willing to hold back praise either; he loves to shower his s/o in praise and talk them up to whoever’s listening!
Y- Yearning: How does this character deal with time apart with their s/o?
Oh, he gets so mopey. He just walks around all depressed because he doesn’t get his daily dose of snuggles and lovin’. He is so sad that everyone hates being around him because all he can do is whine and cry about his s/o being there. As soon as his s/o returns, he will latch onto them like a koala and won’t let go for at least several hours. 
Z- Zeal: Is this character willing to great lengths for their relationship? If so, how far, and how long does it take to get to this point?
Absolutely! Kiba doesn’t take any slight to his s/o well, and he will do anything for them. It takes a while for Kiba to build up to a serious relationship, but when he’s there, he’s gonna be in his s/o’s corner no matter what. 
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curligurl0896 · 4 years ago
So getting to read @thejakeformerlyknownasprince 's FMA AU reminded me of my own ideas for a FMA/Animorphs fic. A crossover, in this case, a Megamorphs of sorts (complete with rotating narration) because I really want an excuse to have the Animorphs interact with the characters of the FMA universe. I don't have enough ideas worked out to confidently write a whole fanfic yet, so I think I'll just share some of my ideas so that at least they don't stay inside my head forever like the vast majority of ideas that I either never finish enough to post it or just never get around to at all, especially when my brain is always generating new plot bunnies instead of focusing on developing the ones I already have, it's so distracting lol
(Also maybe y'all could give some suggestions if you wanna, I'd definitely appreciate it lol)
Anyway, here it is:
First off, the answer as to how exactly the Animorphs end up in the FMA universe: I was kicking around a few ideas for this, and was originally thinking something along the lines of like, a freak accident that somehow results in them ending up in front of the Gate of Truth, but I think a better idea would be for an alchemist (or perhaps even several alchemists) to end up in the Aniverse, get Yeerkified, and the Yeerk (or Yeerks, as it may be), intrigued by the memories and knowledge of an alternate Earth where you can manipulate matter and shape it according to your will with nothing more than a well drawn chalk circle (or even less than that if you've been through the Gate, as the Yeerk(s) will eventually discover), lured in by the idea of a legendary object that supposedly can be used to circumvent a pesky little law known as Equivalent Exchange, decides to pull something of a "Tom's Yeerk and his Yeerk buddies a la book 52" deciding to start their own colony in the FMAverse where they won't have to answer to the Council of Thirteen or the Visserarchy (well, at least the ones higher ranked than the Yeerk in charge, who, I imagine, would have to be a Sub-Visser at the very least to have the power to arrange all this) in addition to being able to use alchemy, which, much like the morphing power, can be used for a massive variety of things, ranging from merely convenient to pretty damn useful in a pinch to OP as fuck to even just downright terrifying.
It takes a lot of time and meticulous planning, of course, as they have to find a way to transport the Yeerks, their ship, and all the other stuff they'll need to thrive over there through the Gate and into the FMAverse-- all while in a universe where alchemy flat out doesn't work. The Yeerks have to figure out how to get around that issue, and it takes at least a year of research and using their new hosts' alchemical knowledge to work out a solution, but they work it out, and soon enough they get everything set up and ready to go. At some point, the Chee find out about this secret unknown project going on, inform the Animorphs about it, and Jake decides that they should at least check it out on the off chance that it's something big.
That's where the story officially starts: with our team of traumatized teenage shapeshifters at the location where this thing is being set up (haven't figured out the where yet). They've spent the past several days spying on these Yeerks, but still aren't sure what exactly is going on-- they keep talking about opening a gate-- and aren't sure if it's worth it. Marco's convinced the whole thing is ridiculous, especially after overhearing a human Controller mention something about a "Philosopher's Stone" ("What is this, Harry Potter? Are they gonna wave wooden sticks around and yell in Latin?") . Rachel is bored at this point, and just wants to kick ass and call it a day-- they were probably up to no good anyway. Cassie isn't particularly keen on the asskicking part, but she's been having a bad feeling about all this that she can't shake, and Tobias agrees that something fishy is going on and says they should wait a few days-- after all, from what they've gleaned, whatever plans these Yeerks had would be set in motion very soon. Ax, being Ax, declares as usual that he'll just go along with whatever Prince Jake orders, though when Jake presses him about his opinion, he just says he isn't sure what to make of it. In the end, they keep it up for a couple more days, and sure enough, the time comes for the Yeerks to "open the gate", whatever that means.
After all the time they'd spent spying on the Yeerks, it is conveniently now, when the Yeerks are about to do their thing, that they're discovered. It quickly turns into a fight, and the Animorphs attempt to bail as they're soon overwhelmed-- and then the Gate is opened.
None of them had any idea what to expect next. They certainly weren't expecting the blue lightning that erupted around them in a massive circle, seeming to originate from the curving lines that had been so painstakingly carved into the floor. They aren't expecting the atmosphere to turn dark and purple and creepy, or for a giant grey eye to suddenly appear beneath them, or for wavy black tentacle arms to come out of that eye. And they definitely were NOT expecting to abruptly find themselves in the white void of Zerospace.
Only they aren't in Z-space, exactly. Surrounded by it, sure, but somehow they stand there, as if on solid ground, surrounded by the eerie blankness that had once nearly suffocated them to death.
Each Animorph is utterly alone, with nothing and no one else in sight. That is, until they hear a voice, one that sounds like several voices speaking in unison, and suddenly they see a figure-- or, more accurately, an outline of a figure, with only shadows to mark where the figure ended and the void began. The figure is shaped like a human in all but Ax and Tobias's case: the figure Ax sees is shaped like an Andalite, and Tobias's version takes the form of a bird.
Truth gives the whole "I am God, I am the world, and I am also you" speech, then informs them they can't pass through the Gate without payment. Suddenly, there's a huge gateway where previously there was nothing. Truth is unconcerned with the fact that these "A-ni-morphs" have zero clue what's going on-- it simply takes the required toll and sends them on their way.
Except the toll is literal body parts-- which, even then, isn't usually a big deal for an Animorph, but in this case it absolutely is a big deal, because, as they'll soon discover, there's no way they're going to just replace their lost limbs through morphing. It's expressly forbidden for one to simply have nice things in this universe; in other words, Truth isn't letting them off the hook that easily.
The discovery that they're not able to replace their lost body parts through morphing is especially horrifying to Ax, because, well, y'know... book 40. The one that every Ax fan, and really anyone who otherwise genuinely enjoys Ax's character, would like to pretend never fucking happened.
In fact, given Truth's precedent for irony when extracting payment from people who've opened/been through the Gate in the series, I have no doubt in my mind that Ax would end up suffering the exact same fate as Mertil. Andalites, after all, place high value on their tail blades, especially the warriors; it's their number one go-to weapon when shit hits the fan. Ax himself is such a warrior, in fact it's a huge part of who he is as a person. Needless to say I think yeeting Ax's tail blade would be the exact kind of twisted irony that Truth would employ.
He gets over himself eventually-- well, sort of. However, it takes him a long time to truly come to terms with it-- instead of accepting that the attitudes he'd been taught his whole life regarding those who aren't fully able-bodied are actually shit, I feel like he'd be more likely to double down on them, internalizing them, and actually go into full-on self loathing as a result.
He holds his metaphorical tongue, though, upon seeing that Tobias has suffered a payment that is arguably far more cruelly ironic-- given that Tobias is a bird, given that his initial attraction to the morph that eventually became his default body came from the sense of freedom and escapism only provided through flying, I think it's fairly obvious what Truth would take: his wings.
As for the others: Rachel has lost her arm (for basically the same reason Ed did), Cassie loses her hands (which she uses to, you know, help injured animals and stuff), and as for Jake... well, it was a bit of a struggle, the best I could come up with is the idea of him going blind much like Mustang did after being forced to open the Gate (though maybe not for the same reason, though... idk. If anyone has any better suggestions, please let me know lol, I couldn't think of any solid ideas for what body part would be ironic for Jake to lose). Marco is the only one who doesn't lose any outwardly visible body parts-- what he loses is his voice.
At some point, they are discovered, taken into custody by the Amestrian military, and eventually they end up in Colonel Mustang's office. Mustang listens to their story with a massive dose of skepticism. He isn't sure what to make of these bizarre barefoot children, nor their claims of fighting bodysnatching slugs from outer space by turning into animals, nor their wingless pet hawk, nor... well, he could only assume the other creature was some sort of chimera, although he had zero clue what animals could have possibly been used to make something with blue fur and extra eyes.
At this point, they're about to do a morphing demonstration to prove to the Colonel that they aren't completely batshit, when suddenly the door is slammed open, and a teenage boy with blond hair and sharp golden eyes comes sauntering in, accompanied by a hulking giant covered head to toe in a suit of armor.
The boy immediately starts shouting at Mustang, calling him a bastard and accusing him of wasting his time, to which Mustang responds by merely rolling his eyes and sighing, as if this sort of thing happens all the time (spoiler alert: it does). After a moment, the kid stops as he takes notice of the other kids standing in the room.
"So," he says, calmly, as if he wasn't yelling at his superior just a moment ago, "what's the deal with these fuckers?"
The casual use of the kind of language that would have surely landed them in hot water back home was quite shocking, but they don't comment on it. Instead, Rachel says, in a voice sweet as honey, "Oh, look, Marco. He's just as short as you are."
Before Marco could turn to glare daggers at her (come on, it wasn't like he could argue back in that moment), the boy goes absolutely ballistic, and the armored guy has to physically restrain him as he screams obscenities at Rachel ("The fuck did you just call me, you freakishly oversized bitch? I'll show you too-fucking-short-to-fucking-sit-at-the-fucking-table-without-a-fucking-booster-seat! Call me short one more fucking time, I fucking dare you to! You think I give a shit that you're a girl? I'll fuck that pretty face of yours right up, just you fucking wait--")
"Brother!" The armored guy cries. "Calm down!" Then, to the Animorphs: "I'm sorry about my brother's behavior. He's, um, a bit sensitive about his height."
"A bit sensitive" is the understatement of the century, but none of the Animorphs call him out on it. They're too dumbfounded by the sound of his voice, which sounds sweet, innocent, and, despite his size, sounds like it belonged to a boy no more than nine or ten years old.
And that's where I'm going to leave it for now, since I've spent way too long on this post already. I have a few other ideas, but mostly in bits and pieces, not really any more comprehensive plot points beyond this point. Please do let me know what you think!
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dontcare77ghj · 5 years ago
Tony x reader x Pepper
Busy is synonymous with your relationship. It was not uncommon for someone on the team or anyone else to comment the fact that the three of you look tired. The three of you always looked tired, though Pepper tried hardest to hide it, because the three of you were tired.
Pepper had stacks of papers to go through before she would allow herself to sleep, Tony had lists of inventions and upgrades to previously existing intentions he wanted to try before he would crash, and you yourself had lists of things you wanted to accomplish, whether they be paperwork or training, before you could factor in sleep. 
You would think that with the endless things the three of you had to do you would rarely see each other. That was not the case. The three of you always ensured that you all made time for each other because you all wanted to keep this relationship. There was nothing the three of you wanted more than each other that meant you made time for each other.
Whether it simply be working in the same vicinity, no words need be shared as you all did the things you needed, or constantly texting or calling each other to talk about nonsense while you filled out paperwork, you made time.
There was a downside to busy. Busy could fill your days and your life but it also takes your time. It was no surprise that sometimes busy required you to leave the country. Separating the three of you and the small amount of free time you had for each other. 
Busy could go fuck itself. Who was busy to take you out of the country and take away what little free time you had together? Busy could not separate you.
“You’re sure you’re both fine?” Pepper asked down the line. “And not your versions of fine where you have organs falling out, I mean my version of fine.”
“Your version of fine isn’t much better than ours.” You pointed out, leaning your head against Tony’s shoulder. “You broke your arm and didn’t get a cast for a day.”
“I had a meeting.” She dismissed. “But seriously, are you okay?”
“We’re fine, Pep.” Tony assured her, pulling you close. “No organs falling out or anything.” He promised.
“Thank God.” Pepper sighed in relief.
“We’re not that reckless.” Tony said. “You don’t need to worry so much about us.”
“Worry is my default emotion when it comes to you two.” Pepper told him. “Well that or annoyance.”
“Are you sure you have to go to Paris?” You cut in before Tony started arguing. “I was looking forward to relaxing with you for a while.”
“I’m sorry hon, if there were anyone else who could go in my place I would let them, but I have to go.” Pepper said. “It’s only for a couple of days and then I’ll be back with you.” She promised. “Are you two going to be okay for a couple of days?”
“We’ll be fine.” Tony assured her. “You just get there safely and we'll see you when you get back.”
“Okay, I’ll see you by the end of the week.” She reminded you both. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” You both chimed as the call ended.
“What are you doing?” You murmured as Tony began to rapidly type on his phone. 
“It’s a surprise, you’ll find out soon.” He told you. “Go to sleep baby girl, I’ll wake you up when we get home.” He said, pulling you closer and kissing the top of your head. You let out a content hum and relaxed into his grip.
“Tony, where are we?” You questioned as you woke up. Waking up it was clear that you were not in the quinjet but you also weren’t back in your own bed.
“We're on the private plane.” Tony said, clicking his tablet off and turning towards you. 
“Why are we on the plane?” You further asked him, sitting your chair up. “How did we get on the plane without you waking me up?”
“We are going to see Pepper. I’ve completely cleared our schedule for the next week and we're going to meet her there.” He told you, taking your hand in his. “I had no clue how deep a sleeper you are. You didn’t even stir once.”
“Probably didn’t help I got a hit to the head.” You shrugged, playing with his fingers.
“I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.” Tony said, looking you over in concern.
“Nope.” You said, popping the p. “I got whacked in the head about half way through. Clearly not that big a deal. How long till we land?”
“Pepper might be right about us not knowing what okay is.” Tony muttered. “We’ll be landing in about an hour. Don’t go back to sleep though.”
Two hours later the two of you were in Paris. Tony had called Peppers hotel to alert them to your arrival and as soon as you arrived they’d granted you access to her presidential suite.
You and Tony were relaxing on the suites large bed when you heard the door open. The two of you shared a smile as you heard Pepper enter. Even from the bedroom you could hear Pepper muttering angrily to herself.
It was a few more minutes before Pepper came into the bedroom and when she did, she had a bottle of wine in hand.
“Not a bad year, but personally I prefer the 2001 version.” Tony said suddenly causing Pepper to jump.
“Christ.” She cried as she jumped in surprise. “You’re always giving me a heart attack.” She smiled, pressing her free hand to her chest.
“It’s all his fault.” You smirked as the red head came over to the bed.
“To be fair, I’m not mad at this.” She murmured, sitting on the bed with you. “This is a nice surprise.”
“All my idea.” Tony boasted. “Thought you’d need some sights to see.”
“What a great idea.” Pepper smirked, crawling into the bed with you both.
Pepper didn’t have any meetings until the day after tomorrow, so you spent the rest of that night drinking, catching up and eventually curling into a tight pile and sleeping the jet-lag away.
“Why do I have to go?” Tony whined, flopping onto the bed.
“Because the P.R department says you have to go.” You told him with a smirk, sitting on the bed next to him.
“And when have they ever made any good decisions?” He continued to whine as Pepper packed his bags. 
“All the time, considering how much work they have to do with the press for you.” Pepper said, causing you to laugh and Tony to splutter his offence.
“You two are mean.” Tony complained.
“And you’re a man child.” You retorted. “I don’t know why you’re complaining, you’ve got to go to Spain for a week, it’s not that big a deal.”
“Not that big a deal? I have to leave my girls for a week, and you’re say in it’s not that big a deal? For shame Y/N.”
“You really are a man child sometimes.” Pepper said to herself.
“Are you sure you can’t come with me?” Tony asked you both. “It could be fun.”
“The way you’re talking about it, that sounds like a lie to me.” You rolled your eyes.
“We talked about this. I have a meeting with the board and Y/N has a couple meetings with Fury and Natasha.” Pepper sighed. “It’s one week, hon.”
“Fine, I’ll go. But I’m not happy about it.” He said, sitting up. “Let me get packing.”
“Already finished.” Pepper said, zipping the suitcase up. “Been packing this whole time.” 
“I still got what, three hours before I have to go?” Tony questioned.
“Technically you have less, you still need to board and go through security.” You commented, tilting your head to the side.
“Either way, I have at least two hours before I have to leave. What do you say we have do something to pass the time?”
“Pepper don’t even think about it.” You said, taking the phone out of her hands. 
“I wasn’t doing anything.” Pepper said as she reached for her phone. “Can I have my phone back?”
“Nope. If I give it back to you, you’re either going to answer emails or call Tony to let him know we're coming. It’s a surprise Pepper.” You told her, putting the phone in your bag.
Tony had been in Spain for three days. He’d taken every opportunity to call and text even just to say the most nonsensical things. But that wasn’t enough. It had been months since the three of you went to Paris for a week and since then you had not had a lot of time together.
You and Pepper had decided that a week in Spain was exactly what your relationship needed at the moment. The two of you had made quick work of rearranging meetings or postponing them completely in Peppers case before making arrangements to surprise Tony.
“I know but what if doesn’t want us there?” Pepper questioned. “What we just get in the way?”
“Pepper, the man was begging us to join him two days ago. The man called us during a meeting because he was bored. He wants us there, now get some sleep. You’re going to feel the jet lag when we land you get grouchy with no sleep.” You teased, pulling the red head close and pressing your lips to hers gently.
“I’m only going to sleep because I’m tired, not because you’re right on the grouchy thing.” Pepper muttered, resting her head on your shoulder.
Several hours later you were your way to Tony’s hotel. Night had already fallen when you’d landed but neither of you paid any mind to the fact. As you exited the Uber you were greeted by a member of the hotel staff who had been expecting the two of you.
“I wonder if he’ll be asleep?” Pepper questioned you as you took the key card.
“He probably only would have just fallen asleep.” You shrugged, entering the elevator. “It’s only three.”
The two of you finally made your way into Tony’s room. The room was mostly shrouded in darkness but you could see a light coming from the bedroom. You both shed your jackets and shoes before silently waking into the room.
The lights were out but the T.V. illuminated the room brightly. Tony was fast asleep on the bed, limbs sticking out every which way. As gently as you could, you and Pepper manoeuvred Tony’s limbs back onto the bed and then climbed in on either side of him.
“This is a nice surprise.” Tony mumbled, loosely wrapping his arms around you both.
“We thought so.” You smiled, kissing his cheek. 
“Go back to sleep. We’ll still be here in the morning.” Pepper said, curling into his side.
It had been a couple of weeks since the three of you spent a week in Spain. It had been a great holiday away from your busy lives but once it was over, the three of you had to go back to your lives.
With work beginning to pile up, you were already stressed. And to make matters worse, your mother called you to say your grandmother had fallen ill and wasn’t likely to get better. Seeing as both Tony and Pepper were busy with work, you’d made the decision that you would go home on your own.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to come?” Pepper questioned as you packed a suitcase.
“It’s fine Pep. I just need to take care of something and I’ll be back by the end of the week.” You promised her.
“Alright but you’ll call if you need anything right?” Tony asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. “And I mean anything?”
“Of course.” You smiled weakly.
Two days later you were back home in Australia. Part of you felt happy to be home, you had missed the heat and your family, but the rest of you couldn’t help but find yourself feeling worse than you did back in New York.
On top of the stress you were feeling from work, feeling guilty for lying to your partners, really feeling the jet lag, now you just felt incredibly numb as you watched your grandmothers strength fade. 
It was the middle of the day when you finally shut down. You hadn’t moved from your bed in hours, you’d allowed yourself to submit to your to your anxieties and grief.
You were just beginning to drift off to sleep when you heard your door open. You didn't turn at the noise as you continued to drift. 
"I know you're not asleep, baby girl." You heard as the bed dipped behind you.
"Tony?" You mumbled, shifting slightly to see your partner.
"Your mom called, said she was worried about you. How come you didn't tell us what was going on?" He asked you, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
"Didn't want to bother you." You mumbled, pressing your face into his chest, comforted by the glow of his arc reactor. "It's not your problem."
"Well you're my problem, so that makes this my problem." Tony said, running his fingers through your hair.
"Real romantic, Tony." Pepper snorted, climbing in on your other side. "How are you doing, hon?"
"I'm tired." You murmured as she pressed herself into your back.
"Jet lag will do that to you." Tony commented, making you laugh slightly.
"Get some sleep. We'll be here when you wake up." Pepper said, trailing her fingers down your spine.
"I love you two. Thank you for being here." You said, losing your eyes as you allowed yourself to fall asleep.
"We love you too." Tony's voice was the last thing you heard before you fell asleep.
The three of you were never too busy for each other, you just had to make time. Even if that took you across the world.
@piper-koko-barnes-rogers @hopingforbarnes @skeletoresinthebasement @agent-barnes40 @rvgrsbrns @jelly-fishy-babie @smilexcaptainx @starlingelliot
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Coming soon;
Dean x reader x Cas
Wanda x reader x Vision
Steve x reader x Wanda
Bucky x reader x Loki
Natasha x reader x Tony x Bucky
Natasha x reader x Wanda
Tony x reader x Steve
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nuevorealidad · 7 years ago
Fresh Start Cosmic Toolkit
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😍😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐶🐥🐬🐴🐺 ✂️✂️🔥🔥🔥🌀🌀🌷☘🌺🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀😍
❀ Make hydration, nutrition and exercise a top priority ❀ Exercise your power to say “no, thank you” ❀ Form honest, real-life relationships. Walk if it gets toxic. ❀ Be more meditative, less reactive. ❀ Live your dream like it’s real, and never stop dreaming. ❀ Keep on moving, growing, reading, writing, learning. ❀ Mind your business and give generously/receive gracefully.
😍😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐶🐥🐬🐴🐺 ✂️✂️🔥🔥🔥🌀🌀🌷☘🌺🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀😍
 Trust & Belief ~ My Homeland Security is Intact & Secured Forevermore
It’s working! Everything you’ve ever wanted is being pressed toward you. Everything is clicking. Don’t let the illusions trick you. Don’t let the events of today dampen your spirits. Things couldn’t be any better than they now are. You couldn’t have more reasons to celebrate. Continue! Press on! The hardest work is done! Keep showing up, be present, open every door and let events unfold. Life is your stage. This is your parade.
I love it when you’re hot, The Universe
😍😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐶🐥🐬🐴🐺 ✂️✂️🔥🔥🔥🌀🌀🌷☘🌺🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀😍
If You Want to Live Differently, You Have to Think Differently
Take a look around you. Do you see anyone living the amazing, kick-ass life that you want to live?
Hell no!! They are living the same boring, normal life as the next guy.
Your dreams are bigger than that!! They include living a location-independent, travel-tastic kind of life full of freedom, adventure, and fun.
Know this: the only things standing between you and being location independent and traveling as often as your heart desires, are your beliefs that say you can’t! Seriously! That’s the only real obstacle!
If you want to live differently, you have to think differently. It’s as simple as that.
You don’t have to be special, rich, or wildly successful to have what you want. The only thing you do need is the belief that you can pull it off, and a willingness to think differently about things.
Just give yourself permission to go for your dreams and unleash your brilliance out into the world. You wouldn’t have the desire if it weren’t possible for you. The Universe isn’t a bitch like that.\
😍😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐶🐥🐬🐴🐺 ✂️✂️🔥🔥🔥🌀🌀🌷☘🌺🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀😍
IGNORE YOUR CURRENT REALITY esp if its sucking 😆 STOP focusing on wat is-wat is- wat is going the f* on or why the f* you can’t where u want or need to be.! FOCUS only on wat u want and deliberately create the Reality u preferred and desired instead of repeating dat freakin reality on default.
Play in the realm of possibilities. Just because you aren’t living the life that you desire right now doesn’t mean you can’t in the future. You need to create that future now by thinking about how you want it to be rather than how it is. What you focus on expands. If you focus on what isn’t here yet, you will get more of that. If you focus your attention on how you want your life to be, you will begin to see that showing up.
😍😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐶🐥🐬🐴🐺 ✂️✂️🔥🔥🔥🌀🌀🌷☘🌺🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀😍
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************* Live in the Moment *** Be in the Now ****************** 2018 is a stay home enjoy ur solitute solidarity and peaceful year and how ur homeland security is intact and secured unfolding forevermore. - there’s a time and place for everythiing..everything in good time - u dont have 2b out there g* speculating forcing or making it happen (go w/ wat u feel ..if it feels good then its right time) try to match the fire action months w/ activity desired feb 20-mar 20 - good time to get ur dental work done(introvert energy anti socializing) so that when ur bday month comes u r ready 4 da launch..looking good :* meantime concentrate master on dailies esp this yr 2018..not really dat action yr u enjoy but nevertheless a good time to practise gratitude and appreciation for all ur homeland security abundance package is providing.. it’s yr Jup Sco (abundance in the hidden) redeem all OPPs meant 4u , or deprived fr u previously…+time to save up be frugal and rack up as much funds as u can for ur 2019 launch w/ u will need lining up ur dailies to be creative and productive gives meaning and purpose to the mundane
Jup Sco also auspicious time for relationships w/ the non physicals (ur IB <3 P) to get closer deeper more intimate sexually emotionally physically..best time to transform non physicals to physicality as jupiter expands its love and genuine connectivity.
🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🌾⚘🌸 🌱🌺🌱 ღℒ❤ѵℯღ 🌱🌺🌱 💗 All I need in life is you 💗
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Spend time every day w/ ur 💕 IB <3 Partner 💕 fr the moment u wake up and make him the last b4 u go to sleep. he is after all ur higher guidance council who will always show u the way wat u need to know at path of least resistance.. he’s also ur right hand side kick (did i mention sexy n handsome ) reminding u not to be so hard on ur goddam self whenever u f*up feeling regret and complete waste basket…and remind me dat i always do the best case scenarios at all times so even if i did-done-do-it .. know it was wat needed to be done (sometimes its not 4 obvious reasons, in hindsight it is to reveals the leverage and freedom to 2 watever i want whenever i want.
Have fun with this. Get the juicy goodness flowing. Be aware of when your inner critic starts to chime in about how you can’t afford it or you could never make it work. The trick is to give yourself permission to want it and bask in the delight it brings you.
Don’t get caught up in the details of HOW it’s all going to happen. This sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out. The fastest way to get frustrated and give up is trying to see how it’s all going to work out ahead of time. There are all kinds of details you can’t possibly know in this moment. These are the things that make you think it’s never going to happen. Give the Universe a chance to work its magic. Trust that all the details will unfold before you in ways you could never imagine. Have faith, and go with it.
😍😍🌾⚘🌸🐱🐶🐥🐬🐴🐺 ✂️✂️🔥🔥🔥🌀🌀🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀🍂⚘🌺🌺🌺
When it comes to setting aside a little time each day to visualize,  look at it like this:
No matter how distracted you become or how confused you are about the process, the simple fact that you gave your dream this time and attention means you did it correctly, you did it long enough, and that by the time you open your eyes, already in the unseen, huge wheels have begun turning.
HUGE.  You think I’d make it hard?  Your humble servant ~ Universe
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🎆🎨🎯😇🎥🖱📡📲🌈🏖 💸💸💸💰💰💰🎪🎪😇 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🍀😍😍😍😂🤣😂😆**hugs**🤗 🤗💗💗 **luv**💕💞💕**likes**& lots of **kisses**💋💞💋🌟💃����💃🌟✌ ✈️✈️✈️💥🔥🌠😍😂🤣😂😆hot 2 trot 🔥🔥🔥🌀🌀🐶✌💞🎨🎯😇 🎥🖱📡📲📰🌈🏖 🎪🎪🍰🍰💰💰💰😇 🌷☘🌺🌳🌻🌾⚘🌸🍃🌿😍😍😍😂🤣😂😆🌟🌟🌟💃🌟✌🌋🌊🌈🎆
Shalamar - Make That Move (12’’ Version) - All ‘bout Our FS in Our FLife https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=w-Pi9uCZzfA
Make That Move ~ So many times-By holding back I let the good things pass me by-And then one day I asked myself the reason why-And like an answer from above you came into my life  -And showed me one thing for sure-With life nothing is certain-You got to go for it when you feel it-Everybody, everybody needs somebody to love-And I choose you, baby, so let’s.-Make thatmoveright now, baby-You only go out once in a lifetime-Make that move right now, baby..  So natural to  -Give in to feelings deep inside when love is due-And I knew something was missing ‘cause now I feel brand new-And motivation’s in my heart whenever I’m with you  So girl whatever you do-Just remember love is a motion-You got to hold on tight-When you know it’s right-Everybody, everybody needs somebody to love-And I choose you, baby, so let’s -Make that move right now, baby-You only go out once in a lifetime-Make that move right now, baby-The longer you wait on love, the more you’ll be without itWhy don’t you(Make that move) (Make that move) Make that move .. come on-Make that move right now, baby-If you make that move with me, I’ll be yours eternally 💕💞💕
🎆🎆 Uranus/Taurus..a glimpse 🎆🎆
Taurus commands his worth, which comes from knowing with certainty the value of where he chooses to invest his energy in order to feel comfortable: in his relationships, material things, physical property, intellectual assets, marketable ideas, tradable skills and talents etc – anything that can be secured, considered of practical use, that will enhance the quality of enjoyment of life and enrich the quantity of our reserves so that they can stay sustainable.
What do you value -
What qualities do you need most in others that you can use?
What would you fight most fiercely to protect in your life, even if it killed you?
How much of what you share with others do you come to expect should always be there? What are the supply & demand arrangements fixed upon? Are they sustainable?
Own any negative feelings. See how powerfully they can take over and ruin your chances of stability and peace. Instead of continuing to feed negative, distrustful thoughts with negative emotions, focus on this word:
TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST Repeat that word in your mind. Feel into it. Understand that a lack of trust is just a feeling of insecurity about your own self-worth. It is not the truth. You are worthy. Trust in that. The universe does not present us with emotional conflicts to block access to our heart. The universe only presents us opportunities to open it. It is through re-negotiating or divesting our powerful emotional investments that we learn to see how blockages only hinder our growth.
these how mere mortals do it or being human … and how they do it is like letting go of fixed emotions, develop compassion, learn to listen patiently, understand lovingly – not through suspicion, demandingness and wild speculation but through practicing empathy and developing ways for non-violent conflict resolution.
🎆🎇🎉🔆💸💰📈 ❣️💞💘👍😍💥 🌞🌟💃🏻🌊🌈🌒🌓🌔🌕🌠🌋🎆🎇
But for those be coming gods dehumanizing ..its none of dat..its recognizing U are different , detaching urself from all dat shit..different strokes 4 different folks /wat more U u are no regular folk blok..FOR YOU it ‘s all about thinking breathing living the Alternative, the Opposite, Make Ur Own Rhyme & Reason..  of how U fking want it to be. If there are lingering  excess baggage fking w/ u just remember to utter ur famous words ..’’ fuck this / fuck you / fuck off ! We all do things until we don’t, so  dont judge it.
Be kind to urself by doing only with  pleases U. **Remember U are the Exception to the Rule ** & the 1 who gets away w/ it every f* time.. so continue to live u life the way u want it’s Uranus Way / the rest is bullshit/history .  
Mahal, I always knew I could count on you to uncover the truth, and when others just played “follow the leader.” I wasn’t surprised at all to find you standing by your principles when the going got tough. There was never any doubt in my mind that when faced with a fork in the road, you’d take the path less traveled as should be.
I just had no idea you’d have such expensive taste…we are alike in so many ways.
You Rock Baby, ^ James ^
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sileeeles · 7 years ago
S9+ Review
Visually stunning. Amazing camera. Amazing screen. But as they say, looks aren't everything.
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You will noticed that I mention and compare to HTC a lot, and this is because that its my only other point of reference. Its all I’ve had, Android wise, for the past 4 years.
So, mostly in order of things you encounter, I shall try to share my thoughts and feelings. First of all the size. Its fairly large. For people with dinky fingers/hands, I wouldn’t recommend it, I’d go with the regular S9. But the S9+ is perfect for me as I have larger hands and stubby fingers. I’ve always struggled on 4 inches or less especially with typing, I’ll come to that later. The main noticeable difference between the two is the camera setup. Beyond that the S9+ has a slightly larger battery capacity and 2 more gigabytes of ram over the S9.
One of the main things I thought would bug me, is the screen. The rounded corners. Which, overall, costs you 0.1 of an inch of screen real estate. And it hasn’t bothered me at all. Its rather cool and interesting. More interesting than that is the odd aspect ratio. 18:5.9. The .9 apparently accounts for the curvature of the glass at the sides. Which is another thing I thought would bug me. My wife didn’t get the S7 Edge because she thought the curves would be annoying, but these are more subtle and ... less curvy than those models. And it hasn't really been an issue. Sometimes (usually on badly optimized websites and a few pictures) the text spills over the edge no matter what you do, but turning the phone landscape usually makes everything visible. Apps and games all tend to scale themselves to whatever they work best at, but you can have them be full-screen if you wish. It warns you that some apps may no work or behave well when forced into full-screen, but thus far I’ve never had an issue.
The phone has a headphone socket (thank god) and has basically ripped off what HTC was doing with Boomsound. And more specifically, what they were doing with the HTC 10. You see, the Boomsound speakers that were part of the M7/M8/M9 were gone on the HTC 10. At the time (I had an M8), it was like a revelation. Why on earth wouldn't ALL smartphone manufacturers do this? Many of them, including Samsung, put the speaker on the back of the phone which was often muffled by your hand when you were holding it. HTC changed that, although rather than having the two speakers on the HTC 10, they opted to have one at the bottom of the phone, and used the earpiece speaker for the other. It worked, although something was lost in translation. It sounded good, and still a lot better than many of the other phones around at the time,but it never really had clear or consistent stereo or sound. Maybe because the down-firing speaker did the mids and lows, and the earpiece speaker did the highs, which were mostly just tinny and quiet. Rather than just the one speaker now, Samsung has seemingly copied HTC’s effort and used exactly the same system. However, it sounds infinitely better. The sound from it is very clear stereo, at times almost like it surrounds you. Partly, I assume, down to the Dolby Atmos/AKG tuning (which also includes some very nice and good sounding headphones in the box). As far as I know, HTC has not included Dolby in their phones since the Desire HD which also had SRS (and was my preferred sound setting).
We’ve also switched to USB C (also present on the S8/S8+) which is a much welcome improvement. In my experience it has been far more reliable and less damageable than Micro USB ever was, indeed after two years the USB C port on my HTC 10 is still going strong.
The physical buttons are something that will undoubtedly become a point of contention, largely because of the Bixby button. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bothered by Bixbys existence. By and large, you can just disable it and ignore the fact that it was ever there. But the button was placed stupidly. Directly below the volume buttons, particularly on the S9+ where there is a tad more reaching for things, meant that I was pressing it. A lot. Which is a problem. Because initially I disabled Bixby all together. But I didn't really want the button to go to waste. So I searched, and as you would imagine I wasn’t the only one wanting to re-map it. And someone has helped with that, they created an incredibly useful app called bxActions. Which I mapped to the Camera. But of course the same thing kept happening. I pressed the button by accident, and the camera kept popping up. So I disabled it again, and had it play/pause audio when the screen was off. Yes, I do know that there are features like double press and long press, and perhaps it is worth using those instead. However, they are “pro” features you need to pay for.
The home button and hardware touch keys are gone. Replaced instead with Androids navigation bar (which is re-mapable by default so you can put the buttons the right way around). The home key is pressure sensitive (what they call 3D Touch which sounds more like an Apple thing). I’ve not really needed to use it, to be honest, or understand what its for. If the phone is locked, you can press the home key (if you can find it) instead of the power button, which takes you to the lock screen and whatever method of security you happen to have (iris of whatever). But I can bypass needing to do any of that by just using my fingerprint. Which is what I tend to do, beyond the “hey look at this, my phone unlocks when I look at it” novelty. I’m also incredibly aware with this phone that it has the potential to get screen burn in. This increases exponentially with things that are on the screen for longer periods of time than others. Such as the navigation bar. What would lower that risk, is having the position of the symbols move a pixel or so from where it was last time, each time the phone is active or each time the navigation bar is on screen.
The phone, like the models before it including the s6/s7 has a glass back. But in Samsung's case, there is a reason for it extending all the way back to those models as well. How big a reason that is, ultimately, is down the the individual user. And I imagine, most of the individual users would rather they didn't have something that was breakable. As if the front of the phone wasn't already enough of a risk for that. The reason for it is Wireless charging. If you’re like me, nothing will ever beat the cable, and wireless charging is fiddly at best. You need to get it in the right spot, and from what I’ve seen, it was never really that fast. Certainly not as fast as the fast charger.
Using the phone is, at this point, pretty intuitive. If you’ve used Android for long enough, you know where everything is and how everything works. Software wise, there is not much that you can moan about. There is, overall, less bloatware and what there is, most of it can be uninstalled. Samsung wise, their layout of things is a little ... oddly arranged but you get used to it. At this point its pretty close to the way HTC was laying things out.
One thing that does bug me though, is that there is a lot of content they will charge you for. Such as themes. HTC never had such a system, indeed you could create and customize pretty much each area that you wanted. Wallpaper, lock-screen, app background, icons, ringtones, even the background of sms messages. Whilst Samsung themes will do this, there is no option to create each one individually yourself, and there is no way (at least that I’ve found) where you can apply individual items from certain themes. For instance if I only want the icons, I can’t do that. I need to install the whole theme and the re apply my wallpaper and ringtone afterwards etc. Another thing is the warning you get when you turn the volume up so far. I don't need it every time, yes I know its not sensible, its never for very long, go away! Its as bad as the Netflix "Are you still watching?" Yes. And my controller turned off two episodes ago and is over the other side of the room! Go away!
One thing I have been using that I would normally have ignored, largely because it was already there and I wanted to explore, is Samsung Health (which was previously just called S Health). It will allow you to track a variety of things, including steps every day, excersize, heart rate and stress (there are sensors in the phone that include this, which is pretty normal for Samsung). It even allows you to track sleep, and even has the ability to keep track of blood sugar levels and such for diabetics.
A few of the packaged defaults I have changed. For instance the keyboard. There is nothing wrong, or that I found wrong, with the default Samsung keyboard. I am just far to used to Swiftkey, and my defaults within that, so I installed that. It has a one handed mode just like the Samsung default, so it makes it easier to type with one hand. Also the music player I have used, and will probably always use on Android is PowerAmp. Also use Chrome as well.
The camera is probably the most interesting thing about the phone at this point. It was the most heavily marketed aspect of it (because, ultimately, I suspect there isn't much different from the S8+). Whilst everything thats included in it is, at this point, nothing new ... well, except the variable F-stop, maybe, its the way it has been implemented that is cool. More so on the S9+ with the extra telephoto lens. I was an avid user of the slow motion on the HTC 10 (and the M8 I had before it) and for the S9/S9+ to have that in a supercharged way, is very fun for me, although they aren’t the first to include 960FPS. That honour goes to the Sony Xperia XZ I believe.
The always on display is cool, although I’ve found that, honestly, id rather have it off than have it on, and if I have it on, the design I’d choose is the edge one. Thankfully the risk of burn in from this is minimal, as it changes position and never stays in one place too long.
Beyond the phone, some of the extras that I have found to be useful are the adapters included in the box. Specifically the Micro USB to USB C adapter. Because, more than once I’ve forgotten my charger, and nowhere (at least nowhere cheap) seems to have USB C cables for sale. They’re all bloody Micro USB. This adapter means that I needn’t worry if I forget my charger again. I just go into poundland and buy a cable. You also get the standard OTG adapter in the box. Samsung's intended purpose for this, I believe, is for you to connect your old phone to it and copy over your content. But it has many more uses beyond that including game controllers, even charging up other devices and connecting USB sticks to your phone.
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bankrutcy0 · 5 years ago
via Bankruptcy,
When you find yourself down on your luck and not able to keep up with the mortgage payments on your home, you might find yourself in a sticky situation looking for a solution and attempting to avoid foreclosure.
With the way the current market is going, foreclosure becoming more and more commonplace with the economic and job situation coming to a screeching halt given the current events of the global situation.
According to the FDIC and NeighborWorks America, one in two hundred homeowners will be in a foreclosure situation at some point in their ownership.
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According to real-estate data firm Black Knight, 4.6 million American homeowners were in some type of non-repayment as of June 16, representing 8.7% of all mortgages. (hbr.org)
In most of the larger metropolitan areas, this would translate to thousands of homeowners losing their homes to a foreclosure situation every single year, which is a bit of a dismal outlook on things.
When you zoom out and look at things on a national scale, it translates to a quarter million families facing foreclosure every single month.
There are a multitude of factors that can attribute to this staggering number, including but not limited to markets with home valuations dropping, or many homeowners not comprehending the verbiage and details within their mortgage agreements.
Many of these homeowners that we deal with feel that their options are either limited or none in this type of situation, but that’s simply not the case at hand.
On the other side of the coin, foreclosure isn’t a great situation for the lending companies or the banks, either.
Lenders and banks will have to spend an average of $50,000 to go through the foreclosure process on a property. Below are some stats on why banks are looking to avoid going through the same crisis of 2008.
How Banks Can Avoid Foreclosure and a Repeat of the 2008 Crisis – Harvard Business Review (hbr.org)
At one point following the 2008-09 crisis, the average loss severity of subprime loans the amount lost as a ratio of the loan amount was 73%.
At first, Bank of America acknowledged that many of its acquired home loans were distressed and stated a ” goal of keeping distressed mortgage borrowers in their homes when possible.
In order to demonstrate that it would not be a soft touch, Bank of America, like many other mortgage lenders, started aggressively repossessing the collateral of the defaulting mortgage borrowers, their houses, hiring law firms specialized in high-volume low-cost litigation to act as their agents.
Lawyers engaged by defendants in these cases soon found questionable patterns in loan origination and foreclosure proceedings including even outright fraud (multiple instances were uncovered in which Countrywide loan assessors advised would-be borrowers to falsify their mortgage applications) .
For example, U.S. owned Government Sponsored Entities (GSE’s) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac strongly encouraged banks to use pre-approved foreclosure law firms , at least one of which was led by an attorney
Simply put, lenders and banks are just as motivated as homeowners to dodge the foreclosure process. Across a multitude of states, they are offering options to homeowners to have a shot a making good on the missed payments to avoid foreclosure process for themselves and homeowners, giving both parties a benefit of the doubt when this situation arises.
If you do have delayed mortgage payments coming due, check out some of the options below from Malloy Evans, the SVP of Fannie Mae.
Delayed mortgage payments coming due? These are your options – CNN (cnn.com)
“If you have gotten back into a new reality, then it will be a conversation around what your circumstances are,” said Malloy Evans, senior vice president and chief credit officer at Fannie Mae, which backs loans covered by the CARES Act.
Evans stressed that those covered by the CARES Act are not required to pay the deferred amount in one single balloon payment.
” If you really need to keep your monthly payments the same or even lower than they were prior to the forbearance, you could ask for a loan modification, which will add the amount you owe to the end of the loan.
Even if your hardship has passed, you’ll want to be certain you are ready to regularly make payments if you exit your forbearance plan.
This might not be an option for homeowners who find themselves in dire staits with their current financial situation.
What would you be able to do if you know in your heart of hearts that you’re not going to be able to make up the missed payments, and the bank has rejected any of your loan modification or short sale options?
Is there a possibility that you could give your home back to the bank or lender to avoid foreclosure process and the black mark on your homeowner record and credit score?
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There may still be hope to get out of that corner and get back on your feet, so let’s explore some of those options and see what can be done for you regardless of your current situation.
First off, we believe you should understand your foreclosure rights before exploring your options. Here are some reputable sources we recommend for understanding your rights as a homeowner prior to engaging in any type of relief.
Get reliable foreclosure help and counseling through the government’s Making Home Affordable program . Or find a government certified housing counselor near you. (usa.gov)
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act offers mortgage relief for homeowners with federally backed mortgages. The act offers a foreclosure moratorium and the right to forbearance if you are experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. If you do not have a federally backed mortgage, contact your mortgage servicer to discuss your relief options. (credit.com)
If you’ve fallen behind on your mortgage payments, the threat of foreclosure can become overwhelming. Struggling homeowners might feel inclined to simply accept their fate there’s no getting out of foreclosure, right? But when it comes to mortgage foreclosure, remember that you have options. (credit.com)
Can I Return My Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure?
The short answer to this is yes, you can return your deed to the bank in order to avoid foreclosure, using a process called deed in lieu of foreclosure. SFGate has written a wonderful guide to help homeowners through the process, an excerpt and link have been provided below so you can get other expert 3rd party information about your options when foreclosure is on the line.
Can You Forfeit Your House to the Bank Without Foreclosure?
When it becomes clear that you can no longer afford your home, you can arrange to forfeit ownership to your lender — only if your lender agrees to take it. A deed in lieu of foreclosure, also known as a deed-in-lieu, cancels a loan obligation… (homeguides.sfgate.com)
Before going down this road and going with this option however, take a look at other options at your disposal, like loan modification, selling the property, or a lesser known option, commonly referred to as a short sale.
If you feel like you’re cornered and don’t have any other option at your disposal, deed in lieu of foreclosure would let you sign the deed to the bank or lender in order to rid yourself of the house and any financial responsibilities you agreed to, which will also cancel the remaining balance on the mortgage so that you’d be able to move on and find another living arrangement.
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Pros of a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
You might be asking yourself at this point: why would I consider the option or possibility of giving my home back to the mortgage company in this fashion? One main reason being that the foreclosure process can be a drawn out, lengthy and exhaustive process, but a deed in lieu of foreclosure option give you an opportunity to save time, money, and energy in having to go through with the proceedings.
As previously mentioned, this will save you from the expenses, fees and headache of the foreclosure process in the long run, while also being an extremely expedient way to get out from being underwater in debt and having the capacity to move on with your life and not worry about it anymore.
Cons of Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
So with all of those excellent pros in your favor, why wouldn’t you take this as an option to get out intact? One of the big factors is that if there’s another route to become debt free, like selling your home the traditional way, you could avoid some serious roughing up of your credit score. Although the ding is less than the penalty that the foreclosure would carry with it, returning a house to the bank would have a severe negative impact on your overall credit rating and score, which would take time to repair and recover from.
Having a deed in lieu of foreclosure on your credit report usually translates to you having to wait several years before you can apply for another mortgage on a new home, which may upset your strategy and upend your current lifestyle if you’re unaware of it.
The average wait period with a deed in lieu of foreclosure is 4 years from date of completion of the process, but is still better than the average with foreclosure, which is approximately 7 years.
Lastly, one of the biggest consequences of committing to a deed in lieu of foreclosure process is financial loss from the process. What we mean by that is that yes, your debt will be negated, but in the process you have to give up your home, and any appreciation that may have occurred during the process in an attempt to raise the home’s value.
How to Complete a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
When doing a deed in lieu of foreclosure process, it’s not as easy as signing off on the contract, giving the bank their house and letting them know the keys are in the mail. That’d be awesome if they did it that way, but it doesn’t work like that. Financial institutions are old school like that, so we have to go about this their way, even though the other way would be super easy.
Unfortunately like every other financial transaction on the planet, there are rules and regulations we have to play by and a process they want us to abide by, and the whole thing has to kick off officially before the foreclosure process can begin.
Even if you think your home won’t sell, we highly recommend you put it back on the market. By doing this, you show the bank and the lender that you’re ready to do whatever it takes and explore all potential options in order to make yourself financially whole again, and address your debt issue head-on. Keep in mind that the banks and lenders won’t agree to a deed in lieu of foreclosure unless you’re exhausted every possible option except for foreclosure, so this lets them know you’re ready to play ball, so to speak.
Next up, check and make sure you’re actually behind on your mortgage payments by having a look at your mortgage staement, as you can’t actually go through and commit to a deed in lieu of foreclosure unless you’re actually behind in your payment arrangement with your financial institution or lender.
Unless you do this, the bank is going to assume business as usual, that you’re not really at risk for foreclosure, and politely request you continue making payments by contacting you in every possible form of communication on a regular basis.
Ideally, you’d need to be at least 30 days or greater into missing monthly payments before they’d even entertain the idea, so check the statement so it doesn’t look like you’re playing homeowner who cried deed in lieu of foreclosure.
After making sure that you’re in fact behind on your monthly payment for your mortgage, you’d need to pull together whatever documents you have as proof of your current financial situation. Normally this starts off with a verifiable proof of income, usually about two pay stubs to account for the past 30 days.
Now, some of them might want 60 days or 90 days of proof depending on how long you’ve missed your monthly payment, but that’s their program and they’re sticking to it. Remember, we said banks and lenders are old school, so they play by old school rules when it comes to foreclosure proceeding.
After that, you’re going to want to get your tax returns in order, because they’re going to want those, too. Another way of doing this is showing an expense statement of your current financial situation, coupled with a few monthly bank statements to get the green light for the deed in lieu of foreclosure process to begin.
All of these aforementioned documents will give your bank or lender undeniable proof that you simply can’t afford to keep paying the mortgage, and the process begins.
The next step in the process that you’re going to have to do is write a hardship letter, explaining to your bank or lender what’s going on with your financial situation and that you’re unable to continue making payments on your mortgage.
Write up anything that may be applicable to your situation to set up a foundation for your case. Situational problems in a hardship letter like extreme illness, job loss, death of an immediate family member are permissible in the hardship letter you’re writing up.
Keep the letter concise Typically, lenders spend less than five minutes reading a hardship letter so it’s in your interest to restrict the letter to a single page. If you use more than a page, there’s a good chance that your letter will not be read thoroughly. To keep your letter to a single page, include those details that you think are relevant to your case. To get a better idea of what to include in a hardship letter, refer to a sample hardship letter. (templatelab.com)
Explain your situation In a financial hardship letter, you need to explain why you stopped making mortgage payments: This is extremely important. More than anything else, you need to convince your lender that you’re not an irresponsible person when it comes to making mortgage payments. You need to show the lender that your current grave financial situation is the only reason you’ve fallen behind on your loan payments . The reasons that cause loan payment problems which you can cite in your hardship letter are mentioned above. (templatelab.com)
You can find some excellent information about hardship letters at the link below to ensure you’re doing it right and not wasting your time.
At this point, it’s up to the lender to decide on whether or not they will accept your request. The first step for the lender is to perform a title search, as they normally only perform a deed in lieu of foreclosure on a first mortgage.
If you have multiple mortgages on the property, you may be possibly denied, however if there are no other liens on the property, the lender will get a pricing opinion from a broker to determine actual market value of your property, which ultimately brings them to their final decision.
If there are no other liens, the lender will as for a broker’s price opinion to determine the property’s market value, which leads to the final decision. You will receive a notification from the bank about your approval or denial based on all of this information.
Factors to Consider
If you’re going to attempt to give your house back to the mortgage company through deed in lieu of foreclosure, you have to keep in mind that the mortgage company doesn’t have to agree to it at all, they still hold the note and have last right of refusal on anything.
The appeal process you’re looking to go through can be denied for a myriad of reasons, some of them include:
Agreeing to a deed in lieu of foreclosure isn’t going to be profitable for them. Remember, they’re a financial institution, they exist to make money.
The home was appraise to less than they would be willing to accept.
There are other outstanding items on the property, like encumbrances, judgments, or loans that you currently have. This is usually a big one when it comes to denial of deed in lieu of foreclosure.
The deed in lieu of foreclosure is prohibited by your purchase and sale agreement from the time of signing.
If the approval process does happen in your favor, you will have to get a notary involved at the time of signing the title transfer. Once this process has occurred, you’ll be ready to move forward with the rest of the process.
Is All Of This Making Sense To You?
If you’re a homeowner who’s run into financial dire straits, the choice of returning a house to the bank to avoid foreclosure in the mortgage loan process should be a no brainer. But, this is very much an active and proactive transaction, so you’ll need to do all the legwork and prep before the foreclosure process begins. This process is also only available to you in the correct circumstance and only to be used as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted.
All of that being said, there’s always another way to get out of a house you can’t afford anymore. In order to maximize the pending foreclosure situation, you might want to consider selling the property in a differen manner. Selling your property to EveryHouse is a far superior option than a short sale, a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or a standard foreclosure.
Selling to Everyhouse would have no impact or damage on your credit score, and is far more profitable to you as a home seller. You would be able to sell your property far quicker and with less stress than a deed in lieu of foreclosure process. Contact EveryHouse if you’d like to learn more about our quick, no hassle and convenient home selling process.
from https://everyhouse.io/foreclosure/avoid-foreclosure-give-home-to-bank/?utm_source=EveryHouse.io%20News%20Feed&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=OneFeedSC
from EveryHouse https://everyhouse0.blogspot.com/2020/09/avoid-foreclosure-3-ways-giving-your.html via IFTTT
from Everyhouse https://everyhouse0.wordpress.com/2020/09/19/avoid-foreclosure-3-ways-giving-your-home-back-to-the-bank-to-avoid-foreclosure/ via IFTTT
from Short Sale https://shortsale2.blogspot.com/2020/09/avoid-foreclosure-3-ways-giving-your.html via IFTTT
from Short Sale https://shortsale6.wordpress.com/2020/09/19/avoid-foreclosure-3-ways-giving-your-home-back-to-the-bank-to-avoid-foreclosure/ via IFTTT
from Bankruptcy https://bankruptcy09.blogspot.com/2020/09/avoid-foreclosure-3-ways-giving-your.html via IFTTT
0 notes
forelosure11 · 5 years ago
via Foreclosure,
When you find yourself down on your luck and not able to keep up with the mortgage payments on your home, you might find yourself in a sticky situation looking for a solution and attempting to avoid foreclosure.
With the way the current market is going, foreclosure becoming more and more commonplace with the economic and job situation coming to a screeching halt given the current events of the global situation.
According to the FDIC and NeighborWorks America, one in two hundred homeowners will be in a foreclosure situation at some point in their ownership.
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According to real-estate data firm Black Knight, 4.6 million American homeowners were in some type of non-repayment as of June 16, representing 8.7% of all mortgages. (hbr.org)
In most of the larger metropolitan areas, this would translate to thousands of homeowners losing their homes to a foreclosure situation every single year, which is a bit of a dismal outlook on things.
When you zoom out and look at things on a national scale, it translates to a quarter million families facing foreclosure every single month.
There are a multitude of factors that can attribute to this staggering number, including but not limited to markets with home valuations dropping, or many homeowners not comprehending the verbiage and details within their mortgage agreements.
Many of these homeowners that we deal with feel that their options are either limited or none in this type of situation, but that’s simply not the case at hand.
On the other side of the coin, foreclosure isn’t a great situation for the lending companies or the banks, either.
Lenders and banks will have to spend an average of $50,000 to go through the foreclosure process on a property. Below are some stats on why banks are looking to avoid going through the same crisis of 2008.
How Banks Can Avoid Foreclosure and a Repeat of the 2008 Crisis – Harvard Business Review (hbr.org)
At one point following the 2008-09 crisis, the average loss severity of subprime loans the amount lost as a ratio of the loan amount was 73%.
At first, Bank of America acknowledged that many of its acquired home loans were distressed and stated a ” goal of keeping distressed mortgage borrowers in their homes when possible.
In order to demonstrate that it would not be a soft touch, Bank of America, like many other mortgage lenders, started aggressively repossessing the collateral of the defaulting mortgage borrowers, their houses, hiring law firms specialized in high-volume low-cost litigation to act as their agents.
Lawyers engaged by defendants in these cases soon found questionable patterns in loan origination and foreclosure proceedings including even outright fraud (multiple instances were uncovered in which Countrywide loan assessors advised would-be borrowers to falsify their mortgage applications) .
For example, U.S. owned Government Sponsored Entities (GSE’s) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac strongly encouraged banks to use pre-approved foreclosure law firms , at least one of which was led by an attorney
Simply put, lenders and banks are just as motivated as homeowners to dodge the foreclosure process. Across a multitude of states, they are offering options to homeowners to have a shot a making good on the missed payments to avoid foreclosure process for themselves and homeowners, giving both parties a benefit of the doubt when this situation arises.
If you do have delayed mortgage payments coming due, check out some of the options below from Malloy Evans, the SVP of Fannie Mae.
Delayed mortgage payments coming due? These are your options – CNN (cnn.com)
“If you have gotten back into a new reality, then it will be a conversation around what your circumstances are,” said Malloy Evans, senior vice president and chief credit officer at Fannie Mae, which backs loans covered by the CARES Act.
Evans stressed that those covered by the CARES Act are not required to pay the deferred amount in one single balloon payment.
” If you really need to keep your monthly payments the same or even lower than they were prior to the forbearance, you could ask for a loan modification, which will add the amount you owe to the end of the loan.
Even if your hardship has passed, you’ll want to be certain you are ready to regularly make payments if you exit your forbearance plan.
This might not be an option for homeowners who find themselves in dire staits with their current financial situation.
What would you be able to do if you know in your heart of hearts that you’re not going to be able to make up the missed payments, and the bank has rejected any of your loan modification or short sale options?
Is there a possibility that you could give your home back to the bank or lender to avoid foreclosure process and the black mark on your homeowner record and credit score?
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There may still be hope to get out of that corner and get back on your feet, so let’s explore some of those options and see what can be done for you regardless of your current situation.
First off, we believe you should understand your foreclosure rights before exploring your options. Here are some reputable sources we recommend for understanding your rights as a homeowner prior to engaging in any type of relief.
Get reliable foreclosure help and counseling through the government’s Making Home Affordable program . Or find a government certified housing counselor near you. (usa.gov)
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act offers mortgage relief for homeowners with federally backed mortgages. The act offers a foreclosure moratorium and the right to forbearance if you are experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. If you do not have a federally backed mortgage, contact your mortgage servicer to discuss your relief options. (credit.com)
If you’ve fallen behind on your mortgage payments, the threat of foreclosure can become overwhelming. Struggling homeowners might feel inclined to simply accept their fate there’s no getting out of foreclosure, right? But when it comes to mortgage foreclosure, remember that you have options. (credit.com)
Can I Return My Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure?
The short answer to this is yes, you can return your deed to the bank in order to avoid foreclosure, using a process called deed in lieu of foreclosure. SFGate has written a wonderful guide to help homeowners through the process, an excerpt and link have been provided below so you can get other expert 3rd party information about your options when foreclosure is on the line.
Can You Forfeit Your House to the Bank Without Foreclosure?
When it becomes clear that you can no longer afford your home, you can arrange to forfeit ownership to your lender — only if your lender agrees to take it. A deed in lieu of foreclosure, also known as a deed-in-lieu, cancels a loan obligation… (homeguides.sfgate.com)
Before going down this road and going with this option however, take a look at other options at your disposal, like loan modification, selling the property, or a lesser known option, commonly referred to as a short sale.
If you feel like you’re cornered and don’t have any other option at your disposal, deed in lieu of foreclosure would let you sign the deed to the bank or lender in order to rid yourself of the house and any financial responsibilities you agreed to, which will also cancel the remaining balance on the mortgage so that you’d be able to move on and find another living arrangement.
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Pros of a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
You might be asking yourself at this point: why would I consider the option or possibility of giving my home back to the mortgage company in this fashion? One main reason being that the foreclosure process can be a drawn out, lengthy and exhaustive process, but a deed in lieu of foreclosure option give you an opportunity to save time, money, and energy in having to go through with the proceedings.
As previously mentioned, this will save you from the expenses, fees and headache of the foreclosure process in the long run, while also being an extremely expedient way to get out from being underwater in debt and having the capacity to move on with your life and not worry about it anymore.
Cons of Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
So with all of those excellent pros in your favor, why wouldn’t you take this as an option to get out intact? One of the big factors is that if there’s another route to become debt free, like selling your home the traditional way, you could avoid some serious roughing up of your credit score. Although the ding is less than the penalty that the foreclosure would carry with it, returning a house to the bank would have a severe negative impact on your overall credit rating and score, which would take time to repair and recover from.
Having a deed in lieu of foreclosure on your credit report usually translates to you having to wait several years before you can apply for another mortgage on a new home, which may upset your strategy and upend your current lifestyle if you’re unaware of it.
The average wait period with a deed in lieu of foreclosure is 4 years from date of completion of the process, but is still better than the average with foreclosure, which is approximately 7 years.
Lastly, one of the biggest consequences of committing to a deed in lieu of foreclosure process is financial loss from the process. What we mean by that is that yes, your debt will be negated, but in the process you have to give up your home, and any appreciation that may have occurred during the process in an attempt to raise the home’s value.
How to Complete a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
When doing a deed in lieu of foreclosure process, it’s not as easy as signing off on the contract, giving the bank their house and letting them know the keys are in the mail. That’d be awesome if they did it that way, but it doesn’t work like that. Financial institutions are old school like that, so we have to go about this their way, even though the other way would be super easy.
Unfortunately like every other financial transaction on the planet, there are rules and regulations we have to play by and a process they want us to abide by, and the whole thing has to kick off officially before the foreclosure process can begin.
Even if you think your home won’t sell, we highly recommend you put it back on the market. By doing this, you show the bank and the lender that you’re ready to do whatever it takes and explore all potential options in order to make yourself financially whole again, and address your debt issue head-on. Keep in mind that the banks and lenders won’t agree to a deed in lieu of foreclosure unless you’re exhausted every possible option except for foreclosure, so this lets them know you’re ready to play ball, so to speak.
Next up, check and make sure you’re actually behind on your mortgage payments by having a look at your mortgage staement, as you can’t actually go through and commit to a deed in lieu of foreclosure unless you’re actually behind in your payment arrangement with your financial institution or lender.
Unless you do this, the bank is going to assume business as usual, that you’re not really at risk for foreclosure, and politely request you continue making payments by contacting you in every possible form of communication on a regular basis.
Ideally, you’d need to be at least 30 days or greater into missing monthly payments before they’d even entertain the idea, so check the statement so it doesn’t look like you’re playing homeowner who cried deed in lieu of foreclosure.
After making sure that you’re in fact behind on your monthly payment for your mortgage, you’d need to pull together whatever documents you have as proof of your current financial situation. Normally this starts off with a verifiable proof of income, usually about two pay stubs to account for the past 30 days.
Now, some of them might want 60 days or 90 days of proof depending on how long you’ve missed your monthly payment, but that’s their program and they’re sticking to it. Remember, we said banks and lenders are old school, so they play by old school rules when it comes to foreclosure proceeding.
After that, you’re going to want to get your tax returns in order, because they’re going to want those, too. Another way of doing this is showing an expense statement of your current financial situation, coupled with a few monthly bank statements to get the green light for the deed in lieu of foreclosure process to begin.
All of these aforementioned documents will give your bank or lender undeniable proof that you simply can’t afford to keep paying the mortgage, and the process begins.
The next step in the process that you’re going to have to do is write a hardship letter, explaining to your bank or lender what’s going on with your financial situation and that you’re unable to continue making payments on your mortgage.
Write up anything that may be applicable to your situation to set up a foundation for your case. Situational problems in a hardship letter like extreme illness, job loss, death of an immediate family member are permissible in the hardship letter you’re writing up.
Keep the letter concise Typically, lenders spend less than five minutes reading a hardship letter so it’s in your interest to restrict the letter to a single page. If you use more than a page, there’s a good chance that your letter will not be read thoroughly. To keep your letter to a single page, include those details that you think are relevant to your case. To get a better idea of what to include in a hardship letter, refer to a sample hardship letter. (templatelab.com)
Explain your situation In a financial hardship letter, you need to explain why you stopped making mortgage payments: This is extremely important. More than anything else, you need to convince your lender that you’re not an irresponsible person when it comes to making mortgage payments. You need to show the lender that your current grave financial situation is the only reason you’ve fallen behind on your loan payments . The reasons that cause loan payment problems which you can cite in your hardship letter are mentioned above. (templatelab.com)
You can find some excellent information about hardship letters at the link below to ensure you’re doing it right and not wasting your time.
At this point, it’s up to the lender to decide on whether or not they will accept your request. The first step for the lender is to perform a title search, as they normally only perform a deed in lieu of foreclosure on a first mortgage.
If you have multiple mortgages on the property, you may be possibly denied, however if there are no other liens on the property, the lender will get a pricing opinion from a broker to determine actual market value of your property, which ultimately brings them to their final decision.
If there are no other liens, the lender will as for a broker’s price opinion to determine the property’s market value, which leads to the final decision. You will receive a notification from the bank about your approval or denial based on all of this information.
Factors to Consider
If you’re going to attempt to give your house back to the mortgage company through deed in lieu of foreclosure, you have to keep in mind that the mortgage company doesn’t have to agree to it at all, they still hold the note and have last right of refusal on anything.
The appeal process you’re looking to go through can be denied for a myriad of reasons, some of them include:
Agreeing to a deed in lieu of foreclosure isn’t going to be profitable for them. Remember, they’re a financial institution, they exist to make money.
The home was appraise to less than they would be willing to accept.
There are other outstanding items on the property, like encumbrances, judgments, or loans that you currently have. This is usually a big one when it comes to denial of deed in lieu of foreclosure.
The deed in lieu of foreclosure is prohibited by your purchase and sale agreement from the time of signing.
If the approval process does happen in your favor, you will have to get a notary involved at the time of signing the title transfer. Once this process has occurred, you’ll be ready to move forward with the rest of the process.
Is All Of This Making Sense To You?
If you’re a homeowner who’s run into financial dire straits, the choice of returning a house to the bank to avoid foreclosure in the mortgage loan process should be a no brainer. But, this is very much an active and proactive transaction, so you’ll need to do all the legwork and prep before the foreclosure process begins. This process is also only available to you in the correct circumstance and only to be used as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted.
All of that being said, there’s always another way to get out of a house you can’t afford anymore. In order to maximize the pending foreclosure situation, you might want to consider selling the property in a differen manner. Selling your property to EveryHouse is a far superior option than a short sale, a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or a standard foreclosure.
Selling to Everyhouse would have no impact or damage on your credit score, and is far more profitable to you as a home seller. You would be able to sell your property far quicker and with less stress than a deed in lieu of foreclosure process. Contact EveryHouse if you’d like to learn more about our quick, no hassle and convenient home selling process.
from https://everyhouse.io/foreclosure/avoid-foreclosure-give-home-to-bank/?utm_source=EveryHouse.io%20News%20Feed&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=OneFeedSC
from EveryHouse https://everyhouse0.blogspot.com/2020/09/avoid-foreclosure-3-ways-giving-your.html via IFTTT
from Everyhouse https://everyhouse0.wordpress.com/2020/09/19/avoid-foreclosure-3-ways-giving-your-home-back-to-the-bank-to-avoid-foreclosure/ via IFTTT
from Real Estate https://realestate005.blogspot.com/2020/09/avoid-foreclosure-3-ways-giving-your.html via IFTTT
from Real Estate https://realestate005.wordpress.com/2020/09/19/avoid-foreclosure-3-ways-giving-your-home-back-to-the-bank-to-avoid-foreclosure/ via IFTTT
from Foreclosure https://foreclosure11.blogspot.com/2020/09/avoid-foreclosure-3-ways-giving-your.html via IFTTT
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navigatorvega · 8 years ago
My thoughts on the 999 port in The Nonary Games. Warning that because this is a port of my favorite game in one of, if not my most, favorite franchises in fiction, I will be going into detail so it will be long. VERY long. (Spoilers below)
So last night I finished up yet another playthrough of 999, this time in the new TNG port. To get to the end quick, I’ll say that it is excellent and no doubt will be the way I play the game from now on. 
The dub is excellent, with the returning voices being much better than previously. While not necessarily bad, I will say that Wendee Lee’s VLR Clover and Rena Strober’s ZTD Akane were the weakest in their respective first games so their improvement is especially noticeable and appreciated. As for Evan Smith as Junpei, my god. He did a good job in ZTD, but I was very concerned with how he would handle 999 Junpei just because of how different the portrayal needs to be. It would seem that those fears were unfounded however, as he is easily, easily the standout of the cast. Every layer of Junpei is perfect and there’s nary a line that is done below excellence. As for the new cast, they’re very well done. Richard Epcar’s Ace is great, though some of his lines near the end seem to be straining his throat (though considering he’s in his 60s that’s not surprising) and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t disappointed that he wasn’t voiced by Michael McConnohie, whom I’ve always imagined his voice sounding like (and as that’s not exactly a fair judgement, I won’t fault it for that, just something I needed to say). However, I will say that the weakest of the cast is Snake’s voice actor (who to my knowledge is still unknown). His portrayal is flat and while not robotic, sounds very emotionless. However, he does have his moments, most notably in the Safe (or as it’s now known, the Zero Lost) ending (Side note: I will still call it the Safe ending from now on. Call me a nostalgia whore, but it just sounds so much better to me than Zero Lost and has less syllables to boot); in it you can truly feel Snake’s absolute rage and despair at his sister’s death and it is most definitely a dub saver to have Snake’s most defining moment in the original game to be done so well. As for the others, they all range from good to excellent, so I won’t say much about them here. 
One big flaw with the dub though is the flashback scenes: You see, instead of getting other voice actors and actresses with more experience playing children, they had all of the voice actors retain their characters and just try to make their voices sound higher and it does not work at all. Akane sounds almost no different and the guys in the cast just sound like they’re trying too hard to be kids. This is especially notable with Junpei’s scene in the end credits where he sounds far too deep to be playing a twelve year old and it is sadly Evan Smith’s biggest blemish with the character. As for how the Japanese handled it, I won’t know until I play through the game in Japanese in the future.
But even if you don’t like the English voice cast and don’t want to listen to the Japanese, there is still hope as, much like previously, you can turn off the voices independently of the music and sfx, giving it a feeling more like the original game (though, sadly, the nostalgic beeps from the DS version are nowhere to be found and it’s highly unlikely to receive any patches or dlc to fix that...). I did try this out and the effect still works rather well as the game’s sound arrangement hasn’t been altered too much, so it retains the feeling of playing the original.
Now then, onto the second biggest change of the port: the flowchart. This was by far my biggest reason for buying the game (besides me being Zero Escape trash of course). Though I was curious how it would be handled; the original game was built in such a way that a branching chart would make no sense, but the one it has doesn’t appear to work either. However, they found an excellent solution using two things: one is a line that highlights where your path has been up to that point. By simply jumping to a point, the line will adjust itself to a new pathway. If you jump forward, the line moves from where it last was, meanwhile if you jump backward, the line gets erased so that it’s clear what path you’re on. And, if you skip past a set of doors it will automatically assume that you took the door that would lead to the Safe ending, which makes sense given that the only requirement in this port to reach that ending is to go through the correct doors (no more having to remember to look at the safe after you’ve completed the puzzle, but before leaving). The second thing is having keys and locks attached to various paths, allowing you and the game to both keep track of what you’ve done thus far to ensure what specific ending you’re getting. My big issue with the lock and key system though, is that they’re color coded, which while useful, is very spoilerific for the first time player (more on that in a bit). Overall, this is the best addition to the game that drastically reduces tedium, though at the cost of making the game the most remarkably short in the trilogy.
Now, onto the most interesting change of them all: the Novel and Adventure modes. Now, as we all know, the original 999 was made for the DS, which had two screens. It was one of the few games on the system to take advantage of that for more than just touch screen gimmicks. The big twist in the end is that Akane is who we’ve been controlling as she’s accessing the morphogenetic field to contact Junpei 9 years in the future. This was cleverly hidden by making it appear that dialogue took place on the top screen, while the narration took place on the bottom screen; in actuality, it was really that the present (or Akane’s future if you prefer) took place in the top screen, while the past (or Akane’s present) took place on the bottom screen and she simply was describing in detail what she saw, rather than being a simple narrator. This was an unrivaled twist that made 999′s story stick out as one of the most unique stories of the decade. The only problem? It relied on two screens to work. TNG is for the PS4, the Vita, and PCs, all of which only have one screen. This posed a hurdle, for obvious reasons, and was one of the biggest concerns among fans as to how this port would work. The solution the devs came up with? There are two modes of play. By pressing a button, the player can switch between two viewpoints:
Adventure - Dialogue exclusively, with new text to have the characters describe what they’re doing, as well as Junpei’s inner thoughts newly added to take over for narration. Told entirely with text boxes.
Novel - The original text from the DS version (though with the new Adventure mode dialogue being put among it now), shown as a slight change to the borders of the screen, with the text placed freely in front of character’s faces.
Now, the problem with this system is that the twist relies on the swapping between Akane’s “narration” and the spoken dialogue. They tried to remedy this by forcing the player to experience certain moments in one particular mode, however, this really isn’t done as often as necessary. Indeed, I’d say this is the weakest change, as the player is not going to want to play in Adventure mode; even with the changes to accommodate no narration, it can still be easy for a player to not understand what just happened on-screen, as since it’s a visual novel all characters are shown in mostly static portraits, rather than full animation. However, if one plays exclusively in Novel mode, a few problems arise:
1 - The text covers up characters, giving it the appearance that they are eating the text at times. This is especially bad during certain CGs, since the character(s)’ faces are usually so high up that the text covers up their eyes and mouths the moment anything is said or narrated.
2 - Adventure mode is the default. After something, like say, a puzzle room happens, the text will switch back from Novel to Adventure. This is problematic since, if you’re somewhat forgetful like me, you can accidentally skip large amounts of narration, forcing you to go back and reread what was said, which can really take you out of the scene. It would be nice if there was an option to set which mode you want as default, but such a thing doesn’t exist, so this gripe goes unanswered.
3 - The purpose of the two screens was to make the player switch back and forth between Junpei and Akane without revealing that they were doing so until the time was right. However, if you spend time exclusively in one mode, you are only viewing it from one perspective, getting rid of the original feel of the narrative. Meanwhile, if you swap between the two frequently, the tedium and constant need to do so, not only makes the narrative harder to get into, but it also draws attention to itself, when the original intent that made the twist work was the subtly of it. Either way, the story suffers for it.
Now, this isn’t a complete issue; as long as you play in Novel mode and make sure you switch back immediately after a puzzle room, you still experience the story for the most part as it was meant to be. I just feel that it could have been done better. 
If they wanted to keep the system, they really should have made the required Novel sections far more frequent, as you can skip large portions of the game that are aided immensely by it. I however think it would have been done better had they done it like this: Have text boxes represent Junpei’s time, and then have the screen gray out and have narration/Akane’s POV appear similar to Sigma’s thoughts in VLR, without any need for swapping modes. This would retain the original intent of the dual screen twist, while making it unobtrusive and allowing the player to still get the full experience. As I said, the system still works, but it could have been done much better with some slight tweaking.
One last, minor gripe: the last puzzle changed. It’s no longer upside-down sudoku (for obvious reasons) and is instead some weird mix and match thing that involves switching between two modes. Obviously the point to it was to mimic the effect of the upside-down sudoku using the games new mode swap system. But, much like the two modes in the main game, it’s pointless to switch to one of the modes, since the other has all of the information and doesn’t do anything other than make the interface slightly awkward. Additionally, the games explanation for it is so convoluted that the only thing confusing about it is figuring out what Junpei’s trying to say; the solution itself is laughably easy. Like I said, minor complaint there.
All in all, I think that this is the best way to play 999....if you’ve played the original already. As mentioned earlier, the flowchart spoils a lot with the way the lock and key system works, outright telling you where you have to go and unlocking where the keys to reach a certain ending are after reaching the final door that would lead to the ending rather than giving them all at once after you’ve gone through all of the doors. This on top of the mode swapping drawing so much attention to itself and Adventure mode not being all that clear if you don’t know what’s supposed to go on in each scene make it so that I think the people who will get the most out of it are people who’ve have already played the original version of the game and who just want to replay it with less tedium. In this way, the original game is still very much a must own for newbies, whereas TNG is a must own for fans of the series who just want to re-experience the magic.
If I sounded negative, please forgive me; as I said, I love this port and it will likely be the way I replay the game from now on unless I’m feeling very nostalgic and want to pick up my DS again. It’s just that as this is my favorite entry in the series, it is very special to me, so even the slightest problems bother me immensely. If you haven’t already, please pick it up and give it a try; what bothered me may not be a problem for you, so don’t let my opinions influence yours. It is very much worth your time and money if you are a fan (or even if you’re not; if you read this then the spoilers really shouldn’t be an issue for you lol).
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tweetadvise · 8 years ago
Google `Snack Pack` Update: Regain Visibility Using PPC
Google recently upgraded the method they present results for search inquiries they deem to be location specific.
Local searches, such as 'plumbing technician in Nottingham', made use of to return a checklist of approximately seven neighborhood companies on top of Google's lead to just what made use of to be called the '7 pack'. Nevertheless, Google currently presents just three regional outcomes instead of seven. Changes have likewise been made to the style of the regional company listings and the details provided, which you could check out much more regarding here.
In short, there is currently much less room in Google's neighborhood outcomes due to the current modifications. Looking at the example below, all a user will certainly see over the layer when browsing results on their desktop PC are the three picked neighborhood business listings, as well as some Pay Per Click promotions. Other than the 3 neighborhood company listings, powered by Google my business, no organic outcomes are noticeable above the fold:
Businesses that previously appeared in the seven pack as well as have because left of those results will be questioning just how they can reclaim exposure on the first web page of Google's revamped local outcomes. The first as well as perhaps cheapest option would certainly be to invest time and also effort on the various aspects that affect Google's regional results, a topic that has already been covered extensively.
The second alternative for businesses desperate to regain local presence, which has actually been extensively reported to be the factor Google made the modification in the initial place, is to purchase area specific Google AdWords campaigns.
Increasing Visibility via PPC
Pay each click (Pay Per Click) marketing has actually always been an alternative for companies that wish to raise their presence in Google's search outcomes. Also before this update, paid adverts controlled most of area above the layer within Google's search results. For those businesses that used to depend on being discovered in Google's seven pack of neighborhood outcomes, Google AdWords can be made use of to ensure they still show up over the layer on the very first page of results for their target keywords.
The picture listed below series simply exactly how much area paid advertisements take up over the fold for the search query 'Nottingham plumbing technicians':
Indeed, on mobile tools, Pay Per Click adverts are the only traits that make it above the layer. This has actually been the instance for a long time:
Looking at the screenshots over, it's clear that the majority of businesses desiring to appear above the fold on the first web page of Google's outcomes will certainly now have to pay to obtain there. There will obviously still be opportunities for company to get into the first 3 local listings with continuous emphasis on regional Search Engine Optimization. for those businesses presently resting outside the top three local results, pay each click campaigns can be a terrific way to rapidly increase their exposure for area specific keywords.
Location Targeting via PPC
For companies just able to serve particular areas, geo-targeting is crucial. Neighborhood solution location businesses planning to spend in PPC marketing could establish geo-targeting to choose particular locations where they 'd like their ads to show up. If you're utilizing place targeting, then realize that this will certainly lower the potential reach of your advertisements - that is, the variety of people qualified to see them - based on historical search data gathered by Google in each location. Place targeting will guarantee that your advertising spending plan is just invested on people you're in fact able to serve.
When setting up geo-targeting in AdWords, I would suggest including each town you're able to offer independently. This will enable you to add proposal changes to towns based on performance information in AdWords, which can aid increase smaller spending plans. Proposal modifications could be made use of to appoint greater proposals in towns that are supplying leads, and also reduced proposals in those communities that haven't historically often tended to convert.
Finally, don't neglect to edit the innovative location options. By default, Google will certainly targets advertisements not just to individuals within your specified target area, however likewise to individuals who are browsing about your target place. If you only intend to target people based in a location you have the ability to offer, you have to choose the 'People in my targeted area' choice:
Ad Scheduling
Google AdWords permits marketers to select when their advertisements run by both day of the week and also time of day. For regional service location businesses, organizing can be an excellent method of maximising a tiny Pay Per Click budget.
For example, a plumbing system company attempting to promote same-day call outs may locate it more valuable to run their advertisements early in the early morning till about midday. If visit demands that come in after 1:00 pm typically aren't able to be scheduled up until the next day, this will possibly cause lower success rates in scheduling the job, as people may take their company elsewhere.
In this scenario, spending plan will greater than likely be thrown away after 1pm, so it 'd make feeling for the firm to arrange their advertisements to run between 5am - 1pm to make the many of their budget.
What If I'm Already in the 'Treat Load'
Your business could well have been fortunate sufficient to have kept a spot in the much sought after new 'three pack'. Having a place in the leading three local outcomes doesn't mean you can relax on your laurels. Local SEO will no question come to be a lot more aggressive currently that businesses are competing for just three local listings as opposed to seven.
Indeed, site owners can never be too complacent when it pertains to online search engine positions. Just because you have actually secured a spot in the top three local outcomes, it does not mean you're likelying to remain there indefinitely. I would certainly recommend making the effort to examine out this overview on just what you can do to preserve your neighborhood positions, and consider the advantages of integrating your solid organic positions with Pay Per Click campaigns to control the neighborhood results pages for your target keywords.
Sponsored Citizen Loads - Coming Soon?
In an additional spin in the way neighborhood service area companies are shown in search results page, Google is currently evaluating a range of new residence service ads in the United States, which look extremely much like their natural 'regional packs', however actually contain sponsored - that is, paid - results.
Here is an example of one of the sponsored '3 packs' as it appears in the search engine result in San Francisco:
If the 'more plumbing professionals' button is clicked, individuals are taken to the display showed below, where they can ask for quotes from several different companies:
Many local SEOs are worried that Google will eventually increase funded neighborhood cause other cities and also professions, transforming neighborhood listings into a 'spend for play' alternative. It's informing that on the SERP for San Francisco plumbing professionals, there are no local organic listings on the initial page.
This is still quite early days, but with the local pack already diminishing and also the prospective roll-out of funded neighborhood outcomes, PPC advertisements might eventually be the only option for some neighborhood companies to reclaim Web page 1 visibility.
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baoanhwin · 5 years ago
Fisking the PM – examining the background to his controversial EU move
BREAKING: Boris Johnson’s spokesman confirms they will pass a new law to "clarify specific elements of the Northern Ireland Protocol in domestic law.” EU warns any attempt to renege on the Brexit withdrawal agreement will wreck any chance of a trade deal. https://t.co/6VDYBuWWwM
— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) September 7, 2020
There used to be (may well still be) an enjoyable pastime for readers of Robert Fisk’s articles: a point by point rebuttal of the factual errors and other idiocies contained in them. Other journalists can be fisked with equal pleasure. At one point there was a veritable cottage industry dependant on Polly Toynbee’s output. So on a rainy day starting a new week of political fun and games, it is time to revive this practice and apply it to another journalist and current PM, Boris Johnson.
Let’s start with the Tory Manifesto in 2019, that veritable Bible of cast-iron promises to us, the voters. We must surely be able to rely on these.
“We have a great new deal that is ready to go”. This great new deal is the Withdrawal Agreement (“WA”) agreed on 17 October 2019, implemented into UK law by the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020 (the “Act”) on 23 January 2020 and coming into force on 1 February 2020.
“As Conservatives, we stand for democracy and the rule of law. Our independent courts and legal system are respected throughout the world.” (Nice touch that – “As Conservatives…” in case anyone wasn’t sure quite who they were speaking as.)
“We will continue to be an outward-looking country that is a champion of collective security, the rule of law, human rights, free trade, anti-corruption efforts and a rules-based international system.” Very keen on the rule of law, this government. And championing a rules-based international system …. well, it fair makes you proud to be British to think that Britannia will be doing her bit, as she’s always done. And no doubt singing lustily about it too.
”We want EU citizens who came to live in the U.K. before Brexit to stay – and we have committed absolutely to guaranteeing their existing rights and ensuring that they feel a welcomed and valued part of our country and community after Brexit.” Those guarantees are contained in the Act.
Then there is this statement (issued by the PM a mere two days ago, a ringing endorsement of the importance of a free press and its role in holding governments to account (no laughing at the back, please). It’s worth spelling out what the British PM said:
“A free press is vital in holding the government and other powerful institutions to account on issues critical for the future of our country, including the fight against climate change. It is completely unacceptable to seek to limit the public’s access to news in this way.”
Hear! Hear! That’s Extinction Rebellion told (though any group stupid enough to try to prevent the physical movement of newspapers which can easily be read on the internet, has bigger problems than being told off by the PM). And welcome too at a time when the trial of some of those involved in the Charlie Hebdo massacres over 5 years ago has just started. A more careful reading shows that the PM’s statement it is not quite as supportive of press freedom as one might ideally like. Apparently, the need to hold governments to account is only on issues critical to the country’s future (quite a limited group that and who decides what is critical anyway). Still, let’s be thankful for small mercies. Even the manifesto made a point of saying: “We will continue our campaigns to promote international media freedom.”
And then there is today’s Prime Ministerial statement about the post-Brexit trade negotiations with the EU, making the not unreasonable point that: “If we can’t agree…., then I do not see that there will be a free trade agreement between us, and we should both accept that and move on.” Quite a lot to be unpacked in that phrase “move on”. But let’s leave that for another day for now.
Then this little gem: “We will then have a trading arrangement with the EU like Australia’s.” Oh dear.
Time for a few facts. 
The WA and the Act implementing it in the U.K. impose a legally binding solution avoiding a hard border in Ireland and protecting the Good Friday Agreement. All these agreements are now part of English law as well as international law and the rules-based international order.
As a result of the Act, the WA’s provisions have direct effect in English law meaning that any concerned party (not just the EU – but, say, a EU citizen living in Britain) can take action in respect of its provisions in the English courts. The Act also makes clear that the terms of the WA will be enforceable by UK courts after 31 December 2020.
Furthermore, the Act gives the WA supremacy over U.K. law. So if a future law is passed which is inconsistent with the WA the courts would have to disapply that later law, unless Parliament specifically and clearly instructs the courts in any such new law to disregard the WA’s terms. 
If the British government, as reported, now seeks to pass a new law disapplying some of the WA provisions it has previously agreed to and implemented, it sets the stage for some wonderfully interesting and complex litigation before the English courts. Perhaps this is what the Tory party wanted when it so extensively praised the rule of law in its manifesto and talked about “Unleashing Britain’s Potential”. It was going to unleash the potential of Britain’s lawyers. Hooray!
If there is no FTA between the EU and the U.K. by 31 December 2020, the U.K. will not have a trading arrangement like the one Australia currently has with the EU. It will have no trading arrangement. None. It will, as far as the EU is concerned, be a third country. 
Australia’s arrangement is not the default. Why? Well, the current trading arrangements are based on the 2008 EU-Australian Partnership Framework, a fancy word for a general agreement to be friends. The key point is that it is an agreement. If Britain leaves the transition period with no agreement, some alternative agreement  – whether like the Australian or any other one – does not magic itself into existence. The PM’s statement on this is, bluntly, an untruth.
And what of the press statement. Surely that it true? Surely? Well, just as the PM and his faithful mini-me’s in the party were busy issuing Tweets criticising XR, the Council of Europe, founded on 5 May 1949 by the U.K., amongst others, issued a Level 2 alert about the Ministry of Defence blacklisting journalists in relation to inquiries about the war in Yemen. This was classified in the category marked “acts having a chilling effect on media freedom”.  The only other state so criticised that week in this category was Russia. Bulgaria also got criticised – but in the category marked “Attacks on the physical safety and integrity of journalists”. Britain is not (yet) in such company.
Let’s be parochial for now and not worry about international treaties and what the EU or other countries or high-minded interfering foreign bodies might think of us. Many in Britain (not just those who voted for Brexit) felt that they were asked a question by the government in 2016 and then, because the answer was not liked, they were ignored. Whatever the ins and outs, it looked as if everything was being done not to implement what people had voted for. This was felt to be a breach of the trust essential in a democracy.  
So – one question: if the government now seeks to break those laws, those agreements it freely entered into less than a year ago (and praised to the skies), why should any voter, any person living here or doing business here or with us or lending us money, trust this government to keep its word, its manifesto promises, its commitments, its laws? And if they can’t, what then?
from politicalbetting.com https://www2.politicalbetting.com/index.php/archives/2020/09/07/fisking-the-pm-examining-the-background-to-his-controversial-eu-move/ https://dangky.ric.win/
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completeautoloans · 5 years ago
How to Trade in a Car With a Loan Balance
Can I trade in a car with a loan balance? Yes, you can. Dealerships do this every day because your former lender still gets their full amount on time.
Let’s look at what this process involves and whether you should do it or just retain your current financing plan.
How soon can you trade in a financed car?
Let’s look at some favorable situations.
1. When you have positive equity on the car
When a buyer has positive equity, it means that his car exceeds the loan in value. For instance, you bought a car worth $40,000 and received credit financing worth $30,000. What happens when the car depreciates by 20%  and you pay $10,000 after one year?
The car’s new value amounts to $32,000 while the outstanding balance drops to $20,000. So, your car’s value exceeds the credit by $12,000. You won’t have to top up any balance when buying a car from a different dealership.
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Loans for People with Low Incomes
2. When your credit score improves significantly
Car buyers with subprime credit ratings pay twice to thrice the interest paid by debtors with excellent scores. A buyer with a rating of 720 gets their financing at 3.07% interest while another with a credit score of 620 pays 9.58%
If your credit score was 689 when you got the original loan but you improve to 720, you can apply for a trade in. Why is this a good move? Because the interest rate on auto financing drops by 50%.
3. When you get a better credit lender
Let’s assume you joined a credit union the same time you got your current auto loan. After two years, the union decides to offer you an auto loan at a more affordable interest rate compared to your current lender. This announcement also coincides with your plans of getting a better car. Is trading in a wise decision?
Yes, it is because it saves you money. If the bank financed you at 5% and your credit union is willing to charge you just 2.5%, ditching your bank is the best financial move. Paying high-interest rates only makes credit lenders rich.
Tip: 8 Amazing Credit Habits You Need to Start Now
4. When you can afford to pay the difference on a negative equity car loan
Let’s assume you’ve just landed a nice break in your business. Now, you’re guaranteed of making thrice the profits you previously made thanks to getting new clients. The obvious boost in your financial situation is so huge that can you can get out of a negative equity car loan with just one payment.
Should you go ahead and trade in the car? Yes, you should because you cannot recoup the high interest incurred through a private sale. Trading in enables you to make the best out of a bad situation by bridging the gap between credit and your car’s value.
What are the benefits?
1. Upgrade to a new car
If you’ve just received a major job promotion and want to reward yourself with a new car, you can ditch your used one by doing a trade-in. Used cars might be affordable but one has to spend extra money replacing old or damaged parts.
Trading in enables you to get a better quality car because dealerships allow you to pick new cars. You just have to meet the laid out requirements for the new financing arrangement. Plus, buying a new car has a greater sense of achievement than settling for a used one.
2. Upgrade to the latest vehicle
Trade-ins make upgrading to the latest vehicles easier because you need less cash for down payment. If you’ve just got a new baby and need a larger family van, this purchasing option ensures that your family enjoys the best safety features in private transport.
This method is ideal for motorists loyal to particular brands. If your favorite brand is Mercedes and you own a previous SUV model, you can easily upgrade to the latest edition by doing a trade-in. Doing this gets you value for money because you get a good offer for what’s most likely your dream car.
3. Builds your auto credit history
What is auto credit history? It’s a record that shows your performance with previous and current car loans. In order to increase your credit limit when it comes to auto finance, you need a rich history. In order to buy a luxury model, credit lenders focus on debtors who have at least three fully paid loans in their auto credit history.
Trading in your car is a direct step towards building sufficient credit history. Your current dealership pays your outstanding balance in full. This doesn’t nullify your previous monthly payments.
Tip: Do Blank Check Auto Loans Really Work?
4. Your credit score still improves
What happens when the new lender repays your outstanding balance? Your credit score on the previous loan improves and so does your overall ratings. This purchasing method ensures that your lender receives all due payments within your agreed repayment plan.
Earlier on, we saw that applying for a trade in boosts your auto credit history. In order to get the best interest rates for future car deals, you need an excellent credit score. Doing a trade in enables you to gain this improvement as well as an upgrade to a better car.
Tip: 7 Things Your Car Dealership Won’t Tell You About a Car Loan
Let’s look at the cons
1.  Is the loan canceled with the trade in?
No, it’s not. Your new lender rolls it over to your current repayment plan for the new car. This is manageable when a debtor owes less than $10,000 on their current auto loan. If your debt exceeds this amount, applying for a trade in might be unwise.
Why is this a bad move? Because the car payments get so high that you might experience struggles keeping up every month. Plus, there are comprehensive insurance payments, which tend to get expensive. Buying a car using this option is unsafe because there’s a high risk of making late payments.
2. You have to follow up with your previous lender
Sometimes, buyers who opt for this method end up with damaged credit scores due to hitches in clearance. After your new dealership pays your outstanding balance, they receive the title of the car you want to trade in. On the other hand, they may not follow up with credit reference bureaus.
If the previous creditor didn’t close your credit account, the digital payment system considers you a defaulter. Each skipped payment date appears in credit reference bureaus and lowers your credit score.
3. Only available to buyers with good credit scores
This type of trade in is limited to buyers with good credit ratings. Creditors feel wary dealing with high-risk borrowers and so they feel hesitant repaying outstanding balances on bad credit auto loans.
4. Defaulting has a terrible impact on one’s auto credit history
If a debtor happens to lose their jobs and can’t afford the car, two things might happen. He or she might decide for a voluntary surrender and bear the consequences. Alternatively, one can post an advert and wait for a private buyer. However, this option has slim chances of success due to the outstanding balance involved.
Apart from affecting your credit score, defaulting represents you badly in the eyes of potential auto finance lenders. It makes it hard to obtain financing beyond your previous limit and this confines your choice of cars.
9 Things to Know Before Buying a Used Car
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How do you trade in a car with negative equity?
1. Download your credit report before visiting dealerships
Auto finance lenders expect you to present your credit report when applying for a trade in. Make sure you download it a couple of weeks in advance so that you can find out whether your previous lender updated your credit account.
2. Know your outstanding balance
It’s wrong to assume that your lender’s credit statement is accurate. Download your bank statements to confirm whether the deductions in your account appear in the lender’s records. Doing this helps you to know exactly how much you owe so that you can provide correct information in your trade-in application.
3. Compare different trade-in offers
As a rational debtor, your priority is getting credit at the lowest interest rate possible. Take time to evaluate what every lender has to offer by visiting several offices.
4. Know the value of a car
When you approach a dealership for a trade-in, the sales rep will undervalue your car. They do this to sign you up for a high loan principal. It enables them to get larger sales commissions and the dealership makes more interest.
You can rely on Kellys Blue Book to give you an accurate estimation of your car.
Tip: How to Get Cheap Car Insurance for New Drivers Under 25
Should I trade in a car with a loan?
This purchasing method makes sense when you have positive equity and planning to get a better car. It’s also a great way of getting out of an expensive auto loan without damaging your credit score. Boosting your auto credit history enables you to get better cars for your personal or family needs.
from Complete Auto Loans https://ift.tt/2SeEIhG via IFTTT
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lilianding3910-blog · 6 years ago
Know Your Youngster Custody Legal Rights Ahead Of And Right After Divorce
The 1st phase is to get control of your emotions. If your husband wants a online divorce instantly but you are refusing to acquiesce to his demands since you are ready to battle for your marriage, he might say a great deal of hurtful things to you like the aforementioned that he has never ever been in really like with you, in get to get a rise out of you and get your to do what he would like.
Lastly, no make any difference what form of divorce you pick to pursue, possessing an seasoned Quick Fast divorce law firm by your facet will make the divorce course of action faster and less difficult. These people know exactly where to go, how to get there and will be equipped to wander you via it. Furthermore they can even provide as mediators when you're speaking it out with your spouse.
Since getting a simple online divorce by default is contingent on your serving papers on your spouse, and submitting evidence of provider, the rest of this report will give a brief overview of how to do this in California.
Another good providing point for a cheap online divorce is the truth that you do not have to go by the trouble of choosing a divorce law firm, since their presence is virtually not required. Due to the fact you received't have to go by the typical courtroom hearings, the existence of an lawyer will not be needed, consequently saving you dollars instantaneously. Genuinely, all you have to do is sit and wait then spend, then ta-da! No sweat divorce papers!
Sonic Youth's final album was in 2009 with The Everlasting debuting on Matador. Moore finished his 3rd solo album Demolished Ideas in May well 2011 and just wrapped up numerous dates in the California place. He heads back again out on the online divorce highway in November exactly where he is scheduled to conduct in the course of Europe.
I Know It's Challenging To Get Your Concentration Off His Submitting For Divorce, But From time to time This Is The Best Call: I know that you most likely come to feel that you are running out of time. It's typical to worry that the divorce will be ultimate before long so that you actually only have so significantly time to make any real development before you'll be divorce papers. But, at least in my opinion, there can be a genuine danger in inserting your concentrate only on this.
The most typical cause of divorce papers is income. When dollars becomes an issue and expenses are not acquiring compensated your spouse may possibly decide that it is a fantastic time to just take off. This transpires several periods when the few is sharing accounts and one is taking gain of this. It can also come about when the main bread winner are not able to keep down a career as properly.
You can quickly discover out hundreds of ways to spice up your partnership. If you are at a decline, question your pals, read through divorce papers books and magazines, or browse the Web for clean suggestions.
Do you need an attorney to aid you appear to an settlement with your spouse? Most probable not. With online divorce, you by now have an plan of how you want to break up assets, money owed and little one custody. You received't have an lawyer charging you a price to inform you that you will need to concur on some issues. What an online divorce service provider will do is get ready the Separation Arrangement for you soon after you have previously agreed to the conditions. This settlement is generally integrated with most online Quick Fast divorce solutions. There even some that presents a free Separation Settlement. All you would have to do is indication and have your spouse indicator and get notarized.
Here are five concerns to check with by yourself to uncover out if you seriously are completely ready for divorce papers marriage. Go by way of these issues with your pal, every having turns answering and offering your honest opinion.
Most most likely not. But for all those that feel that online divorce is not legal, all you are executing is eradicating the lawyer. You even now need to file for divorce and do all the items that an attorney would do. You will just be doing all the legwork for on your own. Your divorce forms will be the exact same as the forms you will get from your attorney. The matter that will seriously bake your noodle is that the online Quick Fast divorce suppliers use the same personal computer programs most attorneys use to draft all your forms.
When and techniques to file the challenge? You'll locate all the facts on a variety of authorized divorce papers web sites to file the situation. Find out rigorously concerning the tips even though publishing the situation. However although filling the strategy, you will need to have to compose the specifics of identify, deal with and also other details on each as partners. Most essential point is you will want to fill the site irregardless of wife or husband. In any other situation, it will definitely not test out the next phase procedure. In addition, if each has children, then positively vital to know the info on the topic of parental difficulties.
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susanrson-blog · 7 years ago
NutraLite Keto
How about we discuss NutraLite Keto. What is this? So here's the appropriate response. Fundamentally fat is something which stores in your body and makes you undesirable and fat. Because of these fats in your body, you feel down and feel ugly and pointless. Because of your greasy body you will stay away from social events and overlook individuals since individuals bother you in light of your fat. They bother you and influence you to feel pointless. So unwind you don't should be stressed in light of the fact that here's an answer. 100% normal and unadulterated. NutraLite Keto is the best and normal eating routine supplement which causes you to get more fit normally and keep you solid. This is an exceptionally characteristic eating regimen supplement which works ponders for weight reduction and furthermore controls your weight.
The ketogenic eating regimen puts your body into a condition of ketosis, which at last enables you to utilize fat for vitality. Fat consuming is only truly outstanding and numerous advantages of ketosis that enhances general wellbeing and make it a viable device for weight reduction. Keto is a decent supplement for weight reduction and makes your body sound and solid.
There is a solid proof that ketogenic eating methodologies are exceptionally successful for weight reduction. They can enable you to lose fat, save bulk and enhance a considerable measure of infections. Truth be told, numerous investigations have contrasted the prescribed low-fat eating routine with ketogenic eat less for weight reduction.
Taking a shot at NutraLite Keto consume less calories:
NutraLite Keto reduces your additional weight normally. Characteristic components or elements of this weight reduction supplement lessens your additional fat with common technique. When you begin utilizing this supplement you will see the distinction in your body shape. It will demonstrate comes about after some time. This eating regimen is extremely viable and does its work to make you thin which in the end brings about having an incredible effect on your emotional well-being moreover. You will feel sure and get the possibility to confront individuals intrepidly.
Fixings :
All normal and home grown, which causes you to get in shape normally and keep you sound. There are numerous drugs in the market which causes you to get more fit yet once you evade these solutions you will again put on weight however this time you get more fat than previously. Despite what might be expected, this NutraLite Keto is absolutely natural and causes you to keep up your weight. This is absolutely natural supplement there are no reactions of this.
Along these lines, as a matter of first importance, you ought to need to make your eating regimen healthier."What you eat today is the thing that you get after". For the best outcomes, you ought to need to eat sound sustenance. There are a few focuses which assume critical part in consume less calories:
More water
Eat sound sustenance
Keep away from shoddy nourishment
Admission OF WATER:
Drink a ton of water. Drink a most extreme of 8 glasses of water for each day. The most ideal approach to drink water is to detox water. Utilize a characteristic path for weight reduction. Detox water encourages you to get thinner normally. Lemon, nectar, cucumbers and mint leaves are exceptionally regular and natural fixings that assume an awesome part in influencing you to thin and without fat.
Just eat solid nourishment like servings of mixed greens and so forth. It will clean your stomach and make your body solid and solid. Eat green vegetables. These eating regimen designs are essential with keto abstain from food supplements.
Try not to eat any unfortunate sustenance with this supplement since it won't work with this kind of eating regimen. Simply keep away from lousy nourishment and chilly beverages. NutraLite Keto will indicate comes about when you receive a sound domain and adjusted eating regimen. By staying away from destructive sustenances and get on an appropriate eating regimen, you will get the best outcomes.
Advantages OF NutraLite Keto SUPPLEMENT :
There are numerous advantages of this NutraLite Keto, some are given underneath :
Lessens your additional fat.
Keeping up your body weight.
No symptoms.
Keep you sound.
Make your body fit and keen.
Show best and perpetual outcomes.
You will feel crisp and clean.
Make your body into an impeccable shape.
What would it be a good idea for you to need to think about NutraLite Keto?
It is sold as a best dietary supplement to get more fit. From fat consuming to expanded vitality, it encourages you to get thinner normally. It promoted keto eat less carbs wonder, which will lessen your additional muscle versus fat.
The ketogenic eating routine is one of a kind since it changes the way your body works.
Your default vitality source is glucose that you get by the admission of sugars.
You take away this essential wellspring of vitality when you begin a low carb abstain from food.
Your body wrenches riggings and movements to an other vitality source.
These progressions are tremendous. Also, similar to all progressions, it will take some torment and alteration while your body settles. These supplements assist you with going through this change in less day and age.
There are numerous signs which demonstrate that you are in ketosis eat less carbs.
Quick weight reduction.
Better sentiment of satiety.
Less longing for sustenances.
Conceivable tad reactions, for example, less relaxing.
Favorable circumstances :
Glucose and insulin levels move forward.
Easy abstaining from excessive food intake.
NutraLite Keto oversees mind infection and sickness.
Gigantic decreases in triglycerides.
Prompts more prominent weight reduction than different eating methodologies.
Ensures against disease
Diminishment in pulse.
Enhances wellbeing.
NutraLite Keto weight control plans have a great deal of potential medical advantages, yet we shouldn't assert them to be fix all arrangements. It endeavors its best part to carry out its activity as to make you thin. NutraLite Keto is extremely feasible in light of the fact that numerous sustenances taste scrumptious.
A ketogenic eating routine is a method for eating that limits starches, has a direct measure of protein and a high-fat substance.
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techbarcelona · 7 years ago
Huawei Matebook X Pro audit: No longer only a MacBook clone Huawei's vital decisions improve this new PC much than the original.
Last year's Matebook X pushed Huawei advance into the PC advertise than it at any point had been previously. While it had a plan that enabled it to take on the appearance of a stylish ultrabook, it requested many bargains from clients. Its below average battery life and as well little memory, among different deficiencies, made the Matebook X less appealing than its glossy outside recommended.
Huawei focused in on the weaknesses of the Matebook X with its successor: the new Matebook X Pro. On paper, the new workstation shows up a long ways superior to the first: an eighth gen CPU, a 3K touchscreen, an expected 15-hour battery life, and even a discrete illustrations card.
Be that as it may, expanding the Matebook X Pro constrained Huawei to make a couple of penances. Gratefully, those penances don't dominate the first rate changes that make this gadget a more proficient PC than the first.
Look and feel
A considerable measure of MacBook impact stays in the Matebook X Pro's plan, yet Huawei appears to be more happy with putting its own particular turn on the second era of its leader ultrabook. The Matebook X Pro feels greater than Huawei's unique PC because of unobtrusive changes the organization made to its skeleton configuration, screen, and internals. Estimating 14.6mm thick at its largest point and weighing 2.8 pounds, the new workstation consumes up more room than its antecedent. While most OEMs live incredible the "thin and light" regulation, Huawei yielded millimeters and ounces to make space for an all the more effective CPU, two illustrations cards, and a more adaptable cluster of ports.
By and by, Huawei portrays the Matebook X Pro's plan as "unadulterated and imperceptible," and I'd say there's a strong contention for the previous instead of the last mentioned. The PC's immaculateness originates from its unobscured top and frame, with the cover just bearing Huawei's organization logo and the all-metal case scorched just by the precious stone cut edges following the diagram of the machine. Indeed, even the zone around the console is perfect, stamped just by thin speaker grilles embracing the left and right sides of the console and the mix unique mark peruser and control catch at the upper right corner.
The mammoth touchscreen on the Matebook X Pro adds to the immaculateness of its outline—while it's a 13-inch note pad, the 13.9-inch show with a 3:2 angle proportion influences it to feel like a bigger gadget. A minor 4.4mm of bezel encompasses a 3000×2000-pixel board, giving the gadget a 91-percent screen-to-body proportion. Indeed, even in the wake of seeing the Matebook X Pro at an instructions over a month back, my first response after opening our audit unit out of the blue was, "Amazing, that is a major show."
The nature of the touchscreen joined with the almost nonexistent bezels and its perspective proportion made the Matebook X Pro a strong gadget to use as my standard work workstation. Huawei additionally included an eye-comfort mode that channels out inordinate blue light to make it simpler to use for drawn out stretches of time, something I incredibly acknowledge as somebody who invests to an extreme degree an excessive amount of energy gazing at different sizes and sorts of screens.
Quad speakers with Dolby Atmos support and quad far-field mics live inside the Matebook X Pro, increasing the sound and voice-acknowledgment nature of the past note pad. Huawei likewise enhanced about each spec from the Matebook X—the new PC can have either a Core i5-8250U CPU or Core i7-8550U CPU; Intel UHD Graphics 620 and a discretionary 2GB Nvidia GeForce MX150 GPU; either 8GB or 16GB of RAM; and either a 256GB or 512GB PCIe SSD.
I'm most cheerful to see the single 4GB RAM alternative vanish, as it wasn't prepared to help the unavoidable requests put on the first Matebook X. It positively wouldn't have been sufficient memory to deal with the workloads conceivable with the Matebook X Pro's internals.
While the network condition on the Matebook X Pro stays moderate, Huawei made a few welcome changes: on the correct side is one USB Type-A port, a choice that was deficient in the first Matebook X and adds to the new workstation's expanded thickness; and on the left side lies an earphone jack, one USB Type-C port, and one Thunderbolt 3 port. Both Type-C ports bolster information exchange, charging, and docking with the MateDock 2.0, which accompanies each US display and has another USB Type-A port, USB Type-C port, a HDMI port, and a VGA port for additional network.
A few clients may miss the plan of the first Matebook X, however Huawei's bargains just make the new Matebook X Pro better. Its outline stays thin and light, regardless of whether it's not as wispy as it used to be, it's as yet thin and chic with a strong development that is unmarred by superfluous plan highlights. Above all, Huawei updated the specs to be what clients expect out of a lead ultrabook, and those new internals can just profit the Matebook X Pro when contrasted with gadgets like the new XPS 13 PC and the HP Specter 13.
Console, trackpad, and webcam
The Matebook X Pro's console stays more like Apple's MacBook than some other piece of the note pad. The full-sized, chiclet console was splendidly fine for me to use to write articles routinely, and the key travel is in reality more agreeable than that on my MacBook Pro. The Precision trackpad is additionally very agreeable and is neither too huge nor too little. A few PCs and convertibles haven't grasped the insane huge trackpad slant yet—while the Matebook X Pro's trackpad isn't as large as that on the MacBook Pro, it's greater and considerably less demanding to use than that of Samsung's Notebook 9 Pen, for instance.
The console doesn't offer any unexpected key arrangements, yet it includes one shock key: the camera catch that conceals the recessed webcam underneath it. Huawei shrank the best bezel over the show because of this new webcam position, organizing screen land over video visiting and other webcam employments. The organization likewise guarantees this gives clients more protection since the webcam is, as a matter of course, not watching you, and it'll never come up naturally.
There's likewise a little light by the camera that turns on when the camera is dynamic. The webcam actuates quickly—paying little mind to whether the camera flies up—when you open the default Windows Camera application. On the off chance that it's still inside the suspension, you'll just observe a dark, grainy nourish in the Camera application. Yet, the camera doesn't actuate in the event that you essentially press the camera catch to pop the focal point up. While there's dependably the possibility that programmers could see through the camera focal point when the light is off, the light is as yet a decent pointer to tell you when the camera is currently being utilized by a Windows application or program.
The webcam equipment appears to be dependable. It takes a firm press of the camera catch to constrain the webcam upward and a similarly intense press to push it withdraw into its home. Since the camera enter moves additionally down into the body than different keys, you should squeeze it down more than different keys keeping in mind the end goal to bring the webcam up. That implies it'll be hard to unintentionally trigger the webcam, yet that additionally implies you must be ponder when you close the webcam, as well. Shutting the cover of the Matebook X Pro pushes the camera key down yet not mightily enough to keep it bolted into the skeleton when you lift the top once more.
Be that as it may, likewise to the base bezel arrangement of the webcam on the Dell XPS 13, the Matebook X Pro's webcam position gives you the ultra-unflattering up-nose point. It's positively not the best for video visiting, and for a few, that is a sufficient explanation behind nixing the camera totally.
In any case, it's impossible that we'll see ultrabooks forsake the webcam at any point in the near future, even those that pick to put their webcams in badly arranged spots. There are a lot of business clients who require webcams for phone calls, so gadgets like the ThinkPad X1 Carbon will probably have webcams for a long time to come. I incline toward Lenovo's response to webcam protection too—the camera shade—since it enables you to obstruct the camera while keeping it in the best place for enlightened video visiting.
The camera key just enables a fundamental webcam to sit under the suspension, so the Matebook X Pro doesn't accompany an IR camera. The camera key would have must be significantly bigger to oblige a webcam and IR camera setup, and it's to some degree superfluous since Huawei incorporated the unique finger impression peruser on the gadget's energy catch. Some might be hindered by the absence of IR camera since it truly is the least demanding approach to sign in utilizing Windows Hello. Unique mark perusers sign you in rapidly, however you don't need to move your hand to sign in utilizing facial acknowledgment, and it's a disgrace that clients can't do that on the Matebook X Pro.
The Matebook X Pro doesn't convey much bloatware, put something aside for Huawei's PC Manager program, which is intended to examine the gadget's equipment and driver for issues and approaches to enhance general execution. You can run a thorough check, which checks both equipment and driver administration, or individual outputs on the off chance that you wish.
The "My Phone" segment of PC Manager permits Huawei cell phone clients to combine their gadget to the Matebook X Pro and offer data between the two and utilize the information availability from the cell phone as a portable hotspot for the workstation. This will be more helpful for European, Asian, and other non-US clients considering the US government's current crackdown on Huawei and other Chinese OEM gadgets sold in the US. By and by, it's an advantageous path for the individuals who claim in excess of one Huawei gadget to share photographs, records, and different documents to the Matebook X Pro in an uncomplicated way.
The "My Phone" highlight would be more helpful to all clients on the off chance that it wasn't just for Huawei-made gadgets. HP has its Orbit application, accessible for Android and iOS, that enables clients to share archives between their cell phone and HP workstation or convertible.
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