#i feel like the moment cora grabs law by his collar and lifts him
fairybonesandstardust · 10 months
some rando: ugh you suck law
law rolling his eyes: whatever
someone: corazon sucks
law lunging for them trying to claw out their eyeballs as corazon pulls him back by his collar: i will rip your body apart limb by limb
corazon whose currently dangling law in mid air by his collar as if he were a particularly naughty kitten: law be nice
the 26 year old surgeon of death dangles in the air sulking but retreats
everyone staring in shock and horror
corazon smiling: sorry about that
law dangles there unmoving glaring at everyone around them
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floofs-headcanons · 3 years
Happy Birthday; Scenario
Character; Law
Word Count; 1,248
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEARLY BELOVED !! Modern AU because there are ONLY good vibes here !! i’m writing this without hamfie’s permission pls don’t kill me ty ily
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There was something incredibly lonely about waking up in the mornings alone.
When the rays from the sun peeks through the curtains, and the chirping of birds sound more like nails scraping against chalkboard than a daylight tune, Law finds it hard to get out of bed. It wasn’t the first time, and it surely wouldn’t be the last. Still, he manages.
The scent of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of Bepo’s pattering is enough to wake him up in the mornings, most days. He’s thankful that today is one of those days.
It’s 8:42 in the morning when he receives a text.
It’s from the group chat he has with Shachi and Penguin- it’s unusual for them to be up this early. They’re wishing him a ‘Happy Birthday,’ and it’s only then does he remember what day today is. Scrolling up, it seems this was the second birthday text. The first was sent exactly at midnight.
Why did you send it twice, he wonders sipping on his coffee and sending back a ‘Thank you,’ message. They respond moments later, saying how he’s too formal, and that they’ll be telling him happy birthday for the rest of the day- something he very quickly shoots down. Unfortunately for him, he knows his friends don’t take 'No,’ for an answer.
He doesn’t tell them how he’s secretly grateful that they were so hard-headed.
The weather is good today.
There’s a slight breeze, only strong enough to sway a few hairs, and the sun is playing hide-and-seek, popping out every couple minutes to greet passerby's before going back behind the clouds.
This is the time he takes the harness off of Bepo and allows him to run and play with the other dogs. Despite being so big, Law would argue that he’s never met a bigger baby.
“Don’t run too far,” he ruffles his fur, earning a happy bark in return before the white mass scampers off.
He could still remember the first time Bepo had ran off and gotten lost. It wasn’t too far away from home, not even a ten minute walk, but the poor thing was frightened, shaking near some bushes. Thankfully, every since then, he’s always stuck within view.
There goes my morning, is the only thought that passes as he’s tackles to the ground.
“Shishishi!” Law would swear up and down that Luffy needed a leash way more than an actual dog. “Happy Birthday!”
“Thanks,” he groans, trying, and failing, to push the younger male off of him. Where does he get all this strength from? Eventually, he gives, and falls back on the ground. There was no use in trying to get him to let go, and he surely wasn’t going to do it voluntarily any time soon, so what was the point?
“Need help there, Traffy?” The snickers of Luffy’s two brothers ring prominently in his ears. Of course they were enjoying this- if you hadn’t told him that the three of them were actually adopted brothers Law would accept that they were all blood related.
“Get him off,” he seethes, watching as Sabo casually lifts his younger brother up by the collar like a cat. He only barely manages to regain his balance when Ace comes next to him and roughly slaps his back, grin wider than ever, as if he didn’t just give someone a seven-inch bruise.
“Happy birthday, dude!” Thankfully, Sabo’s a little nicer.
“Any special plans today?” The blonde asks, still holding onto his brother who’s desperately trying to flee from his vice grip to no avail.
“None,” he answers. His friends have enough energy for today that he feels like there wasn’t a need to expend his own. “I’ll take Bepo on a walk, visit family, then go back home.”
Despite his rough tone, they don’t seem to mind. “Well then,” Ace makes his way to join Sabo. “I hope you have a good day then, we should get going. It’s was nice seeing you.”
He rubs his back, half-heartedly agreeing with that statement before walking back to the bench. For some reason he felt like today was going to be a long one.
The door opens with so much force Law swears that the hinges would need to be replaced later.
“Big brother!”
He smiles, as he always does around her. “Morning, Lami.”
“Don’t ‘Morning, Lami,’ me! You didn’t respond to my text message this morning!” She huffs, puffing out her cheeks and settling both hands on her lips. “But who cares about that,” her frown is replaced as quickly as it came with her signature smile. Her hands reach out to grab his and drag him inside the house, Bepo and all. “Mom and Dad have been waiting for you! Cora-san is here, too!”
“Cora-san?” He repeats. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy to see him, quite the opposite, but given the clumsy nature of the man Law had to wonder how, and if, did he get here unscathed.
“Yeah! Uncle Doffy drove him over.” Ah, he cringes, that explains it.
Stepping into the room felt stifling. Not in a bad way, of course, but the amount of love that fluttered through the air and glided right towards him felt surreal. This happens every year, but he could never get used to it.
“Law!” His mother and Rosinante both stand up from their seats at the same time. Lami dodges out of the way, moving to sit next to Doflamingo- how she could stand that man was beyond him. “You’ve grown so much since I last saw you!” The older male ruffles his hair.
“You saw me last month, Cora-san.” He moves out of the way from his uncle only to get trapped in the arms of his mother.
Her words are as gentle as her touch, and he doesn’t mind admitting that he likes being held by her. “Happy birthday, Law.” He gives her a gentle squeeze back.
Their hug doesn’t last long, only a couple seconds, but there were other people in the room, restless to congratulate the celebrity of the day. “Why don’t you come sit down?”
He would like that.
It’s late night when he finally arrives home again.
It’s been a long day, just as he had thought it would be. From visiting family to friends tackling him on the street, to getting dragged out to celebrate at the Baratie for lunch- there was no denying that he was grateful to have such supportive people in his life, but perhaps they were just a bit too supportive.
He barely manages to fish the keys out of his pocket when the door opens.
“Law!” A flood of calm washes over him. “Welcome home!”
He doesn’t say anything as he steps inside and takes off his shoes, finally releasing Bepo from his harness. You don’t say anything either, content with simply standing to the side and waiting for him to finish his tasks.
There was something so fulfilling about coming home to someone waiting for you. How they’ll greet you back every time with a big smile and open arms, urging you to come closer.
“I’m home.” He mutters, burying his face in your neck.
“Tiring day?”
“Yeah,” he appreciates the strokes to his hair.
“I’ve made dinner.”
“Do you mind if we take a bath first?”
“The food will get cold.”
“That’s fine.”
You chuckle, “alright.”
He hums, but doesn’t let go. Just a bit longer.
“And, Law?”
“Happy Birthday.”
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