#i feel like seth about had a stroke when he saw they got the short straw
arcadewonder · 9 months
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they had the honor misfortune of being the ones to host the winterfest party this year.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
So There’s This Thing Called Imprinting.” - Embry Call
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Request: “embry trying to tell his imprint about imprinting for the first time? thanks for all your writing!”
As I shuffled through the records in the bin, the smell of dust entered my nostrils. I was looking for this one last vinyl to add to my collection, hoping I would finally find it at this small record store in Port Angeles. 
I shuffle through the “W” bin, hoping I would finally luck out and find the blue Weezer album. I had been looking for months, unsuccessful at every other record store. 
Across the record store, I hear a small group of guys. They seemed to be having fun, especially with how loud they were growing. “We do this every weekend, how are there still more to find? How are you still enjoying this?” One teased. 
I look up from my search to look at the group. A group of three absurdly tall and muscular boys. All blessed with russet skin and dark hair, looking far more than the definition of beautiful. 
“It’s what I like, music is what I like. Did you eat an extra bowl of bitch-flakes this morning? Or are you just normal Paul?” The taller one replies snarkily. 
I tried to stifle my small giggle, appreciating the tone he used. 
The three of them laugh, the one I assumed to be Paul shoving the tall stranger in retaliation. 
“Damn Paul, you just gonna take that?” The third boy teases. 
“No, I’m definitely going to kick Embry’s ass as soon as we get back to Sam’s.” Paul laughs. 
I tried to avoid being caught observing, but I was not sneaky enough. 
The tall boy with longer hair than the rest and I made eye contact. 
I got nervous, but why? I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I felt like the world around me stopped for a second. What was this? A pit built up in my stomach, I thought I was going to be sick. But this felt… good? 
I finally take a better look at who I assume was Embry. His handsome features stuck in the same face. His eyes wide, mouth slightly agape. Eyes refusing to leave mine. His brown eyes were what I was lost in.
 I wonder if he felt what I was feeling, hell I was hoping-- that way I wouldn’t be as weird as I suddenly feared. 
After about a minute, even though it felt like six hours, I broke our eye contact after watching his friends begin to giggle and clap him on the back. I turn my attention back towards the record bin, despite the fact that my face was suffering intense blushing. 
I begin to flip through the records, trying my best to ignore the giggling coming from across the store.  I finally found the album, I began to grab it until something spooked me. My heart almost jumped straight from my chest when I began to hear footsteps approaching. 
“Hey, I’m Embry. Sorry about my friends.” The tall boy reached his hand out, awaiting for my hand to return the favor. He was even more handsome up close, causing me to fumble my words even more pathetically. To my surprise, he was taller up close. I looked up to meet his eyes before sticking my hand out. 
“I’m (Y/N). That’s okay, they seem nice enough. Maybe not to you, though.” I gave out a small laugh, trying to not embarrass myself. 
“Heh, you heard that? Yeah, they kinda suck, but they’re the best. Whatcha searching for?” He excitedly looks over my shoulder, trying to see what record I hold in my hands. 
I pulled it from the bin and showed it to him. 
“Weezer. I have been looking for this one to complete the collection. For some reason I haven’t been able to find this one for so long. I’ve been searching for months. It’s only this album that gave me such a hard time finding.” I admit, slightly smirking nervously. 
“Damn. That’s a long time. I love Weezer, too. You must be pretty cool, like me.” He leans in and playfully elbows my arm, laughing a bit awkwardly. 
“I think so. You’re probably alright yourself if you like Weezer.” I tease. 
We chatted for about fifteen minutes before his friends began to usher him away, saying they needed to go back to Sam’s house. Damn, was I going to miss talking to Embry. My heart almost sank at the thought of him leaving my side for some reason. 
“Hey listen (Y/N), could I maybe get your number? Maybe we could hang out sometime, we’re having a bonfire on the beach this weekend if you’re interested?” Embry offers with hopeful eyes. 
“Yeah that would be fun.” I smile before putting my number into his phone. 
I often think back to that day, meeting Embry. I think back to hanging out at the bonfire with him and all his friends. They were all so friendly, so funny. They were like a family. I remember being cold, having Embry’s warm arm wrap around my shoulders, closing some distance between us. He was so warm. He’s always so warm. I was thankful for this in the upcoming colder months of the year. 
As I sat in between his legs, playing Mario Kart with Embry, Jacob, and Seth-- I really began to question my luck. While I was so grateful for meeting Embry. The bond between us was one I could never describe. He was someone who could always bring me joy-- he was the light in my life. He was the sun on a cloudy day. Our love was something so strong that I didn’t ever believe it even existed before Embry. Though, he was hiding something from me. 
Whenever I would ask, I would be told “soon” or “when I’m ready.” 
I was ready to know what my boyfriend was keeping from me. Why things didn’t always add up. 
How was he always so warm? How was he so strong? How were our feelings possible? What happened the day we met? What was he doing all hours of the night when he wasn’t asleep? Where was he sneaking off to? Hell, even his mother didn’t know-- she even asked me herself. I trusted Embry with my life, though my patience was running thin. I respected his privacy but worrisome thoughts crept up more often than not. I knew he wasn’t a cheater, but the endless thoughts always kept me up at night. 
I snap back into reality, destroying the guys. I took first place by a long shot. 
“Damn, (Y/N). Look at you.” Jacob teased, shoving my shoulder playfully. 
“Jacob, I think it’s time we go for our hike now.” Seth says, looking at Jacob with knowing eyes. Jacob nods his head, getting up from his seat instantly before walking out the door.  
I peak over at Embry, who is trying to look at anything but me, causing me to chuckle a bit. 
He looks over at me, knowing my curiosity has peaked, as per usual. I found it suspicious, all of these “hikes” the boys go on every day; and how I’m never allowed to go. 
“I think it’s time I’m honest with you.” Embry looks over at me, grabbing my hand. 
I almost choked on my breath, due to both excitement and fear. 
“Oh, really?” I asked him. 
“Yeah, I’ve wanted to since I met you, but I needed to know you really wanted me.” He said, looking down into my eyes. 
I turned my body around to face him, taking his other hand into mine. 
I nodded at him, rubbing circles into the back of his hand, over his knuckles. 
“You trust me right?” He asks me, slight look of worry on his face. 
“With my life.” I give a slight smile, hoping to take some fear from him.
“Of course. Well, then I want you to know that I would never hurt you. And that you have to trust that what I’m saying is 100% true.” He returns the smile, followed by a more serious look. 
My heart skipped a beat, worried of what he was about to reveal to me. 
I nodded, awaiting the continuation of his confession.
“Okay, well I know you remember some of the stories from the bonfire. You know, about the Quileutes descending from… wolves.” He held onto my hands a bit tighter. 
“Yes. I remember, Em.” I tried to hide my confusion. 
“Well (Y/N), it’s all real. Shape-shifting is real. I am a shifter. The guys and I all are.” He finally chokes out. 
“What? Embry, are you okay?” I ask, slightly concerned. 
“Okay, I knew you wouldn’t just believe me that quickly. So let me show you, outside.” He says standing up, pulling me up with him. 
“Embry..” My voice trails off. 
“Please trust me, (Y/N).” He begs.
I nod and follow him outside. 
“I won’t hurt you, I promise. I protect you. I protect everyone, but most importantly you.” He says as he begins to take his shirt off. 
I try to take in what is all happening, trying to hide my confusion. 
That’s when I saw him begin to shake, steam coming from his warm body. 
It was so quick. Before me stood a giant silver wolf. He walked over to me slowly, bowing his head to show that he meant no harm. The head on this wolf was huge. The entire wolf stood about six feet tall on all fours, I couldn’t believe my eyes. 
“Embry?” I questioned, looking into the magnificent eyes in front of me. I would recognize those eyes anywhere. 
The massive wolf nodded, burying his head into my hands. I began to stroke the fur. This lasted for about three minutes, before he picked up the shorts on the forest floor, walking into the tree line. 
After a minute, Embry walked out from the tree line in his shorts. 
“I would never hurt you. I just needed to know that you loved me, that you wanted this.” He says, almost choking on his words. 
“I love you Embry. I just, I am so confused.” I admit, clutching onto his hand for dear life. 
“I understand. There’s more though.” He tells me. 
“More?” I ask, shocked. 
“Yes. So there’s this thing called imprinting. It happened when I first saw you at the record store.” He admits.
“Imprinting?” I question. 
“Well, it’s like love at first sight, but more intense. Kinda like soulmates. It’s like you became the gravity holding me down to the Earth. You’re what matters. I would be anything you need me to be, I will protect you at all costs. You’re my world, (Y/N).” He says, eyes never leaving mine. 
“Is that why I felt that way?” I ask. 
“Yes. Our bond is very intense, very strong. I’ll be anything you need me to be. A friend, brother, protector, or in our case-- a lover.” He adds, eyes still never leaving mine. 
“Wow, it explains a lot. And I still need to know more.” I respond honestly. 
I was glad to know that I wasn’t feeling that way at the record store for no reason. I had met my soulmate. I felt both overwhelmed and relieved. The confusion was overpowered by the unbelievable weight lifted off my shoulders. 
“Well, I’ve got the time, babe. I can explain it all. I’ll ask Sam to call a meeting tonight, to explain it all.” He says, pressing a kiss to my forehead, sending shivers down my spine as usual. 
“So, why did you wait so long?” I ask him. 
“Well, I wanted you to have a choice. It’s your decision, all of this. I wanted you to be comfortable before you were introduced to this new world. There’s a lot to talk about.” He said, pressing a kiss into the side of my temple. 
I smiled to myself, both for the sake of my sanity and also Embry’s. 
I look into his eyes before pressing a tender kiss on his ilps. 
*************Word Count: 2001***************
Sorry for the hiatus, hopefully when my new computer comes in and finals are over, I can finally post more again. 
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Burnt Bridges
Summary: Once a bridge has been burnt down, can it be rebuilt? Set after party / exposure of Lewis (Ch 15) Pairing: Ayna Seth x F!MC (Kennedy) Rating: M (NSFW) Word Count: 6k+ Notes: That turned out to be a lot longer than I expected. Also, I'm not very into writing smut, so I apologize if that's unfulfilling. This is my (very messy) take on how the reconciliation should've played. I wrote this mainly to sort out the very conflicting feelings this plot brought me. Enjoy. Dance away your troubles, that's how the saying goes, right? As far as Kennedy is concerned, that's how her evening was going, and she was enjoying every minute of it. She was almost happy, what with such a huge weight lifted off her shoulders. It felt good to be carefree again, if only for tonight.
The man behind the paranoia that her life had turned to was thankfully incapable of harming her any longer. At least that's what she was intent on believing for the moment. Maybe things would turn out not to be so simple but, for now, she was satisfied.
This rollercoaster of a day had started out like just any other day until she came knocking on her door, claiming to have an idea of how to help the Rutherlandian catch the person who’s been setting her up.
Ayna Seth.
Kennedy never felt so confused by anyone else in her life.
She had met Ayna at Vancross and they had hit it off from the beginning. She felt at ease in Ayna's presence, the elder woman had a power to make her feel like she could just be. It calmed and soothed Kennedy at the same rate it thrilled and excited her. Even when the press was breathing down her neck and her mother wouldn't get off her case, Ayna never wavered, and Kennedy felt blissful to have found someone she could count on. That is, until she found out that Ayna was the one helping set her up. That day Kennedy found out what it meant to feel gut punched. Heartbroken. Devastated.
Ayna sold her out, pure and simple. But she was also the woman who kind of sold herself out to help Kennedy get her life back. Ayna risked her reputation, her job, her relationship with her father and her own safety by posing as bait to draw Lewis Wright out. Kennedy couldn't ignore that, could she? Ugh- that was messy.
I need a little break, she decides, unable to get Ayna out of her head now that the woman has intruded herself. Finding a secluded spot at the bar where she could lay low for a while, she motions to let Dionne know she's going for a drink. And that’s exactly when her eyes catches Ayna's. Would the woman think she was being invited there? Kennedy couldn't tell and she simultaneously wished for and against it.
She approaches the bar and orders another one of those flaming drinks Dionne got her earlier. The bartender sets to fill her order and by the time Kennedy is putting out the fire with her hands, she senses a frame approaching her from the side.
"What an intense day," it was Ayna's voice. Kennedy took in the older woman's stance. She appeared relaxed and loose. Maybe the dance had eased her troubles away as well? Whatever it was, it seemed to do her good.
"Yeah, I seriously hope that's not what my life is gonna look like from now on," Kennedy answers truthfully.
"It's just the election cycle. I'm sure everything will settle down once your mom wins again."
"You think?"
"Well, I hope so. At least you won't be so much in the spotlight anymore."
"I'll drink to that!"
Kennedy offers Ayna a smile and turns back to the counter. She takes a sip of her drink and absentmindedly strokes her wrist when she settles it down. Out of the corner of her eye, she catches Ayna glancing at her.
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
Ayna pauses, opens her mouth and then closes it again, apparently changing her mind. "Uhmm, nevermind." She glances away, rubbing the back of her neck and Kennedy can feel a shift in the energy surrounding them. The relaxation seemed gone, replaced by awkwardness, was that it? It is then that she realizes she had been stroking her wrist. She abruptly stops, clenching her fists on top of the counter. Ayna's face fell. Shit! So much for just being, huh?
"I should go. You enjoy the rest of the night with your friends." Ayna offers dejectedly, shifting her weight as if preparing to depart. "I'm sure at this point Dionne won't mind me gone.”
Kennedy was taken aback by how faster her heart was suddenly beating. She wanted to say it had to do with how much she’s had to drink and not with the unexpected panic she felt at the prospect of Ayna leaving, but she knew that would be at least half a lie. She wanted to chastise herself, realizing now that the truth was she desperately missed this feeling of them being comfortable in each other’s presence. She wasn't ready to let that go.
“Can’t you stay a while longer?”
“I shouldn’t. I have to be at Vancross early tomorrow morning. Work and all.” Ayna says with a sheepish smile that resembled more a grimace and wraps her arms around herself.
That was a telltale sign that the TA was putting up a front if Kennedy ever saw one. She wracked her brain looking for something to say that could take the edge off Ayna, but in reality, how would that be even possible? They were in the middle of a speakeasy surrounded by loud and obnoxious people (which may or may not include her own friends), and sitting between them was this huge unaddressed elephant. She couldn’t possibly expect to dissolve all the tension between them when they had to shout every sentence just to be heard. But she just wanted to talk to Ayna. Really talk it all out. She knew this sudden desire to bare her soul was probably the liquid courage speaking for her, but she would be damned if she didn’t make the most of it.
"Do you live far from here?"
"A little. Why?"
Kennedy drowns the rest of her drink in a single motion, throwing more fuel at the bravery that seemed to be guiding her actions as of now, preparing herself to do what she really wanted to do. If there was anything this whole ordeal taught her was that she should live her life fully. She was going to be judged and quite literally haunted for every little action she made it seems, so she was going to make sure from now on that she’d live on her own terms. No regrets.
"Can I come with you?" She blurts out. "I'd rather be somewhere quieter.” And anywhere else if it meant being with you, she added in her head, not being brave enough to say that out loud, though. Not yet, anyway. “Today’s been exciting enough.”
She feels Ayna’s eyes trained on her face.
"I'm not sure your bodyguard would agree to that."
"I can handle Tatum."
“You’re not drunk, are you?”
“No.” Maybe just a little?
“Are you sure about this?”
A few seconds ticked by before Ayna answers, their gazes never breaking. Kennedy could only imagine Ayna might be pondering a few thoughts of her own.
The conversation with Tatum wasn’t exactly a breeze. He first chastised Kennedy for convincing him to go drinking and letting his guard down only to later on pull this stunt. Then he proceeded to (in a very concerned and caring tone, Kennedy had to admit) tell her he didn’t think it was a good idea. For reasons of safety and otherwise.
“I don’t mean to be insensitive here but you thought she was sincere before and you know how it turned out”, he said.
“I understand where you’re coming from, Tatum, but I’m doing this with or without your help.”
So he helped, of course, even though he was off duty (and displeased). Half an hour later Kennedy found herself enjoying the most awkward car ride in the history of awkward car rides. Agent Demarco was driving, Tatum by his side riding shotgun, and a very, very uncomfortable Ayna sat opposite her in the back seat, nearly glued to the door. The TA spent the entire drive looking out the window, only breaking out of her shell as far as it was necessary to direct Demarco through the city streets. Well, this is going great.
Kennedy let out a breath of relief when they arrived at the apartment complex. It was short lived, though, as Agent Demarco's voice cut the silence. He didn't exactly look very thrilled by the whole situation either.
"Which apartment is yours?"
"Could you give me your key? I'll check it out and be back in a few minutes."
"Hmm, sure." Ayna fished for her apartment keys, giving them to Agent Demarco. Tatum didn't follow, choosing instead to take a few steps back, but not too many, his posture stiff, back on the job.
Kennedy hated all of this. It seemed they were intent on making Ayna feel like a criminal and remind Kennedy herself the reality of their situation. She knew it was well-intentioned, but she didn't care for it one bit.
Fifteen long minutes later, Agent Demarco returns exclaiming "Coast is clear". Tatum chips right in, "Alright, Kennedy, you can go in, but Agent Demarco and I will stay by the door. If you need anything at all, you just have to call for us, ok? Leave the door unlocked." Yes, definitely intent.
As soon as both women cross the threshold and close the door behind them, Ayna's shoulders slump slightly.
"I'm sorry about that."
"Don't be. They are just doing their jobs."
“Well, would you like something to drink?” Ayna says, deviating the subject for now. She leaves her shoes by the front door and starts for the kitchen.
“Do you have coffee?”
The adrenaline provided by the loud music and boisterous environment of the club seemed to wear off during the ride and Kennedy felt the need to sober up however possible. It seemed this wasn't going to be a very pleasant conversation afterall. The whole fiasco with Demarco and Tatum served to remind her of that.
“Sure. You’d be surprised to know sometimes coffee is all I have. I’ll start a pot.”
Ayna busied herself in the kitchen and Kennedy took the opportunity to explore a little bit. She took off her own shoes and went for the living room, admiring the various pictures scattered around. Some were of Ayna and her friends, Kennedy assumed. On the wall, Kennedy spotted a collage picture frame adorned with pictures of Ayna and her dad in various scenarios: when she was a baby, graduating middle school, at what seemed like a soccer game? She should file that information for later.
“You and your dad look sweet together.”
"Thanks. It's easy when he's a very sweet man himself." Ayna emerges from the kitchen carrying two steaming coffee cups, offering one cup to Kennedy. "Black coffee ok?"
"It's fine."
They both take a seat and quietly enjoy their coffee for a moment. Kennedy chooses the armchair, leaving the entire couch for Ayna. She didn't want the TA to feel cornered like it happened in the car.
"How is he doing?" It was Kennedy who broke the silence.
Ayna sighs. "He's fine. As well as can be expected. I'm thankful the treatment has been working so far." She lowers her eyeglasses a little and rubs her eyes, looking dejected. Kennedy would slap herself in the face if she could for bringing this up. But then again, that is the main reason they are deep in this conundrum, isn't it? There's no good in avoiding it.
For the brief moment she catches Ayna’s glasses off her eyes, Kennedy notices the deep circles resting beneath them. She had noticed before that Ayna looked a little worse for the wear, but this is when she got to see just how much.
“You look tired.”
“Sleep has been evading me lately.” Ayna quickly slides her eyeglasses up again. "I suppose these help hide it a little, don’t they?"
"You don't have to hide with me, Ayna." What the hell, Kennedy?
"That's... sweet of you to say."
That brief slip of misplaced affection threw them right back to silence. How to go talking about something like this? Kennedy thought there really wasn't an instruction manual on how to go back to talking to your girlfriend after she betrays you. Were they ever really girlfriends? This train of thought is not helping me much either.
"Do you have a plan for what to do now? For his treatment, I mean." Kennedy decided to steer the conversation back to Arjun. She was genuinely curious and interested.
"I have some savings. I'm going to see if I can at least pay for his surgery and figure out the rest as it comes."
"Would you accept my help?"
"Kennedy, I couldn't possibly. I already took so much from you."
"What if I loan it to you?"
"And how would I pay it back? I'm not sure I'm even going to manage to keep my job." Ayna pauses, breathing deeply. "And my dad wouldn't accept it either. I'm sure now it's only a matter of time before he finds out how I... how I managed to pay for his treatment."
"Ayna, don't worry about this. I won't let it come out that you were involved with this."
"Kennedy, that's sweet. Much more than I deserve from you, but I don't think you can really do this."
"I'll do everything I can, then. You shouldn’t lose the love of your father because a dead-ass jerk took advantage of you in a moment of vulnerability.”
“Is that how you feel? About what I did?”
“About why you did what you did. I don’t think you’re a bad person, Ayna.”
“My dad thinks so highly of me. It’s going to crush him when he finds out.”
“Then let’s hope it doesn’t come to it. Your father seems like a nice man, he should have peace to recover. And he should have you.”
“You wanna know what's the worst part of it? I don't think I was completely honest with you at the hospital,” Ayna confesses, and she begins to get agitated, rubbing the palms of her hands in her thighs, the coffee long forgotten at the coffee table. “The truth is it scared me to learn how far I was willing to compromise my values. My dad always tried to teach me to do the right thing, and I always thought of myself as righteous, I always strived to live up to his standards. But when I was approached, I barely hesitated in taking the deal.”
Kennedy provides no reply to that, mainly for feeling Ayna wasn’t done letting it all out. The silence stretches for a few seconds before Ayna hangs her head, taking in a long breath. “I know this doesn't help my case, but I think you deserve my complete honesty. And I want you to know that when you were attacked, they crossed a line that I just couldn’t go along with, even if I haven’t...” She trails off averting Kennedy’s gaze, her own looking troubled, as if she was caught off guard by what she was saying. “I couldn’t do it.”
What is she saying?
"Ayna-" Kennedy starts speaking, but is quickly interrupted by Ayna, now sitting at the edge of the sofa, her body turned in Kennedy's direction. “I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’m so, so sorry you were ever put in a position to feel terrified.”
You should be! was Kennedy's first thought. This was a hard one to swallow and Kennedy felt her blood boil as she was, for a second, back in the moment she realized Ayna was the only one who knew she was at the lake. The moment she realized she was betrayed. “I’m not gonna lie, it was pretty scary. And to find out that you, of all people, were somehow responsible... it hurt, Ayna. It hurt so damn much.”
In a fluid, fast motion, Ayna crosses the living room, now kneeling by the armchair, resting her hands near Kennedy's but not really touching. “I’m so sorry, Kennedy. That’s all I can say. After getting to know you, all I ever wanted was to make you feel safe. All I ever wanted was to be there for you and support you in any way I could.”
“But that’s why it hurt so much, you see?" Kennedy exclaims a little on the exasperation side. "Because I felt all of that, Ayna. That's how I saw you, my safe space, someone I could really trust, that I could always to turn to. When I realized it, God I felt so stupid.”
It pained Kennedy to say these words as it pained Ayna to hear them. The TA all but deflates, shoulders slumped, head hanging low. After a few seconds, Kennedy is sure she heard a quiet sniffle and all her exasperation disappeared. Ayna was right there, kneeling by her side, and Kennedy's heart screamed at her to reach out, but her head wouldn’t let her do it. They weren't there yet.
“Look, Ayna, I’m not saying these things just to be mean to you. I guess I... I don’t know, I guess I just wanted to get it out of my chest", she says instead.
“I understand," Ayna replies releasing a sigh. She gets up and turns her back to Kennedy for a few seconds, discreetly wiping her eyes before turning back around. "I should be counting my lucky stars that you’re even here talking to me. I appreciate that. You really didn’t have to be here but you are, so thank you.”
But she really had to, Kennedy thought, or the doubts and resentment that were threatening to build up inside of her would eat her alive.
She could see that the turn the conversation took was really weighing down on the older woman. Ayna looked even more tired and dejected than when they first arrived in the apartment. The sight of it was upsetting Kennedy deeply. She was discovering she really couldn’t stand the idea of Ayna Seth being in pain, no matter where their relationship was standing.
“I know it can’t have been easy for you. To be caught between a rock and a hard place like that,” she offers, trying to make Ayna feel at least a little better.
“Kennedy, I don’t want to sound bad but... I have to ask. Why are you being nice to me?”
“Well, I learned that from you. To put myself in other people’s shoes. I... I didn’t like the way I saw everyone treating you earlier.”
Kennedy bit her lip, pondering if she should say what else she didn’t like, which was the way Zaira looked oddly comfortable pulling Ayna towards the dance floor. She decided against it; she felt confused as it was without adding yet another emotion into this pile of crap. Jealousy would have to wait. “I don’t think you’re a horrible comic villain who deserves to be lynched at every opportunity and I wish everyone would just stop treating you like that.”
To this Ayna offers a genuine smile. Kennedy can also see how some sparkle flashed briefly through Ayna’s eyes. “Thank you. This means a lot coming from you.”
Kennedy smiles timidly in return. She pauses for a moment, trying to process everything they have said so far. She really believed Ayna was caught in a bad place having to choose between two people she cared about. Kennedy knew Ayna loved her father fiercely but... what about me?
She takes in her surroundings for a minute: here she was, seated by an armchair in the living room of Ayna’s apartment, and the TA was standing right across from her. There was no better time or place to get the answers that she needed, and it was getting late, and to be dancing around the subject was exhausting her. She gets up from her position, approaching slowly but decidedly the other woman.
“Tell me Ayna. If we haven’t grown close, if you didn’t know I wasn’t just a rich spoiled privileged brat, would you have continued to feed Wright information about me?”
"After the attack on you, no, I don’t think I would’ve."
“Would you have reached out to me to let me know someone was out to get me? Would you still have helped me flush him out?”
“I like to think that I would’ve, yes.”
"What were you going to say when you said you haven't? Haven't what?"
That was it, what she really, really wanted to know. She wanted, scratch that, she needed to hear Ayna say it. And the TA kept fidgeting, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, looking everywhere but at the younger woman. So Kennedy presses on, searching for Ayna’s eyes, repeating the question once she found them.
"Haven't what, Ayna?"
"Fallen in love with you.”
That was Ayna’s answer, and said with an unwavering certainty so unlike her recent attitude, that Kennedy felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. She was certain she never felt so much in such a short span of time before. After that, there was no turning back anymore. She would take the plunge, and so help her God. Live life fully.
"Look, you risked everything to help me get my life back. The slate is wiped clean as far as I'm concerned,” she states, stepping closer to Ayna.
"Do you really mean that?” It was Ayna’s turn to tentatively take a step closer to Kennedy now, hope written all over her face.
"Yes. I don't want to hold a grudge and be angry with you. Not when you make me feel... so much more.” Kennedy goes forward again, reaching an arms-length distance from the other woman. “You mean the world to me, Ayna. I don’t want to pretend anymore that you don’t.”
Ayna reaches out, taking hold of Kennedy's hands in her own. Her movements are slow, almost calculated, and Kennedy wonders if that’s out of fear that any sudden movement might break the spell of the past few minutes. She intertwines their fingers together while glancing intently at Kennedy, her eyes searching for something.
“Do you think you can forgive me entirely? Wholeheartedly? If this all goes suddenly away in the morning, I’m not sure I can handle it.”
The proximity of Ayna is enough to make Kennedy feel her entire body go warm. Although she had a thousand objections at the back of her mind screaming back at her, right now all she wanted was to keep feeling whatever it was that Ayna’s touch made her feel. But she couldn't lie. She couldn't make any promises when she herself wasn't sure of anything but her desire to just try and move on. So she searched deep within herself the most honest answer she could find.
“All I can say is that I’m going to try my best. Is that good enough for you?”
Ayna takes a long breath and shuts her eyes. She lets go of Kennedy's hands and slides hers gently up the younger woman's arms until she reaches Kennedy's face. She cups Kennedy's cheeks and lets her thumb caress them. Kennedy responds by sliding her arms around Ayna's waist, bringing their bodies closer together, feeling her world narrowing down to Ayna and Ayna alone. And when Ayna opens her eyes, Kennedy feels like she‘s staring right into her soul.
That simple word was all it took for Kennedy's head to go spinning. She feels Ayna leaning in further, slowly, giving Kennedy one last opportunity to back away. Instead, Kennedy closes the distance between them. There was nothing else she could do at this point.
Their lips meet in a slow, tender kiss. The feeling of Ayna's soft lips, the smell of her perfume, the warmth of Ayna’s body pressing into hers... it was all so much, Kennedy felt overwhelmed. At the same time, it wasn’t nearly enough. She parts her lips to deepen the kiss, inviting Ayna in, and Ayna responds by sliding her tongue through Kennedy's bottom lip before slipping inside. Tongues dancing together, Ayna loses one of her hands in Kennedy's hair and Kennedy's hold on Ayna's waist tightens a they get lost on one another, savoring the feeling of being in each other's arms again.
“I missed you, Kennedy. So much.”
“I missed you too.”
The sweetness and tenderness is quickly replaced by passion. Days of lingering doubts and longing translate into hands roaming everywhere, both eager to show just how much they missed each other. Ayna's hands grab Kennedy's small back and pulls their hips together, fingers digging into skin before sliding down and scratching her thighs, while Kennedy buries herself in Ayna's neck, kissing and sucking her jawline, her earlobe, the nape of her neck, every inch of skin she could find. She lets out a sigh as she feels that the exposed skin is wanting, covered by many layers of clothing too much, and grabs a hold of Ayna's blouse, tugging it from Ayna's skirt. She motions to take the shirt off of Ayna only to have her movements halted.
“No, not so fast." Ayna holds Kennedy's hands and steps away from her embrace for a second. "I want tonight to last as long as possible.”
Kennedy understands the implied message. This was their first time together and who knew what tomorrow may bring? She looks at Ayna, whose eyes are burning with desire and filled with so much emotion that a shiver runs up Kennedy's spine. Tonight was theirs.
"Can we move this to the bedroom?" Kennedy asks panting, feeling her insides squeeze with the prospect of being so intimate with Ayna, both literally and metaphorically. The smile that crept upon Ayna's face at the request could light up the whole sky. "You don't have to ask me twice."
With as much enthusiasm as fondness, Ayna takes one of Kennedy's hands in her own, lacing their fingers together, and gently directs them towards the bedroom.
Once inside, Ayna wraps her arms around Kennedy's torso from behind, pressing her chest against Kennedy's back, holding her tightly in place. She buries her head in the nape of Kennedy's neck, breathing Kennedy's scent in. "Let me stay here for a minute, please," she mumbles quietly, and Kennedy lets her, closing her eyes and relishing in this quietude that Ayna's embrace always brought her. They sway from side to side, finding a rhythm together, until Ayna starts peppering Kennedy's neck with small kisses. Her hands slides languidly under the lapels of Kennedy's cardigan, pulling it out and tossing it to the side. She then directs her attention to Kennedy's shirt, sliding underneath it and shoving it upwards, her hands caressing the skin she found on the way. The heat emanating from Ayna's hands left a hot trail on Kennedy's skin, and Kennedy felt like she was melting right there.
She turns around in Ayna's embrace and captures Ayna's lips once again. With much more paced but no less yearning movements, Kennedy slides her hands down Ayna's chest, reaching for the hem of her shirt. This time she's met with no objection and she happily takes it off as well, settling her hands on Ayna's now bare shoulders. “There’s something I always wanted to do."
"What is it?"
Instead of answering with words, Kennedy entangles her fingers through Ayna’s hair and picks lightly on the hair pins keeping the bun in place. “Can I?”, she inquires softly.
Ayna nods her consent. She closes her eyes and leans into one of Kennedy’s hands as the young woman tread her fingers through her hair, letting it loose and guiding it over her shoulders. Once she’s finished, Kennedy brings both her hands back to cup Ayna’s face, lingering there. “You are so beautiful”, she says in a voice no louder than a whisper, prompting Ayna to open her eyes. Kennedy tried to cool down a little the look of adoration she knew she probably had imprinted on her own face, but the quick reddening of Ayna’s neck and ears told her she most likely failed.
She continues her exploration now going for Ayna’s glasses. When the older woman offers no resistance, she pulls it off. And that was a sight that Kennedy was sure would be engraved on her mind for a long time to come. Ayna looked completely different now, stripped bare from all formalities she had held on to keep her distance. She looked so vulnerable and very unlike the imposing figure she could occasionally be as a TA.
“You know, I can’t see very well without my glasses on.” Ayna says quietly.
“You look like a whole other person. It’s like I’m seeing you now for the first time.”
Ayna pauses for a moment before gently taking the glasses from Kennedy and placing them by the nightstand, “I guess I’ll have to keep you pretty close to me then.”
When she leans back towards Kennedy, her whole attitude‘s changed. She seemed filled by a renewed determination as she kissed Kennedy deeply but unhurriedly. Her arms engulfed the smaller woman tightly, one hand at the back of Kennedy’s head, keeping her in place, the other grasping firmly at her back.
Slowly, Ayna walks forward urging Kennedy with her, until the back of Kennedy's knees collide with the bed, prompting the younger woman to gasp.
Ayna looks pointedly at Kennedy, a hidden question dancing in her eyes. It endears Kennedy that Ayna's being so respectful at the same rate it saddens her that it might be out of fear.
"I want this, Ayna. I want you."
With the encouragement, Ayna sits Kennedy on the bed, kneeling in front of her. "Maybe all of this could go, then?" She picks on the waistband of Kennedy's pants. "I believe we are a little overdressed."
"Yeah, we should fix that," is Kennedy's reply, and she goes unfastening the button of her pants only to be halted.
“Let me. I've been wanting to do this for a while."
So Ayna unfastens and rids Kennedy's lower body from her jeans, and then she stands up and removers her own skirt before joining Kennedy on the bed. Their lips meet instantly, legs entangling together, and Kennedy moves on top of Ayna, settling her weight down on the TA's body. They both moan in unison when their hips touch, fitting perfectly.
"There's still a few layers of clothing remaining. Are you slacking off?" Kennedy teases.
Ayna's chuckle fill the air, "Oh, no, I wouldn't dream of it,” she says, as she moves to unclasp Kennedy's bra. They quickly complete the task of ridding each other of their underwear, standing now completely bare in front of one another.
"Come here," Ayna pulls Kennedy back on top of her, moaning softly when they settle into each other. “You feel so good.”
Kennedy responds by merging their lips together again as she lets her hands wander all over Ayna’s body, stopping longer at her breasts. She feels Ayna’s hands focused on the curves of her ass and inner thighs. She sighs deeply.
“I can't wait any longer. I want to touch you."
"Well, go ahead."
But it's like the answer fell on deaf ears. "I need to."
Guiding Kennedy’s hand lower on her body, Ayna says "Yes, please."
Kennedy did, and it was everything and more. She was intoxicated by everything Ayna: the warmth of her lips, the floral scent of her perfume, the sweet sounds that came out of her mouth in the form of whimpers and moans, the softness of her most sensitive places. It was all so beautiful. She moves so her mouth can join her hand, and soon Ayna's labored breaths increase in rate and intensity at Kennedy's ministrations, letting Kennedy feel she's coming closer and closer to the edge.
“Ayna, look at me." Kennedy all but demanded. "I want you to look at me while I bring you over the edge."
"Oh, fuck... yes!” Ayna struggles to mumble, panting heavily as she complied and locked eyes with Kennedy. The young woman focus on her fingers strokes against the TA’s center, and she can tell it’s taking all Ayna has not to close her eyes again as she arches her back, riding out her pleasure. Kennedy felt on cloud nine.
“That was... it was...” Ayna tries to say, struggling to catch her breath.
“Tell me.” Kennedy asks as she plants a chaste kiss in Ayna’s shoulder, easing the woman down from her high.
When Ayna finally catches her breath, she answers affectionately, “No one has ever made me feel like this.”
Kennedy feels every one of her heartstrings being pulled again. This seemed like a common occurrence this night. This is going to be the death of me. But before she could dwell longer on this, Ayna was moving on top of her.
“Well, may I touch you now?”
“Yes, please.” Kennedy answers with a smirk that is quickly wiped from her face as Ayna’s lips find her neck, sucking on her pulse point, eliciting a moan from her.
Ayna is so tender Kennedy feels like she understands now why it's called "making love". Oh shit, I am in love with her too, aren't I? Well, should I? And at the worst possible moment, her mind decides to play tricks on her. This is when it chose to wander back, again, to that horrifying experience, as well as the crushing pain that followed through at the realization of Ayna's betrayal. And now she feels Ayna going lower and lower, trailing her mouth down Kennedy’s stomach, then her navel, as she kept her downward path.Oh my god, no, this is too much. I can't handle it.
“Ayna, wait.”
Ayna halts immediately. “What? What is it?”
“I’m not- I’m not ready for...” Kennedy is struggling to get her words out, and she prays Ayna understands what she's trying to say.
In a flash, Ayna's face is back up, staring right at Kennedy as she brings one hand to caress Kennedy's face, the other propping her up. “Hey, it’s ok. You can tell me anything you want or don’t want, ok? We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with."
“I’m just not ready for you to... go down there,” Kennedy admits begrudgingly, avoiding Ayna’s gaze.
“Of course. We can snuggle all night instead if that’s what you prefer.”
Oh for crying out loud! Of course, Ayna had to be the gentlest and most respectful even when faced with rejection in the very throes of passion. The war raging inside Kennedy was exhausting her completely. She knew she said she wanted it, and she meant every word. Objectively, she knew the truth about her feelings, she just didn’t think she’d have to own up to them so soon. Love, was it? Ayna was looking at her every inch understanding, not one bit judgemental or mad, and Kennedy wondered how great their relationship would've turned out if she was just the average girl, not the First Daughter of Rutherland, and if she could've always been met with that sweet and understanding Ayna, not the lying and deceitful one. She wanted so much to trust Ayna again, wholeheartedly, she wanted to feel her touch, she wanted to be loved, she just really wanted to just let go.
“Or you could... use your fingers?” she finally finds her voice, unable to not want to feel Ayna all over her.
“Yes, I can do that,” Ayna says, and to comply, she slowly brings her hands over Kennedy's center, looking for any sign of objection but finding none. “Like this?”
“Yesss, just like that.”
“Can I kiss you?”
Ayna kisses Kennedy pouring her everything into it, and Kennedy feels it for what it was. If transcribed into words, it would probably say ”Please, forgive me. Please, let’s start again”.
Kennedy knows Ayna is following her lead, but she needs more. She knows Ayna won’t do anything she doesn’t signal that she wants. So with one hand she holds Ayna’s hand in place, and with the other she guides Ayna’s head towards one of her breasts.
And that felt so good, it was like she was being thoroughly consumed. A powerful desire to simply belong to Ayna begins to rise from deep within Kennedy’s heart, overriding any sick trick her mind was attempting to throw at her. She needed to know what that felt like.
“I need to... to feel you... inside.”
It was impossible for that request not to be met with compliance, so Ayna slid one finger through Kennedy’s opening, and then another, and with each thrust, she is taken closer and closer to that point of infinite bliss.
The part of her who still had some lingering doubts was being thoroughly massacred, and as much as Kennedy feared it, she was also glad to see it go. Even if it tried to tell her to be smarter, to draw a line, to keep away from Ayna and all the potential heartache she represented, none of that was enough to make her stop feeling everything else this woman made her feel, and loving Ayna felt so, so much better.
So in between ragged breaths and with a strained voice, she can’t stop herself from saying “I love you.”
Ayna buries her head into Kennedy’s neck, her movements gaining a boost of energy as she picks up her pace. When she feels Kennedy slipping into oblivion, she curls her fingers to draw it out as much as possible.
“Let it go, Kennedy. Let go for me.”
“Yes... oh god, yes.” Yes, let’s please just start again.
Kennedy’s whole world goes spinning as a thousand stars explode right behind her eyes and she cries out in ecstasy, letting go of everything.
She gets back from her high and is met with the sight of a very smiling Ayna lying on her stomach. “How are you feeling?” Ayna asks grinning lopsidedly.
Honestly? “So fucking liberated.”
That prompts laughter out of Ayna and Kennedy loves the sound of it. “Well, I love the enthusiasm”.
They snuggle close together, Kennedy now resting her head in Ayna’s chest, while the TA drapes her arms around the younger woman’s shoulders, “And you. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
And there it is again, the infectious grin in Ayna’s face. God, this woman is beautiful.
They spend a few minutes enjoying the quiet together, occasionally offering small kisses, lacing hands together and exchanging soft caresses, until Ayna asks, “Can you stay tonight?”
Kennedy stiffens. "I don’t think that would be a very good idea.”
“Oh, ok. I understand.”
“I’m sorry, I-“
“Hey, it’s ok, Kennedy, really. Tonight’s been a crazy ride, your mother’s still campaigning and the Peace Summit is right around the corner. I really understand.” She then adds a little sheepishly, “Can you stay for a few more minutes?”
“Yeah, but just a few more minutes."
"I'll take it," Ayna answers with a small genuine grin, diffusing the situation, and they settle against one another again, each lost in their own thoughts as to what this night represented. As messy as her feelings had been, Kennedy was thankful this happened. It felt so good to be nested comfortably in Ayna's arms, she just had to hold on to this feeling and let her heart heal.
After many more minutes, Kennedy moves, mumbling quietly, "I should go."
Ayna places a kiss on Kennedy’s forehead and disentangles herself from the younger woman. “Ok.”
Kennedy jumps out of bed searching for her scattered clothes while Ayna puts on a robe. Once they’re both redressed and composed, the TA laces her fingers with Kennedy's as she leads them towards the apartment door.
“Tonight was pretty great,” Kennedy said once they reached the door, feeling like offering Ayna reassurance. She didn't want the TA to be fretting all night long as she had a feeling this is just what might happen.
“Yeah, it was.”
“I know we still have things to work through, but... I do want this, I promise." Kennedy holds both Ayna's hands in her own and waves their joined hands for extra effect, "This won’t be gone by the morning.”
Ayna's face light up in a huge smile. "For as long as you’re willing to not close the door on us, I’m going to do everything I can to show you can trust me again." She leans in to steal one last kiss. “I’m all in, Kennedy. I love you.”
“I love you too. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.”
With that Kennedy leaves, heart full of hope. Who said burnt bridges can't be rebuilt? This time around, maybe it'll be much stronger, and no amount of fire would be able to burn it down.
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brelione · 4 years
Neon (Sarah Cameron x Reader)
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This Is That Good Gay Shit Right Here
It had been study period.You sat across the table from Sarah at the library in the large kook school.You werent really a kook,you just had the money of one.You acted and dressed like a pogue and your friends were pogues as well.You didnt wear your school uniform.Instead you wore JJ Maybanks shirt and a bracelet that Pope had made you.You hung out around the boys a lot,every single day.You’d go surfing with them and drink cheap beer.You wore John B’s socks and the boys would often tease you about the school you went to full of rich princesses.Sarah watched everything you did.You did the same thing every single study period.You’d take out the same notebook every time and sketch lines out with a pencil.When there was two minutes left of the period she watched as you’d grab a neon marker and swipe strokes across the paper precisely.The things she’d do to know what you spent so much time drawing.She never got any studying done during study period,she was too busy watching you.She watched as your nose would scrunch up when you messed up a line or how you would throw your hair back aggressively when it got in your way.She was just so fascinated by you.
It had been a bad morning for Sarah.She hadnt been able to get a good breakfast or do her hair properly or even have a nice cup of coffee.She was at her locker,chatting with Kiara when she saw you.You were wearing some rather short shorts and a neon blue striped shirt.She couldnt help but stare at you.You looked amazing,hair up in a messy bun,a generous amount of bracelets on your wrist that you had collected over the years and that neon shirt.You were so effortlessly gorgeous she just couldnt wrap her head around it. “What are you looking at?”Kiara asked.Sarah laughed it off,saying she zoned out but couldnt help but stare at you out of the corner of her eye.She knew you and Kiara were close friends in the eighth grade but had drifted a bit.She looked you up and down multiple times,eyes falling to a mark on your jaw.She couldnt quite tell what it was but she knew it wasnt a birth mark.She had looked over your face so many times she could probably draw it from memory.
Neon streaks covered your hair.Pink,green and blue.The morning had been a rather chilly one.You wore a thin brown leather jacket over a white crop top,not that the crop top could be seen due to your arms and jacket covering your torso.Sarah knew it was fake leather.She had heard you talking about your love and appreciation for cows so she knew that you’d never wear something made out of their skin.She stared at the neon streaks in your hair,the way the light reflected off of the colorful streaks and how two neon yellow pieces of hair framed your face.Only you could pull off that look,she thought.She had never actually spoken to you but she felt that she knew you so well.Noone hated you,no one even disliked you.You didnt fit in in any way shape or form but there was something about you that just dragged everyone in.Every night before she went to bed Sarah would scroll through your instragram.It was a public account because clearly you didnt really care about who followed you and who saw you.Her thumb would hover over the follow button but she never pressed it.
Neon pink was the color of the bikini you were wearing when she saw you on the beach.The bottoms were high waisted,your hair up in a bun and she couldnt help but think about how brilliant your boobs looked in that top.You were sitting next to JJ Maybank,giggling about something as you talked to him.She wanted to be the one to make you giggle like that.JJ said something to you and you nodded before he ran off.You rolled your eyes,continuing to walk by the water.Sarah watched as you bent over to pick something up.She watched as your face of happiness became one of worry.She watched as you ran to find a stick and a leaf.She watched as you got a small creature onto the leaf and ran down to the water,placing the leaf down.She grinned as you were smiling again,scooting the creature along.She took a deep breath,walking down the sandy hills towards you. “Hi, (Y/N),right?”She asked.She didnt have to ask.She knew your first,middle and last name.She knew your siblings names,your pets names,your parents names,your cousins names.She knew your favorite foods,your zodiac sign and your favorite animal.She had spent hours stalking your instagram and going through the people you followed to find your mother.Once she found your moms instagram she found her facebook and that lead to Sarah learning many details about your life.You nodded,turning to see the blonde. “Sarah Cameron.”You nodded.She blushed.She never knew her name would sound so good coming from you. “So,what brings you to the beach on this lovely morning?”You asked.SHe shrugged. “Just...hanging out.”She replied.You nodded. “You want me to hang out with you?”You smirked.She blushed. “Sure,umm do you maybe wanna come to my house?”
Neon green was the color you painted you painted your nails while the two of you were hanging out at her house a week later. “Hey (Y/N)?”Sarah asked as she held a pillow to her chest,wresting her chin on it. “Yeah?”You asked.Sarah blushed,squealing into her pillow.That caused you to look at her with furrowed eyebrows.The boys never acted like this.Sarah was really quite different from the guys.She was stunning and giggled a lot and made your heart thump. “So like-do you like anyone right now?”She asked.You sighed.Why?Why that question?What the hell were you supposed to say?You just shrugged. “Oh my god!You’re blushing!Who is it?”Sarah faked enthusiasm.She wanted to frown and roll her eyes but that would definitely give it away. “God,Sarah.You ask so many questions.Why dont you just guess?”You asked.She bit her lip,staring at your bright finger nails. “Well...where do those little marks on your jaw come from?”She asked.You laughed. “You can say the word hickey,Sarah.”You grinned.You and JJ had a sort of friends with benefits thing going on.It wasnt exclusive or anything,just something to do when you were bored or horny or whenever you were mad.
He had always had the biggest smirk on his face afterwards.He’d ask you who you had thought about during it.You never told him. “Just because I have hickeys doesnt mean I like someone.”You replied.She frowned. “How can you do that?Like do someone and then not have any thoughts or feelings afterwards?”She asked.You smiled,blowing on your fingernails. “I just think of someone else.”You shrugged.She gasped. “So you do like someone!”She exclaimed. “Whats the first letter of his name?”She asked.You rolled your eyes,butterflies building in your stomach. “S.”You repled.She bit her cheek. “Seth?”She asked.You shook your head. “Whats the next letter?”She asked.You bit the inside of your cheek. “A.”You told her.She’d have to catch up eventually.Her eyebrows furrowed. “Uh...Sam?”She asked.You shook your head with a big grin. “The next letter is R.”You told her.She’d have to get it eventually.Her heart thumped a bit and she tried not to blush.
She was getting really excited at the possibility that it could be her.No boys name had those three letters in a row. “Next letter please.”She pouted.You blushed,looking away from her. “A.”You told her.She raised her eyebrows,eyes darting around the room. “Is it a girl?”She asked.You nodded,nervous for her reaction.She could have squealed in that moment. “Im Bi,Sarah.”You told her.She held her head in her hands. “Same.”She replied.You gasped quietly. “Shut up!”You exclaimed.She giggled. “Wait-is it Sarah Carpenter?Shes kind of a bitch,dont you think?”She asked.You bit on your lip. “Sarah,its you.”You avoided her gaze.You didnt even notice her lunging forward and wrapping her arms around you tightly and kissing your forehead. “This is really embarrassing-but ive liked you since the beginning of ninth grade.”She grinned.You giggled,kissing her nose. “Are you serious right now?”You asked.She nodded. “Dead serious.”She replied.
 “Why didnt you talk to me or something?”You asked.She bit her lip. “I didnt know that you were into girls!”She exclaimed.You rolled your eyes,sure that your face couldnt be any more red. “Sarah,I have dyed hair,short nails and I cuff my jeans.It couldnt be any more obvious.”You kissed her cheek.She looked down at her lips,pecking them gently.There was a knock at the door.You pulled away from eachother. “So yeah,grilled cheese sandwiches are so much better than tuna and if-Oh,hey rafe.”You greeted the tall boy standing at the door. “dinner.”He said quietly,winking at you before leaving.You and Sarah laughed,going downstairs.
Neon pink was the color of the beaded bracelet Sarah had made for you.That bracelet was tied to your wrist as you stared at Sarah.Her white dress,the diamond crown on her head as she held your hands. “You may kiss your bride.”Pope read off.You kissed Sarah gently,holding onto her waist.You rested your head on her shoulder as you hugged,JJ and Kiara screaming from the crowd and clapping loudly.Dear god youd think they would be the ones getting married with how excited they were.Sarah sung the words to We Fell In Love In October into your ear as you danced together.She kissed your cheek,your temple and your collarbone as she giggled.You had never loved anyone more,nor had you ever been happier.JJ had literally tackled you after the ceremony,spinning you around. “YOU GOT THE GIRL,BITCH!”He shouted.You laughed,punching him lightly on the shoulder.Kiara hugged you as well. “I’ve gotta get married next now,dont I?”She asked,glancing over at Pope.You nodded. “Hell yeah.”You replied,slapping her arm in excitement. “This is some great ass cake.Why the neon frosting though?”Rafe asked,poking at the frosting with his fork.He had somehow gotten off the drugs and stopped being such an asshole...most of the time.Sarah laughed,shrugging. “My baby loves neon.”She replied,watching in awe as you danced around with your cousin,dress twirling at your feet.
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Think Twice Part 5
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“I am going to make sure you never even think of touching my girl ever again. I am going to make sure you wish you never even met her.”
Seth Rollins X OC X Jon Moxley/ Dean Ambrose 
Rated: M 
Warning: Some smut smut 
Tag Team: @sithstatlander​​ @xladyxfatex @awkward-teenaged-girl @steadysuitcasepurseranch @themansbliss​​ @katelynirwinhemmingsclifordhood​ @strwbrryshrtckexo​​ @bluedragonfly678​​ @luleelurah @mohawkmama​​ @foreverthenerdprincess​​ @aujenaeblaze​​ @missnena2194​​ @suicidepanda07​​ @kelseyann2002​​ @princessminjikwon​​ @nerdgirlsblog​​ @multi-stan-kpop​​ @redz0mbie​​ @thebornalpha @acon1120​​ @jonsmoxley​​ @dayasvalkyrie​​ @goddessofhardrock​​ @1dluver13xx​​ marismar @vampirepixi​​ @dietwrestling​​ @asktvhead​​ @moxslilangel2020​​ @chynagirl13​  
Seth POV.
“Fuck,” I cussed as they moved inside the house. Alexa lived on the fourth floor. It would be nearly impossible for me to see what was going on up there. Even, I could, Alexa had dark blinds and I had no way of getting in to get near the room to hear. Not that I wanted to. I had a pretty good guess where this night was going. I didn’t like to think about this guess either. The thought of her with anyone else had anger brewing in my soul.
Buddy grabbed my shoulder as he pulled me back, “I know you love her, a lot, but this stalking thing is getting creepy, man. Are you sure there isn’t another way to go around this?”
“You know what type of guy Dean is,” I snapped at Buddy. “He’s lying about his identity. I need to know she is safe.”
“Why don’t you just tell her who he actually is?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow to me. “Then we wouldn’t have to waste all this time following her around on these dates.”
“She wouldn’t believe me. Plus, he has information that could ruin me. I don’t trust him not to tell her to ruin me. If he can’t have her, he won’t let me have her.”
“Aren’t you doing the same thing?” Buddy asked. “We are stalking her on these dates after all.”
“It’s not the same. I had her first. Aria was mine for longer. I swear, he didn’t want her until he saw her with me. He stopped at nothing to take her from me. He filled her head with lies about me. She never believed I could cheat on her until Dean filled her head with lies.”
“You did cheat though. At least with Becky. I am unsure about the other girls.”
Buddy wasn’t around when Aria’s and my problems started. He knew that Becky and my relationship wasn’t exactly platonic. I wouldn’t say I fully cheated. We barely kissed. We did send some nudes and probably talked about things we shouldn’t. Nothing more. I made a mistake. Aria would have seen that eventually if Dean hadn’t come in and swept her away. We could have worked through it. Like we did, when I caught her kissing Dean.
“She did too. Our relationship isn’t easy to explain, but I love her and promised her father I would always look after her. Dean Ambrose is a dangerous man especially when it comes to her. He will do anything to have her. I mean look at what he is doing now. He changed his identity and made her believe that she just met him when she has known him since she was nineteen. Do you really think she is safe around a man who can’t even tell her who he truly is? Not to mention the last time he saw her. He helped cause the injury that ended her career. He knows she would never forgive him which is a good enough reason to change his identity.”
I shook my head as I lead Buddy across the yard and back to my car. There was no point in sitting out here anymore. I had to go home and plan. Ambrose, Mox, whoever he was. Better enjoy this while it lasted.
Aria’s POV
Jon pushed me against the wall as soon as we got into the apartment. He kicked the door shut with his foot. He pulled away briefly to ask, “Are you sure your roommate is gone?”
“Yeah, she’s with her new boyfriend. She is spending the night. She told me she wouldn’t be back until tomorrow.” I assured him. I patted softly as I tried to catch my breath. “Unless I need her, of course. I don’t think I will though.” I giggled a bit. His eyes were locked onto mine as his hand went up to my cheek. The pad of his thumb moving down my cheek before he leaned in capturing my lips. Both of his hands moved down my body to my legs where he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him tightly.
He used the wall to get a good grip before pulling me off. “Where is your bedroom?” He asked. I didn’t think his voice could get any deeper. The husk in it made my heart stop.
“It’s the second door on the right. After the bathroom,” I told him. He nodded as he carried me there. He pushed the door open with his back and then pushed me back against it to close it again. The intense makeout started back up. His lips devoured mine.
This was definitely not something that I would normally do or ever thought I would. I hadn’t had very many relationships besides Seth to have this happen. The thought had crossed my mind what I would do in this situation and I always said we had to at least be seeing each other for a month. Seth and I didn’t start having sex until maybe three or four months into our relationship. There was just a connection we had that I could never explain. I needed him.
He moved me towards the bed and laid me down. I hadn’t realized until I felt the sheet against my back that he had taken off mine. He moved up to take off his fast before meeting my lips again. I moved my hands to his jeans to undo them but he pushed them back over my head. He held them there as he kissed down my neck, letting me know he was in control. He moved his free hand behind my back to take off my bra, his lips moved down from my neck and onto my chest. His free hand cupped onto my breast squeezing it tightly, as he moved his lips between my breasts. I tried my best to fight his grip on my wrists, but his hold was too tight. My back arched as his lips wrapped around my left nipple, his tongue swirled around my nipple. I pressed my legs together trying to get some relief. A moan escaped my lips as I pressed my hips up. Jon moved his hand down to my legs as he rubbed in between them. I heard a pop as he released my nipple. “Do you have any condoms?” He asked into my ear. “I didn’t bring any. It was the first date. I didn’t think it would get this far.”
I slowly shook my head, “No, I didn’t really think about it either.” I bit my lip. “Do you want to stop?”
He shook his head as his fingers dove into my dripping core. He moved back down the bed getting onto his knees on the floor, taking my shorts down with him. Before I could even say anything, I felt his hot breath between my legs. His tongue licked up the length of my slit, moving up and down a few more times, before his thumb started to stroke my clit as his tongue plunged into me. He didn’t have much hair on top of his head, but I still held on to the little bit. I pulled his hair digging my nails into his scalp. His tongue was swirling deep into my depths as his thumb pressed harder against my clit every second. My legs wouldn’t stop shaking as my stomach began to twist in knots. I could feel my orgasm starting to build in my body. My moans and whimpers echoed out throughout the room. I hoped none of the neighbors could hear me. The walls were paper thin. I didn’t really care. It had been so long since I had felt this good. My eyes were rolling back into my head.
He replaced his tongue with two of his fingers and placed his lips against my clit. His fingers curled right on my g spot. My walls clenched tightly against it. He wrapped his arm around my waist holding it as he sucked my clit tightly. I screamed as the shocks sent me over the edge. I could feel my walls contract against his fingers as my cum came pouring out. He rubbed my clit slowly as I came down from my high.
He got up from his knees and stood up. I slowly pulled myself up from the bed. I got onto my knees the best I could. I was still shaking a bit. He looked down at me shocked as my hands undid his belt. He didn’t stop me as I pulled his pants down just far enough for his erection to spring free. I wrapped my lips around the tip, licking up the precum off of it. He groaned softly as his hands raked through my hair. I held onto the base of his cock as I slowly started taking him in. I moved slowly, moving at a steady pace, but getting lower onto him each time. My hand reached up and gently cupped his balls.
Once I had most of his dick inside my mouth, I felt him begin to move deeper into my throat. He took over for me, fucking into my face. I hollowed my cheeks and let him have it. Tears flooded my eyes, but I didn’t care. I loved his thick cock rubbing against the back of my throat. I wish I could have felt it inside me. Felt it stretch my insides. Not this time though. I could settle for this tonight. I knew after tonight, I wouldn’t be able to stay away.
I soon felt him suddenly pull his dick out of my mouth as he came all over my face and chest. I could feel his warm semen on me. I wasn’t really a fan of this. I would rather just swallow it, but It didn’t bother me much. I let out a small giggle. “Next time, just go in my mouth.”
“I don’t know. I like you this way better. You look sexy with my cum all over you. Plus this means we can shower together.” He said with a wink
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thirstaidkitpodcast · 4 years
We don’t like to brag but our listeners are the best because they send us drabbles that make us swoon and giggle and we immediately put them aside so we can share the wealth on air. And so we did it again... 
We demolished the fourth wall to bring forth some of our amazingly talented thirst-buckets’ output. Quarantine has transformed you all from thirst-Padawans to thirst-Jedi Knights. May the thirst be forever in your favor. 
Or something.
So we got a drabble about John Boyega from Rae ...
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...and one from Mélissa about Andy Samberg...
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...and Mélissa AGAIN with a Seth Rogen drabble...
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... and one from Syahidah about Pedro Pascal...
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...and this one from Brooke in San Francisco about Aidan Turner that we promised to post in full but had to cut short on air cos it WAS HELLA LONG. (you people do not listen when we say to keep it short... 😂)
I pretended not to watch Aidan as he deftly swept Sternos into a bin, while I attempted to roll the stained and crumb-speckled tablecloths into vaguely organized lumps. Every encounter had made me like him a little bit more, and this was the twelfth shift we’d worked together since Lisa hired him to help during wedding season. Lately, being near him felt like a study in how much of an ass I could make of myself while desperately trying not to reveal that something as innocuous as seeing him button up his standard-issue black catering vest sparked a florid blush that mottled my chest and tinged the tips of my ears pink. The anxiety of this devastatingly hopeless crush was becoming unbearable.
Aidan jiggled his armful of Sternos at me and nodded at the pile of polyester fabric, blasting me with the full force of his canine grin. “Need any help with those? They’re kind of heavy, not to mention super gross. I’m pretty sure I saw a kid blow his nose in that one.”
I tried to maintain casual eye contact and not stare at his gleaming teeth or the light stubble shading his mouth and jaw. The word “wolf” pulsed somewhere in the back of my brain, like an alarm bell. Wolf. Wolf. Wolf.
“I’m good, thanks. Although by the end of this we’ll be able to tell just how many people chose the fish by smelling me.” I laughed weakly at my own non-joke, feeling a prickling heat creeping up the back of my neck. Oh god. Had I just said the words “smelling me” to this man?
Aidan twinkled at me, a closed-mouth smile dancing on his lips. Ignoring both my rejection of his help and my reference to smelling like half-eaten salmon, he started loading the piles into the laundry bins in the back of the van. With his back still turned to me, he called out, “So, um. What’s your schedule looking like this weekend?” I immediately snapped out of a lucid daydream of us dressed like the cover of a romance novel, me stroking the dark hair on his forearms while he held me from behind, passionately kissing my neck. If he wanted me to take his shift at the Osario-Miller wedding on Sunday, he had another thing coming. I may have it bad, but I’d already had my fill of bridezillas this month. “Sorry, dude, there’s no way I’m taking your Sunday shift. I got burnt out from just reading the bride’s notes for the menu. What even is a ‘paleo vegan cocktail’?”
Aidan barked out a laugh and turned back to face me, “I don’t think anyone knows.” His usual cocksure smile faltered a bit, and there was a curious expression on his face I’d never seen before. “But, actually, I was wondering if you were free on Friday? My sister gave me tickets to this Shakespeare in the Park thing, and I remembered you said that you were an English major back in college, and I thought…” he trailed off, running a hand through his mass of dark curls. “Anyway, if you’re busy that’s okay. But if you’re free, I thought we could go. We could also get food before, if you want. There’ll be food trucks there.”
I was suddenly keenly aware of the wet grass soaking the bottom of my pant legs, the hum of insects and retreating wedding guests, the sharp smell of the disinfectant we’d swabbed on the chafing dishes. Is this what a dissociative episode felt like – an acumination of all your senses? From somewhere outside my body I heard a voice. Mine. “Sure, that would be fun.”
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Brooke... you did that. Aidan approves.
We also answered a couple questions that came from right here on Tumblr! Hi, Tumblr! plus a couple of Thirst Sommelier requests... SOmeone was looking for a new crush to give them that Lin Manuel Miranda vibe (broad church!) and another was desperate for a replacement to fill the Terry Crews-shaped gap on her thirst vision board. We did our best and we think we gave a few suggestions that were happy-making. 
Thank you all for sending us your thirsts, big and small. We appreciate you more than you can ever know. Y’all are the best. 💜❤️
You can listen to the whole episode RIGHT HERE (more ways to listen are listed below).
Subscribe to get new episodes delivered to your device automatically every Thursday. We’re on Apple and Stitcher and Podbean and Google Play and Overcast and iHeartRadio and Spotify and and and… Search ‘Thirst Aid Kit’ wherever you get your podcasts, and we’ll come up. Promise.
We’re on Twitter at @thirstaidkit. We don’t get to read all your drabbles out on the show but please know that we appreciate you sending them in! If you’ve got one for us, please keep it short! and send to [email protected]. And if you have the time and inclination, please feel free to leave a (five star? 👀) rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Thank you! 
Stay cute and thirsty, but also be safe, OK? Mask up, stay home, and save lives. We appreciate you. 😘💜
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Welcome to Oblivion-Ch. 18
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Chapter 18
           Sonya pulled a jacket out of her closet and held it out to me. “What about this?”
           I stepped out of the bathroom we shared with our suite mates; my hair still wrapped around the curling wand. The jacket was made of short, black leather with a silver buckled belt on the waist. “You don’t think it’s too much?”
           She draped it over the side of my bed. “Nah,” she replied looking over the rest of my outfit. “I’ve got some really nice boots that might look good, too.”
           “Sonya, I’m not…” I caught myself before I said something I would regret. “Are you sure I’m not trying to do too much?”
           “Addy, sweetheart,” she said, taking the curling wand from my hand. She swatted me out of the way as she took over my hair. “I’ve known Dean Ambrose practically as long as I’ve known Roman. Trust me.”
           While she finished curling and styling my hair, I put the finishing touches on my makeup. Things had been easy and natural with Roman. With Dean… I didn’t know how it was going to go. It felt like I was putting way too much effort into it.
           Twenty minutes later, I was standing in front of the mirror in a pair of strategically shredded straight legged jeans, a burgundy tank top, Sonya’s jacket and a pair of white wedged sneakers. My hair was curled and twisted into a high ponytail. My makeup was just dramatic enough o set off my eyes and cheekbones, but not so much that it made me look different.
           “I feel so weird,” I huffed to Sonya one last time. She stuffed my phone, my keys, my ID, and some cash into a wristlet purse and tucked it into my hand.
           She waved me into silence. “You look hot. And Dean is gonna die when he sees you.”
           I paced the lounge in the dorm, clutching Sonya’s loaned purse in my fingers. Dean was supposed to pick me up at eight and the clock was ticking fast toward it. I leaned against the wall near where Drew was sitting with Nya Jax, one of the girls who lived on the third floor. He let out a low whistle when he saw me.
           “Roman’s going to have fits,” the Scotsman said when he looked me up and down. “You look good, Addy.”
           “Thanks, Drew, but… um…” I tucked my hair behind my ears nervously. “I’m…”
           Nya chuckled and jerked her head toward the door. “I don’t think she’s dressed like that for Roman.”
           I looked up and caught sight of Dean waiting in the quad. He was in a pair of well-tailored jeans, a fitted black Henley, and a thick, warm looking leather jacket. There was a grey beanie tugged over his auburn hair. There was a grin on his face as I waved goodnight to Drew and Nya.
           The wind bit into me as I hurried out the door toward him. His grin got bigger as he crossed toward me with determination in his step. The moment I was within reach, he pulled me against his chest and slipped his fingers around the back of my neck, tilting my head to his liking as he kissed me as if was a perfectly normal thing to do.
           “Hey there, princess,” he said, his voice deep and gruff. Dean stroked his thumb against my jaw. His denim blue eyes searched my face. “Come on, let’s get you somewhere warm.”
           Dean tucked me against his side and walked quickly toward the parking lot beside Felton Hall. He walked straight to a matte grey Chevy and opened the door. I didn’t know anything about cars, but I could tell that it was old and in pretty good condition. Dean smiled nervously as I slid inside, careful not to touch anything.
           He slid into the driver’s side and started the engine. It roared to life as he pulled out of the lot. He drove slowly down the street that circled the outside of the campus, his fingers twitching on the gearshift as if he couldn’t wait to open it up.
           A moment later, he pulled out onto the main street. The engine growled as he hit the gas, tearing off town the mountain road toward town. We drove in silence for a while. I looked down at my clutched hands, thinking that maybe this whole thing was a bad idea. They were wrong about this. It wasn’t what they thought it was.
           Dean pulled his beanie off and ran his hand through his fluffed hair. I watched him from the corner of my eye, wondering what he was thinking. “You look nice tonight,” I said quietly, not sure if he cared.
           His lips tipped upward in a lopsided smile. In the dim light, I could see a faint blush run over his cheeks. “You’re beautiful,” he replied. “All the time.”
           I caught my bottom lip between my teeth and looked away, suddenly shy under his attention. He reached over and took my hand, his fingers warm and calloused against mine. Time ticked by slowly and bought with it a sense of calm and ease.
           “What kind of car is this?” I asked after a while. The sound of the engine purred against my eardrums, soothing me almost into a sleep-like stupor. I snuggled down into the leather seat and turned my head toward him.
           He flexed his hand on the steering wheel. “Camaro. 1967.” The words came out matter of fact, as if that was the end of the conversation.
           I sighed and looked out the windshield. “Where are we going?”
           Dean’s body visibly relaxed. “There’s a pub downtown. Thought you might like something different than a traditional jock style date.”
           I grinned as I turned toward him. “So you think Ro does jock dates?”
           He grinned broadly in response. “Let me guess… burgers on the tailgate at the lookout?” I nodded reluctantly. “Movies and the steakhouse? And… the pizza joint?”
           “Two for three, Ambrose,” I said, shaking my head sadly. “We’ve never been to the steakhouse.”
           “Ro’s slacking, then. That’s clear first date material for a jock.” His words were harsh, but teasing. I’d known him long enough to know that Roman was his best friend. Teasing and ragging on each other was their love language.
           I felt my mouth curve into a smirk. “And what kind are you?”
           We pulled up to a stoplight and he turned fully toward me. His eyes were a dark blue that bordered on gunmetal when he grinned. “The one your momma warned you about.”
           “Then why am I on a date with you?”
           He revved the engine, pulling out the moment the light turned green. “Because you’re the kinda girl who doesn’t listen to her momma.”
           The pub was a dimly lit hole in the wall sort of place that you would find somewhere in Europe. A long, well-polished bar stretched down one side, mismatched stools lining up along it. The other side of the room had a row of booths separated by antique looking stained glass dividers. A dart board hung on the back wall in the center of a green foam block to protect the wall from stray throws. There was a pool table in the center of the room beneath an old-fashioned style ceiling lamp. Dean led the way to one of the booths near the back, his hand tight on mine as we went.
           He stood aside and let me slide onto the bench. Then, instead of taking the seat on the opposite side of the table, he plopped into place next to me. I was clearly and desperately aware of how warm he was, how the stubble on his cheek was a mix of auburn and brown and blond, and how his cologne smelled like something spicy and sharp. He tucked an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side.
           “So… what’s your poison, princess?” he queried, pulling a menu in front of him. He flipped straight to the drink list. “They don’t have many of those fruity cocktail things here.”
           I let my eyes walk down the list. Alcohol had never really been my thing. My parents never really had a ban against it, and I’m sure they wouldn’t have gotten upset if I had gotten smashed at home, but I’d never had more than a mixed drink before. A margarita at best. A daiquiri or two.
           I tried to convince myself to try something. It seemed like the thing to do. Dean had brought me here for a reason. I’d known almost as long as I’d known him that Dean was one of those guys who drank every now and then. And it shouldn’t have surprised me that he’d get a drink on our date. But I couldn’t quite bring myself to order anything—truth be told, I wasn’t much inclined to it.
           A waitress stopped at our table. She looked vaguely familiar with long blonde hair died pink at the ends. I tried desperately to figure out where I knew her from. “Can I get y’all something to drink?”
           Dean looked at me first. I licked my lips and took a breath. “Coke… or Pepsi. Whichever you have.”
           He raised a brow and smirked. “You want anything in that?”
           I looked him in his teasing blue eyes, feeling the knot of nervousness release in my chest. “Ice. And a cherry.”
           The laugh that dropped out of him made me feel bright on the inside. His eyes crinkled as his smirk turned into a grin and then a smile. “I’ll have the same,” he said, not looking away from me. “But put some Jack in mine.”
           The waitress nodded her understanding and bobbed off to the bar. Dean nudged me gently with his forehead. “You’re one of those straight edge types, aren’t you? Like Seth.” My expression must have let him know I wasn’t familiar with the categorization. “You know, no alcohol, no drugs, that sort of thing.”
           I nodded in understanding. “Well, definitely on the no drugs side. But I’m not against alcohol. I just don’t drink it much. And definitely not on a first date, Dean Ambrose.”
           Dean grinned easily. It was something that I’d noticed about him early on. And when he smiled—actually smiled—it was breathtaking. He was easy to be around. But he was intense in a way that made me think thoughts that made my heart race.
           “Like this, look,” he said as we stood six or seven feet from the dart board. Dean stood behind me, holding a bundle of darts in one fist and settling the fingers of his other hand on my wrist. He pulled my hand up in near alignment with my eye line. “You’ve got to line it up. And don’t let go so late. They’re gonna make me pay for the gouges in the floor.”
           He’d convinced me to play darts and, when he’d quickly realized I had no idea what to do, had resolved to teach me. We’d been at it for half an hour, but I was no closer to hitting the bullseye than I had been at the beginning. But he seemed to like teaching. Or maybe he liked the fact that he was pressed up against me, his chest slotting firmly against my back.
           “I’m done,” I said breathily, slapping my free hand on his forearm. “I’m tapping out. If you’re so good at it, then you do it.”
           He smirked in a devilish sort of way. “What’s in it for me?”
           “What do you want?” The words were out before I could stop myself. The twinkle in his eyes was a clear indication that I’d made a very bad decision.
           Dean leaned close to my ear and dropped a teasing, lingering kiss on the side of my throat. “Five minutes of making out for every bullseye.”
           I watched him carefully for a moment, deciding whether I was willing to take that bet. He’d thrown a few shots earlier and had hit the target, but nowhere near the center. His last drink had been over an hour ago, so I couldn’t count on alcohol messing with his aim. And honestly, as much as I tried to convince myself that I was taking the bet because I was sure he’d lose it… I desperately wanted him to win it.
           His brows lifted toward his hairline, clearly surprised that I’d taken the bait. “All right then.”
           He wriggled his shoulders, warming up exactly as I’d seen him do in the cage. He took a deep breath and let it out then, one by one, threw the darts in his fist.
           And one by one… two, three, four, five, six… they lodged in the bullseye. The first two shots fell out when the third landed, to which he was quick to shout, “Those still count!”
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@mox-made-me-do-it​ @vebner37​
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
The Brightest Star Pt.05
Celestial Confessions
Pairing: Thor x Reader     Word Count: 6,984
Masterpost     Warnings: language, fluff, angst
A/N: I am so sorry that it has taken so long to get an update out for this. As most of you know, I have signed up for quite a few challenges and some of those have turned into series of their own so, please forgive me for the delays. I am still very much discovering what I want this story to be so I thank you for your patience. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
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“Ouch.” You whisper, the slice of the knife on your finger shallow.
Almost no blood. Cutting cheese is hard.
A quick anxious glance shot over your shoulder at your bedroom’s wide open door while you press the slice to your lips to suck the flow to a stop.
Had he heard you?
When no one comes you turn back to your tray.
You’ve got a nice layout, crackers, cheese, ruby red apple slices, and midnight purple grapes to accompany the blackberry, blueberry, and raspberry red blend wine.
It’s a dusky taste, clinging and deep, the tart flavor dulled by the fruity aroma. You fill two glasses, plate them along with your selection of fruit and cheese, and with an excited heart head back in search of Thor.
He’s right where you left him at the mouth of your balcony doorway gazing out at the Eden you’ve created.
The long elegant lines of his limbs, strong bulging biceps, and as he turns to you, an electric blue eye accompanied by the other in amber all draw you breathless.
Your feet falter as he smiles at you. The soft curve of his lips gentle and inviting.
You’re at a loss. Complete and utter bewilderment as to how or why this God is in your home, smiling at you as if you were some sort of gift.
Deftly he eyes your tray. “Goodies?”
That deep tremor of his voice nearly chokes you. It fills you up with too much giddiness and you chuckle stupidly.
“Sorry.” You clear your throat. “Yeah, some cheese and fruit. Some wine. It’s not expensive. I don’t really have a refined palate but this one has always been my favorite.”
A twenty-seven dollar bottle of wine. That’s what you like.
“I’m sure it’s wonderful.” Thor smiles, moving towards you with strong confident steps.
Despite the kisses he'd given you only an hour ago, your own confidence wavers. You shrink as he approaches, just slightly. Just enough for him to notice.
He doesn’t stop walking until he’s standing right in front of you.
You stare up into his eyes, holding his gaze as he peers down at you. Happily. That small tempting curve of his lips so sweet and seductive all at once.
“Allow me.” He says, takes the tray and moves to set it on your coffee table behind you.
Once settled on the sofa, he pops in a grape then reaches for a glass. He sniffs the wine, brow furrowed, then gives it a rapid taste.
Worried, you wait. Does he like it?
Slowly, he smiles. The soft yellow haze of light from the ceiling paints him warm.
“It’s delicious.” He assures you, gets back up when you don’t join him, and walks towards you with his glass in hand and yours in the other.
When he offers it, you take it and drink a quick sip.
So good.
“I love your garden.” He gestures over your shoulder at the open balcony doorway.
The crisp fall air is colder now that winter is even closer. Soon, you won’t be able to keep the door open.
You shiver lightly as the air wafts in towards you bringing with it the aromatic scent of a hundred different blooms.
“Thanks.” You smile, never taking your eyes off of him despite the fact that he’s looking at your garden and not you.
“It reminds me of the gardens my mother tended to on Asgard just outside the courtyard. She would spend hours watering and pruning. Really, it’s very beautiful, Y/N.” He nods then finally brings his gaze back to meet yours.
Beaming you take a sip of your wine again and smile bashfully at him over the rim of your glass.
“I was too distracted last time I was here to notice.” He begins, voice sharp with a subtle playfulness.
It’s almost not even there. What he saw you doing with Jeremy must have really upset him.
Oh, shit.
“You know. Because you were busy.” The corners of his smiling lips twitch, eyes dazzling mischievously.
Lowering your glass, you reach up to wipe your lip, flashing back to that night of torture and bliss all rolled into one.
You’d been so heartbroken over Thor ghosting you but then so pleasantly satisfied and wanted by Jeremy.
When he'd made to leave the first time your heart had panicked. Being alone meant thinking about Thor and you’d been grateful for the reprieve that Jeremy had offered you.
“I'm…” You swallow hard, curling your wrist inwards to press your glass of wine against the side of your breast as you find the words. “I'm sorry you saw that.”
When you meet his gaze, Thor’s teasing light is gone as your own sincerity shimmers through your own. His smile falters and then slowly fades as you chew on your lip.
“I’m not strong, Thor. I’m…I mean, you’ve seen me with Nan and Seth. I needed to feel something other than incompetent that night and Jeremy has always been there for me in that sense. I definitely didn’t want you to see me…like that…And Jeremy and I aren’t—I mean, he has a girlfriend. So…it’s not like that with us.” Your cheeks are burning.
“Y/N…I don’t…” He begins but your stare seems to make him speechless. “I will not lie. I was rather hurt by what I saw.”
You breathe in slowly, heart racing.
“I have no right to be upset about you being in…in the arms of another man.” He nearly chokes on the words and clears his throat to cover up the hitch in his voice.
You breathe out, deflating under the nerves he’s betraying. You laugh, a small huff of air as a joy unlike any you’ve felt before warms your limbs.
The trickle of heat begins at the center of your chest and spreads out across your shoulders, along your arms, hip, legs, and down to your toes.
For him to be upset, it would have to mean that he likes you, right?
“What?” Thor asks, surprised by your amusement but also smiling again.
You shake your head, flat out refusing to admit to your source of giddiness and take another sip.
“Keeping secrets from me?” He asks playfully, stepping towards you.
You nod.
He takes another step and reaches out for your left arm.
You make to pull away, but he catches it, his touch burning but nowhere near your own body’s strange heat.
With your body pulling back, he chuckles and makes to pull you towards him but you turn into his left arm, to try and pull away as you chuckle but he uses your own move to wrap both his and your arm around your waist and pull you back against his chest.
His heart is pounding. A wild thrumming to match your own.
He smells like rain. Earth. The metallic sting of ozone saturated with a sweet floral scent. It’s intoxicating and melts all resistance you have as he leans down to rub the right side of his bearded face against your left.
He leans down more and more, scratching your cheek with his scruff until you’re no longer chuckling and he’s pressing his lips to your cheek.
The tension builds in seconds, making your body hum.
“Keep your secrets.” He whispers, his deep timber marks your soul. “As long as I can have you, I don’t care.”
He steals your breath. Romancing you sweetly and gently.
You turn your head to look at him and he dips down to kiss your lips before you can say anything.
Warm, wet lips, with the fruity taste of your favorite wine massage your own.
Slipping your left hand out from underneath his arm around your waist, you slide it up behind his head and stroke the soft waves of his short golden hair.
“Mmmm.” He mumbles against your lips making your hips ache and your stomach flutter.
The arm around your waist wraps you up tighter and he brings his right around your torso with his glass slowly teetering back and forth in his distracted state.
There’s a slosh and you feel it fall against your skirt.
Thor gasps, regrettably pulling back to look down over the pale blue of your dress.
“Damn. I’m sorry.” He frets.
Cloud nine. That’s where you’re still at. You open your eyes slowly, hovering in the bliss of Thor’s kiss but he’s distracted, removing his arms from around you as he meets your dreamy gaze.
“I should have been more careful.” He worries, his left hand still on your waist as he turns you around to face him.
Looking down at the stain, you smile and find your bearings.
“It's okay.” You shake your head. “I’ll just have Jeremy buy it from the designer and see if he can’t get someone to clean it up. I should go change though. Can’t spend the entire night in formal wear, right?”
Thor gives you a smile, his hand drifting up to caress the skin of your cheek. His fingers are so gentle. Slowly gliding from the back of your jaw all the way down to the curve of your chin.
“No.” He agrees. “I suppose you can’t. Go. Make yourself comfortable.”
You really hate to pull away, but you also do really want to get out of this dress. “I'll be right back.”
You make to pull away then turn back to him and push yourself up onto your toes, pulling him down by the silk lapels of his suit with your free hand.
He meets your peck with a smile, eyes wide open as you pass your glass of wine into his left hand.
“You should make yourself comfortable too. And…don’t go anywhere?” You ask, still a little unsure in your confidence with him. Does he want to stay longer?
“I'd rather be beaten than leave you again.” Thor jokes.
You are absolutely stunned when you walk out of your bathroom. Not just because Thor seems to have gone for pizza—you can smell the melted cheese and cooked toppings—but because as you move out and search for him, you find him staring out your wall of windows at the city below.
It glitters like starlight out before you, so high up, you’re immune to the sounds of it but can enjoy the display of lights.
Thor’s got his tuxedo jacket off, laid out on the bench at the foot of your bed, his bow tie pulled apart, left to dangle in the collar of his pressed button up which now has the top two buttons undone giving you a relaxed view of his sun-kissed clavicle.
He’s rolling up his sleeves to the elbow as he turns towards you.
He freezes too and you don’t realize he’s gawking until you remind yourself not to be an ogling creeper.
A slow smile spreads across your lips as you realize he’s ogling right back.
At what, you aren’t sure.
Your nightgown, like your wine, is also not fancy. A little feminine perhaps but comfortable. Soft white cotton that billows out around you as you start walking towards him again.
It ties at the top of both shoulders with ribbons made of shiny antique white satin, and the back falls very low. It curves down in a narrow U stopping just above your bum.
The bottom hem is a band of lace that drags across your concrete floors. The soft pat of your feet the only sound as you move to stand before him.
“Wow.” He whispers, then clears his throat because you smile and huff a small laugh.
“That’s what I was gonna say.” You admit, giving him a quick head to toe.
Chaotic, casual formal wear looks good on the God of Thunder.
Nervous, you reach up and begin to thumb your necklace.
Thor’s eyes are drawn to it, gazing at the polished black stone with its craters as the tip of your index finger slides over the smooth red gem that can only be seen if you tilt the stone up.
“What’s that?” He wonders, moving closer.
His hand slides over yours until you drop it and he takes hold of the rock.
“It’s the most important item that I own.” You admit, smiling stupidly up at him despite the depressing reality of the rock you wear daily.
“This little thing?” He asks genuinely curious.
You nod but since you don’t explain, he drops it to gesture at the coffee table. “I brought you dinner. I didn’t see you eat at Stark’s gala so I assumed-?”
“Thank you.” You’re touched. “I am starving. I didn’t get there until after dinner was over.”
Thor reaches down and takes your hand, heated digits tickling the center of your palm making you nearly quiver.
“Then come.” He tells you softly and pulls you towards the sofa.
The two of you settle on it and Thor quickly pushes the slices of apples off the plate you’d put them on and lifts the pizza box lid.
You’re awash in the delicious smell of bread, cheese, and tomato sauce. It makes your mouth water and you have to swallow as you watch Thor pile on slice after slice. One. Two. Three. Four slices.
“Wait…” You tell him, then chuckle as he places a fifth piece on the plate.
“What?” He asks, confused, stopping as he looks at you.
“I-” You chuckle again and watch as Thor’s eyes light up, his own lips pulling at the corners subtly. “I can’t eat all that, Thor.”
“Oh.” He quickly pushes three slices off and holds the plate out to you.
“Thanks.” You continue to chuckle to yourself. Amused by his cuteness.
He’s so big…so wide. You feel for his heat and enjoy it. That golden aura that had first seduced you. How can he also be cute?
“I was thinking with my own stomach, I suppose.” Thor explains, analyzing the slices before taking one for himself.
“Oh, I mean, I can eat them. I just like to eat slowly. Two slices at a time. We’ll probably need another pizza.” You confess, brow drawn together in an apologetic gaze.
“Don’t worry. If we run out, I’ll go get some more.” He promises, leaning forward elbows on knees as he takes a bite and watches you chew on your own piece.
For a whole two minutes, the two of you sit staring at each other. Eating in silence. Small smiles playing on both your lips but your eyes roaming over every curve of his face. The straight line of his nose. The deep imposing brow. His cheekbones are surprisingly flat. They still form a small apple, but they’re not as pronounced as, say, Jeremy’s? His jaw looks strong, covered in his beard as it may be, but it’s soft. You might not cut yourself on his jawline but it’s still a square. Still twitches deliciously when he clenches it. And damn it if you don’t want to kiss it.
“I’m really glad you went to the gala.” Thor says, reaching into the box for another slice.
“Me too.” You admit, though your trepidation at the event had been great.
If Jeremy hadn’t pushed you to go and gotten you through that first bout of anxiety, you’d have left and never seen Thor. You wouldn’t be here, sitting with him in your apartment, loving the way the longer golden strands of his hair up on top of his head fall against his forehead.
You want to reach out and stroke it.
To rebel against this instinct, you fist your nightgown, deciding to let Thor lead the night. You’re not sure what he wants really. You know that he likes you—for some unknown reason—and you know that he wants to spend time with you.
Does he want to get all touchy feely right away? You really want to start touching him, you’re touch starved and you’ve wanted him, however quietly, for months.
Jeremy is the only person you’ll allow to touch you and that’s only because he knows who you really are.
Thor can handle you. The real you. It had seemed like a dream that you might find someone that could fit with you so perfectly.
“What are you thinking?” Thor asks, staring right back at you.
He reaches out and sweeps your hair back, the pads of his fingers stroking the swell of your cheekbone.
You lean into his touch without meaning to. Your eyes are relentless in their gaze, taking in the soft admiration in his own.
Does he really like you? Is this possible?
You lick your lips, tasting oregano and mozzarella.
“I…I told you that I'd explain.” You begin.
Thor straightens up. Finishing his bite of pizza, he places the slice on the box and wipes his hands on a napkin. He crumples it nervously, crushing it into a small ball.
Suddenly he looks terrified for some reason.
“Before you do, I…I think I must confess something.” The deep tone of his voice is so impossibly beautiful, but you can’t even enjoy it because the worry in it, the shame he speaks with overpowers it.
“What?” You ask, brow furrowed as your heart sinks.
It can’t be that he's with someone, can it? Why did he kiss you then? Maybe they have a complicated relationship and he’s going to tell you that he’s also seeing someone else?
Can you share him? Probably.
Do you want to? Fuck no.
“I…if we are going to be together, which I very much hope we are, I want to be honest with you.” He says somberly.
Damn him. His words make you happy, but his tone makes you worry.
“Thor, what?” You plead, free hand flying up to fidget with your necklace.
Thor watches your hand then reaches into his right pants pocket. He pulls from it a sleek black phone unlike any you’ve ever seen. After he unlocks it, he opens his gallery and scrolls to his videos folder.
When he opens it, a singular thumbnail shines up at him. He selects it and the screen goes dark before he holds the phone out to you.
After a curious look at him, his electrifying eyes holding you captive in their remorseful hope, you look at it and place your plate down beside you.
You watch, hands steady as you wait for the darkness on the screen to change.
When it does, you wish it had stayed black.
The video opens to a corner lab. A large metal table with looming rings from head to toe around it. It glows faintly, blue and teal.
You know this lab.
You swallow hard, staring as your now deceased stepfather walks into screen, followed by your mother and a much younger version of yourself.
You watch with your heart slowly filling with lead as your mother convinces you to get on the table.
She makes you count. Uses your innocence to lure you up where you’re already too scared to go.
As you watch the video, you suddenly flash back and see it as if it were happening again. Glistening between the metal rings that thicken and trap you inside of that cradle, the flash of stars. The color of rainbow in neon against the black backdrop and void of space where moments before there’d been a regular old ceiling.
Mind rushing back, you focus on the video again.
You’re screaming. The little version of you, who still doesn’t even understand that daddy is never coming back, is screaming.
Your body blackened. It burns and you can remember the agony. It’s in your bones. It’s who you are.
You don’t remember much before that pain. Your consciousness in childhood was awoken on that day when you were scorched so your life, it all springs from the pain of that night. The fear and the confusion as to why mommy wouldn’t help you.
The room explodes and then they’re dead and you’re just a baby on a lab table, changed forever by the whims of a man who never loved you.
Never cared about you.
And the woman who should have protected you.
You click the screen off, blood flowing like magma in your veins.
Angry does not even begin to explain how you feel. You hold his phone back out for him to take, using deliberate, slow, calculated movements and Thor hesitates before taking it.
“How…” Responding to the wrath in your voice, Thor leans in closer as you speak, reaching for your hand which you yank from his grip with the hiss of his calloused skin sliding against your own.
You struggle to clear your mind, that seething bubble of emotion that threatens to explode overwhelming.
You get up, move around the coffee table then turn to look at him, needing the distance to keep from burning. You can already feel it. The heat rushing through your arms and legs.
He’s standing too, wringing his hands, brow puckered with worry and regret. He’s also watching you, looking your body over and you know what he’s seeing.
That light. The shimmer you get. So rarely does it come out. You’re never this upset.
“How do you have that?” You demand, pointing at the phone replaced in his pocket. “H-how long have you known?”
Thor moves around the table and you back up, retaining the space between you as he still reaches out for you but remains too far to touch you.
“I found out on the day we shared our coffee. When you gave me your number? Stark-”
“Tony?!” You gasp, glaring at Thor because this is betrayal.
You look away, pace to the glass wall and place your hands on the cool surface, urging yourself to stay calm.
You know what Tony wants with you. You know what he’s been after all these years. Like everyone else in your life, he wants something from you. He doesn’t care about you. Only what you can give him. The answers he so desperately wants.
“Yes, I-?”
“So, this…this has all been, what? Some type of recruitment? Trying to get me to come in so that he can run his tests?” You turn and narrow your eyes at him, suddenly suspicious.
The golden God looks different suddenly. Still beautiful. Still breathtaking. Untrustworthy.
“What?” Thor asks, shocked by your leap. “No!”
“Was it his idea for you to seduce me or was that you? Get me t-to lower my guard and then ask me for a favor?”
You can hear the paranoia in your words, but you can’t help it. This has happened too many times. Not since Jeremy came into your life, but it’s happened before and it hurts every time. This time might be too much.
You really like Thor. Fuck.
“Y/N, that’s not-”
“She’s lonely enough, it won’t be hard, right? That’s what he told you?” Your heart aches, the kisses tonight, the soft touches…had they all been fake? “Get the f-freak to come in and get some tests done?”
Thor’s expression darkens. For a moment, a very small quick moment as he lunges towards you, strutting across the space between you and taking your arms in his hands, you’re afraid.
You squeak as he grabs you, though you can fight him off, you’re not sure you’re as strong as a God.
“You are not a freak; do you hear me?” He demands, giving you a very small shake. “You are beautiful and perfection.”
You’d thought that his touch might fuel your rage. That you might blow up if he came closer, but it seems to have had the opposite effect. With his touch, you cool, your anger melting to be replaced by heartbreak. You are definitely not beautiful. Or perfect.
His words hurt despite their positivity. “You should have told me that you knew.”
You gripe, staring down at his chest with stinging eyes.
“That’s what I just did.” Thor explains, pleading with you, his voice rising and falling as he pulls you closer.
Damn, he’s right.
In your defense, you weren’t expecting to have the darkest moment of your life thrust at you like that.
“I didn’t want to start anything with you until we had all of the facts laid out.” Thor explains, his hands stroking your bare arms, chafing them and slowly lulling you back into your blissed-out state. “I’m sorry. I should have…warned you.”
Yes, he sure the fuck should have! With a sigh, you shake your head, your rage rising again but this time it’s not for Thor.
“How does Tony even have that video?” You demand angrily, growling under your breath but speaking softly.
Thor sighs, tracing your arms all the way down to your elbows where he lets them linger.
“He’d said something about a data breach? Hydra-?”
“Oh.” Your mind races back to that incident but you’d had little to do with it.
Papa Roman had been alive then and he’d dealt with it. You only remember reading about it.
“They’d stolen only this video and Tony retrieved it. Out of curiosity, he watched it.” Thor explains. “He was saddened by what he saw.”
“Oh, how nice for him. Must be tough to be sad about watching a toddler kill her parents.” You spit, still angrier than you’ve been in ages.
You move around Thor, pulling out of his grasp and he lets you go.
“I think, as he explained it, he feels regret for abandoning you.” Thor says.
You wrap your arms around yourself, hating Tony because he had abandoned you. He’d stayed away for so long. You could have used someone to confide in. Someone who’d truly known your parents. Who’d known you.
“I swear to you, Y/N…my feelings are not a ruse.” You can hear Thor move towards, slow heavy steps as he approaches you from behind. “I was not sent to you by Stark. I walked into a coffee shop and watched a woman smile with excitement. Her eyes shone like stars and then the light was sapped from them. Her disappointment has haunted me every day since I saw it there and all I have wanted is to help put those stars back.
“I have thought only of how I might get close enough to you to make you smile. To make you laugh. Please, don’t push me away.” He begs.
You shut your eyes, willing yourself to think. To process what he’s saying.
It’s not his fault that Tony stole that video. It’s not his fault that Tony had shown it to him. It’s not his fault that Tony has been itching to get you into his lab to run his tests. And it’s not Thor’s fault that you find it hard to trust, to believe, to accept that someone might really want you to do as he says; to smile.
Strong bulging arms wrap themselves around you.
You can breathe properly again.
It feels so good, as he settles in against your back with his scratchy bearded chin nudging against your cheek. It feels amazing to have his heart absolutely pounding against your own.
He’s nervous. He’s worried. Or…whatever it is that makes his heart beat like that.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, ashamed of your outburst.
“No.” He whispers against your cheek, soft lips featherlight against your skin. “I’m sorry I did not warn you first. I only wanted to be honest. I know about what they did to you, but I don’t understand what it means.”
You did promise to explain. “Thor-”
Your bedroom door suddenly flies open, so forcefully that it hits the wall and swings back closed only Jeremy is there to stop it, still dressed in his powder blue couture tuxedo.
“Jer?” You stand up straighter, Thor’s arms only tighten around you. “What’s wrong?”
He looks frazzled, breathless. Like he’s been running.
“I-” He begins, his dark brown eyes moving from you down to Thor’s arms wrapped around you, then up to his face before settling back on yours. “I didn’t know where you went.”
You frown. “I told Tony to let you know that I’d come home. Sorry. I should have found you myself.”
He’s already mentally brushed off your explanation, taking a step closer, eyes narrowed as he really looks at you.
“Are you okay?” He asks, taking a step towards the two of you with his hands clenched into fists.
“Okay?” You ask confused. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
Jeremy frowns at you. “You’re crying.”
Startled, you reach up to touch your right cheek making Thor drop his arms as you move. He doesn’t stray from right behind you, keeping his chest pressed against your back. His heart is pounding harder now. Faster than before.
Sure enough, your cheeks are stained with tears. You’re not sure when you cried. Maybe while watching the video?
“Oh. I’m-I’m fine. I was just…remembering my parents. Thor—Thor knows what happened to me and it kinda caught me off guard.” You explain, shrugging one shoulder only to feel Thor’s hand slide up along your arm to rest on the side of your shoulder.
He gives it a squeeze and you look up at him, feeling calm again. Floating on his warm golden aura. How could you have ever doubted him?
You smile.
“How the hell does he know about what happened to you?” Jeremy asks, needlessly sounding aggressive.
“Jeremy,” You begin, frowning.
“That’s not your concern.” Thor tells him.
Surprised by the harsh note of his voice, you turn to look back at him, searching his face for a hint but he’s got his eyes trained on Jeremy.
“What the hell did you just say to me?” Jeremy asks, strutting forward, chest first.
“Woah, hey.” You move out from under Thor’s grasp and put your hands on Jeremy’s chest, pushing him back gently and he complies with your touch. “Tony gave him the video of how it happened. I guess he took it back when Papa Roman dealt with that big data breach. Hydra. Remember?”
Had he been here then? You think so.
Jeremy turns his glare down to you, softening his brow as he reaches up to take hold of your hands.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks, thumb stroking the back of your hand.
Thor clears his throat, his hand rising to stroke the shape of your hip.
You’re not expecting it and his touch makes you dizzy.
“She’s alright.” He says.
“I didn’t ask you.” Jeremy seethes, then pointedly asks, “What happened to your date?”
“Jeremy.” You chastise him, frowning up into his handsome face. You don’t appreciate the reminder of Thor dancing with Helen Cho. “What’s wrong with you?”
“This guy blew you off, Y/N. You were a mess for days.” He says pointedly, looking from you to Thor.
“It was all a misunderstanding.” You tell him, smiling up at him. “Thor thought—”
You have to stop because you can’t explain about him seeing you and Jeremy together in bed. Jeremy will freak out. Thor spying on you? That’s not what it was but it’ll sound like that.
“It turns out Thor was still off planet the entire time I was messaging him. The other Avengers released a false story about them having returned on purpose, to throw off the bad guys here on Earth but really, they hadn’t come home yet. And…”
Maybe you don’t have to tell him about the sleeping with him. You and Jeremy have kissed and hugged and shared affection in spaces where you could have been seen.
“And what?” Jeremy demands.
“Well, Thor saw us. Kissing. He…he thought you and I were together, but I explained everything to him. So, he understands now.” You smile, looking up at Thor who has finally turned his gaze back on you, eyes dazzling in affection.
“I can give you that now.” Thor whispers, making you smile wider.
“Y/N, he could be lying to you.” Jeremy insists.
“He isn’t.” You tell him, turning your happy gaze on him.
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do.” You shake your head, confused by Jeremy’s resistance.
“Y/N…” He begins.
“I’m fine, Jer. You can go.” You order, shifting your tone into your boss voice.
You don’t understand why Jeremy’s being so difficult, but you don’t need it right now. You need to talk to Thor and figure all of this out.
Jeremy watches you, eyebrow scrunched, eyes worried, biting his bottom lip. He looks at Thor, gives him a glare, then turns on his heel and heads back out, slamming your door shut.
Instant regret. That’s what you feel.
Jeremy has been so good to you lately. He’s been patient and kind and he’s given you his body and you’ve accepted his comfort. You owe him more than this.
“Jer…” You move to go after him, but a hand pulls you back. Strong thick digits around your wrist.
“Wait. Let me. I’ll explain myself.” Thor promises and moves around you, after him.
“Thor?” You move a step towards him as he stops with the door open to look back at you. “Please, if he hits you, just let him? He’s really protective over me and his hit won’t hurt you anyway, right?”
“You have my word, my starshine.” He caresses your cheek, then nods leaving you with a barrage of flutters as he shuts the door behind him.
Starshine? You smile, teeth plunging into your bottom lip.
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“Stop.” Thor calls out, reaching out to grab the assistant’s shoulder.
He jerks out from under Thor’s touch, but he turns to face him, pulling himself up to his full height. Chest puffed out. Disapproving glare set in place.
Thor drops his hand. Rolls his shoulders and looks down at the man. He’s really tempted to knock him on the head, just once. He can hide him in a closet until you’re asleep then take him and leave him on a park bench.
No. Keep your word, Thor.
“What do you want?” The assistant nearly growls.
Thor watches him, taking in his defensive stance, the hard light in his eyes, the way his hands are balled into fists. With his brow furrowed, Thor chooses his words carefully.
“You mean a lot to Y/N.” He acknowledges. “You’re very important. More important than anyone else in her life.”
The assistant isn’t expecting this. A keen observance but also one easily made by anyone paying attention to you. It’s clear that you love this assistant. Maybe not in that way, but you do care about him immensely.
“What’s your point?” The assistant asks, confused, relaxing a little.
“She’s very important to me.” Thor confesses. “I’ve been watching her for a long time, and I have never wanted to make someone happy the way I desire to do so with her. I want to see her smile. Genuinely. Happily. I want to see her express real excitement and enjoyment without having it be broken by those two morons she calls friends.”
The assistant shifts his weight, uncomfortable because this isn’t what he was expecting maybe? Thor can see right through him and he wonders. Does he know? Is he aware what he really feels for you?
You clearly aren’t.
“In order for me to do that, you must let me.” Thor looks down at the floor, wondering if maybe he should say it.
He felt it. As soon as the assistant had walked into the room and saw Thor holding you, that aura…that energy…so clearly, Thor had felt it.
“You hurt her.” The assistant argues.
“A mistake.” Thor explains. “Just as she said. A misunderstanding.”
He thinks quickly. Calculating the odds of him getting punched if he says it.
Fuck it. He needs to know if he’s right. For himself.
“I saw you with her.” He begins. “I came that night I returned, when I suddenly received all of her messages at once and realized what she must think.”
Thor can see the assistant putting two and two together. He should help him. He’s being slow about it.
“I saw you with her.” Thor says, lowering his voice because they’re only in the kitchen. Your room is not far. “The way you treat her—you try to deny it but…you love her.”
“So?” The assistant doesn’t even hesitate!
Thor’s lips curve up into a small knowing and slightly bitter smile. He’d been prepared for a denial.
“She doesn’t know.” He nods.
The assistant finally averts his gaze.
“If she did, she would not let you touch her the way you do.”
“You don’t know that.” The assistant protests, moving towards Thor, maybe itching to hit him.
Thor doesn’t respond. He just stares. He lets the assistant come to the correct realization on his own.
He drags his hand through his dark brown hair, messing the carefully styled do in his frustration. “I just needed some time.”
Thor takes a step towards him, the movement drawing the assistant’s eyes up to face him.
“Are you going to stand in my way?” He asks, the slightest hint of a threat in his voice.
This isn’t in Thor’s character. He doesn’t get this possessive. He doesn’t feel this jealous. This voice is reserved for his enemies in battle and yet, that’s what this assistant feels like. He’s an enemy.
He doesn’t think that he could ever actually hurt this human. This weak man.
He wants to though. He really wants to make sure that he knows that you’re already his. That you belong with him and only him.
Whatever past this assistant might have with you, it’s clear that to you it meant something different. Your eyes are hopefully only on Thor.
The assistant stares up at him for what feels like ages without saying anything. He reads him, glares at him, hates him. Thor can see it in his dark eyes. The assistant would give anything to cut Thor out of your life again.
“Thor?” Your gentle voice drifts out towards him and the assistant.
You round the curving wall and Thor takes a step back, renewing the distance between them to a much less threatening space.
“I’m here.” Thor assures you.
He hears your feet stop a few feet behind him.
“Jer…?” You plead, worried and hesitant.
Thor watches the assistant stare at you. Slowly he forces his face to relax. He gives you a smile.
Thor looks over his shoulder at you, watching as you shake your head.
“You always take such good care of me, Jer. It’s okay.” You promise him.
“I’m gonna go.” He tells you. “Take it slow, Y/N. There’s no rush.”
Thor looks back at him, frowning. Does he think he wants you for your body? As if you’re only good for that? He doesn’t care if you never sleep with him—okay, maybe it would sort of break his heart—all he wants is to make that sparkle in your eyes come back.
“Jeremy…” You say, reprimanding his thinly veiled accusation.
“Good night, chipmunk.” He whispers, and Thor can feel the heartache in his voice.
That energy that he’s so good at reading is flaring up from the assistant’s side but he feels nothing from you.
Thor almost feels bad for the man, but he’s grateful that only an hour ago that heated aura had been wafting off of you in droves and at him specifically.
“Night.” You call after him as he turns and leaves, taking Thor’s nervous tension with him.
However he might have just made it seem, Thor is terrified of the assistant. He’s known you longer. He knows you better. He knows you intimately. If he were to tell you that he loves you, if he were to confess, would you go to him?
Would you abandon this freshly blooming romance to commit to the man whose been by your side for so many years?
If the world were just, you would.
But Thor is pretty sure that if he doesn’t already, he’ll soon love you as much as the assistant does.
He’ll love you more.
His heart skips a beat as your hotter than normal fingers slide down along his forearm, wrist, and finally intertwine with his own.
His hand engulfs yours, swallowing it in his soft caress. He looks down at you, watching that amazing sparkle that he’d fallen for brighten your eyes.
“I’m still hungry.” You tell him, and almost as if on cue, your stomach grumbles loudly.
Thor can’t help himself. He chuckles, releases your hand to cup the sides of your face, then kisses you softly.
You shut your eyes and Thor feels you melt against him. That strange heat of your body flares as you press it to his. You kiss him back eagerly, your tongue sliding forward to coax his lips open before he can make the move himself. He welcomes your kiss, opening his mouth and tilting his head to the left as he breathes you in.
He gives you what you want, slipping his arms around your waist, letting his hands trace up along the bare back of your nightgown.
Your skin is intoxicating and soft. The small imperfections perfect in that they’re yours. He loves every inch of skin he can feel, and he wants to kiss you and make love to you, but he can’t do the latter yet.
Even though you moan against his lips as he brazenly touches you. He pulls back, noses nudging, foreheads touching, lips ghosted over yours.
“You feel like silk, my starshine.” Thor whispers, deep, and that attraction he’d felt flowing from you almost drowns him.
He feels you shiver in his arms and he kisses you again, pulling another moan from you as he scoops you up, arms wrapped tight around your waist as he walks with you towards your bedroom.
To feed you, of course.
As he crosses into the room, your tummy rumbles again and Thor chuckles against your kiss.
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Buy Me a Coffee
Forever Tag List @jessieray98 @crist1216 @rainbowkisses31 @xxloki81xx @the-wayward-robot @quokkatrash @tiffanynguyen03 @basementcafe @kind-sober-fullydressed @moli1497 @badassbaker @awkwardfangirl2014 @shield-agent78 @supernaturaldean67 @sea040561 @jewelofwinter @this-side-of-midnight5 @sebbystanlover-vk @just4muggles @death-unbecomes-you @lilulo-12 @whosmarisaaarw @hiddles-rose @pandazlazykid @alagalaska @theonelittleone @xlittlestarling @moonlessnight14 @natura1phenomenon @pineapplebooboo @spaghettirogers @dsakita @sincerelytlh @booklover2929 @lovefreylove @just-trying-to-survive-marvel @vulpecula-minor @the-real-mary-jane @babytrollgirl @wildefire @fairislesheets @mother-of-fire-snakes @xrosegoldwolfx @queenoftheunderdark @mrsdeanwinchester19 @thefridgeismybestie @mcuwillbethedeathofme @peaceinourtime82 @baebeepeach @teller258316 @juustpeachy420 @libbymouse
The Brightest Star @ravennightingaleandavatempus @kazumilein @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @everything-is-awesomesauce @smoothdogsgirl @myboyfriendgiriboy @venomavacado
Thor Taglist @darkdragonpheonix
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dubersbutt · 5 years
Bring Your Friend - Josh Anderson and Seth Jones
A/N: Thanks to @temibreadmanpanarin for “requesting” this. Basically, she asked and I ran with it. 
Summary: Being on vacation with Josh and Seth proves to be way more fun that you could have imagined.
Words: 3,680 - the longest thing I’ve ever written
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Warnings: Smut, Threesome
After a disappointing end to the playoffs, you went with your boyfriend, Josh and his teammate, Seth, to the Bahamas to relax. Your last couple of weeks at work had been stressful so you were more than happy to take the time off work to blow off steam.
Josh alone was enough to make you want to never leave the hotel room but throw Seth into the mix and it makes it that much harder. Besides Josh was a tease, always touching you in ways that he knows drive you crazy. And to top it all off, you had agreed to a joint room meaning that you were surrounded by them the whole time. To be fair, you and Josh had your own room within the suit meaning you were able to have some “alone time” but you when you walked out and saw a shirtless Seth drinking a beer you had to take a minute.
If Josh noticed your attraction to Seth he hadn’t said anything about it. Until one day after dinner
He had worn a black sweater that hugged his shoulders so nicely you had wanted to rip it off him the minute he pulled it over his head. And, knowing you were all worked up, he had slipped his hand under your dress and kept at least one finger in you at all times. He didn’t give you enough friction to cum, just enough to keep you annoyingly aroused all dinner.
When you got back to the hotel room you had all but pushed Josh into your room.
“You’re so annoying, did you know that?” You asked as you started to pull his sweater over his head.
“If I were so annoying I would just walk outside and watch TV with Seth,” he replies undoing the zipper on your dress.
“Then that would mean you wouldn’t get to cum,” you say stepping out of your discarded dress as he walks you back to the bed.
“That’s a good point.”
He unbuckles his belt and you help him out of his jeans. He pushes you back against the bed and kisses your neck, trailing his way down your shoulder and in between your breasts. When he gets down to your pussy he wastes no time in devouring you.
“Fuck, baby girl, I love the way you taste,” he says, “You’re so wet for me.”
“That’s what happens when you spend the entire fucking dinner teasing me.” He just chuckles and turns his head back to the current task at hand. He alternates between quick little licks and long strokes of his tongue, using all his favourite tricks to bring you to the edge.
“Fuck, Josh!” you scream as you reach down to tangle your fingers in his hair. He looks up at you with a smirk and your head falls back. The sensations are starting to build up, causing you to moan loudly. Just when you’re on the edge, on the verge of cumming, Josh stops. He lifts his head up with that same sly smirk on his face and you just want to scream. “What the fuck? Why’d you stop?” you pant from above him.
“That’s what happens when you talk back, baby girl. Only good girls get to cum,” he says kissing you again. You can taste yourself on his lips and you let out a whimper.
“You’re a mean, mean man.” All of sudden you’re being flipped over and now you’re on top of Josh. In one swift movement, he enters you, dropping you on his dick. The two of you moan simultaneously. He gives you a moment to get used to his size before he starts fucking you relentlessly. His thrusts are hard and fast. You couldn’t try to hold back your moans if you wanted to.
His hand sneaks between you and rubs your clit at as furious a pace as his thrusts.
“You’re such a good girl for me, (Y/N). You take me so well,” he grunts low into your ear causing you to whine.
“Are you gonna cum for me?” you’re only capable of nodding, “Then cum baby.”
A few thrusts later you cum, head spinning and hazy. Josh cums a few thrusts later, filling you up. It’s only then that you realize that he’s been holding his your hips so tightly that there will be bruises later. He moves the hair out of your face and slowly lifts you off his over-sensitive dick. He puts you down on the bed next to him and leaves to the bathroom.
He returns with a wet washcloth to clean up the mess between your legs. You wine when he starts gently wiping your thighs.
“Easy, baby,” you say when he starts getting a bit too handsy.
“Sorry,” he gives you one of his charming smiles, “I just love making you cum.” “Mm, there’s more time for that in the morning but come and snuggle with me right now.”
He throws the washcloth God knows where and climbs into the bed beside you. He pulls you into his body and presses tiny kisses into your shoulder until you fell asleep.
The next day the three of you had gone down to the pool to relax by the cabana. The boys had rented a private one because Josh was already sunburnt.
“I told you to do this yesterday, you lobster,” you say as you massage the sunscreen into his back. He had blatantly ignored your warnings about the strong Bahama sun yesterday and spent all day without sunscreen. The idiot.
“Are you really that burnt from one day in the sun?” Seth asks returning with drinks all three of you has gotten from the bar. You thank him for your piña colada before returning back to Josh.
He gives Seth the finger and takes his drink too.
“Little white boy can’t handle the heat,” Seth says causing you to laugh. Josh just glares at him.
“Not fair that you don’t burn,” he grumbles like a toddler.
“Melanin is great, not gonna lie,” Seth replies putting down his drink and heading down to the pool.
When you’re finished Josh turns to you and kisses you softly.
“So, Seth told me something interesting,” he murmurs against your shoulder.
“And what’s that?”
“He heard you last night.”
“He heard me-oh no,” your eyes widen when you put two and two together. Your face starts to warm.
“Yeah. Your moans kept him up,” he kissed the shell of your ear, “I bet he liked it.”
“Did he say that to you?” “No, but I know how you sound. No one can resist you,”  his hand pulls your hips closer to his. “Why are you wearing shorts?” he asks you, “You looked so sexy with your other bottoms.”
“Well, someone got rough last night so I can’t really be walking around with handprints on me now can I.” “I don’t mind,” Josh replies sliding his hand up to rest on your hip, kissing you softly. He deepens the kiss and you run your fingers through his hair.
All of a sudden something damp hits the two of
you. Seth had thrown his towel at you and Josh and was making a disgusted face.
“Y’all have a room, use it,” he said while sitting on the chair next to you.
After dinner, you and Josh lock yourselves back into your room. Only this time, Josh was on a mission to make you make as much noise as possible. He was teasing you to no end, kissing all the areas that make whimper and squeal.
He holds you against the door and lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He spends a particularly long time kissing the spot behind your ear that makes you moan.
“Fuck, Josh,” you moan before covering your mouth remembering that Seth can hear you.
“What are you doing?” “Seth can-”
“I know he can so why not give him a show?” Josh says as he rips open the buttons on your shirt causing you to gasp.
“Come on man, I really liked that shirt.” “I’ll buy you a new one,” he lifts you off the door and carries you to the bed.
He pushes you down on the mattress and practically rips off your bralette.
“God, I love your tits,” he says as he rolls your nipples between your fingers. His mouth dips down as he sucks one into his mouth. He does the same with the other and your head falls back as you try to hold back your moans.
“What did I say?”
“But Seth is-”
“He’ll hear us regardless so we might as well give him something worth losing sleep.” His head sinks down lower till you can feel his breath on your sex. He starts with little licks up your pussy, trying to get you to to make some noise. His actions are teasing, not giving you much except to annoy you.
“God, Josh, get on with it.” He looks up at you through and smirks. He loves doing that to you, knows it drives you insane.
“Fuck,” you moan.
“Louder, baby.” You pant as you reach down and scratch your nails into his scalp. You’re about to cum so you start moaning Josh’s name.
“Fuck, Josh, I’m going to -” you whine as you cum, orgasm washing over you.
You’re barely able to breathe again before Josh enters you in one swift movement. You felt as though you were melting into the comforter as Josh found your G-spot.
“God, (Y/N), you take me so well.”
At this point, you're just an incoherent mess of whines and moans. His thrusts were slow and deep, allowing you to feel all of him.
“Fuck, Josh, please just fuck me,” your pleads are getting louder and louder but Josh continues his mind-numbingly slow pace.
“Louder,” he commands.
“Josh, please!”
He finally starts to speed up his thrusts. The sensations are clouding your head all at once and you’re moaning loudly while digging your nails into his back.
“Fuck, baby, cum for me.”
A few thrusts later you’re coming, clenching around Josh as he joins you moments later. When he’s finished he gets up to grab a wet washcloth but by then you’re already asleep.
When you wake up in the morning Josh is still asleep but you’re thirsty so you get up and pull on his sweater that was discarded on the floor. In the kitchen, Seth is already cooking breakfast.
“Morning,” you greet him and you note that your voice is extremely rough and scratchy from last night.
“It’s already 12 o’clock in the afternoon. You’ve been asleep all morning,” “What?” you exclaimed looking at the clock on the stove. Sure enough, the clock read 12:06.
“I can’t say I blame you. From the sounds of it you two had a good night,” he laughs as your face heats up in embarrassment.
“I- you heard that?”
“Yup,” he replies.
“Sorry.” “Don’t be,” he walks over closer to you, and bends down to say softly in your ear, “I don’t mind being kept up as long as it’s you keeping me up.”
Your eyes widen as he straightens up, winks, and walks back to his room of the suite. Suddenly forgetting about why you came into the kitchen you ran back to your shared room. When you enter Josh is still tangled in the covers, hair ruffled from sleep as he scrolls on his phone.
“The weirdest thing just happened in the kitchen,” you tell him. “Did you try to make waffles from scratch again? Baby, you know you can order room service. Or ask Seth,” he says sitting up in bed.
“No, but in my defence, you’re the one with the stupid waffle maker. But listen to me. I went out to get something but Seth was there and he told me that he heard us last night. So, obviously, I apologized-”
“Obviously,” he laughs at you.
“Hush, let me tell the story. Anyways, he said that I shouldn’t be sorry because he likes hearing me.” Josh’s makes an aha face and he runs a hand through his hair, “Son of a bitch was supposed to wait until I asked you.”
“Asked me what?”
“I wanted to know if you wanted Seth to join us,” your heart skips a beat, “but it’s totally up to you. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” He moves to the edge of the bed and pulls you to stand in between his legs.
“That sounds…” you can’t formulate the words to express your excitement, “I would like that.”
Later that day you and Josh are cuddled on the couch watching some movie that’s on when Seth sits on the other side of the couch. Josh chooses that exact moment to slip his hand under the waistband of your shorts and start rubbing your clit softly. Your breath hitches in your throat because there’s no blanket or barrier covering you. Josh is openly fingering you in front of his teammate.
You manage to keep yourself composed until he slips two fingers into you while continuing to rub your clit with his thumb. Your leg kicks out in a spasm, not expecting it, and accidentally hitting Seth in the arm.
“Are you serious?” he asks Josh when he realizes what’s going on, “this is how you’re going to start this?” “Do you have a problem with it? Because you can leave if you want,” the whole time Josh is continuing to finger you, moving his hands quicker and quicker.
“Fuck,” you pant as you can feel your orgasm getting near.
“And miss the best part?” Seth replies, licking his lips.
“Fuck!” you scream, gripping the couch.
“Show Seth how you cum, baby,” Josh says, kissing your neck softly.
And soon you’re cumming, screaming as you feel yourself clench around Josh’s fingers. He lifts them up and raises them to your mouth. You hear a low groan from Seth as he watches Josh’s fingers slide into your mouth.
“Are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna help me fuck my girlfriend?”
Seth takes that as his signal to pull off your shorts. He started out tentative, reaching out to kitten lick your clit which is still sensitive from your earlier orgasm. You gasp, leaning more into Josh’s body. Your hip juts up.
“(Y/N) isn’t very good at controlling herself. You’ll have to hold her hips down so you can focus.”
Seth takes Josh’s advice, throwing a strong arm over your hips to keep them in place as he starts to take his time with you. He varies the speed and lengths of his strokes, effectively teasing you. Your toes are curled in anticipation and Josh life up your shirt to play with your breasts.
“No bra? Around Seth on top of that too, you little minx,” he says while pinching your nipple.
Your body tries to jerk forward, but Josh keeps you in place.  
“Y-you gonna...punish me?” You ask in between pants. You hadn’t realized Seth would be so good at eating pussy. The man was making your whole head feel fuzzy.
Hearing your comment, Seth chuckles sending vibrations through your whole body.
“Maybe later, baby.”
Your body shudders when Seth scrapes his teeth against your clit. He inserts one finger inside you, looking for your G-spot. When he finds it, it only takes a few strokes as he sucks the hood of your clit into his mouth. You almost rip the couch with how tightly you’re holding the cushions.
Josh helps you stand up, “Go to the bedroom, we’ll come in a bit.”
You walk on shaky legs but eventually make it to the room. When you get there, you strip off your shirt and shorts and lay on the bed. You’re just about to walk out and check what’s wrong when Josh walks back into the room.
“Hey baby,” he says greeting you with a kiss.
“Where’s Seth?”
“He’ll be here soon. You ready to put on a show for him?”
You nod and then Josh’s hands are on you. His shirt has been discarded somewhere but his but you start pulling at his trunks, trying to unbuckle the belt but failing. Josh chuckles between kisses and removes your hands from him and holds pins them above your head.
“You gonna keep these here for me, like a good girl? Or am I going to have to tie these up?”
“I mean it’s really up to you, but you know that I don’t mind the bruises on my wrist.”
“You know I never truly understood what you meant when you said she’s a minx but I get it now,” Seth says as he rejoins you, also no longer wearing a shirt.
“I know! Try leaving for practice when all she wants is for you to tie her up and fuck her until she can’t walk,” Josh says pinching your nipple lightly causing you to squeal.
“And you still leave her? (Y/N) next time he does that then call me over instead.”
You giggle and Josh pinched your nipple harder which makes your hands come down from their place above your head.
“What did I say, baby girl?” Josh asks, his voice becoming huskier.
“To keep my hands above my head,” you reply.
“And now what happens?”
“You spank me,” you ask hopefully. You can hear Seth groan but you’re just looking up at Josh.
“Actually, maybe I will while you show our guest some love. Get on your hands and knees.”
You do as he says, moving to your hands and knees. Seth gets up on the bed and kneels in front of your face, allowing you to take off his shorts. The bed dips behind you as Josh settles in. His hand gently caressing your ass.
When you finally manage to release from his boxers you waste no time. You lick the tip of his dick before putting it into your mouth and bobbing your way down the length of his dick.
You just feel him hit the back of your throat when you feel Josh’s hand come down on your ass, hard. You jerk forward a bit, gagging a little on Seth but you’re quickly able to recover and return to your smooth pace. When the second hit comes you’re expecting it, and you moan around Seth. His hand comes down in your hair to stable himself as he shudders around you.
“She’s so wet, practically dripping on the mattress,” Josh says to Seth as casually as if they were talking about golf. Then came the third slap.
Seth clearly isn’t as unaffected because he thrusts into your mouth, and it’s a moment before he realizes what he’s done.
“Fuck, her mouth is amazing.”
“Her pussy is better,” the fourth slap, “you gonna fuck her?”
“Fuck, yeah. I want to,” Seth replies while panting.
He pulls you off him and the two switch sides. Seth is now behind you, teasing your folds with his dick as Josh is kneeling at the edge of the bed so he’s eye-level with you. He tilts your head to look up at him.
“Beg for Seth to fuck you like the good little girl you are.”
“Please, Seth. Please fuck me. I need you inside me so bad,” you plead. Your core is throbbing, waiting in anticipation.
“I think you can do better than that,” Seth says, still teasing you. The head of his cock is starting to prod at your clit, causing you to cry out.
“Seth, I need you to fuck me so hard that I can’t walk,” your voice is starting to get scratchy from having to beg.
“Oh god, she’s so good at that,” Seth says as he finally enters you, burying himself to the hilt.
“I know. She’s a good little girl, right baby?” He asks while thumbing your lip. You nod and take his finger in your mouth. You can still taste yourself from earlier.
Seth starts thrusting, slow and deep, driving you completely insane. His dick is nice and long, hitting all the right places but not the right speed. When he reaches down and starts circling your clit even slower you’re about to lose your damn mind.
“Seth,” you moan, “fuck me harder.”
He picks up the pace a little, rubbing your clit a little faster but it’s still not what you need.
“Fuck, Seth, faster,” you demand.
Josh is still in front of you, finally deciding to take off his shorts. His dick is hard and leaking precum. He reaches down to start pumping himself.
Seth decides to fuck you hard and fast, the way you wanted. Each thrust moves your whole body and you drop to your elbows, burying your face into the pillow. It doesn’t stay there for long though, Josh grabs your chin to look at him.
“Keep your head up. I want to cum on your pretty little face.”
You do as he says but it’s becoming increasingly difficult. You’re nearing your third? Fourth? Orgasm of day, you’re not even sure anymore.
When Seth’s thrusts become more sloppy you know he’s one the edge of cumming to you so you let yourself fall cum, screaming as you do. Seth follows moments later, only managing to pull himself out of you before collapsing on the side of the bed.
No longer occupied with Seth, you lean forward and take Josh’s dick into your mouth. Your limbs are starting to feel really shaky so he face-fucks you, hitting the back of your throat each time.
When he’s near the edge he pulls you off him and starts jacking himself off quickly. Soon, your neck and chest are covered in his cum.
When Josh flops on the bed beside you-you finally let yourself collapse, still breathing heavy from what just happened. It takes a minute before everyone’s breathing evens out.
“I don’t know about you boys, but I want to keep doing that for the rest of the trip.”
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
The DM
Pairing :  Kenny Omega/FC (brief cameos by Matt and Nick Jackson)
Category:  Comedy/Smut
“I cannot believe you are seriously doing this.”  You said to your boyfriend Kenny Omega as you snapped pictures for him.   You tried to keep your voice stern and be a voice of reason, but couldn’t quite contain the smile peeking on your lips as you worked with Kenny to mimic the poses from the leaked nudes of Seth Rollins.  You had to hand it to Kenny, he was dedicated to this.  He had hunted down and studied nude pictures of another man, just to ensure accuracy for his revenge. God only knows what his Google search history was going to show.  
“You better believe it baby!  That’ll teach him to steal my move.”  Kenny responded flexing his muscles as you snapped yet another photo for what was an integral part of The Elite’s plot for revenge.  They had been planning this for months, planting seeds and driving up interest through their Youtube series Being the Elite, teasing the fans into a frenzy about what “The DM” was and when it would be released.   Now they were finally ready to make their move.
Part of their plan involved naked pictures of Kenny mocking Seth Rollins.  So you were appointed official photographer.  But hey, you really weren’t going to complain about taking pictures of your gorgeous man proudly displaying what his mama gave him.  You had to bite your lip to keep your concentration as the more pictures you took, the more turned on you got.   And you really shouldn’t be, given the circumstances. After all, Kenny was really pulling quite the dick move.   But that was Kenny.  He could be quite petty when he felt wronged.   You should be talking him down and making him see reason.  And keeping the Young Bucks out of his ear.  But it was really hard to remember all that when Kenny was naked in front of you.  
Finished with the first pose of him lying on the bed, Kenny moved to stand at the end of the bed, positioning his body just so as he looked at Seth’s picture on his phone.  Satisfied he nodded to you to begin snapping away.  
After a bunch of pictures you dropped to your knees for a better angle of him standing up while he held his phone up to obscure his face.  You snapped what felt like a hundred pics before Kenny was satisfied there was enough of a selection for him to choose from. And judging by the stiffness of his dick, Kenny had obviously enjoyed the attention being focused on him.  
“So babe, while you’re down there….”  Kenny hinted looking from his cock to you with a hopeful expression.   Rolling your eyes you heaved a sigh of exasperation.
“Fine” You said, acting all put upon, before flashing a wicked smile up at your man.   Truth was there were very few things you liked more than having Kenny’s dick in your mouth.  You loved every aspect of giving head, from the feel of it thrusting into your throat to swallowing the prize that came at the end.  
“You’re such a tease.”  He crooned stepping closer to you, his hand snaking out to grab a handful of your hair and tilt your head back to the angle he wanted.   Eagerly opening your mouth you hummed as Kenny slid his thick cock in, resting it on your tongue as you closed your lips around him.   You reached your hand up to stroke the flesh that wasn’t in your mouth as you sucked deeply running your tongue around the soft flesh of his tip making moans escape his mouth.  Moving your hands to his hips you looked up to meet his eyes, relinquishing control to Kenny. Taking your cue Kenny began rocking his hips pushing his cock further and further into your mouth until it hit the back of your throat.   You gagged at the intrusion, taking a moment to get used to it before Kenny continued pressing deeper into you until his hips were flush with your lips.   You breathed in deeply through your nose, concentrating on not gagging as Kenny held himself deep in your throat.   Finally when you felt you were dying for air he pulled himself out, ever so slowly while you looked up silently pleading with him.  As his cock popped out of your mouth a smirk tilted up the corner of his lips.
“Asshole.”  You muttered, a matching grin on your face.   He chuckled guiding you to your feet with a firm grip in your hair and pressing a kiss to your lips.
“That’s why you love me.”  He replied before turning and pushing you onto your stomach on the bed before sliding off your shorts and panties.   “Up on all fours darlin’ I’m gonna make you scream.”   You eagerly pushed yourself into the requested position waiting as Kenny grabbed some lube and stroked it all around his cock.   A satisfied moan left you as he sunk in your pussy to the hilt in one thrust, your hips instinctively rolling to push your ass back against him as Kenny settled his hands onto your sides.  True to his word, it wasn’t long before Kenny had you writhing underneath him, muttering incoherently, screams breaking out as he pounded into you.  At one point Matt Jackson pounded on the wall separating your hotel rooms, shouting that Kenny was supposed to be working on his stuff for Being the Elite, not fucking you.   That just encouraged Kenny to make you scream even louder.  
When you were finished and cleaned up you flopped down on the bed for a nap, Kenny pulling you into his body and enveloping you with his heat. It wasn’t long before you were both sleeping.  
You were awakened by the sound of Kenny chuckling under his breath, clacking away at the keyboard of his laptop.   Rolling out of the bed you went to look at what had Kenny so amused. What you saw made your hand fly over your mouth as a loud burst of laughter escaped your mouth.  
“Why on Earth is Okada’s head on your nipples and dick?”  You asked, head tilting to the side as you stared at the image on the screen in confusion.  Kenny didn’t respond, he simply clicked on the other picture he had edited and waited eagerly for your response.   Deciding to mess with him a bit you leaned in to take a closer look, biting your lip in concentration.
“Hmmm.”  You finally responded with a frown.  “Maybe your dick isn’t as big as I thought if it can be covered with a tiny briefcase. Seth’s looked bigger.”  You squealed as Kenny grabbed for your arm, turning to run only to find yourself tackled onto the bed with Kenny mercilessly tickling your ribs.  
“Take it back!”  He demanded chuckling at your useless attempts at escape.  You sputtered with laughter squirming around to try to escape his torturing fingers.   “Tell me how big my cock is, tell me.”  He growled. “Tell me I’m no Seth Rollins.”  
“Fine! I take it back!”  You yelled after holding out for another moment.  “Your cock is huge, enormous, so big it hurts. Seth could never compare to you.”   You gasped in relief as Kenny stopped his relentless tickling.  
“That’s better.”   He said pecking your lips and settling himself between your thighs.   “How bout I show you again just how big it is?”  He thrust his hips down into you earning a lustful moan from you as he pressed against your core.  
“No!”  Both of your heads jerked towards the door that had just opened revealing Matt Jackson. You all had spare keys to each other’s rooms just in case and it seemed he had taken it upon himself to use his.  “No, no, no.  You do not have time for Round 2! Get off her!”  He grabbed Kenny by the shoulders and pushed him back towards the laptop as his brother Nick followed him in.  
“Yeah Kenny, we have an episode to get out and a tweet to craft!”  Nick chimed in sitting himself on the desk. “You can bang Y/N later.”  
With a pout of disappointment you rolled over onto your tummy, propping yourself up on your elbows as the Bucks stole Kenny’s attention.   You snorted as you saw Kenny enlarge the briefcase covering his package on the picture, rolling your eyes as he flipped you the bird over his shoulder.  
As you lay watching, the boys worked on editing the final touches for Being the Elite before Nick submitted it for posting.  Meanwhile Matt had pulled up Seth’s Twitter apology from when his ex-fiancée had leaked his private photos and read it out for Kenny who was drafting his own Tweet using virtually identical language.  There would be no doubt once the episode aired and the tweet went out that this was shots fired at Seth Rollins.
Later that evening in Phoenix, Arizona, Seth Rollins strolled through the hallways with his usual cocky strut. He had just finished his match on WWE Raw for the night and was ready for a shower and to get back to his hotel.  His stride faltered as he heard various people twittering and whispering as he passed, but shrugged it off.  Entering the locker room he again noticed he was the center of attention as loud guffaws of laughter broke out from the various boys.   Getting irritated he turned on his phone and set it on the bench as he grabbed his shower stuff.  Just as he was walking away from the bench his phone began blowing up with notifications.  With a furrowed brow he pulled up his Twitter feed seeing a ton of retweets to him with a Being the Elite Episode and a tweet from Kenny Omega.
“What the hell?”  He muttered as he read through the comments.  When he saw the pictures of Omega that were supposedly “leaked” along with the “apology” He could feel his face turning red in embarrassment and anger.   He knew Kenny had been upset that he had used his move without asking first, but he couldn’t believe he would make fun of Seth’s personal issue.  The jokes had finally died down in the locker room, but it looked like they were going to picking right back up.  
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temibreadmanpanarin · 5 years
Instagram Posts-Josh Anderson
Requested: Nope
Warnings: None
Up Next: Seth Jones Imagine
Originally a Seth Jones imagine, but I changed my mind and got a new idea for Seth! Please let me know if you enjoy this! Requests are open!
Also this is kinda short because I’m really sad about game six and I want to cry now but wanted to write something so I hope you enjoy it
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A loud noise startles me awake. When I open my eyes and they adjust to the light, I see Josh standing in the doorway of our bedroom shirtless and looking exhausted. He had bags under his eyes and his shoulders sag, making him look shorter.
“Hey y/n. Sorry I woke you up, we had to get a later flight since the game went into double overtime.” He smiles tiredly and makes his way to our bed. I roll over enough to let him slip in before resting my head on his shoulder.
“It’s okay. Congrats on the win.” I lean up and kiss his jawline, feeling it move when he smiles. He tilts his face down and presses his lips to mine gently, moving his lips against mine. I sigh into the kiss and tilt my head up more to deepen it. He pulls away after a few moments and lays back again.
“Thank you, sweetheart. Do you want me to put something on while we fall asleep? Just some like background noise?” I simply nod into his shoulder. He puts on Bob’s Burgers and pulls me further into him, moving me so that I am practically on top of him.
We lay as close as possible and half pay attention to the show, all while Josh’s hands absentmindedly trace little shapes on my arms and back. I soon feel my eyelids grow heavy because of the combined feeling of being cuddled by (everyone’s favorite big boy) Josh, and his fingers gently stroking my skin. I don’t notice I’ve basically fallen asleep until I vaguely notice that the TV has been turned off and Josh puts his arms around me once more. When we are both settled, I let sleep overcome me.
What feels like too soon later, I feel my phone buzzing from behind my pillow. I reach underneath to grab it and turn it off when I notice Josh’s phone is doing the same. While rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I scroll through the seemingly endless notifications from Instagram and texts from my friends. I open the most recent text, which is from Pierre
Pierre: Look how cute you guys are. Josh never posts and now THIS!! I love it
Attached to the odd text was a picture of Josh and I cuddling. Clearly a poorly taken selfie by none other than Josh himself, but a wonderful picture nonetheless. He is flat on his back with his face buried into my hair. I am basically laying on him with one arm under his neck and the other over his chest. My top leg is swung across his lower abdomen and my face is in the crook of his neck. He has one of his arms under me while the other is taking the picture. Neither of our faces are really visible but anyone can see the slight smile on both of our faces.
Me:Dude you woke me up, so thanks for that. And thanks for the compliment? I think?
The rest of the texts are roughly the same. Many of his teammates sending me the picture, some with the heart eye emoji and some saying goals. My favorite text was from Artemi, mostly because he and I are such good friends.
Artemi: Such cute picture. I love you together. I posted too.
Me: Thank you Temi! Such a sweetie. You didn’t need to post it
After answering some more texts from teammates and family members, I go on Instagram where I am flooded with the picture on so many peoples stories and posts. I go straight to Josh’s and read his caption.
joshanderson_77: I could not ask for a more wonderful person to spend my life with. Thank you for sticking by my side for so long, I love you so much @yourinstahandle ❤️
I can’t stop smiling after reading his caption and go right into the comment section to voice my happiness. Before I do so I read some more comments from his teammates and fans. Nearly all of them are positive. His friends are just saying the same things that they texted, with the exception of the ones who just comment emojis. The fans all say how cute we are together, and many say how comfortable and cuddly he and I look. After reading enough I go to typing my own comment.
Yourinstahandle: You’re such a big sap! I love you too Joshie and I hope you know you’re stuck with me forever now ❤️
After commenting I swipe away from the post and look through the Instagram stories. So many hockey players and family members posted it with the exact same comments or emojis. My mom decided to also post it with the caption of: Most comfortable looking love birds ever.
At this point I can not contain my smile and happiness, but choose to finally turn off my phone and cuddle back into Josh’s side. It seem like my movement woke him up, because his arms find their way around me again and squeeze.
“Guessing you saw my post?” I can practically hear the smile and tiredness in his voice.
“Yes I did. Heaven knows I got enough notifications to wake up a dead person.” He laughed quietly at that and kisses the top of my head. “You know a lot of people said we look really comfy, and I gotta say that I am very comfy right now.”
“I know, I am too. I don’t want to get up. Thankfully we can go back to sleep and wait to have to move for a few more hours.” He mumbles into my hair. I nod and hum lightly.
“You know that tomorrow is going to be interesting with your teammates right? They’ll either make fun of you or keep saying how cute the picture is.”
“I’m ready for any of it. I knew what could happen before I even posted it. I think the Blue Jackets page reposted it too, so a whole lotta people are going to see it.” I can hear even more how tired he is and decided to just hum in agreement and pull my leg back over his stomach again.
“I love you Josh, I’ll see you again in the morning.”
“Love you too. Now this time let’s just sleep for as long as possible.” I nod into his chest. And sleep as long as possible we did because we woke up at around 11 to the sound of his phone dinging.
“And so it begins” I grin up at him before pressing my lips to his in a chaste kiss. He nods and gets to answering the hundred of notifications. That’s when I notice that he changed his wallpaper to that picture, and when I knew that he is as head over heels for me as I am for him.
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haven-raven012591 · 6 years
Right in front of you
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Picture from Smileitspeak on IG
Authors Note: been in my phone for a year, so let's see if it's any good! 😂
Paring: Finn BalorX OC Haven (both call each other by their real names in Private)
Warnings: Cussing, a little angst, a lot of fluff
"So how was it?" Sasha asked. Haven looked at her. "How was what?" Haven asked. "Duh your date with Seth!" Bayley said. "It was NOT a date!" Haven fumed stairing at Bayley. "Easy girl." Sasha said. "He's not my type, he's a great guy just not the right one for me." Haven said. She picked at her salad and sighed. "Ok so who can we fix you up with?" Bayley said. "Bay please don't ok I'm just really not ready." Haven said. Bayley hugged her and Haven smiled. "You just need a great guy friend is all." Sasha said.
Finn walked into catering. Haven ran over to and hugged him. "Hey." Haven whispered. "Hey." Finn said. "You look so upset, are you ok?" Haven asked looking up. He stroked her hair and she giggled. "I've got a lot on my mind." Finn said. "You don't have to worry about the match I've got your back." Haven said. "I was never worried about our match." Finn said. "Wanna go talk you know I'm here for you." Haven said. "I know." Finn said. She took his hand and he looked at her. "Come on I know a spot." Haven said.
They walked off and Sasha smiled. "They are so adorable." Sasha said. "She'd never try you know she's so closed off." Bayley said. "So is he, Cathy totally messed him up." Sasha said. Finn sat with her and she nudged his shoulder with hers. "Come on Finn spill." Haven said. "It's lonely now." Finn said. She looked away and he sighed as he got up. "She never should've been with you if she couldn't handle you being focused on getting your title back." Haven said grabbing his hand. He turned and she pulled him close.
"He should've loved you." Finn said. "She should've loved you as well." Haven said. He laid his forehead to hers. "I have to get ready." Finn said. "Listen to me Finn Balor you are an amazing person and wrestler I'm so ready for our match." Haven said. "You're an amazing woman and wrestler Haven I'll see you out there." Finn said. "It's a date handsome." Haven teased. He brushed his nose against hers and she giggled. "You an Eskimo now?" Haven teased. "I don't want to kiss you yet." Finn said softly. Her body trembled at his words and she rubbed his biceps.
"You're too good for me Finn." Haven whispered and moved him back getting up. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close. "I tink ya have tat wrong lass, you're fair too good for me." Finn whispered. She laughed and pushed him away playfully. "I've gotta match to prepare for." Haven said. He gripped her hand. "Wear my shirt." Finn said. "Finn what's going on with you?" Haven asked. "I'm frustrated." Finn said. She rubbed up his arms and smirked. "How can I help partner?" Haven asked. "Kiss me Haven let me taste ya lass let me feel ya against me." Finn whispered.
"Fergal." Haven breathed. It was the first time she'd said his name at an arena or event. She was usually so professional and in character. He smiled and she blushed. "Ya dropped character love." Finn whispered. "Sorry, I was shocked at what you said." Haven said. "Why?" Finn asked. "You asked me to kiss you." Haven said. "True but tat was wrong." Finn said. "Oh...I see." Haven said and walked off. He kicked the wall and sighed. "Put your foot in it huh?" Sasha asked. "Like ya wouldn't believe." Finn said. "Let me talk to her." Sasha said.
Haven was laying in the floor eyes closed when Sasha came in. She crouched down poking her stomach. "Am I in the way Sasha?" Haven asked. "No, but you frustrated your partner." Sasha said. "Finn will be fine." Haven said. "He's sorry." Sasha said. "Why are you and Bay so concerned with my love life?" Haven asked slightly annoyed. She leaned up on her elbows and then sprang to her feet. "We want to see you happy, both of you and when you two are together he's like the old happy Finn." Sasha said. "It's not because of me." Haven said.
"It is." Sasha said. "That's not possible Sash." Haven said. "Why not?" Sasha asked. "Because I'm me." Haven said. "Ok tell me something." Sasha said. "Sure." Haven said. "What's the matter with you?" Sasha asked. "You want a list?" Haven asked. "Tell me honestly Scabell." Sasha said. "You don't use my name most of the time it sounds so nice." Haven said. "Has he ever called you by your name?" Sasha asked. "Mostly it's Haven." Haven said. "I see." Sasha said. "Sounds pretty in his accent." Haven said. "Any thing does." Sasha said. They laughed and hugged.
Haven put on her leather jacket and walked out. "So unoriginal." Alexa said. "Part of my asthetic Alexa it's a simple coincidence Finn has one too." Haven said. "You look great in it Haven." Nia said. "Thanks Nia." Haven said. She went through the curtain and out to the ring jumping over the top rope and sliding out of her jacket. She sat on the top turn buckle and waited. Gallows and Anderson came out and they waited for him. When Finn came out she smiled at his infectious grin. It was amazing that he always seemed so happy to everyone.
He always gave everyone so much of himself and he was always last, he always got what was left. Sometimes at the end of the day there was nothing left. She knew how that felt, it was the way she was and had always been. She got down to let him do his thing and she leaned into the turn buckles. "Haven doesn't look very impressed." Coach said. "She's a very calm person." Cole said. "She has a lot of respect for Finn Balor, you can tell by the way she watches him I'd say she's very impressed." Corey said.
Finn too sweeted the guys and then walked to her and she tilted her head. "Join the club." Finn said. He held up too sweet and she did to the tips of their fingers touching. She shivered and he smirked. "Is there room for two girls?" Haven asked. "Sasha isn't part of us." Finn said. She beamed at him and walked over to the guys. They all held up too sweet and she felt whole. "Welcome." Karl said. She smiled at him and gallows. "I feel so short." Haven said. "Ya are the shortest of us." Finn said. "Now." Karl said. She laughed and leaned on the buckles.
"Who'd have thought I'd be the girl in the bullet club." Haven said. "You mean the Balor Club." Luke said. "Yeah sure that's what I mean." Haven said. Finn smirked at her and she blushed a little bit. They waited and she froze when Asuka's music stared. "Whoa wait she's not supposed to be his partner." Haven said. "Kurt didn't tell you?" Karl asked. "Tell me what?" Haven asked. "We face Asuka and Roman." Finn said. "They changed the damn match!" Haven said. "Yes." Finn said.
"The number one contenders verses the champions." Karl said. "Fuck me." Haven breathed. They all laughed but Finn. She saw his eyes go dark and the pure ocean blue turned to brilliant saphiare. "Finn." Haven said softly. "Just don't piss her off and ya'll be fine." Finn said. Karl and Luke left and she stood on the steps watching Finn and Roman trade blows. She was trying hard not to tag in. Her hands were twisting on the ropes like she was going crazy. Roman threw him into the corner, she tagged herself in getting in the ring.
They locked eyes as they circled each other. Haven went for her knees taking her down and pounding on her. Asuka was a striker, one of the best, you had to take her down and keep her down. Asuka got her legs between them and kicked Haven into the turn buckles. Haven's neck hit the top turn buckle and snapped back, like a whiplash effect. She slid down and sat there her eyes closed. The ref ran over and Finn stopped breathing. Asuka looked at Roman then Finn. Haven woke up later in the hospital blinking at the lights.
"Who turned on the sun?" Haven whispered. Finn shot up and she looked at him. "Hey did I beat her?" Haven asked. "No love." Finn said. "I'm so sorry I let you guys down Finn." Haven whispered. He caressed her cheek. "I'm just glad yer ok ya've been out for hours." Finn said. "How'd you get them to let you stay?" Haven asked. "I fibbed." Finn said. "Told them you were my brother." Haven assumed. "Yer boyfriend." Finn corrected. She shook her head and felt him shaking. "What's wrong?" Haven asked. "Scabell ya scared the shit out of me tonight." Finn said.
She teared up as he cupped her cheek. "You said my name." Haven whispered. "I've said it before." Finn said. "Not like that." Haven whispered. She closed her eyes and her heart skipped a beat. He kissed her forehead and caressed her cheek. "Rest Scabell, I'm here." Finn whispered. "Thank you for fibbing Fergal." Haven said softly. "I wanted ta stay, I had ta know ya were alright Scabell." Finn said. She took his hand and kissed it. "Maybe you are a prince after all." Haven said. "I have ta tell ya someting." Finn said.
"Please don't, not here or now when I'm hurt don't confuse our friendship with love when it's not." Haven said. "I have feelings for ya." Finn said. She looked at him and shook her head. "Fergal, we're best friends this will mess it up." Haven said. "Only if it ends Scabell." Finn said. She nodded and he kissed her forehead. "You rest." Finn said. "If you're my boyfriend shouldn't you be holding me?" Haven asked. He smirked and laid down. She rolled over and rubbed his chest. He pulled her closer and she sighed.
"I've always wondered what it would feel like to be in your arms like this." Haven said. "I have too Scabell especially when I was away." Finn said. "Fergal I missed you so much but you needed to heal and home was the best place." Haven said. "I'm healed now." Finn said. "I know, and your amazing now even better than before." Haven said. "Am I now?" Finn asked playing with her hair. "Better than anyone Fergal." Haven said. He held her tighter and she went to sleep. She woke up and looked around.
He was still asleep so she moved the little whisps of hair out of his eyes. "I'm not asleep." Finn grinned. "I see that." Haven said. "Did ya sleep well?" Finn asked. "Like a baby thanks to you." Haven said. "Me?" Finn asked. "Always wanted to be held." Haven said. "Oh." Finn said. She was released and he took her to the hotel. He went to his room and she went to hers taking a long hot shower. When she got out she called him and he went to her room. "What is it lass?" Finn asked and blushed instantly. She beamed up at him and blushed too.
"Please don't say anything Fergal, just keep using it for me I love it." Haven said. "I honestly didn't mean ta call ya tat it slipped." Finn said. "I've always wanted to be called that Fergal, by a man just like you, I just never told anyone that." Haven babbled. He kissed her forehead and she smiled. "Will you keep calling me that?" Haven asked. "If ya want me ta tat bad I tink I can keep callin ya lass." Finn teased. She let a few tears go. "Does it mean tat much ta ya Scabell?" Finn asked. "It's not just that, it's that you're here right now." Haven said.
"Ya said ya needed me lass what was I supposed ta do leave ya hangin?" Finn asked. "I kinda wanted a kiss, is that stupid I wanted to see if it's just because I'm hurt your letting your feelings out." Haven babbled. "Tat boy really messed wit yer head lass, wantin me ta kiss ya is natural, especially when ya first start ta date." Finn said. She touched his cheek and leaned up. "Stop rushin me lass I'll kiss ya." Finn said and kissed her nose. "Tell me the truth is this all storyline stuff Finn, is this...this is all fake and you've let me make a fool out of myself." Haven fumed.
He pulled her close and held her. "Tis is us lass, Scabell look at me and tell me ya don't have feelings for me." Finn said. She looked up trembling against him. "Fergal." Haven whispered. "I need ya ta say it lass, tell me how ya feel about me." Finn coaxed. "Fergal you mean the world to me, your my best friend." Haven said. "Do ya tink ya could date me Scabell, tat ya could love me?" Finn asked. "Fergal nothing would make me happier than to be your girlfriend." Haven said. She held him tightly and smiled stroking his hair.
"Ya make me happy lass." Finn whispered. "She was right." Haven said. "Who?" Finn asked. "Sasha, she said I made you happy." Haven said. "She was right Scabell, ya make me feel like my old self." Finn said. "You make me feel like me again, I was so alone, so shut down until we started talking." Haven said. He ran his fingers through her hair. "Black makes ya look so different, like some Raven haired goddess." Finn whispered. "A goddess, Fergal what's on your mind?" Haven asked. "You." Finn said. "I'm not dying my hair." Haven said.
"The brown suits ya to a tee lass, I love it." Finn said. "That warm Chestnut color really is natural, I swear." Haven teased. He laughed and she played with her hair. She sat on the bed and he sat with her. "I kinda just needed to know if I dreamed it all." Haven said. "I'm real." Finn said. "I wanna be like that every night Fergal." Haven said getting up. He pulled her down and she looked up at him as he caressed her cheek. "I'd like tat." Finn said. "Really?" Haven asked. "Yes." Finn said. "Tell me yer dream date?" Finn said. "You." Haven said.
He laughed and she felt the vibration in his chest watching him. "Your not like anyone I've ever met Fergal." Haven said softly. He looked at her and she had this innocence to her but also a darkness mixed with light. She blushed and he smirked. "Lass tell me someting." Finn said. "Anything, but you know a lot about me already." Haven said. "Are ya a virgin?" Finn asked. She blushed more and locked eyes with him. "And if I am, what you'll walk out is that it?" Haven accused. "No lass, just wanted ta know if what I saw was true." Finn said.
"You'd be my first kiss too my ex never touched me." Haven said. "The bloody fool." Finn spat. "I was the fool, and I'm being one again assuming you'd want to kiss me, or even fuck me, I want to be alone now please go." Haven said. She rolled from his arms and shuttered instantly. He'd been so warm and smelt so good. Like the earth after a summer rain, fresh and clean with a hint of darkness. He wrapped around her and put his arm between hers gripping her hand as he laced their fingers together.
She didn't move hell she could barely breathe. "Push all ya want lass, but ya don't have ta be scared of me I promise ya tat Scabell, yer safe wit me." Finn whispered. She licked her lips and rolled half way over so she could see his eyes. "What does that mean Fergal, that you won't stray from me, please I know better especially if I don't let you fuck me right away, you're a man with needs still in his prime." Haven said. "Ya keep talkin and ya'll break yer own heart lass, now stop." Finn said firmly but gently. She gazed at him longingly.
"It's already broken please just go, last night will always be special and I won't tell anyone." Haven said. "Tell the world lass I don't give a fuck, I was comforting a friend." Finn said. She stopped breathing and he closed his eyes licking his lips. He knew he just screwed up royally. "Lass tat's not what I meant, yer more tan a friend ta me." Finn said. "Go before you do something you'll regret Finn." Haven said. He cupped her cheek keeping her eyes on his. "Say my name Scabell" Finn demanded. He thumbed away her tears as they ran down her cheeks.
"Fergal." Haven said. "I'm not Finn, or Balor, or Prince right now, I'm Fergal and I'm wit ya Scabell." Finn said. He kissed her forehead then down the center of her face. She shivered and rubbed his arms as he moved over her. "Who are you?" Finn whispered. He kissed the tip of her nose. She smiled and held his biceps. "Scabell." Haven said. "Who did I hold last night?" Finn asked kissing the corners of her mouth. She smiled more and giggled. "Scabell." Haven said. "Who am I about to kiss?" Finn asked. She licked her lips and he smirked.
"Fergal." Haven breathed. "No tat's me try again cherry blossom." Finn said. She pulled away and got up running her hands through her hair. He went to her and she looked up. "Don't call me that Fergal, he called me that, and as much as I love it, and god the way you said it made me feel special again." Haven babbled. "It's because of how rosie yer cheeks are naturally, when ya blush it's beautiful." Finn said cupping her cheeks. "Say it again Fergal." Haven said. "I want ta be wit ya cherry blossom." Finn said.
She ran her hands over his. "Scabell you're about to kiss Scabell." Haven said. He brought her close and lowered his head smiling. She wrapped her arms around him and he kissed her softly. His lips glided over hers softly but firmly as he ran his hand into her hair. She ran her hands over him ending in his hair as her back connected to the wall she gasped. That was what he was waiting for the opportunity he needed to slip inside her mouth and lick her tongue coaxing it out. She shivered and moaned into the kiss.
He pulled back and she blushed hard. It went down her throat and disappeared behind her shirt but he followed it back as it reached her ears. "Tey're pointed." Finn said. "Ye...yes slightly no one's ever really noticed." Haven said blushing more. She pulled her hair around her ears as she moved away. He pulled her back into his arms and nuzzled her ear. "Fergal stop that tickles." Haven giggled. "Where are ya goin?" Finn whispered. "Just to lay on my bed your kinda making me lightheaded." Haven whispered.
"It's from our kiss and yer concussion." Finn said softly. "I know baby." Haven said and rubbed his arms. "Was it good?" Finn asked. "If that's how you'll always kiss me then yes." Haven said. He chuckled and kissed behind her ear. "If I always kiss ya like tat ten tings will happen faster tan ya want tem to." Finn whispered. "I've never been so happy and so calm." Haven whispered. "I'm happy too." Finn said. She turned and kissed him softly. "Would you stay?" Haven asked. "Yes lass I'll stay, just give me time ta go out wit my boys." Finn said.
"Take as long as you want baby I'm going to go get my dress anyway." Haven said. "For what lass?" Finn asked. "The hall of fame ceremony." Haven said. "Ya and yer girls?" Finn asked. "No, I was going alone." Haven said. "Please don't lass, if not me ten go wit Sasha or Bayley just not alone." Finn pleaded. "Fergal are you worried about me?" Haven asked. "Even wit a minor concussion ya could black out or get dizzy." Finn said. She rubbed his neck and back. "If you think it's best then I'll ask if they wanna tag along." Haven said.
"It would make me very happy and would take a lot off my mind." Finn said. She was happy to stay like they were for the rest of her life. "Hey girl you up?" Paige asked. "Yeah I'm up and I'm not alone." Haven called back. Paige walked in and the rest of the girls behind her stopped dead in their tracks. "Holy shit." Sasha said. "What?" Haven asked. "Are you two are a couple?" Bayley asked. "We haven't been on a date." Haven said. "Did he stay with you last night?" Paige asked. "No." Haven said. "Why is he here then?" Alexa asked.
"I don't remember having to explain myself to you." Haven snapped. "I'm here because she wanted ta let me know she was ok." Finn said. "Why are you two all close and shit?" Alexa asked. Finn looked at her and she laughed. "Up ta you." Haven said softly. "Say the words mo mhuirnín." Finn whispered. "Make her wish she was me." Haven whispered. He moved her hair and kissed her long and slow. She held him tightly and sighed when he pulled back. "That was wonderful." Haven whispered to his lips.
He held her close. "I'll leave ya ta get yer dress, after all I need my date ta look stunnin." Finn said. "What's it mean Fergal?" Haven asked. "Tell ya later." Finn said. She watched them move so he could leave and she bit her lip running after him. "Wait a second." Haven called. He turned and pulled her into his arms. "What is it?" Finn asked. "I said no because I know how private you are Fergal." Haven said. "I like her being envious of you Scabell, i like it so much I'd love ta kiss ya again because she's watchin." Finn said.
"Well hello Balor nice to meet you." Haven smirked. He nipped her lip and she shivered. "Maybe we should give tem a show." Finn said. "As enjoyable as that would be baby I don't want to." Haven said. She kissed his cheek and turned. He spun her around and cupped her cheek. "Tat's very considerate Scabell, but it's time someone envied you." Finn said. "That's not how I work baby." Haven said. "I know." Finn said. He kissed her tenderly as he held the back of her head. "Don't stop kissing me Fergal." Haven said.
"I have ta right now but I'll be back." Finn said laying his forehead to hers. "I'll be waiting baby." Haven said. He walked off and she turned to face them smiling. "No way." Alexa said. "Aww well you're allowed to be delusional sweetie." Haven said and laughed as the rest hugged her. "You and him aren't a good couple." Alexa said. "They're perfect." Sasha said. "We're happy at least." Haven said. "Did he stay with you?" Bayley asked. "Yeah he told them he was my boyfriend." Haven said. They hugged her again and she smiled bigger.
"He wants you guys to come with me to get my dress." Haven said. "That's why we're here, it's not a good thing for you to be alone right now." Paige said. "I know, he said the same it's kinda nice." Haven said. They all laughed and went to get her dress. "What do you mean it's been sold, I paid for it over a month ago." Haven said. "I'm so sorry miss." She said. Haven walked out and sat on a bench. "They sold it and it was perfect, it was my style it took forever to find." Haven fumed as she stood up pacing.
"Hey, relax we'll think of something." Bayley said. "How hard can it be to find a black dress?" Alexa laughed. "It wasn't black." Bayley said. "Relax or you'll give yourself a headache." Sasha said. "I know." Haven said. "Scabell." Bayley said. She looked at her and sat down beside her. "I'm ok Bay." Haven said. "Let's go get lunch and go to the show." Paige said. "Ok." Haven said. They ate and went to the arena. "Hey you ok?" Roman asked. "Yeah I'm fine just a little concussion is all I'll be ready for raw come next week." Haven said.
"Ya know the doctor said two weeks." Finn said. She turned and laughed. "Yeah but I'm not going to sit out two weeks." Haven said. "Better tan months." Finn said. "Yeah you're right, when I'm cleared I'll be back." Haven said. He hugged her tightly. "Are you ok?" Finn asked. "Just pissed off baby." Haven said. He looked at her and she rubbed his arms. "Hold up, are you two a couple?" Roman asked. "They are." Sasha said. Finn grinned and she blushed. "Don't spread it ok guys." Haven said. "I won't I promise." Roman said.
"Thank you." Haven said. They walked off and ran into Renee. Haven dropped his hand and he looked at her. "I'm not going to tell on you two." Renee said. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Haven said. "Ok." Renee said. Haven looked at Finn and he walked off. "Wait a second don't get upset." Haven said grabbing his hand. "Ya seem ta tink I want us ta be in the dark." Finn said. She pulled him close and framed his face. "I do." Haven said. "What?" Finn asked. "It's the first day Finn, I just didn't want everyone to know." Haven said.
He kissed her long and slow bringing her close. She held him and tears ran down her cheeks. "Maybe you and I shouldn't be together Finn." Haven whispered. "Why not?" Finn asked. "Because you're, you and I'm not up to your level." Haven said. "Which level and be honest." Finn said. "She was more beautiful than I could ever hope to be, Finn." Haven said and walked away. He ran after her and pulled her into a room. "What's wrong mhuirnín, ya can talk ta me ya know that." Finn said. She looked into his eyes.
"What's that mean?" Haven asked. He brushed away her tears. "It means darling." Finn said. He blushed a little and she shivered. "Fergal, I don't want her to find out I feel like you've down graded to me, she's so pretty and so popular and I'm me." Haven said. He kissed her forehead and she licked her lips. "Yer beautiful ya know tat Scabell, I don't care if she knows I don't care if the whole locker room knows." Finn said. "I don't understand you're such a person." Haven said confused. "Yeah well maybe your special." Finn said looking down but away from her.
She laughed and his head snapped up. "I'm the one with the concussion Finn but you're delusional, I'm not special hell I'm not even normal, do yourself a favor and stay away from me." Haven said. She turned and he grabbed her arm spinning her around. He forced her into a wall. His eyes were saphiare and she trembled from his touch. "What tat fool did will be erased by me, I will show ya what it means ta be loved properly." Finn vowed. She hadn't looked away from his gaze it was like she was in a trance. "Fergal." Haven breathed.
"Scabell." Finn said softly. He looked at his hand and let her go as he walked away. She went to him and rubbed his arms. "Hey it's ok, I'm sorry I upset you, good luck tonight Finn and don't worry you don't have to come by I've got Paige." Haven said. She kissed his shoulder and walked out. "Hey, what's wrong?" Renee asked. "Nothing, I'm just glad he came to his senses is all." Haven said. "About what?" Renee asked. "Me, us ." Haven scoffed and smiled weakly. "I don't understand you two looked so good and so happy." Renee said.
"The truth is that he should be with someone like you, next to you and the others I'm the plain Jane or the ugly duckling that stayed ugly." Haven said. "Oh god he didn't say that." Renee said horrified. "No, I said that see ya later." Haven said and walked off. Renee looked at him coming out. "Fergal, I'm so sorry." Renee said. "So am I Renee." Finn said. "Can I do anything?" Renee asked. "Keep her away from Haven please." Finn said. "I don't understand." Renee said. "Haven's comparin herself ta her, and in her eyes she loses." Finn said.
Renee shook her head and sighed. "I'll keep her away." Renee said. "Thank you." Finn said and walked away. Haven stood in the back and watched the show. It was nice to have free time to be with her friends. She was glad the Monday before the rumble she was able to come back. Finn hadn't talked to her since the Tuesday show after she got hurt. The rumble had been amazing. The night he fought Cena and lost, he ended up at her and Paige's room. She couldn't help but think maybe he wasn't mad at her anymore.
"Fergal she's not doing well I think she's got the flu." Paige said. He went to her bed and sat on his knees. "Hey Iron man." Haven coughed. "I came ta talk ta ya lass I can't stand it anymore." Finn said. "It's ok to be pissed at me Fergal I'm still mad at myself." Haven said. He felt her cheeks and and picked her up. "Where are you taking her?" Paige asked. "Ta the hospital." Finn said. He sat with her in his lap in the back of a cab. "You're so warm and smell so good Fergal." Haven whispered. He kissed her forehead.
"Close yer eyes mhuirnín." Finn whispered. "I feel so safe with you." Haven murmured. He got out with her and she held onto him. They gave her fluids and told her to rest as much as possible. That she didn't have the flu just a cold and she was dehydrated. She walked out with him and he pulled her close. "Now tat I know it's a cold." Finn said. She gripped his jacket and smiled. "You could get sick." Haven said. He kissed her long and slow holding her head in his hands. "I'll risk it." Finn said. She sighed and gripped his jacket harder.
"I don't want you sick Fergal." Haven said. "Ten ya could take care of me and give me kisses." Finn said. She kissed his forehead softly. "I'd love to take care of you but no." Haven giggled. "You know what I'd love?" Finn asked. "What?" Haven asked. "You and I ta be together." Finn said. "I'd love that too." Haven said. "Will ya stay wit me tis time?" Finn teased. "I was freaked out, I wasn't in a good head space Fergal, I'm so sorry I hurt you." Haven said. He cupped her cheek. "The concussion made ya sad, I'm sorry ya went trough tat alone mhuirnín." Finn said.
"I love that, it sounds so much better in Gaelic." Haven said. "So many tings do a ghrá trust me." Finn said. She blushed and rubbed his chest. "Does that mean something special?" Haven asked. He smirked and kissed her forehead. "Maybe." Finn said. She hugged him and sighed as he hugged her tightly. "Stay wit me." Finn whispered as he stroked her hair. She felt him shaking. "Let's get you to bed you're still not at full power from last night and tonight." Haven said. "Can I stay wit ya?" Finn asked softly. She kissed his heart and looked up.
"Of course, come on I'll give you a massage." Haven said. They went back to her and Paige's room. "You want me to split?" Paige asked. "No you can stay." Haven said. Finn pulled his shirt off and then his jeans. "You should really go get your bag that way you can shower after I give you a massage." Haven said. "Ooo you're in for a treat girlie has amazing hands." Paige said. "Should I be worried or aroused at tat?" Finn asked. Haven hugged Paige. "She's my friend Fergal, if I can help with a massage I do." Haven said.
She went to him kissing his cheek. "Go and I'll set up my stuff." Haven said. "Ok." Finn said and dressed leaving. "You two are adorable ya know it's really sweet." Paige said. "He's a doll." Haven said. She put out her candles and oils on her side of the nightstand. "You can use it all it's ok." Paige said. She put more out and Paige grabbed her bag. "Where are you going?" Haven asked. "Nat said I could crash with her so you two could be alone." Paige said. "Paige, nothing's going to happen." Haven said. "I really hope you're wrong." Paige said.
"It's not like that right now." Haven said. "You're insane he's in love with you, everyone but you sees that." Paige said. "He is not." Haven said. "He is so." Finn said. She turned and looked at him forgetting she'd given him her key card. Finn shut the door and dropped his bag on the floor. "You can't be, we haven't even been on a date let alone anything else." Haven said. "Truth is lass, I've been in love wit ya since I was hurt." Finn said. "You were with her." Haven said. "At the end of it noting was lost on my part, well almost noting." Finn said.
Paige left and he brushed her hair back behind her ear. "Ya remind me of fae." Finn said. "What kind?" Haven asked. "A cute little pixy." Finn said. She laughed and shook her head. "I'm not a pixy, I'm human." Haven said. He kissed her neck softly and she gripped his shirt. "Somehow I don't tink so." Finn whispered. She closed her eyes as he nuzzled her neck. "Bite me." Haven breathed. "What?" Finn asked. "Bite me." Haven said. He kissed her neck and she gave up. He smirked against her neck and bit hard.
Her hands flew to his hair as he picked her up. She wrapped around him effortlessly as he laid her down. He kissed her neck and nuzzled behind her ear. "How long?" Finn asked. "How long what?" Haven asked. "How long have ya had a crush on me?" Finn asked. "A while." Haven said. He kissed the side of her neck and she sighed as she gripped his arms. "Don't stop." Haven whispered. He looked at her and she smiled. "I'm not like tat." Finn said. She giggled and kissed him softly. "I'm glad you're sweet." Haven said.
He laid down and pulled her close. "And yer mine now, Scabell." Finn whispered against her neck. "Yes Fergal, and you're mine." Haven whispered. He kissed her passionately. She gripped his shirt as her back arched. His hands went to her hair. He loved her long black hair. It hit him and he pulled back. Her breath came out in little pants. "Ya dyed it." Finn panted. "Yes, I needed a change." Haven said. "Yer so fuckin beautiful, Scabell, my Scabell! Finn said. "You're so handsome Fergal, my Fergal." Haven said. They laid in bed kissing and cuddling.
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Waking Up in Vegas--Ch. 33
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Chapter 33: You’re Starting to Trickle Back In
Mera, Early Morning, 12:28 AM
           I sat in a private waiting room with Seth, who was settled on a bed with a thin mattress. They’d put him on his stomach, lying flat. He had his hands tucked beneath his pillow with his face turned toward me.
           “Chris will be here any minute,” I said almost as much to myself as to him. “And the doctors are getting your scan prepped. You’ll be right as rain soon.”
           Seth’s eyes were half-closed but there was a tightness around his mouth that let me know he was in pain. My heart ached for him. We hadn’t really got along for a while, but that didn’t mean I wanted him to be hurting. There was some part of him that was Colby, my oldest friend.
           “Mera,” he groaned softly. His brow furrowed deeply. I remembered that face from his time rehabbing his knee. “I should have listened to you. A long time ago.”
           I pulled my chair up to the side of his bed. My fingers pressed against the mattress, inches away from him. There had been a time when I would have brushed his hair out of the way and promised that everything would be okay. But that wasn’t something that happened anymore.
           “It doesn’t matter,” I soothed. “You’ve got a broken rib or two. A few weeks off and you’ll be back to your old self.”
           He opened his eyes, their dark brown glassed over with pain. “I’m thirty-three, Mera, and I feel like I’m sixty. I’ve got a bum knee and my back aches more often than it doesn’t.”
           I sighed, trying to fight the urge to touch him to calm him down. “As long as you do what the doctors say, then you’re going to be fine. If you ever do anything I say again, listen to the doctors. Take time off if they tell you to. A title is not worth your well-being, Seth.”
           He squeezed his eyes shut again, turning his face into the pillow. “I’ve worked my whole life for this, Mera.”
           “No one knows better than me,” I snapped, glad when the door opened and Chris Amann slipped into the door. I stood up, pushing my chair back against the wall. For a moment, I glanced back at Seth, wanting to say something, but instead I grabbed my purse and left.
Dean, Early Morning, 12:35 AM
           I hated hospitals. And I hated that I was out here in the waiting room while Mera was back there with Seth. My leg bounced with nerves. I wanted to find my wife and get her far away from Seth Rollins.
           Maybe I was being paranoid. It wouldn’t be the first time. But I hated the way that Seth was able to dig into her. I knew they had a past, and that it was that past that lead her to me, and that it would always give him a window into her life. I was convinced that he’d do whatever it took to keep his hooks in her.
           A door whooshed open and Mera stepped through, a frustrated frown on her face. She looked exhausted. I leapt to my feet, wanting to take her away from here.
           “Are you hungry?” I asked quietly, reaching out to take her hand.
           She looked at me with those worn amber eyes, and it looked like her entire body relaxed. I felt the tension bleed out of her into the floor. She stepped closer, and I wrapped my arms around her. I hugged her tightly, nuzzling my nose against her hair. “Let’s get out of here.”
Mera, Early Morning, 1:13 AM
           Dean leaned against the SUV and pulled me against his chest. His arms wound around me, one hand at the base of my spine, the other cradling my skull. I nuzzled my cheek against his shirt, breathing in the scent of him. Calm settled into my body, warm enough to make the tension melt from my limbs.
           “I want to go home,” I whispered against his chest. Tears burned behind my eyes. “I want to go home, Dean.”
           “Then we’ll go home,” he replied, ghosting his lips over my forehead.
           He opened the passenger door and settled me inside. A moment later, he was in the car with his phone against his ear.
           An hour later, we were boarding a red eye to Las Vegas.
Dean, Early Morning, 3:49 AM
           I left our bags in the truck. They didn’t matter. Mera had slept fitfully on the flight, turned over away from me so I couldn’t see her crying. The sound of her sniffling tore my heart in two, yet it made something buried deep in my chest roar with indignation. I wanted to rage at Seth, but taking care of my wife was far more important.
           She lolled her head against my shoulder as I carried her in from the truck. I’d caught sight of her in the stark yellow porch light. Her face was blotchy, eyes red and swollen. But it didn’t matter. She would always be the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.
           I settled her on our bed, then went to the chest to dig out a pair of her favorite shorts and one of my shirts. When I turned back around, I saw that she had sat up on the edge of the bed, slumped toward her pillows, honey gold hair spilling everywhere in a haze of sleepy tangles. She let out a quiet mmph of noise as I came toward her with the clothes.
           Gently, I tugged her sweatshirt over her head, sending her loose curls in every direction. She worked the button and zipper of her jeans free and wiggled them down her legs. Her t-shirt followed a moment later.
           I couldn’t help but skip my gaze over the lines and curves of her body. It never ceased to amaze me that she was mine. That I could hold her against me, kiss her, make her laugh, make her smile whenever I liked.
           Mera pushed the shorts away and snatched the tee from my fingers. Before I could blink, she’d tossed her bra to the end of the bed and slipped into my shirt. My brain went fuzzy for a moment. She was adorable in her dizzy sleepiness as she tucked herself beneath the blankets.
           I stripped quickly and slipped into bed beside her. The moment she felt my weight against the mattress, she turned into me, settling her head against my shoulder. I adjusted the pillow beneath my head and curled my arm around her, tugging her close to my side.
           “I’m sorry,” she murmured against my chest. “I’m sorry.”
           My heart contracted. “For what, Mera?” Tears dripped against my skin.
           My wife hugged me tightly, her shoulders shaking with her silent sobs. I ached for her. But I was enraged that I couldn’t stop the way she felt, that I couldn’t soothe the pain that she kept inside. All I could do was hold her.
           And love her with everything within me.
           “Sweet wife,” I whispered against her hair, holding her tightly. My fingers brushed against her cheek, wiping away the tears. “There’s nothing you should be sorry for, my sweet, sweet wife. You’re here, you’re safe, and I love you more than the breath in my body. I don’t care about before, Mera. I only care about now.”
           I tilted her chin up gently, stroking the bow of her lips. “You are my now, Mera. And I hope that you’ll be my forever.”
           She blinked; her amber eyes glassy with tears as she looked up at me. “Please,” she whimpered. “Please don’t doubt me.”
           Sitting up, I pulled her into my lap and cradled her face with my palms. “I don’t doubt you. God knows I never have, not even when you weren’t mine to doubt. I know it isn’t easy, and I wish that you didn’t have to feel so torn. You are my wife, and all I want is for you to be happy.”
           She fixed me with those eyes of hers, and all I could see was how sad and broken she seemed. I wished more than anything that I could soothe her, to make sure that she knew how completely she was loved and adored.
           “Dean…” Her voice sounded small and afraid when she said my name. “He was so horrible to me. He broke my heart and replaced me like I was nothing. How can anyone… how can you… you’re a good man… you deserve better than broken and confused…”
           I let her talk, let her exorcise the fears that had somehow worked their way to the surface of her heart. My fingers brushed through her tangled hair, soothing along the skin of her neck, brushing along the underside of her jaw. She sobbed her way through long line of terrors and anxieties, each rooted in the idea that there was something fundamentally wrong with her.
           When she final finished her confessions, I smoothed her hair back from her tearstained face. She looked away, something like shame stamped across her face. The beast in my chest whined in agony at the sight.
Mera, Early Morning, 3:45 AM
           I couldn’t look at him. And I couldn’t explain why I’d said everything that I had. There was something about the conversation with Seth in the hospital that had dragged my deepest fears from somewhere within.
           “You can’t…” I hiccoughed. “You shouldn’t…” I looked down at my wedding band, thought about that night on the Vegas Strip,
           Dean slid his fingers along the line of my jaw and tilted my face, forcing me to look at him. His eyes were a deep cerulean in the dim light. “Mera, you are worth so much more than you know. And everything that happened… everything he did to you? He did it. There’s nothing wrong with you.” He smiled sadly, eyes searching my face. “And I should love you, and I can love you, and I do love you. I’ve loved you since the second that I saw you. And I’m going to love you until the day that I die.”
           My eyes burned as new tears slipped down my cheeks. “I don’t want you to live your life with this hanging over your head, Dean.”
           He shook his head and drew me closer. “I’d live my life with a sword over my head if it meant that I lived it with you.”
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oswaldsirius · 6 years
Summary: It’s always been just another day for her, but this year Sirius is determined to make it a birthday Celeste will remember. 
Pairing: Sirius Oswald/Celeste Morreaux
Word Count: 3612
Ao3 Link
Warning: Chapter 24/25 spoilers for Sirius’ route. I know the 30 days have passed but I’m still putting it on here just in case some people have missed some days. 
A/N: Purely self indulgent and simply because today is Celeste’s birthday and I had to write something for my sweet girl.
             Blinking at the Civic Center, Celeste stared for a moment before turning to Sirius. He was smiling at her and that should have been all the answer she needed. “What did you do?” she still asked.
           “It’s not a surprise if I tell you.”
           He’d said that every time she’d asked since she had woken up this morning. He’d gone above and beyond to surprise her as many times as he could. “Sirius.”
           He simply smiled at her.
           This was becoming too much. This entire day was too much. He was too much.
           “It’s your birthday, Cherry. Let me spoil you.”
           Another common saying today. He seemed to take it as a personal challenge to outdo himself. It had started with the outfit she was wearing, something he’d picked out down to the stockings. Which still made her flush to think of him choosing every single stitch of clothing she had on. Then the little snowflake hair pins had come, him sliding them into her chignon after she’d shown him the outfit. There had been little gifts sprinkled through the day that he sprung on her when she was least expecting them.
           Even breakfast with the rest of the army had been a treat, all her favourites piled high on the table. More presents had followed once her plate had been cleared. Individual ones from her friends and then something from the army as a whole. She was wearing the coat they’d given her, the beret and scarf to match helping her keep warm as they’d wandered through Cradle.
           A gloved finger covered her mouth when she tried to protest. “I left you alone for your last one,” he said softly. “I’m trying to make up for it.”
           Celeste melted a little. It had taken a lot of coaxing on his part to get her to admit when her birthday was and more had come out than she intended. The fear, the loneliness, the heartache. It hadn’t only been those months they’d been apart; everything had spilled from her. Her mother, her father or lack thereof, the years spent yearning for more. He hadn’t said anything as she talked, silently wiping her tears away and holding her when her voice had given out.
           Once she’d grown quiet and her tears had run their course, he’d stroked her hair and promised she would never spend another one alone. She’d believed him, but she hadn’t expected this.
           Looking back on it, she should have. He spoiled her on any given day; why wouldn’t he go all out on her birthday?
           “Shall we go in?” she asked.
           “We’ve still got time.”
           She blinked as he caught her hand and pulled her back to him. “But I thought….”
           “I’ve barely had any time with you today,” Sirius said, smiling at her.
           “Whose fault is that?” she teased, leaning into him.
           He chuckled. “Everyone wanted to see you,” he murmured. “It’s your first birthday in Cradle so I understood and agreed to share. This year.”
           Her toes curled at the implications in those two words. It didn’t help she could see the possessive light in his eyes. She had a good idea of what to expect for her next birthday. “Do we have to go in?”
           Stealing a kiss from her, he said, “Those brats will never let me hear the end of it if we don’t.”
           She almost didn’t care. They’d spent the morning with the Black Army then had lunch with his family. That had run late and he’d taken her on a sleigh ride through the Spades Quarter. A short break and a quick walk through the forest had been enough time for Loki and Harr to wish her a happy birthday. And give her a surprise present, a small memory box that Harr had made himself according to Loki. After that, they’d finished their sleigh ride on the edge of Central. They’d shared tea and snacks while she’d admired her present.
           “Did you tell him bluebells were my favourite?”
           “Would I do that?”
           The whole of the box had flowers carved into it, but the top only had bluebells and lily of the valley. It wasn’t only something for her; it was them both and she knew Sirius had talked to Harr about it. He had to because…. Her breath caught again as she thought about the single iris on the inside of the lid.
           “Hey,” Sirius said softly, “are you alright?”
           She took a deep breath, nodding. “It’s just a lot,” she admitted. “It’s always been a quiet day. Honestly most years it was just another day.”
           He made a noise but nothing more.
           How did she explain this? He already knew how she’d felt before he’d come into her life. “It was always just me,” Celeste said. “Mama was working so much and Mrs. L was the landlady. They did what they could, but I was usually alone. But this year? There’s you, the army, your family. Harr and Loki. You. Sirius, this was what I always wanted and never thought I’d get. It almost doesn’t feel real.”
           He still didn’t say anything. Instead, he leaned down to kiss her. It was soft, sweet, and loving. She swayed toward him as his lips moved gently against hers and stared when he pulled away. “Did that feel real?”
           “Yes,” she breathed, her hand pressing to his chest. He still had the other clasped in his and she could feel him thumbing at the dearest ring. “I know it’s real.”
           Sirius smiled at her. “Good.”
           “Thank you,” she said, squeezing his hand. “For everything.”
           “The day isn’t over yet, Cherry.”
           She laughed. “Sirius! How much do you have planned?”
           “Only a few more things,” he admitted. “I wanted this to be a day you’d remember. I didn’t want it to be just another day. It’s your birthday and that’s special.”
           How did he make her love him more than she already did? It didn’t make any sense to her. Closing her eyes, she leaned into him and let her head rest against his chest. His arm wound around her and she cuddled closer. “We could have done nothing,” she said, “and it still would have been special because it was with you.”
           Sirius sighed deeply and kissed the top of her head. “Cherry.”
           It was the truth. He made every day special for her in little ways that were so uniquely him she would never forget them. “I love you.”
           His hand tightened on hers. “I love you, too.”
           The words warmed her more than anything else ever could. Leaning back, she stood up on her toes to meet him as he moved to kiss her again. “If we’re going inside,” she breathed, “we should go now or I’m voting to ditch my own party.”
           Sirius laughed, rubbing his nose against hers. “We need to at least make an appearance.”
           “Mm, one appearance.”
           He kept laughing and led her toward the stairs.
           She enjoyed the sound, but a thread of unease wound through her. She’d gotten much better, but how many people were beyond those doors, waiting for them? Even if they were all there for her, she couldn’t stop the way her stomach sank a little.
           He gave her a smile and squeezed her hand gently as they reached the doors. “Ready?” he asked gently.
           She licked her lips and nodded. One appearance, that’s all she had to do. It was just a party. They’d gone to them before and-
           “Happy birthday!”
           Celeste froze at the cry that washed over her as Sirius opened the door. She’d expected it, knew that one of the reasons Sirius had kept them outside the Civic Center was to give her time to get ready for what was coming. But she was still caught off guard by how loud it was, how many voices had said it.
           The room was full of people and she her nerves flared before she realised she recognized the faces. Black Army. Red Army. The friends she had made in Central. Sirius’ family. Everyone in this room was someone she knew. Someone she had spent time with.
           “Still alright?” Sirius murmured from behind her.
           She took a breath. He had planned this for her, all these people were here to celebrate with her. “Still alright,” she whispered, smiling as she felt his warm hand on her back.
           Stepping further into the room, she heard him close the door but the sound was lost as a small group rushed forward. “Guys!” she laughed. “I saw you this morning!”
           Fenrir gave her a grin. “That was this mornin’! The old man’s had you all day! It’s our turn to party with ya!”
           “He’s been hogging you all day!” Seth agreed, helping her get out of her coat and tossing it toward Sirius. “When he knew we were all looking forward to spending time with you.”
           She laughed, feeling more relaxed already. “He is my boyfriend,” she said mildly.
           An odd look passed between them, but it faded before she could question it. “Yes, just your boyfriend. That doesn’t mean he gets to always have you, especially today! Look at how many people are here to celebrate and he was keeping you out in the cold!”          
           Celeste squeaked as her hands were grabbed and she was hauled into the crowd. She heard Sirius sigh from behind her before she was surrounded by more people.
           Thankfully, Seth didn’t let go of her, staying with her as people came up to wish her a happy birthday. It immediately became a blur. She didn’t know when the glass of champagne got put into her hand or when she had time to drink it. Someone told her to try the cake and she suddenly had a plate of it. Then a plate of goodies when that was empty. An endless stream of hugs and kisses to her cheeks when her hands were free.
           A brief pause in the steady line of people wanting to talk to her gave her a moment to breathe and her gaze immediately moved away from those around her. Where was he? He couldn’t be that far away. He wouldn’t be in the thick of things, but he wouldn’t be so far that he couldn’t rescue her if she needed it.
           Spotting Sirius at the edge of the crowd with Lancelot, Celeste made up her mind. She appreciated everyone being here, but she wanted to be with him again. Getting to him was harder than she liked, every second person stopping her to chat about something; complimenting her dress, wishing her well, asking her questions. She felt exhausted when she finally got free of them and approached the pair.
           Sirius laughed as she staggered into him, winding an arm around her waist. “Too much?” he murmured, kissing the top of her head.
           She made a noise, taking comfort in his presence. She knew that everyone was here to celebrate her birthday, but there were still so many of them. It was almost more than she could handle.
           “You shouldn’t have invited so many people if it was going to upset her.”
           “She’s not upset. She’s tired. And who was I supposed to leave out? First on that list would have been the Red Army.”
           Lancelot made a quiet noise, like he was laughing under his breath. “Then we would have had to hold our own party for her and if you were lucky, we’d let you come.”
           Two parties? She could barely handle one!
           A warm hand rubbed over her back. “How about we take a break?” Sirius offered.
           Celeste gave him a relieved smile. She would love a breath of fresh air right now. “Oh, but,” she said, looking at Lancelot.
           “Go,” he said, gesturing toward the back of the hall. “You might not get another chance like this.”
           She gave him a puzzled frown. What did that even mean? She didn’t think he was talking to her but Sirius hadn’t responded to him.
Before she could ask, Sirius took her hand and gently pulled her away from the hall. They quietly walked up the stairs to the Garden, leaving the sounds of the party behind them. Before she even had time to shiver, Sirius was shrugging out of his coat and wrapping it around her as they stepped into the Garden. “Thank you,” she murmured.
           He smiled and led her further from the door. The plants were all sleeping under the layer of snow that had fallen overnight, their footprints the only ones marring the white. They walked past the covered meeting table, deeper still.
           “Really?” she asked as he finally stopped. The spot where the path to the Land of Reason was only a few feet away, closed since the full moon wasn’t for another week, but still so close.
           “Really,” Sirius said quietly, pulling her into his arms.
           Leaning her cheek against his chest, she closed her eyes to listen to his heartbeat. The steady pace always soothed her. A small frown marred her face as she realised it was much faster than normal. Was it because of where they were? If it was going to make him nervous or upset, why were they here? “Why?”
           “This is where I first saw you,” he said softly. “Right after you fell into Cradle.”
           She remembered. She had been so confused and scared, she’d barely registered the conversation she’d had with him and Ray before she’d chased after Blanc. “It was so long ago,” she mused.
           “Not that long. Sometimes it does feel like you’ve always been a part of my life, but it really wasn’t that long ago.”
           Celeste leaned back to look at him. There was something odd in his voice. “Sirius, what’s going on?” she sighed.
           He rubbed her back before letting her go to take her hands in his. He stared down at them, absently running his thumbs over her palms. When he spun her ring and stayed quiet, she decided to push.
           “You’ve been playing with it all day,” she said, shifting to catch his gaze. “Every time you’ve held my hand, you touch it, spin it, play with it. Do you want me to take it off?”
           “No,” he said immediately. “No, it’s not that. I’ve just been thinking about it.”
           She frowned. Thinking about it how? She’d been the one nervous to put it on all those months ago and he’d insisted, sliding it onto her finger himself. It had rarely come off since that moment. But before she could say anything, he took a deep breath.
           “That’s a lie,” Sirius said, his gaze holding hers. “I do want you to take it off, but only so you can put this one on instead.”
           “I don’t-” Her voice died in her throat when he sank down on one knee in front of her. “Sirius?” she squeaked.
           He gave her a half-smile and she could see the faint blush colouring his cheeks now as he let go of one hand to reach into his pocket. “I promised you wouldn’t be alone on this day, Celeste,” he said, “and I meant it. Not on this day or any other. I won’t let you be alone again…if you’ll let me. I want to spend every day with you. I want us to live our lives together for every single day we have.”
           She bit her lower lip, tears filling her eyes to the point she could barely see him or the box he was holding out to her. Was this really happening? She knew he’d told her he would propose to her properly one day but she hadn’t expected it so soon!
           “I want you to wear this one,” he breathed, flipping open the box. “I want you to wear this for the rest of your life, to wear my name. I want…Celeste Morreaux, I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”
           She could barely breathe and he wanted her to say something? Rubbing at her eyes, even more tears filled them as she got a better look at his face. His love for her was written plainly in his expression, his gaze full of it as he patiently waited for her answer. Sniffling, she squeezed his hand and nodded when her voice wouldn’t work.
           “Cherry,” he murmured, “say the word.”
           Huffing, she rubbed at her eyes again. It wasn’t that easy! She wanted to say it! Of course she did. He was smiling at her now and had to know how much she was struggling to say it. “Yes,” she pushed out, her voice trembling. “Sirius, yes!” It was easier to say the second time.
           His smile eased into a grin and he slid the dearest ring off her finger. “Say it again,” he breathed.
           She was shaking as he slipped the new ring into its place, the band cold against her skin and she barely spared it a glance. She didn’t want to look away from him. “Yes!” she said happily.
           He rose to his feet, wrapping his arms around her as he did and lifting her off hers. “I love you,” he murmured.
           Helpless laughter bubbled out of her at the simple words and she kissed him. “I love you, too,” she laughed, kissing him again and again.
           Sirius hummed and kissed her fully. He was insistent and needy, demanding everything she had to give him. And she gladly gave it and more. Her fingers sank into his hair, clinging to him as the tears started falling again. “I made you cry the last time we came here,” he whispered.
           “Sirius,” she said, shaking her head. “Please. We both know why you did it.”
           He sighed, leaning his forehead against hers. “I know. Which is why I wanted to give you a better memory here.”
           She already had one; their first kiss. But if he wanted something beyond the time he’d sent her back to London, when he’d brought her home was better. This, however? This was perfect.
           “I love you, Cherry,” he said again, his voice low. “I’ll spend the rest of my life loving you.”
           She knew that. “And I’ll do the same,” she promised. “I’ll never leave you alone, Sirius.”
           His grip on her tightened before he gently set her down on her feet. Lifting her hand, he didn’t look away from her as he kissed the finger her new ring was sitting on. “You are my happiness, Celeste.”
           “You’re going to make me cry again!”
           Sirius wiped her tears away, smiling at her. “Cry all you want. I’ll be right here to wipe all your tears away.”
           He was too much. “Have you been waiting all day to do this?”
           He shrugged. “It was the plan.”
           To make her a blubbering mess when they had to go back down to the party? Her eyes widened and she almost jerked back from him. “Oh! I-”
           “You look fine,” he interrupted.
           Celeste gave him a look and lightly smacked his chest. “You always say that.”
           “Because it’s always true.”
           Damn him. She took a deep breath to attempt to find some calm. But her breath caught as she finally took a good look at her ring. “Oh, Sirius.”
           “Do you like it?”
           “It’s just like we talked about,” she whispered, remembering the sleepy conversation they’d had after that whole fiasco with the book. She should have known what he was doing when he’d asked her what kind of ring she would like. She’d just thought it was in response to the spell. When was she going to learn it was never that simple with him?
           “I love it.” What had she said? Something clean and simple, something she wouldn’t have to take off if she was working around headquarters. A single, clear diamond glittered in a gold band on her finger and it was utterly perfect. “But I want the other one back.”
           Sirius laughed. “You can’t wear both of them, Cherry.”
           “It’s mine.”
           “I know,” he murmured, “and I’ll give it back soon.”
           He had better. That ring had more meaning than just being a promise between them. It was a family heirloom and she refused to give it up.
           “Look at you,” he laughed. “You’re ready to fight me over a ring.”
           Celeste huffed softly. “It’s important,” she insisted. “It made me feel like part of your family when your grandmother gave it to me.”
           “You were family before that, Cherry.”
           He said that, but that had been the moment that she had truly felt it. His family had been nothing but accepting and she knew that they had probably thought it long before her, but….
           “We can get it resized,” he said softly. “Then you can wear it on another finger.”
           “Good,” he agreed. He lightly tapped her chin and leaned down to steal another kiss. “Do you want to go back downstairs?”
           Honestly? She wanted to leave the party and be alone with him. The sudden smile that curled his mouth told her she hadn’t managed to keep that thought off her face. “Yes.”
           Sirius caught her before she could walk past him, tugging her toward him. “I’ll tell you what your last present is,” he murmured, brushing his fingers over her cheek.
           “No more surprises?”
           “I want you to have something to look forward to.”
           She tensed a little as he leaned down, kissing just below her ear. “Sirius?”
           “We have a room at an inn nearby,” he murmured, his low voice rippling over her and making her heart pound. “Stay at the party for a little longer and I’ll take you there.”
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evanstanwrites · 6 years
The fantasy - Chris Evans - Smut
pairing: Chris Evans x Reader 
warning: Smut !!!! Sub! Chris, Dom! Reader, the pornstach, oral, handjob, orgasm denial, unprotected sex
a/n: I’ve written this with the wonderfull @pawfect-melody
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It was late afternoon and I was just getting my overnight bag packed and ready to go. In the background the tv was playing and the interview Chris had done a few days before. He was on late night with Seth Meyers, and of course the first topic was Chris’ mustache.
“This mustache and haircut I feel like gives us a lot of backstory about who you are.” The host joked.
“What would I be? It’s either a cop or what else would I be?” Chris answered  
You didn’t need to know Chris that well to hear the suggestion underlying in his tone.
Chris and I were already together for more than a year but still I lived in my own apartment. So, every chance we got I went over to him. He just got home from finishing all the shows of Lobby hero and texted as soon as he got home asking to come over.
“A guy who tried to be a cop and failed the test and is super mad about it.”
“See I was gonna say something along the lines of porn.” Chris tried to joke which made everybody in the audience laugh. But I knew very well it wasn’t a real joke. He was deadly serious.
I zipped my bag and made my way through my apartment locking everything up, before closing the front door, locking it and walking to my car. It was only a small ride to Chris’ place just outside Boston.
I came here a lot when Chris was away to make sure everything was well kept for him, he had given me the code to open the gate and a key to his front door. So, once I arrived I just let myself in without ringing the doorbell, I tried to be as silent as I could to surprise Chris but that plan soon fell into the water when Dodger came running down the hall and greeted me with a joyful bark.
“y/n? is that you babe?” Chris yelled from upstairs.
“yes, it’s me. Where are you?”
“In the bathroom, getting this awful pornstach off my upper lip.”
“What? No wait!” I yelled back as quick as I could while running up the stairs.
He wasn’t getting rid of it before I had my fun with it. It may be a weird sight but it was a sight that did something to me.
Once I reached his master bedroom I saw him through the open bathroom door, razor in one hand and in his other his shaving foam.
“Drop that now!” I almost yelled at him
Without thinking he dropped it like it burned his hand and it fell onto the counter with a clatter.
“what the hell babe? What’s that for?”
“well I thought since you look like a porn star with that stach, we might as well take advantage of it and recreate our own porn.” I try to sound as suggestive as I possibly can while batting my eyelashes at him.
His eyes immediately turn a shade darker and a big grin comes up around his lips.
“so, you want me to fuck you when I still look like a porn star?”
“No baby boy I wanna see you on your knees in front of me, putting that pornstach to good use between my thighs. I want you to beg me to fuck you.” I say with a voice so raspy I didn’t even recognize it myself. Chris’ first reaction is to smile and take a step closer to where I stand.
“you want me to play your little slave, go by your demand, like I asked you to do a few months ago? What makes you think I want to?” Chris smirked.
He was testing me, seeing how far I would go with this.
“KNEEL! And don’t make me have to ask twice.” My tone shocked us both but as soon as the words had left my mouth Chris’ smile left his face to make room for a more serious contrite expression and soon he kneeled in front of me. Both his hands resting palm upwards on his sweatpants clad thighs, his head bent and a look of utter contentment on his handsome face.  
“that’s a good baby boy. We are gonna play a bit, let me tell you the rules.  You’ll address me as ma’am, only talk to me when I ask you a question. You’ll do exactly as I say and I’ll reward you. You won’t touch yourself without me telling you to do so. If it all gets too much you say red and I’ll stop whatever I’m doing. Is that clear baby boy?”
“Yes ma’am” he answers falling directly into his role.
“good boy, now be a gentleman and help me get out of these clothes.”    
He slowly lifts a shaking hand towards the waist band of my black fitted skirt. ‘tsk tsk’ I muttered ‘shoes come off before you get to the good stuff you impatient boy’
Chris removes my clothing layer by layer till I’m left standing in only my blood red lace panties his breathing becoming more ragged the more of me he reveals.
‘Good, now let’s take this to the bedroom so we can properly play. Chris goes to stand from his position on the floor when I quickly put my hand to his shoulder ‘No, you’ll crawl until you’ve earn the privilege to walk’.
On our way to the bed I grab mine and Chris’ bag of toys setting it on the bed side table and slowly removing what I needed.  Sitting on the edge of the bed I face a squirming Chris.
‘Now, stand up and slowly remove your clothes and then put your hands behind your back’
Chris immediately moved to comply with my request.
‘Good boy, turn around let me get a look at that fine ass of yours’
Smirking Chris turns and attempts a sultry wiggle, earning him a sharp hand on his right butt cheek, leading to a gasp from Chris. Soothing the sting with my palm I shh him and tell him to clasp his hands again. Pulling them towards me and securing them with a knot using my favorite red rope Chris originally got to use on me.  I once again get Chris on his knees between my spread legs.  
“Well baby boy, what are you waiting for? Get your dinner warmed up.” I whisper to him but loud enough for him to hear. Of course, I knew he had to remove my panties with his teeth or he had to work over them since his hands where bound behind his back.
He simply just started with kissing up the inside of my thigh getting higher and closer with every kiss he placed to where I needed him the most. He was teasing me.
Feeling the hot air that came out of his nose with every breath he took on my growing wetter pussy. Chris was always good at foreplay, damn he could make me wet by a single look or touch.
My first moan left my lips when I felt him scrape his teeth over the soft skin, the hairs on his upper lip tickling me and then placing his mouth over the spot sucking it. That would definitely leave a mark.
“Oh, what a good boy for me. But I need that mouth and tongue on my pussy.”
I pushed him backwards by his shoulders earning me a view of his dark puppy dog eyes. You could see by the look he was giving me he was confused, wondering if he did something wrong.
“Don’t look like that baby boy, I’m making it easier for you. You can’t eat me out when I still have my panties on, can you?”
Chris just shook his head.
“Words baby boy, I asked you something.”
“Yes ma’am, you’re right.”
“Good boy.”
Standing up from the bed I quickly pushed my panties off my legs and threw them over Chris’ shoulder, but instead of the soft sound the fabric would make landing on the floor we were met with a small whimper. When I looked over Chris’ shoulder I saw Dodger sitting by the open bedroom door with my blood red panties hanging from his ear.
My god, how long was that dog sitting there for?
“My god Dodger! Out boy!” I almost yelled at the poor dog.
He shook his head which made the panties fall to the ground and he bolted out the door.
Both Chris and I started to burst out laughing.
“Omg I hope it didn’t kill the mood?” I asked a little concerned.
“No it didn’t babe, let’s continue this. Let me eat you out so good darling.” He almost moaned out.
“Well baby boy get to work then. But I’m gonna need to teach you a lesson about how you address me. I think I asked you to call me ma’am.” I say while taking a seat on the edge of the bed and opening my legs so Chris could take his place between them again.
“I’m sorry ma’am” he muttered right before he buried his head between my legs.
He started with light kisses from my pubic mound to my already wet folds.
Diving tongue first between them, liking from my entrance to my clit in one smooth stroke. Barely being able to hold back a moan I weave my fingers into his short hair. Just when his lips close around my bundle of nerves I try to pull on the few hairs I can get a grip on at the back of his head, which make him groan. The vibrations of the sound he makes only adds more to the building orgasm, damn I’m already so close. I know I won’t last that long. I can feel my muscles tense, a warning my orgasm is close.
“oh… baby boy…. Don’t stop… I’m close.” I moaned out.
That only made him work harder, altering between sucking and liking my clit, knowing it was the fastest way to get me off.
He glanced up at me and locked eyes with me, it was his eyes filled with love and lust that pulled me over the edge falling head first in a mind-blowing orgasm and screaming his name over and over. Chris just lapped up everything I had to give him. When my cunt became too sensitive I pushed Chris away with my foot against his shoulder and he quickly sat back on his knees.
“fuck that was amazing baby boy. But I think it’s time for you to get your punishment for all that teasing you did last week.” I tell him once I catch my breath.
I got up from the bed and walked around Chris’ broad naked body and standing behind him.
“Stand up for me baby boy.” I whispered in his ear and he complied without hesitation and I walked back in front of him. Scanning my eyes over his toned body that was covered in a layer of sweat. A single drop of sweat rolled from his neck over his clavicle tattoo, over his toned abs straight to those v shape lines and ending at the base of his already rock hard cock. It was one of the most erotic things I’ve ever seen.
“look at you baby boy, looking like a real porn star, looking so fucking hot.” I said while taking his cock in my hand and slowly stroking him. Chris let out a moan as soon as I touched him, closing his eyes.
“Oh no baby, eyes on me or I’ll stop.”
Immediately his eyes shot open and locked on mine.
“good boy, tell me when you get close.”
Before giving him time to react I started to massage his balls with my free hand. Which earned me a deep moan from him. Stroking a little faster up and down his thick shaft and occasionally running my thumb over the tip of his cock. He only moaned and groaned louder and louder.
“please ma’am, please.” He whimpered
“what do you need baby boy? Tell me.”
“please let me cum.”
“you’re close baby ? You need to cum?”
“yes please, please let me cum.” He begged
Just as I felt his cock twitch in my hand I knew he could blow any minute so I let go of his cock and stepped away from him which made him whine.
“Oh baby boy, I told you this is a punishment.” I explained while untying his hands.
“go lay on the bed face down and hands above your head.”
A look of confusion crossed Chris’s face but he still moved and placed himself in the requested position.
Once he layed down I straddled his thighs, tied his hands to the headboard of the bed with the rope and then started to massage his ass cheeks with both my hands.
“count to five baby boy.”
Chris visibly tensed but soon relaxed again after feeling the first sting of the contact my hand made with his butt cheek.
“one” he moaned out to his own surprise.
As soon as it left his mouth I rubbed the spot I smacked.
“good boy, only four to go. You’re doing so well baby boy.” I praised him.
The next four slaps went similar, after every slap he moaned out the number and the I would soothingly rub the spot, making him even louder.
“you can turn on your back now baby boy, I think you earned your reward.”
  Chris gingerly turn over onto his stinging ass. His cock standing to attention the head red and angry. I once again straddled his thighs moving back slightly and giving him a devilish smile. ‘Now, I’m going to put this beautiful cock in my warm mouth, but no coming do you understand’ 
Chris whined earning him a smack to his thigh ‘yes ma’am’
Slowly I lowered my head taking him fully into my mouth without warning causing a guttural moan to leave his lips enticing out my own moan. As I withdrew my mouth from him I made sure to swirl my tongue around his head and through his slit making him throb. I quickly took my mouth off a panting Chris and moved up his thighs positioning myself over his glistening cock. ‘Please, please, please ma’am untie my hands I want to touch you’ 
‘Shh baby boy, I’ll make you feel good I promise’ 
Lowering myself down I can feel the stretch as he fills me, continuing down until I’m firmly seated, his leg hairs rubbing my ass. We moan in unison at the overwhelming pleasure. I begin to push off using my legs as leverage and fall back down, I pick up a brutal rhythm pushing us both to the high we need. 
I can see Chris pulling at his bonds so I take pity and lean forward to untie him, my breasts in his face where he takes one of my pebbled nipples in his mouth and starts to stuck sending a shock wave straight to my throbbing clit. 
As soon as his hands are free Chris grabs my hips and pistons into me. I can feel he’s close and even though I can feel we’re past the need for me to clarify I still give him permission to cum. 
‘Cum for me baby, let go I want to feel it inside me’ 
And we go off like a rocket together unable to hold it back any longer. I collapse on his chest our breathing coming fast and uneven. Once we’ve settled I lift myself up and kiss him pouring all my love into that one kiss. His lip hair tickling my nose, giggling I pull away. ‘I wanted to kiss you like that from the second we’d started’ 
‘Why didn’t you?’ He questions
‘Because’ you explain. ‘They don’t always kiss in hard core porn and I wanted it to feel as real as possible’ 
“I never thought I would be into this that much, that was amazing babe we should do that again sometime.”
Laughing he pulls me to him again and nuzzles my neck. Once again his lip hair starts to tickle I push at his shoulder. ‘Okay mister, I think you need to shave that thing off now. I’ve had my fun I want my Chris back’ 
Laughing he gives me one last chaste kiss as he saunters into the bathroom giving me a perfect view of his still red ass. 
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Solar Flare 5
AN: I know Bella is very emotional, but she is 17, and despite what she thinks, she’s highly emotional, coming out of a deep depression, and has an understandable fear of being abandoned.
“Jake” the cold night air blowing against my overheated skin tickled against my skin as if I’d been shot through with electricity.
I heard harsh breathing and realized Jacob was not gone, just standing beside the truck, bent over with his hands on his knees and breathing heavily as if he’d just run a very long way.
“Jake!” I scrambled over the seat, banging my knee against the gear shift, and almost tumbling head first out of the cab in my haste.
I reached out a hand, wanting to rest it against his back, see if he was alright. But had I hurt him in some way?
“Jake! Are you okay?” I asked instead, hand half extended.
“You-You didn’t stop me,” Jake said, sounding breathless. He grasped my hand and stood up. His face was flushed, and flushed further when he glanced over at me.
“Stop you from what?” I climbed back into the truck and felt Jake’s hand briefly brushed my hip, as if to steady me.
He was blushing heavily as he climbed in after me, his eyes still glancing at me and away.
“Stop me from—“ He blew out a breath “What we were doing. Bella, you were fine with that? With me- with us…”
Now I was blushing deeply as well, my face atomically hot in a way much less pleasant than the fire that had swept through me before.
“You don’t want…”
He laughed suddenly putting a hand over his face.
“Bells, what part of that felt like me not wanting you?” He ran his hand through his now short hair, as if he’d forgotten that it was now close shorn.
“But you…”
“God, that was—are you trying to kill me?” He laughed again and turned the car back on.
“I don’t understand” I whined, hating myself for doing so.
“Bella…did you really want our first time to be…that?”
Now I flushed anew, in a whole new shade of humiliated.
The truth was, it hadn’t occurred to me where what we were doing might lead. I had been pure feeling; I’d been running on instinct and heat and want.
“I’m sorry,” I said chastened. Why hadn’t I stopped, even thought of stopping? Why had it always been Edward who pulled away, who had never been carried away, had worried about virtue and taking things slow?
Was it something about me? That I got out of control, like some kind of crazy virgin nympho? Or was it that I just wanted him, wanted them, much much more than-
“Bells, no, don’t cry.” Jake looked over at me, alarmed, pulling over the car once again, to reach and pull me across the seat toward him again.
With my face against his shoulder (when had he put his shirt back on?) I felt better and worse, and perversely, my tears fell freely.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” I cried, nonsensically, while he awkwardly stroked his hand down my back.
“Bells, I’m not mad!” he said desperately. “I thought you would be! I just grabbed you! I practically mauled you! I was surprised you didn’t slap me, push me away. Now that I know you’ve never…never…” he broke off, blushing. “Shit. I want to to be different for us, is all, the first time at least.”
My tears were drying rapidly, my heart lifting absurdly. I was being so so stupid. Assuming the worst. Jacob wasn’t…him. He’d promised to never ever leave me. He loved me. He loved me.
Jacob sighed in apparent relief. “Of course. Jeez, Bells, I love you.”
“I love you too, Jake.”
I peeked up, conscious that my face must be terribly splotchy and red. But we was looking at me with such a look, such a beautiful look. I couldn’t look away.
He coughed finally, looked back at the road.
“So, can I drive you home now? I’d rather not risk Charlie’s wrath tonight.”
“Just tonight?” I teased, leaning against him. I’d been stupid, but I couldn’t really regret it now, filled with relief.
He looked at me, heat in his eyes, the same heat that had stroked its way up my body just minutes before.
“Gotta save up my credit with him while I have a chance Bella.” He grinned at her. “So try not to look too teary when you see him. I don’t want him to think I screwed up. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he’s gotten a bit more protective lately.
I laughed, wiping my eyes.
“You’d think he’d be used to me falling apart by now.”
“As someone who loves you, Bells, it’s not something you get used to.”
I reached over to pat his hand. “Thanks Jake”
He smiled, “Now, now. we can’t get started again. Keep those hands to yourself, Bells. I know I’m irresistible, but- “
“You are, you know. Irresistible.”
“Ah, come on, you’re making me blush.” But he glanced over and gave me one of the smiles that made me feel like I’d been filled with bubble bath.
It was enough that, when I got home, with my bag of purchases, and now in a kind of breathless good cheer, Charlie was apparently unworried.
If he saw any lingering redness around my eyes, well, he knew better than to ask.
The incident with Jacob started me thinking though.
The way he said, “us,” “our first time,” “when we,” he was talking about the future. Our future. A future in which we made love, and stayed together.
A future in which Edward really never came back.
A future where I moved on?
I knew it was odd. I loved Jake. It was probably too fast, too strange. The Cullens had left, and I’d been gutted for months.
Now I was in love with Jake, part of the pack. How long had I been in love with Jake?
But I still wasn’t making plans for the future. Not really. I’d forgotten how to think about the future.
I’d fought with Edward about going to college, about going to prom. What did those things matter, when I was going to be a vampire. I was going to have forever to go to college, to do everything.
Except I wasn’t.
Edward didn't love me. He'd left, forever. He hadn't wanted my love.
Jake loved me. And I loved him, despite everything that had happened. I loved him enough to want the future that i had left to be with him.
Things couldn’t go on this way. Falling apart, taking Jake with me. I needed to really decide to get better.
Easier said than done.
I needed a plan.
It sounded simpler than it was. I’d suffered a loss, a major blow, which had crushed both my heart, and my plans for the rest of my life.
But still.
I’d been in a fog for months. I’d almost died, and I hadn’t cared. I still felt afraid, so afraid, that I would lose Jacob too, and without him once again spiral off into the darkest parts of my mind and heart.
I couldn’t keep spiraling though, clinging to Jacob because I couldn’t bear to be alone, falling apart at each minor hiccough or potential set back. It would be like drowning him to save myself, and he would let me do it. He'd go down with me, fighting my demons when I couldn't or wouldn't until it destroyed him.
I couldn't quite think up a whole brilliant plan forgot to fix myself. But I figured out step one.
say goodbye
Which brought me to this lonely, almost invisible lane early the next Saturday morning, sitting with the car off, just out of sight of the grand house in the woods that had once been everything I wanted.
This is a bad idea Bella. Go home.
Oddly calm, I looked to the side and saw him.
Angelic and flawless he looked as if he were sitting beside me.
I hadn't seen hallucination Edward in a few weeks, likely by dint of spending few of my waking hours alone, and no longer indulging in my pursuit of self-destruction.
He was beautiful, and it hurt to look at him and remember all of my dreams. To remember that I still loved him. It turned out you could love two people at once.
But...it was bearable, somehow. Maybe because I'd been making a new life for myself, maybe because I'd simply adjusted to the pain.
Don’t worry. You’re human--your memory is no more than a sieve. Time heals all wounds for your kind. (New Moon 72)
It was one of the things he'd said that still haunted me. As if i was cursed with this sense that if ever I regained some semblance of peace and happiness I was proving that he'd been right. That I hadn't been able to love him enough for him to stay.
I turned away from Edward, and turned the car back on, continued down the little lane until I pulled up in front of the Cullen house.
It hurt.
If I had hoped that magically- and with the help of Jacob, but also Kim, Leah, Emily, Embry, Quil, Seth, even Paul, Jared, and Sam--that my pain had gone away, well,  it hadn’t, of course.
Here, all alone in front of this place that represented more than almost any other what I had lost, here the pain was still a burning wound.
I was stronger now though. I didn’t turn away and run. I didn’t fall to the ground. I stared at the big, empty house, now quiet and abandoned. It still looked more haunted now than it ever had when it was full of vampires.
“Hello, Edward.” Alice. Jasper. Carlisle. Esme. Emmett. Rosalie. I thought of them too, the strange, beautiful family I’d thought for one beautiful summer would be mine.
“I miss you. It’s isn’t like you said. It isn’t easy to move on.” I was holding myself, like always. Clutching my hands around my rib cage, as if it would keep me from falling apart, or collapsing.
“I wouldn’t have moved on, if you’d stayed. I would have been with you. Even as a human.” my lips barely moved, I felt like I was freezing from the inside out. But my voice still sounded so loud in the empty clearing, with only this vacant house to hear.
“I didn’t try and stay safe. How could you make me promise to be safe? You knew I would promise you anything.” I was so glad I’d broken those promises, and it was strange how that bitter joy sat in the middle of all my pain.
“I did it to break my promise” but that wasn't totally true.
"I did it for you, to feel close to you. But…I did it for me too. And now…I didn’t mean to move on Edward. But…”
The next part of what I want to say still felt like sacrilege “It wasn’t fair, Edward. How could I prove you right and move on? You left because I was too weak, I know. I wanted to prove you wrong.”
“Forever is a long time, though. Even if it isn’t as long as I thought it was going to be.”
My lips were cold and stiff now, and I couldn't get any more words out. That was okay. None of them were really good enough.
I took a shaky step toward the front steps, then another.
Soon I was sitting on the front steps, looking at my truck and the woods beyond. And I was all right.
I sighed around the pain in my chest. How could you say goodbye to people who didn’t want your goodbyes?
Now, when I was waiting for him to appear, my phantom Edward was nowhere to be seen, and it was just me and my memories.
My tears were warm as they splashed onto my freezing arms.
I let myself cry without holding back, or feeling guilty, or pretending I didn't feel anything.
It felt like goodbye. It felt like I would drown. Again.
I sat for a long time, as the sun rose higher in the sky and finally poured full force over the front of the house.
I was stiff from sitting on the hard stairs for so long, and shaky with a mix of too much crying and most likely hunger.
But I was all cried out, and it felt weirdly good. There was relief, rather than the dark never-ending despair I only half-remembered from the time right after Cullens left, or the blank emptiness that followed.
I should go home. See Jacob. My heart was lighter now, though I hadn't done anything but cry over the same pain that’d been bothering me months.
Oh, but there was one more thing I needed to do.
I didn’t really have any Edward keepsakes. He’d made sure of that when he left.
I had the wreck of the speaker I’d pried out of my truck. It didn’t have many Edward memories tied to it (which was probably why he hadn’t take it with him). I’d decided to bury that here, because I needed to be rid of it. Seeing it, all I could remember was the desperate pain I’d felt as i clawed it out of my truck in the first, terrible days after they left. Frantic but tearless, like a wild creature.
But I’d found something real to bury here, to bury with this dead version of my future.
It was my prom dress from last year.
I retrieved the trash bag with the torn up speaker, my pretty, still not me, dress - now tucked in an old shoe box, and a spade I’d dug out of Charlie’s garage.
Luckily, the dirt in Esme’s garden was soft, and easy to dig, because I wasn’t so caught up in my plan as to relish unglamorous hole digging.
Still crouching in the dirt and placing that sad, beautiful, totally wrong prom dress at the top of the little grave felt right. Piling the dirt on top of the box and patting it down until you couldn’t even tell where the hole had been was satisfying and physical.
Goodbye Bella...Cullen
It still hurt to think that, the most forbidden of my forbidden thoughts. But it was true, that was who I was burying. That idea of the beautiful, perfect, vampire me. The me who would keep Edward for a thousand lifetimes.
“Owoooooooooo” A howl in the distance pulled me out of my reverie.
“Jacob?” I asked no one at all. It was absurd to think that I could distinguish his howl from the others, let alone from what sounded like miles distance. But even so, as I heard a second howl answer the first, I was sure it was Jacob.
Was he in trouble? What if the vampires had attacked?
I scrambled to my car, brushing my dirty hands on my jeans and flinging myself into the driver’s seat, fingers shaking and fumbling with the keys. The old truck seemed to take forever to start up, and I turned it too quickly, almost fishtailing out of control before I’d gone anywhere.
My phone rang as I was barreling up the Cullens’ long drive, but I couldn’t answer it without crashing the car, and so I ignored it, instead turning, too quickly, onto the highway, heading for La Push, and hopefully, if not Jacob, at least one werewolf who could tell me what was going on.
The empty highway seemed ominous, even though I knew the stretch from Forks to La Push was never high-traffic. I couldn’t focus on anything like speed limits, not that my truck would be winning any speed awards anyway. I jumped whenever I thought I saw something in the forest beside me, and the truck jumped too, almost swerving off the road a couple times.
It seemed to take hardly anytime, and also much too long, before I was pulling up in front of Emily’s house - where I’d driven without consciously choosing my destination.
“Jacob?!” I cried, in a stumbling run toward the front door.
“Bella,” two voices said, almost as one. Emily was coming out the front door to her house, looking concerned and confused. And Leah was striding out of the forest, looking relieved and annoyed.
She was also naked, and I shot my eyes back to Emily, feeling my face heat up.
“Leah, did something happen to Jacob?” Emily asked, coming towards me with concern to grasp my shoulders and hold me upright.
“Bella!” Leah repeated. “What's wrong? Where the fuck have you been?”
“I was—I heard the howling, was it Jacob? I thought—something must have happened, so I just came here. Emily, where’s Sam? Where is Jacob?”
Emily looked more concerned now “There was a distress call, from Jacob. I don’t—Leah?”
I followed her gaze back to Leah, keeping my eyes trained on her angry face.
“The distress call was for Bella. Somehow, someone slipped through our patrol. And when Jake went to the house to check in—you were gone, had been gone for hours. No fresh leech smell, no sign of a struggle. But gone.”
A car was pulling up, recognizable as Jared’s, with Kim looking a bit pale in the front seat.
I turned to look for a split second and out of the corner of my eye saw Leah explode back into a wolf and give one more howl.
Jared, halfway through scooping Kim out of the car, slowed, setting her on her feet beside him and taking her hand to gently tow here toward Emily and me.
“What’s up guys? I heard the call, but I had to go get Kim. False alarm?”
“It looks that way.” Emily sighed, dropping her hands from my arms and smiled tentatively.
“It sounds like we’re about to have more company. Why don’t we all go inside.”
Kim, looking dazed, widened her eyes at me in question. I shrugged.
Jacob hadn’t actually thought I was missing, had he?
Leah was the first to follow us in. She’d thrown on a long, loose cotton dress, and stalked in as if in full battle armor.
“I repeat: What. The. Fuck.” She said, glaring at me.
“I don’t understand! I just went…to run an errand. I didn’t sneak out! I didn’t think anyone would worry! I’m fine!”
Leah gave me a measuring look, then blew out a breath, looking calmer.
“So what you’re saying is, Jake’s an idiot?”
Jared snorted, dropping heavily on the couch, which made a creaking protest, next to Kim, an arm draping over her narrow shoulders.
“Nothing new, then. Now what?”
“Now, I guess I break out the emergency rations.” Emily seemed to have regained her calm, and headed for the garage. Kim perked up, snapping out of her apparent confusion.
“Ooh! I’ll help, do you have any blueberry? I’m starving!”
"But, Jake--"
Leah snorted. "Oh, he's coming, don't worry. They all are. In fact-"  She tilted her head, scowl deepening, then turned back to the door.
A moment later I heard it too, the unmistakable sound of Jacob, bellowing in anger and pain.
"BELLA! Bella! Damn it, Sam, get off me! I know what Leah said! Bella!"
"Jake!" As always, his pain called to me, and I hurried toward the door, only to find Leah immovable, blocking my exit. She flung the door open, but shook her head and block me when I tried to duck around her.
"No. He's not in control. Idiot."
"Bella!" Jake shouted, striding unbelievably quickly toward me, looking like a storm cloud and shaking all over. "Where the hell were you!? Are you allright?"
"Leah, it's fine, let me go." She didn't. Jake saw and his face darkened with fresh anger.
"I'm fine Jacob- I just was running errands!"
Sam and Paul, who I'd paid no attention to, stepped in front of Jacob as he stepped toward the steps up to Emily's.
"Get the fuck out of my way Sam." Jacob snarled.  Literally, it was a sound not meant to come out of a human throat.
I made a failed attempt to duck around Leah and saw Embry and Quil lope up to flank Jake, smiling but looking nervous and placating.
"It looks like she's fine, Jake, you saw what Leah showed us. Now just take a breath. You'll scare her." Embry smoothed. Quilt seemed less calm, shaking slightly himself, in that unsettling way the wolves all did when they were in danger of changing.
"It's fine, I'm not-" I tried to interject, but several things happened nearly simultaneously: Jacob's hand shot out and he shoved Embry, hard enough to send the smaller (well, less giant) boy flying back across the drive, narrowly missing impacting with my truck. Quil danced back several feet and exploded into a wolf, narrowly missing stepping on Seth, who'd been hanging back, uncertainly, causing Leah to curse and burst away from the doorway toward her brother.
"Enough!" Sam ordered sharply. "Jacob, you need to focus. You are not going into that house if you are in danger of shifting."
A hand dropped onto my shoulder and I started.
"Not so fast, Bella" I could feel the tension humming through Jared, but his face and voice were mild and calm. "Jake won't thank us if you run out there and he really does lose it."
Jacob was glaring between Sam, Paul, and Jared. He looked suddenly at me, face unreadable, and then cursed, and dropped his hands to his knees and took several deep breaths, shuddering, but moving toward normal human movement. The werewolves and I (and Kim and Emily too) all watched silently for a moment. Quil lay down with his head between him massive paws, and Embry limped to sit on the front step, scowling, but not looking seriously angry. Leah dragged her brother toward the house, glaring at Jake.
After only a minute, though it seemed much longer, Jacob was just bent over, hands braced on his knees, no longer breathing hard, or shaking as if he was bursting at the seams.
Jared relaxed fractionally, letting go of my shoulder and I darted forward toward Jake, tripping down the stairs with no control, but miraculously on my feet, I flung myself at him, arms extended. He caught me and held me for a too-brief moment, and I could feel the echo of his recent fear.
"What happened Jake? Why did you think I was missing? Did she come near the Charlie's house again?"
"Where in the hell were you Bella?"
"I just had to run some errands?" I repeated what now somehow felt like a very lame excuse, still bewildered. "I didn't think--"
Jake held me back at arm's length and frowned down at me.
"So you just snuck out, not letting anyone know, not warning anyone, for some errands?" He demanded. Like I'd purposely avoided him.
Well, I was glad that nobody was around to follow me. That was private.
It wasn't fair. I could feel tears building up somewhere deep down, but it wasn't fair. Why should I feel bad? I didn't want to worry Jake, or any of the wolves. But I wasn't some prisoner, or a helpless child.
"I didn't sneak!" Not a great comeback, admittedly, but it felt good, in a way I couldn't place.
"Well, you didn't tell anyone where you were going--"
"I didn't know I wasn't allowed to leave my own house without your permission."
One of the wolves, who of course we're all still there, inhaled in a pained sounding sympathy.
"We are trying to protect you, in case you haven't noticed!"
"In case you haven't noticed, I've never complained, and I appreciate you doing so much, risking yourselves, hunting Victoria..." I was losing the initial flush of my anger, recalling all the sacrifices the wolves, most of them my age or younger, were making for me. Tears of frustration were burning in my eyes. Why could I never fight for myself?
Because you need him to love you.
I glared Jacob, with the most sincere anger I could manage.
"I came over here as soon as I heard the howls. I was worried about you, you jerk!"
"We tried to call you," Leah said, in a carefully neutral tone from the steps.
I remembered my phone ringing and colored.
"I was driving over. I couldn't answer without crashing the car, I was driving too fast."
Leah nodded, and I realized what the movement I’d seen out of the corner of my eye had been.
“Yeah, that’s true. She was a menace on the road. Almost crashed like 5 times.”
A huffing laugh came from one of the other wolves, as Jacob closed his eyes as if in great pain.
"Jeez, Bells, you are going to be the death of me."
I half-glared, confused now that the tension was quickly dissipating.
Jake sighed and shook himself, looking at me with a less certain glower.
"You should have left a note or something."
I scowled at him, despite feeling like the world was righting itself.
"You could have called me before jumping to conclusions." I paused, noticing how tired Jake looked now that he was no longer furious.
I reached out a tentative hand, pausing just for a moment in hesitation before I grasped his.
"I'm sorry I scared you, Jake.”
He ran a hand over his head, in that way that always tugged at my heart, because it meant he’d forgotten again  that he’d cut all his beautiful hair off.
“Yeah, well, I guess I could’ve…” he trailed off, looking uncertain and weary. He would have always over reacted. Who knew better than me, except perhaps the pack, how absolutely deadly the vampires could be.?
I stepped forward hesitantly, placing my hands over his still tense arms.
“Nothing is going to happen to me, Jake.”
He pulled me toward him and wrapped his arms around me.
“Shh. Don’t jinx it, Bells.” His voice had a smile in it now though.
“You don’t believe in jinxes” I poked him in the side.
“I might start.”
“Jerk” But I was feeling pretty unjinxed as he tugged my toward the house, and the telltale smell of warm muffins and family.
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