#i feel like my tablet is kinda wonky from this and that but i am contemplating on the thought of spending money to replace it
askkaimei · 2 years
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clothes that makes u bad mood
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eyes-inthe-dark · 9 months
Hi Hello I actually make things sometimes
I don't know if anyone who follows me is interested in this stuff bc I very rarely post things from my own life, but I decided to be a little more active on here besides reblogging funny shit regarding my current hyperfixation.
So, here is the (incomplete) crafting diary of a neurodivergent trans person surviving christmas with the family and the dark and dreadful times (winter) in general by making shit! with my hands!
First: fiber stuff
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I picked up tablet weaving over the last few months of 2023 and made my first pair of somewhat mistake-free shoelaces over the holidays! Only got the pattern completely right on the second try with the red but both laces now get to add a fun little detail to my shoes.
Next I tried a more complicated pattern and experimented a lot, hence the irregular pattern and troubleshooting at the start of the band. I'm now repurposing it as a camera strap and I learned a lot from it tho.
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My current setup is basic cardboard tablets (I had to make extra ones so I had enough for the last band with 30 cards), tying the warp to something sturdy like a bookshelf, and sitting down with a backstrap belt on the other side of the room. I used thin wool yarn for this, which stuck to itself quite a lot, but not too much to be unmanagable, and I really like how the finished product feels.
If anyone's interested, I could make a longer post on how I made the shoelaces, I think it's a very beginner friendly project.
I managed to get my hands on a drop spindle and gave that a try, but I ran out of wool after making a very small amount of very chunky yarn and am currently working out where to best get sth local. It was fun tho!
I also finally finished the knitted scarf that has been in my wip pile for... approximately three years? I started it when I was still in school, feels like an eternity ago. It's just a simple (although very long) red wool scarf, but it keeps me nice and warm in this cold, harsh- *checks weather* ...5°C and neverending rain.
Next up: woodworking!
Noodled around with my grandpa's old dremel that we still had lying around, which resulted in this truly terrifying weapon:
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Behold! I named it Toothling. It's great for poking friends and family when they least expect it.
This was more of a test run to see if it all still works and to try out doing small scale work with wood, now I gotta think of something fun to make. (I say, as if I didn't already have 50 different ideas)
Before that fuckery, I made this magnetic dice box/rolling tray for my lovely partner's birthday.
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Though I don't feel like I can take credit for working the CNC magic on this, I did all the hands-on work with the sanding, assembling the magnets, shellac coating, and whatnot. I'm pretty sure wood is some sort of fruit tree, since it smells strongly of what I suspect might be plum or cherry.
Last but sure as fuck not least: embroidery
This I actually get professional instruction for at uni. I've kinda lost patience for it atm, but mostly because I cannot resist making unnecessarily complicated pieces with tiny little stitches and then am forced to finish it because I do actually kinda need to pass this class. My lecturer keeps telling me not to go so detailed, yet I have proven resistant to her good advice. But, I figured if I have to make two full pieces of embroidery to be graded on and put hours of work into, I might as well choose designs that I can turn into patches for my jacket:
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Catha and Ruidus! I love me some big moon little moon imagery. The prompt was to incorporate most of the techniques/stitches we've learned so far. Added the little gold chain stitch around ruidus for the arcane latticework. It came out a little wonky shape wise, but I love it nonetheless.
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And my most recent wip, a stained glass window design with the Ninth House skull and Gideon's sword behind it, to feed my current Locked Tomb obsession.
And that's it!
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rose-tinted-wings · 3 years
2am thoughts.
I show a lot of signs of ASD.
(or would they be symptoms?)
But like... Does that mean I should follow up on this?
I know quizzes aren't diagnostic tools but like, all that I take kinda point in that direction but neurotypical Nancy over there (my husband) takes them and is all a-okay so it kinda checks out.
I don't know. I can't turn my brian off.
I'm cycling through all my precious hyper fixations and kinda going, symptom, symptom, symptom.
And I honestly don't know how to feel about this.
I kinda freaked out a little because my husband moved my toothbrush but I can't control my emotions well when I'm tired.
And it just makes me remember all the times my family would call me "weird" or different.
I'm kind of a chameleon (I don't know if that's a symptom), but like, I try my best not to be weird. I attach to people and emulate their behaviour so I'm not picked on as weird and freaky and yeah sometimes I'd have to go from group to group so I wouldn't show how weird I am.
I can't seem to help it. People don't like me jumping my leg up and down to try and soothe myself. I literally got told to stop it once by a stranger sitting in front of me at a festival because she was trying to take a picture and I was wobbling the floor too much for her to get a steady shot so I've never done it since.
My husband notices when I wiggle my feet when I'm sleepy so now I only do it under the covers which kinda helps because I like the pressure and the tactile feel of the sheets on my feet.
I know I'm weird. I've always been weird. I can basically tell you a breed of dog just by looking at it because I used to study dog breeds after seeing a poster in the vets when we used to take our dog.
I used to be told that I even ate wrong. Hell, I was told that today! Because I seperate my skittles and you have to eat them in order from worst to best (yellow, orange, red, purple then green, unless you're American because American skittles are different flavour and I don't really like those when I went there, sorry). And I like all my food to be separated. If they're on the same plate they should have a good half centimetre between eat item so they don't touch but preferably eat item would be in seperate bowls but that's a lot of washing up to do so I don't ask for that anymore. I used to be told I ate things wrong or upside down or the wrong way round because of I could I would take the filling out my sandwich and eat that last because that's the better bit. But I do TRY not to get upset when my food touches, like, in a restaurant, I don't expect them to seperate my food, it comes how it comes, I'll seperate it myself. I was told to stop being weird, eat the pepperoni ON the pizza. My mum would purposefully move my sweets when they were all in lines which was really distressing but I knew it was just me being weird, again. And I don't like soft food. Like, I can't eat a sandwich that has a salad filling and a tomato was on the bread. It just makes it soggy and disgusting in my mouth. Like if you have too many crackers and then try to have water after but then there's mushy cracker in your mouth. No. Just no. Yoghurt is bad. I grew some in a lab once at different temperatures and I do not want to ingest that.
But yeah. I'm just like... Is this why people think I'm rude? I've literally been called spikey and aloof by people in therapy.
But then my hubby says this could all just be trauma brain trying to put things "right" or "orderly" and just trying to grasp at control from a time where I had none. (I call it trauma brain because I'm not diagnosed with PTSD and even though I stand with self Dx I can't personally agree to something unless it's like, officially on paper and such, another lovely quirk)
I don't know. He says I need sleep, which, yes, I do. But I cannot turn my brain off.
Like I keep thinking about Greek mythology and how I was really into that, and knitting and crochet and the different kinds of fibres you can use, and like, dimaond art, and psychology. And I wanted to be a mortician because I don't wanna be around people because talking is HARD.
And people are always "why didn't you talk to me?" when I have a mental health crisis but I don't know how to do that! How do you pick up a phone and go "hey! Just wanted to drop a line and say I'm suicidal but there's nothing anyone can do about it anyway seeing as it's all wonky brain chemistry so I don't really know why I'm telling you!" yanno? I don't know how to talk. I don't. Like. I've said it to people before. I see you. We've spoken. I see you as Friend but like... Talk? Uh... Weather? Music? Life? Philosophy? Where... Do we start?
I love my brothers, very much but I do not Do Sport and that's all I can think they're into. I am not Sport Person. I am not Ex Military. I am not Parent. How do we do this? Do we HAVE anything in common? Since the pandemic we haven't been able to play D&D and they don't seem interested in picking that back up so like... Where do we start?
I know people don't get to know me. I put people off by being blunt about my past abuse. It makes them uncomfortable. Like, casually dropped in having sex around 13 once and my friend about fell off his chair. Casually mentioned my father nearly killing me once and again he did not know what to say. Hell, again, it happened today. Talking about when I fell off my bike and broke my arm in two places and nearly my knee and my head bounced off the pavement and I could have died off not for my helmet and they thought THAT was dark until I said I also got told off for bleeding on the sofa and instead of calling an ambulance my dumbass father called my mother from work who took an hour to get home who then took me to the hospital. (and now I'm saying it all again to freak more people out. Awesome.) and I didn't even say how I needed a cloth over my knees because they looked so mangled I couldn't stop looking at the wreckage that was my body and the worst part was I walked home on that knee and when my brother found me he said are you okay? And all I could worry about was my stupid bike that I got for Christmas because I knew they would kill me if it got damaged. My self worth was lower than a bike. At 8.
So is this trauma? Is this ASD? I don't know. All I knoe right now is that I'm weird and I freak people out and I don't know when to shut up but I need all this out my head to be asleep.
And no one understands when you just and a word stuck in your head over and over again. And hubby was like, oh like when a line in a song plays in your head over and over and I said yeah but sometimes it's just a word like hypotenuse over and over and over and it won't stop.
Like now. I can't stop typing because this is all my inner monologue and it just won't stop. It won't let me sleep.
When I used to be like this as a kid I used to look out of the window. No matter whose (is that a word? I'm tired) house I was in. And the world would be still, and quiet, and I wanted that. But my brain doesn't like shutting down and right now I can't sleep until the sun comes up because that's when Trauma Brain says, ah, yes, safe now.
And my husband likes the door open to the bedroom even though I've told him it's a fire risk and no we haven't had a fire but my mum was freaked out by fire after she was in hospital next to a burn victim once and now I've got that trauma. Like, I have to have a safety plan on how to get out if there is a fire and even though it's still only a wooden door you'd be surprised by the amount of protection it brings.
And he likes night lights which, yes, can be helpful sometimes but I don't like light in my bedroom at night. So now I wear an eye mask but I hate the pressure on my face but I don't tell him that but now if I don't wear it I can't sleep because I'm used to the pressure even if I hate it!!
This is tiring. I've been typing for like, 40 mins and I just want to cry and sleep and punch his stupid snoring face because he can sleep and I can't and it's not fair. It's like he's rubbing it in my face. Oooo look how well I can sleep, snoring away next to you ZzZzz!! Ugh. I know it's stupid and petty but I'm tired. I've not slept more than five hours a night for nearly two weeks now and I know that's actually quite a bit for when my body decides to be in these moods and it's got to the point that my body is just fighting my sleeping tablets like an evil villain trying to thwart me.
But I need to wake up WITHOUT a migraine tomorrow as hubby had clinic at hospital but thankfully his dad is taking him but I have to pick him up and if I have a full migraine I don't k ow how I'll drive and I'm just. So. Tired.
Maybe this has helped. Maybe I'll put my phone down and just... Sleep.
Wow I've had to correct myself so much because I'm typing weird.
Weor Weor word word weird. That's it. Weird. That's me
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areyousanta · 5 years
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I made a self-analysis of my art progress over the past five years. I feel like I’m at a point where my progress has kinda flat-lined and I want to go through what was my most popular each year and point out what I like and what I don’t like/what I improved on.
This is mainly for my own use so putting the meat of this under the cut.
Also going on a little hiatus for who knows how long because my head is not on straight and I need to take time and get out of my head and this fog.
First year with a tablet. Well, first few months at least. I think I got this tablet around October/November. I think the main thing I like about this is the colorr! The oranges and reds in his hair just make it look so vibrant and inviting. Definitely feel like I need to expand on my color usage and be more carefree about it like in this pic.
I have a whole list of things I don’t like but I’m not gonna get into them since...well this was my first arting experience and I loved every minute of learning the program and using the tablet. So I don’t wanna throw shade on those memories. Mainly, linearttt needs some workk.
Alright here we go. So first thing, THE POSE?!? I honestly am still shocked at how well I pulled off that pose. Yeah the anatomy is wonky, but I feel like I executed it well.
The shading bugs me the most. I was so concerned with having harsh lines in the shading that I blurred everything out. I feel like this makes it lose it’s depth! Yes it looks soft, but I am a HUGE fan of shading that has a rough, painted, look?? Idk how to describe it. 
Also the avoidance at doing anything with Roy’s face or anything below both of their shoulders annoys me.
That is probably my main regret about me doing art at this time. It always had to be PERFECT. If I ever drew something and it started seeming like it wasn’t going to turn out how I liked, I pretty much rage-quit and shut down. I still do this now, but I try and hold out a little longer and work on fixing it before I give up. Unfortunately, giving up on a drawing happens more often than I’d like to admit. And, it’s not just giving up, its giving up and DELETING the whole drawing because I get so mad at myself. This is why you all rarely see me post sketchy sketches. I really need to try and kick this habit.
Idk what it is about this drawing. The shading! The lineart! His hair! That AUTOMAIL OMFG. I can’t tell you how many times I have tried to recreate this and nothing seems to compare in my mind.
Nothing to critique. I still love it all.
God this one seems like I literally did it yesterday.
This is where I feel like my progress began to stall out. Most of my stuff now still looks like this and idk how that makes me feel.
This is right about the time I started doing my lineart this way. I used to refer to it as my “soft lines” as I labeled it in my old commissions posts. Now its my standard way to do lineart and I love it so much. I really like the variation of line weight on this and the hatching!! I need to work on incorporating this into future pieces. 
Also I remember I did this weird technique of shading on an overlay layer with odd colors?? I think I used like green and red on this one and I still really like how it turned out so I may try that again. 
THIS ONE idk what it is about it but I have a love/hate relationship with this one. I love the fact that I did a (sort of) full-body pose and it actually turned out okay! Also the colors and lineart look super dope and work welll!
I hate the hands and the face though. Hands because...well they’re hands and were crafted by satan himself to torture artists with their wonkiness. The fact just looks weird to me. I’m not super comfortable with doing profiles and I always feel like they turn out really strange looking. I’ve looked at a million different profile tutorials, traced over pictures, and Still. Can’t. Do. It. 
However, looking from the one from 2015 to this one, I am amazed I have come this far. 
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katzirrart · 6 years
Art Growth Compilation
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I really enjoy doing posts about improvement in art.
It makes me feel better about my work, especially with how busy I am these days.
I wanted to compile all the comparisons I’ve made over the years and kinda discuss the posts, for myself or others.
I thought it’d be funny to start with comparing how I first drew on a tablet, using dodge and burn tools, to how I do now which is using layers and actually painting. It’s funny to look back on that, you know?
I linked the post I made, compiling all the month to month memes from 2003-2017 that I try and do yearly. And everything else is under a cut ;w;’‘/
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Most artists have done a drawing of themselves and a few Pokemon, or their team. I did that in 2010, and was dissatisfied with my work...
I took a crack again in 2013 after I’d learned to draw more animals and not be so Edgy(tm) I really liked the results. I still didn’t use references though, because I was lazy. I just didn’t want to. I still was on that boat feeling like I was CHEATING. I wasn’t being CREATIVE if I looked at references.
Artists get stuck on using reference and it’s AWFUL. USE THEM. USE TWENTY. LEARN!! It’s so HELPFUL, I wish I had started sooner.
In 2014 though -
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I tried again.
I had gotten better at anatomy, but most of all, I started to work off references more. I started to really focus on not stylizing so much, but to work on actually making things look like things. I started to work on caring about COMPARISON sizes. Composition!!
While Pokemon reference sizes are -wiggle hands- and while my team changed up, I was satisfied that I could draw Arbok ACTUALLY like a cobra now, Meowth is easy given it’s just a noseless cat so to speak, Haunter is literally a triangle cloud - I was satisfied having drawn that team.
My secondary team in the new games? I was excited to draw them. It was fresh and new and FUN and it turned out PRECIOUS.
I learned better how to proportion things in an image for layout, and just... making characters feel COHESIVE in the same space.
It was a nice thing to keep visiting. I have a sketch in the works for an update even hopefully.
These pieces are kind of interesting to me too, because they’re towards the end of my era of THIN lineart?
My lineart has gone from this, and THIS,  to this.
Literally I use to not believe in line weight, I can still do thin work of course, but I’m not a fan of trying to FORCE it like I use to? Even the second link, I went from the SMALLEST brush in Sai, to using a marker brush that had barely ANY give, to a custom brush on Sai that acts like a Paint Chat brush I use to use with friends online!
That’s what I mean about style too, like you may reserve yourself about things - like not coloring black in and outlining with white, or certain ways you do things. But the growth and changing and figuring FUN ways to color that black etc is where the fun of art comes in, to me??
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A few months ago, I did my first redraw. Of this piece from 2012.
Six years difference.
This was interesting for a number of reasons. There’s aspects I like more in the old one, but not many. I really like the pose a bit better, but I like the casual closeness that I did in the new one because that’s more my Shepard.
But technically speaking, it’s worlds better because I took time. I paid attention to details. I did fun things instead of rushing. I took time with my coloring and didn’t SMEAR it around. I had a friend who use to complain I drew so fast and they felt so SLOW, but I love what that taught me. I started taking more time on my art, and enjoying it more since I caught more mistakes and vastly improved. By leaps and bounds.
It’s amazing what a difference six years makes in not only style, which is often a FOCUS of these things? My style has come awkwardly and naturally to me over the years of critically picking certain things apart? but I really love where it’s gotten.
I have things I want to get back to, but I love... where it is, and CAN be?
But it’s wild to me how much change happens in technical handling? It’s a hand in hand thing, you can’t focus on one or the other only, or the other suffers.
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Honestly this has been my favorite improvement to notice though?
Kisame was a character I felt I should be able to draw EASILY? Not so much. Itachi? ALSO EASY. Not so much??
Kisame has weird eyes to grasp how to draw? Thus focusing on them kept making them wonky to me!! On top of that, he’s everything I’ve been use to drawing for AGES because he has a muscular body, with a smaller waist? ... that was something I was use to drawing? I still was awkward getting back into the swing of that... Drawing HIS HAIR though? NOT SO EASY....
But like, Itachi should have been easy, but I have a thing about him appearing too feminine as he gets drawn because his eyelashes, and I’ve really found a nice... medium at this point?
But even still like my face styles and eye styles are finally to a comfortable point for me? I have stopped focusing on some weird things with Itachi’s hair and just... DO IT? But even still like...
The improvement here is literally just if I don’t know how to do something, or I’m not satisfied with how I do it? I just keep at it.
It’s a theme of this post honestly... repetition, persistence.
Keep drawing it. Keep trying to figure out what it is that’s catching you off about how you do it. Don’t like how you do eyes or how they fit on the face? Look at facial structures and references and figure it out. Draw them separate and figure out how to apply them to what you are.
Remember there’s a skull in there. I draw the holes in the skull like the eye sockets, and the nose area to help my proportions for SURE.
I’ve also gotten to a nice marriage in my lineart? The piece before the recent one, those lines feel HARDER or HEAVIER? The newest piece seems...softer? Like I’m lighter handed again?
I really like critiquing my own growth on what is good or working better for me? Older pieces it looks like I’m putting lineweight for SAKE of it versus where it goes now?
Like this lineup -
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My style shifts so RAPIDLY, it still is noticeably MY style to people, but parts shift so VIOLENTLY because I’m constantly picking at what I don’t LIKE.
It’s funny too in the case of Kisame and Itachi because consistently I’m drawing the SAME character over and over - can make you REALIZE how you’re doing something wrong?
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Like, here’s a difference of eight years, and it’s all the brush I use now, and it REALLY shows how my style has changed - in the aspect of one point of reference?
I have a childhood favorite character too, of Daisuke, and I use to be bad at drawing boys, and I use to be SUPER bad at drawing fluffy hair?
It was something I specifically started to learn to do? And I started to draw Daisuke every few months or years for a while. Especially when I started to first REALIZE I didn’t like my style that much?
But the middle one was July 2009, top left is less than 6 months later, and the last one is about a year later. DRASTIC DIFFERENCE. But next -
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This one was in 2012, when I started to do more with teeth, or first dipping my toes into anatomy. I started to focus more on HANDS too, I was super bad at them. Overall I started to focus more on making my art have...ages? Like a boy versus a man. Facial features being DIFFERENT.
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I can look at this boring little bust and see that he comes off more of a teenage boy to me now. I need to work more on figuring how to draw asian features especially the eyes. Sometimes I hit the mark, other times I don’t.
but between this and 2012? Not too much has changed. I do hair fluffier now, and I angle the eyes better. The teeth not being outlined doesn’t give that weird effect where I might give him TOO MANY TEETH....
People do that and it’s easy but whoof.
So there’s still learning and adapting to do in QUICK drawings, you know? but I can still see there’s good things. That took me like 5 minutes to draw? Not bad honestly.
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In it’s own bracket is original characters though too?? But also divergent of STYLE shifts because like...
OKAY. Nightmare Syndicate’s story.. started for me in 7th or 8th grade, that was when I was...14? 15? I’ve been fleshing it out for like 13 years, that’s wild haha!! I love my kids and all.
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But okay so SIALI. She’s still fairly similar but I restructured her face for SURE. She’s gotten less edgy, she’s.... a teenage girl.
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FELIX?? CHRIST. He’s been such a long journey!! More on that later?
Rot and even Cor?? Rot and Cor are a shorter span of development, but Rot started in Highschool so almost 10 years ago, and Cor has been fairly solid - but even just DRAWING him over three years? Go look at how much he changes.. I’m not married to concepts easily. haha!
People act like making a character you’re STUCK with it. Like Oh boy, I better make this character good, from the get go!!
I only worry about that with small potatoes like my Pillar(Gods) designs I just made for the comic?? Even still, small things will change with them I’m sure.
But not only has Felix and Siali changed, but they’ve GROWN with my style and DEFINED it even. I’ve had to adjust my style to support Felix’s look honestly a LOT. Bend my rules. Break my anatomy stickler attitude - and honestly, that’s the thing.
You have to learn the rules and anatomy BEFORE you can break them. A style built upon broken anatomy will fail you down the road if you just excuse everything with style.
Learn to draw the hands. Learn to draw the feet. Figure out the face. Bones exist. You can break the FUCK out of it once you learn how to do it, you know? Like I’ve seen so many styles I LOVE who are cartoony and BROKEN AS FUCK, but there’s still some STRUCTURE to it. Most of those people can still structure a face just fine, and the reason exaggeration works so well is because there’s like unwritten rules for what works and doesn’t based on that?
Felix has a very elongated torso, he’s like 7′ or 8′ tall so I mean?? He’s... broken anatomy, but he’s... lanky - but his muscle is LITHE and stretched. It makes contextual sense. That’s the important part.
But even designs, it’s important to understand designs YOU make, or like... to understand they’ll CHANGE and that’s growth within your art too?
Like okay, example. Felix has a millipede inspired monster form. But with designing that? I still have to know how millipedes and SNAKES work because there's bones and vertebrae in there??
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But there’s also the difference of like... CONCEPT, versus execution. You can design a fucking badass character, but understanding your own concept is SOMETHING.
I had no idea how this would play out, until I was mapping out his ‘midsection’ spikes? and man. MY STYLE WAS MADE FOR THIS CHALLENGE NOW. Which is so interesting how smooth my style has always been? Felix has defined ANGLES in it, and it’s hilarious tbh?
But even too, I’ve had to work with Felix’s monster form FACE, to break the rules to make it WORK the way I need it too?
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On the anatomy subject too, like when I first got into Marvel comics 6 years ago or so? I had no idea how to do muscle structures?? I was so BAD at it.
I can look at this left image and CRINGE so badly at how NONE of those are muscles?? THOSE ARE THINGS I PERCEIVE AS MUSCLES. Like...
A course I took taught me to draw what I see, not what I know. That’s the whole point of that post that goes around about drawing a shrimp. Look it up. It’s hilarious and cute.
But it’s like, asking an artist to draw a bike, you can tell who uses reference and who WINGS it. It’s funny, but like it’s what you know versus what you see.
I started to study anatomy like crazy and was seeing improvements days at a time. The right image was done like... a month later? already I can see the muscles under the pectorals? those look normal now. the abs aren’t dough lumps under the skin in a perfect 6 pack, they’re the actual plane shapes.
I was trying to find a good reference for myself of learning to make men ‘thicker’ too in terms of the waist etc since the left is really...thin.... but...
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A bit better, but even still, comparing these two - they’re 2 months apart? and I can see understanding more about arms and how they connect to the body, where the planes ACTUALLY lay for the chest and obliques and such?
I can see improvements from July 2012 up there, to - WHOOPS. I FORGOT TO CHANGE THE YEAR LMAO... TO FEBRUARY 2013...omg
I mean, I could go on and on about improvements I see, when I go through my art though? Gosh.
Like I’m seeing so SO many bad hands and feet in my old stuff, and just CRINGING because tricks I learned for myself by now?
I give so many pointers and streams and screenshares on discord still to help people with art and it cracks me up?? Like...
I dunno. I’m pretty mediocre tbh, but god damn.
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mmupaa · 7 years
Answering asks pt 1.
 hey! i’ve gotten quite a few asks this month, so i’m answering with two image sets, so my blog can stay cleaner. 
thank you so much for all the asks, they are exciting to recieve! i hope you see this, if you asked any of these!!!
you guys can ask me more things, about whatever, and i’d be happy to answer!
(sorry if anything’s weird, english is not my first language)
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thank you so much friend! hope you have a rad day and i love your two gay dads also!!!!
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thank you so much Puyuo, i don’t feel like i deserve this. hoo boy! 
i am doing super well! speeding through life, art college is cursed(tm) but i love it there. as much as it makes me stressed, i wouldn’t have it any other way, i love learning and improving. 
I really hope you’re doing good as well, i wish you all the best!!
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w OHA Yess, please do art! im so glad anything could inspire you! 
I recommend any kind of art - and just general expression of one self - to all and every one, it’s good for your mental state and satisfies your need for being creative!!! 
And thank you, im just, i wish nothing but the best for all of you, why would i not be nice, you know? ^^
ily too!
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Hey! We are all shy here, so don’t worry, that’s why anon’s for! Hope you see this anyway!
 You assumed correctly! ❤ I attend an art academy, illustration course and in my country i literary had like one option for that! (I even wanted to go to an animation school, but we don’t even have that at all.) SO I sadly really have no idea how to help you for sure, since every country has such different sistems! 
I hope you can ask some older friends in your country that went through this too and can advise you, and i hope, where you live, colleges have school tours too, so you can check it out before you enroll, like we can here!
Good luck, i’m certain you’ll find the right school! ANd have a rad day.
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what the heckie, this is too much !!!!! my heart cant take this!!  ❤ thank you so much, you are pure and good! i wish you all the best!!
I use the smallest wacom intuos right now, i borrowed it from my friend because my big ol’ intuos’s pro cable got all wonky. it’s waiting for a friend to fix it, but he has no time so im just... using the younger sister. and i got really attached to the smal one, it’s so portable and works good! 
they both work(ed) good in some respects, but for some reason many of the fancy features on my intuos pro didn’t work from the start. like configuring your tablet for lefthanded people... that didnt work ever, so i just always kinda awkwardly bumped into buttons while drawing that were on the wrong side, and couldn’t use them at all bececause, well, i was drawing with he hand you’re supposed to use them!
this turned into a weird rant, i hope i answered ok though, and i hope everyone elses intuos pro works fine.
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hey! i DO love drawing witches, and i was searching for an inspiration as i recieved this ask, it was right on time! i’m planning on making this a full illustration, but for now, you can check out the sketch thing!
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thank you loads for your suggestion, i appreciate ideas that fit with what i draw, so if you guys have any, bring them on!
i do accept commissions if you want to actually order something though.
thank you everyone for your questions, i’ll be posting the second batch tomorrow if i get some time, it’s really late now and this surprisingy takes loads of time!
Please do ask more if you want! you can send me questions regarding me, you, art... whatever you feel like.
i love you, hope you all had something nice to eat today and had at least one nice thought. YOU CAN do it, be strong!!
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echoingkarma · 7 years
So, lil personal update under the read more!
I’m going to be moving house soon! It’s actually mostly sorted out, which I wasn’t aware of, but it means I’ll get away from my abusers and I’ll be much more free than I am now. Also, the place we’re going to be renting for a while has an amazing garden, apparently, so I’m quite looking forward to it. It does mean at some point I won’t be at all active, but I do think its for the best overall, so I’m excited ^^
My physical health hasn’t particularly improved, but I’m getting used to that ;u;
Mentally, I do feel like I’m finally on the way to recovery, and it’s both terrifying and great. I’ve fixed my life up to be more ideal for myself, and during the day time I’m keeping myself busy and with school done now, I’m just finding it a lot easier to cope. When school starts up again, that will probably change, but I’m hoping this summer will be good at least.
I’m working hard on my story, as well as trying to set up a few art projects. I’m currently waiting on a new graphics tablet to arrive - my old one is quite scratched up and the lead is a bit wonky and I wanted a new one anyway, so when that comes it’ll be good. I’m also running a Mystic Messenger blog (feel free to ask for it if you want a link to it), and trying to post my weekly YouTube videos, and I’m working on designing a few more things for RedBubble, so I really am making sure I’m busy and doing as much as I can with my time.
I have 2 full weeks of work experience coming up, meaning I’ll be inactive for those weeks, but otherwise things just seem to be going okay ^^ I don’t know why, but I kinda just wanted to say because I feel like I might bring some of this up in the next while, and I just wanted to be clear about things and give an update. Take care guys!
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