#i feel like its already pretty obvious but ah well
kiwiwisdeathday · 11 months
I keep seeing posts n stuff about people's hc heights for the tribes so now it's my turn:) enjoy
(smallest to biggest)
Starting off with hivewings!! no true solid explanation but yeah
Leafwings. Only being a little taller than hivewings, they're small due to their ground dwelling habits unlike their tribe-mates, hivewings and silkwings who usually lived in or above the trees before the war. If they were given enough time in the poison jungle, they would've easily outgrown silkwings.
Next is silkwings:) they also have the biggest wings of any pantalan tribes, using this to their advantage by fanning their wings out to look even bigger since they're (for the most part) defenseless aside from their silk.
SandWings are small to help regulate their body temperature, though it's possible they could become smaller if regularly dealing with a scarcity of resources. They are a very well known tribe for trading, and tend to not have to deal with such things as much as they used to before trading and having a currency.
post-volcano nightwings are the opposite, and suffer from lack of resources unlike sandwings. They are somewhat prone to giantism, but usually don't live as long unless pampered(a good example of that is Morrowseer).
Rainwings. Rainwings are relatively bigger than their (now) nightwing neighbors due to a lack of conflict from other tribes and abundance of food and other necessities over the years.
Inland icewings are much bigger than rainwings. They also deal with a lack of food since most life gathers by the more coastal regions of the icewing kingdom. While they've tried many times to move there, an icewing subspecies(coastal icewings) which usually consists of icewings with higher circle rankings and royals, end up chasing them back. (Also kind of random but like. what if they had that anti freeze stuff that some animals have??)
mudwings:) also no solid explanation for this, sorry
I hc skywings as having sexual dimorphism similar to birds of prey where females and males are different sizes, so this is about the size of your average male skywing! also hehe tiny trans skywing when
I'm shocked I didn't put seawings higher on the list but yeah. I imagine this would be the average-ish height but it probably varies a LOT. some seawings can grow almost as big as a coastal icewing, or as small as a rainwing. All depends where that bloodline grew up at ig
Pre-volcano nightwings were much, much bigger than their modern day counterparts, making them even more feared with or without their powers. The altitudes at which they live are cold, similar to skywings, eventually giving them a resistance to it.
skywings again, this time the average female height
And lastly coastal icewings. big guys:) The royal icewing family tends to consist of coastals fun fact
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The Rival
Summary: Alastor sought to possess one of the only does in Pentegram City for the rut season, however, you wanted a mate, not a master. But what happens when a handsome new buck shows up one day and tries to capture your attention away from the Radio Demon. Who will you choose?
(Just some practice at writing drama but I hope you enjoy)
You weren't stupid. You knew that Alastor would call upon you only because he needed a warm body to ride out his rut and not out of any naive sense of romance. Every few months you'd receive an unsurprising visit from the Radio Demon casually resting in your hotel room before whisking you off for a vigorous week of reliving both of your heats. His earthy pheromones having triggered your own. It was usually obvious when Alastor would arrive because you could always feel fiery red eyes on your form and often noticed a dark presence shifting around in your peripheral vision. Of course, this would have freaked you out but it was also nice that you didn't have to go out of your way to avoid the numerous male cervid demons suffering through their own rut cycles of the season. Having never seen another female deer demon, you realized you were probably in for a bad time if one of those desperate bastards got a hold of you. So you didn't mind a little extra security as you went about your business. 
The very moment you walked through your door, an almost overwhelming scent of a warm, mossy, musk invaded your senses as waves of static washed over you. "Ah, there's my pretty doe. How was your day out my love?", Alastor greeted you in his typical cheery voice that made your heart flutter, but you knew the sweet-sounding pet name was only a product of his possessive manipulation. He knew very well how you reacted to his charm and he had no qualms about using it to gain your sexual compliance. "Oh, you know, quiet as Hell can be." You sat across from him on an armchair and smirked at the bittersweet domestic feeling as his shadow appeared next to you with a tea cup and a small bowl of sugar cubes. You scratched its shadowy scalp with gratitude as you took the offered drink, "And thank you for the company lately", you cooed to its delighted purrs. 
Alastor cleared his throat to get both of your attention as he began, "Yes, well”, he suddenly appeared in front of your chair and bent down to your eye level, "your protection would prove much easier if you would simply make a deal with me so that all of those pathetic weaklings would know who you belonged to." You didn't miss how his voice deepened into a static-filled threat but that didn't stop you from brushing away his outstretched hand as you stood up to put away your things. Of course, Alastor had been trying to get you to agree to a deal since the beginning of your...relationship(?), however, you had seen and known many people who deeply regretted making a deal with him. You knew he only wanted the same thing as every other cervid guy, regardless of how you felt about him. He didn't want a mate to love and protect. He wanted to possess the rare commodity of a breedable doe for himself.
 "I don't belong to anyone, Alastor.", you snapped, "You already give me protection from other males in exchange for my working you through your heat." He let out a dismissive chuckle when you shimmied your ample chest, but you saw the slight blush creeping across his face at the visions likely dancing through his mind. 
God, sometimes you wished there were more women deer around so that you could just live your fucking afterlife in peace. (But then, what if you'd never met Alastor and he had found another to see his ruts through?)
As you both headed downstairs to dinner, Alastor more so following you as was his habit during the season, you could hear Charlie loudly speaking to someone.
"Great! Well let's head o-", she was cut off by your entrance into the lobby which revealed a large figure sporting an impressive set of thick antlers. You could feel Alastor stiffen and tighten his hold on your shoulders. The scent of the visitor told you why. It was definitely another male deer, also nearing his heat like Alastor, and it was obvious that he must've followed your feminine smell here. Charlie began to walk towards you with a large smile, "Oh, hey there! I was actually just about to show our newest guest", she gestured in the stranger’s direction, "a tour and I'd love you to join us as other deer demons." She had a hopeful bounce in her step, "This is James.", who nodded and began to look you up and down with intensity. 
"Yes, I'm very interested in what your hotel may offer, Ms. Charlie." He was wearing a loose-fitting flannel shirt with his sleeves rolled up and a pair of worn jeans, but you could tell that he was absolutely jacked. His forearms alone looked like freaking tree trunks and he was easily taller than even Alastor with an equally enticing scent that made your stomach flip. James had begun to move further in your direction, however, a loud growl ripped through the lobby as ear-splitting static made everyone turn to its source behind you. 
"I'm afraid we've no vacancies at the moment.", he snarled, "Allow me to escort you towards the exit." Alastor had already begun to grow into his demonic form and used his shadow tendrils to violently eject the large buck onto the front lawn before anyone could make a sound. 
Charlie quickly darted after the two males, followed by you, only to be confronted by an impossibly odd sight. James stood tall without a scratch or sign of fear on him in the face of a giant, demonic Alastor. He even looked like he was all too happy to clap back with a strong, demonic aura of his own. However, the princess halted Alastor's intended strike with a burst of flames and a disappointed comment at his attitude towards a potential guest. And immediately apologized to James as she whirled around him checking for injuries, but none were to be found. 
Did Alastor take it easy on this guy? Why? He's always simply killed potential rival suitors, this one in his territory no less, so, why was he still alive?!
Charlie returned to the lobby, leading James by his massive arm, and proceeded to ask, a very pissed-looking, Alastor to fix the now broken doors as she led the two of you on a tour of the hotel. You could feel both James' smile and Alastor's silent rage boring into the back of your head as you walked with a clueless Charlie.
The intense air of murderous intent in between the two male cervids had only gotten worse over the next week after freaking deer Paul Bunion was placed in a room next to yours, which was across from Alastor’s. Charlie thought you'd be able to better connect another deer demon and maybe help him if needed, though she had no idea about the conflict she had placed in your lap.
James commented, during a group share circle, that he assumed that he was a Canadian reindeer, who was relatively new to Hell. He also made it clear that he simply didn't know, or care, who the Radio Demon was. The two constantly locked horns, both physically and metaphorically as the countdown to the rutting season was running out. You also found out through Angel Dust that Alastor was absolutely forbidden from using his power to injure a resident of the hotel. 
Which you assumed was why he didn't simply wipe James off the concrete outside like a pancake off a hot griddle. 
However, this didn't stop Alastor from staking his claim on you in other ways. For instance, he always had to have a hand on you somewhere. On your knee during group talks on the lobby couch, on your shoulder while you ate a meal, and on your lower back when he walked you from room to room. James didn’t seem to give too much of a fuck as he frequently kept at your other side and proceeded to continuously compliment you, give you small gifts, or make a particularly chapped joke that you couldn’t help but giggle and blush at. Of course, that usually resulted in being pulled closer into Alastor’s side away from the other male as he snarled and rubbed his face into your hair to try and mark you with his scent.  
You couldn’t lie. You very much enjoyed the attention of the two strong males as they vied for your affection and mating rights.
One early morning, while Alastor was forced to leave your side, in order to attend an overlord meeting, James found you in your rose garden behind the hotel and offered to help you plant your new buds. After a few minutes of digging and placing the rose roots, he spoke up, “Can I ask if youse and Alastor are an item?”. He smiled at your blushing expression and continued, “Not to offend ma’am, but I’d like to show you what a true buck is.”
Your eye twitched a bit at the insult towards Alastor, but you remained calm, “It's… complicated between us.”. James simply leaned in and smiled encouragingly, “Alastor isn’t exactly into relationships, but he takes care of me during the rut season.” 
“What about the rest of the time?”, he asked while bringing his face practically an inch from yours, “Does he make you feel like the forest queen you are? Or does he simply forget you until he needs something from you?” His steel eyes brightened in victory at your affirming face toward his questions, “I-I…um…”, you tried to defend your reasons for continuously coming back to Alastor again and again even though he couldn't care less about you during the rest of the year. 
He held your hand tenderly in one of his, while also cupping your cheek with the other and whispered, “Let me give you what you deserve, sweetheart. Love not possession. Tenderness, not indifference.” You were so absolutely enthralled by his deep voice and his potent musk that you could only stare blankly as he finally leaned in and softly pressed his lips against your own.
Hey, Again this is just some drama and relationship writing practice for a beginner class I'm taking.
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biolumien · 4 months
Hi!! Your rooftop smoke fic with Hoshina was just superb. 😭💖
Was wondering If could request a scenario where they had been mutually pining for one another. And they'd, on more than one occasion catch each other's eyes across the room. And a handful of people from the Defense Force notices. Cause could they be more obvious?
Whether that would end up angsty or with a happy ending is up to you! I love the way you write for Hoshina. You capture him pretty perfectly haha
Stay safe and healthy!!
notes: omg... thank you for your compliments... it means smsm! uhh... well. this kinda took on a life of its own, i'm sorry. i hope you don't mind ;-;;
say it! come on, say it!
soshiro hoshina x gn!reader alternatively: romcom except then i smacked it so hard with angst at the end. sorry. word count: 2400
“you need to close your mouth when you’re staring.” you feel the ice-cold touch of a can press against your cheek, and you shriek as you stare up at–
“ah, fuck. i’m not staring, narumi,” you mutter, taking the soda can from him. narumi seemed less than convinced, his eyes barely visible from underneath his bangs. 
“o-kay. and you’re totally not ogling hoshina with googly eyes.” narumi cracks open his own soda, taking a long sip from the can. “why don’t you just date already? i’m gonna be honest, i’m sick of you looking at him like that. it’s boring, bland, predictable… fuckin’ hate that will they won’t they bullshit.” 
“i can’t,” you complain dramatically. 
hoshina, from the other side of the room, was talking to captain ashiro while examining some paperwork. occasionally, okonogi would come over, point out some new development, and there’d seem to be another heated debate between the three. you always liked seeing hoshina in his element—whether it be instructing other officers, training with his blades, or awkwardly not making eye contact with him when he spoke to you. 
“like hell you can’t!” narumi hissed, reaching out to put you in a headlock. “stop looking at him like that!” 
“like hell what? who’s looking at who?” 
hoshina had come over, staring at the two of you, right as narumi’s arm was beginning to wrap around your neck. narumi immediately flew back from you as you laughed nervously. 
“uhh, like hell i, umm…” you fumbled for an answer, staring up at hoshina nervously. why had he just come over? why was he looking at you like that? your lips quiver for a moment.
“oh, relax!” hoshina clapped you across the back, laughing. “you look so nervous! like you’ve just confessed you had some very, very personal feelings or something! that’s adorable…” 
let me die, you think furtively as hoshina’s hand brushes your shoulder. narumi’s face was pinched. 
“don’t let narumi bully you too much; he’s just a little lowlife, after all,” hoshina said with teasing venom in his voice. 
“you bitch,” narumi growled. “i have no idea how they see anything in y—” his face paled as the words left his lips, and you think you almost see god for a minute. you hide your face with your hands, waiting for hoshina’s verdict, and you swear that the next moment you get, you were going to make narumi very sorry for spilling your metaphorical, hell, call them literal at this point, guts out in the open. 
“hmm?” hoshina hums. the world fell silent—at least silent to you, in any case, your eardrums pounding in time with your heartbeat. “well—”
“vice captain hoshina!” mina ashiro’s voice was sharp and piercing. “time to go.” 
“huh?” hoshina cocks his head. “ah, of course, captain. be right there!” 
he turned to you and narumi with a small smile, one of his fangs peeking out for a moment before waving his fingers. 
“see you.” he nods his head to you specifically before he turns away. 
you wait until you are absolutely, absolutely sure he’s out of earshot before turning on narumi, throwing your soda can at his head. 
“fuck!” narumi swore. “what the fuck was that for?” 
“you idiot! why did you basically confess to him for me?!” you hiss. “i’m trying to count on you to not run your damn mouth!” 
“hoshina’s an idiot,” narumi says sullenly. “i bet he didn’t even notice.” 
the walk through the hallway was silent, up until—
“you’re red,” mina says, her hand reaching for her skirt pocket to pull out her phone. 
“stop,” hoshina’s voice is strangled, far more strangled than he’d like it to be. “no, i’m serious. no photos. you’ll need to talk to my PR agent about that.” hoshina’s ears were tinged pink, and he raised his hands to try and hide the flush. 
“hoshina,” okonogi sounded disapproving, “why don’t you just confess already? i’m getting tired watching you get so concerned over them…” 
“ha! confess,” hoshina laughs. “and what good would that do? i’m not exactly peak romance material, you know this…” 
“the only one not noticing that is you, hoshina,” mina mutters. “you get all sullen when they leave and happy when they come back, but you have to act like a… hmm… what does he act like, okonogi?” 
hoshina’s eyes went wide as okonogi hummed. 
“a cat!” okonogi declares emphatically. 
“yes. you’re right,” mina says decisively. “that’s a good fit. you act like a cat about it. you try to—”
“stop. stop it, stop it, i don’t want to hear it. stop analyzing my personality. this isn’t some kind of joke,” hoshina says, his voice sounding more flustered as he went on. “they’re never gonna say yes. it’s stupid. confessing like this… it would only be a burden on all of us.” 
mina and okonogi exchanged a look.
“besides, i’m a bad boyfriend. remember that last girl, from operations,” hoshina laughed. “broke her heart in three seconds flat.” 
“… if i remember correctly, you liked her quite a lot, though,” okonogi said hesitantly. 
“ha! so what if i did?” hoshina asked. “she only just left when i… hm.” his smile seemed to falter somewhat, but he laughed. “it’s fine. it’s fine. i’m fine.” 
behind his back, mina and okonogi exchanged another look. 
but his mind flickered back to his hand on your back, and wondered if you leaning into his touch was a fluke. 
you stare at hoshina from across the room. he’s eating by himself, half a piece of melon bread in his mouth as he stared down at some papers in his hand. you’d have asked to sit next to him, if only you were braver. but you were a coward, so here you were. you stare down at your own food, tearing off a corner of the red bean bun you were eating, popping it in your mouth. 
your crush on hoshina was about as subtle as a freight train. which is to say, you felt it coming on, and then by the time you’d fully reconciled it, you were already being run over repeatedly. it was just grappling, mostly, with how cool he was, endlessly. 
you wondered what it would be like to live under the intensity of his stare, as it enveloped you whole. 
would it be like a benevolent fire? or would he raze you so wholly that there’d be nothing left? 
you wanted to find out. you wanted to find out, but you were so scared he’d burn you before you could even get close. but what was important was that hoshina, for sure, didn’t even bother to reciprocate your feelings. that’s what you were so sure of—because why would someone like him give you the pleasure of his time? surely his time was more valuable than wasting it on a nobody like you. 
his intensity, sharpened to a fine point, was better spent figuring out how to permanently eradicate the kaiju threat altogether. 
you sighed miserably. 
“now that sounds like a miserable sound to me,” hoshina’s voice rang out right next to your ear. 
you nearly jumped out of your skin as soon as you heard his voice, too focused for a second on the soft, tickling sensation of his breath against the shell of your ear. your face bloomed bright red, and you immediately backed away from him, your heart pounding loudly in your chest. 
“hoshina!” you stammer. “what—what are you doing?” 
“eating?” hoshina raises his eyebrow, a teasing smirk on his lips. “noticed you were staring. take a picture, by the way, if you want. they do last longer than the momentary glances.” he sat down next to you, continuing to eat.
so he had noticed you staring. 
“s-sorry. for staring,” you say. 
“huh? why are you sorry?” hoshina asks, cocking his head at you, one of his eyes opening a bit wider. “i don’t mind. if i minded, i woulda said something.” your face flushed a little more at his words, and you looked away as he laughed. 
“you really are cute,” he says fondly, reaching out a hand to pat your head.
… huh?
“what?” you ask weakly. 
“huh? did i say something weird?” hoshina asks, the picture perfect image of innocence—or so you’d say, if his eyes weren’t narrowed at you, and the smile on his face a little too much like a smirk, waiting for how you’d react. 
“no…? i guess? it’s just not something i thought you’d say. to me,” you say falteringly, looking away for a moment. 
“mm. i guess i should make a habit of saying it more, huh?” hoshina teases, removing his hand from your head. 
and as you fluster a little more, you curse god for your crush on soshiro hoshina. 
“you need to quit fucking around,” narumi says, pointing a dumbbell at hoshina in the training room. 
“fucking around? i’m doing nothing of the sort,” hoshina says, that mask of innocence still on his face. narumi’s brow furrows. 
“sure, and you don’t also ogle… you need to get your shit together and confess, or swear to god, i’ll kill one of you. or, hell, why don’t we just kill both of you so i don’t have to fucking look at you?” narumi scoffs, anger spiking in his voice. 
“ha, yeah, maybe if you do that i’ll finally be free from hearing your annoying, grating voice,” hoshina says, prodding narumi in the chest.
“yeah, but then you won’t confess your feelings and then i’ll have to die knowing i broke up a couple that hadn’t even gotten together,” narumi grumbles. “i’m not a monster.”
“huh?” hoshina asks.
narumi looked like he was about to blow a gasket.
“wait, so you didn’t know they reciprocate?”
“i–well, i… hoped?” hoshina says, realizing how stupid he must sound. his mind flit back to your reactions the past few days–hell, the past few weeks? maybe the past few months? “oh. shit.”
“oh. shit. indeed,” narumi mocks. “so, are you going to tell them?”
“i…” hoshina suddenly realized how terrified he was. his face paled, his hand coming up to his mouth. “i… shit. wait. this is–fuck. i…” he ran a hand through his hair, pushing his bangs up past his face, a shaking sigh passing his lips. “no. this is… how would i even begin to explain it? i’m not… i can’t. i’m not–i can’t be a good partner. not in this line of work. my judgement could be compromised! that wouldn’t–”
“your judgement is already compromised,” narumi says, a bared snarl-turned-smile on his lips. “you know, hoshina. this is probably the most interesting you’ve ever been. you’re always facades, niceties. pretended you were untouchable, swimming in that sea of self-loathing and ineptitude. but maybe you’re beginning to live a little, aren’t you?”
hoshina’s eyes widened.
it’d always come to the worst, you thought. you coughed up a mouthful of blood as another round of rubble began to creak overhead. you tried to force your body to move, and your suit pulsed in response to your movements, attempting to close the bloody gashes across your body from the kaiju attack. 
“command, come in,” you gasped out, holding up a shaking hand to your in-ear. you winced as there was only a clicking static in response–was no one coming? were you all alone? were you going to die like this, your limbs barely even able to hold up their own weight even with most of your combat power unleashed? is this all you were good for? your knees buckled as you collapsed onto the ground, coughing out a mouthful of blood.
were you going to die like this?
you couldn’t.
you didn’t want to.
your vision swam a bit as you coughed out another mouthful of blood, your mind lingering.
hoshina had touched your back right before you’d left, a small smile crossing his face.
“don’t die,” he’d said. 
and here you were, stumbling through the rubble, hurting so badly that you might as well be dead. 
it was utterly and painfully cliche to think about letting hoshina down. you didn’t want to, and yet there was a horrifying possibility that you would. and as you buckled again, collapsing onto your knees, you coughed out another mouthful of blood.
“command,” you repeated, in a weaker voice. “please. if someone–if anyone can hear me–i need help. suit damage is–” you cough again, wiping blood from your mouth. “--critical. please.” 
and as your vision swam, you felt a hand press against your shoulder.
“there you are.”
you blinked hard, staring up at the face of soshiro hoshina, who’d pulled his mask off, leaning down to pull you into his arms.
“hoshina,” you whisper. “i’m sorry–i shouldn’t have… i got…”
“why are you apologizing?” hoshina asks, his voice sounding more choked than you’d like it to be.
“i didn’t mean to–i didn’t mean for this to happen.” you think you’re bleeding across hoshina’s suit, across his gloves as you press your head against his shoulder. 
hoshina laughs desperately, wetly.
“you didn’t mean to–of course you didn’t mean to!” hoshina protests. “the attack was more than any of us could have predicted–of course you didn’t mean for any of this happen–i don’t want you to apologize for that.” his hand reaches up to swipe some blood away from your brow. “come on, love. i have to tell you how i feel–that bastard was right, after all. my judgement was compromised from the beginning, around you.” 
“that bastard? narumi?” you ask, coughing a bit. why did it feel so cold? your eyes fluttered for a moment,  “what does he have to do with any of this–”
“i love you,” hoshina says. “i’m sorry it took me this long to tell you. and i’m selfish, for waiting until you’re bloodied, like this, to tell you.” you didn’t like the desperate look in his eyes like he was convinced you were going to die. you leaned up, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“you bastard,” you muttered. “couldn’t you have thought up a better time and place for all of this?” 
“no,” hoshina admits. “because i’m selfish, after all.” he smiles at you, the corner of his mouth twitching ever so slightly. “come on. let’s get you to the medbay. i’m not letting you die on me yet.”
“okay,” you whispered weakly. “okay.”
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pedge-page · 3 months
Wait ok hear me out. Bored preggo wife starts reading smut and finds she really enjoys a breeding kink/men getting real nasty and aggressively talking about breeding their woman. So she asks Joel to try it and when he does, she’s like grossed out “uhh… nevermind” and he’s so fuckin frustrated and blue balled 😂
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife: Role Play Me Not
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Notes: Thank you for your patience with these requests lately, this one was from March and I've been thinking about it ever since!
warnings: almost smut, lots of dirty talk and degrading language, and usual shennanigans with these two
18+ ONLY
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It’s pretty late, Joel’s body is wracked, and nothing feels better than the foam mattress bed he’s curled up on. You had a pretty good day, judging by your happy soft hums and scrolling aimlessly on your phone. Hopefully whatever nonsense thing you’re gonna purchase with his card and surprise his doorstep tomorrow morning won’t be too harrowing, but for now, he’ll live with it if it means some rest.
But your incessant giggles, matched with the way you’re shrinking under your brightly lit phone reading something so furiously just begs Joel to ask:
“What are you doin’?”
“Nothin!” You quip quickly, rotating best you can so he can’t see the obvious thing you’re hiding on your phone.
“Okay.” He tosses the cover over his shoulder and presses his head back into the pillow again to close his eyes.
Obviously not the answer you wanted, so you loudly snort with your fake ass ‘Tee Hee!’ again because this motherfucker better take the god damn hint.
He sighs. “What.”
“Hmm? Nothin!”
Joel squeezes his eyes shut, gritting his teeth. You can’t see his face from your side, but even if you could, he doesn’t think it would deter you.
You clear your throat before uttering your loudest and most obnoxious giggle.
“JUST—!” Tossing the covers down and rolling to his back, he remembers to take a breath, channeling his calm bear voice. “—just show me already. Please.” He’s exhausted, rubbing his face with both hands before holding out one palm behind him for you to place your phone.
You excitedly shove it in his grasp, and Joel rolls over to see. His eyes take a moment to adjust to the brightness, so he collects his reading-glasses from the tableside and props them upon his nose.
Its quiet for a solid minute, and your heart is racing as he stare at his broad back, the fabric of his shirt all stretched tight to accentuate that massive man of man that is your manly man—
He rolls back over with a questionable uncertainty, fear and paralysis mixed with concern and shock.
You’re giddily nodding your head, lips tucked under your teeth from the excitement. “Can we do that?”
He opens his mouth but no words come out. He doesn’t even know where to begin. 
“This is—uh. you like…this?”
“Well I don’t know, but I wanna give it a try…”
He scratches his skull with two fingers, hoping it’ll dig deep enough to itch the bad feeling he has in his brain. “I don’t know, baby, It’s a bit … much.” 
“But you call me your pretty slutty wife sometimes! It’s not much different!”
He glances back at the vivid words on the screen. It is VERY much different than that. But you put on your famous puppy pout, with those big round gleaming eyes, trembling fishy lips staring up at him, topping it off by squishing your tits together so they’re bursting out of the nightgown and smashing into his chest.
That’ll do it.
He shrugs, chucking his bifocals behind him with renewed energy arousing his body, especially down south. He gets to his knees, pulling your cover off from your lap and tracing his big hands over the soft expanse of your thigh like a new toy. you bite your lips, shouldering off your spaghetti straps so your tits are close to being popped out. He rolls the soft fabric of your gown up your growing belly and presses his lips against the swell. “Shit, that’s what I like to see. Gonna be a little fuck toy whore for Daddy to play with?”
“Ah…time out.” You hold your hands in a T formation. He stops rubbing and looks down towards your face. 
“I don’t like whore.”
“Ah okay—Daddy’s fuck toy?”
“Ok that’s—mmm.”
“What? No good?”
“It’s just ok. We’ll work on that. You can keep going.”
He shakes his head a little but resumes his gentle ghost of his fingers and lips, cascading lower until the scratchy prickle of his beard is at your naval. “Bred ya nice n’ good huh? Little breedin’ stock just f’me—“
“Oh hold on.”
“Breeding ‘stock’? What am I, chicken soup?” You chuckle.
He purses his lips. “I don’t know, it was in the damn fic you made me read!”
“Okay okay, sheesh!” You toss your hands up.
“Can I please keep goin now?”
You nod, and he commences lower. 
“Body was made for breeding. Now spread those petals—“
“Oh what I’m a flower now?”
“Damnit, Baby! Am I doin this or not??” He curses. 
You go quiet and nod again, shrinking in against the headboard.
“Just about had it with ya whinin’, baby. I should tie you up like the naughty cow you are—“
“Farm metaphor again?”
“N BREED YOU—“ he seethes, gripping your thighs and hitching them around his hips so you can feel his bulge press into your core. “Breed you over and over again, like the dumb little cum dump you deserve—“
“Ugh hold up this position isn’t comfortable I need ta—“ you wiggle out of his grasp and begin trying to alleviate the pressure your baby is putting on your spine. Joel all but abandons holding your legs as he sits on his knees in front of you with his thumb and finger pressed tightly into his eye sockets. 
You wiggle and roll, unable to find a good position to sink yourself comfortably. The bed shifts with each turn, and Joel is damn near done role playing with you and about to just fuck you with your face down in the mattress whether you wanted to or not when—
“Okie! I’m ready Daddio!” You announce. 
You’re in the exact same position.
“Are we good to continue?” He asks slowly, his frustration being held at bay along with his hard cock that’s begging for some action finally.
You nod. 
He finally tugs his dick out and positions it at your entrance, spitting onto your slit. “Now shut up, take this fucking cock, and let me fuck my seed into you cuz that’s all ya good for—“
“Ya know what.” You wave your hand over this whole scene. “I’m done. This is … no. Nevermind, I’m done with this. M’ready for bed now.”
You slap his cock away like it’s a needy hand and roll to your side, slinking the cover over your shoulder again and turning off your light with a little grin. 
Joel just falls back on his haunches, his cheeks puffed red, balls swollen blue, fully awake all over, with a grumpy cat-worthy scowl etched into his face staring down at you.
- - - -
@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrsoharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-din @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee @cassiecasluciluce @loohoop @himboelover @callsignwidow
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cheesit-notes · 1 year
pervy tf141 x reader (pt2 kinda)
you're hot as fuck; the team knows it, and so do you. and god, you're such a tease about it.
➥ requested by anon!
tags: lowkey nsfw under cut!, fem!reader, sub gaz, sub soap, every tf141 member kinda subby, voyeurism w/ ghost, teasing, reader kinda dom implied, ass and lots of it, reader being a tease, bold reader
a/n: i started at 9pm and ended at 1am and sometime between then and now, i got really tired so sorry for any mispellings, none of my work are ever edited.. my brain isnt quite functioning rn and i want to sleep but thanks for requesting anon, whoever u are ;3
Gaz who’s gets so flustered over how… just how bold you are. god, you’re teasing him with those clothes that just fit your body so, so well. his morals are already questioned when you come in, he couldnt stop imagining you in different positions. but now he doesnt have to imagine! because now, you’re bending over, purposely showing him your plush ass, to pick something up, showing him what you’d look like in certain positions. and my, gaz is a little pervert isnt he? getting hard in the middle of the common area just because you dropped your drink and picked it up. his face is flushed embarrassed and his growing erection sure doesn’t help. quick, someone might enter the room and see his throbbing cock strained against his pants so sit on his lap, tell him to be quiet, and help him out, yeah?
Soap who love the confidence you have, he’s like putty around you.. if you initiate more physical contact with him, specifically touches that can be easily misunderstood if anyone were to see, and he’s practically drooling. has been pushed against the wall by you, his hand pushing up your thigh because he just couldnt help himself, and your lips just mere inches from his. he’s rock hard, you can feel it as you press yourself onto him, and he’s leaking so much precum, its like he pissed himself. yet all this to be interrupted by your dear old Lieutenant Ghost who happened to discover the scene. poor Soap who’s most intimate moment with you just disappeared and left with a throbbing cock, but you seem fine. in fact, you’re smiling cheekily. you whisper to Soap, telling him to wait for you in his barracks before happily walking away like nothing just happened. ah, but Soap can’t wait. he jacks himself off twice, unable to stop. and he’s panting like a dog! it only took you 30 minutes to come to his barracks, but he’s already a sopping mess; sweat dripping down his face, bits of cum splattered on his stomach, and a small pool in between his legs. then you start stroking his soft cock, and he shouldn’t like this. he’s can barely get hard, the overstimulation is so painful to him, but he’s a like a bitch in heat in your hands.
Ghost who gets so fucking hard during team briefings. god, his erection is painfully obvious to anyone who just so much as glanced by that area. he doesnt mean to get hard, its just.. you.. you’re there. right next to him. your ass is within reach, god, and your wearing those tight leggings again. he needs you to blow his poor needy cock off and he needs it bad. he usually wants to at least look decent in front of captain Price. oh, but god, he wouldn’t mind the entire crew watching him get a sloppy blowjob from pretty little you. he wouldnt even mind the entire crew watching him stroke his hard meaty cock if it meant you were watching. leans back and as casually as he can, he droops one arm over you. he’s afraid you might say something, anything, about his off behavior but you don’t; you lean into his touch. one hand so close to touching your tits and the other laid near his crotch. at first, its just little touches while he imagines how your pretty tits would feel, especially in his mouth. but within minutes, hes practically openly palming himself while imagining hes sucking on your tits. his mask is a savior for covering his flushed face. god, and he sees you looking over at him, staring him up and down, and he knows you see his big fat cock pushed against his pants. all you do is give a barely noticeable smile, and look away but he’s already cumming in his pants.
Price who finds your bold personality quite amusing. still calls you a rookie despite you being far from it. it’s a constant game of who can push the other off the edge with the two of you. you’ll visit his office in the later hours of the evening and plop yourself on the edge of his seat. the two of you are having the most mundane conversation, sharing a single chair while the sexual tension is screaming. he’ll move you onto his lap, you’re looking down at him and smiling, he’s looking up at you with a hand gripping your ass. he’s a bold bastard, leaning into your chest, pulling you closer to him until your basically straddling him. god, you’re really pushing his nerves. you should be flustered, an embarrassed mess at his perverted actions. but nooo you’re enjoying yourself, smiling. and lord, he’d be lying if he didn’t enjoy your teasing. now, the question is: how many late evening visits will it take for an overnight stay in the office?
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heaartzzforcupidzz · 6 months
A/N : There is not enough smiling critters x reader on here.. I prefer Dogday and Catnap though. so I’m making one !! I’m still learning so please be nice and some feedback would be great!!
Catnap x Bat!Reader x Dogday 🔞
You were catnap’s and DogDay’s. That was painfully obvious but you were just so oblivious to it. you were a bat critter and everyone was infatuated with you since the moment you arrived. Dogday was the first to speak to you but by the time, the other critters came to speak, you were already upside down on a statue, ready for a nap. you barely had time to interact with the others, not because you didn’t like them or they didn’t like you but because of your species, you usually sleep during the day and stay up at night. Catnap stayed awake sometimes to watch you sleep or to just nestle into where you’re hanging from and sleep. although, by the time, you woke up, he’d already be gone. surprisingly, you had stayed awake to watch the kids with the others and soon enough, you were on a routine. and during that routine, you somehow fell victim to both, Dogday and Catnap. sometimes you’d go back into old habits and sleep the day away. Dogday stayed awake for you because he misses his beautiful bat so much and wanted to fall asleep with you in his paws. Catnap being who he is slept anywhere and everywhere. sometimes you’d find him sleeping nearby you at night and you’d lay down on him, listening to his chest rumble with purrs because he felt you.
KickinChicken or KC, as you call him, was fond of you as well. too fond for Catnaps and Dogdays likings. you and KC were doing tricks and flips for your group of kids. everyone was laughing and pretty much, having a great time before you tripped. you expected a harsh landing on your back but you never felt it. you peaked your eyes open before looking at KC who was holding you. he stared into your face before he smiled and asked “Sorry Y/N, are you alright, pretty?” you quickly got out his arms before nodding, feeling abit embarrassed. at the corner of your eye, you see orange. and a annoyed cat tail following. you took a breath and decided to explain yourself later.
“a-ah~! d—dogdayy~!” you were on all fours, doggystyle. getting fucked into like a whore on the street. Dogday could only pant, groan, and the occasional whimper as his fat cock bullied its way into your tight, tight heat. “fuckin’ slut, thank us.” catnap demanded, gripping your hair. he made you look up at him as Dogday kept slamming his hips against your oddly plush ass. “t—ahh~! thank you~! thank you~!” you hurriedly attempted an answer. “Kickin’ can’t fuck you as good as us, can he, batsy?” Dogday groaned in your ear as his hips stilled. oh. so that’s what this is all about.
A/N: Hi! I hope you enjoyed this! please comment and like. it motivates me to make more and also any requests? please. also I do write full smut as well, I just wanna see how well this was gonna do before I write a lot more.
Part two below
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axcel-lucci · 11 months
Trick or tease
Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
A/n: decided to take a break for a moment lol, and I kinda wanna be a little dirty-
My masterlist
Tumblr media
"Captain would LOVE this!" Ikkaku giggled as she hands (y/n) an outfit far too revealing to be a Halloween costume.
"D-do I have to wear this...? It seems... So embarrassing..." She muttered while staring at the outfit.
"It's not like captain's going out with us, and you want to stay so... Might as well enjoy, right?" Ikkaku grinned making (y/n) sigh heavily
"I see your point... But this is rather... Odd... Why do you simply have this in your closet? Specifically, in my size?"
"Ah well..."
The crew had left to go have fun on halloween, what will they do? Eh, who cares.
She put the outfit on and it was an overly sexualised bunny outfit in black, the top being right as hell, almost like a corset, and has no way to latch into her skin other than its tightness since it doesn't even have sleeves, her legs basically just being covered with fishnet stockings and good thing she has black heels to match.
What's left is the bunny ears and uh... Tail.
"Who's into this stuff?" She muttered to herself as she squeezed the fluffy tail in her hand that has a very obvious plug to stick inside her.
It just so happens the outfit has a hole to stick it inside without ruining it.
"And why does Ikkaku has this??" She also muttered
She puts on the ears first, since it was easier, and had to stop herself from whining too loud when she pushed the plug inside her unprepared ass, it was a weird sensation but it gave her pleasure nonetheless.
'so embarrassing...' she thought as she walked a few steps and whining softly at the pleasure on her backside.
"Will he even like this...?" She muttered before huffing with a frown.
A blush starting to form and her panties basically starting to dampen at every step she takes
"I shouldn't have put that there..." She said lowly before standing outside his office door.
"Come in" he said before she could even knock, damn his good haki.
She took a breath before exhaling to calm herself.
Walking in and closing the door behind her, Law was still studying in his desk, not noticing what she wore until he heard her heels clicking against the wooden floorboards.
He looked up from his book and his jaw dropped.
His already so beautiful and sexy woman in an even more sexier outfit, outlining her curves and practically every line he could see.
His boom was long forgotten as he stared at her with wide eyes and jaw dropping even more when she huffed and placed a hand on his desk
"Trick or treat... Captain" she muttered with a slight blush.
When he looked at her, he couldn't help but feel his pants tighten so much it was painful.
"H-hey...! Stop staring at me! I-is this alright...? Or should I have just called you into the bedroom instead...?" She muttered as she checked herself a little to make sure everything was in place
He couldn't help but lean when he saw the fluffy tail, he couldn't help but wonder if it was part of the costume or a plug-in. Only one way to find out.
"Come here" he said with a heavy tone
She walked around the desk to stand in front of him, he marveled at how beautiful the outfit was.
"So pretty..." He muttered before reaching out to her thighs, squeezing them tightly and pulling her close until she's standing, quite literally, between his legs.
His hands explored her legs while he kissed her abdomen while staring up at her with lust slowly filling his eyes, "did the crew put you up to this?"
"N-not really..." She gasped when he squeezed her ass tightly and his finger playing with the tail, making it wiggle inside her
"I wanted to uhm... You know... So I asked Ikkaku and she helped me..."
"I see..." He smirked when he figured out that it was indeed a plug in, "I'll have to thank her tomorrow... The crew's out, yeah?"
"Mhmm" she nodded, words left her once he grabbed hold of the tail and moving it around by playing with it on the outside, "l-law... I... Mhh" she whined and gripped his shoulders
"You should've said trick or tease because this surely seemed to be a treat and a tease." He chuckled when he pulled it out slightly and shoving it back with a harsh thrust making her howl a moan, "but definitely a tease."
"L-law...! P-please..." She panted
"Definitely using this hole" he smirked
"H-huh...? But we've never really..."
"Ahh... I know" he smirked as he stood up and picked her up, "I'll take care of you. Promise"
He carried her to their room and locking it behind him just in case.
He placed her gently on the bed before turning her around so that her ass was in the air and her chest against the mattress.
"Come now..." He smirked as me pulled out their box of toys.
Contrary to popular belief, he loves using them on her, mostly because they bring her to much more reactions and resulting into more begging, in which he both loves.
"Let's remove this..." He smirked when she whined at him slowly pulling it out.
Until it popped out of her making her sigh in pleasure.
Remember the hole that the tail just went in? As it turns out, it was kinda big. Just closed up by a zipper.
Law licked his lips when he slowly unzipped her backside, revealing the already wet and slightly prepared hole.
"Now be quiet bunny,I'm preparing you for some mating." He smirked before pulling out beads in his pile.
He slowly but surely started teasing her with them, putting one in and popping it right out, putting them all in ever so slowly until she cries when he pulls them out in one tug.
By the time he knew he was done, her back side already felt so sensitive a small drop of lube might even make her come.
He hummed a little, "not enough" he smirked when he lubed up a dildo and slowly pushed it inside her with a teasing pace making her gasp and clench on the sheets with a drawn out, tired moan.
Once fully inside, he gave her some time to adjust before mercilessly pounding the toy in and out of her.
By this time, she was moaning against the sheets and a coil building up inside her, ready to snap.
Right before she was able to come, he pulled the toy all the way out.
"No...!" She cried, "i-i was so close...!"
"I don't want you coming to a toy, bunny" he smirked before climbing unto the bed and spreading her cheeks apart to stare at her delicious hole he wonderfully prepared just for himself.
"I'm your predator now, bunny. And you're my prey... This time, I'm mating with you and you have no choice but to accept it like the little slut you are." He chuckled before gripping her neck, burying her into the mattress even more
She gasped with a moan, her eyes rolling to the back on her head when he slapped her ass
"Do you understand?"
"Y-yes, s-sir...!"
"Good..." He smirked before slowly pushing himself inside her as she moaned, muffled by the bed until he bottomed out
His hands then gripped her hips so tightly she knew it was gonna bruise, "that's right... Bunny. Be my little mate and this wolf will devour you whole"
She whine, feeling him thrust slowly made her feel weird at first but it eventually felt more and more pleasurable as he builds his pace into a very much animalistic one.
Her loud moans, his deep grunts, and the slapping of skin are the only sounds heard inside the room.
She moaned like a cow when he leaned down and pulled the top part of her outfit to reveal her tits in which he played with, and him leaving marks of ownership on every exposed skin she has. Unfortunately, the outfit was slightly backless so he had his marks on her upper half
"A-ah...! L-law..." She moaned when she felt herself slowly growing more and more closer to her own release.
"It's master to you, prey." He growled as he slapped her ass making her gasped and eyes roll back.
"Y-yes master...!" She moaned.
Her back arched and tongue poking out of her mouth as her own saliva dropped down her chin when his thrusts suddenly grow more possessive.
"This body is mine, you understand? I'll buy you more outfits like this... Just know... You are mine, and mine a lone" he grunted in her ear as she felt him pulse inside her.
His mere voice brought her to her own orgasm that soaked the outfit and her but he was still going.
Eventually, he reached down to rub the very wet spot by her crotch, letting her approach yet another orgasm.
"M-master..!" She gasped.
He sped up his own thrusts, chasing his own high, before releasing his full load deep inside her, like he was fully intending to breed his bunny.
Once both were calmed down, law took the costume off and laid her naked body properly on the bed, on her back.
He smiled softly and kissed every inch of her body, massaged any tense muscles and just stared at his own cum leaking out of her hole endlessly.
"S-stop staring" she muttered but didn't do anything since she's tired.
"I really loved your outfit" he smiled as he cleaned her up and cuddled right next to her.
"I'm... Glad."
"Next time you wear that on Halloween, I would never be able to stop myself even further"
"Why? What's stopping you from doing it now?" It was a genuine question from (y/n).
But with the context of what they just did, Law took this as part 2 and tackled her
She just laughed a little until he impaled her ass again with his dick, making her moan so much more than just a cow. Fucking her dumb like he always do, but better.
Her throat hurts the next day, her limbs were sore, and she was tired as hell. Considering they fucked until the sun rises.
But Law? Hell nah, he was bright and shining. Taking care of his bunny, and being in the brightest mood.
It was odd for him to be like that but Ikkaku knew what happened and just laughed to herself, and by herself I mean her, Shachi, and penguin.
But of course Law let her have some rest and even spoon fed her throughout the day, gave her desert, and gave up his studies just so he can cuddle with her.
Only to do the same thing next week at a hotel. Good thing the hotel had soundproof walls, hopefully.
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haechurch · 1 year
Its mark lees bday (ystd) and i recalled the fact that mark says hes quite obvious if he liked someone, and the fact that i see him kinda obsessed with butts and all those videos where he groped members cheeks never fails to make me drool..... ah i need him in lyfe fr. Also istj♡
So thats why i made this smut based on those^ happy mark day<3
Your roommate is a famous jock, who is currently not home for celebrating his birthday at some party that throws just for him. Honestly, you didn't know it was his birthday until one of your friends that went there told you so. You're known as someone who doesn't like parties, although surprisingly enough, your mbti says that you're an extrovert, but you always find that you're too lazy to do the stuff.
So you're wondering when this your famous roommate will come home from his party, and think of something you could do for him as it's his birthday. He's home pretty late when he finds you watching spirited away in the living room.
"Hey, i thought you were asleep," he said. You munch on your popcorn and replied as your eyes glued to the tv, "hm, how's your party, birthday boy?" He chuckled and took off his cap, throwing it softly on the couch beside you, and heavily seat across from where you're sitting. He leaned back and spread his legs while his hand brushed his messy hair. "Cool, kinda tiring. Feels like my energy's being sucked," "well, that sound sucks." Both of you chuckled, he's so introvert for that (lol).
"I understand," you hum. "You know," you shifted on your seat, and as mark was clearly aware since he saw you in the living room; dressed so loosely only in your camisole (braless) and short pants, showing him a pose that makes you utterly look fuckable, you blurted out, "...do you have any idea what else that can be sucked at this moment?"
"What?" His tone was confused and he's kinda taken aback by your words.
You swear to god that teasing him is the most fun thing to do in this world. You laugh your ass off and brush him away, saying that you need to take a shower since you haven't done that today. I mean, why take a shower when you're literally at home all day?
"Since it's your birthday, why don't you tell me your wish? Or something that you wanted? Think about it while i'm in the shower." You wink at him playfully as you hopped into your room.
Mark's head is full of thoughts right now. He didn't know he would ask someone for giving him a birthday present, but he knows that he really needs that. He's thinking about it so hard as he cooling his head down in the shower too, until he decided on what he wanted for his birthday, especially from you.
Fyi, you can always hear when mark lee is jerking off in his room (or bathroom) when you're home. Of course, the wall is pretty thin and he's just too loud. So when you finished your quick shower and heard him in the bathroom, you knew exactly what he need the most for his birthday.
Later, you knock on mark's door, asking for permission to barge in. "Can i come in?"
"Uh-uh, yeah, sure," when you entered his room, you saw his hair is already half dry, and he is wearing a tight black t-shirt with shorts.
Holy moly.
Honestly, no one in the world would disagree that mark lee is hot.
You're making a bee line to where he stand beside his desk, and started talking next to him. "Sooo have you decided?" He chuckled nervously and started to act like an idiot. "Decided what?"
You frown an eyebrow, "your wish? You can tell me what you want for your birthday?" You reminded him. "Oh that, yeah, um-"
He placed his hand on his nape and be looking so awkward right now, but that's why you like him.
You bit your lips in amusement. Now it's getting harder to hold back.
You can't take it anymore and lean closer to him. He didn't even budge. "Mark.." you place your hands on his torso, and he slightly flinched at your action. "Tell me.." your hands caressing him down his abs, and stop at his groin. "Your wish." You whispered in his ear, and he swear he was getting goosebumps, his breath hitched when you place your hand on his center and gently cupped his bulge.
"Wait, wait, wait, hold up hold up," he's panicking as he points a pointless finger in the air, and you went crazy because of it. You're definitely a simp for mark lee.
"I-uh, hold up a sec, are you for real?" He's questioning instead.
"What do you mean?" You smiled at him. He's so adorable.
"I mean, why are you... i feel like.. this isn't it-"
"Just tell me, please? What do you want right now?"
You glanced at his boner and it's so fucking obvious. God it must be hurt. He has to quit playing dumb and ask for it when he knows he needs it more than anything.
"Fuck, help me with these," he gestured upturned hands right above his legs.
"How, mark? Tell me how do you like it, hm?" He has no idea how you had so much fun teasing him.
He got short-circuited again when you press your body against him and crane your head up, about to kiss him, "wai wh-" he backed off a little and placed his hands on your waist, both eyes finding each other as you hum before slowly close the gap between your lips and kissed him.
A short one. And then your eyes meet again, and he give you another kiss, this time out of his control. He basically pressed his face against yours, hands on your jaw before he put it all over your body and proceed to push you against the wall. You hang on him by grabbing at his nape and head, ruffling his hair into a mess. The kiss never breaks, he kiss you like he mean it, now he pressed his body on yours, and you can feel his big cock, hard as a rock. He's not that silent when kissing too, you can hear his breathy grunts and the fact that he's also a moaner. He tilted his head back and forth to kiss you at different angles, his tongue all over your mouth.
Both of you squirmed uncontrollably against each other when you make out against his bedroom wall, he squeezed your ass before he tapped your thighs for you to jump on him and bring you onto his bed.
He didn't waste his time pulling down his shorts and breathily plea, "suck me off."
You delighted hearing his request, overjoyed to finally have him asking for you to please him, "as you wish, sir."
You immediately take him into your hand, eyes locked with him as he winced, groaning when you suck his tip and swallow him into your mouth. When you started to bob your head, he throw his head back with a sigh, his neckline is prominent and his adam's apple bob deliciously.
You can feel your lips torn up because of how big he is, and you can feel the veins as you drag your tongue along his shaft. "Oh, fuck, that's it baby, you're doing so good," he hissed sexily and it almost made you cum. Embarrassing.
Considering how much you are already wet for him from just sucking his cock is insane. He face fucked you as he let out his honey moans and groans, every time you find his tip meeting the back of your throat and you felt like swallowing it, you try your best not to choke miserably on his cock.
"Where do you want me to cum?" He asked. "Of course, you can't talk." He chuckled as he mocked you. "You have to swallow it like a good girl, you think you can do that?" You nod your head eagerly. "Alright."
"Good girl." Every time he spits those words from his mouth, you felt your pussy clenching and it hurts.
His thrusts are getting faster and faster when warm loads run down your throat as he grunts loudly while throwing his head back again, then when he look down, you already gaze into his eyes and barely lick your lips, mouth full and smudged with his cum and your saliva.
"Shit.." he's savoring the sight before him for a while, and then he asked.
"Can i fuck you?"
You cracking up in front of him, it's not funny at all but-
"I told you, your wish is my command, baby." You started to strip and show him your naked body, prettily exposed on his bed, ready to be used.
"Fuck, isn't this my best birthday ever?" You laugh at him again.
"I know. Happy birthday, now eat your cake." You said jokingly.
He sneered and take his remaining clothes off, then crawl into the bed, and started kissing you from head to toe. He played with your tits, fumbled them here and there, pinching your nipples, nipping and licking. He sucked on the flesh just right above your chest, your throat, your shoulder, marking his mark.
"This tells that you're mine."
Your voice hitched and your neck arched when he lick your pussy, eating you out. You squirm under his touch and pull on his hair, only making him more passionate to giving you pleasure. He abused your clit and folds in the most delicious way that made you a moaning mess, the sound of him slurping your juices and his moan was making you beyond aroused. His tongue and lips find their way to clean up and suck every fold, fucking your hole. You whine when you feel like you're about to burst.
"Wait, mark, i wanna come around your cock," you asked him with a pout, and he can't really resist that.
"On your knees, pretty girl." You do as he says, eagerly arching your back and showing him your ass. He slapped it. Twice.
Mark rubs his tip sensually up and down your entrance before lining his cock to your pussy, he's doing that for a while, making more juices leaking from your core. But suddenly he put his cock between your ass cheeks then poked on the entrance, but never really thrust them. He's such a tease.
"H-hurry, please.."
"Hm? It's kinda nice to hear you begging like this, you know? What is it, pretty?"
"Please, mark, just fuck me," he never felt this victorious before.
He smirked and wet his lips, "gladly."
You moan as he rams into you, he picked up a steady pace as he fuck you from behind. He got your eyes rolled to the back of your head, drools are already all over your mouth and chin.
"Fuck, mark," "it's so good. So good, so good, so good," you cry over his cock, you heard him grunt heavily and he felt you tighten when he land another slap on your ass.
"Yeah? You like that, huh? Tell me you like it."
"I like it, i love it, ah-"
He's fucking you so good you felt like you're gonna cum soon. Your pussy keeps getting tighter as it swallows him, wrapping his cock like a gift.
"Are you gonna cum? Come on, cum around me, pretty girl," he squeezed and slap your ass, his thrust never faltered, bringing you into your climax. "Ahh- i think- i'm gonna cum, mark-"
The moment he played with your nipples, you lost it, you came so hard your vision got white as he keep thrusting into you, chasing his high.
"I know baby, i know, just, try to take this one okay, please,"
He pleaded. And you moan even harder. He piston in and out until you heard his deep groans as he cum inside you. Both of you were too immersed in the sex that you didn't realize what was just happened. He quickly pulled out though.
"Shit, i'm sorry,"
"It's okay. I'm on the pill anyways,"
When you glanced at him, he was breathing heavily, sweat covering his body, making him glow under the dim light. Mouth agape, hair's disheveled. Perfect.
"Uh, thank you, for the present. This is what i wanted from you. I guess.."
You smiled fondly at him. He has always been just a hot roommate to you although he's actually attractive in many ways, but you might really, really like him more than you thought.
"You know what?" You get up on your elbow, "you were always loud when you jerked off."
Oh, he's freaking out.
"And that's.. with you almost every time calling my name.."
He's swearing in his head.
Mark lee, aren't you just too obvious?
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deqdwinter · 9 months
𐔌᭥ᩙ༉ㅤ ㅤ 𒈔ٍ⃛ㅤ ㅤ candy!
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pairing: toru oikawa x chubbyfem!reader
word count: 1.6k (HELLO??)
summary: when toru comes back from practice with a few scratches, he knows the one person who can kiss them better...
warnings: oral (f.receiving), mentions of breeding, little mention of cum eating at the end, toru is a chubby lover idc idc, sort of in between rough and soft sex??, pet names (baby, my love, mama, pretty boy, etc.), toru is a little shit (i love him sm)
authors notes: HAIIIIIILOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i'm so sorry that i've been so MIA like...... i went on vacation for like a week and even before that I had a bunch of tests and shit and then work right after it was just wayyyyy too much erm... BUT ANYWAYS i hope you guys enjoy this and i promise A LOTT more is coming tehe :3 also can y'all tell i have a breeding kink or is it not too obvious?
Toru Oikawa has never needed anyone before in his life. 
His needs satiated by the attention of those who bombarded him with gifts, kisses on his charming face, letters that confessed their undying love for him. It had all been very cliche if he had to be brutally honest. Though, he never let it distract him. At least not completely.
Toru had continued to feed his love for volleyball past high school, exceeding his own expectations throughout his training to better his skills. Fortunately, throughout his self training, Toru had met the one person who wouldn’t chase after his attention…
“Baby? I’m home.” He mumbled as he held a tissue up to his bleeding nose. Leaving his shoes at the front door before closing it shut. He went to set his bag on the floor before freezing for a mere second and hanging it on the hook near the door. 
He heard your feet patter against the wood floor as you made your way towards him, and he already knew what your reaction to his injury would be…
“Hi my lo–Oh my gosh what happened?!” You screamed in worry as you rushed to your boyfriend's side, cupping his cheeks with one hand grabbing his hand to move the tissue from his face. 
“Ah it was nothin’. Hinata had spiked the ball and it hit my face…” He chuckled breathily as he looked down at you. 
“Well it was clearly something, Toru. You’re bleeding!” You whined as you pulled him by the arm and into the bathroom. “You better tell that little shit that if you seriously get hurt, I’m gonna kill him.” You grumble as you sit him on the toilet and rummage through the drawers for the first aid kit. 
“It’s not that serious, mama. I’m fine. Just a lil’ scratch.” Toru grinned as you rolled your eyes and walked towards him with the first aid kit in hand. He hissed as you pulled the tissue away from his face and let it fall into the trash can that was beside the both of you. 
“Look up.” You grumbled as you cupped his cheek with one hand and dabbed the cut on his nose with the other. “You need to start being more careful.” 
“You say that like I was at the verge of death.” His chuckle quickly turned into a low groan at the sting of the alcohol on his cut. 
“You will be if you don’t shut up.” You huffed before dabbing his cut a few more times, oblivious to the chocolate brown eyes that stared at you. 
He basked in the feeling of your skin against his. Your calloused but careful touch that had its own way of scolding him for being so careless of his own body, and gods did he love it. 
You pulled away for a second to stare at his face, finally noticing his piercing but charming stare. “What?” You looked down at him as he tilted his head to the side before shaking it softly. 
“Nothin’...” He mumbled before you huffed again and went to continue cleaning before he quickly grabbed your wrist, his tall figure standing up from the toilet and pulling you towards him as he stared down at you with a small grin on his pretty lips. “So pretty… Aren’t ya?” He whispered as he moved bits of your hair away from your face and grinned. “All mine too, hm?” He grinned as he leaned down to press a kiss to your plush lips, one hand grabbing a handful of your ass while the other was tucked around your hip, with your hands burying themselves in his fluffy brown hair as you pulled him in for more. His tongue dove into your mouth the second you gave him access, twirling around your own before he pulled away to give you both a breath, a smirk on his face before he pouted mockingly as he looked down and grabbed your hand, “This hurts too, ya’ know?” He mumbled against your lips with a grin as he moved your hand towards his hard-on that pressed against his shorts. 
You look up at him and tilt your head, a small grin painting your lips before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips. “I always take care of you… Why don’t we switch the roles this time, pretty boy?” You purr against his lips with a smirk. 
Toru pounced as he pushed his lips against yours and leaned down to wrap his hands under your thighs, lifting your plush body off the ground and pushing you against the wall as your tongues clashed together. With one hand buried in his hair and the other wrapped around the back of his neck, Toru pulled you away from the wall and exited the bathroom and placed you roughly on the bed, climbing over your body and hovering over you as his lips never left yours before he ended up pulling away, only for a second to remove his shirt. His toned body always amazed you. After years of hard work, Toru was able to build muscle on every part of his body, but still stay the same soft boy you met a year ago. 
You ran your hands over his abdomen as he leaned down again to press a soft kiss to your lips before pulling away again, a soft chuckle leaving his mouth at your small whine. “Relax, mama…” He whispered as he hooked his fingers under your shorts and pulled them down, along with your underwear. “Fuck…” He groaned lightly as he looked down at your twitching cunt that was begging for attention. 
“Toruuu..” You whined as you reached to grab his hands that began to push your legs towards your chest, with your lover who began to kneel on his knees as he came face to face with your weeping pussy. 
“Patience, baby. I got you…” He smirked before he looked back down at your cunt, his eyes glistening with need before he dove in between your legs. His tongue explored your folds as it occasionally flicked your clit. He groaned with his face buried in between your legs at your taste, “You taste so fuckin’ good…” 
You ground your pussy against his mouth as you held tightly onto his hair, pulling softly with soft moans leaving your plush lips, your legs threatening to close around his head as he began harshly sucking your clit into his mouth, “O-Oh god–!” You whined as he continued to eat out your cunt with a need only you could satisfy. “T-Toru– I’m gonna–” You began to squeal until you felt him pull away from your cunt with a pop. “W-Wha-”
“Mm mm. You’re gonna come on my cock before anything else.” He grinned as he hooked his fingers under his own shorts and slipped them down his long legs, pulling you towards the end of the bed by your legs and hooking your calves over his shoulders as he guided his dick towards your entrance. “What do you want for dinner? I was thinking about getting takeout maybe.” 
“What the fu–!” He cut you off as he pushed his cock inside of you, your walls tightening around his dick as he then leaned down with your legs still over his shoulders, and his hands on the backs of your thighs. “Y-You little sh–”
“Shut up for a second…” He groaned lightly into your ear, his breath warm against the side of your face. He pulled away to rest his forehead against yours as he opened his eyes to stare into your own. “God, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful…” He hissed before pressing a kiss to your lips as he began thrusting his cock into you at a mediate pace, the squelch of your cunt music to his ears as the bed began to rock and creak softly. “Holy fuck…” He groaned lowly at the feeling of your walls tightening around his dick. 
“I know, mama. I know.” Toru groaned lightly as his pace began to increase, his dick pistoning in and out of your cunt. You could feel your walls begin to twitch as you felt the cord in your lower stomach pulling until the point it could snap at any moment. “Cum for me. Cum all over this dick, baby.” He whispered against your lips with a smile, his head diving to then press kisses on your chest as he pulled your tank top down just enough to free your breasts, his lips wrapping around your nipple as he continued thrusting into you swiftly. 
“C-Cum inside me, Toru… Please.” You whined as you buried your hands in his hair once again, pulling at his brown locks as he pulled away from your chest and grabbed ahold of your plush hips. The feeling of his cock pistoning in and out of you at such a vigorous pace and your walls tightening around him as you both got closer and closer to your climax. 
He moaned at your words as he leaned down and grabbed fistfuls of the sheets on the sides of your head, “I’m gonna fuckin’ breed you, mama. Wanna get you pregnant, all nice and full of kids.. You’d like that huh?” He chuckled breathily before his pace began to stutter. “F-Fuck–G-Gonna–” He whimpered as his pace faltered, with your moans echoing in his ear as you came around his cock, and his cum painting your insides white. Your toes curled at the feeling of your orgasm washing over, breathless pants leaving both of your lips as you felt Toru pull away from you. 
“Toru?” You mumbled as you reached for him with your eyes closed before you felt hands on the back of your thighs again, “Toru?” You called out again before a moan erupted from your throat. You felt his tongue begin to suck your clit once more, with his cum seeping out of your hole as licked every drop up. 
He moaned against your folds before pulling away, looking up at you with half lidded eyes, “Gotta make sure I clean up… right?”
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inumkii · 1 year
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ how you got together - inumaki x reader
bullet pointed scenario
genre: fluff, f2l
wc: 1.2 ish
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ an: hii this is my first jjk fic!! this might be the only thing i ever post LOLL currently ignoring my massive hiatus on my kpop blog T_T anywayss i wrote this super quickly its prob not the best ;p
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i feel like toge would be the type of person to have you make a lot of the first moves
like when you guys were just stupidly pining friends, he made it pretty obvious that he liked you but wanted you to actually confess verbally 
it was mostly because he didn't want such a big milestone of starting your relationship to be texted or written by him but maybe like 20% of it was because he likes to be annoying
he's a little shit so if your the type of person to wait on the other person to make a move, good luck! because he’s making you do it
like there was a point were he was certain about both of ur feelings being mutual so he’d just play it up by being really touchy, making it obvious that he wanted to be right next to you, always clinging to you, etc.. you know,, making it obvious that he really does like you
but poor you because you were spending your time overthinking eveything. maybe he was just really touchyyy!! maybe he's extra comfortable around you!!! (i wonder why.)
it was actually driving your friends insane tho
maki’s last straw was during a training session out on the field, her and panda were sparring as you and inumaki watched on the steps
inumaki, as usual, was glued to your side, hands toying with the fabric of your long sleeve uniform
as maki landed her last hit on panda, you got up with their water bottles and ran them over to your two friends 
toge followed closely behind, still attached to your sleeve
you were balancing both of the bottles in one arm since the other was being occupied as toges leash of some sort, but you approached the other two like nothing was out of place
this sight wasn't anything new to panda or maki so they kept their scoffs and eye rolls internal. it was mostly just driving them crazy that neither one of you had made a move. it was obvious you both liked each other so why aren’t you guys doing anything about it??
“nice one, maki!” you cheered as the two grabbed their respective waters, toge let out an ingredient of affirmation as well
“ah, that was nothing” she proudly boasted, part of it directed as being a playful jab toward panda. she glanced down at inumakis hand attached to the end of your sleeve as he seemingly refused to be more than a few inches apart from you
“anyways,, im planning on grabbing lunch after this, yn, you coming with?” maki turned towards you
“sure!! i didnt have any plans,” you mused and you and maki set off and away from the field, toge still trailing behind as if following you was the obvious route to go
“just me and yn today, inumaki. sorry man,, go do something with panda” maki had no problem brushing off your friend, she was trying to get you alone which was something that seemed more rare as days go by (cough cough toge let maki have some time with her friend)
he laughed and backed away in compliance before giving your shoulder a quick squeeze as the four of you split off
once he was out of earshot, maki finally groaned
“you need to make a move already, its so frustrating watching you two cling to each other without doing anything about it” she complained as you felt your face heat up
you were well aware of toge’s touchiness and couldn't ignore his potential intentions behind it,, but yet there was this looming fear of actually enacting a confession that stopped you from going further 
“do you think he really likes me?” you asked pathetically. anyone’s answer would’ve been a loud yes,, but you still felt like you had to ask maki for some semblance of confidence 
she stared at you, an incredulous look breaching her face
“i cant believe you're asking me that question” she scoffed out a laugh, “but since you need to hear it. yes, toge inumaki is one hundred percent in love with you”
she left it at that, causing a permanent fluster to torment you for the rest of lunch
your lunch with maki had left you a little more confident about where you stood with toge, however. she had begged you to do something about it soon, claiming she couldn’t bear to witness any more pining
you had to do something about it soon or else you’d continue to sleep on her advice, overthink it, and never do anything about your problem,,,, it was now or never
you shot a text over to toge and waited on a nearby bench on school grounds
a few minutes passed with you spending them painstakingly fumbling with your phone case, picking off the stickers that were already on their last leg
there were so many times within those short seven minutes where you debated sending a ‘never mind! something came up’ to him
he finally showed up fairly quickly, joining the spot next to you on the bench
immediately discerning your nervous state, he placed a hand over yours
his action didn't do much for your nerves but it gave a little more hope that your confession would have a good outcome
(you were painfully unaware that no matter what you did, you had a 100% success rate)
he voiced his concern, squeezing your hand as you turned to face him
it felt like your heart was about to explode out of your chest but you had to rip the bandaid off
meeting his concern gaze, you finally said it
“i like you”
maybe not the smoothest confession,, but given your anxiety over the situation, it was a miracle it was even said
all toge did in response was reach up to cup your cheek and smile 
his single expression gave you the answer you so desperately needed
pouring all his love and admiration into one expression, you hadn’t realized this was always how he had been looking at you
wordless communication though gazes and lingering touches had always been the way he was allowed to express himself
you had been overlooking it for too long, too caught up in your own mind to see the way he gazed at you like you were the only thing he ever needed to focus on, worthy of his attention at any moment you needed it
your heart melted on sight as you leaned into to press a kiss on his lips 
it was sweet, brief but not hasty. toge had always been good at placing his emotions into his actions and he made sure you felt everything he was feeling
the two of you parted before you leaned back in to place two more kisses, one on each side of his mouth where his seals were placed
he leaned in to your touch, pulling you in for a hug. as he buried his face in your neck, he breathed out a sigh that wordlessly expressed ‘you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting for this’ and you laughed into his hair
it might've been way overdue, but he’s here now in your arms, this time without the weight of wondering if your feelings were truly requited
oh an maki just got a text from panda of a blurry, zoomed in image of the two of you on the bench together from the distance
“fucking finally” -maki
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simplyreveries · 9 months
Can I request for Lilia, Trey, Kalim on how they will confess to F!MC?
confessions; lilia, trey, and kalim!
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lilia vanrouge
he already has basically indirectly taken you out on dates. for instance, when he once brought you to diasomnia to eat (dont worry, not his cooking) and it happened to be JUST the two of you to make it. with flowers and candles and everything. how convenient. he stares at you from his side of the table with his head in his hands as you look around at the little set up confused... but it's not like you're complaining anyways.
he sort of treats you already like you are in a relationship. i mean, with how close he has gotten to you- sometimes it may just feel that way around him. he likes that. he's always treating you and talking to you how someone in a relationship would. but its also easy to confuse that with how he normally is since he is... pretty eccentric.
with lilia, its truly a mystery on when or how he'll confess to you. lilia has no problem being open with his feelings, he does bring it up to the others in diasomnia. but lilia has basically already confessed to you all the time, he straight up tells you. you could ask him why he likes being around you so much and lilia will simply state "because i love you, why else?".
trey clover
treys mind gets preoccupied for a while, troubled with the idea on how to even confess to you. he'll be what seems to be in thought and ends up getting distracted from tasks and duties often. even you yourself ask what's the matter and he'll snap out and give you a small smile "hm? ah well, rook did something pretty crazy earlier during science club today...." he laughs and brushes it off. nope he was trying to figure you out more, thinking what you would want most in a confession.
unfortunately for him as well, he doesn't have exactly anyone to ask for advice, he's usually the guy people go to for help and such. though he would confide in riddle, his own childhood friend... riddle is not quite experienced with love himself ^^;. and cater is well... cater. probably gave him a bunch of completely over the top ways but trey laughs telling him that isn't exactly his thing.
i've mentioned this before but trey canonically isn't good at professing love or be all smooth with flirting.... like at all. like he's really bad at it. so, he prompts to do something he is actually good at and decides to make a gift basket of sorts filled with your most favorite baked goods. he even decorated them to look cute, he's got good experience when at his family's bakery anyway. with that, he'll write you a sweet but simple letter. since he can't really bring himself to say it in words.
kalim al-asim
you could see his infatuation with you from a mile away. he is so painfully obvious you'd have to be completely dense not to see. nevertheless, kalim still wants to ask you out, the right way! an amazingly romantic way! he'd come excited to jamil at literally an early hour of the morning after thinking about it practically all night. knocking at his dorm door and be like "guess what! i came up with the most perfect plan!!" proceeds to instantly gets the door slammed on him.
kalim spends the whole day getting ready, trying his best to get everything ready. he'll have a normal party/celebration at his dorm and when you're both on a carpet ride boom, he'll confess to you. he spends the whole day smiling like a total idiot as he gets everything ready. at least that's how he imagines and hopes it'll turn out.
he cannot keep his eyes off of you the whole time, he's practically glued to your side. unfortunately, as he WAS about to confess, holding your hands to him, looking at you with a lovestruck smile, there was a mishap on the carpet ride. it wasn't seriously bad and besides, it only led to the two of you laughing together as you get up. even though you two are a bit disheveled and his "perfect plan" got messed up. he'll happily continue and blurt out the rest of his confession right there.
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urlocaldesertdweller · 2 months
Reader X Mafia! Venture pt2
ah yes the wanted and requested pt 2
srry yall i took the more wholesome route cuz im a wuss. :,)I made Venture a hopless romantic cheesy kind of possessive person.?? help me (I also confirmed them listening to love songs during all of this thinking about u<3)
That one night you encountered the Sloan Cameron, you thought it was the only time you were going to see them, you thought that was that. You really thought you were going to have a normal life after that.
It's only been so many eventless days after that night that you noticed these "gifts" appear on your front door. First was a bouquet of thornless yellow roses. Considering you always doubted your own beauty and looks, you thought it was a mistake until you picked it up to find a pale brown envelope with "To (Y/n)" written in a yellow glitter gel pen.
In this city, you would've had the right mind to not pick anything suspicious with your name on it, the number of horrible things people can plan to lure people out of their protective homes to sweep them away. But considering you almost seem to be known for making bad choices you pick it up and rush into your safe home quickly locking it and shutting your blinds.
You felt like a little detective when you set the flowers and letters on the table under the light looking for anything you can find. A sign, a signal, a message something can bring a thought or an idea to your head but nothing came up until you finally opened the letter. Everything was written in what seemed to be an attempt at cursive and many smudges and cross-outs with more ink can be seen it makes you chuckle. This love letter you see looks like a messy 5th-grade paragraph.
"Well, you finally got the courage to pick up this letter mi amor! If you manage to figure out who sent this, well you got me! But anyway I just wanted to send you this so you wouldn't be too scared when more gifts come your way. I'll keep things simple for your pretty head gorgeous. You caught the eye of a dangerous but sweet person you have already met, everything you do and say makes my heart skip a beat more than any heist I can pull off. I want to give you every rose in the world and make you mine for the rest of my life. You truly catch my eyes more than any other relic or artifact from the past."
You have to admit that whoever wrote this was clearly in some cheesy romantic mood, but being honest the words made your stomach stir with clear interest despite the red flags appearing in your head. But looking further into the letter to find much smaller text, it seem that they completely had given up on the cursive and went back to normal handwriting.
"-P.S. If you know who I am (did I make it too obvious?) Please find me during the night, but you won't find me but I'll certainly find you! ;)"
You feel your hand twitch wanting to slap yourself in the face feeling the second-hand embarrassment radiating off of this goofy letter. You didn't have to think too hard about wondering who could've sent such a letter. You turn to the bouquet, picking it up. You inhale the sweet subtle scent, these would certainly brighten up the place along with its beautiful fragrance.
The realization finally hits you as you fill up your best vase with water. Someone likes you. Not only that but they like you enough to send you roses with a cheesy letter full of effort. Until your heart stops to remember who likes you, you know easily it's Sloan Cameron. But why? What could have possibly caught their interest about you.? Not only were you going to confront Sloan but you were going to question them.
It's night once more, you have mentally prepared yourself for this moment as you pull your jacket on. A normal life they said, a normal life that feels so out of reach now with a gang member having a crush on you. These past few days have certainly been full of mixed feelings, to say the least.
You step to your door, and you hesitate to reach for the knob a million thoughts rush to your mind. One was thinking about Sloan waiting for you and they will be waiting with a weapon in their hand, another says that they'll kidnap you and keep you as a love toy or something weird like that... It's really telling how you were feeling with most of the thoughts ending in a negative and dreadful outcome.
No, you can do this! If you can watch them bury a body, and outrun them, you can certainly face them when they supposedly confess to you about like like you. Yeah, you can do this!
You throw your palm onto the knob, completely ignoring the fact you just drenched it in your own sweat, but you swing the door open and step out with confidence! You were almost full of too much confidence as you nearly left the house with the door wide open, you scramble to lock it as you huff returning to your nightly stroll.
Of course, you always felt like something was watching you even before your encounter with Sloan. You stuff your hands into your pockets, and you keep on glancing all over the streets even taking a look from the rooftops as if Sloan would be there watching you from above like Batman.
It would be some time until you thought of walking towards where you first found Sloan, at the rotting graveyard where you caught them slacking during their work. You huff watching the environment change in minutes until you finally stop at the edge of the dry grass looking upon the tombstones.
You realize that where the fresh hole was now filled up with a pile of dirt with a wooden cross. You figured that this was the grave that Sloan Cameron just finished days ago. Despite Sloan killing numbers of people you can't even imagine, you felt that it was somewhat bittersweet for them to have some sort of respect to give the people proper graves.
You hummed and whistled shuffling around waiting. You almost thought about moving somewhere else until you heard boots echo through the small alley from your side you saw a figure in the shadows which made you jump a little. You seemed to always act innocent and dumb during situations like these.
You say loud enough to echo towards the walls of the alley. The figure starts to walk toward you, and the long silence makes you more nervous thinking there's a good chance that this isn't Sloan. Your legs feel the blood rush and you feel like running all of a sudden.
You panic as the figure starts to run towards you, they are too close for you to even try to run. You yelp to see the shadow enter the light. Even though you see Sloan stop right in front of you, you are still scared as you pull your hands up defensively with a yelp.
"Please dont hurt m-!"
"(Y/n) calm down it's just me!"
You hear them giggle which frustrates you with how cheery they can act after almost giving you a heart attack.
"...Sloan! Dont ever scare me like that again! I thought you were some crook wanting to kill me.."
You lightly shove them in the shoulder with a pout. They only keep on chuckling which makes you almost want to break your sternness for a moment.
"Alright alright I won't do it again I promise mi joya!"
They say with a wink which reminds you of why you came out here in the first place. You keep a stern look which seems to get the message towards Sloan and they almost seem to look like a kicked puppy. Besides the butthurt look, they can tell that you want to say something. You take this moment to finally take a peek at their clothing, it seems that they were still wearing the same work outfit but lost the thick jacket allowing you to glance at their well-built arms, the loss of their jacket gives you the possible idea that they were off duty.
"...What is it.? What happened.? Did you not like my gift.?!"
They seem to say everything out in a heartbeat clearly worried about what you are going to say. You only sigh and push a finger towards their lips hushing them before they can assume what's wrong. You tighten your eyes to which theirs widen but they quickly pipe down.
"You think too much. Just let me talk okay!?"
They dont bother with moving away from your placed finger and they nod with a mhm! Again you ask yourself how someone like them got such a dangerous and dark job.
"First of all. The flowers were nice and so I thank you."
You watch them smile a little clearly feeling proud of themselves that you liked at least half of their gift but they are quite down to hear you out once more.
"But! The letter dear god the letter..."
They cough and you watch their faces upturn into a nervous smile as they shuffle uncomfortably tugging on the collar of their tucked button-up.
"I dont know what to think honestly. And I was hoping that tonight could be where we can talk about this...thing you have on me. That's all, don't get all sweaty and scared yet!"
They look like they have been holding their breath for a while you guess suspecting a complete rejection. They exhale and they bend over their bends catching their breath before quickly shooting back up bright as ever.
"...Yeah we can talk! Yep, talking is my...number one thing heh..."
Never mind they still seem tense around you. You only sigh as you shift on your feet wanting to move around instead of staying at this gloomy graveyard.
"You dont have to keep up an act with me, I just want a simple walk and talk with you, set some ground rules know.?"
They perk up and step aside letting you leave the graveyard first with a bow. You can't help but chuckle at their charm with you, you can't deny that it warms your heart a little at the thought. You step out from the rotting wood fences and Sloan follows behind you eventually walking up beside you, you notice that ever since they have been keeping almost a look on you not the creepy kind but the more admiration kind which makes you chuckle.
"So... Was it all too much.? Yknow in the letter.?"
You look at Sloan with a small grin.
"Being honest, yeah if I hadn't met you before I would definitely think that I'd have a stalker."
They feel their cheeks redden up and they look down at the sidewalk stuffing their hands in their pants pockets.
"But whatever is going on, between you and me right now. I'm just going to need some time to think right now okay.? That's all I need, you can send all of the gifts to your heart's content but if you want you and me to know be a thing much more talking and discussions will be in order.!"
They lift their head and look up at you with a small grin, they look at you like a fallen angel for you gifting them a chance. You bump your shoulder into theirs jokingly to lighten the mood to which they find themselves giggling and bumping back.
"Me? Oh yeah! I'm surprised you haven't called the cops on me for finding me during my job! It's a gift alone that you are even talking to me with my kind of reputation! But yeah you can take all the time you need."
The two of you share a comfortable moment of silence seems that both of you are content with how this meeting is going. As you walk further up the street you pass the bar you left that one late night that led the two of you first meeting. You thought that you were going to pass and eventually do a turnaround until you felt Sloan's hands grip on your wrist stopping you right in front of the large entrance.
"Hey, my gang owns this building and bar yknow.? There is a really nice view from the high levels I promise you!"
Before you can even turn to look at them to speak they whip out their best puppy eyes shining straight into yours, they tug on your sleeve hoping that you play along...walking into the same building the gang that your supposed stalker also works for.? Yeah, you are dead before you know it. You only sigh which sends the signal to them and they smile the biggest you've seen them smile and before you know it they pull you towards the entrance ignoring the long line that stretches along the street then cuts around the corner.
You remember waiting in this long line just to get a good drink, you feel the pairs of eyes burn holes into your back as Sloan stops in front of a tall bodyguard who only glances at you and then at Sloan.
"Heya Tuilp! ...Dont worry about them, they are my guest!"
Tulip grunts and nods and Sloan drags you into the bar where the music blasts and the whole mood seems to shift in the main bar. The bar already made you feel out of your element until you had some drinks to relax your nerves.
But Sloan glances at you and giggles then continues to guide you through and past the main Bar to where the overall vibe and aesthetic of the building changes to one of more professionalism. From the high ceiling to the complete sets of marble walls and flooring. The glass elevator further amazes you and you are tuck in with Sloan. Your gaping mouth at everything tells Sloan everything about you during this.
"So I can tell you haven't been in this part of the building before!"
"This place is...certainly gorgeous..."
If the bar alone made you feel the odd one out, this much cleaner rich lobby-looking room made you feel like a wanted target. Sloan pushes one of the highest buttons and before you know it the elevator shoots up faster than you could think, which makes your heart race, the feeling alone of quickly gaining height makes your legs shake...it also didn't help that you had a bit of a fear with heights.
Sloan leans forward noticing your yelp then quick silence, soon watching your shaky legs they know. They can't help themselves so they grab onto your hand and hold it tight. You look at them and only grin and soon enough your mind starts to focus on the warm skin-to-skin contact between your hands instead of the continuing elevator.
Soon enough you hear a ding and the doors open behind you. And you smell the fresh air and feel the cool wind hit you, Sloan still holding on your hand interlocks your fingers into theirs and they lead you out into the warm night. You eventually let go of their hand and you walk towards the railing.
"Pretty nice huh.? I like to come out here from time to time when times get too rough for me..."
They join you by your side on the railing looking at you with a smirk seeing your stare into the sky. Sloan wasn't kidding, although you could easily see the stars back down from the streets. All the way up on the building Sloan's gang owned, you couldn't help but feel closer to the night sky and further away from the chaotic city. You feel yourself leaning on the railing feeling your eyes never cease to pull away from the tinkling and blinking stars.
"This is beyond beautiful..."
The two of you continue to look upon the shiny sky, the moon is bright enough to place a light on the two of you. Your eyes finally break away to look around on the surrounding floor. You quickly realize now that this was the sky roof and a part of the roof garden. Now you know how Sloan got the roses for you, you can't help but think that this was slightly planned by Sloan and you eye them up with a smirk before nodding towards the large garden. Surprisingly everything looks happy and thriving for living in a city like this.
"Did you plan on taking me up here to the garden as well, ya charmer..."
"Well, you could say that I did have some sort of plan to show you one of the prettiest places I know! I'd just thought it could be nice to share it with someone who isn't from the gang yknow.?"
You walk further into the garden, and you hear Sloan's boots thump against the floor which makes your heart beat just a little faster, you never thought that you could have such a fun time with a gang member on a rooftop. You turn all around to look at the variations of plants ranging from vegetables, and fruits, to flowers.
"Oh? Would you say that all of this gang stuff weighs down on you from time to time.?"
They stay quiet and you turn to look at them with a look of concern.
"I'll take that as a yes then..."
You'd figure on changing the subject with taking their hand in yours and taking them towards the thorny rose bushes. A wave of the scent reaches you sense and you hum hopping to talk about roses instead of prodding with personal business with Sloan. They already seem to set their mind on the flowers, they take in a white rose in their hand cupping it, and bring it close to their nose. They slowly inhale and exhale seeming much more happier now which makes you relieved.
"Good to know where the roses came from then.!"
You chuckle as you glance at the bright moon finally noticing how bright it is with being able to see your...at this point, you'd forget with names and call them your date considering how intimate this is looking. They chuckle finally pulling away from the roses to look at you with the sweetest smile, maybe it was your unnecessary jacket for tonight but you felt a little warmer with their smile towards you.
"Yeah, I always looked for the best for you!"
The two of you share a laugh comfortably together once more until you hear a click... This makes the both of you widen and awake, but it seems that Sloan looks more nervous than you, which makes your heart race.
"Um, Sloan what was-!"
They grab onto your hand running which makes you yelp, you hear one more click then you realize what it was. Timed sprinklers, water shoots out all over the place. At that moment it almost felt like the sprinklers were getting more water on you and Sloan than the actual plants...
You both scream as you feel your clothes get soaked with water giving the extremely uncomfortable feeling of the clothes sticking to your skin. You walk too far into the rather large garden, and you watch Sloan just stop in the middle still getting hit with water they turn towards you their hair no longer fluffy and messy. You both look into each other's eyes feeling a message being sent through eye contact.
You can't bear your awful jacket anymore and you finally shuck it off feeling completely relieved and feeling 10 pounds lighter. Honestly the water eventually just felt like a nice outdoor shower...with your date.
You share a moment of silence before breaking out into a fit cheering and jumping. You had to admit the city would have its heatwaves even during the night somehow so this felt heavenly. It takes you a moment to realize that Sloan wrapped their arms around your waist and your jumps match in rhythm. Honestly, you didn't care what they did to you because, in your equally messed up head, you felt yourself catching feelings for the Mole.
"Whoo! This is amazing!!!"
"...I LOVE LIFE!!!!!!"
Eventually, the sprinklers stop leaving the two of you soaked, you stop jumping and you have nothing else to do but look at each other. Maybe it was the soaked feeling kicking in. Maybe it was Sloan holding you by the waist. But you felt yourself leaning in forward...
Honestly, when you closed your eyes you didn't know what to expect but you felt something soft against your lips. You open your eyes to see that Sloan is holding a freshly plucked rose between your lips and theirs. You felt a little embarrassed not only with how Sloan juked you but also realizing how much you fell for this person. Nevertheless, you pull away to watch them grow a smirk and they chuckle. You playfully beat against their shoulder which only makes them laugh harder to the point they start to wheeze.
They drop you on the ground as they hold their chest and whip a tear away.
"Oh my! I'm sorry I couldn't help it I'm sorry!"
You quickly find a way to get back at them by taking advantage of them being busy with laughing. You cup their cheek which stops them completely and you lean in to peck their wet cheek with your lips. They go from a laughing mess to a flushed stuttering mess, they bring their hands to their face trying hard to cover it.
"I wasn't ready... How dare you surprise me! Mind you I loved it but...yknow.!"
You only grab on their arm now you are the one dragging them away out of the gardens to find some method to dry each other off...
i did it :,) im rlly hoping yall like it even if I went the more cliche cringy route, maybe soon I can write a different more dark route if you want!
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The recent Book 7 release has put Vil and Rook on the mind, so do you have any particularly interesting courtship or relationship headcanons for your nonhuman AU? Thank you :)
My god Rook would rizz you so hard, we already know how he is as a human, though I've seen headcanons that he might have some beastmen in his blood it just isn't obvious/is distant or something like that.
He's enigmatic with a passion for all things beautiful, something Rook very much views you as regardless of what you think of yourself. He's very enthusiastic about supporting those that he admires so be ready for him to be supportive and encouraging as fuck. Yeah, he's gonna be weird about a lot of stuff but Rook is almost always genuine in his intentions.
Expect poetry and love letters to hit your door by arrow every morning.
Ah...Birb Boi Love.
When the night sky envelops the world in its cool embrace, a ballet takes place on treetops and secluded clearings— the dance of owl courtship. 
Serenading the night. Rook is already a great singer and loves to do it, with owls the males often initiate the mating process with a series of hoots. Though with him I'm pretty sure it would be actually singing that he graces you with...but still...it's kind of funny to think about...heh horny hoots.
He might be hoping for you to join him since female owls might answer back, leading to a duet. This vocal interaction strengthens the bond between the two owls and sets the stage for their partnership.
Gift giving, males often present food gifts. This act not only proves the male’s hunting prowess but also his ability to provide for offspring. He knows he can't just leave his fresh kills at your doorstep. Instead, he will use his cooking skills and bring very yummy meals cooked and caught by him. Will give a few happy hoots if you agree to letting him feed you.
He's going to bring you a lot of stuff, not just food though. Keep in mind the guy is well off and for a lot of creatures it's important to keep your mate well groomed, and he gets the good shit from Vil so expect to be gifted the best, lotions, shampoos, and skincare stuff. Along with clothes that seem to fit you perfectly...hmm how did he get your size?
Once a bond begins to form, owls might engage in mutual grooming, a sign of affection and trust. Please let him do your hair and nails he will be so happy. He gets to help you be even more pretty, gets to touch the person he likes, examine your interesting human features. He's actually someone you can trust to bathe with/wash your hair for you without trying anything regardless of his romantic feelings, even if you're nakey.
Nuzzling and nibbling will also happen, he knows you're a fan of his soft feathers and floof and will puff up to lure you in for cuddles...and then he'll get you with those gentle nibbles and nuzzle against you. At least with him, you won't have to worry about getting covered in fur after like with the others, but you might end up with a feather in your hair and will diffidently smell like Rook
Territory plays a vital role in owl mating behaviors. Male owls fiercely defend their territories from rival males, ensuring they have exclusive access to potential mates and sufficient resources for nesting and rearing young. Territory disputes often involve vocal and physical displays, including wing-spreading, aggressive posturing, and occasional physical combat.
As a result, any of the other guys should be wary of arrows flying their way when they get near Ramshackle once Rook gets to that stage in courting. The tree near your window was already one of his favorite spots before this started. I don't think he would start any fights though, not that he would need to, people tried to keep their distance from him before already.
The mental image of him doing the aggressive postering is funny though.
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...yeah, I can see how that would be scary if it's a man-sized owl creature doing it at night with glowing eyes and he's probably doing a weird honhonhonhon French laugh thing. He's going to scare the shit out of someone.
Some owl species, like the barn owl, engage in dramatic flight displays, which can include dives, spirals, and impressive swoops to impress a potential mate. He would definitely show off and even offer to carry you so you can enjoy a nice flight with him...you might see him divebomb someone, he doesn't actually touch them but gets pretty close.
The man loves his privacy so will likely pick a spot in Ramshackle away from everyone else to make into your love nest, only the finest blankets and pillows will be used, that fancy silk stuff you know?
Hmmm Vil.
I've thought about him ether being a Peacock-
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Or a secretary bird.
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I'm not sure what suits him best but I'm sure regardless his courtship will be flashy. You'll probably end up with a tail feather smacking you in the face at some point.
I might be able to think up something if you guys send in some ideas.
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f1nalgirlz · 11 months
Brothers best friend! Clyde
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Prompt: you have a crush on your brothers best friend and it seems like he feels the same.
˗ˏˋwarnings´ˎ˗ use of drugs, marijuana usage, gender neutral reader, shotgunning smoke,
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As you laid in your bed on your tummy, flipping through a magazine you’d picked up at the grocery store earlier in the day, you listened to the sounds going on around you, the sun shining through your window, lighting the pages nicely. Soon, you heard the front door opening and two male voices eagerly greeting each other. A smile worked its way onto your lips, already knowing who it was. It was your brother’s best friend, Clyde, who you’d been secretly crushing on for as long as you could remember. When you heard footsteps trailing towards your room, you peeked over your shoulder at your open door. You smiled at Clyde when you saw him walking past, he stopped to wave but was dragged along by your brother. You rolled your eyes to yourself at his actions and turned back to your magazine, quietly hoping you’d get to see him again before he left.
After a few hours the sound of laughter and what sounded like a game being played died down, after that, the familiar smell of weed was invading your room. Soon, the sound of someone trying, and failing, to discreetly come down the hall made you perk up, walking to your door. When you peered out you were met with Clyde who smiled at you, looking a little awkward. “Hi, Clyde.” You said softly, making his goofy smile grow. “Hey, y/n… how are you?” he asked, dragging his feet a little as he came closer, placing his hand on your door frame. When he made it to your door, the dimming sunlight lit his face up, putting his red eyes on display. You laughed softly at him and crossed your arms. “I’m good, how are you?” You said, biting the inside of your cheek to stifle the smile that was growing on your lips. You didn’t want your crush to be so obvious. “ah- I’m good.” He said with a smile, leaning on your doorframe fully now. “God.. you’re so high.” You commented with a laugh, walking back inside your room and plopping down on your bed. He chewed his lip and followed you, closing the door behind him. “No..nah” he said nonchalantly, shaking his head which caused you to laugh again. Something about him just made you all giggly. It always hit you how embarrassed you felt about it after he left. Slowly, he came to sit beside you, bed dipping down slightly. “I can smell it on you…” you said, biting your lip. “You have any left or did you waste it all on my brother?” You said, half-joking. He looked at you and nodded a bit. He mumbled something like “Oh-uh-!”before he began fumbling with his pocket. He fished out a small altoids tin, opening it to reveal a joint that had clearly had a few hits taken off it already. He got it out, as well as a black lighter from his other pocket, and lit it before handing it over to you. “I’ve never um- I haven’t smoked before.” You said and he nodded understandingly before gently taking it back. “Here- um so open your mouth, and breathe in.” He explained and you nodded, watching him take a deep inhale before leaning in towards you. Your heart sped up as you leaned towards him too, following his instructions as he blew the smoke into your mouth. A tear pricked your eyes as you held back a cough, but you refused to embarrass yourself in front of him. You exhaled away from him and laughed softly, looking back at him only to be met with a smile. Something in you wanted to impress him, so you took the joint back slowly, taking a fairly large inhale. You held back a cough that was desperately trying to escape. When you exhaled the smoke, you passed the joint back to him. He smiled at you before taking a small hit himself.
As it was your first time smoking, the effects took hold of you pretty quickly. You didn’t even smoke the whole thing, letting Clyde put it out and stuff the tin back in his pocket. Your head felt heavy, so you leaned on Clyde’s shoulder, feeling his body tense then relax, slowly wrapping his arm around your waist. You could feel your cheeks burning as he did so, your heart pounding in your chest: You couldn’t tell if this was a sign he liked you back, or if you were just delusional. “You feeling okay?” He asked, pulling you out of your thoughts and causing you to look up at him, blood shot eyes making contact. You nodded and smiled softly. “Yeah actually… I feel great” you said, trailing off at the end. As you sat there, so close to the man you’d basically obsessed over for years, you couldn’t help but glance at his lips. He seemed to take notice, leaning in and pressing a quick experimental kiss to your lips. You smiled and pushed through your nervousness to connect your lips in a real kiss, which he happily returned. The kiss was slow, a little lazy almost, when his hands made their way to your waist once again. As the kiss grew sloppier, two pairs of hands were wandering the other’s body. This went on until you were both pulled out of your trance by the sound of your brother yelling from his room.
“Clyde you’re taking forever, I thought you were going to the bathroom!” He yelled, causing Clyde to lean his head back with a sigh before scrambling to the door, pulling it open to yell back. He called out an apology and headed out of your room, shooting you an apologetic smile, mouthing ‘sorry’ as he rounded the corner out. Even though the moment had been effectively ruined, you couldn’t help but to fall back on your bed with a huge grin. You were practically screaming into your pillow and kicking your feet. You finally confirmed what you’d always hoped for, Clyde did like you back.
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R: idk how I feel about this… i literally just couldn’t sleep and wanted to write with this trope! It’s not proofread and I’ll fix any mistakes later… probably.
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
Kittens in Space
The first rule of keeping cats aboard a spaceship is don’t lose the cats on the spaceship. I know this. I know it better than the rest of the crew! I’m the Earthling here, the animal expert with actual veterinarian training, and I’m the one who brought them onboard. I told the captain with confidence that I could keep track of them.
Well, guess what I just did.
The problem was immediately obvious when I woke up. Every morning for the last few days had started with cutesy kitten pounces and thumps as they batted toys about the room. Sometimes I’d get a tail in my face; other times I’d hear a crash as they discovered how to reach another yet high shelf. Not once had I woken to silence.
Today I did. And as soon as I realized it, I sat up with a jerk to scan the room, my heartbeat loud in my ears.
Catnip mice and foam balls were everywhere. My shoes were still on the coat hooks; they hadn’t managed to knock them down yet. Nothing was swatted off the shelves. And no kittens lay on the floor dead after eating alien food, so at least there was that. But where were they?
I moved my feet toward the floor, disturbing a lump that meowed sleepily. Tapestry the mom cat was curled up on my bed; I hadn’t seen her. And now that I wasn’t jostling the blankets anymore, she curled back up for some hard-earned rest.
But no kittens. I stroked her tabby fur and looked for smaller balls of fluff, but found none. She didn’t seem worried. Hopefully that was a good sign. I stood and hurried to the bathroom.
My quarters were small, basically just the two rooms, since I spent most of my time with the rest of the crew. There really shouldn’t have been any good hiding spots that I hadn’t already blocked off. The bed didn’t even have space underneath it; that’s where my clothes drawers were. And I’d made sure the little fluffbrains couldn’t open those on their own, much less close them again.
They weren’t in the bathroom. Not in the closed-lid toilet, or the space-age shower stall, or the cabinet of supplies. Not in the trash can (again). They hadn’t gotten closed up in the foldable sink; I always left it sticking out of the wall. Where were they?
They couldn’t have gotten out into the hallway. No. Just not possible. I would have heard if someone inexplicably opened the door to my quarters without knocking, not that anyone would. Especially while I was asleep.
I told myself that there was no way they could be wandering the ship and getting stuck in the engine room. Mimi would notice animals hiding among his engine parts. Heck, the entire ship was bound to have someone around, ready to spot the furry little troublemakers, no matter how stealthy they were. I was pretty sure they resembled food on at least one homeworld. My crewmates weren’t the sort to hurt them, though; everyone knew full well that I had them here. The kittens wouldn’t be mistaken for pests.
I really don’t want to announce to everyone that I’ve lost them, I thought, leaving the bathroom. They’ve got to be in here somewhere. What am I missing?
I surveyed the toy-covered room, trying for the umpteenth time to see catproofing opportunities that I hadn’t addressed.
Bed, bookshelf, other shelves. Bedside table with the lamp bolted down. Desk and chair. The litterbox was in the bathroom, with the food and water dishes along the wall beside me. There were no curtains to climb, and hardly any decorations, just the digital window with its chunky gold frame — someone’s secondhand idea of class — and the fake plants on the shelves. The bite marks on those weren’t new.
But the positioning was.  
I stepped closer, staring and second-guessing, and yes they were definitely pushed out of place. And now that I thought about it, the digital frame was slightly crooked too. That spectacular alien sunset with the planetary rings in the background was out of alignment with the corner of the room.
Like someone stepped on it. Now where would they—
I froze in place, feeling stupid. Ah. Right.
Ever look at something so often that you stop noticing it? I may have mentioned that this was a spaceship. Metal walls, plasticky floors, no real windows.
A ceiling covered in twisty pipes.
I hadn’t considered catproofing the ceiling; it was too high to reach (ha), and surely not the kind of place that kittens would hide.
But as I stepped onto the bed and brought my face up close to the lowest curve, I realized that the faint engine sounds I’d long gotten used to sounded an awful lot like purring.
There they were. All five of the fuzzy little bastards were snuggled into a happy pile among the pipes without a care in the world. They meeped sleepily when I stuck a hand in.
“I can’t believe you,” I murmured. They ignored me.
The air was warm but not hot, and the pipes were vibrating faintly. While Captain Sunlight had assured me that there was no radiation to worry about, I figured it couldn’t hurt to double-check. Sleeping on top of the things could easily be a different prospect from sleeping in a bed below.
“All right, down for now,” I told them, scooping up the kittens despite their protests and setting them on the bed. “Be good little fluffbrains and sleep here while I — no? No, of course not.” They were already tumbling to the floor with strident mews for food. Tapestry stretched and jumped down as well.
I sighed and got out the cat food. If I was quick about it, I could get out the door before they tried to follow me. That net I’d tried to rig up as a baby gate hadn’t stopped them crawling under.
“Good kitties,” I said, tugging my shoes on as they ate. “You behave yourselves. I’m just going to make sure your favorite new hiding place isn’t going to give you extra eyeballs or something. Maybe I’ll set up a new shelf there so you don’t fall on my face during the night.”
I slipped out the door just as the first kitten finished eating — appropriately enough, it was the gray shorthair who Mimi had insisted I name after him. There weren’t any green cats in the litter, so gray was close enough.
“Meeeeee,” declared Mimi-the-kitten as the door closed.
“Yup,” I agreed.
Once I was sure the latch wasn’t about to pop loose, I took long strides toward the engine room. My heartbeat was totally calm and normal; why do you ask?
The ongoing backstory of the main character from this book. More to come!
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tai-janai · 6 months
Path 12: An End
(Chapter Select)
At the bottom of the stairs is the basement. Smooth stone walls and cobble flooring. A lone, barred window that lets in bright white light.
The Other sits at the other end. It does not wear a metal chain around its neck. Held tightly in its hands is a pristine blade. His form has changed somewhat; he looks softer than you remember, and a cape is wrapped around his shoulders.
It looks at you, and its eyes soften. Its lips turn upward for a sad, relieved smile. It is happy to see you. After everything the Echo said, you still feel like he is a part of You.
The Hero:
His voice is weak. He tilts his head and watches you approach, but he does not move.
"Did you hear any of that?"
Something flashes in his eyes, like he hasn't figured out if he did or not. Then he scratches the back of his neck.
The Hero:
Yeah, I... The, uh, sound travels pretty well into here.
You sit on the floor in front of him. He seems a bit flustered.
The Hero:
I-it was... a lot of information. I'm not really sure... how to take it.
"How did you get here?"
The Hero:
Oh. I... got really worried after you got taken away by a pair of hands, so I kind of... followed you. It wasn't that hard, I know your psyche pretty well by now. But before this place was anything, I'd already been split from you. Then, I was put down here for... some time. I don't know, time is really weird here. It felt like forever but I know it wasn't.
He looks down at the blade in his hands.
The Hero:
And this thing was here. It's always supposed to be, right? One of those, uh, rules?
"What about the Others?"
The Hero:
Well, I finally reached the end of the last world, so they're probably all together. Knowing them, they're all probably looking for me. I'm only here, though, after I left that last world, there's no part of me left with them at this point. Not 'til I leave this one, too.
The Hero:
That world... At the end, you had been taken over by something, were you? The thing that wanted those Beings dead... The Princess?
You remember the way your body did not feel like yours. The way your mind conflicted with itself, wanting the Being dead, because it was meant to kill you. You remember that fear of death.
The Hero:
Are you okay?
You look into his eyes. Your eyes. His eyes.
"Do you know what you were supposed to be?"
The Hero:
Ah... The Long Quiet, He called it. If you're asking if I was ever that, I don't really know. Your memories are all I have, and all we know is that we woke up in a cabin.
"Did you know you were supposed to slay the Princess? And by connection, me?"
It laughs a little.
The Hero:
I only barely knew there was a Princess, mate. I had no idea what we were or what we were supposed to do. My only sense of purpose came when we saw that first Being, anxious and trapped. We felt bad for it, even if it was terrifying and hated us.
The Hero:
The... idea of killing you feels weird. You're so... me. But I've been doing it this whole time. It's something I was made for, like some... inevitability. It feels obvious until I take the second to think about it.
Its eyes trace the edge of the blade.
"What comes next?"
He thinks. His face contorts in frustration.
The Hero:
I... I never felt like the one making the choices here. He said I am choice, but I don't know how to make any, myself.
The Hero:
He made it sound like three options. I have qualms about each.
The Hero:
I could slay you, the way I was always supposed to. Death and change would be gone, and all of the other guys will get their happily forever after in the places they are now. Or ... We fix ourselves back up to being... what, everything? A god? And then... things will just... keep going?
"And the third option...?"
The Hero:
I stay here with you, and we don't do anything, forever. The cabin crumbles and it'll be just us. And... I'll never see the others again. Nobody will join back together, but, they'll eventually die. I, uh... don't think the guy upstairs would like that too much, though... Um. I... I don't know if I like that one, either. But it is... an option.
You think about these choices. Everything about them scares you.
"Do you have a preference?"
He looks to the side, flustered, and a hint of a smile he's trying to hide. He gestures vaguely at you.
The Hero:
Well, I'm not gonna lie, I-I liked being, y'know, Us.
With a pause, his gaze turns downward.
The Hero:
But I liked being with Them, too.
The Hero:
And... I hate to say this, but they would not like being anything but what they are now. Like, they love you, they really do, they're unbelievably grateful for everything you've done for them- But I... It wouldn't be... what they wanted.
He shrugs and leans his head to the side.
The Hero:
You could do it anyway, though, I guess. They probably wouldn't be able to do much once we're all in one piece.
He looks into your eyes, and his feathers droop.
The Hero:
After everything, would it still be freedom? Your choice, limiting theirs...?
"Why are you making me decide? I thought that wasn't my role."
The Hero:
I don't know? I didn't make the rules here. I'll go along with whatever you come up with. I mean, I am choice, right? The thing that gives you the options...? Not the one making the decisions.
"You clearly have a preference, and it's the one that means I get slain."
The Hero:
It's not like I want you to die. Just, out of everything so far, I don't want what we've given them to go away.
He sighs. You know be is conflicted. He fidgets with the hilt of the blade. He really is more them than he is you. But, you don't blame him.
"I'm scared. I don't know what being a god would be like."
The Hero:
I don't know, either, but this is it. The big ultimatum.
Decisions. You were never made for decisions.
You can die along with Death, and let the others be happy in what remains of the construct for all of eternity.
You can go against the others' wishes and reunite the way the Echo offered, with Death eradicated.
Or you can stay here alone with the Other, keeping him with you forever, while the worlds and the shattered fragments continue on, dying and reforming.
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