#i fear my cheeks are about to over heat and explode cause im blushing over this like
hyunpic · 3 days
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dekuscrybaby · 5 years
Could I request a super shy reader asking out Bakugou ? Scenario or hcs ! Whichever you like ! She’s like super nervous and just ends up going on a rant on why she likes him and asks him out and he just blushes and says yes . I hope that’s not too specific or something >.
y’all be giving me too much freedom, like tell me to choose one format over another and you will end up getting both because that’s just the type of clown that i am! also, i’ll kinda be loosely basing this on me because i’m pretty shy myself, but i’ll keep it as general as possible! also pls my friend, i have none so feel free to privately message me or we can chat through asks i don’t mind 😌 also, i think i went a little overboard with the “scenario” but i’m not all that sorry bc i love my feral bby but also the scenario is kinda booty so sorry about that
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(ps this is literally bakugou as you confess/rant to him)
out of the billions of people you could’ve had a crush on, your heart probably chose the worst person
bakugou katsuki, a very angry gremlin if you please
and i’m not saying that bakugou is ugly or anything
it’s the complete opposite actually, hence why you have a crush on him
bakugou’s physical appearance is far from ugly, he’s hands-down one of prettiest boys in your class
that being said, his personality can be considered an acquired taste
as kaminari once said his personality is comparable to “flaming hot garbage”
but that didn’t stop you from liking blasty boy
your friends know about your crush bc it’s just obvious to them and pretty much everyone else (except bakugou)
you’re always asked “what is there to like about bakugou?”
well, what isn’t there to like?
his ash-blonde hair always looks so soft, you just want to run your fingers through it
his eyes are just so beautiful and you want nothing more than to stare into those ruby orbs for hours and hours
his physique is just so amazing and let’s not get you started on how bad you want his muscular arms to wrap around you
and his thighs? phew, please! is it getting hot in here or what?
answer: it is getting hot and by that i mean your face has lit up all shades of red
confessing to crushes is usually hard regardless of how confident a person is but it’s even harder for you because you’re the shyest person in class a
you’re so shy that you’re just known for your blushy cheeks which turn even redder when you’re in the presence of lord explosion murder
you probably even struggle to get a full sentence in when you’re “talking” to him
you guys know how izuku stutters right? well you’re worse than that
you just have the FATTEST crush on this blonde douchebag
so what do your friends do about this crush?
they do what all friends do for their introverted friends with a huge crush on a huge ass extrovert
put you on the spot
*insert your shy ass mentally screeching*
to be fair, you’ve been crushing on bakugou since like the beginning of the school year
something has to happen before your entire class just decides to scream at bakugou about your very clear crush on him
for the sake of a chaotic confession, i’m gonna say that you’re apart of the bakusquad with mina being your best friend
and mina being mina, she’s SICK of your shit and wants you to tell katsuki how you feel
so what does she do?
she shoves you into the janitor’s closet with bakugou
will not let you out until you spill everything
“hey! raccoon eyes! you better let us out before i fucking explode your ass!” bakugou growled as he pounded on the metal door, obviously he was caught off guard. he was just walking back to class with you and your guys’ friends before mina’s crazy-ass pulled you back and shoved you into a small room.
“not until y/n fesses up!” mina shouted back, pulling on the door handle with all her might. she’s doing this for you, it’ll only help you and bakugou, it’s a mantra mina keeps going over in her head. hopefully, a mantra that will prevent her from being killed by the furious blonde.
“what the hell do you mean fesses up?” the blonde bellows out, still pounding at the door.
as they’re screaming and cursing at each other, you have your face hidden away in the sleeves of your school jacket. your face is the reddest it’s ever been and your mind has never spilled this many thoughts until now. your brain is so overwhelmed that there is practically no filter between your brain and your mouth so at this point you’re babbling on endlessly.
it’s not very loud, probably only loud enough for it to be heard in the small room you’re currently in, but that’s where the problem lies.you’re babbling on and on about your huge crush while he is in the same cramped up room as you are. to make matters worse, you guys are completely alone.
“what do i do now? i’m completely alone with the hottest guy in not just the class but probably even school. is mina really not gonna let us out until i tell him i like him? i mean she can’t keep us in here for too long, right? of course not! class is bound to start soon and she has to go to class. plus she has to let us out before mr. aizawa comes to look for us or something. then again, me confessing can’t go that bad. i mean what’s the worst that can happen? well, if i do end up confessing, then there’s a high chance that bakugou might not even like me back and then everything will be super awkward. he prob-”
you probably would’ve continued to rant on if it weren’t for bakugou’s rough voice pulling you out of your verbal thoughts, “what the hell are you going on about?”
you snapped your head up in the direction of your voice, “huh?”
“you heard me, rosy-cheeks. what are you going on about?” he questioned with a quirked eyebrow.
“r-r-rosy-cheeks?” the new nickname just made even more blood rush onto your already blushed cheeks.
bakugou rolled his eyes a bit, “yes, rosy-cheeks. your cheeks are always red so it suits you.”
“oh! uh, thanks i guess?” you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, not knowing how to respond to the slight compliment you received from your crush.
a quiet snicker could be heard from the opposite side of the door and that ended up provoking bakugou’s short temper.
“fucking let us out, you used tampon!” he began to yell again. (i couldn’t think of any other nicknames)
“i said i wasn’t letting you out until ms. rosy-cheeks confesses!” mina retorts, matching the level of intensity of katsuki’s voice.
“huh? and what should she be confessing?”
“i don’t know, bakugou, maybe you should ask her instead!” now it was bakugou’s turn to snap his head towards you.
“spill, y/l/n.” he said, his voice much softer than it was a few seconds ago.
“w-what?” you stuttered.
“the faster you tell me whatever mina wants you to tell me, the faster we can get out of here,” he grumbled as you began twiddling with your fingers.
“i-i can’t.”
bakugou sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “what do you mean you can’t?”
“i just can’t, bakugou.” you whimpered quietly.
“y/n, class is going to start again in less than ten minutes and i don’t know about you, but i don’t want to be held up after class by aizawa.”
“i’d rather be held up later than tell you,” you wrapped your arms around yourself, fearing that you’d make him upset.
“goddamnit, y/n! just tell me! it can’t be that hard!” he raises his voice and ultimately, this causes something in you to snap.
“okay, okay! i like you, okay? i’ve liked you for so long that it’s actually embarrassing. it’s just that you’re so cute and something about you just has my heart beating out of my chest. i always feel short of breath and lightheaded when i’m around you and i can’t do anything about it. you’re also so so smart and im actually jealous.” you drew in a quick breath before continuing.
“sure, you might not have the best personality ever according to others but i still find your ‘garbage-like’ personality drawing me into you. do you know how many times people come up to me asking why the hell i like you? it’s quite a shocker for them to hear that i basically like everything about you.”
“i like your spiky blonde hair that is probably super soft. i like your eyes that are the most beautiful shade of red and i always find myself lost in them whenever i look into them for even the briefest moments. i like how passionate you are about your goals and i like how you give your all to reach them. you’re just so amazing and i always find myself wanting to confess to you, hoping that you might feel the same way. i would just absolutely love to call you my boyfriend, you know?”
you finally concluded your rant after what felt like an eternity and for some reason, you forgot about the situation at hand. once you realized that you actually said everything out loud, you felt your entire body heat up. this has to be a dream. or maybe someone used their quirk and caused you to say all of that. not missing a single beat, you glanced up at bakugou, only to find him the same position as you. cheeks and even ears, a bright red that could easily rival midoriya’s sneakers.
“i-i-i, uhh…”
“tch,” bakugou interrupted what could’ve started another rant. “you could’ve just said so earlier.”
“what?” you stared at him with a gaped expression as his cheeks heated up even more,
“i’m just saying, you would’ve said this earlier…then maybe i would’ve been your boyfriend already,” bakugou mumbled as one of his sweaty palms, cradled the back of his neck.
“a-are you serious?”
“do i look like a liar to you, rosy-cheeks?”
“well, uh, no?”
“damn right. now let’s get to class, i’m pretty sure raccoon eyes heard the entirety of your rant and if she reacted anything like me, then she should be satisfied.”
you were still too shocked to properly digest what just happened that you for some reason didn’t feel bakugou take your hand to lead you out of the janitor’s closet. after you walked out with him, you turned your head and noticed mina grinning at you, congratulating you on what was your new relationship with the boy you’ve been pining over for ages.
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thenovelartist · 6 years
Debts on the Battlefield
This is the last prize for my TV Show contest going to @serenepy who wanted Adrienette and Mistaken Identity. After a few tries, I came up with this. I hope you enjoy it!
It all started when her parents were assassinated.
The neighboring country’s king swore they didn’t commit the crime. However, the evidence disproved his claim, and Marinette watched her father’s second-in-command declare war on the other country.
To say she wasn’t terrified of the thought of murder and bloodshed and war coming up to her kingdom would be an outright lie. This was her kingdom. If she were the heir, she would have gone on to negotiate with the neighboring king and try to uncover the truth. Unfortunately, even as the only child born to Queen Sabine, Marinette was not the true heir because she was a female, and the line passed down solely to sons.
So, she did the only thing she saw fit to do: join the military. She had been mocked at first, but when one of the commanders who had advanced high up the ranks spotted her, he enabled her to join.
“I remember you, your royal highness,” he commented with a smile. “You’re a crafty sort of girl. You were always able to slip around the house without anyone knowing. They called you Little Lucky Ladybug for good reason.”
And that was how she got her nickname. It wasn’t for two months that everyone fighting for her kingdom knew the spy that went by ‘Ladybug’. She was a valuable asset to the war.
Then came the dreaded day that she found herself caught up in a battle. It was in one of her kingdom’s towns, one that lay on the outskirts. Most of the town had evacuated, but for some, they had no where else to go but wait out the fight.
Marinette was forced to do the same.
She found refuge in a house close enough for her to see the fighting. Despite the queasiness in her stomach, she watched the battle. She watched as things exploded and guns went off and smoke billowed upward from the streets of the town. People were screaming; people were dying.
It was with a heavy heart Marinette watched the opposing forces win.
As the smoke cleared, it allowed her to see her army fall back, grabbing all the supplies they could and running in the cover the smoke provided. Those men would live to fight another day, and for that she was thankful. But when the smoke cleared completely, it allowed her to see the carnage in the streets, proving to her that there were many men who wouldn’t make it back home. Furthermore, this town that had once been hers was no longer.
She made it a habit to hold back her tears, but for today, she allowed herself to cry.
It was only once she was able to forcefully swallow the tears did she realize the front door of the house burst open. Her heart was pounding inside her chest as she froze instinctually.
Get up! She mentally chided. Move!
But it was too late. By the time she found the strength to stand, soldiers burst into the second story room, guns pointed at her.
Her only option was to hold up her hands in surrender.
He shouldn’t be here. If his father knew he was here, he’d have an absolute fit and likely punish Adrien as though he was a teenager instead of a man nearly twenty-one. But if his father was going to willingly go to war like this against Adrien’s adamant council, then defying his father it was.
Adrien roamed the streets of the town his kingdom had just taken over. He didn’t wear the uniform of a soldier, instead wearing plain clothes to blend into the surroundings. He wasn’t completely insane, after all. He was a hidden soldier, one that made shots from the rooftops and scoped out the best way to win against the enemy.
The moment a woman’s scream reached his ears, he instinctively looked up. Soldiers from his own kingdom were man-handling a woman, throwing her to the ground outside a house. They were yelling something, but at that point, Adrien didn’t care. The men had orders to not harm women and children. Even in this time of war, Adrien would ensure to uphold their honor.
Before one of the soldiers could strike the female, Adrien grabbed him, forcing him off his feet and disarming him. “What do you think you’re doing?” Adrien challenged.
Adrien felt the two other men point their guns at him while the man on the ground looked blankly up at him. With a scowl, Adrien threw the gun back at the man.
Adrien scowled. “Where is your honor, soldier? You don’t touch civilians, no matter which side they belong to.”
With that, he turned to offer a hand to the woman on the ground. Her wide-eyed gaze was mixed fear and intrigue. Adrien shot her a smile he hoped was charming before reaching his hand out to offer assistance. “I apologize on their behalf.”
She remained silent as she hesitantly took his hand and allowed him to assist her in standing.
She had beautiful blue eyes and hair like a raven’s feathers. Young, youthful face. A stunning beauty. He grinned, earnestly this time. “Was this your home?”
“No,” she admitted. “I was passing through and hid before I got caught in the crossfires.”
Poor girl. Yet, her voice held a stubborn courage underneath her fear. “May I then suggest running away from the fighting so as not to get caught again.”
“Understood,” she said, pulling her hand from his. “And thank you.”
With that, the girl spun around and scampered off.
Adrien watched her for a moment before turning back to glare at his men. “Listen carefully,” he warned, tugging out his pocket watch engraved with the kingdom crest. The men instantly stiffened and straightened. “Do not harass the enemy’s civilians. They already think lowly of us. Don’t give them any more reason to hate us.”
“Sir, yes, sir.”
It had been a month since Marinette had been saved from her certain entrapment by an extremely handsome young man. At the time, she had been carrying enough notes on her to have her captured as a hostage. She swore that if she ever got the opportunity to repay her debt to him, she’d do it in a heartbeat. Never once did she worry about forgetting his face. She would never forget those kind, green eyes or that mess of blonde hair on his head or that genuine smile.
It was after a battle that she saw him again.
He was in a town among the bodies of many people, both soldiers and civilians.
She would have to make up time later, but for now, she helped him off the ground, propped him upright against a building, then scavenged the area for anything she could find to wrap his head wound.
There was bullet-riddled laundry hanging about that would have to do.
“Well, we meet again,” he said, his smile lopsided and eyes halfway opened as he watched her rip apart the fabric into bandages.
Her heart skipped a beat. He remembered her? “It seems so,” she said with a grin.
He hummed, then remained silent as she wrapped his wound.
“Thank you,” he said once she finished tying off the strips. “I find myself deeply in your debt.”
She blushed lightly. “No. You saved me from those soldiers. This is me repaying my debt to you.”
His smile turned roguish, which only made him more handsome. “I don’t agree. You’ve exceeded paying off what little debt you were in.”
Even though she’d have to scold herself later for being caught up here, letting her heart run wild for a moment, she shot him another grin while shaking her head. “Not by my thoughts.”
“Well, then,” he said, and she knew by that gleam in his eye that she was in trouble. “I’ll just hope that I get once last chance to free myself of this debt you have placed on me, whether you agree or not.”
She should get out of here before she gave into the will to continue flirting with a man she didn’t know the name of. That was already scandalous of her, but it was particularly offensive in the middle of a war. She forced herself to stand. “Then I hope that our next meeting will be under more pleasurable circumstances.”
The smile he gave her as she ran off would come back to haunt her for weeks.
He counted himself lucky beyond belief. He was supposed to be marching around the town, trying to scope out the battlefield. In his down-dressed state, he was able to walk straight past soldiers without any issue. He had to hold back his smug grin.
And that’s when he saw her.
Gleefully grinning, Adrien slipped around the crowds of people so he could be in front of her path. “Why, would you look at that?”
He startled her, and it hurt his heart to see the sudden fear of her realizing her path was blocked. The way she looked up at him, with wide-eyes full of fear and stance prepped to run, it was clear she was skittish. If it was from war, then he could do nothing but feel guilty. But if it was from his men attacking her, then he’d swear vengeance.
However, she relaxed, her hand over her chest probably to calm her racing heart. “Oh, it’s you.”
“Forgive me,” he said earnestly. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No. I’m just not used to being approached.”
He grinned. “Are you unused to men calling for your attention? I don’t believe that. A lovely girl such as yourself? You must have had many a man dropping at your feet before the war.”
Where those words came from, he didn’t know, but the blush on her cheeks as well as the skeptical smile was invaluable. “Careful, you sliver-tongued devil.”
He chuckled. “Forgive me. I can’t help myself. Nor can I stop myself from asking this question that has been on my mind since the day we meet.”
Her smile fell and brow knit in worry. He forced his smile to stay on his face even though he hated causing her guard to come rising up again like this. “Oh?”
“May I be so bold as to ask your name?”
Slowly, her shoulders relaxed and her smile returned. “Marinette.”
He tested the word on his tongue and very much liked the way it felt. “Well then, Marinette.” He reached for her hand to bestow a kiss on her knuckles. “What a pleasure meeting you officially.”
With a giggle, she tugged her hand away. “We have not met officially,” she teasingly scolded. “For I don’t know your name.”
Heat rose to his cheeks surprisingly quickly. “Ah, yes. What an idiot I am. My name is Adrien.”
Before she could respond, the clock chimed the hour, and he realized he needed to get back.
“Forgive me,” he said, bowing before her. “But I actually have somewhere I have to be.”
“As do I,” she said, taking a step back. “But it was such a pleasure to meet you.”
“And you, Marinette. I do hope to see you again.”
She gave him a smile before scurrying off into town. As he was leaving, he sent up a prayer that she would be getting out of town as quickly as she could. He didn’t want his Marinette caught in the cross-fires.
Her kingdom was losing the battle. They were up against an equally skilled army. The issue was they were much larger than their own.
That, and they had Chat Noir.
Marinette had been transporting a warning to all the squadrons all over her kingdom informing them about the man once caught in black leather taking shots from a high ground. It was as though he knew the terrain, knew the field, knew how their armed forces would be organized.
And that meant they were in deep trouble.
Marinette found herself caught in the cross-fires once again. She had been delivering messages about this Chat Noir figure to the troops stationed here, only for the opposing army to spring an attack on them.
Not wanting to be caught anywhere near the general’s house, Marinette scampered for another cover spot. Maybe, if she was lucky, she’d be able to get out of the town completely. There were many people unprepared for the attack here, all running around frantically while trying to escape the city. In the commotion, she slipped down an alley way, only to run into a figure in a black leather vest.
She looked up, only to come face to face with Adrien.
His eyes widened upon seeing her. “What are you still doing here? Get out of the town.”
“I could ask the same for you,” she countered, holding tightly to the hand he grabbed as he pulled her along out of the city.
“Wrong place, wrong time,” was all the answer he gave.
“You and me both.”
They escaped the alley, only to skid to a halt upon seeing several of the opposing army’s men standing there, guns in hand.
One spotted them and raised to fire.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Adrien shoved her back into the alley just as the shot rang out. Marinette squeaked at the sound, sadly accustomed to it but not of it being so close.
So she did. As fast as she could, her hand in his, she ran, weaving through the town buildings with ease. But just as she turned the corner, she slid to a stop upon seeing even more soldiers. She ducked into the closest open building, dragging Adrien in behind her. He quickly shut the door, just as the soldiers started shouting and gunfire went off.
“Upsta—” She never finished that word and instead gasped at the sight of blood staining his shirt.
He looked at her, then down at his shoulder. His brow furrowed as he tugged at the cloth. “They got me.”
“We have to get the bullet out,” Marinette said.
He frowned at her. “And you know how to do that?”
She would love to say that she could confidently, that she personally did it before when she spent the first month of the war helping at a hospital while other nurses were being assembled. “I’ve assisted in the procedure and seen it done many times.”
His brow furrowed, questions clear on his face. But he didn’t voice them. “What do you need?”
Adrien was not looking forward to this. Once before, did he have to get a bullet taken out of his leg, but that was the extent of his major injuries. He could have waited for the battle to be over and his own army’s medical staff patch him up, however he knew they would be busy as is. And as Marinette listed off the things she needed, marching around the surprisingly full house with a determined expression, his confidence in her grew.  
Once they collected everything they needed, Marinette instructed Adrien to lay down on the bed upstairs. He stripped out of his vest and shirt before he did. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a slight dusting of pink on her cheeks. He didn’t know what to think of it, but he wanted to be flattered by it.
For the next several minutes, he was biting down on a rag while she dug the lead bullet from his shoulder and sewed up the wound. It was about as painful as he remembered it being.
However, the biggest pain of all was being shot by one of his own men. He supposed that was the price for trying to protect a civilian.
“Thank you,” he said once she was bandaging him up yet again.
“You have to stop getting injured when I’m around,” she said. He got the pleasure of learning her eyes sparkled when she teased.
“I’d love to,” he said. “Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s going to happen for the foreseeable future.”
She shook her head, but the smile she wore was one of amusement.
“I can’t help but notice,” he began, unable to help himself, “that I seem to cross paths with you in the middle of these battles.”
Her expression fell as her eyes locked on his.
“I…” she began, struggling with her words. “I have family and friends everywhere,” she eventually said. “But I’m as shocked as you are that you’re in these battles constantly.”
He forced a grin when he really wanted to cringe. “I… I’m documenting the battles,” he answered, thinking that it was a halfway decent excuse.
“Oh,” was all Marinette said as she tied off his bandages.
He had to think of something quick to change the subject. “Sorry for asking,” he said. “It just seemed odd that such a lovely young woman like yourself happened to be in the middle of battles. Not that I don’t love running into you; I would just prefer them being under much better circumstances.”
A lovely rosy hue spread across her cheeks, and he couldn’t help but feel warm knowing he caused that lovely look on her. Slowly, she ducked her head, a smile on her face. “Flatterer.”
He grinned. “Hardly.” The scary thing was that he meant it. Here he was, Prince of the Papillion kingdom, flirting with a commoner girl of the opposing kingdom. She was beautiful; that he wasn’t lying about. And kind. And had a lovely smile.
She snorted, turning away.
Despite knowing he should be out there, it seemed he was trapped here until the battle was over. His own fault for wanting to clear out the civilians. He told the general not to pull such a barbaric move, attacking a full town, but even though he was the prince, the generals swore they knew better. Today, they would have to serve without their eyes in the sky. It seemed fair to Adrien. At least, that was what he told himself so he would feel less guilty in the pleasure he took being trapped here with Marinette.
She was terrified. And that was an understatement. She’d been caught by the opposing army. She listened to the creak of the enclosed cart, the lock and chains on the outside making plenty of noise with every step the horses took. There were a couple army officials in the cart with her, all ones she’d been meeting with before the camp was raided.
What they were going to do, she didn’t know. So to keep the thoughts at bay, she thought of her kingdom. And when that got too hard, she thought of Adrien and his smile as he told her to stay safe as they last parted ways.
“I’ll find you again once the war is over,” he’d said with a wink. “Mark my words on that.”
With a sigh, Marinette forced everything out of her head. Apparently, even dashingly handsome, green-eyed blondes made her heart hurt too much.
“Father, we took the kingdom.”
Even though Adrien grinned for his father, he did not feel happy about it. He could only think of the civilians caught in the crossfires, of the towns he’d assisted evacuating when the fighting happened. His thoughts wondered to a certain Marinette and her bright smile, appearing in the battlefields. She wasn’t the only young woman running for her life from the war—there had to be people younger and far older than her running for their lives­—but she was the only one that came to the forefront of his mind.
“Good,” was all his father said. “I hope this serves as a lesson to anyone else who dares to accuse us falsely.”
Adrien’s stomach dropped. He didn’t like his father’s methods. He felt them flawed. They should have gone to the kingdom with white flags raised and assisted them in discovering who the true assassins were. That would have been far more beneficial for both of them.
“We will absorb their kingdom into ours,” his father said. “They are small, as are we. We will be a stronger power together.”
Adrien simply nodded. “What will you do with the war prisoners?”
Gabriel paused. “I suppose we will release them,” he said. “No need to make any more of an enemy with the new part of our kingdom. But document them all first so that they have records against them already. If there is an uprising they are a part of, then they will be tried.”
Adrien nodded. “Yes, father.”
“And I will have you oversee it,” his father continued. “I’ll be far too busy with other matters to oversee something so trivial.”
“Yes, father. I understand.”
Marinette may have hated liars, but right now, it was best to tell herself she wasn’t completely terrified that she might just die.
She, along with all the other prisoners of war, were to be documented as potential threats, meaning that if they ever made a wrong move, they’d likely be hung.
The men brought the prisoners out in several small groups. They were warned against acting out, even under the threat of the Prince of Papillion being there and able to give the order of them being hung on the spot. Marinette hoped for the sake of them all making it out alive that everyone would cooperate and the officials would be merciful.
The soldiers made their way through the rows of cells, meaning Marinette was one of the last to be taken out. And as the only woman, she was taken out alone.
She had to squint at the sudden bright daylight, and she cursed the sunshine. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but once they did, her gut sank.
Because Adrien stood there in his royal garb, proving he was the prince overseeing everything.
She watched his expression shift to one of horror. She shoved down her emotions and begged her eyes to stay dry. She had to pretend it didn’t feel like betrayal that the man she remembered fondly on the battlefield happened to be the prince of the kingdom responsible for murdering her parents.
She had been the Princess of Coccinelle; she would stand with her head high, chin raised, back straight. She would not cower.
“State your name,” the recorder asked.
“Princess Marinette Dupain of the Coccinelle Kingdom.”
Everyone froze, particularly Adrien.
The recorder was the first to move, ready to write the name down in the book.
But Adrien’s arm shot out, covering the page before the man could touch the pen to the paper.
“Your royal highness,” Adrien addressed, bowing before her. “I would like to give my deepest apologies for the treatment you have received. Should you agree, I wish to offer you a stay here at Castle Papillion, for there are many matters I would like to discuss with you.”
Curious, she rose a brow. “What matters do we have to discuss? You are the ruler of my kingdom now, are you not? That is what this war was about.”
He looked hurt at her words. As he should be. “The first matter I wish to discuss being a long list of apologies for our transgressions against you,” Adrien began, his words still strong and steady as a prince’s should be. “The second being an offer to discover who truly is behind the deaths of your parents, for I assure you that I know of no such plan that has ever been in place in this kingdom.”
Her brow furrowed. “You say you know of no plan, yet did you not just wage war against us?”
“My father agreed to such terms, but I swear I opposed it from the start.”
“If the king himself did not listen to your council then what makes you believe he will agree with your offer to me now?”
At that, Adrien was silent.
Marinette bit back the urge to smile bitterly up at him. “Then I will decline your—”
“Your royal highness, please,” Adrien said. “Please, allow me to make amends.”
“Amends!” Marinette cried in outrage. “You take over my kingdom and now want to make amends?”
Her heart was screaming in pain as she watched Adrien struggle for words.
“Yes,” he answered. “I do. Whether my father does is not a decision I can make for him. But I want to do what I can to express my deepest regrets.”
Marinette glared at him. Even though the logical answer was no, something in her… something in her didn’t agree.
“One day,” she growled. “I will give you one day.”
Again, he bowed before her. “Thank you, your royal highness. That is grace from you I know I do not deserve.”
There was nothing more humiliating than having to salvage any possible relationship with a princess that had been mistaken as a war criminal.
Adrien rubbed his eyes. His father had been less than happy at the news of what Adrien had done. His father had glowered at him and said, “I will have no part in whatever you decide to do.”
Which really meant that Father was disappointed in Adrien’s choices and would make Adrien clean up his own mess with his own resources.
Adrien felt that was fair. He’d bit his tongue against voicing off against his father, knowing it would only rain more hell back down on him.
He sat in his own study awaiting Princess Marinette to arrive. He’d ordered her to be tended to, which meant a bath, a place for the night, and a change of his late mother’s clothes. Then, he’d asked for her to meet him in his study for the morning.
When she did arrive, she looked none too happy.
“Prince Adrien,” she said, her voice sharp with irritation as she curtsied before him.
“Princess Marinette,” he returned, bowing for her. He then offered her to take a seat, which she did. She sat all and proud, chin raised, eyes fiery.
If they were on better terms, he’d gladly pour compliments over her and lay a kiss on her knuckles. However, he knew that would not be accepted at the moment.
He hoped that one day they would.
“Your highness, I need to apologize­—”
Adrien paused. “Why?”
“Why do you feel the need to flatter me with apologies after what you did to my kingdom?”
Adrien took a breath. “Because no matter what my father did, I disagreed with him from the start.”
“Yet you were on the battlefield.”
“If he was going to start a war I could not stop, and the generals were more than happy to put in in motion, then there was nothing I could do except hope to keep the casualties to a minimum.”
Her eyes narrowed as she studied him for a moment. “Is that why we constantly crossed paths in town?” she asked. “Because you were trying to keep civilian casualties low?”
“And I scouted ahead,” he admitted. “To see the best way we could surprise people and subsequently flush them out instead of firing deadly shots.”
Again, those sharp blue eyes locked on him. He stared back, hoping that she would realize that he was telling the truth.
“I want to believe you.”
Her tone was sharp, but somehow, he believed those words. “If you don’t, I would understand completely,” he said. “You have every right to be mad at me. You have every right to not believe me. Honestly, you have every right to hate me and my kingdom and my father. I won’t fault you.”
For a moment, her eyes fell to her lap. After a moment of silence, they returned to him. “Before the war began,” she started, “your father said your kingdom did not kill my parents.”
“I have every reason to believe that is the truth,” Adrien said. “We had no reason to start war with your kingdom. As I said before, I advised my father against going to war with your kingdom. If the assassins were from our kingdom, then we would brand them as traitors and bring them to justice. As smaller kingdoms, we would have been better off forging an alliance between us. Why start a war when we could be strong together and on good terms?”
Marinette looked skeptical, but at least she wasn’t angry at him anymore. Adrien would gladly take any peace offering she would give.
“Can I have your word,” she said, “that you know nothing about the assassins. Swear to me with the same honor you showed on the battlefield to my people—to me—that you did not have any involvement with them or the plan to take over my kingdom.”
He held up a hand in oath and looked her directly in the eyes. “I swear on my life and on my honor that I had no knowledge of any sort pertaining to your parents’ assassination.”
For the longest time, she just looked at him, studying him. He didn’t dare move.
“I believe you.”
He felt relieved, but knew that that her belief was shaky. “I swear to you,” he said, “that even if I have to spend the rest of my life proving that trust to you, I will. And I will begin today.”
It was barely noticeable, but her shoulders relaxed the tiniest bit and her chin lowered slightly.
He grinned. He supposed it was a start.
Marinette was in her castle, back in her own room that wouldn’t be hers for much longer. How long, she wasn’t certain, but Adrien agreed to let her stay in the home she grew up in until further notice.
“Your royal highness,” a servant that approached her said. “Prince Adrien Agreste of the Papillion Kingdom has arrived and requested an audience with you.”
Her stomach dropped. “Lead me to him.”
With false courage, she went downstairs to meet him. “Prince Adrien,” she greeted. “What brings you?”
The look on his face was worrisome. His frown was strong, and his eyes held a sadness. With his head bowed, he presented her a stack of letters. “Princess Marinette,” he said. “I must beg your forgiveness. I swear I have upheld my oath that I had no hand in this, but I recently discovered that my father has.”
Her heart stopped. With shaky hands, she reached out to take the offered papers and slowly opened them to read.
“I’m sorry,” Adrien kept repeating. “I’m so sorry.”
She couldn’t read them fully. She could only skim them. Words popped off the page at her, haunting her. Somehow, she finished reading the damning papers. Her world felt like it was spinning, leaving her dizzy and disoriented. Absently, she closed the papers, looking up at him even though she felt completely lost.
“Princess Marinette, I have a proposition to make you,” he began. His voice was filled with emotion he was clearly trying to shove down. “I met you on the battlefield many a time, and if the rumors are true, then you are a skilled spy. Though, you only became one to serve your kingdom.”
Her brow furrowed.
“I know I do not know you well enough to say this, but I will state it anyway: I believe you would make a great queen for your kingdom. As its heir, you should be the rightful ruler, not my father.”
She smiled bitterly. “That is kind of you to say—”
“I’m not finished,” he said. He glanced around at the soldiers in the room before leaning closer and lowering his voice. “I am only slightly more confident in saying that my father clearly does not have the proper respect or honor it takes to lead a kingdom.”
Her eyes widened in surprise at his words.
A fire sparked in his eyes, and she knew he was about to say something dangerous. “So will you assist me,” he said, voice barely above a whisper. “In overthrowing my father.”
His words stunned. She was there with her eyes wide and mouth agape in a way she would certainly be scolded for.
“And once we do,” he said. “Because I am most certain we will succeed, I will take over for my father and grant you back your kingdom, allowing you to become the ruler that your kingdom deserves.” He paused, taking a step back to give her space. “I wish to prove to you that the man you met on the battlefield was one of honor. I’m asking for a lot, I am aware, but will you partner with me on this endeavor?”
Marinette looked him over, searching his eyes and his body language and his expressions. She knew it was madness to trust him, but then again, did he have reason to trust her? Marinette could tell he was earnest in his apology and righteous in his intentions.
“I remember on the battlefield,” Adrien continued. “How, each time we ran into each other, we would find ourselves in the other’s debt. Well, I seem to find myself vastly in yours, and I hope… I hope you will trust me enough to allow me to pay it off.”
While stunned at his words, she stuck her hand out in the space between them. “Surprisingly, I do trust you. Prove to me now that you are that man I met on the battlefield.”
He smiled, then reached for her hand, bowing over it to kiss her knuckles respectfully. “Princess Marinette, I will not let you down. And maybe one day, I will prove to you the kind of man I am.”
She smiled, remembering that first time they met on the battlefield. How he’d come to save her. The irony of each of them assisting the enemy was not lost on her. But now, she knew in her heart that they were fighting for the same side. “I believe you… Partner.”
It was the second hardest year of Adrien’s life. Plotting to overthrow his own father… he warred with himself about how terrible of a son he was. But in the end, when he discovered more incriminating evidence about his father wanting to wage war with another kingdom, that was all Adrien needed to be certain that this plan was for the best.
Marinette was a good partner. She would make an incredible queen, her words powerful and actions meaningful. But she was also sly and crafty and clever. It was because of her that a rally of trustworthy troops were at the ready to assist in bringing Adrien’s father to justice.
“I’m doing this for you, Adrien,” his father had said when presented with the evidence.
“No, you’re not,” Adrien scowled. “This is for your own selfish gain.”
After that, Adrien offered his father two options: step down quietly and give Adrien the throne, or be assassinated on the spot.
With Marinette pointing a knife at his nick, Adrien’s father decided to go quietly. Adrien called in several court servants to serve as witnesses as the paperwork was completed.
“I don’t want to lock you in the dungeons, father,” Adrien said. “I suggest going quietly to mother’s old estate.”
Marinette was the one who sent soldiers to monitor him for months. And when they came back a few months later saying he was killed, Marinette and Adrien decided to look the other way instead of seek justice.
The next several months after King Gabriel’s resignation were spent rebuilding the kingdoms and establishing Marinette as Queen of the Coccinelle Kingdom before releasing it entirely.
“But Marinette,” Adrien began, “one thing before you return.”
She turned her blue eyes on him. He could not deny the way his heart skipped whenever she looked at him. Or how it got hard to breathe. Or words failed him.
He swallowed. “I… For the benefit of both our kingdoms, I would like to bind our kingdoms together in peace,” he said.
She smiled, and he might have had to brace himself on his desk to keep from falling over. When he was a kid, he never understood the fluttery feelings lovers got in fairytales. Now, it seemed he understood them too well. “Well,” she began. “There is a simple solution.”
It took him much too long to come to any conclusion, and when he did, it seemed like the wrong one. “A marriage union?”
Her smile confirmed it, and nearly knocked him off his feet in the process. “I do find myself in your debt, after all.”
His brow furrowed. “How so?”
Her smile shifted slightly, changing it from congratulatory to sweet. “You returned my kingdom to me.”
“I could not have accomplished that without your assistance,” he countered. “Furthermore, that is the fulfillment of my debt to you.”
She shook her head. “I disagree.”
His heart skipped and he swallowed, giving him a moment longer to find words to say. “I don’t think that you owe me nearly enough to pledge your life to me out of gratitude.”
That locked the two in an impasse.  
“Then,” Marinette began. “May I suggest that you come courting, and maybe, after a while, I’ll find myself in such a debt that I won’t be able to say no to your proposal.”
He couldn’t hold back his smile even if he wanted to. “Then my I warn you that this young king has set his sights on a lovely young queen to be his bride.”
He relished the sight of her smile as well as the light dusting of pink on her cheeks. “Your warning has been noted. Best of luck to you in your endeavors.”
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fluffyseapancakes · 6 years
Hi! I was wondering if maybe you could do a fic where Peter finds out that the reader gets really flustered when he even says "tickle" or wiggles his fingers, or gives the reader THAT look. And lots of teases ensue "Im not even touching you!, Why are you giggling?" Ect. Thank you! I love your fics so much ❤
My heart was fluttering the whole time I was writing this. Thank you!
Peter Parker was the bane of your existence, you loved him and he was like a brother to you, but sometimes you thought about throwing him off of the Stark Tower. Like any brother he teased you often and acted as if it was his job to make you blush and squirm. You were usually a stoic person so his attempts at embarrassing you were unsuccessful, until he found out a little secret you have been keeping.
It was a rather peaceful weekend with the Avengers, everyone was dispersed around the Tower doing their own thing and you were hanging out in the living room working on homework with Peter. Every now and then one your friends would come up and grab a drink or snack from the kitchen, Bruce gave you some helpful tips on your math homework and Steve told you some pretty neat stories that you could put in your history essay about World War II. Peter drummed his pencil against his textbook and endlessly chatted to you about his favorite comic book heroes. As he was ranting that the best heroes didn’t need to use calculus, he started coughing and got up to get a glass of water.
“Ugh I got a little tickle in my throat,” he took a sip of the drink and noticed that you had cringed slightly.
“Did I say something?” He raised his eyebrow, he turned his body so he was directly looking at you. Your cheeks started to burn and you shifted uncomfortably.
“Nothin’,” you mumbled, you quickly went back to doing your homework and prayed that Peter would drop it.
“All I said was I had a tickle in my throat,” he repeated his words, he noticed that you blushed even harder and bit your lip when he said the word tickle.
“Oh no way,” Peter grinned, he walked over to where you were sitting and plopped down next to you, “are you ticklish Y/N?”
You flinched and glared at your best friend, “Do not say that word.”
“This is priceless,” he laughed and wiggled his fingers teasingly, “how ticklish are you?”
You couldn’t help but start giggling when you saw his wriggling fingers, you immediately tried to get up but Peter wrapped his arms around you and brought you back down to the couch. “I’m not even touching you and you’re already laughing,” Peter said amusingly, “this is going to be fun.”
“O-Oh screw you,” you giggled, he wasn’t even tickling you yet but you felt electricity flowing through your body that caused your chest to bubble up with high pitched giggles.
“You need to respect your elders Y/N,” with that he suddenly dug his fingers into your belly and you bucked up with a squeal. You quietly cursed his Spider-Man strength as you tried to squirm out of his grasp but he had you securely trapped. His fingers explored your sides and ribs, then travelled back down to your belly and gently poked and prodded at the soft skin. Your loud laughter filled the entire room and you were mortified when a snort escaped from your nose. Peter cackled with glee and started to trace around your bellybutton as your shirt rose up from the struggling. Uncontrollable giggles poured from your mouth and you kicked your legs in protest.
“W-We’re only a few months apart!” You gasped out, he started to squeeze your ribs again and you cried with laughter. Knowing that you were about to explode, he stopped his attack and you curled up into a ball with breathy giggles.
“Then you better respect me or else I would have to take drastic measures,” Peter winked. You groaned and buried your head into a pillow, already knowing that he was going to take full advantage of your weakness.
Unfortunately your prediction was correct. Peter knew better than to actually tickle you in public, but all he had to do was wiggle his fingers or say the word and you were reduced to a blushing mess. When he waved at you in the hallway or called you over to a lunch table, he would wiggle his fingers oh so slightly that no one else noticed but you. In every conversation he would casually slip in the dreaded word and pretended not to notice you turning red.
“I’m so tickled to train with Mr. Stark tonight, how about you Y/N?”
“Hey Ned can you pass me your juice? I have a tickle in my throat.”
“Maybe I’ll take up the piano as a hobby so I can tickle some ivories.”
“Y/N have you heard of a color called Tickled Pink? You should paint your bathroom that color!”
“Mr. Stark keeps on telling me to stop tickling the dragon’s tail, but I want to be more than just a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man you know?”
MJ and Ned noticed the weird way Peter was talking, but they just shrugged it off and assumed it was an Avengers inside joke. You hoped that the more he uttered the word, the less impact it would have on you, but to your horror the effects were getting worse and it was getting more difficult for you to hide your reactions.
The end of the day was finally approaching and you took your seat in your Anatomy&Physiology class. Peter was already sitting in the desk next to you and gave you a little wave, you saw his fingers wiggling slightly and you felt intense heat rise up into your cheeks.
“You better run when we get to the Tower,” you hissed at him. Peter smiled innocently and cocked his head to the side.
“I haven’t done anything bad Y/N,” he said in a sickly sweet voice, “I barely even touched you all day.” You glared at him and proceeded to focus on the lecture. Today your teacher was going over the central nervous system and you were feverishly taking notes as he spoke about the brain, spinal cord, neurons, and nerves. You were starting to regret signing up for the advanced class, as soon as you grasped the structures of the brain, the teacher was already ten steps ahead with the spinal cord. Your hand was starting to ache from writing and your usually neat handwriting turned into illegible scribbles.
I definitely need to borrow Peter’s notes, you thought. Tony wasn’t happy that your grades have been dropping so you needed to really step it up. As the teacher was explaining the peripheral nervous system, a familiar voice interrupted his droning.
“Sir?” He raised his hand and you looked over at your best friend in confusion. Peter never needed to ask for clarification in class so you couldn’t come up with a reason why he needed to ask a question.
“Yes Peter,” even the teacher seemed mildly surprised and nodded towards the enthusiastic teen.
“Since we’re talking about how our bodies respond to certain stimuli,” he started to ask, you slowly pieced his words together and your eyes widened in disbelief.
He wouldn’t dare, you thought. As if he heard you, Peter turned his head and grinned at you devilishly.
“Is it possible to be tickled to death?”
You let out a tiny scream that only he could hear and you put your forehead against the desk. The teacher chuckled in amusement and started answering his question. In nearly every sentence your teacher said the word and you felt like you were living your worst nightmare. It’s not that you were hurt or traumatized by tickling, it was because you actually enjoyed it and you were too mortified to admit it to your best friend. You knew Peter and the Avengers would never judge or mock you for it, but deep inside you felt the tugging fear that they would take you less seriously.
Your belly was starting to ache from all the cringing and you were sure that by the end of the day, you were going to have rock hard abs like Thor’s. The bell finally rang and you nearly knocked over all the students by barreling out the door. You rammed through the school doors and took a deep breath of fresh air.
“Y/N!” Peter caught up behind you and put a hand on your shoulder, you stared at his hand to find movement in his fingers but they stayed still.
“I didn’t push you too hard did I?” He looked at you with concern and you smiled up at him.
“I’m fine Pete,” you reassured him, “I’m just not used to being on the other end of the teasing, it’s kinda fun actually.”
“Good,” Peter grinned, “because there’s one donut left in the kitchen and I was gonna give it to you but since you’re fine, I’ll gladly take it.”
You gasped and stomped your foot playfully, “I was going to have it as a snack!”
“Then you better get there first,” checking to make sure there were no students, Peter put on his web slinger and disappeared up into the buildings. You shook your head and smiled, Peter Parker may be the bane of your existence, but you knew he was the reason why you smile everyday.
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bakugous-abs · 6 years
Could you do a scenario where bakugou and the reader have a huge crush on eachother and they're both oblivious? Kirishima gives bakugou a dare to kiss the next person who walks through the door and at first he's like "what no, fuck off" then when the reader walks in, he's like "fine, only because you dared me to" thank you!!!!💘💖💘💟
Aaaaaaaa !! This was a cute ask and I loved it so much. I hope you like it! There was no gender that was specifically assigned so I made it gender neutral, I hope you don’t mind. It also got p long-Bomb
They sighed, picking attheir lunch food with the chopsticks in their hand. Their other hand rested ontheir cheek, pointer finger tapping on their cheek bone. They sighed again,this time, a breathier one, moving the soba around the plate and to the veryedge before picking it up and letting it fall onto the plate again
“You’re going to fillthe air with more carbon dioxide than oxygen at this rate, s/o” Kirishima said,picking up some of his meal and putting it into his mouth, his sharp and sharklike teeth easily tearing the hunk of meat to shreds 
“Oh shut it.” Theysmiled, putting down their chopsticks
“Are you still thinkingof him? Now? While you’re eating?” Sero looked at them with a concerned face,seeing their soba not touched 
“Ah, im sorry. I just,can’t stop?” They picked up their chopsticks again and grabbed some soba withthem, filtering it into their mouth and sucking them up, chewing on the noodlesto keep their mouth occupied
“No its just, this isthe third day in a row I haven’t seen you eat a whole meal because youve beenmore and more focused on Bakugou”
They chewed their food, their eyebrows crinkling as a confused and mufflednoise came from their throat. Had they really not been eating because they werethinking about him so much? Oops… that would explain the increased after schoolappetite and why they were so hungry at the end of the day. They swallowedtheir food, and voiced a part of their thoughts
“Have I really not beeneating?”
“Yeah. You should reallyeat bro, or i’m gonna have to start feeding you.” Kaminari butted in, liftinghis arm across the table with a piece of Yakitori that he picked today, sinceLunch Rush was lacking his usual favorite hamburgers today
They backed away, butKaminari kept moving forward. His efforts to make them eat some of his chosenmeal were futile, as a flaming ash haired blond came in unusually late,slamming his hand on the table, smoking and about to explode. His mouth wassculpted into his usual scowl and frown, and beautiful crimson eyes locked ontoKaminari
“They can eat their owndamn food, Pikachu! Now get your arm off the table before I blow it off!”Bakugou, s/o’s long time crush since the sports festival, yelled at Kaminari
He backed off, butinstead of a scared look, he was smirking at Sero and Kirishima, like he knewsomething s/o and Bakugou didn’t
S/o cocked their head atthem, but got distracted when Bakugou forcefully moved them over into the boothseat, but it wasn’t quite aggressive, more like a guiding touch to teach themto move over when he comes around. He placed his rather large hand on theirshoulder, not smoking anymore as he placed his other hand on their knee, movingthem against the wall
They made a small noiseof surprise when their entire body moved with ease, and their Soba was placedin front of them as Bakugous Tantanmen was put in their place
They could still feelBakugou’s hands lingering on their skin, even if they weren’t near their bodyanymore. It’s like his touch was being scanned and printed onto their skin,leaving a mark that would soon fade away
Their face became alittle warm. Why didn’t he just shove them to the side? He would have done thatwith anyone else? Maybe he’s tired. Yeah, he’s just tired, he probably doesn’thave the energy to be rude like that
They shook their headand picked up their chopsticks once more and put some more soba on them,dipping them into the sauce. They sunk into the dark sauce, soaking up itscontents before they were picked back up, dripping wet as they put them intotheir mouth, slurping them up 
“GUYSSSS!!!” A highpitched voice came running across the lunch room. The owner of the voice landedin front of the booth, revealing none other than Mina, a happy smile all acrossher face as her caramel pupils lit up with a new light contrasting to her jetblack sclera
Her voice scared themfrom the peace of their noodles, and for the 4th time this lunch period, theyset down their lunch and just opted to not eat anymore as they slid the tray tothe middle of the table, crossing their arms and leaning into the seat with ascowl resembling Bakugou’s on their face
“Hey, Ashido! What’sup?” Kaminari greated her, pulling a Yakitori ball off his skewer and chewingit as Kirishima greeting her as well
“Guess what?!” Sheasked, but before anyone could respond, she blurted it out anyway. “Aizawaisn’t assigning homework over the weekend so we’re free to do whatever wewant!” She jumped into the seat that sat Bakugou and S/o, pushing Bakugou intothem
His instincts kicked inand he reached over S/o with his right arm, grabbing onto the booth wall thatseparated them from the next booth over as well as grabbing the table with hisleft hand, preventing his body from ramming into theirs
By this time, S/o hadtried to take cover from Bakugou into them, holding their forearm in front ofthem as if to protect them from Bakugou falling into them. And when they feltnothing, they looked up, seeing themself trapped between the seat and Bakugou
Bakugou’s eyes weresqueezed shut, like he was anticipating himself to have crashed into them. Butwhen he opened his eyes, he was no more than a few inches away from S/o’s face.He could see colorful specks of similar color to their eyes in them, creating amystical glow. He could see their lashes, and he could feel their body heat
Unfortunately, themoment lasted no more than a few seconds before Bakugou’s face got a warm hueto it, and he turned himself around, giving Mina an earful as he tried towrestle his hand to her face, palms smoking as he was prepared to fire a shotat her
Bakugou’s head wasfilled with the image of their face. How perfect it looked underneath him. Howthey curiously stared up at him, as if confused by the way he put his armsaround them, shielding them from himself crashing into them with a hurtfulforce. Why did he do that? And why didn’t they look scared of him as everyoneelse would? Why didn’t they fear him?
They must be underestimating him, that’s what it is! They were underestimatinghim! His crush of all people was underestimating him! Damn… 
“Aaa!! Bakugou Im sorry!I’ll move!” Ashido screeched as Bakugou was still seething with anger, handssmoking as she escaped his grasp, going to the other side of the booth andweaving her way in between Kaminari and Kirishima
“You better be sorry! Ialmost just crushed S/o into a flapjack!” He yelled, pointing an accusingfinger at her while she hid between the two
“And why should you careabout whether you crushed them or not, hm?” Kaminari asked, holding a straightface as he continued to eat his meal. Everyone looked to Bakugou, staring athim for an answer
Bakugou opened his mouthto yell at him, but he couldn’t find the words to say, as the reason why wasbecause he liked them, but they were right fucking there!!!!! He couldn’t justsay it!!!! Even for as blunt and rude of a guy he is, this was something hecouldn’t say!!!!
S/o seemed to notice theuncomfortable and frustrated energy coming off of him as he couldn’t find ananswer, so as to not make their hopes run higher than they already were, theyturned to Ashido, asking her a clarification question
“Really? No homework?Why?” 
It seemed to cause a largeenough distraction from Bakugou as the table turned their attention to the pinkgirl, awaiting an answer
Her face lit up like astar as she sat back up, clapping her hands. “I don’t know!! That’s just thething though. Since there’s no homework tonight, what do you guys think about asleepover?!” Her hands clapped together excitedly, looking towards everyone“Ah, sorry, I can’t. My mother is coming down with a cold and I have to bethere all weekend to take care of her so my dad can catch up on workdays thathe missed.” Sero admitted sadly
“Aw, it’s ok Sero. Yourmother’s health is important, we understand.” S/o leaned forward, her bodyslightly pressing against Bakugous as they across the table and took Seros handin their, giving it a squeezeHis cheeks blushed barely noticeable, but he smiled and nodded. If Bakugou hadto be honest, he had to stop himself from relaxing his face to stare at s/o,seeing them able to calm someone down and brighten their mood in nearly aninstant was something he liked in their character, something that he couldn’tdo, but would be great for their hero work“That’s too bad Sero. I’ll come though Mina, I got you” Kaminari ate the lastof his Yakitori, sliding the empty dish to the middle
“And i’d love to cometoo Mina, I don’t have anything to do and my parents are gonna be out of townfor a few days in a business trip, so the house is gonna be a little lonelywhile they’re gone”
“Yay!! What about youKirishima? Bakugou?” 
“Sure, why not? Soundsfun” Kirishima put the last of his meat in his mouth, sliding his dish to themiddle of the table where s/o’s and Kaminaris sat, empty
“Like hell i’ll come.”Bakugou spat out, eating his Tantanmen in large mouthfuls
“Aw. Come on Bakugou!It’s going to be fun at Mina’s house! I’m sure of it!” they pinched his sleevebetween the side of the pointer finger and clamping it with their thumb,tugging it
“Yeah dude! It’s Minashouse for All Mights sake, you gotta know it’s fun!” Kirishima came in as well,leaning across the table with a little smile on his face seeing s/o’s realizinglook of what they just did, and seeing Bakugou not so scowly anymore
“Pleaaaase Bakugou?”Mina clapped her hands together and laced her fingers, holding them in front ofher as if to beg him
He growled, turning awayfrom S/o as he begrudgingly agreed to go
Everyone cheered as thebell to signal lunch time was over, and everyone grabbed their food and placedit in their respectable waste bins before putting the reusable trays into adrop bin, making their way to their next class
“Where are they?!” Minacomplained for the sixth time in fifteen minutes, not seeing S/o walk insidethe door yet. Bakugou and Kirishima had arrived for the sleepover early, andwere now sitting on the couch in more comfortable attire“Maybe they’re just running late? Did you try texting them?” Kirishima reachedfor his phone, ready to text them“I already did shitty hair.” Bakugou barked across the room, shutting off hisphone and putting it into his pocket. “S/o’s shitty fucking dog sitter was sickso they had to hurry and bring it to their aunts. They’ll be here in ten minutes”
“Ok… what aboutKaminari?”
“You really expect me tokeep tabs on the fucking Pikachu all damn day?”
“But you keep tabs onS/o?” 
“Shut the hell up shittyhair!” His face flashed into a red hue
Suddenly, Kirishima’sphone got a buzz, the screen lighting up with a message from none other thanKaminari
“Kaminari will be alittle late, he said he’ll also be here in ten minutes”
“Yay!!! They didn’t bailon us!” Mina’s limbs seemed to just shoot up in the air as she fell back intothe armchair, happy
“No shit, raccoon eyes”
The next few minuteswere spent in solemn silence, none of them realizing just how unalive the groupis without Kaminari or S/o here to lighten things up and cause a riot. TillKirishima suggested they play a game while they wait
“Oooo, what kinda game?”Mina asked, propping herself up in the chair right, sliding down it and towardsthe coffee table in the middle of the room
“I don’t know, truth ordare? Just something simple before they both arrive”
“Oooo, I haven’t playedthat game in a while! Come on Bakugou, get down here and play!” Mina urgedBakugou to the floor as Kirishima slid off his chosen couch, seating himselfnext to the table
“No way in hell am Igoing to play a little kids game-” He began, but Kirishima cut him off. “Great!I’ll start off. Bakugou. I dare you to kiss whoever walks in through that doornext.” Kirishima smiled a toothy smile, showing every single shark and sharklike tooth that Bakugou wanted to knock right the hell out of his head
“Excuse me?! Who thehell do you think you are?! No way in hell am I going to do tha-”His voice fellshort again as the door to the living room swung open, revealing S/o in a warmsweater and sweatpants, fit for the cool weather of the summer nights. It wasgreatly oversized, probably coming from their fathers closet rather than theirown, making them look smaller
“Sorry guys! Dog sittergot sick out of nowhere!” They kicked their shoes off at the door, closing itwith a click of the doorknob
Bakugou was shockedstill, Mina and Kirishima looking from S/o to Bakugou as they sat next to him.His mouth was stupidly agape as he looked at them. It wasn’t till he heardstifled giggling that he was released from his trance, eyes flickering toKirishima for a brief moment before he spoke
“Fine, but only becauseyou dared me to.” He turned to S/o, seeing them confused. He imagined himselfaggressively grabbing their face and turning their head towards himself, buthis actions were much more calming and less violent than his imagination
His hand reached out ashis scowl released from his face, becoming more and more worryful with everysecond that passed. They barely had time to react before his lips were placedon theirs
Mina and Kirishimawhistled at the both of them, watching as S/o’s eyes fluttered closed and theykissed back
Kaminari opened thedoor, hearing the whistling too as he saw the both of the them kissing, andjoined in too, taking out his phone and recording the scene
“It’s about time theyfound out! I was about to opt for plan B and just lock them in a closet!”
“There was a plan B?!”
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