#i fear i should save that for when i post the big lineup
pareidolla · 1 month
Cold lover anon-
Gshshshhs thank you for pals to follow, am new to this fandom but STP has grabbed me and won’t let go. I’ve written so much shit for it (that I’ll probably not upload anywhere lol)
We will love our voices forever damnit
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wahh sorry for how like i took to answer ❄️ anon >< i've doodled cold a whole bunch since this ask but my brain would always fizzle out when it came to his clothes. i have a vision in mind that these cursed hands cannot accurately poetry
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so i did the reasonable thing and slapped an x-ray over him! he's a doctor so it's not that much of a lazy move (lie)
i can't say if i'm satisfied with his appearance just yet because, on the one hand, i don't think he's distinctive enough from the other voices but on the other side... awooga man with long hair. i am however slapping a big NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE FINAL PRODUCT on his clothes (my beloathed!)
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steve0discusses · 4 years
S5 Ep 3: Apdnarg is Really Hard to Spell
 Yo guys, people are getting vaccinated, the sun is parting through the clouds, and I felt so nice that I even stopped listening to quite so many throwback 00′s BTS mashups (and yet I keep clicking on these dissonant catastrophes thinking “this time it’s got to be better. This time they’ll figure it out.” and like, no. Turns out you can’t match Brittany’s Toxic with BTS’ Black Swan. You can’t do that.)
This must be a sign that things are getting better. If anything, it means my personal tastes are improving. I mean I only clicked on like 3 “Dark Academia” Playlists where I could pretend I’m some sort of spooky witch in an abandoned library with a bad music player and basic taste in classical music (like can we ban Satie from Youtube for a little while?). Hell, I might even do a prompt update to this blog!
Yeah, you heard me, I’m actually going to stay ahead of the update schedule for Yugioh Abridged (maybe. I haven’t actually watched cuz of spoilers, I just noticed the thumbnail pop up on Youtube and was like “Damn it, they came out of hiatus??? I got hurry UP.”)
Anyway, speaking of the sky parting.
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I’ll have you know my bro said this is actually more like a circumcision and it was one of the worst thing I have ever heard.
We get a chance to take in this lineup of confusing and varied character designs, and Joey. who is...still Joey.
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The animators probably had to hold a strike in order for them to put Yugi in the audience, lets be real. There are TOO MANY PEOPLE in this shot and one is wearing a turban where you draw every single wrap. I hope those artists charged by the line.
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Tea has a subplot where she’s just very frustrated with everyone she knows. They have been traveling together for like many weeks and got trapped in a foreign country so I get it. But at the same time, it’s kind of hard to picture Tea with female friends.
Because right now you got this 12 year old child, the other duelist who does not care about anything besides cards, and Kaiba’s 3 dragon cards that we’ve all collectively decided are female.
Hell it’s almost like the writers are asking themselves why Tea is here. Maybe they forgot. There’s no more ghosts to bus, no more people to knock out with her ass with random Olympic feats. Tea’s just sidelining.
(read more under the cut)
Mokuba is a itty bit bit taller this season, and so I guess that means he can legally climb on top of the cherry picker in order to give a riveting speech.
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Really says a lot about Mokuba that he is so unphased about talking to, I dunno...an entire planet of people. Kind of a shame we never see this courage from Mokuba used for anything other than talking really, really big and giving everyone around him a really hard time.
Mokuba takes a moment to dunk on Yugi Muto, as is Kaiba tradition.
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And then introduce the first pair of duelists, which obviously must be between the few people in this tournament that we actually know and care about.
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Thankfully, in between last episode and this episode, Yugi has figured out who his own Grandpa is. This is a relief, because Yugi is such a mess, that I was fully convinced it would take over half a season for him to recognize it. I mean how long did it take him to figure out he shares a body with a ghost? Like half a season?
Instead Yugi recovered gracefully from not recognizing his grandpa, but it’s not like he bothered to tell anyone else, so the rest of our cast is just gonna be like “Is he my hairdresser? The guy who delivers my mail? Who is this guy who made absolutely no significant changes to his outfit or voice?”
Like sometimes this show goes full Spongebob silly kid’s show and you never know when to take it seriously or not. They might be sacrificing the entire cast next episode. I really don’t know. But for now their big concern is who is grandpa??? Like an innocent card version of “Are you my Mother?”
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Faced with public speaking, Yugi decides to have a melt down.
We have seen him face monsters, we’ve seen him on TV dozens of times, he’s been in multiple competitions...but give a speech? Of course he can’t do that. The kid doesn’t attend enough school to know how to do that. Them’s learning skills.
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And that was when a newly assembled wife-jet spliced through the sky like a souped up razer scooter and deposited 1 fully equipped Seto Kaiba in a Buzz Lightyear jetsuit.
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Seto always watching over his Brother, ready to save this awkward party if it kills him (and it really should, that suit is held together by two seat-belts), making sure to get on that platform before Yugi starts going off about how he’s half an Ancient Egyptian. (Ah, life before social media. You could just be hella famous and also half a dead dude and people would just not know. I kinda miss the time before I knew literally everything about everyone.)
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Please admire how close those flames are to setting Mokuba’s heavily hairsprayed mane completely alight. It would be an unforgettable spectacle.
These were absolutely just random ass jet packs that Gozaburo Kaiba made to kill hell tons of people, right? Like Seto found it in the family cabin, clutched to the heart of some crispy fried corpse and was like “neat! Mokuba! I found a cool toy!” and just plucked that thing out of that skeleton’s clutches and has been flying around for months?
Like this is Seto Kaiba’s Butter Glider, right?
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Seriously what type of vehicle license do you need for one of these things? RIP My ‘Seto only has a scooter license’ headcanon.
Which I’m only even thinking about because I’ve had to try and make an appt with the DMV for days to get a freakin REAL ID. I went to sleep in 2019 and I could fly on a plane. I woke up in 2021 and it’s like “Want one last screw you?” and just...can 2020 please stop screwing me over? It’s March.
Anyway, the Jet is removed soon after, so no, this is not part of his new outfit. He goes right back to his Post-S4-Trauma-Normcore.
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After wrestling this competition out of his brother’s hands and confusing everyone in the audience, Roland must have gotten the memo to cut the microphone before Seto got too excited and we were quickly ushered on to the next stage of the tournament.
One sec...the BTS Mashup playlist I just clicked on did a Black Swan X 7 rings mashup and it’s the worst thing my ears have ever heard.
Holy crap. I had to actually turn down my volume. Like...Ariana Grande already has music that has way too many overlapping singing parts on it--and then lets just stick a 52-person boy band on top? That’ll fix it. Yeah. Go ahead.
Wow. Even I had to change the song and you know how much I enjoy pop culture mistakes.
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Spot the Mickey but like a million times easier because it’s a Massive Dick Shaped Dragon.
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Yep. That’s my grocery shopping outfit. Except maybe not a lab coat and a duel disk. Wish I had a duel disk, that would make social distancing just a hell ton earlier. Just a “Yo, only one person in checkout, please” and then bap them on the head with a propelled discuss/hologram.
Anyway, Grocery shopping/Doctor man dueled the Purple Hair Boy, and considering that Purple Hair got screen time and shook Yugi’s hand once--I think that Doctor man doesn’t stand a freakin chance.
Good. I hate him.
Also, every time he breathes he’s gonna fog up his glasses. I have experience in this area. He can’t read his own cards in the same way I can’t read my phone if I’m in the refrigerated aisle.
So the way this tournament works, is everyone has to sit in the stadium to watch the show. Kinda like showing up to a football stadium just to watch a recorded TV monitor...but then again...that is how it feels to watch a football game at a football stadium when it’s live (at least with the tickets I usually get.)
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And as we watch Grandpa waiting for his competitor, we find out that his competitor (Joey) is too busy eating snacks to give him the time of day.
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Why do cartoon hot dogs always have lettuce? Is that seriously supposed to be relish? Or is there a place in the world where you put lettuce on your hot dog?
Sorry, bro has just informed of his favorite hot dog order, which is absolutely terrible so I will share it with you: a Five Guys hot dog with ketchup, mustard, pickle relish, onions, mushrooms, pickled peppers, and you guessed it--topped with freakin lettuce.
My own kin. How am I over 30 and just finding out that my baby brother thinks it’s normal to walk into a restaurant with normal god-fearing law-abiding people and order lettuce and mushrooms on a hot dog?
I have fully failed him.
The rest of this episode is watching both Joey Wheeler and Mokuba have a shared panic attack while Seto does freakin nothing.
Please remember that Seto has both a jetpack and a dragon wife plane and could have easily solved this problem. But nah.
Then again, Seto Kaiba has given this crew so MANY rides, that maybe he’s tired of being the Soccer Mom for the team?
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Like they don’t actually say this episode, but Seto was the one in charge of like...this entire place, do you think he made the 2 for 1 special just to get Joey where it hurts the most? Or does it actually not take any subterfuge to screw Joey Wheeler because he’s just naturally this way?
Like Mokuba wasn’t there when Joey was told “stay right here, and then we will all go together to fight Dartz” and Joey was like “I’mma save Mai from herself although she told me not to!” and then he Hella Died. But, Mokuba did see the result, AKA, Joey’s dead body being carried on the back of Tristan. Maybe Mokuba never realized that Joey died because he went out of his way to be late?
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Lets do a tally of every time I can recall with my dodgy memory that Joey was threatened to be DQ’d/pretty much was DQ’d either by his own fault or no fault of his own
-When he wasn’t allowed to go on the boat to Murder Island because he was a stupid nobody kid who did not have a dueling glove
-When he wasn’t actually supposed to be in Pegasus’ tourney and was, in fact, secretly using half of Yugi’s entrance ticket the entire time
-when Bandit Keith stole the ticket that Joey got from Yugi so then Joey had to borrow Mai’s ticket although she had just used it so it really shouldn't have counted. Because, really anyone could have just piggy backed off of each other’s ticket until the whole boat went through that castle.
-When his account was hacked to get entered into Kaiba’s tourney when Kaiba very clearly told him he could not apply solely because he was Joey Wheeler.
-When he was late to his sister’s eye surgery because he got mugged by Marik’s Rare Hunters, so she almost refused to do the surgery.
-When Joey got possessed by Marik, and as Marik, threatened to murder everyone else in the tournament including both of the Kaiba brother’s who’s tournament it was, and then chained himself to Yugi Muto to throw both of them to the bottom of the ocean.
-I think there was a point when he threatened to attack Kaiba in Kaiba’s own tourney while not possessed? Like several times?
-when he got struck by Lightning and almost did not stand up fast enough after being struck by lightning, which is apparently a type of DQ in Duel Monsters.
-When he tried to save Mai from getting hit by a fireball, but then Yugi did it instead, and then so many people were standing on the dueling platform that Kaiba couldn’t possibly DQ them all.
-When he entered the restricted area of the blimp in order to hassle Kaiba into landing the Blimp, which Kaiba did not do.
-When Marik killed Joey before Joey could press the “go” button on his duel disk to play the card that should have won Joey the match.
-When he was dueling a lawyer in a digital universe but then the dice was like...weighted? So Noah had to walk over and be like “The hell is this weighted dice? This is my perfect digital world? How did you even do that?” and then Joey won because the match was no longer legit.
-When Joey yelled at Noah too much and so Noah turned Joey to stone for being a rude ass spectator
-When Mai was like “Wheeler and Valon, listen closely: do NOT murder each other” and then Joey did a murder on Valon so she was like “I guess I have no choice, I was very clear” and killed Joey straight up.
-When Joey decided to block Seto’s fireballs while Joey Wheeler WAS a playing card, somehow disrespecting both Dartz and Seto Kaiba at the same time.
-When Joey was playing cards but then got absorbed into a giant Leviathan and basically couldn’t play anymore after that.
-There’s probably hell ton of S0 stuff I just haven’t seen yet.
-This episode
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And Joey runs fast for a montage of wacky things that really have no business being in a theme park. Things like this:
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(remember when Bakura almost died from a rock that ended up being a balloon? It comes full circle.)
The stuff that the Kaiba brother’s think is normal and fun.
Anyway Joey fights off a bunch of hologram snakes and bats and everyone is like “Should we tell him it’s just holograms???” And it’s like wow, guys, how many times have these ‘holograms’ straight up murdered Joey Wheeler and everyone else on this cast? Too many? Because I have a google doc with so many deaths on it. 7,805,844,048, to be exact.
Anyway, he gets there with five seconds to spare and Mokuba’s like “well at least you were still entertaining while we filmed you in front of a live audience being a total spaz for 15 minutes straight, so I’ll let you go.”
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Grandpa and Joey start playing, Joey completely oblivious that this is just an older Muto, while Hawkins walks up awkwardly and is like “hey guys. I’m so sorry about this.”
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(welcome to my font choices, for those new here, I have to make weird font color choices to make sure it’s legible for the colorblind and also for the non-colorblind. This one is not much contrast, so I may change it up in the future, but for now, this is Grandpa Muto’s new font. I apologize to every graphic designer reading this. Please don’t tell anyone who has ever hired me for graphic design about this blog.)
What’s funny about this exchange is that after they find out that Yugi’s Grandpa is Apdnarg (HOLY my brain cannot get around the spelling for that, and I will not change it in the caps. I cannot do a ‘pdn’ ever again), they don’t stand on his side of the field or anything. Hawkins is legit Solomon Muto’s only fan during this exchange and like...damn. Way not to back your Grandpa, Yugi.
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Yugi immediately strides up to Mokuba to non-confrontation-ally inform him that he has stepped over a line and Mokuba is like “what are these things you say called ‘lines?’”
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According to Mokuba, Solomon Muto begged him to be in the competition so he could relive his glory days (glory days making no sense here, because the game has only been released for the past 15 years, so glory days is like...the before times that can only be referring to disgraced archeologists and Pegasus ((who is, in his own way...a disgraced archeologist, too))) and Mokuba was like
“You trained Yugi Muto, right? Hey that’s good enough for me. This drama is gold. People will eat it up. Hell yes. Don’t be afraid to abduct him a little bit. Maybe trap a couple people in a digital hellscape for a little while? Now we go by Pegasus house rules here, so fire as many lasers as you want, but just make sure not to hit anyone in the face. Oh man, we are going to be swimming in cash. Love it, Muto Sr, love it.”
But I dunno, I feel like Grandpa won’t make it past next episode. It is Joey. We kinda need him to make it past Ep 4 of the arc. If Grandpa Muto becomes the new Joey Wheeler, that will be a weird transition for this show to make.
But that’s all for today, as always, here is the link to read these in chrono order becuase there’s SO MANY that you don’t need to read backwards--don’t do it--just use the chrono tag (and I don’t know if you can add compound tags, but I did separate the Season from the Episode, so if you write S4, it should only pop up stuff from S4. I didn't’ do that to seasons 1-3 though because I just...didn’t.)
And because I brought it up: here it is, the best BTS Mashup that I found on my deep dive. Like legit--this one isn’t a mess:
Most of other ones are horrible in a fascinating way. Like I’m not even a BTS fan, I think I sort of age out of that metric, I’m just bored and quarantined. And lets be real, we all appreciate a good bop when we hear it.
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ppatricia34me · 4 years
You're on thin ice!
(So yha i don’t normal post my storys but i wated to with this, i hope you like it)
( Vil perpasttive.)
I sat in the Newly renovated Coliseum, there was ice Where dirt used to be, and the Air was as Cold as the Arctic, i  could See my breath, but thanks to Rook i was Surprisingly warm, he had brought this Lovely lavender blanket, Which paired with my light brown fur coat matching ear muffs and mittens, I was quite content. “Did I miss anything imported to Roi du Poison?” Rook Explained walking over to me with a cup of hot chocolate.
“Oh no, she hasn't Scored a goal yet!” i Exclaimed lately taking the cup.
“Well i’m sure mademoiselle Patricia well bet those Royal Sword bête!” Rook said with a smile. “I Sure hope so. Sports are so boring and having to be in the same place as Neige Is driving me crazy!” i Exclaimed drinking the Now cooled hot chocolate.
 Rook Let out a chuckle, i shoot him a glare.
“Sorry Roi du Poison, you're just so cute when you Show disgust!” Rook said Lightly covering his mouth with his leather gloved hand.
I rolled my eyes, but soon my eyes Snapped back to the game Once a loud and obnoxious sound rang through. “Roi du Poison she did it she Scored!” rook Exclaimed excitement lacing his voice as he stood to his feet, Nearly spilling his hot chocolate on to the ground.
I looked around the Rink to see if I could spot her, Only to find her with HIM, Neige Was practically hanging off of her, she had Managed to lift him in her Excitement, i could fell the Venom of jealousy Bubbling up, i wanted to push him off of her, i wanted to be in his place, soon The the alarm rang,, I let out of grumble realizing the game was over. “Lets go rook, i’m cold!” I exclaimed with Venom. “But Roi du Poison, What about Patricia?” rook asked. “She’ll understand, she Knows I don't do well in the cold!” I said my back awy from him. I Tensed up as i heard the Cheers from the team, they were getting close, no Doubt going for something warm to celebrate the teams semi victory! “Hay Your Royal Highness, are you going to stand thaer or Are you going to freeze your Ass off!” Leona Shouted Teasingly.
I could practically feel my nails digging into my palm as I suppressed the urge to punch him. “No i Mustn't I have a lot of work to do in the morning, the Queen needs his beauty sleep!’ I said.
Leona rolled his eyes at him and the rest of the Students carried Patricia off to the Direction of Mostro Lounge.
“Vill, is everything ok, you can tell me?” Rook Quietly said as he reached his hand out for my shoulder.
I Smacked his hand away and gave him a dirty look as I walked back to my dorm. (Patricia perspective, Mostro Lounge.)
I sat in a Crowded Booth with a big smile on my face, everyone was catering Amongst themselves. “You did Fantastic my dear!” Crowley Happily praised. “Oh Thank you sir, i’m sorry we didn’t win!” i Exclaimed with a smile. “Are you Kidding that was the first time we even made it on the leaderboard!” Crowley Exclaimed raising his hands up in the air.
I let out a giggle, and soon are food came, i smiled up at a Very Sweaty looking Floyd still in his Hockey jersey. “You played Grate Floyd!” i Exclaimed enthusiastically.
He Let out a chuckle.as he gave out the rest. “Oh come on Shorty you're pretty modest!” Leona Happily exclaimed as he put my head in a headlock and gave me a noogie .
“ Easy up, she’s are star player!” Silver let out a giggle as he playfully punched his arm .
We all let out joyful laughter, but deep in my mind I fault sadness, Vill wasn't here with us and we're celebrating without him, but i Tried not to think about it too much. (The next day Still (Patricia perspective)
“Did you do the homework last night?” Idia asked as we walked together to Mr. Trein's class. “Yep, i did it before the game!” I exclaimed as we walked in. Idia soon Took his seat in the back row as I made my way towards the front, i noticed an Empty seat by Vill. “Thanks for saving me my spot!” i said with a smile. Vill turned his head toward me, his Expression practically ooze Revolution. “This seat is taken!” he Exclaimed. “Oh, ok.” I said as I took the seat behind him. As Students started filing in I quickly noticed that nobody took the seat next to Vill, I new Rook didn’t have this class, so Vill seat Alone. Soon the 2 hour class was over, i got up from my Seat, i was about to talk to Vill but before i knew it he was gone.
“Are you ready to go, I heard they're selling Pizza in the cafeteria!”  Idia Shyly spoke.
I gave him a Small Smile as I followed him out. We soon Arrived at the very busy and bustling cafeteria. “Wow I've Never seen it this busy before, well you be ok Idia?” I asked. It was at that moment that I lost Sight of him until I could feel fingernails digging into my shoulders, he was hiding Behind me shivering in fear.
I took his hand and Lightly guided him to the lineup. It’ll be ok, will eat in the Library and I'll message the group to meet us there!” I said Quietly as I lightly stroked his hand with my thumb.
I could feel him Burying his face in my hoodie hood. I soon grabbed the two Slices and quickly moved out of the Cafeteria.
Once we were in the Hallway Idia broke away from his tight grasp on my back.
“S..S..Sorry about that!” Idia said with a sight blush looking away from me. “It's ok Idia, I get anxious sometimes too!” I said with a smile as I handed him a slice of pizza.
Idia smiled as he took the slice, he muttered a light “Thank you.” as we walked to the library. As the two of us walked in we were greeted by Group, Malleus, Azul,Jade and Floyd, and lastly Leona.
“Hay Pipsqueak comes over and pulls over a chair! You too  Radish sprout!” Leona shotted.
I smiled and ran over with Idia Following suit.
“Hey guys, did we miss much? I asked with a smile.
“”Nothing To Important, Other than the fact that the Mostro Lounge  Is as Barren as the desert at the moment, who Knew so many people love pizza!” Azul Said rather defeatedly.
 “I don’t get why you're upset, last night you had a great turn out cus of the game, you should be happy you get a break!” Leona exclaimed, crossing his arms and leaning in his Chair.
Azul rolled his eyes as he stabbed his Fork into his salad. 
I let out a giggle, but in the corner of my eye I could see a Flow of purple.
“Um..i’ll be right back!” i Exclaimed as I stood from my chair.
I started to walk over to him but soon picked up the speed, i Quickly hid behind a bookshelf, i took a deep breath as i Approached him.
“Hi Vill, hows it going?” i asked with a smile.
He was quiet at first but soon did a sharp turn around, his Violet eyes glare daggers at me, I could feel the Pure Distaste coming from him. Without saying a Word he left roughly bumping my shoulder.
I just stood there, my heart was Beating Fast and it felt like i was going to cry. “Whats with him, did he get His Ruffles in a bunch!” Leona  Exclaimed folding his arms and rolling his eyes.
It was then that Leona noticed my tears and put a hand on my shoulder.
“Hay, I know I'm not good at this but..it’s ok.” he spoke Quietly.
I lightlee smiled at him, i soon walked back with him to the others.
(Hour Later  (Patricia perspective)
It was the end of the day and i was down setting in my room feeling sad because of Vill, I wanted Answers. I soon found myself standing in front of Pomefiore, I walked up to the door, it didn’t take long before Rook Answered the door.
“Bonjour mademoiselle Patricia, are you here for Roi du Poison?” Rook asked with a smile.
“Yes, i need to talk to him!” i exclaimed.
Rook smiled as he stepped aside for me, I smiled back at him as I walked past.
I knew where Vill’s room was, after all he would help me do my hair for the big game.
Soon I was standing in front of his Gorgeous purple door.
I reached for the door, my hand was shaking but I knew I had to do this, so i Built the courage up and knocked on the door.
“Who is it~!” he sweetley asked.
“It’s me Patricia, Vill i want to talk!” i Lightly spoke 
It was Silent until I heard footsteps.
“What do you want!” He spoke Venom lacing his tone as he open the door slowly 
“I want to know why you're mad at me?” I said putting my hand on the door frame.
He let out a dark Chuckle as he rolled his eyes.
“Oh please, you know what you did!” he said Coldly.
“Come on Vill please don’t be like this..lets talk!” I exclaimed. 
“There's nothing to Discuss Patricia!”  He spoke Venom, lacing his tone.
“Obviously there's something!” I exclaimed moving closer, Vill hissed as he blacked away.
“Vill please talk to me, stop Avoiding the question!” I said, still walking closer to him.
Vill soon stopped meeting the end of his room, he looked away.
“Leave!” Vill’s voce was quiet.
“Vill.” i sopek. “I SAID LEAVE!” he shooted, pushing me out, i could feel his anger as we Reached the door,he pushed me to the floor, before I could say anything he Slammed the door.
I let out an Angry breath as i got back to my feet, i Angrily walked away, but was soon Interrupted by Rook. “Mademoiselle Patricia, did you speak to Roi du Poison,is everything ok? He asked Tilting his head.
 “He doesn't want to talk to Rook, I'm just going, see you Tomorrow! I said.
Rook gave me a sad look as I walked away from him, once I reached the door I gave one more look to the room and left.
I took a deep breath of the cold winter air, as i Descended the porch steps a distant song could be heard.
I Decided to follow it, the singing was coming from deep in the Forest That bridged the two colleges.
As I walked Further  that's when I saw him..Neige!
Neige’s eyes britinged once he saw.
“Patricia, what are you doing here? He asked happylee walking toward me.
“Oh just on a walk!” i said Nervously rubbing mt head.
He smiled up at me and i did the same.
“You know Patricia, i think Vill Is one of the luckiest guys in the world because he gets to spend time with you whenever he wants!’ he Shiley exclaimed, blushing and looking away.
I smiled Slightly, i had almost forgotten how Blind he was to Vill’s Jealousy, if only he knew.
It was than that the Silent of the forest seemed so loud, all that could be heard was The breeze blowing through the trees and my own breathing, it was than that the Silence was Pierced by the sound of a stick cracking, Neige Jumped in Surprise, he was Practically clinging to me, i put my hand on his back.
“It’s ok Neige, it’s only a stick Cracking your safe!” i Reassured in a Calming voice.
Once he cumed down he Realized how close he was and instantly jumped away. “S..S..sorry Patricia!” he Said embarrassed.
I let out a Small giggle, but was soon Distracted by a deep purple colour over some bushes where the stick broke.
I soon looked back at Neige who was Oblivious To what i had saw.
“Um Neige, would you like me to walk you back!” i asked still Lately looking over at the bush but still maintaining my attention on him.
“Oh Patricia, how very kind of you!” He was practically beaming.
I smiled as the tow of us stared for his Campus leaving the mysterious cloaked figure behind to watch. ( Vil perpasttive.)
I Glared Venom at Rook, who in Turn just gave me a shy smile. “YOU IDIOT! SHE HEARD USE!”  i Angrily exclaimed.
“I Apologize to Roi du Poison, I Don't know what came over me I guess his cuteness is just beyond comparison!” he Passionately exclaimed Dramatically flinging his hand up to his forehead.
I rolled my eyes, his Flair for the dramatic always annoyed me. “I asked you to Come along with me because you're a competent Hunter, Not a love-struck buffoon who's idiocy almost cost us!” I spate.
Rook gave me a Concerned look. “You know if you only talked to her this would have never happened!” Rook said.
I glared at him,i put my hand on his cest and Shoved him slightly as I turned around. “I’m going back to the dorm, I have things to take care of when she comes back I want you to walk her home. No questions asked, do I make myself clear!” i Spoke calmly 
Rook was Silent for a little bit until he spoke. “Crystal!” he said With a sad tone. I Smirked to myself as I walked back. (An hour later.) I Felt exhausted as I wiped the sweat from my brow and looked down at my pain, it was Covered in Black Ink, i knew It was dangerous but I didn't care, The little Brat had it coming, I wanted her all to myself and the Only way I could do that was to get rid of the source of her attention, I looked at the Clock resting on my bed stand it red 12:00pm.
I Smirked as I grabbed the vial of poison and a Slice of apple pie from  Mostro Lounge, I poured the Vile slowly as the green liquid dissolved in the sugar dessert.
“Now to Deliver it !” I smile.
I Quickly put it in a Cutely designed cardboard box and swiftly through my dark purple cape over myself, and Descended into the darkness of night.
With the dark of night Masquerading me, i had no problem getting close to Royal sword Academy, i used a spell to Teleport in to Neige’s room, i walked over to his bed side and placed the box, i Smirked, i didn’t want to leave until i saw him fall.
I looked around the room, it was than i fond what i was looking for, his Closet, i walked over and Slowly and quietly opened it, Ivan shut it quietly but left a little space in the door, it was then that i Noticed my hand and forearm was completely covered in black link, I was taken aback at first but then had an idea, i stuck my hand out and Scratched violently at the door.
Soon i Watched Neige spring up in his bed, He was shaking like a leaf, but soon his Anxiety calmed when he spotted the Box, i smirked as he ReachedFor the Box and opened it on his lap, he took the piece of pie in his hand and took a Delicate bite.
Soon hafe the Place was gone, he froze and fell to the side of his bed, that's when i Bursted through the closet doors and let out a maniacal laugh as I leaned over his sleeping form, i was Soon taken out of my victory when I heard a large amount of footsteps, a Group of guards busted through the door and flocked into the room, i Couldn't help but chuckle as i Blasted them with a poison spell, it was than i Felt engulfed in negativity, it Swallowed me whole and much like a caterpillar coming out of a cocoon I had transformed.
“Ha You fools!” i Shouted as i engulfed the In a poisonous Fog, and with that i left.
As i Descended through the forest i noticed the Here in the Woodland creatures eyes as I sped past, i Couldn't help but chuckle.
Once out of the forest i Caught a glimpse of Ramshackle Dorm, I smirked as I thought of her sleeping face and how easy it would be to take her for myself.
So that was my plan, i walked up to her door, that Stupid cat always left the door open even if Patricia Lock it, i Descended the stairs to her bedroom, the door creaked and i Mentally cursed myself but much to my Surprise she stayed sleeping.
I picked her my and Delicately carried her out, I was almost out until a shael voice cut in.
“What are you doing with Patricia?” grim Shouted, i sent him a glare and Quickly hit him with a spell and dispersed.
 (The Next day, Patricia perpasttive.)
My eyes fluttered open, I noticed something on my wrist, I froze when I realized I was not in my own room, My eyes Darted to my right to see Vill’s Violet Eyes staring at me.
 “Good morning my darling!” vill happily exclaimed sightlee holding me closer.
I was frozen in place, his Inky black hands Caressed my cheek.
“Why am I here, Aren't we in a fight?” I asked Nervously.
 He blinked for a sendon but soon snuggled me closer.
“Why would i be mad, you were just Blind before, but don’t worry i have taken care of it!” he exclaimed, Overjoyed.
“What do you mean by that?” I asked Slightly moving away from him.
Vill’s eye twitch.
“It’s not imported, what matters is your finally with me, I have you all to myself.” he said moving closer to me and lightly cupping my cheek.
“Vill what did you do?” i Asked more sternly.
His face Darkened as his grip on my face Tightened.
“I told you it’s not imported, YOUR MINE! He Exclaimed raising his voice and bringing my face closer to his.
I could feel myself trembling, his eyes Buried into me,but he soon Softened.
“I shouldn't shout at you my love!’ he said crassing my cheek.
 My mind was running a Mile-a-minute, his Emotional whiplash was like a sharp knife, his lips Passionately Crash into mine, i didn’t want this, i Tried to push him away but he was very strong in this form. “Why do you Struggle, Don’t you want my love,YOU WOULD LET HIM!” He explained his tone getting louder as he spoke.
I took this Opportunity to push him off,causing him to fall to the floor, i Immediately ran to the door,but the Handle wouldn't budge. “Good luck trying to Escape, Your Precious little Neige won’t be there for you to Sweep him off his feet!”vill spat.
I froze, it finally hit me, his Behaviour finally made sense, he was Jealous… and he took it out once angen on Neige. “Vill, what did you do to Neige?” I asked Drifting out of my thoughts and once Again sounded Stern.
Vill Glared at me, his Violet eyes were piercing, he stood up from the ground and walked over to me, he grabbed me by the Colour of my shirt and pushed me up Against the wall.
 “ It’s always about him isn’t it, YOU LOVE HIM DON’T YOU!” he Shouted Black Tears falling from his pale skin. 
“Well i’ll show you that i’m the better man..Better than him in every way!” he exclaimed. His face was close to mine, his lips once angen On mine and I could slowly feel his hands under my shirt, his sharp nilles Scratching my stomach, at this moment i knew i couldn't just push him off angen he’ll just get mad, i need to snap him out of it. “Vill Pleasle, You Don’t need to do this!” i Exclaimed with sad eyes.
He Let out a dark chuckle. “My dear you can give be puppy dog eyes all you want but that won’t changes what you did to me!” he Venomously said.
“I DID NOTHING TO YOU!” i Angrily exclaimed.
“OH YHA YOU HEID NEIGE IN YOUR ARMS, YOU NEVER DID THAT TO ME!” he snapped. “Vill, You know why i don’t hold you like that, you have Breast to me on multiple occasions that you don't want your clothes to be wrinkled or makeup messed up!” i Comely spoke.
He froze, i looked down at his Clawed hands who are now shaking, he fall to his Knees in Defeat.
Suddenly the window salon open in the gust of wind blue into the room Engulfing Vill in Magical energy, he was back to Normal.
“I’m sorry...I’m Sorry!” he Spoke shaking.
I walked over to him, i Knelt Down and offered him my hand.
“ Apology accepted.” i said with a smile.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Hey, what’s your name? Stephanie.
How old were you when you got your first cell phone? Weren’t you just tingling with excitement? I was 16. I wouldn’t say that, but it was cool. I’m old, so it wasn’t a smartphone yet.
Do you ever read the results of the surveys you make? I don’t make surveys.
How many belts do you own? Zero.
If you had to live with one pair of shoes, what would they be? My Adidas.
Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
How about forevers? It happens.
What’s your comfort food? Lately, it’s actually been ice cream, which is weird cause I wasn’t ever a big ice cream person before.
What do you use your cell phone for, aside texting and calls? Ha, I hardly use it for those reasons. I use it for the apps more than anything.
Are there any picture frames in the room you are in? Yes.
Did you ever ride a limo? Yeah, several times. My dad used to work for a limo company when I was a kid, it was cool.
Do you use a lot of hair products? Not at all, just shampoo and detangler.
Creepiest movie ever? Hmm. Not sure which movie I’d give that title to.
Do you ever wonder what your life looks like to someone else’s eyes? Gah, I don’t want to know.
Have you ever walked into a crowded room and felt so alone? I do often feel alone even though I’m rarely completely by myself.
What’s your current status in facebook/myspace? I shared some random meme thing earlier. I like never post actual statuses anymore, I just share stuff now and then.
What was your dream job as a child? I wanted to be a teacher.
Is it still the same? No.
Did you ever stay up all night? Fun, right? As a kid? Yeah. Especially when my cousins slept over. We’d try to stay up with junk food and soda and watch movies, play games, etc and see who could stay up the latest. Ever took a Bzoinkoid? I don’t know what that is.
Do you like cracking your knuckles? Sometimes it just needs to be done.
What color’s your car? I don’t have a car, I don’t drive.
If you don’t have one, what color would you like it to be? I’m not sure.
Did you ever do something you promised yourself not to? Didn’t it feel good? I have and some of the things did and some I regretted.
What’s the ‘craziest’ color you dyed your hair? Red was my first bold color I did.
What’s your definition of fearless? Having no fear? ha.
Don’t you get a bit happy when you take an iPod shuffle survey and the song fits perfectly? I don’t like those type of surveys, actually.
Do you like paranormal stuff?(shows,movies,books,etc) Nah.
Do you believe in those? No.
What’s the weirdest compliment you ever received? Did you even take it as a compliment? “You’re pretty for having polio.” I’ll never forget some random woman coming up and saying that to me. Like what does that even mean? I don’t have polio and I don’t know why she assumed I did apart from the fact I’m in a wheelchair? Also, does that imply people with polio aren’t usually attractive according to them?
Do you have a favorite stuff toy? What’s it’s name? My shitload of stuffed animal giraffes. What’s the most exciting project you were given? Hmm.
Are you familiar with Polyvore? If so, do you have an account? No.
Did you accomplish your New Years Resolutions last year? I stopped making those several years ago.
What are you passionate about? Nothing. :/
Without passion we’d truly be dead. Fact or fiction? I haven’t felt passionate about something in a long time and it does feel like I’m really missing something. Like, I think you should have something  you’re passionate about, it’s fulfilling. 
Are you guilty of internet slang? I use the ones like, “omg”, “wtf”, and “lol”, but otherwise I’m very much about being grammatically correct.
Would you rather be hurt physically or emotionally? I would rather just not be hurt at all - how about that?! <<< Right, like wtf.
Were you ever truly and completely happy with yourself? No.
Is your life balanced right now? No.
Did you ever roll down a ramp or hill? Countless ramps as someone in a wheelchair.
If you can’t be with the one you love, will you be with the one who loves you? I don’t want to just settle.
What’s your favorite scent? I have a lot.
Are/were you forced to believe something you don’t? When I was a kid both sets of grandparents tried pushing their religious beliefs on me.
Are you very dependent on people? I’ve had to be very dependent the past couple months now due to health setbacks.                                                                                       
Do you let small things ruin your day? Ugh, I do let stuff like that get to me way too much and too easily these days. Like every little thing.
Do you over-analyze things? Yepppp.                                      
Did you ever wonder what life would be in a stranded island? It would be depressing and lonely. Also, probably terrifying. <<< Yeah, not something I’d want to experience that’s for sure.
Do you have a good sense of direction? Nooo. I’m the worst.
What’s your opinion on Kesha? I liked some of her songs.
Are you excited for what the future holds for you? I’m scared of what the future holds for me to be honest.
Are you more of a listener or a talker? I’m definitely more of a listener than a talker.
Indoorsy or outdorsy? Indoorsy for sure.
Name something that you think is overrated. Bacon and sushi. It seems like literally everyone loves both and I don’t get it. 
How about underrated? Hmm.
What’s one question you HATE being asked? Hmm.
Is it personal or it just bugs you? --
Do you own any comic books? Nope.
Or you’re more of an anime/manga person? I’m not into those either.
Do you have any weird phobias? If so, what? Ugh, I don’t even want to type the words but the fear of holes and clusters lsjlskfklsdjflkdsjfdlsk
Were you ever obsessed with something then realized how lame it really was? Twilight. :X
If you had a time machine would you visit the past or future? The past.
Or is the present too good for you? No, definitely not. What would you change in that time zone? In the past? I’d change some things that would make it so I wasn’t dealing with some of the health stuff I’m going through now. Some of it could have been so easily avoided and managed, but I was stubborn, irresponsible, and negligent.
What’s the title of the first survey you created? I’ve only made one survey, many years ago, and I don’t think I titled it.
What color is your iPod/mp3? I have a black iPod Touch, but it’s been stored away and unused since 2012. I use Spotify on my phone for music, which is gold.
Do you think you could live without music? I’ve hardly listened to music at all this year so far and I’m still alive.
Describe your favorite top. I love all my graphic tees.
Do you change your style frequently? No. Especially not now. I just live in leggings and graphic tees.
Are you a tshirt-and-jeans kind of person? No, I’m a leggings and graphic tees kind of person.
What’s the most traumatizing event that ever happened to you? The one that made me a paraplegic. 
Do you own a diary/journal? This is it.
Do you write there often? I definitely do.
Don’t you hate it when there’s nothing good showing on TV? I got into this routine the past few months and have my lineup of shows.
Insert your favorite smiley here: :) 
How many live concerts have you been to? Like 6 or 7.
Did you keep the tickets as a souvenir? Yeah.
Tinypic or Photobucket? Aw, the days of Tinypic and Photobucket. I’m sad because I have a shit ton of photos saved on Photobucket and I can’t access my account. D: Like, I’m talkin’ photos from Myspace days. 
Tumblr or Xanga? Well, it’s just Tumblr now... <<< I really do like Tumblr, but I also miss Xanga. The survey community was huge.
What do you do when you’re really nervous? Fidget, squirm, pick at my nails, bite/pick my lips, mess with my hair, twiddle with my hands, jump to worst case scenarios...
Do you have a bad habit you just can’t break? Picking at my lips, nails, and skin. :/
Would you say you’re down to earth? I think so.
What’s the first thing you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? I really try to avoid that as much as possible cause I hate what I see.
Do you find peace in being alone? I haven’t felt peace in a very long time.
Summer holds such wonderful things. Fact or fiction? Fiction. I could just skip right on by it to be honest.
Ah,summer (: What’s your favorite thing about it? The only thing I like is if I’m able to go to the beach. If I had a beach house with private beach access and didn’t feel miserable for months, then I wouldn’t mind summertime. 
Are you faint to the sight of blood? Just the mention of it makes me feel weak.
What’s something you’ve grown used to? I feel like this is how it’s always going to be... :/
What’s your favorite dessert? Lately, I’ve been really into ice cream. I was not a big ice cream person before, like until recently it had been a few years since I had any at all. Suddenly, I’m all about it. *shrug*
Do you like spicy food? I loved spicy food, but I can’t have it anymore. :(
Are you easily bored? I didn’t used to be. I think my boredom is actually the depression, though.
Do you wish for the same thing at 11:11? Or does it change depending on how things are going in your life? I don’t do that.
Do you even wish at 11:11? Nope.
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junker-town · 4 years
6 NBA veterans who will bounce back after disappointing seasons
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Dejounte Murray, Marvin Bagley III, and Mike Conley should all bounce back next year.
Don’t write off these NBA players yet. They will be better next year.
The most disappointing players in 2020 who will break out/bounce back in 2021
There’s something fascinating about players who exit a season having failed to meet the public’s expectations. They’re infuriating, but also strangely relatable in more alluring ways than a machine-like superstar ever could be. Who among us doesn’t know how it feels to let other people down?
In the NBA, disappointment materializes in different ways for different reasons. Some situations are straightforward while others are inexplicable. Maybe there was an unexpected injury or the sudden onset of father time, or a complementary teammate was traded, short-circuiting a role someone used to thrive in. It’s a fluid, ambiguous, performance-driven league. So often we never find the answers we’re looking for because they don’t exist. Progress is not linear or automatic, and the same melody that warbles through even the most impressive careers will inevitably get interrupted by a record scratch or two.
But there’s also half-cup-full good news: down years are almost always followed by an opportunity to make amends. This applies to every player who sputtered through the 2020 season that is written about below. Each one is positioned to bounce back in 2021/whenever regular season basketball is played again.
Marvin Bagley III
Context is everything, even when the introduction to your NBA career has been as rough as Marvin Bagley’s was. It’s not his fault the Sacramento Kings picked him ahead of Luka Doncic or even Jaren Jackson Jr. It’s also not fair to blame Bagley for breaking his thumb in the opener of his second season, then spraining his foot a couple months later. (When he reaggrevated that foot injury in late January, Bagley deactivated his social media accounts.)
Criticism is indeed warranted, though. When healthy, Bagley has not been efficient. He lacks an obvious position/role, doesn’t shoot threes, has as many blocks as assists, and remains a tad, shall we say, predictable with his left hand.
But it’s still too early to diagnose any firm limitations. The 21-year-old’s talent base is too extensive. To say nothing of his physical condition or confidence issues (almost every time he catches the ball on the wing his man begs him to shoot), it’s not easy to justify hype while learning the ropes of your adolescent NBA existence on one of the most dysfunctional organizations in professional sports.
Bagley has tried to plow his own lane in lineups that weren’t arranged to accentuate his strengths, already under two different coaches in two very different systems. That’s not easy, but riveting glimpses have already shined through the cracks; at some point Bagley will harness his absolute freak athleticism and blossom into the matchup nightmare he’s destined to be.
His second jump is second only to Zion Williamson’s, while his feet and wingspan were built to lock up taller guards and wings in isolation. If/when Luke Walton takes the seatbelt off this team and lets them run, Bagley and De’Aaron Fox will be a fireworks display in transition. He’ll eventually shoot more threes while continuing to take advantage of his size and length on quick duck-ins that highlight a soft touch few big men ever possess. There’s a monster lurking below the surface here. Even though his sophomore season was a total dud, do not sleep on a volcanic eruption in year three.
Mike Conley
Mike Conley was supposed to congeal a team that couldn’t overcome its own lack of individual playmakers in the playoffs every year. Instead Conley barely shot 40 percent from the field and struggled to define his place in an environment that was stylistically dissimilar from what he experienced in Memphis. Marc Gasol and Rudy Gobert are very different dance partners; Conley never found the right rhythm with Gobert, an awkward reality that chipped away at his confidence and gave birth to one too many over-thought floaters — a shot no point guard except Tyus Jones relied on more.
The Jazz are a good team, but worse on both ends with Conley on the floor. Their dominant starting lineup also had an identity crisis that nearly curdled as the season went along. Joe Ingles, Royce O’Neale, and Conley were yanked in and out of it despite the fact that Utah was 21-8 when their new point guard either came off the bench or didn’t play at all.
Now, it might be that Conley is simply on his way out. He’s a small 32-year-old weighed down by years of nagging injuries. But assuming Gobert and Donovan Mitchell are both in Utah next season, that doesn’t mean Conley can’t find comfort in a reduced role, running a second unit, finding myriad ways to contribute off the ball while expending more energy on defense.
The Jazz are smart. Going forward they won’t expect him to be the borderline all-star floor general they thought they were getting. Reducing Conley’s responsibilities could lessen any pressure he felt coming in as a marquee trade acquisition, now in a contract year, scrapping for the last payday of his career. In 2021, Conley also won’t be unfamiliar with his surroundings. If he lowers his usage and ups his efficiency while Mitchell makes another leap towards superstardom, the Jazz can still be one of the most feared teams in the Western Conference. Their ceiling drops a bit, but at least they know exactly what they have.
Dejounte Murray
Sometimes I wonder where the Spurs would be if Murray didn’t tear his ACL during a preseason game in 2018. The timing was brutal, an aborted takeoff that accelerated San Antonio’s decline. Think about what could’ve been.
Muray’s scene-stealing defensive anticipation at the tender age of 21 was worthy of genuflection. The way he popped his head over jostling big men to grab rebounds was game altering. Murray didn’t shoot threes, but would instead add colorful dimensions to a proud yet creaky team that needed the 98 mile per hour fastball he was all set to provide.
Single-handedly extending the Spurs’ era of prosperity was unlikely, but healthy Murray could’ve at least slowed their inevitable crawl towards extinction while clarifying their future. After he missed the entire 2018-19 season, the Spurs signed him to a four-year, $64 million extension anyway. What followed was an underwhelming, inconsistent campaign in which Murray only averaged 25 minutes per game on a mediocre squad that was outright bad with him on the court. Gregg Popovich treated Murray like Danny Green. The gloss was gone.
Meanwhile, I still have two feet pressed on the gas of Murray’s bandwagon. Whether the Spurs finally hit the reset button or trudge along with DeMar DeRozan and LaMarcus Aldridge for another year, my life savings are bet on Murray establishing himself as one of the better young guards in basketball. His jump shot came around this season (47 percent from the mid-range!) and my gut tells me all the struggle he endured over the past 19 months will only turn him into a more dangerous force than he’d otherwise be.
Aaron Gordon
An all-tantalizing first-teamer for at least the last four years, no player in the entire NBA does less with more than Gordon. Some of that’s on him, but not all of it; Gordon has struggled to find the right role while refusing to accept what the right role looks like. I go back to 2016 when Frank Vogel mistakenly said Gordon would be used like Paul George. That Magic team had structural limitations that were beyond Vogel’s control, but the statement placed Gordon’s career on a path of self-willed miscalculation.
He will never be an MVP candidate, max player, or someone who can singularly break down a set defense and create an efficient shot for his team. That’s all fine and less a criticism than an expression of reality. Gordon is not a bad player by any stretch, but for the second year in a row his PER, three-point rate, and scoring average were lower than the previous season. He jacked up 3.9 threes per game and made just 30.1 percent of them.
This is discouraging. But until Gordon’s body breaks down I will go to war believing he’ll have a signature playoff moment, be it a chasedown block, a fire drill possession where he scrambles onto four different players before stealing the ball, or a Cirque du Soleil-worthy open floor slam that seals a victory.
We have yet to see who Gordon can be on a track that can actualize his massive potential. If basketball gods do in fact exist, sooner than later we will. (Related: Can someone move him to Brooklyn for Spencer Dinwiddie already?)
Gary Harris
When in peak form, few are able to harass the opposing team’s most lethal perimeter threat like Harris. He’s a cat burglar with the instincts of a strong safety. Unfortunately, for the past couple years several muscles in his lower body have prevented Harris from merging those qualities with some of the explosive offensive production we saw earlier in his career.
I went in depth on Harris’ situation earlier this year, but TL;DR: injuries can’t alone absolve how bad he’s shot the ball. A lot of his struggle remains a mystery. That’s not good news, per se, but it also doesn’t close the door on Harris rediscovering who he once was.
Eric Gordon
Playing with Russell Westbrook is not like playing with Chris Paul. Eric Gordon had a ton of success with the latter partnership, but we’ve yet to really see him at his healthiest beside Westbrook. That’s a shame. The tidal wave of instant, unflinching Moreyball offense those two could generate at the same time more than justifies the team’s small-ball identity, where narrow canals have become gaping waterways; Houston posted a +10.7 net rating in the measly 93 possessions those three plus PJ Tucker and James Harden shared the floor. In my heart I believe that unit can stand nose-to-nose with anybody in the league during crunch time of a Game 7.
Of course, for that to happen Gordon would have to be the aggressive stud he was during last year’s playoffs and not the guy who shot 37 percent from the floor, 31 percent from behind the three-point line, and 54 percent at the rim in 34 games this season. Gordon missed about six weeks of action after having knee surgery in early November, and before the procedure his numbers were career-worst gutter sludge across the board. But none of his shooting numbers increased in the months after he came back, while lingering knee pain kept him in and out of the lineup.
The hope going forward is that an extended layoff will do his legs good and allow him to be 100 percent next year. Gordon is somehow only 31 years old, on the same timeline as Harden and Westbrook with a game that somehow doesn’t suck up the oxygen both all-stars require. In September he signed a $75 million extension that simultaneously made him a trade chip and someone worth holding onto — if for no other reason than Houston has enough talent to win a championship right now and Gordon’s seamless fit on both ends isn’t easily replaceable.
We live in an age of impatience, but if the Rockets are willing to stick with their current roster for at least 12 more months it could pay off in a big way. That calculation needs Gordon to resemble the Sixth Man of the Year winner he once was. Or even, at the very least, making more than 28 percent of the 5.8 catch-and-shoot threes he averaged this season. Bet on improvement. He scored 50 points on 22 shots (against the Jazz!) in January, then was hampered by recurring knee pain the rest of the year.
There’s plenty of great basketball left in Gordon, and nothing scarier than the day he, Harden, and Westbrook have an opportunity to thrive at the exact same time.
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Google Stadia Reviewed – Against The Stream
New Post has been published on https://www.coolgamingzone.com/google-stadia-reviewed-against-the-stream/
Google Stadia Reviewed – Against The Stream
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By the mid-2000s, Blu-ray felt like the future of media. Blu-ray video looked incredible and offered cleaner picture and sound quality than previous media formats. “Surely,” we thought, “the technology that comes after Blu-ray will look even more impressive!” But then something strange happened; as streaming services like Netflix took off, more and more of us ditched physical media in favor of the cloud. Streaming didn’t offer the same level of fidelity as Blu-ray – or sometimes even DVD – but it was good enough. More importantly, it was convenient. The desire to watch anything anywhere outpaced our desire for image quality.
Now it’s 2019, streaming services have come a long way, and tech goliath Google thinks it has figured out how to Netflix the gaming industry. The tech is surprisingly functional, but its ability to upturn the industry will depend largely on its ability to implement its grand blueprint. Sadly, Stadia’s current design is missing several important pillars.
Gaming on Stadia
Gaming on Stadia
Stadia’s concept still sounds a bit like science fiction: Earlier this year, Google sold a vision of players using wi-fi-enable controllers to communicate with a hive of supercomputers in the cloud, which would allow users to stream the most advanced gaming software to decade-old laptops and mobile phones. Google’s system worked well at trade shows, but those were highly controlled environments. How does the service work now that we’ve been able to test it in the wild? Surprisingly well … if you have a stable internet connection.
On the whole, Stadia performs better than I expected. The high-speed internet at the Game Informer offices regularly gets download/upload speeds of 280 Mbps, so I rarely noticed even a hiccup while playing games at work. Mortal Kombat 11 on a stable Stadia connection booted up in seconds and feels about as responsive as its console counterparts. I had no problem dialing in combos and Fatalities even though my inputs had to travel through miles of infrastructure to bounce off Google servers.
Unfortunately, the experience quickly degrades as your internet speeds dial down. At a nearby coffee shop, where I recorded download speeds of 38 Mbps, I noticed a few frame skips every couple minutes. At home, where my speeds regularly drop to 20 Mbps, I experienced some visual artifacting and a regular picture stutter. With these slower internet speeds, I didn’t feel competitive in Destiny 2’s PvP modes, but I was able to complete a strike without a problem. Everyone’s tolerance for this kind of experience will vary, but my frustration over the occasional hiccup was mitigated by the revelation that I could play Destiny 2 in public on my phone (see the controller sidebar for more).
Stadia’s service only dropped out completely on me once due to a poor signal, but an instance of my game was saved and I had five minutes to hop back online and pick up where I’d left off. I wish Google would extend that grace period and allow users to create their own save states (a feature called State Share, which is still in the works), but I never lost any progress in a game, and my experience was stable enough across the board that I didn’t live in fear of being unable to access my games.
Google’s service isn’t a one-size-fits-all streaming solution, and you should carefully measure your internet speeds before committing to the platform. Many will find Stadia’s occasional stutters unbearable, while others will feel that it’s good enough. Personally, I can’t imagine trading any of my game consoles for a Stadia stream anytime soon.
  What about that controller?
An online-only streaming service seems like a bold new direction for the gaming industry, but Google isn’t interested in reinventing the controller. The Stadia controller smartly hews close to modern controller design. The pad itself has a nice weight and feels a lot like the PS4 controller thanks to its ergonomic shell and symmetrical analog sticks. The buttons produce a satisfying click and feel sturdy, and I got about seven hours of use from a single charge. Of course, Google has its equivalent of the start, options, and home buttons. However, Google added a screen capture and virtual assistant button to the mix, and this creates a jumble of buttons near the center of the controller. I constantly hit the screen-capture button when I meant to pause a game, which was frustrating.
At launch, the controller also doesn’t work wirelessly with any device other than the Chromecast. This means that in order to play on a laptop or phone you have to connect your device to a controller using a USB C cord, which I found cumbersome. In fact, I was actually a little embarrassed to pull out my tangle of gadgets to play games at Starbucks.
I also wasn’t able to connect the Stadia controller to wi-fi that featured a web browser login, meaning you probably won’t be able to use Google’s controllers wirelessly in locations like hotels that -require a secondary login screen. The Stadia controller might be a nice piece of physical hardware, but these tech issues need to get ironed out as soon as possible.
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Google’s streaming tech might be ready for prime time, but its service certainly isn’t. Many of the more exciting features either aren’t available for launch or won’t roll out until 2020. For starters, Google’s Pixel smartphones are the only phones that Stadia users will be able to use for streaming at launch. Achievements also won’t be viewable at this time, but Google says that Stadia is recording your progress, so once the feature is enabled, users will receive credit for everything they’ve done since then.
The Google Assistant is another exciting feature that is being kicked down the road. During the Stadia reveal event, Google said that with the tap of a button users could speak into their Stadia controller and pull up YouTube walkthroughs or other helpful advice for any game they played. This feature is absent at launch. Google says that the Google Assistant will be available soon, but even then, the Assistant will only be available from the Stadia home screen and only allow users to launch games or turn on their TV.
Stadia’s incomplete feature list is so long it’s a little embarrassing. What about Stream Connect, which is Google’s way of supporting multiplayer by allowing Stadia users to create local couch co-op experiences via split-screen? Coming later this year. What about Family Sharing, which lets you share games with other users in your family? Sometime soon. What about Crowd Play, which lets streamers play games with their viewers? Hopefully, sometime next year. What about streaming over cellular networks? I’ll let you take a guess. If Stadia had all these features, it might feel like the next big leap in gaming, but as it is, the platform is just a basic streaming platform that offers less than a home console. 
In the end, Stadia’s biggest problem is likely its lack of software. Stadia doesn’t have many dedicated experiences that will drive longtime gamers to the platform. The system’s launch lineup features some great games, such as Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Red Dead Redemption 2, but those are all more than a year old and there isn’t a single triple-A exclusive on the horizon. This is a big problem for Google. If the company hopes to attract more people to the service, it needs to provide a reason to be on Stadia. In other words: It needs more games.
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A look at Google’s data center that allows Stadia to run
Launch Lineup
Google Stadia Launch Lineup:
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey  
Attack on Titan: Final Battle 2
Destiny 2: The Collection (available in Stadia Pro)
Farming Simulator 2019
Final Fantasy XV
Football Manager 2020
Grid 2019
Just Dance 2020
Metro Exodus  
Mortal Kombat 11
NBA 2K20
Rage 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Red Dead Redemption 2
Samurai Shodown (available in Stadia Pro)
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider 2013
Trials Rising
Wolfenstein: Youngblood
Reportedly Releasing Before The End Of 2019:
Borderlands 3
Darksiders Genesis
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint
The Bottom Line
The Bottom Line: 6 out of 10
Stadia seems tailored for a different crowd – the kind of game-curious individual who only pays attention to the occasional blockbuster release and isn’t willing to throw down a few hundred dollars on a dedicated piece of gaming hardware. Next year, when Google launches the free version of the Stadia service, the platform might find that audience. On the other hand, Stadia’s service isn’t currently valuable enough to justify the $129.99 early adopters price tag. Anyone devoted enough to follow industry trends probably cares enough about this hobby to spend the extra money on a console that provides a lag-free experience.
Still, I want something like Stadia to succeed. Purchasing a game and immediately booting it up without concern for downloads or updates is liberating, and when you have a stable internet connection, streaming games off the cloud feels like magic. Oddly enough, Stadia filled me with excitement for a game-streaming future, but it left me with less confidence that Stadia would be the platform to usher us forward.
Editorial Note: This review was conducted in a pre-release environment. We may revisit this review as we play more games after launch and as Google releases console updates.
Understanding Pricing
On day one, consumers can purchase the Stadia Premiere Edition for $129, which includes three free months of Stadia Pro, a Google Chromecast Ultra, and a Stadia Controller. Stadia Pro is Google’s subscription service, which costs $9.99 a month and gives players access to the highest quality streams (4K/60 fps/HDR/5.1 sound) as well as exclusive discounts on game purchases (TBA). Early next year, everyone will be able to stream games through Stadia at no cost, however, the streaming quality will be throttled to 1080p/60fps with stereo sound. No matter how you approach the service, games still need to be purchased à la carte.
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
The best way To enhance Your Baseball Expertise And Achieve Superstar Place
July and August are the warmest months throughout the whole country, with temperatures reaching from the mid to high 20 degrees Celsius range. Typically nothing occurs and generally there's a whole lot of tourists, so the precise world is verfy unpredictable. His ideas and their applications grew from his initial interactions with 鈥渟hell-shocked鈥?troopers in veterans鈥?hospitals and his subsequent observation of 鈥渞egular folks鈥?in the civilian world in put up-World Struggle II London. Nothing however concepts. If you put this info to work and use the tips and methods which were provided right here to you, it is best to see results in your search engine marketing targets. Maybe if we work real arduous to enhance, attaining The Checklist is feasible. First three paragraphs present actual estate pimping at its finest. The Montreal, Canada real estate market is one to watch. Posted by Montreal Real Estate at 4:00 PM No comments: E mail ThisBlogThis!
The excessive worth of actual property property in cities like Montreal additional will increase the attractiveness of economic real property within the country. The last century and a half has allowed us to overlook how uncommon and valuable actual peace is. There was a whole lot of controversy about how a lot religious expression could possibly be allowed in public Job 36.Harry simply couldn鈥檛 deliver himself to wipe the completely happy. There aren't many issues worse than having a very long lineup of christmas lights and detecting this sure bulb is stopping all of the remainder from working. Ask questions about promptness of service, thoroughness and inquire if there have been any points. We've got created our skilled predictions on the top 5 FIFA sixteen Legends. Over the past week, fears have grown that probably put House Capital鈥檚 enterprise model in jeopardy. All of Canada's giant pensions take climate change risks seriously which is why they have devoted groups for Responsible Investing but some take it more critically than others.
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velmaemyers88 · 5 years
Covering the Closer: Two Decades of Writing on Mariano Rivera
The Yankees signed Mariano Rivera for $2,500 in 1990, and he threw his final pitch for the club in 2013. In between, he played in 19 major league seasons, won five World Series titles and compiled the most saves in M.L.B. history.
Numerous reporters from The New York Times documented his lengthy career, from his emergence with the Yankees to his championship triumphs and his final farewell. Here is a collection of excerpts from several of the most memorable points in his career.
‘A Young Panamanian’
By Ira Berkow, Feb. 22, 1993 (The first mention of Rivera in the Times)
Steve Howe was telling Mariano Rivera, a young Panamanian pitcher, about his spring trainings in high school in Clarkton, Mich.
“We’d go out to play in March and April and have to sweep the snow off the basepaths,” the veteran relief pitcher said.
Rivera looked at Howe. “It snows in Michigan?” he asked.
Full Article
Big-League Debut
By Jay Privman, May 24, 1995
Yankee pitchers continue to be plagued by the long ball. They allowed four home runs tonight and have given up 22 in the last 10 games. Mariano Rivera, recently called up from Class AAA Columbus, started but was knocked out after three and one-third innings.
Rivera was brought up because Jimmy Key, who was scheduled to pitch tonight, was put on the disabled list last Saturday because of inflammation and tendinitis in his rotator cuff.
Full Article
A New Role
By Jason Diamos, Aug. 2, 1995 (Rivera’s first bullpen appearance)
Rivera couldn’t do it last night. He allowed a run on two walks and a two-out double in the sixth and was the victim as the Brewers wiped out the Yankees’ third lead on [David] Hulse’s inside-the-park homer in the seventh.
As the ball squirted around the left-field corner after Randy Velarde slid into the padding in foul territory in an attempt to stop it, Hulse hustled around the bases. He beat the relay home with a nice slide, and the Brewers had their first lead, 5-4.
“I know I can pitch out of there,” Rivera said of his new role in the pen. “I don’t know what happened today.”
Full Article
‘He Should Be Illegal’
By Claire Smith, April 29, 1996
And even though Rivera does not feel like Sandy Koufax, he’s been virtually untouchable. “It’s not that I feel unhittable,” the affable 26-year-old Panamanian said. “I just feel comfortable.”
The Twins, conversely, were very uncomfortable with Rivera and his 90-plus-mile-per-hour fastball. “We don’t need to face him any more,” Twins Manager Tom Kelly declared. “He needs to pitch in a higher league, if there is one. Ban him from baseball. He should be illegal.”
Full Article
Becoming the Closer
By Jack Curry, Jan. 5, 1997
Confident words flow from Rivera, but it is ludicrous to suggest he is arrogant; this is someone who endured 12-hour days working on fishing boats with his father, who used a cardboard box for his first glove and who still considers it a duty to play with neighborhood kids.
Prodded into describing his status in his home country, he said, “Right now, when it comes to sports in Panama, I’m the man.”
Full Article
A First Trip to the World Series
By Jack Curry, Oct. 18, 1996
There is [David] Cone, the bionic pitcher who returned after missing four months because of surgery to remove an aneurysm from under his right armpit. There is Derek Jeter, the 22-year-old shortstop whose poise and abilities are boundless. There is Mariano Rivera, who can throw his high fastball past any batter and would secure the Cy Young award if it were given to the most valuable pitcher. There is Andy Pettitte, whose 21 victories will probably earn him the Cy Young instead. There is Bernie Williams, who is proving to be the best center fielder in baseball not named Griffey.
“Look up and down the lineup,” Paul O’Neill raved. “Eighty to 90 percent of the guys, you knew what you were going to get from them. And then some of the guys that people were worried about gave us more than you ever expected. Jeter and Rivera were great.”
A Day of Grief and Triumph
By Jack Curry, Oct. 13, 2004
After the ceremonies, Rivera, who paid for the funeral and promised to take care of María Félix, [Victor Darío] Avila’s widow, and her 16-year-old daughter, told reporters in Panama, “This is a very difficult moment, but you have to go on and thank God for what we have.”
Rivera was soon put in a position to match his actions to his words about having to move forward after the deaths. His actions as a pitcher in mourning the last three days were imposing as Rivera helped the Yankees survive in a wild 10-7 victory over the Red Sox in Game 1 of the American League Championship Series.
Full Article
Ring No. 4
By Jack Curry, Nov. 4, 2009
Of course, Rivera, the mighty Mariano, was the last closer standing.
As talented as the other postseason closers are, Rivera is different. As long as the Yankees could get leads, Rivera would protect them better than anyone. He has saved 39 of 44 opportunities in the postseason, including 11 of 12 in the World Series.
“He’s the best at what he does,” Jorge Posada said. “I think he’s the best to ever do it.”
Full Article
A Milestone Save
By Tyler Kepner, Sept. 19, 2011
[Joe] Girardi said Rivera’s record would not be broken in our lifetime, and he may be right. Only Trevor Hoffman and Rivera have even 500 saves, and no other active pitcher has 350. The record will be part of Rivera’s legacy for many years, but it will not be his epitaph.
“Records are meant to be broken, so I don’t know,” Rivera said. “All I hope is whoever’s going to be there or do that will just respect the game the way I have respected it. That’s all I wish.”
Full Article
Fears of an Early End
By David Waldstein, May 3, 2012
As soon as Rivera fell in the outfield, the gravity of the moment could be read on the worried faces of everyone in the Yankees’ blue and gray uniforms.
Alex Rodriguez, who was waiting for his turn in the batting cage, appeared to say: “Oh my God. Oh, my God,” and immediately signaled to [Joe] Girardi, who ran out to assist Rivera. For several minutes Rivera writhed on the warning track in obvious pain as grim-faced teammates and coaches stood nearby. After the game, the news was dealt with glumly in the Yankees’ clubhouse.
“I thought we were hoping for the best,” said Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira. “I told you this game is cruel before the game. It’s even more cruel now.”
The End
By David Waldstein, Sept. 26, 2013
As he walked to the mound alongside [Derek] Jeter, [Andy] Pettitte tapped his right arm to signal for the replacement pitcher, Matt Daley, then took the ball from Rivera’s hand. Rivera wrapped his arms around Pettitte, who is also retiring after the season, and buried his face in his shoulder, sobbing.
“I didn’t say anything at first, and I didn’t expect for him to be quite so emotional,” Pettitte said. “He broke down and gave me a bear hug, and I bear-hugged him back. I mean, he was really crying. He was weeping, and I could feel him crying on me.”
With a gentle prod from Jeter, Rivera finally looked up, hugged Jeter and walked off the mound as the fans, the Yankees and the Rays stood and cheered.
Full Article
By Tyler Kepner, Jan. 22, 2019
Rivera, 49, signed with the Yankees from Panama in 1990 for a $3,500 bonus. He reached the majors five years later and started 10 games; the last batter he faced as a starter was Martinez, who singled home a run in the fifth inning against him on Sept. 5, 1995, knocking Rivera from the game and sending him to the bullpen forever.
It was a perfect fit. Rivera thrived as a setup man in the Yankees’ 1996 championship run and took over as the team’s closer in 1997, the year he discovered his devastating cut fastball, which broke hundreds of bats with its hard, late movement into the hands of left-handers.
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Credit: Source link
The post Covering the Closer: Two Decades of Writing on Mariano Rivera appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/covering-the-closer-two-decades-of-writing-on-mariano-rivera/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=covering-the-closer-two-decades-of-writing-on-mariano-rivera from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186446708412
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reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
Covering the Closer: Two Decades of Writing on Mariano Rivera
The Yankees signed Mariano Rivera for $2,500 in 1990, and he threw his final pitch for the club in 2013. In between, he played in 19 major league seasons, won five World Series titles and compiled the most saves in M.L.B. history.
Numerous reporters from The New York Times documented his lengthy career, from his emergence with the Yankees to his championship triumphs and his final farewell. Here is a collection of excerpts from several of the most memorable points in his career.
‘A Young Panamanian’
By Ira Berkow, Feb. 22, 1993 (The first mention of Rivera in the Times)
Steve Howe was telling Mariano Rivera, a young Panamanian pitcher, about his spring trainings in high school in Clarkton, Mich.
“We’d go out to play in March and April and have to sweep the snow off the basepaths,” the veteran relief pitcher said.
Rivera looked at Howe. “It snows in Michigan?” he asked.
Full Article
Big-League Debut
By Jay Privman, May 24, 1995
Yankee pitchers continue to be plagued by the long ball. They allowed four home runs tonight and have given up 22 in the last 10 games. Mariano Rivera, recently called up from Class AAA Columbus, started but was knocked out after three and one-third innings.
Rivera was brought up because Jimmy Key, who was scheduled to pitch tonight, was put on the disabled list last Saturday because of inflammation and tendinitis in his rotator cuff.
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A New Role
By Jason Diamos, Aug. 2, 1995 (Rivera’s first bullpen appearance)
Rivera couldn’t do it last night. He allowed a run on two walks and a two-out double in the sixth and was the victim as the Brewers wiped out the Yankees’ third lead on [David] Hulse’s inside-the-park homer in the seventh.
As the ball squirted around the left-field corner after Randy Velarde slid into the padding in foul territory in an attempt to stop it, Hulse hustled around the bases. He beat the relay home with a nice slide, and the Brewers had their first lead, 5-4.
“I know I can pitch out of there,” Rivera said of his new role in the pen. “I don’t know what happened today.”
Full Article
‘He Should Be Illegal’
By Claire Smith, April 29, 1996
And even though Rivera does not feel like Sandy Koufax, he’s been virtually untouchable. “It’s not that I feel unhittable,” the affable 26-year-old Panamanian said. “I just feel comfortable.”
The Twins, conversely, were very uncomfortable with Rivera and his 90-plus-mile-per-hour fastball. “We don’t need to face him any more,” Twins Manager Tom Kelly declared. “He needs to pitch in a higher league, if there is one. Ban him from baseball. He should be illegal.”
Full Article
Becoming the Closer
By Jack Curry, Jan. 5, 1997
Confident words flow from Rivera, but it is ludicrous to suggest he is arrogant; this is someone who endured 12-hour days working on fishing boats with his father, who used a cardboard box for his first glove and who still considers it a duty to play with neighborhood kids.
Prodded into describing his status in his home country, he said, “Right now, when it comes to sports in Panama, I’m the man.”
Full Article
A First Trip to the World Series
By Jack Curry, Oct. 18, 1996
There is [David] Cone, the bionic pitcher who returned after missing four months because of surgery to remove an aneurysm from under his right armpit. There is Derek Jeter, the 22-year-old shortstop whose poise and abilities are boundless. There is Mariano Rivera, who can throw his high fastball past any batter and would secure the Cy Young award if it were given to the most valuable pitcher. There is Andy Pettitte, whose 21 victories will probably earn him the Cy Young instead. There is Bernie Williams, who is proving to be the best center fielder in baseball not named Griffey.
“Look up and down the lineup,” Paul O’Neill raved. “Eighty to 90 percent of the guys, you knew what you were going to get from them. And then some of the guys that people were worried about gave us more than you ever expected. Jeter and Rivera were great.”
A Day of Grief and Triumph
By Jack Curry, Oct. 13, 2004
After the ceremonies, Rivera, who paid for the funeral and promised to take care of María Félix, [Victor Darío] Avila’s widow, and her 16-year-old daughter, told reporters in Panama, “This is a very difficult moment, but you have to go on and thank God for what we have.”
Rivera was soon put in a position to match his actions to his words about having to move forward after the deaths. His actions as a pitcher in mourning the last three days were imposing as Rivera helped the Yankees survive in a wild 10-7 victory over the Red Sox in Game 1 of the American League Championship Series.
Full Article
Ring No. 4
By Jack Curry, Nov. 4, 2009
Of course, Rivera, the mighty Mariano, was the last closer standing.
As talented as the other postseason closers are, Rivera is different. As long as the Yankees could get leads, Rivera would protect them better than anyone. He has saved 39 of 44 opportunities in the postseason, including 11 of 12 in the World Series.
“He’s the best at what he does,” Jorge Posada said. “I think he’s the best to ever do it.”
Full Article
A Milestone Save
By Tyler Kepner, Sept. 19, 2011
[Joe] Girardi said Rivera’s record would not be broken in our lifetime, and he may be right. Only Trevor Hoffman and Rivera have even 500 saves, and no other active pitcher has 350. The record will be part of Rivera’s legacy for many years, but it will not be his epitaph.
“Records are meant to be broken, so I don’t know,” Rivera said. “All I hope is whoever’s going to be there or do that will just respect the game the way I have respected it. That’s all I wish.”
Full Article
Fears of an Early End
By David Waldstein, May 3, 2012
As soon as Rivera fell in the outfield, the gravity of the moment could be read on the worried faces of everyone in the Yankees’ blue and gray uniforms.
Alex Rodriguez, who was waiting for his turn in the batting cage, appeared to say: “Oh my God. Oh, my God,” and immediately signaled to [Joe] Girardi, who ran out to assist Rivera. For several minutes Rivera writhed on the warning track in obvious pain as grim-faced teammates and coaches stood nearby. After the game, the news was dealt with glumly in the Yankees’ clubhouse.
“I thought we were hoping for the best,” said Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira. “I told you this game is cruel before the game. It’s even more cruel now.”
The End
By David Waldstein, Sept. 26, 2013
As he walked to the mound alongside [Derek] Jeter, [Andy] Pettitte tapped his right arm to signal for the replacement pitcher, Matt Daley, then took the ball from Rivera’s hand. Rivera wrapped his arms around Pettitte, who is also retiring after the season, and buried his face in his shoulder, sobbing.
“I didn’t say anything at first, and I didn’t expect for him to be quite so emotional,” Pettitte said. “He broke down and gave me a bear hug, and I bear-hugged him back. I mean, he was really crying. He was weeping, and I could feel him crying on me.”
With a gentle prod from Jeter, Rivera finally looked up, hugged Jeter and walked off the mound as the fans, the Yankees and the Rays stood and cheered.
Full Article
By Tyler Kepner, Jan. 22, 2019
Rivera, 49, signed with the Yankees from Panama in 1990 for a $3,500 bonus. He reached the majors five years later and started 10 games; the last batter he faced as a starter was Martinez, who singled home a run in the fifth inning against him on Sept. 5, 1995, knocking Rivera from the game and sending him to the bullpen forever.
It was a perfect fit. Rivera thrived as a setup man in the Yankees’ 1996 championship run and took over as the team’s closer in 1997, the year he discovered his devastating cut fastball, which broke hundreds of bats with its hard, late movement into the hands of left-handers.
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Credit: Source link
The post Covering the Closer: Two Decades of Writing on Mariano Rivera appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/covering-the-closer-two-decades-of-writing-on-mariano-rivera/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=covering-the-closer-two-decades-of-writing-on-mariano-rivera from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186446708412
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weeklyreviewer · 5 years
Covering the Closer: Two Decades of Writing on Mariano Rivera
The Yankees signed Mariano Rivera for $2,500 in 1990, and he threw his final pitch for the club in 2013. In between, he played in 19 major league seasons, won five World Series titles and compiled the most saves in M.L.B. history.
Numerous reporters from The New York Times documented his lengthy career, from his emergence with the Yankees to his championship triumphs and his final farewell. Here is a collection of excerpts from several of the most memorable points in his career.
‘A Young Panamanian’
By Ira Berkow, Feb. 22, 1993 (The first mention of Rivera in the Times)
Steve Howe was telling Mariano Rivera, a young Panamanian pitcher, about his spring trainings in high school in Clarkton, Mich.
“We’d go out to play in March and April and have to sweep the snow off the basepaths,” the veteran relief pitcher said.
Rivera looked at Howe. “It snows in Michigan?” he asked.
Full Article
Big-League Debut
By Jay Privman, May 24, 1995
Yankee pitchers continue to be plagued by the long ball. They allowed four home runs tonight and have given up 22 in the last 10 games. Mariano Rivera, recently called up from Class AAA Columbus, started but was knocked out after three and one-third innings.
Rivera was brought up because Jimmy Key, who was scheduled to pitch tonight, was put on the disabled list last Saturday because of inflammation and tendinitis in his rotator cuff.
Full Article
A New Role
By Jason Diamos, Aug. 2, 1995 (Rivera’s first bullpen appearance)
Rivera couldn’t do it last night. He allowed a run on two walks and a two-out double in the sixth and was the victim as the Brewers wiped out the Yankees’ third lead on [David] Hulse’s inside-the-park homer in the seventh.
As the ball squirted around the left-field corner after Randy Velarde slid into the padding in foul territory in an attempt to stop it, Hulse hustled around the bases. He beat the relay home with a nice slide, and the Brewers had their first lead, 5-4.
“I know I can pitch out of there,” Rivera said of his new role in the pen. “I don’t know what happened today.”
Full Article
‘He Should Be Illegal’
By Claire Smith, April 29, 1996
And even though Rivera does not feel like Sandy Koufax, he’s been virtually untouchable. “It’s not that I feel unhittable,” the affable 26-year-old Panamanian said. “I just feel comfortable.”
The Twins, conversely, were very uncomfortable with Rivera and his 90-plus-mile-per-hour fastball. “We don’t need to face him any more,” Twins Manager Tom Kelly declared. “He needs to pitch in a higher league, if there is one. Ban him from baseball. He should be illegal.”
Full Article
Becoming the Closer
By Jack Curry, Jan. 5, 1997
Confident words flow from Rivera, but it is ludicrous to suggest he is arrogant; this is someone who endured 12-hour days working on fishing boats with his father, who used a cardboard box for his first glove and who still considers it a duty to play with neighborhood kids.
Prodded into describing his status in his home country, he said, “Right now, when it comes to sports in Panama, I’m the man.”
Full Article
A First Trip to the World Series
By Jack Curry, Oct. 18, 1996
There is [David] Cone, the bionic pitcher who returned after missing four months because of surgery to remove an aneurysm from under his right armpit. There is Derek Jeter, the 22-year-old shortstop whose poise and abilities are boundless. There is Mariano Rivera, who can throw his high fastball past any batter and would secure the Cy Young award if it were given to the most valuable pitcher. There is Andy Pettitte, whose 21 victories will probably earn him the Cy Young instead. There is Bernie Williams, who is proving to be the best center fielder in baseball not named Griffey.
“Look up and down the lineup,” Paul O’Neill raved. “Eighty to 90 percent of the guys, you knew what you were going to get from them. And then some of the guys that people were worried about gave us more than you ever expected. Jeter and Rivera were great.”
A Day of Grief and Triumph
By Jack Curry, Oct. 13, 2004
After the ceremonies, Rivera, who paid for the funeral and promised to take care of María Félix, [Victor Darío] Avila’s widow, and her 16-year-old daughter, told reporters in Panama, “This is a very difficult moment, but you have to go on and thank God for what we have.”
Rivera was soon put in a position to match his actions to his words about having to move forward after the deaths. His actions as a pitcher in mourning the last three days were imposing as Rivera helped the Yankees survive in a wild 10-7 victory over the Red Sox in Game 1 of the American League Championship Series.
Full Article
Ring No. 4
By Jack Curry, Nov. 4, 2009
Of course, Rivera, the mighty Mariano, was the last closer standing.
As talented as the other postseason closers are, Rivera is different. As long as the Yankees could get leads, Rivera would protect them better than anyone. He has saved 39 of 44 opportunities in the postseason, including 11 of 12 in the World Series.
“He’s the best at what he does,” Jorge Posada said. “I think he’s the best to ever do it.”
Full Article
A Milestone Save
By Tyler Kepner, Sept. 19, 2011
[Joe] Girardi said Rivera’s record would not be broken in our lifetime, and he may be right. Only Trevor Hoffman and Rivera have even 500 saves, and no other active pitcher has 350. The record will be part of Rivera’s legacy for many years, but it will not be his epitaph.
“Records are meant to be broken, so I don’t know,” Rivera said. “All I hope is whoever’s going to be there or do that will just respect the game the way I have respected it. That’s all I wish.”
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Fears of an Early End
By David Waldstein, May 3, 2012
As soon as Rivera fell in the outfield, the gravity of the moment could be read on the worried faces of everyone in the Yankees’ blue and gray uniforms.
Alex Rodriguez, who was waiting for his turn in the batting cage, appeared to say: “Oh my God. Oh, my God,” and immediately signaled to [Joe] Girardi, who ran out to assist Rivera. For several minutes Rivera writhed on the warning track in obvious pain as grim-faced teammates and coaches stood nearby. After the game, the news was dealt with glumly in the Yankees’ clubhouse.
“I thought we were hoping for the best,” said Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira. “I told you this game is cruel before the game. It’s even more cruel now.”
The End
By David Waldstein, Sept. 26, 2013
As he walked to the mound alongside [Derek] Jeter, [Andy] Pettitte tapped his right arm to signal for the replacement pitcher, Matt Daley, then took the ball from Rivera’s hand. Rivera wrapped his arms around Pettitte, who is also retiring after the season, and buried his face in his shoulder, sobbing.
“I didn’t say anything at first, and I didn’t expect for him to be quite so emotional,” Pettitte said. “He broke down and gave me a bear hug, and I bear-hugged him back. I mean, he was really crying. He was weeping, and I could feel him crying on me.”
With a gentle prod from Jeter, Rivera finally looked up, hugged Jeter and walked off the mound as the fans, the Yankees and the Rays stood and cheered.
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By Tyler Kepner, Jan. 22, 2019
Rivera, 49, signed with the Yankees from Panama in 1990 for a $3,500 bonus. He reached the majors five years later and started 10 games; the last batter he faced as a starter was Martinez, who singled home a run in the fifth inning against him on Sept. 5, 1995, knocking Rivera from the game and sending him to the bullpen forever.
It was a perfect fit. Rivera thrived as a setup man in the Yankees’ 1996 championship run and took over as the team’s closer in 1997, the year he discovered his devastating cut fastball, which broke hundreds of bats with its hard, late movement into the hands of left-handers.
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biofunmy · 5 years
Italy Stuns Australia at Women’s World Cup With Last-Minute Winner
Barbara Bonansea headed in a corner kick five minutes into second-half injury time — her second goal of the game — to give Italy a 2-1 victory over Australia in Valenciennes on Sunday.
It was a triumphant return to the World Cup for Italy, a power in men’s soccer that was making their first appearance in the Women’s World Cup since 1999.
Bonansea, a 27-year-old who also powers the attack of her Italian club Juventus, also scored her team’s first goal, stripping the Australian defender Clare Polkinghorne and slotting home a shot in the 56th minute.
Bonansea also had a goal disallowed for offside in the first half after a video review confirmed she had started her run near midfield from an offside position.
Sam Kerr, the 25-year-old striker who leads the Australian attack, gave her country an early lead when she won a penalty kick after a foul by Italy center back Sara Gama. Kerr’s initial shot from the spot was saved, but the rebound came straight back to her and she slammed it in. It was her first-ever World Cup goal in three appearances in the tournament.
The result threatens to scramble the race to win Group C. Brazil and Jamaica met later Sunday, and Australia still has to play both in the first round. Its next test — against Brazil on Thursday in Montpellier — could be even more difficult.
Full Time
Italy is jubilant at the whistle; Australia is crestfallen.
The Matildas can’t seem to believe what has happened to them, but that was not a good performance: sloppy, shaky, and they let Sam Kerr, their best scorer, drift out of the game in the second half. And then they got punished.
90 + 5’
Italy does it! Giacinti, the forward thrown on for a defender, wins a last-gasp corner, and they loft a ball toward Bonansea at the back post — and she scores!
Bonansea rose above Kerr to win that ball — driving it down into the ground and into the net. What a stunning finish to this one.
90 + 1’
Game stops Kerr, but Australia is really pressing Italy now.
Kerr is doing everything she can to find a winner now: crosses, a shot there blocked by Gama at the last moment. She even flopped once to try to win a penalty. It really feels as if the goal there is a goal coming it will be an Australian one. But no guarantees Italy will buckle, and the Matildas pressure leaves them vulnerable to a counter if the Italians have one in them.
Gooo— Nope. Italy has a second goal ruled out.
Sabatino, the substitute forward who came on earlier, just collected a rebound off the post and banged the ball under Williams for what looked to be the go-ahead goal.
But the lineswoman’s flag goes up almost immediately, and V.A.R. confirms quickly. That’s the second Italy goal wiped out by an offside flag today.
Italy subbing with intent now: a forward for a defender.
Valentina Giacinti, a forward, has replaced Berndeschi, Italy’s right back. That’s a real statement by Coach Milena Bertolini: she isn’t content with a draw, which would be a good result for the Italians. She’s going to push for a win.
But that mind-set, which welcome from an Italian coach, carries its own risks. Kerr has been quiet lately. But she won’t be forever, right?
Another long V.A.R. delay for a possible Australia handball.
The latest stoppage — to check if a ball that hit the substitute Lisa De Vanna in Australia’s penalty was “a clear and obvious error.” The V.A.R. official and the referee have concluded it was not deliberate, and play continues. But that is the second or third long V.A.R. delay today. Every call has been proved right, but it’s also a sign that the referees, many of whom have not used the system in big matches, is still working out the kinks.
Delays are the biggest gripe about V.A.R. — that it ruins the flow of games. But players and coaches alike pushed for its use at the Women’s World Cup, and seem confident correct calls are worth any growing pains.
De Vanna comes on for Australia
Moments after the goal, Lisa De Vanna — Australia’s career scoring leader — comes on for Logarzo on the left side of midfield. She is a nice luxury for Milicic off the bench, but with the lead gone, he needs her spark — she has scored in the last three World Cups — and Australia needs to get back to pounding service into Kerr in the middle.
GOAL BONANSEA! And we’re tied!
Barbara Bonansea has tied things up with a bit of opportunism. Sensing a bit of a casual vibe in Australia’s back line, she pounces of a too-long touch by center back Clare Polkinghorne, strips the ball from her in some dead space on the right side and charges in free on Williams. Cutting left, she lost her footing on her shot but still slide it into the right corner for the tying goal.
We talked about how the center was looking soft; Bonansea just landed a gut punch.
Italy makes a halftime change to try to spark its midfield.
Elisa Bartoli, the Roma captain, comes on for Aurora Galli. Italy really needs to start getting Bonansea some better service, or at least some more consistent time on the ball. The best things it has done so far have involved her.
Australia 1, Italy 0 at the break.
Australia leads on Kerr’s penalty, which was fairly won and coolly converted after an initial save for the first World Cup goal of her career. But the game was close — Italy had a goal disallowed (correctly) for offside, and it has sent some probing balls into the center of the Australian defense. Australia will feel good about that half, though, knowing it probably should have had more than one, and it will keep its foot on the gas in pursuit of another goal.
Concerns in central defense for both teams.
Seconds after Australia’s Chloe Logarzo had an open header at the penalty spot saved by Giuliani, it’s worth noting that both teams are having some issues in the center. Italy keeps trying to play direct balls up the middle for Girelli and Bonansea, and it has worked a few times.
Italy, meanwhile, keeps losing marks in the area. Not a good thing to do when Sam Kerr is lurking in there, and Ellie Carpenter is rampaging up the wing or slashing into the middle.
Italy’s best chance yet falls to Girelli
Superb chance for Italy’s Girelli, who latches on to a cross from the left. But Williams charges her and punches it away at the last moment. She took a shot making the save, though, and is down getting treatment.
GOOOOAL!! Sam Kerrrr!
Australia leads, 1-0, as Kerr steps to the stop, fires left — sees her shot SAVED by Giuliani! — and then pounces on the rebound to finish.
That, believe it or not, is Kerr’s first goal in three trips to the World Cup. But she has a fan in the former Australia star Tim Cahill. Game recognize game.
PENALTY! Gama fouls Kerr
They were wrestling in the area and Kerr goes down. Clear penalty.
A frantic start has slowed down a bit.
Or maybe it hasn’t. The first five minutes of this game played as if the game was on fast forward. Kerr had two chances, Italy punched back. But Bonansea’s goal and the delay seemed to have cooled things a little. But only a little.
Italy takes the lead! Oh wait: OFFSIDE!
But no — Barbara Bonansea, who made a stumbling and bumbling breakaway run from midfield, beats Williams but is ruled offside (correctly). She was a step behind the defense at midfield at the start of her run.
The first chances are Australia’s, and one is nearly an accidental goal.
A cross comes in from the left is punched by the Italian keeper — directly into Kerr, and the ricochet nearly caroms into the net.
Australia is back a minute later, again feeding Kerr in the center. This time, she heads close, but over the crossbar. Not really a secret what they plan to do today, but Italy better keep closer track of her.
The starting lineups for Australia and Italy are out.
Australia: Williams; Carpenter, Polkinghorne, Kennedy, Catley; Foord, Logarzo, Van Egmond, Yallop, Raso; Kerr (c)
Italy: Giuliani; Guagni, Linari, Gama (c), Bergamaschi; Giugiano; Galli, Gernoia; Bonansea; Mauro, Girelli
The strange hole in Sam Kerr’s résumé.
Sam Kerr might be the best pure goal-scorer in women’s soccer at the moment, but there still is one place she has never scored: the World Cup.
This summer’s trip to France will be Kerr’s third World Cup, but almost astonishingly for a player of her skills and scoring record — 31 goals in 77 games since making her national team debut as a 15-year-old in 2009 — she has yet to find the net in one.
“Every time I step on the field I want to score for my country, but to do it in a World Cup would be a dream come true,” Kerr said. “I haven’t done that. But I feel like I’m a different player this World Cup, I feel like I’m a different person. I feel like I’m better prepared, I know more about the game, I know more about my own game. And I feel like I’m just smarter.
“Look, if I don’t score and we win the World Cup I’m going to be happy. It’s not about me, this World Cup, it’s about the team.”
For more on Kerr’s remarkable scoring abilities, make sure you see this interactive our graphics team put together.
Australia, Italy and the “fear” factor that isn’t there.
Italy is in the World Cup for the third time, but for the first since 1999. It the longest gap between appearances of any team in the tournament’s history.
The team’s rise may have taken a while, but there was no denying it: the Italians allowed only four goals in European qualifying, and a spine built around Sara Gama, the captain of Italy and Juventus, and several of her club teammates offers both grit and continuity.
Australia Coach Ante Milicic heaped praise on the Italians this week in what appeared to be less gamesmanship and false flattery than a genuine respect for the team Italy has become.
“They are one of the most improved teams in women’s football,” he said. “Individually they’re very strong, tactically very flexible, very strong on set pieces.”
That praise was news to Gama on Saturday when she was informed — incorrectly — by Italian journalists that Milicic had said Australia “feared” the Azzurre.
“Really? Wow,” Gama said. “It means that we have worked long and hard. It’s good to hear that the other national teams start to fear us; that’s significant to us. We were already well aware of how we were growing and getting stronger, and now we have been able to show it.”
Her coach, Milena Bertolini, took the plaudits less seriously.
“Australia should fear us,” she joked. “And that’s good.”
Australia arrived at the World Cup trailed by innuendo.
Alen Stajcic was the coach who led Australia through qualifying and into the World Cup, but he won’t be in the team’s dugout on Sunday. The reasons continue to perplex those who follow the team.
The Australian Football Federation fired Stajcic in January after it said two confidential team surveys found what was described as “a culture of fear” in the team. The decision disrupted World Cup preparations, and even shocked a few of Australia’s best players.
Ante Milicic, a former assistant with the country’s men’s national team, stepped into the head job after Stajcic’s departure, but there has been continued criticism in Australia of the coaching change, and the lack of clarity for what was behind it.
In that void, and amid a climate of allegations that men in soccer had abused their power over women, speculation and innuendo grew to such a point that, on May 31, Australia’s soccer federation and one of its directors issued separate apologies to Stajcic confirming he had not been fired for misconduct.
“F.F.A. by this statement wishes to make clear that Alen Stajcic’s contract was not terminated on the basis that he had breached his contract or had engaged in any misconduct,” the F.F.A. said. “Any inference that has been drawn about these being reasons for Alen’s contract termination is wrong.”
It added: “F.F.A. acknowledges that some of the speculation about the termination of Alen’s contract was caused by statements made by one of its directors, Heather Reid.”
Reid, who had said at the time of the coaching change that if the truth were to come out, Stajcic would “never work again in women’s football,” said she apologized “unreservedly” to the coach and his family.
“I understand that my conduct in making public and private statements may have caused serious damage to Mr. Stajcic’s reputation, both in Australia and internationally,” Reid said.
About half of the questions in Australia’s prematch news conference on Saturday in Valenciennes raised the topic in one way or another. One referred to a long newspaper article published last week that detailed infighting and sexual politics inside the F.F.A. that it said led to Stajcic’s ouster.
Kerr and Milicic, though, declined to engage on the topic.
“It’s all outside noise for us to be honest,” Kerr said.
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businessweekme · 6 years
The Worst Luxury Cars of 2018
Drivers who buy new cars today usually don’t have to worry about whether the car will break an axle on the side of the road, or whether its brakes will give out on a steep hill. We can reasonably expect to get air conditioning and heated front seats as standard items, and we can expect that the technology inside the car will work intuitively and will enhance, rather than inhibit, the driving experience.
And yet. We still find plenty to complain about. After all, not all modern luxury car are created equal. Some have shoddy interior materials lining their walls, others lack the power and torque to make them equal to competitors. Others are just plain boring. Whereas yesterday I wrote about the best cars I drove last year, today I’ll give you the worst.
Lexus LC 500
My quibble with the Lexus LC 500 isn’t about how it looks on the outside. I like its swooped body, big wheels, and low, smooth roofline. If I had to buy a Lexus, it might even be this one. It’s the most exciting of that family. Unfortunately, that isn’t saying much.
No, my problem with the LC 500 is twofold: For one thing, it simply doesn’t compete, performance- and craftsmanship-wise, with others of its type and price point. Compare it to the Acura NSX and the Porsche 911, and you’ll find each of those a much more pleasurable and emotional experience to drive. They’re precise and immediate when you turn the steering wheel and when you press the brakes. They’re quick and sharp: It’s as if they anticipate what you’ll want to do.
The LC 500, on the other hand, takes a beat to digest your request and then, maybe, it’ll get back to you. It just doesn’t have the visceral feel of guts under that hood or aggression in its gears. It’s lukewarm.
Second, and more annoying, the interior of the LC 500 feels plastic and lightweight. The screen and technology system is so bad it equals those of the Cadillac lineup, which is pretty terrible. The Range Rover Velar contains the most exceptional example on the market today—yes, even beating out Tesla—while the screen controls and performance in Lexus’s LC 500 feel light years behind the times.
The “touchpad” at the bottom of the center console and the overall vertically oriented design will annoy. Have you ever heard anyone say: “I’d like to have to use a semi-responsive, tiny, black flat screen set near my knee when I drive?”
The technology is imprecise at best. And certainly not intuitive. In fact, the one from this Lexus made our Bloomberg Businessweek story about the best and worst car touchscreens on the market today.
Audi S4
  Here’s the problem with the Audi S4: It’s boring. Both inside and out. All right, that’s not a crime, but it’s inexcusable in this day and age. Tesla makes an electric sedan that is more interesting, visually, than this car is, for goodness sake.
It has a ho-hum V6 engine that produces 354 horsepower and 369 pound-feet of torque, which, admittedly, is 164 more horsepower and 133 more pound-feet of torque than the A4 model.
That translates to a zero-to-60 sprint time of 4.4 seconds. The base-level BMW M3 can do 60mph in 3.9 seconds, and the Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG can do it in 4 seconds flat. There’s really no comparison.
Anyway, as I say in my review, the S4 is a good example of what the generic modern luxury sedan is—safe and rounded off, like a droning PSA read over the loudspeaker at an airport: blah, blah, blah. Take the badges off, and I’ll bet you $100 you couldn’t identify this as an Audi.
Audi is a great automaker. I expect more from it than this. You should, too.
Aston Martin DB11 Volante
You are probably surprised to see a gorgeous convertible from such an esteemed brand on this list. But stick with me; I have no quibbles with how the DB11 Volante drives. Its V8 engine will hit 62 miles per hour in four seconds and has a top speed of 187mph. A cursory glance at one as it passes can send shivers of happiness down the spine.
But spend any amount of time with it, and—from the inside out—the design of the car is difficult to embrace. With the top up, the canvas cover looks stretched to threads over the infinitesimally small rear seats. Hung wide across the car’s low body, it compromises every otherwise beautiful body curve the brand has worked so hard to develop. It diminishes half the sight lines from behind the wheel and makes everything feel cramped and too busy inside. If I owned this car, I’d literally never have the top up, for fear of ruining its otherwise-fine exterior angles.
On the inside, too, you run into trouble. With the top up, the interior, which seemed relaxed when open to the breezy air, suddenly begins to feel stressful. This is because Aston Martin offers too much finishing: the options can be garish and gaudy, with multiple leathers and woods and stitching colorations on the seats and doors and dash. From the (uncomfortably stiff and straight) front seats, it’s like sitting inside a cramped karaoke bar with no escape in sight. And I wouldn’t wish the back seat on anyone I cared about—even remotely.
If you want an Aston Martin convertible, steer yourself toward the Vanquish S Volante. It offers more space and sight. If you go for the Volante, keep the top down and forget about driving in the rain.
Infiniti QX50
Infiniti has recently debuted a special “Project Black” hybrid sports car inspired by Formula 1. It has 563 horsepower and a hybrid-electric powertrain developed by Renault.That is the best car Infiniti makes—and it’s not even available for normal consumers. On the other side of the family table, so to speak, is the QX50 SUV.
This SUV looks large but comes with only four cylinders and 268 horsepower. (Press the gas and you’ll feel the anemic response.) It rolls and lumbers around corners. The interior cabin displays look as if they came directly from 2008: as dull as the exterior body, except for the multiple, differing fonts used in graphics displays, which are disconcerting.
The QX50 has room enough inside its cabin, as well as adequate storage space. And it does drive. I guess that’s something.
Acura RDX
I can’t imagine a reason you’d buy the Acura RDX.
The RDX has a few more horsepower and torque than the entry variants of the Porsche Macan and BMW X3. But the fit and finish inside feel cheap. The robotic exterior appearance, with the awkward front grille, saps the car’s overall appeal. Then there’s the lackluster handling, and the quirky design of the technology altogether. It’s not competing with the best of the crossover crowd.
The entertainment and climate apparatus, with touchpad and center control knob (the “Acura True Touchpad Interface”), is beat only by Lexus for weirdness of design. Behind the wheel, the lackluster handling and dearth of any discernible personality or driving character—a throaty engine note or meaner torque would be nice!—earn it side-note status at best.
For the discerning buyer, the small Porsche or BMW SUVs would be worth considering. Or better yet, if you want to save money, buy the exceptional Volvo XC60. For now, skip the RDX.
The post The Worst Luxury Cars of 2018 appeared first on Bloomberg Businessweek Middle East.
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pabo-reactions · 6 years
JNGD.S8.G35 Recap: Jets Steal 5-3 Win Against Stealth Clad Sharks
New Post has been published on https://nhlrumormill.com/jngd-s8-g35-recap-jets-steal-5-3-win-against-stealth-clad-sharks/
JNGD.S8.G35 Recap: Jets Steal 5-3 Win Against Stealth Clad Sharks
The Nik Ehlers hat trick and the 41 Connor Hellebuyck saves were beautiful sights for Jets fans on Thursday night. The rest of the game, not so much.
And sure, it looked ugly tonight, but come April when we look at the final points tally, the two points the Jets earned tonight in San Jose with a 5-3 win over the Sharks will look the same as every other point they’ve earned through the season.
The first frame gets crazy almost instantly as both teams exchange goals early after both teams took slashing penalties on consecutive plays to give us some four on four hockey to open things up.
Big Buff on a breakaway! 1-0 #NHLJets #GoJetsGo pic.twitter.com/3IC5ODRLyl
— JetsNation (@NHLJetsNation) December 21, 2018
Sharks make it 1-1. pic.twitter.com/xGNRA8xkTO
— JetsNation (@NHLJetsNation) December 21, 2018
Buff’s strip of Brent Burns was a thing of beauty and he’s probably fortunate as it was the equally lumbering Burns chasing after him as he broke in alone.
The Kane goal meanwhile may have been a product of Connor Hellebuyck respecting the pass a little too much as it sure seemed like he was waiting for Evander to dish off to Erik Karlsson.
The Sharks made it 2-1 on a power play goal with some heavy traffic in front of the Jets net after Tyler Myers took a rather weak interference penalty.
San Jose makes it 2-1. pic.twitter.com/oWXDLNOeWR
— JetsNation (@NHLJetsNation) December 21, 2018
The crazy period wasn’t even close to done yet as the Jets take advantage of a crazy bounce from a Blake Wheeler dump-in and the always speedy Nik Ehlers of course is the one finishing the opportunistic play off.
Tie game on a nice timed play by Ehlers! 2-2! #NHLJets #GoJetsGo pic.twitter.com/hCXiVPSZpL
— JetsNation (@NHLJetsNation) December 21, 2018
Appleton nets his first NHL goal with some applesuace from Petan 3-2! #NHLJets #GoJetsGo pic.twitter.com/On4uZtmRd5
— JetsNation (@NHLJetsNation) December 21, 2018
With an injury to Adam Lowry going into tonight’s game, Nic Petan got a shot to get back into the lineup and centered a fourth line between Mason Appleton and Brendan Lemieux and Petan was able to show off his slick passing skills that we’ve seen quite often in his time with the AHL. Hopefully it caught the eyes of the Jets coaching staff as well as Mason Appleton finally gets his first NHL goal.
Look how happy this boy is! pic.twitter.com/RoLxzhPZnz
— GameTimeArt (@GameTimeArt) December 21, 2018
The first period ends 3-2 for the Jets and with the Jets holding a 12-10 edge in shots as it looked like an improved team from what we saw in Los Angeles.
Strike that last comment from the record. The Jets actually played worse in tonight’s second period than they did the entire game against Los Angeles the night prior. Dare I say the second period against San Jose would rival the Jets first period “effort” last month in Calgary where they fell behind 5-1.
The Jets a little over past the halfway point of the second period were being out-shot 18-3 as the Sharks flat out dominated a tired looking Jets club at five on five play.
The game only remained in favor of the Jets thanks to the play of Connor Hellebuyck who made a series of tough key saves.
Funny enough, the Jets in the last five minutes of play started to actually get their collective stuff together and generated a few scoring chances, but as it always seems to be in hockey, just as the Jets started to look like an actual decent hockey team on the ice, the Sharks took advantage of the one bad mistake that Connor Hellebuyck made in the period and evened things up.
San Jose makes it 3-3. pic.twitter.com/HIot8cxsPp
— JetsNation (@NHLJetsNation) December 21, 2018
Hockey is such a stupid sport sometimes.
37 tried to clear it from here.
He has a safe out in the corner. Byfuglien is well positioned to take it.
Hellebuyck can have both a) played a great second period and b) made the primary mistake on this goal. pic.twitter.com/Hs5qa7E5Io
— Murat Ates (@WPGMurat) December 21, 2018
The third wasn’t much better for the Jets. Some would argue it was maybe even worse.. The Jets didn’t get their fourth shot on goal until two minutes left in the third period and only after the Sharks had collected 10.
Again, funny thing about hockey… It’s not fair. Ever.
After some great work by Wheeler, Ehler nets the go ahead goal. 4-3. #NHLJets #GoJetsGo pic.twitter.com/Wc7ybbgoot
— JetsNation (@NHLJetsNation) December 21, 2018
As the third period dragged on both teams played as a slightly slower pace – even the Sharks as they carried most of the play didn’t seem to do anything overly aggressive to try and take the lead. Perhaps out of fear of making a mistake like the one you just witnessed above.
The game ends almost fittingly, with the Jets somehow inexplicably with a lead and Nik Ehlers earning his fourth career hat trick in maybe the most redicluous way possible… Being taken down at the blueline.
Hooking call that led to Ehlers' hatty. 5-3 #NHLJets #GoJetsGo pic.twitter.com/JdXSdacKGn
— JetsNation (@NHLJetsNation) December 21, 2018
Hockey is so stupid.
We love it.
For Winnipeg: Connor Hellebuyck – Yes, maybe the guy that got the hat trick should get player of the game, but Hellebuyck made 41 saves on the night and really that second period should have seen the Sharks take a two goal lead or more the way the Jets were playing. You know your team has been out-played thoroughly when you let in three goals and still end the night with a .932 save percentage.
For San Jose: Evander Kane – You don’t like it. I don’t like it. But the former Jet came out with an axe to grind and was on fire with a goal and assist and ten shots on the Winnipeg net.
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dani-qrt · 6 years
Belgium beats England to top spot with Januzaj strike
KALININGRAD, Russia (Reuters) – It had been viewed as the game no-one wanted to win but Adnan Januzaj’s fine finish early in the second half gave Belgium a 1-0 victory over England to secure the Group G top spot in a contest between two sets of reserves.
Soccer Football – World Cup – Group G – England vs Belgium – Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad, Russia – June 28, 2018 Belgium’s Adnan Januzaj celebrates scoring their first goal REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch
The result means Belgium, who won all three of their group games to finish on nine points, will face Japan in the last 16 while England, who came second with six, take on Colombia.
That gives Gareth Southgate’s England a tougher test in the second round but should they get past the South Americans they will find themselves on a much more promising path to the final.
Belgium’s side of the draw includes Brazil, who they could face in the quarter-finals, Argentina, Portugal and France.
England’s opponents are, on paper at least, easier — Sweden or Switzerland await in the last eight — and they face less traveling should they progress.
“The knockout game is the biggest game for a decade, so we had to make sure our key players were preserved,” said Southgate, having left out captain Harry Kane among others.
“We created openings to get something from the game, but we have to keep improving. I think the supporters know what the most important thing is,” he added.
If it was a gamble not to go for the win wholeheartedly then it is one Southgate appears at ease with and he certainly had no regrets about his team selection.
Soccer Football – World Cup – Group G – England vs Belgium – Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad, Russia – June 28, 2018 Belgium’s Adnan Januzaj celebrates scoring their first goal with teammates REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch
“Sometimes I think you have to look bigger picture and make decisions that might be criticized.
“When you are leader and a manager you need to make decisions that are right for your group and sometimes those decisions will be criticized and I understand that,” he said.
It was only Belgium’s second ever win over England and their first since 1936 and coach Roberto Martinez suggested he was not worried about the impact of the result on his team’s possible future opponents.
“The victory is a consequence of a very good performance. You cannot plan the ideal scenario, you’ve seen big nations already eliminated,” said the Spaniard.
“We need to look at ourselves, we are a stronger group than we were before the game. We’re facing Japan, we’ve got to be ready for it,” he said.
Slideshow (9 Images)
When Belgium and England play their last 16 matches the lineups will bear little resemblance to those on Thursday.
As expected they used their squads to the full — Martinez switching nine players and Southgate bringing in eight, a decision he described as a ‘no brainer’ in the circumstances.
Belgium created the better openings in a poor first half while England showed greater urgency but a lack of finesse in the final third where they missed tournament top scorer Kane and the movement of Jesse Lingard, who both watched from the bench.
Former Manchester United midfielder Januzaj broke the deadlock with a superb curling effort in the 51st minute and the manner of the goal celebration should have silenced any fears that Martinez’s side were not interested in victory.
England then pushed on looking for an equalizer but they lacked a cutting edge. Striker Marcus Rashford had the best chance but his shot was already wide of the target when keeper Thibaut Courtois got his fingertips to the ball.
Belgium came close to a second goal in the final minutes when Jordan Pickford made a diving save to keep out a rasping Dries Mertens effort but by then both sides seemed to have accepted their lot and can now focus on the second round.
“We are not looking at paths,” Martinez said. “For now, Japan is the only priority that we have.”
Writing by Simon Evans; Editing by Ken Ferris
The post Belgium beats England to top spot with Januzaj strike appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2lFyfOv via Online News
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newestbalance · 6 years
Belgium beats England to top spot with Januzaj strike
KALININGRAD, Russia (Reuters) – It had been viewed as the game no-one wanted to win but Adnan Januzaj’s fine finish early in the second half gave Belgium a 1-0 victory over England to secure the Group G top spot in a contest between two sets of reserves.
Soccer Football – World Cup – Group G – England vs Belgium – Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad, Russia – June 28, 2018 Belgium’s Adnan Januzaj celebrates scoring their first goal REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch
The result means Belgium, who won all three of their group games to finish on nine points, will face Japan in the last 16 while England, who came second with six, take on Colombia.
That gives Gareth Southgate’s England a tougher test in the second round but should they get past the South Americans they will find themselves on a much more promising path to the final.
Belgium’s side of the draw includes Brazil, who they could face in the quarter-finals, Argentina, Portugal and France.
England’s opponents are, on paper at least, easier — Sweden or Switzerland await in the last eight — and they face less traveling should they progress.
“The knockout game is the biggest game for a decade, so we had to make sure our key players were preserved,” said Southgate, having left out captain Harry Kane among others.
“We created openings to get something from the game, but we have to keep improving. I think the supporters know what the most important thing is,” he added.
If it was a gamble not to go for the win wholeheartedly then it is one Southgate appears at ease with and he certainly had no regrets about his team selection.
Soccer Football – World Cup – Group G – England vs Belgium – Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad, Russia – June 28, 2018 Belgium’s Adnan Januzaj celebrates scoring their first goal with teammates REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch
“Sometimes I think you have to look bigger picture and make decisions that might be criticized.
“When you are leader and a manager you need to make decisions that are right for your group and sometimes those decisions will be criticized and I understand that,” he said.
It was only Belgium’s second ever win over England and their first since 1936 and coach Roberto Martinez suggested he was not worried about the impact of the result on his team’s possible future opponents.
“The victory is a consequence of a very good performance. You cannot plan the ideal scenario, you’ve seen big nations already eliminated,” said the Spaniard.
“We need to look at ourselves, we are a stronger group than we were before the game. We’re facing Japan, we’ve got to be ready for it,” he said.
Slideshow (9 Images)
When Belgium and England play their last 16 matches the lineups will bear little resemblance to those on Thursday.
As expected they used their squads to the full — Martinez switching nine players and Southgate bringing in eight, a decision he described as a ‘no brainer’ in the circumstances.
Belgium created the better openings in a poor first half while England showed greater urgency but a lack of finesse in the final third where they missed tournament top scorer Kane and the movement of Jesse Lingard, who both watched from the bench.
Former Manchester United midfielder Januzaj broke the deadlock with a superb curling effort in the 51st minute and the manner of the goal celebration should have silenced any fears that Martinez’s side were not interested in victory.
England then pushed on looking for an equalizer but they lacked a cutting edge. Striker Marcus Rashford had the best chance but his shot was already wide of the target when keeper Thibaut Courtois got his fingertips to the ball.
Belgium came close to a second goal in the final minutes when Jordan Pickford made a diving save to keep out a rasping Dries Mertens effort but by then both sides seemed to have accepted their lot and can now focus on the second round.
“We are not looking at paths,” Martinez said. “For now, Japan is the only priority that we have.”
Writing by Simon Evans; Editing by Ken Ferris
The post Belgium beats England to top spot with Januzaj strike appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2lFyfOv via Everyday News
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
Belgium beats England to top spot with Januzaj strike
KALININGRAD, Russia (Reuters) – It had been viewed as the game no-one wanted to win but Adnan Januzaj’s fine finish early in the second half gave Belgium a 1-0 victory over England to secure the Group G top spot in a contest between two sets of reserves.
Soccer Football – World Cup – Group G – England vs Belgium – Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad, Russia – June 28, 2018 Belgium’s Adnan Januzaj celebrates scoring their first goal REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch
The result means Belgium, who won all three of their group games to finish on nine points, will face Japan in the last 16 while England, who came second with six, take on Colombia.
That gives Gareth Southgate’s England a tougher test in the second round but should they get past the South Americans they will find themselves on a much more promising path to the final.
Belgium’s side of the draw includes Brazil, who they could face in the quarter-finals, Argentina, Portugal and France.
England’s opponents are, on paper at least, easier — Sweden or Switzerland await in the last eight — and they face less traveling should they progress.
“The knockout game is the biggest game for a decade, so we had to make sure our key players were preserved,” said Southgate, having left out captain Harry Kane among others.
“We created openings to get something from the game, but we have to keep improving. I think the supporters know what the most important thing is,” he added.
If it was a gamble not to go for the win wholeheartedly then it is one Southgate appears at ease with and he certainly had no regrets about his team selection.
Soccer Football – World Cup – Group G – England vs Belgium – Kaliningrad Stadium, Kaliningrad, Russia – June 28, 2018 Belgium’s Adnan Januzaj celebrates scoring their first goal with teammates REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch
“Sometimes I think you have to look bigger picture and make decisions that might be criticized.
“When you are leader and a manager you need to make decisions that are right for your group and sometimes those decisions will be criticized and I understand that,” he said.
It was only Belgium’s second ever win over England and their first since 1936 and coach Roberto Martinez suggested he was not worried about the impact of the result on his team’s possible future opponents.
“The victory is a consequence of a very good performance. You cannot plan the ideal scenario, you’ve seen big nations already eliminated,” said the Spaniard.
“We need to look at ourselves, we are a stronger group than we were before the game. We’re facing Japan, we’ve got to be ready for it,” he said.
Slideshow (9 Images)
When Belgium and England play their last 16 matches the lineups will bear little resemblance to those on Thursday.
As expected they used their squads to the full — Martinez switching nine players and Southgate bringing in eight, a decision he described as a ‘no brainer’ in the circumstances.
Belgium created the better openings in a poor first half while England showed greater urgency but a lack of finesse in the final third where they missed tournament top scorer Kane and the movement of Jesse Lingard, who both watched from the bench.
Former Manchester United midfielder Januzaj broke the deadlock with a superb curling effort in the 51st minute and the manner of the goal celebration should have silenced any fears that Martinez’s side were not interested in victory.
England then pushed on looking for an equalizer but they lacked a cutting edge. Striker Marcus Rashford had the best chance but his shot was already wide of the target when keeper Thibaut Courtois got his fingertips to the ball.
Belgium came close to a second goal in the final minutes when Jordan Pickford made a diving save to keep out a rasping Dries Mertens effort but by then both sides seemed to have accepted their lot and can now focus on the second round.
“We are not looking at paths,” Martinez said. “For now, Japan is the only priority that we have.”
Writing by Simon Evans; Editing by Ken Ferris
The post Belgium beats England to top spot with Januzaj strike appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2lFyfOv via News of World
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