#i even broke out the tablet and everything.
spiribia · 1 year
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when you are lonely so you go down to the shore to cry and look for the magic fish that makes your dreams come true and this seal comes up and is like whatcha looking for and youre like magic fish and its like thats me and youre like no youre not, youre a seal and its like well have you ever seen a talking seal and youre like i guess not. well my wish is to not be lonely anymore and its like ok well i will make a suitor appear tomorrow. and then the next day a human girl is by the shore and she moves in with you and has a sealskin she puts over you at night like a blanket. she vanishes sometimes and comes back with baskets of fresh fish. then one day something happens and theres not a fish to be found in the waters around your town and your funny lover goes missing for days and days before returning with fish. eventually you figure she might leave for good some day after she's gone for a week and then comes back with nothing so youre like out loud maybe i'll see the magic fish about this problem the fishermen are having tomorrow it’s getting really bad and tomorrow you go down to the shore and the seal is like i have to come clean im not a magic fish. im not good for anything anything and i cant grant your wish. and youre like then whyd you grant my first wish and the seal is like oh because it seemed fun. and it was really fun. and then you give it a kiss on its seal head. and then the creator of this doesnt draw the short comic they were thinking of drawing because theyre too busy reading someone elses comic online so they make everyone read a text wall about it.
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inkdrinkerworld · 5 days
Remus doesn't love when you get sick, he hates seeing you with a red raw nose and a fever but he loves how you act when you're under the weather.
You're usually his independent girlfriend when you're fully healthy, but the minute you're even a bit sniffly, you can't lift a finger for yourself and he loves that he can take care of you.
"Remmy," you whine, shoving your face into his chest as he helps you sit up in bed. You'd be wrecked with a fever over the night and Remus had been a diligent doctor and placed a cool rag on your chest and back and had you bundled up all night.
This little routine had gone on all morning when he realised that the fever never broke fully.
"My love," he responds, smiling when you lift your head with a shy smile. "What can I do for you?" He pulls the rag from behind you, feeling the back of your neck and finding the fever reduced but not gone.
"I just want a cuddle and a kiss." Remus pouts, smearing a kiss to your forehead, cheek and then your lips and pulls you a little closer to him and squeezes you tight.
Remus smiles over your head, especially when you nuzzle closer to his neck and shift your body to his lap. "Better?" he asks, amusement colouring his tone as he moves his hands around you to hold you better.
"A little," you're too nasal for your liking. You hate being ill. You hate it more than anything in the world, but your job gets you sick every term. "Do we have vegetable soup?"
Remus hums, "I can make you some. With beef stock?"
You perk a little, leaning back to look at him with your bleary eyes. "And lots of egg noodles."
Remus nods, "But you have to take all your medicine." That deflates you instantly and he chuckles at the way you grimace. "Baby, you have to."
"But I don't want the syrup." You sound petulant and whiny but you lean even more into Remus, like you can hide away yourself in him and it makes his heart stampede in his chest.
"I won't give you the syrup, babylove." he pushes back your sweaty hair and kisses your forehead, frowning when he feels your fever again. "However," and at that you whine again, holding onto his neck as if it would save you from whatever heartbreaking news Remus was about to tell you.
"Rem," you cut him off and he shakes his head, only a little stern as he speaks again.
"You'll have to take something for your fever and they won't be the gummies you like. They'll more likely be tablets."
You sniffle wetly, congested making you sound worse as you speak. "Just two?"
Remus nods and pulls you from his neck, wiping the tears that tumble down your cheeks. "Just two. Give me thirty minutes to get everything together and we can have a cwtch and watch a show while you eat."
You nod, kissing Remus' wrist as you climb out of his lap and lay on the bed. He tucks you in and sets a cool rag on your chest just before he leaves and heads to the kitchen.
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clockwayswrites · 3 months
City Pigeons Bleed Green - Part 16
“What the fuck, dickhead,” Jason snapped as he stomped Dick’s way. “What if Danny—”
“Danny’s gone.”
“Danny… Danny’s gone,” Dick repeated. He shoved the tablet against Jason’s chest.
Danny was gone.
Another little brother that had left with nothing but a note. Another little brother heading alone into danger. Another little brother—
No no no.
It wouldn’t go that way. It couldn’t go that way. Dick had failed Jason, but he wouldn’t fail Danny. Dick wouldn’t let Danny die.
Dick slapped a hand over his mouth to try and smother the hysterical laughter.
He wouldn’t let Danny die? Who did he think he was. Danny had died. Danny had died again and again and again. Danny had died until his hair was bleached white and his body was covered in scars. Danny had already died so many times. Dick couldn’t save him.
They could already have Danny.
How long had he been gone?
They would kill Danny. They would kill him again.
A rough hand grabbed at Dick’s arm. Dick swept it off. Punch, blocked. Raised a knee to the side. It’s soft there. Weak. Follow with a punch. Duck. Block. Move—
A gasp was knocked out of Dick as his back hit a wall, hard.
“Take another breath.”
“Come on Dick, take another breath.”
The heavy weight of someone else leaned against Dick, pinning him in place. A rough hand on his cheek tapped out a rhythm.
“Breathe for me, big bird.”
“Jay?” Dick gasped.
“Yeah, it’s me. Come on, Dick, come back to me. I need… I need you here, big bird. I need you here to help. I can’t find him without you.”
Dick forced himself to take a deep, shuddering breath. “Sorry.”
“I get it.” Jason sounded a little wrecked himself. “I get it. But I need you with me, so open your eyes for me, okay?”
Dick took another breath and then did as he was told. He did his best to smile a little, though he knew that it was weak. “Don’t worry, not at the hallucinating stage or anything.”
Jason’s brow furrowed further. “What?”
“Nothing,” Dick said quickly. “Okay. Right. I’ll call Bruce, you get Babs and then have Babs get everyone else.”
“On it. You going to suit up or stay civies?” Jason asked as he pulled away and pulled his phone out.
Dick instantly missed the weight of his brother. For a moment it felt like everything would fly apart again and he forced himself to suck in a harsh breath. It was only thanks to his training that his fingers didn’t tremble as he pulled up Bruce’s number. “Suit, I think. Get a bird’s eye view. You?”
“Civies,” Jason answered and headed for his shoes. “Less chance of panic. Hey, Babs? I know, you’re at work, but this is an all hands-on deck. Danny’s gone.”
Dick listened to the ringing and then the answering click.
“Dad?” Dick’s voice almost broke all over again. They were supposed to keep Bruce’s kid safe. They hadn’t even let him meet Danny yet. And now… “Danny’s gone.”
“Mr. Wayne—” started one of the people in the meeting.
Bruce didn’t care right then to spend the energy identifying which one. He just snapped out ‘family emergency’ as he quickly exited the room. “Dick, talk to me.”
Whatever had been going on, whatever needed to go on in that meeting, wasn’t as important as his son on the line. His son who sounded breathless with panic.
“Danny ran. He left a note on his tablet and ran. He left his phone too.”
A chill ran down Bruce’s spine. Danny. “What did he take with him?”
“I don’t know,” Dick said. Bruce could hear Dick swallowing back his panic. The line was filled with soft clicks as others joined the call. It seemed to help center Dick. “Nothing much. He left his tablet, it’s what he had note on and left his phone too. He has the clothes he was wearing— hoodie, t-shirt, jeans. Shoes are gone.”
“Bear?” Cass asked, her voice strained.
Bruce jogged for the elevators. Once in, he pressed the right combination of buttons to take him down to the secret level, leaving his thumb on the last one for it to scan his fingerprint.
“What? Um, no, I don’t see it. Jason! Is Danny’s blue bear out there?” Dick called.
“I’m on the comms, don’t fucking scream,” Jason chimed in. He sounded better than the others at the moment, but he always did alright while he had something to do. It was afterwards they had to watch out for. “I don’t see it.”
“Cass,” Bruce asked slowly, “did you put a tracker in Danny’s bear?”
“Tim,” Cass replied.
Tim made an affronted noise. “You told me to!”
Cass hummed.
“Okay, fine, you implied for me to. But you put it on the table while I was checking the tracker in Danny’s tablet. Which, by the way, he totally saw and left!”
“Tim.” Bruce interrupted. All of this could wait until later. Really it was something Danny wasn’t full of trackers with this family. Right then Bruce was happy for Cass and Tim’s overstep.
“I’m pulling it up,” Tim snapped back. “I had to leave class— Bruce! He’s still in the area. He’s… I think he’s headed towards WE!”
Bruce slammed the combo of buttons that would cancel out the rapid descent to the secret bunker and jabbed the ground floor button instead. “What street is he taking?”
“Novik street name and coming your way.”
“Going now,” Bruce said as he slipped in an ear bud and put his phone back in his pocket.
It was raining. Bruce didn’t even register it was raining until he reached up to wipe the water out of his face.
“This rain won’t be good for his injuries.”
“We can take care of them when he’s back,” Jason rumbled across the line. For all of Jason’s self claimed issues with anger, he was so calm under panic.
“You should have warm drinks ready.”
“Sure, we can make sure of that.” Jason was placating him, Bruce knew that, but he didn’t mind it. Mindless planning was just a way for Bruce to steal his nerves against all of the horrible possibilities.
Danny could go in another direction.
Danny could run when he saw Bruce.
Danny could just run away again. He could get sick. He could be re-injured. He could be hurt.
They could get him.
Whoever they were. If Danny ran, they could get to Danny first.
“Take the next right. You should have eyes on him instantly,” Tim directed. His own worry threaded through his voice, but Bruce had no doubt the information was accurate.
Still, Bruce slowed his steps.
His son was right around the corner.
Bruce pushed the rain-soaked hair off his forehead once again, took a deep breath, and turned the corner.
Someone slammed into Bruce.
Someone too small and too slim and trembling in the cold rain.
“Sorry! Wasn’t watching…” Danny trailed off as he stared up at Bruce, blue eyes wide. “I… um… I just…”
Bruce crouched down, not caring about the water seeping into his suit where he had taken a knee on the dirty sidewalk. Gently he reached out and placed his hand on Danny’s cold cheek.
“It’s okay, Danny.”
“You know. You know but… but how…?”
“They called me when you left.” It wasn’t a lie. It was hardly the whole truth, but it wasn’t a lie. There were a lot of truths that would have to come out now.
Danny shivered. “They…”
“They’re worried about you,” Bruce explained, “and I’m very glad that they called.”
“You shouldn’t be,” Danny whispered. His eyes were wide, weary, afraid. It was an expression Bruce used to know too well. It used to stare back at him from the mirror before he had found his path as Batman. Bruce hated that Danny felt like that.
“I am,” Bruce said, voice low and serious. “I am and I am so very glad to meet you, Danny.”
Danny wiped at his eyes, almost angrily brushing away the tears even as they mixed with the rain. “I didn’t— I didn’t want to be a mess when I met you.”
“It’s okay that you are, life is messy,” Bruce said sincerely. “If you ask my kids… if you ask my other kids, they’ll tell you I’m often a mess.”
A choked back laugh interrupted the quiet sobs. “Yeah?”
Danny started suddenly, leaning to look behind Bruce.
A beat later, before Bruce could ask, Jason’s voice came through the earpiece. “We’re pulling up.”
Sure enough, an unassuming black car pulled around the corner and up to the curb. To Bruce’s surprise, Danny didn’t try to run, not even as an unmasked Dick rushed out of the passenger side.
Danny’s eyes did widened as he scanned Dick’s bare face. “N—”
“Dick,” Dick interrupted quickly.
“It’s short for Richard,” Dick explained with a tense smile. He came the rest of the way around the car and crouched down a little. “Please come back, Danny. Come back and get warm and have hot chocolate and talk to us.”
Danny shook his head. “They’ll find me. They’ll find me and that means they’ll find you all and they’ll try to—” Danny paused, mouth working around some words till he found what he needed. “They’ll hurt your little brothers.”
Bruce brushed his hand through Danny’s hair. He couldn’t help it. Danny was Dick’s little brother too; Danny just didn’t know it yet. Danny was as worth protecting as anyone Dick loved. The touch brought Danny’s attention back to Bruce.
“We can keep you safe,” Bruce said. “Between my wealth and the manpower, we can keep you safe.”
“You can’t promise that,” Danny pleaded, his voice cracking. “You don’t know what you’re up against.”
“Then come back with us, Dandelion, and explain what we’re up against,” Dick pleaded. “If we really can’t keep you safe, we can talk about contingencies, but I’m with Bruce, we can find a way. I know you don’t think so, but at least give us the information so that we can try. Don’t just leave us.”
Danny looked between Bruce and Dick, looking for the word like he wanted to angle towards them and wasn’t letting himself. “But…”
The window rolled down and Jason leaned across the seat. His face was still red from where he had ripped the domino off. “Kid, Danny… don’t run for me. Not for me or Damian or anyone else. None of us would be okay losing you just to stay safe.”
Danny rubbed his arm over his face again. “They’ll hurt you.”
“I’ve already died once.”
“There’s worse things than death.”
“I know, Danny,” Jason said, his voice softer than Bruce had heard it in a long time, “and losing you would be one of them. So come back with us.”
Danny was muffling body wracking sobs now, but he let Dick guide them into the back seat and close the door.
Bruce basically collapsed into the passenger seat. He reached out and clasped the back of Jason’s neck and pressed their foreheads together for a moment. Then he let go so that Jason could turn off the emergency lights and pull back out into traffic.
“Let’s get you back.”
Danny was silent the ride, letting Dick dry his hair with towels they had brought. Bruce used one himself to try and get off the worst of the water even as he kept an eye on the back seat. This isn’t how he would have wanted it to go, but he had finally met Danny. He’d finally met his son.
A son who couldn’t believe he cared.
Bruce closed his eyes and took a steadying breath.
Jason squeezed Bruce’s shoulder, just a momentary touch, before they got out of the car the short ride later. Dick filled the elevator ride and walk to the door with chatter about them all drying off and changing and having some warm coco. Bruce just watched as Dick led Danny away to the one bedroom.
“Come on, old man,” Jason said. “You can change into some of my stuff.”
Bruce nodded. He started to shuck off his wet suit even as Jason laid out a change of clothing. Alfred would fuss. Bruce didn’t care. Jason was already busy in the kitchen by the time Bruce came back out, but it was still a bit longer until Dick and Danny joined them.
“Danny,” Bruce said, crouching down again like he had on the wet cement. “I know we have a lot to talk about. Some of it won’t be easy. But I need you to know that no matter what, I want you here because you’re my son.”
Danny laughed, an awful broken sound, and looked up at Bruce with those scared blue eyes that Bruce knew too well. “That’s the thing. I’m not. I’m not your son. I’m your clone.”
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sophrosynesworld · 3 months
Black and Blues (Pt. 2)
Part One:
The elevator ride feels suffocating in its silence. Izuku stares ahead, his normally bright demeanor dulled by the weight of everything happening. It’s just like high school all over again—losing him the first time nearly broke me. How am I supposed to survive this again?
The chime of the elevator interrupts our last moments of quiet, and the doors slide open, unleashing the chaos of DynaCorp. Assistants scramble like ants, buzzing around us with frantic energy.
“Can someone please find Mrs. Bakugo an appropriate outfit?” One assistant barks orders while others scatter. My fingers fidget with the hem of my shorts as camera crews set up equipment, flashes already going off in every direction.
“Mrs. Dynamite, you need to issue Plan C42. Sign here.” A clipboard and pen are thrust into my hands without warning.
Izuku snatches it out of my grip before I can even register what’s happening, tossing it aside. “She’s not signing that. He’s been gone less than 48 hours. Kacchan’s taken spontaneous trips to Spain that have lasted longer than this.”
“What’s C42?” I ask, tugging on his jacket to refocus him. Izuku’s gaze softens momentarily as he gently takes my wrist, pulling me away from the swarm of demands closing in on us.
Before Izuku can answer, an assistant with a phone rushes over. “Mrs. Bakugo, the shareholders’ meeting is about to start. They need you on the call now.”
“Wait, I—”
“Mrs. Bakugo, the PR team needs a statement about Mr. Bakugo’s absence,” another voice cuts in.
“One thing at a time!” I snap, feeling my head start to spin.
Izuku squeezes my hand reassuringly, leaning in so his green eyes are level with mine. “C42 hands over control to the board of directors,” he explains, voice low and steady, trying to anchor me. “Katsuki’s smart. He knows what he’s doing—he’s a shark when it comes to business.”
“Then why are they all acting like he’s already dead?” I mutter, my voice cracking under the pressure.
“Katsuki owns 65% of DynaCorp,” Izuku explains, keeping his focus on me. “As the majority shareholder, he can’t be outvoted. They can’t act without your approval.”
“Mrs. Bakugo, please, the meeting,” the assistant with the phone urges again, sounding panicked.
“I’ll be right there,” I say, still looking at Izuku. “What do I do?”
Izuku steps closer, his large hand resting on my bicep.
“Do you know why Katsuki’s the boss?” he asks me quietly. “It’s because he’s a bully. He doesn’t take orders from anyone. His employees don't tell him what to do—they wait for him to make the call. And today, you’re in charge. You decide when things happen. Everyone waits on you.”
I swallow hard but nod, feeling a small spark of confidence stir inside me.
Just then, another assistant rushes up with a tablet in hand. “Mrs. Bakugo, the legal team needs your approval on these documents.”
Before I can even react, Izuku grabs the tablet out of the assistant’s hands, shooting them a sharp glare. “We’ll review everything later,” he snaps. “You've done things way scarier than this. Bakugo is going to love hearing about this.”
The rest of the day is a whirlwind. Meeting after meeting, phone call after phone call, every second brings new demands, new emergencies. My head is pounding, a constant hum of tension swirling behind my eyes. By the time we finally leave the office, the city has long since gone dark, and exhaustion weighs heavily on my shoulders.
I never realized how much Katsuki dealt with on a daily basis. The pressure, the decisions, the chaos—it’s no wonder he always seemed stressed. I should buy more plants.
Izuku and I sit in my apartment, surrounded by takeout containers from our favorite restaurant. The scent of fresh rice and fried chicken bites fills the room as we go over stacks of documents spread across the coffee table.
Izuku picks up a dumpling with his chopsticks, his eyes soft with concern as he glances my way. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I let out a heavy sigh, leaning back against the couch, my head tilted toward the ceiling. "I don’t know… I’m not even hungry." My gaze drifts over to the counter, where my cold pancakes still sit, syrup congealed and untouched.
Izuku lowers his chopsticks, setting them aside. “What would Katsuki say?”
A bitter smile tugs at my lips. “That I’m going to get a headache if I don’t eat some protein.” I mumble, rolling my eyes even as I take a small bite from my plate, forcing the food down despite the knot in my stomach.
“Thank you, Izuku,” I say quietly, the weight of the day pulling down on my shoulders. “You didn’t have to stay.”
He gives me a soft smile, his voice equally gentle. “We stick together. Your husband has every pro hero in Japan looking for him. He’d want me here with you.”
I nod, comforted by his presence as we work in silence. The world outside feels distant, almost surreal, until our phones begin to buzz, lighting up with a flurry of notifications. Message after message floods in, urging us to turn on the TV.
Izuku grabs the remote with a frown, switching to the local news channel.
And then everything stops.
“Oh my god.” The words fall from my mouth, barely audible. My hands fly up to cover my face as I stare at the screen, frozen in horror. My legs feel weak, but before I can collapse, Izuku is up, his arms pulling me into a tight cocoon, shielding me from the unbearable images flashing on the screen.
“Recently released footage shows ProHero Dynamite hours after he was reported as MIA. The following footage contains graphic images that may not be suitable for viewers.”
My body thrashes against Izuku's hold as I desperately try to turn around and see the screen. But he holds me firm, locking me in place.
"Katsuki!" I scream, heart racing in my chest. But then I hear his voice, faint but unmistakable through the television speakers.
“Bluejays are born to fly. Are they not?”
I stomp on Izuku’s foot, using his moment of surprise to break free from his grip. I whip around, my eyes locking onto the screen just in time to see the horrifying scene. An assailant with an electricity quirk sends a painful jolt into Katsuki’s body, his face twisted in agony. His lips part again.
My heart shatters at the sight of him—broken, battered... confused. I move toward the TV without thinking, my trembling hand reaching for him.
“Stop! Please!” I cry, my fingers grazing the glass, feeling the cold surface that separates us. Izuku yanks me away, wrapping his arms around me and rushing us toward the door.
“What are you doing?!” I shout in confusion, my voice choked with emotion as our apartment door slams behind us.
“We have to go—now,” Izuku mutters under his breath, his usual calm composure unraveling as he pulls me down the hallway. This isn’t like him. We usually take the elevator, but this time, he pushes open the stairwell door, his eyes scanning for danger.
"Stay low, come on," he orders, and we descend the stairs, our hurried footsteps echoing in the narrow space. The sense of urgency fuels my panic, my heart thumping wildly in my chest.
When we reach the parking garage, he grabs my hand and pulls me toward a car, practically shoving me inside. He slides into the driver’s seat, his movements fast and calculated, the car roaring to life as he locks the doors and tears out of the garage.
“What the hell is going on?” I demand, my voice rising with fear and confusion.
Izuku’s knuckles tighten on the wheel, his jaw set. “You’re in danger. We need to move you somewhere safe.”
“What? Izuku, what are you talking about?” I ask.
He spares me a glance. “I don’t know everything yet. But I’m not going to let anything happen to you. We’re going to figure this out—and we’re going to get Kacchan back. I promise.”
The city blurs past us, the streets illuminated by the dim glow of streetlights as we speed into the night, leaving everything familiar behind. All I can think about is Katsuki’s broken face on that screen, and the overwhelming fear that we might not make it in time.
Part Three:
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only-luce-the-goose · 4 months
Sick days
A/N: This is the last part of a previous request, I'm really happy that you have enjoyed the last two and I hope you enjoy this one. I've based off myself a little bit, just job wise really 🤷‍♀️
Arthur Leclerc x reader
Synopsis: "Maybee some of the care for her when she's sick 🥹🥹"
Warnings: sick reader, soft Arthur
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You loved your job, getting to watch kids before and after school when their parents would drop them off early or pick them up late. You loved working with the different age groups, doing activities, and running around with them. It wasn't until you got sick that you realised that working with kids might not be completely good. You wake up on a Saturday morning, your sinuses are blocked up, you've got a pounding headache, and your joints ache.
You mentally curse yourself for getting sick, you knew it was from work since you haven't been anywhere else lately. What made it even worse? Arthur has a week off. You're supposed to pick him up from the airport tonight. Luckily you decided to gradually clean your shared apartment throughout the week, so everything has already been done. You gradually get up, heading to the kitchen to get breakfast. You put down 2 pieces of toast, spreading butter and vegemite on them when come up (I am an AUSTRALIAN. Vegemite toast is like a medical remedy for sick days, do not judge me 🫶).
After finishing breakfast, you move on with your day. You head to your home gym, hoping to get a little cardio done. You managed to make it through an hour on the treadmill before your sinuses became too much. You quickly shut it off before running to grab a tissue and pump yourself with more anti-cold tablets. You made it to the shower, washing off the sweat.
You spent the rest of the day in front of the tv, trying to relax and clear your cold up as much as you could. Arthur's plane was arriving at 9pm, so you knew you had to leave at 8pm. It was 7pm when you realised you must shower and get ready to pick your boyfriend up.
After parking at the airport, you made your way in to find Arthur's gate. You had about 20 minutes to go until he walked through the doors. Your nose was still stuffy and you had a bit of a cough, better than this morning but still not great. You sat on a bench, watching as his plane rolled up and connected to the ramp. He was the first person out of the door, frantically looking around until he spotted you.
He broke into a grin and picked up speed, you stood up and broke into a run. Bodies collided in a bone-crushing hug in the middle of the airport, your arms around his neck as he gripped your waist. He pulled his head back, and you let go and grabbed his luggage, avoiding his kiss so you wouldn't get him sick. You linked your hand with him, pulling his luggage behind you. He didn't move, letting go of your hand and pouting as you turned around.
"Baby, what are you doing?" slightly amused by his reaction, you moved closer to him. He mumbled under his breath, "What did you say?" you asked him. "You didn't kiss me" he said through his pout. You giggle a little when you answer, "Arty, I've got a cold, I don't want to get you sick on your time off". He gave you a massive eye roll when he said "Seriously, love? You know I don't give a shit of your sick or not, I'll gladly get sick if it means I still get to kiss you"
You laugh as you reach up to cup his cheek, "I think you might be going soft, baby" you joke. "I don't care" is the only thing you hear as he brings his hand to the back of your head and connects your lips in a mind-blowing, firework show of a kiss. You both make your ways back to the car and head home for the night. Lo and behold, you wake up the next morning with no cold symptoms. However, your boyfriend is shivering and sniffling. "I told you, baby" you says as you big spoon him, "Shut up", he responds, "I still love you, even if you got me sick" he chuckles. "I love you too, Arty"
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twistersobsessed · 7 days
hiii it's bracelet anon again with another thought that's been bouncing around in my head:) hopefully it's distinctive enough from my other request since it still revolves around giving scott stuff
i was thinking that scott is really susceptible to holding anything given to him while his attention is elsewhere, like tapping away on the tablet or talking on the phone, and reader picks up on this. so it turns into a little prank amongst the team that they're constantly handing scott things to see how long until he notices. after a while they start to notice that while he usually discards whatever he was given by other team members, he pockets what reader gives to him. so he ends up with a collection of random things reader has found on the side of the road; small bones, pretty pebbles, buttons, little toys that got flung out of car windows, coins, wildflowers, etc.
thank you for listening to my ramblings<3
Like Penguins | Scott x Reader
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A/N: Combined two requests.
Javi started it. He handed Scott his sunglasses to hold while he was tying his shoe. Scott took them without even looking up from the tablet he was working on.
It became a little game amongst the rest of the team, one centered around handing Scott random things to see what he’d take without question.
Today was one of those days where you were all playing the game. James handed Scott an empty soda can. It took Scott ten minutes to notice what he was holding and throw it out. Matt handed Scott a rock. It took Scott fifteen minutes to notice and discard it.
Then it was your turn. You’d found a sick coin on the side of the road earlier. You handed it to Scott and like the others, he didn’t even look at you as he took what you were offering.
It took five minutes for Scott to notice what he was holding. He held it up and to everyone’s shock, smiled, just a little bit. Then he tucked the coin into his pocket.
After that, the experiment changed. It turned into everyone urging you to keep handing Scott things. So you did. It was mostly pretty and cool rocks you’d found, but sometimes it was other things like coins or flowers.
He kept every single thing you gave him.
The team was loving throwing out theories about why. But the consensus was clear; Scott had a soft spot for you.
You almost never rode with Scott. So you were pretty excited when Javi told you you’d be riding with Scott today. Scott was stoically quiet as he drove, only seeming to pay attention to you when you started going through the center console.
You were surprised to find all the rocks and coins and flowers and other little knick knacks that you’d handed him over the last few weeks.
“Snooping is rude,” Scott’s stern voice broke through your surprise.
“You kept it all,” you said quietly.
Scott was embarrassed, refusing to look at you and keeping his eyes glued to the road. “Well, yeah,” he said, like it was obvious. “You gave them to me.”
“Scott…” you reached over the console to place your hand on his arm. Scott swore his brain short-circuited for a moment when you touched him. “Did you know penguins court each other by bringing each other pretty pebbles they find?”
Scott blinked. “I vaguely remember hearing something like that,” he replied.
“So…” you hummed, waiting for him to put it together.
“So… oh. Oh.” He looked at you with wide eyes. You couldn’t quite read the expression on his face.
“Well,” he began. “I’m not a penguin. So I’m just going to ask you out on a proper date.”
“Oh?” You grinned.
“(Name), would you like to have dinner with me?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Scott drove you into the town of El Reno that weekend to go to a nice restaurant. You wore a pretty, short sun dress that you never got a chance to wear. Scott actually got red in the face when he saw you. It was off the shoulders too, Scott swore his mouth watered.
Scott had made reservations and everything. You noticed at the table once you were seated that he was nervously flipping a coin through his fingers. A coin you had given him.
You reached across the table and placed your hand gently on top of his forearm. “Thank you so much for taking me out, Scott.”
Scott smiled, his fingers slowing. “You deserve it,” he replied simply. The hand that had been playing with the coin tucked it back into his pocket before covering your hand that was on his arm. His hand was so big and warm and completely engulfed your hand. You blushed. “You’re red,” Scott commented with a small smile.
The moment was interrupted by the waitress, who couldn’t stop giving Scott bedroom eyes. It was irritating you. “What can I get for you guys?”
You and Scott pulled apart and looked at your menus. Scott ordered first, the waitress obviously flirting as she complimented his choice and called him “hun.” When she turned to you she lost all cheerful niceness and flatly asked, “And you?”
You grit your teeth and ordered, not adding your usual “thank you.” You only relaxed when the waitress walked away. “Are you okay?” Scott asked, brow furrowed. “You got really tense.” You avoided his eyes. “‘M fine.”
Scott reached across the table and opened his hand. You took his hand, your hand being engulfed once more. He ran his thumb over the back of your hand. “What’s wrong?”
“The waitress is just flirting with you really obviously right in front of me. I’m trying not to let it effect my mood, I’m sorry,” you muttered.
Scott squeezed your hand and you looked up at him. His beautiful blue eyes were intently trained on you. “Don’t apologize, sweetheart. I didn’t even notice she was flirting, I’m sorry.”
“Just watch how she treats you compared to me,” you whispered as the waitress approached, bringing your drinks. “Here you go, honey,” she cooed at Scott, placing his beer in front of him. Then she placed your glass in front of you without even looking away from Scott. “Can I get you anything else?” She asked Scott, completely ignoring you.
Scott looked pointedly at you. “I don’t know, do you want anything else, baby?” He casually dropped the pet name. The waitress finally looked at you with barely concealed disdain. She gave you a fake smile while she waited for your answer. “No,” you said, addressing Scott and not the waitress. “I’m good, honey, thank you.”
The waitress scowled and left.
You smiled. “Thank you.”
Scott looked surprised. “For what?”
“For putting a stop to it.”
Scott chuckled. “Yeah, someone’s not getting a good tip.”
The rest of your dinner went smoothly and that waitress didn’t come back. A different waiter delivered the check. “Let me see.” You reached across the table to try and grab the bill but Scott snatched it away from you. “I’m paying so there’s no need for that.”
You tried to argue but Scott wasn’t having any of it. “This is a date,” he assured you. “I took you out. I pay for dinner.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly.
Scott offered you his hand as you walked out of the restaurant. You took it, feeling nervous like a school girl around her crush.
The conversation on the ride home was casual and relaxed. You couldn’t help but notice how sexy Scott looked driving.
You pulled into the parking lot of the motel Storm Par was staying at for the night. Scott got out first and as you fumbled with your purse, he opened your car door for you. You weren’t used to this princess treatment.
Scott walked you to your room, and you both stopped outside your door. You looked up at Scott with a shy smile. Scott’s eyes didn’t meet yours though. They were trained a little bit lower. In turn, you dropped your gaze to his lips.
Scott put a hand on the side of your face and leaned down, practically bending over to press his lips to yours. The kiss was short and sweet and left you wanting way more.
“I hope you had fun,” Scott said, sounding unsure for the first time since you’d met him.
“I really did,” you assured him eagerly. “Thank you for taking me out.”
Scott just smiled. “Goodnight, (Name).”
“Goodnight, Scott.”
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johnwickb1tsch · 6 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 29 all chapters
WARNING: NSFW, SEXUAL CONTENT, YANDERE SH!T. Plz take care. I luv u all. 😘
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-You dare not put it down on the big tablet on your easel where John will see, but you can’t stop yourself from drawing it out in your smaller sketchbook-journal that is easier to squirrel away under clutter, putting down marks like you mean to exorcise her from your memory. You draw her like a ghost in her field of happy white flowers, and write in the margins in your looping script, I’m sorry. I don’t know how to make him forgive you. You want me to save him but I don’t know how. I don’t fucking know how.
Maybe she’ll actually hear your plea and do something useful about it, like haunt John’s dreams instead of yours.
Maybe you’re losing your damn mind. 
You find that either way, you’re not brave enough to mention her to your captor again.
She becomes an obsession, and you keep drawing her in your little sketchbook. You’ve only ever seen one picture of her. It was in the den, but has since disappeared. Still, you feel you know the lines of her face, the brightness of her eyes. You go back to your old fixation with the ladies of Mucha, sketching her out as the Lady of the Daisies with flowing auburn hair surrounded by her stylized flowers and flowing lines.
You strive to cover your true fixation by putting down anything as quickly as you can on the easel, knowing your captor will be by for inspection. You draw sunflowers, your favorite summer bloom, something fun but you can do with your eyes closed with colorful, juicy strokes of oil pastels. You hope to keep John off the scent of the book that holds your heartfelt neuroses that you bury under piles of all your new art supplies and anything else you can find.
It was stupid, of course, to think you could really hide anything from him.
One day you find him in the chair with his legs crossed, perusing your sketch journal with one of those magnificent thunderheads of a frown.
You are certain you are fucked, when he asks, “Is this your idea of a joke?”
Trembling as you imagine what he’s going to do to you for this infraction, you answer truthfully, “No.”
He closes the book with a snap, crossing the floor to stand before you, his powerful body moving deceptively slow, the way a tiger appears slothful in the jungle.
You know he can snap you up with one bite.
You cannot stop shaking, as he peers down that straight nose at you, pinning you with black eyes that somehow burn. He does not touch you, but God. He sees everything. You just know that he sees everything, and you find you are terrified of how he’ll react.  
“Have you been snooping through my things?”
“No.” The irony of him holding your sketch diary is not lost on you, but wisely you hold your tongue.
“How did you know what she looked like?”
“You had a picture out of her, ages ago.” At least, it felt like a like a lifetime ago.
“How did you know about the daisies?”
Now you know he’s going to flip his shit. It sounds fucking absurd, even to you. Your voice can barely rasp past what feels like dried twigs in your throat to whisper, “I saw them in a dream.”
You expect him to scoff and call you a liar. But he just searches your face, his eyes a little too wild for your liking. Here we go. He’d been damn near stable the past few days, but surely this will set him off.
You close your eyes, unable to watch the unfolding of your doom. This is it. He’s going to lock you up forever. You’ll never see the light of day again. The trembling in your frame kicks up to ten, and you hug yourself just to have something to hold on to.
When his next question comes, he could push you over with a feather.
“What does she say?”
You shake your head, realizing your cheeks are wet with tears.
“Nothing. She just…offers me the flower.” Going for broke you add, “She looks so sad.”
It is the sound of tearing paper that opens your eyes; with horror you find John making confetti of your art nouveau sketch that took hours to do. However, any protest dies on your lips—if destroying the drawing appeases him, maybe he won’t take it out on you.
Without another word, just a hard look, he stalks from the room.
Only when the sound of his footsteps fade down the hall do you let out the breath you didn’t even realize you were holding, your knees quivering like leaves in a storm.
However, you are not foolish enough to believe you’re in the clear just yet.
-Later, there is no dinner. You find the kitchen cold and empty. Not sure what to make of this, you graze in the fridge, before returning to your bedroom. Not sure where John has gotten off to, you shower, then go to bed, finding yourself lying awake in the dark without him beside you, almost itchy without his steady presence in the evening at your side.
Part of it might be that you fear something is brewing, and you can’t stand the waiting…but part of it might simply be that you miss him, as fucked up as that is.
In the end, against your better judgement, you go looking.
You search the house, until the only room that is left is the garage. Silently you open the door, slipping through without a sound. You too are learning how to move quiet as a wraith. The smell of rubber and oil assaults your nostrils. Classic rock is playing low on the radio. In the far bay, the hood of the Mustang is open, and John is bent over inside, wrenching on something and muttering to himself. There is a partially empty bottle of Blanton’s Bourbon on the workbench behind him, and an empty glass.
Unable to stop yourself from committing what perhaps might prove to be suicide, you creep to the other side of the Land Rover, using it as cover as you eavesdrop on this man grumbling to the ghost of his deceased wife.  
“What do you want from me? I loved you. I loved you with every fucking fiber of my being, but you left me. I died with you the day you left me, and she is the only thing that makes me feel alive again. I need her, and she never would have come to me on her own. She never would have stayed. She never would have stayed.”
He says this to himself over and over, and it wrenches your heart, because you know it isn’t true.
You think you manage to creep back out again without him noticing, Led Zeppelin on the radio disguising the sound of the door.
When at last he comes to bed and wraps you in his arms, holding you too hard for comfort, you feign sleep, smelling the bourbon fumes on his breath. You can’t help but tense, wondering if he will forget his promise this deep in his cups.
But he just sighs into your hair, crushing you as he pulls you even closer, and you don’t know why it breaks your heart all over again.
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paddockbunny · 11 months
Don’t Blame Me - Part 1
Summary : You had it bad. You had it so damn bad for a man that was not your boyfriend. And when you arrive in Brazil and find out all the drivers were staying in the same hotel…what happens when it’s suddenly all out there to you, on a plate? Rating : 18+ Pairing : Daniel Ricciardo x Reader Word Count : Multi-part imagine Trigger Warnings : 18+, NSFW, adult language, no strong warnings but it’s not intended for minors. And I know Max isn’t everyone’s thing so Max Verstappen warning too Images : curated from Pintrest
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Brazil ‘23
“This is a bit…odd.” Your boyfriend grumbled beside you as he pressed the button for floor 9 upon entering the elevator. “What is?” You replied sheepishly. You hadn’t really been paying much attention for the last ten minutes. Your brain switched off the moment you checked you had everything from the back of the chauffeur driven car. Truth be told you were still feeling the effects of the sleeping tablet you had taken the night prior. All you wanted to do was delve straight into the big hotel bed and nap, not listen to your boyfriend drone on and on about something he found out of sorts. “We’re all in the same hotel. All of us. All the drivers.” His bottom lip jutted out a little as you glanced at him. It was odd, Max was right. You had accompanied him on several weekends (at his heartfelt insistence) and you had never known the teams to put their drivers in the same hotels - well, ok, maybe one or two teams did but not the whole grid.
After the initial thought of it being a bit strange wore off the first thing you couldn’t help but think of was how this meant Daniel was staying here too, in the same hotel. He would be sleeping somewhere in one of the many rooms of the same hotel as you were. Sleeping, Daniel, hotel plus you.
Christ, calm yourself! You thought. This whole crush you had developed on Daniel was getting ridiculous and completely out of hand. You didn’t even know the man existed at the start of the year and now suddenly you were borderline obsessed with him. This was the type of thing a shrink would have a field day with. There was probably something weirdly wrong with your psyche at fancying your boyfriends best friend and ex-teammate. But then again, look at him?! Ugh! You scolded yourself again when you thought about how fucking hot he was. And right then, right as you were thinking of Daniel’s full perfect pouty lips crashing down on yours your boyfriend nudged into you and broke you out of your daydream. “Sorry, I’m still tired.” You pouted in an attempt to cover up what you were thinking about. There wasn’t a time when you didn’t make a miraculous goal saving recovery when thinking (or fantasising) about Daniel. You had become a master at it. An expert. Max smiled sympathetically. “We can have a nap when we get in.” He ran his hand down the back of your head, his fingers momentarily getting lost in your tresses. You smiled genuinely because Max was so sweet and gentle with you. He had a loving, nurturing side that not many people got to experience. He was a gentleman at heart.
As soon as you got into the hotel room you were spending the next six nights you practically ran toward the bed. Hotel rooms all began to look the same when you were in them as often as you had started being. Max wanted you at as many races as possible. He claimed he drove better with you there and he got a better nights sleep with you in his arms. But there was a small little part of you that thought he simply enjoyed showing you off. He liked gloating that you were his girlfriend and making other men jealous. As you sat down on the big fluffy duvet covered bed you moaned in satisfaction. Hotel beds and bedding were always a hit or a miss and this one, well, it was perfection. You felt Max’s intense stare as you kicked off your shoes and arose from your position to take off your jeans. As the dark material pooled at your feet you swore you heard Max try to hide a groan. He was a lingerie man and just the sight of you in a thin scrap of black lace fabric got him going. But sex with your boyfriend was the last thing on your mind. You just needed to nap, rest and try forget that somewhere in the hotel Daniel was probably doing the same (or showering….stop thinking about him naked! Your inner monologue scolded you). With the thought of him swirling around your head you held your hand out toward your boyfriend as you peeled back the covers of the bed. “Join me.” Max’s face lit up “Not like that” you let out a short, amused laugh “come snuggle.” Max pouted, his bottom lip jutting out momentarily before shrugging and ridding himself of his zip up and his own jeans.
Max’s arms engulfed you as you lay with your back to his front, hard up against him. With the faint whisper of a smirk you pretended not to feel his semi graze against your butt several times. Max was possibly the most libidinous man you had ever met. He was always ready to go, anytime, anywhere. He was like a horny teenager. It rather amused you how hot for you he was. But as you nodded off you weren’t dreaming of all of the ways Max could make you moan. You weren’t dreaming of him above you or between your thighs. No. As your eyes closed and breathing laboured your regular scheduled fantasy showed up right on time. The feeling of his big, veiny hands slowly winding around your little waist made your breath catch in your throat. You could practically feel the stubble burn of his beard against your soft thigh as he inched closer and closer to where you needed him the most. A small, stifled huff fled passed your parted lips as the desire to be left with a stinging reminder of him upon your flesh gripped hold of you. Even asleep you could feel the twisting, grappling, burning way down deep in the pit of your stomach for him. Daniel. You could envision him staring up as you, taunting you from between the apex of your thighs. Smugness written all over his face. Blood rushed between your legs at the thought of it and even in slumber you couldn’t hold back your soft moan. The thought of his perfect dreamy lips, his silky wet tongue, his hot breath against the most intimate part of you sent a shudder all across your body. Another moan followed and you felt a pair of lips caress your naked shoulder. You so desperately wanted your dream to have turned into reality that you were startled by the voice that came from the lips still attached to your skin.
“Having a dirty dream about me?” Max (sounding delighted in the possibility) purred lowly. He ripped you from your own imagination. Pulled you back from having hallucinations of Daniel’s tongue against your slick folds. You didn’t want to expose yourself that you were thinking carnal thoughts about another man - one that he was such close friends with - and you sure as hell didn’t want to have sex with him after you were pulled out of a sleep induced, orgasm hunt. So when you felt his hand run across the skinny elastic of your panties you grabbed hold of it and flipped on to your back to look at him. “Chris Evans, actually.” And Max laughed. “That’s not fair. I can’t compete with him.” You smirked knowing how well you had played it and that you had covered your filthy little fantasy about Daniel well enough your boyfriend bought your rouse.
But the incredible image of Daniel looking up at you with hungry, devilish eyes - and an even hungrier, waiting mouth - never left your mind.
Find Part 2 Here
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ughthisisntright · 1 year
Lap of Luxury | Sugar Daddy!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
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Summary: As a young woman without much income, a joke of a job, and an unfortunately expensive taste, your curiosity one evening leads to a string of events far out of your control.
Warnings: Age gap (reader is 23, Bradley is 40), suggestive themes (no smut), fluff
Word Count: 4,635
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“Babe,” your best friend slurred. “You need to get on Seeking Arrangements! These guys- they just buy you stuff! And give you money!”
Another conversation about your not-so-much of an income, splitting a bottle of wine with your best friend, and her insistence on helping you has devolved into this. Discussing a sugar daddy arrangement from a site for older folks. You couldn't imagine a worse way to spend your night.
“Aren't they, like, old?” You ask with a sneer. Your friend just laughs it off.
“And rich!” She squeals. “You’d never have to work another shitty job again! C’mon just try it!” She grabbed your phone from you and fumbled with it to download the app.
“Ugh, what’s your password?” She showed you the screen where the app store was asking. You hesitate before typing it in and allowing her to do the rest.
“Okay first thing’s first,” she places her hand on your knee, mostly to steady herself. “Never use your real name. So you're going to be…”
She starts typing on the phone, probably using her galaxy brain to come up with something truly brilliant. And by brilliant, that means ridiculous.
“Genevieve,” she states finally. You don't hate the name, but it's not yours. You made a mental note to change it when you're sober. “Everything else will be the same. And…”
She starts scrolling through your camera roll. You'd have freaked out but really, there wasn't anything there she hasn't seen already. She taps on a photo of you she took a week ago at a vineyard the two of you had visited (on her dime) and handed your phone back to you,
“Voilà! Welcome yo Seeking Arrangements,” she grinned at you. You looked down at your profile and sighed.
“Now what?” You ask flatly.
“Find someone!”
“How? I don't know how to use this!”
“Ugh, you're so boring sometimes…”
Thus began a hunt for the “perfect man” to fund your broke self’s habits. It was all a drunken blur from there, and you passed out on your couch after about two hours of playing around on the app. You had no idea there were so many men willing to give their money away to young women with no regard. But it was working out in your favor.
You woke up the next day with a pounding hangover, cottonmouth and your phone on 5% battery. Your friend was nowhere to be found - as usual after drinking binges like that. You mentally kicked yourself for allowing it to go this far but, realistically, you didn't care to go into work today anyway.
A quick text to your boss and a shaky walk to your bedroom to plug your phone in preceded your chug-fest in the kitchen. Drinking straight from the tap wasn't fast enough, but it would suffice. You groaned as you finished gorging yourself on your borderline acceptable tap water, went to the cabinet, and pulled out your bottle of painkillers. You popped two extra strength tablets and washed them down with yet another healthy gulp of water.
You walked back to your bedroom and laid in the quiet dark on your bed. Just as you closed your eyes, your phone buzzed. Once, then twice. You pick it up to see you have missed messages from men on that confounded Seeking Arrangements app. You groan and set the phone down again, remembering just how horribly drunk you got last night. Drunk and stupid, it seemed. You hear another buzz and pick up the phone in frustration, unlocking it and then scrolling through the messages and threads you'd started last night.
Genevieve. What a stupid name. You quickly changed it to your name and kept scrolling through. You deleted many of the threads, only stopping on a few men who were even remotely close to your age bracket. All tech startup guys with nothing better to do than wine and dine young women into their panties. Typical.
You’re about to delete the app when you see one face in particular that doesn't piss you off like the rest. You open your conversation from the night before to find it was pleasant, not sexually charged, and genuine. You smile briefly before clicking his profile picture. He’s handsome, too handsome. What’s the catch?
You open his profile to see his age, what he does, and where he is. He’s forty, lives nearby in San Diego, and is an aviator for the Navy. The military thing would have been a turn off if the conversation you’d had didn't look so… refreshing. You scroll to see his net worth - nearly one million. Unheard of among these other men. He must be well-off.
You scroll more and see he’s very close by. A block away. You excitedly - but cautiously -  type a message to him.
You: So sorry, I fell asleep. I think it's wild you’re still single at your age. How doesn't that mustache pull women nowadays?
You bite your lip and quickly turn the brightness down on your phone, the blue light making your migraine worse. You see him typing and your heart flutters.
You can't believe this is happening. How did you let your friend talk you into this? Were you crazy? Desperate? Or just lonely? You watched the bubbles on screen appear and disappear as the man on the other side of the screen typed his response to you.
The self-loathing part of your brain told you he was figuring out how to turn you down gently. Tell you you're too young for this, to go find someone your own age, chase your dreams, and whatever other sentiments he could think of. You wanted to hear it, but you also didn't. This was all too much.
Until it wasn't.
Bradley Bradshaw: No worries, sweetheart. I see you're nearby - let me come get you and treat you to brunch. Mimosas?
You stood outside your apartment with your cutest outfit on, though to someone like Bradley, it could be considered… revealing. You didn’t have much, hence the entire reason your friend had convinced you to join that stupid app in the first place. Regardless, you stood waiting for Bradley to come pick you up for your impromptu brunch date.
Could you even call it a date?
Your mind swam as you stared down at the photo of him on the app. He was handsome, yes. You just weren’t sure if this made you one of those gold-digging, shallow women who you were sure were all over this app. He looked as though he’d spent a lifetime laughing, living. The wrinkles you could see that weren’t airbrushed out of this photo seemed deeply set. A good sign that he wasn’t as stuffy as some of the other guys you’d apparently spoken to.
Was this just a giant ass mistake?
What if he was just another one of these guys looking to fuck a younger woman and then give her some hush money? Or even expensive gifts in lieu of hush money? You didn’t want to be the dumb trophy on some older man’s arm. And that was when it hit you - you actually liked Bradley. It was just a small crush, of course, you’d hardly known him. Hardly even spoken to him. But from the little interaction you’d had he seemed like the genuine article.
Before you could psych yourself out any more, you heard the low rumble of a classic car getting closer. You popped your head up to see a bright blue classic Ford Bronco headed your way. Your eyes lit up - having an affinity for classic cars - and you simply prayed that this was Bradley coming to get you. 
The car came to a stop right in front of you, and the aforementioned Bradley was looking out the window at you with a grin. He pulled his aviators down the bridge of his nose and looked you in the eyes. A genuine kind of look on his face that had you melting inside.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said kindly. “Are you ready to go?”
You nodded wordlessly and shoved your phone into your small purse. Bradley jumped out of the Bronco and approached you. He was incredibly tall, compared to you, and he didn’t have this dominating presence that you kept thinking he would have. No, he was like a giant teddy bear - someone you could imagine curling up with at the end of the day and getting nothing but hugs and kisses from.
“You’re even more adorable than that picture on the app, you know,” he tilted his head sweetly to one side. Your cheeks flushed a bright red, though you weren’t sure if he would notice.
“I-I’m happy I’ve surpassed expectations,” you croaked. “God, I’m sorry-” He chuckled and shook his head.
“I’m nervous, too, sweetheart,” he admitted kindly. “Let’s get to where we’re going and we can be nervous together.” He took your hand and led you to the passenger side of the Bronco. He opened the door for you and helped you get up into the seat. He waited until you were situated before closing the door and walking coolly to the other side and getting into the driver’s seat.
“I hope you don’t mind. I chose a more secluded spot than I normally would,” Bradley admitted as he pulled away from the curb. “Not because I’m embarrassed, but just because I’d hate to have people I know giving me shit.”
“I completely understand,” you say softly. “I would die if someone I knew saw me doing this… Whatever this is.”
“I’d say we can put off putting a label on it until we’re sure, yeah?” Bradley looked over at you with a smile. “No pressure, no fakery, no stress.”
“I love the sound of that,” you said sweetly, looking at him with a smile.
Soon, you arrived at a small brunch joint on the outskirts of the city. Bradley had assured you he’d never seen his buddies here, and you assured him that your friends are too broke to afford this kind of place. Sharing a laugh, Bradley cuts the engine and gets out of the Bronco. He walks to your side and helps you out before linking your arm with his.
“I’ll treat you right, okay?” He said sweetly as he walked you in. You only smiled in response and allowed him to lead you inside. He gave his last name coolly to the hostess and she ushered the two of you to a more private booth at the back of the restaurant. Bradley pulled your chair out for you and let you sit first. What a gentleman. He took his seat across from you and removed his aviators.
Those eyes were mesmerizing. Beautiful brown that you swore had little flecks of gold in them. You could get lost in those eyes if you weren’t careful, so you quickly picked up the small menu and looked it over. Yikes. You for sure wouldn’t be able to afford this.
“So, I can tell this is not something you usually do,” Bradley said softly. “Me neither, if I’m honest.”
“Honestly? My friend made me do it. We were… Drinking last night. And she convinced me this would be a good idea.” You admitted candidly. “I didn’t know what to expect.
“Hah! Sounds exactly like what my friend did to me,” he admitted right back. “I forgot the app even existed until you messaged me last night. Then, I just got this… feeling. Like, if I let this slip by, I’d regret it the rest of my life.”
“Hence, why we’re sitting here having brunch together,” you finish for him. “I have to admit, Bradley, you don’t seem like the type to go for… younger women. You’re mature, put together, and seem like a zero-bullshit guy.”
“Yeah, well, the Navy sort of beats that into you,” he laughs softly. “Women are usually deterred by the military thing. They automatically think you’re looking to get married, or they think you’re active duty and are going to lose you. So they don’t even bother trying.” He looks up at you. “I’m just trying to find someone to spoil. Someone to care for, and someone to care for me right back.”
You appreciated his honesty. You liked skipping around the nervous chatter, the lies, the embellishments. This was a far cry from some of the dates you’d been on in the past - boys pretending to be men that they’re not. Bradley clearly went through that when he was your age. And he clearly realized it doesn’t work long-term.
“You’re saying all the right things, Bradley,” you chime. “I just want you to know… I’m not after your money or whatever else it is you have to offer me. I’m not sure what I’m after here, but I’d like to explore this. Whatever it ends up being, or not being, I’m interested to see where it goes.”
You’re surprised to hear those words coming from your mouth. An hour ago you were just about ready to call this whole thing off. You were sure this would make you lesser than; lump you in with all the other desperate girls your age just looking to get rich and not work for it. But, honestly, you didn’t care about money - your friend did. If this all worked out, if Bradley ended up being more than just a Seeking Arrangements date, you’d have to thank her for being such a gold digger.
Oh, the misery.
"I do too, sweetheart,” Bradley said sweetly. “No pressure, no fakery, no stress.”
Brunch went exceptionally well. Bradley told you stories from his time in the Naval Academy, TOPGUN, and even a few missions you were pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to share. He told you about his parents and how he followed in his dad’s footsteps. He told you about everything. He was a man who’d lived. You couldn’t grasp, still, how a woman his age wouldn’t want him.
You shared stories from your years in college, your job, and from your childhood. Absolutely nothing compared to the nearly twenty years he had on you. You felt silly telling him about yourself, but he was genuinely interested. He asked so many insightful questions, held your hand, and maintained eye contact. You thought maybe, just maybe, he was falling for you.
You’d be remiss if you didn’t admit you may be falling for him, too.
When the bill came, Bradley snatched it away from you with a mischievous grin. You playfully pouted at him and he just waved you off. He took his wallet out and slid a credit card into the book and held it until the server came back. Clever little devil.
“I told you I’d spoil you, sweetheart,” he mused. “This is me spoiling you. But, I should warn you. This is only the beginning.”
You grinned at him and nodded, relaxing back in your seat. He was just so cool. His entire demeanor, his attitude - devil may care kind of air about him. You enjoyed his youthful aura, especially since you knew he was not quite as youthful as he used to be. It was truly a breath of fresh air.
The bill was paid, you’d successfully drank three mimosas, and Bradley was looking at you with stars in his eyes. He walked you out of the restaurant and to his Bronco. He looked down at you once the two of you were on the passenger’s side. Brushing some hair from your face, he smiled softly and pulled you just a touch closer.
“Well, I’m dying for your review, sweetheart,” he said with a grin. “Did I live up to expectations?”
Your mouth felt dry all of a sudden. Did he? Did he? You’d just spent three hours chatting with a man nearly twice your age about his life, your life, and genuinely enjoying each other's company. And he wants to know if he lived up to expectations? You smiled widely, no longer able to conceal the excitement you felt in your gut about this.
“Very much so. I’d even be so bold as to say you’ve surpassed them,” you took his hand in yours gently. He responded by squeezing your waist a little tighter.
“Then,” he said in a lower tone than he’d used earlier. “You wouldn’t find it uncouth of me to do this?”
Before you could even think of a witty response, his lips were on yours in a gentle, tentative kiss. Your initial shock washed away quickly as your lips pressed back against his. He was gentle, nothing extravagant, nothing lying beneath the surface - just a kiss. His hands slid around your back and upwards, pulling you impossibly closer. Your hands found purchase on his large biceps, squeezing as he drew you nearer.
Like in the movies, you felt an instant spark. Little electrical pulses all over your lips, your cheeks, and wherever he touched you. His hands seemed to be made for you. They seemed to know exactly how to hold you, how to caress you, and how to make you forget all except him and this moment.
And all too quickly, he was pulling away from you. He looked down at you with gentle eyes, a small quirk of his lips. You stared back up at him with your mouth hanging open ever so slightly. He brought his hand up and swept his thumb over your bottom lip. You almost had to squeeze your thighs together to relieve the mild ache that warmed your core.
Bradley let out a soft chuckle and opened the door for you. Like earlier, he helped you into the Bronco and then got in himself. He started the vehicle and started driving away from the restaurant. Your mind swam with the possibilities. He could be your father, but you wanted him. You wanted him to be the man in your life. Just from this one little encounter. You were sure you wanted him.
It really was like the movies.
You noticed eventually that you were nowhere near your apartment, or his. In fact, San Diego wasn’t around you at all. You’d traveled north, and then west. To a small little shopping center away from town. You looked at Bradley curiously and he met your gaze as if on cue.
“I’m not done with you yet, sweetheart,” he said coolly. “I’m taking you to the beach. But you need a bathing suit. And, honestly, so do I.” He grinned at you and pulled into a parking spot. Just great! He was already blowing his money on you. Part of you felt guilty, but the other part of you - the part that was still listening to your friend - wanted to see this all through.
He pulled you into a store that sold probably the most revealing swimsuits for the most outrageous prices. You cringed every time you looked at a price tag even though Bradley had assured you nothing was too expensive. Finally, after looking at a one-piece suit that was anything but “one piece,” you pulled Bradley to you.
“I cannot let you spend this kind of money on such little fabric, Bradley,” you pleaded. He simply smiled down at you and nodded.
“I understand completely,” he looked around at the options and narrowed his eyes. “Let me find something worthwhile then.” He kissed your cheek and walked off to search for a suit for you. Dumbfounded, you stood back and watched for a second. Then, without even thinking, you started looking for one for him to wear. Like some kind of girlfriend would.
You picked up a red pair of trunks, the shorter kind that have come into style recently. You weren’t sure if these would make him look younger or just plain silly. You didn’t really care, though, you wanted him to wear them. You figured this would be a good color on him.
When he eventually found you again, he had his hands behind his back. A shit-eating grin on his face, you’d notice. You held up the trunks you’d chosen for him, a small smile on your face.
“How are these?” You asked sweetly. He nodded in approval and then brought a one piece suit out from behind his back.
Your eyes bugged out of your head when you saw it - bright red, just like the trunks you’d chosen for him.
You let out a genuine laugh and smiled up at him. He pulled you in for a quick kiss before taking the trunks from you and walking to the register to pay. You followed behind him but quickly tucked yourself against his side at the counter. He’d picked up a pair of aviators for you, a couple of towels, and some sunblock. Once he paid, he took your hand and led you out of the shop.
“Let’s change into these before we head out. I wanna get right into it when we get to the beach,” he handed you the swimsuit and gently pushed you in the direction of the bathroom. He went to the men’s room to change, and you changed as instructed.
When you arrived at the beach, you were in awe at how gorgeous the scenery was. Not a person in sight, either. Perfect, you thought. Bradley hauled you to the sand like a little kid and laughed at your protests.
“The water is fine! Come on, let me see that suit I got you.” He pinched your sides and tickled you into submission. You shoved him off of you with a wheezing laugh and tore your clothes off to reveal the swimsuit. His eyes traveled down your body in a very uncharacteristically obvious way.
“Wow, sweetheart,” he grunted. “Red is definitely your color.” He took his t-shirt off and tossed it aside. He was surprisingly muscular for someone his age. It added to his charm, you decided, that he was able to stay in such great shape. “How about me? Red a good color on me? Someone my age?”
“Yeah, actually. Those make you look at least ten years younger,” you teased. He laughed and watched you take off towards the water. He followed behind you and let his feet get wet from the waves.
You, on the other hand, were the young sprite who was going deeper into the water. You let the water lap at your thighs before traveling out a little further. The cool water felt amazing on your skin, even better with the sun beating down on you. You closed your eyes and let the waves rock you from side to side. You surely could get used to this.
You suddenly felt hands on your hips, a firm grip. You jumped slightly before turning around to come face-to-face with Bradley. The sun made his eyes sparkle just as you’d predicted in the restaurant. You looked at the age on his face and sigh softly. It’s not as obvious in the sun. Not something you expected.
“You forgot something,” he said softly. He propped the pair of aviators he bought on your face and gently pushed them up the bridge of your nose. He poked the tip of your nose with a boyish grin. “Perfect.”
“You’re gonna let me get a sunburn, too?” You chide with a poke to his ribs.
“Oh, never,” he said with a scandalized look on his face. “Here, turn back around.” He produced the bottle of sunscreen and smirked.
You turned around without hesitation. You felt his hands all over your back as he spread the sunscreen around your skin. He rubbed up and over your shoulders, kissing them gently when he was finished. He traced your spine on the open back of the swimsuit he bought you. You shivered ever so slightly when his hands brushed your skin so gently. He worked the sunscreen into your neck before gently turning you back around and working it over your collarbone. You saw the hesitation in his eyes when he went to drag his fingers lower, but your lack of protest replaced his hesitation with determination. He massaged the sunscreen into the swell of your breasts slowly. Your breath caught in your throat at the touch. The familiar ache between your legs returning.
He moved on to your arms and the tops of your ears. He then put a silly little stripe of it on the bridge of your nose, making you giggle. You took the bottle from him and repeated the gesture on him. He grinned proudly and pulled you close again. His lips crashed onto yours in a hungry kiss, more intimate than the last.
You knew then that you could get used to this.
You grinned widely and charged at Bradley, jumping into his arms. He laughed and caught you with ease, spinning you around as you wrapped your legs around him. He playfully tipped you backwards so your hair brushed the water. Your squeal of excitement rang out clear as day, making him smile brighter than you’d seen.
He pulled you back up and you buried your face in his neck. His skin was slick with sweat and sunscreen, and he smelled still like the subtle cologne he wore. He held you securely against him, never daring to drop you.
You pulled your head back and kissed him again. It came easier now, kissing him. It was more exciting, less anxiety-inducing. You liked the way the walls had been dropped and the affections came easier. He gladly kissed you back, tugging your bottom lip between his teeth. A soft, more needy than intended whimper left your lips at that.
Instead of scaring him away, it only spurred Bradley on. His hands cupped your rear possessively and he carried you back to shore. And you knew where it would go from there.
He set you down on one of the towels and crawled over you. His hands gripped your hips tightly as he explored your skin with his mouth. Your hands slid up and into his hair, whining softly as he ravaged you with that perfect, experienced mouth.
“I need you to know, sweetheart,” he grunted. “This isn’t a one-off.” You tilted your head, sweat on your brow.
“I’m going to take you out, bring you home, make you mine,” he explained further. “I’m not ready to let you go yet. I hope that’s okay.”
“It’s more than okay,” you breathed. “I’m not ready to let you go yet either.”
“Good,” he said before kissing down your stomach, dangerously close to your aching cunt. “Because I don’t want to go too fast.” He kissed back up your stomach and to your lips.
A pitiful little moan left your lips in protest. He chuckled softly and looked down at you.
“We have time,” he said simply. You wrapped your arms around him and laughed softly. His lips connected with your collarbone before he lifted you back up.
“Let’s order something and eat dinner here. Sound good?” He suggested. You nodded with a grin, kissing his cheek. As he was busy ordering something for dinner, you looked down at your phone for the first time since that morning. You opened it up and looked at your conversation with Bradley on the app. You bit your lip and closed the app. Then you took a leap.
You deleted the app.
Bradley was the only one you cared about among the list of men you’d chatted with. And in a stupidly short amount of time, you started picturing yourself with this man. This real man. He turned to you and smiled as he spoke on the phone with the place he was ordering from. The look on his face when he looked at you was enough. This, eating dinner on a secluded beach, was enough.
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Tagging people who may enjoy: @roosterscock @cherrycola27 @roosterforme @roosterbruiser @beardedladyqueen @seresinsweetie @sebsxphia
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cattynamie · 8 months
How they admitted their feelings for you!~
Characters! : Idia Shroud, Leona Kingscholar.
Author's note : This is the first time for me writing all these characters! (And in general ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙) So please bear with me in case I make some mischaracterizations (is that how you write that? Probably not) accidentally, any notes or positive criticism will be very well welcomed <3
Warnings : Just SFW, everyone is allowed to read freely!! Also the reader is a third-year with no pronouns (as far as I'm aware) one mention of grim But!! The reader can or can not be Yuu! The choice is up to you (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
Idia shroud.
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"A-A WHAT!?"
You didn't even speak to him in person; what you did was worse. (For him)
You've been wanting to know Idia Shroud better as soon as you found out (Ortho might or might not have gave you a hint on how his older brother feels about you, *cough cough*) that THE Idia shroud was...."kind of" into you.
¿Did you knew? No. ¿Did Idia gave you certain signals to make you realize? Yes.
But... The thing is, Idia's signals are very.... Ermmm... Inefficient.
Of course, you've got to give it to him that he makes an effort to "talk" to you. (He's doing it once a week through his tablet.)
And the one time your phone broke (courtesy of Grim who wanted to look for good tuna brands online.) Idia personally made sure to fix AND put new features into it. (bro's acting as if he didn't use this as a chance to register his number into your phone.)
And suddenly, you're getting messages from this unknown number??? Oh, they're- okay.qq they're asking you if you have an certain RPG game? (Idia knows that you already do, he checked himself) Which is might creepy, if I may say...
Oh, but soon enough, you found out that it's Idia! So it's okay. Just don't ask him how he got your number.
And since you already knew he liked you and you may or may not have a slight liking for him too, you decided to spend some "quality time" (you're both staying up late to play together) with Idia.
So the following weeks after classes, you both have been playing this one game together from the start, leveling up at the same time and finding about the story together. (Idia has already finished the game at least two times but created a whole new account just to be at your level ;))
And he's so..... Different? Sometimes you wonder if he's being impersonated... But to your doubts, he gets confident enough (with a LOT of hyping himself up and from his brother) to ask you if you want to phone call while you play. (Bro just starts dumping the whole FNAF lore to you as you both play)
You two have spent HOURS playing together on a daily basis, and as Idia becomes more and more comfortable talking to you, (to the point where he talks and THEN thinks) He accidentally admits that he likes you. How??? Well, you just had to get on his nerves.
There was this one part of the game that, no matter what, you simply couldn't get through. Which made Idia ANXIOUS because he wanted to get to the exciting part quickly, (just to see how you would react to it) but he still waited for you like he lovesick loser he is.
In your defense, you tried EVERYTHING. Watching YouTube gameplays, following the game's instructions, following IDIA'S instructions... You just... Couldn't do it.
And you got into Idia's NERVES. You could practically see how his character was fuming with anticipation too.
"Ugh... How did I manage to like a normie like you...." (Was the last sentence you heard from him before he disappeared for DAYS)
"You... You what?"
Idia has NEVER logged off so fast in his LIFE.
Bro practically ghosted you after that 💀💀.
No matter how many messages you sent on a daily basis, or how you tried to approach his floating tablet, or EVEN when you tried to go to his room, he had guards everywhere to make sure that you didn't get closer. (They politely scorted you out everytime you tried to sneak in <3) He would always get away from you to avoid any kind of confrontation.
So you just did what you had to do.
Knowing Idia had cameras EVERYWHERE on NRC, you had to memorize the spots so he couldn't see you while trying to reach his tablet. Not to mention you also memorized the days he "does" attend to classes and when he does not.
You decided that THIS was the day where you finally confront Idia about it.
So, after a lot of planning and before hand practice, (Extra laps on Vargas's class.)
You skipped a whole potionlongy class (Wich Crewel was, in fact, NOT happy about) Just to make your plan work. And as Idia was rushing out of his classroom in his tablet, you practically TACKLE IT with the strength you didn't know you hand in you and run to an empty corner before all of the other students get out of their classes.
You force the camera of the tablet to look right into your face and practically, make a DEMAND at the stunned Idia at the other side of the screen.
"Go out on a date with me!"
Leona Kingscholar
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In denial.
He tries to keep convincing himself that he does NOT like you.
How could he? You're so annoying all the time, so loud and obnoxious, you're a troublemaker. Caos literally follows you everywhere. He can't even sleep when you're around. (Because he's too focused on you to sleep, wink wink)
Also you're so... Understanding? You're one of the few people that have managed see right through him, he'll give you that.
And you've never judged him. That surprised him, of course. Not after everything he's done or how was he an asshole to you and everyone else? You're just too hard to read. Maybe you're just trying to get something out of him.
That is until... You- You want ***him*** to teach you how to play chess??? (Yeah. That's all it takes.) Most students just want to challenge him, (which they inevitably lose) And you want him to teach you? That's a new one.
But he says no. Because he's too lazy to teach you from zero. But you asking makes all his doubts about you instantly banish. So it's a win nonetheless.
But he starts to come around more often. Just when you're around, of course. For example, he starts to go into classes more... (Just in the one's where he KNOWS you're in) He actually goes to the cafeteria himself to buy HIMSELF lunch... (And also to watch you eye a dessert that you seem to like just to buy it for you later and say that you shouldn't think so much about it.)
And he also starts to show off??? At least in P.E, he makes sure to stand out ANY. CHANCE. HE. GETS. (Bro does NOT need to be doing all that.)
Soon enough, hell admit to himself that MAYBE. He likes you. But this 🤏 much. (He says) Yeah, you're kind of pretty and all... Yeah- you may be nice to be around...
Knowing Leona, (I'm not really sure please don't come after me) He doesn't like to beat around the bush all the time... So... he is going to go and see if your feelings reciprocate.
So you're casually walking to the cafeteria and- Ruggie comes up to you??? Saying that Leona needs to see you right now.
You obviously start to PANIC. You're trying to remember all of the times you interacted with Leona, did you say something mean? Did you step on his tail accidentally without realizing it? Did you-
Before you know it, you're already inside of the botanical garden and with the last gulp of bravery that you have, you start to make your way to Leona usually sleeps.
To your surprise. Leona is wide awake and sitting underneath the tree he's always sleeping underneath, clearly waiting for you.
He's also... Holding a bag? (Unknowingly to you, that's the same dessert you've been eyeing earlier but couldn't get because of your struggle with money) So you approach him and right before you can say anything-
"You're late." He says with a groan of exhaustation as i looks up at you.
"If I knew you were going to be this tardy I wouldn't have liked you as much as I do so now."
That came out of the blue.
That's the LAST thing you expected. But you're certainly not complaining.
"You... like me?"
He groans with small disbelief at your obliviousness and his tail swishes on the ground.
"Until you can finally tell.... Did I really have to spell it out for you Herbivo-, y/n?"
UOOUO okay that's it!!!!!!! This is the first time EVER I'm writing. So if any misspellings, mischaracterizations (i still don't know if that's the word...) Let me know! THANKS FOR ANYONE WHO READS THIS I LOVE YOU XOXO BYEEEE
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underoospeterparker · 8 months
desperately need a finnick x reader where he comforts reader (*cough* me *cough*) during their period bc i am starting soon and am absolutely dreading it 😍
terrible to say but i stopped studying 2 write this as soon as you requested it - thank you for requesting anon, i hope this helps w/ the period at least a little :)
"Honey." Finnick's voice was warm, comforting, and you hung onto it for a moment longer before you opened your eyes and felt the dreaded sticky wetness between your legs.
You groaned. "I leaked onto the sheets, didn't I?"
Turning towards Finnick, you watched as he gave you a sheepish smile, then rushed to reassure you. "It's perfectly fine," he said. "You know I've seen much worse."
You gave him what you hoped was a grateful smile, swinging your legs over the side of the bed. As soon as you stood up you felt the blood rush down your body and you winced, knowing it would be a pain to have to clean up.
Finnick, the gentleman he was, rushed to your side, covering the bed up with the blanket just in case you were feeling queasy. He reached for your hand, squeezing it and leading you to the bathroom.
"I'll be right back," he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. Before he left, he asked, "are you doing okay?"
Your heart broke at his obvious concern for you. "I'm okay," you shrugged, giving him a small smile. "My stomach hurts a bit, but otherwise it's not too bad."
You hopped into the shower, washing everything off you as well as you could with heaps of soap. When you stepped out, you realised that he'd put a pad in your underwear so it was all ready to go.
You pulled it on, eyes getting teary when you saw that he'd placed your favourite pair of sweats on the toilet lid, along with your unicorn hot water bag.
You couldn't help but burst out crying when you opened the bathroom door to find Finnick had changed the sheets and had gotten you a glass of water and some pain medication.
"Sweetheart?" His voice was filled with concern and empathy. "Why're you crying?"
He had hopped off the bed and was now towering in front of you, hands cupping your face, thumbing away at your tears.
You giggled wetly through your tears. "Just," you said, "I'm so lucky to have you." Your voice cracked on the last word and you promptly fell into his arms.
"Aw, baby," he cooed, voice sweet as he picked you up. Your legs curled automatically around his waist as he placed you on the bed and wrapped his arms around you. "I love you," he whispered, passing you your hot water bag and placing it on your stomach.
"I love you too, Finn," you whispered back, falling asleep in his arms.
It wasn't long, though, before your cramps arrived full force, making you curl your legs up to your chest. You lay in the fetal position, silent tears streaming down your face, trying your hardest not to wake Finnick up.
He was a light sleeper, though. Always has been.
He blinked his eyes open, hand braced against your leg so he could pull himself up to a seated position. "Honey?" he asked cautiously, his voice still thick and raspy from sleep.
You gasped, then tried to turn away from him. "I'm sorry for waking you up," you said. "You can go back to sleep," you added, even though you knew well that he wouldn't.
He pulled you to face him and you relented, teary eyes meeting his. His heart cracked in his chest at the sight of you in pain. "Really bad?" he settled on asking, his voice gentle.
You nodded, and he helped to sit you against the headboard. He reached for the cup of water and the pain medication tablets on the bedside table.
Your hands were shaking, trembling so badly that once he handed you the tablet to swallow, he held the glass of water to your lips instead, watching you swallow and murmuring a soft, "good girl," when you did.
Leaning back against him, you waited for the medicine to set in. His hand retreated to your stomach, the warmth from his palm seeping into your aching muscles. You almost whined in pleasure and he smiled, seeing you relax at least a little.
"Feeling a bit better?" he asked, kissing the side of your head.
You nodded, curling yourself into him, almost trying to meld your bodies together. "Thank you," you murmured, head pressed against his chest.
"Of course."
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bookshelfdreams · 11 months
#Op I need u to know I thought this was about his post-coytal bedside manner when I read the first line#was fully expecting you to wax poetic about how Ed's mediocer attempt at making breakfast was actually a heartfelt attempt to make sure#he didn't feel like he was a One And Done type of thing#I was vibrating#and then it was s1 meta 💀 RIP LMAO (@zo1nkss, on this post)
No, absolutely, let's talk about it. Because this?
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This is terrible. Comically bad. The worst anyone's ever done it, I'm sorry to say. The toast looks like it's covered in coal dust. The tea (? I hope it's tea, might as well be Ye Olde Cuba Libre) has clearly gone cold. Ed spooned the marmalade directly onto the tablet instead of just leaving it in the jar like a sane person, for fuck's sake!
Of course that's deliberate; they even make sure we know what the platonic ideal of a nice breakfast tablet looks like with the title card.
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It's like an Expectation vs Reality meme. There's a flower, there's porcelain, there's even a plate! Ed, I know you've had breakfast before, why are you so bad at this?
Because, of course, this was doomed from the start.
Ed is panicking, because he knows falling into bed together right after everything that happened in 02x06 was a mistake, and he's desperately trying to salvage the situation.
Ed wanted to take things slow, because he wants stability. He wants to pursue happiness. He wants to build a beautiful life with someone he loves! Breakfast in bed every day!
Instead he to watch the love of his life be tortured in front of him, because of him, and then had to watch him intentionally kill a guy for the first time in his life - also because of him! This is the opposite of what he wanted, for himself or for Stede.
He wanted them both to be safe and happy, but instead they had an evening of horrible experiences and then had sex about it. It's all coming crashing down. Aside form the worst breakfast spread in known history, look how the scene is shot and coloured: The slightest green tint, just enough to turn the light harsh and cold, how far apart from each other they are. Tons of empty space in the frame. How they are backlit, so they are in the shadows, their faces barely discernible.
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This isn't a happy Morning After. This is them standing at the ruins of what was supposed to be a beautiful moment, but the violence of piracy broke into it and destroyed it.
Ed knows he needs to leave it behind, once and for all. Throws out his Blackbeard kit to make his decision to abandon the pirate life irreversible. Tries to have a soft, domestic moment, shares the lovely story about Merstede coming to rescue him, in an attempt to salvage his dream of retirement with Stede.
But Stede? Oh, Stede is on an entirely different page. He just had his first real taste of the power violence can grant him. While the torture wasn't fun, in the end, he triumphed! Defended his love, defended his crew! And topped it all off with what was probably the first positive sexual experience in all his 40whatever years of life! He's patronizing and kinda bitchy about the whole spread, because he doesn't get what Ed is trying to tell him. All he sees is Ed being terrible at this domestic bullshit, but that's okay because he thinks he's terrible at it too!
They'll just sail the seas, terrorize the various empires and have adventures together, forever and ever! That's the dream, right? Right???
(Wait, what do you mean Last night was a mistake?)
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got-me-moonstruck · 1 month
Stay with me 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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Part 2 of I NEED YOU
It’s been 2 weeks, and he can’t take it anymore. Everything you do make him go crazy, every smell makes him horny, every touch feels like a firework, Every thought in his mind is telling him to breed. He has been in ruts before, but never nearly this bad.
A/N: I do not support the eating of bananas, as they are vile and disgusting, but it was necessary for the plot :( i hope you can forgive me <𝟑
He woke up multiple times throughout the night, Waking you up to help him. You’d help by either going down on him or letting him fuck your thighs.
Needless to say, neither of you got great sleep. You woke up starving, but jungwon cried at the idea of you leaving him alone and talking to the other members so you decided to just stay with him.
[Jay on text]
Jay: Are you with Jungwon?
Y/n: yeah. We’re in his room.
Jay: what’s wrong with him? He’s been in his room for days. Should I call a doctor or something?
Y/n: no, don’t.
Y/n: He’s in his erm.. yk
jay: ?
y/n: rut
Jay: ah.
Jay: i see. Are you helping him?
Y/n: yeah.
Jay: I’ll bring up some food and stuff for you soon. I assume he’s not exactly letting you go anywhere.
Y/n: yeah, please do. Thank you 🙏
Jay: it’s np
20 minutes later
Jay: I left a basket outside the door
Y/n: thank you so much
Jay: no problem. Make sure he eats too.
Y/n: alright I will. Thank you again.
Jungwon was snuggled up, purring in your lap.
”wonnie, there’s some food and stuff outside the door. Can I go get it? It’ll just take a few seconds.” You used as gentle of a voice as you could.
He thought for a few seconds
”Okay but let me come with.”
”Of course, baby.”
You slowly stood up and carried jungwon with you. You grabbed the basket quickly and then went back to the bed.
A few müslibars, some bottles of water, a bunch of bananas, a pack of cup-ramen, and a bottle of caffeine tablets, assumingly for you. 2 hand towels, a pack of sensitive wet wipes and a hairbrush.
Going further down the basket, you found an unopened set of love toys and assecories. It had a gag, bottle of lube, a strap-on, a magic wand, cuffs, blindfold, anything you could want.
He really thought of everything, it’s obvious Jay had been through this before.
Jungwon looked down into the basket with curious eyes. His eyes sparkled when he saw the set.
He rubbed his thighs together and looked up at you expectingly.
“Let’s eat first, shall we?”
He sat in your lap watching you eat. Mezmerized
“Are you not hungry, baby?”
“I don’t want to eat, I just want you.”
You giggled at his corny remark.
“Well, you gotta eat. Should I feed you?”
He nodded.
You broke off a few pieces of the muesli bar and fed it to him. You opened a banana and took a few bites, and he watched you, mesmerized
“You gotta Chew, wonnie.”
He did and swallowed quickly.
“Good job. Do you want more? You want the bar or the banana?”
“Just kiss me.”
“Let me eat, Jungwon.”
You took another bite of the banana and watched as his brow furrowed even more. You took another bite, he whined and nuzzled his face into your chest and started lightly humping you.
“Almost done, baby.”
You rubbed behind his ears and he rubbed himself harder on you.
You took a last bite and put the peel away.
“Tell me what you need.”
You sat yourself on top of him.
“Touch me. Touch me everywhere. And kiss me, mark me. I don’t like you eating the stupid banana, i hate it. You can’t eat any more of them.”
You smiled at his cute confession. Jealous of a banana, that’s a first.
He wasn’t wearing anything so you just bent down and licked his cock. He whined and fucked up.
“Stay still.”
He whined again.
You started sucking on the tip, stroking whatever wouldn’t fit in your mouth with your hand. He cried out in bliss, the sucking noises and his moand filling the room.
You kept your mouth on it as he came.
“One more, right?”
“Y-yeah… p-please.”
The whole day was a cycle of fucking and holding you as close as humanly possible.
It reached dinnertime pretty soon and you were out of food. All the other members were out. You weren’t sure what exactly Jay had told the others, but they all seemed to think Jungwon was either sick or sad and needed to be left alone.
“Jungwon, I’m starving. Can I please just order something? I’ll leave you for a minute to get it from the door. Can you do that for me? Please?”
He felt really bad for you. He was basically forcing you to be there with him and starve. He couldn’t not let you get something, but the thought of being alone in bed, even for just a minute, without your warmth, made him tear up again.
You sighed out in relief and decided to order some pizza. When there was just a few minutes until it was supposed to arrive, you stood up and dressed yourself. Making yourself somewhat presentable. Jungwon watched you and tried to ignore the feeling of not being near you.
You heard the doorbell and went downstairs.
When you got back up you were immediately greeted by him humping into you and sucking your neck hard.
“Calm down, it’s okay. I’m here again. I’m all yours, baby.”
He kept going and tried to rip off your clothes.
“Jungwon, stop. I want to eat first.”
“No, please!”
He cried.
“I need to be inside right now. Why did it have to be a guy? I hate it so much y/n! I can’t wait. Please please please I’ll do anything.”
“Alright but you have to let me eat after, okay?”
“Yeah yeah. Thank you thank you y/n”
He tried to undo your belt but got frustrated and fucking ripped your pants off.
“I’ll pay for it. I need you now. I need you so bad.”
He pushed you against the wall and kissed you feverishly. He wasted no time shoving it in, all at once and thrusting immediately.
“Ah ah, feels s’good.”
He said between kisses as he fucked you against the wall.
“Feels s’good.. please y/n you feel so good…”
”Good kitty…. Let it all out baby.”
He came inside you and kept going, carrying you across the room to the bed. You thought you would’ve grown tired of this after a whole day, but his desperation still turned you on so much. He looked so cute like this, using all the power he has to help calm his raging hormones
After a few rounds, you had the pizza and then drew a bath. You washed his body and combed through his matted hair, before doing the same to yourself. You finally changed to fresh sheet on the bed and cleaned off dried cum from the floor.
On the third day he finally started feeling better. He only woke you up once during the night to help him, and he even let you use the bathroom alone.
On the fourth day you both went downstairs to eat breakfast together. Jake and Heeseung came home when you were downstairs, so he was bombarded with a ton of questions.
“Are you feeling better? Jay said you’ve been really sick.” Heeseung asked
“Yes, I’m much better.” He held your hand under the table for comfort
“Do you need us to get you something? Are you contagious?” Heeseung asked again.
“No no it’s just… erm…”
“He just has a really upset stomach. He must’ve eaten something weird. But he’s feeling better now.” You answered for him.
“Alright, get well soon, my man.” Jake said
On the fifth day you were all eating dinner together. Jungwon’s plate was full of just plain rice and some chicken, as the other were under the impression he had some type of food poisoning.
Jungwon sat next to you and you had your hands intertwined underneath the table.
You made eye contact with one of the members for a little bit too long for his liking, making his body full of lust and anger. He excused himself and you followed after.
He still didn’t want to sleep alone, and he had to have your pillow with him when he was away from you, but other than that, everything seemed to be slowly calming down. Going back to normal.
“Y/n..” he whispered to you late at night, before you had fallen asleep.
“Are you awake?”
“Mm yeah.. what’s up?”
“….thank you for taking care of me. I’m so sorry you’ve had to see me like this. It’s really never been this bad before…”
“It’s no problem. I really like you, Jungwon. I wouldn’t just let you suffer by yourself. Besides, you made me feel good as well.”
He hm’ed and pushed his reddening face into your chest.
“Do you…. Um…. Maybe..Want to, like, b-be together for real now? Like dating? I think you were the one that made it so bad this time. I think that means I am…um..in love with you… it’s okay if you say no, but I need to know If I have to move on or not”
You felt your heart beat through your chest.
“I’d love us to be together. I have feelings for you too, really strong feelings. I was trying to hide it for a long time, you know. I really didn’t think you liked me like that.”
“Of course I like you!” He yelled like it was the most obvious thing in the world, Going quiet after realizing he was yelling. You smile at him lovingly.
“….Do you remember that time when we kissed?” He asked
“I kissed back, so why would you think I didn’t like you?”
“You were drunk. People do things they don’t want when they are drunk.”
“But I wanted it. I thought about it every day. I thought you regretted it, that’s why you never said anything about it.”
“But I initiated it.”
“Maybe you changed your mind. Maybe it was just a heat of the moment thing. You were also drunk.”
“It wasn’t. I’ve wanted to kiss you for years. That night, I just failed to hold back.”
“Yeah. I didn’t say anything because i thought it made you uncomfortable. I didn’t want to make things more weird than they already got.”
“Oh.. wait, does this mean we are dating now? Like for real?”
“Yeah I guess so. If you’re sure you want to.”
“I do. I really, really do. Can I kiss you then?”
“Of course”
Banner creds @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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elenasalvatore94 · 1 month
Against All Odds
Summary: Emily, a brilliant engineer, and Lando, a rising star in Formula 1, navigate the intense world of motorsport while battling personal demons and unexpected challenges.
Warnings: bad language, smut, anxiety diasese.
Emily Stone had always been good at pretending. Pretending she was fine, pretending she was happy, and pretending that the heaviness in her chest was just a phase. At 30, she had carved out a respectable career for herself as a performance engineer at McLaren Racing, surrounded by the roar of engines and the relentless pace of Formula 1. It was the perfect place to hide—a world so fast that no one noticed if you were standing still inside.
Her days were a blur of data, simulations, and meetings. The precision required in her job suited her; it allowed her to focus on something other than the gray cloud that hung over her mind. Emily's colleagues respected her competence, even if they thought she was a bit distant. But she didn't mind. The less they knew, the better.
It was a Tuesday morning, and the McLaren garage was buzzing with activity. The team was in Silverstone, preparing for the British Grand Prix, and the atmosphere was electric. Emily sat at her workstation, reviewing telemetry data from the last practice session. Her fingers moved swiftly across the keyboard, her eyes scanning numbers that would be incomprehensible to most. But to her, they told a story—a story of speed, performance, and the fine line between victory and defeat.
“Emily, do you have a moment?” The voice broke her concentration. She looked up to see Tom, her team lead, standing beside her desk.
“Sure,” she replied, forcing a smile. Her voice was steady, betraying none of the turmoil inside.
“Lando needs some adjustments on his car,” Tom explained. “He felt something off with the balance during the last stint. Could you take a look?”
“Of course,” Emily nodded, gathering her tablet and notes. She followed Tom out of the office and into the bustling garage.
Lando Norris was already there, leaning against his car, deep in conversation with one of the mechanics. As usual, he had a relaxed, easygoing demeanor, but there was an intensity in his eyes when it came to racing. Emily had worked with Lando for a couple of years now, but they had never exchanged more than the necessary pleasantries. He was some years younger than her, full of energy and life—everything she felt she had lost along the way.
“Lando, Emily's here to discuss the balance issues,” Tom called out. Lando turned, flashing a quick smile that was both charming and disarming. “Hey, Emily. Thanks for coming over.”
“No problem,” she replied, keeping her tone professional. “What exactly did you feel out there?”Lando shrugged, his brows knitting together as he tried to articulate the sensation. “It’s hard to explain. The car feels a bit skittish on the exits, like it’s not gripping the way it should. Especially in the high-speed corners.”
Emily nodded, jotting down notes. “That could be an issue with the rear suspension or the aero balance. I’ll check the data again and see what adjustments we can make before the next session.”
“Sounds good,” Lando said, watching her with a curious expression. “You always seem to have everything under control, don’t you?”
She looked up, caught off guard by the comment. “It’s just part of the job,” she replied, her voice neutral.
“Yeah, but still,” Lando persisted, his tone light. “You’re like this mystery in the garage. Always focused, always working. Doesn’t anything faze you?”
If only he knew, she thought. But instead of sharing that, she just gave him a small smile. “I guess I’m just good at what I do.”
Lando nodded, accepting the answer but not entirely convinced. “Well, I’m glad you’re on our side,” he said, the playful tone back in his voice. “I’ll leave you to work your magic, then.”
Emily watched as he walked away, feeling a strange flutter in her chest—something she hadn’t felt in a long time. She shook her head, trying to dismiss the feeling. There was no room for distractions, especially not here. Not now.
Later that evening, Emily found herself still at her workstation, long after most of the team had left. The garage was quiet, save for the occasional clatter of tools being put away. She was engrossed in the data, trying to find the optimal settings for Lando’s car, when she heard footsteps behind her.
“Still here?” Lando’s voice cut through the silence.
Emily glanced over her shoulder, surprised to see him. “Shouldn’t you be resting? You’ve got another practice session tomorrow.”
“I could say the same to you,” he quipped, pulling up a chair beside her. “But I needed to clear my head. Figured I’d see how things were going.”
Emily hesitated, not used to this kind of casual conversation. “I’m almost done. Just fine-tuning some parameters.”
Lando leaned back in his chair, studying her. “You don’t talk much, do you?”
“I guess not,” she replied, focusing on her screen. “It’s just… you’re different from everyone else here. Not in a bad way,” he added quickly. “Just… different.”
Emily sighed, knowing she couldn’t deflect forever. “I like to keep to myself. It’s easier that way.”
“Easier doesn’t always mean better,” Lando pointed out, his tone softer now. “Sometimes… it’s good to let people in.”
Emily’s fingers paused over the keyboard, his words hitting closer to home than he realized. “Maybe,” she said quietly. “But it’s not always that simple.”
Lando didn’t push further, sensing that he had touched on something deeper. Instead, he switched the topic back to racing, asking her about the adjustments she was making. As they talked, Emily found herself opening up more than she had in years, their conversation flowing naturally from one topic to another.
By the time they wrapped up, an hour had passed, and Emily felt a warmth she hadn’t experienced in a long time. As Lando stood to leave, he glanced back at her with a smile. “I’m glad we talked, Emily. You’re not as much of a mystery as I thought.”
She smiled back, a genuine one this time. “Thanks, Lando. For… well, for everything.”
“Anytime,” he replied, giving her a small wave before heading out.
As the door closed behind him, Emily leaned back in her chair, feeling the weight on her chest lighten just a little. For the first time in what felt like forever, she allowed herself to hope that maybe, just maybe, things could get better.
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merakimagic · 3 months
TMNT Reunion Event: Campfire Stories
The air felt cold where Mikey stood. Aware from the fire as the orange flames flickered, sparks drifting upwards, embers glowed and laughter consumed the air as all the other cabins gathered around. Roasting marshmallows, making s’mores.
The fire crackled and popped, logs broke and the fire began to settle after one of the Raph’s had rearranged them.
A peaceful scene but not even the warm laughs or fire could defeat the cold that surrounded Mikey.
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Mikey thought to himself
“I’ve seen them before
I didn’t realise it at the time but
I’ve seen them
Even before this all started
I knew my powers were getting stronger but I didn’t want to think about it
I thought they were just dreams
Donnie says my imagination has always been overactive
So I thought it was nothing
But I was wrong
So many people
So many versions of us
All so different
But also the same
Some remind me of when we were kids
When it felt like nothing could touch us and the world was still such an unknown. When we would get upset when separated and our imaginations could keep us occupied for ages.
Some remind me of just before everything changed
When we still challenged everything and being hero’s was so exciting. When Leo still acted like a big shot and Donnie still talked to us about his latest project with amazement and excitement. When Raph still kept his cool and when no matter what we were doing we would just hang out together.
Some have grown up completely different to us But there getting better and there trying to be there for each other
All so different
But almost all with their own problems
Lots of problems
I guess he was right
We are creatures destined for tragedy
But maybe….
Just maybe… we’ll be okay and be like we were again
Everyone here has overcome challenges and faced adversity.
We’ll be okay
We’ll all be okay”
For Cabin 11 Baby!!
I wanted to draw the whole thing as a comic but my tablet is braking and so is my laptop. He just gotta hang in there for a little longer
Other People who’s AU’s I included:
First Panel:
Second Panel:
Third Panel:
Forth Panel:
Honestly guys, gals and non-binary pals, there are so many amazing AU’s that are involved in this event and I can’t wait to draw more of other peoples AU’s interacting with my own. I definitely suggest checking out these incredible AU’s, created by some pretty incredible people✨
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cock-ainee · 10 months
I'm fairly surprised with how fast I wrote it (it's because it's short af lol)
The Night Guard
Word count: 1607
Category: smut
• fingering • orgasm denial • mentions of blood (not in the sex part though) • slight violence • robot/human intercourse?? •
Characters: Springtrap x afab reader
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Dusty hallways, rusty vents, everything dirty and nasty. That's what the job YN accepted looked like. She didn't even have a clue why she agreed to that. Maybe because it was her only choice, and it was easy enough.
She walked down the corridor, that lead to the office she was supposed to spend 6 HOURS in. 6 motherfucking long, boring hours. At least nothing would happen, right? This place was abandoned, and it was night. Nobody would get there, aside from some kids that would try to act like some silly explorers, or something.
Could YN blame them though..? The place was pretty interesting, creepy even. It was her fault that she was just too eepy to even look at the advantages of working at such a place.
And she started hating it even more after the clock hit 2am.
Till then, she was just clicking random buttons on her tablet to fix the occuring errors, or was looking over the cameras.
Until she saw the shit that was lurking in one of the vents.
A fucking enormous, yellow rabbit, that looked like it has been thrown into a shredding machine.
And the thing moved just before her eyes. It pointed it's empty, dead gaze right at her, making her heart stop.
No, it wasn't any "romantic" moment. It was a moment of deep, breathtaking fear.
Afterall, all the animatronics were supposed to be shut, not moving the fuck around, especially not trough vents. Who the hell would've taught them that??!
YN immediately stood up, scanning the room for any possible weapon she could use against the animatronic. She spotted a baseball bat standing in the corner and decided to just note the fact in her brain, in case she would need it. For now, she intended just to see what the fuck was happening in there.
She went out on the corridor, with a flashlight in her slightly trembling hand. The ambiance in the hallway was dark and off-putting, YN felt a need to curl herself up in a ball and stay like this till 6am.
And when she turned around the corner, she let out a frightened shriek and dropped the flashlight, that broke, making YN get surrarounded in absorbent darkness.
- S-shit! -
She quickly picked the object up and tried to turn it on, to no avail. Now she started panicking. But she then just decided to look for some "off" button in the animatronic if such thing even existed. She took a few, fearful steps towards the animatronic, and let her hands wander over the torn, broken plastic plates of it's body, that felt a little furry under the pads of her fingers.
And then her hands landed on something.. unexpected. Unpleasant. SLIMY.
A yelp escaped past YN's lips, as she took a few steps away from it, falling down on her butt. And there she was, down on the ground in front of massive animatronic, that's eyes now lit up.
And it did something that made girl's heart die in her chest. It SPOKE.
- Oh, what's wrong? Did the remains of my flesh scare you off this much, young lady? -
He took a step ahead, the metal grumbling and whirring with each movement of his robotic legs.
YN quickly scrambled up from the floor and backed away, meeting the wall with her backside.
- No use in running. You can't escape me -
The creature took a few more steps towards the girl, paralyzed with fear. Hot breath fanned over YN's neck, warm, despite of the owner's cold demeanor. The girl could feel her whole body tense at the smell of the animatronic's breath - and it lowkey smelled like rotting flesh.
How could it even breathe-? It was a machine.
YN snapped back to reality and tried to think fast, wanting to find a way to protect her life and dignity. She looked at the animatronic and seeing that it wasn't in arm reach yet, she took her chance and sprinted down the hallway, back into her office. She locked herself in it, quickly shutting off all the cameras, not to scare herself even more.
But then a loud bangs came from the door. They were creaking as if they were just about to break down. And just when YN stepped away from them, they did. The wood broke, sending parts of it flying until they hit the floor too. YN gripped the baseball bat she found earlier, intending to protect herself with it. But one powerful swing of the animatronic's arm was enough to throw it out of her grasp, and making the girl fall to her knees. Springtrap rose her up by her chin, reaching his free hand out to smear her blood over his fingers. Only now did YN realise that there was a splinter stuck in her cheek.
- Tsk tsk. You're bleeding. What a silly little girl you are -
His voice was dark and enticing, and YN strangely found herself kind of.. responding to it.
- W-what are you? -
She asked fearfully, her eyes darting over the animatronic, looking like a prey who has just been caught by a predator.
- "What"? Oh dear, don't treat me like an animal -
He spoke and another dark chuckle left his.. mouth?
- Most call me.. Springtrap. You can call me however you'd like.. but it still doesn't change your situation -
YN gulped, feeling his plastic hand trail over her throat.
- Are you.. going to kill me? -
- Kill you? That would be too easy, don't you think? I'd rather use you.. the other way -
Girl's heart sank. What could he mean? She felt terror making it's way up her spine, sending chills over it. And then, she was thrown across the desk, on her back, as Springtrap towered above her. His big hands trailed over her waist, as the realisation slowly hit YN. This was his "other way".
- I haven't seen a woman for so long... Let alone a woman.. not to mention me having a touch of a woman -
- Please.. I'll do anything you wish, but just... Please not this -
Springtrap immediately shut her up, with a glare that seemed..alarmingly sharp.
- If not this.. i can simply kill you. Would you like that? -
Silence and a shudder from YN answered him.
- That's what i thought -
Moments later, YN's clothes were ripped and discarded to the floor. Girl's nipples stiffened from the cold air hitting them, and Springtrap just stayed silent, looking over at the girl's body. His cold fingers kneaded the flesh, soft and plushy under his touch.
- Fascinating.. -
He muttered, turning the girl onto her stomach, making her let out an unintended moan at the way her hardened buds rubbed over the desk. Springtrap chuckled.
- Don't worry.. soon enough, you'll be.. making these sounds louder -
YN felt plastic touch on her thighs and couldn't help but whine at the way the digits brushed over her pearl and sensitive folds. She felt embarrassed, because she wasn't supposed to be reacting to it this way.
Springtrap laughed as his finger circled over YN's entrance, finding out that she wasn't necessarily all dry.
- You're starting to like this, aren't you? That's such a shame -
The girl let out a yelp as suddenly Springtrap's finger pushed inside her, stretching her inner walls just with it. It was scary how much it filled her alone. The animatronic marveled over the female, taking in notes of her reactions. Every whimper, every moan, every squeeze of her velvety heat on his finger. And as her thighs started shuddering, he pulled his finger out, denying her an orgasm.
YN whined pretensionally, looking at him over her shoulder just to get her head pushed down forcefully.
- Don't you even dare think it's about you -
He grumbled, as he reached to the pad of his pelvis, and YN could hear a metal click before something more humanly, oddly warm pressed over the curve of her rear.
The female gasped, understanding flooding her senses as a shiver of fear and excitement got goosebumps forming on her skin.
Springtrap's cock slid down, to rub between her legs and collect her arousal on it.
And soon, he was pushing into her, tight heat, earning a muffled moan from her.
YN cursed herself for thinking he could ever have mercy with her. She whined pathetically as he picked up the pace immediately, hitting all the soft spots inside her repeatadly, with no care for YN of the way it could hurt her.
But it only got her core gushing and sweet sounds escaping her as she neared her end once. Springtrap could feel her climaxing on his cock once, tightenjng around him and spilling juices over his cock and plastic pelvis, making the coupling more fluid.
He was mostly quiet, only letting out grunts and little groans as he pounded into her relentlessly. And soon another intense, shaky orgasm ripped trough YN, as she fell limp on the desk, too exhausted to keep her head up.
After a few more minutes of the rough session Springtrap let out a primal growl, pinning the girl down with his weight, as he released thickly inside of her.
He then pulled out his member halfly out of her, as YN tried scrambling off the desk. Springtrap chuckled darkly and pinned her down agressively again.
- Where do you think you're going? It's barely 3am -
And that were going to be 3 more long, long hours...
Sorry for any mistakes or for not using colorful language, but english is my second one, so.. yk.
Anyways thank you for reading and the likes too 😭😭
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