#i enjoyed trying out some new photo editing stuff on them!
apollos-boyfriend · 4 months
Hey I've been observing from afar through your reaction blogging, I haven't been in mcyt as much since the dsmp ended but I still care about a lot of the people in the mcyt circle and I'm interested in what goes on - care to give a rundown of what happened at this twitch rivals thing everyone keeps talking about? (no pressure only if you want to) Aside from the fact I'm sure it was terribly run like most twitch rival events are, but it sounds like there was more to it than that
okay so. i am going to be missing quite a few details because i missed a day myself + my streamer could not care less, so i heavily encourage others to add on stuff i missed
this was a multi-day competition, running for 5 days with prize rewards from 1k to 100k. it started with i think 150 players, with select numbers of people getting eliminated each round. day 1-2 are fairly normal, at least for twitch rivals. of all the games that got played through the whole event, i'd say like 1 was actually good, and maybe 2 were decent, at best. most are bad, poorly-executed, poorly thought out, or just boring in terms of both player enjoy-ability and content creation.
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now, sapnap's been sapnap for this entire event already. obnoxious, a bad sport, but most notably, playing DMCA'd songs. the event ran on proximity chat, so while he was unmuted, everyone around him would also be subject to said songs, which could mute vods at worst and terminate accounts at best. most people are fed up with him at this point. while everyone's trying to come up with solutions for the glitch, sapnap spams the discord with useless shit. couriway calls him out in the discord, calling him annoying and obnoxious, then later calling him a cunt in twitch chat. sapnap uses couriway and feinberg's name in his stream title for clickbait and talks shit about them + their friends (hbg/house builder gang). he also makes some weird comment asking if couri is homophobic because sap was talking about having skeppy's dick in his mouth?? or something?? i'm unsure exactly how day 3's issue of the glitch resolved.
day 4 is also your average experience with your usual range of average to horribly painful games. sapnap continues to be a bitch and not take responsibility for his stans attacking anyone in sight, but what else is new
day 5 is. bad. the game set for deciding the final competitors can be cheesed (if you let someone else do all the work, you can punch them in the last second and steal their win) and eliminates like 20 people at once. on top of that, a glitch happens that leaves the server on standby for at least 30 minutes while admins decide what to do. firebreathman sends a picture of a bare naked ass in the discord. someone else sends a photo of their debit card. streamers entertain themselves in various ways, including growing a cactus (fulham), playing osu (purpled), collecting other people's streams for their overlay (fruitberries), playing slime rancher (badboyhalo), and building real-life furniture (couriway). tubbo (who was already eliminated at this point) starts jumping between streams and asking in chat for the tea. the game is eventually replayed, deciding the final 4 players, but it's just as broken and at that point, no one wants to be there anymore. it's revealed through multiple streamers (purpled, i believe also feinberg) that twitch rivals games are not tested before being ran. the only testing done was a stress test to see if the server could handle all original 150-some players. this explains why the games are so bad and poorly organized (some games take over an hour, others barely 30 minutes).
the final four are sapnap, shadoune, sneegsnag, and i think feinberg. it's the most anticlimatic game of connect 4 you can imagine. sneeg eliminates sapnap, and shadoune eliminates fein. notably, fein's game glitches during a throw, which despite being obviously a glitch, the coordinators brush off as being "part of the game". fein and multiple other streamers spend time analyzing every pov frame by frame and all agree that yeah, that was a glitch. shadoune and sneeg are left for the finals. they come to an agreement that this is stupid and a horrible event. tired of this bullshit, they purposefully stall the games and run a podcast for approximately 2 hours, forcing the coordinators to bend to their commands hunger games-style. essentially since the first glitch of the day people were begging twitch to just split the money, something that wouldn't be easy according to tubbo, because everything is pre-signed and delegated before the event. sneeg and shadoune give no fucks, and force the coordinators to split the money anyway, winning the day through the power of friendship. i cannot stress enough how no one wanted to fucking be there by the end of all this.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hello! I would like to please request a MCYT preference (Quackity, Tommy, Ranboo, Karl, Tubbo, Badlinu) dating a SO who is a model. Their partner always look amazing in photos whether its blurry or not. They can even make a simple outfit look amazing.
You know those viewers pick my outfits videos (example: Dan and Phil)? You bet your ass that they will do it with their partners.
oooo yeah sure!!! ; also sorry if this is like wrong in any way, idk much about modeling lmaooo ; thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy!
MCYT ; model babe
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, quackity
warnings ; language
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the most supportive person everrrrr
you model mostly for alt brands so when a new thing pops up he's ON IT
he's a little dumb when it comes to remembering when you do certain shoots and he's like "when was this???"
always bragging how he pulled a 10
"remembering I have a model for an s/o 😍😍😍"
tubbo replies with "stfu"
you reply to him with "hater era is the worst tubbo era"
"u aren't even that big of a model u model for like hot topic bitch"
"learn to use commas"
he's so jealous of you but he keeps it lowkey
"I wish I had hair like yours" "I wish my smile was as pretty/handsome as yours"
you have to constantly remind him he's a 10 too 😔
plugging your shoots and socials all the time
you do some streams with them teaching them and Charlie how to model/what you do for shoots
you three did a "pick my outfit" video and posted the pics to insta before posting the video 💀
"guys... what happened?"
"I think they got drunk because what is this 💀💀"
"new y/n shoot dropped : we got drunk edition"
became the face of tumblr memes for like 2 years after that
you also model for their merch/have given them tips on modeling the merch as well
model duo 😍
sooooo infatuated with you
saves literally every professional photo taken of you
"me and my s/o 😊❤️" and it's the cutest couples video ever of the bf swooning over his gf
always sending you poses to try out and stuff for your own personal pics
he always makes you the center in all his pretty photos and getting you to model / show him how to pose
he's literally so obsessed and thinks you're so fucking cool cause you model
even if it's just content creator merch or small shops, he's just like 🤯
"i went to a shoot with y/n... video drops tomorrow 3pm est"
"you ate that dress up freddie, trust"
yall r THE two pretty best friends
sooooo infatuated
brings u on stream when he's lonely just to stare at you for a minute
"this is my baddie model s/o guys, say hi! 🤗🤗"
replies "BARK BARK BARK" under your posts like some crazy stan
the only stan u appreciate
he has a secret fan page for you
he edits too
they're pretty good for a beginner trying transition edits
made you a model playlist so you can get hyped for shoots as well and feel like a bad bitch
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art · 2 years
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Creator Spotlight: @textless​​
Hi! My name is Amadee, and I am a librarian who lives in Arizona. I also love taking photos in my spare time.
Check out our interview with Amadee below!
What got you started in photography?
Both of my parents were very interested in photography. I’d always loved looking at their work, and in high school, I got a 35mm camera as a gift, so I could start taking photos myself. Back then (in the actual 80s), HS students in the Minneapolis area could take classes at area colleges for dual credit. I started taking photo classes at the University of Minnesota and had access to a darkroom and nearly unlimited film and processing supplies without realizing just how amazing that was. I took many photos of friends, acquaintances, and strangers, and I loved looking at work by Nan Goldin and Bill Owens. After college, without access to a darkroom, I stopped taking pictures almost entirely.
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How has technology changed the way you approach your work?
Bluntly, technology allowed me to start taking photos again. The first digital cameras I tried in the early 2000s were terrible: slow, clunky, and with next to no storage capacity. Even so, they seemed like the first step in an interesting direction. By 2008 or so, I had a point-and-shoot digital camera and rediscovered what I loved about photography… except that I no longer wanted to take pictures of people. Soon I started taking photos of tiny things, especially insects, and my little camera wasn’t up to the task. I got a DSLR with a macro lens in 2010 and haven’t stopped taking photos since.
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I know many photographers who are nostalgic for film, whether or not they were around in the analog era. More power to anyone who wants to spend the time and money, but I don’t miss film even a little. For the kind of photography I enjoy, which is almost entirely documentary, the ability to take an unlimited number of photos, and see what did or didn’t work right away, makes all the difference.
You've also written books in the past—what was the most challenging, yet rewarding part of the process?
I was a children’s librarian for many years and just love books. So, when I started writing, I hoped to create books that would connect with kids and spark their imagination. Cortez the Gnome was a book I would have liked to see as a kid, and the art project elements were fun and frustrating. Gentle Hands filled what felt like a gap in my storytimes and gave me a chance to work with a publisher I like very much. Alas, my biggest challenge is that I haven’t had an idea in years! I write occasional blog posts for Free Spirit on topics related to serving youth, but working with kids was the spark for new ideas, and these days my work is mostly admin. I enjoy it more than I would have guessed years ago, but as a wellspring of inspiration, it is not.
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How do you create healthy boundaries in balancing your day job and personal aspirations?
Work comes first every time. That might sound like a drag, but I truly like my job and think library service is critically important. In some of the tiny communities we serve, the library is the only gathering place open to everyone, and the only place to access fast internet, enrichment activities for kids, books, movies, and all kinds of other good stuff. I love taking photos, but I would hate to make a job of it.
What is the hardest part of your process?
The process itself is just fun, and I’d stop if it weren’t. I used to stress about editing and posting photos soon after taking them because I wanted to create a sort of nature journal in real-ish time. That wasn’t sustainable, partly because the subjects that interest me are so seasonal. I might take 2,000 photos in August (peak macro season here), but only 100 in February. Now I just try to indicate when photos were taken and know that I’m the only person who particularly cares about that. For years I posted six new photos each day. Now I generally post two and skip days or longer whenever it suits me.
Right now, the biggest challenges are external. First, my vision is less and less sharp. It’s nothing severe, just a function of age, but it makes me think I’d better develop an interest in non-tiny subjects at some point. Second, some small but annoying health problems have kept me from getting out much over the last year. I used to take a hike or long walk at least once or twice a week, and more in peak bug season. Since last September, I’ve taken two longish walks and mostly stuck to the yard. On the plus side, it’s an excellent yard with an ever-growing assortment of interesting plants and insects.
While this is frustrating in some ways, it’s also a distillation of something I have always liked. Even when I was hiking all the time, I enjoyed going back to the same places, again and again, getting to know them in detail and watching the seasons roll through. Staying so close to home this year has been an extreme version of that, and some aspects of that have been very satisfying.
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I should also say, for the record, that I am not technical at all. I’m not interested in new gear as long for its own sake, and I don’t like messing with camera settings or anything fiddly. My favorite piece of photo advice ever was “f/8 and be there,” which I took to mean finding a basic setup you like and focusing on the subject at hand. I like finding strange or beautiful things that other people might not notice and trying to make them interesting to a wider audience. (Wider than just me, that is.)
What is something you would love to photograph but haven't had the chance to yet? Why?
This is oddly specific, but I desperately want to find an Arizona Unicorn Mantis (Pseudovates arizonae; check out the photos here). Several have been spotted within two miles of my house, but I have never found one yet. They are otherworldly and just fascinating. Insect goals!
Are there similarities or differences in your workflow when it comes to photography and writing?
Mostly difference in that photography is relaxing, and writing is nearly impossible, at least right now.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
There are several excellent photographers who live in my corner of Arizona, and I love their work because it shows different aspects of a place I care about. Also, their photos are just gorgeous.
@fatchance​ is practically a neighbor and an all-around lovely person. He takes beautiful pictures of birds and desert flora, and unlike me, he takes the time to learn about and share good information about his subjects.
@thelostcanyon​ is another south-eastern AZ photographer I admire, and he is also a very good painter.
@inlandwest​ is actually my partner. We’ve lived all over the west together, and I like that his wide-open-spaces aesthetic is so different from my focus on the little things.
A little farther afield, I love @macroramblings​, and Celeste, of @celestialmacros​, @celestialphotography​, and @occasionallybirds​, for their beautiful macro work.  @mostlythemarsh​ is another long-time favorite. He’s not a macro photographer, for the most part, but I like seeing familiar places through the seasons, and I like the stark difference between his environment (east coast/Canada) and my own.
Thanks for such wonderful answers, Amadee. Check out her beautiful photography work over at her Tumblr, @textless​!
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Birthday twins (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**Of course, I had to do a little birthday imagine for the birthday boy! 🎂 Credit to @faye01mcfc for the ginger shot idea! Hope you guys enjoy it!! ❤️**
Word count: 1852
What do you get for the guy that has it all? And that can buy anything he wants but doesn’t have yet…well, that was currently your most significant problem as you walked around the streets of Madrid. Manchester City were in the Spanish capital to try and get revenge after the way they lost in the previous edition of the Champions League, but for you, it was also a chance to do some touristy stuff and to get some shopping done.
You soon discovered that your second favourite thing called Serrano, after the ham, was the street that had that name and where you could visit some of the most luxurious stores. The architecture of the area was also stunning so you took plenty of photos and videos in between all the shopping.
“Should we go to Loewe next?”, asked Sasha, who was also in Madrid for the match and became your shopping buddy the second you mentioned your plan.
“Sure, I love their menswear. I might find something there”.
Yes, back to your problem. Sunday was going to be a very big day for you. Not only was it your birthday but it was also your boyfriend’s birthday. Meeting someone who was born on the same day as you and him becoming your boyfriend felt like some sort of destiny thing. Like you were meant to be together. But it didn’t make buying a present for him less of a pain.
Rúben had everything he wanted. And when he wanted something new, he bought it. He really was that type of guy. You wanted to write down all the things he mentioned liking for future gifts…only to find a parcel arriving home a couple of days later containing that same thing he mentioned. Really annoying.
“I like that jacket”, you said, pointing at a gorgeous bomber jacket. You loved it when Rúben wore those.
“Get it for him!!”, exclaimed Sasha, happy you finally found something you liked. “Should we go to Sephora next?”
“Duh! Always”.
So the next shop you visited was Sephora, where you bought way too many things for you…and some for Rúben. A little plan formed in your head as to how you were going to give him the presents.
Finding the perfect gifts was hurdle number 1. Number 2 was finding out when to exchange them since City played an away match on Sunday. They were heading to Liverpool to play against Everton so it wasn’t the longest trip but…should you give him your presents before he left? After he came back? And what was he planning on doing with the presents he got for you?
Saturday was also the day you were going out to celebrate with your friends, leaving Sunday as the day for a big family dinner. So everything needed to be sorted out before you left to meet your friends.
“Last party as a 25-year-old then?”, asked Rúben, getting inside the room while you finished getting ready.
“I’m getting too old for this. I need to party as much as I can before my back starts to hurt and all that”, you joked.
“The hangovers will get worse too…”.
“And you’ll use that as an excuse to try to feed me weird mushroom concoctions. I can’t let that happen”.
He shook his head before burrowing his face in your neck and muttering against your skin. “We should spend our birthdays together”.
“Call in sick?”, you suggested but he only laughed.
“We are the same age. Literally”.
Only a couple of minutes later, your phone started to buzz with a couple of texts from one of your friends saying they were waiting for you downstairs.
“I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow, old man”.
“I was born at 8 pm, not during the night like you, so…”.
He shut you up with a kiss. “Have fun”.
“I will. Good luck tomorrow”.
What you didn’t know was that Rúben was actually looking forward to you leaving because he needed to get some things ready too before leaving to meet the team. Why did he have to play on your birthday?
You made it home…late. But still set the alarm to 7.30 so you could say a happy birthday to Rúben the moment he woke up.
“Happy birthday!”, he said, beating you to it.
“Ugh, I hate you. But happy birthday my love! Or…feliz aniversário?", you tried to say, reading the note you had left on your bedside table. "Did I get it right? It’s what Google translated happy birthday to”.
“We’ll work on the pronunciation but yes, it’s correct. Thank you!”
“Look inside your pillowcase”.
That left him even more speechless than your terrible Portuguese accent. “Are you still drunk?”
“Ha ha. Do it”.
So he did, and there he found a birthday card from you.
“How did you…”, but before he could finish asking, he realized how.
“Let’s just say I asked a little fairy for help”.
“Come on, Bernardo is small but not that small”, he said, making you laugh. “Now I understand how I lost my room key and how he was the one to find it so quickly”.
Rúben opened the card starting to read it. He laughed at all your attempts to write to him in reading the card, he had to laugh at all your attempts to add little words in Portuguese. But he loved them, and all the other words in the card too.
"Go make some tea".
"I don't want to leave the bed now, Rúben…".
"Go make some tea", he insisted.
"Just do it".
Leaving the bed was tough but you made your way to the kitchen and found another birthday card, this one for you, behind the kettle.
"Great minds and all that, right?"
Since you were already there, you put the kettle on and moved away so the noise wouldn't disturb your call.
Reading Rúben's card put a huge smile on your face. He was so cheesy. And you loved it.
"Are you making tea then?"
"Yes, let me grab a mug and a teabag…".
"Get the mug I got you for Christmas".
You frowned but did as he told you, finding a note underneath it. The note had instructions on where to find your first gift.
"This is fun", you told him, giggling like a schoolgirl. "Also, open the big pocket of your suitcase".
He also didn't ask why, guessing what it was all about. And when he opened the pocket he saw a note telling him to go find Bernardo so he could get his first two presents.
When he went to find his friend, you started to look for your gifts. Finding them and more clues about the next one's location.
He overdid it, of course. But it was the last "gift" that you liked the most. It was just a note telling you he had called your boss so he would know you weren't going to work on Monday. Rúben had a day off after the match and that would be the perfect day for you to celebrate alone. No family, no friends…just the birthday boy and the birthday girl spoiling each other.
Both your parents and Rúben's joined you at your place to watch the match and then wait for him to get back and go to the restaurant you had booked for the day. That was, if any of you was actually hungry enough to eat dinner after all the cake you had been eating. Your dad, being the baking enthusiast he was, made sure there was enough cake to feed half of Manchester. And some cupcakes too.
"He's back", you yelled, jumping from the sofa so you could run to the door and half tackle Rúben. Good thing he was strong or you would have ended up on the floor.
"Missed me?"
"What am I supposed to celebrate without my birthday twin by my side?", you told him, pouting.
"Well, I'm here now. Let me say hello to our guests and get ready to go to dinner. And then I'm all yours".
You also needed to get ready but wanted to surprise your boyfriend and were already wearing something nice enough for dinner. He thought that was your outfit for the night when he saw you. But when he left, you ran to the guest room to put on the dress you planned on wearing that night.
"Darling, you look so beautiful", said your mum.
"Thanks. I bought this in Madrid the other day".
"Another birthday present for me?", asked Rúben, getting out of the room wearing some nice black trousers and a matching shirt. And holding the jacket you bought for him for Christmas to complete the look. He looked like a whole meal. A much better meal than the one you would be offered at the posh restaurant you were going to.
"You could try wearing it too but I'm not sure it's the right size…".
"Seeing it you wear it is much better", he whispered before taking your hand and following your families to the door.
You were getting ready for a toast when you noticed Rúben picking up his glass of water.
"Making a toast with water is bad luck", you told him, passing him a glass of champagne and seeing his hand move. "Don't you dare pick up the glass with juice. Come on, just a little sip".
He obliged and you all toasted to another year of health, happiness, love and success.
Hearing the alarm go off on Monday was never a good feeling. Especially when you remembered you were supposed to have the day off.
"Wakey wakey, old lady. I know age makes it harder to leave the bed in the mornings but we have a day full of activities ahead of us", said Rúben, jumping from the bed and leaving you there, still half asleep.
"I'm younger than you!"
"By 12 hours!"
You heard movement in the kitchen and sat up slightly, wondering what he was doing. But you soon found out, hearing his footsteps coming closer and a familiar melody.
"Is that happy birthday in Portuguese?", you asked and he nodded, holding a little cupcake in his hand. He put a candle on it too, which made you laugh.
"Make a wish".
You blew the candle and made your wish before kissing him and taking a bite of the cupcake.
"Wait! I have something for you too!"
Copying his actions, you went to the kitchen to find something for Rúben and came back to the room singing happy birthday to him.
"I hate you", he said when he saw you were holding one of his ginger shots with a candle on it too.
"Well, you weren't going to eat the cupcake so…".
But he blew the candle as well, making another wish before tickling you and making you laugh so hard you probably had woken up the whole city.
"Happy birthday, annoying but beautiful birthday twin".
"Happy birthday, my love. There's no one I would rather share my birthday and my life with than you".
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Superstar - Greg Hirsch x Reader
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1.3k - Author’s note: I love Greg, So I just had to write this. Also I might write a second one if this gets activity. :) enjoy
“Wait I have to piss first, wait for me outside” Tom slightly clapped his hands in front of Greg to scare him. Tom was satisfied enough when Greg slightly jumped in his chair and awkwardly laughed it off. “Of course! I see you out there then” Greg started to stand but Tom was already gone paying Greg no mind. 
Greg thanked the doorman then finding himself outside of the some 5 star restaurant that he couldn’t pronounce but Tom insisted they had the best steak or  lamb. To say the least Greg never ate lamb before and thought it was just fine. He began to look over to see Tom’s fancy limo about to step in trying to get away from outside. He heard your voice call to him. 
There you were standing in the middle of the street. Greg was going to avoid any person that called out his name, he learned that lesson from Roman. Never look in the way of people calling your name, they just want your attention or some lousy photo. But it was you. He could never forget your voice.
To be fair it has been a while since he heard it. Back in college when you two were best friends. Everyone knew you guys as close but never was told the secret kisses two of you would share. The little touches only he would get. To the simple eye, it was a shoulder touch but to him it was to meet you later to make out in a empty hallway. 
Greg quickly ran over to you. You saw his little run to you. He always carried himself a little differently being so tall. “Wow! I haven’t seen you in so long” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Yeah! What the hell, you avoided my texts and never replied” Greg forgot to mention that. After graduation Greg had a hard time finding a job while everyone else around him did. Even though he remembered how excited you were to start a job a few states away to become an editor. But he was embarrassed, practically living out of his car for a few months. He decided to avoid it all and just stopped talking to all his friends. Even you, which he didn’t think about until the moment you hit his shoulder. How did that affect you? Losing your best friend.
Greg’s face quickly went flat and you recognized that look from Greg being in his head. Quickly putting a stop to it. “Greg, Don’t worry. I’ve missed you” You took his shoulders and shook them a bit. Greg finally looked up at you and smiled. 
You couldn’t help but smile with him and laugh a bit. Same old Greg. You took a step back to get a full look at him with his outfit and shoes. “What’s up with you Mr Fancy. Your hair is so short. Oh My” You teased 
Greg always had his hair pretty shaggy and long. Now looking at him was a totally different person. The suit threw you off when you first spotted him. Greg would wear lame outfits and definitely go more comfort than fashion but now? He looked like a suitor who owns a huge company. “Yeah! It’s very cool! I have to put special stuff in my hair now, or else it won’t look right” He cheesed at you. He was clearly blushing, putting small piece hair behind his ear. 
“You look good Greg” He paused for a second. His heart was slightly beating faster and he let out another nervous laugh. “What about you! You’re editing, Why are you in New York. Wasn’t your job in.. “
He predicts to think about it hoping you cut him off. You wait for him to notice you aren’t taking his bullshit.
“Jersey!!” He nodded his head. You couldn’t help but laugh at the cute way Greg got nervous. He was slightly rocking back and forth. “I quit that job one month in, I think. It was-“ There was suddenly a yell that came out behind Greg. “Greg!!” There stood another tall man in a suit just like Greg’s and waved a gesting wave to get in the car. Greg’s eyes widened which y/n noticed immediately.
“I’ve got to go. '' He deflated. You just couldn’t help but hug Greg. If there was one thing you missed about Greg it was most definitely his hugs, And boy did he deliver. He squeezes you tightly and slightly lifts you up in the most subtle and gentle way. You sighed softly as you pulled away. You debated in your head a little thinking of going headstrong with Greg. 
Before you fully pulled away you kissed his cheek before smiling at him sweetly. “Text me?” He stood there in disbelief. Just hugging you for that one second would have made his entire week. But also a light kiss? “Of course!” He nodded as you started to walk but in the coffee shop you were in earlier. He started to walk back but he couldn’t help himself but look back at you. 
“Who’s that?” Greg had hopped back into the limo and Tom quickly jumped on him with questions. “That hug looked intense. Tell me Greg who is she” Tom suddenly interested in Greg’s love life, or his life in general. “What are you talking about. She’s just a friend in college” Tom suddenly gasped and turned his whole attention towards Greg. “You dog!” 
Greg was red in the face and stuttered to say sometime to defend himself. “Did you guys sleep together?” Greg quickly shook his head. “No! I- No.” Tom suddenly did a read on Greg’s face and how it looked like a kicked puppy. “But you wanted to,” Greg just sighed heavily and looked away. “I mean, Yes. She’s beautiful” Tom leaned back suddenly getting bored, that wasn’t the reaction he wanted. 
“She is beautiful, I’ll give her that. But she isn’t anything” Tom just shrugged then suddenly pulled out his phone. “What do you mean?” Tom didn’t look up at Greg and was just texting who Greg assumed was Shiv. “She doesn't look rich or anything. That outfit“ Tom rolled his eyes and put his phone back into his suit pocket. “You can’t gain anything from her” 
Greg was pacing around his coffee table looking down at his phone. He just got off and was wondering if he should text her this late at night. “Shit” He yelped randomly and picked up his phone and began to text. “Hey. This is Greg, I was wondering if we can get coffee tomorrow morning at 9am” He quickly hit send and threw his phone.
Y/n just got out of the shower when you heard your phone go off. You smirked when you looked at your phone. It was an old photo of Greg. He was wearing a winter hat, and just looked perfect. One of his friends took the photo after you guys went out bar diving during winter break and decided at the last minute to have a snowball fight. 
Sitting down on your bed getting distracted by looking at old photos of Greg. He was your favorite. Everyone in the study group knew that you guys were stuck side by side. Your favorite part of the day is when class was over and you went to your dorm which Greg was always in. Luckily your roommate was gone most of the time, but the image of him passing out on your bed made you so soft. You would stare at him all day, you would either sneak photos or lean in super close and touch his hair and hear him breath. 
Luckily he never caught you, because explaining why you liked to watch him sleep was something you couldn’t do
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merowkittie · 1 year
Hiii! This is only like my second time requesting anything so idek if I’m doing it right but I was hoping you could do smth where the reader is an editor? Maybe w/ miles but anyone is fine. Idk if that’s weird but yeah 😭 thanksss 🫶🏾
Miles Morales x Editor!Reader
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I originally was writing a fic but it turned out shit, so I turned it into a HC list/fic.. and It also turned out shit 😭 i hope you enjoy it a bit though!
Warnings: mentions of injury and violence / r and miles bickering / r gets caught up in miles' spider-man stuff / r being a littleee bit of a stalker.. / not proofread / probably won’t make sense towards the end because I finsihed this at 3 am / I think that's it
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Ok now.. this is a bit complicated since you have a very important job. You're an editor/photographer for the weekly newspaper in NYC. Which means... you have to give the people what they want, and that also means making your best friend sound like a maniac.
Miles knows you're an editor, it's not a secret you keep, or a thing you try to hide. He also knows that you have to take pictures of him.
"Miles, I need photos of you! Well.. not you, you, spider-man you." You said to him one evening when he swung you around New York for a date. (He didn't want to, it was your idea and he knew how excited you got whenever he did this.)
He'd stare at you like you were crazy and you'd talk for a minute about why.
"Well.. as long as you get my good side. Don't make me sound crazy either!"
You two spent the rest of the day after that taking photos and catching up about stuff that happened at school that miles missed.
Some of the photos turned out shit because he kept posing towards the camera when they're supposed to be off guard and while he's swinging or in action.
Though, one thing he told you was not to get involved when he was defending the city, minor or major.
"Alright.. but listen, don't try to put yourself in danger for a couple of photos. If you're anywhere near me when I'm actually in action on patrol, go home. You know I always meet you there, cariño."
He'd be very serious, which is rare between you two. It's always giggles and jokes.
Miles does not want you caught up in his hero life.
The photos you took prove to be good because you're printing them editing them and the papers sell like crazy.
Though, your boss tells you that he wants more. The photos are now boring and don't prove that he is crazy.
your boss is the crazy one.
"Sir.. I don't mean to go against you, but I wouldn't incriminate him. He's a hero to many of us here! Don't you think you're thinking a bit, dare I say, wrongly of him?"
There was a silence before he nodded his head slightly.
"Should I fire you right now?"
Let's just say that you're now on your way to film Miles in action.
Yes! This was incredibly stupid but... it would be awesome to see him yk..
You found him stopping a robbery at a bodega and took some shots of him without him knowing.
You pretty much followed him around as he was on patrol.
Life 360 ;p
A boom sounded across Brooklyn and from where you and Miles were, it was pretty far.
He took off swinging and you stood there for a second thinking how you were supposed to get there in time.
You stole someone's skateboard.
Though, by the time you got there he was already fighting.. a man? A rhino..? What the fuck.
Miles was on it's back getting swung around yelling insults.
"Dude! How'd you get like this? I'm tryna get like you! I'm talking about muscle by the way.. not your face."
You snapped a couple of photos of the scene then, the Rhino guy threw him into a car. Ouch.
You were looking back at your film and realized that some of the photos were blurry and weren't focusing properly on them both.
You got closer
Which was your first mistake.
Your second was not realizing you accidentally turned your flash on when you thought you were adjusting your brightness of the photos.
That Rhino noticed you and so did Miles, whose masked eyes went wide.
And guess who noticed that? That fucking rhino.
He started to walk towards you and when you started backing up he went on all fours after you.
"I promise I'm not as entertaining as the spider! Leave me the fuck alone!" You squealed as you pushed past people and held your camera tight.
"I like when they run."
To not make this too long let’s just say miles successfully left the police a gift (rhino)
You got an ear full after
“What I did i say about that?? It hasn’t even been like.. a full week since we had that conversation!”
“I know, I know! But my boss said I haadddd to! And by the way you looked awesome, look at those photos.”
You two argued for a bit but he has still a bit upset at what you did.
You apologized by cleaning up his injuries and giving him kisses.
You stayed with him that night and he held you extra tight.
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This didn’t turn out good at all but I wanted to finish this request because it’s long overdue 🙏
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bosskie · 6 months
Colour Pencil Sketching
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I mentioned some time ago that I got new colour pencils now (even I got plenty of other colour pencils already but not ones like these), so it was the time to test them. Man, it's so difficult to get good photos of these but well, I do my best with editing the shots... I gotta edit the paper look this black and such, like it actually is...
Those colour pencils are Derwent Chromaflow and I do like them so far, but the paper... Not gonna buy this one again... It was a miracle that I didn't make any holes to the first layer of the paper now but well, some little scratches still... Gotta find some 'lighter' art supplies or techniques for the rest of this paper... But yeah, I have never really drawn 'proper stuff' with colour pencils but very rarely. But I have seen people getting great results with them, so it has inspired me to find and try out good colour pencils. Honestly, I feel like I have no idea how to actually use colours but I'm trying to figure out my own way to colour things. I kinda just do 'trial and error' stuff when I colour stuff... It still feels easier to colour traditionally than digitally, at least when it comes to mixing colours.
Yeah, I need to use different paper for this stuff... I do personally still think that stuff like this are sketches since these are 'simple stuff' and only take a few hours. For some odd reason, I got water colour paper pads the most... But I do enjoy water colours, so gotta waste fill that paper with Molluck stuff! Man, I recently bought 4 new sketchbooks... I didn't have empty ones anymore and finally found ones I wanted to find! Pretty much just hoarded them but I like sketchbooks to have themes, not just filled with random stuff, so yeah, I got my own plans with them, though it's all Molluck stuff... Though, I do got a sketchbook version of this black paper too... Well, gotta figure out how to fill it without ruining the paper... All I'm saying is that I got a lot plans and paper to fill! But despite of this, I have felt quite depressed recently, so it was kinda why I wanted to draw Molluck smiling, being my light in the dark...
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kirathehyrulian · 2 years
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Non-Challenge Art 😈🐍This Blue Hell🐍😈
(Please do not edit/alter. Feel free to reblog, but please do not repost. At the very least please give me credit.)
Mwhahahahah! It is done in time for Halloween!🎃 (click, right click, click open image in new tag to get a closer look on desktop)
For more art from me please check out my “myart” tag here on Tumblr. Or my  “AO3“. 👇(Art Notes and Alts below the cut) 👇
Art notes: I’ll probably put more in depth art process notes on the AO3 post when I get around to it. But anyways, I started this sketch, I wanna say, sometime in the late summer of this year, thinking it’d be something cool to do for Halloween because I rarely ever get around to doing anything holiday theme. (Mostly because the holidays are stressful and pre-planning is not my strength) But I was having a hard to completing anything art wise during that time. All I had was a sketch, messy color placement, and some of the face rendered. Then I put it on the back burner for a while.
Then the masquerade happened and I don’t want to jinx it but I think it might have got me out of my art block, I hope? Well it was kind of a double edge sword. Because the Masquerade has a limited time frame I traced the contour lines from J2 photos or Sam and Dean episode refs to save me time. And I didn’t really stop to dwell on that too much because of the deadline until after I unmasked and posted all of my stuff to AO3.
It’s probably because of the posting anxiety I always get when submitting, but for some reason divulging that part of the process made me feel like an imposter artist or like I was taking some of the magic out of what I’ve drawn. It grew to the point where I felt like I was useless.
The rational part of my brain was trying to tell me, tracing the forms from con and episode refs was just a handy tool that I employed to speed things up for the Masquerade. The stigma that some people put on tracing isn’t (word I wish I could remember), especially for hobby art. But, my negative side wasn’t shutting up.
The funny thing is that if this someone else I believe I wouldn’t have cared if they had to trace contour lines to get the art done. I would have told them, “You brought an idea to life using the resources and tools around you. It was transformative enough that it is your own art. And don’t listen to the negative thoughts telling you otherwise. You are an artist and can draw.” But, it was myself at a low period dealing with stupid fears not based on anything happening in the present. And even if someone accused me of not being an artist it would have been the opinions of the few that shouldn’t really matter in my life.
Anyways, after I moped around for a little bit, I decided to pick the boy king!Sam project back up around last Wednesday and started pouring all my time into it. I was going to prove to my negative side that I could draw freehand without tracing.
I pretty much redid the face render I had originally and then worked my way through it all. I did the face, the top part of the snake, the neck, the bottom part of the snake, the horns, the golden stick ring thing (it’s supposed to be representative of the crown of thorns), the fire, the crown, the lighting, the font, and then lastly the dripping blood.
And after completing this project I felt some of my self-esteem build up. I can draw. Maybe not as well as I want to all the time, but I can do it. I might not always complete wip’s, or complete deadlines. I might always make mistakes. But I can draw. So, Hah, negative side of my mind. Fudge you for making me questioning that.
Anyways here’s all the alts (which is just me hiding layers on the main file to showcase certain parts without the distraction of the rest of the piece):
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🎶music I listened to while working on this project:
Anyways, I think that’s it.
Enjoy, if you can!♥♥♥
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~ LaVeyan Tomura with Theistic Satanist S/O ~
Au, and self inserted obv because I'm Theistic Satanist myself
Ngl I can picture him being atheistic satanist, like being atheist, but sexier and more iconic mmm yes ugh 🤭😩
Genre: headcanon writing, crack, fluff mostly, suggestive in end
Warnings: last genre I mentioned, my opinions and views, if you can't stand them go away or I'll spray you with satanic water
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YOU HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT OKAY? I feel like he wouldn't like abrahamic religions, he hates being controlled, told what to do, what's right and what's wrong. He despises hero society, so it wouldn't be surprising if he despised Abrahamic God when it's same like with the heroes, they view them both like complete good that do nothing wrong, they're innocent in the eyes of brainwashed people and he's sick of it, he doesn't want that.
He knew about satanism before and how misunderstood it is, he used to be in none religious path, although he was always curious about satanism and was willing to learn new stuff about it. He found LaVeyan Satanism to fit him the most and joined it, he likes how it teaches people to take their own responsibilities for their lives, actions and behaviour, and how they're the one who decides and shapes their own destiny, not some god, how they embrace freedom, he doesn't believe much in supernatural beings, but is down to learning about some of them if they're interesting to him, he's curious about paranomal and likes watching videos about them sometimes, he's not sure about what comes after death, but finds different theories about it fascinating, he enjoys some deep late night talks. Almost same goes for magic and witchcraft, he doesn't believe much in it and doesn't understand it but he's curious about it, maybe he might try it, magic always fascinated him since he was a kid anyway.
Even though he's atheistic and LaVeyan, he disagrees with Anton LaVey's views on theistic/spiritual satnism who says it doesn't exist and isn't part of satanism. He thinks Satanism is all about personal path and beliefs, it's not same for everyone. He basically doesn't give a shit, as long as it's not harmful, do what you want and he approves.
When I came into his life and after we got close he found out I'm Theistic Satanist he wasn't judgemental or mad, nor surprised, he was rather all curious, excited and slightly teasing. Even though he knew I didn't and wouldn't do something like that he would mess around and say stuff like "are you sacrifing people to Satan?", "Were you drinking blood while I was asleep last night?" just to annoy me a little on purpose and mess around, because he knew I heard shit this at least few times before from dumb people.
Loves to listen to my random informations about deities I worship and about my beliefs, he finds it wholesome how passionate I am about it and sometimes insane how much I know about them because when I find something interesting, I dig in so deep there's almost no returning, he sometimes wonders how the fuck do I get such detailed informations, I can write whole book with all of them how much I have them. He wasn't surprised when I told him I have whole account for Theistic Satanism and plan to make my own website to educate people who just want to understand it, and newbies into it. He enjoys helping me edit photos for for posts, finds my way of posting satisfying and brain scratching, he's a bit sick of those same Baphomet and goatheads background photos everyone else uses for post about Theistic Satanism, so he likes something new and different.
Finds it absolutely hilarious how I deal with hate comments, he's glad I don't take shit seriously and mess with their heads instead, he even joins me when he's in mood to drive someone insane, though some of my replies are jaw dropping and how unfiltered they can be. When I'm busy and someone attacks my post he defends me in comment section like a lawyer then slams his desk from frustration when everything disappears because I blocked the person during argument between them and their comments disappeared, still laughs because they got cutted off before they could say anything else.
Sometimes he calls me spawn of satan.
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He loves watching people go insane over my pfp and get so offended over one picture because the original didn't even looked the closest to Jesus when you think about it.
When he found out I like stuff that is seen as disgusting and sick by most people he started spoiling me with them. I like animal bones and skulls and Satan likes them too? He orders them on internet and even saves some chicken bones he had after KFC or lunch, he learned how to clean them just for me, he finds bones cool anyway so he doesn't mind. I like shark teeth? He orders them, he wasn't expecting me to make him necklace out of them too as a thank you. I like dead bugs framed and in jar? He started collecting dead moths around his room. I love big hairy and ugly spiders? He got me wholeass tarantula pet. I like snake skin? He gets some and so be it. He even got me books of prayers, rituals to Satan and some goetia books when he found out I like learning about demons too.
He used to find it a bit weird, but then cute how devoted I am to Satan and how I see him as a dad figure, when he learned more about him from me, even though he doesn't believe in supernatural beings much he places some tiny offerings and gifts for him on my shrine/altar for Satan that he feels like he'd like them. I found that out by finding some random dragon toy on altar.
He shat himself a little when satan's candle's flame went tall and bouncy quickly after he placed something on altar, but he chilled out when I told him he didn't mind and actually liked it. After seeing that he was questioning his views on supernatural, specially after thing or two got knocked out off satan's shrine out of nowhere while window is closed, it looked like someone smacked it to get attention but they're invisible, sometimes he finds it funny, a bit creepy but still funny.
He got a little heart attack when he entered my room once and saw me for first time in black robe with hood on sitting by altar in dark, but bursted in laughter. He sometimes teases me for it but now less since I told him I wear it when working with demon/god who prefers black to be worn and something formal/extra. He even got himself one to match with me, he likes wearing it randomly around house to scare the shit out of me, usually he stays in the hallway or follows me around quietly then just waits until I realize someone's behind, sometimes he gets impatient and just grabs me.
Likes hearing out prayers and poems I wrote on my own and also helps me make them sound better if he has any good ideas.
One time when he was gaming he smelled the fire and thought shit was burning in house, he jumped from his seat in slight concern then saw me in room just burning a paper with some sigil...he was just standing there in disbleif before waving it off getting back to his business.
Sometimes takes photos of me when I stare at candle so long and moon, he finds it hilarious because I look like some kid that found new toy. He often looses me in store when we go in it together and always finds me where candles, plants, herbs/seasonings are, but also glassy stuff such as vases, jars, cups and plates. He finds it a bit annoying how easily I get distracted but also adorable that he can't get mad at me and yell at me for it. Secretly gets stuff I touched in store to surprise me later. He loves how I'm so fascinated with such simple things.
He likes to poke me sometimes and annoy me during my meditations but knows when is too much and when to stop. He couldn't stay with me in same room when I meditate because he would laugh out loud, I look like dead Victorian man just laying/sitting there, he had to leave. Sometimes he tries things I'm doing, found meditation awkward until he found out there's dark type of mediation music, I shared some with him, he loved them and felt so relaxed, he uses it when he can't sleep, it knocks him off easily and calms him down.
Collects feathers he finds outside, flowers, pretty rocks and shiny things for me. He dries the flowers before giving me them because I prefer them like that. He gets in return casted spells for him, handmade necklaces and bracelets. I infected him with my obsession with scented candles, he started getting them too and giving me jars/containers they were in after they melt out completely because he knows I make candles too. I make some for him too, he likes how they look on top, they have some herbs and crystal chips, sometimes glitter. AND ALSO INCENSE, one of his favourites are sandalwood.
Goes on nature walks with me, he likes them, we're always on places where nobody is, the only thing that could be heard are wind, birds and leafs cracking when you step on then. We sit on bench together and lean on eachother while watching clouds in the sky and butterflies flying around, we don't mind silence between us, it's not awkward but more comforting and peaceful. All fun and good until a wasp shows up, I jump and run around from fear. He's just laughing and watching in satisfaction and entertainment until one flies at him as well, he starts running away with me.
He asks me often about witchcraft and wants to learn more about it, he was in love when he found out the truth of it and wanted to try it himself. He finds it attractive how I stand close behind him and guide him in spell casting while leaning on his neck or shoulder. Goes even more crazy from inside when I hold him for waist or hip and talking close to his ear, he gets goosebumps and slight shivers. Sometimes he gets distracted and just looks at me and my mouth while I'm explaining him stuff, it only gets us both distracted, he gets all breathy and hungry then witchcraft lessons become a makeout session instead, he just pins me down on floor with his weight and presses his mouth on mine, or it becomes a "cowboy" game if it gets too heated..💀
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Hello Little ones and Caregivers! This is my pinned post!
DNI: kink, ddlg, abdl Anti-LBGT, abliest, and Racists ETC! This is a non -sexual platform and will NOT be sexualized on my page!
This is SFW and a safe place for Littles and caregivers to be themselves and to enjoy their time here. Any blank accounts will be blocked.
If anyone wants to talk or needs a helping hand, my messages and asks are open! This is completely platonic!
If you want to get to know me more outside of me being a caregiver or AgreDre, please refer to my main blog @twyla19 . I have come to the realization that some regressors like talking to me while not regressed. I think this would be easier to separate possible adult conversations. I know many of you have trauma around them and do not want your regressed self to possibly see those conversations.
I made an Instagram! There is nothing on it yet, but I hope to share stuff on there as well!
I have an AgeDre blog!
@cutiecorner made my new background. It's a CG Twyla flag!
I made my own profile picture!
I have commissions open! Go here for the post! 2 slots open!
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Below is more information!
✨️Looking for asks?
I have found a thing called help, heard, hug. This means what you need the most at this given moment. I tend to always want to help littles when feeling sad or down about something. I know that isn't always what you all need, so if you put in the number (1) like this, it means you want help. (2) for a hug and (3) is to just need to have someone listen or be heard.
You do not have to use an emoji if you do not feel comfortable. Or giving me a nickname or pronouns. Do what makes you comfortable!
✨️Rules for asks
NOTE: This will continue to change as this page grows.
What is OKAY for asks:
babbling, being silly, wanting to see how I am doing or tell me about your day. Showing me the drawing or things you get, asking me questions, of course, general light topics like missing someone or wanting to chat.
What is NOT OKAY: talking about self-harm, especially thinking about harming oneself, any kind of trauma.
Since i am back at school, i will be quite busy. I might still post or reblog things, but I can be overwhelmed with all my school responsibilities, online friends, asks, and so on! So Asks will be answered on weekends when i have more time and DMs are going to be more prioritized.
Note: If you are someone who does not feel comfortable with DMs, please make sure that you do not talk about something that might be triggering for others. I want to celebrate things while also keeping asks a safe space since they do get posted to my blog and are public.
Please do in DMs:
Vent about trauma, about your day, anything that is just weighing heavy on your mind. Longer conversations (during school year)
Last asks note:
I wanna be here for you all while also making sure I am safe as well. I do not have any topic that can be taken off the table. However, I want things that are super personal or may be triggering to be in my DMs since Asks are public. I want this to be a mental health safe space. I want you all to talk about the tough feelings, and if it gets super personal, I just want you all to stay safe in all ways. Many littles come to my page for different reasons. Some want to get away from their stress and traumas, and some are involuntary regressors due to their trauma.
In conclusion, I'm just trying to look out for everyone, plus myself, and staying safe is my most important thing, kiddos!
Taken emojis for Anon:
🐊🦀🍼🧵🥁🦈🦦🍄💫🔮🐨🦋🌹🦭📻🐈‍⬛💥🐻‍❄️🖍🕯🐇 🧨✨️🦇
Double emojis
🎨🎸, 🐬🪼
I also have systems who use multiple emojis per alter.
✨️About me, Caregiver edition:
Nicknames! So far, I have Twy, Baba, Mx. Twyla, and Twy-Twy !
I welcome any and most nicknames and will be happy with anything.
I am not looking for a long-term kiddo at the moment. I will gladly talk with you if you need it! I feel more comfortable being a babysitter or just someone you talk with while small.
I do prefer gender neutral or more masculine ones! Especially compliments.
I am an open book. Nothing will bother me if you want to talk about it. I have the mental capacity to listen! I do not judge you for your past or what you have gone through.
[This section will be updated as I see fit]
✨️About me, personal:
Here are a few things about me that I think would be helpful! I am disabled, nonbinary, and asexual. I have gotten myself into Bluey, and I collect monster high dolls. I am a disney person! I usually like princess movies or the young kid tv shows like Good luck Charlie or Jessie. I'm in college to become a music teacher and my main instrument is violin! I love any shade of purple and definitely a cold tone person with green and blue being 2nd and 3rd for my top 3 colors!
Oh! I LOVE squishmallows! I have quite a bit of a stuffy collection. otherwise, they're in storage, sadly due to me not living with my parents.
I personally feel like my interests haven't changed since being a kid, just my maturity has aged. With this being said, I have found that I do regress, but it is so intertwined with my personality and who I am today that I can not specifically regress or know my age. Some things just make me so happy, and I have found a few words that made me feel smaller in comparison to myself now.
✨️If you want to find stuff specific to my posts, here are some tags!
#Caregiver-Twyla: will be my main one for this blog.
#TwylaAnita Art: is for all my art I post!
#caregivertwyla asks : This is for any and all asks from anyone on this page!
#Cgtwyla reblogs
#Twylas sfw agere moodboards
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poupeesdecirque · 6 months
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Travel Blog: Leipzig Bookfair Sunday
or: Merch, improvising and Good Byes
4th and last day of the fair. I have to say the last two days went by so fast it's kind of sad how fast. The 4th day was premiering the Ch 249 outfit but as i forgot half of it at home I had to improvise... like doll bag, breakfast jar for Tim, different pants. At least my Road Plushy was with me.
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The day started with sadly one of my friends still being sick, we had to left her behind for the day :C I'm still sad about this.
Other than that... if you saw an Allen Walker loading their car that was me lol.
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At least it was not raining that day and we were able to get inside pretty quick.
Schu told me he had seen a booth with a box of D.Ggray-man Merch and I checked it out as soon as the vendor hall opened and ...
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Con prices are horrible but I needed them. I later swapped the Lavi though as I looked up photos and noticed I already had this variant, I now have a different one (con haul pic at the end of the entry).
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The whole day was running around trying to find my DGM Mutuals as they wanted to see the blue coat, it took us a while but we found them. I managed to ... not take any photos with them. :') just one super quick one with Alice but they were very busy with filming stuff, that's alright, it's so nice to see people loving cosplay and having fun.
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We took a ton of photos that day, the light was awful on some locations, but there are some very pretty shots! Also featuring the shirt I made as I love the poofy sleeves.
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The day ended around 4 this time as my friends went back to their place to pick up the sick friend and leave on time and I had to travel back home as well.
No DGM Cosplayers I found that day but I was told several times that it's great to see DGM Cosplayer around and I was complimented for the amount of details I put into my costumes and props ;w;
But I have to say I somehow did not manage to see the whole fair this time?! Like I didn't get to visit the children's book department, I didn't check for new books there, the fantasy one was a very brief visit, we didn't came to the vintage book museum, the cook book isle was just mere 20 minutes and wow q_q how can 4 days pass so darn fast?! I already miss it.
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Here is my Convention haul, mostly DGM, I am surprised! Also the sadness my new bowls are... I am aiming to fix the bigger one later on with a gold repair kit.
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The new figurines moved into the cabinet the day after.
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AND I HANGED THE PANTS TO THE COAT. Same for the bag. And put the jar of Tim into my make up bag as I don't want to forget the half of a costume again OTL
I really enjoyed the convention, I missed attending them. I'm glad the break is over now and I will hopefully see my friends more often again.
The next event I will attend will be a concert though. Then the Burgfest will follow, another concert and mid May a new Convention is on the list. A smaller one.
There is overall 1500 photos (incl photo snaps) I have to get through, i sorted out a bunch while I looked up photos to feature in the blog entries as this was my priority. I hope to narrow them down, edit and put them into the queue later this week. And then to put them into a photobook before I jump at working on the next project.
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cadmusfly · 9 months
1, 3, 13!
Fanfic Asks for the New Year!
(1.) Do you have a word-count goal for the upcoming year?
Absolutely not lol, I mean it’d be nice to get back into writing and finishing a long form original novel piece at some point (brain stalled with SbS but I guess technically with 60k words done it could count as one novel out of three maaaybe) and I’d ideally like to cultivate a consistent writing habit that’s daily or weekly but I am not good at discipline or habits
And also I’m not feeling long form multichaptered pieces right now, but I want to feel it again and I am afraid the only way to feel it is to force it and I am lazy right now after graduating for the second time in my life
(3.) Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one?
Not really because in relative terms I’ve only recently started really writing for the 26 Eight-Year-Olds Napoleon’s Marshalate fandom, (very proud of my last fic which is Peak Cad Weird Poetic Rambling) because only small obscure fandoms tickle my brain and long dead French generals have hijacked my brain with all their drama, tragedy and comedy. Why did nobody tell me before now that dead Frenchmen were so entertaining and catty bitches to each other
(13.) Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? 
Having made the ambitious shitpost of the tag yourself with 26 drawings of dead Frenchmen - because I thought it would be funnier with my shitty drawings
I have an extremely silly thing I’ve been digitally drawing that I’ll post in the next few days, maybe even tomorrow
Here’s a sneak peak.
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I do generate a bunch of fun surreal weird AI stuff with the dead Frenchmen as inspiration as well, I don’t really post them out of anxiety, but they’re meaningful to me personally and I enjoy the process of creating these works as much as I enjoy writing and drawing - and it is an extended process because I want very specific things dammit, oh man I need to jump back into photoshop to edit and implement ideas before I lose access to it forever
Oh yeah! The other big fannish thing I do! Painting tiny men! I am going to order more tiny men and paint them oh man I want to order this and recreate this painting but tiny and on my desk and maybe on my cat
Probably the big reason I’ve been writing a tiny bit more is because I’m away from home temporarily and thus away from my paints and tiny men and I can’t just default to painting tiny men all the time and honestly painting tiny men has taken over my life a bit I love them so much and I want to get someone I know to take Good Quality Photos of them
Anyway thank you for the asks!
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hi! may i request a romantic matchup for star rail, tears of themis, and bungou stray dogs please?
my name is twyla, i go by she/any pronouns, i’m acespec but im ok being matched with any gender. my mbti is intp or istp
appearance: i dye my hair pretty often throughout the year but right now it’s black with magenta pink highlights, exactly like draculaura but with a wolf/butterfly haircut and short/baby bangs. i have brown eyes and i’m quite curvy. i usually dress in a bold alternative style and occasionally academia, my style is really all over the place and depends on how im feeling but i’d say im pretty fashionable and often go out looking like a mall goth HAHA.
personality: im super chill and laid back, nothing really bothers me nor do i show it. im very patient with other people even when im annoyed by them. i come off as very monotone and stoic and i have really dry and sometimes offensive humor that would honestly get me cancelled by twitter in a matter of seconds. i joke around a lot and i usually have trouble taking things seriously. im kind of scatterbrained and get bored easily, and am always seeking some form of entertainment or mental stimulation. i’m definitely a realist too and i don’t expect much out of anything nor do i hold strong opinions or beliefs. im autistic+suspected adhd and that sometimes affects how i interact with others.
likes and dislikes: im honestly super nerdy and really interested in science and math like astrophysics, i love learning how things and the world works. im an astronomy nerd (not astrology/zodiacs im so sorry i kinda hate it with a burning passion) and i love astrophotography and stargazing. i read a lot of encyclopedias and watch documentaries about things i find interesting. im not really sure about the rest of my dislikes honestly, maybe just crowded spaces and rollercoasters
hobbies: a lot of things but i like to read and draw, research stuff, and sometimes cosplay. ive mentioned i liked stargazing and astrophotography too, and photo and video editing. i also play a lot of VN or rhythm games.
thank you!!
Hi Twyla! Your current hair sound awesome! I was a big Monster High kid so it's good to hear there are still fans out there. Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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I'm not super familiar with Arlan's personality yet so hopefully this isn't too out of character!
Arlan's not super into science stuff but he does pick up on a few things working on the Herta Space Station. He'll also try his best to keep up with whatever you're telling him about whatever scientific field has caught you interest.
Would enjoy stargazing with you. The space station is the perfect place to do that anyway and Arlan knows all of the best spots to stargaze from.
His favourite part of stargazing with you though is watching you while you explain everything you know about each constellation. He can't help it. He just thinks your pretty while talking about things you're passionate in. Don't mention the soft smile or the blush on his face...
Your sense of humour balances out Arlan's more serious nature. He likes your jokes but often won't visibly react to them. Later, when he's alone in his room, he'll think back on what you've said thought the day and have a bit of a chuckle to himself.
In Tears of Themis, I match you with...
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Marius pays close attention to your interests so he can make you artwork based on them. From paintings of your favourite constellations to sculptures of your favourite cosplays, there's a new art piece being gifted to you every couple of months.
Loves your sense of humour. He can't really make those sort of jokes due to his position (no need to make more scandal than there already is) but he loves it when you make them.
Marius absolutely plays rhythm games with you. He's fairly good at them so he might give you a run for your money. He will let you win on purpose sometimes...
Already has a fairly large collection of books so he's sure there are some on astronomy in there but he'll also buy you astronomy books and encyclopedias whenever he sees on you don't have when he's out.
Marius is definitely the type of person who has hired a observatory for the evening. With just the two of you there, it's nice and quiet and you have access to all of the telescopes.
You can look at the stars and he can watch you. He's happy when you're happy so seeing you enjoy yourself as a result of something he's done means a lot to him.
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Junichiro is another one who will listen to everything you have to say about your interests! He's hanging on every word.
He often feels like one of the less interesting members of the Armed Detective Agency so he's always on the look out for new hobbies and interests to pick up.
Stargazing dates! He'll pack a picnic with your favourite food and drinks and will take some blankets and pillows so you stay warm and comfortable for as long as you want to stay there.
I also see Junichiro as someone who would take you on carnival or arcade dates (avoiding the rollercoasters and the majority of the crowds of course). He'd try to win you some prizes but he'd also love to play the rhythm games with you.
Time spent with Junichiro is always guaranteed to be fun and mentally stimulating.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
I've played Cyberpunk twice before but your posts have inspired me to go for my third playthrough and first as male V so I can try out the Kerry romance. Also attempting to learn my way around the AMM mod so I can play around in photo mode more, cause I'm loving the virtual photography stuff. I'm hesitant to share though cause I feel like I barely know what I'm doing (especially since photography is my actual job and I feel like I should know what I'm doing 🤦‍♀️) and you're the only person I follow that's even into Cyberpunk. Anyway, sorry for the rambling, I guess I just wanted you to know your blog inspired someone 😊
aöskdjfaödsjfdffj !!! I feel like I've unlocked a new fandom achievement :D that honestly means so much to hear that I inspired you like aaaahhh ;A;
Okayokayokay, but yes, first things first: I'm extremely biased obviously, but definitely go an play Kerry's romance! It's short (I'm just gonna assume you know his questline if you played the game twice before) but personally I found it so heartwarming and lighthearted and chaotic in a good way after all the horros V went through for the entirety of the game until then xD Also, Kerry is such a good, multilayered character and you're not gonna be in the slightest prepared for some of things he'll say to a romanced V (at least I wasn't, but I also mean that in the best way XD). Would love to hear your thoughts once you get there and I hope you'll love it as much as I do xD
Also!! Don't be shy to share your virtual photography stuff! Photography isn't my job, I do have a tiny bit of experience with it through uni (we had a half-year course once, with outdoor and photostudio shootings and all that, and I learned a lot and really enjoyed it). And it's true, there are some similarities, in terms of how to pick and frame your motives for example, but also: it's still very different tools you're using, so it's normal to not immediately get the hang of everything. I quickly went digging through my screenshot folder for some of my first pics I took in Cyberpunk just with basic photomode:
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I still genuinely like all of these (even though I think I didn't share all of them publically so far). But looking back with what I've learned since then (the oldest is the one with Vince on his bike, from Dec 15th '22, the newest is the one with Kerry and Nibbles, from February 22nd '23) I also know what I'd do differently to make them even cooler now xD
AMM also had a bit of a learning curve for me, still does in some regards XD But it really brought my VP to the next level, just for the immense amount of new poses compared to the 20-something or so in vanilla photomode, the nicer and more natural facial expressions, and yeah... the ability to spawn multiple characters xD You can do shippy stuff even with vanilla photomode, but with AMM there's... so... many... possibilities...
ALSO! What I'm still trying to get the hang of but which is so so nice and one of the main things I'd change about my old screenies: custom lights. Spawning different colour lights, basically having your own little photostudio setup wherever you want, however complex or simple you want, is amazing and makes a huuuge difference!!
An example of my learning curve with AMM and one of my favourite photo subjects: Arasaka!Vince
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Feb 2nd 2023: The first time I styled Vince to look like he did during his time with Arasaka, vanilla photomode, the only mod I had was one to enter full CC with a shortcut whenever and everywhere. Already pretty cool shot, but in hindsight, the lighting is so bad xD I think I have a version of this edited to death in Photoshop somewhere, but I can't find it atm. PS helped fix the lighting a bit, but yeh... it's still not ideal, but not much you can do about it in vanilla except play with exposure and contrast more in the effects tab.
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March 12th 2023: Spawned Vince with AMM, I think the pose is still a basic one that you also have in Photomode though. But his expression is an AMM one, there's custom lights, and I made use of AMM's awesome feature that lets you teleport to locations that are usually off limits (here the Arasaka Counterintel office you only get to see during the Corpo lifepath quest). Already so much better just with some red backlight and a bright frontal light that actually makes his face visible! XD This is also completely unedited!
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May 7th 2023: One of my recent faves, post-graphics update, which also made everything look so much nicer in general! I think I had three custom lights (pale blue from the front, bright yellow from the left, and a small white one from top). And I've become a bit less scared about getting up close and personal into his personal space XD
TL;DR: It's a process! We're all starting somewhere, and if you're not comfortable sharing your stuff yet, that's completely fine. It's a learning curve, too, but don't give up :D I think I've really discovered an amazing new creative hobby through this game in the shape of virtual photography (and unlike real people, silly pixel men will hold their pose forever without flinching and I can fly around them and take pics from every angle... but admittedly, getting them to do exactly what I want is definitely a challenge sometimes, cause I can only say "noo, go 20 pixels further in Z direction... noo, too far, 1 pixel back again!! noo, look at Kerry, don't look at yourself, that's weird, stop moving your head around so much!" but when you then get that one perfect shot it's worth the effort and fiddling XD patience really really is key though).
If you ever decide you wanna share some stuff I'd love to see :D and if you need help don't hesitate to reach out! Now I gotta apologize for rambling, but yes :D Have lots of fun with male V and virtual photography :3
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Days 35-37 – Thursday-Saturday, 29 June - 1 July
We caught up with at least half our group in the breakfast room this morning.  A couple flew out early today and a few were flying out during the afternoon, but about ten of us were staying on in the hotel for a couple of days or more.
We stayed in our room most of the day, resting and trying to get rid of our persistent coughs.  We did a bit of washing and spent most of the day on our photos and blogs.  We had enough food in the room to have a scratch lunch and we went back to the bar upstairs for a light dinner at night.
We had a slow start to the day but went out late in the morning for a walk through town.
We started by exploring our hotel, its various restaurants, the swimming pools, the spa and some of its other features, without indulging in any of them.  We then left the hotel for the walk into the city.  It is quite a climb up the hill to the big square that lets onto bridge over the defensive ditch where the main street starts.  We wandered down, stopping to look into many windows and doorways, and took a few photos before settling down for a cold drink. I had a milkshake – nothing like we have in Australia, but still quite enjoyable.  Heather had a very sweet berry drink – icy cold and delicious, but a bit too sweet.
We continued walking a very crooked path to some gardens – zigzagging up hills and down according to the map, when I reckon we could have found a route that involved a flat walk or single climb and a downhill stretch, rather than up and down so many hills.  We arrived at the place where the cannons are fired each day and a guy (a sort of a gate-guard/sentry, who I am sure doesn’t need to shave for a couple more years) told us we would have to pay to go any further.  When he found that we only wanted to go to the gardens, he said they were just up the hill another couple of hundred metres.
We trudged on and although I struggled to call the area a garden, it was interesting with superb views over the harbours and much of the city.  We walked around and decided to have lunch there, but struggled to find a table in the shade.  We eventually moved one to a slightly more shady spot but realised that there were dozens of really scungy pigeons roosting above us with a thick layer of droppings under the table – so we gave up and kept walking.  I thought we had walked miles (maybe we had) but it turned out that we had been walking in a long crescent, and were much closer to the centre of the city and our hotel than I imagined.  We set off to go back to the hotel for lunch, but detoured to the city and ate at an al fresco café not so far from our digs.
After a casual lunch, we raided a nearby shop for a few food items for tomorrow’s lunch and wandered back to our hotel and its welcome air-conditioning.
We were pretty buggered after such a long walk in the heat so did something we have never done before – we rang for room service and ordered a very enjoyable meal brought to our room.  At our age, you would think this was a pretty normal option but we enjoyed it for its novelty and decided to do it again tomorrow.
It was our 34th wedding anniversary today.  Happy Anniversary to us!  Thirty-eight years together and thirty-four married.  So if it is our anniversary, it must also be the first day of the new financial year!!
Happy New financial Year everyone.
It was also Michael’s birthday so we rang (Facetimed) him first up before breakfast.  We spoke with Anne-Marie and Saranna too.  We also tried the other kids too, but they were off doing more important things.  We will try again tomorrow when it is Rob’s birthday as well.
We had decided yesterday that we would take a walk a bit further on from the gardens we visited yesterday, but it was hot and we had things we wanted to do, so we decided to stay in all day instead.  We blogged and edited photos (and I did a bit of the usual stuff I need to do to close off one financial year and start the new one) most of the day and of course, I had to keep tabs on how the Aussies were going in the Test Match.
We made quite a satisfactory lunch out of the items we bought in the city yesterday and decided to order Room Service again for our Anniversary Dinner.  All the other options were less inviting, and even a walk into the city was a bit daunting, so we settled on our second ever Room Service dinner.  Bummer!  When it arrived, the half-bottle of wine we had ordered had been replaced with an expensive full bottle of one we had tried before and didn’t like.  We sent the waiter back for the correct one and more than thirty minutes later, after completing our meal, we rang to find our what had happened to our wine.  Heather’s pasta was not the dish she ordered and she could only eat a few mouthfuls.  And my pork sausage that was supposed to be identical with the one I had last night, ended up as some sort of plastic replacement that I didn’t enjoy at all.  Heather eventually got back onto the Room Service people about the wine and they tried to sell her a full bottle of another one that we didn’t like.  They said they couldn’t find any of the wine on the menu so tried to serve us battery acid instead.  We finally got an overpriced half bottle of some rubbish that they obviously couldn’t sell to onsite customers – and yes, it was like cheap rotgut.
We really enjoyed Malta, but after tonight, we are looking forward to Athens tomorrow and a proper anniversary celebration within the next few days.
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invnciblesummer · 3 years
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