#i enjoy angst too but this is truly what has stuck with me about gravity falls ever since i first watched it as a kid
rebisrot · 21 days
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uno-san · 19 days
Oohhhh I can totally see Bill threatening to hurt or even off you after Ford broke things off with him.
Perhaps he wanted to reach out to you for help because he had a small sliver of hope that you, with your heart which was a size too big for your own good, might just come to his aid if he asked, even if you were upset with him. But then he was afraid of letting Bill get anywhere near you, so he endured all of the torture and abuse, just so long as he didn’t touch you.
Do what you will with this idea.
OOOHHH GOOOD this ask sent me in a spiral as I immediately had ideas for italsdfjlsaflfj Thank you so much for sending in an ask, especially since I love seeing your posts!
Sorry this took so long but please, enjoy the angst~
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Each tick brought a new needling pain to his already frantic mind. How could such a small, incessant sound be so torturous? For every count that was marked down on the small watch it brought a harsh reminder to the pacing scientist; his eyes were bloodshot, dry, and torn. No matter what he’d do one would even bleed onto whatever project he’s started on to try and save his life. Everyone’s life.
Stanford Pines has been awake for 3 days.
Research notes and project blueprints were scattered everywhere with one mighty drag of his arm across the once-cluttered desk. Around him loose papers hovered uselessly in the air, as if they were trying to offer him a solution in the now discarded pile. He paid them no mind. They were just another idea down the gutter.
This time, a truly foolish one. He had called it the Bill-Proof Suit (Name Pending) and if he had a proper amount of sleep he would have seen sooner what a joke it truly was. Stanford’s concept was solid, naturally, the issue was the actual construction. That’s where the joke was.
He needed Fiddleford.
Fiddleford was long gone now. If Stanford hadn’t already chased him away the day of the portal incident there was no doubt Bill would have done the job himself. The man’s mechanical knowledge far exceeded Ford’s own. That’s what gained him a spot on this project in the first place. And now, it was laughable to think Ford had a hand in sabotaging such a pivotal partnership. A friendship. God, how that word felt so bitter now.
Bill had been his friend. His muse as well, but more importantly his friend. Fiddleford had been too. Stanford pushed him away, revealing that the one he had left was a guillotine waiting to drop. A conman from the very moment Ford had made the mistake of summoning him, lying the very second he appeared. The best lie Bill ever told was that Stanford was a genius.
In truth, Ford was an idealistic fool too over his head. Hunted in his own home until the day his mind would break and give in to what Bill wanted. But it would be a cold day in hell before Stanford ever gave in without a fight. For if he couldn’t keep the bastard out of his body, there was still one way to thwart him yet.
Scatter his research. Not destroy it, but spread it far so that no other fool under Bill’s thumb could recreate Ford’s work. It shouldn't be difficult. Ford had already sought to hide his other two journals due to previous threats. All that remained of his recorded mistakes were his first journal. This one needed special handling. The other two, while well hidden, still remained in Gravity Falls. Journal 1 would need to see a swift exit out to the world unknown.
But how?
With a growl of frustration Ford dropped himself into an aging chair that had been pushed out of the way to make room for his pacings. One arm rested across his knee while the other stayed propped up on his elbow to hold his head up; a dangerous position, considering his exhaustion. Though bleary his eyes focused on a nearby chalkboard with hastily scrawled names on its black surface. He’s been stuck on this awhile.
Fiddleford was out. No doubt about that with how they had departed. Unfortunately that meant that Stanford would have to find help outside of the initial project, which will prove to be risky at best and time-consuming at worst to get them caught up on the stakes of the mission. That left little to consider.
Already that knocked his parents out of the running. They were getting too old to do what was needed to keep his research safe. Not to mention what they’d think of Stanford started going off about demons and otherworldly powers.
You lost them millions, Stanford. Never even impressed your father and now you want them to help you? When was the last time you called?
Stanford’s body froze. Only the slow movement of his eyes showed signs of life as they drifted to each dark corner of the room. Had he said that? He gathered the courage to check over his shoulder. There was no one. His fingers tapped against his knee as the truth of the whispered words began to sink in. Would they even answer his call?
Right…right. Who else?
Nobody in town would be jumping at the chance to help him. Stanford never made the effort. Couldn’t make it, to be more accurate. Never was good at talking to people. Bill had helped with that isolation though Ford couldn’t place as much blame on him as he wanted to.
If he had the money, this would be a far easier task. Thanks, however, to his constantly running lab and testing of the portal during its construction even his generous grant money was dwindling down to pennies. Not even that tie he sold to the government went far. That was spent to get them to turn the other way for Ford’s more questionable purchases (Or thefts).
They wouldn’t have talked to you anyway. Not without a carnival banner to let them know the freakshow was in town.
Stanford’s hand swept up in his hair; his thumb resting outside the greasy mess to instead prop his eyelid open. The air stung. It was manageable compared to the heat of annoyance beginning to rise in his chest. Was this the best he could manage? Stanford Pines, life forever in ruins now just because he didn’t think to make silly small talk over a burnt cup of coffee?! Surely, there had to be somebody else to turn to-
You already know who you want to go crawling back to. To be safe in their arms again. Despite already chasing them off you know you want to drag them back into all of this. You want-
Stanford shot up from his chair. The rapid movement caused it to swivel while Ford’s hand grabbed hold of a long forgotten experiment; he shouted a guttural “NO!” before hurling the hunk of junk at the source of the voice. It shattered against the wall.
Both hands were knotted up into fists while Ford’s shoulders shook with a fury he couldn’t control. His lips were drawn back in a snarl as he continued to face off against nothing. This being the most he’s been awake in days being the only blessing of an already cursed conversation.
“No, I’m not doing this to them again, I’m not!” Stanford’s eyes followed a foe that wasn’t there, now facing a different side of the room, “They’re gone now and there’s nothing I can or will do to ever risk them coming back here. I can handle all this myself!”
Not that you’d get any help after what you did.
Stanford staggered back. Like the flame of his anger had been blown out and he’d been left with the ashes of guilt. He looked so unsure. Different compared to his conviction on stopping Bill once and for all.
“That was Bill, I didn’t want-”
Bill, who can read your mind? Bill, who has known you more intimately than you ever have your ‘partner’ know? Well, now's your chance. You look like shit. Everything around you is falling apart. One look at you and they’d come racing to your side. You want-
Stanford might have given in if he had heard your name. He now grabbed onto the abandoned chair and threw it against the next wall with all his might, praying that the sound of destruction would tune out that predatory voice poisoning his mind. It was just as awful as that-
The man fell onto his knees in a heap. In spite of the danger of it all his eyes were skewed shut while the flat of his palms covered his ears like a spoiled child. Now on top of all he was trying to shut out he could hear the thunderous pounding of his heartbeat in face of the near mental break. But it was all in vain.
Stanford could hear the ticking of the stopwatch counting down another waking hour. The whispers, Bill, and…and the memories of 3 days ago replaying in his mind, again and again.
The day had already begun strangely. Not in the sense that when Stanford arose he didn’t know where he’d wake up, or that he was covered in mysterious injuries that he’s sure he didn’t want to know the origin of. None of that. That was, quite horridly, becoming Ford’s new reality until he gave in to Bill Cipher’s demands. Which would be never.
No, what made this day bizarre was that Stanford had woken up in bed. No ditch or jail cell. His actual bed inside his own home. When he had realized this Stanford had been quick to search the room for any signs of a trap. He didn’t get the chance to look long before he noticed that his hand had been clutched around something. As per usual his hands had been bloodied across the knuckles (which would sting to patch up later), but wrapped around and bundled into his palm was…hair?
The dread in his gut only deepened when he had given the hair a conspiratory sniff and recognized a scent that used to provide him comfort. It was the smell of your shampoo. It was after the horror began to dawn on him that Stanford noticed the corner of a tape poking out from beneath his pillows.
‘Play Me: Part 2’
The scene opened up to a hotel room, identified only by the luggage rack in the corner currently occupied by its namesake. Within the focal point of the shot was an empty bed and a window barely fitting into frame. Both the stillness and odd positioning of the shot suggested that the camera wasn’t being held at all; it was hidden on the tv stand.
Out of frame a door must have shut. Following after were the familiar sounds of ruffling fabric before the main light had been turned off, leaving only the bedside lamp to provide proper lighting. Then you walked onto the screen.
Wearing a pair of familiar pajamas, slippers, and a book in hand, you were yawning as you began to climb and settle into bed. You must have been staying in that room for a long while to be as comfortable as you look. Despite just opening your book you’re interrupted with a yawn, making you huff in frustration and stubbornly set your nightly entertainment down. The pout that Stanford always found cute was displayed prominently on your face. It was almost domestic.
It wasn’t long after until you reached over to turn off the lamp nearby. Immediately the room was shrouded with darkness; save for a sliver of light escaping past the curtains to illuminate your midsection. Not much, but enough to see you.
For several minutes, that’s all there was. In real time your process of sleep was captured. How you’d roll back and forth a few times before adjusting into a comfortable position, your pillow punched just right to cradle your head the way you liked it. With a final wiggle of comfort you fell asleep. Your chest rose and fell in slow, deep motions.
Then a pair of yellow eyes blinked open.
Stanford’s breath had caught in his chest. Nearly choking on it as he rose from his spot on the couch to instead crouch in front of the TV as if he could hop into the scene himself.
Beneath the bed a six-fingered hand crept out to grasp at the shag carpet and use the leverage to pull the rest of the body out with it. Emerging from the abyss was a stranger’s smile on a familiar face. His glasses were askew and the grin contorted his face unnaturally, but there was no doubt who it was.
Bill. Stanford. It hardly mattered when you wouldn’t even know the difference.
The figure moved with precision. His limbs stretched out far and bent at odd angles to distribute weight on the creaky floor; he looked like a spider poised to strike. Bill crept forward at a snail's pace. His stare never wavered from the camera meanwhile, remaining level headed until almost the entirety of Stanford’s- Bill’s yellow eye took the stage. A blink after and it was gone. In frame it captured a closeup of his hand as he grabbed the camera from its hidden position.
The already unnerving video had Stanford on edge and in his paranoia he paused the video. Freezing it right at the moment the knuckles of his hand flashed across the screen where he then held up his current injured one. The hand in the video had matching injuries, however in the past it still sparkled with fresh blood when the light hit it just right.
Stanford let out a sigh of relief. So Bill had tried the door before coming here. The wounds were from the door. The door. A fact that he’d have to remind himself of while he unpaused.
Bill was no longer visible as he became the cameraman. It was with soft footsteps that seemed ill-fitting of the one making them that the TV screen was now filled with your unconscious form. He had stopped just at the edge of the bed, yet the angle the camera shot from suggested that Bill began leaning over you. Miraculously, the frame remained steady in spite of the position.
He then spoke in such a hushed tone that his voice was almost unrecognizable if it hadn’t been the evident grin behind his words, “What. Happens. When they. Wake. Up?”
It felt as if all the blood in Stanford’s body froze at once. Each syllable that passed Bill’s lips sent a new horrific vision of what the fiend could do to your unsuspecting form. Emphasizing your vulnerability. Somehow your breathing already appeared weak as if you’ve been struck already. The thought had Ford’s mouth dry.
A pit was beginning to settle in his stomach. To calm himself down his eyes cast downwards to his bruised knuckles, trying to commit to memory that the wounds had been there since the start of the tape. Stanford didn’t gain comfort, however, as his attention returned to the screen. He couldn’t bear missing even one detail. No matter how much he wanted to.
For a long while, the ‘movie’ remained static. As chaotic as Bill was he could be patient when he wanted to be. Listening closely revealed Bill gasping for breath every so often, having forgotten that air was ‘integral’ to humans living when he had been so focused on you. Or maybe he was holding his breath on purpose. Pain was hilarious, he’d always say.
The tension was suddenly cut through by a burst of noise outside. A familiar and irritating sound of a car alarm began to blast away the quiet night, its rhythm now matching that of a racing heartbeat as it mercilessly shouted. Through the curtains a harsher light broke in. Blinking on and off to cast a harsh silhouette of Bill standing over you against the wall.
“No, no, no, nononono, gods, no!” Stanford cried out while his hands gripped at the TV’s sides to nearly crack the material. “Don’t, please-”
The past remained unchanged in spite of his begging.
You began to stir. With brows furrowed together your eyes squinted tightly together as if to block out the intrusive light, the once calm expression of peace you had now replaced with irritation at the interruption. Under your breath you mumbled something indiscernible.
From above a six-fingered hand began to torturously slide into frame while its fingers were spread and bent as if they were claws. Down and down it went. It was poised to make contact with your neck until the hand paused to hover over your body, the fingers giving a cheeky wiggle towards the camera. The open wounds on the knuckles still bled, allowing trickles of blood to pool at his fingertips until they fell and spilled across your collarbone.
Now your own hand reached up to idly scratch where the blood landed only to inadvertently smear the warm droplets on your skin. Off camera still, the sound of Bill sucking in air through his teeth filled the anticipated silence as he waited eagerly. Even the wet sound of skin stretching was a harsh reminder of how elated he must have looked.
Stanford’s hand reached toward his face where trembling fingers traced the torn corners of his mouth.
With a groan you made a sudden turn in bed that Bill hadn’t expected. He was forced to dodge his hand out of the way. You turned on your side away from the window with the corner of the blanket bunched in your first to fully entrap yourself within the comforting warmth. The car alarm outside had turned off just as you let out an exhausted yawn and snuggled into your pillow.
A moment after the camera slowly adjusted to frame your entirety once more while somehow capturing Bill’s unspoken anticipation. Yet you didn’t stir further. Instead the quiet was cut-through by your growing snores brought on by deepened rest. Off-camera Bill slowly released the air of excitement he had sucked in moments to ago in a disappointed huff.
Stanford wept.
The memory brought a new sheen of tears to his eyes that Stanford cursed. Bitterly he threw off his glasses to wipe them away before they dared to fall and reveal his growing weakness. He didn’t have time to feel sorry for himself.
He had to protect you.
That had been three days ago. Worse yet the tape had actually contained the entirety of your night. From the moment you got into bed right down to your alarm clock going off, Bill stood over you. Stanford knew that for a fact considering he watched the tape all the way through, never daring to speed-forward or skip ahead out of fear of what he’d stumble upon after doing so.
The 6 hours of footage felt like an eternity of limbo compared to the pain of being awake for so long. This was much preferable to ever seeing that again. Even if it killed him Ford made the vow to not rest until he could assure that a ‘Part 3’ could never be made again.
Thus far the only respite he’s allowed himself was a call to your hotel. Thankfully he had recognized the tacky furniture from his own stay many years back when he had to wait for the construction of his home to complete. When you had picked up the phone and said a greeting in your warm voice, it felt as if Stanford had his second wind.
He hadn’t heard you since the day you left. Since he had driven you away in order to fall under more of his ‘muse’s’ lies. But now when Ford heard your voice all he could do was remember all the nights you spent taking care of him after an extensive research expedition. Or all the warm meals you’d prepare for him to fuel up for a dangerous day in the woods. All of that felt like a lifetime ago.
Stanford Pines had thrown you away. Now, his only redemption lied in keeping both you and the world safe, no matter what it took. Your voice was the motivation Ford needed but the reward he hadn’t earned yet. He hung up without ever saying a word to you.
From the floor Stanford used his knee to propel himself back upwards. He remembered to take his discarded glasses with him to wipe off on his button-up shirt and place back on his face. Trying to dust the rest of himself off he glanced around his now ramshackled lab that had once been the prize of all his hard work and efforts, now covered with the scrawlings of a paranoid recluse and damaged experiments from frenzied episodes.
His eyes landed on his remaining journal that had been left abandoned on the ground. Odd. Had he knocked it down at some point during his episode brought on by a lack of sleep? Stanford bent down to pick up the poor book left in disarray. Poking out from the side was a corner of a photo that must have become dislodged from within, serving as a reminder that Ford should take better care of his precious research.
With a huff of annoyance towards himself Stanford flipped open the book only to be met with a photo of his face- Stanley’s face captured from an airing commercial Ford had caught on TV one day. Puzzled by this, Ford pulled the photo from the pages to inspect Stanley’s expression yet the glare of gold from his journal behind kept drawing his gaze as well.
For a long time Stanford’s focus flickered between his journal and the photo of his brother. First he stared with irritation. Then as the seed of an idea began to bloom his eyes softened with a regret while seeing Stanley. So many years spent drifted apart, and yet…
Stanford tucked the photo away with far more care than he realized he had before turning to head back upstairs to his home. There was a determination to the man as his feet picked up speed, now powered by the first actual idea he’s had in days. Whether it would work or not didn’t matter.
He had no one else.
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jayce-y · 3 years
Stuff about Great Ace Attorney that stood out to me
So I just finished both great ace attorney games and just had to gush about it. Will contain spoilers as I write random thoughts throughout the entire game, including things related to the final case. I’m serious. You will miss out on some pretty epic reveals that are so much better being experienced yourself so please only read once you’ve completed the entire game.
-Ryunosuke’s darting eyes and cute table slams and stuttering his words slowly transitioning to confidence was so smooth throughout the two games.
-When Kazuma did his first table slam I was like: “DAMN SON that’s hot”
- I was jumping in my seat when I realized there was an investigation with Yuujin and Herlock. And the TAP DANCING. Gosh I love this game.
- I found it so hilarious whenever Barok Van Zieks was determined to ignore Ryunosuke, but then Ryunosuke would inadvertently insult him and he’d be forced to speak up to defend himself. 
-Enjoyed the english dub, especially on that reunion scene where Kazuma is revealed to be alive.
-Herlock being a dumbass and nearly killing all of them by mistaking a time bomb for an anti-gravity device. My reaction to him was the exact same as Gregon’s. *glare*
- omg when Iris finally calls Herlock “daddy” was the cutest moment ever. Happy for Herlock.
- they are so fricking lucky that the “SHOLMES” number combination puzzle still worked with the localization for opening Jigoku’s suitcase haha.
- ALL OF KAZUMA’S THEME SONGS. Literally even his prosecutor theme is so great and when you first hear it you’re like, oh shit we’re actually going against him, but then you hear the familiar theme and you carefully look at his actions, you realize he still sees you as his best friend, but his mind is just so overtaken by revenge.
- Also loved the Pursuit theme for this game. Other songs that stood out were Edoch Drebber’s theme and Susato’s theme.
-Kazuma’s...white....skin-tight...outfit... Also I noticed his hair got slightly longer haha.
- I loved how extra all of Barok’s animations were. Speaking of animations, why were Edoch Drebber’s animations so frickin satisfying to watch. Like seriously especially the one with the smirk, I can look at it forever.
- Found it really interesting how different it felt going against the three prosecutors, Auchi, Barok, then Kazuma. With Auchi, it was like, super easy to make him flustered and feel like you’re winning. He was stuck-up and prideful and not willing to admit he was wrong when he so obviously is. With Barok, it felt like going against a metal wall. Like, it wasn’t even that he was stubborn (in fact, if he saw merit in your argument, he’d go along with you), he was just flawless in finding kinks in your arguments and shutting them down professionally and efficiently. With Kazuma, he had the sharpness of Barok but not the professionalism (makes sense as Barok has way more experience) and there was an emotional side to it since he’s your best friend who supported you so much in the first case.
- knowing Kazuma’s true goal now, I wondering if he was serious in case 1-1 when he said “if I fail to defend Ryu then I don’t deserve to go to Britain”. He wouldn’t lie about something like that, so either he was 100% sure he would win (which I'm not sure he would’ve as the lawyer since he faltered during one of Jezaille’s testimonies, and it was Ryu that found the contradiction), or Ryu really meant so much to him that he’d truly meant what he said and would give up on finding the truth about his father due to how disappointed he’d be in himself?
- I was reading about people saying Case 2-4 and 2-5 were Kazuma and Ryu’s “divorce arc” and I was so scared for the angst but once I actually played, I realized that Kazuma’s malice is never directed at Ryu, despite him defending Barok. On the contrary, he wanted Ryu to be at this trial to see it through with him to the end because he knew it was going to be too painful to travel this road by himself. And gosh I loved that speech where Ryu helped Kazuma see that hate was clouding his judgement. Yes Kazuma is so different compared to case 1, but once you understand his mindset for the past ten years, I think the way he acted towards everyone makes sense.
- I also laughed so hard in one of the final scenes, right after the trial with eveyone in the defense antechamber and Susato was like: wait til you see the smile on Barok Van Ziek’s face. And he just suddenly appears with the biggest frown on his face. Then later Susato was like: If Kazuma saw you now he’d have the biggest smile. Then Kazuma suddenly appears with the biggest frown on his face. I don’t know why, maybe it was just how suddenly they appeared that made me laugh.
- so much pain in case 5. I actually cried when Klint Van Zieks was reading out his confession letter. Probably was because of all the build up leading up to it. Genshin, Kazuma, Barok, Klint, Ginny, Gregson, Yuujin... so many people were pushed to their breaking point.
- I found it amusing to see the different art styles of the different artists working on the game through the character profile icons.
- loved the bittersweet, but mostly sweet, ending where they separate but promise to meet again soon.
That’s all for today, might add more if I remember them.
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ruzek-halstead · 3 years
the way you move is like a full-on rainstorm (and i’m a house of cards)
outer banks • jiara • post-season two • fluff with a sprinkle of angst
In the beginning, the idea of a deserted island to themselves sounds like a paradise.
No parents, no rules, no murders — just each other and a fierce determination to get back what's theirs.
In theory, that was great, but it doesn't take long before a sinking feeling settles in the pit of Kiara's stomach. She thinks about the similar feeling of despair her parents must be feeling at her disappearance and it's paralyzing. She isn't sure if the others notice her change in behaviour —  Kiara thinks they're just happy to be alive, after so many close calls.
Kiara doesn't understand how the gravity of what they've faced doesn't hit them now that they're alone and stranded.
Don't get her wrong, Kiara is always down for anything, especially if it's for her friends. Her loyalty knows no bounds, and she doesn't regret a single moment, but now that she has the time to reflect, she isn't sure how to process it.
They almost died.
JJ almost died.
She understands they're just happy to have made it out alive, but Kiara can't forget the fact that they almost didn't.
Sometimes when she sleeps at night, it isn't the chilly breeze or the uncomfortable sand that keeps her awake. It's the fact that every time she closes her eyes, she feels like she's underwater again, being dragged under by the dead weight of her best friend. She can't un-see it, she can't forget about it, and it's making it incredibly difficult for her to move on.
Kiara quickly realizes the water doesn't just affect her when she closes her eyes. Every time she moves to enjoy the benefits of an ocean six feet away, her legs stop moving as soon as her toes merely dip into the water. She hasn't been able to have a proper swim and it doesn't take her long to figure it out; so, she just stays away from the ocean, unless it is to cleanse her skin. Even then, she can't go too far.
The fact that JJ acts like he didn't nearly have a brush with death doesn't help her anxiety.
He acts like his normal carefree and reckless self, and don't get Kiara wrong, it's one of the things she adores about him. But she can't look at him the same anymore. His head wound was serious and they had no medical supplies to treat it. Sometimes Kiara watches him carefully, watches his movements because sometimes, she catches the way he wavers when he stands and needs to blink multiple times to even take a step forward. But then he's running with the boys, eagerly tackling each other and Kiara cringes every time his head connects with various hard surfaces.
It's painful to watch, and the fear that something serious is wrong but they have no way of knowing is sometimes too much for Kiara. That, piled with her nightmares and her conflicted feelings about her parents, is enough to dissipative any joy she might feel about a deserted island with her best friends.
It's only been a few days since they've arrived onto the island, and Kiara isn't sure her friends have caught onto her standoffish behaviour. It should hurt a bit, but Kiara can't bring herself to care.
When they decide to hop into the ocean for a late-afternoon swim, Kiara mumbles an excuse and hangs back, watching them from afar. She's sat against a tree, her knees pulled up to her chest as she watches. The jealousy hits her square in the chest and she's slightly angry her body doesn't allow her to join in on the fun. She doesn't know how to get over her new fear of water; the images of JJ's bloodied blonde hair against her skin, trying to stay afloat, haven't disappeared from her mind, and she's beginning to fear they never will.
Kiara is so deeply stuck in her thoughts that she doesn't even notice JJ stepping out of the ocean and approaching her.
When he sits down next to her, he's soaking wet, but the hot sun is quickly drying out the droplets scattered along his bare chest. He reaches for a split coconut and offers it to Kiara; she shakes her head so he takes a small sip.
"So," JJ starts, clearing his throat. "Are you going to tell me what's up?"
Kiara doesn't take JJ for the most perceptive out of their group, but he always seems to surprise her. Perhaps just how she's been keeping an eye on him since they arrived on this island, he was doing the same with her.
"Silence isn't a good look on you, Kie," he says, and Kiara realizes she failed to reply to his question. He's not wrong either. Kiara isn't exactly known for being quiet — rather, she's known for her passionate rants about the environment, turtles and the abhorrence of single use plastic. She hasn't been feeling any of that lately; she hasn't been feeling herself at all lately. "I'm not blind, you know. I can see something's up."
Kiara shrugs, because she truly doesn't feel like talking, and she can feel JJ's eyes burning a hole into the side of her face. How does she explain to her best friend that every time she looks at him, she pictures his unconscious, bruised and bleeding body?
"Kie," JJ sighs, quieter this time. "I'm starting to get worried."
The softness and sincerity in his voice causes her to look over, and she almost wishes she hadn't. His eyes are the brightest blue with the sun shining down on them, his hair messy and pulled back and a slight frown etched on his pink lips, that he bites anxiously.
"I'm just starting to miss home," Kiara replies, and it isn't a lie, per say, but it isn't the entire truth either.
JJ seems a little relieved he's managed to get something out of her, but his eyes stare at her as if he's expecting her to say more. "Okay, and what else?" Kiara's head swivels around to look at him questioningly. "Kie," he starts exasperatedly, "You've barely stepped into the ocean since we've gotten here and you've been so closed off. Seriously, what's going on with you?"
Her jaw locks and her eyes harden for a reason she can't determine. This is what she wanted, for someone to notice, to care about what the hell was going on with her. But her throat is burning, and she's selfish because all she wants to do is scream at him — scream at him because she's like this because of him.
Deep down she knows she doesn't regret jumping overboard to save him for even a second. She doesn't. But she resents him for putting her in that position in the first place, for jumping to her defence and getting hurt, for being the bravest friend she'd ever had. It's starting to make her brain hurt; she plans to avoid this conversation at all costs.
"I already told you," Kiara mumbles, standing up and dusting the sand off the back of her shorts. She ignores the pleading look in JJ's eyes. "I miss home, that's all."
Kiara turns to walk further into the trees, farther from where her best friends are screaming in utter happiness with each other. She nearly expects JJ to give up and go back into the ocean, allowing her some time for herself. But when she turns to look at him approaching with heavy footsteps, his expression is tight, angry even, and his jaw is clenched as he stares at her.
"Kiara, I'm not playing this game with you," JJ rumbles, and Kiara knows he means it by the use of her full name. "And I'm not leaving here until you tell me what the hell is wrong with you."
Kiara's fists clench at her sides and JJ's eyes drop to them. "You want to know what's wrong with me, JJ?" She spits, feeling the fire spread through her veins and into her brown eyes. She steps to him and continues, "Why don't we talk about you instead, huh?"
"What?" JJ responds, clearly confused. "Kie—"
"No, JJ! Let's talk about you!" Kiara snaps, continuing to step into his space. JJ doesn't step back, and his expression only darkens. "Let's talk about how you're pretending you're fine, but you're clearly fucking not! I see you, JJ! I see you when you stand up too fast and it takes you a full minute to get your shit together. You're obviously hurt but you act like it's nothing! What if you hit your head again? What then? We don't have a doctor — we can't save you again, JJ!"
JJ's expression is calculating, trying to gauge what this actually has to do with Kiara's new behaviour. He spots her trembling bottom lip when she says they can't save him again. He knows she means herself, because she's the one who saved him, no one else.
"Kie, I'm fine. Sure, it's a little sore, but I'm not going to stop living my life because of a little injury. I've had worse, Kie, and you know it."
Kiara nearly growls in response.
"Seriously, Kie, what the hell is the matter with you?"
Kiara can only take so much. She snaps.
"I can't fucking sleep!" Kiara shouts, voice cracking, but she powers through. "I can't sleep because every time I close my eyes, I'm back in the ocean, holding both of our bodies above water so we don't fucking drown! I can't go in the ocean because we nearly died and then you almost died in my arms and how am I supposed to just get over that, JJ?"
JJ's eyes are wide as she explodes.
"I'm terrified you're only one hit away from just never waking up again and I can't have that, JJ — I can't."
Kiara is standing right in front of him at this point, eyes wide and filled with unshed tears. It feels good to just yell, to get her frustrations out, even if she's yelling at JJ. His expression is blank, save for the pity in his blue eyes.
She blinks and a tear escapes. His face betrays him and his lips curl in a frown before he's wrapping his arms tight around Kiara's waist and pressing her to his chest. Her arms get crushed in his embrace but the comfort is all she needs to let it all out. She cries, loudly and embarrassingly but she can't bring herself to care. The past few days have been building and building up inside of her and it was only a matter of time before she cracked. She isn't sure how she's going to get rid of the nightmares, or get over her newfound fear of the ocean, but standing there in JJ's arms, she doesn't care.
"Kie," JJ murmurs against the curls near the crown of her head. "You were a fucking rockstar out there and you saved my life. I can never thank you. But don't you ever think you can't come to me for shit like this. I might not be the best person for it, but Kie, I promise I'll do my fucking best to help you through it."
Kiara pulls away from his chest, but JJ doesn't remove his arms. "J, I don't know what to do," she whimpers, "I can't fucking sleep."
"Fuck, I really wish we had weed here."
Kiara laughs, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. JJ's smile is pained; he always hated seeing Kiara in pain. And if tears are involved? Even less.
"Listen, if you can't sleep, I'll stay up with you. We'll talk until you're tired — or maybe having me right there beside you, alive and shit, you can tell your nightmares to fuck off because JJ Maybank is alive and kicking, baby."
Kiara laughs again, enjoying the hopeful glint in his blue eyes as he rambles. She responds with wrapping her arms around his middle and pressing the side of her face to his chest. She can hear and feel his heart beating and it brings her a sense of calmness.
"Kie, I'm so sorry," he mumbles quietly, "This is all my fault."
"I don't regret a single second," Kiara replies fiercely. She pulls back to drill it into him with her eyes, because she knows JJ and his self-blaming tendencies all too well. "I love you JJ and I would do it all over again. If I have to deal with nightmares just to have you here with me, then bring on the fucking nightmares."
Now it's JJ's turn to cough out a laugh, though it doesn't reach his eyes. It kills him to know that Kiara is suffering through all this pain and hurt — pain and hurt she's only dealing with because she saved his life.
"I love you too, Kie. And I promise I'm going to help you through this, okay? You're not alone."
Kiara's eyes search his face, ultimately landing on the side of his head that's still a tad bit sore from the hit he'd received less than a week ago. Her fingers reach up to caress it carefully and he schools his facial features to not let her know how sensitive that area of his skull is. He knows what she's thinking before she even says anything, and he sighs. "Just be careful, JJ," she says, surprising him with her words. "I don't want to lose you. I can't."
"You won't," he promises, and even though they both know it's a promise he can't keep, the conviction with which he says it nearly convinces her.
For a moment, it's just the two of them. JJ and Kiara. Best friends with endless possibilities.
Kiara thinks about it for only a second. She can kiss him right now, and he would probably welcome it. But she doesn't want to treat him like that; he means too much. Her hand slides down his bare arm instead, clutching his hand.
"No more shutting me out, okay?" JJ orders, though it lacks any authority. It's more of a pleading ask, than anything else. "Because JJ Maybank hates to be ignored and I tolerated it once, but I won't do it again, Kie."
Kiara's lips crack into a smile and it's like JJ can finally breathe easy once again. "Why do you keep talking about yourself in the third person? It's weird."
"Because it's effective."
"It's lame is what it is."
And suddenly they're back to their normal, bickering selves and JJ is wrapping a comforting arm around Kiara's shoulders as she nudges in close. He quietly promises to help her through her sleeping issues and her newfound water phobia as best he knows how. Both issues have to do with him nearly dying, and he hopes the fact that he is very much alive will help in overcoming them.
They start off slowly, JJ easing Kiara into the ocean as she clutches his hand for dear life. He makes joke after joke to make it easier. Sometimes it works and she forgets, sometimes it doesn't and she has to rush back to land. It's a process, but JJ has endless patience when it comes to Kiara and he's willing to do whatever it takes.
At night, they curl into each other, JJ's arms tucked around Kiara, while she tangles her legs with his. They talk until JJ accidentally dozes off, but it's alright, because Kiara lays her head against his chest and focuses on his heartbeat. That's how she falls asleep. She doesn't expect her nightmares about him to disappear just like that, and they don't, but with JJ's steady heartbeat underneath her, she's able to push past and get some actual sleep. In the morning, JJ apologizes profusely, but all Kiara can do is smile, as she's gotten some decent sleep for the first time since they arrived.
JJ becomes like her lifeline. It's the only way she'll survive the island.
Her parents are gone, and the pain is still fresh. She still worries about them and what they're feeling, but all she can do is think forward, on how she'll eventually make this up to them.
Her worries about JJ and his head wound don't subside either, but to her surprise, he's unbelievably more cautious as he horses around. He attempts to avoid situations where he might hit his head, and periodically asks Pope to check it out and make sure it's looking alright. Pope's knowledge is limited, especially since his fascination is with cadavers, but it's the reassurance it brings that counts. JJ also knows Kiara appreciates his cautiousness, and he'll do anything to see her smile softly at him, pride in her beautiful brown eyes.
Kiara isn't exactly surprised when she realizes she has feelings for JJ, but she is frustrated as hell. What she pulled with Pope earlier in the year wasn't cool and she'll never forgive herself for it. The realization makes her shove her feelings down, far away. She can't mess up another one of the most important relationships in her life.
Even when she gets the vibes that maybe JJ feels the same way, she still shoves her feelings down.
She notices it in the little things, such as staying back with her when their friends dive into the ocean, sitting beside her at the camp fire and throwing a comforting arm around her shoulders, pressing his face into his neck in his sleep, consistently reminding her how important she is to him.
It's starting to eat her up inside, and she hardly notices when she begins to pull away from JJ for both their sakes.
JJ notices, and he isn't fucking happy about it.
"Kie, I thought we talked about this," he says in a stressed voice, his fingers pinching the skin between his eyebrows. He had spotted her trek out into the woods for more firewood, and the urge to follow was just too strong. He's a weak man when it comes to Kiara.
Kiara startles, not having heard anyone follow her. She throws him a dirty look. "What are you talking about now, JJ?"
"You're doing it again!" JJ sputters, hands flailing as if that would drive his point home. "Pushing me away. I thought we agreed you wouldn't do that anymore."
"I'm not," Kiara replies automatically and JJ raises an eyebrow. "I'm not!"
JJ rolls his eyes, huffing out a scoff. "Oh, cut the bullshit, Kie. I told you I wasn't going to do this again with you, and I meant it."
Kiara visibly hesitates.
Does she want to spill her guts and tell JJ she's potentially falling for him? Absolutely not. But is he giving her much of a choice?
"Listen JJ, this isn't about you at all. I'm just — I don't want to hurt you or mess anything up, okay? Just  — please, don't ask questions."
Kiara absolutely butchers her explanation and she can tell by the unbelievably confused expression JJ wears.
"Kie, what the fuck are you talking about?"
She sighs, deciding maybe the best option is just to completely disappear from this conversation. JJ disagrees and he blocks her exit. "JJ, I'm begging you. Please."
"What the hell?" JJ asks, holding his arm out in front of her waist so she doesn't walk away from him. "Kiara, I swear to God—"
"What do you want me to tell you?" Kiara snaps, wild eyes darting to his confused blue ones. "That I'm staying away from you because I think I might love you and it took you nearly dying in my arms for me to figure it out? Or that I'm avoiding you because I seem to fuck up every important relationship in my life and I don't want to ruin you? Or ruin us—"
JJ interrupts, face completely blank as he says, "Shut the fuck up, Kie."
Kiara startles, shocked at his words, even though he doesn't say them angrily. She's bearing her soul to him and this is what she receives in return? She has half a mind to punch him in the throat, but then he continues.
"I've literally been in love with you since the fifth grade." That is definitely not what Kiara expects him to say. "Do you think I give a fuck if you think you're going to ruin me? Because I can assure you right now that you won't. You're one of the best fucking things to come out of my shitty life, and I don't want you to ever think you can ruin us, because you can't."
Kiara's gone speechless. For once in her goddamn life, she's absolutely speechless, and it's at the cost of her reckless, gorgeous, best friend who is currently staring at her as if she just offered him the fucking moon.
"Fifth grade?" Kiara croaks, her lips splitting into a bright smile.
JJ matches her smile, a slight blush creeping up his neck as he momentarily dodges her eyes. "Give or take. You were real annoying in fifth grade, Kie. Take this as a massive compliment."
"Oh, I do," Kiara laughs as her arms wind around his neck. She grabs onto his chin, dragging his gaze to focus back on her. His blue eyes are wide as they drop down to her lips.
Before either of them can make a move, Kiara says quietly, "Eighth grade."
"What?" JJ sputters in confusion.
"Eighth grade is when I momentarily saw you more than just JJ, my dumbass friend," Kiara explains, rolling her eyes at the smirk that graces his lips. "Momentarily!"
JJ chuckles, tongue darting out to wet his lips. Kiara's eyes track the movement. "I'll take it."
After another moment with no movement, Kiara huffs, tugging him closer. "Am I going to have to ignore you again for you to fucking kiss me or what are we doing here?"
"Pushy," JJ quips, nearly laughing at Kiara's murderous expression. "I always knew you wanted me."
"You know what? I've gone seventeen years without it, I can go seventeen more."
JJ's grin drops immediately when Kiara starts to pull away, so he tugs her closer and feverishly presses his lips to hers. He immediately slows down, wanting to savour this long awaited moment, but Kiara isn't interested in slow. Her hands slide into his fluffy hair as she deepens the kiss with a level of desperation she isn't even aware she possesses. Kiara absentmindedly tugs on his blonde locks and JJ lets out a low groan; she takes full advantage and sneaks her tongue into his mouth. JJ only groans louder.
"Holy fuck, Kie," JJ breathes against her lips when they inevitably pull away from each other to catch a breath. "I just always assumed you were an amazing kisser but Jesus Christ, I think I need to sit down."
Kiara wants to roll her eyes, but she finds herself laughing instead. "You're an idiot."
"Your idiot, though," JJ replies, then pauses. "Right?"
The moment of insecurity in his voice is telling, especially for a man who hates to show it. He wants to be sure they're on the same page, because it'll hurt too much if they aren't.
"My idiot," Kiara confirms, latching onto his hand.
JJ pulls on their intertwined hands, before adding in a condescending tone, "See what communication can do, Kiara?"
Regardless of what Kiara wants to fire back, he's absolutely right. But she can never leave him with the satisfaction.
So, she shoots him a glare and says, "You want to see what my foot in your ass can do?"
"That's kinda kinky, babe," JJ smirks, "Don't worry, I'm all for it, though."
Kiara doesn't argue in response, or follow through on her threats of bodily harm. She stands on her tip-toes and presses a gentle kiss to JJ's unsuspecting lips. When JJ looks at her with questioning blue eyes (though he's definitely not complaining), Kiara shrugs and says, "Just because I can."
She can and she does, very willingly.
JJ doesn't mind one single bit.
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everythinggeeky · 4 years
The Fall | Anakin Skywalker
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Anakin Skywalker x Jedi! reader
Warnings: NONE! the angst, 
Word Count: 2.9k
Request: okay hear me out. request where the reader is cozy with Anakin with Ahsoka for her mission and when order 66 is executed, meaning she goes through all of that with the clones and the ship crashing but she doesn’t know it’s Anakin’s doing and then maybe Ahsoka tells the reader what maul told her on Mandalore during their fight. does that make sense? lol, I see angst. -Anon
A/N: I took some creative liberties with this, hope you don’t mind! don’t sue me for emotional damages. Requests and tag lists are open!
You stood by the window watching as the stars shoot by in brilliant colors. You always enjoyed traveling in lightspeed - it gave you the opportunity to ignore the realities of the galaxy, even if only for a little while. Trying to distract yourself from the pressing matter at hand, your hand wandered to the small charm that hung from the side of your belt. Rubbing the charm between your thumb and forefinger, you remember the day that Anakin gave it to you after he had been training with you for months. 
“Y/N. This is for you. It’s a traditional artifact. There’s an engraving on the back for you, can you read what it says?” You fondly remembered a significantly younger Anakin handing the small charm to you on Coruscant after he had returned to you following a dangerous mission.
“I’ll always be with you,” you read aloud.
“Right. Because we have to stick together, no matter what,” he smiled sweetly down at you, “I have a duplicate on my belt. I’ll keep it there to remember my promise.”
You nodded, confirming your half of the promise. Since that day, you carried the charm on your belt, right next to your saber. This gentle reminder eased your anxieties when departing for a new mission. The ritual was the same: three clockwise spins between your thumb and forefinger, four counterclockwise. 
Over time, as Anakin and yourself grew from padawans to Jedi Knights, the charm began to lose its engraving from the repeated ritual, but the promise still stood between Anakin and yourself.
You would unite following a mission and embrace one another to confirm your physicality. Over time, your relationship with Anakin grew from fellow padawan, to close friend, to the possibility of something more, despite what you chose to label it. You always knew you had a special bond with Anakin, but were afraid to pursue it. The Jedi code forbids attachments, and you couldn’t risk your attachment to Anakin becoming your downfall.
These tender moments of nostalgia only lasted for so long; the sound of the transmission patching through pulls you out of your daze. You sighed heavily, not wanting to be bothered. After turning around, you were relieved to see that it was Anakin instead of another general. 
“Ahsoka, Y/N, this could be a tipping moment for the Clone Wars. The Jedi are counting on you once again. Capture Maul and uncover his motive. I must go, but I know you’ll accomplish what is necessary.”
“Have I ever let you or the Jedi down, Anakin?” you spoke up.
“Never. And don’t let this be the first,” he chuckled, trying to distract from the gravity of the mission at hand.
“I won’t,” you confirmed as Ahsoka walked away to attend to strategic planning with the troops.
“Y/N. I’m serious, I need you to come back to me this time. The way this is looking, the Jedi could gain an advantage here and win the war.”
“I will, Anakin. I always will. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you...too long. There wasn’t enough time today on the dock.”
“I know. And I’m sorry, but with Obi-Wan there…” he trailed off.
His personal communicator chimed again, pulling his attention away from your private moment.
“I have to go, Y/N. The Chancellor-” Anakin tried to pull away.
“Be careful, alright? You know how I feel about mixing politics and war. It’s never good.”
“I’ll be alright. I promised to come back to you, didn’t I?” he smirked his trademark smirk before continuing, “I’ll be back before you miss me.”
“Impossible,” you smiled softly up at him.
“Good luck with your mission, Y/N,” Anakin spoke softly, the transmission ended before you had the chance to finish.
“You too,” you said into the silence.
You were on board a shuttle with Bo-Katan and Ahsoka, making your way to Mandalore. Maul was confirmed to remain in the city, his direct location unknown. Enemy fire interrupted your smooth transport; your troopers, and Bo-Katan leaving the ship on a jet pack. You looked to Ahsoka and shrugged before fleeing the ship, dismantling and disarming the enemy on the way to the surface.
After landing, you were met with heavy blaster fire which was blocked by the smooth and effortless motions of Ahsoka’s lightsabers, as well as your own. Working your way down into the tunnels of the city, you decided it was best you split up. Ahsoka would work with the commander and a few others, and you would lead your own respective group.
Taking out the opposition one by one, you worked with your team to find Maul. Ahsoka patched through eventually informing you of the dark lord’s location. You and your troopers made your way to the hub to surround Maul, armed and ready to fight.
“Ah. I see the Jedi have some new recruits I was not aware of,” Maul purrs.
“Can’t keep moving the same guys around everywhere in the galaxy. Too bad you’re stuck with us I suppose. Surrender and there will be no bad blood,” you spoke up, twirling your saber once for intimidation.
“Surrender? Why do so when the Jedi will inevitably lose?” 
You looked to Ahsoka with concern, preparing yourself for a bloody match with the Sith that almost eliminated Obi-Wan Kenobi. After a small back and forth, you lost track of Maul. You discovered that Darth Sidious was responsible for the Clone Wars, ensuring that the Sith were playing a game with the Jedi from the very beginning. After hours of gruesome fighting and snide remarks, Ahsoka was able to capture some time with Maul to discover Darth Sidious’ plot while you and Bo-Katan resolved the smaller fights on the surface.
You were separated from Ahsoka, busy taking down the enemy forces of the surface of Mandalore. Your saber made quick work of the blaster fire, blocking it from coming into harm’s way with your comrade. Slashing down enemies with an impressive twirl of your saber, mimicking the style of your master from so many years ago.
You hadn’t seen Ahsoka in a few hours, too busy fighting alongside the other troops assigned to the upper levels of the city. You received notice that Ahsoka was in pursuit of Maul, determined to uncover his motive and the greater plot at play. Through her continued efforts, she successfully captured Maul. You reunited and met with the Council to discuss further efforts to eliminate the Chancellor’s control.
“We have Maul. We will escort him back to Coruscant,” Ahsoka speaks up to the Council.
“The war could be over soon…” you trailed off quietly.
“If the Chancellor complies,” Master Windu confirms.
You nod, doubt troubling your mind. Where was this coming from? You knew Anakin and Obi-Wan would complete their mission and get the information necessary to end the war. But something lingering in the back of your mind continued to grow; you were so close, was this really going to be the end of a long war?
Master Yoda questioned your thoughts, “Doubts about the war, you have.”
“Doubts, yes. Is this too good to be true? If Darth Sidious is truly playing both sides...how can we know this war won’t go on for many years to come?”
“Faith in your colleagues, you must have.”
“Yes, Master,” you replied, looking to the floor.
“A message for Skywalker, perhaps?”
“No, when I see him after all of this is over, I’ll tell him myself.” 
“May the force be with you.”
And with that, Master Yoda ended the transmission.
“Ahsoka, you didn’t tell the council about what Maul said” Rex spoke up.
“You’re right. I didn’t,” she spoke as she walked through the doors.
You followed her through, mind wandering endlessly. Is the council right? Is this almost the end of a multi-year war? 
“Wait...What did Maul say? You didn’t mention it to me”
“In time...if what Maul said is true, it will reveal itself. I don’t want to distract you from the truth and from the mission, Y/N.”
“I see...why can’t you tell me, Ahsoka?”
“I just can’t,” she continued after a long silent pause, “I can sense something troubling you, Y/N. What is it?” Ahsoka asks as you make your way to the ship where Maul is to be boarded.
“Do you really think the Council is right? That Maul is right?”
“There’s no way to know for certain, but your doubts echo my own. I know the Order has a reputation for corruption, and it’s not up to me or to you to eliminate that, but I can’t continue knowing I contributed in an effort that allowed innocent people to die.”
“That’s why we’re here, Ahsoka. You know what is right.”
“I suppose, I just don’t want to be a soldier anymore” she closed, taking her position on the bridge alongside Commander Rex, while you sat outside the briefing room, unable to tolerate the pressure of more diplomacy.
As you traveled through hyperspace, the force called out to you in a series of struggles and arguments between an unknown party.
“It’s not the Jedi way!” a voice called out through the force, exhausted.
The painful thoughts plagued your mind as the scuffle continues. 
“What have I done?” 
“Anakin?” you said quietly into the empty hallway, looking around for anyone that could help you, or maybe you could share the news with. 
You hurried to find Ahsoka, surely she felt this too. As the doors to the bridge slid open, Commander Rex stood between you two, guns drawn and aimed at both of you. Pulling your lightsaber from your belt and igniting the blade. Ahsoka stood still, shifting her focus from you and then back to Rex.
“Rex...what is this?” Ahsoka begged.
“Under Order 66, all Jedi are to be executed for treason. You are in violation of Order 66,” he spoke in a tone that was dissimilar from his normal.
Firing a shot at both of you, you and Ahsoka ducked out of the way; using her lightsaber to deflect the back-and-forth fire between the troops. Before you had the opportunity to get caught in the middle of the fire, you fled the scene, running into the hallway of the ship. You ran to escape the fire of the corrupted troops, finding a quiet supply room to yourself.
You thought if you could find the quiet space to meditate, perhaps you could send a message to Anakin. What was the argument that you heard? What did Anakin do that was so terrible that he immediately regretted it? There has to be some good left in him, surely nothing is solidified quite yet. 
Reassuring yourself that nothing has been set in stone, you sat on the cold floor of the supply closet. Inhaling deeply, you centered your thoughts to reach Anakin’s. The blaster fire continued outside, drawing you away from your meditation now and again. As you tried to connect with Anakin, you were once again dragged down by Anakin’s panicked and angry thoughts. 
“Anakin...” you spoke into your force bond, hoping he would reciprocate.
You waited, hanging on desperately for a response. You let a tear fall as you reached for the charm on your belt. 
Three clockwise, four counter. 
“Please, Anakin…”
“Y/N…” Anakin spoke out, heartbreak is laden in his voice.
“Where are you Anakin…?” you pleaded.
“Coruscant,” he quipped.
“What has happened?”
“I can’t-”
“Anakin, please…” your connection was brutely interrupted by clone troopers searing the door, attempting to break the door down.
You looked between the door and the charm in your hand, pondering your next move. As the clones came closer to breaking down the door, you forfeited your force bond with Anakin, leaving your meditative state and igniting your lightsaber. 
Two clones broke down the door to the supply closet, exposing your hiding place.
Another clone echoed Rex’s command from earlier, “you are in violation of Order 66. You will be executed for treason.”
You fought off the clones, finding a way to flee the clones, and reunite with Ahsoka. After running what felt like forever, you found Ahsoka. Breathless, she stopped you.
“Y/N. The clones are compromised.”
“You don’t say,” you huff.
“No, they were designed that way.”
“The Kaminoans installed an inhibitor chip. Order 66 was the plan all along.”
“Darth Sidious…”
“Is this what Maul was talking about…?”
“Yes, but there is something else.”
“Tell me.”
“Y/N, I really can’t.”
“Ahsoka, please.”
“It’s Anakin.”
“What about him? I felt it. I tried. Ahsoka, I tried to talk to him. He pushed me away,” you spiraled.
Ahsoka caught your shoulders, squaring you to herself, “Y/N. Maul said Anakin is behind this. The destruction, Order 66. He is Sidious’s apprentice.”
You pulled away from her, “You lie. There’s no way that Anakin could have done this…”
“I know. But I think Maul may be right. Anakin has always doubted the Council, and increasingly so in recent days…”
“Right now, we have to worry about the clones. We gotta get that chip out of Rex’s head.”
You nodded, trying to focus on the mission. Your personal matters and attachments could not intercede. As Maul caused his own chaos in the corridor, you worked with Ahsoka to fight off the clones and get out of here. Eventually, you made it outside, where after a messy battle, Maul was able to escape after a struggle with Ahsoka. 
The ship was gaining speed rapidly, and the clones were gaining on you. Ahsoka, Rex, and yourself fought back to back, blocking blasters and the increasing pressure from the clones. Ahsoka dropped the three of you to the lower level and covered you and Rex as you looked for an escape ship.
With a boost from Ahsoka, you boarded the ship with Rex, fleeing the wreckage. Ahsoka confirmed she would find her way and would work to defeat the clones. You steered to bring Ahsoka on board after she fled the wreckage herself. When it was safe, you landed on the moon’s surface, examining the wreckage behind.
You took a moment to yourself, finding a quiet space to allow yourself to feel the devastation. You had been through so much within the last day and this was time to rest. Tossing your lightsaber back and forth between your hands, you remembered your fondest memories while training. Working side-by-side with Anakin while you were both padawans were some of your favorite memories. The first time you sparred with him, you took him down practically instantly. 
With a knee on his chest, you leaned into his face, “what? Can’t keep up, Skywalker?” you chuckled, smirking.
“Oh, I can keep up, Y/N,” he smirked, shoving you off his chest.
You laughed while standing back up, “I thought Master Kenobi was supposed to be teaching you something.”
“Hush,” he teased.
You smiled fondly at the memory from your youth. These much happier days seemed so long ago now, both of your lives completely different. Anakin’s choice was confirmed; he had truly given up on the Jedi and on the light side of the force. Hope was lost. In an attempt to comfort yourself, your hand wandered to the charm on your belt again. 
Three clockwise, four counter. 
A tear fell from your eye as you pulled harshly on the charm, detaching it from your belt. You tossed it out onto the expanse of the moon’s surface. You’ve lost hope in redeeming Anakin. You could sense he was gone. This was your only chance for survival.
Following your unceremonial separation, Ahsoka wandered over to you.
“You ready to go?” she spoke softly.
Wiping your eyes, you stood and followed Ahsoka to the shuttle, leaving the moon for good to start your life over again. Your life away from the Order, and away from Anakin.
Vader returned the moon months later. There was a rumor that wreckage from the clone wars existed, rumor that possible Jedi have crept through the cracks of Order 66 and escaped. He searched the surface with a dedicated team of troopers. Through the snow, helmets from the 501st peppered the snow.
Vader knelt to the surface to brush some of the snow aside. In his efforts, a silver piece of metal was hidden under the snow’s covering, beside one of the helmets. He picked it up and recognized it instantly- the same charm he had given to you as a boy.
He took this as a sign of your suffering; the wreckage was brutal and there was no way you survived. Vader pocketed the charm; his own was left burned and charred on Mustafar. Perhaps there was hope and you were alive. Wherever you are, he tried to reach out to you, but the door was closed.
Vader repeated the ritual in his gloved hands.
Three clockwise, four counter.
tagged: @kenobee​ @hxldmxdxwn​ @smokahuntis​ @obiwkenobi​ @jbarnesss​ @takenbymyfandoms​ @ilovesupersoldiers​ @ahsxkaa​
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thran-duils · 4 years
When the Truth Comes Out (P.1)
Title: When the Truth Comes Out (Part 1) Summary: Reader/Professor Novak. The reader is in graduate school and has fallen into a surreptitious relationship with her married professor. Professor Novak is educated, handsome, and fascinating. But he has an issue of drawing healthy boundaries for him and the reader. And it all comes to a head when their secret is found out and everything has to change. Words: 2,143 Warnings: Smut, ***ANGST***, infidelity, emotional abuse, eventual happiness(?idk if it’s super happy but lmfao)
Chapter Two || Fanfic masterpost || Masterpost (mobile)
Professor Novak’s hands moved up your sides, lips smashed together. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as he drove up into you.
You leaned back, biting your lip, feeling him inside. Your hand finding a pile of papers that slid out from beneath your weight, causing you to yelp as you started to fall back. Novak’s grip tightened instantaneously on you, jerking you back up.
“Your desk is a mess,” you teased breathlessly, rolling your hips to him.
“I think we are looking at the culprit for that,” he husked in return, his lips finding yours again.
You smiled against his kiss, your hand finding bare desk this time to avoid another mishap. It was true; you had been bent over his desk only moments before and you had succeeded in knocking over his pens to start with when your hands reached out for grounding. Now his papers, whatever they were. He would collect them later.
A vacuum started down the hall and he froze, fully seated inside you.
You turned your head, just as shocked as he was.
“Shit, it is Tuesday, isn’t it?” he hissed, drawing your attention back.
“What does that mean?”
“Janitor is in the building on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.”
“They probably have headphones in,” you tried to reassure him, running your hands down his arms.
Novak shook his head. “That’s not the problem. How are you going to get out of here without being seen? It’s damn near eleven o’clock.”
“I’ll crawl out of the window,” you whispered, a hand coming down to grip his ass. You just wanted him to continue.
He shot you an annoyed look, “We are on the third floor. Nice try, Y/N.”
“We’ll figure it out after,” you pouted, rolling your hips to him again, sighing softly feeling his cock brush inside you. “Please.” You batted your eye lashes, giving him doe eyes.
It worked; he fell into your rhythm. And soon he had you laying back on your back as he plummeted into you. His hands held tight as they cupped underneath your thighs, his eyes hooded with lust watching your breasts bounce. You touched yourself, biting your lip at him sensually as he locked his gaze on the movement. When your back arched as you saw stars, you whimpered, trying to keep quiet.
Novak followed and his hands planted on either side of you on the desk as he held himself up from collapsing onto you after he had emptied himself. You lazily reached up, running your fingers gently through his hair. He hummed in approval and you massaged softly, helping him to come back down.
He leaned down, giving you a long, deep kiss. “You are lovely,” he breathed.
“You flatter me,” you whispered in return, a grin despite yourself.
Pulling away, he told you, “I mean it.”
You knew he did. He was risking a lot sleeping with you, stealing kisses and time with you when he should be at home. Let alone the scandal it might cause that he was with a student, no matter if you were in your mid-twenties now, in grad school. You had really nothing to lose reputation wise; you would not face the bigger repercussions. He had reminded you time and time again to be quiet about it, saying he did not want you to betray him.
Sitting up, you suddenly took notice that the vacuum sounded more distant.
“Hmm, seems the janitor went upstairs. See? They were wearing headphones.”
“Yeah, luckily it is Tuesday and not Thursday. They come in to vacuum the offices then and that would have put us in a very precarious situation.”
“Truly,” you agreed, sliding off his desk and reaching for your clothes. You dressed quickly, knowing that this was the opportunity for you to sneak out of the building. He was doing the same, gathering up his things.
You bent to pick up his papers and he waved you off, “I’ll do it in the morning. Don’t waste time.”
Shrugging, you straightened back up and went to go snatch your purse off the ground by the door. When you stood back up, Novak was by his desk, holding out a bill towards you.
“Take it.”
“Are you… paying me now?” you asked, unable to think if you should feel offended or amused.
Novak looked unamused himself and he told you firmly, “I saw you eating ramen in the dining hall.”
Realizing he was giving you grocery money, your annoyance melted away. You stepped closer, “You ‘saw’ me?” He said nothing and you smirked, imagining him watching you. You knew he kept an eye on you and happened to show up where you were at times. You had caught him before, giving him mischievous smirks across the green, across the room, to let him know you saw him. He had told you he needed to watch out for you, that you were at risk of being swept away from him. You had laughed when he told you that, but you knew he was serious; he had accused you once of taking a boy back to your dorms from one of your classes; he had seen the two of you leaving the student union, walking close together. He had been actually envious. You knew it was frankly unfair he would be upset about it if you had since he was married. But, you enjoyed the way he coveted you too much.
You still had not taken the bill – you could see it was a crisp hundred though. Squaring your shoulders, you asked, “What if I just like ramen?”
“I don’t care,” Novak stated. “You should be eating better. And I know the refund checks aren’t coming for another week.” You narrowed your eyes slightly, still not moving. You loved teasing him, knowing you could get under his skin. All that power was intoxicating at times. He rose his eyebrows and ordered, “Y/N, take it.”
Sighing dramatically, you said, “Fine” as you grabbed it from him. “Thanks. I’ll be sure to buy some broccoli and spinach to go in my ramen.”
“Y/N,” he warned, and you grinned widely at him as you stuck the money into your pocket
“Yes, dad, I’ll eat better.”
“’Daddy’”, Novak corrected you, his lip upturned into a small smirk.
You chortled and said, “Yes, ‘daddy.’ I’ll make sure to stay healthy for you.” You added playfully, “You know you’re only 35, right? I mean, technically, you could be a daddy but –”
“Enough,” Novak cut you off, ushering you towards the door. He needed to go with you to lock the building door behind the two of you. “They are on the next floor. We need to go before they come back down.”
As you opened the door, you smiled to yourself, knowing he did not want you to tease him for his kink. He followed at your back, locking the door behind you, and ushered you forward again in hushed tones. You smiled, feeling the danger of the situation. The two of you slinking around in the dark to escape the building, hiding your midnight tryst.
<> <> <>
Castiel texted you while you were in class, asking you to come to his office at 3:00pm. When you had seen the text, you were confused. It was the middle of the day, so unless he had gone off his rocker, it not a booty call. You did not have a class with him, so it was nothing to do with academics.
Walking across campus, you racked your brain thinking about what could be going on. His father was sick. You prayed nothing had happened with him, that would devastate Castiel.
You two had been seeing each other – still in secret, of course – for over a year and a half since that night escaping from the janitor. That put you at almost two years counting the time before then. What had started out as sex had blossomed into something deeper. The first time you had called him by his first name, it was real… the dynamic change in the relationship was real. The declarations of love came next. The two of you confided in each other, sharing intimate things. It was hard to explain to your roommate why you never brought anyone home from the bar.
Knocking twice on his door, he beckoned from the other side to come in. You moved into the office, cheeks flushed from the chill outside, hair windswept. Closing the door, you blurted out, “What’s up?” as you turned back around to look at him.
Your face fell for only a few seconds before you composed yourself again; he looked wrecked. His sweater was wrinkled – so unlike him – and he looked like he had not slept. You thought the worse, your mind going back to his dad.
“She knows.”
Forehead creased in confusion, you asked, chuckling nervously, “Am I supposed to know who ‘she’ is?”
“My wife. She knows. About us.” Your face fell immediately as the gravity of the situation fell on you. He exhaled shakily, rubbing his hands up his face roughly, pulling at his hair at the end. He shook his head and said, “She suspected something, she said. So, she looked at my phone.”
“She knew your password?”
Castiel shot you a reproachful look that made you want to recoil. “We’re married, Y/N. We know each other’s passwords.” The way he said it made it sound like you were stupid. “Not sharing that with her would have been suspicious.”
“Sorry,” you muttered, avoiding eye contact. “I just didn’t know.”
Castiel sighed again and said apologetically, “I know. I’m sorry. I’m just…” he trailed off. He paused before saying, “Thankfully she doesn’t know who you are. She didn’t see any of the pictures. And I don’t have your name saved as the contact.” You understood that; you had his number under an alias as well. “She just saw…. our texts. From two days ago. She didn’t even read them all… she said she couldn’t. She only saw a few. But… me saying ‘I love you, night’ confirmed everything.”
You swallowed sharply, not knowing what to say. He was waiting for you to say something though, he was staring at you.
“So. What happens?”
“I fix it. I have to… I can’t leave her, Y/N,” Castiel told you, sounding strained. He could not keep eye contact with you. You felt like you had been hit by a freight train, staring at him in shock. He exhaled sharply at your expression and said exasperated, “Christ, Y/N. Don’t look at me like that.”
“How do you want me to look at you?” you snapped, trying to hold back the tidal wave of emotion welling up inside of you.
“She told me she was pregnant!” Castiel barked, and then closed his mouth, knowing he was being louder than he should be. There were so many people in the building, including in offices nearby. You could not help your mouth fallen open though. They had been trying, but she had not gotten pregnant for years. “She was saving it. The surprise.” There were tears forming in his eyes as he shook his head, letting out a small laugh void of humor. “We’ve been trying for so long. And… it has to all happen like this.”
“’Like this’,” you echoed, catching his attention. “So, that’s it then? We’re just…”
You trailed off, not being able to finish.
Castiel stood up from his desk now, coming around it to you. His hands cupped his face and as much as you wanted to shove him away, you did not. You craved his touch, you wanted to be comforted.
“No. I mean, I don’t want that,” Castiel told you tearfully. “We just need to… back off for a little bit.”
“How long?”
“I don’t know, Y/N. I-I don’t know.” He looked at a loss. Choking back tears, you looked away from him. “Hey, look at me.”
Shaking your head, you shoved him away. He looked shocked, his jaw going slack. You wiped angrily at your eyes, trying to hide all evidence of tears threatening to spill over.
“No,” you told him angrily. “That’s not fair. You don’t get to ask me to just wait around for you to get your shit together.”
“Y/N, now don’t—” There was an edge to his voice, a switch in his demeanor. He was going to try to persuade you to be docile about it, as he always did, but you were not hearing it.
Turning around, you flung the door open and stormed out, leaving it open behind you. You did not know if he called out after you because all you could hear was a roar in your ears, just wanting to get out of that goddamn building and be back in your room.
CASTIEL FOREVER TAGS: @willowing-love @perseusandmedusa @greenappleeyes @afanofmanystuffs @earthtokace @shikaros-blog @marisayouass @splendidcas @stixnstripesworld 
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ohshc-trash-14 · 5 years
What I consider to be my fandoms, and how I feel about them currently
Way back when I was in a lot of book fandoms, namely Percy Jackson. But then I didn’t really have access to fandom, and didn’t know what it was like.
So here’s my list of what I consider to be my fandoms, and how I feel about them at the end of this long year.
Gravity Falls - I rewatched this recently, and I love it so much. For a kids show the characters are amazing, and there is so much creativity and beautiful art of all forms in the fandom.
Ouran High School Host Club - This was the first anime I watched all the way through, and because of this it holds a special place in my heart. I’ve watched it many times, and bonded with so many people over it, most of which I’m happy to say I still consider friends today. The fandom is still scraping by after all these years, and I love how many people still treasure it.
Black Butler - This was the first fandom I cosplayed for, even if it was a Halloween costume. I also know many people that love this series, and it’s truly something special. I hope to one day have enough time to read the manga without stopping for months in the process, and I really do love all the characters of this series.
Free! - Ah, yes. Currently my top fandom, and one I’ve loved for a while. My favorite character has changed over the years, and I’ve written so much more for this than I ever expected to, but it’s because I adore these swimming dorks.
Soul Eater - I’ve been very slowly rewatching this one since the end of the summer, and I still love it. When I originally watched this, my life was a lot different than it is currently. But I’m still able to enjoy it.
Yuri!!! On Ice - I watched this as it was coming out, I found out about it around episode five or six. I remember watching episode ten at the house of family members who have since moved, and I remember when the internet was freaking out about WTTM. This is a beautiful show (that I also rewatched not too long ago) with a beautiful fandom that I’m happy to be a part of.
Attack on Titan - This fandom taught me a lot about weird shit on the internet. I really did enjoy the show, and when I have time I’d like to watch it all again so I can actually remember what’s happening. I don’t have much to say about this one, but there are a lot of incredibly talented artists in this fandom.
Voltron Legendary Defender - God, what do I say about this. I was brought into this world because of Pidge, and I think I stuck with it as long as I did because of Matt. This fandom wasn’t the best behaved, and I wish we could’ve done better by the old fans and the show itself. I still care a lot about all of them, though, and I think this fandom marked another very important part of my life.
Seven Deadly Sins - I’m a few weeks behind on the new season, but I think it’s my favorite one yet. This show keeps getting better in my opinion, and I would really like to read the manga when I have the time. I love the cast of characters we have here, and their designs.
Miraculous Ladybug - Oh, I am dreadfully behind on this show. I really did enjoy watching it when I was, and I’d like to get back to that when I have the time. It’s a very good show, and interesting.
Tokyo Ghoul - I have a vivid memory of watching season four episode seven on a school trip when I was supposed to be sleeping. A lot of people I know don’t like this one much, but I think it was good. I very much want to read the manga, I remember the complaining about seasons three and four not being accurate to it/rushing/etc. The fandom has some more issues than others I’ve seen, but there is so much beautiful art the likes of which I don’t think you can find anywhere else.
Supernatural - I will watch the last season when it goes on Netflix, even if I’ve fallen out of this fandom. The show is so interesting for one this long, and the actors are great. The fanwork for this show keeps going and going, and I think it will for a long time after the show stops. I hope it does.
Steven Universe - I watched the entirety of what was out in one weekend, over a year and a half ago. It doesn’t feel like I’ve been here this long, and I love the new show so far. I think this fandom is so loving and adorable, and I hope it stays positive for a long time.
Avatar: The Last Airbender - I don’t have much to say, other than this fandom is going strong after a long time and I absolutely adore it. The show was amazing, and deserves all the love it’s received in its many years.
Banana Fish - angst, angst, angst. But despite that, a beautiful and happy fandom that supports each other. I watched this one while it was airing as well, fell in some time around episode ten I believe. I don’t know quite how to describe what this one has made me feel, but it’s truly amazing.
Haikyuu!! - I ended up getting into this one because of a friend that I unfortunately no longer have contact with. I got into this series last school year, which feels so different to me today. I love this show, and the fandom has churned out so much great content in a relatively short time. I hope that you all are able to find those friends that you can ramble about fandom with, and that you can keep them close.
My Hero Academia - I got into this one because of the Haikyuu!! fandom, they seem to overlap a lot. I love this series (I’m a few weeks behind on the new season of this one too) and hope it can continue for a long time. This is a very dorky, happy, creative fandom from what I’ve seen.
Stars Align/Hoshiai no Sora - The ending of season one left much to be desired, we know that. But a second season could be in our future! I found myself getting emotionally attached to all these little dorks before I even had all their names memorized. Every new week brought us joy and sadness, and so far the fandom is fairly united. I hope this fandom can grow and expand while keeping upbeat, and I hope we will see more of these kids; boys, girls, and otherwise.
Happy new year all, four minutes left for me!
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woodsbane · 6 years
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Have you been apart of the sterek fandom forever? Do you want some nostalgia? Well here are some fics that if you’ve been around you have probably read over and over, and here they are again. AKA the sterek fic rec thats been a long time coming. If you’re relatively new, I suggest these as they have kind of been the top sterek fics since the relationship began. Enjoy!
 Fireman Derek’s Crazy Pie (Cheeseburger Baby) 17,698 | Teen and Up
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant.
"Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. 
"Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
 According to Plans  72,744 | E 
Five times Stiles and Derek pretend to be boyfriends, and the one time they didn't have to pretend at all. (Or: in which Stiles' plan for senior year is completely ruined by a supernatural creature stalking him.)
By Any Other Name 33,090 | E
He doesn't know his name, he doesn't know who he is, and neither does the werewolf he's on the run with. But he's pretty sure they hunt monsters, because they seem to be really good at it.
Moonwalkers  531,781 | E
Stiles had his entire Seven Years of Hogwarts all planned out:
Prank and Prank Hard. Woo Lydia Martin. Avoid detention and Potions at all cost. Have crazy fun.
Enter brooding werewolf to send this plan to the bottom of the Black Lake.
(Sacred) In the Ordinary  (THIS IS MY PERSONAL FAVORITE) 78,759 | E
The Pack, after college, graduate school and the starting of careers, comes back to Beacon Hills. Nothing's gotten less complicated after all this time. Based on a kink meme prompt that grew legs and got serious. Note: This is a whole lot of pack!fic with a very slow build Derek/Stiles.
 There’s Monsters at Home  83,575 | E
“How did you get past the wards?” Derek had put them up, with Peter’s grudging assistance, after the Alpha pack had made themselves at home a few times too many.
The guy pulled a face. “You mean the wards a five-year-old girl with the mental ability of a goldfish could deconstruct?” He blinked wide eyes at Derek. “Gee, I don’t know. It’s bound to go down as one of life’s great mysteries.”
Derek despised him.
 Hide of A Life War  26,102 | E
“We have received confirmation that there is a hostage situation in progress at a warehouse compound two hours out of Los Angeles, following a multiple-vehicle pileup on Highway 101 this morning...”
The one in which Stiles has lived to (legal) adulthood and, along the way, become a bit of a badass himself.
 Baking My Way Into Your Heart  178,630 | M
Derek is an uptight college student, all work and no play. His carefully scheduled life is thrown kilter when his regular barista is replaced with someone new. 
 Living With Lycanthropy 44,905 | E
AKA: The Sterek Rival Bakeries AU
Wherein they both own bakeries, Stiles tries not to run his grandmother's legacy into the ground, Laura wants to be a better alpha, and Derek can't seem to get Stiles' attention the regular way - so naturally, he accidentally initiates a prank war.
(Or, if Teen Wolf was more like Gilmore Girls, with everyone far too invested in whether the Hale boy and the Sheriff's kid will work it out, and Laura Hale wrote a handbook for alpha werewolves.)
Pack Dynamic for Dummies 36,682 | Teen
Stiles isn't sure how a Pack is supposed to work, but he's pretty sure that this this disorganized jumble of people and events doesn't quite qualify. He has to hand it to Derek though, he keeps trying. And Stiles has never been one to stand quietly on the sidelines.
Gravity’s Got Nothing on You  83,979 | E
“Three weeks,” Derek says.
“Still don’t want to,” Stiles says.
“I’ll pay you,” Derek says, and that… that has Stiles interested. Alf’s Antique’s may be a great job, but it’s not a high-paying job, and half of Stiles’s tuition is coming from financial aid, so…
“How much,” Stiles asks, “are we talking here? Because I know your family, dude. And it’ll be kind of awkward after.“
“My family thinks you’re some sort of fucking gift to the world,” Derek seethes, like he’s jealous, “they’ll probably be pissed at me when we break it off, so don’t worry about that. Five hundred bucks.”
“A thousand,” Stiles says, because screw ethics. Also, the Hale family is loaded. Derek can deal.
There is a brotherhood 21,004 | E
So far, college has taught Stiles three things:
1) Eight am classes are cruel and unusual and should be avoided at all costs, even if it means having to enroll in something truly hideous instead, like Econ 101.
2) Dorm security is just as tight as Stiles’ orientation leader had promised it would be, and the dude guarding Scott’s dorm in particular does not respond well to bribes.
3) Mrs. McCall clearly had no clue what she was talking about when she’d insisted that Scott and Stiles needed to branch out and room with strangers, so it’s all her fault that Scott ended up with a total dick of a roommate and Stiles got stuck all the way across campus with some guy who has a girlfriend two towns over and is thus never around.
Or, the one where pledge brothers Stiles and Scott start a prank war with Derek Hale's fraternity.
 Hope is the thing with feathers 28,959 | Teen and up 
Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely.
"Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up. He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
 Lead You Home Again 49,962 | E
The first time Derek meets Stiles, the kid’s brown eyes are wide, and he’s staring up at him with a mischievous grin as he tugs at the arm of Derek’s first ever Batman figure like he’s trying to separate it from Batman’s body.
An alternate take on Teen Wolf, wherein Stiles and Derek are childhood friends, and things unfold from there.
 Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble 13,363 | Teen and up
When potions prodigy Stiles blows up one cauldron too many during one of his ‘experiments’, he gets assigned to making Wolfsbane Potion for the new groundskeeper. Which wouldn’t be so bad if the guy wasn’t you know, terrifying.
This is Ridiculous 35, 818 | E
There's a unicorn in Beacon Hills. A fricken' unicorn. In fricken' Beacon Hills, California. And it turns out that unicorns aren't drawn towards virgins in a happy-go-lucky let-me-lay-my-not-at-all-metaphorical-horn-in-your-lap way. No. They kill them. And guess who's the only virgin idiotic enough to get sucked into the Beacon Hills supernatural scene? Stiles, that's who.
 Mating Habits of the Domesticated Werewolf 35,458 | M
Derek doesn’t do pining. He doesn’t. So when it becomes clear that Stiles is much more interested in having Derek as a new best friend than a boyfriend, he puts on his big boy pants and makes it fucking work. He becomes the best goddamn friend a spastic teenager could ever hope to have.
 Wayward and Down  32,331 | E
Pack is family. Family is everything.
This is Stiles' senior year, and it's nothing he could have imagined.
That time it took not one, but two separate troll attacks and a malevolent coven of witches for Stiles to figure out how he felt about Derek.
Tremble  58,990 | E
Stiles may be cursed but that doesn’t mean he’s going to lay down and die. He’s going to fight. He won’t stop, he can’t stop. If he does, they win.
Permanent Fixture 80,777 | E
Derek is Scott's older brother. Stiles is Scott's best friend. Derek is falling in love with Stiles. This is a bit of a problem.
Bogarted 3,126 | M
Alternate Title: "Dick Failwolf, Private Eye."
(Or, Derek's hit with a Film Noir curse, which forces him to narrate his own life in luridly-detailed prose.)
DILF  30,871 | E
"Today is Scott's first day of kindergarten and Derek is terrified."
 A Thousand Fiery Suns of Angst- Just Press Play 20,934 | Teen and Up
All Stiles wants from life is to learn to control his magic, keep his grades up, and not die horribly while saving Beacon Hills from supernatural threats. It's all going pretty well until Derek Hale, werewolf extraordinaire, has to go and ask him on a date. That asshole.
 Stilinski’s Home For Wayward Werewolves 35,197 | Teen and Up
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.” 
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. 
Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding: 
DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
I Can’t Get Enough (Of You)  10,480 | Teen and Up
Fact: Derek Hale hates Potions.
There are a number of reasons why this is so. For one thing, Potions is really not Derek's strong point. (There's a reason he's banned from using the kitchen at home.) For another, the Potions classroom is dank and dim and spending more than an hour down there at a time makes Derek’s skin crawl.
And then there’s Stiles Stilinski.
He doesn’t need an explanation.
The Socioeconomic Repercussions of Mutually Assured Destruction 15,285 | E
"The trouble with having the kind of brain that likes to write essays on male circumcision for an Economics class, is that it also likes to turn PowerPoint presentations for Biology into odes on the perfection of notorious bad boy Derek Hale’s backside."
 Linski’s Late Night Antidote to Lame 13,865 | Teen and Up
Where Stiles has his own college radio show, and the mysterious, faceless Derek is his number one fan.
Also there's this really hot guy he keeps meeting in the library who totally hates his guts.
28. Every Step You Take 49,347 | M
Stiles accidentally ends up magically bound to Derek. It’s super.
We’ve Written in Volumes (In Blood and Scars and Ink) 25,935 | E
Stiles is on his back on hard-packed dirt. He's cold and there are leaves stuck to his neck and there's a four inch gash in his side that he thinks he can feel his ribs through. There's so much blood around him he feels like he's floating on a pond and everything is so much dimmer above him than it was a minute ago, which is saying something because he's in the dark center of the forest in the middle of the night. And the worst of it is that he's alone, totally alone with the smell of his own blood drowning him and the soft side of him run through by a tree.
As his eyes slip shut, the last thing he thinks is, "This is going to kill my dad."
Electricity in the Contact 27,067 | E
In which Derek has been invited to the Greater Pacific Northwest Alpha Symposium (that's not what it's called, Stiles, stop saying that), and showing up unattached would mean an arranged marriage. When the rest of the pack objects, he agrees to let Stiles come along to pose as his mate. Derek is reasonably sure that he's not going to make it out of this weekend alive.
here is the deepest secret nobody knows 22,322 | Teen and Up
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?” 
can’t be hateful gotta be grateful 6,260 | Teen and Up
"Be cool, Dad, we've decided to con Grandma."
(Or, the one where the Stilinski men drag Derek to Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma's and she gets the right wrong idea.)
Noticed 35,179 | Teen and Up
Stiles left on a Tuesday. Nobody noticed. 
Losers 34,234 | E
Where Derek is new to college, eager to spend his time learning, and Stiles is everything he didn't want in a room mate. He's loud, he's into sports, and he keeps trying to make Derek do things.
Or, the one where Derek falls for a jock, Erica will cut you if you disturb her studying, and Jackson is a closeted romantic who pretends to hate everything.
35. Under Your Skin 12,207 | E
"So you decided hepatitis would be fun"; or the one about tattoos, waffles and ghouls.
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digikate813 · 6 years
Fanfiction Writer Appreciation Recs
I’ve seen a bunch of people doing these, and i really wanted to too. I may be late to the party here, but I hope I can point you towards some cool stuff to check out. Most of what I read in the fanfiction circle is Gravity Falls, so this post is mostly just multi chapter fics from the Gravity Falls fandom! I might do one for one-shots, and I’m sorry if I forget any major ones, but this is what immediately comes to mind that I highly recommend.
Stanswap by @orangeoctopi7
Reverse Portal AU at it’s best! The Reverse Portal AU was popular for a while (almost on par with Blind Faith) and a lot of people tried to grab onto the idea, but after all this time, it just seems to have left a lot of incomplete works in it’s wake. That is not the case here. It’s still going, but it shows no sign of stopping until it tells it’s entire story. And this story has been insanely detailed and well executed. Retelling almost the entire series as if Ford was the one taking care of the kids, and the dilemmas he faces with the fact that Stan is stuck on the other side of the portal. Not to mention most of the jokes are on point with something you’d hear in Gravity Falls. The author is someone I am proud to call my friend, and that all started when this fic was recommended to me.
30 Seconds Later by @invisibletinkerer
A pretty recent one that i really hope gets more attention. I’ve seen people do fanart and stuff of Ford being the same age as when he got sucked into the portal, while his home dimension and Stan aged, but I didn’t really see much potential for a full story in that idea. That changes with this fic, which again is still ongoing, but updates fairly regularly. The interactions between the Grunkle Stan we know and love and a Ford who is still fresh from his sleep deprived paranoia days, and still susceptible to Bill’s possession brings so much engaging conflict that i cannot get enough of!
My Demons by @kazriku
An oldie but a goodie. This one is basically a Mystery Trio story that focuses mostly on Stan and Ford, and the first chapter was written before A Tale of Two Stans came out. Adjustments were made after that episode came out, but this fic is very much telling it’s own story on how the Stans became so distant, and the incident that lead to Ford being trapped on the other side of the portal. Filled with mysterious suspense and some entertaining brotherly bonding, even if it hasn’t updated in a while, if we’re talking about fanfics I appreciate, there was no way i couldn’t include this one. It was the first major GF Fanfic I read from the person who would become my first mutual, and chances are this fic lead to me reading all the ones you see here!
By the skin of your teeth by @apathetic-revenant
I didn’t realize just how popular this one was until today, but it deserves it. It’s so good! When Stan gets into his argument with Ford after Ford calls him for the first time in 10 years, he realizes that something's wrong with Ford. He’s very sick and his house is a wreck. There is so much tension and angst in this one as Stan puts the pieces together about what’s been going on with his brother, and Ford continuing to fight what seems like a losing battle. There’s a happy ending, but it takes quite a bit to get there, and it is glorious!
And Then There Were Three by @kalajorn
I’m just going to say it. This is one of my favorite Mystery Trio stories. Ever! With an author who I think really is under the radar in the community. Mystery Trio is probably my favorite AU for Gravity Falls, but depending on who you ask, it either got stronger or weaker once A Tale of Two Stans came out. For me, it only got stronger, and this fic is an excellent example of why. I adore the scenario presented here of how Stan and Ford eventually reunite. How there is some spark of their connection as brothers still there, but there are still forces interfering with that, and using the material from canon to build some great tension. Updates take some time, but i promise you it’s worth it. This story only gets more engaging with each chapter and i’m hoping it’ll stay that way.
A Little Bit Lost by @impishnature
Impish is really a beacon of life for the GF fandom. Regularly producing high quality content of all kinds. I could have put any number of her stories on here. If you miss Gravity Falls, and you want to reminisce about it over a weekend, scroll through her AO3. You’ll find a lot to enjoy. But one of my personal favorites is this compilation of fics surrounding the Feral Ford AU. An AU that vanished as quickly as it arrived. I was even going to write something small on it, but i just never got to it. Anyway, these stories of a paranoid, almost animalistic Ford from what trauma he faced on the other side of the portal is just so powerful. Every idea has a new obstacle. Sometimes it’s comforting. Sometimes it’s heartbreaking. But there’s always something to grab your attention and not let go. I come back to these a lot, and they are always a great read.
I’d also recommend her Mystery Trio fic Phobos, but that one hasn’t updated for a while. But I still really like it so here ya go!
Maybe it’s Not Too Late by @rum-and-shattered-dreams
Why was this one so hard to find? It’s awesome! One of the reasons I’ve dived so deeply into Gravity Falls fanfiction more then any other fandom I’ve been in, is because even after the official shows credits rolled, it still left us with so much potential for what other adventures were out there. And this is one of the best examples of that. It’s a great, insanely engaging post series adventure involving pretty much the entire main cast and the return of the Shapeshifter, with Fiddleford and Ford as the main focus. Yes, it is partly a Ship Fic, which I’m not crazy about, but I don’t really find it distracting. There is so much in this story, and the shipping is just another element of it. And FiddAuthor is one of the ships I tolerate more, so I don’t really mind that much. The rest is just too dang good!!
Better Kept Secret by BadonKaDank
Another one that nearly alluded my radar until a friend mentioned it to me back when it had just completed, and I’m glad they did because this story is AMAZING! Having someone from one of the boys’ past come back for revenge is another premise that was circulating for a while that I freaking adored!! There were a few good pieces of writing out there on this (and even a comic currently going on), but this fic is at the top of the chart for me. Filled with drama, action, intense and suspenseful moments, it’s one that really stuck with me that i can’t believe I almost missed. 
Goodnight Stanley by Kitsunesocks
I haven’t seen many people mention this one, and while it may not be the most angst filled story involving the Stan Bros, it’s still a great one. Without giving too much away, while Stan and Ford are getting ready to head back to Gravity Falls, they discover that Bill might not be entirely gone, and that he may be plotting a way to come back right under their noses. Despite how common it is, this is a premise I’ve never been crazy about. I think @thesnadger Axolotl is the only story like this to engage me past the first chapter. Except this one. This is a great adventure of a story. The pacing is excellent and the characters are on point. Some of the most accurate I think I’ve seen in a Gravity Falls fic. I especially appreciate how proactive Dipper and Mabel are in this story. A lot of fics like this tend to push them to the side to make room for the Stans. But this story makes good use of everyone involved. It’s not the most emotionally driven story out there, but it’s one of the most well put together stories I’ve seen in a GF fic.
Blind Faith by @pinesinthewoods
Oh my God! This one! I originally wasn’t going to include this one because I know the author is no longer active in the fandom, but again, appreciation post. And this story deserves to be appreciated no matter what. You all know this AU, where Stan and Ford both wind up on the other side of the portal, and have to face the horrors on the other side together. Blind Faith was already fairly popular at this point, but this story propelled it to something else. Something stronger. Something with depth. Leaving you with chills as you finish every chapter. Aside from My Demons, this is probably the first fanfic I was checking for updates on, daily. This brought many new ideas to the AU that you still see in the occasional new content today, and that is something truly special. This is from yet another author who I am proud to call a friend, and it’s weird to think that back then, I was just a fan of something a lot of other people were. I’m sure most of you have read this one, but if you haven’t, go read it! It’s one of the best out there.
Stanley McGucket by @thelastspeecher
This is the sort of fic I don’t normally care for. Tons of original characters and a lot of shipping. That’s not a bad thing, it’s just not for me. But the premise was just too intriguing to resist. The idea of Stan being offered a job from Fiddleford’s parents and basically becoming an honorary member of the McGucket family is a really endearing premise. And when certain characters reunite or put the pieces together about who they are to each other, it really gets the ball rolling. You’re just waiting to see how everything will turn out, and it’s a pretty great ride. I followed this story and it’s expansions for a while. Then it branched into multiple AUs on it’s own and it just got way too confusing to keep up with the tag. But the main story is still a enjoyable ride from a type of fic that usually doesn’t grab me. But it had an interesting idea that pulled me in, and followed through on it. Welcome to the McGucket Family Tree Stanley
Amnesia by @ducksalive
Okay, yeah. This one isn’t technically a Gravity Falls fic. But I’m really into Ducktales right now and i was running out of Gravity Falls stories. So yeah, I’ve started diving into Ducktales fan fiction. Even wrote one of my own which you should definitely check out. Please? There’s not much out there that’s grabbed me as much as these other stories yet (if anybody knows any good Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Gizmoduck stuff out there, let me know), but something about this one had my attention. 
I’m one of those people who is immediately intrigued by amnesia stories but the reason most people aren’t is because of how often they can go wrong. So far, that’s not the case here. In this story, Donald is the one with amnesia, and Glomgold finds him and convinces him that he’s his uncle, and that Scrooge is the enemy. From there it’s a race to try and help rescue Donald from a trap he doesn’t even know he’s in. While Donald constantly suffers for it. If you’re the type of person who likes family angst (which chances are you do if you’re a fan of any of the above fics) then you’ll get a kick out of this. Every time you think the family is going to get Donald back, Glomgold manages to snatch him away. And realizing just how far he’s willing to go to keep Scrooge’s nephew on his side is just shocking. This is another story that’s still ongoing, so there’s no telling how this will conclude yet, but at the moment, I am very emotionally invested in this one.
Over the last couple of years, I’ve gotten way more into fanfiction then I ever would have imagined. I never looked twice at it before, but now I’ve been a spectator to many creative stories, the authors of some of my favorites have become some of my closest friends, and I’ve even written a couple myself. I may be late to the actual day, but I hope this shows my appreciation for all the fanfic writers above and a few dozen I’m probably forgetting at the moment. 
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