#i dunno. nobody reads my tags anyway.
cozymochi · 2 months
Listen hear me out…
Malleus in 9 👀
Cute! But I said no anons + for the sake of my sanity, just verifiable followers only and I cannot verify anons (and i dont abide by the honor system/ taking others word for it). 😩 so unless someone else eager pops in on your behalf I cannot take this.
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downfallofi · 15 days
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taegularities · 1 year
Rid I'm so sad that you're receiving this hate but for me you're one of the kindest people in here. I'm always rooting for you. Sending hugs. 🥰
thank you babe, i think i needed to hear this.. you're the sweetest, all the hugs back 🥺🤍
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snowflop · 1 year
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I've finally been infected with the new dash layout, this fucking sucks
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naenaex0xx · 6 months
I keep forgetting it's april
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brainfullofbees · 2 years
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Introducing Marnal Corezz! My Star Wars Jedi OC or Jedisona
She's a Jedi Padawan during the Clone Wars. Hope nothing traumatic happens hehehehe
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Marnal is obviously a Nautolan as anyone with Star Wars lore knowledge can tell. (Although technically we've never seen a pink Nautolan we have seen red and purple according to Wookiepedia so that means pink is possible fuck you)
She's the Padawan of Jedi Knight Riven Merai, who i plan on making a finished artwork for later but for now have this shitty doodle of how I imagine their dynamic.
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(He's a great influence totally)
Marnal Corezz is, pretty chipper and easily excited. Often a beam of endless talking once she opens her mouth. (The adhd and tism is strong) She also enjoys reading up on lore, history and overall knowledge, and is good at adapting to a situation. Improv is something of a specialty.
However in stressful situations she can sometimes freeze up, getting caught overthinking or even panicking. In these moments all she needs is a nudge or reminder to stay on focus- and then she's back on track with little issue.
Since she's ultimately a bit of a self insert I've added several of my own traits. But she's still very distinctly different from me imo- not just counting her being a space wizard.
Also she's a bit of an empath because 1. I am very empathetic 2. Nautolans can apparently feel the vibes of other people's feelings and 3. Jedi bullshit.
Marnal practices Niman and Shii Cho mainly, but thanks to Niman's customizable nature she's implemented Ataru as well to make up for her size. She's below average for a Nautolan. (I'm not self projecting shut up)
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Here's her Lightsaber and Padawan braid from my doodles. I decided on a yellow-orange leaning color since they're associated with Jedi Sentinels but also with Jedi who are between Consular and Guardian. But also that it typically symbolizes a strong connection to the Light. Also it looks the best on her lol
I found that Padawan beads mean different studies or accomplishments. She has white and yellow, symbolizing healing and weaponry of all kinds. Marnal begins to study force healing after healing an ally during one of her first missions. But it's part of the Healing corps. Her force healing is rudimentary at best, and typically she can only do minor things and not fully heal or close wounds. (Fuck the sequels) plus it drains her a lot, so she's encouraged to avoid using it...
Her weaponry bead is due to her lightsaber skills, but also due to her learning how to tinker and master other weapons. In fact she is a good shot with a blaster. After order 66 she even starts using one a lot more. Because like- nobody suspects a Jedi with a g u n
Anyways yeah that's enough rambles for now. I've made a lot of lore and I am having so much fun making Star wars ocs etc.
Also some of the lore was made alongside @hoodedalchemist who I've dragged down into my oldest fandom obsession. In fact we gpt shared oc lore going on. Dunno if Alchemist will ever post it tho but I am tagging them because they deserve appreciation.
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buckrogers · 6 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @steveybucky! 😘
Are you named after anyone? from what I'm told, my mother was going through a french phase and loved the name jacqueline so, here I be! though extra lore nobody asked for: because it's got so many letters, I typically go by jacqui unless it's a ~fancy official thing or I'm in trouble, hah
When was the last time you cried? it would probably be easier to ask me when I'm not crying (anxiety club cardholder)
Do you have kids? nada! I am not parental material, but I do enjoy being the fun cool aunt to three nephews
What sports do you play/have you played? uh, bench warmer if we're being literal about it I don't think I was ever picked for a team willingly a day in my life I am both short and require glasses to see anything long distance - but! I was more interested in drama and books anyway so y'know battles, pick 'em.
Do you use sarcasm? frequently and with flourish!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? I'm actually a big one for vibes, I tend to gravitate toward the folks who put out the chill, easy going vibes. I'm very cerebral by nature, I live in my head so anybody who wants or digs conversations is also a big drawcard for me, I dunno! I like nice people who are funny and a bit different and aren't terribly concerned about what the masses are doing (idk hashtag just aquarius things I suppose) but also - hands! love expressive talkers, love hands. People with big smiles and the ability to poke a bit of good natured fun at themselves and the craziness of the world.
What’s your eye color? blue!
Scary movies or happy endings? oh ya girl is a sap so give me a happy ending every time, although points if it's a scary movie with some sort of happy(ish) ending
Any talents? hm, I guess I can string a coherent sentence together! I used to really enjoy acting in drama class, does making people laugh count as a talent? I like making people feel good I suppose, I'm the biggest cheerleader for people I'm close with
Where were you born? ACT, Australia
What are your hobbies? reading, wasting hours on the internet, RPing, sometimes graphic design/website design (just for funsies), writing, cross stitch
Do you have any pets? I wish I did! can't really have them where I'm renting atm so I yearn and admire all the neighborhood cats
How tall are you? what is height? is it nice? 5'3 repping for the shorties club here
Favorite subject in school? we had a subject called literature which was my absolute jam since it meant spending time studying all my favorite authors
Dream job? well I always wanted to be a writer, or an actor possibly but my anxiety said lmao no to the latter and the former I suppose I am in the way everybody who writes is a writer, just y'know, not so much in the way that it pays my bills
do I even know 15 people stress free tag (this is just a list of people I think are neat):
@toniestank @obiwho @meidui @yourbuckies @sparkagrace @musette22 @somanywords @maplefiasco @cable-knit-sweater @voylitscope @vivelarevolution13 @fandomfluffandfuck @dharmasharks @rillils
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disfrutalakia · 6 months
I wanna vent (? Not sure if that's the best word but I will tag it as that) a bit about the qsmp right now so don't mind me ^-^ under the cut too as precaution, I don't want to clutter people's dash
Like if anyone has ever talked to me in private you know that I usually prefer to stay positive, to hope for the best always but it's tiring always doing that, and yes I try to be level headed at all times when it comes to the admins situation but it's hard when we don't know what's going on truly and I get it, we are not entitled to those informations and many things can be being resolved behind the scenes but it's hard to not get anxious and think that the worst is going to happen soon.
Again, I try to not doompost but my brain gets the best of me sometimes and when I'm like that I try not to post and I'm sure everyone has noticed that I'm posting a lot less this year when compared to 2023 and the truth is, I'm tired, not of being here or posting really, I love being here it feels nice and comfortable most times but everything feels so unstable right now that I'm afraid of posting into the main tag now and irritating someone, and I dunno it's weird and complicated. Just a lot has happened as we all know and it's hard to remain positive for most of it.
This is nothing really, I just needed to talk before I exploded so really, I don't mind if nobody reads this, I just needed to talk a bit
Anyway guys I love all of you still and want to be around, it has just been... hard you know?
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fohatic · 30 days
What do those cryptic replies mean?
= ❓
it's basically a way of leaving an easy-to-find trail in the notes of certain posts that i dig up from years past during deep dives into old/inactive blogs ("diving" emoji, get it?) reminding me that a) yes i've already reblogged it, and b) when precisely that was (adding a date after the emojis).
a lot of these "hidden gems" tend to languish in my likes/queue for quite awhile before i ever get around to actually sharing them— then after they're reintroduced back into the ecosystem, they sometimes continue to languish on my blog until someone finally notices/reblogs them and they start doing numbers again 🙌
i don't always witness this phenomenon (sadly), since these posts often only generate a few notes on my end, but then later down the line i'll start seeing them all over the place in my feed etc and when i browse the notes on the post (i *love* to read the tags ppl add on to these!), sometimes my own reblog note will get buried and i'll have to scroll carefully to figure out when i last reblogged it (or even *if* i did at all, as the case may be, given how many of these posts i've been resurrecting lately -- sometimes i lose track, and every once in awhile another diver beats me to it)! i'm hoping that my "cryptic replies" will make my own blogging experience more efficient, but it's not a perfect system since many of these gems (some of the best ones, alas) are from deactivated blogs that don't allow replies in the notes, so for those i'll have to keep scrolling to find myself in the note history.
(also i've noticed that sometimes reblogs completely disappear from the notes, whether my own or others' who i know for a fact reblogged with fun tags -- dunno if this is unique to me, having installed the sometimes wonky but generally fantastic old tumblr dashboard userstyle, or if others have encountered this site glitch?)
anyway this is something i started doing literally hours ago both retroactively and preemptively for my own convenience that i thought nobody would really notice but the fact that you already noticed *multiple* instances leads me to believe that i'm not the only meticulous note-reader out there? 🤝 (if you wanna come off anon i actually have a lot more to say on this subject so hmu if genuinely interested in hearing some extremely ocd observations i have about how tumblr operates).
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ask-that-weird-dog · 8 months
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??? // INTRO // 1 // TO BE CONTINUED...
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Read the following before you ask...
and don't make me tap the sign!
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* no NSFW! this blog is intended to be 13+ so please don't send anything sexually explicit or excessively gory, thank you!
* please be patient! I draw all the responses, and that can take some time. I also may hold onto some asks for future pieces, too.
* the Kris of this blog goes by they/them only! please do not misgender them in asks or they will be eaten... I mean deleted.
* interactions with other ask blogs are perfectly welcome and encouraged! I'm always happy to meet another kindred spirit.
* this isn't a roleplay blog! I won't be doing threads here, just silly one-off doodles. I will, however, be making an ask-driven comic!
* treat the mod with respect! please don't come here stirring up drama or sending hate/harassment etc. you get the idea.
* the mod is an adult! please remember this when interacting.
Please do:
* send asks directed to Kris! they can hear your text as a disembodied voice and will respond to you accordingly.
* offer Kris objects, either by text or as a submitted picture! accepted items will be added to their inventory.
* use asks to suggest ideas to Kris! if you want them to actually do it though, you'll have to be convincing!
* interact with Kris directly, to a degree! any physical contact will be experienced as a 'hand' that only they can see.
* send IC asks from other character blogs! they're just for fun and games though, and may not be considered canon.
* send asks to the mod if you have questions or concerns! I'll happily tag triggers, explain bits of the AU, or clarify rules as needed.
* send joke m!as for special events! I may be selective on them though, and they likely won't be canon to the main story here.
* tag this blog in any posts you'd like me to see! I'll happily check out anything you'd like to send my way, within reason.
Please do not:
* send asks to characters other than Kris! they can't hear you; if you want to send a message, you'll need to convince Kris to do it for you.
* send asks that alter their world, or force Kris or other characters to do something! you just don't have that much power in this world.
* send asks containing explicit 18+ language, slurs, gore, or sexual content. anything like that is getting deleted on sight, sorry folks.
* misgender Kris in asks; those are getting deleted too. also please don't interact IC if you're an RP/ask blog that genders the kids.
* try to rush the mod on replies. drawing takes time, and I might not get to every reply. you can ask off anon if it was deleted, though!
* send stuff unrelated to the AU to this blog. if you'd like to chatter about other stuff, I've got a main blog and I'd love to see you there!
* repost any of my art without permission! please ask before using my work elsewhere. reblogs, however, are always encouraged!
Q: So, what AU is this for anyway? A: I've been calling it 'Deltarune Monsterswap,' mainly since there isn't already an AU named that as far as I can find, and it describes the concept fairly well! Basically; everyone who's a human is now a monster, and everyone who's a monster is now human. Think Overtale but for Deltarune, basically! There are some definite personality differences as a result, though Kris will be the most obvious upfront.
Q: What sort of monster is Kris? A: Kris is a monster based on el cadejo, a mythical dog spirit from Central America! Their dual nature of devil dog vs angel dog seemed like an interesting concept to work with, especially since I personally headcanon Kris to have some Central American ancestry and wanted to pick something local to the region. Plus, I dunno, they've always given me scruffy stray dog vibes. This kid absolutely eats food off the floor when nobody's looking and you can't tell me otherwise.
Q: My ask wasn't answered! What happened to it? A: If it didn't break any of the rules I've listed off and hasn't been answered yet, it's probably still in my inbox! I'm liable to hold onto asks that I find fun but haven't found a place for so that I can use them in the future, so don't give up hope. They still might appear in the future! I promise I appreciate every one, even if it can take me a bit to get some of them done.
Q: Can I ask about future events or for hints? A: You can try! If something is TOO spoilery I might keep my lips sealed, but I'm willing to give hints and ideas on occasion. If push comes to shove, the worst case scenario is me posting it with a little :)c to mildly menace you a bit. I mean hey, lots of 'Players' look up guides to find secrets, too. It's on theme.
Q: Will there be any ships involved? What ones? A: I'll be sticking to canon for the most part on these; characters that have crushes will still have them, but we're generally sticking to canon-compliant territory here and they won't be a major focus. The farthest I get out of the box is that the Kris of this blog BRIEFLY had a crush on Noelle when they were younger, but it went unnoticed and has long since faded. The most you'll really see of that is a bit of awkwardness on Kris's part. Noelle will still have a crush on Susie, but at least for now it's unrequited.
Q: So, who's the mod behind this thing anyway? A: I don't really talk about myself; I grew up in the era of 'don't share personal info online' and still kinda live by that in public! The most you'll get is: I go by Timey, use she/her pronouns, I'm 28, and my left thumb is hypermobile. That's about as personal as I get, sorry!
AND THAT'S IT! Thanks for reading, and here's hoping you'll enjoy bothering this ridiculous critter as much as I do.
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15 questions, 15 mutuals
Thank you @garthcelyn for the tag and I'm super sorry that I'm only just now getting to this!! You tagged me like months ago 😭
Anyways I'm doing it now!
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, thank God. My mother was pressured to name me a stuffy name that was in the family (she had it, her aunt had it, her cousin had it, and her grandmother had it) but she refused to give it to me.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Earlier this week? College is stressful.
3. Do you have kids?
Lol no
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I dunno what do you think
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Uhh I dunno. Height? Eye color? Everything??? I literally look at them and note like all their features I'm not weird or anything I just notice that stuff
6. What's your eye color?
Dark brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies have their place but I love me a good happy ending
8. Any special talents?
I can word vomit analyses like it's nobody's business. I've been told I'm really good at comebacks. Apparently I'm good at math but idk I hate math. I can recite most of the Lego Movie by heart. And I've memorized the order of episodes of Avatar the last Airbender. Do those count?
9. Where were you born?
Deep in the hearrrrrt of Texas
Ok not that deep I'm from the Houston area
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing books and analyses, watching TV, playing games. I want reading to be here but alas I haven't read for fun in ages.... I guess blogging now
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes, two cats.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I was in soccer at the YMCA in like kindergarten? I was in dance for six years if that counts.
13. How tall are you?
5'4 - average
14. Favorite subject in school?
English when it was taught right, like my creative writing class. Loved my theatre, orchestra, and music theatre classes specifically. Psychology was also fascinating.
15. Dream job?
Author and elementary school teacher
Okay I'm tagging y'all:
@gracehosborn @theelfauthor @queerfox-tales @writingpotato07 @writingmoth @rogueyami @randomlettrrsqqssfxwcvhxnqbwriro @nightfoxproductions726 @rehnwriter @engineering-a-better-world @ettaberrytea @jamieanovels @ladybookstan @fictionalcharactersrbetter @missinnoccent
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rhetoricalrogue · 2 years
OC Interview
I was tagged by @chuckhansen to interview some of my kiddos. Paxton and Rita have been on my mind lately and decided to volunteer themselves.
Tagging anyone who would like to do this!
Interior - Lost Lake’s infirmary. The place is surprisingly empty, save for one Paxton Rivera, who is sitting at a desk practicing suture stitches on a pile of mending while reading a salvaged medical textbook. Most of the lights are off, save the lone desk lamp next to him.
He looks up when his girlfriend (more like wife, but they haven’t discussed that. Yet.) Rita Navarro walks in with two mugs, the smell of her trademark strength coffee wafting from both as she makes her way to him.
Paxton: What are you doing up so late?
Rita: Couldn’t sleep. Bed’s too big without you.
Paxton: [laughs] Babe, we share a single size bed. And that’s only because we managed to scavenge one from one of the nearby houses nobody was using.
Rita: Like I said, bed was too big without you. [sets one mug down in front of him, hops up onto the edge of the desk that’s clear of items] Looks like tonight’s a quiet night on call.
Paxton: Yeah. We all could use one of them every once and a while.
Rita: Hey, quit talking like that, you’re going to jinx us.
Paxton: And you’re trying to speak negativity into existence. [takes a sip from his mug] Oh, Jesus, that’s stronger than usual. You use motor oil instead of coffee grounds?
Rita: [grinning, blowing on the surface of her own mug] Maybe. Do you mind some company, or are you busy brushing up on your skills?
Paxton: I always have time for you. Besides, I can multitask. [he pauses and stretches, his back audibly cracking] Actually, I could use a break. Think I’m seeing stitch patterns in my sleep.
Rita: Well, then I have a treat for you! Check out what I found while on a supply run. [pulls out a battered copy of Seventeen Magazine] Can you believe they actually still printed this? I thought it went out of print back when we were in high school! 
Paxton: Oh yeah, I remember those. You used to read everyone’s horoscopes to them during lunch.
Rita: I did not.
Paxton: And you kept sighing over Antonio Banderas. I mean, 90s era Antonio was pretty smokin’.
Rita: Today’s era Antonio is pretty hot too, you mean.
Paxton: You ever wonder who made it? I mean, people like celebrities and politicians?
Rita: [shrugging] Does it matter? I mean, the whole end of the world as we knew it sort of leveled the playing field. In the end, everybody’s just like everybody else, trying to make it out alive one day at a time. [drinks the last of her coffee, sets mug aside] Anyway, look at this handy dandy Friendship Interview form!
Paxton: [raises eyebrow skeptically] Are you seriously thinking about doing that with me?
Rita: [mimes pulling a pen out of her jacket pocket and clicking it] Like you have anything better to do on your shift? The one that you still have a couple of hours left on?
Paxton: Well, when you put it that way…
Rita: [sits up straighter] Right! First question:
- Name?
Paxton: Paxton. [eyes Rita as she makes a face at him] Just Paxton.
Rita: Your whole name, handsome. It’s not like anyone’s here to hear you.
Paxton: [rolls eyes] Paxton Emmanuel Rivera.
Rita: Now was that so hard?
Paxton: Next question, Rita Elena.
- Are you dating someone?
Paxton: I dunno. Am I dating someone? We technically haven’t been on a date in… [pauses as he mentally calculates] a year and a half?
Rita: That can’t be right. Remember that one security sweep we did on our anniversary last week?
Paxton: That doesn’t count. We were on the clock.
Rita: Pax. Babe. I totally pulled favors to get us alone on a safe route because it was a date.
Paxton: Oh.
Rita: I love you, but sometimes you really don’t take the hints given you.
- Are you happy?
Paxton: We’re safe, have a roof over our heads, and are healthy. I’d say I’m pretty happy right about now.
- Are you angry?
Rita: I can count on one hand and not use all my fingers at how many times you’ve been angry. We’ll skip this one.
- Are your parents still married?
Paxton: Pre-outbreak? Yes. After shit hit the fan? I…[looks down] skip.
Rita: Yeah, skip.
- Birthplace?
Paxton: San Antonio, Texas
- Hair color?
Paxton: Dark brown. Some silver creeping in at the temples.
Rita: it’s a sexy look on you too.
- Eye color?
Paxton: Brown. No silver creeping around the edges.
Rita: Ha.
- Mood?
Paxton: Content. I’m hanging out with my favorite girl and there’s nobody here that needs medical attention.
- Sex?
Paxton: Yes, please. [laughs at Rita’s exasperated sigh] Male.
-  Summer or winter?
Paxton: Fall.
—  Morning or afternoon?
Paxton: Morning.
Rita: Then why is it such a struggle to get you up in time for morning duties?
Paxton: Moving on.
—  Are you in love?
Paxton: [grins goofily] What do you think?
Rita: I think you’re a dork.
Paxton: [reaches out to hold her hand, brings it up to his lips for a kiss] But I’m your dork.
Rita: [smiling fondly] Yeah, you sure as hell are my dork.
—  Who ended your last relationship?
Paxton: Uh, I don’t remember. I think it was a mutual thing?
Rita: How can you not remember something like that?
Paxton: Granted, the last relationship I was in before you was in elementary school. We probably broke up because I didn’t give her the Dunkaroos my mom packed in my lunch or something.
Rita: [flabbergasted] You didn’t date anyone between then and me?
Paxton: Rita, you know it’s always been you. I was happy to wait until my right moment to make my move.
Rita: I got dumped at prom. Mid-slow dance. Your moment was twenty years ago when I was crying on the roof of your car while we ate Whataburgers and my mascara was running down my face.
Paxton: I gave you my tuxedo jacket. That was my move. I also let out all the air in the tires of his stupid pickup truck for an entire month, just rotating which tire turned out flat so he had to spend a fortune replacing them all.
Rita: That was you?
Paxton: That wasn’t my move, that was just me getting satisfaction seeing him cry in the parking lot when I finally decided to let all four go flat at once.
Rita: I love you so much.
—  Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Paxton: God, I hope not. If I ever did, it was by accident.
—  Are you afraid of commitments?
Paxton: Really?
Rita: [Laughing] Yeah, Mr. Commitment over here. Next question.
—  Have you hugged someone within the last week?
Paxton: I hugged you this afternoon.
Rita: You did a little more than just hug me this afternoon.
Paxton: The questionnaire didn’t say how far to go into detail.
—  Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Paxton: [scratching cheek absently] They wouldn’t be much of a secret admirer if I knew about it, right?
—  Have you ever broken your own heart?
Paxton: [grimaces] Too many times.
Rita: Pax…
Paxton: Hey, it was worth the wait. You were worth the wait.
—  Love or lust?
Paxton: Love, definitely.
—  Lemonade or ice tea?
Paxton: We’re Texan. I think my blood type is Sweet Tea.
Rita: Wouldn’t say no to a good Arnold Palmer though.
Paxton: Definitely wouldn’t turn one of those down. With the little ice you could only get at that one drive-in chain?
Rita: Ugh, I miss their burgers. They made the best jalapeno poppers too.
Paxton: And now I’m hungry.
—  Cats or dogs?
Paxton: Yes.
Rita: That’s not an answer!
Paxton: I was a vet tech who had designated pockets to put little kittens or puppies in while I worked. I love them both equally.
—  A few best friends or many regular friends?
Paxton: A lot of regular friends.
Rita: Really? You were always close with just a few back home.
Paxton: [looks down again] A lot of regular friends means that you can come together to mourn the loss of one when they get taken out by infected or Rippers or whatever other asshole that they were unlucky enough to meet. 
Rita: [reaches out and grabs his hand in both of hers]
Paxton: Safety in numbers, you know?
Rita: okay, let’s keep going.
—  Wild night out or romantic night in?
Paxton: [still visibly trying to get back into a playful mindset] Night in. You know I’m a homebody.
Rita: Not true! Remember that year we stayed out during Fiesta Week and partied each night until daybreak? You had to carry me piggyback to our car when the heel of my shoe broke.
Paxton: I also remember the hangover from staying out every night during Fiesta Week. It was fun, but I liked ordering in and snuggling up with you on our couch while we decided what TV show to binge better.
—  Day or night?
Paxton: Daytime, definitely. More time to go on supply runs and not accidentally run into a Horde.
—  Been caught sneaking out?
Paxton: Javier busted my ass on multiple occasions during high school when he was home from college.
Rita: Why doesn’t that surprise me? I’m shocked that he didn’t alert the parents that his baby brother was out for the night.
Paxton: He never snitched because I always brought him a pineapple Jarritos and a taco de lengua from that little all-night corner place a block away from our house.
Rita: oh man, that place was so good. I can taste the migas they made only on Saturday mornings.
—  Fallen down/up the stairs?
Paxton: Yes to both. Alcohol may have been involved when I got older, but I was just a clumsy little kid, okay?
—  Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
Paxton: [Wistfully] Yeah. I’m just glad that in the end, you wanted me back.
—  Wanted to disappear?
Paxton: Who doesn’t?
—  Smile or eyes?
Paxton: Smile. That one you do that makes your eyes shine is my favorite.
Rita: And that’s why I save that smile just for you.
—  Shorter or taller?
Paxton: Shorter. You’re pocket-sized.
Rita: [indignant] I am average height, you tall, genetic freak of nature.
Paxton: Six foot one is not freakishly tall.
Rita: There was a reason everyone called you Garrochón and your grandma used to say ¡ay, que alto! whenever we visited her.
—  Intelligence or attraction?
Paxton: It so happens that my girlfriend is a smokin’ hot babe who’s also a goddamn genius, so I feel like I won the jackpot in the life partner department.
Rita: [visibly blushing] You know, you don’t have to sweet talk me in order to get me into bed.
Paxton: It isn’t sweet talking if I’m telling the truth. Legs for days and a brain that runs circles around the best of them? Absolute perfection.
—  Hook-up or relationship?
Paxton: Relationship. I’m too awkward for random hook-ups.
Rita: [laughing] What do you mean?
Paxton: I mean, what do you even say afterwards? Do you just put on your pants and leave? Tell them thank you? Buy them breakfast? Would they think that you were trying for something more if you did buy them breakfast?
Rita: Sweetie, if I remember our first time together, you thanked me, put on your pants and left but came back ten minutes later with pizza and drinks, and bought me breakfast the next morning.
Paxton: See what I mean? I’m not built for hook-ups!
= Family =
—  Do you and your family get along?
Paxton: Get along is an understatement. We’re…[pauses] We were as closely knit as they come. Well, I mean, except for Tia Patricia, but none of us liked her after she sold Mama Helena’s property and had the house demolished without telling any of us first.
Rita: Ugh, she was such a bitch. She hated me, but I never knew why.
Paxton: Probably because my entire family loved you and never spoke with her unless they absolutely had to. Also, she tried to flirt with my uncle on my Dad’s side, but Tio Hector was happily married and my aunt would have skinned Patricia alive had she known. 
—  Would you say you have a "messed up life"?
Paxton: [Gestures around him] No one can say that this is what they envisioned if someone asked them five years ago where they saw themselves five years from now. It’s fucked up and everyone knows it, but we’re trying our best to make the best of it.
Rita: And you’re doing a great job making this work. I know I wouldn’t be here without you.
Paxton: You know that’s bullshit.
Rita: No, I’m serious.
Paxton: Come on, you’re smart. You can fight. You can survive. I know I wouldn’t be here without you pulling us both out of some dicey situations, both with Freakers and with regular people who wanted us dead.
Rita: Yeah, but that’s just survival. You have such a sense of optimism about you and can put a positive spin on pretty much any situation. You know when to crack a joke to break the ice and when to offer a silent shoulder to vent on. I could survive fine on my own, but I wouldn’t have been able to live.
[Both are silent for a while, Paxton sliding his hand away from Rita’s and resting it against her knee, his fingers playing with the fringe of torn denim and making idle circles around her kneecap.]
Paxton: [Quietly] We’re good for the other.
Rita: [leaning towards him] Yeah, we really are.
—  Have you ever run away from home?
Paxton: Once. I was five. Mamá wouldn’t let me watch my favorite show after school because the TV was “busted”.
Rita: I’m taking it that it wasn’t actually broken?
Paxton: Apparently the only station it would pick up was the one her novelas came on and even five year old me knew that was some BS. I packed a few oranges in my backpack and walked out.
Rita: Where did you think you were going?
Paxton: my grandma’s house. I got three blocks away before Javi came riding on his bicycle after me and told me I was going the wrong way. He offered me a ride on the handlebars and took me to one of his friend’s houses where I got to watch the last ten minutes of my show while their mom made us an after school snack.
—  Have you ever gotten kicked out?
Paxton: You’ve met my family. They're more likely to adopt some random person on the street than kick their kids out.
Rita: Yeah, I can totally see your mom doing that.
Paxton: She told me after the first time meeting you that if I ever broke up with you, she’d disown me, so I guess that’s the closest I’ve ever been threatened with being kicked out.
Rita: Yeah, I can also see your mom doing that. [Pauses] I miss her.
Paxton: I miss her too.
—  Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
Paxton: What the hell kind of question is that? I’d never hate someone I consider a friend, that’s just stupid.
—  Who is your best friend?
Paxton: You.
Rita: Aww. [scoots closer on the desk towards him] You’re my best friend too.
Paxton: You know that we’re probably that annoying cute couple nobody can stand here at camp, right?
Rita: Yeah, but I don’t give a shit. Do you?
Paxton: Nope. Besides, who else has twenty years of experience in public works water systems, is a damn fine mechanic, and brings back the most stuff as a team on supply runs?
Rita: Exactly. 
—  Who knows everything about you?
Paxton: I mean, nobody knows my full name but you, babe. I don’t just go giving out that information to anyone.
Rita: That’s weirdly sweet and adorable. [teasingly] Just like you.
Paxton: Is the interview over? I do have some mending that I need to get back to.
Rita: Forgive me for distracting you from the all-important task of mending your underwear. Continue.
Paxton: Thank you. And for your information, they’re your underwear.
Rita: Ah. Well, in that case, definitely continue. [holding up the magazine, she flips to the last few pages] Ah ha! They still have this! While you mend my chones, let me tell you what sort of month you had in… [flips back to the cover of the magazine before turning back to her marked page] August of 2016.
Paxton: [sighing theatrically] And here I thought I escaped the regular teen magazine horoscope readings.
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been thinking this but didnt wanna add it to the tags on my reblog so it gets to be a text post nobodys gonna see
i actually feel like i dont wanna read codfic anymore. I only read readerfic for it anyway but i dunno, i dont really like reader in codfic anymore. all the writers i like write reader as like... tradwife kink? its always either reader is a badass or reader is a poor meowmeow with the big scary big man stereotype who doesnt think women have rights. no hate on the people who love that.
i dont think i have any followers so i should be safe to post this as just a lil personal rant on this blog.
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inkydoc · 3 years
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I wanna sleep but I can’t
I don’t wanna sleep but I can’t
I wanna cry but I can’t
I don’t wanna cry but I can’t
I don’t wanna exist but I can’t
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justauthoring · 3 years
The Slow Demise [1/?]
Prompt: He’d found you coated in blood, surrounded by death, and decided then and there, you were perfect.
Episodes: 1. Ryomen Sukuna and 2. For Myself Pairing: Undecided. Please don’t plagiarize my work or repost it anywhere. part one -- part two - part three - part four
A/N: Just a few notes to be made: thank you to @flowersbloominthedark and @m3gumiis for the ideas you sent in. I didn’t get many unfortunately, and I really appreciated you both taking time to send in some. I maybe didn’t use your idea or changed it a little, but I do appreciate you both sending in some (and of course any who sent some on anon) :) Secondly, the reader isn’t actually directly related to Gojo, since I wanted to create her own unique curse techniques and such -- but it’s the same kind of idea as Fushiguro where he found the reader when she was younger and kind of just... took her. However, the reader is directly under the care of Gojo. And lastly, enjoy :) 
**this is isn’t spellchecked, it’s late, i should be asleep so ill do it tomorrow :)
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“This is a hundred percent your fault.”
Deadpanned, Fushiguro glowers down at you. “How is this my fault.”
“Dunno,” you shrug, stretching your arms above your head with an exaggerated sigh, making sure to keep your eyes trained on Fushiguro. Your intent is to make him feel guilty (even if he is right, it isn’t his fault) but that’s far easier said then done. The boy’s as stoic as ever. “Just is.”
“It was about time you came back to the school anyway,” Fushiguro huffs, and you blink slightly at the somewhat distressed tone of his voice -- that was definitely off. 
He doesn’t let you dwell on it very long before he’s walking off ahead of you, glancing around the rugby field the both of you found yourselves on. Purely because of curse power that basically reeked from it.
“I never was part of Jujutsu High School,” you cut in, rushing to catch up with him. “So I wouldn’t be returning. I’m not returning.” He turns to look at you, to which you glare at him, hoping that’ll make it perfectly clear. But he merely shrugs, not even bothering to respond to you, turning back to the field.
Huffing, you cross your arms over your chest, glancing down just as a curse pops beneath the veil, gurgling and groaning, before disappearing from sight once more. “What’s with this rugby field anyway?” You call out, turning to look over your shoulder at Fushiguro whose gone off the other direction. “Is there a dead body buried here or something?”
“Even if there is,” Fushiguro mumbles, and you turn to see the same curse from before climbing up a pole, “I’m surprised to see one this high-leveled. It’s probably a grade two curse.” Then, meeting your eyes, he frowns. “Must be that cursed objects influence.”
Shuffling on your feet slightly, you glance up at it; “should we exorcise it?”
“Nah,” Fushiguro shrugs, walking past you and up the steps from the field.
Frowning, you glance back at the curse before moving to catch up with Fushiguro. “Why not? It could hurt somebody, the schools littered with stupid teenagers all day.”
“Nobodies walking on this field,” he gestures to the sign in front of him. “Not for a long time anyway.”
Eyeing the sign the blocks off the entrance to the rugby field, reading the words ‘No Unauthorized Entry’, you shrug. You were just tagging along because he forced you to, no need to put in anymore effort then necessary if Fushiguro wasn’t going to.
“Still, it’s presence is too strong to pin down. It feels like it’s close by, but it could still be far away, too. This special-grade curse is really a pain.”
Glancing over the boys shoulder at the photo of the curse he’d been provided, you raise a brow; “it’s been moved, right?” Fushiguro nods, “who could’ve been stupid enough to move it? And where is it now?”
“I have--”
“Over here! Coach Takagi is taking on Itadori from West Middle.”
“Woah, what are they competing for?”
Blinking at the new, bolstering voices, your head turns in the direction before your eyes gleam with excitement. Now, this is what you called exciting. Tugging on the sleeve of Fushiguro’s shirt, you turn to him with a gleam in his eyes; “we have to watch, Megumi!”
“We should really look for the--”
But you’re already pulling him along by the wrist, barely giving him any time to argue further, making it just in time to see what you assume is the coach previously mentioned lugging a weighted ball across the field. He throws it a respective distance, eyes lighting up with excitement as he cheers himself on in celebration.
“Fourteen meters!”
“Oooh,” you sing, clasping your hands in front of you.
Fushiguro eyes you, “what’s so exciting about track and field?”
Turning to him, you laugh; “it’s so.... simple!”
“Yeah!” You nod eagerly. “I mean, we train every day, exercise curses every other day, but everyone here,” you gesture around you to the kids the exact same age as you, “has no idea and is living a perfectly normal teenage kid’s life. It’s... It’s amazing.”
You’re back to the scene before you, eyes caught by a shade of bright pink, that you don’t notice Fushiguro’s wandering gaze. You’d said it all with a smile on your face, but Fushiguro couldn’t help but notice the absolute longing in your gaze as you watched.
His attention, however, is caught by the growing volume of the crowd as they all cheer on ‘Itadori’ -- the boy with pink hair and lanky arms that nearly topples over when the weighted ball is dropped into his hands. However, he swings it with ease and your jaw all but drops when it tosses it as if it weighed nothing, soaring through the air.
“Uh, roughly thirty meters.”
You turn to Fushiguro with a blank expression; “that wasn’t simple.”
All Fushiguro can do is nod.
“Or normal.”
Tugging you forward, Fushiguro and you come to a stop in front of the boy and who can assume is his friends. Knowing Fushiguro is doing the same, you pause, eyeing the boy.
“No curse energy.”
You nod, “pretty amazing.”
“I wonder if he’s like Zen’in-senpai.”
You shrug; “maybe.”
“Well, c’mon,” he sets a hand against your back, gently guiding you forward, “we should start looking for the--”
Pulling him back and out of the way from the approaching steps, your head turns in time just to see the boy from before, Itadori, racing past the both of you, with incredible speed. However, it’s the sharp shock of cursed energy you feel the second he runs past and the pair of eyes that seem to stare deep within your sole that have you gasping for air, blinking in surprise.
“Hey! You!” Fushiguro calls, obviously having sensed the same thing, but it’s hopeless -- the boys too quick.
“Y/N,” Fushiguro calls, setting a hand on your back as you press your own against your chest. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, shaking your head. “I’m fine.” Then, meeting his eyes, you glance in the direction Itadori had run off. “Are you going to follow him?”
“Try to, at least,” he huffs, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You felt it too, yeah?”
“Nearly took my breath away,” you sigh, “but I think I should stay here.”
His brows furrow; “why?”
“I can still sense it here.”
Fushiguro frowns, glancing in the direction of the boy before back at you, lips pursed and worry clear in his gaze. He may pretend not to care, but it’s moments like these the truth bleeds through.
Shaking your head, you huff; “go.” You nod at him, “I’ll be fine. It’s not like I have been sitting on my ass these past months,” you tease lightly, sending him a wink but Fushiguro continues to just stare down at you, causing you to sigh. 
“I’ll call you the second something shows up.”
He nods, content, moving to walk off.
“But Megumi?”
He glances back at you, brow raised.
“You call too, okay?” And at the look he sends you, you keep your face impassive, nodding; “the second something happens.”
With a simple nod, he’s off.
You really should’ve trained more.
Ignoring the pang that radiates throughout your entire body, and the blood that fades into your vision, you push yourself up, pressed against the wall. Originally, you’d thought that you’d be able to control the curse for just long enough that it’d let go of the two students it was trying to swallow and then you’d focus on getting the curse.
Fushiguro would scold you -- tell you that getting the curse was the first priority, but you could stomach the thought of sacrificing lives just for a single finger. Even if that finger was one part of a whole to an incredibly strong, the strongest of all, King of Curses, Sukuna... 
None of it really matter however -- the finger was making the curse stronger, and you could barely control it for a second before you’d been flung back by your own power. Now, both kids and the finger were about to be swallowed, and you had no idea what to do.
And your phone had been crushed long ago that you had no way of contacting Fushiguro. You had no idea where he was or if he’d be coming back; which meant you were utterly and completely alone.
Ducking from a hit made directly for your head, you slipped past, sliding your hand along the body of the curse, infusing it with your curse power. You used speed you didn’t know you could still have with a pounding head and blurring vision, pointing your left point finger up, the right down, thumbs connection; “Cursed Technique; Domination: The Imprisonment Of One!” before flipping your hands.
The curse stops, your heart thumping and chest panging, but you can barely focus on that when you need to move fast. Rushing forward, you slide to your hip, moving to strike your hand up. And you land a good hit, moving to grab the girl first, before something wraps around your ankle, and pulls you up and away before flinging you across the hall.
You smack into the ground, rolling, your chest seizing as the wind is knocked out of you. Your vision darkens for a moment, and you think you’re going to pass out, but the pain is all too conscious and you realize with a huff that your ankle has been sprained with how it had thrown you.
“Fuck!” You call again, putting all strength in your hands to sit up. 
Relief floods you almost instantly. You may be half awake, but you’d recognize that voice from anywhere. Hands land on you, and a small smile curls onto your lips almost subconsciously when you find Fushiguro staring down at you. His eyes flicker across your entire body taking in the blood and wounds, before meeting your eyes.
“It’s strong,” you huff, voice raspy, “I can’t hold it and fight.”
Glancing back, Fushiguro growls; “it’s trying to swallow her along with the cursed object?”
“I can hold it,” you call, grabbing his arm and squeezing, pulling his eyes back on you.
“Y/N, you can barely--”
“Just go! I can do it,” you interrupt, voice sharp, “you just have to--”
You’re interrupted by the sound of glass shattering, and before you know it a blur of familiar pink is flickering across your eyes once more. Your eyes widen when you realize it’s the boy from before, Itadori. What the hell was he doing here?
“Itadori!” Fushiguro calls, just as stunned as you. He moves to a stand in front of you, blocking you from sight, and huffing, you lean forward, trying to find the strength to stand.
He grabs the two students, pulling them from the curses grasp, making your eyes bulge in surprise -- how did he...?
“So, this is a cruse? Not what I was expecting.”
Pushing yourself to a stand, ignoring the way your ankle throbs, you grab Fushiguro firm around the arm; “Megumi, what the hell is he doing here?”
Sighing, Fushiguro shakes his head; “it’s a long story.” And with a final glance forward, he steps towards the curse, exorcising with one more simple hit since it no longer has the finger so close in it’s grasp, before he moves towards Itadori.
“Honestly,” you huff quietly to yourself, “I leave him alone for a few hours and he’s already dragging an innocent kid into this.”
“I want to ask you what you’re doing here,” Fushiguro calls to him, his demon dogs snacking on the curse behind him, “but good job.”
“Not good job,” you growl, leaning on the wall for support as you glare at the two boys, specifically Itadori; “you could’ve gotten seriously injured,” you ignore the pointed look Fushiguro sends you, “or worse, killed.”
“Why so haughty?” The boy tilts his head; “by the way, what’s that munching on the curse?”
“My shikagami,” Fushiguro answers, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You can see them, then? Normally a curse can’t be seen. Not unless you’re on the verge of death or in special places like this.”
“Oh,” Itadori’s lips part in understanding; “I’ve never seen a ghost or anything before tonight.”
Lips parted, you eye the boy; “you’re not scared?”
“Well, I was scared for a bit,” he answers honestly, still holding his classmate in his arms. “But did you know? People really can die.”
“Y/N, help me!”
“Please. Y/N, stop...!”
“I... I--I can’t--I don’t--!”
Blinking, you force the memory away, shaking your head.
“So I at least want the people I know to have proper deaths.”
“You’re killing us!”
Pressing your hand against the wall, your breath hitches, Fushiguro turning to you in concern briefly before turning back to Itadori as moves to stand; “not that I really get it myself.” And as he does, the curse slips from his classmate’s skirt pocket, catching it with ease reflexes; “this it?”
“Yeah,” Fushiguro nods, “that’s the special-grade cursed object, Ryomen Sukuna’s finger. It’s a miracle it didn’t get swallowed, though, I think that’s mainly thanks to Y/N,” both eyes fall on you, to which you offer a half-smile. 
“Why would anything eat it?” Is the first question that leaves Itadori’s lips, “is it tasty?”
“Don’t be stupid,” you cut in, shaking your head, “you’d do it to gain stronger cursed energy.”
“It’s dangerous,” Fushiguro adds, holding his palm out; “so hand it over already.”
“Sure, sure.”
You notice it a second too late, the curse from above.
You move to pull him back, just as he pushed Itadori out of the way, but the sudden weight on your ankle causes you to lose balance and instead, the hand from above crashes directly onto Megumi. Dust and debris make everything blurry for a moment, but the huge curse holding Megumi is easy to spot as your eyes widen in panic.
It pulls Megumi to it’s mouth, but Fushiguro makes quick hand signs, calling for another one of his shikagami; Nue. However, before he can, a burst of lightening flashes from the curse and he’s slammed against the wall, blood splurting from his lips. Heart racing, you move to stand once more, cursing the way your ankle throbs and throws you off balance once more.
Before you know it, the curse is breaking a hole through the concrete and sending Fushiguro flying through it.
“No...” Teeth clenching, you turn to Itadori who looks torn between helping you and rushing after Fushiguro.
“Go!” You call, shaking your head and ignoring the worry in your chest; you were the one to scold Fushiguro for bring an innocent kid into this fight and now you were sending him off to save your comrade. But this was the only option. Fushiguro wouldn’t last on his own, so, if Itadori could just hold off the curse long enough for you to get your bearings, it’d be okay. “Help him! Please!”
Itadori doesn’t need another word otherwise.
“Get up!” You call to yourself, the bangs and commotion from outside causing your heart soar. “No one else dies because of you, remember? That was your promise!”
Forcing yourself to your feet, you ignore the pang and force the other foot to step in front of you the other. It takes you a minute, but when you look out the gaping hole in the wall and get a good look at what’s happened; you can tell you’d made a severe error in judgement.
“There is a way to save everyone!”
He can’t be serious...
“I just need some cursed energy, right, Fushiguro?”
He really is.
He just... ate Sukuna’s finger...
You just cost a boy his life... 
Then, a flash of cursed energy burst from him, ripping the curses hands to shreds, and your eyes widen. It couldn’t be possible. That was rare, incredibly rare...
But the markings that start to cover his skin and the cursed energy pooling around him tell you otherwise.
Itadori... no, Sukuna destroys the curse in one hit.
His laugh echoes, even from where you’re stood, his claws clear as day to your eyes, you’re unable to look away. “I knew it!” He laughs, his voice more deep, twisted then Itadori’s; “the light feels best in the flesh!” Shredding his hoody into pieces without any effort, Sukuna races towards the edge of the roof, glancing at the open area. “A cursed spirit’s flesh is so boring. Where are the people? The women?! 
“What a wonderful era to be in. Women and children are crawling everywhere like maggots. Wonderful! It’ll be a massacre!”
But then he’s pulled back, a hand gripping his own jaw, feet stammering backwards; “what do you think you’re doing with my body? Give it back.”
It’s Itadori’s voice.
“How are you able to move?” Sukuna.
“I mean, it’s my body.” Itadori.
“Don’t move,” Fushiguro calls out, voice sharp; “you’re no longer human.” And he crouches, hands moving to make the necessary signs. “Under Jujutsu regulations, Itadori Yuji, I will exorcise you as a curse!”
“Wait, Megumi--!”
You’re suddenly picked up in a pair of arms, a flash of white and purple, before, somehow, you’re behind Fushiguro.
“What’s the situation?”
Turning to the person carrying you, you glower when you realize it’s him.
“Gojo-sensei?! Why are you here?”
Setting you down carefully, he smiles at Fushiguro; “hey! I wasn’t planning on coming, but man,” his eyes drift from you to Fushiguro, “you’re both roughed up. I should show the second years.” He starts to take pictures, specifically of Fushiguro, to which you slap him sharply on the arm.
Huffing, you glare up at him; “never mind that, I’ve told you to stop doing that with me!” 
“Sorry, sorry,” he waves you off, “but you looked a little stuck.”
Flushing, you turn away from him.
“The higher-ups wouldn’t shut up with a special-grade cursed object gone missing,” he moves to explain, “so I stopped by while doing some sightseeing. So, did you find it?”
“Um,” Itadori slowly speaks up, raising his hand as Gojo turns to him; “sorry, but I ate it.”
There’s a pause, then; “for real.”
And all at once, all three of you answer; “for real.”
Gently letting go of you, Gojo sets you against the rock the Fushiguro’s leaning on, and you notice the way your vision blurs in response, dark peering in around the edges, before blinking it away and focusing on Gojo. He’s stepped towards Itadori, leaning forward with his head in his hands, eyeing him closely.
After a moment, he lets out a laugh; “damn, it really did combine with you. That’s hilarious.” He steps back, as nonchalant as ever. “Anything off with your body?”
Looking at his arm, Itadori shrugs; “not particularly.”
“Can you swap out with Sukuna?”
Your eyes widen.
“The curse you ate.”
“Oh,” Itadori shuffles on his feet, “yeah, I think I can do that.”
You really, at this point, shouldn’t be surprise.
Moving away for more room, Gojo lowers into a crouch, stretching out; “then, give us ten seconds. Once ten seconds are up, come back to us.”
“But...” Itadori tries to argue.
“Don’t worry,” Gojo calls out with a smug grin, “I'm the strongest.”
“Megumi,” he calls out, “hold this.”
He tosses the bag that’s been in his hands this entire time, and, falling to a seat next Fushiguro, you curiously peek in.
“What is it?” 
“Kikifuki from Kikusuian,” he explains, still stretching, and your eyes dull. “It’s Sendai’s specialty, and it’s super good. I recommend the zunda and cream flavour.”
“You went out and bought mochi while people nearly died!” You call, glaring at him.
“It’s not a souvenir, and it’s not just mochi,” he turns to grin at you and Fushiguro, “I’m going to eat it on the bullet train home.”
Yeah, and I think I’m going to throw up.
“Behind you!”
Gojo is barely phased by Fushiguro’s call, and even as Sukuna gains on him he continues to explain; “Kikufuku’s not like other souvenirs...” Before there’s a crash, dust flooding your already wobbling vision. Fushiguro pushes you behind him, arm outstretched as you both prepare for impact, only for you to open your eyes and see Sukuna directly before you, Gojo sitting on him.
“And the whipped cream inside is simply exquisite...”
You can’t focus on the fight. Things start to fade and the sounds of a fight almost seem like it’s miles away. Your skin feels hot, sweat beading on it, and the edges of your vision is turning black; except this time it isn’t fading away. You feel tired, extremely so, all strength fading. You don’t hear Fushiguro call for you, nor do you feel your body falling.
It’s okay though, right?
After all, despite how annoying he can be, you know you can trust Gojo...
He really is the strongest.
A little girl covered in red, coated in it.
Bodies surround her. Torn, ripped apart, limbs apart from bodies, heads apart from bodies.
Everything is silent except for the sound of wailing.
Loud, screaming wailing. Sobs retching, coughs echoing, but the girl doesn’t move, even as she sobs.
She’s frozen in place.
“I can help you, don’t you trust me?”
“What’s this? Who are you?”
“So little to be covered in so much blood.”
“How about I train you, huh?”
“I’ll help you control them.”
“All of them.”
Eyes blinking open, you frown at the familiar ceiling above you.
You were home. Or at least, your room. It didn’t feel like home to you, but the soft cushion beneath you was definitely comforting with the lasting panging in your head. 
Raising your arm, you glance at yourself, the faint bruises, before pushing yourself up so you’re sitting. A small groan leaves your lips, but you ignore the pain, pulling back the sheets to glance at your ankle; it’s been wrapped and treated, but you’re sure that if you were to try and walk on it, it’d still hurt.
You were alive, but you hated being stuck bedridden.
Head falling, you sigh; you wonder what happened with Itadori and Sukuna--
“I’m visiting Y/N.”
“Oooh! I want to say hi, I never properly introduced myself.”
Clearly, he was still alive.
Eyes flickering over to your bedroom door, you simply smile as Fushiguro pops his head in, making sure you’re awake before inviting himself further inside. Itadori bops in after him excitedly, a happy grin on his face despite his scenario which you could only imagine, and of course; Gojo behind the two, smiling down at you.
“Glad to see you both okay,” you smile softly at the two, eyes lingering on Fushiguro’s a little longer. 
“You gave us a quite a scare,” Gojo comments, leaning against the frame of your door. “Passing out like that.”
Rubbing the back of your neck abashedly, you let out a small laugh, flushing slightly at the intense look Fushiguro regards you with. “Guess I hit my head harder then I thought,” you mumble, “sorry...”
There’s an echo of silence, and hating it, you hurriedly turn to Itadori.
Sticking your hand out, you grin; “Y/N Gojo,” you laugh at the wide look in his eyes, “it looks like you and me are classmates.”
But honestly, the widened looks on both Satoru and Fushiguro are way better.
“What?” You call to Fushiguro who hasn’t stopped staring at you; “I’d miss all the fun if I didn’t come back to school now.”
And at that, Fushiguro lets a small smile curl onto his lips, Gojo clapping his hands like a small child as he calls out cheerfully “I knew you’d change your mind!” all while Itadori continues to stare at you blankly.
Let me know what you thought?
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