#i dunno. just don't let this one die at 2 notes
rayclubs · 2 months
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Missile doesn't know.
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OC Questionnaire Tag
Tagged by @gioiaalbanoart [here], @the-golden-comet [here] [here] and [here], @rotting-moon-writes [here] and probably more that I'm missing! I am not on top of my activity tab. At all.
My questions:
What would you do if your enemy asked for help?
Would you ask your enemy for help?
Do you act on impulse, or do you think before you act?
What is your happiest memory?
What do you wish to achieve?
How far will you go to reach your goals?
What never fails to make you laugh?
How can you tell if you’ll get along with someone?
Do you prefer sweet, savory, sour, or salty snacks?
What was your favorite childhood toy?
What has been your worst injury?
Where do you go when you need to think?
Doing this for Nat and Ron.
1. What would you do if your enemy asked for help?
Nat: "Laugh in their face about it. Or - wait, no. How exploitable is the situation, exactly?"
Ron: "Question the fuck out of the whole thing. I mean, probably a trap, right? But if they're sincere, I dunno. Depends on the enemy? I'm trying to come up with people I'd actually consider that and I'm kinda coming up empty, though."
2. Would you ask your enemy for help?
Nat: "Not over my dead body. I solve my own goddamn problems, I don't need that kind of help."
Ron: "Is this a hypothetical where they're, like, the only person who can help me? Then yeah dude, probably. I'd have to figure out what they could want from me in return that I can give without getting tangled in anything."
3. Do you act on impulse, or do you think before you act?
Nat: "I think before I act, of course. I'm a creature of intellect. I plan." [They don't.]
Ron: "Way more often on impulse than I'd like, that's for sure." [He's also wrong about this.]
4. What is your happiest memory?
Nat: "I'll pass on this question. Those memories are mine, thank you very much." [They're thinking hard, but they're coming up empty.] "Oh. Being picked out by Bishop. But you can see how that went for me."
Ron: "I dunno, nothing really sticks out. I like the days best where nothing happens and we're just hanging out. With most of the rest of the happy memories, they usually involve escaping by the skin of my goddamn teeth from something and being happy I get to live another day, lol." [Please don't say lol out loud, Ron.] "Man, that night that we decided to hit the bricks and run away together was really cool, though. Just the three of us, right? Me, Teo, and - y'know." [He rubs the back of his neck.]
5. What do you wish to achieve?
Nat: "I just need to make one good contribution to the field of blood flowers. I need to leave my mark before I die, and if that doesn't work out, then I need somebody to take my field notes and publish them for me posthumously."
Ron: "I don't know, man. I don't think I'm living the kind of life where you achieve shit! More of an accomplishing kind of deal, you know? Let me use that in a sentence: Nat and me are accomplishes in crime :P"
Nat: "That was terrible."
Ron: "You don't fucking appreciate me."
6. How far will you go to reach your goals?
Nat: "Don't ask me that. You aren't going to like the answer."
Ron: "Depends on the goal? I like ferretting out solutions to shit, but I'm not super keen on putting myself in danger."
7. What never fails to make you laugh?
Nat: "Someone tripping over something. Gets me every time."
Ron: "People-watching and talking shit with Nat."
8. How can you tell if you'll get along with someone?
Nat: "When that somebody isn't incredibly useless, I will generally be fine with them." [Nat doesn't get along with other people in general.]
Ron: "If they're not immediately trying to kill me?" [Even then he'll consider it.]
9. Do you prefer sweet, savory, sour, or salty snacks?
Nat: "I don't snack an awful lot. When I do, it's usually salty, though. I drink more water than the average person, so I need to mind my salt intake."
Ron: "Sour all the way, fuck yeah. You know those super long rolled up candy snake things with the fizzy powder? Those are the shit."
10. What was your favorite childhood toy?
Nat: "Ugh, I'm not sure. A doll, probably? Who gives a damn." [Nat doesn't remember the majority of their childhood.]
Ron: "Stones? We used to play with stones a lot. You know, skipping them, doing board games on the ground, stuff like that."
11. What has been your worst injury?
Nat: "Getting the entirety of my shoulder degloved, I would say. Does the word degloving apply to body parts that aren't hands? If it doesn't, then it should."
Ron: "The eye thing." [Which he doesn't want to talk about.]
12. Where do you go when you need to think?
Nat: "Into my field notebook or my notes app on my phone, generally. I like to write things out and see how I feel."
Ron: "Rooftops? Road trips too. Somewhere quiet."
Bonus questions for you:
If you had to pick an item of clothing or an accessory to wear for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you were forced to forget one memory, what would you choose?
What is a positive thing your worst enemy would say about you?
(Re)Tagging gently:
@paeliae-occasionally @rotting-moon-writes @marlowethelibrarian @tragedycoded @noblebs
@writingrosesonneptune @davycoquette @the-golden-comet @gioiaalbanoart @chauceryfairytales + open
Feel free to do any of these, none of these, whatever you like.
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 2 months
4 + boyfs :)
Boyf Riends + 4. things you said over the phone
September 1, 2015, 7:12pm
"Hey, I got my stuff from my hookup. Where are you right now? I've been looking around the food court for like ten minutes and you're just, gone. Uh, I guess I'll check Hot Topic until you get back to me. See ya."
September 1, 2015, 7:47pm
"Jeremy, why did I have to learn from the cashier at Forever 21 that Brooke and Chloe offered you a ride home?? And that you ended up just walking out instead?? I can't find you in the parking lot, man, like... Did you just-... walk home? Some warning would've been nice, ya know? Anyway. Text me so that I know you didn't die or whatever. Later."
September 2, 2015, 12:25pm
"Oh fuck off, don't pretend you don't know I'm calling you. I can see you sitting next to Rich! Your phone is right there next to your lunch tray! Good job taming him I guess, but can you stop ignoring me? For like, a minute?? Ditching me at the mall was one thing, but this is just... weird. You're being weird. And not the good kind. The like, got-replaced-by-a-changeling kind. Look- can you just look at me, Jeremy?!"
September 2, 2015, 3:43pm
"'Optic Nerve Block-' dude, what are you doing?? Is this a bit?? Haha, very funny. Jeremy's hot shit now and is too good for Michael. Great. Cool. Just-... actually ya know what, it's not cool. I'm not laughing. I mean, congrats on snatching Brooke up. That's... I mean I thought Christine was... you've just been gushing about her since... I- something about this is... *sigh* Never mind. Let me know when you decide to stop doing... this, whatever it is you're doing."
September 6, 2015, 12:56pm
"I hope you know I'm just gonna keep blowing up your phone with texts until you acknowledge me. I'm not asking for much, man! Just... an explanation? Maybe? Just something so that I know we're still cool or whatever. I know you're probably busy with rehearsal and all, but it's... weird that we haven't had a sleepover this weekend. I... can't really remember the last weekend where... *huff* Ok, so your SQUIP clearly doesn't like me. Fine. It can join the club. But... you still like me, right? Can I... can I get that much?"
September 12, 2015, 2:36pm
"Hey, since you and Rich are like, buddies now or whatever, you think you could call him off? He's still pulling his bullshit on me. And normally I wouldn't care that much, but... I dunno, it was different when it was both of us. And now you're just letting him go off on me?? Where's the Jeremy that broke his finger on a homophobic dickhead's nose two years ago? Where's the kid that became a little ball of rage that I had to restrain when guys gave me shit? I know freshman year was like, a really angsty spell for you, but... fucker- what do you want from me?! Can we just talk? Please??"
September 28, 2015, 2:03am
"Look, if you never wanna see me again, can you at least just say that?! Just tell me so that I don't have to question if you've actually decided to look in my direction or not? You haven't blocked my number, so you obviously... You're just-! Ugh! This isn't like you! Even if you do give me the silent treatment, it's never for this fucking long! If I fucked up somewhere just-! Tell me!! As much as we joke about it, I can't read your fucking mind! Fucking- text me! Pass a note! Flip me off! Something! This is fucking stupid!"
October 14, 2015, 4:47pm
"Have I mentioned how weird it is to hear other people actually name-drop you in the hall? Like, I'm still Antisocial Headphones Kid and probably will be until graduation. It's not like I care. Shit's not gonna matter in college. And even if it does, it's not gonna matter in the real world. In jobs or whatever. ...I don't... *sigh* I can't just keep calling you to yell about how you left. It just- it's old. And annoying. For me. I don't care if it's annoying for you. You're probably not even listening to these. Just... ugh, whatever. I'll see ya. Gonna go out on a limb and say you won't see me though."
October 27, 2015, 10:56pm
"Look, I- ...something about this whole SQUIP thing is really fucking shady. I just... it-it's creepy, ya know? You had to buy it at the back of a Payless, the dude selling it was sketchy as hell, and there's fuck-all on the internet about it. It's... and this isn't just because I'm salty! I mean fuck you still, but this isn't about that! Like I'm genuinely... this- it just- it's weird. I shoulda- fuck, I shoulda picked up on it sooner. I should've-! Ugh, I wouldn't have to leave you all these stupid voicemails if I'd just used my brain for two seconds! I'll... *sigh* tonight's been exhausting. I'll pick this up later. If you decide ya wanna clue me in after all this time, be my fucking guest."
October 30, 2015, 10:32pm
"Shit- ok, I get you're still doing your dumb little ignoring me thing but- fuck, you gotta get that thing outta your head. It's- I-I have this online friend, his brother had a SQUIP and- I'm looking at the videos and-... Y-you just- it's bad. It's really, really bad. I wanna come to you about this in person, but you're like, never home when I go there. And your dad doesn't know where you are either?? He just assumed you were with me! Which, I don't blame him after all these years, but... Jer, it's so fucking bad. I'm... I'm getting you to listen one way or another, so fucking help me."
October 31, 2015, 11:47pm
(There's no sound for several seconds, besides slight shifts in movement. It's all very muffled. Any words spoken are too quiet to distinguish, if they even are words at all. There might be the slightest inkling of a song in the distant background, though it's anyone's guess which song it is.)
*knock knock knock knock*
"*sniff* Shit-"
(There's some indistinct sound on the other end akin to one clambering about in a confined space. Metal rings clatter on the curtain rod as the plastic sheet is swept back.)
*knock knock knock knock*
"Just a fucking minute, man!"
(The sink is turned on, water rushing out of the faucet and hissing against the pearly white bowl that it's confined to. Its flow is interrupted by the flesh of cupped hands collecting it every few seconds, followed by the splatter of it falling back down in a scattered arc rather than a focused stream.)
*knock knock knock knock*
(It's not long before the handles squeak and the water is shut off, leaving the indistinct thrumming bass of a song that's been turned up far too loud.)
(Besides the underlying hum, silence. A lonely, lonely lack of sound, before a long sigh.)
(There's nothing more than this quiet, rhythmic thumping for a long time. There's very little to break the monotony of it beyond the occasional sniffle of swallowing of phlegm.)
"Is that really how you see me? Or were you just reaching for the pettiest fucking word you could've used?"
(The scream of glass echos chillingly in the small room. Sparkling crystals twinkle and sing against smooth porcelain, a prickly harmony to go with the melody of ragged sobs.)
"God-! Dammit!"
(There's a soft thud, and then a long dragging sound akin to one sliding down to sit against a wall.)
(An eternity of smothered weeping seems to pass, though in reality it's barely more than a full minute, before a blood-curdling scream is heard, disturbingly loud for how distant it sounds.)
"Shit- what the hell??"
November 1, 2015, 2:14am
"I'm guessing you don't know this, since you didn't run out of the house screaming or get dragged into an ambulance, but Jake's house burned down. Yeah, that place where that party was happening where you-... I'm fine, by the way, because you obviously cared. Paramedics got all the glass out of my knuckles. I just... wanna confirm you're fine too. Because... still fuckin' care about you and shit. Yeah, thanks for waiting up, by the way. There's no indication you were ever fucking here, so I can only assume you bailed before anyone even smelled smoke. Glad you're safe, dickwad. Hope you can extend the same relief to me."
November 12, 2015, 5:49pm
"Hey. I'm... coming to your performance. Your dad kinda... If he's suddenly wearing pants the next time you see him, you're welcome. Guess you can thank him for me coming to see your show too... I won't have any flowers for you, but... hopefully I'll have something just as good."
November 12, 2015, 6:52pm
"--- entire stu--nt bod- -- do it!"
"Wh- Jeremy?"
"Mich- GAH!"
"Shit! Where are you?"
"-- ---- ---- ---- -- ---! -- --- -- ------ --- ---!"
November 16, 2015, 11:47am
"Hey, um... it'll probably take you a while to listen to this, if you... choose to listen to it at all. Um... it was nice seeing you at The Play, all things considered. It... it was almost like things were normal again. I... I missed it. A lot. Maybe uh... maybe once you wake up, once things settle down, we could... talk? Just... at all? Doesn't have to be a call back. Could be a text, in person, note passed in class-"
"Carrier pigeon."
"Rich says carrier pigeon. He's your roommate. You'll see that soon enough if- ...when you wake up. You've been pretty determined to stay asleep though. Four days... heh, you tryna make us jealous? I just... hope you wake up soon. Before New Year's would be nice. No pressure, obviously, just... I... *sigh* 'I miss you' would be an understatement."
November 23, 2015, 4:13am
"Hey, Michael, um... I... listened to your voicemails a couple... couple hours ago. I was going to call back when I finished them, but it was late and I figured you were asleep. Um... I guess it's even weirder that I'm calling at 4am than it would've been if I called at 1:30, but... *sigh* I'm sorry. For everything. I know I said it at The Play, but I didn't... I couldn't really... I-I'm sorry. For bailing on you at the mall. For the optic nerve blocking. For the... the shit I said on Halloween- just- refusing to believe that you were trying to help, and- Fuck- the fire. I know I didn't have anything to do with it but... I'm sorry... for making you think I didn't care about your safety. I'm so glad you got out ok, really, and... I'm... sorry for making you punch a mirror. I don't... think you meant to call me in the bathroom, but... I heard... some stuff. I don't know if it was everything."
(There's an audible swallow.)
"I just... I don't... understand, why you still helped me in the end. After... after everything. I'm grateful, and thank you, but... I was so afraid I'd burned that bridge on Halloween. No- no pun intended. I thought you wouldn't-... I-I was so sure- the SQUIP was so-"
(There's a long pause. One would think that the message had abruptly cut off if not for the shaky breathing on the other end. There's a tightness in his voice when it eventually comes back.)
"'He won't come back to you. No one is coming for you.' That's what it said. And I was convinced that I'd fucked everything up and you'd never-... but you did. And-and I'm sorry we haven't done anything together since the hospital. I've just been really... it-it's an adjustment, not having a computer telling me what to do, and balancing hormones and chemicals and- fuck, I've gotten like, no sleep this weekend. I toss and turn all night and if I don't toss and turn, it's... it's nightmares, about... *sigh* Sorry, I shouldn't dump my shit on you. Not-not like this, not after..."
(His voice crumbles, like it's taking every ounce of strength he has to keep it audible without devolvng into indecipherable cry-speak. It's all but a raspy whisper.)
"I... I do wanna see you again. I do... still care about you. A lot. So much. Not seeing you for so long, it... it's caught up to me, and... I just wanna fall asleep next to you again. Which sounds clingy as fuck, and maybe it is, but I... You're the only one that..."
(He can't hold the sobs back anymore, but he does his best to muffle them. Keep them quiet. Avoid waking his dad. Hide the pain because he doesn't want this to be about him. It shouldn't be about him. Why is he making it about him?)
"*sniff* Fuck, how long've I been talking? Sorry, I'll- just- cut this off now. Ok, um... night. I... I love you. I just... wanna make sure you know that."
November 28, 2015, 1:12pm
Send you my love on a wire~
Lift you up every time
Jeremy startles awake at the sound of Michael’s ringtone, something he hasn't heard since before the start of the school year when Michael absolutely had to tell him about the dream he'd just woken up from. He tries to shake the remnants of sleep fog from his head as he pats around for his vibrating phone, thankfully finding it before the chorus ends.
"Mmg, h-" Jeremy's voice is scratchy from being woken up, so he clears his throat and tries again. "Hello?"
"Hey, bud." Michael's voice is quiet and soft through the receiver. He sounds tired as well, but in a constant, passive way instead of a groggy way. Jeremy wonders how long he's been awake.
"Hey, um..." Jeremy sits up and loosely hugs his knees, unsure of what to say next. Not wanting to leave Michael with nothing, he circles back to, "hey."
A weak chuckle flows through the speaker, colored with a fondness Jeremy's not sure he's heard since the last time they got high together. "Are you always this articulate?"
It's sweet, knowing that Michael's first reaction is banter instead of what Jeremy would consider much-deserved exasperation. He doesn't understand it, but it tugs his mouth into a small smile. "I uh... didn't fall asleep until like 6am, so..."
"Right, yeah. You did mention trouble sleeping, didn't you."
That smile crumbles as dread pools into his chest. He can't help but hide his face despite Michael not being able to see it in the first place. "Oh gods, you listened to that voicemail?"
"Couple times, yeah," Michael confesses, and it makes Jeremy cringe in embarrassment."I wanted to come see you earlier this week, but there was school stuff, and then Thanksgiving happened and..." he trails off a bit."Yeah, um... sorry."
Jeremy shakes his head fantically. "Nono, you're fine!" he insists. He doesn't want to lose this chance, but in the moment, his scrambled brain doesn't quite know what to do with it. "It's... I- do we wanna, I dunno, um..."
"Yes," Michael says immediately. "We- I do, yeah. Totally unrelated, but you should look out your window."
Jeremy blinks as he crawls off the bed toward the window. "Is it all snowy or are you waiting out there like you're in some kind of movie?"
He pulls the curtain back to see Michael standing on the sidewalk, a bright red swatch on a brilliantly white canvas, his hoodie lightly dusted with snow. It reminds Jeremy of powdered sugar on a lemon square. Michael waves his free hand, the other one still holding his phone to his ear.
Jeremy tentatively waves back, though it feels more like his hand trembles against the cool glass than it feels like a proper greeting. He feels his body shaking not from the winter weather creeping its way in, but from the nerves that come from seeing his best friend again after... well, admittedly not very long, but it's different this time. "Hi. I'll uh, I'll meet you downstairs, yeah?"
"Cool, see you in a second."
"See ya." Jeremy hangs up and pulls on some soft pajama pants before hurrying down the steps. He doesn't even check the downstairs window to confirm Michael's location before opening the front door.
Sure enough, there he is, a vibrant red light in the dull white fog behind him. Jeremy holds back on his urges just long enough to let Michael inside and shut the door before throwing his arms around him. Michael catches him easily, the cold from white flakes melting into red fabric doing little to negate the warmth of his embrace.
He remains sturdy as Jeremy quivers against him, silently refusing to let go of him any time soon. Jeremy attempts to blink back the tears threatening to spill out, but only really succeeds in disguising his sob a shaky sigh. As long as he can release the tension in his throat without being too loud about it, he'll take the win.
"I love you too," Michael whispers into Jeremy's hair, squeezing him snugly. "I hope you know that."
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
That's everyone. Time to check out the Favor Tree, then we're on to the Clocktower meetup.
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So how's this work? Do I just tell the tree what I want? Do I yank off a leaf and then write my request on it?
I dunno. Given that the rules are lax enough that a Favor Tree is as simple as "the biggest tree nearby" I think there's probably some leeway here. There may not be any particular rules for how we're supposed to pray to it.
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Then again, that is the kind of logic that leads to the Bystander Effect. If everybody thinks like that and then nobody wishes for Vaugarde's salvation, that's a whoopsy-doodle. So it's better to inconvenience myself, at the risk of redundancy, for the sake of locking in aid for people in crisis.
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Of course, it's not impossible to have your cake and eat it when it comes to wish-granting. All of these potential wishes are things that my team wants to do once the King has been defeated. Granting a wish for these things necessarily requires that Vaugarde be saved.
Therefore, I can wish for something for myself that nonetheless adds the strength of my wish to whatever existing pool of wishes towards Vaugarde's salvation already exists! This is what we call "gaming the system".
And while I wish the best for everyone, there is one person whose desires matter more than anybody else's.
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Odile, Maribelle, and Isabeau all have dreams and ambitions for the future. That's great. I'm happy for them. But Bonnie doesn't. Bonnie has trauma. If I'm going to spend a wish on anyone, it's going to be for Bonnie to be healed.
If only one of us can have what they want, it should be them. A lost child's wish to save their family is worth more than gold.
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Alright y'all, come clean. Who ripped the bread in half and just left it on the table like that?
Or. Wait. Is that the bread, of "breaking bread"? Did we literally break bread? And then not eat it?
Are... are you supposed to eat it? Is it rude to break the bread and then not eat it? Or is it sacrilegious to eat broken bread? I feel like the bread's just going to waste if you don't eat it. But maybe it's a holy gesture? Maybe the act of letting the bread go stale... symbolizes its Change from a state of freshness to a state of badness.
Or maybe one of us here is just a dipshit who doesn't understand the phrase. Looking at you, Isa. On the "Risk of Dipshit" Scale, you're Suspect #2.
Suspect #1 is me but I'm, like, 65% sure I didn't do it.
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You made the entire feast all by yourself? I am simultaneously very impressed with you and also tremendously disappointed in the rest of us. Four grown-ass adults and not one of us pitched in to assist the child in the kitchen. I am ashamed of every single one of us.
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Uh. No. Appreciate the sentiment but you're wrong. I don't know if you have Pocket Notes on the stakes of this thing but "Everyone dies tomorrow" isn't something people get to opt out of.
I know you don't want to think of membership in this crew as compulsory but... it kind of is. Our options are "Roll the dice tomorrow" or "Find a nice place to die". The latter of which is something most of the town is actively preparing for.
People are capable of tremendous acts of selfless courage when they have no hope of survival. With that in mind, I intend to be very brave tomorrow. There's only one place to do that.
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You know, I'm used to rousing campfire speeches having a lot more swearing, raging narcissism, and thematically inappropriate criminality. But this is nice too. All-a y'all are swell. I'm happy to be a part of this.
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My dude, I was wide awake. I slept all day today. I was just trying to be politely still so everyone else can sleep, while quietly going over Rock Paper Scissors strategies in my head.
The trick is to not throw the wrong symbol. But to make them think you're going to throw the wrong symbol, so they play into your hands when you throw the right symbol. *sage wisdom*
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I love you too, man. Still making sense of things too much to decide if that's romantic or platonic but one way or another we're tight.
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Mm. Pillow beats Rock. Good to know. See, that is why I've been silently reviewing Rock Paper Scissors strategies.
Good night, Isa. We'll continue this talk on the day after tomorrow, so long as it comes to pass.
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snellyfish · 2 years
1. Thoughts on the drdt fandom's popular ships?
2. Any theories for Ch2?
Omg you guys feed me so much. Putting this under a read more bc I'm starting to feel bad for rambling + DESPAIR TIME SPOILERS!??!!
hmmhmmhmhmhmmm trying to remember popular ships off the top of my head .... Sorry if I missed any, I'm not up to date with my fandom lore T_T Will probably edit this later for ship names I forgot, since I'm too lazy to look em up rn lole
Obviously Verturo #1 forever I will spout my Verturo propaganda until I DIE. No thoughts only rotating them in my mind. I sincerely hope they have another movie night and Veronika gets to kill someone and Arturo either feels heartbroken for having fallen for her previously or is impressed and finally admittedly likes her afterwards. Don't know whatcha got til it's gone. Haha. Hehe. Either way. I obviously have hesitations and fears regarding Arturo's character and where it'll take him, so I really can't feel you can get into it too much until he's become less one-note but AUUGHGH I'm impatient and insane,,, Verturo call me back,,,,,, Veronika should ask him to vivisect her for fun I mean-What If They Killed Someone Together #Slay
Teruko/Min is sooooo<333 UGH!!! Tragic lesbians,,, love their interactions before the trial too! Need to think about them more, honestly
Unsure if it's still popular--all things considered--but I still think Xander/Teruko is very interesting; even/especially in canon. But alas, I await to learn more lore about their situation, particularly Xander's.......
Charwhit is super cute! No matter the context of the dynamic, romantic/platonic/qp whatever, I love em they are so sweet 😭😭 Charles deserves someone kind, but not a pushover yesman, ykno!
Xanvid has potential for sure,, buuuut I feel like the reasons I like it are wayyy different than the reasons it's popular LOL, so I don't see much or any content for it that aligns with the interpretation I like? 🤔 Still fun ig
Ace/Levi is a no from me but I get it...
I don't thhhhink it's popular..? but HI where's the Xanwhit representation. I'm not huge on them but they just make me smile sometimes :) <-- like this
Finally, but unfortunately, I can't exactly say I have any chapter 2 predictions, honestly! All I've been thinking about is how the hell Teruko is gonna come back from this one, in terms of ykno,,, interacting with her classmates again, considering what a hasty rift she's already dug into the game and between everyone and herself. Although, I suppose it would be good timing for everyone else to trauma bond together with Teruko left out? Bc I just imagine she's isolating herself, she had quite a nasty breakdown after all HAHA. But I dunno... I haven't thought about it too hard, and don't have a full grasp on Teruko's character yet, we'll just have to wait and see 👁️👁️
And I haven't personally read any fantheories (or try to avoid em) because sometimes theories for any media in general make too much sense I don't wanna spoil it for me if they end up true/accurate HAHAHA silly brain
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It Was A Blast Meeting You
Summary: I have so many stupid thoughts about how interactions between Prime!Rick and any Summer would go, so here we are with one of them. Summer isn't from C-137's universe, but a pretty similar one, and is aware enough of interdimensional shit that she knows the Rick in her timeline isn't her dimension's og Rick. For Prime, the timeline is just after the stinger of Solaricks. For Summer, it's around where late season 5 for C-137's dimension is.
Summer is falling through the space between portals. Just like before. She's given up figuring out how long she'll be in here, what with no portal gun with her to make an exit, but her best guess is that she's got a solid three days before the dehydration and lack of food will get her. She makes the same checklist in her head as she'd been making every time her disassociation is interrupted and she's stuck being aware of her current situation.
Time currently in portal: Idk, probably like 2 hours. I have to pee.
Additional notes: Still cramped, still falling or moving or whatever. Still no exit. I wanna go back to the football boy fantasy.
Time currently in portal: I still dk, probs like 4 hours.
Additional notes: I wonder what happens to my corpse when I die in here. Will I decompose? I'm basically in a vacuum that somehow lets me breathe, but there's no bacteria or stuff that I know of. Do I just stay a perfectly intact corpse?
Time currently in portal: Who gives a shit, I'm gonna die.
Additional notes: Football girl fantasy better than football boy fantasy. I miss Stacy.
Time currently in port-
Summer lands, perhaps somewhat ungracefully, face-first on the floor of what looks like a very futuristic garage.
Well, at least she's out. And now she even knows what's gonna kill her.
The Prime Rick is looking at her with confusion that's replaced by a smirk seconds later, a blaster in his hand aimed straight at her throat.
"Aww, hey alternate version of a hypothetical granddaughter!" He says, letting her scramble up at gun- ray- laser whatever point. "Ya missed your grandpa so much you fired up a portal, huh? Betcha thought it'd get you across universes to him, right?" The gun is cocked, a little charging up noise accompanying his tone turning menacing. "Betcha thought you'd get to come home to a nice happy reality, didn'tcha."
Summer's initial panic, tried and true instinct at the sight of a blaster pointed at her face, washes out. Exhaustion, followed by resignation, seeps in.
"Not really. I'm just glad I can crack my spine before I die." She twists her neck, letting the pop noise herald the feeling of relief. "Finally. Ok, you can shoot me now, I guess. I don't really care." She starts stretching her arms and shoulders, betting that he'll shoot before she can finish, but Prime's looking at her funny instead. The blaster hand isn't even his main focus anymore.
"Well that's new. W-what are you, some kinda spy or guilt ploy? Am I supposed to be sorry for you, is that the plan?"
She shrugs again.
He keeps staring as the teenager starts talking.
"Dunno. Rick might've implanted some shit in me, but not that I know of. I asked for laser boobs for months and he keeps saying no. But all Morty has to do to get a dragon is whine to Mom for a few weeks, and suddenly he gets to have fucking Balthromar or whatever as his pet, and Morty just keeps fucking things up! It's not like he had to go fight all of the ocean's creatures to get that stupid shell, it's not like he had to train the giant space baby, it's not like he built up an entire Go-gotron empire from the ground up, his whole job was just to stand around and block Rick's brainwaves! But nooooo, he's still Rick's favorite even though I'm the one that actually keeps everything running! WHATEVER! He wouldn't care enough about me to implant anything, that lousy jerk face-"
"Giant space baby?" He cuts her off.
The curiosity spikes at the way the girl glares at some empty space in the room.
"Yeah, and that's thanks to Morty too! If he hadn't fucked that stupid horse machine, I wouldn't be a fucking teenage mom to a fucking incest space baby that I had to train because the fucking US government wanted to use him as a fucking weapon! Fucking Morty!"
Further questions. He wants to laugh. He wants to make several jokes he would have made to Diane if she'd started ranting to him like that.
He's mostly left any sentimentality of his behind along with that Diane and her Beth, decades ago in that little garage. But now he finally gets what those other Ricks had mentioned now and then, how their granddaughter takes after Diane more than anyone had thought possible. She'd be clenching her fists like that too right now, muttering those same insults under her breath, mixing and matching what she knows in Spanish and English with all of the alien language snipers she'd learned because of Rick.
It's not exactly pity of all things that courses though his head, but a strategic plan. Summer is young. She's angry, hurting, and capable of violence. She doesn't seem to plan on forgiving her family anytime soon. She wants revenge. Just like Diane would have.
He can use her. Send her back in as a mole, have her keep tabs, and then he can kill that stupid Rick and his whole family and then her. He'll even be nice and kill her painlessly while she's doing something that makes her happy. He'll let her kill Beth and shoot her while she's laughing at the corpse. Yeah. That sounds good.
"Alright, kid," he says, getting the teenager to finally shut up her rant, which has now moved to focus on her parents. "You've convinced me. I need an intern anyway." He turns the blaster off, deliberately playing it up just a bit as he sticks the weapon back in his belt. She stands up, her shock still splashed across her face even as her eyes show that she's already adjusting to the situation in her head, evaluating and reevaluating the idea.
It's adorable, really, that she thinks she can outwit him.
"Why?" Well, at least she's asking questions. That's a start.
"You're angry at your family. I have a score to settle with your Rick. You want revenge. I want revenge. You have a fascinating resumé and catch on quick. I like not having to micro-manage. Consider yourself hired for this particular part of my plan." He even tosses her a bottle of (not poisoned) water. See, he can be downright polite when necessary.
Summer finally looks calm, resigned again to whatever happens as she twists open the cap without taking a sip.
"You're gonna kill me at the end of this." She doesn't ask, saying it like she can see the future and isn't upset about it. "Fuck it, I always wanted to die young and hot," and then she's raising the water bottle in a fake toast before taking a deep sip and grinning at him. He can see Diane again, but also a little bit of that Rick blood in her too, with the wide grin of his dead wife and her eyebrow raised in half-mock the same way he would in her position.
Maybe she's a little smarter than he gave her credit for.
"Welcome to the dark side, kid," he says instead of anything else, watching as she pushes off the counter and walks over to him. "Grandpa's not gonna know what hit him."
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jaimebluesq · 1 year
Struck by a plot bunny, don't know if I should let it die.
All righty...
"The Full MDZS". Yes, it's a "The Full Monty" parody.
Modern Day AU, NHS et al are in their 20s and most of them are just surviving and paying off their student loans (*glares at Jin Zixuan, who does NOT have to do this because daddy did it for him*). NHS and Mianmian have a night out and check out a Chippendale's/Magic Mike type strip show and come out feeling 'meh' about it - NHS criticizes the terrible choreography, Mianmian the 'sexy' dancing that isn't sexy at all, and both lament the lack of Asian dancers.
Mianmian: Ugh, it's like they believe all those stupid stereotypes about race and dick size
NHS: They obviously haven't heard Wei Ying wax poetic about Lan Zhan's dick.
They start talking about all the men they know in their circle that would be ten times hotter than the ones dancing in the show they just watched, and after NHS goes home, his brain begins to work. Because NHS does NOT like to work, and has been wishing he could find a way to make money without actually working so he could pay off those stupid student loans.
And then NHS comes up with the idea of gathering a bunch of his hot male friends together to do a strip show of their own - they'll make a fortune! Not only that, but he might finally get to ogle some of his favourite friends naked (save for a thong - that's the plan at this point of the story).
So of course he goes to Wei Ying first, who's easy to convince, which means Lan Zhan will be in as well because he'll cave the moment Wei Ying asks him to participate. Then:
Wei Ying: You do know who you need to ask, the ONE PERSON every single one of your friends has had a crush on since they day they met him - even the straight ones.
NHS: *groans* do I really have to ask Da-ge?
He does, and NMJ is reluctant, but eventually gives in if only in the hope that NHS might actually put work into the damn thing. **Of note, Trans!NMJ, thus far perfectly fine with stripping down to a thong figuring he has a couple of packers to choose from that will do the job.
Wei Ying then brings JC on board - way too easy, we all know how competitive JC is with Wei Ying, and NHS is over the moon at getting to see him strip down. NMJ shows up with LXC ready to join, to everyone's shock (possible awkwardness of LXC being NHS' ex? Dunno, maybe?). Then 2 last dancers are recruited - Xiao XingChen & Song Lan. That makes 7 dancers and NHS who's happily playing choreographer and sitting back to direct all the action while the others do the work.
Everyone: Where will we even do this thing?
NMJ: *coughs to get everyone's attention* I know a guy.
The guy is Meng Yao, who managed a strip club. NMJ calls in a favour to get the hall at a very low price, and so they have a plan.
Over the weeks, much shenanigans happen. They find out another event is happening to conflict with theirs and realize they need something bigger to draw an audience. NHS suggests and Wei Ying agrees that they should do away with the thongs and go full nude, and eventually the rest are convinced - all but NMJ who is absolutely adamant about not doing it. There will be a tender brotherly scene about NMJ's insecurities about going bottomless - he's comfortable enough with his physique, but his relationship with his genitals is *complicated*. They talk, NMJ eventually agrees to go along with it no matter how anxious he is. Other dancers express misgivings or hesitance at other times, and NHS is always the one talking them up and encouraging them.
So it's almost the date of the show, and two days before showtime, one of the dancers (prob XX or SL) gets into a minor accident - they're mostly fine, but they can't dance. The choreography was made specifically for 7 dancers and the group gather to try and figure out what to do. NHS laments the worst... and then Wei Ying puts his arm over his shoulder, gives him a shake, and then...
WY: You know... you know all the choreography too.
NHS: What?
JC: He's right. Hell, you're a better dancer than half of us!
NHS: What, me? No, no, you can't possibly mean-
Every remaining dancers goes about repeating NHS' words of encouragement back at him (how dare they?!), and he fights worse than ANY of them did. They want him to WORK? To strip with the rest of them, all of whom are hot and he's just NHS?
Well, the show must go on, so NHS gives in.
The show goes well and the boys not only make lots of money but they gain self-confidence and new perspective on themselves. The end.
Other than WangXian, other pairings (if any) are yet to be decided.
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skullchicken · 2 years
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Ich habe 8.367 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
92 Einträge erstellt (1%)
8.275 Einträge gerebloggt (99%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 976 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#shadowrun – 59 Einträge
#my art – 30 Einträge
#self-reblog – 23 Einträge
#tabletop – 18 Einträge
#urban fantasy – 18 Einträge
#cyberpunk – 16 Einträge
#lol – 15 Einträge
#inspiration – 14 Einträge
#ttrpg – 13 Einträge
#artists on tumblr – 12 Einträge
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#and discipline are all variables in a large equation that exists to determine how good a grade you can get on some cosmic test that you’re
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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On the way home, 2020
104 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 2. März 2022
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"This won't go over well at the next team meeting"
Please click to see the details! (or you might not spot the guy)
I love myself some illustrations that tell a story, so I tried my hand at one. I had a lot of fun snapping reference photos for sloppily eating ramen ^^
125 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 9. März 2022
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I dunno, I think that went well
125 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 28. August 2022
Here's a rule of thumb that really helped me build up a circle of close friends in my twenties:
Friendship = bonding x times met
Meaning: if you want to befriend someone, make sure you have contact on a somewhat regular basis.
I know this is easier said than done for many people, but if you have the brain-space and ability for it, try this:
Make a list of people you know personally and that you'd like to know better or be good friends with. people who bring you joy. I would not make the list too long, maybe 12 at the most.
Now write the last time you spoke or wrote to them next to their name. bonus: note down subjects you talked about.
Put the list somewhere where you see it (your desktop, first page of your notebook, wall, whatever).
Write the person you haven't spoken the longest to, if it has been longer than two weeks. ask them how they are doing (or if you remember, how something they have been talking to about last time has turned out)
This helps you to make sure you don't drop off the face of the earth unintended. It also keeps you from letting people slip away that you get along great with but that don't stick around in your memory much, for whatever reason.
Most people, I feel, aren't great at keeping contact or contacting someone out of the blue. if you're one of the people who struggles with it, you're not alone. But if you can form a habit of contacting people you'd like to have in your life more, it can be a great source of joy and comfort.
370 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 13. April 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
I just had a small epiphany why you might like other people's art more than your own:
It's the lack of suspension of disbelief.
When you see something someone else has drawn or painted, you take in the content faster than you take in the technical aspects. You experience it as pseudo-real, the same way you stop perceiving animated characters as drawn or book characters as written as you get into the story.
On the other hand, when you yourself have made something, all you see is the machine behind the theater, so to speak. You're probably thinking about lines, shading, coloring in a "does this make sense? Is this the best decision I could have made?"-kind of way.
I think that's also why sometimes, pictures you haven't looked at for a long time starts looking nice to you again, à la: "Hey past-me was unto something! Why can't I replicate it nowadays?". It's probably specifically because you've forgotten the process of making it that you are now seeing it with fresh eyes.
Art is an illusion, but a magician has a hard time tricking themself. So don't be so hard on yourself: it's probably just that you can't see the magic right now, but that doesn't mean it's not there.
742 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. November 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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telafel · 3 months
rambling about the elden ring dlc
I think so much valid criticism gets squashed and silence by "lol get gud. no skill. scrub" sort of talk and it really frustrates me. these dlc bosses are downright *mean* and no amount of dlc upgrade items really make a difference. So now I'm getting 3 shot instead of 2-shot? Cool i guess. Oh bosses just get harder and do more damage? okay now i'm back to getting 2 shot with a lot of upgrade items.
the fact that most of these bosses agro instantly and have some sort of charge attack they start IMMEDIATELY when you step in means you either learn the timing perfectly of summoning spirit ashes out the gate and dodge whatever attack they start with (or if you're fighting Bayle and he decides you instantly jump on you, instead of any of his other abilities then you just get to die) OR you find an opening later on, but good luck because all the bosses have 10-hit long attack strings and oh did you circle behind them? they have an instant response to that. Did you get too far? THey can either gap close super fast to you OR they also have a long range ability. Mounted battle? No. The boss will be on your ass charging you constantly and you can't properly dodge their attacks this way.
And lets not even get started about visibility. You have bosses that go all over the fucking place and make your camera go nuts while also requiring you to like. pay attention to something off screen that can get you too. The wild thing is how otherwise impossible it would be to see what's going on WITHOUT locking on so either way you kinda get fucked. Or how the particle effects obscure boss-tells so you can't see what they're doing clearly.
I don't know man. I'm really not getting walled too hard on stuff which is funny all my gripes considering. But on the other hand there's very little that I'm like "oh that was cool" or "that was unique" because all the bosses have this note of 'sameness' to them by having very similar moments and mechanics.
Granted, they are visually different, but it's like "oh phase 2 so suddenly every boss has a big aoe nuke that you have to dodge perfectly and you can't out range it" it's like they wanted Malenia's aeonian flower but EVERY fight but more annoying.
i'm not done with the dlc yet. I will say i am enjoying the lore and story moments more than the bosses so far. There are a lot of cool visuals and designs and landscape etc. but boy do all these bosses feel the fucking same and equally as annoying. I'm so tired of getting to a new boss and going "oh you have an attack like that too huh."
i think another thing is that the blessings you level up don't feel nearly as helpful as say the seeds/tears in the base game. Getting more flask charges feels SO huge, healing more is VISIBLY helpful. I didn't even notice any difference in blessings from when I had 0 to when I had 7. I only started to feel like I hit a more comfortable point at 10/11 and even then it just feels like it means nothing because there are still bosses that can 2-shot me, there are still enemies that fucking truck.
I think also it's making it tough that you really can't just go grind to help overcome a challenge, you're kinda gated by how many blessings you can get and a lot of them are in legacy dungeons or in catacombs or just other challenging places/hidden away/etc. you gotta do a lot of exploring and actively doing stuff, you can't just farm runes and be good.
The sense of progression is kinda bad. Runes and level ups mean next to nothing in the dlc but the bosses all drop a shit load of runes, but it doesn't help you at all. I dunno. I kind of respect that they made it so anyone of any level would be on equal footing for this dlc and it would all be challenging but it's just weird and doesn't feel great.
base game bosses all had very unique feelings to them so I always felt you'd get different experiences doing different builds for each one, but these bosses feel like they're meant to tick every box to counter as many weapon builds as possible. maybe that's whats leading to the feeling of sameness. Also the base game bosses were so polite slowly approaching you and letting you set up isntead of being up your asshole immediately
ALSO all these summon signs INSIDE the boss arenas when I'm fighting for my fucking life. I think i died like 5 times just trying to get the Bayle summon off. ugh. (You can't not summon that guy either. he makes the whole fight.)
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allterrribleideas · 5 months
TADC Ep 2 Rampant Theorybaiting
Is this all spoilers? I guess I'll just spoiler it all. It's probably not even relevant though!
So the fun theorycrafting discourse from this episode that isn't centered around whether the purple psychopath rabbit is redeemable is who in the cast may or may not be an NPC. Caine seems to suggest he has no method of determining this, and I'm willing to accept him at his word since he doesn't ever seem actively malicious. With that in mind here's my absolutely straw grasping theories on who may be an NPC. It should also be said that since we don't know what magic technology this world runs on, there might not BE any difference between a 'human' and an 'npc' beyond like, I dunno, admin rights? They might all get simulated the same way but humans only get so and so treatment while npcs get this and that, I dunno, it's episode 2, let me have my fun damn it.
Pomni: Seems very unlikely to be an NPC owing to her knowledge of the outside world and ability to curse. Caine also explicitly identifies her as a human, so if she's an NPC, she was created by some other entity and we haven't really gotten any evidence there's anything 'above' Caine yet apart from whatever originally built the world. So she's pretty likely human.
Ragatha: Technically I feel like she's confirmed human via Kinger, who I didn't talk too much about but is my favorite character. Also she got obliterated by the abstracted Kaufmo and I feel like an NPC wouldn't have survived that? I get the idea (from Gummigoo exploding) there's not actually any blood or gore, and everything is censored like German TF2, so when NPCs 'die' they just turn into confetti or some other kind of fun prop, and Ragatha definitely had a bunch of times she could have 'died' but survived, so she feels pretty safely in the human camp.
Kinger: My gut says it's unlikely because of the existence of the Queen human character that was seen briefly in the first episode (well, her room, at least). NPCs don't abstract as far as we know, and it would be weird to have a king and queen chess piece but one is human and one is an NPC. It also wouldn't make sense to me that a character that's been around for 'years' who is considered to be 'old' would be advanced enough AI to pretend to be human for this long. Then again Caine is (probably) an AI and is pretty advanced. I also don't think Kinger being an NPC really changes much for him, it wouldn't be a super important reveal without more backstory for him.
Jax: I've already gone over most of the evidence for why I feel like Jax could be an NPC, but my gut again mostly says he's not. This is more for narrative reasons though, I think his character 'works' better as a cruel and hateful human than as a one-note poorly motivated NPC. Wouldn't surprise me if there's a reveal but he's got enough bits and bobs pointing in that direction I could see it happening. I don't think it'd be good for the story, though.
Gangle: My number 1 NPC pick! Gangle exhibits a lot of strange behaviors that are NPCish. She has probably the weirdest body of the cast apart from maybe Zooble. Her gimmick doesn't make sense- we haven't seen anyone else be 'affected' by changes in their appearance, why does her mask control how she acts? That's how an NPC would behave! Jax TREATS her like he treats NPCs too (though Jax treats everyone like garbage so maybe not a big point there). I think it's worth keeping an eye on her! My FORBIDDEN HEADCANON that I will believe until it's definitely proven wrong is that Jax dragged Gangle out of an adventure because she's specifically so easy to bully and abuse. Like he seems like the type of person who would keep a pet just to have something to take his urges out on. That is INCREDIBLY unlikely though, I'm just throwing it out there because it's particularly cruel and interesting to me.
0 notes
kchasm · 7 months
Let’s Watch: Kamen Rider: Episode 2: The Terrifying Bat Man
I didn't do the obvious Spider-Man joke last time; I'm not gonna do the obvious Batman joke this time. Look, I'm not the one who decided to translate the names this way. These aren't even fansubs or anything, okay? I'm watching them on a site that's got 'em officially.
Anyway, our episodes begins with a woman named Miho Yamano. She's heading home one night when a voice from the darkness informs her that she has been "chosen" to join the ranks of Shocker. Naturally put off by the claim, she secures herself in her apartment. Unfortunately, she's not alone.
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Things don't end very well for Miho. In fact, she gets a couple of fangs in the back of the neck, which as a fictional character is generally not the sort of thing you want to become familiar with unless you're in one of those paperbacks I pretend I don't like. In short, bummer.
Cut to the next day: Takeshi Hongo, the stole force standing against Shocker's efforts at global domination is... taking part in the Tokyo regional tryouts for a European motorcycle race.
Now, I understand that the first reaction you might have here is, "Hey, Hongo, don't you have more important issues to be concerned about? Like the whole 'folks being turned into brainwashed cyborgs' thing?"
I'm actually willing to give Hongo a pass here. This can't be long after he had his body altered against his will by a secret global organization and saw someone die right in front of his eyes, and for all the hot-bloodedness I'm told is the norm in these kinds of media... that's messed up! That's a completely awful thing to have happen to anyone!
And response to trauma is a funny thing. It's not unusual that someone can't entirely handle whatever terrible thing has happened to them, at least not immediately. You'll see people who've gone through horrible things try to return to their daily routines, as if whatever happened didn't happen, and if they act normal enough maybe it'll all go away. A sort of soft denial, a fending off of reality. Because like the shark that dies if it stops swimming, to acknowledge it would be to fully accept that it happened, and that your life has been irreversibly changed.
... So yeah, Hongo wins the race, and a woman comes up to him to congratulate him. She might be acting in an official capacity as like a "race queen," but without the stereotypical outfit that usually gets? I dunno. The point is, it's Miho Yamano, but the dramatic irony doesn't even last a minute before Miho is trying to give Hongo a kiss on the cheek. And by "cheek" I mean "neck," and by "kiss," I mean "that's some teeth, dude."
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Hongo flings Miho off him before he can be grazed, and her plot rumbled, Miho goes on an all-out attack. Unfortunately for Miho, this consists of repeatedly running at Hongo with her arms raised menacingly outward while going "hee hee hee hee hee" in a really high-pitched voice, and between Hongo and (Tobee) Tachibana, Miho is easily neutralized.
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I just want to note that this is happening in front of all the race officials, by the way, who are reasonably flabbergasted at the race queen (?) growing fangs and, uh, markings that out you as whatever kind of horror this is, I guess?
Someone a face mask (the kind you wear if you have a cold) watches from afar. He muses that he'd hoped to kill two birds with one stone, but the experiment has been a success.
Hongo, reasonably (if a bit illegally) goes to Miho's apartment to—
Okay, lemme hang here a second, 'cause I've got a question. Is Miho dead? I mean, she didn't explicitly die just there, and all she got was flung messily to the ground, but we've seen that followed by Shocker baddie death before. Did they put Miho somewhere? Lock her up? Hospital? They shouldn't put her in a hospital. Things might get exponential. It's not immediately touched upon, however, so I don't have any answers to my questions, which is kind of a shame. I really want to know how people who aren't in on the whole "Shocker" thing deal with this weird stuff that's happening all of a sudden. Like I said, the race officials were right there, right? They definitely saw something, even if they don't know what.
Anyway, Hongo goes to Miho's apartment complex, where sadly, Miho's isn't the only tragedy unfolding. A woman with telltale markings spasms as she begs her husband to run away before it's too late, as a voice speaking directly to her orders her to bring him into the collective.
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She can only hold out for so long before she goes in for her husband's neck, but Hongo pulls her off before any biting can happen. He yells at the dude to run, not explaining anything except "I'll look after your wife," and the husband, beginning to suspect that this isn't exactly a migraine that's happening to her, obeys, only to get audibly got off-screen.
Hongo just sort of leaves the fight with the wife alone (her name is Chie, by the way), and runs out, where he follows a dark figure into another apartment. And that's when we see the extent of Shocker's actions here:
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So you know, that's horrifying.
In the apartment, the Monster of the Episode confronts Hongo. A brief fight scene ensues, and our Bat Man explains what's going on: This apartment complex is serving as testing grounds for a virus developed by Shocker that turns folks into vampire mooks, basically. He leaves Hongo to be killed by the turned apartment denizens, and Hongo realizes he can't kill them. I mean, he could, but it would be ethically icky—all these folks are victims who have been trapped under the Bat Man's mind control.
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But now all these victims have him hemmed into this apartment room, with no obvious way out. Looks like he’s gonna have to jump—!
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Another fight scene ensues, this time with Hongo transforms. He grabs hold of the Bat Man and tosses the both of them off the roof of the building—
Cut to: Shocker base. A Shocker mook says that soundwaves from the experiment have ceased (?), but another, more authoritative voice assures him that the Bat Man has the ability to use autohypnosis to protect himself (??). And when he sleeps, the infected apartment-dwellers will sleep as well (???).
Yeah, listen, I have no idea what any of that means, and I don't know if it's because the scene was poorly subbed or because it's a bunch of technojumbo to justify why the episode can't end nine minutes in. I'm going to assume the first one. Benefit of the doubt.
Cut to: Amigo. Ruriko Midorikawa—Hiroshi Midorikawa's daughter, remember?—is confronting Tachibana, her boss at the cafe. Doing some reasonable detective work, she's thinking that Tachibana (who gave Midorikawa directions to her father and Hongo in the last episode) might know where Hongo is, which is important because she still thinks Hongo killed her father. This is despite the fact that what she saw was Hongo grabbing at her father's throat, which is admittedly sus but doesn't exactly match up with the whole postmortem disintegration that happened right after, unless maybe she thinks that Hongo is really, really good at strangling people? I dunno. Tachibana claims ignorance, which Midorikawa to-tal-ly believes, so much so that he listens in at the door when Hongo calls Tachibana up to tell him he'll be a Jonan University.
Which he is, because we're just... we're just totally moving past the end of that last fight scene, I guess. Hongo and the Bat Man went off the building together, then undefined stuff happened, and now the Bat Man is still Bat-Manning around. I guess. Maybe we'll get at least some dialogue later explaining this?
Anyway, Hongo's brought a blood sample over to his scientist buddy, Kishimori. Kishimori's astounded—what Hongo's brought is some sort of "intelligent virus" that reacts to external stimuli, which Hongo tests by shaking the microscope slide back and forth. The virus, travels through the blood to the brain cells, and can then be controlled—and the victim controlled, by extension—by soundwaves.
... Yeah, we just sort of hopped all the way to it being soundwaves there, when Hongo just showed us that shaking the virus is also accepted stimuli to make it To A Thing, but the Shocker mook also mentioned soundwaves so we know Hongo's right. Somehow. Don't worry about it.
Anyway, can Kishimori make a serum to defeat the virus? No, because, like, he just found out this virus exists. And also it's doing weird extraordinary virus things. So no, he can't just whip out some sort of antivirus and feed it to the victims, which is bad news for the victims.
Midorikawa continues to stalk Hongo, becoming alarmed when Hongo goes to her workplace. She rushes in, but Tachibana's sitting there alone, claiming that he has no idea who that guy was but he just came in and then escaped through the window because he said he was being stalked by someone shady. "Oh, shucks, that was you?" "Oh, shucks, that was the guy who killed your father?" "Oh, shucks, my bad."
Tachibana is not a good actor.
Midorikawa begins to assume, not incorrectly, that he is In Cahoots. Okay, so if she can't stalk Hongo, she'll stalk Tachibana instead. This is unfortunate, because Tachibana's next stop is the apartment complex, where Hongo's got all the Bat Man victims tied up to keep them from Bat-Manning. When Midorikawa beans Tachibana in the back of the head with a vase, and then sees all the mess of trussed up, people, which is admittedly suspicious as all hell. One of them (The Bat Man in human guise?) is groaning awake, so Midorikawa (reasonably) asks what's going on, in a conversation that goes something like this:
Midorikawa: "Did Takeshi Hongo do this to you?" Bat Man: "How do you know Takeshi Hongo?" Midorikawa: "He killed my father, but I can't prove it!" Bat Man: "Your father?" Midorikawa: "Dr. Midorikawa!" Bat Man: "Oh, yeah, Dr. Midorikawa! Hongo totally killed him, and I have proof. Just untie me and I'll help you out, okay?" Midorikawa: "lol k"
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... Needless to say, by the time Hongo makes it back, the Bat Man has Midorikawa held tight with the virus coursing through her veins.
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Bat Man takes the moment to explicitly gloat that Dr. Midorikawa was, of course, killed by Shocker—which is really fortunate for us, because without that plain language clearly laying out who killed or didn't kill who, Midorikawa would probably still think Hongo was her father's murderer, and frankly I'm not sure how much more of this "I am after Takeshi Hongo, the man who choked my father so hard he vaporized" subplot I could have withstood.
Oh, but the Bat Man has a deal. If Hongo cooperates with Shocker, he can cure Midorikawa. And there is a cure—if one of his victims is stabbed with his wing, they're injected with an anti-Bat-Man-viral serum. In a move authorized by his Shocker bosses, he demonstrates this, using one of the Bat Man mooks, who looses all those facial markings toot sweet.
In short, Bat Man just confirmed that there is a cure for the virus, where Hongo can get that cure for the virus, and how to use the cure for the virus. That's way too much information to give your opponent, Bat Man! Which is why Hongo immediately goes full Kamen Rider and proceeds to drop justice on Bat Man's wrinkly personage (and also a bevy of summoned generic Shocker mooks).
...I'm pretty sure Hongo straight up kills a couple of dudes here.
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And of course, Bat Man gets similarly taken out of the picture.
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One less Bat Man and one more mass application of a leftover wing claw later, everyone's hunky-dory. Even the whole "Ruriko Midorikawa thinks Takeshi Hongo is a baddie" issue has been cleared up, Tachibana points out!
Yes, Hongo says, but he's still a cyborg. And he rushes off to motorcycle dramatically into the distance.
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To be continued!
All in all, an episode with some Weird Spots. There definitely could have been more explanation of what exactly happened after Hongo and Bat Man went off the roof—no, that was never explained, past the cut away to the Shockerites says that Bat Man protected himself with autohypnosis. In addition, that science bit was certainly hinky—I would have liked an extension of that scene, perhaps with Hongo and Kishimori narrowing down how the virus works.
I am not the target audience, however. I am the one overanalyzing a children's TV show. I'll bet this episode worked out just fine for the people who were supposed to be watching it.
That's how it goes.
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Incorrect quotes with the boys! (P9/?)
Using a new generator this time!
Mikhail : I find it very unseemly of Will to start dating again. Isn't the customary period of mourning 10 years?
Micheal: Die. Let's find out.
6/10 noo! Willhail breakup!?
Micheal: So... what’s goin’ on?
Will: You want the long version or the short version?
Micheal, hesitantly: The short one, I guess?
Will: Shit’s fucked.
Micheal: Oh. Well, yeah, that’s definitely not an optimal situation.
10/10 v accurate key Will say fuck
Micheal: Hey, no, you stay out of this, this is between me and Will!
Mikhail : So Will knows about this?
Micheal, walking away: No, this is between me and me!
10/10 byler: Russian therapist friend edition
Micheal: Just think about this! I’m your hottest friend.
Micheal: No, that’s Mikhail … I’m your nicest friend.
Micheal: No, Will... I’m your friend!
10/10 I think it would be better if we were a team. Friends. Best friends.
Micheal: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Mikhail : But are you shuffling?
Micheal: Everyday.
Will: What language are you two speaking??
5/10 not impressed.
Mikhail : I'm not doing to well.
Will: What's wrong?
Mikhail : I have this headache that comes and goes.
*Micheal enters the room*
Mikhail : There it is again.
10/10, obv
Mikhail : *finds a note* Hmm, whats this?
Micheal: Hey, that's mine! *tries to grab it*
Mikhail : Aww, it's a love note for Will?
Micheal: No-
Mikhail : *opens it*
Mikhail :
Mikhail : I can't read this.
8/10 sorry, letter truthers😞
Micheal: Remember! Curiosity killed the cat!
Mikhail : Yes, but you forget that satisfaction brought it back. So yes, Will, go find out if that thing can catch fire!
Micheal: You're a bad influence.
Mikhail : And you don't know your sayings.
Will: Guys where did Mikhail go?
Micheal: They got arrested.
Will: How the hell-
Mikhail : *bursts in through the window* The cops are after me, I thought it would be fun to steal crackers and throw them at people.
7/10 Hopper is Mishaphobic
Will: When Micheal was born, the gods said, "They're too perfect for this world."
Mikhail : Please. When they were born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
9/10 yess
Will: Hey, Micheal, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Micheal: Yeah.
Will: And you, Mikhail ?
Mikhail : Umm... yes?
Will: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Mikhail : Did they just-
2/10 why is there always one mikehail one🤮
Micheal: Mikhail has never seen Star Wars? Will, the only people in the universe who haven’t seen Star Wars are the characters in Star Wars and that’s cause they lived them, Will! That’s cause they lived the Star Wars!
8/10 hyperfixation accuracy
Micheal: What are you guys doing?
Mikhail : Like in life in general or-
Will: Not much. Why, what's up?
Micheal: I dunno, I’m bored playing AC.
Will: Assassins Creed?
Micheal: Animals Creed.
Mikhail : Assassins Crossing.
6/10 why
Will: Micheal, what do you have?
Micheal: A KNIFE!
Will: Okay, have fu-
Mikhail : NO!
9/10 I mean we've seen him punch himself💀
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s0merand0midi0t · 2 years
A few others shared their RWBY x FNF so I'm sharing my other idea (Yes it's gonna involve sonic.exe cause why not)
Friday night funkin': Team Rwby Tussle
General idea is this: Boyfriend and Girlfriend are in the kingdom of atlas *For safety reasons let's say Volume 7 ep 6-14 and the ENTIRETY of Volume 8 NEVER. HAPPENED. EVERRRRR....Okay? Okay. Okay? Okay. Back to the post* walking around casually looking for a place to eat , not really paying attention to their surroundings. As they're walking they just so happen to bump into team RWBY who was doing the exact same thing and then the dialogue starts.
Dialogue *I know bf and gf don't have canonical names but for the sake of this. They will,alright?!*:
*Keith and Cherry are walking down town and talking to each other*
*cut to team RWBY who was also walking while ruby was talking*
R: So then I was like *Fake gunshot and fighting noise*
*The others laugh*
R: But that's not even the best of it! Then after that i-
*Ruby and Keith bump into each other*
R: Gah!
K: Ah!
*They both fall back*
Both: Ow!(Beep!)What the hell?!(Bop Beep Bo?!)
*Team WBY and Cherry look at the 2*
R: Yo! What-!
*Ruby looks up*
R: Oh geez. Sorry, I kinda got wrapped up in my stories again
C: Oh don't worry w-
C: Hang on...don't I recognize y'all?
*The team looked confused*
Blake: what do you mean?
*Keith got up and looked them*
K: Bee(Hey)...Beep Skedibo da bo!(Hey wait a second!)
K: *Clears throat* Aren't you 4...You're team RWBY right?!
*Everyone looked shocked*
Yang: You recognize us?!
C: Recognize?
C: We're big fans of you 4!
B: Really?
W: Huh...we have fans
*Keith Chuckles then gets an idea*
K: Hey since we've ran into each other.
K: Would you 4 be willing to do rap battle with me?
*they looked shocked*
W: Well
B: I dunno about that...
R: Oh come on guys! They're fans of ours!
R: Besides,this day's been booooriiiing! All we've been doing is walking around all day!
Y: Hmmm...she is right.
Y: Maybe a rap battle would liven things up a little!
W: Well I AM musically inclined
B: Ehhh...Alright you've convinced me.
*Ruby Smiles*
R: We accept your offer...uh..what's your name exactly?
K: The names "Keith .XML"!
R: Weird last name but alright *Ahem* We accept your offer Keith .XML!
R: Let's do this!
K: Yeah!
*End of dialogue*
Aaaand that's the dialogue!
I'd add more but I'm not typing out more scenes
Week name:
RWBY Rumble
(Week 1)
Song list:
Red Rose
Petal burst
Ice cold
Kitty claws
(phase 1 Calm) Firecracker
(Phase 2 Angry) Solar flare
Gimmicks (Mod charts):
Ruby- Fast but predictable (Lane moves + SS and speeds up every time you miss and resets everytime you die)
Weiss- Summons can mess with your notes (Pull notes back or cover them)
Blake- Normal scroll speed but is unpredictable every time you lose (Can fake out her arrow placements)
Yang- (phase 1 calm) Double notes and some triple notes
(Phase 2 angry) either a note mechanic or dodge mechanic from ember celica
Cover songs:
Shotgun shell and Parasite (Entity/Agoti)- Yang
Worship and Prominade (MFM/Entity)- Weiss
HairBall and Headache (Kapi/Garcello)- Blake
TicTacFoe and Technicolor Tussle (Mangige matches/Indie Cross)- Ruby
Spectral and Ballistic(Vs Retrospecter/Whitty)- angry yang
Challenge-EDD (Fnf online)- Ruby feat. Cinder as Eduardo
Athazagoraphobia- Team RWBY V. Legion
AND MORE! (That I won't name)
Bonus songs:
Grimm- Salem
Bull horns- Adam
Sunbeam- Sun
Y'know how In FNFever they have 2 sections? One for normal songs and one for Halloween ones? It's that but it's a section for normal songs and a section for cover songs. The sonic.exe portion of the mod however is it's own separate mod.
I've got no new names for the specific songs, I've got some names for team rwby tho (Check out my Triple trouble team rwby post for info about that):
Blueflame yang- vol 5-6 Yang as fleetway
Miss B- vol 5-6 Blake as lord X
Yenk- Vol 1 yang as sanic
Fakerose- Vol 1 ruby as faker
Wess- vol 1 Weiss as sunky
Penny doll- vol 1-3 penny as tails doll
And more!
Mod references (in terms of remixes):
Corruption (not pibby)
Mad com
BG references:
Mods (like starlight mayhem, rising volume, madness combat)
Camp camp ref
RvB ref(which I've never seen)
Nomad of no where(Which I've also never seen)
There's more but let me know what y'all think.
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peninkwrites · 3 years
the dead don't dream - ch 3 of ?
Tommy stares into the endless void, calm but far from content. “I never really thought about what happens after you die.”
Wilbur has just been staring at him, trying to piece together this boy with the image he has of a young soldier. “Not even for me?”
A nice long chat between brothers. Finally.
(TW: discussion of suicide, grief. pretty mild)
crossposted to ao3
Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 4
When Dream walks into New L’Manberg with Tommy in his arms, Tubbo’s first instinct is to call Ponk.  They clearly need a doctor.  Tommy would never let Dream this close to him otherwise.
“Oh my god– oh fuck,” Quackity speaks up first.  “Tommy.”  He says it like a an uneasy question, like a statement of fact, like an expression of shock, nothing quite like a name.
It hasn’t hit Tubbo yet.  Not really.  Ranboo puts a gentle, unsure hand on his shoulder.  Fundy isn’t here today.  Maybe that’s better.
Dream comes up to the platform they’re on.  He’s holding Tommy so carefully, and is careful still as he puts him on the ground in front of them.
“I am…” Dream’s voice trembles.  “I am so sorry, Tubbo.  He– I didn’t– I found him this morning.”
“What the hell happened?” Quackity is the first to speak.  He’s holding onto Tubbo’s other arm.  Tubbo doesn’t know why he and Ranboo are holding onto him like he’s about to fall over.  Tubbo isn’t moving at all, in fact.  He’s only thinking.  Tommy needed a doctor, a health potion, something.
“He, uh.  He jumped,” Dream says it like an apology.
“You mean on purpose?” Ranboo asks, stunned enough to speak up.
Dream nods, still staring down at Tommy.  “He built a tower.  Some time last night, I think.  I dunno what happened I feel like I just saw him–”
It’s rage which hits Tubbo first.  Not grief, because Tommy cannot be dead.
“You’re lying,” Tubbo’s voice is cold and trembling.
“What?” Dream has a note of defensiveness in his tone, the hostility radiating off of Tubbo is more than apparent.
Tubbo stares down at a bruised and broken body.
The last time he saw him, Tommy was hurt and betrayed, looking back at him one last time in the rain with something less like anger and more like longing.  If he holds that image of him alongside the sickly, unmoving form at his feet…
That cannot be his best friend.  His best friend would never do something like this.
Just like Tubbo would never exile him.
Tubbo feels like he’s detached from his own body as he kneels down beside him.  Tommy’s eyes are closed.  There are bruises along his jaw, around his neck, his left leg is bent at a harsh angle and his torso seems bent and crumpled.  Tubbo ignores all of this and brushes a hand against Tommy’s face.  It’s cold to the touch.
Dream continues speaking to fill the silence.  “I knew he was kind of sad about not being here, but he… he really seemed okay.  I was out there with him, I tried to help him, but maybe I just thought he was stronger than he actually was.”
Maybe I just thought he was stronger than he actually was.
Tubbo can hear the blood pounding in his ears, his chest aches, Tommy is so cold.  Tubbo doesn’t think he can breathe, until can’t stand it anymore.  He’s on Dream in an instant, clawing at him, desperately trying to tear into him like somehow he can dig Tommy out of his old enemy’s chest.  “You’re lying! You’re fucking lying!  You fucking killed him!”  He’s screaming like he’s in agony.  He is.
Dream stumbles back, trying to protect his face.  He never hits back, he doesn’t try to stop him, even as Tubbo makes him bleed.  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry–” he stammers out apologies over and over again.  Like he’s pretending to be Tommy, the Tommy he’d pruned and plucked in exile.  The Tommy which remained unknown to these people, only a corpse left behind.
Tubbo wants to hurt him.  He wants this man to bleed and burn beg him to stop and then he wants to hurt him worse.  Even as Dream backs away, innocent and passive, Tubbo doesn’t stop, he’s going to rip him apart with his bare hands, tear open his ribs until he finds his best friend because he has to be lying–
Firm hands are pulling him back.
“Please, Tubbo–” Ranboo, soft and unsure.
Quackity is more insistent, but he’s so gentle as he tugs Tubbo away, holding on as Tubbo still struggles to tear into Dream, already having scratched his arms pretty badly.  “You have to stop, man.  This isn’t good for anybody, come on, you can’t–”
“I am so sorry– Fuck, Tubbo, I– I know it’s my fault, I promised you I was keeping him safe, and every time I went out there he said he was fine– he said he was fine,” Dream’s voice trembles, a hand going under his mask to brush away tears.
“Y-You have to be lying,” Tubbo crumbles.  “Y-You can’t–” he chokes, sobs rising up unbidden.  He doesn’t want to break.  “Tommy– please!”  He doesn’t know who he’s pleading with.  “Y-You can’t– Tommy!” He screams his name like he’s trying to call him home.  There is no reply.
“Tommy?  You still with me, man?”
“Yeah.  Er, yeah I think I am.”
It still hurts, this drifting in the dark.  After so much time it feels easier.  It felt like it took hours to find Wil again, a single figure in the dark.  Tommy still feels like he’s more falling than floating.  It hurts.
“You normally aren’t here this long.”
“Yeah, well.  You weren’t exactly consistent in my life either,” Tommy doesn’t know why this dry, sarcastic comment is what comes to mind.  He can’t remember what came before now.  He built a tower, then…
Wilbur just laughs.  “I mean, it’s good to see you, man.  You know what this is, right?”
“...A fucking weird dream?”
Wilbur gives him a look, raising an eyebrow.  He doesn’t look any more sickly than he did in life.  He is not that washed out grey of Ghostbur, just the paleness of someone who spent too much time pacing and raving underground in a ravine.  “Sorry to break the news, but you’re dead, mate.”
“Oh,” Tommy isn’t exactly surprised.  “I-Is this it?  Is this everything that comes after?”  He wishes he didn’t sound scared.  He’d needed to be brave for Wilbur for so long, up until the day he died.  It’s hard to break the habit and let himself be weak around his big brother.
Wilbur looks at him with profound pity.  “Dunno, Tommy.  It’s all I’ve seen at least.  And it’s been… a long time.   A really long time.”
Tommy’s voice trembles but he can’t help it.  If there’s ever a time to let go into his emotions, being dead would be it.  “W-Why does it hurt?  When does it stop hurting?”
Wilbur frowns, something like amused curiosity is sharply exchanged for concern.  “What?”
“When does it stop hurting?  When does it fuckin– when does it stable out?” Tommy doesn’t want to cry.  He’d think dying would be enough for him to stop feeling helpless in suffering.
“What’re you talking about, Tommy?” Wilbur leans forward and reaches out a hand to him, to put it on his shoulder.  He’s just out of reach.  Somehow, he can’t get any closer.
“It feels like you’re falling to pieces, right?  It feels like you’re just falling in general?  Right?!” Tommy doesn’t know why he’s pleading.  There’s nothing to hope for in a place like this.
“N-No, Tommy, it doesn’t, you’re– I don’t understand why it hurts,” Wilbur stands up, even though Tommy cannot see what he’s standing on.  He looks around Tommy like he can see something in the blackness.  “I’m gonna help you, man.  Dunno how, but… you said it feels like falling?”
“I am falling.  A-And it’s pulling me apart,” Tommy laughs hoarsely.  It’s not agony so blinding he can’t think, but he cannot spend the rest of eternity feeling like this.  He won’t be able to bear it, feeling like his atoms are being pulled from each other one by one, over and over, only to fall back together and begin again.  He’s barely aware of his body, if he has a body, but he’d rather think about his skin tearing from his body than some horrible mangling of his soul.  He looks blurry.  Tommy looks down and he’s there, he has a body, but it’s like he’s fraying at the edges.
“You’re not falling, okay, Tommy?  You’re not.”  It’s so different to Dream.  Wilbur is not demanding he be okay or believe him, he’s trying to reassure him.  He’s trying to make it okay.
“I w-wanted it to be over, Wil,” Tommy is crying now.  He’s crying worse when he realizes they are tears of relief.  “I finally got away from it.  I got away from him– I d-didn’t want to but I had to, Wil.  I had to.”
Tommy feels it, this deep rooted shame.  He died the same way Wilbur did, despite knowing how much it hurt the people he left behind.
You had no one left to leave behind.
“What?” Wilbur is distracted from his task of trying to determine why Tommy is so unattached from his train station.  Tommy’s words make him freeze, cold dread sinking in.  "How'd you... how'd you die, Tommy?" He waits, but Tommy offers no reply, so he paces, a pale imitation of the madness of Pogtopia.  “Wait– How did– When you were here before, only for bits and pieces, that was him killing you.  And you’d… you’d get pulled back.  That pathetic fucking ghost could see it on you, that you’re tethered to something else, not just the overworld.”
Tommy feels more dread rising.  “What’re you on about, Wil?”
“He always took you back.  Way before now,” Wilbur says instantly.
“What’d you mean took me back?” Tommy’s shame is exchanged for dread.  Wilbur keeps pacing, rambling and unsure.  “Wil!”  Tommy shouts it because he cannot reach out and take his brother’s shoulders, as he had snapped him out of it so many times before in that ravine.  Wilbur stops, staring at Tommy with wide eyes.  “What’d…” Tommy’s voice shakes again.  “What’s happening to me?”
“I– I don’t know, Tommy,” Wilbur stares at him with wide eyes.  “But you’re here now.  And… I dunno when– if he’s taking you back.”
“Y-You said I was fuckin’ dead, Wil!” Tommy’s panic only grows.
“You were! Are!” Wilbur says agitatedly.  “But you kept on showing up and leaving, Tommy.  Dream was doing something!  No fucking clue what, but it had to be him, that stupid ghost didn’t see anyone else!”
“You mean he might take me back?!” Tommy reaches out to Wilbur, he wants to grab onto the collar of that stupid jacket and shake him.  He still stays just out of reach.  “H-He can’t– Don’t let him, Wil, please–”
“You think I have a fucking say in this?!  In any of this?!” Wilbur sounds just as haggard as he does.  “I have been out of control for so, so long.  I mean… He pulled you back way before now, Tommy.  So maybe, maybe this is it.  Maybe it’s over now?  I dunno!”
“I thought they were–” Tommy sputters.  “They were nightmares.”
“Nightmares?” Wilbur scoffs.  He freezes, pacing and frustration dying in an instant, his shoulders hunch inward.  “. ..Nightmares? ”
That voice is different, it’s soft and hurting and scared, he almost sounds like Ghostbur.
“Wil…” Tommy doesn’t know what to say.
“About…” Wilbur trails off.  He turns back to face Tommy, looking like he’s holding something back.  “Right,” he brushes his face quickly, clearing his throat.  Tommy knows what his brother looks like when he’s trying not to cry.  “Got it, makes… makes sense.”
Tommy didn’t know what to say.  It didn’t seem fair to apologize for having nightmares about Wilbur.  Wilbur wasn’t expecting anything like that, he accepted it with more ease than Tommy might have imagined.
“I’m gonna help you, Tommy.  Dunno how, but I’m gonna make this better for you,” Wilbur nods.  “Promise.”
Tommy wishes he could hug his big brother.
Five words resonate in Tubbo’s head over and over again.
Even as the whole world seems to spin around this one event.  Even as Ranboo stays beside him, offering support.  Everyone had grown so scattered across the server, but in the proceeding days, everyone comes to terms with this together.  Enough that there’s this shared look with everyone as they run into each other.  Tommy’s absence is a dark shadow over the server, despite him being gone from the mainlands long before now.
This understanding is rarely shared with Tubbo.  Tubbo gets apologies and hugs and delicate treatment.  Tubbo barely spoke, he just nods and those who visit know when to leave.  So many people come by.  Sam, Puffy, Eret, Jack, Phil, Fundy, Niki, all of them say the same thing.  They all say that they’re sorry.  He’s tired of it.  Why are they apologizing to him?  Tubbo is not the victim here.  Far from it.
Dream tries to help.  He just keeps talking.
“Where do you think you’ll bury him?”
Quackity stares, a little taken aback by his bluntness, by Dream being here and being sympathetic at all.  “Uh, I dunno.  Not like he can be buried on L’Manberg land anymore, not enough land left.”
“Maybe somewhere by his house, somewhere quiet.”  Maybe Dream thinks he’s being kind.
Tubbo doesn’t want to hear this.  Not that it could hurt any more than those five words dragging across his mind like nails on a chalkboard.  Maybe it’s better than Dream treating him like something breakable.  He doesn’t know if makes a difference.
Quackity takes the most initiative.  “Yeah, somewhere by his house.  I’m gonna… I gotta tell people what happened.  I think Jack has already started, he said he’d let people know.”
Five words.
Ranboo just stays.  He scribbles something down in his notebook for a time, and then he just sits beside him.  Tubbo doesn’t move.  Ranboo had walked him up to the top platform and sat him in the seat behind the podium.  He hadn’t moved since.
Tubbo no longer knows where to put his anger.  Some frantic, protective part of himself wants to put it on Tommy.  Easier to hate someone than to love them in grief.
“Hey,” Ranboo speaks softly, unsure but kind.  “You… I know you’re not okay, but… How are you?”  Tubbo says nothing.  “Considering…”
Those five words continue to pound in the back of his head like a pickaxe to stone.
“We’ve got things to do,” Tubbo stands.  “Where…” Tubbo turns to look out over New L’Manberg.  The ache in his chest worsens.
“He’s at Eret’s right now.  Him and I think Ponk and Puffy are…” Ranboo takes a shaky breath.  “They’re getting him cleaned up.  For the funeral.”
Tubbo nods.  He feels like he’s going to be sick.  All of those bruises, that damaged corpse, frail and wrong at his feet, the sight feels burned onto eyelids.  That, and the image of Tommy staring at him, waiting for him to protect him as Tubbo stands strong and unwavering and lets Dream take him away.
Tubbo doesn’t want to go to the funeral.  He’s staring down the prime path and from here he can see a procession of mourners, he can see flowers covering Tommy’s house, he can see the bench.  He stops in his tracks.
“Please, Tubbo.  You’ll regret not saying goodbye,” Ranboo holds his hand the whole time.
They walk forward together. Your Tommy.   Tommy is laid out on the bench.  On top of a L’Manberg flag.  His tattered clothes are covered by new ones, or rather old, his L’Manberg uniform, that jacket is closed over the shredded remains of his white and red shirt. There is no blood on him and his hair is clean and the bruises are covered and he is unbroken and safe and whole and home but his chest isn’t moving or settled right and his eyes are shut and there is nothing and there’s so much of it and it’s filling up every breath of air he takes and the scent of flowers is overpowering the potential for future rot and there is nothing . There is nothing left. Tommy is not here.
Tubbo stares at him– at it, because that is not his best friend.  That empty thing is getting buried.  That’s not Tommy.
If that’s the case, then he doesn’t know where Tommy is.  He doesn’t know when he’s coming home.  Tubbo isn’t that far gone, he cannot fit neatly into the delusion that Tommy is alive somewhere, but something close enough that it’s easier than taking in the funeral.
Ranboo lays a bundle of alliums on his chest.
Tubbo feels a sob rise in his throat.  He buries it.  He had screamed himself hoarse that first day.  He hadn’t cried since.
Sam had already dug the waiting grave.  It’s at the foot of the cliff in front of the bench.  The day is not dark storms or grey rain.  The sun is bright and the weather warm.  It’s peaceful, enough away from the prime path that it won’t be overrun by foot traffic, but close enough to their bench and close enough to home that it feels more okay.
None of this feels okay.
“Tubbo?  Do you want to say a few words?” Puffy puts a gentle hand on his shoulder, as the body– he’s so small, he’s wrapped in a L’Manberg flag, and Sam and Quackity are so gentle lowering him into the ground but he’s so fucking small.
Tubbo should say something.  He’s supposed to say something it’s his best friend’s goddamn funeral for fucks sake if he can’t say anything now he won’t get the chance to again, once he’s buried and gone and there’s nothing left of him what other speeches are to be made on Tommy’s behalf?!  What’ll be left for Tubbo to do for him, what other ways to repay a debt?
So many debts and lost promises and plans made and unmade.  Was you ordering the exile a speech?  Was that decree enough to give Tommy shame as well as honor?  Can you honor him now?  You, who let him go?
He can’t.  He can’t.  Tubbo doesn’t know if he’ll regret it but he cannot bring himself to speak over Tommy’s waiting grave.  He shakes his head.
“Oh,” Puffy is quick to mask her surprise.  “I don’t know if I’m… the right person to…”
They’re all just staring at each other, and Tubbo is staring at that flag.  He doesn’t care who speaks.
Someone clears their throat.  “Could I..?”
Those who had lived through the darker days, the L’Manberg war and the politics that followed, they exchange looks.
“Someone just fucking say something,” it’s the first Tubbo has spoken all day.  “I don’t fucking care– just someone.”
Dream steps forward.  “Tommy was so important to everyone who met him.  He has been, since the day he arrived here, the key to the server, he came to this place and he cared so much about things, that it was hard for everyone not to care along with him.  Tommy was what made the server fun.  Without him, it will never be the same, without him, we’ll never unlock the full potential of the server again.”
So much more could have been said, and so many of those lined up alongside this grave had something to say, but no one else speaks.  Still, it’s something, maybe even something kind.  Enough that the next step came.
They bury him.
Tommy’s headstone is simple.
Here lies Tommyinnit.
Soldier, brother, friend.
You can let go now.
Tubbo doesn’t know who thought of it, who painstakingly carved it, but he almost hates them.  Almost.
Five words.
The others leave, one by one they trail off, until it’s just him.  The clearing has fallen silent.  The sun is setting.  And Tubbo is just staring at that headstone, at the freshly redug earth and the flowers and keepsakes left behind.  He falls to his knees, and reaches out a trembling hand to brush over the name Tommy.   He stops himself.  He did this, Tubbo knows that this all comes back to him and the choice he made to let Tommy go.  Tubbo knows this, but that deep rooted rage, festering and rotting inside of him, it’s not just for himself.
“Why’d you do this?” Tubbo says it hoarsely, and it almost sounds like he’s expecting an answer.  He sounds like he’s crying.  He’s not sure if he is.  “W-Why’d you do it?  Don’t you–” Tubbo chokes out, taking deep shaky breaths to resist sobs.  He’s shouting, he’s screaming at a dead boy like there’s any hope of catharsis.  “Don’t you know what this would do?!  You know– you fucking know how much this hurts the people left behind, Tommy!  You know better than anyone how bad it is!  How could you do this?!  A-After Wilbur left us, after everything– How could you fucking do this?!” Tubbo is sobbing now, unable to contain it anymore, days of wandering silently in his grief and he’s wailing into the cold unforgiving stone like a kid.
He’s forgotten that he’s supposed to be a kid.
“Why, Tommy?  Why?” Tubbo traces over the letters.  He wants to hug his Tommy.  “I was gonna get you out of there!  Don’t you know I was gonna get you out?!”
But Tubbo doesn’t know if that’s really true.  He hates himself worse for it.
Five words.
You killed your best friend.
Tommy stares into the endless void, calm but far from content.  “I never really thought about what happens after you die.”
Wilbur has just been staring at him, trying to piece together this boy with the image he has of a young soldier.  “Not even for me?”
Tommy doesn’t feel guilt for this.  Not after all this time.
“Nah.  Had more important things to think about when it came to you.”
Wilbur laughs.  A pause, Wilbur reshuffles the cards.  “Do you want to try again?”
“What’s the fucking point?” Tommy gloomily replies.
“Come on, man, what’s the harm?” Wilbur stands, psyching himself up.  “It still hurts, doesn’t it?”
“So, try!” Wilbur claps and then extends his hands.
Tommy reaches out to him.
No matter how hard he tries, some distance remains between them.
“Told you, Wil, there’s no point,” Tommy pulls back gloomily.  “After all this, you’d think you would’ve given up by now.”
“I’ve been here so fucking long, Tommy, I already did the giving up bit, so now I’m back to trying!” Wilbur still has some manic sort of energy, despite their very dead circumstances.  “Helps when I have company.  Other than fucking Schlatt and that Mexican Dream guy.”
“Wish MD would visit…”
“Doesn’t work like that, Tommy.”
“Oh, ‘cause you know how it does work?”
“Better than you.”
Silence for a time.  It could have been hours or days.  It doesn’t matter anymore.  Tommy tries to let go, to find some way to lose consciousness enough that it doesn’t hurt.  That’s what Schlatt does, he lets himself crumble enough that he can sleep eternity away.  That sounds nice.
“D’you think he’s ever gonna take me back?” Tommy brings up an old question.
Wilbur shuffles cards.  “After all these months?  Doubt it.”  A pause, the sound of cards fluttering filling up the endless void.  “...Do you want him to?”
Tommy takes a moment to think.  Another hour could’ve passed.  Another three.  He doesn’t know.  “Sometimes I’m not sure.  Not like it matters.  I’m here now.  It’s been fucking months, so, I am… accepting that this is it, I guess.”
Wilbur laughs.
“What?” Tommy grows defensive.
“You uh, you accepted it a lot faster than I did.”
Tommy laughs gruffly.  “Funny.”
Wilbur’s turn for puzzlement.  “What’s funny?”
“Out of the two of us, you seem like you’d be more willing to accept it.”
Wilbur frowns.  “Why’s that?”
“You chose this.”
“So did you.”
Tommy hurts in a way that has nothing to do with being torn apart and put back together.
“Yeah.  Guess I did.”  More silence.
This is how it goes.  Conversation drifts and so do they, reconvening hours, even days later.  Maybe longer.  He doesn’t know.  It doesn’t matter.  They just pick off somewhere close to where they left off.  “That hurt us, you know.”
“What you did.  You fuckin’... you killed yourself.  Left us to pick up the pieces.  I never gave up on you, in Pogtopia, through all of it, the rambling, the not eating or sleeping, the– the way you just got paranoid, and I stuck with you through it.  And it didn’t do shit.”  He doesn’t hate Wilbur.  He can’t hate him.  Bitterness is the only thing that persists, every word barbed and cold.  “All that for nothing, huh?”
“I’m sorry.”  Wilbur’s response seems instinctive, unsure.  It’s not what Tommy wants.
“Why’d you leave us, Wil?”
Wilbur stares down at his cards.
Tommy wishes he were angry.  He wants to hate Wilbur for what he did.  He can’t hate him.  He’s never been able to hate his brother, despite all he’d done.
“I don’t know anymore,” Wilbur speaks softly, refusing to meet his eyes.
It’s somehow worse that Tommy believes him.
It takes time, it takes so much time, but there is an awakening, or not an awakening, but an epiphany.
“I don’t want this to be it, Wil.”
“What to be it?”
“This,” he gestures to the void.
“I’m not sure I know what you mean, Tommy.”
Tommy should be numb by now, but right now?  Right now he’s angry.  He’s good at anger.
“This can’t be it.  The afterlife.  This can’t be it.”
“You get a say in that, do you?” Wilbur says with dry amusement.  He’s been through these cycles a hundred times over himself.  It’s different to see it move through someone else’s head.
“It’s not fair, is what it is,” Tommy stares into the black, trying to see something, anything.  “Things haven’t been fuckin’ fair for me maybe ever.”
Wilbur does what he can.  “I know, Tommy.  I kept on thinking there had to be more than… more than this,” he stares dully around his train station.  “But I’m sorry, there is nothing, man.  I’ve tried.  I’ve pounded my fists against the walls until they were bloody, and it has done nothing.”
“So, you have walls,” Tommy scoffs.  “I’m tired of shit being unfair for me.  I deserve better than– than– I deserve better than fucking nothing.”  Tommy wishes he could pace, but to pace he’d need something to hold onto.
“I’ve been thinking about L’Manberg lately,” Tommy continues, regardless of Wilbur’s lack of enthusiasm.
“I fought and fucking died for it, over and over, and I didn’t even get to keep it.  I died alone.  I died exiled from my home.  I never got to keep anything.  I don’t care what they think of me, I’m not a bad person, Wil.  I’m not.  I dunno if I’m a good one either, but that’s got to count for something.”
If Tommy could jump to his feet, he would.
“I want to try again, Wil.”
“I want to try again,” Tommy nods sharply, reaching out a hand.  He feels like he’s covered in pins in needles, pain is a second skin to him by now.  He’s tired of it.
Wilbur looks at it doubtfully.
“You still feel like you’re falling?”
Tommy nods again.  “I’m pretty sure I’ve fallen further than the world is wide.”
Wilbur sighs and gets to his feet, reaching a hand out to Tommy.  They’re face to face.  Tommy isn’t grounded, he doesn’t know how it works, but there’s enough control that he can look his brother in the eye, however reluctant he may seem.  It’s Wilbur’s turn to give up, and it’s Tommy’s turn to try.
New, different, blinding pain.  There’s suddenly light and he can feel Wilbur’s hand in his and he’s not falling anymore he hits the ground– because there’s a ground – and collapses to the floor, unaccustomed to standing.
“Tommy?!” Wilbur shouts in surprise, catching him before he can hit the platform.
“W-Wilbur?!” Tommy feels tears on his cheeks, he reaches clumsy, grasping hands forward, trying to hold on, he wraps his arms around WIlbur’s neck and clings for dear life or death.  He holds so tight he knows he must be hurting him, but he doesn’t care, he can feel him, that stupid brown coat and that messy hair and he still smells like cigarettes but who fucking cares because he can smell again and there’s light and there’s ground and Wilbur is hugging him back, he’s wrapping his arms around him and scooping him up and pulling him closer, shushing him softly as Tommy sobs into his shoulder.  “I– I’m here, oh my fucking god, Wil, I- I did it!  I did it, Wil!”
“You did it, you’re okay, Tommy.”
If Tommy didn’t know any better, he’d say Wilbur was crying too.
“D-Don’t let go, okay?”
“I won’t.  Okay?  I won’t, Tommy, I promise.  I’ve got you,” Wilbur squeezes tight.  “I’ve got you.”
Tommy almost can’t comprehend the relief of being held by his brother after so much time untethered.
Then pain returns.
“Wake up.”
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, episode 17-20 thoughts! finishing up season two! the finale is the THIRD 2-PARTER OF SEASON 2. that's so many! I wonder how many season 3 will have?
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-UERGH WHY DOES VLAD HAVE AN AI WITH MADDIE'S FACE ON IT. SOOO CREEPY. AND MORE 'CREATIONS' waiiiit. vlad is Dr. Frankenstein! (despite his ghost design obviously referencing vampires) HE HAS 'CREATIONS' HE MAKES THEN WONT TAKE REAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR!!! this bitch.
-danny was late and his friends immediately start going off about how hes inconsiderate, and has been treating them like sidekicks??? he just overslept, my god. chill. even if he has, be nicer about talking about it with him?? he really can't help that he sometimes has to chase the ghosts, or has a secret identity to protect...
-'what kind of ghost haunts a miniature golf course' umm. me as a ghost. next question
-imagine going home and theres a tiny child on your bed claiming to be your cousin. with as many cousins I have, I would probably believe her. but the 'ran away from home' BIT....SHES 12?? SHES SO TINY. I hate that they have her belly out in her ghost form, but I like how her colors are asymmetrical. something about her design...maybe the proportions?? are weird to me...anyway danny was good to feed her, but he shouldve taken her to his parents FIRST. or, tbh, probably jazz. (JAZZ DIDNT EVEN GET TO MEET HER!!! NOOO. I mean she said she'll be BACK BUT STILL)
-ANYWAY. shes voiced by AnnaSophia Robb, the girl who was in because of winn dixie, played as violet from charlie and the chocolate factory, and was the girl from bridge to terrabithia. (the movie that made me cry hysterically when I was 12 and I never watched it again because it Broke Me!) thats super cool.
-vlad sucks: the episode, basically. what's new!! I love how he's like, I'm Not A Villain. *immediately cuts to him torturing danny to make him transform, to get mid-transformation DNA, to perfect a Clone.* *immediately shows that he doesnt give a shit about his new daughter Dani and just wants a ''more perfect clone'' and will put her in danger to get that. will let her DIE to get that*
-Dani is danny's clone and is a girl? transgenderism....one of them has to be trans. or they both are.
-the next ep opens with skulker chasing a ghost down. ...does skulker count as a ghost hunter in the way valerie and danny do? I mean, sure, he hunts the good guys too, but he. he hunts ghosts...also, we haven't seen his Real Form since his debut episode! tiny...
-the guys in white are back! ngl, I assumed they were a gag for that one episode. you're telling me they might actually be a threat? ok.
-valerie in her lil nasty burger uniform looks so cute!! glad shes not in that mascot uniform this time. I guess she stopped hiding that she's working there now?
-gregor having white hair, dressed in black and white...and green eyes...sam has a Type, I guess.
-danny being unnecessarily hostile about gregor. danny!!! hes been nice so far. he looks a little...tall to be 14, but. danny doesnt know anything about him! (he does Suspect, but...you cant just spy on people and be rude to them from a hunch.) also, gregor kissed her, and when she freaked out, he was like 'oh no!! sorry, we can take it slow! I understand!' which was NICE. I hate jealousy plots still tho.
-altho. umm. tucker, being concerned about danny spying on them??? SAM AND YOU WERE SPYING ON DANNY AND VALERIE A FEW EPISODES AGO!!!!! im not saying its RIGHT, but dont be a hypocrite!!! AND THEN SAM BEING MAD ABOUT IT, TOO.
-DANNY IS A 7 ON THE SCALE OF ECTOPLASMIC POWER!!! out of 10? so I want to know where the other ghosts rank...I mean it's a list from the guys in white, so, it may not even be accurate, like, they havent seen ALL of his powers, have they?
-Lancer being like 'im not cooperating with the FEDS' until they said they could access his tax records. they already did that joke with jack, but like, its still funny. kings of tax evasion.
-tucker's aggressive third-wheeling. but gregor being super into it. gregor/tucker is the real ship here. then gregor kissing danny on both cheeks after hugging him. bi poly king gregor. (he does turn out to be a liar with a phoney accent. unsurprising, BUT THE CONCEPT OF HIM BEING GENUINE AND THEM ALL DATING IS FUN)
-sam saying tucker is part of the package because theyre friends was super sweet <3 but also 'part of the package'...polyships are obviously the solution to these dumb jealousy/love triangle plots.
-danny crashed a whole plane. the collateral damage...
-is he....
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-you know....
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.... (ITS NOT GAY IF YOU'RE DOING IT TO PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT, AND LIE TO A GIRL. RIGHT? he was getting a little too into pretending to enjoy tucker's company, and the above...c'mon, guy.)
-lmao, freakshow is in actual prison. I didn't expect a follow up, or for him to show back up! in the finale of this season, too!
-THE SICK TATTOO GHOST IS NAMED LYDIA!!! more Lore On her. freakshow seemed genuinely concerned about her. also, is she mute? I don't think she talked the first time we saw her, either. and we didn't know freakshow 'envied' ghosts, either, the first time, we just knew he was controlling them. interesting!
-...they literally stole the infinity gauntlet from marvel and called it the reality gauntlet. is that legal. what the fuck. even with the gems in the lil slots, having different powers...they had freakshow in jail, but didnt check his pockets??! hes just still in his lil outfit??? what kind of ...oh, its in amity park. yeah, all of the adults are idiots, okay, sure.
-'freakshow!' 'in the anemic flesh!' dude take some iron pills then. also, sure, the red eyes could be contacts for his aesthetic, but the whites of his eyes are yellow! does he have jaundice?! he severely needs more...like, every kind of vitamin. (this is what im worried about as freakshow attacks danny with giant robots)
-again, goth circus is a sick theme, and I love his goth train.
-oh FUCK every single person saw danny transform. on a stage. including his parents via TV. oh god. the guys in white and immediately like 'youre coming in for experiments!' SCARY. at least the crowd is willing to help him to escape...perks of now being a local celeb! even the kids at school are accepting :) this is what, the third time his family has found out? its always been an alt timeline tho. and danny fully intending to just rewrite things again instead of...I dunno, trying to roll with it this time? hes really worried his family won't accept him, huh...
-'maybe our son IS THE GHOST BOY, but its not as if our family's ghostly activities have EVER PUT YOUR FAMILIES IN DANGER' maddie. mmmmmmmmmmmm. okay.
-danny 100% prepared to run away from home because of this :( oh :( and saying his parents are 'looking for him, or a scalpel to dissect him with' ouch...
-side note (another one about voice actors...) freakshow's voice actor, Jon Cryer, was lex luthor in pretty much every DC tv show, which is why I recognized his voice, because my dad loves those shows so I've seen a good bit of them without seeking them out...)
-the old man saying 'hey, i still had minutes left!' and danny saying 'you gotta watch those roaming charges!' about danny destroying the people in the diner's phones so no one could report seeing him...would kids today understand these things. can you even BUY minutes anymore...I remember my first phone being a flip phone, and the fact I always had minutes when my sister ran out super fast, because I didnt have friends calling or texting me like she did...:/
-the fentons being genuinely like 'why didnt danny trust us and tell us this, we love him :(' and JAZZ LAYING INTO THEM WITH THE 'DISSECTION/MOLECULE BY MOLECULE' LINES. LITERALLLLY. they need to apologize
-technically, lydias stronger than you! -jazz lesbianism moments! when did you even learn her name!!! but also get freakshows ass. lydia is also cooler looking. looove her design sm still.
-jazz psychoanalyzing freakshow... (also, her also having ghost envy? au where jazz is a ghost!! id like to see it)
-im glad the kids still got to go to their respective vacation things, even if they cant really stick around and enjoy them much...
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-furry: confirmed. (also tucker calling her hot. tucker is a furry confirmed)
-danny being mad someone at the comic con is selling comics of him without permission, lmfao. give him his royalties!
-freakshow > thanos because hes a drama clown and does use his gauntlet to be FLASHY AND DRAMATIC.
-jazz's 'USE PYSCOLOGY' to danny about freakshow LMAOO. AND THEN IT WORKING. but, oh, freakshow's ghost form sucks. I like him as a clown better tbh. good thing danny took away his ghost powers!
-his parents hugging him and saying theyre proud :"( and saying 'of course you lied to us, we never gave you a reason not to!' and saying they were in the wrong basically for always talking about hurting ghosts aaaa :""(
-then he WIPED THEIR MEMORIES AGAIN!!! FUCK. I can understand him wiping the goverments/student bodies' memories, but why his parents?? they were being accepting!! ARGHHH. season 3 couldve been them all trying to adjust to them knowing!
-I know, on a meta level the showrunners probably wanted to just reset things to the status quo of him having a secret identity. But. We've been doing that for (2) seasons, I'd love if season 3 could be like, his parents adjusting to this and trying way harder to learn more and accept it (and the shenanigans that could come from that) and for fun, if he didn't wipe the students memories, it could be him being popular for a while, then everyone slowly realizing, oh, he's still Danny. Like. he might have ghost powers but hes Just The Same Guy instead of putting him on a pedestal (and seeing them all try and help him hide it from the giw/people who don't know!!)
-fuck they didn't even explain WHY he wiped everyone except sam, tucker and jazz's memories. he just Did It right when his parents were saying they loved/accepted him!! and sam and tucker didnt question it at all!!! HELLO??? very annoyed about this turn of events.
-anyway. onto season 3! I know its shorter than the first two seasons, and is the last season... I might just do it in 2 bursts if I can... :3c depends on the episodes' content and how much I want to say about each!
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
100 Followers Special
(And how to participate) you don't need to be a follower to vote ack
Hello AGAIN, with your back to back followers special! Exiled here, very tired, as I just closed the requests box for our 50 followers special. I asked for some recommendations and no one helped me so this is what I came up with!
Granted, it's nothing that special, I literally just dumped my notes into this so—
Please make sure to follow the guidelines and read this thoroughly to properly participate!
1. You will be given a long list of fic prompts specific to a character that I've come up with for weeks on end, please don't steal, as I will remove them after this event is done!
2. Voting! You now have the power to influence my writing schedule haha- what you need to do: is to pick three prompts from the list and send it to me; either through reblog tag, a reply, or in my ask box (not anon so we can count fairly, will not publish these answers tho so worry not)! Not in messages tho! It should be in this format:
1. Character - prompt or prompt title
2. Character - prompt or prompt title
3. Character - prompt or prompt title
1. Albedo - Citrinitas
2. Zhongli - Braid
3. Xingqui - Author!Reader
The top three most voted prompt and character will be the next fics I'll publish after I'm done with the current reqs. Speaking of: Voting ends when I finish the current reqs. You'll know it's done once the counter in my blog desc reaches 12/12.
3. In addition to the three prompts, you also get to add your own prompt to it! My prompts list does not include ALL the characters that's why I wanted to give you this option too! Add a fourth number and specify a character, a prompt/idea, and the format of the fic! Format it this way:
4. Character - Prompt/Idea (Format)
4. Kaeya - What's under that eyepatch? (Scenario)
After I pooled the answers, I'll randomly pick between the bonus answers and write them last! So give it your best shot!
4. Tags-list! I thought this would be necessary for this kind of a whim special, so if you wanna be tagged, just put Tag Me! at the end of your vote. Please make sure that you're actually able to be tagged because I just tried and some users are not in my orbit huhu, look here
5. If a pocket watch/series prompt gets chosen, I will only post the first chapter, not the whole damn fic pls. Have mercy,,,
I will post a counter of the top three in my blog description and will be updated as frequently as possible. Any questions, please direct to this post or my dms <3
Without further ado, here is your choice list!
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Xingqui - "My liege, would you care to accompany me on my reading break? I've picked up a romance novel and it reminded me of us."
-> Author!Reader: You met Xingqui at Wanwen Bookhouse when delivering a batch of your newly-published book. But as a ghost writer, no one knew it was you that authored such books. Safe to say it was cute watching the noble bookworm fanboy about you in front of you. [FLUFF] [FIC]
-> Headcanons with a reader older than Xingqui who's a close family friend of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. Fascinated after meeting you in a party, the noble boy aspires to become the best man for you despite the difference, promising to be the best suitable partner for you in the future. [FLUFF] [HEADCANON SCENARIO]
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Childe - "Hey there, comrade! What a coincidence that we had a break at the same time, care to accompany me for a walk? I promise I won’t lead you to a fight haha... hey, don’t look at me like that!”
-> Antinomy -  The 10th Harbinger (You) and the little shit they had to mentor (Childe), this fic enumerates the trials of the 11th before he became a Harbinger under your care. From strangers to mentor to friends to love- Childe made a grave mistake, now you’re once again strangers. [FLANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Albedo - "Ah, it's you. I've heard of fleeting rumors that you've been pestering a certain someone just to see me. Next time, just come directly to me, I wouldn't mind the assertiveness."
-> Refer to these three as well: Albedo Fic Ideas [FLUFF/FLANGST/FLANGST] [ONESHOT/ONESHOT/SERIES]
-> “You’re Enough”: A year into being the new Chief Alchemist of Mond, Albedo finds himself holed up in his room in the dead of night, haunted as he continuously comes out empty on his research to bring his master back, feeling inadequate. So you reminded him of what he’s capable of. [FLUFF?] [ONESHOT INSPIRED BY You Are Enough - Sleeping At Last]
-> Under the Artificial Sky: Michaelangelo Scenario focused on Albedo’s sketching aspect. Grand Master Varka and Acting Grand Master Jean figured Albedo needed a break and a change of scenery, and sent him off under the guise of a commission in Liyue. What he didn’t expect was another artist from Fontaine accompanying him in this big project.(Albedo and Reader are tasked to paint the new Jade Chamber within 7 days) [FLUFF] [SERIES - 7 CHAPTERS]
-> Albedo SMUT: I had this idea while laying wide awake at 3 AM. The alchemist had been trying all remedies to shake off the stress and fatigue in his system and they all seemed to fail, no amount of sketching or discoveries can pull him away from it. So when you offered a solution he hasn’t heard, he’d jump at it immediately. “You know, some people say having intercourse with someone is a good stress-reliever.” “Intercourse? If it’s true, then please, I wish to have intercourse with you.” “Wha- wait Albedo, do you not know what that is? It’s only done between lovers!” “Convenient, I love you, anything else?” (Two virgin dumbasses do the thing to relieve stress) [SMUT] [ONESHOT]
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Xiao - “I’ve taken care of every threat around this area, you can relax now, I made sure of that.”
-> What is it with you and Qingxin flowers? The Traveler had once heard of Xiao’s affinity for Qingxin flowers, and they’re flying companion boldly asked this lingering question to the adepti himself. His pupils dilate and sharpen before Paimon could finish her sentence. (An origin story about his favorite flower, and his favorite person) [SLIGHT FLANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> Just how harmful is adeptal energy to normal humans? You both found out in the worst way possible: silently, deadly. (Slight spoiler: you fucking die) [ANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> Nightmares Taste Horrible: He’s seen that look in your eyes and the ancient soul within it; you’ve lived long ago, and the only thing your soul carried now was the nightmares of a macabre timeline. Was it him or was it demons that brought you that fear? No matter, he’ll protect you even from yourself. (eating the nightmare of a dead soul reincarnated to you) [FLANGST?] [ONESHOT]
-> Go for the throat: The seal that marked you had made it all too late for him to remedy. Bleeding eyes, growing fangs, it’s just another demon to vanquish just like he’s done for centuries. What makes it different was it was sealed in you. (Inspired from Melanie Martinez’s song uhu) [ANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Zhongli - “Mortals are capable creatures that evolve and adapt for means of survival, but they advance in ways that changes the world around them. This retirement, may be harder to me than it is to them.”
 -> “In human history, there’s a certain noble and powerful connotation to rulers who braid their hair.” Convince to braid his hair using some historical braid trivia; that long hair behind his back should not be ignored for any longer. [PURE FLUFF] [DRABBLE]
-> History has its eyes on you: A traveling theatre hailing from the land of entertainment finds its way to Liyue for their last caravan. A certain Geo Vision man seems to resonate with your newest script: fighting and protecting your land, building up its nation, before being forced to let go of it. He resonates maybe a little too much. (Musical!Reader with heavy references to Hamilton hehe) [FLUFF] [ONESHOT]
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Venti - "Can you hear the symphonies of the wind as it sings to you? That's me, guiding you and protecting you! Whenever you hear it, know that you're safe and sound under my protection!"
-> the one the bard once loved: like actual bard, you are the archer or smth, loved by Venti and Barbatos. Yandere!Barbatos undertones, very unhealthy relationship. This hurts the kokoro. [PURE ANGST] [ONESHOT]
-> The Caravan: (related to the Zhongli and Musical!Reader up there) Your caravan stops at Mondstadt for a whole week before it reaches its final destination. This new fanfare pulled in a peculiar bard who now wants to tag along for the fun of it. "I have no more responsibilities in this free land!" Just what kind of responsibilities does a broke bard have in the first place? [FLUFF] [ONESHOT/HEADCANON]
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Diluc - "You look weary, and you still managed to pull yourself here. Here, a fresh and cold glass, on the house. A relieved smile should be enough payment."
-> Abandoned by The Altar: A timeline oriented story focused on your once perfect childhood relationship as Diluc's bride to be, soon becoming estranged after the death of his father and his neglect. You only wish now that he looks at you the same way he did when you heard you were supposed to be together forever when you were young. [FLANFF] (The ending gets better pls; Inspired by Still Into You - Paramore) [ONESHOT]
-> There are No Laws Against Homelessness in Mondstadt: My favorite title out of all of this ahahhaa- who says adventurers can't be broke? You're the living embodiment of that. (Good boi Diluc with a broke ass reader) [FLUFF] (Warning: homelessness) [ONESHOT]
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Scaramouche - "Let's go already, the sun is setting and we're nowhere near our destination. If you wanted to linger just to spend more time with me, I would have indulged you behind closed doors anyways."
-> Scaramouche Finally Does the Fandango: Have you ever wondered how Scaramouche is like working with other people? His first assignment was to accompany you in your main region and he sees you in your natural habitat, entranced. [I dunno how to tag this, NORMAL?] [ONESHOT/SHORT]
-> Skincare bitch, how I headcanon Scaramouche as someone actually conscious and always tending to their skin. Look at that smooth skin, cute cheeks, let me pinch, eyeliner glory— In which case, that hat has more purpose than being a frisbee. (May or may not include reader. (based from a reblog convo with chels-void) [GOOD VIBES] [HEADCANONS]
-> Once Supreme: Before Scaramouche, there was someone else higher than him. Before Balladeer there was just a young man fighting for his beliefs and her Majesty. Before Mondstadt, his smile wasn't just for deception. "Someday, someone would take advantage of that smile, Scaramouche. It's not appropriate in this work environment." The day you break a man. (Harbinger!Reader again, and lots of HCs for Scaramouche, same format as Antinomy) [I also do not know how to call this, eventual ANGST] [ONESHOT]
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Kaeya - "What are you doing out here in the dead of night? Citizens like you should be cozied up in bed and leaving the patrols to us Knights. Come, I'll accompany you back home."
-> Honey Whiskey: A mysterious band of dancers from Sumeru visits Mondstadt and its taverns to offer a night of alluring dances. What was supposed to be a night of drinking for Kaeya and his troops ended up becoming a tipsy surprise mission when the main dancer steps down from the stage— and ignores him?! How scandalous! (Slightly suggestive themes/You're a bad guy) [COOL?] [ONESHOT] [slightly inspired by song with the same name]
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-> A Musical!Reader but with a scenario with every other character, most probably headcanons master post.
-> Genshin Food prompts: From that one post, I ended up making a whole storyline of oneshots related to their special dishes. Oneshots connected to a bigger picture. By impulse you've ended up leaving your normal life behind to pursue your cooking career, starting from Mondstadt, to learn all the cuisines to establish the first ever international restaurant. With the implications of magic and peculiar customers, your simple dream turns into a harder goal. [GOOD SHIT] [SERIES] [CANON-COMPLIANT]
-> God of Time!Reader that hails from Fontaine. Do you wish to know more about their origins and their purpose in this world? [CANON-COMPLIANT] [HEADCANONS] (General since it deals with all the characters/interactions)
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