#i drew this at like 3 am last night don't look at me
blaiddraws · 2 years
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GOOD MORNING i started thinking about gunsmoke au Scenarios. one of which included the possibility of zisu wearing nobori's coat. (he's the closest in height to her). and then i REALIZED
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jadewolf22 · 1 month
Some Peace and Quiet
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Aura x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, idiots in love, ect…
Summary: Just a quiet, peaceful night at home with your beloved Aura. 
A/n: This is my first time writing Aura… I hope I did her justice… And thanks to @milfsloverblog for giving me the little nudge I needed to write this. 
A/n: I know I have like 3 series that are still waiting on the next chapter, but I've seen so many requests for an Aura fanfic I knew there was no way I was going to be able to work on those again until I got this out there.
Word Count: 901
Quiet nights sitting around a fire with a cup of tea in hand had quickly become one of your favourite ways to end the day since you and Aura had taken up residence in the woods. The chirping crickets, crackling fire, and occasional hoot of an owl were like serotonin for the both of you, allowing you to relieve yourself of the stresses of the day while you nursed on warm tea. 
You sighed in content, leaning back against your chair and looking up at the stars as they shone through the treetops, branches shaking in the gentle breeze. A light snore drew your attention to your wife who’d fallen asleep not long ago, her empty mug dangling precariously from her fingertips. A quiet laugh escaped your lips as you smiled, finishing off the last of your tea before you stood, calling her name as you shook her shoulder.
“Aura, my star,” you cooed, brushing a loose strand of hair from her face as she stirred, “Come on. I think it’s time we head off to bed.” 
Aura groaned, watery-blue eyes fluttering open as her face morphed into a pout from having been woken. Even now, after almost thirty years together, your heart still skipped a beat everytime she looked you in the eyes. Though she no longer believed it, you found her as beautiful as the day you’d met. Sure her hair was now silver instead of blonde, and sure more age lines graced her face, but to you they were never flaws or imperfections, just simply new things for you to adore. You smirked, placing a kiss to the tip of her nose as you opened your arms to her, a silent request for her to stand—but she insisted on being stubborn. 
“Come on, Aura. Don't be petty. You’re tired and we both know it.”
“I am not!” she insisted, though the large yawn that followed quickly disproved her words. You crossed your arms, face forming into an I-told-you-so kind of look and Aura sighed. “Alright, alright. Fine.” she muttered using the armrests to help push herself out of the chair. 
Biting the inner corner of your lip to keep from cracking a victorious smile, you snaked your arm around her shoulders, pulling her against you as the two of you headed into the trailer. Taking Aura’s mug from her, you set about washing the dishes from dinner as Aura went to change and freshen up for the night. When you came to join her, Aura was seated on the edge of your bed, attempting to take a hairbrush through her ever-untamable mane of silver hair. You had to stop yourself from laughing when the brush snagged on yet another tangle and Aura let out a curse, pulling the brush away from her hair and tossing it down on the bed. 
“Why don’t you let me do that?” you offered, coming up behind her and resting your hands on her shoulders.
“Good luck.” she muttered, her tone both annoyed and clearly exhausted. The poor woman was going to collapse soon and you knew it. 
Gathering up your comb and her brush, you sat down behind her and set to work, picking away at the tangles with the comb before smoothing them out with the brush once you’d loosened them enough. This act had become a nightly ritual between the two of you since you’d moved out here and, even now, Aura still doubted your ability to detangle her hair when she couldn’t. She sighed with each tangle removed, wincing every now and again when your comb snagged on a particularly large one. Once you were finished, you stood, kissing the top of her head before putting away the brushes as she climbed into bed. Blowing out the candle that lit up the trailer—all save for the one on your nightstand—you crawled into bed beside Aura, wrapping your arm around her as she snuggled into your side. It was her favourite way to fall asleep, tucked up against you with your arm wrapped around her, humming as you played with her hair absentmindedly. And you loved it too, the way her body fit perfectly against yours, the faint traces of jasmine and sandalwood that clung to her hair and skin from the soap she used to bathe, even the way her warm breath tickled as it danced across your neck. 
“Good night, my star.” you whispered against her hair, breathing in her scent as if you would never get to do so again. 
Aura hummed, pressing herself impossibly closer to you, tucking her head into the crook of your neck and whispering against your skin, “Good night, Y/n.” You felt her press a kiss to your collar and, without another word, she was fast asleep, her breath slow and deep as a soft snore crept from her mouth every other minute. 
Chuckling quietly so as not to wake her, you twisted your upper body around carefully, blowing out the last candle before resuming your earlier position. Staring at her silhouette as moonlight crept in through the thin curtains covering your windows you breathed a final, “Sweet dreams… Aura.” before draping your other arm across her hip and allowing sleep to wash over you like a wave of warm water, falling asleep beside your love like you had so many times before, the both of you content and blissfully happy.
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thebunnednun · 4 months
Whispers of the Heart Dracule Mihawk x Fm! Reader (Part 4)
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I do not own the artwork its by: @xuchuan25 Tell them they're amazing y'all!
Chapter 4 in the building y'all!!!! I just needed to see my Buggy.
Part 1 can be found: Here
Part 2 is right: Here
Part 3: Right over yonder
Don't be afraid to send me any requests my loves and if you are waiting for the next installment I have another Mihawk story:
*Shadows of the Blade (Dracule Mihawk x Assassin reader)
If you like sexy swordplay and themes of overcoming trauma then this is the story for you!. If you wanna skip to the good stuff try chapter 3.
You've been Dracule Mihawk's personal maid and housekeeper for what feels like an eternity. Let's cut to the chase – you're a badass, sweetheart. Sexy, cool, and confident, with a reputation that precedes you. Been friends with the stoic man for eons by now.
Everyone knows you or knows of you, and it's not just because you keep Mihawk's castle running like a well-oiled machine.
So what happens when you develop feelings for your old friend and boss?
What does he do when he comes home to find you in his room without your panties?
Also, muneca-chan= baby doll
________________Chapter 4: A Clown's Counsel___________________
"Everything is going to be fine," you murmur softly, your voice echoing faintly into the open air. 
Your heart pounds with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as you stand alone in the vast, empty waters of the ocean. With a determined expression, you whisper reassuring words to yourself, trying to quell the rising tide of anxiety.
"You've locked down the castle securely. You just need to make this quick trip and return before Mihawk, Perona, and Zoro even realize you're gone." Taking a deep breath, you glance around the dimly lit deck one last time before turning your attention to your bag.
With meticulous care, you rummage through its contents, double-checking that you have everything you need for your journey. Each item holds a significance, a memory of past adventures and encounters that fuels your determination.
'I am a pirate queen of all the oceans. I was raised on an island in the Grand line and chose to live a life of peace. I can fucking sail a boat!'
After hanging up with Shanks last night, you decided to get up and moving if you were going to make your trip in time. Mihawk rarely ever sent word of his return home, unless he wanted a specific dinner and wine waiting for him.
You knew you'd have anywhere from a few days to two months before you saw him again. With a long sigh, you held your face in your hands for a moment of calm. 
The weather had turned for the worst overnight leaving you to sail the nearby waters in the middle of a rain storm. But, you honestly didn't mind one bit. It reminded you of your home island and like the homesick tall-child you were, you stood there on your little boat without a jacket or umbrella.
Call you crazy, but you wished for it to rain harder so all the confusing emotions inside you could be washed away somehow. Looking behind you, your eyes caught the slight glimmer of two familiar objects looking out of the bag behind you.
"Mhm," walking over, you reached inside, allowing your fingers to grasp the handle of two familiar old friends. The golden ridges caught the light from your dimming lantern.
Two identical machetes gleamed back at you, a parting gift from your mother. Your native tongue etched into the blade, they possessed a soft hum, almost whispering out to you. The temptation to harness your belt on and feel them resting on your hips again was almost irresistible. But instead, you drew your bag closed over them and set it down once more.
Constantly fighting for your life and the life of your crew mates was not something you missed about the old life. Yes, battles of honor were fun and sometimes even lead to creating new friends, however, there were too many attempts of pure murder. 
As a caption, you very much followed Gold Rodgers example of what a pirate should be. However, you also believed in not looking for fights. Now, you weren't out of practice by any means, Mihawk would never allow that.
But you could feel yourself adjust instantly to this old way of living and it kinda bothered you. However, resisting the temptation let you know that you were still you. 
You really have come so far in life. <3
Satisfied that you are well-prepared, you make your way to the shores of a nearby island, your footsteps echoing softly in the silence of the night. As you reach the edge of the water, you pause, your gaze scanning the horizon with a sense of anticipation.
Knowing that discretion is key, you reach into your bag once more, retrieving a carefully crafted cloak. The rumors of your death would fool the general public, but not other pirates or worse- fame hungry pirate captions.
You disappeared under the deck for a moment to find an old mirror. Then with practiced precision, you transform your appearance, concealing your identity behind a clever facade. As you adjust the final details of your disguise, you feel a surge of confidence wash over you. A small smile reaches your lips before a giggle slips out.
'Shanks would love this.'
With your transformation complete, you set off along the shoreline, your eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of activity. This island was Buggy's last known location, and you are determined to find him. Every step brings you closer to your goal, your senses heightened with anticipation.
'Now or never.'
As you navigate the sandy shores, the salty breeze caresses your cheeks, invigorating your spirit with a sense of adventure. The moon hangs low in the sky, casting a soft glow upon the landscape, guiding your way through the darkness.
With each passing moment, your anticipation grows, fueled by the promise of reunion and the thrill of the unknown. Your senses are sharp, attuned to the subtlest of sounds and movements, as you scan the surroundings for any sign of life.
And then, in the distance, you catch a glimpse of movement—a flicker of movement amidst the shadows.
A big top. 
Without a second thought, you take off running in that direction. Unworried about the rain, you can barely hear the sound of your feet hitting the muddy ground over your pounding heart. Your breath quickens with excitement as you draw closer, your footsteps quickening with each stride.
"No you fucking shit head, it's WRONG!"
"Found you!"
Finally reaching the tent, you poked inside to see where that lovable asshole was. Ducking under the bleachers, you watched as a tall familiar figure threw a barrage of insults at some huddled performers. Several freaks were passing and going throughout the chaos to practice their acts and hone their talents. 
Amidst a flurry of activity, stood Buggy, his presence commanding attention amidst the chaos. You pause for a moment, watching him rehearse with his performers, a fond smile playing at the corners of your lips.
"If you can't get the lion to dance by this Friday, I am going to eat him. I don't give a FUCK how chewy he is!"
There stood a timid man with an animal that cowered before the infamous caption of the East Blue.
Ever the drama queen, Buggy's appearance was as flamboyant and eccentric as ever. He stood tall and proud, his colorful attire adorned with sequins and feathers that shimmered in the light. His hair, a riotous explosion of bright blue curls, framed his face in wild abandon, adding to his larger-than-life persona. His eyes, usually twinkling with mischief and charm, were now almost bloodshot and darted around the room, taking in every detail with a keen sense of curiosity. 
You can't help but chuckle at Buggy's theatrics, a familiar warmth spreading through your chest at the sight of him. Despite his bombastic demeanor, you know there's a soft side to him that few ever see.
As the chaos around him continues, you take a moment to compose yourself before stepping out from your hiding spot. With a mischievous grin, you call out to him in a teasing tone:
"Now that's not nice and you know it." 
Buggy's head snaps up at the sound of your voice, "We're closed right now!"
"Oh, this dumbass." You roll your eyes under the hood before pulling it from your head. His eyes widening in surprise before a wide grin splits his face. Without a moment's hesitation, he strides forward, his arms open wide in welcome.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite troublemaker," he replies, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. With a dramatic flourish, he strides over to you, sweeping you into a tight hug that almost knocks the breath out of you.
Finding yourself unable to keep your composer, you giggle into the chest of the shockingly 6'5 man and snuggle into his chest to quil the ache in your heart, returning his embrace with just as much intensity.
"How've you been, sis?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern as he pulls back to look at you, his hands resting on the apples of your cheeks.
You relish in the familiar comfort of his presence. "Oh, you know, same old same old," you reply, trying to play it cool despite the category 8 hurricane of emotions swirling within you. "Just thought I'd drop by and say hello."
Buggy quirks an eyebrow at your casual tone, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh really? Or is there something else on your mind?" he teases, giving your left cheek a playful pinch with his fingers.
You roll your eyes, unable to suppress a laugh at his antics. "Maybe a little bit of both," you admit, your voice softening as you meet his gaze.
"I've missed you, Buggy. It's been too long."
Buggy's expression softens, his eyes reflecting the sincerity of your words. "I've missed you too, [Name]," he replies, his voice gentle as he squeezes your shoulders affectionately. "But something tells me there's more to this visit than just catching up."
You let out a sigh, knowing you can't hide anything from Buggy. "You know me too well," you admit, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "There's something I need to talk to you about."
As Buggy's eyebrows furrow in concern, his gaze searching yours for any hint of distress, you take a deep breath, gathering the courage to confide in him. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You glance briefly at his performers, then lock eyes with Buggy again, a sense of urgency gripping your heart. "Got a place where we can chat in private?" you inquire, your voice barely above a whisper.
Buggy's expression flickers to something fierce, a glint of determination in his sea-green eyes as he analyzes you. Without a word, he stands tall, his shoulders squared, commanding the attention of his crew.
"Everyone is to keep performing," he announces firmly, his voice cutting through the air like a whip. "And when I come back, that lion better know how to tap dance or I'm making good on my promise!" His crew responds with a chorus of "Eye Sir's!" before Buggy ushers you away, leading you to a different part of the tent.
With swift efficiency, he pushes you inside a dressing room adorned with a star, the blue clown's symbol adorning the door. As you step inside, the door closes behind you with a soft click, enveloping you in a cocoon of privacy.
Taking a moment to collect your thoughts, you brace yourself for the conversation ahead, knowing that Buggy's keen intuition will leave no stone unturned. As you await his prompting, you can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his unwavering support, even in the face of your deepest secrets.
The dressing room is a small, cozy space adorned with whimsical decorations that reflect the flamboyant nature of its occupants. The walls are painted a soothing shade of sky blue, with colorful streamers cascading from the ceiling, adding a playful touch to the atmosphere.
In one corner of the room, a vanity table sits adorned with an assortment of makeup and accessories, its surface gleaming under the soft glow of a dim lamp. A large mirror framed in ornate gold stands at the center, reflecting the room's eclectic charm.
Against the opposite wall, a row of hooks holds an array of costumes, each garment more vibrant and extravagant than the last. Sequins sparkle in the light, and feathers flutter gently as if caught in an unseen breeze.
In the center of the room, a plush red armchair beckons invitingly, its cushions adorned with polka dots in varying shades of blue. A small side table sits nearby, stacked with magazines and trinkets, offering a glimpse into the eclectic tastes of its occupants. The air is tinged with the faint scent of powder and perfume, a lingering reminder of the performers who call this space their own.
Despite its small size, the dressing room exudes an undeniable sense of warmth and camaraderie, a sanctuary where secrets are shared and dreams take flight.
Walking over to the vanity, you plucked a familiar red lipstick off the dresser before turning it in your fingers. "Ya know, I used to hate when you'd steal my lipstick," Buggy joked softly, crossing his arms over the swell of his chest. 
Upon hearing his words, your fingers instinctively squeeze the familiar red lipstick perched on the edge of the dresser. You hold it tighter, feeling its smooth texture against your skin, a sense of nostalgia washing over you. Looking up in the vanity mirror, you make eye contact with Buggy. His eyes sparkle with fond memories, a playful glint dancing in their depths.
You chuckle softly at his remark, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you remember the countless times you had playfully raided his makeup collection. "Well, you always did have the best shade of red," you tease back, your voice laced with affection.
Setting the lipstick back down on the vanity, you turn to face Buggy, the warmth of his presence filling the room. Despite the gravity of the conversation looming between you, his easy demeanor brings a sense of comfort, grounding you in the present moment. 
(You know shits bad when you gotta go to the crazy killer pirate clown for advice and comfort. Love and life advice at that!)
As you lean against the vanity, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm hue across your features, you find yourself lost in a moment of quiet contemplation. Memories of past adventures with Buggy flood your mind, each one a vibrant snapshot of the bond you share.
"You know," Buggy begins, his tone softening as he meets your gaze, "I've missed having you around. Things just haven't been the same without your antics to liven up the place."
His words stir something deep within you, a mixture of gratitude and longing intertwining in your heart. Despite the passage of time and the distance between you, the connection you share with Buggy remains steadfast, a beacon of light in the darkness.
"I've missed you too," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
"It's been lonely without you."
A flicker of sadness crosses Buggy's features, his gaze softening with empathy. "I know, sweetheart," he says gently, reaching out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from your face. "But you're here now, and that's all that matters." You gently grasp the back of his hand that cradles your face. Almost afraid that you'll wake up in that cold and empty castle again. The warmth of Buggy's palm anchors you to the human world.
In that moment, as you stand together in the quiet intimacy of the dressing room, you are reminded of the strength of your bond with Buggy. Through thick and thin, laughter and tears, you know that he will always be there for you, ready to offer his support and unwavering friendship.
No matter the situation, you'd always been there to defend Buggy and build each other's esteem up. Even Mihawk knew not to slip up when talking about the Flashy Jester if he didn't want to be shanked again. 
Speaking of Mihawk-
"So, you gonna tell me why you showed up all of a sudden instead of sending a letter or are we gonna stand here quietly together?" His voice snapping you out of your thoughts with the buzz of its low tone.
"Don't get me wrong muneca-chan, I love seeing you." He softly muses, stepping closer towards you until he pulled the stool from under the vanity out and sits you on it before dropping into his own red chair. 
"But something tells me there's more to this visit than just catching up."
You let out a sigh, knowing you can't hide anything from Buggy. "You know me too well," you admit, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "There's something really important I need to talk to you about. Shanks already knows before he called me last night, stop making that face, and you can't tell anyone else under any circumstances!"
Buggy's eyebrows furrow in concern, his gaze searching yours for any hint of distress. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern.
Taking a deep breath, you gather your thoughts before speaking. "It's about love," you begin, your voice barely above a whisper. "I... I think I have feelings for someone, Buggy."
"I think I'm in love."
Buggy's eyes widen in surprise, his expression shifting from concern to understanding.
"Ah, love," he murmurs, his voice soft with sympathy. "Love can be a tricky thing, especially when it comes to matters of the heart."
You nod, grateful for his understanding. "I just don't know what to do," you admit, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "I'm torn between staying here and following my heart."
Buggy places a comforting hand on your shoulder, his touch grounding you in the midst of your turmoil. "Listen to me, [Name]," he says, his voice gentle yet firm. "You can't let fear hold you back from pursuing what makes you happy. If you have feelings for someone, then you owe it to yourself to explore them, regardless of the outcome."
You take in his words, feeling a sense of clarity wash over you. "Thank you, Buggy," you say softly, your voice filled with gratitude. "I needed to hear that."
Buggy gives you a reassuring smile, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "Anytime, sis," he replies, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze.
"Now, let's hear who the lucky one is!" 
Your smile stiffens before you whisper out quietly. Buggy frowns and leans closer from his chair.
"What's that, starshine?" 
As you gather your thoughts, the weight of your confession is lingering heavy in the air. Buggy's concern deepens, his brow furrowing as he leans in closer, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation.
With a sigh, you summon the courage to speak, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's... it's Mihawk," you confess, your words hanging in the air like a delicate thread.
Buggy's eyes widen in surprise, his expression a mixture of shock and understanding. "Mihawk?" he repeats, his voice tinged with disbelief.
"As in, Dracule Mihawk?"
You nod slowly, feeling a sense of relief wash over you as the truth finally comes to light. "Yes, Mihawk," you confirm, your voice steady despite the turmoil raging within you. "I... I think I'm in love with him."
Buggy's initial reaction catches you off guard. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and for a moment, a look of concern flashes across his face. "Wait, hold on a second," he says, his voice tinged with disbelief.
"Are you serious?"
You nod, feeling a pang of uncertainty creeping in. "Yes, Buggy," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper. "I know it sounds crazy, but... I think I might be in love with him."
Buggy's expression darkens, his features contorting into a mixture of shock and concern. "Are you feeling okay?" he asks, his voice laced with worry. "I mean, have you been feeling sick or something?"
You shake your head, a sense of frustration bubbling up within you. "No, Buggy, I'm not sick," you retort, a hint of irritation seeping into your tone. "I'm serious about this."
Buggy lets out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his wild blue hair. "Look, muneca-chan," he begins, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "This isn't something to take lightly. Mihawk is... well, he's not exactly the most approachable guy, you know? And besides, he's your boss, for crying out loud!"
You feel a surge of defiance rising within you. "I know all of that, Buggy," you say firmly, your voice unwavering. "But I can't help how I feel."
Buggy's frustration mounts, and suddenly he's popping his hands off in a fit of anger.
"Has he been trying to feel up on you? OW- OKAY! PUT THE PALLET DOWN THAT ONE WAS EXPENSIVE!" 
While you were holding his makeup hostage, the clown was now rubbing where his hair brush had struck his pectoral. Slowly, you sat back down in the chair as he regarded you like a wild hellcat. A pit of dread now knotted your stomach. 
"I'm not joking Buggy, I need thoughts!" 
"And prayers, you're gonna need them with that eagle- NOT THE FUCKING FACE!" You lobbed a jar of hair cream at him before breaking down in the vanity stool. "Don't be an ass okay! I didn't say anything about you and Shanks!" You gasped, hoping that your voice wouldn't crack any further. 
The weight of your words hangs heavily in the air, and you realize just how much you've been holding back. "I... I'm sorry," you stammer, guilt washing over you as hot, fat tears slip from the corners of your eyes.
Before you can even register it, Buggy has crossed the room in a few quick strides and scooped you up into his strong arms, returning to his chair and settling you onto his lap like a small child.
With your face pressed into his striped shirt, you let the dam burst, unleashing all the pent-up tears you've been holding back. Buggy's hand runs soothingly over your back, cradling your head to his chest as he murmurs comforting words.
Reaching into his sleeve, he pulls out a ridiculously long handkerchief, prompting some weak laughter from you despite your tears.
"You've been doing that corny ass joke since we were kids," you sniffle, gingerly wiping your nose before he tosses the hanky into the wastebasket.
"Yeah, well, it still gets a laugh outta ya, so I'ma keep on with it," Buggy replies with a soft smile. He gazes down at you with those piercing eyes of his, scanning your face with a mixture of concern and affection.
Buggy lets out another exasperated sigh, his frustration evident but tempered by genuine worry. "Look, muneca-chan, I get it," he says, his voice gentler now. "Love can make you do crazy things, feel crazy things. But you need to be careful. Mihawk... he's a complicated guy. He's got a lot of walls up, and he's not exactly known for being... well, open-hearted. I know you guys are friends and I was shocked he let you stay with him. But love is a whole different ball game."
You nod, feeling a bit more grounded by his words and presence. "I know he's complicated, Buggy," you say, your voice steadier now. "But I can't help how I feel. I just needed to tell someone, to get it off my chest."
Buggy holds you a little tighter, his grip reassuring. "Well, you've told me now, and we'll figure this out together," he promises. "Just don't go making any rash decisions, okay? Take your time, think things through. And remember, no matter what happens, you've got me in your corner."
His words, laced with both caution and encouragement, bring a small but genuine smile to your face. "Thank you, Buggy," you whisper, leaning into his embrace. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Anytime, starshine," he replies softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "We'll get through this, one step at a time." He wipes the tears from your face with his warm thumbs, "But promise me you'll be careful, okay? I don't want to see you get hurt."
You can see the genuine concern in Buggy's eyes, and it touches your heart. Despite his gruff exterior, you know that he cares deeply for you, and his protective instincts are kicking in full force.
You nod, grateful for his understanding. "I just don't know what to do," you admit, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "I'm torn between staying here and following my heart."
Buggy places a comforting hand on your shoulder, his touch grounding you in the midst of your turmoil. "Listen to me, sis," he says, his voice gentle yet firm. "You can't let fear hold you back from pursuing what makes you happy. If you have feelings for Mihawk, then you owe it to yourself to explore them, regardless of the outcome." Your eyes glance over his right pec, knowing what picture was hidden inside that pocket. 
"But here's the thing about love, [Name]. It's not always easy to understand, and it's certainly not always convenient. But when you find someone who makes your heart skip a beat, someone who makes you feel alive in a way you've never felt before, well, you'd be a fool not to hold onto that with both hands."
Buggy's gaze softens, his features morphing into a look of genuine empathy. "Love is a complicated thing," he murmurs, his voice filled with compassion. "But if Mihawk is the one who holds your heart, then you owe it to yourself to pursue those feelings."
He gives you a reassuring smile, his eyes reflecting the depth of his friendship and loyalty. "You'll figure it out, sis," he says, his voice filled with confidence. "And remember, I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
His words struck a chord deep within you, resonating with the turmoil of emotions that had been swirling inside you since Mihawk's departure. Suddenly, everything seemed to fall into place, the confusion and uncertainty giving way to a newfound clarity. Buggy gives you a reassuring smile, his eyes sparkling with warmth.
"Anytime, [Name]," he replies, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze.
You nod, grateful for Buggy's understanding and support. "Thank you, Buggy," you whisper softly , a sense of gratitude flooding your heart. "I needed to hear that."
As you stand wrapped in Buggy's embrace, you feel a sense of relief wash over you. His arms are strong and comforting, a reminder of the unwavering bond you share. But as he pulls back, a toothy grin spreads across his face, and you catch a glimpse of a familiar, sinister gleam in his eyes.
"And if he fucks up," Buggy says, his voice low and menacing, "there's gonna be one less Warlord in the sea."
The way he says it sends a shiver down your spine, and you can't help but chuckle nervously. Buggy's expression is a mix of protective determination and a hint of madness that you've come to recognize over the years. His blue curls frame his face, giving him an almost theatrical appearance, but you know better than to underestimate the seriousness behind his words.
His gaze sharpens, and for a moment, the room seems to grow darker as he continues. "I mean it, muneca-chan. Mihawk might be a badass with that big-ass sword of his, but he's no match for my flashy tricks. One wrong move, and I'll make sure he regrets it."
Buggy's eyes glint with a dangerous intensity, and you can tell that his big-brother instincts are in overdrive. Despite his eccentricities, you know that he would go to great lengths to ensure your happiness and safety. You reach out to place a hand on his arm, squeezing gently to remind him that you appreciate his concern.
"I know you would, Buggy," you say softly, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "But let's hope it doesn't come to that. I just needed to talk to someone who understands."
Buggy's expression softens at your words, the sinister edge fading as he looks at you with genuine affection. "Yeah, yeah," he mutters, rolling his eyes playfully. "Just remember, I'm always here for you, no matter what."
With that, he pulls you into another tight hug, his embrace warm and reassuring. You know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, you'll always have Buggy by your side, ready to offer his unwavering support and friendship—even if it means taking on a Warlord of the sea.
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Probably live a very boring and un-flashy life."
"Oh no~, what a nightmare, HEY!"
He flashed you a smile as you held your recently pinched side. 
"Now, let's get you set up to spend the night. We've got a lot to catch up on." 
And that wraps up chapter 4 of this series. Oh I am going to make you all work for 'that' delicious chapter.~
Part 5 is now posted.
At the time of this being posted, 5/19/2024, there is a poll ongoing for what, you, the lovely readers, would love to be called. Be sure to cast your votes!!
Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. Everything I have posted here is there in chronological order. I also have a few Buggy the Clown x Reader's posted in the masterlist! Give it a read if you please!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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Hi Louis!
If you’re still doing this:
- Saturn 🪐
I am absolutely still doing this, bestie <3
👊- The Eddie Punches Tommy fic
Also titled: "He's Not a Saint (And He's Not What You Think)"
“I punched Buck’s boyfriend last week, Carla,” he told her. “In front of everyone because he said something about Chris. I let my anger get a hold of me and I broke a man’s nose. I got suspended from work because me and Buck got in a screaming match over it on a call today. Christopher doesn’t need to be around someone like that.”
Carla stared at him for a moment. “I’m sorry- did you just say Buck’s boyfriend?” 
Realization flooded Eddie that Carla had indeed been gone since February, and had missed that whole update in Buck’s life.
“Yeah, he- he realized that he’s bi; he’s been dating Tommy Kinard from LAFD Air Operations since about the end of April,” Eddie told her. Technically they had first kissed towards the beginning of the month, but Eddie didn’t count the two weeks of them planning a date and then not talking because Tommy decided to ditch Buck on a curb as part of their relationship.
“And that boyfriend isn’t… you?” Carla asked, almost cautiously.
“Wha- No, obviously I’m not Buck’s boyfriend, Carla,” Eddie replied. “I just got out of a relationship with a woman because I emotionally cheated on her.”
“With your dead wife,” Carla said.
“With a woman who looked like my dead wife,” Eddie told her.
“Eddie,” she sighed, turning to face him and grabbing his hand. “I want you to be honest with me… this woman who looked like Shannon- did you have any romantic feelings for her?”
“I took her out on dates,” Eddie replied.
“You took Ana Flores on dates too,” Carla pointed out. “Going out on dates doesn’t mean you are attracted to that person romantically.”
“She looked like my dead wife,” Eddie argued.
“Your dead wife who you were not happily married to by any means,” Carla said.
“That wasn’t Shannon’s fault,” Eddie told her.
“That’s debatable,” Carla said, carefully, “but that also isn’t what I said. You yourself told me that you only married Shannon because of Chris. So again, I’m asking you, other than her resemblance to Shannon, what about this woman drew you to her?”
Eddie opened his mouth, unable to say anything. 
“And when it comes to Shannon,” Carla said. “Did you really love her romantically- or did you, like with Ana, try to convince yourself you could love her because you wanted things to work for Chris to have a stable home.”
Eddie felt like he was being laid out on a cutting board, being flayed open with a carving knife. Carla was touching on things that Eddie hadn’t even admitted to himself- things he had definitely thought about before, but had never allowed himself to put any stock in them.
“And while we’re on that trail,” Carla continued. “Did you feel any of that for Marisol either?”
Eddie stared at her, feeling his heart pumping as he realized just how right Carla was about all of this- he felt like his lungs were constricting at the thought of what that insinuated.
😈 - The Homophobic!Marisol Fic
also titled "I Don't Wanna Miss You Like This (Come Back, Be Here)"
At the end of the night, they stood on the sidewalk, both waiting for their Ubers to pick them up. Buck’s hands were in his pockets as they stood in a peaceful silence- not awkward or stilted; something calming as if they had been friends forever. It wasn’t long until Emilio’s Uber pulled up, and he turned to face Buck.
“I had a really nice time tonight, Buck,” he smiled.
“I did too,” Buck returned the smile, looking in the man’s brown eyes- they shined beautifully in the streetlights, but there was something missing in them.
“I know it was only our first date, so forgive me if this is forward, but…” Emilio trailed off before slowly leaning forward to cup Buck’s face in his hands.
Buck let himself be drawn in as Emilio placed a soft kiss on his lips. Buck kissed him back, soft and slow, getting used to the sensation for a few moments before Emilio broke the contact. Looking up at Buck with a soft smile, he whispered a goodbye before getting into his Uber and driving away.
Buck watched him go, still standing with his hands in his pockets as a wave of realization rushed over him. That had been the first time he kissed a man. His first kiss had been with a man he just met outside of a restaurant after he had spent the first part of the date pouring his heart out about Eddie.
The person Buck has been wanting to kiss now for longer than he had realized.
Buck had just had his first kiss with a man, and it wasn’t Eddie.
He reached the loft about an hour later, collapsing onto his bed as he tried not to let his mind run at 100 miles per hour. He tried not to think of how he spent the first half of the date talking about Eddie. Tried not to think about Emilio immediately clocking his feelings for Eddie. Tried not to think about how easy Emilio was to be around and talk to.
Tried not to think about how similar Emilio was to Eddie.
He was pulled from his thoughts by a text from the man himself- telling him once again he had a great night, and he hoped they could meet again soon. Buck told him he would love that, Emilio quickly asking if he was free Sunday.
Make Me Write!
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eazy-peazy54 · 28 days
"Welcome, babies. To the Fruity Pebbles Castle of Torment: a scary castle with 100 rats."
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There comes a time once in every f-slur's life to make an intro post for this god forsaken hellsite.
Now is that time.
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(This is my sick ass and very cool intro post!!)
(The last one is true, I'm truly a nerd trying to impress you all so you stick around and like me. In all honesty I'm just a kid who wants to be both Bill Cipher and also a vampire. I wanna bring a real Will-Woodian vibe to your function [aka your dashboard.])
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🧪 ABOUT ME: ~ My name is Peazy ~ She/He/They ~ Bi ~ Minor ~ I PROBABLY HAVE AUTISM!! (we can tell) OR ADHD OR SOMETHING !! OR BOTH!! PROLLY BOTH!! 🫀 WHAT I DO: ~ I shitpost. A lot. Mostly, actually. But I am ALSO: ~ An artist! ~ Singer-Songwriter ~ Starting a band! (Mr. Amnesia and The Surrealists, check us out if we ever drop anything!) ~ Writer (of both real stories, and fanfiction!) ~ Creator of the Mary Bell Township ARG! (check out my TikTok and Youtube links if you're interested.. :3) 🐇 FUN FACTS: ~ Once again, I make music! ~ I'm making an ARG that I might make a sideblog for, so stay tuned! ~ I am allergic to gluten ~ I fuckin LOVE cats ~ I'm somehow Goth and Emo and Scene all at the same time?!?? ~ I play the pianooooo!
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💫 CURRENT HYPERFIXATIONS: ~ Will Wood ~ LITWTC/Life in The World to Come ~ Gravity Falls ~ My own ARG ?? somehow ?? Don't ask, I don't know how this happened.
🌊 FANDOMS: ~ Will Wood ~ LITWTC/Life in The World to Come ~ Gravity Falls ~ Smiling Friends ~ Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix ~ Portal ~ Once again, my own ARG somehow.
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🎹 MUSIC I LISTEN TO: ~ this list is never gonna be EVERYTHING i listen to so bare with me
🎼 GENRES: ~ Goth ~ Emo ~ Vaporwave ~ Alternative ~ General "Weird Kid" music ~ Rap ~ Swing ~ "Indie" ~ Folk ~ Punk ~ Hyperpop ~ Basic white girl music that I will not admit as to specifics 🎶 ARTISTS: (in no particular order) (also this is NOT all of them) ~ Will Wood/Will Wood and the Tapeworms ~ Lemon Demon ~ Tally Hall ~ Oingo Boingo ~ That Handsome Devil ~ Crystal Castles ~ Glass Animals ~ Man Man ~ Tyler The Creator ~ Kendrick Lamar ~ Desert Sand Feels Warm At Night ~ Infinity Frequencies ~ POiSON GiRL FRiEND ~ Girls Rituals ~ Black Dresses ~ Jack Stauber ~ Mitski ~ She Wants Revenge ~ Joy Division ~ New Order ~ Joey Valence & Brae ~ Chappell Roan ~ Gorillaz ~ SOPHIE ~ Charli xcx ~ Kesha ~ MF DOOM ~ TV Girl ~ Ethel Cain ~ Lamp ~ Panchiko ~ Yaelokre ~ Radiohead ~ Billie Eilish
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🕯️ AESTHETICS IM INTO: ~ Yes, this needed its own category. Hush hush. ~ Gothic (I'm goth don't come at me for putting it in the damn aesthetics) ~ Emo/Scene (SAME SHIT APPLIES AS THE LAST ONE) ~ Frutiger Aero (and anything relating) (<- I will yap about this for ages hold me back) ~ Frutiger Metro ~ Southern Gothic ~ New Wave ~ Utopian Scholastic ~ Vaporwave (IM AN OG PLEASE CHAT) ~ Weirdcore (NOT THE ONE YOU'RE THINKING) ~ 2000's/Y2k (once again NOT THE ONE YOU'RE THINKING) ~ Twee (oopsie daisy) ~ Whimsigoth
~ Halloween shit ~ General vibes of mad scientists and circuses ~ Whatever the fuck Will Wood has going on
🎪 OTHER INTERESTS: ~ Danny Gonzalez, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner ~ Flamingo ~ Making PLAYLISTS RRRAAAGH ~ Aesthetics (ask me about this shit I will yap for ages) ~ Liminal Spaces ~ Jfashion ~ Gyaru fashion ~ Other Subcultures ~ Everything creepy! ~ Song analyzation ~ Vampires ~ Circus stuff ~ Mad scientist stuff ~ HALLOWEEN ~ Playing piano! ~ YAPPING
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🏷 TAGS TO LOOK OUT FOR: ~ #asks :3 - everything people yap to me in my inbox! ~ #fanfic shenanigans - I want you to take a WILD GUESS. ~ #peazy's yapping - general stuff, or long posts of me yapping ~ #long post - again, take a wild guess. ~ #reblog - like a normal reblog, but I said something in the tags! ~ #art reblog - same as the last one, but art I really liked and had something to say about! ~ #important - actual important things, like awareness posts and all that good jazz :)
🔎 OTHER SOCIALS: ~ TikTok ~ Instagram ~ Youtube ~ Ao3
🦇 DNI: ~ Jokes on you, there is none! Except... ~ Homophobes, transphobes, nazis, racists, terfs, radfems, pedos, proshippers ~ Blogs who solely post NSFW (a few suggestive things are fine! but if you're posting straight-up PORN or only nsfw and only smut, then no thank you brother) ~ Adding on to that, if you have a NSFW side blog, that's fine! ~ Also don't tag my posts as NSFW pretty please. I'm a minor, and if I'm talking about my mama, I mean my mother. ~ people who don't fw bagels /j ~ Either way, I block as I please!
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thank you! :)
It means a lot!
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starry-night-author · 2 years
Loveee the new post 😩😩😩😩 make it a series if you would like
Thank you so much!! I think the most recent one when I got this ask was prompt #15, but lmk if that's not the one you were talking about! <3
Also, I have to admit... this is mostly just domestic fluff.
Prompt #15 (Pt.2)
(Part 1)
"I'm not talking to you," Villain huffed, folding their arms.
Hero raised an eyebrow. "I literally haven't even said anything." They'd just arrived for their night together with Villain, slipping off their coat. Villain sat on the bed, legs and arms crossed, refusing to look at them.
"You know why I'm mad," Villain shifted, turning their whole body away from them.
Hero did. Still, they couldn't help but tease. "No... I don't think I do. Did I walk in wrong?" It took everything in their power to keep the smile off of their face, the amusement out of their voice.
Villain glared at them. God, they were so cute.
"That's not it, then?" Hero stepped over to the bed, and Villain turned further around. "Did I make too much noise coming down the hall?"
They were now right at the edge of the bed, the mattress pressing into their thighs as Villain turned themself completely around, still pouting. "Or did I walk too quietly and startle you? I don't think I saw you jump when I came in."
Villain found a way to pout harder.
One knee on the bed, Hero leaned forward, arms wrapping around their foe from behind. "C'mon, what is it, Villain?"
"I'm not talking to you until you figure it out," Villain still wouldn't look at them, but they didn't pull away from Hero's hug.
So Hero hugged them closer, moving so their chest was pressed against Villain's back. They rested their chin on Villain's shoulder as well, leaning their head against their foe's. "Give me a hint, at least?"
Villain rolled their eyes. "Seriously?"
"Seriously! I'm drawing a blank here."
Villain leaned back against them, not responding.
"Villain, just tell me..." Hero whined teasingly. "I can't think of anything!"
"Yes you can! You just want me to say it."
"Say what?"
Villain didn't reply, and Hero knew they'd have to drop it soon before their enemy really got fed up.
"Hm..." Hero tilted their head the other way as they pretended to think. "Let me think back... could it have been something that I did last night? Or... a few weeks ago? Or..."
"I hate you," Villain grumbled.
Hero couldn't hold their laugh in, still hugging Villain tightly as they snorted, almost right in the villain's ear. "Ohhhh so that's what this is about. You're just mad because I beat you."
"It's not even that!" Villain exclaimed, pulling away. Hero let them go, sitting back and watching as Villain moved to the headboard, twisting around to sit against it. "My trap didn't work! It was going to be genius, and you figured it out!"
Right, Villain's traps that they took such pride in. The one they'd specially designed for Hero's team only earlier that day, and Hero had figured out how it worked and how not to fall for it. In the end their team had been able to capture Villain, but the criminal had slipped through their fingers just as they were calling for reinforcements to take them away.
Hero tilted their head in sympathy. "I'm sorry. But it's literally my job!"
"I'm still allowed to be mad about it." Villain drew their knees up to their chest. "And that one was particularly good!"
"It was," Hero agreed. "I only figured it out because you'd mentioned a similar trap you'd done once, and once I started to compare that to what was happening around me, I could get a general idea of where it was going."
"Wait, you only figured it out because I'd told you about it before?" Villain sat up with interest.
"Well, something like it." Hero clarified with a shrug.
"So I am still a genius!" Villain exclaimed triumphantly. They slammed their fist down on the bed. "No one can best my traps! I knew it!"
Hero chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "So that's what this is really about? We've gotten to the middle of this onion of anger?"
"I have a reputation," Villain sniffed haughtily. "No one's figured out my traps before, and you only did because I'd told you about it before, so it doesn't count. I have been bested by no one!" They announced.
Hero laughed again, walking across the bed on their knees to sit in front of Villain. "So you're not mad at me anymore?"
"I guess not." Villain yawned. "But I don't want to... do anything tonight."
"Then why'd you show up?" Hero questioned.
"Because I still wanted to see you," Villain cast them a smile, and Hero's heart melted. "I didn't have anything else to do."
"I wanted to see you too." They were irresistible as always, and Hero leaned in to kiss their cheek. "What do you want to do then?"
They ended up using Hero's watch to project a movie on to one of the walls, turning the lights off and snuggling up together to watch. The best position they'd found was to have Hero laying behind Villain, almost spooning them as they watched.
And it was just as the credits started rolling that Hero noticed Villain was breathing slower, their eyes closed and their body relaxed back against their enemy's. Hero grinned, pulling the blanket up higher over the two of them and reaching over Villain to their watch to switch it off.
They gingerly pulled Villain closer, shifting their arm underneath them to hold them tightly, resting their chin on top of their head.
They were warm, and their breath soft as Hero got comfortable next to them. Hero had never been in a relationship like this, and they had to admit they didn't think they'd ever be able to get by without someone to sleep next to at night. They slept better with Villain than they did by themself.
There was something so comforting to them about having someone else there.
Hero didn't know if it was the presence of another person or just Villain themself. Different parts of them wanted to believe either option.
They gently kissed Villain's head, wrapping their arm around them one last time before settling down.
"G'nigh't, Villain." They whispered softly. "I love you so much."
It wasn't much longer before Hero fell asleep, and the moon fully rose. It cast a long whitish beam through the room, draping itself like a bright veil on the bed, landing across Villain's blushing face.
They hadn't fallen asleep yet.
(Part 3)
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charmwasjess · 3 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
AWW thanks for the fun tag, @rochenn!! :D
I am of course feverishly working on Rabbit Heart, which I am so damn close to finishing, but last night I was editing a little The Thunder Answered Back, my post-Order 66 Not-Fix-It-Fix-It. Jocasta is trying to decide whether or not to execute Dooku, Dooku is trying to make sense of what his life's purpose even is anymore, and Sifo-Dyas is a VERY reluctant ghost (?)/spirit guide/hallucination. Lot of folks got tagged in this round - hmm, did I see @calcedon79? @wonderland-s-angel @stellanslashgeode @dapurinthos ! Anyone else who'd like to play, consider yourself tagged! :D <3
Sifo-Dyas plucked one of the roses and studied it like it might be a clue. He began methodically picking it apart. “You know, you should be pruning these things with your lightsaber, and then we could work in a kind of psychosexual identity angle into this dream, some phallic symbolism.” 
"You choose to haunt my dreams so you can criticize the metaphors?"
“Lack of metaphors.” 
“This is a rather profound violation of my privacy.” 
"Oh, so now we're even for you murdering me!" Sifo-Dyas sputtered a laugh. “Don't give me those big, sad eyes, you know they don't work on me. At least, not anymore.” He flung himself down next to Dooku. “What’s even the matter with you now, anyway? Why are you upset?” 
“Jocasta hates me.”
“Dooku,” Exasperated, Sifo-Dyas always made his name into two separate words, stretching the vowel until it might break. Doo Koo. “She doesn't hate you – that's probably why this is so hard for her. She loved who you were, and mourned that person’s passing when you lost yourself. Now it's confusing to see you acting like him again.”
“So I should behave like a Sith Lord?”
“I think even you know that's not the answer.”
Dooku glanced sideways. “You might talk to her?” 
"Hey, that’s a great idea!” Sifo-Dyas pitched his voice higher in cheerful mockery. “‘Hello Jocasta, it’s me, your old, dead friend! Sorry about that whole situation where I wasted my life trying to save the Order and instead doomed us all to the exact ruin I foresaw! Classic! Anyway, you were right about that hunch that Dooku murdered me, but he's really trying to do better now. Could you try being a little nicer to him?”
About halfway through the bit, Sifo-Dyas seemed to lose control of his own irreverent humor. He deflated, looking up at the dream sky.
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heart-defendor · 1 year
City of Nightmares Part 4
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Shes back baby!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Warnings: Typical Acotar stuff, MDI
 Lounging on a chaise in her brother's chambers and watching as her brother Orian argued with one of their cousins about some inane topic. Drinking in one of the comfy salons of the family estate was a typical night for them, the arguing was typical too.She drew her legs up tucking them under her knees, enjoying the heat that came from the large silver and black marble fireplace.The chatter faded into the background. 
A week and a half had passed since she had last seen Azriel, that had been the night where he’d saved her .When in her drunken state awkwardly proposed he come again. She cringed internally. Y/n had even suggested he fly up and meet her on her balcony, which was totally unnecessary given he was just walking her home.  ANd he had stayed entertaining her drunken ramblings. 
She wasn’t even sure she wanted to see him again. The odds were so stacked against them, it would be smarter to avoid the heartbreak all together. 
Suddenly,she felt it, like a flower blooming within her chest. 
He’s here.
 The bond had come alive.  As strong as when it had first snapped, Azriel was close and had left his side of the bond wide open. 
She felt a gentle tug, he was calling to her. Yn sits up quickly, her heart beats wildly in her chest and all doubts are quickly forgotten. Fortunately the others are still too busy to notice the change. She steadies herself, doing her best to appear calm; she bids them goodnight before swiftly returning to her own chambers where she is sure she will find him. 
Mate, Mate 
She stops in front of her large oak door, he's on the other side she knows it. But Yn is rooted to the ground, her urgency is doused by waves of anxiety. She feels it pulling in her chest and all too soon realizes this isn't her fear, it's Azriels. He's worried about meeting her. Scared of how she will respond to him. It's the push she needs, her hand closes on the brass door knob and she steps into the room. 
The room is dark, but she finds him easily enough. Azriel is leaning threshold to her balcony, backlit from Hewns lights, his shadows swirl along the floor. He's trying to appear nonchalant but the bond betrays his nerves. 
Does he know I can feel him?
Yn gives him a small smile, and flicks her wrists illuminating the room in a soft glow. He gives her a small smile in return but does not move from his place against the door frame. 
"You don't have to be nervous, ill be nice I swear"
Immediately the anxiety in her chest vanishes as Azriel clamps down their connection. Azriel gives a soft grunt and looks to the floor, Yn can't help but find the gesture cute and lets out a giggle. She walks over to a small glass and metal cart against the wall that houses her favorite liquor, a whiskey from the Winter Court, along with an assortment of mixers. She can feel his golden eyes following her.
Picking up the bottle by the neck in one dainty manicured hand, she spins towards him and gives the bottle a small shake. 
"Is the sick up your ass still there or are you going to join me for a drink?"
Azriel snorts, but his posture loses its rigidity and his wings open slightly. This is what he must look like when actually relaxed, she thinks while unscrewing the cap. 
"I thought you said you were going to be nice”
"I am being nice," she grins while plopping down in her plush crimson armchair now with drink in hand. She snuggles into it with her knees crossed. "Besides it's only the truth, you and that general are always so rigid, standing about glaring at everyone. Do you two ever have fun? Perhaps it’s an Illyrian thing?”
Azriel shugs, finally leaving the threshold to grab the drink she prepared for him,“It’s our job to keep the High Lord and Lady safe”. He doesn't sit in the adjacent chair, instead making his way over to the foot of her bed. For his wings she realizes as he sits down and they spread out on either side of him. They are so large the ends hang off the sides. Powerful too, she remembered how they had launched him into the air with her in his arms. 
Her attention snaps back to his face. “As for Cassian, be thankful he isn't down here making a fool of himself. Did you know he destroyed an entire building in the Summer Court? If left unsupervised he’d probably bring down this whole damn mountain.”
Y/n chuckled, “Sounds like you are more of a babysitter for the High Lord and the general than you are a spymaster.”
Azriel smirked back at her, “some days it certainly feels like it.” 
The two talked late into the night. About Azriels family and the mischief they had gotten into over the years and all the places he had traveled as a part of his court duties. He told her about how the Inner Circle were his family, that Ryhsand and Cassian had become brothers. She learnt that her High Lord went by Rhys, and preferred to live in a townhouse for Cauldron's sake over the Moonstone Palace. He skirted around the topic of his birth family, when she asked. His eyes downcast and his gloved hands were tightened on his glass only mentioning that his father had left him at an Illyrian training camp at a young age.
The focus had quickly shifted to her own family. How her cousin Cole couldn’t flirt to save his life, of her friends that she frequently partied with. Though he already knew of him, Y/n had boasted about Orian who had climbed the Darkbringer ranks, working closely with her uncle. Azriel had shown surprise when she talked about her own training, how it was not uncommon for females in the Court of Nightmares to know how to defend themselves. “Although I am useless with a sword, I have never had use for one.” She had said, her voice filled with pride as she talked about the Umbra family’s strong Night Court magic.   
They had then discussed books and card games and all matters of random things that made them who they are. Conversation flowed like water between them. When the world fell away and it was just the two of them, safe in her chambers, it was to forget all the reasons they shouldn’t be together. The cord in her ribs grew stronger as her perceptions of him fell apart to see the sweet and kind soul underneath. 
At some point she joined him on the bed snuggling into the comforter, Azriel remained above the sheets but had settled beside her leaning against the headboard. Now she watched as Azriel’s wing that had been spread behind her tentatively curled around her body. Y/n watched the way the muscles and fibers moved beneath the membrane. She had thought them a deep gray but now she could tell they had a purplish tinge to them. They looked soft yet strong, she wondered what they would feel like beneath her fingers. Without thinking she reach out running her hand along the inside of a bone. They are soft.
Y/n heard a sharp intake of breath. Her eyes flicked over to Azriel, he was staring back, honey eyes now wide and dark, his cheeks dusted with a faint pink. 
“Do they please you?” 
Immediate denial of her fascination was on the tip of her tongue when something stopped her, Azriel was being vulnerable. She could be honest. Besides this was her mate, she was allowed to like him.
“They are beautiful," she admitted. He searched her face for something when appeased his own face broke out into a grin.  
“You should, know Illyrian wings are sensitive, don't start something you aren't ready to finish." His voice held both promise and challenge.
She wanted to rise to it, she meant to. Instead she yawned and Azriel laughed. Suddenly she was aware of how tired she was, her eyelids grew heavy.
"Perhaps next time princess, get some sleep its late."
She tried to protest but another yawn interrupted her. .Azriel smoothed her hair back and kissed her forehead. She closed her eyes and felt the bed shift as he got up.
As she drifted off surrounded by the sent of cedar and cool night air, she let herself be content. If only for the time being.
Tag list: @issybee0611 @emturtles @valeridarkness @marina468 @hollyismentallyillhelp @dumbbitchitis69
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keketopia · 1 year
𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜
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pairing. izuku midoriya x gn!reader
synopsis. you drew a picture of the perfect guy for you. little did you know that drawing came to life.
word count. 1.9k!
cw. just some fluff and wholesomeness! :3
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It was dark out in the city of Japan. Almost everybody is asleep. Conversely, you are just sitting in bed reading a book about a beautiful couple.
You closed the book as you were done reading it. You held the book close to your chest and sighed dream-ishly.
"Deep voice, cute smile, enchanting eyes, pure heart...why are people like that so hard to find?"
Just then, an idea struck you like a lightning bolt. So you got up, grabbed your pencils, pens, and colors, and decided to draw the man of your dreams.
"Let's see what I can do."
A few hours later, you came up with a beautiful portrait of a man with fluffy green hair, wide doe eyes that matches his hair, four symmetrical freckles on each side of his cheeks, and of course, his pure smile.
"Phew, finally done." So you said as you began to stretch. You look at it with admiring eyes and begin to grow tired after a while. You rubbed your eyes and gently set your drawing on your nightstand. You turn off your lamp and cover yourself in warm, soft blankets as you drift off to sleep.
A mysterious light shone in your bedroom as you had your sweet dreams. The light shone from the portrait, and the man from your drawing appeared.
The man looked around the room as if everything was new to him. He spots a mirror behind him and sees himself there. He took a moment to admire his appearance; he was astonished.
"Wow, they drew me really well." He looked at you as you were sleeping peacefully. Then, he sat in front of you and admired your angelic face.
It was now morning, and you were interrupted by the sun shining in your eyes. You woke up to see a strange man right in front of you.
"Oh, wow. What a beautiful dream I'm having. It looks so real, though," You said sheepishly.
"I know I'm too handsome to be real, but I can confirm you're not dreaming."
"Oh my god, I could listen to his voice my whole life."
'Okay, I guess I have to do this" He reaches his hand to you and pinches you in the arm.
"Oww! Wait! I'm not dreaming!" You looked at him in shock. You got off the bed and ran towards the corner of your room.
"Who are you?! How did you get into my apartment?!"
"Hey! Calm down!"
"Calm down?! How am I going to calm down when there is a literal stranger in my house!!"
"Well- That's a good point, but-"
"I'm going to ask again! Who are you and how did you get into my apartment?"
"Don't you recognize me?"
"What do you mean do I-" You took a closer look at the guy and realized that he did look familiar, almost straight out of a picture.
"Wait... you're-you're that man I drew last night!"
"Yeah! That's what I've been trying to tell you! Kinda weird that I'm alive, don't cha think?"
You were at a loss for words. How in the universe that the man you so beautifully drew come to life? What kind of hocus pocus is this?
"I'm kind of hungry, do you have any food I can eat?"
Still a little bit freaked out by your come-to-life drawing. You scooted your way out the bedroom door and headed towards the kitchen with Izuku following behind.
"What would you like to eat?"
"Hmm, perhaps Katsudon!"
After about 30 minutes, Izuku is sitting on your kitchen table, stuffing his face in that sweet and savory sauce.
"Wow, this is really good! I could eat this every day!" You chuckled at his compliment. He was really cute, guess you really are a good artist.
"So you don't remember anything about your life in the book?"
"I came from a drawing, not a book"
"Wow, you forgot the love of your life" You teased.
"I-I don't love a-anyone!" He stammered. His face was as red as a strawberry.
"I'm Y/N, by the way," You introduced. "What's your name?"
"I don't have one" He replied. Right, he came from a drawing, of course, he doesn't have a name. "Oh, well then. Your name shall be...Izuku!"
"Izuku...I think that's a fitting name" He smiled.
"So, Izuku, do you want to explore my world?"
"Maybe later, I want to watch a movie"
"Okay, let's see what we got" You grabbed the remote to turn on the TV and put it on Netflix.
"Let's see...we got Red Notice, Level 16, Ava..."
"How about The School for Good and Evil? That seems like an interesting movie?"
"Sure is, considering that this movie is based on an actual book series. I've never read it but I'm sure it's a good book. Let's watch!"
You hit the play button and the remote and watched the movie. After some time, you turned to look at Izuku, who was watching the movie with adorable exciting puppy eyes. You smiled at him, admiring his attractiveness.
"I kinda feel bad for Sophie. All she ever wanted was to escape the horrible mistreatment of her townspeople and be who she wants to be" Izuku explains. You felt warm and happy hearing him say that.
"Yeah, Sophie just wanted Tedros to be her true love, and when he broke it off, that made my heart ache"
You both kept watching until you both fell asleep.
You wake up to the sound of Izuku's happy-go-lucky voice.
"Wakey wakey! Time for brekky!" Izuku was standing beside your bed, holding a tray with pancakes and a glass of milk.
"Wow! You made me breakfast?"
"Yes! Now eat! You must be starving"
"Smells amazing! I didn't know you could cook considering I'm the one who made you Katsudon"
"I just follow the recipe I found online. Now hurry up and eat! I want to explore your world" He set the tray on your bed and went out of the room.
After breakfast, you showered, dressed, and headed out with Izuku. You brought him to a small building where you could see bright lights shining through the window. You both headed inside to see the arcade machines.
"Welcome to the arcade!"
"Arcade?" He gives you a puzzled look.
"It's a place with many electric games. You play it and can earn tickets and use those tickets to get prizes. Ooh! Let's go on this one, come on I'll teach you!" You dragged him with you. It was a motorcycle racing game, fit for only 2 players. Izuku surprisingly learned fast.
"I'm going to win this, you'll see"
"Oh, keep dreaming honey" Izuku was taking this too seriously. After a few minutes, he ended up winning.
"Yay! I won!"
"Argh! Let's try another game"
"You wanna lose again?"
"We'll see about that"
"Let's try this one! Come on!" He ran to another game like an excited little baby. You chuckled and followed him"
After visiting the arcade, you took Izuku to the library.
"Wow, so many books"
"A lot of characters like you are in each book"
"I'll get some books then we'll go back home to our comfy bed to read"
"My favorite thing to do"
"Same, honestly"
You brought the books and you both went home.
You both covered yourselves in comfy, warm, blankets. Izuku wrapped his arms around your waist as he stared at the book you brought.
"Y/N, can I read for you?"
"Sure" you smiled.
Izuku reached over to the coffee table and grabbed the book. You placed your head on his shoulder and listened to him as he read the book word by word, his deep voice was a whole other level of tranquility. You closed your eyes and slept peacefully on his shoulder. Izuku noticed you and smiled, he placed the book on the nightstand and slept too.
"Your food is the best" Izuku said while eating another bowl of Katsudon you made for him.
"I'll gladly cook for you everything" You smiled.
"Wow, I love you" You knew he didn't mean it like that but your heart started beating fast after hearing it from him.
A bit of time passed and you guys are both laying in bed again, reading another book. "Slow dancing in the living room, warm lighting, music in the background... I wish I could live like the main character's in this book"
"Allow me to help you" You looked at him, a bit confused about what he is doing.
Izuku went over to your speaker and played some music, he made sure the lights were dim, and then...
"May I have then dance, my love?" He says as he extended his hand to you. You were a bit taken aback by his action and flustered, but you gladly accepted his hand and you two started slow dancing.
Izuku's hold on you was gentle as if you were a fragile glass, afraid that he might break it. As if you were the most precious gemstone ever. You got lost in each other's eyes, your mouths may have been shut but those eyes were speaking for themselves. Everything was perfect, you didn't want this to end.
"So this is what love feels like..."
Days passed you and Izuku had gotten even closer and your feelings for each other got deeper and deeper every day. Everything was perfect in a way that made you fear that this was just a beautiful dream, but reality isn't always so bad as people say. Reality can show you each and every color of happiness...
"The weather is amazing," You said.
"This moment is amazing" Izuku added.
"Yes...yes indeed" You looked at the view in front of you, admiring it.
"The city lights are so beautiful" Izuku looked at you deeply and said...
"Oh, darling, out of all the city lights, none of them shines brighter than you"
Surprised, you turned to look at him.
"I found everything I wanted in those eyes of yours. I found a friend. A home. Pure love...and I can't help but fall even more for them. I love you...my heart chooses to beat just for you"
Eyes tearing up from the heartfelt confession, you grabbed him by his collar and kissed him. He kissed you back, gently pulling you closer.
"Reality can show you each and every color of happiness"
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vintageaustin · 1 year
i takes strength to forgive but...
pairing: Austin butler x y/n
Summary: Austin cheated on you and now he's back
Warnings: Angst angst angst mentions of cheating uhm... Cursing mentions of a break up and mental health
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It's been months since you last saw austin. you swear you had nightmares from that Saturday in july. you got a phone call from your boyfriend you two had been dating for about 3 years, you haven't seen him in weeks at that point, and was so excited to talk to him, in excitement you picked the phone up. the only thing you didn't expect to Hear him and some girl moaning.
sure it hasn't all been Sunshine and rainbows, but the trust that he betrayed and the confusion that still lingered, he took EVERYTHING you loved and crushed it between his two fingers, you haven't talked to him since it happened, it's been 5 months he tried to contact you he tried trough you’re friends, family hell he even wrote you a letter saying how much you mean to him and  how sorry he is.
you told them you didn’t care and said you were fine. but they knew you couldn't let it go. You tried and tried and….. tried again,  and if he ever thinks about the damage that he did, but you held onto every detail like your life depends on it… So here you were on a random Thursday night. At 2 am fantasizing about everything he'd say he's a little fucking sorry until you heard Baning on you're door. you frowned, sure you didn’t live in the best part of the city.
But this was a first,  you opened the door and your heart stopped for a minute and all you wanted to do was scream, there he was… looking a mess the smell of alcohol hit you the moment he stepped closer. “A-austin W-what are you doing here..?” you mumbled as austin cupped your face.  “i miss you, I miss you so much baby i was so goddamn stupid.” he muttered as he walked both of you back into your apartment. 
you remembered the countless arguments you won in your head, in the shower, the car, the mirror before bed  you name it. every time you hoped he’d feel sorry. and here he was standing in front of you and you couldn't get a word out. and here he was apologizing over and over again, 
after a whole while you spoke up “do you ever think about the… damage that you did…? cus i hold onto every little fucking detail austin, i tried to understand why you did this to me. were you so unhappy?” you spoke as he interrupted “no baby not at-” he stumbled over his words. “Austin, let me talk,” you said and sat down on your couch. “I really wonder how anybody could do the things you did so easily aus… like did I deserve it..? I try to be tough and I try to be mean. but even after all you did you’re still everything to me…”
you said as tears streamed down you’re as you looked  up you saw the tears stream down his face. you blinked your tears away before continuing. "And I know I hurt people, hurt people and we both drew blood but cuts were never equal austin, you had everything and you still wanted more i-i dont get it.” you spoke with your chest “i never did anything but be there for you and support you..” you said choking in your tears. 
‘i… i was drunk, it didn't mean anything, and when i heard you cry on the phone y/n i… I snapped back to reality, you are the only one for me …. it's always been and always will be you baby, i'm so sorry… I'm so sorry I haven't been here  for you, i… can we restart? I know I don't deserve it but… please can we restart?” he pleaded 
you sighed softly ‘it takes strength to forgive austin and.. I'm not sure I'm there yet, I guess…  i'll give you another chance… but we take it slow my pace.. okay? you asked softly 
Austin nodded “thank you thank you thank you.” he said. and grabbed your face and kissed you softly he had his girl back he couldn't be happier. you on the other hand felt … scared to give him your heart again… 
the evening ended with you falling asleep in Austin's arms.
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
could you do more amber appleton x reader fics please? I don’t have a very specific request but maybe one where reader finds out ambers living situation and begs amber to let her help somehow with some angst? thank you! <3
Amber Appleton x fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, angst, implied/mentioned sex
Amber hates asking for help, but reader’s had enough of it and begs Amber to step back
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Amber was…a lot of things: bubbly, kind, helpful, supportive, optimistic. Well, and was also quick frankly the cutest person you’ve ever laid your eyes on. She was the first friend you’ve made at high school, and your crush on her only started to show up in junior year. So when you’ve been around her for the last nine or so months, you’ve been a tad nervous. That you’d make a fool out of yourself if you ever drew a blank while you were hanging out with her. Expertly, you shoved those feelings for her aside and chose to ignore them— hoping they’d go away. You could never be good enough for her, she was a straight-A student and as established, very pretty. You knew a bunch of students off the top of your head that had crushes on her and/or tried to ask her out. Though she hasn’t said yes to any of them, you never once thought you’d have a chance. Did you dream of it? Yes. But did you think it would ever happen? Absolutely not.
“Amber~” You walked up behind her, chin resting on her shoulder for just a second, “Good morning.”
She grunts, shrugging slightly. You took the hint and moved off of her. You were immediately concerned, she’s never been like this before. Just yesterday, she was on cloud nine because she got invited to audition for Carnegie Mellon. So this, was unexpected. Especially from her.
“Hey, what’s the matter, Ams?”
Her face perked up, she smiles at you, “Nothing. I’m fine!”
You bit back a sigh. “Are you sure? We still have time before class, we can talk—”
“Yep!” She confirmed in her usual chipper tone. “Come on, let’s get to home room.”
“Okay…” You squinted at her. She squinted back, “y/n, I’m okay.”
“Sure. Okay, let’s go.” A quiet sigh inevitably falls from your mouth as you agreed with her, walking side by side to the designated classroom. You decided to drop it— for now.
After lunch, you finally saw her again in wood shop and what caused alarm bells to go off in your head was how careless she was being, it was as though she was purposely trying to injure herself. "Amber." You seethed, "What are you doing? Be careful."
Not a single peep out of her. You were very quickly losing your patience, especially after what happened before homeroom. You had been worried about her all day. She huffs and went up to the teacher to ask for permission to use the restroom, knowing that you couldn't stop her and that the teacher only allowed one student to go at a time. When she returned to the workshop about ten minutes later, she didn't even look at you anymore. But she did seem super agitated which only caused you to be more concerned and even a bit anxious. What the hell was going on?
"Hey, could we talk? Please?"
"What's there to talk about? I'm gonna be late for my shift." Amber says dismissively.
A lie. She had more than a half hour to get there.
That look on her face was seriously starting to irk you, why was she acting as if you owed her the world?
"So?" She tilted her head up, "What? What is it that you wanted to talk about?"
"What happened?" You asked, "Why are you acting like this? I'm just trying to help you and you're acting like— like you hate me now."
"I don't hate you." Amber's gaze softened as she gnawed on her lower lip, "I'm sorry, okay? It's just that something happened last night with my Mom and I've been pissed off about it." "What happened?" You repeated, "Let me help you, Amber."
And then that expression was back on her face, that annoyed, unhappy look. It was very subtle, but having spent nearly everyday with her, you knew.
"I don't need your help."
"So then you're just gonna be like this from now? So angry?" You snapped.
"I don't need your help y/n, leave me alone."
"Fuck, Amber. Why is it so hard for you to ask for help? Let people help you?" Your voice got shaky towards the end, you were looking right into her eyes. That harsh glare had its moments of softening, she was about to cry.
"I don't know what to do." She mumbles, "I don't know how anyone will be able to help me. I didn't want you to know that I—"
You tug on her arm and told her to sit down on the bench, you did the same. "Amber, it's okay. You can tell me anything. Whatever it is, we'll be okay. We'll figure it out...get through it."
And that triggered the waterworks. Amber just broke down in tears and gave you the shock of your life. You instantly engulfed her in a hug, rubbing her back to calm her down. "Last night— they found out me and my Mom have been sleeping on— on one of the school's buses."
Oh. Fuck, it was much worse than what you could've guessed. Your heart shattered, you couldn't believe you didn't find out sooner and helped her, and her Mom.
"She got fired and she was just so upset and I didn't know what to do because she wanted me to go stay at Oliver's with her but he hits her and has her drinking again. I didn't want that, so I told her no, told her not to go...but she still went so I just— I slept on a bench and now— I guess, now you know."
"Stay with me." You told her, biting back the rapidly forming tears. "Please, Amber, let me help you. You're my best friend, I don't want you to feel unsafe at Oliver's, I don't want you sleeping on benches, I don't want you to be scared to come to me for help. Do you have any idea how much you've helped me since we met on our first day?"
Amber sniffled, "You're my best friend, of course I'd help you."
"And you're mine, of course I'd help you." You breathed out heavily, a painful lump in your throat.
"I got to get to the donut shop." Amber got up, taking a deep breath to recompose herself, "I'll see you later? Promise."
"What time do you get off?"
"I'll be there." You promised. A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips, "Okay."
While you headed home, Amber headed in the opposite direction towards the donut shop. The whole time, her revelation kept replaying in your mind on a loop. You simply could not shake it off. In the shower, it had you screaming out of frustration from the fact that it kept haunting you. "Fuck!" You groaned, fist slamming into the wall on your side, "Stop it! Stop it, just help her. Stop thinking about it, Amber's alright right now."
After your shower, you dried off, got dressed and started to deep clean the house. Again, out of frustration. And to distract yourself. It worked, though you were sweaty again after you finished the chores two hours later. Plopping onto the couch, you stared at the clock: 6:35pm. You had plenty of time before you had to go pick Amber up from work. Your Mom was on the way home from work, your Dad was on a business trip. But that was the least of your worries because they knew Amber and absolutely adored her. Amber doesn't come by to hang out that much, because she worked after school most days, but they knew her and knew her well enough to trust her completely.
After some thinking, you got started on dinner. Your mom gets home right around that time. "Mom, hey."
“Hi, sweetie." You mom smiled at you, approaching the kitchen, "What are you making?"
"Nothing fancy, just a lasagna since we had the ingredients." You smiled back, "Um, Mom? Amber's gonna have to stay with us for awhile."
"Oh. Amber? No problem, she can stay as long as she wants to." She agreed quickly.
"Thanks." You were a little shocked by the fact that she didn't even need to know more first, but really relieved she didn't and trusted you and Amber like that.
Your Mom excuses herself to go take a shower, you acknowledge that with a nod and off she went while you finished up putting the lasagna together then into the oven. And when your Mom came back downstairs, the lasagna was done, fresh out the oven. "Honey, that smells amazing." "Thanks, mom." You beamed brightly, "Oh, I have to go pick Amber up in a few, but if you want you can eat first."
"It's okay, honey. I'll wait, I'm not that hungry yet since Jodie at the office brought cake to celebrate her birthday."
"Oh, alright. I'll get going now, but I'll see you back here in a bit."
"Drive safe, sweetie." Your Mom gives you a hug before you leave.
It was a short drive to the donut shop. You pulled up right outside, watching Amber wipe down the counter and then she saw you. Her face lit up with a smile before she waves at you. Lloyd sees you as well and waved hello. Amber puts the rag aside, picked up a pink box and walked outside to meet you. "Good night, Lloyd!"
"See ya, Amber!"
"Hello." Amber was back to her usual self now, and thank god because you couldn't cry anymore, no way.
"Hey, how was work?"
"It was fun, never boring because Lloyd's always cracking jokes." Amber shrugs, "And we get free donuts."
"Those are always great." You nodded gleefully.
Parking your car in the garage, you stepped inside the house with her swiftly. "Hi!" Amber greeted you Mom instantly.
Your Mom playfully stares at her, "Remember not to call me 'Mrs. y/ln'?"
"Yes, I remember, Eda. How are you?"
"I had a good day at work, got to leave on time." Your Mom answers, "It's been awhile, and I get to see you?"
Amber chuckles, amused. "I come bearing donuts."
"Do you have rainbow sprinkle?" You and your Mom asked in unison. Amber laughs, so did you and your Mom.
"Certainly do. You each get one."
Dinner was lovely, you got to be with Amber and your Mom. Having good food and chatting the night away. But eventually, dinner concluded and you were by the sink— with Amber, washing up the dishes. Your Mom was gonna do it, but you offered, seeing that she was likely tired from work. "Let me help you."
"You are helping." You squint at her jokingly, "By standing here and chatting with me. Keeps me awake."
After the dishes were dried, you head up to your room with Amber at your heel, holding onto your hand as you walked up the stairs. She initiated the hand-holding, not you. But honestly, as startled as you were, you did not want to let go. Why? You were happy she was showing you affection.
Amber would be sleeping in your bed with you. It was big enough for two but besides that, it wouldn’t be the first time she slept here. She had no objections to sharing a bed with you, with you being her best friend.
“Just take whatever clothes you like.” You told her as she stood by your dresser rifling through the drawer, “Towels are in the bathroom. So are extra toothbrushes and pads— if you need them.”
“Okay.” She answered softly, “Thanks, y/n. Really. You don’t know what you’re doing for me, I can’t ever thank you enough.”
“As long as you’re safe, that’s a big enough thank you.” You replied earnestly.
“I’m gonna go take a shower, if that’s okay.”
“Of course.” You nodded, “Take your time. I’ll just…be here getting comfy in bed.”
She grabs a carefully selected stack of clothing and began walking towards your bathroom. “Amber wait.”
“What is it?” She asked, turning around to face you completely.
“Where’s Bobby?” You asked nervously.
“I left him at Ricky’s this morning.” Amber tells you.
“Oh.” You heaved a sigh of relief.
Amber leaves you alone for the next twenty minutes to shower, then she was back out with you again. You picked up on a difference in her mood, it was intense and made your heart race. She was looking at you a certain…way that made butterflies rage in your chest.
“Can I…give you something?” She asks, sitting down next to you.
“What?” You asked with caution.
“A kiss.”
“A kiss? Sure, Amber. You, want to kiss me?” You scoffed. But in the next second you feel her hand on your cheek, her face inches away from yours. “Yes.”
“Amber, you’re vulnerable right now, I don’t think I should—”
“That’s not why I want to kiss you.” Amber says, face somehow closer.
Fuck, you were so tempted. You wanted this. You’ve dreamed of this.
“Okay.” You decided, she kisses you. Not just fleetingly but a hungry, long kiss that caused you to ache. When she pulled away, you were damn near whining into her mouth. One thing led to another that night, it was everything you could’ve ever imagined and more. Amber was passionate, but so, so gentle with you, it was the best sex you’ve ever had and the first time anyone’s made you come.
As happy as you were, you were quickly bothered with the question of ‘what are we?’ right as you sobered up. Was this a confession of sorts that led to more? Or was it just…a one night stand? You looked at her looking at you, wondering if it was the right thing to do albeit enthusiastic consent from both parties, given the circumstance.
Before you could even process that you had tears in your eyes, she was asking you if you were okay. “I’m worried.” You revealed without much thought.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know.” You continued, “I’m scared that I shouldn’t have done that because you’re—”
“I wanted that, okay? Don’t be scared, I would’ve stopped you if I didn’t want that.” She caresses your cheek.
“But I’m more worried about how things would be like between us now, Ams.” Your voice quivered with each word, “I— I wanted to tell you that I had feelings for you but I could never do it, I just— I didn’t want things between us to change, not in a good way.”
Amber smiles, thumb still smoothing over your cheek, “I like you too, y/n. So much, I wouldn’t have done something like that with you if I didn’t. We’re okay, we’re more than okay. We’re spectacular.”
You laughed a little then ended up bursting into tears while your head was nuzzled against her chest. Amber rubs your back, planting a kiss to the crown of your head, “You are mine.”
A smile creeps onto your face, “I’m yours.”
Amber chuckles, combing her hand through your hair in a calming motion. “Yes, you are. About time.”
“Good night.” You whispered, then took some deep breaths to even out your breathing.
“Sweet dreams, honey.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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storyofmychoices · 6 months
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Yoga & Pancakes
[Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle Masterlist] 
Pairing: Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle (F!MC)
Other Characters: Shreya Mistry, Atlas Ernhardt
Book: The Elementalists
Word Count: ~900
Rating/Warnings: teen, suggestive language
Submitting to: @choicesmonthlychallenge ; @choicesficwriterscreations
Synopsis: Emma, Shreya, and Atlas run into Beckett at breakfast and Emma discovers a new Attuned food.
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"Let me guess—" Emma began, quieting Shreya's excited tone. "Some famous Attuned chef I've never heard of but who probably catered an event for you has prepared some incredibly magical treat for breakfast?"
Shreya pressed her hands to her hips, her smile falling slightly. "You make it sound so utterly dull." 
Emma opened her mouth to apologize, but Shreya continued. 
"You've been spending far too much time with Atlas. We've got to get you back to society."
"It's not me." Atlas shrugged. "Don't worry, Emma's still the sunshine of our group. She's just a little cranky this morning... she didn't get much sleep." 
"Is everything alright?" Shreya looked over her friend, beginning to think of healing spells. 
"I'm fine," Emma insisted, brushing off Shreya's worry, shooting her twin a quick don't you dare glance. She looped her arm with Shreya's pulling her forward.  "Now, let's go see what is so special about breakfast today. You were telling me about the chef and his specialties?"
"I wasn't but now that you asked—" Shreya began rambling off facts about the chef and private events she had catered. 
Emma smiled and nodded along, trying to keep her eyes open when she was desperate for a nap. Not looking where she was walking, she bumped into a tall student in line in front of her. "I'm sorry—" she began, recognizing his dark blue blazer before he even turned back.
"Emma?" Beckett couldn't help the smile spreading across his blushing freckled cheeks. "I did not think I would find you here. I thought you were  sleeping in."  
"Oh, yeah," Emma's cheeks warmed as her gaze shifted to Atlas for some help, but she merely found her twin smiling in amusement, watching their awkward encounter. 
"Why would you be sleeping in?" Shreya questioned with concern. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?"
"Oh, I think she's feeling just fine," Atlas smirked. "Just a little worn out from some early morning—or was it a late night—'yoga'." She added air quotes to the last word.
The hue across Beckett's face darkened at Atlas's words. 
"And here I thought 'yoga'"—she offered, using air quotes again, "—helped you relax, you seemed quite exhausted but very dreamy—" she mimed gagging, "—when you returned this morning at... what was it... 4:30 am?"
Emma chewed her lower lip. 
"Oh! OH!" Shreya's lips drew into a knowing smile of amusement. "No wonder you're tired. Keeping our girl up all night, Harrington? Impressive! I didn't think you had it in you. I bet you two worked up an appetite."
"I beg your pardon?" He didn't think his face could flush any darker.
"Okayyyy," Emma tried her best to move them along. "Look, we're next. Oooo, pancakes. I love pancakes. Pancakes are so delicious. Did I ever tell you the time when I was six and my parents made me pancakes shaped like a bunny for easter? Oh and they cut up bananas on the pancakes and added chocolate syrup, there's really no end to what you can do with pancakes. Strawberries on pancakes are also delicious. Did you know, pancakes—" 
The trio stared at her, Beckett in relief and Shreya and Atlas with amusement, her rambling words trailing away. 
"Would you like to say pancake one more time?" Atlas teased. "I don't think you've said it enough."
The cafeteria worker handed Emma a tray with 3 large, fluffy, circular pancakes. A look of disappointment fell on her face. "Huh, I expected more. They look just like tuneless pancakes."
"Oh, they're so much better!" Shreya announced gleefully as she guided them to a booth on the side.
"So when do I find out what makes these pancakes magical," Emma questioned. "If I eat them will confetti rain down? Will I make weird noises?"
"Not this time," Shreya replied. "These are no ordinary pancakes. They're shape-shifters. Watch this." She focused on the pancake on the top of her stack, concentrating on a single image in her mind. Slowly, before their eyes, the pancake transformed into the shape of a blossoming orchid. 
"Woah!" Emma marveled. "How?"
"It's a centuries-old recipe passed down. The chef has yet to reveal the secret, but I've been working on wearing her down. She can't say no to a Mistry forever."
Beckett didn't dare contradict her. Usually, he'd love bragging about his superior knowledge—it was rather a simple spell. He had learned it at the age of five— but right now, he didn't want the conversation shifting back to him or Emma. 
Emma focused on her pancake, her gaze momentarily shifting to Beckett, admiring the way the glowing sun kissed his face through the ornate stained glass windows. The pancake transformed into a heart, with a B + E appearing at the center. 
"Bleh—" Atlas choked, before picking up her pancake, which she had turned into a mace, dipping it in syrup, and biting off the end. 
"What are you going to make?" Emma questioned curiously of Beckett.
"I can think of something he could turn it into for her." Shreya wagged her brow, enjoying as the pair blushed. "Thinking about last night, Harrington? Be careful or you never know what might appear."
"Gross," Atlas mumbled through a mouth full of pancakes. "I'm trying to eat. I don't need any graphic "yoga" depictions popping up on the nerd's plate. It's bad enough I've seen them kiss. I can't stab my eyes out with a pancake dagger."
Shreya laughed, holding her hands up in a peaceful truce. Her mind quickly returned to the shopping trip she had scheduled next, the pancakes on her plate following suit, one turning into a long gown and the other a shopping bag. 
Emma and Beckett breathed easier as the conversation shifted. Laughter bubbled between them as the morning sun shimmered around the space. Despite the teasing, their free hands tangled together beneath the table. 
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This is just a silly little idea that popped into my head. It's not edited, so please forgive any mistakes.
My Atlas is demiro.
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ryuichirou · 1 year
Hello! We know that Lilia is a war general in the past. What do you think about Lilidia but with the plot where Idia somehow got time travelled to the past and meet the war general Lilia? If you don't mind sharing it, do you have any HC about their dynamics? Also, as a fellow lilidia shipper, I want to say that I really really LOVE your Lilidia contents. I want to thank you for making such great Lilidia contents! It's always fills me with joy seeing your great art <3
Hi Anon! First of all, thank you very much, and you’re welcome! I am very happy to provide Lilidia content and that there are people who are into this ship and send us asks about them. These two are amazing, and I’m glad you’re enjoying them.
Second of all, this is suuuuch a good idea and we’ve actually discussed it quite a bit. It’s fun on so many levels: poor Idia gets isekai’d in the worst way possible, gets to meet young and feral Lilia; all the possibilities for their interactions depending on the status of their relationships in Idia’s original timeline…
Oh, all the thoughts that we have are based on this art that I drew some time ago, so general Vanrouge looks pretty much the same as the Lilia we know and love (we aren’t sure how different he looked when he was younger, so it varies with us lol).
So ahem, I’ll share a few thoughts.
Regardless of how close these two are when Idia gets sent to the past and meets general Vanrouge, Idia is going to feel relief when he sees him. He is probably pretty confused and frankly scared of the whole thing, so a seeing a familiar face feels like a miracle.
The miracle won’t last for long though, because Lilia wouldn’t know who Idia is and wouldn’t be friendly with him at all. Younger Lilia is much more aggressive and brutal, and what he sees is an intruder in a weird armor that Lilia doesn’t recognize.
What Lilia would realise pretty soon though is that Idia is a Shroud, and he’s heard a lot about Shrouds, but hasn’t seen a single one in his life. So, once he realises that Idia is completely harmless and scared shitless, he’ll get quite intrigued and frankly excited by him.
Idia is going to be so shocked watching this version of Lilia. It’s like watching someone who looks like Lilia, but acts like a completely different person: like a brute and a meathead, who could chug a whole bottle (of…is it wine? is it blood?) in seconds. But at the same time, despite not liking meatheads, Idia would kind of feel drawn to him. Maybe it’s because he feels safe now that Lilia is kind of on his side, maybe it’s because despite being strong and aggressively masculine, Lilia is actually quite smart, a great strategist, and a very charismatic person. Sometimes it even feels like Idia is talking to Crimson Muscle…what a weird and completely random thought.
Lilia is definitely going to laugh at Idia’s armor. It looks super heavy, and yet it’s so thin that it’s completely useless. Lilia’s armor, in contrast, is actually quite light, but sturdy. Idia is going to sigh because it’s impossible to explain to general Vanrouge that he is just cosplaying as a character from a movie, and that this is a 3d printed armor for the Halloween party…
Idia is going to feel horribly out of place in general; he is super tech-oriented, and Briar Valley isn’t the best place for that, especially like 400-500 years ago. Lilia is going to find it hilarious and make fun of Idia a lot, maybe even prank him. Idia is going to get a bit surprised but notice that this curious and kind of playful side is very familiar, like he’s seen future Lilia acting that way.
While Lilia recognizes that his priority should probably be getting a young Shroud from the future(???) to the Queen, he enjoys their time together too much and feels kind of possessive over him, like he noticed him first. So they’ll end up spending the night together at some inn… not like that. Well. Yeah, probably like that.
Idia definitely wasn’t planning on sleeping with weird-manly-Lilia-from-the-past, but when Lilia pressed him against the wall and looked him in the eyes and told him that he’d never slept with a Shroud before, for some reason it all became a blur.
If future!Lilia and Idia are together in this universe, Idia will notice how different past!Lilia feels, but at the same time, not at all. Like, he is super different, he is way more aggressive, almost barbaric, very self-indulgent and openly rude; he even sounds differently, his grunts are lower, his laugh isn’t cute and all. He bites even worse, and in general it feels like Idia is a new addition to his huge collection of people he’s fucked. But at the same time, the look Lilia gives him is the same: it’s mischievous, curious and smug.
After Idia is back to NRC, he is going to avoid Lilia for as long as he can. It’s going to be pretty difficult to look him in the eyes after whatever happened back then. Lilia is going to notice and hunt him down though…
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sugarakis-p2 · 1 year
Ten-chan is the worst! ch3
(I found my art. I know Touya looks generic but I'm still proud.)
Previous chapter 2: Alternate universe Tenko a UA student but no hero. Reader x Tenko F/M]
After a heated night of passion, you finally had made up your mind about Tenko. You'd decided you wanted to be equal partners with Tenko and date for real. But little did you know that in the night, Tenko would confess to you that he had the quirk of a villain, and what he did can never be undone, his tragic past keeping him from the opportunities that will create a future for him. You were uncertain how to take this new information, but he was still the same guy that you'd fallen in love with. You thought the world was finally opening up to you until you saw Touya. Confused about why Tenko discarded you, you allowed Touya to help you since you have no home and a mysterious illness. But his help came with its own dangers; you found yourself caught in the chaotic power struggle between the Todoroki family while you desperately tried to make sense of your explosive relationship with Tenko.
Warning: Mental and physical trauma, drugging, kidnapping, loss of virginity (deflowering), blood, Todoroki drama, angst and breakups.
Chapter 3:
Tenko dropped you on the bed, quickly following, trapping you in his arms.
Tenko's face was inches from yours, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. He looked deep into your eyes as he ran his hands over your chest.
"Are you ready for this?" he asked with a cadence of need. You writhe against him with the same need. You grab his face and pull him to you. Kissing him deeply.
"I am a little scared," you admitted, parting your lips to let him in.
"We do not have to. There are plenty of other things," Tenko was saying when you lifted a finger and stopped him.
"Yes, I'm ready," you breathe. His lips locked on yours, crashing like two planets colliding, as a fire started to burn in your core, and you melted into the kiss, feeling the sparks of electricity released between you as your tongues danced. Kissing him back with the same hunger.
Tenko's hands moved lower, slowly teasing your nipples with tender strokes and caresses. Lightly pulling and tugging your top free. They hardened under his touch, and you gasped in pleasure. You could feel the warmth radiating in the room as your mouths gradually explored each other. You could feel yourself losing control and gripping his shoulder tightly as his hands teased you. He finally broke away from the kiss, and you felt lost in your own world for a moment.
His lips moved to your neck, inching down towards your chest, leaving a trail with his tongue. His hands moved back to your nipples and rubbed them ever so softly, cupping and kneading as he pulled one into his mouth. Suckling and lapping at your peaked flesh. He moved to the other, enjoying how you pebbled and hardened under his tongue. Tenko finally drew away, coming back up for the last passionate kiss, and his breathing was unsteady as he stumbled back, pulling off his shirt with fervent haste. You felt his hardened chest against you as his strong arms kept you steady in his embrace. 
"Ten-chan, I don't want to wait any longer," you whined.
"No," he scolded, "It's your first time. I need to work your body and make it special. We'll play like we have. Take our time. I want to cherish you."
 In one swift motion, he dropped his pants and underwear until he was standing before you, completely naked. You feel heated in your core. It reminds you of how you first got caught. He was only wearing a towel. He pulls you to him again before he lets you get a look at him.
"You are so cute. Let me undress you," Tenko asked. Tenko's eyes are ravenous and intense, hands reaching for you. You felt another wave of arousal rush through your body. He pulled you to stand with him in an embrace. His cock pressed against your stomach as he ran his gloved hands through the strands of your hair. 
"Y-y-yes, please help me undress," you nodded, and he hugged you. His hands moved to the back of your dress and started slowly working the zipper down your back. With each inch of the zipper he pulled down, the tension in the roomy seemed to build until, finally, your dress fell to the floor, pooling around your ankles. His gaze wandered over your body, and he let himself drink in the sight of you, every curve and angle filling him with warmth and wonder he couldn't describe. His arousal bobbed and responded to you in only your undergarments, making him wonder how hard he has fallen for you? That can't be possible. Yet he feels something other than hate, and it confuses him. 
"Tenko. T-t-this is a little embarrassing," you say. He moved forward again, stroking his hands up your sides until he reached the bra. Shutting off his noisy brain. His fingers fumbled with the clasp, tongue grazing his lips as he struggled with the tight fabric before finally pulling the straps away from your body. Your soft skin seemed to beg for his touch, and he complied, his gaze never leaving yours. His scars are less welted. His eyelashes are sparse and short, but they are growing. You gently touch them, and he leans his head into your hand.
His smile is sweet, "You're so pretty." He breathed in your ear. As his hands moved to your panties. He slid the lace fabric down your legs and watched it pool around your ankles. You felt a sense of encouragement in his gentle touches, knowing that you are entirely exposed and vulnerable to his gaze, admiring your body, the cool air surrounding you, and prickling your skin. The appreciation came off him in waves. You couldn't help but feel beautiful in that moment and revel in it. His fingers grazed your lips. You wince in surprise as he asks with a wicked grin, "Did you shave her for me?" You swallowed hard and nodded.
He placed his hands on your shoulders, then ran one up to cup your face and spread gentle kisses over your cheeks and lips. His other hand wandered southward, teasing your nipples as his mouth tasted every inch of your skin. He walks you back until the back of your legs hit the bed, pressing you down, his tongue licked into the curves of your body, caressing and exploring until your breath hitched and your heart raced.
"Ten! That tickles," you squeal and squirm when his tongue wriggles in your belly button. 
Tenko let out a low moan as he licked up and found one of your nipples, and he licked and sucked on it hungrily until you were arching into him in pleasure. His hands roamed down to your hips, then back up to your breasts as his mouth hungrily devoured your body. You cupped his head, fingers entangled in his hair, encouraging him to suck harder. Every inch of you was consumed and explored, and when he had finally finished, he pulled away, breathing heavily. He flipped you over, and you shuddered as his tongue ran up your spine. He bit your butt, and you squeaked and kicked the air.
"Ten-chan!" Tenko pulled back and laughed. 
"You've never let me have this much. It's getting too hard to hold back. But I promise I will be gentle," he moans. Flipping you back over, parting your legs to lick and nip at your inner thighs.
"T-T-T-Tenko," you whimper, pleading with your eyes. He stops long enough to let you ask your question while he nuzzles your leg. "Have you ever been with a virgin? You seem too big." Tenko pulls a face, contemplating how to measure out his words.
"No. My partners have been experienced. I promise I will do my best and take care of all your needs. You are so perfect and wet. I studied and got advice to get you ready. I ache to be inside you," he panted. Lightly rubbing your clit with his thumb. His eyes spoke volumes of desire. Gently, he ran his hands along your thighs, the warmth of his touch setting your core aflame. His breath stroked your thigh. Dropping feather-light kisses on your skin, and lay his head softly against the exposed flesh of your inner thigh. His tongue follows down your apex in a familiar act that puts you more at ease. Your body quivered with anticipation, and you hungered for more.
"You are already dripping. You are so pretty for me," Tenko growled. Spreading your lips and staring, his fingers opening you up as he licks his lips.
"T-t-en, can you stop that," you stammer.
"Stop what? You don't like it?" Tenko asked, pausing his fingers but still staring only at your pussy. You cover your eyes with your hands.
"It's not that I don't like it. Whenever you do things to me, it makes my head fuzzy and blank, and I don't know what to say. It's like all my senses are on overload, to the point where I'm overwhelmed and don't know what to say or do! It does feel really good and embarrassing to feel your gaze on me," you whisper, blushing.
"How do you expect me to hold back when you say such cute things? Fine, I won't look," he panted. He fiercely dipped his head between your legs, his breath ragged as his tongue worked expertly against your sensitive spot. As his skilled ministrations sent electric shocks of pleasure coursing through you, it was all you could do to gasp for air. He intensified his touch, holding you firmly against him as you began to writhe in rapture. Unable to resist his advances, you begged for more, though he compelled you to remain still as the waves of pleasure coursed through you like a raging storm. Your body chose the path of least resistance, succumbing to bliss as his fondling grew more and more fervent. Oh, how he tantalized you! His tongue darted in and out of your folds, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through your center. His fingers soon found their way inside you, and you gasped, the sensations intensifying. He added three fingers again, and you squirmed, the pressure almost too much. Flinching when he spreads them to stretch you.
"Tenko. That hurts a little," you whimper.
"I know. Just a little more. I have a bit above-average length, but I can see my thickness being a problem. You're too tight. Bear with it and relax. Just a little more," Tenko mumbles around your clit. Growling and nipping, sending vibrations and sharp sensations that made you arch your back and clutch his hair. He continued to pleasure you, each caress and lick, making you moan with pain and desire.
He moved his fingers in circles, faster and faster, sending you into a frenzy. Sucking your clit roughly, nipping the bundle of nerves to grind into his face, spreading his fingers, then pumping, spreading, and pumping. You can feel your orgasm building, and as you reach the peak, you buried your hands in his hair and let out a deep, guttural moan, throwing your head back. 
"Ah, ah, ah, Ten! I'm cumming," you screamed. He pulled away, a satisfied smirk on his lips, knowing you came because of him.
"I'll never get tired of that sight. You are dripping with sweetness," Tenko sighed with contentment. Wiping his lips with the back of his hand before reaching over to open a box of condoms, grimacing as he rolled it on. You watch with rapt attention. "What the fuck," he yelped and mumbled.
"What's wrong? Don't you want me to suck you?" You panted.
"Nothing. Don't move. I want to be in you. Spread yourself wide for me," he breathed. You do as he asks. His bright eyes burned into yours as he crawled over your hot body. He cages you in his arms, a light kiss before his masterful hands joining between your frantic bodies. You felt him align with your inviting entrance. He tried to ease in but ended up slipping. With a slight shift, he gripes his shaft and thrusts his hips hard and deep, that moment of bliss and excruciating pain melting the two of you as one.
"Ten. Ten, it hurts!" You screamed, meeting his imploring gaze with a fiery glare. Writhing against his grip, you fought him with all your might, desperate to break free. His arms quaked with effort as he held onto you, his muscles tense as a coil beneath your grasp, his teeth grinding.
"Too tight," He hissed. His mouth moved, but no words came out. His lips instead twisted into a grimace of pain. It felt like a merciless invasion, held firmly in place by a blazing hot rubber battering ram ruthlessly determined to tear you in two. No matter how hard you tried to resist, it seemed unstoppable as it stretched the life out of you. Heaving and panting, he still wouldn't release you from his iron grip. Your legs shook, and tears streamed down your face.
"Ten!" Your anger and frustration boiled over like a volcano, and with one final gasp, you shoved yourself. He followed with a grunt, his eyes filled with rage, as he tore his glove off with his teeth, grabbed his base, and ripped himself free of you. Decaying the condom with a gasp of relief. Immediately you yelped and scuttled from him. Cradling your aching, bleeding pussy in your hands and whimpering in pain. Breathing deeply, you tried not to check the hurt expression on his face. But you couldn't stop those emotions from bubbling to the surface. It seemed like time had frozen as your eyes met his. His gaze filled with hurt and longing. You both share a moment of remorse before you look away, unable to bear the mixed feelings of relief and guilt. You were relieved to have finally escaped his massive cock, but a part of you still felt disturbed by the fact that Tenko had been in physical pain, too.
"Fuck, your bleeding," he hissed. Tenko erupted into action, frantically dashing towards the mini-fridge and snatching a drink. With a swift, determined movement, he grabbed a washcloth and expertly arranged it around the cold beverage. He tenderly, yet urgently, placed it against the back of your hands. You relished in the relief of your throbbing wound as an awkward chuckle escaped Tenko's lips. Amid his attempt to conceal his idiotic grin, he softly apologized, "Are you ok? I'm sorry."
"You don't look sorry," With a scowl, you gritted your teeth. You had never seen Tenko appear so ecstatic before. He was practically vibrating with joy.
"I'm sorry I hurt my favorite spot. Are you alright?" he says, feigning innocence, although the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth could give him away any second.
You shift uneasily and shrug, "I do this monthly. What are you smiling about?" Trying to ease the sting of your pride.
"I took it. It may have only been my tip, but I was in you. You gave it to me, and I took it. No one can have it. I wasn't going to let anyone else have it. What you gave me is a tiny piece of you," he giggled, barely containing his excitement. It was unnerving, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as the magnitude of the situation dawned on you. "Wait, that was only the tip?" Your voice shook as disbelief and horror seeped into your bones. Surely not—but there was no denying the fear that raced through you as the grim reality sunk in. He may not fit, ever. He is as wide as the can you are holding to yourself. You shuddered at the thought.
"Yeah," he groaned. His expression is as pained as his words. "The condom felt like a metal vice. I've used this brand before, but maybe it was because it was you. I felt something stronger with you — a sense of desire like I never experienced before. I felt harder and more excited than with anyone else."
The full impact of his words hit you like a truck, making your heart drop even further and your mouth drops open in shock. Your heart fluttered at his pretty words. Was this a confession of love? You steadied yourself with a deep breath and faced reality head-on. There was only one thing left to do: keep calm, be brave, and deal with the situation.
"I don't feel different. My virginity wasn't something I felt I had, I wasn't using it, and it wasn't that special of a thing since it's more like a concept… it's hard to explain," you say timidly.
"Then why with me?" He asked, scratching his neck.
"I wanted to understand my feelings about you. I thought being connected more intimately would help me," you answer nervously.
He scoffed and crossed his arms. 
"So, you didn't think it would be special unless it was with me?" Your heart raced at his words. His piercing gaze left you feeling exposed and vulnerable. His eyes softened, and he brushed his fingertips across your cheek. "Well, I'm glad you did because it was special. It was with you."
"I think I'm ready to try it again," you squeak bashfully. Tenko shook his head with grave sorrow, scratching around his eye, concern creasing his forehead as he ran his hand across his face. 
"The condoms will still be an issue," he sighed, his voice heavy with disappointment.
"We can try without a condom," you say, your eyes burning with desire. Tenko's eyes widen, his breath coming in rushed gasps. Suddenly, he darts to his nightstand drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube. He quickly grabs the can without hesitation, tossing it aside, and stares hungrily at your swollen sex.
"Beautiful," he pants, his erection pressing eagerly against your thigh. "I already deflowered you, and your body still shows its pleasures. You drive me wild. Let me show you the destruction I can bring." You cringe inwardly and hope he stops saying things like that. Popping the lid open for the lube, he pours it onto both of you, the anticipation almost too much. He is pressing down on you when you throw up your hands to stop him.
"Aren't you worried about babies," you shout in apprehension.
"I'll take responsibility," He growled fiercely, staking his claim as he rubbed himself between your legs. You gasp in pleasure and pain, knowing you had to plunge this time. You hesitate, unsure of his words. You know you are taking the pill, but he doesn't know. You wonder if he really means those words? Will he keep you safe and shoulder the burden with you, or will he turn his back when things get tough? Tenko lies, but he seems sincere. His light rasp interrupts your thoughts, his cock notching at your entrance, "I will be yours, and you will be mine. Would that be so bad? Stop me. Stop me now because once we start, I will not be able to go back, no matter how much I make you cry."
No. That wouldn't be so bad, you think. You know there is bad love. With Tenko, you know it's too late. Toxic or not, you had fallen for him. You allowed yourself to be drawn in, each glance a promise of the moments to come. It would not be so bad to belong to each other. You reach between you and help him push into you with a squirm and a gasp. You can feel the heat radiating between you, entangling together in a forbidden embrace. You know it's wrong, yet it feels right. For the first time, you wonder what it might feel like to belong to one another as equals. Pulling him closer, every inch of his body pushing into yours, with a deep shuddering sigh. It still aches and throbs, but his crown pushes into your swollen entrance, so gradually it feels like a slow knife. 
"All at once," You plead desperately, eyes full of lust and longing. Your heart thuds against your chest with an emotion you've never felt. Tenko's breathing was quick and rough as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist, pushing in with a deep groan and a primal growl. He sinks into you, every sensation amplified as the wave of pain makes you writhe and dig your nails in. His hands grasp yours tightly as you succumb to the rush of rapture. Pain and bliss flooded your veins as ecstasy flowed through your quaking body.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to claw you. It stings. I feel too full," you trembled, your tears prickling your eyes and heavy on your lashes. He stared down at you, starved for more, the two of you locked in a desperate embrace.
"No, I made you bleed," he breathed, husky with lust. "This is only fair. I can take it. Are you ready? One more, and I should be in all the way," He thrust forward again, pushing roughly against your slick opening until he filled you completely. You let out a raw scream of his name and clawed at the back of his neck, your body shaking with pleasure.
"You are amazing. You are so tight. Look, I'm all the way in," Tenko whispers, his voice trembling with pleasure. Tenko shudders above you as heat spreads through your core. His eyes are heavy and languid as your grip tightens around him. Every time you move, he groans, the pleasure too much to bear. His chest heaves with each breath, drenching your skin in his warmth. You can feel his heart quivering deep within you, blood rushing through his veins. You can feel every ridge and throb of his length as you explore him further, pushing yourself into a crescendo of pleasure. A river of ecstasy persists between you, and you feel truly as one.
"I'm going to move," he growls. With one last warning, he slides out and buries himself back inside your resistive walls. His movements become more urgent with each passionate stroke taken with a renewed vigor. "Roll your hips," He urges you to move with him to help tease the sweet pressure he's executing to reach the best spots. It helps him move faster and deeper.
"Trenko, that's too rough," you plead. 
"It can't be helped. You are rocking against me," Tenko groaned. Together, swaying in a way that edges into the ultimate bliss. Your body trembling with each thrust, your palms slick with sweat and blood. His strong hands pressing into your hips, pushing you to the limit. The two of you move in unison as if fate had designed you for each other. Your bodies cling together as Tenko drives deeper and more profound, faster and harder, the tempo of your passion increasing with each stroke. The heat of his skin against yours sends sparks of electricity through your veins. Your moans of pleasure echo through the night and through your soul. He crashes through you, his eyes intent. His movements were savage, each punishing thrust taking you closer to the edge.
The passion between you reaches a fever pitch as you both reach for the ultimate climax. Waves of pleasure roll through you from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Tenko leaned down to press his lips against yours, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth in a tantalizing dance. His pace quickened, pushing you higher to the brink of ecstasy. Tenko erupts in a deep groan as the pleasure overtakes him. Heat and harsh throbbing made you mewl and clench on him.
His back dripping blood as you pant, "Ten, Ah, Ten. I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Ten. Slow down." He let out a low moan of pleasure as his body climaxed. His stomach muscles bunch as his hips stutter against yours. With a final hard thrust, the electricity of pleasure ran up your spine as you arched up to him, and his shudder of release sent you spiraling. You lay in each other's arms, heartbeats slowing, love and passion have conquered, and there is only bliss for now.
"I have a confession," he says, still buried in you.
"What?" you pant.
"I came when I got all the way in you. We might have to go all night long because that was not enough. Is that ok?" You kiss him in response. The two of you go for hours until you collapse on top of each other, exhausted from the intensity of it all.
"Let me rest for a moment. I want to snuggle and talk, please," you gasp.
Tenko nodded, his hot body relaxing and molding to yours, pulling you to lay on top of him, resting your head on his chest. It is hard, covered in sweat, but you can hear the steady rythm of his heartbeat and take comfort in that. "I will say our date is over. Are you going to tell me why you tried to rape me?" He freezes, rolling off and staring at the ceiling before responding. He raises his hand, now ungloved, for you to see, and chills run through your body. You still clung to him, hung on every word.
"I killed my family with this hand. My older sister, my mother, my grandparents. A villain…awoke something in me. I did not know what was happening, but I accidentally killed my family. My father hit me with a shovel. It's how I got this scar. It still itches," he touches the one over his eye. "If he had reached for the sweeper. He would be dead also." He said with a lilt of desire that frightened you. His eyes dart to you, dark with some unseen craving, flickered to you as a chill swept down your spine. You wanted—no, needed—to hear more, and he obliged, his story unfolding like a horror movie, bringing you further into its depths. "My father left me a ton of money and disappeared. My father had disappeared, abandoning me. I thought it was over when I was forsaken as a child, left alone in the world with nothing but a hefty inheritance. I was barely conscious, lying whimpering among the dust, and had almost given up hope when All Might stumbled across my pitiful body and took me in. It was then that my life changed, and he offered me the chance to start anew. Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't found me? Fate is cruel. I was mad because he offered me a spot in the hero course."
You wait with bated breath, but then he finishes talking abruptly. Your mouth agape, you look at him with fury, disbelief, and sadness. Sitting up abruptly, your heart heavy with disappointment, you grab your pillow and rear back.
"Wait--you were offered a spot in the acclaimed Hero Course, and you acted like it made you *mad*! How could you *not* take it?! Do you even know how *difficult* it is to get in, and you had the chance *so late* in your life?" You say, smacking him with a pillow for emphasis.
He mumbled from under the pillow, "You are so violent! That's not the normal reaction I get from that story." You quickly pull the pillow away, revealing tears in your eyes. You threw your arms around him, clutching him tightly. "That's what a regular response would be," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice. "I didn't accept it because I have a villain's Quirk. That is my fate in life."
"I can't even fathom," you began, shaking your head in disbelief, "The burden you have had to carry. I'm so sorry, Ten-Chan. But still, you mustn't allow your Quirk to stand in the way of your goals, whatever they may be. After all, my Quirk is nothing out of the ordinary, and people are always shocked to hear it's called 'Domestic Goddess.' Yet, despite what assumptions they may make, I use my Quirk to my advantage. To prove myself, to make money, to better myself. I would jump at the chance of attending the hero's course if I had the opportunity. It's not about the Quirk itself. It's about the potential and the power of what that potential can become," you finished, emphasizing your words with a passionate determination.
"Power? Domestic goddess? Come to think of it, you've never talked about your Quirk or inquired what mine is. I'm curious to know what you'd do if you were in the hero course. What are your dreams?" Tenko pressed closer to you, their nose grazing your neck as they asked, awe and curiosity thick in his voice.
"Yeah. It's a family quirk, hence the stupid name. People think it's only good for being a domestic partner or a baby machine. Maybe I will marry and have kids, but I will earn money in the meantime. It's hard surviving without it," you say, playing with his hair in self-comfort. "I'm an enhancer. If I have strong emotions like love or hate, I can make it affect what I touch. It's nice that no one can stop me from using it. But if I was in the hero's course, I would use it for inside trading," you admit, your eyes dark and desperate. A shaky breath escapes you.
"That's not a very hero thing to say." Tenko kissed. You rolled your eyes. One thing you will never claim to be is a hero, "What, do you think I'm going to be able to beat up villains?"
"How do you plan on earning all this money alone? Wouldn't it be easier if you let your lover take care of you? Just a little for once," Tenko purred, his suggestion dripping with innuendo as he rolled you over and nestled his hard cock against your pelvis. His words lingered in the air. The implications are as heavy as the desire between you both.
"I'll work for my Mom after graduation and expand her physical shop and company's contracts. I got a few gigs on the side. I am not looking for a hero, Tenko." You gasp when four fingers tenderly wrap around your throat, and the look of contempt spreads over his face. His gaze is ice cold, daring you to say something else he will hate. Suddenly, Tenko seemed to double his strength, his bright eyes burning with intensity, flipping you face-down. His powerful arms pinned your face to the pillow, and you squealed in fear because it was his ungloved hand. He leaned closer, his breath hot against your ear, and growled, "I'm not your hero. I'm your villain and lover." He gripped your waist and entered harshly with one thrust. You turned your head to gasp for air and looked up at him with one of fear and arousal. His words made your cunt tighten on his length. He moaned.
"You really know how to rile me up. I'll take the hero's course. I'll even help you with inside trading. But you have to make me want a future," he graveled. What? You thought. He entered you with fire in his eyes. His fury was palpable, and yet the passion with which he seized you was undeniable. Pressing his chest into your back and his hips against your tight, round ass. Tenko began to move his hips against you. Every thrust felt like a desperate plea as if he begged you to be his and his alone. You tried to fight back the tears, yet they threatened to give way as you allowed yourself to be consumed by him. You rocked your hips back and forth with each thrust, feeling the pleasure grow more and more intense as the sensations built up within you. He increased the pace and intensity of his thrusts, kissing your womb and sending a shockwave through your center up your spine. 
You can't let him have you with the weight of the Touya threat looming over you. You melted into each other, still connected, the intensity of the moment still radiating through you. Tenko pulled you up into his arms by your neck, his heart still thumping against your back as he kissed the back of your neck. With one final, deep thrust, you cried out in pleasure as your body trembled with the powerful wave of orgasm that consumed you. Your body spasmed with pleasure as he filled you with his warmth. When it was done, he let you collapse in a gasping, quivering heap on the bed. He embraced you and kissed your neck tenderly as you both calmed your breathing. He held you tightly, feeling a deep satisfaction as you curled against him, your body still trembling with pleasure from your passionate tryst. Tenko's gentle breath hit your neck as he asked if it was good. His voice was deep and full of the same emotion racing through your veins.
"Yes," you sighed, surrendering to the warmth that rushed through you as his warmth enveloped you. As you drift into sleep, you smile, feeling the strength and love you have just shared through their bodies.
Tenko  rose from the bed with a newfound vigor and a determined gait, putting his glove back on as he went. He paused, watching with adoration as you lay beneath the blanket, he had pulled over you. There was no doubt in his mind. He had finally admitted to himself he's been in love with you for a long time. Probably the moment you walked into the gamers' club with that look, he had never seen a look of such fervent obsession, and underneath it was an undeniable fear. You are tenacious. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep you if he kept the All Might thing from you. But he didn't tell you everything. He went for a short walk. With a satisfied smile, he gently kissed your lips before crawling beside you on the bed and wrapping his arms around you, hiking your leg around his waist, and placing his cock back in you.
He had fucked you so hard you didn't wake. You sighed in contentment and flopped your arm over him. Although you had been sleeping through it, a soft hum of satisfaction escaped your lips, and your body aligned itself with his, molding to him. His heart was so full that he feared it might burst. In a satisfied whisper, he uttered, "I ruined you for all other men. This was fate." He allowed his eyelids to succumb to the exhaustion. His face hurt because he never smiled this much in his entire life.
You yanked yourself away from Tenko's embrace, feeling like his touch still lingered on your body, perhaps a consequence of his aggressive lovemaking. No, it was he let himself go limp inside of you. You knew he was worn out, but Tenko was still fast asleep after your shower. You see, he had gotten your bag at some point in the night. You left a text letting him know you were getting some breakfast before you left the bedroom. Unaware that Touya was following close behind. You gasped in shock as you felt his presence, jerking away as quickly as possible.
"You're so jumpy, little mouse. I only wanted to tease you a little bit, not scare you," Touya grinned.
You back away, gripping your chest, heart pounding as you ask, "What are you doing here?" Touya shrugs as if it is obvious.
"Shiori was tired. This was affordable, available, and close by," Touya says. That makes sense. It's the reason you chose this hotel. Touya seems too friendly, and it puts you on edge. He is too close, adding to your anxiety, "You wanted to talk to me about something. How about I buy you breakfast, and we can talk." The closer he is to you, the more something about his smile makes you anxious. 
"That's a nice offer..." You attempt to finish your sentence when he suddenly captures your hand and pulls you towards Shiori's table. A mixture of uncertainty and anticipation swirls in your head, and all the possibility of a new opportunity looms. It should be alright if Shiori is there. You try to wrest your hand free, "I need to get my portfolio! I'll be right back!"
You race to the room, grabbing your bag as you leave. Tenko is still sound asleep. Your heart swells with butterflies as you suddenly realize the magnitude of the offer. This could be it! You can become equals and express the love to Tenko that you have kept hidden for so long. You take a deep breath and make the decision to seize the moment. You will confess your feelings to Tenko and do whatever it takes to start a new life together. The thought of it fills you with excitement and determination. There's no turning back now!
You present Touya with your portfolio, your eyes meeting his with determination. "I spoke with several girls, and while your reputation as a lover is awful, I showed them these pictures demonstrating your gentle, caring, personal side, and their overall perception of you improved by at least 20%. Your social media lacks any personal touch if you take a look here...." You gesture to the charts, explaining in detail how his income could increase if he utilizes all the tips and resources within your portfolio.
"I like a lot of these photos. You took them, didn't you? Many are in the gamer room," He nods approvingly at the photos, a satisfied look on his face, and he winks at Shiori a few times. Her expression quickly shifts from confusion to distress as she stands up from the table. She was already looking glazed over from the start of the conversation. Clutching her hands together nervously, she hastily returns with two glasses of juice. You take a sip and murmur a quiet thank you. Even though you and Shiori have never gotten along, you suddenly find yourself filled with pity. Touya seems to have completely broken her last night. Suddenly, the pieces of why she's here are all coming together. You can't help but feel a tug of compassion for this girl who had the world at her fingertips only to have it taken away by Touya's whims. The thought is almost too much for you to handle, although she knew what he was like, and it was her choice. She shouldn't have hooked back up with him again.
You steel yourself for the approaching moment of truth. You want Tenko. Touya noticing that you have been taking pictures of him also makes you feel edgy, "Of course. With my quirk," you say with a sly half-smile. "I can put you in the best light in any situation photo. I…I…What?" you ask, confused. You feel so sleepy suddenly, a feeling of weariness washes over you. Tenko did go hard last night. You continue as professional as possible but the world wavers. The moments after that are a blur.
You  open your eyes, and the world is like a twisted blur, whirling around you in dizzying circles. You felt a sharp wave of nausea surge over you, and when you looked over, Touya was holding out something for you. "Stop!" you pleaded desperately. In response, Touya quickly pulled over, coming to a screeching halt.  
He couldn't bear watching you suffer any longer as you began to turn green. Swerving to the side of the road, he pulled over and held your hair back, tenderly caressing your head in a tight embrace. "Are you getting car sick? It always happens to me. That's why I carry Dramamine in the glove box," he murmured softly.
You looked up with shock, stammering, "Wha-What's going on?" Your voice quivered as you stepped away from him, uncomfortably aware of the intensity of the situation. You shook your head as you stared blankly, unsure of what was happening. Your lungs felt heavy, your head fuzzy, and your heart sank as he shuffled towards you.
"Whoa, their little mouse. Don't hurt yourself. We have so much work to do," he breathed in your ear. His fingers stroked through your hair.
Flashes come to you.
"Is this sorting out your feelings! Is this what you think of me!" Tenko shouted. Rage and hatred radiated off of him. Tears and crying. You groan.
"Ten-chan? No. I love you." That pathetic sobbing is you. The lightning flashed furiously, cutting through your memory like a thousand knives. Images of the past came tumbling out, colliding with your present. You were surrounded by tumult, captivated, and immobilized in an ocean of memory. You look to Touya, "Did Tenko really break up with me?"
"Are you crying?" Touya grinned, a devilish smile stretching across his face. Emotions crashed together like turbulent waves, threatening to drown you in the chaos. Tenko yelling. You could feel yourself unraveling, being enveloped in a deluge of thoughts. Tenko is being pulled away by a dark figure. You attempted to express your feelings, but the words seemed caught in your throat, terror keeping them hostage. "I will fucking kill you, Touya! I'll teach you to play with people's hearts!"
"Wha-yes," you sobbed, your body shaking as you kneeled on the side of the road. The tension built until it seemed unbearable. One final flash of lightning and the heavens opened, unleashing a torrent of emotion. Tenko said, "You couldn't wait two weeks! You are trying to break our deal with only two weeks left. For this evil fucker! You will always be mine!" You could feel yourself collapsing under the weight of it all, clinging onto anything that could keep you afloat. 
"No," you wept.
"Then it is true - he has broken your heart and taken your innocence. I warned you it is what he does," Touya said, harshness and delight ringing in his voice. You look at Touya, and a memory of his hot fingers forced into your mouth as he pulls you to him. Tenko screaming at you in your face. Blue flames. A black swirl. People holding him back. Touya saying he will help you. "You want to get to know the real me?"
In the present, Touya scooped you up from the ground and buckled you back into the car seat, his face haughty as he spoke, "I know you're in a bit of a mess, but it'll be alright. We just need to stay out of sight until Tenko calms down." You feel so weak and tired that you let him take care of you.
"What happened? Where are we going? My head is so foggy I don't remember everything," you groan. Touya gingerly turns your head to face him, a strange smile tugging at his lips. Unsettled by the sight, you shudder, unsure of what he has planned.
"Hey, now. Are you ok? Should I take you to a doctor first? What do you mean you don't remember? Come to think of it, you did seem a bit out of it," Touya grins as he brushes his finger against your bottom lip and the corner of your mouth, assuming it is vomit until he leans in and gently kisses your lips. You shriek, recoiling in horror, your eyes wide with confusion. 
"Little mouse," Touya replies calmly, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "You told me everything. I don't mind a little puke from you. Your desperate need for a place to stay and how you require more data. How you pined for me. It is like fate. I'm taking you to my place where we can both lay low."
"What?!" You gasp in alarm, frantically trying to recall anything. Unable to, you begin to frantically look for your phone. Your gaze casts up to Touya, who holds out the mangled remains of your cell phone, the glass splintered in a million pieces. He arches an eyebrow at you, looking concerned as he asks, "Sorry, it got broken in the scuffle. You really don't remember anything?"
"No," you whimper, tears streaming down your face. "We can't go back to your place if Tenko is still angry." The thought of returning brings a stab of pain to your heart.
"Your right." He cups your face in his hands and looks into your eyes, a grin spreading across his lips. "I'm not taking you there. I'm taking you to my family's estate, where I will introduce you to my family as my girlfriend. You said you needed more data for a personal touch to my social media account. I never thought I'd have someone by my side to share this moment with. But first I'm taking you to a doctor. We can worry about the rest later," he says as he tenderly brushes a strand of hair from your face.
Your stomach churns, and a cold fear washes over you as his hand moves to your shoulder. You recoil sharply, and the words spill from you like venom. "I'm not your girlfriend!" you snap as the car speeds recklessly to some unknown destination. Where is he taking you? You barely have the time to think before pulling up in front of a private doctor's office. How long has it been since you passed out? As you step out, you feel a wave of relief roll over you, despite the weird circumstances. You realize that it's probably best for you to be checked out by a doctor. He takes your hand, reassuringly stroking your knuckles.
"First, let's get you to a doctor. I thought you fell asleep due to stress and car sickness, but this is something else," he says, his voice deep and tender. You nod, barely able to keep a glimmer of hope in your heart. You know it's a risk, but what else can you do? As you stumble out of the car, his strong hands cradle you, steadying you. His gaze is unwavering as he speaks, "Well, that hurts, little mouse. I was hoping for the real thing. I know you're putting yourself out there for Tenko, but I can offer you so much more. A chance to finish your final project and to have a nice place to stay. You can pretend to be my girlfriend like you did for Tenko."
He presses his forehead to yours, his breathing ragged. You shut your eyes, letting his warmth envelop you. You can feel the sincerity and truth resonating from him. He pulls back, his expression soft but his gaze burning. You could feel the intensity he was radiating as he looked at you. "I promise everything will be alright." You can feel the strength of his sincerity through his words and the intensity of his gaze. He pulls back, smiling down at you. His voice is a reassuring whisper in the night.
Touya  tugged at the doctor's shirt sleeve, your uncertainty of the situation palpable. As they pulled away from you, your anxiety grew as you scanned the room, noting each detail with a heightened sense of unease. What could be so important, you wondered, that Touya had to whisper it into the doctor's ear? You sang from your feet, tugging anxiously at the sleeves of your hoodie as you awaited the answer.  
"I'm Doctor Ujiko. You're not out of the woods yet, Touya," Doctor Ujiko warned sternly, shaking his head. "You have been severely dehydrated, and that bump on your head means business. I'm going to prescribe fluids. Make sure you get some serious rest for the next two weeks. I don't want to see you here anytime soon. Do you understand me?"
Touya nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Doctor. I promise I'll take care of her. Thanks," he said solemnly.
"But I have to get back to school," you sniffle as a nurse gets you a bag of fluids. Your head seemed to clear at that moment, and the pangs of screaming pain started to subside.
"Do you want to die?" Dr. Ujiko snarled, his voice seething. "I'm giving you a prescription for the pain, but bed rest is what you need. Touya, you still have to pick up that item you need at the front, and it won't come cheap!" With a final, sinister scowl, the old man swept out of the room, leaving you feeling shaken and alone with Touya.
"You look worn out," Touya's voice takes on a note of concern as he watches you, his gaze cold as he sees the weariness in your expression and the dark circles under your eyes. He frowns slightly at the sight of the ragged, oversized hoodie you wore instead of the cute clothes you usually have on. Gently, he reaches out and grasps your hand, feeling your brokenness and sensing the heaviness of your heart. With compassion he doesn't feel, he says, "Come, let me take you to your new home."
The  place looks like an impenetrable fortress, majestic and timeless, hewn from the traditional Japanese architecture of old with a few daring touches of modern innovation.
"You need to play along, and you don't know Shouto; otherwise... "Touya's stern warning shattered the silence, an ultimatum that hit you hard. Curbing your gasped response, you nodded in unwilling acceptance as Touya's grip on your shoulder tightened. You felt a surge of panic. Fired and homeless, cast out into a world you can no longer rely on. Worse, your final project will only succeed if Touya agrees. A tri-colored hair girl ran up before your fears could take over. Upon seeing you, her steps froze as if startled. Instantly, understanding flashed in her eyes.
She gasps, her voice quaking in shock as she cries, "Touya brought a GIRL home?! He has NEVER done that before! Oh no, what do we do? We don't have enough room for another person at the table!"
"Will Dad join us or eat with Shouto alone again?" Touya grumbled, his voice chilling the room. His icy eyes glared intently at his sister, eager for an answer. All his charm melted away. This was Touya with no pretenses. You shudder. Fuyumi's eyes widened, her smile fading as her brother's hostility grew unmistakably clear.
"Touya, don't be rude. Introduce us. I'm Fuyumi, Touya's little sister," She smiled. Fuyumi exuded a motherly aura rather than a sisterly one. Something Touya clearly found annoying. Touya interrupted her.
Touya's expression is dark and stormy as he demands, "She's, my girlfriend. Tell him it's serious. I brought her to meet the family." His gaze slides to you, and you feel the color creeping into your cheeks. You haven't eaten all day, and your stomach betrays you with a loud growl. You close your eyes, wishing the ground would swallow you up, but Touya's voice cuts through the air, softer this time. "Clearly, she's had it rough. She's usually so cute and bashful. I just brought her straight from the doctor's office. Make an extra place at the table."
Touya leads you to the table, you gape, and your eyes widen when the intimidating figure of Endeavor strides into the room. His bulky frame and handsome features strike amazement into your heart, and Shouto's eyes light up with excitement. Gathering your courage, you introduce yourself and bow politely, pretending you met him for the first time. Endeavor sends him away to eat alone because Shouto is on a special diet. It still seemed weird to you, but you stayed quiet. The dinner proceeded peacefully, enjoying a delicious dinner and easy conversation with the siblings, Fuyumi and Natsuo. The tension between Touya and Endeavour was evident. Endeavour looked up from his plate and cleared his throat.
"Touya, you said this girl was crucial that we must meet. What is your news?" Curiously, Endeavour folded his arms and questioned. Touya wrapped himself around you, gently rubbing your belly, making you stiffen and squeak.
"We're having a baby. I got my little mouse here knocked up. The doctor says she needs bed rest, and I'm going to take care of her." And as if that wasn't enough, Touya's voice took on a mocking tone as he spoke. "I'm asking you to treat her better than just family. I'm sure you'll manage." The tension in the room increased. You can almost taste it as anticipation hangs heavy. Your jaw slacked in shock as realization and dread hit you like an avalanche. He grins manically, touching you tenderly while Touya holds you close, and his hands continue their soothing motion until he is draped over you possessively, "Here's the proof. Positive pregnancy test and an order to for bed rest." Touya barely gave Endeavor time to process before he continued, wrapping both arms around you and pulling you close, tossing the paperwork at him. Tenko's hands worked in sweeping, soothing motion like he was trying to comfort you even after he'd dropped this bombshell of news. You sure as hell don't feel comforted. Endeavor's face grew stony as he stared at the pregnancy test and doctor's orders before him, disbelief slowly morphing into anger.
You try to use your eyes to express your mental scream directed at Touya. What are you doing, Touya!?! They shouted. The pressure crackling between you was so thick you wanted to puke. The siblings stared at you, their eyes wide in disbelief, draining of color.  What is Touya up to?  Your mind raced with the reality of the night before, you had lost your virginity, but you had been on the pill. There was no way you could be pregnant. This was insane. Endeavor had just heard from his eldest son that he had gotten a girl pregnant and was now feeling a mix of rage and disappointment extremely evident.
"What were you thinking!?" Endeavor roared, thundering through the room as he slammed his fist on the table, crushing the paperwork and scattering it across the floor.
"That I could become a better father than you!" Touya smirked at him and replied cockily.
Endeavor shook his head and looked away, trying to control his anger. He looked back at his son and slowly spoke, "You're not a father. Not yet. You're still a boy and haven't even finished UA."
"Age is just a number, Dad." Touya shrugged and drew a circle in the air with his finger, "And besides, it's all worked out. She wants to keep the baby, and our family is growing."
Endeavor took a deep breath and said in a more even tone, "I just want you to understand the gravity of the situation. I can't believe you would be so irresponsible."
 "Hey, I'm going to be a dad," Touya shrugged again and said. "What else is there for me to understand?"
Endeavor closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. He silently counted to ten before slowly opening his eyes and looking at Touya, "It's no longer just about you. Can you even afford it without my income? You know your eccentricities are not suitable for this huge responsibility. Your quirks are not compatible. Think of the child and what you'll do to provide them with a decent life. Abortion provides an alternative. Consider it."
Did he really just dare to utter the words that ignite the fires of fury within you? Quirk Compatibility is that sickening phrase that you can't stand to think about. This arrogant man, full of hubris and completely undeserved pride, has the audacity to say such words after all the pain and trauma he has inflicted upon others due to his pursuit of a perfect quirk. You can feel your rage growing, your cheeks flushing, and your eyebrows furrow angrily. He notices the shift in your demeanor and pauses, looking at you with a newfound caution in his gaze. Natsuo's expression morphed from confusion to anger as he gazed at Endeavor. His chopsticks clenched between his fingers, ready to be plunged into Endeavour's eye. It reminded you of the harsh reality. You are the outsider, while these children had to stay here with this man.
You pause, a sly smile playing across your lips. "I think none of that will be an issue, sir," you say, your voice warm with honeyed promise. "My mother owns the largest custom textiles and clothing alteration company in the nation. From exclusive schools to prestigious members of society, those in power are her clients. Detnerat and even you are numbered among her clients. As for me, I'm looking to build on her success after graduation. Taking her empire to heights never before achieved." You pause, your gaze flicking up to meet his as a wicked grin spreads across your face. "Touya, my darling, could you please bring me my portfolio? I think that should be all the convincing you need."
Touya sprinted towards you, his excitement noticeable. Felt alive and circling for its prey. The kids are laser-focused on you and their father, who you are staring death in the eye and meeting his gaze unwaveringly. After all, you understand what it takes to be a world-renowned hero, and Endeavor was no exception. Your Dad is a pro-hero, too. You understand, scary men. Endeavor doesn't intimidate you. Touya slid and presented you with your portfolio with a flourish, his enthusiasm radiating from him.
You slide the glossy charts across the desk to Endeavor, the intensity of your gaze bearing down upon him. Explaining the numbers and the formula used for estimations, "This is how I plan a future for your son. After graduating, he can become a fully-fledged hero who simultaneously builds a career as a model. It is more than enough for him to live a comfortable life. If you look here, I intend to increase his follower numbers to catch Detnerat's eye. I intend to acquire a contract with them. Then expand to skincare and Apothecary." Endeavor is struck speechless by your ambition, silently regarding the charts with rapt attention.
Touya stared defiantly as his father glanced away. The father looked at everyone at the table and sighed, "My son needs to understand that if he's going to be a father, he needs to behave like one."
"As for quirks. Mine is called a domestic goddess. It was made for being a good wife and mother," you beam. Touya is practically vibrating with joy. Endeavor sighs, looking almost defeated when he rises from the table.
"I'll start the ball rolling and talk to the school right away so we can get you set up with remote learning for when you start showing," Endeavor gritted through his teeth. "You'll be married before giving birth and stay here with our private doctors. I'll have a prenuptial drafted for you tomorrow. A least you found a smart one," he added with a menacing glare. You gulp. A part of you did not think that would work. What he was saying sounded like orders. 
Touya's eyes flashed as he purred, "I'll put your things in my room," giving you a look that dared you to say otherwise.
Endeavor's voice was a thunderous boom as he cut in. "No. She will stay in the guest room. You've already done enough damage." He set his sights on Shouto, a deadly glare in his eyes. "It's time for training." You really didn't like him.
Fuyumi and Natsuo stepped forward with a determinedly enthusiastic offer. "We'll help!" they exclaimed, turning down the bed and picking up the suitcase. Touya watched from the door with an expression of apprehension as Fuyumi gave a tearful cry of joy. "I'm so excited to have a big sister!" With that, they left, leaving Touya darkening your door.
"You did good," he murmured, his voice oozing with a seductive hunger. His steps grow closer, like a lion preparing to stalk its prey, "You deserve a reward." In a desperate panic, you lunged for the nearest object and hurled it at him. He easily dodged everything.
"How could you do something so reckless?!" you seethe, your anger fueled by humiliation. "Do you realize what you've done? Your family now thinks we are getting married and I'm pregnant! Do you even comprehend the magnitude of this?" You give him a look that conveys your disbelief and confusion. "What in God's name were you thinking?! Have you lost your mind?"
"Yes," he says, face falling, the word laced with icy coldness as he approaches and gently wipes away the tears cascading from your eyes. His hot hands felt tender against your skin as he spoke. "You have witnessed what I have been forced to live with, and you have surpassed all my expectations, little mouse." He leaned in for a kiss, but you turned away. He looked annoyed but plastered on a fake smile. "Hey, now. Don't be mad at me. You needed a place to stay and wanted to know more about me. My Dad wouldn't let you stay if I asked nicely."
A tear cascades down your face as you utter, "This is it. The moment I snap. You could have let me know what to expect. You didn't because you wanted to mess with me as much as your Dad. You can't expect me to want to play any games with you right now. I'm in pieces, broken apart with no idea of what the future holds. And here you are, trying to make out while I'm standing here crushed? How could you be so cruel? I only want to curl up and cry until I drift into blissful sleep. What you want shouldn't be so one-sided in the first place. I need a connection, fun conversation, eating together, sharing dreams." You collapsed on the floor, exhausted and in tears.
"You're right, little mouse," Touya left and returned with a glass of water. Touya's smirk widened as he towered over your trembling frame, relishing the vulnerability in your eyes. He raised the glass of water and extended it towards you menacingly. "You must take your medicine if you want to feel better, little mouse," he said, his voice dangerously low. You searched his gaze for any sign of pity or understanding, but you found none. Relentless, Touya stood like a statue, waiting for you to accept your fate, the glass of water symbolized. You reluctantly accepted the glass and bowed your head, knowing defeat. "That's a good little mouse," Touya said, a devilish glint in his eye. "Now rest so that you may find peace."
He turned to leave, not expecting such a small broken thing to rise. With a sudden surge of strength and determination, you lunged at him, planting your foot on his backside and shoving him out the door so hard that it slammed into the adjacent wall. He grunted in surprise, dodging the glass of water that shattered beside him. He collapsed on the ground, gazing up at you in shock. Your chest was heaving, your eyes blazing with fear, adrenaline, and an unquenchable rage. You roared, "I am more than what you see!" Your veins bulged in your neck as you slammed the door for the final time.
Fuyumi's  worried voice cut through the air, "What happened?" But he didn't respond. Instead, he got to his feet and listened as you curled up and the sobs began to escape your trembling lips. The terror that lingered in your gaze only amplified his resolve. Even while Fuyumi tried desperately to clean up the mess, he smiled at her. A response is even more disturbing than his silence. He knew Fuyumi lived her life walking on eggshells.
He gazed thoughtfully and said with a sincere note of admiration, "You didn't think I would marry a girl that didn't have fire in her veins?" Fuyumi's face lit up, her eyes sparkling in recognition and affection for your courage. She smiled kindly at your door's direction and said, "She is extraordinary. I've never seen anyone else, except you, have the strength to stand up to my father like that."
"Good night, Fuyumi," he sighed, the sound of his father's rage resonating in the distance as he trudged toward the garden. Listening as his father beat the hell out of Shouto helped ease his nerves. He reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, tapping the bottom impatiently before lighting one with a flame from his finger. All the while, his phone kept buzzing. Taking it out to check, he let out a groan. 663 missed calls and 232 texts, all from Tenko. The task could have gone better. Sensei Kurogiri had to step in to clean up the mess.
Tenko's deep inhalation was markedly drawn out, suffusing his lungs with a sickly, acrid smoke tickling his lungs before he answered his phone. "Where is she? What have you done to her?" Tenko snarled. His words echoed through Touya's mind, and as each syllable settled like poison, the air filled with the unmistakable sound of wet, frenzied scraping. Tenko had most surely worked himself into an animalistic hysteria, scratching his body raw with sheer, unrestrained rage.
"Don't worry about her. She is perfectly safe. It's a shame it had to come to this. Before you came, she was muttering some interesting things in her dazed state. She mentioned a connection, fun conversation, eating together, and sharing dreams. Tsk. Tsk. Did you forget our shared dream first?" Touya asks, his voice breaking with false sorrow.
"She is the one who convinced me to enter the hero course last night. Let her go," Tenko says with clenched teeth, his fingers scratching with barely restrained fury.
Touya stared coldly at the dancing smoke as he imagined the pleading figure before him, a smug expression slowly creeping onto his face as he spoke, "I don't think so. When I see you succeeding, rising up to be the leader your role requires, then I will let the little mouse go." His pleasure was unmistakable. The joy of controlling another's destiny twisting in the air like the smoke before fed his sadistic nature sweetly. He snapped his fingers, and the smoke danced in a frenzy.
"I don't forgive anyone," Tenko hissed. An ominous threat that reverberated in the deathly stillness that had settled over Touya. Touya took his time to consider the Shogi playing in his mind. The threat said many things, and Touya was a little impressed. The tension weighed heavily in the air until it seemed to crush them both.
"You think she won't take you back? After all, you made her cry," Touya teased. "Well, you could always call a hero. Tell them I kidnapped her."
"You think you can play me like a fool?" Tenko scoffed. "You think you can trick your way out of this. Otherwise, you wouldn't have taken her. I know you will hide behind your privilege. You don't even understand her." Tenko growled, his temper rising. "Once I'm in the Heroes program, you'll release her. That is the step you wanted toward your dream. That's fair," Tenko affirmed, his wrath boiling in his veins.
Touya knew it was an order. One, he will have to figure out how to get around. He mulled it over and decided he wouldn't mind being the cat to his little mouse. He was able to manipulate Tenko easier than you with just a few things you said before you rejected him. He finished his cigarette and snuck into your room. Prepared to take action, Touya stealthily made his way to your bedroom. Silently standing in the shadows, he studied your resting figure with a satisfied gleam in his eye.
Like Shiori, Touya was incredulous as to why Tenko was so captivated by you. He believed you to be a naive, dumb little shallow crybaby. A girl trying too hard to get attention. He initially assumed that Tenko sought to experience what it felt like to ravage somebody's heart. An act that Touya himself had done multiple times to all the girls that had any fondness for Tenko. Then, you stole Tenko's cold, blackened heart. Something that Touya never thought would happen. Had he known that you would be the one to persuade Tenko to seek a hero's path, he might have backed off. Unfortunately for you, it's now too little, too late.
You were an enigma, almost as capable as he was of manipulating emotions. He adjusted his stance to be closer and leaned in, breathing in your scent. To him, you smelled like sweet fixation and tender love. One of those things he did not understand. His heart raced as he slowly pulled the blanket off you, exposing your half-naked form. You didn't stir, so he continued to study your body. Letting his gaze wander over your body, taking in every inch of you and causing a smirk to pass over his lips as he noticed you were clad in only a hoodie. Your bare legs caught his eye. His fingertips trailed up from your thigh, and his grip tightened on the supple flesh of your ass, causing you to moan in your sleep, and he felt an overwhelming possessiveness surge through him. What a lewd body, he thinks with a pleasant smile. You shifted but stayed fast asleep.
He began rummaging through your personal things, devising a strategy to unravel you emotionally. He is confused about why you started dating Tenko in the first place. You seemed utterly terrified of him. He heard the rumors of blackmail from your girlfriends, but he could not get you to confirm or deny it. Tenko seemed to have won you slowly over time. That's not how consensual dating works, from his experience. He wonders what kind of girl would like Tenko enough to reject him? His intuition tells him it will be easier for him if he can discover why and how Tenko caught you. Tenko mentioned a deal in his rage.
He was on the brink of his patience, ready to give up, until he stumbled upon something that sparked an unseen fire within him. His mouth suddenly broke into a wide, wicked smile as an ingenious plan began to form in his mind. One that would crush his father and maybe his world. He goes back to your body. The decisions before him were weighted heavily; he didn't want to cement it until he could see what you could do for him. He was tempted to imagine the shock and surprise on your face if he ripped your panties off and left the door wide open, yet he chose to wait until the time was right. He had to know if you could handle what would follow. You should be able to handle it if you can handle Tenko.
"Let's see how you handle the real me first," he said to the darkness.  
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greglow03 · 2 months
"A Reunion To Remember", but Google Translate💻📚 did a number on it...
So I was bored and wanted to mess around with google translate... So, reasonably I threw in one of my FNAF fics, and ended up with this result. It probably will be more funnier if you've read the OG fic, but never the less, a laugh or 2 will surely come! ^_^
Enjoy the laughs!!!🤗
Language: English Characters: Gregory, Vanessa, Glam. Freddy (Does he even speak in this G-Translate one???), Tony Becker Ships: Beckory (I think?🤔) Description: It was a story following the events of SB + GGY with Beckory, but... kinda got lost in translation... *Note: Vanessa is half trans-masculine and female in this translated version, so keep that in mind. (Google can't decide on one, lol). Also, the coming out scene is non-existent :3
Comfortable! The morning...! To escape Fanny's power ... he waits, why is he waiting for this event ... laughing with his friends. Freddie put his head in the bag and turned it over.
“Okay guys. We are out of this terrible place.” Sandari said as the boy turned around and stomped his feet on the ground.
I'll shut up! They tried to escape at night and kill people. This place gives life. Except. He thinks this is what happened to the girl. I am afraid of everything. At least they are together.
"Isn't that wonderful? Do whatever you want. We're going to go crazy and force you to do things you don't want. Everyone's going to go crazy if you think that's a good vote." I can't see, the sun is out!"
Gregory likes sunrises with ice cream. But the idea is there. He is guilty of what he did or did not do. But evil thoughts harm him.
- Who is my son? But he was not with the boy.
"Yes dear! Are you sure" Gregory smiled and waved at the boy, Vanessa was surprised to see him waiting for an answer.
- Yes... he's kneeling. Vanessa's smile softened a little when the answer was revealed. But the child is innocent. Creating a positive attitude can be difficult. He looked at the sun and continued eating the ice cream. When the mind calms down, it stops repressing the memories.
Last week, Vanessa bought a third apartment in a quiet area, and after signing the purchase agreement for the house, Vanessa hired a manager and paid the bill. The boy's happiness didn't last long... But something happened and his heart ached. Even before I went to bed I had a guilty conscience. But the errors are getting worse day by day.
Greg, no! I thought you were my friend..." - The man and woman do not question their hearts, the black-eyed man and woman fall to the ground and roll.
"Oh, you think prayer will help me?" You don't have to worry about GGI, so you know what to expect when the going gets tough.
- But the time has come. He drew his sword. The woman tried to free him with her own hands, but failed. I opened my eyes to see what was happening. He saw it stuck in the middle of the beak.
"What? Can I transfer?" It was as if some unknown force was holding him back. Suddenly the boy fell to the ground.
- What happened to Spring Rabbit? The assassin fell to the ground. But not before he forced his gray eyes to study the purple clouds. The injured child saw a strange sight before him.
"T-Tony, my name is Griscore! I can't do anything right now."
- Greg, how can I help you? He didn't want to leave his friend alone.
"No, not now, Tony. Listen, goodbye."
“Thanks Greg! She cried thinking I might see her again. The kids are sleeping on the floor.
"There are!!!" The boy woke up and started crying. The door opened and a woman entered.
- I thought everything was fine, but what happened? He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his son. Gregory shuddered. It is gray because it is made of wood.
"I'm okay!" “It was just a dream.” He sighed and spoke quietly. “We were talking about the pizzaplex, yes…someone asked why he had nightmares and why he was sick every night.
"I came here to know how you feel."
- Speak, get out of your head, speak well, help me... - The blonde lay down on the bed and smiled. Gregor looked under the hood and sighed.
He bowed his head and spoke. “Something is happening, I don't know if I should say it or not. So sad, this dream is so bad, but also sad because he doesn't trust the people he trusts. The careless girl took his head and held it up. .” And the boy looked him in the eyes with his finger and raised his chin.
"You can say what you want Greg! I'm here to help. A 13 year old has eyes."
"Well..." I thought to myself, I don't think you'll let me go again! Vanessa nodded, her big brown eyes sparkling in the light. The pulse began to quicken.
He smiled and said whether you like it or not, I won't leave you. And Gregory laughed.
He's my best friend, I almost killed him. I believe you committed the crime of betraying him... you hurt him by holding his hand...” He looked at the boy with hope and surprise.
- I see, my dear, at least one of your friends is alive.
"I want to see you as an example!" I have to say I love it!
- Come on, it's time to go, he grabbed someone. He was just happy that he was not sick. Vanessa gently stood him up.
"You see!"
"I love you Vanessa! Thank you." He smiled too.
"I like it!
Overall, I'm so glad I missed this evening. Vanessa waited for a month. He wants to find a place to love you. I spent the night remembering Gregorio on the laptop. What's the difference...
"On March 5 at 3:30 p.m., Mr. Gao Li of his friend's Gusty Bulb Youth Center, 46 Norwell Street, was watching from the window. Every month after school, he is opening a youth book club to promote the arts. .
You are ready monster, the day has come! He tried to listen to this question. Grell looked at him thoughtfully.
"Yeah, I'm sure…" Nessie put a hand on his shoulder, he replied in disbelief.
- I know it's possible, I'm fourteen years old. Gregorio turned his head and remembered. He smiled as he got out of the truck with newfound confidence.
- Grigory came home, but a young man came. The red man in the green shirt has a key. A bright smile appeared on Grigory's face. Kabud saw the long-haired man and was surprised that he was riding a bicycle. Grigol returned to the direction he came from. Then the boy turned to the wall.
"Please...ah...don't hurt me! Please!" He leaned against the cement wall and closed his eyes. He thought that the first accident in his youth would prevent his death, but he did not think that it would happen later in his life.
"Tony!" - said the boy, having grown stronger, Tony opened his eyes in surprise and kissed his head. But Grigory likes to kiss.
“Ah… it's not GGI, but how can I trust you?
- Tony, it's me!
-Hello Tony. » asked Greg.
- Yes Greg? he asked impatiently.
"Do you want to go for pizza?" Still a wonderful song.
“Okay, I'll make pizza,” Greg said, leaving Tony behind and heading to the car.
Then cut the pizza and see what happened a few years ago. They become friends and become close, but at one point he admits that he is a doll.
Sorry, Tony. You get left behind. True love right there, lmao🍕
I hope you've had a good laugh! (I died making this🤣) [Let me know, if you would want me to do this with another fic].
Anyway, a link to the OG fic if anyone's interested.
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kellyslove · 2 years
green creek ships as taylor swift songs!!
Joe + Ox
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you (I can never look away) I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you (Things will never be the same) I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night (Now I'm wide awake) And now I see daylight (daylight - lover)
Gordo + Mark
You put me on and said I was your favorite To kiss in cars and downtown bars Was all we needed You drew stars around my scars But now I'm bleedin' (cardigan- folklore)
Robbie + Kelly
Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?" 'Cross the room your silhouette Starts to make its way to me The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks Like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you (enchanted - speak now)
Gavin + Carter
It only hurts this much right now Was what I was thinking the whole time Breathe in, breathe through Breathe deep, breathe out I'll be getting over you my whole life You know how scared I am of elevators Never trust it if it rises fast It can't last
Uh oh, I'm falling in love (labyrinth - midnights)
SO!! i came with this idea and istg i have a song for every relationship in this saga. Tell me if you like it and if you want more post like this (next its gonna be bts ofc) But yes. i have an especific song for kelly+carter bc ofc my babies have my whole attention and love. Pls!! What do you thing about the song? are reletable? i wanna know your opinions <3
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