#i dont want the other to have done something wholly unforgivable i just want them to not like each other LOL
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foxmulderautism · 1 year ago
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postgrad preptober
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yeoldontknow · 5 years ago
kat! love your all your fics you're an amazing writer! can you share some writing tips for amateur writers out here?
hi anon writing advice tag if youre looking for like...more specific answers? when it comes to writing, its a very subjective experience when it comes to finding inspiration, outline style, word choice, etc but theres a few things i think across the board are important to remember. 
going under a cut to not clog dashes
- consume as much media as you can. ex: books, music, film etc. i know for me personally im most inspired when im consuming art. i literally cannot write without music, like its genuinely so difficult because i pace my writing against the soundtrack of each scene. and the filtering, editing, and direction style of films/tv series i like will influence, in some manner, how the fic looks in my mind. yes, your plot and characters are found/uncovered in your brain and heart, but these other mediums assist in your interpretation of how youd like to express it and will help inspire the way you describe certain things. so dont be afraid to step back from a doc to consume other forms of art. for me, at least, its really important.
- keep writing and dont let yourself stop. once you decide you want to write a fic or drabble or whatever comes to mind, write it. and once that is done, write more. this is how you develop a style. you will notice the more you practice, the easier it gets. OR you will notice the more you write, the more evolved your writing becomes. this is how you form a style. here is an example: 
an excerpt from a series i was writing in 2011 in a different fandom:
No one tells you what it’s like to go insane. No one talks about it because, we, as a society, understand the chemistry and the biology of it, but we don’t understand the feeling of it. Time had started to compress, slipping around me in a computerized metronome of blood flow and heart beats that had started to tell me nothing except that I was still living. They hadn’t strapped me to the bed, but I still couldn’t leave and everything about the room started to feel like a cage. Sleep had eluded me since I was pulled out, and through the exhaustion and the haze of sameness I never knew exactly when I was beyond a date of 2266.
I was craving daylight - not the vitamin D, as I was being given a healthy dose of daily vitamins through an IV drip - the natural light and the natural warmth of it, all over my face and skin. The ceiling lights of the room provided an element of ultraviolet light, but after so many hours the falsehood of an invention began to wear a person down. It’s something you never really think about, the sun, not until you don’t have it, not until you haven’t seen it for one hundred years.
But when one hundred years feels like three days or two weeks, time really stops mattering and then the sun itself doesn’t feel so important.
from Empty Vessels, posted july 2019:
For a while, they do not speak. Minseok looks longingly out over the water, hollowed, as the herbalist regards the dirt on her shoes with an empty stare. In the silence, Junmyeon minutely nods, the bare threads of his patience allowing them space to find their words. Images spring to his mind, all imagined and none wholly formed, each as bleak and battered as the crow in Chanyeol’s arms. He wonders what Minseok has seen, unable to avoid with a clarity bordering on entrapment; he wonders what she has heard, whispers on the wind of a life he thought he’d left behind.
‘The trees are screaming,’ she announces, eyes still downcast though her voice is sharp; blunt as the edge of a sword and equally as unforgiving. ‘They’re in pain.’
It settles over him, slow and uncompromising, the notion that trees could make sound - that they would choose to. The oldest wisdom lingers in their branches, and for one brief moment, he sees her as someone as old as their roots.
i, at least, can see an enormous difference in quality and style and thats because ive been writing and writing and writing for a very long time lmao. in 2011 i was 3 years into writing fanfic consistently; at that time, too, i was still working towards my degrees and writing daily for film analysis projects. the more you write, the more you evolve so please please please dont stop just because you feel you arent experienced enough. confidence and style will come over time, just keep yourself in practice. 
- NOTES MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. notes on tumblr are a hot take - and while, yes, there is a need for more reblogs and more sharing of content, focusing on statistics will drive you to the brink. joseph gordon levitt released a ted talk last week on how seeking attention is detrimental to your creativity and LORD this is such a good talk because its true. one of the things he discusses is how powerful the feeling of receiving attention - in this case, notes on a fic - drives someone toward output, but is that genuine? now, of course theres always going to be different scenarios or opinions but if you are just starting out with writing please dont post a fic under the assumption or expectation of achieving a note goal. there are so many variables as to what gets notes and what does not - from algorithm to how many people are online to see it to timing to content like you cannot predict what will or will not correspond to x number of notes and x number of followers. 
instead of setting note or follower goals, set word count goals. when i first started writing for kpop i was actually a pretty concise writer. if you look at the early chapters of hero and wyrm tamer, they all would peak around 4 or 5k words. achieving 10-15K on something seemed absolutely ridiculous and impossible to me - hell, 15K was 10K words under my masters thesis count! why would i want to write that much? but now? im shook if i finish a chapter or fic and the word count is just 4K. those word count goals are exciting for me. 
nervous about word count goals? thats fine! set a goal to write a genre. always wanted to try high fantasy? dope! do it! want to write some sexy vampires? fuck yeah, everyone loves those! want to write a fic that helps you release some tension or trauma youve experienced? please do that, writing is therapy and has been scientifically proven to help. 
set goals for making characters, world building, soundtracks, to learn photoshop to make a moodboard. set goals for all kinds of things but pls dont set goals for statistics because these are so variable and very often outside of your control they will very often suck any joy out of your creativity before its had the chance to start.
i hope these help!
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kyojuuros · 6 years ago
Zeke, Eren, Hanji :D
I’m gonna throw these under a cut since there are three of them! haha
Why I like them: 420 stoner older brother meme daddy who just wants a damn pony. Okay but seriously, I love that he’s a very complex and sympathetic antagonist. His backstory really tugged at my heart and I can’t help but feel badly for him despite everything that he’s done. All the while, he continues to be a giant dork, always burning himself on something or trying to make heavy situations seem lighter. I enjoyed the mystery he was shrouded in for much of the story, and I was happy to find that he actually wasn’t some infallible 4D chess master genius all along, that his goal is rather simple and born from a place of hurt. He’s very interesting, and I can’t wait to see how his story ends. 
Why I don’t: Despite being best meme boi, he has done some pretty awful and unforgivable things to characters who absolutely didn’t deserve it. He is sympathetic and I still have some hope left for him, but his treatment of the Eldian people, the notion that he doesn’t wholly view them as humans worthy of dignity, but rather poor creatures who need to be pitied and whose fates he’s decided on his own, is something quite terrifying and unsettling. Even if he has redemption in the end, it’s good if the narrative doesn’t actually forgive his crimes entirely. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Chapter 114, absolutely. Seeing what makes him tick and how he was raised broke me. 
Favorite season/movie: The final arc is currently the one I’m finding I enjoy him in the most. 
Favorite line: “I will inherit the beast titan. Not for Marley’s sake. I’ll successfully retake the founder, steal the Founding Titan from Marley, and save the world. I’ll free the people of the world from the fear of the titans, and free Eldians from their suffering.” (Chapter 114)
Favorite outfit: I actually like the comfortable hoodie look he had going on in chapter 77. But also I can never complain about his shirtless scenes, so… 
OTP: I actually don’t feel strongly (in a serious) way about any Zeke ships, so probably nothing?
Brotp: Zeke/Yelena, Zeke/Pieck, Zeke/Reiner… the latter two in a more ideal world. And of course Jaegerbros, in a more ideal world haha
Head Canon: He was probably shocked to find out that he had a brother on Paradis, and he was probably very nervous about seeing him for the first time. When he did finally see him, he probably projected an immediate connection and desire to help Eren “see the light” so to speak. 
Unpopular opinion: I love his character and have always found him enjoyably fascinating. 
A wish: I hope that Zeke is able to atone for the lives he’s taken by the end of the story. Self sacrifice seems to be the most fitting way to do it, but ultimately I hope that he can see and understand why his goal is heavily misguided and harmful, and that neither he nor the people of Eldia’s lives were ever meaningless. I hope that of all people, it is Eren who makes him understand.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I don’t want him to die believing that he never had any worth or meaning in the world. I don’t want it to turn out that Eren never felt anything toward him as a brother or a fellow suffering Eldian.
5 words to best describe them: Tragic, dorky, manipulative, misguided, sympathetic.
My nickname for them: Beast daddy B)
Why I like them: I think we’d be here all day if I named every little thing. But Eren has always been a character who I’ve loved since the first time I saw him. He was always a perceptive character with a bigger understanding of the circumstances he lived in than the people around him. His insuppressible desire to be free has always resonated with me and his blatant dislike for complacency in the world is extremely easy for me to relate to. He’s passionate about the things he fights for and the people that he loves, and his will to fight is admirable and inspiring. Through his highs and lows I’ve always felt I could understand him well (rip me @ 112) and even through his mistakes and poor judgement calls I’ll always find myself in his corner holding out hope and faith that he will be in the right place in the end. He’s always inspired me and I hope that he will always do so.
Why I don’t: I’m just begging Isayama for his POV at this point because not knowing what’s going through his head has been the most depressing and painful experience I’ve had to go through since I became a slave to this series almost 6 years ago. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I’m… supposed to choose just one? I guess if I have to pick one, I still love him in episode 13/chapter 14 the best. His speech in that scene is still my favorite quote from him in the entire series and it always gives me chills and makes me tear up. The imagery of him pushing forward with the weight of everything pressing down on him is so powerful and still so relevant. And he pushes and pushes through until he’s finally able to lift that weight and use it to solve the immediate problem. I hope that the final resolution touches my heart in the same ways. 
Favorite season/movie: It’s not animated, but I absolutely love Eren in the latter half of the Marley arc. To see him grow and learn to understand the greyness of the world, to talk about the realities of the effects of war to Falco, to see him extend an understanding to Reiner, to see how much more competent he’s gotten with his powers, to see him take a seemingly dark turn, it was such a cool thing to experience for the first time. I’m hopeful that with all the answers, I’ll find his development in that arc all the more fascinating and understandable. 
Favorite line: “When we’re born, all of us are free. People who reject that, no matter how strong they are, don’t matter. The burning water, the land of ice… anything will do. Anyone who saw those things would be the freest person in the world. Fight!! Who’d value their life over something like that? It doesn’t matter how terrifying the world is. It doesn’t matter how cruel the world is. Fight! Fight!! FIGHT!!” (Chapter 14)
Favorite outfit: I’m weak for his black hoodie/black pants combo. Absolutely and totally weak for it. Shirt, no shirt, idc. Black hoodie and pants. Yes. Very, very yes. 
OTP: ereri, eremika, erehisu, ereani
Brotp: erejean, eremin, jaegerbros, erecon
Head Canon: I still have this idea in my head that he cleaned himself up in 106 as a result of Levi telling him he looked like shit. I also like to think (at least, I hope) that he feels very bad for Zeke. He still loves his friends more than anything. He probably saw some of himself in Falco. If him and Gabi met under different circumstances they would adore each other.
Unpopular opinion: Eren’s so polarizing I have no idea what the unpopular opinions are anymore. lol But in any case, I still love and support him and believe in the best of him. 
A wish: That he will be the one to truly save the Eldian people and help them move forward, just as his titan allegedly is meant to do. That he will be able to reconcile with his friends and repair his relationship with them. They he will find peace by the end of the story (and even taking it a step further, that he will actually get to live out his life to an old age if the curse can be lifted). 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: That he dies with his loved ones forever resenting him. That it turns out he actually does agree with Zeke’s plan and thinks Eldia’s only hope is its own demise. That he dies by the story’s end (let me dream ok). 
5 words to best describe them: Passionate, hotheaded, determined, compassionate, inspiring. 
My nickname for them: Best Boi, Hobo Boi, Love of My Life, My Sunshine, Moon and Stars, Edgelord, Bae, Ereh, Precious bby (honestly I could go on forever I love him so much it hurts).
Why I like them: She’s super smart and good at coming up with strategies on the spot and creates amazing weapons for the Survey Corps to use. Super passionate about her field of work and super compassionate to the suffering of others. She never gives up no matter how defeated she might feel. She has some very funny moments in the manga, and I love the scenes where she Gets Serious™ and takes no shit.
Why I don’t: I personally don’t connect with Hange as a character very well so I can sometimes struggle to relate to her or enjoy her antics. That being said, I see and appreciate what she brings to the story and I hope to see her really come into her own as a commander soon. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I love her moment when she talks down Mikasa during the serumbowl and I still find it one of the most touching parts of that chapter. Like, Hange just gets it and for the first time someone is truly there to talk Mikasa through her suffering and console her in a way that helps her to accept the tragedy that is befalling her and it’s something I feel is so important to her character growth. Hange delivering that speech also had such good thematic importance about learning how to let go of the people you love and keep moving forward without them, no matter how much it might hurt to do so. Ugh I’m gonna die when it’s animated. Romi Park is gonna nail it.
Favorite season/movie: Hange shines the best during the Uprising arc and she’s always a delight to watch throughout. 
Favorite line: “I have people I wish I could bring back too. Hundreds of them. Ever since I joined the Survey Corps, every day has brought a new farewell. But you understand, don’t you? Everyone you meet will be parted from you one day. I know it’s difficult to accept. It’s hard to stay sane, living like that. It’s painful. So painful. I know that. But even so… We need to move forward…” (Chapter 84)
Favorite outfit: idk what it is but I actually love Hange in the classic Survey Corps uniform the best.
OTP: mobuhan, eruhan
Brotp: levihan, mikehan, aruhan
Head Canon: I think that despite saying she’s lost all trust in Eren, she still wants to have faith in him and hope in him, which is why she’s trying to be understanding of the Yeagerists’ position. But she cannot support what they’re doing and so it’s something she’s very much struggling with. 
Unpopular opinion: There are some times where Hange’s excitable antics annoy me a bit rather than make me laugh. 
A wish: I want to see her come into her own as a commander and really show what she’s worth. She can’t be the same as Erwin, but I want her to show the readers and the characters her worth, and see and understand what it is that Erwin saw in her that he thought would make her a good commander in the first place. She’s been shrouded in self doubt from the beginning. I want to see her gain the confidence she needs to come to the correct answer. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I really hope that Floch/the Yeagerists don’t end up hurting her because she won’t give them the info they want. And I also don’t want to see her succumb to “filling the role” that she dethroned Sannes from (although I doubt the latter happens, she doesn’t want that to happen). 
5 words to best describe them: Intelligent, passionate, visionary, creative, insecure.
My nickname for them: Hanjo
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therewas-a-girl · 8 years ago
still dont understand why danny is vilified for that opening scene where she burned the Tarlys, but okay.  
no i cant leave this at that, i need to run through this bullshit to get it off my chest. 
first of, we have tyrion, walking after the battle among the charred remains of the soldiers looking devastated... as if he isnt the man who did the exact same thing to other soldiers, during a battle.  as if he has any right to be sanctimonious when he helped joffrey rule and actively helped his father rule after teh red wedding, and did nothing to even hint he protested against the - one example only - devastation that came from loosening the Mountain in the Riverlands for instance. at least those soldiers died there quickly. who dies faster, someone being burned alive or someone having his chest chewed through by a rat? tyrion is far better in the show than in the books, far more polished, but even in the show he has no room to be sanctimonious about this shit. or is danny supposed to be ‘’’better’‘‘ and she’s supposed to prove that by magically taking over a continent by handing out flowers? 
i have to amend sth here. its not like tyrion could have picked up and left like Shea suggested. in Essos, anywhere really, without the Lannister name, Tyrion’s life would have been entirely defined by his disability, and that is not fair. its not fair to ask him to chose that - when speaking against his dad would mean exactly that for him, perhaps. idk. But still, i don’t think he has room to act like danny did something unforgivable. 
maybe believing in her meant that he believed she was better than all of them, idk. maybe he’s just disappointed that in war, she looks just like everyone else. idk.
yeah she used drogon to intimidate. so did robb stark - use his ‘big as a horse’ fucking direwolf. sit down. 
‘im not here to murder’ - called out as if its hypocritical. i need someone who is versed in the law to tell me about the difference between two sides killing each other in open battle after having declared war. and one part indiscriminately killing the other in circumstances that had not been expected and that break the sacred laws of the land. like say, slaughtering people at a wedding after offering them hospitality. bowing up all the nobility of the capital in a holy building. 
and that’s not to say that it means a lot to say ‘someone is better than tywin or cersei’. it’s actually to express my deep frustration with how unbelivable it is than anyone would stay faithful to someone like that, or to the legacy the lannisters are leaving behind. because jamie is dead wrong on one thing: people do care how they are building this world. 
lmao Tarly being faithful to Cersei is just.. beyond me, honestly. why dude? how am i supposed to believe that? 
‘say what you will but at least cersei was born in Westeros’ MOTHERFUCKER SO WAS DAENERYS  BITCH WHAT THE FUCK
correction... d&d. THOSE motherfuckers 
i hate how Tarly is acting like Danny was away on some long vacation or something. like she has no right to be there and her family never ruled for 300 years. Danny comes off as so entitled and demanding because literally - and here is the proof - she has to shout ‘i will take what is mine’ five times as harder as say, Stannis, to be even glanced at, let alone taken seriously. and people have the gall to sit there and point their noses in the air to over the fact that, no, she happens not to have anymore patience for being insulted to her face when she offers to release the Prisoners of War she made, and not say, execute them so that hse doest have to feed them. like its usually the way in westeros. 
fuck this asshole, in short
lmfao ‘A FOREIGN INVADER WITH NO TIES TO THIS LAND’. i mean... what, do the Tarly now resent the Targaryens for the Conquest from as far back as 300 years ago and still call them foreigners? who knows! certainly not me. 
‘an army of savages at her back.’ seriously. he’s insulted her, her family, the slaughter done to them, the people who follow her, who bled and died for her, and her offer of mercy, TWICE. at this point danny is not just justified in killing him but seriously, this fucker is suicidal. 
lmao DickOn wants to die with his dad. 
someone tell me why i am supposed to sympathize with them? why im supposed to treat danny’s reaction as unreasonable or even cruel beyond any measure? she gave them a choice. literally, many choices and they found a way to refuse every single one. 
i get that danny is the “savior” and everything, but i find it deeply unfair to hold her to impossibly high standards of behavior. even when she takes actions that are, in the universe of the show, wholly reasonably things, she suddenly becomes ‘the mad queen’. what’s up with that? there was nothing mad about any of what she did. she just didnt do the PERFECT thing, and yet, people seem to be dying for her to be the villain. ‘not perfect’, doesn't mean ‘more villainous than the great other’ 
still can’t believe that she is judjed harshly for a scene where even that dick tarly said ‘there are hard choices at war’ as if he had any right to say it. but he did say it though. when tarly made his imperfect choice, he was ‘not willing to give up his honor for his lands’ tho, and it was to be respected. when danny made her imperfect choice, she’s the ‘mad queen’ 
no. just no. 
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