#i dont want a gender marker change to fuck with my getting healthcare
coridallasmultipass · 1 month
I am once again begging online shop payment processing companies to allow me to enter a separate name for shipping and separate name for billing!!
It's the same address, I'm just trans and have not legally changed my personal name, but I still prefer to receive mail as my preferred name! Like it's literally my professional name, I do business as my preferred name.
Annoying as fuck, and I don't want to chance my bank rejecting the payment (though I'm sure someone at my bank has put a note to allow it on my account by now, since I've contacted them a couple times before when I realized too late that the billing section didn't let me input another "address/name" section, and they said the payment was fine in those cases.)
Anyway, legal name changes should be free and non-advertised for everyone. Tbh, you should get a free name change every time you file your taxes on time as an incentive for good citizen behaviour. Once I am elected pres-
#i think the one i just used didnt even have a separate billing address option which makes no sense#guess they dont want anyone giving any gifts making the buyer pay twice for shipping like that#maybe it was a fault of the mobile browser but i highly doubt it since many desktop sites look like mobile browsers these days#just so fucking frustrating. what if i lived somewhere where my legal name would out me? (im in the closet rn so doesnt matter)#i dont want to fucking see my legal name. im already forced to see it everywhere else.#i dont wanna ruin my mood on a day when im supposed to be getting a package which should be a happy thing yknow#vent#transphobia#speaking of like i would change my name but i dont want to and cant afford the fucking ridiculous price for it#and i dont wanna advertise it in a newspaper either! shits expensive as fuck on top of the hundreds to file the court paperwork!#i already tried to do it once with money in hand and the receptionist told me that even tho it was for gender identity i could not...#...avoid the newspaper thing unless i also changed my legal gender marker. and i had to back out bc i have reproductive health problems#i dont want a gender marker change to fuck with my getting healthcare#(i did change the gender letter on my ID card later tho which only took a signature on a paper no hassle with anything)#it really really fucking sucks how all these little things add up all the time#especially when im closeted while living w family who wont even use my preferred name#the real kicker is that. both my dad and his dad used preferred names. my dad used his middle name#and i use part of my middle name. yet my dad even in death still gets the dignity of being called his preferred name and i dont#sexism at its finest#reasons why i dont even hint at being trans around my moms side bc i already got bullied by them for wanting to use my middle name#ive literally been asking them to call me my mid name since i was 12. and theyve been acting like im trying to be someone else#its the same middle name on my birth certificate they gave me. i dont understand why they wouldnt want me to use it#but yeah i stay closeted bc i dont wanna deal with the name drama amplified exponentially for gender#prob get kicked out too cuz theyre queerphobic as fuck and i cant work rn and dont have a car#id have to just go full feral and live in the woods with the lizards where i belong#Cori.exe#Post.exe#fuck lol just looked it up and u cant change ur first name if u get married. i cant avoid the fucking fee man. let me be cori#literally why is it cheaper to get married than change ur first name! bullshit! marriage has so much more legal implications#transphobic queerphobic aromanticphobic privacyphobic poorphobic shit ass fucking state ive literally been cori most of my life ffs cmon
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jackthundersnow · 4 years
This is so fucking sad
Just to clarify for the people sending me hateful shit in the DMs I was a Bernie supporter. I've been a leftist for years and vote progressive in every election I can.I am not a right winger and to try to boot me out of my own party because I'll vote for who I believe will make a fine president is just plain wrong.
I do not understand why I am being mocked, harassed and verbally abused for choosing to vote for Biden. What is the alternative? I know a third party will not win, I know writing in Bernie will not win. If the choice is between Trump and Biden (and it is) I will 100% choose Biden. He has a better platform and is not a maniac trying to dismantle the government from the inside out. He wants a $15 minimum wage, to overturn Citizens United, and make sweeping federal protections for LGBTQ people. I transitioned under Trump, Iive in genuine fear. Transitioning saved my life and I have nightmares about what Trump will do, can he criminalize HRT or SRS? How will getting name changes and gender marker changes be hurt by him and his cronies? How many trans people will be denied healthcare?
If my choices are either Trump, who I KNOW wants me dead or legally defined out of existence, or Biden, a man who could be lying but will at least appoint good people and is not an active threat to me, I'll do what it takes to get him into office.
Everyone replying to me has no alternative. You want to shit on me for making a tough choice but one I believe will improve the country, but what do you genuinely think we need to do instead? Not voting is not an option anymore. Trump or Biden will be president and the idea that so many people who claim to be activated and progressive are ready to let Tump back into office where he will most likely stack the court for our lifetimes is horrific to me. Even if you refuse to believe Biden means a shred of his platform, you know very well what Trump will do.
I don't care if you think I'm a conservative sea lion. I know what is at stake and I want as few people to suffer as possible. A perfect president just is not in our grasp but I would rather take 1 step forward instead of 10 steps back. I have too much to lose to just assume I'm already screwed.
The amount of hatred, ignorance and snideness I've received for evenTRYING to vote for the better person has changed my idea about leftist online spaces. You don't give a fuck about me. You want to be negative and mean and refuse any shred of hope even if it will get people hurt. This isn't a meme to me, people will really die because of this election. I can't be like that because I'll really blow my brains out. If you just want to reply to lie about me or my intentions or bully me into hopelessness you are no friend to me or the progressive movement. I am going to try. I am going to do what I can to reduce harm because that is worth it to me. I'd obviously prefer Sanders, I loved his platform but it didn't happen. I'd rather be disappointed than dead.
I get leftist spaces get critical and we dont' want to compromise on important issues, but I truly see no other way. If there was an actually viable third option I would choose it. I will continue to vote for leftist ideas on all levels of government but that will be worthless with a conservative supreme court. I will vote for a person I agree is not an ideal candidate and even a pretty bad person because that is the most realistic way I see that we can halt this active dismantling of our Democracy.
I am not ashamed of being realistic and doing what I think will minimize harm and maximize progress. I'm Biden2020 and hope for a better candidate in 2024. I am not going to just say I give up because I don't have the privilege of nihilism.
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