#i dont wanna make like. a lot of posts abt it bc thats annoying but......
caruliaa · 2 years
no bc actually it boggles my mind when i see a post making fun of something and then the people who like it mention liking it on the post not even in a i find them annoying way im just like. are you not scared of people telling you to kill yourself this is the cool mean girlbloggers telling anyone they vaguely dislike to kill themselves with no reprecutions website. or am i just using it wrong in which case fuck me ig bc im so sure i have some (absolutely not all !! most of you are soso lovely) mutuals ( who i dont wanna upset and i tihnk consider me friends in many cases) who follow tons of people with that energy or something like that bc that energy feels so pervasive in the spaces im in on here
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yonpote · 8 months
re: dnp onscreen "personas" lol. i mean yall know what i mean by that but i feel like explaining it anyway just to be thorough. this is related to what ive been calling The Shift.
2011-2012 was around the time where the barrier between real dnp and the people they played was starting to be fortified. and like, part of it is just, with phils channel once he wanted it to be less video journal-y and more weird experimental short films, he still wanted to entertain people while talking abt his life, so maybe he would stretch a tale a bit or act a bit peppier than he is irl. and with dan, he had concepts literally from the start of what to do with his channel, and how it was inspired by a lot of sketch comedy based channels like communitychannel and [REDACTED]. so its not like it wasnt somewhat personas from the start, but 2012 was when it was cemented, and once they became known for being a duo it was just further self-flanderization. a Phanderization even. like intentionally playing into the ornery guy who makes bad puns and the happy go lucky guy who accidentally says innuendos. real tsukkomi and boke moment.
ok im gonna elaborate on why tatinof was a fanfic now :) this is the PEAK of phanderization, to me it's not a surprise that the cracks in the egg PERSONAS were starting to show bc they were just Fully In Character for like a year or so straight. in tatinof, the serious bitter eye-rolling "ugh dont do a song and dance" guy was dan (The Straight Man) (dont laugh thats just what its called) so of course his counterpart was the silly happy just having fun "i wanna burst into song!" guy was phil (The Fool). but when you watch their making of doc, dan says that HE'S the one who wanted to do the song and dance. if youre an Enthusiast abt dnp, you mightve already known that dan was a huge theater kid and loves the book of mormon n shit. phil likes theater too, but dan LOVES IT like not just watching but Performing. BUT to a regular degular in 2015 just casually watching or a huge fan but hasnt watched every liveshow ever or a phannie who just really believes in the Phanon, this may come as a surprise. phil is the happy silly ball of sunshine right? like ok. these aspects of their personality (dans bitterness and phil's positivity) aren't exactly LIES. but like obviously theyre just humans. this is what Interactive Introverts was TRYING to comment on, but imo i think fell short of its attempt bc in the end they were still trapped in their personas for the sake of Giving The People What They Want
ok i kinda tangented so back to the personas, it's not as if today they are Fully Raw And Real with us on screen, that's just kinda inherently never gonna happen, there will always be shit we don't know about them bc like. it's still a screen. BUT now that they are more real with us, we kinda see the energy of the olden days back, ofc less MegaRandomHyper and more gay millennial waffling. but it's them! cuz they really are so similar to the personas, but there's always an underlying layer of This Is A Bit. when dan's annoyed at phil for something we know he's not genuinely angry ESPECIALLY when we see that phil does it on purpose to rile him up. i think something strange is that, it's not like during 2012-2018 we didnt see stuff like this, dan's always been silly and phil's always been sarcastic, but bc so many people had bought into the Personas of danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil, that ended up being cemented into fic.
ok i wanna ramble on more but maybe ill make a new post lmao
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neptunescore · 3 months
k you asked for unpopular f1 opinions and idk if this even counts but i Do Not Like lando norris. i actively dislike him, actually. couldn't really tell you why, he's just really annoying. and that move with the fist pump during max's anthem at the canadian gp? not fucking cool. i also hate when people say shit like "omg he's so public school core" or "idk he just feels more authentic than the rest of them (drivers)" because most people didn't know he had money growing up. his dad is like a fucking billionaire (millionaire?) CEO like shut up. i just feel like he can't possibly be as nice as people think. also his win in miami had distinctly Weird Vibes. not necessarily bad, just Wrong. should not have happened. also that thing where he said "trump is someone you gotta have a lot of respect for" like no??? he's not??? he's a conservative right wing politician who was found guilty on all 34 counts in his hush money case. he's a white-collar criminal (the worst kind). he deserves no respect. shut up. it would be better to just not say anything at all. yeah.
I have had SO MANY asks on lando, but i shall keep responding😤.
No1. All the shit Lando has done. Ugh, dont even get me started on it, im just gonna link my old post bc im so done talking abt it.
No2. I don't hate lando, I'm not a lando 'hater', bc I feel like you can't really hate a person you have never met and don't know on a personal level. However, I do feel very strongly abt some of his actions, and I do think he should take accountability for shit he's done. Personally, I just don't like him that much, and so I stay away from his content and fans. If I see smthng funny he's done or see content abt him that I enjoy then I laugh and appreciate it, but recently he's just been irritating towards my beliefs and values, so I'm keeping my distance.
No3. I just wanna say, very gently, even if you dislike a driver, you shouldn't discredit their wins/ accomplishments bc in the end thats smthng they've earned, and it's literally their job, like for me, when I saw miami, I thought "good for him" and moved on. I did get really pissed abt his comments on trump tho, man really went and stained his first race win with all that shit.
No4. Ur point on the way ppl say, 'he's more authentic than the rest of the drivers'. Honestly, I've seen so many ppl have this opinion, and all I'm gonna say is: Every driver has a different pr strategy. Lando's whole strategy is being perceived as 'relateable' and 'quirky', and, by the looks of it, it's working really well. Obv we – as fans – will never know if he's genuinely like this in person or if it is just fully pr (same with all the other drivers), but from what's provided to us we're all free to make our own assumptions :]
I just feel like he can't possibly as nice as people think
I think, nonnie (and this is meant in the kindest way possible), assumptions like these are smthng we should avoid making. You don't know lando, and I don't know lando, so really we'll never know if he's truly as nice or not, and we shouldn't say stuff like this about ppl who've never actually done anything to be precieved that way. Like yes, we can talk abt how lando is ignorant and the type to either: 1. Not think bfr he speaks/ does smthng or 2. Has really bad political views and questionable morals (and if this option is fully confirmed, i will become a full hater, doesn't matter if hes nice or not). But what has he ever done that shows us he's not kind/ nice to his fans?
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single-malt-scotch · 9 months
i have watched bdubs and scar and so im gonna talk abt SL again like i did before. obvs spoilers!
i keep my posts pretty meta/only about the game, its mechanics, balance etc so i have no bias on players own actions. but i do want to talk about players and the final moments for a minute here!
obvs i like bdubs a lot and hes been very good at getting to almost the finals in all the series. hope ppl realize that more. if he had more hearts like scar did im sure he could of have gotten further too. etho's ep isnt out but i saw him die in scar's and scar's ep was wild for sure. i mean damn, there was hardly a way etho could have escaped scar when he landed right on top of him, insane. obvs i dont have a view on the others i havent watched but it was interesting to see how they ganged up in this series for the end. scar winning made me happy too, hes a really good player!!
bbut onto the gameplay. i dont wanna repeat myself so im kinda using this as an overall conclusion + specific thoughts about the finale.
its been established clearly that mods assign specific tasks to people at times. and the warden/wither + bogey were not something i enjoyed. this season felt way too "directed" as it went on... and i also think the tasks ability to grant you so much good stuff (a LOT of hearts) is what kept everyone out of being red so easily! which is probably why they did the bogey zombies. which is really just poor balance that no one clearly tested (i recall grian implying before that they dont really test anything but dont quote me on that). maybe a way to have improved that would have been reds were the only ones to gain hearts, and yellow/greens could not. i knew from the start that the heart giving mechanics this season were kind of pointless or overpowered. gifting one heart? really...? that doesnt add up to much of anything in the long run imo unless you manage to get hearts from multiple people. and then on top of that you get hearts back from the secret keeper too. i would have loved if this season was simply "no regen and thats it!" like a sorta UHC deal where you only can heal with specific items (and not 30 hearts prob? bc i understand the tasks were kind of a way to possibly make them die).
on big forced tasks it only made sense with this episode, since everyone is red, so i dont mind that. but again.... they had to force this to happen which is annoying to me. also in terms of balance i really wished they bring back strict rules on enchantments because that also gets frustrating to watch. but perhaps i just like fairness in combat due to watching so much UHC, which also is a death game.
the other issues i had were with reds and red tasks. as pointed out they forced reds in the previous sessions but no one had any time to do red tasks?? and admittedly it was kind of boring bc people couldnt interact about it without failing. but they could not team up properly and i think that is what red life is all about. all the reds coming together because they *need* to face yellows and greens, and hunt people down. but instead the few reds there had to be alone to do their traps, another social issue with this series where tasks often pulled people away from others and left them with videos where they were very alone. there being no space for greens and yellows to exist and get hunted is something i think is great in previous seasons too and it just didnt happen. all that getting forced in that one session just didnt flow well to me.
really even trying to look back at episodes, i cant recall any notable interactions between people i enjoyed minus some brief pauses when they were traveling to do their tasks. there just wasnt a lot of typical socializing! and thats what i didnt like with this series. this plus the balance issues of lives just made this series feel messy, and the length of the episodes due to tasks could be kind of boring if the task was boring or even felt too stressful to force them into places where they could just die (these kinds of dangerous tasks given to greens or yellows felt unfair, as if it was trying to force them to die, and as a viewer i wouldnt want the game make my fave die!).
and as i mentioned in a different post, the lack of fixing some issues in multiple seasons is wild to me. this season faced the same issue as limlife where deaths were not in chat. the episode after, they fixed it (still with some bugs). and then it happened again last session.... and they didnt fix it! this is also annoying bc people dont react to the deaths at all which you kind of wanna see you know? actually im not even sure why they still did it this way. i imagined the clock running out made it more complicated for the system of fying to work. but why this season....? seemed like pretty forward deaths. idk the tech side, but they had 3 solid lives like all the other season, and there were never issues with the death messages happening at all.
but anyways. theres multiple parts of this i mentioned above that just made this gimmick feel so messy and unbalanced, and sometimes not super interesting to watch. it was way too complicated some times. i know theyll likely never do a repeat of the old versions but man idk if i cant find myself liking future seasons if they start stacking so much on top of what is a simple concept. it has started to feel like the three lives havent mattered at all/arent really the focus-- the anxiety of having three times. and the stakes become less and less due to some of these new gimmicks (the ability to gain lives in so many easy ways- limlife and secret life- is why imo) makes death feel less of a problem especially when we know how buddy buddy everyone is now. people need to be limited like before, and be more anxious. 3L, LL, and DL had people quickly establishing their friends bc they knew right from the get go that the series really depended on them being alive and nothing else. the only focus was to stay alive and not die. DL was where ppl kinda chilled a bit on alliances bc they knew each other more but, death was still right around the door with health being tied, it still brought a similar kind of anxiety for players.
i do hope people like grian can recognize these issues behind the scenes bc genuine critique for this series/season is important. like i hope they dont brush off the fact "hall monitors" were an issue-- they can ignore them openly in their videos.... but there is a reason why its a problem that started at all. the concept was way too subjective and hard to judge! so id hate for them to decide "eh, lets not listen to them, im gonna keep doing this and not consider the issue for a new season" right? and hour long episodes? thats crazy, and i dont think it was good for a lot of cc imo, because it made me way less likely to watch or even finish others' episodes. i hope that makes sense... stakes need to be raised, and i think limlife still achieved that to some degree because time was still very sensitive and risky to take. but then SL comes in bringing way too many things that keep them alive far too easily, leaving very little concern as long as they got their task in.
and last thing is from the outside pov i get concerned about this season happening only 6 months after the last one. because that would very very easily cause a burn out/inability to make more gimmicks real quick. i find this particularly odd bc this season too place through multiple holidays...! not sure if they thought this one through very well. considering how much limlife changed things in a way that was a bit more complicated, and then have SL with even more going on.... id just be worried about how much new stuff would even be made after this.
before this season started i was thinking to myself that i would be fine if this was the last one (it was speculation off some posting 3L compilations that was being me think itd be 'over' bc that was the first season). and truly i would be fine if they stopped forever for for a long time. i dont want to start disliking this series if they keep going in this direction... i will ALWAYS enjoy seeing these people play together and it will no doubt keep me watching but, i would hope that i will enjoy what they do for the next seasons and not fall down this path of convoluted, unbalanced and complicated concepts.
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
I saw your posts asking for ideas and I was thinking what If you wrote something about you being Bams younger sister and filing cky coz April doesn’t want you to get hurt and you have like secret relationship with Dico or Ryan
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thank u so much for the suggestion!!! im gonna do it for dico this time bc one, theres no fanfics of this silly dude and two, i havent written abt dico in SOOOO long. this ones for the dico lovers out there love yall, a dying breed🫡
WARNINGS: dangerous stuff, fluff, bran being bran yk
being bams younger sister has its ups and downs
bam as a brother is A NIGHTMARE
hes just such a dick
making fun of u, annoying u and being the “younger brother” type character bc hes just like that
u were 2 years older than him
so when u started kinda liking his life long friend, “dico”
it was kinda awkward bc u yk, hes ur brothers best friend
one night, u were just chilling at the house alone
ape and phil went out, bam was probably out skating somewhere and jess had band practice so having a empty house all to urself?? hell yea!
as u sit on ur couch, just watching some stupid ass movie thats on someone knocks at ur door
when u answer it, its Brandon dicamillo himself (dico)
“hey, uh is bam around?” he asks looking kinda nervous
“nah, i thought he was put filming with u, but its 9:00 he should be back soon.”
“ah ok, ill just wait in my car till he gets here then, thanks.” he smiles at u
“come on bran dont be a stranger! i’m m just watching a movie just wait inside till he gets back.”
you held the door open for him and he walks in and plops down on ur couch
in your spot.
“asshole what the fuck thats my spot”
“didnt see ur name on it.” he says smirking “also what kinda horse shit are u watching? let me show u some real funny shit.”
dico then proceeds to put on an old western movie
“what the fuck dicamillo??”
“what??! this shit is so funny watch this.” he says pointing to the tv as some guy dressed as a cowboy gets shot on screen
the acting was terrible yes, but the way dico was hysterical laughing at it kinda made u smile
his laugh, his interests, just his goofy personality made ur heart flutter
u didn’t realize that u had been staring into this mans whole soul for ten mins until he turns to u and smiles
“may i help u?” he says kinda chuckling
“oh, uh sorry..” u say blushing and kinda turning away
the silence that took place after could have killed u right then and there
until he turns to u
“hey uh.. ive been actually meaning to talk to u about something…” he says, that nervousness kinda coming back from before
u nod ur head as he starts to confess to u
“listen, i know ur my best friends older sister and this is kinda weird but… ever since i met u, i thought u were so cool! i wouldnt have expected u to like masters of the universe and filming bits as much as do…”
“yea, i can see how u couldnt have seen that coming bc of my brothers”
“yea, but anyways, ive always kinda…been into u, im super sorry if this is weird i didnt mean to make it like that i just think..”
u smile, did fucking brandon dicamillo just confess his love for u ??
he turns to u
“i feel the same way, ive always had i just didnt wanna make things awkward if u didnt.” u smiled at him and scooted closer to him on the couch
“really?!?” he said in shock
“mhm, i like you… like A LOT”
u move in closer and you two end up making out on ur couch
after that day u both agreed to date without anyone knowing
yea it was suspicious when u two wouldnt be able to film or hang out at the same time on the same day but the guys kinda brushed it off
u two went of secret little dates
dico would surprise u ALL the time with cute date spots
random cat cafes, parks, family ran restaurants, he just found little cute places in westchester to take u to, and u LOVED IT
when bam realized u obviously were seeing someone bc u were WAYYY to happy, u decided to snoop
going through u room he ended up finding one of dicos shirts hidden under ur bed
thats when bam decides to confront u about it……
might make some type of part two to this but it depends if yall want it or not, hope u enjoyed! also please keep sending in requests i love them sm !! yall are so creative i love it sm
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terraliensvent · 2 months
ok mod, im gonna be /gen. im mostly against terras but i read all the asks and i think its weird how you automatically say any criticism ones are “meatriding” “braindead” and “white knighting”. some of them make alot of sense 2 me, mainly abt the assets cuz even if it was for a species, it was for their own species so its not like they ever expected 2 be banned. any artist has the right to request their art taken down even if their annoying on th unless it was for money, which it wasnt. yall using words like “vandalism” and “literally disgusting” abt this comes off reactionary. not everyone criticizing how yall talk ab this is here to defend coy/civ, im def not i think their annoying af. but if u wanna be fair u gotta hear out others points without assuming and insulting them. i lowkey agree with anon who said some anons r obsessed bc of this
heres the thing, its got a lot to do with wording to me.
if you want to be the guy who says “errrmmmm….yeah you guys are a little obsessed its just furry pngs” or the guy who says “uhm civ and coy put BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS into terras and now theyre being thrown out and discarded in the rain!” thats whiteknighting to me. youre not engaging or making any sort of argument.
additionally, with the assets whiteknight, i call it “whiteknighting” because they refuse to look at the evidence in front of their face. cal said that they would redo all the assets that coy wanted removed, however they also said that its not something that can be done at the drop of a hat. whiteknights are acting like cal and staff turned up their noses sneering “you cant make me” thats literally not at all what happened you guys just refuse to read
for your last point, nobody has said anything about “wording.” its someone who, again, refuses to actually engage with an argument and just spout nonsense. but if were talking about wording, yes i would consider going in to the site and making unapproved changes, possibly causing issues for others but not having care whether it does or not, yeah i would consider that vandalism. i would also consider coy’s history of doing petty, immature shit with little to no concern for the consequences of their actions “disgusting.”
im not gonna tone police myself on my blog, ive said before that i will use hyperbole for humor, but when its time to be fully serious ill tone it down. i think that part of the reason coy especially has been able to scoot by any and all criticism is because people are SO intent on handling them with kids gloves, when theyve shown to be incredibly vindictive, even talking shit about a community they themself cultivated but then acting like they had no part to play in it
i answer all asks here, however if someone just barges in being stupid im gonna handle it like theyre stupid. when people actually have something to say, i am willing to entertain it. im willing to agree with people and change my mind and ill post opinions i dont necessarily totally agree with, but the catch is you actually have to say something instead of burying your head in the sand about counter arguments. (also ive never called anyone braindead as far as i remember but i think were getting into semantics)
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im gonna start putting this at the bottom of all my posts just so you guys know im not saying i think coy should be sentenced to the firey pits of hell for all eternity, just that theyre shitty and immature and refuse to learn from their mistakes
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kurjakani · 5 months
hey I'm too shy to ask off anon but do you have tips on finding illustrator work in finland. I have zero marketable skills besides drawing but I have NO idea how to find people who want to hire me
(Im gonna answer in eng since you msgd in eng but im gonna tag this w fintags in case someone has extra tips- im a super beginner in my work area so im sure there's other more compitent ppl out here who might wanna add answers etc? :0)
OK SO IM SUPER W U im like ass at anything that isnt art, like, i tried a lot of other stuff before i succumbed to doing graphic design/art as a job bc i just did so bad at everything. Which, im sure ill be doing a bunch of other stuff on the side throughout my life because IT. IS NOT EASY!!! ITS A SUPER HARD JOB TO GET WORK IN!!! I mean im on the medicore side as an artist so it might just be me but LMFAO. I dont wanna scare you off but it is tough HOWEVER. yes there are things you can do ill readmore this tho
I think the easiest to get into IS like. private commission work. The usual "drawing ocs or fandom stuff" for people. It requires a lot of self marketing- building a platform, making your art a desirable object. Im planning personally 2 open comms again after my current gig is done, and ive been hearing good stuff about the small business options osuuspankki offers- re: being able to do the billing via paypal &helping w the taxing which makes overseas work a LOT easier to figure out. I cant swear on them personally tho since i have not used their services before, but i can give more info in abt a month when Im planning on looking into them more! So. Online market yourself. (you can ask further on this but this post would be too long if i get into that, also im not like a master of this), commission work. PRICE YOUR STUFF RIGHT, Look into how long it takes you to make your pieces and create an approx. price based on your hours spent working. And then price higher.
As for a lot of the stuff i do&post about here. I personally DID start w education, which, i am incredibly lucky I could. I studied graphic design/illustration in Ikaalinen, its a really great school which i can recommend if that is an option for you. I could talk abt it more but I think the main things i got from that education was a) making connections b) learning how printing works which is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT. If you want to work in book illustrations which i have done, I recommend looking into the technical aspects of printing on your own. You can learn it online definetly. As for connections, thats a little tougher, but really anything beyond for me has been. Just making a portfolio & CV and emailing and asking for work. Its tedious and annoying but yeah.. Other options im aware of for illustration work is like. in advertizing (though its kinda rare to do ILLUSTRATION), game companies (theres a lot of other stuff you need 2 learn there tho)... Ik some ppl sell their illustrated products eg. stickers, prints etc, but idk anything abt that section. In finland its rly tough bc you rly dont. I like got curious and just googled "kuvitus töitä" and yeah theres just Nothing. It is abt looking for where illustrations could be (looking for small book publishers, looking for childrens books writers specifically and reaching out to them, etc etc) and reaching out and being a pushy bitch its AWFUL its my least favourite part of this job but it is. Yeah..
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sisthatsthetea · 2 years
Naruto Team 7/Team Kakashi Tickle HC
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AN: I've seen all of Naruto and up to season 3 of Shippuden so just keep that in mind if I don't have all my Naruto facts right. Also I wanted to throw Sai and Kakashi into this one as a bonus since these boys don't get enough love in the tk community so thats why there are in there too lol
and also...
- 50% lee + 50% ler
- So like canonically this silly boy is tklish and has been tkled a bit through the show
- So like I hc that most of his friends already know his spots and when he’s being annoying they poke his side and are like “stop or I’ll keep going”
- And the poor dumb boy is just ignores the warning which ends in him getting wrecked
- His spots are his sides, his underarms, his neck, his little face whiskers, and his hips
- Normally tkled by Sakura, Iruka, Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sasuke, and anyone else he happens to piss off from time to time
- His laugh is really breathy and giggly too so at first people would always tickle him a little bit then let him go bc they think he’s had enough
- But ofc Naruto has almost infinite energy so this would lead to…
- As a ler Naruto is ruthless
- Like if he needs to he’ll cheat and use shadow clones to help tickle his lee
- Naruto is def a rougher tickler, he likes to really dig into the lees spots
- Also he dosent rlly know how to tease but he does it by accident all the time
- “Gosh you’re so ticklish!”
- “You should smile like this all the time!”
- “You’re laugh is so silly it makes me want to laugh!”
- Like bro stfu you’re ticklish too
- Normally targets Sasuke, Sakura, Gaara, Konohamaru, and sometimes Hinata
- 70% lee + 30% ler
- My mans is ticklish af
- So like when he was little I’m sure Itachi probably tkled him a lot before he had the whole killing spree
- So Sasuke knows he’s ticklish but never told anyone bc he was embarrassed abt it
- He sees tickling as a weakness so he never took part in it until he was put on Team 7
- Like he would see Sakura tickle Nartuo sometimes and so he would do it too
- Poor baby didn’t know what he was getting into
- And ofc Nars would go for revenge tickles so then they all found out Sasuke was tklish
- Normally tkled by Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi, Kiiba, and Shino
- His spots are his knees, back, under arms, sides, and his abs
- As a ler he would start off shy then get more sadistic
- Like he would tickle Naruto and at first just stay straight faced but slowly he would start to smile with him
- Big teaser
- “You’d think a shinobi wouldn’t be taken down like this”
- “I wonder what would happen if anyone else found out about this… I don’t think you would last a day without being tickled like this”
- “This is so embarrassing for you huh? Would it be better if I had someone else help me wreck you next time?”
- “Sorry you’re laughing too much for me to understand you!”
- Likes to pin down his lees
- Can and will use Sharigan to find his lee’s spots
- Tickle fights with Naruto are a normal occurrence
- Targets Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi if Naruto and Sakura help him
- 50% lee 50% ler
- Averagely tklish
- Squeaky laugh
- Like a mouse
- She finds it a bit embarrassing
- Tickled by Naruto if she’s having a bad day or if she just need cheering up
- Sometimes Sasuke helps if she is feels especially upset
- Her spots are her sides, her back, her neck, and her ears
- When she was a kid Ino took advantage of her ticklishness by poking her every time she went to go pick up a flower
- As a ler Sakura is normally really soft and sweet
- That is of course if you aren’t on her bad side
- She saves her ruthless ler skills for a specific energetic blond teammate of hers
- With most everyone else she skitters and spiders her finger lightly over her lees spots
- (She’ll also throw in a few pokes here and there)
- Doesn't normally tease but if she does it's always soft and sweet
- "I love hearing you laugh!"
- "You're doing do well!"
- Targets Naruto, (sometimes) Sasuke, Ino, and anyone else who might be having a bit of a bad day
- 70% ler 30% lee
- Not very tklish but he has a few spots that get him laughing
- Tklish ears, neck, and knees 100%
- The first to find out was Naruto (by accident ofc)
- He isn't tkled often but when he is his laugh is quiet and deep
- As a ler though you should run
- Can and will use his paint brushes to tickle his lees
- Loves painting on his lees too
- If he invites you to be a canvas for him DONT GO
- or do
- 80% ler 20% lee
- Big big ler
- He'll tk his students if they are having a hard day or get back from a hard mission and need to relax
- Nars is normally his victim lol
- Like if everyone is bickering he'll ask Naruto to come up to him. then he like pins him down and tkls him
- The whole time he just keeps talking about missions and normal stuff while giving Sasuke and Sakura this look thats like "loosen up or you're next"
- He tries to go easy on them when it comes to teasing but if he needs to knock Naruto or Sasuke down a level he won't hold back
- They know he means it all in good fun though and he always makes sure to stop when his students have had enough
- Most people don't try to tickle Kakashi cause they fear his wrath
- Though there is one person who isn't scared
- Might Guy will tickle Kakashi after he loses to him if he feels sour about it or just if he thinks Kakashi needs a laugh
- Casual pokes to Kakashi while he's talking or reading is very common
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Tell us about Shinaya’s breakup :D
HEHDJEIDNEKFJEKDKEK ive had this ask since i posted i was thinking abt it MAN i cannot express to u i just. I WANNA WRITE A FIC SO BAD but AUGH im so bad at it it makes me cringe i cant do that but its basically like all my damn posts together u know. i keep thinking of shintaro's disastrous relationships post str going from ayano to kano to takane etcetc sorry im playing with him like a stress toy making him go thru hell but its so fun
srry i dont wanna have to rewrite a lot of stuff so erm im liking this answer 🫡🫡🫡 and i could link a bunch more just so u SEE MY VISION... but i think linking that is enough. ON AND OFF SHINAYA MY BELOVED
shintaro and ayano sort of having this ridiculous relationship because both are hurting and jumped in a relationship too quick but fighting/being sad about stupid shit is so much easier than dealing with their actual issues that they've got with themselves. like focusing on each other and what they don't like about each other and their relationship is so much easier than crying about how suicidal they are. lollllll SO LIKE this insanity sort of saves them at the same time??
i mean the most ideal would be that instead of getting together they got therapy and the normal kind not the relationship kind. you know. but also theyre traumatized and ugh. its so much easier to resent each other than themselves. its so much easier to be petty. its such a relief to cry over relationship problems than over timeline resets or dead parents and etc. YOU GET ME?????
they keep breaking up and getting back together ridiculously like it is 1000% so dramatic each and everytime. ayano crying her eyes out like its the end of the world and shintaro making 100 sad playlists. and it happens at least monthly. the first time everyone's like WHOA THEY BROKE UP!?!? SHIT!! the second time its like heyyy maybe they'll work it out like last time!! third time its like are you joking. fourth time they're already begging them to stop. by they i mean the dan but especially takane by the way. who do you think is picking up the pieces.
and by the way the one breaking up all the time and being dramatic as hell is shintaro. he gets angry and annoyed and weaponizes the LETS BREAK UP thing because he DOESNT MEAN IT. like he knows he and ayano will work it out later. he gets comfortable again. not to get on the ayano surviving thing, but i think ayano (and hiyori but especially ayano) making it out alive undoes a big part of the message abt moving on. like i love her so im not complaining thats i love having her alive :3 but i like to translate this into shintaro like. he's intensely trying to repress/process all the memories of the other timelines to cope and have a normal life and ends up being this way because he's sort of self sabotaging himself. like ayano's alive and she likes me??? lol. ok?? ill wake up any moment now!! and he feels guilty and undeserving and is sort of a dickhead to her in an unconscious attempt of keeping her away because that's what he deserves according to him. also why he's accepting of takane's intense obsession with him lol bc she's familiar and she is comfortable, unlike ayano who is so rare and one in its kind in all the timelines. he is sort of terrified of her in a way.
the lets break up isnt rly a breakup. its just a leave me alone see u later. LOL i think we talk too much abt kanoshin bringing the worst in each other but what about shinaya. they do that too. yeah we CAN have fluffy shinaya. but like i said it is so easy to focus all this bitterness and sadness into each other and it's so relieving to be sad and angry about this rather than everything else. because this is sort of in their control while everything else isn't, wasn't. and its so unfair. of course its unfair!! but they cant do anything abt it. so they just go crazy on each other. ayano is DESPERATE to be needed. i could link more replies but i will hold myself back. basically her siblings are used to being alone/know she has her own problems and ayano is dealing with this emptiness and feeling of failure bc no one needs her, from her perspective her sacrifice still failed to save everyone, her parents are gone so she needs to step up. like she puts herself under all this pressure and feels Not Good Enough for ANYTHING. and she is dating shintaro.
it's EASY to bother him and try to get him to open up and etc so she ridiculously focuses on that. but it gets on shintaro's nerves to say the least LOL plus all his other issues i mentioned 🫡plus she keeps being like we have to be normal. lets kiss and hold hands and cuddle. but she's too embarrassed to say it/do it and shintaro is even more pathetic about it. so theyre both frustrated about everything and can barely even sit next to each other without acting insane.
AND SORRY BUT I WILL TALK ABT TAKANE🫡💞💗💖💝💕💘ofc. codependent shintaka. of course. it drives ayano CRAZY because on top of all their problems takane is able to talk sense into shintaro each and every single time. and she is soooo jealous like she knows its stupid but she cant help ittt i ALSO TALKED ABT THIS SORRY I KEEP REPEATING MYSELF IM JUST SO CRzy abt it. hehe......the whole mess bringing drama to harutaka too bc shintaro and ayano are so messy theyre contagious is so fun to me. when it comes to shintaro and takane's horrible relationship both their romantic relationships suffer for it but deal with it completely differently. while both haruka and ayano deal with jealousy somewhat, ayano is so hurt and already at the verge of a mental breakdown so she's focusing so many negative emotions on it and AGAIN it just serves as another point of argument between shintaro and ayano while haruka is like. his mental state isnt as convoluted as ayanos, he's rather freaking out and terrified of being left alone. THIS IS ABT SHINAYA so i wont get into harutaka side but lol. heh. Looks at it. zooms in it. like what i mean is that haruka and takane talk and work through it and are like sighs yeah...this is messed up while shintaro and ayano are using it against each other instead of working on it LMAO
ANYWAYS. ayano breaks up with shintaro. vine boom. total breakdown moment like everyone out of the room i wanna talk to you alone. and this time its for REAL. like ayano isnt confrontational at all, all their arguments are always her being pushy abt idk mental health and shintaro's like godddd STOPPPPP and ayano crying and shintaro being like I CANNOT DEAL WITH THAT. IM SORRY I GUESS. CAN U GET OUT OF THE ROOM. WE'LL TALK LATER. but he also sucks so bad at letting the other person know they can count on him so he kind of assumes ayano will do it when she's ready because he KNOWS she's in pain. like. ofc it could go well. ofc shintaro and ayano could work through everything with kindness and comprehension for each other but they're both so sad and suddenly find themselves annoyed at each other one time and it felt so freeing to do that that they just keep doing it. especially shintaro. having ayano be mad at him is sort of relieving because he feels undeserving of her and its like yeah. Yeah!! i know its ooc but shinaya screaming match.god. sorry but all their bottled up emotions abt everything and they take it out on each other for no reason other than theyre giving each other the space and it plays out that way. theyre acting crazy about something so stupid like shintaro not wanting ayano to wear his clothes or whatever. like they scream about that but its not about that. it just feels so good to scream. it feels so good to scream and let it out even if they haven't given themselves the time to process that theyre not... actually screaming abt that at all. theyre screaming about everything else. not even about each other. its about themselves. its always been.its never been about each other. when it is, its stupid. thats why they do it. its just easier. God. they were just not ready for a relationship, especially not one with each other out of all people.
ayano breaks first, therefore dumps shintaro lol. he goes thru his own fucked up arc afterwards while ayano gets help. my man spirals DOWN. whether they get back together or not depends on my mood 🤨 but if they do, its by the time theyre in their mid twenties or something so a few years later LOL i picture them dating like for over a year maybe?? when theyre 18/19. hehe.
like. do you get it.
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hertwood · 4 months
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
i have several fic ideas that have just petered out and i'm resigned to not finishing. it's not about not sharing them, it's about making peace with never finishing them. (i also have several fics i havent touched in months but im DETERMINED to get back to but that's a separate problem.)
one of those is, sadly, femdomverse 3 (and everything else i had planned). i have shared bits and pieces about it before, and it was going to be called "points present" bc she leaves a pair of her underwear as a ~treat~ for getting his first points ladkfjasldkfjaslkjf
i think my big problem with femdomverse was just down to teething problems. i wrote fdv1 on impulse in under 24hrs, i dont think i would've even finished fdv2 if i wasn't trapped in my appt with covid (thanks covid.) it sorta grew into a much larger idea than it started as and trying to figure out planning it out once i was already in the middle of it. i think it was a good lesson for really taking the time to think out longer projects fully before i post anything in the future.
but fdv still has such a place in my heart and its spirit lives on in my other girlfics!!!!
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
this is such an interesting question because i spend very little time thinking about this. i write what i wanna write and if yall like it thats just a bonus :P new ask game tell me things i do as a writer you find annoying??? lol i suppose one thing i do a lot is talk about fics and just not get them finished or posted in a reasonable amount of time. WHICH ANNOYS ME TOO TO BE FAIR. idk. let me know~
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
ooooooh gio for u. as a treat. i'll talk abt my sargewood fic idea. this doesn't really count as a wip yet bc i haven't written anything yet, BUT circling back to the first one, planning out longer forms fics is important for me in the writing process. i've only talked abt this with care in DMs so i guess this is its first proper public sharing.
so, it's an au where kyle never really got into racing, he and logan knew each other in carting but kyle's career petered out and he and logan fell of of touch. for logan, his career progresses as we know it irl, until he gets dropped at the end of the 2024 season and he ends up without any sort of drive, goes back to florida in a sort of career limbo. and runs into kyle again!!!!!
but!!!!! surprise!!!! kyle's a dad! (this was all thought up around this btw. i was like how do i make singledad!kyle as a concept into an actual story with substance.) kyle and a high school ex had a baby, kyle realized he was gay so they broke up, she's very very smart and got into law school or smth so she's off doing smart businesswoman shit and kyle is the primary parent who gets child support. (amicable coparenting!!! just to be clear!!!!)
so with all of logan's new free time he can spend all this time with kyle and his kid to the point where lines start to blur and he now has all this free time to unpack any feelings that might pop up. writing a chaptered fic would be so so daunting but i think it'd be a good challenge for me, i just rly need to sent aside time to rly work on outlining everything i want!
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
i'm not quite sure how to answer this question aldfjaslfjasldfja i'm big on. feeling morally neutral abt the fiction we all write. HOWEVER i do know that like, oscarmark is ~controversial~ and i do have this wip. that i havent touched in a while but i love the concept so much i still rly want to get back to at some point. the wip actually predates fdv and i originally was like 'oh i'll just anon post it i'm too embarassed' but now any embarassment abt the wierd shit i write is GONE lmao. i did talk abt it in the replies of this post and thats the most i've said about it before. it's really just a contrived silly little plot all just to set up oscar being fucked over the side of a boat. which is public sex technically which is also a crime. its v self indulgent its very For Me i hope i can take it out of wip purgatory someday :'(
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jackienautism · 9 months
Wait can I ask... do you hate Dylan? 😭 No judgement but a lot of your recent Quarry lists got me thinking and you're making great points
you can absolutely ask! but yeah im not a huge fan of him. i explained more in this post but basically i knew iwas gonna be annoyed w/ him even before playing the game bc of how the fandom was treating him. they were treating him like he was the GREATEST thing to ever exist, and like. there's absolutely no problem w/ that! like who you like! but theres always a common denominator w/ these fan favorites and it just pisses me off yk
im glad my recent posts and stuff have you got thinking though! thats basically all im here for kdfndf so i appreciate that its working. i dont think ppl SHOULDNT like dylan, i just wanna provide other perspectives on how ppl view him and the characters super involved w/ him. i AM angry most of th etime though but i try not to be too mean abt it online lol so sorry if ive ever seemed super pissy
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of-dream-land · 2 years
For this post ... If you haven't been asked yet, Magolor ~
YESSSSS omg this is perfect bc i have a LOT of hcs about magolor
attraction headcanon: i see him as pansexual !! leaning maybe a little more towards guys though
gender headcanon: i think he just doesn't rly care about that. like he says he's a guy out of convenience but i don't think he cares or thinks about that too hard
a ship i have with this character: oh boy. oh MAN. i have quite a few ships with magolor LOL so ill just go through all of them and explain my reasoning behind them i guess?
magoranza: GRAHHHHH.... i love them a lot. i think its my number one ship w him. i like to think that its smth that happens very gradually too. maybe they don't really like each other at first/find the other a little annoying but then eventually they get closer and catch feelings idk.... i like to imagine them as part of the same best friend group (w marx and susie too) so they get to spend more time that way since theyre together more often. also i just think they contrast each other nicely!! like ally who turns out to be an antagonist + antagonist who turns out to be an ally....auauauau
magochilly: THEY'RE VERY CUTE...!! its a little particular tho bc i dont necessarily like/agree w the way it was portrayed in the manga (making magolor this obsessive over chilly is very weird and creepy) but i think the fandom version of magochilly is adorable so im choosing to make my own too. i kinda just see them as magolor being all loud and open abt his love for chilly and chilly just being a little shy abt it but reciprocating when its just the two of them bc hes not used to pda and all... idk!! its very sweet to me
magoroach: so like. this one kind of started as a joke LMAO,,, the little animation scene in the main menu of star allies where daroach steals the lor and magolor runs after him kind of defined their entire relationship to me ngl LOL. like, magolor is a snarky piece of shit but daroach is someone an even BIGGER snarky piece of shit and i think thats smth magolor doesnt expect so he gets riled up p easily by him. i dont rly ship it that seriously tho i mostly see it as like,, smth they just Have eventually but its never that serious
magometa(?)/metalor(?): i dont know the ship name but LMKSDJJSDKL THIS SHIP IS FUNNY TO ME bc i already have a hc that meta knight fucking HATES magolor after the events of krtdl, so their rs to me is basically just the "you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" meme. again more of a joke ship that i plan on making very specific fanart of eventually but i dont rly ship it that seriously
thats all for the ships. ahem. back to normal business
a brotp i have with this character: MARX!!!!! i think marx and magolor are best friends but in the way that they can't stand each other. they hate each other but they're always together. they enable each other. they bring out the worst in one another. if one of them died the other probably wouldn't care. they complete each other they start shit together they-- YOU GET ME. i love them. best worsties. worst besties. etc etc. i could talk abt their dynamic all day they mean so much to me
a notp i have with this character: m*rxolor im sorryyy (censoring so it doesnt end up in research tags)... there's nothing wrong w the ship! it's just not my cup of tea bc i see their rs as strictly platonic. also obvious one but him and kirby bc kirby is a child and i hc magolor to be a young adult so.
a random headcanon: i like to imagine that magolor has more cat-like attributes that arent just shown on his appearance. like he probably has a cat tree in the lor that he just uses for fun. he reacts to lasers the same way cats do. he probably purrs idk? if u dangle smth in front of him he'll stop what he's doing to catch it
general opinion of this character: I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHHH he might be my current fav character of all times :] he's so fun and cringe (lovingly) and loveable!!! he makes me very happy. i could talk abt him for hours i could draw him for hours i could watch video essays abt him and abt kirby's return to dream land for hours too he is my everything my little meow meow my nyagolor (heart emoji) (heart emoji) (egg emoji) (gear emoji) (cat emo
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
Bestie just so you know, you can yell and scream and dump to me about your interests literally as much as you want. I love listening to my friends do that. I am the exact same way, if someone let me infodump about all the film stuff I know I'd never stfu. We all deserve someone who will listen to us list off an encyclopedias worth of information without warning.
THANK U THANK U IM JUSTKJGHSKDJHGKJDG im kinda ill in the head, yknow? when i get like this i tend to talk abt it a lot and i can get annoying when ppl dont know what im talking abt or anything, and i dont wanna dominate conversation and take over and stuff. i dont wanna talk to someone and seem like im not listening just bc im fjksdhkjfhskjd abt somethin, if that makes sense??? i distance from ppl and stop talking abt anything else so im just in this weird spot where im talkin to irls bc we have plans monday and stuff and then just my rlly rlly close friends who i know i wont annoy at all and thats. it. i love hiding bc im annoying KJHKSJHGKJHG so i hope u guys enjoy my incessant posting abt this movie/book i Will Not Stop
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dykeyote · 2 years
HI VAL IM GENUINELY CURIOUS ON YOUR WILL WOOD HATRED CAN WR KNOW MORE (IF U WANNA SHARE OFC) (I'm am not saying this btw with malice I AM GENUINELY so CURIOUS abt the fact you hate will wood and like chnt) feel free 2 ignore this!!)
GIGGLES YOU CAN IF YOU WANT THERES NO BIG STORY ...... obligatory reminder that this isnt me making a callout post or going WILL WOOD FANS DNI >:(!!!!!!!!!! (given that i am in the chnt fandom i clearly do not feel the latter way lmao) im just explainin why ME PERSONALLY . i am not a fan keep in mind many of these reasons are personal and biased . but anyway heres why i strongly dislike will wood
a: right out the gate i just think hes really really pretentious lmao </3 he just kinda annoys me not gonna lie to u rn i find him obnoxious . we would not get along irl . this is not calling him out for the crime of being annoying but its why i personally dont like him
b: he reminds me of times where i was Very Mentally Ill so its not really a positive association, i basically associate his music (especially self-ish) w being real delusional bc thats when my will wood phase was
c: not going into depth on this altho i Do have in depth thoughts but i think people cut wayyyyy too much slack for him on the stuff he got called out for a while back ...... like i just dont think the stuff he admitted to is as Grey and Nuanced as people say it is . this is the primary reason why i dont listen to his music anymore it gave me a real bad taste in my mouth, again this isnt a callout post im just sharing my own personal feelings on the subject
d: this isnt about Him per se but he always makes me think of his brother who ive heard a ton of grooming allegations abt so bad associations again, also as far as ive heard they still actively associate and he hasnt spoken on said allegations altho obviously i dont keep up w him so maybe im wrong
e: a lot of members of his fanbase are extremely extremely parasocial and weird about him, not saying its his fault for it but again negative associations
and thats basically the summary . i used to be a HUGE fan i actually got into chnt on the drive to a will wood concert lol but i kinda really dislike him now so i dont really get much .... Joy out of listening to his music anymore . the chnt soundtrack is still my babygirl tho and theres tons of reasons to like chnt BESIDES the soundtrack even if i got into it bc i liked will wood and no longer do
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taintedcigs · 8 months
(Dont feel like you need to respond, I'm not expecting a reply) I'm not judging you at all because you are a good person and t swift has been vilified for literally everything but you have to recognise that one of the reasons we dislike t swift is cause of her continued silence over Palestine despite the massive influence she has, especially considering she got MILLIONS hyped up just over a profile pic or how Annie Lennox called for a ceasefire but everyone was taking about her new album release. I love that you are extremely vocal for palestine but I'm surprised you're not taking this into account.
hi!! first of all i wanna say that the palestinian g*n*cide is something that i really feel extremely disheartened over. i have friends who have lost their loved ones during this g*n*cide (and so did i) so i feel extremely angry over everything that has been happening. so i totally agree with your point. i haven't talked about that a lot on here (or try to not talk abt tay in general bc i know most of my mutuals dont like her, but sometimes i just get excited n talk about stuff lol) but i have talked about this A LOT on twitter and i can assure u im just as disappointed! i totally understand where you're coming from and i agree 100% i think she should raise her voice with how much influence she has! i only think there's a hypocrisy about this when people say they don't like her for not speaking out yet they continue to be fans of other people who haven't spoken out either. otherwise i agree with you!
my post abt the new taylor hate wasn't about palestine though, i was talking about the ppl who have been hating on her bc of the grammys (which i understand not everyone has to be a fan of her, but saying she's so annoying just bc she was excited and happy, or how annoying she is for singing to everyone's songs etc just feels very weird/misogynistic to me, or shitting on her bc she's making music bc thats? like? her? job?), these past few months in most of the situations people treated her as if she wasn't a human being (the ai sxual harassment, her stalker, etc etc.) and it made me feel icky, and to hear that from her own supposed "fans"!! thats what my post was abt!!
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heckolve · 6 years
although pb Definitely wasnt miles’ father figure i gotta say i Did Fucking Love seeing pb’s fatherly side coming out more and more?? like going from ‘uhg kids are annoying and whiny and clumsy this is why i dont want kids’ to having a blast teaching miles how to swing around to being the one whos like ‘hey wait stop--’ when the other spider guys were pressuring miles to seeing that miles was def in no shape to be going with them to that machine and being stern and stopping him for a whole different reason than when he tried stopping miles in the beginning and then being like ‘!!! i love you im so proud of you!!!’ when miles meets up with them n has control of his powers like. i love him........ ik its probs scary that he dosent know whats gonna happen w/ his children genetics wise and that hes not exactly. like. the Ideal dad but....... hes gonna be a great dad n i really hope things work out for him dkjkdjjf
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