#i dont wanna call them episodes but uh
fishy--friend · 2 months
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guys i swear im not losing it i swear i swear i swear i swear-
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smilingangel582 · 4 months
Wind breaker, here I come! I couldn't watch the new episode yet due to some minor issues! Well... I wanna see more fics from others, but I'm too impatient 😤 so I'm writing one again!
Can't think of a better lee than Sakura, so... im gonna put a switch, Nirei and Sugishita! Totally ler Suo and Umemiya!
The other characters aren't gonna be part of the fic because... I never read the manga but ik bits of spoilers from it... soooo imma skip them till the anime introduces them... yeeet imma add some of the teeny tiny bits I was spoiled from the manga!
My spelling sucks ik and I'm a faster writer, so... I tend to make a lot of misspelling stuff as I type fast. (It's not ADHD or anything special... I'm just a hyper person in real life... hehe)
Warning spoilers from the anime and perhaps manga "my imagination after episode 8"
The big man himself
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Sakura Haruka, an outsider, but everyone in this town accepted him as family as quickly as Sakira pummeled five dudes in an instant whiff.
What the hell is this town...?
His thoughts are often reserved and well kept to himself. Even as he walked through the hallways, he noticed familiar faces greeting him as grade captain and respectful gestures. Sure Sakura can take in most and yet...
"Omg! He's the first year grade captain who beat shishitoren second in command!"
"His look is so cool!"
A small blush crept up to his cheeks, he just grunted in response, leaving them mid-praise towards him.
It's almost like an attack mechanism to Sakura, like compliments are his weakness, and the opponent strikes it mercilessly till he's crumbled.
Honestly, Sakura hates that about himself.
"Sakura-san! We need your help!"
Hearing Nirei's voice in front, he looked up, his bangs lifting at the sight of Suo and Nirei...
And Sugishita???
"What the hell do u want?" Sakura grumbled.
Suo's calmly allows to explain themselves, "Now Sakura-kun, us first years have a job to do... its specifically by Hiragi-san"
Straightening himself, Sakura nods seriously, "OK... sure"
Suo stares for a moment before chuckling into his hand, this made Sakura frown, "What's so funny?"
"Oh, nothing... I just thought how cute it is that you actually listen to your senpais..."
Sakura got flustered and began to sputter angrily, "Q-Quiet! I don't respect... well, uh, I m-mean... ugh, never mind. What the heck do we need to do anyway?"
Suo noticed in amusement how Sakura faltered in defeat, then he replied, "Oh nothing... Sugishita-kun and Hiragi-san over-watered one of Umemiya-san's precious tomato plants..."
Sakura blinked.
"And... whats the issue?"
Sugishita snapped, grabbing Sakura by the shirt, "It's a big problem dumbass!"
Sakura gritted his teeth in fury, "Who you calling dumbass?! Dumbass!"
Sup calmly separated them and began to run over what they should do, "So... the big issue is... they are a special gift from his -I quote 'Kotoha-chan'"
Now that made sense. Sakura pinched the bridge of his nose... no wonder they dragged him to the roof when Umemiya isn't around.
"Now what should we do?" Sakura asked folding his arms.
"We have to distract Umemiya-san, and make him forget about that plant" Nirei said, sweating buckets throughout their whole conversation. Sakura stumbled in surprise. He really forgot Nirei was actually there...
(Ps. I did, actually... teehee ^w^)
"Oh..." Sakura said blankly, putting two and two together. He turned now, "So good luck... its not my problem anyway"
"Waiiit!" Nirei clung yo his jacket, "You are out grade captain! Dont abandon us pls!!"
"Sakura-kun, we told u the story so... basically you are involved" suo shrugged nonchalantly, Sugishita glared daggers as if he's blackmailing Sakura, "You better help..."
"I could care less!"
Before anyone could pass out any words through their conversation. Sakura heard the door on the rooftop open, Umemiya came.
Oh shit.
"Ah! My cute little underclassmen!" Umemiya rushed towards the group with joy and then without warning ruffling everyone's hairs.
He specifically embaraced Sakura, showing he's a favourite.
"Ahhh! Sakuraaa" a childish cry of bliss came from the leader's lips, as he almost squashed the first year.
Sugishita glared and growled like a rottweiler, Suo claimed he's a jealous puppy further angering him.
"Well, well! What brings you lot to my humble paradise!"
Sakura squirmed out of his grip, grumbling, "Trying to protect that stupid plant of -hmph!"
He forgot... he forgot... Sakura luckily closed his own mouth before digging his own grave... and yet... Umemiya looks like he already got a shovel close to him.
"Hmm..." Umemiya smirked, now flicking his forehead, "Sakura.... When you lie, I can tell that your ear turns red"
He got flustered "I-i do not! I'm not lying!"
Sakura noticed Nirei seemed anxious, Suo with a calm and an unapologetic smile and Sugishita totally ignoring him. They all abandoned him... he was bait after all...
"Oh no~ Sakura-kun," Umemiya sang playfully, suddenly stepping forward with incredible speed, "You shouldn't shift your attention to something irrelevant when your opponent is right in front of you"
Sakura gasped when he felt Umemiya grab his waist instantly. Without realising he was pinned to the wall, he slid down when those fingers made a funny sensation over his sides...
Wait... is this... tickling?
Resist! Resist! Resist damn it! Come on, Haruka! U have to!
Sakura felt his own thoughts fighting the urge to laugh as mad fingers scurried up his ribcage instantly. He struggled and kicked in reflex, surprisingly arching is back like a flexible sprig when Umemiya skillfully tickled his lower ribs.
"G-gah!" A squawk left him. While Suo and the rest awkwardly saw what was happening, the eye patch guy had to comment, "Oh wow... Sakura-kun are you ticklish?"
Umemiya grinned at that, "Oh, he is... how cute, little bro... but be careful. Your big bro is a biiiig tickle monster!"
Sakura suddenly jolted when Umemiya traced his waist beneath the shirt. The tingling sensation on his bare skin was insane. Its perhaps because Sakura never felt tickling before that he actually felt it like something so strong and unbearable.
How embarassing... he's giggling like a four year old.
"Shihihihihit! Hahahaha, whyhehehe whhhyy hahaha??!" Sakura squirmed, now twisting on his stomach, trying to escape.
Why is this man even tickling him?
"Why?" Umemiya grabbed his sides, pulling him closer to him, "Because you are obviously hiding something from me... aaaand... your are too cute!"
"Dahahahahamn ihihiiiiHIHIHIT! NOHO!" Sakura's laughter kicked an octave when Umemiya traced his armpits - not even tickle - just gentle featherlight tickling he never expected to tickle so much!
But...it feels good... it's the first time someone ever touched him so playfully...
Not cruel jabs that sting like poker sticks or burning hits from harsh punches... just mild subtle ticklish jolts like electric shocks.
"Suo, Nirei, can you grab him for a moment?"
Hearing this, Sakura snapped into reality. Huh? Why? Why are they restraining him?
Suo grabbed his wrists up above his head, the warm concrete floor beneath him, giving his wishes before his doomsday, Nireo sitting on his shins... and Umemiya on the side with a wide grin.
"I would've resorted to other easier methods, but I guess you like being tickeld. Eh Sakura?"
Blush, Sakura yelped, "N-no! Obviously not! Ugh, y-you bastard... and -" Sakura turned to the other three."Are you guys ditching me????"
Suo gives a gentle grin, "Sorry, but you are strong enough to handle this unlike us, plus..." Suo gives a teasing scribble under Sakura's armpit, making the latter jolt in surprise, "Umemiya-san said you like it"
Sakura exploded, "I NEVER SAID THAT -AAAH!"
Umemiya launched his tickles instantly before Sakura could express anything. Sakuta couldn't even focus his priorities as multiple spots are being targeted.
"Saakuraaa~, what's the juicy secret you're keeping from me?"
Gosh... the others guys are supposed to be on his side! Did they all deviate from the plot just to mess with Sakura? Unbelievable!
Sakura panicked with a squeak when Umemiya kept lingering around his stomach. He felt a plunging sensation in his gut as Umemiya poked his naval.
"D-Doho nohohot pohohohoke thahahat!" Sakura shrieked, now bucking himself tryinf to shake them off but they all remained resilient.
"Wow, Sakura-san, you really are sensitive" Nirei unconsciously squeezed his kneecaps making it worst despite his feigned innocence.
Sugishita watched with an unreadable expression his face was so judgemental, and Sakura hoped it didn't mean 'cute' to the taller guy.
Suo leaned towards Umemiya now, not even bothering to lower his voice through Sakura's booming laughter, "His armpits seem pretty sensitive too, boss"
It's bad... though Sakura has never been tickled before, his alert senses are tingling mad. Its bad...!
"Oh...?" Umemiya slowly crawled his fingers up the boney ribs and finally into the light muscular armpits, "Here? Is Sakura sensitive under there?"
Squeal. To say Sakura let out such an embarrassing sound was not a lie. He wanted to crawl it yo a rock and die right now for making such an absurd noise like a squeal.
"Ehh? Already? Wow, that didn't take long?" Suo teased, and Umemiya winked back, stopping gradually as he persisted, "Tell me, kid~"
"Ahahahahaha ohoohohohok ohohohok! Ihihihits yohohour duhuhuhuhumb plahahahant thehehe ohohone Kohohohotahaha gahahave yahahaha!"
Sakura confessed... all it took was a tickle to his armpits to spill the milk.
Umemiya stopped instantly. Uh oh... all of that may be fun and games but Nirei realised that they were suppose to keep him distracted not make Sakira confess...
Umemiya sigh, scratching the back of his head, "Well I wanted to make Sakura confess about liking to be tickled... I almost forgot why I started this..." he smiled now ruffling Sakura's messed up hair and his still blushing face flowing more red.
"Well im glad you kept your comradeship safe sweet brother" Umemiya grinned.
Sakura blushed to the tips of his ears, huffing, "Not like I did anythjnf but be a victim..."
It was all OK...
"So... what's this about my plant?"
Or... It wasn't
"Did I hear you say it was Kotoha's plant?" Umemiya's smile darkened, sweet to bitter ...its bad now.
Sakura gulped but suo being the rescuer instantly grabbed everyone and scurried away before the leader of Borfurin could catch up.
Sakura couldn't say he hated his day but he really wondered what happened to the tomato plant Hiragi said he was gonna replace...
No one will know the depths Hajime Umemiya would go to cherish what Kotoha gave him.
Sakura shivered... a bigger tickle monster is lurking inside the leader.
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The end was rushed, ik! Ik! It came too cute, too, so the plot was messy! Sorryyyyy my badddd also don't blame me! It's so late, and I'm hyper from caffeine! Byeee
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miintsprigz · 5 months
I decided to liveblog my thoughts on the new amazing digital circus episode!
Another long post incoming…
But uh SPOILERS!!!
•Oh this is a nightmare…just based on the weird movements…
•That’s such a terrifying nightmare legitimately. I know the “I don’t wanna play with you anymore” jokes will abound but…imagine if she DOES actually abstract at some point. And this was foreshadowing. Also, the fact that she’s so terrified of being forgotten… Oh honey… we could never forget you!
•I don’t ship them (PLEASE DONT KILL ME) but Ragatha and Pomni are so sweet. But goshdangit Ragatha your fEELINGS MATTER STOP FAWNING.
•”Zooby” PFFT.
•Idk why but I really like that gummy elephant. It’s so cute!
•”They’ve even got little candy bugs here!” D’AWW.
•So…Caine’s God, huh.
•”I’m not a child you don’t have to hype me up.” Fair point. Still get icked out by r34 tho.
•”I call shotgun!” Ok I admit he’s fun at times.
•The graphics did get a serious upgrade. I love it.
•Huh, so the AI have personalities even when they aren’t being watched, if the gummy bandits are AI.
•Ok never mind Jax is a pain again.
•Aw well at least Kinger is trying to help.
•”Now I have no bridge!” EAT IT RABBIT
•Gosh this really is so silly I like it.
•Jax makes me hate him more almost every time he opens his mouth.
•Sorry I’ll stop talking about Jax, I just really don’t like him (love him as a character, pisses me off as a person).
•Oh no that poor gummy dude! I love his Aussie accent too (I think he’s an Aussie)
•Yeah that must be unnerving. Poor guy.
•There’s our girl!
•”Under the map” makes me think she designed it. “What are you on about?” Makes me think he IS an AI. But he’s becoming self aware. “Where’s mum…” oh no this poor guy…
•Aw Pomni is being nice to him.
•Well I love this fella already. …but I already know…things…hhhhhhhhhh.
•Hah, Willy Wonks reference.
•OH SHOOT ITS A RAGGEDY ANN MOVIE REFERENCE. Fudge is silly, I kinda love him. But also YIKES HE ATE PEOPLE.
•”Is it really murder if it’s delicious?” FFFFFFF
•I STILL HATE JAX BY THE WAY, please don’t kill me for that. Really only cares about himself, I so badly want to see him get his just desserts. I’m sorry if you love him, I love to hate him, I promise it’s nothing personal
•Poor gummy havin a crisis. I wanna hug him.
•See Pomni is actually nice. Imo anyway. She wants to help she’s just nervous. Attagirl, Pomni. You’re trying your best.
•I’m seeing the I Have No Mouth references. And AW she’s inviting him to come with!!! Good lass.
•Gummigoo, good lad good lad
•Her knowledge on the programming. Her KNOWLEDGE. EEEEE.
•This is an oddly pretty landscape here, with the teapots.
•Kinger with a bucket on his head HAHAHA
•”I don’t think she really likes me that much.” Honey if only you saw what ONE EPISODE spawned in regards to art of you two.
•KINGER IS THE TEAM DAD. I REPEAT, KINGER IS THE TEAM DAD! “I remember when you were new here too…” And just like that, he lost it.
•PFFT ya know as a mildly emetophobic person, I normally hate vomit jokes, but these are kind of funny.
•”Good to see you lads.” AWWW.
•Aw the duplicate worked out.
•”I’m so unbelievably disappointed right now” GOOD, COPE SEETHE MALD
•Pomni is genuinely a sweetie. We can see it now. I love that.
•Also the Princess is lovely, I adore her, hope we see her again.
•Oh shoot. Big boom. OH NO FUDGE.
•NO!!!! GUMMIGOOOOOO!!!! I knew it was coming but STILL.
•It’s so sad that she got all this development and now it seems like she’s back at stage one
•Could gummi have been human after all? Is that why Caine looked horrified???
•Awww Zooble’s little comfort.
•Oh shoot, funeral for Kaufmo…that’s so sad… aw… that’s good though. It’s how they keep their humanity.
•Even Zooble seems sad. Zooble’s nice deep down too I think, they’re just apathetic. And who can really blame them? When you’re stuck in a digital reality, completely disconnected from your own humanity, sometimes that’s how you cope.
•Notice the only one NOT MOURNING is FRIGGIN JAX. What a dingus.
•I really love seeing a resolution to Pomni’s nightmare, where she realizes that people would miss her, and that they would mourn her if she was gone. I think that’s an important thing for her to realize. I guess she isn’t back at stage one after all.
•But yeah, this episode was absolutely amazing, it made me feel so many emotions, and I can’t wait to obsess over the TV tropes page with all of its new details!
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swiftfootedachilles · 8 months
you wanted more asks, so I'm here to deliver!
-favorite gallavich canon scenes?
-what are some favorite headcanons for them that you have? missing scenes, what ifs, etc.
-favorite characters besides gallavich?
-storyline you would have liked to seen/favorite storyline that the show did well?
-favorite fic tropes that make you just go fuckin feral?
-five things you think needed to be fixed/changed/improved about the show? gallavich related or just in general, dealer's choice
rubbing my greasy paws together getting ready to type out an essay
ummmm uh okay lemme think.... the s1 juvie scene (CLASSIC!!!), all their scenes working at the kash n grab together, mickey finding ian and taking him home, club kiss, like all of South Side Rules pre-sammi fucking everything up, dock scene, literally all of their s7 scenes tbh, prison reunion scene, "I WANNA BE WITH YOU" "you dont get to be," mickey wasting his break getting noodles in the food court for ian instead of making ian get his own lunch, fiance shenanigans, "i only make toast for husbands with jobs," STEALING THE AMBULANCE AND MICKEY GETTING SO TURNED ON THEY IMMEDIATELY HAVE TO FUCK AND MICKEYS KNEES BUCKLES WHEN IAN PUSHES HIM AGAINST THE AMBULANCE, coworker husband shenanigans, "youre such a fucking barbarian" "thank you☺️," being SOOOO cute at their anniversary party together. so honestly all of their scenes
i love all the deleted scenes i literally need the show editors to go to prison for what theyve done. i especially love the original scripts for the s5 deleted sex scene/ians dream and their s5 breakup. favorite headcanons are autistic!mickey, casual D/s dynamics, not-so-casual D/s dynamics, 🏳️‍⚧️trans gallavich🏳️‍⚧️, hobby artist!mickey, ian becoming the new vee of their neighborhood (ghetto nurse!ian), annoyingly clingy codependent!gallavich being gross in front of everyone, s6 canon divergence where mickey doesn't go to prison bc wtaf was that, s5 canon divergence with no breakup bc that literally made no sense
ummm i love liam hes the true golden child. mandy. uh ethel i would've LOVED to see more of, and the other milkovich siblings. sheila. karen was a REALLY complex character that never really got more than surface-level analysis from the show writers. debbie and her journey as a child obviously struggling with bpd. i do like carl turning his life around and kinda fulfilling many of the dreams ian had growing up. i kinda wish they did more with kev than just "haha kentucky appalachian guy is stupid" like that whole family reunion arc of his was so fucking weird and honestly embarrassing of the writers. also we..... never really learn about vee's family? theres a whole episode dedicated to meeting kevs stereotypical family, and vee gets.....becoming a believer in the american voting system??? and of course svetlana. missed opportunity after missed opportunity with her character - but hey at least they didnt kill her off like isidora wanted⁉️⁉️🥴
really really wish the writers gave a fuck about showing ian coming to terms with his trauma of being groomed and abused. he never learns that what he experienced was abuse. i feel like if caleb can call mickey abusive, then surely ian wouldve mentioned something about literally any other relationship hes had and caleb or trevor wouldve been neen like "uhhh you should see a therapist about that thats really super fucked up that you were victimized like that as a CHILD"
ohhhh the fic tropes. my #1 is always bdsm i am a bdsm gallavich truther until i DIE!!!! um i like canon divergence fics (sometimes). domestic fics. post-s11 married life. learning to grow together as a couple after being off-and-on for like a decade, autistic!mickey!!!! trans!mickey and t4t gallavich!!!! aus where ian and mickey are actually dating starting s1-3 and are out to the gallagher/mandy. uncle!gallavich shenanigans. taking liam on adventures shenanigans
OK SO. FIRST AND FOREMOST I WOULD FIX THE FUCKED UP JUDICIAL SYSTEM IN SHAMELESS fionas/mickeys/ians court shit was so fucking unrealistic and BAD. how the FUCK did fiona get like 60 days in jail + house arrest for possession of a schedule ii drug and attempted manslaughter AND STILL KEPT CUSTODY OF THE KIDS.
literally what the FUCK did mickey get charged with. did he plea? what the fuck kind of plea is 16 years when the person you assaulted ALSO ASSAULTED YOU and is also a COMPLETELY unreliable witness/victim. youre telling me he wouldnt take his chances in court? as if debbie wouldnt be the perfect witness to prove his INNOCENCE? and bianca was dead and frank wouldnt even give half a fuck to testify to seeing mickey lock sammi in the trailer. literally no proof that ever happened. no proof he drugged sammi because it was FAR too late to test her blood and see how much of each drug she had in her system. just her testimony that she drank soda then fell asleep lmao. any defense lawyer would have an easy time getting him acquitted entirely, at most getting a refusal to comply with officers and disturbing the peace for running from sammi and then trying to kick her when the cops showed up to arrest them
literally what the fuck is ians trial. HE PLEADS NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY (WHICH NO LAWYER WOULD EVER DO BECAUSE OFC HE WOULD BE FOUND GUILTY WHEN HE CHOSE TO STOP TAKING HIS MEDS) AND IS FOUND GUILTY. OF ARSON. A CLASS X FELONY IN ILLINOIS. IN THE COMMISSION OF ANOTHER FELONY (KIDNAPPING.) AND HE GETS LIKE 2 YEARS IN PRISON YOUVE GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME. he could have gotten LIFE for that shit in the real world. i hate this shows pisspoor attempt at a legal system SOOOOO BAD. i stand by my belief that it wouldve made much more sense if he pled guilty and got put in the Chicago-Read Mental Health Center for mentally ill offenders. like he literally thought he was the gay Messiah what do you mean hes in a regular prison. plus it would've been much more interesting to see mickey in this environment - IF everything up to s9 was kept canon. otherwise he would only be able to visit ian like in s5, unless he found a way to get himself committed ?? idk it just makes much more sense than ian in regular prison
the attendees of their wedding. who the hell were those people. people from ians club ing days?? trevors friends???? i mean maybe. i assume sandy just went to every gay bar and passed out flyers saying there was a big gay wedding. it would've made much more sense if mickeys siblings were there especially mandy but what the hell ever. it's not like iggy literally has multiple scenes where he's supportive of mickey being gay and dating ian. WHATEVER. IT'S NOT LIKE THE GAY JESUS FOLLOWERS SHOULDNT HAVE EVEN BEEN THERE AT ALL SINCE THEYRE SHOWN LITERALLY ABANDONING IAN AFTER HIS ARREST AND IT WOULDVE MADE MORE SENSE FOR THE MILKOVICH BROTHERS TO BE OUTSIDE TO KEEP TERRY OUT. FUCKING WHATEVER I GUESS!!!
throw away the shitty homophobic gay man writer and let those 2 bi ladies write s11 gallavich. they were the only ones who wrote decent storylines. fr that gay guy needed to be fired SO BAD i can't believe he wrote the dumbass "who's the wife/bottom/submissive of our relationship" 11x3 plot AND the 11x7 orgy. HE SUCKS SO BADDD??? get rid of that stupid shit. give me more of ian and mickey in the growing pains of their relationship looking for jobs and dealing with the death of terry and trying to find common ground of their plans for the future and mickey being stubborn and scared without being "accidentally" an egregious stereotype of autistic people. LET HIM STIM AND GO NONVERBAL AND LET IAN LEARN TO GIVE MICKEY HIS SPACE WHEN HE'S OVERWHELMED GOOD LORD
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fand0mswithbunny · 11 months
Why Free Shipping winning isn't luck, its all Gin.
This Free Shipping sweep caught everyone off-guard, myself included, just like the first episode the bot that won wasn't the one we expected. But just like The Bro™ it wasn't just luck or the right opponents. Nope. I was originally going to make this analysis on the final fight, but because I can, and to convert botblr to Ginism, I'm doing ALL OF THE FREE SHIPPING FIGHTS. (this is MY HYPERFIXATION and I will deal with it how I please.)
First is the Mammoth fight, Gary knew how unreliable the bot had been and you can this in the driving. Free Shipping was zooming around Mammoth, and Gary says this in the fight hype-up video. clip. thing. "-just gotta be quicker than them." It's like he was trying to tire Mammoth so that Mammoth will always run after FS and he can come in at the right angle for a good hit. Once Mammoth's chain flew off that's when FS started to be more aggressive and aim for the motors/tires. Eventually, Mammoth's drive gets compromised on one side, and then Mammoth's motors are dead. While you can argue Mammoth isn't the most impressive or reliable bot and any bot could've done the same thing, this fight shows how methodical Gary is during fights. (also CHRIS ROSE ILY MAN BUT WHYYY WOULD YOU ASK RICKY IF HE WILL RETIRE MAMMOTH WHY MAN?? DONT DO THIS TO HIM. RICKY NEEDS A COFFEE AND SOME REST AND A HUG.)
Next is the Beta fight, personally I wouldn’t call it a FIGHT, moreso Beta took 2 hits and died. "Key moment in this fight is being able to get underneath uh that huge plow or whatever he's calling it on the front of uh- Beta and um hopefully not take any hits from his hammer." Again, nothing spectacular here, but hey, he did get under the plow. This honestly just shows no matter which hammer Beta's using, or if he uses the plow, Beta is just unreliable, when they win it's great but MAN they really have a habit of just dying. When I tell you when FS won I FLIPPED OUT. I became a Gary believer at that moment. This can possibly be narrowed down to luck but it doesn't matter, Gary's in the finals now and it's SLUSHIES FOR EVERYONE!!!
(as I'm looking over this post, I found out they've actually been MARGARITAS and they never had a slushie machine and they changed it to make it more family-friendly. IK ITS A SMALL THING BUT CMOONN BATTLEBOTS but eh slushies are funnier I guess so eh.)
Finally, it's the finals. The Gigabyte fight. "As soon as that light turns green we're going to turn on our spinner and just go for it." OH. MY GOD. There's so much to talk about. This is probably the best fight FS has since becoming a vert. As soon as the fight began FS ran into Gigabyte to try to get a big hit on them. After that FS kinda isolates and keeps Gigabyte in the corner and lines up another shot to try to get that hit. Usually the opponent will try to be all over Gigabyte to try to stop them from spinning up, BUT GARY GIN ISNT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLIES because he holds back a bit and allows Gigabyte to spin up so that when they finally hit, it’s a massive collision, which is exactly what happens. Once Gigabyte loses their self-righter and is on their head FS can come in and push them to the hammers and wait for them to be counted out. And thus, the Free Shipping sweep is completed and they're headed to the fight for the golden bolt.
This whole episode was an amazing showing for Gary in particular, while FS isn't the bot you'd think of when you wanna predict who will move on to the finals, Gary's precision and technicality really carried him in all his fights. AND I'VE NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED I WAS SO HYPED GARY WON. Good for him. GOOD FOR HIM. SLUSHIES FOR EVERYONE!!!!!
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
i kinda wanna get into sp??? not nearly as much as you but like watch a few episodes. i probably wont watch it for a while cause i have a LONGGG list of stuff to watch but everything else is relatively short wheras south park. well. even though im probably a sonic mutual to you i think south park has wayyy too much stuff for me to like. just start from anywhere.
anyway point is do you have any episode suggestions??? i dont really mind if you just decide to give me all the creek episodes and call it a day tbf, the only one i actually have it in my head that i "need" to watch is the transginger ep
SJJFJEJFBFJRJFNF this makes me so happy for some reason !!
The thing is with this show you don't really have to start from anywhere or go in a specific order, at least I didn't and it's pretty episodic so it's really easy to be a casual watcher tbh
I will say thought the show has a ton of like, shock humour n a lot of bigoted characters, like cartman who's a bigot in every way possible but he's never actually justified in his bigotry and the creators of the shown obviously don't share his views but yea
You can watch it on southparkstudios.com for free and with very rare ads - though for some people it won't let them watch anything on it so idk
For creek episodes - there's "tweek x Craig" (my first episode!!!) and "put it down" which is sometime after the aforementioned episode (my second episode-), there's also "tweek vs Craig" which takes place much before tweek x Craig but it doesn't really have much of an impact on their relationship afterwards, though I really like all those episodes especially put it down, for some reason, it actually helped me understand relationships and emotions better ??????? Even though the advice is pretty simple it still helped
Creek also makes minor appearances in splatty tomato (though the episode is mostly about Cartman and Heidis toxic relationship), and buddha box (ep focused on isolating urself from societu pretty much), though they're there !!
As for heidi there's also doubling down which takes place before splatty tomato, and also put it down where her n cartman's relationship is paralleled to creek in a way
This is random but theres also episodes focused on gay acceptance, such as "big gay Al's gay boat ride" (aired in 1997!!!), where Stan learns to accept his dog for being gay essentially, and "cartman sucks" which is actually pretty cursed because half of the plot is about Cartman sexually assaulting butters, uhm but the other half is mostly an anti conversion therapy message (though there's a lot of moments referencing suicide rates in conversion camps)(episode aired in 2008) which is when butters was sent to a conversion camp
Speaking of Butters he's absolutely horridly traumatized and abused and if you'd like to see it on screen there's "butter's very own episode" and "Marjorine" ,both are dark as hell though so uh tw for murder attempt, referenced suicide, and uhh horror themes in general ???
OH ALSO RIGHT. THE TRANSGINGER EPISODE sorry j lost track of my words. It's called "The Cissy". I like it though some people consider it to be anti trans I beg to differ, it's mostly about gendered bathrooms and pop singer Lorde though
My fav sadder ? Episodes are "Kenny Dies", "you're getting old", "ass burgers" (the latter two connected and focus on Stan's depression), though they still use dumb humour
For Craig centric episodes there's "pandemic" and "pandemic 2 the startling"
If you want to be cursed to hell u can watch "Scott tennorman must die" though it really freaked me out even though I exactly knew the plot twist I was still horrified lmao
For STAN and KYLE episodes (?) (the super best friends I adore as well) you can watch "guitar queer-o", "follow that egg" and "smug alert!"
If you want episodes about Kyle feeling like a total outcast you can watch "the list", "chinpokomon", "Mr Hankey the Christmas poo", "the world-wide privacy tour" and "south park is gay"
Dang sorry I dropped like what. Twenty episodes at once.. well I think I watched tweek x Craig first, then put it down, then you're getting old?, then Kenny dies? And I just like spiraled from there
If you want any more specific episode recommendations feel free to ask !!! I haven't personally watched all of the show myself (still omw to do it) so I don't know everything
Uhmmm I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore cuz of how cursed this show is though 😞😞 but good luck if u decide on watching it !!!
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handfulofmuses · 24 days
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BumbleKast Skunk shenanigans:
Question: We've seen Rough and Tumble work for different villains, but what if they joined the Beagle Boys from Ducktales?
Kyle: -Laughing- They’d fit right in, honestly.
Flynn: Oh, they absolutely would.
Kyle: -still laughing- The beagle boys would be like “huh, new brothers!” they wouldn’t even realize they’re different.
Question: Rough and Tumble do a podcast. What is happening and how successful is it?
Flynn: They may have topics to start off with but it goes completely off the rails within the next 15 minutes. They end up devolving into name calling and fights by the end of every show and it ends with them knocking over the equipment as they go into fist fight and the next episode starts like nothing happened.
Kyle: It would be a terrible podcast. Which would make it extremely popular among certain crowds.
Question: As ye walk through the mysterious dark caves, with it’s spooky nature.. filled with undead pirates.. ye remember how Rough and Tumble have a fear of the supernatural.. so that be begging the question.. how would the two land skunks do it, if they fell aboard the Flying Dutchman and had to be dealing with Davy Jones and his crew?
Flynn, laughing: Oh, they would have a bad time. Absolutely terrified at first and then press ganged into serving the crew. They are all worried about getting fishy but it is only if you are dead and you have sworn yourself to the cursed ship so its like well as long as they work well and they go ashore they will be fine. Right? Right? “uh, captain? hahaha… not to bug you sir, but uh… when do we go to shore?” “every five years”
Flynn: They have no idea how that dice game works but they manage to win every single time.
Question: For some unknown reason, Rough and Tumble find themselves in the woods about to be sneaked upon by none other than Slenderman! Can they survive by some wacky circumstance?
Flynn: Exclusively by wacky circumstances. Like, we are talking full on Scooby Doo panic running in various directions, running into each other, bouncing off trees, they are panicking in so many different directions that Slenderman can’t draw a bead on them.
Flynn: Until Rough gets the wise idea to say “Oh! He is the one who took your tail!” and Tumble is like “WHAT!” and folds him. Breaks him in half.
Question: What if Rough and Tumble got super forms?
Flynn: Massive collateral damage. Not to anyone directly though, it would be the two of them testing to see how invulnerable they are.by just beating each other up and just smashing through various things and laughing about it.and throwing buildings at each other and what not. Until the super form wears off, they would not actually do anything directly villainous or constructive. They would just cause a big problem.
Kyle: Yeah. And then eventually they’d run out of time, so… it would be over. Would they hurt themselves? Well, no, cause they would be invulnerable but they might hurt themselves coming out of the super form. They’ll be in the middle of doing something and then boom, run out of time.
Flynn: -laughs- Whoever throws the last punch, right before the power goes out-
Kyle: -laughing-
Flynn: Will be the last one standing.
Kyle, laughing: 51 seconds later they fall out of the sky
Question: What would happen if Rough and Tumble meet movie Sonic?
Flynn: He might just try to be friendly and they start their whole rhyming thing and he is like “THAT IS SO COOL LET ME TRY” and they think he is making fun of them and he is like “NO NO NO I TOTALLY WANNA TRY THIS” and they are like “wait he is actually on our level maybe he is not so bad” and they kinda hang out and they have fun. And then they remember “oh yeah robotnik hired us to take him out but I dont know I kinda like this version of Sonic. ….. aaaghh……agggh, well, sorry, kid.” they start half hearted throwing punches they start trying to talk them down “you don*t really wanna do this” “WE KNOW ): It’s professional pride” “no no no i get it, i get it …. oh nooooo, you totally hit me” “oh sorry did that hurt?” “no no its cool its fine”
Kyle: Wow. Wow. It’s very different.
Flynn: Very wholesome.
Kyle, laughing: It IS very wholesome!
Question: How do Rough and Tumble celebrate their birthdays?
Kyle: ….Do they even know when their birthdays are?
Flynn: Neither of them knows what their real birthday is. First they have a birthday fight to decide whose birthday it’s going to be that they are gonna celebrate. So, whoever wins, it’s their birthday that year. The other guy doesn’t get to be older until next year. And then they celebrate. They go out in town and steal the finest cake. They crash the best party. They take that thing that they really, really wanted. They just have themselves a grand old time.
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lilywily143 · 1 year
3rd Live-Blog: Ep 5 of Murder Drones!
Spoilers under the cut
hhhhh I'm so scared
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE INTRO IM ALREADLY SO NERVUOS I have the bubbles in my chest dont like
This has to be the tape N found last episode...
Gosh idk what to say yet, sounds like a average tape for the drones?? I'm so scared
No it's talking about disassembling drones :[
The "base form" looks of the drones in the tape are making me giggle
Fun x1? hhhh i dont wanna know
wait,.... it this a faulty look for the AS symbol
RAHHH Out of the tape and crow? there's a crow now
hhhh so many drone bodies
we zoomed on one, don't tell me it's that 4th DD
Oh no they're trapped :[ also it ain't Tessa Jr
hhh that place from ep 2
Restricted Sign with claw marks..
Oh! The teaser drones! they are all flashing the DD symbol
NAWWWW IT'S N!!! He's reading a doggy book awwwww
hhhh J stop being mean. She draws well!
oh N just threw that drawing into a pile of other drawings. Probably also J's
"Naww That's why they're good with kids." N you are presious
oh no a teaser drone
book "Danger"?
A LOT of books are falling
"ENTER" "The Spooky Basement" uh oh
The trapdoor is openeing I didn;t see that before!
A bug!!
"Big brother N"? What??
HBUHUGVUBHHUVGHBJL THE VOICE WAS THE FOURTH DRONE WHAT?!?!?! ANd ugH it was the edritch form for a moment RAHHH
Naww they are acting so sweet thou
HHHH "Climing! CrissCross Apple Sauce!" Stop being cute you monster! This drone has some wiggly movement, she's kinda limp
hhhhhh gross gross blood blood not oil
"Basement now!!! Stop ignoring me!!"? oh nooo
N just keeps ignoring, which is good. Be safe
HHHHH THe drone made her visor get a puppy on it for "Puppy Eyes" jngfakndv
Why are you so creepy and why is N always so cute?!
"Movie Niiightt!" N you sweetie
"sheepish nod" STOP BEING CUTE 4TH DRONE
They are staying close and safe with each other, I'm so nervous
Naww she just keeps saying "Shuffle"
Her head is just so limp? She tried to put it back up but it didn't work...
OOOOO I LOVE TESSA She looks pretty even as the silohete
Naww J and Tessa
Wait why did Tessa blinks sound like a clink of glass?
What is in the reflaction of those wine glasses?
NO DON'T BE SAD J She's worried about Tessa! I knew I'd like J even more
Tessa is such a sweet child She got so happy seeing N that she broke a glass
WHAT THE FUCK?! "when u about 2 frickken die speak aloud ID" WHO IS LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE AND SCARING N?!?!
NO Tessa don't hate the 4th drone
"Seems J forgot to let me out of my basement time out agian"? WHY WERE YOU THERE?!
"Annoyed expression" 4th drone oh you sweetie
NO N is sad 4th was locked up :[[[[
"Tessa James Elliot" Long name
"Dumpster pits"? THE DRONES ARE NOT TRASH >:[
noooo this mom sucks
4th please help out, don't get hurt
hhhhhhh oh thank god he's not being devorued, he's getting tickled by crows! Naww
He has a sweet laugh
He calls things goobers LIKE RON!!! YEAH I LOVE THAT
Why did the crows get green eyes???
He said the ID!
woah robot crow..oooooo the thumbnail one!
FUCK WAIT THAT SOUNDS LIKE UZI WHAT?!?!?! of course it was something goofy she says
hhhh J really doesn't want to upset the corprate... Also she's on a rocking horse ^-^
4TH IS CYN!!!!
She's tearing apart dolls. Wow she loves that solver
Gah J and Tessa are mortified
wait what...? N is in his past body relieving this stuff?!?!?!
"You cute weird weird butler" This has to be Uzi helping out
evil ghost witch HAH
PRESENT!!!!!! Oh gosh V is here to
okay so Uzi is hacking them to get memories and important information and Khan interupted XD
"NOT A SLEEPOVER" "It's life or death." THat bug and Uzi are epic
Nooo N wants to leave the memories....
What kinda red vines are all over the walls......?
Wait... ohhhhhh It is just past N with Uzi helping him??? idkkkk
help her N please... YOU PUSHED HER OUT OF THE WAY?!
noooo J has the key they need...
oh no V V V V WHAT?!
oh gosh back to J and Tessa. J IS HELPING TESSA... by chomping her chain...
GO J!!
They sneaking!
" It's a revolver IDK (shut up, gun nerds)" Oh that's funny
A nice gun for J~
and a sword for Tessa!
oop they swapped
Uzi really bragged that she killed J to past J...
Oh gosh Tessa and J KNOW Cyn will kill... but poor N...
"Not creepy! Sweet!" oh N
N you dork
V's wings look silver!
WHat did that guy say? It is just way too accented
"Why are you talking like that?" EXACTLY
Bleh bleh body horror drones...
That's a weird version of the Solver symbol...
XDDD N really called Uzi the goof name XD, fuck but he is so sad she got hurt...
"and J is useless" oh no V is back
"Is V okay in the future?" "Unfortunatly" DONT SAY THAT UZI
WHAT THE HELL?!?! Was Cyn designing the DD FORMS?!?!
oh oh that's the actual past N?!?!?! HHHHHHH IT"S SO GROSS
hhhhh N stop being sweet and concerning
slkjsanwef dvnk DOLL WHAT
what she got a button eyepatch for her eye!
no no no no PLEASE N
"well timed. Giggle" Cyn stop....
RAHHH THAT'S COOL [oh okay that leaked yt thumbnail put me in the wrong direction. It wasn't Tessa with claws, it was Cyn kay]
"You didn't have to-" Shot
Tessa tried again
XD Tessa keeps throwing shit at Cyn and it won't land XD
"You didn't have to see this." No Tessa what happens to you here?
Fuck Cyn can't pick up her weopons XD
"Solver of the Absolute Fabric" Whahat?
"This is the only clue to what is wrong with me!" No Uzi you gave that up to save N SGHDJKVNLBNDSKV MY HEART
Khan your awesome
Past V can't help Cyn with grabbies!!!
N gave V her glasses....
HHH V yes she's back!!!
Naww They [N and Uzi and also N and V] are so sweet
wait V didn't want this?
Nawww V
oop wait V wants to kill for the momery looking
The bug is a key?
oh gosh everyone is here?!?!?!?
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hello I'm new to this blog just wondering what is going on (if it's still active)
Influencer Craig Tucker invites all his friends to play the oujia board which they dip after being like "nah fam i dont wanna die" then Craig's like "ok fuck you guys" and continues talking to the demon and the demon ends up hating his ass to which hes wailing like "WHYYYY" then UH OH SPAGETTIOS the demons out! (but they dont know that yet)
Then Craig talkes to Tolkien (basically the same) and Clyde (scene kid with ibs) who are dating and is like "yo i had a BOGUS dream" and then they were like "ayo???" and so Craig explains his whack dream n their mean ass teacher says "we have a new sacrifi- i mean student" and badabing badaboom TWEEK
Craig thinks he's stinky so he starts talking shit, Tweek catches on and basically berates him to high hell while Clyde and Tolkien cheer him on. Then the power goes out and mean Brit boy (Pip) tells them "Ahaha fuck you, ya done fucked up" and then they bolt the hell outta there.
Tolkien and Clyde starts suspecting Tweek is a demon while Craig has an episode and then ENTER GREGORY_CUTIE_PIE_3RD and his posse of demons (Tweek, Thomas and Pip) and Jimmy ends up family guy death posing
Tolkien and Clyde suspect Craig is super mega dead and Jimmy is definetly mega dead so they consult Damien who explains demon lore at them. Clyde comes out of the closet bathroom and Tolkien sees some brown stuff on his hand and is like "ayo tf is that???" and then Clydes like "uhhh erm erm erm erm-". Tolkien and Clyde end up breaking up but thats ok! Clyde's got Tweek who he started crushing on after talking to him about Nightcore twice. Turns out Craig is alive and well but had a mental breakdown and doxxed Stan.
Stan and his gang open the door to see DUNDUNDUN twink! So they're like "awh fuck" and Gregory up and chokes Stan cuz Pip is like "GRRRR MURDER". Clyde calls Craig crying that he and Tolkien broke up so Craig tells them they're gonna get aids and bashes Gregory on the head with a chair. Tweek gets hit by a fucking car and boom boom bam influencer drama
Then, they all bail to a bridge and Estella gets revealed to be possessing Clyde, and Pip gets grounded :(
Tweek helps em out and thats where were at right now (mods remind me if i forgor anything)
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ezu-ez · 1 year
i've been thinking about Mandroid alot lately.. well i think about him alot in general, but i've just been shy to actually post anything related to that.
i'm not very good at explaining but I will try to articulate some thoughts I had here of a scenario.. concept thing. I am working on a tiny animatic that kind of relates to this idea?
..possible spoilers ahead.
So I was thinking about Mandroid and the emberstone scene, where he is using it. Like alot of other people i seen, i honestly think the whole thing was pretty disappointing.. and part of the animatic is based around this but like.. altered? i guess? anyway, so in this uh scenario, i was thinking more along the lines of what if the emberstone itself was a neutral object similar to the allspark. So it can basically be used by anyone so long as they know how to. In this case, Mandroid does. ...I like the idea of powerful artifacts getting in the wrong hands and i think it would serve as a better or maybe more intelligible foil that what happens later on? Okay okay but so like the emberstone actually makes him into a threat. It gives him his own set of abilities like the Malto kids have, but x100 because its the emberstone itself. It also does heal his ailments, but if someone were to take it from him then he would become sick again. So in this scenario it's alot harder to get it back from him. The abilities i think it gives him are like a mix of spiderish and mechanical. Particularly he has energized 'webs' (or chains as some call it) similar to the Arachnamechs but they are bright green and alot more durable and powerful. They kind of sort of work like a spiderman thing where they shoot from the wrists of his mechanical arms like webshooters. Another thing he can do is 'electrokenesis' which is similar to what we already saw in the episode but he actually has more control over it. He can control how much electricity, he can make it go as far as he wants, and he can make it as powerful as he wants. He can have it come off of him in powerful surges and waves. And he can also send it down through the 'webs' to electrocute whoever is currently being held by them.
....also the animatic is about him and Alex's reunion.. its more focused on them and kind of sheds a light on Mandroid's actual inner suffering, and his more human side uhh because i found an animation audio that really fit him in my opinion and it inspired me to wanna make something but i dont really ever do animation or animatics, so thats how you know i was really inspired LMAO. Plus i just think Mandroid deserves more content, i want more people to see him for how interesting he really is, and that he does have more to him. I essentially just thought of this whole scenario so the animatic would have a little bit of context 💀
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Sonic prime episode 21 (s3e5) watch thoughts
what is even going on at this point
and down goes the ship?
hey thats not fair to cats
dones got a point
oh well that didnt work never mind
ooo i just notice the other shard colors on the shield
wait. is shadow sittingthere unconssios in the ditch this whole time?
yeah! the scavergers are still on their way!
yes! ren! break it the bits!
oh thats the crack shadow fell into right?
shadow save? yep Shadow save!
oh they're actually bringing up the chaos emerald? are the leaving it at that?
no no, let him speak. I wanna know what Gnarlys plan is
hey it volley ball!
yeah. the scavengers probally arent ready for a fight like that
ooh cool ariel stuff from the roses
the roses were so ready to die together. thanks you thorn
so the roses are officially calling themselves sisters
mmm i dont think weve seen the pirates for a while
well there cat fish and a back ground guy
oh theres dread
and down goes the big bot
okay im still sure that the tails are fine. but its starting to get real concening
asfsa! essential oils? of course he would
uh oh hes noticed the scavengers
oh man thats a lot of bots
yikes. things are looking REALLY bad
okay him sure the tails' had a plan. thats gotta be what gets them out og this
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actualbird · 1 year
luke illness hc anon here from a while back hfjsjd-
first of all, YAY FOR MORE DEPICTIONS OF LUKE'S ILLNESS!!! secondly, ngl when he started losing his strength on his right arm i most definately went "CALLED IT!!!" but as a luke pearce stan i want to Cry.
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// spoilers for tot main story 9
i assume these are two different anons, but i'll answer them both in one go since theyre talking about the same main topic and referencing the same past post!!
@ anon 1: oooooOOHH WAIT R U THE ANON who asked me this question months back for headcanon's on luke's illness? if yes, hi again! and RIGHT RIGHT YESSSS MORE INFORMATION AND ESCALATING SYMPTOMS AND U TOTES CALLED IT. i love it, it's a double edged sword of enjoyment cuz on one hand im so satisfied seeing a progression of his illness finally after it being in limbo for the longest time but...
on the other hand....
.....yeah i wanna cry too KJVAJFHVSKFAKFS
the arm thing was such a nice detail. nerve damage does a Lot and it was very satisfying to see it escalate from pain episodes (i.e. nerves firing the wrong kinda signals) to an entire limb's momentary loss of sensation/motor skills (i.e. nerves just....NOT firing signals at all for a moment)
i mentioned in that previous linked ask that ive also got a neuro condition (not severe just annoying), so more symptoms i'd like to see (or if it doesnt happen in canon, fun for fanfic to play around with) from luke's illness progression would be the following: involuntary movement (i.e. nerves firing the wrong kinda signals but in the motor skills department), nerve issues in other extremities (ive had involuntary movement issues hit one of my legs while sitting and i just spasm'd outta my seat), and nerve problems exacerbated by stress (also common for me, the more freaked i am the more common a bunch of these get....sORRY I REALIZE IM JUST OFFLOADING ALL MY OWN SYMPTOMS ONTO LUKE AHAHAHAA), and troubles with finer motor skills (use of fingers, hands, wrists. luke handles weapons often....whatd happen if his grip strength went awry when hes holding a knife? a gun? many thoughts)
the nervous system is weird and complicated. seeing this new neurodegenerative symptom from luke feels very much like the beginning of more to come. also, luke needs a hug. he needs so many hugs. and more medical treatment thats not just "the strong pill [painkiller]" that luke called aaron for in that one scene, LUKE PLEASE JHDVJFHSD. OTL
@ anon 2: IT'S SO NOT A BAD THING AT ALL IM ALSO RLLY GLAD TO SEE THIS, as i write in the first portion of this response. like, it's not that we Want to see luke in pain and fearing his illness getting worse and worse, it's that the illness has been here since the beginning and it is beyond satisfying to see it no longer be something static, for it to change and affect the story, affect luke's character and how he interacts with others.....
i also totally dont want him magically cured JHVDFJSDVFK like, with how much Worse it's gotten, his recovery has to take into account how hard the journey has been thus far, both narratively and medically. i uh. um. [VERY VERY VAGUE SPOILERS FOR CN SERVER AHEAD but] i saw a spoiler from future main story 12 that definitely shows that luke is not magically cured at that point and is getting worse
huge HUGE agree that luke's illness and chronic symptoms are nice to see from a representation perspective. when the arm thing happened while i was playing i was first like "OMG WE'RE TWINNING!!!" and then i was like "OH NO" jashfvKJHVKJHK
my hopes for luke's illness eventually becoming a have-to-longterm-manage-this-for-the-rest-of-his-life-but-it-wont-kill-him chronic condition is still very true. it's something i have a lot of feelings about
//holds luke gently....
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
hai! i was tagged in a question thing by none other than @warioigottawin so now im gonna answer a few questions for the nice audience here tonight.
Fav color: well u see :3 i am violet... and, as it turns out, my favorite color, despite the rumors, is purple 💜
Currently reading: im still working on the bocchi manga :3 i havent gotten to it in a bit but with the new kessoku band songs i perhaps should return to it
Last song: um thi s is absolutely a spoiler for a certain set of summer songs but ive been listening to this band operation sodasteal a lot recently, and my last song is the opener, DESCENT2EARTH on their album slaney vs sodasteal. give it a listen. perhaps it will be a sound of the summer :3c
Last series: hmmmmm deciding how i want to answer this. the last thing i watched was some spongebob last night before bed, BUT the last series i finished in full is the third installment of an anime called Teekyuu. its allegedly about girls in their high school tennis club but thats debatable, theyre off doing completely different shit. its so fast paced, like each episode is only 2 minutes making each 12-episode season like half an hour. but its so fast with jokes and dialogue i have to pause and go back a lot. its a very silly anime :3 there are 9 seasons of this!
Last movie: Jack and Jill (2011) starring Adam Sandler next question
Sweet, spicy, or savory: hmmm sweet for sure out of these, bc a girl loves her yummy sweet treats, but i would choose sour over everything if it were here.
Craving: just some instant ramen with all my usual fixings sounds good tbh. im. quite hungry actually. maybe ill eat something when im done with this.
Tea vs. coffee: i always have a gut instinct to answer coffee bc im not really a fan of hot tea which is how i imagine the platonic ideal of Tea in my head u know? and i do love a good chocolate minty coffeey beverage... but if were going off volume of drink then its tea 100% bc i destroy arizona teas like theyre nothing to me. but trust me, they are my world.
Currently working on: ahahaaaa ohhh well uhh... :) just doin my violet thing.... yknow... searching for truth.. falling asleep atop flowery hills on sunny days.... noticing..... yeah just the usual stuff i usually do.
uhhhhhm as for who to tag in this...... ill do @a-little-bit-poss, and @kiwi-draws! idk if theres a certain amount im supposed to do but uh yeah its them :3 and ofc anyone who wants is free to lie and say i tagged them. even the people i tagged can lie and say i didnt tag them if they dont wanna do it. people free to make choices.... the world is like a video game in this way, and few others.
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sunflowergamer6 · 8 months
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Hello! I've decided to make a pinned post because I'm bored!!!!
So who am I? Well, online, I like to use the name Gamer(it was just bestowed upon me because of my username). I use he/him and I am a man enthusiast, and I'm a little bit silly and whimsical.
"Gamer, I have now become infatuated with you and want to know what you like." Thank you person reading this, I will now tell people what I like.
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Generally speaking, I like a lot of mythology and video games. Besides that I like a lot of horror and action media, and I also like watching some youtubers/streamers like Grian, Mithzan, Snapcube. Now onto actual fandoms.
Webtoons(I have phases where I just marathon read a bunch of webtoons I need to catch up on and then I basically dont read them for half a year, damn this is gettting a bit long, I'm gonna list them now):
- Hero Killer(episode 145)
- Surviving Romance(finished)
- Spicy Mints(episode 72)
- Jackson's Diary(season 2 finale)
- Omniscient Reader(episode 76)
- more but I'm not too much into them.
Books(unfortunately, I barely read at all and I'm trying to fix that):
- Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
- Splatoon 3
- Hades
- River City Girls 1 and 2
- Zelda botw/totk
- Bayonetta(mainly 1 and 2, I was so disappointed by 3's story)
- Persona 5
- Persona 5 Strikers
- Pokémon, but I've played moon, let's go eevee, sword, legends arceus, and violet.
- Animal crossing
- Danganronpa(I hate to say it but I do love them games)
- Omori
- Resident Evil 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8.
- Silent Hill 1 and 2
- fnaf
- God of War 2018 and Ragnarok
- PS4 Spiderman 2018 and Spiderman 2
- Doom 2016/Eternal
- There's definitely a lot more I'm forgetting
- Heathers
- Six
- Beetlejuice
- I mainly try to avoid some musicals until I can actually see them so that's it.
- SERIES ALSO PROBABLY INSPI- you get it, it's called Sparkle On Raven! The life of Drillgirl
- Yandere Highschool(Samgladiator)
- Heartstopper
- Komi Can't Comunicate
- Way of the House Husband
- Stranger Things
- The Spiderverse movies
- Jennifer's Body
- Heathers(the movie this time)
- the newer Godzilla movies( I do wanna soo some of the older ones though)
- yeah as you guessed it, there's probably more I'm forgetting
Music artists:
- Melanie Martinez
- Rina Sawayama
- Mitski
- Jazmin Bean
- Poppy
- DeathbyRomy
So, uh, yeah, that's about it. Uh, you can ask questions if you want, but beware, you might be cursed by the wizard.
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travichughes · 1 year
You're literally so cool. Love this blog. I wanna hear about your Vic and Travis thoughts all day. How are the storyline for them in season 6 compared to the others, in your own opinion?
first of all, thank you!! i always think this fandom needs more travic stans hahah. but sorry this is going to be a long ass post because i have so much to talk about. also spoilers for the season finale
honestly, i dont have very nice things to say about travic together in season 6. i mean, they barely had anything, right? 6x01-6x03 were honestly their best episodes. vic being there for his anxiety, the humour, the soft, and then it all went downhill when eli showed up.
i think they really missed an opportunity when travis leaked the crisis one call to have them fight. vic had just told she could take over crisis one and the breach of HIPAA could have meant crisis one would have shut down, so that would have been a good storyline to navigate. i really thought they were going to fight and it was going to be rough, bit instead, we got not even a full episode of vic being slightly bad at him.
and now 6x08. the worst episode in the season for me. i spent that entire week spiralling about travis getting injured and then travic actually talking about what happened, but instead, vic and theo talked it out and then we got that god-awful trio hug which was the only travic hug we got this season!?!?!!? i was left so disappointed by that episode. it was the start of them diminishing travic and making it look like vic didn't need travis as long as she had theo. and that really hurt lmao. honestly i could go on a whole separate rant about 6x08 so i will restrain myself and move on.
everything was just meh until 6x12, a few cute soft moments dotted around (as usual) and finally, they got their first full scene since 6x06 where travis woke up from a nightmare and vic rushed into the room. instead of leaving like she could have, she came in and talked to him to make sure he was okay. let me also add this was the first time we had seen their house since season 5 so it was so glorious. i loved that scene and i just wish they gave us more relating to that. i would have loved to see travis have another nightmare and it be revealed that it was his third or something that week, and have vic just stay in his room for the rest of his night? apparently that was too much to ask LMAO
6x13... well i'm headcanoning that vic was calling travis to rant about the argument she and theo had had... and travis was uh, doing it with eli. my eyes still hurt from that
and then 6x14... what a glorious episode. i think it was the best episode of the season for them as a friendship, tied with 6x01 and 6x03. they were chaotic together, but when travis needed it, vic gave a pep-talk, and it was glorious. vc always knows exactly what to say to travis which is just so great because they they know each other more than anyone else. I'm glad it was vic talking to travis about this and not someone else.
6x15 as a whole doesnt exist to me ad the end scene of travis pushing vic aside to go say hi to cHaOs KaTe simply doesnt exist <3
6x16 and 6x17 were honestly just frustrating. vic and theo were clearly having issues, and they weren't having them in secret! you could have cut the tension in 6x15 with a knife but noooo, travis was just blind, apparently. the end of 6x17 with vic crying in her car outside of beckett's house broke my heart because she was losing theo, and she was probably just feeling really lonely and realising that she could turn into beckett and have no one to notice that she was gone, or that she was hurting. i would have paid good money for a travic scene there - travis pulling himself away from the celebrations to check where vic was and then them having a long convo about what was happening, etc...
for 6x18 i once again convinced myself that travis was gonna get injured and vic was going to have a whole crisis over the fact that she was breaking up with theo and quite possibly losing her best friend - which would have been a good callback to 6x08. instead, they were fine (thank god, but also... not?) i was honestly left a little disappointed as we didn't get any of our soft moments like we did in the finale, but yeah, thank god they're both fine. travis is gonna kill theo when he finds out that he made out with cHaOs KaTe.
also... how they kind of just made travic seem one-sided? how vic was unmistakably there EVERY SINGLE TIME when he needed support for his anxiety or whatever else, but when vic needed someone, and when she was visibly struggling, travis wasn't there? i know this show and i know that they probably had convos off screen, but the lack of support from travis to vic on screen really gave the impression to me that they weren't talking. so it showed us vic cared, but travis didn't. that's why this season to me has been my least favourite travic season, but as a whole it still beats season 5 because that was a godawful season.
individually, didnt care for the mayor storyline really after vic stopped being his campaign manager. i still hate eli so i wish they would break up and travic can just live together forever. next season, since travis probably thinks he's responsible for the death of dixon, and how he kept saying that jack saved his life, i'd lose to see him struggling with survivor's guilt - something that vic also probably struggled with post-pipeline explosion. travis is overdue for a mental health storyline so it would be the perfect time for one.
i'm also a little disappointed they didnt go down the route of travis being triggered about theo being his captain. there was so much opportunity there for feelings about theo leading him, vic and the team after he was responsible for michael's death, but no. travis was literally one of the only people to be happy that he was captain and even supported him! yikes
and for vic, she didnt really get anything until 6x06, but i loved how in 6x05 they kinda dabbled into her self-doubt because she really didn't think dixon would do something as low as leak travis's past arrest. i'm also annoyed that it took them until 6x11 again to even talk about vic taking over crisis one and what he was doing to do that.
as for her relationship with theo, thank god that's over. i swear they were doing a slowburn breakup LMAOOOO yeah, theo turned into someone vic didn't recognise and thank god she finally realised that it want good for her, but as i touched on earlier, travis not noticing the pain he was putting her through angered me beyond words. next season for her i would love to see her have a proper mental health storyline and i would love to see her adventures with leading crisis one
well, there's probably a lot more but that's all i have to say currently. i would love to discuss with you as well, feel free to dm me on here or on twitter/insta (travichughes on both) and thanks for reading this long ass rant. i really love travic and i hope they get what they deserve next season.
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im watching qian qiu/thousand autumns!! thiings i have noted so far about episode 2:
ive just met chen gong. he is dressed all slutty and i like his style >:) poor shen qiao, everyone wants his pancakes ;A; i love how ppl are constantly waving their hands in front of his face, like he's not going to FEEL THE AIR MOVE IN FRONT OF HIM when they swoosh back and forth!! oh look he's adopted the stray! good for him MAGIC TINDER BOX BAMBOO TUBE! NEATO uh-oh the old man is back, his tits are still out 😳 THAT IS NOT HOW ARM WRESTLING WORKS, SIRS,,,,, aw the old lady was like 'here, eat before u die, i dont want to have to see that, gross' yws: 'LET ME TOUCH U SHEN QIAO. SHEN QIAO CAN I DECIDE WHERE U TOUCH ME. WILL U TOUCH MY DICK SHEN QIAO. HOW MANY TOUCHES CAN I GET FOR ONE TAEL OF SILVER. SHEN QIAO I WILL CURE U IF U WILL BE MY DISCIPLE. SHEN QIAO DO U LIKE MY EVIL LAUGH. SHEN QIAO WHAT DO U THINK OF MY TITS. SHEN QIAO' jaysus he IS a skinty queen tho isn't he. snatched waist. half-dead but still hot, good for him. wow u guys are roasting this poor man so hard! give him a break y'all, he had to turn away like five love confessions at once. have some sympathy. look he's even having a migraine now!! ur just mean, that's all it is. smh HI SWEETIE MY DISCIPLE SON IS BACK. ive already forgot his name tho. was it.......shengyuan?? shengyan?? he reminds me of jiang cheng so i might just call him jiang cheng junior WAIT CHEN GONG NO U CANT FIGHT ALL OF THEM!! well there goes his lunch money 😔 shen qiao worked rly hard for that money u lot!! he had to let the old man TOUCH him, come ON ;A; HI ANGEL ARE U DOING SPYING?? KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK DARLING, UR DOING GREAT!! a LADY???? lol randos getting beat by the man they wanted to bully, he's blind and ill and he's still worth forty of them 🤣 SHEN QIAO IS SO COOL~ no wonder yan wushi wants to kiss him. feck i wanna kiss him! OH NOOO CHEN GONG SO CUTE, 'shen qiao pls be my dad, pls be my big bro, save me from bullies ok???' THERE ARE WOMEN IN THIS SERIES??? LIKE MULTIPLE FEMALE HUMANS WHO DO THINGS BESIDES DIE???!!!! i shouldnt get too excited, they might well die before this scene ends
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