#i dont think these supplements are doing anything. i think i might need to get an infusion
senseiwu · 2 years
ugh i was gonna try answering more asks after posting my fic but. its 9pm
i wish i had energy so i could actually do things in the afternoons when i got home from work, instead of just laying in bed feeling awful
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not-actually-human · 2 months
maybe its bc its after 10pm but i feel weird
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
I feel like my meds keep wearing off earlier and earlier in the day ugh.. having to lie down now im home from work I'm shattered :-(
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lambment · 2 months
Hello! I love your art so much! Your cult of the lamb stuff has really inspired me and has pumped me up and I’m trying to basically re learn how to draw again! Do you have any advice for a fellow artist and how to approach story telling? :D
anon its been like a good while since this message has been sent (I think? based off all the homophobic crown asks this was wedged btwn) and WAHHH im so happy for you, I hope youre enjoying your reentry into art C:
first and foremost, try to enjoy the process rather than the end result. a much wordier explanation in this post (X)
theres also the discipline aspect of it, you need to be pretty concious of balancing learning with enjoyment (and you can absolutley have that balance without thinking about it). but I find a lot of new/learning artists get easily discouraged when a piece doesnt pop out exactly how they imagined it. I have a secret, lets be realistic, none of my pieces do lol. expectation is the killer of art imo, just go with the flow of enjoyment and learn what you can to become better at it. get used to adapting often.
even if you arent always studying (dont make it boring for yourself now), just you constantly drawing will improve your art, but dont expect to notice an improvment with every piece, its an incremental process and youll have bad days. just focus on the journey not the destination is what im getting at.
REFERENCE!!! its a beautiful, beautiful thing, anyone telling you its cheating is a silly billy who needs to learn. look up artists you admire, try to figure out how they tackle a piece, examine photos that you think are beautiful. just collect different pieces of reference, and try making a piece based off of them, a fun excercise. it'll improve your art.
as for the story aspect of this, im ngl, Im still learning myself. my main rule of thumb is "if i want to see this, someone else out there will too." so dont get discouraged by thinking no one will want to see your story idea.
I'm constantly adding story ideas to my notes to save for later, idk bout you, but I WILL forget the idea if I dont write it down immediatley (built worse), and if you have a mental image of it make sure to add very vague stage direction to supplement it, dont get too detailed tho, youll be changing alot. if youre anything like me -pepaw brained- try to keep in the habit of that. some storyboarding tips for staging tips and reference (X)
from there, I'll take a key moment -money shot or emotional moment- of the story, and base the rest of the comic around that image -> how I tackle formatting and making a comic (X).
the best way to learn is by doing, and failing and learning from that. so dont sike yourself out when you get there and it doesnt turn out as expected, it might be something so much better, thats the fun of it (:
I hope this helped, sorry im a yapper!
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joohanisms · 1 year
hiii i'm sick rn and i think i deserve some shameless selfish fanfiction
xdh + you're sick :-( 💭💫
cw: being sick in general, mention of vomiting, boys being really lovely
you're not lifting a finger.
he's got Everything covered, don't worry. don't even THINK about doing anything, he'll do it for you.
carries you around the house so you dont "tire yourself out" (?? you have a sore throat)
keeps you nice and warm <33 wraps you up in the blankets like a burrito. like a little shawarma sandwich. like a little cigar. like–
HOLDS YOU!! you know when you're so sick you feel like you're going to fall apart? he wraps his arms around you so gently and holds your pieces together so softly :-(
cooks nice healthy meals for you <3 makes sure to get all nutrients you need even if it's by going to the drugstore and buying supplements
showers with you because he's lowkey scared you'll faint with the heat – not that you mind having a strong body to prop yourself up against
oldest child. takes care of you .
he's on edge for as long as you're feeling shitty. probably cussed jooyeon out for being too loud and then felt so guilty about taking his frustration out on him that he cried a little
gets you gatorade, makes sure you drink plenty of water and eat light snacks through the day, will open every window so the room gets some air, takes your temperature, tells you to nap so your body has the energy to recover, gently wipes away that disgusting balmy feeling that only being sick brings
softly sings you to sleep :-(
if you're having stomach issues, he's holding your hair up and only cringing a little bit (also probably gets something soft for you to kneel on in front of the toilet – will camp out on the bathroom with you the whole night if needed)
good entertainment + nearly makes you forget you're sick
talks a lot. tells you all about his day his week his month goes into tangents, talks about science and music and things you can barely understand just because he wants to take your attention away from the discomfort
puts his forehead to yours and says if i could i'd take the pain away :-( he's so sappy and he's half joking but you can feel how much he loves you and hates seeing you like this :-(
takes care of you as best as he can. tries to remember what his mom used to do when he got sick
has amazing sense of what to do due to being a science nerd. he might be gambling his luck but he's correct most of the time
if you're puking he's holding your hair and petting your back but he's NOT looking unless he wants to join you on the toilet
gets everything you could possibly need and stays with you ;-(
if it's contagious then the windows are wide open he's got a mask on nothing could stop him
you need tylenol? he brought some from the bathroom when he entered the apartment!
you need a little cold patch? dw he bought one of those stick-on patches to save you from the mess of wet towels/cold compresses!
you're a little hungry? here he brought some light snacks in case your tummy wasn't feeling well!
uh oh the snacks didn't sit too well on your stomach? he has a gameplan already he's grabbing your little trashcan and brushing your hair away from your face!
you're feeling shitty after all of this? he brings you your toothbrush and water to wash out the aftertaste and he's settling beside you to pet your hair!
you still feel terrible? come on, a shower will help! he won't be able to shower with you seen as he's not keen on getting waterboarded by his mask but he will help you wash up even if his shirt gets soaked with the spray!
brushes your hair and dresses you up in comfy pajamas like you're his favorite doll afterwards :-(
my lovely :-(
the best at keeping you company, be it sitting beside you with your fingers intertwined while you watch soft slice of life animes, be it laying down with you for emotional support cuddles, be it making you food and insisting on feeding it to you, be it telling you every thought that pops into his head so he can entertain you
lowkey loves when you feel like a cooked noodle and have jelly limbs because he gets to get everything for you, do everything for you, hold everything for you :-( don't count on him to carry you around though his limbs are not very .. uncooked noodle-y
will do Anything you ask him to. he might not know 100% what to do but yourself + google are good guides
brings his earbuds not to make any sound in case you have a headache, takes naps with you all day, lets you watch whatever he's doing on his phone (usually games or tiktok) (with very low volume!!)
forehead/temple kisses!!!! does the little "mm you have a fever" thing where he presses his lips to your forehead to gauge your temperature
if you want him Away from you because you're contagious, he's on the other side of the room doing his own things while you rot away in bed thinking what have i done i should've accepted the cuddles when i had the chance
if you have tummyaches he's rubbing your tummy!! if you have headaches he's massaging your head!! you have a sore throat?? do not worry he's keeping it warm because he has his face buried into your neck!!
pets your hair to sleep
he runs hot and if you have a fever he'll just sit by your side looking like a kicked puppy and holding your hand :-(
loves to help you wash up – will wash and condition your hair, soap you up, dry you with a fluffy towel afterwards, put on mosturizer all over you, will even brush your teeth for you if you let him (he's really touchy and adores caring for you and helping you feel like a human again)
definitely has the "well you got this Plague AT THE VERY LEAST yesterday. and we slept on the same bed and kissed on the mouth. if you're contagious, i'm getting sick anyway. i'm NOT being shooed away from my beloved when they're ailing." mindset
nevermind his dramatic ass. he's even more stubborn than he is theatrical and he WILL be by your side whatever anyone tells him
but gets sick too most of the time and acts like he's on his deathbed
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thesweetestdevotion · 15 days
please can u do a tutorial on how to channel or do more intuitive readings ourselves?
What a nice request! thank you!
Im gonna be honest, i dont know if i can give you a tutorial on how to channel/read as everybody's energy is different and we all have different abilities. I can run you through my own personal process though! That's not to say that mine is the best one for you (or anyone really) but maybe it can give you some insight on how I channel/read and inspire you a little! Here we go!!:
I shuffle my deck until I am called to stop. if i had just done a reading right before I'll snap my fingers 2-3 times as a way to clear the past energy/make space for the new one.
I roll my dice one by one (three, 12-sided dice. Planets, Zodiac Signs, 12 Houses) I dont always use them fyi. Once theyre rolled out i begin to shuffle my deck, I only take cards that jump out but also they just have to feel right as well, even if i cant see the card yet theres like a force that pulls me to the right cards and lets me know which ones are relevant/not.
I lay my cards out and begin to read and connect energies. It's very important to know the meanings of the tarot, and also be familiar with their traditional symbolism. But its also good to know when to use your intuitive gifts, theres no need to always attach yourself to the cookie cutter meanings if you dont feel called to. Its also good to be able to connect all of the cards into a coherent "story" where they're able to build off of each other. If you feel the meaning of a card doesn't resonate with the overall energy of the reading, It's usually spirit guiding you to use your intuitive skills to find meaning in another way.
As for channeling, I really can't make a guide as to how to do this. I've seen some readers channel by writing down messages, others close their eyes and let images come to them, amongst many other methods. Personally, I dont need to do anything in order to channel messages, often as soon as I start a reading I get channels. I'll very often get channels even while doing chores or reading a book. I see images, colors, scenes, hear sounds, music, voices. I even have sensations in my body (heartaches, throat closing up, sudden tension, etc...) I'm someone who is very in tune with my body/mind and im naturally able to tell what feelings belong to me vs not. I don't know how to guide someone to do this if im honest. I think some readers can and others not. That doesn't make you a bad reader, or like your messages have something lacking in them because of this, so don't feel discouraged if you aren't able to do stuff like that.
Also, things will come to you as you read over time. You'll stumble upon new methods, find what you like to do, read at quicker paces, etc.. Tarot is a skill, and like all other skills it needs to be honed. So practice, practice, practice.
Other (kinda crazy) stuff i do to supplement my practice (not necessary at all, just personal stuff):
sleep with my tarot decks near me/under my pillow
cover my head with a cloth/blanket. I just lay it over me no special method.
let my tarot decks charge (many different ways to do this, mostly i just let them rest in favor of using another deck, some people use crystals, smoke, moonlight. Its really up to the reader)
I don't read all the time, i take breaks. Dont wanna deplete my energy
If channels are getting annoying (which they often can for me) writing them down somewhere, even if theyre nonsensical, helps a lot.
Keep my body physically fit/healthy, as much as I can. This is an astrological method. The 6th house of health/work/daily routines/hygiene/stomach directly opposes the 12th house of the subconscious mind/dreams/sleep/intuition/secrets/anything hidden or mysterious. If one house is out of balance the other one is too. So keeping one in check helps me keep my intuition clear, also works both ways (nurturing my intuition/getting rest helps my health). This might not be something everyone includes in their practice, but it personally keeps me very grounded.
Have boundaries. you don't have to tap into all energies, especially if they repell you. It's important to be aware of this.
General Advice:
Have conversations! dont be afraid to ask other readers for help (hehe as you did now, good job!) or for guidance. Finding a great teacher/guru to help you is a wonderful gift, honestly wish i had done this as well
It's okay and normal to be wrong, no one is infallible or omnipresent. we are human, and ultimately we might be tapping in to a spiritual source, but it will always be interpreted by our biased and limited human minds. it's why its important to be okay with mistakes, and also important to find readers who resonate with your energy and vibe. Don't force yourself to listen to someone who makes you feel icky!! its not good vibes at all!
If you all have any further questions like this, drop them in my inbox or here on this post. Thank you again to the anon who sent this in! love ya<3
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normal-enderman · 3 months
I want slimecicles skin im writing shit down from his psychopathic egg rant
cleanser for normal/oily skin - my friend taught me about matching your skincare to your skin type the other day, I understand this! yay!
what the fuck is exfoliating - must ask friend
what the fuck is a peptide. sounds like some sort of beauty industry scam im deeply suspicious but ill look it up - results: apparently they're like small strings of proteins that help your body make stuff and some of them are involved in the production of collagen????? collagen peptides / hydrolized collagen but thats hard to get. and then there's also copper peptide which from reading between the lines probably doesn't actually do anything and is just a scam but might actually do something. I mean something must be working because he looks amazing. dont use too much or your skin freaks out.
vitamin C on skin good apparently?????????? I think the cream I bought today has vitamin C in it already so yay? But if not, get something that has that? maybe?????
multivitamin gummies
specifically vitamin C gummies but can probably skip if multivitamins also contain vitamin C
Vitamin D - is this one that is actually needed or is it a scam?? who knows
Ok this should serve as a shitty list of stuff to get from the shops
Then I just need to work out. auuauaaghgaauughhh. ill be pretty like charlie one day
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brucespringsteen · 1 year
Hi, do you have any beginner tips for lifting/getting into the gym? I no longer want to be a scrawny waifish butch and instead wanna be able to pick up my gf and look like mid 80s Bruce… If you’re comfortable talking about it I’d love to hear if you have any tips… I’ve been researching and have learned that diet is a huge part in building muscle but as far as the gym goes I’m lost… I’m honestly mostly just nervous because I have no clue where to start and don’t want some dude to help me (nothing wrong honest help I’m just shy and get embarrassed)… Thank you!!!
hi king 🤝🏻
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im so happy 2 talk about this cos im in my musclebound era again
disclaimer what i know is a mix of what i learned from my dad and reddit threads LOL and my own trial and error. weightlifting really is the gayass journey of all time 💪🏼😋
first gonna keep it real with u ive lost a lot of muscle mass from stupid life events n being sad lol but im actually getting back into a routine for the first time in over a year. so i haven't properly lifted anything heavier than the 15lbs dumbells i got at home 😂 when i was once able to press more than my weight ✊🏼😔 BUT form is so much more important than lifting heavy. u will get better results lifting at a weight that you can control and build up lifting heavier over time 👍🏼 which i can go more in depth about how to do that. good form is so sexy and makes u feel and look so badass
u might find more eloquent lifters out there who talk about the mind and muscle connection and visualization. it's really cool stuff that connects practicing mindfulness as u workout which is what makes weightlifting so meditative to me. this will also help u maintain good form and i think nourishes a healthy mindset toward working out/yourself in general
n you are definitely right about diet playing a huge part. don't worry about bulking/cutting when ur first starting out, most important thing is making sure you're getting enough protein. if u are iron deficient i would look into taking a supplement! dont know all the science but iron keeps ur oxygen flowing better, so your stamina can be down if ur iron count is low. my mindset about diet is the simpler the better and u should never be miserable lol. i will never give up beer & pizza & a good time 🫡
second most important thing is sleep. make sure u get enough.
1. back/shoulders and biceps
going to the gym can be a little scary, but that's where having a routine helps so much 🧑‍💻doing one of those dynamic workout routines u find on an instagram reel every now and then can be fun and i recommend it. BUT doing a random workout Everytime u workout will make it difficult to see results. doing the same workouts is how u can see ur progression better and focus on good form. im talking about learning the basics of benching, squatting, and deadlifting. 😜✌🏼
if u can, i would aim a routine of 3-4 times a week. I kept it like this:
2. leg day and abs
3. chest and triceps
what helped in staying consistent w going to the gym was having a set time where i would go. ritualistic
4th extra day: fun cardio like interval training or boxing. OR if i was feeling like i just needed a chill day a slow incline walk on treadmill/outside😊 then do some really intense stretching/foam rolling
here is an example of a chest/tris day
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The 3 "T's" stand for tiers starting with the most difficult exercises, so I could use most of the energy I have on it.
To elaborate further on how to see progress: say this week you're able to bench press 60lbs. Next week you try 70lbs on your last rep and it's kinda hard. The third week, you bench 60lbs again, and it feels a little easier now. The fourth week, you're benching 70lbs on your last two sets. By the fifth week, you find you're able to do your entire workout with 70! Etc repeat etc
when i first started i kept one of those tiny composition books w different workouts and id also keep track of how much i was lifting when i reached a new pr/mile time/etc. u can also just keep this in ur notes app. but i found having the paper in front of me was more efficient than continuously looking at my phone and fighting the urge to check apps in between sets lol. also if i was getting texts id have No Idea which just helped me reinforce the gym was Me Time
before u buy into a gym membership tho, take advantage if they have a free trial. u can find what time is least busy/if the vibe fits for u.
another tip. put a photo 1985 bruce on ur wall trust me this will help.
I can go more indepth about specific workouts or if u got other questions, lmk!
U got this!
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yeahponcho · 1 year
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TW: NEGLECT, ANIMAL ABUSE (by previous owner)
We just got a new boy today as a surrender and he is absolutely gorgeous. His name (unofficially still) is FlashBang!!! You can't see it very well because of his lamp but he's a banana boy with tangerine stripes and white lines down his back. He's super malnourished which I'm absolutely devastated about but I'm planning on spending as much time with him as possible. He's a year old and he's only 8 or so inches including his tail which rocks me out to my core. His nails are also double the length but he's a temperamental little glunkrus so I know that's gonna be a challenge. If you have any tips on anything regarding his care PLEASE let me know. I already plan on getting him a salad bowl, ceramic heater, big water dish, and a decent hide that he can grow into. He was sprung on us tonight around 8:30pm and it's now 1:30am the next day so he's definitely getting used to everything and I couldn't get out to a pet store since they were all closed :// ANY advice would be mega appreciated
oh he's SO small for a year old... poor little guy's been through a lot. I'm glad he's with you now, it sounds like you're committed to doing right by him! I'm just gonna go over a bunch of things I can think of, so apologies if you might already know some of this!
he is malnourished but be sure to introduce food to him slowly, smaller portions at first to let him adjust to having food in his belly. too much at once can be detrimental, too. make sure to be dusting with calcium and a vitamin supplement at least a couple times a week. I like Repashy Calcium Plus personally. here's a great chart I use for food item safety and adding variety to the diet: http://www.beautifuldragons.com/Nutrition.html
I wouldn't worry about his nails right now, let him get settled first. I would recommend taking out the reptile carpet and get some slate tile, especially if its textured on one side he can start to file his nails down naturally just by walking on the tile! repti carpet is very difficult to clean, holds odor and bacteria, and they can get their nails stuck in it. you can get slate tile at hardware stores like Lowe's, and sometimes they can even cut it for you
a hide or two will definitely be excellent, chances are he's gonna be skittish at first while he adjusts so having a place to hide where he feels safe will help him.
try to spend a little time with him each day, talking to him and offering your hand, but not necessarily touching him if he gets worked up. I would also recommend putting his enclosure in an area where he will see you and others walk by, that way he can get used to your presence. even if you just watch TV in the same room where he can see you, it helps normalize your presence in his life. he likely didn't have a whole lot of socializing, so it may take some time, but I think he'll come around.
if you need any advice for lighting, I recommend the T5 fixture and Arcadia 12% UVB https://www.reptilebasics.com/arcadia-desert-12-uvb/arcadia-d3-12-uvb-t5-bulb-22/
this one will be for UVB only! ^
for heat, I recommend a ceramic dome fixture. for the bulb... I've used a variety of things. flood lamps from walmart, fluker's bulbs, etc. as long as you can get a temp range of 95-105 on the basking spot, you should be good.
this is something I learned only recently, but make sure you dont screw the bulb in too tight!! I was told this contributes to premature death of the bulb. I had no idea this entire time. you're only supposed to screw it in just enough that it's not wobbly or going to fall out.
a vet checkup couldn't hurt for this guy, either. if you can get a poop sample in to check for parasites, that'd be really good.
hopefully some of this is helpful to you, and I wish him well! I'd love to see an update on him after he's settled in and doing a little better. I'll be keeping the little guy in my thoughts <3 I know what it's like to have a beardie just given to you randomly and having to scramble to get the right stuff, that's how it was with quinnie. but he's come a long way and he's a lot more friendly than he used to be.
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grahamcarmen · 2 years
hello. i have come here to inform you that. redcrackle
~ guess
...rys? Or rxc...
@rys-redcrackle ...
Or @redxcrackle ...(calender...)
Sorry if I got it wrong...
....yes. thank you them ☆.☆
Been rotating them on the brain...like the whole Himalayas scene is like basically one minute?? And it did all that?? Uhhh grays face drenched in red lighting and 🥺 while she says goodbye to his face and then him glaring at her back?? When she cant see ?? And she's like 🥺 as she's flying away like?? >:( he said enemies i can do this i-...glad you failed buddy
But also forever the way she just was like here to say sorry I couldn't attend my date with gray 🥰 and dgjdkdkd he's like slow your roll graham asked you out... and then she just goes :3 gonna go to the heart of this VILE building and just pick him up 😊 and dbndjdkdkd Iloveyou but youre skipping steps im in crackle mode
There's something so interesting how they're both on cloud 9 and the others grounding force. Do good and see truth.
And uuuuggggh like never gonna agree that the downward spiral to her learning to lose her trust just as he'd become trustworthy is a button for that AT ALL . I'm glad gray will be happy as long as she's ok but leaving it like that is ...no.
But I always LOVE! how happy! She is that he existed in her life! And when it gets dangled in her face that maybe again! Even if in a slightly different way! Shes like yes.
And he's such a little dude . He's so neat. Like he's very straightforward. He just. Uhhh today I think it is about how wholeheartedly he reaches for VILE and power and then just slips up and does this 🥺 at carmen. He owns all his bad choices . Gladly. Pragmatically. but OBVIOUSLY can't hide that loving carmen means something to him. Like actually him. * I was there * to 🎬 action
[And also lowkey how that relates to dark! Carmen b/c- stopping here thats a different thoughtprocess]
[its still...interesting to say the least to see gray casually use the fact that he's an orphan to shut chase's theory down]
And she's so ! Good. Like she loves the world a lot its nice to follow her for it.
And like operacaper is just so...soft to the possibility of him being more flirty and specifically that he would make sure he wouldn't forget her 😉 and she just // carmen vs what she wants and ONLY giving it up if she can conceptually see it as the noble choice rather than what she should do (player bff king looking out) and I think ? One of the few times she seems bummed that the noble/right choice IS the answer at this point in time. She goes [not seeking my mom rn is ok because I chose to do the right thing and she supplements it with she loves being with team red . Duh. They're great.and eventually she does get to do this :D] But she like flat out sighs when she's like . "It's the right thing to do...I guess. But because I'm protecting him ok don't twist it. I want it to be because protecting. "
And I think gray in his protectiveness is literally so funny. But also just in his straightforward. Means for my goal. Mindset.
1) he literally got told dont tell any one which he went well no one would believe me so thats easy. And then he's like ACME ☆.☆ might know where she is and SPILLS (dude like graham is gray is crackle he still has soooo much of his tendencies he just actually does the. Oh wait yeah we're not doing bad stuff right as graham. But only like after everything is done so dbfndjdkdk) because chance for carmen info? Say less. *opens his mouth*🤣
Chief: less
Never crossed his mind that they didn't think she was the greatest thing ever
2) AND WHEN I SAY CARMEN WAS RIGHT THAT HE IS LIKE HER I MEAN IN THE HE GIVES IT AAAAALL UP. ALL HIS CARDS. anything he can when he knows that freeing carmen is it. The right thing. And ugggh the line. Very baby steps but like when?? The rod?? How long?? But he's got a goal. Straight to it.
Sndjsk like he needs to solidify his moral compass by a lot but when he does he's just as active for it
Please come back...*flips a table*
😞dark! RC kinda pretty co captains couple tho...
Look at this ballet au pick rose gave me for them...
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And this isn't it either but I wondered if Anastasia had a ballet and It DOES but not n..ntotheversionofthestoryiwant. I was wondering if it even lends itself to that format but eh. Like even musical version had some trouble getting accepted? I hear?
Problems by mm for them but only if I can balance it with something sappy and happy af so hot tea by half alive for them being together (finally!) Has been it(tm)..but also someone who loves you by Betty who.
🥰think they should kiss and stay together forever /
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areyouafraid · 1 year
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im really gonna crack up man like im really gonna lose my shit one of these days.
ive sent application after application to all these different dumps for the last 3 months and none of them have come back. none of them pay more than maybe 15 an hour at best. and this fucking freelance thing i just tried to look into to at least supplement me with a form of income while i look for a job is a total shitshoot its garbage i flat out dont even know if i can do it. im 19 right now im lucky im not like fucking paying rent or anything. but i sure will have to eventually! it's bad enough i feel like a fuckup who can't keep a job after i got fired from my last dump but like. only so much time
virtually all of my family and friends age 20 - 30 live in fucking dumpy little tenement apartments and those are the ones who can even get places of their own. dont know if i even know anyone who makes more than like maybe 30K a year. and i think we're still the lucky ones. my parents got a 3 bedroom house back in 2001 and i live with them. but i cant live here forever, like financially socially emotionally thats just not... feasible for me. i think they said a little over 11% of americans live under the poverty line? and then there's a study that says america has the worst poverty rate out of 26 "developed" nations. this country is a fucking sick little joke. an empire built off of genocide that brutalizes the rest of the world while its citizens rot in the streets. a twisting labyrinth of dead-end jobs and unwalkable cities with nothing to do but toil and die. what is new york city if not a giant factory town? and this does not even cover one one-eighth of what is wrong with this stupid shitshow of a country
and whatever i know i should just be grateful for what i have (what do i have?) and i know it's a common sentiment among poor / impoverished people to be like well you just need to hustle harder well this is just how it is etc etc but like just what an absurd fucking way to think like you guys are fucking high. people shouldn't live like this. people can't live like this. it's not sustainable. it's not realistic. we have to have a right to shelter and food and literally at the bare minimum to fucking survive like... i mean for fuck's sake there are wild dogs who live in tiny rock dens smeared with their own shit and blood who still have a better quality of life than human beings in our beautiful utopian capitalist society. at least ants and wolves look out for each other. what happens when you fall sick or become homeless in america? what happens if you don't have enough money in america?
with every new day i feel more and more like anything resembling a fulfilling life is just not possible here. i don't know where else i would go. i know travel is expensive. idk i just like. i know this is my home and it does feel like a cop-out but i can't live like this. nobody can live like this. fuuuuck this. honest to christ even if north korea was actually one quarter as bad as US propaganda says it is that would be better than this. at least under the Cold Cruel Hand of Communism i'd have something to fall back on. i'd be insured and have a place to live. what do we have in capitalist america? a weak nod of acknowledgement? and you know what my least favorite part of "patriotic" american bullshit is? if this is really the "best country on earth" we might as well just start organizing mass suicides.
and now with senile old fuck biden regurgitating israeli propaganda and encouraging the senseless murder of palestinians i just think. and this is the guy democrats wanted. this is the guy that republicans were shitting themselves over telling themselves he'd turn america communist or whatever. god if youre still even taking calls from this fucking tragedy of a planet i hope some sort of incurable and highly infectious plague breaks out inside the white house and all of those stupid fucks end up with abscesses forming inside their brains. it might not fix anything but it'd take some of those perverted vultures off the face of the earth so it'd be a nice pick-me-up at least. UGHHHHHHHHHH
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volinare · 1 year
hey my guy.
doctors are difficult.
recently my elderly aunt who i live with is going through some severe emotional changes which is a yellow flag for the elderly as early signs of alzheimer's or possibly the start of dementia. I asked her to speak to her physical doctor and you know what they told her? Instead of doing a brief test to make sure my aunt is indeed okay, her physical doctor didnt take our concerns seriously and told her to go talk to her therapist.
I have gotten this sooooooo many times in doctor's offices. But you dont want to go to a primary physician for psych meds. If your doctor was any good, he'd write you a referral for a psychiatrist, getting a referral might be covered under your insurance? i only have experience with Kaiser, Signa, and blue shield. Whatever you do, avoid Kaiser, Signa is alright but typically an HMO, blue shield is a PPO which allows you to get referrals to other doctor's in blue shield's network. So whichever insurance you have if you have insurance, this is something to scope out. Getting referalls.
Next time you go to a physical doctor, see a different doctor, obv. but also when you see your new doctor, I learned very early on not to mention my psychiatric history because they stop taking you seriously when they know you're mentally ill. it's just some weird ass phenomenon that doctor's do, especially to AFAB and POC.
I would go straight into that appointment saying directly "I need a referral to a clinic/therapist/psychiatrist, wherever you want to start, and mayhaps request a referral to PT or a pain clinic for your feet. they can give you a (tw needle mention) .
they can give you an injection of cortisone into your feet and knees if you ask, which relieves inflammation of the joints and what not and will overall take some of the pain off of your feet. However I have heard these injections to be a little invasive but goodness it changed my life. every year or so you get another shot. It's an option. you can also try some OTC stuff, L-Theanine is a great supplement for those suffering with psychosis, I take 400 mg twice a day and it genuinely helped me feel more stable. I don't necessarily get psychosis though i have heard accounts that it helps. it's like $20 at a store, could prob buy it for 10 on amazon. and i would recommend biofreeze gel or patch to put on your feet. Or any lidocain patch, i used to use those on my back and goodness they were heavenly lol
sorry to ramble ramble about stuff i dont quite know about you, but i would just straight up ask for a referral to a specific doctor like a psychiatrist who is more geared to help deal and keep track of your progress with psychological medication
i really appreciate you taking the time to type all this out, I read it all and catalogued some stuff for later.
Im sorry to you about your aunt and your experience with doctors. they really do suck.
The doctor I saw was actually a physicians assistant for a psychiatrist office.
i don't have any issues with my feet other than that I have a bit of soreness from being on them all day. I only mentioned it because he asked if id been having nausea and the ibuprofen id been taking was upsetting my stomach a bit.
He asked multiple times to see my feet, so i could point out where the pain was. I dont think he ment anything but im a baby and it was triggering. He asked me to pull a picture up and point on there.
I just kept shaking my head or saying i was okay.
im sure it was just a miscommunication.
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nothorses · 2 years
i understand the idea of telling people to think about their cultural christianity in terms of making sure youre not dismissing other religions holidays and such as that, but, specifically when it comes to holidays, if the argument is that an atheist partaking in christmas is culturally christian [which is Bad and also something they cant really escape from without converting to a different religion, or something?] are we supposed to just not have any holidays besides whatever country holidays [eg. fourth of july] we get born into? or is there some atheist non religious holiday i dont know about.
this isnt meant to sound aggressive or anything youre just the only person ive seen push back against the way people have been talking about this and i feel like i missed half of the argument people are trying to make. even though i have read so many posts.
I feel like the first part of this ask actually demonstrates a huge part of the problem I have with the way "culturally Christian" is used on tumblr: i.e., as a replacement for "Christian privilege", "Christian normativity", or just "Christian bigotry.
Those terms describe a system of power, which centers Christianity and excludes and attacks all others.
What's important here is that they are describing systems, rather than placing blame on specific individuals.
"Cultural Christianity" is meant to describe the values that Christianity promotes, the culture that arises from it, the impact Christianity has on our culture as a whole, and the insidious and often unacknowledged nature of it all. Again, the problem here is the system at large; not specific individuals.
By calling specific individuals "culturally Christian", determined by their current/past beliefs, their location, and nothing else, you send the message that it isn't about the system- the problem is the individual, it originates from something they can't control in the first place, and as such, they can never hope to meaningfully change or grow.
The second part of the ask illustrates another big part of my beef with this conversation: the insinuation that atheists do not and cannot have agency (until we're doing something they don't like, of course).
Atheists can partake in any religious holiday without it making us religious. Anyone can partake in any religious holiday without it making them that religion. We can celebrate christmas, and while it's good to think critically about why that holiday might have value to us, there is also not much of a point in refusing to visit the family for the big dinner and what is perhaps the only time you will see most of them that year, just because someone on tumblr says it makes you Basically Christian.
Atheism is a valid belief. It's not a blank slate, it isn't just code for Whatever Religion Is ACTUALLY Dominant In Your Life. It's a complete, independant, coherent way of seeing the world that does not need to be supplemented by religion. There is no empty space that Christianity creeps into when we don't fill it with other religion; we have our own ideas, values, and priorities, and we are capable of making connections and decisions about what we do or do not want to include in those values.
Atheists are not uniquely or exclusively susceptible to absorbing Christian ideas from surrounding culture; people of other religions also frequently pick those things up without realizing it, and an ex-christian converts to other religions will probably have a lot more to unpack than, say, an atheist who grew up atheist.
So I guess to answer your question: no, we don't have any atheist holidays. We also don't need them. Going to Christmas dinner to be with your family doesn't make you Christian, and we don't really need to come up with something else to "cancel out" the Christian influences in our lives. If anything, all that does is further center Christianity as The Default Religion.
Celebrate whatever the hell you want (as long as it's respectful and invited). You're just as atheist either way.
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apenitentialprayer · 3 years
Hi! I feel i need some advice and i dont know who to turn to... I just moved to another town and looking to find a church and comunity. Now - i am protestant... But i really just dont feel in tune With theprotestant mass. I dont lile the Was its bring Held, i dont like the politicising, theres just so much that really Bugs Me about it. It makes me skip sundays and feel quite lonely and sad. I asked myself if i could try to go to the catholic church in town instead - But im very nervous and i dont know if i would be welcomed or What would be Different. I dont want to be the odd one out or bother anyone. Its a very close comunity from What ive gathered and i just dont know... Do you think IT would be right and okay to Check It out? I just want to feel closer to god again and right Now all i feel at mass is alianated. I tried staying at home and just pray and read on sunday mornings - But i really truly miss a good mass
Hey! Sorry for taking so long for me to get to this - I had people over after Mass today.
So, I can't really talk about your specific community, but the Mass is open to everyone; you don't have to be Catholic to attend, though as a non-Catholic you would have to refrain from taking Communion. That being said, if this community does feel very tight-knit and that makes it daunting, you could try contacting the priest through the rectory and introduce yourself beforehand.
Most parishes will have some kind of missal in the pews so that you can follow along; Catholic worship is 'high-church' in style, a liturgical kind of worship that is very formulaic and repetitive. The missal will give you the readings for each Sunday, and you can kind of mumble along with the other congregants during the responses - or, if that makes you uncomfortable, silently spectate at first. Because there is that element of repetition, if you go to Catholic Masses long enough you'll be able to pick up on the responses eventually - though each response is usually in the missal as well, often in the beginning or the end, depending.
I should warn you, though, that the problems that you're experiencing could very well exist in the Catholic parish by you, too. The Catholic section of the internet is filled with complaints and opinions about how parishes practice the liturgy, and individual priests with strong opinions may share them - I have a general idea of the political views of the priests in the parishes I attend, and they run the gamut of the political spectrum.
But that kind of leads to the other thing that I want to gently suggest; since these problems may exist in any Christian community, I think it might be more fruitful to pick a community whose ideas you believe most closely reflect the will of God, and try to make roots for yourself there. Even if you're not always satisfied with how that community handles public worship, you can try to be the change you're looking for, talking to the pastor about what is bothering you; and if public worship is still unsatisfactory for you spiritually, you can always supplement it with private devotion that you do find helpful.
I will be praying for you, that you are able to find a church home soon; I'll ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to where you can grow in your faith best, and to give you a sense of peace wherever that might be, with all the pros and cons that this place may have. If you have any specific questions about Catholic public worship, or about anything really, feel free to ask.
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psychewithwings · 4 years
Pregnant s/o hcs: Mirio, Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Tamaki
SFW, just super fluffy 
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If you don’t think this man is tearing up when you tell him... uhhh you’d be wrong
He is crying over you and so happy, will kneel and just kiss your tummy 
And when you’re in bed that night going to sleep, every few minutes he will nuzzle in closer and whisper, “hey guess what? We’re gonna have a baby” 
Anytime he says he loves you now he says it to your tummy too 
“I love you Y/n, I love that you are mine and I love that you’re going to be the mother of my child” *bends down* “And I love you too baby” 
He will have a really hard time waiting until the second trimester to tell anyone but once he is able, everyone will know, and he’s going to have a party in your honor. 
He will treat you like a queen, back rubs and foot rubs...
I feel like when you first tell him you’re pregnant he will come home a few days later with a box... when you open it, it’s a maternity dress, and its actually really pretty, with lace and silk, and nice and stretchy... 
“I know you don’t need it now, but I saw it when I was out and thought it would look perfect on you...”
He will compliment you every second of every day, will trace your stretch marks and tell you they make you beautiful because it’s all part of you becoming a mother, it’s a natural tattoo, a reminder of how you’re growing a life inside you
He will want to throw a gender reveal party 
And no, it can’t be as simple as balloons popping out of a box, he’s gotta have something extravagant to celebrate like fireworks, monster trucks, or a paid actor dressed as a baby
You’re having his baby! This is a pinnacle moment in his life and he is not about to have some basic ass party
Mirio is definitely the kind of guy who thinks you can’t have sex because it could hurt the baby, you will have to make a very embarrassing call to your doctor about that... 
He is looking forward to owning dad sandals (who are we kidding he prolly already does)
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This man will shit himself, make sure he is sitting down
“Bakugo... I’m pregnant”
“I’m having a baby! You’re gonna be a dad”
He’s really happy and excited, he has no doubt you’ll be an amazing mom but he’s kinda worried about him being a dad... 
Am I fit to raise a kid? Will I be a good dad?
He will probably start working more and almost go on over drive... He will start coming home later, picking up earlier shifts... And when you ask him, “Katsuki, are you not happy about the baby?”  He will kinda break down and tell you “No of course I’m fucking happy about the baby, I just want the world to be safe for our kid... and I only have 8 months till then and-” He drops to his knees in front of you and he’s tearing up. You’ll get onto your knees too and just hug him, “Katsuki, you can’t fix the world before we have our baby,” you’ll look at him lovingly as he realizes how absurd he was being. “But we can prepare to be the best parents we can be...” “Prepare? We’re already gonna be the best parents.”
Okay, Bakugo hypes up the baby too, like...
“Katsuki, come here! The baby is kicking!” *he puts his hand on your tummy* “Baby’s so strong, just like us,” *grabs you and kisses you* “I knew we made a fucking perfect kid”
He will try kill anyone who oversteps the boundary with the bump (like touching the bump without asking)
“OI EXTRA, you wanna take your fucking hands off my woman and my kid or do  I have to do that for you...” 
Bakugo would be very unnecessarily competitive in birthing class
Will wake you up in the middle of the night at least once, he’s just laying on his back staring wide eyed at the ceiling... “What if I explode the baby?”
You’ll roll over and look at him annoyed, “you won't explode the baby,” 
He will settle again once you give him cuddles 
You cannot tell me that he would not be your biggest cheerleader when you’re actually giving birth, “PUSH, FUCKING PUSH DUMB ASS!” 
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This man freaks out for a sec... cuz daddy issues. But he has a strong resolve so he will come out of it quickly and decide how to 
“Shoto, you aren’t anything like Endeavor, you’re going to be an amazing dad”
He will be extremely happy, but his excitement will be softer
Everyday after you tell him he says you’re glowing
He will want to cook you special things because it’s healthy for the baby, or so his mother told him
Speaking of his mother, she taught him how to knit when he went to visit her in the hospital so you’ll find him knitting little hats and bootie and jackets for the baby
He will nest just as much, if not more than you do
You’ll find him awake at 3AM trying to put together some bullshit ikea thing for the baby with the tiny allen wrench they give you for free. “Shoto, come back to bed... we can do that in the morning” “But the baby needs somewhere to sleep,” “Yes, and I’m not due for another two months”
Shoto is already so soft but I think he would be softer
Like when you fall asleep on the couch, he gets home and just cuddles up to you and asks your bump how it’s day was. He will talk to the bump until you wake up and then he just pepper your face with kisses.  
He is the only one of all these men who doesn’t shit himself and die when watching the birthing tape. I think he would be calm and say something like “a woman’s body is made to carry and deliver a child, there’s nothing to be frightened of.”
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When you tell him, he’s gonna cry
He will want to call his mom right away  
Midoriya is the kinda guy to have a box of his things from when he was a kid stored away to give to his child (it’s all All Might merch but, ya know)
He definitely panics and worries if he is going to be a good father but he takes all that anxiety and just turns it into energy to care for you with
He is already signing you up for birthing classes 
This man would take you to all your doctors visits, acupuncture appointments, prenatal massages, and even a strange healing session done in the back room of a health good shop (don’t worry, he checked google reviews, 346 people, and 5 stars) (You weren't sure about it at first, but you felt very at peace afterwards, def worth the 5 star review)
He just really wants you to be happy and healthy
It would be understatement to say he treats you like a queen... he treats you like a goddess, and he tells you everyday how grateful he is that you’re his love and giving him a baby. Especially when you feel insecure about how your body is changing
He will want to make the nursery Hero themed... with an All Might wall decal... you’ll eventually opt for something a little less... exuberant like jungle animals or something. But the compromise is the All Might mobil that spins and says “I am here” while playing twinkle twinkle little star.
He will read to the bump, and sing to it because he wants the baby to know his voice
Will make a ‘goodnight’ song with you for the baby to sing to it every night 
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Tenya is so excited and immediately starts thinking of things he needs to do for you and baby
The day after he will come home with a bag from the store full of prenatal vitamins and herbal teas that are safe to drink 
“My love! I have brought you Evening Primrose supplements, it’s supposed to help with your delivery.” 
I think he has name ideas picked out already and is very excited to show them to you. They are all related to the Iida family.
He would ask his brother for advice and would be so excited to tell him when it’s time. 
Don’t even worry about pregnancy brain. Iida’s got you, he will help you remember everything you need to know and he will be patient with your cloudy thoughts. 
Iida is so matter of fact tho, I can see it coming off as insensitive, especially when you’re dealing with mood swings.
“Darling, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you it’s just that those chips make your stomach hurt and I was only trying to-” “YOU JUST DONT WANT ME TO BE HAPPYYYY!!!!!!” “My darling, I want all the happiness in the world for you, you are the mother of my child, I- please don’t cry” 
He really loves you a lot and he will learn to be a little gentler with you during this phase of the pregnancy
Braxton hicks contractions (the little fake contractions you get during the third trimester, closer to the due date) will send him into panic mode. 
But he is also so organized that he is R E A D Y 
You clutch your stomach and inhale sharply and sit down, he’s already running to get the hospital bag and getting the keys for the car. 
(The hospital bag includes, diapers, baby clothes, blankets, stress balls for you to squeeze during contractions and a birth mix which includes mostly Baroque composers but theres a few taylor swift and harry styles songs because he thinks it would be cool if the baby was born to Adore You, because Iida adores you and that baby so much)
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He is terrified
But ultimately knowing that he has a child on the way actually does wonders for his confidence because he wants his child to have a good example and he doesn’t want the child to inherit his crippling shyness
He really is there for you and much like Shoto, shows it in a soft way
Tamaki is so food oriented already that he is especially considerate of your cravings and would probably try them, no matter how weird they are
Pregnancy makes you super hungry but thats okay because Tamaki is a brilliant cook
Tamaki is also very sensitive to the knowledge that it will change after the baby is born and that he has you all to himself for just a little while longer
He is going to take you on special weekend trips, like a sleepy beach town to just relax and eat good food
He will also take you on extra dates because he just wants to soak up your time together as a couple
He is very aware of how much work you’re doing constantly to carry his child and he will want to spoil you 
“Y-you’re just so beautiful, a-and you chose me, and now you’re carrying my child...I just... I love you so much and thank you for letting me be yours b-because you make me so happy.” 
He will freak out when he sees the birthing tape
“I-I am so sorry, I can’t believe I’ve put you through this... you’re- you-  This is all my fault...” *panic panic panic*
But when you’re actually in labour he is very supportive, he will just apologize while you’re screaming in agony and wish there was something else he could do other than bring you ice chips...
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mejomonster · 3 years
i am. slightly concerned the sodium tablets are placebo and not actually doing anything for me. not hurting. but idk if they’re helping. an hour after waking my heart rate was about 100 bpm standing. and an hour after the sodium tablets (only 200 mg so to be fair NOT much when the things i read said to supplement 2000-8000 mg), my heart rate is still about 100 bpm. no improvement, no worsening.
if its placebo, then that leaves the answer of my mega fucking fatigue the past 2 weeks was either: i was Horribly Sick with something and had no idea (and it made me collapse over and over - i did have a fever a little so maybe), OR my health can just backslide at any time unpredictably which i uh dont wanna think about. therefore i am hoping the sodium/electolyte supplementation IS doing something. because that would be something i can reliably do, and actually track so if my symptoms got worse i could just be like ‘ah i forgot some electrolytes’ rather than ‘well who the fuck knows why’
also for future me’s reference: i tried the sodium tablets with and without potassium too, the sodium tablets without potassium aren’t bloating me any more or less than with the potassium, and i feel about the same either way. tho if i feel significantly worse after sodium i might need some potassium cause doing that usually makes me feel better when i eat too much salty food.
on a related note i still HATE how doctors handle fatigue. im sure theres good doctors out there, and ones who can understand fatigue. but oh boy it should Not be as hard as often as it IS (which i guess could be said about a lot of issues with doctors :/ )
like. ok when i was fainting. collapsing. when i literally could not sit up for more than a little while without my body Collapsing? call the doctor begging for help so i can fucking work and get up and drive safe and do SOMETHING about the intense level of fatigue. my advice was walk/jog as soon as i get up. ahah ahahahahaha aaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAA. yeah. because i was capable of standing - i was not. how in the fuck was i going to get up, jog, and not just collapse on the ground outside. phenomenal fucking advice. im still infuriated months later. i told her it was way to severe to manage that, she said the fatigue’s so bad? go to the ER. so i did. which the ER gave me fluids for fainting but like... the ER cannot do shit for fatigue what fucking awful advice
and what infuriates me even more is like. i personally? absolutely love walking, hiking, dancing. if i have ANYWHERE close to functional energy levels (not even normal energy levels, just like if i can fucking stand without getting intensely dizzy/pained), then i have an intense urge TO do those things. i could be sick with a fever coughing my lungs out and desperately just wanna get up and dance a little. if i am UNABLE to exercise i wish a doctor would fucking believe me. if my fatigue level is SO bad i am not able to get up and walk already? then its BAD BAD. its im bedridden bad! because i had a cut up abdomen post gallbladder surgery and that was the last time i was a bit bedridden (just for a week) and as SOON as i could reliably stand i’d pace a little/dance a tiny bit, get exhausted, sit, and then try to get up as soon as i felt i could bear it again. i do not like sitting still or laying still. my best way to help my restless mind and its always fucking restless is to get up and move even if im moving slow and only for a minute before breaking. so like... goddamn. if im calling a fucking doctor for help with fatigue i am WAY past the point of ‘exercise more to fix it!’ bitch. are u fucking kidding. if i could sit upright, stand for a minute without getting dizzy, goddamn i wouldnt be calling and begging for help!!! give me advice i can DO! dont tell me to go fucking jog when i cant even hold my body upright in a sitting position without being in agony and collapsing. what the fuck. i hate when a doctor does not treat fatigue seriously. it infuriates me. anyway thank u for letting me vent please ignore. i’ll get over it.
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