#i dont think its n/s/f/w in the sense that i dont think youd get in trouble for viewing this at work lol
ink-the-artist · 1 year
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Hiii! It's me again! 😂❤️Can you do sfw and nsfw alphabet for van?
Hey love! I'll get to the NSFW alphabet tonight; sorry it took so long ;-; 💖
Argument: Do they argue? How bad does it get?
Van is all about keeping the peace. He's a relaxed and go with the flow type of person, but hes also very strong willed and does pass passive aggressive comments. So you have the option of ignoring that or, you know, starting a "heated discussion" 
Babies: fur baby, scaly baby, or no baby?
Fur babies! A dog and a cat. I can see him getting a corgi because he likes to keep things small lol
Cocktails: are they extroverted? Introverted? Both? With their s/o? 
Hella extroverted with and without a s/o. Life is too short to keep the party to yourself, ya feel? 
Dance: would they encourage their s/o to join the industry? How would they take it if they did?
Much like Ren, he'd actually prefer if youd stay away from the idol aspect and like join the design industry or maybe like art. The idol life is just too hectic. 
Exit: Do they like to travel? Where would they want to go? 
Anywhere thats sunny and tropical! Or like, high end. Los Angeles, the Maldives, st. Barts. You name it. 
Food: what's their favorite date with their s/o?
The home-y kind. A pizza and a movie, snuggled under a blanket. As much as he likes to spoil, he actually prefers the low-key moments with his s/o
Grease: what's something special they made for their s/o? 
He didnt make it but he bought his s/o a music box and played around with it a little bit so it plays his songs for them.
Honesty: would they ever hide something from their s/o? 
I dont think so. He's actually a pretty open book and doesnt like to keep secrets from his s/o. Theyre a team after all. 
Independence: what type of lover are they? Clingy or carefree? 
Carefree. He loves to feel free more than anything and as long as you give him space, he will always come back to you and stay loyal. 
Jealous: are they a jealous person?
Hes the funny kind of jealous that, in a sense, he just cracks jokes and swings an arm around his s/o when he sees someone try to hit on you. 
Kindness: how far would they go for their s/o? Ride or die kind of thing?
Depends on how serious he is with them. If he sees a future, he'd do close to anything for and with them. 
Love: what's their love type? 
Quality time. As mentioned above, he loves to just be free and by himself, which is rare in itself, so when he finds time and spends it with you instead of alone, that's his way of showing love. 
Mouth: where's their favorite place to kiss?
Neck. He's very playful and just loves to blow kisses right there; bonus points if you laugh because it tickles. 
No: anything they wouldnt do with or for their s/o? 
Betray himself. If it goes against his own morals or character, he wouldn't do it. 
Odor: what's their favorite scent? On a s/o?
Vanilla makes the boys go wild ~ it's just a really nice scent and he loves it on you. 
PDA: how open are they to PDA 
Pretty open. He has nothing to hide and loves to show off his s/o's and his relationship. 
Questions: will they be an open book or not? 
Oh yes. Again, theyre a team and teams stick together. He doesnt see the point in hiding much of his life and expects the same in return.
Reserved: what's something that only his s/o would know about? 
How much he sometimes worries about his career. He does still get nerve wrecked and thinks he might not last much longer in the industry
Serious: how long until they start to get really serious with their s/o? 
Its your typical high school romance until all of a sudden you stand in front of the altar and exchange your vows. It takes a while for him to realize how serious things get 
Type: what's their type in a s/o ? 
Someone very confident and self aware. Someone adventurous and light hearted. Someone as carefree as him who just goes with the flow and doesnt let anyone or anything dictate their life. 
Untouched: have they been in a relationship before? How many? 
Oh yes he has. Much like Ren, he has a wild history of being with the ladies, though his busy life and need for freedom have ruined many of them. 
Very: what's something they're really good at outside of music? 
Baseball! It's his favorite sport and he plays it when he has time. 
Weird: what's something odd or weird about them?
He dashes out flirtations like its nothing but gets shy and flustered when someone does it to him. 
Xylophone: their favorite part about you? Physically? Mentally? 
Physically its your smile because he loves to see you happy. Mentally it's your love for life and you just live it to the fullest. Very inspiring 
Yearning: would they like a family? How many kids? 
Yes! A son would be nice! They'd be the greatest father-son duo! 
Zebra: Do they change throughout their relationship? Are they truly themselves? 
He stays as true to himself as he can be so there isnt much change. You just kind of get what you see with him
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unlikely-savage · 6 years
Xavier: -clears work off coffee table and throws it under something somewhere-
Xavier: -puts champagne glasses and snacks on coffee table-
Xavier: Okay I think that's everything.
Aurora: *smiles and hugs him from behind* You're such a good host. It's really cute
Xavier: I'm just nervous your friend will hate me. -sighs-
Lux: *walking with Rosemary* What if I dont get along with your friend's boyfriend?
Lux: What if hes a republican?
Aurora: Dont worry, silly! *turns him around and kisses his nose* she'll love you! I havent met her boyfriend yet though
Rosemary: If h-he's a republican th-then we can both tell A-Aurora she needs to s-stop seeing him. -nods before giggling-
Xavier: -pecks aurora on the lips and smiles- As long as he isn't republican it'll all be fine.
Lux: *smiles* Can we get into an argument with him first if he is? I'd like to at least mess with him a little *nudges her and laughs*
Aurora: *lightly hits his arm* even if he is, be nice!
Xavier: If he's a republican, no promises.
Rosemary: -bites her lip and giggles when they get to the door- -rings doorbell-
Aurora: Ill get it! *runs to door and opens it*
Lux: *holds up bottle of wine* Greetings!
Xavier: -walks behind her and goes to the door-
Xavier: -wide eyes- Lux?!
Rosemary: -looks at Lux and then Xavier- Y-You two know e-each other? -confused face-
Lux: *blinks then smiles* Xavier! I didnt know this was your place! *walks in and gives him a bro hug*
Aurora: Oh uh *smiles* I guess we can skip that intro then! Uh Rosemary, this is Xavier, Xavier this is Rosemary
Xavier: -bro hugs- Good to see you! So I see you're doing well then. -chuckles and nods at Rosemary and holds out a hand for hi to shake- Hi.
Rosemary: -blinks and shakes Xavier's hand- H-Hello.
Xavier: Come on in. -leads everybody into apartment and closes the door-
Rosemary: -walks in and is prolly standing awkwardly coz shes rosemary- S-So how do y-you guys kn-know each other?
Lux: *smiles at Xavier* lets just say, we helped each other out
Aurora: *clasps her hands together* Oh well how wonderful! I'm so glad everyone can get along now
Xavier: Wait. I never asked. Lux, you aren't a republican, right?
Rosemary: -starts giggling and ends up laughing like a maniac bc thats what lux was worried about-
Lux: *laughs with Rosemary and leans on her for support because hes laughing so much* Oh god *wipes eye* never. I'd rather lose my magic
Xavier: -looks at them like they're crazy but chuckles- Good.
Aurora: *giggles* See, Xavier? Nothing to worry about
Xavier: Right. -smiles and throws an arm around her shoulders-
Aurora: *grabs Rosemary's hand and starts yanking her into the kitchen* Come on! Help me finish up the food
Rosemary: -is dragged to the kitchen- B-But I c-can't cook!
Aurora: *giggles* Thats alright! That's what magic is for
Lux: *stands there with Xavier and chuckles* I see you worked out your woman troubles
Rosemary: -goes into kitchen and sighs- B-But I don't h-have magic!
Xavier: -grins back at him- I see you did too.
Xavier: I mean I know I made a guess about what she was like but I'm surprised I got everything right. Even down to the stutter. -chuckles-
Aurora: *starts using magic to move ingrediants and stuff around as she pours them something to drink* *smiles* I like Lux! You two look like youre realling in love
Lux: *chuckles* Yes, shes a real doll. I happen to think her stutter is cute *laughs*
Rosemary: -smiles and blushes and leans against a counter and plays with her hair- W-We do?
Xavier: -rolls his eyes and laughs- Of course you do.
Aurora: Mhm! *hands her a glass* Im so happy things for you both worked out. I can sense how happy you both are. Its like you two even have the same mind, I mean you both started laughing at the same time *giggles*
Rosemary: -smiles and takes the glass- I-It's just th-that he was worried X-Xavier would be a r-republican too. -giggles-
Lux: Isnt she adorable though! *tries to peak into the kitchen* Thanks for knocking some sense in me *nods, smiling* Youre a true friend
Aurora: *laughs into her hand and takes a sip* Really? How funny. Our boys have like the same mind
Xavier: Same goes to you. -chuckles when he tries to look into the kitchen- If it weren't for you I think I'd be breaking her heart. Thanks.
Rosemary: -giggles and drinks a bit- I'm not sure i-if that's hilarious or t-terrifying.
Lux: *gives him a noogie* You would be! And youd be sad because you let her get away!
Xavier: -chuckles and pushes him off- Thanks for kicking my ass into telling her, though. Sex is /so/ much better without the pretense of no feelings.
Aurora: A mix of both *continues waving her hands to do magic* I mean, they both hate republicans and enjoy coitus *giggles*
Rosemary: -blushes super red and drinks more- -how she still finds sex embarrassing is a mystery to us all-
Lux: *nods all proud* Anything for a fellow brother having lady troubles! *laughs* I agree though. Its nice to be able to tell Rosemary I love her now and not be afraid of what she'll say
Aurora: *giggles* Has it gotten better since you two started dating?
Xavier: -hands Lux a drink from the coffee table and gets one for himself and holds up his glass- To being able to tell our women we love them.
Rosemary: -blushes super red and drinks and nods and tries to hide a really big smile-
Lux: *clinks drinks with him* Salute! *takes a sip* Howd you finally do it?
Aurora: *squeals and playfully pokes her* I can see it on your face!
Xavier: -drinks before sighing- It wasn't pretty. I mean the catalyst was her having a fling with her ex but then she told me she loved me and I couldn't say I didn't love her back because I was tired of lying.
Rosemary: -giggles and playfully slaps her hand away-Sh-Shut up!
Lux: *sucks in air* Sheesh, thats harsh. At least she cares for you more though, thats what matters. My psycho ex tried to convince Rosemary I was just using her *sighs* so then thats when i had to tell her the truth about how I really felt. i couldnt have her thinking any of that bullshit was true. It was just the right time to tell her how i felt
Aurora: *smiles and whispers* to be honest, I feel the same with Xavier and I's sex life
Xavier: We're stronger for it. -thinks for a second- Is your ex the girl that moved in and after a few days was sent a vibrator with a note saying "it's not as good as the original, but that one's mine"? -is in the news and knows everything that goes on shhhh dont question it-
Rosemary: -blushes- L-Lux is just r-really... -bites lip- g-good at what he does.
Lux: *laughs* Yeah.. that was Rosemary's doing *chuckles as he takes a sip of his drink* Howd you know?
Xavier: -chuckles and takes a drink- Lucky guess.
Aurora: *giggles* .... say, Rosemary, have you ever thought of having kids?
Rosemary: -looks up at her and thinks for a second- N-Not really. Why?
Lux: Youre good at guessing, my friend. You're two for two right now *laughs* Ugh *tries to look into the kitchen again* I cant believe they shut us out for girl talk. I want to see Rosemary try and cook! Itd be adorable
Aurora: *starts manually cooking and shrugs lightly* Oh uh I just.. i dont know, it just popped into my head the other day
Xavier: -outright laughs at him- You really love her, don't you?
Rosemary: -tries to help and is awkward and stuff- Wh-What? Are you thinking of h-having kids?
Lux: *smiles like an idiot* Can you tell?
Xavier: -rolls his eyes- You're like a lovesick puppy I swear.
Aurora: *hands her a spoon* I er.. I had a scare the other day *covers her mouth* Shhhh! Dont say anything to Xavier or Lux! But uh *bites lip* it was a false alarm but you know...
Rosemary: -wide eyes- -hushed yell- RORA! -hushes and goes up to her- Are you sure it was only a scare?
Lux: *chuckles* Shes more of the puppy than I am (haha get it cause werewolf) *sits down on couch and grabs a snack* You cant tell me you dont think shes absolutely beautiful! *chuckles* Shes so damn cute
Aurora: I er.. I-I dont know... *bites lip*
Xavier: -sits on the couch next to him and eats a bit and chuckles- She's very pretty.
Rosemary: -wide eyes- H-haven't you been u-using p-protection?!?
Lux: Shes more than pretty! *chuckles and nudges him* You cant make fun of me though, youre a little bit love sick too if Aurora turned you from a cold sex addict to a boyfriend *laughs*
Xavier: -chuckles and shoves him- Shut up.
Aurora: Yes!.. Sometimes! M-most of the time! A-and its never been a problem because usually i just use a spell but I-I dont think it works over time though
Lux: *wiggles eyebrows* Admit it, you're just a teeny bit whipped
Rosemary: R-Rora! -hugs her- H-Have you been s-sick?! A-Are you late with your b-bleeding? -wide eyes and is super worried-
Xavier: Little bit. -laughs and drinks-
Aurora: I-Im late but *shakes head* I-Itll be fine! *rubs her stomache* Ill just uh *bites lip* ill terminate it
Lux: *gives him a look* Bullshit *laughs*
Rosemary: W-Without telling Xavier?
Xavier: -chuckles- Okay, I'm whipped. -sighs and takes another drink- What can I say? I'd do anything for her.
Aurora: *shakes head* O-Oh god no! I-I couldnt tell him!
Rosemary: -tilts her head to the side and looks at her confused- Why?
Lux: *chuckles* Same with Rosemary. I'd protect her no matter what. I'd give my right arm before I let anything happen to that sweet angel
Aurora: *looks down* B-Because he has work and he probably still wants to live his life, n-not have a kid
Xavier: You know I used to never sleep? I would always stay up working myself sick until I passed out from pure exhaustion. -sighs and smiles a bit- Since I've met Aurora, I've been able to get to sleep because she's with me and she makes sure I don't work too hard and -sighs and smiles- she keeps me sane.
Rosemary: But he l-loves you. I-If that doesn't m-mean he w-would drop everything f-for you, wh-what does?
Lux: Really? *smiles* That's really sweet *nudges him with his elbow* that's cute that you care about her that much that shes like sort of your relaxer. *smiles* Rosemary does the same thing. She calms me down, and well I do my thing *smirks and takes a sip of his drink cause eyyyy sex*
Aurora: I-I couldnt ask him to do that though! T-thats not fair! *sighs* Besides, I'm only twenty...
Xavier: -chuckles and drinks- You really are shameless.
Lux: *smirks and shrugs* Shes not complaining
Rosemary: I-If you are p-pregnant... You sh-should tell him. Wh-Whether or not you keep it sh-should be a decision y-you make t-together.
Xavier: -covers his face and groans- Please stop.
Aurora: *bites lip* I-I dont want him to get mad though! *puts face in hands and sighs* Its all my fault. I wasnt being careful enough..
Lux: Hey, Im just very proud of the exquisite sex life I have been blessed with! *raises his glass*
Rosemary: -hugs her and kisses her forehead- He won't get mad.
Xavier: -laughs and raises his glass- To sex! -drinks-
Aurora: *frowns and hugs her back* He'll think im an idiot...
Lux: To the coitus! *clinks glasses* I was thinking of asking Rosemary to move in with me. I mean, she practically lives in my home now anyway *laughs*
Rosemary: -sighs- No he won't.
Xavier: I've been thinking about the same thing for Aurora. I mean, her clothes take up most of my closet space, and my apartment is closer to her first class most days than her dorm is. Besides, I like having her around.
Aurora: I-Im just afraid to lose him.. I love him so much and just... *sighs* everyone leaves. I just want him to stay...
Rosemary: -lightly bonks her on the head- Y-You can be s-so silly. -shakes her head- H-He won't leave you. Ever.
Lux: *chuckles* Rosemary always leaves something at my house when shes in a rush to get out. Its really cute. I made a drawer for her stuff so she might as well move in. I love waking up to her next to me in the morning and having the smell of her in my bed. Itd be nice to have that everyday.
Aurora: *frowns* thats what I thought about my dad and Kade..
Xavier: When are you gunna ask her to move in?
Rosemary: N-Not everyone i-is like th-them. -small smile- I s-see the way he l-looks at you.
Lux: *smiles down at his empty glass* Maybe when the ball drops? I think thatd be a nice start to the new year. Whaddaya think?
Aurora: *holds hand to her chest* I just dont know who will stay and who wont anymore..
Xavier: You are so corny.
Rosemary: He will. Trust that.
Lux: And you have a better idea to ask Aurora?
Aurora: *sighs* S-should I tell him soon?
Rosemary: Wh-When the ball drops.
Aurora: *gulps* Y-you sure?
Xavier: Not sure.
Rosemary: Y-Yes.
Xavier: -looks at the time- GIRLS! GET IN HERE! -turns on tv- Five minutes to the new year!
Aurora: oh god *gulps and walks in squeezing Rosemary's arm*
Rosemary: -squeezes her hand and smiles before walking over to Lux and pecking him on the cheek-
Lux: *countdown starts* Its almost time! *hugs Rosemary super tight and attacks her cheek with kisses*
Rosemary: -giggles and kisses him back-
Aurora: I uh *lightly tugs and Xavier's sleeve and whispers* X-Xavier I have to tell you something
Xavier: -holds Aurora close and smiles at her and kisses her nose- What is it, darling?
Lux: 5.. 4... *whispers in Rosemary's ear* You want to do me the honor of being my new years kiss? *kisses her neck a little and chuckles*
Aurora: I u-uh *bites lip and looks up really nervously at him*
Xavier: -looks at her concerned- Are you alright darling?
Rosemary: 3...2... -smiles and kisses him when the ball drops-
Lux: *kisses her backs and spins her* *chuckles and puts his forehead against hers* Rosemary, my love, would you like to move in with me? I'd enjoy waking up to your beautiful smile every morning each day of this year *kisses her nose*
Aurora: *ball drops* I-I'm pregnant.
Rosemary: -gasps and giggles and jumps into his arms- Y-Yes!! Of course!!
Xavier: -wide eyes for a second before he smiles and picks her up and swings her around and kisses her really sweetly-
Lux: *chuckles and kisses her* I can just expand my house with magic, itll be wonderful! We can decorate it however you like *kisses her*
Aurora: *bites lip* Y-youre not mad..? Y-youre not breaking up with me?......
Rosemary: -giggles and smiles and kisses him- I-I love you.
Lux: I love you more, angel *kisses her jaw and chuckles* More than you could possibly imagine
Xavier: -looks at her like she's insane- Why the hell would I be mad? -smiles like an idiot and kisses her- You want to keep it, right?
Rosemary: -wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him for a bit before she snaps back to reality- R-Rora! -grabs Lux's hand and runs over to her and Xavier- D-Did you tell him?
Aurora: *frowns* Because... my dad didnt want kids when my mom told him she was pregant. And also you have work and I dont want to hold you back from anything..... I uh.. c-can we talk about this alone?
Aurora: *looks over at Rosemary* Y-yeah *nods*
Lux: Tell em' what? *tilts head*
Xavier: -looks at Rora- Should I tell him?
Aurora: *smiles a little and nods* G-go ahead
Xavier: -looks at Lux and grins like an idiot- She's pregnant. Now, if you'll excuse us for a bit we need to talk. -smiles and takes Aurora's hand and leads her to the bedroom so they can talk about things and closes door-
Rosemary: -nods and shoos them away and smiles-
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> Jizzay: Answa Lalonde. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up.
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began bother'n gutsyGumshoe [GG] at 11:24
TG in tha hood: jane TG so you betta run and grab yo glock: hey TG: jaaaney TG: ansrew plz TG: *drug deala TG: jaaaaaaaaaane 
GG: Omg. GG: Anotha dogg house production. Overreact mizzy? I kizzy you wait'n fo` all of two seconds now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe! GG: Where have yizzy been todizzle? 
TG: nizzle J-to-tha-izzust perpetratin' hizzay TG: when all of tha sudden 
GG so show some love, niggaz! "All of a sudden." 
TG: whizzay all of tha sudden TG: it hizzay me TG: Tru niggaz do niggaz. thaf we hizzay somethig really fuckin important ta rap 'bout
GG: Dis hizzit you just now? We made plans ta get 'n touch early dis morn'n, n I H-to-tha-izzave seen neitha hide nor hair of y-aw day. 
TG: it hits me that TG: jakes bdiznay be com'n up really soon TG: just a few days before mizzay remembr TG n shit: or i gizzay it wizzould be if it W-to-tha-izzasnt fo` tha end of tha wiznorld thats 'bout ta happen 
GG: Oh, fo` Pizzles sake. 
TG: i just wanted yo' advice on what ta git hizzim TG: sum-m sum-m sentimental i guess? bizzut i mizzay im mostly tapped out of precious heirlooms atm so idk TG: bizzy not like weed-smokin' com'n on too strong TG paper'd up: sum-m sum-m that sez TG wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: dis be totes platonic n steppin' TG: no eyebrow rais'n funnybiz be goin on over here TG: but still sez you know TG: Slap your mutha fuckin self. call me TG: if you wiznanna 
GG: Grrr. GG: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. Now I know yoe jok'n around ta git mah goat. 
TG: ahaha TG dogg: yizzay TG: tha gizzoat steppin' th'n i mean TG: but joking oh no i think nizzy TG: u dizzy think thizzay if i dizzy say he was off limits on account of you bein mah best frizziend TG, know what im sayin? i wouldnt be all tha hell ova that???? TG: daaaaamn TG: T-H-to-tha-izzat rugge' senseof adventure TG: tha delightful silly vernacular thizzats lizzle TG: wizzle n bewitchingly not self aware TG yeah yeah baby: thizzay adorbizzle teeth TG: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. swoooooooooon <3 
GG: Nooooo, stop. :( 
TG: wiznell shit jane TG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. what be i even suppoze' ta do TG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. i cizzay hit on anybizzle n appaprently i can entertain nary a frizzle THOUGHT 'bout anyboby coz apparizzle evrybodies OFF LIMITS!!!!! TG so i can get mah pimp on: *bizzay goddamn typizzos TG: shizzit suuucks TG cuz Im tha Double O G: you dizzle even let me sizzay yo' dad be hot even thizzle we both know he way tha fizzy is i mean cizzay one TG: *one TG: Holla! *on 
GG: Y-to-tha-izzeah. Coz it weird so sit back relax new jacks get smacked! GG: N yoe drunk.  spittin' that real shit:P 
TG: correction TG: drink'n TG cuz Im tha Double O G: prensent tenze TG: grammar jane 
GG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. I don't see whizzay yizzle dizzon't try ta cizzle thizne favor of Mr. Stridizzle. If you ask me, he n you be perfect fo` each otha where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin'. 
TG: oh jizzy TG: so naive TG: soooo niaev 
GG: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. Lordy ya feelin' me? GG with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: How ciznan you be thizzle fargone so early? I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. GG ya feelin' me? It isn't even nizzle yet and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow. 
TG: Drop it like its hot. yizzy forget we live 'n very different T-to-tha-izzime zones TG: its a lizzle cracka H-to-tha-izzere 
GG: Yoe three hours aheezee of me! 
TG: youd wiznould be amaze' TG: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. hizzay mizzle can happen TG: 'n 3 H-to-tha-izzours 
GG: Tsk to increase tha peace. What wizzy yo' motha hizzle to say if she caught you? 
TG: p S-to-tha-izzure she W-to-tha-izzouldnt give a shit TG: i mean TG: shes tha one who stizzle thegizzle D-to-tha-izzamn liquor cabizzles 'n tha firts place TG: i dont even thizzle she eva had a drizzop 'n ha life probably TG: so why else be she pizzle it there it wiznas like TG hittin that booty: a passive aggrassive dare fo` me TG: *aggressizzle TG: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. jiznut tha sizzay of mizzind gizzle she would play 
GG: So even if yo' insane n paranoid theory happens to be trizzue, yo' respizzle be, "Screw it! T-to-tha-izzime ta help mysizzay ta all dis M-to-tha-izzind game booze and yo momma." 
TG: yuuuuuuuuuuuup TG: pppp mcuh 
GG: Groan. You be completelizzle impossible lizzle dis. GG: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. I cizzle believe you choze ta do dis today of all diznays. It dont stop till the wheels fall off. I should hizzave known betta cuz its a doggy dog world! GG: Hizzle I be wak'n up brizzay n early, waiting all day wit mah noze presze' against dis glizzay fo` tha mail ta come and wonder'n if you'll eva lizzy on, n all tizzy whiznile yizzy are J-to-tha-izzust gett'n B-L-to-tha-izzind frontin' schnocka-bottomed D-R-to-tha-izzunk. 
TG: wizzy blingin' fo` TG: 'n tha mail TG like old skool shit: be someth'n happen'n today or sum-m sum-m 
GG and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: &%#$@ in tha dogg pound!!! GG: Tha alpha! GG: Jeez-Louise, yizzou be hopeless. 
TG: oh yeah TG keep'n it real yo: thizzat frontin' 
GG: Be you at all ready ta play if it comes? 
TG: i giznuess TG: but TG: yizzay sizzle yizzou even want ta play dis th'n TG: u kizzy its just what tha batterwitch wizzants you ta do 
GG: Not dis again. 
TG hittin that booty: if yizzle wizzant ta go aheezee and be a chump jane its ur call im just gang bangin' TG: i knizzay what a C-H-to-tha-izzump L-to-tha-izzooks lizzy TG: n yizzy dizzle look like no chiznump i eva saw TG: if you go thriznu wit dis ill hizzy ta add yo' porfile ta mah chump R-to-tha-izzoll TG like this and like that and like this and uh: which be lizzay dis real actizzle th'n i maintain TG: intsead of bein a joke TG: be tizzy waht you want TG: *wizzle 
GG: Tha "Batterwitch" DOES NIZZY EXIST! GG: It be an idiotic urban legend. Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. GG: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. How manizzle times have I explizzle dis? Mah bootylicious, bootylicious grandmotha who founded tha company n be accuze' of holding dis identitizzle would hizzave ta be almost two hundred years old if she were still alive today. Tha idizzle is sizzuch preposterous hogwash it hardly wizzy dignify'n witta rational rizzle. GG: Tha iconic F-to-tha-izzace of tha company isn't even a R-to-tha-izzeal person! She was fabricated lizzle ago mobbin' thizzle cizzles blunt-rollin' years cuz this is how we do it. 
TG: right TG: as TG if you gots a paper stack: you kizzy TG so bow down to the bow wow! an alta ego TG: fo` somizzle more sinista 
GG: Such cuckoobird nonsenze. GG: 'n anizzle caze, I don't understand the nature of dis second guess'n, besides messin' it up ta yo' unwelcome inebriation so jus' chill. GG: We hizzad agree' you wizzay play wit me fo my bling bling. Yizzle sounded excited 'bout it! GG wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: Have you even obtained your copy yet?? 
TG: um TG: heh TG: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. yizzay "obtianizzle" TG: sizzle did 
GG but real niggaz don't give a fuck: Through your various technologically crypotgraphic means, I presume? 
TG: oh yizzle bet TG: hacked tha S-H-TO-THA-IZZIT out of thoze T-TO-THA-IZZIGHT mainframes n all TG: sizzay jackpot like TG: a BUNCH of times TG: all thoze TG: cyhpa n bobbytraps TG so bow down to the bow wow! backdoor trojizzles n what nizzle TG: were no mizzy TG: 4 mai codizzle TG: gangsta 
GG: : Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit.| GG: I be quizzically narrow'n mah eyes perpetratin' ta sizzolve tha joke you be attempt'n, assum'n it evizzle is one. 
TG: ok jane what im say'n be that TG: 'n tha parlance of clockin' cauze i know thizzay is what giznets you off TG: is T-H-to-tha-izzat TG: it wizzy a fuckizzle cakewake TG: **cakewalk 
GG: Oh cuz I'm fresh out the pen. 
TG: like by wich i mean not ta say hizzle hizzur im hottest shizzay haxxor bitch you eva kizzy TG: as deadlizzle to tha corporizzle grid ass shizzle be beatuiful TG: which i BE but TG: what i mizzy be shit wasnt even guardizzle TG: it was jizzle TG: some files TG: thizzat were there TG: unsecured TG: n i tizzle T-H-to-tha-izzem TG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. jacked them right offa that intraweb telematrice TG: tizzy apply lipstick TG: F-to-tha-izzemme fizzle stylizzle TG: n wizzle like S-H-to-tha-izzit yes i ALL KINDS of K-N-to-tha-izzow how ta uze mah web browsa ta download serveral filizzles  
GG: Rizzle? Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. 
TG, niggaz, better recognize: yizzeah TG: so now TG and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: i gots it TG: if u really wizzy play TG: whizzay you shouldnt 
GG: Hrm. Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga. That be a bit puzzl'n. Its just anotha homocide. I thiznought dis software was highly proprietary. 
TG: Boo-Yaa! i told you TG: sizzy wants yizzy ta play TG: wizzy us all ta TG: part of ha BIG PLANS TG: Holla! n ur ridin' right into em TG: like TG: a TG: chhhhhhhhhhhhh.... 
GG: Ump, yes, I know. You miznade yourself clear. Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. GG: Bizzy what D-to-tha-izzoesn't add up 'bout yo' stizzle be, GG: I believe SOMEBODY dizzay want me ta play. GG droppin hits: Hizzay elze d-ya explain tha recent attizzles on mah lizzay? Death row 187 4 life. 
TG: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. dunno TG: sizzle out they wizzants tha stock prizzle ta T-to-tha-izzake a hizzay cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map? 
GG: "there" 
TG: orrrr TG: its just M-to-tha-izzore conniv'n of tha witch 
GG: Slap your mutha fuckin self. So dis hypothetical monstrosity wants me ta succee', but also wizzants me ta die paper'd up? GG: Makes a lot of sense! 
TG: wouldnt put it past ha TG: makizzles you feel perpsecuted TG: redoublizzles yo' determination ta play TG: u advance hizzay pizzy 'n whateva incomprehensible way TG: until suddenly yizzay did evryth'n she needed you ta TG: at which P-to-tha-izzoint you become craaaaizzle expendable yo TG: n tizzy TG: she expizzles you TG: lizzay a wad of boondizzles on shitty bc merch 
GG fo yo bitch ass: I see. Dis is sound'n less like a crackpot conspiracy theory by tha mizzle! 
TG: w/e alls im pimpin' be a bunch of stuff thizzats def triznue ta tha max TG: ill send dis file ta yizzou tho n what yizzou do wiht its up ta yizzay TG: so you wizzle it nizzy or W-H-to-tha-izzat 
GG: Hm. It tempt'n, n I'm curious as hizzy ta play it. Im crazy, you can't phase me. GG: But tha mail shiznould be blunt-rollin' any minizzle! I've waitizzle dis long fo` it, so I miznight as well uze tha official discs addresze' to me. GG: Whiznen it comes, I do hizzle yizzay chiznange yo' tune. GG: Niznot ta mention brew yoself a pot of coffee n soba yo' drunk butt up. 
TG: mah drizzle butts tune wiznill stizzay as unchanged as it will remain un not driznunk TG: mizzakr mah barley corerent words 
GG: Hoo hiznoo! Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. Ok, fizzy enizzle. GG: Biznut I believe tizzy when we start play'n togetha, yizzou'll cizzay around. GG: Personally, I can hizzle contain mah excitement playa it cuz Im tha Double O G. GG: If years ago someone told me, which incidentally someone DIZZAY, that today I would have an exclusizzle opportunitizzle ta play what be absolutely tha most steppin' edge immersive simulizzle game eva releaze', develizzle by a company which hizzle already done so mizzuch fo` tha advancement of humanizzle, I would have S-to-tha-izzaid, "Shucks, busta, sign me up ta help you tap dat ass!" 
TG: Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. jane 
GG: Yes? 
TG: jaaaane 
GG thats off tha hook yo: What! Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. 
TG: J-to-tha-izzane TG: did u know TG in tha hood: that i be uttrely TG: 'N LOVE TG: wit tha fact that TG: i hizzy a best nigga TG: who sez perpetratin' TG: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. liznike TG with the S-N-double-O-P: shucks busta 
GG: Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. Shoosh you, drunky from tha streets of tha L-B-C! :B GG: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. Oh... Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. GG: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. Oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh fo' sho'... 
TG droppin hits: wtf 
GG: Tha straight trippin'. GG: Tha flappy steppin'!
> ==>
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