#i dont tend to read much when im actively working on writing. and if i do it's Usually one shots
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orcelito · 2 years ago
There are more trigun fanfics than there were back in April
This is creating a problem for me
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mehilaiselokuva · 3 months ago
Interviewing a beginner Finnish learner
A bit of a different post for today! I have been working with a friend who has started self-learning Finnish. Maybe you can gain some inpiration or tips from this interview we conducted! I have added extra commentary bits to some parts, marked with "C".
Interviewer: Me
Interviewee: @nuniante
Been learning Finnish for: half a month
Previous knowledge of the language: none
1. How long have you studied finnish actively?
A) ive been studying for just about half a month
2. What is your study routine like? do you study daily?
A) i try to write notes everyday about grammar concepts i think will help me advance at my current level (so far really basic stuff). i try but dont study daily. i also use duolingo to learn basic expressions/vocab and try to immerse myself in finnish through making some of the apps on my phone in finnish.
C) He tends to write at least one sentence in Finnish a day in our groupchat to the best of his abilities and will ask if he doesn't know a word. I feel like that's a very good way to learn when you are learning a specific dialect like he is.
3. What kinds of notes do you take? what do you write down? do you always write things down or just memorize things without writing?
A) my notes are basic. i write in the exceptions but i dont really go into detail sometimes. i might skip over something mentioned in the lesson or material im using if i think that a concept they bring up is inferrable. for vocab i try to memorize words i learn because i know so few that theres not much point to writing anything down. i think when ill reach a more advanced level ill start to write down more
C) I think that this approach is great, finding things you know you'll use and learning those first is useful!
4. What was your initial plan when studying? what things did you study in what order?
A) my initial plan for studying was trying to learn the basics and formal language to help me in learning colloquial speech, which i planned to learn from a friend (im talking about you juho). so far ive studied the basic cases + declensions, basic verbs conjugations, demonstratives and conjunctions and im rn learning about the numbers and the plural forms of nouns. i plan to take a break from grammar and learn vocab next.
C) Remember that all this is just half a month in! I think learning grammar before vocab is very good! You'll start picking up core words while doing that and of you perfect those grammar points early on, you will find speaking and writing easier fast.
5. What is your goal?
A) i dont really have a goal, but i think that if i could hold up a real conversation in finnish id feel successful.
6. What has been the most difficult + easiest?
A) i think the hardest thing so far has been consonant gradation or numbers. gradation can feel irrational, what with weird sound changes (eg. k > v) and also how you cant really predict what grade a noun/verb should be in depending off its form. easiest might be vowel harmony. you can decide harmony just by feeling what sounds better.
C) For once, a learner has not only learned vowel harmony but has no mistakes using it and will not forget that it's there. If you are more than half a year in learning and you still cannot remember to apply vowel harmony accordingly, you need to make it your priority ASAP.
7. How would you rate your current finnish level (speaking, writing, reading)
A) id say theyre all low. reading is probably my highest because i dont really consume finnish any other way. juho said my finnish accent is ok so i think that makes speech second. i havent listened to finnish yet so i cant even tell.
C) This person writes and speaks better Finnish than some people who have been learning the language for like three years! He is very careful with congruence which many learners don't consider very much. This means that he is eliminating most of the beginner mistakes very early on
8. Additional comments.
A) i like saying hyvää yötä
C) I like that our groupchat has started using Finnish and picking up words like "joo" and "sama asia" since we speak the language now. I consider it very admirable that this person has not only started writing Finnish early on, but he is learning kirjakieli, puhekieli AND a dialect all the same time!
Feel free to use this as motivation or inspiration! I recommend finding a learning style that fits you, so remember that what worked for this person might not work for you! I could make this a series honestly, are any of you interested in participating?
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goodlucktai · 8 months ago
tagged by @bobtheacorn like...... 3 weeks ago 😭 my bad
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
which seems.......excessive
3. What fandoms do you write for?
actively, one piece and tmnt, but that is ruled by the demons in my brain that control the hyperfixation machine.
fandoms ive posted 3 or more fics for:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Natsume Yuujinchou | Natsume's Book of Friends Good Omens Final Fantasy XV Undertale Mumintroll | Moomins Series Harry Potter Young Justice 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia 陈情令 | The Untamed King Falls AM Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rise of the Guardians Voltron: Legendary Defender
4. Top five fics by kudos?
Exclusivity - 11,116
walk straight through hell with a smile - 9,152
Inanition - 9,039
there is thunder in our hearts - 8,161
trouble is a friend of mine - 7,842
5. Do you respond to comments?
i do try to but i can't always :'( and i feel terrible if i manage to reply to most and then forget someone and only realize it months later. but i read every single comment and i appreciate them more than i have words for
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i tend to veer away from angst, but off the top of my head....
where the good men go or if i go i'm going on fire
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
99% of my fics have a happy ending because thats my BRAND but i suppose give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around or the weekend we were in love OR put your empty hands in mine
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not often, but i recently had someone who REALLY disliked the way things change because i 'villainized' raph. which is definitely news to me, since raphael is the love of my life
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover?
i wrote a tmnt/one piece crossover once ? but now that we are actually getting a tmnt/naruto idw run it doesnt feel that weird to me anymore
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
only once if i'm remembering right ?? it was a long time ago and wattpad related, which is a site that i dont really understand and therefore tend to avoid
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes ! i'll often have people request to translate my stories and it blows me away every time
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Devil took your hand was written by myself and @moogsthewriter
14. All time favourite ship?
ineffable husbands, wangxian, or leosagi
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
how much time do you have 😭
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16. What are your writing strengths?
i want to say characterization and narrative voice. i'm also pretty good at maintaining a throughline, even if it sometimes gets a little wobbly
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
conflict ! i hate it ! i will avoid writing it at all costs ! i also tend to struggle with writing fight scenes, especially when there are several characters involved :') staging any kind of choreography is my opp
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i try not to but if it feels unavoidable i google the heck out of it
19. First fandom you wrote in?
honestly it was either digimon (which also inspired my og penname) or xiaolin showdown lol
20. Favourite fic you've written?
i'm stealing bob's idea and going top 5:
there is thunder in our hearts - this story came together so easily for me, like i knew exactly how i wanted to tell it from start to finish
the only hoax i believe in - a kfam fic in my top 5s why yes and i'll tell you why. because i poured so much of myself into this fic that they could probably read it at my funeral instead of a eulogy
traveling so far to get there - after party au raph and mikey continue to take up so much real estate in my brain and for what
now the darkness comes alive - this one is more recent but im so happy with the way it turned out :')
if we could stay all day in the sun - it was a lot of fun reimagining one of my favorite fairy tales and doing a bunch of unnecessary research for this story i will stand by it until the day i die !!
i'm tagging @mykimouser, @owletstarlet, @portgas-d-aroace, @mad4turtles, @camsthisky, @remedyturtles, @pickledcarrotsandradish, @swordsmans, @mangogreent, and anyone else who wants to !
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qoldenskies · 2 months ago
My apologies for not commenting on your recent canary continuity updates, I did read them and I very much enjoyed!!
I thought it'd be easier to make a tumblr account to ask questions, interact, and support your work more readily than my usual "I'm here, I'm here!!" comments. Apologies if they've gotten dry lmfaoo
I am unsure if you've answered this before, but may I ask what your writing process is? I've made a pseud on ao3 in preparation for some major ideas I have, but for literal years I've enjoyed the ideas and concepts I think up, while being unable to understand how to write them into scenes, and of course stitch those scenes together smoothly. Of course, nothing is as beneficial as personally practising and developing my own style, but if you don't mind sharing tips, advice, etc. I'd greatly appreciate it!
Sorry for my waffling, warbling, yapping.. I'll try to be as active on tumblr as I am on other platforms ejzbwbshebdb
- Basil
OMG HI!!! your "im here" comments always mean a lot to me because i do notice the absence of consistent commenters and it makes me a little sad lmfao (and also worried like .... was i less impressive. do i need to lock in. do i have extreme social anxiety and like fourty other issues? probably yes to all three /silly)
i stg can my computer trying to convince me its spelled "forty" idc if im american that will NEVER be correct knock it AWFFFF
i think a really good piece of music can go a long way for getting ideas. i discovered and rediscovered a lot of music while making cc, and honestly it really helped me plot out a lot of big scenes,,, imagining little animatics to music is surprisingly a net positive for me LOL
after that i tend to just write down every big thing i have plans for; it's not bad to start with only one scene! in a very very early draft for canary continuity, the curse was originally meant to account for the attack at the end of CL, and it was always meant to go EXACTLY like that. i cannot remember exactly what changed my mind and made me decide to do slowburn, but i actually think it was in the wake of CU doing pretty well i was like "what if i played around with the premise but his insecurities were actually right" and now here i am. 180k words into this thing.
when it comes to oneshots (and longer chapters, in the case of the final two CW chapters) i tend to just make a checklist of what i want for the scenes and kind of shuffle them around until i find something cohesive. for multichapters, i tend to do a checklist of things i want to happen/establish/progress per chapter; for the first ten chapters of CW or so, it was mostly me wanting to address certain things before going forward and getting into the meat of the plot. sometimes these things can be wildly different, the point is just seeing if i can string them together into a coherent chapter, especially if im going for something that isnt so action-packed like the case is for a good portion of CW haha
and if im struggling with it still, sometimes i'll write a full summary of a chapter kind of like id be describing/summarizing an episode of a tv show i watched. i get unserious with it sometimes, its okay to be silly.
and for dialogue-heavy scenes i DO recommend scripting before filling out dialogue tags/actions/etc!! it helps keep the conversations directed and coherent, for me at least. and sometimes it makes it get longer and longer which ngl i consider a treat ... Content,, im thinking all of wwww is going to be written like this first, i'll just include action and stuff in my script. i'll see how it turns out!
ALSO recommendation from me to you, its a winning formula when REALLY starting projects that you dont have to start with a bunch of exposition. in the case for both canary continuity AND coming undone i just kind of slapped the reader in the middle of a scene and it turned out just great!! the setup doesn't always have to be super detailed and can always be fleshed out in later scenes. i notice writing a good beginning is always the hardest thing for me so that's the best advice i can give LOL
sorry im not sure how helpful this is, but here's what i got! i just kind of do whatever works and i take a lot of notes for my ideas, which are usually pretty. lol deranged and scattershot
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mokkkki · 8 months ago
been following your works since your AJA series and love your choice of allusions, references, metaphors, similes, and motifs - your intertextuality is so layered and insane and established so right off the bat (no pun intended). how do you do it?
hey gorgeous! okay, wow, this is a very big question and i will try to do my very best to answer, though i might miss some things just because of the ginormous nature of this ask.
read. the most important thing a writer can do is read. i love fic as much as the next person, but it's important to delve into works that have been professionally published. when people say this they dont understand that reading is only the first level (and ofc, the most important level) of this step. read fiction, non-fiction, comics, or whatever you want to write one day, and after you're done with that, read things that you would never, ever write. don't stick to a genre. don't even stick to a format! go to podcasts, video games, movies. all of these are based on scripts. it is so so important to be able to recognize those universal elements of good media. there are so many components to this: reading will give you more general knowledge that might work its way into your writing one day, it allows you to meet a vast variety of povs, it develops your critical thinking skills, and ofc, it can even provide a roadmap for your later projects. writing has no rules, but if it had one, id have to say this: a good writer knows good writing, and the fastest way to that is reading a lot.
research. this ties into the fact that reading a lot will give you more general knowledge, and i think that general knowledge is an important factor in being able to write well! you asked specifically about my intertextuality, and most of my intertextuality is historical or religious in nature. i chose to intertwine my characters with historical and religious figures because i like them and the information i have built in! "research" doesn't have to be some crazy note-taking adventure (though it certainly can be if you want it to), it can quite literally be reading a wikipedia article on the toilet. some fascinating aspects of history i personally enjoy reading about is the ancient world, which ties directly into mythology, and eventually flows into abrahamic religions. religious intertextuality is so built-in and inherent, just because of its universally applicable themes (death and rebirth) that apply to every story told. i think its a great place to start if you are trying to add intertextuality to something you've written! i also recommend looking at non-western history, because it tends to be overshadowed, and there is truly so many fascinating things contained within it.
write. like. duh! and im afraid this might sound a little discouraging, but i think that if its your first time writing (and your goal is to be a good writer, rather than a cute hobby on the side), you also have to know that on some level, your first draft/project will suck compared to published novels, just a little bit. but you can't let that discourage you! you just have to keep going. its still something you've created, and even if that thing is ten pages of a bathing grandpa's stream of consciousness, it is valuable and important. i literally mean that with all my heart. i think that writing is a really tough discipline sometimes, just because it's a solitary activity where you type out what is, for all intents and purposes, an extended daydream you are having, and its for that reason that people tend to just run out of steam halfway through a project. you have to be able to motivate and push yourself. write like the wind! write poems and short stories and scripts and fanfic and novellas and epics, experiment with different styles, and above all, know that the content you are creating has value, simply because it came from you.
okay, i think that's everything! thank you so much for trusting me to answer such an important question, and if there is anything that seems unclear to you, please don't hesitate to leave another ask or even send a draft over <3 lots of love!
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hexhomos · 1 year ago
do you have any advice on creating for a fandom where the target audience is super small? i published my first jv fanwork the other day and although i obviously dont just do it for compliments/attention, im hesitant about continuing to create because it feels discouraging to be the only one interested in what i have to offer if that makes sense. i feel like leaguefic is not in demand at all in comparison to arcane and im not sure how to motivate myself… i love your work, thank you so much
To be perfectly honest, not bullshitting you at all here: I don't think there is a single-person fix for this. I have a share/discussion based brain and i generally thrive when doing most of my work within, at least, a private active community. A lot of times my motivation *for* finishing a complex painting or polishing up 10k+ words of something is that i want to be able to show other people what i see and what i like about certain things. Without that community aspect, i just tend to keep to myself and never evolve past drafts lol
Making art is hard. Especially if you have some sort of affective or emotional attachment to the subject. I think a couple years ago it wasn't so tasking, or at least it didn't feel so lonely, because fandoms tended to be more willing to leave indepth feedback or engage with things they liked on a daily basis -- but the culture of 'fast consumption' 'content mills' and 'neverending generated content' of the present decade has taught a lot of people to undervalue the work that goes into transformative projects.
This is why nowadays we see so many frequent calls reminding people to comment in fic, or actually hit the reblog button on some art they like, or even try to use long tags to express what they feel. The 'neverending content influx' marketing push has rendered broader audiences (and im including myself here, i'm not perfect) more apathetic, and more wiling to silently pass by things without a word, prioritizing the 'consumption' of 'large masses of content' rather than curiosity or engaging with a single thing for large amounts of time.
the TL;DR is that I don't think this is something you can fix on your own. It's an environmental issue. When I write, I'm doing so with the confidence that at least one person is really going to engage with it. (this can be a friend, or another internet person similarly lost in the digital desert, it varies.) The only way to rejuvenate a fandom ecosystem is to remind people to *try to give a tiny piece of their time* back to artists whose work they love, appreciate, or even mildly enjoy. It doesn't have to be HUGE extensive feedback everytime. If something made you chuckle for even a second, just try telling that to the person who made it. If you enjoyed reading something, or were amused by how someone wrote your favorite character, go tell them! right now! Try doing it a little bit of that every day! If everyone who sees this post went out right now to leave a word for a small creative they enjoy, we already would be so much better off. Communities are like orchid gardens; to get the special, unique, blooming flowers, you need a steady hand caring for them. We are all gardeners.
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justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms · 8 months ago
Hi! Can i ask for a matchup with Tokyo Debunker? If yes then thank you so much! Pronouns: any Zodiac: Aquarius Demiromantic Omnisexual MBTI: INTP Personality: I have ADHD, I'd describe myself as someone who is easy going, stubborn, honest and observant, though I dont think im also that good at understanding others emotions and struggles, so usually i try my best to sympathize and find logical advices to help them. My bad trait is that i give up easily at things i dont find myself good at. I also do have some issues trust people and myself, but when i start to trust people, I act more blunt and more teasing towards people, jokes around and can be sarcastic and mean around them. oh and i forget and let go of things really easily, so i dont really hold grudges. Appearance: Im kind of thin, purple with yellow strands, jellyfish hairstyled hair. My hair is pretty short cause i dont tend to like having a long hair to carry around. Orange eyes. My resting bitch face usually look like im mad or exhausted and thats usually why people don't tend to talk to me that much- oh and im about 6'5 and do tend to have scars all over the body because im pretty clumsy and cant concentrate much things around me. Likes: arts in general, i also enjoy watching people do their own activities. I enjoy music in general. Outside of arts, i also like to experience new things as long as it sounds interesting. I find human psychology interesting because we never know what others are thinking and why they think that way (maybe thats why i like taiga sm hshhshs) Dislikes: Bitter food and drinks, chocolate, insects, being forced to do something i dont want to. Hobbies: Listening to all kinds of music and drawing, sleeping and writing stories (i get to analyse people's mind) Thank you for reading if you ever decided to do this request!! I really love your writing style! Sorry if its a bit too long, its my first time asking in tumblr-
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchup!
In Tokyo Debunker, I match you with...
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You and Haku are going to be an unstoppable teasing machine. You’re both too stubborn to back down when the other starts the teasing war and everyone around you will just have to deal with it.
I feel like he would also enjoy people watching. I think he finds it interesting watching people interact with the world around them and would like making comments to you and pointing out funny events he sees.
Haku can definitely relate to not liking being forced to do something. His relationship with his family and the shrine says a lot about that. So he’ll never force you to do anything you don’t want to. He values both his and your freedom too much to do that.
Since you have trust issues, I can see a relationship with Haku taking a long time to form. He can come across as ingenuine sometimes or seem like he’s just playing around so he’ll have to work hard to convince you that he really does like you.
I see Haku as someone who loves exploring new places and trying new things so he’s ecstatic that you’re the same. Expect to go on a lot of crazy dates when you both get free time.
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squeakyleftsneaker · 4 days ago
Im enjoying your watch through a lot, even if i disagree in some things it is very entertaining to read, and like the other ask said while I dont care that much for Keith I understand while a lot of first time watchers latch onto him and Pidge, they just seem to be given the most attention by the writers
But i wanted to ask, what makes you say that between Keith and Lance, is Lance the one that is the most brash and impulsive?
Like I've said before, I latch onto where there is effort put. I usually don't go into a work of fiction wanting to be the one made to put all the effort into putting life into a character. That's what D&D sessions are for for me! Where there's effort put into a character I 100% love it. The fact that the writers put the most effort into them is EXACTLY why I like Keith and Pidge. Even though usually Keith's short emo sadboi schtick isn't my favorite trope for a character to align with, I just like that there is, yknow, a written and determined character there IN TEXT and not just a trope on top of an empty void I must fill out for myself.
Again, I personally tend to not love a choose your own adventure style of fiction. I totally get some people love to be able to have lots of room to read into characters, but I'm very much geared to liking the characters that have the LEAST room for eisegesis in all forms of fiction. I have a strong preference for textual interpretation rather than textual extrapolation, that's just how I am.
Dear writers I am once again begging you to remember that you established episode one that Hunk is a mechanic and you've done nothing with this.
I don't necessarily think that Lance is MORE brash and impulsive overall than Keith, Keith obviously raises fucking hell, but I do think that their dynamic as written (idk what's going on in fandom bc I will not really be touching that until I'm DONE with this show) is very one-sided. Lance will bait Keith until Keith rises to the bait. Lance had a whole idea of what his relation to Keith was before canon, Keith didn't really know who he was. Lance in text is repeatedly shown to seek Keith out for the baiting, teasing, etc, and Keith seems uninclined to do the same.
We don't really see Keith seeking out Lance to push him in the same way Lance tends to push and question and needle Keith. He'll give some (like when he left Lance tied up lolllll) but not nearly enough to feel like it's a balanced relationship. It's a little tricky to navigate moving them AWAY from that dynamic from a writing perspective at this point, but ig Shiro's death might be the impetus for that. In their dynamic, Lance is the one taking the more brash moves with regard to their relationship with each other (for now). Keith is relatively more passive when it comes to their dynamic.
In-text this is because the writers are relying on tropes to make you FEEL like Keith is doing a whole lot more than he actually is! Same with Lance! But if you just write out everything that they actively do, it feels. Much less balanced than the tropes of "Edgy sadboi loner" and "Gregarious Funny Guy With Deep Insecurity"
Which is a shame because then it just textually leaves Lance off a whole lot worse! Have Keith be willing to bait Lance! Have Keith do shit wrong to Lance! PIDGE has more reason in text to have beef with Keith than Lance! You can give them reasons to have the relationships they do !!!
If the writers are smart though, they SHOULD move away from it. Mostly bc that would imply HAVING AN EXISTING AND SHIFTING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PALADINS AND I NEED THAT TO HAPPEN BECAUSE LIKE. HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO ENJOY THIS SHOW? The whole fun of a five man band is these shifting relationships! Let's play with it!
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superemeralds · 9 months ago
How do you tend to go about writing fanfiction? Like do you have a lot of outline or any other interesting things about your processed you could share?
my process is kinda all over the place, just like my brain haha. what i do to help myself not get lost in all that is having a strict rule where before i start writing teh actual prose, i need to have at least a bulletpoint outline of the major events that need to happen in the story. this helps me know what i'm working towards, instead of being lost and eventually paralyzed when I run out of ideas of how to proceed OR (and that happens way more often than having no ideas) i have TOO MANY ideas and i can't decide where to go.
for my black arms maria fic for example i had a rough outline that looked a little like this: (under cut for spoilers, click here if u want to read it first; warning for body horror and blood and gross things (tho very mild if im honest))
5 chapters, each about a stage of a star CH1: how maria gets to go on the ark, roots of her issues, basically where the seeds are sown for the inevitable explosion in the end, how the aliens come into play CH2: the introduction of shadow and the black arms DNA, maria's loathing, innocent little girl corruption arc, she pushes shadow away VS he is taken away and she wants him back, her mental state starts to crack CH3: how it came to the ark raid: maria hides her mutations, parallels to her relationship with shadow, her mental state corrupting with the mutaions, "bloody nose" by the used, black arms hivemind link: black doom talks to her, superiority inferiority complex: she plans to kill shadow CH4: her alone with her mutations, many years spent plotting, biolizard, how gerald is involved and how it fits into sa2 plot CH5: sa2 rewritten to fit the premise, lots of shadows perspective
(as u see i have mentioned a song; making a playlist also helps me a ton bc i vibe a lot to music and it inspires me a lot! It helps that i naturally always arrange playlists in chronological order of a story...)
after i have somehting like that i can start doing more detailed outlines. i dont have the ones for the early chapters anymore but this is what ch4 looked like (i use colored text to make it stand out next to written paragraphs that i will do right above the notes):
This chapter maria wakes up and realizes shes not dead.  shes in despair, trying to move but she CANT. at least not much. the stress knocking her out for a few months. she can at least crawl closer to the core reactor. spends 7 years just lying there and regenerating > when she finally can get up she frantically looks for info on the ark. and gerald and shadow (After a few months she finally managed to find a rhythm for physical activity in between studying notes and files, and heading to the dark chamber for a new lizard's tail. Her condition improved with more nutrition, but she did feel herself becoming unstable, nose bleeds increased.
[Maria gets visions of black arms as she mutates more and more] she trashes the place Her hivemind link is what makes her grow increasingly craving murder and total destruction. I mean she already does bc of finding out dirty dirty secrets about the ark it just increases to 9000)
(She starts growing a long tail and she despairs when she sees herself in the mirror, looking exactly as she saw in her vision years and years ago, turning into the monster she feared (She plots her ultimate plan. Understanding how the ark works, how chaos energy works. Finishing the eclipse canon. [Thinking about how to get shadow to do what she wants. Knowing he was in cryo shortly after his trauma it would be impossible to reason with him, not immediately at least. Not if it was her. Knowing she herself was deeply fueled by rage, hatred, disappointment and despair…. The same emotions would fuel shadow greatly. She saw what he was capable of, she knew what *she* was capable of. Geralds message would only need slight alterations since her own plans came pretty close (???) Some boffoon that shared their family name was wreaking havok on the planet, trying to turn it into metal. She had to admit it was a more noble plan of destruction than her own. (???) Maybe. Cut? When gerald is interogated by gun on the weapon he made bc they found it, he puts on a show, saying shadow is dangerous and needs to be contained. He is the only one who knows how to, before it is too late. This is how shadow ends up in cryo and why the password is maria. Why would gun use maria as password like cmon. Anyway this is also how he smuggled a small video into shadows pod where when he wakes up he will be introduced to the plan. During his execution he choses his last words carefully, leaving an encoded message for maria when she wakes up. Maria, at first, doesn't get the code. Shes just confused and spends a long while just learning more abt the ark. But ahe watches the video often just to have like. Company? She herself grows more and more angry with everything so when she notices the code and learns abt the plan. Shes on board. Sure. Lets fucking go. ] she studies the ark, she studies geralds notes on shadow, she studies all data on black arms she can get her hands on all while doing that she STILL gets that stupid dream. she still gets visions, especially when reading their language She makes her plans to kill the world. chapter ends with her sending eggman an encoded message that he won’t be able to resist cracking
as u can tell not all of it made it into the chapter but that was just me thinking "aloud" about all the stuff that had to do w the chapters main premise. the original outline was short and vague enough to give me freedom to think but constricted enough to not let me wander off into making up completely random new stuff!
idk if this helps, but this is how i write nowadays and it works well for me :] im finally finishing things instead of abandoning them!
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princeanxious · 2 years ago
Hi! I was wondering about your Lost Guardian au from ages ago, do you think you’ll ever plan on updating it and if not, could someone else take up the fic?
So heres the thing. If someone wants to write a fic *inspired* by The Lost Guardian, i’m not gonna stop them, and i’d probably feel super honored so long as the inspiration was correctly credited!
As for ‘taking up the fic,’ the short answer is no.
I have active drafts and the rest of the story already planned out to its finish, notes, even a branch-off fic set post-story that will likely go up on my nsfw blog if i ever get around to editing it. The Lost Guardian hasn’t been abandoned, it’s simply on hiatus. (And yes, i recognize 3 almost 4 years so far is a really fucking long hiatus. The Chapter 9 draft doc was made in december of 2020, and last edited in July 2022)
I started writing that fic whilst still in highschool, a time where I was 17 and didnt have to worry yet about getting my license or maintaining a part time job, i had an over abundance of freetime even partially to my detriment, the fandom was booming and I had plenty of feedback, and this fic was (and still *is*) a story im proud of.
But i’m 22 now, working a full time job to pay rent and account for a number of minor ‘disabilities’(best word i have for them atm) that I cant ignore or push to the side nor treat poorly, from the lasting effects on my body of stunted growth to celiac/glutent intolerance to adhere to that directly determines how easily my body functions for the week, to dealing with glasses i cannot afford to break and taking care of teeth i cannot afford to fix, taking care of my mental health and using the free time i have to do what brings me the most joy at that time.
The sanders sides fandom has heavily quieted down with the season finale hiatus and I’d like to think I did pretty well for going six long years dedicated solely to that without cracking under the silence, because *I knew* when I caved to something else it’d be a long while before I had the drive to come back with any sort of resolution to my active works. Thats just how my hyper fixations work. I cannot focus on multiple at once, it’s too much to process simultaneously and takes away my enjoyment bc I tend to watch/consume things repeatedly to catch every little detail i missed. And it doesn’t help when one loses steam because their content barely breaks 100 notes(80% of which are likes, 15% are reblogs with the occasional comment, and 5% are self-reblogs) when back in the height of it all, a few thousand notes was pretty average interaction. This blog still has about 11.5k followers, almost all of which came from the height of the fandom period. So for now i’ve moved onto the FNAF DCA fandom, bc it is fresh and new to me.
I know you didn’t mean to poke the bear here, I get it, but like.. C’mon. Any other fic of mine likely wouldn’t have gotten the same reaction in full but, still. I’ve had to answer this question a handful of times over the years at the point, which might be why this response feels so charged, and i’m sorry.
I don’t mean to come off as snippy or rude, but it *is* kind of invasive to offer to finish one’s creative work when it’s taking too long and theres very little payback for it. I’ve got adhd, delayed satisfaction isn’t a thing I experience. Just guilt that it wasn’t finished in a way for me to post it in time before I broke and lost all motivation to share it.
In my head, TLG has been long finished and held the ending for years, theres just been no energy to put in the effort of finish writing it for others to read. I’m still trying to get my life together to change that, don’t get me wrong, but the American economy is literally in shambles so who knows how or even if i’ll manage that. Call me selfish for being content with only mentally having my creative story’s ending and a collection of rambles and notes to show for it, but at the end of the day, it’s still my story, and i dont feel comfortable with people trying to ‘take up the mantle’ to finish it, when they don’t know how it ends.
I’m glad you like it enough to want to, though, I really *really* am. I’m just sorry I haven’t been able to finish it for you all. And i just don’t know when that will be, I just know that I *want* to do so, however long it takes.
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awrkive · 8 months ago
hellooo! i love your work and how articulate you are when writing!! i was wondering if you had any tips or advice for someone who wants to start making fics & how to build a following? 🩷
(this got unintentionally long im so sosrry for yapping anon!)
in all honesty, just write and write!! i've written so much stuff starting when i was like 12. when i go back to my past works (ranging from fanfics to nonfanfics), i always cringe so hard cos theyre soooo soooo bad 😭😭 when you write a lot over the years, you're eventually going to see improvements.
also, i think finding your writing style really helps a lot! there are writers whose works are prose-heavy, those whose signature is purple prose, and those who write very simply. i fall under the last category 🤓
another thing is that, find the genre that you think is ur strength and make it a part of your branding(?). some are famous for their fluffy works, some are famous for their angsty fics, and some are famous for their smut. obv, you can mix all of those stuff but theres always something ur better at, and i think its good to lean towards that and leverage on it.
when you do get to writing, i think its important to take into consideration researching what youre gonna write about. it doesnt need to be extensive at all, surface-level research goes a long way!! i have to look up a lot of things while writing nb cos im obv not in tech nor an accountant nor do i habe chaebol friends or live in sk and my life generally is very far from theirs ijbol. it sometimes annoy me when i get to a part that needs some researching, but u really dont want to make it obvious to your audience that u dont know about this particular thing HAHAHA (you can put disclaimer anyway, jic)
the choice of pov is also really important!! i tend to avoid fics that are written in first person, so naturally, i don't write that way. i do think though its kinda common consensus for almost everybody. but its also just a personal preference. i dont think i've read anything thats in first person yet, but im sure my pre conceived notion about it has hindered me from finding a gem written in first person. at the end of the day, it all boils down to how well you write your stuff!!
one last thing; edit your work! your first draft doesnt necessarily have to be the final product. go over your paragraphs to improve some of the phrasing and stuff
i dont exactly have a big following on here lol but here's what (i think i did) to gain enough:
making your blog pretty-looking really helps a lot!! thats what i did when i first started writing on tumblr. make a mlist, navi page, etc. theres a lot of tumblr tutorials accessible on the internet so its not very hard
this could also be under the "making your blog pretty" thing but editing a landscape banner for your story can attract viewers 🩷 (or even those moodboard thingies) (ok i lied its more like a personal experience 😭😭 but i really think it contributes a lil something)
when you post, put it under the right tags to really hit your target audience. the tagging system was really messed up on here a few years back, but i think its better nowadays, so better take advantage of that
be responsive to comments and reblogs and asks! talk to your readers!!
and again, just write and write. the more active you are, the more you post your works, the more traction u get
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theskee · 4 months ago
hi! i dont know if you answer asks or anything, but i just wanted to write in and say i love your works so much. i’m not sure if you’re on hiatus, if you have writer’s block or if you’re simply just busy — but ever since i’ve read your works my standards for fanfics have been raised to a point where it seems like nothing even compares.
i think you’ve moved on from writing them but i really miss your jotajosu fics, i was ADDICTEDDD and i might even go back and reread a few but im at a point in my life where i associate nothing but happy times with your fanfics because that’s how much joy they brought me when i read them. i downloaded bluesky just for you when you moved, but i barely use it, and i even check your ao3 periodically and i get a little sad when there arent uploads. but i hope you’re putting yourself first and doing well.
if your comms are open i would love to commission you for a jotajosu fic, i miss my boys so much and the fandom is dying. :(
I do answer asks! I always try to answer any asks or comments or messages I get. I'm just slow sometimes as life is very busy lol. I do not have the free time I used to. First of all, I'm very grateful you took the time to send such a kind message about my Jotajosu fics from a couple years ago. The time I spent working on them was something I really valued and treasured. I learned a lot in the like. Almost two years I spent working on fic after fic. There were like 50 of them and over a million words. And that's just the stuff that I wound up publishing lol. To know that it was enjoyed is nice, especially since positive feedback got really thin on the ground toward the end of my time with the pairing before I ultimately decided to leave that fan space. I have been less than active for a good chunk of the year as I was going through a lot in my personal life. I didn't exactly intend to go on hiatus but I guess it kind of is an unintentional one. I burned out hard after my time with Jotajosu and life has certainly done a good job of keeping that burnout rolling. I am trying to work on fic again, slowly but surely poking away and new stuff now that I've moved on completely from jotajosu. I am sorry to hear that my lack of activity is a bummer. Trust me, it bums me out, too. But fanwork is one of those things that I use to de-stress and it requires the right balance of inspiration, free time, and motivation, which has been hard to come by this past year. I'm very very tired lol. And yes, I have definitely been putting myself first. I have been writing fanfiction and original work since I was 12, so the better part of 21 years at this point. I live and breathe the creative craft, but I go through periods of rest that tend to be pretty long stretches at times. My AO3 upload history will speak to that lol. To know my work touched people, entertained, and provided a joy that brings back fond memories, is the highest compliment I could possibly receive. I hope to one day make original works and get published. That's the real dream, for sure. I no longer do any kind of commissions, I simply don't have the time. And I wouldn't be able to deliver the same kind of quality of writing if I made myself write in spite of this. I've got a lot of distance between myself and Jotajosu now, and the spark for that particular pairing has definitely died out. I don't even really discuss the pairing in private with friends anymore. There's a lot of love there for the time I shared and the people I met. The friends I made. But the pairing itself is one that definitely has passed me by. I'm more focused on other things now, and most of them are writing projects I'm doing in private with a good friend for the sake of just, writing without limitations or boundaries or concerns for an audience. It's been really healing. But I do hope to get back into publishing fanfiction again soon. Thank you again, for your kindness. It means a lot to me. I hope you take care, anon. x Skee
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voidimp · 8 months ago
🎮, 🔱, 🐈, 💘, 🍔🤓 for ur choice :)
why not both? ← was specifically asking for questions abt oli and/or cameron at the time this was sent (has way more than two ocs)
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
im just doing as many as i can think of off the top of my head because if i dont write them all down now i will forget.
oli really enjoys fashion and sewing; a good number of their clothes are modified, if not entirely handmade. they enjoy sailing, and spend a lot of time at sea. they have a fondness for puzzles. they keep a journal, mostly full of hastily scrawled notes and observations, photos, paper clippings, and the occasional drawing. its not very well organized; they use lots of page flags and notes referencing other pages. functionally its almost closer to a scrapbook. (their "work" notes (ie their notes on whoever theyre keeping tabs on at the moment) on the other hand are kept digital and tend to be a bit more organized... but only a bit.) while theyre very aroace and not interested in any kind of real relationship, they do enjoy going out and hooking up with people. it feels a little weird to list that as a hobby, but like... it really kinda is.
cameron really enjoys reading, especially reference books & mysteries, as well as some... spicier stories (but they skip over the mushy romantic parts). they also keep a journal, but unlike olis, theirs is very carefully worded (they definitely dont keep a separate secret one for more private thoughts.) as much as they dislike interacting with people, they do enjoy people watching. they like to explore and get into places they dont belong. theyve done gymnastics dince childhood but i dont know that they really think of it as a hobby so much as just a way to stay active? their interest in Illicit Substances could arguably be considered a hobby though.
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
they can both swim! cameron probably has had more like... formal instruction than oli, who mostly just picked up the skill from growing up near the sea. id say they both enjoy it like... a normal amount? maybe not enough to really consider it a hobby, but they both go swimming from time to time. cameron probably prefers their familys pool; oli is more fond of the ocean.
🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
oli has a lot of connections, but not many people theyd actually consider friends — and they prefer it that way.
cameron would rather not deal with people at all if they could help it.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
honestly i feel like the answer to this one is the same for both of them — they really value their freedom. they dont like obligations, they dont like feeling tied down, they just want to live their lives on their own terms. unfortunately sometimes thats easier said than done, but like. thats the goal.
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
so i actually already answered the cooking part of this a little while ago here but baking is different so lets get into that.
oli knows enough about baking to know the recipe is Important, so theyre not bad at it per se, they just dont enjoy it. they dont really see the point in all the precision when youre just gonna eat it anyway, but they also know that mindset is how u fuck up baked goods big time, so they mostly just. dont bother. (they do actually really like sweets, just not making them.)
cameron likes baking better in theory — they like that theres meant to be a more strict adherence to the recipe, which should make it harder to mess up. in practice they like it just as little as cooking, because they have no idea what the fuck theyre actually doing.
🤓 SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy?
oli can handle conversation pretty well — its how they get a lot of their information, after all — but theyre more the type to ask questions than to do much talking themself. its not uncommon to finish a long conversation with them and realize you havent learned anything new about them (but you may have learned some things about other people, or find youve revealed more about youself than you normally wouldve), and that is completely intentional.
cameron... is not very talkative. they dont mind short chats (although they do find small talk awkward), but theyll usually try to weasel their way out of anything that seems like it might go on for a while. when they do talk, they tend to lie — not for any particular reason; they just like seeing what they can get away with.
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molloytheboy · 9 months ago
tagged by @dead-ghost-walking to answer these fun fic writing questions!
How many works do you have on AO3? 42
What’s your total AO3 word count? 138,556
What fandoms do you write for? currently just the Vampire Chronicles but when I first got back into fic writing in 2020 it was Dragon Age
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Does it feel like a dream, Mr. Molloy? | Next to Never | The Fight | Come As You Are | If This Be Nothing
5. Do you respond to comments? Usually yes! I love receiving them so I try to encourage it as much as I can by interacting <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably gotta be the fic where I killed Louis (which I do still plan on finishing btw)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Holy Ground :)) this one is sickeningly sweet tbh i was in serious need of some fluff when I wrote it
8. Do you get hate on fics? only very rarely. basically never happens now that I only allow comments from people with accounts
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes. all kinds. all of the kinds. VC Kink Week 2023
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? not currently but crossover crackfic was how i started my fic writing career back in high school. craziest was a roleplay with my bestie that involved characters from Naruto, Samurai Champloo, DNAngel, Fruits Basket, Gravitation, and Fullmetal Alchemist
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge. nice thing about writing for such a small fandom someone would probably notice and notify me pretty quick
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? yes
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? idk if i can pick one definitively but its a VC ship for sure. its kind of all of them tbh all the main canon ones. i cycle thru obsessing over each of them depending on the fic im working on. if i was forced to choose at gunpoint i would go with Nickistat
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? hate the phrasing of this how dare u make me face my demons. I will finish all of my wips i will break the cycle and then i will be free and never again be plagued by thoughts about the Characters in Situations. i know this sounds like a cop out answer but i genuinely with all my heart believe that i will eventually get to all 17 of my wips this is simply the extent of my hubris
16. What are your writing strengths? dialogue i think. and smut idk can smut be a strength. tbh i haven't received a lot of constructive feedback on my writing outside of fan spaces so i dont feel qualified to answer this
17. What are your writing weaknesses? over-explaining/over-describing characters actions and motives and emotions in a scene. i feel like this is smth that doesnt come across in my final drafts as much anymore bc ive been actively working on it but this is the thing i consistently struggle with during the process. also i tend to be kind of lazy with research which isnt the best quality to have when you write mostly in historical settings. but with fanfic i feel justifed in only spending one hour instead of three reading up on life in 18th century Paris since i do have a life to get back to at some point. if i was writing for publication i would try harder
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I do it, poorly. almost exclusively French in this fandom, and a little Italian. I do my best to check multiple translation sources (from real speakers if possible) and find example sentences to base my grammar on. but again, this is a hobby so I don't hold myself to the same standard I would if I was doing it professionally
19. First fandom you wrote for? pretty sure my first fanfic was that crossover i mentioned earlier so. all of those
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? oh boy. hold on gimme a sec. ok i think its Against All Odds rn. i was at the top of my game when it comes to Loustat banter (had recently reread the first 3 books) and its very tight and compact and cinematic im still really pleased with it 2 years (??!?!?!?) later
tagging @nightcolorz @butchybats and anyone else who wants to! u can say I tagged u <3
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atrirose · 9 months ago
back when enhablr used to be full of fics, headcanons and reaction. but now i see people wih the aesthetics, small texts but less works if i am not wrong.
when i see vissit a new enha writing blog, i see the themes, small texts. it's so irritating :( like how can you even see the small text... plus, the amount of symbols and other fonts they use, tsk
i am not blaming you :( but telling that mosot of enhablr has become aesthetic or something like top notch. everyone only focuses on how the blog themes, texts are but not the works.
but can i also know like what is suggestive?? isn't it like suggesting a sexual thought or something that leads to sex?? since you are an adult, i am asking you this.
but no, i literally see 15 or 16 year olds writing about suggestive stuff for enha, then telling mentions of fwb :0 i cannot believe when enhable used to have fluff fluff fluff where ever we searched.
i still remember you in my dash back in 2021, you wrote so much fluff istg, i used to wait for your works :( i wish we got that enhablr writing community back but literally wherver i see it is suggestive.
after all, this is my opinion...
hii ! at the start of the ask i thought you were shading me but ㅠㅠ yeah i understand what you mean , the fonts, themes, and small text usages has become more common now instead of the actual matter, i do use small text too but its only for the decor purposes, and my main focus (fics or hcs) are all large text with no fonts bc it is insensitive to use fancy text for those stuff and deprive people who cant read them, and i get that blogs do focus on their appearance more than the writing, bc let’s be honest people only see what they like to and if you look around if a blog ‘doesn’t look aesthetic’ people tend to ignore it even if the content is good. so bc of that many people have adopted the whole persona, i didnt change a lot except the fact i started posting a lot less and have not been active here, i think its a lot to do with adulting, all of the older members of enhablr now either have jobs/uni/exams or are just not feeling like doing this anymore.
and it’s totally fine for you to feel irritated by that, so u can js avoid those kind of blogs but you also need to remember that it’s their blog and they can chose what to do with it and how to decorate it, we can’t control that bc people have their own choices, but yeah the content being less i have seen a lot and i do agree with even tho i don’t read often i too get annoyed by the tags being flooded with nsfw content which is super creepy bc js few months ago it was all fluff as you mentioned and i hoped that the space stayed wholesome. i cant really control that but i hope people dont js see boys in that light.
suggestive to me is js a little bit more kissing/ implication of or suggestive jokes but i am not sure since i do not interact with those kind of content i might not be the best person to ask this, im sorry. but it is very uncomfortable when minors write nsfw.
HELP NOT YOU SAYING I POSTED A LOT 😛, jk anyways aww that is so sweet that i had someone waiting for me, i did post a lot of fluff and it will be a train ride if i read all my work, i will probably cringe 😔, i will always write fluff if that makes u happy if i do post in the future .. , sorry it’s js not the same anymore so i might not be the same atrirose who use to post every week. i am in touch with someone of my moots which were their with me since the start of this account or enha writer who use to flood the tag with tooth rotting fluff and well .. busy , busy , busy so i cant promise anything but hey we still have their old works you can binge. 
your opinion is totally valid.
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mysteriawrites · 2 years ago
hello!! could i please request a romantic matchup with a honkai star rail men
my pronouns are they/them, my mbti is intp-t, my zodiac is virgo.
personality: im really shy and kind of awkward when socializing others bcos im not really good interacting with them so i just stay in the sideline where i observe people and their behavior and thats the reason why people depict me as intimidating and hard to approach and also bcos of my stoic expression too but when im with my close friends, im really bubbly and more comfortable with them. im really quite moody sometimes and i also tend to overthink things. i always listen to my friends whenever they're having a problem and just be there for them sometimes pitching in some advice now and then. im also the type of person to run away from their problems and tend to push people away bcos i dont want to burden them, i also laugh at small things, im also the type of person to read a body language very well bcos of my observant nature. i also get insecure with my appearance too. im also blunt with my words i do not sugarcoat things.
my hobbies/likes:writing stories and reading books, poetry composition, learning about stars and outer space, watching horror videos on yt, staying up all night writing down my ideas about my next stories, sleeping, i also have a fascination to ocean and i tend to stare at it, dark academia, i also like abandoned places especially if its haunted, i also love matcha green tea, i really love a meadow full of lavenders.
my dislikes: loud people including loud places too, vegetables (depends on my mood), cheaters and playboys, worms, hot weather, arrogant people.
what i like in a person: someone who's very loyal and someone who can be my safe haven when everything's overwhelming.
- 🦋 anon
Hello hello and danke danke for the request. Sorry for this taking so long, I really appreciate gettting so many in the short time this blog has been around. Now enough rambling this match was easy...CUE THAT DRUMROLL!!!
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Congratulations! You've been matched with the ever elusive but very caring Dan Heng (lowkey jealous, but I must adhere to my duties as matchmaker).
So, because this game still doesn't have a lot characters, Dan Heng was kind of the only match that made sense. You're both so similar it's kind of what drew you two together.
You both can be rather quiet and reserved people. You prefer to keep to yourselves and mind your own business, but kind of for different reasons. You're more shy and awkward while Dan Heng is aloof and just overall preferring to keep to himself more than he's shy. I think because of this you two may need a bit more of a push to get to know each other.
After you both have been part of the Astral Express for while Welt will have started a book club as a sort of team bonding activity (encouraged by Himeko). Whenever it comes to you or Dan Heng's turn to choose a book you start to notice that you have as similar taste in literature. After that (and some nagging from march because she also likes to play matchmaker) Dan Heng approaches you about some other books you like.
From there the conversation will spiral to other topics such as your own writing and if he can take a look at it some time, the vast universe you guys are traveling through and theories on how it works, what your next destination will be, and so much more. In time you two will come to a mutual comfort with each other.
Now as time goes on and you start to get closer to him and the rest of the express crew, Dan Heng starts to see the real you come out. The happier, sillier, bubblier version of you that reminds him a lot of March. However, unlike with March he finds that part of you rather cute, and that's when he's realized that he's slowly falling for you.
Now even though he doesn't want to admit it, we've all seen that Dan Heng is the type to run away from his problems. Once he realizes his feelings for you, he may start to distance himself from you for a little while to sort out his feelings, but don't worry it won't be for too long because despite his introverted nature he does begin to miss your presence. However, it may take a little push from the others (and maybe a minor life or death situation on another planet and him realizing his fear of losing you-) for him to come around.
Once you two finally get together I imagine some of the dates you guys will go on will be calm and quiet things like tea dates, exploring the libraries and bookstores of different planets, walking through nature, and some may just be simply sitting in silence and enjoying some music or watching a movie. (I would add going star gazing but you guys kinda see the stars regularly so)
Dan Heng is rather private so I don't think he would be into too much PDA, but on missions he would slowly hold your hand and intertwine your fingers. It gives him comfort to know you're right next to him safe and sound and so he can be ready to protect you at a moment's notice if he senses any danger.
Dan Heng is more of a listener than a talker, so he'll always be there to listen to your troubles when you mind starts to spiral and his calming voice will reassure you to quell those voices in your head. However, he is also more of a man of actions than words so he will do whatever he can to disprove any negative thoughts and stress you may have.
All in all, I think you two are so similar it makes your relationship easier because you understand each other so well. You are both running from something whether that be from your pasts or your problems, but together you'll give each other the strength to face and overcome them.
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This one was actually pretty hard because like I said there are few characters right now and we still don't know a whole lot about the ones we have. Man did it get long though, but I hope you still like the matchup.
Runners Up: Welt Yang, Gepard Landau, Loucha
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