#i dont really hate any of them and avocado is just down there because I kind of enjoy everyone else more . The only I feel like . Any kind+
dawnleaf37 · 1 month
in honor of the tpot short with the failed debuters (assumedly) being announced soon heres my tierlist of all the tpot debuters most favorite to least
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tags for longer opinions :3
#i dont really hate any of them and avocado is just down there because I kind of enjoy everyone else more . The only I feel like . Any kind+#+of Real negativity at all to are nonexisty and 9ball#nonexisty because fuck off and 9ball because that’s just 8ball but different gimmick . And 8ball is already not the best imo#tpot#happy taggy got in bc they n winner were my favorites . I have my reaction to taggy getting in recorded I love taggy a lot#what can I say im a :3 girl#i like leek because it’s a plant also they put a hatsune miku ref in the episode with the flip phone triple baka#pda is a device which is always awesome forever and it looks like theyr gonna have a role in the short which is :DDDDDD#onigiri is fun because it’s a fun romaji . it would also be funny if they called em jelly donut . but onigiri is cool they look like+#+a rocky clone Maybe or if they’re just mute hey I Really Like Mute Characters So Win. cause I Think they were the only one who didn’t+#+speak in the episode . Don’t take my word for it I haven’t watched tpot 1 in a while lol (I think boom mic didn’t speak either actually)#boom mic; clapboard; and camera I speak as 3 together . Theyre super awesome and it would be fun to see if they have a dynamic . Cuase+#+theyre like . All movie equipment . Idk I remember long back ago i roleplayed em they mean a lot to me#i like tha vhsy a little more because reminds me of that freak from TAOT who i just adore . Also novel rectangular thing also kind of prett#tape friend looks like a menace and I like characters that are menaces I think them and six could be friends#sink I just like the design of lol . also I like the song kitchen sink by tøp#salt lamp is cool because I like salt lamps and they’re pretty colors both on and off#shopping cart is silly . I like wheeled characters#blender is an appliance I like how they did the asset#discy’s prettyyyy colored#battery is small and cute they also might be the mute character idr I haven’t seen them talk personally . Feel free to correct me if any+#+info I say here is wrong btw#Snare drum is small and cool and I like how they look#Anchor is also I like how they look also listen to anchor by caize#shell is like emo and a good shape#rubber spatula; scissors; tax guy I forget their name; and shampoo I think have good designs#avocado im so sorry I just like everyone else more than u im not the biggest fan ever of things like donut mouth#and I already explained the last 2 awesome 👍
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astralglam · 3 years
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
1. What does your muse smell like?
without soap or perfume, 683 smells bizarrely sterile, chemical-ish, like a dentist’s office, bleach or cleaning supplies.  like hand sanitizer that kills 99.9% of germs.  they have that faint smell of powdery clean cosmetics, only because they wear so much foundation, face powder and setting spray.  humans like things that smell less artificial, so 683 takes to using cheap perfume (think a teenager who just learned to douse themselves with axe or bath and bodyworks spray), which is artificial in a slightly more palatable way.  their clothes (which are almost all second hand) have that mothball-musty smell of a thrifted dress that hasn’t been washed yet, like an old book.    
2. What do your muse’s hands feel like?
cold, frigid and icy, almost like a mannequin’s if you left the mannequin in the freezer. their skin is tight over their tendons and fingers, with almost waxy, plasticy skin stretched over their joints and knuckles, which makes them seem very fragile.  sometimes their palms are uncannily clammy.  their skin on their palms isn’t rough or calloused but they’re starting to get scars on their fingertips from their voyages into the realm of string instruments.  they used to have very neat, clean and unpainted nails, but nowadays, they have divots and cracks because 683 is clumsy with the strings.  
3. What does your muse usually eat in a day?
683 is often at the mercy of when their friends will decide to cook for them/buy them food.  they don’t have any cooking skills and can barely wash and cut an apple (this isn’t because they’re stupid, on atomina they were used to communal dining with a designated set of people who cooked for everyone in their unit).  683 is naturally accustomed to eating plant matter and (unlike us humans) has a way better digestive system for breaking down cellulose and gets a lot more out of their vegetarian diet than you might expect (two stomachs aint for nothin).  left to their own devices they just eat Whatever (orange? handfuls of spinach, unwashed, pesticides dont hurt them.  microwave a tomato and watch it explode.  brave cutting open an avocado and just eating it with a spoon).  dinner is when priscilla either buys him take out or sid cooks something for him (and sid is an amazing cook!!!).  sid isn’t vegetarian, but his family is, so he knows how to make all kinds of dishes perfect for 683 -- substitute the dairy for nondiary alternatives and 683′s getting matter paneer (with tofu instead), malai kofta (with coconut milk), and aloo gobi (no butter), all sorts of things !!! 
4. Does your muse have a good singing voice?
sort of.  683′s voice, by itself, is nasally and weird and a little grating, but their devotion to music lets them make the most out of their “strange” voice and almost use it to their benefit to sound unique, different, super far out !11!11111  their lyrics, instrumentals and emotion combined is what makes them a talented musician rather than just a good quality voice.  so while they might not have a very pretty voice, they’re still a skilled singer due to their delivery.  
5. Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
im assuming this is about bad (physical) habits rather than personality deficiencies (of which 683 has many).  683 stares, like, really just stares at people with reckless abandon, they havent figured out it’s rude.  they arent good at even pretending to listen so if they’re disinterested in what you have to say, they’ll look elsewhere, pick at their nails, mumble or interrupt you.  always finds a way to make the conversation about themself.  very disorganized and messy, has a hard time taking care of objects even if they value them (ex. dropping his guitar, misplacing jewelry, yanking a belt off and breaking it).  definitely self pities and has no problem trying to guilt you for everything and anything.  is a pretty frequent smoker, but is polite enough not to smoke if you ask him not to.  
683 is always a little nervous so their nervous ticks are just their baseline state of being (wringing hands, stammering, talking really fast, making insane gestures all around you but being too afraid to touch you, etc)
6. What does your muse usually look like / wear?
683 looks very put together at all times -- not necessarily polished or professional, but very intentional, in that you can tell they definitely made a conscious choice to dress the way they do.  he wore the same dumb uniform every day for the first 20 years of his life, so he’s very excited to try new clothing options.  
more femme-ish clothing preferences go to boxy, sleeveless a-line dresses, miniskirts, bright floral patterns, big plastic earrings, headbands, scarves, etc.  they like clunky platforms and prefer to wear boots.  very 60s mod and colorblocked.  she loves bright eyeshadow but tends to go for more neutral lipstick.  can never figure out what to do with her hair so she usually leaves it down or does a half-up half-down bun kinda deal.  
more masc clothing preferences are bell bottoms, button ups with butterfly collars, paisley print, turtlenecks and fringe jackets, etc. earthy tones and weird nasty olive green.  very late 60s / early 70s. prog rock flavor or glam rock flavor.  never got into the disco style only because he cant pull it off because he’s so scrawny and twitchy and has no chest hair to impress the ladies.    
one thing about 683 is that he hates tight long sleeves and goes insane if he has to wear them.  his uniform was sleeveless, so even short sleeves feel really weird and horrible on his arms.  prefers sleeveless, can do with short sleeves, 3/4ths sleeve or loose long sleeve, really tries to avoid tight/constricting long sleeves.  
i have a pinterest board of potential fits for him although i havent updated it because i barely know how to use pinterest.
7. Is your muse affectionate?  How much?  How so?
to most people, not really, he’s kind of a weird cagey asshole.  oscillates between fascinated with physical touch (suddenly wanting to hug his friends or snuggle with them or grabbing strangers when he’s trying to talk to them) to despising contact (cringes if you touch his hand when you pass him a cup).  he didnt grown up with a culture very big on it, so he isn’t sure if he likes it or not yet.  
to people he does care about, he tends to take his friends for granted but overperform affection for those he has romantic interest in.  not that he doesnt also dearly love and adore his friends, he’s just not the best at expressing his care for them other than random bursts of kindness and dissolving back into his weird normal self.  his understanding of romance has come from a very commercial, media-influenced place (he learns about it through television, novels and commercials, it’s not really inherent to his species) so he thinks romance is about buying flowers, holding hands, staring into each other’s eyes for three hours, etc. if he has romantic interest in you, he will constantly over and over again tell you how much he likes you and your company and you are soooo funny hahahhahhfhh, and will be unusually touchy (clings to your arm, sits RIGHT next to you, drops his head on your shoulder, etc).  
8. What position does your muse sleep in?
683 didnt know what blankets were until he came to earth (or deep space nine) !!! his old room was perfectly temperature controlled and he already has a lower natural body temperature, so there was no need for blankets at all.  human beds with big pillows and blankets are THE COOLEST, so he either curls up underneath a blanket with only the top of his head poking out or he sprawls out like a starfish to take advantage of as many pillows as possible.  his special move is to roll up in the blanket like some kind of little alien lumpia.  
he’s a fitful sleeper so if you sleep in the same bed as him, he’ll punch you or kick you on accident.  he does appreciate company, though, and will also plaster himself up against you and leech your body heat with his weird cold body.
9. Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
depends.  they have a very average speaking voice and aren’t necessarily very loud (plus platforms dull footsteps), but if they were excited, they might raise their voice or yell or exclaim something.  and then they’re very shrill, so yes, you would hear her.  
Tagged by:  @sampati im sorry i took like a week it was really fun i love to type letters and words on the computer Tagging: @dynaura or @pataparty (for whoever you want) / @phantombs / @ofgentleresolve (for lamon? or anyone you want, really!!) / @bystcrdust / @kyrieleisen / @baelends / @bup1957
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bi-peanut · 4 years
Underneath The Stars Of 23rd Street
All parts
The truck spluttered to a stop, sighing and creaking. I pushed down on the excelorater hard. Nothing. “Come on” I groaned, hitting the steering wheel. The cold night air creeped into the truck like icy fingers wrapping around my body, the heating system had shut down with the rest of the car. I can hear the coyotes in the distance. Town is at least 75 miles away, and here I am. Stranded in the desert. The coyote's high pitched growl grows closer. My hands are sweating and suddenly the cold air seems to be the least of my worries. “START” I shout at the car, slamming my foot against the excelerator. But it's no use, the shreakes grow closer and closer I can hear their ragged breath. “shit” I whisper.
I frantically fumbled with they keys praying for the truck to start. But it stayed silent and still. "Think!" I shouted to myself. I thought back to a time where my dad and I took an trip to Chicago and our car broke down on the way. He had jump started it "for educational purposes only" my dad grinned as I watched him. "Yes!" I thought. I slid down under the steering wheel. It was dark. I got back up and grabbed a torch out of the glove compartment before sliding back down under the dashboard. They coyotes where right outside my truck now, I could hear them pacing around curiously pawing at the doors and wheels. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I pulled open the wireboard and shined the torch into it. I remembered he pulled the red wire or something. My pulled at the wire not really registering anything I'm doing. Suddenly the car purred to life. "Yes!" I cried pumping my fist in the air. I scrambled back up into my seat and placed my hands onto the steering wheel. My truck was surrounded by coyotes, and as much as I knew they would hurt me I couldnt hurt them. I reved my engine and they jumped back. I slammed down on the gas, rocketing straight ahead. I drove and drove and didnt stop untill I got too the outskirts of town. I checked my watch, 00:30. Shit, dad was expecting me home half an hour ago, its not as if I could let him know I had broke down. It took me about another 10 minutes to pull up to our house. I was expecting dad to be asleep by now and he would let me have it in the morning, but when I walked in the door, there he was sitting at the table, a notebook infront of him. "Oh, hey dad" I say nervously rubbing my hand through my hair. "Miles" my dad says sternly "I can explain ok," i say "my truck broke down and there were coyotes and i had to jump start it like you did in Chicago and i tried to get back as soon as i could and-" "Miles. It's ok, as long as you are safe now" My dad walked over and hugged me. He never really did that, it was nice. My dad was a nice person dont get me wrong and he would never hurt me but he was never really a touch person, well I guess that part of him died along with my mom. She died when I was 5. Cancer. It destroyed my dad and I. Especially my dad. When my mom died he spiraled. He drank. A lot. It became so much of a problem I was sent away to live with my Aunt Lydia for 8 months while he "sorted things out" I was five. I didnt know what was going on. When I moved back home for a couple months after that aunt lydia would would come come and check in on us to make sure dad wasnt drinking again."So, how was aunt lydia?" I was visiting her in New Mexico for the weekend before coming home for the last couple days of school before summer break. "She was pretty good, shaken about Uncle Jimmy but other than that shes good"Uncle Jimmy died a few weeks ago. My dad and u went to his funeral in Colorado two weeks ago."It was terrible what happened to Jimmy, we will all miss him for sure" my dad sighedUncle Jimmy and Aunt Lydia are my moms brothers and sisters. Aunt lydia is married to Uncle Michael and they have two kids, James and Rick. They are both grown up and finished college. Uncle Jimmy wasnt married and my grandparents died beofre I was born. My dad doesnt have any siblings and he never knew his Aunts and uncles. His parents were split up and I never met my grandad. Grandma is still around tho and we spend the holidays with her. She lives in New York. I have no siblings. It has been just my dad and I for the last 12 years. And I like it that way. I do wish my mom was still around though. I loved her so much.
My eyes would barely stay open as I sat stooping over my bowl of porridge at the dining room table. Shit! The time! I hadn't been paying attention and I was late. "Miles!" My dad called from down the hall"I'm going now!" I call. Lies. I'm not even dressed yet. I run up the stairs to my room. I grab my Jeans, red t shirt and black and white flannel. I have fifteen minutes untill I need to get to school. The next bus leaves in 7 minutes, it takes 8 minutes by bus if there is no traffic and then another two minutes to walk from the bus stop to school. No. Too long. I'll have to walk, well run. If I take a short cup through the park and if i go down past the library I cam get there in time. And that's what I do. I make it to school just as the bell rings. I join the stream of students heading down the hall. English, my favourite class, is first. When we get in I sit down in my usual seat in back right corner. I dont have much friends. Well I have people to talk to, but I wouldnt meet them outside of school. My only friend that I would do anything for is Regan. I've know her since middle school, she is the kindest but scary at times person in the entire world. I turn to the empty seat beside me, wher Regaan always sits beside me. I tap the girl infront of me, Marjorie, on the shoulder. "Hey Miles" she says "What's up?""Hey, I was just wondering if you've seen Regan around?" "Um, no I dont think so sorry."Marjorie turns back around to her seat and I lean back in mine. Mr. Honran, my english teacher walks into the room. "Good morning class" he calls cheerfully. Just then Regan runs in the door."Ms. Treece, you are late, again." Mr. Horan says, hands on his hips."Sorry" Regan groaned, slumping into her chair beside me."How come you were late?" I ask"Stupid Ben was late dropping me again"Ben is Regans step father, she hates him because her mother cheated on her dad with him and then they got caught when they discovered that Regans mom was pregnant. Now she has a little baby sister Fiona. Fiona is the only one in Regans family that she can actually be around with out yelling. She really does love her.The day dragged on the only hope was that tomorrow was the last day before sunner break. I was only home for about 10 minutes to change into my uniform before I had to head to work.I work in the icecream parlor Happy Swirls, beside the library on 23rd street.
When I got to work there was only five customers inside. My co worker Jamie was behind the counter."Hey, sorry I'm late" I say as I tie on my apron"Its fine" Jamie replied as he hung up his apron.That's the thing about Jamie, he never really talks. He just keeps to himself hiding near his shiny brown bangs and baggie hoodies. There was a time where I considered asking him out but soon changed my mind when I heard him talking to someone about a girl he liked. I'm over that now, i didnt really mind, it wasnt as if I was in love him or something. But he was the first guy that I didnt block out that I liked. "I'll see you tomorrow miles" Jamie called as he walked out the doo. I washed my scooper and brushed my hands off my apron as my first customer of my shift walked up to the counter. "Welcome" I say in a cheery voice. "What can I get for you" I look up to see the customer. I stop in my tracks. Shit, he is beautiful. He has soft brow black hair that falls in curtains over his brown eyes, framed by glasses and soft caramel skin. I almost miss what he says."Umm, could I have a mango frozen yogurt with strawberries on top, please" His voice is soft and sweet. I realise I'm staring and quickly snap back to what I'm supposed to be doing, getting his order. "Sure!" I scoop the the yoghurt into the tub and sprinkle the raspberries ontop. Say something! I think to myself. But I dont. I stay awkwardly silent as I get his order. "That would be $2.99 please" He hands over the money thanks me and walks out of the store. I curse myself for not even getting his name. I probably wont ever see him again. After all, Phoenix is a big place.
@creamybadshadows @melophilic-joon-koya7 @keya-123 @the-writing-avocado
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Rantaro, Shuichi and Kokichi with a s/o that claims to be an edgelord and not scared of any thing yet they’re
Flipping scared of monsters, can’t watch horror movies without getting scared and screaming- also if there was a spider they’d cry and cling onto them XD
When I tell you this kinda sounds like me- I've never been able to watch a horror movie straightforward. If I "watch" a horror movie, it's because I'm watching it some other way like a reaction or a kill count. And I hate spiders. They're beneficial, yeah, but there is no reason for anything to have that many legs and that many eyes.. Anyways, Rantaro's lingers a little longer than the other two and the whole edgy thing probably isn't too well implemented, but I hope that's ok. Thanks for requesting anon! Stay safe, kith 💕
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~Mod Tenko~
Rantaro, Shuichi, and Kokichi with an "edgelord" s/o
Rantaro Amami
You always claimed that you were this massive edgelord, that your heart was cold and dead
Well except for your boyfriend Rantaro
Rantaro usually goes along with your edginess and just let's you do your thing
You always bragged about how emotionless you were
But if Rantaro's with you when you say that, he'll kiss you on the forehead or your cheek just to watch your face flare up
You're like a tsundere, but you have edgy reasons for denying affection
When you two do dates you tend to stay inside because you say you prefer it
Rantaro's fine with it, but he does at least suggest a walk in the local park every now and then
One night he suggests a horror movie since Halloween was approaching
He can visibly see your expression change
You quickly go back to normal though and agree, but not without a waver in your voice
"Y-yeah, I suppose. This crap won't even phase me."
You two get situated on the couch with plenty of blankets and snacks and Rantaro puts on a sub-par scary movie after taking note of your expression
As soon as the movie starts building up suspense for a jump scare, you begin slightly trembling and clinging onto your avocado boyfriend
He just holds you and waits to see what happens, although hes fully prepared to shut the movie off if you say it's too much for you
Suddenly a monster pops up and,
Your scream was so genuine that it scared him and he paused the movie
"Babe, you alright? Didn't expect to ever hear you scream like that.."
You're trembling with fear and trying to play it off
He turns the movie off and turns a romcom on, embracing you in his arms as he comforts you
After that you two never watched horror movies again
But Rantaro still learned that you weren't as edgy as you claimed
Though he obviously already knew that
One day you two are coming home from a movie
Yknow, classic date
Well you come home to a small spider on your front door
Not only are you arachnophobic, you almost touched said doorknob spider
You're screaming and crying and cling to your boyfriend who is too stunned to do anything for a second
"S/o, it's a tiny spider, calm down."
Your response is more screaming and crying
You literally start hiccupping and doing those little wavered breath things
You're having a whole meltdown
Rantaro has to pick you up and take you inside after carefully removing the doorknob spider
Your 'edgy makeup' is destroyed and you're still crying and mumbling about the doorknob spider, trailing off sometimes to talk about how much you hate spiders in general
You're sitting on the couch going through the five stages of grief as Rantaro covers you in blankets and orders Taco Bell
He comforts you and you two watch Up and eat Taco Bell for the night, falling asleep on the couch
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi never really said much about your edgeiness since he acknowledges he's like a toned down egdelord
But he definitely realized you weren't that much of an edge lord either
You and Shuichi like to shuffle up your movies and choose one
One day you pick out a popular horror movie
You freeze at the sight but manage to slowly play the movie
Shuichi is very attentive and noticed you were uncomfortable ever since you pulled the movie
He's already seen the movie with Rantaro and Kokichi, so he knows a jump scare is coming up
And he can feel you trembling from the build-up
He pauses it right before the jump scare and you let out a shakey breath
Still attempting to be edgy, you turn to him and let out a large sigh
"Why'd you turn it off? It was just getting to a great death!"
Shuichi looks at you and silently applauds you for still managing to keep the act up
Although he can still tell you're glad
He makes a mental note of your fear and pulls all the horror movies from your little movie raffle
And even though you're pretty good at keeping up your resolve, he's beginning to not take you as seriously
Shuichi's watching a documentary on a certain spider that could possibly be related to a case he's looking into
You walk in looking for a snack
Unfortunately your eyes focus on the TV screen
Shuichi was honestly half asleep, but now he's fully awake
Shuichi rushes up to you- now on the floor- in a panic
You just sit there in the fetal position and mumble about your fear of spiders
Shuichi's confused at first but he sits down next to you and just runs his hand along your back and gives you words of encouragement like
Dont worry it's only on a screen, It can't hurt you, etc.
He makes sure to keep those fears away from you as much as he possibly can
Kokichi Oma
Kokichi finds your edginess hilarious
He actively makes light fun of you for it
Although if he actually hurts you he'll stop and be upset with himself
Kokichi isn't that big a fan of horror movies either, but he's good at hiding his emotions so he'll watch them with people
But he doesn't know that you're easily spooked
And he wants to know
For.. future reference
He plans a surprise date with you and
Horror movie
You stiffen up at the sight, but quickly scoff at the choice and sit down with your little gremlin boyfriend
You hear him giggle to himself as the movie starts
You figure that he's already got you figured out, but you're stubborn so you still act all tough and emo
"Kichi this movie isn't even scaRY-"
As you claim your fearlessness, a jump scare pops up and you scream,
Very loud
So loud that even Kokichi gets startled
He pauses the movie and starts cackling
He's literally turning red
You have to make sure he's breathing a few times
He will never forget this and find this information very intriguing
After the event that you now call 'The Horror Movie Incident', Kokichi wonders if you have anymore common fears
He thinks up some common fears and wonders about spiders
Because spiders are fun to work with
So he gets a pretty big spider and runs up to you while you're working at your desk to show you
"Look s/o! Look, look! Isn't it cool?!"
"What is it Ki-"
Another very large scream
You fall out of your chair and just lay there and cry while telling him to get it away
Kokichi freaks out and puts the spider on your desk while he checks on you
"S/o, are you okay? Crap I'm sorry I-"
He's genuinely upset with himself and he helps you up
He makes sure to keep you from looking at your desk
He takes you to your room and sits you on the bed and apologizes to you
You take a second to catch your breath and wipe your tears
You pout and express that you're upset, but you can't stay too mad at your little gremlin
Although Kokichi is still very upset with himself, he accepts the offer you give for cuddles since it's rare cause you're usually 'too edgy for cuddles'
Yeah right
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shihozaki · 4 years
TW mention of anxiety
hi!! im so excited for your matchup event and i’ve really liked your writing style so far :) if it’s not too much trouble, i’d like to request a haikyuu male matchup please!! my name is joyce, i’m 17, and i use she/her pronouns. (i’ll message you my appearance and stuff :D )
i’m ISTP-T, a slytherin, and leo. my voice is pretty quiet and i’m just a quiet person overall when i’m around new people (social anxiety goes brr). i love baking, making hyper specific spotify playlists, and reading. i don’t really show my emotions well and i have pretty bad RBF so i usually come off as cold even when i dont mean to according to what my closest friends told me. also my self esteem goes from *i am the sexiest mf to walk this earth* to *im an ugly POS and deserve nothing* with no in between
my love language is anything tbh but especially gift giving and physical touch, even though i’m terrified of initiating it bc i didn’t really grow up in an affectionate household and i think i might be touchstarved :/. quality time is also nice since i’m completely down to just sit in comfortable silence with them, spending time together
in an SO, the most important thing is that they need to understand sometimes i just need time to myself. i’m not mad at them at all but i tend to isolate myself whenever my mental health deteriorates and i sometimes go a few days without contacting people simply bc i don’t have the energy to do so. whenever it does deteriorate, it’s usually because i just feel really down out of nowhere and it lasts 12 hours to a week.
i don’t really mesh well with clingy or unloyal people. i feel like i’d be okay if my SO focused on volleyball a lot bc i respect that they need time to work on their own things, so i wouldn’t say i’m necessarily needy in relationships. an ideal first date to me is going to an amusement park. i LIVE for the adrenaline roller coasters give me and i just think everything about it is super fun. plus it minimizes the chance for awkwardness bc there’s so much to do :D (i’m kinda awkward around people i don’t click with so uh yeah)
my favorite relationship dynamic is light hearted bullying. making fun of people and getting made fun of (with love ofc) is definitely a love language, and i’m not taking criticism <3 but i still want to be able to talk to them about serious stuff so knowing that i can wholeheartedly trust them is big for me
my athleticism is close to zero so in the HQ universe i’d probably be a manager. actually, i would give ANYTHING to be able to manage a team in haikyuu so rip 😔🤚
other facts:
i have a huge caffeine addiction bc i’m usually tired/sleep deprived (monster energy, coffee, whatever)
i also just love coffee in general (the aesthetic, the smell, everything is *chefs kiss*)
i’m more of a cat person but i still think dogs are so cool
my relationship w my parents SUCK so bad
i’m 90% book smart (my one flex is being good at math) and 10% street smart/common sense
even though i can bake well, i can’t cook for sh*t unless it’s avocado toast which i can make surprisingly well
i can be eliminated by a single peanut
Big Anxiety bc the only way i could get approval from my parents growing up was straight As and now my biggest fear is being unsuccessful 😎
artists i’m obsessed w right now are cigarettes after sex, chase atlantic, lil peep, the 1975, arctic monkeys, conan gray, and lana del rey
i love wearing my SO’s clothing and all of a sudden, their closet is now ~Our Closet~
thank you so much for doing this, and i look forward to the progress you’ll make in writing and whatever else you choose to set your mind to <3
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Hi! Thank you for requesting! I’m also a Slutherin and a Leo, happy to meet you :)
I pair you up with Tooru Oikawa!
- You guys first met when you signed up to be your school’s volleyball team’s manager. Oikawa was immediately intrigued. A girl who doesn’t immediately faint when he waves at them? Wow.
- When he first made you smile, he KNEW he had to ask you out.
- First date at the amusement park, just like you suggested. Oikawa was a bit shocked that you enjoyed rollercoasters but that just made him more interested in you.
- Since he is the captain of his Volleyball team, and quite obsessed with the sport, he is willing to give you lots of time for yourself. He does check on you from time to time though, maybe by texting or giving a call :)
- Never makes you uncomfortable. He knows how you don’t do well in social situations, so he didn’t even tell his volleyball mates that you had started dating (of course they somehow found out later)
- Teases you SO. MUCH. Always makes some type of remark about your height and how much you drink coffee (even though he buys you coffee for Volleyball practice)
- He can always make you smile. He brings out the “Leo” side of you often, and raises your confidence up. In return, you help him with the “book smarts.”
- You guys trust one another and understand each other well. Even if you guys have a “silent date” (where you are reading and he’s watching videos of volleyball matches), you don’t feel any awkwardness.
- He hates it when your self esteem is low. He doesn’t understand how such an amazing girl could feel that way.
- Oikawa’s self esteem is sometimes kind of low too, so whenever you give him a motivational playlist on Spotify, he listens to it on repeat.
- Overall you guys bring out the best out of each other :)))
Scenario: When you guys talk about the future.
“We could get a cat.” You suggested. “A cat?” Oikawa quickly wrote down ‘cat’ on the list named ‘our future’. “We need a name.” You claimed. Oikawa shrugged. “How about… ‘Peanuts’.” “No.” Oikawa laughed. “I think it would be ironic. It’s a cute name too.” You rolled your eyes. “Okay, let’s scratch that then. What about our jobs?” You asked. “Quite obvious. I want to be a professional volleyball player.” Replied Oikawa. He grabbed the pillow from the couch and pretended to set it, acting as if it was a volleyball. “Yeah… I believe you can do it.” You smiled at Oikawa. Oikawa’s eyes met yours. “What about you, Joyce?” He questioned. You stayed silent for a bit. “.. I’m not too sure. I just don’t want to make a mistake and choose the wrong career, you know? I don’t want to fail.” You mumbled. Oikawa slowly moved towards you and pulled you into his arms. You immediately relaxed on him, your heartbeat going slightly bit faster. “You won’t.” Oikawa declared. “I’m sure no matter what you do, you’ll be great. There’s so many things to choose from, Babe. You’re gonna be okay.” You smiled. “Besides,” Oikawa added with a smirk on his face, “You might not need a job if you have me as your husband.”
Song: Campus by Vampire Weekend
I hope you enjoyed it, thank you once again! Constructive criticism is encouraged :) I hope to see you again soon!
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blue-shaded · 4 years
"marvin loves mint tea" okay. as someone with characters i get the struggle of trying to come up with a fun fact for a character on the fly but also as someone with characters- really? in the context of how little content he makes for the egos thats literally the most dispassionate answer- and after you starve them for any content at all?
please just say you dont have the energy or passion for the egos anymore rather than throw your fans tiny scraps like twice a year. yeah theyd be disappointed but the ones that matter (if there are any left at this rate lmao) would tell him to put his mental health first and frankly he needs to grow a backbone against his shitty fans.
or maybe he wants a fanbase of shitty and manipulated people that will jump to his defense when he makes his increasingly shitty little "jokes".
And that’s the character development he’s so proud of? Let me do you one better. Just gonna make it up here right on the spot. Passion for your own characters is so easy and hell mine are 3 fucking raccoons that came into existance because of anon hate. Writing characters and little quirks is so easy and it’s SO easy to not make them ableist or xenophobic either. So if y’all want to have some REAL ego content:
Y’all know that Florence likes black tea with half a spoon of sugar, she has her own china tea set, she only drinks from the one that’s jade colored with pink flowers on it. She puts down the tea cup on the little tea plate because she likes the *chink*  noise that it makes. She doesn’t have a tea spoon, it’s just a twig she got from some pine tree. Oliver lives on energy drinks. Their blood is made of sugar. Their favourite is the yellow red bull because it has a fruity taste. The empty cans they trade off with a local friendly crow because they’re shiny in trade for intel. They gets real upset when Florence accidentally asks for the wrong drinks when they go shopping. Charlotte doesn’t mind. She likes those green smoothies with kale and avocado in them but every now and then sneaks a banana milkshake. Has often been yelled at by Oliver by making too much noise with the slurpy straw thing because it’d give them away. Is not allowed to drink the energy drinks because they’d all be walking at inhumane speeds if  that were to happen. Has tried to make Oliver drink the green smoothies but they are not sweet enough for them.
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ktrsss1fics · 7 years
Cheeseburger in Paradise: Five.
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What’s the best way to cure a hangover?
For some, it’s a marathon sleep session and a few gallons of red Gatorade.
For others, it’s an early morning run around the block and a fresh smoothie before a few hours of yoga.
For Georgina Ferguson, it was getting on a boat at eight o'clock in the morning after four hours of sleep and a small piece of avocado toast.
Her head was throbbing. Her stomach was in knots. And the sound of a certain boy’s laugh was about to send her over the edge. She wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed and wake up when the sun was starting to set and the little hole in the wall started to make their obnoxiously delicious jerk chicken kebabs.
But she agreed to go parasailing.
At the time it was suggested, it seemed like a good idea. As soon as Brittany jumped on her bed earlier that morning to wake her up, Georgina realized it was not.
“How ya holdin’ up?” Brittany asked nudging her gently.
“If he doesn’t stop with that fuckin laugh, I’m feedin’ ‘im to a shark.” Georgina grumbled.
“Oi, give 'im a break. He’s having fun.” Brittany said looking over at their Irish friend.
“Well he should do it somewhere else.” Georgina said burying her head in her hands.
“Did you really drink that much last night?” Brittany asked scanning Georgina’s face.
Georgina lowered her sunglasses and shot her best friend a dirty look. The dark rings under her puffy eyes spoke for themselves.
“What do you remember?” Brittany asked knowing that look all too well.
“I don’t know.” Georgina mumbled putting her glasses back into place.
“C'mon G.” Brittany said rubbing Georgina’s thigh lovingly.
“You got me up at the arse crack of dawn and put me on a boat that will most likely be covered in my stomach lining by the end of the day.” Georgina groaned. “And now you want me to open up to you about a night I don’t remember. Where is the love Brittany Anne, hmm? Where is the love?”
“You really don’t remember anything?” Brittany asked sounding disappointed.
“Ehhh…” Georgina replied.
Did she remember anything? Yes. She did.
Was she willing to admit it? No. Not at all.
Because if she did, then she would have to admit that she let Niall Horan kiss her and get away with it.
And that was not something she was willing to admit. At least not before she had time to over analyze every decision she had made the night before.
“Keith threw up by the pool.” Georgina said after playing with the idea of being honest.
“And the driveway.” Brittany added feigning disgust.
“Um there is a plant called the love tree and it has heart shaped leaves.” Georgina rattled off trying to play it cool.
As soon as those words left her lips, she felt a pair of eyes land on her. She refused to acknowledge the boy who they belonged to. She knew why he was looking but hadn’t realized he’d been listening.
“Excuse me, what?” Brittany asked confused.
“Yeah um I don’t know its like real name but apparently there is a real plant that has leaves that look like hearts.” Georgina shrugged trying to explain her new found knowledge.
“You’re such a fuckin weirdo babe.” Brittany laughed.
“You asked what I remembered and that is something I remembered.” Georgina said.
“How is that even something you remember?” Brittany shook her head.
“I don’t know.” Georgina said. “I just do.”
Regretfully, Georgina looked up. An appreciative smile graced the lips of a boy she was trying her best to ignore. She focused her eyes back on the floor. She didn’t have time for boys like him.
“Do you remember anything else?” Brittany asked hoping to get more information out of her friend.
Georgina let out a sigh. “Nope.”
Brittany scooted closer before lowering her voice. “So you don’t remember someone kissing you?”
“How do you know about that?” Georgina narrowed her eyes at her friend.
“I saw it go down. Wait, you remember that happening?” Brittany said with an excited grin.
“Yeah but I wasn’t going to admit it to you.” Georgina mumbled embarrassed.
“You like him.” Brittany said reading between the lines.
“No I don’t.” Georgina scoffed.
“God just sit on his face already Fergie. We all know you want to.” David’s voice croaked cheekily as he sat down beside her.
“For fucks sake.” Georgina grumbled as she pulled her knees towards her chest in an attempt to hide her blushing cheeks.
She really just wanted to throw herself off the boat. She didn’t care how far out they were. She didn’t care if fish or sharks or Ursula was waiting for her beneath the surface. She just wanted something to completely swallow her up.
“David Allen!” Brittany said scolding him.
“What?” Dave whined childishly.
“You can’t say shit like that.” Brittany whispered before glancing across the boat. Niall was trying his best to act like he hadn’t heard what was said. But his blushing cheeks were hard to miss.
“Like he doesn’t know already.” Dave said placing a hand on Georgina’s knee. “This one’s just playing hard to get.”
“Will you knock it off?” Brittany sighed. “We said we wouldn’t meddle.”
“Yeah but she’s into him. Why can I just help her realize it?” David said gently.
“Telling me to sit on someone’s face and coaxing me into realizing I have nonexistent feelings are two different things you twat.” Georgina sassed.
“And if she has feelings for him, it’s none of our business.” Brittany said giving her boyfriend a dirty look. “We talked about this.”
“Well excuse me sorry for trying to help.” David said before standing up. Both women shot him dirty looks. “I can tell I’m not wanted over here. I’ll just go talk to Keith instead.”
“Yeah brilliant idea.” Brittany said before turning to her friend. “Georgie–”
“I don’t have feelings for him or at least I don’t think I do.” Georgina said softly. “The kiss was just confusing and it caught me off guard.”
Brittany just nodded. “That’s okay G.”
“I don’t know what’s going on with me. I’m usually so sure with my feelings - especially when it comes to him.” Georgina explained. “But after yesterday, I just don’t know. I mean I still want to strangle him but I am kind of starting to enjoy looking at him.”
“And that’s perfectly normal.” Brittany smiled.
Georgina opened her mouth to say something but decided against it. She knew what Brittany was going to say. Niall was not Marcus. He was Niall and that made him better in every single way.
“You don’t have to have things sorted out right now.” Brittany said.
“I know.” Georgina sighed. “Haven’t really processed it all.”
“He’s scared of you.” Brittany said with a smirk.
Georgina looked across the boat to find Niall in a conversation with Dave and the boys. She slid her sunglasses on top of her head before turning her attention to Brittany.
“When he went to the bar after he kissed you, I ran into him. He was too scared to give you the drink.” Brittany explained. “He asked me to do it.”
“Why didn’t you?” Georgina asked. “I mean I could have used a little pep talk after it.”
“Sometimes you’ve got to let the people you love do things on their own.” Brittany shrugged.
Georgina rolled her eyes before putting her glasses back on. “Fuck, I’m too hungover for that shit Britt.”
“It’s true.” Brittany laughed at Georgina’s dramatics.
“When did you become a fucking Hallmark card?” Georgina asked.
“Oh stop. You know I’m just looking out for the two of you.” Brittany placed her head on her friend’s shoulder.
“You should be looking out for that boyfriend of yours.” Georgina said still disgusted by David’s comment.
“I can’t believe he bloody said that to you.” Brittany sighed. “I am so sorry.”
Georgina rested her head against Brittany as a comfortable silence fell between them. The early morning sun was dancing across the water as they continued to head to the middle of ocean. Her eyes wandered around the boat before landing on the group of boys in the corner. Dave was going on about a part of the night she hadn’t remembered and Niall was eating up every second of it.
She didn’t understand how he was doing it. He had consumed twice the amount of alcohol that she did yet he was walking around like almost fully functional human being. How was he acting like nothing happened? She didn’t know. She did know that his laugh was going to do her head in.
Georgina felt her best friend shift from beneath her.
“Wanna ride with me?” Brittany asked softly.
“Yes.” Georgina said. “Please.”
“I need a break from Dave.” Brittany said with a sigh. “Who says that shit this early?”
“It’s okay B. He was just trying to be funny.” Georgina said reassuringly.
“He doesn’t even like when I do that to him. Why would he assume that Niall would want you to do that?” Brittany said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. “Unless they’ve discussed it.”
“And if that’s the case, I do not want to know.” Georgina cringed picturing the boys talking about any of the girls that way.
“How was the – you know?” Brittany asked lowering her voice towards the end.
“It was short but okay I guess.” Georgina said replaying the kiss in her head. “More like a peck nothing too substantial.”
“Would you want something more substantial?” Brittany asked smugly. Georgina sighed, “Honestly?”
“Fuck!” Brittany’s eyes lit up as she studied her best friend’s face. “You do.”
Georgina closed her eyes embarrassed. “If we keep getting as pissed as we did last night, I’m afraid it’s going to happen.”
“You haven’t had a good snog in ages.” Brittany pointed out.
“Would be easier to find some island guy for that.” Georgina joked.
“The boys wouldn’t let that happen.” Brittany said.
“I know. They are all so damn protective.” Georgina said. “I’m fine on me own.”
Niall cackled loudly catching their attention. She hated what it did to her. He turned her insides into goo and set her skin on fire. He was slowly chipping away at the tough exterior she had built before she left England and she didn’t like it.
“I think by the end of this trip, something will have happened between you two.” Brittany said keeping her eyes on Niall.
“Why’d you say that?” Georgina asked doing the same.
“Have you seen the way the kid looks at you?” Brittany asked.
“Stop putting those thoughts in me head.” Georgina grumbled.
“You are two single adults. It’s okay to have those thoughts G.” Brittany said patting her on the leg. “He’s not Marcus.”
“No he’s just a hot young millionaire who could get any girl in the world that he wants.” Georgina said as Niall caught her staring.
A shy smile was sent in her direction.
“Yeah but you see that?” Brittany asked nodding towards their friend. “He only has eyes for you.”
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How to lose weight in a healthy way - part I
First thing first - these are advices strictly on weight loss, they're not meant to help you gain muscle mass and tone yourself up! If you wish to gain muscle mass, lots of my recommendations here are counterproductive. Second - please read these disclaimers.
Who am I writing this for? I should start off by saying that if you're happy with your body shape, I'm happy for you. I admire you! I admire those beautiful curvaceous women who flaunt their bodies proudly and live quality life. I honestly envy them and I have always wanted to be like that. But unfortunately, my mindset wouldn't let me. I've been tought I look bad with extra weight, My weight was scrutinized and mocked my entire life, so I couldn't cope with it anymore. So I'm writing this for the girls out there who don't feel comfortable having an extra weight and seek a change but either don't know how to start it or can't find a will or motivation Why am I writing this? I have basic knowledge on biochemistry, human physiology and metabolism. I also did my research for half an year on the internet, checking up the blogs of professional personal trainers and fitness experts. Combining the learnt information, my intuition and lot's of persistence, I managed to drop 44 lbs in 4 months. How should you read this?
Take everything with a grain of salt! By no means I'm professional trainer or fitness expert, I'm your overly chatty neighbor. This is my experience only. These should be more like guidelines than set in stone rules. Also take into consideration that everyone's body is different.  
The bodytypes. People usually fall in one of three body type categories, which you may already know but yet here they are - ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. If you're ectomorph you probably dont need my advice on this, because you're naturally skinny. If yoú're endomorph this article won't help you much either. For efficient results you need to arm yourself with lots of patience, lots of it and probably do a specialized bioscreening called vega test and arm with lots of patience. Lots of it.
If you're mesomorph, then you're in the lucky golden mean and you can do pretty much anything to your body. I learn towards a mesomorph, so I can modulate my metabolism quite efficiently. Under right circumstances I lose weight quickly (notable results in less than a week), but on the downside I gain weight even quicker. The actual tips.
1.      Prepare your mind and body.  So, let's say it's past lunch on whatever date is. Start your journey right now, on this second and don't postpone it! Finish the rest of the day drinking excessive amounts of water and eat a light dinner.
2.      Right of the bat cross fizzy drinks, alcohol and sweets off your diet. Fizzy drinks contain empty calories and aggravate the mucous of your stomach and intestines which results in bloating and increased appetite. Same with alcohol.. same with everything, containing refined sugar.  Believe me, you won't die without them. Coming from a girl who used to engulf  minimum 2 l of Pepsi every day.
3.      Good ol' plain water is your new best friend and it does wonders in every weight-loss journey. It boosts the metabolism, no joke. Make sure you're fully hydrated all day, every day. The more water, the better but don't overdo it, because you can stress your kidneys and bladder.
4.      Cleansing day.  I usually start my regimens (when I get back on them) with this type of days. What I would suggest is spending day 1 on maximum amounts of water and really light food - raw vegetables and fruits. Attain some products with high cellulose content - greeneries as cabbage, kale, broccoli...  Since humans cannot break down fibres (cellulose), the fibres stay intact in your intestines, they swell sorta speak, keep you full sorta speak and absorb some bad stuff. What this does in 24 hours is... well, cleanses.Avoid starch containing products for now. (Dont worry, you'll have plenty of them later). Starch containing fruits and vegetables are banana, potatoes, beans, peas, lentils, corn, anything with 'dense' type of texture.   hardcore version of this 'cleansing day' is spending the first day  entirely on water, but I honestly don't think anyone can manage it. Don't force yourself to it. Don't forget that man's instinct for self preservation is waay stronger than one's desire to lose weight.
If you push your body way beyond its limits, it will retract with a force stronger than your will.
This should be your golden rule from now on! Don't push your body's limits. In that sort of speaking, don't 'cleanse' for more than 1 day! Just don't! Please don't. It's dangerous, you may pass out, you'll feel dizzy and faint or simply you won't be able to do it. You just won't I promise. You'll end up binging and hating yourself, you'll lose hope and quit and then, in few weeks or months, you'll need to start back again. That's why most extreme diets don't work. They go up against the body's instinct. You should listen to your body and not do ANYTHING that makes you feel bad.
Another great thing this cleansing day achieves is it sets your mind and give you inspiration. "I managed to get through one day, I'll manage 90 more" sorta thing. Believe me, when you wake up on day 2, feeling light and depuffed because of this cleansing day, you'll know you're on the right track.
5.      Start your second day, and every day afterwards, by drinking two cold cups of water. Actually, make this a habit of yours.  What this does is boost your metabolism on the spot. Proceed with your day, eating pro-per-ly!
6.      Now first things first, Calories count. Yes honey, they do count. :) In order to lose fat, you need to burn the equivalent of them in kJ, ergo kcal, it's basic thermophysics. You'll lose weight if the total amount of kcal burned exceed the total amount of kcal intake. But, you say, you dont lead an active lifestyle. A piece of breakfast has some kcal and you are already gaining fat?!
7.      Don't worry boo, BMR got you. Every living thing has BMR (Basic metabolic rate) -  certain amount of calories your body expends while at rest, in order to just ruin your physiology - keep your blood moving, keep your temperature, keep the tone of your muscles, etc. The rate differs, depending on age, sex, height and weight but it should fit around 1400- 1700. You can calculate your BMR online, there are so much options - google “Basic metabolic rate calculator”. Now a pro tip, enter your age, sex, height and GOAL weight and it should compute the BMR of your desired weight.  Add 100 or 200 to the number and this new number is your new daily caloric intake. Meaning, if the BMR of your desired weight is 1450 for instance, consume 1600 -1650 kcal in a day. Every day. Don't go above it. See the magic happens :)
8.      Now don't be tempted to have your caloric intake at BM rates or below. Please don't do this idiocy. This is extra harsh on your body and slows down your metabolism, ultimately destroying it. You'll be riding on the highway to chronic fatigue, anemia, dangerously low BP and anorexia before you realise it. Most likely you won't survive your regimen for long and end up binging and giving up hope. Don't play games with your own body and health! Any diets, requiring daily intake of lower than 1000 kcal are the devil. Don't play games with your own body and health! Any diets, requiring daily intake of lower than 1000 kcal are the devil.
Reduced, but optimized daily intake of 1600-1700 kcal won’t make you feel like you’re on a diet and you'll be able to go for weeks. Soon results will show up! :)
9.      The quality of your intake is also important. Keep an optimized ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for a balanced meal! In order to have a smooth running metabolism, Don't exclude any food group. Dont get it twisted by the names 'fatty acids' and 'carbohydrates', you certainly DO need these in order to be healthy. But there's a difference between good acids and bad acids, good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates... basically good = natural, bad = processed. Your body has the ability to break down the good sugars of fruit, vegetables and natural starch to monosaccharides. The bad sugars are basically refined sugar and artificial sweets. Stay away from these, they are overly rich in calories and suppress you. You'll feel some abstinence symptoms at first but once you forget the taste of it, you won't mind them even if they're right on the table in front of you. If you crave them really bad, drink a cup of hot chocolate or sweetened coffee. It has lesser calories, and you won't feel bad, cause you've drunk it, not eaten it. It's a mind trick and it helps. Speaking of beverages and sugars - stick to good ol' sweetened (or not) black coffee (or having minimum milk), tea and forget about Starbucks and all that jazz. Caloric bombs right there! As are the freshes. You heard me right, sweetheart, fresh is bad for weight loss. It strips down the fruits of all their precious fibers and gives you pure... liquidized... sugar. Caloric bomb. (Unless you plan to have it instead of a meal, which I don't recommend ) . Now on the 'abominable' fatty acids. Don't mistake dietary fats for body fats! The fats in your diet don't turn up on your tush, no compound have this superpower. :) If you want an explanation on HOW you gain parietal fat, ask and you shall receive. I won't be including this here, because this article is already going for too long.
Good fatty acids are the natural ones - mono and polyunsaturated fats, omega 3 and 6, you'll find in nuts, fish, some 'fatty' fruits and vegetables as avocado, coconut, olives, . you... you know that buttery feeling.
Butter and dairy products, on another hand is rich on saturated fatty acids. They are labeled bad, but they tend to fill you up quickly, and due to that, I don't forsake them, but I tend to tread slightly around these products. (I love my dairy). tend to fill you up quickly and due to Things go wrong, when we process the fats - they turn into transgenic, which are cancer! Therefore, people, don't eat fried food or keep it at bare minimum.
I plan on ending this here. Next time, I'm going to talk more about how to use food in your advantage, when and how to ... mimic exercising. (because let's face it - for a type of girl that needs weight loss, exercising is hideous.)  
 Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, talk to me :) I dont have any credits to give off for the information, because it was all memorized inside my smart head 8-]! But if you quote this, please don't forget to credit me by the url ^.^ see ya next time
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drashleighreid · 5 years
Do them alllllll!! 😂😜 you’ll probably need snacks for how long it takes to answer 💓
lord. LMAO okay 
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
not really?? life is weird tho who knows man. 
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
3. The person you would never want to meet?
HMM. never... im sure there are plenty 
4. What is your favorite word?
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
peach tree ! 
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
gotta brush tha teethies 
7. What shirt are you wearing?
a lana del rey concert t shirt n a harvard sweatshirt over the top sksksk .. get u a girl who can do both
8. What do you label yourself as?
vegan lesbian :o ? dumbass
9. Bright room or dark room?
both for different moods... i like rooms being bright and open during the day but dimly lit at night
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
writing fic 
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
12. Who told you they loved you last?
my mum
13. Your worst enemy?
myself bitch
14. What is your current desktop picture?
miss cdp in that blue coat
15. Do you like someone?
16. The last song you listened to?
the rip - portishead
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
see above
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
sdlkfj these questions are weird. br*ttany snow can be my slave for the day just so i can play w her hair 
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
litcherally no clue lkjsf ppl compliment me on my eyes but thats such a basic attribute ppl always comment on. we all got eyes hun. 
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
probably ,, me but the opposite sex ,,, j*rk off :) 
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
?? maybe ? maybe not. its a secret 
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
unique ??? i have claustrophobia and hypochondria  lkjsf. what a SHIT pot. 
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
thats nice. is this a question? PICKLES. 
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
clothes, or some candles,,, perfume. i want colour pencils ! nice lotion. 
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
sdkfj gin. hendricks or beefeater. or i mean, if its a gift just give me some BOUGIE shit.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
no a55h0l3s allowed
29. What is your favorite expletive?
‘cunt’ has been working its way back into my road rage repertoire lately 
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
my laptop
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
once again, is this a question. good i wanna move away from here anyway lkjsf 
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
my grandma
34. What was your last dream about?
i actually dont know, i know i had a weird dream last night but i cant remember it 
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
no, knock on wood 
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
38. What is the color of your socks?
kljs they’re grey, cute and cozy and they look like lil woofos :’( my mum bought them for me they keep me so warm
39. What type of music do you like?
lots of different stuff tbh ! idek how to describe the genres LOL
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
lime ! or caramel 
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
i dont have any strong feelings
43. Do you have any scars?
yeah, theres one on my knee from when my friend pushed me over on bitumen in 1st grade kjsf 
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
writer/director/not poor
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
hmm. i wish i was more open to change sometimes 
46. Are you reliable?
yes i hate letting people down 
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
is it worth it?
48. Do you hold grudges?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
omg. a bear and a corgi :D i just want a little cuddly bear 
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
omg. so many. i had a really weird conversation with this guy in amsterdam who just like,, cornered me on the street and told me he wanted to hang out with me and i had to make up an excuse and say i was meeting people even though i was travelling alone because i thought he was going to murder me. i’ve travelled alone quite a bit so ive just had weird af conversations overseas kjf 
51. Are you a good liar?
maybe?? i just dont like lying so i dont do it a lot. i only really lie to get out of doing things i dont want to do and to rearrange plans when im feeling mentally Unwell 
52. How long could you go without talking?
a long time lmao
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
hmmm. when i was in highschool i cut my hair really short and it just didnt look nice. i also had bright red bangs and black hair in high school, and another time i had turquiose bangs. it was a time. 
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
i dont like to lol
56. What do you like on your toast?
v cream cheese and jam !! pb+j ! avocado 
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
a little bear
58. What would be you dream car?
i dont care. something black n bougie with tinted windows so people dont Look at me 
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
only if im in hotels, i dont like my neighbors to hear me so i sing in my car kljsf. i dont think i do anything exceptionally weird in the shower 
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
... cool but i dont want it near me 
thanks for the entertainment sweet pea !!!! 
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After decades of fad diets and magic supplements, and with obesity still very much on the rise, our society is finally starting to grasp that a healthy lifestyle does not come with an easy pill.
Everyone seems to be trying to eat healthier and exercise, and I like to believe our generation has contributed quite a great deal to this sudden interest in living well-balanced, healthy lives.
Below is a list of eight simple, manageable, low-cost tips to help you get rid of some bad eating habits and replace them with newones:
1. Write down everything you eat.
In order to gain complete control over your diet, the starting point is having a complete overview of what you actually put in your body. You can start off by simply writing a food journal for a week.
Then, sit down and look for any patterns you can find. See if there is a specific time or day when you snack more, what your dinners usually look like and when you tend to eat the most.
Turn this end-of-the-week introspection into a habit. You can only write down what you eat, or you can actually begin tracking all of your macros.
Using one of the calorie-counter apps available makes tracking all of your macro- and micro-nutrients super easy, and you get a fantastic insight into what your diet actually looks like.
2. Avoid eating alone or in a hurry.
Besides enjoying good company, having a meal with other people will also help you avoid mindless overeating, which often includes gulping down meals in front of one of the many screens our 21st century lives have to offer, or even right there in our cars.
Sit down for every one of your meals and make an event out of it. Take your time and focus on the food in front of you.
Enjoy its smell, the richness of taste and even its appearance. Thoroughly chew every bite and pay attention to how your body responds. Notice when you feel full, and stop eating when you know youve had enough.
3. Be more active in everything you do.
I dont know about you, but for a long time, I was desperately trying to find the time for exercise in my busy schedule.
Often, that would naturally lead to the commonly known excuse of not having enough time to simply be active, when in fact, putting our bodies in motion is one of the most natural things a human does to exist in this world.
So, start using your legs more. Take the stairs (not the elevator), ride your bike to work if you have that option, play with your dog more often, take a walk instead of watching TV or spending useless time onthe internet and simply stretch every hour or so, especially if you spend your days cramped in front of the computer.
Basically, move out of your head and start using your body more.
4. Fill your plate with veggies first.
There is more than one upside to this habit.
Firstly, if you fill up your plate with low-calorie food (vegetables are ideal), you immediately perceive your plate as full and can barely find the place to add more food.
Secondly, if you eat those veggies before you attack that huge steak waiting for you, you just might discover your belly is actually quite full already.
And thirdly, vegetables are simply good for you. You might have heard the story of green veggies that are magicalbecause of their high-fiber content and tons of vitamins before.
And you might just hate me right now for stating this obvious fact again, but try eating two or three times as much vegetables than what you are used to, and trust me, your entire digestive system will thank you.
5. Feed your body with complex carbs.
Let go of the ancient belief that a low-carb diet is the best way to go.
The truth is, your body needs more carbohydrates than any other nutrient. The myth of getting slim by eliminating carbs from your diet is based on the fact simple carbs indeed do you no good, since your body processes them much too quickly, which leads to a rapid rise and then a rapid fall of your blood sugar.
This leaves you feeling sluggish, drained of all energy and, quite often, a bit bloated.
So, how to ditch this habit with little effort? Think in terms of substitutions, instead of eliminations.
Once you start tracking what you eat, focus on the meals where you consume most of your carbs, and make sure you substitute them with complex carbs. Some of the best choices are whole grains(oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice, corn, quinoa), green vegetables, starchy vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and fruits.
6. Make sure you get enough healthy fats.
Much like carbs, fats also have a certain bad reputation with people trying to lose weight. Over the past couple of decades, everything diet-worthy seemed to be either low-fat or low-carb.
So, I cant stress enough how essential fatty acids are actually crucial for your well-being. The situation is again similar to carbs: You have bad fats (trans fats and saturated fats)and good fats (monounsaturatedand polyunsaturated fats).
Bad fats really are bad for you because they raise your cholesterol level, and they are the reason most people trying to eat right are avoiding all fats.
But mono- and polyunsaturated fats are good for your health, since they actually help lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk for heart disease. My tip is again the same as with carbs.
Find substitutions you will fall in love with. For example, coconut oil, olive oil, cod fish liver oil, nuts, avocados or nut butter are all great options to add to your diet.
7. Eat plenty of lean protein.
Protein is the macro that plays a crucial role in every single function of our bodies.
It also plays a very important role in your diet, if you are trying to lose or even maintain weight, since it boosts your metabolism and helps to reduce appetite. It keeps you full and satisfied longer.
Some great options are Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, quark and eggs. Try soy milk, tofu, tempeh or legumes if you want to avoid animal proteinaltogether.
If you eat meat, then go for chicken or turkey breasts, tuna, tilapia, salmon, etc.
8. Find balance in everything you do.
Last but not least, dont restrict yourself and dont torment yourself over every single thing you didnt do according to your plan.
Once you accept the only person in the world you should explain yourself to is you, it will be much easier to treat your body the way it deserves to be treated.
If you want to lose weight, get fit, eat clean or anything else, you most probably already know what you need to do. The only reason youre still not doing it is because you feel you should play by other peoples rules to achieve that goal.
But its your body, your life, your goal and your rules.
If you know you cant live without chocolate, then dont put yourself on a restricted diet that doesnt allow you to eat anything but fruits for a month, just because a friend supposedly lost 20 pounds doing it.
And then dont beat yourself up when you binge on chocolate after a really good week. Find what works for you and you alone.
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alien-earz · 8 years
about me
Fancy knowing anything about me?
1: Full name Kirstie Taylor King Turcotte
2: Age: 20
3: 3 Fears: deep water, creepy crawly bugs, pizza place doesnt deliver
4: 3 things I love: music, art, laughing
5: 4 turns on: if you funny, gentle, and can have deep conversations
6: 4 turns off: big ego, doesn’t show he cares, ugly shoes
7: My best friend: nobody wants to be close to me long enough
8: Sexual orientation: str8 
9: My best first date: ohhh maaannnn.... somewhere in a waterfall in a foreign country
10: How tall am I: 5′3
11: What do I miss: not having to adult
12: What time were I born: 7:30 am!
13: Favourite color: dreamy purples and green and blue and anything lovely
14: Do I have a crush: yeessssss!
15: Favourite quote: let it go, let it leave, let it happen. nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway. all you own is yourself.
16: Favourite place: new zealand or anywhere with a beautiful sunset
17: Favourite food: all da food! but mostly hummus 
18: Do I use sarcasm: ....noooo :3
19: What am I listening to right now: bedroom-nostalgic feeling!
20: First thing I notice in new person: the beautiful smiles
21: Shoe size: 7 
22: Eye color: bluuuueee
23: Hair color: dirty blonde
24: Favourite style of clothing: dirty mop grungy just crawled out of a trashcan unique
25: Ever done a prank call?: pretty sure i wasted my adolescence prank calling people
27: Meaning behind my URL: i like to get high
28: Favourite movie: oh maaann! idek. the grinch probs. i know err word. 
29: Favourite song: i have a million favorite songs. but my favorite song at the moment is hodera-breathe easy because the guitar sounds so dreamy and beautiful
30: Favourite band: nevershoutnever is my guilty pleasure
31: How I feel right now: weird
32: Someone I love: everyone who ever made me feel loved
33: My current relationship status: d8ing
34: My relationship with my parents: terrible
35: Favourite holiday: halloweeny because i love being creepy 
36: Tattoos and piercing i have: i only have my belly button pierced but i have 8 tattoos and ive had a million piercings in my life time. 
37: Tattoos and piercing i want: i want to get my septum re pierced annnnndddd i want an avocado tattoo’d on my arm 
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: because it was cool af in grade 10
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: no way, we were friends for a long time before. 
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: ermm... sometimes i guess
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: yep! 
42: When did I last hold hands?: yesterday in the car with my boyfriends mom cause i love her and she loves me and shes the best. 
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: 10 minutes at the most
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: loool no? its winter. 
45: Where am I right now?: at work :(
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: probably my self or the cab driver. cabbies always pull thru. 
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: as loud as it can fuckin go
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: no!!!! im a full time adult
49: Am I excited for anything?: summer time 
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: yesssssssssss, most of my greatest friends are boys
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: mm  70% maybe. 
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: yesterday when i was leaving my friends house. noice warm hugs
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: i would be confuuused. 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: no! i learned the hard way not to trust a distrusting person.
55: What is something I disliked about today?: that i had to get up at 8 and go to the bank to get money for my rent. and than pay my grumpy landlord. 
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: Robert Plant
57: What do I think about most?: im mostly in dream land 99% of the time
58: What’s my strangest talent? i can spread all my toes apart and it looks like i have munky feet. its pretty bad ass. 
59: Do I have any strange phobias? i dont think being closter phobic is strange. but FUCK that. 
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? both! i like to capture beauty and be apart of beauty. 
61: What was the last lie I told? i lied on my time sheet at work because i need the hours but i fucking hate working. 
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? talking on the phone is nice, it keeps the mystery going. 
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: of course.
64: Do I believe in magic?: yes! i believe we all have abilities we cannot access, only some people get to that point. 
65: Do I believe in luck?: sure
66: What's the weather like right now?: sunny, windy. 
67: What was the last book I've read? celestine prophecy 
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: i would be dead if i did 
69: Do I have any nicknames?: kerby/kerbz
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?: uhm my brother snapped my pinky in half. 
71: Do I spend money or save it?: both haha 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no :c
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? yes! my key chain.
74: Favourite animal? red panda
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? roasting my brain on social media 
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? love 
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? heaven must be missing an angel 
78: How can you win my heart?: be sweet and semi obsessed 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? tried my best 
80: What is my favorite word? rutabaga 
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: i dont go on tumblr enough 
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? love everyone. every leaf. every ray of light. forgive. 
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: nahhh 
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: read peoples minds 
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? how do i feel honestly. 
86: What is my current desktop picture? a red panda.. hahah 
87: Had sex? i would be pretty sad if i was 20 and still a virgin. 
88: Bought condoms? yessssssss
89: Gotten pregnant? noooo! 
90: Failed a class? ha ha ha 
91: Kissed a boy? yup
92: Kissed a girl? yupppppp 
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? heh yes 
94: Had job? unfortunately 
95: Left the house without my wallet? all the time 
96: Bullied someone on the internet? ya i was a dick in highschool 
97: Had sex in public? how public? i had sex in a park at night. and in the forest. and in a car parked on the side of the road. idk how public that is. but. 
98: Played on a sports team? soccer! 
99: Smoked weed? everyday.
100: Did drugs? yea!
101: Smoked cigarettes? ive been ciggy free for awhile 
102: Drank alcohol? if i could calculate how much vodka i have drank in my life i could probably fill an olympic pool. js. 
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? vegetarian! 
104: Been overweight? not really. 
105: Been underweight? no
106: Been to a wedding? yess
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? probably. 
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? when i was younger yeah 
109: Been outside my home country? multiple times!
110: Gotten my heart broken? i think my heart is in a constant broken stage now. 
111: Been to a professional sports game? yeah! 
112: Broken a bone? if my pinky counts than yes 
113: Cut myself? for a year i used to cut my self in highschool. 
114: Been to prom? i live in canada 
115: Been in airplane? yeaaaaaaa
116: Fly by helicopter? noooooo 
117: What concerts have I been to? too many 
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? mm no 
119: Learned another language? no! :’( 
120: Wore make up? sometimes 
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? i was 15
122: Had oral sex? duhh 
123: Dyed my hair? not for 2 years
124: Voted in a presidential election? i voted in the prime minister election in canada last year. my dude won. of couuuurse because hes sick. 
125: Rode in an ambulance? yea when my brother shattered his head 
126: Had a surgery? yup!
127: Met someone famous? no 
128: Stalked someone on a social network? haaaahaha i have issues
129: Peed outside? ya gotta do what ya gotta do 
130: Been fishing? yes! i caught the biggest fishy at my bf’s cottage this summer. he was pretty impressed. 
131: Helped with charity? i dated a christian guy in highschool and his parents would take us to the mustard seed to hangout with the less fortunate and feed them :) it was really nice.
132: Been rejected by a crush? YEAA! its the worst. 
133: Broken a mirror? no thats bad luck
134: What do I want for birthday? a big hug and an awesome concert in seattle to happen. 
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 2 kids. they will be boys. Atlas/Onyx. maybe Eli? 
136: Was I named after anyone? my dads highschool crush. 
137: Do I like my handwriting? yeah! ive got pretty nice writing id say
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? barbies/teddy bears
139: Favourite Tv Show? one tree hill 
140: Where do I want to live when older? somewhere peaceful, surrounded by nature 
141: Play any musical instrument? ukelele! 
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? my friend put a cigarette out on the back of my leg when i was passed out drunk. that was fun. 
143: Favourite pizza toping? pineapple!!
144: Am I afraid of the dark? if i watch a scary movie or have a scary dream. 
145: Am I afraid of heights? not really but sometimes when i look down it gives me butterflies 
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? HAHA ya. my mom is smarter than i thought i guess. 
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? all the time. 
148: What I'm really bad at: expressing myself. 
149: What my greatest achievments are: moving out all on my own and paying all my bills on my own without any help. 
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: my first love told me to go kill myself and that i was spineless. 
151: What I'd do if I won in a lottery: pay my parents debt off and move them somewhere they always wanted to go. 
152: What do I like about myself: im funny i guess 
153: My closest Tumblr friend: jen 
154: Something I fantasise about: having my life be a dream pop music video 
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