#i dont post a lot about the ttrpg im in but this is my The Expert character :)
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Sayer at the carnival
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WIBTA for writing fanfics shipping two characters from a TTRPG campaign?
submitted: 1/25/24
this feels like a complete non-issue, but oh my god am i anxious. please dont be mean. everyone in the story (including characters) are adults. many unimportant details omitted bc the gm is on tumblr and if he saw this i think i would turn into dirt.
im in an online campaign and we've been playing for a couple months. my character has become my Actual Son and i love thinking about him all the time. the other night, me and two other players were chatting in a channel on the discord about our characters. it was simple things like how our characters view each other, and it was all in good fun.
we were analyzing one of the characters because their player (O) made a playlist based off their life, and the other player (B) joked about my character and playlist character being involved romantically. it was silly and the O said anyone was welcome to try romancing their character, we made a silly ship name and joked that B was the first official shipper. i replied and said i might be one too and we kept joking about it.
however, my brain has been rotating these two characters in my head for hours now and i want to write my own personal headcanons/shipping fics for them. they've both interacted a lot and have quite a bit of lore they've experienced together in the campaign and its angsty and i cannot stop thinking about it.
i have a password protected writing blog on tumblr where i would be posting them for private archival and otherwise i wouldnt tell anyone about it unless our characters actually started behaving romantically.
reasons i think i could be the asshole: im worried this will affect my roleplaying with this character, im also worried i misunderstood how much of the conversation was joking, im also not sure where the whole group stands on characterXcharacter romance and worry about making people uncomfortable
reasons i dont think im the asshole: the writing will be kept privately for my own enjoyment, my ttrpg character has grown into more than just my tabletop character and i've been fleshing out a life story for him, the law of 'do whatever you want forever'
so, would i be the asshole for writing ship fics between these two characters?
What are these acronyms?
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- "hey bizly can we fight an alligator next episode. i just wanna see who would win" "the hilarious thing is that we would LOSE because theyre MORE POWERFUL THAN US" i told you there would be more of this . theres a REASON im including it but also its just so fucking funny
- charlie: "my whole scale for this campaign now is alligator based. while we were getting shot at i kept thinking 'man i wonder how an alligator would deal with this'" alligators are power level 7 btw.
- yakko: "they should just replace all low level superheroes with alligators in costumes" "prime defenders becomes alligators and its like penguins of madagascar"
- "do you think william wisp could beat an alligator in a cartoon beatboxing battle" "no. i dont think alligators can beatbox but william would still lose" i love a loser boy
- theyre trying to get bizly to tell them what power level wavelength is and he wont tell them so they said "put it in alligator terms"
- grizzly wants to pick up a new character quirk for dakota: having one consistent bit per episode and then dropping it at the end of the epispde and picking up a different one next time (like the psychic thing) . yakko was like "its like he sees a new hobby and thinks its gonna be cool and then gets bored of it in like a week" dakota adhd king
- LIZARD UPDATE: crocodiles are power level 8. a crocodile has almost as much charisma as william wisp
- theyre looking at the page from the rulebook now . "youre telling me a komodo dragon is power level 6??? look how dumb that thing looks thats how powerful we are."
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- yakko: "look at the komodo dragon. thats how i feel every time i play prime defenders"
- "MARK IS PART LIZARD. what type of lizard is he. thats how we figure out his power level."
- on this topic, yakko goes: "wait ashe doesnt know marks lizard stuff was from experiments maybe he thinks its genetic. what if next episode he goes up to mark like 'so like am i gonna get lizard powers when i grow up'
- "bizly your silence during this discussion is speaking volumes. can we level up." ".... SURE. NOW YOURE AS POWERFUL AS AN ALLIGATOR"
- i fucking love the lizard discussion its so funny. this isnt trivia but like they have BARELY talked about the episode its all lizard power levels
- the angel that ashe summons to heal people is not a literal angel its just a spirit that happens to look like that
- williams suit was built with all kinds of mystery solving stuff in it!! there were a couple things mentioned in the episode but they specifically say here it has a feat called Always Rolling which gives him a bodycam that records everything they do
- back to the alligator situation. there is a statblock for "army soldier" that is. power level 4 (or 5? they dont say specificially) so now theyre back on this again "YOURE TELLING ME. all the training and shit they go theough and theyd still lose to a fucking gator? THEY HAVE GUNS."
- in order for ashe to summon things he has to say an incantation AND physically have the book open to the right page! so he cant just memorize things he actually physically needs to have the book
- "dakota is so endearing i love him so much" ME TOO
- a lot of the way grizzly plays dakota is inspired by beast boy from teen titans ... i love this about him
- "tide's being stupid and now we have to go save him so he doesnt die"
bizly: "no, tide's not being stupid. he knows fully what hes getting himself into, he just loves his family and would do anything for his family" :(((
- they had this whole discussion about how sad it is that tide was trusting them to make a choice and actively inviting them to a thing that he probably knew was gonna be dangerous and how they betrayed him by making the choice to go with mark instead and it sort of starts to turn into a nuance argument and charlie shuts the whole thing down by going "actually i think tide is an alligator" and thats where they fucking end it
- vyncents fisherman class is not real its just for a bit/for flavor but every day i wish it was
OK I SHOULD HAVE ANSWERED THESE BEFORE I STARTED S2 BUT OH MY GOD THAT LIZARD PAGE. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY LIZARDS. WHO NEEDS THIS MANY LIZARDS IN ONE CAMPAIGN. the fucking alligator oh my god it's insane that overlord is actually a fucking alligator. thats so fucking funny. oh my god
knowing that grizzly plays dakota with beast boy in mind makes soooo much sense. that is beast boy right there!!!!!
vyncent's fisherman class should have been real and canon </3 in my mind it is in fact canon. what would the fisherman's name be..... that is the question
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hello! im sure you already have a post for this, but im looking for any game that are similar to dnd but not, yknow? versatile and familiar, adaptable to different settings, preferably use polyhedral dice so my players dont get mad at me, etc
additionally and kind of separately, any that have a souls-game esque combat or weapons system, like diverse, upgradable, bonus points for magic.
i really appriciate the work youre doing on this blog, ttrpgs can be kind of daunting to get in to any stuff like this really helps :-)
THEME: Echoes of D&D
Hello friend, thank you very much! I love introducing people to the possibilities of this hobby. I have 3 recommendations for the first half of your request, and 2 for the second half.
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Backwater, by Backwards Tabletop.
Backwater is a tabletop roleplaying game in the genre of southern gothic horror, set in a post-apocalyptic New Orleans. This game explores social issues relating to fear, poverty, religion, and alienation in its southern U.S. setting. Prominent among the genre's themes is a conscious criticism of superficial values and regional or familial history, depicted through the region's decaying structures and aristocratic families. It contains the supernatural, though the true horrors are often humans themselves.
Backwater is set in a post-apocalyptic future with a tenuous social order, and it reimagines the genre as a reflection on issues in not only American history but also our present world. Players take on the role of wardens—roaming peace keepers in the American Lands—protecting order at civilization’s southern reach.
Pieces of Backwater are going to feel familiar if your touchstone is D&D. You’ll have characteristics like Athletics and Charisma, which have number values, similar to Ability Scores. You’ll pick an Archetype, which looks very similar to Character Class. However, parts of your character are bought using a point-buy system, which gives you more flexibility than D&D, and allows players to make choices that make the most sense for their characters, and levelling is pretty consistent, which means that you’ll feel the character growth as you play. Most of the game uses d20’s, but you’ll see d8’s, d6’s, and d4’s in your weapon damage.
Backwater itself is a game for gothic horror, so you’ll see a specific theme going on there, but the system itself has an SRD that you can use for other kinds of genre - such as Backroads, another game published by the same creators. Probably worth checking out!
Seeking Sunlight, by Irus the Nazgul.
A tabletop RPG about diving into the depths of an endless labyrinth in order to find light, and bring hope back to your village to keep it alive for just a few days more. Push back the boundaries of the dark, fight against the odds, and survive in a harsh world without natural lighting.
Seeking Sunlight carries a lot of the themes of souls-like games, and might carry a bit of the diversity you’re looking for when it looks to mechanics. There’s magic to be had in the forms of character classes like the Battle Witch and Pyromancer, and while the book comes with a list of armour and weapons, it also comes with instructions on how to create your own custom weapon, using listed properties in the book. I feel like the make-it-yourself weapon system lends to the kind of diversity you might be looking for.
Apart from dungeon delving, you’re also going to be building and protecting a settlement, the qualities of which are decided by the player group. There’s also mechanics for Dread and Stress - penalties your players will take to represent the horrors of the dungeon below. And even with all these moving pieces, this core rulebook is one-sixth the size of D&D, and is Pay What You Want. Definitely worth checking out.
Cursebrand Chronicles, by Promethium Books.
Ghestal, a world once ruled by beasts and magic unimaginable, now ruled by the most terrifying beast of all: man. In humanity’s greed and ambition, political turmoil turned to atomic fire. Nearly three decades have passed since the bombs fell and the old world with it. Now the remnants of civilization huddle behind massive walls in great super cities living in fear of fiends and horrors that stalk the land.
Only those who bear the Cursebrands, marks of corruption and damnation, are immune to the creeping death of the Miasma. They alone have the power to tread the wastelands and ruins of the old world in search of glory, wealth, ancient secrets, and perhaps the one treasure the world needs the most: Hope.
Cursebrand uses a familiar d20+stat system, which immediately makes me think of D&D, but the polyhedral dice appear to be used differently - you can get bonus dice for rolls that range from feeble (d4) to Mythic (d100). Character creation involves a combination of rolled ability scores and point-buy skills, which give players more control over the characters they want, while magic takes the form of Cursebrands, a mark of your immunity to the Miasma, an in-game threat that has warped and killed much of the world around them. These brands give you access to skill trees, which you will move along as you level up.
I think for many of these reasons Cursebrand might fit what you’re looking for - and if I read the website correctly, this game system is also present in Epic Age, a high fantasy game by the same designers.
The Carnation of Gotos, by mundosinfinitos.
"(…) Every man, animal and plant was petrified, turned into solid rock for eternity. Although, he bestowed the blessing of life in the flesh on every statue in the world. You are a sculpture that has come to life (…)"
For a small, 2-page game, The Carnation of Gotos packs a punch. It has a solid idea with a very specific tone and setting for your characters to play in. It uses d6’s only, but it draws from games like D&D, Castlevania, and games such as Dark Souls and Elden Ring. It’s also made by Benjamin Reyna, a TTRPG designer who loves working in the dark, hopeless tone of the games you might be looking for - I’d also recommend checking out his games Maze of the Spider and his Souls-like archive to see if there’s anything else that fits what you’re looking for.
Cortex Prime.
Cortex Prime is less of a ready-to-go ttrpg and more of an rpg toolkit. It is an in-depth instruction manual on how to make your own game, which can then be used to play out pretty much any genre or setting you’re looking for. The rules use any dice from d4’s to d12’s, usually rolling more than one kind for any given task, and assigning the dice to different results and the overall Effect.
The biggest con for this game is that you have to put in a lot of work before you can start playing, because you need to first learn the system, and then decide how you’re going to make it work for you. One of the pros however, is that the book is apparently very good at teaching you the game. If you want an example set-up for the game, Xine has an example setup that is more ready-to-use, called Cortex Lite, that you might want to check out. There’s also the Dungeon Newb’s Guide to Cortex Prime on Youtube, which is absolutely worth a watch if you want to get a primer on the system.
Games I've Recommended in the Past
In the Time of Monsters, by Possum Creek Games.
Savage Worlds, by Pinnacle Entertainment.
Fabula Ultima, by Need Games.
Tactical Games Post
Crunch and Structure Post
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quark-art · 5 months
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got a lot of art from various ttrpg campaigns im in that i just never posted? so heres just all of it
campaign / character info under the cut:
1: thats milly! shes my character in a middle earth campaign i recently joined. shes a hobbit warden, which is basically a bard minus spellcasting. shes talky
2: atmos is a poppet kineticist (air/water) in a pathfinder 2e rp server i joined, theyre nonverbal and filled with rage
3: ACE-9, an autognome (flavored as a different race called "cairnicks") warlock/wizard (hexblade/war magic) i made for a one-shot. despite being a warlock/wizard, she was the tank of the party bc she had crazy high AC, which drove my dm crazy (hi @arclundarchivist <3). she ended up sacrificing herself to save her AI patron
4-5: ive posted about zaltus before, hes my leonin cleric, the other guy in those doodles is andanan, the paladin in the party, who zaltus has a weird crush on bc he reminds zaltus of his wife (seen in 8)
6: zaltus got wasted one session and was super normal
7: zaltus is a sub. moving on
8: zaltus's wife was super hot but shes dead now bc zaltus got zorped 600 years in the future. sad
9-11: buoy is an owlin barbarian character ive got prepared for a campaign way in the future that im still playing with the design for
12: joey is my backup character for another campaign the same DM is running, shes a human ranger and she loves pokemon!
13: jacob is an npc from that same campaign, hes a conspiracy theorist who is unfortunately uniquely incapable of seeing supernatural stuff
14: same campaign, these are the folks in the highschool dnd club joeys in. the witches think they have magic and dont, the hunters think magic is real and are right. they hate each other
15-16: a scene from another campaign from the same DM, in the same universe as zaltus! ive posted about chomphuphan, my ursine cleric, and the other character is jengen, the barbarian in the party whos sorta choms father figure now
17: chomphuphans adoptive brother is named onkhot and he broke his leg protecting chom from bandits. theyre angsty
18: jengen had long hair and i didnt know this when i drew him initially. anyway he and chom are friends and jengen drinks fire resistance potions to bang fire giant ladies
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fatmaclover · 5 months
12, the whole gang. would love to hear every head canon you have tbh!!
oh gosh thats gonna be a lot. im gonna be excluding anything that would make this blog more personal or less tame than i want it to be but you really arent missing much there
well. first and foremost UNFORTUNATELY its a hc that im a joyce kelly truther. shes so unbelievably transfem to me at this point its hard to see her as much else. genuinely forget its not canon sometimes. oops
i also must say all of @pariskim's joyceverse tag is canon in my mind and i really recommend you go through it even if you dont see joyce the same way i do, genuinely some of my favorite fan content to consume period. yes i am also sending you over there to become a joyce truther. go.
honestly if mac and dennis could be responsible pet owners (theyll never be.) i think theyd LOVE having a snake. i know theyd go for a ball python because theyre more stereotypically "snake" than some other pet trade species, but frankly i think theyd do best with a hognose. theyre pretty social (with humans. dont keep hognoses together in a tank) idiots with huge attitude and they look god damn adorable. hognoses would also be great for them because they tend to be more food motivated! its also good for snakes to just take them out and like. set them on your bed n just chill or talk with em for an hour or so. thatd be great for mac.
i personally think that mac will only hook up with you as a fellow man if you a) can pass as older than him or b) look like dennis. yeag i think he, consciously or not, goes for people that have similar traits to dennis, physically or personality wise. if dennis let himself accept that he cares a bit too much about who mac is dating, that little fact would single-handedly make macdennis canon. dennis would tell mac to just date him if he wanted to date him so badly
not entirely a headcanon but i imagine almost all of the gang besides maybe frank has methods for getting dennis to regulate his diet a bit more instead of eating like 1 meal a day. i think mac can get dennis to eat or drink just about anything by just giving it to him in conversation. he'll just let dennis talk his ear off and continually hand him chips or fruit or even drinks or nearly any drug at all. having a small bite or drink or hit during conversation is such a reinforced habit that its natural to the both of them now.
i think dee does it by purposefully playing into her status of being "below" dennis. she'll complain about being too weak to open a peanut shell or something and he'll snatch it and do it to prove hes better and out of habit maybe has a little bite. though i imagine if theyre inebriated in any way its as easy as genuinely just feeding it to him. dennis will never admit it, because he hates his sister, but he trusts her.
joyce i think can get dennis to eat just by getting alone with him. she provides a bubble of decompression and a lack of worry for him. its also insanely easy for her to just offer dennis a huff of whatever inhalant shes been having fun with that day and i imagine that makes things easier as well
i think you could pretty easily get mac into nerd shit. just have some pretty boy be a little nerdy. get him to watch star trek itd be life changing for him even if i think a good amount of it would fly over his head at times. ttrpgs and roleplaying in general i think would be big for him
also bringing back my hc of him joining the philadelphia gay mens chorus ohhhhhh my god i need him to sing more i need him to embrace his love of singing
unngh thats not all of em but i my brains starting to lag a bit here. ill happily rb this post with more and make it a sorta masterpost for hcs eventually
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d20-lesbian · 5 months
🐈‍⬛🖤INTRO POST🖤🐦‍⬛
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I'm finally making an intro post! under the break you will find everything from DNI to Hyperfixations/Interests, plus a new tagging system I'll be using so my blog isn't such a wasteland <33 Enjoy
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alright lets start with some info!
My name is Onyx
I'm a non binary lesbian
I use they/xe/it and a bunch of neopronouns
I identify with a bunch of xenogenders!
I flip from hyperfixation to hyperfixation super easily but my special interests are musical theatre and psychology/mental illness. (2 very different things i know).
I'm 18 years old and Australian :3
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before you follow !
I might spam reblog sometimes, but I'll have all reblogs tagged so you can mute that if you like.
I'm always happy to receive asks and such, anonymous or not!! please i want mutuals ;-;.
i might vent at times, nothing too serious of course and always properly tagged.
Just keep this in mind!
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- you fall into basic DNI criteria (homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc.)
- you're pro-ana or pro-sh as I'm in recovery for both of these.
- you're a proshipper
- you're under 12
- you're a Monika apologist (DDLC)
- you fake claim
- you're anti neopronouns/xenogenders
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some of my triggers are ,
vomit, in any way, this is my biggest one!! i have very severe emetephobia and dont really even like the word.
IRL sans hoodies/blue jackets that look similar to that.
Sayoris death scene from DDLC
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i love musical theatre, rock/metal music, LGBTQIA+ advocacy, mental health advocacy, psychology, dungeons and dragons/other TTRPGs and witchy stuff :3
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I'm in a lot of fandoms, including !
DDLC, Dimension 20 (fantasy high), Danganronpa, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Ride The Cyclone, SIX, Beetlejuice, Hamilton, Heathers, Vocaloid, Sanrio, Unus Annus, TBHK, MLP, FNAF, Marvel, NITW, Pokemon, Supernatural, Markiplier egos, WKM, ADWM, AHWM, ISWM, Jacksepticeye egos, Doctor Who, Starkid, The Hatchetfield Trilogy AND MANY MORE I CANT REMEMBER RN!!
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this section will update every now and then with whatever I'm hyperfixating on !! right now its;
will wood/will wood and the tapeworms!!!
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I kin !
Sayori (DDLC)
Kokichi (DRV3)
Angeldust (HH)
Jane Doe (RTC)
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Fave characters are !
All kins <3
Ibuki Mioda (DRV2)
Emu Otori (PJSK)
Celestia Ludenberg (DRV1)
Ocean O'Connell Rosenburg (RTC)
Kuromi (Sanrio)
Kristen Applebees (D20)
Figueroth Faeth (D20)
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im gonna introduce a tagging system to make my blog less of a messy hellscape!!
reblogs will be tagged with #onyx rbs
me yelling about fandoms will be tagged with #onyx fandom posting
vents will be tagged with #onyx sad
more serious posts will be tagged with #onyx serious
random shit/rambles will be tagged with #onyx is rambling
answering asks will be tagged with #onyx answers asks
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heres some stuff that doesn't fit into any of the previous categories!
my favourite mutuals are @frogsareallgay , @elias-pluto , @tumbletryr and @teslapenguini !!
My favourite animals are black cats, crows/ravens, moths and bats! and i identify heavily with black cats specifically!! (im the real black cat gf sorrry not sorry >:3)
Some of the neopronouns i use are :3
heres some links to my other socials !!
Insta: rock_lesbian
Twitter: Dnd_Lesbian
Discord: onyxjae
Pinterest: Onyx Jae
Carrd: Onyx Jae's Carrd
Spacehey: Onyx Jae
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anyway, to close out, thank you for reading through all of this!! i hope you enjoy your stay on my blog !!! love yall <33
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loafymeat · 7 months
pinned post (yayyy)
Hello im LoafyMeat but can call me Loafy and i post about my most recent interest and maybe a random thing from time to time
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This is my sona, he is in 3d, i used him in non-fandom drawings
These are the tags i use:
#my art :I recommend checking this one out since my blog is a mess
#duskwell : a hollow knight ttrpg with mausritter mechanics
#oc :just a easy way to find the OClist, no nned to check this one atm
TF2 and Gmod: these are the ones im play atm, since i knew about TF2 i wanted to play and now that i can(with the lowest resolution posible) is so fun and i dont have to stress about winning (like in OW2) and Gmod is such a wonder to explore community maps and try things from the workshop
Online Games i play
Fortnite: right now im not playing that much, but at some point i will play for like 4 seasons and then leave it again
Minecraft: an amazing game that i cant enjoy because i know to much, i will love to forget everything about minecraft and start again a world with the scare and wonder of a new player
Roblox and Ponytown: in these two game i do exactly the same, i join a server, i walk around and interact with people with the least speaking just movement like jumping on their head or hide behind them, i dont play Roblox because i dont have a lot of customization, but i sometimes play Ponytown almost always when im to bored to see more YT videos and to tired to make anything creative
Frostbitter: a Minecraft server with mods that i will be doing, is kinda of a big idea so is going to take a while (also im open to anyone who want to help me)
Here are some projects
Duskwell: a ttrpg based in the world of hollow knight, nothing serius just to play with my friends a more easy ttrpg with a world that we already know (working on it)
List of OC's: im making the list, is a little hard to write down some character cuse they may be a little edgy in the way i explain them, but it doent matter, i will updating the list with more OC that i recall in the moment and, if i have corage, put more details of their story
Starburn: a project of @bagf1sh that i just did some 3d models of some starships :P, go check her out, she may have another project
this pinned post will change over time when I know how to organize it better
Future projects
Insects ttrpg: my own ttrpg without the need of using other people lore, right now its just an idea and i want to work on it when i finish duskwell
I won't leave this world without screaming and scratching
Old descriptions
I would have thrive here when i was little, but it doesn't matter, that little kid still within me, i just need to stop thinking too much and just LIVE
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intertexts · 6 months
- ashe being there surprised dakota so much it broke him somewhat out of his bad mood! in grizzlys words "if he wouldnt have met ashe right then, dakota would have been so much more angry and miserable at the beginning of this episode. he mightve just straight up left. got up and walked away."
- he didnt want to talk to william or vyncent at all, so ashe being there (however unwillingly) as a third party made things easier and almost softened the blow of vyncent yelling at him in the moment
- "why did i dream about william and vyncent being villains in the beginnign and killing summer" ".... i dunno" *cue entire party suspicious WHAT DOES THAT MEAN*
- "i dont trust your characters now" "you have ONE bad dream and our campaign turns into a game of among us"
- william: "hey ashe do you want to run away and write poetry with me?" emo/goth kid solidarity
- this is yakko's (ashes player) first time ever playing a ttrpg !!! fucking wild!! he feels like he needs more practice describing things
dakota: breakbeat, old school rap, 90s punk rock. also for shows he would watch it was "cartoons like atla, tmnt and codename kids next door"
william: "indie rock. and on a bad day, evanescence" (god hes just like me fr)
vyncent: "my character doesnt know what music is"
ashe: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE . also apparently yakko made an ashe winters playlist on spotify and thats actually what they were playing in the episode. i have not found this yet and i desperately want to
- for the spirit world, bizly asked charlie to find him just random pieces of music that he could envision places for and thats how they came up with carnival of souls! there are a handful more places like that that youll see eventually :]
- yakko: "im glad i was able to bring wavelengths threat level down an entire tier just by calling him mark"
- charlie wants william and ashe to hang out in character more because theyre so similar and he thinks they would have a lot to bond over! i love this
- theyre all really excited that they get to go to the spirit world together and it wasnt just an excuse to split the party because they dont want to do that :] (<< i just rlly like this energy)
- grizzly is specifically playing dakota as "not being able to process emotions very well"
ALSO!!!!!!! i dojt know what site or whatever youre using to watch/listen so im hoping they have this on there BUT. the tide backstory oneshot was posted between episodes 12 and 13 so if u wanted to listen to that one now would be a good time !!! its called The Elementals :]
HIII YAYAYAYAYYY!!!! ohh fuck yes a little bowl of seeds for me :333
the dakota & ashe stuff is so goodddd u can rlly tell. it's like yeah you cant be mad and miserable and sulky in front of someone u don't know!! & ashe is just.... so unbothered... i loaf him... he truly did bring the threat level down so fast. went from terrifying supervillain in charge of the Evil Facility to an exhausted pissed off single dad in 1 minute.
+ALL THE MUSIC STUFF IS SO GOOD..... ITS SO GOOD. yelling. vyncent is going 2 end up having the weirdest music taste from hanging out with them. augh... awesome trivia thabk. the energy they have is so fun always....
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mell0bee · 6 months
tagged by @candiedjellybean thank u dude!!! im p sure ive done this tag sometime last year so will be interesting to see if my answers have changed
Are you named after anyone? unfortunately, st. brigid of ireland, but also apparently it's a name thats been in my dad's side of the family too? either way my parents knew of the name due to irish catholic reasons. yipee! though im cool with it bc st. brigid used to be the goddess brigid from irish myth, and also both of them were badasses <3
When was the last time you cried? .....genuinely i think the last time i cried was in like. early march when i watched the holdovers? i think? taking a break from college has greatly decreased the frequency at which i cry lmao
Do you have kids? no sir
Do you use sarcasm a lot? i guess yes? probably about as much as the average person (this is not sarcasm)
What sports do you play? i do not play any currently (though i probs should. i am built like a twig and a strong wind will knock me over.) but as a kid i used to play soccer which i hated and was god awful at and softball which i liked more but i was also god awful at and mostly spent my time hitting foul balls and playing with the grass in right field. but it was fun!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? uhhhhhh. uh?????? if they're wearing a cool outfit or have cool hair or smth? idk man. i guess i dont rlly think abt it?
What’s your eye color? brown
Scary movies or happy endings? uh. both? am p sure my tolerance for horror is a lot higher than most people and im always down for a tragedy but i also like happy endings too. though from a writing perspective happy endings are significantly easier to pull off than sad ones (& more common. hero's journey and all that).
Any special talents? uhhhhh im double jointed in my thumbs. also i can put my foot behind my head. is that a talent? im also working on my sudoku time, i think my lowest time for master difficulty is around 6 mins 30 seconds? which is uh. above average?? i think???
Where were you born? idk apparently they cloned me in a lab somewhere
What are your hobbies? lately playing a lot of video games, writing (mostly fanfic), art stuff (mostly drawing but am learning how to use watercolor), uhhhh.... ttrpgs but i havent gotten to play in a while sadly
Do you have any pets? dog!!!!!
How tall are you? 5'3
Favourite subject in school? science
Dream job? ahahahah funny you should ask that, i say, having been doubting my choices in career aspirations and my post-undergrad 5-year plan that i've had since high school for the past 7 months, (please send help. but. for a serious answer. i think i still want to do science research? just maybe in a softer science like psych even tho my undergrad is bio & neuro???? idk. unsure.)
tagging uhhhhhhh candiedjellybean already tagged most of the ppl i usually tag sooo @halflingkima ? i think i tagged u last time too lol. & anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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nettlewildfairy · 1 year
Tumblr made that big long post and a lot of people are angry reacting to some like surprisingly reasonable suggestions that solve widespread long time  complaints
i dont know how they plan to solve everything just yet but as someone who knows some things about the industry and jargon here are my 2 cents
Here is a link to the referenced post
Principle 1: Expand the ways new users can discover and sign up for Tumblr
in an age where most social media sites are making it aesoteric and difficult to share posts offsite /app tumblr is considering making it easier to do
yall do you know how hard it is to link a long tumblr post with like a comic or funny string of replies to share with my friends who arent on tumblr? i have to take like 15 screenshots every time. IF staff is priorizing making it easier to share posts that would be so much better oh my god 2 High quality content on launch.  the pessamistic assumption is that this could mean a mandatory algorithm but if you read carefully you’ll notice they never fully say thats even remotely what they are going to do. This seems to be a suggestion that the default new user experience will change. 
If you like me made an account 10 years ago this looks like it won’t affect your experience whatsoever. 
but like trying to sort through tags to find blogs and curate my own feed actively took like over a year to get to a place where i’m happy when i did it in 2011/2012
if feeds and tags Worked that would be good. the for you page and exploration features on tumblr do, admittedly suck right now. there SHould be easier ways to find and search for stuff on tumblr. if their search worked better and finding stuff you wanted to see was easier that Would improve the experience for most people on this site.  3. facilitate easier user participation in conversations folks if replys could be threaded in some way it would be 1000 times easeir to have convos with them. like i do not get what people are upset about here. like a person shouldn’t have to reblog their own post 15 times in a row to reply to different people about the same thing. they could make this so much better.  4. Retain and grow our creator base
 it IS hard for art to see and get seen. if i had a nickle for every time i saw a post begging people to reblog art i’d have like so many nickles.  I would like to see more art. and ttrpg creators. there’s like stuff i have to go to twitter for and its small time ttrpg, art, writing, and literary magazines because even when those folks are on tumblr its extraordinarily difficult to find them with the systems currently in place.
 like i don’t know that tumblr has a good plan to make this kind of thing easier but if they did figure it out it would rule. and its good to know that this is a priority for the company 5.  Create patterns that encourage users to keep returning to Tumblr
throttling notifications rules. i have commented on tumblr staff posts dozens of times for like 5+ years asking for this, thank GOD. if you reblog a lot of posts you get a lot of notes even if you have like 15 people regularly interacting with your stuff on 100 posts a day thats like 1500 notifications. it collapses some by post or interaction type but that is NOT enough and the notification bar always says 99+ unless i checked it less than a minute ago, im dying please make notifications meaningful and not overwhelming. 
6: Performance, stability and quality
this is generic and means very little obviously anyone making an app wants it to crash less often.  bonus: ive seen people get upset at the implication that they are instituting a mandatory algorithm but the site has had an option algorithm for like ages, it doesn't imply its mandatory anywhere or that they're taking away our option to turn it off. there are already artist showcase things on the dash on the regular, if you have adblock on you can’t see some of those, but they've had them for fully years. 
its highly unlikely that they would get rid of one of the main selling points of tumblr.com they’re like a real company thats done bare minimum market research, like folks no one other than musk would do something that boneheaded
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bellshazes · 10 months
could i ask the reasoning behind your dungeons and dragons dislike? is it with the format of the game, the general playerbase, the material, or something else? i dont play and i always think im missing context when i read your posts, but appreciate them nonetheless
haha so for specific context it's probably important to disclosed my first ever job was teaching board games & i did that for ten summers from age 14-24ish. so i have a particular exposure to/long-running beef with certain parts/aspects of the games industries which are both serious & well informed but also kind of inside jokes to some degree with my fellow GMing friends.
Wizards of the Coast have so many problems i don't know where to start, but the recent licensing changes suck for all the poor folk who have cared enough to try and fix their crappy system, a lot of the lore is racist, and I'm friends with MTG fans but not qualified to start explaining what the fuck is up with all that. but even disergarding that, D&D itself has gone through so many evolutions thru its editions that even hardcore fans will disupte which ones are good and which ones are total shit. (the intersection of "catholic priests who are intense about church canon" and "3.5E diehards" is really funny for instance, in my overly specific experience.)
but honestly my beef is that in the wake of the truly absurd and evil fearmongering of the stanic panic, generations of nerds have clung to D&D as the end all be all of TTRPGs to the point that total newbies are told it's a good entry point for the medium which ???? it's not ????
the only reason D&D is a good "first ttrpg" is because it's the most likely be something people you know already know how to play. it is a self-sustaining monster that gobbles up impressionable people curious about this weird, kind of cool hobby. and watching people homebrew D&D to be the game they wish they were playing in total opposition to the core, fundamental design principles of the system because they have been told it can be anything they imagine.... even when the mechanics hinder that. D&D was a dungeon crawler that took over the world, it's a combat game, it can be PLAYED narratively-focused but if that's what you want, you can do so much better i prommy. i think modding games (video or ttrpg) can be its own joy, but D&D isn't even particularly friendly to it without turning it into a different thing! & at that point, you're better served tweaking something else!
it is no individual person's fault. but please for the love of god play ltierally any other game: you can give your money to a passionate indie creator instead of WOTC, it will cost you less, you can work much less hard to get the gameplay you crave, there's something for everyone, there are less complex-to-start/explain systems, etc. noooooooo don't play d&d your so sexy lol <3 and here's beau @beeelderly's RPG training wheels doc for ideas on where to start!
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grimfey · 2 months
it's been forever since i had a pinned post or anything and my about page is just a little goof. so i guess here's my pinned:
im grim (short for isengrim), im rapidly approaching 30 and i write and make art. if you want to see my art, check out my art tumblr. if you want to see my writing, check out my ao3. that thing is extremely messy but it exists.
i like a lot of stuff. i like fantasy novels, ttrpgs, and ive been watching some variety of mcyt since like 2012.
i have twitter and instagram but i don't use them. i have a mastodon.art account but it's really chill over there so i dont hand it out. call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me.
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elftwink · 3 months
so this is from someone who also actively plays in and dms campaigns with other systems but personally i love dnd partly because i like the number of arcane rules. i think part of what it is, is my table experiences have been so combat-lite that for me the system has just become tools for solving puzzles and situations. encounters are so few and far between with my usual dm that they become very intense and scary when they do happen, and you can maybe say well that's dnd guy cope to say that this combat sim is better without the combat, and that probably is true. the best version of dnd for me like if i were writing 6e would be to shift the game's mechanical focus away from combat, increase the prominence of utility/ roleplay oriented spells and skills, and encourage DMs not to rely on combat to fill space in the game
yes!! ik im being a hater in my posts rn but i also love dnd, and especially the magic and spell system. it's not perfect obviously, but i have yet to find a ttrpg whose magic system is as engaging to me personally as dnd is. idk it's like exactly the right amount of rules to feel very bound by them while still leaving wiggle room for creative magic choices (either by way of flavour which is whatever you make of it, or by way of doing something that is Technically covered by the spell but probably not intended, which almost always fucks extremely hard).
& also i agree that dnd is kind of too combat focused, and i actually do think it would be better with less (although i suspect that given theres a pretty large contingent of dnd players who play mostly or solely combat, i dont think this is a universal opinion lol), or at the very least if it didn't feel like it dominated the meta decisions you have to make. like when i take new spells i often have to deliberate between the cool utility spell i actually want to take that has no damage component, and the damage based spell that will keep me viable in combat. i wish often these choices were less at odds with each other, or at least if you had a character who needed to be carried through combat that they would have more utility in non-combat scenarios instead of just kind of feeling like dead weight (now i sound like someone who should try another system, lol. but its more varied spells in the existing dnd system that i want!)
also i kind of think dnd has a problem esp at the mid level with keeping combat high stakes and genuinely scary, which is a whole other post where i could ramble lol, but honestly in terms of per table solutions "do combat a lot less" sounds like actually an extremely good way to deal with it. the worst thing in dnd is when combat starts to feel repetitive and like a slog. if it happens rarely it just so so so much easier to avoid that. i could say much more about this but ive already been typing this ask for a gazillion years but the point is i'm stealing your dms tactics for next time i run a game
also to contextualize my baseless haterism posts, i just want to clarify that i don't care in any way if someone plays only 5e/dnd and refuses to play other systems. this is whatever. what annoys me is when such people insist this is because every other game on earth is worse than dnd at everything, somehow, even though they do not know the full rules of dnd and are not super interested in learning. there's a lot to be found there in dnd but you have to like, engage with it. your dm cant read it for you. & its always more fun to be at a table where everyone knows wtf is going on than with players who barely know enough to scrape by and treat the DM like a rules dispensing machine
anyway. your 6e ideas sound awesome, especially more utility spells pleaseeee wotc. life could be so beautiful
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aplpaca · 1 year
why is having your ocs be your special interest unfortunate? please tell us about them!! (curious, friendly tone)
It's unfortunate bc theres not content for them that exist without my own effort 😔(outside of a couple friends) so i cant reblog posts about them like i would for like critical role or something. ive got a variety of "main character" ocs and most of them started out as ttrpg characters that then got their own non-rpg "canon" in a story universe im making with some friends that may or may not end up turning into a series of books. (overarching "plot" of it is that the birth of a new deity ends up connecting people and politics of several planets in different universes)
so like my "main" characters for that are vyma, claysen, and yianni. vyma also has an equally canon ttrpg incarnation for a game thats still ongoing, but claysen and yianni started out as ttrpg characters but now their "canon" is just their storyverse incarnations. i put actual character descriptions under the cut
ima talk about vyma's storyverse incarnation for this, since theres Spoilers for her ttrpg canon that players who follow me dont know yet (but like, the core personality is the same between the two so yeah). but anyway, her full name in storyverse is Vyma Bapp-Matieyepa sip-Sabapak, which is kinda long bc cultural naming conventions include familial last name, chosen/official clan affiliation, and familal-but-not-official clan affiliation (if someone has that). She's one of the unofficial leaders of a revolutionary/resistance group (other leader is one of @cosmemery's characters Naki) that funnels political prisoners to freedom and tries to counteract the imperialism of the country that subjugated theirs and the harm from their own gov that tries to meet the imperialists in the middle. Vyma is pretty tall, pretty butch, and pretty ace. She's got lowkey disabling hyperempathy, but this gets paired with an autistic flat affect that makes her come across unintentionally blunt, monotone, and insensitive at times. she's kinda overcompensated for social issues by using her hyperempathy and just general problem solving to get really fucking good at reading people/figuring out how people are feeling. this unfortunately does not make her any more conversationally adept, and in some cases makes her kinda preachy instead. her flight response (like the trauma response, not just the general fight or flight) is through the fucking roof and she would and prob will grind herself into dust in an attempt to make what she considers a positive impact. she's chronically sleep deprived and refuses to talk about her feelings in a way thats not dodging the question. she likes to bake, but hasnt been able to in a while.
Claysen Hishari (birthname Jarren Claysen Vidravalsh) is like lowkey highkey kinda of A Lot in terms of stuff he's got going on. id like to think i do a decent job not being Edgy (TM) with him but like,,yeah. He's a formal noble who escaped his shitty dad after his mom died and ended up being blackmailed into becoming a spy/assassin. He also technically has emotion/identity-influenced magical power equivalent to at least a minor god, but hes repressing that and its only almost killed him once. His appearance is altered via illusion magic almost constantly. He's more visibly autistic and uses a trade sign language to talk fairly frequently. When he's not signing, he has a very specific speech pattern, and often pauses in the middle of sentences while he figures out how to make words work. At the start of the story, he basically hasn't had goals or ambitions or strong personal convictions for A While, and a lot of his growth is Growing A Fucking Spine and Learning To Act On Things. A lot of his other growth is self acceptance stuff (both autism and the whole emotionally volatile magic thing bc por que no los dos). He has a pretty fuckin codependant relationship with @cosmemery's character Kay, and even before they actually become romantic, theyre platonically flirty with each other to a kinda obnoxious degree. hes bi, super reserved but has a certain air of competence/force of presence to him despite that, and has a special interest in spiders and bugs in general
And apparently tumblr has a word limit for asks or somthing bc it wont let me add my last characters paragraph onto this so im gonna just reblog it with yianni's stuff in a sec
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t4tstarrailing · 6 months
hallo! sorry if this seems like me tryna stir up a drama and make things longer / worse, but, have you seen the apology made by the writer who wrote the aventurine slave fic, if so, then what do you think of it? shehehdjskwkjsjsjsn this sounds weird but i rlly wanna hear what you think of it, considering your one of the most vocal about the issue from the start, tbh.
again im so sorry if this sounds hella weird and like a drama queen, you rlly dont have to answer this soo no pressure :) ty and have a great day!
so, i just want to preface my response with this. it's not my place to accept the user's apology. why? i'm a pasty ass white dude whose family has never been negatively affected by slavery. i made that post because i have a background in worldbuilding, specifically for d&d, and actively work to make my campaigns and worlds sensitive because, well, ttrpgs don't have the best history when it comes to being culturally sensitive.
... also this is my second fandom that has had slave discourse similar to this. i am, unfortunately, familiar with this discourse and have seen what it can do to folks in fandoms.
i would also like to acknowledge that this specific user is not the only person that has done this. all of the examples that i used in my initial post are things that i have seen in the fandom since aventurine was announced and it was speculated that he was a slave. this person's post was just the most egregious and the one that ended up blowing up and becoming fairly popular in terms of x reader content, which is where i'm more involved in.
that being said, my formula for a basic ass apology is: acknowledge that you fucked up, explain why you fucked up to show that you learned from it, find out what you should do next, apologize, move on. a lot of the apology from what i read sounded very victimizing. and yes, there is a conversation to have about hoyo including the slavery plot line, as they're using romani oppression and history as a 1:1 reference for aventurine's oppression and racism he faces. but hoyo is not holding you at gunpoint to make a "fix him" fic where the reader buys slave!aventurine. you are a person with your own free will. no one is making you write this, and it's very strange to shift the blame onto hoyo.
also i saw multiple folks respond with "these people should have educated you on why its bad" and people actually did. but when i went to read the apology, they were deleted and long gone. here's the screenshots from a few anons sent last night that have since been deleted by the user.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
how do i know this? because i sent a few myself trying to explain to them why it's problematic. i will out myself as one of these anons. multiple people tried to explain why this content is problematic to write and this was the response that we got. so to say that no one tried to educate them is a complete lie.
overall, there are ways to write comfort aventurine content. have the reader help him through a bad headscape episode! have the reader help him establish boundaries and show that they respect him as an individual! you don't have to focus your content on his slavery and "fix" that part of him. you can write comfort of him as he is by having reader being a supportive partner and understanding him as an individual.
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