#i dont mean queer baiting
cthulhum · 5 months
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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12carrierpigeons · 1 year
to stay homoerotisim rules my life is an understatement
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itscherryterry-again · 4 months
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#i had posted this everywhere and it occurred to me that i hadnt on tumblr. which seems like a crime#keith kogane#vld keith#vld lance#vld fanart#lance mcclain#voltron#klance#can i rant for a bit#grabs the microphone Id like to thank this huge step on my voltron healing journey to my mom#who said 'oh its that show that made you cry in frustration! the kitties!'#and i said 'yes mother i was 15'#i dont think ive ever felt so. like. bullied? i dont wanna say ridiculed but#by a shows' producer#not since fucking BBC SHERLOCK#and i dont mean oh of course it wasnt gonna be canon. Of cours it wasnt I dont mean that#what i didnt need was getting baited left and right#the show milked the shit out of. lets be real here. young queer kids and then turned around and pointed and laughed when they gained hope on#their silly red blue ship to get canon#bc lets be real if anything queer was gonna happen. ambiguous non binary pidge was already there#two skinny attractive teen boys is like low hanging fruit. diet rep#but it wasnt even abt that. at least i truly never thought klance was srly gonna b canon. i HOPED. but like. i never shipped 4 canon anyway#i LIKED voltron. i loved lotor. i had always been a multishipper allur//ce was rkly cute i couldve dug that#if they hadnt spent the last season looking miserable AND THEN DYING#tf u mean our female lead died TF U MEAN THE LATINO MC BECAME A FARMER? w the forever marks of his dead gf on his face? Are you joking rn???#anyway. hit me up for more voltron opinions i got tons#(mic drop)
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4x18hawkeye · 2 months
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It was well after midnight when we got the call. Picked up in military jeeps and flanked by stone-faced, machine gun—bearing soldiers, we were taken to a hospital somewhere in the city. It was an eerie ride, everything about it implying a potential attack at any moment. We entered the hospital through the back entrance and, still under guard, were brought by freight elevator to where a surgery had been set up. The patient was on a gurney, with lights and the necessary equipment around her. Having delivered us, the soldiers left, and we were suddenly confronted with a problem. Dr. S. had assumed there would be surgical nurses to assist him, but the moment we arrived, all the Salvadorans who had prepared her simply walked out. His wife, there to administer and monitor the anesthetic, would be completely occupied and unable to provide any other assistance during surgery.
At that point, Dr. S turned to me and said, “Go scrub up and put on a gown and gloves.”
Fearing that I had heard him correctly, I panicked and said, “Doc, you’ve got to be kidding.” He wasn’t. “But I’m not a real doctor,” I protested. “All that stuff we did on the show was fake: fake blood, fake wounds, fake everything.”
He smiled, and said, “You understand the process; you know sterile procedure. Without another pair of hands, I can’t do this, so get scrubbed.”
So I went into the scrub room and did all the things I’d done hundreds of times before for what felt like the first time, all the while telling myself not to pass out or vomit when the cutting started. Mrs. S. helped me with the gown, cap, and gloves, and soon everyone was ready. Sort of. But the doc never hesitated. He told me to listen carefully and to mirror his actions. If he moved tissue aside in one direction, he wanted me to do that same in the other. Otherwise, I should simply do as I was told.
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cowboy-robooty · 7 months
tears in my eyes because i got seme baited so fucking hard by this manga. it was too much to bear they set it up so perfect everything was going amazingly i was even going to rec this to a friend if it kept up the pace then BAM. END OF CHAPTER ONE THEY HAVE SEX AND THE GUY WHOS SUPPOSED TO SEME IS A POWERBOTTOM. I FUCKING PUT MY PHONE DOWN AND STARED AT THE CEILING AND DID AN OLD MAN GROAN. I COULD CRY RIGHT NOW.
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dyketennant · 1 year
being a crowley kinnie is harder than being a u.s. marine
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mbat · 9 months
to reflect a post i made when i first watched ofmd a few months ago, i will always appreciate how they didnt hold back on the romance between those two men. every other show always seems to make it take so long for the characters to admit it to themselves, let alone admit it to their love interest, but they jumped right into it. it was something i didnt know i needed till i had it, and im sad its gone, but im glad it happened.
i hope it has other shows that follow in those footsteps, for the sake of all of us who need it.
ofmd was a great, and super weird, show. i didnt have it for long, but what a fun time it was when i did. 🫡 thank you
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wall-e-gorl · 1 year
Killing you killing you killing you killing you
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merlindotpdf · 1 year
happy 10th birthday to NBC Hannibal someone in my queer studies class used the show as an example for queerbaiting and i almost ripped out their jugular
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ohromeoraine · 2 months
I haven’t posted on here in a while, but I’m back with another analysis(yaaaaaay).
It’s a Voltron Legendary Defenders analysis.
Buckle up, friends, because this is going to be a bit lengthy:
Voltron is famous for the team of unlikely heroes defeating an alien supervillain with their giant overpowered super weapon Voltron, which is actually a combination of five different lion spaceships. In almost every episode throughout the seasons, the team is always running into different problems which makes the show seem a little repetitive, but all those problems combine to make a bigger picture. These “separate missions” from the main plot of the show actually contribute to the storyline to form the bigger picture.
The setbacks our band of misfits encounter really help form clear reasons later on in the show as to why they had a disadvantage or advantage against the enemy.
Our first example for this point is when the team gets targeted a second time by the Galra, the alien race which is trying to acquire Voltron because they know it’s the one weapon that could defeat their leader, Zarkon. The team is unprepared because it was their first time actually working as a team in battle.
They weren’t exactly close to each other at that point in time. They were familiar with each other and could be described best as acquaintances.
This was a pretty big disadvantage in their first battle against a fleet of Galran ships.
Another example could be when one of the characters, Keith, finds out that he’s part Galra. This puts a little bit of a strain on the team, as Princess Allura has held a grudge against the Galran Empire for driving her people to near extinction. Allura becomes a bit colder towards Keith and, coming from her point of view, that was how she was processing this new revelation.
Deep down, Allura knew Keith wasn’t a bad person for being half Galra, but it still bothered her because of her trauma associated with the Galra people.
We start to see more of a depth to the show in just two seasons, but it becomes even more clear just how deep the problem really is once the seasons start progressing on.
The world doesn’t immediately become a better place just because the team defeats the “main villain” in the story. They still have to work to fix problems that still arise in the aftermath of defeating the supervillain.
One of the main problems that arose after defeating Zarkon, was the rise of his heir, Lotor, who seemed like an ally to the Voltron team at first.
Unfortunately, good things don’t last for the Voltron team just yet and Lotor’s evil plans start to surface with the return of Keith, who was away on a mission assigned by the Galran rebellion group called “The Blade of Marmora”.
The team feels betrayed by someone who they trusted, but quickly start to form plans to get their leader, Shiro, back and also take down Lotor and his plans for the universe.
(This analysis was written last year, but it’s still valid)
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jak--ash · 4 months
Checked out the jumblr tag and its just ignorant zionists not understanding what people mean by pinkwashing. Surely through calm and respectful communication I could help them understand what the other side means. Because this is the app for rational discussion and reading comprehension
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kinardsboy · 1 month
Getting Buddie was never about representation, it was about seeing two men they found hot kiss and be together.
You know how I know this? Because at the very least, if it was about representation they would be respectful to bucktommy shippers, and be respectful to Tommy in general. Of course they could still be upset but hey, a win is a win! We get two beefy masculine firefighters in a loving committed relationship.
But thats not what happened. Instead, we got bad faith takes, making Tommy out to look like not only a terrible boyfriend but a terrible person in general. We got people calling him a groomer, an abuser, even a fucking pedophile.
We have post after post making shit up about how Tommy doesnt actually like Buck and is just there for the sex which, makes no sense because if he just wanted sex, why the fuck would he go after someone who is 1. Inexperienced with men and 2. Not someone he thinks is ready to come out? I mean come on its LA and grindr exists. He could very easily get sex if thats all he wanted, but its not.
Tommy very obviously wants a relationship with Buck. But again thats not what shippers care about, because they dont care about representation. They care about buddie. They care about being right.
This is also evidenced by the fact that buddies whine and cry about queer bait, and ignore the fact that there have been SEVERAL queer characters since the show began.
Buddie isnt queer bait. Just because your echo chamber and dumbass theories got a little too loud and convincing for you doesnt mean that is the direction the show is going in. And honestly thank god its not bc your theories suck.
Also, yknow whats funny? How buddies whine and cry about wanting gay rep, we have it, before tommy actually. We had Micheal/David and josh but the second josh was just a little bit rude to eddie? Oh josh had to go. So seems like you guys arent that good at treating the actual gay men in the show well.
You could just ignore Tommy, you could just go “good for the queer guys but im gonna stay shipping buddie” and completely stay in your lane. But no, Tommy makes you guys so threatened that you lash out at him, Lou, and BT shippers. Because again, this was never about representation.
Anyway this is just a rant bc im honestly so fed up
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Fighters should have magic
I mean this shit 100% seriously BTW.
An impassioned rant about Fighters' place in modern campaigns.
There is certainly an argument to be made for sometimes not giving Fighters access to magic! In a low magic setting like Dark Sun (yes, I know the magic situation in that setting is more complicated than that), it makes perfect sense that Fighters wouldn't go anywhere near the stuff! In some of the more old school low fantasy focused DnD editions, or some OSR systems, it makes sense that magic would require years of practice for even the most basic of spells, and so Fighters wouldn't bother with it.
That is not, however, the bulk of modern campaigns. Be it DnD, or Pathfinder, or so many other fantasy heartbreakers out there nowadays, most campaigns are fantastical, filled with wonderous magic and queer tieflings and rogues who literally cloak themselves in shadows and jumping between planes to save the world and so much more!
In these campaigns, Fighters should know magic!
If your setting is even close to treating magic as commonplace, where having a level 1 wizard under the age of a billion fucking years old is considered within the realm of feasibility, than EVERYONE should have access to magic!
Any adventurer in such a setting who decided to start a life of wilderness exploration, and DIDN'T learn the spell Prestidigitation, is nothing short of monster bait. "Oh yes this spell that starts campfires and cleans my clothes and seasons my food and is THE MOST BASIC SPELL IN EXISTENCE certainly isn't worth my time!" - The words of someone about to get eaten by a coyote on their first night. Not even a fun magical creature, just a regular ass coyote because they are THAT unprepared. Even if it wasn't a cantrip and required 5 minutes of focus to cast, every adventurer should know this spell by heart.
But obviously, that isn't unique to just Fighters.
Fighters are focused on being masters of weaponry! They study the blade, learn it inside and out! They don't have time for magic... right?
No. They don't have time to learn SPELLS. That you could absolutely make an argument for. A fighter doesn't have to learn to shoot a fireball, because that's not how they fight. Not knowing magic that augments their fighting style, in a setting where magic is commonplace, is equivalent to that fighter going "Oh I'm too busy to learn to fight with weapons. I dont have time to learn to sharpen one properly." THAT IS ASININE. WHAT REASON DOES YOUR CHARACTER HAVE FOR IGNORING A SKILL DIRECTLY LINKED TO THEIR CHOSEN PROFESSION? Spells like True Strike are things a fighter would learn! But even if not spells, magical augmentation to their skill are something a Fighter would absolutely embrace! Anything that helps them further the effectiveness of their weapons should be fair game for their practice. Even if it worked like Paladins or Rangers where you typically just don't get the spells until higher levels.
And the games already reflect this! What do Fighters need to maintain damage pacing and ability as they grow stronger? That's right. Magic. In the form of Magic Weapons and Armor.
Magic armaments are considered commonplace in these settings, being handed out like candy. They are an expected part of character progression, and the games are balanced around the expectation that a fighter will be using them. So why, then, is the master of weapons and all they embody completely ignorant on the front of magical weapons?
Sure, a fighter might not be able to craft magic weapons. Not every fighter has to be a blacksmith. But much like how it should be expected that a fighter should be able to at least MAINTAIN their weapons, a fighter should absolutely be trained in the kinds of magic that are APPLIED to weapons. A fighter should be able to take a single glance at a weapon in a chest, and turn to the party and go "Hey this thing is cursed as fuck, don't touch it."
In worlds that are so fantastical and magical, it does not make sense to have a guy who's whole deal is knowing how to fight, and have him completely ignore A MASSIVE segment of fighting styles they will be going up against.
If your setting is magical, then your Fighters should be magical too, damnit!
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riotlain · 2 years
TWD crushing on (an Oblivious) Reader
upset there isnt alot of twd x male reader fics that arent smut but anyways
my very select few men💀💀 i might do a part 2 i just wanted to post
Daryl Dixon
Our man Mr. Daryl Hiding His Emotions Dixon 🫶🫶
Its fine you didn't notice at first
He seems like he kinda hates you from how quiet he is. Quite the opposite
Being quite in love with someone who isnt a woman is kinda just like. Not processed in his mind??
He didn't know how to feel at first
But eventually he confessed to Carol about how he feels (she suspected something but anyways)
To be honest he had a plan to ask you out
But was extremely extremely hesitant
"They prolly don' even like guys" He'd say
I think both of yall are oblivious
It was a group effort to get yall together
Like all these long ass runs, leaving gifts saying it was from the other
You probably had to be the one to confess ngl
Glenn Rhee
Glenn aint too obvious. Thats what he tells himself atleast
Hes very obviously crushing on you. The only one who cant see it is you
He'd pull harmless pranks, compliment you, help you around, usually adding on a lil wink for lil extra
Yet you still didn't get it. You just thought he was being a goody good friend
Especially since its a bit hard to find any queer folk that like you around here IN FUCKING VIRGINIA/GEORGIA
"You look nice today, Y/n." *Shitty Glenn wink* "Oh thanks man!"
Your obviousness is apart of what Glenn absolutely loved about you though
It gives him time to really think out his lil confession
Which took a while but he had it down! Flowers!!
Who doesnt like flowers??
Well Glenn originally planned to give you flowers. That was until Eugene let it slip that he likes you one time💀💀
You ended up interrupting Glenn like mid confession just because you knew
Negan teases him for his obviousness
Simon would yell it to the top of his lungs if he must (he probably has to)
Always gives you any ice cream or first shot of a drink
He also always has his arm around you or is LITERALLY FLIRTING WITH YOU
You couldnt tell tho. he looked gay and homophobic to be honest.
So you just didnt say anything
Simon, running out of ideas, asked Negan for any ideas
Since its, Negan what do you expect? Something cute and romantic?? No
So with this in mind Simon approached your room with some drinks and did what he does best!
Sexual jokes about his dick and such seeing if you'd take the bait
You didn't you just got a bit flustered and laughed along
Until yknow he actually just went with the impulse and kissed you
Owen (Wolf)
The king of being either really obvious or the complete opposite
Depending on your guy's situation then heres the various ways itll go down
Owens a prisoner in Alexandria? He'll tell you nearly everything about him. Along with the fact if he gets out of there hes taking you with him!
How romantic!!
If youre apart of the Wolves then you have for sure caught his eye!
He'd do anything for you and I mean anything! Well as long as he's yknow still in control of the situation.
You cant ignore him either. He'll make as much noise as possible for you to go back to talking to him.
Owen will try to stalk you to see what you like
Or try to get that info out of you through a weird interrogation
You dont notice though. If anything youre a bit weirded out that this kinda crazy cult guy is like asking you your favorite color but anyways
Eventually in the middle of one of these investigations hes just gonna kiss you (probably quite roughly too)
"I like you. So youre mine now." "I- Ok sure??"
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cadaverre · 4 months
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ the swords are drawn, they really are
JUNO ☆ they/them (i dont mind she/her) ☆ minor (xv) ☆ bisexual ☆ cancer sun, libra moon, sag rising ☆ intp-t ☆ aus ☆ either a celestial god or a pebble ☆ anxious mess ☆ i change my theme way too much ☆ sparkling water > regular water ☆ in love with piercings and wants all of them ☆ professional procrastinator ☆ a humanities/arts/music girl in a science/maths world ☆ dont know much abt society but i know i hate capitalism ☆ wouldnt survive a day without spotify ☆ free palestine!! ☆
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LOVES ⭑.ᐟ - literature, the arts, queer culture, astronomy + astrology, witchcraft, feminism (no terfs allowed!!!!), cold drinks, miniskirts, doc martens, dark red, nail polish, mascara, lipgloss, brie (always dreaming of cheese), pinterest, spotify, my headphones, the ocean, my grandparents house, spring+winter, fiddling around on the guitar, fantasising about being a famous musician, finding new music, snow, going to concerts, psychology, web weaving, learning languages (currently learning spanish and i want to learn latin!)
BOOKS ⭑.ᐟ - osemanverse, the hunger games, books by rhiannon wilde, tim te maro's subterranean heartsick blues, all the best liars, books by octavia butler (specifically parable of the sower and parable of the talents), the last true poets of the sea, acotar, the weight of the stars, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, the picture of dorian grey, house of hollow, howls moving castle, harry potter (mainly marauders, FUCK JKR), i kissed shara wheeler, red white and royal blue, song of achilles, wings of fire, the secret history, crime and punishment
MOVIES + SHOWS ⭑.ᐟ - juno, dont look up, little women (2019), scream (i like most of them but 1996 is my fav by far), ladybird, barbie (2023), some of the mcu (thor and guardians of the galaxy <33), spiderverse (itsv is my love), gilmore girls, stranger things, loki, heartstopper, arcane, scott pilgrim takes off + scott pilgrim vs the world, mean girls (i love both hehe), dr who, percy jackson (the show, i um havent read the books), gossip girls, do revenge, my little pony, the bear, hannibal, we are lady parts, bottoms
MUSIC ⭑.ᐟ - boygenius + solos, taylor swift, glaive, brakence, paramore, ricky jamaraz, melanie martinez, lana del rey, ashnikko, girl in red, billie eilish, doja cat, big thief, adrianne lenker, ethel cain, mitski, remi wolf, cigarettes after sex, ericdoa, tv girl, clairo, the neighbourhood, bon iver, deftones, maneskin, courtney barnett, poppy, the smiths, american football, susannah joffe, renee rapp, mcr, the front bottoms, pierce the veil, gracie abrams, feeble little horse, esha tewari, radiohead, chappell roan, charli xcx
ALBUMS ⭑.ᐟ - the record, 1989 tv, around the fur, riot, three cheers for sweet revenge, all we know is falling, hypochondriac, girl with fish, doa, things with wings, punk2, songs, masterpiece, guts, lust for life, dykttatuob, punisher, stranger in the alps, i care so much that i dont care at all, collide with the sky, manic, badlands, folklore, trafoamp, k-12, crybaby, portals, this is why, ttpd + the anthology, hit me hard and soft, the bends, brat, the secret of us, home video
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TALK TO ME ⭑.ᐟ - asks and dms are open for chatting/venting/whatever, i might take a while to respond ☆ i rarely follow people without an intro post/descriptive bio (with name, age group and pronouns especially) ☆ discord is astraeasparrow ☆ i dont currently have any trigger warnings tagged but just send me an ask/dm if you want me to tag something specific!! ☆dni: people who are: rude, racist, homophobic, transphobic, zionist, terfs, sexist, ableist, antisemitic
TAGS ⭑.ᐟ
#juno.txt -> ramblings, original posts
#asks -> asks ive answered
#ask bait -> send me asks!
#tag games -> tag games ive participated in
#beautiful mutuals -> interactions with my beautiful mutuals !
#spotify -> my music obsession
#junocore -> posts that are so incredibly mecore
#🩻 -> posts abt/for my fav
(im working on a better taglist with my moots tags)
SOCIALS ⭑.ᐟ pinterest ☆spotify ☆ carrd ☆ pronoun page ☆ letterboxd ☆ stats.fm
SIDEBLOGS ⭑.ᐟ @likeasugarcubeinateacup (notes app poetry) -- @sirenliight (short poetry + aesthetics) -- a close friends blog (you can ask for the url, i might say no) (im not that active on them though)
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☆ prev urls — astraeasparrow -> gu1lty-as-sin -> glcive
☆ last updated: july 10th 2024
☆ dividers by @plutism
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thats all!! stay hydrated and have a wonderful day/night everyone <3
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the-1ast-time · 11 months
im so sick of her baiting the gaylors and then writing shit like this that she KNOWS swifties will use to hurt gaylors. and the worst part is she phrases it in a way where she still has plausible deniability. she constantly does things that encourage us to speculate and on her relationships and then whines about it when people do it!!! like fucking liking lesbian p*rn and all the kaylor posts on kissgate. i cant keep on accepting this and accepting that the repercussions will bring me so much hate. If she keeps on doing this i will have to unstan or at the very least delete my gaylor accounts bc if she is pretending to be a closeted queer person for her career/pr/streams it is genuinely insane and very problematic. I had so many hetlors in my fighting w me and calling me slurs during lavendergate and now i have to deal with this shit again? i already know that one line will bring me and other gaylors so much hate and hurt, it is becoming unacceptable for her to continue doing this. and on top of that it makes me feel insane and delusional for thinking ive found some queer subtext in her music. like i imagined it all. especially after saying "gay pride makes me, me". i dont know how much longer i can actually handle her saying shes an ally, and "planting the seeds of allyship", and then stabbing gaylors (a very large majority of whom are queer) in the back. if she want to hide her sexuality, there are much better ways of doing that than whatever bait and switch she keeps on doing. if she is queer, by no means am i asking her to come out but the very least she can do is stop putting us in danger.
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