#i dont like rhys but atleast give him good hair
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loonylooly · 2 years ago
why must tamlin have greasy sphagetti hair and why must riceman have a combover like he's balding actually rhys is so old he probably is balding
anyways i stand proudly for the not ugly haired sjm man anthem
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the100hurtme · 4 years ago
Lol so I finished the second book a couple days ago but here were my thoughts cause I remember them clear as day lollll (this series makes me emo) soooooo A Court of Mist and Fury pt.1:
My autocorrect knew before I did and was trying to warn me 😒
I mean I didn’t like him that much anyway he was so bland and I swore he only communicated in grunts
She’s not a FREAKN toy oh my gosh 🙄
Wait it’s been months and Rhys hasn’t shown up??? How serious is this bargain thing
Wow these Books are🌶🌶
Awww poor Feyre 🥺 can no one here her puking her guts out at night????
Tampon just chillin on the bed can’t even hold her hair 😒
This “protective” stuff is def gonna be a bad shade on him
Who tf is Ianthe
Well Atleast she has a friend even tho sis just popping up out of nowhere
Noooooo Feyre doesn’t seem like herself is no one noticing how this she’s gotten??? Do they not have therapy in Prythian?
Ugh this writing is so good I can actually feel how hurt she was
Damn how do you cope with actually dying and seeing urself and turning into something you once hated???
Where tf is Rhys
Ok like I can cope with them being engaged, but are they really gonna get married???
Awww it hurts reading her cry for help
oh shut up tampon 🙄
Ianthe sus sus for dippin like that
Awww yes rhys take her away from this bitches 🥺
Ok like I know that I want rhys to take her away but seriously tamlin isn’t gonna put up more of a fight?
Ugh yesss Lucien must have been tired for carrying the sass of the book for so long
Wait how deep is this bargain bond (I’m still so confused about how that thing works)
I still stand by the their mates theory but idk how that works either and he hasn’t mentioned it
She’s so broken she can’t even push back at him damn her fire is really gone
Who’s the girl??? Pleaseeee no competition...
Lol Bruno Mars would def love the night court clothes
He’s having her read and put up shields wow. Also why did no one at spring court teach her how to read??? Like it’s not threatening or physically dangerous... lowkey annoyed with Lucien like the dude almost died cause she couldn’t read how come he’s not gonna teach her...
OH SHES HIS COUSIN aight that’s cool
Wow he’s actually giving her space idk I thought he would bug her a ton that’s really nice
Nooooo don’t make her go back she’s actually eating and sleeping 🥺
Bruh 🖕
Oop you just know something us about to go down at the tithe
Also for someone who said he doesn’t keep slaves the tithe is a bit sus there 😒
Dude that’s so glutinous to just keep taking and taking like that... if you have all that money why can’t you reduce their taxes!!! Also why is the Tithe so frequent tf
Are they not gonna discuss the wedding thing
Yeah what how are they supposed to pay in three days when there’s nothing??? Like most of the kingdom was under a damn spell
Is Feyre just supposed to be decoration???
Yes! There’s the backbone that we hadn’t seen from her in the last 7 chapters!
Damn tam don’t get your panties in a twist
Oh they are def gonna save her ass later
Sis should have given them her engagement ring 😌
Wait how many powers does Feyre have??? I need a catalogue to list which court can do what... like if autumn can do fire how come dawn and day don’t get fire??? Like I’m sure it makes sense but my mind is tired
Lolllll Alis is a whole mood
Yeah you better be saying sorry tampon 🙄
Does the mans not see she hasn’t painted anything in months??? Like read the room omg
Awww she has PTSD badddd someone come save her :(((
Atleast he shielded her somehow
Bruh wtf is Rhys?!? Or even Lucien or Ianthe do they not like Feyre or something
Sis you don’t owe him anything, but she’s so nice for trying I would have dipped so fast
Dang the clothes are even looser than before 😞
bruh these two are just wrapped in trauma aren’t they :(
Well that picture show must have kept him up at night oof
I expect if from tampon but damn Lucien is on some thin ice
Bro everytime I read “looks at me with worry” it physically hurts like ouch
Is this just gonna be a thing where she only gets checked on and fixed one week a month just for her to wither away again?
Yeah where is Mor? On the map the night court is so big how many Fae are in this court
The whole invading other people minds thing stresses me out.
Bruh Amarantha was bad and controlled all those courts how can something be worse than that
can someone find out what books Feyre is reading??? Like what kind of books would the High Lord of the Night Court give her to read?
Please don’t let her fall apart Rhys
Dang this book is so realistic that going through that shit can actually haunt you for a while. Most books just skip over it I like that she’s actually going through it thoroughly
Dude why can’t he train her??? Like she’s losing control of it might as well teach her how to wield it on purpose
Yes Lucien talk to him 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
They really don’t let her do anything at all, idk how do you live life when you feel utterly useless
Why can’t he just tell her where they’re going???
Ok Lucien earning some brownie points I guess for trying
I knew I liked Alis
How come Mor is the one getting her? Ohhhh some other weird court rules I dont understand
Damn that must have been so traumatizing for Feyre
Lolllll Rhys is about to lose his shit and I’m here for it
WE’RE GONNA MEET RHYS FRIENDS I think he has friends I hope he does
awwwww city do starlight sounds nice
Lol they must not know about this city if they think Rhys is terrible
HOW DOES SHE WRITE THIS WORLD my imagination isn’t even that big!!!
Aight so since this book is hella long expect multiple parts of your actually following along with this!
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nightcourtstarlight · 7 years ago
Garden Dancing part 2
Well, its been about 87 years since the fisrt part came out. sorry about that, school has been kicking my ass its been a rough time. But it here! FINALLY! and i’m happy to share it with you all! 
Oh and by the way, there will be atleast 5 more parts ( whoopie) and yes they are drafted and ya know.. they exist. 
Welp I dont know how good this part is but I’ll let you get to it!
Read the first part here on Ao3
@rosehallshadowsinger @daycourtsunlight
I listened as Feyre laughed brightly at something Cassian said. Rhys sat next to her, an arm draped around the back of the chair. They were the epitome of happiness, it radiated and glowed in the midday sun.
We were all gathered in the backyard of the new manor. Nesta and Cassian chatted quietly now. You could see what their conversation was about even if you couldn't hear the words telling by the way Cassian's lips brushed her ear ever so slightly and a red blush rose on nestas cheeks. I took note of how their fingers were tightly intertwined as they went back and forth in their discussion.
I sighed and looked away. So this was it. I'd finally become the third wheel. Not even Mor of Amren could keep me entertained, for they had gone to the summer court to see Varian. Who would have thought Amren would fall in love, though the last time one of us had pointed it out she promised to rip out our tongues. I shivered at the thought. Varian deserves a medal for being brave enough to pursue her.
Since both of my sisters had long forgotten about the conversation we were having I decided id take a walk through the very large garden. I discreetly stood and made my way to the rose garden. The sun streamed through the leaves of the tree overhead and warmed my skin. I let my fingers flutter over the soft rose petals as I wandered, lost in thought.
I wonder where Azriel is. Perhaps he was on a mission. Now that I think about it I haven't seen him in a few days. I hope he's ok. I chuckle to myself. That's silly, of course, he's fine. He's the shadow singer. SpyMaster of the night court.
I pluck a flower off of the bush and behind picking off the petals.
I wonder if he's eaten yet.
Just then I feel my muscles coil and tighten. My vision changes from me looking at the rose hudge to light filtering through wings and powder on a marble surface.
Just as quickly as it comes, I'm thrown back into reality. The flower drops out of my hand as I slump back on the bench. My head pounds with a dull ache.  
I don't even notice the shadows around me grow and stretch as I rub at my eyes, willing myself to make sense of the scene that just unfolded. Suddenly something starts blocking the sun. I look up, dazed, to see Azriel towering over me.
His arms were crossed and his wings were stretched out wide, blocking the sun.
My vision… I thought as I watched the sunlight illuminate every vain and tendon. Azriels eyes flicked over me from head to toe
“Are you ok, Elain?” Az unfolded his arms and slid onto the bench next to me. I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder. One arm came up to brush the hair out of my face while the other pulled me closer to him.
“It was a vision,” I murmured, letting his cool rainy forest scent soothe me.
“What about?” his fingers rubbed mall circles on my back.
"I saw wings, and I think-” I sighed feeling another dull throb pound through my head. At least it's getting better “ I think they were yours,”
“I see,” Az mumbled.
“How did you now?”
“My shadows tell me things. I like to keep tabs on important things and people,” Hi voice was smooth and deep as silk.
“I’m important?”
“Of course. Your my high lady’s sister,”
I tried not to feel the stab of pain in my heart at that. I wish he saw me as someone more than just the High Lady's sister because I see him as so much more than just the Spymaster of the night court.
“And you're my friend,” Warmth spread through my body at that. If friendship was all he was willing to give then I would take it, and cherish it for as long as I am able to.
“Where were you?” I asked
“So many questions today Love,”
“Well, you left me to sit between Feyre and Rhys blatant touching and Cassian and Nestas sexual tension,”
I was delightfully rewarded with a deep chuckle.
“I was meeting with some of my operatives,”
“I forgot you have your own people that work with you,”
“Good, that's the point,” he quipped. I could hear the amusement in his voice
I whacked him on the chest  “ Hey!” I squeaked. I couldn't help but smile though, he was just so charming.
“You're probably hungry, let's go find you something to eat,” He stood and pulled me to my feet. I looped my arm through him as he leads us through the garden. The sun was now lower in the sky. Sunset was probably only a few hours away. I listened to the bumbling rush of the Sidra as we walked. Honestly, I was surprised it didn’t cut right through the garden.
I peeked up at Azriel, taking note of his relaxed expression. Usually, he always had a slight frown on his full plump lips, but today he looked at ease.
“You’re staring," he chuckled
“ Am not! I-I just noticed how peaceful you look,” I trailed off, praying he wouldn’t see the blush on my cheeks.
“You’re very easy to be around,”
“Thank you. You are too,”
We finally made it out of the rose grove and swiftly walked past the couples.
“I might blind myself if I have to see their touching one more time," Azriel muttered so low I almost didn’t catch it. I laughed and bumped my shoulder into his.  
I swear a tinge of red color his cheeks, but he merely shrugged as we slipped into the kitchen.
Az walked over to the pantry and pulled the doors open wide. I heard him rummaging as I came to stand by the sink.
“What do you want to eat?” he asked
“Perhaps we can make summer corn chowder. I know Nuala just bought fresh tomatoes.”
“That sounds lovely,”
We began gathering ingredients. Az found spices while I gathered corn, tomatoes and other things to make the soup. We made quick work of putting the ingredients together. I watched, spellbound, as he chops the vegetables. The way the knife glides in his hands with ease. The flex of his wrist and furrow of his brow as he concentrates. My cheeks catch on fire as his gaze flickers up to mine and lingers for a moment before dropping back down to the counter. Luckily he doesn’t say anything, but a small smirk does play on his lips.
I hum and turn back to the stove. The soup bubbles and releases a heavenly scent as I slowly stir it. I feel my stomach rumble and idly think that I hadn't realized how hungry I was. When was the last time I ate today anyway? I had a pastry and tea with Nula this morning. She had come over for brunch and I was slightly surprised Cerridwen wasn't with her. "Duty calls" was all Nuala offered when I had asked. I took that as a sign not to push. Perhaps it was a mission for Azriel, and best to know less about it.
I startled out of my thoughts as Azriel reaches his long, solid arms around me to dump the chopped peppers and tomatoes into the pot. His scent wraps around me and I bite my cheek to keep from breathing it in. Azriel moves away and comes to lean against the counter, popping a chunk of tomato in his mouth as he does so.
“When's the last time you ate today Azriel?” I stammered, reaching for anything to fill the silence. Usually, I had no problem sitting in that comfortable silence with Azriel. It was always a kind of content comfort with him, to just know that you didn't need to continuously fill the gaps in conversation. That it was ok to just… drift.
But with the way Azriel had his curious inquisitive face on, ( it all showed in his swirling hazel eyes), I found myself a bit more nervous to just let him blurt out whatever he was bound to say. This had been the first thing that came to my mind.
He considered it for a moment, chewing on a piece of pepper thoughtfully this time before saying. “ I had an apple for breakfast”
“An apple? That’s it?” I frowned a turned to him. I should have suspected, with the way he had to think about it. He merely nodded and started munching on an apple that was in a fruit bowl on the counter. That also explains the snacking. “Az you need to eat more than just an apple! Look at you, you’re as big as a barn!”
Another smirk played on his lips as I reprimanded “Stop snacking Az. You'll ruin your appetite!” he released an easy chuckle and finished off the apple, chucking the core in the compost bin. I sighed and turned back to the soup. It was nearly done thankfully. I gave it a few turns as I asked: “Why don’t you eat often Azriel?”
“I eat often,”
I laminated a stare at him. He bit his lip and mumbled, “Ok maybe not as much as I should but I do...”
“Cassian used to do the cooking, but he stopped because I'm too picky of an eater. I've been managing though,” He looked so bashful as he said it. I willed a wall of ice to form over my heart like Nesta. Az is my friend and nothing more, but despite my best efforts, his sincere shyness seemed to melt through it anyway.
“Hmm,”  I hummed and walked over to the cabinet where the bowls were kept. I flick open the door and just as I start reaching up on the tips of my toes, Az’s shadow laced hand reaches up and grabbed the bowls.
“Thanks,” I smile up at him, but try not to linger. After moving back to the stove I quickly pour him a bowl of soup and slice off a piece of bread to go along with it.
I set it on the counter and push it towards him “Eat Azriel,” I say.
His eyes flicker from my face to the bowl, back to my face, back to the bowl again before he slowly picked up the spoon and took a bite.
Satisfied, Elain got to work making sandwiches to go with the soup. No one can just have soup for lunch and not grow hungry within the hour, she thought as she sliced another tomato. She then pulled sliced turkey breast and cheese from the icebox and bread from the bread box.
“How do you like your sandwich?” she asked
“You don't have to, I’m pic-,”
“It's really no problem Az," She interrupted smoothly.
Azriel pressed his lips together into a hard line before he sighed and murmured a few directions. “Can you put mayo on one slice of bread and Mustard on the other?” Elain beamed and started spreading the condiments. Then he spoke “Two lettuce leaves on the mayo side please and then a thick slice of tomato,”
Elain felt her lips quirk as he ground out his order as if asking for a simple sandwich made the way he likes it brings him physical pain. He then bashfully instructed her to put a healthy slice of cheddar on top of the tomato.
When Az’s uncomfortable shuffling finally fell silent she looked up just as she was about to put a slice of turkey on to top it off.
“Anything else Az?” she asked. She watched, bemused as he gnawed on his bottom lip, yes actually chewing it off, before he sighed and said “I actually prefer ham,”
“ Ok, that's fine!” Elain trilled as she walked over to the ice box and swapped the turkey for sliced ham. Now that she thought about it, she probably should have asked what meat Azriel wanted in the first place instead of just grabbing turkey.
Elain finally returned to the counter and finished assembling the sandwich. She put it on a plate and added another bowl of soup just to be safe and slid it across the counter. Az looked down at the plate and then back up.
“Az! Stop looking guilty and just eat it before I do!” A small smile flickered across his face and his shoulder relaxed an inch as he finally took a bite of the sandwich. He released a low hum that for a moment sounded like something… very different.... His eye flickered shut for a moment and he finished chewed and swallowed. In no time Elain assembled her own and took up a spot next to Azriel. When they finally flickered back open his gaze locked with her own.
“Perfect!” and the smile he had on his face could have lit up any darkness. The night sky its self.
Then we ate in silence for a few moments. Azriel ate his sandwich in record time.  There wasn't a crumb left. By the time I had finished my own he was polishing off his second bowl of soup.
“Az eating is important, everyone needs to do it, Fae or not,”
“I know,”
"I could”I trailed off, gathering my courage," I could help you. I wouldn't mind making your lunch or breakfast,” I peeked at him from the corner of my eye and saw he was staring at me with a look I couldn't place. Wonder, confusion, curiosity?
“I couldn't ask that of you Elain,”
“You don't have to. It would make me feel better to know you're eating right,”
“You really don't have to-,”
“Az,” I drawled as he scooped up our empty bowls and plates and put them in the sink
He sighed and turned back to face me. His eyes were bright but his bottom lip was caught between his white teeth. “If you feel you must you can, but just remember I don't expect you to make my meals. I can take care of myself Elain,”
“I know that,” I said gently and came to stand next to him by the sink. I picked up a towel and began drying the dishes he had washed. We finished in silence and I passed him the towel to dry his hands on. His hair fell into his eyes as he swiped the cloth over his intricately scared hands. I heart speed up as I gazed at him. He was by far the most handsome male I'd ever seen, from his scars to his cool indifferent looks. My heart started to pound as I leaned up on the tips of my toes and pressed a butterfly's kiss to his tan cheek.
“It's my pleasure Azriel, thank you for allowing me to help you like how you help me every day,” I whispered. He was still as stone as I stepped away and walked out of the kitchen. My cheeks burned as I grabbed my cloak and swung it over my shoulders, eager to leave before my legs gave out.
It's ok, I thought. Friends are allowed to gives kisses on the cheek. It wasn't like it was long. Merely a brush of the lips! A show of endearment.
Why was her heart beating like a hummingbird's wings then?
Az was frozen by the sink, where Elain had left him. The sensation of her lips pressed against his skin still ghosted his cheek with warmth. His hands balled into fists and he struggled to regain my thoughts.
Elain is my friend. It was a friendly kiss on the cheek, and nothing more. It would be improper to of him to think of it as anything more than that. And worst for him to think of it for longer than this moment, Azriel thought as he started putting the dishes away.
Yes, he would just forget about it. It was safer that way. Elain was his kind and noble friend.
Yet... he couldn't help but wish there could be something more...
No! He shook his head at that and kicked a cabinet closed. Elain had a mate and... he was ... he was him. Scared and bruised and broken with too many years trapped in darkness. How could he ever put that on Elain? shed already been through so much and didn't deserve to be weighed down with him.
He should just be content with the fact that she allowed him to be her friend, he thought with dismay.
Azriel had just finished putting away the dished when Rhysand and Cassian barged into the kitchen with a loud clatter.
"This is why we can't have nice things in this house," Azriel sighed and walked over to righting the picture frame they had knocked over.
"Why are you brooding Az? It's not even 5 o'clock yet, too early for brooding," Cassian quipped as he went to the icebox. He was obviously drunk as a sailor.
"Why are you Drunk Cassian? It's not even 5 o'clock," Azriel ground out, throwing the words back into his face. His shadows swirled around him as his mood worsened. I wasn't in the mood to deal with his drunk, idiot brothers.
Rhys and Cassian shared a look before Rhysand murmured into his cup "Is it Elain?"
Azriel ground his teeth together, feeling his wings flare a bit at the mention of the exact subject of his thoughts. "No"
"Right," Cassian said, who had returned from the icebox with a new bottle of wine. " Try not to brood too much az, she's crazy about you,"He said and disappeared out the door with Rhys following behind.
Azriel heaved and aggravated sigh before flexing his wings and disappearing into the shadows, eager to get away from his annoyingly intrusive brothers.
The next morning I awoke a bit earlier than usual and got dressed. Azriel is probably already awake, I thought as I looked through my cabinets for something suitable to make. After a bit of contemplation and a large mug of blueberry green tea, I decided on a classic that I knew Azriel liked. On the odd occasion that we all had breakfast together like after Starfall or on Feyre’s birthday, he would order 3 fried eggs, toast, and fried ham.
Getting to Azreils house was simple enough. He had told me the address the night he had taken me out for dinner. I strode up to his dark wood front door with my cloth covered basket and knocked.
There was silence for a moment before footsteps pounded towards the door and it swung open on silent hinges.
Azriel filled the entire threshold, dressed in a grey training tunic and leather training pants. His hair fell into his eyes, still wet from a shower. I hadn't realized I was starting until he blinked at me and ushered me inside with a soft come in.
“Just get done training?”
“Yes but I,” he rubbed the back of his neck “I hadn't expected you so soon,”
His house was minimally but nicely decorated. The walls were a pale grey and he had a painting probably made by Feyre of a cliff overlooking an ocean on the far wall. He had a couch and two white chars over an eggshell white rug. It was lovely.
“You must be hungry,” I said and turned back to him. His lips quirked in the lightest of smiles
“A bit,” he took the basket from me and started walking towards the kitchen. When he saw I hadn't followed he turned back to me with a curious look.
“Oh uh, I really should be going. I was just going to drop it off-,”
In two stride he was in front of me again. His beautify hand gently circled my wrist and pulled me forward. “Eat with me Elain, please. I wouldn't feel right just taking it,”
My stubborn front crumbled like a cracker and I finally allowed him to lead me to the kitchen. It was also simple, with grey-black marble countertops and white cabinets. He pulled out my chair for me to sit and began unpacking the food. He then grabbed some plates and forks.
We ate in near silence, only parted but the occasional question I asked or he asked. It was a comfortable silence that I could only share with Azriel.
We were washing the dishes together when a clock’s bell somewhere in the house struck out noon.
“Oh, it’s late! I’m sorry Az I have to go. Nesta wants me to go with her to the Library under the House of Wind,” I folded the navy towel I was holding and placed it by the sink. Azriel nodded and lead me back to the front door with a hand on the small of my back “I had a lovely time with you, but I always do,” I said with a wink as I pulled my cloak over my shoulders. Azriel leaned against the door frame with a content smile.
“As did I and the food was delicious by the way,”
“Thank you,” I smiled at him, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks. I cursed myself on the inside, stop blushing every time Azriel pays you a compliment! Azriel opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. He rightened himself and rubbed the back of his neck, letting his mouth open and close with unsaid words again.
Eventually, he settled on “Goodbye Elain,”
I felt myself deflate with that. What had he been trying to say? I nodded and let my eyes drop to look at the basket in my hands. “Goodbye Azriel,” I said with a small smile and finally swept down the stone path and out into the noonday sun.
.Thanks for reading!
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