#i dont know im sorry if this sounds morbid but i think people are too disconnected from these things nowadays
alexanderpearce · 3 months
its 2024 why have we not figured out how to record smell by now. you cannot imagine how good the kitchen smells because of the two giant pots of stew my mum's making out of one of our geese
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naughtynutboy · 5 years
list 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the first 10 people on your dash 💖
oof sorry in advance for breaking the law, but i dont think i’ll b sending this to the people on my dash skdjdjh interracting w/ people i’ve never previously interracted with makes me go HHHHHHH
but!! because im a bad boy breaking the rules i’ll list 10 things that make me happy!! hmm,,
thomas sanders obviously lmao
talking to my mutuals/friends over the internet uwu i love ya’ll
drawing!! dont know what i’d do if it didnt make me happy lol
my turtles!! all of my pets really but i saw my boyes first and i love them uwu (i have two yellow bellied sliders, just realized i never mentioned them on this blog lol their names are squirtle and shuckle)
daydreaming!! if i’m not actively talking to someone, it’s safe to assume i’m clocked out lmao (even sometimes if i am actively talking to someone)
writing! even though most of it happens in my head, that counts too, right?
the ocean!!!! i love it!! i dont rly like being in it particularly but it is v pretty and the things that live in it are cool!!!
sunsets/rises!!! i used to be able to watch the sunrise super clearly from a hill every morning on my old school bus route, but my route changed now :(
collecting stuff!!! i have a big collection of those glass statue things??? idk what they’re called but they usually have a rounded shape with colorful glass designs inside. i have a bunch of those and a bunch of animal figurines as well that i get every time i go somewhere on vacation or i just see one that i like. it started after i was cleaning out the attic of a house that one of my family members owned after they died and i found a bunch of the animal statues and glass things. i like to think of it like i’m honoring that person’s collection while also adding onto it and making it my own i guess?? idk sounds kinda creepy and morbid now skdjsh
my hyperfixations!! this one is kind of obvious, but it covers a lot of ground in one answer and the things i like are constantly changing so its hard to answer questions like this. my hyperfixations include thomas sanders, undertale/deltarune, minecraft (specifically SMPlive at the moment), buzzfeed unsolved, and probably a bunch more that i’m forgetting. some of those aren’t things i’m actively hyperfixated on but they come and go the most:)
and uhh yeah! that’s that! hope they dont lock me up in tumblr jail for breaking the rules of an ask game skjdhshdj
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grinnoire · 6 years
in an effort to obliterate prototype 2 from my mind here's a list of hcs for a dana-is-fine-now 5yrs later self-indulgent au
alex, dana, and ragland moved to canada via some -cough- slightly illegal maneuvers, so blackwatch can't move in on them even when they find alex again at risk of causing an international incident
(basically canada is like "hes been here for 5 years and its been fine, also if youre gonna provoke THAT then do it on US soil bc we know what happened to manhattan and do NOT want a repeat in toronto (also, cranky bc your bioweapon is ours now arent you)")
(everyone thinks ragland died after contact with ZEUS but he's fine and lives down the street.)
so mostly blackwatch just spies on the gang as they get up to dumb slice-of-life stuff
alex got a bachelor's in psychology (doing one of the "hard" sciences would feel like too much of a repeat and he's soul-searching) and now has a job as a forensic psychologist. mostly he's everyone's paperwork jockey because he doesn't complain when they dump theirs on him, but sometimes he gets to decide who gets to sit on jury duty. this drives blackwatch absolutely nuts
dana is working as an editor for a local magazine. she still keeps up with news journalism on her free time, but she’s decided to take it easy after everything that happened and the job pays pretty well.
dana has more or less come to terms with virus brother, mostly because every other week he goes on some dark and broody rant about being a monster/hearing the screams of those he's killed/his innate desire as a virus to kill consume assimilate infect, and you kinda just get used to it after a while
alex got a deal with a local slaughterhouse to buy some of their stock from them, since he likes his meat so raw it's still mooing. literally. they are convinced he's either a butcher or a cultist but you know what, that's his business
dana starts referring to the real alex mercer as just "my big brother," and not by name. similarly, she usually calls alex by name, but she also refers to him as her little brother, and when joking in private, her baby brother (he is five and she will never not find that funny)
she also really does think of him as a kid, and notes that one of the most divergent traits he has from the real alex (besides empathy) is how easily he trusts people (she jokes that she worries he'll get lured out into a white van behind the mall with promises of meat). he's also super dramatic about EVERYTHING, so her impression of him has slowly morphed from "scary semi-insane virus man but still a step up from my actual brother" to "haha, kid brother who sucks at smash bros"
since alex doesnt sleep, he usually whiles away the nighttime hours by hunting (he's got a permit and everything, at dana's insistence) or playing video games
he's REALLY GOOD at rhythm games but plays with the sound off ("it's distracting, dana" "it's The Point Of The Game, alex") and he's shit at fighting games ("have you ever considered NOT charging blindly in on me clearly about to unleash an ultimate").
he's also not great at puzzle games and dana has caught him melted into a pile of meat moss over professor layton before. this is in spite of his constant claims to have consumed some of gentek's most brilliant minds, so it only further cemented dana's "kid brother" impression
alex: i dont have a preference for toppings so i get everything on it since i dont eat with my mouth anyways. thousands of dead men's preferences means no preferences -later, after dana has forced him to try things using taste buds- alex: can i get a large pineapple and anchovy pizza with alfredo sauce instead of tomato the guy at domino's: im arresting you for pizza crimes
an argument they constantly rehash is that dana insists that alex should try shopping for real clothes while alex insists he can just shapeshift into whatever clothes he wants. this has, on one occasion, led to neighbors in the hallway overhearing alex yelling angrily that "IM ALWAYS NAKED, DANA"
dana is a big lesbian and kicks alex out of the apartment when she's got "friends" over. they both know what dana's up to but dana insists that her five-year-old brother "will understand when he gets older" when he complains about it
most people that know alex thinks he has no sense of humor. this is untrue. he just has a very limited one and very dull reactions. but one time dana showed him this
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and he let out an involuntary snort/giggle and then looked very confused and kind of scared, like he had no idea what that sound was or where it came from
most people believe alex’s brows drawn, eyes narrowed glare means he’s angry, but dana knows that that’s actually his “i’m confused” look. this is also the look alex wears 70-80% of the time.
(his actual “i’m angry” look is brows drawn, eyes wide open)
alex has a tendency to blurt out random factoids, like a walking trivia book. these facts are ALWAYS morbid and he ALWAYS only realizes that after he’s said it out loud. dana goes “i think i’m coming down with a flu that’s been going around work” and alex goes “huh, you know flus cause 200,000 hospitalization and 3,000 deaths every year” and dana gives him a Look and he pauses for a long moment before adding in a “sorry”. dana actually thinks this habit might be a leftover from how OG alex mercer liked to mansplain, but when this alex does it it’s less insufferable and more just awkward, so she doesn’t mind it that much
“butterflies can taste with their feet. I can also do that, if i try.”  “awesome, alex”
they have separate rooms since they both make a decent amount and live a ways out from the big city, and dana’s looks pretty normal, slightly messy, and alex’s is, hm. dana keeps insisting he try decorating it and actually putting stuff in it, so it’s home to his attempt at interior decor. the room features: a bookshelf crammed full of old textbooks and basically anything remotely novel-like that he could buy from the clearance rack, 2 (two) whole deer skeletons, picked entirely clean, a large, stainless-steel industrial-grade refrigerator/freezer unit (full of huge slabs of meat), the world’s loneliest computer desk and chair, a moldy cantaloupe in a glass box on the windowsill (”alex what is that” “i’m growing penicillin” “...why?”), a tiny photo of him and dana in a really big frame hanging on the wall, and also framed, dana’s MRI scans showing that she suffered no lasting effects from the infection. dana has had her partners accidentally walk into that room instead of hers and then call the cops. she kinda wants to say something to him about it, but since one of alex’s most common broody speech topics is how he doesn’t feel like he has a personality of his own, and since what he does have in his room certainly shows...”personality,” she figures she’ll leave it alone.
whenever a coworker starts to get friendly with him, alex pulls them aside to let them know he’s actually the blacklight virus that ravaged manhattan. he doesn’t actually use his powers because frankly it takes more energy than his current dietary plan can make back, but he insists until the coworker goes “haha okay, okay, i got it.” no one actually believes him but alex is convinced they all do, and dana has never been around for this to correct his mistake
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hysterialevi · 6 years
Abraham - A RDR2 Fanfic
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Fanfic summary [NO SPOILERS]: Lyle Morgan and his eleven-year-old son have a conversation about Beatrice’s death, only for the boy to witness a second one.
Warning(s): Mild language
Author’s note: Bear with me if not everything in this story is correct. I’m not entirely sure where Arthur’s originally from (all I’ve heard is that he’s from somewhere in the north), so I just made something up lol. Also, this fic will only be one part. Anyway, hope you enjoy :)
From Lyle’s POV
SUMMER, 1874
Strollin’ through the tall, thick grass, I led my mount around the forest at a casual pace while my son sat on top, consumed by his journal as always. It was an hour or two before midday, and right now, there was a radiant blanket o’ sunshine bathing the entire forest, painting everything with a golden tint. It was beautiful, and I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the day out here...but this feeling of annoyance just wouldn’t stop naggin’ me, and I knew exactly why.
I briefly glanced over my shoulder, peering at my son as he scribbled something down in the weathered pages of his journal.
A quick sigh escaped me.
I didn’t know who the hell Arthur got his interest in art from, or why Beatrice even bothered buying him that book, but that child just couldn’t seem to take his eyes away from it. Every time I came across the boy, he was always scratchin’ down some fantasy world of his, or creating images of a utopia I ain’t ever seen. It was pointless.
He spent more time daydreamin’ in that book than he did playing outside, or hunting, or fishing -- hell, he didn’t even know how to read -- and yet, Beatrice seemed perfectly content with it.
Or at least...she did.
Beatrice weren’t around no more. She was killed by bandits a few months ago. Robbed. Left on the side o’ the road for the crows to feed on. But Arthur didn’t know that. Sheriff told him it was a wild animal that took her. A wolf, to be exact. And he believed him.
I dragged a hand down my face, suddenly feelin’ exhausted just thinking about it.
Had I done the right thing, not tellin’ Arthur the truth about his own mother’s death, I wondered? I figured the kid didn’t need to know the morbid details, or even the entire truth, but I still felt like a piece of shit for not revealing the full story -- especially considering that them bandits who killed Beatrice...killed her ‘cause of me.
I had stolen something from them. Somethin’ valuable. And before it fell into their dirty hands, that “something” apparently belonged to a rich plantation owner who really wanted it back. Ended up gettin’ one of the bandits hanged, and left them thirsty for revenge. But they didn’t have the strength to go after the plantation owner. So, they came after me instead.
They chased me for quite a while. They chased me across the mountains, across the swamps, across the goddamned snow...until finally, they came to their senses and realized there were much better, more convenient ways of hurtin’ me. And thus, their paths diverted to my wife and son.
Those bastards managed to corner her while she was ridin’ to town to do some shopping. Found her on some secluded road between here and the nearest settlement, and ensured she would never return. That was when Arthur went lookin’ for help to find his missing mother hours later, and the sheriff assured him a wolf had gotten to Beatrice.
Christ. I really was a terrible father, weren’t I? Not only did I pay more attention to a bottle o’ whiskey than my own wife, I had also neglected Arthur for years on end, and indirectly gotten his mother killed. And the boy was only eleven.
He had spent half of his life not knowing a damned thing about where his daddy was, or even what he did, only to lose the one parent he already had before he could find out.
Lord...there had to be some way to make this up to him.
I looked back at the boy, suddenly feeling an urge to say something -- anything -- to him.
“Arthur,” I called out, catching the kid’s attention as his head perked up from behind the journal’s pages, “put that damned book away for a moment, will you?”
The boy hurriedly marked his place in the journal with a pen and shut it closed, resting the object on the saddle’s surface as he hung his head low in shame.
“...Sorry, sir.” He murmured.
I shook my head, lettin’ out a concerned breath.
“You spend far too much time in that journal. It was a mistake to buy it.”
Arthur’s eyes wandered to the trees towering around us.
“I’m sorry, dad,” he apologized timidly. “But I like drawing.”
I scoffed. “Yeah? Well, I like Poker. But I ain’t got time to play it. Too busy worryin’ about survival, and keeping the both of us fed. You can’t always do what you want, Arthur. You gotta provide. Things like drawing, gambling...they’re frivolous. We got better things to worry about.”
The child quirked a brow. “Friv-uh-less...? What’s that mean?”
“It means we don’t need to do it,” I explained. “What we do need, however, is to eat. So put that journal away and keep an eye out for deer. You was the one who suggested we come out here in the first place.”
Arthur frowned in a discouraged manner. “Yes, sir.”
I gave him a stern nod. “Good boy. Now...you said you seen a big buck out here?”
The boy pointed ahead. “Yeah. It was by the river.”
I gave the reins a little tug, urging my horse to follow me. “Then that’s where we’ll start. C’mon, Boadicea.”
Continuing our little hunting trip, Arthur and I traveled deeper into the lively woods as creatures of all types scurried around us, rustling blades of grass and alerting the tiny insects that hovered above the plants.
There was a rather peaceful mood to the forest today -- a welcome change considerin’ how chaotic my life usually was -- and I had to admit: some part of me enjoyed being here with Arthur. I rarely ever got to see the boy because of my work as an outlaw, and when I did, he always seemed reluctant to leave the house. Whether that was because he was more of an indoors person, or simply ‘cause he weren’t eager to spend time with me -- I didn’t know. But it was good to be with him regardless.
Approaching the large river, I came to a temporary halt as I crouched down and examined the ground, carefully searchin’ for any tracks that could’ve possibly led us to the buck.
The area here appeared undisturbed -- save for the fish flopping in and out of the babbling water -- and as far as I could tell, there weren’t no deer running around this section of the forest. Not at the moment, anyway. Maybe they were at a different part of the river.
I took a closer look at the grass, only to be torn away from my thoughts when Arthur raised a question.
“Dad?” He asked softly. “Can I...can I ask you something? About momma?”
I paused, thrown off-guard by the sudden change in tone.
“Momma?” I repeated, slowly turning towards the boy. “Why you wanna talk about her?”
Arthur’s expression sank with sorrow.
“It’s just...you knew her better than I did. Or longer, I guess. And I don’t remember her that good. ...Do you?”
I gazed at him in a puzzled manner, admittedly still a bit taken aback by the abrupt question.
“...Clear as day,” I replied, unwilling to sift through the painful memories. “But that don’t matter. She’s...she ain’t coming back, Arthur. No one does, once they die. Ain’t no point in lingerin’ in the past when it can only haunt you. All we can do is move on. You understand?”
Clearly a bit hurt by my response, Arthur dropped the subject and averted his eyes from me, peering over at a nearby gathering of flowers instead.
He slouched despondently. “...I understand.”
That wasn’t good enough for me. I took a step towards him.
“Look at me when you say that, Arthur,” I demanded. “It’s important you look people in the eye when you speak to them.”
The boy brought his line of sight back to me, his face veiled behind a very subtle layer of fear.
He straightened his back a bit. “I understand.”
I nodded in approval. “Good. Now...let’s get back to huntin’ this buck. You sure it was around the river?”
Arthur gazed around. “I saw it this morning when I was playing with Copper,” he confirmed. “It was drinkin’ water right here. That’s when I came to get you.”
I observed the dirt underneath me, squinting my eyes as I searched for clues. The grass in these parts was quite thick, so that made it even tougher to spot fur, or dung -- and I still didn’t see any deer tracks -- but it certainly looked like another animal had been around here.
I kneeled down, shuffling the grass outta the way with my hand.
“It looks like some wild horses might’ve passed through this area,” I examined. “But no sign of deer. Oh, well...the day is still young, and we have some time, so we’ll keep looking.” I gestured to a nearby bridge. “Let’s try over there.”
Grabbing my horse’s reins, I continued to guide it through the woods as Arthur scouted the area for me, his big blue eyes scanning the sharp horizon while the sun escalated in the sky. There was a certain determination in his temperament now, and the longer we carried on trying to locate this buck, the more my son seemed to be enjoying himself.
Perhaps there was hope for us, after all.
“...Dad?” The boy called again, making me flick my eyes to the side. “What if there are wolves out here?”
I encouraged him to stay calm. “Now, don’t you go worryin’ about that. If we see wolves out here, we’ll be fine. We’re armed, we’re fast, and we’re smart.”
Arthur wasn’t convinced. “...Momma was smart.”
I sighed in a melancholic tone at that. “Yes...she was. But...Momma was killed by a different type of wolf.”
He tilted his head in a puzzled manner. “What d’you mean?”
I gestured to my rifle. “Not all wolves are the same, Arthur. Some use their teeth, some use their guns, and some use their tongue. You gotta be able to identify them when you see ‘em.”
The kid didn’t say it flat out, but I could tell he knew what I was really talkin’ about.
“Those sound more like people.” He replied. I let out a gentle chuckle.
“People can be worse than wolves, Arthur. In fact, I’d prefer a wolf over some o’ the people I’ve met.”
Arthur leaned forward in the saddle, his body swaying along with Boadicea’s steady speed.
“What kinda people have you met?”
I lowered my voice, thinking back to the bandits who killed Beatrice.
“Killers. Thieves. Deceivers. Men who will constantly betray each other even though they share the same motive: greed.”
I turned to Arthur with a remorseful look, hopin’ to do at least one right thing in my life, and use myself as a cautionary tale that money weren’t as clean as it seemed.
“...Greed,” I told him, “it breaks people, Arthur. They may not realize it, ‘cause greed can get you far in this world...but the reward ain’t worth it. Not compared to the things you have to sacrifice. In the end, you’ll have tons of cash, only to realize that there are luxuries not even millionaires can afford.”
His innocence took over. “Then why do they do it?”
That was a question I asked myself everyday. I shrugged in a disheartened fashion.
“Because they don’t care. So long as their pockets is heavy, and their bellies is full, they’ll keep on going. But like I said, greed poisons you. It kills you. And you won’t even notice until you’re already sittin’ in a grave. So promise me, Arthur, promise me that when you get to my age...you won’t become a wolf.”
Despite evidently bein’ a little confused, the child was able to make some sense of what I just said and agreed to the promise, reassuring me with a small smile.
“I promise.”
“Good boy,” I praised, bringing my mind back to the main reason we came out here. “Anyway, here’s the bridge. Why don’t you hop down and help me find this buck?”
Sliding down the saddle, Arthur effortlessly climbed down and joined me, scurrying ‘round like a mouse while he searched for any signs of the buck. But so far, there was nothing in sight.
“See anything?” I checked. The boy shook his head.
I wiped some sweat off my brow, letting out a fatigued sigh. This animal was certainly proving to be a challenge to hunt down. We had already been in this forest for a couple hours now, and our efforts still hadn’t paid off. Part o’ me was almost starting to suspect if Arthur even saw a deer in the first place, and not some other kinda animal.
I decided to take a short break, and turned to ask the boy.
“You positive the buck was roamin’ around in these parts? Or that it was a buck at all? I haven’t seen any tracks so far.”
A soft rustle suddenly reached my ears, interrupting my conversation with Arthur as I reached for my gun, only to be stopped by a sound I didn’t expect.
It was a man’s voice.
“...Don’t even think about it,” the stranger warned, cocking his own gun. “I will shoot if necessary.”
Freezing at the intrusion, I remained perfectly still and didn’t utter a single word as a pair of footsteps steadily approached me from behind, followed by two more men coming in from the front on horseback.
They were all dressed in similar outfits donned with Nevada hats, and I couldn’t help but notice the star-shaped badges shimmerin’ blatantly on their chests.
Shit. These were lawmen. What the hell were they doin’ out here? I never expected the law to travel this far into the country. This was definitely odd.
What really puzzled me though, weren’t the fact that there were three lawmen just...waitin’ for us out here -- it was more the fact that Arthur didn’t seem phased by any of this in the slightest. Just what exactly was goin’ on?
Trotting closer to me, one of the mounted men glowered in my direction as he ordered his deputy to restrain me, his firm, steel eyes never wavering.
I recognized him instantly.
“...Sheriff Buchanan.” I muttered through gritted teeth.
He returned the greeting, scowling from under his hat’s rim.
“Lyle Morgan.”
I shrugged at him, unsure of what to make of the situation.
“What is this shit? What’s the sheriff doing all the way out here?”
Buchanan glanced at Arthur, standing in front of him in a protective manner.
“I told you I’d use every option I had to get you behind bars, Morgan...and I meant it. You made the choice not to heed my warning.”
Taking a second to process what he just told me, the realization suddenly hit me like a bullet to the gut as I stared at Arthur with a sense of immense betrayal, unable to believe what was happening.
There never was no goddamned buck.
Things was never gonna work out for me and Arthur.
This was all a trap.
My own...son...had turned me in.
He was the bait, and Buchanan was the true hunter.
I clenched my jaw in rage, doing my absolute best to shield my emotions as the deputy kicked me to my knees.
“...A-Arthur...?” I whispered, my voice trembling.
The boy looked me straight in the eye, standing adamantly beside Buchanan as his deputies tied me up. I threw a glare at the sheriff, damning him till my last moments.
“You bastard, Buchanan...!” I cursed. “You turned my own damned son against me...?!”
The man showed no guilt and tightened his grip on his rifle, silently advising me to stay back.
“No need,” Buchanan denied. “You drove him to me all by yourself.”
He placed a gentle hand on Arthur’s shoulder and guided him towards the second deputy, ordering them to bring him back to town.
“Clayton, bring the boy back to the office. We’ll figure out where to send him later. For now though, just keep him safe, and look after him.”
“Right away, Sheriff.”
Preparing both his horse and mine for departure, the deputy left Arthur next to the sheriff as the boy stood firmly in place, his innocent yet damaged gaze never leavin’ mine.
Despite the hint of remorse clouding the child’s eyes, it was pretty obvious Arthur felt he made the right decision in turning me in. And just as Buchanan’s second deputy started to drag me away, I couldn’t help but notice a beautiful Whitetail buck wanderin’ around in the distance, its majestic antlers standing out like a crown on a monarch’s head as it bathed in the golden sunlight.
The animal swayed its head in my direction, almost as if trying to communicate with me.
“I’m sorry, dad,” Arthur whispered as he walked towards Clayton, blocking the buck in the process. “...But you made me promise.”
Taking his leave, the boy finally mounted up and steadily trotted away from the scene, only to reveal an empty spot where the buck once stood as he left the forest.
Well...I may have found the buck like I planned, but it weren’t my job to kill it.
And it certainly weren’t my place to look for it.
I could hunt them down to my heart’s content, and kill ‘em all I wanted for my own desires...but in the end, they would always be able to afford the one luxury I’d never obtained.
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domesticangel · 5 years
2 4 8 13 14 18 22 29 33/34 36 37 40 41 44 48 55 69 76 80 82 94 95 98? Sorry if that's a lot sfhsghsh there were so many to choose from!! U can skip some if u want
SDFHSJKDL NAH DUDE UR SO FINE I APPRECIATE U GIVIN ME SO MANY TO ANSWER !!! 🤠🤙🏻 I’m gonna throw this under a cut just bc. I Talk A Lot
2. is your room messy or clean?
HHHHH i’d say its more on the messy side lmao like its not too awful bad but i am rly bad about having The Chair™ that i pile all my worldly possessions on
4. do you like your name? why?
ive honestly never rly liked it lmao emily was apparently like one of the most popular baby names for girls in ‘97 so from grade school through college ive always been one of like at least 2 or 3 emily’s in each class kjhkjhfkj thats why i mostly prefer to go by emmy
8. what kind of car do you drive? color?
i drive a 2002 ford taurus named tori and she’s my silver babby. she’s a very good car and i plaster her in as many bumper stickers as i can get my hands on
13. any siblings?
ye! one older brother. he’s like a cartoonishly stereotypical stoner but he’s chill so we get along
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
HMMM ive always thought colorado would be nice? i love mountains and i love cold weather and i feel like theres enough cities that id have an ok chance of getting a job in my field. somewhere in scandinavia might also be nice bc once again i like the cold and also ive heard their healthcare slaps
18. favorite tv show?
OOF idk if i could pick one fav but some I’m rly into and find myself rewatching a lot are scrubs, bojack horseman, its always sunny, archer, and dexter
22. do you go to the gym?
i do when I’m on campus just bc my school has a rly nice gym with a good running track but if I’m back home like over breaks and stuff ill just run outside. i sometimes go to the yoga/pilates classes my mom teachers at her local gym but thats about it
29. whats the worst thing you have ever done?
HHHHH well. the main thing that came to mind was 3 years ago when i was driving and took a turn too fast and accidentally crashed into the front of a lady’s car….obv i didn’t mean to do it but i definitely was being reckless thinking i could make the turn. i totaled her car (i was driving a mustang at the time and those mfers are built like tanks so only our fender got dented but her entire front end was crushed) but luckily everyone was physically ok. i def learned my lesson about being a dumbass and also don’t fuck w rwd cars anymore lmao…even to this day thinking about how badly i couldve hurt her makes me shudder and i haven’t been in a wreck since
33. favorite actor?
idk if i can pick a fav but dfhjshgkjsdf i rly like samuel l. jackson, jason bateman, and paul rudd
34. favorite actress?
HHHHHHH i love so many actresses it’d probably be impossible to narrow it down but ive been rewatching ahs coven recently and it reminded me how much i love angela bassett and jessica lange 😩❤️
36. favorite movie?
kjghdsgjsk IM SRY IM PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE OF NARROWING ANYTHING DOWN TO ONE BUT,,, some of my consistent all times favs are the kill bill movies and the kingsman movies
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i dont tbh i did when i was a kid but i always abandon books halfway through whenever i try nowadays,, i think the last book i read was the kite runner and its definitely one of my favs. i also like p much all of toni morrison’s books but beloved was my fav of hers
40. how many times have you been to the hospital?
i think only twice??? once when i was RLY young for something i don’t even remember and again when i was still p young to get my tonsils out lmao
41. top 10 favorite songs
OOF ok favorites are so hard for me but some songs ive loved for a rly long time and always come back to are nightdrive with you (fear of tigers remix) by anoraak, countdown by beyonce, song of the sea by cake bake betty, surrender by cheap trick, bubbly by colbie caillat, ferrari by coyote kisses, that green gentleman by panic! at the disco, nightswimming by R.E.M., if it makes you happy by sheryl crow, and punk rock girl by the dead milkmen
44. what is your biggest fear?
JHDFKJLSHKJSGFK ok this is kinda morbid but like i have this specific fear of someone close to me dying and it depressing me so much that i like, am not able to finish school and pursue my career and i get like totally trapped as a result of grief that sustains itself by constantly reminding me that said dead person would be disappointed in me for quitting. Sweats Loudly
48. who is your role model?
prob my mom tbh which i know is. Cheesy but like. she’s been through so much shit and still came out the other end of it as this unconditionally compassionate and capable person and i just. thats what i wanna be
55. what is your dream job?
honestly this might sound sad but like? literally anything that doesn’t make me wanna die and pays well enough that i can pay my bills and have a little fun on the side?????? obv some kinda art career but as for what specifically I’m rly not picky tbh jfghjhf all i know is that id wanna work for a company as opposed to freelancing
69. do you play an instrument?
nope dkljhfsdjk im not musically talented in any way shape or form
76. what color looks best on you?
black or tie dye, no in between
80. what is your biggest pet peeve?
probably just like? super negative people. like people that go out of their way to find negativity and complain about other things or people and have no desire to look on the bright side or enjoy the little things. like chill dude. we’re all just here to have a good time
82. favorite ice cream flavor?
HMMM i rly love pecan praline ice cream !!!
94. favorite lyrics right now
i honestly rly like the chorus from help yourself by sad brad smith,, “I know you’ll help us when you’re feeling better, and we realize that it might not be for a long, long time, but we’re willing to wait on you, we believe in everything that you can do, if you could only lay down your mind”
it just. makes me Soft. it reminds me of the ppl in my life that believe in me unconditionally and are patient with me and how grateful i am to have them and all the people that i love and believe in too and. Yeah 😩❤️
95. summer or winter?
winter 100% i HATE heat and sweating plus like 90% of my wardrobe is cold weather clothes fdljhksjkdh
98. favorite month?
HMMM probably november? its usually like the transition from fall to winter so you get that really nice crisp fall weather that flows into the super cold hot cocoa weather that i loooooveee
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readbythestarlight · 6 years
“This flask is Taliesin’s new character” shut up Sam don’t mock us
They’re FINALLY going to go check out the Taskers and i swear if Taliesin’s character isn’t with them I’m gonna die
(unless this is all a trick and Taliesin is just hanging out until Molly can reasonably be brought back…)
Caleb stepping in and doing some strategizing both makes me proud and makes me sad because I guarantee he was great at that before Everything happened
Beau and Caleb disagreeing over a spider
“Shady Debaters Debate Team” I would wear that shirt
Nila wants to use her lighting let her fuck people up with her lightning draw people outside for her to fry please
Yes please get yourself some goddamn healing potions
and good berries xD
The Bone Orchard…ooooooo
Necromancers maybe?
Please go to the Taskers first I feel like Taliesin has to be with them
If people have been torturning Jester I’m gonna cry she’s too sweet for this
Nila’s smell bag is so cute y’all stop teasing her
“You are relying on me, I’m very happy” sHE’S SO PURE
Oh shiiiiit she just saved them from freaky forest ground monsters that’s my girl!
Caleb getting tired of the debate and just heading over the gate
Not just carelessly flinging herself after him smh
Spooooooky place I don’t know how I feel about this
“Caduceus Clay” AND HES A CLERIC GOD BLESS Jester will be delighted that she doesn’t have to do all the healing anymore
Caduceus seems delightful I’m delighted I MISSED YOU TALIESIN
fuck i love him already
he’s like the goddamn grave keeper TALIESIN COULD YOU HAVE GONE ANY MORE GOTH
B: “You’re drinking dead-people tea?”
Cad: “Aren’t we all?”
…can’t bring Molly back. I’m not surprised at all given that it would be weird to bring his own character back, but still. That’s okay. It’s fine.
He just figured he’d sit there with his tea until someone came to help him leave lol
C: “Welcome to the Mighty Nein”
Cad: “There’s only, uh—“
B: “DON’T overthink it”
Nott shooting Beau to test Cad’s healing xD
fuuuuuuuck he dead
they needed him god dammit
I can’t decide if this is going to be a disaster, them going after them again right now, or???
Taking off her armor is a horrible idea guys
Guest!Ashley has the cutest face and the purest laugh??? I love her
While we’re on break I’m trying to decide, is it weird that Taliesin chose to play a cleric when they already have a cleric? Part of me is like “what if he did that because he knew they were gonna need the temporary heals and he’s just gonna stick around as Cad until Jester is back and then he’s gonna rez Molly” and part of me is just like bfs girl Molly is gone let him go??
I don’t think I’ll be able to move on from Molly for sure though until the M9 move on from Shady Creek, with Cad tagging along.
Frumpkin the 3-HP spider
Not asking Cad questions nervously is adorable
Beau just sticking her face in the bag for the luck orb xD
Caleb: talks about breaking a guy’s skull
Nila: “excellent”
Poor Taliesin having to figure out a whole new character. He’d barely really figured out Molly yet.
20 for a perception check nice job Keg!
Sumalee accidentally meta gaming is honestly just cute enough that i don’t even care she could metagame all day and i’d be fine with it
Matt looks so lost xD
good rolls, good rolls…
YAAAAAS NILA BASH HIM DO IT GIRL she’s been waiting to kill someone for so long
goddamn they handled that SO WELL LOOK AT THEM IM SO PROUD
“one was just enjoying the wind, and then darkness forever” Matt xD
Goddamn I can’t believe they pulled that off so well. Lorenzo better watch the fuck out.
Are we calling him Clay then because I liked Cad
Frumkpin the flying spider?? Methinks they all forgot Caleb made him a spider
Nila’s so excited to have like 32 gold she’s so cute you guys
Keg get another nat20 for stealth
okay… are they really unnoticed I’m nervous
B: “Look at the—look at the windows, too.”
Cad: “They’re nice.”
I love hiiiiiim
We can’t go get friends tho because they’re not HERE YET
Boy I can’t wait to see this map
Liam missing his rogue days hardcore right now lol
YAAAAS Taliesin with the nat20 deception I was so scared
“I’m gonna have an ulcer after this game” fucking SAME
Ashley and Sam holding hands like SAME god the stress
Also heck yeah we’re uncovering the maaaaap!
Liam is just very thoroughly uncovering the map
fuck don’t squish Frumpkin
“Hey Phil come help me kill this spider!”
Oh thank god good job poofing him out Caleb
I’m serous guys I love Caleb coming up with plans and leading the group in Fjord’s absence I love it
Hey Caleb can you teach Nott the door unlocking spell?
Keg: “Nott. Be careful.”
Nott: “…Do you care about me?”
K: “…Yeah.”
N: *happy wiggle*
Fuck I don’t like this they were doing so well but this is going to be a disaster
fuck it was going so well god DAMMIT Caleb this was a BAD PLAN
God they’re not even all together I am literally so afraid right now
Yessss hasted Keg
fuckfuckfuck im literally so fucking scared right now
okay good they missed Not
poison spray yesss that sounds nice and 12pts damage good girl
poor Sam has such a hard time with his rogue skills
fuck them up Keg
Yessssss kill him Keg my hero
Hasted Keg is the best man 4 attacks? She’s helping make up for a lack of Yasha
Keg getting between Nott and danger is so sweet I’m crying is she trying to make sure Molly does’t happen all over again
I would also die for Keg you guys
Sorry Phil you dead
Wait until you get in the room above the trap door at least Nila
I adore her
yesssss he misses
holy shit Nott put her prone I’m crying I’m sorry I doubted you Nott
Fuck up the barbarian Keg yessss
Action surge means what what is that it’s cool
NAT20 YAAAAAS Keg is the BEST you guys
What I’m taking from this is that women name Ashley make the best lady characters and get the job done
why are you spending key points in non-combat when Lorenzo is still out there somewhere
Oh jeez are Cad or Nila close enough to heal Keg if she needs it??
Liam and Matt gonna fight lol
Let Nila beat the door in
MOMMA POWERS ACTIVATE and she beats in the door HELL YEAH
Maybe she should have saved the totem for IN the trap door?
Sumalee is so concerned that she’s gonna make a mistake it’s cute
Cad coming in with the heals heck yes
“A cleric who likes to heal! It’s amazing” LOL Sam. My thoughts exactly though
This isn’t going terrible but it isn’t going great and I’m worried about what they will have left when it comes time to face Lorenzo
YEAAAAAH HDYWTDT CALEB HECK YES somebody grab Yasha’s sword
also damn Caleb you get vicious with that fire
oh baby
please don’t freak again Molly isn’t here to forehead kiss you out of it
Aw first time he managed not to have issues
Maybe Lorenzo isn’t home… that would be great…
Or he’s downstairs…
Damn, Taliesin, that’s so amazingly morbid and fantastic. Just melting them away into fertilizer.
Nott apologizing for not being able to unlock the door and Caleb reassuring her that it’s not her fault. My heart.
Trapped door.
They are all getting silly xD
Oh god okay here we go
“I like pink better than purple” Liam how dare you
Manacles again ffs Matt
God a whole underground place
“He’s looking for green or blue or goth”
Fuuuuck they gotta get through at least 3 more??
And still no Lorenzo
fuck i don’t like thiiiiiiis
Lorenzo is absolutely in there. If he was upstairs he would have come down.
You’re assuming that there isn’t another way out that they could escape through and flank you
Matt’s like “I just got the downstairs map out guys”
Cad/Clay/Whatever like “let’s just?? ask??”
Oh no
stop him
“fucking Phil, ammiright?”
fuck this son of a bitch up
16 damage fuck him uppppp Nila!
fuck him uuuuup Keg!
fuck him up Clay!
fuck him up Nott!
Clay just… turning him into mulch I’m crying
Damn I’m so impressed they took care of that so well
fuck traps
Nila being such a mom is my favorite like I’m so here for the peaceful person who has never hurt anyone, but will fuck you UP for touching their loved ones
it’s fine I’m only crying a little
“be well. be well my son.”
I’m very much crying
Let her rip it open Matt let her do it
Okay Nila it’s okay let Nott try or Caleb then if Nott can’t
SAM stop with the 1s!!
the power of love is stronger than metal bars hell yes
“I love it when it works for the narrative!” lol Matt at his most DM-i-est
oh god I’m gonna miss Nila so much
I’ve cried way too much these past like idk 7 episodes
Nila is forever a member of the M9 y’all save that feather
it’s fine
it’s totally fine
How many members of the M9 are there now
Fjord Jester Caleb Nott Beau Molly Yasha, then Shakaste, Cali, Kiri, Keg, Nila, and now Clay.
God this was such a good episode.
Caduceus is great guys. He’s different enough from Molly not to make me heartsore, and I think he’ll bring a nice new dynamic? I’m not at all disappointed by him (not that I expected to be, I knew Taliesin wouldn’t let us down).
I’m gonna miss Nila so much. Like Marisha said, she was the softness the group needed.
I can’t believe Sumalee has never properly played before! That’s amazing! She was amazing! I hope I can be half that great at my first proper game!
And I’m so excited to see how it goes next week, live from GenCon! Excited to see how this section wraps up. It’s gonna be amazing.
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swyllh · 7 years
i spent a ridiculously long time agonizing over this, but 2 + minghao for the 100 ways to say i love you thing!
(2. “this reminded me of you.”)
premise: minghao can’t let go.
pairing: minghao x reader
genre: angst, textfic
tw: major character death, lots of swearing.
10 february 2018
minghao [1102]: hey
minghao [1102]: img1834.jpg
minghao [1104]: i set your phone to silent
minghao [1104]: this doesnt work when ur phone is ringign
minghao [1105]: haha
minghao [1105]: thats actually q funny wtf
minghao [1106]: like
minghao [1106]: lets pretend to talk to u like ur alive
minghao [1106]: while ur phone is ringing next to me
minghao [1107]: ………….
minghao [1110]: yeah i don’t kno wwhy im doing this
minghao [1111]: dr lee said i t would be good
minghao [1111]: oh 11111
minghao [1111]: 1111*
minghao [1111]: u used to wish on them
minghao [1112]: i thought it was so stupid
minghao [1112]: still think its sutpid 
minghao [1113]: man its so hard
minghao [1113]: m so used to u biting my head of f
minghao [1113]: i miss you
minghao [1115]: i miss you so much
minghao [2032]: k SO
minghao [2032]: i finally got to finidhign
minghao [2032]: all the fuckdifnf funrrrl 
minghao [2033]: moeny
minghao [2033]: haaaaaaaaaaaaahha
minghao [2033]: djd y inow funerla s cost soc much
minghao [2033]: 3000 %94_43?@589;@(p;%
minghao [2033]: ‘’’’’’’’
minghao [2034]: $7_*
minghao [2034]: $7__________________________*
11 february 2018
minghao [1422]: fuck
minghao [1422]: seems like drunk me couldnt turn back
minghao [1422]: the keyborad
minghao [1422]: keyboard*
minghao [1422]: lmao
minghao [1426]: this is actually fucking funny
minghao [1426]: but what i wanted to say was
minghao [1426]: cremations cost like 100000
minghao [1426]: ……………..
minghao [1426]: did i extra type
minghao [1427]: u dont even give shits about numbers
minghao [1427]: rmb that time
minghao [1427]: you like,, frget the decimal
minghao [1427]: we ended up donating like half our rent
minghao [1430]: about rent
minghao [1431]: do i sell this house now
minghao [1431]: i mean i like it
minghao [1431]: its close to the metro, theres two supermarkets, a library
minghao [1432]: but its also hell to get to work
minghao [1432]: mine not urs
minghao [1432]: ……..technially its not a house
minghao [1432]: god how do u still osund so bitchy after death
minghao [1443]: also moving out will mean moving your stuff too
minghao [1447]: idk i dont want to think about that
minghao [1820]: img1886.jpg 
minghao [1821]: the sunset today is so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
minghao [1821]: fuck
minghao [1822]: img1887.jpg
minghao [1822]: img1888.jpg
minghao [1823]: img1889.jpg
minghao [1823]: which one
minghao [1823]: for insta
minghao [1824]: should i do a collage
minghao [2311]: 1111
12 february 2018
minghao [0608]: going out fr a run
minghao [1050]: ur mum wants to meet
minghao [1050]: think she wants to get ur stuff back
minghao [1111]: 1111
minghao [1111]: your mum says youre in heaven
minghao [1112]: she misses you a lot
minghao [1115]: ha fuck
minghao [1115]: next thing i know im gonna be waiting for you to text back
minghao [1251]: what do i say
minghao [1251]: screenshot_89.jpg
minghao [1251]: “sure!” ?
minghao [1252]: is it too morbid to add an exclamation mark
minghao [1252]: ???
minghao [1252]: sure.
minghao [1253]: the fullstop looks mean
minghao [1253]: ………………
minghao [1255]: god why cant she just
minghao [1255]: i said ‘sure’ w the fullstop
minghao [1255]: screenshot_90.jpg
minghao [1256]: what do i say now?????
minghao [1256]: why cant she get her own imaginary u
minghao [1256]: smh
13 february 2018
minghao [1637]: just got out of therapy
minghao [1637]: dr lee was talking abt the 5 stages of grief
minghao [1637]: kind of zoned out
minghao [1638]: was cool tho
minghao [1638]: youd like that psychology talk
minghao [1639]: can u imagine someone
minghao [1639]: a scientist
minghao [1639]: just going up to grieving people
minghao [1639]: like “hey can i know how ur feeling”
minghao [1639]: checking in every five days
minghao [1640]: or getting them to jorunal
minghao [1643]: kind of what i’m doing
minghao [1644]: but fuck if i let u become a memopad
minghao [1648]: anyway the bus is here
minghao [1648]: think ill sleep 
minghao [1946]: how the fuck
minghao [1946]: do u eat so much rice
minghao [1946]: i cooked exact as usual
minghao [1947]: img1890.jpg
minghao [1947]: r u fcuking kidding me
minghao [2313]: soz i missed
minghao [2313]: 1113?
minghao [2313]: at least its not 1112
minghao [2313]: 1113 is like a deliberate delay
minghao [2314]: a statement against the futility of numbers. freewill vs fate, control and determination. 
minghao [2314]: ok im sorry thts bullshit
minghao [2316]: i wont miss it again
14 february 2018
minghao [0028]: fuck
minghao [0028]: its valentines day
minghao [0028]: fucccccccccccck
minghao [0028]: everynes gonna be gross
minghao [0029]: ugh
minghao [0029]: like us
minghao [0029]: sto p soudnign so smug.
minghao [0812]: i still cant believe they skated to yoi 
minghao [0812]: what a time to be alive
minghao [0816]: ur probably so pissed that ur missing the olympics
minghao [0819]: i just checked, mens singles is on the 16th 
minghao [0819]: bet u chen rekts hanyu 
minghao [0820]: actually, no
minghao [0820]: youll cry if he does
minghao [0824]: god how many posters of hanyu do you have
minghao [0828]: youll cry if i take them down
minghao [0828]: p sure if u had any say
minghao [0828]: ud want them to paste it all over ur tomb
minghao [0829]: ………………
minghao [0830]: right now im really really hoping you dont hav some weird will that wants me to do that
minghao [0831]: ur so gross
minghao [0831]: ur room is so gross
minghao [1215]: i cant do this
minghao [1215]: ur room smells like you
minghao [1216]: fucking nivea extra fresh
minghao [1216]: cant believe im cryign over deoderent 
minghao [1217]: deodorant
minghao [1217]: even the word is gross
minghao [2311]: 1111 
minghao [2311]: i miss you. 
minghao [2312]: spent the day in your study
minghao [2312]: your mum is coming over on saturday so i packed a bit
minghao [2320]: ok i lied
minghao [2320]: i cried all over your things
minghao [2321]: how
minghao [2321]: how do you just keep crying
minghao [2321]: i should be dehydrated by nw
minghao [2322]: fuck
minghao [2322]: think im crying again
minghao [2322]: is it possible to die from crying so mcuh
minghao [2323]: i miss you
minghao [2323]: the bed is so cold
minghao [2326]: i miss you. so much. all the time.
15 february 2018
minghao [1128]: they’re going to terminate the contract on your phone
minghao [1128]: and then i wont be able to message you like this
minghao [1129]: i panicked and called dr lee
minghao [1129]: she said it was a good thing
minghao [1130]: fuck this
minghao [1130]: i know it isnt like ur gonna text back
minghao [1130]: but 
minghao [1131]: i hear your voice and it makes me safe
minghao [1131]: like youre here
minghao [1132]: fuck.
minghao [1516]: so i forgot to water your cactus
minghao [1516]: its dead
minghao [1516]: sorry
minghao [1517]: maybe oyull take better care of it now
minghao [1517]: actually
minghao [1517]: do plants go to heaven 
minghao [1518]: they can right
minghao [1518]: since they were once alive
minghao [1518]: lol
minghao [1520]: that means books cant
minghao [1520]: god it must be so boring up there
minghao [1522]: unless heaven has their own publishing company
minghao [1538]: or phone service
minghao [1540]: is that why you cant text me back
minghao [1540]: cos im texting the wrong number
minghao [1541]: i swear if u pull a new phone hoo dis
minghao [1542]: …. i cant even kill u
minghao [1542]: or its like overkill
minghao [1543]: jesus
minghao [1546]: youre always one step ahead of me huh
16 february 2018 
minghao [1741]: happy lunar new year
minghao [1741]: i went to your mum’s. we watched yuzuru hanyu.
minghao [1742]: ok FINE he won okay
minghao [1742]: nathan chen fucked up 
minghao [1742]: did u mess with him from above
minghao [1743]: thats not a fair win ok
minghao [1750]: your mum started crying in the middle of lunch.
minghao [1750]: she cooked all your favourite foods.
minghao [1751]: fuck you.
minghao [1803]: im sorry i dont mean that 
minghao [1803]: i love you
minghao [1804]: i love you
minghao [1804]: i lov eyou 
minghao [1804]: i love you 
minghao [2203]: ive been thinking
minghao [2204]: its getting hard to
minghao [2204]: talk to you 
minghao [2204]: at you, like this
minghao [2206]: im not
minghao [2206]: this sounds bad
minghao [2207]: it probably is 
minghao [2207]: every time. i do. its like.
minghao [2207]: i know youre not going to reply.
minghao [2208]: i knw youre dead
minghao [2213]: youre dead
minghao [2218]: but i miss you so much and it doesnt stop there and i still love you but your phone is still lighting up i still keep it charged and every time i try to talk about you its hard to not feel like im being ripped out from inside and i lov eyou still 
minghao [2224]: i dont want to forget you.
minghao [2248]: i dont want to wake up one day and not think of you and meet someone else and fall in love with them and throw all your things away and forget how you look like
minghao [2255]: i forgot wwhat you looked like this morning
minghao [2256]: i was looking at a photo of us
minghao [2256]: and for a moment i thought you looked strange
minghao [2257]: like, was your nose /that big
minghao [2257]: HAHAHAHAHA jk
minghao [2259]: i almost lost it. i wanted to break things and 
minghao [2302]: i dont want to say it
minghao [2311]: 1111
minghao [2312]: good night.
17 february 2018
minghao [1050]: your mum’s here
minghao [1050]: im so nervous haha wtf
minghao [2047]: the whole house is so empty wow
minghao [2047]: it’s so crazy 
minghao [2048]: but ur yuzuru posters left marks on the wall 
minghao [2048]: :p
minghao [2051]: its so weird 
minghao [2052]: its like youre not here
minghao [2055]: dr lee says its a step forward but i feel like somethings missing. and that things are going to fuck themselves up now.
minghao [2104]: its like i can hear everything now that all ur files and stuff are gone
minghao [2110]: this house is too big for me
minghao [2111]: shold i get a dog?
minghao [2111]: what if it dies
minghao [2111]: your plant died
minghao [2112]: bc i didnt water it
minghao [2114]: did you die because i didnt love you enough
minghao [2115]: the last thing we fought over was so stupid
minghao [2115]: it was about bills right
minghao [2117]: are you still pissed about that
minghao [2118]: im sorry.
18 february 2018
minghao [0233]: im unplugging your phone.
minghao [0234]: the contract’s expiring soon anyway.
minghao [0234]: so.
minghao [0240]: you’re at 76%. 
minghao [0240]: so this is kind of anticlimactic
minghao [0252]: i think ive spent too long holding you back
minghao [0252]: your mum gave me that look when she found out i was texting you.
minghao [0254]: im just scared. 
minghao [0255]: i dont want to forget what its like to love you
minghao [0301]: 49%
minghao [0510]: i had a nightmare
minghao [0511]: almost recharged your phone on auto
minghao [0512]: tired.
minghao [0512]: love you.
minghao [1110]: youre on 1%
minghao [1110]: i love you.
minghao [1110]: i love you.
[!] message undelivered - [1111]: i love you.
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youryuri-x · 3 years
₍ᐢ. ̞.ᐢ₎ ʕ•̫͡•ʔ ₍ᐢ._.ᐢ₎ ᐢ..ᐢ
Today has been up and down
Up and down up and down. It hasn't stopped. Not since morning...all i wanted was for you to have the best birthday.for you to be happy on your birthday. I wished and I manifested. And I'm so so happy to hear have had the the happy birthday you deserve.
Aw you looked so cute today...your birthday sash that was completely adorable on you and odlysuited you really well...i thought you looked so so good in it...every day I look at you.
Hehe you really did look like 'the king of the day' , or whatever it said on that sash...
I take a moment (it many) to take in your beauty. I'm always shocked at how much of an immense amount of beauty you posses...its like every day your beauty gets more and more ethereal...
You always just radiate this aura that attracts me so much...whether it's through your beauty or through anything you do...its just wow.
And today your aura was such a beautiful one. It was almost like you were glowing with the birthday fever of happiness and excitement, and as soon as you were in my presence I felt it too.
Seeing your 15 year old self for the first time was....wow.i
was feeling pretty on edge so when you came over to me as calm and as loving and cuddly as ever it made me so happy. That you stiw had time for me on your special day...it was such a huge comfort for me that you still cared about me even though it was your day...your perfect your perfect your perfect...
I said happy birthday to you and then you said it back hehe. It was rly cute and gave off the kinda clumsy almost shy vibes.... I've never seen that vibe comimg from you before...or maybe it was just me that noticed that.
But yes the highlight of my day personally was that moment.when you came over to me excited and in a lil clumsy shy tizz, and I told you happy birthday and you said it back to me. That was one of the most cute things I've ever seen you do irl...i wanna hear you do it again....
The rest of that lesson, which was English went by.
I got the plesure of being able to look at my birthday boy being happy out of the corner of my eye while trying to write something down about lady macbeth or whatever.but ngl I was definitely more focused on you.
English is that lesson of the day where I can look at your side profile for 50 minutes streight. And I love your side profile just watching you talk to someone or look at the bird or my personal favourite thing to watch is you running your hands through your hair, and from the side I get the best veiw.
I swear most of what I do in English is watch you like your something very very interesting on the TV lol.
But your side profile...its like a ethereal painting of an angel...so beautiful...and also kinds hot at the same time...
But yes you are compleatly mesmerising to watch...so interesting...i physically can't take my eyes off you.
I try and look somewhere else but my eyes wonder their gazr to look back at you. And I don't blame them. Your beautiful so beautiful. My eyes just can't miss such beauty.theh are drawn to your beauty like a moth to a flame...
Sorry if I sound creepy...i probably am..its just that my eyes can't stop looking at you...
You make English lessons such a treat to my eyes..and to my imagination. My current favourite fantasy is of me biting your neck like some sort of vampire lol >~<
I can't help thinking it. Ik it probably sounds weird but your neck just seems to be calling me to take a lil bite.... (sorry im weird asf)
But then the bell rang desrupting my vampire ass fantasies and snapping me back into the real world where I needed to get to physics, and biting your neck unfortunately wasn't my main concern...
I got to the class sat down and..wellt thought about you ngl. Just in a general way. Panicked that everyone else had got you better stuff for your birthday, and that I haddnt done enough, since I was the one with the honour of being your girlfriend.
And I mean your basically a god so it's a pretty big honor...
I between these thoughts I was doing the actual work that needed doing, and turning round to cheak the clock despite having a watch on.
Anything to see a glimpse of you, the light of my life in a dull 50 minute gray morbidity that is also known as Pysics.
The main event in physics was when you walked to the front of the class, allowing my eyes to take in your whole immage. I basically held by breath and just focused on you till I started subconsciously fiddling with my stapler again and gazing at you, basically drooling under my mask and then...
I stapled my mf finger. Your mf beautiful self made me staple my finger. It diddnt really hurt, until it started pissing out blood. I put a plaster on it and it was fine, but it shows how much of a klutz I am, and also how much of a sucker for you I also am...
Then it was breaktime. I gave you your present, and told you not to open it in front of me. Ngl it was a selfish asf thing to say...i was really self conscious...beacuse I knew everyone had got you great presents, especially after you told me that naci had made such an effort for you...
[Ngl I envy naci. She what I want to look like. Be like. I mean she has my old best friend and knows you I should stop lol. But just if your ever reading this, I've been envious of her ever since I've first saw her. Life isn't fair why can't I look like her?! I swear you'd be with her if I wasn't there...shes just wow. I wanna me her yknow lol? 🥺😩😩]
But yes I was really self conscious, and feeling in my full on jelous moody people hate mood, especially for the people who you were friends with...
It was probably down to the 3 hours of sleep I'd been getting for the last week each night, and the fact I'd been on the edge. But I feel really bad for saying that... I should have just lrt you open them...
Ngl I wish I'd have been able to see you put on a smile when you opened it. Put on the bracelet I made for you...too late now, but ig this will be a lesson to future me...
I swear allot of the time I use these blogs for getting better. Like being better to you cuz I read through my mistakes and I try to be better. That's why I'm making a note of these things lol.
Then I went with Angel beacuse I knew if I stuck around I could be a harard, being a jelous sleep deprived slightly Yandere aspie girl, I just decided to remove myself, cuz I was feeling like a big angry self concous raincloud and wanted to stay out of your way to give you the best day possible lol.
So then it was biology a lesson of looking at your extreamly attractive back profile....
And half listening to miss heart go on about the heart, ofc. All i knew was my heart circulates my blood around my body for you. Cuz your the one who makes it beat. And you make it beat fast.
I was watching you..ehehe I sound creepy. I pretty much am ngl. Sorry...i don't wanna make you uncomfy but I csnt help it.
I usually see you and fin pissing about during bio, but this time you squeezed his thigh. It made me pretty angry. That you would do this in my full view. It made me god damn angry, ngl. I mf wanted to lean over the best and squeeze your thigh, just so you'd know I'd seen. But ofc I diddnt do that. I'm too introverted. Doesn't stop me from getting angry and kinda hurt about it.
I mean im usually pretty sensitive about stuff like that. When your too close to someone when you know I'm around, watching or could see it. I try and egnore it with you and Sam. I don't like being angry and sensitive, especially not to you.
But sometimes it feels like I need to set some boundaries. Cuz you clearly dont see that there are boundaries of getting a lil too close to someone in the full view of your jelous asf possessive gf!!
Despite her not saying a word about it ever to you, trying to hint it to you, hoping you'd look back on these times and realise how they make me feel you haven't stopped. Ngl it doesn't bother me in the long term at all. I've got used to it. I got used to it with Sam pretty quick. But I always feel a lil uneasy when your too close for comfort or too flirty with someone else where I can see it even if it is just for a joke.
It makes me more uncomfortable becuase then it's like wtf are you like behind my back? If you think it's ok to do that in front of me? Everytime I think about I start crying ngl tears and all. I like to think I'm special to you and get special treatment I have no idea tho.
Your a charming guy with little boundaries. I don't expect much loyalty...i don't need loyalty I just your affection and love . Sorry for mentioning this if you ever see this pls think over what I've said.
That type of stuff really hurts me. When you do it in front of my eyes the thought thya your doing worse behind my back, even if it isn't serious, even if it's just for a joke.
I'm a sensitive little shit in reality, and I actually cried over your Instagram post becuase my insecure selfish ass was getting uncomfortable abt the video of you and naci >~<
Idk it just diddnt sit right with me that you put it on your ig where I could see. Idk if your seeing what I mean. Put yourself in my shoes about it...
But yes sorry.
Bio ended at it was lunch. I tried sitting with the group and it drained me I needed dto be be somewhere else where I could sink into the world of my mind, and the way I do that is through tumblr. Making sense and note of the things in my head.
I sat by jake. We diddnt really talk there was no need neither us us wanted a conversation I just felt comfortable cuz I knew I wasn't comoleatly alone. Jake was there so I spent lunch manifesting you a happy birthday. Obsessing over you and getting jelous. Being pulled into short depressive random states
Thinking about you. Listening to a capella ariana grande until I felt selfish enough to crawl back into people territory, to get some attention. I wasn't quite on jakes level yet I still needed some degree of people. I pushed down all my negative emotions and watched you lie on the grass for a few minutes, before you went, left me and I cried, becuase my self worth had randomly dropped, and I was thinking about the whole thing I explained earlier. I put on a smile and no one noticed. It made me feel numb. But then I saw how much fun you were having and was happy for the rest of the day, had an emotional high during French cuz I knew you were happy and that's all that mattered.
It was end of the day and time to get on the bus. One of the busses had crashed into my grandads car, the embarrasment of the family (according to my mum) and everyone was talking abt it lol.
I talked to a year 9 who knew kally and ened up giving me a hot spot so I could text you. I heard you liked what I'd got you so I ended on a possitive note.
I did two hours studding with my mum and did an orp with you. I was a lil off then tho I'm so sorry. I'm selfish. So selfish. But I gotta tell you how I feel. I can't hold it in anymore. What I've explained here is the only thing I'll shit talk you for
But yes. I' You've had the birthday you deserve. The birthday you really deserve and it makes m e feel so happy that you've got that. You've finally seen how much you matter to people. How many friends you have. How many people like and love you and I'm so glad you've seen that. Seen the amazing person you are x
. Sorry for being a whiny bitch. In a way I almost hope you see this...
But yes for one last time happy birthday my love x
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matazz · 3 years
diary entries of roy endoza
here’s some journal entries of roy endoza that i wrote for the duration of the campaign. for the most part, i kinda wrote these in my twitter drafts just to write down roy’s thoughts. sometimes to remember events that happened, and sometimes just to vent out roy’s feelings to myself. i ended up saving these on a document for safe keeping and i’m glad i wrote these.
‪entry 47‬
‪i miss milo so much. his laugh, his eyes, his smile. i would do anything to have that back.‬ ‪i know its my fault he’s gone. its only been a few months, but i’ll fix that; all of it. no matter how long it takes, no matter what happens. i’ll find some way to do it.‬ ‪entry 53‬ ‪i’ve retrieved a letter from a dream telling me to visit latham and retrieve a key. i’m curious, so i’ll check it eventually. it was definitely odd.‬ ‪entry 55‬ ‪i met a young boy. his name is fox. he’s some sort of shapeshifter. he’s quiet, but his presence is nice company. he also received a similar letter to mine. i have a feeling we’ll be travelling for a while.‬ ‪entry 62‬ ‪we retrieved the key & met some other ppl with letters too. we’re heading to a trinket store back in origin now. i dont wish for them to know of my life so i’ve found a way to steer them as far from possible to finding out about myself. i’ll probably visit ma too.‬ ‪entry 63‬ ‪an elf woman named leera attacked us after i told her i wasnt going to give her this key. i dont like her. she seemed very cocky.‬ ‪entry 65‬ ‪delilah is kind.. i feel like i’m able to trust her. i asked her a question about my goals, vaguely, and it turns out that ayce asked a similar question. based on the message in his later i get the feeling he’s undead.‬ ‪entry 66‬ ‪i told ayce the biggest con in all of history.. but i confirmed he’s undead. i have more hope in my goals now that i know its possible. he hugged me bc he thinks we’re similar. i dont usually allow people to do that but i’m sad for him. i wish i could ask more about him. ‬‪entry 69‬ ‪i’m getting closer to ayce, unexpectedly, but good for me. i need his information.‬ ‪he talks to me a lot about his life; i think he’s become dependent on me which is easy for me. its hard for him to see i’m using him when i lie to his face.‬ ‪entry 72‬ ‪we’re travelling to copper coast now for another key. if it werent for ayce, i wouldnt see any other reason for me to come. fox is still around, but i feel like he's doing his own thing. the other two arent big presences for me to care about.‬ ‪entry 73‬ ‪atlas is a werewolf? i didnt think those were real. this group keeps getting stranger. first a shapeshifter, second an actual living zombie, third a werewolf.‬ ‪ive continued my lie to the rest of them. they all seem to have believed me, strangely enough‬ ‪entry 74‬ ‪copper coast was very pleasant. i wish to come back someday.‬ ‪entry 88‬ ‪this trip to clandesteine has been a disaster.. what the honest fuck‬ just happened ‪entry 90‬ ‪fox told everybody about himself, finally. i feel this huge sense of pride?? i’m very proud of him. i dont understand why i feel so attached to him but i adore him so much‬ ‪entry 92‬ ‪((incoherent scribbles, kinda like “vsdjfsasifwnqkosdkv”)) i think i accidentally implied to ayce that i love him romantically and i think he loves me too... i’m freaking out and i dont know how to react... i think he thinks i’m cool and romantic but i didnt mean to be. ‪entry 93‬ in all honesty, i just wanted to tell him he needs to be more cautious of me. a part of me wishes he could figure it out himself so i dont have to tell him. ‪seriously! i dont know how i did that! i do love and adore him too but i feel like shit.. i dont deserve him, especially considering who i am. on the other hand, i hope he never finds out the truth about me.‬ ‪entry 94‬ ‪oh my god. atlas killed a man and ayce and fox proceeded to tell the guards. i feel sick. i’m currently at home but if they say my name at witness testimony i’m royally fucked. i dont know. i might just run for it and live in myr’s peak. maybe no one will find me.‬ ‪entry 95‬ ‪the group managed to get bailed out using ty’s name. benefits of being friends with rich people?‬ ‪fox found my poster though, so he saved my name during eyewitness testimony. i told him the truth. its been the first time i told someone how i really felt. he wants me to tell ayce but hes the last person i can tell. ‪entry 97‬ ‪we’re in lunarden! it feels nostalgic to be back.
i want to go back to every place i miss. i took ayce to that me and nori used to go to back in high school. i think shes currently performing in solardome? i miss her‬ entry 97.2 ‪i came up with a few different ways to complete my goal. i have a few more probing questions, but i will have to ask later. i think i’m getting closer to the answers‬ entry ‪97.3‬ ((scribbled out)) ‪i havent had sex in a while. i’ve wondered this before but realized it was an inappropriate question to ask. i wonder if ayce’s dick works? it probably doesnt. this is so sad. i dont know how i’m going to fuck him if thats true.. yikes‬ ‪entry 98‬ ‪i’m planning to get completely smashed once we get to solardome. i feel like i deserve it.. ive been pretty stressed and havent got laid. i’m crying remembering that ayce might not even be an option.‬ ‪entry 98.2 ((lost)) ‪i love ayce so much, and its confusing. am i just sexually frustrated? am i just lonely? am i just sad? i feel guilty because it tears me apart. im confused because i love milo still, too. i know i should tell him the truth, its whats right but i know he’ll hate me. i dont know what to do. (extra note inbetween the pages, torn out: to mom. i love you venhfrhdy mcuh. thank you fir everhything. yes. roy.) entry 98.3 what happens if i succeed? i hope ayce doesnt kill me. entry 100 ‪good morning. ayce & i are officially dating. were in solardome atm; i dont remember much of last night but i remember thinking he‘s beautiful. is it wrong to fall for him?‬ ‪entry 101‬ ‪good evening. i saw ms winters. she was undead, just like ayce. she died a year ago. her soul was lost though. i killed what remained of her undead corpse. i assume she was trying to remain in this world.. i’m scared that this will happen to him too. maybe ill have to do the same to him. entry 101.2 i hope ayce's soul is able to sustain in his body for longer. i cant afford to lose him. entry 101.3 ‪the blackness on my fingers has risen up more than it has before. its almost hard to write with my hands anymore. i assume its bc the gods know what i'm doing & are against it, so they're trying to give me more recoil than usual. but the last time i killed an undead corpse was in my house 6 months ago, and i promise that the last time i will use it is when i bring milo back. (torn note inbetween the pages: hi ayce. its unrealistic you'll ever find this but there's some things i want to say. back when we first met, i lied to you as a reflex when you asked me why i'm dealing with necromancy. to be honest, i could kind of gather you were undead, but i still lied anyway. my story is personal, its hard for me to be honest. i know i'm an idiot, and i'm sorry i used you. to be truthful, i still am a horrible person and for the entirety of our relationship i've already known that i was using you and i've felt so guilty about that. my feelings are complicated, but i've never lied when i said i loved you, and i still do; but i still want to bring milo back. i made a mistake and i want to fix that. the truth is that i still love him too. i know you deserve better. i'm sorry about lying to you. roy) entry 102 a dragon made us experience our dreams and nightmares. jade's scared of blindness and bugs. a valid fear, in a way. and she was dreaming of doing shows. i think it was supposed to display a feeling of happiness and joy, but it was just spooky since we all experienced her dreams with no sound. i never realized how scary it was to be deaf until i experienced it. atlas' was morbid. people were dying and there was so much gore. then there were people saying they owned him. i knew he was a bad person but it was scary to see all of that again. he dreamt of a workshop with a girl and a young boy. it seemed sweet, with a tinge of nostalgia. i would have never expected him to have dreams. he just seems like a horrible person with no sympathy to me, but i guess he has feelings. i still think he should go to jail, but i feel like he'll just try to kill me if i say anything instead. fox's was sad. we got thrown into a void
of empty space where we were surrounded only by dopplegangers and a vaguely humanoid figure. he seemed so lonely and upset. he's scared of being forgotten by us and that made me so sad. i adore him, and he's grown a lot since we first met. i gave him a hug when we went into his dream sequence. i hope he knows i will never forget him. his dream was sweet. he just wants to save people and hang out with us still. i think he'll go far, and i would love to be there for him still when all of this is over.c (the rest of the pages with entry 102 are torn out) when i saw milo in the old house again just being his happy lovely self i felt miserable and happy at the same time. i love him so much, and i knew i missed him already but seeing him again just made me feel so much love for him all over again. it just makes me miss him more. it's hard not to cry thinking about what i've done to him. i wish he could come back. ayce's was hard to watch. i witnessed myrkul force ayce to choose between killing me and quri. ayce cried as he couldn't make up his mind, and then i watched as i fell into a void. i felt sick and i wanted to puke. i thought ayce found out about me. i thought he knew that i was using him for necromancy, but when i asked him about it, he told me that he thought i killed him with quri. i... personally don't have any reason to ever kill him so that was a bit sickening to think of. i dont ever want to kill anyone. i dont even have anyone i hate enough to want to murder. the only person i hate enough to want to kill is me. i know based on what i said before i guess it might have seemed that bad; but haha... i would never ever want to do that. putting people down at hospital was rough. god, putting ms winters down was rough and she was already dead. i love him, but it's probably better if we end the relationship and just stay as friends? he's already witnessed me still loving milo, and he thinks i murdered him... i'll try to clear up his misunderstanding, but it'll be hard to without giving more of myself away. this relationship has so many problems. entry 103 a new discovery. the world isn't flat? the god's are using their powers to “lock off” the rest of the world. apparently sanctuary is only a small part of the world. that was a really weird discovery to find out? it's kind of hard to believe, but at the same time, not. apparently they keys we've been collecting hold the respective power of the gods, and they're used to “open” the gateway. i have no idea what that means. apparently beshaba wants to use our keys to do exactly that. and also they can kill the god's? entry 112 when we came back to lunarden we discovered that delilah and allen were kidnapped by atlas’ syndicate. i knew atlas was trouble. i hate having to associate with him. we’re going to save them yet it makes me nervous. entry 114 i feel like i almost died in there. we saved the others and no one was hurt though. we’re going to trip back to lunarden and then travel through the travel gates back to origin to try avoid people. allen mentioned something about strange readings. i have a feeling i know what it is. i’m going to ask lathandar questions. entry 115 nvm we encountered leera. this group genuinely scares me. I’m travelling with people who are down with murder. i should seperate. she uncovered my posters to them and i want to die. she also mentioned the last key at a ball. i need to bounce. lathandar also confirmed my suspicions last night. entry 116 fox left before i could. i feel bad. like maybe it was my fault. i miss him. we have to continue though. entry 117 its so hard to find a bag of holding. i just want to have this spirit stone around without having it in the open. entry 118 we’re in origin now and delilah let me rent out her bag of holding. an absolute kind soul. we bought tickets to the ball. so expensive. i wish i didnt do that. entry 123 i’ve done so much in preperation of whats to come. Soon. i hope it works. i’m going to travel to solardome and investigate those readings. entry 124 suspicions
confirmed. miss winters is alive. she captured my biological father. a strange way to meet him. i cant see him as my father. i told her about the key, and we’re going to rearrange our circle. we’ll still use the spirit stones, just as a backup. i’m scared. i’m terrified. i dont know if it will work and i dont know what will happen if it does. i know the gods will be mad but i’ll deal with the consequences when it happens. i’m sure i won’t be a champion anymore. we’re doing this on friday evening, which means i’m no longer attending the gala. they don’t need my assistance anyway.
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schecterism · 7 years
What do you think happens when people die? I'm being for real. Is there a heaven or hell? Is there a God? P.s. a long response is welcomed.
Well to start, i'm not sure about there being a heaven or hell. Nothing in this world is black and white, most things are the many shades of gray in between. I dont understand why you would be judged on the sum of your life decisions and given a place to reside for the rest of eternity based on this. I dont believe theres a cloud-filled kingdom; nor a fire-pit where you're poked by the devil for the rest of forever. I think there's something much more complicated than that, and its not as simple as it sounds. I think everyone has a soul, and that their soul's presence can have purpose after life is over. i've had my own experiences with my dad who passed away that confirm this for me (personally). I see him in my dreams a lot, and almost each time he appears, I know its him, or at the very least his presence. it hard to explain, and im sure i sound crazy (or grieving i suppose), but I sincerely believe he watches over me or at least can move his "presence" into my dreams. those dreams always feel so different compared to others. My thoughts on God? I dont know. I dont have any sort of concrete belief or religion. There's no possible way for me to know, so I dont think about it that much. I dont believe in a shred of the bible, or that theres a man in the sky with a beard who reads our sins and decides who's worthy of his kingdom. I believe in the possibility of some kind of creator, but I dont know enough or care enough to have any real concrete thought about it. Do I worry about it? Yes. I have what I guess people would call "catholic guilt" (except i was raised a Christian). It makes me worry about "sinning" and whether or not God's watching me. I resent my family for making me learn these things that fuel self-hatred and judgement so easily.What happens when we die? I dont know, but I hope nothing too bad. One of my major fears is death (which is ironic because i used to want it more than anything). I cant help but wonder throughout the day if it's gonna be one of my last. I'm a bit morbid in that way, i suppose. When i think about what happens during death, i'm plagued with these thoughts of my dad: "did he know it was happening?" "did it hurt really bad?" "did he see anything crazy? Or did he warp straight to heaven or wherever it is our consciousness goes?" I dont know, and i dont know if I wish i did know. The thing I hate the most about death is that it takes everything you've worked at, every memory you have, your personal opinions, thoughts, ideas, dreams, and it just sweeps it all away, wipes it into nothing. When you die, that's it for you. You are nothing. (probably). And when you die you cant help but leave people torn, broken, and completely depressed. And I'd hate for my family to feel that way. I've flirted with death many times, and none of them have been pleasant. I've been to that last breath of life, then somehow kept breathing. I've been inches away from dying in the sun, but somehow it didnt happen. It's made me grateful, but too afraid. I'm constantly worrying im gonna be right back at that spot, reaching out for life, trying to grasp at it. It's scary and I dont want to go through it again. But I certainly will at some point, and that's gonna be it. The one guarantee of life is Death.Thank you for the evocative ask, anon :) I know it turned a bit morbid, but I'm glad I had some time to think critically and give you my opinions. Sorry it was so long (and weird)! i hope you have a good life c:
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relmi-llorrac · 7 years
300 Followers Celebration!!
You guys, I finally made it to 300 followers!!! Granted it was last night and is now 304, but I decided to wait to post since it was so late that way people would have a better chance to see it. I can’t believe it honestly! This is just so amazing and I am just so thankful and appreciative of all of you lovelies!!! Seriously, thank you so so much, all of you. This really means a lot to me that all of you guys, in some form or another actually want to witness my nonsense.
So to celebrate this milestone, I’m doing another challenge. The catch is, that instead of like before where you got prompts for yourselves, you all get to choose prompts that you want me to write. I love writing, and I don’t post my works nearly enough, so this seems like a win-win for everybody! :)
Instructions/Rules below:
1. Choose a ship (I’ll list some ships, feel free to suggest a new one if you don’t like the options. Ask box is always open and working so there shouldn’t be any issues with that if so let me know.)
2. Choose a phrase or an item that must be included (I’ll list some phrases, feel free to suggest a different one if you don’t like the options. Also if you’d prefer an item instead of a phrase then go ahead and just choose what you want to be included, I’m not sure what kind of items to list so that’s why I’m leaving it up to you.)
3. Start and end dates (Obviously, the challenge starts today- 10/2/17 and will continue anywhere from 2 days - 2 weeks, depending on how many fic requests I get, so for a listed official end date lets say- 10/16/17)
4. Fandom (Yes, it’s set in the Supernatural fandom again. Apologies to all of my fellow Harry Potter peeps, I promise you, next time you will get your own challenge.)
5. Asks (For each request you can only choose 1 ship and 1 phrase/item. However, if you’d like to, you are allowed to send in more than one request.)
6. Timezones (Don’t worry about sending it in too late/early in the day, I will write and respond as soon as I see it and will post as soon as I can.)
You don’t necessarily have to be following me, but since it is a Follower Celebration after all, it would be much appreciated if you were!
Sam/Lucifer (I’d be using Nick for the vessel of course)
(Any character with the reader)
(Any other ships you’d prefer)
Half the names on the list had already been crossed off.
There was a strange wailing sound coming from the next room.
He/she suddenly realized he/she might be alone for the rest of his/her life.
The old house, with its wildly overgrown garden, was silent, secretive...
He/she had an hour to get home, if he/she didn’t make it...
He/she looked at his/her phone, turned red, then quickly left the room. He/she watched him, smiling.
He/she was stunned- the stranger in front of him/her looked exactly like the guy/girl that he/she had been dreaming about...
Was it a knock that had woken him/her? The house didn’t feel the same anymore.
They couldn’t be allowed to fight. He/she had to think of a way to stop it...
As soon as he/she walked in, he/she felt the tension.
The entrance to the tunnel was his/her only way out...
He/she had no intention of choosing sides until he/she was sure who was going to win.
He/she hadn’t meant to scare the child.
He/she couldn’t believe it. Could it really be him/her?
He/she decided to go to his/her fathers grave, to ask his advice.
Thank you in advance to everyone who decides to participate. I think this will be really fun. Also, I forgot to specify, these will more or less be oneshots. 
P.s. Sorry about not posting this until after 3pm, so much for trying to get it out earlier lol.
Tags: @gcdcflies @lady-winchester-666 @hiykyt @adam-isstillinhell @generouslyimportanttrash @thatsherlockianfangirl @the-julienne-ihnat @tatachot @cumbercookie-221b @madsmeetsmisha @yerahizardwarry @yaya-345 @drakkie-blog @bunny123cat @sicksicker @gaia4life @dreamsofacosmicstargazer @teenagefashion-posts @writerspassion18 @szechuansaucee @therealfrancy002 @youngeditor1999 @wayward--dragon @jokerspuddincup @celestialangelcastiel @superwholockinibbal @sariel-thearchangel @your-lee-stuff @destiel-sabriel-shit @thelifeofabugheadfangirl @bunnysneverdie @madeformyself @i-m-p-a-l-a-6-7 @flaming-celestial-comet @werewolf202 @it-happened-one-starry-night @takeawalkoffmyknife @nerdsteadfaststark @dreamyeyedwitch @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @shipqueen-of-the-otps @ambersbabydoll @alex-has-no-friends @redlipstickandthewinchesters @a-high-functioning-boggart @bewaremyducky @gerardwaysglabella @theklynnsmith @casdean91 @let-the-music-litf-you-up @notthelosechesterskaz @well-itsbeenfun @kevindaysghostbutt @nxstxlgxa @bestieswithmydarkthoughts @callionimi @morbid-apricots @394-fandoms-and-bandoms @midnightsilver16830 @ask-realrosetyler @novaursa @deanwinchesterdemonhunter1 @omgballenitablr @reaperlove77 @ravenclaw-poem @anotherwaywardsister @nah-she-did-not @free-bouquet-wasteland @bombaluv96 @thegreatbobbinski @huski-and-mitch @karaphernelia- @andromeda-galaxy35 @zooeyguitarsandicecream @samuleter @fandom-bandom-shite @alloftheimagines @lucifersdaugther @billionsofpeoplebutyoupickedme @rridgley @stoicalmelancholy @books-and-hunters-for-life @vangsam @helladeviousangelofthelord @magicalmess93 @i-cant-stop-shipping @jazminek3 @percussiongirl2017 @maadiissun @feeonnathehuman @castiel-savvy18 @bitch-and-jerk-winchester @sociopathicsockeye @rebelangel67 @undead-obsessive-shipper @seriouslyobsessedwithspn @dorchaeagla @bonniebird @sadwriterdude @whalesloveyou @maddybeck01 @nostarhighway @asksiriuslyfuzzywuzzy @sherrybaby14 @thwinchestrs @shadyladyperfection 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@authorgiankumar @fruitloopinthebowlofcheerios And anybody else that I may have forgotten since tumblr was being dumb.
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sugoileo-blog · 7 years
50 More Interesting Questions
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have?: 16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends?:
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
Tagged by @o0w0o ♥ muah
1. What kind of food can’t you stand?:   Fresh tomatoes (cuz im weird 6w6) 
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick?: CLOSING MY DOOR WHEN SOMEONE LETS IT OPEN WITHOUT GETTING UP
3. Have you got any useless talents?: I can make up mini scenarios in my head WHENEVER i want xD
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be?: Speaking up for myself~~
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking: Jeabum ,  Sung Hoon , Leonardo Dicaprio... ~
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid? Drawing??? I dont know.. xD
7. What is something you’re proud of?: Entering the university i am studying at (cuz reasons)
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate?: Trying to show off at me, or make me feel bad about myself
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower?: Ehm... i dont mean to sound cocky or what, but im more like the leader type
10. What kind of student are/were you?:  Above average, silent type (maybe too silent) although always in the school council and best in sports xD
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life?: YES. But i believe that all decisions are right no matter what.
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion:  ME. ALONE. IN. THE. DARK.  (Hello demons it’s ya gurl)
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable?: -Me being the angst queen i am- Saizo from SLBP, im not gonna go into details.
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties?: I never ever get drunk to the point to lose it. I just become more clumsy that’s all.
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone?: If i am to fall for someone i will fall the moment i saw him. 
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends?: WHO DOESNT WANT A CLOSE FRIEND, what kind of question is that?
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak?: Dependss on my mood really
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy  : My bed. xD
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday?: I don’t~ , I dont really like kids (sorry) but who knows
20. What was your favorite book as a child?: I dont read books~ (sorry again)
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about: I HATE FIDGET SPINNERS!
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated: I cant think of anything.... really... xD
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose?: Go to 5 and add some otome guys~ uhuhu
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday?: Travel around the world~?
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat?: Depends on the other person’s character. If s/he is willing to hear me out then ok, if not, just let them finish and move to the next topic
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in?: Oh god, well smoking. But i quitted. Yo kids dont smoke okay?
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for?: BEING A GARU-TYPE AT MIDDLE SCHOOL. God..i wanna forget about it
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable?:  People who are being just!
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.):  “A European studying Japanese = ULTIMATE JAPAN LOVER.” according to all my relatives, so guess what is happening.
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones?: I speak Greek and English fluently, next is Japanese, French, and a little JUST A LITTLE Italian
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside?: City, cuz i hate bugs more than anything
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving?: Nop. xD If i dont like somethingg then im done with it.
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else?: I dont care as long as people acknowledge me when im good at something.
34. Favorite holiday?:  XMAS WHOA~
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously?: Kinda both(?) I cant explain really
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.): YES. WHEN I FIRST GET INTO KPOP. OMG THE FEELING
37. What hobbies do you have?: Drawing, dancing , fangirling
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have?: Telekinisis, cuz im lazy af.
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you: That im learning Japanese (cuz europe)
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out: Im a fast learner i cant think of something.... xD
41. Worst injury you’ve had?:  I have a scar on my left leg, cuz reasons
42. Any morbid fascinations?:  My own scenarios
43. Describe your sense of humor: Sarcastic
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose?:    A cat in ancient Egypt ^3^
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at: Showing affection (tsuntsun alert)
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through: First year of uni. God... what a drama
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.): I DONT LIKE TATTOOS, GIVE ME THE UGLY ONE. AT least i can cover it up somehow.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? I am realistic
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you?: “There isnt a thing you are not good at” - perfectionist me.
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you: “Are you sleepy or what?” No , i just dont like you :3
Tagging : anyone who wants to do this
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mentalillnessmouse · 8 years
I told my family that I didn't want to see Split bc it's ableist against ppl w DID. My dad said I'm being too sensitive, bc it isn't saying -all- ppl with DID are bad and that I watch films like se7en, Donnie Darko who have 'evil' mentally ill characters so I'm a hypocrite. I think I have autism (my fam dont know and Im scared to self-dx) Hannibal has an autistic character and that made me really happy but (p1) #stressedboi
but my dad said I should get offended by it and not watch it bc it’s portrayed in a way that’s offensive to autistic ppl? I get really anxious about watching something in case it’s ableist and I feel like I can’t enjoy any of my favourite shows anymore. Am I a bad person for liking and relating to some of these apparently ableist characters? (p2) #stressedboi
I’m sorry to hear that your family wasn’t understanding of why you don’t want to see Split and that your father criticized you instead. It sounds like he doesn’t understand why movies like Split are harmful and wanted to turn the tables on you. You are not being too sensitive, anon, and you are not a hypocrite. Your reasons for liking and relating to characters with mental illness are different from someone who doesn’t have any experience with MI.
The problem with Split isn’t that it’d be directly saying all people with DID are ‘bad’. The problem is that DID is already a widely misunderstood disorder that has been used as a shock factor in crime stories and thrillers countless times. It’s a common trope in crime fiction, for example. People who have no knowledge about the disorder and no personal experience with it are likely to come out of the movie theater having a stronger prejudice against people with DID, believing that the events in Split are common to DID. They’re not.
And, to me personally, Split looks like it just wants to capitalize on people’s fear and curiosity of mental illness and fascination with ‘morbid weirdness’. This is my opinion based on the trailer as I’m not planning to see the movie. Capitalizing on misconceptions and prejudices about a serious disorder that’s caused by long-lasting and recurring childhood trauma is, in my opinion, infuriating.
I don’t believe watching and even enjoying media that’s ableist in some way makes anyone a bad person. The fact is that we live in a society that produces almost nothing but harmful, problematic media. It’s a losing battle to try and weed out everything that’s ever featured a bad trope from your list of shows and movies to watch, and as humans, we need entertainment in our lives and we need to see characters we can relate to on the screen.
You are absolutely allowed to pick and choose what to watch and like. The important thing is to acknowledge all the ways media demonizes mental illness and, if you have the energy and are safe to do so, possibly educate people around you why movie/show x is harmful and incorrect. Which is what you tried to do, anon, and you should be proud of yourself for it! 
Take care,- Kaisa
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