#i dont know i really do have a lot of trouble remembering details about it
el-im · 2 years
Ooh different anon here, I did a sci-fi class in college and I think we read 3 works by Le Guin in total (Omelas, Coming of Age in Karhide, and Lathe of Heaven). I thought those works at least were actually pretty good (especially compared to some other stuff like the Heinlein book we read - the Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I could rant about that for awhile tbh).
I thought it was interesting you said you didn’t like Lathe of Heaven because I thought it was really interesting! I’d be curious to know more of your thoughts on that one in particular (if you want to share)
i'm envious of you!! i certainly like the sound of a sci fi lit class, though i so often find that the courses i think sound interesting get caught up in the rigamarole of college/my particular school's awful curriculum and just like that--the most marvelous things come out dull. something about working for a grade, i guess, lol. or maybe it's the instructors... bloodsuckers.
and oh my! well. I read it five months ago. i have a particularly awful memory so this year, i started a library tag/book log to help me recall the things i found interesting/memorable/likeable about what i read. i pulled up what i had on the lathe of heaven and... was disappointed--because it doesn't give me a whole lot to work with in responding to this--but unsurprised--because i really didn't enjoy it--to find that there was only a single passage i made the effort to scan and upload: this one. though without the context i'm struggling to remember why i found that impressive... lovely. i'm my own worst enemy--hah!
from what i recall, i found it very, very slow. lover of long classics though i am (i spent the last two years of high school writing an essay on the russian golden era of literature that was a comparison between tolstoy, dostoevsky and nabokov), and huge fan of world building (my affinity for sci fi i think speaks for itself!), i'd object to the notion of my being adverse to slowness! but this--god--just seemed to crawl... and, though it's hard for me to recall the plot, i do remember specifically that i read it in less than a day--stayed up into the night just to finish it (partly because i didn't want to continue reading it later, i believe). i just remember thinking that every new detail i uncovered about the reality le guin was attempting to build up was uninteresting to me. the discoveries about how this society functioned seemed lifeless, but not deliberate. the little details of the book seemed overused to me. the pharm cards as a means of distracting the population--huxley did better with soma in brave new worlds, bradbury did better with the walls in fahrenheit. i felt the devices she was relying on were overused, and that they didn't contribute as much to her work as they did comparatively in these other stories.
the funny thing is--i'm personally very enraptured by dreams/their significance/the idea that they have some bearing on our lives, especially as a reflection of our desires/ideology/feelings. as a kid, my father prided himself on being an "amateur oneirologist" and would frequently read about REM sleep, tell me about his dreams/ask about mine, and try to discover if they meant something in particular. i think one of my "gripes" with the book would be that it just wasn't... dreamy. to me. it seemed so cut and dry and literal, when i felt it inherently should have had a hazy quality to it. i disliked how plain everything seemed, how straightforward. i wished there was a little more ambiguity to it.
i do remember feeling moved by the image/scene of mount hood--the painting being there, then disappearing, and the conversation the patient and his doctor had about it. there was something that intrigued me about the desperation--the willingness to make another person believe what you did, what you understood to be the truth, and their resistance to you, but i felt that fervor and determination diminished over the course of the book, fading into a particular brand of apathy i just detest in writing.
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luvmila444 · 6 months
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Photo Booth - C.S
…………………………………………….. ☆ ★ ………………………………………………
Chris sturniolo x fmreader
summary: visiting the classic Photo Booth with you boyfriend chris and his brothers becomes a bit dirty while left alone in the booth together.
content warning: SMUT; dry humping; switch chris; praise kink; public (kinda?); no actual p in v
word count: 1.6k words
“I can’t believe you guys are back here again, what is this the fourth time now?” You ask in a joking tone looking toward the three boys in-front of you. 
“Fifth,” nick corrects in his usual smart, know-it-all tone that i love so much. 
“Yeah, but hey, it’s not the same as the last time because this time we have you,” Chris grinned goofily at you as he started to walk closer to you. Chris has been your boyfriend for almost four months now and you guys couldn’t be happier. You didn’t just love being around him and all his stupid statements that make no sense, or his smell of familiar cologne that lingers in the air, or the way his large hands felt caressing you back soothingly while relaxing. No, you also love being with his family and friends and fans. Everything about you guys was perfect.
Chris slowly moved around you and snakes his hands around your waist before lowering his head down onto your shoulder. You still get butterflies from these small loving actions that he does toward you, but you just can’t help it, he just brings it out in you. Chris was a real touchy person and you loved it. It made you feel so comfortable. You loved that after a passionate night of rough crazy sex, he would then take care of you and envelope you into a tranquil sensual cuddle that would quickly send you both off into a very peaceful sleep.
After a few second, which felt like a lot longer as time had always seemed to slow down when you guys were together, you suddenly remember a familiar presence in the room…
“Woah, yeah thanks for that guys, i was going for the traumatised look while i was in that booth,”matt says with an eye roll while he steps backwards and begins to rub his eyes. The boys then begin to comically argue but i soon drown it out as i look up at chris standing above me.  His hair floppy and falling in-front of his face looking so soft that i could just run my hands through it or tug at at it gently. 
“Yeah, well I’m gonna go freshen up and check myself before taking any photos,” nick cuts everyone off with his assertive tone before beginning to turn around and in the direction of the bathroom, “anyone else coming?’ He asks not sparing a glance to turn as he heard the family footsteps of matt and the car keys that jingled from side to send on his belt loop, doing a short quick jog behind him to get to his side.
As matt and nick exited the room. Chris quickly whirled you around, so you were now facing each other. He was taller than you but that did not stop you from still seeing and admiring every detail of his perfect face, from the smiles lines that were now forever present on his face to the slower vanishing freckles that were once dotted on his nose but only really come out when the sun hits him just right. 
“I have an idea,” he grins, a grin of mischief which you can only assume with get you in trouble latter with his brothers. You tilt my head to the side and squint my eyes and allowing him to finish what he was saying and tell you what this ‘idea’ he had was. “Do you want to do a practise run of the booth without them?” He asked excitedly, it is almost difficult to decline him.
“Chris, i think you’ve had enough practise runs with the a million times you’ve come here before,” you are almost scolding but seeing his face with his ever-present smirk plastered on their you just gave in to easily, “but i dont know how it works so show me,”you then exclaim excitedly before he grabs your hand and pulls you towards the booth, pulling back the curtain and sitting inside. 
It was a lot smaller than you had originally thought, but then again it was quite old fashioned and there was never any harm in getting a little too close to your boyfriend while his brothers aren’t present. So, you decide to place yourself on his lap and close the curtain with one and as the other hand wraps itself around Chris’s neck for stability. 
You hadn’t even noticed how much Chris had enjoyed the touch until you try and get yourself more comfortable on his lap, wriggling about making Chris go crazy behind you. 
“Ma, I’m gonna go crazy if you keep doing that to me”.
You only giggle before sitting still again, however, still missing the small sensation that built up inside the pit of your stomach at the feeling of yourself grazing his crotch area while getting comfy. Chris felt it as well and couldn’t help but get.a little turned on by the action either. But when Chris got turned on, you noticed. 
He rested is head on your shoulder and brings his hands to your waist much like before, but this isn’t as comforting as it once was, this was dirtier and needy. You attempted to ignore it as you turned to the screen of the booth that was going to take your photos and were selected the options for you to use. At that moment you could have sworn that you felt Chris lift his lap upwards into you. 
You let out a gasp at the feel of the now prominent bulge that was now present under his dark cargos. Fuck just the graze of it on your thigh was making you wetter at the moment. 
Chris lifted his head slightly from the crook of your neck and turned it as he began to kiss gently kisses below your ear and onto your neck. Fuck. 
“Chris, we can’t do this right now? look where we are” you try to send Chris straight and attempted to use a stretcher voice that however ended as a quiet moan. Your noises only provoked chris more at this point. He didn’t respond to your question but instead planted more open-mouthed kisses onto you. 
You were having a mental battle with yourself at that very moment as you knew if you voiced it, chris would not be much help. You then decided to give in and slowly begun to move your hips onto his crotch. You could feel him growing harder under you from my movements. He decided to grasp your hips firmer and guide then just how he had wanted onto his clothed cock and helping you to move.
What was once slow grinding became quickly paced, you couldn’t help but let out a moan that wasn’t loud enough to be heard by matt or nick but could be heard if you were close enough to the booth. Chris removed one of his hands from your waists and placed it onto your mouth, muffling you and ensuring you don’t make any more erotic sounds. 
He pulled you even closer if that was possible and continued to move up into you at a crazy pace and you could now feel his pulsating dick beneath the fabric of his trousers making your eyes roll into the back of your head. 
“That feel good, ma? You Like humping me when anyone could walk in?” He whispers close into your ear and all you can do is lean your head back onto his shoulder as a muffled whimper had escaped you. 
He continued to rut up into you and a continuous pace and making sure that you felt everything, while sloppily placing open mouth kissed onto your shoulder. The sensation of his clothed dick still hitting your clit was now getting you so worked up that you felt the familiar tightness in you. 
You could feel the knot in your stomach growing tighter as you moved faster and harder on his lap. Again, and again and again. 
“Fuck you’re close already, ma?” he mocks you in your ear in a deep voice that almost send you over the edge. Embarrassment filling your body as you realise that Chris is aware of the power that he has over you. 
You didn’t even realise that Chris had removed the hand that was once in his mouth to play around with the buttons on the machine and before you knew it, the booth was capturing yours and Chris’s pleasure in its old fashioned black and white photographs. 
You began to circle your hip to get just the right pressure onto my clit before i released all over his lap and feeling the knot snap in your stomach as your orgasm washed over you still feeling Chris’s hands still guiding your hips, holding you still very close through your high. Which was captured perfectly on the photo booths camera.
Then you felt his dick twitch against your sensitive clit, which made you let ou a cry while he groaned into my ear. Chris had now taken complete control of your waist, using you to rub himself through his orgasm, which you happily allowed. 
You felt super sensitive due to his fast motions, but it still felt unreal, so you just let him do his thing until he slowed his movements, leaving his hands on your hips while you leaned your head to the side to relax on his shoulder. 
“Fuck, you make me feel so crazy, ma” he turns his head to you giving you a dopey grin ad his eyes are now blown out with lust. 
“I could completely say the same for you, baby” you say before patting down his hair and kissing his lips in a quick passionate kiss. You lean away from each other and hold one another’s gaze while having your foreheads pressed together. You both were very much appreciating the moment until…
“I beg that you clean that seat before any of us sit on it, please,” you hear a disgusted whine coming from nick from further away outside the curtain. 
A/n: thank so much for reading!! I hope you enjoyed if i have made any mistakes please do not hesitate to let me know. I wrote this purely because im obsessed with the booth by Bryant era and i wanted it back… anyway
Love all my angels (especially @gamermattsgf) 💞
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GOD chapter 59 was SO GOOD n i have a lot to say so sending an ask instead of leaving it on the post.
i /love/ when you make things hyper detailed, because your shading techniques are so much fun to sit n stare at and soak in for a while. that being said, the coloring of the wine spilling is what does it for me this time. it still would have been really cool in bw, but not as cool as seeing all the shades of red over the dark blue bg. you did the glass really well too!! I don't think there's a noticeable difference between the wine color inside and outside the glass which is fine bc it's clear, so it RLY makes me appreciate the lighting you have around the glass rim to show the edge in contrast. that tiny little detail makes the image for me. stellar work. i love it
also i do wanna throw in appreciation for the handwritten serif. super well done at first glance it did look like you'd jus typed it out. idk what texture you have on the brush you use for words but it's rly nice to look at up close.
i think the color kinda tipped me off but i waffled bc i couldn't remember if either of his parents spoke in serif font and was a bit daunted to dig thru 50+ chapters to confirm who it was if it didn't turn out to be them. i'm glad i looked at your tags tho haha saved me the trouble. what a way to end the act too!! i read this one on my phone and was scrolling thru the images at full size and after four or so i kept expecting it to cut off. it was a very pleasant surprise to have it keep going, worth the wait to have a longer chapter :)
maybe it jus wasn't meant to be a la sabo getting the letter from sally. it might have to be stelly after all tho there are things that come before then. what a bad time to have one or both of his parents speak to him for the first time that night. oof can't wait for the next act lets goooo
Oh wowww what a beautifully long review!
Thanks so much im glad you like how it turned out, i’m really happy with it, too! Ive never drawn fluids like this before, but i really needed this page to have that extra kick because it was such a short one.
Because i couldnt figure out how to make this moment look slow mo with multiple different panels on one page, I really wanted to make a piece that is like,, frozen in time instead.
A page like this, you can keep on it as long as you’d like. You can make it as slow mo as you want it to be.
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The serif lettering is that of outlook’s!
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I dont know if you can see the difference between this and my usual handwriting, but it’s supposed to look taller. Higher up. Neater. Cleaner. (Still my handwriting though so like so actually neat or clean, but you know like,,, in comparison to the norm.)
His dad only talks in one scene, and his mother has never said anything yet, so i dont blame you if you couldnt find it. In my. Large repertoire of chapters ive accumulated.
I definitely felt the same about the pages when drawing them. But probably the opposite feeling lol. Mine was more like “ugh i forgot theres so many. How many more of these do I have to get through??? How did i do this the first act ending with 11 pages???”
Im so glad you guys are on the edge of your seats with the letter :)
Thanks for the ask!
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confessions-sm · 15 days
im soo bored because my fucking discord account is gone so im dojng a huge analysis on candybatz.
lets start with kevin.
my biggest pet peeve is when people solely make kevin grumpy and always irritated and violent and a kid hater. its so dumb. like , i dont mean to shit on peoples aus or interpretations, but when theres a consistent flow of people thinking that kevin is literally just a grumpy asshole, it gets SUPER frustrating.
literally thinking of the person who said ""characters shouldn't be black and white!!" you guys cant even handle spooky month characters"
its so real man. anyway back to the main topic. we get a good view of who kevin is as a guy in the 5 episodes hes in. i could give a good list of his traits. hes selfless, a quick thinker, protective, and kind. i could give examples. he puts other people first even if they have wronged him or put him in danger (skid n pump in episode 5). he uses his surroundings to protect other people and himself (ep 4 and 5). he gives free candy to skid and pump (who probably havent even paid for years, not to mention the time where he notices theyre visibly upset and he cheers them up with giving them free candy). like he doesnt need to do all of this but he does. hes nice. hes a sweet guy. hes really frustrated and stressed with his job but all he really wants to do is help people. when hes not losing his shit because of the nth disaster, he just really wants to assist people. and thats such a noticeable part in his character. i remember someone saying that the "and why is an old dude hanging around with kids? kinda weird.." can easily be read as him looking out for skid and pump. he just wants them to be safe.
because as much as he dislikes the trouble they bring, he KNOWS tneyre still kids. he doesnt outright scream at them or try to awfully punish them because he KNOWS theyre just little kids who dont know better. they arent adults with logical thinking skills, and kevin understands this. like fuck!!! as soon as he notices a threat, he stops scolding them to PROTECT THEM. kevin doesnt hate kids. he doesnt even hate skid and pump. he just hates how frustrating his job can get with the disasters that skid and pump seem to attract.
hes not an asshole, and people should stop fucking seeing him as that.
oh yeah. kevin also seems to be a very panicky guy. easily freaked out and probably really jumpy. again with the quick thinking. he says whatever to try and slip out of situations. he uses the things around him to fight off threats, even if those things dont work. he still tries, because he has that huge sense of wanting to help and protect. oouuuuh i love kevin i love him i love him i-
moving on because i think i covered most of kevs personality. so streber timeeee woooooo
we dont have a lot of coverage on this guy. we only get 1½ episodes, and a background appearance which doesnt give us, anything besides the fact hes alive. so, lets just work with what we got
in sm5, streber is shown to be an enthusiastic guy. really dedicated to putting on an act, and it gives us the idea that he really enjoys halloween, and most importantly, vampires. now, onto strebers rehearsal. we get more background personality ^_^! he seems to be almost sassy, and again!! dedication!! confi even says "he takes this so seriously". this forms streber even more. hes passionate and creative (and a bit nerdy :3), and from background details, we even get the idea that hes good at engineering and designing, having made the mirror himself. he aswell seems to love acting a lot, using the vampire accent an additional time in the short. another take away is that he loves kids :÷]. hes passionate about putting up a whole haunted house just for kids to experience the joy of halloween, and this is more headcanon based, but perhaps halloween means a lot to streber. perhaps it means a lot to the HH crew aswell. maybe streber is so passionate because he wants kids to feel the same spooky joy he felt when he was a kid, yknow? but thats not exactly confirmed, so thats all up to personal opinion. i imagine streber also has a good friendship with the crew. theres a bit of banter, and it gives me the vibes that theyve known eachother for a while ^_^.. but another thing i wanna mention is that people shouldnt characterize streber as some happy lucky go guy whos oblivious and stupid. hes, honestly pretty sassy. and its like, hes not really.. happy go lucky? hes passionate and creative and thoughtful and smart. yeah, hes sure enthusiastic, but happy go lucky? thats not streber.
idk. im mainly saying that only because of the huge explosion of candybatz being kinda fetishized due to the fact theyre a gay couple, and honestly, i kinda want to say streber got more of the worst of it. but thats not too fair, kev got bad treatment too.
anyway, i think thats all i gotta say about streber i guess. now, when it comes to candybatz? its hard to exactly tell how theyd act with eachother. all you can do is get their personalities and ponder if theyd mesh. really, my view is that theyd be an awesome fuckin couple. i project my personal want of a relationship onto them, so mainly its a lot of "they better eachother" and "they work together to make sure that they stay together". i think they communicate a lot and make eachother feel comfortable to exist and be themselves. theres no need to mask who they are as people, because theyre so in love with each other. they dont want or need to conceal themselves.
also. i have another pet peeve that im gonna say because i can and this post is already really long. i HATE when people call streber and kevin a sun x moon ship, because, 1. this kind of wrecks their personality and leans more into how the 2022 fandom portrayed them, and 2. "sun x moon" ships are SO fucking boring because people dont actually use traditional sun x moon things. when people usually say sun x moon, they mean day x night. @catsockpuppet did a really good analysis himself of the difference on a goldenlavender ask here. go check it out.
i dont know lol. this is really long but i was bored and wanting to delve into their ACTUAL personalities so. hell yeah
have a good day
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christinesficrecs · 10 months
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I might be drowning in lost fic requests. 🤦🏻‍♀️ If you can help I would REALLY appreciate it. ❤️
Stiles started dating this really abusive guy, he cut off all contact with the pack, his dad Etc and the guy moves them away (maybe Chicago). Stiles eventually leaves him and goes back home and it turns out the pack and his dad have been trying to find him.
Lost River (never reached the sea) by scribespirare | 13.2K | Mature Three years Stiles has been gone. Three years, and then out of the blue he shows up on Derek's front porch, bloody and bruised and in need.
I am looking for a fic where there's the monster of the week (it's maybe an incubus?) and it shifts to look like stiles. It convinces derek to not turn him into the rest of the pack. Derek agrees just to be able to be with 'stiles.' scott i think figures it out? And tells derek that it would have slowly killed him.
Derek hates touch because of Kate and flinches whenever someone touches him. But Stiles does this thing where he never touches Derek, instead he lets his hand hover around him, allowing for Derek to initiate the contact if he wants to. Oh! And Cora’s alive and I’m pretty sure the one who notices this. She ends up confronting Stiles about it at some point. I know it’s pretty short, just one chapter/ a one-shot, and around 5,000 words. I think, I could be wrong.
i see that you've come so far [just like them old stars] by crossroadswrite | 2.3K But her big brother’s unwillingness to touch anyone, like he thinks he doesn’t deserve it isn’t the only thing she notices. She also notices how Stiles doesn’t touch him. Everyone reaches for Derek in some form or another, but Stiles- Stiles is something different altogether because he reaches for Derek but he never makes contact.
Hi! Could you please help me find this fic where Derek is an alpha but of like the whole town I think? Or something. Stiles keeps getting into trouble or losing control (or something) and he goes to stay with Derek for a few weeks to help him behave/get focused because hes the alpha. Derek helps him focus better on his homework and runs exercises with him to burn off excess energy and misses him when he goes back to his dad's. That's all I remember, sorry its so vague.
Do you know of a fixk where derek and Stiles kill Gerard together but when chris ask them about it they act surprised he did? I dont know anything other than this so sorry
Basically it's young Derek x Stiles, Derek is part of the basketball team and they end up going on like a trip for a basketball game. Stiles tags along and they end up staying at a motel (they share a room). At some point it's Stiles’ Mothers death anniversary and Derek brings him fast food back from his jog. And I'm like 90% certain that there's like a bonfire at the back of the motel and Derek brings out his guitar infront of everyone and starts singing abt his crush on Stiles.
Okay sooo, young Derek x Stiles but the hale family are still alive. There's this whole thing about them both promising to have a starwars marathon. Derek also draws a lot in this sketchbook thing, he's like rlly private abt it but stiles ends up looking in it and finding a drawing of both him and Derek. Then Derek kind of wolfs out? He like loses control a bit and is afraid of hurting Stiles. OH! And then there's another bit where theyre playfighting in the Hales' kitchen and Derek pins Stiles down and stiles gets really embarrassed abt it. And then at the end there's like a really cute line abt their hearts beating as one 🥺🥺
Hey! I hope you or your followers can help me out but I've been wracking my brain on this one for awhile trying to remember this fic where everyone loses their memory of Stiles' existence but this is where I get fuzzy on the details. All I can remember is that Stiles returns to his house and his dad threatens him because he doesn't recognize him and so he ends up at Derek's. IIRC, Derek doesn't actually recognize him either (he might reveal this right away or later?) but helps him anyhow?
Hi! Ive been trying to find this fic, it was a amnesia type fic and I believe Derek went to visit his family who live out of state, he planned on finally telling them about Stiles but hes in an accident, loses his memories, and his family starts trying to set him up on dates(?). I think some of his family were wellknown or famous or someone told Stiles about Derek going out and Stiles just assumes he'd wanted out of the relationship but didnt want to tell him. Its mostly the summary I remember😅
Hi, I'm looking for a fic where young Stiles meets Derek in the woods as a werewolf, helps him get back home, to thank Stiles he writes him a letter and Derek replies that they become pen pals. That's what I remember that's how it starts. thank you!
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 7 months
Round 3: Poll 4
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Protectshipping (Ryou Bakura/Hiroto Honda|Tristan Taylor)
Propaganda: Tristan’s so loyal and dependable, and he pays more attention to Ryo than probably any other character does, and it’s what Ryo needs after everything he’s been through. He’d listen if Ryo wants to talk about his troubles, he’d remember little random details about him, and he wouldn’t make a big deal about these things, but they’d mean so much to Ryo, and he’d let Tristan know how much he appreciates his efforts.  I also think it’s interesting how Ryo looks soft and gentle, but is also really strong and brave, while Tristan looks tough (and can be), but is more sensitive than he’d probably like to admit. A lot of Protectshipping fics are more about Tristan taking care of Ryo, which makes sense and I love it, but I think it’d go both ways - Ryo would want to be there for Tristan if he was going through a difficult time, and I like the idea of Tristan being able to confide in him, especially post-canon when the Ring’s gone and he’s doing better mentally. He might still have some trouble putting his feelings into words (as we saw in chapter 7), but Ryo would be patient with him and let him say whatever he needs to, and I think he’d give pretty good advice too.  I just think it has the potential to be a really tender, caring relationship, and they both deserve that. ^-^
Pairing 2: Snareshipping (Katsuya Jounouchi|Joey Wheeler/Ryuji Otogi|Duke Devlin)
Propaganda: They would make an amazing couple and would definitely get married | They plague my mind every waking moment. Their chemistry is insane and theyre both so hot. | They look cool together n have that playful sorta rival dynamic. Also dog costume dont forget that XD
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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Alright, today yesterday I read chapters 17-21 and I sure have a lot of thoughts about Rhysand now. can you guess if theyre positive or negative? I'll give you a hint, its not the one that starts with a p
But before we get into that, can I just say, why the hell is everything happening so goddamn quickly YOURE ALL IMMORTAL. like, heres a rough timeline of acomaf so far: three months of Feyre being miserable in Spring post-UTM, then Rhysand takes her for one week, then Feyre's back in Spring for three weeks, then Rhysand takes her again for one week, then its less than three weeks of Feyre being back in Spring before Tamlin locks her in the manor and Rhysand and Mor take her back to the Night Court. Its been barely half a year! The reason Im bringing that up is first of all, it very much seems like Feyre is already beginning to warm up Rhysand at this point when that is absolutely not enough time for that after what he did to her. And second of all, theyre already demanding so much of her when everyone except for Rhys hasnt even spent 24 hours with her in total. And she just agrees to everything?? Right off the bat, basically the only way this makes any sense is if Rhysand is mind controlling her
Also, this is only semi-related, but i swear I remember Mor wearing a red dress to their first get-together at the HoW and Feyre not reacting to it at all ?? Also, Cassian siphons, they were specifically like a fire-y red what the hell. Now, was that just a mistake or did Rhysand use his mind powers to turn off the part of Feyre's brain that gets triggered at the sight of the color red so she wouldnt ruin his family reunion? You decide.
Alright, now lets talk about Feyre. Ive had some trouble properly analysing her the past few chapters because I was really focused on trying to figure out what exactly made her so unhappy at the spring court vs why she likes the night court so much when they seem very similar. It seemed like her motivation was flip-flopping all over the place, similar to chapters 1-3, but she already came across as far less traumatized somehow, so it felt weird that she would still have so much trouble really articulating what she wants, even to herself. But then I realized, its not that shes flip-flopping, her motivations are just contradictory; she wants to be an important political player who gets to Do Stuff but she doesnt want anyone to pay any attention to her, which is why having an empty title and no actual power staying in a city full of people who dont care if their high lord is just walkin around right beside them is so appealing
And its really frustrating because its another instance of her just getting what she wants right away instead of having to go through any character development. Shes bad at communicating and instead of even attempting to work on that, she just gets a mindreader for a soulmate, and she cant do smalltalk with nobles in order to earn their respect as Lady of Spring and instead of learning to adapt or putting her foot down and refusing to deal with the courtly bullshit at the cost of her political power, she just gets a leadership position that was quite literally made for her.
Somewhat related to Feyre being bad at politicking, they keep bringing up the fact that Tamlin just wanted her to throw parties and wear pretty dresses and maybe pop out some sons at the spring court and its just so annoying. Of course, much has already been said about how ironic it is when you consider how she ends up in ACOSF so Im not gonna go into detail on that but I did want to mention it. Also, parties and other social gatherings were a pretty important way for (noble) women who were kept out of politics to still participate in them in the past, and even if we take out the misogyny that just suddenly materialized in this book, Feyre cant read, doesnt know this land and barely knows what its like being the daughter of a rich guy, much less an actual noblewoman, of course she cant do much but sit around and reassure people that everything is gonna be alright by virtue of her presence
Speaking of the weird misogyny, its so baffling to me the reason shes being objectified and dehumanized (no pun intended) is that shes a woman whos seen as only good for child-rearing, when it really should be her being objectified and being dehumanized by being put on a pedestal for being the Saviour Of Prythian. It seems so obvious like, Ive been rotating some ideas for an ACOMAF-rewrite AU type thing in my head since before I even started reading this book, and one of the first things I decided was that everyone was gonna call feyre The Cursebreaker and nothing else and she would feel really weird and bad about it. I literally dont think anything wouldve changed if her being objectified was a more personal issue rather than something resulting from systemic misogyny, other than the fact that Rhysand couldnt be a feminist in-universe if that was the case
Now, before I move on to the next thing I wanted to talk about, I wanna quickly explain what I mean by "the misogyny just materialized in the second book" because some people might say "oh, but the first book had misogyny as well" and it definitely did but not to the same extent. ACOTAR was kinda weird because it seems to be a pretty egalitarian world, Feyre doesnt think its weird that a woman is a mercenary and while considering that the Spring Court might have a High Lady instead of a High Lord, she doesnt say anything about how it would unusual to have a woman be a leader, but it has this coating of "period-typical misogyny" over it, seemingly just because its what you expect from these kinds of pseudo-medieval european-inspired fantasy settings
So you still get all women being expected to wear dresses and Feyre being an exception for not wanting to wear one and when Feyre daydreams about getting rid of her sisters, she daydreams about marrying them off rather than daydream about them getting jobs or something. But even with that, while Feyre is considered a bit strange for not wanting to wear a dress at the Spring Court, she still ultimately gets to just wear pants without it being a big deal. And then we get to ACOMAF and suddenly theres FGM thats completely normalized, domestic abuse, women being expected to do child rearing and "continue the bloodline" by default even though children were supposed to be super rare and fae should absolutely not structure their lives around them and Feyre being absolutely baffled at the idea of a political leader having a second-in-command thats a woman. And again, it very much seems like the only reason for that is that it makes Rhysand look better if hes recuing women in general from systemic inequality, rather than just rescuing a single woman from her personal problems
And with that, lets finally talk about my most detested, Rhysand Nolastname. He fucking sucks man. In a past post I made a point about comparing specifically ACOTAR!Tamlin with specifically ACOMAF!Rhys because it thought it made sense to compare Tamlin when hes written as a love interest to Rhys being written as a love interest, but honestly, theres so little difference between Tamlin being written as an antagonist in ACOMAF and Rhys being written as a love interest that it feels kinda pointless now. Like, Feyre is upset that Tamlin wont tell her anything about the politics happening, but is inexplicably fine with Rhysand not telling her what he wants from the summer court, she hates meeting with Tamlins associates and having meaningless smalltalk with them but likes meeting Rhysand's, she doesnt like Tamlin flaunting his wealth but is fine with all of Rhysand's expensive bullshit, literally the only difference between them is that Feyre likes one and and hates the other, again, for no real reason because they are the same. Well, the same in their treatment of Feyre, Rhysand is arguably a worse person who has done and is still doing a lot more harm on a larger scale but Im posting this in the anti-rhys tag so you already knew that
Anyway, thats it for now, this got kinda long but I hope you enjoyed it
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murkystarlight · 2 months
Screw it.
Dreamzzz season2 spoilers pt.1
(And my personal comments)
Alright. Starting from episode 1
I didn't realize that Cooper having a sudden interest in chips would be a hint to something later(it probably isn't but it seems like it to me). Cooper apperantly had a full list of things to fix and make... also the Night Bureau really can't do their job done properly can they. How does Cooper go to school? And study? And get good grades?? Also love how everyone names their cars
It was cool seeing Sneak working with them. And Nova, too bad they... uh- dissapear after like... episode 4? I think
Mateo trying to find a way to get z-blob back, and the Nightmare king... why is he such an icon all of a sudden?? Like-
Also, I like that how Mateo got the kid show treatment. Might as well sing 'we're all in this together'
And Dallas joining the knitting club!!
It was pretty nice. Just a simple small detail, but I like stuff like that so... Looks like he's not going to be bullying anyone now
It was very fun watching the crows(ravens? Don't remember) snatch their memories. When I saw what the memories that was stolen were about I started screaming like-
I actually think they all have a good reasoning. Logan always loved his music(would've been better if he forgot how to sing entirely) , Cooper... well he's the tech guy, and for Izzie, she was the who accepted the dream world the fastest. Who liked it the most in the first season right? There are more cool and amazing reasons than this but my stupid brain can't think of anything else right now
Episode 2
Apperantly there's a lava realm? Cool
Mr. Oz being angry, Logan being.. well, Logan. And Cooper is just adorable. He's having so much trouble. His purpose in life kinda snap
And when everyone else just jumps into the castle, Izzie takes her time to take the stairs
And Izzie having trouble with "dont open your mouth" she's so funnn
I had trouble understanding Astrid-
Royce guy has a weird whistle.
Cooper looks so happy until his mind went blank and his face is just- 'dude wait, what was I doing?' I thought he lost his tech skills?? Why did he become... dumber? It's cute though
"Sorry-" _ Izzie
Also, Logan said a lot of smart stuff in this episode. One of my favorites was
"If I forgot it, how would I know?"
Mr. Oz trying SO hard not to swear. I could see the struggle-
And the flash cards 😭 when did they get a rule book?!!(first ep)
Also, how many eggs do you think Cooper cracked. How does he not remember how to not but a bolt and screw together?? Just- stick it in! Learn to do it again? Poor thing
And the Night Hunter! +Susan and Snivel. They're a bunch of sillies
Cooper getting pressured by his family again- (is it just me or does he get his character development after like... two episodes and be the one stable guy holding the team together? He's useful. Like actually useful) Cooper's voice also wouldn't stop cracking
"Do you ever get sand in your eyes? Or your shorts?" (The Sandman had legs?? Yes, had. He... he gone now.)
Also kinda funny how all of Mateo's dreamcrafting gets blob-ified
"The one time! I actually want to hear your beats, and you forget?!"
Zoey! Why would you randomly jump into a cauldron!! (Also, the Night Hunters memory being Zoey- I already had a feel)
Mrs Castillo is the best
I'm also very curious of... what or who the Never Witch is??
There is a lot of pushing and shoving people. And it's only the second episode
"So you're not the tech genius you used to be. You still got- ....uh.... what other talents do you have?"
Oh godddd noooooooooooo he said it- Oh god........
"I'm gonna go drown my troubles in the candy realm" (kids. Too much sugar isn't good for you)
(He can't even figure out how to put his phone on silent anymore) he got an A+ in a science project, by cooking?? I thought it was a SCIENCE PROGECT??
Imagine a kid suddenly pulling out an apron and asking for a kitchen to work in. During a science project (he's a chef now), he also just... kept the flan? Thing, in his locker-.... is that... okay?
I mean... I did watch this science show on Netflix about these super smart girls and their names being mc². And one of them bakes. Using science. I mean... science works in everything... and I guess if the teachers said okay then its.. okay?
Sandman and Never Witch fighting, he will be remembered. It was pretty cool actually. I wonder if they have any history
Next part
Bonus(also the reason of why I said screw it)
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jennilah · 1 month
OKAY, OKAY FOLLOW UP, but I have to ask, based on how you rank Riggs movie and Logans movie, what do you think of Rigg and Logan in a more indepth analysis?? E.g what makes them interesting to you, or what stands out about them to you?
And somewhat off-topic, how do you think the other apprentices would interact with Logan??
how dare u ask for a detailed analysis when i love overanalyzing you just want to derail me for another two hours dont you.
Riiiiiggg <3
first of all I thought it was really cool that for Saw IV, a guy who was kind of a minor established character got to ascend to protagonist. (I guess the same thing happened with Hoffman but I straight up forgot he was in Saw III at all when I was watching IV for the first time. I remembered Rigg from II and his brief III appearance though)
in Saw II he so easily could have just been the Predator/Aliens overconfident gun guy trope with an itchy trigger finger. and yes, hes eager for the whole thing to get a move on so the victims can be saved, but hes not mindless. I love that he joins in the deliberation with Kerry and Matthews and they spend a few moments to establish how much he cares about his colleagues, his too-big heartstrings tugged by how difficult this situation must be for Matthews.
SO it was cool to see that became the major character flaw which contributed to his demise in IV. He cared too much. He lost his test because he couldn't stop caring. He almost got in trouble in the past for caring too much already, punching that guy. He ran into the crime scene without backup which could have gotten himself killed, because his emotions took over. (Also tangentially related, I'd say he has a lot of parallels with Strahm who also thinks with his heart first, and the end mirrors the beginning nicely with how Strahm also rushes into the crime scene without backup. Saw IV has a lot of really cool things going on actually)
At the start, they make it very clear he works himself sick worrying about the case and his missing friends despite it not being his job to worry about it. I'm saddened by his strained relationship with his wife because she seemed nice and normal, one of the few pairs without infidelity, and he's obviously very sweet and sensitive and caring, but too much for his own good. First time watching, the whole time I was just begging this nice man to go home to his nice wife like Jigsaw instructed, pained knowing this couldnt possibly end well for him or her.
hes an optimist. he believes, despite him being missing for 6 months, that Matthews is still out there and that he can be found. He believes he can save everyone in the traps. (well except that 1 guy you know the one) He believes he can save his friends. He tried to do it all.
😭😭😭😭😭😭 taken tf out for caring too much.
im sorry that my favorite characters are the shitheads and little bastards. Rigg is just such a good boy i care him. Im holding him in my hands
LOGAN.... gosh Logan I really wish I had any opinions on you. Its been like 8 months since I watched the movie and was never really presented with much fandom discussion around him so im afraid to say i forgor what his personality is 😭 hes like just kind of normal right?
in the fuckin sitcom Saw house of my dreams, i think Logan would be the 1 apprentice that everyone gets along with bc he just repels drama. they would finish up nearly ripping each other's throat out and one by one throughout the rest of the day kick down his door to vent about it, so he has to hear the same story from 3 different perspectives and just nods his head and goes "uh-huh"
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cogbreath · 5 months
ngl even tho i had faith in both you and allah that whatever you had done would not be the end of you i WAS worried still so yeah like everyone else is saying i'm also rly glad that you're recovering. congrats on surviving life's bullshit yet again my friend. may the next one maybe be less painful tho bc that did/does not sound like a fun time
jazakallah khair ❤️
and i do wanna apologise for worrying you guys. we all do know that i didnt mean to but i do understand how even when we r aware of that, it can still hurt and be scary to see someone u care about end up in a situation like that and it can be confusing and frustrating cuz of the fact its so clearly not a good thing to do to oneself. but im rlly rlly thankful that despite all that you guys have it in your hearts to be so so gentle and kind to me which seriously means the world to me
im not entirely sure how bad my situation really was, because it's honestly difficult for me to remember how much i actually ended up drinking, my memory is rlly blurry about it but i do know that i did pass out for a while. i wasn't exactly worried at first that i felt that i needed to puke and legit was shocked when i started seeinf it turning red n shit. i wanfed to believe that somehow it was just something i ate that was also red but when i started tasting the taste of iron i Knew. because it seemed to be becoming more and more bloody i was like. "o fuck." i was still aware of ans believing in the resilience of the human body, reminding myself that people have literally survived getting hit with a particle beam in the head, but nonetheless it doesnt change the fact that vomiting blood is something associated with fatal outcomes. i guess honestly it really doesn't matter either way what the true severity of it was and i shouldn't trouble myself too much about trying to figure it out because no matter what, it was a dangerous and bad situation to be in. also im not detailing more now about what happened so as to be shocking or graphic but like i just want to be honest about it so i can help process it and help u guys have more clarity on what happened now that im not as delirious and panicked as i was when it all went down
i wasnt scared to die and honestly no matter what never will be because of the way my brain is wired about the concept of death, but what i was most scared of was that ppl i care about and that allah would be mad at me. so it helps a lot to have that affirmed that nobodys mad at me and nobody thinks that i'm stupid or had it coming
sorry if this is more than u expected as a response, but you guys are some of the only people i can feel comfortable being truly deeply honest with. i dont ever intend to trouble you with things that arent your job to manage and i dont intend to freak people out. but maybe thats not nice to assume thats what anyone is thinking. ily
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asteria7fics · 25 days
I have no clue how this works but uhhhhh mayybeeeeee butters (or butters when he’s professor chaos) uhhhhh
👻 A headcanon about what scares them
💝 A headcanon about their love language
💔 An angsty headcanon
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
🥇 A headcanon about what they’re best at
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
😬 A headcanon about the worst thing they’ve done
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them.
😶 A random headcanon!
(Yes I had to copy paste it to remember the emojis) I don’t think I read the reblog correctly so idk if I’m allowed to have this many😨😨 you don’t have to do them if u dont want but I would love to learn more abt your butters headcanon for ur fic (specifically for ewily if I remember the acronym correctly)
AAAH BUTTERS!!! MY BOY!!!! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)♡
I’ll do my best to cover all of these!! I never get to blab about the boy with a heart full of magic!!!
Barely spoilers for the chapter 9 of EWILY under the cut, and a couple of other small details I do include in the fic but aren’t really super plot relevant.
👻 - A silly one to start with, but I think he’s a little bit afraid of the dark. I’m gonna probably say this a lot, but after some of the shit that’s happened to him in the context of canon, he gets really uncomfortable being left completely alone in pitch darkness. Oh! And of course he’s always afraid of doing something wrong and getting grounded!
💝- Words of affirmation. I won’t go into any greater detail, but it will all make sense soon enough ehehehe
💔- I personally think Butters struggles a lot with the fact that he doesn’t quite fit in with the other boys. They’re all pretty abrasive towards him still, and he’s really not cool enough to fit in with most of them. He doesn’t show it, but his insistence on still ‘playing superheroes’ with Kenny is kind of a greater symptom of this insecurity. I imagine he was very excited to be included when Stan got Crimson Dawn back together as they got older, probably late middle school or so.
👗- Wears whatever his mom picks out for him, which is why he’s such an über dork. Lots of lumpy sweaters with dress slacks and straight leg jeans that are all a little too short on his long ass legs, meaning his socks are always showing so they have to coordinate with his outfit, too. And of course, he owns an impressive collection of button up shirts and sweater vests.
🔪- Butters is not a fighter, but he’s certainly had lots of violence enacted on him. Bullied pretty bad as a kid, on top of (tw for child abuse) his father’s liberal use of physical punishments. These are all pretty much canon though, so suffice to say I personally think Butters CAN fight if he needs to, he just generally chooses not to. (This is where the Professor Chaos headcanons come in hehe)
🌟- He wants to be happy, above all else. It doesn’t really matter what it is that will get him there, he just wants to experience the joys of living without worrying about the consequences for once in his silly little life. Aah, now I’ve gone and made myself sad!
🥇- Canonically Butters is good at a ton of stuff! He’s such a highly creative person with a massive imagination, and though The Poop That Took a Pee is a horrible example, I think he’d actually be a really good fiction writer! Hm, maybe that’s something I should explore more.
🎭 - Everything, all the time. Naw, I’m being hyperbolic, though he definitely tells white lies to his parents to avoid getting in trouble. I think he’s also very dishonest when things upset him, at least when people like Stan, Kyle or Cartman hurt his feelings. He knows better than to show weakness around those assholes! (Sometimes RIP)
🖕- I actually think Butters’ anger is under appreciated! He’s an angry little guy when he wants to be, and while I think he’s quick to anger when something finally does irritate him enough, he’s also very quick to cool back down. He doesn’t really hold grudges, though he makes a few exceptions.
😬 - AHAHAAHAH!!! Where do I even begin?? Butters does worse things in canon than pretty much anything I’ll ever have him do, though I would argue that inadvertently inspiring his entire class to wage a war over him wasn’t, uh, great. Oh, and shooting that guy in the dick, I guess.
😭 - Again, where do I begin?? I think the trauma he’s experienced in canon sort of speaks for itself, though I also think that though maybe he didn’t get anything quite as bad in the Asteria-verse, the bullying he withstood affected him more than he would be willing to admit. Poor child, can someone please get him a therapist?
😶 - Butters’ eternal sunshine, happy boy disposition is at least partially a front. While he’s naturally an optimist person, and does generally see the good in everyone around him, but he’s not a complete idiot. He acknowledges, again, that he’s not fully accepted by his peers, but chooses to disregard a lot of the things they do to isolate him. As a little boy it was a more honest representation of who he was, but as he’s gotten older (and more hormonal oof) he’s latched onto it as a means of protection, so to speak. The only person who really, truly sees Butters in his most honest form is Kenny.
This was so much fun!!! Thank you for humoring me and sending this, and I hope you enjoyed learning a lil something about the way I portray Butters in my work!! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
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jennyandvastraflint · 4 months
Would you like to answer either/both of these?
4. what about their personality i like
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional
10. my favorite moment with them in canon
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them
(I know nothing about Osgoods backstory tbh but I imagine you might know more? If not feel free to answer with a headcanon OR for Vastra instead :) )
Thank you for the fugitive Doctor ask!!
Thank you so much for the ask!!
So first, let's begin with Vastra!
4. what about their personality i like
Gosh, where do I even start! So, one thing I love about her is how direct she can be, cutting out all the nonsense she doesn't care about in conversations, and I looove her sarcasm. She is so witty, while at the same time absolutely horrendous at talking about things about her past and trauma and emotions, and hnnng! I also love how utterly in love she is with Jenny, and that she can and will bite someone if Jenny is in danger.
7. the moment of theirs that made me the happiest
I don't think I can name just one singular moment, I love all the scenes that show her and Jenny's love so plainly. I think that's a general rule of thumb: if Jenny and Vastra are happily flirting, I'm happy as well. One particular moment I have in recent memory is a scene from the first Trespassers boxset in which Jenny and Vastra lie in bed at night. Jenny can't sleep and Vastra asks what's troubling her, and as her mind begins working, she asks Jenny to get her butterfly book. Jenny refuses because she's sleepy, and Vastra whispers a "Good night, sweet one" to her, and when I first heard it, I legit burst into tears and sobbed for twenty minutes. In the show, I think I'd have to say the painting scene? XD It's a classic, really. But they don't get that many comedic scenes in the show, it feels like. Most are given to Strax. Am I rolling my eyes at the scene a bit? Yes, because they are impossible. But I'm also over here kicking my legs.
9. my favorite canon outfit of theirs
Okay, so I have two, technically, one for THIS IS SO FUCKING COOL and one for Oh my god she truly is such a classy, special silly, I love her so much.
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Also, death on the catsuits, death, death! Vastra would FREEEEEZE in them... Also they're ugly and impractical. Just look at how HOT she looks in the Demons Run look!!!
13. what i dont like about the way the fandom portrays them
Vastra communicating openly about her emotions.
No, I'm joking. I think it might be (this is something I dislike about Big Finish as well at times actually) that people believe she's the one in charge in the relationship with Jenny. Because... No, this is where our opinions differ. I will say, though, as the fandom is rather small, I know pretty much everyone who does write fanfic/draw fanart personally atp (or most of you anyway), so we share a lot of opinions due to our negotiating.
And now, I'll follow up with Osgood!!
3. whether or not i have any merchandise/objects with them
I have bought "The Wintertime Paradox" by Dave Rudden because of Osgood's story (without realising it has the wonderful story "A Perfect Christmas" about the Paternoster Gang as well), so if that counts? Oh, actually, does Big Finish audio count? If not, just as well. I don't think I have any merchandise with Osgood specifically, but I do have a lab coat that could be used as part of an Osgood cosplay. Most of my Doctor Who stuff though, is audios and books!
5. what about their backstory makes me emotional
I think it's at least brushed upon in the show as well, but her (lack of) relationship with her family? Osgood has a sister who's basically better at everything, and they feel a bit pushed to the side. I unfortunately don't remember the precise details, but in "The Wintertime Paradox", Osgood is working on Christmas Eve, and that's made me a bit emotional... Also that they struggle with self-worth which is brought up in a few audios! Oh, and obviously the entire thing with the second Osgood and how they are both and neither, and everyone always asks Which are you? (I think I've written a bit of that into... Uhhhhh... One of my fics. One of the fairytale AUs)
10. my favorite moment with them in canon
Gosh, Osgood isn't in that many scenes of the show, hu! I think it's the bonding with 12 in the Zygon episodes. In extended media, there is much more, but it's been too long since I've listened to it all.
14. what i liked about the way canon portrayed them
I love that despite Osgood being a sort of "fan character", they aren't turned into a mere mirror, but Osgood is a character in their own right. One of the little quips throughout the audios that stuck with me and definitely influences my perception of them as some form of enby, is that Osgood tells people quite a few times that she wants to be "just Osgood", no Miss, or whatever. It's just a really nice thing for me personally to hear. Oh yeah, also that Osgood is totally autistic-coded.
I hope my answers satisfy! Thank you again for the ask!
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spaciebabie · 1 year
How do you sketch and draw so well?!
I wanna reach your level of skill, are there any tips or videos/guides that helped you a lot?
erruh ill try my best ta give advice (although i still feel like i have a lot ta learn) i wrote more than i thought i would so its under the cut ^v^!
ermm i mean im entirely self taught (if it wasnt obvious) so my artist journey has basically been me looking at other artists artstyles, methods of coloring and drawing, etc. and adapting them in my art when i see something i really like.
i used ta watch a lot of speedpaint videos as a kid and those are honestly really helpful for figuring out how artists do specific things. for example: when i was 14 i watched a speedpaint done by an artist i looked upta and noted their use of layer settings ta make certain colors pop and i have used their method ever since! dont be afraid ta experiment and draw inspiration :]
i have watched a lot of videos and followed tutorials on how ta do specific things such as anatomy (lots and lots of anatomy...), shading, perspective, etc. although i mostly look at those when things dont quite look right and i wanna improve. i dont really have any specific recs for tutorials? for me tutorials can be a hit or miss (seems like a 10/90 hit or miss instead of 50/50 sometimes ._.). my most basic advice is ta break things down inta shapes! cubes are the easiest shape for me ta understand so breaking things down like that has helped me a lot! ALSO REFERENCES. USE REFERENCES THEY HELP SOOOO MUCH FORREAL ONG BRAH. DONT BE AFRAID TA TRACE OVER SOMETHING TA FIGURE OUT THE SHAPES IF YOU CANT JUST SEE EM AND PULL EM OUT (but also only do this for practice, dont trace over things and then post em and say they're yours thats theft) AND LOOK AT LIGHTING TOO AND HOW IT TOUCHES CERTAIN OBJECTS DO SOME STUDIES ITS GOOD FOR YA (<- sucks at doing studies b/c he gets bored of doing them really easily)
a note about sketching: something i know a lot of beginners struggle w/is using too many strokes. it happens when you're unsure of a specific thing you're drawing and i do happen ta fall inta this from time ta time, although i try not 2 as much as possible. an example of me on a good sketching day is this rabbittrap i drew:
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i use very few strokes here! and am not afraid ta overshoot my lines. compare it ta this drawing i did months ago:
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and you can tell i was having trouble in certain parts b/c of the heavy amount of strokes i used. it takes practice but sketching w/out using as many strokes is a surefire way ta make your art seem more dynamic and less ridged and also save time! remember, you dont hafta detail out every last thing in your initial sketch. save that for later!
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just-jordie-things · 8 months
i dont know if you were asked this before, sorry if i am bothering you! Do you have any writing tips? I don't have anything specific but just any in general. I really admire your work!
you're so sweet!! i feel like i'm the last person who should be giving writing advice as i just blindly go into a brainrot induced stupor and spout off into docs as if i'm screaming into the void-- i have been asked this before but it's no trouble to copy it!! <3
a biggie take your time finding your style- as you can see on my masterlist i have a looot of shit on there from years of writing fanfic and experimenting. getting out of my comfort zone can be kinda hard for me personally, but with writing it was so worth it bc you can really see a metamorphosis there of when i was writing just to write and when i was writing with a drive.
don’t be afraid to ignore the rules of grammar. run on sentences are beautiful. i’ve found that especially so when the plot is driven by someone’s stream of consciousness as though they’re narrating it. thoughts are messy, they’re long and sometimes awkward and there’s no such thing as grammar in your mind !! of course spelling and punctuation are important and i’d recommend editing tho (idk her 😳) but get creative with it!!
thesaurus.com is my bestie 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 i often find myself using a lot of the same words and i don’t want to bore readers with repetitiveness! and also it’s just an easy way to expand my vocabulary too. (in person i stammer and have the reach of a fourth grader lmfao so i always want my writing to be concise and make the reader feel exactly what i want them to with my language)
also something i’ve started doing recently !! when i’m away from my wip and daydream about it, i write it down right away! in my notes app or on sticky notes or even my hand hehe. sure if it’s a significant enough plot point i’ll probably remember… but there’s no time like the present!! i want A to look at B a little differently in that one quick scene? i want to make them eat something different for foreshadowing? little details like that can be huge in your writing !! something a reader might gloss over but then realize later it was all a part of a greater scheme?? yes. so take note of those thoughts and daydreams you have !! even if you don’t end up adding it to your work, it’s better than having a profound, fic changing idea that you forget before you get the chance to write it!
this one is simple but a biggie- think about what you would want to read. i’ve been trying to keep this in mind as of late, especially when writing longer pieces where i want to make y’all suffer. find new ways to build the tension in your plot. give us different points of view, give us an untrustworthy narrator that thinks they’ve got it all figured out. throw in extra conflict. fanfiction is the melting pot of whatever the fuck you want !! so go stupid go crazy and make it something you love, and you should be good to go!! not to be cheesy but as long as you love it then you’re solid. doing something you love over and over will naturally lead you through growth and finding your style. don’t be wrapped up in notes right away (yes it can be a bit of an issue on this app- but none of has have control over how people enjoy your work- so you might as well focus on enjoying it for yourself) because as long as you’re doing something you’re passionate about and sharing it with us, more people will soon flock to enjoy it with you <3
lastly i just enjoy making mini playlists for whatever i’m currently working on. they don’t have to correlate completely with your plot. sometimes the sound of a beat is good enough for me to throw it on. if it gets me excited and planning out scenes i haven’t gotten to yet then it’s good enough for me!! i will listen to the same song on repeat in the name of ✨vibes✨ even if the words themselves have nothing to do with the plot i’m writing. that’s probably lazy basic advice but it works well for me and i love listening to music so !!
hopefully the copying of a previous ask isn't annoying and ya find this helpful! just my thoughts and processes tho, you gotta find a style that's best for you! and remember its a hobby. if you get stressed take a break and come back later! you're on your own schedule, and you don't owe anyone anything, so just have fun!
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encantoisawesome · 2 years
for the past week and when i was in hospital, for some reason all i can think about is a cross over with encanto and big hero 6 (the encanto characters in the world of big hero 6), and what their hero outfits would look like/what weapons they would have. (i went on an entire ramble about this on discord, sorry about that) this is what i got:
for antonio, he would have robotic bird wings on the back of his that allow him to fly with the birds and a helmet like go-go's with the spike on the back and a spike at the front resembling a bird beak. his outfit being yellow and red. i doubt he would have a weapon given that he is 5 years old, but i can see his animal friends fighting along side him, all of them wearing similar helmets to antonio except they would have have helmets to match them (for example, parce would have multiple points on the front of his to match his teeth, or pico would have a longer spike at the front to match his beak)
for luisa, she would have really big metal gauntlet like gloves that cover/protect her elbows as well as big metal boots that cover/protect her knees, the rims of every metal plate that make up the gauntlets and boots outlined with blue. she would still have her skirt but would have body armour on as well as a helmet. i dont think she would need a weapon, maybe small retractable spikes on her knuckles or something
for camilo, i think his outfit would probably have less armour and more flexible fabric so have can shape shift freely without his outfit becoming too big or too small, like armour would cover his knees, elbows, his torso and back, as well as goggles like wasabis. his armour being orange with his chameleon pattern on  while the fabric is dark brown
for isabela, very similar to honey lemon except her skirt is longer and has the splattered design as well as flowers on (like her dress at the end of the movie), and without the bag too. like luisa, i dont think she would really need a weapon as shes got her plants and all that
for felix, dunno why (i think its because of that scene where he saves antonio from being crushed by his door during the scene where casita collapses. plus in a lot of his promo images, hes carrying an umbrella which acts as a shield against the rain or sun) i can imagine him having a shield with a sun pattern on to match his wife. armour wise, not really sure, maybe something like wasabis but it being pale yellow
for bruno.... i genuinely have no idea. absolutely no idea. i can see him wearing green goggles with the pointy bits at the side. i cant imagine him taking off his ruana to be honest, and i can see him constantly carrying a vision plate that connected to wires but i have no idea what would be on it or what the wires lead to/do. i dunno, im stumped on that one
for agustin. armour. lots of armour. weapon wise, no idea. im stumped on him too to be honest, i genuinely have no idea. all i know is that his armour would be dark blue
for julieta, i can see her wearing a tactical belt with the pockets full of herbs and spices. (this idea was more of a joke that made me laugh but now i cant stop thinking about it. you know how in the movie she literally shoves food into peoples mouths to heal them? well what if she fired them into their mouths using a gun like weapon on her arm that she uses to fire arepas at people to either heal people or attack?........im very sleep deprived). her armour being light blue
for pepa, i cant see her using a weapon but i can see her outfit being similar to honey lemons as well but instead of a helmet, its goggles so that her hair braid is free (plus i like the details in the movie where he hair sticks up whenever she has a lightning cloud above her due to the static) with her armour being yellow with lightning patterns on it
mirabel, i had a bit of trouble thinking of something and sorry if this sounds stupid but i remembered the scene where she used rope from the broken rope bridge in bruno's room to make her own rope swing to get across the gap, so i thought "..huh, maybe something like that", so i can see her using a really long rope made out of different colour wool that she uses as a lasso or something (kinda like matching isabela with her vines), with each bit of her armour being a different colour. she'd still have her skirt but she'd have a helmet and armour to protect her torso and shoulders
for dolores, big ear muffs to protect her hearing as well as red armour with the soundwave patterns to protect her arms, legs and torso. weapon wise, i thought about this, not sure if it would work at all given her gift but i can see dolores using a weapon with makes soundwaves into a weapon (hence the reason why shes wearing ear muffs), dunno if that would work or not
for abuela alma, i had a very stupid idea that made me laugh, i imagined a scene where everyone (felix, agustin, pepa, julieta, camilo, dolores, luisa, isabela, mirabel, antonio and bruno are nearly defeated in a battle with a bad guy, but before they can give out the final blow, this giant as hell robot flies in and defeats the bad guy. everyone is completely clueless on who it is until the middle opens up revealed flipping abuela alma sitting in a chair controlling the robot. she only comes into the battle if her entire family is defeated, which is pretty rare
sorry about my ramble, ive had this in my mind for 2 weeks now
what do you guys think, what do you think theyre outfits would look like and what their weapons would be? (honestly i would love you guys’s opinions on this)
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hi! I'm looking for resources/an answer to a question I have regarding trauma. warning for mentions of c-ptsd and abuse(?) but nothing in depth.
I experienced ongoing trauma throughout 2021 and have c-ptsd now. the experience included a lot of being manipulated and made to believe what was happening wasn't really happening. I don't remember just about anything that happened that year. I can put together some memories from 2020 but nothing very specific. I do not remember 2015-2019 clearly at all. I'm not sure why, because I don't remember experiencing anything traumatic those years, and my ptsd is specifically from the trauma I endured in 2021.
what little I do remember from those years feel like something I watched in a 3rd person movie rather than something I experienced myself. I feel like I've been randomly dropped in 2022, or like i woke up in someone else's life.
heres the thing though!
I can remember 2010-2014 pretty clearly. like, a lot of it. about myself (more than I did other years), and how the world was. like news, pop culture, music, movies, fashion, trends, all of it is very clear and familiar to me.
with my memory loss there's this huge gap of lost time between then and now. I've described it to people like waking up from a long coma and seeing yourself and the world completely changed. it sounds very dumb and fake but honest to God I can't remember anything that's happened in the world in the past seven or so years. my few patchy memories are all of myself doing mundane silent things like waiting at a bus stop. and again all of those are fuzzy and third person. anything important? nada. not specific details about myself, nothing related to politics or pop culture, nothing that even suggests I actually existed except for family pictures.
I feel so disorientated with everything all the time and I am struggling really hard with understanding modern things like technology and social media. I have a hard time with remembering basic stuff like bringing a face mask with me when I go out. it's practically impossible to find dvds anywhere (at least where I live). phones are so big and hard to navigate. malls are wayyyy emptier.
I don't really talk about this to people because it's embarrassing and obviously sounds incredibly fake but I feel so out of touch with everything.
I've got an ok grasp on world events that have happened (thanks to lots of googling) and I haven't had much trouble understanding the current political climate cause the "radical" beliefs I held back then are now way more normal and expected today, and my family and friends have been good at reminding me of things that happened in our personal lives when I ask. it's been about 10 months since I started remembering things clearly again and I think I've done pretty well at grounding myself.
I'm not really enjoying it. I still dress the way I did in the early 2010s because it just feels more normal to me. I dont understand what a lot of words or terms mean. people are a lot more hostile online and everyone speaks in a really condescending tone. people have been mean to me when I don't know who certain celebrities are or when so-and-so died or when this-or-that was released. again all of this just sounds stupid but honestly it's really stressful for me and I spend a lot of time feeling extremely anxious and overwhelmed by everything. I feel really dumb for not getting it and not remembering anything. I also feel like I'm faking it, even though I can't imagine why I'd do that and I can't explain where that lost time went.
I guess my question is if anyone knows what this is, what this means, etc? like, what's happening? is this a thing? am I just crazy? is my brain tricking itself somehow? I feel so lost and confused. I've been in therapy and I know trauma can do weird things to the mind but I've never heard of anything like this and I wouldn't even know where to start looking. any help is appreciated
Hi anon,
You're absolutely not alone. My trauma was from 2014-2015, and I can't really remember most of 2015-2019. I think part of it is simply that trauma often sets a bar that everything else now falls under, which can make life seem so boring that it becomes a blur.
Another thing is, in terms of structural dissociation, CPTSD can be a precursor to a dissociative disorder such as OSDD or DID, as well as identity disturbance such as BPD. In my experience with (what I think is coming from) BPD, I literally do not identify with the person I was when I experienced the trauma, and use a different name and pronouns to reflect that. I also do not have a stable sense of self, and sometimes my sense of past is clearer sometimes and foggier other times.
With a dissociative disorder, the explanation of this large passage of time is amnesia. If you're plural, sometimes an alter who experiences trauma may go dormant and/or another alter will front for an indefinite amount of time (this can last years). Then when the previous alter awakens from dormancy and fronts again, it can feel like someone has been living your life without you, because it has. This may also explain why the memories from that time were in the third person. Either way, many alters who emerge from dormancy need to be updated with the current situation.
You may find it helpful to look into Internal Family Systems, IFS. It's a therapy that treats an individual client as made up of multiple parts of themselves, and it helps to identify what those other parts are, how they work, and what they want to communicate. Often times, when speaking to a traumatized part, they believe they're still as old as the age of the trauma, and/or will believe that the Self never aged. This can be why it's disorienting for you to deal with the pandemic and technological advancements.
You've been through a lot. Please remember to practice self-care, whether that's making sure your hygiene is taken care of (even a nice bath or something), or rest. You deserve to do what relaxes you or makes you happy.
You're doing a great job.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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