#i dont know how to format this stuff apologies
mystellenia · 5 months
ellie with a clumsy gf ୨ৎ
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summary: how ellie cares for her clumsy girlfriend
content: nothing thats nsfw!! just ellie being a cutie concerned gf
notes: answer to this req!! SHES SO PUPU BABYGIRL IN THAT PIC I WANNA BITE HER JFWIBFJWKRJR. she's actually so beautiful i can't. entirely unrelated: idk how i feel about this... but i’m trying not to be like EW I HATE THIS FUCK THIS ITS SO BAD. like i dont even feel like that but we already know how i feel about this formatting. its growing on me tho
(wc 0.39k) so short i know guys i gotta dip my feet
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constantly laughing but also concerned at how you manage to trip and bump and bruise yourself up on literal air
in apocalypse au, she's always been very aware of her surroundings bc of patrol and combat and stuff so she tries to keep you out of the way of things that she knows you'll bump into
always has an ice pack chilled and ready to go in the freezer in case you bump yourself real hard and it's sore because ice helps bumps not bruise right when you get them (looking at you guys clumsy ladies write that one down)
always warns you about things right as they're happening since you get into things SO FAST
like just as you're bumping into something or dropping an item she's blurting out, "wait! there's- a shirt on the floor"/"remember- that the washing machine door is open"/"baby, you're gonna drop that- just... like you did just now. you okay?"
always asks what you did to get a new bruise. she'll notice a new one and joke, "oh, what did you do this time?" and you'll respond, "i may have walked into the dishwasher while the door was down... but this one doesn't hurt that bad 😁" it's become like a little game
she's become sooo desensitized to any bump or bang sound in the house bc she knows its just you. not to say she doesn't care about you getting hurt--she immediately throws out a "you good?!" or "you need me?"--she just knows you know what to do: ice pack or heat compress. it's routine now.
read that low vitamin c levels make you bruise easily, so always has vitamin c rich snacks stocked up. oranges and strawberries and other fruits, always ready!
she's so stupid in love that she'll cut the fruits up into hearts or try nd make the most simple little animals with them from some mother of 3's tutorial on instagram reels and genuinely gets upset when she can't recreate them.
^ like you notice her absolutely maiming some apples and ask, "ummm why are you slicing and dicing that poor apple?" and she'll mumble, "it's supposed to be a stupid crab."
and for my ladies with darker skin where bruises aren't as visible or even just pale skin that just doesn't bruise easily, she's still just as concerned. and since there is no visible warning of a sore spot, she's hurriedly apologizing after pressing on a sore spot or laying on a tender patch.
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@abbysbug @picklesarenice69
hello to my clitter critters. soooooooo erm sorry about going like basically inactive for like 2 weeks i got into the fight of a lifetime with my mother 😊 we still beefing 😊 dw tho when she's old and wrinkly i’ll have power of attorney and trust the cord WILL be plugged.
like i’m joking but as of now that bitch is an opp fr
but anywhoooo i’m back. and my dinosaur of a laptop had a health scare and i thought i was gonna have to plan a funeral for her but she went to the doctor (apple store) and she's all better. idk how it still works so well now bc my mom got this when obama was still president 😆 don't y'all worry tho this motherboard does nothing but purr we chillin (the fan turns on whenever there are too many graphics moving)
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beaniegaebie · 7 months
i don't really have any solid conclusions about this yet but i noticed A Thing in a rewatch and i haven't found it mentioned elsewhere yet so here we go
(apologies for the appalling image quality you're about to see, i can't screenshot easily rn pls bear with)
OKAY so in the scene where crowley confronts gabriel about "shut up and die", something about the arrangement of book stacks caught my eye a little
the majority of the books are angled so that we mostly just see the page edges and not the spines clearly, EXCEPT for a particularly shiny and familiar colour combo right here-
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but nothing too weird going on there, i thought, crowley coloured books in a bookshop so what? right up until i registered crowley's line when we get a closer look-
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hhhhmmmmMMmmmm yes yes "everything just the way you wanted" huh, very interesting considering that we know how much thought goes into props huh
and for most of the shots we get of crowley in this position those freaking books are just quietly nestled right there in the corner-
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look at that god damn framing i fuckin see you, you glorious bastards
so i paused to see if i could figure out what the hell was up with those fuckers and this is when i absolutely lost my mind, your honour
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A and C you say?? in crowley colours???? framed like this?????? localised entirely within your kitchen???
anyway long story short they're two books from an Agatha Christie Crime Collection set (24 volumes, three stories per volume) and guess whats on the mfing front covers I'm-
(its a rant for another post but when paired with this other set of initials spotted in s2 i want to scream actually)
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ANYWAY back to the books, through an absolutely unhinged comparison of the formatting of gold text blobs i reckon the two we have here are:
(on top) The Pale Horse; The Big Four, The Secret Adversary
(on bottom) 4:50 From Paddington, Lord Edgeware Dies, Murder in Mesopotamia
(I'm fairly confident but if anyone has a better image to confirm/correct this pls do)
now here is where I'll need a bunch of help from some Christie-heads out there bc I haven't read any of these and I've only seen the tv adaptation of one of them, so i dont know for sure if these are like A Clue, or A Cool Thing, or if I've just fully brainrotted myself into a fun lil corner here? wa-hoo
but here's some initial stuff that jumped out at me after skimming the basics:
(some of) the titles: Pale Horse/Big Four - death's horse ofc, the four horsemen mayb? the them+adam?? ; Mesopotamia is a very biblical choice bbz ; 4:50 From Paddington- azi likes trains i guess? idk that one's tenuous lmao ; honestly no idea with the other two but Secret Adversary feels a tad ominous
iirc Big Four just has kind of an unusual history, it was initially twelve short stories that she later compiled into one, and it was published fairly soon after christie's mysterious disappearance/reappearance
in Big Four, poirot fakes his death at one point and doesnt even let hastings in on it and I'm hoping sure its totally irrelevant to the ineffable bois
part of the Pale Horse story is a group of assassins that basically try to pass off all their murders as being actually caused by like ✨satanic powers✨ which is interesting
christie knew a fUCkton about poisonings thats why she wrote so many into her work and, while i don't believe the poison coffee theory myself, it sure is an interesting link with how cyanide is associated with almond smell/flavour and that metatron chooses almond syrup in particular
(ALSO random side note that is mostly meaningless but I've worked in a good few uk coffee shops and have never worked anywhere that stocks almond syrup; almond milk yes, hazelnut syrup yes, but never almond syrup...? prob just the places i worked though lmao)
EDIT forgotten point: I've seen some speculation that the bently's plate reading "CURTAIN" could be a reference to poirot's last story, along side that alternate scene of crowley ordering the sherry for "miss marple", its just one too many agatha christie references for my melted brain to handle and I'm SUS
so this is where i run out of idea steam and hand it over to you lot because i have no clue what this could mean, if it even means anything other than a cool set feature
is there something here actually or am i yelling into the void just for fun?
who knows, who cares!
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okay yall this is my first post so i apologize for the wonky formatting anywho this is what i think each Rory Culkin character would smell like inspired by a post from @icarus-star . (some characters do have x reader because thats all i read sorry not sorry🤭)
okay so this dude is a loser (in the best way)
and losers love axe body spray
i think he always smells like he used an entire bottle of axe body spray each morning with a hint of old spice deodorant if hes feelin good
the real reason he uses so much i think though, is cause hes killed so much that he smells like blood no matter how many showers he takes
so his friends will tease him for it but he'll never stop using it
i think hes pretty aware of smells and is worried that he smells bad but he doesnt have a ton of money to spend
SO his solution is cheap cologne
dont get me wrong though, it smells nice. even comforting at times
sometimes he also smells like coffee (no reason as to why i think this, its just the vibe)
ooooofff i love him but he STINKS
he smells like body odor, sweat, and sometimes other bodily fluids (ifykyk)
i think if/when he gets clean from all the drugs he does, he more so just smells like whatever deodorant he uses but its a very small hint of it
he uses sandalwood bodywash and matching shampoo and conditioner
but he also smells like weed
he smells heavenlyyyyyy
his deodorant is lavender old spice i take no criticism on this
yall this man is a housewife
i dont think he really cared much about smelling good until he met you
now me PERSONALLY, i hate the smell of a lot of vanilla perfumes and stuff but he does smell like vanilla
but instead of vanilla perfumes, he smells like vanilla extract
or if he knows you guys will have a date that night, he ups his game and goes in with coconut coffee smelling stuff
this man smells like shit, piss, greasy hair, weed, alcohol, cigarettes, and every other BAD THING IN THIS WORLD
dont get me wrong babes i love rory's portrayal of him but LOOK AT HIM AND TELL ME IM WRONG!!! YOU FUCKING CANT
bro does NOT wash his ass😭😭😭
i think he doesnt really smell like anything honestly
sometimes hell put on cologne but usually he just smells like soap
if you have a signature perfume or cologne though, hell douse his clothes in it because it brings him comfort (AHHHH I LOVE HIM SM)
this man right here🤭🤭🤭 i love this man
he is so stuck up and prissy i love it
he smells sophisticated
he smells like a mixture of cigarettes, bergamot, patchouli, and sweet amber
and then he pretends its what he naturally smells like and gets mad when other people dont smell as good as him
at first i was going to say he smells pretty similar to euro but i started thinking about it more and i have come to the conclusion that this is not correct and heres why
hes a cult leader. charming, handsome, manipulative, and welcoming
he has to show that hes the best of the best and one way he does that is by smelling good
he smells comforting. like a warm, home cooked meal that you havent had since you were a kid
and this makes people feel more relaxed and comfortable around him which he uses to his advantage
thats it for now i hope yall liked it!
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islandofsages · 8 months
darling heart.
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summary: in which you are someone who participates in/identifies with jirai kei culture.
characters: heartslabyul boys x gn reader
tags: relationship not specified, fluff, imagines format
warnings: mentions of mental health, mentions of self-destructive tendencies
author's notes: hiiii this is very self-indulgent bc i am a jirai kei babe,, im specifically a jirai danshi <3 i might do for other dorms too, depending on my motivation lol you can find out more by searching up jirai kei tho dont just read the jfashion wiki for it, it's more than just a fashion style. also beware of potentially triggering stuff since it deals with mental health and all
Riddle Rosehearts
He’s intrigued by this subculture that you participate in and he’d ask you more about it, if you don't mind telling him - he’ll do his own research too anyway
When he finds out it's basically a subculture consisting of people with emotion dysregulation issues and is generally controversial, he checks up on you and asks you if you're okay or not
You laugh then – you’ve had your ups and downs but really, so has everyone. You hope reading about it hasn't scared him off
He’d feel like calling you a “landmine type” is too insensitive but you assure him that there's nothing to worry about and that people who participate in the subculture has reclaimed such stereotypes and fully embrace it
He’d really enjoy seeing you decked out in jirai kei fashion; he may want to try it himself but he’d insist that it's not in his place to participate, only support from the sidelines
You do get him to try out clothes that are similar to or inspired by the culture though – he seems to be comfortable in the style and you're happy that something that you enjoy can also bring the same joy to him
You’ll also recommend some songs to him, especially ones that you think would help him in studying despite the sometimes concerning lyrical content
If someone tries to bully you for identifying with the subculture, he’d step in immediately and defend your honor
“What right do you have in deciding what (Y/N) identifies with? That's what I thought. I’m always in the right.”
Through your downs and ups, Riddle will always be there for you.
Ace Trappola
He has heard of it before but he thought it was only a type of fashion, not a whole subculture with more substance to it than clothes
You’d infodump to him all about it and your journey with it, whether you just discovered it or have been identifying with it for a long time – he listens to you curiously all the while
He’s caught off guard for a moment by the more controversial and depressing part of it but he quickly recovers
He’s happy for you and glad that you’re comfortable having such a culture define a part of you
Though he implores not to do all the self-destructive stuff if you could and he’ll look out for you more just in case
He definitely thinks you rock while wearing your jirai kei outfits; it’s not his style but he wouldn’t mind trying it once, just to get a feel for the style
“Yeah, this is definitely not my thing… you, on the other hand, look pretty awesome.”
You’d give him a link for your playlist (or a playlist you’ve saved) and he’d listen to it when he’s bored – ends up adding a few songs to his personal playlist
If he finds anyone stereotyping you unnecessarily, he’ll call them out, saying as if they’re any better
Despite everything, you are still uniquely you in his eyes.
Deuce Spade
He apologizes for not knowing too much about it when you bring it up and you tell him it’s okay because it gives you an excuse to ramble about it
You tell him what it entails and how you’ve come to find out about it, sifting through your past experiences both good and bad
He tries very hard to be understanding, even if he doesn’t really get it. You’re just grateful to have his support
“I don’t really get it but it gives you a sense of community, right? I think that’s pretty cool!”
He’s also a little concerned about the mental illness part so he’d regularly check up on you to make sure you’re doing okay
He’d ask you to tell him more about your experiences with the subculture if you have any more and if anything exciting happens, you go to him first
Such as acquiring a brand new article of jirai kei clothing for example! He thinks the style is super pretty and fits you really, really well
He’d listen to the music together with you, sharing earphones and all – maybe he would even listen to them while he tries to do anything
He’ll be your guard dog and bite back whoever dares to make fun of you for being part of the subculture’s community you’ll have to calm him down sometimes
You couldn’t ask for a better cheerleader than him.
Cater Diamond
He’s always known about the subculture and although he doesn't participate in it, he thinks it's really neat
You tell him more about it and about the misconceptions people have about it so that he doesn't misunderstand
He’s super stoked that he knows someone in real life who actually participates in the subculture since he gets to see how it actually is in reality
He mostly knows about the fashion and when you come rocking up to him wearing the classic jirai kei look, he tries his best not to fanboy
He compliments you then proceeds to ask you where you got it – though cute styles like it aren’t his thing, he feels like he can give this style a try
He’d match with you on days he doesn’t feel too uncomfortable with more cutesy styles and snap pictures of you two to post on Magicam
He’d also go scouring for the music online to add more songs to his already rapidly growing playlist. He’d share some recommendations with you too!
Unintentionally got you more jirai kei friends since some people saw his posts about matching with you on Magicam; even people you already know commented on his post
“Look at us, (Y/N)! We’re totally Magicam-famous now~”
You laugh with him, head thrown back while the seeds of your relationship bloom behind where the two of you sit.
Trey Clover
He doesn’t know too much about it so he’ll ask you to explain to him what it is – to which you excitedly agree to
You tell him everything from the origins to how you’ve come to participate in the subculture – he nods patiently all the while
The mental health part of it has him questioning you a bit but he has no ill intention, he’s simply looking out for you and is worried about you
He’s supportive all the way and thinks it’s nice that you have something you’re passionate about. He’d even do his own research when he has the time
He’s pleasantly surprised when you show up wearing jirai kei fashion one day; he definitely thinks you look striking in the get-up
He wouldn’t mind going with you if you were to shop for more jirai kei-related things – he would joke you’ll have to repay by helping him out another time though
He’ll listen to your song recommendations and if he likes them enough, he’d listen to them while he’s in the kitchen. He likes that they remind him of you
“Oh, this one’s pretty catchy. …These lyrics though…”
Going places with you certainly catches attention sometimes but he doesn’t mind, as long as you’re happy and comfortable in your own skin
His name truly defines him – you sure feel lucky to have him in your life.
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mercurysgem0 · 2 months
Tanjiro Headcanons! (General, Platonic, Romantic)
my first writing in a while, might be terrible. also the formatting MAYYYY be off i rarely use tumblr let alone post on here.. gulps. ENJOY THO!!! shoutout to @thecardiganzlovrx3 for some ideas and support love u a lot buddy! <3
-despite what everyone thinks, he is KINDA ASS at cooking 
-he doesn’t burn things (often) and knows how to sorta use spices and seasonings, but he is no 5 star chef 
-(probably isnt even 3 star)
-sometimes neglects his own hygiene, just isn’t that important to him with all of the things he has to do
-definitely reminds others to take care of themselves, though
-not disgusting by any means but perchance a little smelly here and there
-gets really embarrassed when he realizes how long its been since he’s gotten clean
-if this were the modern era he would for sure use 3-n-1 (sorry guys… its more efficient hes a busy man..)
-pine or a woodsy scent :)
-ROUUGGHHH hands i dont even think this is a hc this is CANON
-could sand wood with them thangs 
-cried when he got his ears pierced, he doesnt know why it just gave him the urge to cry :(
-loves animals, he listens very closely whenever Mitsuri is gushing about her cats
-cleanest desktop ever. so organized
-dont even get me started on his files
-he might not know a lot about technology but he knows how to keep it clean
-doesn’t download anything, just pictures of his family and friends
-lock screen would be a landscape, maybe a river or mountains
-main screen is for sure a picture of at least him and nezuko if not the whole squad
-doesn’t know how to download things on mobile 😭just took a screenshot of something he liked and set his wallpaper to it (credit to my wife kell for this one love u bby)
-definitely an android user, probably a samsung galaxy
-none of his contacts have pictures, he doesn’t know how to set them
-dry texter do i even need to say this
-isnt much of a music guy
-he wouldnt even know where to look to find music
-not that he doesnt like it, he just rarely listens on his own
Platonic: (like best friends)
-finds little things on his outings that reminds him of you
-sometimes he loses them and doesn’t realize until he’s back, and gets really sad
-always gives them to you when he doesn’t! it makes him really happy to see how much you like whatever it is he gave you
-he loves you like family and will treat you as such
-sometimes overbearing with his care but he means well
-crazy protective like how he is with all of his family (and friends for that matter)
-wouldn’t be the same if you died, for any reason
-there would definitely be a mental scar forever if he lost you
-always surprises him when you reciprocate any kind of love or care towards him, he just isnt used to it
-appreciates it a LOT though
-if you have longer hair he would definitely try and style it for you (disguises it as practice for nezuko’s hair but really he just thinks your current style is atrocious)
-if you have shorter hair, hes clueless. completely clueless
-no idea what to do so just brushes it and maybe puts in a cute little hair clip (GIGGLING TO MYSELF RN ANYWAYSSS)
-someone give me more ideas for this im OPEN TO ANYTHING i will do a part two if needed
-an old fashioned man (its literally the 1920s cmon)
-in addition to the things he finds to give you, he also buys you a lot of things
-doesnt care if you protest, he loves you so you have to accept it!
-very shy with affection at first, almost uncharacteristically 
-slow progression, doesn’t even kiss you until around 4 months in
-sometimes this makes you feel unloved, if you bring it up he’ll immediately apologize and try to reassure you, and explains hes not used to loving someone physically
-after this talk he does start doing little touches
-grabbing your shoulder, your hand, brushing your hair behind your ear, cute stuff like that!
-simple pet names nothing over the top
-honey, dear, baby, and maybe a cute personalized one :) (like something about your personality or an inside joke)
-uses your crow to find out what kind of dates you would like the best, and what to wear to said dates
-picture a cheesy 2000s movie getting ready scene like with the changing room and the peoples reactions but its tanjiro and your crow (ALSO CREDIT TO KELL FOR THIS MY LITTLE HELPER)
-goes over the top on holidays, especially because he probably doesnt get to actually enjoy very many holidays
-valentines day god. 
-gets really giddy when he sees you interacting with nezuko, something inside of him warms up (he definitely gets more cuddly after this)
-once he’s fully used to loving you, BE PREPARED.
-every love language ever
-mainly gift giving, words of affection, and physical touch
-not too big on pda but hes not completely against it
-he prefers to have private moments, your love is between him and you <3
-hand holding, hugging, kissing, he’ll do that stuff almost anywhere, but in small amounts
-behind closed doors.. hes a beast. 
-cuddling EVERY NIGHT HE CAN. loves being close to you and knowing you’re safe with him to protect you (he knows you’re strong and can fight anything off, it just gives him peace of mind)
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hunterwritesstuff · 7 months
I really love your hcs of Adam! If you dont mind me requesting you to make oneshot of topreader with Adam or fallen! Adam. Smut or nsfw, your choice, do your thing!💗
Yeah! Apologies if it's a little short, still getting used to writing stuff like this lol lemme know if y'all like this format for oneshots btw, testing stuff out!
"Worth it?" Fallen Angel!Adam x top!Reader oneshot(Hurt/Comfort, hope that's okay! <3)
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Adam was zoned out. He hadn't done anything like this in ages, and it was with a women who would leave the instant it was over. He wasn't used to it being too loving.
Then you came along. He was used to being on top, but now, here he was, on bottom, and you were resting on this lap.
"Bub? You okay?" You asked.
He shook his head, coming back to reality. "Yeah, sorry, uhm...got a little lost in my head there." He apologized.
You tilted your head, eyebrows rustling in concern. "Are you sure? You've...been acting like this whenever we try anything like this, is everything okay?"
Adam nodded, putting on a smile. He had to do that. He wasn't supposed to be worried over. "Yeah, everything's okay." He chuckled shakily.
"Do you want to do this?" You asked.
"Of course I do. It's what I'm SUPPOSED to do." He thought. "Sure." He smiled shakily.
You sighed. He always did this. "Adam, are you SURE you want to do this? YOU want to do this, right?" You asked.
He paused a moment. He wasn't used to being asked that. He was used to being narrowed down to just being the first man and the first dick. He hadn't noticed his eyes start to tear up. "...yeah. I do." He said half-heartedly.
"Okay." You said, getting off of him. This confused him.
"Huh? What're you-" Adam started.
"You don't want to, so we won't. We'll do this when you're ready. Okay?" You asked.
He started shaking slightly and the tears started flowing more. "why...? why are you so nice to me...?" You sighed, pulling him into a warm embrace, the man melting into the touch.
"Because this is how it works. If you don't want to do something, you don't have to. We do it when you want to do it. What do you want to do?"
He was silent for multiple minutes, thinking over what he wanted to do. "....I wanna cuddle..."
"Okay, cuddles it is." You smiled, kissing him on the nose.
He settled into your lap, allowing you to play with his hair. He loved you, with all of his heart. You weren't Eve, you weren't Lilith.
You were better.
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lucid-daydreaming-art · 5 months
intro post whoopee!!!
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hi guys im lucid :D you can also call me daylin i don’t really care but i may be like woah how do you know my name (i will forget about making this post 2 seconds after posting it) also I AM AN ADULT im 22 and i do not use pronouns just use my name pleaseeeeeee if you have a disability that makes words hard to process i understand if that’s difficult you can just use they/them instead
first off just getting this out there if youre proship, zoo, pedo, incest supporter, endo system supporter, any kind of discriminatory against protected minority groups, and anti-otherkin, shoo. dont want you here youre not welcome. bye bye my content isnt for you.
immmmm an infp-t 4w5 sanguine-melancholic existential-intrapersonal-visual learner seer of heart prospit dreamer true neutral rogue shifter airbender and dragon type trainer for all you personality label freaks
i like to DRAW!!!!! this is an art blog!!!! i will only post art here, all of my reblogs will be on @trickstergemini save for the posts my close friends make that i want to support here. sometimes i will post just text but thats only if i really need to let you guys known something or im answering a question
my commissions are OPEN!!!!!!!! dm me for commission info im too lazy and busy to make a sheet
if my requests are closed that means theyre closed dont ask me to draw shit please and thank you
im AUTISTIC i am on that mf spectrum been diagnosed since i was three. for me this means im not naturally fluent in social norms or what’s expected from an interaction or how to read others very well. i also have heavy special interests and find it really hard to turn the conversation away from something im fixating on or specially interested in. i also have extremeeeee sensory issues and a hard time being completely flexible when im comfortable in a routine so just be patient with me man adjustments are hard for me. my empathy is also extremely low and im a really really high masking person so if i come off as well versed or allistic just know that i either took a million years to format the right way to say things or i am entirely going off a predetermined script and will fumble if caught off guard. other important stuff ive got adhd bpd cptsd and major depressive disorder which all those combined makes me really flaky when it comes to responding or follow through. i may not reply to you for like 500 years or maybe i will be gods speediest most motivated soldier. just don’t expect me to be a readily available fully capable robot ok?? ok.
i am one half of @ask-kas-n-lamp the other half is some guy i don’t know he just hacked himself into the account and now i have to deal with him. the blog is no longer running though i apologize. we got burnt out from the shitty fans
in all seriousness mod dum, aka @unoriginal-and-dumb or unodum or unoriginal or whatever u know him by, thats my qpp thats my platonic soulmate my bestest friend my number one crate my brain cyst the doctor has to surgically remove from me my parasocial relationship my stalker my servant i keep locked up in my basement and i feed him cement and staples for every meal and for dessert maybe he gets rust shavings. he will be featured in my art like a lot or in my comments and reblogs and i will also be present in his stuff sometimes. if have drawn kasper it is his design, that design is not made by me its made by him sooo you should check him out and support him if you like that style or how about instead we get a mass unfollowing going there and you all come to my page and i exclusively will draw his design of kasper and get all the credit lets do that instead
uuueeehhhmmm my special interests are pokemon, homestuck, geography, taxonomy, my ocs, and personality psychology. i guess i also am specially interested in dragons because i like and think about them more than all of the above and have to incorporate them into everything but its less of an ill infodump to you interest and more of an i want to be surrounded by this thing because it brings me extreme comfort because it feels like me.
i am otherkin im a dragon and i look like this:
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i will also represent myself like this if im feeling it:
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yes i know i am not actually a physical dragon and im not a spiritual kinner i kin for identity purposes and the fact that i feel some pretty intense crippling species dysphoria idk ive been like this since i was 5 i don’t really have memories of my life where i wasnt experiencing animalistic behaviors and instincts
my favorite music artists are s3rl twenty øne piløts onerepublic imagine dragons of monsters and men thefatrat glass animals ajr queen nine inch nails and muse my favorite medias are httyd movies pokemon homestuck regretevator invader zim our flag means death infinity train gravity falls rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead doctor who my little pony fim dont starve and the mcelroy brothers content
heres some more characters i represent myself as:
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ok BYE
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galactiquest · 1 year
Hi call me blueberry anon or just blue!
I was hopin to ask with Vash and Knives with an Angel!reader g/n.
Like you know when Vash and Knives show their true selves and reader dont give a shit because they literally have giant ass wings and multiple eyes yknow like one of those biblical accurate angel but more human.
If its too specific just ignore this JDJKDKDKDK (ps when i said show their true selves i immediately thought of those wolf alpha vids on tiktok)
Hello Blueberry Anon~ I'm sorry that this took longer than usual to get to, I promise I wasn't ignoring or forgetting this request! College woes... (´Д`)
I think this is a super cute idea and I'm always a sucker for a chaotic angel or devil or any sort of creature really. (Probably why I enjoy writing about Vash and Knives being little beasts so much LOL)
Vash and Knives x Angel!Reader: Heaven
Content warnings: None, but the descriptions of multiple eyes/wings might be offputting to some. Otherwise just fluff!
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I take Vash as someone who's really accepting of everyone else's differences--even to the point where he'll feel a sort of disdain towards his own differences because of it.
But when he learns about your otherworldly nature? He's immediately curious. He really can't help himself.
He wants to ask a lot of questions. How do you hide your wings? Are humans afraid of you? Do you have any sorts of powers? Does this mean you're immortal--wait, are you here on a mission?!
Whether you indulge him or not in answers is up to you. He won't pry (but he might whine a little if you tell him it's a secret).
Now that he knows you're different, he wants to embrace it as much as possible. He's always trying to compliment how soft your wings are, how radiant and sparkling your eyes are, etc.
I think this especially goes for the '98 iteration of Vash--the "did it hurt when you fell from Heaven" pickup line. Feel free to respond with "yeah, actually, a lot" to get him sputtering and scrambling to apologize.
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When you explain it to him, he's very quiet at first, running all possible responses through his head. What he doesn't say (but is thinking) is that he's thankful you're not human (because admitting he loves a human is an utterly impossible feat!).
He also hopes, deep down, that since you're inhuman, you might better understand his intentions for a world without humans. (Of course, if you're the kind of angel who's sent to help humans, this goes against your direct orders... cue troubles!)
He has a deep respect for your otherworldly self, being not of the planet himself, so he takes a lot of time to study and understand you to the fullest.
He's especially intrigued if you have repeating features--multiple eyes, pairs of wings, floating motes of flame, spinning golden rings, that kind of stuff. He really enjoys symmetry and repetition. (Vash does, too, but he'll appreciate from afar.)
He encourages you to take your "natural" form more often, rather than sculpting yourself into a more humanoid form. If this more "natural" form is imperceptible/cosmically incomprehensible to him, he won't mind. (Okay, he might be a little sad if he can't see you in all your blazing glory, but he won't make it obvious.)
I think there's definitely a case here for a "fallen angel" type deal--you've fallen from the sins of humanity, and now you've joined up with Knives in order to restore what should have been. Or maybe you find more worth in each other...
End notes: I finished this up on mobile so the formatting might be off. I promise I'll fix it tomorrow!
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salad-o-malley · 16 days
I think im gonna need to Hide Tumblr from myself, Before I get a weekly streak of absuing the ask button!...Haha, I've honestly gotten curious way to curious and I know curiosity killed the cat but maybe im more of a dog? Lol, your Ocs are just all so lovely and make me wanna beg like a Victorian child in need of food. I just can't get enough of them. You're amazing at character design! And that had me wondering if you've ever considered getting into writing? From one of your newer but still old videos, you mentioned that you're oc world lives rent-free in your head, and that made me relate to you alot my world is always getting built in my head and one I started written my Ocs storys not in a lore format but more in a story way as if i was writing a book it just seemed to help me place everything together and was curious if you tried or do write storys with you're ocs while most people on here dont like reading Oc stuff if you did ever write something and shared it on here id jump to be the first to read it. (My apologies for all the asks I spend to much time on here...haha.) As an Oc ask im way to invested in learning your Ocs lore well more like world lore from that one video I mentioned earlier Id always been way to eager to know more about the complicated Oc universe so as an actual ask to not waste your time hows Seren's universe set up hes an Incubus/Succubus so that must mean his universe has some sort of hell given he's friends with Rouge (From your pinterest post I think Seren being a sore loser is hilarious.) And from your All of my god ocs plus any one who Relevent video Alodias and Celeste are the first incubus and Angel made so does that mean the god ocs are connected to Serens universe and seeing from the fact Fern and Seren play with there kids dolls and are friends and fern and her husband are hybrids? (Ferns a bunny?...and her husbands a Wolf.) it just makes me curious because that means the universe is filled with alsorts of creatures and then if the god ocs are connected to it, it just seems like a very interesting world and seems very creative and I love it! (Sorry for such a long post...I cant help but abuse the ask button, ill try my best to keep in check!)
So i’m gonna try to make this as simple as I can manage to
basicallyyyy I have different oc universes that all kind of coexist at the same time next to each other while being separate from one another
I’ve categorized them in my head kind of like this;
- god realms (not technically a universe but the gods and all the creatures in their realms know of and can interact with all the other universes)
- serenverse (unofficial name lol): basically just base level stuff, kind of just regular earth with more mystical creatures in it (like succubi/incubi, hybrids, etc) this is the universe most of my ocs kind of get automatically shuffled into if they don’t fit into the specific niche of my other universes in my brain ☝️
- fantasy universe: the universe where all the damn whimsy is. Kings, queens, princes, princesses, mystical/magical creatures are entirely the norm, it’s not like regular earth at all- it’s completely disconnected from anything like that. This is where my ocs like Sephtis, Carlin, Cassiopeia, Lunarus, Reef, Ezekiel, Pluto, Florian etc would be! This is also the universe where *my* gods are the most known, widely accepted, and worshipped!1
- Apocalypse universe: the universe that’s closest to being like our world buuut if everything went to shit because a war machine ruined it all. I made this universe specifically for Khaos and Tigre lmao
now getting into god stuff!1 my gods exist everywhere all the time in allllll the universes regardless if the people in those universes know of them or not
for example, in serenverse, the gods are mostly seen as mythology (like how we’d view the greek gods) though some people do know of/believe in them! The reason for creatures like incubi and angels existing there is because some of the ones born in the gods realms just migrated down there and reproduced annnd there ya go. the timing of that happening would’ve been like millions of years ago so it’s already kind of a norm in that society I suppose
while in apocalypse verse nooone of that “exists”it’s literally just a parallel of our world
BUT in my favorite universe, fantasy, the gods are veryyyy very real to the people there!1
this is gonna get even more confusing I apologize but here we go
each of the major gods has their own realm and creatures that they made to inhabit them-
keveah - incubi/succubi
fallon - angels
keres - fire demons?1?
rosalite - cherubs
Lyrastra - literally every living thing on earth + some magical creatures on certain versions of earth
reaper - he didn’t make anything he’s literally death. though most people’s souls reside in his realm!
anywhozies all of the gods realms are like their own mini universes where they and their creations live! They’re all unique and kind of like their own little towns and cities in there.. I have pinterest boards for their realm inspo but I don’t feel like getting into ALL THAT
okay okay moving on. Specific ocs of mine were born in those realms, like rouge, and have the ability to traverse between realms and certain universes as they please because of that!
in the case of incubi and angels,, angels are never born on any version of earth! They’re always born in fallon’s realm no matter what, so there isn’t really such a thing as an angel born on earth (same goes for cherubs and fire demons.. basically any other creature that isn’t an incubus)
buuut incubi and succubi, because of their nature, are doing whatever the fuck and reproducing willy nilly wherever. So! There’s terms for incubi/succubi born in keveah’s realm versus earth- which would be
born in keveah’s realm; sin born
born on earth; earth born (self explanatory)
sin born incubi and succubi can go from the god realms to earth (whichever version) as they please but earth born incubi/succubi *can’t* because they were born on earth so they don’t have that power!1 whoopee!!2
annnd unfortunately seren happens to be earth born (he’s literally half human) so he can’t do any of the special stuff like that. Rouge just has like.. multiple clubs spanning keveah’s realm and the serenverse because I thought it would be silly lol
anyways that got terribly ramble-y and idk if it made a lot of sense but yeah!!2!? lore kind of?? uh!!! there’s definitely more to this but I need to stop rambling good god
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mochiwrites · 3 months
OMG IM SO SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO MAKE IT SEEM LIKE IM STEALING 😭😭 i mean more using of constant breaks inbetween segments n such for the formatting?? like i know thats a general writing thing but i was never rlly inspired to use it until now! same thing goes for the writing style, like having it jump between other characters povs n such?? ive never done that before and honestly i usually find it disorienting to write but ive began dabbling in that too!! (plus the having the characters thoughts in parentheses like this, i do this for messages n such but ive began slowwwlyy worming it into my writing?? like i rlly like it)
i apologize if i worried you or anything im bad at wording shit but i promise i didnt mean to steal anything or make it sound weird 😭 its all just for my personal works with my ocs that i dont share ^^
sorry again :(
awe no you’re totally okay!!! <3333 I had a feeling that’s what you meant but wanted to clarify just in case ☺️ I’m bad at wording things too so I 100% feel you on that front <333
I’m glad I could inspire some stuff for you :D !!!! I love using line breaks because it makes it Super clear when there’s a scene change of some kind or a time skip — literally one of the best writing tools ever fr fr
and !!!! that’s so valid on sometimes finding pov changes disorienting, I think a lot of it comes down to how it’s done/how smooth it is?? I tend to mostly stick to pov changes in different scenes (i.e. scene 1 being grian’s pov, scene 2 being scar’s) but I’ve found it REALLY fun to pov change in the middle of a scene. the key to that I’ve found is changing to a diff pov when the character is responding to something. it makes it really smooth and you get to go into how that character is thinking/feeling in the moment :D
I really really love pov switches because I like getting into the nitty gritty of how a character is feeling (case in point with like an arrow DFNFNFKK) and it makes the story feel fuller to me if that makes sense?? it adds a lot of weight when you know Exactly how both characters are feeling (unless the writer Doesn’t want you to know immediately hehe)
and :D using the parentheses is always really like. I love using them when a character is having contradictory thoughts and the thoughts in the parentheses are the True feelings or they’re an afterthought kinda deal :3c I’m glad you like using them!!!
but 🥺 I’m glad you could get more than just a story from my writing and find things to try out yourself and work them into your writing too <3333
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possamble · 4 months
(apologies for the horrendous handwriting i did this on a whim on ms paint one day) i did the math for it before to check how many chapters theyve been doing per episode and its been been pretty consistently averaging at ~2. this chart has been correct with episodes 16-20 and i agree that bacon and eggs is a perfect place to end the season. buuut, theyve also been condensing multiparter chapters so i dont know if theyd split up the senshi arc and the dumpling’s chapters? but then if thats the case i dont think they would cover a single chapter by itself. and then another but, the chapter after bacon and eggs is another multiparter and i think it would be really awkward to end the season on only the 1st part of floor one. i genuinely dont know how theyre going to handle the chapter distributions for the final episodes
(the format is chapter title - number of pages ] number of pages combined ep number)
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I was actually thinking about this!! I wonder if they're going to shuffle some of the Kabru/surface stuff around to be able to fit multipart chapters into one, tbh. Or.... Slightly not as great, but cut some of senshi's flashbacks to fit all of his backstory and resolution into one episode.
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hi im anon from (734828727660412928/npd-culture-is-deciding-to-give-up-on-friendships?source=share) (hopefully that link works, I don't use tumblr often so I'm not sure how to go about following up asks on anon). just came back to read this blog during a really bad crash im having right now because it cheers me up to know im not alone in having symptoms of this disorder and saw my ask got posted...
(update on friend situation) just today they said in the group chat theyre all drawing gift art for each other and other friends... i'm still waiting on the paid art from them but they're doing art trades and stuff for free so i feel kind of like trash. im a bit of a bleeding heart though so im gonna give them like one more month before telling them not to bother finishing the art for me... id love my money back because it did cost a LOT of money but i dont want to be a dick so im just going to express my disappointment by telling them not to worry about the commission at all. i want to feel like i have some right to be mad in this situation but im very soft hearted and dont really have any other friends so if i lost these friends id have literally nobody else in my life :( and that kinda feels like hell for me to think about... i feel like im being treated like dirt but im still going to go christmas shopping for them.............. even if i feel like shit, i feel shittier if i dont get people gifts and stuff because i just think to myself, like, "i feel like crap if nobody buys me shit for holidays or my fucking own birthday and i dont want other people to feel that way".....
also im feeling a little sad because whenever my friends talk about their friends they dont even refer to me by name theyll go "[friend a name], [friend b name] and oomfie are in our server" or something. im not even a name to them... i feel like the last kid picked on a team but not even the last pick. like have you guys ever been on a sports team and you kinda got awkwardly waved over to one of the teams because nobody even wanted to pick you? yeah.
i wonder if im just really dense and need to pick up on hints that people dont even want to be around me. i even tried to post this video game i started working on lately because i thought it was really interesting and cool and i put my soul into it but everyone just ignored it in the group chat.
i think the social outcast route is probably my best bet at this rate, i think. im going to be pretty fucking depressed about limiting my social interactions but i think the depression from isolation isnt as bad as getting constant narc crashes from people not putting even a tiny bit of energy into friendships. like.. i honestly am not asking for very much. i get fucking narc highs if someone uses my fucking name in a conversation. i get highs from literally the bare minimum fucking interaction of anything directed in my direction im so desperate....
i wasnt going to write up a follow up ask but i just wanted to say thanks to this blog for existing and making me feel like im not completely alone and thanks for the nice comments in the reblogs and tags, it cheered me up. you guys are really nice to me and i'm a complete stranger to you all, it makes me feel like theres some hope for nice people existing out there. im just a little too tired to carry on. thank you all, i hope you have a really good day. keep on surviving out there, it's not a kind world to any of us, and it's tough to stay alive at all.
(apologies for another vent but thanks for posting my asks <3 i wish you all the best and nice days to come. also sorry this isnt in the npd culture format, but i just rly wanted to say thank you for the support on the other ask)
sending hugs (with consent) nonny 🫂 i'm so sorry honestly you deserve way better than how your friends are treating you :( i hope at some point you can talk to them about how they're making you feel and improve the situation because it sounds like you deserve better
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lostacelonnie · 3 months
Pls give me part 2 propaganda, I can't convince myself to keep playing the story 😭
(spoilers are totally fine btw)
HI APOLOGIES THAT THIS TOOK SO LONG. im gonna be honest im not very good at convincing people to check stuff out But. whatever. also i know you said youre ok with spoilers but im probably not gonna say too much because, as with any honkai storyline in my experience, the Mystery is a large part of the charm.
what you gotta know going into part 2 is that it isnt original honkai, but its also not Not original honkai. sure, the cast is new [for the most part, at least, several part 1 characters make their way through the narrative from time to time], but at the end of the day it follows the same... vibe? format? i dont know how to name it. as in, for me personally i played it and was like Yeah, this is still honkai. so if youre worried its gonna be completely different from part 1 and 1.5, then dont, because its Not. the weird intrigue and overly complicated yet still fun lore and sudden comedic [and Genuinely Funny, i should say] moments thrown in the middle of serious action are all still here.
second of all. THE CAST IS VERY FUN!!! genuinely i love love love allllll of them [although, songque has definitely taken my heart I FUCKING LOVE SONGQUE!!!!!]. actually all of the seven shus are very good characters!! its very clear that this is mainly Their story, that this is their doing and their world, and none of them are dispensable, so to say. BUT THE ENTIRE CAST IS JUST AMAZING I PROMMY. theyre genuinely fun to experience!!! i love them so much!!! arrghgh. i also deeply love how the main group meets some random girl and decides Not only are we gonna undoom your entire world but were gonna undoom YOU too. none of that self sacrifice shit if they can help it [spoiler: they couldnt help it but sa knows they tried.]
WHICH LEADS ME INTO THE NEXT POINT. if you Really Really need something to convince you, and you liked part 1.5 [which i hope you did, salt snow arc ON TOP!], then. sa is literally there. im DESPERATELY trying to avoid spoilers Myself but i can tell you that She definitely has something to do with this i mean. omniscient power trying to destroy a bubble universe with a group of semi-random people of multiple world fighting against it? doesnt that sound familiar. also perception can change the defeat screen text just like sa could. also the perception fight uses a background from vita's. also after lantern's fight, theres a section of the ost from vita's. also VITA IS LITERALLY THERE. as i said idk what Exactly is going on but IM SO EXCITEDDD ARHRRRHGHGH
I COULD GO ON FOREVER BUT ILL JUST SAY THIS. PLEAAAASE PLEASE PLAY IT. if you play the current chapter [a crime foretold] and decide its not your thing then i completely understand but for me personally it was the exact thing that Really got me into p2 so pleaase please give it a chance. we need more p2 warriors. we need more songque warriors
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my-castles-crumbling · 9 months
Dancer anon advice
Hi all! Someone wrote me about some advice, I'm just copy and pasting it here so I can add a 'read more' line and format it a bit differently than usual so I can keep my thoughts in order!
Italics is their writing
Bold is mine
i noticed ppl were using this blog to ask about stuff, so here goes ig?
(also im sorry this was going to be me asking about gender stuff but now its just kinda my life story 😭 if you dont want to answer this, you can just write a post saying like. dancer anon i dont feel comfortable answering this or whatever)
Ahhhh, you all need to stop apologizing! I never mind helping!
im afab, and i feel like i never really fit in with gender? like, i would always be so jealous of my feminine friends but i didnt feel good when dressing feminine myself
i also take dance classes (i started at around 6/7) and i felt like i had to wear all the skirts and shit because i wanted to be pretty like the other dancers, and i felt really terrible after a few years of that, because i hated how i looked in them and how i looked when i danced
(i also used to have a dance teacher whos hands were always cold and thats all i can remember about him but i really hated dancing with him and would get relieved when classes were over. ive hated dancing with boys/men ever since)
and it got like. really bad. i believe? (my memory is actually terrible. i cant remember anything for the life of me, so it could be my mind overexaggerating, but anyways.)
i would always ask for me and my teacher to just do stretching because i hated how i looked when i danced because i hated the skirts and everything because i hate my legs and how they look when bare. i hated attending dance classes because people would see me and see my legs and see how i looked and i felt terrible all the time (i think i was around 9 or 10 at this age?)
so one day i had a whole crying fit and my dance teacher told me that i dont have to wear skirts or whatever, i can wear pants and shit (i was so fucking relieved. istg. i now wear skirts to dance only like. couple times a year maybe)
and then soon enough covid happened! (also keep in mind that i grew up like. really sheltered. i did not know what gay people/transgender people were until i read fanfiction about warrior cats 😭)
and i was so delighted! because on distance learning, no one would see me and be able to judge me for how i dress or whatever
at around this time, my fear of everyone masculine really grew. its still there. im fucking terrified of all men. i cant help it. like every boy man masculine person. i get so scared. i hate it. i hate it so much
but then covid came to a halt, yk, school started again .-. i felt like shit, honestly. i didnt have ANY clothes i felt comfortable in. my hair felt too long and "feminine" and i wanted to cut it for the longest time. my clothes made me feel terrible. i hated how the leggings would wear on my legs and how my sweaters would show my body shape and how my butt looked (i still really hate how it looks. why is it big. i dont want it to be i hate it so much)
yeah so there i am, feeling dysphoric as shit (i did not know what that was, back then, by the way, but i believe thats what i was feeling)
didnt help that my only friend was a toxic, lying, manipulating bitch who led people on for fun and always expected everyone to worship at her feet
after a while, i discovered different labels! (bisexual was the first label i had for myself. i felt good with it, ig?)
and then i got to the gender situation. i used so many girl alligned terms because i was so scared of being percieved as the very thing i am terrified of (masculine ppl). i went through demigirl, girlflux, genderfae, genderfluid, i beleive, maybe somethign else too, because i wanted to stay connected to being a girl.
Okay so here, I want to ask, what's the reason to wanting to say connected with being a girl? Is it feeling like you are partially a girl? Not wanting to be connected to masculinity? Not wanting to let go of the 'girlhood' that you grew up with? None of these reasons are bad but I think thinking about this more might help you figure out your gender.
around this time i started doing leader steps for dance. the euphoria i felt. please.
ahhhhh wait! I do ballroom, too! I'm a follower, though. what's your favorite? I LOVE tango. Okay, sorry, I got distracted.
found out i was a lesbian, used nonbinary but with she/they pronouns and felt like shit whenever anyone called me she but didnt want to make a big deal about using they
ooo, okay here- asking for your correct pronouns isn't 'making a big deal.' it's asking for what you need and asking for respect.
found out i was aroace because "people actually find video game characters attractive?" 😭
thought i might feel better as a boy? cut my hair. i loved it so much (i still do) (that was may of last year) got baggy clothes. covered up my figure. did leader steps for dance.
over the summer i started using labels such as agender? which i feel like fits me?
anyway, thats the life story part, now for the part about what the fuck am i
i feel like shit whenever im called a girl or refered to with feminine terms. im not sure if it would classify as dysphoria or not, becuase i dont feel /that/ bad about it, but it still ruins my mood and kinda makes me want to cry.
okay so here's the thing. not 'feeling THAT bad' doesn't mean anything. Dysphoria is dysphoria. and this is dysphoria. Just because you're not throwing up in a corner doesn't mean your feelings aren't valid.
if my grandma calles me granddaughter, girl, whatever in russian, it automatically ruins my mood. makes me feel terrible. i hate it.
i dont feel as bad when my sister calls me her sister, though, for some reason.
Okay! So for me, I hate being called a lady, but I don't mind my wife calling me her wife. Again, this is all completely valid <3
when i get called by she/her i hate it so much. i dont want to make a big deal about asking for they/them - sometimes my friends remeber, sometimes they dont.
ive never tried he pronouns, dont think i want to.
they/them pronouns dont give me that much euphoria either, its just like. ok
Okay! Have you tried neopronouns? If you're not interesting in those, it could just be that they/them is what feels best. And that's okay, too!
another thing. my friend has another nonbinary friend. she always genders them correctly, but almost never me. it makes me feel like shit, like she cares more about getting their pronouns than mine, even though i know that thats not a good mindset and shit.
*loud buzzer sound* wrong. Your friend should be gendering everyone correctly, not just some people. Good friends care about making their friends feel comfortable, and this friend is making you uncomfortable. Would you feel comfortable talking to them about it?
also, heres some more on my fear of men because who doesnt love being scared out of their wits irrationally :D
my dance teacher had to leave to go back to where she lives, so they gave me a male teacher (i tend to only have female ones.)
i would be in tears every lesson. i felt like shit. (also i hate the sound of peoples voices and he would always be talking and i hate it so much because his voice, amongst others, is one of the ones that hurts my ears the most.) i even went to my mom to ask her for a change which helped ig? my new teacher is really nice and i love her so,,, yeah
Okay, I want to stop here to say- a lot of this has to do with gender, right? But this particular response seems to be rooted in trauma. Without prying too much, I am wondering if there is something that happened with a man or masculine-presenting person or people? You do NOT have to share with me, but this might be something to explore with a trusted person in your life. I mean, there is a chance it's gender-related, but in the most loving way, there seems to be something deeper going on here.
anyway, you dont have to answer this, i was going to just ask for help with labels and feeling like theres no correct label for me (i use agender now, for simplicity, because i dont feel connected to having a gender at all)
So I guess my question is, how do you feel about the agender label? When I looked up the definition, it seems to be defined as exactly what you described- someone not having a gender at all.
Also, remember that your gender identity and expression are two different things! You can identify as agender (or any of the other things you mentioned) and still choose to dress however feels most comfortable and use whatever pronouns feel most comfortable. There are no set rules except: do what feels most genuine and comfortable!
if you do want to answer this but dont want to use this large of an ask on your blog, just call me dancer anon, i will see and understand 👍
again, sorry for dumping all of this on you
ahhhhhhh don't be sorry, you are a wonderful human!
have a wonderful day
you, too! please message me if you want to talk more! <3
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iridescentpull · 4 months
Okay this may be an annoying question..so sorry to bother you lol.
But, how the fuck do you go about writing a fanfic?? Like what’s your process to writing, being able to plan it all out, and format it?
I have so many ideas for my own fics, but I always get stumped in the actually doing it part. Partly because I have no confidence in my writing abilities, and because I just get overwhelmed and discouraged to actually try. I feel like I have no clue what I’m doing lol. But the itch in my brain to actually sit down and try ain’t leaving.
I have a lot of respect for your writing abilities, all your stuff is just so good. So anyways, if you have any advice, that would be great!
No dont apologize! Its not an annoying question ♡
When I get an idea, I really just start writing it. I worry about smoothness and grammar and stuff like that later, I just start to get the idea going. Starting to write the fic gets my brain moving, and before I know it I'm already deep skdndjjejd
For fics with multiple chapters, I plan them like this:
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I've been writing fics since 2017, and all I cam day is– practice! The more you write, the more you slowly get more confident in your abilities and learn what works out best for you. I didn't write glkd fics at the start, and thats okay. We all start somewhere <3
[Tysm im honored!! Your words seriously mean so much <3]
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whatsnewalycat · 2 years
Can you tell me more about your writing process?
I’m literally enthralled by your writing and want to know everything about how you approach your ideas — once you get one, what are your next steps?
You’re phenomenal ❤️
Oh man ok let’s see. I apologize in advance for how long this is (I, too, don’t want to be this intense, I promise).
Once I get an idea that I’m stoked about, the extent to what I do next depends on if it’s a series or a one shot, but I’ll usually try to get a handle on the main characters involved. If it’s a one shot it’s almost entirely vibes, I stg, I just wing the characters and storyline, but follow the same kind of editing process as I do series chapters.
If it’s a series, I’ll make a folder for the series in my notes app, and a note for each main character and start writing down ideas for their main characteristics and backstories. This is usually when I make a Spotify playlist for the series.
Then I make a rough outline for the story based on these characters and the initial idea.
From there I can kind of tell what things I want to do more research into before starting writing. I’ll make a note for each of those things and dump anything I find helpful or interesting into the notes. Like… for Psychomanteum I have notes with: links to tabloid articles, excerpts from research papers on psychomanteums, quotes from this book on grief, excerpts from and links to articles on sexual grieving, etc etc.
After this I go back to the characters and flesh them out a little more. I’ll look at lists of characteristics, make sims (seriously), watch the source material for PP characters, look at character archetypes, and think of people I know IRL for inspiration. Then once I think I know them, I revisit the outline and tweak it accordingly.
When I’m ready to start writing a chapter, which i dont start to do for honestly like… months after the initial idea, I’ll make an outline for each of the scenes I want and start trying to write them. I’ll just kind of word vomit out my ideas and try my hardest not to deal w the parts i think are crappy right away (which is hard because, despite what a chaotic mess I am, I am a fucking perfectionist). Most of the time I end up either not strictly sticking to the outline or writing alternative scenes, too, because idk sometimes it feels like the characters wouldn’t do that??? And I like to have options?
Once i write all the scenes, I take a break for at least a day, then back in and reread and tweak things like, I don’t know, one million fucking times 😂 I end up rewriting a lot of pieces and fleshing things out when I do this though.
When I mostly like it and cut out all the things I don’t want (I always save these scraps in a separate doc because I might want to use some stuff later), I smoke some weed, read a bunch of poetry, put on my playlist, and edit it again. If I ever refer to “the stoned edit” this is it lol. I always end up adding a lot more sensory details and better explaining emotions when I do this.
Then I read It once or twice more for spelling, grammar, formatting, fine tooth comb stuff. I’ll usually post it and immediately find some errors anyway 🥰 but what can ya do lol.
AHHHHH hopefully this helps and isnt Just like… me blabbing on about useless shit 😂
OH ALSO! The book “consider this” by chuck palahniuk has been super helpful for me as far as writing tips and stuff. I’ve listened to that audiobook like... four times because I can’t remember shit ever lmfaooo It’s always helpful imo. I also really like to listen to audiobooks of horror novels and find them inspiring because they’re usually so visceral and engrossing.
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