#i dont know colors and it sucks trust me but any other person on the planet is better to ask
moeblob · 3 months
Wait is Stahl brown hair or gray hair??
And then the wiki description says he has Olive hair like ??? What color is that green?
It's not a thing against you I just periodically forget how strange of a hair color Stahl's is and become more confused later.
Hey, sorry to inform you but uh... you're asking the wrong person. I used to think he had light brown hair and colored it light brown for years and then was told by someone it was weird to see it with brown hair and I was like "what do you mean he doesn't have brown hair".
I just use the color picker tool for most art and back then I didn't use it from the 3DS sprites and just. Thought I was right. It was clearly light brown. (it's not light brown, it's more greenish)
I think I used color picking from FEH art for the greenish-gray color I color it now? But that's only after coloring his hair incorrectly for literal years. And then I tend to pull up old art I've done/colored to color pick that for consistency so I just am a whole mess of "I don't know what Stahl's hair color is and I have come to terms with it".
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lanaactuallyabanana · 2 months
Okayyy, so I decided since the last matchup I asked for ended up being *cough* The name we do not speak *cough*, I decided Imma ask for a redo on this cause... Yeah, I think you can tell why lol. I've changed since last year and that's gonna be noticeable in the updated matchup!
5'6 with semi-long, wavy, brunette hair and amber eyes. I have lots of freckles and glasses that have a black, square frame. In Summer, I usually wear pants and a tshirt, or shorts and a sweater. If I'm not wearing that, I'm probably wearing a dress. (Outfit reference is at the bottom). I have received a lot of support when it comes to my anxiety and while I have my moments, I am more comfortable being loud and energetic out in public. I'm a cat person and my love language is physical touch/affection, that hasn't changed in the slightest. I'm super big of PDA, I love hand holding, kissing, etc. Obviously nothing too much. No making out in public, just like pecks on the cheek.
To narrow down some other stuff, I'm straight, but no hate goes to the LGBTQ+ community, they super chill. I love nicknames, love stuffed animals, and love love love band. I'm a flute, as you know, and while I do suck at practicing, I'm not bad at it. I've met all my super duper close friends through band (including Jackie, she's a retired Saxophonist). I have a music stand in my room.
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Just for reference, I do like brighter colors like blues and oranges and reds and purples or violets.
Also, just to give a vibe check for the matchup:
Spotify ✅
YouTube ✅
Books ✅
Pinterest ✅✅✅✅✅
Take your time getting to this, I know I'm kinda flooding your inbox!
Eat, drink lots of water, take time to rest, take your time getting to this!!!!
-Kenzzzz :))))
i literally love hearing about you guys and your personalities, matchups are so funsies for me teehee (some of yall might think im a lil crazy for this matchup but trust the process)
, streamer matchups !
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
you have been matched with ... dream!
okay the first thing i thought about was height, i know some ppl dont rly care about it BUT
if you're 5'6...
and he's 6'2...
do we see the vision????
okay but srsly the height difference would actually drive people insane (including me.)
also yalls eyes would be so contrasting yet so complimenting towards each other (your hazel eyes + his green eyes)
y'all doing sorta matching outfits
like not completely the same print/pattern or that kinda thing
but like similar colors or formal/casual wear if that makes sense
just outfits that compliment each other cause its cutesy
hes the type of person to also comfort you in times when ur anxious or nervous in any situation
he could literally be on a meeting call but if he sees you needing him for something, he'll hang up instantly
you're the most important thing in the world to him out of everything
he loves holding your hands like holy shit
you have to pull this mans fingers off you so you can grab something or go somewhere else
the hand size difference omg im screaming
hugs omg
either hug you from behind from your waist or normal hugs but he'll lean down and place his head on your head
he loves to help you practice (former band kid writing this 🙋‍♀️)
page flipping on your stand
if you ever need a tuning he'll have it tuned asap for you
he has a metronome and tuner app on his phone for you
you helping him with music stuff
he loves getting your opinion on everything he does cause he trusts u sm
hes also constantly giving you stuffed animals
he prob built something like that for you cause he kept giving you so many
no complaints here tho 🤷‍♀️
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
i loved writing this tehehehehehehehehhehehe !!! i hoped u guys enjoyed!
thank you to @catswithroses for the lovely ask <3
please support me and my writing by liking, replying, commenting, reblogging and following me! it means the world
love u guys xoxoxo
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yooniesim · 1 year
any suggestions for becoming a sims based blog? I used to do it back in the hayday of sims 3 but it's been YEARS and I still absolutely love making sims, but I'm too shy and nervous to interact with the community ;;;
hi nonny! this is a complicated question that I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask lol but let me try it out. I think I'm gonna separate it into two parts for ease of reading. And sorry if it's a bit more cynical than you probably expected. I've just learned a lot i wish I had done from the start, lol. So here we go.
Sims content
Post whatever tf you feel like. If you love making sims, post the hell outta them and don't worry about what anyone thinks. There's no one perfect type of content to appeal to everyone; the community is made up of a million smaller niche ones. Editors, sim makers, gameplayers, storytellers, cc makers, etc. If you're passionate about it, you'll find people that love your posts. So don't worry too much.
Don't get too hung up on editing, if you want your pics to look "better" then use gshade/reshade and/or simple psd actions to your liking. Don't let it get stressful cos it ain't worth it. If you don't enjoy editing, don't do it at all. (I wrote more about how I edit & make it easier in this post)
Try your very best not to worry about notes. I know it's hard. Everyone wants their stuff to be seen, but when it comes to engagement on here, you're aiming for quality over quantity. A few awesome mutuals commenting on your stuff is way better than 600 silent likes. Also, having more attention sucks bc it brings the vile swamp rats out of their holes to see what shit they can stir up. The brief serotonins aint worth it. Just aim to find a few cool ppl to talk about your sims with cos thats all that matters.
If you want, find bachelor/ette or similar challenges ppl are doing and submit sims for them. And once you get some mutuals/followers, open sim requests so you can make sims for people. It's super fun and awesome to see your sims in other people's games! And you don't have to talk too much if you don't feel like it, but it's an easy way to get involved with others.
Social stuff & safety
Comment on peoples posts often if you like them. Engage with ppl. Reblog posts you see you like but don't really have any reblogs. I know you said you're shy but, this is most of the way to actual have mutuals that enjoy talking to you and comment on your stuff as well. You can just not talk if you want but it'll make it harder to have any engagement unless you're really good at edits or cc making.
Don't get involved with drama/discourse, it means nothing and amounts to nothing. If you're going to boost someone else's post, look into it first and look for evidence that it's even true before you reblog. If people hate on you in your inbox, block the anon and don't respond even to laugh at them. Block anyone that gives you bad vibes. They look at you funny, breathe wrong, use a color you don't like. Block. If anyone tries to start shit with you, block & completely ignore them & don't comment on it. It hurts, but there's nothing you can do about it, and people will move on if you ignore them.
Don't reveal any personal info about yourself on here or to anyone in DMs. Don't use your real name. Don't have anything connected to your other socials. Don't trust anyone on here with your vulnerable emotions, past trauma, etc. And don't say anything in DM you wouldn't feel comfortable with everyone else on the internet potentially seeing.
If you pledge to people on patreon, be aware that your email will show up on their end when you do. Dont use your real name as your patreon username.
If simblr is causing you stress, you feel like your mental health is suffering, take breaks. Log off or delete the app for a while.
And... I think that's all I can think of for now. If there's anything else detailed you wanna ask about feel free. But these are just my general thoughts. Good luck, nonny :)
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katsotherworld · 1 year
Book 3 Chosen House of Night
My ramblings throughout the book.
Shawnee is described as caramel colored.
"Man purse" as opposed to just a purse or a bag?
I totally agree that birthday gifts that are holiday themed just because its the day of or right before/after is stupid, unless the birthday person is obviously and overjoyously a fan of said holiday.
Like you don't give Christmas themed gifts on Christmas, so why would you if they're born in December?
Heath coming in to save/ruin the day by revealing Zoe's birthday hatred lol.
Ok, 16/17 is old enough to realize that 50 something isn't that old.
Of course The People of Faith have their own edition of the Bible.
I hate that Linda was manipulated and abused into cutting off her daughter and mother. And when she wanted to free it was at one of the worst moments.
Also, does Zoey never miss her siblings? She doesn't seem to care about them at this point in the series.
I'm definitely remembering why I hated Eric, like I remembered but now I'm really remembering.
Also, Zoey's slut shaming is fucking annoying, like honey, it's normal to be sexually interested if you're interested in sex.
I want Stark, not Eric, like I just want my archer baby not the asshole actor who has a lesson to learn thst isn't learned for a few more books.
"Kinky Freak Boy" that's just so gross Zoey.
And Eric is right about Loren looking at Zoey not like a student and he's her teacher.
Teenagers should be taught what Grooming is, I wish they'd have called it that in these books because its Grooming and teens are so unaware about things that they don't realize an adult shouldn't be interested in them.
"Shawnee's chocolate colored eyes"
"He called me a woman." "He always mademe feel so grown, so womanly" statements made from a teen girl about a adult man grooming her.
"I've always been drawn to confident woman. You don't any idea how how special you are, do you Zoey? You're unique, not like any of those other fledglings. You're a goddess among those who think themselves demi-gods."
"I thought adult vampires weren't supposed to have relationships with fledglings.
"We're not supposed to, its highly improper. But sometimes there's an attraction between two people that transcends the vampire fledgling boundary, as well as age and impropriety. Do you believe in that kind of attraction, Zoey?"
"I didn't like seeing his [the age appropriate boyfriend] hands all over you?" Loren Blake
"I dont have any right to be angry at you for being eith Eric, it's not even my business." Loren Blake
"Do you want it to be you're business?" Zoey Redbird.
"More than I can tell you. I belive its my turn for a birthday kiss." Loren Blake
"No one can know about us" kisses her then proceeds to give her diamond earrings.
After being invited back to the teacher's room for sex she then panics because she doesn't want to have sex yet, but wants an excuse that isn't "juvenile"
I'll be waiting for you to come put me out of my misery.
"As I said, You're not like the rest of those fledgling children. And I happen to adhere to the belief that some rules are meant to be broken." -groomer Loren Blake again.
Also, if Nyx gives Zoe all these gut feelings why wouldn't she stop her from getting raped by Loren.
Nyx waits till after Zoe is imprinted with an adult vampire to let her know not to trust him with knowing Negerete's dark deeds.
Why didn't Nyx stop this shit.
Zoe deserved better than walking in on the Neferet and Loren situation.
God, Zoey's friends fucking suck. Like why the fuck are they so stupid. Like so fucking stupid. And if anyone would be aware of fucking GROOMING Damian would know that Loren was fucking in the wrong. I get the twins being a little awkward about it but Damien should know that he was Grooming her.
And so begins the Eric showing his true colors saga.
I just love Stevie Rae.
Zoe not knowing what the mysterious excruciating pain is sucks for her from a lack of knowledge stand point.
Darius is the absolute best. Like he is just the fucking best. I'm glad he gets to be a permanent character.
Welp, that ended on a note for sure.
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copyrightcreep · 9 months
The rest of the numbers for the ask thingy 👀
lets do thisss 1. What is you middle name? is gonn be Leon 2. How old are you? 20 3. When is your birthday? 14 of august 4. What is your zodiac sign? Leo 5. What is your favorite color? orange 6. What’s your lucky number? 8 7. Do you have any pets? a bunny named Mochi 8. Where are you from? space -i mean the netherlands 9. How tall are you? 5'8 (175 cm) 10. What shoe size are you? 41 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4. 1 pair work boots. 2 pair everyday shoe and 1 set flipflops 12. What was your last dream about? either space or dying. cant quite remember 13. What talents do you have? i do the writey writey of poems 14. Are you psychic in any way? yesarooni. i feel presences 16. Favorite movie? venom/Alien 17. Who would be your ideal partner? someone who knows me 18. Do you want children? nada 19. Do you want a church wedding? heck to the no 20. Are you religious? not exactly 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? multiple times. baby i'm wreck 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? not that i remember? 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? depends on who's a celebrity. i've met dutch celebrity. 24. Baths or showers? baths for wallow tired times and showers for sport and swim 25. What color socks are you wearing? they be black with a green cactus and a yellow teriier 26. Have you ever been famous? nope 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? only if i could use my influence to help people 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? in the sauna yes. in the wild, no. 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 4, sometimes 5. 31. What position do you usually sleep in? whatever gets me to fall asleep 32. How big is your house? average. 4 small bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. 1 seperate toilet. and 1 big livingroom and kitchen. 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? bread with butter and peanut butter 34. Have you ever fired a gun? nope 35. Have you ever tried archery? yes! i sucked- 36. Favorite clean word? popty ping or heck 37. Favorite swear word? fuck 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 50 hours? 39. Do you have any scars? ...plenty. none of which i'm proud of. 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? dont know, dont care tbh 41. Are you a good liar? when i want to/need to be 42. Are you a good judge of character? average. i trust a lil too easy heh 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? not well, but i can do a belgium one. i also switch from american to british according to an old teacher. 44. Do you have a strong accent? when i speak english? yes. Dutch? not really. 45. What is your favorite accent? scottish and australian. 46. What is your personality type? cant be fucked to do the quiz. but i like people soemtimes and sometimes i dont. 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? smash into pieces hoodie 48. Can you curl your tongue? yeppers 49. Are you an innie or an outie? innie
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eustochium · 1 year
Thank you for your answer to my ask.. do u think it's justified to break up with someone because they made out with someone else? I did that a few years ago and cut a man off very dramatically and suddenly am feeling regret now about how I reacted after just blocking all my feelings post-break up (I want you to be like 'yes it's justified' btw). Not to be crazy but I do feel like he was sort of a soulmate connection and I kind of feel like I just want to exchange a few words with him just because we had such a deep friendship(?)/connection that just was completely cut off by... me.. do you know how to get closure?
It's gnawing away at me knowing I didn't deal with it very maturely back then and now i'm getting my karmic return by having to think about it for months! Oh and also I blocked him on like... everything so it would be weird of me to contact him now and I don't even feel like i'd want to message him really just idk.. I think I need to figure out how to actually let someone go but it's such a delayed emotional response that all the guides online are for when you've just recently broken up with someone. Sorry for bombarding you with this btw u dont have to answer obvs u just seem wise and your post made me think all about my own experience with cheating. <3
hey no need to apologize ! this response is gonna be super long but let’s get into it.
honestly—i get it. i don’t wanna get too public about my present situation right now because things are. weird for me right now lol but suffice to say: i know exactly what it feels like to truly love someone and experience what genuinely feels like a once in a lifetime soulmate-level of connection and then learn they betrayed your love and your trust. it’s an absolute and utter soul-crushing feeling that shakes the foundations of everything you thought you knew. like, i think pretty much any emotional reaction short of anything truly egregious (e.g., cheating back, or straight up violence, etc) is justifiable and understandable, so i don’t think your response was immature at all. had you tried to forgive him and carry on the relationship, you might have found yourself struggling to move on from it, carrying resentment, struggling to re-establish trust, and created a much longer lasting and far more miserable situation. had you broken things off but not blocked him, you might have either been more easily tempted to keep tabs on him (literally digital equivalent of self harm), reach out to him in moments of sadness or loneliness or anger, or be more tempted to respond if he attempted to reach out, while still being mired in anger and hurt without being able to fully take stock of your own feelings. very sincerely i think you made a good move.
as to how you’re feeling now: grieving sucks, delayed grief really sucks. losing someone you cared about in a very sudden and upsetting manner, even if you were the one who justifiably chose to remove them from your life due to their own actions, is still a loss. not only did you lose that person and their place in your life, but you also lose and grieve the person you thought that they were, and you also lose and grieve the potential you felt in that relationship and possibly the future you thought you had with this person. from what i gather it seems like your anger about the situation at the time (understandably!) overpowered any other feelings associated with that grief, and it therefore took a long while for any other feelings to set in. it’s completely understandable that even years later feelings of longing and regret are still cropping up.
unfortunately i’m not going to definitively tell you whether or not you should reach out to him (sorry) but regardless of whether you do or don’t, a few things i think you definitely should do: ask yourself if you’re looking at the relationship through a rose-colored retrospective. memory can distort and idealize things—prior to this incident of infidelity, were there other issues in this relationship or with this person that you’ve let fall by the wayside? were there red flags prior to that? were there any reasons that gave you any nagging doubts prior to that? beyond that, you should definitely take stock of where you’re at in life and what other factors might be stirring up these specific feelings for you. do you feel otherwise lonely or unfulfilled in some way, and you feel the idea of this relationship would resolve that? do you think that could be better filled with hobbies, spiritual pursuits, community involvement, more investment in other/platonic relationships? do you feel like you need more closure on the situation? one thing i’ve found is that closure, even about a relationship, tends to be elusive when we seek it from others—i think it’s generally something we can only provide for ourselves, and that typically comes from making peace with our own past decisions, taking what lessons we need from them, and trying to do better moving forward. have you been experiencing deeper feelings of self-doubt that might be contributing to why you might feel regret about your decision? i struggle a lot with general self-doubt, like, pretty much all the time, in literally everything lol. really the only thing that helps here is going back to the idea of making peace with oneself and genuinely trying your best to accept that you have inherent value, you are capable of good, and acting upon that principle is the best you can do.
IF you do end up reaching out to him, and he’s willing to reconnect: it’s crucial to bring up why you ended things, and don’t dismiss or downplay (to him or to yourself) how it made you feel. since it’s been years, and i’m assuming you’re both fairly young, it IS possible he’s felt remorse for what he’s done and has grown and changed since then—though possible doesn’t mean certain. if you have that conversation, pay very, very close attention to how he responds. if he’s fully accountable, recognizes why he did wrong, and seems genuinely sorry for what he did—and his subsequent actions reflect that—you can go from there. if he makes excuses, makes justifications, or suggests that you were somehow irrational for being upset and ending things, then you unfortunately have your answer (even if it’s not a good one) that the relationship and that person were not then and still not are what you thought they were. and that sucks, but at least it might quell your doubt and regret and allow you to grieve and move on in peace. you are deserving of love, you are deserving of honesty, and you are deserving of a partner and relationship that you can trust and feel emotionally safe with.
i sincerely wish you the best of luck in whatever path you follow ❤️
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eepyyeepy · 1 year
Oh i love these! So:
33 ilove my eyes, there hazel and depending on what colors I wear they can be green gold or grey. So what part of you is your favorite?
47 I like to think my browser history should go to the grave with me, like I trust my partner (when I had one 🥺) but I feel like that is private private, what about you?
72 when the person I'm with pulls me in to whisper into my ear but kisses or bites my neck or ear I MELT, is there anything non sexual that some can do to you that really amps you up?
Also you recently started following me so I figured a follow back was good taste but now I know you have a more dominant blog and I'm very interested
Ps we are now friends - 🐇
I appreciate you summing up the questions by the number cause id have to keep going back to check otherwise heh
33. Id have to say the same for myself! And we have very similar eyes it seems 👀 but mine usually stay brown or green with like a gold ring around it. Im not super happy with my body but yea I like my eyes!
47. Heh yea my browser history is fucked~ lots of me exploring and seeing if I do or dont like stuff by just jumping into it a little bit heh. But the last partner I was with was kinda restrictive with that kind of stuff. Thats a long story. That kind of stuff wasnt really allowed at all which I thought was fine but yea anyways
72. Yes this would make me melt into a puddle as well! But I think something as simple as a random compliment of something small. Or even just asking about stuff I like and seeming genuinely interested makes me heart melt and also makes me h o r n y. Also kissing on the lips of any kind is a weaknessss
And yes! Thank you! It took ages for me to answer this combination of me passing tf out and getting sucked into a movie but! Dm me and Ill tell you the name of that other blog but be warned its VERY different than this one ❤️
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inactive334884 · 2 years
I was extremely dissapointed when I saw the lust, wrath, greed and pride rings designs of their cities and how they looked/behaved as characters, this is coming from the person who's into mythology because they are interesting to look at.
The seven deadly sins in the show don't even feel threatening at all, from what I saw in some scenes are: Satan runs some sort of gym, Asmodeus runs a sex club, Mammon is a rockstar and as for lucifer i don't know. It feels like i'm looking at different characters rather than what they're supposed to be, deadly and threatening.
I'm kinda worried of how the Envy, Sloth and Gluttony rings are gonna look like in this show.
(Sorry if I bothered you, just wanted to give out my opinion)
We haven’t seen Mammon or Satan yet?
Unless this was a name mistake?
We’ve only seen Lucifer and Asmodeus.
But with your main point, I can definitely see where you’re coming from as someone who also tends to be interested in mythology. Trust me, I know what 2D animation is capable of, and the creators clearly have the budget to make colorful and interesting worlds seeing how the inside of Asmodeus’s club looked like. But otherwise, the worlds outside the buildings are just random human looking buildings with a bunch of random ocs.
Nothing engaging, no context, no context behind anything besides the bare minimum of “hell sucks and has jerks lol!” When the Earth in this series is the exact same way besides the humans being entirely stupid. It managed to be less creative and more empty than the stereotypical christian hell from film, how does one even do that??? We dont even know how this type of hell works besides “they’re punished by self indulgence” (yeah right viv…) from the streams and that everyone there are just jerks. Then the fandom keeps wondering “when” we will get genuine lore and world building and are still acting as if we’re only on the pilots, when we’re not, and we’re now in about a total of (including the pilots):
Not joking here.
So trust me Hazbin Fandom (I know that some of you are reading this since you tend to stalk our tags), its not that we’re “waiting for the “real” world building/lore” to begin like it was in the pilots, you’ve already seen half the full picture, the world of Hazbin Hotel just happens to be that empty that we’ve already seen half of the world (Wrath, Greed, Pride, Lust: four rings out of seven!) with the only original places so far being that Greed has a bootleg fair, pride has random buildings and lust having sex clubs. The reason the world feels so empty in this series is because IT IS EMPTY! You have already seen half the world building in the span of the two whole hours.
Even after two hours all that we know about the world is:
Everyone in hell are assholes (wow!)
The only interesting things are from different media altogether.
They have random buildings
Their overlords are rich (wow, you think so?) Their Ring Leaders are demon Elon Musk with random (albeit cheap looking outside of Ozzie’s which, looks nice, but like the rest of the show that’s all it has going for it.) businesses in some random earth looking cities and random demons lying about.
No coherent species lore, no coherent location lore, just… nothing.
The humans are dumb.
Their leaders? (Except they dont have any laws so, more Elon Musk’s?) are Lilith and Lucifer. Except they’re shown here to have just as much power as the other ring leaders, so who’s the leader?
The wrath ring has farmer ocs who “provide?” to the other rings.
Greed has a random theme park that seems to make barely any profit, and the leader owns a bank and is a rockstar because they need a excuse to have more songs apparently? (Laaame….)
Pride has random buildings with neons signs with “sex!” and “drugs!” everywhere.
Lust just being a recolor of Pride.
Yes, theres stream info, but half of that is either forgotten and never becomes canon or is shown in the series in a extremely irrelevant way.
Everything else you all “know” is either headcannons from random theory videos, yourselves, and that’s it. There is truly nothing to see here, and we’re not getting much else later on in the “main place for the world building” (Helluva Boss) seeing how that show mostly takes place on Earth anyway. We know less than a minute’s worth of lore and world building after over two hours of content.
But does anyone know why that’s been the case here for the past three years?
Why you still feel that the “real lore/world” hasn’t started and that you’re “waiting” for it to start still after two years?
It’s because the world of Hazbin Hotel has almost nothing to offer, you’ve already seen half of it’s world, but yet it has nothing really in it outside of Pride recolors and half empty backgrounds. Its below the bare minimum, which is why it feels that “nothing has started” because there is nothing to see besides the occasional sin theme park and Pride recolored over and over and over again and a few differences spread out in between. The actual world building and lore already started over two hours ago after two and a half years of seeing it develop, You’ve already seen half the lore and world building. What “you’ve been waiting for” when it comes to both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss was already here.
It’s not even a full fantasy world, all that we’re seeing is recolored earth with ocs, except even less than Earth since at least we already know the lore/world building of Earth since its based on the world we live in.
Other that that… its just a Earth recolor.
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You waited two whole years to see world building like this, that sink in…
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shewhotellsstories · 3 years
i really dont wanna annoy you but you post about racism in fandom sometimes so i thought you'd be the right person to ask. i hope this doesnt come off as expecting u to be my teacher. yesterday someone said they didnt trust white zk shippers and i thought it was mean but then people started sending the them all these nasty messages and i started to worry maybe op was right. honestly a lot of this stuff is pretty new for me. i think our fandom is inclusive & unlike the rest of the atla fandom we actually like katara. but i'm trying to learn.
why would it be a problem that a lot of zk fics have katara looking after zuko? i always just felt like he needed it more bc he was abused and kataras better at dealing with feelings and she's good at taking care of people. is fire lady katara still ok? is there racism in our fandom? there are a lot of woc zks and i've seen them get hate for it. but the messages op got were pretty bad too. i know i'm asking a lot of questions i just hate the thinking that we might be as bad as the z*kka stans have been saying all year.
This is gonna get long so I’m just gonna jump right in. When I listened to fansplaining’s episode on fandom racism one of the guests said white fans who can acknowledge that fandom racism exists tend to frame it as “just a few bad apples” and get caught up in worrying about not looking like a “bad apple” instead of making fandoms spaces that aren’t hostile for BIPOC. Jag offs hiding behind anon to tell women of color who ship zutara that we have a creepy fetish for imperialism and colonialism suck, but your biggest concern really shouldn’t be the optics or if you can claim superiority over zukka stans.
Yeah the “katara’s a homophobe” nonsense didn’t come from our end of the fandom, but it feels naive at best or dishonest at worst to act like the zutara fandom is uniquely immune to fandom racism. A creator I follow made the excellent point that allyship conditional upon if a poc talks "nicely" about racism is still white supremacy. I believe poc need to be allowed to vent and be salty or angry without being tone-policed. I definitely have my days where I’m like “ugh white people,” or "why must white fans be like this," so I get where the OP was coming from. Ironically the folks that sent them anon hate proved their point. You can always count on hit dogs to hollar.
Fandom is only escapist for some people. It doesn’t exist in a vacuum so you’ll find racism in fandom because there’s racism in the world. Navigating that gets exhausting. There are certain things I enjoy, but for the sake of my sanity I'll only talk about it with friends in real life or only follow fans of color. Before I follow white fans I need to see first that they’re not the kind of person who inspires posts about fandom racism. A good friend of mine loves Star Wars, Kpop, and gaming but after years of attempts at calling in she decided that she’d only interact with woc in those spaces. Again, you get tired.
ATLA wasn’t on my radar until last year so I definitely haven’t read every zutara fic out there but I have noticed a lot of fics do tend to have Katara being the one comforting and supporting Zuko. It’s not inherently wrong of course, it’s just in the grand scheme of things in fiction woc are often cast as eternal caretakers and confidants in fiction:
“How characters of color are portrayed in fanworks, especially fanfiction, is worse than the actual films. They are portrayed as supportive, almost invisible understudies. Any characteristics which they possess in the [MCU] films are stripped and given to other white characters. It is not only erasure. It’s a theft of identity.
Characters of color are positioned within storylines to support the main, white characters. Even within the slash biracial pairings, the character of color is underdeveloped and in a position of servitude within the relationship.”
TheNavyLanguage, Fansplaining
As the quote above points out this honestly happens in a lot of fandoms. I’ve read fanfic for books, movies, tv shows, and comics and I can’t help but notice that in fics the writers often have the non-white character or-- if neither character is white--the darker skinned character being the care-taker, the bodyguard, or the person who is performing all the emotional labor. It’s not inherently wrong to have a character of color have a nurturing personality, you just have to remember that since Black and brown folks have been saddled with narrative after narrative where we exist to serve leaning into dynamics where the non-white or darker skinned character is providing all the emotional support and getting very little in return has some unfortunate implications.
It’s not better if instead of being defined as the avatar’s girl, Katara’s the fire lord’s girl. Part of the appeal of zutara for me is the idea that Katara could lay down some of her burdens and get some much needed support. I always imagine she’d have some major issues after the war.
"i always just felt like he needed it more bc he was abused and kataras better at dealing with feelings and she's good at taking care of people."
I’m going to push back against that statement. Yes, Katara didn't grow up in an abusive household but she has pain and trauma of her own. In fact I’d argue that her believing it’s her job to take care of everyone is rooted in her trauma. Katara needs support and care just as much as anyone else does.
Having read a lot of fics revolving around abuse victims in different fandoms I’ve observed that if fans feel a character’s trauma wasn’t properly addressed in canon, they’ll give them a lot of TLC in fics. But again, reducing the non-white or darker-skinned character to a glorified therapist has some implications.
I feel like the Fire Lady Katara headcanon's been talked to death so long-story short, it’s not inherently racist but it can problematic if it's not clear that Katara is Katara of the Water Tribe wherever she lives. Fics and art where her crown has a crescent moon, she wears blue, or Zuko wears blue when she's in red are the executions I'm fondest of.
When in doubt just listen when poc talk about uncomfortable trends in the fandom. Give fansplaining’s episodes on fandom racism a listen here, here, and here. And very loosely quoting my favorite professor just remember that if a marginalized person says they’re distrustful of a group of people or institution it usually happens after a lot of bad experiences. Don’t center your own comfort and hurt feelings.
“If we truly believe in fandom’s progressive credentials, then perhaps it is necessary for us to listen to critiques that make us uncomfortable rather than those that keep arguing that the status quo is perfectly acceptable—even as there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Perhaps then we will be able to come at these, yes, these very complex and nuanced discussions with the type of openness and good faith that is required for them to succeed, rather than approaching them with hostility.”
-Rukmini Pande, Fansplaining
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coraskeeper · 4 years
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⇢ 𝗺𝗵𝗮 𝗳𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝘀𝗵𝘆 𝗳𝗲𝗺! 𝘀/𝗼 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗮 𝗯𝘂𝗻𝗻𝘆 𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗸
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↳ 𝗳𝘁: 𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗶, 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮, 𝗷𝗶𝗿𝗼𝘂, 𝗳𝗲𝗺! 𝗽𝗼𝗰 𝘀/𝗼
 ↳ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗰 𝗻𝘀𝗳𝘄 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗺𝗵𝗮 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹𝘀 𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆 𝗺𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 ���𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗯𝗱𝗲, 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳
↳ 𝘄𝗰: 𝟭.𝟱𝗸 𝘄𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗽𝘀
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𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐔𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚
being that she herself has a bunny quirk she instantly falls in love with you
will openly court you to let everyone else know that you’re hers
she's super open with skinship and unless you tell her you don’t like it she’ll do it no matter who’s around
intimate hugs, randomly groping you, kisses, pet names, etc.
she thinks you’re so small and cute compared to her
calls you cute nicknames like “ bunny “, “ carrot “, “ mommy’s good girl “
she likes giving you piggy back rides and likes it when you scratch her ears too
thinks its the cutest thing when you get embarrassed and you curl into yourself so innocently
just makes her want to ruin you more and more every time
loves feeding you and giving you presents bc she wants to see you well fed and happy
she rubs your ears a lot in tons of situation, if you're sad, uncomfortable, did a good job at something or even if you guys are just simply chilling doing nothing at all
when you guys first starting dating she wouldn’t touch your tail bc she didn't want to make you uncomfortable bc she knows how shy you are
now now now, the first time she found out her sensitive your tail was, oh lord
you just released the demon inside of this woman
buys you a pretty collar with rumi’s bunny written on it and a pretty bow on the back
“ you like it when mommy touches you here, don't cha carrot? “
this woman has a mommy kink, no other opinions are valid
loves loves loves giving you hickeys all over
rubs your ears after you come down from hard orgasms
loves to softly degrade you too
“ look at this slutty hole, dripping for me “  
“ look at you, spreading yourself for me waiting for me to breed you like the pretty slut you are “
breeding kink, i said what I said
rubs your tail when she pegs you from behind bc she knows how much you like it when she does
“ look at you taking my cock like the obedient little breeding bitch you are “
rumi calling you a breeding bitch i-  
her favorite is doggy style with your hands tied behind your back while she rails you from behind while she pulls on your collar
will s p a n k you and makes you count too
literally humps you like a bunny in heat
she won't require you to pleasure her back bc she just wants to take care of you but if you do she’ll praise you the whole time
let her roughly fuck your face while your in nothing but some skimpy white lingerie you can see your brown nipples through, a collar, and some thigh highs
has SO much stamina
also likes good ol missionary with your knees pressed into your chest while cry and drool for her
“ that’s right, cum for me bunny “
loves making you ride her face or 69ing with you on top, she knows your shy and your embarrassed and vulgar expressions make it soooo much more watching you writhe in pleasure for her
will make you ride her, and won't help you at all bc she's a big meanie and she loves to watch you struggle to impale yourself on her fake cock while you gush all over her thighs
if you try and ride her and she thinks you’re going to slow, she’ll fuck you with the powerful pretty ass legs and ruin you from under you
she’s so rough with you and leaves bruises everywhere but she’s never so rough to the point she hurts you
when you cum she rubs your ears and tells you how good you did
“ that’s my good girl “ ugh
will clean you up and carry you around everywhere, gives you her clothes to sleep in
if you fall asleep right after your bath, shell dress you, put on your bonnet for you, and make you something to eat while you rest
i will let this woman destroy me pls i got so carried away I-
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𝐉𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮 𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐚
she literally adores your cute ass floppy ears
literally takes pictures of your ears and tails and face and shows everyone and adores it when you get embarrassed
she’s so sweet to you just buys you any and everything
writes you cute ass songs
bc you’re so shy she’s always going to ask before she touches you
consent consent consent
when you get uncomfortable around a large group of people and she sees your ears lay flat on top of your head, will subtly pull you aside to a quiet place
calls you things like “ my muse “ or “ darling “
she understands that you don’t like loud things bc of how sensitive your ears are being that she herself has sensitive ears too bc of her quirk
when you can’t sleep or have nightmares she’ll sing to you and gently scratch behind your ears
studies up on your anatomy bc she wants to know as much about you as possible
will teach you how to play her acoustic guitar bc she knows it won’t be too loud for your sensitive ears
she loves how your ears just sit perfectly in the middle of your curls you just look so pretty
she likes it when you wear bright colors that contrast her own wardrobe
she might seem like she’s pretty chill but in bed i believe that kyoka is a mean ass lazy dom
she makes you work for your orgasms and she will edge and punish you
“ go faster or you wont get to cum at all “
she likes watching you desperately grind your sweet cunt onto her thigh or against her own arousal
likes to eat you out from behind or play with your cunt in front of a mirror
she lovesssss playing with your brown nipples and if you’re insecure about them she will casually take time out of her day just to appreciate them
shower sex shower sex shower sexxxxx
likes seeing you all wet and the water falling off your body just turns her on
mirror sex with jirou ugh
she loves spreading you open in front of a mirror and lazily fingering you until your crying and dripping all over you, her, and the bedsheets from the overstim
“ don’t be a crybaby, you can take more can't you, darling? “
she tugging on your tail when you cum bc she knows how sensitive it is and she loves hearing you moan loud for her but will be so mean to you about it
“ shut your mouth “
will smack your cute ass while she ruthlessly grinds into you and calls you names
“ you want everyone to hear how loud you are don't you slut “
will edge you until you cry and won't let you cum until there are tears streaming down your face and your begging her for release
“ only good girls get to cum, not selfish sluts “
she will probably call you names when you cum too lol
after care is 10/10 tho
she makes it up to you for being mean and buys you ice cream after she bathes you
sings to you and gives you snacks and ear rubs
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𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐨
she is a very sociable person, she loves to interact with others and make friends while you on the other hand are super introverted and stays to yourself
everyone is surprised when you too start to go out bc you are polar opposites
will never shut up about you after that
“ yeah, that cute lil bunny over there.. that's my girlfriend “
calls you things like “ babe “, “ bun “, and “ love “
shows everyone cute pictures of you she took off guard and rubs your ears when you get mad at her for embarrassing you  
she wont do anything you dont like and will always ask what your comfortable with and is constantly asking if you're too overwhelmed when your out somewhere
she loves your quirk and she thinks its so cute
she will buy you cute skirts and cuts hole out of the back of them just to see your cute little tail pop out the back
will hold your hand no matter where you are so you don't get lost or feel too uncomfortable
she hates when your sad or feeling insecure and uncomfortable around others bc your ears droop on top of your head and she hates how lifeless they look
she likes buying you cute ribbons to tie around the base of your ears
matching pjs and disney movies anyone?
likes seeing you in frilly pink things and pretty chokers
she's a people pleaser so anything you want, if it's in her ability to give it to you trust me you’ll have it
she isn't mean to you as your dom bUT she is SO unashamedly vulgar
she will say the nastiest things to you with an innocent smile on her face while she wrecks you
“ look at how your pussy just clenches for me, how cute “  
likes to make you look when she plays with you
the biggest tease
“ don't be embarrassed love, i love when your pussy sucks my fingers and tongue in like that “
it is her mission to make you squirt every single time you have sex
likes to make you eat her out on your knees while you play with yourself under her
she is a BITER she loves to bite you everywhere
tugs on your ears when she fucks your face and calls you a good bunny when you make her cum
“ look at my good girl, you look so pretty with my cum all over your face, love “
please wear thigh highs and garters for her, she will worship you
loves the inside of your mouth, she’ll stick her fingers in your mouth and then make you talk to her while she fingers the hell out of you
“ aw bun, look at how stupid im fucking you “
toys toys toys!!
loves using all types of vibrators on you
she isn't as mean to where she'd edge you, she hates not giving you what you want but she will always overstim you
“ look love, you came so much the bed is soaking “
“ look at the mess your gushing cunt made “
she will embarrass you any chance she gets
she also likes mutual masturbation
watching you get off to watching her get off? i think tf yeah
sits you on her lap so she can fucking you with the vibrator on the highest setting while playing with your tail
will have a normal conversation with you like she’s not literally ruining your insides and will tease you when you cant respond to her without moaning and whimpering
“ what was that babe? I can't understand anything you're saying, speak up “ 
loves seeing your ears and nose twitch when you cum
cuddles you and runs a warm bath for you both
gives you soft massages bc she knows how sore you’ll be afterwards
puts on your matching bonnets and makes you breakfast the next morning
aftercare queen yess
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celestial2190 · 3 years
Pick a bird to see your emotional state and the future.
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This is a general reading just take what resonates with you. This is a open reading so it might not fit you, or you might have pick the wrong bird for your state of mind. If you need a private reading contact [email protected]
Owl: You are a person that gets alive in the night. At daytime your head is in a clouds and you feel tired, but at night you get the energy and a clear mind. Which makes it easier for you to do tasks at night time. You are a person that can pick up a lot about people around you, and you're always alert, tho other people may think you're just a goof cuz you hide it well. Always trust you intuition, for there is people that will try to use you.
Eagle: You have a sharp eye and you have goals far of in the future. You are an head strong person and like for things to go your way. Be careful cuz something is hanging over your head it might be emotions you are not handling or people that will try to hurt you or a task that might not go as you want. Handle every emotions with care and let yourself feel them.
Parrot: You hide yourself behind a colorful vison of yourself. Not many get to see the real you. And like a parrot you have a way of repeating what other people say or think, you dont let you own words flow. You have a stong mind and you're smart, but you're insecurity wins most of the times. Learn to trust yourself, you don't need to please other people, and if you learn to speak your mind you will find that people will respect you more, and those that don't can suck it.
I hope this might help anyone. As I wrote some might find help in this reading, but it will not fit anyone. If you have any questions let me know.
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circus4apsycho8 · 3 years
Hey chobleb! SO GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU! Of course you can <333 Ilyt!! You're cool as well :DDDD
I decided to write this in second person so it can be applicable to everyone. Plus I feel like I’m bad at other POVs haha. This is your pretty generic uwu-sans-asks-you-out-on-date-in-the-underground oneshot but I still hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Sans x Reader
Warnings: mild cussing maybe i dont really remember
It’s not even time to leave and today is already a disaster.
Clothes are strewn about your room, Undyne is trying to calm you down, Alphys is going through your wardrobe and you’re in the midst of a breakdown.
“I can’t do this,” you say, clutching your chest. “I-I-“
“You can, nerd!” she says. “Just take a deep breath. It’s just Sans, and you’re only going out for lunch. That’s all.”
You exhale shakily, butterflies swirling in your tummy. “I’m so nervous, though…”
“That’s just b-because you’re overthinking th-things,” Alphys chimes in as she pulls something out from your closet.
“Exactly. Once you get there, you’ll realize how chill it’ll be,” Undyne says, patting you on the back a few times. “Looks like Alph found an outfit for you. Go try it on.”
You sigh, standing from the side of your bed. Alphys smiles softly as she hands you a dress. It’s an older one – one that Mettaton had designed for you a while back. It was too fancy for most occasions, but not for a date at the MTT Resort. You take it and enter your bathroom before changing into it.
Huh. It…actually looks kind of decent. Well, you expect it would – after all, it was tailored to fit your specific figure. The colors compliment your skin and bring out the color of your eyes. It’s flattering, but not too showy.
You step out of the bathroom, and are met by quiet gasps from your friends.
Undyne says your name softly. “That. That is the one.”
“It’s p-p-perfect! You look so pretty!”
“Thanks,” you mutter, too embarrassed to say anything else.
“Now, wear these shoes…and bam! You look great!” Undyne declares. Alphys nods in approval before she comes up behind you and pushes you out the door of your room.
“N-Now go wait downstairs! Sans will be here any s-second now!”
You roll your eyes as Undyne ushers you down near the front door. You’re too nervous to sit, so you walk around while fidgeting. Mind racing, you notice just how fast your heart is beating.
It’s then you hear a knock emanating from your front door. You suck in a deep breath before gathering you shattered nerves and opening the door.
There stands Sans, one hand hidden behind his back. He’s dressed in a light blue button-up and dark dress pants.
“hey,” he greets, a faint blue staining his zygomatic arches. He smiles, using his free hand to rub the back of his cervical vertebrae. “wow…you look so pretty…”
Your eyes widen as the blush returns at full force. “Oh…thank you. You look handsome,” you compliment, offering him a small smile.
He chuckles in response. “thanks. oh…these are for you.” He pulls his hidden arm out from his back, revealing a bouquet of flowers that must have come from Asgore’s garden.
You gasp in delight. “Sans! You didn’t have to…” You take the bouquet, staring at it in fascination. Such lovely flowers! “Thank you! I’ll go put them in a vase quickly.”
You quickly go to set the bouquet somewhere safe before you hurry back to the doorway. Sans offers a hand to you as you shut the door.
“may i?”
A giggle escapes you as you take his hand. “You may.”
“good, ‘cause i know a shortcut.”
“Yes, your teleportation. We know this.”
He winks. “let’s go. don't wanna be late to our reservation.”
With that, you feel the world fading beneath your feet as he whisks you through the void. Your head begins to spin as you feel the world rematerializing once more.
“Whew,” you say, your head spinning. Sans slips an arm around your waist to keep you upright.
“you okay?” he asks.
You take a moment to gather your bearings, not yet noticing his arm. “Yeah, I’m good now.”
“good,” he says softly, releasing his grip on you. You smile, noticing that the butterflies in your stomach have settled. Undyne was right – it’s just Sans, and you’re comfy with him.
Sans gently loops his phalanges through your fingers, and you don’t pull away.
Dinner was – well, it was fantastic. It was a teeny bit awkward at first, but soon enough the two of you were laughing and just overall having a nice time. The food was good, and Sans insisted on paying much to your dismay.
“hey, there’s one more spot i wanna take you to,” Sans says, tugging you out of the restaurant. You giggle, following him.
“Where are we going?”
“it’s a surprise. close your eyes?”
You obey, closing your eyes as he teleports the two of you through the void once more.
“keep your eyes closed. i'll guide you to the spot.”
“Okay. I trust you!”
With that, Sans loops his arm around your waist and guides you through the area. You try to figure out where you are by using your other senses. Judging by the sound of rushing water, and lack of a freezing cold temperature, you can assume you’re in Waterfall. But where is Sans taking you?
“k, you can open them now.”
You open your eyes, and gasp. Sans has taken you to a dark cavern filled with echo flowers, a small stream, and gems embedded in the walls and ceiling. The only illumination here is provided by the echo flowers.
“I don’t think I’ve been here before,” you note, smiling. You turn to Sans, studying how his bones are cast in the soft blue light of the flowers.
“it’s a secret hideout my bro and i have. i don’t think anyone else comes here.”
“That’s crazy,” you note, lifting the skirt of your dress a bit so you can kneel in front of an echo flower. You smile as Sans settles next to you.
“These flowers are so cool,” you note, gently touching one of the flower’s petals. It softly echoes back what you just said. “I wonder how they work? I mean, I understand it’s, well, magic, but still. It’s so incredible…”
You trail off, studying the flower for a moment later before you glance at Sans once more. He’s gazing at you with soft eyelights.
“you’re so beautiful,” he mumbles, tone soft as raises his right hand to cup your cheek.
Your blush returns tenfold as you melt into his touch. You press his hand against your skin and smile.
“Thank you,” you reply, holding his gaze and scooting closer to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. “You know, you look so cute all dressed up.”
He chuckles lightly, brushing your cheek with his other hand. “thanks.”
Now, you’re so close that your nose is lightly pressed against his nasal bone. You still haven’t dropped your stare, and soon enough, Sans leans forward, pressing his teeth against your lips.
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sydneyshipsstuff · 4 years
so uh last night at like 4 am i couldnt sleep, decided to walk my dog, and came up with this bad boy. It’s a rough draft, though. um @professional-benaddict read it and told me to post it, so whatever rafni says goes. 
-Little! Peter with like everyone lmao (platonically), but main pairing is Tony x Peter. everyone is 18+ and Littles are known. but yeah, I call this “uncanonically Canon AU” because it follows canon character tropes (except Peter).
so i LOVE the doctor trope w stephen and tony to death, like probably a lil too much, but hear me out
--canon tony and the avengers with not canon (aka powerless) little peter
--im thinking how they met is before peter became classified as a little, he was smart smart. so, he still gets the internship, but a real one this time.
--hes hanging out with the other interns when he feels himself regress. he freaks and goes to hide in a bathroom or something
--he runs into (probably pepper??) someone and they help him get out of the tower because he's obviously very vulnerable
--they (pepper?) take him to the hospital to get tested and find out hes a high care little. once they find out peter freaks out because omg he cant work like this
--(pepper?) assures him that they will figure it our, but with no CG, and just for plot sake, he also is living alone at this point so they dont feel comfortable sending him home, so he stays overnight, at least, in the hospital
--(pepper?) goes to talk to tony himself about this since hes the one who chose and hired the interns. tony isnt quite sure what to do because peter is one of the best in their group
--(pepper?) suggests that he go have a one on one talk with peter and see what the boy wants to do with his future, and also meet with the doctors to see what they think is best for his future
--now, tony has met peter a few times, and the kid is pretty cool, but he never really cared about him (harsh, but canon tony is pretty reserved so yuh) so, when he goes into the hospital room to talk with him, hes mentally preparing to never see peter again
--but, when he walks in, he sees peter sat on a cot carefully coloring in an avengers coloring book, and his entire aura is different and /adorable/
--as if he wasnt already kinda done for, when peter notices he's there, he looks up, eyes blown wide and a kid-like face on full of awe
--he sits on the end of the bed and they simply stare at each other before peter finally gets the courage to ask why tony is there, stuttering through it like an adorable mess
--tony freaks out, because as good as peter is, he planned on letting peter down, but now that hes here, all he wants is to see the boy.
--instead he smooths his nervousness and easily asks about how the boy is doing. he asks if peter has a CG, and predicably, peter just sadly shakes his head
--anyways i dont really know how this part would be worded, and it probably wouldnt happen in just one day, but eventually tony asks peter if he wants tony to take care of him
--peter is a cutie and accepts, again dont really have this part planned out, im akward when it comes to writing about the adopting of a little
--he goes with tony and since he lives in the tower, he also gets the avengers as glorified CGs. now this is the part i LOVE
***added part by Rafni:
"I’d imagine that Peter would just be kept in the hospital, like he doesn’t need any meds nor saline so he doesn’t even have a drip nor is he hooked up to any monitors. He is just there in the hospital pyjamas colouring and waiting for someone to take care of him🥺👀"
And since there’s no medical concerns (anymore) the nurses would have more time to just chat with Peter and make sure he is like mentally taken care of 🌸🌸
tony stark- he's obviously the main man and does all the main caring. hes the one who sleeps with peter and makes sure he gets food, and plans the days. he also sometimes will hand make little gadgets (safe ofc) to occupy peter. he gets peter little engineering/inventing kits and will hold back any groans he has as peter hits his leg with a plastic hammer and screwdriver. he also is the one who is ALWAYS there, when he cries, when he's happy, when he's sad.
thor- he lets peter play with his hair, and even lets the boy snuggle, and sometimes even chew on, mjolnir (because of course peter would be worthy)
steve rogers- he lets peter look at and hold the shield. one day he finds the boy curled like a cat dosing on the inside of it
natasha- she speaks in russian to him, and when he goes outside to the park, shes there making sure no one disturbs him
wanda+sam (i had an idea for them when i originally thought of this, but i cant remember it now :/)
bucky- he lets peter also mess with his hair, although more rare than thor, but he does let peter suck on his metal fingers when hes really small, and will scratch peters scalp with it, the metal scratching much better than normal skin. also if he ever gets a fever, the cold of the arm feels amazing on his forehead
bruce- not strictly canon since hes more sciency than doctor, but i imagine bruce is the one who does checkups and takes care of the meds when peter is sick
stephen- he doesnt do it often, plus he's not at the tower much, but hell do little harmless "magic" tricks to excite Peter and when peter gets grumpy, stephen will give him a little stress spell thing to calm peter down
peter quill- i imagine hes the one who is down to do lots of fun stuff, but is also the most reckless towards the actions suited towards littles, getting a lot of scolding from tony. also, he has great taste in music, so when peter has bursts of energy, he'll bounce around the room dancing to old 80s music
rocket- hes the closest peters ever gonna get to a pet, and with lots of bribing from tony, rocket /occasionally/ lets peter pet him and feed him "treats", sometimes peter will ask rocket to do a trick like jump or spin, but rocket with always decline...at first. peters trademark pouts do the trick because either rocket will concede and hurt his pride, or tony will see and threaten rocket into making his little boy happy. its always worth it to see the happy little squirms and claps
gamora- she's the resident story teller. when its bedtime, she'll share her cool space stories, leaving out the gory/scarier aspects. it always does the trick as hes out in minutes. sometimes hell catch her and peter q engaging in loving activities (ie kissing, hugging, whatever), and he'll just giggle away, and as embarrassed as gamora gets, not being an openly affectionate person, she might just go to the extreme to hear the cute giggles out of the little boy
clint- hes pretty chill with peter. he also likes to play games with the boy, playing things like peek-a-boo when he's super small, or playing darts when he feels older. tony isnt /too/ happy about it, but its better than quill so he doesnt say anything.
pepper is there too because i love the idea of tony working away somewhere and pepper calling peter in, handing him a few sheets of paper, sometimes actual documents, sometimes just scratch paper to entertaim the boy, before asking peter to deliver them to tony. she always has a smile when peter eagerly nods with his whole body before running to the office to give tony the papers. it almost always ends with peter in his lap, but it /always/ ends in tony praising him, saying something along the lines of 'theres my little helper boy. look at you'
--on any particular day peter wakes up aged up, he doesn't even miss his old internship because this life is so much better, although on these days tony actually lets him help with some safer stuff in the lab with him
--also, they are still the avengers and still have to save the universe. tony leaves him in the care of Happy or Pepper, trusting them both to handle him. sometimes, it ends in disaster. sometimes, they are lucky enough to find happy laying on the couch, with a drooling little boy soaking his suit
--no matter how things end up, it never gets old being able to come home and cuddle up with the reason tony wants to save the universe.
--its no surprise peter is able to help the man just as much as tony helps him. tony stops locking himself up so late at night so he can put peter to bed and cuddle up. he stops drinking when he's stressed, instead finding his boy and reading a story to him. his hookups end, he wants to be there for peter all the time. he gets more work done, the added bonus of having a pretty little boy in his lap helping keep his mind on track.
--tony still has his canon issues, but having peter there makes everything a little more manageable. and when he eventually gets too old to be ironman, its okay, because his universe is lying in bed, a red pacifier in his mouth, and a family of superheroes softly arguing about who the boy loves most
--and despite tony being a narcissist, he knows this is not that, when he thinks that without a doubt he is peters favorite. after all, peter helped him see the good inside the bad
so uh yeah thats all i had to say. maybe in the future it will become an actual thing, idk. i still have so many projects im working on first. feel free to add whatever you want to it though !!
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purityoflust · 3 years
Hi! May I have a creepypasta matchup please?
Im a intj. My sun sign is pisces, my moon sign is Sagittarius, and my rising sign is virgo!
I have medium dirty blonde hair, I have tan skin also I wear glasses and I have hazel eyes Im kinda muscular too. My style changes alot but I'm mostly vampire gothic I like wearing rings, makeup, and jewelry with my clothes when im tired or unmotivated I wear punk clothes without makeup but still wear my jewelry and rings. But when its time to chill I wear tank tops and sweatpants with a bun
I love playing video games, listening to music, watching scary or comedy movies, I like reading books and doing art when I have time. I like spending time with others and chill with them im like a random stray cat that pops out of nowhere to see what others are up to.
I dont really like loud noises or repetitive sounds, I especially hate the sound of squeaky foam sounds I tried my best to describe it, I dislike people being judgmental to others who they don't even know, argumentive people and people that likes to tick you off on purpose.
I have a strong personality and im mostly psychic but i fight for what's right and protect others, I stand up for people Im not really shy but im standoff-ish to others I barely know and im mostly quiet but when im talked to I talk back, im ambiverted I have bad social anxiety I don't really trust people as well, I have a few close friends as well. I love to collect crystals, rocks, or anything nature related. Im intelligent in many ways like if someone needs the answer for something I give it to them off hand
If im in a relationship im clingy and protective and Im always there for them, If we argue then I keep slient and want to talk things out if they are upset I comfort them or give them small gifts. I love to make inside jokes and vines references and Im not really experienced in relationships like I get all blushy and awkward lmaooo. I'm also focusing on myself which is great, I struggle with depression and derealization it really sucks because I lose all motivation but I keep pushing on.
My love language is quality time and giving gifts! I think spending time together is pretty neat and sweet, I give them gifts because I want to see their smile =]
My favorite colors are maroon, dark blue, purple, forest green and black!
The type of music I listen is hyperpop, nu-metal, and some rap, but not all of it. I mostly listen to korn, 16volt, and slipknot. Btw 16volt is kinda like dubstep metal.
My sexuality is bisexual (preference for guys) im genderfluid so any pronouns as well!
My favorite animals are reptiles, bunnies, mammals, and felines! Dogs scare me a little tho but not badly
Thats all I can think of, I hope your day and week goes well for you oh btw I love your blog and writing :) thank you for doing my request when you have time!
Your matchup is: Eyeless Jack!
This didn't take too long to figure out. Just how I would word it.
In general:
When I saw this, I knew it SCREAMED EJ. It just- ugh, you two fit perfectly together like a puzzle piece. Your style, personality, everything is just perfect.
Tbh I was stuck between Masky and EJ but went with the dark king.
Tbh I see him having a dark styled S/O.
Jack is very quiet and reserved. And patient.
You appear the same way, so it's only fair.
I imagine he's an INFJ, which still fits well!
He adores your zodiac. <3
Things he likes about you:
Your beauty. Your hair, your skin, your eyes, your fit form - he loves it all. He loves giving you hugs because of it!
That's not just it. He LOVES your personality.
He honestly loves how self-reserved yet laid back you are. He respects that.
He honestly finds it adorable when you check in on him or anyone else just as a "hey what's up" type deal.
He loves that you stand up for what you believe in and you fight for it, as well. He finds it beyond admirable.
He understands being standoffish, he honestly gets the same way!
He absolutely agrees with you on detesting those who judge and seek to hurt for no reason [At least personality wise. He's a cannibal, of course he's gonna physically hurt someone].
He adores your style. He finds it unique and cute. And badass.
Goth/Punk lover for the win.
He ABSOLUTELY respects your identity and pronouns.
He likes to mix them up lightheartedly, calling you a "he" around others then "she" out of nowhere. It confuses them and he finds it amusing.
Of course he means no ill intent with it.
He'd of course stop if you were uncomfortable.
Adores your art skills.
Your intelligence!
When you talk about what you like. Being so passionate about things just makes his heart flutter - especially when you talk about collecting things and what kind of animals you adore.
He quotes vines as well, so he definitely enjoys joking with you!
You two as a couple:
He's kind and patient with you.
He's always talking in a soft, deep voice around you.
He always makes sure nothing is too loud around you.
Positive affirmations!
If you need space, all you have to do is ask.
He lets you steal his hoodies & T-Shirts.
He honestly loves kissing you all over. [Anywhere you're comfortable with.]
Inside jokes!
He always praises you.
He finds it extremely attractive when you're protective of him.
He doesn't mind the clinginess tbh.
He gets the same way, actually.
He's just as protective tbh.
He will absolutely TEAR into anyone who hurts you. [Quite literally].
Quality time!
He loves playing video games with you - and watch horror movies!
He'll do anything with you, really.
Sometimes he steals your shirts, too.
He understands the awkwardness and being inexperienced, you're honestly his first S/O in a long time, so he's warming up to it himself.
He may seem a bit awkward, but he loves you.
He adores your love language. His is basically hovering behind you for a while and hugging you from behind.
He also loves stroking your hair.
Finds your glasses adorable, honestly, so he's always calling you his sweet little nerd.
He completely understands your derealization and depression and is there for you 24/7.
Alot of cuddles and kisses!
Jamming out to nu-metal all the way!
He'd look into hyperpop for you, to be honest.
Ends up loving it.
Adores dark colors.
Definitely robs a few stores just to get you some gifts.
Definitely gets you more punkish/gothic clothing.
And accessories!
Always compliments you, especially when you aren't wearing any makeup.
Matching rings omg!
Matching outfits??????
Loves surprising you with food, too!
Sweets, savory, anything you want.
NOTE: Hi Sugarplumb! I'm sorry this took a while, I really wanted to make sure I got this right. I'm sorry if some things are repeated or out of order, I went from what was at the top of my head.
You remind me so much of myself. Appearance, style and all! Except I'm so white, I make Casper look rainbow bright. I also vibe in Scorpio.
I'm so sorry you go through Depression and Derealization. I hope you enjoyed this regardless! Don't be afraid to ask me to add anything else in if you'd like!
And thank you so much on the compliment! I hope you have an amazing week as well! I'm glad you like my writing. :)
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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littlx-songbxrd · 4 years
The last hour among us AU
So, I said I wouldnt do this
But I did it
Thanks to @grangerstairs for listening to me rant and helping me with some of these
Oka this is gonna be a mess
Overall headcanons
Them playing always results in someone getting threatened with a seraph blade but its fun!
Ok Jesse is always the first one killed for some reason and kinda rules the ghost chat, but he never leaves and just continues on doing hes tasks
James is suspicious, of everyone. He trust no one
Lucies a good impostor, but she never kills Cordelia and that kinda gives her away
For some reason Lucie can read the ghost chat but all she does is flirt with Jesse and try to get him to tell her who the impostor is
Mathew throws out wild accusations, almost always says alastairs sus
Actually no everyone is always saying Alastairs sus
This pisses him off cause whenever hes making any real accusations he gets voted off cause of bloody fairchild
Alastair: "Its Anna, I saw her vent when I found the body in electrical"
Mathew: Idk Alastairs kinda sus
Alastair: gets voted off
Thomas tries to defend Alastair because he knows his friends are just all throwing out of context accusations at him but hes kinda powerless
He once called an emergency meeting to tell everyone to behave because Lucie kept saying James was sus, Mathew kept acussing everyone (even dead people) for the drama and they lost kit, twice
Thomas is actually very observant so he doesnt make accusations often, but when he does hes almost always right
Christopher is simply there to have a good time and gets caught up doing tasks
He honestly forgets hes supposed to be looking out for the impostor so he almost always gets killed after Jesse in electrical
He likes the wires-
After three straight games of him being killed Thomas decides to stick with him to make sure hes not killed in electrical, again
Cordelia tries to stick with Lucie because she knows wether shes the impostor or not she'd never kill her
For some reason Cordelia is really good at the card admin thing and no one understands why
Thomas, Cordelia and Christopher are the only ones who ever get their tasks done
Mathew has never once in his life finished his tasks
Hes here for the drama of the game
The betrayl, the bloodshed, the TRAGEDY. Hes not here to fix wires
Also to mess with James while he does sus things and follows him around
For some reason even if he swears his not James is always acting sus
Hes an easy target to pawn off on if they've already eliminated poor Alastair
Charles plays very rarely, but when he does they all have an unspoken agreement to vote him off
Charles "I think-"
Alastair "Charles is sus"
Mathew "For once I agree with Carstairs"
There was this one time Charles really was the impostor so that was a... win win?
Theres an unspoken agreement that if you vote for christopher you're immediatly sus
Like "are you blind???? Christopher?????"
Mathew and Anna are always trolling the chat
Beside Thomas, Anna is the only other person to make good accusations
But shes having too much fun trolling with Mathew to actually take the game seriously half the time
Shes here to watch James be scared, Lucie go into full on sherlock mode and watch Alastair get thrown off the vent
Christopher never knows who to vote for so he always either skips or votes for the last person they wrote was sus on the chat
He accidently once voted for Thomas cause Mathew jokingly accused him and Thomas has never been so dissapointed
Colors and names
Jesses so tires of being killed his name is literally ghost~ and is white
Lucies cyan and probably has princess Lucretia to promote her wip while James is black for the aesthetic and probably has a book character name
Mathews lime and whoever refers to him as light green gets on his to kill list for when hes impostor. Also hes name is Oscar Wilde what did you expect?
Christopher for some god forsaken reason, is orange. Probs has kit
Cordelia is pink and has daisy as her name
Thomas and Alastair lit have the most boring names Thomas was Thomas L and Alastair literally just put Carstairs F in chat
Thomas is dark green while Alastairs red
Anna is blue and puts random names every match
Cordelia always has a flower as her accesory and its adorable, specially when shes killing people with her flower
Chriatopher has a plant, cause he likes plants
Lucie has a little antenna
Mathew and Anna are always changing their accessories every game in the name of fashion
So the best impostor pair are Cordelia and Alastair
Everyone thinks they'd be horrible but if theres one thing the carstair siblings hate is loosing
They have a persian mother with a temper THESE KIDS KNOW HOW TO LIE AND LIE GOOD
With Cordelia there to stop Alastair from being voted off their unstopable
They have a good strategy, they're kills are evened out just enough for them to not get caught and have a very detailed venting system developed
They always pawn off on james saying hes sus to Lucie who always believes Cordelia
James: "Lucie I was WITH YOU-"
Lucie: "Yeah but Daisy says youre sus and thats all the prove I need"
The only real argument they've had was when Cordelia didnt want to kill Lucie
Alastair fought her on it but she said "then kill Thomas"
They unifficially made an agreement and Cordelia killed Thomas while Alastair killed Lucie
The only time they've ever been caught was when they killed mathew in the beggining and Anna was actually paying attention
Overall the BEST impostors DO NOT mess with the Carstair siblings
The worst impostors are actually mathew and christopher
Christopher never knows who to kill so he just follows Mathew around. And Mathew just kills Alastair and calls it a day
They never win, they suck
If Alastair is the first to be killed instead of being voted off, you can 100% assume Mathews the impostor
Anna is actually a really good impostor, unlike Lucie she spares no one and kills whoever she needs
Shes ruthless, has won often
The worst Christophers ever done as impostor is sabotage the lights and kill Jesse in electrical
While Thomas was still with him so he gets voted off
The most unpredictable impostor is actually Thomas
Hes a wild card, hes killing pattern is iregular, hes quiet so no one suspects him, but he doesnt hold back
If he can kill you, he will
Sure he'll fill bad about it but he will
Cannot for the love of life pawn off others when hes accused, thats how hes caught
Alastairs a good impostor, but without Cordelia always gets voted off by bloody fairchild
James always kills Lucie cause she keeps calling him sus
Once he killed Mathew and he started monologing in the ghost chat about betrayl
Thats all I have for today! Please dont let this flop I worked really hard and my thumbs hurt lol
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