#i dont even know if this is the right way to do adress them
amarayys · 1 day
DRDT episode 13 theory. So.
so i was meant to be making a general episode 13 analysis video. but um. i dont have the energy for that. so what am i gonna do instead? TALK ABOUT TERUKO try find out wtf david is doing in this scene
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SO. time to find out what possibly the FRUITIEST look ever from david means!!! disclaimer:
I suck at theories. And formatting. Yipee.
I'm painfully unfunny so excuse any dumbass jokes i make.
I'm going to find any and all excuses to rant abt teruko. be prepared...............
4. I may repeat myself a lot. Forgive me if it sounds really repetative... :( 5. Any points surrounded by - these things - are just things that are unlikely, but I think should still be adressed.
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So, the context of these images is Teruko revealing "her secret"; You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them.
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(pls excuse the shitty quality.) She has to be either lying or MAYBE unsure about her secret. Here's why: 1. She had a conversation with Whit (and technically charles, but he was just listening in) about her family. She reveals that she's never known her parents and grew up in an orphanage. She did grow up with her biological brother, but he was adopted by another family when Teruko was five, and she says she doesn't remember him much.
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2. The wording of the secret is quite specific - You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. Like I've mentioned, she's never known her parents. Even if she *somehow* knew they were dead, why would she blame herself for it? I could see it maybe working in some way, but the next bit disproves it - SIBLINGS. Teruko has only mentioned having one sibling, and this wording is plural. This secret cannot be hers, she only has one brother. - To add on to this
2.5. Maybe one could argue that siblings and parents could be her friends/people she considered family in the orphanage she grew up in. However, the specific wording of parents and siblings, instead of just using the word "family", makes me think otherwise. - Okay, so let's dissect what this means. - I think if maybe she was unaware/TRULY thought that this was her secret, the only point that would support it is 2.5. Maybe she considered people she grew up with in the orphanage her "parents" or siblings", but its just not very likely. While I wouldn't be surprised if Teruko blew up an orphanage or something (/hj) , I think it's a stretch to say this secret is referring to that. - With that out the way, we come to one conclusion - Teruko is lying about secret. "Amari, we know that already, can we move on??????????" yeah yeah whatever i may have just wanted to rant about teruko. MOVING ON. So, what is Teruko's secret? It's pretty wildly agreed upon that Teruko's secret is the one regarding the killing game, which David recieved - "How could I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you've done in your life is worth killing for. The killing game is all your fault."
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We think that this is Teruko's secret because: 1. She's the only one that fits it smh. /hj 2. The guy at the start of the prologue (who is probably xander but that is a WHOLE other theory you can find here ) mentions having to kill Teruko Tawaki (how DARE they) after talking about ending the killing game.
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My interpretation of this is that Teruko is the reason the killing game is actually happening, though I doubt she's aware of this/the mastermind (or she could be, idk??). A really good theory that I feel explains what I mean by Teruko causing the KG but not being the mastermind is the time loop theory which is linked here. (accirax i love you for this theory /p) Obviously, this lines up with "The killing game is your fault." 3. David gives her THE LOOK right after she "admits" her secret, which sort of maybe kind of implies that he knows she's lying, which he does, since he has the secret. - As for the remaining secret: Xander's secret (which we assume min recieved) is the one Teruko claimed to have:
"You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them." Why do I think this? 1. In Xander's bonus video, it is VERY heavily implied that he has survivor's guilt as well as outright confirmed his family is dead. Go check it out for the full context.
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2. Xander's secret message on the DRDT tumblr is the definition of survivors guilt. Really self explanatory, huh?
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3. XANDER ACTUALLY HAS MORE THAN 1 FUCKING SIBLING. anyway. okay, this is getting a little confusing to remember, so here: Killing game: Teruko's secret, recieved by David. Survivor's guilt: Xander's secret, recieved by Min. (all remaining secrets remain the same.) MOTIVE
So, why would Teruko lie about her secret? I mean, shouldn't she just point it out? And why didn't David point it out? - 1. Teruko is aware that her secret is the killing game one and is lying because she's the mastermind or something. We see her thoughts, so I really doubt it. To further disprove this theory: Teruko has stated like 15 times (/ex) that she doesn't know which secret is hers, due to her having too many secrets. So, yeah, pretty unlikely she knows which secret's hers. Discard this theory. -
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2. a) Teruko doesn't know her secret, but knows it's probably bad, and therefore doesn't want to share it, so she lied. Pretty straightforward, really. Now, for the theory that I think is most likely: 3. Teruko doesn't know which secret is hers, but she knows neither of her secrets are the ones left unrevealed. She knows somebody is lying about a secret - but she's come to the conclusion that secrets are irrelevant to the trial and murder, so she's lying about her secret to avoid everyone getting off track once again.
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We know that's she's accidentally led the trial in the wrong direction twice now (motive secrets, time of murder) Also, this is the most in character.
As for David: A. David knows her secret, but keeps it hidden in order to cause distrust and just generally fuck Teruko over. He plans to reveal it either post trial or in a future daily life. B. David knows her secret, but earlier, he and Teruko made a pact to keep it hidden. However, since he's a little bitch boy (/j), he's going to reveal it anyway, either post trial or in a future daily life. - Just to add on to this point ^ - I know Teruko's protag and we see her thoughts and all, but Kaede happened, so I don't think this is out of the question. - I think the most likely combination is point 3. and point A. : Teruko's lying about her secret to avoid the trial heading off topic. David isn't calling her out because he wants to use it in the future to throw suspicion onto Teruko and cause havoc.
SO. Let's recap! Secrets: Teruko: "How could I even select what secret to be your motive? Just about everything you've done in your life is worth killing for. The killing game is all your fault." Received by David. Xander: "You're constantly blaming yourself for the death of your parents and siblings. It doesn't matter that it's not your fault, just that you didn't go with them." Received by Min. Rest remain the same as canon. Why can't Teruko's secret be about her family? 1. Teruko never knew her parents, and never mentions them being dead. 2. Teruko hasn't seen her brother since she was 5, and she never mentions him being dead, just adopted. 3. The wording of the secret refers to siblingS, which is plural. Teruko has only one sibling. 4. The secret fits Xander much better - His secret quote is the defintion of survivors guilt, and his bonus episode heavily implies he has survivors guilt, and it is confirmed his family died in the same bonus episode. Why is Teruko's secret about the killing game?
• The guy at the start of the prologue mentions having to kill Teruko Tawaki after talking about ending the killing game. This implies Teruko is the cause of the killing game, whether on purpose or not. Motive for lying: Teruko doesn't know which secret is hers, but she knows neither of her secrets are the ones left unrevealed. She knows somebody is lying about a secret - but she's come to the conclusion that secrets are irrelevant to the trial and murder, so she's lying about her secret to avoid everyone getting off track once again. David knows her secret, but keeps it hidden in order to use it in the future to turn everyone against Teruko and just generally cause distrust in the group. He plans to reveal it either post trial or in a future daily life. **btw, just a fun afterthought - i think either whit or charles will eventually point out the conversation regarding teruko's unbringing and how it contradicts her secret - and david will use that opportunity to reveal teruko's secret. ANDDDD that's it! feel free to correct/add on any points you'd like. this took AGES but i had so much fun!!! i love you drdt. (ESPECIALLY TERUKO.)
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wakanai · 11 months
just a suggestion,
but maybe you could add an organizing feature for the "liked" posts?
So I can manage the posts that I liked and group them together accordingly.
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poppy-metal · 8 months
we simply must discuss the vibes of alpha!Jordan li who has never given half a damn about any omega until he meets the cute little freshman (you) and becomes obsessed. We have to talk about it
stop bc they get to fucking irritated by omegas - not that they have prejudice against them - they just hate the whole biological aspect that makes them want to lose control and tear an innocent omega apart on their knot. they make sure to stay far fucking away from them, but you make is so fucking difficult. always up in their space with your sweet scent and big eyes.
like they try to stay away, but then you go and get yourself in trouble. cornered by a pack of alphas outside the gym they workout at, so of course they have to step in, rearrange a few jaws. and the way they can't help but puff up their chest when you preen at them, thanking them with wet eyes and pouty lips for saving them - they want to maul you right there. just manage to bite out, "watch where the fuck you're going, freshie. this is the seniors gym. don't make me save your ass again."
and despite such a threat - they do. end up saving you. again. at a party dress barely covering your ass, letting fucking Rufus of all people chat you up. and maybe they dont have to intervene. except their pheromones are raging and they're clenching their fist so hard around their bottle it shatters in their palm. they dont even acknowledge the sting, the bite of the glass, just stalk over and drag your ass away like a kitten by its scruff.
you'd think they were about to pound your face in with the way they slam you into a wall, less crowded there. cage you in with hands on either side of your head. glare at you like they want to fight you - jaw clenched as their eyes dip down to your cleavage. "thought i told you not to make me save your ass again, freshman. and what am i here fucking doing."
that omega need to please immediately pulling at your heartstrings making your sweet cloying scent spill out of you and wrap around them. trying to calm them. dont want alpha to be mad, not at you. "s-sorry alph-"
"don't." they snap, sounding pained. their fingers curl a little into the plaster of the wall beside you. there will be a dent there when they pull back, for sure. "fucking call me that. it's jordan."
you naw on your lip, torn between the desire to do as they say and to adress them properly. "but why?" you ask, so innocent, so curious. big lashes fluttering at them. "you are my alpha. i just wanna - you know. show my respect."
they stare at you for a heavy moment. pulse pounding in your eardrums. you feel like you're imagining it when you hear a faint rumbling in their chest, an alpha like purr. jordan seems to notice it too, and their neck flushes. they jerk away from you, glad to be in fem!form or else you'd have a front row seat to how fucking turned on they are right now.
"you wanna make me happy?"
you nod. eagerly. fuck. their cunt pulses. their alpha clit chubbing up in their jeans. wanting to rut itself inside you - reward you for being so fucking obedient.
"then go the fuck home. tuck yourself into bed like a good little omega and stay the hell away from me - i mean it. i don't wanna be responsible for whatever happens because you're too fucking naivè to know when to stop."
they leave you there - trembling against the wall. intimated, yes. but also - spurred on. it feels like a challenge. and a challenge issued from your alpha is impossible to ignore.
you glance to your side. slick drips wetly from your cunt at the sight of the claw marks they left on the wall. the amount of restraint it took for them not to put their hands on you.
that kind of restraint - once it breaks - well. you'd like to find out.
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ravi singh fics please!! maybe x reader where she’s having a bad day and he comes over and they cuddle and watch a movie 🫶🏻
forever & always
ravi singh x fem! reader
when ur day falls into shambles, your boyfriend is there to pick up the pieces the best way he can
a/n: u dont know how happy i am to see a ravi request. he’s been on my mind lately esp cus my friend is reading the series !! he’s my top book bf next to peeta mellark 🫶🫶 thx sm for the request hope you enjoy !! p.s. i read the us version so it's gonna be based one that.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: mentions of small injury, minor blood, lmk if anything else
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you collapsed on your bed the moment your knees hit the mattress. burying your face into your pillow, hoping the day just fades away. you arrived home, the house empty due to your parents still working. you were relieved because you truly had no energy to greet anyone - even the trudge up the stairs was a challenge enough.
your day had been rough, to say the least. you'd woken up late, sleeping past your alarms and snoozes. when you'd awoken you had less than twenty minutes to get ready, which meant no time to come up with a cute outfit. you slapped on some jeans, a cropped graphic tee, and jewlery and called it a day. you managed to put on some lipstick and mascara in the school parking lot before you ran to clas.
in the process of running, you also fell and scraped your knee; you didn't even check the wound because you were rushing to avoid the tardy bell. spoiler: your knee was crying in pain.
you were late by a minute, yet your first-period teacher had given you a berating in front of the whole class for it. even though he literally walked in a few seconds before you.
you went toward the back of the class to put your phone in the mandatory basket with everyone else's phone, and that was when you realized you'd left your phone at home. you mentally facepalmed yourself as you remembered you'd left it on your bed when you were hastily putting on your shoes. hopefully, ravi didn't require anything urgent that couldn't wait til you got home.
you later learned, after a random kid pointed it out, that you had a splotch of red on the knee area of your light colored jeans. turned out your skin had scrapped enough to draw blood.
at lunch, pip, the prepared person she was, helped clean your cut with anitbacterial wipes and put a bandage over your knee. cara even tried to get the red stain out, but it was smudged it further around your legs.
cara apologized profusely , but you brushed it off, telling her it didn't look that bad and they were just jeans. however, inside, you were ready to lose your last straw and mourn your favorite jeans. you swore you had the worst luck today.
you repeated it over and over in your head, school's almost over you can do this. but it was certainly not over for your luckless day. the librarian, who already hated you, dress coded you for your shirt, and sent you to the office. the principal was ready to call your parents to bring you a shirt, but you quickly said you had friend who'd be abe to give you one.
to be honest, you were even sure if cara or pip had any spare clothes, and to add to your misfortune, they didn't have any spare shirts. you were ready to break down right there and then, but held it off and reassured them it was alright.
you were ready to throw the towel in and call your mom and face her wrath for disrupting her at work when connor entered the conversation saying he had an unused gym shirt. it could've fit like adress on you, but you gratefully took it.
the final bell finally rang, signaling the end of the day. you didn't waste time in packing up and look for your car keys inside your backpack. but being so distracted led you to stumble down the school stairs. you were utterly humiliated and knew multiple people had witnessed the scene. you had no choice but to just get up and walk out.
traffic was horrible on the way home, and multiple angry drivers honking didn't help. when you finally parked into your home's driveway, you leaned your head against the steering wheel and burst into tears. the events of the day weighed on you heavily. suppressing all your emotions all day made everything you were feeling just come crashing down in that moment.
after half an hour, you were calmed down, but your eyes were swollen and your throat was sore. you prayed none of the neighbors witnessed your breakdown, you think you'd start crying again if that were the case.
now, you were in bed, exhausted from your crying, and ready to just sleep whatever hours of the day were left.
the moment you closed your eyes, your phone chimed, letting you know you received a text. you knew it was ravi because you'd set his notification sound to be different. you hadn't spoken with your boyfriend all day since you forgot your phone, so he likely was asking why you didn't send him your daily random school photo. but you were just too tired to pick it up and type of reply. you told yourself you'd take a fifteen-minute nap, then call him.
your slumber was disrupted when a force was shaking your body back and forth, the repeated call of your name in the distance. you were still somewhat mentally in your dream state, so you weren't quick to respond.
"light of my life."
"my little honey butter biscuit."
your sleepiness was starting to fade away, and you were able to deliver a somewhat coherent response. you had to blink a few times to focus your vision on the face before you. it took you a moment to process ravi in your vision, kneeling in front of the side of the bed where your head lays. "ravi? what are you doing here?"
you yawn as you sit up on your bed and stretch out your spine, turning to face ravi. you rubbed your eyes a bit to keep them from drooping. ravi then immediately engulfed you into his arms, pushing you back onto the bed.
you were thrown aback by the gesture, but you would never object a hug from your boyfriend, especially given the day you had.
ravi pulled away, sitting down next to you on the bed. "oh my god, i thought something happened. you hadn't answered any of my texts and any time i called you, it went straight to voicemail." ravi anxiously explained, holding your face in both his hands.
"i'm sorry," you gave an apologetic peck to his lips, "i was gonna text you when i woke up from my quick nap after school." you went to grab your phone from the corner of your bed. you clicked the power button a few times, but it wouldn't turn on. your phone was dead, the reason why your alarm didn't go off and ravi's calls weren't going through. the world had to be playing a prank on you at this point.
"quick nap?" ravi furrowed his brows, "it's already 7 pm."
"what?" you exclaimed, wide-eyed. how could it already be so late? you were going to take a half-hour nap to recover your energy. you still had homework and chores to do before your parents got home. you went MIA almost the whole day, likely why ravi was so worried and came into your house. with all the murderous events this town has faced, you felt guilty for having him alarmed. horrible girlfriend award goes to you.
automatically, your face made its way into your hands from guilt and frustration of every going wrong today. you sighed heavily, holding back tears threatening to fall. even though you had a full crying session before coming in the house, you still had tears left to shed. you were trying very hard to not cry in front of ravi.
ravi reached out toward you, putting a hand on your back and a hand on your knee, “baby, what’s wrong?” he voiced with concern.
"it's nothing," you responded in a cracked voice, suppressing all your emotions. a blatant lie, that didn't even convince you, and one ravi could see through.
"c'mon, it's obviously something if it has my girlfriend so upset about it. let me see your pretty face." ravi grabs your wrists and pulls them apart to uncover your sullen face. not having the energy to resist, you opted to face your head down to your lap and have your hair cover most of your face.
“dont hide from me baby.” he whispers to you. he parts your hair behind your ears and sees your face and then moves his hand to your chin, making you look up to him with watery eyes. “now, tell me what happened. or i’m gonna just stare at your really hard until you do.” he says the last part playfully, but you wouldn’t put it past him to actually do it.
looking into your boyfriend’s eyes was enough to spill your guts. and his genuine concern for you only made you love him impossibly more. you knew it was safe to cry your eyes out around him, so finally, you let your emotions through.
you choked up for a moment trying to get a word in, but all you could do was start with a miserable sob. you go to cover your mouth with your hands to reel some of it in, but hot tears are already coming down from your eyes.
immediately, ravi pulls you into his embrace, and onto his lap - your face now smushed into his chest. tears likely staining his graphic tee, but he didn’t seem to care. he rubs a hand soothingly along your back, cooing and shushing you in attempt to help calm you down. all you could do your hold onto him tight for comfort in your troubles.
it took you a few minutes before your cries were getting dulled and you were able to breathe steadily. ravi just held you the whole time, patiently waiting for you to settle, so you can recite to him the issue.
you sniffled and moved your head away from his chest, ready to finally have a proper conversation without interruption by your hiccuped breaths. ravi began wiping any wetness from your face with his hand, then removing hair from your eyes and putting it behind your ears. “do you feel better now?”
you nodded, taking a deep breathe to further calm yourself. he gives you a small smile then plants a quick kiss on your lips. “good, now tell me what has my girl all down in the dumps.”
you crack a smile at his corny phrases, slightly feeling better. you began to recount all of the day's incidents, starting from waking up late and ending with your hysteria in your driveway. all through it, ravi held you close, rubbing small circles on the side of your thigh in a calming manner.
“so that was my shitty day pretty much. it all sounds kind of stupid now that i say it out loud to someone. sorry for worrying you over dumb stuff like this.”
“hey, anything that makes you upset is reason enough for me to start worrying.” ravi’s hand trails toward the area of your knee still stained with some of your blood, “you know what, i’m boycotting stairs. i refuse to associate with anything that harms my girlfriend.” he responds in faux seriousness. you can’t help but laugh at his behavior and playfully slap his chest lightly.
“thank you. for being the best boyfriend ever,” you say with sincerity. only ravi was the type of person who could make you laugh after bawling your eyes out.
“well, i am quite ravi-singh-ing aren’t i?” ravi cockily boasts. he flips his wrist, flipping over imaginary hair dramatically.
you rolled you eyes, “oh god, are you ever going to let that go?” you one time joked his name looked like the word ravishing when he had written it down. ever since then, he loved to constantly bring it up to boost his ego.
“never. it never gets old. and you know what your amazing boyfriend proposes?” you wait for him to continue, “a movie to remedy your shitty day.”
you pretend to think about it for a moment, “okay, but i choose.”
ravi's mouth goes agape, “what! it was my idea.” he protests.
“yeah, but it’s my crappy day.” you counter back.
he narrows his eyes at you, and you give your best pleading pout, “fine, i suppose it's lady's choice tonight," he relents. "you should be ever so lucky to have such a gentleman as a boyfriend.” he adds in an overdone proper tone.
“yup. i’m just the luckiest girl.” and you meant it.
"now," ravi manured his way out of your bed and stood up. he proceeds to carry your bridal style, being careful of your knee, "let's fix up your little injury."
"babe, i can walk; my leg isn't broken." despite your small protest, you move to wrap your arms around his neck for stability.
ravi, with you in his arms, walks out of your room and toward your upstairs bathroom. "excuse me for being chivalrous." he states defensively, "you should be fawning over me with heart eyes at this moment." he says a matter of factly.
you give another eye-roll to his antics, "your right my bad, let me try again." you clear your throat for effect, "on my god, ravi, you're so dashing and charming, and your good looks just stun me." you exclaim with melodramatic affection.
ravi sets you down on the gray granite counter of your bathroom next to the sink. he looks at you with a crooked smile, "that's more like it. you just forgot to mention how you dream of me at night, but it's alright - i've sleep next to you enough nights to know how much you say my name in your sleep." he winks at you with he last bit of his sentence.
you lightly hit his chest, "are you gonna continue to admire yourself or put a bandaid on me so we can watch a movie?"
"while, i'd love to do the former, i'll go with the latter. actually," he pauses, and starts digging through his pockets in search for something, "aha! here, this should make your frown turn upside down." cue another eye roll for his corny humor. he opens his palm toward you to reveal a bandaid, a hello-kitty one.
you take it with a cheerful smile, "thank you, but why do you have this?" you look up at question him.
"you mean why do i carry bandaids for my accident-prone girl?" he rhetorically counters, while kneeling down in front of your bruised knee. "i just figured if you're hurt you can at least look cute being injured."
you can't help but smile at him lovingly as he replaced your dried bloody band-aid with the pink hello kitty one. to finish off, he places a quick kiss on it. "there, all better."
yeah, it was all better now.
"hunger games? again?" ravi questions exasperatedly. you two were currently settled under your bed sheets, facing your television. ravi is sat up with your head settled on his chest and his arm wrapped around your shoulders.
the netflix app was open, and the two of you were in the process of deciding on a film. well, you were picking, and ravi kept adding in his own personal opinion that prompted you that annoyed you enough to not choose a movie. netflix recently added the hunger games movies, and you couldn't help but want to watch it - no matter how many times you'd seen it with ravi already.
is having a movie about children dying and killing each other and government control as a comfort movie a red flag? maybe.
"are you judging me, your girlfriend, right now?" you challenge with an arched brow.
ravi holds a hand to his heart, "no, no, of course not. if my girl tells me to do something, then my only option is to obey," he replies mockingly.
you nod in approval, "exactly. glad you get it." you pat the top of his head as if he were a dog who just learned a new trick.
he mimics you and then tickles your side, causing you to jolt in your spot. "shush it, and put the movie on." you give him a glare but move to grab the remote next to you, pressing play to start the film.
as the movie began and went through, the two of you commented on scenes as they came on the tv.
"if we were tributes from the same district, would you kill me?"
"most likely." you say nonchalantly.
you scoff, "gale gets more annoying the more i watch this."
"i would kill for ceasar flickerman's job." ravi expressed.
"i just know you would've fallen off that tree on your own."
"ow!- ok sorry."
after a good three-fourths of the film, your eyes get heavier. yet, you try to remain awake and respond to whatever ravi was saying. but you decide to close your eyes for a moment, claiming you'd open them again when ravi says something. however, that never came to be because you were out like a light, the noise of violence and yelling from the screen lulling you to slumber.
"okay, this is a good movie, but i refuse to watch the sequel after this too." ravi frowns when you don't respond. "baby, i was just kidding, don't give me the silent treatment." he looks down at your body, then takes notice of your closed eyes and steady breathes.
he laughs, "of course, you fell asleep, not even surprised." he leans his head down and plants a kiss on the crown of your head. he whispers to your ear, "good night. hopefully, you have a better day tomorrow, and if not, i'll always be here to cheer you up."
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Quirklesness is not meant to be a metaphor for disability. The Japanese word for Quirkless means having no individuality, that’s what it represents: sense of self, individuality, talent, etc. MHA has so many actually disabled characters (Aizawa, Mirko, All Might, etc) judge the series by how it treats its intentionally disabled characters, whether you think it’s good or bad
uhhhhh i wasnt gonna respond to think but like highkey you know theres more than one type of disability right??
just because quirkless people can function in daily life does not mean they are not considered disabled by the society of mha.
izuku is treated negatively because he is not able to do something the majority of people can. people with quirks are considered to be superior to the quirkless and having that they have value to society. izuku is treated flat out that is incapable of success because the fact that he has an extra toe joint and is unable to float pencils or breathe fire like his parents do. im not sure how that cant be seen as flat put ableism
and in regards to amputees- i didnt mention them because they are treated with respect in mha and therefore did not need to be addressed . im not sure if you just lack media literacy skills or just dont understand that there are more disabled people out there than people who loose parts of themselves and are become disabled through going through a traumatic experience. yes they are disabled. yes thats cool that hori includes that. that is not the point.
people can be born with disabilities too. and thats what im talking about. im talking about the fact that never was it wholly adressed that izuku was a victim too.
having bakugou realize that discrimination based on what someone is able to do (ableism) is bad is great. but in my opinion its not enough. not enough for the way the story was staged at the beginning. not enough for me to feel at peace with izuku being able to love himself and actually feel like he belongs and is wanted in society. something to help him understand that he is useful and him being born is not just a flopped mistake.
i am autistic (medically diagnosed dont @ me) and i know what its like to feel like no one cares and no one likes you or sees you just because you are yourself. obviously this is not the same intensity of what izuku went thru but that doesnt mean it doesn't affect you for the rest of your life. it doesnt mean it doesnt make you hate yourself for even being born.
almost every other character whose trauma was focused on had some sort of healing. in some form. izuku had none. at least none shown or even referenced which is truly what matters in a piece of media. he is the main character. if shouto can get resolution from being abused by his father for 15 years and isolated from the world why does izuku get nothing?
im not trying to say that hori is ableist. im not accusing anyone of anything. i am simply stating my frustrations at the lack of resolution. i do love hori and his work but just because i love a work does not mean i cannot comment on it or make critiques.
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piffany666 · 6 months
OK just one more punk progeny won't hurt ~
Chapter 8: exceptions
(Ftm trans Bright eyes - uses he/him pronouns)
(Lovely demi girl - uses they/she pronouns)
Fred's eyes lingered on the door that was closed behind Bright and Porter.
He had so much to think about after that meeting, and yet he couldn't distract himself from the interaction he had just witnessed.
Fred's pov:
Well...those two seemed to...get along.
Wait. What am I doing? Some crazy stuff just happened and I'm more focused on who Brights...associating with!?
....this is all.....a lot.
We don't talk for a few months and suddenly he's on his way to become a Prince!?
I know how stubborn he is but you'd think he'd at least tell me SOMETHING
Actually no. I know that no matter what Bright would've kept this from me for as long as he could. But Sam. Sam should have said something. Hell he's the one who apparently gave William permission to take him in! And since when did Bright get so close to William anyway?!
.........no. dont think that. Thats not-
"You alright kiddo?"
End of Freds pov.
Sam interrupted his spiraling thoughts.
"I'm...no i-i don't know"
Sam sighed, then sat beside him.
"Thought so. Listen, I'm sorry I didn't say anything about this sooner. It's just....you know Bright, he would've been pissed off to high heaven if I'd told you his business, and besides, it wasn't a definite dissension. Hell, I only just found out that he'd made his choice. I would've thought he'd have told you by now, if only to claim bragging rights"
"Nah, we stopped talking after we had that arrangement, and when Bright wants to avoid someone -"
He stopped himself for a moment, collected his thoughts then sighed.
"Let's just say he wouldn't brake the silence, even if he had something to brag about"
For a moment, the two just sat there. There was never much talking whenever they were together. Sam always showed his feelings best through actions, and while Fred was actually the tipe to believe talking is the best road to success in any relationship, they managed to maintain a fairly healthy one. The same couldn't be said for Bright and Sam, who, despite having many things in common, such as communication skills, couldn't stand each other.
The thought that almost made its way into Fred's head sat threateningly at the gates of his subconscious.
Sam sensed there was something Fred wanted to say. In the past, he would have let him be and allowed Fred to come to him when he felt comfortable to do so. However.
"Hey, whatcha thinking about ?"
"I-it just"
Fred tried to tell himself that what he wanted to say was wrong and, to an extent, cruel. Then he remembered the way Bright looked at Porter just now.
And he let it out.
"It just doesn't seem fair! He gets us both killed, he's disrespectful towards you, he ignores me and how is he punished? By becoming royalty!?"
As Fred said this he shot up from his seat.
Once he had finished he exhaled heavily as if holding that thought in was the equivalent of holding his breath.
"......your right. It's not fair"
Replied Sam after a moment.
"Believe me when I say I do understand, but you have to understand that William is a better fit for Bright. He'll be able to handle him better than I ever could, him being a Prince as a result of that is just an....unfortunate catch"
Freds outburst caught the attention of Vincent and Lovely.
Alexis didnt seem to care, or at least thats what she made it seem like.
The room was silent however Vincent could feel a disturbance in Lovely's emotions.
"Hey, Lovely, are you ok?"
He asked as his hand sliped into theirs.
"Im. Fine."
They said through their teeth.
Their tone seemed almost stern...?
Vincent took their word for it but noted that this conversation seemed to have an....effect on them.
He took their hand and squeezing it for a moment.
Suddenly, after retreating for a short while, William returned to the common room.
He began to adress alexis.
"Alexis, i know i said i wanted Bright and Porter to get more acquainted, however, it completely slipped my mind that i have a meeting scheduled with Porter in less than 20 minutes, could you at some point retrieve him and bring him to me?"
She gave a nonchalant hand gesture that suggested that she would do so whenever it best suited her.
"Good, the rest of you are permitted to disperse you know?"
"We're aware we were just trying to asses the situation"
Replied Sam.
"Fair enough, however, its getting early, so please try and be conscious of time, if it comes down to it, you could spend the day here?"
"Nah i appreciate it but i gotta get back"
"Alright, then keep an eye on the time Samuel"
"Yes your highness"
At that, his majesty dispersed and retreated to his study.
The remaining vampires paused for a moment, silently debating whether or not they wanted to continue the precious topic of conversation and subconsciously arguing over who would be the one to continue if they were to do so.
Fred was still being taunted by the image of Bright's eyes and the way he looked at Porter.
He had only ever seen that look on very specific occasions and he was far from the only one to be greeted with such a look.
And by the way they left together Fred was met with the reality that he wouldn't be the last.
His fists gripped the fabric of the couch.
"Bright should at least have to apologise to you before being made prince..."
Sam spent a few minutes hesitating between whether or not to answer that. Then he replied.
"I agree"
Once sam had responded, fred took that as a sighn to continue.
"After everything hes done, he think he can just up and leave?"
Sam sighed. There was no point in trying to maintain some sort of moral high ground and pretend like he didnt agree with him.
"I dont know what i expected, but yeah, showing me at least some gratitude would do him some good. He didnt even havd the decency to tell me himself, we havent talked in God knows how long, ive had to get all my information on this whole mess of a situation throught william"
Sam felt the same weight leave him as fred felt when he finally let his true feelings out.
"I-im sorry Sam, but i dont think William is right for Bright. I get that hes the king but what has Bright eyes ever done to get a promotion this big?! Ive had to suffer so much because of him and the only person to console me has been you, not my supposed best friend, you"
Sam looked around for a moment to check to see if alexis was still there but to his relief, she had silently disappeared. Despite this he still lowered his voice as he said.
"We all know how good william is at picking his progeny, not you vincent! You know i dont mean you"
He said this as soon as he saw Vincent gering up to say somthing.
Vincent slumped back into his seat, he notice again how tense Lovely looked.
"Do...do you think hes going to end up like alexis?"
Fred asked with trepidation.
Sam winced after hearing this. Then answered.
"Alexis is the way she is for a number of reasons. Bright and Alexis are very diffrent people, no matter how similar their....behaviour might be, however, that dosnt mean i dont think this...promotion will change Bright for the worst. Because i KNOW that it will"
He chose his words very carefully.
Lovely's face had gone dark by this point, Vincent was really begining to worry.
"If William were to allow him access to any of his possessions or any of the privileges that come with being his progeny it would make even worse of a reckless monster out of him"
Sam knew that alexis and Bright eyes are different people, but adam and alexis where both testaments to what this kind of power could do to a person, so Fred's concerns began to cloud Sam's mind.
"What do those 'privileges' entail exactly?"
Fred was naturally curious as to what kind of luxury would be at Brights disposal.
"Just the same as whats available to Vincent and alexis, money, real estate, just general expensive sh*t he dosnt need"
Another disapproving glance from Vincent, who was begining to question the implication of what sam was saying in regards to his 'privileges'.
"Oh great because thats exactly what he needs"
The irony and sarcasm in his tone dripped from every word that came out of his mouth.
Right before he was about to continue, he was interrupted by Lovely, who stood up as she said.
"I have a question"
Vincent's hand sliped out of hers as she made a fist.
"Why don't talk about me the way you do Bright eyes?"
This question baffled Sam and confused Fred. Vincent's mouth parted slightly in shock.
Sam asked coldly.
"Why. Dont you. Talk about me. The way you do. Bright eyes?"
She shortened her statement but started it just as bluntly as she did previously.
She didn't give Sam a moment to respond when they turned her attention towards fred.
"How old is Bright eyes?"
"W-what? What dose that have to do with-?"
"Answer the question. How old is Bright eyes?"
What Lovely was really asking was 'how old was he when he was turned' but its not like he'd aged since then. Or will age from then on.
"19.....same as me"
He answered while looking up at lovely, Fred had never considered Lovely to be an authority figure but he certainly did now.
"Right. You wanna know how old i was when i went to wonder world?"
Fred flinched at the mention of the place of his turning.
"24. I was 24. I went there and was given a warning and you know what i did? I went back there. Im an adult and i didnt know better, so what? Should Bright have known better? And if thats what you think then why. Dont you treat me. The way you treat. Him?"
Everyone was silent. This was a side of Lovely that neither sam nor Fred had ever seen before.
Vincent knew better than to make Lovely mad for this exact reason.
"Whats your point?"
Asked Sam, who immediately came to regret asking.
"My point is you need to give Bright some damn slack! From the moment he was turned you blamed him for what happend. He's a babby! Im a grown ass adult!"
They bellowed at Sam then turned their attention towards Fredrick.
"And look, i know you blame him because he peer pressured you into going into wonder world that night, i appreciate that, but you cant act like you where the only one hurt by his mistakes"
Vincent was begining to consider stepping in.
Lovely once again addressed Sam.
"He made a mistake! A stupid, life changing mistake! No one in this room can say they haven't done that, and yet you wasted no time making sure he knew it was his fault! Would you have done that to me? Imagine if somone did that to you when you where first turned. Imagine if somone told you to have known better? Imagine if somone told you to drive safer!
Vincent finally stepped in, interrupting her explosive rant, not entirely on purpose, he simply shouted at her out of shock.
This seemed to cause Lovely to realise the severity of what they just said and she began to blush out of embarrassment and shame.
Their head bowed as she tried to avoid facing Sam.
"I-im sorry i-i have to go"
She rushed out of the room, vincent tried to go after her but stopped himself.
She just needed time to cool off.
"I should go"
Sam said as he stood up.
Vincent didn't want him to feel like he needed to leave, but he knew he couldn't convince him to stay any longer.
Besides, the sun was bound to come up soon.
"C-can i go with you? I dont wanna have to spend the day here"
Fred's room was directly next to Bright's.
He wasn't an idiot. He knew from that look Bright gave Porter that Bright didnt intend to spend the day alone.
"Yeah, come on kiddo lets go"
Sam replied, fred stood up and they made their way out.
Lovely was aimlessly wandering around the manor.
She wanted to talk to Bright eyes. Ever since he got here sam discouraged everyone from talking to him, saying he wasn't 'sociable' or 'particularly friendly'.
But what would she even say?
She thought,
'Hello i know we've never had a real conversation but i just defended your honour. Could we be friends now?'
Lovely groaned.
Then she turned a corner and immediately bumped into alexis.
"Ah! Oh! S-sorry i-"
"Ugh its fine i was actually looking for you anyway"
Lovely couldn't name a time alexis had even had a real conversation with her, let alone activly seek her out.
Lovely asked hesitantly.
"I just ran into Bright eyes....and Porter"
Her lips curved into a smug smile.
"Lets just say i caught them at a....bad time~"
"Oh? OH"
Lovely had a good idea of what alexis was refering to.
At first they were suprised, then worried.
Lovely knew how much Vincent hated Porter, hell she hated him arguably just as much and Vincent had taken a huge liking to Bright eyes. Lovely found it adorable how happy Vincent was at the prospect of a little brother, so how would he feel about this?
"Aha~ Porter told me hed rather not lose his head telling vincent himself but he knew i couldnt just keep this to myself, so im on my way to tell him in his sted, i suggest you dont bring this up with Vincent, he's got enough on his mind, he most likely would want to avoid this information as much as possible, at least until after the summit"
"Yes of course"
Lovely knew how much pressured Vincent was under, they didnt want to add to it by bringing this up.
And besides, if alexis was going to tell him anyway then hed talk about it with her when he felt ready.
"Alright then, where are you going?"
"Oh! I was on my way to see Bright but if he's....busy i-"
"Oh dont worry, when i walked in on them Porter chased me away as opposed to staying with Bright eyes, my best guess is that Bright got sick of waiting for him to come back so he went back to his room"
Lovely was suprised by her intuition.
"A-alright then, ill go see if he's there"
Alexis hummed then made her way past them.
Lovely still didnt know what she'd say to him.
Once she had turned the corrner that she had previously attempted to turn before bumping into alexis, her eyes where met with something she believed to be the answere to her dilemma.
@darlin-collins thank you for proof reading!
@anexistingexistence thank you for the dialog recommendations
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kumezyzo · 1 year
can i get a little scenario where reader and sapnap were at an award show and they are secretly dating. that’s why during the show they met in the backstage to make out in secret BUT some staff saw them and took a pic to post it online and the next day they gotta explain ut on live
this has been in my inbox for too long. but thank you sm for requesting this!!! fem!reader.
anyway enjoy. or dont :) m.list
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You looked down at you phone nervously, prepareing to announce the winner of the next award. you swiped out out of your messages, going over your two sentences worth of lines.
suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around you. you jolted and turned around to see your boyfriend in his all black suit, grinning at you. you rolled your eyes and reached up to rest your hands on his shoulders.
"i thought you didnt see my text," you tell him as you move your hands up to his neck.
"i was just tryna find my way back here," he glanced down at your lips. "i had to come calm my girl down just a bit."
you smiled and leaned in to touch your lips to his. he grinned into the kiss, licking lightly at your bottom lip. when you slightly parted you lips, he brought your bottom lip into his mouth, lightly sucking on it before pulling away.
He had a blush on his face paired with a dopey smile, "good luck, baby. you'll do great."
"I didnt think i could fuck up two sentences even if i tried," you giggle as you step away. he shrugs and looks you up and down, obviously checking you out.
"yn?" you both looked towarss the sound of the voice, a young woman standing there nervously. "this is the envelope. youre on in a few minutes."
they hand you the black envelope, looking ebtween you and nick, "sorry but visitors should be going back to their seats now."
"right, my bad," he said as he smiled. "good luck!"
Not even two days later, an article surfaced on twitter with the caption, 'Sapnap and Yn Seen Together at Award Show!"
at first, you thought its was a stupid gossip site that blew out of proportion the meaning of you two sitting so close together. but when it began gaining more traction and people were starting to tweet and send it to you two, you decided it was worth reading.
the main media was a video of you two not even a second before you two started kissing backstage. you watched the video with your heart racing. it felt violating knowing someone was watching you when you thought you were alone.
"who the fuck even filmed the video," clay asked to no on in particular. the four of you were standing around the kitchen island. you had all strangely found eachother only a few hours after the article was posted.
"i think it was the staff that came in to give me the fucking envelope," you said, blankly staring at the marble pattern of the counter top.
"i dont think it matters now, people know now," george said as if trying to mediate the situation. "you have to say something."
"this is such bullshit," nick said in frustration as he looked at you from across the kitchen island.
"yea, but theres nothing you can do now," clay reiterated. "make a statement and dont post shit for a bit."
"to adress the rumours, yn and i are dating," nick said to the camera in defeat. you two sat next to eachother, accepting that you had to film this video. both of you appearing visibly annoyed. "we dont really care about anyones opinions on our relationship because its really none of your business."
you scoffed and shook your head, "this isnt the way we would have ever planned or expected this to go, but sadly, here we are," you took in a deep breath. "this is all we have to say for now. and respectfully... fuck off."
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this is short but ive been so dizzy and reading/writing is hard. so i hope you enjoyed -Nony
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Ive managed to find maybe one of the shadiest doctors in the city...
so i needed a psychiatrist, right? add, adhd, who knows, either way my executive function broke and i probably need help.
Wait times are horrible though, so made a bunch of appointments to see what would work fastest, one via a private provider. That one was moved forwards from originally being in september to today.
I need to fully describe this place, it was crazy.
There is only one man working in the entire "practice" and he is the doctor. He is wering nothing under his striped hawai shirt that has only hald the buttons closed, and not even to corresponding holes. He has to tell every patient that comes in and asks for something at the desk that his system is broken and all prescriptions must be printed, no digital.
This combined desk and waiting room is entierely yellowed. no plants, the only decoration a desk lamp with an embroidered landshade that looks stolen from someones grandma and a printout of a stained glass butterfly on the wall. The only reading material is a 12cm thick book called "The 1000 Breeds of Dog".
The carpet is beige and the lights humm persistently.
After being asked to the desk im led by the doctor through two hallways filled with wardrobes (the kind for clothes) and cupboards (the kind for cups, with the cute little windows) filled with paperwork. im told to sit down in an office with one desk and one bookshelf for furniture. The desk chair is held together with literal string. Theres marks on the table were documents must have laid for years while the sun bleached the plastic faux wood veneer around them. Looking around, there is not even a clock. The one calming staple ive seen in every doctors office ive ever been in is missing. It feels Conspicuous.
Looking around, i note a bag of packaged syringes on the floor next to a fax machine plugged into a wall outlet.
Above them hangs a faded print of Hieronymus Bosch's "Garden of earthly delights". All color except for blue and pale yellow have been bleached away.
After an unknown of time passes, the doctor returns to me in the office, we talk for less than 3 minutes, i tell him what diagnosis im seeking, he says its easy, hell send me a link to a test and can get me medication. I dont think i want the medication anymore?
Nodding along, i eventually leave the office for my home, and find that an email adress called "Doctor" has sent me an email containing nothing but an encrypted link with the Subject "ADHD".
I do the test, the second half of the questions are all in third person, asking about "the patient", clearly meant for the doctor to fill out.
I do my best.
I think im gonna go for a second opinion before i take any meds this man prescribes me? Either way, im having an utterly fascinating week, between this, the other thing and the Pagan Nazi i found at my supermarket. Utterly Fascinating
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vince-linder · 7 months
Something bout relationships
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Oh no, they are fighting. But they should be all happy, giddy husbands, right? Nah. No marriage or relationship is ever just happy. And this one isnt an exception at all. But dw, they still love eo. Lil writing wip towards the pic under the cut <3
"Johnny?" Vin set down his cup and stood up from the desk, just to sit down back next to his partner. "Mmh?", he looked up from his guitar to his husband, his brows furrowed in a questioning manner. Johnny was trying to finish this song, and usually Vince wouldnt interrupt him with not important stuff at times like this. Vince scooted a bit closer, hesistating to directly spit out what he was thinking for a while and needed to adress badly. "You know, we are kinda in a poly-ship with Ker and Vel, right?" A screeching sound from the guitar strings was the only sound for a moment between them. "What-" Vince took a deep breath and looked at his husband, playing around with the ring on his hand. A small smile formed on his lips as all the memories flooded him. "Come on Johnny. I dont mean it in any negative way, but-" "No. No fucking but. We are not in ANY relationship with them. At all.", Johnny stared at him angrily, like he just took the biggest punch in the guts.
After a moment of silence, Johnny stood up and paced through the living room. And Vince fully well knew to just let him ponder for a few minutes, give him room to let out all the anger and negative emotions. Still watching Johnnys ever step, seeing him attempt to say something a few times, just to close his mouth again before speaking. Finally he stopped in his movement and looked at Vince, less angry and more confused now, but still so full of energy. Vince almost smirked, but he knew to well that it would only enrage Johnny right now, but good god, was he cute like that.
"What do you mean with that even?", finally Johnny found his words, even in a kinda calm and collected manner. "Well. We spend much time together, either staying at our Mansion, or Kers. We slept together in one bed quite a few times. We have very casually Sex between the four of us. We go on Dates together, all four of us, just me and Vel or you and Ker. This feels quite a bit like dating-light, dont you think?" Vince watched him again, but this time dont gave him the room to say something against it, but stood up and placed his hands on Johnnys hips. He could feel the slight reaction, the minimal shock of Johnny, but he would not jump away form his husband. Not anymore. "I know you try to make us all believe that you dont like Vel-" "I do not like him, that is no make believe." "Mhm. Sure. Thats why the two of you cuddle together on the couch with Nibbles, watching goofy sitcoms? Or that the reason why you want him on your lap when nobody else is around? Or maybe-" "Stop it Vin! I am not into him, and I do not like him!", the anger was boiling in the rockerboy and now he pushed Vince from himself to start once more to pace through the room. "I am only doing this for your and Kers sake. Not for this homeless idiot. He is taking advantage of both of you, nothing more, nothing less." "No. Come on Johnny, you dont mean that." "I fully mean that V! How can you be so blind? He searched a sugardaddy and found two! Congrats."
"Johnny-", a sigh left Vince as he tried to calm his husband down again, carefully placing his hands without much pressure on Johnnys forearms. Johnny stopped and stared at Vince, the anger boiling in his gaze, his muscles twitching from the deep overstimulating emotions. "I know this is a tricky topic for you, and I know you still have your very personal problems with your sexuality besides everything me, but please. I know you dont mean it like this, J. It is a weird situation, I know that. I never thought that anything alike would happen, especially after all we been through. After all we tested with Ker and Billy. But things change, and I -" "Nothing changed on that part." Johnny crossed his arms and was fully pouting "Sure I enjoy the sex with Ker, he's a good lover. But thats all." "Mhm. Sure.", Vince shook his head amused by Johnnys antics "Thats why its always Vel on your cock, because you love Ker that much."
Anger, hatred, a nervous twitching that almost looked like he holded back to just punch him straight, all that played in Johnnys face and body for a few seconds, staring at Vince for this comment and his attitude. "That-that isn't true. Yall just cannot get enough of my cock, thats it."
Vince rolled his eyes, but he was used to Johnnys defensive stance towards anything about his sexuality. Of course, Johnny Silverhand wasnt gay or even bi. He was just slightly into one man, and that only because they shared a brain. Nothing more. He would never enjoy anything else. Vin let go of Johnnys arms and turned, heading to the window and staring outside for a moment. As always, the city was loud and agressive. Just like their situation right now, maybe it was again time for a trip through the badlands to detox from it all.
"V-", his voice was almost apoleptic, somewhat deeply hurt. This man was full of trauma he would never truely be done with. But Vin didnt turned. He didnt wanted it to be such a big fight to get Johnny to even admit he may enjoyed being around Vel and Ker much lately. But he should have seen it coming. The last time they tried something kinda poly, it escalated even quicker, and much more violently. He leaned his forehead against the window, the glass cooling his mind. "What do you wanna hear from me, Johnny? All I said is true. We both know this. But you are still not able to be true to yourself. You are still trying-" he stopped in his words as he felt Johnnys arms wrapping around him, and the head of the rockerboy being on his shoulder. "I know.", was all Johnny said before he just silently cuddled with Vince. Vince closed his eyes for a moment and leaned against the frame of his rockerboy husband, a silent laugh escaping him "You know, that you are an idiot?" "Mmh. And you are a dumbass. Thats why we fit together so well." Vince turned in his embrace, facing him with a cheeky grin. "So you really not gonna admit that you like Vel?" "Never gonna happen." "Cause you know, you gonna be alone here with him next weekend, right?" Johnny looked confused at him, trying to get why that should be the case. "He's not with Kerry?" "Nah. Kerry gonna be on this little Promo Party, in Pacifica. And I am on a big gig. Kids spending the weekend at Mamá Welles.", Vince smile grew, as he saw the realization in Johnnys face bloom. "So its just me and Vel." "Mhm" "I not gonna survive this."
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hirik0 · 1 year
You always meet twice part 6
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Ghost sits in Price office waiting for the Captain. He's nervous unsure what Price wants to know from him, he hates this. "Sit down Simon", Price tells him before he closes the door, Ghost hears the clinging of glasses. He was right with his drinks and cigar therapy session. He sits down, removed his masks, its better to just answer all of Price questions, he learnt this by now. Price pulls them both a generous amount of bourbon pushing one towards Ghost. "So tell me about the first time you meet Soap", Price tells him. "We meet at a illegal rave in Glasgow some of Tommys scum friends told him how to get in. Tommy got away from me, hid on the dance floor to get to the bar. He was 17 at the time, but as long as you pay they don't care about your age. They already meet at the bar, when I found Tommy. Got ditched as fast as possible front both and they found someone that sold them Ecstasy and I had to make sure they got save on the train. After that Soap and Tommy would go on raves together. But I was in Iraq so I don't know what they were up to." Ghost takes a big sip of his drink. "The second time I meet Soap he was freshly 18 and about to get in a fight with two dealers. Got the two idiots away from the situation and told them if they do it again, I will drag them out of the building. That night Soap drank so many coloured shot he thrown up, must be shortly before he enlisted, because Tommy stopped talking about him 2 months later. But if we talked about Soap he sounds the same he sounded at the beginning of me joining the military. Don't think they saw each other again before Roba", Ghost ends the short story, nervously spinning the glass in his hand. "How your doing, son?", Price asks, knowing Ghost tells for having pushed himself to far for a mission like the back if his hand by now. Concerned that he sees all of them. "I... meeting Soap again so unexpected and returning to Mexico was a lot harder then expected. I thought for some time I finally lost my last screw, but then Graves betrayed us and I felt less crazy about all of it", Ghost admits not looking at Price, finding a intresting stain on the floor. Looks like melted chocolate, could also be dried blood. "You need some leave?", Price asks further and Ghost laughts at this. "Thought half our stay in Mexico that I need to go on leave. Still need to, need some time to get anything in in my head in order." "Chicago?", Price finally adresse what that's really about. "He stood in front of my door, drunk. Pulled him in to the room, tryed to get him to go back to his. But he looked at me with puppy eyes and I let him stay. We watched some animal documentaries before he fall asleep." "Will this become a problem Simon?", Price inquires further not sure yet what he means with problem. "I dont know", Ghost admits the silence in the room is uncomfortable but he has no more to say. Price lights up his cigar taking a deep inhales of the smoke. Not liking that Ghost also dont know if it will become a problem, so it deffently will become one later on. But it also shows that Simon is still in there not only the empty husk that the Ghost is, that only ask who his target is and where to kill it. He will have to keep a eye on this situation, but for now he will wait how thinks are developing. "Maybe it's good for you to be more then the Ghost, Simon. If you think it becomes to big to handle we will figure something out." "Thanks Price." "And now pack your back your on leave for two weeks, you look like shit Simon." "One." "You will take the full 14 days Simon. That's an order." Ghost rolls his eyes at the pulling rank of Price, he lost this disgusion.
Ghost don't even remember when he stayed in the small flat the government rents for him. Legally dead people can't rent or buy flats. He packs his bag like Price ordered, fuck two weeks is way to long. He dont need to think about everything that long. But a order is a order and he will follow it. He rembers the disgusion in the hotel lobby. 'What a way to tell him Tommy is dead.' He drops on his bed knowing he will not sleep this night. Price is probably right he should tell Soap that Tommy is dead, someday not now, not when his brain is utter chaos and old wounds are about to tear open again.
Soap is in his room looking at the empty search bar in his browser. He dont even know what to put in it. He knows Tommy is from Manchester and his name, it will probably not show him anything but it's the only think he has. The way Ghost said they don't talk anymore leaves a bad taste in his mouth. He tips in 'Tommy Riley Manchester' pressing enter. Thinking he will be linked to a bunch of abandoned face book profiles. His heart drops when all the top entries are links to old news paper articles. Oh, oh no. His hand is shaking when he clicks on the Times article. Murder scene 4 death on Christmas oh fucking shit. He reconices the name of Tommys mother Linda, Tommys the other victim are he assumes Tommys wife Beth, no way if that's the same Beth from back then? And is heart breaks as he reads Joseph Riley (7). He closes the browser felling like he's about to throw up. His blood is ice cold, shit maybe he should have let this rest, because this is uterly depressing. Well he will not mention Tommy anymore that's for sure. Some knocks at his door and shortly after Gaz walks in. "You good Soap? Your really pale", Gaz asks concerned. "Yeah, just saw a horror story video and it was a bit to close to Las Almas", Soap lies closing his laptop. "So spill about your night if our Lieutenant", Gaz says after dropping on Soaps bed. "There is nothing to tell Gaz, we watched TV and I feel asleep", Soap groans annoyed but still glad for the distraction. "So did you sleep in the same bed or did Ghost sleeped on the couch for your drunk ass?", Gaz interrogat. "We.. we shared the bed", Soap stammers out, caught of guard. "Oh." "Don't oh me Gaz, nothing happened." "But you wanted that something happened", Gaz accuses him, with the littel behaviour he over saw. Soap fells himself blush at this, stammering out nonsense, before he finally closes his mouth. "You're not the first having a little crush on the LT", Gaz tells him shrugging his shoulder out of every FNG group atleast one a crush on Ghost. Soap stays silent this is not just a little crush, this was a little crush when he was 17, now its a raging half love. The whole Hasan ordeal made the crush gigantic. "Oh, oh", Gaz says when he figures out why Soap stays silent. "Your down bad for Ghist huh?" "Yes." "Yeah, this man is a enigma, no idea if you can crack it, better don't try." "Thanks Gaz." "No, I work with Ghost and Price for a while now, never saw Ghost even entertain the thought of a hook up and not for a lag of people beeing intrestet." "Gaz." "Some of them are really hot, you know way more attractive then you." "Fuck of Gaz! Are you saying that I'm ugly?" "Soap I like you, I really do, but some of these people were super model hot and you're in comparison barely above swamp monster", Gaz explains. "Shut up Gaz."
Ghost reaches his flat in London late in the afternoon. He got a flat here because of better access to international flights and because he refuses to live in Manchester again. "Ah Sam, you're back", the nice elderly lady that lives across from him greats him. He lives here under the name Sam Winters and he's works as some sort of spokes person for a big firm and traveles a lot for work. The last part is not false. "Mrs. Smith, good to see you again, how are the cats?", he asks politely. "I told you to call me Margaret so often now. Mr. Mittens is getting old, don't get up on the furniture that good anymore. Angel is her usalself", Margaret answers the question happy. Angel is in Ghost opinion the meanest cat he ever meet, a demon disgusted as a cat. From all the cats Margaret had this one is straight up evil. They both agree on it. "Well had a long flight and I need to rest. Good to see you", Ghost ends the small talk. "How long your staying Sam?" "2 weeks." "Then we need to have some tea soon." "Of course." He opens the door to his flat and walks in. He knows that every week some cleans while he's away. So he's not suprised by the lag of dust. The flat is a cold place, nothing here to tell anything of the owner. The most personal item in here are his books. He only stays here to when he absolute has too. His last stay was 7? months ago when he had medical leave for a broken collar bone. He drops his two bags in the small bedroom before he checks if all the weapons are still at there place. Because of the regular cleanings he had to become a bit creative with the hiding spots. Not wanting to freak out the cleaner with a small weapon stach in the appartment. So he only keeps knives here. When he sees that all weapons are still where they are suposed to be he text Price he is in his flat now. He sits down on the couch looking through the memes that Gaz send him, he don't understand most of them, but well its important to Gaz to share them with him so he looks at every singel one.
Soap hates the news that Ghost is on leave for 2 weeks. He wanted to spend time with the Lieutenant. They are a team for fucks sake. Gaz asks him several times to stop moping. Price told him Ghost requested the leave and to go train the recruits. So he does, but he wants to train with Ghost, can probably learn a lot from the older man. But no he needed to run away, likely from him. Fuck, he made it into 141 because of his skills just like Ghost, they work perfectly together, so why is Ghost running away? Because he is a reminder of Tommy? He didn't even had time to talk with Ghost about it. He dont notice Gaz aproaching he is sudenly standing next to him. "Here, so you can stop moping", Gaz says holding out a piece of paper to him. "I'm not moping Gaz for fucks sake", Soap complains taking the paper. He looks at the phone number, puzzled why this should lift his mood. "It's Ghost number", Gaz says before walking away. Oh, well that is a mood booster.
Soap lays on the bed, Ghost number now saved in his phone, the piece of paper long burned. He's debating with himself if he should text Ghost. It's just so that Ghost has his number, no big deal. Its not like this is the only way he can reach Ghost for 2 weeks.
>>It's Soap, Gaz gave me your number.<<
Ghost is not responding why should he? And it still disappoints him. Maybe Ghost only answers when he needs to come back early to base. It's probably nothing personal. Ghost stars at his phone reading Johnny's text. It's simple just to inform him where he got his number from. But it's also temping to text back, to talk with Soap all the time over text for the next two weeks, but this is not why he is here. He's in his flat, because he needs to figure shit out and Soap is part of the shit. He puts he phone down no he will not text Soap toll he figured this out. He's afraid when he starts ones he will not stop and he told himself in Chicago that Soap will not get any special treatment anymore. Time to stick to this, because texting over non work thinks? Special treatment. A small voice in his head tells him that Gaz constant memes are also not work related so it wouldn't be special treatment. He ignores the voice.
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bobbinalong · 1 year
i would love to hear ur thoughts on steph and her pregnancy arc!!! since cannon really dont adress it in any way and its not like id want her whole thing to surround it but considering how much she cared for the baby before she gave it up its interesting how its ignored!! and its also why ur au is so lovely bc its nice to think how she would have adapted!!
I mean, generally, I do think it's an arc best ignored, honestly, since all it really was was a weird pro-life PSA by Chuck Dixon, who. Just in general seems to be a weird conservative, I don't know. I get why writers today would rather not touch all that.
BUT that being said, if they ever do bring it up again, I should hope it's from Steph's perspective and explores some more of her feelings on the matter. Because you're right, she clearly did care for the kid and she did consider keeping them not too long before going into labour. And then she had an anxiety dream about her weirdo dad and that was that until she brought them up to Bruce while dying. And we saw most of that from Tim's perspective, since it's his solo, but it would've been nice to see more about how she felt even then.
(All that is why I feel alright about this AU -- if circumstances were different, if maybe she just hadn't had that dream, she might have very well kept the kid.)
If it'd get retold in some way today (which like, why would it, but DC is also insane, so who knows, tbh), I'd want it to be a much more nuanced view on the issue from Steph's perspective, because we missed out on that.
It must've been a lonely time for her, right? We see her clashing with some of her friends (which ... let's not even touch that right now), we know she starts homeschooling at some point and the only one her age who supports her in this is her weirdo boyfriend who's real name she doesn't know. And their relationship gets weirder every day he wears a mask and she can't anymore. Her dad's away and also garbage, her mom's working in shifts, but at least she's trying to be around, trying to be better. There's a lot there.
I'm not touching it right now in the AU, either, but I don't know, maybe I will at some point. It does interest me.
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iworshipsappho · 11 months
c!tommy for the headcanon ask game :DDD
(you dont have to answer all/more than one of them, idc I´m just really curious lol)
OOOOH this is gonna be funnnn >:333 strap right in!!!
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood mmm so ykn choomy was just 9 during the whole first war right? well uh imma take his childhood to be before everything went down. He was a summer child, bright vibes, all toothy grins and scraped up muddy knees. c!wilbur was a damn worrier, every time he saw c!toms all bloodied up mans would get anxious as fuck despite the obvious joy on tommy's face. and so when will wud bandage tommy up, tommy too would take a couple bandaids and stick them all over will's face and colour them in. so like when they're done wilbur wud just be a mess of awkwardly stuck bandaids covering his face while tommy would be haphazardly patched up :')
👻 A headcanon about what scares them mmm well, we all know about the tnt. im not too sure if the phantoms are canon or not, but to me ctoms is definitely terrified of them. and dont even get me started on bodies of water. both remind him of sleepless nights during exile and just utter helplesssness. im sure we all remember him waking up drowing every single fucking day. so yeah...
🎭 A headcanon about what they lie about oooh he's such a fucking liar man. he lies about almost everything, but not in a ooh im a teenage boy who's an idiot way. he just doesnt think that anyone would actually be interested in what he has to say. the only person he didnt lie to after exile was revivedbur, even with tubbo sometimes he wouldnt know whether or not to tell him how fucked up he actually was and wud lie that he was fine all the fucking time. another person he never lied to was probably cjack, he just didnt care what jack thought of him. oh he also probably lied about all the times shroud inadvertently hurt him, to chommy thats just how the spider shows affection and acknowledgement
🥇 A headcanon about what they’re best at he's the bestest boy ever. period. uhhh but liek if i had to specify smth uhhh my boy loves to crochet and he's ace at it. i personally dunno much about crochet but like i know we as a fandom widely headcanon the blue sweater knitting thing but like, imagine crocheting man. he'd just go full brrrr mode with it. like, someone wants smth? boom he fucking crochets it for them, in my mind, c!beeduo have a bunch of crocheted alliums that chommy made. (alliumduo my beloved, id give my life for them)
💔 An angsty headcanon ooofff my boy is the embodiment of angst man ffffffff. mmm so ykn how ctom's limbo was just utter darkness? well what if it wasnt. what it instead of darkness, he had every single "mistake" he ever made replayed over and over like a dream sequence? what id he spent months just unable to escape from visions of his life on the dsmp. the community house, cgeorge's house, the foirstever time lmanberg blew up, nov 16th, doomsday, techno killing tubo, etc etc. all things that tommy think he couldve stopped, all the things he blames himself for. what if his limbo was both complete isolation, but being hounded by his past. what if
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of there mmmm c!tommy with braids my belovedddddd. i do it, so he does it to. whenever he gets anxious or fidgety, he just plucks out the front few strands of his hair and just starts teisting or braiding them. over and over, undoing and doing htem again, just to keep himself grounded and his hands occupied. he also adresses every bee he meets as if htey're ctubbo's messenger, calling them a big man and trying to leash them. oh and when he picks flowers, he comes up with whole backstories for each one :333
😶 A random headcanon! oooh he was sooooo a loom band kid man istg. he would be obsessed with them!!!!! like henry's horns would be completely covered in like absurdly coloured sets of loom band bracelets even his own hands would be coveredddddd in them up till his elbows. at least. and like he even managed to drag ranboo into it and to tubbo's absolute chagrine they both would just sit for hours on end making bracelts. c!techno was also roped into it during exile, and phil would just look at them amused. ooooh if only c!phil had a camera, he would have soooooo many pictures of techno's supposedly "deadly" base littered with torn pieces of loom bands
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ikram1909 · 7 months
The wording he used about Gavi's receiving the award clearly shows he thought he didnt deserve it at all and it shouldve been Musiala instead. Look, i understand that people can agree or not but it seems that yall forget the massive hate train Gavi received for months and still does, literally took and ACL + meniscus to people realize how important he is for his club. Nagelsmann is a grown man and everyone who is involved in football knows that Gavi receives lots of hate for doing nothing but his job (Rodri's words said by himself) and the only thing he did was fueling this hate even more by saying (wording it different not to be too direct about it) that he didnt deserve it which obviously with the ongoing harassment it would make have more reasons to hate him. Barca is an institution that stands out for bringing youngsters where most of them have shared childhood and practically created a family environment, i dont know if a man that has talked so poorly about him would be the best option and even more considering that its Gavi who we are talking about, guy is practically adored by everyone.
That interview he gave where he praised Gavi and Pedri...i mean everyone knows theyre incredible and i think the reason why Nagelsmann said such thing was because of jealousy that his youngsters didnt receive an award, pretty sure that if Gavi was under his management he would love him like every other coach does because the guy is flawless when it comes to football. But its just too odd and doesnt feel right that someone who spoke bad and also influenced on the hate train of a 18yo has to manage him and even more that said guy is recovering from an injury. Maybe im taking it personal but i get way too defensive about him because im not forgetting living months of hell where Gavi was targeted by everyone after the awards and supercup and people adding fuel to the fire just because it was a trendy thing to do (most of you culers also seem to be oblivious of this and never adress it, seems that you guys dont care enough about him even if he got harassed by everyone and every media possible just because he gives everything for this club, crazy how the one who shows love for us is the most targeted by botj fans and haters). Managers who talk shit about our players and then wanting to couch them....no sorry + he is with german NT doing it horrible and his contract ends too late. Flick still seems the most reasonable option for me and also for the club
Speak on it!! You can tell that a lot of people are aware of the way media and fans treat him just from the way his teammate always defend him and his character whenever his name is brought up so yeah he's definitely aware and it's not just on social media. It's everywhere.
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melanielocke · 2 years
I've finished chot and I have so many emotions like there were so many moments that made me laugh and made me really happy and i really liked a lot of aspects but it does also feel like a lot of things were skipped over/rushed??? it needs to revolve in my mind a little bit like i'm so happy alastair's happy but in terms of thomastair (to focus on one thing) they were really sweet but i was really surprised that we didn't get thomas saying even a quick i love you to him after he asked for reassurance?? we got it before then but in my opinion there were way too many interruptions that kept drawing out them having a serious conversation, the worst one was oscar about to howl lol like take him inside and come back outside to talk at the very least?? i just have a lot of emotions and dont know what to do with it being over
While I enjoyed reading the book and I think it was a lot better than Chain of Iron, it was kind of messy.
The problem here is that there are so many characters (11 major ones), with all their own relationships, character arcs etc and I think very few writers could pull that off. The plot was already slowed down a lot at times since so many different characters need development.
If everything had been adressed properly, the book would be 2000 pages and it would become very difficult to read,and from a writer's POV the issue here is setting up so many different character arcs and subplots that now all had to be resolved in one book.
Perhaps it should have been split into two more books but then she'd also have to produce a lot more plot, and I think the amount of plot/action was just right.
I think as a writer I would not introduce this many major characters. I do like having different POVs, but when I wrote Lost in the Shadows I already struggled with having four main characters and giving everyone enough page time. I didn't get to focus as much on the Lucie&Thomas friendship as I'd hoped there, for example.
Or if I wanted to have a cast this big, I'd give each couple their own book, that's a structure with which you could make this work (personally I would have gone with book 1 Lucelia book 2 Thomastair and book 3 Gracetopher)
But that one scene where Alastair mentioned how Charles remained kind of vague could have been fixed easily with Thomas just continueing to reassure him, I think.
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spinaroos-47 · 2 years
Batdr is fine. When you take only the game itself into account but yeah its pretty much impossible to remove it from all the context of what went down with the studio. Buuuut Im not well versed on that and i want to talk about some stuff about the game in itself.
Batim used to be a spin some years ago, from before i even created this blog. So i kinda wanted to check it out, just out of curiosity
Gotta admit, i had a better time watching it than i thought id have. Though i literally just finished watching a playthrough a few hours ago so my opinions might change in the future, probably will be my only post of this game here
Out of the gate i have to say, i didn't really like the talking animations. Like, the gestures dont feel like gestures you do when you're talking with someone. Theyre too floaty and simmetrical. A good example of the floaty thing is in the intro where Audrey is tapping her fingers on the desk. Doesnt look super right.
The style took me a while to get used to. I was more fond of the style in the first game but it grew on me. They really expanded on the style, made it more detailed and really worked with the sepia and black in a way to give everything a lot of depth while still keeping it cartoony. Dont know how to feel about the addition of new colors.
The story was pretty interesting! I do like how they messed with the concept of the loop without outright conflicting with the canon Batim estabilished. It makes sense, its very interesting! I liked the flow of the story, but i did get a little ehhhh when it began showing that Audrey was trusting Wilson to do the right thing. Because like, the man fucking drowned you and trapped you in an inky hellscape. Even when you dont know his plans, why would you trust him? Yes, he's a familiar face but still doesnt make sense.
Joey making Audrey is something i really liked for some reason, its very interesting. Maybe because of the toh brainrot fjdndnf. Though it does contradict his line at the end of Batim where he says that Henry got a loving family and he only got a crooked empire. There was a lot of small things from the first game that they seemed to forget or just contradict, which is odd because there also was a lot that was consistent.
One thing that didn't sit well with me was how more at the end it seemed to go in a direction of showing how Joey changed for the better, but never really adressed all the workplace abuse and overall shittyness he brought onto his employees. Though what else could we expect from the kindlybeast?
For a while i was thinking they would pull the "oh the loop is better than the world Wilson has made" and while Wilson's whole dictatorship thing was very bad, i don't think the loop was good either. So i like that it was framed more as something that really couldnt be changed without being paused and put into stasis like Wilson did. Neither is good but one keeps the balance of that world, and Audrey is doing her best to make it more bearable.
Also Audrey basically managed to get Joey's wish from the first game, to bring the cartoon characters to life in a good way. But the credit scene with Gent taking the ink machine intrigues me. Because wouldn't she need it? She found another way to do that?
It suffered the same thing as Batim where some stuff was just brought up and not expanded as it kinda led you to believe. Actually it felt even more here, Batim felt more tightly packed in the story department. The father thing with Wilson felt kinda out of nowhere/underdeveloped. Like, if you dont pay much attention to it, it doesnt hurt much but it sure is weird.
Im not a really well versed guy on gameplay stuff, and i watched a playthrough instead of playing the game myself, but the problems in the first game seemed to be improved in this one. Definitely didn't get all solved some of them, but improved for sure, especially the combate.
When Audrey got the flow hability i realized they were sticking close to a formula like dishonored, with that and the way they did all the collectibles (the batteries, slugs, etc), which i think it might have been a good choice since dishonored is considered a pretty good game.
So, yeah, a fine game, though the enjoyment is tainted by the irl stuff that revolves around the game and the studio
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
I see a few people giving up on caryl, being pissed at Daryl ("abusive") and not understanding those who still ship them. Ok. I respect that. But im still gonna ship them anyway because they re freaking fictional so i dont have to justify myself over a fictional ship when there is so much shit going in the real world (and neither do those who give up on the ship. It goes both ways).
So im still gonna bring up a piece of positivity :
I reaaaally dont think Daryl would have thanked Lydia for saving Rosita or even Maggie, at least not the same way.
Daryl heard off screen abt the cliff scene, and we waited a full season to see it adressed again in the show, not even in this freaking 10.18 episode was it adressed.
(I sometimes feel they dont care abt some sort of continuity. Like 10.18 should have aired before 10.16 but because it was a bonus episode it was not and after the u still got me teary scene in 10.16? It was ridiculous, at least for me).
But the way he thanked Lydia, while seemingly a bit... strange and not caring, dont bother me (anymore).
He acted like a married man. I know im exagerrating but i dont know how to explain it any other way. He would not have said that, again, if Lydia had saved Rosita, or even Maggie,(and he is very close to Maggie!)
The way he delivered was "yeah she's the most special person for me, she is my person, even if right now im always pissed at her or almost and im not sure i even know why anymore, so thank u for saving her".
Thanks for trying to spread some positivity :) I think there's a lot of frustration and mistrust going around which is totally fair, but Caryl will always have my support as well.
I agree with your take on the scene between Daryl and Lydia. It's after he had just overheard Carol talk about taking happiness wherever you can and I think Daryl wanted to thank Lydia for giving him another chance at happiness with Carol.
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