#i dont do this often outside of tags so bear with me
azumasoroshi · 1 year
joined a haikaveh server but the only thing i talked about for the first ten minutes was shizaya. im truly hopeless at this point
on the bright side i have learned that i was NOT the only one who thought the shizaya alters (tsugaru, psyche, roppi, delic, etc) were canon and made by narita himself, and i am therefore NOT an idiot :D
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iantimony · 2 years
listening: like everyone and their mother i listened to the new hozier songs this week. they're fine! i dont have any particularly strong feelings about them either way yet, i think i need to relisten to them a few times for it to really get processed, but they were good enough that i'll certainly listen again. i also went and relistened to wasteland, baby because of it and that album still slaps. also, this cherry wine cover:
is very good. i also relistened to the staves' album dead & born & grown because i realized i have windows facing west hehe. what else...my partner's citypop playlist was my music for driving home from the airport on sunday? i wont link that one i'm not sure if it's public or not. and then gym playlist this week was just one of the spotify-made mixes that kinda slams tbh, very early-00s to 10s metal/emo music lol
i've also gotten back into twilight mirage after a bajillion years. it's good! none of the characters really stick in my head besides tender sky and fourteen fifteen unfortunately but hopefully as i listen more they'll become more distinct entities in my head.
reading: i finished the birthday of the world while i was visiting my grandma for spring break!
"solitude": hmmm. this one was interesting. it left me with a lot of questions but i think that might have been the point. 6/10.
"old music and the slave woman": i think i might have benefited from more background, i was mostly able to piece together the factions but i definitely had to puzzle over it a bit. apparently there are a lot of links to stories in another collection, four ways to forgiveness, and i'm thinking that i might have wanted to read those first. 4/10.
"the birthday of the world": title story! felt very different from all the other stories in the book, probably because this one and the following novella are the only two set outside of the hainish universe. i liked it. no strong feelings in any particular direction, i don't think. 5/10.
"paradises lost": the novella! i LOVED this one. i dont know if i was somehow exposed to it as a kid, or i learned about generation ships as a story concept from somewhere else, but i often thought about writing a short story about what religion on a generation ship would look like and turns out what i was envisioning already exists. the concept of the cult of bliss felt very realistic and almost obvious in hindsight as something that was bound to happen. i know it's left open on purpose but i reallllly want to know what happened to the ship after it left. i really loved the themes of this one. 9/10.
watching: i watched an episode of the mystery show 'vera' with my grandma when i was visiting lol. it was cute! very kitschy, genre fodder! i liked it! i was very confused because the closing quip/shot seemed to be about the titular character...shoplifting a jacket or something???? like she asked her coworker if she looked any different and he was like ? and she was like ok great and the final shot is her sitting in her car seat and annoyedly ripping the tag off her jacket, so like, ???? not sure if that's a Thing that people know just from watching a lot of it but shrug.
making: iiiiii did not work on my knitting project at all LOL but i did make my neocities site! here she is! still very in progress but hey :D
misc: trip to visit grandma/s and family went fine! everyone is doing well. back to the grind this week.
oh so the gift from my SO: he likes metalworking and similar things so he made me this necklace!
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it is, apparently, titanium with embedded sapphire ball bearings! the ball bearings glow in the dark after UV exposure and they're the prettiest shade of teal, it's also a very satisfying fidget texture-wise. he asked me a few months ago what my favorite constellation is and i went "......cassiopeia i guess?? why???" "oh no reason" this was the reason. it's very nice i love it so much
finally, ive started noting down my workout stuff on my dreamwidth page as well! i thought it could be cool to keep track of what weights i'm using over time, what exercises i like and don't like, etc. so that's on there tagged as gains. huzzah
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the-kneesbees · 2 years
☃️ read before following ☃️
welcome to my blog <3
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before you follow: 
I’m a minor. adults can interact just don't be creepy <3
I will answer ask games if you send them, but I almost never send them to other people so keep that in mind. 
same with tag games, I will do them but I don’t usually tag people, nothing personal
I’m really dry sometimes I promise I think you’re interesting I’m just bad at conversations <3
I try to use tone tags but sometimes I forget, lmk if you need clarification 
^with that in mind, take everything I say as platonic and genuine unless stated otherwise (I will still clarify if you need it though)
ask me to trigger tag anything if I forget
I try to tag all rb bait but I don't usually reblog that stuff anyway. I tag reblog if posts as "reblog game" incase you don't want to see that
I won't reblog your donation post unless I know you personally, sorry
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about me:
I love art in all forms! please feel free to send me anything you create, I love to see it!
my main fandoms atm
-bbc merlin (literally the best show ever go watch it if you haven't yet)
-the outsiders (unfortunately)
-good omens
-stranger things
-It (Stephen King)
-what we do in the shadows
-red white and royal blue
-bears in trees (band)
Things I also like but am not super active in:
- the umbrella academy (one of my favorite shows I just don't really post about it)
-sk8 the infinity
-banana fish
-dead poets society
-the owl house
-the sandman
-our flag means death
-the goldfinch
- a league of their own
-young royals
-Buffy the vampire slayer
-the end of the fucking world
-i am not okay with this
plus some more that I may have forgotten
feel free to start a conversation with me about any of these things I’ll love you forever <3
I play clarinet in the school band, if you wanna talk band stuff, I'd love to :)
also my spotify is linked below if you wanna talk music (ilysm if you do)
my two favorite musical artists are bears in trees and noahfinnce I love them so much
I draw a lot and also occasionally write but I dont often post any of it on here. if you’d like to see any of my work just ask and maybe I’ll share some!
I complain a lot and also love talking about myself btw
if you want to use my ask box to vent, rant, infodump, or just chat, always feel free <3 I don't often have good advice but I'll always be here to listen :)
if you are going to vent to me though, please just let me know. I'll never say no I just need a heads up
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that’s all, ily mwah <3
(mental health resources)
having a bad day?
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thirstyvampyr · 2 months
Weekly tag Wednesday !!
Thank you @transsexual-dandelions @atthedugouts @mickeym4ndy im doing it this time ^^
Name: Mina/Sara/Nin/depends where and when you catch me online
Age: 39
Location: satan's pubes south of france
top sheet, yes or no?: of course
how many stuffed animals do you own?: one bear i bought for myself 22 years ago
the names of your pets (and the explanations behind them): they're all dead and im done with pets i cant take any more loss
favorite color: green/yellow/purple
Any tattoos? no, i wish i could but it's the permanent nature of it all... id have gotten a cat and that stupid fucking libertines tattoo in carl barat's handwriting
how you transport your belongings (purse, tote, hands, pockets, etc.): i got a small murky green cross body bag. i hate that pockets are too small because i really never have more than my phone, keys, earbuds and my wallet. since i have the bag i also have a pack of kleenex and some bandages because my feet always blister but i could go without.
the last movie you watched: challengers
how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: 5 minutes and it's mostly me cursing at my fucking curly hair that i hate with every fiber of my being
favorite weather: when i dont have to be outside? dark grey apocalyptic thunderstorm and heavy rain/wind. end of the world type shit. best sleeps of my life. when i do need to be outside: dark grey, light or no rain, gloomy.
relationship status: ready to jump ship
ice cream flavor of choice: rum raisin/mint chocolate chip/pistachio/praliné
first fandom: fandom as in being obsessed with the media and talking about it with friends at recess? probably batman the animated series (1992). i was harley quinn my bff was the joker and this one white boy in our class was batman. except the plot everyday was us villains "torturing" batman. like we'd have him lay down on benches and pretend he was tied up and we'd fake drop acid on him and chemicals from empty bottles of water. it was all good fun we didnt bully the guy i know how it sounds lol we had notebooks to write back and forth as our characters and we'd chase each other
how many books have you read this year?: 0. i used to be so ashamed but now im like it is what it is. in 2022 i got a kobo and i made myself read 9 books. last year i read 2, then i quit again :/
first 4 words of your last notes app entry: i dont use one i use ✨ paper and pens ✨
and finally, if you had to change your URL tomorrow, what would you change it to?: something unrelated to fandom because i know ill change too often or something related to ian and mickey because i am weak
Tagging anyone who wants to i guess
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peyton-warren · 2 years
Writing Questions Tag Game!
Belated, but tagged by @darsynia, thanks, hon!!
What is your absolute all-time favourite idea you’ve ever had?
As cheesy as it sounds, I will have to say Blinded by the Fog is my all time favorite idea to date. Its a perfect combination of my two current fandoms and where I am in life and in my mental health journey. i was kind of wandering through fanfic until i got the prompt that inspired it - "You are the wife of a soldier who is missing in action and presumed dead. His best friend, who survived the war, offered you comfort and companionship, and over time love blossomed. A year later, you learn that your husband is alive and is coming home. Now you must confess to him that you have moved on—or have you?"- and its all my brain wants to focus on right now. its almost taking over my life, and I'm kind of okay with that. I'm trying to stay away from tropes but at the same time embracing the ones that are part of this story organically. The three main characters really keep surprising me with what happens, and I'm not sure how its going to end to be completely honest even though I have started the Epilogue.
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you and you still think about sometimes?
"Why are you cockblocking your own characters?" was a question I got from a fellow writer years ago when she read a draft I wrote and was struggling with the smut portion of it. And because of her pushing me, the completed chapter was some of the hottest stuff I've ever written. I still think of that phrase when I'm struggling with my own brain while writing fic, especially sexy times. I have minimal self-assurance that my writing is any good and often need someone else to validate it before I post or even write an idea I have.
What is your favourite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
I love putting what I see in my brain down on paper, to see the story and the dialog play out on paper.
The parts I can take or leave is the self worth i struggle with in regards to my writing (it stems beyond that but the question is about writing). I always need validation from someone else its good, worth posting etc, even though I'm the first person to tell someone else to post their writing. Brains are hard and weird.
Another part I'd like to leave is taht the number of reblogs, comments, kudos, recognition of any kind = my writing's worth. Ugh I hate that feeling.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
I love writing, i love creating, i love bringing to life the lives of these characters outside the stories we already know about them.
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
That writing anything and everything will make me a better writer. That everyone sucks when they start anything. That I dont have to be stellar to have people want to read what I'm writing. And that pushing my characters to fit into an outline I wanted them to follow would result in stalled stories, that wouldn't go anywhere. Its how Two Brothers Walk Into A Bar petered out. I tried to force a relationship that neither character wanted and as much as I loved that story it didn't move forward from that point.
What is your favourite story you’ve written TO COMPLETION? Link it if you’d like and can!
Days of Our Freakin' Camp is my favorite story that I've written to completion. What started out as a drabble grew grew and grew into this 20 chapter story that took me and the readers for a ride along the way. I didn't plan out how it was going to go, it just happened. and I'm so proud of how it turned out.
What is your favourite out-of-the-box quote?
The drugs he had picked up on Whitefall. The ones he was careful to take for fear the others would notice a change in him. Jayne had no choice. He wanted to maintain that he was indeed human and not the monster he had become long before he came to Serenity. The bear reminded him of the human he used to be. Someone with a beating heart who actually felt emotion. Not this cold hearted creature that sat in his bunk, wishing it would all go away.
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
Merle Dixon was the hardest for me to write, even though I grew up around people like him and have been around folks of the same small minded mind set most of my life. The more i struggle with my own demons to not be a pushover and just let people have their opinions of the world around us, the more difficult it is to write people like Merle.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
that I am an amazing writer who needs to have more confidence in myself and my writing.
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No pressure tags (but I'd love to see your thoughts)- @adulting-sucks, @ronearoundblindly, @joannaliceevans-fanficblog, @geralts-yenn, @raccoon-eyed-rebel, and @jvanilly and @sarahdonald87 - even though I know you two haven't published anything yet.
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jschllatt · 3 years
𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐀 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭
Prompt: HIIIIIII i hope you are doing well !!!! i love your writing sm and would like to make a request !!!! i would love something in which schlatt n reader are both streamers/youtubers and have been friends for a while but they both like eachother and dont wanna ruin it ? and one of them finally makes a “first move” after like yearsss of being friends ?! sorry it’s not super specific but :( it can be any length of your choosing, whatever you feel up to writing !!! thank you and u are da best !!!!!
Warnings: Swears
Words: 1229
Not too sure if I like this one so feedback is much appreciated :)
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You had a big problem. 
It was the type of problem that nagged at your brain all day, reminding you of your predicament even when you tried to ignore it. It dominated your focus, making it difficult to even think properly no matter what you did. What exactly was your problem? The answer was rather simple: you had fallen for your best friend, Schlatt. After years of friendship, you found it difficult to keep your feelings strictly platonic—Schlatt was simply too charismatic, too funny, too attractive. It seemed as though your feelings had hit you like a truck, and they only deepened as time progressed. You debated confronting your feelings head on by confessing your love to Schlatt, though you feared its outcome. He definitely didn’t like you back—not in that way. You two had been friends for years and you were going to ruin it just because you had caught feelings for him? No way. 
And so, you avoided your problem until it got out of hand. 
It was around two a.m. when you started streaming, your bright room a stark contrast to the darkness outside. You hadn’t streamed in a few days and decided that there was no better time to do so—you weren’t even close to being tired and you figured a majority of your streamer friends were still online, anyways. 
“Oh, Schlatt’s awake.” You observed quietly once you opened discord, noticing the green dot displayed next to his icon. You tried to hide your excitement as you messaged your best friend, a small smile on your face as you typed, hi schlatt <3. Seconds later, a ping signalled his reply, to which you laughed at as it read, fuck off. That was expected. You were just about to respond before your phone began to ring. Looking down, you saw Schlatt’s contact lighting up your screen. Feigning annoyance, you asked your chat rhetorically, “Oh God, what does he want?”
Answering the call, you tried to keep your expression neutral as you were met with Schlatt’s stoic expression. He remained silent for a few seconds and you interrupted the quietness by saying, “Hello?” He continued to ignore you, staring at the screen blankly, and you were just about to speak again before he yelled, “Go to sleep.” 
“Only if you come here and make me.” You replied somewhat flirtatiously, instantly regretting it—you feared what your chat would look like when you dared to glance at it. “Okay.” Schlatt chirped, then hung up. Chuckling softly, you rolled your eyes, muttering to your chat about how annoying he was. You couldn’t help but smile, however, once you realized that was Schlatt’s way of showing he cared—it wasn’t the most straightforward way of doing so, but you recognized his intentions nevertheless. You tried to conceal your adoration by changing the subject, talking to your chat about random things. A lot of your viewers had chastised you for being up so late, but you assured them that it was common for those who streamed for a living to rely on two hours of sleep. Time passed, and your chat began to flood with surprised exclamations, all regarding Schlatt—had he joined your stream? Your question was answered just moments later. 
On my way.
“Real funny, Schlatt.” You deadpanned, rolling your eyes at the dono displayed across your monitor.
It was quiet once again. Your chat had eventually become interested, for the most part, in your new content rather than Schlatt’s presence, which you were grateful for—you couldn’t bear to think about the man any longer without letting your mind wander. Did he really care about you or was he just trying to be funny? Even though the two of you had been best friends for years, he was quite difficult to read. It wasn’t often that he was serious with you. Sure, the two of you had your fair share of deep conversations, but Schlatt had always found a way to be sarcastic or humorous in most situations. 
Sighing, you tried to focus on your stream. Minutes passed, and your viewers could tell that you were off. They interpreted it as you being tired, to which you used as an excuse to end stream. “I’m sorry, guys, I am tired. I guess Schlatt was right.” You chuckled halfheartedly, hoping your viewers couldn’t sense your disappointment as you mentioned your best friend’s name. Luckily, they didn’t, and you were quick to end your stream with a dejected sigh. Snap out of it, he’s your best friend—nothing more. You found it hard to listen to your thoughts, and plopped down unceremoniously onto your bed, frowning. Why did you have to catch feelings for him? You shut your eyes and tried to push your thoughts away, focusing on the sound of gentle breeze that swept through your window. The night was rather warm and its gentleness offered you solace. However, after a few minutes of peace, your tranquility was interrupted by a knock at the door. You felt panic arise in your chest, startled by the sudden noise. It was nearly three in the morning, who in the world could have possibly been at your house?
As you looked through the peephole in your door, you observed your best friend standing on your front steps, his expression one of amusement.
Shit. He was really here? He wasn’t joking?
Ignoring the onslaught of anxious thoughts that flooded your mind, you swung the front door open. “What are you doing here?” You asked quietly, confused as you met his eyes. He smirked at you proudly before chuckling, “I told you to go to sleep, you said to come here and make you. Here I am.” You looked at your best friend incredulously, shocked that he took your words so seriously. “I-I was kidding, I didn’t think you’d-”
“Yeah, yeah, well it’s too late now.” Dumbfounded, you stared at Schlatt in response, gesturing for him to come in once you gained your composure. Schlatt towered over you once he entered your house, a smug look on his face as he observed your shocked self. “What? Surprised I can actually keep a promise?” You huffed in response, crossing your arms as you raised an eyebrow at him, “Yes.” Schlatt snickered and plopped down onto the couch, looking around your living room. “Nice place you got here.”
“You’ve been here before, idiot.” You countered, sitting down beside him with pursed lips. The rapid beat of your heart was not helping your case as you tried to remain calm, sitting so close to Schlatt that your knees were touching. The two of you sat in an awkward silence and you glanced over at your best friend curiously. Instantly, he met your gaze, staring at you with a ghost of a smile. Your eyes flickered down to look at his lips briefly, and you noticed Schlatt do the same, taking in your appearance with adoring eyes. Soon enough, you both had leaned in until your faces were inches away, practically sharing the same breath as you continued to stare at each other shamelessly. You were about to close the gap between the two of you before Schlatt mumbled smugly, “Go to sleep.” 
Leaning impossibly closer toward his lips, you grabbed a hold of his sweatshirt, tugging his body into yours as you countered, “Just shut up and kiss me, idiot.”
Tags: @ialexabsuniverse @esylwen @quack42069 @mayberii @dreamiewrites @moonamor @kalliblast @forbidden-sin-bin
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Nat... 👉👈 since requests are open can I please request some Gojo fluff? If you need a little inspo maybe like, reader and him meet after they were abroad for a mission or something? I'm in love with this funky man and I just wanna give him kiths
sweet tooth - gojo x reader, sfw, 2.5k
the early bird catches the worm. or the cake, you guess.
(just a lot of talking about food tbh . . . i dont get to write pure sfw fluff much, thank u for letting me indulge in my jjk brainrot NFJVND. gn reader! )
You know as well as anyone how little free time a jujutsu sorcerer has. You’ve spent most of your past few years rushing around from place to place, calling it a good night’s rest when you manage to fall amongst your coverings before the clock strikes three in the morning. You think this probably has to go double for somebody in such a constant state of being needed as Gojo – but still, he’d shown up outside your room this morning, bright and early, and said; “We’re going out!”
He hadn’t mentioned that you were still clad in pyjamas, your hair still a mess about your face, eyes still sleep and shadowed. You had jumped out of bed at the knock, of course – you’re used to being needed at the drop of a hat – but there is nothing at all in the way Gojo is looking at you to suggest there’s any kind of danger brewing.
He got in last night at the same time as you, after an exorcism had dragged on longer than expected – you know this. So how is his skin still glowing like moonlight, his voice still so bright, his hair still falling over his blindfold in that effortless perfectly-styled-without-being-styled way?
If he’s slept, he’s gotten the same hour and fifteen minutes you’ve gotten.
“Not even a warning?” You sigh, stifling a yawn. “I haven’t had time to clean my weapons or anything--”
“Woah!” Gojo’s grin doesn’t fade, but he holds up his hands as if he’s trying to avoid a savage attack. “Just you and me. No curses, promise. You won’t be needing those.” He cocks his head to the side. “Unless you wanna try and take me. I think you’d lose!”
Your brow furrows. You know you’d lose, and so does he.
“Have you seen the time?” You ask him, instead. You don’t question why or how he’d gotten into the hallway to stand like this outside of the room you’re renting in Tokyo for a while. You’ve learnt after knowing him for a while that what Gojo wants, he gets – besides. If he’d sweet-talked your landlady into letting him in, you couldn’t blame her for falling for his charms.
He sticks his head into your room and turns his face towards the clock on the wall, ticking merrily away, mocking you. You had hoped, after last night, the next time you saw a clock the hour hand would be well past twelve again. He pulls back.
“Now I have.”
“. . . aren’t you tired?”
Gojo shrugs, maddeningly. Half of what he does is irritating to the highest degree – the other half makes your stomach do strange somersaults that you try and push away. Getting a crush on Gojo Satoru is just going to lead to disaster. Although at this point, you have to admit to yourself that it’s more a case of ‘having a crush’ – there’s not much denying it, when he twinkles at you like this.
“You’ve gotten a good hour of beauty sleep,” he chirps. “Not that you need it. Let me take you out!”
You’re still focussing on the compliment, slipped into his words as if it’s as simple as breathing, when he enters your room full-on and is opening your wardrobe.
“H-hey,” you say, weakly. He’s rifling through the rack without a care in the world. “I—I can dress myself--”
“It’s quicker if I do it,” he replies, pulling out one of your favourite shirts. “Here, catch--!” Your reflexes allow you to not make a fool of yourself in front of him. “The colour of that one’s pretty! It’ll look nice on you.”
You’ve had more clothes piled into your arms before you can blink. You guess that Gojo must know his way around clothes – you’ve seen some of the brands and price tags of things he wears – but you can’t help but be a little flabbergasted by just how casual he is about everything. Maybe it’s the fact that your brain is still short-circuiting after being woken up earlier than you were expecting.
He finishes and walks over to you.
“I’ll wait outside.”
“W-what a gentleman,” you manage, and he throws his head back and laughs, and the laugh feels like it lodges warm in your chest. “After waking me up, bursting into my bedroom--”
“I’ll pay for everything,” he promises. He saunters out of your room, pulling the door closed behind him, calling; “I’ll make it up to you, promise!”
You stand there for a few more moments, still struggling to process the whirlwind that is Gojo’s presence in your life – half joking, half serious, half making you think that maybe you stand a chance, when he calls through the door;
“I can’t hear you moving!”
You jump. You wriggle out of your nightwear, your cheeks heating up, as you snap back;
“You said you were going to wait out there, not that you were going to press your ear to it and listen like some kind of stalker--!”
You stare in confusion at the fancy window in front of you, decorated with swirling cursive in gold. From outside, you can see into the establishment – the white scrollwork chairs, the cake stands, the menus standing up in their pale white leather covers. The early morning sunlight from outside is reflecting off a perfectly organised display case teeming with tiny little perfectly formed cakes.
“If you were craving something sweet,” you say, eventually, “surely there was an easier way to get it than this.”
Gojo grabs your arm cheerfully, pulling you towards the entrance of the patisserie.
“Well, I got the first sweet thing I was craving,” he ticks it off with his other hand. “But then I had one of my patented brainwaves.” He elbows you. “Put them both together!”
“I’m not feeling very sweet after you interrupted my sleep,” you mumble, but you know that there’s no real bite in your words. You hope Gojo doesn’t notice the reaction that you have – you know he’d never let it go. You often don’t know how to respond to his flirting – he has a reputation, after all, and you are just . . . you.
“We had to get here early, anyway,” he says, as he stands before the counter. The man in the apron and chef hat behind it recognises him immediately, lighting up – you wonder how much money Gojo spends on expensive patisserie. Everyone knows he has a sweet tooth. “They sell out of some of the best stuff well before ten!”
Gojo knows exactly what he’s doing as he points out various desserts from the display case, the man falling over himself to get the – frankly absurd amount of sweets – carefully packaged up for him. You’re not surprised, knowing Gojo, about the cute animal-shaped cakes that he chooses, the smiling bears and cats with ears made of sliced strawberries. You’re a little more surprised by all of the fancier pieces he chooses that you don’t recognise, but you don’t have much time for dwelling on it.
Spoils in hand, you peer further into the establishment to choose a table.
“Nah, don’t worry about that,” Gojo says cheerfully. “We’ll find somewhere outside to sit. It’s such a nice morning!”
You don’t miss the grin he shoots you as he says ‘morning’, the sidelong tip of his head as if he’s waiting to see if you’ll scold him again for interrupting your sleep. You do no such thing, content to be pulled along behind him again as he goes off in search of a place to enjoy his spoils.
People just tend to be pulled along by Gojo’s magnetism, you’ve discovered – and you are, hopelessly, no different.
He finds a quiet bench in a shady corner of one of the local parks; the only other people going past occasional elderly, walking their little dogs. He pats the wooden frame of the bench next to him, smiling.
“You’re not going to make me eat all of this by myself, huh?”
“It’s enough for eight people,” you say, sighing and resigning yourself to your fate as you take the place. He’s lucky you have a sweet tooth too; if he’d brought someone else, they’d probably be shirking back in horror at all the sugar. “You could probably eat it by yourself anyway.”
He pouts.
“I want to share it with you,” he says, cajoling – his fingers hover over one of the smaller cakes, a perfect bite-sized morsel. You try not to think about the elegant lines of his fingers and the power behind them as he plucks it up and offers it to you. “This one’s really good.”
You bring up your hand to take the sweet from him, but he laughs as your fingers bounce away from him, not quite able to get a purchase.
“Let me feed you,” he says to you, and blood rushes to your face all over again.
“I—I can feed myself,” you say, swallowing thickly. Gojo’s smile, on full, sculpted lips, makes butterflies crash into one another in the pit of your stomach.
He brings the treat to your mouth and he’s right, it does look really good. It’s a neat little roll cake, small in Gojo’s fingers, with the green colouring so many sweets you’ve eaten in Japan have been – you hope it’s not matcha, knowing the flavour will surprise you and Gojo will probably laugh, but you open your mouth in defeat and let Gojo pop it in there. His fingers linger a little too long against your lips, his expression fluttering so quickly you don’t quite catch it.
If you didn’t know better . . . you’d say that he had just fought back a blush.
“Is it good?” He asks, and his voice sounds a little strangled. You bite down on the cake, the juice of the strawberries coating your tongue – it is matcha, but the flavour is offset by the sweetness of the vanilla and fruits, and you’re glad about it. You nod enthusiastically, and he laughs.
“I told you!” He taps your cheek. “I know what I’m talking about!”
“You’re so smug,” you tell him, unable to hold back the laughter that’s bubbling out of you. Alright, maybe he woke you up too early and maybe he’s dragged you outside and maybe he’s been haunting your daydreams for months now, but . . . you think he means well. And you can’t deny that the sun is shining and the cakes are really delicious.
“If you were me,” he says, stretching out his arms over the back of the bench, “you would be smug too.” You shake your head at him, but he has a satisfied smile on his face. “Feed me one!”
“Are you going to let me?” You ask. “Or are you just going to bounce it away with your Infinity to make fun of me?”
You hover over the selection yourself, considering what to choose for him. In the end, you go for one of the mini slices of mille crepe cake, reasoning with yourself that even if it’s unusual to be eating so much cake this early, at least crepes are a traditional breakfast. Gojo obediently opens his mouth wider as you lift the slice.
You falter.
“You really want me to feed you?” You ask him, unsure. He laughs, grabbing ahold of your wrist – you almost start as he takes a bite from the treat, his lips tantalisingly close to your fingers. Another bite, and the cake is gone (you’ve never seen slices of mille crepe so small – but then again, judging by the eye-watering amount Gojo paid for his spoils, you’d never be able to afford to buy from a place like that).
“Mm,” he smacks his lips together. “It’s good.”
You swallow, noticing that there’s a smear of the cream between layers at the corner of his mouth. Gojo notices you staring, and quirks his lips into a smirk. “You’re staring,” he says. “I know I’m gorgeous, but--”
“You’ve got . . .” You say, awkward, motioning to his face. Somehow, it feels too intimate to lean forward and dab it away yourself – he’d asked you to feed him, after all. If you did it of your own accord. . .
“Huh? Oh,” He moves one of the arms casually draped over the bench to his face, and you think he is going to wipe it away – but instead, he hooks his thumb under his blindfold, pushing it up casually so the light hits the swirling colours in his eyes.
You’ve seen them before, of course – you’ve seen Gojo at work, after all – but they’re still a surprise, a bright moment of swirling starshine dropped on you when you’re least expecting it. Your stomach does that flip-flop again, the one that you try so hard to ignore – but when he’s looking at you like that, curious and smug all at once, you don’t really know how to handle it.
You’re glad you’re in a secluded spot. There’s nobody to see the embarrassing display of you not quite knowing what to do with yourself.
“You can get it,” he says to you. “I don’t mind.”
“Look.” His other hand rises, cups your face, thumb ghosting across the same spot on your cheek that he’d tapped earlier. “I left icing sugar on your face. I’ll get that, and then we’ll be even.”
(Did he do that on purpose, you wonder? You wouldn’t be surprised.)
Your hand is trembling as you reach for the cream. You try and force your fingers to be still as you lean in closer to him, eyes concentrated, as you wipe the little splotch of cream from his mouth. You’re so close you can see galaxies in his eyes, the fan of white lashes, the way that his throat bobs when he swallows as if he’s nervous--
Nervous? Gojo? That can’t be true.
“I got it,” you breathe, though you don’t move. Your faces are so close together. You could lean forward, just a bit, and meet his lips with your own. Gojo’s eyes stay trained on you, not faltering in the least. His thumb is still on your cheek. Your own finger hasn’t moved from the corner of his mouth.
“Wanna know what it tastes like?” Is that a falter, in his voice? You’re stuttering all over the place, but Gojo--
“I’m not gonna put that in my mouth after it’s been on your face,” you tell him, without moving. Your heart is beating ten to the dozen. Gojo’s eyes crinkle at the corners.
“That’s not what I meant,” he says – and he breaks the distance himself, and suddenly he is kissing you. The hand on your cheek cupping your face into his, the other hand going about your waist, holding you tightly against him like he’s been wanting to do it since the moment he woke you up that morning.
(The mille crepe cake is delicious, you find out, from the lingering taste on his lips. Next time you two go there in the early morning rush, Gojo buys two slices.)
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valberryy · 4 years
oh, eurydice (it's an awful sound). — venti
de l'autre côté de l'eau, comme un écho. / tu dis que c'est la fin du monde, c'est ton silence mon eau profonde.
um,, idk what to say cause i dont want this to b my venti summoning post but. anyways. also tagging @starfell-traveler look i finished it!!!! b proud of me /hj
pairing: venti x gn!reader
content warnings: mentions/descriptions of alcohol & blood/injuries, major character death, it's just heavy angst i'm sorry
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Venti still remembers the first time he heard you laugh, warm and clear and bright, like the chiming of cathedral-bells.
In those golden days when he was getting used to his new face, he often found himself wandering—much to the chagrin of his friends. If he wasn't in one of the many taverns of the newly-built Mondstadt, he was wandering these new, free lands.
And that was how he met you, the spritely scion of house Gunnhildr, who had strayed away from your envoy with a bottle of wine and leaves in your hair. He noted the mischief dancing in your eyes, the sunlight dappling on your skin, the way your mouth formed a small "o" when you saw you were not alone.
Your eyes had lit up when you caught sight of him. "Oh, my lord!" you called, "Fancy a cup and a chat, perhaps?"
Venti stood still for a moment to ponder your request, but at the sound of you popping the cork off the bottle and pouring it into a cup you had brought, he found his resolve weakening. He took a seat next to you as you pulled a stray leaf from your hair, taking a sip from your cup before passing it to him.
How brazen of you, he mused.
While cherry wine, in his opinion, could never hold a candle to the dandelion wine he had grown fond of, it tasted all the sweeter coming from you.
You had laughed at this sentiment of his, clear as the water from the lake nearby. "Is that so?" you asked. "Perhaps I'll bring some more of this kind especially for you, dearest bard."
Venti responded with a playful pluck at his lyre-strings. "I'd prefer if you called me by my name, young master Gunnhildr."
"And what would that be?"
Just as he was about to respond, the two of you caught wind of voices yelling out your name, and you flinched. "That must be for me," you said. "I shouldn't have expected to be able to hide forever."
He helped you stand, stretching out his arm to pull you up—your hand was soft and warm against his own, and the "thank you," that rolled from your lips made his heart flutter in a way he wasn't used to.
"I'd love to see you again," you said, and he smiled.
"You talk as if this is goodbye forever!" Venti joked. "We can meet here again, if you so wish."
"Then it is done," you said, and squeezed his hand as if in confirmation of your new arrangement.
And with the lightest press of your wine-stained lips to his cheek, you had run off without another word—only the sound of your distant laughter and, "Sorry, sorry! I'm back now, mother!" left in your wake.
That promise had soon become habit, and habit a new way of life—one wherein you would sneak away from the rest of your family to rendezvous with Venti in the forest, to share wine and song and sweet, honeyed words alike.
(And as time wore on, you pressed your wine-stained lips to more places than just his cheek, and the cheeky bastard would have you do it again, and again, and again.)
"What d'you reckon your family would say if they figured out you were sneaking away for this?" Venti mused, "Like a hero in a romance novel."
With a laugh, you lay your head over his lap and smiled when his hand came to rest in your hair, his fingers gently playing with the strands. "Scold me, I suppose," you said. "There are worse fates than not being allowed outside for a month, my love." 
You plucked a stray dandelion out of his hair, blowing the seeds to the wind. 
"Hmm? And what would those be, I wonder?"
"...You're so infuriating, Venti," you grumbled, and he simply laughed and took another sip of wine—elderflower this time, tasting like spring upon his tongue. "I can't even dare imply that I want to be with you forever without you teasing me for it—what kind of lover are you? Hmph."
He paused, a teasing grin growing on his lips despite your previous words. "Are you asking me to marry you?"
An odd noise left your throat. "I mean," you said, "unless you want me to take your surname instead? ...Now that I think about it, Venti Gunnhildr doesn't quite sound the best."
A laugh, first from him, soon followed by one of your own. "Your family won't allow it, would they? But if the fates allow…there's nothing I'd love more than to be with you," he said. Gently he untangled his fingers from your hair, weaving his fingers between your own instead. "That is, if you want it too?"
A world of just you and him, a life where he would never have to stray far from your side—perhaps this was what Amos so desperately craved for, in those days. Venti watched as you removed the signet ring from your pointer finger and fit it snugly on his own, admiring your handiwork and smiling up at him.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Somehow it felt odd to see you in clothes other than the casual attire he had always seen you in. When you were seated upon your horse like this, dressed in richly-dyed leathers and embroidered silks with your family crest hanging proudly from your breast pocket, you seemed much less like the cheeky [Name] that would pluck his lyre from his hands to play your own tune, and more like the young scion of house Gunnhildr that the rest of the world saw you as.
"I'm sorry, dearest," you said, your voice thick with regret. "They only told me about this last night, so I've had no time to tell you… And father wouldn't let me refuse, so—"
Venti laughed, "When did you become such a worrywart? It's only one round of hunting, right? I'll be waiting for you back here."
You huffed, leaning down to press a kiss to the corner of his lips. "Then I'll be sure to hurry on back to you."
He pulled you back down for another kiss, square on the lips this time, before letting you go. "Don't miss!" he said, calling after your horse, to which you turned and yelled back at him,
"If I do, it's your fault!"
He laughed, settling down beneath a tree and closing his eyes. You'd be there to wake him when you returned.
When Venti awoke, it was not to your hand shaking his shoulder but to a thud and the worried whinnying of a horse. His eyes snapped open as you groaned, one hand clutching your stomach and the other propping you up. When you caught his gaze you smiled weakly, too much blood in your teeth and not enough light in your eyes.
"I'm back, dearest," you said, and he had stumbled over to catch you before your arm gave out.
He pressed down on your torso, where three large gashes ran down from your chest down to your stomach, large and jagged as if from the claws of a bear. You groaned in pain and he pressed a kiss to your hand in apology, your skin pale and clammy in a way that reminded him too much of harsh, cold winds and a boy with his lyre. 
"You should've seen me, Venti," you breathed, "I shot it right in the throat…are you proud of me?"
"Very," he said. "I'll always be proud of you."
You laughed, broken and pained and sad. "Good," you said, "good." Then you looked up at him, the tears welling in his eyes, the reality of his fate—your fate—finally looming upon him. "Don't look at me like that, love," you cooed. "Please, smile for me, okay? Sing for me…can you spare me at least that much?"
His grip on your hand tightened. "All of that and so much more, dandelion," he said. "Please…"
"So much more, huh…" you mused. "Then, how about one last kiss before I go?"
"...You talk as if this is goodbye," he says, but doesn't protest when you pull him down by the collar, your red-stained lips pressing weakly against his—
—But instead of the sweetness of wine, there was only the sharp bitterness of your blood in his mouth.
"How far would you go for me?" was something Venti had thrown around a lot, never expecting you to give him a straight answer—not with how you shoved his shoulder and said, "Just because there wasn't a ceremony doesn't mean I'm not your spouse, Venti. Wouldn't the answer be obvious?"
But he still recalled the first time he had asked you and the first time you answered, your fingers tangled with his and your head buried in the crook of his neck. Your voice had been softer, gentler, lacking the playful edge but just as genuine as always, "From the deepest depths of the ocean to the highest to the highest peaks in the sky," you said, "Until my hands wither away into dust."
"Maybe you're the bard instead of me, love," he had said, then.
In this new world without you he found himself clinging to whatever remnants of you he could—the dappled sunlight in the forest, the slightest sting of alcohol going down, the glint of your family crest on the ring that adorned his finger.
One of his many laments was how he could never mourn you in the way he felt you deserved—he had not the power to turn back time, lacked the dominion over anything static and permanent to immortalise you with. He only had his lyre and his voice and his winds, and all he could do was paint the skies grey in his grief, have the gales sing requiems that you would never hear.
From the deepest depths of the ocean to the highest peaks in the sky he would go for you and back—and if the darkest depths of this world contained the secret to getting you back, perhaps even a mere spirit on the wind could bear the trek through the dark. 
(After all, Venti knew in his heart of hearts that you would have done the same for him.)
The heart of the Abyss wasn't a land of mindless bloodshed and fire—it was cold and calculating, like a predator lying in wait. It was this place, in the depths of Teyvat and in the winding depths of their palace, that he knew could somehow bring you back to him. 
"Are you the one for whom the skies wept, bard?"
Venti swallowed down the lump in his throat. "I am," he said. "I want a deal."
The person before him raised an eyebrow, canting their head to the side. 
"One life," they said, "and no second chances."
Cold, and calculating, and inevitable—but still he would try. Venti owed you at least that much, no?
He squeezed your hand as you trailed behind him, muttering to himself: don't look back, don't look back, don't look back. No matter how much he longed to hold you, to see your face and feel your skin beneath his, he kept his gaze to his feet as you both moved onwards into the dark.
(When he saw you again, just as beautiful as the day he lost you, he dropped his lyre to run into your arms, burying his face in the crook of your neck and surrounding himself with only you, you, you. 
"Venti," you said, and he nearly wept at the way his name rolled from your tongue. "Let's go home.")
You squeezed his hand back, so gently that he almost couldn't believe you were really there. "Why don't you sing me a song, dearest?" you quipped. "Anything you like."
In spite of himself, in spite of the cold around him and behind him and in his own hand, he smiled. "Have I ever sung you the one with the mist flower and the sparrow?"
He heard you huff behind him. "That one again? You know how bad I am at hitting the notes in that!"
"Hmm, sure, sounds like an excuse to me…"
He laughed and squeezed your hand again, as if to remind himself—you were here, and he was taking you home, and you would be able to feel the sun on your skin and taste wine from his cup in the way you had always loved. He would be able to write you songs and guide your hands across his lyre, and he need never stray far from your side.
You need never go somewhere where he couldn't follow.
"We're almost there," he said, resisting the urge to turn around to smile at you. "There's a bottle of wine waiting for us. It wouldn't do us any good to leave it for too long, you know?"
He squeezed your hand again, but you didn't respond.
He swallowed down the lump in his throat. His footsteps hastened, quicker and quicker until he was near-running towards where he knew the surface lay. Had he been tricked? Were you never there all along? Had you gotten lost, or fallen, or left, and left some other person in your stead?
Anxiety clutched at his heart like brambles, and Venti found his mind wandering back to those days with the wintery winds and the friends he had lost to the storms. Not again, he prayed, please, never again.
He ran until his legs ached, ran until the first drop of sunlight finally kissed his skin, and he let go of your hand to turn around—
—to see your face still shrouded in darkness, your eyes wide, your hand still reaching out for him.
"What?" he breathed, "No, please, I can't lose you again—"
You smiled, and though your teeth weren't coated in blood and your body was free from any wounds, Venti's heart had sunk even further than when he had caught you that day. 
"No, love, please, I'm sorry—"
"Venti," you said, "I'll see you again soon, okay?"
"I love you." 
With whatever time you had left, you reached out further to brush the tips of your fingers against his cheek. "Smile for me, okay? Sing me one last song…" 
And before he could reach out to you again, you had once again gone somewhere he couldn't reach. 
(Yours was a song he sang without end, even when all of Mondstadt had forgotten your name—and even when he felt like he didn't deserve to bear your memory. 
On days when he uncorked a bottle of cherry wine or caught the Acting Grandmaster's eye, Venti found himself staring down at the ring you had placed on his finger in those golden days—and if he closed his eyes and pressed his lips to it the way you had done to him, he swears he can still hear your laugh, warm and clear and bright.)
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shoutaaizawas · 4 years
I know youre probably busy but I was thinking maybe 👉👈 you could do a fic bakugo x reader where you ask bakugo out he rejects you and starts being mean to you only for you to get sad and distant and the other students start hating on bakugo fir hurting you (Pls take ur time ur probs busy you dont have to do it right away
thanks for your patience~ i always love writing for bakugou
↳ bakugou katsuki x reader → sorry
summary: bakugou rejects your confession in a panic but quickly regrets it and tries to make it up to you word count: 1,541 tags/warnings: light angst with a happy ending
Bakugou Katsuki was not a boy that earned a lot of attention from girls, more often than not girls were scared off by his demeanor. But you weren’t scared off by him. If anything his fiery spirit was endearing in a way. You had a crush on him but you hadn’t yet worked up the courage to tell him.
He was your friend, as much as anyone was friends with Bakugou. You hung out with him in groups and even spent time with him studying or training. A part of you was scared that if you told him how you felt it would ruin the relationship. You didn’t want to lose him as a friend.
It was one day when you heard that another student was interested in him, that you decided that you needed to say something. The last thing you wanted was to miss your chance and for someone else to date him.
You decided to make him his favorite dessert, he wasn’t big on sweets but he mentioned once that he really liked chocolate chip banana bread. You spent all night trying to get the recipe perfect. You placed it in a nice tin to keep it safe and attached a little note to it.
It was after class, you were heading back to the dorms to study with Bakugou. You thought it’d be best to get it over with. You stopped on the path as you walked beside him, pulling out the tin with the dessert in it.
“What are you doing?” He asked turning around.
“I-I wanted to tell you something.” You said. What you hadn’t expected was for there to be a good amount of other students around when you did this. It was too late now. You held the tin in your hands nervously playing with it. “Bakugou, I really like you. More than a friend and I was wondering if you’d go out on a date with me.” You said holding it out in front of you as an offering.
Even though your nerves you saw Bakugou’s expression change a few times before he spoke.
“Why would I be interested in an extra like you?” His biting tone cut through the silence.
“Oh.” Your voice was quiet. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at Bakugou. No, don’t cry not now in front of everyone. The metal of the tin rang out as it hit the ground loudly. You swallowed painfully before running off in the direction of the dorms.
Bakugou stood there staring blankly at the space where you stood moments before. He could hear snickers from the students around him. He turned around to glare at them and they ran away. He kneeled down picking up the tin you had dropped. Opening it he saw his favorite dessert and his heart dropped. Grabbing a piece he was shocked at how good it was, it was even better than his own recipe. There was a note on top of the container.
I hope you enjoy this, I know my baking isn’t as good as yours but it was made with love.
Every passing moment he felt more and more like a monster. The teary look on your face haunted him.
Why did he say that? He liked you too but he never expected you to feel the same way. With all the people around he panicked and did what came naturally to him, he was mean. He knew he should apologize and explain but he just couldn’t bring himself to. He went to the training gym and took his frustration out there.
“I know you can be mean sometimes but you had no right to do that to her,” Mina said, approaching him as he sat at his desk waiting for class to start. He couldn’t reply before she continued. “She really likes you, the least you could have done was let her down easy.”
Mina stomped off before he could say anything to defend himself. Not like there was anything he could say to defend himself.
You were nowhere to be seen for the rest of the day.
The rest of the week he got dirty looks from his classmates, even Kirishima had given him a disappointed look in the cafeteria before sitting down at your table to eat.
He couldn’t bear to look at you, even with the other students flocking to your side to cheer you up, you still looked so sad and it was all his fault.
“Man, that was really messed up,” Denki said walking beside him to class. “You know you could have just said you weren’t interested.”
“Shove off Pikachu.” He growled before walking ahead.
He knew how bad he messed up, he couldn’t sleep at night, he could barely eat. All he could think about was how sad you looked. He had to make it up to you but how?
“On one condition,” Kirishima said. “You never hurt her again.”
“I didn’t mean to in the first place, okay. I don’t like seeing her sad.” Bakugou replied. “I just need your help to make it up to her.”
“Alright but I’m holding you to it.” He said.
Bakugou had a plan and he hoped it would work. He was cooking all of your favorite foods. Then he would set up on the balcony of the common room a table with candles and you could eat together. Or by yourself, if you decided not to forgive him. All he needed from Kirishima was for him to bring you out there.
You had one of the worst weeks of your life. Every day you were both too embarrassed and too sad to leave your room. You got away with one day but you knew you couldn’t sacrifice your learning for some guy. Even if it was Bakugou Katsuki.
Your friends had been amazing, staying by your side, bringing you food and anything else you need but it only could do so much. Time would be the best solution, Momo told you. You knew she was right but you just wished it would hurry up and make you feel better.
It was a Friday night and you were sulking in your room listening to sad music once again. You weren’t expecting a knock at your door. You sighed it was probably one of your friends hoping to cheer you up but you just wanted to be alone right now.
“Hey, I need to show you something.” He said.
“I’m really tired, Kiri. I just want to stay in my room.” You told him.
“Please, it’s important.” He said. The genuine look in his eyes guilted you into following.
As he led you to the common room balcony you thought you might scream if Kirishima made you leave your room to show you another cute frog outside again.
What you didn’t expect was a nice table covered in a white cloth with flowers and candles. Even more so was Bakugou standing there with a guilty look on his face. Before you could question Kirishima he was gone.
You looked at Bakugou before turning to leave.
“Wait, please.” You were shocked to hear him say please. It made you pause. “Just let me explain myself and I’ll leave if you want me to.”
“Okay.” You said more curious than anything else. What was he up to?
“I didn’t mean what I said. I was caught off guard and there were all those people there and I spoke before I could think.” He said.
“Yeah, imagine how embarrassing it was to be rejected like that in front of everyone.” You said. You knew it was unheard of for Bakugou to apologize but it would take more than that to earn your trust again.
“I know, I know. I feel horrible about it.” He said, rubbing his forehead. “What I’m trying to say is- I’m sorry.” The words came out quite but he did in fact say he was sorry.
“Okay.” You said, not quite sure what to say.
“Not just that but I feel the same way.” He admitted. “I like you too and I want to go on a date with you.”
You were even more stunned, he felt the same way?
“I made your favorite food, I can leave.” He said opening the metal cover over the plates. It looked amazing and smelled even better. “You can eat with Kirishima instead if you want.”
Bakugou started to head for the door but you caught him by his wrist
“No. Stay.” You said. “This can be our first date.”
Bakugou smiled. Not his usual cocky smirk or the smile he gave when he was about to beat someone up. The soft smile stopped your heart for a moment.
You sat down together at the table.
“I would have worn something nicer if I knew this was going to be a date.” You laughed. He smiled at your joke.
“You look better than anyone else I’ve seen.” He said. You hadn’t expected any of this but you really weren’t expecting Bakugou to be so smooth.
Things weren’t always going to be easy with Bakugou but he knew how to show he cared when it mattered most.
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skullstarz · 4 years
Hi pretty baby, you got me hooked and now you cant get rid of me 😌
But next request,,, you know dadzawa 👀 well what if one day iida is watching sweet lil baby eri and they're out at like a store or something and iida has a crush on reader and they see her (or them! Inclusivity) and hes blushing and stuff so eri runs off to the reader and iida is panicking meanwhile eris complementing the reader and then iida finds them (whether they say they like each other is up to you, also sorry if this is like too detailed or something lol) (and I'd like this to be a long hc or fic pls but dont force yourself I wont get upset tehe ily)
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corner store crush
-> iida tenya x gn!reader
hemlo i hope you enjoy :00 so i wanted eri to kind of know the reader prior so uhhhh lets say reader has a younger sibling that goes to school/daycare/wtvr with eri. basically eri knows reader's younger sibling so reader is a familiar and comforting face to her aaaa
warnings: none
word count: 1.2k words.
alternative title: iida tenya is bae
check out my masterlist for more of my works!!
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iida wasn’t the type to mess up so bad like this. frantically searching what felt like the biggest store ever for eri, he now understood the true weight of his feelings for you- how the mere sight of you is enough to have him tripping and stumbling on his words. 
aizawa being not so used to this dad thing was in a bit of a predicament. typically, mirio would babysit, but he was off doing 3rd year activities at UA, which left aizawa stumped. he trusted mirio to take care of eri, and after getting punished for yet another incident midoriya wasn’t a good choice either. thinking about who would be good for keeping eri safe and being responsible, he landed on what felt like a sane, decent choice- iida tenya, 1a’s class rep. 
taking care of the teacher’s child wasn’t quite one of the responsibilities of the class rep but aizawa didn’t have much of an option. leaving eri to iida in a hurry, he was running off to do his hero work. the instant aizawa left, iida noticed eri’s eyes started to tear up. here he was, basically a complete stranger, trying to cheer this poor kid up. to any child, as much as iida is friendly, he’s also some big scary dude with sharp features and a tendency to flail his arms around and raise his voice.
that’s when he had an idea. he took her into the dorms where midoriya was cleaning away, not willing to receive another lecture on how his actions have consequences. “deku!” eri smiled and waved, running towards him, happy to see a familiar face. her excitedness only lasted a short while though, bakugo quick to holler obscenities at izuku, asking why he was the only one cleaning.
much to iida’s dismay, eri’s face went back to its previous frown as they sat in silence. another idea came to iida’s mind and soon he and eri were making their way to a store nearby, hoping to find some random teddy bear or a bunch of ice cream to make her feel better. eri, having seen that iida was midoriya’s friend, felt a bit more comfortable holding his hand as they crossed roads and as she jumped in puddles (which often wet iida’s probably expensive pants). 
reaching the convenience store, the pair sighed at the feeling of the air conditioner and iida felt it was safe enough within the building to let go of eri’s hand. turning around to grab a basket for whatever heaps of snacks and trinkets the two would buy, his eyes widened.
eri gasps and points “look, its y/n!” iida was probably 70 different shades of red and pink before looking away. “yes it’s y- y/n, but let’s not bother them. come, let’s find some stuff.” he motioned for eri to follow him and he walked away towards the frozen aisle, forgetting to check if the child was actually tagging along. 
well, she wasn’t. the blue haired boy only realized once eri hadn’t replied to whether she’d want a popsicle or ice cream cone, turning around to just see the colorful chip bags on the other side of the aisle. oh no. 
he looked around, still not seeing eri and he scolded himself for letting himself get distracted by... you.... oh. he cursed at himself, today not being the first time you had him making mistakes... nor was it one of the first ten times. it was an almost daily occurrence at this point, his feelings for you only deepening with each time he saw you, which was every single day, multiple times within the hours he’s awake (and asleep, if he’s being honest, it isn’t rare for you to show up in his dreams). 
the sound of what seemed like eri’s giggles snapped him out of this trance he found himself getting lost in and he quickly went to searching for the missing girl. thankfully, it seemed like she was still in the store. trying to avoid you as much as possible he searched every area you were in and... nothing. what hadn’t occurred to him is that eri knew you- and eri was holding your hand as you stood in the same place he was before he realized she was lost, figuring out which ice cream to get her.
walking towards the entrance of the store, he decided waiting there would be the better option out of either that OR freaking out and calling the police in a panic. he knew eventually she or (in a worst case scenario) her kidnapper would have to walk through those doors to leave. 
that’s when he sees you, in all your glory, and completely fails to realize you and eri were hand in hand in the frozen aisle as eri complimented how amazing and nice you were and how “the nice guy” with her really liked you. you were a bit confused, but grabbed her an ice cream either way and started unknowingly making your way towards him, still looking over at eri as she followed you. 
“there he is!” she points directly at iida, who you liked, staring right at you. attempting to look away, he saw eri and let out a relieved sigh. “there you are, eri! i was worried! what would i have done if i couldn’t find you? what would you have done if i had left and you were still here, lost?!” you chuckle and placed her hand in his so he could grab it. “no need for all those hypotheticals, she’s right here and perfectly fine” you ruffle her hair.
eri couldn’t help but notice the blush on both of your faces, and how you two couldn’t make eye contact for more than a second. with a mischievous smile on her face, she looked at the boy and tugged his shirt “iida, you should tell big (sis/brother)-" she paused before continuing her words as whispers in his ear "that you like them" she looked at you as she pulled away. “tell me what?” the three of you stared at each other in silence and iida thought of every possible, terrible, outcome for a split second before gulping.
“after i drop off eri, would you like to-” he hesitated, searching for the right words “spend some time together?” nodding eagerly, iida and eri’s trip to the store continued, you joining in. once eri was picked up and the two of you got some time alone, you shared some comfortable silence sitting outside of the dorms on the grass. 
“eri told me you really like me” you say quietly yet with a smile, not looking at him out of embarrassment. “perhaps.” he says coldly, worrying that if he put any amount of emotion into his words, he’d be even more embarrassed. “perhaps?” you question, before he clarifies, “yes, i do like you.” you cant help the grin that you make at his words, letting the upper half of your body fall, rolling over to face the ground as you bury your face in your arms.
“i like you too” you let out weakly, not trusting your voice to not give away how happy you are. feeling a nudge on your side, you look up, before being surprised by the big smile on his face. “im happy, then.” 
the two of you were a blushing mess, two fools finally realizing the other likes them just as much as they did. you had eri to thank for being smarter and much bolder than the two of you were. 
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binniesthighs · 4 years
two tails | reader x minho |
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Pairing: self insert, female reader x lee minho 
Genre: strangers to lovers, neighbors to lovers, fluff 
Tags: neighbors au, comfort fic, catowner!minho, catowner!reader, author!reader, bestfriend!seungmin, agedup!skz, slow burn, plot-driven, gradual romance, meet cute scenarios, lil bit of angst, strained parental relationship, explicit language 
Word count: 3.9k 
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homebody noun 
: one whose life centers around the home. 
Grocery stores are a cursed place. Horrible. You might have guessed that if there were to be a special layer of hell to be reserved for you (which you sure as hell wished there wasn’t) it would likely be a grocery store. 
Firstly, they are one of the messiest places that you could ever experience. Have you seen the ways that those beige-y grey floors get caked with dirt and smudges from who knows what? Have you seen the dirt and grime that hides under those produce shelves? Secondly, why is it that everyone always feels the need to get so close to eachother crammed in those isles? Why is it that you have to do that awkward shuffle when your cart and someone else’s cart gets in each other’s way and you have to do the “no you go first” and “no, you go first.” 
You prayed that you had been good enough in this life to escape some kind of grocery-store induced hellscape. 
Partly it was Bomi’s fault. Temperamental nuisance. Three days into her newest bag of cat food and she suddenly decided to go on a hunger strike. The internet  had told you that perhaps she just didn’t like the flavor. Little did the internet know that you had nearly already tried every other flavor there was, even the expensive ones. 
You stared down to your crinkled up list filled with the ramblings of an attempted grocery list and other absentminded doodles. 
Under the reminder, you had drawn an angry little cat face with Bomi’s characteristic calico facial splotches. 
“Damn cat. You’re lucky that I still love you.” You uttered under your breath. 
The wheels of your cart screeched as you turned the corner into the pet isle. Of course, you were the lucky one that had to pick the cart that had only three functioning wheels and whined like your mother over the phone. You cringed to yourself, bearing through the sound and the two glances from a mother and her child throwing an obscenely large bag of dog food into their totally normal cart. 
You didn’t need to, but you mouthed a tiny “sorry” to them as you passed them. 
The tall metal racks appeared to touch those flickering fluorescent lights above them as you perused them, glancing over all of the brands which you had undoubtedly purchased one time or the other. 
Tuna, salmon, tuna and salmon, tuna and veggies, salmon and veggies... 
What would it be that Bomi would tolerate this time? Was it grains that she didn’t like? Wet food? 
Merely looking at the prices for the canned cat food sprung such a headache that you wished you hadn’t looked at them at all. But, if it was what your princess would eat... 
On the highest shelf, your gaze caught a brand that you hadn’t seen before, so you summoned your strength to stand on your tip-toes, stretching up your arm as far as you possibly could, teetering just a little... 
“Here, I can get that, let me just--” 
“--Oh no, it’s fine, I can reach it, thank you--” 
“--It’s alright, I’ve almost got it...” 
His elegant fingers got tangled up with yours. Had your determination been any weaker, he would have snatched it up all himself, but...
He chuckled a little. “Are you sure?” 
You turned your head to affirm, “Positiv--Minho?” 
You had finally had the little can in your grasp, only to feel it slip out of your fingers in your shock. 
The terrible sound of the aluminum can hitting Minho’s head and glasses bonked between your fumbling arms, working just too slow. 
Minho’s hand went immediately to rub at the top of his head with eyes tightly shut. 
“Oh my god!!! Are you okay?” 
Instinctually you swooped in to see if any harm had been done. 
“Ah-I’m fine, don’t--I’m fine.” 
Your neighbor patted down his head, trying to craft a smile for you under his painfully crossed brows. 
“Are you sure? I-I’m so sorry. God, I’m so stupid and clumsy, don’t you think that you have a concussion or something?” 
He laughed out a sharp chuckle, then winced at what the action did to his head. “I don’t think so.” 
“Are you sure about that?” If he could have heard, he would have noticed your heart anxiously beating at a hundred times per second. 
“It’s okay, really, I’ve had worse things thrown at my head.” 
“What the hell could be worse???” 
“You don’t want to know.” He maintained his hopeful grin. 
Even after being assaulted by cat food, he was still just as beautiful as you remembered. 
“Oh! Your glasses!! Where did those go??” 
Frantically, you spun around, shoving your cart aside with another startling screee. Quickly you found them nearest the bird seed. 
“Here. Here you go, I hope that they’re not broken.” 
“Mm-doesn’t look like it.” Minho inspected them. 
“Oh thank God.” 
He huffed out one more little scoff-sounding laugh. “At least you’ve got the cat food that you wanted now. 
“Yeah, but at what cost?” 
“I said don’t worry about me.” 
Minho fluffed his hair back into place, likely hiding another rub to his throbbing head. 
What even does one say to someone who you nearly wrecked with cat food? 
“You uhh--what are you doing here?” 
“The same as you, getting cat food.” Minho snatched a bag of food from a lower shelf. “With three mouths to feed you tend to run out pretty fast.” 
“Oh! I-uh...can imagine.” 
“Weird shopping here like I live here now...never thought that would happen. I’m still getting used to everything around here; never knew that I would end up back living with my mom...and at my age.” 
“Don’t-don’t feel bad! It’s a nice area around here! At least I think, and it’s a... nice grocery store...” 
You did not think that it was a nice grocery store, but it seemed like the right thing to say. 
Minho smiled back at you warmly, just as he had done back on your doorstep, tabby cat in his arms. You had wanted to see it again. 
“-Guess that means I’ll be seeing you around here more often too then.” He took the cat food can--his ex-assailant-- to drop into your cart. 
“I guess so...and sorry, again.”
“Really don’t worry about it!” Minho rolled up his hands into little sweater paws on the handle of his cart. “I’ll see you later then.” 
Your words trailed behind him, seeing as he had already started wheeling away. As soon as he was out of an earshot, you cursed yourself out terribly--another habit you had developed since living alone; you really were your only company. 
“God, Oh god. Now he thinks that I’m a recluse and a wreck, oh god--” 
“--Hey! Watch where you’re going!!” 
An old man with a newsboy cap griped before you nearly collided with him and his cart full of diet sodas. 
“Sorry!! I’m so sorry!” You bowed profusely in apology while removing yourself from the isle as fast as you could.
Grocery stores really were your own kind of personal hell. 
The cold metal of the bus stop sign dissolved into your sweating forehead while you watched the springtime sunset fade out before you. It really was pretty, and it was just enough to distract you from how weighed down your backpack and numerous reusable bags felt. Had your hands been free, you would have taken a picture. 
What time is it even? 
Your watch was restricted by the number of straps around your wrists. Sometimes stepping outside of your home and onto the sidewalk was draining enough to make you feel like scurrying back inside. Big trips like this however, had you falling asleep in those uncomfy plastic chairs in (also) disgustingly messy buses. 
To your right, you heard the usual hum of the number 10 bus wheel up. 
“Wait! Wait!! Hold the bus!!” 
Hurried footsteps came patting behind you, followed with shallow running breaths. 
Hair bopping and cardigan flopping a little like wings behind him, Minho sprinted to the doors. 
“Take a seat ma’am.” The bust driver snapped you out of your embarrassment over seeing him one more time than you would have liked. 
“Ah-sorry, I will.” 
You shuffled your way near back of the bus and attempted to hide your face behind your bags decorated with none other than flowers and cartoon cats. 
“Please don’t see me, please don’t see me.” You chanted under your breath while your neighbor looked for a seat. 
“Y/n? Heh, I just keeping running into you don’t I?” 
“Minho!!!!” You piped, just a little too animatedly. “Huh! Didn’t figure I would see you here...too...” 
Minho slid into the booth across from you. “I mean, it makes sense, we’re going to the same place basically.” 
“Don’t you...have a car or something?” 
“I do, but I figured that the grocery store was close enough, although, I didn’t really factor in how all of this would weigh a ton.” 
“Hm, I never really do as well.” 
A pair of older lades glared over at the two of you, clearly displeased that you were disrupting their peaceful bus ride. Minho cowered under their piercing and aged brown eyes, then stealthily slid into the seat next to you. 
His washed out jeans brushed up against your leggings, and you felt your hairs stand on end. If there was someone out there who decided if you went to a hellscape grocery store, they must have also been able to mask the smell of your sweat. You hoped that they were listening to your pleading requests. 
“It’s a really a nice evening isn’t it?” 
Minho peered out your window at the little shops and bustling streets beside you. The sidewalks were decorated with little skinny trees here and there which had just started to bloom with the buds of leaves and flowers. There was a peaceful air about the scene that reminded everyone that the cold would soon be gone for good, and the sky swirled into pinks and purples. 
“Oh! Yes, yes it is.” 
You tried your best to ignore the fact he was leaning into you slightly. 
“So. What else do you do besides be a cat parent and a part-time chucker of canned goods?”
You wanted to crawl in a hole once you saw his adorable grin once more. “I-I have a job, a couple actually.” 
“A couple? And what are they?” 
“I teach online college courses in creative writing and English.” your glasses fell a little down your nose bridge, so you adjusted them accordingly, “I also edit for a small publishing company--but that’s more of a side thing.” 
“That’s...a lot of writing and things like that.” 
“Well, it’s what I went to school for, and, I don’t mind...although my mother--” 
“--Have you written anything yourself? Anything that I could read?” 
You felt your cheeks set ablaze with heat. “You?! Oh no no no no.” 
“What?” A mischievous grin overtook Minho’s adorable one. “Do you write provocative content?” 
“No! I do not!” Your tone turned more defensive than you had intended. 
“Well, what do you write? Even if you did write that kind of stuff, I wouldn’t mind. Provocative contents are trendy these days.” 
“I didn’t even say that I write in the first place!” 
“I just assumed seeing as you seem to do other things in this field...so, what do you write?” 
“It’s embarrassing, and I don’t owe you the knowledge!!” 
Minho reached over your fuming body to pull at the bus cord, letting out the little stop requested tune. 
“What is it that you do then?” 
“Something boring and business-y that you wouldn’t care to know about. It’s definitely not as interesting as what you do I’m sure.” 
Your neighbor gathered up his bags while the bus slowed to the stop. 
“You coming?” 
me: seung, i’m such a fool. you will not believe 
seungmo: should I even guess? what? Bomi yack during your online lecture again? 
me: no, worse. 
seungmo: i’m listening. 
i guess i don’t really have a choice though don’t I? 
you’re just gonna tell me anyway aren’t you? 
The cat in question purred in your lap, permitting you your usual one hour of cat-attention a day like she would during the evenings. After your day of embarrassment, you had hunkered down on your favorite place on the couch, swaddled in blankets with the TV playing some nature show that you had been trying to pay attention to. Somehow, the thought that Minho living just doors away made it all seem even worse; you were bound to see him again. 
You bit your lip and started tapping away at your phone screen, regaling the entire tale to your best friend--who frankly had enough of your awkward “you-isms.” However, no matter how socially insecure you were, Seungmin appeared to stick by you. In fact, it was one of your “you-isms” that had brought the two of you together. 
Four years ago at that pet shelter where you had got Bomi, Seungmin was there too looking for a dog. It was Bomi’s skittish self that leapt out of her cage and into Seungmin’s arms when his dog started barking. Bomi had nearly destroyed Seungmin’s sweater by the way that she had clawed into him. Of course, you took her crime upon yourself and insisted on buying him a new sweater. After an exchange of phone numbers, he hadn’t gotten bored of you yet. Bomi had always liked him more than you--the traitor. 
me: ...and then he showed up on the bus, just as I had thought that I had escaped, and then started berating me about what I do for a living. 
seungmo: are you sure he wasn’t just asking questions, NOT berating? 
me: it felt like it. 
seungmo: and why are you telling me all of this? 
me: bc I wanted you to give me some comfort?? or reassurance?? isn’t that what friends do? 
seungmo: what do you want me to say? I’m sorry, that was really embarrassing? get over it? stuff like that happens to you all the time y/n, I don’t know why you are making such a big teal of it. 
*deal of it. 
me: wow, you’re being of such help. 
seungmo: you’re overthinking it. as always. 
me: but i’ll have to SEE HIM again. 
Seungmin’s little three writing dots disappeared, and you waited in silent anxiety for what he would say next. 
seungmo: you’ve got a crush on him don’t you 
The evening sky had darkened, and you felt the air temperature begin to drop. It wasn’t unbearable however, and you had prepared yourself well with your giant sheep-like blanket wrapped around your shoulders. The cold wire chair that you sat in was undoubtedly pressing shapes into your bare legs crossed up on it, but you never seemed to mind it. 
Bomi yowled behind the sliding glass door to your backyard, so you allowed her to exit, making her a much happier cat. The two of you enjoyed these nights together deeply--they almost felt like a brief escape from life. Bomi would sneak around the edges of the fence, sniffing and looking rather suspicious when her green eyes would glow in the light of the house. Your glasses likely looked the same reflecting the light from your computer screen. 
You took one more sip of tea, then opened up your internet. A couple clicks, and you found the notification screen on your page. 
hearts: 267 
shares: 19 
comments: 21
Your eyes scanned over the little paragraphs that some of your readers had written for you. It made your heart swell with immense joy seeing the way that they had analyzed and picked apart every little part of your prose and how they would write IN ALL CAPITIAL LETTERS about how excited they were for your next chapter. 
I can’t wait for the next chapter! I’m DYING to know what was in that chest!! I really hope that Bomi can trust Davers. He just seems a little shady to me >////< 
YOU’RE INSANE FOR THIS. The fact that Bomi could fight off the dragon while Blaze was confessing his feelings for her??? I could never lollll 
 P L E A S E protect little Herbie. He’s such a cutie. I wish that hedgehog companions were real, I would take one with me everywhereeeee 
N/n, your writing is so so pretty!! I felt like I was right there in the scene with them! The way that you described the enchanted fountain had me drooling ahhh you’re such an inspiration to me as a writer!!! 
Blaze fanclub?? i’m trying to see somethin’ 
“If Blaze were real, I’d be the president of that fanclub.” You laughed out to yourself. 
Suddenly, you found you thoughts shifting from your dreamy Blaze to someone much less fictional. 
Crushes on boys who were real was much better than one’s who weren’t. It was nice admitting it to yourself at last. 
“Ahhhh” You sighed out, doing a little happy dance in your seat, then opened up the chat box to return to the replies. 
After responding to as many as you could, you opened up a new chapter. 
Chapter 22 
Blaze wiped off his sword, stained with the steel blue blood of the dragon, still steaming with heat underfoot. His disheveled deep black trellises were coated in his own sweat but it didn’t make him look any less dashing--per usual. 
“Princess Bomi, you still haven’t answered my question.” 
Bomi sheathed her own sword, then inspected her wooden shield for any more damage. For a moment, she thought that the claw marks made it look even more beautiful and intimidating. 
“Blaze. You know that I can’t talk about romance at a time like this, have you forgotten that the kingdom as stake?”  
Bomi perched at her usual spot in the window, eyes fluttering closed before she would take her nap that would last for nearly the whole afternoon. You would have been lazing with her, but that would have to wait another hour or so: with your newest paycheck, you had decided to deliver some new flowers to yourself for your garden. 
The little array was spread out before you: yellow and purple pansies, pink tulips, fuchsia and baby pink peonies, and dainty while lilies of the valley were arranged where you had planned to adorn your front lawn. The aroma of the flowers lingering in the air was enough to make you feel as if you had transported yourself to the very magical gardens that you would be writing about that evening. 
A pair of songbirds chittered past, carrying their whistles behind them. For a brief moment, the sun shone directly onto your arms spotted with dirt and filled your whole body with warmth. Nothing was more peaceful than this. You took to work, crackling them out of their plastic pots, and digging at the earth in holes to hold them down. After a while, you felt the dew from the grass start to soak into your work-jeans, but it was a welcome little cool feeling. Next, you popped up to hose them down with your little attachment that made the water cascade like a rain-shower. You admired for a moment how the water would create little rainbows from the spray. 
“Ahem, uh-hi there!” 
You choked out a gasp before swinging around, aiming the hose like your sword to the startling voice. 
You pointed the stream directly at them, only in your horror to see your neighbor, trademark cardigan and all, soaking wet from your weapon. 
“GOD! That’s cold.” 
The fabric hung onto him, adhering to every part of his body which was much more toned than you had expected.
Minho looked absolutely bewildered as the water dripped off his frame with sad little pat pat pats on the concrete sidewalk. 
“Oh God. Oh God. Minho, I’m so so sorry. I-I can’t believe that I keep doing this to you--” 
You nearly felt like crying, but for fear of embarrassing yourself further, you decided to turn around quickly in search of your rags. They were garden rags, but dry nonetheless. 
“Here, here, I-I think that these should help.” 
You dabbed at his body, although it was clear that this wasn’t helping in the slightest. 
“Stop, stop,” He pushed your hands away. “I just live next door, I’ll live being a little drenched.” 
“You realize that's an oxymoron right?” Your nervous hands continued dabbing. 
“A what??” Minho kindly laughed at your frantic hands. 
“It’s a...writing thing. Sorry...” 
“I really need to be careful around you don’t I?” 
Your mouth crinkled into a flustered line. “M’sorry.” 
“Can you quit apologizing?? Here, I came over to give you these, my mom made some extra side dishes so she wanted me to bring them over to you.” 
“Oh.” He handed you the little bundle of Tupperware containers. “Thanks.” 
“She also, or--I mean--I wanted to invite you over so that you could meet my cats...and! my mom. My mom too.” 
“You want me to come over?” 
“I did mention that I wanted to a little while ago didn’t I?” 
“Oh! You did...” 
“Does next Saturday work? Around 5?” 
“I-I can do five.” You brushed your muddied hand across your sweating brow. 
Minho scoffed, “You’ve...got something...on your...” 
“Oh! Oops.” You tried your best to wipe off the dirt, but you didn’t know you had only made it worse. 
Minho squeezed out his soaked sleeve to carefully raise it to your forehead. “Here, like this.” 
This close to you, his brown eyes deeply shone with the color of coffee, chocolate, the bark of forest trees after a spring rain, and a million other things that your writer brain could compare them to. 
“There. It’s all gone.” 
For a moment, you wondered if you really had fantasized him, or if he really was real. For you, you wouldn’t have been surprised if he was some kind of figment of your imagination: they usually were. 
[1 missed call, Mom, 09:12] 
“Y/n are you there? Why is it that you never pick up your phone? I’ve told you so many times that you should pick up when I call. What if it’s an emergency? What if someone’s died?? Nevermind, I wanted to call and tell you my friend’s daughter is getting engaged and I’ve been invited to the bridal party. I think that you should come with. It’ll be good to get you out of that house. 
Why is it that you haven’t gotten yourself married yet? You know that you aren’t getting any younger?? Either way, call me back. You’ll need to bring a gift too. Its impolite to show up without a gift. 
Ah, I almost forgot. Your brother got a promotion at work; I’m not sure if he’s told you. We’ll be having dinner to celebrate this weekend. Can I count on you to be there? 
Also, how is the job search going? Your father has some more connections for you to speak to. You need to take advantage of every one of them. You’re so close to getting something that really matters. I can feel it. Ah, I just feel like you’re wasting away there sitting at that computer with those silly classes. It’s like, barely any contribution at all. You could be making so much more money. 
Anyway, call me back once you hear this. 
love you sweetie, talk soon. 
i know that its tuesday and i said I would publish on mondays shhh just pretend I published this yesterday ooP 
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You Got It Wrong (Matt Casey) Part 2.
Summary: After Y/N and Matt get into an argument, she leaves for her sister's wedding.
Words: 1293
A/N or Warning: can you guys like comment more? Love the support but would love yall more if yall commented lmao. I'm tired and I dont care about going through it and fixing the grammar and spelling. So I'm sorry for that!
Tags: Tags: @intergalxtic @babyfannii @corebore123 @halsteadsway @bethii1 @littlemaatta @disneyismyworldforever @nhcwdw
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Since your punishment, you barely talked to Casey or Herrmann unless it was Fire related or a job related which sucked but you were mad at them still. You were mopping the floor in the break room when you saw Casey walking towards you. You made no eye contact as he walked up to you. "Y/N, how long is this gonna go on?"
"I don't know what you mean Lieutenant? I have still two weeks of chores. Your punishment,"
Casey sighed and shook his head. "Not what I meant," and walked off.
"What's going on here? Why are you doing chores, is this the rookie's job?"
You looked up at Ritter. "Yep, but since I didn't answer the radio on during the apartment fire, Casey and Herrmann have me on chores duty for the next two weeks,"
"That's why theres tension between you and Casey. I just thought it was sexual,"
You playfully shoved him. "RITTER!"
He laughed and walked off. "You know it's true,"
"It isn't but okay,"
You were outside washing the truck and laughing with Gallo when Casey walked up to you two. "What's so funny?"
You stopped smiling and looked away from him. "Nothing, Lieutenant,"
Casey looked over at you and then at Gallo. "Gallo, can you leave me and Y/N alone?"
Gallo nodded and dropped the rag in the bucket and walked inside. "Y/N, stop cleaning and talk to me,"
"You can talk to me while I'm doing this because I have to get this done,"
"Drop the rag and look at me, that's an order,"
You turned around and threw the rag in th bucket. "Yes, sir,"
Casey looked at you. "You got to stop this,"
"Stop what?"
"You're giving me grief over punishing you. I'm your superior,"
You just stood there. "I'm not giving you grief, Casey and exactly. You're my superior and I'm treating you as such,"
"No, you're not-"
"Okay then Casey. Tell me how to behave or what to say because obiviously, I can't do shit right according too,"
You started to walk off. "If you don't drop the additude, I will add more weeks,"
"Yeah, well, what's stopping you?"
Matt stood there watching her walk inside the firehouse as he sighed. This girl was doing to drive him insane. He didn't know what to do or say around you anymore without you blowing up on him. He walked into the firehouse and went to the common area and sat next to Mouch. He groaned and rubbed his face. "What going with you?"
Mouch laughed. "Don't think age stops those problems cause they don't,"
The day went on but Casey didn't see you. He walked up to Gallo and Ritter. "Have you seen Y/L/N?"
Ritter and Gallo both looked at each other and then to Casey. "Ask Boden,"
Casey was a bit confused as to that answer but he nodded and walked towards Boden's office and knocked on the office door. "Come in,"
"Have you seen Y/N?"
He nodded. "Not since she requested a transfer this morning,"
"Wait what?"
"She said that since she couldn't seem to do anything right here, she wanted to try another firehouse and after talking to her for an hour,"
"This is my fault,"
"What do you mean?"
"Well Herrmann and I put her on two week chore duty for not repsonding to us durnig the apartment fire and then right before she came to you, we got into an arugment and I made her feel like that. Like she can't do anything right. I got to fix this,"
Casey pulled out his phone and started to call you. "Calling her won't do anything good. She's driving to Michigian for her sister's wedding and she turned off her phone,"
"I thought that wasn't for another few weeks,"
"Well, they changed it, its on Sunday,"
"That's still like a week away?"
"I told her to take the week off to think about if she really wants to transfer,"
"I know this is short notice but can I have the week off or at least a few dats and I will try to have convince her not to transfer,"
"She one of the best firefighters we got. I dont want to lose her to another house. Take as much time as needed. I'll call you if we need you,"
Y/N's POV:
You sighed as you parked in your paren'ts driveway and you just sat there, wishing this was going to go different but you know what was going to happened the moment you stepped into that house. You turned on your phone and it started buzzing as you missed a lot of texts and calls. Mainly from Casey but you ingored those and went to yours, Gallo's and Ritter's text.
Gallo: Seriously? Why'd you turn off your phone.
Ritter: How would we know if you die or not?
Ritter: Turn on your phone already?
*3 hours later*
Gallo: Its been three hours, Ritter. She hasn't answered. I think its time to call a search party.
Ritter: I think so too.
You chuckled and replied to them.
You: I just pulled into my parents' driveway. I'm alive and fine.
Ritter: See, Gallo? I told you not to worry.
You rolled your eyes and looked up and saw your dad looking out the window. You sighed and decided that it was time for you to go see your family. You put your phone in your purse and walked into the house. You eldest brother walked up to you and gave you a bear hug. "We were wondering when you were coming into the house, you were park in the driveway for hours,"
You moved your arm to hug him back. "Yeah, well I had turned off my phone while driving and I was repsonding to my friends that thought I was dead or had been in a serious accident,"
After getting hugged by you older borther and your dad, you noticed that your mom wasnt in there. "Where's mom?"
"She's doing a errand, she will be back soon. Sit. Sit. Tell us. How is it living in Chicago? Those fires keeping you so busy that you can't come and visit us more often?"
You looked at your dad. "Yeah, pretty much. I'm surprised my boss let me get a week off."
What I really wanted to say was; "No. Mom is the reason I stay away. I cant handle her nagging me all the time,"
"So do we know who the lucky guy that is marrying our baby sister yet?"
They all shook their heads no. Your sister had kept this relationship a secret for a year before telling us that she was in it, even then she has kept who it was a secret as well. We at frist were worried it was someone that was really bad for her but she was a good girl who knew how not to get in trouble. "Not yet, we are suppose to meet him tomorrow,"
It had been about four hours since you gotten home, your mom came home about an hour after you got here and as you expected started on you about your love life but thankfully your eldest brother came to your defense and got her off your back. You were going to stay at a hotel but your parents have convinced you to stay at the house. You were walking towards your car and saw a car pulling up. You immdietely knew whose car it was and you walked up there, confused, as the door opened. "What are you doing here?"
Casey walked out of the car and looked at you. "Trying to convince you to stay with 51,"
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stressed-crow · 3 years
i didnt exactly get tagged, but @lieberts​ said the “whoever wants to do it” thing (like 4 moths ago but i just found it in my likes) so here i goooo
also i tag @krchov​ @cowardlylearningtobebrave​ @feathereddamsel​ @gruntie​ and @luwucifer-s​ but like, only very vaguely. feel free not to~
Rules: Post your first twenty songs in a playlist on shuffle
Mama (My Chemical Romance)
Stigma (BTS)
Man Who Sold The World (Nirvana)
End of Spring (ONEWE)
Love Maze (BTS)
I’m so afraid (Holland)
Dear my friend (agustd)
O-O-H Child (The Five Stairsteps)
Go Go (BTS)
Time is Running out (The Muse)
Movement (Hozier)
Les Passants (Zaz)
The Witching Hour (ODJBOX)
Feelings (Hayley Kiyoko)
0X1=LOVESONG (txt)
YAYAYA (Stray Kids)
Empire (Of Mice and Men)
Problems (Mother Mother)
Question (Stray Kids)
Kill Your Heroes (AWOLNATION)
(i do not take any criticism on my music taste, least of all a costructive one)
2. Rules: MAKE A NEW POST, bold what applies to you and tag whoever you want to get to know better.
I’m an I-need-to-pull-the-driver-seat-all-the-way-in kind of a person // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing  // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo  // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how I look // I prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
i play a sport // i can play an instrument  // i am artistic  // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own (if it was like... chill wildreness. i mean i can get a fire going and shit like that i cant fistfight a bear or whatever) // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean (i dont like it tho the sea scares me) // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift  // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat ---------
sage green or baby blue | moon or stars | paperback or hardback | piercings or tattoos (i want a new one... both piercing and tattoo) | drawing or writing | saturn or jupiter | line without a hook or mr. loverman (what does this mean??) | ancient greece or ancient egypt | prague (yo i live here thats wild) or amsterdam | dark academia or light academia | indie aesthetic or cottagecore | stargazing or late night drives | strawberries or watermelons | rings or necklaces | extrovert or introvert | dragons or griffins | ocean or mountain | silver or gold | dawn or dusk | creative or free spirit | early bird or night owl | cook or bake | dagger or sword ---------
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest (i dont do either) // braids or pigtails // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos (new!! both!!) // summer or winter (both suck) // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon (am european) // strawberries or watermelon (im using this opportunity to pick the other one yes) // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
5. Post one picture from my camera roll (no new downloads) to sum up my personality! u get two bcs they are v good
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RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag others
Name/Nickname: lucy 
Gender: female 
Star Sign: leo
Height: 170 cm 
Time: 22:04 
Birthday: july 1  IS WHAT I WROTE INITIALLY bcs i cant fucking read and thought it just said “date” lol anyway its 11th of August
Favorite Bands: bts, stray kids :)
Favorite Solo Artists: sunmi, taemin :) and hozier i cant betray him 
Song stuck in my head: la la la la vie en rose
Last Movie: def some horror movie but i forget which lol
Last Show: probably the untamed lmaooo did not even finnish it 
When did I create this blog: december 2013 apparently 
What do I post: kpop babey 
Last thing googled: i gotta fact check lots of shit for work so probs smting sports related (but make no mistake i dont know a single thing abt sports) 
Other blogs: what for i dump everything here
Do I get asks: no
Why I chose my url: self-explanatory
Following: 100
Followers: ???
Average hours of sleep: about 8 hours 
Instruments: none 
What am I wearing: pink pajama shorts with kitties, black shirt torn beyond decent wearability and this dark green... jacket,,, hoodie...thing.
Dream job: village witch 
Dream trip: me @ japan: 
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(i was supposed to go study there starting winter 2020 :) im abt to lose my fucking mind :) so yeah you get a dead meme for this) also new zealand, iceland, and going back to sweden sometime
Favorite food: pizza bithc its versatile, also cereal coz im a child
Nationality: czech (rip) 
Favorite song: black swan (bts), levanter (skz), take me to church (hozier), noir (sunmi) (those are from the top of my head current favs theres way more but here u go)
Last book read: MIMOZEMŠŤANÉ V ČECHÁCH (= aliens in czechia) by idk, some married couple thats probs wanted whatever xfiles had but low budget, its pure nonsense, best read of this year, dont regret a single second
 Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: magnus archives bich i dont give a fuck; middle earth to blaze it with hobbits; i wanna be one of those lil shaky-head-tree-things in mononokehime
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Best friends.. but more💕
Takanobu Aone × fem!reader
Tags: NSFW,, biting,, daddy/princess petnames,, heart break
Tw: drinking, drunk sex,,
Word count: 1800+
Im a wee bit drunk atm if yall find any grammar errors or would like tags or tws I could add message me and let me know. Other than being drunk Im also new to tagging stories so sometimes I don't pay attention 😅
NSFW under the cut♡
It was sometimes rather odd being best friends with Aone. Everyone else in your class and well the whole school seemed to think he's so intimidating. Which is kinda funny considering its based on his height. When in reality hes just a big ol teddy bear.
You were rather glad no one really knew him like you did. Still he wasn't very talkative when you two hung out but you could tell by his body language that he always had a good time. Especially when you two played games together. Who would imagine this very stiff, quiet guy actually gets angry when he loses at video games. It wasnt very noticable until he'd always makes an excuse to go get snacks every time he would lose. You caught him quietly fuming to himself in the kitchen after a couple times. Which turned into many times of sneaking out of his room just to watch him and having your heart race trying to make it back so he wouldn't know that you essentially were stalking him in his own home. It was then you realized maybe your feelings toward him were for more than just friendship. A thought you'd never have expected to have towards your best friend. So you shook it off everytime you felt it a little more not wanting to hurt your relationship.
After graduation things stayed the same mostly. The only real difference was after you two had gotten jobs and places of your own and it was a bit harder to spend time together. So when you two had time to spare you were either at his house or him at your apartment. It was never abnormal for you two to stay the night together. Most of the time you'd drink and play games together. Which really wasnt very often lately because your boyfriend didn't like another guy spensing the night.
It didnt matter how many times you told him that Aone is just your best friend and nothing more. He never believed you. Finally after countless texts and calls of Aone asking to come over you decided to go to his place. You got drunk and vented to him about everything, eventually passing out. Being the sweet guy he is Aone helped you to the couch and covered you up. The very next day you woke up to multiple calls and messages from your boyfriend. It was clear he was pissed but you shrugged it off and stuffed your phone in your pocket. You explained the situation and Aone offered to drive you home. It didnt seem like too big a deal that was until you made it home. Your boyfriend standing next to his car outside your place. Seeing you with Aone made him furious. "I guess Im gonna go sort this out. I'll text you later." you said before exiting the car.
Immediately your boyfriend dragging you up to your apartment. Not even two seconds inside and he berates you with questions. "Were you at his place last night? Is that why you weren't home this morning? Did you fuck him? I cant believe-" you stopped him right there and told him plainly "No. I didn't fuck him. I missed my best friend and I got drunk and passed out. If it werent for that I'd have come home last night." None of it seeming to have any bit of a difference to him. He shook his head with a deep scowl on his face, "We're done." he said and walked out the door. You didnt try to stop him and just let him go.
It took a while for the sadness to hit but when it did you got pretty depressed because you actually really liked the guy. But in the end you werent going to give up your best friend time for some guy no matter how much you liked him.
A couple days after the break up you had went out drinking with your work and got absolutely shitfaced. Thankfully one of your coworkers got your phone. "Dont worry y/n I called a friend to come get you. He should be here any minute." You were barely coherent to what she said and ended up face down in your food crying.
Aone finally showing up, and everyone being in awe of his demeanor towards you. They all drunkenly tell him how good a boyfriend he is. He didnt correct them, just thanked them for calling and said that he'd take care of you. He rubbed your back and leaned down to say "Y/n Im here to take you home. Hop on my back Ill carry you." Your coworkers cheering him on yet again for being so sweet. You being wasted beyond belief got entirely too excited at the idea of a piggy back ride. It took a couple tries but you eventually got on his back.
The walk to his car was kind of cold and your nose was especially suffering. "Aoneee~ my nose its- *hiccup* c-cold." You said right before you snuggled your face into his warm neck. The smell of him almost making you melt. You leaned up into his ear "aoneeeee," you said with such a pouty tone, "A-o-ne Ivee got a seeecret.. I think I might like you.. e-even in high school." You lean back down to nuzzle your face into his neck not noticing how much the tall silent man was blushing. He didn't really say much back and honestly you didn't really notice from how drunk you were.
You hadnt even realized that at some point he had put you in his car. He decided to just take you back to his house since it was closer. You ended up falling asleep blabbering about how hot you were and trying to take off your clothes. Pulling up you were still out of it and thankfully clothed since you were too drunk to get them off. He picked you up and carried you inside up to his bed. Normally you would sleep on the couch but with how things were tonight he'd take the couch.
He laid you down and gathered up a tshirt and some of his sleeping pants, which were way too big. He woke you up enough to have you change clothes and tuck you in. "If you need anything at all Im right on the couch." He stood up to walk to the door. Only to have you grab his hand and pull him down over top of you. "don't go." You said in barely a whisper almost whining. Looking down at you in this way causing his body to react to you like it never has before. Almost making him leave immediately, seeing as how you werent in your right mind, but the way you tugged at him he let you win. He moved over to the other side of you whispering back "okay but once youre asleep im going to the couch."
He laid there looking at you thinking about what you had said when he picked you up and this overwhelming feeling of wanting you filled his mind. You in search of warmth rolled over to cuddle your back against him. Your body kind of going on its own at this point from your drunken and slightly horny state. He had no idea what to do and felt a panic wash over him before you grabbed his arm and wrapped it around you. Feeling the neediness of how his hand held your waist your ass began grinding against him. His hand gripping you tight trying to keep his composure forcing a low moan out of you and the words flowed out of your mouth, "Aone please♡ touch me please." Thats all it took for him to break. You could feel both hands now on your waist pulling you into him grinding his hard cock against your ass. Every thrust and his tightening grip forcing a moan out of you.
The pants he gave you slowing riding down leaving you in just his shirt. He freed a hand to roam over your body and leaned down just barely breathing over your neck before running his tongue along your skin to find the most sensitive spot. You gasped at how good it felt. A little further he thought, just a nip right there in that sensitive little spot. Grabbing your hips as you grinded against him begging for more. "Pleasee Aone more.. bite me more mmm please" gasping between every word. He obliged and sunk his teeth into you. He immediately felt your body tense up as you moaned for more from him "Aone♡ fuck- fuck me please."  "You sure?" He said back. Your hand reaching back to grab his lengthy throbbing cock "yesss~ mmmm fuck you're so big" stroking it listening to his quiet moans in your ear turning you on even more. Enjoying the feeling of your small hands fondling him so needily. Pushing him so close to his climax he had to remove your hand before wound up cumming all over your backside. The pleasure overcoming his mind he rolled you over to your back legs falling off to either side of him he looked you over as you watched him pull off his shirt, his muscles gleaming from all the sweat. "Fuck.." you gasp breathlessly.
"Like what you see, princess?" His words like honey to you. "Mmm fuck yes daddy, I like every.. last.. bit of what I see~" Barely able to get your words out before he thrust his big throbbing cock inside you. "Mmf♡ fuck~ oh fuck~~" Your moans fueling his lust filled mind as he went harder just to see your expressions as the pleasure took you over. Your words jumbled as you barely were able to get out anything between moans. The squelching between your legs at every thrust on top of the low moans coming from his lips driving you mad as you felt him hitting the deepest part of you. "Mmmf♡ i-i.. fuc- i-mmmm im cu-" your moan cutting you off as you came all over his thick cock. The feeling of your walls tightening around him sending him over the edge he grunted grinding himself deeper inside you painting your insides in his juices. His moans stifled by your mouth as you pulled him down into a deep kiss. Neither of you having the want to move just laid there intertwined. Exhaustion taking over you both passed out almost simultaneously.
You woke up to an empty bed and your clothes folded neatly on the dresser. Only remembering bits and pieces from the night before but enough to know what had taken place in this bed right where you were laying. Your face as red as a beet you pulled the covers up over yourself, almost wanting to squeal. You heard the knob twisting and you laid back down pretending to be asleep. You could hear him walk in closer and closer until it felt like he was right over you and your eyes snapped open. His face directly above yours he leaned forward and kissed you and scooped you up with the covers you were rolled up in. Your face hot and embarrassed as to the suddenness, " Wh-what are you doing??" He smiled down at you continuing on, "Don't worry princess, Im just taking you to the bathroom so you can clean yourself up.. unless of course you want to continue last night?" Every bit of the night before flooded your head as he sat you down. You almost couldnt believe it. Slightly embarrassed you knew if you didn't take this chance now you'd hate yourself for it later. Dropping the blankets you pulled him into the bathroom. "You helped make the mess now you can help clean it." A tiny smirk crossed his mouth and you knew you were going to get way more than you bargained for.💕
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dragetunge · 4 years
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@timewept​ sent:  ☆ with hisiccup hdkhsjdh
The Ultimate Relationship Tag
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Who trashes the house? Do either of them get physical? How often do they argue/disagree? Who is the first to apologise?  Hiccup and Douxie really don’t have disagreements and if they do they’re exceedingly small and aren’t a big matter. Just a disagreement about dinner or what not. Usually its met with kisses and laughs.
Who is on top? : Primarily Hiccup. ( But they do like to swap from time to time) Who is on the bottom? : Primarily Douxie (as mentioned when Douxie is in the mood he tops) Who has the strangest desires? : I don’t think there is any I can think of as of this moment  Any kinks? : Hiccup is the kinky one of the two. Thought what they are stays between him and Douxie. Sorry no spicy tidbits ;) Who’s dominant in bed? Hiccup most of the time. (except when its the Douxie times) Is head ever in the equation? 100 % all the time.  If so, who is better at performing it? Hiccup he’s been with a few partners to know and experience it  Ever had sex in public? hfdgndfgdfgd yes  Who moans the most? Douxie. These two experience a lot of new things together.  Who leaves the most marks? Hiccup. He leaves the most mark and almost makes a game out of where to leave the most revealing to where Douxie can’t hide them before work. Who screams the loudest? Who is the more experienced of the two? Hiccup is definitely more experienced since he’s been married twice before.  Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Both. It depends when the mood strikes them.  Rough or soft? Depends on the mood.  How long do they usually last? A while....Hiccup’s a dragon rider they can go for about an hour or so.  Is protection used? No there isn’t. Does it ever get boring? Definitely not. Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? The Renn Faire tents in the back while they were working 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? If so, how many children do your muses want/have? Who is the favorite parent? Who is the authoritative parent? Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Who changes the diapers? Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Who spends the most time with the children? Who packs their lunch boxes? Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Who cleans up after the kids? Who worries the most? Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
No kids they’re going to be the best gay uncles though to everyone else’s kids. Plus Hiccup’s had kids and doesn’t want to do that again. 
Who likes to cuddle? They both love cuddles. Who doesn’t like cuddles? Who is the little spoon? Douxie most of the time except Hiccup wants to be the little spoon. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Hiccup 100% and he walks it off while leaving Douxie flustered and completely red in the face. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?   Both of them do after they’ve started dating one another.  How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? They reposition into a new cuddle formation.  Who gives the most kisses? They don’t really keep count seeing they’re always smooching or giving the other smooches some place on the other.  What is their favorite non-sexual activity? They really like doing things together. Like cook or play video games. They love movie nights Where is their favorite place to cuddle?  The couch. They have a comfy couch. Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? This is probably Hiccup more than Douxie but I feel like Douxie’s had his fair share of doing it.  How often do they get time to themselves? They do not like being apart from one another when they’re in the same space. 
Who snores? Hiccup most likely.  If both do, who snores the loudest? Hiccup’s not very loud when he does. Its more of a dozing snore.  Do they share a bed or sleep separately? In the same bed. They gotta.  If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? These boys are on top of each others. Limbs are usually a mess between them both.  Who talks in their sleep? Hiccup again. He gets ideas during his sleep and probably has said them to Douxie while asleep. Like Douxie’s awake when he does XD What do they wear to bed? Doux wears pjays and Hiccup wears a lose tshirt that doesn’t really fit and a pair of underwear. Its easier that way so he can air out the stub.  Are either of your muses insomniacs? Douxie mainly but Hiccup has his nights  Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? No I don’t think so Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Their limbs cannot be distinguished when they’re asleep in the bed Who wakes up with bed hair? Hiccup. The king of floof in the morning this one Who wakes up first? Depends on the day really.  Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Hiccup. He’s the cook in the relationship. And he loves spoiling Douxie  What is their favorite sleeping position? They get comfy sleeping any position tbh Who hogs the sheets? Hiccup. He is a comfort fiend.  Do they set an alarm each night? Douxie does seeing he works at a local restaurant  Can a television be found in their bedroom? Yes. It’s primarily there so Douxie can watch his shows when he’s not going to sleep on some nights Who has nightmares? They both do. And they’re never pretty Who has ridiculous dreams? Hiccup again. He has some pretty weird dreams which usually spark new ideas the next day Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Hiccup again. He sprawls out so he can cuddle Douxie mostly. Douxie has no place to go but sleep on top of him.  Who makes the bed? Douxie does. Hiccup’s pretty useless in that department.  What time is bed time? Whenever they decide its bed time.  Any routines/rituals before bed? Douxie doesn’t have any. But Hiccup rubs his leg down nightly. To prevent chaffing the next day and to soothe any ache he might be having as well. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Douxie. If not woken by Hiccup or Archie they have awoken the bear. 
Who is the busiest? Douxie seeing he works outside of the apartment.  Who rakes in the highest income? Hiccup does.  Are any of your muses unemployed? Nope Who takes the most sick days? Douxie when Hiccup gets sick Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Douxie cause Hiccup has no self control and usually tries to prevent Douxie from going to work. (he’s usually very successful most days) Who sucks up to their boss? I dont think either of them do? What are their jobs? Douxie’s a server at a high end restaurant close to the apartment. Hiccup makes swords and other trinkets and sells them online and does custom work for high prices.  Who stresses the most? Douxie most likely. His job involves people Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? I think both of them like what they do. Hiccup’s happy to be tinkering and making weapons and Douxie does love working with other people and making their day a little bit brighter.  Are your muses financially stable? They’re very well off. 
Who does the washing? Hiccup Who takes out the trash? Hiccup Who does the ironing? Hiccup Who does the cooking? Hiccup Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Douxie doesn’t cook much but he’s not horrible but most likely Douxie.  Who is messier? Both?  Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Neither Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Douxie. After a long day he just yeets clothes before crawling into bed next to Hiccup. Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither Who is the prankster around the house? They both get into a prank way but Hiccup always starts them.  Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? They both lose their keys when they gotta go out. They’re hopeless like that.  Who mows the lawn? They dont have a lawn Who answers the telephone? They always answer their cellphones when someone calls  Who does the vacuuming? Hiccup Who does the groceries? Hiccup primarily does but when Douxie’s off work they like to go together so he can let Douxie pick out his own snacks.  Who takes the longest to shower? Hiccup does. He’s disabled and needs to sit down in the shower.  Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Douxie does. He gotta cover all the hickey’s Hiccup leaves. 
[ I hate this outs Hiccup as the house bitch but I’m also thriving because of it.]
Is money a problem? No never.  How many cars do they own? They don’t drive. They have a whole dragon and can walk.  Do they own their home or do they rent? They own their cabin in the woods North of the City. And they’re renting to own their condo in NYC Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Both Do they live in the city or in the country? Both  Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yes they do. Douxie’s the more lively one out of the both of them and loves to go out and see things or go to places more than Hiccup does. When, Hiccup goes out he does like to observe.  What’s their song? “All of Me” by John Legend What do they do when they’re away from each other? Think about the other mainly. They really do not like being apart from one another.  Where did they first meet? Douxie’s bookshop back in Arcadia How did they first meet? Hiccup went to Douxie’s bookshop looking for a particular book about gemstones and entered Douxie’s shop. He really didnt pay much attention to Douxie seeing he was hyper focused on funding that book. Until he fell off the ladder and met Douxie face to face while hanging upside down because his prosthetic got stuck on the wood of the ladder. Who spends the most money when out shopping? DOUXIE Who’s more likely to flash their assets? I dont think either would Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? This is Douxie 100% because when Hiccup does trip or fall he looks to the item in question and calls it a whore or a slut for inconveniencing him.  Any mental issues? Im not disclosing this one sorry Who’s terrified of bugs? Seems like Douxie  Who kills the spiders around the house? Hiccup takes them outside of their home so they do not get squashed.  Their favorite place? I feel like any place becomes a favorite so long as they’re together.  Who pays the bills? Hiccup takes care of the finances. He’s done it pretty much before and can do it.  Do they have any fears for their future? Oh yes they definitely do. But they do talk to one another a lot when these fears arise and they comfort one another.  Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Hiccup. He utterly spoils Douxie but those fancy dinners are usually done at home because he’s a very good cook.  Who uses up all of the hot water? Neither. They usually shower together most of the time. Who’s the tallest? Hiccup coming in 6′1 Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? They’re both very guilty of doing this. They just like being together. And they become very relaxed when they bathe together.  Who wanders around in their underwear? Hiccup does seeing he doesn’t really leave their apartment unless he really has to. Also due to his health he really just decides to stay home unless he knows Douxie’s having a bad day at work and ventures out.  Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Douxie does. Hiccup cannot sing worth a damn.  What do they tease each other about? Anything and everything.  Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Modern clothing is new to Hiccup so he tries a lot of new things and Douxie does cringe about it.  Do they have mutual friends? Of course they do. Basically everyone they know Who crushed first? Douxie because a pretty roguishly good looking boy appeared in his book store and fell on his property.  Any alcohol or substance related problems? No Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Hiccup because he does get drunk but he usually does it at home. One time he did and he put googly eyes on everything in the pantry and Douxie couldn’t eat anything the next day because he thought the things in their pantry had feelings.  Who swears the most? Douxie. Im not saying Hiccup doesn’t swear. Douxie just does it more than he does. 
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bblissfulbb · 4 years
omg thank you for tagging me and giving me something to do @epahetero :33 also sorry this took so loonng to make lol
1. what’s the colour of your hairbrush?
2.is there a food you never eat?
-porridge and eggs in any shape or form, also butter grosses me out but I still use it on bread lol
3.are you usually warm or too cold?
-tbh im not sure but i would say prob cold
4.what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
-eating breakfast and watching yt
5.what’s your favourite candy bar?
-i dont know really probs mars
6.have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
-nope but i wish lol
7.what was the last thing you said out loud?
-”bye” i think????
8.favourite ice cream
-probs like cookie dough or vanilla or strawberry (basic i knoow)
9.what was the last thing you had to drink?
10.do you like your wallet?
-nopety nope i actually hate my wallet, its a weird shape, too thick and i don’t like the colour lol, i feel like this question was personally made for me
11.what was the last thing you ate?
12.did you buy any clothes last weekend?
13.what’s the last sporting event you watched?
-probs the world championship hockey last year
14.favourite flavour of popcorn?
-just the basic i haven’t tasted any other favour
15.last person you sent a text to?
- @pillukorva :)
16.ever gone camping?
-nope but i WISH
17.do you take vitamins?
-everyday sir
18.do you go to church on sundays?
-not anymore but i wish i would
19.do you have a tan?
-i think i would if i would just go outside lol
20.chinese food or pizza?
-pizza, never tried chinese :(
21.do you drink pop with straw?
22.what colour socks do you usually wear?
-boring i know but white, grey and black
23.ever driven above the speed limit?
-i have never driven bc im too scared to even get my license
24.what terrifies you?
-driving:) and also bears and the dark
25.look to your left; what do you see?
-moisturising creams
26.what chore do you hate?
-none tbh
27.what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?
-surfer boys lol
28.favourite pop?
-none tbh but if i had to choose one i would say fanta or sprite
29.do you go into fast food places or hit up the drive thru
-go in
30-last person u talked to?
-my mom
31.favourite cut of beef?
-not a fan of beef tbh but just ground beef i guess
32.last song you listened to?
-nurse’s office - melanie martinez
33.last book you read?
-history 1 text book lol
34.favourite day of the week?
35.can you say the alphabet backwards
-my dyslexia says no (who the fuck can actually do that)
36.how do you like your coffee?
-i don’t
37.favourite pair of shoes
-either my kinda platform vans or my high heels
38.what time do you usually go to bed?
-lately at like 3am but im trying to go at last at midnight
39.when do you get up?
-lately at 12pm but im trynna wake up earlier
40.sunrises or sunsets?
-sunset expecially at summer when it doesn’t even get dark after the sunset
41.how many blankets are on your bed?
-one blanket and two fleece blankets:)
42.describe your kitchen plates?
-my own set is grey but my parents are just white and blue
43.go to alcoholic drink?
-long drink the original flavour
44.do you play cards?
-YES, but sadly not often enough:(
45.what colour is your car?
-don’t have one :(
46.can you change a tire?
-heelll no
47.favourite province?
-umm none?
48.favourite job you ever had?
-only had one and i HATED it 
49.how did you get your biggest scar?
-im really bad at shaving
50.what did you do today that made someone happy?
-haven’t really done anything but i hope answering this tag could make the tagger at least a bit happy :)
i have no idea who to tag so im just tag @pillukorva @rokayas @business-pug
dont feel forced to answer!!!!!
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