#i dont do it anymore but I always loved the earthy smell of it
just-a-tiny-goldfish · 7 months
Sometimes people tell me they don’t like matcha and I always say ‘that’s okay!’ Cause I’m aware it taste like straight up dirt—I just like drinking it because of that
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Day 3: “Don’t you dare, don’t walk away from this!”
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The camp is particularly quiet and that sets off alarm bells in Piper’s brain that make up for the silence surrounding her. Grabbing her trusted Katoptris she slowly, cautiously makes her way out of the cabin. The ever-green fields spread out before her, looking undisturbed, but the quiet seems to get louder. Where is everybody? She checks the ridiculous Barbie watch Leo had bought her as a gag gift and frowns. It’s not meal time. The camp should be abuzz with activity, with people going to their various assigned camp duties. The panic increases, buzzes behind her skull, and all of a sudden she is sprinting towards the center of camp, the campfire, the dining hall, the great house. There is no-one.
Her breathing is hard as she stands in front of the great house doors and knocks frantically.
“Chiron? Mr D? Anyone?”
No reply.
She pulls Katoptris from her side and examines the shining blade, begging for something, anything that will show her what is going on. The only thing it reflects is the crease between her eyebrows and the grim line of her lips. Shit. She stumbles to the front steps of the house and collapses, head in her arms and shoulders shaking with fear. What is she going to do? How is she going to fix this? What is she even supposed to fix? Her panic borders on hysteria and it blocks out everything. All she can hear is the blood rushing in her ears. Her eyes refuse to open. She’s only half aware she’s hyperventilating. It is not a mystery then, when she doesn’t notice a being materialise before her.
“Why are you weeping daughter?” A voice like harps, and pianos sings at her.
Piper whips her head up to see the faces of her mother, changing every few seconds. Famous actors, iconic women, Jason, Annabeth, another lady Piper had seen at a mall and instantly fell in love with. The faces continue to shift and change but she is in too much shock to care.
“Mom?” She rubs her eyes, hoping she’s seeing something. It is never a good sign when any god shows up, especially her mother. “What are you doing here?”
“You summoned me, daughter,” The goddess smiles and Piper winces as it physically brightens the world.
“Where is everyone? Why am I alone? What happened?” A dam inside her breaks, hot tears streaking down her face.
“You’re not alone Piper.” That infernal smile is still on her face, “You have never been alone.”
She looks up, confused, incredulous, lost. “What are you talking about?”
“What are you planning daughter? Why do you feel so heartbroken?”
She glares at the goddess, “I’m heartbroken, Mother, because for some reason the entire camp has disappeared, all my friends have disappeared.”
Aphrodite considers her, head tilted, eyes calculating, and then she smiles again and it gives Piper a headache.”No little one that’s not it. There’s something else.”
The demigod growls in frustration and covers her face with her hands. “Please go away if you’re not going to be of any help.”
Her mother ignores her. How surprising. Possibilities run through her head at lightning speed, trying to figure out reasons and angles for this mass extinction. Every single one comes up blank. There is no way a monster killed everyone. This camp survived not one but two wars. Not even an army of monsters could wipe them out. Maybe someone was playing a trick on her. She pinches her arm. Nope she’s still here. Very much real. There is just nothing, and no-one and it is never-ending.
“OH MY!” Aphrodite squeals, clapping her hands as if she’s just won a trip to the stars. “You’re going to do it aren't you? Well, I never Piper McLean.” She grins, “You’ve really surprised me with this.”
“Mom,” She growls, fed up with the goddess’ rambling, “What are you talking about.”
And completely on brand the goddess simply gives another of her neon smiles and says, “You best wake up now daughter. I think i’d like my week’s entertainment to begin.”
And then the demigod is screaming down a tunnel and jerking awake with her heart in her feet and her lungs in a knot. The faint smell of roses hits her and she knows whatever just happened it was not a dream. Quickly she scrambles out of bed, grabbing Katoptris from underneath and sprinting outside. The camp is a live and well and full of rushing demigods, harpies, and nymphs. She takes a deep breath and lets the sound of activity settle her panicked core.
“Pipes?” A familiar voice calls from somewhere. It takes everything in her not to cringe. Instead she takes another breath, this time for courage, and opens her eyes to see Jason Grace jogging towards her.
“You okay?” His brows knit in concern, and the little scar on his lip whitens as his mouth forms a hard line of worry.
“I- I’m good.”
“You sure? You seemed really scared. You burst out of the cabin like something was attacking you… or us.”
She puts on a pretty smile, one that most people fall over, “Promise, i’m all good. Do you want to take a walk to the strawberry fields?”
Jason stares at her for a second longer before nodding, almost to himself. “Shall we?” He holds out an elbow, like the gentleman he has always been.
She almost reaches out to take it, habit pulling at her muscles, but at the last second she steps away. “Uh, no don’t worry. I think i’m coming down with something and i dont want to pass it to you.” It is a flimsy excuse but her mind is still frazzled and she doesn’t have anything better.
They walk in silence for a while, taking in the world around them. The silence has never needed to be filled when they were together and although there are a million thoughts racing through every crevice of her mind, she is still comfortable. It’s a blessing. It’s going to make this a thousand times harder.
“Jase,” She says softly, and there must be something in her voice because his blue eyes flash and he stops in his tracks, turning to her.
“What’s wrong?”
So they’re doing this right here, right now. Okay, she had been preparing for weeks. Pulling an Annabeth with drawn out complicated plans and multiple backup plans just in case.
She takes a deep breath and looks directly at his golden face and lightning eyes. “I think we should break up.”
He blinks at her, blinks again. Stumbles back. “You want to what?”
“This isn’t working anymore Jason. Neither of us are happy.”
“No.” His voice is hard, “No. Do not speak for me. I thought this was working. I thought we were happy.”
She winces, “Jase we don't even know each other. Not really. Our whole relationship is built on-” She is cut off abruptly as he looks at her, and she sees the soul behind his eyes cracking. It is a struggle to keep herself from splitting in half.
“I spent so long trying to figure out who I was and where I belonged, and the one place I felt myself was by your side.” And then he’s walking away, stumbling like his body is struggling to hold him up.
“Don’t you dare,” Piper starts, her voice soft; he freezes on the spot. “Don’t walk away from this.”
He whips around like she slapped him. “I am not the one walking away.”
It shoves a knife in her heart.
“And you know what the worst part about this is? It came out of nowhere. You didn’t even talk to me about it. We don’t even know if we could have tried to make it work.”
She doesn’t have anything to say, she has too much to say, nothing is coming out. He nods once. She makes a strangled noise. He walks away. She doesn’t say goodbye.
Piper Mclean sinks to the earthy ground of the strawberry fields and feels like her heart has a canyon sprinting through it. But there, rolling down the cracking walls is relief. And for this she cries harder.
‘I’m sorry Jase.”
@nishlicious-01 ​
@leydiangelo ​
@spoopylucy ​
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thequeenb · 4 years
Our story (part 6)
Surprise bitch, you thought you have seen the last of me
Pairings: KamilahxMC
Amy walked through a void, voices could be heard from all the directions. She felt like she was in another universe surrounded by memories that creeped inside her mind
"I love you Amy, i love you so much" Kamilah said looking at her with pure adoration
"Kamilah!! Can you hear me? Please get me out of here.. please" her voice was pleading but everything stopped as the dark figure approached
The memories faded and she was left with nothing but darkness
"Don't waste your time silly human, no one can hear you" the ancient voice echoed through the void and Amy could swear she heard this voice before
"Let me prove it to you"
Suddenly Amy could see a bright light, a window like memory she could access. As she approached closer she could hear her mother's voice, her father's cries.
It was her funeral.
"No..no i am here! Mother..Kamilah..no" fresh tears ran through her cheeks as she tried to wake up from this nightmare but she couldn't, she was trapped watching the people she loves mourn her.
"Get me out!! Why are you doing this to me?"
The figure laughed simply yet so evilly "You are my access to freedom"
Amy didn't listen, she simply approached trying to snap back to reality. Her screams filled the darkness. She ran, like there was no tomorrow but the memory started to fade away.
Before it disappears she saw Kamilah behind a tree watching from a distance. "Kamilah!!" She screamed with all her will but she was left alone, in the dark.
She couldn't bare the sight, she couldn't blend with the crowd and pretend like it wasn't her fault. She knew that her world was too dangerous for Amy, she knew that loving her would have consequences but Amy knew it as well. No matter the danger, the fame, the complications Amy was always there choosing Kamilah over and over again.
She watched as the crowd started to walk away one by one. Her parents were the only ones left saying their goodbyes. Her father was on his knees reaching out hoping he could feel Amy's hand. Her mother was distant, not a single tear was running down her eyes
Kamilah was angry. She was disappointed in herself for letting Amy get hurt, she was angry at Amy's mother for being so heartless towards them. But most importantly she repeated Gloria's words over and over again.
How could she not know? How could she not see the signs? She felt so stupid, so helpless and alone. Lily didn't knew yet, Adrian didn't knew, nobody knew she died. They all saw the news about the accident but they don't know the bitter truth.
When no one was there she approached hesitantly. Every step felt heavier than the last. What could she possibly say? I am sorry i couldn't protect you? I am the one to blame? Even if she said so there was no point. Amy was the one buried underneath dirt and she was here on earth not knowing what to do next.
She held a red rose on her hand, one that doesn't mean anything anymore.
"Do you remember the first time i bought you flowers? You kept them in a vase even when they were ugly and dead" she said focusing her gaze on the flower she held.
"And you said 'they are beautiful because you gave them to me' " she smiled bitterly as she let the rose on the stone, her hand shaking.
"My life.." she said exhaling heavily
"My life was like a dead rose and you just came into it and made it worth living, beautiful"
A single tear fell from her eye but she didn't wipe it, she let it roll down her cheek and it died on her lips leaving a bittersweet sensation in her mouth, just like the life she have to live without Amy.
"Kamilah.." she could have sworn she heard Amy's melodic voice in the distance. She closed her eyes focusing on her sensations.
And there she heard it again..and again.
"Amy.." she breathed out trying to understand the purpose of what is happening.
She turned around only to find Gloria staring at her. Disappointed she brushed off the possibilities of Amy calling her name. She probably miss her to much.
"She wouldn't want you to be sad" Gloria said as Kamilah turned her back on her.
"And what would you know? You never loved her" Kamilah spat out angrily
"I could say the same about you dear" her tone was ironic triggering Kamilah's anger even more but she didn't turn to face her, because if she did it would be her funeral
"Look what loving her did to her"
In an instant Gloria was held by the neck as Kamilah lift her from the ground
"You really think you know what we had but you dont" she said squeezing her throat tighter
"If you didn't tell them where we were she would have been here!!" Kamilah rose her tone more than she intended, filling in the deadly silence
Gloria was gagging trying to take a small breath but Kamilah's hand didn't let any air access her body. Her eyes widened as her face turned blue
"You could have told her the truth, you should had protected her like most mother's do!!"
Unexpectedly she let Gloria fall to the ground as she was taking long deep breaths coughing
"I don't want to see you again because if i do.." Kamilah said kneeling besides Gloria caressing her cheek "i wont hesitate to end you"
Without another word Gloria tried to stand up to leave but she made the deadly mistake to speak "I am glad..you don't..have her"
Amy felt her head was spinning, her senses were intense like nothing she ever experienced. She could smell the earthy scent around her. She could feel the heat and the small space she was in but mostly she could feel that devastating hunger that torn her apart.
"Wha..what is happening"
Two pointy teeth poked her lower lip and the realisation settled in she is a vamprire. As soon as she realised what was happening her heart started racing.
She kicked the coffin with all her strength "Open you piece of shit!!" And she kicked again and again until she was free.
She started trying to find the surface and as she did so she realised she didn't had the need to breathe nor felt like she was suffocating. After a while she felt the air hit her hand and she pushed harder getting out off the ground.
As soon as she felt the air access her lungs her senses kicked harder as her hunger grew. She felt out of control, like she wasn't even in her own body but then she saw a figure and she approached stunned.
Her vision was blurry as the need for blood consumed her completely. She could smell fresh blood that wasn't that far away from her. As she walked further holding her self up there she saw her. Kamilah standing before a dead body, her daggers filled with delicious blood
She walked to her direction forcing herself to speak "Kamilah.." she said breathless
Kamilah gazed at Gloria's body, her eyes were red with anger, her heart was filled with loss and pain but then she heard a whisper, Amy whispering her name.
Turning around she saw her before her own eyes. Her clothes were covered in dirt and she was holding herself up with difficulty
"Amy.." she breathed out as she reached for her but the moment she did so she collapsed on her hands
"It cant be.."
Tag list: @kamilah-the-bloodqueen @wildsayeed @samgtt700 @nydeiri @la-guera-69 @thepotatobleh @justastranger-passing @blackphenix9527 @mrskamilxh @onyxgaytrash @scarlet-letter-a0114 @lovestruck-sapphic-choices @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @justanother-lesbo @justyourlocaldyke @vonda-b-real
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kristsune · 7 years
1, 9, 16, 31, 40, 65, 79, and 91 for R2M, and 1, 5, 10, 16, 29, 49, 58, 77, 86, 94, and 99 for Stick and Poke? (I know it's a lot, I'm sorry!)
DONT BE SORRY I love that someone wants to know about my sons
1. What do they smell like? They smell like each other, but there are subtle differences. Ruckus’ is the most noticeable, having a ozone, chemical smell due to all his time with explosive materials. Mischief has an earthy undertone. It’s extremely comforting to anyone that is curled up with him.
9. Describe the way that they sleep. Together. Of course. Mischief of Rabble in the center. Ruckus doesn’t like to be surrounded in the same way the other two do. Rabble tends to be mostly on top of Mischief and Ruckus tucked into his side. When Loudmouth is with them he’s usually on the other side and Rabble is on top of both of them.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep? Rabble tends to get over hyper and a bit manic. You can never tell when Mischief is tired. Almost no one outside the trio has ever seen him sleep. 
31. Are they more messy or more organized? Rabble is the kind of person that is just kind of, organized chaos. To an outsider it looks like a disaster, but he knows where everything is (mostly). Mischief is tidy, and keeps things organized.
40. Do they have any scars? I actually haven’t thought this through really well? Except Ruckus has chemical burn scars on his chest & neck from protecting Rabble, who would have gotten them in his face.
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say? Weeeelll You might find that out soon for a fic i might be posting later. 
91. What is their sense of humor like? Ruckus is ridiculous, it varies from dry as a desert, to the worst dad jokes. Sarcasm is strong with this one. Rabble is very easy to make giggle and laugh. Everyone loves to make him laugh, because they are convinced his laughter has healing properties.
1. What do they smell like? Bacta and ink. 
5. How do they deal with/react to pain? They are both good with pain (consider how extensive their tattoos are, gotta be able to handle some level pain for all that). Stick will complain about the little things, but mostly just to be annoying.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food? They share food constantly. They are definitely the married couple that just eats off each others plate. That being said Stick loves spicy food. Poke doesn’t mind it, but definitely has a weakness for sweets. 
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep? Stick can be a ball of anger at the best of times, when he’s exhausted it only gets worse. Poke will drag him to the nearest bed as soon as possible and make him sleep. Poke can function for way too long on too little sleep, no one is quite sure how he does it.
29. Are they a morning person? Stick is not, he can get up if he needs or wants to, he just doesn’t always like to, and will complain the entire time. Poke will easily stay in bed with Stick if they can sleep in, but if he needs to be up he has no problem getting up at the ass crack of dawn to get going.
49. Do they like surprises? No. They have been medics for too long to like surprises, they are usually bad. (when it comes to shenanigans, nothing surprises them anymore, for the same reason)
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about? Stick probably does, about losing Poke. Poke is always there to comfort him, and remind him that he is there
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often? Stick would, all the time. Chakaar is a favorite, as is dikut, and spunktrumpet.
86. Do they like sweet foods? Yes! They both do, but Poke in particular has a sweet tooth, he always has a stash of sweets in the medbay. He is good though, and loves to share with others that need/want. (Especially with Killer. Killer can always use sweets)
94. Outlook on life? I am not quite sure how to answer this? They are both pretty realistic, Stick probably a bit more pessimistic than Poke, but will never bring Poke’s optimism down with his own comments. 
99. Biggest accomplishment? Becoming extremely competent tattoo artists and medics in the 501st, specializing in other species care. (in the f&t au, probably owning their own tattoo shop.)
ask me questions about my ocs!
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wyntera · 6 years
Home, heartshaped, sweet and fur from the mountain asks~~
Ooooo lots of stuff!Home (dream home): Ah, just answered this one a little bit ago, but in my witch house I want.Heart-shaped (do you believe in love? are you in love?): I do! Or rather, I don’t think love is something you believe in, I think it’s something you choose to give. And when I think of love it isn’t just romantic love. It’s the love I have for my the people that are important to me, for my mother and brother and my husband and my friends, the love I have for my cats, the love I have for people who I don’t even know that well but I know they’re struggling and need compassion. Love is a force to be wielded. Love can make things happen, because it can drive you to make a difference. When people say they don’t believe in love or have a negative view of love, it makes me think they need to widen their view of what love is. Sometimes just a little bit of love can make the world change for someone.
And I’m more in love with my sweet hubbub every day, cause he’s the Hanzo to my McCree.
Sweet (what candles or cakes are you fond of?): DUDE. Tobacco Leaf candle, limited edition, Better Homes and Gardens. That thing smells just like what I imagine McCree smells like, and is my favorite. And they DONT MAKE IT ANYMORE. I have a tiny hoard of them. Other than that specific candle, I’m fond of anything woody-earthy. Currently I’ve got Amber and Smoke, Vanilla and Tobacco, Camp Fire, Fall Leaves, Moss and Thyme, and Patchouli candles on my table. I always burn candles while I’m writing. I’ve also got a pretty extensive incense collection. For cake, I’d say something with cinnamon, or something decadently dark chocolate, but I’m more of a brownie/pie person.
Fur (name an animal you feel connected to): OOF this is a hard one. I could say cats because I have three cats, and I’m definitely becoming more of a cat person. I’ve always felt an affinity for wolves (what is it, when you’re a kid you’re either a horse person a wolf person or a dragon person? Isn’t that how it goes?). Oddly enough I really love moose? I just really love that they’re big and awkward and top heavy and will kill a bitch without a thought. I have stuffed moose toys. During winter holidays it’s an ongoing joke that whenever we see reindeer stuff I always misidentify them as moose. *sigh* Santa’s sleigh being pulled by moose would be so much cooler.
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