#i dont blame ya
iid-smile · 8 days
your personality is so funny but im a bit scared to interact with you 😭
thank you 😃 hand in marriage?
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coco6420 · 8 months
why is everyone i know irl's family crazy. one of them works for one of the richest people in Australia another represented Britian in the Commonwealth Games someone elses son IS A MEMBER OF FUCKING PARAMORE?! SHE WAS LIKE OHHH YOU HEARD OF EM? and oh prehaps the most insane one, one of them ACTUALLY likes cakey brownies.
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sunbloomdew · 2 months
olric is aroace and happy being single btw, he told me himself
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
“Let’s save them for a special occasion, like a funeral.”
I love how this implies that Wednesday 1000% sees herself taking Enid to a funeral with her in the future as a matching pair, and like since Addams all are super into all things macabre, it’s basically canon they see funerals as this HUGE deal. Like, Enid, babygirl, Wednesday just said she sees y’all going to a Super Special High Honor Event™️ with your matching snoods together, homegirl basically just asked you out.
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kandidandi · 11 months
Aw heck yeah, so am I! I just assumed you were american becuase everyone is on this site. X3
lets go another aussie!!!! here look a gift for you!
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chick-magnet-marco · 1 year
Dude apparently there was a scene in the draft script for scott pilgrims little life where theres an evil exe meeting after scott defeats matthew ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUSSSS?? WE COULDVE SEEN THEM BE A LEAGUE????? AND HAVE MEETINGS WTFFF
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
It tickles me how much Sebastian was jealous of Abberline like,,,after Ciel displayed fondness for him it was pretty much fuckin' On Sight for that man, even after he died.
Especially when you compare how Sebastian treated Abberline to how he treated Arthur Doyle; He was indulgent with Arthur, speaking with him openly about Ciel and teasing him in front of him. Plus there's the whole allowing-Arthur-to-live-while-letting-Abberline-die-on-purpose Thing™.
...So what I've taken from that is that Sebastian would be willing to threesome with this guy—
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—but not with this one
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kyistell · 5 months
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Wowza ain't this a big one eh?
*ahem* Soooo...I did this on my Ipad if it isn't obvious, I actually really like this lol.
There honestly isn't too much to say about this, like Jersey was a slight scene kid in the early 2000s and basically DIY'ed everything he is wearing, did I make it obvious enough that he is a Devils fan?
The red and green is a heavy call back to the original jerseys the Devils used, which I lovingly call the Christmas Jerseys, and clearly I went VERY heavy with that lol
The other side of the hat has a Rutgers patch instead of the Devils one you can see, this would have been when the Rutgers football team was doing pretty good I think soooo ya know, I felt it was important to mention.
ANOTHER POLAROID, this time by Rhode Island, and no you aren't reading that date wrong and I feel as though I don't need to elaborate ;)
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yuelaos-codex · 7 months
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Ylva Tjørnsdottir (God of War)
Selene Aleanraheal (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Yua Nakatomi (Love & Deepspace AU)
Tagged by/tagging @alexxmason @captmactavish @onehornedbeast @finding-comfort-in-rain @bbrocklesnar @carlosoliveiraa @captastra @ghastlyrider and anyone who wants to! Just say I tagged you 💕
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yeehaw i am the King of Sleeping
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mrpenguinpants · 8 months
I see a lot of ads for Reverse 1999 but I didn't realize it came out global! I've been wanting to look at it bc it looks SO COOL
I'm dragging my barely alive corpse through the mud. I think I posted about reverse 1999 like- 4 months ago. Oops. But if you did play it, thoughts? To be honest, it's a super pretty game. Characters look nice, the animations are fucking great, and I really like the art style. Everything else is pretty fucking meh for me.
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stillavoidingbaddays · 8 months
If Blame was drum & bass...
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lordfarquadsexwife · 22 days
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Shout out to Elio cause can you imagine when you were a gangly teenager and obsessed with someone in a picture and he shows up all beautiful and tall and smart looking like this:
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and he was still like "yea, imma hit that." Brave, Brave boy.
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relmint · 1 year
I understand lmk isn't a completely faithful adaptation (Also the murder monkey tone down cuz kiddos) but is it that bad of one? I got into LMK first and then started looking into jttw but haven't had time to sit down and read it just yet (school be like 🙃) I've seen some people say it's a pretty good one, and others seem to really dislike it. After your posts about lmk I'm curious about your opinion? Is it just the fandom or the show as a whole? Cuz I'm kinda with you on the buff, that's funky to me too, but curious if that's your only issue with it.
Ramble underneath!
For me personally, I don't have much of a problem with the show itself although there r some bits in the show I grew to dislike haha Especially when they downplayed DBK and SWK's friendship replacing DBK with Macaque KSKSKSKS Another thing is that I don't like the fandom much coz sometimes I just see takes that are so devoid of the characters from the og novel and they state it as fact KSKSKS. For ex. making SWK not being able to read is one irritating take. I really don't like it when ppl dumb SWK down because in the book he really is clever and conniving. Also, I'm gonna be honest here the amount of shadowpeach I see started to irritate me as well KSKSKASKLJKL Like a lot of my previous opinions about the LMK show and fandom changed ever since I started reading the book and looked more into Chinese culture jsjsjsjs I am no expert mind you and I have not finished reading the book yet, but I wish some ppl just did basic research you know KKSSKSD I know there r some ppl in the fandom who does put in the effort to learn more about Chinese culture and mythos but I feel like they r the minority here. I don't like to associate myself with the LMK fandom anymore but I'll still watch the show because I like the animation I guess HAHAHAHA. Anyways read JTTW you won't regret it JSJSJSJ
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sunshinesalmon · 1 month
thanks for that post. 10 years of medical training, humiliation and exams, followed by lack of employment due to cutbacks to healthcare, just so I can read your reblogged little post about how doctors say they know everything and humiliate patients. And the notes about how all doctors do is tell people they're fat. Which of course is the truth 100% of the time. Right. Great. Good to know nothing I ever did amounted to anything, that my own generation hates me. Thanks for that, thanks for the anxiety attack, for making me cry on the bus home, you shitbrick. There's no good doctors, mate, you're absolutely right. This doesn't hurt anyone, we don't try to go into this field because we care, because we want to help. We just want power and money, right? Because we're famously overpaid, us the doctors? True, right? Love and peace. I wish you the best. I'm going to fucking kill myself
crazy how you’re studying to become a doctor when you can’t read
#ask#are you fr#in that post i literally noted that i have had good doctors that have helped me very much#but yes it’s all my fault you’re feeling this way. GO TO THERAPY#look im not looking to be mean. but you clearly misinterpreted my post#took it extremely personally#and then sent me this unhinged ask saying youre gonna kill yourself bc i made a post discussing how a field you happen to be in#sometimes hurts people and its a systemic issue#yes all doctors are horrible money grubbing little bastards who do nothing but lie. thats exactly what i said no misinterpretation there#dawg if ten years of dedicating your life to something can be cut down by one person on the internet#giving critique and sharing their experience#then well i dont know what to tell you. that sounds like a personal issue#sorry if youre feeling bad but i need you to realize that this is a deeply weird message to send to a complete stranger#if you would allow me to play doctor for a moment. i think you could maybe use a good long nights sleep and a snack with protein#maybe i worded the post badly. and i’m sorry if i did. i could have done better. but this is not a fucking appropriate response#you could simply open a dialogue and ask me to elaborate#ya know. learn from patient experiences so you can be a better doctor#i would have been happy to have a conversation about it and explain what i meant#but now you called me a shitbrick and blamed me for your depressive episode so. now i’m not being nice
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glowstickia · 2 months
My sister came to me earlier and told me she wanted to do a book club together. So, I'm making a spreadsheet for us of series we're both interested in and ordering them by author last name.
One of the suggestions is Chronicles of Narnia.... twas too damn tempting to put C.S. Lewis as Clive Staples Lewis so I did.
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