#i dont beed sleep i need answers
oceans-hit-the-sand · 2 years
ok but like. when cassian asked kino about the guards and kino ignored him and they exchanged a look with melshi and melshi did that thing with his fingers. was he just stressed or thinking or fidgeting or something similar or was he trying to signal something to cassian???? this is gonna keep me awake at night
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kalakilo · 3 years
the empty text box answer hall of fame
over 400 of y’all took my stupid uquiz. why.
an anon ask requested me to show my favourite answers to the little text box at the end so i spent like two and a half hours going through every single answer AGAIN since i hadn’t screenshotted any while looking through them the first time. you idiots are so funny and lovely people and here is a big post going through some iconic answers. i hope this can be entertaining but also it is mostly just for me lol
first of all, in one of the questions i mention that i often leave “i fucked ur mom” in the empty text boxes at the end of most uquizes. this then resulted into 43 of you leaving “i fucked ur mom” in the textbox in some way or another and one person asking: “i wonder how many people wrote “i fucked ur mom” after what you said earlier”. some favourite variations of this include:
as a wise uquiz maker once said “I fucked ur mom”
to quote u, i fucked ur mom <3
i fucked your mom but i thought it was you anyways the pussy was bomb
as I was fucking your mom, I realised that I truly am the sexiest bitch alive
i didn’t fuck your mom, but i did make sure she got home safely <3
and a bonus i also enjoyed: Can you ask your mom if she’s single
no, my mother is not single, and i really hope none of you actually fucked her. that being said i laughed at these every time thank you so much
these next ones i just want to talk about even though the original sender will most likely not even see them. or they just need some context. i just need peace of mind
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the first question of the quiz was my favourite one to do because kpop songs are sometimes absolutely fucking bonkers and i wanted to showcase that it was hilarious!!!! i can confirm that not all kpop is like that. i specifically chose the funky ones because i think it does add to character and that is something that i can simultaneously enjoy and also laugh at. but kpop also has amazing lyrics!! it’s not all one thing and kpop is super diverse. i didn’t personally know some of the songs i put in there, i just knew their funky lyrics so i cannot speak for fm but also what the fuck was that song
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as you should. carry on. i was very threatening with “do not leave it empty you bitch”
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this one was just cute!! idk if you’re going to see this person who sent it but my native language is finnish. chuu is an icon.
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one of my questions was if you were a wizard what would you say when you cast a spell and one of those answers was fuck you. this person took it to the next level and i loved it so much i couldn’t stop smiling at this one
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listen i’m fuckin trying
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this person just completed the assignment. left me a wonderful love letter
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and last but not least, this person did everything i told them to do in the actual question. a+ incredible performance!!!
if i could i’d put in all the screenshots i took but since there is a photo limit i believe, i will just write them out exactly as they are. moving on, here are just some random ones that i really enjoyed:
i’m your father, luke
i am so sad, i dont have enough white beads to make a little 3d seed beed chicken sitting down ): i even arranged all the beads i stole from my mom by color, it took me 3 days, and now i cant even make a little chicken ): a little seed beed chicken )’:
you’ll meet the king of fungi in 34 days
today i managed tp find the nether fortress and collect 10 blazerods. im about to beat minecraft for the forst time in my life
Dude every question of this was a riot I love you
Bro I’m just here for the vibe
I think dogs should be able to vote
i killed a man lol
jack sparrow pirates of the caribbean was confirmed some flavor of homo way back when which means HE was disney’s first gay character yet they refuse to give pirates of the caribbean the credit it deserves and they refuse to my calls where I try and tell them they simply must have jack sparrow pirates of the caribbean kiss a man directly on the lips in the next movie
ehhhhhh I’m evil penis boy im gonna steal your penis
I love you, no homo. The homo costs extra
Yo check this out *<|:) he’s in a party hat
theres way too many kpop references in this quiz
\_/____ it’s a slug
that was the weirdest quiz i’ve taken in a while and i truly enjoyed it
My cat is meowing at me i thin i’m going to die today
FUCK (are you pleased)
I wish I was a nac Mac feegle but more than that I wish I could enjoy being a nac Mac feegle
I forgot what this quiz is about already
I hated these questions and have lost 10000 years of my life answering them (no but thanks for the quiz!!!)
on god I was gonna choose the ‘cuddling stray kittens’ option for the how do u sleep question but then I remembered that I actually did sleep in a refrigerator box on my bedroom floor for months when I was like 9 :/ throwback!!!
when i was 7 i put my hand in a food processor while it was running to “see what would happen” and somehow im 28 and still have all my fingers and toes
this last one deserves its own moment. it’s the best message i got:
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congrats on the phd doctor bitch!!!
along with all of these messages, i got a lot of song recs (thank you sm!!) and i got so many lovely messages from people saying they liked the quiz or just other generally nice things and i can’t explain how much serotonin these answers have given me. just wanna thank everyone who took the time to write something in there i loved it!!!!!!!
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ssin-ent · 5 years
Sweet blood
[warning:yandere!hendery x fem reader,soft smut,sub hendery]
“Hendery how did you end up like this?”what happened to you?
you say as you put a towel under the water,concern lacing your vice while you fold the fabric before wiping it all over his neck and forehead to clean the rest of the blood
“s-ome guys  came and they hit me and they wanted to tsteal my walet and i didn’t wanted to give them m-”
“wow and they hit you that much,I’ll call the police and get those guys,look at what they’ve done to you!”
When you found him you were coming home from work taking your usual road when you saw your friend on the floor , his face and hands covered in blood, and he coudn’t move one of his shouder he was in so much pain you took him home with you to take care of him,offering him your house to stay for the night.
“I n-no y/n it’s okay,i will just hum;... take another road and avoid them-
“you can’t do that allyour life hendery”
“I swear,please don’t call the police,it’ll be okay,if it ever happens again,i promise you I will call the police and I’ll be carefull,okay?
he said staring sweetly into your eyes ,he needed you to believe him,he couldn’t tell you that in fact no one wanted to steal him anything.He couldn’t tell you that he was stalking you for a little while now and maybe was  a bit too obssesed with you to the point that when he saw a man talking to you  (from his judgement”was flirting with you”) he  ran punched him the face.
You sighed,you couldn’t force him anyway,so you just continued to give him medecine, and heal the wounds the better you could,putting his shoulder in a bandage.
Once you did that you leaved him to let him change in his  night clothes.
You go to the bedroom,setting under the covers and turning the tv on.
After a while you see him going out of the bathroom,entering the bedroom ”feeling better?” you softly ask.
He looked so cute,hair a mess,pouty lips and adorable in his pijamas.
“y-yes but my shoulder still hurts a bit”
“we’ll go to the doctor tomorow,come here” you say, pulling the cover up next to you,inviting him by your side.
he  didn’t hesitate and joined you to snuggle up against you,his head on your chest as you stroke his hair. You feel his breathing slow down,as he falls asleep quickly.
Sleeping deeply against you,you feel something poking at your thigh,but too lost in the program you’re watching you ignore it.But soon,Hendery is shifting a lot next to you,babbling incomprehensible things in his sleep,you assume he’s having a nightmare,so you run up your hand against his arm,hoping to sooth him down but at the touch he lets out a moan.
Once again you ignore despite your surprise ,your mind cant wander right now,but the moans are more and more regular ,lilttle whines falling from his pouty lips,sweat beeding lightly from his forehead.You opted to leave him some pace,you tried to get out of his hold but he whined and rubbed what you now were sure to be his bulge against you;
It clicked in your mind,he’s having a wet dream.
Without thinking  much more ,you reach down,palming him through his pants,waking him up when you uncknowingly run a finger up his slit.
"Y/N what are you doing"he says not even opening his eyes,cheeks flushed.As an answer you grope him, he tried to surpress his moan his hips pushing into your touch.
"n-no,d-dont,I''m so-sorry I'-"
"shhh I'll take care of you" you say kissing his forehead as you pull his pants down
You make him lay on his back and he sighs when he feels your lips on his thigh,leaving a trail of wet kisses untill you reached his boxer.
You lick over the fabric ,you put your lips around the confined bulge,and hum around it,the pleasure already so intense Hendery whines and bucks his hips.
You almost cooed,the sight was adorable you wanted to break him but you opted to not,he had been in pain you needed to take care of him.
So you pull his boxer down,revealing his thick cock,red at the tip with beads of precum falling down the length.
You run your tongue over the slit,he squeezes his eyes  at  pleasure,the lightest touch sending jolts of pleasure through his spine.
You’re gently stroking him as you reach up to kiss him,making him melt at the feeling of your lips.
Your lips move down his neck and collar bones to reach his nipples,locking and sucking the nubs,making him moan uncontrollably,ever so sensitive.
"you have such pretty moans baby boy"you whisper against his chest continuing to trace your lips south stopping at his hipbone to nibble and leave a pretty purple marks that had him whimpering
He's feeling like his body is burning,his skin feeling cold as your breath linger on it.
Now ,his cock fully hard ,you take him in your mouth,sucking at the tip making him grasp the sheets.Then you sink your mouth down,engulfing all of him, you set a slow place,taking in the feeling of his length glinding in your mouth making him endure the sweet torture while he’s  not too quietly enjoying it . Panting as moans endlessly fall from his lip,feeling his sould leave his body as the intense pleasure takes over him.
You move your head faster,swirling your tongue everytime you reach the tip as you play with his balls
"d-don't s...stop"
"hmmm what? you want me to stop"
you say, as you thumb his slit,making him buck his hips.
You dont answer ,instead you take him untill he hits the back of your throat not paying attention to the tears in your eyes ,too focused on making him moan louder and louder as he screams your name.
And that what he does,he doesn’t know what do with his hands,graping at the sheets,the pillow behing his head,squirming in your hold as he feels his high coming.
He moans your name on reapeat  untill he arches his back hard,spilling in your throat.
You swallow before looking up at him,he’s out of breath,drool at the corner of his mouth,he gasps as he feels you towering him.
"I didn't say you could cum baby boy"
Before he  can registers what you said you grab his cock,jerking him offfast,and he writhes on the bed,whining with tears falling from his eyes,sensitivity and tiredness taking over him,
"sh-I Y/N, I'm...coming...Im coming!!"
he speaks but it’s mixed with other babbling as his eyes squeezed shut,knucles turning white as he cums in your hand.
"good boy"
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