imbluefox · 23 hours
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fairybenz · 2 days
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i need him
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scattrplot · 2 days
My god he makes me so fucking desperate I'm losing my mind I need him in me now now NOW!!
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sugarhigh1 · 5 months
Being fingered by your partner under a blanket while you're cuddling<3 they're just kissing your neck and whispering praises into your ear while you're softly grinding against their hand , letting out the prettiest whimpers and whines
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53v3nfrn5 · 7 months
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theeroticlover · 2 months
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landflman · 4 months
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swervecityxx · 1 year
wow, what a view. (her titties are bouncing while she’s riding me)
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imbluefox · 1 day
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canyonmooncreations · 1 month
Simon wouldn’t care that you touch yourself when he’s away on missions. He understands that a needy slut like you can’t go very long without needing him. He also knows that you’ll spend night after night chasing the relief only he can give you. Simon’s only request is that you send him a picture when you touch yourself, for two reasons. One, he misses you. Two, he wants to know just how needy his baby is.
Simon has been gone for about a week and a half. Every night like clockwork you snap a slutty little picture to send to him then you get right to work. Tonight is no different. Expect it is.
Fingers plunging in and out, vibrator against your clit. Cursing Simon for being gone for so long because you can’t do it the way he can. You can’t make yourself feel as good. You’re lost in the act, tears falling because you just can’t make yourself cum like he does.
Lost in the moment, you don’t hear the door open or close. You don’t hear his bag drop or his heavy boots walking to the bedroom. Your eyes only open when you feel his hand in your thigh. You weren’t expecting him for three more days so you’re in shock. He grabs the vibrator from you and touches you right where you need.
You’re babbling, incoherent mess. “Si-“, cut off by a moan and more babbles. “Oh I know baby,” he coos at you in an almost mocking tone, “it’s just so much better when daddy does it for you”. And with that you’re coming undone. Soaking his hand, the sheets. You need him more than ever and he knows it.
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dezarndprecious · 2 months
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konoko · 9 months
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inartchive · 3 months
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sweeetpea · 4 months
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sugarhigh1 · 7 months
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