#i dong know how to apologise even though I know i have to
cinderellakinnie · 1 year
putting an entire weighted blanket on your chest does not help the chest feelings as it turns out
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the-expired-tofu · 1 year
The Devil's Trumpets | Pt. 1
|| A 'The Glory' fanfic ||
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a/n: Hey there, this is my first time writing a fan fiction. I might change a few things in my fictions later on. Also, my English isn't my first language so my writing might lack some fluency. Hope you enjoy :) trigger warnings: bullying, murder, gore, depression, abuse, mature content, violence, sexual themes. pairing: reader x multi
 “I’m sorry, I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again,” I apologise as I bow in front of him, followed by a sharp pain of his slap right across my face. Gasps and whispers echoed in the room.
  “Fifth time this month. Do you get what I'm saying? FIFTH TIME THIS MONTH!!! Am firing you next time you do this again. YOU HEAR ME?”
“Yes sir.”
 He begins to walk away as I retreat back to clean the counter.
 "Honey, you should go easier on her," The manager's wife whispered.
  "Look, we are the only ones properly running this restaurant and we barely get any customers. This is the least i can do to atleast get more people.”
"Don't you think he's being too hard on her? She barely got a proper job after her graduation. He should be grateful that she even chose to work here," whispered one of my co-workers.
"I don't know. I heard she ran away from her house. We don't even have any information about her family. Don't you think it's all too suspicious?"
"Is Min-Hee really even her niece? Or is that a child she had out of wedlock?"
And so all the whispers followed. So many rumours yet none of those ever bothered me.
My shift is almost over.
I’ve been working at a fast food restaurant in Seoul for two years now. I live in an apartment few blocks away with Min-Hee, my four year old niece. Her parents were killed in an accident two years ago. Her mother, who was also my sister, had wished for me to take Min-Hee into custody. Quite many people were against this idea since I was financially unstable to raise her on my own. Today, I can say am financially stable enough to get Min-Hee into a school. The restaurant employees, including myself, are not well compensated. Payment of bills and rent is quite difficult for all of us. The money I make from my job was enough for me to manage a roof over our heads. Even though I never wanted to live like this, I am still grateful of the fact that I no longer live in Semyeong.
I finish my shift by depositing the rubbish outside in the restaurant's back yard. I was thinking of buying some noodles for Min-Hee on the way home when I notice a shadowy figure standing at the end of the street.
I didn't give it much thought until the person started walking towards me. Nobody else was on the street except me, and our restaurant had just been closed by one of my coworkers. It was 9:45 p.m. I don’t know where to go. I don’t have anything to protect myself with.
The faint light in the street helped me figure out the person’s appearance. The individual had their hair tied back as a low ponytail and wore a long grayish coat along with long loose pants. As the individual came more nearer, I could finally see the face. It’s a woman.
As she eventually approached me, I could finally recognize her. I felt chills running down my body when she got more closer. I remember who she is.
Moon Dong-Eun. After so many years. I was quite curious to what happened to her after she dropped out. The Moon Dong-Eun I remembered from high school feels like an entirely different person than the one standing right in front of me. But what the fuck is she doing here? How and why did she find me?
“It’s been quite a long time. How are you doing y/n?”
 I didn’t say anything at first.
“You can say am doing fine I guess. I have a job now and…." I paused. I decided to stop blabbering and cut straight to the chase. "What are you doing here? How the hell did you even find me?”
“I will explain that later. I need your favour.”
“Favour?” I crossed my arms as I said so.
“Yes. I’ve been wanting to do this for quite many years now. I can even pay you if you want.”
“Pay me?" That's strange. "Okay. What is it that you need from me?” I ask hesitantly.
She doesn't say anything and looks around. Is she trying to look out for someone?
“I need you to go back to Semyeong.”
My arms dropped to my sides. The silence grew louder between us. I stood right there in disbelief. No, I cant go back there. Not when I have Min-Hee now, no. I worked hard to get away from that godforsaken place. No. I cant go back there.
“Sorry I cant. I cant just go back to Semyeong just because you asked me to. Am not going back even if you pay me. Since you’ve been able to find out where I live, you might already know that I have my niece to take care of. Sorry. Just find someone else.” I raise my hands as I try to dismiss our conversation and retreat away from her.
“I understand your reason. But don’t you think they're living their lives quite easily, after knowing what they’ve done to you? What they’ve done to us? Don’t you want revenge too-”
“Am sorry. I already told you, I cant go back there. I can barely afford anything these days, let alone go back to the hell I escaped from. Sorry, I wont help you.” I nod my head as I gather my things.
“It’s 10 pm. I have to get back.” I say after a pause. I start walking towards my apartment. Min-Hee is waiting for me.
“Yoon So-Hee was murdered.”
I stop dead in my tracks. Yoon So-Hee? Oh I remember her so well. Someone like us. Yoon So-Hee. She disappeared one day out of nowhere. Or so I was told. Nobody was able to find out what happened to her. Yoon So-Hee.
“What?” I turned around to face her.
She shows me a picture of a dull yellowish name tag. On it was carved in black “Park Yeon-Jin”. My mouth went completely dry. Yeon-Jin? She is behind the disappearance of So-Hee? How did Dong-Eun find that out?
“I mailed this name tag to the police right after I dropped out, hoping it would work, I was pretty naïve back then.”
“If you gave that to the police, how do you have the picture with you then?”
“I have my sources, which I can’t tell you yet.”
I keep staring at the name tag, did she really murder her? She willingly went that far to kill someone for her pride?
“After Yoon So-Hee’s disappearance, the police found a body of a girl in her teens with her skull cracked. Maybe she had few of her ribs broken as well. The body was found near the abandoned building of our school. Apparently, they did find a pink lighter at the roof of the building and never informed anyone outside their own people, but because of the snow, they couldn’t trace who it belonged to. The sweater she wore was burned too.”
All this information was just a lot for me take in. I just couldn’t say anything.
Dong-Eun takes my phone out of my hand and dials some random digits on it. She saves the number under her name. I need to put on a phone password.
“Call me if you ever change your mind. I’ll see you later.”
I stood there completely motionless as she walks away to the end of the street. She gets into her car and drives past me, didn’t even bother to look at me. What did she get herself into? How the hell did she manage to get hands on a confidential evidence? What will be her next move? She did mention she had some help in accessing the name tag. Then who’s helping her? Are they even reliable?
The ring of my phone interrupts my chain of thoughts. It’s Min-Hee calling from a telephone number.
“When are you coming home?”
“Almost there. Just crossing the street.”
“Doesn’t your shift end at 9.30?”
“Yeah I was just caught up with some stuff. Do we have food at home?”
“Oh yeah we have the leftovers from today’s lunch.”
“Oh that’s great. I’ll be right home.”
I slide my phone inside my pocket as I walk up the stairs. Moon Dong-Eun. What the hell are you playing at?
I walk into my apartment. I haven’t stopped thinking about what Dong-Eun told me. She comes out of nowhere, tracks me down, finds out where I live and where I work, and decides to tell me about an information I am in no liberty to talk about to anyone. Are there more people who know about this? Or is it just me? What the hell do I do now?
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lovely-showtimes · 2 years
hiii, may I request pjsekai boys being sad and comforted by their s/o? please ^__^
comfort ~ ♡
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characters - akito, toya, tsukasa, rui.
type - scenarios, hurt/comfort (?)
warnings - generally just these four being sad and upset, mentions of their insecurities and whatnot too.
a/n - i feel like some of these are ooc </3 i apologise. also sorry for how long this took to post and i hope you enjoy!
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You arrive at the location you agreed to meet up with Akito at and glance around, waiting for him to show up. He had suddenly texted you and asked if he could meet up with you, much to your surprise, especially because it was starting to get dark outside. Despite this, however, you had agreed anyway.
Your curiosity soon turned into worry though as you saw Akito approach you with a frustrated expression on his face. He hurries up his pace as he reaches you, before stopping almost hesitantly in front of you.
"...Hey." He says after a quiet pause, unable to look you in the eyes.
It's now that you realise he looks awful - his jacket looks like it was thrown on in a hurry, his hair is a mess, and his eyes look red and puffy, as if he'd been crying.
"Akito?" You frown. "What's wrong?"
Akito shifts around where he stands uncomfortably. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, as if he's trying to find the right words.
You decide to gently take his hand and rub his skin with your thumb in an effort to soothe him. "It's okay if you can't say how you feel right now. But please, at least allow me to comfort you right now."
Akito nods quietly, moving over and leaning his head against yours.
"I love you, please never forget that." You smile at him softly, causing his tired eyes to brighten slightly, if only for a few moments.
"...Love you too."
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You sit up in surprise as you hear the doorbell go off. You quickly think over who could possibly at the door as you stand and head over to the front door. Was somebody visiting? Surely they would have texted you beforehand. Were you receiving mail? No, you hadn't ordered anything recently. Who could possibly be at the door, then?
You were incredibly surprised to see Toya standing at the door. He had his hands shoved in his pockets, and was staring downwards until you opened the door.
"Toya?" You frown as you two make eye contact. "Are you okay? Why did you show up so suddenly?"
He didn't respond right away, but you could tell by the look in his eye that he wasn't happy. He looked... tired. Upset. Maybe even close to tears, which alarmed you.
Before you could say anything, Toya spoke up. "...had a bad fight with my dad. I didn't want to be at home, and I didn't know where else to go."
"Toya..." You quickly usher him into your home and up to your bedroom, sitting him down before tightly wrapping your arms around him.
"You can stay with me as long as you need to. I'll stay with you for however long you want me with you, okay?" You gently pat Toya's head as he hugs you back, resting his head on your chest.
"Thank you." He says quietly, closing his eyes. "I'm glad you're here for me."
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You look around the Wonderland SEKAI, searching for your boyfriend. He wasn't responding to your messages, which was unlike him - unless Tsukasa was asleep, he usually responded within a few minutes.
You decide to peek your head in the theater, hoping to find one of the Virtual Singers so you could ask them if they had seen Tsukasa, but you soon found him after you set foot in said theater.
He was loudly practicing something - it didn't sound like the show the rest of WxS had been working on recently, though.
And when you said he was loud, he was loud. You were amazed that you didn't hear him earlier somehow. Tsukasa was practically yelling out his lines as he dramatically pranced around the stage. You knew that Tsukasa had a tendency to be pretty loud often, but this loud, for this long... you were worried about his throat.
"Tsukasa!" You had to yell to get through his voice, to which he seemed startled and turned around, looking at you in shock.
"Oh, it's you." Tsukasa calmed down slightly, but he still seemed very on edge about something. "I was simply practicing, and I didn't notice you come in. Did you need something?"
Your brow wrinkled in frustration. "Tsukasa, are you okay? You never perform anything that loudly. What's the matter?"
Tsukasa's smile seemed to waver slightly, but it stays on his face. "Nothing, of course! I was simply trying to perfect my performance, is all! It... it has to be perfect..."
You quickly hop up onto the stage and move towards him, wrapping your arms around him tightly. "You don't have to be perfect, you know? Plus, you can't perform if you damage your voice like that."
You feel Tsukasa hug you back, clinging onto your shirt. "But, if I-"
"Tsukasa, hush for a few moments, please." You sigh. "You're not going to be perfect right away. Do you think that every world star started off absolutely perfect at acting? Please just allow yourself to fail sometimes. You can't survive if you're so hard on yourself all the time."
Tsukasa didn't respond, still tightly holding onto you as he listens to your words. You keep holding onto him, wanting to comfort him for as long as he needs. You don't know how long you two will be standing on this stage, but for him, you'll stand for the rest of time.
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The quiet clinking of metal against metal is the only sound that fills the room as you calmly watch Rui perform maintenance on one of his drones. You had asked him earlier if you could watch him work on his robots, and despite his surprise, he gladly accepted. You thought that watching him do these sorts of things was really interesting, even if you didn't understand a lot of it. Just seeing Rui do something he loves is important to you.
Although, as you were watching Rui work from across the desk, you noticed that his focused expression was beginning to grow more... frustrated. His brow became more furrowed, and you could see his grip on his screwdriver growing tighter. You hadn't see him like this before, and you began to feel a deep seed of worry in your stomach.
"Rui? Are you okay?"
Rui flinched where he sat and looked over at you, his frustation dissipating and giving way to a strange sadness. "I... forgot you were here." He muttered, glancing away as he put his screwdriver down.
You move your chair towards him and gently yet hesitantly place your hand on his arm. "You looked really upset just now. What's wrong?"
Rui didn't respond right away, instead looking at you with an unreadable gaze. "I was just thinking about my friends, and my troupe, and that sort of thing." He looks like he wants to say more, but he trails off, going silent.
Unsure how else to help him, you move closer, and hug him gently. Rui gasps a little in surprise but doesn't object to the hug, burying his face in your hair with a shaky sigh.
"I'll always be here, okay? I love you, and I don't want you to suffer."
You feel Rui nod as he listens to you talk. "Right. Thank you, my dear. Please just... allow me to hug you for a while longer."
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lafilleestmorte · 2 years
I was SO sure that ccir was going to join my kdrama favourites list but the last two episode were honestly such a fumble. I put it right next to extraordinary you because both shows really had the most nonsense endings possible, given the attention to detail and quality of writing in the episodes leading up.
I henceforth propose a list of things I would have liked to be different:
(spoilers under the cut)
1. WHY DID HAE-E'S BIOLOGICAL MOTHER COME BACK. I literally did not care about her, and we had already explored Hae-e's feelings about having been abandoned in the earlier episodes. This sideplot occupied so much of the last few episodes when that same time could have really been used to flesh out the development of the other side plots so it makes me frustrated. I did end up appreciating the mother's story but it was so last minute and took away from the other stories in a really big way
2. Sua's family. Their endings were so!!! underdeveloped I don't understand how they thought they could get away with that. I liked the scene where Sua tells her mom to get a divorce, because her mom starts to realise that she is mature and not some child to be protected and coddled. At the same time, we don't get to see Sua go to therapy and overcome her anxiety and actually mature emotionally. We don't see her mom face any consequences or revelation regarding all of the BULLSHIT she put so many people through. Including her husband, who she actually did neglect. I think Sua's father had an interesting potential in having been neglected and treated shittily by his wife and acting out in turn. He was quite a socially aware character from the start and I wish they made him out to be more complex than some rich dude throwing a hissy fit. I don't like that her mom got off scot-free and still boasts about Sua
3. Sun-jae's family. what in heck. I don't even understand what happened there. You can't expect anyone with braincells to accept that his mom just GAVE UP on pushing her sons' educations when that's literally been her personality for the entire show. Even if the court case made her realise her faults, it's not enough to warrant a complete 180 with no supporting development. I liked the idea of the parents connecting over the issue and becoming more supportive of each other, but that would only make sense if they spent!!! time!!! showing it to us!!! I would have liked for Sun-jae's mom to realise (like Sua's mom) that her son's actions were coming from a place of maturity and awareness, and for her to apologise. I think Hui-jae going to the military was a good choice, but the vacation was quite forced. I'd also have liked!!! for the mom to have a scene with Hae-e
4. NAM HAE-E (and friends). if the previous point with Sun-jae's mom making up with Hae-e and Sun-jae happened I might have appreciated them getting together a little more. But it feels like they were just shoved together because they didn't have time to give either of them a more fulfilling ending. Sun-jae is sO MUCH MORE than some idiot who is obsessed with Hae-e. Seeing his family issues be solved would have been more important (and satisfying) than seeing his love life solved. When it comes to Sua, I imagined her bursting into tears when Hae-e woke up (because she still doesn't know that it was Donghui that did it) and then trying to become friends with Hae-e. I really liked that it was Geonhu instead that reached out to her!!! He's the friendliest so it makes a lot of sense and I really like the sense of ease between the two of them. I don't know/care about the implied romance though. Finally this last bit. is a tad personal. but we were this || close to getting aroace!Hae-e who rejects everyone and does not date if they had left it at the dinner scene I would have been the happiest girl alive. maybe danji was my aroace queen all along
5. JI DONG HUI. genuinely what the hell. He was my FAVOURITE character for the first ten episodes, even after I started suspecting him of being the killer. My friends thought that it was a cop-out to have him commit suicide, but I disagree, because I genuinely cannot imagine him having to go against Chi-yeol so it was either that or him being dragged into prison screaming 'i did it to protect you!' while Chi-yeol watches in complete shock. But if they were going to go down the suicide route then WE NEED TO SEE CHI-YEOL GRIEVE. Dong-hui was genuinely a huge contribution in getting him this far in his career, and Chi-yeol must have really loved him. I mean, that was the only person he felt close to and had contact with for almost SIX YEARS. I was interested in seeing Chi-yeol process his grief and betrayal and regret in a more prolonged way, because they spent that long making the audience attached to and invested in Dong-hui's character. idk when I saw Hyowon driving the car something in me broke.
I have a singular positive, which is that this was the first show where I never got bored or annoyed with the leading romance. They were so cute and loveable until the end and I really enjoyed watching them
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bloodgarnet · 4 months
second not!fic for smoshblr! I have notes from the first AU I should’ve added on but oh well. Just know that the thing Ian wanted to say was “I love you” and evil!Anthony is instantly reformed, everyone escapes to the surface (+bonus bridal carry) but then they both do a mutual “no homo though” while staring lovingly into each other’s eyes. end credits.
also these are all very Ian-centric and I will not apologise. barely mentioned but this AU has 'everyone knows Ian and Anthony separately but do not realise they have a history together', which I'd personally like to see more of. for the funnies.
2/3 – Ding Dong, the Coven Leader is Dead
On loop number five, they all sit down together to go over everything right from the drawing board because nothing is working.
“I never should have brought up the Geffen Magic Tournament,” Courtney mutters shakily, dabbing at damp eyes. “This is all my fault, you guys.”
Shayne pats them on the shoulder comfortingly, but it’s Noah who argues, “Did you hire the magic missile sniper to take a hit on our boss? No? Then it’s not your fault. I don’t think anyone on the dang Sorcerer’s Council could have stopped it in time; not Fischbach, Nestor, Padilla, nobody.” A murmur of agreement runs around the room. Courtney buries their face in their knees, shoulders trembling.
“I don’t get it, though,” Amanda groans, visibly twitching with stress, “Doesn’t a time loop make it harder to kill someone? I mean, sure, this is a torturous hell of failing to save each other from death, but why would the enemy create an opportunity for us to set things right?”
In times like these, Amanda’s specialty truly shines—not her situational clairvoyance and sub-specialty in psionics, but rather the much more invaluable ability to see things from a totally different perspective.
“That’s… actually a really good point,” Keith admits.
“Huh.” They stew in baffled, contemplative silence for a moment.
Angela looks around, waiting to see if someone else is going to take charge before starting with, “Okay, okay. Okay. Hey! So, first loop, we go to the tournament, Ian gets sniped. The day resets. Second loop, we try to avoid the tournament, big accident in the brewing closet, explosion, we all die. Third loop, Erica’s familiar goes batshit crazy and starts ripping throats out.” She earns a few winces from that description and hurriedly moves on. “And last loop, we play it totally safe and Ian chokes to death on a fucking turkey leg. Am I right so far?”
“Right. Time always resets the moment Ian dies.” Courtney’s voice is steadier now, even if they still look a bit teary. “Guys, I don’t think the assassin could have caused any deaths past the first one. Not unless they also remembered the loops, which they can’t because they’re not sharing the coven pact with us, and—and not if they can’t set up a teleport matrix in less than an hour to get to our base, which they shouldn’t even know the location of.” Their words flow faster and faster, tripping over each other as realisation dawns mid-sentence, suddenly grasping how impossible this whole situation is.
“So what? If the time loop is totally separate, then… then it all has to tie back to that first incident somehow. Are we assuming that somebody doesn’t want Ian to die, or is at least actively preventing him from leaving this plane?” Amanda tilts her head all the way back and closes her eyes, evidently praying for a guiding vision.
Right then, Ian walks into the room. “Hey, did anybody want to order in for lunch?”
With a mix of panic and poorly-hidden distress, they all manage some variation of “We’re busy!”
Ian backs out of the room, wide-eyed.
A long beat.
Shayne takes a deep breath. “We can figure this out. There’s a certain logic to this, we just have to work our way through all the unknowns and decipher the rules. And you’re right, Courtney,” a nod of acknowledgement, “malicious or not, this time loop is an opportunity to do good. We can do this.”
There’s an ear-splitting crash from the hallway, a prolonged and pointed stillness, and then the world around them swirls into a kaleidoscope of effervescent colours.
Eventually, they’ll come to realise that avoiding the issue only makes it come on faster. It takes fifteen more loops before they start really digging into the nitty gritty of spell research, cracking open forbidden archives and blasting into trap-laden tombs for information. Another ten rapid resets after that before they can start putting said knowledge to use.
However, the biggest breakthrough comes on loop forty-two, the next spontaneous rest day, when they sit down for a relaxing and hopefully non-lethal meal, and Ian casually responds to Chanse’s comment about youthful indiscretions with, “Everyone has a story like that. Like, you get drunk with a friend one time, accidentally summon a demi-god, and before you know it, you’re soul-tied for life, and maybe death too. Kids are dumb.”
Angela screams. Keith launches bodily over the table, ready to end Ian himself, and no one holds him back.
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Intrusion - Sheldon Cooper
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Pairing: Sheldon Cooper x Reader
Characters: Sheldon Cooper, Leonard Hofstadter, Penny, Howard Wolowitz
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon: “Could you do a Sheldon cooper imagine where the reader is like apart of the fbi(or cia smithing cool like that) and he texts her saying it’s an emergency and she thinks the worst so she like busts down the door with her gun up and the group is there just like ‘ what the heck’ and he’s like ‘you came’ and she like ‘yeah you said it was an emergency !?!?’”
Word Count: 594
Author: Hannah
It was hard meeting people in your line of work, the likelihood of you meeting someone not in the same profession as you was also low.
Being a part of the FBI wasn’t easy, for many obvious reasons, and the fact that you didn’t want to always take your work home put you off inter-workplace relationships.
You’d met Sheldon, your boyfriend of six months, through a conference that you had attended – the two of you were interested in similar tings and surprisingly hit it off.
Even though it had been six months you were yet to meet any of Sheldon’s friends, not because you didn’t want to but because you genuinely hadn’t had the time.
Earlier that day you had agreed with Sheldon that the two of you would go for dinner that evening, but when he texted you saying he had an emergency over four hours before your reservations you panicked.
And so, you found yourself driving over to his apartment block, in your civilian clothes with your gun in your hand.
You climbed the flights of stairs quickly and paused for a moment outside his door, noting that you couldn’t hear any sounds of a struggle or a genuine emergency, but he had still texted you.
As you shoved the door open with your shoulder, holding up your gun, you prepared for the worst.
What you weren’t expecting was the room full of Sheldon’s friends with you pointing your gun in their faces – you recognised them all of course, from Sheldon’s photos, but you doubted they were expecting a gun to be pointed at them.
“Well, this is new,” Howard spoke up in utter confusion.
The rest of Sheldon’s friends seemed to share the sentiment whilst Sheldon got up to approach you.
“You came?” he questioned out of surprise.
You looked at him in utter bewilderment as you tucked your gun away. “You told me it was an emergency!”
He chuckled but soon realised his mistake. “I apologise, I didn’t realise my wording would cause you to react in such a way.”
“When you tell me, you have an emergency Sheldon and then don’t reply to the rest of my messages or calls, yes I am going to assume the worst,” you explained out of frustration.
Sheldon looked truly apologetic and pulled you into a hug, whilst his friends around you were even more shocked at the fact that Sheldon was willingly hugging you and he looked comfortable whilst dong it.
When you pulled away you faced all of his friends. “I apologise for the intrusion; I am trained to expect the worse in certain situations.”
“You have a gun?!” Penny asked as she stared at you.
You smiled as Sheldon stood at your side, winding his arm around your waist. “Yes, it comes with the job.”
Leonard looked at you and Sheldon in confusion also. “And what job is that exactly?”
“I’m part of the FBI,” you stated.
It was then that the questions truly started to be fired your way, Sheldon sensed that you didn’t quite know how to answer them, so he spoke up. “Please do not overwhelm her, it is my fault that Y/N is here in such a fashion and I believe that she did not expected to be introduced to you all so abruptly.”
You couldn’t help but smile up at Sheldon as you unconsciously cuddled up to his side.
“Wait, this is Y/N?” Leonard questioned again.
“That would be me yes, I’m sorry for the intrusion again but it is lovely to meet you all.”
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 12: Dirty Dreams
…in which Harry and Ezi kiss again…and again…and again… (THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SMUT)
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Word count: 4.6k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
Harry didn’t understand dreams. How did dreams even work? Because sometimes he would see someone he hadn’t seen in years in his dreams, even though he had completely forgotten about the person’s existence up to that point. Then there were these super violent and bloody dreams that woke him in the middle of the night in cold sweats. Then, there were some other more inappropriate dreams that made him so disappointed when the alarm rang.
Listen, Harry wasn’t a pervert. He didn’t think about sex 24/7; well, not usually. But lately, he’d been having dirty dreams more often than he would enjoy. He would wake up with his dick rock hard and end up late for work because he had to stroke one out in the shower. And he blamed it on…
“Ezi! Where are your pants? And why are you wearing my shirt?”
Ezi stopped in the kitchen doorway with a bowl of ice cream in one hand, the other holding a spoon in her mouth. “This is my new ‘at home’ look,” she said, while leaning against the door in nothing but his button-up shirt that fell just past her bum. As if the sight wasn’t torturing enough, she had to be licking ice cream from the fucking spoon. It was eight in the fucking morning! And Harry would not go back to the bathroom to wank again.
“But where are your shirts? Why don’t you wear them?” he asked and slipped past her into the kitchen. He would make himself a cup of coffee so he wouldn’t have to watch her being effortlessly sexy in the kitchen doorway.
“They said on the internet that you should borrow your boyfriend’s shirt, and you’re my fake boyfriend.”
“Fair enough,” Harry chuckled.
She gave him a shy smile and left without saying another word. That was the longest conversation they’d had since that night she went out on a date with Dawson. Ezi was always a little bit weird. Okay, well, very weird. But her weirdness had been different lately, in a bad way. She was still doing weird things, but keeping a distance from him.
Harry knew he couldn’t really complain, since he’d specifically told her to her face that he preferred it when it was just him and the cat. Having his own space had been nice for a day or two, then he’d started missing how annoying she’d been. And of course, he blamed this all on Dawson.
Harry had been second to Dawson his whole life. Ever since he’d been a kid and found out that he’d had a cousin, Dawson had been nothing but a burden for Harry. Harry was the only child, but to his parents, Dawson had been their favourite son. His father used to love sports, but Harry had never been a fan of those. Dawson, on the other hand, had been the captain of the school’s football team and was excellent at marathons as well. So if Harry’s father was still alive, Dawson would be the one making him proud by taking over the family business Harry didn’t want.
Now, just as Harry had finally gained his own spotlight as a singer, becoming great at something Dawson wasn’t good at, Dawson swept in and stole Ezi.
Harry had spent a lot of time wondering why it had mattered so much to him that Ezi had gone on one date with his cousin. He didn’t even like her like that, and the house was always peaceful without her, which he enjoyed very much. But why did the idea of her becoming something with Dawson bother him so much? He hadn’t been sleeping well for the last couple of days. Not to mention that Ezi had started keeping distance from him. Well, he’d done it first because of the kiss, but it was weird when she did it because she had always been so fucking clingy. And he’d hated that. Until now!
Ding dong!
“What do you want?” Harry asked in the least annoyed tone he could pull off, while fighting the urge to slam the door in Dawson’s good-looking face.
“Is Ezi home?” Dawson asked.
“Ezi? You mean Ezili? Because I’m the only one who calls her Ezi.”
“Y-Yeah, Ezili,” Dawson said with an awkward smile. This guy was a tool. What did Ezi see in him?
“No, she’s at work,” Harry said, and quickly added, “but don’t think about going there. They’re having a book club meeting; she’d be mad if you showed up and distracted her.”
That was a lie. Harry didn’t even know if people actually hosted book club meetings at random book shops, but did it matter? If he was going to be petty, he must go all the way.
“What do you wanna meet her for?” he asked before Dawson could leave. He didn’t want to have a long conversation with Dawson about Ezi, but it was the only way to learn more about their date. “Did you do something that you wanna apologise for?”
“No. Of course not,” Dawson chuckled and adjusted his glasses. “She bought some books and forgot them in my car.”
“I could give them to her when she gets back from work,” Harry said.
Dawson looked hesitant. “Well, she told me not to give them to you.”
“Oh.” Harry kept a straight face, but he was very offended that she’d made that request. Did she really hate him so much for what he’d said that night?
“So,” he ventured, averting his eyes. “Guess the date went well?”
“I suppose,” Dawson said.
Harry had hoped for a different response. This one didn’t really hurt him but it didn’t make him happy, either. He cleared his throat and straightened his back. “So are you looking forward to the second date?”
“I don’t think there’s gonna be one,” Dawson said, to Harry’s surprise. “I don’t think she likes me like that?”
Okay, this was the response Harry had been waiting for. He tried to suppress a grin as he patted his cousin’s shoulder sympathetically, while he was far from sympathetic. “Oh, don’t be so pessimistic. I know she’s a bit out of your league, but dare to dream a little.”
“Very funny,” Dawson snorted and brushed off Harry’s hand. “But I think she has a crush on you.”
“Really? I mean, no!” Harry faked a laugh, crossing his arm and leaning against the door in an unnatural pose. “No way.” Now he sounded like a commercial guy who had never attended a single acting class. “She doesn’t...she doesn’t have a crush on me,” he stuttered. “W-Why do you think so?”
Dawson pressed his lips into an understanding smile that made Harry’s face grow red. “All she talked about for the entire night was you.”
Harry thought Dawson was just teasing him at first. Then he remembered that this was Dawson, not him. So it was true. Ezi had talked about him for the whole night when she was with Dawson.
“What did she say?” Harry asked, trying to seem more curious than excited.
“She told me you were a good cook, and then complained about your bad habits. Then it was all ‘Harry said that’ and ‘Harry said this’. It seemed like she was really into you.”
“Oh, wow.”
“Nothing.” Harry shrugged, trying to act cool and all that. “I’m just surprised. I thought she hated me.”
“I mean, she can still hate you if she has a crush on you,” said Dawson. “Also, why is she staying with you? Where’s her family?”
Harry shifted uncomfortably. “Why didn’t you ask her?”
“She kept mentioning her mother but nothing more than that, and she’d just change the subject whenever I tried to ask.”
Harry didn’t have enough time to think of a lie, so he blurted, “Her family was abusive.”
Dawson looked horrified, but he completely bought that. “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that,” he said. “She’s a lovely girl, though. I know that you don’t like her, but don’t break her heart. Turn her down nicely.”
Harry blinked. “What?”
“You don’t like Ezili, right?” Dawson asked.
“Oh, yeah,” Harry laughed, uneasily. “I mean no, I don’t.”
“Yeah, I know you don’t wanna be in a relationship.”
Harry didn’t want to be in a relationship, but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel things. He guessed most people would just assume he had no heart because it was easier for them to make sense of why he wouldn’t settle down. In reality it was more complicated than that. He had had feelings for some people in the past, and he’d shut them down before he got to the point of no return. Ezi might be a dangerous creature, but he’d probably hurt more people than she had, mostly himself.
So did he like Ezi? Yes. He’d just realised that when his heart blossomed to the thought of her thinking about him on a date with his cousin. There was no denying that, as he only felt this way about his own songs. But was he happy about it? Well, yeah, of course he was happy about it. He was over the moon even. Still, that didn’t mean he should do something about it. He would just keep it to himself and wait–No, hope for it to pass.
Later that night, when Ezi came home from work, she went straight into the kitchen to eat from the fridge, and Harry came downstairs to find her sitting on the floor, munching off a sandwich in the fridge light glow. He watched her for a moment from the door before deciding to break the silence.
She flinched when hearing her name. She turned around, sandwich still in her mouth. “Did Dawson stop by?” she asked. “He said he would bring me my books.”
“Yeah, he did. I put them in your room,” Harry said, trying his best not to roll his eyes at the mention of his cousin. But then he remembered what Dawson had told him and came to sit beside her on the floor.
She ignored him and continued eating. She looked nothing like someone who had a crush on him, so what if Dawson had lied to him? He had never heard a lie from Dawson, but it didn’t mean Dawson was incapable of lying.
“Ezi, I wanna ask you something,” he said.
She finished her sandwich and reached into the fridge of ice cream. “Go ahead,” she said.
Harry started fidgeting with his shirt. “Why won’t you tell me about that date with Dawson?”
Ezi didn’t look at him as she said, “Do I have to tell you? It was personal.”
“Well, your sister was there,” he reasoned, “and she’s tried to kill me several times so I think I deserve to know some details about that night.”
Yes, Harry was curious about Ezi’s sister as well, but was it bad to say that he wanted to know more about what Ezi thought of him? Was it bad that Ezi’s feelings for him mattered more than his stupid life?
“My sister wasn’t there the whole time,” Ezi sighed and dipped her spoon into the ice cream. “I got rid of her at the fair then went for dinner with Dawson.”
“Oh,” Harry said, watching her intently as she ate. “So—”
“My sister wanted me to go back home.”
Harry froze. “Why?” he blurted, suddenly anxious. “I mean…does your mother want you back? Not that I think she won’t ever want you back—”
“No.” Ezi rolled her eyes. “My sister wants me to go back in return of the throne, so she can be Queen and allow me back into the Queendom.”
“But you wanna Queen?”
“I’m going to be Queen!” Ezi snapped. Seeing the shocked look on Harry’s face, she softened her voice, “I’m the firstborn. I’m going to be Queen. I have a year to…” Her voice trailed off and she spaced out for a second.
“To what?”
Ezi pressed her lips into a tight smile then said, “To stay here. My sister told me that my mother would take me back in a year.”
“That’s the punishment?” Harry chuckled. “Make you stay in this world where a handsome man takes care of you and buys you stuff?” Maybe siren mums weren’t as bad as he’d thought.
“And also bullies me 24/7,” Ezi said.
“Hey!” Harry put up his hands. “You bully me, too.”
“You literally told me you didn’t want to see me around the house.”
“Yeah, well, I like seeing you around the house now.”
“Liar,” Ezi said and took a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. Harry tried not to pay attention to the way she licked the spoon or think about licking ice cream from her lips, but he knew he was going to see a lot of that in his dreams tonight.
“I’m sorry about what I said that night,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Ezi held his gaze for two seconds, squinting her eyes. “Fine,” she said at last. “I forgive you.”
“Well, that was easy.”
“For now,” she added, putting the ice cream back into the fridge. “I’ll hate you again when I’m hungry.”
“You’re hungry eighty percent of the time!”
Harry chuckled as he watched her amber to the kitchen door. Clenching his fingers, he asked, “When’s your birthday?”
Ezi turned her head. “March 12. Why?”
“So I can say happy birthday to you on March 12.”
“Oh, thanks. Not looking forward to it, though.”
“Also,” Harry said fast before she left. “Do you wanna go to a party with me?”
Niall had just reached one million followers on TikTok, so he’d thrown a huge party at his mansion and invited his friends who had brought their friends and their friends’ friends. So the most influential people in the entertainment industry were at the party tonight.
Jeff had suggested that Harry bring Ezi so they could do some PDA stuff at the party to make headlines for the next few days. At first, Harry had planned to make up some excuses so he could go alone.
He and Ezi hadn’t kissed since that day in his mother’s closet. Well, actually, they had had a few pecks on the lips in public, but it’d only been for the paparazzi. It was hard to think about romance when there were at least ten cameras pointing at you.
Their first kiss, however, had been real and…hot. Harry couldn’t stop thinking about it. He didn’t know how Ezi felt since she never talked about it, but he had the impression that she had enjoyed it as much as he had. He couldn’t stop thinking about her flushed cheeks and plum lips as she pulled back, confused yet wanting more. In his dreams last night, they had been in that closet, but their clothes had been discarded, and he’d been pounding her against the wall. It was so hot. He’d had to wank twice when he woke up and he couldn’t make eye contact with Ezi in the kitchen during breakfast. Now he couldn’t get those images out of his mind.
Harry jumped when his name was called. Ezi gave him a questioning look. She was wearing a little pink strap dress and her hair was in a high bun. She looked so cute tonight; his stylist had done a great job.
“You okay?” she asked, slipping her fingers into his. He knew it didn’t mean anything and she was only doing what Jeff had told her to. But he couldn’t stop the butterflies in his stomach from acting up. “It seemed like your soul left your body for a second.”
“Sorry, this loud music gives me a headache,” he said and finished his glass of wine. Ezi didn’t drink. “You wanna dance?”
Her gaze shot up in surprise. “Do you wanna dance?”
“What do you mean? I’m a fantastic dance partner.”
“But I’ve never danced before. I just got these legs a few weeks ago.”
Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “You’ll be good at it, I’m sure. We’ll wait for a slow song.”
Niall walked by just in time to overhear the conversation, so he shouted, “Slow song for my besties Harry and Ezili!”
Harry tried to stop Niall, but it was too late. Everyone in Niall’s living room was staring at him and Ezi. Jeff would be happy about this, but Harry didn’t think Ezi was. Her fingers tightened around his as she stepped closer, apparently uncomfortable with the intrusive glances they were receiving.
“Come on,” he said, pulling her close. “We’ll show them how great we are.”
“But I’m not—”
He didn’t let her finish and drag her out on the dance floor. There were a few couples slow-dancing around them, but Harry knew he and Ezi were the attention of tonight. In these people’s eyes, they were in love, completely infatuated with each other.
“Follow my lead,” he whispered in Ezi's ear while fixing her posture. “It’s easy.”
For a human who had been to too many of these dances, it was. But Ezi was barely good at walking. And so she ended up stepping on his feet repeatedly. The giggles of some women in the room made her even more anxious, so she almost stopped. But he reassured her by pulling her closer and lifting her chin so she was looking at him instead of them.
“Don’t be nervous. This is your little mermaid moment. Embrace it,” he said, making her smile.
“Ariel was a terrible dancer.”
“True. But she looked pretty stepping on the Prince’s feet.”
Ezi arched an eyebrow, amused. “Are you calling yourself the Prince?”
“I almost got casted for the role of Eric, by the way.”
“Yeah, right.” She rolled her eyes.
He acted offended. “No, it’s real.”
“As real as Santa Claus.”
“Santa Claus is real,” Harry argued. “Not you saying he isn’t when you’re literally a mythical creature.”
“Shut up,” she chuckled.
“Make me,” he replied.
Harry didn’t know who had initiated it. Maybe they had both leaned in at the same time. But this time as they shared a kiss in a crowded room, it felt like they were all alone in his mother’s closet once again. Of course he had to keep his hands respectfully on her lower back, but the kiss was still hot. He could feel himself being unravelled right there on the dance floor, and he liked the way her fingers twirled the hair at the back of his neck as they melted into one. But then people had to ruin the moment for them by filming it. Jeff would be happy; Harry wasn’t.
He had developed a special talent over the years as a celebrity and could always sense when someone was taking pictures of him. It made him uneasy and distracted, so he had to pull back. He supposed his twisted expression might have given Ezi the wrong idea. She thought it was her that made him uncomfortable. And for some stupid reason, Harry let her think that.
They left the party early because Ezi didn’t seem to enjoy it anymore. On the drive home, Harry tried to find a way to apologise for ruining the moment, but he didn’t know how to not make it awkward. She didn’t say a single word to him in the car, and he knew she wasn’t going to unless he started the conversation. But then he didn’t. And so she went to bed angry at him.
Harry felt really bad about it. He knew it wouldn’t be this way if he had communicated like a normal human being. But it wasn’t easy. He didn’t want to admit to her that he’d enjoyed kissing her, and he would’ve made out with her in front of all those people had it not been for who he was. He had wanted that moment to be real, but then he remembered it wasn’t, and he felt like he was taking advantage of her.
Maybe she felt that way, too. He wasn’t sure. Or she was just tired and didn’t really care about the kiss, and he was the one making a fuss out of it because he assumed he meant more to her than he really did. Again, Dawson could’ve lied. Ezi might not even have feelings for him. She might think he was a bad kisser even.
As Harry fell asleep that night, he dreamed about her again. They were alone in Niall’s mansion. The music was playing as they slow-danced but nobody was watching. She started kissing him, and he kissed her back. His hands reached around her to unzip her little pink dress and let it pool around her ankles. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath. His cock was rock hard when they went in for more kissing. Her tongue slid between his lips, her hands reaching for his belt as he fumbled on the buttons of his own shirt. Then he woke up with a tent on his crotch. It was three in the fucking morning, and he was having the worst erection in his life.
Harry slipped his hand under the duvet and started playing with it to relieve some tension, but just as he was about to cum, he heard a loud crash downstairs. Instant boner killer.
“Ezi!” he shouted in frustration, slipped on his boxers and marched out of the room.
“I’m sorry!” Ezi’s voice echoed from downstairs. Harry groaned and headed down to the kitchen where he found her collecting broken pieces of a vase she’d knocked over.
“Just leave it,” he said, grabbing her wrists and pulling her up and away from the glass. “You’d hurt yourself, idiot.”
“I’m sorry. It was dark. I couldn’t see.”
“Why didn’t you turn on the lights?”
She shrugged, which made him laugh, because that was very Ezi of her. “You’re a dumbass,” he said.
“I’m not,” she pouted.
“You are. This only happens to dumbasses.”
“Gosh, you’re an asshole,” she mumbled, arms crossed. She was standing with her back to the counter, and he was blocking her way from the door. Of course she could always sidestep him to leave, but instead, she stayed there, just awkwardly chewing on her nail. She was wearing nothing but a loose white shirt of his. And this time, Harry wasn’t complaining.
“Stop looking at me like that,” she said.
“I’m not even looking at you,” he said, yet staring right at her face.
“You are.”
“How would you know? Unless you’re also looking at me.”
“This is stupid.”
“You’re stupid.”
“No, you—” Ezi’s voice cut off; her gaze dropped to his mouth as if she hadn’t realised how close they were until now. Harry knew that look so well, and usually it would be a sign for him to make a move. But this was Ezi.
“I should go back to bed,” she said, eyes meeting his again.
He nodded, but didn’t get out of the way.
Again, he didn’t know who leaned in first. The moment their mouths collided, all his thoughts evaporated; his walls crumbled, and he was powerless, unable to pull back. There was a kind of power in the way she kissed that he could not resist. He was all hers.
He tightened his arms around her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he lifted her onto the counter. He could feel his erection growing again in his pants. It didn’t take too long for it to turn fully hard, and she obviously felt it, so she pulled back from their kiss, panting. “It’s…”
“Ignore it,” he breathed, kissing her again, making his way down to her neck and chest. She was squirming now, and he wondered if she was also feeling things down there. “Are you wet?” he asked breathlessly against her lips.
She blinked, confused. “No, I’m dry.”
“No, Ezi,” Harry chuckled, face buried in her neck. “I mean, are you wet between your legs?”
“Oh.” She licked her perfect lips and nodded once. “Yeah. Like most of the time.”
Harry’s whole body went stiff. “What?”
“Like...whenever I think of us kissing,” Ezi admitted innocently.
Harry didn’t know which was hotter. The fact that they were both half-naked and horny right now, or the fact that she got turned on just from thinking of kissing him.
“What do you usually do when it happens?” he asked, adding soft kisses to her lips.
Her fists tightened on his back, her eyelids fluttering. “I r-rub my thighs together.”
Harry smiled as his cock twitched to the thought of it. “Does that feel good?”
Ezi nodded.
“Want me to help you feel even better?”
“You can?”
Harry nodded. He knew it wasn’t right to have sex with her when she didn’t even know what it was, so he wouldn’t rush it. He was just going to help her.
He kissed her once more and got down on his knees between her legs. She looked so hot all spread out in front of him with just his shirt and panties on. She wasn’t lying when she said she was wet. Her panties were completely soaked as he slid them off. She shivered a little yet didn’t protest. She wanted him to help.
He started by kissing her inner thigh. She had the prettiest pussy he had ever seen. He could just cum to the thought of licking her, and he swore he almost did when he took the first try. Her hips jolted, and he glanced up to meet her confused stare.
“If you want me to stop, just say it, okay?”
“Okay,” she replied, biting her nail.
He held her eye contact as he started licking. She tasted as sweet as he’d imagined in those dreams. He still couldn’t believe this was real, but god, the sounds she made sent him to heaven. He dipped his tongue into her and her hands flew to the back of his neck. For a moment she forgot everything and started moving her hips against his face. Fuck. It turned him on so much. He slipped his hand into his boxers and gave himself a few strokes. Then she started to moan, and he worked his hand faster while flicking his tongue into her. He fucked himself until she cummed and made a mess inside his pants, cum dripping onto the floor.
“Is that milk?” Her question got him cackling as he got back to his feet, holding onto the counter on either side of her so he wouldn’t fall. He had never cummed so much; it had literally drained him out.
“No, it’s not milk,” he said softly, tucking her hair behind her ear. She looked so fucked out as well, which made him feel so proud. “Did you like that?”
“Yes,” she said shyly. “Did you?”
“Very much,” he said. “I would kiss you again if I hadn’t just eaten you out. Not sure how you’d like it.”
A look of horror crossed Ezi’s face as she quickly checked between her legs.
“No!” Harry laughed. “I didn’t literally eat you. It’s what it’s called.”
“Is it like...sex stuff?”
“Not really sex, just part of the sex. So yeah, sex stuff,” Harry explained, not sure how to feel about this situation. Now that post-nut clarity had hit, he started to feel a bit guilty, but it didn’t he wasn’t proud of himself for making her cum so hard her legs were shaking.
“I still want to kiss, though,” Ezi said shyly. “I don’t care.”
“Oh, yeah?” Harry smiled. He liked seeing her blush because of him.
With a nod, she pulled him back in.
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jaesqueso · 3 years
The Bachelorette: NCT Edition - Meet the candidates
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The season of love is finally here! An interactive series where you’ll get to choose who goes home each week and ultimately who Y/N chooses in the end!
Use the above link to vote for your favorite candidate for that final rose and who should be the first five going home! You can vote for the first episode until next friday (11/06) and the episode will come out on sunday (13/06).
taglist: @skrtbabe​ @yutahoes​ @mel-yjh​
If you’d like to be included in the taglist for the series do let me know ❤︎
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
The bachelorette
Hi, my name is Y/N and I’m looking for my prince charming!
I never had much luck with love so I decided to focus on work instead but my friends are all getting married and keep telling me to find someone too, so here I am!
I’m looking for someone nice who makes me laugh. Someone who cares about me and shows me a good time. Physically I’m not picky but I do appreciate a warm smile and kind eyes.
Hopefully this experience will help me find the person who I’ll get to spend the rest of my life with!
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Moon Taeil
My name is Taeil and I’m a gemini.
I’m a relaxed guy who wants to live life peacefully and hopefully meet a girl to share my life with!
I like to listen to music and watch movies, not very into physical activities because I don’t like when my muscles are in pain.
I usually notice someone’s eyes first, that’s enough to captivate me. Also I like cute girls.
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John Suh
My name is John but everybody calls me Johnny. I’m an Aquarius.
I’m a nice guy who gets along with everyone and my motto is just to have fun! My friends may say I’m clumsy but I think things just get in my way!
*flips hair laughing*
I love reading, watching videos and taking photos. Who knows I may find my new photographic muse.
I love cute things, and that includes girls too. I also love girls who smile a lot because I’m always smiling too.
Hopefully I’ll find someone to make my days even brighter!
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Lee Taeyong
My name is Taeyong and I’m a Cancer.
People sometimes think I’m cold from the way I look but I promise I’m a kind and caring guy! I have amazing eyes and as you can tell I’m very confident.
I don’t like dust and germs so I’ll make sure everybody keeps things clean around here. I’m a perfectionist so I might nag a lot, sorry!
I’m looking for someone who I can learn from and that makes up for my flaws.
Finger crossed I’ll meet someone good for me!
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Nakamoto Yuta
My name is Yuta and I’m a Scorpio.
I’m a happy guy who cares a lot about everyone. One thing I can promise is that everybody has a good time around me!
I love to play football and working out, I don’t like sitting around doing nothing! If we can do things in the moment why wait?
*shrugs shoulders*
I like someone who has empathy towards others and doesn’t feel the need to “act pretty”, someone who’s real and humble.
Let’s go!
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Qian Kun
My name is Kun and I’m a Capricorn.
I’m a very friendly guy and I’m always there for my friends. I love to cook and make my way into people’s hearts through food.
I’m an intelligent guy and I love to do magic tricks so I think if I play my cards right I have a chance to get that final rose.
*wiggles eyebrows*
I’m usually attracted to more feminine women who are innocent.
Abracadabra pick me!
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Kim Doyoung
My name is Doyoung and I’m an Aquarius.
I’m a very reliable guy, you can check with my friends! I don’t really like to go out, I’d rather stay in sleeping or eating so I’m looking for someone who’s ok with chilling and cuddling.
I’m afraid of animals so hopefully we won’t have to do any interaction with any or I might go back home and take a nap.
I want someone polite that knows how to present themselves and that I can take home to meet the parents!
I’ll make sure she falls in love with me!
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Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul
My name is Chittaphon but you can call me Ten because I’m 10/10! I’m a Pisces.
I’m the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet and I know how to make someone feel comfortable. Honestly I can’t see what’s not to like about me!
*shrugs shoulders*
I love sports, drawing and playing with animals. Throw me a cat and I’ll be happy!
I don’t really have an ideal type, but I like to get to know someone before love starts to develop.
I’m excited!
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Jung Yoonoh
My name is Yoonoh but most people still call me Jaehyun which was my birth name. I’m an Aquarius.
I’m a happy and cute guy, but I also have a sensitive side. What can I say, I’m the perfect guy to take home to the parents!
I’m very into sports and I’m a black belt in taekwondo so you know I’ll take down all the competition!
I like someone who is kind, calm and cute. Someone I can easily communicate with and who I can depend on. Extra points if they’re into sports too!
I’m not saying I’m competitive but I’m here to win this!
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Dong Sicheng
My name is Sicheng but you can call me Winwin because if I receive that final rose it will be a win-win situation! I’m a Scorpio.
I’m usually a shy guy specially in front of the camera so I apologise for probably not talking much.
“scratches the back of his head”
I like swimming, watching movies and going on vacation, even though I have a fear of heights but I’m good as long as we stay on the ground! I don’t really like being touched but I can make an exception for a nice girl.
I like someone who’s more quiet, like me, and also innocent. I want someone who I can laugh with.
Let’s Winwin!
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Kim Jungwoo
My name is Jungwoo and I’m a Pisces.
I’m a sweet guy but I’m also funny, just let me entertain you with my on point impressions, you won’t be able to tell who’s me or the original person!
I like to watch and play soccer and I eat a lot of course to restore my energy!
I like a bold girl who’ll take the first step. Someone who is determined, knows hat she wants and does everything to get it.
So come and get me!
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Huang Xuxi
My name is Xuxi but I like to go by Lucas. I’m an Aquarius.
I’m a very outgoing guy and I always provide a good time in every sense of the word.
*wiggles eyebrows*
I love spicy food! I have a strong digestive system so I’ll eat a lot but maintain my figure because I also exercise much as you can tell.
*shows off his biceps*
I’m usually attracted to someone sweet, shy and innocent.
My lady c’mon!
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Mark Lee
My name is Mark and you can mark me in your heart! I’m a Leo.
I’m a simple guy who likes to hang out with friends and play my guitar, that I obviously brought with me. Who knows, I might serenade someone special.
I like to think I’m funny but it seems like others don’t get my jokes… Anyway! I am not great in the kitchen so like maybe it’s safer for everyone if other people take care of the cooking.
I want someone who’s honest and loyal, plain and simple.
Time to shine!
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Xiao Dejun
My name is Dejun but you can call me Xiaojun. I’m a Leo.
I’m a more reserved guy, I like to be alone but I have a space saved in my life for a special lady.
I like to read, watch movies and write songs. I can play several instruments too so I can write something special in several styles, there’s no way I can get that wrong.
*wiggles eyebrows*
Honesty can get you far with me because I believe that being humble brings more benefits. I also like a girl who can communicate well.
Let’s do this!
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Wong Kunhang
My name is Kunhang but my friends call me Hendery so you can too. I’m a Libra.
I’m a very friendly and funny guy, everybody loves me, so I know this girl will too!
*shrugs shoulders*
I love to just take a walk and listen to music. Also I might start dancing when I talk so please don’t be surprised!
I like kind people who’ll help others in need. Also someone independent and family oriented.
Let’s enjoy this experience!
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Huang Renjun
My name is Renjun and I’m an Aries.
I may seem like a soft guy but I know when to be cold and firm. I believe that you have to love yourself first to be able to love someone else and we need to love someone for who they are and not try to change them.
I appreciate arts. I like to dance and also to draw. I think I might draw us two together so she can see how good we’ll look and choose me!
I like a witty girl who won’t be too sensitive to what I say because I like to be honest.
Let’s love ourselves and each other!
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Lee Jeno
My name is Jeno and I’m a Taurus.
I’m an easy going guy that gets along with about everyone. Sometimes I may seem quiet and distant but in some situations I’d rather observe than participate.
*shrugs shoulders*
I like to think I’m funny, even if others say I’m not, I just hope at least I can make this girl laugh!
I’m interested in someone like me, easy going and with a good sense of humour! Also someone who can cook.
For love!
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Lee DongHyuck
My name is Donghyuck but that’s the sane me, you can call me Haechan instead! I’m a Gemini.
I have a very bright personality and I can definitely cheer everybody up! I am also very affectionate so don’t mind me giving out free hugs and kisses!
*wiggles eyebrows*
I like tasty food, football and anything related to music. I love to dance and make up my own unique moves so please join me, I’ll teach you.
I’m not very picky but I like a girl with good vocals and an easy to listen voice.
Ok cut!
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Na Jaemin
My name is Jaemin and I’m a Leo.
I am a very bubbly guy and I might get a bit loud but it’s all in good fashion!
I like to dance and to play the piano. My favorite movie genre is horror but it’s ok if she doesn’t like that, she can always hold on to me if she’s scared.
*wiggles eyebrows*
I want someone who’s humble and that puts peoples needs first. It needs to be someone who I can share my heart with.
Wow, so sexy!
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Liu Yangyang
My name is Yangyang, yes it’s not a nickname! I’m a Libra.
I’m an energetic and sweet guy. You can trust me with anything and I can give you a good laugh.
When I was a kid I wanted to be a racer, but now I just want to race my way into this girl’s heart.
I like an adventurous girl who’s affectionate and honest and will have fun with me.
I’m very happy to be here!
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Osaki Shotaro
My name is Shotaro and I’m a Sagittarius.
I’m a cheerful and sincere guy, happiness is my middle name! I’m curious, impulsive and adventurous so hopefully I’ll find someone who can keep up!
I like to watch mukbangs and to play football, but my favorite thing to do is dance so let’s dance together!
I don’t have an ideal type, I like everybody!
Let’s start the adventure!
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Jung Sungchan
My name is Sungchan and I’m a Virgo.
I’m a serene and reliable guy, but I’m also a perfectionist and it’s difficult to convince me of things.
*shrugs shoulders*
I like to exercise and play games. I enjoy sunny days the best and maybe I can find some company to enjoy them with me.
I’m just looking for someone that matches well with me.
I’m ready!
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Zhong Chenle
My name is Chenle and I’m a Scorpio.
I’m a friendly, cheerful and confident guy, even if people get startled by my laugh.
*laughs in dolphin*
I like to play football, play the piano and cook. I am afraid of spiders so unfortunately it would have to be the girl saving me from them!
*scratches the back of his head*
I don’t have an ideal type.
Ok, let’s do it!
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Park Jisung
My name is Jisung and I’m an Aquarius.
I may come up as an awkward guy but I promise I’m nice and funny once you get to know me!
I have a good hunch so I’m very good at making decisions. I like to play soccer and video games, but not scary ones because I get startled easily!
The perfect girl for me is someone who I can be friends with first.
Let’s live this moment!
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iceshard1011 · 3 years
Before the world fell at our feet
Ships: platonic Moxiety, pre-romantic Anxceit (but really it's up to interpretation)
Characters: Virgil, Patton, Janus, Logan is there briefly
Also on Ao3!
Fic below the cut.
Some convoluted exchange of 'Ding Dong Ditch' except they talk about their feelings and try to resolve inner turmoil and maybe reach some sort of reconciliation. Not too hastily, though. They still hate each other, of course. Of course.
The silence of the hallway shattered with a flurry of tentative knocks against dark-painted wood.
“You haven’t been answering your phone, kiddo,” called a soft, almost shy voice. “I was wondering if you were doing okay, since... you know, things have been... tough, lately.” The room inside stayed quiet, no matter how carefully he listened. “I was hoping... you could come out for some food? We could bake together, if you’d like. It’s...” He laughed. It was mirthless and sad. “It’s sure been a while since we got to do that, yeah?”
Silence. Not even rustling sheets or a frustrated sigh.
He leaned back, trying not to look too obviously hurt — as if Virgil could see through his door. The wood was slightly chipped. He wondered when that had happened. Recently? Or had it been there for longer than he wanted to know?
He rubbed the back of his neck, pondering. What could he do? Virgil clearly didn’t want to talk to him... and he couldn’t be blamed, really.
“I just... thought it might make you feel a little better,” he tried. Virgil might not even be in there — there was no proof he was even listening. It was stupid to be doing this.
“I’ve seen you’ve been hanging out with Roman a lot more recently,” he went on. “That’s…” Unexpected. “Good. It’s so good, kiddo. You both did so well talking to Nico. I know Roman appreciates what you did.”
He trailed a finger down a small jagged crack in the purple paint.
“I wish I could have seen it in person,” he murmured truthfully. Wish I could have been the one who caused it. Wish I could have been the one you risked everything for.
But no — that was bad. Bad and selfish, and he couldn’t be like that. Thomas was trying to fix that about him, but people didn’t change easily, especially after years of a practiced notion. Life just didn't work like that.
“I only heard about the way your eyeshadow changed colour from the others,” he continued softly. “I bet you were just the prettiest thing in the world.”
He half expected to hear a huff or the shuffle of material as Virgil tried to work off his embarrassment. He didn’t hear the slightest hint of movement.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and his voice broke. He clenched his fists, trying not to stain the floor with salty droplets. “I’m so... sorry, for everything, Virgil. For hurting you. For doing all the wrong things by you. For not being who you needed me to be, when you needed it the most.”
Against his will, his stinging eyes blurred further and spots on the carpet grew darker beneath him. “I’m sorry.”
He waited.
This was pointless. There was nothing on the other side of that door except silence and emptiness.
You told yourself not to get your hopes up, he thought, pulling back.
“I’ll... get out of your hair. I’m sorry for bothering you.”
The hallway remained still apart from the downtrodden shuffling footsteps slowly retreating.
Inside the bedroom, the embodiment of anxiety bit his lip so hard he tasted iron.
A few days later, Virgil crept out of his room for the first time in weeks, driven by his grumbling stomach and the ache in his chest. He rubbed the sleeves of his hoodie between his fingers in a repetitive, patterned motion. His breathing matched the movement. It became more forced as he descended the stairs. The kitchen was quiet, but not empty.
Virgil swallowed. No backing out now.
“Hey, Pat,” he said slowly. Patton looked up from where he was making pancakes at the stove. His face lit up, but from the way he wrung his hands together, Virgil could tell that he was restraining himself.
“Good morning, Virge,” he said. His voice was soft. It didn’t match the way his eyes shone with delight. “How are you feeling?”
“Better,” said Virgil. He rubbed the back of his neck. “I just... wanted to apologise.”
Patton’s eyes blew wide. “Um... For what?”
That caught Virgil off-guard. Why was Patton avoiding it? Usually he was open to anyone trying to talk about their thoughts. Had Virgil done something wrong? Had he made a mistake hiding from him? He shuffled in place.
“Don't make me, like... say it,” he grumbled.
Patton looked baffled, but pleasantly so. He smiled and shook his head. “Say what, kid — uh —”
“For ignoring you last night,” Virgil said, interrupting before Patton could stammer too much.
Patton blinked, tilting his head like a dog. “Last night...?”
Virgil frowned. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to —”
“Oh, no, of course not!” Patton said, shaking his head and raising his hands. “I just got a little confused! I’m more than happy to — Oh! Good morning, Logan!”
Virgil resisted the urge to glance over his shoulder. All he got from the others now, aside from Patton, was awkward silences and loaded glares. It was doubtful that his anxiety would take kindly to one of Logan's indifferent silences this early in the morning.
“Good morning.” Logan’s response was cold... but it was a response, at least. The logical side came into Virgil’s view as he moved into the kitchen and brewed himself a mug of coffee without another word.
Patton turned back to Virgil, hands outstretched. “Virgil —”
“It’s fine,” Virgil said. Patton’s face flashed with hurt, and Virgil’s chest tinged painfully. He met Patton’s gaze meaningfully. “Really.”
Patton noticeably relaxed. He smiled, and it looked natural, and continued to make breakfast. Virgil shuffled down on his seat, listening to Patton’s pitiful attempt to converse with Logan, and tried not to cringe.
Virgil stood in front of a closed bedroom door and hated the queasy feeling in his stomach.
“Look, if this is how you felt the other night, my bad. I feel awkward as fuck.” Virgil was too scared to pause. If he paused, there was no doubt he would start overthinking, and then he’d back out, and then maybe he’d regret it. Virgil was so sick of regretting things. “And uh. Just for the record, you got the cardigan wrong. Again. So maybe just… stop trying.”
He noticed with a jolt that he was digging his fingernails into his wrists. He pried his arms apart and forced the words through his throat. “You’ve already got Thomas and Patton backing you. You can stop acting like a cheesy cartoon villain and just start trying to get the rest of our good wishes.” He realised how wrong that felt to say, and moved to cover up: “Not mine, though. Sorry, not sorry. That’s not happening for a while. Ever, actually. Don’t hold your breath.”
Virgil grinded his teeth, trying not to wince at himself. “I still hate you, is my point. But you make Patton happy, and... I guess you look after Thomas, in your own way.”
He looked at the ground. He thought of comforting smiles that spread warmth across his chest like wildfire. He thought about his anxiety being unconsciously battled into submission each time he was welcomed into each room he crept carefully into.
He thought about calming tactics and kind eyes and gentle voices and grey turning into patched purple. “I’m... definitely in no position to judge someone for that sort of shit.”
Virgil shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He had a point. Get to the point.
“Look, my point is that — fuck you, fuck this whole situation. You’re still a pretentious asshole.” He frowned. “But... stop pretending to be someone you’re not. It’s getting tedious.”
As he talked, he wondered if he imagined the shuffle on the other side of the door, like someone trying to muffle noise. He pushed the thought away.
Get to the point, part of his mind urged again. Be brave. Be brave, damnit.
“Every one of Thomas’ sides deserves to be themselves without fear or judgement,” he said finally, spilling the words from his mouth like hot coffee he’d swallowed too fast. He took a breath, like it had taken energy to finally say it, and registered the deafening silence swirling heavily around him.
That’s all I got.
It didn’t feel like a microphone-dropping statement, or something that he thought the embodiment of deceit really wanted to hear. But he’d said it, and he’d meant it, and he thought that maybe that was enough.
He slipped away, fleeing back to his room, because he would never be anything more than a coward.
But if the next morning saw Virgil wandering downstairs to find Patton and Janus winding around each other as they made breakfast, he might've been rubbing at his cheeks to clear the exhaustion from his eyes, or perhaps cover up the smallest remnants of purple sparkles.
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stayinzencity · 3 years
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check out the other works written for The BBH Day Event hosted by @supermwritersnet ♡
member: birthday boy baekhyun (yes he's 29 now- it's for the alliteration)
pairing: none 
genre: humor (idk what else to call this)
word count: 1.3K
warnings: sehun doesn’t wear a seatbelt (car safety is important!!), kpop references galore, suspension of disbelief is required to read this, there is no actual plot
summary: baekhyun doesn't remember what day it is. then he does. chaos ensues.  
a/n: i sleep wrote half of this. idek what this is. please don't take this too seriously.
He only has one eye open, his head propped up by his hand and it's too early in the day for Baekhyun to be sure of anything, but he's pretty sure he isn't sitting with his friends.
He'd walked into the lecture hall and flung himself into what he'd thought was his usual seat, but he was sitting next to someone he'd never seen before. 
On second thought, perhaps he did know him. Wasn’t it Chanyeol’s friend? Kim Myungsoo?
Speaking of Chanyeol… Baekhyun twists around to check if the rest of his gang was seated somewhere, laughing at him. Yet they were nowhere in sight. Was this even the right hall or had he gotten that wrong too?
"Excuse me." Baekhyun makes an attempt to get Myungsoo’s attention, however he’s too absorbed in his work to notice. Baekhyun tries again with a louder voice and waving a hand in front of him. "Excuse me!"
This time Myungsoo turns towards him, taking out an earbud and giving him a questioning glare.
"Sorry to bother you,” Baekhyun says with an awkward laugh. He runs a hand back through his hair. “Could you tell me which class this is? I think I might be lost." He apologises again. Just to be safe.
The student sighs and pushes his book towards Baekhyun so that he can read the title. Baekhyun rubs his eyes and tries to focus on the words. Oh. His name was Kyungsoo. And Baekhyun was in fact in the correct class.
Maybe today was bunk day, and that's why there weren’t as many students. Or maybe for once Baekhyun had arrived early. 
This morning he'd woken up, noticed his roommate had already left, and hadn't checked the time as he rushed to get to class. He wasn’t even sure what day it was. Was it the third day of May? Or was it still April?
Suddenly, his friends pop up from the benches in front of and behind him. “Happy birthday, Baekhyun!” Oh right. It was May 6. 
They place the ice cream cake before him. Twenty nine candles were arranged haphazardly on it. His face was on the cake.
At least the cake wasn’t on his face. Yet. There’d by cake flying soon if this went anything like the usual birthday celebration. 
However they were still in the lecture hall. Which was equipped with cameras. That were (un)fortunately working. So maybe the caketastrophe wouldn’t happen. For now. It was always possible that they had something else planned for him outside. Maybe he should stake out in the campus until it was safe.
Someone screams. Soda splashes over him and soaks his clothes. 
Kyungsoo hadn’t escaped either and if looks could kill everyone around him would be dead. Especially Chanyeol who was behind the spill. 
It wasn’t entirely his fault since someone had tripped and bumped into him which had sent the cup in his hand flying. But Kyungsoo did not seem to be in the mood to debate technicalities.  
Baekhyun wakes up when the alarm ring ding dongs. 
He checks the time and the day. It was May 6. And he’d be on time to class if he hurries.
But did he really want to be there? His so called friends were waiting for him to arrive so that they could sacrifice him to the birthday demons. Maybe it be wiser to sneak away while he could.
Also how did he forget his friend? Does Kyungsoo already know somehow? Is Baekhyun going to live to see tomorrow?
With these thoughts racing through his head, he runs out the door, straight into Jongdae. Literally. Head banging, air knocked out of his lungs, man on man. Jongdae shoves him off. His sinister smile makes its appearance.
That was Baekhyun’s cue. He doesn’t wait for whatever Jongdae was about to say and tunes out the screeches as he runs for his life.
At one point he realised he was heading towards the campus. Was that the right choice? He’d be found there, for sure, but maybe the cameras would give him the protection he needed until the day ended. Or would it be better to hide somewhere they had less of a chance of finding him?
“I’mma shake it, shake it, shake it, like it was my birthday.” A car comes around the corner blasting a song at an obnoxiously loud volume.
The front window rolls down and Chanyeol pokes his head out. “Get in,” he shouts.
Kai sports his evil grin from the driver’s seat and Sehun lays asleep in the backseat. Which was definitely not safe. At the moment Baekhyun did not have the time or will to point that out.
Of course, Baekhyun doesn’t get in. He sprints into the woods. Which almost seem to appear out of nowhere. Wasn’t there supposed to be a park there?
When he finally stops to catch his breath, there was no sight of his pursuers. Also he was off trail, and very lost. Plus it was getting dark.
He slumps against the tree and slowly slides to the ground. He was going to perish all alone, he thinks as he becomes one with the soil on the ground.
Someone sticks a flashlight in his face. A security guard peers down at him. “Hey! What on earth are you doing here?” It definitely isn’t a judging look he’s giving Baekhyun. “The park is closed for the night.”
Oh. So Baekhyun hadn’t wandered into a forest where the wild would chew him up and spit him out. It was a park like he'd first suspected.
The light was getting awfully bright. Soon all Baekhyun could see was white. He closes his eyes.
When he opens them, he found himself in a laundromat. There was a woman doing aerobics? Zumba? Where was the door?
Baekhyun walks out and finds himself in front of an apartment complex. There’s a group of boys serenading and dancing. He’d take the time to appreciate their performance, especially since they were being nice greeting everyone hello, however he didn’t have time to spare. His friends were after him. Who knew where they’d come from this time?
Somehow Baekhyun wanders into a warehouse. It’s raining inside even though there isn’t a cloud outside. A group is performing some kind of angsty interpretive dance. There’s mud, sweat and rain. One of the guys rips his shirt open and starts laughing diabolically.
It’s definitely time to leave. One of the doors leads to a room where what seems to be a sing/dance off is taking place.
“Tell me your wish. I’m genie for you, boy. Tell me your wish.  I’m genie for your wish. Tell me your wish. I’m genie for your dreams,” the girl group sings.
Meanwhile, the boy group sings, “It’s your birthday. It’s your birthday. It’s your birthday. It’s your birthday. Now make a wish.”
Slightly flustered, Baekhyun contemplates making a wish. Getting the day to end sooner so he doesn’t have to endure this?
The performances are fine- he hasn’t forgotten his friends are still after him though, even if he hasn’t seen them since he run run run himself into the woods. He is currently convinced all of this is a fever dream.
“Cheer up, baby!” A cheerleader cheers. Baekhyun has no idea how he ended up in a gymnasium.
Someone hands him a paper, he signs his autograph and hands it back to them, before he hurries out.
He finished high school years ago, and he did not want to go back to those times.
There was a group of five boys performing outside on the lawn with sprinklers on. Baekhyun was once again felt the temptation to stay.
How much longer until the day ended? He might actually escape this time.
Hands grab him from both sides.
“I don’t think so.”
© 2021, stayinzencity
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shebeafancyflapjack · 3 years
What She Needs
Quick EOTB (not a) drabble for @cecret-with-c . This should make up for me clearly not finishing my other whump fic by the weekend as I’d hoped.
This stinks!
For that matter, when did the waves outside get so rough and loud? It’s as if every sound in this little corner of paradise he created has been amplified for his annoyance, right down to the mice scurrying around in the walls who only came out to help carry a lost remote or dropped earring.
No matter how what position he lays in, no matter how much he tosses and turns, he can’t seem to get himself comfy. It makes no sense! He made sure to summon the most desirable sofa, specifically for human napping, as he knew it would be used as Eleanor’s second bed as much as sitting to watch TV. Neither of them had any issues with it before so why was it so hard for him to get to sleep now?! Why did the pillows suddenly feel so damn lumpy?
Maybe sleeping on the couch was always this difficult. He can’t say he ever did it before. Ever since he learned how to sleep, it was always with Eleanor, in her bed. Sometimes they would take the occasional nap on the sofa together, curled up in front of a movie or spent after a day of simulated adventures. She took many a snooze on here during those early weeks, where she’d be buried underneath a blanket, clinging to one of the cushions like a shield while Michael pottered around her, trying to create as calm and normal an atmosphere as possible. Perhaps she found it as awkward as he did now, but was too frightened (and mute) to complain?
Oh, stop it, Mikey. Stop trying to rationalise this. 
He knew the reason he was truly so alert. The same reason he had been exiled to the couch in the first place.
“Are you just not gonna talk to me for the whole weekend then?” He asks once they’ve made it through the threshold and she’s still storming ahead.
He makes sure to scan the area, ensure the soundproofing is on, never too careful if one of his coworkers has followed to spy on them.
“Yep!” Eleanor snaps back before realising her mistake; “Oh...fork, that didn’t count!”
“Oh, c’mon, I said ‘my bad’! What more do you want?”
“Cockroaches, dude! You called me and my friends ‘cockroaches’ - you really don’t get why that pisses me off?!” She turns and rounds on him.
Maybe she, too, had been waiting until they were out of demon-sight to rage at him.
Michael raises his hands; “I did not say that!”
“Oh so your exact words weren’t ‘you guys are like cockroaches’?!” She quotes him, lowering her voice to badly imitate him.
He waves his hand.
“Yes, but I wasn’t...I wasn’t trying to insult you. Chidi asked me a straight question, I gave him a straight answer...Which happened to be a metaphor!” He tried to defend, stepping through the foyer of the beach house.
Eleanor was already on her way into the kitchen to grab a can of J.D and coke.
“Look, he asked me if I knew why I was struggling with understanding some of the things in his class and I was just trying to say, as an immortal being, I am technically superior to the rest of you...Your species!” He corrects himself as soon as she turns to scowl at him; “And I tried to put that into perspective for him! How it feels for me, a creature with unfathomable abilities and has been around since the dawn of time, to have to be taught lessons from a creature like him - a tiny, fragile, mortal species whose only existed for a tiny blink in all eternity.”
“And the first thing that came to mind...was a cockroach?!” 
Oh, she really is pissed about this.
He took a breath and tried to move closer, his hands out.
“Babe, c’mon now. You know I’d never mean to call you anything like that. It was just a force of habit, it’s how they would explain our jobs to use in Torturing 101.” He tries to tell her, his palm hovering near her elbow as she swigged her drink; “Old habits die hard but I’m trying my best, you know that, right?”
She meets his eyes, the sternness in her brow weakening a little, he can see. There’s a twinge in her lips as she refuses to melt.
“Old habits seem to be alive and well this week, man. Especially when you made Chidi’s writing come off the wall and attack him, just because he corrected you on Consequentialism!”
“Come on! You laughed at that!”
“No, Jason did! I...wanted to but resisted, which is what you should be learning to do! Stop lashing out at Chidi whenever he gives you the slightest bit of negative feedback, he’s only trying to help - which he keeps doing even though you can be such a nightmare student that you make me look like a teacher’s pet!” Eleanor cringes, putting down her can and stepping back; “Oh, what the fork have you turned me into?!”
“Hey, it’s not my fault you’ve become a total nerd! That’s on you.” Michael deflected as he hung up his jacket and removed his bowtie, snapping his fingers to turn his trousers to jeans. 
“Actually, ding dong, only reason I even asked Chidi to help me be a better person was because you tricked me into believing I wasn’t good enough to get into Heaven!”
“That wasn’t a trick, that’s a fact of the Universe.”
“You know what I mean! This is all your fault! We’re having to put up with these stupid fake tortures every day and when I’m not pretending to be miserable about that, I gotta babysit my demon boyfriend to try and stop him from actually torturing one of my best friends!” Eleanor raises her tone as she rounds on him; “And even when I finally get a chance to escape it all, I end up having a fight with said stupid demon boyfriend who’s too much of a jerkash to admit when he’s crossed the line!”
He watches her get closer, inch by inch, doing his best not to dismiss her comments and only focus on how cute she looks when she’s angry, as well as how hot it is for her to be so fearless shouting down an all-powerful immortal being.
Michael blinks as he realises she’s waiting for a response.
“Oh, you mean me?”
Eleanor groans again, moving back to the fridge. She grabbed as many J.D cans as she could carry before pushing past Michael and heading towards their bedroom.
He watches her go with a frown; “What you taking all those in there for?”
“Because I am gonna spend my torture-free night alone, in my room, drinking, eating crab and watching Real Housewives until I pass out.” She mutters as she turns the knob.
“Sounds good, count me in.” He went to follow.
That sounded less good. Michael stops in his tracks, watching her slam the door. He scoffs. She’ll be back out soon. What’s she gonna do, just leave him to sleep alone on the couch?
Yes, apparently.
Were he a true demon, he’d be hoping that Eleanor was having as much trouble getting to sleep as him. That she was regretting starting a fight on what was supposed to be their monthly getaway together and was going to appear any second to apologise and agree to forget it ever happened.
But he doesn’t, because he’s already passed failing at being evil, try as his natural instincts might try to rear their ugly tentacles again. He can’t wish anything bad upon her, the woman who changed his life, who shone a light in the darkness. He doesn’t even enjoy torturing her friends, not really. Chidi, a little, as an outlet, but only for an instant high that quickly wore off when he had to deal with the consequences. Which was mostly Eleanor being pissed at him.
He wondered how close she was coming to being tempted to turn a steak knife on him again? He probably deserved it.
It was...tough, being part of a team. Bonding with Eleanor on her own, two of them here isolated away from everyone else, had run so smoothly, as if it were destiny if he dared to entertain such a lame concept. But having to share her with others, taking classes with them, sometimes it was fun but other times...Ugh, he could gladly wish for retirement. He didn’t enjoy feeling dumb or small or...so clearly inferior to the kind, ethical human who got to spend way more time with his girlfriend than he did.
Not that Michael would ever bring that up. He’d sound as bad as Ross in Season Three when he was being possessive of Rachel with that Mark guy. What a tool.
Don’t be a Ross, Mikey. That’s Ethics for Dummies right there. 
He sighs, heavily, imagining losing Eleanor forever because of being like that doofus was with Rachel. He was better than that. He understood how important this was to her. He tried to respect her friends and what it meant for her to have all of them as a group; the family she’d been denied...that they’d all been denied in some way or another.
It’s on you to make this right, he tells himself. 
He hit his pillow before groaning again. Fine! First thing in the morning, he’ll wake her up with a nice breakfast, he’ll say sorry, he’ll let her know how frustrated he’s been with Vicky and others lately, and how he should make it up to Chidi and-
Michael freezes. That was definitely Eleanor’s bedroom door.
He closes his eyes, pretending to sleep. He doesn’t wanna try to do this now, not at this hour. Let them have a night apart to think, let her sleep, let it be a surprise to wake up to. She’s probably just coming in to grab some water from the Brita. Or some midnight shrimp from that infinite platter in the fridge. There’s a rapid thumping sound rippling through the air. He can barely hear her bare feet pad across the carpet...
On their way towards...him...
He struggles not to open his eyes when he feels the smaller body push against him, moving him back against the cushions and slipping under his arm for the lack of a blanket. He doesn’t need one and, even without his natural fiery body heat, it’s warm enough tonight. So why is she shaking all over as she curls into him-?
Oh. Oh shirt. Not again.
“You okay-?” he whispers only to find a palm pressed to his lips.
“Shut up!” her voice commands, her fierce tone trembling with fear; “M’still mad at you!”
Clearly. That’s not his main concern right now.
He nods, opening his eyes. The remnants of tears shine on her cheeks.
He carefully moves his hand to wipe them with his thumb, cradling her face as if it were the most precious object in existence.
“Just tell me what you need.” He says, softly.
They can deal with all the rest in the morning. Right here, right now, he’s to do what his role has always been since they first arrived here.
Does she want to talk about it? Can he get her anything?
He doesn’t need to ask these questions. They’ve been uttered a hundred times, over a hundred nights, throughout this house. He’s never denied her a thing and he’s hardly going to stop tonight.
Eleanor sniffs; “...Just...do the thing...”
He nods; “C’mere.” he lifts his arm again, letting her curl in close against this chest before he wraps her up tight. His fingers gently massage up and down her back as she tries to sync her breathing with his, burying her face in his chest. He whispers the same soothing words, the same promises of safety, the same tender reassurance that it will all be okay. She can never hear it enough, not after what she had to endure. It’s a miracle she ever came back from it.
Michael chances his luck a little when he feels her begin to calm by brushing his lips against her hair. She gives the smallest hum, fingers still clutching on tight.
“Still mad.” She mumbles, nuzzling into him.
“I know.” He whispers, “And I’m still here.” Always.
He’s not sure when the couch became comfortable again but he can feel his own eyes becoming heavy. He watches her face, so close to his, admiring the smoothness of her skin and each hair out of place.
“Guess I might as well stay...” Eleanor says, sleepily; “I know you need me to look after you.”
He grants her that, smiling; “We cockroaches gotta stick together, right?”
She doesn’t respond.
“Still not good?”
Her lips twitch; “Getting better. We’ll make a human outta you soon, demon babe. Now go the fork to sleep.”
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comfy-whumpee · 4 years
Nano: Revenge
He ate like he thought it would be his last meal, every time. No matter if Rain brought him one meal a day or three, over the next week, he ate like his life depended on it. He pulled back when he was finished, curling into a ball or lying down on his side, half-folded. It was strange, and sad, but far unlike what they had expected. Where was the rushing charge? The violent escape? The victorious comeuppance?
Rain stood by the hatch, watching. Lauritz never quite put all of his attention on the food, always glancing up at them and down again. Something about how they acted, or maybe just his experience so far with two people who hated him, made him constantly wary for the food to be taken away again. Perhaps he wasn’t convinced that they wouldn’t just let him die if he annoyed them too much, or if they got too angry, or if they simply felt like it... Given what they’d done to his nose, they supposed that was fair. Smart of him, even, not to trust them easily.
But they didn’t take the food away. Lauritz got his full meal or three each day, and he showed the signs of someone who had needed it. His colouring improved, less of a pasty paleness to his cheeks. His movements got more steady and less exhausted, and the shadows under his eyes faded a little each day. They had no idea what had been going on before he came here – even he didn’t, of course – but it was both satisfying and dissatisfying to see him recovering at their hand.
Why, why were they the ones who had to do this? Couldn’t he have gone somewhere else, to one of his criminal friends?
There had to be a reason he was here. They couldn’t trust him until they had found out what it was.
Kala had tried interrogating him, and he had the bruises to show for it, but he hadn’t given her anything but desperate pleading. Rain had questioned him too, more sedately, with long, slow pressure increasing like the crank of a medieval rack. Again, he’d had nothing. Apologies in droves, but no useful words came out of him. Nothing but a brief murmur about an orange lunch box, which was unlikely to be anything.
He was frustrating. Rain felt it like a sting.
Kala felt it like an open flame climbing up her spine.
Her face burned. Her arms were liquid pain. The rope around her wrists, tying her to the pillar, chafed the skin until it was raw. Kala hated this, hated every second of it, with a ferocity that only made her helplessness bite worse.
The bastard was in with Rain right now, in the other room, the one where he had the chain looped around the ceiling. They were alone with him. Kala couldn’t do a thing to help.
She would kill him one day, she swore to herself. She would kill him. There was nothing he could do to stop her. She’d get out, get fit, get strong, and learn to fight. She’d track him down, or ask Rain to do it, they were smart like that, and then she’d put a knife through him. Or smash a baseball bat against his skull. Or choke him to death.
The imaginings of what she could one day do for revenge were her anchors, her burning candlelight in a cold and dark-lit room. She would kill him. It sustained her, while he had all the control.
He was scared of her. Good. He should be.
Kala closed the hatch, even knowing that Rain was out on the beach. They might come back early. They probably wouldn’t like her doing this, or at the very least would want to know why. She didn’t feel like explaining.
She had a knife. She'd bought one a while ago, ostensibly a hunting knife. It would have been a hunt. She would have used it on him, gutted him, if she’d had the chance.
Now he was here and she had the knife, and she wasn’t going to kill him because Rain would never forgive her, but she was at least going to make him understand. Years ago he had made her feel like a piece of shit. Like a worthless stain on the world, scum at the surface of the ocean. He’d almost destroyed her, and he didn’t get to pretend that it never happened.
He watched her walk towards  him, staying on the ground, arms against his chest. He always sat like that, as though he were trying to protect himself from her, but she didn’t care for his tricks. He couldn’t guilt trip her like that, no. She was going to make him understand. Make him hurt, how he had hurt her, and then maybe...
Maybe she’d feel better.
Kala was wearing a long-sleeved black top with a lace neckline, and black loose trousers. Her lipstick was black as well today, as was the smoke and shadow around her eyes. She felt raw, black and bitter, despair tainted with rage. When she crouched opposite him, he watched with wide eyes, and she pulled up her sleeve and showed him.
He paled. Up and down her arm were short slashes, an erratic pattern that overlapped and repeated enough that she looked like the leaves from a motherfucking pine tree. Like the forest floor in autumn, when all the needles were shed and grown again for winter. Like a fucking carpet.
There was no skin unscarred from wrist to elbow. He’d gone over it again and again, and she’d been lucky he’d picked her left arm and not her right.
“You deserve that and more,” she told him, voice hard. “I’d slit your fucking throat if I could.”
She didn’t pause for him to reply, not wanting him to offer a stupid apology or a protest that he didn’t understand. He was still Lauritz fucking Nielson, no matter what he said. He still deserved this. She would still give it to him.
She pulled him forwards by the shoulder and bent him over his knees, revealing the arms still bound behind him, just as hers had been. The cable was chafing. Good.
With the knife, barely knowing what she was dong, she cut into his forearm, a short horizontal line. Then, she added a vertical line.
Blood welled up surprisingly fast, blurring the marks she had made. She moved further up, away from the wrist which would soon be slick and stinging with blood. She made another slash, diagonal, and a line crossing it, and a line at its end, and another stretching up, and one up, and one up, changing direction each time like she was crossing out invisible words on his skin.
Fucker. Sadist. Criminal. Bastard. Asshole. Monster. Piece of shit.
He deserved this and more.
Lauritz didn’t make a sound as it happened except to quicken his breathing, harsher and faster in his nose. He didn’t pull back, just lowered his head. No fight in him. Pathetic. Even Rain had fought, when it had been their turn, struggled and begged and affirmed that they didn’t deserve it. They had both fought. Lauritz didn’t even do that.
When she ran out of space, and the arm was covered in short slices, she had to stop. She pulled back, letting him go, and he sniffled. He was crying. Jesus fucking Christ, he was crying. That was just pathetic.
“What?” she asked, tone sharp. “What? What are you crying about? You deserve that, you know.”
He nodded slowly. “Just... hurts,” he croaked, in that weird barely-there voice he had sometimes, like he hadn’t spoken in months.
“Well now you fucking know how I feel,” Kala said, and groaned. “They’re only surface scratches, you’ll be fine.”
He didn’t reply, staring at the floor. “Okay. I’m sorry.”
Her stomach turned. “Don’t fucking say that. You deserve it, just take it.”
God, he was the worst. He took the satisfaction even out of this. Kala got up, sighing, and left him to it. He would have to figure out how to stop the bleeding himself.
When Rain came home, they could tell something had happened. Kala was grumpy and quiet, and the ladder was down but the hatch was closed. Something had happened with Lauritz.
Making a cup of tea to warm themself up from the sea breeze, they noticed her knife on the beech counter beside the sink.
That answered that question.
“You should go bandage him,” they said, passing Kala in the hall. “I don’t fancy renting a boat to ditch his body in the ocean.”
Kala half-turned, frowning, mouth opening to object, but Rain was already heading up the stairs, tea balanced without spilling a drop. Her mouth closed again and she made a grumbling noise. Rain smiled privately as they entered their bedroom and put the tea down on their desk. After a moment’s pause, they reached into their pocket and withdrew the latest piece of sea glass they had picked up, a pale blue like the summer sky. With a clink, they placed it into the bowl that held their collection. They would clean it later.
Kala went up the ladder a few minutes later. Rain had left their door open, and Kala left the hatch open, so they could hear her moving around. Lauritz didn’t speak while she was there, it seemed, except to occasionally apologise as she cleaned him up. There must be a lot of blood for her to do that much scrubbing.
Then the sound of bandages being snipped. “This’ll hurt like a motherfucker,” Kala muttered. “You’ll forget it’s more than one. Serves you fucking right.”
Ah. Rain’s stomach flipped. Suddenly, they knew exactly what Kala had done to him.
She still couldn’t feel much on that skin. She complained of it itching on dry days, sore when she stretched or showered. But it had scarred so much because it had gone untreated, gotten infected in that dingy abandoned house. With Lauritz bandaged, he wouldn’t suffer so greatly.
Rain looked down at the white and blue sea glass in their china bowl. Somehow, it felt wrong for Lauritz to be harmed less than Kala by the same thing. He had caused all of Kala’s pain. Now, he was only experiencing a small portion of it himself.
But what was the alternative? Doing exactly what he’d done?
Would they be just as bad as him?
No, it was different. They weren’t holding him captive.
But they were. He was tied up in the attic.
But they weren’t torturing him.
But they were. Kala had.
They weren’t sadists...
Were they?
Hadn’t Rain pushed at his broken bone just for the feeling of power over someone who had hurt them before?
What, exactly, was different about how they were treating him?
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minalous · 5 years
golden clouds (m)
Tumblr media
pairing: yoongi x reader ft hoseok x reader & taehyung x reader
description/warnings: dom!yoongi, sub!reader, sweet yoongi boyfriend, idol!yoongi, yoongi is a daddy dom, mature sexual content, choking, oral (m receiving), rough oral, dirty talk, all of them are drunk except for yoongi (be safe when drinking), vaginal/anal fingering (f receiving), anal (f receiving), unprotected sex, double penetration, the reader is older than hoseok and taehyung (noona kink) || Yoongi only wanted to write a new song but you had more in mind.
genre: smut (pure filth, I am sorry)
words: 3.9k
Music echoes inside the walls of your boyfriend’s studio, Yoongi is working for the next album that he is up to release by the end of this year. You are sitting on his lap while he is creating one of his masterpieces inside his studio, away from everybody with no interruptions. His soft hands touching your warm skin after a long day of him neglecting your needs and he is ever so sweet. 
It is devastating how much you miss him; even when he is right here with you right now, even when he is touching you, even when you can feel his breath on your neck you feel that you miss him. The need to feel him closer to you is bubbling inside you, there is one thing that Yoongi loves and that is when you suck him dry. He loves to feel your sweet mouth around his cock, this is what you will give him right now.
The moment he feels you shuffling on his lap and fall on your knees, he knows. Yoongi smirks at the sight of you like that, obedient, ready to offer him pleasure with no intention of asking anything in return. You are simply his loving and caring kitten. When Yoongi revealed to you he is a Dom, your stomach flipped in excitement. Had he known earlier how much you would enjoy to be treated so roughly in bed, he would have shown his dominant side far earlier.
“The boys will be here in any minute, kitten.” his voice sounds so sexy and husky
“But daddy I want your cock. Please, please?” you pout softly
There is nothing he can do, it’s as if the world stops for the both of you when sex gets involved. You have tried so many different toys and kinks in bed with Yoongi, not once have you felt intimidated or unsafe in his arms. Yoongi’s presence may be overwhelming when he dominates you but he is so caring afterwards that it worth it to go through the new experiences. He is worth it. Yoongi asks you, always asks for your permission beforehand. This is the reason you chose him as your partner, your lover, your dominant.
“What if daddy is not done until they come, kitten?” he asks you tenderly while your hands fall on his zipper
“I don’t know” you haven’t thought about it and it saddens you that there is not enough time
“Look at me kitten” eyes darting towards his way when his fingers caress yours softly “if you are quiet and stay quiet with my cock in your mouth, you can stay with daddy until the boys leave, okay sweetheart?”
You nod so eagerly, your heart almost exploding in the idea of doing something so explicit and naughty in the presence of his friends, your friends. Yoongi helps you unzip his jeans, his cock falling heavy against his clothed stomach. He is so thick, your hand barely able to close around his cock. It would be a lie if you said that girth is not important for a guy’s cock, or the look of it. And Yoongi’s is as beautiful as he is, with pink head matching his beautiful lips, an angry vein that you lick teasingly, eliciting a loud groan from Yoongi. The beauty of this man would be the death of you one day.
“Ding, dong” you hear the bell of his studio ring
“I will let them in baby. Listen to me now. I will throw my jumper on my lap. You stay hidden, kitten. Yes?” the softness in his voice in contrast with the lustful darkness in his eyes sends shivers down your spine
“Yes, daddy”
The footsteps of the boys as they enter the room warn you to be as quiet as you can, the risk to be found is great but the burning fire on your heat is much greater to have you stop. 
“Hyuuung! Yoooongi - hyung” both Hoseok and Taehyung exclaim before falling on the sofa
“Are you guys drunk?” 
“Only a little bit, hyung” Taehyung says 
“We drunk 5 bottles of champagne, but we are not drunk!” Hoseok adds
The drunkenness on their voice reassures you to continue on your task, your tongue playing with the tip of Yoongi’s cock, the small twitch you feel on your tongue on the smallest of lick you give, boosts your confidence on continuing.
“Fuck, kitten. Keep going” Yoongi whispers, his hand patting softly on your head
“Hmm??” you hear Taehyung 
“Sleep Tae” Yoongi hisses “you are both gonna be fucked tomorrow”
Under the safety of his desk, you keep giving him head, him sitting conveniently on his large computer chair. His cock so hot in the palm of your hand, the bittersweet taste of the precum has you rub your thighs together for any short of relief. Yoongi pushes slightly his hips against your mouth to urge you to take him deeper inside and you certainly obey. The thickness of his cock makes you open it wider as much as you possibly can, saliva drooling in the corners of it every time you bop your head, his cock getting further into your mouth. 
Yoongi moves his chair back a little after he checks that the boys are far gone into dreamland, his eyes wandering on your face to take in the wonderful image of you with his cock in your mouth. 
“Your mouth is heaven, kitten” Yoongi growls through gritted teeth 
He is too lost, too fucked up to look into your eyes but you can see him losing himself because of you. His hand rests on your head while he starts moving his hips harder to get himself off in your mouth, pushing you to your limits but you love it too much when he uses your mouth to cum. 
“Take it like a good little slut, kitten” your eyes water the moment the tip of his hard cock hits the back of your neck, your nails digging into his jeans, marking the flesh of his thighs and you feel him flexing under the palm of your hand. Yoongi hisses to the immense pain mixed by the pleasure you’re giving him, nothing can stop him though and he keeps pushing you further until you break from how good he makes you feel as he uses your mouth the way he uses your wet hole. 
“Do you like it when I use your mouth as I do with your tight cunt, kitten?” he says in a low growl 
“Hmm? Do you like it little slut? Ohh - fuck. Yes, like that baby. Such a good little slut” 
His expressions are the hottest thing you have seen, a pained lustful expression because of how much he holds back to not come into your mouth before wrecking you, before marking you as his and filling you up until you can’t take it anymore. 
“Kitten, let’s go upstairs to finish this” 
Yoongi helps you get up carefully but your legs feel numb after so much time on your knees in such small space, your weight falling against the desk. The noise you make has the both of you turn your attention to the sofa and you get terrified when you realise Taehyung and Hoseok are looking at you.
“This is not what you think” Yoongi says calmly
“Your cock is still hard and dangling between your zipper” Taehyung snorts
“Your cock looks super hard. No homo” Hoseok adds
“Yours is much prettier, hyung” Taehyung tells Hoseok and you laugh
“Wow” is all you can say
“You must be really good at sucking, kitten” Hoseok’s words are aimed at you and Yoongi honestly gets frozen on his spot, putting his hard length back into his jeans
“How much did you see?” Yoongi asks, curiosity dripping from his voice
“Pretty much everything. But we are far too drunk, hyung. We won’t remember much tomorrow” which is true. This has happened many times before
“We are sorry about it, noona” both of them seem regretful
Yoongi turns your way with a wicked smile plastered on his lips, his hands travelling on your lower back.
“What do you want me to do for their mischief, kitten?”
“It’s okay, daddy. It’s not their fault they caught us” you tell Yoongi and he turns his attention back to them
“You are lucky she is so good.” the way he drags the words on his throat makes you tremble from arousal “so good”
“Daddy, I am wet. Can we please go upstairs now?” you whisper to his ear
“Yes, kitten.” Yoongi is almost ready to open the door, your hand into his but he stops into his tracks. He furrows his eyebrows and he is looking back and forth to you and your overly drunk friends on the sofa
“Yes daddy?”
“Do you remember when you said how much you like the way Hoseok and Taehyung dance on stage?” he asks
“Yes, daddy. I remember” you nod happily
“Do you remember how turned on you were when I was away on the tour and you said you liked Hoseok in the Dior outfit?” you playfully poke his side and look at Tae and Hobi shyly 
“I didn’t know that hyung! Why didn’t you tell me, noona? I would wear it for you” Hoseok almost jumps up enthusiastically 
“What about me? I don’t turn you on, noona?” Taehyung asks in a pout
“You do.. When you were singing pied piper, I kept looking at you” the pink on your cheeks gives away how affected you are from this conversation 
“Does my kitten turn you on?” Yoongi’s lips land on your neck, his firm torso pushing against your back, feeling his warmth on you
“Is this a trick question?” Hoseok asks, dumbfounded
“If you are honest about it, I will reward you” Yoongi’s dominant side is showing and you can tell by the way he protectively wraps his hands around your waist 
“If it’s all about honesty, then yes. I’d fuck her” Hoseok is brutally honest and you blame it on the alcohol
“Taehyung said he had jerked off on her once when we saw her on the jacuzzi with you” Hoseok adds shamefully
“What the fuck Hoseok!” Taehyung slaps the back of Hoseok’s head and he immediately apologises to you
“I didn’t mean to. The image of you popped on my head and it was too late to stop jerking off. I am sorry” he sounds very sincere in his apology but it makes you laugh
“Apology accepted” you send him a smile to reassure him it’s okay now
“What about you show my kitten how much she turns you on?”
The four of you exchange stares mixed of confusion and curiosity. The air around you seems thinner, the heated stares given from the three men surrounding you makes you feel more desirable than ever but you need Yoongi to give you reassurance that everything is okay.
“It can be an early birthday gift for me baby.” Yoongi kisses your forehead and turns off most of the lights inside the studio
“The studio is soundproof but I don’t want anyone to know that we are here” he adds
Yoongi pushes you softly towards the sofa’s direction “They are yours baby. Ask them what you want, tell them where to touch you.”
“You will not touch me?” you pout “I need you, daddy”
“When you are done with them, we will go upstairs, kitten. For now, I will watch you get fucked”
The words spilling from his mouth only serve to set your heat on fire, to make you even more wet. You turn your attention at Hoseok and Taehyung now, their legs spread for your display and it is quite the view, tempting you to sit down on their lap. Hoseok pat his thighs motioning you to choose him between the two of them and you do. You sit on Hoseok’s lap as if you own it. 
“Daddy, can I kiss him?” you ask Yoongi
“There are no limits on what you can do, kitten. If anything makes you feel uncomfortable use your safe word. You remember it?”
“Candle, daddy”
“Good girl, baby” he responds, now sitting on his chair having his eyes glued on you 
“Can I kiss you, daddy?” you ask Hoseok but his attention goes back to Yoongi
“He is asking you, Hobi. Not me” Yoongi points at Hoseok and you can see him pointing at himself as well
“You want to call me daddy?” Hoseok’s voice drops an octave
“Yes, please” your voice drips of honey and it doesn’t take a lot to convince him, your hips rolling over his clothed erection is the best way to have him loosen up
When Hoseok closes the space between your lips he takes his time to taste you, a chaste, deep kiss is the beginning of your downfall inside his arms. He tastes of red wine, a sweet taste that has you ask for more, his tongue slowly swirling around yours. The game he plays is to see how long it will take you to ask for more, how long until you need his cock inside you. But you already know it won’t take long.
Out of nowhere you feel another hand reaching underneath Yoongi’s baggy hoodie that barely covers your thighs, the new feeling is welcomed with goosebumps spreading all over your body. Taehyung’s hand reaches to unclasp your bra, hoodie long gone with Hoseok’s help. The moment you break your kiss with Hoseok, Taehyung crashes his lips on yours and he tastes sweeter than Hoseok, his tongue reaching yours hazily, his pace faster than your liking but it excites you how eager he is for you.
The touches never stop, you can feel them touching you everywhere, senses overwhelmed from the roughness of the kisses they leave all over your neck and breasts. You are certain there are going to be bruises everywhere in the morning but you don’t care, they are going to be your trophies for your daddy’s reward. When your mind crossed the thought of having their fingers inside you, Taehyung reaches down to feel how wet you are.
“She is so wet” Taehyung growls and with one sharp movement he tears your panties “Do you want my fingers inside your pussy, baby?” he adds
You nod eagerly but it’s not sufficient for him.
“Tell me, kitten. Use your words” 
“Please fuck me with your fingers, daddy” you obey to Taehyung’s request and it sounds so perfect to hear him call you kitten
Hoseok helps you get up as the both of them undress in front of you. You have seen them half naked before inside the house but nothing has prepared you for the feast they are offering you right now. Both of them have beautiful smooth golden skin, well built torso and their thighs, oh god their thighs. It’s such a shame they do not show them much more often. And then you see their cocks. So big, so thick, so hard. Taehyung is bigger than Yoongi but Hoseok is thicker if possible than both Yoongi and Taehyung.
When Taehyung gets you back on his lap, he pulls you down on his cock, making you feel it. He looks at you through hooded eyes, his long wavy hair falling in front of them and he looks so ethereal, out of this world. His fingers find their way back to your wet pussy and he rubs your lips, spreading them to feel your wetness. He seems to know what he is doing, smoothly inserting two fingers to prepare you for his cock.
“You are so tight, kitten” he groans “Is this why you cannot get enough, hyung?”
“Savour the moment because you will never find a pussy like that” Yoongi tells him, feeling proud that he has you, that you are his
Eyes glued on yours to find that one sweet spot that will have you get weak under his touch, he feels the need to have you call him daddy the same way you scream it for Yoongi. It’s not a competition for him, it’s a need to satisfy you. Your hand searches desperately for Hoseok who is sitting right next to you, moving his hand slowly up and down his hard cock. You put your hand on top of his, mimicking his movements and the long moan you drag out of him sounds like a melody to your ears. They sound so hot when they feel your touch.
“More” you whisper to Hoseok
“What is it, baby?” he asks you
“I need more, daddy” you tell him hand moving faster, finger rubbing the tip of his cock gently
“Fuck, baby. You want my fingers too?” he growls
“Yes, please” you breathe out while Taehyung fucks you faster with his fingers
Hoseok kneels beside you on the sofa, hand reaching at the back of your ass, spanking you hard. You squeeze hard on Taehyung’s fingers and he hisses against your neck.
“She likes it, hyung” he tells Hoseok “do it again” 
Hoseok spanks you harder on your other cheek and he gets the same reaction from you, his hands reaching for your tight ring of muscles and you can hear him spitting between your cheeks. It turns you on how dirty that makes you feel, to have two men preparing you for their hard cocks. The new intrusion on your ass has you throw your head back and it makes you feel some way. His long fingers scissoring your tight hole slowly, offering you the same pleasure as Taehyung.
“Can you take both of us, kitten? Hmm? Can you handle us?” Hoseok’s husky voice sounds so hot and you almost scream to his question
“Yes, please, yes. I can take both of you”
There is no warning from Taehyung when he lifts you up to align his cock on your wet hole, pushing it all the way in, stretching you so roughly but the burning from the stretch is so deliciously euphoric that it makes you tear up from pleasure. Taehyung stays still to let you adjust to his size, leaving room for Hoseok to get inside you. Hoseok is standing behind you, almost in perfect level with your ass and he slowly pushes inside, whispering curses under his breath on how tight you are.
“How does it feel, kitten?” they both ask
“I feel so full.. I love it” you don’t even know how you manage to speak because your mind feels numb
Hoseok is the one to move first, his hips slowly rolling to move inside you and you can feel how big he is, how good his cock feels inside your ass. Taehyung is the one to follow, thrusting his hips slowly but harshly and to have both of them move inside you is too much. It’s too much but in a greedy way; you need more, you crave more.
“More.. Please more” you beg, looking deep into Taehyung’s eyes
“You are such a greedy cock slut, kitten” Yoongi says, reminding you he watches everything
“Do as she asks boys, fuck her until she loses her mind” 
Yoongi’s effect is immediate as always, both of your holes clenching around their cocks and the moment they start fucking you the way you have asked them to, your mind gets clouded from lust. Your eyes are fixed on Yoongi, your head leaning against Taehyung’s shoulder to see how fucked Yoongi’s expression is. You need Yoongi to see how good and obedient you are for him.
 Hoseok doesn’t stop filling you up with his cock as Taehyung gives you what you want, cock hitting all the spots no one has ever hit. The pain of having two cocks wrecking you at the same time is more than ecstatic, it’s the kind of pain you would love to feel every day, to have those men fill up your holes over and over again. You are not a fan of anal but damn Jung Hoseok; his hands spreading your cheeks as he spits over your hole to have his cock slide deeper inside you, the nerves he is hitting every time he rolls his hips show you how experienced he is, how well he knows what he is doing to you.
Taehyung is an expert on fucking you so well that your pussy is creaming all over his cock, he reaches your sweet spot repeatedly and you don’t hold back, you let out screams of pleasure. You keep screaming daddy because you know that even when those two perfect men are fucking you, you cannot wait until the time Yoongi is going to claim you as his. You are being greedy, his little obedient slut.
And as much as you want to cum, even when they keep pushing the correct buttons you need Yoongi to touch you. 
“Please, daddy” you beg with tears threatening to fall from the corners of your eyes
Yoongi knows, he knows the one thing to make you fall over the edge and cum hard, that one thing he craves to do to see you squirm. Both of the boys look at Yoongi stand right beside you, the tent inside his pants is more than obvious, he is not as eager to touch himself as someone else would be. Your eyes are keeping track on his fingers slowly wrapping around your neck, taking control over your body. This is what you need, what you want.
“Cum, kitten” these two words are all it takes for you to whimper and cum harder than ever, tears falling on your cheeks. Your pulsating holes trigger Taehyung and Hoseok to fill you up with their cum, making your insides feel warm and satisfied. The three of you are so tired and wrecked but mostly you.
“Are you okay, kitten?” Yoongi asks you while motioning to the boys to move so he can help you
“Put my hoodie on baby, let’s go get you cleaned up” he says so sweetly 
Yoongi carefully helps you dress on, limbs tired over the excessive use. Before he opens the door of his studio to leave, you give a kiss to Taehyung and Hoseok.
“Thank you for tonight. I know that neither of you were drunk. You were so bad at acting it out” their eyes widen and Taehyung slaps Hoseok’s arm
“I told you not to overdo it” he hisses
You laugh at how easily they give out that it was all an act and Yoongi kisses the top of your head after he says goodnight to them. As he closes the door he questions you about knowing everything all along.
“If you knew, why did you agree, kitten?”
“Because that is what daddy wanted and whatever daddy wants, daddy gets” 
Your answer is more than satisfying for Yoongi but all he wants right now is to fuck their cum out of your holes.
“Are you ready for more baby?” he asks but you know this is not a question rather than a warning for what it is to come “because I won’t stop until you are full of my cum”
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hannahhistorian92 · 4 years
RBG - Heroine
I know I live in NZ, and can't control or partake in what is going on in America (which stresses me out beyond belief every fucken day since Trump became president, particularly throughout 2020!), but it really does frustrate me when people outside of America don’t realise the impact what happens in America has on other countries throughout the globe. 
RBG was one of my many heroines who inspired me to learn and look beyond the obvious. The fact she was small gave me hope that height and size did not dictate what you could do in life (I’m rather short as well). She was not afraid to be herself and challenge the patriarchal system, she wasn’t afraid to show her intelligence and prove that women are just as important as men, that women belong in a law court just as much as the classroom or the doctor’s surgery. 
Losing her has hit me hard. Losing a role model hasn’t been this hard since Steve Irwin passed 14 years ago. This is hitting me even worse. Firstly, because of how revolutionary she was, how important she was, how she changed laws and history for women, in America but also around the world. She proved that women could do anything, to not apologise for being who you are, and challenging the norm isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 
I think it hits worse because of the current political climate. In NZ, we’ve got two female leaders running for government - Jacinda Ardern and Judith Collins. To me, one has the people’s best interests at heart, who wants everyone to have equal opportunities and who actually cares. The other is nothing more than a female Trump to a point. I can see the impact Trumpism has had on our country - the Christchurch massacre, the growing acceptance of hate speech, racism, homophobia and antisemitism. And to think this oompa-loompa could now sway the Supreme Court to an overall conservative majority, particularly as he will probably choose a younger person as well, thus impacting laws for decades to come. What happens in America can set a precedent around that world. If Roe v Wade is overturned, what will stop other countries rolling back protections that allow women to have control over their own bodies? It won’t. Plain and simple. What about rolling back Obamacare/Affordable Cares Act which grants affordable access to medical care? The list could go on and on. 
One thing that has struck me though, which isn’t really surprising to be completely honest, is the reaction of the right. Already Moscow McConnell has said he wants to push through a nominee - utterly going against his statement in 2016. He will stop at nothing to acquire more power. It’s disgusting. Trump has already said he will have a nominee some time next week. RBG hasn’t even been gone 48 hours. What sickens me the most is the comments. The fact that a hashtag ‘RBGisDeadParty’ was immediately trending on Twitter is barf-inducing. Comments like ‘Ding Dong the Witch is Dead’ or “Long may she burn in hell’ just show how accepted it has become for hate speech. Even seeing Trump supporters at his North Carolina rally chanting ‘Fill Her Seat’ and Trump agreeing is just beyond the pale. She hasn’t even been gone 48 hours and already the hate speech and slogans have emerged. One comment that struck me, beyond all else, was using God’s Will as reasoning for why she died now - so Trump could control SCOTUS. Now I am not the most religious person, but SERIOUSLY?! I HATE people who use religion to justify hate. 
I hope like hell America gets out and votes from Biden/Harris. Never has this been more important for America and the World. Another 4 years + of Trump could totally and utterly screw up the world beyond repair. Yes, the world is already screwed up, but imagine another 4 years of Trump with control of SCOTUS - the destruction he could wreck could very well be irreversible. 
And the last word for RBG -
Thank you for setting a precedent for proving women are equal to men. Thank you for paving the way for women in so many areas of the law. Thank you for showing that unapologetically being yourself is okay and you deserve people in your life who accept you as that. 
May your memory be a blessing and May your memory start a revolution <3 
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mcheang · 4 years
Jiheng longs to have Dong Hua choose her, but it is obvious he chooses Feng Jiu. So why confess her feelings when she will be rejected? It is better to split up the couple before moving in.
When Jiheng heard that Meng Shao is holding a farewell supper for his Friend, she joins in as well.
Jiheng is eagerly welcomed by Xiao Yan but her focus is on Feng Jiu.
Jiheng: Your highness Jiuge, welcome back. I am glad to see you looking well. But that is not a surprise. Dong Hua is very attentive when tending to a patient.
Feng Jiu gave a wary nod.
Jiheng: in truth, I have come here to apologize. I should not have stolen your fruit. If I had, then you would not have gone out of your way to recover it, and Dong Hua would not have felt responsible to save you.
Feng Jiu’s brain: get to the point already.
Feng Jiu: not to worry, Dong Hua has apologised. And I have my fruit now.
Jiheng: just be careful. Dong Hua feels indebted to you so you may misunderstand his feelings.
Feng Jiu: pardon me, Musician, but from what I have read and experienced, Dong Hua does not strike me as someone who would let his feelings get entangled with debts.
Jiheng kept her smile on with difficulty. This was true. Despite his debts to Zhihe and her own parents, Dong Hua barely noticed them.
Jiheng: that is true. However, forgive me; I have spent years by Dong Hua’s side. I know him very well.
Feng Jiu’s brain: please, I have spent way more time with him.
Jiheng: perhaps it is because he owes you a debt directly (instead of to your family) that he treats you differently.
Feng Jiu barely listened to Jiheng. It was hard to believe Jiheng when her eyes were red from crying and jealousy. Her makeup was well put together, but there was nothing to disguise that fact.
At this, Meng Shao interrupts. He and Xiao Yan had been watching the 2 ladies right and left.
Meng Shao: actually, Dijun has treated Feng Jiu differently even before they entered Aranya’s Dream.
Xiao Yan hesitates. “Jiheng may have a point though. Dong Hua seems to be a player. I heard rumours of him having a lover on heaven. They even bathe and sleep together.”
Feng Jiu coughed. “Xiao Yan, you should not believe such gossip so easily. There is usually more truth hidden behind such tales.”
Jiheng: Yes, there is more than meets the eye.
Feng Jiu’s brain: you would know.
Meng Shao: if that’s the case, I wonder how my goddess Feng Jiu can be more incredible than what I know of her.
Both XY and FJ freeze.
Cue Meng Shao’s ideal of Feng Jiu and the identity reveal.
Dong Hua, Lian Song and Mo Shao arrive in time to see Meng Shao leave.
As all men but Dong Hua follow Meng Shao, Dong Hua stays behind and sits next to Feng Jiu.
Jiheng prepares to serve Dong Hua food from the table. Meanwhile Feng Jiu is critical of the food.
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Feng Jiu: the food here isn’t to my taste. I shall go back and prepare supper. Shall I make some for you, too?
Dong Hua: do you have to ask?
Dong Hua tells Jiheng to help herself while he follows Feng Jiu back to their residence.
Jiheng is left alone in the restaurant, sulkily poking at the food.
Extra scene for those who want a doubtful Feng Jiu scene
Over supper; Dong Hua tells Feng Jiu he will take her to Lady Nuwa first to register their marriage before they go back to the Sky Kingdom.
Feng Jiu: Dong Hua, are you sure about this? You already saved me, you don’t owe me anymore debts.
Dong Hua: Xiao Bai, I have never been more sure about anything. Besides; I would never marry someone over a debt. I would not even marry Jiheng for the sake of peace between realms! Moreover, our debt has long since been settled, but I am still here, am I not?
Dong Hua is wondering if perhaps he should carve his heart for Feng Jiu before purifying the Miaoyi realm before deciding against it.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.33 pt.1
Lance was still a bat come the following morning. When Keith had finally had to get up to make himself something to eat, Lance decided he needed to go with, the bat scaling up his back to sit himself on Keith’s shoulder. When Keith had gone back to bed, Lance had climbed up his shirt and settled himself next to Keith’s chest. The following morning went much the same, though Lance had had a bath in the bathroom basin while Keith tried not be embarrassed as he showered. Blue wasn’t keen on her master being a bat. When Keith had started making his morning coffee, the feline had stretched herself up so she could swat at Lance from the kitchen counter. Lance protesting profusely over the treatment which Keith didn’t stop until Blue smacked Lance on the head as she hissed.
Juggling his two “problem children”, Keith wasn’t prepared for the doorbell to ring so early... not that he was prepared for it to ring, but someone coming around before he’d even had his first cup of coffee was something someone cruel and viscous. Squeaking at him, Keith lifted Lance to his other shoulder, as the doorbell rang again
“Yeah, I fucking heard them the first time. How mad will you be if I throw you at them?”
Lance didn’t seem amused, not that Keith was joking. He wasn’t in the mood for people who had no respect for others and their clear lack of need to interrupt him before his coffee. Waiting for the last drops to drip from the machine, Keith cradled the precious cup as he made his way to the door, nearly yelling to “fuck off” when the person on the other side rang a third time.
Opening the door, Keith nearly dropped his coffee in shock. The man in front of him he’d known, until he dropped off the surface of the damn planet by being reassigned suddenly
“I believe you’re expecting me. It’s nice to see you again, Keith. And this must be Lance... Coran should have mentioned I was coming?”
Keith kept gaping at Curtis. The man had been Shiro’s charge for a short time, what felt like a lifetime ago
“I thought you’d been reassigned. Hell. I thought you were dead”
Curtis laughed, brushing his fringe back to reveal a nub protruding from his head
“Had to transfer after a run in with a nasty little curse. You know what those werewolves were like. Curses might as well be the damn plague. Are you going to invite me in?”
Lance squeaked at him, Curtis smiling as he nodded
“I have no idea what you’re telling me, but I assume it’s “hello”. Don’t mind me. I’m a little cursed, but mostly human on the outside”
Keith had never heard of anyone being actually cursed. It was like those “friend of a friend” kind of stories back in the Blades. James didn’t need a reason to be a dick, but a curse would have made it pretty hard for him to keep working on the front lines
“Does Shiro know...?”
“That I’m alive? Cursed? Or that I’d transferred here? He knows I’m alive, but you know how the Blades can be when they want a secret kept”
“Fuck... you’d better come in... What’s in the case?”
Curtis wiped his feet on the doormat before slipping inside past Keith, who still hadn’t moved
“Oh, just some things Coran thought might help. Now, how long has Lance been a bat?”
“Nearly a day”
Curtis whistled
“That’s rather impressive”
“His record is three days”
“Oh... I hope that’s not the case this time. Why don’t we head back to the kitchen? You look like you need that coffee. From what I remember you could barely function without your daily caffeine dose”
“Which you interrupted. Who rings a doorbell three times?”
“It’s not my fault you’ve gotten lazy. Lance, I hope he isn’t a terrible house guest”
Lance decided to be a pest by climbing down along the hem line of Keith’s shirt. The bat miscalculating and ending up with his butt in Keith’s face as his squeaks directed at the floor as he flapped his wings. Keith had no idea how to interrupt that. Lifting Lance off his shirt, the bat started flapping his wings as he squeaked at Curtis
“You’re a spirited one, aren’t you little fella?”
That only severed to make Lance squeak more
“Lance, stop moving. You’re being too loud”
At this rate Keith was going to drop his coffee, which might bring actual tears to he hunter’s eyes. All he wanted was his morning coffee in peace... now it seemed they had an extra houseguest...
Curtis placed his briefcase down on the kitchen table, smiling as he looked around the space
“I like it. It’s all very homely. You must be enjoying your time off?”
“It hasn’t been terrible”
Taking his seat, Keith moved Lance to the kitchen table where he immediately started “protesting”. Laying his left hand on the table, Lance wobbled his way over, before chomping down on Keith’s thumb
“What did I do?”
Lance licked at the spot he’d bitten, then looked up at Keith
“You’re hungry. Are you trying to tell me you want blood?”
Lance continued to stare up at him
“You want me to get you a blood bag? Cant you just bite my thumb? You don’t need a full bag”
Lance squeaked loudly, Keith not about to be bullied. Raising his coffee cup, he finally got his first mouthful of his beloved caffeine
“Perhaps I can help? Where’s his blood stock? The fridge?”
Lance wouldn’t want a stranger in his office. Keith regretfully placing down his coffee cup
“It’s in his office, so I’ll go . He doesn’t like people going in there due to client confidentiality”
“Ah, family court I believe. Given your own experiences with the system, I can see how going in there may make up uncomfortable...”
The Curtis Keith remembered wouldn’t say things like that. He had no right at all
“... though, I suppose knowing Krolia has eased some of that pain. Coran mentioned she’d enquired as to why you hadn’t returned from you last mission”
“That’s enough. She made it clear that my life isn’t her business. Lance doesn’t need to hear about this”
Curtis looked uncomfortable
“Sorry. With the curse, one of the stipulations was truth telling. That’s why I was asked to transfer to the technical side of things. It’s hard to maintain cover without a cover story”
Keith groaned. He didn’t need this. He didn’t need Curtis telling Lance too much. Lance would want to know about Krolia and then about him, and how his dad died and how he was a legacy and this was all too much for a man who hadn’t had his coffee
“Maybe you can tell Lance about what’s in the briefcase while I’m gone. Lance, Curtis is a friend of Shiro’s from work. Try not to bite him while I’m out the room”
Lance looked sad about being left behind. Grabbing the already open blood bag from Lance’s person stash, Keith wondered if keeping blood in the fridge might not be more convenient, though he supposed Lance was all about being human and having your own blood bank in your kitchen wasn’t exactly a normal human vibe. Returning to the kitchen, he found Lance very much not looking at the range of sex toys across the dinner table. Curtis had shown up like some Tupperware salesman, only with a different kind of plastic casing
“What is that?”
“Well, Coran said Lance may be feeling certain urges sexually. He sent me to pick an array of toys, which I was explaining to Lance”
Keith nearly groaned again. He’d brought this upon himself, and now a great big pink dong was sitting next to his cup of coffee
“I think maybe Lance isn’t comfortable with this. Is there anything else in there that might help with the situation?”
“I do have lube and condoms, if you’re interested”
Lance let out a miserable squeak, Keith with him on that one. No one had told him that he’d have to deal with damn dildo display. Why did everyone they know have to be so weird?
“Let’s just pack that up for now... Lance can work these things out later in private”
“Oh! Right! Sorry, my mistake. I was under the impression you two were a partnership”
“We’re friends. Just friends. I’ve been taking care of him where I can, seeing it’s my fault his body started to change”
“Yes. I’ve been informed of your quintessence connection”
“Not this shit again. Lance, bag or saucer?”
Lance squeaked at him, Keith being nice and fetching Lance a saucer. Sitting himself down, he could only shake his head mentally at how routine blood bags had become. No longer disgusted over the fact Lance had to drink from a bag, Keith untwisted the cap, pouring out what he hoped was enough for Lance, while not being enough to cause a mess. Climbing over the saucer, Lance had no balance or grace as he got himself settled to lap at the blood
“He doesn’t feed from you?”
“Nope. He’s his own vampire. He prefers bags to fresh, and that’s fine”
“Coran had mentioned he’d hoped you would try feeding him?”
“Lance didn’t want my blood when I offered. You and Coran seem pretty fixed on this quintessence thing”
“It is the spark of life. I believe in human terms, your closeness would be called soulmates”
Keith choked on air, Lance face planted into his blood. Retrieving the bat out of the blood, they both glared at Curtis
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Lance squeaked, like he was agreeing with what Keith said
���It means your compatible one a base level. Soulmates don’t need to be romantic, some may even be siblings, it means you’re very close and naturally drawn together. Most friendships revolve around a closeness in quintessence”
“You could have just said we’re friends. Nothing romantic here. Lance is having a hard enough time as it is”
“I misspoke. I apologise. Sorry, I’m still learning how to talk around the curse”
Keith huffed, before taking a breath and trying to channel how Lance would approach this. Lance would be all calm and sympathetic, while counting down the seconds until Curtis left. The damn vampire has sass coming out of his arse
“Alright. Is there anything you can do about the curse?”
“Not at the moment. Coran is hopeful up it’ll fade with time. We’ve been having issues with a nasty coven, who left me like this for meddling. They had hoped to channel a berserker into one of their wolves. Instead, I was forced to prove my loyalty and this is the result. Half a horn, half a tail, and foot odour”
“I didn’t think magic like that was real”
“Yes and no... Coran and Allura prove that, though there aren’t many actual spell casters left. For the most part bloodlines have become too diluted, or people are relying on popular culture for law. How can you not believe when Lance is a bat in front of your eyes”
Stupid logical points. But Lance wasn’t human, so the normal laws didn’t apply
“They don’t teach us about that”
“There’s a lot the Blades of Marmora fail to teach hunters. Now drink your coffee, I have the feeling you’ll find it quite cold. With Lance eating, I’m finding myself quite peckish. Have you two been shopping lately? I expect housing two wolves and Shiro will put a major dent in any foot supplies you have”
“I thought he was only bringing Matt back?”
“Shiro secured both Matt and his girlfriend from the order with transfers for you both. I expect he will tell you when he returns here on Thursday”
“Wait. You’ve talked to him?
“This very morning. Now, don’t tell me where anything is, I want to figure it out by my self”
For the second time that month, Lance’s toaster went up in flames. Squeaking up a storm, Lance changed back to his human form on the kitchen table right in front of Keith. Copping an eyeful of a naked Lance, Keith blushed hard. Lance had nice proportions... very nice proportions that Keith stared very openly at. Lance’s butt jiggling as he slid off the kitchen table and fled the room trailing that scent behind him, starting to swear about the loss of his new toaster as he did. Casting a glare at Curtis, Curtis shrugged, not even offering an apology as the toaster smouldered in the sink
“Stay here. I’ll check on him”
Walking slowly up the stairs, to give Lance time to dress, Keith knocked on the wall beside Lance’s open bedroom door. Out of all the places in the house, it felt the one place he was never supposed to be in, and he was fine with that for the most part. Lance gave him privacy when he was in his room, the least Keith could do was the same
Lance was sitting on the edge of his bed with his face in his hands, he’d gotten as far as putting pants on before giving up
“Want to talk about it?”
Lance raised his head to look at him, the vampire looking a messy jumble of emotions
“Not really”
Keith snorted, forcing himself to invite himself into Lance’s space in a way he hoped seemed casual. Sitting down beside Lance, the hunter nudged Lance’s knee with his own
“I’m sorry about Curtis. He’s not a bad guy. Well, he didn’t used to be before this curse thing”
“You know him well?”
“Shiro trained him for a bit after Adam died”
“I gathered that... God. Why is when I think things might look up, something else happens?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know how deal with you being unhappy”
“I’m not unhappy... well, I am, but, I’m mostly confused”
Keith snorted, bumping Lance with his shoulder
“Try being me”
“No thanks. Being me is hard enough. I’m sorry I turned into a bat again”
“It’s fine. You can’t help it, plus, you’re much nicer as a bat. You’re all cuddly”
“Don’t remind me. I came to ask if you’d watch over my body, then turned into a bat all over again”
“Turned in the kitchen. It was only a minute or so, but... I don’t want to be a bat. I’m sick of feeling so out of control. I spent years living the same way, only for this... and I don’t know how to get back into the same routine”
“Maybe Curtis can help us figure out how to control it? Was there anything you remember that set it off?”
With a long groan, Lance flopped back on his bed
“Nope. I’m scared that I’m going to randomly turn into a bat in front of Hunk and Pidge, plus Blue wasn’t that fond of me not in human form”
“I don’t think she’s fond of anyone really. She rules the house and we just live here”
“She’s perfect. And she’s got you trained. God... I’m so frustrated over being so scared. I’ve always been afraid of myself, but I was alone then. Now I’ve got you and Curtis to think about, and apparently Shiro, and two mangy mutts... I’ve got the spare rooms, but... why is my house getting so full?”
“It won’t be forever. Apparently Shiro decided we’re moving. He didn’t even ask me”
Keith was pissed. Sure, if Shiro was transferring then he probably would too, but to just move them both without telling him was too much. Lance patted the spot beside him, Keith taking the invitation to lay back like the vampire was. Turning their heads, they laid there looking at each other. Keith taking a good look at Lance’s features for any kind of clue what to do next
“You can talk to me. You’ve done a lot to support me, and the least I can do is listen to you”
“Because I’m known for my great conversation skills”
Lance smiled at the retort, Keith’s heart giving a funny beat as he did
“You’re no where near as bad as you were. You’ve finally accepted not being turned, and that I’m out to poison you, or kill you. I know things are complicated with Shiro, but I’m not asking you tell me everything, or anything if you don’t want to. What you tell me I’m in no position to judge, and what I learn, I’ll keep to myself until you’re ready to tell me in your own words. I want to be able to do something for you, support you, even if it’s in just some small way”
“You provide the coffee and you know not to disturb me until I’ve got some form of caffeine in my veins. Seeing we’re living together, maybe we can work on your schedule? You said everything was complicated”
“It is. I’m so used to being alone, you know?”
Keith nodded, because fuck if he didn’t know what it was like to be independent, only relying on himself and cautious of the whole world around him
“What did you used to do? Before Shiro and I turned up?”
Lance stretched his arms above his head, before lifting his head and crossing them to use as a pillow
“One bag of blood a day, across three meals. A glass or two of wine before bed. Work, mostly. I used to reach out to people seeking advice and try to help them out the best I could without all the ridiculous fees. Hang out with Pidge and Hunk, visit Mami on the weekends... online shop for things for Blue... I might have spoiled her too much”
Keith wasn’t in a position to say anything about how Lance had lived his life, but it was clear he was happier then than he was now
“You can’t change that you need more blood now. Maybe we can make mornings your time? Where you work and catch up on what you need to? You won’t have to be stuck with me as much when Shiro returns”
“I suppose... but... I’ve thought about it. I think I should take a break from work. I don’t want to be a video call, then suddenly I’m a bat...”
“We can work on that too”
“This is too much about me as it is. I mean, what are you going to do?”
“I can train...”
“There’s more to life than training”
“It helps... Shiro says I have anger issues”
Lance chuckled, still smiling the same damn smile that made Keith’s defective heart go weird
“I never would have guessed. I suppose we need to get up. I can’t believe Curtis killed my toaster”
“I don’t think we should leave him alone in the kitchen”
“Probably a fair call... I don’t want to go back in there”
“If it’s about what he brought with him, I’m not judging. What you do is up to you”
“You don’t want to hear me masturbate? I’m shocked, absolutely shocked”
Keith snorted. Right now he wanted to lean over kiss Lance’s troubles away. It’d be far too easy... Covering his awkwardness over wanting to kiss Lance, Keith joked
“I mean, if you want me to...”
“Nope. Fuck. I’m 44 and the most I’ve done is kissing... I don’t know how I feel about more”
“I haven’t had sex either. You’re not the only one who wished they could unsee all those dongs”
“Did you see how big that pink one was? My butt was totally clenching”
“I don’t want to think about it. I didn’t know what to say, then Curtis started talking about soulmates... I didn’t think magic “magic” was a real thing”
“I did try to tell him we were just friends...”
“It’s a bit hard to translate when I don’t speak bat”
“Try thinking you’re speaking, only to remember what you’re saying isn’t even human...”
“You did seem to have a lot to say”
“Of course I did. My house is being invaded. I was thinking maybe you and Shiro could take the spare room up here? Werewolves tend to be sexual creatures, that don’t think of others... No offence to Matt, but I really hate werewolves”
Keith wrinkled his nose
“I don’t want to hear Matt banging it out. It was bad enough when Adam and Shiro would forget to close the door”
Lance cringed
“Great. Now I’m going to be thinking about that for, like, ever”
“It was just as bad the next morning when one of them would be limping around, trying act smooth about it”
“Ewww... that’s festy. Ugh... Do you think Curtis would notice if we ran away?”
Keith’s heart was still being arsehole, his heart rate picking up at the thought of running away with Lance. They’d be hunted down if he ever thought of skipping out on the Blades
“Your bedroom’s on the second floor”
“Pretty much. Besides, Curtis really wasn’t that bad. He can’t help being cursed”
“He doesn’t feel like a normal human... I mean, I don’t know, he kind of feels like when there’s death close”
“Like a ghost?”
“Maybe, but not quite... I guess it’s the same though. I don’t see like ghosts, and whatever’s going on with him it’s there and it’s not at the same time”
“You’ve got really weird superpowers, you know that right?”
“I’m more like a “superzero”, than a superhero”
The only people allowed to pick on Lance was his friends, not himself
“What’s it you’re always saying? Something about “you’re fine the way you are”?”
“Ugh. Don’t start quoting me back at me, I’m old and lame as it is”
“Yep. Super lame. So laaaaaame that the 70’s called and want their idiot back”
“Sick burn, you better call the wambulance before I start crying”
Keith snorted, before rolling on his side. The position kind of awkward seeing his legs were off the end of the bed
“You’re going to need an ambulance after I fight you next”
“Puh-lease. You haven’t kicked my arse once since you moved in”
“I will, one day”
“I look forward to seeing that. Right. We’re doing it this. We’re really getting up and going to talk to Curtis”
Neither of them moved, Keith the first to break. Rolling on his stomach, the hunter climbed off the bed backwards, quick to extend his hands towards Lance, eyes on the thin line of hair disappearing beneath the man’s jeans
“If you keep looking at me like that, I might be forced to believe we’re soul mates”
“Dream on. You heard Curtis, platonic and stuff...”
“Right. Yeah. I suppose. As if anyone could have a Hollywood love story with you. You’d awkward them into mumbling through the date then skipping out mid movie”
Lance’s words stung. He knew he wasn’t the greatest looking person, with the greatest personality, but he thought he and Lance were teetering on the edge of maybe something... now Lance was shoving him away and it fed on those parts of his abandonment issues. Biting the insides of his cheek, he pulled Lance to his feet, Lance sighing as he looked him in the eye
“It was a joke, dude. I’m sure you’ll find someone out there who’ll make you happy. You’ll have a whole broody little Keefy babies with scowls and mullets, and a good life being a dad. Whoever you love will be a lucky person”
“I don’t know how to be a dad. My dad died when I was around 8. He left for work and died in a house fire”
It slipped out. Keith couldn’t picturing putting his future children through the loss of him so had pushed it aside. He didn’t mind kissing girls, but had preferred men since his hormones started deciding they were a thing. Keith was sure he’d mentioned his dad before, but he couldn’t quite remember what he’d said
“I’m sorry to hear that man. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me”
“It’s not like you’re going to run around yelling from the rooftops that I was in the system. We talked about this before”
“Yeah, but talking about it is always a big step. I told you, I want to know about you. If we’re soulmate friends, I feel like we’re gonna be in each other’s lives whether we like it or not”
Keith nodded
“Especially with my douche brother transferring us...”
“Hey, if you get a house here, you’ll officially be a Garrison local”
“Ugh. It’d have to be Platt. Shiro needs access to greasy junk food”
Too much healthy living was bad for the soul. They ate mostly healthy enough, for a pair of two single men, but Keith would never recognise kale as edible. It was disgusting and far too over hyped
“Shiro does, or you do?”
Shiro had a soft spot for curry, Keith for kebabs
“Both? Both is good”
“Well, tonight, as a special treat, I’ll treat you to the greasiest pizza you’ve ever had in your life”
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