#jealous jiheng
woo-do-hwan · 5 years
Eternal Love of Dream: Episodes 34 & 35
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Look who’s back back back... back again. 
episode thirty-four
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Donghua, you rude a** b**ch listen here... just because you’re jealous. 
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She wanted the pimpon fruit, you fools. 
*sigh* at least Aranya’s dream is starting soon.
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I’m sorryyyyy... This b**ch??????????? Really. Telling Fengjiu how she should feel and telling her to stay away from Donghua. Honey... Honey... Honey... It doesn’t work like that. Fengjiu has been IN LOVE with that man for about a million years and now you think you can come along and destroy her. You’ve what? Been in love with him for about 5 minutes and come acting all high and mighty claiming Donghua as if he is someone’s property. Also, I’m pissed about the fruit. (I knew it happened but I’m still pissed) If any of you *the characters* knew the real reason Fengjiu wants that fruit. Mad at Donghua for allowing his jealousy to get the better of him so Jiheng can claim the fruit just to cure this toxin. Which I understand and all, but she wasn’t the one that put the effort in to win the goddamn competition. She pretty much has a cure anyway by staying in Fanyin Valley for a couple hundred years. Fengjiu may I add wants to save a life... Please everyone... choose a side wisely. (I’m kidding but this scene just really made my blood boil)
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oh honey no. not after what I just did, not after I just ranted the life out of me. Don’t look back now, don’t choose him over everything else. 
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I’m beginning not to love Lian Song’s nosy a**, it was fine at first but now I’m like you need to stop wanting to know everyone's business. (Sorry, I think that rant really has me riled up) 
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Si Ming... I have no words. Disappointed in you man. I just hope this is all for a good cause... like telling Donghua (cuz he’s being a fool atm too)
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I don’t endorse Fengjiu’s bad decisions but she deserves that fruit. Ye Qingti deserves to be alive. Soooo... I guess I am endorsing just this once. Never again though. 
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Hmmm, it’s all clicking now Donghua, isn’t it? But, on a serious note, what we’ve all been hoping for Donghua to discover is finally here. This may have, no, this has made Donghua think deeper about Fengjiu and his feelings for her. If he doesn’t know he’s in love by now, he will soon. 
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I was constantly thinking pythons were birds when reading this scene for the first time, I have no idea why. I mean it would kind of work though, considering Fanyin Valley is a bird tribe (I think) birds would work just as well as snakes. 
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It’s happeninggggggggg
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Oh you sweet baby angel, it’s not a dream, Donghua really is here to save you. 
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Bless this scene. 
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Yeah... he knows how he feels now. *ayeeee, let the good times roll*
episode thirty-five
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Considering Fengjiu is supposedly innocent, she doesn’t waste her time, does she? 
But also *internal screaming begins* 
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*anddd againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn asdfghjkllekrgj*
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Omfg, they’re going at it. How did this make it past? 
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Woooo... Fengjiu’s a switch! (oml what am I saying)
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My god. What was that? I’m. That did something to me. he was just breathing. jeez. 
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I swear most of their scenes since returning from the mortal arc have been on a bed or with one insight. Hey... I’m not complaining though. 
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Start giving Xiao Yan a break now. He’s just a cinnamon roll with pent up anger issues, he just wants his love to be returned... 
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Yes, Donghua’s technique for making one fall in love. Convince them in terms of long-term. (This might be due to translation, the subs I’m watching switch between engagement and marriage. In the novel, he convinces her that they are married.)
Fengjiu: *surprised pikachu face*
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Thank you, writers, directors, all the staff for giving us twenty minutes of this. You. Have my heart. 
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There’s a whole scene in the novel just dedicated to Donghua forces the creatures in the water to protect Fengjiu, it’s quite funny really. 
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Let us do some explaining right now before we get into things. Aranya’s real-life has already taken place... so what we’re seeing is the dream version but you know what that means, it has the ability to be manipulated, which is what we’ll see mainly from Donghua. 
Aranya = Fengjiu’s shadow Shen Ye = Donghua’s shadow  (neither of them will know this till we reach the end of the dream)
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ooh I forgot about this place. 
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I present to you everyone, depressed Donghua (except its not physically Donghua) 
See you next time! Any questions please just ask!
episodes 32 & 33
episodes 36 & 37
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mcheang · 4 years
Jiheng longs to have Dong Hua choose her, but it is obvious he chooses Feng Jiu. So why confess her feelings when she will be rejected? It is better to split up the couple before moving in.
When Jiheng heard that Meng Shao is holding a farewell supper for his Friend, she joins in as well.
Jiheng is eagerly welcomed by Xiao Yan but her focus is on Feng Jiu.
Jiheng: Your highness Jiuge, welcome back. I am glad to see you looking well. But that is not a surprise. Dong Hua is very attentive when tending to a patient.
Feng Jiu gave a wary nod.
Jiheng: in truth, I have come here to apologize. I should not have stolen your fruit. If I had, then you would not have gone out of your way to recover it, and Dong Hua would not have felt responsible to save you.
Feng Jiu’s brain: get to the point already.
Feng Jiu: not to worry, Dong Hua has apologised. And I have my fruit now.
Jiheng: just be careful. Dong Hua feels indebted to you so you may misunderstand his feelings.
Feng Jiu: pardon me, Musician, but from what I have read and experienced, Dong Hua does not strike me as someone who would let his feelings get entangled with debts.
Jiheng kept her smile on with difficulty. This was true. Despite his debts to Zhihe and her own parents, Dong Hua barely noticed them.
Jiheng: that is true. However, forgive me; I have spent years by Dong Hua’s side. I know him very well.
Feng Jiu’s brain: please, I have spent way more time with him.
Jiheng: perhaps it is because he owes you a debt directly (instead of to your family) that he treats you differently.
Feng Jiu barely listened to Jiheng. It was hard to believe Jiheng when her eyes were red from crying and jealousy. Her makeup was well put together, but there was nothing to disguise that fact.
At this, Meng Shao interrupts. He and Xiao Yan had been watching the 2 ladies right and left.
Meng Shao: actually, Dijun has treated Feng Jiu differently even before they entered Aranya’s Dream.
Xiao Yan hesitates. “Jiheng may have a point though. Dong Hua seems to be a player. I heard rumours of him having a lover on heaven. They even bathe and sleep together.”
Feng Jiu coughed. “Xiao Yan, you should not believe such gossip so easily. There is usually more truth hidden behind such tales.”
Jiheng: Yes, there is more than meets the eye.
Feng Jiu’s brain: you would know.
Meng Shao: if that’s the case, I wonder how my goddess Feng Jiu can be more incredible than what I know of her.
Both XY and FJ freeze.
Cue Meng Shao’s ideal of Feng Jiu and the identity reveal.
Dong Hua, Lian Song and Mo Shao arrive in time to see Meng Shao leave.
As all men but Dong Hua follow Meng Shao, Dong Hua stays behind and sits next to Feng Jiu.
Jiheng prepares to serve Dong Hua food from the table. Meanwhile Feng Jiu is critical of the food.
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Feng Jiu: the food here isn’t to my taste. I shall go back and prepare supper. Shall I make some for you, too?
Dong Hua: do you have to ask?
Dong Hua tells Jiheng to help herself while he follows Feng Jiu back to their residence.
Jiheng is left alone in the restaurant, sulkily poking at the food.
Extra scene for those who want a doubtful Feng Jiu scene
Over supper; Dong Hua tells Feng Jiu he will take her to Lady Nuwa first to register their marriage before they go back to the Sky Kingdom.
Feng Jiu: Dong Hua, are you sure about this? You already saved me, you don’t owe me anymore debts.
Dong Hua: Xiao Bai, I have never been more sure about anything. Besides; I would never marry someone over a debt. I would not even marry Jiheng for the sake of peace between realms! Moreover, our debt has long since been settled, but I am still here, am I not?
Dong Hua is wondering if perhaps he should carve his heart for Feng Jiu before purifying the Miaoyi realm before deciding against it.
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mcheang · 4 years
What if Feng Jiu retrieved the Ling Bi stone?
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Obviously she would return it to Si Ming to pass to Dong Hua....once her mission was over that is.
Dong Hua guards it again with extra care.
Nie Chuyin doesn’t dare steal it.
Which means Miao Luo can’t produce an avatar to duel Dong Hua in Fanyin Valley.
So I doubt he would be outside except to watch Xiao Yan and Xiao Bai stumble around in the maze of tunnels.
Still because Dong Hua and Feng Jiu have a thread of fate, they still have to meet.
Dong Hua waits for Xiao Bai to be separated from Xiao Yan before confronting her about her plans.
Even without the threat of Miao Luo, he still gets jealous and wants to switch residence.
When Dong Hua is trapped in the dream, Nie Chuyin takes this opportunity to steal the jade.
Sadly for Miao Luo, she realizes Feng Jiu has her blood tear during Aranya’s Dream execution scene but still needs to absorb the jade before she can retrieve it.
Dong Hua marries Feng Jiu but realizes Miao Luo has received the Lingbi Stone upon his return to Taichen Palace.
Oh well, it’s not like he did much beyond strengthen her prison in the show.
Nie Chuyin was tasked to bring Feng Jiu to Miao Luo, only for Dong Hua to defeat him at her Bingcang ceremony.
Still Miao Luo realizes she can use Jiheng, who is still at Fanyin Valley, and possesses her in their common goal to separate the married couple.
Cue usual blackmail scene. But Dong Hua realizes Miao Luo is possessing Jiheng and exorcises her. With Miao Luo’s intention to isolate Feng Jiu clear, Dong Hua rushes back to his wife’s side.
Nie Chuyin cannot attack Feng Jiu without the possibility of risking war, or exposing his true allegiance.
Miao Luo can only possess servants and try to kidnap Feng Jiu, but Dong Hua never leaves her side!
And that’s as far as I can imagine how this story progresses. There is still the threat of Jiheng’s interference but I think she will lay low for a while. And the story ends happily if at an impasse.
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mcheang · 4 years
DongFeng in TMOPB AU
What if it was Feng Jiu who was having her mortal trial when she met Dijun?
Feng Jiu had been helping her aunt seal Qingcang and had taken the blow for her too. Her Phoenix feather birthmark became a red dot.
Bai Qian informed her family and they began the search for Feng Jiu.
Dong Hua travels to the mortal realm because Miao Luo is seeking the soul locking jade.
While they fight, the nameless Feng Jiu comes across them and decides to help Dong Hua. She may have lost her memory, but not her interest in swordfighting.
As Miao Luo strikes her, she realizes this mortal has her missing drop of energy.
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Dong Hua helps Feng Jiu vanquish Miao Luo. He wants to take her back to Taichen under his protection, but she enjoys her freedom and was going to part ways.
Dong Hua tricks her by having her care for his wound. He thinks of how to persuade Feng Jiu to leave with him. In the meantime; he orders his staff to clean up his stone palace.
While the staff clean the place up, Dong Hua enjoys being pampered and mothered by Feng Jiu and eats her homemade food.
Dong Hua offers to hire her as his chef.
This catches Feng Jiu’s interest and she accepts.
Dong Hua takes Feng Jiu to Bihai and visits her there regularly. It helps that her food is the best he ever tasted.
The nameless mortal had been used to living alone. Men kept trying to court her, and women were too jealous of her. She couldn’t make friends easily. Hence she adjusts easily to Bihai and befriends the animals there. Although she is confused by how the palace cleans itself.
Feng Jiu offers to teach Dong Hua how to cook. She wasn’t interested in him as a romantic interest but she did enjoy his company.
Dong Hua named her Xiao Hong (little red).
Zhihe was upset Dong Hua no longer hangs around to eat meals with her.
Dong Hua decides to become Feng Jiu’s teacher because she does show interest in swordfighting.
Eventually they play jokes on each other, usually with Dong Hua winning.
Enough time passes that Dong Hua and Feng Jiu unknowingly fall in love with each other.
Feng Jiu is the one who acknowledges her feelings first but does not make the first move. Rather she asks that she be allowed to leave because she needs to be exposed to the world and make more friends.
Dong Hua refuses, claiming it is for her own protection.
Feng Jiu: what am I to you? Your prisoner?
Dong Hua: no. You are my student.
Feng Jiu was saddened by this answer and insisted on leaving.
Dong Hua refuses to take her out, but realizes Feng Jiu needs more friends in her life. But who? Zhihe hates competition so that was a bad idea. He needs someone loyal to him and who can keep a secret. Chonglin? Hmm, why does the thought of a male with Feng Jiu bother him? He needs some time to think.
In the meantime, he sets Feng Jiu a challenge. If she wins, he will take her out.
While watching Xiao Hong practise, Dong Hua realizes his feelings for her because he was contemplating her potential as his queen.
Feng Jiu fails the challenge the first time. Dong Hua said that because she lost, he suggested she marry him. To his delight, Feng Jiu was receptive to the idea.
Dong Hua confesses he is an ancient immortal king and he needs to build Feng Jiu an immortal body. So he sets out a search for the Saha fruit, literally ordering anybody who has one to give it to him or face punishment at his hands. Considering his bloody and legendary feats, people complied. The biyiniao queen said they had one and offered it to the king.
Dong Hua enlists Xie Guchou’s help and secrecy to create the immortal body for Xiao Hong. He will wait for Xiao Hong to die of natural causes before placing her soul into the immortal body.
Dong Hua claims to go to seclusion but really just spends all his time with Xiao Hong.
Xiao Hong asks about his family. Dong Hua claims to have none. She asks if he is embarrassed for her mortal status. He denies it, having no sense of shame. He just doesn’t want to share her. And he also wants to protect her from Miao Luo. Xiao Hong tells him it is not fair that he can wander about but she can’t. Not to mention, wouldn’t she be safer when surrounded by more Guards.
To make her happy, Dong Hua relents and brings her back to Taichen. News spread of Dong Hua’s mortal lover. The Sky lord does nothing. He’s too busy trying to get Ye Hua and Bai Qian to meet, but the queen is busy looking for her missing niece.
Zhihe is instantly livid and jealous but seeing how Dong Hua had placed a constant guard around Xiao Hong, she is forced to hold back her insults.
Zhihe tells off her foster brother for ignoring her, claiming to be worried he will ignore her completely now that Xiao Hong is here. Dong Hua tells her she is ridiculous but relents to include his sister when he spends time with his fiancée.
Dong Hua would rather Feng Jiu spend more time with girls than boys. As a result, Feng Jiu doesn’t get the chance to meet her old friend Si Ming, though she did meet Lian Song briefly.
Zhihe plays on Xiao Hong’s doubts, telling her Dong Hua is only marrying her so Miao Luo can’t get to her. After all, what is a human lifespan to an immortal?
Xiao Hong protests that Dong Hua was planning to give her an immortal body.
Zhihe: if you say so.
Xiao Hong is revealed to be pregnant. Zhihe poisons her tea and causes Xiao Hong to have a miscarriage, breaking her heart. The poison also nearly kills a Xiao Hong but Dong Hua manages to save her.
Dong Hua suspects foul play. Zhihe’s maid takes all the blame. Zhihe pleads on her behalf but Dong Hua punishes her to be tortured to death, reborn as an animal and never return, facing hardships for every lifetime.
Zhihe is also sent away to her teacher’s.
Things take a turn for the worse when Dong Hua announces his marriage to Jiheng for the sake of the realms. While Dong Hua assures her the wedding is false, Feng Jiu can not help but feel jealous he is spending time with Jiheng at night for the charade.
Was he also playing a charade with her?
The wedding falls through because of the runaway bride. Zhihe has also been exiled for her role.
Dong Hua returns to cherishing Xiao Hong, but she can’t help doubting his affections.
It doesn’t help that Dong Hua insists on keeping her hidden away (he gets jealous of the curious male immortals) when she wants to go out. Was this always to be her future? Being a guarded treasure?
Dong Hua notices Xiao Hong’s depression but cannot think of a solution right away. But what to do? The immortals can’t accept her until she becomes immortal herself. So she has few friends. And there was no way he was introducing men to her.
In her exile, Zhihe plots to remove Xiao Hong permanently so she cannot reincarnate. She begs to be allowed to visit and make amends with her future sister in law.
While Dong Hua was busy, Zhihe invites Xiao Hong to the punishment platform. Zhihe took care to drug the guards’ tea so they have to use the restroom or fall asleep.
Once there, Zhihe pushes Xiao Hong over.
The Guards arrive in time to see the action. Zhihe claims Xiao Hong accidentally fell over.
Except why the heck would Zhihe even bring Xiao Hong there in the first place?
Dong Hua holds a trial and furiously removes Zhihe’s immortality, never to be accepted as an immortal again nor will heaven ever give her mortal incarnations any aid. She would have faced a painful death had it not been for his debt to her parents. He also punished the Guards by exiling them.
Dong Hua contemplates suicide but Lian Song reminds him of his oath to keep Miao Luo imprisoned, and his debt of honor to Meng Hao.
Dong Hua becomes a miserable recluse. Going out only for these 2 things. He spends most of his time at Bihai, to the point that even Chonglin moves over there. To everybody else, he seems the same. But to those closest to him, they see how sad he behaves.
Meanwhile Xiao Hong returns to her immortal self. She reunited with her family as a high goddess. However, having had a taste of celestial life, she decides she wants no part of it and decides to forget the love she feels for Dong Hua.
Bai Qian and Ye Hua’s wedding is eventually arranged. Lian Song persuadés Dong Hua to go out for some fresh air and just escort the bride to heaven.
In Qingqiu, Dong Hua meets Feng Jiu. Curious by her appearance and the fact that she does not recognise him; Dong Hua investigates and confirms that she is his missing fiancée. He asks Bai Yi for her hand but Bai Yi informed Dong Hua that ever since her love trial, Feng Jiu has been determined she will not marry into the celestial tribe.
Dong Hua: I don’t have to stay at Taichen Palace. My residence is now at Bihai Cangling.
Bai Yi: she also wants someone who can give her freedom...
Dong Hua: I won’t force her to do anything she doesn’t want to.
Now that Feng Jiu was a high goddess, she could definitely protect herself.
Bai Yi gives Dong Hua permission to court his daughter. Dong Hua easily handles Feng Jiu’s pranks. He even has the star factor to aid him as Feng Jiu had been an admirer of the war hero.
Things happen as before. He teaches her to fight. She teaches him to cook. They prank each other.
The wedding is set.
But an old loyal servant of Zhihe decides to tell Feng Jiu the story of Xiao Hong.
Feng Jiu wonders if she is a substitute. Is that why he calls her Xiao Bai? She confronts Dong Hua, who admits they are the same person. Feng Jiu asks why he treats her differently now. (See explanation above)
Dong Hua asks how he can prove his love for her.
Cue heart ring condition.
Dong Hua presents Feng Jiu with the ring for their wedding.
Jiheng was devastated by the news, but it’s not like Dong Hua actually talked to her. He visited her for one day then left every decade, eager to be alone again in his depression.
Bonus: I briefly thought about Zhihe returning using the immortal body Dong Hua had prepared for Xiao Hong, but her servants wouldn’t be able to find her in the mortal realm without sufficient knowledge.
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mcheang · 4 years
Based on the book
When Jiheng asks Dong Hua to wait and he turns around, Feng Jiu courteously scoots on ahead and gives Jiheng privacy to speak to Dong Hua.
Xiao Yan followed her.
While Jiheng was pleading her case, Dong Hua wasn’t really listening because he was too busy trying to eavesdrop on his fiancée. Jiheng was pretty much talking to his back.
At the pond, Feng Jiu tries to cheer Xiao Yan up and distract him by splashing water on his face. She is unaware that it looks as if she is flirting.
Xiao Yan and Feng Jiu get caught up in a splashing duel, laughing and carefree, utterly ignoring their crushes standing only some feet away.
Dong Hua feels like he just swallowed a jug of pure vinegar. Jiheng’s voice was no more noticed than the buzzing of a fly.
Xiao Yan and Feng Jiu finally lie down on the grass, side by side. He promises Feng Jiu she will always be a comrade to him and Meng Shao. And yes, a hand ends up on her shoulder. Feng Jiu obviously doesn’t brush him away.
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Dong Hua’s eyes flare and he shoots a blast of energy at Xiao Yan, sending him into the middle of the pond, flailing.
As Feng Jiu stares with her mouth open, Dong Hua orders Jiheng to stay in Fanyin Valley until she is cured. Hell, he even casts a spell to make sure she cannot leave.
When Xiao Yan angrily storms onshore, Dong Hua orders him to stay in Fanyin Valley to guard Jiheng in his place. The Blue Demon Clan can survive just fine without him until she is cured.
Xiao Yan: as I need your permission! Wherever Jiheng goes, I follow!
Dong Hua: good, then it’s settled. Xiao Bai let’s go.
And he starts pulling Xiao Bai towards the exit, leaving behind a tearful Jiheng. Dong Hua had totally tossed her aside like she was nothing but bait. Did she truly mean so little to him?
Feng Jiu demands Dong Hua apologize to Xiao Yan. Other than Meng Shao, she never really got close to anyone else in Fanyin Valley.
Dong Hua: are you trying to make me even more jealous?
Feng Jiu:....
Meanwhile, Mo Shao and Lian Song were running behind them. “Hey! Wait for us!”
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mcheang · 4 years
ELOD episode 42 review
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I like this episode. Feng Jiu finally gets her due apologies!
Feng Jiu wakes up as Dong Hua and Miao Luo battle. Dong Hua uses his body as a shield to protect Feng Jiu from Miao Luo’s magic. He sends Feng Jiu away while the battle resumes.
It gets dark and Feng Jiu has to get rid of scorpions while she tries to search for Dong Hua, following golden blood stains found on the ground.
Dong Hua sees Feng Jiu back in her own body. He pretty much kisses her. Feng Jiu initially protests before getting swept up in the kiss. She notices Dong Hua’s wound. Dong Hua tries to use the victim pity card to cuddle close to Feng Jiu, but she insists on bringing him someplace to rest so she can treat his injury. Dong Hua acts like a pouting child unwilling to let go of his mother’s hand, but Feng Jiu does need to search for firewood.
Feng Jiu wraps Dong Hua’s injury. He tries to lie down on her but she avoids him. Still, in order to get answers, Feng Jiu has to sit close by because Dong Hua isn’t going to have a shouting Q&A.
Meanwhile, outside Aranya’s Dream, the residents of the valley are disturbed by the thunder caused by the battle. Xiao Yan rushes over to check on it, while Jiheng chooses to stay at home out of fear. Xiao Yan will brave thunder to learn if his friend is safe, but Jiheng thinks of herself.
Inside the dream, Junuo apologizes to her mother for disappointing her. Qinghua forgives her, duh, and promises that one day Junuo will be able to return. Apparently Shen Ye is to blame for Junuo’s adultery. That is such rubbish.
Dong Hua and Feng Jiu finally have a clarifying conversation. Dong Hua apologizes for denying her the pimpon fruit, explaining he was jealous of Xiao Yan and that he does not have feelings for Jiheng. Feng Jiu is initially skeptical but Dong Hua draws her into an embrace, promising to tell her everything once they are out of the dream. (Yeah...spoiler alert. That’s a broken promise waiting to happen)
Dong Hua and Feng Jiu sing lullabies to each other. Dong Hua promises to never hurt Feng Jiu again and to take her back to Qingqiu once they leave the dream. (3 future broken promises made in one night)
Dong Hua is confused by Aranya’s disappearing body. Clearly she and Feng Jiu had never met before but there must be a connection.
The next day, Dong Hua has to leave for Qinan palace. He already disguised Feng Jiu as Aranya.
Moye arrives and apologizes for his role in injuring Feng Jiu. Feng Jiu tells him she is back to her original body. Moye is stunned by the resemblance and distracted by Aranya’s vanished body. But he tells her Aranya wrote letters to a sulking Shen Ye. But since Feng Jiu has lousy penmanship and is injured, Moye will write it himself. Which is only right since asking her to do this for his sake is too soon after the execution event.
What I like
apologies. Especially for the fruit theft. Dong Hua never apologized for that in the book.
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Feng Jiu telling Dong Hua how she can’t really trust him. I do love driving it home to him how he has a lot to make up for.
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Dong Hua is such a child here. He twiddles his thumbs and makes cute expressions I doubt he would let others see.
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You can see the love in his eyes....😍 and of course there was the kiss scene.
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He looks so happy to sleep in his beloved’s lap. This is the start of Feng Jiu the pillow.
The banter between them now. No more decorum to care about.
What I dislike
Qinghua blaming Shen Ye for leading Junuo to adultery because he never openly reciprocated her feelings. And this is just after Shen Ye saved Junuo’s life and got his freedom and title taken away. Ungrateful much? Ok, I get that Shen Ye was repaying a debt. But Junuo was the one at fault. Even if Shen Ye never reciprocated her love, that is no excuse to cheat!
Feng Jiu back to following Dong Hua like a lost puppy. Seriously....we’re back to the girl blind with love? What happened to being suspicious of Dong Hua’s honesty? Now she’s just focusing on how Dong Hua’s presence is enough. Ugh. Too fast.
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mcheang · 4 years
When Chen Ye comes over at night to apologize and Dong Hua gets jealous, Feng Jiu reminded him of when she curled up at his doorstep while he painted with Jiheng. Then she looks back out the door after Chen Ye.
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Feng Jiu: I have to admire Chen Ye’s courage. It’s not really his fault but he still came to apologize.
Dong Hua: I think you admire him too much.
Feng Jiu: maybe it’s not so much admiration as it is empathy. We were both wronged. Chen Ye knows I’m not Aranya and i am ruining the dream’s timeline. Yet he was blamed for drinking too much. When I was a fox, Jiheng stole credit for improving Lian Song’s blueprint. And you thought I would bite her without provocation. I even overcame my pride to make it easy for you to apologize.
Dong Hua shifted uncomfortably.
Feng Jiu continued, unperturbed. “Chen Ye actually went one step further than me and decided to apologize just to get things back to normal. He must really want that. I admire him for it because I can understand the backdrop for it.”
Not liking the turn of conversation, or how Xiao Bai was staring after Chen Ye wistfully, Dong Hua spoke, “I apologize for that too.”
Feng Jiu cast him a sidelong glance. “I thought you said you knew all i had done for you.”
Before Dong Hua could respond, she shook herself. “Forget I said anything. Let’s just start over, as if we really did meet for the first time at my aunt’s wedding.”
Dong Hua: can you really forget how I had wronged you?
Feng Jiu: if I begrudged you over everything, would I have bothered to go to the mortal realm?
Dong Hua: but that doesn’t mean you have forgotten. It just means you can put aside your grudges for love.
Feng Jiu: it’s something Shen Ye and I have in common. But I don’t think you have this trait, considering how jealous you get.
Dong Hua: I am new to love. I’m still learning from 夫人.
But later on, Dong Hua could empathsize with Shen Ye when Feng Jiu went into hiding. Both Aranya and Feng Jiu disappeared believing their lovers had betrayed them for another woman, leaving the men behind regretting that they had never told the girls directly how they felt.
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mcheang · 4 years
Be polite and knock
I wondered what would happen if Jiheng got caught sneaking into Dong Hua’s rooms with that night pearl.
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Seriously she couldn’t even see Feng Jiu from that angle.
According to the pillow book, if Dong Hua was asleep, Jiheng would just put in incense for him to sleep to. If he was awake, she would confess her feelings while taking advantage of the night pearl to highlight her looks.
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As Jiheng saw Dong Hua’s slumbering form, she was disappointed. Hmm, maybe she could tuck in his blanket? That might startle him though...?
But first, the incense burner, as Jiheng quietly went about the motions, Dong Hua, who had barely just entered sleep, awoke. Feng Jiu, too, instinctively sensed something wrong. Probably from a night draft.
Spotting Jiheng, she gasped and quickly laid down to hide her face in the blanket.
Dong Hua glanced at Feng Jiu before coldly asking Jiheng, “What are you doing here?”
Jiheng startled, then put on a smile and turned to face Dong Hua. She did not see Feng Jiu and assumed she was a pillow. (Dong Hua does hug his pillow like a bolster in a bonus chapter)
Jiheng: teacher. I had heard you were back and I thought you might want some incense to cheer you up after your ordeal.
Dong Hua looked back down at his ‘pillow’. “You are mistaken. It was not an ordeal. Moreover, it is only common courtesy to knock on someone else’s door before entering.”
Jiheng’s smile stumbled, “But you never minded before.”
Dong Hua: that was because you were delivering meals. But now you are coming in uninterrupted in the middle of the night, while I am sleeping. How do you explain yourself?
Jiheng took a moment to gather her courage. “The truth is, I wanted to tell you something, teacher. I wanted to say, I like you. And I am hoping you will give me a second chance. Please let me accompany you back to Taichen Palace.”
Feng Jiu was thinking that this was so awkward and wished she had stayed asleep when she had the chance.
Dong Hua knew Feng Jiu previously thought he and Jiheng had feelings for each other. It was time to prove that theory wrong.
Dong Hua: second chance? Since when were we together in the first place?
Jiheng was flustered. “Well...you have always cared for me...you let me tend to you...”
Dong Hua cut her off coldly, “all I did for you I did for the sake of your father, nothing more.”
Jiheng: but...but why did you come back here for then?
Dong Hua: Because the hot springs near here will be good for Xiao Bai’s recuperation.
Xiao Bai...
Jiheng gave a start and looked more closely at the bed. Now she could see Dong Hua’s bed had 2 pillows...which meant that the long shape beneath the blankets wasn’t a pillow, but...
Jiheng dropped the night pearl. It thudded to the ground.
Jiheng could barely rein in her tears. Mumbling, she excused herself from Dong Hua’s presence and quickly took her leave.
As she left the room, not a second too soon, the night wind blew on her wet cheeks.
What a fool she had made of herself. Her one consolation was that Jiuge was still asleep, and not awake to witness her humiliation. It was poor comfort though, in the face of Dong Hua sharing his bed with another female who was not her.
Weeping, Jiheng left for her own chambers. She would stare at herself in the mirror for the rest of the night, wondering why Dong Hua hadn’t picked her. After all, he knew her longer, and she was beautiful too.
Dong Hua turned back to Feng Jiu and lowered the blanket from her face.
Feng Jiu peeked up at him: “should I be jealous that Jiheng regularly came into your room without knocking?”
Dong Hua: i already said she was delivering meals only.
Feng Jiu: then why did you scold me for not knocking but you didn’t scold her until now?
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Dong Hua: because I was changing at the time.
Feng Jiu: but Jiheng could also have come in at such a time without knocking
Dong Hua: oh, I always locked the door when I changed in this house.
Feng Jiu was flustered by the implications of that statement. Did that mean he purposefully left his door unlocked while he was changing at Jifeng Yuan? Did he think there was no danger of her visiting him there?
Wanting to change the subject, Feng Jiu asked, “When can I have my fruit?”
Dong Hua lay back down and murmured, “Whenever you want. I already told the Queen she should give it to you. But why not let Lian Song deliver it to Xie Guchou while you say your goodbyes?”
Feng Jiu tiredly nodded.
Then as if she couldn’t help herself, “Will Jiheng be leaving with us?”
Dong Hua snuggled Feng Jiu closer into his embrace. “Jiheng will stay with the biyiniaos.” Technically that was true. She would stay with them in the ninth sky.
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mcheang · 4 years
Feng Jiu counters Jiheng
I’m imagining a different reaction when Jiheng tells Feng Jiu to stay away from Dong Hua
Feng Jiu bursts into giggles. Despite her sadness, the irony finally broke her, and she kept giggling hysterically.
Jiheng was affronted. “放肆。I am looking out for your best interests.”
Feng Jiu laughed, “As if I haven’t been doing my best to avoid Dong Hua!”
Jiheng gaped at her.
Feng Jiu chortled. “I can’t believe you’d think I actually like Dong Hua. Dong Hua only stayed with me because I am a new variable, someone to make you jealous over. His actions may portray him as someone in love, but do my actions seem to reciprocate his so-called interest?”
Jiheng stuttered, “well, um...you...” come to think of it, Jiuge doesn’t seem to exhibit the usual signs of a besotted girl.
Feng Jiu seemed to regain control of herself, although her cold smile was still wide enough to reach her ears. “I ignore his lessons, I don’t cook for him unless blackmailed, I was ready to leave him alone in the wild, and I called him a 变态.”
Jiheng struggled to absorb the new information.
Feng Jiu shook her head, smiling sympathetically at her senior. “Believe me, Musician, I have no interest in pursuing Dijun. The past days have been more than enough for my immortal life. I have men lining up for me back home, so why would I want someone like Dong Hua?”
Jiheng flushed red. “Dong Hua is kind and generous.”
Feng Jiu interrupted in a bored voice, “he is cruel, vicious, mean, a bully, lazy, insensitive, no sense of style beyond his usual purple....”
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Feng Jiu took a long time listing Dong Hua’s flaws, enough that Jiheng wanted to sit down. (Inspired by the Suite Life on Deck episode ‘the kidney of the sea’)
“....Petty, presumptuous, arrogant, annoying.” Feng Jiu paused, then turned to Jiheng, confused. “Come to think of it, why do you like him? You’ve spent more time with him than I? How can you like someone so appalling?”
Jiheng blushed again, albeit for a different reason. “He never acts that way around me.”
“Well, obviously. He likes you!”
Jiheng smiles bashfully. Somehow she was diverted from her original Mission.
Feng Jiu: Look, you and Dong Hua can live happily ever after. But I need that Saha fruit for my friend. After that, I will gladly leave the valley. I’m sure I can convince Xiao Yan to help me out.
Jiheng hesitated. “How do I know you will keep your word?”
Feng Jiu: I want to go home! I’ve been stuck here as a student!
Jiheng: let me think about it.
Feng Jiu, feigning tolerance, but secretly annoyed. “Of course.”
Just in case, though, Feng Jiu needed a back up plan.
Feng Jiu then headed to find the school teacher. “Teacher, where is the surprise Dong Hua promised me?”
Teacher: what surprise? Didn’t you get the peaches?
Feng Jiu nodded. “He told me that the peaches were to share so everyone would not feel bad they had lost. But he told me he wanted to give me a surprise when the fruit would be given to me also. So where is my fruit, and where is the surprise
Teacher thought for a while. “Dong Hua has returned to the heavens to retrieve your surprise. But I had no idea he wanted the surprise to coincide with the Saha fruit presentation. I will inform her majesty to double check.”
Queen Junuo was baffled. Dong Hua was to be given the fruit. But he must have been the one to want to give it to Princess Jiuge himself. She had no idea he intended to give the fruit to Jiheng since he left soon after healing her.
Surely Jiuge could wait until Dijun returned.
Feng Jiu is assured the fruit won’t be given to Jiheng directly. In that case, she can still talk to Dijun when he comes back.
On her way back home, she meets Xiao Yan who was on his way to find and console Feng Jiu and tell her the truth.
Feng Jiu: it doesn’t matter. Dijun owes me. When he comes back, I will confront him and demand he give me my due prize.
Xiao Yan: actually, it is also my fault for asking you to forgive ice face. If I hadn’t, you would have been more wary about his treacherous ways. But don’t worry, in case Ice Face still wrongs you; Jiheng owes me a debt. I will ask her for half of the fruit for you.
Feng Jiu smiles at Xiao Yan. “You are a true Friend, Xiao Yan. It is Jiheng’s loss if she can’t see what a great man you are.” And she kisses him on the cheek.
Xiao Yan blushed. “It’s good that at least someone sees what a catch I am. Shall we go for drinks and drown our sorrows over the disappointment of friends?”
Feng Jiu gladly agreed.
They paid no mind to the few gossiping passerbys.
While the friends indulged in wine, Lian Song is telling Dong Hua the truth.
Lian Song urges Dong Hua to find Feng Jiu before things get worse for him.
As they head out, they find someone and ask where Jiuge is.
The stranger admits he last saw the owl prince and princess heading off to get a drink. It is nice to see them bonding. If they weren’t siblings, the stranger would have thought they were a couple based on how the princess kissed her brother’s cheek.
Dong Hua stills.
Lian Song coughed. “Need I remind you she already hates you. Unless you want Jiuge and Xiao Yan’s relationship to progress, I suggest you get moving.”
The two men arrive at the tavern and find the pair laughing. Apparently they were trying to outdo each other on who had been wronged by Dong Hua more.
Xiao Yan: so what if he robbed you of your prize, he tricked me into doing his chores!
Feng Jiu: he kidnapped me as a handkerchief!
Xiao Yan: um...he accused me of stealing a fox.
Feng Jiu: that weirdo doesn’t deserve such a magnificent fox. He doesn’t deserve any pet. They could all die and it would take him days to realize it was missing, let alone dead.
Xiao Yan spots Dong Hua. “There he is! The jerk of all immortals.”
Feng Jiu turned and pointed a finger at him. “Dong Hua, you really are the worst. You robbed me of my chance to save Qing Ti. You also owe him your life! He saved both of our lives and this is how you repay him? By giving his fruit to Jiheng?”
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She stood up and walked over to Dong Hua. Drunk as she was, her shove against the emperor was about as weak as a gentle breeze.
Feng Jiu’s eyes blazed. “Qing Ti fought to protect you and the soul locking jade. Jiheng actually tried to steal it from you. I don’t care about your relationship with Jiheng. But Qing Ti needs that fruit. Just give Jiheng something else.”
Dong Hua and Lian Song were shocked to their cores at the revelation.
Xiao Yan was too far gone to care.
Feng Jiu kept feebly beating her fists on Dong Hua’s chest. “Give me back my fruit so I can save Qing Ti. After that, just leave us alone!”
Dong Hua: Xiao Bai...
Feng Jiu: give me back my fruit, you horrible, worst of the worst...
Feng Jiu fainted into Dijun’s embrace.
Lian Song took a look at the unconscious princess. “Yeah...maybe you should give the fruit to her.”
Dong Hua looked down at Xiao Bai, stroking her hair. “I know.”
And they promptly left, leaving behind the demon lord. (What? Don’t think Dong Hua forgot about that cheek kiss)
When Feng Jiu woke up in the morning, she was confused as to how she got there. Maybe Xiao Yan brought her home?
Then she turned her head and got a nasty shock to see Dijun sitting beside her on the bed.
Grasping the blanket, Feng Jiu demanded, “What are you doing here?”
Dong Hua: i carried you home after you got drunk
Feng Jiu blanched, remembering the last time that happened. “Did anyone see us?”
Dong Hua, confused. “Of course they did.”
Feng Jiu closed her eyes and tried to regain her bearings. Maybe this time the rumours would not be so bad. And even if they were, she was not Jiuge.
Watching her, Dong Hua wondered how this was going to go. Perhaps he should take the initiative.
Dong Hua: I owe you an apology.
Feng Jiu gave him a look. Duh. And more than one, for that matter.
Dong Hua: I did not know you wanted the fruit to save your Friend.
Feng Jiu looked at him in alarm.
Dong Hua: I thought you were going to use the fruit to make cakes for Xiao Yan. I got jealous.
Feng Jiu: you...how do you know about Qing Ti.
Dong Hua: Xiao Bai, I know you went to the mortal world for me. I also know you were my pet fox.
Feng Jiu flushed and quickly looked away. “I have no idea what you are talking about. But have you decided to give me my fruit?”
Dong Hua nodded. “I got the queen to give it to me straightaway. By the way, am I supposed to be giving you a surprise gift with it?”
Feng Jiu improvised. “The surprise is that you are taking me out of this valley!”
Dong Hua: you are ready to leave your friends behind?
Feng Jiu amended her statement. “You are taking me out of this valley after I say my goodbyes.”
Dong Hua stared at her. “Where will you go once you are outside?”
“After I give the fruit to Xie Guchou, I will return home to Qingqiu. It’s been too long since I was last home.”
Dong Hua: Alright. Then I will go with you.
Feng Jiu was shocked and alarmed. “Why?”
Dong Hua: I wronged you. So now I owe you a debt. Several debts actually.
Feng Jiu: but I don’t want you to follow me. Consider that how you repay your debt.
Dong Hua: did you not follow me around when you were trying to repay your debt.
Feng Jiu muttered, “fat lot of good it did me!”
Then raising her voice to normal level, “Dijun, your presence in Qingqiu will only worry my elders.”
Dong Hua paused. “What do I care?”
Feng Jiu fumed, “you can repay the debt by not following me around!”
Dong Hua: you won’t even give me a chance to make amends?
Feng Jiu: it doesn’t matter. I’ve never held the previous stuff against you. And as long as I get my fruit, I just want to move forward.”
Dong Hua; prove it. Let me follow you to Qingqiu, or come back with me to Taichen Palace.
Feng Jiu: I repeat, why would I do that? People will get the wrong idea and think we are in a relationship.
Dong Hua: I’ll say I’ve asked you to teach me cooking.
Feng Jiu: what if I say I want a break from you?
Dong Hua knew he had wronged Feng Jiu greatly. He was also inexperienced in love. So he relied on being shameless.
Dong Hua: then I will take you on a vacation
Feng Jiu: that doesn’t even make sense.
Dong Hua: how about I take you to my birthplace? That way we can avoid the gossips.
Feng Jiu: wouldn’t it be better if you take Jiheng there instead. I assure you, she has fully realized her feelings for you and wants to be with you.
Dong Hua: but I don’t like Jiheng that way.
Feng Jiu: you tried to marry her
Dong Hua: no, I gave her the chance to escape from our arranged marriage. She had always planned to run with Minsu. I just gave them the chance to escape her brother’s watchful eye.
Feng Jiu paused. “I thought you were in love with Jiheng. I saw the way you 2 interacted at Taichen Palace.”
Dong Hua paused. It was true he had neglected Xiao Bai in that time. “We were just friends then. At that time, Jiheng was not interested in me. But while she may have grown feelings for me, I have never seen her that way.”
Dong Hua looked into Xiao Bai’s unreadable, dark eyes. “Xiao Bai, the one I like is you.”
Feng Jiu frowned. “Alright; what trick are you planning to pull this time?”
Dong Hua’s face grew sad. “Xiao Bai, I know I have wronged you. But I didn’t mean to. I just didn’t want you to make Xiao Yan pastries.”
Feng Jiu still wasn’t moved.
Dong Hua: what do I have to do to prove I like you.
Feng Jiu: yeah...I’m not interested. (She was tired of getting betrayed)
Dong Hua: just give me a chance.
Feng Jiu: I did give you a chance. And you betrayed me with this whole fruit switcheroo!
Dong Hua: then give me another.
Feng Jiu: I don’t have endless chances for you.
Feng Jiu attempts to leave but Dong Hua grabs onto her hand.
Dong Hua: what do I have to do to prove I like you.
Feng Jiu turns away. “It doesn’t matter anymore. We have no fate together. So please, let me go, Dong Hua.”
Dong Hua: I have never cared for fate. I don’t need it’s charity. I decide my own fate, Xiao Bai. I always have. And I want my fate to have you in it.
Feng Jiu struggles to get away but Dong Hua holds fast.
Feng Jiu: action speaks louder than words, Dijun.
Dong Hua: what do I have to do?
A pause, then “carve your heart out. That’s the only thing I can think of right now.”
Dong Hua took in this information, then summoned his sword and prepared to do the deed.
Feng Jiu hastily stopped him in alarm. “Hey, just because I can’t think of anything else now, it doesn’t mean I can’t think of anything else later. Just wait.”
Dong Hua: does that mean you will give me a chance
Feng Jiu hesitates. She so does not want to. “I will give you a chance when I can think of something for you to do.”
Dong Hua isn’t happy with her answer. He proceeds to slice his heart.
Feng Jiu: WTH!
While Feng Jiu frantically tends to him, he eyes his heart tissue and thinks aloud that he can make a ring from it. It will be a powerful ring, too.
Feng Jiu: you need to learn patience
Dong Hua: I might be too late then. But since I carved my heart out to prove my sincerity, will you marry me?
Feng Jiu: isn’t that too fast?
Dong Hua: no. I can’t think of anyone more worthy of being my queen.
Feng Jiu: this is too weird. I’m dreaming right?
Dong Hua shakes his head.
Feng Jiu was dazed as she said her goodbyes. Jiheng regretted not accepting Jiuge’s deal once she heard the news. Dong Hua took Feng Jiu away and registered their marriage. Now he doesn’t have to worry about anyone else stealing her away.
Dong Hua did not consummate their marriage yet but instead courted Feng Jiu. He did all he could to make her happy but she still felt she was in a dream....until he placed the finished ring on her finger. She could not deny the real sensation of cold glass on her skin. Like a shock of cold water when you are drowsy.
Feng Jiu embraced Dong Hua, finally accepting the truth of his words.
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mcheang · 4 years
Xiao Yan learns Lian Song is a gossip
While learning to play chess, Lian Song corrects Xiao Yan’s belief that Dong Hua has any feelings for Jiheng. He also affirms Jiheng’s story that Dong Hua only agreed to marry Jiheng because he knew she would be the runaway bride.
Xiao Yan: then why did he give Jiheng Xiao Jiu’s prize? Why did he rush to Taichen Palace to give that stray fox first class treatment?
Lian Song sighed. “Did you know Dong Hua thought Feng Jiu wanted the Saha fruit to impress you.” Whether to make pastries or enhance her beauty, Lian Song didn’t know what DH’s suspicions were but they were obviously about XY.
Xiao Yan snorted: Feng Jiu told me she wanted the fruit for her beauty...
Xiao Yan paused. “Wait...don’t tell me Ice Face thought Feng Jiu liked me?”
Lian Song: you finally get it
Xiao Yan: um...she doesn’t, right? She likes Dong Hua?
Lian Song: she did once. Now, who can say? But your relationship was close enough for Dong Hua to be jealous.
Xiao Yan: and yet, he rushed to the Ninth Sky over the fox Jiheng found
Lian Song: do you know what Dong Hua did once he was up there?
Xiao Yan: give the fox medicine!
Lian Song: after that!
Xiao Yan: go fishing?
Lian Song: he was thinking of ways to get rid of a certain demon lord without upsetting his close Friend who would certainly miss his absence.
Xiao Yan: ....so Jiheng really misses me when I’m gone?
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Lian Song hits XY’s face with a fan: Idiot! Dong Hua was asking how to kill you because he was jealous of your close relationship with Feng Jiu!
Xiao Yan: wow. Ice face is so childish for an emperor.
Lian Song: so my advice is when they come back, don’t spend any alone time with Feng Jiu!
Xiao Yan: gotcha
And that was why, instead of inviting Feng Jiu to a meal face to face, Xiao Yan invites her via letter to join him and Meng Shao for lunch.
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mcheang · 4 years
Awkward situation
“Donghua with an utter lack of integrity had bundled her tightly within the blanket and used a spell to bind her. She couldn't escape no matter how hard she resisted.”
I can’t remember if I ever wrote this fic but what the heck?
Dong Hua arrived back in his room to see Feng Jiu struggling out of the blanket in vain.
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She looked up and glared at him. Then she noticed Jiheng, and she quickly said, “Thank you for saving me back there, your majesty. I am feeling much better now. Please permit me to take my leave.”
Dong Hua: what kind of gentleman will I be if I do not see you fully recovered?
Feng Jiu: I would feel much better if I could return home. Seriously, Xiao Yan must be worried about me.
Dong Hua grew jealous when she mentioned Xiao Yan. “You honestly believe Xiao Yan will care for you better than I would?”
Feng Jiu’s brain: when did I say that?
Feng Jiu: Dong Hua, you misunderstand me. Your medical skills are superb, I have recovered more or less. So I must return home immediately.
Dong Hua: fine. Since you are so eager, I will escort you.
He released Xiao Bai from his spell and she promptly left without waiting for him. He made to follow after her but not without telling Jiheng he did not need her to come with him.
Jiheng sulked inside the house. When she hears footsteps, she eagerly went to the hall only to find Xiao Yan.
Apparently once Feng Jiu and Xiao Yan met, Dong Hua insisted on switching rooms because he declared Feng Jiu was not fully recovered. Xiao Yan was also resistant at first until Dong Hua mentioned Jiheng.
Feng Jiu was confused. But Xiao Yan told her Dong Hua wanted to make Jiheng jealous.
Dong Hua told himself he chose to follow Feng Jiu because she is somehow connected to Miao Luo and needs his protection.
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mcheang · 4 years
Split personality
What if Feng Jiu recovered Aranya’s memories once she died?
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Well, it would be further proof for her that she and Dijun aren’t meant to be. Also, that his majesty’s shadow was a horrible person.
When Feng Jiu falls into Fanyin Valley, it just brings back bad memories. She is curious about the winter caused by Chen Ye though.
When she learns of the fruit, Feng Jiu casts a correction spell on the snakes to make them believe she is Aranya. She also casts the 2 lives incantation to adopt Aranya’s calm, mature, and not-scared-of-snakes demeanour.
Feng Jiu gets past the snakes safely but halts upon realising that Chen Ye had laid a magical trap. Let’s just say this area is very sensitive to Aranya and the dream Chen Ye created....
She says with Aranya’s personality that he is a bit too much. Aranya had already died, why couldn’t he let her die in peace and be forgotten?
Feng Jiu resigns herself that the fruit has to be won fair and square, or at least stolen from the queen asap.
When the tea lesson comes, Feng Jiu is still under the curse as she thought it might be useful in dealing with Dijun since Aranya was even better than she is at cutting off someone from her life, or at least is more sophisticated and aloof. Not to mention Aranya learned from the tea expert Mo Shao.
Feng Jiu does pay attention in class but is so apathetic that she doesn’t even care about Jiheng’s jealousy and answers Dong Hua’s question correctly.
Dong Hua is annoyed that Feng Jiu is not being her real self and calls for a break so he can undo the curse in private, under the excuse of reprimanding her for her arrogant behavior.
Dong Hua asks Feng Jiu about Aranya. Seeing as she is caught, Feng Jiu admits that Aranya was her shadow and it was his own shadow that caused this winter. She had sent her shadow to repay her debt. Technically....Aranya did save Chen Ye from the tiger.
Dong Hua is surprised but Feng Jiu counters she doesn’t care if he believes her or not.
Feng Jiu hits upon an inspiration. She can’t escape Chen Ye’s trap but Xiao Yan can, when the snakes leave the area.
We all know what happens next.
Feng Jiu wins the competition but her prize has been switched.
Feng Jiu doesn’t know why she should be surprised. It’s happened before. No matter how well they seem to get along, Dong Hua (or Chen Ye) would betray her.
Desperate, Feng Jiu decides to see if an arrow can capture the fruit for her.
Yeah, she ends up trapped in Aranya’s dream.
When Feng Jiu wakes up in Aranya’s body, her own memories are vague compared to Aranya’s vivid ones. But she is still herself and instinctively afraid of snakes.
Scared, she decides to use the 2 lives incantation to blend in.
Feng Jiu recognizes the physical change in Chen Ye and confronts him as the originator of this dream. Chen Ye is stunned. Feng Jiu blames him for not leaving Aranya in peace. How dare he claim to love her, she saw those letters for herself. Chen Ye had betrayed Aranya.
Chen Ye pleads his defence. His broken state makes Feng Jiu pause to tell him that Aranya will never return. Right now, she is still weak.
Once she realizes Moye and Xize are not supposed to be there, she confronts them, making them aware that she is truly Feng Jiu. Dong Hua pretends to be Xize, having gone a personality change after Aranya died. It sucks that Xize is firmly friend-zoned though.
Feng Jiu explains how Aranya died to Su Moye. She also explains that Chen Ye is Dijun’s shadow. She knows this because she sent her own shadow down to serve Chen Ye and repay her debt. Obviously that failed, so she repaid her debt in the mortal world.
Xize asks what relationship Feng Jiu has with Dong Hua. Feng Jiu replies that there is nothing. She wants to focus on the subject but Xize asks again if she hates him.
Feng Jiu pauses. “I don’t hate Dijun. I just feel tired whenever I think of him.” And sad.... the men can see this.
The point is, Chen Ye can destroy this dream, but Feng Jiu is worried Chen Ye is emotionally unstable to handle the truth that Aranya will never return.
She certainly isn’t going to be the substitute.
Xize is insistent that they tell Chen Ye.
Feng Jiu is surprised he is so confident.
Xize: either he accepts the truth or he dies.
Predictably, Chen Ye can’t handle the truth and commits suicide.
Feng Jiu mourns Chen Ye. He may have made Aranya suffer a lot, but he wanted to make things right.
Once Feng Jiu recovers her body, she realizes Xize is really Dong Hua. Having realized Chen Ye did truly love Aranya, even if his way of showing it was truly horrible, Feng Jiu decides to allow Dong Hua a chance to explain his Saha fruit theft. She compares Jiheng to Qinghua, someone who delivers misleading information.
Dong Hua explains that he was jealous that Feng Jiu might use the fruit to make pastries for Xiao Yan. That’s why he decided not to give it to her. Later Jiheng came asking for the fruit to heal her own poison. Dong Hua didn’t need the fruit so he gave it to her.
Dong Hua promises Feng Jiu that he ordered the fruit be given to her because now he knows she wanted to use it to save her friend’s life.
Feng Jiu decides to let bygones be bygones. However, she still isn’t romantically involved with Dong Hua. There wasn’t a chance to be romantic while he was masquerading as Xize.
So now, Dong Hua asks Feng Jiu if he can court her. Feng Jiu is leery of this. She has been hurt so many times before.
Remembering her condition to convince her he loved her, Dong Hua does carve his heart out.
Feng Jiu has no choice but to accept this gift. (How do you reject a ring someone carved out of his own heart?) she allows Dong Hua to court her.
Since Jiheng would be a nuisance, Dong Hua decides to take them out of Fanyin Valley.
Oh yeah, since Feng Jiu never did partake in the execution (their time in the Dream was much shorter), Miao Luo didn’t realize she was there and didn’t recover her missing energy.
And the rest happens as in the book.
Worried that the Bai clan would protest the marriage, Dong Hua wedded Feng Jiu secretly before her Bing Cang ceremony.
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mcheang · 4 years
ELOD episode 55 review
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Xiao Yan tricks Miao Luo into entering Fan Yin Valley. He then tries to seal her there in vain.
Feng Jiu cleans Qingti of his immortal dust. Dong Hua isn’t welcoming of Qingti but makes him his successor.
Dong Hua finally meets Feng Jiu. While distant towards him, Dong Hua takes responsibility for missing his wedding and pretty much gives Feng Jiu Bihai Cangling. He promises that Feng Jiu is the most important person to him and gives her a crystal ring. But Feng Jiu wants nothing to do with him and rejects his gifts. Dong Hua takes Chonglin to make sure she will accept it.
As Dong Hua returns to Bihai, everything looks like it’s still ready for a wedding. Seriously, Feng Jiu’s wedding attire is laid out. Dong Hua reminisces of their shared time there and feels rueful that their promised future won’t come to pass. He then prepares to trap Miao Luo in a starlight ward, an unbreakable barrier that won’t break until all evil energy is gone. Basically as long as Miao Luo, born of evil energy herself, exists, the starlight ward will keep her in.
Xie Guchou tells Feng Jiu that Qingti is Dong Hua’s successor. Since appointing a successor means the predecessor is about to die, Feng Jiu goes to confront Dong Hua. But he is absent. Chonglin and Lian Song arrive after Cheng Yu and Si Ming. They finally tell Feng Jiu what really happened.
Dong Hua could have told Feng Jiu the truth, but rather than risk her insisting she accompany him to fight Miao Luo, he wants her to live a long life. He even carved his heart to make sure she would be protected. And yes, he finally fulfilled the requirement she had demanded in Aranya’s Dream to prove his love for her.
Feng Jiu points out that as jealous as Dong Hua is, he would rather she die with him than move on.
What I like
Dong Hua crying about Feng Jiu. This king was greatly saddened by Meng Hao’s death but never cried for him. He will cry for Feng Jiu.
Dong Hua in Bihai scène because we see how much he longs for Feng Jiu and regrets that things didn’t go according to plan.
I always do like their hand gestures when casting spells. It is like a dance.
What I dislike
Chong Lin for lashing out at a tearful Feng Jiu. Dude, how else was she supposed to react if you guys keep the truth from her? It’s not like Dong Hua has shown he can always be trusted. Let’s see, neglect of pet fox, withholding her pimpon fruit! And rushing to see Jiheng without even telling her right before their wedding! Yeah...she has absolutely no reason to doubt Dong Hua. I had to eat a lot of Hershey kisses to get me through this.
Si Ming mentioning how Dong Hua lost most of his cultivation for Feng Jiu. Please, it’s not like she wanted him to lose power. She wouldn’t even have been in danger if he had not withhold her fruit! You could have mentioned that too Siming, instead of implying it was her fault!
Feng Jiu’s behavior. I found her talking way too much to Dong Hua when she wants nothing to do with him. At the end...um, what was with that whole walking off and facing nobody scene?
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mcheang · 4 years
ELOD episode 31 review
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Hmm...I find I can enjoy the DongFeng scenes more now. Maybe my anger has abated?
Dong Hua cares for the sick Feng Jiu, and witnessed her sick, childish side try to cling to him. It’s kind of funny to see Dong Hua deal with this. Feng Jiu wakes up and insists Dong Hua owes her too much for this to be considered a debt.
Dong Hua tries to get Feng Jiu to stay when she mentions Xiao Yan. But Feng Jiu tackles Dong Hua to the bed when she sees Jiheng spying on them so as to prevent a misunderstanding. Dong Hua is confused because he is not in a relationship with Jiheng. Jiheng tries to insert herself despite Dong Hua saying no, but Feng Jiu already left.
Xiao Yan tells Feng Jiu Dong Hua wanted to use her to make Jiheng jealous.
Dong Hua visits Miao Luo who taunts him about Feng Jiu being in his heart. She plots to retrieve her missing energy and the pimpon fruit.
Dong Hua learns who Feng Jiu’s neighbour is. He ain’t happy. He switches residence with Xiao Yan, using Jiheng to convince the demon lord. Jiheng and Feng Jiu are not happy about this. Dong Hua blackmails Feng Jiu to cook for him.
Xiao Yan mopes before realizing he can matchmake Feng Jiu and Dong Hua.
Feng Jiu tends to Dong Hua’s wound. He himself makes sure she is allowed to participate in the tournament. Xiao Yan tells Feng Jiu that Dong Hua’s favor more than makes up for all the insults Feng Jiu suffered.
Xiao Yan feels guilty until Jielu tells him that Feng Jiu likes Dong Hua. She herself has decided to give up on Dijun.
Feng Jiu drinks wine with Meng Shao and Xiao Yan. The boys mope about their love lives. Feng Jiu invites them to a restaurant meal she is planning for Dong Hua. The latter witnesses Feng Jiu’s intimacy with the boys and jealousy calls her inside.
What I like
Jealous Dong Hua at the end and switching houses. It’s adorable.
DongFeng at the beginning of the episode.
Jielu’s insight and graceful dignity. Jiheng...watch and learn.
What I dislike
Xiao Yan just switching residences without warning Feng Jiu! Seriously now she is stuck with Dong Hua, forced to serve him. Some friend! And then to sacrifice their friendship to pursue an unworthy Jiheng...
Dong Hua blackmailing Feng Jiu...dude, you like her and you’re forcing her to cook for you. Your wooing methods suck.
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mcheang · 4 years
Fox Chef
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When Feng Jiu asked Si Ming for help to repay her debt, preferably by working at Taichen, Siming had a better idea than her being a maid.
He had recently heard from sources that Dong Hua was experimenting in cooking and was failing terribly at it. Lian Song had invited him to eat before he had known the truth.
Siming advised Dong Hua to accept the fox princess as his Chef teacher. Hopefully she can improve his cooking by the time he arrives for lunch.
To make things easier, Siming advised Feng Jiu to use her fox form so as not to incite the jealousy of Zhihe. He also advised her that Dong Hua was unlikely to be flattered by a giggly fangirl. So it was best she think things through from a foodie POV. Besides, in her fox form, 9 tails bound, she did not need to worry about her reputation.
Feng Jiu was ready to try. Before meetings Dong Hua, she meditated on food thoughts. When it came time to teach, Feng Jiu didn’t hold back her criticisms and immediately corrected Dong Hua. She was not going to let his shoddy fish be served while she was repaying her debt in such a manner.
Dong Hua was amused by this cute little fox, who had bound her 9 tails into one. The fact that she was furry and adorable was endearing. Dong Hua discovered his teacher was a glutton who could easily be pacified with treats.
One day, when Xiao Yan came by to insist on a duel, Feng Jiu could not help pranking him by having him do her homework, lying Dong Hua was supposed to help her with that.
After Dong Hua refused to duel Xiao Yan, he retaliated by stealing the beloved pet. She wasn’t hard to lure away. Just use food.
Dong Hua wanted his teacher back. Feng Jiu was unharmed and was happily being fed by a disarmed Xiao Yan. She was just so cute he had to pamper her while waiting for Dong Hua to arrive.
When Dong Hua got lost in the lotus land, Feng Jiu traded her fur to save him.
Dong Hua recognised his teacher.
Jiheng also came by.
Dong Hua recovered Feng Jiu’s furs for her.
Feng Jiu was upset to learn of the engagement. She decided to leave with dignity, pointing out that it wasn’t wise for her to stick around since Jiheng might get jealous.
Also, she fixed Lian Song’s blueprint design in Dong Hua’s presence, consoling herself for spotting a mistake Dong Hua had missed.
Then Dong Hua said there was no need for her to resign because the wedding was a sham. He owed Meng Hao. And Feng Jiu still owed Dong Hua.
After that Feng Jiu became perfectly friendly again.
When Dong Hua needed to go to the mortal realm, Feng Jiu grew concerned and got entangled. She now had to repay her debt by love trial.
Once the trial was over, Feng Jiu was guiltridden over Qingti and blamed herself. She resigned from Taichen Palace since her debt was completed. Her goal was now to become wiser so she can repay Qingti.
Dong Hua woke up and Siming told him the truth. He added Feng Jiu’s apologies that she had never meant to interfere in his mortal trial. She was just worried.
Dong Hua misses Feng Jiu. Here was someone who had willingly sacrificed her furs for him and even went to the mortal realm to check up on him.
He finds her in Qingqiu and insists he help her with the Saha fruit.
They find it in Fanyin Valley. Dong Hua found out when he visited Jiheng for his regular check ups.
Feng Jiu enrolls there. Dong Hua trains her while she cooks for him at their shared residence. Jiheng is jealous of Feng Jiu.
Miao Luo intervenes and realizes Feng Jiu holds a drop of her energy.
Jiheng tried to sabotage Feng Jiu and steal her prize. She fails.
With the fruit at hand, Feng Jiu sets about to revive Qingti. Now that that is over, their time should be at an end. But Dong Hua discovered his feelings at the competition and decides to ask for her hand.
She gladly accepts. But perhaps they should wait after the Bingcang ceremony? She needs to prepare her swordcase and find out how to appease her elders.
Well, the wedding can wait, but the registering cannot.
Cue Bingcang ceremony. Cue Son-in-law surprise.
Since the Biyiniao clan wasn’t evacuated and Xiao Yan never came to Fanyin Valley, Jiheng couldn’t carry out her suicide plot since she had no way to leave!
When the married Dong Hua came to visit her again, she begged him to hire her as a maid. He refused.
Jiheng was in despair. There was no way to do a suicide threat in Fanyin Valley since injuries obtained there were easily healed by Dong Hua.
Then she asked for Xiao Yan’s company.
Xiao Yan readily came. But Jiheng asked him to take her out when the time was right. Once outside, she went straight to Mount Baishui and finally was ready to carry out her suicide threat.
Dong Hua was repulsed, healed her and then sent her away for good.
If it weren’t for the fact that Feng Jiu was not expecting him for an occasion, and she already had borne him a Son, she might have grown suspicious.
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mcheang · 5 years
The jealous king
Feng Jiu is familiar with jealous Dong Hua from the trial. As such, she loves teasing him by flaunting her male friends and inviting them for meals. It’s funny when you think about it. Feng Jiu had competitors in the form of Jiheng and Zhi’he, but she has way more admirers than Dong Hua in the time they spend together.
Qing Ti
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They were sworn brothers in the mortal trial. But as Dijun is informed, Qing Ti was part of his love trial since he ran off with his intended empress and humiliated him.
Even as Feng Jiu was devoted to Dong Hua, she still mourned for Qing Ti for years; fought for the fruit, and gave him half her cultivation!
She looked so happy to know she still gets to see Qing Ti....
Meng Shao
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Granted this prince was unaware of Feng Jiu’s true nature, but he and Jiu Ge were close friends. And she keeps inviting him to their home for drinks, while Dong Hua watches from the sidelines.
Why does Xiao Bai have to care if he is gay?
This prince still holds a torch for his Xiao Bai....
Xiao Yan
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Ah, the demon lord who humiliated Dong Hua and robbed him of the soul-locking jade. The one who shared residences with Feng Jiu for 6 months.
Why does Dong Hua tolerate him again? Oh right, if he killed Yan Chiwu now, Xiao Bai would be sad and suspect him.
But does Xiao Bai have to prepare meals for their guests? Only her family should get that privilege.
Chen Ye
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In hindsight, this is kind of embarrassing to be jealous of your own shadow
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Dijun doesn’t share candy. Also, he’s not happy with how Moye suggested Feng Jiu will meet someone better than him.
Thankfully Moye seems to understand this. He steers clear of meals alone with Feng Jiu.
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