#i don't want to offend anyone
cenorii · 3 months
RE headcanons!
PART 1 (if you like it I'll make a sequel with other characters. I was just bored)
My serious headcanons about some RE characters. Some I'll write about more than others because I thought about them more often, I apologize in advance.
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Chris Redfield
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— his favorite color is green, he enjoys this color and adds it to any set of clothes, even his military gear. He doesn't care if shades of green may not match at all in the same outfit, he just wears that color because he loves it.
— his favorite genre of music in the early years, judging by his daring clothes, guitar and references to «Queen», was heavy metal and pop-rock. Nowadays, many years later, he probably likes the laid-back tunes of «Roxette» and «Savage» because Chris' life has become hectic and he needs an island of peace.
— he smokes, but he's not a heavy smoker. In his youth, Chris smoked a lot and often, judging by his concept art. Now, however, he smokes to get in the right frame of mind and pace, to focus and calm down.
— After the amnesia episode, Chris stopped drinking and now only drinks on holidays. Drinking has become disgusting to him, it reminds him of his episode of weakness.
— Chris prefers his natural scent, doesn't use any special perfume on himself because he washes with regular soap.
— he's a latent gay man, but he's never been in a relationship. Chris seriously doesn't understand why he isn't attracted to women. The last thing he thinks about is his real orientation. He's silly.
— he likes Wesker more than Chris is willing to admit. Since he doesn't realize what kind of attraction it is, Chris doesn't guess his crush. He's too inexperienced in love affairs to realize it. Especially when it comes to Wesker, who he has a ton of emotions associated with, a lot of which are negative.
— Chris has some guitar skills, but after 1998, he barely remembers it. He can't sing, he's just an amateur at it.
— he doesn't know how to cook, ordering takeaways. Chris doesn't like junk food, having given up his attempts to learn how to cook and not even opening the cookbook Claire gave him.
— Chris never has enough time to shave his face or cut his hair. But that doesn't bother him.
— he had a low grade in school, Chris liked fun more than textbooks.
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— his favorite color is blue, but Wesker doesn't like others to know too much about it, so he adds this color to his clothes very carefully. Blue color in his clothes has never been the main color, it is only an accent.
— Wesker doesn't usually listen to music, he prefers silence, but if he had to choose, he would settle for Frank Sinatra songs. He can only listen to something that won't throw him off his thoughts.
— Wesker doesn't smoke or drink. Spencer dreamed of creating an ideal society, so he raised the Weskers as ideal people. Such people should not drink and smoke. These people should only spend time on self-development and so on.
— he doesn't swear. Wesker doesn't like and/or know how to swear because of his «proper» upbringing. He will never insult a person with a rude word, but will pick up the most innocuous one, even if he is very angry. Who shouts «self-righteous fools» or «ignorant cretins» in anger? Only the child or Wesker, because in his situation I'd be yelling «assholes», «fucking bastards» and so on. He's polite and well-mannered, just like Spencer wanted.
— he has a good sense of humor. Wesker doesn't seem like a joker because his jokes are very subtle and infrequent. He says «I have a date to keep» and then goes and destroys the Red Queen with the phrase «goodbye, fair lady», isn't he the most serious joker in fandom after that?
— Wesker is pansexual, but he doesn't care about relationships and so he, like Chris, is not even aware of his preference. He doesn't pay attention to it, so his involvement with Ms. Muller or his sudden obsession with Chris doesn't give him any reason to wonder what his orientation is. He doesn't care.
— he's in love with Chris, but he sees those feelings as a manifestation of his pride in him.
— his bathroom shelf is filled with various self-care products, and he is very worried about his appearance. First, the smell of his perfume enters the room, and then Wesker enters.
— Ms. Muller was not just a «one-night stand» for him, there was a warm relationship between them, because she remained in good opinion of him and even kept the child. This is a side of Wesker that is unknown to the players, because he had no opportunity or chance to show it. I think they broke up because Wesker was getting too attached to this woman and she was becoming his weakness, and he «can't have weaknesses». His job may have also interfered with the relationship, causing Muller to make her own decision to get out of his way, keeping the good memories alive. Wesker, on the other hand, tried to forget about that pleasant time with her so it wouldn't interfere with him.
— he is not ashamed to recognize someone else's merits and praise another person. He appreciates people who are good at something, he is sincere about it.
— Wesker is not a villain and an antagonist, he is the anti-villain. He has all the personality traits that fit that definition. He is not the pure evil that many believe him to be due to their inattention.
— he can cook, and he does it well. Wesker is known for being great at everything and cooking is no exception. Back in the days of S.T.A.R.S., he took care of his healthy diet, but once he gained power and became a bioterrorist, he stopped cooking for himself, preferring to order food from restaurants or have a personal chef. Because of the virus, he doesn't need to eat as often as normal people, so he really enjoys the process, since it rarely happens.
— because of his principles or Spencer's upbringing, Wesker can't directly harm a child. Children have never been a target for him, and he considers it beneath his dignity.
— his name is a mononym. Wesker doesn't call himself Albert and doesn't like it when others do (but doesn't stop them out of politeness). He is Wesker to everyone and to himself. However, there is a contradiction here — he hates the word «Wesker» and this whole project. Surely he must have considered changing his name if he had achieved the evolution of humanity. He still uses his initials AW when necessary.
Leon S Kennedy
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— Leon has no color preference, he wears whatever clothes he feels comfortable in. He doesn't care if the colors don't match.
— he loves children and is easy to get along with.
— he uses feminine shower gels and likes sweet scents.
— likes to drink to relax or for any other reason. But he doesn't smoke.
— the music that Leon likes is very hard to define. He is probably a music lover who listens to whatever he likes.
— Leon isn't shy about swearing. He likes to make silly jokes to lighten the mood.
— He knows how to cook, but not very well, but these skills are enough for him. Leon can make toast or fry eggs, but it would be difficult for him to cook something more complicated, so he often watches tutorials on the Internet or eats fast food.
— Leon is bisexual and he knows it. He's crazy about Ada Wong, but he tries to hide it, which is unsuccessful.
— he likes karaoke.
— it annoyed him that if he showed up in any kind of transportation, there was a high probability of an accident or something. He sometimes wondered if he was a loser.
— he had a girlfriend once, but the affair was so casual that it broke up after almost a month.
— In school he had average grades, Leon could not be called a bad student, but he was not an excellent student either.
Ada Wong
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— her favorite color is not only red, but also black.
— she loves elegant clothes and doesn't care if they don't fit her work. Despite the design, Ada chooses only clothes in which she can move freely.
— only Wesker knows her real name, and her name «Ada Wong» is just a rehash of «AW» (Albert Wesker).
— I like to think that she and Wesker could have acted like best friends, but voluntarily opted out for personal reasons.
— Ada pretends not to like music, but she actually likes «Marina and the Diamonds». She listens to these songs alone, in a deserted place.
— she smoked once, but she quit. She doesn't drink.
— Ada doesn't have any holidays, she doesn't even celebrate her own birthday.
— she's straight, and she's openly attracted to Leon.
— loves subtle scents in perfume, she always smells nice, but this scent is barely perceptible.
— Ada can't cook and hasn't tried to learn. She eats food from cafes and prefers to go there herself instead of having it delivered.
— She has no problem with foreign languages, she probably knows a few besides English.
— she was an honors student in school and she's easy to learn new things.
— Ada is an anti-hero.
Alex Wesker
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— Alex's favorite color is white. It is the color of sterility and truth that she strives for in her research.
— I guess her full name is Alexandra.
— loves getting her nails done to cheer herself up. Due to illness and failed experiments, she is always in a bad mood, so taking care of herself helps her keep her head cool and rational.
— Alex loved her own short hair, which she had in the past, but it reminded her too much of Albert, whom she respected. Because of what she knew about «Project W» and the truth about them, Alex felt a kind of guilt for keeping her brother in the dark and lying. So she changed her image so she wouldn't think about it.
— she's a lesbian.
— Alex knows Russian.
— she must have a secret altar in her house dedicated to Albert.
— she respects Albert so much that she even tries to think and act like him. It is forbidden to insult her brother in her presence, even though they have hardly ever met and are not related.
— Alex did grieve when she learned of her brother's death in the volcano. But when she learned of his death in 1998, she was not sad, because she had not yet had time to get to know him so well and get into his personality.
— the clothes Alex wears are formal and office style. She doesn't like to wear something informal because she feels insecure in it.
— the mole under her eye is painted, or appeared there with age.
— Alex likes only classical music, her ear cannot perceive anything from modern genres.
— Has never thought about relationships, but can admit if she likes someone.
— Alex's only humor is black.
— often communicates with quotes from books, like someone quotes from songs. This helps her to express her thoughts properly and emphasize them.
— she's a lot harder to piss off than Albert.
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liusia-piu · 1 year
Let's be honest, a modern Julian would never wear a boring mass-market shirt or T-shirt. He would climb through flea markets until he found a costume of some dead aristocrat from the 19th century and bought it for three pennies, while bargaining for it for two hours
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ask-king-bowser · 2 years
Welcome to Tumblr!
we have
the tf2 nerd @fandomandangstlover
the walking dictionary @fandomsandwriting1
the blood enthusiast @the-main-charact3r
The horror simp @seabunnythatlikeshorror
yes @22ndcenturyschizoidman
The mom friend @remaking-machine
*insert "the world revolving" here* @jevthejester
Shapes and even more Shapes @just-a-normal-jsab-ask-blog
Digimon enthusiast @shoutmonishere
Zelda nerd @ilikebirdsouo
The space lady and Beethoven @ask-rosalina-and-her-family
The robot gremlin @bowserjrthecoolkoopa
Football player @charginchuckoffical
The creep that simps for a rat @/adriennsposts
5 star chef @pink-perf3t-z0mbi3
Pony @gr33nthund4rf4n
Cock joke Tankman enthusiast @edgydadster
Pokémon Nerd @goldenhydreigon47
The bots
And last but not least
The dumbass that lives under a rock @ask-king-bowser
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asshlyyyy · 2 years
hey i just wanted you to know that the word colored is offensive to people of color, i see it pop up in your elvis series quite a bit.
*UPDATE* I have since then changed it. To hopefully something that is less offensive. It is never in my intention to offend anyone. But, to say that it pops up quite a bit... well that’s a lie. It was mentioned twice in chapter one and has since been fixed. Chapter one now only mentions color twice, and then chapter two mentioned colored nails as in nail polish. 
Please don’t take any offensive of this. It really is not my intention and sometimes I don’t know how to react in these certain moments. If what I used is still offensive I don’t know what else to do. This story takes place in the 1950s-1970s.
I'm sorry. I didn't realize that it was offensive. It's hard to know what to exactly say to please everyone. Some people may be fine with that and other people may not. It is not in my intention to offend anyone. That being said, I feel wrong just typing black. I don't like that word because when I think of lack, I think of color. So, that is why you don't see that word. I choose that word because I thought that it would be better.
If there is another word I can use that isn't that or black, please let me know. I will put that in my warnings until I can think of a word to change it. I do want to keep in mind that as the chapters grow, that word won't necessarily pop up. I also do want to remind people that this is written in the 1950s when a lot was messed up. Of course, I still did not type out certain words, but-
So please let me know of a word that I can replace while still being truthful to the history and backgrounds of my characters!
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sovietwh · 1 year
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Recently found an episode of "Free to Be... a Family" where Kermit comes to Moscow. I laughed my guts out when this question was adressed to Miss Piggy... so I drew it with Wally
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joltrify · 5 months
id sell my left soul and my lung for more disabled Ben 10 aliens please omg
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hope i did okay this time around; still getting back into the swing of things
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multicolour-ink · 8 months
Do you think Mario and Luigi make "twin jokes" to each other?
Something like:
I'm only shorter because Luigi sat on me in the womb!
Well I'm only skinnier because YOU stole all the nutrients!
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dumbf1sketches · 7 months
Lando always chokes when it matters most. we love to see it. he got outqualified by a rookie and is not even top 3 in the 2nd fastest car. fraudo
Thank you anon I love getting requests!
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No I don't know how iPhone messages work
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ntj2pj · 4 months
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#madness combat#madcom oc#my oc#atp soldat#the soldat in the dark (tm) actually cares about his bro#a lot#but he just can't get sad when he warned him about this shit nonstop#no id#The bitten guy just acts too friendly because his program made him too altruistuc and kind#Which sometimes helps since he is one who recruits workers#Well#Probably it's more benefitial most of the time#But he gets in shit like “oh i just wanted to help civilian get out from dangerous location and they stabbed me :(((”#And he ain't bullied for it by anyone but his bro. He is too... Kinda. Uh. Hard to bully guy who is most safest option to talk with auditor#And not die lol. It also doesn't help that he is guy who knows all of the AAHW by names and will kick you hard for bullying anyone#So bullying him is a privilege of some atp soldats#not an option :D#Other soldat here is just walking anger issues and he got no friends other than his bro. Constantly lashes at anyone. The Bitten™ included#So they're got that dynamic of angry antisocial cynical guy and pessimist & optimistic kind dude (well#(well he got a lot of mental issues too#But doesn't show it and never let it hurt others.)#And he is much older than the pessimist :'D#Pessimist guy is very young actually. But just experienced shit nonstop from birthday and lost very much everyone he cared about#And the second one... just atp soldat with no past. never known any other thing than work in AAHW and orders. Easy to manipulate#He also gets “You're not a real person” a lot for it. And constanly offended by it. But it's a problem of all yellow bloods here#Especially him#since he litterally didn't had a life outside from aahw. Also don't think he wouldn't kick his friends hard for orders.#Kill even. He is a dog for orders first#Kind guy with good morals is only second
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bbyboykit · 2 months
Ficlet inspired by this post by @wikitpowers
Kit looks up at the mirror and smiles. When Dru had come to him with a bottle of hair dye he had been very skeptical, but it looked good on him if he said so himself.
He walks out of the bathroom to model his new hair for Dru herself, who had put purple streaks in her hair before they dyed his to show him it wasn't a big deal. "It looks just like I pictured it! Ty is going to love it, I'm sure!"
Kit blushes at the exclamation and rubs the back of his neck. "I sure hope so. Remember our deal if he doesn't though."
Dru rolls her eyes at him. "Yeah yeah, we'll dye it back if it's too much for your boyfriend." She smiles. "You really do look good though, I think my brother is gonna love it."
Kit smiles, a little reassured. He definitely wouldn't mind keeping it for a few months if Ty liked it, his opinion was important to Kit after all.
(Also tagging @librarianafterdark and @a-bi-cat-with-books since y'all are my Shadowhunter friends!)
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Do you know these queer characters?
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Pyra & Mythra are Polyamorous and WLW and both use she/her pronouns!
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aleespace · 1 year
Alrighty but the amount of people who genuinely believe the show will have the bad ending???? Like fr? This is really what you think? I'm sorry you've seen too much shows with bad endings and it left impact on you that you now don't trust anyone but I promise bd absolutely is not going that way
Look at eps 7 and 8! This is the most angst we got untill now and they both ended on a good note, Kazuki finally moved on from his past and came home and saw his new family sleeping holding hands this was so sweet! And Rei, after this f*cker send him to kill his own mentor in his own birthday! Still in the end Rei is back home with his family where his daughter sang him a birthday song and his partner made him birthday cake and all kinds of food Rei likes i meaann
From what i can tell this show sticks to idk Disney movie principles? Yes there will be some angst but in the end they get their happy ending. That's what VAs were talking about!
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"Here's how things would go in real life" In real life two hitmans would NOT get happy ending in real life it would probably end bad! But it won't okay? It won't! Also take a look at this
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You have to think about what director really wanted convey through this series and how the ending suppose to reflect that thought! Bad ending wouldn't make sense!! At all! Because the main thoughts of the show is that everyone deserves a chance to be happy, you can build your own family and that the blood family isn't always right THESE ARE THE MAIN THOUGHTS THESEE
So yeah you can bite me and throw rocks at me if I'll be wrong but i will not be wrong i have faith in the bd crew
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strhwaberries · 1 year
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oneus // unforgettable
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i-eat-deodorant · 10 months
i'm sure you know this already but:
1) in terms profit they'd pretty much shoot themselves in the foot with that decision, and as protest it's not very effective to make unity listen.
2) if they were, there would've been a much bigger announcement than a twitter tweet.
3) they confirmed they're not in both the discord and the twitter. after the deletion tweet went viral. which...ok.
4) it's probably a scare tactic to take advantage of the unity news to get more people to buy their game.
5) it probably worked.
so many people are focused on the unity issue that i don't think it's often talked about how much of a shitty pr stunt that was by the social media manager. people are fearmongering, sure, but the initial seeds were planted by that twitter post that really should've gone through some extra foresight.
hope they enjoy their extra revenue.
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interstellar-wanderer · 2 months
When I ship is usually uncontrollable for me, like poof and happens, but I can't get to ship Ghoulcy, my guts are telling me to wait longer or even ignore it until next season because I just didn't feel it.
Something just makes me stop and think 'not yet, and maybe never'.
No I am not ignoring that yeah everyone saw them as a possibility because The Ghoul was hot, and she is the female protagonist where his brutality and personality was focused on for most of the season, and a lot of people vibed with it but I just didn't? Their dynamic is unbalanced so far; he is a type of teacher and withholds information from her the same as her father (but he isn't a father figure, absolutely not). Also is not that she is young, is that she is naive.
Besides I don't identify with her that much, I mostly identified with Norm.
Meanwhile I am here imagining a female character as brutal as Cooper roaring the Wasterland and maybe meeting him at some point, crossing paths in their own quest for answers and revenge.
I think I just don't vibe with it at all I guess? Or maybe something is telling me to wait? I don't mind people shipping them tho. But being extremely selective with ships is hard :/
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valyrfia · 9 months
This may be a controversial opinion, but honestly - I am a ride or die lestappen fan, I love nothing more than the fantasy of seeing them end up together.. but if I think with my logical, realistic brain, I honestly think if any drivers were actually dating, lestappen is more fantastical than other ships.
Like if Charles were to one day actually reveal that he's in a relationship with another driver? I think it would probably be Pierre.
And if it was Max, it would be Daniel.
I love lestappen more than those two ships, but I acknowledge that Piarles and Maxiel have more real life chemistry lol
It IS controversial anon and you're brave for saying it in this economy! That being said, I fully disagree with you.
Max and Daniel are extremely close and comfortable with each other, obviously enjoy each other's company and like joking around. Pierre and Charles have known each other for ages, are very close friends who care greatly for each other. Both of these dynamics are great, with great chemistry–but I look at them and see only platonic. Not to negate the importance of them in the slightest! The vibes are just not there.
Lestappen on the other hand, feels different because there's something resembling romantic chemistry, which can feel more stilted than platonic chemistry at times because of the inherent tension. I also just personally prefer Lestappen over Maxiel or Piarles because I think the Max and Charles combo has the greatest potential for a partnership. There's a different compatibility required for romantic partners than there is for friends, and I think the Lestappen dynamic captures the essence of it. If Charles were to win a WDC, him and Max would basically be two of the only people to fully understand each other and their lived life experiences, there's a bone-deep intimacy in that. I very much advocate for a romantic partner being an equal, and Max and Charles match each other well in that way. Inevitable and predestined, etc. It's also quite obvious from interviews that the two of them love racing in a way the rest of us mere mortals don't entirely get, Max logging ridiculous hours on the sim, Charles staying up til midnight before a race working on strategy. I think the two of them would compliment each other well as romantic partners and there is a deep respect between them (moreso than Max with Dan and Charles with Pierre). So yes, I disagree and think if we were in an ideal utopia where everyone dates everyone and no one gives a fuck, Lestappen would be the most likely.
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