#i don't trust any of you nerds to be cool
gayenerd · 1 year
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
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Etho doodles in which I let my inner dinosaur nerd take over 😔 and also have no idea how to shade
Get it cause he's old and washed up haha... ok but actual raptor Etho hybrid justification below cut
To be honest the main reason was because I really wanted a hybrid in the mix who wasn't some furry creature and a reptile or amphibian or smth instead. Etho still ended up feathered but whatever it's close enough! But for ACTUAL reasoning:
He does feel damn ancient, like an old deity of the mcyt space that no one can dislike. Dinosaurs are the same!! They're old but still thought of with great fascination and fondness, everyone loves dinosaurs...
Dinosaurs are ever so mysterious, as many advancements as we make there's still so much we don't know. Just as we know jackshit about mister Kakashi skin man. Also, there are so many incomplete skeletons out there. I didn't have a particular species in mind for Etho, because where's the mystery in that? He can be one of those 5% skeleton 95% speculation dinosaurs like this guy!! Missing jaw and all
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"I'm a runner, not a protector" - so, a raptor, or more specifically the Dromaeosauridae family, which literally has "running/runner" in its name
But! I'm always a fan of stuff going against its nature, especially in this case! Etho states he's not a runner yet protects his allies rather fiercely even in total silence. Eg refusing to kill Cleo in SL or to give away Tango's location during the LimL manhunt, same for Grian in SL. He was a bit flaky in 3L I think? And he only started to have genuine care for allies in LL with Bdubs? Though he is still very much a runner in many cases like during the LL Wither fight. Research also strongly suggests that most if not all raptors were solitary hunters, and the way I see Etho (through my shamefully limited watchtime of his POVs...) he feels a lot like someone who ultimately only trusts himself at the start even if he's pleasant and allying with others, and doesn't seem to think he can carry his weight in groups though he doesn't voice this a lot. That's just how Etho is, very composed, but it feels like there's an insecurity there, showcased especially in SL but again I haven't seen almost any of his POVs in full so maybe I'm talking out of my ass!! Sorry ethogirls I'm only a sidegig ethogirl myself... But yeah tldr to me he gives off the vibe of an otherwise solitary animal struggling to find 100% sure footing in a pack. In whichever ways he does go against his nature, its not usually made a show of
At the mention of a raptor, a lot of people will probably think of the glamourized Jurassic Park Velociraptors. But those awesome guys from the movies are actually the size of chickens. In general though, dinosaurs tend to be a bit.. exaggerated in media, despite how inherently fascinating they already are. And I think it fits Etho because we all know how the Lifers seem to fear and mancrush on him when he's just some dork with perfect capability to become pathetic at a moment's notice. Still, he's a clearly skilled player and still respected without question Etho's not some killer machine like some people make dinosaurs out to be. He's just a fellow creature fulfilling his role in the ecosystem 👍
dinosaurs are cool
The hook-like sickle claws on the feet... something something fishing rod
I swear I'm not turning all my Lifers into hybrids I'm not!! Still plenty normal humans in the mix I swear....... But Etho is such a radical dude, I really wanted to do something more for him. The whole Kitsune thing that I often see associated with him is really cool. I don't actually know the reasoning for it but I assume something something naruto, but also, him being this ancient mythical cryptid who people know so little about, you know? It makes SO much sense. So anyway I turned him into a dinosaur instead rawr
As a herbivore advocate I also considered stuff like the triceratops (known for how they protect themselves and their own) but nah the raptor symbolism...
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cuephrase · 2 months
Most Disliked Robin Results!!
at long last, (some of) the data you've all been waiting for.
for those of you who are new, i put out a questionnaire to gather data in the interest of discovering if my personal hypothesis that knowing someone's #1 Robin tells you nothing really, but knowing their top two, now that gives you insight. i have since closed that questionnaire, and we are in the data crunching stage. in this anon ask, anon was curious which Robin was getting the most dislike votes. i shared the current numbers w/o revealing who was getting which votes, and invited y'all to vote for which Robin you thought was getting the most dislike votes.
these were the results of the prediction poll:
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before i share the final results, with 745 responses, a disclaimer:
the data pool is extremely small in the grand scheme of things!! this data cannot be used to make definitive claims about fandom at large. this is simply what we observed from the small group of fans, predominantly from tumblr, who filled out my questionnaire. cool? cool.
for our purposes, a "Stan" is someone who marked X Robin as their #1 fave Robin, and a "Fan" is someone who marked X Robin in their top two. additionally, whenever you see a top two Duo, for example, Dick & Damian, the character mentioned first is that person's #1. so Dick & Damian duos are distinct from Damian & Dick duos!!
for the non-math nerds, the 95% CI*, or 95% Confidence Interval is there to show that if we were to poll a random 745 responders again, from the same communities, we're about 95% sure the true value is somewhere in here range. *this is a bit of a simplification, but uh, i am not a math teacher + google is free. (i thought about finding a snappy youtube vid but as soon as they started talking math i zoned out whoops.)
finally a big, big thank you to @chinajousama and @tevyaa for their data-crunching + formatting!! none of this would have happened nearly as quickly (or successfully) without them!! 🫶
overall dislike
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raw count
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converted to percentages with 95% CI
the most important takeaway here, imo, is that ~74% do not dislike any Robin. (shoutout to the Jason & Steph Duo who disliked Dick, Tim, and Damian tho, iconic.)
also, it is not at all what tumblr predicted!! tumblr predicted that dick would be least disliked (by virtue of him getting the least votes) and that's...about all that was correct from the prediction poll.
now how does this breakdown depending on Stans/Fans/Duos?
Stans' dislike (Y is responders #1 Robin)
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raw count
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converted to percentages with 95% CI
"hey!!" you say, "the math is not mathing- if i add up the bottom row i get 774/104%, not 745/100%." correct!! this is because responders were able to dislike more than one Robin.
if we gave the percentages for each row of the very first chart, (the one that lays out how people voted in all the permutations), those percents would add up to 100%. but since we're only breaking it down between the Robins, there's overlap. 14.8% of everyone disliked Tim, that number is true. however, that 14.8% of Tim Dislikers includes people who also disliked other Robins- it's not the percentage of people who exclusively dislike Tim.
tl;dr: it doesn't add up, but the math is right, trust.
"okay, fine, but why don't you have a 95% CI for everyone?" if the sample group was too small to make a prediction (received less than 5 responses), we decided not to give one because there's simply not enough data to give one worth having. tl;dr, if there's a 0.00%* in the 95% CI chart, don't read into those stats too hard!!
Fans' dislike (Y is in responder's top duo)
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raw count
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converted to percentages with 95% CI
already you can see some differences compared to the Stans' Dislikes- most percentages go up a bit, but a few go down.
now let's see what happens when we look at the breakdown over Duo's Dislike
Duo's dislike
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raw count
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converted to percentages with 95% CI
note the differences!! for instance, all Jason-first Duos are more likely to dislike Tim than the percentage given for Jason Stans, except for Jason & Tim duos, which duh, but also, Jason & Tim is the second most common Jason-first Duo, making up 25.3% of Jason-first Duos.
also!! Tim fans are the least likely to dislike overall, with 83.2% not disliking any Robin, however, Tim stans, specifically Tim & Dick Duos are the most likely to dislike Damian. (*cough* lingering Red Robin grudge, perhaps? *cough* Tim Stans: i can let a lot of shit go, but that. that i cannot. [i'm a Tim Stan, i'm allowed to tease them, okay?])
another crucial thing to point out here is that the percentages represent how likely Y Duo is to dislike X Robin. this distinction is significant because while it is correct to say that, (based off this data pool), Steph & Damian Duos are the most likely to dislike Tim, it is incorrect to say that most Tim dislikers are Steph & Damian Duos.
something, something squares and rectangles If you grab a random Steph & Damian Duo responder, they are the most likely out of all the Duo responders to dislike Tim. However, if you were to grab a random Tim Disliker responder, the odds of that responder being a Steph & Damian Duo are pretty low.
by number, Dick & Damian Duos make up the biggest portion of Tim Dislikers (26 out of 110 votes). however, they also make up the biggest portion of responders overall with 92 votes, whereas Steph & Damian only got 22.
(side note, if you're like, whoa but Dick & Jason won the tumblr poll- overall, there were more responders that had Dick and Jason in their top 2, however they were split 82/64 and Dick and Damian was split 92/29. those splits are also super interesting to see, bc some are pretty even and others aren't.)
okay, so what's the takeaway here? repeat after me: everybody 👏hates 👏 Tim!! 👏 loud incorrect buzzer yeah, no so the main takeaway here is that so far, it's looking like there is visible variation depending on a Stan/Fan's Duo compared to Stan/Fan opinion. also, that most Robin fans don't dislike a Robin. you can relax, odds are blorbo is not under attack. unless you're a Tim stan. jk jk, i'm sorry, him having 14.8% dislikability is just hysterical to me, like do you see the social distancing, Jason is the second most disliked and Tim has more than double his numbers LMAO.
especially bc that 14.8% is just like, out of all responders, how likely Tim is to be disliked, right, follow me here, hehe. 110 of 223 dislike votes cast were for Tim, right, so of the dislike votes cast there is a ~49.3% chance that a dislike vote is a dislike Tim vote.
but!! if we condense that 223 (dislike votes cast/remember that 1 responder could dislike multiple) to 194 (the actual number of responders who disliked), then it's 110 out of 194, so if a Robin fan dislikes anyone, there is a ~56.7% that they dislike Tim.
try not to laugh at that, i dare you.
now, as a Tim stan, i think this makes sense because out of all the Robins, Tim has the most on panel interaction with every other Robin compared to the others, so like, if any Robin is going to show up and annoy you, odds are it's Timbo. factor in fanfic trends and uh...look, do i love Tim? yes. (i love them all, but that's beside the point.) do i think he's annoying af. also yes. it's part of the appeal, i mean hot people get it, i mean this data is not shocking to me but it is, clearly, deeply amusing. that being said, you might be under attack, because responders were wayyyy more likely to find a Robin Stan annoying than they were to dislike a Robin hehehe. sorry, sorry, i swear i'm not trying to shart shit. i mean, start shit. that was an honest typo but i'm so tired rn and it's funny so i'm leaving it, forgive me. what are your thoughts? any of this surprising to you, or does it track with your predictions? tysm for participating if you responded to the questionnaire!! and if you didn't, no worries, enjoy the Findings. please remember that the goal of this questionnaire/sharing the Findings is not to grade other fans on whether they're "good"/"bad"- discuss to your heart's content but let's try and keep the wank/bad faith takes to a minimum, yeah? thank youuuuu
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also enjoy this at a glance graph!! the bars are error bars, they represent that 95% CI :)
anyways!! i just threw a ton of data at you, if there's anything you would like to see me elaborate on/any questions you have, please feel free to send me an ask and we'll do our best to deliver!! there's truly so much to unpack here.
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eddieandbird · 2 months
Hello! I don't see if you do angst or not, but if you do, i'd like to request a fight with Eddie in front of the Hellfire club, like they're in a D&D section and start to fight over any reason (you can choose) and the reader get's upset and get out of the room and the other's be like "😳...go talk to her, man" and the rest is whatever you think is better, thank you so so much, and sorry if my english is bad 🥺💕
no worries! i gave it my best shot, hope you like it -bird
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You have an attitude during a Hellfire Club meeting
tags/warnings: fluff | hurt/comfort | 1.3k words | f!reader | arguments
If a single drop of water were to touch your skin right now, it would evaporate in seconds, or at least that’s how furious you felt at this moment. You’d been silently grinding your teeth and fiddling with your character’s figure on the table since Eddie started the session.
“Any day now, sweetheart. It’s your turn,” To you, it sounded like he was elongating your words just to taunt you.
“Skip my turn, nothing good’s happened yet,” You muttered, squeezing your figure tightly in your hand before dropping it back onto the table.
Eddie’s brows knitted together, disgust laced in his deep frown. “So you’re just going to leave the party vulnerable because we bore you, is that it?”
“Why not? Leaving people hanging isn’t completely off the table for our party, right? Or is that just towards me?” You folded your arms, unwavering from his intense glare.
“God, are you seriously throwing a fit right now? In front of everyone?” He leaned forward and spoke in a low tone as if that was going to conceal the argument with you from the other members.
“You know what you’re right. I am so sorry everyone, I’m just not in the mood for D&D tonight. So sorry I have to ditch you all,” You laid heavy emphasis on the word ‘ditch’ before getting up and pushing in your chair with a loud squeak.
The weight of your footsteps could be heard as you walked out of the auditorium. You left the rest of the Hellfire members in awe with your absence.
Dustin was the first to break the silence. “Damn… What the hell did you do, Eddie?”
“Zip it, Henderson,” Eddie snapped back, his eyes transfixed on the door. “Jesus Christ, what the hell was that?” He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh, dropping his head on the table with a thud.
“That was some good drama, right there,” Gareth spoke in an amused tone.
“You’re not helping,” Eddie grumbled.
“Are you going to go after her?” Jeff asked, a slight hint of worry in his voice.
“Yeah, Eddie. You can’t let her storm off like that and not chase her. Trust me, it never ends well when I leave Max alone to ‘cool off’,” Lucas added, shaking his head.
Mike nodded “Yeah, El hates that too-”
“Okay! I get it! You guys are expert-level boyfriends or whatever,” Eddie’s eyes shot wide open with annoyance. “Just… give me a second to go find her, okay? Dustin’s in charge in the meantime,”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Mike exclaimed.
“Argue amongst yourselves for a minute, nerds!” Eddie yelled back, already in the process of slamming the door behind him.
Eddie stomped quickly down the hallway, eyes darting everywhere looking for you.
He turned the corner and his eyes widened slightly as he saw your hand disappearing into the girls restroom.
“Damnit..” he mumbled to himself.
He stood outside the door, debating whether he should barge in after you or not. Eventually, his head got the better of him and he pushed open the heavy door.
“Hey. We need to talk.”
“Eddie, get out, you’re not supposed to be in here,” You grumbled, not giving him a second glance.
You were focused on your reflection, carefully dabbing at your tears with a tissue to not ruin more of your makeup.
“Like I care about that,” He retorted.
You caught a glimpse of him in the mirror. He stood with his shoulder slumped, back against the bathroom stall. His intense dark eyes glaring at you with frustration.
“I’m not coming back to the session, you can just kill my character off now,” You said sternly.
“Can you just look at me for a second?” He pleaded, but you remained facing the mirror, trying to avoid even the slightest glance in his direction.
He sighed and took a few more steps into the bathroom, his hands shoved deep into pockets, knuckles turning white with how hard he was clenching his fists.
“Why are you so pissed at me?” He asked, his voice soft and lacking its usual bite.
“You seriously don’t know?” You looked bewildered. “You didn’t even notice that I’ve been avoiding you all day?”
Eddie winced as you took a step forward. “What? You weren’t just busy with school stuff?” He asked sheepishly, knowing he definitely did not notice anything off about today until Hellfire.
“You ditched me on our date yesterday, ring any bells?” You gestured wildly. “You left me at the movies by myself. I had to call my dad to pick me up. I was humiliated!”
Eddie's face dropped as he was hit with a wave of realization. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and let out a long sigh, his jaw clenched tightly.
"Oh, that's what this is about? I'm sorry, I really am, but you gotta know-" He took a small step towards you, his expression pained. "I had to help Dustin okay? It was a like a family emergency and it couldn't wait,"
Eddie needed to be vague for various reasons. He couldn’t possibly tell you about any of the crazy monsters he encountered that night or show you the huge scratch in his shoulder that was covered by his jacket. He could only pray that you bought it.
You wrapped your arms around yourself and frowned deeply. You didn’t want to pry if it was about Dustin’s family, that wasn’t your place. His explanation did explain some things but not enough to satisfy you.
“You didn’t even call afterwards… We didn’t talk today,”
You shook your head, pacing in front of him as thoughts swirled in your mind. “You know, it’s totally fine if you changed your mind about me, if you don’t like me anymore, it’s whatever, but you didn’t have to lead me on like this,”
"Whoa, slow down." He quickly approached you again and firmly placed his hands on your shoulders, gently stopping your frantic movements.
He looked deep into your eyes, searching for any sign that he hadn’t hurt you completely.
"Look at me, okay? I never ‘changed my mind’ about you. I still like you a hell of a lot. And I definitely didn’t mean to leave you in the lurch like that," Eddie pleaded, his thumbs rubbing your skin.
“I’m just kind of a space cadet, you know? I’m impulsive and forgetful and I screw up… a lot,” He took your hand and pulled you toward him.
You pouted and reluctantly followed his tug, your eyes refusing to fall upon him.
“But know this: I do like you. And I know I’m not really good at this whole dating thing, but I wanna make it up to you okay? I don’t wanna end things on this note,” Eddie shook his head and brought your hand next to his face. He made sure you watched as he locked his fingers between yours. “You gonna let me make it up to you?”
You pursed your lips, wanting to refuse at first, but then you nodded.
“Fine,” You whispered.
A small smile appeared on his lips, his shoulders visibly relaxing. He brought your hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss on all eight of your knuckles.
"Thank god," he breathed against your skin, his exhale warm and shaky.
He looked at you with hopeful eyes, his grip on your hand still tight.
"We can do something after Hellfire, alright? Just you and me."
You crinkled your nose as you nodded even more enthusiastically this time.
“I’m looking forward to it, Munson,” You mused.
You turned around, now being the one to tug his arm and lead him out of the restroom.
“Hey, wait, what’s going on?” He asked, his old sneakers squeaking on the hallway floors as he followed you.
“Back to the session,”
“You’re still gonna play?” Eddie let go of your hand for a moment, pleasantly surprised.
“C’mon! The faster we get this done, the faster you can take me to get some food,” You whined, walking off without him.
“You got it, princess,” Eddie chuckled, clutching his swollen heart then sprinting after you.
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mcflymemes · 6 months
PROMPTS FROM LIFE IS STRANGE, SEASON 1 *  assorted dialogue, suggested by ismelodrama, adjust as necessary
everything is a picture waiting for be taken.
you're just jealous of me because i actually do the things you can't.
are you hiding something?
i'm sick of your disrespect. tell me the truth!
i don't want to fight with you anymore. i don't want to fight with anyone anymore.
i was eating those beans!
how the hell did you know about that photo?
always take the shot. my number one rule of photography.
you just don't listen, do you?
there's something weird going on with you.
you've only been here for three weeks and you're already causing conflict.
after this week, you are certainly not a little kid anymore.
not now. i'm contemplating shit.
are you fucking kidding me? this is major bullshit!
i didn't have all the evidence at the time.
we all make decisions we regret.
i'm not gonna make any excuses for my behavior.
i'd put stephen hawking against picasso any day.
it sucks to be dragged into the spotlight.
nobody believes me anyway.
you're exactly the kind of soldier i'd want by my side in a war.
why the hell not?
i almost asked you to hang out.
you should have asked me.
maybe we're too much alike.
i don't believe anything you say. you're full of shit.
eat a dick, [name].
i'll be in the tardis getting my delorean ready.
since you're the mysterious superhero... i'll be your faithful chauffeur and companion.
you don't know who the fuck i am or who you're messing around with.
where'd you get that? what are you doing? come on, put that thing down!
don't ever tell me what to do! i'm so sick of people trying to control me!
so you can't help me?
i told you before that i'll always believe you.
i may be a pest but... i'm a good listener.
you're the bravest person i've ever known.
for every action, there's a reaction.
i'm trying. but you have to understand my position.
i know i can be a pain in the ass... and you've always treated me like a person, not a beta nerd.
why do you want all your friends to die?
oh i see. i'm not important to you anymore.
nobody lectures me. everybody tries though.
do not analyze me! i pay people for that.
hey, that's total slander!
you don't know shit about my father, or me.
you're all fucked!
everybody hates me.
[name]... it's me. i just wanted to say i'm sorry.
i truly am sorry for being such a bastard.
you would have been cool to hang out with.
you might as well choose me.
i'm not perfect, okay?
you have talent, [name].
you don't have to push people out of your way.
thanks for admitting again that i have some talent.
do you think it's, like, fate we're not supposed to be friends?
nobody says we have to be friends.
everybody lies. no exceptions.
i came for all of you.
i'm in a nightmare and i can't wake up.
no wonder they call it a "web." nothing can ever get out.
i wish i could go back in time and erase everything.
just tell me you do have the photograph.
now shut up and listen.
i'm not a real scientist.
i was just happy just being your friend.
[name], i'm so sorry you had to go through all that.
i don't think i can concentrate on going out to the movies.
everybody pretends to care until they don't.
even angels need angels, [name].
i might be naive, but i feel their struggle.
why did you stop me from jumping?
this shit pit has taken everyone i've ever loved.
when a door closes, a window opens... or something like that.
i keep going back in time.
how could there be a more important moment in history?
thank you for trusting me.
hey... be careful out there.
what kind of friend are you?
you never understood me, or what happened to me.
i'll always be alone, thanks to you.
just in case we don't get out of this...
i'm going to make the right choices from now on.
i've been feeling like this might be actually the end of the world.
i hate to say that i'm glad to see you, but i'm glad to see you.
i wish i could stay in this moment forever... but then it wouldn't be a moment.
if that tornado came right now, i would just sit here and watch for a while.
i just feel like escaping.
i have total faith that you'll do the right thing when the time comes.
with great power comes great bullshit.
am i pushing myself too hard?
you like to hurt people, huh?
i'm glad you decided to escort me.
i know this is a bad time, but can i get one picture?
of course i believe you. you're the most amazing person i've ever met, and i'm glad you trust me.
i don't have a fucking clue what's going on.
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slayfics · 1 year
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Eijiro gets worried when he sees you spending time with Katsuki.
1,300 words~
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Eijiro came downstairs into the common room of the dorms. Immediately he was drawn to your laughter. What he didn't expect to see was you sitting next to Katsuki.
Katsuki was never particularly funny. Usually, people even moved away from him in the common room due to his easily excitable temper. So why were you sitting so close to him laughing?
"Hey," Eijiro greeted you both and sat awkwardly in between you.
"Hi, Kirishima! It took you longer to come down than I thought, what were you up to all this time?" You greeted smiling sweetly at him. Eijiro opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted.
"Probably analyzing some old videos of Crimson like a nerd," Katsuki huffed, causing you to laugh again.
"You do really like Crimson," You giggled in agreement with Katsuki. Even though your tone was playful, Eijiro couldn't help but shrink into himself as he felt made fun of. Since when did you start agreeing with Katsuki on things he wondered?
"Um, well what were you both talking about," Eijiro asked, trying to change the subject.
"How cool Bakugo was in the training today! I can't believe his team was able to capture every one of their opponents without any injuries! That was amazing!" You said enthusiastically. Eijiro felt himself shrink even further into himself at you praising Katsuki.
Eijiro himself didn't do well at all in the training today, being captured almost right away. Eijiro also couldn't help but notice the twinkle in your eyes when you spoke about Katsuki and he felt his heart become heavy.
Your phone buzzed a few times capturing your attention.
"Oh looks like the girls are ready for me, we promised to study together today. I guess I'll see you guys later then!" You called out as you left, leaving the two boys alone.
"Hey, man what was that about," Eijiro asked Katsuki.
"Hu?" He grunted.
"Since when were you two friends?" Eijiro asked, trying not to sound as concerned as he was.
"We're not. She came up and started talking to me," Katuski said indifferently.
"Oh...," Eijiro looked down at the floor, feeling his heart swell even more. You approached him, he thought. That made things even worse.
"The hell you look like that for?" Katsuki nudged his friend.
"It's just... well you're not interested in her right?" Eijiro asked softly so no one else in the common room could hear. Katsuki laughed at his remark.
"Oh man, you're asking because you're nervous aren't you?" Katuski flashed him a cocky grin. "Because if I wanted her it would be too easy for me to take her from you," He teased his friend.
"Hey man cut it out," Eijiro said, feeling himself becoming angry.
"Whatever, get yourself together," Katskui said, leaving his friend alone on the couch. Realizing Katsuki never said he wasn't interested in you, Eijiro couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach.
It ate at him the whole rest of the night as he worked out in his room, as he studied, as he showered. He couldn't get it off of his mind. Were you interested in Katsuki?
It was nearly time for him to sleep but all he found was discomfort in his bed. Tossing and tuning hearing your laughter at Katsuki's comments over and over again in his mind.
Fuck it.
Eijiro grabbed his phone and messaged you.
Hey how did studying with the girls go?
It was fun! But, I don't think I learned much to be honest. We were mainly just talking.
What about?
If I told you I'd have to kill you. What happens in girls' study night stays in girls' study night.
Oh, come on, you can trust me.
Fine, we were talking about boys.
Eijiro felt his face become hot. Were you talking to the other girls about Katuski... Eijiro figured he would never have a better moment to ask and put his mind at ease.
Was Bakugo one of the boys mentioned?
Why would you ask that?
You seemed to be getting along really well with him today, that's all.
Kirishima, can you meet me in the common room? I want to tell you something.
Eijiro felt his heart sink. Were you going to confess that you were interested in Katsuki?
Eijiro made his way down to the common room where he found you waiting on the couch. Your hands clasped together nervously on your lap twirling your thumbs back and forth.
“Hey man what's up?" He asked, sitting next to you.
"Why would you ask me about Bakugo?" You whispered trying to remain quiet and not alert anyone else sleeping in the dorms.
"Oh well uh, you did compliment him pretty hard today, and you know, you seemed to be laughing at everything he said," Eijiro said shrugging his shoulders, trying to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal to him, even though his heart was pounding a million miles a minute.
"Oh, I guess that makes sense. Well being honest I...," You looked down a blush tinting your face causing you to stop.
Fuck she does like him, Eijiro thought feeling his whole heart shatter into pieces.
"Go on you can tell me," Eijiro said, sweetly despite feeling like he was dying inside.
"I um... I've only been trying to be closer to Bakugo recently because well... because he is your friend." You said looking down at your feet too embarrassed to look up at Eijiro.
"Hu?" Eijiro was completely lost. You were talking to Bakugo because why now? That made no sense.
"Yeah... I thought if maybe I got closer to your friends I'd be able to spend more time with you as a result." You confessed your face turning an even deeper red.
Holy crap did she say she wants to spend more time with me? Eijiro felt his whole perspective flip and it felt as though he was dreaming now, one of those dreams you don't ever want to wake up from.
"You wanted to spend more time with me?" He asked, completely astonished at his luck.
"Yeah... I mean I really like being around you Kirishima," You said, glancing over at him. The look on his face was an indescribable happiness.
"You sure it wasn't Bakugo you liked being around? He's so manly with his quirk and he has been doing really well recently... and I... I blew it at today's training," Eijiro said, looking slightly downcast again.
"Kirishima, you're too hard on yourself! Yes, your friend has been doing well but he is not you. I like you... you're the sweetest person I've ever met and I can't help but have this dumb smile on my face every time you are around," You said, bringing your sleeves to your face and trying to hide your blush.
"You know... I was really beaten up thinking you liked Bakugo... Hearing how you really feel has got me feeling all kinds of stuff," Eijiro laughed nervously rubbing his neck. "Feels too good to be true, and your words are so kind. That means a lot to me coming from you. From now on you can just ask if you want to spend time with me, you don't have to get closer to my friends to do it." Eijiro spoke.
You nodded in agreement, "Well I guess we better get some sleep it's late now," you said standing up feeling completely nervous and overwhelmed with your confession.
"Yeah I guess we should," Eijiro said, standing up and following your lead, even though he wanted nothing more than to spend more time with you.
"Kirishima," You called, causing him to stop. You ran to him and grabbed his arm gently as you pressed your lips to his cheek giving him a quick kiss. "Goodnight," You said nervously and hurried away, too shy to watch his reaction.
Eijiro now stood alone in the common room, his face as red as hair.
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@unofficialmuilover @snowmist-hashira
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purinfelix · 6 days
special treatment ⊹₊⟡⋆
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pairing: reader x compsci!daniel summary: to others, there might be absolutely no reason for you to be spending the night at your nerdy classmate's dorm room, but you know that he's the only one who you trust to check over your code - and look good while doing it w/k: 1k a/n: the brainchild of this late night blurb, the idea was too good not to turn into a fic so enjoy - i love writing my boys being nerdy <333 I LOVE NERDS
"We can't keep doing this. It's late."
"I know."
"Yet you're here again."
"I know."
You pause before continuing your pleading, "I need you, Daniel, you're the only one who can-"
"Get in," his voice comes curt, an attempt to hide the nervous unease he feels as he opens the door to his dorm a little wider for you. You shuffle into the cool darkness of his room - trying not to think of how suggestive this conversation might've sounded to anyone passing by.
If this had been any other day you might've taken a minute to pause and look around his dorm room, satisfying your morbid curiosity to know everything about the mystery you found this boy to be. But it wasn't the time for that, and you had little else on your mind when you threw your bag onto the floor and slumped onto his bed.
"I doubt our head of academic integrity would look very fondly upon one of their top students doing something like this," he mutters, sitting across from you on his desk chair.
"Probably not any better than they would on the top student for helping them get away with it," you challenge back, getting a kick out of the way he seems to squirm under your gaze, eyes darting between you and the floor.
It must've started around the end of last semester if you recall correctly. A couple final assignments, way too many cans of energy drink and a fated late-night library encounter had thrown you into a 'relationship' some might've seen as strange, but you thought more of as resourceful. Before that night, the thought of even approaching the guy you'd only seen leaving lectures early because he understood everything before the professor had the chance to explain it, seemed out of the question - equal parts daunting and embarrassing.
He was a cocky nerd, and there was little more you hated than someone who not only had an ego, but the means to back it up. You'd be lying if you said you didn't resent him a little every time you saw his name on top of yours when the class rank lists came out, but something about the stress of finals week had lowered your guard and forced you to swallow your pride.
"Fine, show it to me." He's so easy to break, you think to yourself as you fling open your bag to grab your laptop. Navigating quickly to the page of code you'd spent the last four hours unsuccessfully debugging, you set it down in front of him.
"Danny, I don't know what's wrong with it, and it's due tonight!" You watch as his eyes scanned the code, fingers moving masterfully as he fixed a line here, edited a call there. After a ridiculously impressive short amount of time, he clicks the program and to your delight, your code runs with no bugs. You're tired enough not to be embarrassed by your squeal of joy, but also awake enough to resist the urge to throw yourself at the man in front of you.
"You're my saviour, you know that?" You resign yourself to this, and it seems to do the trick as you watch him break into a shy smile - which, even in the low light, you can tell is accompanied by flushed cheeks.
"It's nothing," he laughs softly, pushing the laptop back towards you.
You're not sure why he keeps giving in to your begs for help, especially when - to you - you're not giving him anything in return. You've brought it up before, amidst offers for free dinner or coffee or lecture notes, things you'd think no other university student could give up. Yet every time he waves you off with the same content smile. Smart, cocky, as if he couldn't get any more annoying the asshole just had to be generous as well.
"Thank you, I'll get out of your hair now," you say hurriedly, shoving your laptop back into your bag and slinging it over your shoulder - eager to let him get back to whatever it is he was doing before you barged in.
"Wait," he says, and your hand pauses around the handle of the door.
It's silent for a bit, as you turn back to him and watch in fascination as his usually unbothered expression transforms into something you can't quite put your finger on - a strange mix of pain and confusion.
"Are you free tomorrow night?" he finally manages to blurt out.
"No, sorry I think I've got plans with a friend," you laugh awkwardly, still confused as to why this seems like such a big deal to him.
"Oh, alright," you watch his face fall and something in your heart twists.
"I should be free the night after though, what did you have in mind?"
His eyes shoot up to meet yours as he regains a little bit of the confidence you're so used to seeing him sport. "I was thinking I might take you up on your offer, for dinner?"
"Oh, of course, I mean I do owe you for all you've done for me."
"But I want to pay."
"Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of my paying you back?"
"Think of it less like you paying me back and more like..." he trails off towards the end of his sentence, and when you look into his eyes, eyebrows raised, you're quick to catch on.
"A date?"
He gives you half a nod, shy and a little unsure.
"Danny, are you asking me out on a date?"
"If it's alright with you, yes."
You let out a half-hearted laugh of surprise, letting out a breathy "of course."
Relief washes over your classmate's face as he sits back in his desk chair with a sigh and a grateful smile. "See you then."
You nod, a sudden shyness washing over you as you finally make it to the door and return to the harsh white light of the hallway - though now the code you came to ask him about is the last thing on your mind.
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sunnysidestories · 1 year
Introductions Pt 2
Pt 1
Pt 3
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Summary: Reader is a vigilante on young justice who goes to the same school as Walls. Only Wally doesn't know the readers identity, but she knows his. SLOW BURN
Wally West x Fem!Reader
"Hi, I'm Wally West. It's nice to meet you."
As his voice rang in my ears, and he seemed to look back at his book, my heart would begin to race. I sat there for a moment too long, so I quickly would pick up my own voice, even if it cracked. "I'm y/n l/n. It's nice to meet you too." He doesn't know. He can't know.
Wally would once again look back up from the textbook, his eyes seeming to scan along my face. "You're not new. I know you." shit. "Well, I just changed classes, not schools. I've been at Keystone my whole life. I'm just not the most popular person."
"Oh cool, I hope you like the advanced course. If you ever need any help I'll gladly give you my number. Science is one of the only things I seem to be good at." he genuinely doesn't know? I'm glad, at least this is my chance. Let's find out who Kid Flash is under all the spandex.
He's a nerd. He's a total nerd.
Often, before class, I would find myself in a conversation about the latest scientific fact, most of them being obscure. He seemed to always speak with his hands, a grin never leaving his face. I found out his uncle is a forensic chemist, which helps explain his passion for all things scientific. Even if he didn't outwardly say it, I could tell he meant a lot to him. But when the class would eventually begin, Wally would totally shut off the conversation, rarely continuing it over a note. He took the class very seriously.
He's not exactly how I would have expected him to be. Compared to how he is as Kid Flash, he's much more sporadic. He seems to always lead a conversation, which I don't always mind, but when he asked me about what I liked one time, he didn't interrupt. He let me rant for a while before I realized what I was doing, though he only encouraged me to go on with a smile.
"So that's why I've got to go to Central City for the week." Wally lied about some other excuse for a mission. It felt wrong knowing he's really going to fight crime. I have no room to talk, really. I'll be busy at Keystone myself. I wonder how much of it is actually a lie and how much is really fact.
"It's fine, I understand it's not your fault, but i'll miss you." Wally seemed to avoid eye contact almost if my comment had made him uncomfortable. I was telling the truth though, I would miss him. Even more than I would like to admit. I didn't pressure him about it further as the class went on.
But when it was time for us to take notes from the textbook, and the whole class was sent on their own, Wally would slide me a folded piece of notebook paper. He didn't even look at me, so if any outside eyes had seen the exchange, it would look as if he was returning something of mine. I would quietly open the slip to be greeted by Wally's hastily written writing.
Hey, text me the work I'll miss next week
My eyes scanned the page only to land on his number at the bottom. He could just get it from the teacher, but the fact he trusted me enough with his perfect grade was flattering. Wally's handwriting is another one of those things I didn't think would differ from note to note. Ones he had the time to write at home are always much neater, though his handwriting is much bigger than normal standards would accept, I don't mind. The notes he writes me at school are always messy, almost like he's trying to write faster than he can but doesn't want to use his speed, so in the end, it's just much slopper. If one didn't know Wally, they could rightfully assume the contrast between his writing could be the work of two different people.
Sure, but is it just for the notes right?
I would put in my own words under his before slipping it back to him. He would immediately slide it back into my hands. I didn't even think he wrote anything until I opened it again. This time, his handwriting was perfectly placed, almost as if it was typed.
I tuck the paper in my jacket pocket, I'll put it in my drawer with the rest when I get home. I feel bad about throwing them away, so they sit in my bedside table, its not like anyone would ever go into my room and find them anyway. Sometimes, I like to read over them before I go on patrol. It reminds me of our conversation at the warehouse. One where I'm not as alone as I think I am.
Yet the nervous tapping of Wally's pencil brings me back to the class. He taps it ten times before flipping the pencil back over, continuing to write. No matter what, he seemed to always tap it ten times. In a way, it felt like he knew I zoned off. It was him bringing me back to everything. Even if it wasn't intentional. Wally fidgets a lot when he tries to focus or distract himself, the repetitive movements being a form of comfort.
It's Tuesday now, and I'm perched on top of a building in full gear. My phone sits in my hand with Wally's contact staring back at me. I need to text him the work from yesterday. I haven't even said hello yet. Hello is too formal, we are friends, a hey would fit better.
These past two days have been abnormally quiet. His empty seat in class is only a reminder of why he's really gone. I hope he's okay.
Hey, it's y/n. Here's the work from yesterday and today. Hope everything is okay in CC
2 attachments  sent 11:20 pm
I would sit there for a bit, looking at the screen. Maybe he's already on some sort of mission. Why is texting so stressful? As soon as I started to shut off my phone, it would light back up with his reply.
2 attachments seen 11:27 pm
Hey y/n! Central City has
been pretty cool, my Uncle Barry
showed me around his work at Star Labs today. That place is surprisingly
really huge. Thanks for sending
the work.
Seen 11:27 pm
Sooooo wyd?
Seen 11:28 pm
Its almost midnight, he should really go to sleep. I should really start patrol. This really isn't a good idea.
Nothing much hbu? just watching
traffic go by. I swear I've seen three
crashes in the span of two
hours ppl r wild.
Seen 11:31 pm
Dude you should see it here.
Traffic is actually so slow it
makes me want
to scream. We sat at a
red light for 4 whole mins.
Seen 11:31 pm
Oh. My. God. 4 whole mins?!1!
How can they do that to you!
Don't they know who you are!!!
Seen 11:33 pm
The hottest guy alive thats who.
Seen 11:34
I couldn't help but laugh at his statement. Typing back a quick 'pls lol' before turning off my phone. It was getting too late I needed to start. I wish he was here, sometimes I could get a glance of the yellow and red highlight speeding by back home, on this road, about this time. He never worked late at night. That was more left up for the other heros, ones like me. I look to the streets, the dim lights from the lamps only shone back with a faint glow. No streak of color to be seen, but a part of me hoped it would still apear.
My night was full of stopping petty crimes, luckily I didn't have to go against any metahumans, but still like any other night everything would start to hurt after a certain threshold. Inbeetween threats I would find myself checking to see if Wally had kept our conversation going.
He did.
Until 4 am.
He was asking me mostly about myself, which was weird in a way. But in another, it made sense. The questions were more deep then anything since he already had asked the basic getting to know each other questions months ago. In the end, though, he stopped the conversation telling me to head to sleep, as I had school in the morning. Which was true. Even after patrol, I was still texting him from the comfort of my home, but I would eventually listen, heading to get some rest.
The week would continue the same as the night before. I was sending Wally the work and him dragging on our conversation throughout the night, but never long enough for the sun to rise the next day. On Saturday was when one of his messages caught me by surprise.
Are you free to call?
Seen 1:12 am
Before I could even protest how that could be a bad idea or how that might reveal who I was, his contact was flashing onto my screen along with his picture. I place the phone to my ear and answer it. I hoped the interstate couldn't be audible up from here.
"I told you shes not going to- hey! Hey..."
Wally's voice picks up on the other line, he seems to be in some sort of living room, as the hum of a television can be heard in the background as well as someone else having a conversation.
"Hey Walls? What's up?" My voice sounded strained from not speaking for hours, I hoped Wally couldn't tell. "Oh, um, I was just wondering about some of the work you sent me. Like you took the photos of the work perfectly okay, but in the background, I saw something." At the word something, his voice would slightly jump.
Did I leave my equipment in a photo? was my reflection shown? Was it something he wasn't supposed to see?
"Yeah It's-It's going to sound really stupid. What... what were those papers spread out on your bed?" Oh. Ohhhhh no. The notes, I left out his notes on my bed. I must have got some of them into the frame. I quickly opened out a chat to the last photo. There they were. Luckily, they were not in focus, so he couldn't really tell what they said, but still. There they were.
His voice would start up again after my second of silence. "Are they really swamping you with that much work?" "Yeah, yeah. My other class, a big final its uh its is coming up, so I was studying the notes." I let out a sigh of relief. "But that's not your handwriting? It actually kind of looks like-"
"Wally, I have to go. I'll see you Monday at school."
That was terrible. He would never let me live that down if I told him I was keeping such things. That even more was embarrassing, I have to explain why I had to go. And I have until Monday for these excuses. Which is technically tomorrow. Fun.
I was saved. I got called into a mission before school at Mt. Justice. Even though Wally would be there, y/n technically wouldn't. When I arrived, he was already in costume talking to Megan about something. He still did the thing with his hands while he spoke. Making his statements larger than life and thoroughly exaggerated. "I just don't know what to do. I trust her more than anything, I wish she would just tell me. It's not like im going to judge her. She knows that. I mean, you heard the conversation. "
His back was turned to me, so I couldn't see his face while he went on. Although I knew what he was talking about. "Hey Megan. Hey Wally." I waved at the two while I walked past them to the kitchen. "H/n! You're a girl. I need advice. What do I do when my friend is keeping stuff from me." I would stop and slowly turn around to his pleading gaze. "Walls, aren't you keeping stuff from her? You have to trust her in that sort of regard. Give her time to open up."
"Thats...Fair." Wally would drop himself back to normal as my words got through to him. "Besides, it took me a while to realize I trusted you." Both in and out of costume. I do. I trust him more than anything. More than anyone.
So I should have told him. He said he wasn't going to judge me, and I know he wouldn't have. I let my emotions get the better of me at the moment, If he asks again, I'll tell him the truth. No matter what.
The mission went by with a breeze, the biggest threat being now as Robin sent Wally falling towards me at full speed. I ended up catching the both of us before he could send us tumbling over a building. I held us there for a while, my arms wrapped around him in a hug. He just looked at me. His heightened breathing trailed my neck as he grasped onto my arms. He didn't admit it, but he was scared, I was too. Fifteen stories were a lot to fall from.
The other heroes, as well as criminals, paid us no attention, too occupied in their own fights, as I held Wally at the edge of the roof. One of my feet hanging halfway off. I was closer to falling than he was. My back was to the city.
"Hey, h/n." Was all he said as his face began to knowticablely regain too much color. "Hey West." Wally would move his head to rest in the crook of my neck as he tried to calm his rapid breathing. He told me late at night over text one time he was scared of heights.
As I started to try to move us back away from the edge, Wally would only plant himself in my hold even more. I needed to help him snap back into the situation. Before he messed up and tipped us over.
"Wally. You've never asked me who I am before." Trust. He needs to trust me. "Be...Bec..Cause! You're not comfortable... ye-yet."  Inbeetween words, he would let out large audible gasping. "You won't judge me, right?" He shook his head side to side, keeping his eyes remained shut. I would let out a sigh of my own.
"I trust you. Kid Flash, I need you to trust me. Not only as h/n but as y/n. y/n l/n. The one who's going to get you off this roof. Back to the ground floor."
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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You were a really determined person. You always put your best whenever you did something, and didn't worry about the result and that was something the Bakusquad admired about you, however, you were incredibly naive and trusting of everyone around you 
You had met the Bakusquad on your first day. As usual, Bakugou was yelling at you about something, and suddenly, you snapped and asked him to shut up. Everyone around you gasped and soon, the Bakusquad looked at you with immense respect. Ofc, Bakugou wasn't too happy about that but eventually he let you join the Bakusquad since he was actually impressed with your quirk and courage to stand up against him which most people can't do without breaking at least 5 bones 
You loved hanging out with the Bakusquad and they loved hanging out with you. They didn't do anything that made you feel uncomfortable 
Whenever someone tries to bully you, they immediately stick up for you with intense threatening looks in their eyes like they're about to murder them. Pretty soon, their overprotectiveness for you had turned into a CRAZY OBSESSION and they realized that they all liked you 
However, they didn't like how innocent and trusting you were. What if someone takes advantage of that? What if someone hurts you? What if they do something bad to you? They talked about it when you were absent from school one day 
''Man... Y/N is really cool and I think we're all in love with her but....'' said Sero but stopped in the middle. ''But what?" asked Mina. ''She's so trusting of everyone around her and not to mention really innocent'' he said. ''Yeah, well someone has to show that little nerd that not everyone can be trusted'' growled Bakugou. ''That's right.... after all, we ARE becoming pro heroes and what sort of heroes will we BE if we can't save our friend?" asked Kirishima. ''Kiribro's right. We NEED to take action for Y/N's own good and keep her safe'' and everyone agreed
Soon, they even started getting clingier and possessive of you than usual and finally, you started trying to avoid them, but that was a HUGE mistake
''Y/N WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!!??" screeched Bakugou as he tried running towards you but you just waved back at him and shouted, ''Sorry... I need to go'' and ran off in the other direction. When it soon dawned upon them that you were avoiding them, they were hurt at first, but came to the conclusion that you were just shy and scared and confused. But don't worry, they're going to take care of everything for you 
You were tied to the headboard of a bed with a few ropes and you had a quirk cancelling cuff around your ankle after you blacked out due to them bonking you over the head. You then saw your old friends, the Bakusquad come in and you said, ''Guys... this isn't funny, let me go'' you snarled. ''Why would we do that when we worked so had to take you away and try to keep you safe?'' asked Denki. "Guys, if this is about the time I declined your offer about going to the arcade, I said I was sorry since I had somewhere else to be'' you said
''It's all right.... From now on, you're going to be ONLY with us since we all love and care for you'' smiled Kirishima as you yelled, ''YOU GUYS ARE PSYCHOPATHS!!" Bakugou just laughed and tried stroking your cheek but you attempted to bite his finger off. ''Ohh...she's feisty'' squealed Mina. "None of this would happened if you were so naive all the time...dumbass"
''We'll undo the ropes for you when you can prove you can be trusted. It's just that we don't want to see our darling in any form of danger now do we, Mi amor~" said Sero
You wished your life would go back to normal and you regretted being friends with these people who claimed all they wanted to do was keep you safe. They DID treat you well, and they never raised their hand at you. Of course, they had to stop Bakugou from literally MURDERING you when you act up while Kirishima and Denki and Sero calm him TF down and Mina tries comforting you. They actually treat you like royalty once you develop Stockholm Syndrome and cuddle sessions with them are a MUST! Maybe it won't be so bad 
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Hello, I've seen a tiktok that passed my for you page that said that Rowling is apparently planning to create a series that tackles Voldemort's POV. And to paraphrase the tiktok, it's apparently because Rowling realized that Voldemort was misunderstood.
Is he? What do you think about the possible aspects of it actually happening?
For me personally, I can feel it in my gut that she'll ruin Voldemort's character (despite being his creator).
Honestly, I didn't hear about it and I'm very skeptical of anything further she might write about the Wizarding World. She supposedly approves of the Cursed Child which breaks lore and characters in unimaginable ways in my opinion, and she wrote the Fantastic Beasts movies that have many writing problems along with being filled with retcons, so I don't think I trust her with Voldemort.
I think, that with Voldemort, she wrote an incredibly interesting character that I wrote a lot about (he's my number 3 fave after Harry and Sirius). Because I find him and his psychology fascinating. I agree with the fact he is often misunderstood and I actually hate his portrayal in the movies. I think Ralph just didn't get his character right (like, the worst thing about the movies for me is everyone's characterization).
Voldemort isn't a cool person, but he knows how to pretend he is one. I think he's a magic nerd who hates himself quite a bit. Like, he manages to both think incredibly highly of himself and despise his very being at the same time. The thing is, even though he hates himself, he hates everyone else more.
He's stubborn and brave and ruthless, not out of cruelty, but what he sees as necessary, plus not really caring for most people. He has no idea what friendship is and doesn't know how to trust while simultaneously being desperate for a real human connection. And validation, he wants everyone to look up to him and tell him how great he is. This is one of the main reasons why he keeps the Death Eaters around, I think.
He is a man of walking contradictions who became a boogyman under magical children. I don't think he ever really cared about ruling wizarding Britain or blood purity and was mostly just running a war as a distraction for the Ministry while he was doing his side gig (being a private sector Unspeakable for very questionable magic in the first war, killing Harry Potter in the second).
(In the post series I linked I explain why I think all this about Voldy and I have a bunch of other posts about him)
But I don't think JKR sees him the way I do.
Like, she happens to write some great things seemingly by accident and I'm not sure what she thinks about Voldemort is what she actually wrote about Voldemort. Especially if she thinks Dumbledore's version of Tom is the correct one (since I don't).
As for how likely I think that series/book is to happen? I'd say chances are low. I mean, she's heavily involved in the HBO show, so I don't think it's likely she's working on something like this. And while I'm not the most aware when it comes to pop culture (I honestly don't care about most of it), I am pretty aware of what's going on with the wizarding world and I've never heard about this, so I'm pretty sure it's not actually happening any time soon if at all, but I don't actually know what she's doing so 🤷‍♀️.
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maluceh · 2 months
Hello!! I just wanted to say that I love your art so much, everything feels so warm and comforting to look at!! Your Jily specifically is so beautiful & I love the way you draw wolfstar as well ❤️ I know you've been getting negative messages but I would personally love to hear more about your marauders as parents au!!
For my 80s AU (1986-88), originally it was only Harry being raised by a big family (full of uncles and aunts and ofc his parents). But then I thought he would make a GREAT older brother, but I honestly didn't see him having any brothers. I think it's important for his character to be the only boy, and as the eldest daugther with brothers I found it natural to give him 2 younger sisters.
Some points
Marlene and Sirius are Harry's godparents; James and Lily are the godparents of Ziggy; and Peter and Dorcas are Callie's godparents. (NOTE: people don't need to be married to be godparents of a child, so I am IN NO WAY shipping Dorcas and Peter lol).
Remus and Sirius adopted the girls. One of them (Ziggy), has licanthropy and people wouldn't adopt them fearing the both of them had it. Their names are Sigrid (Ziggy for short cause they are huge nerds), and Calliope (Callie). I agree with Wolfstar not actively seeking being parents or starting a family, I see it more as if it came to them by accident and they just wanted to give them a home cause Remus understands it better than anyone, and wanted to give them a safe space.
James and Lily went on to have two other kids, both girls. Josie and Kate.
Mary and Remus are Josie's godparents, and Frank and Alice are Kate´s.
Pandora is part of Lily's friendgroup and so is Alice, so they were very excited to raise their kids together. Meaning Luna and Neville are Harry's childhood friends.
I love the hc of Mary being Dean's mum, so her and Emmeline are his moms, trust me.
Dorlene/Peter and Sybill, have still no interest of having kids as the rest of their friends and are happy just being cool aunts/uncle.
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keyotosprompts · 7 months
i quite literally had a marathon through your acc cus ur prompts are soo goooodd!!
i am currently working on a little oc story and desperately need a creative person's help. basically, my oc is Spiderwoman. she has a mask like Silk from Marvel but its nanotech (like a hologram on her face). i need prompts on how to unmask her. to set the scene its basically like the movie ATSV, where my oc is fighting a villain and at the end of it she meets the other vigilantes and then unmasks herself but idk how and what will cause her to do so (she does it willingly ofc). to make it even more dramatic shes a pretty pretty girl so everyone is like :0 when seeing her unmasked and i just need prompts on how she does so.
i hope this made sense, i am NOT good at wording bc eng isnt my first language but i hope you understood. LOVE U SM, STAY HYDRATED, MWAHH<3
mask off
superhero unmasking prompts hey! thank u for the compliment! ur oc story sounds super cool btw. i always love superhero stories (i have developed an oc for dcu and she's been active in my brain for the last 9 years)
⇴ person a nervously looks around as their mask begins to disappear. their heart is pounding in their chest as the anticipation in the air begins to rise.
⇴ person a takes off their mask to build trust with her new friends (friends, not coworkers!)
⇴ "um. surprise?" "you did not tell me you looked like that."
⇴ ^ "yeah, i think that's the point of a mask."
⇴ person a finally feels safe and comfortable around the other vigilantes, which allows her to finally take off her mask like everyone else has.
⇴ alternatively... person a sees that everyone else has taken their masks off and then takes their own mask off to join the crowd (this one is a lot less sentimental, as person a has no problem revealing their secret identity).
⇴ "wait. you have nanotech masks!? why doesn't my universe have a nanotech mask??"
okay, so i gave u some dialogue and some scenarios, but the superhero nerd in me wants to give u some tips too.
unmasking: reasons
⇴ as a way to build trust
⇴ as a way to build comradery
⇴ because they're all spidermen/spiderwomen/spiderpeople, so there's no reason to keep a secret identity in the first place
⇴ unmasking as a big plotpoint (could be the oc's climax or a way to build relationships between other characters)
unmasking yourself is personal in any circumstance. for example, even though all the spiderpeople in ATSV are seen unmasked, those people are only unmasked around the other spiderpeople, not around the people in their own universe.
when your oc is unmasking, make it a big plot point. how important is their secret identity? are they scared of unmasking after fighting the villain? what are the stakes at hand here?
unmasking: dialogue
since your oc is very pretty, think to yourself of how you would react when seeing a very beautiful person.
⇴ think of how you would respond, and then try to apply it to the other characters. of course, make sure it's not out of character.
if whatever you're thinking is not in line with what one of the characters would think, then don't include it (even if it's for the sake of storytelling).
⇴ when describing how characters are reacting, sometimes (instead of dialogue) using physical characteristics are better.
for example
"you're gorgeous!" person b gasps
person b gapes at person a for a few seconds. their eyes seem like they're bulging out of their head, and suddenly their mouth feels a lot drier than usual. a gulp escapes person b's mouth before saying, "you're gorgeous!"
doesn't that add a lot more? of course, write however you'd like, but if you really want to emphasize a character's beauty, try using physical reactions as well.
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ceasarslegion · 6 months
I know i have a lot of teenagers who follow me because i dont baby talk to them regarding things like drugs and alcohol and sex. So i wanted to throw out some advice that still saves my ass every day as an adult that i learned to instill in myself as a teenager:
-Learn how to keep house. I know that every adult is beating job skills into you right now and its overwhelming to say to least, but no matter what you end up doing with your life, you will need to know how to cook and clean and budget and go grocery shopping and do laundry and the dishes and x y z. You will need to know how to work with cleaning products like bleach safely and without creating mustard gas by accident. If you figure that out now, you will be able to take care of yourself for the rest of your life. Those are skills that you WILL need every day in the real world no matter what.
-i want to asterix the budgeting part. I know way too many grown adults who could be doing very well for themselves who are broke as shit and actively getting worse because they cant budget to save their lives. Managing your finances is what will often be the difference between living relatively comfortably and struggling to get by.
-dont get roommates if you can help it. I know you will want to, and it will seem like a fun idea to live with your friends and like nothing would go wrong, but roommates ruin friendships. If you can afford to live on your own when you first head out, do it. Trust me, paying the full rent is worth not having to deal with other peoples bullshit taking up your living space. I learned this the hard way, dont be like me. The only people you should be actively looking to live with at the young adult stage of your life are any permanent partner(s) that might come along the way, and you should rush that either. And taking some proper time to be on your own will do you so much good in the long run in realizing what kind of person you are and what you need in things like work, relationships, life in general, etc.
-you don't need a brand new car, and your first apartment doesnt need to be high end and fancy. All your firsts for those things need to be are functional, safe, and reliable. And you will love them regardless if theyre your first car/apartment. And you dont really NEED a car if youre an urbanite with a reliable enough transit system, either. Thats more of an individual thing if thats your situation. I live in an older apartment building with a stove from a brand that doesnt even exist anymore, but its real spacious for one person, in a nice part of downtown where everythings still right outside my door, and all my utilities are included. I pay 500 dollars less in rent a month for this than my coworker who lives 2 blocks away from me and has half the space i do with none of the utilities included because its all smart tech and luxury suites in that building. You don't need all that, you will not notice the difference when you actually live there.
-no one cares about high school tier drama when you hit your college years, especially if you go to an academically-based school. In my experience at least, the schools the nerds end up at think the d&d club is the coolest one on campus. This will pass, you will be fine. The nerds really do inherit the earth after you graduate, and all those bullies really do peak in high school. The guy who was the worst offender towards me in high school now literally pumps gas for his dads gas station because nobody else would hire him. Which is fine, its honest work, but it IS a tad ironic how things worked out there after so many years of telling me he'd be my boss one day. Yeah sure, howd that work out bud
-please dont get into drugs and alcohol just to be cool. I know every adult has treated you like some porcelain doll to be handled with baby gloves regarding any sort of substance, but if you choose to partake in them, all i ask is that you be informed about the risks, you do it safely, and dont do it for social clout. Its not the substances im most concerned about there, its that when you do them for social approval, you dont know when to stop or how to listen to your body telling you thats enough, which is a straight shot to a potential addiction. Its your choice whether or not to consume drugs and/or alcohol, but its irresponsible to act like theres no real risk involved in them, especially if you have the kind of personality more susceptible to addiction. Do them for yourself, in safe environments, as cleanly as you can get them if possible, and only after you educate yourself about what the risks are and what resources there are in your area for healthcare and counseling if you do develop an addiction.
-be selfish, but dont be a dick. Your young adulthood is when you should be selfish in the sense of prioritizing your own mental health, work ascension/schooling, etc, but you can do all those things without being standoffish or disregarding other people in the process. You should be there for your loved ones if you can, but if you cant, give them the common courtesy of telling them. A simple "hey, id love to help you if i could, but i have too much going on right now to spare anything. But im always here to talk about it if you need it, ily and im wishing you all the best <3" is way better than "i cant help you right now, i have my own problems to deal with."
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smytherines · 5 months
do you have any hcs for precanon curtwen? how they got together, what they were like etc
Oh for sure I do!
I think they were probably paired up together for missions over the span of a couple of years, and had all this romantic & sexual tension that they convinced themselves was all in their heads, before they actually got together. They had long enough to build a friendship, a partnership, and they're both afraid enough of the consequences (both personally and professionally) that they don't want to even consider making a move.
I always imagine it as something goes wrong on a mission, someone gets hurt, or maybe they have a spectacular success and are high on adrenaline, and Curt impulsively kisses Owen because hey, this guy is attractive and Curt has a crush. Owen is just kinda stunned by it, and Curt pulls away like "oh shit he's gonna kill me," but really Owen has been infatuated with Curt for ages and just assumed Curt wasn't interested.
I could see Owen having an inkling that Curt is into men, but assuming that if someone as cocky and confident as Curt hasn't made a move, it must mean he isn't interested. So Owen has just been pathetically pining for him. I think Curt has been pining too, but because he just kind of assumes in that young closeted queer way that nobody else is "sick" like him, that confiding in anyone will get him in trouble. And in my headcanon, Owen is bisexual, so perhaps he's had affairs with women and Curt assumes that means he isn't interested in men.
Anyways, I love thinking about them in a relationship, even though it breaks my heart. Because realistically Curt and Owen probably only saw each other a handful of times per year, so everything they manage to build together is based on these little stolen moments. I think they start casually hooking up, killing time on missions, but it very quickly becomes something more. It almost has to. You don't get a lot of time to date as a spy, and even less as a gay spy. So even just the act of repeatedly hooking up by default sorta makes them the most important relationship in each other's lives- especially because they were such good friends first.
I personally don't think pre-fall curtwen were as toxic as a lot of people think. I don't really see any evidence of that in A1P1. I mean they both seem to be little freaks who get off on danger and violence, and I'm sure constant distance and secrecy and danger took their toll, but for me A1P1 shows two men who love and respect each other, even if they bicker and mess with each other.
One thought I keep coming back to is that they sneak off for movie dates, mostly because I love classic films and get really into imagining them reacting to the many gay subtext films of the early 50s. I think they sit in the darkest part of the theater and only their legs are touching, and maybe if there's nobody there one of them will put his hand on the other's thigh and it's almost a real date.
I think they'll go to bars- not underground gay bars specifically, but bars where a lot of queer people just happen to congregate, and sit at a booth or a table, and drink together and find little ways to be discreetly affectionate.
I think Curt thinks it's adorable that Owen is a kind of a nerd, and tries his best to pay attention when Owen goes on a ramble or a rant about boring tech stuff (but gets bored and starts trying to make out with him instead). I think Owen is fascinated with how Curt's mind works, how he's seemingly so chaotic and disorganized, but in a crisis he is absolutely cool and calm and comes up with clever, creative solutions for problems.
I think they loved each other, they knew each other so well that one could barely finish a sentence before the other picked it up. I think they were a bit codependent, and the distance started to gnaw away at them towards the end, but they were each other's favorite person in the world. They trusted each other more than anyone else on Earth. They missed each other desperately, but tried their best to put on a brave face every time they had to part. I think they sent each other coded love notes and presents and found excuses to request each other on missions. I think some of their pillow talk included imagining little scenarios where they could run off together and never have to be apart again, and it starts as a fun thing but gradually gets sadder and sadder for them as they realize how impossible that would be.
(That's all I have time for right now but I might pick this back up later)
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 3 months
Feelings on Bloodweave?
ooooh anon you are asking a question you are asking a question indeed
ok so
i ship everyone in bg3. so that's cool. i don't love bloodweave for the shipping thing though. not primarily.
i love them because to me they are foils for one another. their progression kind of goes in opposing directions. astarion starts out this alley cat bastard. he's mean. he approves of mean stuff. he's closed off as hell and it takes a lot of digging to get to his soft sweet side. it exists, it's just so. so so so buried.
gale on the other hand... sweet enthusiastic puppy of a man when you meet him. loves when you do nice things. trusts you super quick. he'll compliment you, he'll bow, he's a nerd and it's so endearing. he even cooks for you.
and then
astarion's eyes start to go soft when they look at you. his words become sincere. his voice takes on this incredible earnest quality that frankly when i played brought me to tears. he is so hurt but he wants so badly to be kind to you because you're kind.
gale puts your hand on his heart and shows you the monster consuming him from the inside. he opens up about his ruthless, intense ambitions to become a god. he starts to be a little scary in a way you weren't expecting. he very much takes on this 'i would burn the world for my love' kind of vibe, at least in my playthrough.
astarion is still kind of an alley cat by the end of his story, but he loves tav so much he'll curl up in their lap. gale loves tav so much he'd seize the power of gods to keep them safe.
both of them can be talked down by tav. but one is already grounded in reality and needs to be shown that there's beauty and wonder in the world beyond the streets and his life is worth something despite being undead. the other has his head so far in the clouds he's in the astral, and needs to realise that beauty is in what's concrete and real and there is worth in his mortal life.
one would live in the dark for tav, if it means he gets to live. one would embrace the light, if it means he doesn't have to die. one is in the pit, one is on the precipice. tav can save them both.
would they save each other? i don't know. astarion acts out of fear. gale acts out of insecurity. i feel like of the two, gale would be the one to watch out for, because he's an idealist and would get carried away with his vision, while astarion has his feet firmly in the blood and dirt of a realistic and pessimistic attitude.
one has faith, one doesn't. gale loses his, astarion gains faith, but not in any gods. he gains faith in himself. gale must loosen his grip on his ego. astarion needs confidence.
they are both what the other isn't, and what they could become, imo. i adore both of them with my whole heart.
together? pure chaos.
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I Feel Bad For Starlo. (pt. 10)
(so excited to be back to this series)
Starlo's really emotional but he doesn't know how to deal with emotions. He doesn't try reaching out to his family to sort things out with them. He doesn't directly comfort Ceroba and instead uses the same coping mechanism on her like he does on himself (escapism).
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But you still, even after months of me making the "I Feel Bad For Starlo" series, can't convince me he's the only one who made a mistake during the WE segment. Attacking Clover and trying to kill them so he'd gain status WAS on him but what I truly wished to know was WHY things had turned out the way they had turned out (aka the Feisty Five splitting up).
Star refuses to accept that his lifelong dream had been a lie. He refuses to accept that his excessive love for westerns and the human culture had been what separated him and his friends, who didn't share such passion. If he had admitted out loud: "Yeah, I got too into the role (even tho i actually didn't endanger anyone) and maybe I should tone it down a bit and not completely hide/ignore/forget about the fact I'm a nerd and not a cool cowboy", Starlo would have had to face the truth: that he feels like a nobody without the persona. Absolutely useless. And he really, REALLY didn't want to feel, or be reminded that he feels this way, so he snapped:
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And no, I don't believe Star actually planned to fire everyone, because right before the four attack Clover, he cheerfully leaves for the badge: but not before telling them all to have fun.
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All his actions, everything he stood for, It all comes down to one simple wish of his: wanting to be a somebody.  
We're told he was being selfish and reckless but... I disagree. I've already talked about as to why some time ago, so go check out my older blogs if you haven't already.
...You know what would have screamed "he's selfish and reckless?"
If, during the trolley problem, Star had summoned AN ACTUAL real train and almost hurt/ killed Ed/the rest of the posse + the random monsters tied to the track. He legit trusted that Virgil WOULDN'T do anything that would harm his team for the roleplay and that's why he let him outta the jail
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I don't think any of them were actually scared (except the monsters who weren't part of the Wild East, I think there were two of them; they maybe didn't know it was just roleplay), they were just acting; it's their job after all
Or, if he DIDN'T say this about locking Martlet up (with a serious face)
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Or if during the duel (mission 2) he DIDN'T use a BB gun and Clover lost HP thanks to an actual wild revolver. True, forgetting safety glasses is being forgetful & careless but I wouldn't use the word reckless. Why? Because carelessness is unintentional, while recklesness is intentional.
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also, 'oversight' literally means 'carelesness' and not 'recklessness' (I repeat, they're not the same)
Or if he DIDN'T say THIS:
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...Instead we get a larping session with no real danger happening.
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