#i don't think this place has changed since the 80s though which tracks
hekateinhell · 10 months
stepped back in time today when one of my aunt's senior citizen friends asked me—in all seriousness—if my friend liking vampires means she worships the devil as well
but the segue to that question was: "is she, you know, weird?"
which, ma'am... I am not the best authority on Weird™️
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strawberrysoop · 1 year
hi! i hope you don’t mind me asking, but, im new to the pjo fandom and i was wondering if you had any fic recs? ty!
i would LOVE to give recs!! here are my favorites that live in my head forever:
\https://archiveofourown.org/works/44222689 drew-centric, focuses on her relationship with her siblings + her feelings about silena! i like this one because it changes her from being just silena's polar opposite and makes her more of a real person. \https://archiveofourown.org/works/39414735/chapters/98642925 another drew fic, this one has a little bit about silena and takes place outside of chb! it is unfinished but what is currently up is worth the read regardless of if it is ever completed
\https://archiveofourown.org/works/43999513/chapters/110630341 percabeth! they're strangers forced to roadtrip cross-country after a cancelled flight
\https://archiveofourown.org/works/27932530 percy and annabeth are online friends who get to meet for the first time! very good friendship feels, even though it's more romance-centric it makes me want to visit my online friends asap
\https://archiveofourown.org/works/42851790/chapters/107650701 annabeth is a burnt out architect who moves into a fixer-upper in Maine. the local book club keeps trying to set her up with guys, but none of them quite work out (or do they?). big hallmark movie energy, AND it's set in the 80s which i think is so so fun. this fic is my long-lost lover who has gone off to war (has not updated in nearly a year yet i am clinging to hope)
\https://archiveofourown.org/works/24807940/chapters/59998597 luke, percy, and annabeth have DRAMA. this one is very angsty but very fun. i love people who instigate problems. this one says it isn't finished, but last i remember it was so maybe it's getting some late additions? either way, it's a fun read
\https://archiveofourown.org/works/46763815 percy and thalia run away from camp and have shenanigans and also trauma. very fun read!!! i like their friendship a lot!
\https://archiveofourown.org/works/43049520/chapters/108174783 aroace leo!! mostly focuses on his time with calypso, but it's been a while since i reread it so i don't remember the details. i like the voice it's written in, it feels very accurate to canon leo
\https://archiveofourown.org/works/47929423/chapters/120843295 piper/shel! i believe this is a mortal au. shel is a college student who gets dragged to a party by her friends and meets piper. unfinished, but it was started recently and i can't wait to see where it goes!
\https://archiveofourown.org/works/47100439/chapters/118665409 this one is both kane chronicles and heroes of olympus! carter accidentally gets married to a stranger in vegas and has to track down his mystery spouse. meanwhile, leo keeps getting attacked by monsters he doesn't recognize, and shouldn't the monster attacks have stopped once he became an adult?? unfinished, but was also started recently!
\https://archiveofourown.org/works/34094215/chapters/84817996 this one is just very very silly and fun! no real plot tbh, just basically every character in the reverse (focuses on the main 7 though) converging at college and texting each other. this one is unfinished but i don't feel too sad about it not being done because it's just everyone being silly college students
let me know what you think of these !! i hope you like them! check the tags for any you check out in case i missed something or there's a topic you don't care for :D
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just-kit-ink · 8 months
I have an actual idea for a possible story for Shiny and the weasels! I mean like something that could be a multi chapter fanfic?? I'll never get around to it, I know. But I still wanted to tell you about it since I think you might like it ^^
Somehow, the weasels are brought back to life, sans Smartass since he needs to be drawn again (I'm still figuring this out, though). But it's the 70's-80's, now. Toontown is so different, and the boys stick out like sore thumbs. They all run into Shiny while she's on the run from the police. I'm debating whether or not the five of them all manage to run away, or they all get brought to the station. I'm leaning more towards the latter, though, since Shiny actually recognizes them all and can see they are struggling with adjusting to modern Toontown, and offers her assistance in exchange for theirs (with what, I'm not sure. By now, Shiny has mostly moved on from the burlesque life and is mainly a home brewer who dabbles in various crimes. Maybe she tells them she needs help covering her tracks, or she wants to get out of Toontown. I'm debating it 😅).
I'm kind of imagining the exchange happening similarly to Chel and Miguel and Tulio from The Road to El Dorado (which is kind of fitting, since I recently rewatched the movie and it was what inspired me this plot XD)
Greasy, absolutely not checking Shiny out while regarding her with suspicion: And why should we help you, eh?
Stupid: But why not? She's trying to help us!
Wheezy: Not for free, though...
Shiny: Ah, you're right. Why should you? I mean, after all. You all definitely know what's been happening in Toontown, all the three decades you all have been dead.
Greasy: =_=
Shiny: You are all very much aware of all the secrets these toons, old and new, have. You already know the new laws that have been laid out...
Weasels: *glancing to each other*
Shiny: Oh! And we can't forget your designs!! You don't at all need to know how to adjust them to fit in with the times? Of course not. Especially not from me, who's been at this since the 30's-
Greasy: !?!? There is nothing wrong with my style!-
Shiny: So you don't need my help? To keep the pigs off your tails while you figure out how to bring your boss back? I'm certain they'll be so understanding with you boys trying to dip the whole town-
Greasy, waving his hands to get her to shut up before the guards overhear: Alright! Alright, we can negotiate, hermosa...
Yeah, this idea is still half baked. But I'm thinking that for a sequal fic with Griny, this is how they get together. I also have a scene in my head where, after they start to get closer, Shiny and Greasy sit down together with a box of photos she has from her whole life. Some of them just places Shiny wanted to remember, some of them with her coworkers who have all gone on to do their own thing. Some of the photos just Shiny all on her own... And in the middle of this, while looking at some photos of Shiny in her club days, Greasy wonders aloud how he never heard of such a beauty when he was alive. And Shiny just shrugs, saying how they probably did see each other. He's a hound, and she worked in the profession that Greasy would have dumped his money in the most; he most like was one of her clients at some point, "But neither of us cared enough to actually see each other. Not like how we do now." Just a very deep moment between them both that shows each other how they think and how far they've come.
//This is adorable! I'm seeing Shiny meet up with the boys in like, a jail cell and her reaching through the bars juuust slightly to persuade Greasy and grind him down. And them being in the 1980s is a yes from me as you know 😆 40 years on, how things have changed, how they will continue to change etc.
As for Smartass being brought back to life I did read a fic once where the weasels got his old model sheets and found a photo copier that worked like a reanimator and brought him back that way and he's conpletely disorientated but soon his memory starts to jog. I'd be curious to see just how much he remembers from their old job and fighting Eddie Valiant. And of course, Greasy finally getting a woman who can keep him under her thumb understand him! 😂
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motsimages · 1 year
There is a peculiar experience of Spanish 90s kids that I don't know if it was frequent in other countries at the time (particularly in Europe, but I welcome more input) which is: The Drug.
Well, everyone has seen a junky, specially if you live in certain areas or go to certain places but in the 90s, as a 5 year old kid, The Drug had an omnipresent presence that was difficult to understand and it fascinated and scared me.
This will be long and it will be full of references to well, drugs (particularly heroin) and addiction. It is recent history of Spain as well and if you are learning Spanish or planning to come to Spain, it might interest you because it still has ramifications and references in pop culture. More under the cut.
When I was a baby (so last couple of years in the 80s), my mother remembers taking me to a nearby park and having a kindergarden come to play. Before playing, the children would all spread out and yell "here!". The teacher would go wearing gloves and take a syringe to put in a bag. After this, children would be allowed to play there.
One could think "why go to that park then, maybe go to another one cleaner" but syringes in parks was standard. I remember seeing some when I was around 10 years old (the last one, I think). I also remember a nightmare I had when I was about 6 where the park we would usually play had syringes instead of sand. For years, seeing syringes was a trigger for me that would guarantee me nightmares that night. Even now I struggle with the sight of it.
I remember when we were 4 or so we were shown a shortfilm with cartoons about The Drug. It was quite abstract and it scared the hell out of me. The Drug was some big purple blurb who came from underground. I do not know why would they show this to children so young, probably to scare them in an attempt at preventing drug addiction but I'm not sure that was the wisest move.
There were ads created by the Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (Foundation to Help against Drug Addiction) that fascinated me. I do not remember them much but they were everywhere and then they stopped (I guess when things improved?). They weren't necessarily scary but there were many. I remember one about a teenager playing basketball on his own and a voice over because I couldn't understand what it was about (I just watched it for the first time since 1992 and if it isn't a sign of the times*... the message is "the ultimate responsible person in the fight against drugs is not a politician or a high profile personality. You are").
You can look up some of the ads in Youtube if you look for the name of the foundation, the latest where in the beginning of the 2000s. This one below was very famous. The "NO." at the end was everywhere too. It really is a very interesting and long-lasting campaing to study if you like marketing and advertisement:
So yes, it was everywhere but nobody really explained anything and it kind of stopped around the 2000 so by the time I was a teenager, it felt like a dream I had. Only once I was an adult and I could see the history of it all and the chronology I could understand what was all that about and that I may have been overly sensitive to it all but it really was everywhere.
A bit out of track, I don't know if it stopped being A Thing in the 2000s for real or if they just considered it so. But it kind of stopped being everywhere. EDIT: I looked it up and publich health politics improved a lot in the 90s, so things did change and got better globally. Statistics from the 80s and drugs in Spain are WILD.
It is true however that the heroin problem we had in the 80s-90s hasn't got as bad (I think cocaine is now the main one, even though heroin is showing up near but smoked, not injected). Heroin entered Europe (yes, Europe, Spain is the main door for many drugs that go up north) through Galicia, due to the fact that the dictatorship ended in 1975 and many corrupt politicians had (and still have) ties to big drug dealers. [*Remember the ad about the basketball kid? Isn't it interesting that the one responsible for not being an addict is said kid and that it clearly states "it's not a politician"?]
In short, there are villages in Galicia where a whole generation was lost to drugs. You can watch the movie "Heroína" (2005) about the Galician mothers who decided to fight back once they saw how their children were falling one after the other under the charms of The Drug. By now, I think you have understood that The Drug is heroin, and that is how many people speak of it in Spain. The global idea behind La Droga is heroin.
Other recent-ish movies that show more or less life in Spain at the time and how young people got into drugs could be Barrio (1998) and Bailame el agua (2000, apparently translated as "Fill me with life"). Barrio is a classic, even though the drug is not a main character and even barely appears, but it helps seeing Madrid at the time (featuring my neighbourhood in one scene) and how the situation was starting to change. Bailame el agua is a bit Requiem for a dream, I feel it's a bit out of time in that, as I said, things were starting to change in the 2000s.
However, if you want to see the depths of the whole thing in the 80s, there is a whole sub-genre of cinema dedicated to it: el cine quinqui (I write it like that so that you don't read "kinki" as "kinky" because it isn't that AT ALL). Quinqui is a very poor neighborhood kind of person, marginalised, petty criminal. And this cinema features this kind of people as the main characters (and also the main actors, as the actors were generally poor neighbourhood kids). The main representative of this genre (the creator even) is Eloy de la Iglesia. His movies are not Good Cinema but they are almost documentaries of the time, to the point that I think only him and another secondary actor of his have reached the 2010 alive. It was a short-lived genre not only because of the topic but because his actors died very young, within a couple of years, in drug-related things (overdose, car accidents for being high, AIDS...). Imagine Trainspotting knowing that all the actors were poor kids casted for the role and that heroin was rampant the whole time whey were making the movie. The main movie from this director and genre is El Pico (1983). Speaking about it would require its own post, let me know if you want me to write about it.
Anyways, now that we have a glimpse to the chronology backwards, we can see (as I just saw while writing this) that one of the last ads of the FAD was in 2002, Bailame el agua was made in 2000 and Heroína in 2005. So by 2005 it seems people were ready to speak about what happened 20 years earlier and was still happening 10 years before, even though some people considered this epidemic still reached the year 2000.
In 2007, La torre de Suso was made, another movie related to the 80s drug epidemic. It is a comedy (very funny, do recommend) about a group of friends who reunite after 10 years because one of them, Suso, died. It is set in Asturias (also the North of Spain, relatively near to Galicia) and I mention it because here is where we can start to see the shift from present to past. These 40 year old men were all 80s junkies and Suso is the only one who couldn't quit the drug.
This serves me to connect with a general representation of the generation itself and of the concept "Yonki de los 80", the ones who didn't die and didn't quit and are still sticking around as shadows from what it once was. In 2014, a sitcom called Aída featured El Luisma who had a catchphrase: "Ah, so because El Luisma has taken all kinds of drugs he is now an idiot, right?". Given the age of the actor and the character, he is more a product of the 90s than the 80s but still reflects that period of, let's say, 10 years when it was easy and everywhere and everyone knew someone who had a problem. Now, many of the people who were into heroin in the 80s-90s are in their 60s, many are clean but still have health-issues related to it, or their mind is not up to speed, so to say.
When I was a teenager (late 90s-early 2000s), there was a junky, probably in his 30s who liked to hang out with a group of teenagers (some of them are now addicts themselves, who would have thought). He was chaotic and lost in his mind, but he was friendly and chatty and never gave any trouble. This wasn't an exception. All neighbourhoods and parks have a junky. Everyone in my generation knows someone like this. Everyone in my parents' generation knows (or knew) several people like this, some of them direct family members. This also shows how things have changed, at least in the surface level.
In any case, these characters and the consequences of their actions still appear frequently in media and are still a reference. I only mentioned movies because I think they are easier to follow and they give more information than songs, even though there is a very famous pop-rock group, Estopa, that honors the tradition of speaking about daily life of poor people in songs and already in his first album (1999) had songs about addiction. There are books too, like Canijo, published in 2022, that tell the story of a Sevillian family and the addiction of Canijo, one of their kids. Apparently it's parly autobiography. I haven't read it because this whole thing, as fascinating as it is to me, is also very triggering and I have a very vivid imagination, particularly through books.
It is a topic that still affects me emotionally, although not as much as when I was younger. It was a thing that was very very present and luckily it's not as bad as it once was. It really marked a couple of generations and I think I kind of feel we are alone now, it's not really spoken of (because it hurts, I understand) but it permeates jokes and worries and I feel it's necessary to still speak about it so that younger generations understand where some things come from.
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velaralilas · 1 year
an onryo main talks about the onryo rework
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(behavior interactive)
the time has finally come! Sadako finally got an update in DBD and im here to talk about it.
overall, these changes are amazing. i think after this update is released, Sadako will finally move up the killer tier list (though she will always be S tier in my heart ♡ ). though i dont play killer all that much anymore, i still find myself going back and making sure i still got it.
i will be going over each point from behaviors blog post individually to ease confusion- also, they talk about reworking her add-ons as well but didnt disclose which ones they were working on.
Projecting to a TV now applies ¾ of a stack of Condemned to all Survivors not carrying a Cursed Tape (was 1 stack to nearby Survivors).
this is the only one i don't understand why they changed it. i think keeping the projecting stack at 1 is fine- as it doesn't affect survivors unless you're projecting constantly. i do like that now it affects all survivors instead of those around the tv you project to.
The time a TV is disabled after The Onryo Projects to it has been reduced to 70 seconds (was 100 seconds). This can be further reduced using Add-ons.
THANK YOU BHVR OMG. this has been a needed change for a while. even if it was reduced to 80-85 i would have been happy. waiting so long for a tv to turn back on is frustrating, especially if you know survivors are working on a gen near that specific tv.
The time a TV is disabled after a Survivor removes the Cursed Tape has been increased to 90 seconds (was 60 seconds).
THANK YOU AGAIN BHVR. it never made sense (to me) why survivors turning off tvs had them off shorter than when you projecting to them. this also provides some sense of security to survivors working on gens and reduces the amount of time they have to work on turning tvs off.
Projection now has a 15 second cooldown. Since there is no longer a range limit on the Condemned effect, we need to limit how frequently this can happen.
am i upset about this? yes, but also no. my play-style doesnt include me teleporting constantly, but having a cooldown is nice to have so you can plot where to project next.
cursed tapes
Getting hit with a Basic Attack while carrying a Cursed Tape will apply one stack of Condemned.
WHERE WAS THIS WHEN SADAKO DROPPED?? THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. and now carrying a tape is so much more lethal than it was before.
When a Survivor carrying a Cursed Tape is hooked, all other Survivors gain one stack of Condemned and the Tape is destroyed.
JKFHAOFHAOHFIU AGAIN WHERE WAS THIS???? the tape being destroyed is also nice, since when survivors get unhooked they run to get rid of their tape.
Holding a Cursed Tape no longer passively builds Condemned.
hot take: this shoudnt have been in the game in the first place. most survivors keep the tape until they're at 6 stacks then get rid of it anyway (its me. im survivors.)
Cursed Tapes can now be placed in any TV other than the one they were retrieved from.
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thats all. i just want to be outplayed by survivors. though i can understand why they had the original mechanic in the game originally. this also provides a sense of safety if multiple survivors are working on a gen.
The Onryo can no longer be stunned while Demanifested.
i have to see how this works before i place a final judgement on it. do we just eat the palette? do we walk through it? LIKE WHAT HAPPENS?????
Chases are prevented when Demanifested, making it more difficult to keep track of The Onryo’s position.
this is the same as other stealth killers (wraith), so i have no real issue with this change. its also nice that survivors wont know you're there due to the chase music playing
Demanifesting now removes Bloodlust, similar to other Killer Powers.
again, its the same as other killers, so i dont really care about this one.
this rework is amazing! i cant wait for this to go live. i might have to stop playing survivor when it does. one thing i want is more cosmetics but other than that this is everything i could ask for.
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lightandwinged · 2 years
SO. I've been trying for a hot minute to get an autism diagnosis because even though I'm 99% sure I'm autistic, you can't really use that if you're requesting accommodations somewhere (like a place of employ or a school or what-have-you). I'm self-diagnosed, in other words, which is a thing I used to hate, but I've obviously changed my mind there because (a) who fucking cares, and (b) getting an actual diagnosis as an adult woman is a bit like trying to run a marathon in swim flippers. Like you might get there eventually, but you've been given such an absurd handicap that it's easier to just give up about a hundred feet in and take a cab.
The tl;dr is that I finally had an appointment and while I didn't get an autism diagnosis (because, as it turned out, the neuropsychiatrist I saw literally could not do that without my insurance then charging me several thousand dollars wtf), it was not ruled out; and I did get diagnosed with inattentive-type ADHD (which tracks) and nonverbal learning disorder (which is new).
With the ADHD, I am not surprised because apparently the latest version of the DSM categorizes a lot of women's autism cases as being funky ADHD. But it also tracks with the way my life has kind of worked to this point, so even though I don't think ADHD explains everything, it does at least track with my shitty homework doing abilities, my failure to pay attention to literally anything by itself no matter how much I want to do so, and a whole host of other WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS, BRAIN, things. I have no idea what the next steps will be there--typically, I'd be like sure, let's try drugs, but apparently all the ADHD meds that exist are rare to find these days, so we're just going to put a pin in that and come back to it some other time.
And then there's the NVLD, which is.
It's not a new diagnosis as a whole because it's been talked about since ages ago and thrown around as a diagnosis for people since at least the 80s, BUT it's really coming into prominence lately since Asperger's Syndrome was correctly removed as a potential diagnosis. The name is stupid because it makes it sound like I'm nonverbal completely, which I am the opposite. What the disorder actually entails is struggling with literally everything that isn't verbal learning; or not even struggling but it doesn't come as easily as verbal learning. Like part of my diagnosis was an IQ test, and I'm apparently a literal genius when it comes to verbal intelligence, but everything else was in the normal range, which isn't BAD but also when you're REALLY good at one thing and then everything else is just normal, it feels like you're bad at everything else.
Anyway, it's basically marked by exactly that, being really good at verbal intelligence and then having struggles of varying levels in other areas, especially visual/spatial and social. It's typically comorbid with at least one other neurodivergence (ADHD, autism, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, etc.), but it's not a diagnosis in the DSM just yet, so it's the kind of thing where knowing you have it helps with recognizing that no, it's not my fault that I trip over thick clumps of air and can't do math or socialize to save my life BUT I also can't really go into a workplace and be like "you need to allow me this this and this accommodation because NVLD" because without DSM recognition, it's not necessarily legally protected, which is bullshit.
But I guess that's what the ADHD is for.
IN ANY CASE. I've also decided not to give up on an autism diagnosis because it's possible but it's an uphill battle. I have to find the funds for it (because insurance won't cover the assessment), and then I have to find a neuropsychiatrist who won't take insurance so that I can actually get assessed, and THEN I have to get an appointment, but I want to have it on record, one way or another.
And also this basically has me pretty solidly certain that once I've figured out the fibromyalgia pain and fatigue, writing A Lot needs to happen because like... if you're Very Gifted With Words and not writing, maybe you should change that, or maybe just I should, idk.
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